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. o. o. 1t.t. ot last ant1·r (') \'tr big undor Tro. ~'T'Q of Bu•i:ru• ·" : Pl\rt.n1n"sl i p: Proprietor "hip1 Corporation: lnd i vidual.: o on 'l,ak11 ry Lie SI) nO'lv? 1 Bol ll. w n·tu ~eral Loa ltn,.,l.oa Jtranch ft ._... Bank of San rai elseo JI' seal ,.n ot tho United tes dult: Addt•eu1 ~Ort Mill I Pe hr Citiz sh~p : ,....._.....,...,.. Date of laot ontr; into \Jnlt od. 3 ~ 0•1 Operating Typ \Wldt~r Troa ucy Lie ns n01r? 1 of B· d.nes13 t Pal"t ei·~hip1 Proprietorohip1 Corporatlon1 J d1V'idual I Pr1nc1r,.al pl'or..erty '.\nvoll..vcd an Ac ion t.aken 1,; Add1·e111u T l ephon scopo ~·.11Tib .r 1 ,J.r1»1 ~u ar..-111 ., •tl R49Htft 1'ank of ~n f'r&fto h~o 1seal ~n ot tilt tlnl U4 3 - r/; I (bat. ) t~lep~on J &1·vie 1 i Adult: lJi.n~r: llal I Oa ,e ot last Fle#lla.l I Oiti~ n nt.ry 1.nto UJ'li.hli Stateer Operating 'IJl\der 1'r1:1am1r, Type of Bu lruus t eree>n L1t..•M e11 Partner~hip' Proprhtor ~h4.p1 Addres1n Cor poraition~ Indivldual1 / Tnle s; limber 1 Princ1pe.l J)J'opnty U.ivolved and f) Acti n taken: * -'-·.7_,_~......,....._..._...._..._..,_,...__,.._.....,..............,_ J oor,.e of probl :tn: i te ")f l.aBt .en Or. r in rr into Unit ed. <hr Troa ur~· I ate I ______ ______________... ......,......._ f lloio13n .e noit'i f Per so~ i tor"vi , ·1 e ophon '?/ ,.,.t. ( .,,_ Number: 1 I. o.t of la t ant •y in o Uni ed t'.\tnte T--;pe of B sineos : Pnrtn ral i · Propri torsl1 · p: Cor por ti on: Indi v-id ual 1 inv lved rind 1 Add1·e .• 1 cop of rrobl i• 1 r . J. N (t. ~dd · ~88 t Dat o( laot ~ntcy Opera tu g under hea u.ry License '~'f. e ot I! f ~ 11011'7 i --· J3ufJ1J osa : Partner ir; Proprietor.uhip: Corporat101\: 11 di vldual; T lephone i I.< s. J"J•, 1>EI ·c;r.; l. ~H\ ,J Cfl I. PESJ-.R\ 1-.. P1 sr, 1. Aq BA. "l' CH'TllJ.: I{ ov s I .~. A 'CJ8 .. Cl l '.·1·rn1• fTsri~s rtl 10 1 U Mr. Hideo J . >.daohi 2~5 Jaokaon Str••t Lo• A el a 1 OaUtorni .tr: n Jaal"Oh l. 9 you called a ou e Propel'tf Depart ant ot b• F d r l R s rn Bank of' San J'rftno hco with ret reno• to bala11ot dat on Lincoln ~ph.e.r automobile. dhcuasion, · ah•httd r u 1'11l'll8 )"()W" in• a 1fonderlng t t you ould k ndly inf"o ua it tbe aatt r h a no Men talce o re ot. lt U hat aot been 1ettl d 1u1d e 0&11 t 01' 1r1,y tu.riher hltiet nee te> you, ~• wU be gl d to h H you call a ln t otf'ioe at '107 co utb B rl Btr8 t, Loa 1 •1•• · Dul' ng 011r Q.utn and T ry ~· ArlplA!• BN.nch • .....,. MM t San 11\0~ !•11t or t Vnit.d States Piite of lafl ntr () r r' in Tre inta Unit d 11 ~"ta tea: ry Uc ns noVJ' ~ Tyr -- rison in /\ dr r~i I SI ~ '.re Gp. on d Nurnb~r: {' rrob1 n~ .,., Lr. ;~ I , i:: on k n: l ( Ad lt: Hir1or : Address : ntaluF Femalo: O'H ... z.e1 ahipr l per11t1ng under 'froa ury Licea e nov 1 - 'P" of i3 : L1tit:i : Part c1'11hip: rop:dolor nhip: Cot•p;;mti on : lnd:I. ,ridual ! Adtlre o: Tel ]ihono !Jumbar r ____ r nc1 ,...,._ l\c'lio akoni f' no ! t rvi Ht" : Ad ·e, r. 1 'I lq:l cm. :un.' cri ---__,..,,...--·-·- ------ {/) .d /\dult:/ 1 inor: Ualo1 .>(. re1Js1 Fe.male: 0 izomship1 Date o lJast antry tn o Unit~ld Sta to : _._.____ ------·--------...;, Opora.t:t.n 'T'>•r. • ""' ".~ J -- W'lder 1'1•eao\l!J' l..icens now? : D.,, --' -~ - "- ' .• '""' ., t'\iJ Partni:?T' hi 1 Prow ietor c.l\ ipi Corpo:rat,iom Ind vidUtil: "r1'nc :1 pal ~rol"'rty 111v ol 1 "' Tolophono N nb1br .ar , . o 1 I~ ~ lamo i 1 Addreaat M.U1or 1 11l1l I le : zenship 1 Dat ot l.a Typ t on ry jll"\to llnit.ed i und r Treasury License narr? t of Bu in ~ ~ Par nerehi : Propri•ttor..,htp: Corpora ic : lndiv·i d 1: ri'nc pal proper y lnvolved snd I , ct o State takon: ·:r A ·r lsphon . '' u I l( ddre s : 1 Halo 1 Fen lo : C5tiz~i ship1 rr to o Ust entry int. o U1 it ed St tes1 ~ Pc ·:;on ttrtnarshipt 1 roprio orr;l ip1 Corp<;>ra 1on : Ir vidU£Ll i 1 :rfr oiplll prorAn-t.y invc>lved ai c! oapo of problem; Action II lltJ tar.l addition l. pr.n~s 1har t1fHl1D a7 I l~d by: Adu :. !.Jin.or: clci Female: C tizens iJH Or. rat. int: Lic~nne now?1 -----,....-----...-------- P rson int rv. eueci t I dd •e • f --- • ol11r1lon l wr. Priinoi , l f-J"OPIJ t:r ' Ac ·i.on t'tac ake 1• er~ involved ar;d scopa of t robl~m: t. -:-, l ( ' ..............-_..,..._._ __________.. . - --- - , 1'... -~ .._.. ...--·~--- Adul ti ·· l1f1.nor 1 Jal t l1 'Ill.Jn 1 Ci iz h hip! .Addre st Typu or B ~~n t Partn r t;hi : Propr ie orc.h1pr Corp>rn.t on: Ind1v-id 1: , c i<>n t.aken; " To 1>pr.on . . . . lll'I ttal. Lot An hs IBr~cb ~"s4n"W Ba.nk ef " r~1a. 18~1> sciaJ.. Agent ot the Urd i>d St.ates hdult :' J)f te of la t entry into Uhll. t·d S'tata • Ope:· a ing un<ior 'il't'eM1u;r Lj ce -y I! oi i:lu in sa1 111~ 110\l? : i>a • or~ r tn r rh . : Propr 1etorµMp 1 Corpc1r at fon: Individual: Te ephono JYnrubir i inor : L1 t Female : + t'/.r: ,,,.,/"/ Citizensh i 1 u·~I' Ham ; : Addrees 1 finol" 1 lo t Female~ Cit 1rnn1Jhip' Dat e>f 1>.ict en 1y into Unltt) 01....er1:1 ing 'Under lro au:ry 'fyr.• o__ "tatee1 131) n<i111l? 1 B'-!=~~- D, ar ner hip1 Propri&tor&hip: Corporation 1 lndivi.d 11 Tel phone Hutn'b1Jr: oop0 ot : l' ncipal prop 1•ty involl.vect and /} i•1\ /L ro'l)lem1 I 1'· Los \ , (if 7, •..:s Hu.\ ' <'H 1-'t·. l>EP ,\L Pt~ SE I VE BA I· ( )" s. , ,. J ~· s co A r l 10, J.. g ·• lie r 4.3.~ l.or:s Dea Alr1nfl8& o-rtl La Br a a , Cal. t'o 111 ~. k1 Property Dep rtrrent O'• i t r&ter no you. d b your t - a• 1 (0 US ho not. anoe to you, our otf1c• at 707 Your " ry truly, Loa A-ngelt1 1 Calitoraia Tbh lapanetJQ held a leaH r>a a p1'0duoe •tt1" at the a4llir.H glno ~or w hb h• 1 p&Ting a ' reut•l ot e()(t. Th• huo:r. a )(r, Ado ph oM, b.1.4 nad to oanoel he l•aa• and • • ln1trwa n'-l in proou.rloa a bu,rtJ" Cor the tt t\lrea whl<th 1no11lde .oalH, t bl.H, reh':l •r'fltc:u•a, sto. Howe·nr, ltr • .A ·ln· aga, th• 1a~nue,, and a Mr. Hoe i o had been forMrly U1ploye4 by b.l•, did not OoAaid•t tbat th• prlce or ~o obtained ror the ti~tu.~•• wa1 a talr con•l4•rt.t1on. Ath tal.U1111 to t .ba 1apan H in. tbl• pantcula~ 1Jllta noe, o-ur repre•entetin tt,b pboned th• hHor and leo&11u d tl:ae Uer U'h bl•. tt•r beiJM e:o'Drl •4 or all the teote ot the oaae, 1t • • th• conol1H1on ot our 11au tM.~ the priot. • • ot \Lnt'Alr i "Ylew o~ the vol1o1nt>Gry oanc•llfltion ot th• ltllH, and wt o,ountelle4 Mr. Ald.naca to Moe t the ·• •tU ent, hie ht pro ptly dl • 1 JQT.l6: k l<lult1 Addrel'SI 'Minor1 lo : 'Fenal.01 Ci ir. Operat:Ll g unde1 1 rea p Pt A drc l'I I 'f trinc1pa1 f>T'Ope:rty . .h dui ic" l 1'6 1 epl on pa of J 11.> ir ~ probl~m: ~ 1 ship: ..-i~..-~ t.o~ An~le Droiu:h Re91erve Dank of I!' n l' cis.eo } gent. ot thl) \Jn1.., .Stotes /du. : Hir or~ l ''lJ.c; FeNll t y Citiz n hip : ?or son !1'1tGirvi wot 1 , dress 1 ........., T 1 01.hon (. " ( { { _ _. Hurnb r _.,..._ .. - - _ _.,.... _,__,. ti;; :.t ___ . 1 / "" /1 ..... ~.-......._ "'~· Wa· hi ( ~ ••tw ••• ".c,1ou c .a.•a•kt• flr . e or l • flt ntry into Uni a{ Sta. \.u .a : Pc: son Intot<i1ti ~Hod t • J / Odl'e S8 I ~· f, rieiJ. t_t~i._,~ l r operty involvod and ;;icopo of :p1•ob1.e.n: -tfi'J:v A1w 1? · 1 to ///11,J i tr1i"111f~ 'I{r1-'P h'1/ ")'(,...-' 'I, )/;i~ _.,,.,. ,.1,"1 ~ t/lt Ii,.,~ ~ ti11 J ~ ""( 1' le; Fer'\Slo: Cit ze1 ehi i -'I...,.~....,, Dato of last entry int Unitect o ate : Typo of Busi as : Partneflsbipi T>ropri tors! ip: dree 1 Ccrpor t, ont Individu 1: Ac ion 1.Lephono l mbcr : Actul.t1 iU.J i.01· 1 1111.lo: Fet:'lnl~1 _(..,.st-'-c..,. . i-e""')_,__,_ ----,--. 'fol.ephonc m 'b• r: id s cope of pr oblo Ac ion tak ni ~~ /'.: ,,,, ·4. 01ti.z(?nohip: ../.r" •d,q ' • ic• .AntsJ.: eaft'Vtl D..nk gent ~t ranch San F'ranci, ot ~ the United Statee ... ~ f (&to) 4. Telephon51 lnt1n•v!(.1'f: Adulti tfinor: Mal.<l·: P'El.l!Vll (iftt ' - ......- .. Dn a Of 1a ·t ent1•y 11'1 tin under Ci.tir.. nehip; 'i-L..!.~~··'"'~ ( late) U·1!tcd States: _ __.(.....,1_~...,'-r--....,_.;;..._--.-"""'"!~·~~-- 1'rca~ury Licenaa now? r _.......c.)..1.(-=-;..;;o_~--------~~---- Typ1Ji of Bus1.nes i Par ner hlp: Propri.etorahip1 Co1"por ion: lnd.1.vidual 1 I Pr Q I Addraa & Tolephono H b ar cipal propar1'y involved and .acope o pro l cm: 1 L()a lin.geles "1"1.Mh .c!nat Re1wr;-w Dank 0£ S..m r11i1ci co 1 gen of th~ United Sta s ... Adul tt <!dress~ I itIO?' I I i r 10 . l f eMlo: Ci iz t ~hipt D t Of lall.t nt.11ty in o \Jn1t d Sta.test I I • Q , AO 110\'l? t ..,....._ · '_ _.................,--!:!~"=~---=~~---- 3"P of s: P rtn rehip: Prot>1"ietor,.,hip1 Corpora.ti. H Indiv1.ctual: ... ,.,.,. ,. . ~ - In 1 • . Act.ion there t.IA \le ~ ~ \ :o·.t~ ~· . ine, t t;intry int() nit.ed Stato~ i w~der 'frea$,u•y 11.coni>e now? : Pe!' on Intervi0Hod 1 Addresn : ·dr..oip11 f>l"Qper y involved . c ion aken: ~r n or pr o lc.n: ....... r. o._.u Jdul.ti JU.n()r i l n.ltl l Fe, ~ l e : it::.zor sl ip t l . to or st e t ·'y i.nto Un ted Sit tos 1 f 1· 01 In · 11Jrvl 11 T '.Lephone l li\l A SCO)"ll'J of prob ;: A I "'""B whGrc nee o · • ar el I ~, .. r 0 Lea ~;l.e11 ~ti.nch al Re "9 8a1'k (It i:i11n Francisco Fhcal t.pnt. of the Uni ed :.>tat~s ~a· i lf .aor Typo of Bus::..ri r·r ai:mry i,icen~e 2 Qr.~ I ~s t Partn rsh p; Proi;r torchip : Ccrpor ion : indtv;.d~ 11 'ldd ' l Telei:hon acopa or Nu.rn or: rr<'>ble J} ·L Los ngde Br&.n~ Fe erlll, ne:.e~ Bank of i:oan P':i;111cal Aaen ,1 •al)c of the Ur it.ed 5 a sco s Adul : (' ) tcit'y) J lJinor i )(cle: Fema.10 1~ Ci izenohip t .._~·_..,....--.;;:' . D e of laat on ·ry into U1qi ted Stn:lea 1 01 1~ L· 111a mde:r f car- y t ce-nr.. now? 1 r 3 CITT ii d 't I! ~ Tel~ rhon. 11 .. ~----------------~-.;,...,..~----- Num er : -- ........_. ..,-.... -- ·--~ - ... r. f c ti on t • ken :"' I tJ i r _,,,..... 9 · Ham 'l\olephon c !nt.erv1°'n 1· 1 Adult.: Add UinOl',: li4al.oi itrn1aloJ 01tit~ll8h 0}:. rating (hr T ea.a rJ Lice e now? i pl! of Bu in sa: Per son Pa tnerch Proprietorship: Col"poi• ti on: ln ivid 1: 1 torvi.r;iwed 1 Add:r0$8 1 involved and ' 0 coi... o probl1"n: pc g I 1dult. 1 lUnor 1 ~ni : Fem'\lGr c~ 0 t' tin 'l 0 ).a ttl. 7 t:ry ii t.o Uniteu. " ates : undel· •rreai: 'f"J • iceri 'B inc e : artnbra.h ' 1H f'r op~· ht or sh;\. p t Corr ra ion : ltdivid 1 1/ mm. 1 Pot·aon A cir 1rn1a T lop 1ono I umb ri :,;, sh . pi i'1<!u1tiX ll1J'l(') • 1 llt".10 : Fe.llr.. h · " c· t~~~t sh la:;rt ontlj' into o "''' ;.t 'c\t Jl ~, ! ti- i.m er 1rea.s~ \Jn~t od " ta s: cerise no\·J? ·r f Du i£1, Q, Pnr , 'lul' h 1 Pr opr:ietor ..hip : Corporatj on: ·1 d vi 1 'relor.-lwno l umb ,r : p· .a1·u 1.1 Adu1 : in r• t~alr: • Female: CUizen hir , at er l"'J 'i int ,,,.ao'""""' - --~--~ . .. ,.._ . ' ) ~-· ' 'TelcphC' ~~, ol , lone 1 Interv ~·1: >I Adul : lHn"r: al I '../ }'em.ale : C.ltiz nshi. ( city J Dra e of lnot. en ry in "> U i.tcd "tat es 1 ---"' .. """"''· Per ~n lil ·e ·v fo 1ed 1 AddreR Tel ph<'ne li\J1t o r;d ticn k n: Jt.ach ad '* nd !!!c re1 er rro l m: i( ,__~._ ,,. tos Al'\le ~s · Dr• ch deril neGer. Bani< or s Franciac 0 1 Fh eal. cen 9f the niHtd Sta o Adultr inor: cile 1 f · F ·rnale i Cit izenohip: Da e of last ntry int<~ Unit ed Stat ·-·,~ . -......................- . .. ....... t .......... 'fy .B of El sine as : artnership1 Proriri tor ship: Cor poratiot : Addr Indi r1.du l: Telephone Hur.. er: Princ1 al r oper A ion •n 11' irwolv d and aken 1 ~1 tach addi\:. onal p SS ! cope of ro lem 1 •1 " t ... (No l nt rYi n 1haot 1'18.dl} 1,11 HORTH VIOM.EB 8Tll Et • LIO'I AlfQSLE8. CALIF. ~~==::;::.:================:t::::======== ed~r s. ?07 l 8 Lo a An t D es r~nr. 6 , v Cue odl n Bt . Ca 11 or n 1o n : kr. Hop Jns ar r • Ho . k 1. sales oon r ot vi11 h $ ......,........... v ., l Oo{'u~do, coverin g fl , er modal \Hn~ , aer .l #151,,3 , s m de me de . yo~ or yo r oooporn ion . f hp :le ... is no lon ~~ r a this ndd r s an nppar tly om lspoeition o the washer . Th pres nt ::n . 58. \"a would oppr ola e a ny aRaisto oe you oAn ·• us in loo l t n r th l\lanher or · , Ar .1., so t.h.·,t . atiafsotory ae tlt1mont c• n be k 1' y truly you· , • •• I Ll)CJ Angtl• et Fader&l Ri M'G nk of &in ~anei soo Fisca.1. li1?9n1. of thcJ Vnit d ~t tcs (.ba. ".) Tehl>hono• Jntervinw1: • !! Ad\il.~ ·: llil\cr 1 Hnla : · ./ FC'lllllle 1 C'tizenah1p Da e of last ntr. into Ua:tt d Stc11tea s .Md e 1 , ele hone N.,µnbe r: 'Y ,•.'invo ved and. sco e of problem; Prinoi f Ac~ I 1 ,,, ./. t on tak n: "' .r I ff n.dled by ; A tach ddi ional t·a;:;o. 11fb~ neo o r1ry Lbs Angeles Br· c Banlr. 9f • ranciseo F:hc&l A nt o he United th~tterve I U5ate) T~hpno" ~ Interv ' e1 11 1 ,,.. Adult : Addrass : .flnot•t H ).~: • Fr. le: C tizens h;i..p« ( Sta to) Jl. or ) entr, tnt.o Uni .ed St 1toa1 incr or rrca. \;.ry J ioen :;e nou i t - - - - - __,...t:..1.."rl- _ _ _ _ _ _ ~----f l'f:IM il'L r'V ~C!\I :.dd' P· i.ncipfll prep r y · nvolvc.o ar.d ac<>pe of p•() lem1 -w I ,.. ' tal'! dct.1 i nal a'.;!' " ~ . . Lot) ht'l~b ~rtit h Federal Renrve '!3Flnk ot San fra..ncii;-0Q F sclll. ilgen ot th~ Unite Stat s __y4~t~; Tolepho o: ntcn.•v. µ\in dult: .unorr A~dreea: l lo r Female: Citi2.e1 ship1 Dr.te Gf la.tJt 0 O'I'n ontry into United States: 1ng under 'Proa '1r.Y LicensQ now?i ------ ------------'if-'·- p ~i < ';l'ypo of Bu ine .. s: P, rtnorship i Prop-: i etor ::;hip: Po · n !l'!l'l1ed t T lephonc J'uir..~ .r: lndi vldual.1 Attae addHio al aa u wh<lire nec1>~sary I I Addr ear.u Corpora i.011: I ...:.::_. - I lldul : Uln r l!al 1 ·' Female: Cit . zainsnir I D .. c.1r l ct u1 try ii~ r. J'g r.<1er nit d Slate, : r euury Lio en• e n'lU'? : I '""yr PPr s 11 I t rv1ow<.>d 1 J\dclr .l>r r l i· r.c~ fi] I pr":l).iar y lnvolv_d /f aJ SPtJt' ~ Ml /c /Ill t'- •J f r ges , ,( (. ()"' 1,l?{:. 1:1 lf'~.1 ' ( lJ ,, k j ,/ > I'() -~ If 'I/, 'l ,;, ,, I ?',{ · I ,, .. 1..a<ll au 1. 1 • o f t' of 'J=r?\>lera: l '1 r;',i{. /I(, ,, J I t r nd i (r<'o (!;l/11- (- Adult : Ac ~ es• I lli.n _______ U A!J"lit L c ens~ now?: _..._ T:yy. T' l __ ___ ----.....----______ """""" P1Jors0n Inhrvi wed -..--·--...-·_,,,_...... P ·1.r.r- i.pal. :t ? ~ ·- c'l adr 1t i:m l nvcl d and r;oc .-0 _____ _,__,. _. of fr? em: OJFIC fi t I llCOVOt ..Cl~G llf.ll ( t llhlGF LES C l\ l.l f"Of!I Nl#l rttowr y 7, l tlc "4 t~tt•O "'- 1 . , 9 1 ... n: I' .t.). L 1 V r y tru t 0 t, r. / u PJ,Cl~~. iJ. C COHJ u.T 0 or c 3Y:-~~~ .u,- . rt~~ n rn, /l' • T. DL • R•. IF' . /ldult Ll' n l' r·r: l.!al : Ferr.ale : Cit izon ~·---~----,., .e of ln Gt on i·y · nt.!'.I LI' hd St t e~ : ow? : _,.. Pr1 ·,C'i l f•r . fJCrt.y I I ~ i, : -- _ _____________ _....._.__.._,.._. fl\rvlV .d und "CCJA~ of fl' ble , M'-tlt 1 l :f..n.on J •1tl : Fei h : Oi · ze:· sh .p1 ~....-~..._ License now? t ..... .....,,...._.....,,. ~-:--~__......~ Po• on lntor\Tfa\lod: sh p r Prop.;."'ietorr;h pi lil:...1-~-.-..--.,...._...,_= . 7' Coa'[,ion r 11 d vi.dua.1 1 I , _._....,. :ro •• rdw.t i l .t.nw: l nlo : Ftt..1l'.1 : Ci izcms 1 ~ 1 ,, ,,.. ;/_ ·~ .. l'tl ~g unr er 'I roat?t r.1L~ce1 ··~ ·1 u o ' ----·1""-...,."'fl'--·----·- ------ 1\01'1';: ~------------·- c- nusinesu r Par mwsh3p: 1'rop 1 01' i Co1•por~. 101 t • 11 d .v idualc A dre s 1 ler ho1 c t umber : cope o.f p1·oblem : / kl ~ /~Ir ; -; t.:i;/ 7 /, Ac Lon . kon1 * ,.. J.. -;t/, 1 ., e~ 111 · /tu.' i /. , I L- < "- 1 Ill Ad L; !in i· : l!al 0 : emele i CH 1 z cn~h· Addre ss : Dt t Of <1. "ra L n · ur.der 'Irea _.......t-'"_._ \ill"y Lio ns ...._,.....,..._. __,_ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ n o' . : '/ ') 1· ::.on T Addr eo"' l t o •v i('\V /J ' ....,..__ -"""~~ -~ ___ 1 ~a ~ :...-_...... 'I e1cr h nc llurr rir : J .,. I (< ,, / •( ; 111.A .., e~ f> Lo• Ill.ts 9tanch er-1 RHtt,:h B"Ak or 5-ll N,ncbeo 1tea.\ Aren ot th!t Vnt.hd States Adult: Minori Malo: ramala1 Ci ti f.Gl'\!f )\j. p t'...w:;m:;,.o.c,... D t of 1.$. t on ry i.n .o Uni d ~.tatee: _ _...,......,._..,.~~ ,~~.,C::)d:::,a · - - - - . . n1.-erat1ng under l'r o su.ry Ty;p«J ~r B\l&1nea 1 ar nerchipr Proprd.etorLhip: Cot'f..>()lrationr Individual: ic~nsQ 1 j)\'f?: __......__ _ _ _...__ _-::::~ ~-~~;:!:"..;.::;;:·:::-..:;; ,ll>~rson Illttl"vicwed1 -1:1.·.11 ·kfre;.i.1 . L.J..;:;.._ · ---,,.;.--- ddrout .........__ _...__...___ _ _.-..._,_......,_ __ Telephon Hurnber1 .....--...:.._-;:;.;;..'"----....,,;.;o........,~-- cope ()f J)r oblem: I AftieS.. Bi'ancth eaervw Bank of ,~an Franeteoo i,o, AS*nt ()f t~ Uni~ State11 }' 9. t .......__......._ ......-~~t~)""To e hon 1 Interview: \{ ---~·-·-- Adltl. ; Adlir~BSt 1 inor l!alo1 .,.. f lei Citi~en h1p1 .,./.""""~s:;.;;;:r- (City) .... Q /\ddires.; _____.....__ _ __ _ _ _ ·---·--- Telephone Numborr Pr!l\cip-il.. p:ro r y i.nv-0 voo 1d scope of prob.l,e1~ t ~ p o. a. nt.. (fat e) ' olephot" 1 ntor v e : y. D t ot la~t ont,ry jnto Uniltod > ·ahai __ .._....._, npe ·a.t:ilig unti.or 'Ma 11l':f L!Cl nsl:l nc;xw? r '"da:~~, Pl'opi i. t Ccr lO ' t ~It cl ~,r .h p: ol ph on "P,$. j)t .rher nee 11 ary 1~ l>or 1 fI l : : Cit i~onsh i p 1 "-A'Jll4.!fl[tf"&..r l 'n~l ~ l h $· ll ' r'~O i 0 Uni od ,_,t,a u·s 0$ l'Ve l)ank Of I gent of h C. B., 3. I ·, I --·-··-~-oa...,_;b-i~..__..~,,,_......_. role or~o: ntcrV'ic., t X J dult: ddr eea ~ --'----.{"""ij"""'t"-re_o...,.t_a.n_d~. .\11.'.. :l&r-e-r""'~:--·- - Minor : I' 1 ~ F'ernale' C:i.t.iz nship: (CHy) {st toJ )Ate of la .. t on t'f ...nt o U it ti Or.or~ t tng \lndor 'tre a ry ~t.atee i icer~n~ ---·- --·------- ·~·-......... nct1•t?: PrM" sor4 T\jJ OJ l.r1turvil\loch hone -- - __ <b r 1 .......,_... ___ ........,_ Adult, Hinor : l&Alot Addr. 8G I Pcmalo 1 0 Uze1 sh.ip : ....,.-..-,.._.._ c e1 r;tJ now' I .'Pl) of Bll 1.noa Pnr n rsh pi Propde o:rr h C01•p.>rat j o n 1 lnd vid,~ali d.t c~p l pro Ac i on t k en1 .:1 ael add ~. on 011 Into1•vio 1ed1 A da.. e. in ~-+--·-- Te . phono I ut .b ~r: en J · A Pe.- 001) of f l'Obl lit : ~ le Branch Danh th ( San rmoi ao United t.ahs Adult' '( inoi- 1 l.!alc i " P'ernnle: Cit.iz n1Jhip 1A-.I-£.~~ Opol"atirig und r Treoou Typ~ of Du inoa i Part er!::h 'p: F1·oµrietorrhlp: Corporati.on: r.1 divl\.dual: 1r1nci1ai c on pr~~rty Jnvolv~d and Ade l'e ior l pair s irher &~ Te ephonfl scoI:;C of akent,. • 'tt ch add I tervii.m.t P ·a n n cess l1uµ.b r r: prob~~mi ( ./a:~- _.,... _~·--1~--.-.:i.._ ______ ~~ ........ TJ of las~ en ry · ·1t "l Urd\ '"'d "'tat a ~ _____ _...__ .., ......... Addrosc 1 c·h ti b r: _,,,_,...__........ __ , •ll'l1 11 lM To ~,, l runa : <ld r eet • Dnt.() of last ant ·y in o er roa Type o B\~ . i e fll'll"tl'lC:t"lll nit?-d !!tat. y Lio~np~ nov? : st i p: f1•op· •i et or :lhi Co1•po~'lt. onr l idJ vi dual : Ad rae 1 T~lophonc J < t J inol' t l l\l : Fc111td@ : Ci ·' z l ships A l 1 , ltU J,G_, thl BrlJ.Jleh •der&l Re""' BaJ'lk Qt San Frlinchc<Y rtae&l. " ot the UnUtd "' at.e1 a e Tehphonor Interview:t Adul I Ui or1 Ual I Pwnalo: Citizensh~p t 0 ra undel" 'rroaetury Lie llt.e now : e o f Dus _n p '3 1 tt "\ .r •J.. 0 I Frew .. l i>. ', ••. nipi Co.r , ·'..> " L1 en ; lndiv 1.t'l ua.1 1 .\dd'I" IH 'l'elophone tum: er: P!I'i,.ncipal property i.nvolv d and. soope of rr<>'blein: t .: , (; ' / Los ,\ . caia.r·: s f h ,\ l( .U I A.Pt'il, ltttb , 1 ~2 r. Take .n 1 .A•oo 2f. °' Kaait irat street ID• .Angele• , C•lttora.h Dear U:r- Aaoo : rope:rty ot rour &rob 16th you called a t~~ ecu•• nt wlth ret1r14c to the diJpoatttoA esta liehmeat and Uv quar1iel"1 . DUl'1 our dl•cuutott , • d1Vtaed you conyour illq uiry , aM. 1Ul)Jld•~t ng i t you ~ lad ly info u.a tr th• tt•r h a now been taken ce of , I:t it has no bun ttled ml we ca h ot &llr turtb •r us...t nn• to you , we wt U b• ,glad to hen y i:>·U cell ego1n llt our ottice a~ tf07 Sou~b Spring reet , Lo• el.e 11. nh •r• Youra nry t Lc>1 Anceht .~ ~ane~ Plld -1 fl•Mt"W knk ot a.n !'ra.ncbco boal Agent of the Ut it.q Sta es Ad 1.1,t to I Uincrt wlo : FesnU : C1t12e hl p: 'v 7 Date of last entr;y inti' Uni t ed s t e r /\ c . e an : ~ .. ~ b pr op 1· ty 'i.nvolvecl a d I co 7 .I /\du). t.; lJir1or: 11 lo l Penal.a i Ci Z<~n6hip1 ....wi-~- ,,.,, •., of p.r()bl .» r I.( l.O,ll)lf c.a.1a~la1 Mhd 1-I .inor 1 I alG ' t Femlo· C;\.tizer a ip : Hoon so n<Jl'I? .; Type ot I~ bes 1 Pr.wt .u.r ship: Prop· iet.or ,hj pi 0Oll' })'11''l t iorl: lI divid 1 ·I c ion t ken : 1~ l'G<~ •s --n tn er ri. J"o 1 Ad l i· o13 w, 1 ) .. mpu tf I Pt?der 81-&nch Aoeene Bank ot Fiocal Aaen !fan Ptancl e ot tllll n1t.ed State& ........ ______.,_,____ ___ ~ , -·~_,,~{ D _ a _t,_,,) T<;i!'phon& i !nte V QW t Adul. I .,.,.- lJillOr: J .nl c : Female : C1ti rz.euship1 ... {clly) 011 e or la en ry into United St.ale p 1 1'yr-e of Busin --...... ......~...--- ~...-..----~--...----,-------- fer on i.rit. rviuued : Pnrtn r ) ropri Add• ..... IH ~ Cor pora ion : Ind.ill'iduall 'r la pl ona l '.JJ:Yber : F1rihoipal pro er y involv<?d nnd I /; • I ,lj Ac io ak : · JI •• "'/ I - 'If// ""' 6COpe .,.,. "" . ........ "' .. of /.:.)< • robl et!" : ,.(,.., r -- .,,.,_ 7,t ." U5at<)r To ephon : !hlot"vio\vr Adult~ 1.finor l.lalo ll Far lo: CitbanshipC .......,....,..._._ l L.- ... to United S ates: , Ty'pu of B1 iueB6! Par nor ~hip : ProJ:lk" ie or ship: Corpora 101 1 l tl<li'11 ua.1 : .~ t1nc1pal prop rty 11wolved an cope of problem : (1 ) Jc ion to.k n :•t • t 1-, ••lf•ll' '°' ''1 x M t.r )( Hfaor r Halo: F J i.'ll.O t Cit :i.2e1 ,,, f: •, of laot 1.mtry into United e \}ndeil" '/ I' Troasur;1 I icens tato : f'ropri to1• ;} 1p: ·~---------------------- now? I I.)~ iJ ~lll:'' t f! ,'t r ar nlbr Bhip! p: ,,."'°' .. ~""..., . .roril • ____ .&ttww• Addr-oun : • - - ..... -.,,. , _....____._,. Corporat, ion: Individual: Act o Tel pl one m.u:1b r : taken l · Hn dl<?d by : ti A a. r?h ad di o al pa ••es wher e n cei .ary r-Ul . 1 2 _. ' .. C) o.a,watklu l 1nor: 1 10 1 Fer lr 1 C ~ ... Z®l "'hip ! ~-"""lollllPt" J):. ~ s a~06l . icens ~ no1·1r t or laot .n l'Y into nitad or 'l're~ .. ry J\dl r~m t _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ......,.;.;....;..,_.....__ re~ I 1elttphoncn tnt.orvlew: Ad\Uti Uinor1 Llal.o: 1 F61t1ale1 Cit i e:en 1ahj.P,~~1Gra...::. I Df\.te of .la· t en.ti y - to Unit d S ~t& 1 ) t:lm 'fyp ot B liun~ : Pm·tr t i, 1 Proprietol"r h:lp1 Co1•por i 01 : .... !""" ........ Po son It: te.r\rie,; ved 1 l 11d1vi dua : rincipal propior y 1.rwolv i:;d alld 001 of l r blo1n1 t(.>() ~ -h kl~ / ....,,.._ ~....._-----~ 14>• An~• Brantih RfJ•fl'!'fe B&lnk Qt &an r1mc co iucal 1A11J1t or the Uni ed <!ta. os ~/ . I Adult: Uinor i hhl l f emAJ.e : Citii?;<'.msh.ip: _....,,__ _ - 'I ' yp0 of B~a1.noss1 P~1· son Par t, e:ti; 11 : Proprietol"i;hip4 Oor por:it.. ion r Ad tr t.ervi cwQd 1 roso t I nd sc:op~ I of 'Pr qbllsm : () I VJ// 11 ~t ol It tJJ , ,.r.r.1 C. o • Aprll a • lta l.lN ..1•• L 'l&a 001 eoat~ OQllll1-c1 ••,. Lo• U,.1••, 0autor1 'lhuk JO tOI' TO r l•U•r or AprU lfa4 .. _. ,_. k1D4 expnulou U to \a hu • • •' ron 'o 'o Jtaow en ttr7 .iat be of ••nlo• k aDA 'o J()llr pee lt a'\ •hl• H :.-, yo 11tit f el'O.IMUI ~ 7ov IO~ber WM 'liQ\\U l lk J•l• ••• •tt• •• 1...111o. • • •.,..., $ • 'lro\her •al~ oa , tor hri 1t tll•••u •• ot •U:ltJM• lD offer •hat M Mf d•hlWlM U thtf!f 11 ar\h1 .,. • po•llt)ly 4o to 1 ot •••h e 0 '- U•· TOlll't Y•l')' ,l"\ll.,. R/./. Ii' ~· ' 'f· ~ r er l B: Ci .:.za1 ship1 Tstato) D· to of last onti\ 1 : r.i r.r £h1 in'?~ - into United States: .... : I 'Prlr t1t:>1' hip: Ft-op:rio orobi Oo1•po11.· 0 .... - - ......... .a."' .. vv1& tion~ ! 1 d vidual~ Tele ho Principal pro )ert;it involved al an'h additiona!I. ai:,e 1hor ~ I ur.1ho scope of problem: n&of,) • J ~r-/ _,.~--tn!tB:~a~t.' ,.-· tcleJPhonot .In.terv'i w1 A<luliL: Hiner 1 . la; Fw:rutl = (:it Do. e Of l~ en 1•y in 'fyr,e of Bu i.nen13 1 P ri n rship: Propri orshi Cor por1'ti on : lndirld~nl: to) - l.Jn.itc d State I C~ti , u1 t r e,r eon i .1t /I di' e : 1''\I icn ·e ---------·-------- Loa Mee ' • Branoh Wal Re89J'Yt ot S~n Frane ,liico t.actl Aa-nt Of the lJni ' StJI e& .. J1dW. : Al&dx> en1 ~tl.nor 1 UtlcJ {city) Da·t " ot II P'ema.11111 42\ Cithenshi,p, ont ry into \Jnit cd st,\\ tea : ~- ·--.·------ J er s on i,i1t ervim1ect 1 /\ddtea:J : :------:----.-- it&d o.t•• Adu.l : Uinor& Mal t Fei'l!l)Ot CH z(>n1'hipt _ _........,.... nl'lt of 1a t ·r11 or ..1 •.Jd Ctateat ---- -........ ........- __.......____,_............ _ __ ........... .... Bu. inc sa 1 "'fl/, I r11:; at·t erah : I Proprie Ol~Gl i 1 Corporation: lndivid 11 T lephon rt ____ .. _~_..--_._/~.f r~H--- .... I ' d}J •I ."'J Los A•le Branch Federal iftos~ F bat gent Bai,)( ot. San f he Ultlt.ed or cbop tat9u 'l'\llle.pnone 1>< Xr to,rviow i _,,,"*l_,_J ;1 -.~ i c ,ns Pl-l or l1lOl'l1: B Ei.•1 a ~ Ptw 't P..~rhip : Pl·otpl' lt}to :: ip : Co~po r ti or.: Pers n fut lndi vldual: T J cphon vi(Jwo- : l~urnb Pr : I (l.,J) ~- . , . ,_____.- Act ori t aken: ,. ____ _ .._.._......... r r~no pal pri'.'lr.ierty frW-olv ~d ( ,__ .. _ r_ ~--.........,.,..-~.....,._.,......_-- \ '-•, rd l'O e o( p'l'ob;LePu ~oa 4~el Brµ.nch tderil es rve llan.k of t n !-"ranc he Pbe&l. At::&n of' he Jni itd &t.iltM Addreo1u I (j) Ad1u lt Wnor : <tile : -,,I I F 01 Da o O~r t na ntry 'into Unit. d St t s: 'l'y e lh.ur. er1 z nship : -~~~ Adctre. s : ri· . nf 1 i; , mi ,ry int".\ n t d St te 1 P r on Addr0:? __ __...__.... nt l'vicwc-d : . c:c1 C' --·-·----- ---·-- ....,.~_.,..__.__ T lcrhcnr. l nbr r .a.n( ____ -- ______ ,_ f P"' r 1 11 f ...i .. ...._ _ _ - r - ...- - - · - - - r I I Adult1. lU.nN': Ual I t1I Feillia lo : Cit izen~hipi D --- ot J.a19t on ry hit- Un:i I.Hi St ·t e Princ1pil pr pa.I" 'J tilv- lved ru d :> ope ~t prob Ji 7 I '"' J .( ( _ ,. ) ) .~l· -. , ( I ~· 1,, ... a e ~ Tol~phon 1 (._.I / Jntorviaw1 A<!ul.t1 Addretes: ''J10r 1 lido; Ci~honship 1 ___ ( t' I,,,., ____ ,_....._.......,...,... 1'yp.J of Bl.W ) Pl\rt Po1·son rntervi<. 'Ta 58 I Propri tonhip: Corror t.1 011: !t : Ac ~fJ,' on 1 l'"hi. : A dr IHlt # / 'hlephon taken : ~:· t h ddi pai,J 11here r eoe sary Ht b er: ___.u-_..::;.:..:;.:;.,.._i:;~-"":;.J.,.-........- . . rs.neioco atoa -----~ !"-- •1ter i c.. wnd 1 T·lep on t eh add U onal p IJ& iherC11 nee(} lU"f 1. ~ I _... . ..._____.__ Ji'. ,fl!"la: CttJ..zeHeh p; _ _ ...-·-- -- ·. e of ont. )' into Unit ' )I Ntiu B under Tr~a .. u1y License no' -·.....--- t ·: 'J ·~ o i' Duo· nes a: Pllrtn l' al i p : Prop .q Ol'Oh ]H Addre:m 1 C<.>rporn iQn 1 1.d vidual : r.cipa.l pro . rty frlvolved an s. ' { I'' I ,, (.J sco o of t roblc, : (, kl ( •1t I ~ '""" { I' I '1y ~I( I c .IJ ,, ,,.. fi r1 '/r t:1 r ,,.., 'It,. J, ,, ~r 0 ~ · I f1111.;;. t t /'/ ;'ll /. /° ,,. t Y /, 1#'~1 fl'...f 1 , 11•• {r ·o./ .I/",, f( "0· r'" r-· :l'.r 'r j - v ,. c ion /,) ' t 1r-'t: I' 1 'J fl, ~ (./' ,,., ,,) '-1 ,, ~ '-V"'' ~1' ,, 11, , I ;) I' "'1r .£, t' I :/, It.· Ha • •ld l>, I "l~' , la eh a dH:ional P!\tes , l eir MCI.?"~ 1-y ~ t "' T,~k Mul, !dd •e,tHH r-1 Mil'1or: l l'llo : Fei. lo: Citiz nsh.ip }'(}r 1 ' I. t eh d COJjl) 01 of "ltervi wad 1 ~. ro l ~rl: ••t• tos 1.c,1D1• a••• Adult la\kJu I ~ inor : l ·lo ~ F ·lo: C• t::.z 11sblp1 r1 1~ e of en :/'\ > i·, t1in under 4 ~' int. o United Stat 'icenae nC'\1 : rrellSll , 1 , ) Ad -·--- l'GBf t Tel o hon l r nci1 Ill p1•o;fAlrt.y ,,'/ rNolv d ..,-' t& .1 addi 1onal p • 8' fhl!ore ne ~s:- a1•y Hur:.b r 1. f ,. ·1 -...,.--.--. Mo Fe era.1 Reser Fisca.l Ar.tent Adfiltt Ul,nor1 Un)!(); Fe1nal'!' : Citi zenllh1 1.n unaiir .tr 'fype of 13 Clin s : Partnersl 1 1 roi:-r i tor cl i Corr..orati<>n : In ividual : pill ury i..' c 11t1 1 u t.t11'i' 1 T'er:,;on intorvi.01 ed : fl<!dr SS ! Telophon ---·--- .'.lur.iber: r op rt;r 1.nvol v •d and aoope of problem: I ,,,...,... -· Sto nil rJ • Ad~t: ..-. L'.u1or 1 I Ci I ~ ltitl :> F' 1ale I i~ensh1p : I J;,f ;! ~ to of la at onit.1•y :'lll'Lo Un.\.t d '"ta ..;o ope,..11t:lng unc er roa ury ic t~ ' P rs n _, , I A droae t 'folophon ' 1n1'1pnl pro})Orty •\.Jwolv '1d H Jin ' "l': seopc of pro a:n: -- I I ~ '"°' 9 E Lc:ts J•le Branoh R Nl"W e it* of rz-itnei~o ~ gsnt or the Unit orl es lld t.: t Min.01 ; 'l). t fr ( ator-ncillr1 I ----·-- Po1'1Jon !ntel•vi...:110 :. A dt'OllS I ~l aphono Ac )Lon Hi !.> r: l"'e!Ml I Cit i z nahip; · Bu, sc; n 1\ o •1.1M • >F S\ r t(;\ ( 'I S ~O ~l cbu 131.2 &!lit J1r1t Street Loa I 1> •lu, C&litorn'ia r W , Bui 011111 On rch 1~ you o&lled at he aou • rop x·t !>•par •nt th f41fftreno• to th• diapo111 t1on of o barber a o and bouaeh ld ll'ur l t ure . 'four v :r <!. r& 0 , Bold ~· M~l•" Branch F'414•r'1 RH.rve Bal\I(. or san r o fl'hoal Agent Qf the 1J!lited, ...,tat.-11 Ad\l).tt '/. WJ')Or1 Ual·o: 'If Fomr.101 Citiz nship~ ~il:l::~~ . . ., ,. . . . . .~.--4----·-----~~I · J~1. O~rat:in g 'l)rp~ under Tro sl.ll'Y Lio nsu now? t o.£ Dueincsa 1 Partnenhip: ProJ)rio orchip1 ------- lnd1v1dual: --:·- ,~. ~ lr· ~---"~ .---...- Addr ISSt Corporall.ion: aJ.ephon -----~----~-----.------~~~--...-- Jl\1n1b nr : f~ ' Addrese1 l 1nor1 r 11°eH11~lG1 Citi~ tlahip~ Ope11ati:ng er Tre Typo of Bu iness: Partner<>hi 1 Proprietoroh!p: Col"por tion r 1nd1vidt 1: ~tta~h ad.~ '1()1•son u~t Ad reset rvi wod 1 I ' ----·~-·-,_..,........,,__....,......._ . . . - - . . - tT&" rrv& Dn • "~Iii" iro L.09 ANO•L I BltA1i4CH RD9M. IEl'lt£ IOI Of 1U fl&IDlllll P, 0 , apX 10'1'1. lUlllllHIU ANHUI l..<))S AHGl:L,11• • CAt.IN>llNIA C, •"" - J( l llTI\9 I Adult: )( 1 ior ,: dd lililG l Fernal'3 r Citizo D t.e o! ).aat ont y 1.nto tlnitf'l'd"' ~hip: I' _ _ _ _ _....... _ _ ..,...._ _.-...,....__.-....__....:...,...._ Ope1•n ing un a • Tr a u17 lice se MW i Ty Pe on I.nto1·tti1Jwe 1 -----.-...;-----~..-...--~- AddrOH8 ~ Telephono Nurn r'>r 1 .. Actio ake n: ;,~ Ha -».A a~l adci .fo 1 pa. 1 lo \~dr s : r. e or •n e Of l D entry into n ted S ato (? 1 OrJ!IJ I F!lr nr;:r shith Propri t.ornhipi .' Address : Corporation : lndividual 1 ~ r ,'.} pal }.• ropar' l.y ilwolv cd cor c of Jrobleltl : 811 tJ I 1/1 · I ( (. i11; y n ... ken : #I I /j I , , - I I' es l'ho () nee; e Sll :ry J (, ;; I ~1,1 I I I 1 I / D1 te of la t entry to Uni ed ~ tntcrn: :teen e now'? t Per· ' J u o DuG'l.noas : Pnrtmir sh:I p: r r opriotornlrip : 01 - • .lll C.: • • I d1. r ea : Co:r-pora ion 1 Individ~ nl1 l rincip111 prop@ll." y invo_ved a lC l!COf;() Of problem: 1 At.tar. add iona a~e ~rherc neoo ry d i l " ;.i.o.; IUl.l 1 kntreleo Draine dCJtal J',oHTve D~ of Sm rtmc!ooo F'\. scjal f;ttnt of t.ha United St.itea at.,J To epho e: ntorvicw: V Adult1 Addre s1 ____T!,...t,_t_e_)_ _ n. of lart 'ltl t'Y !n o Unitrd :Jt~te1t1 ---· - - - - _ _ _....;..;;_......_.......__ _ Of B f'\.,) !!!H f Par-tr " c~i : Propr · Cor~ Pe1·Fon. Int 1•vl. ..wed1 onhip i :lt A<ldt•e s: 11 : Indi vi. 'Prin~ ipal prop r y i.nvolvr; c Vio aken.1•' hd cope or }.1l"obllllu: io: an Francieoo it&d St t o r. o. eold O, H, WaUlu a e Tolephone 1 fntcrv cw: /ldul i , d.dr ts .inor 1 ~-A.lot IJ'emalo I Ci. i1tentJhip: State )'' ' , te of laet entry 1nto United Statnat 'I'yp" of B u; lna s 1 Part.ner sh. : l opr1e orsh'.lp1 Corpornti<'ln : Pet• eon Addro6' !ndivid alt r1nclpal pror.JOrty inv olvud nd sco t) of r Qblsm: I dqr&l P'ifcal I Da .u of l.11s "d "ta t r ;, ~ \'ndo' Ir .. Ul.. , c in 'f ....__......., or17 : J ~J ,. "' ~ t>l'!JOI ,.. "1 , t : ell'r l1" l pr r.i0r .y ' Jc . n ,1 ___ t kr n : ach &d i tl n 1 nv ,rnc m ( ('n') lhlli.b :r: ' l':l I - a · · -----· ~---- ...~· ~""·"--""--"""°"(~D~a~~p}...._....,....._ ___ TelephoM1 D~tel'vie ft Addro &13 1 Ad\.11 t I ..- · -..;...;;,;;._...{~S""'tr_e_e"'t't- (cit:/) to of Or ra la~t Hal ~ 1 t Citizenships ( §Uto) ontty int.o United States 1 1ng under Tro l Y 1Jinor: .... '/ License nmi1 : r- of Busih s: Par-tner GM.p t Propri tor.,hi Corporat on: tndividualt l rineipal pro ertiy invol.v rt and, scope of p;roblem: I c.ion I .',I/ 'I I " ken: ~r od b I /ldU t : .., c\d'r es , J.inor ; 1'11 : fe1 .cl.o : CitiZC1'!8hip1 0 .te of l ct ontJ•y ~tt.G Vni od "'ta,to 1 ;; .. "'" ~ , ....-e .... r:: .' (.. ,J. ,; I 1 . .... '\, -..c- / . ' i. I c. .,., '7 ~ • e '- ,,,., . 1·' t...r. ./ I ?./,., u ? r (\l ..... # I Ad\llt: Hino1· ~ a lo i Fet lo : C t;l.zcmship1 {bfo o) J) to of 1A.. t <mt. Op r t.nt. o United Stat e1 ___ nj ..._.,...__,_,...... l' I' 'I\'!>U of' U!:ir.Z ::;::; : P. r ere.hip: c'>pr1etornhip : Corpor tio l t Ind ridual: ., >< I Jddror.m t Tel.e))l"lon I H\.U.•b r 1 / _,, _ , 1- / aeh . _ d t.i.o l C"# I ~I / • ..,ti * r ther necos. airy J t ..... )'! ., or . AdUlt.: Uin rt I.! ).a ' Fc-.mal~: Oalu of 0 e.n l'Y b~tn Uni C' Uzen hi.p t _ ... d "'tat I r .,. , ~___....,_,......_. Telcphcno llw::,b r f I J( ( !/: C i<.ll f. .i k(>n I ' ta¢l ed. _ ic rr bl~m l 1 __ ______ .. _....._._ .. a-1 Btanch Jtoa..-w Bank or 841\ F F&d l mW. AfW!t;. of t 'h t Uru 'lied , Adult: 1neir1 Lei f'omala1 Citi1im1Jh~p1 Typ of Bll.81.neae~ Par nership: Profll•i tor1>hi 'Pt Cot'PQra.t:l.on 1 tnd~.v1.dual t Prino ------·--.-------~,----....,;--------- 10• JJ l.,3 ha.nen ot San N1.ncbce> ot the Vrlited s a os Federal RtMrft Blink Flso l Acen~ Adul· I Minor1 l<H 'P'emal et iC ,1t b.nn hi . 11;1,u.v...:am:~vv Dt >Opar11 ot laat ~ntt7 mg W' Typo of Jnto Unit Tr·ea~ttry n .. inosa 1 tr 1 l"rop\• i Bto:rr hip i COl'}»l\~ iOll : :t1)(.Uviduali tr1nc1Jil 1 prC1y;erty involv 'l'd \I Sta ,es: ..............i-__.._,__........__._ _._ _ _ ' ] Lj e en "O now?: _...___ P~ r r"er cl 0 ~<t I~" IV ( Person '.tutervi"'woc Ad re " 1 -16&..oll~~~~.__.!"""" __...,_~ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __............._..,.....-.......__,,....... T lephon 1d scoi>a o _ H mb }l'" 1 t ~ b LQ Peder&l .\l-\ple Br nch 1l•eterw- a.n>c or . an F teal Ac:en ranc iaco ot the Unittd S at.cs a Telephon i[ntorv e 'I r Adul I Iinor~ J nlo: Fem ():.;I.. Ci h n h lpi /1'~JLJ.'.J:I; erlJO!l i TelGphohe Prine f 1 µro~r 't) I(. ~ddit.l er: invoivM and $Cope of rr6b •r.i. r r)f, A ach J~um I z t· (.,.,LA <..11<tl I al pa ea wti re nteest1ary & ff ~[1 r.: I'~14• ..... .,} (') 0 • r· --- a )·h '1 p: 'relcphonp \· it ~i ;, l propotty !nvo vod a1 h'tA..£, (l..A-11 ..) s cope) of pr o'bl m: -- "'! ' I ,.r; I ,, (.I•. '~ Fre• ""*It• a,ttd V•r•t~bl.. •••1.,-fttl Dt:Jdy r ... o.,11vur Btntk• ltAT ... .-UlllUSt l OC0$S ry i,.o ~•e rancrh JtN...-ve Bank of San rancisco Aaetnt o ~ho Vnited St~tea adw Flee {lSate) Tio l~pl\otl\& I Intorvi.e1 t D t.a ot a t. entry i.r\t <> \Jll1t od ta tea : Op f t:fog under Tr ea Ty l"f jco ~o n01•1? I au inesa: tJ 0 : ?roprletorc ip 1 Corporat,ion 1 lt dividual 1 Pe.rtnar~hi r nc1PI\ ct ion • operit.t l lwolv d a akerw~·- ddren t T$l phon f#~o e of 1 l>r- r 1 pro le : , _,, ""' Anr•i.-8rQ(llt • ........, lank ot kn. P'rMei•co P'lf dllJ. 4fant Of t he ~ tM ~ It IS ~edwtl .....-----....."""""111......... ,...~- a • T,e le phCJ\er , lntervlewi Ad\, Address' tcn,r ·1 Ui.nor: Uale1 Ji'OJnale1 Citizenships rJ.-~&:=:=:""- I Da e of tut entry into United St&:teai -·-·Ji(...,,~._..J:_.,.,· _ _ _ _ _......,'°""'"".....,........,._ Operating Ul'lder Tr &'-"llrY L TrP~ oen~e now'?: ..,.._,......,._________..._....._..._,....,.......,_ <>t Bust.nus 1 Pa.rtnt't'iJhipi Propri torooipi C<>rpor tionr ""!ndi vi<iuAl.1 lh ti )J Act. on t.a et Addr as: f 1 ~• I f f- t ..... II "' , ____ ............ z:_.... Tlt~ phono : Inter · : Adult : n i:1' : l!a l 1 Fema ~: Oit i~en shir i 0 ( J ·t t:L g '[~ I on ~y in ") United 3lat s : dor 'Ir a rury Lie en:Je non? : .. of f· ('. r. lpal r' l)()r y 1.nvolv -_.....,~-- ___ ___ ,,.._......,...._,.........., ~-- - - ~ Ill 1,. I - - 1 () e-<t;, F'.~l L~s A.nle ,es Br ''no ~ Bank ot $m F.r anci.sco e11l Agent of he ·ni 5 a cs Adm· sin Dat of las entr:r 1.nt Unilt ed S at os Person ~ n !al hon Ptinci Ac 01 l pro orty 111olv ca a d ncop o rv e11ech N n-. Gr: pro 'l.H:11 I I "Y . ""' (pate) Tolepl· on o: Inte1·rl~ Arldr .Adul. 't li.nor1 Hti.l : Fe111alo : Oi.t i nahi QS t O!'X"rat:l. n Ty c of l under 'rrc.: fl 'I Lic on !'Je l"IOlf : Duf'>'i!'l : Pa:l"'t 1• 'li\.l. : Pri.noipal ro ar Ac 1on t k ri: ~· r involved nnd scope of prob e1 : I ... wl ... • J,os Anpl .!!I Res~ ~J\k Federal b al rAaant Addr Dr of 1sc oa f t e Ut'l1 SS t 'Fema' e: Citize ship1 a...l-...i- O e of la ra 0 en ry i.:1t na· under r Typo \ d s1.o.te~1 amrry Licenr,e OH~' r ----..-.----.------- ......----......------------ .ddreu1 . alor.hon olv d an". scop of r-r o 11'-r.I: . .r 1; c 01 ken: '"" ' ~ ares!J : J)r L of 1 ~ury 1. ·p r. Licen o now'( : of · si s l Pnr n rohi : Pro'Pr fotor .. hip : Cot•pvir 1..ion : la diy:i du 1 I ~0:11 al pror l' y involvo ------~· Pe ·•· ,, In orv C:"Gd t A di· e~ : ....,_.............., T~lophon a1 cope? o ~ ~ r . a? 1 1~:r1 paa a wh r nocOliliul"y __ .LJ.'j pro 1"1 : f Ac ion ... ak•n : At. N -·-- /' ~ Lo \R!! Bram h Reserve Bank or $an Frand&eo Fiscal Al18o of the United 5t~te 'll'der r 'ralepll~ne1 l iune I , In Grview : Adult1 dd.res:.i : l :inor: Ual.cJ Female: Cit..izen1Jhlp 'lYI of Bu1d1 ess : P~rtner 1Ship1 Propr ie c-ri; Cor ra i. on: Indi v-id ud r Addres Telephone urr.b r: rlnc pal proper y involv d and E.:cope o A.(l cm .aken: ii 1 r:;rob em r Loe ftgtlt s ~J"anch 'R.eHl"V• Bank o[ Sari Fra.Mi~o Fhul Ageht. ot the United t tes i'tderal 1 a.m I I() ..,._______,,___,,,,,~....-..i.----.~·1~ , ..,..._....._ dult1 .' Minor; :!Jal. ! .../. F''1'l CH Operati.t1g under Tr a "' 'l'ypo 0£ 'B"l.siness: Par tn r ship: Proprietor ah1p1 Oorpo?"a..t!I. on : l.ndlvi <.\us.l , l Act on taken: /\ddra" a~ 'rwlephon -- I •r. I ll• lf'O l l'N\ 11fOJ"Dll l\duit : '-t l on !ml.o t Fe11 lei C · i~c uto Dnt o · la st entry ·1. ' P ~ of B\ 2i.noss1 !' '11' nershtp1 Proprie ornhil.p1 Corr)or1tion1 Ii divid Ac ion taken: ~r l~ f nit d S at.o : ------- Adult: lfinorr J!ru. I Femala: 01.tiz n hip: - - - - o) Da· o of las · entry into United Stats: Qr. ratin 'fyr- -,f B dor Trc:asurj U .cenoe not;: Bin B! ----- -----·------~--~--~------·...... er on i~ \l"V 1 11 eci I . I ' ..- ... ,.. Par ners !~1 rGprie or ::;hi pt Corporat on 1 A dres:J1 ..... • Lnd1v1.d\ial: Telephon N ...::i Prine i?L'll. pr·ope y iJlvol:v d nnd scop ,,. c.;1 ~ .i ea· 1 of .ro le-rnt , { Im ~l• 81'1anch Peder•~ ft•••~ Ba.nk o s~n l"r111e ae , C&l. Agof\t Of t ha U.d stiate Typ of Bas1ness1 Partnereihi : P:ropri onhip1 Corpor .ion: !nd~. du lr Te;te · rinci.pal property in'Volvad cud scope ,... Ci I I/ or prob.16'.!ll : l f, ~' •· "I ecemr. ry LQ• ts Br:aneh J1edt Ill Retf#VO B tik cf 11'\ eGal Apn of t,he U ,... " i~runa: .,...111:;....;...K.o.,.._4r/AJ.~~~~~.a.i:;.....:.-( A(.\dreee1 - · ---..;.~&to 0p()'at1ng under 1'r!) YP ;\ !lr""J ~i.o~ s now? t ~BI Pnrtr n·· !'.ip: Propr ..i. • _,ortil lpt r-,orrJC.r'\ ion : !1 d1 vidual: ;ri: - pal proporty 111volv1d Action t.a 'ke n1 ~f A dre o: r 1J lerl one N 11nbr•r I seopo of problem: 'llo : Ftnah 1 Citi'Z neh1Jn 1~• nge.lea Dr• ederal l~...-W I)~ of San &c)U 'P' n Nlhol~o ot tfha Un ted tatos -r: - Adrul I inor1 l4B1o: ft'WMla: Ci izenehip1 ..... --..-#---- Dn e ot last l' Ty, 1t t \Ii of ~ntry to U1 ilod Ctaies1 under l'1• ic~nso l.ness 1 nOW? t -·---·------- Per son triter cwed : erehip1 r o 1etornhiJ) Corpor tion i lndivid l i Addt·oeei TGlephono lJu.mbr:r r r nc1.pal property 1.nvolved a d co~o of pro l~r : I __ ......_......_ I /, _ ·--...-...._,_...._ _........ DI\>!! 1 n,e : ' 'J'. ' ( rfo ) /~dul : :inc-r : ' 1 I Female : Citizon~hi J;a 01' 8 ry in Q der "'> Unit d 5ta ee : 'frea~ury lice !'l n01 . : _______________ Peir on Il t oi"View<"d 1 Ha es abo"f& ______ -----------~ ......_ w::bor 1 1QR AU .. Hote1 Leue ( yra) 26 roll • (o14) rurniture Rent t 10. 0o ln~ e 3!50 . 00 per montb , t reaen't Bal• rice t760.0G - Ct Cl l ·k 'li t! but llflJ o u to i l take leaa 13~ . oo mo. ''t ~ah~ Tolepllono : Intorvfow: ll<IW.t-·i Ull)l' t l 1 t Fe!llltle : I Ci i.z neb1p: n te or ()po laot ont ry • a in o Uni r-d un er 1.r o ~ Ui art1~ 'f• Pr offt· !') ice sci at et nOl' h - · ...... -- ~-,..,... ·1 : tor: l i}. : Col'por1t.i 011 : l di r1.dual 1 iri no pd pr opo!l"t T1; ophon JW<:>lY d ii b r: a id scopo of pr oble.."'ll t ... __ __ ._., ____ ......,. n te 0 r la t o:n ry Ty'p~ o P(wrnn rtBrviti".1e t ___ 0__~ :.._ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ f I uldro e1 ......._...._ _ _ _ _ _ ,.,........_,,.... _ _ _....__ Tslephon e w'he:re nee e ~~r Ad\llt I • H!\nor 1 ]i l.t~ t Fe.1"lll e: \ -"' Ci !zm Bhip r Dt ot last entry in o U111 od !~tatur O;peu.t1ng under n•eaisu.ry .u1 ense nrn r'h 1 'fyra of B sin s : rtnar .. hip: Propri.etor ch:i p : Ccn•por tion: Individual: ction ta.kenr ¥ Pers ' p f t.,;. "I'!-~--- ~- - · 1 0 ------·- •t•r "'' 'l.c ..u gelen ll!rll~.e Federal Rent Sank of San rran~il!lct> 'Fi se Agent of thlll Untt.c.d St ate a e Tolephop 1 T.n orvil'.l ., : dult; x inc> I al-0t FeI04la: Ci ize111ship t D \e ol' lat \ry ll'lto Uni\ed 6•tat• :~l1~1 '* J1Ja , O iOt'atin'fr Tr aeu.t'.'Y L,lcenet> 11)0\ll'?? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __.........._ _ _~-.;;;. Type <> Par son µ-ite · Bu iness c Pnrtnershi. : ' r opr orship : Corporation t ndividual' Ac ion t ken r·* ~1 ><. Adtireii t Telophono ~ tt eh ad itio l p ,. a :f1 t:> e nen SMJ"Y - "- .. "" ---.....--~:\AhMm oi co ates ddnss : D .e or latJt sn ra i tind r rr n· 1.nto Un ted stat& l.'lury L·c n TyJ e of B ainess t Par e:r "I i. : fr r · tor chip : Cor nr.m ·I rer n i. · rv:i t~d ~ ra t ion: fodi vi.dual I rinc t I Telephone bet•: l prop t•ty tnvolv d and i;core of p·o ).e.. 1 • ,f" ti , a.ct Los kl1 Branch Federal R40'trve Dank ot San P eoaJ. ~gent o:t th.e United .... at~s 1 . /( '' Ii t G /ldul : l 1nor : 11nl. t F<lll\B J 0 I Addrese i 1 C t..iz nship1 I 11.'t ot last ent•7 into Unite:d .:.ta es : Operat:ihs wder TrealnAry Lie e Typa o! B\.l essr " Partnership: J>2•oprhtorshlp1 Corpo~ t ion: 11 dbri.d l. r v Ir Telephon N"l' 1 Pd .noipal pro?1'rt.y 1n olv d nd sco .e or prob.lei Ac lon 1 aken : -.~ '"A a <iition paa e mere nee11s ey 'r l r.lJ ' ""' Adult : ( < dr'lss: Ql' t nal111 1 F ,,v-l,._, 1 Cit' z nshlp' .· t of Gt ent y 1r1rt.o ,Jnited $ .. I 0 o i' 8 ~inOSIJ: p .rtll r } i I l roprietor ....h 'p1 Co-·porra i1on: lndivj ~ l •l 1 · t:1t-i&1. propert)r involved at ~At anh ddl lon l tos : orsC10 Inhrviw~d 1 -~--•..........--.......__~ dd~· Ust Telopnoa GCO G H ~r1 of pro'bl m: 11'.IM;ro a: o Tolop'hono: Tt~t "l'Vit.H f Ad\llt : \"" t\1tresa : JU.nor! H 10 1 )' Fom Ci O] Typ lll(:!' under ·r.1'eai ry o Po •son !nt.. rvici'1od 1 in a : ncr cl\ip: Pi·opl·ie or ip t Cor JX>ra ·1on 1 B EH' lndivid Ac. io t.nken e · 1thr r e 1 ocrn. 101 i~e1i hip r lt s !Br•nc Lo• 'ederal Ree.rn }!iank of San r11noisco Fieenl. Agent ot t.he United ta e·s .. "9<' r' · ol&pllcm 1 I~t orvi.-0W : ddruoi 1pera mg Ad\).). '~' ...I o Min-0r t IJalo; Pei .0 1 O t, oniJhi 1 ..... un-J. ~r Treaaury L Type ot Busines t Par nersh p: Prcprintorsh1 cens~ n01'11 i I• ~ Par son l.ntt1r owed i ____ .........-......_.._...... --~~~~ 1 Corpo ation: ind id nc 1()$1 pro:i;.e t,y :iJ'lVoJl..v-od Tele}:>hono J \l/flbor: ~d ----·~-------------~--- cope of prol>lom1 • • ..._°"!""'____.......______,.......__... J\otion t.a ~ em .~ ,. Lo A.n,g l~ D'rcmc h F de:ral Re1$erve Rallk of Sll'n Franc i&c F1scll cent of ,he Uni ed ~ tat s r 11a ~· l Q tiz --( ataJ T ii; ' ol.ap ono1 tnter () iew 1 'l. Adult t f -{. inorr l llle r ·t.. Fcma e: 1 Citizen hip t (. ( J)ate of lmat ant:r r ~nd.t"'d into St t es; I.......7---..." t" " -~,~-------- F· Ty e of Businesai Partnersh p1 Pro rie or l l. Corpora ~on:{. Pers1m i.ntervic11ed .1 Add 1 J:ndividual t )/. ( - A t..ion t.ak Tel fhcne I I' / i' rf eis t ~ l~\ll'Db t• : () -- ~ . . ' , t '\ ni ·' e "'" IADJ(ele Bral'ICh of San tanci~o Agent ot th t.htited 5tataa 1 &1 R.H~ Bank e Ncunf) l •I Ad\Jlt 1 il ori I Mal.o : FeMala: D: t 'e '> f la It ont1·y - c J L r·d __ Cit izonshi .........._ --- ____ ____ __, pe•n. ling under i·ro fyp1J o Bu 1.. i a 'nr· r••:' h 1 r: P~Opl'iB JONhi.i) I Cvl"por'1 io1 i: nd vi.crua 1 Pei· son · 1t.m•vtcfvlot Addrou t T0 ophon t i ...-...--....... To epnori i fptfl,t•V •GH: dul ~ tlttior: ~(alo: P°~rM 0J {st~t Or.t~ of last onti--y o UnU:.i.H~ Stat s: ) Ci .. benshi.p1 -....---~~~---------,..-..-""'!'""''!'-"'.,.,,.., Opa1'11tin i\tndor TIL"e.apJ.ry Lllo1tnm1J now'?: -...,;.;...--..---~......,.,.~T..,...."""-i-----........,.,...... Ty 11 oi B ~ine e r Pnrtnersh p~ 'Prop;.·:iotor Ghip1 Cot-poraltlon ; lndlviclual1 dd reas 1 'I'~lophone JJWl\bflr r - ~ll-11 cn~t ~ Tt~ CJpho o: !ntOl"Vi f.M ! X I <lult : l inor : H1lo;X F ePI lrl1 Cit · zc1 ehip f·1~-..11f~.... Acid re so: r.>.to o la at ont1y lli o Vni ed ta.tea 1 O per~t g u Ill' roa~U.lj' Lice1 all now? 1 _______ ....__.... __ __ ,__,_, ....... I I ,..._........___._, ~·~i fff .;J I 1111'4-&,..LJL.j~-........-............- . vi. Acl<\t•a "I" r oly;a IH I l I isco e a Tolephcm a : )~ • e: JI t Qt'V'i.<.! V: Adult • ,!inar. t alo 1 Acdre - ( St&le} F mal1 ; - Citi i ns)'iip: 1 ri e of la· t Qntry into United S ate : _ _.._____.,....._____...,_ _ _ _, Opor t\ng m¥hr Troaeury .Lice1u;q n~>.'l'i' : T~rpe Pe~son of Business : Partn rshlp1 Propl' ietoi· ah p; Corp ration : ncli.vidual : tntarviowed i Add1·ess 1 Tole l)o n ! Humber 1 ,~ VI ij .~ ,_ Adult 1 L inor 1 l! l : Fcrruile : Citizenship : _ _ _..... B sin ss : Partner ship : roprietorchip: Cvrpor ion: lndivid 1: 1 pe of :rtnci Addr .. t l. pro pet y involved d scQp, of r:ro )}b:n: (/ ( ( r nee fl. 1•y .... 7\/,J tJJ . O, 1\1. l r . 6: ~.dt·· Adul.t t ' s ){inOl' 'l lhl.Ql~ F r..ale t C:it;;.e(?nship ·Jn?'I D to ol' '.lap~ onl\;a·y- iJ)t;,o lJnitnd Statoa t - Tn1e of B sine Pc · 1 01 ..... Co:fpor t'ont "r al1 ' ne~p11l pl'op~r'i.y vol1nsd a11~ . Rco . ,. t ~'hlt.a add" tional pll'•e vh fflf .. - _ . . _ , , , _ _ . . . , . . . . . _ ; . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ I.nto?'vio\·focl 1 Parimri>hip : Fl'o~·i tol• h1p1 11 div1. I e of n oea ary ,/ • .. ~ """• v on1 "''"""'"'' •o LO• ANOEl.IEtl BltANCH RQIL8" llP If fUCID ' · o . ·~· ao77, l1UtMli.4L ANHU ~ ~Ha.Litt, C4Ul'OltHl4 Hfi' 'Ar. \1a: ~T 11 · ·11w l '. r .· 11 ~·1 xrn . ~r11 'l , 194fl Mr . N'obuzo B cl 929 11 'l"owne Av•nue Loa A On 't' 1: 1, aroh l t enc to ¢ Urorniu y<llu oal ed •t t th• 4 h:poal.tio o • ro~ r y D p rtu:i e t wi t h your prop1rt7. 0W'1 ng o~u· d iao11 a1on , w vis d ou oono r 1 youx- nq1dry a d w art ona r l ng U you would klndl.y !l.nt'·omi ut ~f th• Il'l t ir e noti• b e tu. en oar f . If it I' not o n a •ttled llll'A w en be ot' 'U \f t'urtbtt i•hn e to ou , w& wlU bt lad ti) tl 'V you cull I! ln t our fio ·t 707 Sollt pri St:r-t t , Loe J. lea , -..... to Tolopl Ol1! ~ Into1•viow ~ Y r t\iJ~Ort llalo : FeT'ICla: Cj 'izonshipr l~Fo-...-..._.J' Dt of last ont y :into UM.ted Stat" : 1'3rp o B oiness r ..---------~~~ Pet' <m Inte:rvio 'JGd 1 ?urtneruhi : Pr-opr iotorshi.p1 CorpPir ti.011 1 Individual: ll'ope1·it.}" I . rel phono N bor r ruwolv e<J aJit' f'copo of ~,'•t•r To 1 r. o. o. h, ·~ '1dult: dd eas: 1Unor : l nlo : Fema:1}1 ~ ' Ci h 11shi~ ~t~ JJr.te o f l rat eni1-y )n o United $ at0 : ,..._----·----...-----..........,_- •.,....-..-- r a '11th1g ·m(ier Trea SW"'J License now. Pa ·son 'Pa of Euslnesa:t .nrtn rshi Prop:.·i et.or~h1p: Cor · ration· 1 d.ivi aual : fri.C;l" p l r .l¥'1 i _ _ _ _ __...__,_....__ , ll~ 1elophono I uri1b ur: lvod aru; s copo of pr oble fl2to·z,( · /, £~ .7 & /() ·' 1) ,.,.,...,. / . ?;, ~. ~ ' t>-"fi A tak\!ln: ·. I ,( Na:. c : ddi·os Ad\Ut.: 1 1~ ( St.r - i .' y') P IMl : Cit izemh! l'st<>.t e) ____ " ur.dor T. ".'l" I t:nl e : ury L cen ....._._ --~.,,.._.._,... ____ nou. : ----- ---- _. . Per con !1 te1•vi 1·1e : ddre eler.hcn !h ..h r: ____ .,._ ___ ,,___..,..., ' " 'J'chphon~t rntrwv~ ddreso: w: )(. Adult-1 ~ ir or : lJ!ilo : >c P' 6T"Vl la I Citizor &hip: J~ 4:1 I _________ ___ I •) ____._._ ........,......;.. t pr. •ll of ~ en l'Y ii o United St& c "·oo D\•1l Prw T'\ ·B t rship : i\ddr ropr1o or:>Lip : Corpor. t.ionr I11d vid add Uo Sf I olor.hono llUJ"1b r t a *A't. ,ad 1 l. pa "C \Iller Bo op~ of problem: nec(Js "o 'Y • All , °"& h Bank ot San :Franoieco Agent ot the l\ited st~t&~ •tr' Adult t M:lnm•: M~l I F .,,r,10 1 C.itizo1oh1p : ~~~~' ,/' \ :.,._ n•t : ' , ·· : Prc»p1 ,.i. '11-.:· r ,1.ip1 Cor l)(, ,i.-~t il)r. : ltlldivi ua.3.. : Pors.on A "l'OB81 'r le hon lh1mb1r : _ __.. _-.....;. ____ _ ......... Addro., J:, \:, Qf lJ,\ t o trv' ~ t>pera,ting unde1• 'I'y ., o B Pa Un1t .d Gta~n1n _,--__,__ _...,.._ _. ..........--........,....,.._.....__ roa •Jry ... ic r: Sil nO"I'? ~ t t< i O.>a: rrh:I. _11 · o -4~ t --- 1 ProJtJ·l tor .. hip1 Corpor tio1 : lnd i 1d11a l : A r 1 wolv ~d n phone IJuru or st<.>)>C of pr-obl ~rn: ,,... /"' rb r 'h .c JS 1 r,. I t lHl' 1 Adul : ln.r : J..df res !.!a f!' : Femala : ,, ') Ci izcm h p t '""'"'.:;.;o.-....~.,.. _ ui·der • r Ai ,ury Jo fir ___ __ ___ , ... t I l CM, r-e . 1 He : Tele>rhcM Ihm. r !-A ·tach ad t Ct [I(" • lfl' l' . ......... ....._..;;.._.....,._ ) d _________ __ n I it J v Addr rri : ,,_ ,.. 1 ____ . ' • - ----t--.. .._.._...--~ - -.. _,. f,.01 ~·· ·•n....,LnnH ' ~5eo ~$ &deral RH9l"'Ye Bank o£ San Fisoal of the United ~ l/) dwt: LliJ'lO~I Lo t Fernale: C:i ,zllB8hip1 D te ot l~st, entK"Y' :Lnto Unl r.d . ta":.os 1 P re ing und r Tl'~& ury 'fyp1J ot Bt\ 1cer all now? 1 in s F l' "'Ol'l ti terv. <.mo · : Pnr\.Peri:-h · : Proprietor i,hip : orpor.\l.t ion1 Iridividual: F ncipal property 1.lwolv •. d a.... ephon d copo of r oblem e ;t I Lot ~n 1 ~ Drane ooeral rt,atrv Dank or ~,n r.anoi~o Fbcal Ag•nt. ot th Unit ct s ates lldul'c: Minor1 .!Ml ; Feu141lo1 CitizPn3h1p: t ot ntl'y into Un! 'd tat a: Opo a.tiha undet Tr Ty 1JJ'V ~ of Bu· 1 o B 1 l~El!!'t l' r.hip llr oprie Or'c..hip : Co1•Jx.>r ion r dividual : rllici pal pr oper 'll involv . ic t I au n°'' '? : A ~r e IS: ~-- ·-·---_.__... J ephono N b r and scope of robl em : 1 ........................_,_ to• Rel•• ranch FedfJra.1 Res9"'Q Dank of Sim rrtu c boo P i-cal ient o.t tha U! tt d ctatu Addres11: Oate of l i t fyr> ntry into Un tod ~; ot B~ inea : 'f• r n·e rat i p t r ? 1ed,: l' SQ Propri tor h1p1 Corpora. io t Addr() " tndivid. r el phon t 1H or t )!1 .,\>1l'I ·- __.,., Lo• l.ngrcl.e a Bfaneh edera.l ;Reaft'Vt Bank ot &lJ'i ?rar cisco Ft l'a.l. A«9!'1 ot the United Stat.Qs ) !Ill\& 1 f )(.Aclult •' I 'f.. ~l I 'F •\t. o I CitiZC"I h Ty-p<t of Bu 11s : Part.nor flh p · Prop1' · etornhip1 Corporation: l d Person Iuttervtowf!d 1 A drea s·1 Telephone ri.11C1p 1 property 1r)volv 0 lo () '(/ )/f.,t . l. :l "'f ./ ' Ac ion taken; and seoJ>() I . . CI . I N Hurnb1~r 1 ot problain: p~ i v MuJ.t 1 in.or t llal. : Femnl qt Cit i~ rlBhlpi / llta of la t ontty 1.nto 1.h~Ucd ~t a .. es; ~.,:::.,...__,. •"-_..,._ _....,..._..,._,____~-'flll era. inf! und r Tl"c 111\try Lies Go fyp1 of $ue Pnr tnerE>hi : Prop~· 'tJ. t$l'Vi Pei• •lO ,...i. 4 etor r,hip i Corporatio : lndividua.l: no\111 1· AdQ.r !I er.J one U rr. r r1 ' . involv ~d n seo e .....,... _____ AduJ.t.l Ade.ire BB I MinOl"' I ( ...- _....,,_ _..,{s....t-at...6""J- l.e or la t ent1y '.nto United '~tates~ pe at L g un~l)!' 1'r~aa ll1f License now? : Ty ~ <> Bu flU)e SS t n:rtnershi 1 Proprhtor ,hip1 1 Corporn :Ion: lt di VidlA.B)..: pror:ie~ t ken: ·* y 1.hvol.vod Addro$ 1 Tel phono nd scopG o lhunl}1~r' : problem~ Male: P' O!llll l 0 I Ciit.iz<'n .!)ld.p1 '°' l, WO MuJ I l{inor1 tf>U.o : Fe IH Cit.~zct ,. ah J ' I'· Pew son t ter ic ·10d 1 ----.-.... ~- . .....,_. ........... .___ - __ ._...,...._......______ Tit). ophono 11umU. r: rineip l p1•ope1•ity 1nvolv B and sco o of probl ent: ~(!. 7) .,,. { t) 'I r Ac 'ion taken : ' l+v l ,,..., I r< ./c t ~l~ ; t' {, ' ••t•r ctu.t ,1 Uior• a.lo: ..{ ~$1 Cilthanahipc ~.....-"-"'... fype ot BuJ1neu 1 'Pvtnerel'Jip: Proprietoroh1pi Ool'po~tion~ lndiridual.1 .). Telephone lfwnUi ' •.../ ,J I :A otlon t aken: * 111,, l .~.11 • leo ~ranoh Dl\nk o:C Sli.ll :Franci eo of h Uni cd i:-tatea Mull. I ,inor 1 l "lo : F l l. t CitiZ.t>l ship t Oc te or lut ntry fnto lJrt t Po •SOll D torv· ui1cd ~ Te" phon ,..,..~.a.QUUll....._ _ _~ ~ j I dt raos t c i.Qn .,.......,-4'._'""' l ur.-. r: I ' APTW!I . .,,,. DAT9 -~Ulttl llO l.Q8 ANCllL.H MA~CH mmt. H119E ...... Fil. . I'. o . IK>JI &077, 1\l'•llUNA\. ANNU LIDt AHIH l..le, CAU.,OltNllr. ..... 1A(Ml) l9U 1'ii-. ',\I . •\{~- "l' 111 n H l . .r ·o S T.\'tE • 17, U h te :rt: 1\1.JU 625 X.•t S•t•ntb l'"'e•t Ito• An8•1••, CalifGrnt.a I>t6r Mr. Jujii s On March 19 you c 11. ed a. t 1lh• l "•acu&e Prop-e.ri1 D•p•r n•nt 11ti 1 reter& oe to the aelll ng or ub-l•ui n.g or your care. J)urtng our di.IOUHic>n~ • e.d"11 t! yo\\ cone rn1 n yow:' t.nq iry ~ we e • wao 1 e ri l f you ollld kindly 1 tol'! ua tt • tter ha• noiw b••~ t~•n Qare ot . tt it ~. not eeo • t~led and we otui b• t a'lly r ur h•r auht no t.o you, • 111 be g.l · d to have ou call a aio. &1.t ouir ottic.t t 70'1 So th S r1n Str••t, Loe A tl.H , <! . !'reel o. Bole\ .At1l 1 ut ger o, 0 ' Tola!lhono r Into1"1rieH1 ' Adult: Hiflor 1 Holo1 F ma.le: Citi2:enehip i Pate of l.&Gt entry in o United StateF,P : ..__ _..,.·-·- · - - - · - - - - - - - - - dd es 1 1 el~ 1 h.ontl wn er : of .l"ob m: l~QI'. 1J· At.ta I a<icll l~nnl lod 1W """"H "'V• o.<.Y• anwa" to LOS ANGE.LEIS BR1'NCH ~Al •El£11ff llU Of UI flUCfSCU , 0 . l!IO)( 11, 'T ~MIHAL A U N )( I.OS ANCUl.U CAW'f'OftNIA ~v 2fl (1 Ol I J H •Ill L I\ (}It ~ \ l·f<. EH.Yr·: B CAL ... \ oJ<;. r rn ·1 11: I·. · 111w S't ATI s P "· s ·,. y B l r11 , ll'\lj H 03. 1111 ·~ C l S CO , lg.{2 iree~ I.o1 Angal• , Oa iforoi ' n It y ht you called at th• .E u u . . rop My 1}$partment wlth rafnano • to !nformnt1o ags 1,n the ael • of your ao ' a ruteura.nt . Du:ri . our di ao n ion ·• echl. ud yo\ oonc•rn1.r • your 1 IHlu1ry , nd t 'flO ndtrin 1f you oul~ tndly 1.uro 118 i.f th• :r hu now b an telt n e r• or. Ir 1 h ,, not lod erd o n ha of ny :.farther a ahtenoe to will glad to l un ;,rOt..t onll &g ln t o o ·10 07 Sout .,pri Jtr et , I.01 el s . "J 1 of D "in s : Par O()l' sr i l>t rro:prfoto •:;h f'l 001• or ticm: lnd:1vMua.1: pro}'!iorty involved 81 l'o son Ii "urv Jd 'GO~ I , COpG or proble411; t!t J-t. • (') r.. W.m1ro • Ancelfl BPuicta d.r R•""'t 8tltt of S~ Fran.e:th Fiiscal ~pnt or the Uni~ 'Sta .H Ad t. t Uinor t u· l. : Female1 Citizen hip: __....._.........._., F . . .,. UV" I ; Tyr,e of Su e 1 e~~1 Pl\r '• ... ,., ;,> : Pr or ·. .., •liip: <!c.r [.. : ~ ~ ,1 I l di"~:!u -.1 1 .._~---- - - - - - . - . . - - _ . . , . , . . _ , _ _ _ . . . . . , ........ dr its: 1 Pt-inoif>a.l pro crty involved. and f.>COpG ;. of ........._.__ ;J'olephone: \ n ry in Da e oil' v} ·:r · ina aor 'l r ri In~et'Vi<.!1•1: United States 1 fl (>l(? ! _,_,_........,..:._ _ _ ~ ....,.._1_ _ _ _ _....___._~.,._~ lltl.l'Y Licen se P.-rson Addr Te ·rkcipa.l p c k n t · k nt 0 \ft tac p)i"t, .... _..,.{D~a --e~J~----~~· i n olv d a d "¢ 8 eph or I n~ pr obl .111 1 "-.' J 0 B ~ ......,,Cl·",, I 1..\0, • : Pl'r r · ,,. " 1 : Prop1 i· «Y r.J ip 1 Corpc..r. tiot11 Ind vidual: _........_...__.....,_. al ophom1 Hurnbr.r 1 __ -______ __._. _..._,............__~~-.,....--~~--.-- . () 14t1~ f· I~ ~~ /71· Lott .~ng'(fl.e~ a:~h F•d:er l neurve 13'E11'k of S!trt 'il"IU t:1d6 ac:Bl Agont of tl Unit.flt:!. 'ta e ;,dultt l ino1·t l !Lo: Femala: Ctt:..zcm h1p1 _ nrite of lant ontcy ln o Unit ()d 5 a. e ()per!l.t·li·1g under Tt ai; ry Lie so now. ·l __ __ clF I _,......,_...... .,_.-..,....,_..,....._, i _,.,...,_..,.... 1• ....1 I •~I 1 'P" of B sine s: Pe•• on Int,o •vicHod 1 Pnrlne1'ahi.p1 Propri torr.hip : Corpor3.tjon 1 I1~d ridual 1 ~roperty involv d ,, d'\ 'ells : ------·----··,---·- -- ....... ~' I I u ,.,, ... r!U ci:ie State9 Address 1 n. E~ f l.n a ry in Lln t od $1a t.e H lt l · er o !n.te1vi 11cc11 Addr'()8S: Jd.r:c I ·l r. . 1 pol' ct en ..ak1 n : I} y in•clvect nd nee ___ --- ,..,._......_ of rro'bl.e. 1 f. '. e of la. t Pt\" entry into United S a n r h:i.p; :rr op:r et.or") ip 1 Co:l'po:ra Telorhonc Ac !on taken : n de t fo Mr ao : or : lndtvid nl: Mb es ~ 1 1 111. •mbot· . 1 LQ1 An.gele15 8l"IU'IO ltest.rTit llank ,ot ('.)Q.11 7ral)cheo JI' IJQ&l .\pnt ot th Vnited S ateis Fode-r Adult: ~ 11i.nor t Ma.le I Fe.molet i .1'r,1t>r1 ~dll. Cltiz nship1 Wl<h Treasury nm•·? .r --·-- ;/ ()J: _ _ _ _ _ _ ....M-..f_...---------.......... ................-'-...---..-..~~~ o! nue:L Of5{3 t P1wt . "" 1b j p 1 '!)''!> Proi'l~ &tor hip! Cot· i·~ti on ; lndivi 11 1: · r•i.n~ p l pro)bar y lnvoh ·~d !;,,{.~ ( -1 it.u I.... t hl , t:-j ttr.:d sc:ppo of l ,/ I Gl'1\t ( t-)1 /hO. r ,~ .1 ,/( ,,. ) l ~ '-');' I.. 1 I • (, t • . ..: Act io,n tnken t i~ ,i:: ,':_I I!~ , I.. /, where n cee.5 (! l v. / 1 H1,t1or 1 l 1110 ~ )( Fe1 J.o : 0 it Z.O ·S !)t Lican o no·w? 1: ' 1 e 01 t _ _ _0_...,, ,,,_.-... 1 I ~...!..!...L..l.f:!r - -· -_..__ _ _ __ iu ino a : P(ll'C 1cr hl'p1 Pr op:.· L(ltor nh ip 1 Co1·por Uon1 11 d1v~ dllal : ~·inciral "R~v . ~ pr fAa)·ty i.nvolv ed a1 ~Jiii'\~ ) . W111. !'. IV WI• a.. w ... I} (, ."" '"" •• fl rf I r 1 I t Mf \'l i:i N f I "' 1 l • l. l.,"1 f "' I . e., ~ IJ ~ l> \Ill,.., f t F I " ' ,,, ., 114 ~ y 1 .r 7., - f./ I ir "'~ ~ I ..... ~~ 1. " I !'!! ,~ I • "7 ' t>I \\ Cl I> 1 ~ , t> . ... ,., 1 I.. a i..'i tl , ctioh tal<en 1 ' Rr ,~ - "" w ...... 1 f Htv I\ I s opa o probl1,;: 11 ~ I '\ ~ ,, .. "( ~ It (1 I 1"'"' I\ • L f? Dn~a Qf lat> ent17 into l1t11t d "i't~to ry ic~nao ti I ~ ,I I 1 now? 1 A dJ"C.Ht8 I ., AetU ~t l ~e l :.r 1 phcnn: fj Ihter.,.i w: Femal : c.:.tlzcmsl 1 (Cit:,·} Dl of l r,; n . Uni1 'd on ry (! . 1---.---------r.-,r., ----------~,..........,......._,~ ~---- -----......---··-~-~---- nvo v l'OR BAii .. 19153 Obn:rolet l 8 rr~ toa true lem : f'llt 4tck. - tr;.oo.oo ood 8•pl1 Una, lg56 1 cf v.. e Ford h110 door - t•lr den ir.1 200.00 or l••• J!~ r.' ed •• 1 C, D. lioot Addt" SB : ~6 IJnilt•~d Ollt& o t la:ot 011t. ·y Or,e at,,fug 'Ul)der -)'Polo Bu.:L1r Pt> "t 7'~ Fr op 1 N ., , j. Li.oe~rnl.l n01·n 1 'Ii~~ 177.itt,.fO:t"p~r,Qr • • l 51 : •!~. .:ir.,hipt Cc.1•pv1 ·.t. i n: I divlr.1 · l;X ~ ciJ:ln.. rai !:'ta es 1 Acidre 8t T .!!lephon U iinb r ;property involved and ·oo o of proble)llt ct ion takan ~ ~f 1 J rl.l l • l .... ... ruo •t OU , ll I J Ire> 't"f \ 1. l clr ssi la t cr1t.1•y int<> United ~ tate : f 1.1) o 1 !);>CJ • ' • l tine; 'Untl ei1• 'fr ca 1.J ry Li.cem noi , I o Buslnass : l- nrt.m1· 115.p~ ro1>:tiolor- n i 1 J\ddresa i ' llJ'inQi 1? l J ropert .....__ _.• .... Corpol":l ion: r dividu 1 1 Tel of} ono t ur. b ·1·: _ _ nvolvoe; of proble.n1 . ~~-·--...,,_.."-"....__ _........,...... Lo An ee od ral Rtaerv. 'Pank of F seal Oper ting ~~nt o the · r Tl"Be,, ;ury r ncipal proper y i ~d i ?rru cieoo c ta ~e s nmt? • d s co JO of. problem : Loa Angtlbs Brr.nob Feder l(eee~ Bank of . . an fl'ano:i sc Pi clll. At:tent or the Utli &d ~t ates /1dul\. : .Ii nor 1 J,n). I )(_ F ,mal·1 Cit Z n hip I Dl'Lh of laut. en ry Or~ r ina undor 1.nt Ut\ ed Stat a i __._.............._ _,_._.........._ _ _, _............-..,..___ Tro ri\ll"Y Lio er1::ie no,,,. : I 13 son in .1el1J.r;hono Act.ion IJ m or: ---i--- _.......__ . ___. . ,. . . k n: u>J; . !)1dA. . f I ( <ff XJt:.m:£-":."' t aoh a.dd.1Ucmal pa~~ \ttlP.:tP n. c e " :lr' Lt>I Ab.pleJ br h Pocleral Jteisrve Bank ot S: 1 r'1Jic1sec Fiscal A~nt of th n1ted .., at.o.s tH ,_..._..,.._.......,.-....._,,.. ;fi;i,---L-r· µ r - Jlddr es 1 Adult: Y Mlnor 1 Ltll.l t , F'&i lo: C1tizct shi'{i: TypCJ of B siineBB:: Pu tner liP~ Propr1etor c;hip 1 Corpor ion: Ind1.vidual 1 ~ fldc,f r o it propert.y ::Uwolv c. c ope o :2 . t..(, ion o em · t "-1,.i::;..:..w..,~ ter To; r. o. "· I{, j .,/ ,, v · - - ( at(ll) - - Tolopt o .o: h orvl\;m y.. :d .l : )' i {'.i.110J' 1 ] la.]. ! F l.o : )ti C" ti1?.(msllip 1 "l o Bu ~las : Pn1•tnCJr oh · p ; )( fropr ietorch1 p 1 Cot' or ion : ln ivi.d 1 : o:· S cop(} -!\ i anl add :i na 01 of pr-ob). .rn.: a • Telephono1 Interv1t'ffi dultc inori Adclreees ..-..--'--..._.w_.,_...1_'•'~·~...J:.....,.-._..____ {Str et 'ai\d NWlb~rJ Malo: F~e1 -Oit1zen h1p1 - - - I>at of last n ry 1nto Uni.ted stat;~ 1 Operating under Tr&4'!lury Lloense nCJw Typ Qf Busi.neser Part.nersh p: Pl'oprie orship1 Corpor ion: !nd1.vid\Ul.1 Per 1 _, _ _ _ _.._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ t>n tnt1rv1e11e<.1r ...._ ' _•......., . _ J...,..._..._.....,...._....,.... '! ale-phone lh.ll'nbar: Frlncipa.l property U'lV'Ql d and acope of problem: ? ( } t,1 I 9 I, 1 ( ( I .t .l I Actio ke I I I I. I ft ...:.., ' J I' ;'J. J > /'t . '( ) .:..a.Jii~o;...s;..:i!._;·µ ' -~ I 'Lil 'I j/ 'I /1 AW""'' ... ._ _._...._...~-l~.._,,;.,.._~._........-........._,~-T~'P" of 6' sinoss ~ Po· son lntervi o1·1e<i 1 Pnrtncr r;l~ip : ?rop~icd,o r Gl ip 1 Adcir tJs t Oorpora.tior. : rndi r:icl l : Pr1no ilwolvcd adc t o ol p ~a a1 w o'l" r~r .... ~.~~ ..,.,..~-+- . "'" _,.. ....... WI ft.v ~.........~. ............~._.~-- co A} of proble1 t "co -... Loe < a ~rAl'\l;h eder' R. s rv~ !Bai~ of , att FrlW\o iac<> F cal Agent of t ha Uni sd S at. 'l'olepl~ noc Lnteri-vi.e\ln Adult: 'norr ... (st r. tt~ - e o( l 13t entvy inito lJrtited St nteo 1 TGlc phone Number : c ion k en :-;~ l uilo : ' f P,: eitiz~mabip -· ~li.t 14-i:: Bo14, H, Tolophon Intorv iow 1 'd'\.1i ~ dr,, s1 ;" t l alo i Fe1 - o; Oi iierahi e:u ,.. .. ~,,.,. ...- P !Jf''V ,.,.. 1 1~. '" l 4r -.& ~' & _ ........... · - ic6lrw t\ow . 1 ... - - n~rship ; Addreas i ~_,,U::~~\'.!¥-li&MMliU! f>1·opr e o:rr.hip1 Col'porati cm : lndivid\~a. : 1nve>J.v ed. a id .cope of lWoblom 1 l - IY.£ vc( f.. Lea Anfij~e Or&J'Oh PM•al RA..,.._ Bink ot Sari Pranc boo Pucal ~,BOnt oC t ha Un1~ State Ad t: l&or: Ual.01 Female1 Citi~e1uhA.p1 Date of l.a.131\'. ent. 'l into United state 1 ...,...,_~..;.......,...;_..,,_..;....;_,....!"'-i".___ _ _~........... Opera 'ing der rf)a ur~r now; 1 /Ju,l-.1"2 --------------------..-....- .... . , ...i JiddreM1 _ ,_ ,__ __ aliJphono } frir oi ber 1 l prop rty i.nvol red and scope of. problem: I t h' I( I '* addl icn l p c;eo Wb r n cos 1111' _ _ _ _ _ __..._.....,;.;,,..._.,...._._,..,..,. /d.1J : )( J'ir, 01" I 1 1.o : f'e1Ml•l ! cit. .:.z.0119} ip 1 ......,f'A"¥14~J.. ,... . c.. Licer no i Eu · neo 1 Par n1.::J•ship : Fr opr i ot. or lih i pi Coi·porution: l1 diV'i dual 1 Pr. 1 1: :1.pal rro .o:rt;r involved anc! , /;"'d l ~r --71 •' \l l>OU Add1· r?. • -J.ltOt'Vl.O . . 15a1 . .,,...,i....JJ,~~---~~~...-i " ....":+-1...., at I '·l• Lo• 't a ranc al ft••fM'e BU\k ()£ San,!!)Co F aoal. Agent o tl\e United States ~ T lfl'l!phon~; hrvi w: Ad<ire Minor; 1lalo1 w Pell\lll "O 1 Cit i i nel\ip: - - - - D· ~e o f lamt entry int o l11 itM ta.tef!t ......._ _ _., _ _..__..... ._.......,_~-·---- Opo a ing tmder 'l're a ury License noff?: ---.-;..,o;~--------~' Typ~ of Bus~esa: r rt ner eln i r> : Propr iiete>l'ahip~ Corpora i.Qn 1 Individual: - - hi a o of las Op ..r tin I un iry in r, Unit.<Jd :.>t te : J under 'lr .a 'W'~' Lie e1 ae non : 1'~'1 " of B~t to : PPr son hrt nornl i JJ : or rLt.or .-Li Co;rp0 ati ol 1 A.dctro ae : 11terv ________ .._,____ ewcd 1 .......!!'!!!.Jl!! a}!OYt , --....-- _,.......,_...,,..___..,__. 1nd1vid l : r ir.c;i )!) 1 f;l'<'.>f r "{ nv<>lv d lln.d nc r FOH SAL - of ,ro k111 : le and F'ru it Lark t get ~o. oo no l ae~ egular eq,11 1 ant - sosl,e , 1'et.r1g .. (tr~zen foo on .hi c l'le OYle About PO . Ob) ~ r nt of nh a out Does ca e 500 . 00 good busin a • ,c lcn t. "1k .n : • ,.'ilU .. ilr ·.t c ad 1 i "JI l; .. If e 'p ~ Id • ~ ' ti • • te Tol.epho o: •• A rratorv w: Adidt• Ad11lt:X 36 1 Jd iJ~Ol' I ¥alo1 • FeMlor Citizen hlpi J)at of' l..a t o:ntiry int Q Unit d Sta ee 1 Oper tin undaa' ·rroa~11ry License now?~ 'I'ypo o Bu i oIJs : Partn r 1.;hi : Proprietor i:;hip : Co1r.~por tfon: Individual : Addr o· Telepho aJ cl ' c ,i o aken : .,. ~n cope of I 1111bar 1 robl 11 -...-IF--........___ FOR _ ' FOR RiNT --. l"'()R L'.FASE .AMO\:J.NT OF :&1 C\JL!BAA\\UE EXl'IRATIO!' 0 LEASE_...,....~'------ 1 6,_,...__,.L-.-.1..-...ii.· ' - = , SALE PRICE DOWN FA NT ·---- MOJ'lral•Y :A YMEtll' $ TERM.3 Tl XJ!5 ._ ·--____.......... ~- J1PlO ~ · f:~er&l Reserve Bank <1C , Cal Aae-qt Of the d\Jl.t I 1Unor1 ~ l : P' Cf:\!l le .I C1tiz~1 ··-·1 .. "" ·~ f Business 1 ~""""'~~Part.nership: Pr opl"~ tori> i 1 , rpor~t on: Indivld11al1 . Person 1 ervie11ed 1 Addr~ I! : TCtlephon, lumber 1 ship: L knples 8rwh fl'Wwil ft•$19W"n Bank Q 'Fra:ncise Flte Aaen of t'8 Uni. d r tr.l le Ad t: llinor 1 l,aio 1 Y Female1 Citizer ship= ,,.......;...;....-......;;a; Date of laat en · ~.-y- U'lto United &'tate~ 1 _ l\ddresst ele.phon Humber i Principal 1•01pf)rtv intol.ved nnd scop of probl 1. : a'ken: ··· I _.!!___.,. ,_....·-·---...;.,•...,_...__......___.... 0 ra ing lil.tlder Troa.mll"y Licence ncm.; "'11pe of B siness e Plilrtn rship1 ~ropri or .. h Cci-pora ion1 Indi vid aJ. : 11 Adul Addreaa 1 Uin~r : l' la : Feinale : Citi zenah:i.p: .......,_ __ D~t i)f laa entr-y into Untltoct ::3t to I ddr 1 f! 1 Telerhone l u."nb r: P ina i pal p:ro rty vohr<1 a d sco of proble.. : Lo• :i. ~h $deral B&ftk qt Sm,l'ra.t\oiac fiacu Agent pf the U'nt t. a sta · It•""' Adult. UlJ\or: 4nl I F~ l Citi.ze11ship: ---~~~ l)1l'i.e of l.ast nt.~·y ir~to IJnited Sta e II 1 re 13: T l phone N bel': P:r in :l:pal prop rr y iJWolvcci a d ccope of rrobl ( ,' <' ion a l<enp· 1:i 1 -J1dul : in"r ~ 1 al ; F ;nale : 1 i izenohiJ 1~ I 111 o of l s m ry t 1· llvdt d 1ltat ndor "'r oai:ntry LJ.e n· e nm1. P 1 Jr tarvi we 1'-0l 'Ielo hrn" Jw..ror i f rr b c:-m : 1 ..._..,._. ______ ____ ...,. ._ Loi Angele Odera.l P'~scal. ~rane J San gent of th• ~ited osrr~, BUik :r.M e sol> St tors +-· Address ,: or Dl'lt )aot ontry in ODOr ath1~ md er ')N ot Tres IS·d S "11"".f Lie na now? 1 'L S . inoso: P r renhir 1: J>ropr le 011 :-:hi.p: CorJX>n ti on i ~ Ir.di rid la. { e> 1.v 1 lJ Po ' (>H L ;tor ric. \IOd I Aut N 1ut 1 Adul.t: IJ1nor i ~ 10 1 f' e.lJ\Dl e : Citir. nat pe ot ;!J).i;t ents.y tnto Uti ed "tate1t: t u.n ,,,r 'llC'O& I .'l'y Lfoense nmn I Pen· or Ll'.itervicw<ld 1 Tc,,lephon t noipd. J1l"of.;.erty iJlvol rc.d c .o . taken c·l! - Hwnbor nd aeopG Q( problem 1 1 1 ahipi Poderal R11 1so lllJl.'l•• Sar#, Dra~.h AM'tnt r0t th A®lt ,~ Ui.nor 1 Male: F~la~ Cttiz<msh~pt 1'1lte ot l.41r.t ntt•y t() Unit • d :!lt.ateu _......,.....,._......,,___._....__ _ _ _ __ Opr)r-$ UTxier Tr ctaa\.lry Lice s Typu of Bu· ineaa: lndiv1d le her: olv od on n~en: r n011f?: _...........--...;.._....;;..;_ _ ___~....._~:-owadt P.artne'r Ship, : ProprietoriJh1pt Cot"l)()Ntion: Ao _ _ _.._ nd scopo or pobler : - ·----...,.__.....,.___ Los An,ge os :lll'leh deral Reserve Bank t .. an !1rano s~ Fiscal Acent ot' t~ Unlted ~tatf;. s Datlll or J..u en l'Y 111to United St tes t Or- rating under T'yr, rei nury Lioanr, no11? 1 e r s o 1 interv :l e 1c of Du<.ne· s : Par· ~ll' o;;\F : , dd' SB l --- T lo hone tum el' : Princi. 1. pro ar y 1 vo1ved and scope of r.robl em 1 Act,ion tak ru ·l• , !Mch ~ddi 1onlll po~o \the.t ne esaary t.o11 J. Federal Re~ t ranch -.nk of san r~mciaco F.1&eal Agent o the \lnited Statos Adult~ l!inor I f Malo: J1el'l\(.ll6 i Citizenshipt D tie ot qnby in o IJniloct sta es: ----..-~ ~q Operra.t:\ng undbi: ' Typo of Bu tno ss · M'tne r: i t Proprietor ship1 Cot·por t.ion: n<ii idual: Pers n I.uto1·vlc.Mo 'f 1,l oplione H :irnbnr 1 pro~r y 11\v olv"d and scopG ction tak i rt ~ Qi 1 ....... ' ~ lldwtr U1Jlor1 Udo t P'emt1b I Citizcmship t state} Orte ot enti·y :!.nt<ll U it.od 5 0 ·.o-1\ ili.g M er lrouury License now'? 1 ....,....._...._____: ',1.._ _ _ _..........._ _....._.._ _ 1 T:>tpu 0C Businoa1H Pm• nor"sl ip~ Propr1etornhlp1 Col'porati.on 1 Individ:ual: P 1 property in.valved 11 s<>n Il\t.orvicwed,; Acidr B et _ __...._.._.__.....;,.;..._-....-..:--.._...-......_~. Talephono II 1be r : _ _ _ _...._..__._____.--....._.,.-.. nd .~co c or problem: .c.aou C,. B.Wa ~l .. r AduH· K, it1or : J.IB.l I Yei 10 1, Citizr.r1ohip: ddl'.'ees : •t ontcy to On it od '3ta tu 1 _r_........................, :::.x:::.,....ii:.:-=~"'-l~.L....;;;,,,...~~r.r;...~ para.ting \lndB~ Troaeu,ry Licenso noi•t? 1 . .~-.........-..-----------......;;..-.;..~ fy e of B ~e sa : \~ ..a rtnership1 Pl·oprletor.rsh ip 1 Corpor(lt font ll'ldivi.dual : ;; . ' ·-· ~tfv Ao ion Wik I): ~~ • '9'.. • j t/ j . •(,,,,. ,.,-; ' t., I. ,.a .. ~.t, ',/ f 1'f ( I Apr •\.tt.ent on l'Y <\ ~PIT r d 1': 1 • :r . 111: ~eh 'loliW kini:l tett r w s A~ ln rAn i t c . l.oc t d llt : 1Ve !):r ul c~ 1 dvi . ll l 6th t 'h orifl al t~. l•11 ainu sei a Pl"nnt h B il e cri rte 1181! fl 0 IJl\tly buslneaa 1 'I" tr ct~ I d1. d "'P r cir1te . r 1Jr • Hho I ~ hi rl ho e<I s ~. o c ,l v od no pi•o h i h :\1\lflt l!t-- 1at c1 1" 1 ' i Pd b .v :r 8 ":( . note i n y ur f1 l olu to , al ( . ho~ " d nui· I so d :p ic t. I ori i· o 1 l • l o J..ol'l nil M C o th s p rt 1nln to h :r vard ii' ( I! '! 1 ,,outo Ji1 ru Q!) 1.l ll 1 9~2 20t h, m Jy>---~o T · nk rnu on c ~· o in or all rour . . 1 p rson 1 pr ~ h T. l d nil olrup of· '"n r r oorr1 . 1 v 1 nd h 1 .d t t r ~ l ne a, I n 1 Pntion ln mmr~, (po.lJle nT M\11lMH a l"t "* ltu.rur,. a.nd Jlorh•) 29'05 80t.ath n~ual'Oll " " • ' , to. . . . •• • 011 1r,rn1a 1'1lh 1a IMI•• --.n •• n ..U .lifl \ltlh propertf bJ th• llOD~ll f.11.4 wu lnt•re• •4 ill clbpoeiag ot her nuwirr took. Sb.e had adTerU••4 in l.ooal ;pape,ra· •114 bltll I><>•hll for sa.l.• n t~• proper\7 'bu1 ba4 not •uo•••d•4 in tn,1ruUa,tg a pll.l'eh•••r• Sb• waa •4~~ •4 by our r•p~•·•~•~tye to li•t th• re , ~ tt wi~h r•apo~•lbl• tl 1, ln ~h nei~'bO~boQ4 pape-r1 aa4 lt•t •• prop r~, VUll Q.8. •i&D• •d••rti•• ii• 1tll'D1•qll nt1l7 r.o•h a· • .Lat •r rroa ber tndleatl tba the •l•loe trlvao • iPPM~1&.t•cl &lld Uu aae had ~uscc .. ded. in 1elU tbe l>ut1n.tH altllo1igb et a ts. ure 'b9ln that b. c abe had orl1!llt\U.y ••k•d. Sb.• sub••Q,WllltlJ' h.ton11cl \H tbat •lull hl\d 4hpoull ot her t•e> autoaobl lH n. that tber. we;re no rurthe:r pl'!>blen tor ou.1' ttention. ... ·u LO AMeMs D~ ' h t eo rte BMk of Sal\ FbcU Acen of tile Unl ~erd S es µ • . .I T .,_.,. r ' I ~ ..~ ~~--~.......\--··-·-·..-.,;~j.~ · ~rw~p;;""""';r;;·1~"f~bg,.-:.~k~'----..-.--• Adult: Uil (1?' I ~ndl~-- Un e: P'emale1 Cit 1 zen sh pr ......................__. D~ o of las el\ ry in o U11tt,ed St.ates: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Typo <>f Bu.sin ss 1 P rtner shi .: Propi·i.etors 1 Corpora ion: Individu ).1 -.....··~---'-------~----·-----------........--~-.Per on'Vi /\cldr a 1 t Telephone H\ll'llber1 r1ncipal pro ert.y inv~lved 11nll 5cope of prQbl ein : n: ~' Ac 1on k · Att ch d 1tlonal. ed1 1, ' dell' OB /!dul. : I liner : 'alr: Fcrrua),e : )' Ci izcn h1 ______.,... P~r ')t -n rv ----"'""' A-, ______ ______ fl ,_...... 'lll' dr ...;....;"---·-----· -- ________ ~-·~ -.------._...,-~..,_ ........ _.._.,.._ ;;l· ,... C::' ,_ . <' ,· I Tolephonc~ Illt()il"V'\.tJw; llhlt: Hi.nor: 1talo 1 1 Fe.11\Ll-l I 01.t'-z nship: l1nte of la t entry in o lln1 01: 1•at J1g uhd~r ~'po o ·rre &\1~ r d 3 at. Lice f.>G nol'l? I B s 1 art ier shi.p1 Pel' on :tntctrvio1 o 1 r op~·io Addroe Cor or &llip r ton : 1.n<il v1dual 1 1 rii Tel ph()OIJ llur: ar: Princ ipal r.roper·ty inv olved. a co o of -----·-------~----~~--- roble? : ·~·-----·--·-·· .......-.- "'At a I addi i.ona. p LJ I ltore nee a ar ....... Adult: lJ.lnora ll!al I ~ - M- (stat.11) ot la,Gt onta·y into U111it od 3t!ltea: 0 t 0 · ,, under Treasury L c en se 1"10\'J'h fyp~ of Joi/; I ~~ p&ft~8 t eh additional nd scope of prQblem1 •her ~"' .J --~--~~--~-- a siness' !nvolvod nehip: /C-J.'-"-11...-a: _ _ _ _ _ _r.........,..,.__ ., _ __, i : - - - '""-__,_...._ Par ner shi : Propr iet.orship1 Cot•poration ~ lndiv'-dual: P~inci?al p~Of4'rty P1amale1 eceiss r1 Branch ank <>t <J.~ ""~PCW•i:ig it the Unt e fran~bco State~ c.. • 71-1.11 Ji.du).t1 Addr Mt • liU..nPr 1 X lo Fama' I 't " ' ;:J.. IH Ci. il!B ahipt z s.1; ·~· t la. t on\;17 · nto UnLt i:id Stat~1u l)~r irlg unda~ 1reae•.icy 1c nso n011t? 1 r .trr,_• ·. 'p: i'rop:i l:· 'tor1.hip1 Adclro 19 C<..r) c~.t r I'll 11t<Jii.v 1.d l : Tulephon 'rinc :l..pal pr op&t"ty 1.rtvol.v ~d •tt ol a~ 1 t ()r.tnl paaaa iU h f"'" 1~ \.)fJr ; copp ot problenu ·' ~,.__.,......_ _ _ __ 1 • a '" tr ,. ~ i<hLlt. : ,.,_ Hinor ~ J alo t Fe1nt.1) G Cit...zc -' n-.ta ot h "' .11 '1 t entry ii b Unlitc<l H.J11e und@a· '.I'rcai: (,) rj U.cen DU!3 ilnai!l BI • I· nrtn~ral ip: r ropi· iat..or t>l)i p: Co1'1'l0r Mon 1 !:1 v 5dua.l ~ • ;lf.ial pr or;nrtt.. ':/ #) he.ion t.aken: ir ·•AU.a l add· onaL p ··eiJ ' hare s n o 1 now'? 1 •I -- ......_ __ Per scm IntarvivHod: Addresa : i·oblenu a Telaphono~ N"'f. t1 !)i/t l' i!JW I Ac1uJ.t 1-.. 111.rlo;r t Ma.lo s Fe1wlo 1. Citizen lip.t 'I'yp· of. B inos~ 1 artnersh1p: Propr1etornt ip1 Cor"Pora ion : Jndl ridual: I J 'I Act.ion .akenr~" + T lopho00 Uurnber : l lf, 11• . e 'Pot(;lrlione 1 lnt.<trvh1 : fidu.1 • I l inor 1 ~ lo : F cr'lll. -11 0 lJ i •ld St.a • v( - - (sl Co') t c nt.J.'Y 1 Cit.. ~Ol':\1$hip~ ~~~· OS ,,ir ' ,, I p~ ' b ?Tl I11tBl"V ~ {. I IQ( I 1.1 ' A f"l'P n\11 Dl11'• It 'Tll"N TO LOI A.HOIL I .RA!ii~H FDE1¥. Uhl l&ll tF UI FUICllCt '" o . •oir io77 LO h . JA (Ml) .tmJ 'Tlf:ll ... ~ ... L 1>.Hl'UlC I •'h i ,.. , \1. C JSCC> pr'il 17, Tho!ma 1 1 )Lr • 1~42 uoka '°', i 1'1 Be'fer y .IJ Loi A:r. l e , Calitornia Mr. l'ukualca c D• n rch 20 ou c l. I aouee Prope:rty D•partman 1th ion ot your o t on to r n )'OUl' led at t t rtt'erance to t ht canc11l • Durlng o r d1.aou11lon. e ac.'1Y-1a•d you. concernin ral • n wondtrl n U' you would ki dl y inform your inqu r)r 11 the It it baa not been 1 t led a ter haa no• ban t ken c r of , t c n b of any 1\Jrt tr •·i•ta c to you , •• you c 11 ain t our otrice t 707 Sout it.n •l•a. ua Wil be ad p irig treet . a F&der niea MrYe Bank Fl.ucal Acellt of ~ Bra.nch ot 811n Frlt\cbco Llni~ ~tat.cs Da. o of last entry into Uriited ate 1 __ ..,, U V tr. Ty.J::e of Bu sin as 1 .,a.r n r sl i 1 Proprietor~l ip: Cer por a · j on : rer s on l'rvi lted r A dr s Ind1vid alt T lorh<J1na Hur.1 r1 invol v d a nd s cop of r::robl. 1. 1 e£ (l ~- - ~ rancisco f at..,s Addr Adul B81 1 l.!lnor 1 l I I ( t Date of la t J)tcy ito Un1t11d State J ur:y 1ioen ne now? 1 Op I' at ill W\det' 'rro Typo of Bu 1neas1 c • Partnership: Propri tori. i p : Addreas Cot•po..-at..ion: fadi vidual 1 T lepl c11" -.....:.--------------- \.trrlU r: _ __,.........,......,______ .___ _ 1 r rit o1pa.l propart /Ir. . Jt Ac ion ta ~ involv ,d a ,) ' l 1'. lt .lftoa Anfelu h P'eder eserw :Blilnk or f n F'rane sc() Fheal Agent, 9f the UnAte-d 5 at l : lU nor r l olo : • Fcnuil 1 Cit.iz nate of last ntry into United Si\ o. 0p.1t-a in i,J,nder ~ f sl;.ip 1 1 Troa~U'r' Add"" :.tit: l"el J hone thllll or : hll..nci J et. iiy p, .; "(,&. i.;ro el' y uwolved and scope of I,) (..•'(/"'> '1' rrobiem1 {. ,/. I "" .l';Jl I ( v /~ .· I 'I 4 I• • :A1. , o ·,,,, m 1 • J.&r • ~29 "°' D w I •1 tcl 1 S·1wr ·s rr •a ulm"a 1'0rth Virgil A.n,,,..i..., r Mr • C. :U.t;;mic 11ln1wa 1 On 11 7 you o le t the Jtv CU•• Propert Dt ar ent with rererenoe o di tt1oul.t1H r1•1ll4 ove th • l• ot you:r ve &ta atE nd . our d 1cue1t o~ , •• ~Vl•~ y u concer in your nq~iry are won ertn l!t yo ould kind1)' info . u• t t tb•t in. ter 1 nalf betn ta en c r of. It lt l: mt b •n 1 tthd. 1.n" we c&.n 'b ot an>' fur her aiat nee o you,, we wiU • t.l d to bafe yo c Lo• An lee , l a 111.o. at our ot'Uu et 707 1) th Sprtn Stre t , You1· • - e I Addreaa ; ip: Q la t n • y in o un.:.ted 0 ra. ing 1 e: l\lOH . I ---------~----_...............,.........__________ _ ._...... _,..~. ,...... ___ 'fy 0 , dch' ~ .. 1 ------- ---··----------~- rhonQ lum er: vet! ch dd io al d cco1> of poble:r : ,--. 1 I l A f Ad:ul t: • 1;. or l.4st entcy ir to Unitod O}>Orat um r Tre sm e •: t. PArtn l"'$hip 1 • pe o B Propr le tor Per ~1\ h :\.p~ Corpor 1.onc ·- ----- ndiv1.du"' : pr obl eh du · io 11 : If "' ~ _;;11 Mult ~ -- ,,. 1 "I ,-, . incr: Ll 1 : ti t. - of 0";i>r YT hlllt unitry iltit Un! e d ~t t e 1 .in, u.nder l . eury o Bu in . : I 11rtneral lf.: '>rd c:rr 1ip1 Corr-or ior 1 Icndiv.kiua l 1 oens nortr: /1 v- -· ,// . Adu..l't I l u or : 11) : Fenala : Citizen sh.lp1 )I. Dr. o of t el1t y int 0 1J 11 ~d J "tat <: II Poi·s i· or.erty involv ed Ac ~ ion A crh d i tionu~ 111 ' • 1\ I.ntorv' CJ.Jed : Qopo of problem: J, ~,,......y • • • " -"IT'U~" T"O LOI ANOS,l.t. . ·ai..ANCH ftllflll. . . . ~ • •,...,.. ,.. o . •oJt 107~. Ta'ltMINAI. AiOoibl LO• -NCH It, C-.U,.-OltHIAI u.k\1-1&:~ 19~7 West 262nd Stre t ....l.l•llft';-, OaU or ni • 'Mr. Georg r -- ... -:----..-..._~ ~ - .... ...-_--~-- -~---- .. .Aprll ll '7, 19il2 llr. George Fulcur;aki 193'1 ut 262n" Street . .. . - ~,..,.. T .nm i · • . t!• -· 1 1 .... • Dt r Mr . Jlulcuz. kl a On r1ob l.7 you oa11td at tbe !ve.cuH e~ity Dep 7ttarenoe to tht manag ent ot your hom hilt you l>ulili.g our di•o~11Aon, •e dT11ed fQ~ ta• e are wotl.dl!trlng H' you would 1nd l y tutor tter h 1 now c.n ta1c•n o r• of . lt it. ha• no' e.nd w o ·n be ot anf further Ulh n<H~ to you. • hav you ll ng in a our oft ce t 707 ut b•• Your• .,, ry th. away. conc1rnin$ your n<l Loa· An t ilt n u.lr7 1r the t n 1 t,tl d wll be ~ri St~ et , .. '/ Addreas 1 Jdul I •• l ino.r1 1~lo : F :ah: X C1 · i.2.t>nBhip1,...,;........-_..._ J)ri. o f ;Larat eyntry into Uni e :L1c 'yp1l of I31si s : r nrtn rship : Proprietorrhip : Stato : . now?~ Po:•i.. n tnt.orvi Addrae t Coi..'rAJr'.liion : lt d:hd.. 1: ri11cip 1 prop.,r y involv 77£.·1 ~,,_. a h a c: i io al. p rt w ~rfl ne111essar 1ad r ---__,..~_.,.. . ___ ______ I .,..... .. l toa .li.nP.a..les Br neh F$deral ~eJerve Dank of San rrnJctsco \scl\l Agent of the ~ni ed ~~ ~s Adu Address 1 1 l!no1• t 1.!aJ.o I eil\lll I Ct iz nahip: ,,.........,.__.__ ; ll te of ent1•y A.nto Lln1teQ. Stato,i; O ra.t1n Type or under Tr asury l/~ cen so n01·rt : Bu~ineaB~ P rt ershi : Pro'Prietorvhip • Corpor ion1 11 d:! ridual, .1 ? r son A.ddro Telephon i.ncipal proper y involved a1 d scope Action t tervit!i·1ed r F&d ~ Lo• Angele 1 ,al. R• J)af)k ru"° ot San ranci$Cb c.:L A nt ~r t & Uni~ea ~ a os 11.dult: Addreea: inor1 a).o t ll'eMal Cit i i 1) })IJ o f B14 '·tea 1 P1ull"0tr . · 1 : Pr oprie rr. 1ps 0011 -pot"\t~on : I1 d'i.v1dual 1 J,er"""on lntf)rvi c.MG A dre e1u t f ' sh1.p1 't' o..eou G.B. a tlu --~~1.:...,-:-. Tolepho o /Vt!?/V'4'! rttt.<U'V ielr ;/~ ~ J\d ). I,)( GB: Hinor 1 {s '1•oc I 1 1 : Fero le : Cit · zor 5hipi .__,{~a~ · -ty-;........-~--------.c~t-u.~e·)....--- ~··p1: Of D d.n1Hl t (. P rtnersM r: i · H N /NC.t Po sol IntB1•vfo 1~<!1 1 Prop1•loto,~ahi, 1 Adctroee: Co1·po1'at j cin : liidiv'd 11 ,. Y'illc l>d p:rope:rt Ac l11'V I 101 Tt" '!. p I' i,nvclvcd i c1 , 0110 ur. b~ r 1 eopo of i~roQlei : ..,.r,./111 Loi An"liee nranc ~ doral. Re_.,. lll\lt >0! Sa:n Yr~chco F. al nt or It UµUel! S atea a. e Tt1l,>phono: Alr. fl . !.1'1JtBrv1. V: Ad\l.l t: ·t· Ji!S.JlCl't Ua.le1 l<H P Cit"' zenshipt .lil..~ai.w~ D!. t.e or st nt1 v to O it od Stat eat .... Typ11 ' or B wino ea : l r errt:ir1 Pre> pr ieton.hi.p : Corpc1ntio1 ~ 1 Ind..i ri,dua.l: • 1"elcphOl10 la i,ro\)1 r I Prine ipat property invol.ved a d scopo oC problem1 thtu,, i/ cp r. Aot fon taken: .,, *' t1M?h addi~io al pag . , /' ---~---- .:..:..~c~,~·.;..... ___,..__--.. 11' LoJ pl.eo 8!!!Wh lt•Hl"'W Bank. 1>r Satt l"ruiobco 1110&1 Apnt ot the nit.~ ate& r er'¥' o' Cit i 1mahipt Dflt ot et in~o United States1 ~-~llUllll~~1,L..J:;:.;,.x,~.-.--.o..;.o.~..-.-.......... Opera big under Treneu.ry l.icenso noil/? I iPll of' . udnees: ' a· norshi. t Proprietor h pi Corporationi ndil!f1dl1a,l 1 A.c io t. ken:'-" Addr-0&1i T lephone mb1?r1 . Los A h nr~m:h V6'd1J1ral. Ritcu~rv lb k ;>f !:an ?a•riri ho., · i::cal Airen of e<l Stat es Adlllt : lin r : l.:u o: Femlll : CiUze hJ. Uni e(i "tate : ly1, . of Du ir, !" 1 ~ ·rt. l'chi;: : Pr-;p•ir or.·M 'Per sc.m Int.. rviowed : I C01·r-<.ru icn : Jafii V /il I rJ.. ..tach ad lt..i · l y:ia Add.res 1 lb- • las 1 Furuta • tr&et Angel 1 1 C litorni 3~07 1 Ba D r Mr . Ou t s rcb 19 you e&l ;r terenoe to th • me ro operty De rt nt wi b rty . ~iring O\lr dlac I BiOfi, w via d you oonerni11 your nqu1:ry ,.Oild r ln H you wo1tld lt'\.lldly i torm ua 1 r. tn• tter 1 o b en t n o re ot . I 1 b4la oot b en H tl. d ~n~ · e c ~ b ot any turtht aaht no o 1011, we Ul be gla to )'Pu c 1 · •.sa:t t o r o!tlce t 707 r n 6 reet, and w I.c ar. r.a•l... ours ver truly • ::.-1-~ {!_ red A 1 c. ¥,_~ ~-' ol tant bwi'Le r Ad\il.t: Jdnorr lJ l : Fel'll!l le 1 C D te or lo · eRtcy in o Ut1it d States1 ----~~~ Ope1•at~g fypl'I i) u.nd&r Treasury l.\.e1m~e B11a1.nees: , artner1.mip1 Pl'OJ»' i etol" ~hip: Oorpor tioni Iud.1vidua.l t ' / - rincipal. r~oporit.f involv .d and Action ta.l<eh: * now? t tiz~nsh.ipi __ A 1 1 ~ 1 I R.eter To! , , o. aou Adll t i .JJ,or 1 Mdr e l , lo: P'e1. Jo: Cit/ zqrsl p ()r c>C l~ ·Gt <m ry ir.te> Unlted Stat o • 1 or D !.ne:Jat r r o ·rah Pl rroprie orahip; 1 Addre:J : Co1·3;.ora .ion: 11 d vidual: or Action 4 oblem: - -- - Io Lt>• An. •lt rahlllh . Poderal J\1n~ve Sank ot San fra1 t1seo Viecal .gent of t~e Un. t~d States fl·te Qf lat ntry into Unit d Ol...erat.tng \U'ltfor Treasur;ir Lie n of Business: P rtnorahi i Pt•opr if)torshi?1 O<:a~por Addt'() t ion: I / rr··; .l..~(; --2_.......,;...o.....i_......_._,~__...--~...-.....o;..-.....- t 1 ~~a.o..1L.o...--._,....-..-..r...:.....1.. 1 '" J I ',relephone I • hr~r : _...t_.......~-..._-+__._ Prino1p 1 prt>p&r y inV<>l.ved A-<> now?: Per· son Lt \rvi l'/e~ Indi.V-i.dua l.: ?l <'t.atee~ f' -" ~1 d _.._ ___ t LH Annei.1 "Branch f!'al R••tn'"n B.nk '°& n f!'r~ebco F ~ite pnt ot the l~nit&d tat.e ~~~1.ilt_. Tol.Jephon J rn~1'rv:\,ew 1 x 1\dul ' I)( MU;o:r1 t~ale:~ n.lo: Oit1~1mshim D \. ot l.Aat ntr o nO'N'? r. n.e:-, h p: Propri.1\ orr.hip 1 Coq)Or it,ion: Addre "'. _ __ 1ndi ,1dual: Telephone) ~ · · Loa P'edertl. Iba~ Bank ot Sfln. P'tsoal. Agent ot the ~re..ncisco United at&s .., Dt of l..a&t oritr:r illto Unitoo Statel!t: Op& under Troar Typ() or Bu~ine e: IP@. ? rtn. rsh1 ·: n lJ: torvh11ad t - - -.... Propri tor ~·hip : Co1•porationi Ind.iv id P ·1nc1~t f'l'Op8r y iJ.wolvo c ti.on t,,akont * 'fl}_e t.on 11 t / a I sia o e of probl l>rr 1 1i --~·--=----------------.-.-. toa ~l 1 Bra.nch al flt,erve Bank ot i:tan f1•~al A~rrt. ot nit Fed ~ .. Fran 5scl\ ~ a cs A1 l.rJ(/ .. Date of last entry into Urn.t d st ta~: _......__.,--~-..£-~-'-----~--~i-,/ .. __ _a T:rP of D sineo,: Pa n rs i p 1 Ptorri to1· ::h'p~ Cor por 01'1 ! !ndiv~.du:U 1 eroon in • cidir s. : TelG hone ~U.'1'1 er : Prinoir, 1 property in rolv d and '<lOpe of rrobl m: ~~ ,(;f, nec'3 ary II llt NORTH VtGff!S ITBEET • LOB ANOBtES r CAtJP~ April e, 1042 Federal Reserv Oustod\an 707 s . Spring St. Los A el e , Cali • kttn: Mr . opkina , ataaab& , or Rut:..'t ... Box 52:3 , 'l'orrano , Cal f . T he oon.traot &ov rs a CD~41 ,aneral El otrio r ns , end. fi812 , Gen ral ltleotr o waaner . The erlal numb r e>f th. r n ' 1.s e bav& en account witll •l'. #960 4g , and on the washe 'l.h ~aym i)re Rnt balanoe is nts ar · 9 . 61. T. 1 #lo4 1 18 . 202 . 68 , and 't ile monthly Tile eq uipment is l'IO long r at the at>ov address, nd w nev b en u.nal)le o loo te r . Vetonab , Any assistance you oon o tae merchandise lll e e us in looating ppreoiatad. Very truly yours, hpg: lo r . We tBn b ~(ef !?ti"!: +f.1 , ~ fl£ 'roh1 hone~ nt.orvfo 11 duli1 Addres 1 ;' IUno1' 1 1!1\.:Le I .t. Fomal,o r 1 D te oir lAst entry O i()ra il'lg urid~r nto \Jn Cit::l.~1u1s}Jip 1 R.A~~:M ~ ''~ t \l"rea L cet s() now1 1 -_---..M.11Un..-.. --------- ~l 1 'l PG o( B sin!)se: u·trierim 'pr Prow fo~ ornh i. pi Corporation..,._ Indii.ridunl: · r Per son lnter\1lii:1rrc d; dd $ )11' ~~,.,,...Ull..J>+.C....:aAAU.C:.&.ma-ll••,,..~ !' si-..~...u~;,.u:.lJ..£.fl'..(.2..a.....1---111~.._.llCU~ Till aphono f·d.oc1tpa.l proper y :lnvol.ved and soopc J~umbor 1 f problem~ A'::t I I c lon t.aken: ~ I 1 111 NOITH VIGME8 ITREE1 • LOB 1~lfQBL 84 CALIP. ====i==:============:======:===~tj= J pr11 a. 1942 F d al Rea r ft Custodian. ?07 s. S~ rin s . Ii0s /'\08 1 El • Cal 1. • ttn: r. D r ·r. Hop ~ ios Hop~ tn e: "r • • 'J!oyof~kt , Celitornla , has /o ,~0111-2-e 5 , Rout o o contract 1 Bo 5 . • , l.omit, 11 , 1th us oo veriBg a neral lactrto r frie rator , mod 1 B5?_40 , a ri 1 03 2 96 . 'l'h ori~inal t. lono on lie ooco unt ~as 256 . 0 ,, itl paym ta of · ? . 3 a mo1th . The pr n bo no i s 1 33 , 02 , 0 x- repre nt, tiv advie o that Mr . Toy fu u tae pro bly o e t o ~a nta An t • truok ap ar ntly o ll d at ~h ho~e a d pj okAd u the meroh rnHa • 1 Ve 11 va he no word from 1r . To yofuku as to hBl' h mo d h rn roh 1ndls or what plans to do regard1ng t a oaini n paym n .a on his acco unt. y o. i st noo you can iv us 1t1 loc 1.n ~ th m re t nd , or pJ. ao1ng uo .ln con Bot with r . Toyo t1Yu w 11 be .inc r ly ap r oiat d . V ry pg :lo r ly you a , I ijJr. I Addr rrn : I ~ f ! ~ r "'r.or t:t . r.nd nc }'.'-!' I _,Ii ~ l ,/I) I /. 1r1 } of I '/t/ I II r .fj I )Jo tt) t I ~ !•1 • r:/t? C1 6 I.I ;'fir . '"'' ;-;i 1 ~; Ji t;. I l ~ c!' "' t.lilS f41 (;-J {u' P OJ I ..,.~ # /~ UI k /1 LI(' ~/I? / '-t.l 1j" · r- Ano 11 ,.-; < Ir 'J' a T • Ad~l , 1,nor 1 I lo · FeMl : 01.t i ZQl Bh p I (r T lapliono l urub11r t """....._••.... '· - Loa lt.gtiet D h Banlt Qr ~n raaici,co P&<.ter Rea It &e&.1 Apnt ()f' th~ Un:t..tcd .. t t s (Pr n ' Ad\llt: \ Adciree19 ~ U!J\Ol' t lHl : 'i1 F&l)IClfot Cit D 't ot 19,Gt entry fypo of Bu ine sa: Pnirtrerr.hi : Prop1· b OJ'Lhip: Corporatiom Indir1~ual: ~ nc pal :ropert.y iiiw<>lv od and Telophon ~opo of I r obler I t ZOll\Bh p1 - - - - - Loe ~~1~e Tn-anch !l'cide- 1&1 Re e Dank <;it 5an Franalsoo F aoaJ. Aeont ot the Jnited St os 34.t./,LJ T~ tph.Ol'lfl'l ' .1ntorview: < Adu.U:.c L!inori Ua1o: f'• let Ct .;tsenesh.ipi e () f last entl'y .rito U itcd 3tat.e1u D OJJ " ting \lhdor Traaeury Liotnso now? t Ty I) of Su: tnesa: ar1..ner elli.p1 Propriet..oreMp1 Corporation: lhdi vidUll.11 ,(. Prit c:l t o, . ( rti propart~ involved Telephone ,_ I~ ll'l\bol' 1 prpblem1 ~ l; ' ~ ? .:!; ~ , ~ L-(,( l\n r/ ,, ,( _, N duit!onal pa,g e 4 (. ~. Br•noh edr;ru ~e• vt Bank or San rrai oisco F &;cal gen ot the United tatos i a. e Tole'(Z'hono l rnterv!<r\'>'I Ii I .. ! j , Jdw I ~ 1/J.nor r J.. 0 erating urid r Treat\\' Uni.ito~ $t~:t..-eis 1 ion: lnd.i\' dua.l i 'i. * ip1 ,. ._/,.'. ? ;~_ _.....________ 1A<!crwo now? : ___._ ._____ .,________________._ _ Ofp Busi.rt S!il t r nership: l'rt>pr e or , '.M.p1 Corpor~ .L ' rM, • Prmclpal property .l.nvolv. {, PeJ'son !1 lQi·vi.·-'·-1e...;:...1_____.._ _--..,.....__..___li:---- A dt•efll et ........._._, ·r" ..epl one Uum 1;r 1 ..... r ~ F'O!"V1 -0: I Ci iZOtl$ Da.t e Cif l.ast Of\try into ii } I e ~ 1 1'oo An, lea Brnneh ~der&l Rti ~ aank Of S n is cal rit. of the Uni e-d ('\a es .('()ah) T lephono .1 / illterv:lew: Addres t 11 'J • Adult I Uinor' 1 I _....-.__,(""'S.,$"'"t_a_n"""d-l""'~um-~b-er.....}r---·- - .. cc1t ' !Ullo~ F~mala: Cit.lze s ip; __,~...._- > Da e ~f last ~ntry into Oni,tecl State• 1 ype ot Bu ine es 1 Per on i i e!t'viei rerlr Partn rship: Propri t0rship1 Ccrpor t on; Ind1.vid'll l: Teli;>J~hone Pr:1n i tl prop~r y involved I.Ind scope or lumber: prob~e. : "" -I Ac lon I , I' , ken :ir l tJllldle y: W•.l' TOI Adu.lit : Jlit Ol': 1 ril I :X Feriu lo 1 Oit::.z.rmsh p : Dnt.e ~r l.~.t ;mt.ry ihto Unit od Stat 0 Bl'L1tin l, p6 0 under Tr ea ur:.r L~c nh 1101'1 ,: ....\----i1 .....__..__.......__ 'c)'I 'I ' I c1 , inOfSSl PllriLncr shi 1 Pl p1•:ietorohip1 Adctrer; t Cor ration: Indi11tid l i Pritm -~!-·~· - a11~ cop~ I I 1" ..., 1 II f t / ? Adul.t1 Ui11 r: l'.al I FelMle: C ti.z<-n l1 'i o of ltl!Jl Or.-"'r tin o <! r r int() United t e : unde · rea rury L oen" Dul'ine~::; : add- i nt l I -~---..,;.;...;..._. _______ ov? : 1t d • .tac j. ' r~SOt rv o re __....,......... __ t '-" _______ ____ () .. .,._ < 0• .::. ~ I F ., Adult r Hi.nor: A< dresa 1 HtU.o t Fernalfl : Citizenohip r -'- - - ie 0( la r ntr~ . 0 u itod !:tat.est ; \ .. :' .... ,• • 1,, p,.. Ol 1'' 1"1 i II •' ' Perso1 I r t r •.· ·"' , i Propi. · ..i(o,•, h i pt Ad r os Cc.irr..c.. ··itirin : 1 dividu 11 an~ 8 scope o f 11hero )8 r LC'lo Al\81J le 'R~sen& r 11RC ffank of" San Fran tse-, FtBeiU At:t1nt of t a llt) ed .St.a o ederal f (Prlrit) Adult: fini:>r: le: Prunal Da e of la t Qntry jnt United Statesi L#IOO( Operating undor •rrcamtr)r Lice1\se no11?1 Type of Bua1n o : Partl'1eraM.p1 Pror.ri P r or1 intervie11ec1: tort~hip: /\ddre ss: Corpor a ti on1 Indi vi,du l t ,, P:rir oipal proper y i.ntolved nd co ope of r-ro lem: I 21!11,I hi.pi ~.......~;.;;,;, ( Adult: ,.... Uinor 1 Joi .zor sl i : ~~""6-- D t to Unit d ctat0s1 ........ . ot l..a t entry i.n sr Pa1•tnor11hi r opr1 tol'r,hip1 Cot•por tion1 T;j j':>G of Bu Ind1vi llal: r:lnc1pal. Jlrop~r Ao ion ta kem 1' r i.nv olv • Ol'SOll lJ ~~ ...._. Gl'Vi.CNO I ______._.,,., , ____ ... .._......,.__~ J l ' Hinol' : ti lo1 Fem lo: I C t 'z Opora.t il1e un er Tro aeury .Li.cen s1.1 now? r '1~1'T>e of B ino s i Pnr nerehi : Fro :· etorohlp1 Corpor it.ion: lnd / duali -fl"___.......,._..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.......,, Pc •con lntertri ·1od: Adt re ship: Jl. .J._\r__[j~__.....l',;,.::."_/ _\ ......)..,.:_ 6' 1 1 e hono I ur.ib1ir 1 lJ A .dree 1 under ~raaeury Lie so now'?: /l.d 0 tit T lephon i d.noi 1. p·opel· ·y involved .t .J 1-t Action taken: * Q N11rnlmr i so( J~ll of proble . 1 ,. l or 1 l lo : FerVI o: C1.tlze1 sM .d. . o of l"lat ontry into Unite(! StM;c : · Ii· on Intor\ri(.)wcd ; Address : 1c' • oop Action taken: nf' p1•oblem1 ... .... tidres Adu.l I "' H1nor 1 1. lo : For...alo: r - ........""' 1) '\,e Of last. IJl.l J"f OJ~~- t..Lng o United S at" : undor Treas ry y 1e of Bua noss : n1•tncrohip1 Pi•opri or c;hl p 1 Co2•por1tion : 11d1:d.dual . Pe •sot Illtllt'Vi1.n1od 1 Add1·0. s : T~. epl ono Nur~b· r: ~le" Branch a~· •..,,,. knlc ot Si\l'l !TanQisc~ Afl'nt -ot the Uriited States .,, r - () 8Jlle1 Ut Ad t :, Addr 61J; Hin.or 1 !ale: Female: Cit ze hip; r Ty e of usin os 1 Partn r 5 1i >1 roprietor r:l ip : Cor r t. · l'l•tH !Mi '.! .dunl 1 fer"PI •i n erv icn1ed : J 5 Lo• Anee Branch Jl'eder& R4""9 knk ot "an Franeisc" Fise Agent of the United Sh o "' TohpMno1 1.1 tcrview 1 l ame 1 t:hen hi D e oif ll..1u1t entry into IJnit,ed state11r ury 1. (}en aQr rrc a 3i ea : Pnrtnerahi. 1 Pro ietot· ~ ip: 'fyf.o of Addr Indi vi.dual: proper y V'1.ll. ved and sco ~ ddi ion.a 13Sl Te o hon 1 I {O t -·-------- fernon 1 \ rviewed : Cor ra ion1 % I Adult. t lJinor 1 l l -0 : Femn,le1 Addr~so : Oi»ra.tin tn r~ nee or .,:rob bl31' I P.!?lt -·-- ._ 1 a Tel~phono 1 !nt,orwi Vt )(, /\Mt1)( ino1· 1 A d. ees: 'a:to : Frn1.lo1 Ci i~~ 1Jhip1 *l-.611111....,.~·V' Dn tt? o t J 1 ~r 1'1'0 $ 'i'y :i.c ~l $u now? : p l'SOn )), A dro &: rf or~r· y l'VOlv~ .• ·re ephonG J Wilb1~r ~ n~ ~cop~ 11: of "' ~~oblet I ~. ,. Mu1 : UU'l.Ql" I .!l\lO ! Femal.e~ Ci i~en$1lip1 D · i) o!C last mt1·y· :into Unite13 Sta Typ of B siness : Partn r hip: P:ropia ori.~hi Corpora ion: !ndi vidual: ~ : Per" on interv:i.ewed ~ 1 /\dd'r' SIH Telephone Number : _ , ___ _.,_..._._......,._., ......,.~_,,___ Princi. 1 pro errty ,5.fivolved scope of trobJ.em1 1/ •") Ad'Ult : h'or: Addre o : l nle ; Pc.male ; Cit zen1.>hip 1 J\.ddrea : ~ r!noi. 1 iroper y llJ'ofv d and , ele ..-ho e !Jumber: . .) lem1 1 S6 o . SP-200 !. Hs.rdin Unit 21, 1942 W RELOC 10 ~u1ntJ1r, AUTHORl'IT C 11forn1a. 2, 1942 Jun Parsonn 1 S ot1 • re er '.i:O ~ Los R f r no r~q~ pr i ~ ank of San Franc eoo eeerve le Ar!~ele s , Br noh Ca.11tol"n1 to your l tter 1s ma or ay 15, and t tor the 1 c t on of a pnrty n~med B. H .1.ouo ad l" au , Lomita , Cal forn!a. ' ·e re r t to reg e tere v1 thot we do no t have under tha. t name 11 t Sine our Center. i-.. ly , l~Dw LJ · tom ad , nyon Mr. OlaJt.o• rrt.111 o/e •• MP'l• !'•r, Cellrorala I> r C·• •'•r Sll'l 14 10 be I'*' • ...,.. '8 look OT., '°" rour bdp ot l•P8•• ...S•\rene la ,au• OUlf •115 ... lf bd• 0 '11• ,, • • • ot B. s-t , prnlou ..dreu Joat\a, Oelltonl. • IO ep ,..o• t l• Mel~ et ,WI' • .,., • l l t • aa.-1, ••'here 'SThW to loo ,. bla. hMMlllll lt . l• P•"r it .,. hh ''°~ t. •-' a .,...._,heft•• t• lo, l I' L iN P. ••t•r \.Or r.a.ao1• c.a. • t co Tolitphona# Inhrviow:--i Adult t HinOl" I (/I ~ ti/ lalo i ..+ lnt- Pe Cit....zen~hi I ontry il1\Q Untted states: Ope1• und r Treasury Lie n o now?: of Du5ino• : "*' Pnrtn l" ship: r r 1 iotorshjp1 Cori, )r tion: n i : l·r'.l.ncipa.l }.lroperty c ion ta.kan:~ 'D~i !3 •' Po:i.•son I T1~le l hon ? vo v d and :scope cf problem~ 'Loa /!n~eo Br.itnch ?•daral Reatrve Bank ()f San i · rat cisco P &e Agent r.>t tt\1151 United States f Adult.: l ~ FerB1:l e 1 Cit iZC"l\Bh1p: ......~---- __ --·--·------ J .~... GJJiJt· ~.i. a "'., w 1;1.1. . 71 ~")''-'Y :;,.,• -r-- n -··'>· ;;t 'I'ypu of Bil inees i t'artn rrhi : Pr opri lo'!' • pi Cor por ::i ion: 1 di 1dual~ V HI l•·l t t.-" T J.aphon lhunb1.r1 Feder .l Lo• iA.rlgrol~ B~ nc. ~Hff'h 9ank Q( San rm ciatto 8.1 Agont Qf t.h~ Un'ted ~t..atea Tolophon i !n orYii w1 X Adult: Minor: h~. : FW'll.t.lG l 'J Cit iz ne. te () r l.a t 1;.mta·. - o Uni ··d 3 a ee: md er 'fr~a~ UJ"Y J.. cer so now? t 1 rrlncj.pal :property invol . 1 ~r /(A' , HP Al \ eope •- °' 'l ~ J "f or irol>ld~li\l f ,/ ,t-1 ~ ~ N ;II. 1'" I() IN Iv 8 "/\ . c· on "n :·)} 1 .. t tl I tv /( f-1 R. I I I ere rieeoa l' 111 1p1 -~.-...~- L9s A.nlfel&~ Bt ~ l Feder Re•~ Da~ or Francteco Fi old. g,nt Qr ~h$ United Sta ~s ~-,~. .~ . .a-~,. . .tJ.___,,.__ T(l apnone1 ntGrv sw1 , Multi LU..noi-1 Jdalor Female 1 Cltlzenship' DF.t ot la t. Clntii.y in o Un!.tod Stat ea1 Oper t'.l.n.g UJ')der ..._.,.,1--_......,......,......._...,......___..__...._..._.... _.....__ __ reas\lry Llc~nse nal'/11 ..;.;..;.._.__.;....o.,;.;~.....;..;;.'""--=~....-..~..-:..l...--------Per son lubrViawe.d i Ad.drG~t l ale'J)hono I \llll'brr: of pl'oble " . /~ ~ 1" """ ~>-.YI:.. L £ ta· 4~ 't ( .. /i ~ ). ....._. Loa .Ange o Brl.hoh det&l. fteaerve B ~ ot n Frane~se~ Fiscal J1pn t lllle l)n..U.. d ate~ I I T8ll ph!f I! I Intervi., 1 (Pr fut) 1 dros i 2.0U Oon~h ti511t, } 1- · fldul A·n., ----~(s~l~r--~t1-oa-nd._...N_Wn_&~e-r_J I Uin t"'f ______ tlal : F exr.ial.. e : Oel1tornh Cit;lzonshi r estate) Date of last en ty int~ lln;i.tnd Ste.h ; Tel.ephrn() Numb Pri1 cS.pd pr ~ in rol.ved a d SCOf er r: ___•_n_~o...A_11_es_2_4._1_...___ prob1ernr 1936 1'00 SAU: - Ch• tl'\lek • l. ton 6 oyl. 'irtru only t S.r l'Jold tor Ac c..n t.ak $00.00 ~o lvo 300.00 n, lopizich tH 'l! H ridl d. by~ G.c • t 111 . L«U Ang&le Branch t d82'1 ft~t"""9 Bank of San Franc 1810o .Cal AB"nt or the United States / (sGite} D t, v JJ1.nor 1 Mal : Femtll 1 ¢1tiz nshipi or (iye~· t \n under 1 re :rucy Lie •n s 10\'f[ .c __ ................. ~---.-........._,;.;._ 1 1yp of flus inos t Par n&rahip: Propr i torsh1 p1 Co1~por t i OJ'\ 1 lnd1. riduali faphon Op$rty involved ~ ~ (, 'f ( .,(,. 1~ n .. ,/l rt~ I 4..1' ~?· 1 w ;:x. I • ;t) .:t> .·~, ~.11~~ 1 () ' 1"" Ct t a e 'rclephOi\iJI ft\t arview 1 dul : Minor: j Ad!,\r es 1 l.falo t Female: --('s""'t-i!!i""t-e·)-'D t. of la&·b nt1 y ~ CitiZl"!n8h1 t.o i1i d St.ates: o rM '\ng und r 'ir()as ry l.1oenso n"1"171 ....~~,......1.,;,...___,i......11_...-_.....,.~-·-~-.-: Ty -~ ot Busi.lies : Pal"tl'lorc . 1 oprietorship: Corporation: Individu!l.-1 Tole hono Number 1 --#;~-·~ el hen : Inter• 1011/: Adldt:'Jl dd:ress : Uin r: l!slci i Ff>ina1 : Citizen hi ntry int'> Un tc-!.l 5 at Da*e oli' las ,1 Pe-:r .... ~m ddl' Intervi~wc SB ! 1 ____.______ ...u' ii .'-..-._ _.....____ _ _____............... ,. ,,__,.._ 11 -·-·-..;--....;.._,--~ ' II ,; Ii f(.(I',, '? tA YJ n /11 Ir t. , ?I 1 r 1 ,,;{ o tv t/11d . .s. Jt.'1 1/1 ,1. /. ))} ----..,.... ....... ..... !".I . ,. Lo1 A~l .s Branch tedet1al it•~ BaRk of $1\~ ¥l se or th& s 11 rai ciooo ~nited Stat~ ' [fuihJ p-! of B :U1e nrt.ner d i Pr : rn·i tor t.. htp A dr o ~s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......__ Ccr JOr nt ion 1 ! di v1dual : 'fo ephone J i.n1b tr 1 Loe ~ngol o Drane F deral Re~ervQ flnk' of Sa.n :~ranci"'CO Fi cal. Jtgent of th UI\ tccl State I .t t \( H 01· 1 Ual.o: ' Fe1nalo: Cit lzenahipt 'l'ype or Buainees : P t'tn rsh Por son Int.o1•vfowad : }'>: Proprieto~ hip ; Co1•por tion: Ind:tvidual 1 lddraost · - - - -·- ·-_.,._..,_....__ _ __ Telephon 1.J\ll'llber 1 ---"-----.:-""-..;.,.o,.-..._.....-... rino pal property :lnvolv d and scope of r;rohJ.1Jinu .I '1 1oeal J,oe A.nrU 81'~ ReMrYt Bank or fl. ~nt of t. M F'rano co lln~ted $ ate f Ad\ll I UJl.nor 1 Uul : F'erulo: Ci izenl'Shipi 6- - - · 1';p Of Bu11in SS~ P r n.ef'sh Petso11 int rvleired r 1 !>ropri t r h p1 Corporation1 I .dividua.l: Addr s : Telaphor1e .t~ mbor r Prlnc ~pal prop rty involved o d 11aope of problem: Lo~ AMele Branch Federal Jl,a trve Anlt QC San Y~a11c i.s.<10 Fiscal .Agent. o£ the u ed states ,J~afi¥2~ Tel phone: JJltot•view: Ad\ll.t; X irlo~· : Mal ' f... Fe:"lr.l. : Cit i znnsh ip: at.~l!:'&.C'41 '\to U i 1;d .3t.atea t - ·..---- -- ""'----··----- () or t fug undet• 'Ire r ry J..i.oer:s\) ntnr? 1 - ......_.____...~ •. Ty ' of B Te;:'.ophon c ion ~a ken: ;c 7U.>-t I 14 'hb r 1 A.< clre s i f11 t o o.f l.Q • Mtry i..n ,., U1 i cd "lat . I'>-·- - -.. .:_../ 1_rz_..._____. . . ,..........__ t ;t,., o1 __ der Tr<?a "u.r;r Lie ens.- n~P. e P r., l Inter i\!' .. ..... 1 dt __ ..... _""~ i ___,,__,__~~..,,..._..____ I I lri ,c .a) p:rrr.lflrt;1 invo .ve1 r. Jc 'c,1 fA acl t Y. n : .ei :icq~ nf p'o 1 m: ~ FodQr~ f.,.o 1~6 lteHrv' Bal\k ot San frMci Fisc&L Agent or t u~ Qnitod States tar tc.1 J c.n.w.~u o . 3--70 . (b~t~·i--- Tolephw. 1 tltqrvi-Ow t r l i0t o\n,el hanett ot ~ ' F!td-oral It•·~ D~ ~ l'Jo l"aJ 0 6CO • ~nt. o.f ·~ e United St ah -;..r ~~LY ·~ ;: ··rnt1_iz< 1 ro1spnono: rnt rv-J.c.:i'' Jl ult ~' ,..,.,.., liner : Hl'!l : Fail\Bfo: C iim e!tip 1 (Stat&] 'I'y of 8 1:1:U1oas: Pat•t .t• hi ; Proprl, orr.hip s 0 ·--------to. aphon c i<>n taken; ,;. J,tt c . ad ior pa ~ .rher nec;a llt'f I unbr r 1 ____ - ............. Co1•por t;Loni tndiv1dual: I)a . of la::it ent1·y into Unit d Sta ea 1 _,_.,,, r) f. _____ dcr Trca u ur~, LicemJe noll': r po or Buain os t Partr• r::;hip: h opri tori.+ ip1 Cc..rpora ion : lt di vidual 1 J\ddrett : Talepho rinc~pa,4 pr op r y i.n\r h r d nd eoop() of r.roblei. : J-o• " Bl'(IACh Feder&l ReMrw ~ Q.f an Fi.seal All8n of the Un ted /l(~\tl.t: 1-0•.nor: alo: f J 1 : Citheri htp1 ~~~211111~1 I Dat of la t on ry into Unit d Sta o ~ 1 . '"'" . ~ - Addr :sir I of --.----i,..;..-.;;....~.;....,----~....._.;_;.;_;;;,,;~;,;;.;;;-- ____ . 1·obllem: ......._ ·- ~ ....,._----~---- r 1111, e : /,du.l~ : ctdt• s : ~ Hinor: l 131 : J Cit J D e o f la t ontl'y · Pll~' under. Tl' o U i od "ta l e ry 11 ~ ic nse 7 •pe oi' D\lsino,, 1 Pnrt~ ar l t : opr:ie or:-hi Co ~::--t~on t 11 <lividual t '.A. ro s: ~ · ncipi 1 pr oper y invol re Ac ion ddi Uo • l pl\ .. lla there n cc ... y 1 t Z( • /.dul l Hinor 1 Halo~ Fe 01 t or la t cnt.l· r tnto Ut'lltod S at ea 1 . 0 1:..0 tile undi;r 'r1·oosut'J ~1ceni>0 Proprie o •ahip : I a-11 ci ,.. no\·1? i ____,. .,.'"________.,...._,.__...__ _ _ _ _ __ Port 1erel ip: Corpor ;I.on: ln iv i dual t ~ ~10: Add1•oaa 1 ----- · lophono 14\llllbor 1 ~opo of problem: ;; ,,i ......,,...,_.,.....,... " ,t Address : ~ ~ .,...1 ,L 'P r so ! nt rvi 11 d: oJ $ : dul.t. 1 l 1no~· I l lo : Femnfo/ Ct . ZCI h~p t ,,./( t vl' u~ r -I Pen· son Into ·viu\1od 1 Po.r n rsh · p: Prop1•h or:ihip~ Adclroos t Corporation : Individual : lephon? Hun er pr obl.eJ ,_.,,4'11. ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ w f\,L,'1 Ac ion ken: ~~ r -tJ l ,. ( tacl dd ion l. p {! s lfh<>r ec S!'ll l'Y l ctu.).. ti i.r.o:r 1 Ha_1H Fe1 J e~ C . I ( .. .uutn. o.s : r1. r Pfil"t. 11..r shiTJ; froprietorohi Co;l'poration: 11 di vi duo.l: 01 Aa.dra IH Talcphono I witb r: rinc iptLJ. J1ropcr y • wo vcd a \d "'Cop or pro\>J .m: ::.z :·1:Jh Pt ... ..._.~:.a.:..._.,.. - tn ~)r_......., Tole1:-ho e 1 n rll'V ,' C..'.'!t )C Mult i ;< Hinor 1 lalo: ;< il'or:ii;la: I Citfaa1 shi t.... OpBratine unde • ' Licen&o now ~Ype o( Bu inc 1\1' I Ol'S : i Pa ---·------;,.·--------~--- ·so11 Int.ervi 10 1 l Propl.·i otor ohip1 Cor rat.i n: lndividw l: Addl' -~ it t .__......,_......,. _ _ . _ _ _ _ __..;o...;..;_,.__ .r <, ~~ ' I I I a Tolept.01101 Intervie n Adul. 1 Hinor: l tilo 1 F le : Citi 2en hip: (pa.A....,......- . ~ ....-·-·- - - _ 1,.__...._..,....... ___,,_ Telo1::1-one t~um er r - - - - - - - -·---""' h &<3d en ' u u.. l flat• of st on _1/ __-----·----- ----- _____ ____ --__ t"' s.t _ _/_ r , int' Un "1.. id 51. . _...,..._... .. P i,o .nt 1-v · H ,__ d: ..-._,...___, ...__ .__...,,,._ __ --------------·- - . ....,____,.....,._ f1r · ,c.1r.11 l ·r cr.e1• y ' nvol rc d ' ~At.tac! n.d seer ( 7 c1! r.r f ( ,,, 1 r I ~"H'J, Peder SC --•""I (Bate) 'l'C!lephon Infot"Vi 111 V Adult: · Unort >nJe : ./ F ·male i Citiiie J Date of ~t e tl'y tnto \Jhited Stt:lte s , ~dr ,BB i Pri.l\ 1 1 -r:ro )er ';! involl.ved and scope of problem : J/. t> A t on ia ~* b J. Ad11lt: fiJ or: le e Fi>lmal Addr s /, 0 rt1 in undo't' 1'l" a ur'\r i c thonsnips ( f>ta t'o) Dato of,,t 1>ntry- int·o U .... ed st.ates 1 L..i. en e nO'ltl : - ·- ·--------·----·----- Ty a of B sines Par n r ttl ip: Proprietorthipi Cc1•por ati on: l\ddt' 11i r - -·- "'""-__,-"'-·...· ......,,.•·- lLnd,ivld~ elG}'.-hon Jhuribor 1 Pri.ncip l prop rty involve<! and &cope of i:robJ em: I ··( •.-...-."-...:....;.....-.....-..... hm1 Adult: Addrus: l!inor: Hclo1 'Fcmal . ; Citizenship: ---...-....~- l>a e of last ·e ntry Typ of Busine2 into Ul'li c,i St. teoc fer on int r 1 Par ncrahi : Propr etorship : Cc·r porati on1 Indi vt<tu:it ' ddr e11e 1 ss 1 elo hon l '\ mber: invollved and scope of r-rob mn 1 I '-t . · ~ .... Ac ion tak 'fOO n : ~r ) • ndled 'b Ad~ ; l,f~.nor: H1 ~ Fe 11~ : Citizenship4 Date of :!l..ast ~mtvy into Un~ Pl iho pal p1·operty invo 1 '. c ton en:·· • ,......_ - erson i t rv e1wd 1 Prn1 .. · t OJ" f l1. p: Cot>')(;r t on~ lnd v riu, 1 1 ddr M l "'cl rhein vi l ..... ed Sto.te81 --- - '1'y1 e of 8u:J, s r.: Pa~·t 11 or6.1 fH 1. llrnb():l" I d nd scope 0£ i:robhi - - - - __..,..._1 _ _ _ _ _ _ :J 'FOR SALE I I' FOR I!Elfl' PROFER"L'Y INFORMAT1ION_ _-'----·_....._;.,__ SALE ll'IUOE DOWI '/?AYMENT MO.NTHL Y I'll YJ1 l'li(' $_.;.._....,.;.... t--- ,, ~&ct.- ~~· •le 8 B'r&IAO R•._,,. knk ot s f'bcl.l .A or t h.e nt Frwiaeo Unit.Gd $ ates Adu.ltt linor r }, l I F mal&r Citizeneh P' 'mlt'.llA IL Dat" of La t entry into United State ~ of &urinei~. r Par· n ,.... · ') ; Pr F • ~ · ., ·"hip: Cor i:; r : c, Pernon i~1t Addre& 1 1 rvim•o -----..---·- ·- ,__.; :tnd1 )d [ l i rinc ipll. pre p r y volved o scope of r.roble. 1 __ .,,._................. :.dult.: J:1no1• ~ l Fil : Fe1,1..l : Cit ::.11 cui;h p 1 ......____....,. ..,,.._;.._ l' I o tlus~nos i Pnr <:r hip : ?roprio orr.hip1 Corpora ion : lndi vid 1 1 e-oopc 0£ pr oblem: ___ _________ .,_;.,_ 1..fv J a.rr.l'J I dult; ct.dr ea: Uinor 1 Hitl e l '/ le ~ Ci izonsh:ip r ~~,._.--.....,...... · te ot J ~it; ontry o Unite l under Tt-cae cy Ltc nso now? 1 Pe ·so hinoipal property .i.nvolvo 1 ti il:a. l llddi ton r~d n cop!J of prob] oi t dul.t: 6(, Linor: IJttlo I "P'ernalG1 Cit.izer)oh!p : Dat. of lrut entry 1nto Ul~it~d '! ~ · 031 __ .._... ..._,_ _,.,...._..........~_ _....,.__ _...__ _.,..._ Opera il1g 'llMel• Trea ury L'ic nso noW'? 1 n Type of sineas: Pa.rt er hi 1 Proprioto shi Per son 1nterv-icwod 1 Addre et 1 Corpo.iVl.tion : I dividua.1 1 T• lophono U11n1b1.r 1 I·rihoipal prope:r y :lnvolva 11' /,,/ ,. I 'f 7 ' nci S ~OJ! of problem: • /Ja ·, 70 t #tJ . I/ p rJ& .t) er n o:,,is· , ,, ~ J 11 c io taken : ,.... l r 11 t 1 t{ Br~neh L s kngele tcderl.ll eservv Bank Ffocal A~nt Of h or S Franc hco n1 ted ··ta OB Adult : .~ddresc lJincl': Bal : Pe.m/ll • Ci.tizenehi : Dat of lac O~. rn. ii g Ty e entry into United Steta .dar raanury L cen. 1 novl : fer 1on ii· I ddl' l?I.': t•vi 11ed e ----- Tela phone l!w 1bor : nvol·ved cmd uoo robl e1:1t c;. I-'· Ad . t.: Ui1 or: l lo: Femn Citiunshi.p~ Da of l.1a onirr ra in lnt Uni Wi.C1Gr rroaaury t.ioeni;i 'l'YT c of Bus Pnrt Pro .. or hi Ccr r :1on1 lndi dual1 A dd icnal r norr; i Person i X'view·c\1 /\ddre Bi 1 T la hon N , Gr : n l~ ed Stal ri d\11 i Minor: Ualo: Fer'\l.llo : Ci izen al 1 Da\. ~tee: --ltl.MUJ·~·:t...:......IfJ;...,;./......_Z~·~~----- so nou? 1 ---11&:2~r:~.__,,.....-...-.;,..-_._...~~ of last entcy irlto United t Oporatirig er l'C)H cy Lie I Typo of Businoas ~ IN ' or ner- ehir : Proprio OrGhira • # v.. ~· son .tr1t r\ritiwod l Cot'i:iorfltion: lndividual : Tttl phon } inu1pa.l pr operty involved and *lt.tae 1 11r:.:;:;.x~:.;:;;, AOOJJO iliere nee ss H1 :il>r.r: of :ir oblem 1 l' _,,~~.a:~~~......:---..__ Mldt : I in 1' I 1' lC' I 'I femalo : Citizen hi e of lo s 0 .1 r tiJI' on ry i.l1it,., under ' rea ury Unit ~d 5t t s t Lic~n .. e now? : :v 1 Addro~e : 'folephon !JUJtb r: rro f1 C Cl mn! J a rh r nee Cir: ry l, m1 1cicco ~to /dUlt : 1. 1 Hr:.ilo, Femalo: Citiz D to o:r ulst on ry · to \fnited S eta : o -er :\ua <Under 'troa rncy Lio nCfl•r . t ' ,'pe of l3 sinesa 1 l'o.i' ·r &hi. : Pt·oprietorohip: Co:rpor tion: lndivid 11 I ddroon : Ac io ta kenr * r eleph<>nl> N ])~r I 1 ~hip : .»Wil~"'-' l 11 1 lNI • O., llUhlMtt llll .... ·~.a. lM, C<fonta ~ q• i¥CJ I' f'e~er~ Rt theal A Adult.: Addroaa1 !inor J do: F(~J . t" t'H Citizensnip1 Typo Of BUsine3 ! Partne r sh p: Proy..r i -torehi. Corpor ic·n: lndiv.idu,tl : prop~rty /\ddr 1 el() hon inv<>lved a·nd scope of C!c lj r· ,11 , ction tak n: ·i ( ( (..../ ) <tul 'tt Ul~l"I alo: P' 0 ....._ fyp~ of Buitil\esat Po,:rtr4': "h ·f : Pl"op1· ietorr. p: 1'1'.ll' son Ml~ f ti.~ nahipt __ _ __ _______ - - - - -·-"'----------.--.......-..---...__. .t 3rvi1.;11e t -. ~_..._. A t\r.,, s: Corpc..N\ti on 1 lndhri ua.l t Tel ephona , u'\.l ·r: Pr1n pal pror. rty involV l'l copo of probl'-' r 'llnd Tl. ' l. ·"' ,J (J Ac lon t. ke n: ·1 , _.. ( { i' .( J t .J. • I· ' I I. I Lo at lteu an~ or San rranc11&co gent ot the United ~tate dul : !nor: 1\lo 1 Fei!1tile e Ci izenship: Da e of last n ry into United $tat tJ 1 Opcwa ting UJ'1Mier 1l'roa ury Lioen,o now?: - - - · - - Typ~ ' of B ineaa :t( Partn r hip1 Proprietot•ship: Col' Pora ion r lndivid it: ·1· Addreu Telephone>Fir 1 e c: Cit izonoM D .r nf ln.o ing ·.-n ry t.ntl") Ul)i ad "'t tell 1 dor 'Te ep. en ur.: o:r 1 .---.,.,.,.__ ) I _" -' - - - - -......... f rir.c1r.ia • r. le. ~ Adult: 1. Uin cr: l le1 Femal Cit.iz Da . of last ant """"?"'"' ""' ~ " ... ... -i - - .. .1 ,. -.:..:i .. ... _ --"' - - c.11,..• ... .._. ,,r il"o ••n ~'"'!""'!'.. 'n\, T- Type Addr :t Ar- 1.ion ken: · I rooetsco S a e 3··1(bite) f 'fl/ " Tolepht>J'l 1 ntOJ'\I • 01 • Ad t : tr or: U'll.o: l?e1 0 101 ital?;Otl ~-4 foe 130 now? r :Pu~·son I ' ' • iJ : l'·. c;p. ~· .'>r1 h p: Cut•:x..1· .. i,01, : lnd. v:1 ua : --. r.nt rvi(J110 d1 ...... 'fol ep'hone lJ . b r 1 nd l)COP!l of pr obh J 1 f.,~ .. l /du 1 t : fir 01· : Itel : Fem •le : ' C .tie nship r t ~1 o 1 at el\ ry ii it.o Unit eel Stat.011: o or U i:: no I I 7 1 nrt.1 cr shir; Proprie orohip i Co:r por ior\ : A. dr~ss t ------ In ivid alt J'>rinoi1)al nor~rt,y imrolvr: d nd sco a or pr oble1 : I 1 ~·· Yo~ wrr 1. u. 19'1 Adult. 1 t i.nor 1 Mal I ll'e.IMlOt Citfaf)nshipt ~lil.%,.~..-v Dt of la t enky Opera.ting pll 0£ Bu. 1.neea: Pt\rtr ~· rhi 1 1 Pro pi· ietoN h JH Cc.r1>0r~ti oa 1 lndivldual: 'ot·son (./ I 8 lt'lil San il'r u. nc : ., Unit.qd .~tat os ddr I· I hir 1 _ _ __ Cnlit'oni. {St a e } 8. Cl Of not on i\' iJ) ~ Unit uQ St at ee; : P~r::on ddi·ec. 're le .l· e> I n ervi w d: •ame a o·n ------i---- ~- 1 ---·--..- - ---·--·,..__.,...._ ~~-- " uru or : Pr JidptJl JiP [Ar''!! invc;.lvcd ind r.cq:c- cf p• . blrm 1 1 0~ SA.Ut " l Butane equtpped Cae 2 aeh ot .1111 rly ne ep•oi •1 co witb 1.mlti ntora tirH. Double l6 cue plow wl th deep t1 lla • .llOld boa r41, 15 toot Oliver ch1ae11 11t j uat 1 1ear 4 month• old, all ta •try good cond1t1on1. (JC ut 6 toot C&ao c"er orop cUac. 7 toot gooae neck o. i•tl Sill8l• 1.6 OU YH' plo!f. Sale price / c h-n t K n: * t 72 ~ount Qf i1t.m um Peutd. hfotima ion 1 OD 100 ranee $62f>,OO by to :Durbenk and • I. Cu Co. n 1'erA odo ottiee1 Oil . prtl 6. c li f ornu e.,, 11• ••4'> P'Oil .... ,... tlgl11 is. CH\r•l 60 () om COHMIS <ill ME CHANrs OE [ H.O rr. • . C»:4 v. ~ w~owv~u fRu1irs &VtGflA x:>. SitY.,..t~ Sl!•tt Whole11tl• 1'e,,,.,1,.,.1 '170 C::t,..ll•I Avt ~w S""' L \ Anri•l111t, c . 1.roml1 Ap:r lL l n· . J , l 9 2 opt . 0/0 el'vo 1- u , Co t' 1 1' . l ~·yco l.ncl or Jnnk ~ '; pr1uc • f , t e in< '~hi ell cnp: o.· YO h l "'01 J B on J'S: l ·g t ()f' Vti ( l'.' 1 IP 1l"'U) ' ' 1~ lf( :r 1 lf s Apr 1l , 0 2 .... .. J \Io n U(; l) to ry fOt' . th 1rn r nd ,• ill 011 tll 111 /10 •. I' HOD CO • ._.__..,..,....__._,.... ~s :1 o __ Lo Ance s Br'eneh er , Re""' Bank -ot t:o an Frane Agen W1'. ot t 6 ha \Jn! t-.d ... ta ; Date of la t n ry int i r p: UI~ ... : r r. n i. ddr I .t"V!.(Jl•1 cl 1 : elephon soor- of rrobJ.e-1 r a a Toil.epho.tllor Ir1 ~rvi ·11 Adul I Ui11or1 lo: Female: Ci .ize ship: ,_ _ __ l~ Oi»ra.ting tmder roarury Lie en Do now? r 'I'ypo of 8 sifleos: P r-tn r shl 1 ProiPr tor 11 Co?'poralior Tudividu 11 r aon i nt rvia11ed : 1 Addir BS t 1 Tel.ephon Number: rinoipal property i.n~ol ed nd r,cope of pr o lem: I A ion nkeni · 't acti a.ddi.\.i · tiO s Wha:r nee asary r.c.aou O.B. atklu Adult~ ddrese : 1, frlor t Hl\l : I Ci izninship: u t or o Un~tcd , ta oq 1 YT> of au i.n·s P rtner Propr1 Corpor icn : Individua.-: A dro s~ T1, .ephonG or Ao ion taken, · umbr r: problem; y • .a.-.i...._ ... _ Adult : Ad r e U n r: Ill I Female : Ci iz n r) - - ' n o of . ' ........,.,........ at en Py in ________ . .,._ _ , -~_,......_ ....,..,,...... 01' I ! . er ··0 t \"Vi \H' 1 ,;!. rddr() f' I Tol f ·I en I) I Ac ic1 ac krn : ~ I J ' - -.., . _. .. ...........,. _ I "' __ __,,,,_ __,_, ' ti I. ;I l 1.bor 1 I 7• .... Anplt~ B a~h ,r Meral R.t•eMe Bt.nk ~ San 7r'ano1aeo Pie.oal nt bf the Uni c~ Statss ae fulepnor.e: lnltervi wr Ad\llt: Minor: }Jal . : ";,. Pe:",!) lo : c·ui pl) a L 1!' s : P1.1rtr." .. : Prop1 :!. -ti.)r ,hi. 1 Cor1:x r•'L io1 11 o IndividMl. : 1ncip11l ~oper ty i.nvc:>lv -; Tel phon o II 1~l>nr r scope o ' pr oblem : Ii Ct If 0 'I } ' neM. A .. . ~•akllia or~, r• \• . ., ..... l • l P91>•--· "' ti'• Jl'Of- LG• ~nrel•• Br oh f'edetil ReMM'tl Ban>c of ~~ Fhcl.l. Apnt of the Uni ·ed ranc~aco r atoll (60.t .,,. Tohrhono; 1 I~ Int BJ.'V i ,e runer Ji nor: Addl"ess i ~O.l ( ,i y) D te or l.ast n l'.'f into -Oporatina un<:loir T.roa 111 Unit. eel St. ateo t ·----~------ ·.r Liceru t.'.'raon int rv! ddl' S~ t Tcl~phon Pt' irci a l .... : Fez .le': i tiz nship ; r-~ r o "'erty involv~d and scope ei 1tt>Ci 1 --- ----·-------- ¥--•- ·- ---~ Jum el': i:r oblern : I / '/" f .,1 c lon t ken : , y ~ -------~t eh ~d i 1 n l pa3~ 111her nec e ry Addl'BGIJ: (alato} 0 t.~ of las entry in o Unitoct Stilt.a : --..~---------- n aineos' Pa:rtn r shi : Propri tor"hip1 ,orporaU.on, lndivi.dv. 1: 'l'ype (',f cf rroblcmc If., ac a.dd~t ion l. L An~l6s Br~h PCMl•ral Rea.rve Da.nk or r-~!~co Fteoal. /\gont. o.t tha Ul'l1tc·d fta ea ldul. lf;!.nOl ial I Add:ress: ~ t I Fenalc~t Citizt'lr.shi Date ot la •t, entry in o ij t {l. r t 1.t~:d State1n ~......,....,....__....,.,.._,,_"--'-...r---·------- OpeT'ating under 'frco ury Lice so n!:'l'l? t _..,,...,;;...,..;.t.;;,: _;.,._ _ _ _ _ _ _..._._.__ _ _ _ __ Typ"" of Bus\.neas: P rtnership: Propd. torship1 Co1•r.J0ra. ion 1 Indiv1d\tal t ~lnetpal 1. <i. I property .lnvolw;d 1c! s copo of pro l.ep1: l-,1/ I · .Ju ,' Ac o T lephono H un'bBr 1 taken: ~~ . =· NO¥• !:14,tt;_ ~~,. . . _ f,' _,_ 1 ,J _,,_...,. du) t: lUnor: 1. 110: Fenal·e1 Oitiienahip: ....,._ __ I Pate 0t last. ontry :tnito tJhti'too _..t.atnt _ _ _,_ _,..__.....__ ..._~-..~-- ()perating und r Tre~s\ley l..ic nso nCM? r --·-----------..,,..~--~~- Typa of Bu 1ness: l'al·tnersh1p: Pro'p.I" i&tor altlpt Corporation: Indi rtd ~ ~ .. ft-1nclpa.l propevt.y lo~ ( ' I ).nV'OJl."ltGd ar~ SCO~() Of pl"obl ~ I Los An.gel~o Branch P~erd ReMrve Bank Qt ,boll Arent or the 'Uni ed Ad\lltl 1nor1 Adlliree1t : I I l : Fer lo; Citizcnsh:l nnte of laGt nt1•y 1.nto Unit .d :::ta ea1 ' l .. Oporat \md or 11x- uucy rp13 ot Bu ino artnerrhi.p1 Propri etorr.h:i,µ: Co1•poration1 lndi ldual: rinc1~ pk-o~r y :l.nvcilv .c at ' .. Person AddrG it 1·v:l1.wod1 e~ T l phon acope of \&mb ir r oblemt 1 I. F' n<i I gent of he q, Bo 4 G. ll. •\kl.. '[.o& l I r ane h f'Me'I" l; il~ s.eTVe Bank or. 31Ul rru c i c~ itod 'ta as ~ - - {bat o ~ ToJ,ep 1<mc Q 11\ to1•'7 i<;wu J\dul.ti : Minor: l lo : -\ Fe.1ualo 1 Cithonohip: p l nting un':\or '·r ea.r.u.ry LioeMo now? t -.----- ..... .... , ~ A dre S I Tu ephonc 1 umb1 l' ~ /{., ;, A ion taken: I /, , I f 'i) I" _,...,....._.,._!"""'-..;..o .....,.,...-;,_..__ _ o'/ 5 H Q.. P..! ti I Mult i l i.l 101• 1 Md res : u1:1_0~1 F r 1B1 Cit;.;.zcri11hi ·.tr or la entry .nto Uni oct S a.t!l. t Addross 1 volve allllJf scope of problem: ;Ji l'l · • ·· . (.' Ac ion r ' ·( ~ - l ., •t .... ! .. ~ - ~~~ •1••• OallfeJ'ala • ll&I iG Anr.el,8 Br e Fed•.- , Re9rle Bllnk of S&n Frahobdo ,F1$Clll At,:et\t of t. he Un ted •tat•u I amei Wat!!' Tole 1Qn t tnte1 ie o • Y 1i1 "· > :n1 ; , • Adult: l' Ulnor: J do: 'f' Feltlal : Citize11 sh l>ate of last entry into Uni.rt. d St ta:31 Per son i 4l'r'Vie\/ed: Addr elephone r1nHpall. prop rt.y involved az~d A ion akeni * cop Qf bet': e 1 R•f'•r to: i:JCC o $ ates Adu.ltiX Addreea: 1.nor: ltnlo: >( Femal$: Ci iz l)11te or ) " n~hlp1 st. entl/.lr inte 11n1ted 8tates 1 ~Wl,,......Jt:-.rlt.ll·-rJ.~~......~:;;:"""'u..:~.~fF. Op rating under Trea ury L censu now? 1 l)rpe of 'Bu. in s t Pnrtner shi · Proprietorohip: Corpora ion: 11 di ridUal. property involve Addl·o et Tolerhon at GCop1l c ion taken: io al 1¥118 whe • n · e~B acy ·-~ , . . . . . 14 ,...,fl "' ...... .. c.a.·wa n te of la.rt l'\t~ ·y fo 0 \Jnl Of.! ta.te : i ..,e1 6 nol'r? 1 """- - --- ... __ __ ..,.........,.__ ., A dt"ll Ot e~ e hon. Hur.1b1r : _..._;....,;... lu __-"...., Adu.ltr.)< MlnQr: JAe.l. : Fe1'1ala( )' Ci izenship1 T>nt Of last. ont1·y .n .o Uni.t1>d States: _ _ . . . . _ _ . . . . ,. • _ _ , _ _ . _ - - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ,__,..,... 1 ,)~I /L ~ ActdreHt '41 'folephone nd .) ..........._ l~uro.b· __...... · ............. •..........._,____,_. __ 4 ._ . , _ _ ,_ __ -· r1 cope of pr blem; ..,."/.;. ·~ • .. -" "~ I I ,19, ' ~ (I, I ;/ -• (J . If~. /. f7- " j }J /,;*"'> tf) vv L; E E } f -~ . t.... /Jr!..•' :..t J .<; /IJ; ce 7:) Adult: U:iJ1or i Ha1 1 fe"rnale : Ci.tizenship1 Da e of la t en rY into Uniteci Tjl'pB of B ' llnu11 • f7; \ f ('." Partn Prop'.ri t~ or "hi.J) : C tion1 I l· divictulil~ tal< I I riihip 1 )l'./tttacl1 add1 : I f a es: 'Peraon ir ervlewed : •• 114' 0 LOo F: eral fier~i ~o89rvt a-n 11\k ot ~.1u11 Francisco Un tod r,tates er t ,. me 1 ll.t ~. < I Adlll : Address : ~i.-_.....,.,_.._ l!inox- 1 l ~lu : .. ., Date or 1.aat .,' I F No : Cit izenship1 .,,....,_ __ ' 1111,.ry into \ihii'te d Sta er ra ioa un<1<'1' '1 r - ·------ - ...._.;....;;,......_..__ , cd p: Se : _..........,....·-·""---....__ _ _ _ ... _~__.,..._._ __.- ·eh phone tlum P:rii. c ·pal r()part.y in 101vcd, 0~' r and seopo of problem: a "Ga "' nee a1Jsary /, rJ? &. ~J ,.... -"'- "7 7 ,. ~ a,._ ,I /A.1. IS ~ :~ L1i--" . "' ~· -- ~,J '"""' I i:. . e~ J 1· ' .if~ I ..... l c£.. •.11 ... ' <:"; {//,/ " ""'- a~ a;.-. .!} I , 7-7·---A I wK .../ t·'a·~ •> •~ • , r., t• ENEI 'E I A 1 oF C I SCO .!.: • '!'r.:ce!:.eeh ! u:::;.-a:.h !e:. l-&-0 •11t ~erhl Htgh y Dow•1 • Ce.UtorU. D••r Nr. ~y1u ida t On Merolt 19th you oaaed Rt t e eO~ H :Property D•p l'tlll8l'l.t l h rettrenoe to int atioin eoncer ~ p ,me h 0.11 loan. nd 11 lae t l:'llntt• r ot ow ra 1 on an QUt ol;ll l • D~rlng our 41•ou1eSo~ , • advlae~ yo eo4o .ri0 ng you.;r 1nQ.U try • D4 we a .N cu •ring it you. u:ta imly t ntom ua it • matt• llu 1.1 . . n t bn care o • It it bae .oot bH set :Led .o1 wt caa ~ ot aay ealet DC tQ you , e w1 l~ lad to hlT• ca l ag ib. a·t our otts.u t 707 Soutb Spring 9 ret t , 'L ot A elea . Cu~t ·~ yo Yo a ' ey . ..,,,.,, ,-l'-........ ne r _ a.neh oC San franelsc nt of he Un,t~ed. Statee Adul .: lil.n r i Uale: P' M111le: Cit.izonsltip~ - - - - - - Pa· e ot: U.tJt ~ntry into United "tateis 1 Op r ting Ulld·e't" Treasury Lio ens of B11 s:lxi 'fyr Pars M : Par n r ehi n~'I'?: ! Pro ~ e or hip1 Corpora ion : !.nd.i vid'Ual : 'rolephmo N\lil:ib r: - - · - - - - - - j ., c i ,if N') £_,.,,...._,,... Act ton /~ a.k nt tl )..• ·~ > ;~~ "') .. ;41 ,... ~ 4 Q Tolophono: Tnt e>rvicrw I Ad \l • I .....,,....~ ci~ t ontry in o U i ~d k ta.tes : ·~-· · ~I \') ~ L~ f Busi1 ese ~ P. r nei•ehi : Pr-opl' et.or:3hipt Corpor• tion1 t- P • !r.d vi d T 1 phone 1: -t'" pal pro ,arty t.aken:··f ,£ Ad volved and SQO'f. on l'G8 I of pro le 1 .' /\dult 1 i ino1·: Acldreae : lLlo : ' Fer 10 1 c T; 1pe of Susirl<H3 : 1nl"tri er ship : )( Prop1• ietor{,hip : Cor th ' /, tl i p t Po ••on lntorv1c....'l10d : Addr 6 I :ration 1 lnd vid ti..201 ______ . . . ____·---- ---. . . -. :.0. - ---- l: I l/ (f II t ~ ,., "' J' I (,i •'ill rl / , l'i I' .I r. 11 C1't~J) Ch /,., , .h II J '1c-r ;' ,(_• I I' I ,.,., " ·' "'' Adu1t : 11( Hi .1or 1 l .l\l<> ~ ..( Jl'e1., .l !') r C .t~ Z UI S}ll, .p : _._.........._~ P~r son -·· __ _...._, __________ I ntorvi ..Mod t I"1 I Pil'incipu >r oper tr fr1.rolv ed and co:p·e of pr ob lem : 7 c/o ~ ~ ly ~h1t 4; 1. Actio ~ ?'VC (~ ..f ~-p-µr/ --• ~ t;h,. <. ·-0 - '\..a ken : ~ ddi t .j.o . l pa !?a Hhoro neco .. r y • ~ "' ~, £., 711r1 .t. ..., I: ~. . -L ,·I · l~am.e Add.r -·--- 13 : ( Adult I Uincir: -· Hl : Fe 1 : I Citizemship1 f na e of J..a ~. Qntry into United Stat& : Tyi;e of B11 ineosi Pattnerra} iri : Propri or ohi Cor Actdt• ra ·ion : Ind 1vi.du11l 1 Prlncipill ropt~ty J 11 t Telo hone tnvo ved n co olf r r obler. I / '/ 1 .ci c., ~lte. , ............__ _,Ji.a;=~.......~~~·-·- (tll"J - in :L.J:__ ~ Uni od "'tate 1 nor .) er t Ii t e1•vi w~d 1 Addro " : - -------- ~-~--~~- f rfr,c 1p!il. r l".l rm· 'J nv lvnd n1 ~d tJ cir.o f rnblr.ra 1 J. I ,· " k 1 1 k n: ·• ,,_ ) ., • l Lo• ~Jtdta Btanch P•derl.1 Jte...... B•~ ot Sll.n rano1Mo Fi.toil Apnt. ot the t.&d s atea f " Adul t 1U.nor't Malo: . . ,. D \~I yJ •. {SfotoJ or 14 t entry 1nt.o Unit.oo St&' !Je; .-.,.;................___..,...,...... •;ico Typa 0 IJO noW?t _..__,...__ n~si.Jeas: Par'tnerrhipi Propr letor . . hip1 Coriror tion.: nd1vi ua-: Addreea1 FIWlf.. o: Ct 1zt-nshipt _...._ _,.,. 11r.1a • • • WIW.U •an ' - MC•lMt O.U.f.ala • '°' ko• An8"Dle1 r. nch Runve iBanR or .stn rano,lseq F oc A.lent ot the Un1tod ~tatee Fod,sr Address : __...._.___(_ st_r_e_o_t_on__,a.......1 ~,-~-£-e-r~J-----'~'-· l>a.te of laot ntry !nto United 5ta r,. o 1'.'alo: Fernc...ll'J 1 Citi ~~.nshi Pl ......... i _ _ __.,..._,.._.. __ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ __ Oporat :\ng 'ind er Treuury so now11' ~'Pll .Actiult1 L 1.nor1 - - .,....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,. ....- " - - " ! Person llit rvic.wod c of Business 1 Partner rhi : Propr1etor t..hip t Corr..or3.tion t r,ndi\ridual : 1T~no1.pal ~J;. Addr-a e 'r"l ophono J.I\ l.> .r: proy;ert y lnvolv'.?!d addl lonml J)Mt)S t nd Gcoy:.e of pr ble whet n oeis ary t i---- --------------~---- Lo, /J'ireles iR••trV'I Bank of &n l"ran¢ sco Fiscal. Ag,nt ot the United States F&der-1, a Telepnoni'' Intorv~ w1 Adult: I inor4 l&ll : F er11al.e I Ad.di• BitJ ~Cft () )--·- · in und r Troe · ry L ce.r.stJ nO\ ? t Typu ot 'au 1.l\eStJ 1 P11rt errh p: Proprie 01 r..hip t Col'l'X>il"'.l ion : I.r,d v1dual.: Cit. .zonohipr {$iate) ---- ?<lr SQI~ ~ddr u Ol"Vi c '/0 I Bit I Action aken 1 ~r • ·1 9'1 . . 1rh L~ ~les l ~h F _er-ai lio~..... "Ve Ba..n.k of San hane:isc Fiscal At,~t o,f the Initerl t.a~es J3l?l0 : Address: 1!:.le: fer'~ -~= Cit.i.zel'!Ship: Date o! la t ent:-y into ~ ~ed St.a es : ~ _ ~es!: ?a..rtnershi~: ?r- ;:rietor!!hip : Ccrpora ~:i:®: Individ· O! pro..., e;:", ; ~~tion tak .• H<:l.. e Adultr li.l1nor 1 j l Fer J~t C1ti z nshipr w.•, I} I) or 1ac. ------.......,_-~- ... p:irat Ty A dl:' T o hono II cil> r 1 -....---- -· ~/ -'· .....o,• Los1 An le G lb"aM. 'Fed.111,•a.l ReHrw Dank r/t San ~ • c isco t oal g@n oC e n ed State c.a.rat~11 1 l~ar111t: f:. .i111;:M...;.,...-...i~~,.....,;:,..,,a.~......,;.a..;;i:o.... i...,.;.../ ......... _ _ ' n e of la ~ now?: !nt l'Vi(J A dra 8: _ __, Ol' t>Oll T~ler.·hon m :\)1 m r I r .J l 1UT1CI : f ddres I Adult : v UinC'r: ale: :t Cit.he !'lJ 1r : F<.>ma a e or llll en 17 inti) United r.•tet il,cl e dA,rt · "n; 1 t. u 1 ' • l 1a,mCJ 1 Mult : >' · 1Ii.I 01' : A~drcsa : Hal I Fe,:'\~lo : Cit ..i.ze. t.•.t of last 1:mtry into United rtatGa : C if'lr•,1 i1 ff \lnUer 'froasv.ry Licen e n011 : P 1 on AddroG 1 of prohlern1 . r. (, c ion aken: sh~p : ......~_...-...,..... Multi MiJ1or 1 l. J. I Yanalo: Cltizonsl\1p r tCMi.W~~..,,. Date. of ltAGt nt1·y .. nt.o Uni <\ 1 ----, · - - - -·- - - " " " - - - - - 0 e attng u er 1reas · 'Y Lice se ncll'/'1 1 I 'l'rp>l ot Bu .. ) 1"L'.~'tl" ~ 1 • di lf Per on . .,., Propi·i~ . , ip1 Cor·nor1tior1: A dre1'111 t Indiv:tdual: T1;1J.epl on l~illl~br r: Pr ncipal prer~r y :involved aind scope of ].:ir<>'Phnn1 /le t.1.on taken: · 6 ,(. >'t ~ H tile y: oh ho .c : I n l).t"v c 11 Jdul I L1i.nor 1 Unlot " Da e of lant entry ~nto Uni d Statea1 ......,. ___ __ female: C thon,ehip1 .,,,__ Opera ing m~or Trea. ... u,ry Lite s~ now? I Type o~ Dusi.n .!$ t t\rtuertth r: Propri t.orchip: Corpor t;ton: !ndiv1dw:!.1. : ht ion taken: ntorv· e cl: 'P rso11 Addre 6~ 1'olepl: one Huml> r 1 '' 1ciaeo at@ A<fuJ t: lH.nor 1 l >1 Fo:icJ o 1 c i2.£1?li1'h ip t - - - - - l Clpor ting unit r Trca u - ypa n Of .vUsi.fl088: L!c:ie se now? 1 ,.. t.t• ~ (!. ·UM\ l\rtner . 11 •: Propr1~ orr.hip1 Corpo:r t.ion: X.. A dr lnd.i.vidUAlt 1ne 1pal roy> Ln olnd a1 d / o i.on talt .' ' ,. ,::;( - f ,,./ L } . , .\ FE o E 1 ,\ L r E, 1·: 1 (Ol•! LJ ; '-; I~ H.\N( :H v F' BA \\. o 1· s l"l A IC' I S ~ O ,.l:p rU l 7, iL.C)lh'? an·. aa.01 l!:ubo • llS ' ,or\\h Mott Street LQe .Angelee. Cali.tornJa On ¥arch 2} )'OU celled t the b CUM l'OP•RJ ret&renat to aonthlly P&Y1!18.ute on the Higashl Bo.n.p.njl M.11111011. D1partnwt11t • 1 t Du.rl OUX' disc elem, •• adT1,,•d ff,)ll c OM•rn- ill& 10u.r h'l'Ul!T and e an wonderl it 7ou would. ld.ndlJ u:1 1r th• tt r ha• now b•en taken c IU'9 ot. It it bae not been settled and we ca.n be ot AJl!Y turthar• to 1ou, •• will be glad to ha·u 10\1 call ap.111 at Ot.ll' ott1ce at 707 S<>uth Spring treet, LOe .A.ngel11, d o. Dold .lteietan't Manager ,1..o Jmtelea Br&neJi tdtr RH• Ba.n)c (>( ro Fr~c !CO leeal ""'n ot l\8 United State Ad\ ti 1Jinor: H Female: Citizenah1p y Lie noei 'I}'p~ no 1 t of Susinea : P~t"tnersh.ip: Proµri tor·r. 11.p; Cor por t,i. on : IncUvidu. 11 Ad(ir a: ·ralophc.n N .be:r : I ~li •seJ"'Vt '841\k aent or the Branch ot San enc j sc& Ur,i~ Sta. es Aclul. t Uinor1 H le: F ,ma.1 I Citi 2enship: - - - - Dat of last entr y int Unit ed state ~ I ,. A.tVl'f 1: i Per at>n ii t l"V iet ecl : l\ddr tJ5 : - ..................... _ __ _ _....._....__~- Telep.hone IJnmb :r : P!rineip ·op rt.y Ulvolvcd and ncope of f'I"oble1 t vr ~ ion r n:* · l•s IBra.rp h al'i)t ot ~ ra11ol it.Ile· Un.ii.eel St&tlis " :!:! 1Ii' . I V~, / :;il4 !\ I 61.(e' To~• \, ; I . on1Jt rnt.orvic.wr Adult: ... lnor~ Ualo: Fems;te~ ' ... Cit.iznr; ship~ ...,.....,.__ _ D t& of last e111try to Un.i\icd States: Opor t1i'1g UNler Trea..irurr ) Typ13 o 8'1· tness~ Ptir~nel" ahir·: Pt-opi·i tot!.ih' p: _......,._'**'.__....,, e noi•r?; _,.,.__ Poi son J:ntN'Viow \ii _....;:;:::;..,;;:~;;..;-..;;--.....,................... Addre••r _______..,._ _ _ _ _ _ _.......,_._......_...;; Corpora:ti.o : Indivl<.iual: . ~ Tel phOctl P 11oipa.l pt'oper y in¥olv r: / ( ,. otion taka'l\1 ~; / Numb .r: .......,____.,.......,.._.....__ _,..._............._ scQpe of prob oo; : I( l / / ./4 <"' l /. ;i; 1: • 1 r / t ... &dclilionai /· t". pe.a J I.oil t.n ole1 Branc}l i>deral R~st-l"ve UA.nk o( 5-'Ul fr1mci F1 'Ml nt of le U itc.rl r, at.G () fld\i.J.t I U,JlOl' I l' .. l~ 'I Fer • +• C •t "' zo11;;ti ip r Dr.t of t !)ntry into U1 itQd ' ta.he: I ,. . perat :in Ufld er 1' r -~··-- T)•pa of Busin i Par't, ershlp: f Co~·po1.•.at ·on~ lndivi dua : 1 c ion taken : ·r t:>i {. s<Jop~ I ..-..-.L-~------------"""'"....,...,...,_~ · o1vntl am' (f . . 1i of problem: • ...--._ t ____________ (' i 'e- i y, ' A •• ··~ , , 'J ~ ..A..,;..;.-..-...i~_..~_._r...,.;.....-~ ate 'I'ol phcmo, Tnt 1•vi m . Acfa 1 X Minot- : . "lie r X Fe1 lo : C"tizm s ip: I I .... {; ,J ti..l'lg u.n.EJr 1:ro a ry LJco so now? r >en· s0n I 1\torvl ... tou 1 Adcfro s: ,.........__...,..,.__ - - __ ""' ___.......,,__... ·r~lept ono Numb"'r: --- ------ ···----~--~- . ·r1.1dy. l. r1ro ..ert i.nvolv tel /'' •""'•". "'Iti I t .~ 7. 1- . ' ./ 1 ,.···,/· 7~ L takun:1· l,,,/l rJ· ,~ ( I~ a e Tolepllono: N. l l t~rvfo 1: § J ~ ddr IHJ I ·V~ A<b.tlt: LU.nore a.lot nale o Ci iznnship: 0 or Df.t flptl at fl , ,., ..... ... l lact entry ..nto Vnitod Sta es: t""' WV.I .i· r~ sucy L cen13 ,.., i --·---- I+ Q., ~ ll 11 1 I Por s n -- In~iowo Addrc'8 1U -- T 1 phone Hum r: inc OMrty involv ed and I v···· tt. .~ fol °",..._ () I ct ion Hl er nec~s r'Y 'i u ,( 7~<- AP l l, ••• • , lM Loe ~le Srtiro ,F ederel Jle ~f!r\te iBank 1>f f.lO ranchc() Pbaa.l t of th nited ~ t6te:J Adul. ! Winer' Hol.0 1 Fema. e: C't,iz nship 1 ._ _.._...__ Date of last ~n t:'Y into Unii.tect StatM1 , dr us 1 l' lJt:hone UUrr. or' r1nci~l. pr pert.y in'1'01 e. Act· 0 1 lt:a, e : -J at d seop or prob emt • O U ~rn • Sa~t• I.Ill'• ••..blr ldonutlo'1 Ottto1 S.1\a Alat l • Gal.Ito AP,rll lt,' 19f& IMl•ral Oelrtt• la '•••nf lam eb.1, <J< t. ~• I' .... o. fft•t lol41 4 rour ;h hr ot .Aprl 1 Mt• I. • . . ., wt J ""l . , l.fllH • 1 ••tllal 1)7 rour ~.,,., tOUi"\•o I d UadH• att1 • p p I it'tl"f •It t• help ~•r1 11\lOb, 1non•l J' ou tout • f clerhcM ~ .r rfo ·11 lt1 H Ad OBS~ - .. l' , F~:r..a Cit i ra o "f 1 s " ry ih ~ r t rvi C'llC' _.,... ddr :"CO} l ' 1 __ _____ ·-·-·------.,...... ..._.. Telcphcn,. 'hu -1 Gl 1f : Uni · ~·d "tat er 1 er n'.ln lt Z. <JI of r.r l' 1 me --- ......_ ...... _------- N! / 7 I ) ..... {nat ) ' f~ 1 .. , •• Telephono-: Intorvl:e 'I: i / Ad\1.1.t: Ud.1 or r .Ual I F .et Cithenship1 .. , tcity) l~tr Dn e or 1ao 'into Vnited Stii e s 1 Operating under Treasury Lice o~ no1 1·: _ ___ ................ ---~ , _. ___,....,~---~- ,\dc!r s. : Telephon!) l hlr.:.ber: Prinoi l pro orty in o .ved an(l sco I ;;..>I I · 7 of r;rcb;l.eJ. 1 er ,, 1.. A on taker 'I 1•1 Hamil d .11 J (J ... Lo• Aft,fil.ea •ru Re F ~~al Dt-•~h Dani( or San fM.l Oi!'rOO ~~ ot t ie United atea Pr in~ ipal p;roportir i.nv.oll..n d arlld soopo ,A _f:lJ./ 1 1 ct Los A:ntt le Brano edera.l ~() ery f:IB 'hk Jr. [t,4i; Pr c Fh al II ~ t of t e Uni. od tat CIJ ---""\i)W[O"}_ ___,__ Tele .. h OI\ I ! ll ervi()W I 'J l~Am 'I ddr AdlU 8 I I Uincr: Ual : F eI!la " G: Cit ~ z en"hi D o of las~ ll t.:ry ln ,., __......_.11 . . . . . .~_ / ·. 1__... . . . . . . ._· - Unit od Sh es 1 i pera1~ing undo ' PPrson Tele>pl ~<'r.~ in rolved. a d no pt> Ac ' en k nt ll ! P'? .br.1 l !i."IIH 1 to' 4n;pJA a Branch Vedel''ll. ftWH~ Sank ot i=:, IJ' a.l r:•n of t hit l\Jni t ll'?'i$l'IOhQO I wn I Adul t f;incr 1 Ut'lle : Fcr.mle: ___ fe:rs on in ervie11C' 1 ,\ddres1H _,, .,_.,.._ _________ ............. ---.;,.....;.-------- elor-hon Hum er : i?Pal pr ~perty inte>lv rl - - - . _ ______.._,___....._.._..__..._______ _ 1,. .-...~.&11• ~ Cit:l.2enahif and scop of { Acttori t r .s- I a I) bf'f ti T6lrephQ,n~ s ;rntorvl<l'lr Q Ad\Utt Addreea 1 )finor 1 Mal I f'ezMl I C!ti11t nshipt Ollte Qt '.Last elltl"Y ~to Unitnd r:t.atee: Operating 1,mr.h1• rens iry so nOl'l? 1 ------ Typ\J of Bu inosa : J>a:rt er chi : P~11oprielor rhip1 LJ.<&...~~L..o~.a.lml...t~"""'~"'""' · I ..-.;...__.__._.... do:r1}(')ration : tndividual: ~ rinclr>al property involv ->d Act ion taken:-~~ J / Tl:) ephon Hlur1l>• r: nd Hcope of probl ~ ,~I ::1 . f'' ,. dult ~ Hix101• r f1# ! l\lQ I F (,?J i:' le I C'.tt.::..zeinsh1p: T:· ~ ::1!' n··-inu-u . art or sMp i frop~ etorGhip1 /ddress : Corporation : ndhrJdual : r~11~ involvc<i an~ acopo of pr obhm ; t z ,,~ , . ,...~ t t 'J•', 1 ~! . , (} .....:". ' - /., Ad Adult t Hinor : - BUI l : F male : Citiz n hips Da e of iast 1.1 ntry into United St tes 1 n · · ng unoer 1rcaoury Licc11oe now'f t iypo of · si.r. os: Partners}· ip: rropri tor ·} ip: Cbrpoi-atlont Indivi al 1 Princi t ach 1 dd J\ddr s Telephone I ur.'lbeir : ro~rty involv d and scope of r.r-t:·b lem: ,,,, I" ' . I /· I • Mi1H1 ~ '< dr a Hi 01· ~ 1 .lo r F r r.lo : Git. ... zo1 shlp1 t of la t 1mtl-y into Uni od Sta e ( j,ri•'.t '.i:. u in und6r •rroa o r; iccmis e n°'[' b.,,P - ·1 1 ~ '>t.. _ ~~ , Ai A.At / • !Lfi. o 1. . sine ·s1 -41i'"llilJllllJlll,7.ii~~' .Porson Intorvi .,(c , ·~.;--u:....1:!111..w~~ - ,.... shl : l1·01:id tor1>hip: Cot-r..vrn or\ : n vid l; lld 'ea 'I elepl Ono Hus .h~r: l r · 1icipal l"op~rty involved at ! scopo of problo.i r r"11..,.., r am .t 01.:li. . """""lintfi.~.~~..-l·i..'""'"'"""'""/l....._.....,,..,.,...., ) Adu.l:\;: Mi.nor: ldalot Femalot Citb;enshipt Oper11.thlg Trea ice s nO'I' 7. 'fypll or Bu .. il otrn = artre1'r.hi : Pro pr 1& ot• r,h :i.p 1 Corporatioi 1 1dividu. lt pi·o1~rtr {,rinc ipal Irr " . fl, (.' , ,1, frl i ·rq t. If .f P r o., (. 11 . ( 1 IH // I ,~ ".~fl I I ,. fu o I iltf /l' t w" IJ I ~- ,I!' I I~£' I( ,. ' (} A f , e v •• ""r (> iJ ~'{ b t. "' I I I (A/ II ,., :, " ~ / f fly 0 ,. IV ..... t I I t lif s , I ~ 1lil 1,,> , I .[ .( I • l"l ~I) " ... I */.. t c~ ad ! tion.: !l. p.a.~ H , ''t " /j .S ., /,) /1 / / AL c 1t.S . , . t '/) /J..r/llV'Tll /II' .£ )' W/if /lf1p I "" Y, S' ,4 , ~ A{ o/ l ' f r.' /l, ~ { ,. $Cope Of problem: i () c ion ta'ken! ·l' \IJll\.>1 r 1 " i "" t. By fT .ti d a "' tlf .,,,, :£ t I\ ,, 11/'f .. .., llt I r>i!01- F t ;f p • ,. . t ttlephon invol /l" . , _.,__:...::..,_~-~_,. r ., " ~· /c HI ·7 Ad •01 a: fn ' of l!11s t d Sta · SI ..,,__....._..,.,...._ I p: 5~ Ol I Add'l'oc•· : Tel pl C'm 1w.. r::r : lla. iO ~ Adul ; A cb·e sa i I ,. ·{ . ir1C'l' I r)'"-- l'. lo; Fl,mia.1 C.itiz m1hi (ci y) ---- 'I r ea:rury 1ic ns e oow? 1 P1t' r on In Tele· en"' I' Lb •r ~ ..,..,......_ _,......,,.-.._ _ . . .. ~------ j .. /;,. , hcj\.li t.~ Hi or t l alo : lh c o la3t entcy :into Unitetl Sta 11s: " of Businc~s : f'a.1' ner l1 i.J : P:r opi•ioto\• .,h ip r COl'}')Ol"ll l 01 : !rvUvid ali . Addroa t el ophono J ur. bcr 1 CO])(} /,; J1 L~~ of pl"oblom : J (,;(__ t -- .., ( ,-t -~ 7f '?r. (, J c ~ i'. l () (. 4 ,I • I'. (. " ~ 1.. f< A l 1 h, l Adul !\.· l ino1• : l{Al~ 1 P'emala : C t.;i.r,o shipt D e of c~try nt '1nm of ;a s rnttn into Unit d Sta e : l 58 I' sh jl : Propi- j l)tC·l'ohip : Cor ration : 11 dividua.1 ; T . phono N'1n1ber Pr ncip.a Ac o takent n oa.sary 1 • pri • r1 a1 18' ' 1 • Ad11. t: I inorc /' t le : FemalBt , I ((f y) Dato of la Or Citizer ship i ( ... tatc} iJ~to n ry - Unit d o aha 1 rat tng under Tro 1'.Yf. of B GirleB I Partner l i. : ro J·i torchip 1 Ccr ration1./ Add;r lr.div:idu li ~ SS: elerhone Humbeit': :md scope of probL 'nr .1~ · •1·1.-."' ,. • -.:1 ;f..,,." <t! . ( :.. I "'" '~""" '-·~- t.!4 .-;ti -11r. ,,, . .. , I .,,; . -· I ~1-.• ,.,,, ~.,, "'' ;T .'S 'J ., .. 'I . ,. ' I h11 I,/. '. f .A"ticn taken : ~· • ~ ,,,~ ~ ,,.. /. ./ r( J'I ., .... /..# ~,..., , ~ () '' . I .,; r'.1,.,tf' .• II,/' 1 H n re n ce ry ~d y1 ,.. Operat 1ng 'Wlde1· 'fr.a a:tu·y Licenr.o now? 1 ' •pe of B\l 'i.nesa 1 Pa:rt.nereh~ : Proprietol"nh1 1 Pr~..ncipa T!\lephono Hwupol" 1 roperity fun oJ.vcd 1u A s0<0pa of .i a -- A(ldras1H Oo1•por£1 t ion : 1 i, I. pl"obletn~ '~ ~7 ... /. A,,.'/ .~ 'I .) ~ ., /)/ '/ r' /,-./A I /J I t// (I I /. /'., ;I' ·y loll 11, 1 Y. • .-17 tnlr. -.......... ·) a e l\'l)..ephom:.1 ·t n In1ierv iEl'\1 f l Addr ear em.a e : cltizen,sh~p:. D e of l.ilst n ry- into Unit.e<A statea1 f\ ddre I .,Ip I Ac Jon tak A n: 4f taot add'l S cnal P. 1. • ____________ ................... 1' 1 l propert.y invo· ~. __ .......,... --......-.....-_..._ . ..,,,_ ........_...._ • .\npl ti BrllllO h F(td,ra.l · Nt"'M Bank of San ·Ft-moise 1 1ocal Aaent Q~ he United &ta (tS : 11'1<hllt.. : Add.ream: llilll.Ot'I ) le : Fema.l · : Citi2eu h. p: SJUMC.~ Da a of last ent y tnto Unit d a. . ' Ope u ' no,,'i : \md o '11roa nury U .cen Type r er I 01 ----------··-~~------------ i.!1 dd r e~rn 1 i•viel:eci : ----------- eJ.o rhoM l uh'lbar ! Princ'ip:U. prop r y involvGd a nd f cope of prob ~ : -----··---··--- Tl} 11 Jhon ~ ].n OMJi<I' ·q Addl'US$; t. e of l.Aat snh')' llinto Unit ~d Sita oo 1 __ Ty ~.m) m 1 pq '1 J ' 1l 11 Pre ~ ~ 1 '· 11 i Cor '>l" t."icn1 -/., of 13u. ll1di •4 au:1l; Pr ---.-..-- . - .. ____ . _...._____..___.... .. /{ -....-. _.___,..............,, ,, __._...,_~ fl i A dre att 1 -...--- e113phon Nwnber : ,.._ _., ' ) C _ _!.}_ ____ _ I t i Ae lo1'l t k n: ~· J ll • ( ate)' Tol~lihone: l(n t erview: Adult: lJinok' : l nlc: Female; Cit:tzenshi I I r( TYP r •) I B sin "'8: Partnersh~ : 'Proprietcr l i, : Gorpol'a io tnd1vid'U l· . ~Stat~) Person int ervim1ed 1 llcidrese~ 1 / 'l'elf)pbon N ber1 .l 'PfOJ)el' y involved aind scope of r.roble<ln: Han ed. b, i Loa ~ " Dn ~h , f d&NU R:eaerve 9ank ot n ?itancbco F1oou Agen of the n wd 'S a es Ad t : 1 Jinor: .~nl~ : Fcr.mle: Ci iz n h:lp. (Chy Da e of VJ. ,.·14i.-ln nltt·~y into Uni cd State : der rreaawry h'- oenoe no\I. : ------~--------·~--------r---- ----------·~--~~ Typa of Basineo, : --~......_.,_ P tnershipi Propri t rthip: Cor per i i on : I rlt· !!31 t 1 proper y inv-:>lved a nd ach a.dd i o al .i;~c t>CO wh re nee .:.e of po bl em . ai·y ______ -------- ~--- . '""--------~ lnd.ivl d 1: Pr-inci .. Loe l..ttgQ es Hr Branch Bink gent. or " n fr1U1e i ot tn Unite d ~i:t 1~e eo r 'I•••• Adult1 i:l or 1 I fesoal 1 Citizenah1p1 Oe.I\. ot la •t ny;.e~·at. :Ln g '\IO cutry nto l)nlt l}d ''tt.atea 1 _/.........-........-.... i,r 1'r o eury i..lo ~mio now? t J: ;.! ',~·. •> o! B , Lir ~J i P.., · :1 p: J>r op· .' b r«.h p: .......1 Cv r !Jf· ~ '~.io11 c 11.divi dual : Action .11k!,1Jl: • 11; ,J' I T1 lephono rNumb1~r : r rl1f am~~ ddres r DA e of l.act I .·p ~ 0 (1> I t'l\-l'Y 1.nt. o U1 it d 31:-atea 1 I31Jf''i..tCCH : Pr ~t " '11. •t Pr p1 j ·t .'.ll' .h Po1 Addro Ceir p· , ~t · 0r11 lnd!vi dual : $ C 'l I i 11torvll OR e~ o of r obll'!'.llH e • ~ tmanch Ped•ral ROMrve $Uk ot San 11'1-anobc F. oe Apnt or th• Hnited I Sta e-s tJue1 Adult I Y. .Addroea1 :Jinor: l nlo: oma.le: Citize ship~ ---.-....111i&l..t~ 0. l'A ~ Ty-p e of B1~ai.ne13s I Par nership: P:ro:i:;rietorship1 Cc:rpor ion: lndividua..11 Act1 tl ak Ona Addre Tel hon n1~ tac h dtli P rson intervie11ed: pa"' Numberr ".,) hYt + ,, Leia 1 Drane ll f'e4.rtl ~ Bank ~t San francla~o fhcal 4pnt ot t. United S 1 z J,.{i., ~·I Tolephone i ,t.nt.a~·'il'hw~ Adult.: fin or: J!olo1 F mal : Citi2.en h;lp; - - - - - - { o) Date of last OJ;~ra -ng ent~~ d.Br' Tr into United ~ur~r Licen se ·ate t ~·i--------·----...--.,..... _____ mou?r eraon ddr el'! : Telephon ~c t.ion i:J it rvi ,1'1ed 1 ~~----,,_--,..._..._.. ~ g f dul t 1 ....\· inor 1 i(nlo : Fe1h&l o r Cit i zonohi p : Oj)C) under Trea cens tiow? t 'f'yp•.3 or !Rusine ar nursh:i 1 ropr 1 tor sh p1 Cot'pol" ion : ncB.v1dual : 'r t o ephono 11 l>r1r 1 c1pa1 p.rop&rty i.nv lv d a d sco}:ie of pr o l1;m: lo C!t• 'c... ~ ~ l /) ... "{. t I Act o ( -»A tael t1onal (.fi" s l ~ JU.U-1111..Jt.WI /7 D t Op1> ot last e111tcy 1.nto Unit'>< Sta eat atin~ I under .,- ' 1·1 I fy'p1J ot ·Bu sine e ~ · 1u· J'ler oh ip: ' ~ Lice J~. --·- - I) i ,- v l ~., P r 1100 !r1t&.l'vi Corporation 1 Propr1e ·crrahi.p: Addro1ta' Individual: T lephon Wuro 'l(A.•., ' - - - - - - - . . . -.....-...._.. ..._.........,.._ _ __ I'll" 1 ' scope of problem' ---...,............._~~----,.......--- - I '-• 81' Biank ot F heh SB.rt •rim~ i,soo o! t e United Sta .os - ' . f ·~ Jo-. ·; ctdreae; • D t.~ ot ~at.. ent2y 1nt..o United '1'tato81 Openting lnder Treas Typ o o:t B11 ss: ·1 l'Gl' OJ Pa1·tnersh13 : Pr<>pri.etQr r;h i p 1 Co poraticmr : c io ta.ken1 "'~ T l e phono lh l>o1" 1 I- ·it ' . J.ot !' l\Ch oderlll J'lt'ff!'n Dank ()/ San franaiaco Pisoal. Apnt •m.C th& ni cd tat.ea , f [ r . Adult: ddree : Minor: l a o.: f ~l'DlllG~ I~· Pata of la ot ntry Opr.m1tihg under. 'l'rcta Citl <1niJl1i?f <I \) ' \tty i..:i.cet ao n01? : _ _ . ~'P" of Bu imss: )nrt err,hir : ?ropr let OJ' uh i p: Cor1')0ra io1 1 lndi rldua,l: rinc ipa.l prot.ier y ilwol v . d a () ;(.l 1 t (. <' Action ,a.ken: ·il v/i{,(A ltlaphon copco of 'r ob ..'.em : ,, J~ i ~ !(U 8 l __ 7ft!C) .....;;.. .._. Adult 1 , c-'drees : Hino1•1 I alo i it Fe lot Ci tLt.e of lant ot.\ iy :lnto \JJn~.ted z,e1 h! tatcs 1 0)·' rn ing un el' 'f;i:-ca1nJ.r-y Licenao now? 1 Pei' soi Into1•v i r ·10 t I .:.. .. • I I I ~---·~----...~----~---- ! ct Anitel B ane h F'Ne1•a.l RHf'M'G Bank of San 21'rMcis Fiscal h6'nt of h Unit..c<I ht.ta . • 1·-(11.114-11~...,_........."""~~~~..........~~~ Ad\U I tU.nor1 Mal : Fe b 1 CH.izonshipr 1> t ot Mlnt entry 'I'yj> or _nto Ur1itcd state 1 I --· l3 sinos Pair nerr. p : Per so Prupr 6torr.hip: A d eea: Cot•por'.lt1on : lndivi Wll : F'\rir.c1pal r,Jror. r y involved Ac ion T lophon11 nd a·copo of r.. o. o. a. &o14 en.1.R• • . .(!! ole:phon~1 lr.trtrv · (JJ'f! I d'u1t 1 l alo ; • I I Fetlllll@ r tizo1 ship; '· n 'le of I· t r.mtry itho Unit d Stat s : l T)')?t' Of 8'J1Jin. I I nr ner 13hi : Po •soi I.nt.Gt•vic rod r Propi· ;i. et or nh i p 1 Corpor,ltion : Ind vidualt ·':rinci1,al proper y 1n'V' e I l ct ion tnkon~ ,, ~ ,~ ~<:ope pf ~robl c (' ~ .- !RP!~ ,.. av. naie) 19!1r 1l e1~pho~ Q~ i I I 0\ I ln~o~v!e'1¥ I AduJ 'tt X LU.nor 1 Jijd o i x ]lo' 11&.Jo1 Ci Dll t · Gt l rut 01~ rat ontn • mto IJ i t r cl "IC , eai 8 \l.n' r '1 r i;,a U".Y J 'r. ~ .11t lne rJl)(H.· ed t ~1alty •• tollo ep ono llllll\b on th $: 'That th1 n le i n t e lowing hi arr et tor. ) anese v~oue s, in th~t l ah .......,.,...~,.,...,..,F_,•---·-4-q:t - - - ---....,,...._.. ..,.~----- i cem~Q n~w?: _ _ _ _ .......- T~ hAI ....-;..--.._.._._.........=· l' I m.or-ning ot Qt ·t-h · loo al f deral e.uthor1 ti s tol• v olat1on or regulat on a pl1 caple ~o Jap1 bout par. t , he had travellea re than 5 mi &e t om his. hOllle r t:rtoteed area .. l r . a.tldll• ste ed that tro.m ~ntor t1or1 that oom to him concerning h . 1 t •PP• ~ed t h at l or1 as nort10,u ltu.r1at :).n llll o~ lying dttttir1PtJ t ', ~he ha4 trrtv1ill Ii e t ba.11 5 l s from h1s bODle 1n OOM qt1on wttb tA • r.. t1ng ot t'low rs and hftd baen err ated '!or s0 do1n.s 1. ~hout a P• ; t h at fiUb11equ n ly, h1le . . orl was on li1e ay to th.e loo Federal ll..dn~ ~ ;presuma ty ~ oonnui ion w:l th hie ureet, Ill we a.!ln arr a tact on o• • 1 tho s ~ O· rge; t hat th;1s ~n 1 1JubJ ct to an oxolu1 ou oi er whi(ah 1a Hori waa du tor a:rr 1 nmei1t on these oha.l! •a b !Qr ud & l u.-ry o lzer in the l.ooal Uni te~ 811 tea l.str-tct Oourt a•t ll • • on ll 27, 19 e; ha it . ould be of 1n~er at to the vaotXe :r ;perty part n t to ow i • ti a, us ot lfor1 ' s ro ~~ l ,n t r sts and t -·~ t po 1t101~ ot h i ~ case. Aoona~t t o~ the oa. 111\ ot tl:le l .• Jr. . oal nda.r in J ua s Ifollz e.r' e Oouit·t O.Q vr1l. 27t • , and 1~1 aom1 ot1on wt h Hori. ' s a:r!t"al ;n nt ot t ired ~o t te i t a t-1 ud of t l1e C<)urt . be O o~rt a rslted o tQ do so, n<l expl 1,n e<I brir.dly ~ll ob Jeo t v s ot t 'l'aou ee r1,>p irty D part ... !\t 1 t4 r J. tlon to the. ol'derly d1 o t1 on ot t h pro r y Int reeta ot v o\le s , int d ou tha 1 1 -0t' il ~ re - t to golfer n tal &\lt ortty t~ t nro in . o~pe Q ~r eted th v oue on r• in ao tar•• prao it.l oable, an 1 ~1 .e>•t~ that l 0~1 gb t hav·• l. ven. a p l to .f rel wl bln th e· tr o1ed a ea ,., ei appl.1ed ~c ---......;_;,.,. ettective to rro , , r11 28, 1.9'2• t 1 t 1 r tor o~ , tor t h purpoa Att 11 ot rketla h a tlQ a'd<llt.lcr'la1 paae \'here n1101Jrt!a~ r•. ( ea p~ • Lo An l.~ Brr.meh 1" d rill R"s9t'Ve D1tnk or San F:ran isco I" cal. • gen of hei United s a os en te) TtJlephon<H In to-ryiei•f 1 2) I t.e of 3.act ent1y · to u. it •:d ::tatee: Pen· 01 -r. ·t r J -<k 1..i 10 t ---- ---""'- ' Ad ra!l81 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Te:l.aphono U ll!l'\Y r: 1 1·1ncip l pro'.f'Orty irwolv Jd and scor>e of pro l n. : port t1 to t i e cl us ton 0'11<1 er I l d att nt1o oue ro ertr D p rt h1oh 1 tre ot1ve tom.or oaetod he fould prob bl \ or1t 1n oonneotlon ~ r In t d1 ouss1on t o a..rge w1tn a vi olation guilty. lt q e ti nln Ac.t on aken : ~f pp 1•ed tl: lad of bi ~ rr · d rr lit ry au- h to b L Al'.lf lee BrMch fed &l ReeeM"e Bank ot Clan _ ranc1sct) Fbo&l Acent of the Llr1l ed s a o Ad >.lt: Uinor: } ol I Fcmal I C1ti.zenehipi Da~e of last entry into Unit d Stmtaot 1 or r ~ury L ccnn n011 : rero , ddr Telephone Jl . ber 1 l>tindpal proper y invol v d ar d scope o mi .ola~h~no i Intervi .w t Adult: Da e o lMt n ry into lJniled 3t Or ra ·lng und r Tr aaury Lio r. Ty e of Bu111neas 1 Part·noral i. 1 l rorr !ltorship1 Corpor ti on 1 Individual 1 r· 1.nctplll prop r ·y in I 77 I 1' 1 nml': 1 P r,:;on 1 t 1•vim1 d: _..........._.._.........._____........._...___ Add as: T lo rhon l ved · nd II r: - - - - -.........- ........._..._.......,....._,.._ Adult : Ji.nor t Hl I !Pr.male Ci (citv} V JJ r Liu . 1.1.11u~1 · -u· Pers n i~1t , d 'Off l T er111 l"Vi ·1 & : n : i~ens t ip 1 Loa An $les Branch dtril Rnervt Sank of n Francisc al A4Jftn ot the United · lJ i3 eleph~ci ,ll'\terview1 Ad Ad\llt l J "6S!I f ( Strae t~ and ISUiriberI' I .I ;' 1 Da e of las 0 ra·i ' ' ' • .,._......._. 1 (City) (state) ent.ry into United States1 w~der Trea ury L· cen..,.a now'i': or Gon 'int t-vi l/ec:l 1 /1ddr s: Teleph ne l umber: Goope of ptobler I k n1 · ch 11 d, 1 'l / j '4] , J • ,. Fer11a.l : Citbenship1 - ·"'_; _...., I B aineaa: P rtn rship: ropr ie or hiJH Corporatl1.on1 Indivtd~ 11 , ' Ac 1 n inor 1 .Illa! 1 to.~ ~h 0 ,an P'e• "·--~ B&.nk or fltano:bc teal Atont ot he nUed ~ ahs dUlt ': Ui.l1or 1 JI lo : F Jlllll : A d.l'<HlS t C ti zenship1 Oat oi' lau n fyp nt1 y in o Un tC"d st.t11 ~l'J I under' 'f'rea nw•3r Llcenti1e nm1: t of BusiMa 1 PM•tn r s hip 1 Propti& or 1i Corpo.r a ion: Irn1i\r dual 1 rtnc pal G 1 ty involved Te o phon ~ ~ cope lh .1m'b()l': of rroble I Loa BratWh An d•ral Reatrve 1\ah,k of &n ranohco 9Q~ Agent, of he Unlted Stat$ I 1 Adult: A<idx ee1 Minor 1 11.a). I ....N 8 J 'Jl'ei'llllt3't Citiionahipt I>n\, or la t ~_ ,, ____ __ ,_,__..,.,._. r--- 11 - )r a.rt.~0. · "h p }' on -~ t ~11 l'Vi ~ VO I - ~ ,/ ; Prop1 • •l o 1111 Co1'po :i. t ;i. 011 : It d vi uali ( irinc1 pal :pror r y tnvolv id A dreftst 'rttlephono n 001 i;bt~ t·: e o r: ' oblcm : ) Ac "ht ~.on ken: eh adiH .!anal f>a u Htlero n cess l ~ Dt of s en 2·y i1 tr'! United ---- Sta · ~ Addr "· : _ I ' - - " _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _._...._.... 1 elq:;hnn Ii" .ci ,'!l.l f.r' ... 'i invcl rf?d 01 d nco. o of 1 :r ' luruh l' : er : -~---- Ad.1 roo ..- , ~~~"""--.:....,.,...._,,,_,_~._-~ ...... ra J of lu 1 11 .:id "tatec 1 l ~ f. ( J. 1 Adda· r"' I { /), ~I Pa~ o of ll n l ~I s1 c.intr J ~r 1, ng under r int") Unit ~d . tat r. 1 rea ury Lie ei r no ·1? : Adell· · .. a.dt i1.i l ~r; s ,.1 uro i .., ! /ldul l i ir.-r : ( D o lE': Feroall' : Ci1 i:wn hi ) l st on i·y fa ~ Uni ud S ate r 1re ~ur ' L .o eti5 - -..... f_ _ _• _ __ . _........- - . _ , _ . . . . __ _ _ now. r F a· -on I M.dr c:: en t k< n: , i rvicwcd r - --·----------- ---·-~--·-- --...·---- t.01 /. er fte•~ • Branch ~ Bank Qf trano $eo tecal ~t of ihe United Sl~tea AdvJ.t..1 '{ llmo~1 Ull.lct !~omiiJ o: C1\ti~<"nship r Opara ihg 'Utlder Trea.sury Li ans no1·1? : --.,_ __ Pe- •s o .10111 tllken : 1 Int~ t 16 l 9 1her osea.ry vi ·1od 1 . _;:._ ... ____ l • • !'!! ~.!!.l~~e - ·~ tee .Aapl••• O•U.t•rau Dett • Dl'il.. 'l 1 "'°.,.*", n......_, ' " ' .,_,.Id .. la • ,...,... -.... Oa I. l 19'• JO Hll-4 l!l \ 11*1\ll ..,.,.... M JY • ' • •t. r e Dllrl• .... u ........ 't'8.. ,.. .... .....1.. • .,,. ,., - . . . . .ft'l . . ., , . .atr 1.ton •• u ' • .,..r • ... -... t• ••n .,. Jr 1 h • •all • a1 •t *• .. •••l• ,... • ,_, w la "' e ottlt• i . , ...1... t '°" _. • • a M d 11 M alU h / •.r ff Jm , Anli'l!Jleo l'h-a.neh J,o Federal Res'"8 Bs.~ ot San Franc e.r.o i eial gent ot t le Unite statee ~Ii!, I/_! 'l'olep on 1 nto1·vhw,....f Ad\.llt1 Uinol' I 111110: Femal : CitizorifJhip1 t nto or 1a G Bu irlc.. 1 ~ Por n :r"'sh p : Propl·i to:rshl Co1•por"1tion: Tel phono N Indivi.d 1: ~ r111oipal prot.iert:v involvocl aOC soope of t:iroblom1 r J\o r·· . I< ..... . on takem ,} /L ~ t h add ion l p "- (,f ~ I- 019 Where r.e.c.os ry .(_ l•t•r ~os .r. a. o. a. •ii• •'k1aa 1\d~it t -f· Hi.n<>11 , lt&lc:: Ferne.le: 4 C tizer ship r ICJll"J;...,W:.«J c~a of laot cnt y to Unit? Gtatoa : Ope11,· 1.mdt,!l'r' 'fren r; ,Licer,;. o now'? : '['ypa Of s: Pn.r n rahip( l'Ol)r i.e tor uhip I Co:rpor tion: lnd1vid al.: 1ilo hon Pr noipa:t property ;involved 111 0 flCQfJ of 1'r ob1 ()t1i ~ ~ ;t ., r'f. ' Ac i.4'1'\ t· ken: " (.,, I 'I ~ ! LO J.nlfitll. deral R~sm ll1acal ti Branch ()f S ~·ra.i.~cl$C/ gimt of the IJn tod S $ti) /, •,/ _.,...If;~, . {!Jsrrn----Tohphc;>n : . hh.t•v"l.ei'H I../ I p'~r--,_...... 1d Mino r v l!.alo: Feinnle; Citiz~ ship;. ...,._.,..._......,.,..,.._. )r. te of lact en i·y '1'to \J, i'1 cl i£t.a e~1 l'yp>J Of f)usinoaa: P rtn (11' shj J Prop,r 1 i to~·r;hip1 A dt"'e Bt tion1 !ldirld 1: 01·r.;0r l'rtnci~al pror~r y in.volvr? t i. taken ~ * nd scopo of r ol:ihr; 1 Los hn/?"('l, 9 l R c nrl'l ~r Dank ::>i of he I ~n .~h I\ • r a nc ~ ~ ~,., c Sla "e 11f;: ~ Ad.dr Adult : Ufo r : '.al : ~ f'r;>mal : , Ci iz@ns i fl lH Dl'I • of l c'.l.t> ot\ r ) ,G>ra :i ,,, unde r ir.t nit c d St t ll i.o n , n ort? : P~r !1cn ! nt Ad ·cs ·v i .. ,.,!.' ......,._ : ___ ,...,...,._..,..__,, ___ ___ lt ....,..._....._ ' rrll. r.»l ·r- (;) /1 c 'c.n 7 (1 I I )w· Los /l.n,gio s 8 ancll ped"1'al rtea4'?'ve Bank of ~an rr~ oiscb F scat Agent of the Ullitcd &tea -LJI '-/ I LI • {bate) . ; 1-l T~lepl\(>ne 1 I () Inti rvfou; I v J\dul : ) i.nor 1 'l\l : Femnlo: C). henahip r Addraesr -------.....---"-'-"-·----~----- l· T:i. or n d.~• ~A ~ J'l'l\'f'? I Por ss : &rtr" ·rl"::l ] Oil l tel'V. IC 1 Propt' · etOL" h Cor per U or : lndi ridual: rii cipal prorJ&rly in¥c>lvc tako~ : · Tttlophono H 1bm:• 1 f and cope of pr obl em: t _______ . _.,.. Adu.l.t; UinOl': 1 rUO I Fer lo 1 Cit 'ZOJ ahipt v at· or 1.ast Qnt1 y ()riA'I'~ ,1ov un~ ~ r: to U it.qi <;tate81 .......__,.......... 'rBa.s :. > of rL1.. a: PPrtT"" ,. l: : A Prop\: .or .. h1.p i Addror.1H Cot'po!"l.t ora1 I d1vi.dual: ':)' inc pal 1.rror,ert)' .\11volv d nd Ac ion takcn:·if copo or prohlrtm: AJIPll 1 nlt • t JJ•1w r. t 1 ff.~ t.1ro ...... I dult 11 , ~.drass 1 Hofo 1 Fmc:J. j~ Ci ~ i~ens1 p1 "?I ( I lhto of la.1)11;, entry into Uni .ad Sta a ; "'r .· or nu inoL:a~ Partno11 ohip: l 1•opd.etornhip1 Col·poi'a ion r Indiv1 UR.l: Telorhono l urnbm~ 1 ·l'i:Mipal prop1n·t;r 1nvclvod ar .. scope o(' 1robl.em : i( 1 J»tta.r.1 adc i lon, 1 pa.:,e iiher- a neco1r. ary ~l/1. t:t iir ; _ 1 • I ··( I ~~;;:..::_~~o=;:.=:;-:.;o.:;._=-::::.=-..c:..::c~.::.:..;o:.;;;._:...:..:.;::..;.,;;;;~ EWil.. OF AMERICA TO: TIO?W. TfillS'I: CAPtT.U. COKP1Jl!. I, the T!-ustor or lfortgagor n&!lCd in that ctrui.z! D of Trust or ~ st.all inc ode ~e !luece...!:cr in in .,tre con~-Xt requires shall j.nclua lurs.J. n ment • d.ated0a\t, i1l QP, tUlC. ll. o£ 0 ficia..l Reeords o! -..1o111W1L..tililol~-...JL _ _ _ __ hereby inf'orm ou dnd rt1prestn t ior or ope-.:rate the p~ses s ee to ~ lie that the security under2.ying UV ind btedne hereby reqv.eetee. to taicu ove:r the su rvi.sion and .wwcw.~;i: (Xnlsto?" or Jlo~or ~ of ei ..her and when i,ostru- t lilld in consi.Ceratlon of our doing so, the der lgned does h reby cons nt enterinf. aid premises, and a your bso2.u::.e a.n0 unc.ont....""<> ed. authorized wi. th n:ference to sai.d proper-V bu not required : or rent uither the To l rt or par , and upon such 1;erm To ~ or prob!ct to th e:xte:n t neces_,, y, t.o manage, o rs. te and otherwise pos To pcrfo!'lll instl'ument cretio.n, orizeC.. eured e to ter:ns of net. are I f tc coll ct or US£- 1 "'O 'bcc:o... · oue or ot.::e pr-eiai~es, ne co~ !trr.. te. re ~~e you !'trl both of ou, fro r&ason o~ aey c..ct. of cot issicn er o is.sicn performed pursuant int.ent here.a!' U> give _ < u · d ' t.e , f · 1 d e bsolute control sec d sai~ Hen ln:.;t- elaa You u ~ You e use and. eont.rol of li O!l sei - µ:- ~e t tels <...!lrl. pereonal P- ope ot which said eh t ~.s nd pel:"SOnal oper y hereof, withou<.. repiih ef' t.!:te ~ li~ill·:.y t.o _e Q.: ~ ttached h reto ders::.gneC. for _ fil'ltai for the nd othi,ng hf:l"e:iti srulll ha eeetlt.:C a.nd Election to Se and :l'oeeetling acy mortg& n e ecv 1t in your oeces:iary and propel" fo. ~ your If and :hen tbi:J author zatic cuoc uron .: BM: OF CA N.A...IT\!01IAL TlmS'I' CU 1 • and/or C.tJ>I'rAL CO , ~ e.!'td in tha~ event t.l::te t..erlDS and probe 1rre oca e on pt::..rt of the · ersiene<l. and S! ~in visions in full f"o:rce and effect, until the li.en inst....-umen is ~tingu.:Lshed. VIBC.S U IO, lHI Adult.: :Jinor r .!clo : Address~ F . 1 I Cit z, nsh P~ ..Ner:;...-..~ / ate of la.11t en ry 1.n G> United <tat a r {I. _____ ______ _____ .. J.o p on th.u:. err ril ci l pro erty involved and scope or rro r. j on akcn: nal p ~ '9tl ~P n c e~ (.1 ·-----..-......~ .....f""·-----··-·---------·-"'............ dd ·es1t 1 dd~ i .., l~mi __.., ----- --- --·---- Lo• ~~1oe DN~h . Jfede1•al ReteTV. nm 10( Sm ?raneitico Phcal ltilln -o! t.he Un titd S atoe dultt i l 1.i or i L J.o t i P'8Nll6J CHiz ice tJ r~sh nou? 1 Pal"tr 'f' r : ?roµr:i. 01" hip 1 Cot·po1" t lo : ncU 1dual:'tf JWO ~ v:::d nd ~C0j10 of pr oblent: ,?i /(,, .,..-z; I' .;d..("- Action ken : ,i fhere nee sliar • Adult: t<inor 1 • pal. f1roperty .lnvo v d nc! scopo of I r ol'>l m: , o on taken: n I Lo1 A ,eles Branch F~der'al. ~um Dank ot S~.n ,Qo i,o.i Agont of ~he united St~tGS c~+:----- Teb 1>tie ~ tnt,erv1iow: 1. Ad\ll.t: Min ·1 Yale: · r~lot Citiict el ipr Qf la t entl'y ~to IJnit od l at&s1 Dat \lpora.ting under.- Trea$ I) icy '.LiOense novr?1 ...,.,,________..__.___.....,,...__ _..,..., <>f Bur;ine.s!!i artnership : •op•ie 011s:>hip1 Corporl). ion 1 Individual : 'folep'hon copo of l um'be r: _ _.....-......._.__ _..__.......,.._ __ roble •. _./. i"