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bVr01J-1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14-€),A0(A?5 CO, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DUPONT DE NEMOURS PLANT. We understand that permission to "maintain the status quo" was telegraphed to the Brandywine office of the Dupont de Nemours plant, and our records do not show whether the company was then employing night. The records of the War Department are more complete on this oast). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 24, 1918. Memorandum To: Liss Van Kleeok From: _iss Peterson Subject: Application of the Du Pont De iiemours Company, iirandywine, Del. for 1)6:mission to einploy women until 12 Interviewed: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. a) (0) (c) Shifts 1. From 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2. From 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. At 3 p.m. the tables are cleared and ilacie ready The loss of this hour for tho afternoon shift. is unavoidable due to the fact thLt the work On which the second shift are etployed is special work undertai:en by the rim on order of the L,overnment. The work of the women on the late afternoon shift is loadinc and assemblinL, of the Livens Gas Bomb projectors. EssemblinL six componant parts; First process: Even lift. weit,ht less than 3 lbs. Loading into cartridee 3ase and Second process: isox is Weight about 5 lbs. into boxes. packine on table on rollers. 2. Request will effect about 125 women and is for per-ission to employ women after 10 p.m. until Dec. Stated it may not be necessary to do so 1st. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis after November 15th if per-ission is ,ii.anted at once. 3. Ni6ht shift to be taken in Transportation: auto busses to within one bloc of their home. Tine consumed in trip to city about 35 minutes. 4. Explained to r. ilson that women in Industry 6ervice could make no recanmendation as the plan under consideration for the controll of niL-Jit work has not been adopted. Oetober 1918. lenorandun :les leau Kleech To: iof L'etorton rru Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jubi(gst: Interviewed: 1. kpplication of the Du itnt De iksmours Company, airand;rwillo, Del. for A)rmission to ettploy we.= lk p.". -r. Shifts 1. ,liem 7 a&a. to • • , r0m 4 pen. to 10 2.m. ready 3 p.6. the tlec are cloz..rou riho loss of thL: hour for th aAernoon shift. is unavoidable due to the fact thz•t the .ork: aix which the s000nd vhift are e-laoycci is special work uudorta_.en by the firm (L.: order of the orveranciA. 0) The work of the ,o en ell the late aiternoo- shift is leedint. and assemidin 0; the Livens ,,as projectors. Tlesemblint, six omponunt parts; Virst procoss: weil,ht less than 3' lbs. 2ven lift. Loadinc into cartrid,e -aso and 64woond process: oax is about b los. packinc into t:oxos. On table o. rollers. liequest will eia'oct a,uut 125 wolen and is or permission to enploy woJen after 10 per.. uutil Dec. Otated it ray not w' nocer,sc..r‘ to do zo 1st. 1 after ;;ovoniier 15th 1 once. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ji r,iscion is ,rauted at 0. Transportation: ht shi:t to taken ill auto usses to witni, one kaoc- of tLoir Time °ousts/led in trip to city about Zo 4. 1,1xp1ained to Alson that nem= in Indust:::„ ,.;errico could ,aai:e no recommendation as the plan under oonsideration for the cantroll of nilit work has not %Jeon adopted. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 7, V918. Memorandum I To: Subject: 1. iciss L'eterson iss Van Kleeck l*elerence to iNar 1abor 3oard ication of the du .'ont de Nemours Corn any, ,-randywine Plant, Brandywine, Deleware, for ..riljssion to employ women at Delivered Atemorandum from dliss Van Kleeck to Vvar Labor Board to Miss Obenauer. ,s no inf'ormation In The W91- L'bor Pb-trri reference to the Brandywine 'lant, Brandywine, Deleware. The du Pont Corn any has been betore the War Labor Board in connection with other lants. Wiss Obenauer exained the ex:erience of the War Labor Board has been that when one Com.any Plant comes before the board other 2iants soon follow. !. 1%nt should come before the If the Brandywine ) will be forwarded to notice tar Labor •Board iviiss Van Kleeck. _1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f)ctober 7, 1918. M emorandum From: c , De aTtment of WoHlan in Industry :3ervi To: klr Labor Board Subject: 1. 2. MVK/AL', -Oor de Aemours Corn ,Ltay, i-Jdlication of the du ?ont iiisioti 1 e7eware, for Firpn(17-inP PTont, to employ women at night. of viar har,, referred the The Office of the Secretary ommend%tion. re ,uast of this Corn any for rec Jrmitti,n about this lint 11:,,s the War Labor Board inf ible for u to h.:.4ve access 'aid if t-o, will it be osc bears u on thF desirability to the dAa, inFofr asiit labor lavs for of the st.'e of ,ermitting a sus,:iension -pacified period? M Ary Van Klef-ck, Director Woman in Industry Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 7, 1918. From: To: Subject: Mary Van Kleeck, Director, Wotrian in Intustry Servic e Major F. W. Tully, War Depart hent Request of duPont de Nemo-o rs Company for exemption from State laws. The nopers an4 applicati on of the duPont d.. Ned iours Cora. arv for are receivet to4ty. fro n State laws formazded from your office, We als -rroceedirg to secure some inforultion before pi:tkirg a ree9ma sniation. As Ae understand, we are not empowered to recourend the granting of a certificate until the proposed plan for temporary moiification of StfAte law s has 1)x/en adopted tbr the Council of littional Defense. These papers will therefore be held until decision is reached re6arding the plan as a ...hole. MYR/AL ItAry Van Kleeck, Direct or Wo, an in Irxiustry servic e. •1. . 71. •• • ' ' `" 1 t ur!.; t("1: LT:2, ,• • 7 t "9 • t' 0,2.. 7., It '.,ctl,:. 1),., , si:_,)er-.15.:..)- io.] cnr t7 0Se • , 1,7,.. 1 t.. .,11 f.; .; . ' tlif -;,:i.' '] , t'Ci.: --.r: ,: ,..: ., r 4,,1::22 ---"' -7 ,r"..:, , r 1,• ).,:ie :3, :3 :.-,('7! i t'.,., t t'.:0,er or molestation. Mu' , ' --a-.7. a. :i0 1 i.;.) t7 .,...._ : -0_, Lv,("'tj•, L-.,(.-..:1 t• t:;:.te•-:(21 over t'._ ?he wor:: under t .on :t'ini.,ation of t ce-, further s-t.ould ber : , of ;,u,-,•ust we wou2.1 :.