The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r \ 1 • 4 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1107 TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION BROADWAY NEW YORK. N. Y IN REPLYING REFER TO FILE No. ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION November 2,1918, Miss Maly Van Kleek, Chief, women in Industry Service, Dept. 6r Labor, Southern Building, 75th and H Streets, Washington, D.C. My dear Miss Van Kleek: The enclosed letter fvm the\HaUirshaw Electric Cable Company; is 6rders of attached telegram referred to you for action fidiowing th-6which is self-explanatory. I am also enclosing a very informal memorandum giving you a resume of my telephone conversation with Mr. Quinn of the Habirshaw Electric Company. I know that they are very anxious to have this exemption go thru and although I am not able now to get hold of Yr. Quinn, I am forwarding the material to you for action. I have also sent a duplicate of this material to Miss Fell Swartz. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. M. REEDER, SUPERVISOR WOMEN'S BRANCH. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF IN REPLYING REFER TO 1107 BROADWAY FILE No. NEW YORK, N. Y. ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION DIVISION PRODUCTION DIVISION • Pesder, ,9u:;ervisor Worint. Br, !=ilbirshaw Flootrio Ctble Cc. 4.),m...;Lon ThL tfiournoon I recoivei t%J.1 ii!oclozai Ll.legr•An relative to handling exemption .oao,2 for Aofnen. KNowing U ,Lit you aiInt 2,0or original are tO halvt ttotiw, on tt;11, I h, t!'1.3 • d4ta, toothar kith to Vie..) Uary Tinkleeok anas to U43. Noll Swarts, Yor Dept. of Labor Induatry a I ,:aorry ids tad rat uN4aret4nd at the cutilet thaL this Aaa not t pure OldnanOe oonttaot. Otherwise, I could have, directeki YOU yeaterafty to VvAKleisok. 00' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U. K. E WOvFlillr5 SI A ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION IN REPLYING REFER TO FILE No. ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION DIVISION OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1107 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. PRODUCTION DIVISION .txtd, 1916. :ry Van Kleeck, Chief.Women In Ihai4,-Ax Dei-t. of LAor, Fouthern Bu - ldin7, 11:W. H Zts. W4Shington. P. C. The enclosed letter from the Habirshaw Flectric C';%ble 'ompan),, itflrred ::cu for Ictin follOvdn; IA - orders of :,:tt:r!. telegram whioh lz delf-zxrianatory. I am also anclonin2: a if, n:y informal. rl,mor',n,ivq; giving you of my telephone conv, ,r3ation 7.1th Ur. t4linn of thf! Habirshaw ectrio 1 krotti thut thay are v :42xious to have th Is exsticr: thru trld althcmh I A. ' t now to 13'.J of Mr. Quinn, I ar forwardInf!; th?. !flitrJa,1 yc;% action. I have also sant a tiLilinPae of thL3. iTat."-Till to MitiJ Nell FwArtz. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BRAACII. cl Od a 55 a. Od ashington DC 1252 pm Nov 2 '18 Ordnance District Chief, Aew York District Ordnance Office. Attention ,ise Reeder Nomens Ijranch. Informed 1“) Ordnance contract at havirshaw rlectric cable Comnany Yonkers newYork neriod advise you case Van Kleeck Labor fr permit period Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis not handle period Advise you report Department if firm wishes to make request Tad Alliams 7733 Army Ordnance. cl Od a 55 cd auhincton DC 1252 pm Aov 2 '18 Ordnance 1.4.strict Chief. hew York Jistrict Ordnance Office. Attention -Lao - • Aueder coLaeno Lranch. Informed io Ordnance contract at Hallirehaw ?:lectric (able Com,any Yonkers Nelefork rwriod advivw you case Van Klock Labor f r riermit period Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis not handle period .V.iviao you mos. lispartraent if firm wishes to lwake request TAO • Williams 7733 Army Ordnance. NoVember 2, 1918. MEMO RANDUTI. Telerhore conversation with Ti:r. Quinn, Central Office, Habirshaw Electric Cable Co. Said Ir. Ward of the Otis Elevator Co. had referred him to the Industrial Service Section, to get action on exemption for women. Caid Mr. Struthers Was the man to see at the Yonkers factory. CONTRACT. Nature - flat rate. Order #180239) Signal Corps#) 5000 Miles, begun Octo. 14, no date of expiration. Order 180230) Signal Corps #) 5000 liles, begun Oct. 14, no date of expiration. Order #180375)-30,000 Miles Signal Corps #) To date, November 2nd, 50 miles total amount produced. A schedule production, according to Ir. Marsh, who gave me date on conLracts, as follows:- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nov. 1st Week, 2nd 3rd " 4th " 15I&. 20C 300 :500 5000 miles Month of December, 10000 " January, Expect to finish the contract about the first cf March. They are taking care of 1C,000 miles at a BridgeAs nearly as I can make out, this port Plant. firm is a subsidiary of the American Steel and If I am wrong in my conclusion, Machinery Co. it may be that the American Sttel & Machinery Co. is the Company with the direct contracts. The telephone number of the Central Office, where Mr. quinn is located, is Vanderbilt 2860. I have made all the arran7ements of a visit on .:onday with him. ./7/7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HABIRSHAW ELECTRIC CABLE CO., Inc. YONKERS, NEW YORK :mriember 1, 191. Industrial Service Section Ordinance Depr3rtment 1107 Broadway Gentlemen: , Our plant is at present Producinp; practically 100;20 government work. Our lart7est and most importand order is Oufpost Wire for the American Army in France and we have promised to produce this wire at the rate of 2000 miles per week. In order that we fulfill this promise it is absolutely necessary that we run our factory to its ubmost capacity 24 hours per day. There are a number of operations in the production of this wire that are essentially women's work, particulary the winding and stranding of the fine wire, and application of the cotton braid. Our production has increased raridly in the last few weeks and we have now reL,ched a point where it is necessary that the machint_s operated by women run 24 hours per day and we have been unable to obtain nermission from the State Department of Labor to employ* them between the hours of 10 P.M. and 6 Ais!!. We are now working the women in two shifts of 7i hours each, the hours being 6A.M. to 2P.M. let snift Lunch period 10A.M. to 10:30 P.M. 2 Pa. to 10 P.M. 2nd shift Lunch period 5:30 P/M. to 6P.M. It would be a physical impossibility to turn out the wire required of us by the Signt-,1 Corps utless we are able to work a third shift of women between the hours of 10P.M. and 6A.7. Can you give us or assist us in obtaining the necessary permission towork our female employees durin7 these ::.(Jurs of the night? We are ready and willing to cOo-erate in cvery way to make any speulai • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HABIRSHAW ELECTRIC CABLE CO., Inc. YONKERS, NEW YORK provisions for the safety and health of the wcmen durinq, thee hours. It is only while engae7ed in this war work that we desire this extension. We, have placed some of the new machines enraged in this work in two bui1din7s in the vicinity and of course desire the Fame workinl hours for these also. We trust that you will see the necessity of cur obtaining this permission as quickly as possible so that there mLAy be no delgy in the production of this wire which] we understand is most urgently needed hy the Sicr,nal Corp. We are Very truly your, HABIRSH:ji ELECTRIC CABLE CC., IYC. BY: ••• ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1107 TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION BROADWAY NEW YORK. N. Y IN REPLYING REFER TO FILE No. PRODUCTION DIVISION ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION DIVISION COPY HABIRSHAW ELECTRIC CABLE CO., Inc., Yonkers, New York. November ls 1918. Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, 1107 Broadway. Gentlemen: Our plant is at present producing practically no% government work. Our largest and most important order is Outpost Wire for the American Army in France and we have promised to produce this wire at the rate of 2030 miles per week. In order that we fulfill this promise it is absolutely necessary that we run our factory to its utmost capacity 24 hours per day. There are a number of operations in the production of this wire that are essentially women's work, particularly the winding and stranding of the fine wire, and appliation of the cotton braid. Our production has increased rapidly in the last few weeks and we have now reached a point where it is necessary that the machines operated by women run 24 hours per day and we have been unable to obtain permission from the State Department of Labor to employ them between the hours of 10 P. M. and 6 A. M. We are now workingthe women in two shifts of 7i hours each, the hours being 6 A.M. to 2 P.M. let shift A. M. to 10 P.M. 10 Lunch period 2 P.M. to 10.P.M. 2nd shift Lunch period 5:30 P.M. to 6 P.M. It would be a physical impossibility to turn out the wire required of us by the Signal Corps unless we are able to work a third shift of women between the hours of 10 P. M. and 6 A. M. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Can you give us or assist us in obtaining the necessary permission to work our female employees during these hours of the night? We are ready and al willing to cooperate in every way to make any speci women the of h provisions for the safety and healt during these hours. It is only while engaged in this war work that we desire this extension. We have placed some of the new machines engaged in this work in two buildings in the vicinity and of course deisre the same working hours for these also. We trust that you will see the necessity of our obtaining this permission as quickly as possible so that there may be no delay in the production of this wire which we understand ia most urgently needed by the Signal Corp, We are, Very truly yours, HABIRSHAW ELECTRIC CABLE CD., INC. By: BA:% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (SGD) B. Aspinwall. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION IN REPLYING REFER TO 1107 BROADWAY FILE NO. NEW YORK. N. Y. ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION DIVISION PRODUCTION DIVISION PP • HAVIIHAW FLTCTPIC CABLr CO., Inc., Yonkers, N1'01 York. Novemb(tr 1, 1918. Indust/ial Service Section, Ordnance Department, 1107 Broadway. Gentlemen: Dur plant is at pr;lucnt producim . pru,ctic4lly :rnment work, 3ur larest and vio t import1D), ant order ia Dutpo4A 7Ii co; the Amei.ican Army to proluce this wire In France .41,1 we haw::: pr wok. at the rate of 2)3D Ul1l. In order that we fulfill this promiso it is fun our factory to its . absolutely necessary thAt day. There ar-! a numbYr utrozwt capacity 24 hours p Of ov!Ations in thu production of this wir th:Lt are worh, particuLlrly thc winding eauentiallj fi!ioJ1i, n1 Apliation of the the o: ng strandi and cotton braid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Our production h..ts increased ;,4.pidld in the 13st it is few weeks :And we hAve now reached n point wh 24 run women by ricessary th:t the machines oprated vrobtain hours per day And .1!! have he -n unablc to miwaion from the State Departgiont of Labor to emplo, thlm between the hours of 10 P. U. and 6 A. M. Ve are nog workin ,the women in two shifts of 7i hours each, the hours being o A. . to 2 P.M. 1st shift • to 10 Lunch p rioi 1D A. , . . to 1D.P.g. 2nd shift Lunch period b:6) P./. to 6 P.,.. It thti wire abl,; hours of ou14 be a physical impossibility to turn out re luircd of us by the Sinul Corpc unluea we to *or i( a thin .% shift of women between the and 6 A. 13 P. Can you 4ive LAU OI assist us in obt4inin4 the - 2 40 neeessary permission to work our female employeos durin4 thews hours of the night? We Are roily Ani willing to cooperate in elptry 'la' to make ;An' apecial provisions for the safeti and hoalth of the women during these hours. It is only while engaged in this war work that we desire this extension. We have platted some of the mew naehines engaged in this work in two buildin7s in th,'. vicinity and of course deisre the sass working hours for these also, We trust th,lt you will see the neoessity of our obtaining this permission au luickly as possible so that there mdy be no delay in th8 production of this wire which we understand is moot ur.,:ently neadod by the Si,;nal Corp, We aro. V ry truly yours, HABIKITAW 14,4:CITIC CABL7,,7 CD.. INC. Ay: BA;% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (SGD) Aspinwall. ORDNANCE TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION IN REPLYING REFER TO DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1107 BROADWAY FILE No. ATTENTION OF PRODUCTION DIVISION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW YORK, N. Y PRODUCTION DIVISION COPY HABITiSHAW FLr-CTFIC CABLE CD., Inc.. Yonkers, IfeW York. November 1, 1918. Industlial Service Section, JrdmInce Department, 1137 Broadway. Gentlemen: Our plant is at present producinc, practically 100% gov-Jrnment work. Jur largest and mo.t important order is Dutpo;it Wire for the American Army in France and we have promised to pro4uce this wire at the rate of 2)30 miles per week. In order that we fulfill this promise it is absolutely necessary that w-..! run our factory to its utmotit capacity 24 hours par day. There arc a numb-r of ov.itions in the production of this wire thut are essentiallj wo en's work, particularly the minding and stranding ot the fine wire, anl appliation of the cotton braid. Our production has increased xapidly in the lAut few weeks and we-hAve now reached a point who e it is 4 necessary that the machines operated by women run vrobtain to unable :n have be hours per lay And mission from the State Department of Labor to employ them between the hours of 10 P. M. and 6 A. M, We are now workilvthe women in two shifts of 7i hours each, the hou ,s being o A.M. to 2 P.M. 13t shift A. I. to 13 P.U. 10 Lunch p riod 2 P.M. to 13.P.M. 