The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 25, 1918. ROM: EstA:rates and Requirements Division, Progress section TO: Mrs. Clara M. Tead, Director, ?omen's Branch, Industrial Service Section. Subject: Remington Arms ComPany, Ilion, New York. This firm is a large corporation with several plants. With reference Ilinn Plant: they have several contracts with the Ordnance De artment, the largest and dost important of whic is R 18-14063, an order for 868,460 M rifles. Their Ilion plant is one of three manufacturint. this type of rifle. Up to date they have completed only 499,013. These rifles are badly needed and Ne are receiving urgent cables fro,1 General Pershing even to strip tna training camps, This finn has also orders for spare parts which are beinc, filled at their Ilion plant. These coatracts are behind in delivery. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sanford F. Thompeo4 Lt. Col. Ord. Dept. U.S.A. By (Signed) W.G. McDowell W. O. McDowell, 1st Lt. Ord. Dept. U.S.A. Lt),Awaber AEAJFAJJ:441 kjor Tully, Jifict of the Set:iry of 4,Ar Uft: k • FROM: Xis • 6ilberCTI % . Van Kleeci, Director, Woaian in Industry Se/vice. Rate,i. of incre:Lse recommended by the Femin to: Union iatallic Cartrid.e Compaq. The Wocian in Industry Service has c,Irefully noted the recom— S. Com:)any 01, ,mendations of the fi.mington Arms Union Aettllic Cartrid follows. A. That at tIle Briths7eport works a general incrense of six cent8 er hour be authoriz,e,3 for women employees heretofore o,.LrniriE 320 to 390 .yz,r hour iaelusive, these Increases to be effecti1a.,4, 4,11Say 1, 1918, suryloAleatint tho general wage on which ilcreaoe t thee to Ql.zts rdcently decided v-omen for hour ?er wat:e of 320 pat into eMet years k1 nen tor 18*. of a/e or over ,nd 4k0 ptr.hoar hourly tor1 incre , L 4 10 t of a,-,e or over, .1it froa 400 to 780 )k:r hoar, 11 rzxtes ooverint„ , .athorie4 to ,,.kce effc:ot on of theze rJ)t.e.r 011.j 1, 1918. % lacrerlse of Lir( ce:Its t s.T B. 'E.0.A st ttle Swanton lcuriu a e or ov-r, maretofore of hour be Eiven to woen 18 • hour 390 rp. bet4‘,14 250 ,peLhour be authorize,i Lo (ten .11,1 an incre,Leeor Lix co:44,e pero?ar 21 ye‘rs of a,e or over, h'Iretoforf e rnin#2 btatwoon 350 per k k % !i nd 390 per hoar inclusivo. k%k at the Remington Ilion works 20 U. 1. C. Foboten ,,orks ;km incre„se of six cento per hour he .1.uthorited for eetpcen 07.en 18 ye -IF: of Ls or over, horetofore r icur 300 41- hour -and 39 C. That ,3our,1 110%,-. informally expresHod t toe aotc it *flliroletis to hIve thie incre,e supplement their recent award in t,!.1, ::r1.1,eport works. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -2 incre.!t.eee L6kecl or re sup2lein. It ic 10 :so ted that the other 7 ar Depertment t to Ilion, 'fobokol mentery to a recent &earl bei the P warke. mi conference with The 40.11 in Industry. Service, after infor jr.hce Dertment, the Actin Director of the Woments broinch of tae Lakee! the fol1owi7,6 recomnendetiohs: % .,:ve.rd based on ai ts clessifications ie A. We yelleve tht, tnat it places not in ccordnce eit.i the best policy, in „Joisa not premium upon tAe em?loygsent 31 youn persons end or he detraie ?ay sh3u reconize It:A. the rates job rAther th:n for the a6e of tIle work, r. rv. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis p14,nte woaen under L. Pe assume that there are in these ii tie recent awarls c'hared men under 21 who have not 18 workers in paid nd wno re andoid?tely tile lowest this _overnment the of Their wagee shoul es the concern claeA.ficAio33 C. Therefore it is reconended that the age t.e, incre,,.ses that be onitten in the determin.tion of we; presented be les fchedu of six cente per hour eccordin, to the on workE Sw,int C. tl'e U. M. otherwise enoorsed, n;.mely, thA ,er 590 and hour the wodien ,nc: iris e,rning between 250 per ur; w yf six cents perhg hour in,lueive De i.ven AD icre oetween 350 perour fore tn_t toe nee .ni boys nereto c iven n increase zr,six cents 30 per our inclusive be , ,irls A the Renin,ton Ilion anc peroor, anl that all wo,aen n g ,,orke .n:A U. A. G. H000ken works hitherto earnin betwee ses increa 4ven be ive 300 per hour and 390 Der hour iqclua be asked lo file of _ix cents pert4ur; •arv, th,t tie com,ny workers ia these of tions .-Altement of the nsimbers and occupa iei h8 e specif , now earnin lesz than the Minimum ied specif hitherto prev_dlint for women and aen of rat,-:= of th..- lowest the bis for further consideration of the to expedite pdid workers. It le further recommended tiv.t ce Department ihe whole matter the Women's brunch of the Ordnan the owan in with y inr,uir joint ,te innedl be ,..sked to make an at Ilion, the stamen for rate, li,justry bervite as to the be held by ence confer tiut and Hoboken and Swd.nton plants, rates the in rtylus Board them with the National War Labor 11,-ry Van Kleeck, Director, Women in Industry Service. WAR DEPAR -TM EN1-, WAS H I N GTO N September 24, 1918. Memolndum for Miss Van Kleeck. ions from I an enclosing herewith two recommenct the Ordnance Department, as follows: Recommending that the hemington Army Union 1. the discretion of ketallic C rtridge Company be authorized, in an hour to all workers the management, to grant 'Jr' increase of 60 covered uncier the at the Hoboken, Ilion and Swanton plants not This 11, 1918. authorization given by this office September applies to men and women. hecommendinb simile,' increase fox bll em2. bridgeport plant who ay ployees, men end women, at the Remington Labor Doard. not be provided for in the award of the War ;7v 7 F.'W. Tully, Major, Ordnance, U.S.A. Detailed to Office of secretary of dar. offir.kvAxi 4t it/k44Ri„ 11 ti 714A r /17 -” 6 • it /1-,' e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LA , 071/14 /a4v, _ _ee.,60m rt-v`i PYki cat_t_sgse m:u0,1 BIEG-eo. Ind. Ordnance Office, .:.)eptember 21, 1918. Policies Board. To: ,ar -,epartment lieoreBent»tive on the `,t,..r Labor Tt is reco7raen1ed. that the liemington 1. :, .;o7Try,ny be authorized, in the di Union Tfetallic an hour oration of /11.-i manogcnaont, to 6.7r-Int tin inc.rlase of Eqi . not to all workf)rs sit the Hoboken, Ilion F.t.ni5 :;vrr.nton pL:nt.c.-. rnber covered urcler the nuthorizvtion pcivor by this office ',:epte 11, 1918. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 7%. .i . :A., r.lennr Major Chief of Ordnance. By: 13. II. iitoLe11, Major, J. . . I/// 0. ls_t Ind. Ordnance Office, September 21, 1918. To: t-,r Depart-nent :'epresentative on the iiar Labor Policies Board. The rulings of the National ,Iar Labor Board, la as referred to in the attached communication of ..:;epteraber 13th, is noted. 2. s received, it is Since this commnication urderstcod thf- t the ,-,ecrett,ry of the r 1,6bor Boc.rd. stt-ted to a representative of the Ordnance Department thtt they did not object to authority being given the ly)mington Arms Company to 3rant an increv- Ele of 4/ per hoar to all employees not cov 3 , red by the award of thf,t t4o'rd. 3. It is recommended that the matzier be taken up with the Nation,1 ,,ar Labor iloard, nd. if there ic no objection that the jhir., ,f of Ordnance be authorized to authorize the Remington Arms Union :,,otallic joinpr_ny to 7rant an incr:)nse of 4 ( an )2our to the employeos of their Remington 13ridgeport Works litho were not covered by r) specific authority granted under the raoent hward of -the National 0;ar Labor Borrd, this f ut :ori:ty to be exerci:.ed 0, the discretion of tho man. genent of the corapan,y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. O. IL1.1 ,116, Hai or lone , . . ()hir,.t* of Ordnance. By: B. H. 3itchell, Major, _• • .a.• GVT/Mhg September 19,1918 From Brigadier General G.S. Tripp, Assistant to the Chief of Ordnance. To Major B. H. Gitchell, Industrial :4rvice Section, Office of the Secretary of Var. c. Subject: Award to Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge 1. I understand that the approval given the Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Company is considtent with th^ enclosed ruling. Am I correct? G se TRIPP Brig.Gen., Ord. Dept., U.S.A. Assistant to the Chief of Ordnance. 1 ind. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Remington Arils Union Metalic Co. IlAon, New York. Wages Se-pt 248 Peet), ilendationthat Wolion's 1:),ranch Or'Inance Dept. be asked to ulake En iaoiediate joint inquiry with tlr. VicalL,n in Industry Service e..6 to the rates for women at the Ilion, Hoboken Scr&nton plents on:1 thLit conference lie field by t.heu, with the National War Labor Board regari_ins the rates at rlemorandum of tzte Bril6epott. estimates and req.— -from 25 ober t 07ments Mvision Progreas Section to Tov. 5. To reply on filc, Mrs. 'Pearl. 14!Miliaal 1,,... 14fom Major Tully Ed. 04348-200,000 see letter from Mary P. Murto Sec. to 7.:x. Frayne Shcoild letb.,3r t) Bent her in reference to Mies Van Kloek's letter to TAbjor Tully. F. • V KieleCK, • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ••••• . 1. H A ?7 ,̀ t3 j... . !•., • ;..4 .1 1.1 't e.I.ts !.''.dX ,)Vt41" ••-• . X jr over, 18 • 1 • 7.: • t ' r r.. . 5, r . A. t., ' ,51 I ..S: L .711, 7 .?Ar • Ft SUS t f, .: • • 1 !.).1 ;ttio v... e un...'..oiiptediy the c•r/ the .u., jv C. Ther4fori it io roc:ow:ended S. . be omitte1 in the letorminAiJr. of of r:ix oInte per hour ordlr t..;) the tc/H,. . otherwise en‘:.1.orJ9d, G. thA tre J. the ooaGa c.,etae7t, £50 pt,r hour Liour ^,n 1: ix t,L;•:1 0'3 Seri '.;,(3ye ;Jeretotere 350 ,)er, 390 inclu4ive e Avon 1. ?erowur, w tir12 thr.) Pomia. to:. liton works U. A. O. Huocitor, Oorks Uti•lorto 500 ; hour 390 r tyar • tle f wowo.rnIriet• kitiniaiwa *•. hitherto )1.46v,.4.ili -• for -otoer i i .11ii the h• for furtLer conniJoratiwt •:if the rut :.)•f•• 1or5st . It it id ifs ;:t r recoa54endel L. .t to csli)0.111:.e Vozon'tc r,aich of the •Cd• wholto mati,or be ,:i.sked to slake an La Joint livuiry 41t.:1 tine on in Injustry bervi,•111 the ra.Uog for "cozen tkt the Ilion, . %n1 conference be held I .Q! .r• rtteu p ry Yam Kleeeic Jirt'ctort '',olgt.n in Industry Service. % Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kfKior Tully, Kleect, ,•. rtwo01: • . Ti.o YoAn ia Industry Service tiw,, criiLi 1inion ,A0(1.1i)Lion$ of tho 122111±131. the rocom, -•-- f ir.orb 2?-1 ,1e,Jort worib Ttlt mt il*ttQfore .Ian fo! ,)er hOUT be uthori."..o to t.,(:) hour ino16ive., LL 520 to 390 • ;;..1 ! Im4Ont.ip, 4,*ely 1, 1918, 61.!l e :ffoctiTp. un roctintly aocilo,A C re t.z.0 t thele tro At Int. efraot t jjuii WI“, of 1520 fAst h1r f-of yo,f1; 4-'0 yvi. And 420 4r,ho4r tor NO:1 18 yebiv hourly inere% of 'lee or ov frz.).7 400 to 780 ti rt-.; • rAtes C4Vz"rin6 o!. to i %uthori40 , the.:e0 of • 41y 1, 191' A. • p. tAx O&M .a! te bwiuntor, work 111 locreAe ovAr, !)areto or of .1:Jur be k„ilferi to ivolen 18 hour ;:eT 390 !),IttEtir) 250 iet.Uour Lo 1.eLl ‘hq.ur Oo afl lneroAtAior vix oente per • botgoon 350 a or our, 14.3ret3rov4 — ,r n. 4,611 i+. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r,‘ that the otht,r ill. It it rdcent r De_ it1r.i bi t.t nt...,ry to 4 :.4,aton worke. • Ster lrtr i. rhe ho-i.'tn in Inutitry t.ric.'n of th-,' the Actint,, Director of the NOMblit ke6;: t`le fol1ow1n,5 recommondatl.onst IV. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis clasd.fichtion ir btaied on A. we oellevG that an wita the beet policy, in tnat it piL,i.:es not ift ...ipon the eat?loy*ent or youn porcone 4r11 ,..:(oes not . dete?rai r6conize tti.t th or t. joLnti.r L f ,iLwollen unJer . In tae,A, thL tore t;le recent Atlir(iti ht4Vb F.1 unler *ho 16 T.;.r, in t-e 2Unt. ii7:oriceril 1 r un lowe: who re teily the t.! . over-Tim:Int t:ris of , the concern Their ww- toui1 ct) triL, .6e cl,;,e-ificAlona C. Therefore it is recomiaende.i. irxrd,q61, t tJe omitted in the dstrminAion of' prol-nto tic.lesulca of ulx cents per hour .,ccordir to ths otherwise endorsed, th4t t:,3 J. A. C. thA WOWAI •,,nd ,irls earain uetween 250 ?e/ houz j1; ti0 rix cent. ,s,npur; hour inclusive be civen An 1.crc.. .4ye heretofore erni:v L,etwmen 3b0 tralt the son 'ail' icsee f eix ee:Ar In.; 390 per aour inclusive be ive .', the fiemia to. lli4n Jr's women ; all /tau that an.! 2erd1ur, tyrnin!- oetven hitherto works works Itad J. A. C. H000kerl :ivin be inclusive 300 per hour &al 390 per hour be Aeke. To fsite coarAny ,of six cents perjiyur; and tht t of occupations work!lr6 ia ttece statement of the nµmbers 6pecitiel a Aants mow emrnin lest than the minimum hitherto prevailin, for women anj men of k3?ecifiel ass:, :tE loreat the ba4,is for further consideration of the rat-,‘ of kaid wo.sers. It ic flarther recomaonded t;') .t to elyelite the whole matter the Womeals Eir.nch of the Ordnance Dep.Artrent .uiry with the Nou,an in be uaked to make am iimmeell4te joint la, for at the Ilion, omen rate the to as e 4)ervi Liaustry rind t4It plants, be held by coAference SwAnton Hoboken alai Board Latdor rttes 'far ri,,-tr.ijn)! NationA. them with the •it orilgeport. C.ry Tan Kleeck, Dirt:otor, Tortrul in Industry Barytes. Offict of the Lry •:V.Kieeck, rvice. to; Licre -26 ro,.!oc.I.gende,: ..n in Industry Service n..;‘ , c.r1y toto,1 tile Itisincton Arms 1174i )n 1. i.ts4 follofir). work6 hc.rctofore fol tri ut.flri. tLi nor hour to , vt. i infA4b hour .)q.rni4 520 to 3iiist 1218, ftectiyeoc,:iay ttht.:.ce t.t0 1 rtt. r9centiy cr:.. oC 14 " offJct 1or iaea '41 ;.,..rf3 >.nd 4k0 13 yi:n.; .).17 At:a or j-%1 e or over, 4,11m ? •.11 -.t 400 tu 730 • cavierin. a:, •. .1, 1218. wantoi; t;.) 1, 3,en 18 yei.v. or 4 .z.o: 320 rnir„, Lix n: iLcro over, Itirelofor , 0 21. yoo.rc inciad‘v. .ir390 L;er jf i ",.1, or ,>1( Ftcairl:_t#3n IiIo.itortz cents r:or aotir 1,6 of 1.,C1 over, nottr., , or of •.o~rxr. 18 ye hour 3i •111 390 00.. 11=4 r, ,r to it ..t. ,:tc,% II. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis " e rote. t willL:.,no:J8 to aIvo thi 1..11110ti for inform...11y f.fx,,reased LApor 3ohr.. r,.)cent, thtir lezent inere-Ice • t.1•11 t r . .".;r .)trh 1. 1r V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the t• I ry .!'ViC, ratAr iLii••••)r,, • -1149 jr ‘faien I 4i 4-Jr -1.rec..•••!••.. r3co:Ilmendtione: A cir.ct.r flo r r t. •, • A. 4e I i1EV t C.tjU.• ri O2J•• •:).7 rocoLniIt; • J r !7; • , ',..,.... ‘.)1. .i. : , • • • • 1 ; ,•, , !.. ..1 Jr, •:,t.. . . • • ....J .E•.,•; 2,4 0 .114) ,. ; r,, ...Ill ,,,-. -; '',... , . , .f' '1 ' , - H...)...'. . ',, i ' ir..' •:. ' .). ,. ••. I, • II,'' , c• v 7; 4.. r... .'. .r.:;in., Le'v ,,5-, .'f..,,ti it. 1 fv-.),, I. .•,:ur i , ....i. iv,. ',••• i v .• t • ' t ' • .:01': ....J . '. -... - . -,:',. '•' ' ...., I .; - ',...r , t9r5o,r 4 lx .•-• 1,t•,,,!,4 r, r, ,,, l, ,. ' f•VO . " / i. :•. • ..-,1 ..;:, ,, i, z....• i.:.i: iVt., i r * r. '...: ` .iri ::: r ! . .'::1 i • . n .1 * le 1"t:•:) ':•, . •.,,,i I:. . '•,. , iV .:, ...i..i .1, .n 17, , , C 'S '. ;,•,' L., 1.4. ,, . J. !A. ... , i ...., (...11(..,.. 1. '1,... .11 , :.;.".. ..r• lif :: r t. • r n.; ,ti. ',•I ,j5) i 7.) . . .. 1; • 5 t. on 1 f'1r • / • •.,', i. t:' ! i i • .3. . •,.; •:.;* . ,,-....'. f ,....r ,I ref t.: .., -...; ..; 5: 1-0 V 1 '..,>' • ..• i. .21• '.•"..) "Y.' '''''.1 . .1- i''' •; •.!, ... :, T .:. i..... 7 - . i .•4 ..; I. .1 • 1:: .. ,i 6,1 t, ,•;i:4C,.:'•‘• r ry , .lr'etort 7 ,).r-A.n in .1r111.1......Lry .:Jcsrv ice. ' '. — •.! ty. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Septo.Lbcr 26, 1913. Mr. A. Mitchell, "ftc -.?11 & i10n Coal Co., 7")J Fs. Du. rhora Street, C11,:q.go, 111. iear Mr. Vitche3J: Your iury to the Trfornation Educ',tion Service of to Devirtment of Labor, Att referred tc renly. T. enclose o..n for Thor Policies ;Itte•Tprt 3.lo7ted by t Bo7r1 ree,arlirv the al...stitut ion of To r;.an. Ti, after your connetion .f7th tha Reil.ngton Arn2 Col.Tany of Bridgeport, c Conn. gar srecific 1110:2tions arise on 1:Iforinati 40 shall be g13(1 to L1 e.ive fro.r. yot. Very truly yJurs, V Mary V'n K14.?cit, Dlr,.2tor Wot:un in Indla4ry Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vtik Sertember 901913. Mt. ,.. Mitch°11, k.oal o., Mitchell & Ftteet, 203 -outh Deavbcrn Ohloago, Ill. Dc,ur Ai tchslls of rpr.nt tlato I an rnforrInr your lottor proL:lb4 knows llore alout the to gins lary V,J1 Laeock, wbc in manition llants thrn labor problems rhich zonacrn United *ita.i.ta. pny cth.:r -"arson la the Yo.tru vt;.4%; ^ctiAtg Diructor, Publicity :uivision. CZT/alk bed States Fuel Administration License No. X-02339. * • -IA TELEPHONES HARRISON 361-0 #iiitattmliktIONNoefittilAw mrateimme*sib BITtit4M9jIA'ZAMA) 203 S. DEARBORN STREET. • , iie/WW//00 W. J.' DILLON. PResfocr,-,MiTCHELL.SEc v & TREAS. A Sept. 4th, 1918. 77 Mrs. Clara S. Taylor, Bureau ot Information, Dept. of Labor, Washington, D.C. Dear Madam: I am very much interested in receiving ing any bulletins which may have been issued regard labor problems in munition plants, and especially of men any articles pertaining to the substitution by women. I am soon to be connected with the Remington Arms Plant at Bridgeport, Conn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very truly, AM/ERC 62. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICE WASH I NGTON IirTtember 9th,1916. Lass Aary 'Tan lileeck, - omen's Industries heervice, 604 Ouray Building, Washington4 D. C. Ay dear Jil,s Vn Ideeck: I am ref /*rine; the letters which have to do with the substitution of menQoy women in the This one cane in today concernmunition plants to you. it. Yours Dory truly, a LLA.41.-acting idrector, Publicity Jivisinn. CST/alk Enclosure a Q3,1,74-clui Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "T".TRUDIZ' Tead. From: 'also Van Flef3ek .ttch1 1., t1sr. ^r:1Arrno Cor..13:Ar 0? IIit referrel 9earetary 7!!'„ tlf the '7.17,- YAry F. VVrte, Ir1tatrte3 13eq.rd, will axrlain 1.,1 Istry Servies, nitTrvoli , r !Illy 26, 1 My 4e..1, rIpo Mul•to: Your lettor of July 22n4 with the ereleeed irrprrylation %bout the Fomington ArTe Comrany f Mon is of t1-13 being referred 4 this office to the !OcT;er.'s Erurah 0117 -.1ATe Perartr;ent, Yrc!„ C3ara Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r. Tea, Aot,rs, Thank you for brinving it to our attention, Ver:i D:i.rAotc .7rehr ir nervice. WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD WASHINGTON IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO :RMAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis July 22, 1918, Miss Lary Van Kleeck, Labor Department, 7:ashini7ton, D. C. Dear /Ass Van Kleeck: I am enclosing herewith copy of letter and clippings addressed to the Director, Department of Munitions, which was referred to me for attention. Will you kindly look into this matter with a view to eliminating such methods complained of Yours very truly, Seer ary to TX. Frarne, Chairman Labor Division, ':ar Industries Board. Council of National Defense Building, 18th and D Streets, -. 7ashington, D. j.