-nti,13.:ce of the nr(.3 the raest Le t,f_tcle the with comfliaAce cifate other arrravointo, pen.itti statute. ,:incily advise us t the very earliest c.,ossible 7:n't you 1, dat, if there is any objction to our worink-- the second. shift of oi)era:period. requirefi tors at Brandywine until midnicht durinc the temL)orariu necessary work.? to complete thlit-.; very important Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WAR D E PART M E NT. WAS H I N GTO N. October 5, 1910. War Department,:-ajor F. W. Tully. Women in Industry Servic To: 7:ary Van :leeck, Director Subject: Request of du'Tont de remours CamDany for exemption from State laws. I am foraardir- herewith papers in the a„plication of du.7ont de remours Company for exemption from State laws 737,1ittin3- them to employ women at nicht. These tapers include the request of the Ordnance Department tint the application be granted, and that the Secretary of War issue a Your rocc=endation is requested. Certificate of :mergency. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0.114 F4 7. Tully, ajor, Ordnance U. S. A. Detailed to Office of Secretary of War. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 5, 1918. From: 7'1111,7. War Denartment, Major F. • To; nary Service an rIesok, Director ''omen in Industry for exemIltion Subject: Request of du-ant de Nemours Campany from State laws. am forwarding herewith :41I)ers in the anplication from 3tate Lam of du"ont do 7e3ourr Company for exerlption Mese 7)apers in. niOlt at wrmen t!-,(m to emnloy that the applicant t.,ie :"Dpar ce cir:c3r: tLo reql:ect of the Ordnn issue a j;al• of 4.ry &ocret ard that the tf.m to is requertod. tion menda rocom Your CortifirAto of Ilmergency. F. 7. Tully, Uajor, Ordnance U. S. A. Detailed to Cfficl a Secretary of War. and addressed to All communications should be accompanied by carbon copy WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE To insure prompt attention, PRODUCTION DIVISION in replying refer to WASHINGTON No. Attention of October 1, 1918. From • Chief of Ordnance. To • Secretary of War. Subject • tion Re: Request of duPont de Nemours Co. for exemp from State laws. .1•1111=111• It is requested that application be made 1. an through the state Department of Labor requesting ny Compa rs exemption in the case of the du Pont de Nemou the from operation of the state law which prohibits of employment of women an night work between the hours 10 p. in. and 6 a. in. A complete report on the matter is 2. attached herewith. AND4i- OCT ‘\ec,,; 1 1918 , C. C. WILLIAMS, Major General, U. S. A. Chief of Ordnance. By: C. C. Jamieson,A/ alone', Ordnance, U. S. A. -6/ ,A7 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 October 1, 1918. From : Chief of Ordh4nee. To • . Secretary of ',.&r. Subject . . :..:oust of duPont de Nemours .3o. fur exemption fro;1 =1.4te ltws. Tt is reauested that application be made 1. Department of Labor requesting an the cltz;te tl7rouel exemntion in the ease of the du Font de Namoure Company from operation of the state lew which prohibits the emp1o7mf)nt o41 women an night woric. between the hour' of m. 10 r. m. nry.' 6 2. A complete report on the matter is attPcilf.d Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O. J. WILLIAM, Major lenerel, U. Chief of Ordnance. By: C. C. Janieson, plonol, Ordncnois, U. L A. October 1, 1918. Chief of Ordnance. From To : Secretary of ,,ar. cl.ubjeot • RI: Peciu.,st of 4uPont de ilamours from State Dv's. o. for exemption It is requested thnt sprlicrtion be made 1. throu,-t tke state IATIRrtmont of Labor requestini; an exemption in the case of the du Pont de Nemours Company from operation of the strte lew which prohibits the employment of women an niptt work between the hourr of 10 p. m. and 6 a. M. A complete report or the matter is 2. attached herewith. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. Major lener91, U. Chief of Ordnanoe. By: O. C. Jamieson. Ordnnnoe, U. ._• A. A •••••". All communications should be accompanied by carbon. copy and addresc.,ed WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE To insure prompt attention, in replying refer to PRODUCTION DIVISION WASICNGTON No. Attention of September 30, 1918. 41 3—14345 -From: Womens Branch, Industrial Service Section To: Chief, Ind. Service Section, Major B. H. Gitchell. Subject: Request of Du Pont De Nemours Co., for exemption from State Law to employ women between the hours of 10 P. M. and 12 P. M., at Brandywine Plant, Brandywine, Dela. 1. Attention is invited to the attached correspondence, reports, memoranda, etc, re reque4 of Du Pont De Nemours Co., to employ women between 10 P. M. and 12 P. M. at the Brandywine Plant. 2. The salient features of the situation are as follows: (a) The desire to operate a second shift, not exceeding fifty women, from 4 P. M. to 12 P. M., with 45 minutes for lunch, making a working period of 7i hours, for the months of October and November.( See attached petition of Company under ante of September 5, addressed to the District Chief, Phila. District Ordnance Office ) 3. The Company has undertaken an experiment, in regard to the loading of propellent charge for Levine Trench Mortar Bombs. It is understood that if the experiment is successful and if the Ordnance Department desires that thie Company shall carry on the work in a more extensive way, that a new plant will be built located nearer to the source of supply of camponent parts, all of which except one are furnished by the government; and that such work can be done in full compliance with existing statute (see attached letter from Engineering Department, Du Pont De Nemours Co., to Mr. Charles Warner, Labor Commiss. loner, atate of Dela.) 4. Au investigation of the conditions of work for women has been made by Miss Edna Palmer, Labor Inspector, State of Dela., and Miss I. 3tevenson of the .omens Branch, Ind. Service Sec., Phila. District Ordnance Office. (See copy of reports attached) 1 this plant are It is agreed that the working conditions1 at good; a woman is in charge of employment of women; tnere are adequate service facilities and good supervision; women are transported to and from the plant in auto busses. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5. The Company has pledged itself to provide adequate transportation in busses and also necessary supervision for women on tho second shift. 6. Man this temporary emergency began in July, the Du Pont De Nemours Company presented its case to Mr. Warner, Labor Commissioner, State of Dela., asking for temporary exemption to employ women between 10 P. M. and 12 P. M. A report of the interview between the Labor Commissioner and Mr. L. A. De Blois is comfirmed in a letter under date of July 22, to Mr. Zdward H. Ford, Gen. Supt., Black Powder Division of the Du Pont De Nemours Co., as follows - - "Levin Mahar Contract giving hours of Labor - confirming Saturday's conversation with you, 1 interviewed Mr. Charles Warner, Labor Commissioner on this subjec$, and he seemed to think that while the cozmis. ission has no legal authority to waive the statute, they still could overlook the slight deviation made necessary by the national emergency. He stated that he would bring the matter before the Board immediately and would advise me at once if there is any objection. At the same time he said that we should not look for a reply from him, thus indicating that no exception to the suggested practice would be taken, and that it would not be advisable to require a final reply from the Board" SIGNED (L. A. De Blois, Safety Division). 7. It is understood that this plant has been operating a second shift of women from 4 P. M. to 12 P. M., without any specified exemption from the Delaware Department of Labor and without approval from the Office of be Secretary of War. 8. The necessity from the point of view of production needs has been testified to by Major C. B. Peters of the Explosive Section, Procurement Division. (See attached report) and by Major R. H. Hawkins of the contract Section, Procurement Division. (See attached memoranda of August 27 to Phila. District Ordnance.) RECOMMENDATIONS In view of the existing temporary emergency caused by the experimental work which the Du Pont De Nemours Plant at Brandywine is doing in connection with the loading of propellent charges for the Levins Trench Mortar Bombs, and in view of the good working conditions now existing at the plant and the pledges of the Company to provide adequate working conditions for women on the second shift, the Womens Branch recommends that the office of the Secretary of War take steps to make possible the employment of women over 21 years of age, between the hours of 10 P. M. and 12 P. M., provided conditions hereinafter recommended, are established. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10. It is recommended , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (a) That a lunch period of 45 minutes be allowed as stated in the petition of the Company under date of September 5. (b) That the Company be responsible for the transporta • tion of women to and from the plant in auto busses as stated in paragraph 1 of the petition. (c) That the permit specif* a temporary period cover ing two months. (d) That a representative of the Womens Branc h, Ind. Service Section, Army Ordnance, be temporaril y assigned, to advise with the Company and with the Phila. District Ordnance Office, in regard to the most effective way to use women on the second shift herein recommended. CLARA M. TEAD, Direc tor, Womens Branch. • sclvit lEra F P711,A2ELP!:IA ?7:7 r:! C;ITCT7ELL ULJOR 0- D7,1 CY UG t onirr r17.13TRIAL F.7CH:ICE orrrArer. a7r: rAF1UNGTON DC 11177RENCE IS MADE TO MY !MORT SEPTEMBER TrnT721,7 C) ::3.47PLOTT7T OF W1:111 AT BRODYME ?LINT AT DUPONT DE yimollac COLIA7Y 7F1TOD DU ?NIT (:OMPL7Y AnvIc ItOP.DAY 7UMTFW,R T7FY OOrTINUF TO - 717,K IN TIM 270OND 07IrT on 70T Arn AnVISEs rN TE7 ASENCE Or 77011 7 Tr,EIR PRODUCTION OF Linn MITCH MORTAR MAL= IF T7E 377covD s711, PROPELL7TT CF.A7N37,1.IIILL BT InDUCTT TO AN ALMMT NEGLIGIBLE QUANTITY DAnY liY47*; YOU !J:iinITTLD T:77:; CASt TO Tu. SECRTARY 07 wAP 07 7:7=7) TnA7 JUD. nr7)%Y nA.14 7S7,7, 01=r 7TILL 7.17717.7 'ITI107T FAIL A7 07r777177 SAID PlIn7TT nLL :70T -,,,- ilLivrpEn A C Dr,:;IRM BY Tr.- GOvrIlIWNT AS Al; 7.7C7/747C1 '"'IOLIXT JON 1:s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Onicr 1F DI'177RICT CHITT /11:T C7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -r04---,i1 -7! Ati:,u.t le '1 .13. Mr doar Kiss Cornell, rtrir the i,1,44 4-3.7(Jir.n Mee!r is called to nialar.a 7all to IlLrect tho chemical inclom+rlse in 4:hat c,c.nd asl:ed me to 17,-4.%1 ,'nu and 14,t I.11015 ).at yolir lItter has tmo:; horn on Thurod4 mo1n111_, been I nr oc7,11.4! I}-en next.tep in thf,s Ismiddim4e i.th1-wct wishco, Cincoce2,.. yrura, L'i.e.ant DiresLorp Women in Industry !Jervis.. is tovoc Cornell. PhLla661Li4 DiutrIct CrJnanue Cff ice, 171C Market Strrlito Ph'Iadelphia, Porneylvniao • win WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE -PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA July 1918. REFER TO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7rclosed is a 00117 of a letter sent at ct our re(luest by the du /,ont lompany to the Distri forwardinz it for the liht it may throw on the case referred to you yesterday. Sincerely yours, 1)ear our r..-;(r.la3t Airl the ,- ;orapav V.) Lite :Astriot .)nt . : -- forward:ilk; it for the 11,:;ht it may .inerrely ;fours, rJ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rIOPY July 28, 1918. Mr. Jones, Thief, Philadelphia Astrid; Ordnance Dept., 1710 Market Otreet, r'hiladelphia, Pa. near sir: Recently the du ?oLt the tate Labor -omission or -Amer, Chairman of omleany made a request Df to the e1av, tint an excaption he mie relative at our Branljwine employment of imam after ten o'clock inasmudh as lie Mr. - r.rner felt inclincrl to irmit uo to ex..! lirposi? of a:v3cutin had represented to him that it was for the n work, viz: the loading of thc. propPllant ,:har.70i Today he has sent to u imlortant government he "evins Trcnoh ilortar Bomb*". ,e0I;lon of the n' is ne, Irdnanoe '2ept., who, ,ifter J i i .Jts that we write to take quch promoi. action as will to you stating what they ar; Inii requesting you Labor lommission by .q1aaaro enable the Industrial Arvioe 'Action v) aqvisr? tomorrow, if possibl y of V:ar. as to villether our request i. sa=tionfl('. ',IL, the iecretar i.r ul.crt..aker t, load an emergency We have been roc,Altly fecluestel Jayli requirement of propellV oharLx3 for ":mvinu 7rer:h LIori;ar". The Ordnance -)epart- those by AllTust let. "lithout ment are extremely anxious to .:et the first shipment of =awing exactly how w re ;.::;.i.r„ operations, I ihoula say :hat it woman, the larger of -Aticl. iwooLlpliJh ill : to levilop the 2,ceissai.;) f-;1. ul to c7play two shifts of .1rcad7 soaployed, for olht hours durin4; the aay time. I should say that the women aC*)3tua by this requosl that in order to Allow the work il bc, in number about E0 and o 2raureJ3 sa4 ilf3ctri1y, it mi:ht be necessrx;,. for As to retain them not later than 11 ovclook or possibly 11.70 at nittht. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as we ) These women would not rork over sight hours and just as soon ent requires US to conti developed the prooess and knew what we wait and the "Avernm the work, ge Shall undoubtedly make ouch provision as will ontirslg kiii.linate night work. it must be rememThe reason for this reqrlst, I admit ia vary indefinil.;e 'but :,Jv.Jrnment b.t the bered that the problem that are being put IQ to tr.'ust;..y tt the Bran4wino —orlel.-se have surrounded the present tizio aro also very in 7ofinite. ,,voraen that we sepley matters for machines thely and in th vtir;,, roppion•Iblo 3omfort, 4.,. protlotion; do al aa:Ivej them case we two allowed to re I ,areat attention to safety o an.7 fr,1711 tiJi;n in .!.iorilled by the ' - ,loao to State we shall take unusual steps to see them 8,71, 21' throwt 1;21.9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ':.heir hems. larc .;ate I trust, ir, that you will see fit to rc, rlostaission oomfortale rovret. ;Y I'.." •-•, • •I • '(.1r roNfrifoi" WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION I 710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA REFER TO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MOIL Louise Cornell, Industrial Service Section, 7omen's Branch, Phila. District. TO: Llary Van Kleeck, 605 Ouray Building, 8th P.- G Streets, 7ashington, D. C. SUBJECT: Request for Exemption of rijit Work Law by du Pont Company. Enclosed please find correspondence (a) letter 1. from du Pont Company to Commissioner of Labor of Delaware(b) copy of letter from Labor Commissioner of Delaware to Wamen's Branch, July 23rd- (c) report by Miss Stevenson on conversation with Labor Commission of Delaware, July 29th. 2. At my suggestion lass Stevenson advised the dr Pont Company to file with the 7)istrict Ordnance Office formal request for this exemption. Yr. Jones is of the opinion that this matter should 3. be handled by the District Chief, suggesting, however, that the 7amen's Branch consider the necessity for granting the exemption. LOUISE marEIL Women's Branch. COPT State of Delaware TT HOUR LAW IITCPEC7OR 491 du Pont Bldg. 7iImington,Del. July 23, 1918. 7LYA PALLIER Inspector 1:iss Louise Cornell, Women's Branch, Inclustrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, 1710 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn. My dear Miss Cornell: I am enclosing a copy of a letter which we received from the du 'Pont, de remours Co. requesting permission to work wafaen until 12 P.L. at their Brandywine plant in order to fulfill a contract for the Ordnance Department. I inspected this plant last week and the conditions under which the women work are eKcellent. Their work consists in marking, filling, sewing, inspecting, and packing small silk bags filled with a mixture of smokeless powder and nitro—glycerine, .- 7hich are. used to ignite the fuse in trench mortar guns. At present they are employing about 125 women. We have been told that the shipment of these mortar guns has been held up because these bags were not ready. If it is necessary that a second shift 12r, run at this plant we are willing to grant this favor for a period of 60 days, however unless it is absolutely necessary we do not want to start a precedent , this kind. I feel satisfied that this night work would be carried on at this plant in the proper way, but it would hold us open to requests of similar nature from other plants where the conditions are not so favorable. The Company has planned to provide the proper moral supervision and to take the women home in their buses, and in case we ao ,;rant this request, it is my thought to specify a certain age limit for the women who would be permitte„. to work on the night shift. We would like to have your opinion on this matter before we give our reply to the du 'ont Co. We would appreciate an early reply as the du Pont Co. are anxious to have our decision by the end of this week. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly, Li.)1I P14] Ten Hour Law Inspector. COPY Engineering DepRrtment, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Wilmington, Del. Co. jr. Charles Warner, Labor %Emission, State of Delaware, Wilmington, Del. Dear Sir: We have undertaken to furnish for the Ordnance Department cert,du special munitions which are imperatively needed by our overseas forces. In cy, it order to fulfill this contract, which is in the nature of an emergen ine, would be necessary for us to use some of the existing plant at Brandyw putting on a second shift consisting of approximately 50 women operators. shift six We hope to be able to obtain the necessary'output by working this them not hours; that is, up to 10 P.M., but it may be found necessary to work with the neceslater than midnight, making a working period of eight hours, sary allowance for lunch. sion It would be our intention to provido the necessary moral supervi deto rd afterwa and work, of time their for these women on the plant during such that liver them by buses at their homes or points close to their homes, tion. molesta or danger any without they would be enabled to reach them of .1u,31.7st The work under contemplation would e:.:tend (iver the Ilionths ry by necessa be work the of ation continu and September and should a further ments, arrange other ate would anticip we the request of the Ordnance Department, . g Statute existin permitting full compliance with the if e Won't you kindly advise us at the very earliest possibl date at rs operato of shift there is any objection to our working the second d to complete Brandywine until midnight during the temporary period require this very important and necessary work? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly, DEPARTMEn F. L. TODErTURG, Asst. Chief Engr. Per L. A. DE BLOIO. WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA July 4J, 1-.)18. Section, idabelie Stevenson, Industrial Service Toments Branch, Philadelphia District. REFER TO Industrial Service Section, TOben's Branch, Ordnance Office, Washington, D. C. SUBJECT: 1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Visit to Wilmington, Delaware, July 26, 1918. PERS073 IETERVIEWED ....r. Charles Warner, Chairman Delaware Labor Commission Liss 1.1. Edna Palmer, Inspector Hagner, LT. E. H. Ford, Operating Department, du Pont Oompany *. Rogers Wilson, du ?ont Company. In view of the fact that Er. Warner considered the question of whether or not production demanded exemption from the State Law as the only means of meeting requirement of the government at the du Pont Company to be on directly between the du Pont Company and Ordnance, he preferred that representative of Industrial Service Section confer directly with du Pont representatives. Er. Warner stated that it was a pressing case and time VW a real consideration. Said he would withhold all action until recommendation had come