2nd shift Lunch period b:60 P.M. to 6 P.Ki. turn out It would be a phisical impossibility to we unl,:ss Corpo Signal the wire re4uired of us by the the n betwee arc able to work a third shift of women hours of 13 P. U. and 6 A. U. the Can you give us or assist us in obtainin4 necessary permission to work our female employees duritv these hours of the night? Te are ready and willing to cooperate in ovttry Tray to make any special provisions for the safety and health of the women during; these hours. It is only while engaged in this war work that we desire thi3 extension. Ws have placed some of the new machines engaged in this work in two buildin8 in thc vicinity and of course deisre the working hours for these also. We trust that you will see the necessity of our obtaining this permission as luickly as possible so that there may be no delay in the production of this wire which we understand is most urgently needed by the Si nal Corp, We are, V ry truly yourJ, HABI'r4SHAT LCTIC CABLY C)., INC. By: BA;')g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (SGD) B. Aspinwall. • Noirember 4, 19:1 8. 2,,odor, Miss N. New York DiLtrict Ordnanca Office, 1107 BroadwaiY, NON York City. My doss Miss Reeder: I wish to acknowledge your letter of NovTabe-,7 1/(3 to Miss Van Kleecks which came during her abgenoo from the city for a few days. IL will be LroujA to her attention upon her return. Very truly your, IMP Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Secratary to Miss Van Kleeck. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis November 22, 1918. Miss Nelle Swartz, Chief Bureau of Women in Industry, New Yank State Department of Labor, 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City. My dear Miss Swartz: This is to acknowledge receipt of your retort on tbo Habirshaw Electric Cable Company, Yonkers, New York. There Kill be no need from mow on to consider requests for exemptions from night work laws, aa I am sure you understand. Sincerely yo-urs, MVK/L Mary Van Maack, Director Woman in Industry service. NJV 21 A.M. STATE OF NEW YORK BUREAU OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WOM EN -IN -INDUSTRY OFFICE OF THE STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION NELLE SWARTZ CAPITOL, ALBANY S-TATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION CHIEF OF BUREAU JOHN MITCHELL, CHAIRMAN NEW YORK OFFICE, 290 FIFTH AVENUE EDWARD P. LYON LOUIS WIARD JAMES M. LYNCH HENRY D. SAYER WILLIAM S. COFFEY, SECRETARY NEW YORK, November 19, 1918. Miss Mary Van hieeck, Department of Labor, Women in industry Service, Southern Washington, L. C. 14,2A-44' /cult° Dear Miss Van ileeck, Miss I?eecter referred to me the matter of the Habirshaw Electric Cable Company, Yonkers, 'Jew York, and I am enclosing for sour information a copy of our investigation, that you may know that our recommendation is that such request for exemption be denied. Yours very sincerely, Chief. NS.LLS Enc. - report Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HAB aka 'Lisle Bovember 7, 1918 IC CM3LF C0'TAMIL Yonkers, New York LEASA Ijik VISIT Application made to Ordnanoe Department for exemption from night work law prohibiting the employment of WOMIR between hoard of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The question was referred by the Ordnanoe 11epartment to the -omen in Industry Service, -. S. Labor Depaftment, because it vac learned that the contract was primarily a A.gnal Corps one. NM V Mal r.,truthers, Factory .uperintendent Ax. Harry 2tansfie1d, Secretary of International Assooiation of Machinists ALTIA1 n:EJ LATE LA, .arch 18, 1918 Inspection made for the B'ILEA II OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Aargaret T. Hodgen alias i.,,venson /MT LI Iti:k iabirahaw -'lectric Cable Company 11/7/18. SITAMAitY The rogaeirt for permission to employ women on night shifts was made by Wkis firm at least to to four weeks in advanee of the time when they woul* be able to employ them. This "preparedness" was due to the fact that the company has constructed two new buildings which may be ready in several weeks. The only reason given for wishing to employ women at night was that they were able to perform delicate operations of mending broken thread and -Are as braiding maohinee more skillfully than men or boys. Men and boys, however, ()rut be scoured in Yonkers with only "ordinary difficulty", according to the faci,oxy superintendent. That request for exemption from night work law prohibiting employment of women between hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. be denied inasmuch as 1) woman do not necessarily excel men or bo;is in the type of work demanded 2) both men ana boys can be secured in lonkers for the night shift with only "oruinaly diffieulty". Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S RABDSHAW ;f,L2C.IC C4J,L4 CO-IANY Yo114..ers, Hew lork November 7, 1910. REAA fa VI, IT Application made to Ordnance Department by the Habir.Jhaw Plectrio Cable Company for permlosion to employ women at night between hcrars of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The questiok was referred by the Ordnance Department to the Women in Industry Division, U. S. Labor Department, beeanee it was learned that the contract was primarily a signal Corps one. ST, ).TUS OF CONTRACT kroduot - wire ior carrying electric current. This firm receives the wire and puts on outer coating of rubber :AILL braided thread, which they deliver to the Signal Corpse In ordor to meet contract the management has taken over two new factory buildings in which machines are now being installed, and dressing rooms prepared for women. U uabeUXin, In atirshaw rlectric Cable Company - Women 120 600 Men 720 2) In Dock Street plant - number to be employed in from 2 to 4 weeks - women 60 3) In Armory plant no. to be employed 56 in from 2 to 4 weeks If a night dhift be put on in all three plants, the total number of women employed will be 236, and on the night dhift aloe, 103* Employment Manager 7omen are employed by a man employment manager. The firm has recently Jecared the services of a woman Ito is now taking up questions involving the employment of vaunt. be has choen forewomen from among the Jorkers„ in accordance with the management's plane Labor Turnover Accurate figurea not available, though kept. at 2004. The turnover is estimated Labor ".inDp11 From the Superintendent of this plant and from other sources it was learns ed that Yonkers is well supplied with male and female labor; that only "ordine4 diffivalty" is encountered in getting men, while women cam be had for the asking at low wages. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 11/7/18. ila'birshw - lectric Gable CompnAY The women employed at the Rabirshaw Uectrio Cable Company's plant live in the J.mediate neighborhood. Those working on the morning shift are undor 21, while thous on the afternoon shift are over 21, in order to comply with the law which prohibits employment of women under 21 after 9 o'clock. The 'omen on the morning shift are unmarried, h11e about 60,0 of those on the afternoon shift are married. uocrssEs cyl no:.:711 ULICUC Women are °perng braiding, paper insulating, rubber insulating, cotton sindiab, Are windiag aad strandinc machines, All the operationr are etrole, or requiring the watching of several machines and occasionally splicing thread at expert more this much are wire. T. e uperintendent said that the women fine work than men and that boys are "all thumbs". To the inTestigaLors the seemed to require only the minims of skill or delicacy. The 1-:,uperint men and boys the that dent's judgment may have been inn:Mowed by the fact demand a higher we for the work. Training or Vionien‘ Any one of these processes can be learned in a few hours. H(AMS lioE,en are employed on two shifts: 1) 6 a.m. - 2 p.-. lunch 10:00 - 10:30 5:30 - 6:00 " 2) 2 p.m. -10 1, 7i htours a day " "week 45 WAGES la MSII ---"!Proceas Braiding Cotton winding Far °women Wire winding Stranding Pepsi Insdating Rubber Insulating Forewoman Initial(hourly) ":aximm (hourly) 28e 261 30i 281 281 341 281 281 3451 301 401 sow Sel 34e 301 34¢ Men are started at 34 as against wumen at 24. No man is reeeivin6 an hour, an the majority of them only 38V-401 an hoar. more Mum 64 PHYI CAL °' ORKING C'AIDIT IiLIS Supervisiork .1. by woman, newly employed Uniforms- girls are remired to liar khaki bloomer uniforms which cost the company !34175 and are sold to the girls for 113.00, which is paid out of their wages at the rate of 50/ a week. Work zoom Condition' - are good Speeding ,0 none Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11/7/18. Hdbirshaw •lectrio Company' Ali ICU. continued) Servioe Tcatures _ 1. .ianitary ;Aryls* 3 floor - toilet room oontains 5 toilets, 6 waAl basins in a clean oondition ':inding Dept. toilet room contains white vitreous trolvh with 10 faucets; 3 toilets, clean. Lunch zalaet iuiii srvice 3 floor - large sunny room for rest *oom with couch, table qnd provision for heating food. Hats and ooats hung about rest room. , ICY I. An effort wad mate to secure information concerning conditions in the plant from the Machinists Union, and the Central Labor Body. Representatives from these organisations knew of no special oonditioas in he plant. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis