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ITOIAGI NOWCI The lltt ~f 1«:~ ~mn1 0o lh m•mt: Midt: of thl• forCll. hitve btai plilclt4 ln l!IM• t •I. • pla~t tn~1~td br.krw with t21t ' e~tl..,uf th.011t if.tmt •peciiicallr • dlntt·ll on die rt: •¢ru .ide oif til\b {o~ •s not f~mCl, or ;,Oit dtlhtrtd .. ~he undtr~IJnl!'d ttprt~l:l~~t.i"t: ·rd 1'*1' !1e4tfll Rettrv" ~an\ of Sa.n rnnd.e;QQ, .. ,,•• I }.gent of th~ United St•tc I Cit' .. •OI ~of the lfrC>fl~ h'.P• f(lt ·~of)ce. T\t, 41iorr4 .._, .... fdt:tl~~ only liJ to i.h~ 'C lW•r of 1 ~,~or boJ~ll, •n<f 11c~ n UJ the tontmh thrrwf. INITRVCJIONI TO OWNll ~fore an 81"11:1 Go •a1rn tecl for ll{>Tllt: br ~ Unit d th. • f!l11lll m1111t b fill~ iti U11d O(lnft•mUt.r wilh Ilic cdit.t Tu WpJ' WI UN i t J11'0ptrcy. c CJ,,11 ~trol 5talil0rl at 'll'~ith ,.ou '11ttr d fo~ tbe: b . r tadi PY 1 r. ltc!ul• to be I ft fot #I.Ota.fl mulit be drtfully li!IUd. lterr.t not cm the pl'i11te~ l.M b~ld be '111lltc11 tttome ,t o 41Vll(IUll.1Jtwn . Ob U111h na.U J,rtdtfl!~ mu14 1tily P'""'° in ., or ooxo tif 'tl<it le~ t'IJl•o ( l) OUlblc fut ~a.i:i•~t'Y a,nd llrill ndlh tdl ~1.llif4r a t~ nrr t:<l' r •h ~·r.r d~mii be ~ e ~111111~u bu pnpantd for f ·~~~. e. ktola • ........ Cll* _,...._~--~ ....,. ...... ·+-~---4------~-+--"-'.___~ _~--,,.~.,. AbOv items consist of.. . . . nd1vidua u 1 s. If th~ property to 'have been deli,•cted, aod "'hich ~ uilly WU deliv~ u loft,~. a# tl · IJlt of nqcl.igent1: while jt ta in 1!he pollllCliion or C'J.00)" ot the United~. or.:/ anr aerocy tcdt\a for it, · th~ , gn:N al die United St.ate will he uked t.o t-b appruprute iction for the bwdtof the. ownera. FR.ANc1sco EDERAL RESE VE BANK OP' Fa 1ll. y l Wll er _,,..1...®...l...l.....,........,..........,.... '"'', ..... , C nt !t' ~ 1!.'nolo a is o. oo 'I p f fom .. c..,A-~ r y 1o ator po u th loo pro1· rt;; r o 1ved n re n wit ou . ~p ..2 Xind 7 ack40 !o ear oct o end turniif: th !lno osc co1:i~ c .l!i t\ e il:'ro er y D"l rt1~ent, 'ed~rnl R iunv F ·anc1 J ·o, '107 soutl 5 > ing S re t, Los .lu11•e You.r·s very ruly, \ _,,, co er1 11'1.d cut (l ha 1 i•t .... ~ ----~~--~--· .. ... ,. ~ · .__~~~-...-.---._......__ CfTll31 'The proputy ~ M u.e fe'l'crr.e ..., ()( thn fC>flD locatd ~ we iaddrr. .jy~ abo~ II ddiwud lo . . 141..J llellm'e IPlt ,,. ... ' 1 rudtco, u Arrnt of tm Uniccd S~tel. at the de ri«ilr. o( the undcnlrnrd,, It I• a1rttd that ao tiaNUty or tr M lby tile ::'~~~ ll.....uvc Bani of 5~11 PrandK<i for •ny 1c1 or fJl1lh19lcm in 'Motdion Mth it. d~~ . ft la unde that ao fl\fllr&llGI WJ11 pro idtd on tb l1 111·optrty. Pi""" ••llff •att Note 10 o...,.n: PO NOT WRim 8Bl.OW THIS UNB SJORAOI NOTICE 'rhe U.e of ~· tppcari11J on the r cr.t •Ide of tlil• i 1111 h1v1 been pbrcd in atol'1l e at the plate in~Clt<d btJow with tllt ''KctJ114oa o( 1.hp1111 ii~• h)d!Cated 011 the mme de of thi1 for111 u not fou11d 1 or not drh"•ettd to th~ ur1dcr 11ned r¢preernW4vie of ~ Pitdt~-1 Reetrvt Bal\\ of Sao f'r11.11t.1~ _. fl11Ca.I Arj(ent of the. Unitrd Stille&, or a• n<4 htinJ of the pr •l!f ll'f>t for itoraft. The •tortd ~ &R id~tiitd only II to jihe flll.lllber f IUIDti trjitd, or buie~, and n H l o the cont~nU ~rreof , U.Of.O l lf S'TOL/1011 AT- - - - - __ , INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER • B~forc m' fr prrty .,ill bt. acccpud (or l Conttol rage by tht United u~ bt filled Ir! ancl l~l oon at whiC!b 1•011 ngiltut4 for be left for lilorage ''tmmtn1 four ( 4) oopie• of tliil foia1 ~ Control St.atfon, c. copy, checkt.d for conform.ity Lb the otiht.r t.hret, wnl b gi"tn to th n t of the proptrty. The C(fJ.'Y i'ti¥tt«I to Qie ormtr • •111 hf ~'idence mcrcly that athtr copin f tht form have bt,l'n t1l\•tttd . At t 1u11t tht <1writt 11111 tca,•e th kt»• i.o the pla« rn: t roptrty ti to bt fo nd, or ma.Ice artan cmeau to df1h•tr the kt)'• to e rcprtKnC..11 c ol l t v1~ Property Dtpa.fluncnt ol lht f to nl rve Bank of an Prtincucio before if.a · nJ ll.t- aN• ¢ 1U1 C. 1 tt\4 dt;l')Ct 1ic t..opy ddf,· rtl m the o.·nu mu u , crat the v 1.hDVi!a I.he .oUJllber of itct r daunt h ha prrpu~ for lll<tl"lge. not n~ t tc an a rlird Ul\' cnlory . Jt doe not con ill•(e a trdied U111 . It n• conllitute any t'Vldrn« of i.h numl:itr of It aaiuall ttor or- Clf l ~ 111mt1 ( bo1u, cruc or Jtc'lia . Vtrl~oa· t.l<>n t>f t11e 1M· ~ry L of •itmt a 1.1ally red will be •de as r;wr•ct IS acco1J1f1\i1hed. A m6cd 111.t • II tllrn be f.>rwardod 10 tl1e CM'lltr It de>t 'I'll« fOf'1 '1/ iAt lin ••Util t'1 lhl' o••rrtr .,111 ur'"r ., • l!rrm•«•I <•'1•ll1 twwvtl ~ 1/d,., """"'" -4 •'-"'' I> ERVEB KOP Cl CO d is a oo y of 1'orr .. c oed l s or6ea nt t e pro~ r ~ r cel v d r es y to l.08 Your Anr al v ry / ~ ... ( _c 'J s ant t o t one oa i ac ~·(__ ltOIAGI ' None• INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER 'Stfort an1 P'fvP rty ll be tt.c'W lc.r t ra try t:lu.i Un '1~ 0() tr~ mt four ( '4) c:opit• of l~' I rrn mullt be filltd In ~oo 1et uq1td to t.11~ ..1 ·ii 11trol ~ ion at wli you .- ""ntd for t t bac'k of .-a(lh oopy d.e itm., to t.r ltft for tou t tat Ct jJ Oooud St.lion. oor. tht , "'ill be "' ~o th l-0 thr (JWllt~ will bt py, c:btditd f L RESERVE 8A:NK OPS ~AHN1'0I TllB U ITSD STAT& Eooloaed ~s a oo y of f()~n .. CCA-FW 3.. 2 cove.ring r 'l plao d in ator e at the lu.o ! ocHca ~ci OJl Th ptopurty r o · 1ved o . ;reea l th t lift Kindlv sit;nln .!£ e \\ae ~· and r oc~~owle urn n th r opa1•ty lJeJll.l.rtn.o he onol.oaur by of t21s le te o <r:.·v Ba k of :snu pe r c 1 nclosf.i , Fe do ·1rn.o iuoo 1 ?0? sou h 3 ,r1 n . Str et 1 ~o Yours very (' .... ·~ • ssis ent of h~ no ooure 1 ac no~ led S - ~~--1'111--1~~ 'i'-lfa~ IJat tl' _---.~1{,. ur ,.--·· . na~er d --- , Cli!l i "or11ill . ly , "" . \ Rec l ueel (___ c.--. 'The pl'o~y ~ qc1 &.M Pr.-d~. 'Jliecal At~ of . , l)bitl!(f etc of tW. lc-r• &acated Jl die ad&rt.11 i¥e11 .,.,. ~ lldlt1etul ~• •• PMml R•tw .._. .I Silll 1 t,t the ~ ii!lk of ~he 1,111dmiJnrd. It h al*d na llabllky ot reiipoa"1blllftJ ..U ~ ...... b1 t)Ki Pe erw Jltt(ne- 8t.11k of S•n ·P nnd.a> for U))' ad •Or ~""'*lrm "" QQ~l!lfJCl!iOlll Mtb .. d...... It .. •4ttltood, .... ~"°' will pr ovld~d cm thiJ p1vptrty. '° (. Hou to f,>O NOT WRJTB tml.OW 1Hli LIN STOltAOI NODCI The Ut1t oif ite1111 1ppui\aa on th~ revt.l'lil! Iii.Si <Ci f thlr foun ha ' bun plattd i lltC>r" ldow with •he A.~pdoa of 1bo111 ivlllt *J)eci~c111l, llld;J~ oci die rei•rir. alcle o f tbls f()fQl u not foupd, or nq,t dtll trtd t.<> tbt un u coe tt pre.tnt.iteve of th~ Feider&I'ft Bani~ ol S.,n lhnci!IOQ, M RillCla.I Ateni nf tk Unh.ed Sta~•. 9r aa nl'.4 btin of the tir~ type /or •t r&"t 't'ht 1!1-0rt.d itirme tN ldtntilied ooly .. to t.he 1111ml>cr o-f atate, ct,1e1, -01 box , uid not •• to th~ oonttnu thfftof. 1 1>1 '1'---~'t--- lhGlfr,D- f Rc1mrmni"' tit, Pt1ht•l ll4i1mt & ..~of S.• ff•C'l1«1, ., fl••o.I A1""'· of me United$~'''· INSTRUCTIONS· J'() OWtflR Bd~Jrc 'ot an 10 1 ~ton,i;e by tobc Unit d ' {oru (CIUllt ~ fillrd in an<! prQpcrty ••lll be all\Ot'ptcd G<ivtrmncnl four ( 4) o'>piet £ rd rnrd to tl.c or -ii C9nt rot lttion a.t \'l/h ch )'Oil rrgu~ rtd lot tnnut:lon. On the bar\i of Htb ClCJpy the i t:1U• to be hh for 11t.c1ra e mun bt (jJrtlully \1111.ed . ltt\(ll nQJt Oil ( t Jlrmted I Ill uld bt ll(•ritt n in r blank •P~ provi d n ti lurm 11ul ir,rticl!UI mu ht et 11rt1y pack~ l'l <1rlil·~• 0t: bons of n than two ( 2) cubli: f ~ ~ptolt;i and • l\I. ~· in la.~d ~imply du., , ,..m ha " to t hr ownu br 11 cklh•tr~ll At t iii thnt btn de-1 I k at OI tr t ol t~i for111 have o n r rnu.i lean tlie key• ht place to ~ lounJ, or arra.nget11f!nt11 ·IO d i1•rr t ~ UI~ 'C or t I! iE • ~ Proi~·ly Dep11w11:.!lt. of Wit. n•t .Ba k I ~" flr•oa;llOO befort Sn.,•1 th~ al' .a of I• HI dCin(Jt, Poll •, .,rd cralt' It dat not o<in. ''1trdicicl 'Jilt. lt ~h .....~---+---~~--i-'~-~w_....___ .....~---..-~-.-~ ~- ....;;;J ·~ ·t'------t ------~~+Pll~•llM 1-----1-----+-~...,,,.... ~ fED RAL C r RE BANK OF SA l"l CAL Ae1NT or ms U1t1mo ST.\TI ERV -e [>t"O fGrm . d. ill o oopy of fo.rm .. COA-JiH povetlng d 1 n atof'I\ o t. the luoe indioc..t on r eoe hed a . IL" e!J 'd th u U uh- y you . y Atir Ycrnr ,. . r to I .1k of Jaa s , Cnl1:1'orni11. very \.... .,..-;,J / ,, soia ant ' neror The 11 t ot itdl• appeuh1J on lh•· rt"t.Nfi lidi! of tl1le fona \b~ve bcci11 pi~ ~11 at til•e pl~ ind awd ~ With t>llr ·~~of t:atff on the rtvtrK c of th a form u not found, or (»(jt dtl11'tt~d I\) the 1.1nd1 r I ntd reptettl'\loa.UYci of Ill PH~ ~rve '!talr: of Sari r~N~. w Piacal A tnl of 1h.t 011lkd or •• n!Jt ~iDI of tht proper l>'P• 101 11 1a e, Tl r. ~m( i44"MI 1111& ldtnti ~ onl1 aJ to the auml>! r 111 i~ro1, itnt:U1 or u, a.Qd A4'! o toQ rib~ ~n!t~la ""•. l'b1>11t itt.W IPf!d•caDy .ind Bilore 101 rr<>l>trr)' ..,11 be: accepted for •tor"e 11 thr. ra1 a Go,·r.1 tnl four ( 4) ooplu of 1 1 fou~ lllUlit ~ '!ltd m ~nd rtLUrntlt to tLt Ill OonlrQI 1atJ1>n a t •hich fO'l r g, u red for u1•ac•1at1on . a !.he hacili of e•d1 O"py the 1t<(:tt.' to bt ldt for ooge n.u I hr oard lly l\ltt4 . Htlfi _.ot on t pnotc'lf list hould be -..r;tttn tn th hl•nli ipltH provlde.d 11n i.h.11 fCirlll. Of bo1<: of l'IOI 1t ;terns consist of u th~,.. herri" da.imed tA:l l\J,\-.: betin delhrt,ttid, a,nd 'lllihidl aa th nsu1t o( necf.ige~ while. it i in ~on rau~od M ~ United Sb.t , or of lh)' agency a~ fQt k. Oan,g~ of t.ltt nittd St».12s Wt1l be ub4 to bb '& pJIQpri&ct ~ for the beoe6t ol the Ol\ll'DUI,. CAL-AoBJrr °"'""' KO 'S ~CISCO UNITBD 81>.T'BS ~nelo1ed !J a copy ot t'om l"JCCA-J!'R& ... 2 ~ovsrtna your ~r•p ~tr Pltce~ l~ etG~ at i~e iee l~lqat•~ ou be fo.,.. Th• pro~erty reo$h'ied asreea wlth the Uat ~u,bmttted iby N'O\J w,t.\h tne fol.:LoV11bllt nceptlona; 1 O ~ th 8• pr rec 1v ~ • ot lt , • l Crt M tt~ r · tv d - o J 1 e~ . Kladiy acknowledg reo ipt ot the eoolosure by slgn~ and 11turnlll@ the enalosed copy " th1e l tter to ncuee Property- Depart111ent t Fedei-.1 Reserve 81mk of. San r&JlOi sco, '107 South Spring St:reet, Los AngEtl.os, California, YOW' Receipt ot th~ eoolosure ls ae~no ., ry it:rulf. 1edged ne litt U.f iilmll -~~nt.. <jP lltlld~ tdd (>I ~hit f~m »1a\le tn 11'1 l!llO...Jt at ~"e pli~ ir11I u.t«I, bttJQW with • e~~ of Cl!''trflt 8idt of dlit foful •• nqit found , oc not dtll\'llrcd t~ j}w, unlJu,.lirntd ·rtpn~tlli'I:~ e>f ~e ~rt,! ke.trvt Buk of San Pr. (i)~ciQ, u l'laral A1trrt Df tbt !)f atta, Of' " 11¢ being pf lhe ifl'l>p~r 1ypdo r <t1tora11t. The Mtotr.:d u.·dcknti6e"d ool; to the ~uambet ol ttemr.. c~fi. or ~xu, 1m4 i:wt f;bt co.nun~ ~hdrrJ1>f. 1 1>11c. It~• lf'edflctlly indit1t~ on lili~ tt•• ••to INSIRUC'AO·NS TO OWNER ~I le an1 proptrl'y 111 bt -c&p!~ few rJ&t by the l}nited 'Of th fo111> muat be illed In and r<tumrd the Q,'il Control St&tltm al w!Uch you '" gi1tr.n:d for nr•~• . On the bloc\ of t:l! copy the ittm• to be left ror ~•&lrt rn.u · be: c&rtfully li111ed. h<fJns not o tb11 printed. II t bould be .,.,...~ttn .Staid Govc11n cin1 lwr ( f) oo jn ~ l:i HI~ •~• tJ provldl'lil PT\ 1~1 'f(>r~ S11111ill art dC!tl' tMl~t ht ..,cur l y pa t I;\: il two (2.) h1tll ~apactitr and lt\ cr•tel! or bore• of 11ot le1!1 ~ ftdl1--.t d t.ltnpiy ., to nuuibu of ho r rio •~1e.11ipt !.dn1 maU.t to i1'C!llli1.t t;:in lhlP. lorm ~ e a.rt1 lt lhtttlfl . Ml cr~~et a.n4 Jlfi !ln\lilt ~ rtly p11 e llld laoim\ld, x, cr11ilit1 or, arµCluliua be idt11tlflcd wilb tl 'c•tullltd °""k ,,,•rtt C....11.U'ot !tiatio . ft I NP ICXll!t b~(jdk. of ~ti ~ • lltnn,, 'itr ua, l)r 0!1in 41111iJl or 1111• ~at1Ua1 ouw d jtt11>• ~I awqitd for lllfUl@ll:• Pum prod11co, bru lill•rfxtnny, &ut~oblilu, I~ ~. ti\•eat , or p~~ mu•t not I ,tt>d ... pr~a.t pr~ty on thfl fc.otm . Altcir * ~ (If cht fot11 l•vc \,ten. fl fr '·• •od il"~l"Jll>cf 11C> t avjl ObQtf'l'I ~~t ion, 01n 09py, l1 ~h t.lit other thrct, ..,m bt. ci1•en to !j}i, awntC' of the pr<1puty. co9, d ll\•t!1t.d to ~he l"''ll~ wjll be •cv dence. menly that ot.htt mrkf oft e form haw: bet.t1 dellvtre.d. At th• dint: ~ e owru:r t1'lu1l ltAVt lhe by I\) place wb ~e the pr-opcrty i5 to be: fo1.1,d, or ak.r artui.~ts to ddivtr Lhe \rJ? ~ e rrpre.eciMp~M of 11;1. lh•uuu Proprny De·Nrwtrmt of thr <!I'll ll._.,.c Ba Ii o l s.. n Vranci11a> ibtfor11 ln Ill c ~ra of bit mlidflnc~. Tiie t<Jipy ~clii•er~~ to t: t <Ji1'11 t mnly tltio14.·1 die riu \.c; of ~(llpf, .a. ~nd a ~W\1 wb. ch ID CTlllner chi.111• bt h111 rztPr«! I r ~on It dou 00111t:1tutt aa ari:CIJd inw:n , IL dot.• not llll . vt~'i d "It. I~ Ol)U not. oon-Utut.c •Ill' 1;~1 t cie of d.~ n111111~r b itt • MltUti.Uy sj(A'~d ~ of th~ GOlllenLt 1>f boxrl, if~f ~ r&d!l.i~ · lerit\ta• ol e in entory 1i t o le111t 11CJ1.-u•U1 llt ff~ .,.Jtt be mad~ ru 111 • .~I a.ooomplillhtd. A w:l'ititd 1Uit ~I then bl! fon ~r to th~ ownt:r. opt '"°"' T~ c•I''! •I tAl1 I Ill •dilW H tlrll .,.....,,. d 'F~ """4 6~ ll4lltt/Wll,. ~reJ •1 . . ., ,.,,Y« " • fi~ OllNIN6 ROOM ......-.~~....~~~~~-- 1 ..._,......._.......~~......_.....................~-~....~--~~.....~~~.-~..-...... l1~d1vi ua 11Ait&. lf tbe property ~n claimed to ha •e been ddi\•ered, and w'hlth a ,,fly WU deilive.ted i•lloet, duru u the rt1ult of negtlgwa1t ~e ~~ ia in ~ ~tdoo or cu11tody of the Un4ed 'Sta~. or of 1.ny t, the O>ogtWI of ~ Uoit41d 9tatet "1f] .aed w tUe ip~~ •clbl fw 1~ ~t Qf die E VE BANK OF SAN t"I CAL Aoma 0, Tff.B UMJ'IWD STATE n r nolo , ts n oo :r of :fo:nn .. CC.A-Yf.D ... 0 cov fir roperty plnced i ato~ng~ ut tho luo indicated on your the to mitt d Th p1·01 rt)' r c h d o " roe a' it l! I' h aul>- ou , y K1.1 d 'J rlmo r .tu:rn r 0.110 it.; aouee ro Fx~nc1sco r l'ty WI•lil'tmen , r d<..rn ?07 Sou h 5 r ng Str e Your vary rul 'J, / .,... ..,,, .,,,, ' ~ Aflaist ot. I Receipt of he noloa ra 4. ""o S OEW r oolrntn• edged l' LU'44CL Oil / ur tu,:: """ C.. No~'' 0""1lni 00· :NO'f WR1 .r8 1JU!LOW 1Hl LJl"(B 1 "{1 !~ "~lZJli 1' jl I , cntj It; '·ll Tu-. 11111> of i~•· appll&rill& ~I\ t t. re tM 11l~ of tlW fon11 h• .,.,.,.. pla.«tl 111 .iot• " At ~· rh•« ind all~ l;itlow ,,.;th t1'.t! "~°" ot tlw1111: ~'°" +pr.aii~ly tc.cil~•tl;d ~IX the ft''4'r•t llde ol thit. forf\'I •• lltlt lt'Jund, or n11t dillt\'tcttf t~ w•ttticntd repfi\"'111~!1 ·• ~( \lit f'c~r•1 IUKne Jl.anl of ui Fraii. fl qi cent of th n cd 5:1~~. ur '' ~ ~11.U <11 jil1e 11ropfr 1yp~ for 111.(Yrket. 'fl1c lil~rfld ~ "'111;i6td only •• the 111wbtr of ~tcm~. "'~ 01 bo1tti, a11d oot u the OQC\tcnu ~trCJl>f. •tt '° _SJ$.. - ~-n-=': tNl'JIUCTtONI TO OWNI" 'Btfw ;.nt ~ ,., II be f(lt ·~•et ~ ~ ~ Ll11i~!f &lilt< O\• •I ( •• ~pins ol dd•. (011t1 inwt. ht r11rtm\td to t c Q\ ,.rn 1V1 u uni ff t11e prope.1ty het"fin cWmod ro have ·ban deli\•ered, and whi acfuilly wu &livered i.lost, d11W111KCU. u the re.,ult c4 ~gep;ce whil it I& 1.n !ibe ~oo or· cult.Ody of lhe Urait«I Stud1 or of -.ny a ibe Oon~• of ~ Uni~ St.a~ will ~ Ukeid tQ tab ap p~rialie ~ for the bud~ of the awn~ CJ6CO y a co 1 of om .. c A ··'lfRP~2 r c l~ a r ea Yo rs V\\ l'l{ ~1 : i· tl .... ·1 <~ , !r is ok Oll>l ~ · (_ ~- :1sai s nnt n'l o on lirt suu- y, "" ot' th. o6ivati. stOMf1,0 at the pll.ioa ii'l lcat EJ'.9 Tour• T o. I lo J' U 1 o/ r1 OI di• JC'l'tl'K Ii~ of thY fora loqtr.d et ~ 1noeo ~ it deili.,.,.j IO ~ ..._.. 1-rw ,I the Uft!wd ta, at the ~11 riD. of 1dw MDderailntd, It i1 alff.!C'd ~- «10 Ii.witty oir r~tr . .Ut- ....... liy t.h, ,.._,... ~ Bank or &Ill Prudllt'O for t.ny Mt « C1111*'°'1 iCI *~ b ita di1J)(Nllio11. It u ~d~~ 1U.. ~ will bt JI clff Oft lb property. 1\J .,.my 4eea-a.ed Jira~, it Pilcil "° ITOIAGI NOYtCI Th• 1li1C 1,1f k4aa appe:atltll 911. die rnoe1*e ~& of ilhiil {0t111 havt liun pla~ Jn ~ a&1 th~ placic. ll\ be!• wich 1.b e~ of tbOIM jtno• ~kall1 mdi~d cm die revtM illid~ o( W. fol'lll Ill Ml fcru'1d, or n~ dellYuecl to thi undtnil1otd ~ tall'~ of the &~tnl RCSM""• •rJi <if San u ial Airtnt of tht nit« Stata, "' Ill Oa& bdn, o( die proptr type for 111.<>rairt. The ~I~ lt.«J\• ar.i ldtnti,~d onl1 •• to n111Dbtr of ltcmi, c-,.....,., Ol buu.a, a.ud r.11.·~4 ' ' lo the con1~1.a ~btt-flO!. ---~ J ~!!rtltftlinir the l'rdrr•I Rumia &11~ 9( ~"' fft•l*CUco , "' ''"'•' Aerni of ~he Un1ttd $ut,,., INITlUCTtONI TO OWNER &efCKc any proputy v...U be c; for -.Oran by Ute GcwctnllleAI four ( 4) copl of (oral 111u1t be '11cd ill a.nd rd mid I die G"11 ~trol &tuioo 11t ,.ihid1 JOU n litrr d for c••c-..i•tio11. On tbr b~ f t.W ~o p the l1t111' to be \dt for lllbrlJt mullt ~ wdully 11111.ecl. ltca11 not OA the prlt.te- l n llhowd e wrltttn n trhe anlt ~•l'.-«i' prmidrd (JI\ t1u (!Clrm . &ta Qmcrol &~taoo, on. CX>J>f, for cpnformi~1' wtl.b the otb11r 1"l1l ·M P''t'l1 to tht ow~r 1;( che pro~r:ty. The copp deliver~ to e owner I be '1'idm~ lllt'ftly tbat othtr cop rw the fQrm. ha"' beeJi de' vcn.d. At lihl tilDt the o-<111:1 mull tu ''C the k«yt to die ph~ b~rc t}.c, propu1)1 il IO bt fou3d, or muc a.rnh&t~U ta delfwr the lrty1 t rtp•r:llcllta • •t o( the .lh·awr:e PrQPtrt y Dtip..rtmc:111 of th oi "1 tt~ .,r r~ual Rdtent. Bw of &a.n .Prtr.ncUoo bef9re lea"illi ~ aua of hi! ruidtn~ . 1 e oopy ell ~t<I 10 the oti•nt:r 1u;rtl bC11rJi the mllllNr of kdn~ • ..., and t.4 o tr c:W.1110 ht hu prepared for 91tOr&&e Jt dou 111)! 11dut.e 1.11 11grd invt'l)lory. It d Urtt. It &!t:, not ootu t a. y tlidm« of the nu_ bi-T of itflia ""'° a uatl)' aored or of th• root 111 1;1£ xt , <nt or pa a ' VtJi6cit· tion cil l t 1t1\'tnl0ry l ilf of ilfll11 ~ually lltom! 191•1\1 l\f at rwra&c • arc:<>m¢h1b'd A \•trifltd ll»t dim he fo •1r4ed to l t C>'Wncr. f'lt CO/IY "' tllr lf/lf fNlleil renrwl .d . . , , h Uo tfu . _ trill ~~ """*''' ,,,_,,,-' '7 ..... ., • ~- ..., 1f die propetty htre111 rell\llt of nq\i '.f.D~ while: nU in ~ht (JI\ or OU die. C'4''""9 t>f die U,U!nd Stue. will be uhd to~ appt DE L "-ESERVE ten your ro arty lie ror1n . mt d y 'f o 8 K f' SANfftANCI 11 is a lA~ d t µ1·01 · rty r· oeiv you , "/our very ruly 1 _,,,, ., Rec p of nclo" i. ao no la ad co 'A p~ ~ on die re er• til\I• ol thi.f f•t111 l~IJM 'al th• addrOM '\ltlll .a.a ti0 die tr Pranfi.oo, u l'ld At~t o1 the Ur\ittd 8l:a&£I, al die dr risk of th• W1dt'l,aJM'~ , II a1fllt'd that oo IWlllity or KllpQll by tlic flt4tn1 ll~ r-vt Bank of San Pr&ndaco for an,. t "r ~~n ill i:bl'I.-~ dn ..-itli ju dill • lt .. llft.,._CJM dlai ...tll providtcl on thu l>roptrt • H Ole 1e Oftn: DO NOT WJUTB BBLOW ""*"'tt ' THU U H ITOIAOI Non c1 1 >• lillt of l!al* a r-fi on th11 ris\ltrt!f de of t!1i1 form hai\I btu1 ced 111 ~or•re 11t the pla. l11<*1ca'" ill~ "'~di the qcl!pdon of tho1t tttma ~Wy ™ll~tC!d on th' rtvtrM aide of th.11 form a1 not !~116, 1>r nOt drllvt1rtd to the undrn1iarne~ ripr lolti •• of 1dw. cl11,a1 kut.i;ve lla.nk of &an Prucitlqo, .- .l'iMJ.l A11itn~ of I.hi tJnitto li41a, C)r u n bdng 1>f t Ir propt:J lypf for 1tor•ee. 111e t11orr4 ~ n: ·~t11tlfi'4 only u to th~ 1u1abn of 1kmt, aratu, or bo-.r.., t.nd not a1 t-9 die <nntrntl lohereof. 1NSTROCTl0NI TO OWNIR 1 Selene any property Trill bt aCl(ltflt~d for ora.s~ by r.he tat Oc,•er11111H1t four (4) p1u I th~ f nil 111\Ut bt .611 d rth1rt1~d to l It rill artlcl 'llUIRbt-1 '<I r gh1ttred fcnbe Ith for 111.bragt U11t thould I t 'll1°titt~11 )'OU fl'&Natlon . On the bac ml' 1 bt fully lil~d. lt mf. n t \In l ht p in 1ht !a111L 1p11ll ~ pt01•1 ed "" th i1 ~ un . 1h.n 1 nAtcd alld ~n tr11J~t H ru t of bout r.o be r~tel • d fo cr!lle• ot bolttl' Gi l\ot It fret apa<lltl' 11111, ll UU'Ilfll 11ted wtn l,it g mid, t ndlratti .UO.ply aJ CO ittmJt~ On th~ .M11l fol'UI bt recuu:ly riachd C fl 411. rlr f Mlt'llr(l ·4 10 I e Cl11''1H. fit an ol tit liiic ".,;'*"'"•Ii•,,,...,., •M 1n•4! •,;,, ,,.,.....,., "'.,°"' ""' ~Cl 1>1 ,.,,.~, r,r•~' :a.; ... ERVE B K FS MBm' OP ma CO 'J 1'l'l"KD Ot S'r.AT'Es f'OC\ st o rnpa o t the r c ive You t o the no v ry t ~ly. .. WAR RBLOC/\TION AUttIORITY IYaoaet rroper'J J>i•l1~on 10 m. eLRtll •to•4-1 Loa Anc11H, Cal 11'>rni. lt't4tral Bt1erH Loe Ans.-h1 :Br n k ot 3an 1rano.1aoo, Lr.ii!' . ~e-!e~, tttntlon& -..,11"&0. O. ~ol4 er •••iet&nt SubJHill 1.'fl1~o ' tlUlli) U.y o.1oaao ot one Yo\U' latt rot February 27th enotoain 00111 Uy the Btall Ott1ce ot your anlc hH een He&h~d r c t vecl. • 1t&hen 1• he alanor of tb• letter. r terreO to by you., •f 1 bi our o tftce b"- ah hod u1 thl h• 1nformatt.on he rt'• u.ested. may bo ~t~ r tleo~ed only b7 yo cor ... r apondtno e · il • at the t 1mt terttlckt ion wa1 de b7 yov B of th - terial taken tn tor ator•Be a ~o red with tncuee' a 'r10Ml pro})trt)' 1nnn ory term. In oth•r words, if 1ome diaor . noy wae ex rieno•d and brought t o he att•n· tion ot &, ~eum!y; , th1e may ' e nidtnced 'b7 oorreapondtllOt , and tbil additlo l intor1 ion it lt exiltl wo torU fy 1'r. '1hhenr7 ln ott Iring an n .phnathn tor the 1u1 artlolea, hipnen\' ot' 1 propert7 ,_, alr de t'rOlll o~ lknt• arba • nehouee. ! 1 ol"ta 1 1.n der1ot. !ttort • l ~•ll•ney' 1 ht tr H d.11r-tche4 to ,.our nk, a in.H •tlptio wu d at the ••r houH. Rt aerely •h o to lnlNl' the tao tat tbe inventor1 to 1 ' lUd an oontlr d may oi ia 'f not een ll' ent d 1 explanaory corr a ndenc•~ .,1 .. vj You ar ·1 ll•B d to lte • i.hh nr ~ treotl7 inaanuoh •• thl• )'t'l Otfice doe1 not deal •lth tr r ation or tratttc att•r• j oonneotion l th ' cu• n red no el prol_Jert7 . L• • SI. ••ou•• Pro pert1 Su fl or loc Uc.1n i.rv Ho . lQ ••• ( F l/ Jlat , ·il.J crsco HEAD OFFICE 1 ?ro y ,• •••M• Bank Sao a111a•Q I ••••• 11 o, OalitoPnla b .f• il .t •U•lf. • Paid.17 110 60 lll'•hou•• r • J Armat~on tn l• na td r .... ttre1 ) OU i. to a. att OCl.l ic n " t 1 ou r u ho 1·i ty, t t r o ~ / . ?/ 4 ' l'14.3 . "4 ... 1. Lo l.l t ,, -- .. ,.. - - .. ... - - - - in ot r.·1noi oo, oh. , i Ot'llia,. t.l nt tt r~t.~o Uut Jeot. 1 ry t.1• .1ly /OU (t l n ) r.. lo r vi r n,. pNi IY 4Ncribt.d on iht r&Vf!tk • de of • .A,tot of ti Un.lttd Scates, at \tbe dt r of die UDdtlll(g~. J1 "1 tM ,eicrtl ~"' 'latilc (If 8111 Pnt1daecl for anf uc or ~tillnp ill Pr~, d be ovldid oa ,tbu propcil'tp, No1c100~r: (l( jtea• appu.rln' on the r vu.111 •de of t • fonn 1~1\' li«-11 pbl)d in •onae at the rd•ct indk.ated llelo'N wil!h t~ t~p!Jo iklll• spoecjli('.Uly I dl~!l'cl Qll rt rr"' de of lhb !fo!'DI as not. found, Qt 9,t dtU\•r~d ~~ t 11' 11«t.ti · C\'lt!d rtPtr!sen~"ve ~' P~tral tl.n(I''~ Bu1k of • u1 fra ciko. IM f'lm*I Agt l'it o( th~ rJt~d ~tu, or -,. D<Jl aia <>! tht proptr ,t pe l t;> r s«>r1. . 'llhc •torc4 Ital• ate <lif.ntihd 'Ilic- li• vi 1 $t(lQD, __ _ _ _ _ ·-----~ llfpttltr1s.lt1i th~ Pt4~•1 flutn1e B.ln~ e1J ~" tr&'filli&co , u f11r;1l ~1mt of the Unitrd Si.tu. INSI RUCTIONI TO OWNIR f r lll>lllt fomi m.wt 1>1 t Un (.(Id he fJltd in a.nd _. r h)'I f.l1t p ropciity to ~nl i1 ' rqrm;enta R1111tn•e u~k '· .. •I. ....- ~· "••:;• ;!rf,1 1•' rt hi lo11rol1 - ...,,..... l,:cl'I II - -:.~rt 1 I Allt '=~ - .. .. f}• "l 7 HD RQOM .. •u.allt!IW ~- ~ .,__,__ -!llin,.,..w ~-- ....... ..... __ ~ ~..ri""l .ci . -,__ --.. ~ .. ....--.....-.-.- --... ·-""1"- ,. . ............... ------- -.. _r_._"' . .. u ... ... ... I - ~--· ..,..~ ----- ·y,...,.•••-ltJ_ ""'"" LIU~I . ----.. ~ -- - .. - t - .. --" ·-·· .. .. -· .. .. - .. - I ' .... t/"!J - ~ ..... .. .. .. . ·- ""'¥"!"!'"~ ... -, . ~- ~- •• .£~I' , "' .. . , .. .,J •. .l _.... ... -· .. ---- ... ·--- . V'I - ·~.. - .. ..... .... . .. . -· •·"'! M,........,,,..,_..,, .. - ... ~' ' .. -' ' I ··-~ ·- ' .... Tlllllo 11... -~ .. .. ~ --ry T.'JTr"- . Lw... .....,,_ ·---· .. » -- -. " ........, - -- I ' ~ • '1 I .. . - ~ ·-·-.. ·-·--- --- ---4 ,..-" ~-._.,,- .. .. .. .. ....,.,.., 1:._._ , - .. .. -·- --'.. - -··~ - - . ---.- .. T 'i . .. . .. :;. ···' . . I' .._ .... I .. ..... ·- --- ~· ... - - ,. ·--- .. I ·' .. .L " I .. ,..,..., .. -- -- ~ . •1 . ~ ,_, .. .. ·--- Fi\ ,~ ....,........"'" ,,........... . ··•·· - I . -rt- '" . _. !'_,. .___ . • '~-·--·~•, ~-~· ......-.-........ "! .. -· .. ,....._ ..,__,..__ I' ~- ! ' ... ........,......,.. ....l__ ---, w........ Wa1M1011• 1"wt -- . .. ~ ' - ·-· - ... .. - .. Vllll~•"' ... ~ .... . I It. . . . . . . . . l _ ..... '"*"'' .. ~ "'~· "....."' ......".'*"'' - ~- .-1111~, ·~ . .1 ~- -- II _.,... ~, ,.... ... -r.~ _,__.,..... "'"'...... ...... tl If ~, . .....,...., . . ·J ·- . .. ... ICITCHU~ .. ~ - - .i. - , ......b ...... ~ .... I I ,,.... \ 111 __,.~ . . ·LJ:r -.. - .J .. , 'Jf ' ..--, c- · --, _ 11!ll! Cri<k•r) ~ -- ·"""' .. .. . ,.., ~·,, r---· r----,.. ~- ' ' ·~ ,... ---~ -~!' -"' ,'':::.l/11:, ,~ ."'i...~.JI ~ 'l .. ,,. - ·----:;::-- ."" -..,..~,.. ojf.I ...... " - ... --~ ' __ ,_ --- ..... - - ; : - c.t. t!llJln - I ". ' ,. ..... -- ... .. - -- -- - fl ...,......... ... " ... - .............., .. .. . l ··t~·n'j!l:;,.! •l ..- :r'. ,_._ -- .......... - ... ROO M ......... ........ '··· 7 . '.L:::..:.: ,,., ". . tiji~UI""' - Dj ...... _.,. . ,.'•••k , ~ ... ....... -- ---.-----••lh•• )' ·- - ) .. h: ' ·- - -· ......... ; I L.'" 1il.,J.':; , .... ~ . MISC rtLLMUOU S ..... .. ...It ' ,__"1'"' -·-~ 11 ... ...... ~-t •"• - .. I - floor ~ I ~··· .."" <~· "~..l•l '"!• _.... .;;;....--- ... ·~ ~ ,...,..~ _,... .. Dnpw, -' L.I . .'"L. I~' • 1.''>fl ',ti 11i·~'I''"· . .c ·- .. ~ Olt~ I H6 · - ... ' ' # I>;_.,,. "' -·- --.. . .. - " . ~ . . flloalt. ,,.,.,..., I - . oi..,.,,. ---..,... ~~ .:...!_ ,. --· ... -· -. .. - °""'''...., _..."'""' ,_ " !,.,..,..., I• .. ·------- . ~ ... , - ,.....,........_ .. .,.._ -- ... . •.• 'j ... , ~__,.,,..,,.... 1~-~•. -~ o~.,.,,_. "" ----. ' --- --·r:-- -· .. - ., 1 - - ' -..- Tll•Pll••t >I~~ l ~~~- . : -~ ,_. I ,~-:1.;:;;;-:: ,...... ____,_ .. I' .. .,..,. '·~--·~ t--• h•lr. · ...... ~·~' ........................ ' .. __- ,_Tille, .. ,,.,. ~f-4"' ....faljf........... ------ OloH'• '*lilt-~~ •rn•~i•• "'*'"' ,___..,.. g...,, , ..... lhllf lliilloli .....,,ljoot ... Cltt~.,..ii.. oi..t...... ~- - ·.' ..i---+...._... _ .' ... ,.. .. ~......o;r~,.._.__._..:~,,,,~ '•) ~ I <>•t1•"•1... . llltt ,..~. •·T - Clllalr......, ~ ..... iar.. _ _·:: '~"' ""'" -- .......... ----· •"<ii'' "' ... . · t~___,__._... _....._. ~ ._.._ ri. .. ..._.. """'*' ..... ---.~ " ··:... ".,.,,,. -.....- ........ -- "'~ .. ,....... KITC HI H..,. iCfll't) It ,.,, .. CJ~•.,..... _ • ...... ..-., e1111~·· ~· .... .......,.1.. 111111~.. ""' r-"" ,,...., .,... L..-.-. . .. .,. .. "'.•' ''r.'~ . -·~~ _.....~ ~1~~~;~; r~ ... ·---- Ntrltot & 11t111t. ..... .i... ...... . D.....,., ....... .__._._.. .............. __,_,._ .!!'·~...--~ .... ~.. :·. . ---·- lh~~---- ......... ---.....-~ ,. "< •. Pi~IM~ltllt .. 11;1~ _.....____ ·~ Dill --.--- ----~ ' ' •1rt•.c11SOll AITlll.f - .•. ."\'f ·~i.1 l!..\...;';'~ ·.h· r .. ~.;;, ., . .. . • eru ~1. , I . , . . 1f ........, . ~ T 11io~ - _,.._,;: .. Ii n .,...., ~····· ~11 1.C.ll '"'" - ·S'~..... . .. -- --- '"'°'' ---- b,.. ,....... -; ; -::-:-. -. . ·, ___ ............ ..... ... ,.,...,, _. u UTIOLC ~·,g_a LIVING ,R(>OM .. ..... ~~~ _....... ~~ . .:' ., .. I'" - " ' .. ... . --· .. ... .. ~-~- ... t Abov~ items con Is of ir divldual un t .lf tbe pi-opm-y herein dlaimtc;I to lave been d~ltverod, and ~hi~ ~ ally wu dclivmrl is Iott, dun& , or deit~ u di!' ~lt Pl ~.oe while it i& in the~ Qt itultody of th'- United Sta~. Qr of iny a.geir1cy ~. for the Otm,n:a of tht: Uniud St.ate. °"'ill be ailked U> ~e &pj)ropriata L(;t.iQll for the bwefi.t of~~ ~ L . TO: SU&I CT; l 0 TE l;".acuee !'C r "'· c os si~ for yo r di-positi by H. ~airo~ , la~ J 1--- , ~tll-_e , C ,1_ r-~e person-~ ~-Y -e~~ in hi nro_ / / ?v~/-?~ .Ase-is+ t la . _) .· ~-<~~:Z ~<~ ~~.e.. <..tA..d r ti ~ (~ ~..t"..r.c..d ~, '-·----......_.c....J I'} ,Z '/<..- . ~.· - c~v ~I f' DE E ER.: E KOPS FISCAL Ao WI'' 01' 'IHB uio,...o STA~ •1' oo y or at.01 r ce Yo\lr err Cl co Nott to 0•'1W: DO NOT WRITB BEJ..OW THJS UNB J \\ 'Jlh., Iii!! of iu1111t 11pl)l!1.rln1 i;n tih" r vcrc.e •t t. of ( i• foo h1.'!'ll lKn pl'«d In I f ""°"' ~~o•~ lt.tauve &nil of S•n fran flibl A1etit of the Unhc-d Sit.tea, or •• nui t> onlt at ~ th, n11111,bu ol •~un,, cntn, or bbxc.t, a111f not u lO \!he conkno ~ht.1 r.of. INSYIUC'lltONS TO OWNIR J;l.t fore an7 prope:rry wdl \)e aotcpu.CI for fl.Orfln \,y the U111tr.d St.w Oo emrnr ~l f r ( <f) CJOP of 'lhb form mu.1 bt filled ~ ai1d ntumc:d lO th Crlil Co(, rd •t whi~ ,.~ uflllkttd for • Y11CUI 011. On the t>a of each copy the item• to ~ ldt for i t mullt . c-.a.rtfully llJled, ll.t'.lll~ not 011 1 e prlnttcf li t ;ho\lld bt w1iuw in th .. u1lr •.JI'~· pro\ cfed on tlu, r fftl . -11 utJdria n1 Cim ntrot Stat on, on' oopy, ohtdtrd foi uin~ llllit with tbt cdlu thr , ~ ~ 'vta to tr of Lh proptUty. The 4df\·ert.d to Ut~ O'fl.'T.IU 1111'U bt eYidt t'C 111t.rc:ly a.t Cil.he'l' oopltt of iht forro ha\'t ~n dc;li\•ei·ed. At thJI lht nr.r um lt'a~ ktyi t(t the pl~ 1 the propel't I lO lit found, ~r mah t.tTt gr.*tth tG dd.lvtr tht kt}' to the r prtUfll\t~L ' of J,h~ J!va(:llU flOPf~}' J)tJ)~nmtnt of th cop,. P~dtr&l R~n· r~drnc S..nk. of San Jh.n<tilial lxfor: It& D# lllt L-~a 11£ ~ fEl>ERAL RESERVE B NK OP SANfR Fl CAL AO-'EMT OF TllE U tT'RD S 'i sto:r 00 Cl"~ O ~ES Of e u rOJA1!1'ty rccoive You:ra v :t"ll' truly , ,... u, .