from our department. Decided to let formal request for exe.Dption come directly from the du Pont Company to Er. Jones, Ihi3f of Philadelphia District Ordnance. Er. De 'Blois of EngineerIng Department, du Pont Company, from who request had come to Yr. Warner, out of town, conferred with Er. E. H. Ford, Superintendent Operating Department, and Mr. Rogers Wilson. Er. Ford says they are asking for temporary exemption only, not more than six weeks or two months. At the bagloading plant elt Hagley Yard, Company has been employing 1E0 women loading small bags with ballistite to ignite fuses in trench mortars. These women work from 7 A. E. to 3.30 P. E., with half hour for lunch and a ten minute rest period morning and afternoon- 48 hour week. Are paid from 2N to 35/ per hour. Workers have been steady and production satisfactory. Have provided service building for women and woman in charge of employment most successfulhas an assistant with nurse's training. WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA Ally 29, 1918. Visit to Wilmington REFER TO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -2 Recently the Ordnance Department has placed an order with them, an experiment, in filling pyroline rings with mixture of powder. These rings are to be used to eject gas botbs. Government wants 12,000 delivered by August 1st. This is out of question as component parts have not arrived. If the use of these rings proves successful and du Pont Company finds it can furnish what the Government expects, they will increase equipment and make necessary changes. While experimenting can use equipment in bag loading plant in Hagley. To do this and keep us production on the ballistite rings, they plan to employ shift of about fifty women to work from 4 P.X. to 11 or 11.30 Pal., with half hour for lunch. At present all employees are brought to plant in auto buses. Tales 55 minutes to drive from Wilmington to Haley. This means that bus must leave Wilmington at about 6 A.M., nnd in order to meet this bus women must leave their homes about five o'clock. If starting hour were changed to six o'clock women would have to leave their homes at four o'clock. It is their Intention to take the smaller number of women who will work on the night shift directly to their homes or to within a very near point. If plan is a success, Company will increase plant capacity and place all women on same day shift. Cannot put up temporary structure, as it is against their safety standard at the Black Powder Plant, the hazard being too great to work in structure unless perfectly equipped. Half hour interval necessary between shifts to Change material. Adreed to take matter up with Production Division at Washington, to see haw vital immediate delivery of work is to Ordnance. Advised Mr. Ford to write /Ir. Jones, and present request formally. Mr. Ford said they had made plans to put women on night shift this week, as Mr. Warner had notified them that unless they heard from him to the contrary this would be satisfactory to him. Explained that we had no authority beyond advisory at the present at WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA REFER TO 191e. Vi2it to 71i1mington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of situation. Yr. Ford honed. Mr. Tamar and it was decided that matters stard as they wtire until we made our report to the Labor Commission. 9 oc.yex.c “omen's Branch. 1 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA, _ ...... DIVISION IZIG/JDjr TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION !NI REPLYING REFER TO Sept. 17, 1918. NO ATTENTION OF John Dick4y, Jr, Col. C. C. Jamieson, Chief of Production, Ordnance Department, 7th and B Streets Washington, D. C. tn rn 77 0 0 Y2- LI7 dear Colonel Jamieson: 1. Enclosed please find copy of letter which has just been receive& from the Du Pont de Nemours Company, to which your attention is called fo the purpose of directing your mind to the fact that the female labor in0,3 spector for the State of Delaware seems to have a well-established direct -pipe line of information as to the doings of the Production Division of the Ordnance Department, and one, in view of the fact that neither this office nor the Philadelphia Production Division has been advised of the action of the Production Division of the Ordnance Department described, which seems to be working on a priority basis, unless the referred to order or communication of the Production Division refers to or be the order of Major Gitchell under date of June 25, 1918. In comection with the smid order, if and when applied to the work 2. being done by the Du Pont Brandywine plant for which exemption is sought, we would point out that this office is advised that the contract under which said work is being done contains MD labor control clause, and that in the absence of sudh labor control clause it is difficult to appreciate the right of the Federal Government to act thereon. The proposed action appears to be in harmony with General Order #13, and the Dupont Company appears to be free Iran the limitations imposed by the said law, under the opinion of James J. Mayes, Acting Judge Advocate-General, dated June 19, 1918. Very truly yours, JOHN O. JONES, Ordnance District Chief. A CARCON COPY UF ALL LETTER?, WILL BE APPRECIATED taymbOOMIMINI. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a 1 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF' ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. BF:JD Jr September 13, 1918 —ffePV143MYTT TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION IN REPLYING REFER TO: NO. ATTENTION OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis From Ordnance District Chief, Philadelphia, Pa. To B. H. Gitchell, Major, Ordnance, N. A. Chief, Industrial Service Secticn, Ordnance Department, Tashington, D. C. Subject Employment of Women at Brandywine Plant of du Pont de Nemour6 Company. In further reply to your letter 230._6 in 3542 respect to the above entitled subject matter dated August 26, please note the following. 1. This office thoup:ht it was desirable to 2. forward this report without further awaiting your expected arrival at this office, as some two weeks have elapsed since your intimation that you would shortly visit here. 3. Enclosed please find the following for your more convenient and full understanding of the history of this matter from the beginning to even date herewith. (a) Copy of report, dated August 15, 1918 heretofore in this matter forwarded to you, (b) Copies of letters received since August 15th from E. I. du Pont de Xemours er Co. and of letters forwarded to it by this office, concerning which you will please note, by letter of the du Pont de Nemours Company dated Septenber 5, 1918, a formal a_ci:lication, pursuant to your expressed request for exemption from the State law in respect to women working subsequent to 10 P.M., althoucb employed in the E4lecoil..1 shift and not employed in the technical night i:149 . 4/1,18 I. rti V/14. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. EF:JD Jr 9/13/18 BPvg-IS Sheet +2 TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION IN REPLYING REFER TO: NO. ATTENTION OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis To B. H. Gitchell, Maj. Ord. N.A. 4. Also enclosed please find copy of letter dated August 27th from R. H. Hawkins, Contract Section, Ordnance Department U.S.A., which is to the effect that there is no clause in the contract which specifically refers to the employment of labor. 5. Your attention is cared to the fact that In view of the opinion of James J. Mayes, Actinp, Judge Advocate General, dated June 16, 1918 to the effect that contractors engaged on cost plus and fixed price contracts for the United States are under no legal obligation to comply with the laws of the State in which the plant of the contractor is located in respect to hours of labor of employees and classes of persons who may be employed, and in view of the further fact that there exists in the du Pont de Nemours contract under discussion no labor control clause, it is diffiault for this office to determine upon what ground it has jurisdiction in the premises, and therefore sublAts the foregoing and the enclosed papers for such action as you may recommend upon the du Pont de Nemours Compuly's request, which seems to be, in all respects, within and harmonious with General Order No. 13. JOHN C. JONES, Ordnance District Chief By JOHN DICKEY, Jr Industrial Engineer. E. I. DulONT DENEKOURS & COMP.ITY September 12, 1918. Wilington, Delaware Our File OH-3BB Mr. John C. Jones, District Chief, Ordnance Department, 1710 Market St., Philadellhia Pa. (Att. Ia.. John Dicey, Jr.) Dear air: FEMALE LABOR AT DUPONT'S BRANDYV;INE RaPERENCE: Our letter September 5, 1918. We are in receipt of the following letter from Miss M. Edna Palmer, Female Labor Inspector for the State of Delaware:"We have been advised by the Production Division of the Ordn•mce Dept. to permit no violations of the State Labor Laws in order to fulfil.L ordnance contracts, unless the :,ecretary of i;ar demand the same. We have failed to receive any cotmunication from the Secretary of War in regard to the employment of women at night at the Brandywine Ballistite Works, and will ask that after October 1st, 1918, you comply in full with the Ten ,Hour Law for Female Employees. Yours truly, (Signed) M. Edna Palmer, Ten Hour Law Insi,ector." Will you please endeavor to obtain a re.luest from the Secretary of War that we be permitted to employ a second shift of women as outlined .- )eptember 5, 1918. This re.luest should be forwarded to the in our letter of : "Ten Hour Law Ins-ector of the ---,tate of Delaware, 491 du Pont Building, Wilmington, Delaware." From Aids& Palmer's letter we infer that we have the permission to go ahead as we are during the month of September but shall have to desist, commencing October 1st, unless further permission is granted. As you have already been made aware, unless this permit is granted, it will seriously interfere with the production of the "Liven's Trench Mortar ProlallentL" and the "3" Ltokes Mortar Propellents", for which the Ordnance Dept. have urgent need and upon the loading and assembling of which our fern le force is employed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Your earnest endeavor to obtainfbr us the desired permit will be greatfully appreciated by, Yours very truly, E. I. DU POET DE NEUOUlit u C0.1_,NY , (Signed) Ed. H. Ford General Supreintendent. EHF:LLS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tati, of Briatuarr 'Pji. kic) iqour Qarn 3tuiprrtur 40-4tiara 491 buront Iujthtn ilittington. Delaware 01. etta latmr Illitspertur Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r) e ; COPY STATE OF DELAWARE TEN HOUR LAW INSPECTOR 491 DuPont Bldg. Wilmington,Del. August 29, 1918. M. EDNA PALMER Inspector Miss Louise Cornell, Production Ditision, Ordnance Department, 1710 Market St., Philadelphia, Penn, My dear Wise Cornell:We are moat anxious to learn the result of your communication with Washington in regard to the E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.'s request for exemption from the Delaware Ten Hour Law. As stated in my letters of August 6 and 16, we are overlooking the half hour overtite work they are doing at night until we hear from you. On account of an exm. plosion which took place in a black powder mill at Hagely Yard, which caused some damage to the buildings in which the women are employed, they have not been running the night shift this week, but expect to continue tne night work until October 1 in order to fill their contract. Mr. Rogers Wilson of the DuPont Co. informed me agat today they have received no reply as yet from Mr. R. Jones of the Ordnance Department. Thanking you for an early reply, I am Sincerely yours, (Signed) MEP/MEP Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. EDNA PALMER ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ORDNANCE DISTRICT CHIEF 1710 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIVISION TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENT IN REPLYING REFER TO: LIdG/JD NO. ATTENTION OF August 29, 1918. Prom John C. Janes, District Chief, Dist, Ord, Production Division To B. H. Gitchell, Major Chief Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department. 6th and B Sts., Washington, D. C. Subject: Enforcement of State Labor Laws on Government Contracts. Your letter of the 26th, respecting the above sub1. ject matter, received and noted. 2. This office has not as yet received from Major C. B. Peters, Explosives Section, Procurement Division, Washington, D. C., excerpts of contracts made with the Du Pont Company, which were requested of him under date of August 7, 1918, so that this office would be informed whether jurisdiction exA second request to like effect goes forward this isted. evening. Letter will be addressed to the Du Pont Company 3. this p.m., as per your suggestion. John C. Jones, District Chief, A CAP.BON CUPY ALL LETTERS MLA_ BE APPRECIATED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ohn,Dickey, Jr. Industrial 14 1.g1neer. , ••••••••, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MCA/eo ONDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION. August 26, 1918. Memorarlaum Major B. h. Gitchell, Chief Industrial Service Sectian. Ordnance Office. • 3ubject District Ordnance 2roduction Officd, 1710 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Attention of Yr. Jones. Enforcement of State Labor laws on Government contracts. I. In connection with the attached file, you would be inte_.e:ted to know: First: That the War Labor Policy Board has recently there will soon be inserted a clause in all Government decided that contracts requiring the observance of the State labor laws of the states in which the contractors are lccated, nd designing the State Department of Labor as the agents of the Secretary of Iiar in the enforcement of this provision of the contract. Second: It is now .,nd has been the policy that all requests from contractors for exemption rrom the provisions of the state law should be made by the secretary of War and he has required all departments to investigate these matters thoroarrhly so that we could certify to hm the specific character of the emergency and the increased productiot which can be secured •by reason of the exemption desired. Third: That the Secretary's office has now provided the these matters shall be reviewed before being presented to himf for 'action by the Women in Industry Service of the Department of Labor this service being headed by lass. Mary Van ideeck. The preliminary investigations in these matters are supposed to be conducted by the representatives of this 'jcomen's Branch, with the cooperation of the Production ()Misers direct31 interested. 2._ This specific matter having now been held for e little over a month since it WFS taken up, it is suggested that it now be ascertained whether or not the exemption from the state law neede' beyond the month of September,and if so that the ren,zest be amend and reconsidered. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ If I can get 11::7 rtavp.rtagoac r:At be ric-ht it 'edne:71F1p7, I think this :e c7er. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '77- Order c7 the Chief of Granrce. -,1 0rU.S..., TT o b.) service Orarr-e • WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE OFFICE PRODUCTION DIVISION PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT 1710 MARKET STREET BF:JD Jr PHILADELPHIA August 15, 1918 REFER ro Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis From District Chief of Ordnance, Production Division Philadelphia, Pa. To B. H. Gitchell, Major, Ordnance, N. A. Chief, Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, Washington, D. C. Subject Employment of Women at Brandywine Plant of du Pont de Nemours Company. Your letter 230.6/3087, in respect to above 1. entitled subject matter, dated August 9, has been received and noted. 2. This matter was first called to the attention of this office by Miss Louise Cornell, Industrial Service Section, Woman in Industry Branch, Philadelphia District. Reference is hereby made to the hereto attach3. ed papers, which are copies of letters and/or reports of (a) Miss Cornell (b) E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (c) Miss Idabelle Stevenson, Industrial Service Section, Woman in Industry Branch, Philadelphia District (d) John Dickey, Jr., Industrial En-ineer, of this office, and (e) Letters addressed to Maj. C. B. Peters, Explosive Section, Procurement Division, Washington, D. C. to which your attention is invited, and the perusal of which should give you a complete history of the subject matter of your letter to date, so far as this office is concerned, all of which, please, together with this Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sheet #2 To 8/15/18 B. H. Gitohell, Major, Ordnance, N. A. Chief, Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, Washington, D. C. letter, consider as a report pursuant to your request. 4. Until this office had received a reply to its letter addressed to Major C. B. Peters, it did not seem as if this could, or should, take jurisdiction of this matter, or otherwise proceed in the premises. JOHN C. JONES, ristrict Chief of Ordnance July 29, 1918. e Section, vic Ser l ria Idabelle Stevenson, Indust ct. tri Dis hia - omen's Branch, Philadelp FROM: TO: SUBJECT: 1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n's Branch, Ordnance Industrial Service Section, -oma Office, " ashinL;ton, D. C. . July 26, 1918. Visit to -ilmington, Delaware, P5OMS INTirtVI 1.7-1Z Delaware Labor Conmission Mr. Charles 'arner, Chairman tt I If Miss M. Ana Palmer, Inspector ft rt ft 1.11.1 Hagner, ment, DuPont :lompany Mr. E. H. Ford, Operating Depart y. pan P,ogers - ilson, DuPont Com ner considered the question In view of the fact that 7r. -ar ed exemption from the State of whether or not production demand t g requirement of the Governmen Law as the only menas of mootin ont DuP directly between the at the Du Pont Company to be one that representative of Inred Company and Ordnance, he prefer directly 71th DuPont represendustrial Service Section confer tatives. a pressing case and time was a Mr.'arnor stated that it was ld withhold all action until real consideration. Said he wou department. Decided to let reconnendation had come from our core directly from the DuPont formal request for exemption ce. of Philadelphia District Ordnan Company to 1,1r. Jones, Chief m who nrtment, DuPont Company, fro Yr. DeBlois of Engineering Dep Mr. h wit red fer con er, out of toan, request had cone to Mr. arn ers Rog . -r and rating Department, E. H. Ford, Superintendent Ope -ilsan. y, not for temporary exemption onl .1r. Ford says they are asking nt at pla g din loa months. At the bagmore than six reeks or two small g din loa non been employing 150 -:To se Hagley Yard, Company has The s. tar mor ite fuses in trench ch lun bags with ballistite to ign for r hou f hal h to 3.30 P. M., wit 7:omen \cork from 7 A. hour reek. morning and afternoon - 48 and ton minute rest period n steady per hour. Workers have bee Are paid from 27i to 35i buildin e vic ser ed ory. Have provid and production satis nct cessful has suc t mos t charge of employmen for v,omen and woman in s training. an assistant with nurse' July 29,1918. Visit to •,ilmington Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ▪ 2 NM Recently the Ordnance Department has placed ardor with them, an experiment, in filling pyrolino rings with mixture of powder, Those rings are to be used to eject gas bombs. Government wants 12,000 delivered by August 1st. This is out of question as component parts have If the use of these rings proves not arrived. successful and Du Pont Commk.. finds it can furexpects, they will innigh what the Govt. crease equipment and make necessary Changes. While experimenting can use equipment in bag loading plant in Hagley. To do this and keep up production on thy Ballistite rings, they plan to employ shift of about fifty women to work from 4 Pak., to 11 or 11.0 with half hour for lunch. At present all employees are brought to plant in auto buses. Takes 55 minutes to drive from Vilmington to Hagley. This moans that bus mast leave Wilmington at about 6 A.M., and in order to meet this bus women must leave their homes about five o'clock. If starting hour were changed to six o'clock wAmon would have to leave their homes at four o'clock. It is their intention. to take the smaller numberit women who will work on the ni4ht shift directly to their homes or to within a vury noar point. If plan is a success, Company will increase plant capacity and place all women on samo day shift. Gannet put 11:1.) temporary structure, as it is aEainst their safety standard at the Black Powder Plant, the hazard being too great to work in structure unless perfectly equipped. Half hour interval necessary between shifts change material. ,greed betake ul) natter wit]. Production Division at -Jashinton, tJ soe how vital immediate delivery of work is to Ordnance. Advised Mr. Ford to write Mr. Jones, and present request formally. Mr. Ford said they had made plans to put women an night shift this week, as Mr. Warner had notified them that unless they heard from him to the contrary ,bis would be satisfactory to him. Explained that we htd no authority beyond advisory at the present status July 29,1918. Visit to Wilminjton Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 of rituation, Mr. Ford phoned Mr. Warner and it was doc5ded that matters stand as they were until we mado our report to the Labor Commission. ID1.13.11;T,LE STrarITSOli 7:omen's Branch. All communications should be accompanied by carbon copy and addressed to WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE To insure pronzpt attention, in replying refer to 2V GDC/cc PROCUREMENT DIVISION P5864-831E No. 212531-2269TW WASHINGTON Attention of Lt. G.D. Crittenberger 03-68' Explosives. To: Mrs. L. B. .iantoul, ,omen's Branch, Industrial ,ervice Section. From: Major C. B. __eters, ..x.plosives Section, Procurement Division. Jubject: 'emale liaor at Duiont's Brandywine Plant. In reply to your inquiry with reference to female 1. labor at night at the Du.eont 13randywine plant, and their application for e:_emption from law ,irohibiting same, wish to advise you that their plant is engaged on the following contracts which demand night labor for women: Air Ord 212531-2L68TW for the loading of (a) 62,600 _Avens 2rojectors. uontractor is to funaih containers and pasteboard boxes for shipment of same and is to load and projectors and to mitably pack boxes and ship projectors. 12,600 were to be completed by August 1 and the remainder by Jeptember 1, 1918. The DuPont Company has advised this Office that all of the loading, assembling and packing was done by female labor. This contract was one of extre.le urgency a/Y required night work. War Ord 26864-831E for loading 6,858,530 (b) rings for 3" Trench Lortar shell. 1,000,000 of these rings were to be delivered during May 1918, and the remainder at the rate of 1,150,000 each month thereafter, ending Dec. 1, 1918. The Contractor is to sup ,ly all thread, solder, -Lnd labor of loading, sewing and packing in containers, Oind it is understood that this work is being done by womeD, and the urgency of the work requires night work. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .±DCPLO.sI VE J I ON (n.T1.1)7C_RR) idajor, Or N.A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COPY State of , elaware TEN HOUR LAW INSPECTOR 491 duPont Building Wilmington, Delaware. July 23,1918. M. Edna Palmer Inspector Miss Louise Cornell Women's Branch, Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, 1710 market Street, Philadelphia, Penna. dear 2.4", ss Cornell4 I am enclosing a copy of a letter which we received from the duPont de Nemours Co. requesting permission to work women until 12 P.11. at their Brandywine plant in order to fulfill a contract for the Ordnance Department. I inspected this plant last week and the conditions under which the women work are excellent. Their work consists in marking, filling, sawinr, inspecting, and ackinc, small bilk bars filled with a mixture of s..iokeless powder and nitro-glycerine, which are used to ignite the fuse in trench morta:! guns. At present they are employing about 125 women. e have been told thft the Shipment of these mortar guns has been held up because these bags were not ready. If it is necessary that a second shift be run at this plant we are willing to grant this favor for a period of 60 days, however unless it is absolutely necessary we do not want to start a predederlt of this kind. I feel satisfied that this night work would be carried on at this plant in the proper way, but it would hold us open to requests of similar nature from other plants where the conditions are not so favorable. The Company has planned to provide the proper moral supervision and to take the women home in their buses, and in case we do grant this request, it is my thought to specify a certain age limit for the women who would be permitted to work on the night shift. We would like to have your opinion on this matter before we give e would appreciate an early reply as the our reply to the duPont (20. duPont Co. are anxious to have our decision by the end of this week. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly, * I ••••.../ (signed) :a. EDVA PALER ZEN HOUR LAV, INSPECTOR C.,1Y July 22,1916. File 20-117-LLD PE2OCLIA,L • Una .VIN 1.10.2r2.14:1 COlaratICT OF L113021 rviewed Lr. Confirming L,aturday's conversation I inte ission, on thi:„ Comm Labor Charles ';.arner, Cbairran of the I)elaware on had no issi Comm lie seem.; to think that while the sul:.ct. could still overlook the legal authority to waive the statute, they — 1:ationvl emergenc,. slight deviations made necessary by the er matt would bring the r,:quested me to .rite him, stating that he there if o.vise us at once before the board meetinps today and would stated that we should not h time kt the same were any objections. ati, that no exception to the look for a reply from him, thus indic it would not be advisable Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis