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he) Hi' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  QYPtuCl\ie  cc'  Octomr Z5, 1-  Mesorandam. Kiss tau Ileeek  To:*  Agnes Peterson Rubject: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Application, Aetna Taplosives Co., Ina., Mount Union, permission to employ wows at night.  ft,r  1.  DA. of visit to plAut, Octaves 19th. Miss Anna Siebert, Pistil Supervisor, lionanes Division, Denlartment of Tabor, accompanied the representative of the Woman in Inlustry Service.  2.  torsons Interviewed: Mt. Timms Mr. I. P. Pipe Mrs. Carlin Mr. Lams Sejer Pains Kr. 26 eassiiy  3.  Superintenlent eftisty Engineer Assistant Assistant to Safety Ingineer Shop Foreman Imp1o7msm4 lein-ger U. L ampleyment Service.  Orsaalsation: Branch, Aetna lb:plosives ComnAny. 120 Bro-Awiy, Wow York City Pim* me operating on three elibit boor shIfts: rotating weekly, excepting mamma emlagyees on ems eat% only. A.  Muic.ber implored, 275!..);  aPro  %min ao em powder line 30 3afetaria, etc. 50  B.  Hearst germ Ma  A. L to 3 P. ii. 7 A. U. to 3 P. M. 3 P. K. to 11 P.M. 11 P. M. to 7 A. K.  Lunch period 45 minutes. Operators ex-acted, to renort in time to relieve worker at machine without need of turning off power. Kim work moves days a week, women sit 'lays a week. C.  Shifts: Management stxted that shifts must be well balammel if the maximum of output is to be attained. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2-  Also stated that it would be impossible to secure men for a permanent night shift even if a bonus is paid. 'Men refuse to work on the 'Grave-yard Transportation facilities as well as distance from Mt. Union prevents changing hour of beginning work in the morning to 6, Women 36 cents per hour. All time work:. 40 cents per hour Men Reason given for difference in pay was that women cannot be employed at night, es are not worth as much as men. the If the oompqmy are allowed to put women on at night men as work same Doing matter can be taken care of. except that men do the lifting.  D.  Wages:  14  Kind of work: Women employed in lehydriAting house, operating maclAnas. Men do all lifting. Women employThe Lsokeless powder is ed in finishiDg press room, er form weighing about 34 Gylind in brought to this room cylinders A little above these lift Girls or 36 pounds. container of the press. the in the waist lino placing them once every 6 or 7 about and Lifting is from the ground considered the is and It is not hard work minntes. snap job in the room beacuse the girls can sit down between each lift. The company - lan to employ only women on this work. over a The other work in the room is very light, -nulling guidinL tin container with one strand of the amacarony" and it through the press for punching. buildMay want to employ women in mixing room, in magazine ing, all work which can be done by women.  hires 41nd proF.EMployment Mothois; Centralised department discharges, nt ntende cures all workers. Assistsint Superi planed in and le but men are transferred whenever possib the work. do to some other departupint,if physically able of Septemmonth Transfers to accomodate the men inking the who away ber number eighty-five. Company turns no man employ has can possibly be placed in the plant. Company ment manager ill New 'fork. Labor turnover is very great. whn recently arrived 041 found in a shipment of 20 men It 4, e and from New York that eight had some venereal diseas three were tubercular, although the New 'fork office ships they have only man who sign a statement to the effect that a, and neither venereal disease, tuberculosis, nor herni and ation examin al physic a that apnlieant will submit to to t subjec is he that pay transportation if it is found take will ation exemin either. From now on the 1;:7sical place before uhipment. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1. In referencia to the labor turnover the emrloyment monger stated that during the month of August 1343 men were hired and that 1154 left voluntarily or were discharged. No woman to 0110.07 11011011. 3. lemon have only been employed since October 1. G.  Source of Labor supply; No additional labor 4vailablo except rertraps a lilt.ited nuA)er of women. Tory few men available from Huntini;tun or Orb4souia. Rood of employing women evidently very groat. The Stitt* Reformatory is loc:_tld at HUntingt.44n, Dr Joachim of the Pennsylvania Depmrtnant of Labor .::aggeollea that an effort be solo to mm:loy some of the young men from thara. The suggestion is worthy consileration end it is suggested that a latter ba written to Mr. Palmier asking him to delegate some one to look into the matter ant fina out if it is pc,ssiele ar.d if so whotoor it is pr.katical and to work out the problem of supervision, etc. (Transportation can be by jitney train, 4304E00 about 12 miles.) With the exception o. a few non who live in Mt. Union most tier er.171o7ed. are shipped in from New 'fork, Philadelphia and Harrisburg.  K.C4,1fLro Department: 1. No wocial .eçarttrnt, but-e -club house slut a club house and amusement hall has boon provided, an' so3ro to ba Nell rk.n. The c-mmistry departwent ie 4el1 *quipped. One building near the entraisce aith good oafoteria, olde building on the grounds is divided into a boarding h, use aa,d caAfteria. Housing Pe.cilitiess Wow houses hAve been erected, includ*Ls a ma blr of attractive cottagos for men with fardlies. It is t;a.ught best not to provide housing ruf thf., women on the grounds.. Up to the present women eftqloyed live at it. Union, but if more women are to be em0.(17ed it will be necessary to maks some provision for them and not take chances of securing rooms in Vt. Uniale The plan now =der coLaidoration is to rent bull4ing with 1. large rooms in Wt. Union en4 put om117.etent women in clu.rge. I.Supervisor of women: None employed at present but company to to so if their plan fcr Inure...Jag the numborgof women matori4imes. Forela4y said to be employed but ill the day we were there. J.  Genaral Working Conditions: General workinf; conditions are good. Halards not very great. Posted notices call attention to the need to be careful, not to wear rings of smokeless powdlr which seems attractive to th, new girls.  777' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Sark room light and kept altvm, hauie-knoring good both thitierA outslie of WIding. Chiang, rooms oonvenient17 looatel. Toilet facilltios :140,TuAte. More will be added if ma %iron on mkom it necesslry. K.  Transportation: F7lo7ess not living at plant "'lie on IsJitnay" train from Mt. Union. Train leaves a 5:C^ A.M. i!rrives *bout 6:3C. Timn conwmmed in soak free trsin an& chAnge of clothing by women 30 minutes. COMPaPr Is trY• ing to arrange for a *Jitney* train service from No inlastriea employing WOWS exvi Oe'esonia. Huntigo at Orbeonta R1h Cassi4y, U. S. Sholoymemt Service, lime looked over the field ani :5 women will some there if tranvortation facilitico make it possible. Distance abovt 1!Z miles. Buts offered at the present time, ever, is p•ohibitive, matter to be tLo!en up with the Public Service OOMMi0C14116  5. Other Industries. Three brick refractories, 100% Government work. CeAs ovens. Tannery 21111 road yards. 6. Sainnary Plant conAitinns althotIgh very good ars not emmk as to make it toolrable to emrloy et nicht. Although the semen wou not hove to work In :4 111171:ling alone ?,rri the buntings as not leol:Aed, ,nd ulthough the emce houses mod toilets are oonvenismtly loco,tei for day workers, thmy are more lees Isolated In a apir 21.-)r night service. Labor ihortage is limiting production. Muoh of the work is mitAble for 7. Aeoommendations. A. That the musla of the Aetr, , , Ibtlolosives Co., Inc. for pormissien to employ women at night ahr,-.1.11 be Unto& B. Because of the !Not that it would necossitete leaving home at 5 o'clock if the 4/laming shift go to work at 6 A. M. It is reoessenlei that the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc. permission to otqloy women nntil the hour of 11 in the interests ef the mud's"' proluation, proviied the Tian now being considered for the a ntrol of night Nark goes through. Si. That mesa permission be 141;1.nd/int on the establish" ment of the following conlitions at the plAnt: 1.  That a woman  loyment manager ta es over the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  hiting of women. 2.  That 'Russ" service be provided frA. the return to 11%. Union of tha amen Vie work at nicht, ani that their be taken to 'vithin ewe bleek from their home.  3.  flvat adequate "Jitney* train service be provilsd for other shifts, Nith special co‘tah for women.  4.  That adequiate housing facilities for winker be provided at Mt. Union with cortretent person in chArgo, both to be sip-roved by the Pennsylvania Departrrent of Labor before worn are enc^rraged tr come In to Mt. Union to work..  b.  That the wages of women be psi ea an equal basis with the wages W. mer.  Agries Peterson, Wo an in Iniustry Service.  All communications should be accompanied by carbon copy and addressed to  WAR DEPARTMENT  To insure prompt attention, in replying refer to  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE  PRODUCTION DIVISION WASHINGTON  No. Attention of  /1 '  October 21, 1918.  03-5345  From: To:  Womene Branch, Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Dept., lv:ary Van Kleeck, Director, Woman in Industry Service Dept. of Labor,  Subject: APPLICATION OF THE/ETNA EXPLOSIVES COMPANY FOR PETIT TO EMPLOY WOMEN AT NIGHT.  1.  Confirming our telephone conversation of October 19, it is understood that the Woman in Industry Service of the Department cif Labor, desires to make such investigations of labor supply, and working conditions, etc., as may be necessary in connection with the application of the Etna Explosives Company for a permit to employ women at night.  2.  The petition of the Company, addressed to the Secretary of War, together with a letter of endorsement from the Explosives Section, Production Division, Ordnance Dept., has been forwarded to this office from the bffice of the Secretary of War, Major F. W. Tully, U. 3. A.  3.  The Womens Branch, Industrial Service Section, Ordnance Department, has requested from the Progress Section a report of the contracts held by the Etna Explosives Company. The above mentionedpapers and data will be held in the cffice of the Womene Branch, pending further advice from the Office of the °ecretary of War, or the Woman in Industry Service of the Department of Labor.  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  zt&V JO  -C41  CLARA M. TEAD, r CTOR, WOIENS BRANCH, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION, ORDNANCE DEPT.  Ostebor 21, 1918.  Yvan: To:  lemons Branch, InduLriil Service Jection, Ordnance Dept., Mary ian ?attack, Director, in in industry Service Dept. of Labors  Subject: APPLICATION OF THSAVINA EXPLOSIV1-25 COMPANY /OR PERMIT TO EMPLOY SONV:N AT NEWT.  •  1.  Comfirmlimg our telephone conversation of October le, it is understeea that the -oaan in Industry Serviee of the Dipartment if Labor, desires to make such investigation3 of labor supply, and working conditionll, eta., as mL4 be necessari in conneetIon with (_:oapeny for the itpplicItion of the Stns .Explosives a permit to employ women nt night.  2,  The petition of the Company, adaressed to the Sayretar:- of (ar o togethor with a lettt,r of endorsement from the iMplosimes Sostien, Production Division, Ordiance Dept., has been forwarded to this office from the Office of the secretary of 4r, Major F. Tully, U. 3. A.  S.  The WOren, Branch, Industrial service Seetion, Ordnance Department, has requested from the Progroes 3oatiom a rer)ort of the contracts hold by the Ana Explosives Cornpany•  4.  The above mcatiOmedpapers and data will be hold in the olice of the WORMS Branch, pending further advice from the Office of the '41cretary of war, or the woman is Industry 'Service of the Department of Labor. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CLARA M. TiAD, DIRECTOR, MMUS SRAM, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE !ACTION, ORDNACZ DIP?. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  October 8, 1918.  Oisom:  Mary Van Kleeck, Director, Woan in Industry Service.  To:  Major F. W. Tully, War Departaient.  Subject:  ArvIslication of Aetna Explosives Company for permission to employ women at night.  Under date of September 26th, a copy of an application from this plant to the Secretary of War, was received in this oft•ice. No action has been taken, penlintg an official request to las froin the Office of the Secretary of War.  '41/K/AL  Mary Van Kleeck, Director ftaan in Indubtry service.  COPY o Copy to M±. Gillespie, Wash. Mr. Bigelow, Bldg. 1,1r. Carroll, " Miss Van Eleek Wash. Mr. 0/Neill, Capt. Perkins, Phila. Ur. de Laneey, Wash. Pitts. Mr. Jenkins, Hon.L.R.Palmer, Harrisburg Newton Hamilton Mr. Young, Emporium. Mr. Cordie, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  VES CO., tnc, tiETNI\ h.LOSI ERLLADWAY NEW YORK C-_-,2Y  September 26, 1916.  Honorable Secretary of War, Washington, D.J. SIR: The insufficient quantity and the poor male labor obtainable is seriously affecting tion of smokeless powder, trinitrotoluol and at our Mt. Union, Pennsylvania and Emporium, Plants.  quality of the pro duopicric acid Pennsylvania  At the above plants we are now working on the foland lowing contracts for military explosives for the U.S. Allied Governments:  AT  FOR  pprlins4---- DESI11,1IATIO IT OF PER MONTH JURRE1:T CONTRACT Smokeless pdw. 1,750,000 P12823-1262E Trinitrotoluol 2,500,000 32849 500,000 G1862-483E Picric 360,000 P2521-564E c Picri ,000 G1133-406E 1,000 pdw. Smokeless 00 P11915-1189E 150,0 te piera ium Ammon 03042-P154-W1205 ,000 1,200 Picri -P163-W1419 03286 00 600,0 Picric  ARTICLE  Mt0Union U.S. Army U030 Navy Emporium U.S. Army U.S. Army It U.S. Army U.S. Army It France 11 France  Our only apparent source of labor relief is the emworkployment of women, but the Pennsylvania laws prohibit betonly and week per hours -four ing women more than fifty nature ween the hour of 6 A.M. and 10 2.M. The continuous the twentyof our proces9e5 requires operation throughout must run four hours of the day and many of the operations seven days per week. shifts Our process work is divided into eight-hour the first ions, derat consi other and due to transportation and therefore, proday shift must commence at 7 A.M. We are, effective hibited by the Pennsylvania laws from making any of Labor & tment Depar use of woman labor in our plants. The discretion of Industry of the State of Pehnsylvania has the working hours the waiving the existing prohibition regarding ency of the situaemerg the if that ve for women, and we belie by the War Departtion is impressed upon the State officials by the State offiment, the necessary relief will be granted cials° Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2 Hon. SeuyQ of War  9-26-18,  We respectfully appeal to you to inform tIe Department of Labor & Industry of Pennsylvania at Harrisburgh, Honorable Levi R. Palmer, ActirE 'Commissioner, that an extreme emergency exists, and request him to grant us permission to employ women at the aforesaid plants in excess of the Pennsylvania standards uni1 the end of the war. The situation is critical and we hope for prompt and favorable action on this request. Respectfully yours, (SGD) A. L. WOLLENBERG General Manager. TUM/V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EMPLOYMENT MANAGER  77: EXPLOSIVES CO.iNc.  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  )AAAA-  diXik  14 (  • •  'ary Vin 717)ck,  in Tnlilstry  Tile ,Lo  fietna Explosives Couipany  1. Mr. J. B.  Vr. I. C.  1 Lirloyorst 1.roll, ::  of the Aetna Explosives Coairany,  Bro3,1y,  )7,.)rk Ct ,  office for irformation as to the possioiiity of eiLiplowih in the rlants at :our,t r'nion  ti.1:5ht  , tnay sand ELLyoriu,il, Pa. Advised :nat  ,ritten request to tha office of the 1;ecretary of Vlar. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LC) the  October  1918.  Memorandum  To:  Miss Van Klleck  From:  Agnestveterson  S bleat:  Applicatirn of the Aetna Dynamite Company, Frporium, Pa. erYssion to emnloy women at night. for  1.  Date of visi4, October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Fiell Supervisor, W',Alian's Divisior Pennsylvania, Department of Lebor,SectlitoNinied re-r. ttive nf Woman In Inlustry Service. .  2.  Persons interviewed: tendent.  M. V. Rester, Assist ,nt SuperinMr. Carpenter, Eicployment Manager Mr. Goldbard, Assistant to Mr.  Crroll. Nei. York. Mr. Bair, U. S. Emplovent officer. Orbaniaation:  ). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Branch, Aetna Etplosives Comrany, 120 Broadway, New York City.  "5% of pint products direct U. S. war contract. 10% shipped atroai. 65% indirect Nar proluci in that explosivls are used in mi-,es, quarries, etc. Plant now operating on two shifts.  Statement of C,se:  Statement made: "Women employed only on day shift. (But reported that wouen work until 11 p. m. sometimes. Miss Siebert will 'nave tA.s report investigated 'nd report to Womn in Industry Service.) a.  Number of woaen employed, lb 71 Nuber of men employed All working seven th,ys a week. (Tbis , atter will also be taken up by Pennsylvania Department of Labor).  b.  Hours.  (, se 7:30 1:00 line, 7:30 Powder 1:00 7:10 Shell  to 12:0 p. a. p. m. to 5.00 p. m. a. m. to 12:00 p. m. to 5 :00 p. m. p. R. to 5:30 a . m. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2-  Superintendent stated thrl, no women are employed in Lunch one hour. powder mixing boe. c.  4.  Shifts: Permanent nie,ht shift of men now employed nd request is not made especia,ly in order to put on three shifts but to employ four women at night and role se four men for other ,,ork. The work for women wiolah they would do at night would be packing ani lining of boxes. Effort is now iade to -rerare boxes for night packing luring the lay. This is nOt the most convenient arrangement but It is a workable one. Wages.  Women 44 cnts per Lohr. Men 44 cents per hour. As yet no piece rate system has been establiehei. May be done, however.  C.  of work. 1. Women no operating machines which roll tapers 4440.casigs for powder. Only one size *le by machine. All large and speciellylses rolled by hand. Dynamite to be used in wet places such as that used for quarries is not put in nowder form but Tressed into sticks*. Sticks sometimes have to be rec_ressed b4cause of breaking, falling apart, etc. Two girls do this sortyfing anl the wrappil casin of thebe sticks by hani. Until they become uccustomed to it, it is apt to make thoa: very sick, head-ache anl nausea. Somctimet trig' are sick the first day and them again it 2111 be several weeks before it seems to affectlherA Ak 191aimed, however, that this sell of sickness left no bad effects. 2. Want to employ women on two small machines which packs the dynamite into cvsin s. This work is suiCale for women. One large packing machine is not to be operated by a woman as the com,Any considers it too heavy.  P.  Rmployment met!ols. No employment ibanager. Clerk nd machine inspector whose duty it is to see that no one passes in with metal on their ;ersons, dc,es the hiring.. Turnover very great. 76% the last trqlle moaths.  Mn  Source of labor supply: Adiitiofial locs-1 labor not available. Cl=iim to have had more ap:lications from women than positions which they could offer. h.  1. Welfare departmInt. No provision for hot drinks. for lunch.  No regli1Pr welfare department. One half the girls go home  rcoolem of securing wou,sn Women can workers not great. replacelMen on d y night work if ihift an4 relense men for necessary. Rec ommendations:  7.  That the night sholli be qquest for permission to employ 4vomen a t denied. 2. Housing facilities. women employed.  5.  Not a problem, so few  I.  Superlitior of tdomen. No supervisor of women employd. Fog-dandy is employed.  Ja  Gennral working conditions. Fiar. Car?ful hOumbn*eeping insiie of buildin..A. Not much attention paid to the outside. Hazards not very great. Guarilni3 of machinery not up to standard. (Miss Siebert Nil], see thrit this is taken care of) Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet ale-mate.  k.  All 'omen employes Transportation. Not a problem. except those liv:ng near taken to town in office machines. 0th r industries: Novelty House. nectric  aaployes from 125 to 150 women.  Aetna Company Explosive P1:Ant. 6.  Summary: Problem of securing wowen workers not great. Women min replace man on ciy shift nni release men for night work if necessary.  7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Recommendations: That the e4uest for permission to employ womenat night shoilld be denied.  WAR  DEPARTMENT.  WAS H IN GTO N.  October 17, 1918.  From:  War Department, :-ajor F. W. Tully.  To:  lass Liar Van Kleeck, Director, woman in Industry Service.  Subject:  Application of Aetna Explosives Company for permission to employ women at night.  Dear -iss Van Kleeck: Lcknowledging your letter of October 8th. received today, you say, 'To action has been taken, pending an official request to us from the Office of the Secretary of War." In my letter of October 9th. on this subject I had in mind tlat you could not approve issuing certificates of emergency DendinL the approval of the War Labor 'olicies Board's plan by the Council of Defense, but I suggested that you migl- t take action tending to save delay when such approval by the Council came through by takin:• such steps row as would expedite matters when the 'olicies By this I meant to confirm our Board received official approval. cases that were coming through these on verbal urderstanding that so that they might he cominvestigations you would start immediate way should be made clear very pleted and no tine lost in case the shortly. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Very truly yours,  F.4W. Tully, :Tajor Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to Office of Secretary of Var.  October  1910.  From:  War Department, 7;ajor Y. W. Tully.  To:  7liss 71ary Van Xleedk, Director,'on in Industry Service.  3ublect:  Inplication of Aetna 7:Ixp1osives Company for permission to many -vomen at night.  Dear TTise Van Meeck: Aeltno,41ndctng your letter of October 8th. roceived today, you say, "ro action has been taken, pending an official rennet to us from the Office of tLe ecretary of '" In my letter of Octo'lor 9th. on this subject I had in mind that you could not alinrovn issuing certificates of emergency pendinc the approval of the •.ar Labor Iolicies Board's plan by the Council of Defense, but I sur-gested that you mie7t take action tendinu to save delay ,!rhen such approval by the Council cane through by taltin:7 such steps now as would expedite natters vhen the olicins Board received official approval. By this I meant to confirm our verbal understanding that on these ORSOS that were coming throuth you would start immediate Investigations so that they might be namploted and no time lost in case the -my should be made clear 7e17 shortly. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Very truly yours,  F. W. Tully, Liajor Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to Offioe of Seorltary of Var.  OD21754  •••••••••••••••••••• •4••••  ATTACHED HERETO ARE ,  PAPERS  PLEASE  ..  .......  ••••••• BRANCH 1094 MONTH  DAY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HOUR CLARA M. TEAD WOMEN'S BRANCH INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION  WOk/met October 25,191-., From:  Astimes & Renuirements Division, Profress Section  To:  Mrs. Clara r. Tead, Director, Womens Branch, Industrial Service Section.  Subject: Mtna Explosives Co. Vt. union and Emporiurr, Pa., Varlin-Rockville, Co., Norwich Conn., and New York City. and Remington Arms Co., Ilion, New York. • 1. AETNA EXPLOSIVS SCVPANv, Vt.TTNION,AND EvPnI"V, PA. This firm is manufacturing smokeless powder and high explosives at both of these plants. The Production Division has notified this office thnt this firm is working on 100 per cent government contracts at both of the above mentioned plants. It was understood from Production Division ttrA this firm is behind in production at both plants, due chiefly to lack of labor. The largest contract of the Anna Explosives Company, Vt. Union, rennsylvFnia ras placed July 31, 191P, War Order P 12823-1262 E, for 16,500,000 pounds of smokeless powder. This contrcet has only been in production about four weeks and, therefore, is behind its scheduled deliveries. This same condition is true at the Emporium plant. 9 . VARLTm-ROMILLE COMPANY, Norwich, Conn. nnd New York tLANT. This firm is manufacturing such articles as Aviation %no, Provninp Automatic rhino, Yarlin Tank Guns, Varlin Aviation Guns, and several other similar items. This matter has 1een taken up with the Small Arms Section, Production Division, and they have requested this office to wait until !_ondti- to rake reply to this request, stating that the Small Arms Section has a man at both of the above plants makinr- a full investir-ation ;.nd will return to the office Monday morning. Therefore, the Production Division will make a statement to this office tnd same will be forwarded for your information. However, it is understood from the Small Arms Section that this firm is also behind their scheduled deliveries on War Contracts.  3. R3MINGTON ARMS COYFAtr, MONT, NTW YORK. This firm is a large corporation with several plants. With referebce Ilion plant; they hl;ve several contracts with the Ordnance Denartment, the largest and most important of which is R 18-14063, an order for 6P,460, M 1n17 rifles. Their Ilion plant is one of three   Iowa_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  #2 To: Industrial S ction, Womens Prancl,, October 25,1918.  TNnufacturina, this type of rifle. Pp to este they hvve copleteC only 499,013. These rifles %re 1tic11 -; needed and ve are receiving urgent cables from General Pershinr oven to ntrip the training camps, This firm has also orders for sr,:re -r,arts which are beinfr filled nt their Mon plFnt. n'err Portrrcts pre bel-ind in clelivr:. 4. It 11 thou7ht, "b2/ this office, th:A these reports will cnver rvIestiong asked by you neverF1 days ago. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  qanford..-!.Tbo—pson, T.t. Col.Crd.Dent..S. A. V  (Sirrned) W.O.T1.7.W?TL.  W.O.VcDowell, let Lt. Ore.Dept.r.F,.A.  October 25, 1918. FRT4 ;  Eatimes and Requirements Division, Progress Section  TO:  Mrs. Clara M. Tead, Director, Women's Branch, Industrial Service Section.  Subject: Aetna Explosives Co., Mt. Union and Emporium, Pa.  This firm is manufacturii,e, smokeless powder and high explosives at both of these plants. The Production Division has notified this office tIlat this firm is working on 100 per cent government contracts at both of the above mentioned plants. It was understood from Production D4 vision that this firm is behind in productic,r at both plants, due chiefly to lack of labor. The largest contrv:t of the Aetna Explosives Company, .In Pennsylvania was placed July 31, 1918, War Order P 12K3-1262 E, for 16,500,000 pounds of smokeless powder. This contract has only peen in production about four weeks and, therefore, is behind its scheduled deliveries. fr,is same condition is true at tha Etpl,,orium plant. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Sandord E. Thom son, Lt. Col. Ord. De t. U.S.A. By (Signed) W.O. McDowell W.O.McDow111, 1st Lt. Ord. Den . U.s.A.  Memorandum  October To:  ,  1918.  Miss Van Kleeck  From:  Agnes Peterson  ;ect: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Applicaticm, Aetna plosives Co. Inc. Mount Union, permission to employ women 0 -E1iET7----  P.  for  1. Date of visit to pllnt, October 19th. Miss Ar4na Sierert, Field Suner-isor, *oman's Division Dec,art:Lent f La1r. accom7anied Rel:resentative Woman in In!ustry Service, "c'ersous i terviewal: Mr. Toimp; Yr. T. P. Payne f!re. Carlin Luug Major Pains Mr. R. C;4sAidy --61a0makstuvi --> 3.  Supi3rintendent Safety Palgineer Assistant Assistant to safety vngineer. Shop Foreman Flriplorent Manager U. S. Employaant Service  Br richAetna Exploxives Co. Inc. 1')0 Broadway, N. T.  4. Statement of the Case: Plant now operating on three 8-hour shifts: weekly, except AOMen tea.ploys on 0113 shift only. ,..  Number emnloyed, 2750;  rotating  ;A-n -7(Y: Women 50 20 on powder lin 30 cafeteria, etc 30  b.  Hours:  Women 7 a. m. to 3 p. in. Men  ? a.. to "7) p. in. 3 p. Me to 11 p. in. 11 p. m. to 7 a.  Lunch period 45 minut'.s. Operators expected to re-Fort in time to rlieveNorker at mac the without need of turnin„, of. r4;...ei. 6W-A ;iork seven days a well', women six 4*ys * c. Shifts: M.;nagement stated tat shifts aust be well balanced if the maximum of output is to be attained. Also stated that it would be impossible to secure ..ien or a -ermanent night ohift even if a bonus is -ail. "Yen refuse to evork on the "Graveyard Sift". Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  facIlities as well as listance el,engine hnur of berrevents Union fem *.ft. 7 to 6. rnin, m the in ginning work All time work. Women 35 cts. ner Men 40 cts. per hour. Reason given for difference in pay was th t wowen cannot be employed at night, so are not ,North as much as men. If the company are allowed to put women on at night the :Latter can be taken mare of. Doing same work as men except that men io the lifting. e. Find of hork: Wowen emploed in dehydrtitinq Louse, operating machines. Men io all lifting. rolLer employed in fiuiehing resroom, The smokeless rowder is broLght to this row in cylinler fom *eiqhing about 14 or 35 pounds. Girls lift these cylinders a little above the NI-list line rlacing them in the container of the prose. Liftabout once , the ground ing is fr,, every 6 or 7 minute,-2. It is not hard work and is considerel .U,e snap job in the room because the girls can sit down between each lift. i'?o com-any ;lantt0 eamloy only women on this workeeThe other work in the ro m is very ligit, pullin,7, over a tin container with one strand of the "macarony" Cor the and guilioc. it t' ro-)gh in wom4Al h, , lrit employ to punching. My work all room, in aiagazine building, i be 'tone by women. ,ork f. f.71p1oyment MetPols. Centralized derartaent procures anl 1•0_res all workers. Assistant Superintendent discharges but weniare transferred whenever possible Ind placeofn some other lepartr,ent If Ayaically able to to .he work. Transfers to accommodate the men luring the month of September number eighty five. Company turns no men away w}o can r'ossibly be -laced in the pl.nt. Company Iv,s sm. ployment 7,anr.ger in New York. Labor turnover is very .7reat. it was foul in a shipment of tAenty men who recently arrived from New York thAt ei ht had some venereal disease and hree here tubercular, althoilgh the New 'fork office snips only men hho sign a stJ;temnit to the effect th t they have neither v-ner9a1 disease, tuberculosis, nor hernia.  i.  Wages: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  phOical examination and pay transporbation if it is found that he IS subject, to either. from now on he nhysical examination will take place before shiptent. 1. In reference to the labor turnover the emnloyment managr stat2d that luring the month of Jillust 1143 men were hired %:,nd that 1154 left voluntarily or Aare iischarged. 2. No  3man to employ women.  Wowen have only been employed since October 1. Source of labor supyly. itic), al lootai labor available except nerhaps a limited nuater of women. Very few wen available Ir:Ym ituritingtor or irbas6nia. Need of employing .homen evidently very great. The State Iteformatory is lom,ted pt huntim4tou, Dr. Joachim of the Pennsylvania Denartment of Labor suggested that e:fort to employ some of the young men from svould be there. The suggetion is worthy of consideration, and ...„ 0,41-140mmiPt suggesteaE:t a letter be written to Mr. Palmer asking him to delegate some one to look into the matter ani find out ii it is posible Anj if so *1-letr it is oractical and to work out the problem of supm!rvision, (Transporthtioc, can Ue by "Jitney" Train, +isetc. tance about 12 miles.) Tith the exception of a low acn wio live in Mt. Union most men employed are shim)ed in from Wow York, Philadelphia, vnii Harrisburg.  ,.  4it  h. Welfare Dkpartvint. 1. No special welfare lepartmint, but a club house and amusement hall tws been provided, 'anti seems to be well run. The commissary derlartment is well equiped. Onm huildin neer entrance wit!, good cafeteria., ane buil4ing on the grounds is divided into m boar-ling hose ani cafeteria. .2. Housing facilities. New houses have been erected, including a n .Tr.ber of attractive cottages for men with families. It is thou ht best not to provide housing for tr:e V4 wen on the grounds. Up to the nresent woTen employed live at Mt. Union, bt if more women are to be employed it will be necessary to make sine 1-ovision for them and not take chances of securin rooms in  .4.••  Mt. Union. The plan now unier considerntion is to rent a ouilding with 12 large roam* in Mt. Union and put a competent woman in merge. 1. Sunervisor of women. None employed et present but company plans to do so U their pl-n for incresing the of women adiployed materializes. ForelPly saii to be employed but ill the y we were .ere. i. General Norking conditions. GJmer- 1 working conditions rood. Hazards not very great. Posted notices call attention to the nel of bein:; c reful, not to rings of smokeless powder which seems attrai!.tive to the new 7,irl3. iNorlr ro'alIht L111 kept clean, homekeeping good both inside outside of building. Ohange rooms conveniently located. Toilet facilitise adequate. More will be aided if number taken on mires it necessary. k. Transportation. Fmployees not living at plant ride -n "Jitney" train from Mt. Union. Train leaves 6 a. m. arrives out 6:30. Time consnmed in 'elk from train charwe of clothing by women 30 minutes. Company is tryin- to arren -e for "Jitney" trin service fron-: Runttngton and OrbasoTdt. No ii...austries employing nomur, et Or:sonia. Palrh Ns3idv, Ti. S. EMployment, has Looked over 4.41 field and 2 women will coma from there If transportntion fcilitlea meli.e it rr,eiiible. Distance about 12 miles. Rate offered at nreivint time, however, is prohibitive, matter to Le taken up nith the Public Service Com:nission. b. Oaier Industries. Three brick refractories, 100% Governwent work. Coke ovens Tannery Railroal 6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Summary. Plant coniitioas althol:gh very g o1 are not 'itch as to .:ske it desirable to employ women at night. ilthoull the omnn 'Quid not have to work in a builiinr; alone, thP buildings are nct Isolated, anl although the change houses and toilets are conveniently located for lay workIrs, they are more or less isolated in a way for niht service./Labor shortage is limiting production.iplinch of the work is suitable for women. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -5-  7.  Recomendations. a. Tirt request of the Aetna Explosives C. Inc. for permission to employ women at niitht shoult, be denied. of the fact t'.-t it wou14 necessitute BAcamen b. leaving home Fit 5 o'clock if the morning shift q,.o to Nork wt 6 a. m. it is reconianded that the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna E10aives Co. Inc. perm;saiop to employ *omen until tale hour of 11 p. m. ir0he interests of the amtA.imus prOdction, 7:rovisW1ihe. pin now being coileiriered for the contrul of nighlt work goes through. c.  pt-,Iient on the estabPhut such permisidcL lishment of the following conditicns *t the plPnt: ?. Tht a \ .otv,n caiployut manng71- take over the hiring of Alnen. 2.  That "-wise wsrvice be provided for the return to Mt. Unto') of thq *oulan wbo work -t night, and that they be tmken to within ,:nR. block frou. ti,eir home. Thrit atiequa'wo rintney" trein service be provided for other shifts, *ith arecial conch fmr .yo- an.  3.  Prat alegnato housink facilities for mon.en be providad it Mt. Union with competent , erson in chrrge, 1-6th to he A4 ;_ rov.,d by the PInnsylvania Department of LAbor he form twYrien nre encouragel to c.i.f.(' IN to ULion to ork. Th -t the wages of woa,en 1-:e put on an equal basis with the wacTs of tho men..  October 15, 1918.  From:  Mary Van Kleeck, Director, Woman I n Industry Service  To:  71.-Ijor F. W. Tully, War Dep•artfllent  Subject:  Request of Aetna Explosives Co. to ear-loy woen at night  The application of this Cou.parv as submitted to the Secretary of War is rewived. We shall make an investigation of this plant in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Board of Labor and Industry and the Women's Branch of the Ordnance Department. We should appriciate it, therefore, if you would ask the Women's Branch to get in touch with us before sending a representative to the plant. Our interest in handling this directly is due both to the importance of the request and to the fact that st3ndards for emrloyment of women in the explosives industry are now under cons ation and investigation of this plant will be helpful in that connection. Until the proposed plan for regulation of night work is adapted by the Council of Nstional Defense, we are not empowered to recommend the employment of ..vomen at night, but we shall be glad to take ieta action vt.lch may result in some other possible adjustment.  MVK/AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Mary Van Klaeck, Director Woman in Inlustry service.  WAR  D EPAR1- 1•1 E NT,  WAS H I N e-ro N .  October 9, 1910.  From:  War Department, Major F. W. Tully.  To:  lass 1.1,ary Van Kleeck, Director, ;omen in Industr, Sorvice.  Subject:  equest of Aetna Explosvies Co. to employ women at night.  Application has been nude by the Aetna Explosives Co. of 't. Union, Pennsylvania, and Emporium, 'ennsylvania, two plants, for permission to work women at night. The letter of request is addressed to the Secretary of War, and is accompanied by a letter I am sending a from the Explosives Section, T'roduction Division. copy of their letters, but returning the originals to zjor Gitcl-all for such recommendation as he may care to make in the , A meanwhile you mitt wish to have It seemed to me th, matter. the matter before you for consideration to be taking such steps as mulct ex2edite natters if this should be considered necessary. td"14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4 ( 7 V F. t. Tully, ajor, Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to Office of Secretary of Var.  October 9, 1910.  Fro':  War nInartnont, ".4.ajor 'ass  ;ubject:  .  Tully.  ary 'fan Kleeok, rAroctcr, ":onen in Industr Service.  equest of ketna Ex7Aosvies Co. to em_loy vmmen at night.  ArTlization hns been made by the 4letna Errlosives Co. of t. Union, ?ennsylvania, and Roporium, 'enmsylvf,Lnia, two plants, for )ermtssion to worrk worm at rit-7ht. The letter of request is addressee to the Secretary of War, and is accompanied by a letter from the xplosives Section, ''roduction Division. I am sodding a copy of their letters, but returninu the originals to .ajor Gitcbell for such recommendation as he may care to make in the It seemed to me th.t mean-41111a you might wish to have matter. the matter bofore you for consideration to ')e taking such steps as would ex)e:ito matters if this should 'Jo considered nececsary. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  F. V. Tully, 'sjor, Ord. U. S. A. Detailed to Office of Secretrz, of 7,ar.  4  tfAabcx  Honor-J.)1c 2ecrtAL.ry of 77, r, 7auhington, D. O. C.  :  The insufficient :11Jritity Aid the k uoi uJity of mie 1‘.bor obtainable is s,.riously affecting the ,roduction of smokeless .eowd.,/, tiinitrotoluol ,nd AJicric our Lt. Union, ennsylvE.nia and Em,o rennsylv_nla L i nts. tt the above ,1Lnts we tre now Aorking on the folloing contr,cts for milit'iry E,x,.losives for the U. Lliid Allied GovErnments:  P0U:;PS AT kt. Union II  Lm.c orium  UtS„.Army U.S.Nvy U.S.Army U.S.Army U.S.Army U.S.Army FrEnce Fr:: lue  Sh.o.i(e.bss 1,7E , Tlinitiotuluol Picric 5 30 Picric 360, Sakoke,ess ,x1w. Ammonium iicn,te 150, '0 Picric 1,2CO, 30 5 ,  OF CUILLNT JtCL P183-!2621L 32849 G1.861.-483E P2521-564E G:33-4C613 P11915-169E 13042-r54-W1205 03286-163-T1419 --  Our only airent source of iEbor relief is the emiloymunt of women, but the PennsylvALL:. lt,ws rohibit working women more than fifty-four hours week ind only between the hours of 6 AA.. !,nd 10 The continuous nature of our ixocesses re.juires oi,eration throughoyt the twz-nty-four hours Jf the dby nd many of the or&tions n,ust run seven days i-,er ,eek. I. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ton.  %. of Tar  -  9-26-18  eiLht-hour shifts Our _..rocess work :s divided into tions, the first idera r c(Ais and due to trF,nsortction nd oth€, efore, jother re, We day shifts lAust ccmmence A 7 effective any ng from Ivki hibited by the 7.'.rineylv,.nia. laws t . ,Lnts. The De,rtmen of Labor use of wan lnoor in cur , nia ha E the discretion cf Industry of the State of Pennsylv., reg7.rding thc working hours' waiving the existing i xohibition the emergency of the situafor women, and. we believe that if officials by the Tar Leirttion is imi:.rossed 11,0n the State granted by the State offiwent, the necessary relief will be cials. De,rt're resectfully .eal to yuu to inform the Honrgh, isbu -t Harr ania sylv industry of Penn ment of Labor Eme n t extr th , oner onible 1,e% E. ),1me,r, Acting Commissi . rant us ermission to emergency exists, t,nd request him to -, ss of the -ennslemk loy women 'It the aforesaid ,ltrits in exce r. vnL, standards until the end :if the The situation is critical ricl we hcL e for and ftvonble ction on this r&l uest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  rpm! t  Lesectfully yours,  General_ iiianagcr  Ce,tEmbr ,7x_Josiv,e Section, -roduction Division, Office of Chief 9f •ardnonce, 7th B Sts., Zeshington, D. Gentlemen:  The k roduction of 81110Kelebs ecA,d-r, trinitrotoluol nd ,icIic acid by this 3omL eny Yt. it :ut. Union _nd Ekuriuu, ,,lLnts is et riously effected by cin t .u,ntity nu • oor luality of mcde bbor obteinoble. The only two sources of relief Thich we see et the „.resent tiwe are L,..s follows: 1. •  The introduction of ,domL..n 11.bor. The introduction of limited eervice men to be assigned to us by the Gov.rment.  We re making formei eilliction to the Secretry of or t.sking th t re,resentations be mL,de by the Federal Goverment to the D,rtment of Labor c Industry of the State rennsylvenh cdling nittention to the emergency that exists .ind the necessity of eml,loying women in excess of the l'enns;lw-nia st.::.ndlds for the durhtion of the war in order to ,J:rmit utii.LAion of this source of surk, ly in our continueus i rocessee. With ree,ect to the assignment of men, Smi loyment ganger, J. 3. Cerroll, mAtLr u, with Caetain J. C. Tackra of the sion, ind en , ,plication IlLs also been !Tiede kins of the Ordmince Office in  limited service hs ILA this Producti,,n Divito C8etnin Per-  resectfully cHll your attention to the urg€ncy of this sittr,tion nd leueEA your ,ctive suort in the ,,ccome lishment of tLe introduction of howl-1n L.bor ,nd the -Eignment of limited service hien to our ,1:nts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Very titliy yours,  6t,neral kaneger  Octob r 2.  Joie.  From:  i, '.lotives Section, rroduction Division  To:  L-Jjor F. 7.; T.ull Foom 29'!, Stte,  Subject:  Aetm„ t.,losives Com.cany Labor cuestion.  r & NEvy Building  Thre is forrdeu herewith, for ucb ,ction f,E, you deem ,.ro,)er, coy of letter jut,t rE-e( iec from the Aetn, ff.x2losivEE Comt,3ny. This Jett.r is scif It is our understf-inding tht this mttter h,s 2. alrt-, di been brout:ht to your Lttention by the AetnE, f_])clo— sives Comi.any. This E. ction wishes to elailLEiLe the im,urtAice 3. ,roduction of the !etne Exs losives Cum,bny cnd to full of rbcomend th. t some ste„.. be t,ken to relieve the labor sitwition jndicAed in the dt,ched 'etter. By order of Colonel Jamieson.  J. R. Burns LiE,ut, Col. Ord. Deft . U. S. A.  Enc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  October 26, 1918.  Memorandum. To;  :Ass Van Ideeck  .Crc  Agnes Peterson  :labjact;  Application of the Aetna Dynamite Courany, Emporium, Pa. for rarmission to ecii.loy women at night.  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervisor, Womanls Division, Pennsylvania, Department of Labor, accomanied representative of Woman in Industry Service.  2.  Persons interviewed: F. V. Keeler, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter, Em7loymInt Manager. Mr. Goldbard, Assistant to Yr. Carroll, New York. Mr. Bair, U. S. EkTlcTTent Office.  3.  &anizt Branch, Aetna Explosives Company, 120 Broadway, rew York City.  4.  StateiLent of Case: 25% of plFmt products direct U. S. war contract. 1CA shied abroad. 65 itairect w4ar product in that exl,losives are used in mines, quarries, etc. Plant now operatin on two shifts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Statement Tarde: "Woman empl(Ted only on day shifts' (73ut rerorted that women work. until 11 P. M. sometimes. Miss Siebert will have this report investigated and report to Woman in Industry Service). A.  Number of women employed, 15. Number of men emiloyed, 71. All working seven days a week. (This matter will also be taken up by the 2ennsy1vania Department of Labor).  B.  Hours. Snell house- 7;30 1:00 Powder line- 7:30 1:00 7:30  A. P. A. P. P.  M. 11. M. M. M.  to 12.00 P. E. to 5:00 P. M. to 12:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. to 5.30 A. M.  -  mixing women are emaoyed in powder Superintendent stated that no house. Lunch one hour. and ht shift of men now employed C. Shifts: Permanent nig oe ally in order to put on thr request is not mgde esreci r women at night end release fou shifts but to employ four ld work for women which they wou men for other work. The ht ng and lining of boxes for nig do at night soull be :p.cki t ien ven con t mos This is not the paoldmg during the day. le one. arrangecciant but it is a workab Women 44 cents per hour. 44 cents per hour. Men has been establishaa. May be As yet no,piece rate system done, however.  D.  Wages:  E.  Kind of work: es which roll papers on 1. Women now operating machin casings for "Lowder. All large and special Only one size made by machine. sizes. rolled by hand. ces such as that used Dynamite to be used in wet pla der form but tressed for quarries is not :L:At in pow repressed Sticks sometimes have to be into sticks. . apart, etc becaue of breaking, falling the wrapping all casing and g tin sor s Two girls do thi of these sticks by hand. to it, it is apt to make Until they become accustomed nausea. Sometimes they them very sick, headache and n again it will be several are sic the first day and the them. He claimed, weeks before it seems to affect -ness left no bad effects. however, that this srell of sicl ll machines which packs 2. Want to employ women on two sma This wor is suittle for the tiynamite into casings. e is not to be operated women. One larre packing machin ers it too heavy. by a women as the Company consid  F.  G  e t manger. Clerk and machin Ethployment methods: No emlloymen h wit in ses pas see that no one inspector whose duty it is to Turn-over very hiring. the s metal on their persons, doe 75 per cent the last three months. great. available. Additional local labor not Source of labor au-;ply: ns ons from, women than - ositio Claim to have had. more afIlicati which they could offer.  :AMC_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..1111111■101•6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Welfare Department: No regular welfare depart,ent. No rrovision for hot drinle.s. One 111f the girls zo houe for lunch. 2. Housing facilities:  5.  6.  Not a problem, so few women employed.  I.  aapervisor of women: lady is employed.  J.  General Workini: Conditions: Fair. Careful housekeeping insiae of buildings. Not much attenti on paid to the outside. Hazarls.not very great. Guarding of machinery not 1.4. to standards. (Miss Silbert will se?,, that t:1. is taken care of). Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet adequate.  K.  Transporti..tion: Not a problem. All woman em71oye !s exoeiA those living near taken to to in office 776.chines,  No supervisor of woman amzloyed. Fore—  Other Inastrias: Novelty House. Employs from 125 to 150 women. Electric bui'os. Tannery Aetna Comny Suanary: Problem of securing women workers not great. Wo,lien can replace m on day shift and release men for night aork if necessary.  7  Recommendations: That the request for permission to amTiloy women at night should be denied.  gnes Peterson, Wc;riin in Industry Service.  • October 26, 191q.  Mosereades. To;  Miss Wm Zl000k  From;  Agnes Peterson  . Subject; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Application of the Aetna Irmeimito is at ofthit• permission to omsloy  limportwa, P. for  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Miss AVOW Siebert, Field Supervisor', Vernon.* Division, Pennsylvania, Department of Labor, accompanied representative of Von= in Iremstry Service.  4.  ?arsons interviewed: 14 V. Keeler, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter, llsrlorwAnt litnbiger. W. Gollbard, Assistant to W. Ctrrott, Mow York. Mr. Bair, f4 S. lmployment Office. Organisation: Branch, Aetna Explosives Compoqr, 130 Ihrisamer, Now York City.  4.  taternent of 25 of plAnt protects ilrect U. S. war contrNct. 19% shirred abroad. 65% iblirtict war pro...knot in th.$t explosives are used in mines, quarries,. etc. Plant new operatinF on two shifts. Stetemsnt wed*: nem* employed only on day shifts! Out reported that eomen work until 11 P. M. sometimes. Miss Siebert will h,ve this report invostivted and report to Woman in Industry Service). A.  Number of semen employed, 15. Number of son emiloyed, 71. All working seven *fig a week. (rnio mAtter will aloe be telten up by the Pennsylvania Departa4mt of Labor).  B. Hours. Shell hruse. 7;30 1:0C Polir line- 7:30 1:06 7:30  A. P. A. P. P.  M. M. K. M. U.  to 12.00 to 5100 to 12:00 to . 5:00 to 5.30  P. P. P. P. A.  116 U.  r. . I. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Superintendent statod that no women are enolo yed in powder nixing house. Lunch u;,(9 hour. C.  Shifts: POrmanant night shift of men new swag ed ant request is not mode esreaially in srAer te put on three shifts but to employ four women at might sod relea se four men for other work. The work for women ellie h they ?mall %t night would be p-oking and lining of boles for night packing during the day. This is not the most convenient arrange Int but it is a worbeble ens.  D.  Wages:  Women 44 cents per hour. Men 44 cents per hour. As yet no,pieoe rate system has been establishe d. May be done, however. Ilnd of work: 1. Women new operating machines which roll paper s on casings for powder. Only one siss mode by michine. All lxrge and special sixes rolled by kutni. 4yrImmits to De umed in wet places wash as tmat used for quarries is not rut in powder form but !Tossed into sticks. Stick* sometimes tore to be repressed boo use of breaking, fall /Mg ("pa n. etc. Two girls do,isis sorting amd the wrapping all casing of these sticks by hIcni. Until they become mesusto7,1d to it, it is apt to make there very sick, !wadeable and nausea. Somet imes they are siok the first dip and then again it will be several weeks before it looms to affect them. He claimed, however, that thls spell -41 sic'eness left no bqd effects. 2. limit to employ women em two small machines which p ,cks the 4memite into easing*. This work Is suit%ble for MUM 01110 lame peeking machine is met to be operated or a epees as the Company oonsi lers it too hey.  P.limp1eimes4 methols: No ear lor.ent manag er. Clerk and machine inspector chose duty it Is to see that no one passes' in with metal on their persons, loos the hiring. Turn-over very great. '75 per cent the last throe months. Bourse of labor supply: Adiltional local labor not available. Clain to tripe had more aillioations from epees them resitinns ebidb they couli offer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H. .1. Welfare Department: No regu lar welfaro depart. ent. No provision for het drinks. One half the girls go home for lunch. 2. Housing facilities:  5#  a.  Net• problem, so few women empl oyed.  I.  lupervisor of omen: lady is employed.  J.  General Workim Conditions: Fair. Careful housekeeping inside of buil dings. Not Noah attention paid to the outstle. Bastards not very great. Ounrding of machinery not up to standards. (Mis s Siebert will see that this is taken oars of). Lighting good. No lookers. Toilet adequate.  K.  Transportation: Not a problem. All =mem employees except those living near taken to town in office machines.  No supervisor of women emrinyed. Fors-  Mbar Industries: Novelty House. Implore from 125 to 15$ women. 124,otrio bulbs. lemnery Atom Company Urlosive Plant. stuatAry: Problem et securing WOWS workers not great. !omen 010M replace m-n on Jay dilft end rele ase men for night work if necessary.  7  alsoommendations: That the request tor permissim to emaoy 'men should be denied.  t night  Agnes Peterson, Woman in In.lustry Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  October 26, 191% t  fu:  Miss Vwn Kleeck  Fr( ,  Agnes Peterson  Subject;  Application of the Aetna,. Dynamite Campmny, liperium, Pt, for remission to employ women at nigh t.  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Miss Amnia Siebert, Field Supervisor, 1Wnanes Division, Pennsylvania.. Department of Labor, accompanied repe usamtative of Woman in ICrustry Service.  2.  Persons interviewed: V. Keeler, Assistant auperinten4e nt. Mr. Carpenter, Deployment Manager. Mr. Oolibard, Assistant to Mt. Carr oll, New TAIL Mr. Bair, U. S. EMployment Offi ce.  r.  3.  4.  Orfamisation: Branch, Aetna Ispleeives Company, 120 BroaAway, New York City. Stuter.ent of as.: 25% of plAnt products direct U. S. war contract. 10% shirred abroad. 55% iadireet war product in that expl osives are used in nines, quarries, etc. Plant now operating on two shif ts. Statement made: °Women empllyed only or day shifts? (But reported that women work until 11 P. M. smmetimes. Mies Siebert will brom this report investigated and reto rt to ftman in Industry Service) . A.  Number of women employed, 15. Number of smon eniloyed, 71. All working seven lays a week. (Thi s matter will also be taken up by the Pennsylvania Depa rtment of Labor).  B. Blum Shell house- 7;30 ]:CC Powder line- 7:30 1:00  A. M. to 12.00 P. to 5:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. to b:00 7:30 P. M. to 5.30  P. P. P. P. A.  M. M. M. M. M. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  euperintendent stated tha t no anmea ars emEloyed in powler misini house. Lunch one hour. C.  D.  Shifts: Permanent night shi ft of men now employed an i refluest is not made espeoi ally in orAer to put on thr ee shifts but to employ four wom en at night and releas e four men for other work. The work for women whisk the y woall do at night woull be iwokin g, and lining of beam' for night peeking during the day. This is not the most con venient errant, ont but it is & workable one. Wages:  Women 44 cents per hou r. on 44 cents per hour. As yet ne,piene rate system has been established. May be done, however.  Kind of work: 1. Women now oper&ting maohines which roll pap ers on cueing' for powder. Ozly one sise made by mlchine. All large and special sixes rolled air hand. Dynamite to 4s used in wet places such ate tha t used for quarries is not oat in powder form but pre ssed into sticks. Sticks sometimes hos', to be repressed booms* of brooking, falling apart, etc. Tao girls de this sortin g and the wrapping all casing of these sticks by bra nd. Until they become eac ustomed to it; it is apt to maIS thet. very sick, headse he and names*. Sometimes they are sic the first dii r and then &grin it wil l be several est** before it seems to atieot them. He cla imed, however, that this 6 ell nf siOness left no bad effects. 2. Want to employ wo os= on two small machin es which peaks ths dynamite into casings. Thi s war 16 suitxble for women. Ono large pas king machine is not to be orerated by & women as the Co wan, oonsidgre it too heavy. F. Itivloymownt methol s: le emloyment mon &ger. Clerk and urchins insrector whose duty it is to $ee that no one passes in with metal on their person s, ions the hiring. tar n -over very gr"rt. 75 per cent the I:st three nestle. G. Source of labor Imlay: Adlitiono61 local labor not Claim to h- me Iota ire available. oplioations frogs women tha n rositinns which they coull offer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H. 1. Welfare Departmen t: No regular welfare depart-ent. No provision for hot drinks . One hxlf the girls go home for lunch. 2. Housing facilities: I.  J.  K.  54  Supervisor of women: laly is employed.  Not a problem, so fe w women employed. No supervisor of wom en employed. Yore-  General Working Condition s: Pair. Careful housekeeping insile of buildings. Not much attention pwid to the outsile. Has^rds.not very gre at. Gutir,ling of machinery not up to standa rds. (Miss Siebert wil l see that this is taken ears of). Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet adequate. Transportation: lot a problem. All women emrloyess except those living near tak es to town in office machines.  Other Industries: Novelty Rouse. &ploys from 125 to 159 women. Electric bulbs. Tannery &atm& Cow,any Ex-plosive Plant.  6.ilhomary: Problem ef securing come s workers not great. Women can mimeo *In on day shift sad relates non for night work if neoessary. 7  leeemmendations: That the request for per mission to employ unm an ,t night should he denied.  1- in iucry  October 26, 1%9.  Memorandum. To;  Miss Van Kleeok  From;  Agnes Peterson  Subjct;  Application of the Aetna Dynamite Comp4ny, Imporium, Pt. for permission to employ women at night. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Pennsylvania, Miss Anna Siebert, Mold Supervisor, Woman.. Division, ry Department of Labor, accompanied representative of Woman in Ireiust Service.  2.  Persons interviewed: Y. #. Keeler, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter, leployment Manager. Mr. Goldbard, Assistant to Mr. Carroll, NOW York.. Mr. Bair, U. S. Emnloyment Office.  3.  Or Branch, Aetna Explosives Compl..ny, 120 Broadway, Sew York City.  4.  3tatement of Case: 25% of pint products direct U. S. war onntritot. 10% ihippel abroad. 6$% indirect war proauct in that explosives are used in mines, quarries. etc. Plant now operating on two shifts. reported Statement made: 'Roman meoloyed only on day shifts" (Rat have will t that mem work until 11 P. M. sometimes. Miss Sieber e). Servic ry this report investigated and report to Woman in Indust A. Sieber of women employed, 15. 71. limber of men emiloyed, (Tbls matter will also week. a lays All working seven Departlent of Labor). lvania Pennsy be taken up by the B. Sours. Shell house- 7;30 1:00 Powder line- 7:30 1:00 7:30  A. P. A. P. P.  M. to to M. to M. to M. to  1240 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 12:00 P. i-. 6:00 P. 5.30 A. lo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Superintendent stated that no women are employed in powder mixing house. Lunch one hour. C.  Shifts: Permanent night shift of men now employed and request is not made especially in order to put on three shifts but to employ four women at night and release four men for other work. The work for women which they wonll do at night would be poking and lining of box4s for night packing during the day. This is not the most convenient arrangement but it is a workable one.  D. Irstges:  Women 44 cents per hour. Men 44 cents per hour. As yet no piece rate system has been established. May be done, however.  Z.  Kind of work: 1. WGmen now operating machines which roll papers on casings for powder. Only one size made by m.chine. All large and special sizes rolled by hand. Dynamite to be used in wet places such as that used for quarries is not rut in powder form but pressed into sticks. Sticks sometimes have to be repressed becNuse of breaking, falling apart, etc. Two girls dc this sorting and the wrapping all casing of these sticks by hand. Until they become accustomed to it, it is apt to make them very sick, lieadeche and nausea. Sometimes they are sick the first day and then win it will be several weeks before it seems to affect them. He claimed, however, that Oils spell of sicness left no bui effects. 2. Want to employ women on two small machines which packs the dynamite into casings. This 'err' is suitable for women. One large packing machine is not to be operated by a women as the Comp.ny considsrs it too heavy.  P.  Deployment methols: No employment manAger. Clerk and machine inspectoesshose duty it is to see that no one passes in with metal on their persons, does the hiring. Turn-over very great. 75 per cent the last three months.  a.  Source of labor supply: Additional local labor not available. Claim to iv-Ave had more applications from women than positions which they coull offer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H. 1, Welfare Department: 14 regular welfare depftrt-ant. No provision for het drinks. One Ulf the girls Li) home for 1unoh. 2. Housing facilities:  5.  6.  Not • problem, se few women employed.  1.  Supervisor of women: lady is employed.  3.  demerel Working Conditions: Fair. Careful housekeeping insiie of buildings. Not much attention paid to the outside, Hasards.not very great. Guarding of machinery not up to standards. (Miss Siehert will see that this is taken care of). Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet adequate.  K.  Transportation: Not & problem. All women employees except those living near taken to town in office machines.  WO supervisor of women employed. Fors-  Other Industries: Novelty House. EMploys from 125 to 159 women. Electric bulbs. Tannery Aetna Company Explosive Plant. Suorgary: Problem of 'souring women workers not great. Women can replace mln on day Shift and release men for night work if necessary.  7  Recommendations: That the request for permission to em by lemon - t night should be denied.  Aries P-tersoL Woulan in Industry Service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  October 26, 1919.  Memorandum. To;  Miss Van Lissa  From;  Agnes Peterson  Subj.Ict;  Application of the Aetna Dynamite Comp ,ny, Emporium, Pa. for permission to employ women at night.  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervisor, Woman's Division, Pennsylvania, Department of Labor, accompanied representative of Weman in Ireinstry Service.  2.  Persons interviewed: I. V. Keeler, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter, Employment Manager. Mr. Ooldbard, Assistant to Mr. Carroll, New York. Mr. Bair, U. S. Employment Office.  3.  Organisation: Branch, Aetna Explosives Company, 120 Broadway, New York City.  4.  Staterient of Caw 25% of plant products direct U. S. war contract. 10% shipped abroad. 6$% indirect mar product in that explosives are used in mines, quarries. etc. Plant now operating on two shifts. Statement mode: 'Women employed only on day shifts? (But morted that womb work until 11 P. M. sometimes. Miss Siebert will h4ve this report investigated and report to Woman in Industry Service), A.  Numblr of women employed, 15. Number of men emiloyed, 71. All working seven days a week. (This matter will also be taken up by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor).  B.  ROWS. Shell house- 7;30 1:00 Powder line- 7:30 1:00 7:30  A. P. A. P. P.  M. M. M. M. M.  to to to to to  12.00 P. 5:00 P. 12:00 P. 6:00 P. 5.30A.  M. Ms M. M. M. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2-  Superintendent stated that no women are *cloyed in powder nixing house. Lunch one hour. C.  Shifts: Permanent night shift of men now employed and request is not made especially in orriar to put on three shifts but to employ four women at might and release four man for other York. The work for amemia which they wonld do at night woull be pr.oking and lining of boxes for night peckieg during the day. This is not the most convenient arrsageoent but it is & morkable one.  D. Igoe: Women 44 cents per hour. Men 44 oents per hour. As yet no.pieoe rats ystem 11:44 been establishat. May be done, however. I. Kind of work: L. Worsen now operating machines which roll pApers on casings for powder. Only one Ass wade by maohine. All large and sp,:aial alses rolled by hami. Dynamite to las US01 in wet pleats such as that uaed for quarries is not rut in powder form but pressed Into stick. Sticks sometimes hove to be repressed be3am4e of breaking, falling apart, etc. Ito girls do his sortiN, I und the wre;Ting all caeimg of these sticks by Until they become aocustor*1 to it, it is apt to maks them very sick, Iteadache and nausea. Sometimes thmy are sick the first day and than again it will be several weeks before it *eons to afZect them. Is olatmed, however, that thts ssll f sicliness left no bui effect s. 2. Went to employ women on two small machines *hich packs the dynamite into oeheimgs. This woe is suit/s.tle for Ofts large peaking muchine Is not to be operated by a owes as the Compaq, ooLsilers it too he.vy. F.  MMloymest mothols: Isemployment manager. Clerk and macht inspector whose duty it is to see that no one passes in with metal on 'their persona, ioes the hiring. Turn-over van! groat. 75 per cent the last three months. Source of labor supply: Additional local labor not available. Claim to h,Lve had more applications from women than rositi ons which they couli offer.  H.1. Welfare Department: No regular welfare depart-ent. No provision for hot drinks. One hal f the girls sa home for lunch. 2. Housing facilities:  5,1  6.  Not a problem, so few women employed.  I.  Supervisor of women: lady is employed.  J.  General Working Conditionst Fair. Careful housekeeping insile of buildings. Not much attention paid to the outside. Hasards.not very great. Guarding of machinery not up to standards. (Miss Siebert will see that this is taken care of). Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet sdequate.  K.  Transportation: Not & pro blem. those living near taken to tow n  No supervisor of woman employ ed. Fore.,  All women employees except in office -achines.  Other Industries: Novelty House. EMploys from 125 to 150 women. Electric bulbs. Tannery Aetna Company Explosive Pla nt, Summary: Problem of securing women workers not great. Women can replace mln on day shift and release men for night work if new/Geary.  7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Recommendations: That the roomiest for permis sion to em -loy women -%t night should be deaied.  Agnes Peterson, Wommn in Industry Service.  October .  Momoranaum. Uiss Van ijneck. .1  Agile*  ILOject:  Application of tha ien. Exploalvos Co., Inc. ftporium, Pa. Cr porminuion to euploy wosnen %,t night.  1.  Date of viait to plant, October 1. Mi.-, Anna Siebert, Field Onparvirocr, Woman's Divistnn, Pennsylvan ia Department of lAtor, accompanieti the representative of tho VOman 1- Inluitry qmprvloA.  4.  Peroons intemIrtewood. Mr. Corals, Mr. Dowd Mt. Carzenter Vt. GolTh M7. 3v-ir  7  4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Peterson.  Orkanisation. BeAnon, Astz  limptirintont Assiotant SupPyrintenient Erfil.:oye.ent Nenovr Assiotsint to W. Carroll, Now Yorl:. U. S. Zukloymert  plosirea CoulT;-ny, Inc., 120 BroodlAy, Nex Torsi,City.  $tatorcrot of Ckse Pl4nt now ororiting on throe elkht hour shirts: rotating weekly oxcart thet women are sizployel on)y on too Witt. A.  Number smvloyeki: 1500 Men 14.5 Women 45 All Wore beeL morkinc 7 day& 9, week. Women on to shitts.  B. 'Imre. 7-.ron  Mon  Lunch C.  7.C.0 A. M. to 2:A0 P. Y.. • P. 2. to 10:00 P. i. 7:40 A. U. to 2:30 P. W. 2:30 P. M. to 11:00 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A. WI. Ono-half br  Shifts. Third shift of l'omon asked to btl4nce snifts. Manager statei that it -Awl) be impossible to w'cur e ?1%, 111 for ermenent night shift even if a bonus la H. „041a reference to Vraveyurd* ahift. 2Mp1oyTent r-t.over said that 4ompaa lr would being Nomon to and from work in auto busaes. Disimmos from totem ablA 1, miles. TWO of thl ivoxen sail thAtt tlalsy hoped that this pormit would be granted as tnay hulked ork1ms ssis week under one foreman and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2..  next week under the other.. One foreman worli want them to to a thing this way and the other foreman woUli want it semi other way, finding fault with work welich was in accordance with instructions from the other foreman. D.  All time worX Women 35 cents per hour Men 40 cents per hour 3u(perintrIndent said that if permission for night work is grentad he thought that the same rate of pay could be estabCould give no reason for not doing so except that lished. women were being trlei out and custom had established a lower rate of pay.  S.  1Und of work: 1. Women now employed as sweeper in cleaning and Arying house. Press operators in ishydrating 11(Alal. Co:npany h9.41 to make changes and put in elevators to lift con.. tainera in order to employ lomen here. rnployact in machind snop. Deployed in strikining press house (macaroni) orerating presses and. cutting machines.  Wages:  2. Want to employ women in mixing house. Want to employ woman in poaching house to operate valves. Want to employ w-- en in pulp house. Work in pulp nouse and poaching house suitahle for women. Work in mixing house not so desirable because of ether fumes. F.  Centralized department procures and hires Employment methods: Assistant Superintendent discharges, but man are all help. transferred 4henever possible. Labor turnover very great. Assistant to Mr. Carroll seems to go around and ship men from -auffalo, 4ltho they are not supposed to get labor there under ruling of the U. S. Employ... ment Service. Buffalo is the nearest p los of labor simply but they are wupppsei to iraw only from Philadelphia, burg, or New 'fork City. Criticism of U. S. Eari;loyment Service most eviient. No womAn to employ women. Physical exati.inution not required. Local labor not avv.ilable. Source of labor supply: Said effort was to be made to advertise in rural districts and that if all the employers at Emporium helpol finance and ush wuch a campaign, some labor could be secured for If more women are to he employed they the winter months. will twee to COMA :rOM out of town. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.34.  Ur. S. Deployment office verified the statement about the labor Hi also vorifiel statemnnt to the effect th,t man won-ly. were shippei from Mew York to Buffalo, shippei out of Buffalo to Alpert= came to lam mithout reporting for work and tried to be shirpod for war work at some other pli,ce, but thet he *refused to send one man out of town for there la grent need of .very available unn there' They 4.11 see- to think that mem aro traveling seeirF, the eights at cost of the Government. I4  Welfare Department: 1. We welfmre department. No provision for het drinks, except that overtime was indulgod in some time ago, when the company commissary located In tom, seek do'n 2. Noising facilities. No provisiin has been modo.for women, plum has been provided for the mon. If the plan to employ women gees through, the comp/Any 4\nis to rent a hotel The , '2:poet to put 4 cometent new vw.cant amd fit it up. women in charge. Two girls stated that they have been hunting for mats to get *good roam and that they have to eat around in restaurants. A look at the restaurants verified the fact that objections wore well founded. It wail suggested to Mrs. Catt(111, move)er Community Saari, that an effort be made to have the T. Ir. C. A. ammo in there, which suggestion was met with dslight by the girls.  I.  Mime employed at present. But compftny Sopervisor of women: plane to do so if permitted to emAcy women at night. YOrslady taken on that Amy, and wNs being matt to. Into thl work of theaplant. TUs werkieg in the strain press room and is to work breach dopartment so as to learn *ash process.  J.  Wonosea working eoedltionst Fair, quite a little unguordol imsehinery however. Women wear caps and bloomers. Masards not very groat. Workroom light, housokooping inside better than out' olio. This may be due to tha flvt that most of the buildings are old. Change rooam conveniently locate I, but being gleamed by a colorel man. Half length lookers providod. Now shame house is being built, one builling for men and (0aitition). Toilet facilities dequate for the present. The questin of additional toilets will be taken care of by the comram as the reeds arises. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I.  5.  Transportation. auto.  Men walk to work but women are taken by  Other industries. Novelty house emp1oying from 125 to 150 women. (electric bulbs). Tannery. Aetna's Co's Ibnemite plttnt.  Mega.  Plant conditions fair, but much time and money would have to be consumed to put the plant in such a condition that night It would seem that the work of Wawa could be considered. housing the women now employed company solve the problem of day shift and those needed to fill the two before condidering the possibility of putting women on at night. There is mo question but that labor shortage is limiting production. Much of the work is suitable for women.  7.  Suggestions male. TaiAt a www.un be employed to clean the change house. That a screen be bunt aryund cents toilet. That individual tovels be provided. Attention was called to violation of law forbidding erployment of women more than 6 days a week.  B.  Recommendations. A. That the request for permission to work women at night should be tented. B. That the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Uplosives Co., Inc. permission to employ women until 11 P. M. in order to balance up two full day shifts and rollmop men now working on work which could be done by women, providing the plan goes through which is now being considerod for ths control of night work. C. That such permission be dependent on the establialAs of the following coniltions at the plant: 1. Guarding of mac-Amery al least to comply with laws of Pennsylvania. 2. hall compliance with the Pennsylvania Ielw prohibit. trig the emplryment of women more than els days a weak. 3. Appointment of a woman supervisor. 4. Change houses for women to be entirely separate from and not located in vicinity of those used by men. b. That individual or sanitary towels be provided. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  That woms.fl or wetrit be employed to do cleaning in woman's change Aouses. That provision be made for the serving of hot drinks. 7. That adevate housing facilities for women be provilad with competent person jr charge, both to be passed upon ani approved by the Pennsylv -inia Departsmut of Labor. That adequate transportation facilities be provided, 9. sot that those employel on the shift returning at 11 P. M. be taken to within one block of their homes. equal basis with lf). That the wages of women be put on an the wages of the men.  6.  Aznes 7).terscAl. Von in Inlustry Service.  October 26, 1918.  Memorandum  To:  Miss Van Kleeck  From:  Agnes Peterson  Subject:  Applicaticn of the Aetna Dynamite Company, 5:nporium, Pa., for . - eresion to employ women at night.  1.  Date of visit, October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervis7r, WoL,an's Division, Pennsylvania, Department of Labor, • accompanied retresentative of Woman In Industry Service.  2.  Persons Interviewed: tendent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  E. V. Kee'._er, Assistl,nt SuperinMr. Carpenter, Ea.ployment Yana.ger. Mr. Goldbard, Assistant to Mr.  Carroll, New York. Mr. Bair, U. S. Epploymaat officer. Orbanisation:  Branch, Aetna Explosives Comnany, 120 Broadway, New York City.  25% of plant products direct U. S. war contract. 10% shipped abroad. 65% indirect war product in that miries, quarries, etc. in explosives are used Plant now operating on two shifts.  Statement of Case:  Statement m'ade: "Women employed only on day shift. (But reported that .women work until 11 p. m. sometimes. Miss Siebert will have this report investigated L,nd report to Woman in Industry Service.) a.  Nilmber of woaen employed, 15 71 lluiliber of men employed All working seven days a week. (This liatter will also be taken up by Pennsylvania Department of Labor).  b.  Hours.  Shell house 7:30 1:00 Powder line, 7:30 1:00 7:30  a. p. a. p. p.  m. m. m. m. if,.  to to to to to  12:0 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 12:00 5 :00 p. m. 5:30 a . m. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  October 26, 1918.  Pe:nsylvania R. Co., Freight Station, & Virginia Ave. S. W. Gentlemen: If any freight arrives at your station for please notify  C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Superintendent stated that no women are employed in Lunch one hour. powder mixing house. c.  d.  alifl.s.:A Permanent night shift of men now employed and request is not made especiaIly in order to put on three shifts but to employ four women at night and release four men for other work. The work for women which they would do at night would be packing and lining of boxes. Effort is now wade to T;repare boxes for night packing luring the day. This is not the most convenient arrangement but it is a workable one.  7-777177777  Wages.  Women 44 cents per hour. 44 cents per hour. Men As yet no piece rate system his been established. May be done, however.  e.  Kind of work. 1. Women now operating machines which roll papers on casi-igs for powder. Only one size ;lade by machine. All large and special.sizes rolled by hand. places such as that Dynamite to be used in wet quarries is not put in powder form but pressed into used sticks. Sticks sometimes have to be repressed because of breaking, falling apart, etc. Two girls do this sorthing and the wrapping all casin of these sticks by hand. Until they become accustomed to it, it is apt tto make them very sick, head-ache and nausea- Sometimes several be will it again them and day first are sick the weeks before it seems to affect laer:44-Be-claimed, however, that this spell of sickness left no bad effects. 2. Want to empl:4 women on two small machines which packs the dynamite into casin s. This work is suitable for woman. One large packing machine is not to be operated by a woman as the couk7any considers it too heavy.  f.  Employment metnods. No employment manager. Clerk nd machine inspector whose duty it is to see that no one passes in with metal on their persons, does the hiring. Turnover very great. 75% the last three months. Source of labor supply: Additional local labor not available. Claim to have had more applications from women than positions which they could offer. 1. Welfare department. No provision for hot drinks. for lunch.  No regular welfare department. One half the girls go home  -3.-  2. Housing facilities. women employed. 1.  Not a problem, so few  Supervisor of women. No supervisor of women employed. Forelady Is employed. General working conditions. Fair. Careful house _keeping inside of buildinL;s. Not much attention paid to the outside. Hazards not very great. Guarding of machinery not up to standard. (Miss Siebert will see that this is taken care of) Lighting good. No lockers. Toilet adequate.  k.  3. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  All women employes Transportation. Not a problem. town in ofCice machines. to except those living near taken Othlr industries: Novelty House. Mmployes from 125 to 150 women. Electric bulbs. TaLnery. Aetna Company Explosive Plant. Stumnry; Problem of securing women workers not great. Woman can replace men on day shift and release men for night work if necessary. Recommendations: That the request for permission to employ women a t night should be denied.  002954  ATTACHED HERETO ARE  PAPERS  •••••••  BRANCH 1094 MONTH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  DAY  HOUR CLARA M. TEAD WOMEN'S BRANCH INDUSTRIAL SERVICE SECTION  iwirember  I.  1919  limaste$ i1roLtiattetrial earria. Ortinanas Departawnt.  'VOW  Major P.14. TU140 Of rar# SubSe3t:  ok the itieoretary  tra R!!!!!!!!!..1?)  1. The w:loni t 1,ranch of the ladmatitaX aorrise Section og thn Orinalios Departmeftt has Ve0011164 * rent from the krogress **talon, ';'ro4i.11.'ln Division, is /IOWA VP the Aetna Itzplosilfts ao-apan,y, and Ilse farearboi a alit this report to the Dirootor of the slum in Inlay Berviae o Dapartaant of Labor, in a000rtanse with the 1•3 atoneInt r.ia4e• in cm letter to Jou of Qatabar nat. F• It Is understood that Us Womm u s awash is On to mako ao InieutigatiJn ot th!“ rocrcot &wept request of the woman in IndusZy 'orvioo of the Department al Imbor.  7.  The petition e." the aomoany addroasoi to tile ts) .. •  'rico 'SO trO. Tor returne4 to you. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Jatober 9ti, ttrr  Ier4ro13th  Dirootor. vasotts Bwatiakt Industrial Seri!** afaetien Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  COPT  October 2, 1918.  From:  ,roduetion Division ftploeivee section,'  To:  MOOT p w. ?ally B4011 205, State, War & Bevy Ruilding.  Subject:  Aetna Explosives Company Labor Question.  There is forwarded herewith, for sash notion 1. deem proper, sepy of letter just received from the as you Aetna xplosives Moony. This letter is self exnlanatory. 2. It is our understanding thrt tILM Metter has already b,len brought to your attention by the Aetna Explosives Company. This Section wishes to "spheral= the inportance 3. of tall production of the Aetna 'xplosives Company sad to recommend th t sone step be taken to relieve the labor situation indicated In the nttnched letter. By order of Colon,/ JftillOSOM6  P1110•  (signed) J. R. Burns J. H. Burns, Lieut. Col., Ord. Dept., U. S. A.  copy AETNA Ern18MS COMPANY, INC.  Ootober 5, 1918. SPECIAL DRLIVERY  Mt. T. 0. Gillespie, Washington, D.O. Subject  10PLOYKRIrf OP W0M311...PLANTS IA PRIMA.  / havo just had a seiversation with Mr. Palmer, Aoting Oommissioner of the Department of Labor & Industry, Harrisburgh, enna.„ on the subject of employment of woman by munition plants in excess of the 'tate code. Mr. 'leaser states that ther have been several discussions of this subject in wathington during the meek and that the program decide Upon is as follows:past If the War Department onnsidere6 the emergency in any partioular gape to justify the employment of women under eonditions prohibited by the present St, te code, the DepartWar ment will issue permits to the manmfteterer, specifieal ly in *trusting him in this respect, and the Stale Authoritie s will recognise the validity of the nermit and will not attem pt to enforoe the fitate code. This nrogram is contrary to oirr previous umierstending whisk was to the effect thft upon request from the war Deportment, the State would waive the oodo. Our production at Mr. Union and Emporium is suffering severely due to lack of lebor and could be almost instantaneously improved if we could employ women on all shifts inste ad of lay between the hours of 6 A.M. and 10 P.M. We are employing women ct the day shift, but this results in a blank shift when the rotation of shifts oceurs with consequent serious loss of produ ction* The situastion is extremely critical and daily grownir worse, and I wish you would give this matter your personal at* tics and try to get the neeessary permits issue d by the War de_ meat at once. If prior to the to have such be available permits. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  there are an insnections of the plants neeeseRry issuanee of these petsdts, I think you could erv,nge inspeetinns initiated at oleo so that the results ril" when a deoleion is reached regardinT the issuance of Yours very truly, H.L. Wollenberg, 7-enerv•l 4soarcer.  A7,TN3 P:1,.ThIV1  TT., INC:,  September 26, 1918. itxp1oIives Se otio n, Produetion Division, Offiee of °hist of 0rdnanee, 7th & B Ste., Washington, D. 0. aentlemen: The produotion of smokeless powder, trinitreteluol and picric, said by this Owen, at its Mt. Union and Emporium, Pennsylvania plants is seriously affected by insufficlient quantity and poor quality of male labor obtainable. The only two sources of relief which we see at ths rreeent time are as fellows: 1.  The ingtroduotion of woman labor.  2. he introduction of limited cervice men to be assigned to us by the lovernment.  We are making a Arrmal aoplisation te the Seeretary of War asking tbnt representations be msie by the Federal Government to the Department of Labor 6 Industry of the state of Pennsylvania stilling attention to the emergency that exists and the neeessity of employing women in excises if the Pennsylvania standards for the durati ,n of the war in order to permit utilisation of this some* of supply in our vontinuouS processes. With reenact to the assignment of limited serviee men, our !employment Manager, T.B. Carrell, has had this matter up with Captain J. O. -Itekard of the -reduotion Division, and an application has also been made to captain Perkins of the Ordnance Office in Philadelphia. we respectfully erll your attention to the nrTenoy of this situation and refiest your aoti-le support in the soeemplishment of the intredustion of woman labor andthe assignment of limited Beryls* men to our plants. Yours very truly, HLW/v Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  General Manager.  alPY  Peptember 26, 1918. Honorable :!eoretary of Washington. D. O.  The insuffioient quantity and the poor quality obtainable is seriously affecting the pre labor et male smokeless powder, trinitretoluol ant plait* tuition of sold at tour Mt. Union, Pennsylvania an& -Imorium. Pennsylvania plants. At the above plants we are now working on the following oontrsots for military explosives for the U. S. and Allied. 0*Wersmantst  AT Mt. Union A 7,mporium  FOR U.S.Army U.S.Navy U.S.Aruy U.74Arli U.3,14brir 111.3•Army ?ranee ?ranee  ARTICIZ  BlUgDS ?ER iONTH  Smokeless ".1wo 1,750,000 Trinitrotoluol 2,500,000 500.000 Pieria 360,000 Picric Smokeleesdw. 1,000,000 Ammonium piorate 150,000 1,200.000 Piano 800,000 Mario  OF CURRFNT CONTRACT  1,1283-1262E 82349 G1862-4833 P2821-5643 3r1133-406.8 211915-11On 03042441114442°6 03285-P163-n41,  Our only apparent uovroe of labor relief is the employment of women, but the -ennalvania laws prohibit working women more than fifty-four hours per week and only between the hours of 6 A.M. and 10 P.M. The continuous nature of our prosesees requires operrtion throughout the tWentr-four hours of the May and many of the operations must VIM Seven days per week. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • al,  00 Ron. Seey• of War  Y -2-  9-26-18  Oar prosess work is divided into eight-hour shifts and due to tranaportatdan and other oonsiderations, the first day shift must couraenoe at A.M. We are, therefore, prohibited by the Penney'rails laws fres gawking any e ffective us of woman labor in ows. pinnts. The Department of Labor Industry of the rtate of --)ennsylvanis has the discretion of waiving the existing prohibition reprdiwg the working hours for women, and we believe that if the emergency of the situation is itemised upon the State officials by the War Department, the Tw000mary relief will be granted by the State offiwe respectful': appeal to you to inform the Departneat of Labor & Industry of '''enneylvania at Harrisbergh, Honorable Lew R PaLser, Acting Comissioner, that n extreme emergeney exists, and request 37. ill to grant us permission to employ women at the afaresaid plants in ozonsi of the Pennsylvania standards until the end of the war. The situation is oritioal and we hope for prompt eat favorable action on this request, Respeetfully yours, (signed) II.L.7n1lenberg. t.leneral  nw/fir Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  siger  October 25, 1918. lila:sprang/um. To:  Miss Van Elseck.  From:  Agnes Peterson.  Subject:  Application of the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc. 713nT.o rium, for .-iermission to emEloy women at night.  D,  1.  Date of viait to plant, October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervisor, Wonts Division, Penns ylvania Deyartment of Labor, accompanied the representative of the Woman in Irdustry Service.  2.  Persons interviewed. Mr. Cordie, Mr. Dowd "r. Carpenter r. Goldbard .r. Bair  Superintendert Assistant Superintenaent EmILloywent Manager Assistant to Mr. Carroll, 7ew York. U. S. Emjoyment  3.  Organization. Branch AetLa Ezplosives Company, Inc., 120 Broadway, New York City.  4.  Statement of Case Plant now operating on three eight hour shifts: rotat ing weekly except that women =;.ra employed only on two shift s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  A.  Nu:bsr emiloyed: 1500 Men All 11.tve been aorking 7 days  B.  Hours. Women  Men  Lunch C.  1455 Women 45 'reek. Women on two shifts.  7:30 A. ... to 2:30 P. 22. 2:30 2. M. to 10:00 P. U4 7:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. Y. 2:30 P. to 11:00 P. 7,4. 11:00 to 7:00 A. Y. One-half hour.  Shifts. Third shift of women asked to balance shifts. lianagar stated that it wouli be impossible to secur e in for a ttrmanent night shift even if a bonus is paid. Made refer ence to "Graveyrd" shift. EMplorLant cranager said that company would bring women to and from work in auto busses. Distance from town abolA 1, miles. Two of the women said that they hoal that the permit would gn4..nted as they disliked ,:vorkAnk, one week under one foreman and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  week:under the other. One foreman world w:Exit them next week to do a thing this way and the other foreman would want it done some other way, finding fault with work which was in accordance with instructions from the other foreman. D.  •  Wages:  Women 35 cents per hour All time - ork ' -Men 40 cents per hour auferintendent sail that if perrission for night work is granted he thought that the sur.::a rate of pay coala be estatlished. Could give no reason for not doing so except that women were being triad out and custom had established a lower rte of Kin! of work: 1. Women now employed as sweeper in cleaning and drying house. Press olfators in dehydrating house. Company had to make changes and put in elevators to lift containers in order to employ women here. Emplyed in Ilichine shop. Em:21-yed in strilining press house (mac..rori) operating presses and c-atting machines. 2. Want to employ wor.:n in nixing house. Want to (5loy in poaching hcuss to operate v.Avas Want to employ w(Jffen in pulp house. Work in pulp house and poaching house auita:13 for waulan. Wor in mixing house not so desirAble because of ether fumes.  F.  EMployment methods: Centralized department procures and hires all help. Assistant Superintendent discharges, but 1-Len are transferred whenever possible. Labor turnover vary great. Assistant to 17r. rroll seems to go around and ship men from Buffalo, altho they are not supposed to get labor there under rulinc of the U. S. Employment Service. Buffalo is the nearestiaace- of labor supply but they are supppsed to draw only from Philadelphia, Harrisburg, or New York City. Criticism of U. S. -&11-11-loymnt Service most evident. 'To woman to employ wumen. Physical exa:Anation not required. Source of labor strfi?ly: Local labor not available. effort was to be made to advertise in rural districts and that if all the emplclers at Emporium helped finance and :ush such a campaign, some labor could, be secured for the winter months. If more women are to be em-oloyed they will have to fron: o-lt of tom.  Said Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -3-  U. S. Deployment office verified the statement about the labor sue4y. He also verified statenient to the effect that men ware shipped. from 7ex York to Buffalo, shipped out of Buffalo to Emporium came to him sithaut reporting for work and triad to be shipped for war work at same other place, but that ha "refused to send one man out of town for there is great need of every available Trn there" They all seam to think that men are traveling seeing the sights at cost of the Government. H.  Welfare Department: 1. No welfare department. ro .provision for hot drinks, exceIt that overtLee was indulged in some time ago, when the comany commissary located in town sent down lunehes. 2. Housing facilities. To provision has been made for women, place has been provided for the men. If the plan to employ women goes through, the comloeny :plans to rant a hotel now vacant and fit it up. The expect to put a comretent women in charge. Two girls stated that they have been hunting for weeks to gat a gooi room and that they have to eat around in restaurants. Ji look at the restaurants verifie d the fact that objections were well founded. It was suggested to Gaskill, elember Community Board, that an effort be made to have the Y. W. C. A. come in there, which sugysstion was mat with delight by the girls.  I.  Supervisor of women: one employed at present. But comfenzplans to do so if permitted to employ women at night. Forelady talean on that day, and was being initietei into the work of the plant. Wes wor7-ing in the strain press room is to work in each departeent so as to learn each process.  J.  General working conditions: Fair, quite a little unguarded .reechinery however. Wciaen wear caps and bloomers. Hazards not very great. 1.7-xkroom light, housekeeping inside buIllings batter than outside. This m4y be due to the fact that most of the buildings are -old. Change rooms conveniently located, but being cleaned by a colored man. Half length lockers provided. New change house is being built, one buildin g for men and Women,'(patition). Toilet facilities adeluate for the present. The questiem of additional toilets will be taken care of by the company as the needs arises. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -4-  K.  5.  Transportation. auto.  Men walk to work but women are taken b;)-  Other industries. Bovelty house employing from 125 to 150 women. (electric bulbs). Tannery. Aetnals Co's Dynamite Plant. Smatary. Plant conditions fair, .but much time and money would have to be consumed to put the plant in such a condition that night work of women could be considered. It would seem that the company solve the problem of housing the women now employed and those needed to fill the two day shift before condidering the possibility of putting women on at night. There is no question but that labor shortage i lilting production. Much of the work is suitble for women.  7.  %,LLestions made. oman be eirloyed to clean the change house. That a screen be built arrund menes toilet. That individual towels be -provided. Attention was called, to violation of law forbidding employment of.women more than 6 days a week.  3.  Rocar-endations. A. That the reciaest for permission to work women at nig,ht should be denied.. B. That the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc. permissi4in to employ women until 11 F. M. in order to balance up two full day shifts and release men now Narking on work which could be done by women, providing the Ilan goes through which is now being considered for the control of night work. C. That such permission be depend ent on the establishments of the following conditions at the plant: I. Guarding of machinery al least to comply with laws of Pennsylvania. L. Full comoliance with the Pennsylvania Law prohibiting the empl(:yment of women more than siz days a week. 3. Appointment of a woman superv isor. 4. Change houses for women to be entirely Separate frcm and not located in vicinity of those used by men. 5. That individul or sanitary towels be provided. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -5-  6. 7.  9.  10.  That woman or womn be employed to do cleaning in woman's change houses. That provision be made for the sarvins of hot drinks. That Adequate housing facilities for women be provided with competent parson ir charge, both to be ..,assed upon and .v.i;proved by the Pannsylvnia Department of Labor. Tht adequate transportation facilities be provided, and that those employed on the shift returning at 11. P. M. be taken to within one block of their hums. That tho wages of •,.-romen be put on Fr, equal basis with the wages of the i_en.  1Z/  Agnes Patersdh, Woman In inlustry Service.  October 25, 1918.  Memorandum. le:  Ass Van Kleeck.  From:  Agnes Peterson.  Subject:  Application of the Aetna lIplosives Co., Inc. Nmporium, Pa. for permission to employ women It night.  1.  Date of visit to plant. October 21. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervisor, Woman's Division, Pennsylvania Department of Labor, accompanied the representative of the Woman in Industry Service.  2.  Persons interviewed. Mt. Cordie, Mr. DoNd Mr. Carpenter Mr. Goldbard Mt. Bair  Superintendeut Assistant Superintendent Employinent Manager Assistant to Mr. Carroll, New York, U. S. Em loyment  3.  Organisation. Bnimell, Aetna Explosives Company, Inc.. 120 Broadway, New York City.  4.  Statement of Case Pl:mt now operating on three eight hour shifts: rotating weekly except that women are employei only on two shifts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  A.  Number employed: 1500 Men 1455 Women 45 All have been working 7 days a week. Women on too shifts.  B.  Hours. Women  Men  Lunch C.  7:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. 2:30 P. N. to 10200 P. M. 7:3C A. M. to 2:30 P. M. 230 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A. M. One-half hour.  Shifts. Third shift of women asked to balance shifts. Manager stated that it would be impossible to secure men for permanent night Shift even if a bonus is paid. Made reference to *Graveyard* shift. Deployment -44nager said that company would briny woman to and from work in auto busses. Distance from town abo%t 12 miles. TWo of the women said that they honed that the permit would be granted as they disliked working one week under one foreman and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  next week under the other. One foreamn -Art,q71 want them to do a thing this way and the other foreman would want it done emme other wolf', finding fault with work which wws in acoertanoo with instructions from the other foreman. D.  limos 35 cents per hour All time work lien 40 cents per hour Supertntendent sail that if permission for night work is gramtsd he thought thin the sane rate of pay could be *stab. Could give no reason for not doing so except that liehed. women were being tried out and custom had established lower rate of pay.  E.  Kind of work: 1. Woven now emplcryod 441 sweeper in cleaning and drying house. Presk. onAratore in ishylrAting house. Comrall, had to maks uhes.n6c* and put in elevators to lift Gem. tainers in orier to emrloy vmen here. libployed in machine shor. Ighpllyed in straining prese house (556.0oroni) operating ;refuses e.z4 uutting mg.chines.  W4ges:  2, lent to employ *omen in mixing haus*. Ihnt to emT)loy women in po4ohimg horse to operate 'Alves. limit to emiloy women in 1Juli, house. pork in pulp house and poaching house suitahle for women. Ibrk in mi, house not so iis.Ir ecb.use of fumes. ether Centralized deportee,* procures and hires I.AMploymont motho,is: all help. Asmis6mmt Superintendent disehargos, but men are transferred whOmover possible. Labor wurnovor Very greA. Assistant to Mr. Mrroll seers to go around 'e..nd *hip men from Buffalo, altho they are not sup. posed to sot labor there un,er ru3ing of the U. S. Ervaloysent Service. Buffalo is the nearest F-lcis of 1.bor supply but they are supposet to iraw only from Phil,idelphia, Harrisburg, or New Y(4* City. Criticism of U. S. AMrloyimnt Service most evilent. No woman to ewnloy Phyeool exavination not required. SourJe of labor Looaa labor not available. Said effort was to be mode to advertise in rural iistricts and that if Pal :40 emplAyers at EMporium baled finance and rush each a campaign, SONO laber could be secured for the winter months. If more wmTlen are to be esarlrled they will have to come from ck]t of town. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -3-  U. S. Eiployment office verified the statement about the labor He also verified statement to the effect that men supply. were shipped from New York to Buffalo, shipped out of Buffalo to Emporium came to him without rw)orting for work and tried to be shipped for war work at some other place, but that he *refused to send one man out of town for there is great need of every available man there* They all sew to think that men are traveling seeing the sights at cost of the Government. H.  Welfare Department: 1. No welfare department. No provision for hot drinks, except that overtime was indulged in some time ago, when the company commissary loaated in tom, *emit do/n lunches, 2. Housing facilities. No provision has been made for .- vomen, place has been provided for the men. If the plan to employ women goes through, the compAny Taans to rent a hotel now vacant and fit lit up. The expect to put a comretent women in charge. Two girls stated that they have been hunting for weeks to get a good rcom and that they have to eat around in restaurants. A look at the restaurants verified the fact that objections were well founded. It was suggested to Mrs. Gaskill, member Community Board, that an effort be made to have the T. W. C. A. come in there, which suggestion was met with delight by the girls.  I.  Supervisor of women: None employed at present. But company plans to do so if permitted to employ women at night. Forelady taken on that day, and was being initi,4e4.4 into the work of themplant. Was working in the strain press room and is to work In each department so as to learn each process.  J.  General working conditions: Fair, quite a little unguarded machinery however. Women wear caps and bloomers. &marls not very gret. Workroom light, housekeeping inside buildings better than outside. This may be due to the fact that most of the buildings are old. Change rooms conveniently located, but being cleaned by a colored man. Half length lockers provided. Mow change house is being built, one building for men and women, (partition). Toilet facilities , dequate for the present. The questin of additional toilets will be taken care of by the commany as th. needs arises. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -4-  K.  Transportation. auto.  Mss 'elk to work but women are taken by  Other industries. Novelty house employing from 125 to 150 women. (electric bulbs). Tannery. Aetna's Co's Aynamito plant.  Plant oenditions fair, but much time ant nonsy would have to be eomovined to put the plant in such a condition that night work of woman couli be considered. It would seem %bat the wow solve the problem of housing the women now enployod and the** nemded to fill the two day shift before condidering the possibility of Flitting women on at night. There is me question but that labor shortage is hitting proEmotion. Mob of the work Is suitable for women. 7.  Sqggostions male. TAN4 11,8, woman be employe to clean the change house. That a screen be built aroma manes toilet. That individual towels be provided. Attention was called to violation of law forbidding employment of wenn' more than 6 days a week.  •Miemosomdatione. A. That the requost for permission to wrork moon at night should be denied. B. That the necessary steps be taken to secure for tile Mt.. ftvlosives Co., Inc. pormissien to employ women until 11 P. M. in order to balance up two full clay shift, mad mosso men new working on work which could be done by women, providing tho plan goes through whioh is now Wfir consilerel for the control of night Nork. C. That such permission be dependent on the ostabliohmants of the following 0Onditions at the plKnt: 1. Gemfting of tooninery al least to comply with 14, of Pennsylvania. 2. hill Compliance with the Ponnoylvania L-so prohibiting the empl, yment of eosin more than *Is digs a week. 3. Appointment of a woman supervisor. 4. Chang* houses for women to be entirely separato from ani not located in vicinity of these used hy MN%  5. That individual or sanitary towels be provided.  / / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I.11104 lemon et' WOMMIONDOnyel to lo Gleaning in eeman's ohmage hemees. T. 'hat :Tovicien be undo for the serving of hat irinks. eat adequate housing fasilities for women be pro.R. v1401'1401 eenpetent person I Wane, both to be on Pal armored by the Ponnsylvinia Depart.. passed smut of Lnbor. 9. that adequate transportation fleilities be provided, and 004 these emplowel on the shift returning at 11 P. 116 be taken to within one block of their home. at the wise* of women be put on -m elual basis with 10. the wages of the met.  Vn in Injustry Service.  October 25, 1918. To:  Memoranium Mis Van Kleeck  From:  Agnes Peterson  Subject:  Application of the Aetna Explosives Co. Inc. Emporium, Pt.. for permission to employ woren at night.  1.Date of visit to_plant, October 21st.  2.  )/%iiss kil)a Siebert Field Suervisor Woman!Oivision Penn. Dept. of Labor accompanied representative Woman in Industry Service. interviewel. Persons Mr. Cordie Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Mr. Dowd Mr. Carpenter EmTloyment Manager Mr. Goldbard Assistant to Mr. Carroll, New York. Mr. Bair U. S. Employment  3. Organization. Branch Aetna Explosives Co. Ind.120 Broadway, New York City. 4. Statement of the CE,E3.  Plant now operating on Three 8-hour shifts: rotating weekly except that women are employed only on two shifts. ikien,.....1455 a. Number employed: 1500 Porren,45 . All have been working 7 days a week. Women on two shifts. Hours. women  Men  7:30 a. d. to 2:30 p. in. 2:30 p. in. " 10:00 p. in. 7:30 a. in. to 7:30 p. in. 2:30 p. in. " 1L:00 p. in. 11:00 p. m. " 7:0'..) a. in. Lunch, one-half (-) hour.  C.  Shifts: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Third shift of women asked for to balance shifts. Manager stated that it would be impossible to secure men for a permanent night shift even if a bonus is 7Daid. Made reference to "Graveyard" shift. Employment manager said that coapany would bring wouen to and from work in auto buss. Distance from town about limiles. Two of the women said that they hoped that the permit would be. granted as they disliked working one week under one foreman and  next week under the other. That one forerhan would want them to do a thing this way and the other foreman would want it done soau other way, finding fault with work which was in accordance with instructions from the other foreman. d. Wages: Women 35 cts. per hour. All time work. Men 40 cts. per hour. Superintendent said if permission for night work is granted that he thought that same rate of pay could be established. Could give no reason for not doing so except that women were being tried out and custom had established a lower rate of pay. e. Kind of work: Woman now employed as swenper in cleaning anf, dryir;g. house. 1. Press operators in dehydrating house. Company had to make changes and put in elevators to lift containers in order to employ ',omen here. .7.wpldryed in aachine shop. Employed, in straining press house (macaroni) operating presses and cutting machines. 2.  f.  u.  Want Want Want Work Work  to to to in in  employ women in mixing house. employ women in poaching house to operate valves. employ women in pulp house. pulp house and poaching house suitable for women. mixing houi;e not so desirable because of ether fumes.  EILI;Joyment methais: Centralized department procures and hires all help. .Assistant Superintendent discharges, but men are transferred whenever :2ossible. Labor turnover very greE:t. Assistant to Mr. Carroll seems to go around and ship men from Buffalo, altho they are not supposed to get labor there nnier ruling of U. S. Employment Service. Buffalo is the nearest place of labor supply, but Lhey are supposed to draw only from Philadelphia, Harrisburg, or New York City. Criticism of U. S. Employment service most evident. No woman to employ women: Physical exmination not require!. Source of labor supply. Local labor not available. Said that effort was to be made to advertise in rural districts and that if all the emnloyers at Emporium helped finance and push such a campaign, some labor could be secured for the winter months. If more women are to be employed they will have to come from out of town. U. S. Employment office verified the statement about the labor supply. He also verified statementto the effect that men Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -3-  were shipped from New York to Buffalo, shied out of Buffalo to Emporium came to him without reporting for work and tried to be shipped for war work at some other place, but tht he4efuse4 to send one man out of town for there is great ried of every available man ther,-,? They all scm to think that ulen are traveling seeing the sights at cost of Government. h.l.Welfare Department. No welfare department. No provision for hot drinks, ex4 cept that overtime was indulged in some time ago, when the company comuAssary located in town sent down lunches. ?  Housing facilities. No provision has been made for women, place has been provided for the men. If ths plan to employ woman goes tIlrogh, the company plans to rent a hotel now vacant and fit it up. TL(.7227 expect to put a conpetent person in in charge. Two girls stated thpt they have been hunting for weeks to get a good rocmilthat they have to eat around in restaurants. A look at the restaurants verified the fact that objection was well founded. It was suggested. to Mrs. Gaskilli that effort be made to have the Y. W. C. A. come in there, which suggestion was met with delight by the girls.  1.  Suvirvisor of women. Nune employed at present. But company plans to 'lo so if permitted to employ women at night. Forelady taken on that day, and was being initiated into the work of the plant. Was working in the strain press room, and is to work in each aiepartment so as to learn each process.  3.  GenerE,1 working conditions. Fair, quite a little lInguarded machinery however. Women wear caps and bloomers. Hazards not very great. Workroom light, housekeeping inside buildings better than outside. This may in part be due to fact that most of the buildings are old. Change rooms conveniently located, but being cleaned by a colored wan. Half len6th lockers provided. New change house is being built, one building for rnen and women. (partition). Toilet facilities adequate for the present. The question of adlitional toilets will be taken care of by the company as the need arises. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -4-  k.  Transportation. Men walk but women are taken to work by auto.  5. Other Industries. Novelty house employing from 125 to 150 women. (Electric bulbs) Tannery Aetna Co's Dynamite plant. 6., Summary. Plant conditions fair, )put much time and mon-.!y would have to be consumed to put the plant in auch a condition that right work of .omen could be considered. It would seem that the company solve the problem of housing the women now employed and those needed to fill the two day shifts before considering the possibility of putting women on at night. There is no question but that labor a-nortage is limiting production. Much of the work is suitable for women. 7.  kiggestio-is made. That a women be employed to clean the change hoses. ThLt a screen be built around men's toilet. That individual towels be provided. Attention was called to violation of law forbidling employm -mt of women more tan 6 days a weA.  8.  Recommendations. a. That the request for permission to vv.-irk women at night should be denied. b. That the necesse!ry steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co. Inc. permiseion to employ women until the hour of 11 p. m. in order to balance up two full day shifts and release men now working on work which ciAi be done by women, providing the plan goes through which is now being considered for the control of night work. c. Th.t such permission be dependent otthe establishment of the following conditions at the plant: 1. Guardiagyof machinery at least to comply with laws of Pennsylvania. 2. Full compliance with the Pennsylvania LE,w prohibiting the employment of women more than six days a week., t! 3. 2f woman supervisor. 4. Change hous s for women to be entirely separate from and not located in vicinity of those used by men. 5. That individual or sanitary towels be provided. 6. Th&--„t vomen or women be employed to do cleaning in women's change houses. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -5-  7. That provision be Lade for the serving of hot drinks. E. That adequate housing facilities for women be provided with competent person in charge, both to be passed upon and approved by the Pennsylvania DepartmenL of Labor. 9. That adequate transportation facilities be provided, and that those employed on the lahift returning at 11 p. m. be taken to Athin one block of their homes. 10. That the waes of women be put on an equal basis with the wages of the men.  /13 October 25, 1913.  Memorandum. To:  Miss Van Kleeck  From:  Agnes Peterson  Subject:  Application, Aetna Exolosives Co., Inc., Y,ount Union, Pa. for permission to employlaTii7Z—Erghts Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1.  Date of visit to,plan:t, October 19th. Miss Anna Siebert, Field Supervisor, Woman's Division, De-oart— ment of Labor, accompanied the representtive of the WczIL»n in Industry Service.  2.  Persons Interviewed: Mr. Young Mr. T. P. Payne Mrs. Carlin Lung Major Pains Mr. R. Cassidy  Superintendent Safety Engineer Assistant Assistant to Safety Engineer Shod Foreman Employment Manger U. S. Emoloymlmt Service,  3.  Organization: Branch, Aatna Ex.olosives Comtany. 120 Broadway, New York City  4.,  Statems.nt of Case . Plant now operating on three eight hour silifts: rotating weekly, excepting women employes on one shift only. Nuaber emoloyed, 2750;  B.  Hours: 'Tomer Men  len 27S  Women 20 on powder line 30 cafetaria, etc. 50  7 A. M. to 3 P. M. 7 A. M. to 3 3 P. c. to 11 P.Y. 11 P. M. to 7 A.  Lunch period 45 ninutes. Operators einected to re-port in time to relieve worker at machine without need of turning off power. Man work seven days a week, women six lys a week. C.  Shifts: Lanagemmt stated that shifts must he well balanced if the maximum of output is to be :b.ttained. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Also stated that it would be impossible to secure men for a permanent night shift even if a bonus is paid. "Men refuse to work on the "Grave-yard Shift". Transportation facilities as well as distance from Mt. Union prevents charging hour of law-inning work in the Torning to 6. D.  Women 35 cents per hour. All time work. :len 40 cents per hour difference in pay was that women cannot given for Reason so are not worth as much as men. at night, be employed If the company are allowed to put women on at night the Doing same work as :en matter can be taken care of. except that men do the lifting.  E.  Kind of work: Women employed in lehydrating house, operating machines. Men do all lifting. Women e-mloyed in finishing press roam, The smokeless powder is brought to this room in cylinder form welching about 34 or 35 pounds. Girls lift these cylinders a little above the waist line .lacing them in the container of the press. Lifting is from the ground and about once every 6 or 7 It is not hard work and is considered the Anutes. snap job in the room beaouse the girls can sit down between each lift. The company , clan to employ only women on this work. The other work in the room is very light, ulling over a tin container with one strand of the "macarony" and guiding it through the press for punching. May want to employ wr‘men in mixing room, in magazine building, all work which can be done by women.  F.  Employment Methods; Centralized department hires and procures all workers. Assistant Superintendent discharges, but men are tnnsfarred whenever possible and placed in some other department if physically able to do the work. Transfers to accomn%odate the men duting the month of September number eighty-,five. Company turns no man away who can possibly be laaced in the plant. Company has e=loymant manager in New York. Labor turnover is very great. It was found in.a shipment of 20 men who recently arrived from New York that eight had some venereal disease and three were tubercular, although the New York office ships only men who sign a statement to the effect that they have neither venereal disease, tuberculosis, nor hernia, and that applicant will submit to a physical examination and pay transportation if it is found that he is subject to either. From now on the -physical examination will take place before shipment.  Wages: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -:3-  1. In reference to the labor turnover the emEloyment manager stated that luring the month of August 1343 men were hifed and that 1154 left voluntarily or ' were discharged. 2.  No woman to employ women.  3.  Tomen have only been employed since October 1.  G.  Source of Labor supply; No additional labor available except 7;erhaps a limited nuMber of woman. Vary few man available from Huntington or Orbasoniu. Need of am7:loying women evidently very great. The State Reformatory is located at Huntington, Dr Joachim of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor suggested that an effort be made to employ some of the young men from there. The suggestion is worthy of consideration and it is suggested that a latter ba written to Mr. Palmer asking him to delegate some one to look into the matter and find out if it is possible and if so whether it is practical and to work out the problem of supervision, etc. (Transportation ean be by jitney train, distance about 12 miles.) With the excetion a few men who live in Nt. Union ,-, ost men amloyal ara ihipred in from New York, Philadelphia and Harrisburg.  H.  Welfare Department: 1. No special xelfare department, but a club hause but a club house and amusement hall has been provided, and seelns to be well 1-6.n. The cc,mmissary depart:eent is well equipped. One building near the entrahce with good cafeteria, one building on the grounds is divided into a boarding IvIise and cafeteria. .44 Housing fe.cilities. New houses have been erected, inch:ling A nunber of attractive cottages for man with families. It is thought best not to provide huusing for tha woman on the grounds.. UP to the present woman employed live at :At. Union, but if more women ar to be errloyed it will be necessary to maks. some provision for them and not take chances of securing rooms in Mt. Union. The plan now unaer consideration is to rent a bung with 12 large rooms in Ut. Union and put a competent women in charge.  I.  Suparviscl. of women: None employed at present but company plans to do so if their plan for 'rcr3asing the number of wowen ,elaterializes. Forelady to be emi,loyed but ill tha day we were there.  J.  General Working Conditions; General workinE conditions are good. Hazards not very great. Posted notices call attention to tilt nee4 to be careful, not to wear rings of sieokeless powder which seams attractive to the new girls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -4-  ':ork room light and kept clean, house-keep,ing good bctr, inside and outside of building. Change rooms convenie.r ly located. Toilet facilities adequate. :.ore will be added if nuri,oar taken on makes it necessary. K. "Transportation: Employees not living at plan ride on "Jitney" train from t. U;. .. Train lle.ves at . arrives about 6:30. Ti;-e consumed in walk from train and change of clothing by women 30 minutes. Comany is trying to arrange for a "Jitney" train service from Huntington and Orbasonia. No industries emyloying women at Orbasonia. Ralph Cassidy, U. S. Em-ploye.ent Service, h 7 looked over the field ani 25 women will come there if trans,ortation facilities make it possible. Distance about 12 miles. Rate offered at the present time, ho,.ever, is prohibitive, tter to be taken up with the Public Service Comrissic,n. 5. Other Industries. Three brick refractories, 100c: Goverment work. Coke ovens. Tannery Railroad yards. 6. Sumeary. Pl.ent conditions although vary good are not such as to make it desirable to employ at night. Although the woman wouldi not have to work in a builithg alone and the buildings are not isolated, 4.nd although the change houses w'id toilets are conveniently located for day workers, they re more or lass isolated in a way for night service. Labor shortage is limiting production. :each of the work is suitable for wczen. 7. Recommendations. A. That the request of the Aetna Explosives Co.. Inc., for permission to employ women at night ahould be denied. B. Because of the fact that it would necessitate Teaving home at 5 o l cloc'e if the A)rnine; shift go to work ,e.t 6 A. It is recammendel that the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc. permission to employ women until the hour of 11 P.M. in the interests of the maximum production, provided the rlan now being considered for the c-ntrol of night work Loes through. That such permission be dey:endent on the establishC. ment of the following comlitions at the plent: 1.  That a woman emi-acyment manager ta'es over the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -5-  hiring of woman. 2.  That "B11116" service be provided for the return to t. Union of the momen who work at night, ani that they be taken to within one block from their home.  3.  That adaate "Jitney" train service be provided for other shifts, with spcial coach for women.  4.  That adequate housing facilities for women be provided at Et. Union with coetent person in charge, both to be &pi:roved by the Pennsylvania Derartment of Libor before women are encourage& to coce in to Jit. Union to work.  5.  That the was of woman be put on an ecival bsis with the wages of men.  bs-  nes P3tersou, in Inaistry Service.  October 25, 191H.  Memorandum. Miss Van Ileeek  To:  Agnes Peterson St...).)4.;t: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Application, Aetna Explosives Co., Inc., MotInt Union, Pa. for permission to employ women at night.  1.  Date of visit to plant, October 19th. Miss Anna Siebert, Fiell Supervisor, Woman's Division, Department of Labor, accompanied the representative of time 'roman in Inlustry Service.  a.  ?arsons Interviewed: Mr. Young Mr. T. P. PKyno Mrs. Carlin Mr. Lung Major Pains Mr. R. Cassidy  Superintendent Safety Engineer Assistant Assistant to Safety Engineer Shop Fore:mon Employeent Man,ger U. S. Employment Service.  3.  Organ1sation: lranch. Aetna Explosives Comnlny. 120 Broa.dway, New York City  4.‘  Vatomont of Cass Plant now operating on three eight hour sh'fts: rotating weekly, uxcepting women employees on one shift only. Mon VVO  A.  MuNber employed, 2750;  Be  inure: Semen ?A. M. to 3 P. M.  Mem  Women 20 on powder line 30 -Afetaria, etc. 5C  7 A. M. to 3 P. X. 3 P. M. to 11 P.M. 11 P. M. to 7 A. K.  Lunch period 46 minutes. Operators exneoted to report in time to relieve worker at machine without owed of turning off power, lisa work seven days a week, women six days a week. C.  Shifts: Wanigeoent stated that shifts must be well balanced if the maximum of output is to be attained. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Also stated that it womld be impossible to secure um for a parliament night shift even if & bonus If paid. "Mon refuse to work on the iGrieva-rkrd Shift". Transportation facilities as well as distance from Mt. Union prevents changing how of beginning work in the morning to 61. D.  Women 35 cants per hew. All time work. 40 cents per hour Mon nnot Reason given for difference in pa y Vall that women be moployod at night, as are not worth as muoh as OW6 If the sompeny aro allows./ to nut women an at night the Doing smme work as men matter ean be taken oars of. that man .to the lifting.  Z.  hind of work: Women employed in lehyAratimg house, operating Meognes. Uen to all lifting. Women employThe svokeloss powder is finishing press room, brought to this mom in oylinder form weighine, about 34 Girls lift these cyliners a,littlo above or :g0; pounis. the waist line plaoing them in the container el the pros.. Lifting is from the ground and about ono* every 6 or 7 It is not hArd work and is considered the minutes. snap job In the room be4cuse the girls din sit down batweon each lift. The company rlan to em7loy only women oh this work. Ths other work in th4 room is very light, rulling over a tin oontainar with ore strand of the ihmearogy" smd guiiing it through the press for punching. 144 want to enploy wrLori in mixing room, in magazine building, ke.11 Aork which oan be done by womial  Wages:  F. asploymeat Metnols; Centrallsod department hires and proouroo all workers. Assistant Superintandeut diseharges, out mon are transforrod aihemover possible and pissed in some other Aepartoont if phrsioally able to deAbe work. Transfer to acoomweriAa the men during the month of Soptort. Oar h4wjar eight -five. Company turn2 nn law away who eAn possibly he placed In the plant. Compkny has employnt manager in Mew York. Labor turnover is very great. It leas found in a shipmant of 20 mon Who recently arrived romAux York that sight had 401MS INIMOC4111 Alsosoe and three were tubaroular, although the New York office ships only men he sign s statInent to the effect that they have neither venereid diossso, tubsranlosis, nor hernia, &ma that opplleast will stbmit to a physical esasination smd pay transportation If it is found that ha is subject to examination will tisk* oithar. 'tom now on the place before shillosnt. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -3-  1. In reference to the labor turnover the emrloyment mi.nager stated that durirag the month of Aegust 1343 non were hired and tWit 1154 left volnntxrily or wore disohArod. Z. NO woman to serloy fAcolnetr. 3. •  Women have only been employed since &Kober 1.  G. &race of Labor supply; No adiltional labor Available except rnaps a limited numb9r of wenem. Tory few mem available from Nhntington or Orb4sonia. Weed of employing women evi!ently very great. The State lkoformatory Is located at Ruutington, Dr Jottohim of the Pennsylvania Department of Libor Oftested that an effort be malts to employ some or the young nem from there. 'he suggestion is worthy or consideration and it is soggosted that a 13ttor be written to Mr. Pe/nor asking him to delegate some one to look into the matter ani fina out if it Is possiile and if so whathrsr it is practical and to work out ths ;goblets of swierviolon, etc. (Trams!‘ortation can be by jitney train, listanoe about 12 miles.) With the exzeption o Pew men who live to Vt. Union most non swivel Ara shipped in from 3ew 'fork, PhilpAelphis and airrlsburg.  16 "afar* Department: 1. No 3poota1 welf4re ispartment, but a club house but a club houae anA Amassment hall his been provided, anl seers to be ,v311 run. The cAmmissinr, depart ment Is weal *quipped. Om bullAing near Lithu sottabco with good ctleteria, one building en the gremis Is divided into a boarding h-uss and cafeteria. 2. Housing ttcilitIms. New houses hive been erected, including e nurber cf attraotivo aottages for man with families. It is thought hest not to proviie housing for the NUM on the grounis. Up to the rresent wagon employed live at Vt. Unica, but If women.= are to be employed It will be neeoseary to mkAs SONO provision for them and not take Chemeoe of securing rooms is Uuinn. The plasimowurder consiieration Is to rook a builling with 12 largo rooms in Mt. Union awl put s comritent women in charge. I. Sopervio-r cf element None employed at present but compar e plans to do so if tlgeir plan for Increasing the umber of mom materialises. Foresiaiy said to be emrloyed but ill the 01, we were there. J. Oemeral Working Corditions; General working conditions are good. Swards not very grl,t. Posted notices call attention to the seed to be careful, not to wear rings of emekeleee powder Ohleh 006M4 attractive to the new girls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.41ar  Work roam light and kept clean, house-keeping goal both Change rooms convenient. inside ant outsile of building. ly 1004011. Tcilet facilities aievate. More will be added if number taken on makes it necessary. K.  EM71oyess not living at rlant ride or Transportation: *Jitney" train from Mt. Uninn. Train leaves At 6:0?,, A:M. arrives about 6:30. Tioas consumei in ealk froz. train and Company is trYl° change of clothing by woman 30 minutes. log to arrangi for a "Jitney" train service from ItuntirigNo intustries employing women at ton ani Orbasonia. 911411 Cassidy, U. S. /Deployment Servi‘e, kas Orbel,zoni4L. lookel oy,r the field arg1 :.;i5 women will come then, if tr.tnsportatien faeilities sole it possible. Distance about 12 miles. Rite offerei at the present time, hoeever is prohiMtive, matter to be taken up with the Public Service Comisoical.  5. Other Industries. Three brick refractories, 100% Government work. Coke ovens. Tenr,,ry Ruilroad pirds. 6. Suror_aisit Plant condWons although very good are not suoh as to make it desirable to emrloy at night. Although the woman would not holve to work in a building alone and the buildings Are not isolated, and although the ch4.Ings houses and toilets are conveniently looate !-, for day workers, they re more or loss isoltAted in c. way for night service. Labor shortage is limiting production. Wuch of the work is suitetle for wmen.  ?  1000mmandxtions. A. That the request of the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc., for per0.ssicn to employ Mom at night Mould be denied, B. lesiuse of the fi‘ct thet it would necessitate ! shift go to Iiaving home at 5 o'clocv: if the ..orninb work at 6 A. M. It is recommendei that the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co., Inc. permission to employ women until the hour of 11 P.M. in the interests o: the mw.Almmm proluction, provilsd the plan now being considered for the a ntrol of night York oes through. !kat such permission be dependent on the establish. Si. meat of the following collations at the plAnts 1.  That a woman em loyment manager ta es over the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -5-  hiring ef women. 2.  That IrDusiti service be provided for the return to Mt. Union of the women who work at night, ani that they be taken to withIn one block from their home.  3.  ThAt s.dsquate Village train service be providod for other shifts, with special coqah for women.  4.  That adequAto housing facilities for wooer be provided at Mt. Union with coiretent person in chAirgo, both to be ow-roved by the Pennsylvania Department of LAbor before women are encouraged to oome in to Mt. Union to work.  5.  That the wag's of women be put on an equal bi,sis with the wages of men.  Agnes ?etersen, Woi:Jan in Industry Service.  October 25, 1918.  Memoranaum Miss Van Kleedk  To: From:  Agnes Peterson Application, Aetna Explosives Co. Inc. Mount Union, Pa. for permlssion to employ women at night.  31bject:  1. Date of visit to plant, October 19th. Miss Anna Steuart, Field Supervisor, Woman's Division, Department of Labor, accompanied Representative Woman in Iniustry Service.  (01- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2. Persons i-Iterviewedt Mi. YounFr, Mi. T. P. Payne y , ., 4 la's. Carlin Mr. Lung Major Pains Mi. R. Cassidy artettizsaift 3.  Superintendent Safety Engineer Assistnnt Assistant to Safety Engineer. Shop Foreman Einploy:fent Manager U. S. Employment Service  Branch Aetna Exploxives Co. Inc. 120 Broadway, N. T.  4. Statement of the Case: Plant now operating on three 8-hour shifts: weekly, except women employees on one shift only. Number employed, 2750;  b.  Hours:  Men 270q  rotating  Women 50 20 on powder line 30 cafetaria, etc 50  women 7 a. m. to 3 p. m. Men  7 a.m. to 3 p. m. 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. 11 p. m. to 7 a. m.  Lunch period 45 minutes. Operators expected to report in time to relieve worker at macnine without need of turnin of kien 4ork seven days a weelr, 7-Tren six 'Ir7s wesk. c. Shifts: Management stated that shifts must be well balanced if the maximum of output is to be attained. Also stated that it would be impossible to secure men fOr a perwanent night shift even if a bonus is paid. "Men refuse to work on the "Gravtlyard Shift". Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2-  Transportatio- facilities as well as distance from !!.t. Union rre'rents cllangina hour of beginning work in the morning to 6. Wages:  Worren 35 cts. per hour. All time work. Men 40 cts. per hour. Reason 6iven for difference in pay was that women cannot be employed at night, so are not worth as much as men. If the company are allowed to put women on at night the matter can be taken care of. Doing same work as men except that men do the lifting. e. Kind of work: Women employed in dehydrating house, operating machi -es. Men lo all lifting. Women employed in finishing press room, The smokeless powder is brought to this room in cylinder form weighing about 34 or 35 pounds. Girls lift these cylinders a litAde above the waist line Tlacing them in the container of the press. Lifting is from the ground and about once every 6 or 7 minutes. It is not hard work and is considered the snap job in the room because the girls can sit down between each lift. The com7Lany plan to employ only women on this work. The other work in the ro3m is very light, pulling over a tin container with one strand of the nalacarony" and guiding it through the press for the punching M-y want to employ woman in mixing room, in magazine building, all work work which can be 'lone by women. f.Traployment Methods. Centralized departTent procures and hires all workers. Assistant Superintendent discharges but wen are transferred whenever possible and placeelin some other depart:vent if physically able to do he work. Transfers to accommodate the men during the month of September number eighty five. Company turns no mein away who can possibly be nlaced in the pint. Company has employment manager in New York. Labor turnover is very great. It was found in a shipment of twenty men who recently arrived from New York that eight had some venereal disease and ,hree were tubercular, although the New York orrice ships only men who sign a statement to the effect that they have neither venereal disease, tuberculosis, nor hernia, and that applicant will submit to a  d. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -3-  physical examination and pay transportation if it is found that he is subject to either. From now on Lhe physical examination will take place before shipTent. •a?' leatn reference to the labor turnover the employment manager stated that during the month of August 1343 :lien were hired and that 1154 left voluntarily or eere liacharged. :. No woman to employ women. i. Women have only been employed since October 1. g.  Source of labor supply. No additional local Labor available excep t perhaps a limited number of women. Very few marl available from Huntington or Orbasonia. Neel of eeplo ying women evidently vary great. The State Refor matory Is located at Huntington, Dr. Joachim of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor suggested that effort should be wade to employ some of the young men from there. The suggestion is worthy of considerat ion, and it. is suggestaithat a letter be written to Mr. Palmer aeeifig him to delegate some one to look into the matter aril find out if it is possible ani if so whether it is practical and to work out the problem of supervision, etc. (Transportation can be by "Jitney" Train, iistance about 12 miles.) With the exception of a fes men who live in Mt. Union most men employed are shipeed in from New York, Philadelphia, and Harrisburg.  h. Welfare Department. ,°1. No seecial welfare depar tment, but a club house and amusement hall has been provided, end seems to be well run. The commissary derartment is well equipfed. One bui1din6 near entrance wit17 good cafet eria, one building on the grounds is divided into a boarding house awl cafeteria. 47)) Qa-ei .e. Housing facilities. New houses have been erected, including a number of attractive cottages for men with families. It is thouht best not to provide housing for the women on the grounds. Up to the present women employed live at Mt. Union, but if more women are to be employed it will be necessary to some provision for them and not take chances of securing rooms in  -4-  Mt. Union. The plan now under consideration is to rent a building with 12 large rooms in Mt. Union and put a competent woman in charge. i. Supervisor of women. Nona employed at present but company plans to do so if their plr-:n for increasing the namb2r of women employed materializes. Forelady said to be employed tut ill the day we were there. j. General working conditions. Gener-1 working conditions --ood. Hazards not very great. Posted notices call attention to the ned of being careful, not to wear rings of smokeless powder which seems attractive to the new girls. Work roem light and kept clean, honekeeping good both inside -‘1.1d outsiJe of building. Change rooms conveniently located. Toilet facilities adequate. More will be aided if number taken on maRes it necessary. k. Transportation. Employees not living at plant ride on "Jitney" train from Mt. Union. Train leaves 6 a. m. arrives about 6:30. Time consumed in walk from train and change of clothing by women 30 minutes. Company is tryin. , , to arranre for "Jitney" train service from Huntington and Orbasonia. No industries employing women at Orbasonia. Ralph Cassidy, U. S. Employment, has looked over tl.e field and 25 worrien will come from there if transportation facilities wake it possib le. Distance acJout 12 wiles. Rate offered at tresent time, however, is prohibitive, matter to e taken up with the Public Service Caufiission. (Lher Industries. Three brick refractories, 100% Govern ment work. Coke ovens Tannery Railroad yards. 6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Summary. Plant conditions although very ic.od are not such as to make it desirable to employ women at night. Although the women would not have to work in a building alon,=,1 -th.F. tuildins are not isolated, and although the change houses and toilets are conveniently located for day workers, they are more or less isolated in a for niaht service.)?Labor shorta ge is limiting production. rMuch of the work is suitable for women. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  7.  Reco-iDendations. a. That request of the Aetna Explosives Co. Inc. for permission to employ women at night should be denied. h. Because or the fact that it would necessiLaLe leaving home at 5 o'clock if the morning shift go to work at 6 a. m. it is recommended that the necessary steps be taken to secure for the Aetna Explosives Co. Inc. permAision to employ women until the hour of 11 p. m. inthe interests of the maximum production, providedthe plan now being considered for the control of night work goes through. c.  That such permission be dependent on the establishment of the following conditions at the plant: 1. That a woman employment manager take // over the hiring of women. 2.  That "Buss" service be provided for the return to Mt. Union of the women who work at night, and that they be taken to within one block from their home. That adequate "Jitney" train service be provided for other shifts, with special coach for women.  3.  That adequate housing facilities for women be provided at Mt. Union 4ith competent rerson in charge, both to be ap7roved by the Pennsylvania Department of Lnbor before women are encouraged to come in to Mt. Union to Aork.  4.  That the wages of women be put on an equal basis with the wages of the men.