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-r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (A,J(9 (•0-e S-7IK) 1+0  c° Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  November 1, 1918.  Fto  Service. My V,n Kleeck, Director, Woman In Iniustry  To:  Major F. W. Tully, War Der, tr., ,mt.  Subject:  d, Mass. New England Westinghouse Comrany, Springfiel eady. :Aulr er ssion Interview with Commi  your approval, I In accordance with my suggestion and in Boston, Oct. 28th. eady 'Aulr iiiicussed this case with Comaissioner mation in adiition infor No r. He is awaiting our judgment in the matte Department was nce Ordna the to that sunplied in the Women's Branoh of forthcoming. that I have subseMay I adi to our provious recommenlation 's Branch of the Waaen the quently had a conference with the Director of her view that in I concur Orinance Deart4:ent regarling this case and to show that yer the emplo the burden of the proof should new rest upon n the burie of proof rest won he cannot eliminate overtime rather than having p:)ssible to eliminate tha the Orlir,ince Derlrtnt to :rove thlt it is nces where it seems to necessity for overtime. This is one of the insta the easiest way out of be demonstratoi trAt overtime work for wa;len is work overtime wo1.111 to of ssion al permi a problem of managewent. Refus tant production imror very the nron ably be a spur likely to react f'Ner of this plant.  MT/ALL  Mary V.41 Xleeok, Director Waaftli in Industry Service.  WAR  D EPARTM ENT,  WAS H I N GTO N.  October 24, 1918.  From:  War Department, :7a,jor F. W. Tully.  To:  Lips Lary Van laeeck, Director, 7;oman in Industry.  Subject:  Request of New :Tigland ':;estinghouse Company, Springfield, Mass. for renewal of permit to employ women inspectors overtime.  I am taking steps to have a certificate of emergency issued Westinghouse Company, Springfield, Lassachusetts, LIntiland to the New your recommendation endorsing the recommendation with in accordance of the Women's Branch, Ordnance Department. I note you expect to be in Boston October 28th, and it would be very helpful indeed if you could take up this matter with the I am re uesting that the certifiCommissioner of Labor at that time. of War date from Secretary the cate of emergency to be issued by October 28th. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ( F. W. Tully, Lajor, Ord. U. S. A. Acting Assistant to the Secretary of Var.  isicNytroweilownerrirlekr0  WAR DEPAIZTIMIT WASHI'7 OLT  Ootober 18,1918  Prom:  °Moe of the Secretary of War,Milfor 1P.W.Tully  Tot  Ordnance Department, Woman's Branoh,Industrial Service Section.  &abject:Overtime for women at iiew Eng&and westinghouse Ocmpapy, Springfield, Mass. So tar as I have a fixed policy in such matters my action has tom single to do nothing likely to interfere with produstien Of vitally needed supplies for the fighting forces. I am disinclined„thereforeoto take • the ground that the Secretary of Warts Offioe will not ask for a renewal of the permit fbr the above mentioned Company unless it oan be shown that the Company °bald eliminate the necessity fbr overt140, Nothing appears in the rerort indicating that tho Company oan do this. I weed appreeiate it very mach if you oould help my judgement in the natter by supplying farther information on this line. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  'Mr)PATUILT, Ma orsOft. U.S.A. De ailed to the Office of Seoretary of .oar Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  002954 \  111••••••  -..-PAPERS 3 ATTACHED HERETO ARE----  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...............  11.  MONTH  DAY  I0  17  HOUR  CLARA M. TEAD itr  .......a....... .....................  ------------  October 17, 1912  FROM:  Women's Branch, Industrial Service Station  TO:  The Ohief of the Industrial Servioe Section; Major B.H. Gitchell.  STWROT:  1.  2.  3.  4.  luei VDU hou Inquest of the Now erm UWrI YPre TaTè of Springfiild, ime. overt omploy women inspectors  men's .3rynoh, In a memorandum of ugust 20, 1918, from the , to the tment Industrial Service Scotion, Ordnance Depar , Woman in Industry Service, Department of Labor it was recommended that the permit allowing not more than five (5) hours overt me per week per worker for rlot more than eighty (80) women workers, be granted to the Sow England .viesting al house Company in reponse to their request for a renew of the permit previously grnted. It was ft).rther reco,-tmended in :Paragraph 9 of the Memorandum of iligust 20th tat "the Wja.n'r Brvioh make an investigation of the situation tel tins to the use of women on overtime inspection at the USW England westinghouse Company at the expiration of the two months (or about October 24th) and report to the Woman in Industry Service the progress which the firm is making in regrd to eliminating the necessity of overtime inspection by women." In accordance with thie reoommenda'ion an investigation was made September 30th by Miss Susanne Wunder, representative of the Women's 3ranoh, assigned to the 3oston District °Moe. ( A copy of her rerort is lerewith attached.) A copy of a letter dated October 4th 1918, from the Sew England ;()stinghouse Company, signed by George S. Law, ALsistant to General Attorney, is herewith attached, as Supplementing and endorsing the facts stated in Mies Wunder's report of September 30th. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5.  Attention is drawn to the following sLlient facts in the present situation: (a)  AgpuNT o  amnrw.  1 4ilerency InThe teLparary permit issued by the War , 21st August Massaehusetts of dustrial eighty of (d0) stployment allowed a total overtime hunfour of total a girls five (5) hours a week, or dred (400) hours overtime per week. mot 1 overtime in five-week period beginning Augtst 21st allowed under terms of permit (80 girls 5 hours a reek) would be 400 honrs x 5 weeks, or 2000 hours overtime. Overtime actually worked in five-week period beginning August 21st totals 2482 hours. MOTE: Excess of 482 hours beyond total allowed by permit. (See attached letter of New England ;iestinghouse company of October 24th.) (b) NITI:137Y. OF  OR/311/3 AFFECTED  Under the terms of the permit not more than eighty girls were .to i)e emrloyed per week on overtime inspection; that is nJt more than 400 girls in a fiveweek period. Total number of women actually employea on overtime inspection during five-week period beginning :mgust 21st was 596. NOTE: Number of inspectors em loyed overtime in excess of permit was 196. (0) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SUNDAY '.4;010C. It has been ascertained th,t on ine Sunday during this period forty-eight (48) women were emrloyed at the rate of 6.33 hours each, or a total of 304 hours. This Sunda - work was carried on without a permit although the representative of the New England Westinghouse Company had been informed in the office of the War Industrial Emergency Commission at a conference held July 24th at which a representative of the t,omen's Branch was present, that workers could not oe employed on  •  - 3'. Sunday without a special permit; bnd that in the event of an emer„;ency the company should telephbne immediately to the War Emergency Industrial Commission requesting such permit. (d)  ;NT. EIVI7r7., According to the stutement of the Company, there is now "sufficient machinery rid. equirment to make Aloo guns a day, but with the additional equipment and spare parts required oy the Government the equipment is not suffioinat to produce that ntuber of guns ;.nd are parts and equipment required." also the  (e)  q7,1:S2 ?CM INC  )V  R.21,LE*  Attention is called to Paragraph 2 of the attached letter fron the New England oestinghouse Company, where it is state* on the advice of the Production Department "that the necessity for overtime employment of women inspectors will c.mtinue so long as we are eng[ged in producing the maehine guns on a quantity basis; that is, there will inevitaoly be low points in the work frwr time to time due to delays in receiving material and falling off of isoduction in some departments." Attention is also drawn to the lat pa*, grarli, where it is stated: "In view of the necessity of the situation. at disclosed oy the ,ctual overtime, it seems to me that when I apply for an exteusiJn of the perlait, the number of hours asled for should be increased." From the above stctements it is understood thtt the New England Westingh:Juse Company is not making a special effort to do away with the necessity of overtime employment of women, but that on the contrary it would seem that the wort is being planned:an the basis of the convenience afforded by the issuanoe of an iadefinite number of sueoeeding temporary permits. 6.  The 'omen's araneh therefore recommends: That the War Depa*tment advise the War Emergency Industrial Commission of L:assachusetts to issue a temporary permit for two weeks, allowing not more than a total of four hundred (400) hours overtime rer week, affecting not more than eighty (80) women inspectors per week; advising the Company that during this two-meek period it should take steps to eliminate the necessity for further Yvertime of women inspectors, inasmuch as the War Department will not reco mend a renewal of the permit. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CURI I. TIAD, rector ,omen's Branch, Ind.Serv.jeo.  III MUD ISSTiMeMOU ' SWAMI SPRINOTIrWittesi. MOMS 4 191S.  loaders Boston Distriet Office 19 ?ortlead Street Zonton, MOM*  Dear Airs limier:. I mn sorry that Mr. Creies illness has se leMik 11,14Ied this report, ill* referent., to overtime employment of women inspectors on Irowning Machine Man work. As I slated to you when prewar* hero,the Yvett ties nt advises me that the neeessity for overtire employment of women inspeetere will eontinue so long as we are produoleg the Meshine htne on a quantity basis,that leathers will inevitably be low points in the work from time to tine lotie to delays in reoeivine material and falling off of produotion in some of the lap ti. It will be impossible to as adjust the preftetien schedule that the flow ef parts to the Assembling Room will eutematleally be maintained at a level that will give the required quantity to isaufasture the empletedtgans in aeoordanee with eirr delivery sehedules. wit* reference to the matter of Machinery mad Xquipmemteas I advised pulp we do not have quite all of the smsh. Leery that will be required to bring our production up to the desired pointosamely, five hundred($00) a Or. We AS hen weftslent laskinerY emi equipment to nabs five hundred guns a deystost with the additional equipment and spare Parts required by the Gevernmento the equipment is not sufficient to produce that slumber of gane and also the spare Parts and equipmont required. 4th reference to the number of hours of over. time of women inepesterso sinoe ike permit was extended on August e1:4,1 fine that the total overtime has been twenty four hundred and eighty (S1,482) hours. The member of girls employed on Overtime work has been five hundred mg ninety six (106). Yen . will note that the IMMber of hours is four handfed sad eighty-tee (482) in mess of the number stated in the perrit goostri by the War thapodimarkeeersiniff Industrial Cormissiehe so that in saline as we did for overtime employment of eighty (SO) girls.. five hours • womk,ot a total of four himirei(400) hours a wookews underestim mated our requirements. The sehitale given se by the Production Department shows that the increase in our produstien has resulted In s eerrespesiing weasel*/ fee an increase in the overtime hours of women inexistent*. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  nee wander Oete4 1918  lth Woven** le swage; work. Mai that thoro was only one Sunday whom ill Imo found nosessury to work tho girls wagon inspootors evertive*aud on that day works& *TOO hunArei sag four 1304)hours• In via", of the asseasity of the sitnatioa,Pos the setual evortimseit mews to as that sthee I apply disolosed for an oartonsion ef tho peraitotho nisibor of hours asked for Ohow suggestions bo impressed. I shall ho Tory glad indeed to hems an to what youlielliro it will to proper to ask of =war Miorpanoy letestrial lounission tads: the oirourstonoess Very truly yours, 4SigneA) GEORC 3 LAW. ASSISTANT TO TIZ SENNRAL ATTORIXT VII.:MO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  T.  T  •  •-;  • •  ••••••  •fr  -3••,•• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ••••  L•  •  .•  •••••  ce  7  r  —  prl,•  •  •  •  •  '  -  one Sunday withV;omen inspectors we-e emyloyed on 7. inspectors were nt rnme out a permit, owing to the fact that Gove its. sometimes employed Sundays without perm ay Total No. of Hours worked that Sund ay Sund No. of Girls Em loyed on that ivert,_ge Hours gworked per itl  304 48 6.3$  4th, claims that Letter from G.3. Law, dated October 8. Lan, (ill with influenza in the opinion of 1.1r. Oraig, Production necessity of overtime emat time of Miss Wunder's visit): "The inue so long as we are ployment of women insrectors will cont quantity basis,- that is, enga,:ed in producing machine guns on a the work from time to there will ineritaoly be low points in rial t-lid falling off of time, due o delays in receiving mate It will oe impossible production in some of the departments. the flow of parts to to so adjust the production schedule that maintained at a level be the Assembling Room will automatically manufacture the comto that will give the required quantity schedules. . . . very deli pleted guns in accordance with our situation, as the of y "In view of the necessit that when I f,:e to s seem disclosed by the actual overtime, it of hours asked er numb the apply for an extension of the permit, for should be increased." Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  9.  A few inspectors were seen idle. LOIS  B. R.LNTOUI, DIRECTOR  BY Suzanne A. Wunder. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .1. -4- -4- 't , I, •,  5-  r  %taduA 20, 1918.  .4'fice of th:,3 z:,err,tLr; ,f C. II „Attic.:  ;.:%y . . rn •  ..etter  19 ;  J.f.i  De  's afi, ier6t,  h the 7.; uo  Tie thlt, Vto thr9t.: ia•:ntha f3tada  ,  eh h  tinneet3,ry. -:incere.iy y•  .ii,iry Tin ftiaeck, Direct 4.t.;:ai:In 4.n.lilutry  Mar•  All communications should be accompanied by carbon copy and addressed to  WAR DEPARTMENT  To insure prompt attention. in replying refer to  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE  PRODUCTION DIVISION WASHINGl'ON  No. Attention of  03-58.15  ,omen' L, Branch, Ilidastrial Service Sec Laan in , Industry Srvice, Department o: Miss Van 1,-1eeck, Director  aoor;  :Tay Peake 1. Telegrams dated July 13 and 17 sent by . May Peake, organizer of the Intorna-ti3na1 Machinists (see cories attac'led) and adaressed to :7*-, Van 1:1 -,ock were forwarded by the -Jo..aent 2 Branch to in the Boston District ,ffice. 0, . Peake and !:.2F2. Tead ha_ at the o -"f*ce of the Boston Lodge of the International Machinists, at which 1,11. . Peake exrlaifted the situation at t e liestinr;holise co_oany, reported ill telegrams of July 13 and 17. l!rc.. Peake said that strike as outlined in the telegr ms had not been organized hr but had been reported to her by some of the 7avr, 1.711-2. Toad a 14 st the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  &406J___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.....ammiwrastre!awolisarmailsroweiNilliNasstviaorat.silir  4_41A14J iNDJSTRY Sil•NiCE kuguet 15, 19_18. .41E.A.AANDIJii Woman in Industry Service  FL).:  PoJlents irnob, Inctustrill 3ervica Nu-nH nd  Permit to employ k -.)men overttio %it ffeatint;house  the  The si.tt4chel papers recosien.i the ronew-i  eermi+, t.) this coapAny to asploy women overti7A3 f.r i period of thrim ,a)nths, ttnnii  ue:a-it 24th.  roc ).1-‘ ,en,iaJ in the ',ttached  ettar frot Zr. 2.  that overtiula  ;lo.)kins t_ the  Cosr:111)n, i.ted Ju y  of tha tti-x 6t:iergency 3titte  th3 earlier periziit  Th6 r--- ng),.%.1  ina.Jecy of  nec:ess .ry bec.I.use  it  „JO uneven thr,)- 14:h va,rious iepl,rtmente,  ther-ztore ,rovided th.A t.n officer be lotti.15,1 fro.L the pro_14otion dividion of the  e,)ttrtfrient to  ). extenJive  ke  ;tuiy of the ,Jrz):luction r)robl€•:116 in that ;)1....nt, &nd ta‘t investie,ation sh,;  L  e  by the '1'3:ciente 1.)r-tncl,  sec.)nd  f the industrial  Service Section hfre tho teradn'ition of the pcirmit. The -N2m'_in in In...try Service feel IfithOLd  reoommendation to the offic,,  it neresslry to  the secret  f wqr until  informtltiin is flied on the 201.10 .in, poi..Ass t prolucti,In oflicer been dtit,tiled atiliation of the nark? th,a lavestit,-Ation AI the org, Abe  tu  take Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  al=e9  : of i. perait for the time : Aill not the afitholline be the pest enc)ar...,euent t. the pl.Lnt to t_r.,opie Aith Its roole.a of org.l.nization?  41  E.  Jisiivantfl,e in 5. 1,..; not the lori workinL Aeek er en -3acurin efficient inz,pection Ind os,oci ,.,ly in hoLlinE to,eth fl ILiblStj Cy oad be force, and wil not production therefore oe incro, upon the shorter working ivy? 4. fi..1.b Cae i ;men's or.nch si tha investit: .tion prois it vided for in the recoendl.tion for the ‘IrePnnt permit, or of the tfiAn? part thia covers understood that ir. Irwin's inve8tiA;.ti_n dealing report a fire to Irwin If so jlA. it not he p'ssible for Mr. the by mAde report the in ..11y pith the droblema raised ecific, :..)Len's Branch on July 5th? 5.  Hus the Jrinance De,Jhrtment any information as  .- the complliint ,a,ie to the bediation L.r.:nch tlrou,h the yet raei4r.A.n! Tonien's 3ranch that cirLs tive been dischrged kit this company for union? (See te‘e of Juiy 13 .1,nd 17 .;i4„ried. ktiy organizirk. on Peake, )rwanizer, Intern4tiona1 Associl.tion of Machinists). Attenti ievances there ,llie6ed lre taw.), celed to th fot ih,Lt if th connection with Chia; request in m er%ti' they Fihould receive consid friction betmeen the onf §atimti for .1 permit, since -my such c upon pro action. ant bearin ...nd its workers 11%.3 so import  Yu will relily understLn' the incro.Isink number of ra. Jests for mem,otion from state labor la4s fuil and dettLal atttement of facts in ep,ch t. „:rstntin, oi 4 permit.  The  nace!ciLry  e to justify the  omin in Intuatry service is unnillin_ to  recommend the ,.- r-ntin, of ;emits when the nee i for it i  c,early  due to defect; in orginizttion, an,efir; therP is cle,,r evidence thut progress is bein  1i& in remedyini these :iefect3.  *try Yen KleecK, Director. Nomun in Industry ,;ervice.  October  3, 1910.  vEMORANDUM FOR:  Major F. W. Tully, W4r Deptxtilent.  SUBJECT:  Request of list England iNstinbhouse Comany, Springfield, Masss for renewal of permit to emrloy women Inspectors ov  This office aproves the recommendation of the Women's naarly,0t Branch, at the War Detartment aavIse the War Imergency Industrial Commission of Massachusetts to issue a temporary permit for two weeks, allowing not more than a total of 400 hours ovtprti.:Js per week affecting not more than eighty women inspectors per week, advising the company that during this two mocks period it slaould Lice steps to eliminate the necessity for fartrer overtime of women inspectors, inasmuch as the War Devartment will not recomoend a rftnewal of the permit." de would add to t Is suhgestions, however, t - at it be recomnended tnat VA, Women'hs Branch of the OrdnwIcs Department asvign a member of its stR'f to make thorough observations in the plant during the two weeks period of the p!:.Tit, anii that If possible at the sama tie an s,x1,ert on producticl, be 4ssigned to assist in the development of more effective management. This recomendation is deemed by us to be in the best interests of production. Prsvinus reports on this slant indicate an attitude on the part of the menaercent which does not promise well for the pro it fulfillzant of its eontr%cts, an it is quite possible Vat the ErAnting of a permit which encourages the plant to make good on its own deficiencies by orerti e Nork of the women is an encoura went of an ineffisi ciencv whieh has serious results for this imoortant proluct. The Divotor of Vie Service will be in Boston Monday October 28th, and will confer with the Comissioaery of Laoor at that time about several matters. We shall be glad to take this matter uv if you so desire.  MVIU/UP Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , ., DirPctor, Mary Van Klesc' Aan in Industry Service. Wo, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  tM WAR  DEPARTMENT,  WAS H I N GTO N  nctober 16, 1918.  7iss ::.ary Van 'f:leeck, Director, V;oman in Industry, Department of Labor, Southern Building, Washinston, D. C. Subject:  Reouest of the Kew EnLaard ';:estinghouse Company of Springfield, lass. for renewal of permit to employ women inspectors overtime.  'aar Liiss Van Kleeck: I am for7;adinc Iv.prJfs I yould appreciate your opinion as to what action should be taken in this case. Fere is another instance of vitally needed su2plies for the soldiers - Browning Guns - and the report from the Women's Branch of tha Ordnance Department does not indicate in any way su;_mstions whereby the Company could maintain its My inclination, of raquired production without overtime. literally with the reco-imendation of course, is to comply the ';:omen's Branch of the Ordnance Department, but I shall Tesitate in every instance to take any step likely to shut off production of such urgently needed means for war as iiovrninc ,suns, small armsannunition, shells, adapters and boosters. Yours very truly, e.  ( F. 1. Tully, .Lajor, Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to Office of Secretary of War. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Octchev 1P,  191r,  „%ry Van aeee1c4 irector, ;can in Industry, I/apartment of Labor, .outhern Buildln6, O. _upject:  74quest of ihe (1,3n1ac1 Westivghouse Company for renewal of permit to of 4ring1lald„ avorti7,ne. ors inspect eplor women  Dee.r Miss Van Xleeck: ir the above subject, and T am for.x.rC,Ing I would alTreciate your opiulcr yx, to what action should be ttknn in tYis mse. Fere is ALothor instance 7f v4.tal1y needed su-,plies an ttse 'toport fryn tbe Curs for th,i soldiers t 100S .11(`t 11111 cate 3:Yrt ''mon E lr.mch of I:1, '-01-.z.moo its in any my trt yestIom •::,,)nYby tho 3orl_x/tr could maintain My inclination, of roquired production -dthout overtime. recormerdation of tbn rlth ly litcral course, is to comply e ant, but I shall ordranc Thrertm tho of lrn.r.^.11 t'!f3 lily to shut ttep any tate to letitate in every instance for %lar as moans needed y off productior of rvel-, urgentl adapters and shells, nns, mall arms amunition, 'ron1n boosters. Yours very truly,  F. Tully, 7!a lor, Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to r.'ffice of 2ecretary of %;ar.  701a1I1 111D1:3TRY 5`4:171:C.T.  Au, ; 5, MS,  My  or Mrs. ''-'eAket  busy in letting started MISS Tan cock has been in the new position Direetor of the Women in Induoiry eervite me when ther.e seared to be a littla pause in the \work she h&c! C c :,r rJ -f,t) to Nialsara rails to diroct the inveeti1.,r4.tion of the chemical indua4;ries in that city. I wish very ruch &f you thinIt. it is not too late that -If•-•14 1,1ve us the 1 st?.,.tus of tiles lisollt‘rge of th( gitls in the Sri th anl rIseon Shop. It 15.411TIO to me the. we olnnot afford tc ha,f , cijr•lo ilisrthargel rcr joini-s; union, a.r; the p;overinwent polioy Mande for r7ollective bargainV,. "e narnaly the Wm: Labor 30a.rd, eourt of last aIreal te ixerestiTate this -atter and t are sure .that we ..g ha.; bek3a done, if with rt vim.: to rlotifyir.-, the 1-Irc•-, ' the, if this rnutt:ir own butli nr• cl -cd Cann. Y' was broubt to the atten'don of th!gal' Labor 3oarci they would do toeir 1.1,..t ion* V1.81 Chrisman a? the llovt ,:forksrs' union i3 cornin3 to 'Washington to direct the inves ti-r,ation of the wc,Trion' a side of the very cloelly uo in the Women In quIntinn. Industry BArvice, ar3 we arc 'ter/ hopeful Cut this close co3 iery -operation will be of benefit to the t -en workorc,., t*:'s hty;, much that yen will notify us of any miscarriage of justice to the womer in your traie. 7 111.1 a conference with your national president, Mr. johnston, yesterily, and he gave me your a:idress in Bouton. irith nest wishes, I am Sincerely yours,  As3istant Director, women in Ind-stry Service. Prs. May Peake, Gene -al Organiser, Intsrnbitional Unier. of Machinists, 655 Washin7ton,Street, Boston, Masslohusetts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .11111t,_  A144  " 114)-  100te 1 01 1,1? ALL ROOMS WITF1. MODERN IMPROVEMENT5/, ELECTRIC LIGHTS,STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHSNE.IN EVERY ROOM. SHOWER OR TUB BATH. CHEERFUL ATTRACTIVE LOBBY.  111  241 WORTHINGTON ST., CORNER STEARNS SQUARE  SPRINGFIELD. MASS.  77'  A  TELEPHONE, RIVER 5160  7cezn  , " 4  -1-a-e42i6v)/L `11) Vz-a-  12  /"(72/tA„ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  76, •bLc_  "tt:c ,Wkryte-  /CI-di/4 (734 - 3. -Lczevt/c-  ,6r<  /c/A)Le.  7&x46(-  1  A./vc,34-ZLdr  ('ranO ALL ROOMS WITH  MODERN IMPROVEMENTS  ELECTRIC LIGHTS,STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHONE,IN EVERY ROOM. SHOWER OR TUB BATH. CHEERFUL ATTRACTIVE LOBBY.  241 WORTHINGTON ST., CORNER STEARNS SQUARE  SPRINGFIELD, MASS. TELEPHONE, RIVER 5160  7r,eee, ALL, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  syti  //t„ 4 itA77,4-10  (  19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (ran0 ALL ROOMS WITH  MODERN IMPROVEMENTS  ELECTRIC LIGHTS,STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHONE,IN EVERY ROOM. SHOWER OR TUB BATH. CHEERFUL ATTRACTIVE LOBBY.  241 WORTHINGTON ST.. CORNER STEARNS SQUARE  SPRINGFIELD, MASS. TELEPHONE, RIVER 5I6O L  . 1.  74 L ,  /r)7(  `/1Lc- &v24/46>a.kt.  19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "Tpotel OiratO ALL ROOMS WITH  MODERN IMPROVEMENTS  ELECTRIC LIGHTS,STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER AND TELEPHONE,IN EVERY ROOM. SHOWER OR TUB BATH. CHEERFUL ATTRACTIVE LOBBY.  24-1 WORTHINGTON ST.. CORNER STEARNS SQUARE  TELEPHONE, RIVE  SPRINGFIELD, MASS.  19  5160  /i.‘4c  f J  t17(