The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i INDUSTRIAL WELFARE COMMISSION STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING P. J. McBRIDE, Chairman CHARLES HAMLIN MRS. A. C. MITCHELL TOPEKA October 31st, 8. 9 1 1 LINNA E. BRESETTE, Secretary Miss Mary Van Kleeck, Director, Women in Industry Service, Department of Labor Washington, D. C. My dear Miss Van Kleeck:— 7e will give attention to the launJry at Camp Fun9ton at a very early date and will !ake a report to you. I wrote the Y. T. workers at Fun3ton that I had heard from you and they are very happy that we will be able to relieve the condition of the women workers there. Sincerely yours I 'y. Industrial Commission. LB/A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WAR DEPARTMENT RAYMOND B. FOSDICK CHAIRMAN LEE F. HANMER THOMAS J. HOWELLS JOSEPH LEE MALCOLM L. MCBRIDE JOHN R. MOTT CHARLES P. NEILL BRIG. GEN. P. E. PIERCE U. S. A. JOSEPH E. RAYCROFT ELIOT WADSWORTH NOV 5 - A.M. COMMISSION ON TRAINING CAMP ACTIVITIES WASHINGTON October 31, 1918. W. PRENTICE SANGER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1:ary Van Kleock, Woman in Industry Service, Department of Labor. , - iashington, D.C. 1.7y dear Miss Van Kleeck: Thank you for :;our letter and enclosure relatin to Canm Punston. I am as you know much interested and shall be glad to have the result of Miss Bresette's inspection when completed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) /7— Sincerely y trs, Chairnan. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 28, 1918. Miss Linna E. Bresette, Secretary Iniustrial Welfare Commission, State Canitol Building, Topeka, Kansas. Ay dear Miss Bresette: laity Your letter regarding the hours of ; woqers AatCamp Funsto comas at an opportune time as we hake been connrr pg w th the Comvission on Training Cam Activities regarling the possibility of a more adequate sivervision by the War Denartliant. I m referring to Mr. Foglia thi information Which you sent. Mean4lile we should be very glarl to puma yau make a ccunleto intnection of the launiry, especially with a view to makenganonsteutiteveugegstions which may be useful to the commanding officer. A cony sent to this office will be brought to the attention of the War Denartment and will be of assistance in dealing with similar problems in other camps, Sincerely yours, MVK/ALL Mary Van Kleeck, Director oman in Iniustry Service. INDUSTRIAL WELFARE COMMISSION STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING P. J. McBRIDE, Chairman CHARLES HAMLIN MRS. A. C. MITCHELL October 21st, 8. 9 1 1 TOPEKA LINNA E. BRESETTE, Secretary Miss Mary Van Kleek, Director, Women in Industry Service, U. S. Department of Labor, washington, D. C. My Subject: Hours of Laundry Workers at Camp Funaton. dear Miss Van Kleek:I know you will be interested in a copy of the letter which I am enclosing to you from a woman employed in the laundry at Camp Funston. I have had a number of similar complaints, not only from the women at Funston in iggard to their work, but from the Y. W. workers at Funston, who have complained that the women are worked long hours in the laundry at the Camp. You will understand, of course, that we have no jurisdiction over this. I have made an investigation there on one or two occasions but have always come away feeling that I had not been able to accomplish anything so far as the hours were concerned, and as the Officer incharge has made the statement that,"There are no hours for anyone in “Tar time". I am very well received over there and would like very much to send you a complete inspection from the laundry if it will help to remedy conditions there. Best wishes to you, I am Sincerely yours, k ) cly. Industrial Telfare Commission. LB/A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Army City, K3n338, Sept. 25th, 1918. Yr. Arthur Capper, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Governor: 1 am writing you in regard to the Kansas labor law. Do we have a law in Kansas in regard to eight hour per day labor for women? If so would you please advise me of such. I have been working for a living in the Camp Funaton laundry, and since August 5th the laundry has run every day except onq Sunday and I have missed work only 2 days since August 5th and I have never worked less than10 hours per day, except 2 days, and from that up to 13 hours several days. Last Saturday I worked 8 hours and wanted off but the manager wanted me to work ten hours, but I went home, and because of it, he will not let me work there any more. Is this right? Women cannot work so many hours and work every day. Would you please write a letter to me that I may giire it to my employer? My work has been satisfactory, and this is the only cause for my being turned off. Mir Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Yay I please hear from you? Yours respectfully, (Signed) Mies Lena Whitehead, Army City, Kansas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 28, 1918. Mr. Raymonl B. Fosdick, Chairman Coalmission on Training Camp Activitiez, lent, 19th and G Streets, War De-art, Washington, D.C. My dear Mr. Fosliok: We have just received the nclosed letter from Miss Linna E. Bresette, Secretary of the Inclustrial Welfare Commission of Kansas, senling a copy of a letter from a laundry worker at Camp Funston. I an sure that you would wish these facts to be brought to your attention. I am replying to Miss Bresette that we should be glad to have her make tia inspection of the laundry to .11.ich she refers and to send her recommendations so that they may be taken up at once with your office. Sincerely yours, Eric.2 MITK/ALL Mary Van Kleeok, Director Warlan in Industry service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis imam xi INDUSTRY SRRVICE August 1, 1918. MIT dear Mr. leediekt s are much concerned over the conditions affectwoiLon onr.loyed n the cantonments, and I air writinl to offer you our co-operation in deLllinrf wit.' this subject. Miss Denman writer; we that she is now preparinc.; a report. 01 tocr,mther e.s soon Would if be feasibll And desirable to 0, lz possible the original committee appointed 137 you to work out a plan so that we may be prepared to take prorpt action? It is rrobable that the organizatior of a Vomen's Army Auxiliary Corps would take a good deal of time, and it has seemed to me that we mi7ht in thn m3Ftrttme make eur that the conditiors were s.fn!,uarded in some other way. We are at your service it we can assintnthe Commission in this matter. Si.loerel7 7curr,„ Director, Women in Incka!ry Service. Kr. Raymond B. Fosdick, Chairman, Comis3ion on Trainin3 Carr Activities, War Departrmnt, 1Jth anl G Streets, WashinT,ton, D. C. 1111ftwo.pp WAR DEPARTMENT RAYMOND B. FOSDICK CHAIRMAN LEE F. HANMER THOMAS J. HOWELLS JOSEPH LEE MALCOLM L. MCBRIDE JOHN R. MOTT CHARLES P. NEILL BRIG. GEN. P. E. PIERCE, U. S. A. JOSEPH E. RAYCROFT COMMISSION ON TRAINING CAMP ACTIVITIES WASH INGTON W. PRENTICE SANGER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY July 30th Ill 1 i //////' LIy Lear Miss Van Eleock, Your letter to Lr. Ilichols has come into my hands, - idhols is no l'ngrer with the Commission and the ComZ as over mittee's report on women in training camps has been turned to me. I am just tack from Prance and England where I collected material in regard to the English Women's Army auxiliary Corps. At present I am writing a report on it for present to the Ijr. 2osdick to Secretary of War, and I should like very much to talk over with plans for starting such an organization in this country, as soon as I get my material in hand a little and have thought out clearly how it seems to me the scheme cir4A saipsow+t be adapted to OUT needs. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sincerely yours, 44. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Novenaber 1918. Mrs. Jens D. Rirrin, Director Section on Women Girls, CCLIVieSiail on TrP.ining Camp Activities, war,1-21ngt on, D.C. My Isar Mrs. Rirrin: The renort of' conditions at Camp Custer was specific. It cane to us through Mrs. Samuel B. E-.rilAs, Pxecutive Chaiman of the Department of 'nFr.en in I-.1•1-stry of the Woman's Committee and from the contazt ev13antly related to corylitions of emuloyment obtaining in the camp. Possibly lour report dealt with a different aspect of conditions tigare. I arn writing Mrs. Hurling asking her to rerort e.t once to you if she has further information. It rire anxious to Is to the corrlitions of sutrlo:uent thof.t lecrat,, prosentnoa gall6ttention esreoiRily, az th4re Is at -provision for surervision of the women in the °mos 's norrs, Sincerely yours, MVX/ALL Mrry Vii Klci, Director Wolian In inAustry Service. WAR DEPARTMENT COMMISSION ON TRAINING CAMP ACTIVITIES WASHINGTON LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVIEION SECTION ON WOMEN AND GIRLS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 25, 1918. rise rary Van Kleeck, Director, Women in Industry Service, Department of Labor, Washing/on, D.C. ry dear Visa Van Kleeck: Yr. Fosdick has called to my attention the fact that specific reports of bad conditions at Camp Custer have come to you. As this is one of the camps of -which we have a favorable report, I an, much interested to know what the conditions are of which you speak, in order that we may check up our report. Yours sincerely, / 1V 10 irector :H Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 30, 1918. Miss Jane Ri-orin, Dirnctor, baction on Women azid Girls, Co.nissio, on Training Camp Activities, Washingto,l, D. C. My dear Miss RippirL: wish to acknowledge your letter of October 25th to Miss Van Kleeck o4hi eh cams during her u,bse nee frol3 tile city for a feo: days. It 'Ain he br oaght to har attention upon her return. Very truly yours, LiP Secretary to MissVan Kleeck. COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE WASHINGTON WOMAN'S COMMITTEE September 21, 1918. 1814 N STREET NW Miss Mary Van Hleeck, 209 Southern Building, 15th and H Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C. My dear Miss Van Eleeck: At the Middle West Conference of the Departments of Women in Industry of the Woman's Committee, I was requested to call to your attention the conditions surrounding women workers in and in the neighborhood of camps and I was also asked to inquire of you under cantonments whose jurisdiction these women fall. It was reported at the Conference that conditions in Camp Custer are bad; also that women are doing night work at Camp Grant. Very truly yours, (Mrs. amuel B. Harding,) Executive Chairman, Department of Women in Industry. Miss Agnes Nestor, Chairman, Department of Women in Industry. H:C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis