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The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11 11r, Nov ,  ,2-tc3 November 6, 1919. Miss Grace Abbott, Research Coosult:::nt, War Labor Policias Enard, Washinton, D. C. My dear Miss Anotti At Miss Van Kleeckis request T write to acknowledge your letter of October 23th. Miss Van Maack ia grateful for the sugEestions which you make, and has made changes in the draft accordingly. Very truly youri.,  IMP Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Secretary to Miss Van Kleeck.  3  I DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON  'L.  October 28, 1918  4.)eur Mis:3 Van Kleeck: In talking, with you about the section of the standards on employment manag Jmont 1 neclected to state one important objection I  had in mind  to the standards as they were submitted and  as they come in this final draft. V on p.  I feel that the statement  "It has been iemmstrh.ted thlt the  MOoL  effective results in  the relitionship between 4 company and its employees depend upon a personnel bp-;,rtment charged with responsibility for ,,ele.:tion, assicnment, transfer or withdrawal of workers and the establishment of proper workinc conditions," is not true.  'he .Tost eft'otive method of establishin_  proper relationship between the company and its emp1oyee-6 Aepends updn a working are(411ant, between the organized workers and the employer. I think this Tay be seized upon at some time unles:: it is chanced.  Yours very truly,  /7  aLt...4c Research jonstITTInt /HL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MEMOni-.MiUM for Mice L  Van Kleeck  .i.11ifil4L. OF 4omEn iNORKEh5 As this is lar,...ely  4  problem in kublicity dfter the st.tndaids with  ref.-3cence to the kind of work to be done have been settled, further consi(leration makes me think  he Exhibit method would be the best.  Mr.  Ghenery t....6reos and thinks Mr. Bbbson would be glad to have it done in connEiction with his service; that if we have the plan and people in mind he would do it as we asked him to.  In such a G,se it would, of course,  have to be lone jointly by the Wom-n in Industry and E. and I. service. If so I should v,anz to Would you be willin6 to consider such a ilan? 41,444111 ag,tbuda,et. It would be a good seo Mary Swain Routzon (?) before thing to talk to Mrs. Kelley %bout -it too, I presume. I enclose a copy of a memorandum, I , rotf--i  . Frankfurter appopos  of your let,er with the reference to the Employment Service order. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To: Mr. Frunkfurter ' From: U. Abbott v'oith refarence to att-Icted.c linf-;-i-tims to me to make evident the necsity for  Th  Vi  tri4-3 field of the 6alkloym(nt t lIn.  A  itt BLA,i011 to dopliun of a lo,l.i.:ement  Se) 1L we ne.A,  A8  (1)  •aeflnition of  eneral folicy Are we to urae  )6to  the re,lacement of men tv  acemem?  Are we ready to e juire in ()Mot replacement?  This is irimarily  iiit.ry  cert-in l ercen's of ue.tion.  We are oar-LA.1D1/  reIy to vei l/ affirmatively to the fir-A. (2)  Ihe machinery for Lhe enforet=aent of a teilacement (a)  ine Nar Department throui,h is eAnDI Lion  oper,ates with reference to ini,livi(auLtls.  fLnally  The ilidividuai ieition  are lare,ely  h•,L3 Leen Aorked out. dependent on whether an iniustrial rek locemant ,roa rum (b)  Ale Afar industries Board can in Erect a._luire that all  down by the Eocli.r. induC,ries -tioit a t ro6r in o: refrlacemen: on lines laid  (3) rai.lacemmt  iiiiJ  OV LLo,111.:1  fOi  LLi  ncludes health, safety, et.  10 oovern _he ;:ar L7i1)01'  to Le karticuiarized kolicis Board has a doted a L n3ra 1 i robram MiL need:, tments so that for scAalkie an omiloyer ,:an a toll he bh0Jid make cert,,in readjus of machinery and subB-:itute 60.11611 for 'hen in ceru.lin ol etations. th,finite information  as  such  to machines and procebses at which women ma y be  employed the War Industries Doard, die DoiloymeLL Service and ti, Exemition Boards need to have.  local'  The tachni_,al Dsoar.;h re,iuired for wurkin6 out  such i.roblec.c; cannot be left to the local 601Jiu1iity Libor Loarus df the EmployoLent Service.  OtNiously they 81-041U Le WUfkod out u,tion,liy.  Trainine; and Dilution Service Aill te iTimarily concerned %it:kJ seel1  ILe tilt the  fa il roker trainine, is wade available so that a , ro ram of rerlacemtint %Ili 1131, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2s[_1.ry trAihinb availuble. because of a failure to 'Lake the noces ed b/ the 'reilacement krooram should be formulat Van Kleeck has made a scientific  WoIell  IL  The  indU6trj 6erViCe.  a iwkink, in her uommittee on  thiLL the Chemial Industries. hazardous 3ccupations in connection As  should be 6reatl/ atended.  It  to insist on be War industries poard will have  aewent rnics nec:essary would it the industrial reor anization which reil the Board to cool.erate in workine, out not be iossible for the War industries ice the weonanisal and . in industry .:erv scheme b/ providinE for the Vomen noca6nry and whih the •..k.loen in other eert asoist,.n3 LhaL vvi.i be ie Industry :iarv  not  o Jovide?  Lave the fw  . eneral 1-1ue-tiou.s,1 (4) 'the .  ru  an  or rw;ruitInE, of woipen to  raw. make it i.ossible to c(arry out this ,rob oiraLion of the Women in industry ihis should be under the 6e1ieral out a i.roe;ram. Miss Van Kieeck and i re workinb (5)  nt. :his is the field or the MacLineri for Individual replaome  efforts should be devoted Lo this, Employment Fervice and all cf Its  lt  cannot be a iolicy makin8 ,arvice.  Nith reference to Miss Nhtn Kleo3kte  bU  _astions for modifyin,„ General  ie Order B-8 of the Eigetklo/ment Serv I.  A,g ree.  2.  fbr.?e in 8eneral.  War Labor Foiiies board has alrelidy rormulited  bindin6 on 1o:;1. boards and Federal u ed enCies. e,eneral standards whicY should be 4.  Ai;ree  0.  Agree  As 3, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Women in lndustr 5, and 3 initiAtive should be taken by  -3--  7.  Does not  seem  to ne  pixt of Federul LAoverndient.  Wiini trtivei It SCOM8  3i e.r.  to rn.d11.6Em  ;0.:u1 otT ioymnt ServiGe  sho-.:id Lot be askeci aid Woul:1 sfuLie if .1,81w,1 to ui,del.t.Lko to t,n entire occui.a.tion 01  1-..itif,lary to ebtdblial 61,11,na,  its effort i to the work of 1.1u,,:ement. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  IL  iLe  41fAiUkk14ba for Viet:  Ve,n WOMI!.11 iet0AKhS ia 1116ely  ii refexenJe ko the kind QC work to te ;oneh sc.1 think the  ooneide;,;,:ion  Ato u,J1.1111:4 aith  ()Lit-Ai in ,ub.Li„ity L  xhibik.. m-tho(.. Aou,, b to h v  ital think, iar. Baui;on wouii o  thl., if vo?, hive tAiz, .1:o  c;onneotion witt  tim to  h9 ooull do it h,lve to o  1,  .u..:11 In 6  ne Jointly by ,he ivorn-qi in Indusku  , ,omiiaer Nula you bowiliinh to . Mary dsain ftouty,on  (?) before 12,1kin  1,,n?  it done in mint,1  oo.le of D). 1.  n1 If  nq  Mr.  .  t,  vi €.  o 1 clout') v,n, It r,ou:: huoi  oui,  1 v rtsumt,. : to tA.ik to Mrs. Kcliey -btut it too, Lin, 3nclocc, of juur Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1 3o:4o  amomomndum, I  1)  Jar. FnkLrt„.qo,o8  r vith the F.;','w-,-4.flio to tho Lut _oym n. (.. • t  .2. r  adopted  by  the  'War Labor Policies Board  '  NOyember 15; 151b,  - TIMMS:  .  On September 6th, 1918, the War Labor Policies Board recorgmended a plan which prohibited the employLient of woman between tho hol4rs,4,12 P4'M., And 6 A.. 14., in tevornment owned or!controiked planis or pri overnwant .iact for the ftederal ' 1:Niork'in plants wax-Ong An a Cont goyerrfmerit, un1esoe,4 certificate were issued by the Secretary of War or the Secretar of thS.Navy4 ki.lth the alp_,provhFOf;the •Secrqtary of La or, after dowsWation that 'Production for wax purposes reauired thelauployment of wrmen .at night for a specified Period inLthe par/Aim-41_1Ft piant4  AND WHEREAS:By this action the War Labor Policies Board recognized that the employment of wow,. at night is harmful because of its bad effects upon heAlich, family life, the welfare of children, and industrial efficiency, and that only an extreme emergency craatad by war ceuld.ojustify night work for women. BE IT RESOLVED: That with the signing of an armistice and elle prospect of an early restoration of peace, the Beard hereby reaffirms its conviction that the employment of women at night should te prevented and urges that all' federal departments should immediately take appropriateoaction to have the employment of women at night discant*nued in government owned or contrclls# plants and in aiinectialklith government work in all plants in which work is,bying 4onli_for the gevernment under centract. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Gen. No. 1 OFFICIAL BUSINESS  TEL_EGRAM  GOVERNMENT RATES  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FROM  (BUREAU OR OFFICE)  W.a.Tingt-eNft,Chicago, Ill. Nov. 24, 191R.  Mr. Felix Frankfurter; Sending following telsgram to Fosdick "In conference in Chicago with Miss Binford. We agree situation affecting girls employed in camps vary serious requiring immediate action either to dispense with thair services or to provila supervision. In either case women should be appointed in Quartermaster's Department immediately to be responsible during iamobilization. of women now released from Womants Branch Ordnance for this sork" you urge Fosdick to take action.   https://fraser.stlouisfed.orgCHARGE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, APPROPRIATION FOR Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Mary Van Kleack.  Urge transfer Will  _NOV 2 5 .M, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON  November 24, 1918  ky dear dliss Van Kleeck: Attached is a short  memorandum with respect  to the continuation of industrial vervice sections in arsenals from liajor Tully, in which I know you will be interested.  Cordially yours,  Miss  ary Van Kleeck,  Women in Industry Service Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ANMPQWWI&Wmw,,,  Executive Secretary  4e'  War Department, Washington. November 22, 1918.  Air. Felix Frankfurter, ChRirman War Labor Volicies bcard, 1607 H St., Washington, D. C. Dear 'lir. Frankfurter: 1 have ascertained from the Ordnance Department at the various that the Industrial Service Relations now eetablished to the jurisdiction Arsenals with respect to women have bten transferred of the Su2ervisor of Arsenals, and it is proposed that the personnel and duties now at the Arsenals shall be continued. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Very truly yours, (Signed) F. W. 5.1111_i_t F.W. Tul,y, Major, Ord. U.S.A. Detailed to Office of Lecrethry of War.  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON  November 6th.  MY dear Miss VanKleeck, This is to remind you that the War Labor Policies Board will meet on Friday November 8th. at 10 A. M. at 1607 H Street. dially yours,  Miss Mary Van Kleeck, Woman's Division Woman in Industry Servige, Southern Building 15th and H. Streets, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lye Secretary.  1) Discussion of proposed automaton of Central Labor fiscrulties Privea• 2) Discussion of Bout's functions In reconstruction poriod. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Fres  - Aissistant Arleta, Gemsrals Ur. 8. Esplopmelit Semis.  To  - Chairmen ar Libor Policies Board  ..;liko Joe t  &agnates of Central Leber Recruiting Program.  I think the tine has should take control (a) Of the nen war indaastries; (b) of the *Wk. (c) of the reoruitiw, of skilled.  ease "hen the reorultinc of recmttirk- of women workers  It eine DM, that de.finite should be approved sad enforced.  tr. 3. thployment oervice labor of all kinlis for skilled labor for war both skilled and un-  -o-.'erninz advertising  I therefore, submit herewith, and with the hops that they msg be eensidored at the next mestini:7 of the War Labor Polioies Board. prOpesed resolutien:3 coverine; these subjects. Our reasans for urging that the5e steps be taken are as follows* (1) 2eginatjacjamuteztjagagkilli We have reached a we are definitely taking steps in conjunction with the War point ithere • industries Board te curtail the use of labor by the less essential industries. It is not comistent with thlu amts. thiit the non-lair :ndustries ealitinue to be permitted to 'actively caapete with war industries for labor. This they are now doinr both through their •effectivs method, recruiting saints and by advertising. A normal and at: our ailing the use of labor in the nea-war industries is to ear relies control over the ao uirenent b them of new labor. They should, reesuit labor in saw wear &wept with therefore, not be perAtted I e Authorization of the U. 3. Employment oervioe mzited by its stale officers. (2) La tab Isbora Otu. reports cate a very serious shortage ef Skilled labor; at least 75,000 meshinists and tool ilakers being required by the arJenals, the Navy, Airoraft Pro-Listion and varioms Ordnance aenaerms tram rhioh we have had reports. The evils of this shertare are intensified by ths fact that meet of thee recruiting which is now done results in rlert4 taking Skilled workers tram ems war industry te another. Very little, if awy recruiting by private conO0VMS is drawing nen from the nonreArential into war industries. Instances of :;Itealing skillsd workmen are (pallet to our attention eonstantly. Tbs Employment Aorviee at present is ozonising a great de:-.11 of control over the larger firms which have realised the meelessity for foliar:Inc some corrinn cuidanoe, and are not resruiting aqywhore without ur autharisation; their conduct in this oI s respect being manly toluntary. The smaller oonoerns, uhieh have not yet conceived the matter in its national aspect are, however, coing libead in their orb. methods and ars keep:tag lap the confusion, Tbs anployment 3ervioe is about to develop° a new supply of skilled. labor. Beginning December 1st it is going Oe asks a speltial campaign Of WO weeks duration throughout the seuntry to uet Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -2worker* ef certain specific types & reListratioa of all vitio are net net easeged. im. ler work. Throuch the arrangements 'beteg ofteeted with the War Industries Board, it will be in a loesition to fares the release ef Skilled laborers from non-essential industries. It it has complete control of the aituation it *an make an application of thetle now labor supplies as they develop an an intelligent basis, cuided b7 pAority rulinGs from the War Industries Board am between needs of variou; T4FIrtmonts and from offioers of Departments as to their mmn needs. As a practical matter, the 14 S. Employment aervice th.racel secure to a large extent control of the soply those neasures and to ammo extent control of the methods of rosruitteF Skilled labor. Ito work will. howover, be very much interfered rith by private contrasters if they are permitted to compete with the Government program. A failure to take such eontrel of the recruitteg of skilled labor would in our judgment be a failure to take the lead in -xying 10 stredebien out a fentusion ve.:ich is impediur the Matisn's Aar prorram. Tbe U. 3. Feeployment ,erviee doss net wish to attempt by labor required by own &cents aloe te secure all tho its war industries. Its prepesal is twit such industries cantina 'but twit the be their age recrultiag forees for skilled labor in recruiting common no d broarht under control :ast as lux been hhoroughly successful. labor. This method has proved an the whole (8) miusiguttjacjagjoima There is no reason why the athority or the Nslployment Service should not cover both women and Mu There is epee/al reason wbg the recruitinc of women s]iould be solely controlled by Cho ftpleynent er7ice. ,;udh sol control gives t ,nd positive mem, for tho mitercement of the moral standards a gevernime tbs use of women in indu.;try which are adopted Ly the :ar Labor Policies Beard. (4) Alija advartisinra The annexed proposed reculations AWVO been suggested b: practical experieroe with governinc this subject. Same advertising seams to be neeessary in vier; cf the fact thlt it has for menp' years been the exactas of laLorors, both skilled and um:killed, to watch the collneis of the newspapors for Vitiations rather than to apply at employment offices. The evils of unregulated advertisinc have A20 impressed the Cor oration that they are proposing to issue regulations concerring advertising jest to stop oempetitian f ase shipyard with mother. Whose regulations are node by the v:ar Labor Policies Bo 1- rd 'the shipyards will 4;till be open to this governime all advertising form of competition from other lines of industr7. The regulations proposed by us are parallel and conform with tho e which are proposed the Fleet Corporation. Viley permit a very considerable use of advertising, aMd at the oame ttme keep it unaer necoosary °ouzel. qa:4 ,iTART-WRECTORZENTRAL. aAWi  MAW 1121101tiri,,,im; W EASEBAS. the demands fig. stilled labor in war industries have booms se (peat that it Is nes 3100Osoary to call aa employers engaged in less essential tasks to release labor in order that our program may be maintained. sag  W IIEBB 8, labor resrultbig by eraployer; in non war week la competition with war industries and esspeti tive room'tine; for skilled labor by employers engaged in war work tends to retard production ant to interfere with the OffiGiont conduct err the war, and a E L E ,Jo the maintoOOMIO of proper stamdards for vork by Tamen requires that all recruiting of yam for industry be conducted throng the official f,evernrental aceney. I  IS HEREBY RESOLVE 1),  (1) That from and after Deeember 1, 1918, mo labor akillad or unskilled nay Le recruited by any empleyer by moans of the UGO of labor agents, scouts, private employment agencies. nowspapor advertising, or otherwise, except CNN:ouch or under permiasian of the U. S. Emplanes* service. (;;) These provisions do not apply to reoruitteg limber for the farms or by the United ,1 --'tates l'ailroad Administration. 7he:7 do not proibit the employment of aborer- who apply without solleitati-In at the place of business of the employer. (3) The U. S. Employment ,:ervice should continue with regard to recruitimi- all kinds of labor, a liberal course in granting, permission for the lue, under its tvporvislan and control, of private recruiting forces; sneh control to be exercised for the purpc.e of elim*natinc' competition among em-loyers enrced in war work. anl of protectinr employers engaged in war ork from (=petition by those not se enr7iced.•  (41) The authority ef the U. S. Bmplapient Service urder this resolution est maw the prier resolutions of this Board cencerrinv recru1timg of unskilled labor covers both male and female ierkers.  211 IT FURTHER RESOLVEDtbat the following regulations uith recard to advertising for labor, 'Mother skilled or unskilled, are hereby adopted, and the U. S. Rmployment Service iz; authorized to enforce them. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (a) Every attvortiasmont must in sone adoqu to font of langaego state tbat no vorkers who are at las0Offat eriCACed in war mit abould apply. The *Metals of the sanpamy advertising fer Mier mot take easetive measures to prevent hiriuu any applicant answerter 'be strowiti3emont liho is segaged in othinrimmrumrk, or vho has left such work in response to the appeal 0 the airrOrtiaolent• (b) Aftertiaemsnts maq state the name of the employer, the place vhere the work is being done, the mature of tho work and its 9- atriotio valus, %lad may list the types of laborers required.  (0) Zech advertisement must state that applicants should apply the U. 4 kmployment jervice; unls speoino p, rmiusion through ter work Arse of atiplic.ltion is civen 137 the is/dorsi Director other to mention same :4ervioie for tie state in which the advertisement is S. Emplerment U. Of the publish. (d.) No advertLements shall state (1) Number oi MOM Ilteepriect (2) Rata ot` per (3) The assomet ot overtime (4) The rate of compensation for overtime (6) Hewing conditions (6) Vialfaze *yak 0) Other 4100ific Lod:moments not hitherto mentioned (8) Inducements in violation of the rays and standards fixed by soy federal AtijustmentBoara having 4urisdictitiM4 (f) AWOMmieyer nevertisitr for labor in a neeemer published in 1% state ether thin that in *doh the work is located, must first secure IIMplovment .ervice authorisatien fres the Yedoral Diameter of the or flier We published, for the State in ithieh the advertisement is to be nireetar General of the U. S. EMplopment Aorviee. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • NOV  Itic„4,=atir 4, Ig18. ky  i4  tr:-  r Ju 4,-  1  i three or "'our 1-:,c i • mo..-t„ ncut-  ror you to inlioate  t rou ! b  o  th  .  n  :oproTt  An1  eA1C.:2  *.P. A,Atian in iniu5'ry ;:-rv:ce with t.1  dearng with the  me9tin,„!  wni  lrer found :inrc- r of nhti  thp,,  4-  o•Juli w  renom.  roblezx  ;'  ,  k  ex,bAdiqowlly and wouli bo  in  I :33oul !  Ch  suoh other ,,L,onoi:;zi. st,nlip,; problems P.rv,  14bor  nefA  ;r 4,ry .‘hre  -3 In tht-1  or  ir•vonst, Arlu,.5 but givin6  ti-.00t• "Irth  aniy  ov,-IoDaent  our pr;.;,“.ao,  1,4)or  iti-!,"dlly yours,  0 ( “1,441)  -Q.)/344,4,,  julie Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  „Ala  Nov  A,M,  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON  Memorandum for Miss Van Kleeck From Mr. Fr.Ankfurter. For some time an effort has been male to get the Pont Office Department relatel to our work hers. progrs8ing.  Thus far that effort is still  The Secrotpiry himsfilf ha9 t9ken a hand in it -- thus  far without, returns.  I think  Wri  qh91l have to bile our time in rtegerd  to the annlication of st.indnris to the Post Ofrice Department.  November 4, 1918. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis