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Arl•Apre Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis All commu_ .cations should ho accompanied by carbon col and addressed to WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE To insure prompt attention, in replying refer to PRODUCTION DIVISION WASHINGTON No. Attention of December 16, 1918. „ FroM: Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Industrial Service Section, Wiens Branch, Mrs. C. M. Taad._Direct_or. To; Woman in Industry Service, U. S. Department of Labor, OM•MIII• 3.1bject: REQUEST OF THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY, WATERBURY, FOR VARIATION IN THE STATE LAW RESPECTING THE EMPLOYMENT OF TOMEI. 1.1 am enclosing for your information a complete file of the data on file in this office in regard to the request of the American Brass Company, laterburLs_cpm., for variation of the State Law ArCYM.I.V.4,001,.. - rn. respecting the employment of lumen. , CLARA M. TEAD, DIRECTOR, OMENS BRANCH, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis December 16„ 19118. From: See. Office of the Chief Of Ordnance, incketrial Service Tee,s1, 4rIgtor. tion, 4omens To: Tully, U. 3. A. Office of the ,;ecretary of Major f. Tait State Alar and Navy Bldg., Washington, 3. C. 3ubjeet: RIQUZST OF THE AUSRICAN BRASS 00111PIAT, WATERBURY, CoN roa VARIATION IN THZ STATK LAW AMOTINO TNZ VPLAYiP,_ Or 10EN. 3. The attached papers on the above aibjeet are herewith re- urned to your office. 2. The matter was investigated by the 'omens Branch, Sergio* Section, Bridgeport office, with the results cited in Miss Dudley°,report of November 14, herewith attached. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLARA M. TAD, DIRY.CTOR, IVOMEN3 BRAM, INDUSTRIAL SsreRIICK 3XOTION oracle. o? 1E CII Of OIDNANIt. December 16, 1918, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Industrial Service Section, . T ad, 44reel kr, Weems ran on, RIM Te: lreman in Industry Service, J. ;. jepartneent of Labor, ROI hiarY Van Kkeeok. Arector. Subject: RICQUEST Or THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY, *AVABURY, ?OR 'VARIATION IN THE STATE LAW RESPECTING THE EMPLOYMF.NT OP' 10MXN. 1.1 am enclosing for your information a complete file of the data Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on file in this office in regard to the request of the American Brass Company, iaterbury o Conn., for variation of the State Law respecting the employment ef women. CLARA M. T:4;AD, DIRECTOR, WOMENS BRANCH, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION, ORAANia?>. OFFICle, OF THZ CHIL-',F --;---_!6 ORDNANC1 MARMON? Office of Ordnance District Chief 945 lain Street BRIDOMPORT. CONN. ,----- PRODUCTION DIVISION November 14, 1918. Prom: Mdith Dudley, Women's Branoh, Industrial 3ervioe 3ection Bridgeport District Ordnance Offlos. To: Mrs. Clara I. Toad, Women's Branch, Industrial Servioe Section, Offioe of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. O. 3ubjeot: Request of the Amerioan Brass Company, Materbury, Conn. for variation in the State Law respecting the employment of women. VIPIARY: An interview with VI*. 1. L. PrisMe, vice Fresident of the tmerican Braes Company, revealed the following facts:* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. That women were employed by the company five additional hours on Saturday afternoons from October 5. 1918, through November 2, 1918. 2. That both men and women objected to the increase in in hours. 3. That the proximity of unionised plants in Torrington, Conn., to the branch of the American Braes Company there made inadvisalle in the opinion of the company the employment of men and women more than 10 hours per day. 4. That, consequently, the company discontinued on NoveMber 9th, 1918, the employment on Saturday afternoons and intends to continue to employ men and women not more than 10 hours per dey and 55 hours per week. Therefore, the American Prase Company wishes to withdraw its request for variation in the state labor law affecting woman. 8. Wunder, Director, Tommie vranch, Industrial Service Section, Bridgeport District Ordnance by(Sivled17dithnudley Office. Ndith Dens, • 1 ORMANCA DAPAR"VOT Office of Ordnance District Chief 945 Main Street PRTDIRPORT, CONN. PROMOTION DIVISION November 14, 1918. Rdith Dudley, Women's Branch, Industrial 3ervice Section Bridgeport District Ordnanoe Office. To: Mrs. Clara N. Toad, /omen's Branch, Industrial Service 3eotion, vridgeport District Crdnanoe Office, subject: Request of the Amd4rioan Ames Company, Waterbury, Conn. for variation in the State Law respecting the employment of women. i. Reason for_Viskt, Request of Clara M. 'read, Director, ?omen's Branch, Industrial 3ervice Section. II. Peons kntervkewe4. 4r. A. L. Prisbie, Vice ' ,resident, American Prase Co.. Mr. 7udd, U. S. Itmploymont aervice, lwaterbury, III. Orpitnimitton, President: Charles P. Prooker Vies President: g. 1. 7Prisbie. kes't Secretary: V. 1. lates. The American Prase Company haa three plants in Waterbury Benedict and Burnham Branch, l'aterbury Trace Company, 'fttmrtury Brass loods Corporation. 1-. Contracts. The American Arase Company has 60 odd prime and secondary TY. S. government contracts for raw material and finished brass products. V. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Proi4uottla4 Mx. Tilliam Thompson, of the Carriare and Battmry Vehicle and Trench airfare 3eotion, v'ridmeport District, Ordnance, statei that the American rrase Compuny, is 25% behind in production on the majority of its contracts and 40i behind on a few, this larzely, in his opinion, to the shortage of common 1e)or in Taterbury which has been aggravated by the epidemic rf rrippe. P4 :\ t4 4 *2To: lire. C. I. Toad. Waterbury Press Co. to Visit Subje4l VI. Igittillnialtm.masakmutapantala: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. As the vice president stated that the oompany wished to withdraw its request for exemption, no inspection of the plant was made. 2. Xlmbers employed. A. Women. American Prase Company, 'Waterbury Prase Branch, 300 BOO venedict Purnham, including office employees. 3, /fours. Mr. Prisbie stated that from Ootober 5th throuiTh November 2nd, 1918, the mills and offices of the plant were open and that all employees including women and minors worked until five P.N. Saturday afternoons, making a no hour week, which is contrary to the ltate Labor Law regarding women and minors. Mr. litigable also stated that since October 5th, the company had reconSildered the question of addi. tional hours and decided to reduce the working hours to 55 per week. This °hinge was made, Mr. Friable stated, because the majorit., of the mon who are unorganized and the machiniiits' union had not received the increase in hours favorably and also beeause of the proximity of unionized plants and the company's plants in Ansonia, Conn. Por these reasons, Mr. Prisbie stated, the company had (Waded to withdraw its request for variation in the state law respecting employment of women and is not now employing women and minors more than 10 hours per day and 55 hours per week. Upon request Mr. Frisbie agreed to pgt this statement in writing. (See attacvied 3etter). Pudd, Director, TT. S. Itmployment 3ervioe, Waterbury, stated that the American Prase Company had found its 60 hour week unsatisfactory ecause the additional money earned was not sufficient to prevent the men from seeking employment at plants having a ha2f-ho1idav on Uturday. S. Wunder, lirector, Women's Prancl,,Ind,Istrial Servios Section, Bridgeport District Ordnance -.J_ .offioe by' Viith Dudley. v.. ;AO ?WS ANRRICATT TtR 483 CMS Air! VATIIRTTRY, OOTTN. vovember 13, 1918. liceldith Dudly, Ordnance DepArtment, rridgeport District, rridgeport, Connecticlit. 'Dear Madam: Referring to our conversation of this A.M. in regard to the request made by this lompany that we be allowed to employ women in or ftctoris's sixty hours per week, we would now say that this matter has ceased to be of interest to us, as we found that for various reasons ,practioalqe to operate our factories it did not seem to 1, on Saturday afternoons, as we had intended. As the matter stands at present, we are not operating our Mills on Saturday afternoons, consecuently, we cannot employ women and girls more than fifty-five hours per week, even though our request had been complied with. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I remain "ours truly, 'ICA PRIMIONT. y/c .AA NA' November 7, 191P vrom: To: Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Industrial 3ervice 3ection, WOMODS Pranch , lErs,C.M %_Tead, rArec1.014 Miss Susanne A. /Under , Fridreport %strict Ordnance Office, 945, lain 3t., Pridae-.)ort, Ct. Subjeot: trimIcAr vt9A9S empair 1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Attached herewith is memorandum on American Prase 'ullv in Company, also letter from %ajor F. regard to same. you please have a copy of the complete memorand ,ridreport, and redum made for your reference at' turn this copy to the Tashington ofice as soon 48 r)ossible. (Signed) Cara 70%4 MARA 311. TUB, DIHUTOR, TOM1 N3 PRAM, INDTTrRIAL 3lITIC3 31CTION, OrDIC1 0, Tnit (MTV OP ORDNANCN WILT1 roe urrIVINT If WTIVITON. November 4, 1918. Fro,: Tar Department, Major 7. '1% Tully. To: Ordnance Department, Industrial 3ervice leotion. Subject: Request of American Braes Company to employ women longer than fifty-41ve hours a week or on 3atIrday afternoons. am referring to you application for variation in the 3tate law respecting employment of women in Oonneotiout, so that pending the approval of the polioy menerally by the Council of National Defense ,,our Section, if desired, might make the investigation slIggested by the Woman in Industry ,iervice, copy of whose letter is attached hereto. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (lip:ned) ?W Taktlxi 7. T. Tully Major, Ord. ".S.A. Detailed tr) Office of leoretary October 19, 1918. IMMORANDIK 7C1: Major Tully, War Department MON: Miss Van KlePck,Direntor, wom an in Industry 3ervice. YrTIJTIT: Bequest of American Nra ss lompany to employ women longer than fifty-five hours a week or on 3atiirdav afternoons. The attached copy of a let ter from the tmerioan 71rass Company with a letter from the lovernor of Connectiw it to the company and a notice issued by the company to its office rs and employees were received by this office yesterday from the 3e0rotary of Labor, to whom the Frayne, Chairman of the Lab y have teen referred by Mr. gurh or Division of the War Ind ustries Board. You will note that acc ording to the Connecticut law Governor may modify the sta th• te lator laws on revuest of the cil of National 'Defense. The CounGovernor's statement in the att ed letter that he wishes ach such renlieRts to be lroad enough to apply to all producers of war materials in the state would by the way, to be ver seem, y unfortunate, and to indicate the necessit for action in particular oas es in Connecticut according to the procedure proposed in the war lip artment. It therefore seems to me the more important that this case should be handled acoording to te usual process and we are therefore referring it direct to 'o"r office without acting on it ourselves. As the matter is urgent, and the app lication has ',een considerably delayed through reference from one government depart ment to another, it is suggested that an immediate investigation be made by the women's 14ran ch of the Ordnance Department. In our telephone conversation today I suggested the rossiilitv of sending a represontative of the woman in Industry Service, )-lit I did not then realise that this mat ter had been so lonr? rftn4ina in the 'Yar Industries Board, and as it would be impossible for us to send a representative before "frolnesday, action 1.-y the local office of the Women's Branch in that district is suggested as insuring more prompt act ion. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1111111111111•11111111111111111MIF It should be said in advance that in accordance with the standards adopted on "riday last by the "far labor Policies board it in mandatory not to lengthen the working day beyond the period set ty the state law, and in view of the fact that a week of fifty-four hours is permitted in Connecticut and in view of the fact that fatimue appears to predispose to influenza, it will undoubtedly he contrary to wise regulation to permit tvle lemgthening of the hou.cs according to the request of this company. It is of course esirable, however, that a representative of the government should ccfar with the company about their methods of meeting this probaem. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mary Van Eleeck, Director Woman in Industry 3ervioe. VAR /N1IT8TR/118 BOARD WASHINGTON October 10, 1918. Mr. /high L. Kerwin, Director Labor Adjustments, Department of labor, Washington, D. C. )07 /Y AAA Dear Mr. Kerwin: I am herewith enclosing copy of letter from Mr. Charles F. Brooker, President, The American Brass Company of Taterb ury, Connecticut, and notice issued by them to vie employees, all of which you will find self-explanatory. May I suggest that you have this matter carefully investigate by the proper departments at the earliest possible moment. It in possible that this situation may be remedied by a li little readjustment without having to resort to the necessity of changing existing lator laws. I shall appreciate your giving this matter immedi ate attention because of its importance. Yours very truly, (Signed) uuffh vrayne Chairman labor Division, War Inlustrims PoIrd. :eferr ed to Women's Ilureau Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WB Oot 17-10 COPY ?WM• MAHICAN 'PROS COMPArr Ansonia Branoh Ansonia, Conn. Benedict /4- Burnham Branch laterbury, Conn. Office of the Buffalo Branch Kenosha Pranob ,.Kenosha, Wis. Puffalo, n.Y. Coe Prase Branch Waterbury rass Pran:lr, Watertilry, Conn. Torrington, Conn. Waterbury, Conn, October 4, 1918 Hon. Averett Morse, Chief, lq*ass lection, War Industries Board, Washington, D.C. My dear Mr. Mores: Our inability to aet sufficient common labor is interfering more and more with our produotion, and with the grip which is now prevalent, we are suffering in our endeavors more than we have heretofore. As an illustration, I round last niffht that 52? "f emplo7ees at Ansonia were out with the, grip or influents.. "rho case is becoming serious, and we have felt it necessary to serve the enclosed notice on our mmployee in the endeavor to get four hours per week out of our emr2oysee in addition to what we have been gettintr. There is a statute in this State which prevents the employment of women and minors more than 55 hours per week. we have consulted the labor Commissioner of this 3tate, and the movernor of the State, and I have received the enclosed letter from lovernor Holcomb on the subject. Have endeavored to get hold of Mr. lton in /ashington today to have him appeal to the National Council of Defense to make such ft request upon lovernor tlolcomb. As you will see, he recognizes the neoessity of it, and is quite willing to make the proclamation necessary under our Statutes. kis you are so much interested in this, will irou undertake to put the matter before the national Council of Defense, and renuest them, in the interest of manufacturers pensrally in Conneotiout, to ask aovernor tToloomb to avail himself of the privileges he has under our Statutes to have the law referred to suspended during the oontinuanoe of the war. Mr. Ward, of the Marlin Arms Co., New Maven, has circulated a petition to this effect which I have simed for our Company. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COPT Marcus R. Ifoloomt novernor. (SUL ) John Buckley Rxecutive Secretary. !rank O. Aood 7xecutive Clerk, State of Connecticut Rxecutive ChambEkre Hartford October 2, 1918 Dear Mr. Irooker: Your letter of ' 1,7th of leptember rec#ived. I have been away from the capitol considerably since Thursday adAreesing liberty Loan rallies, etc. which has been delayed replying to your letter, regarding the 1aturdav half holid-or. The control whiCh I might have over that is confined in Chapter 326 _Public Acts of 1917, of which the following is a copy: 300.1. The Governor is authorised to modify or suspend, by proclamation, the laws of this state relating to labor, for definite periods, during the present war between the United States and the (Inman !mire. He shall specify in such proclam.ttion the law or 14W6 to be modified or suspended and the Ileriod during , ..hich such modification or suspension shall be in force, and may continue ttle same for a further definite period or periods: provided, he shall exercise such power only upon request of the Council of National Defense, when essential to national defense. No such modification or suspension shall continue beyond the close of the war. 3ec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage.' You will note the provision-"provided he shall exercise such power only upon request of the Council of National Defense." Manifestly the products of your Company are vitally essential to national defense, and 7rol could easily ;-et a request to the lovernor from the Council of National Defense. I think such request should be broad enough to apply to all producers of war materials in the State. I will act at once when I receive the reonest of the Council of National Defense and prepare the proclamation indicated by the Statute. Very truly yo'irs, (Si gned) M. i. WOICOMP Mr. Charles P.Brooker, Prest., American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A I would send a petition direct to Tashington, if I knew to whom to send it, but there have been so many changes in the Councils, Boards, etc., that I really am at a loss to 7 -- e:c; know how to adiress it. t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly yours, (Signed) ORA3. r. 7111001M, rresident. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Corr To the Officers and Implores* of The American Prase Company The necessities of the Government and their demands upon our Company for material are becoming greater each day. Owing to our inability to obtain a frIfficient number of men And women to operate our mills to their full efficiency, we are unable to do what the Government might otherwise reasonably expeot of our Company. ml-.e situation is serious, and we should all feel like exertino. ourselves to the utmost to supplement the heroic efforts of' our boys in vrance on the firing line by oertributing in every way to insure a supply of necessary manitions for them. Nothing that we can do here will begin to equal their hardships and devotion to the C41400, And their loss of all home oomforts, even the supreme sacrifice Which they may be called upon to make, vurther than all this, neglect of duty, indifference about work, lack of interest, absence for any cause other than serious illness si,ould be avoided, in fact muoh tendencies will be made the subject of investiRation by the (overnment. In order to increase our produotion we must inarease the hours in whioh our mills are operated and should discontinue the present practice of losing four hours ever* iaturday afternoon. helying upon the patriotism of all to cheerfully adopt the change, we propose to begin Saturday, /14dctober 5th to run the Mills and keep our offices open for business from one o'clock P.M. until five o'clock. Our mills are now working almost altogether on lov* ernment orders directly and indirectly, and this contribution of effort we hope will be loyally and cheerfully made by all cnkults V. PROOK1R, rresident. Octeber 19, 1918. !KX)RANDUM FOR: Major Tully, War Deoarteen Aise Van Kleeck, Dir'ctor, Woman in Industry Service. SUBJFCT: Revest of ATerican BrassSoTgany to employ women longer than fifty-five hours a weal< or on Saturday afternoons. The attached copy of a letter frcer the AAerican Brass Company with n letter fro -, the Governor of Connecticut to the co pany and a notice issued bv the company t- it officer and employees were received by this office yesterday from the Secretary they have been referred by Mr. Huh Frayne, of Labor, to Chair,an of the Lahor Division of the Wer Industries Boare. You will note tat accordin: to the Connecticut law the Governor may modify the state lanor laws on request of tee Council of National Defenee. The Governor's stetement it the attaceed letter that he wishes such requests to be broad enoueh to a ply to all producers of war material in the state would see-, by the eey,to be Jerv unfortunate, awl to indicate t e necessity for action in particular cases in Connecticut accordir4: to the procedure roeosed in the Ter De arteent. It therefore seems to me the ore important tilat this ca3e should be handled accordin, to the usual orocess awe ,e are t-erefore referring it direct to your office without acting on it ourselves. As the matter is urgent, aria the applicaeion has been coneieera)1,51 delayed trrough reference from one eoverneent departent to anothr, it is seeiest,,d teat an ie, eaiate invest ution ea mace by the Wmen's Branch of the Ordnance Deviarteent. In our telephone conversation toeay I su66eiteu the possibility of senoine a rieresentative of the Woman in Industry Service, but I did not Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A -2- then realize that this matter had ben so long pending tn the War Industries Board, and as it would be ir-72ossible for us to send a repreentetive before Wednesday, action by the local office of the Wr.)!Delils 7 .,:anch in t at iiE!triot is su.i„listel as insuring more roTpt action. It should be said in advance tlat in a:cordance t by the Tar Laoor Policies Board it is mandatory not to lengthen the working day beyond the rio set by the state law, and ir view of the fact tlat a geek of fifty-tr4r hours 13 pernitted in Connecticut ana in vi,A of thz. . fact that f -Aitue arears to predispose to influenza, it gill unaubtedly be contrary to -Ose ret,41ation to pr it the lentAL ,,n.n, of the accordirg to the request of this coLiJany. It is of course aesiraole, howev ,r, t11,tt a repre,entuti e of the government shoull confer Nitr the co_lany about their metho'ls of &eatin this problem. *ith the standards adoptud on Fridn;y MV:IMPXary Vac Kleeck, Director Worsan in Industry Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WAR INDUTRIFS BOARD. Washington. October 10, 1918. Mr. Huh L. Kerwin, Director, Labor Adjustments, Department of Labor, Tashington, D. C. Dear Mr. Kerwin: I am herewith enclosing copy of letter from Mr. Charles F. Connecticut, Brcoker, President, The American Brass Company of Waterbury, find will you which and notice issued by them to the employees, all of self-explanatory. ted May I sukgest ti-Lat you have this matter carefully investi,a is It oment. possiblem iarlie-3t , the at by the proper departments readjustment possible that this situation may be remedi3d by a little labor laws. existing chanOng of necessity without havin to resort to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis becua33 I shall appreciate your isivInt, this matter immediate attention its importance. Yours very truly, (Signed) Hugh Frayne, Chairlian Tsabor Division, War Industries Board. To the Officers and Employees of The Amedcan Brass Company. .ies of the r!overnment and their demands upon our The necessi. Owing to our inability Bompany for material are beroming greater each day. e our mills to to obtain a sufficient number of Ten and wonen to operat ment might, their full efficienc',, we are unable to do what the Govern ion is s rious, and otherwise reasonably expect of our Comcany. The situat to supplement the ye should all feel 'Ike exerting ourselves to the utmost by contributing herioc ef=orts of our boys in France on the firing line ons for them. Nothing in every way to insure a supply oc necessary muniti and devotion to the that we can do here will begin to equal their hardships the suorela sacrifice which cause, and their loss of all home comforts, even they may be called upon to make. about work, Further than all this, neglect of duty, indiffarence serious illness should lack of interest, absence for any cause other than subject of investiga* the made be will be avoided, in fact such tendencies tion by the Ooverrrnent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis se the hours In order to increase our production we must increa t practice presen the tinue in which our mills are operated and should discon patriotthe upon g Relyin -,on. of losim four hours every Saturday aftern ay, Saturd begin tc e propos ism of all to cheerfully adopt the chane, we from ss busine for s open October 5th to run the Mills and keep our office k. o'cloc five until one o'clock P.M. Our mills are now working almost altogether on Government of effort we ho e orders directly and indirectly, and this contribution will be loyal.y and cheerfully mae by all. CHARLFS F. BROOKER. President. THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY. Office of the President. Waterbury, Conn. October 4, 1918. Hon. Everett Mores, Chief, Brass Section, War Industries Board, Washin, ton, D. C. My dear Mr. Mores: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n labbr is interfering Our inability to get sufficient commo with the trip epidemic which is more and more with our production, and dewiors more than '!Je have now prevalent, we are suffering in Wren last ni4„,ht that 52V of our leretofore. As an illustration, I found trip or influenza. The case is employees at Ansonia were out with the sary to serve the enclosed becominc, serious, and we have felt it neces to get four hours per week out notice on our employes, in the endeavor we have been p:etting. of our employe3s in addition to 'Nhat prevents the emplov,Eent There is a statute in this State which per week. We ha-re consulted the of women and minors more than 55 hours the eovernor of the State, and I labor Commissioner of this State, and Governor Holcomb on the subject. have received the enclosed letter from in Washington today to have him Have endeavored to get hold of Mr. Elton se to make such a request upon appeal to the National Council of Defen he reco nizes the necessity of it. . Governor Holcomb. As you will see, amation necessary un - er our Statutes. and is quite wi11in to make the procl will you undertake to As you are so much interested in this, nal Council of Defense, and request them, put the matter before the Natio generally in Connecticut, to asc Governor in the interest of manufacturers the privileges he has under our Statutes to Holcomb to avail hix.self of g the continuance of the war. have the law referred to suspended durin lated a Mr. Ward, of the Marlin Arms Co., New Haven, has circu ny. compa our d for petition to this effect which I have signe if I knew to whom I would send a petition direct to Washington, ils, Boards, Counc the es in to send it, but tiara have been so many chang how to addres it. Therefore, I etc., that I really am at a loss to know am a pealing to you. Very truly yours, (Signed) CHAS. F. BROOKER, President. (Seal) October 2, 1918. Dear Mr. Brooker: Your letter of 27th of September received. I have been away froT the capitol considerably since Thursday addressing Liberty Loan rallies, etc. whch has been delayed replying to your letter, reEarding the Saturday half. holiday. The control which I mi ,t have o7er that is confined ta in Chapter 326 Public Acts of 1917, of which the following is a cory: Sec. 1. The Governor is authorized to modify or suspend, by proclaration, the laws of this state relating to labor, for definite periods, during the present war between the United States and the ,erman Empire. He shall specify in such proclamation the law or lass to be modified or suspended and the period during which such triodification or suspension shall be in force, and may continue the same for a further definite period or periods: provided, he shall exercise such power only request of the Council of National Defense, shon essential to national defense. No such modification or slIspension shall continue beyond the close of the var. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage." You will note the provision, "provided he shall exercise such. power only upon request of the Council of National Defense." Manifestly the products of your Company are vitally essential to national defense, and you could easily Eet a request to the Governor from the Council of National Defense. I think such request should be broad enou h to apply to all producers of war materials in the State. I will act at once wen I receive the request of the Council of National Defense and prepare the proclamation indicated by the Statute. Very truly yours, (Signed) Mr. Charles F. Brooker, Prezt. American Bras - Co., Waterbury, Conn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. H. Holcomb.