The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A, R.0 (,)1t-61) werL 11WWWIWOMININNOW-111 1 AuL ust 29, 1918. My de r Mrs. hantoul: latter Your letter of Augut 15th eacL)eink. in the „ii,trter- from Mis.9 Hewes referrink to conditiot. m.i.F2ter's Department h1.6 bean refc,rr, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 743p,rtrient. the UhicA t, J. He hita reprted that he has written F,Jaenwaid F-Linci,..t.t Weii, tJ AJce their '7,wrl inve6tigations Ind report 19 Of 4cL,,ne wi t.) him. Lhuir b yth any fr),ii. Mr. Lc:- ne bve ,147,1in ,L1 be Inftra When to report tD Vary- touly y.-)ur Seeret _ry t ) miss V al Kieeck. PInt,u_, .rl.luEtria,i Service Section, De,ArtnenL, ishinf ton, C. b. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis August 230.14 IR OE btfl Lib. Acting Qairtormaater General. s ' ry sortie Ass Nary Via irliek, Director, i,oman in Indust D.C. gton, U. S. Department of Labor, 4ashili Complaints. I hews your letter of August 2004 enclosin 1. o letter from lass Air Rawoo with complaints against Chicag growo, Chicag of bcth Well, & wald licsen Raincoat Company Oisd ing out of the alleged unjustifiable dischrirge of employees. I have written these oompanies, stating our at2. titude in such cases, asking them to make their ova investiIf gation sad rer.ort their findings and action takes' to MI6 !acts the haws will there is still something to be done wo investigated an6 C-te T)ropor orders gives* I will Inform yol, of the option ta- en in both 1114. thaw, ens**. By authority of the Acting uarter-laster Gereral. Industrial Relations Branch, Clothing & Enuipage Division, Bn J}'$ VC Address reply ts (WARTERMASTER GEIIERAL Washington, D. C. WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON. hs rsaantr Refer to File No.__ August 26th, 1918. 230.14 IR CE No: From: Acting Quartermaster General. To: Miss Mary Van Ileek, Director, U. S. Department of Labor, Subject: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oman in Industry Service, Washington, D.C. Complaints. I have your letter of August 20th, enclosing 1. Amy Hewes with complaints against Chicago from Miss letter Rosenwald & Well, both of Chicago, growand Company Raincoat ing out of the alleged unjustifiable discharge of employees. I have written these companies, stating our at2. titude in such cases, asking them to make their own investigation and report their findings and action taken to me. If there is still something to be done we will have the facts investigated and the proper orders given. I will inform you of the action taken in both 3. these cases. By authority of the Acting Quartermaster General. Industrial Relations Branch, Clothing & Equipage Division, By: JIZI: VC ,.. L. 3. Rftntonl, A3t. -ervice bection ry VenK1c, Lirector, No2.-11 in Intatry Service 4At.,,JA.4 froc Huebeet, z>u, -rvi.;z,r in Jr -on InJtvA;i1 e.rvice Section Thl fvfl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Irfove a tter iE roferrel to Ar. J. R. tItIrterovItater's iiepztrtmmt. ir. J. h. acl.,cne, itom 97, 1E1.) virO.niv; Alvnue, C. tinitor4, .. *0,-:nes _row 11.1 Amy 311-rhuS,h. ;),Ben referrl to mP :))! the Amomnt? 1.1.rt,mnt. Will it fir.-rtl5Pnt to t'tIc 1 . 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e C. , 0 •, ror Dtc if ?o, i tAild ..ct1;..m in the,, ,!tion to Ich-A. h Den :one. Your!i Li KU (K, Wom.n in 1.:try Service AU communications should be accompanied by carbon copy and addressed to WAR DEPARTMENT To insure prompt attention, in replying refer to OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE PRODUCTION DIVISION WASHINGTON No. _____ Attention of August 15, 1918 03-584 Miss Mary Van neeck, Director Women in Industry Service Department of Labor Washington, D.C. My dear Hiss Van :leech: et. I am enclosing herewith tt+4a-letter from Miss Hewes which refers to conditions in the Quartrmaster's De -artment. VJII1 you take whatever action you consider necessary on this? I shall be glad if you will let me know what has been done in the matter, so that I ma:- report to Miss Hewes. By order of the Chief of Ordnance. sincerely yours, LOI$ B. R.liT.TOUL Asst. Director, Women's Branch Industrial Service Section L3H/afl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis War Department Ordnance District uffice InduEtrial Service Section l5 Eat Suprior St. Chieeo, August ic, 1918. 'airs. Lois B. Rantoul, Women's Branch, industrial Service Section, Ordnance Office, 6th and B Sts. N.W., Washington, D.C. My dear ;Ars. Rantoul: it is possible you may wish to refer to the proper authorities in the Quartermaeter's Department the following cases: Nick Latoski called at this office on SeturdL,y, August 13th. He stated that he had just been firPd by his foreman named Chapman, at the Chicago Rain-Coat Co. ne sewed in sleeves on a.Government contract at the rates. of 2 1/2c. A girl on the same job received only 2c He told the girl she should get the same rate. After a conversation with her the foreman gave him his hat and told him to go home. Latoski asked if -rly one was sick at his house but the foreman said "Ne. We don't need you any more. Your work is not satisfactory." Latoski knew this was not the reason as he had been a tailor for ten yeers .2,nd had been on the special job for six years. Chapman finally said "You talked to that girl too much." MiSS Fisk referred him to the Quartermaster's Department, 233 East Ohio St. Fannie Tolschinsky, 1539 Sawyer Avenue, Rockwell 5294, called at the office of the Women's Branch AuguEt 12th. She had been employed to sew taps on at hosenwald and Well, for six months. She said this war work on a Government contract. Several days ago her foreman, Maurice Braunstein, told her her work was not go-d. This surprised her but she said she would try to make it better. On Thursday, August 8, at 4:T) o'clock, he made very insulting remarks in the presence of other workers. She was overcome with shame z..nd left immediately. "A very smart man" whom she knows in the shop told her to come to this office. She feels the injustice very keenly and thinks the matter should be investigated and kaurice Braunstein Tevented from making other girls feel ashamed as he did her. Before going to Rosenwald and Weil, kiss Tolschinsky worked for four years at Strauss Bros. 1027 Van Buren St. She is 19 years old and very small for her age. She speaks English haltingly ,..nd has a quiet and retiring manner. She has two sisters who work and a father who is too old. kiss Tolschinsky needs another position right away and is almost equally interested in havining the foreman reprimanded. The case wer referred to the komen's Trade Union League. fours very sincerely, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Amy 'ewes Supervisor in Women's Branch industrial bervice Section. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF:r ,drTh nc, 71.t3fri.:st in:u,tri L 1" _ :u u t . D. R-Lntoul, 5r , n(h, inutrii.otTvice St. N.W., 8th ri Or-i' nee jf - r di. . R atoul: it i .ut.n.:.ritiz in the ,u•.,rt,:-rm. th.t f.0 i.h th taer - thi-• offict.- on 3, tur - y, AuLuz,t 1Dth. t the .)y n •:;71tr.ct t ta,a t-oii the 7).1y 2( ,f • C.:72V•;"" Li n -itn n:r f;J . forYn if ny !ii 6.76 him rour y u ny ni . •. lb at hi c trz-. ri. r• LrI ti tif..cLry. is not for &ix yr-. 'poen a tilor for t,?ri tO th t in1 trt: Lottio St. ni to the Nick .+* ju t Tolschincky, Roc<o-ell 54, r5 been eff.'., nch Au,:u t l'th. S the office of at tn Ii,',r ,iy I)nths. She sAi 1DTP1 tJ 1 y Govrn-ix-nt ccntr-ct. Lo vor'-c n_t o : :his :ur ri .e.:1 her out he sr un ,tain, tol acr : t T-kt.. it Ihur - '•y, 44utt 8, A 4:-') o'clocK, .411- Toulq try :-Jho thJf °Ulu* he m, e very in -u'tint r.m , .1-1 left i LAy. "A very Env,rt i7=.101 whol the JvPrcoxP. • ith 212,;m. officff. Stw, feel:- the injuitice v ry in the Filo Aaurice 3rLun:tein Keenly n thinku De inve3fited m,tter reventt; frolL Kinc feel —hlmed %. he -lid hf2r. 33fQre to Ro,-n% pn neiL, To1.chicywore1 for four yearb t StrLuse irr,s. 1 327 :L' sn - very zsval for her -ge. 3ur6n St. Shf, JP lc? ,.nner. She af. luiet ftmlrtirin Shcnlih hdting1y„Arl ha,s tvo (- i.terf.. who work AisE n( f thc,r too :J11. in ,.way int5r, E sted ri e,u5.11y .n thr . ition riLht s pe• r..-fErrt4 t- th hfrte-nIE Trftie Unicn th( Tht7. 13ur -1 v?.ry Ay LA4 , rvisor in Xormoa'.-r inch )ervice ktcti n. ,