-... . • ( _C~ 13tan .., ,~~ 'I' (__. fraD<ilco, U l'*al Afmt by the Ptdntf of t1ie latm •1nk of will bt prt1NW on dlW prop«rry. s._. 1"fltldw:o for any ·~ or oali•p lo ' = pry~ ..,,11 bt ec«pttd for ,ioran 1 I.lie Uniwd tlf of ~ form 111111t be liUed n ac.d rmirncd ~ Oi ii <'..ontr ! at whi~ you ti d r t cnt'Uation. On b& of rach tlOJ'Y the Item• to hf It t f t ragr mu be cud Iv lllltd. ltcrm' nae. cm th~ print~ lht ho.Ud bt 11<rittt.n &fore &.nJ & Govcmment four ( 4) ioop in 1l1ti ~lank •P•f:C• rirovided on t hia forPl. r~ for con!01111lt v •iit.h cbt cdl~r d1~ ...111 be vt to dia Oii/nu· oi 1he propttty. 'Th ~ dell r:rcil to tbc °''Yltr ....,, bt c t:noe: tn 1 that otbtr copl of t~ form haw 'betn dt.U..,rted. A't. thi1 tlme c owr•cr muat lu~c 11>4 ~ to e rl•ce 'Ill re l'Jl!Opr.rl.y 1• be, or 111ah an~Dltlllt i, &o d~1vrr the kr)'t to;i ~ e rr,rre11tnl• Pr ra1 R kn' t Bank of r>f nt ¢1 W' Pranchoo btfor le& o the ur,1 of IUt t~lt Jl,·~d Prq>trly Dtf!Utlll l>~NIHCi IOOM EDI~ RAL RE ERVE B MT 0 Cl m• UMtWD 6TATts oo y of for. ..00 -fRD-2 cov .ri etorn a at the pluo caived e :r es wl h Klnd ~ ao no edge reocip of ni ni end r1 t ruin(" t nclos d oo ~· idl t i cu rop1 ;rty DeJ :lu.'tmont , d tnl R Fi ncisoo , 70? so h s rin stre t, Lo Your Rec pt of th1; .s,/&;Zf: ?- co very ruly, tnd oate h U t 5t flATIJILa Of 0wNll nm.ow THIS 00 NOT WRl LIN • STORAGE NOttCE Th 1111 ol Item• t.ppea h11f on th rever 1fd., bf tbl~ form hue b ttl pl~t ~ In • ll)'>S It rne 1pecl6call)' indltmd Qn th revc11 •Ide of th1t Corm an no~ found, ot nt>I dullvc1·~~ ~o th . und raJaocd tept~enlitlve Rem'V n~nlr qf fi•n Pr nd~o. u £ll11Cal Af( Ill ur ~IC Uni~ d s~w.. r M not tw.1111 of t11. prup r type for r.mly t.1 to th number i>f lteru1, cnu-1, or boxu, ~11d not to the cont•nte th1.1reof. _t S1or1no, f th.e !1t1f,1· I ... Repum111n.1t the Ftder4l llcu111t of S1111_ Pib!'dm1. 11.t WAREHOUS PLAOBI> IN 81'0RA01l T~ Final A11~r11 of &ht Unlttil St~ll• 1025 CHAPALfi "A.lile.Yf. &ANTA AR6 I . '•' .,. -~· - INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER n fore nny property will be accept d for ~tor11goe by tht: Unitrd four (4) cop1u of Sited in and •lurned to Lh CiYll Con1rol tatlon at wliich )·ou rrl(1Jt rr.d fur tVQCU~I on. II tha bad1 or !!Bcll cupy die lt1m1a to be Ir.Ii for 1tora11e tn\Uit he carefully Ii red. Item• not on tbe 1>rintitd U1t hauld be wri1t 11 In rhl' blnnk 111ace1 provid'd on Lhil forrn . Stai 1 Q\ • 11ul1t!nt thi forrn 11\UAt b Srori.11 ~rtklu 1nu1t be JCCtm1ly pl cd In er.ilea or boxee ,,( J11ll 1011 1h110 two ( l) cub.le feet capacity and 111111 !><: lndli:at1:d aim ly u to number of bo;ua, no atttrnpt btinl( oud to 1t1imi~e on th1' Conn the ar~lclt•• l11 rein , All cratea auJ ho c~ mu b<c C\Jrl'l~ p c:lcrd •rid faeto:11nl I? h holl, crau. au!clt muat bf Iden · lied with 1.agt obtained frrim lite C1v1I C<int1'0! Stillion. No 101~ hundita of cluth •· lintnt, \It 11~!11, o~ other 11nall or un• be an:ept •d lor noragt . r rm pro1h1m, fann mad1illt1y, •ut0111ob11t:i, !And, llw&Wtk, ot p u inu~ noe h h•t4:<1 111 trl!On~1 pr(rpcny on thia form. ~ubatandal h u~chold !tMia will A{tct all copfr!ll Q{ the fonn h ve been fl!t.:d {11 and r~tllrntd the Civil Control Station, one copy, cl1eckrd fo1 ronformity with the nthrr dire ' will ~ 11ivt11 to th owner or the prupri ty The C•J;>Y dtlrvt rtd to tht o nc:r will bi: l!videh(C mrrdy thllt other c p1t~ ol the ( rrn hav' beun dtl!vcr d. At th!~ lime the own~ mu1t li!aY• the kcy1 to thf, pl~1:r whor~ the prop •rw it to be fou11J, or m"ke arran ,e-m nl1 to d~llver the k ys ~o the reprmntolfvu 11f the Bvarnce Property D p11rtn1ent uf th~ l'edr.rnl Rcacrvc llaolt of Sa n Fianclaco before l ~aving Lbe aru oi hl1 rnld nc. The ~opy delfvered lo the own r merrly sho • th~ number of ltem1, botr..t, nd CT&tea wl11cl1 th~ ow11er d.ilrn1 he hu pr pared for 1to~ar,e. It do t 11ot c;on•utut an a11rnd lnvtnttry. ft doll not con11flot • 11 rl6 d Iii!.. ft dCllU not cor1 titut any evldcn c uf th numbu of it rnt (tu lly f~Ur d or of the onttnli of boxca, craru or pa.k:\gc1, Vr.rlfica, lu,111 of lh~ lnwr.U>ry Ir t of Item~ acwally ato1cd will b made nt 1tora11 • I accnrupljthcd. A !ltn6 d l.ltl will thtn bt' forwarded to d1t owoer. 1'f111 t UP'f · uf l/ir ti11 mafl1d lo '''' "~ritr r;ecurd ilnd ~lraitld b11 <#'fefutly Mii flrtJlllfftd ~ h1111. lHlttl/ a.1 n pcrm1J111111 .u Clllft- •'•111 -~---""'Di; ·~~- . -------'1----i-··---I !"':..!"' ~ 11ua. ~·1•11 ~.._~---ir!~1»·~~~·-~~··---.._; holo11cl h • oopr 9t flora WCQl. ..fta.4 o_,.•,l J>Np•rty pleo d iA ator,,. I\ ~• ~:~:c;~e:! ~~ ~h Th• pt'IO~rtr "c•tred •er.•• •ltb ' •lih the ollow A& •~c• tlon9t l 8 c in lls 1r~ Xincll.y ankn lsdgc JOW' t"l"L U•t •'Jtlo1 \•4 J rou. d • no receipt or tb tou 4. ocl 1ur y el~· lD,C and returniQS tbe enelo•ed copy o thi le t r to .va uee Propertr Dt~rt•nt., t"ed•twl e " Bank ot Sen rrano1sc 1 707 s~uth Spr1rc st eet. Loe Ang l 1 O~lttornla. Youra 1ery truly. Reeeipt ot the 1oclo1ur~ Note "' <J11111 rt D . NOT WRITB nm~ W HIS LlNE STORAGE NOTICE Thi: II t uf lcr.(llt 11ppeuing 011 the r vurfft •Id. of tl1l1 form h ve b'fl1 pl• d In lt11r~lll!' ~ the lol.c ln~iCJltcd bd11w with thP UCl'J1tlvil Ii{ thl) cit m~ •pccificnll y Indicated 011 dll' r •v•1te tide of r.)\is fom1 at not r1101.,J, or not d hvn<t.I to lhu 11ndu•i11nt J repietcntauv~ or th • fl••1h,l l R'~''v Bank ur San Pr ncl11!1,1, •• l'•••al Agent n( the Unir d StaW•, rir u not bclnc o f the p1opnr tfpe for r.oraac, The 1•rired ll na are Id n116• J only • to the nurobtr o( 11.t1n1, crate , or bnxc•, 1and not aA to tic cunt nu thereof. ION D Rept'~ ~111m11 1111 Ptderdl Re1erve U an~ 11{ San l'rd11<1J1 o, as F~r.111 J\gt,11 oj rl1r Umted Btdttl DAr - Pt..1cJ10 I N SroaAon AT- ----- WAREHQU~; t0/5 CHAPALA_ _ Aisle ~~J:·.~N TA BARB~ A _,, .. ]r ' INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER Ddorn nny pmprity will be acrept d ( ir 1r.or,1~t by thr Unrtrd 01>v ·rnmeut four ( 4) copJe1 of thi~ lorm mu•r. b, fill J 111 and retuintd tu the Civil Control l'ltallon al wh1d1 you r gia red (111 cvarnatin n. Ou lh hack n( copy 1he item• trJ he ldt for Jtor. 11r mu t he .:.a.dully Jl,ted . hems not on the rlnttd IJ~l liuuld ho: wrilt 11 111 the blnnk ep11rr1 provided un tlu1 form. St~k• 8'11all arudt~ rnu t bf. KClll ·ly p drrd n c1ft,_.. or bovA o( not I u th"n tw•J (l) tublc feet rap dly Rnd will h lndlc~tcd imply u co numl r or I ••JC ' • no ttr•m t being mad· to It mile on thit form thr ~rlldu thcrdn 1111 rra~u 1111J b.11u mu L b~ ~ecurcly packtd an.J f4 tc11ed. l!..id1 h•is, crate, or article ruu t 1dcnu ed v.1th laKt ol 1alncd from 1he C'1v1 l •mtrol St tJon, No loQ b1111Jlu of cluthu, llnrn1, ul n1ik, or utlitr 11nall or un· 1uh•t1n1laJ hou diold ltem1 will II( t. ccp ed for tma11t Parm pruducu, (arm mndrlnrry, automobil«, land, hH tuck, or p t~ must not be I tcd al Jl non~I p1opmy on thle form. /\h r all topie~ nl the lonn hav been 611 d fJI and returned to the Clv1l Conti I St lion, on' copy, checked for conformity with thr otltl'r II Ix 111ven IU th e owner o ( the property 'l h cr>py deltvrred th rte, to the o n~r will I< r•1ld nee a1rrcly that utl11.11 a1p1 s of lhe form havr been d1•li nrJ, At thl, !•l'te tilt- O' ncr mu•t I t ,,,. the kcyt to the 111 ce h"re ti' propuly 11 to be fuunJ, or m•k nrning menr tll clehvfr the key• to the r p1(~Cnt•hv of the Evacuee Pruperty I) 11arunent or Lh ede,al R e1ve ank of San Prand1r.o hefore leavh111 the are~ o( litt I idtncc:. Th C'Opy dchvcrul to r.h owner merdy thow1 th e numb r of ltrm t, bo u, ftnd crAtu whl h rht uwnH clalmt he ha prepued for 1toruge lt doea not con-nltu~ u agr cd 1nvtnto1 y. It di){' nor. con tftute a 11ttl6 d h t. It d « 11 cllnetlrm 1ny cvidenc of the number n( 1tc1111 a tually toreJ •Jr o ( th w11tr11u of bo11r1, cr.1te1 or J1 ~lagc.t. Vcrtr.c , ~ion of rhc Inv ntory lltt of ltema actually tortd will be ma~e ae tora , is arcoinphthcd ,<\ vrrlficd I H will Lhen ~ forwarded h> th e owner. Tire copy fl/ tilt l/J t m a/l e1J i.1 1/1e u• rr er •Ill ""'' n rcord <1."ld 1ho11ld be carfl/11/l y prt1 ry d by him. <U d p 11111c1111'11t llro lusuk Tula" AIH111l>l1 Oen r l.Jto:rnla Enol.o se4 lo a. co y or form •. cc - ypur pro arty pla~ed i t tol'Ag at tb~ inc tile fo m, Tti p o rty a r es •1tt l'!li tt d y you,, cwt d the $\•n"Ju e ropei.· y DaJet rtm n F 'ncluoo , ?O? So~t1 S r1n al nin rindl7 ac a4 r uroi c: ,, s Hee ip of the nalo rB ~. 1at a cknG l deed ..,.... . . . . .~h• T a ••J \ ' , . . ..... r, I / Note lo Ow11 cr1 'fhr LI ..\ 11f It.ems app1~11tl 1.111 oo th~ r v r tldt 11! thl1 form hA\/r buti rill rd 11' ,1ura1c :i& Lhr pl re !nd!tatcd bodow with 1he uc pl on ''' Lho iwu 4pfdlir 11 indk ted 011 th r ven 1J of \hl• (nrm 111 not louud, ur not d li11 r d c th u11d' r l11ned 1oprennt11tlve nf th• 1'1•d r11I ReMtv l'Qnk •>f Siltl Prnn i ~o. •• tli1cal /lgenl of th11 Unlttd Brutu, or M no l>dnii of tht proper lype IM 4tor c. 'l'h norcd ftttn• are ld1•ntilu·d only • to tht numh>? t or ll ID.>, cral •• or OOJU, and nol IU lO the crJnlClllA ther or. SIONl!D Reprurnw11 1l1e Ped""'' Rt1~vc Bonk of '.m 11141n-:1•ro, "' Ag<nr of Lilt Untttd S1ote1. 0Ar ·- · PLACl'D IN STOl\AOI Af--.. - - - . ~AR£1 l0 Ai ....._..,__ - i>IG t s ;oz5 GHAPALA~SA~1/\ .... BARBARA- - .. INSTRUCTION S TO OWNER 0 lore Rny prop,rty wltl bt ace pte<l ( 1 AtOral( by rhe lJnllnJ Stal lJuvrrnm nt four ( 4) corlr• of thl• frim1 mmt he filled 111 and l r,fUrnr.J eo rll' Civil Conltol Station oil wl11clt you r RUt r d I ~van111tl1Jn . On the back of uch copy the 1ten1• 10 be I •ft (or tora11e mUA he 1·ardully listed. It 111s not on the ll1t 1houlJ be wrttttn In the hi nk 1pace1 providr.J on 1h11 fortn , r. Sniall rtldo ruu l be ecc11 1 Iv p 1;ked m <l'\lt 1 or boxe.1 of 11 ~ lcu than Lwll ( 2) cubic Feet c p dty and will bl! in'1icntu.l tlmply u t llUll•h r O( hnre 1 00 tlltCIOpt l•cfll& rnad Cl lll'llllt~ On thfl fmm th .1rtklc thttc:lll. /\II era tea nnd boxu mutt be • C11rtly pnclc d anJ r ~ln J, B ch hot, cnt ' or II ch· tnlllt Ix id ntrhed w1Lh l"K' obtalnrd from thr ,IYll C'.A>ntrol St tion . Nu 1,,., b11ndfe, or do hta, linc111, ut~n11l1 1 or othrr 1m 11 ur 1111· 1ub 1an1ial h<Ju• hold lt,m1 wlll he actcpt••d for 1torap.~ Parm prnducta, farm m d11ntry, 11uf11moh1I · , I nd, hv 11.0<.k, or ptta mun not bt l11trd ~• I r on I pr(.t rity on thi form. ft r all c:uplrt of d1~ torn\ havf betn bUcd ln and tet111nrd to the Civil Con1rol St11tion, ont cnpy, checkeJ for conformity wllh the other the pmp 1 y The cn!)y ddlv •rrJ thtf'e, will Ii< given to the own r to tltc owner will ~ cv1Jc11ce m r ly 1h l otl1t1 ">Jlie& uf tht forn. ha.w ~n dellvrr~d . At thiJ l1m( th own ·r mutt 1, • ' th. "•'YA lo the rlatt where the ptop<rly la to b • round, or make arrtnl(' Ul nu lo d llvtr lht keys tu the rupre•rntative of the H11acu e Prr,µ rty Duputmcnt or 11.e Pcdentl R .terve Bank of S n Pra111:bco bdo1 c leaving the re of ht• r • ldt1u: . .,r The copy cl linrw lCJ th ow11c1 wtr ly how tli~ number n( !tc•na, hose , rnd cratet whld1 the owner c:leJm1 he hu pr. pared for 1loraae. It duct not con~titu ;rn a 1 d Inventory. It J ou not con r!tuu i vtrifi~d hit. It df: n con tlrute any evidence of the number of 1t!'m1 R(lUally alored or or the co nt nt~ of box 1, cn t~ or pack~11u Vuilica· uon or tl11.. inv1 ntory It t of 11ems actulllly 8tort d will bl' made ' iora~c 1 sco:'mnpl 1hed. A 11crili~J It 111 lh 11 b.: rurwllrd cd to the own r. ft Tl t:opy of 0111 /111 molted lo Ilic 011 ncr ft!l/I 111'1'4 111 o pmnars 111 reco rd 1uid lioulJ bt cart/wily prmi r~od br him. - c---......,..,...... ~~f..,.,...~~~ ~~--1---~ ~....:..:.:....-..;:*-'~ ~;;.:,.;:....;~~~~jd:-;~;r,...t:...,.~ DINING ROOM ,,;r --------...------- t<li.;...... ---~ Ll••ltUlll --- -- --@R~~:-r.-!_-IH_1t.l_1__- ,_-__ ---i----- --·-_,_,;_....._...._;:;__ · - - - --~ ---- .._..'-+ Rl'lrlttt•lur, let · - ----t-- -.--+---lt•OI --------1"'"',___...,,____ To~I!_._ 1to Uunetto Nar .UHa1'17 C:l'ftter 1a " , oalt:t 14o1ott4 11 a ...::~=~;- ..i. ·~ 4u -~"' ~· proiJfriy 'l'9c•i~ d oo,, ot tonn ltCCA·nt.• oo'terina yov p u 'UY •er••• Wlth th• foll.o 1n, HOl>tlOntt l Tb e ))UH· wlt~ ~b• lldto.t•cl ctn tb• ~N. lt1t aubat•t•4 by you • d - not 1 at d. KiacUy aokno lect,e ;rec ipt ot th enol.o ur by llRnlng and rAtul'ning tbe noloaed copy 01' tb1 l t er t o n c11ee roperty Oepar Mot 1 fed rel. Ree r•& Bank or San J!ranolaoo , 707 So~tb Sprt~ Stree~ , Los ~~ lea, Cailfor ia. Rec l,pt ot nowladgad Note to Ow11rr1 NOT WRI :n U STORAGE NOTICE ,1d1• of thlt fonri hav aid I tl!ia form nnt tfo( the ntt •d tatcs, to the 11Cnt~n l'e'n fll · d If\ tn1 a fuul\ll, or or n1 not thcrwl l\l~liVt ll( th Jlt d 181 tcorrd It mt re 1drnt161d S!ONBI> Rcprurntin ilia Pe.l.r I Hoerue 1}4~·~ of Sa" fr1111e lac11, a fl"rnl l\11c111 t•f 1/1c U1111cJ Stdltl Pt.All£D IN S1otv.011 11T-.. ..,_,_ _ _ _ _....,.,_ WAREHO~S 102? ·---····--+- (\J . .AlsllL ~ r.· • ' •CH PALA TA ARBARA -----. --------· INSTRU(TIONS TO OWNER Odon an)• proprrt y will be aci;ept d for 4tllr )le by thr Unit d f!tatc1 1ov1·rnment four ( 4) copl~ of th1 form mu 1 be frlltd 111 ml rct11rm d to tl1t C1vtl Control Stat on at wlu h yuu r d f.,r cllill"tlatlon On the bock o{ ear.h copy th tt m tu 11'! I ft for Wlr K' rnu t be c 1~1111\y Ii teJ . ltt rn hll on th printed hat liuuld tie wnttcn In th 111111.t pit;vs pro11id1•d on th11 lo rrn . Small t ud-. muJL be st.curdy p dr d 111 crilr• •ll' bozu of nnt I u than two ( l) ruble feet cnpadty and wtll be lndlc t ·d imply ~ o numh 1 uf 11< ~c•, no au tnpt bi-11111 nrn.dr to 1b.'mlt on thl• form tht a1tidr• th• rdn All ratt 1:1d IY> t mu t he 11,urrl)• p , td a11J I 1 n J r. ,h b.1~. ~• ti', or nrtid~ mu11 bt ldcntlfieJ with taR• oh1aJnrJ from the Civil ( Jl\ trol Station. t\o I l ,. hund l ~• pf clothu, llncn1, ul ·11 1lt, or othtr 1mall 111 Un• •Ub tnntlal holl hold iterM will Ii.: acc~pted for tora.i • Parm prn<lu1:t1, (,1rm n\~~h1n ·ry, '\\ltomcl le., land, hvutoclr, or J>l!t:I ml t not L-r 11 t d 1• ~non I 1uo11 {t y on th la form . Afm II c•111\r <>I the fonu ha r lh!~n Jill rJ in an<i reiurncd to th' Ci111! Control St uon, on .:ipy, c:hcckt'd for wnfornnty th thr oth r thr~e. will b, II vcn ttl tht" owntr of th property lhr co;>y dfhvunl to tht 011111tr wtll b · tvid nee mer ly th.i ritl1 r copr of the lurm ha ve l~cn ddlv•:tcd. At thi Hr e thr ownn- m1.,1 In v" the k y• !<1 thr rilace where tht property I• to be ( und, or make 1ranl(1·me11t ro dehvet the klly.t t the rcpreA4'ntMiv ol tht Evac:uo PrupHty D putm Ill or "" Pede1al R r l'Yc llan~ nf San ru.mro before I vln1: thr ato of hi 1c iJence. Th copy dcllvurd tn th ~ 1>wner merely 1how1 tli~ numlicr n( it ru•, . 111d er (ra hich thr <1'0.1\ct cla nn• hr ha prep rir:cJ lor •tur.111c. It du"• nut con tltur 1n a~rttd 1nvr11tory It Joc1 nat o,:onnltur a ~nti~d h~t. It do n n ttt111e any evtdrnc ( tht numl>l-.r of 1t ma a 1ally t<ll'~d or of the .:untrnt1 of b.1:x , crate or p3tlrn111•.1. V rilicn· uon of he inventory litt of 1tctn acmally atrir«J will ht 11111de tor •lK<' iA ar.:ornpl!1hed , A ., n6.-d li>t "'ill then bt forwa 1d ~d to tha own11r box~ Tl t copy of I/If• 1111 malled Ill 111• a " r will • rt1 .u, a pcrrrrartf'rtl rttord 011 <1 1/1111Jld be c11rc/~/J y 11rN1Tud by him. .tilvllC\16 F • oci 'fours v ry .r ly, ,; ' r.l v ~ ( . , . (__ <~ ,\ae11J1 an l' nuc- r t of e onalo re i~ ac no• ed STORAGE NOTICE The If t of it 1111 apl)t ti ne nn the revemi 1fdl' qf 1hJ1 for1q l111vr bNn pl4eit~I h1 •t<iragc I th' place fndl .itcd lwlnw ltli t~ ~ltc:tptlun uf tho t lw.rlt 1peclfically fndk.i tt-d on the rtvcrae lid ol 1hl1 fo rm not found, or not delivn~d ti) th undtral~n d re1nt1c111allv1 of th~ fled •JI I\ ttv1 13 nk of ~11 ianclm>, Ill !1Lfcal A11 nt of the United Stat 1, or a not h«inv of the proper type for ro1a111. The 1torcd 1rem1 re fd .,rit1f. cJ only u to thr num~r of flema, ~ratu , or bo~ 1, ~nd not aJ to the conuut. ther of - StOtlllO . J~1>tr.1cnt11111 tile Pcdtrdl R61f.rvt &11~ of S1111 l'rt1nrn~o. a.I _____ - t>1,M 1M IH 8TOl\Al'lll AT - - - ...,....._,...._ WA~ llOU y. _Aisle lA 1 , Plmsl Agint of tlic Unittd S1111t1 1??5 CHAPALA - SArHA BA/lf3AHA _ --·- · - -· INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER will be ccep ed for at r>rnJ!e by th u United four ( 4) cuplu ol th1 furm mu t IM filled in ancJ rtt11rn d W the C.vil Control ' t clon ~l which vuu gl tcrrd (n1 rvarnation . n the h~dr of each copy th, 1tc1111 to he ltft for ora11~ mmt h carefully lltttd . lttm1 nc on the prinlccl llu ahuulcJ b~ written In the blank 1 ncu provided un thi1 form . IW(oi c any propvny Still~• Ot1vm11m~ nt Small :tttlclc• m11a1. be ffcunly pack cJ in crot • or boxu of not lu thnn two (1) c11b c le t capacity and will llll fndlcat d imply 11 to numlxr of bnxu, no att 1111>1. mad~ to ft 1uftt on lhla form I.he artu.l ·a th,rtin . "II crate and oosc mu t ht curely pack d and { tcn ~ J . ch ho1, crate, Jr articl'- mu~t bt itl nufitd wtth tati• obtnln<'d from the Ct 11 :imtrol Statum No loo e bundln of clothe.. llnrna, utenail , or uth1:r small Qr un· 1ub. 11ntlal hu\I chold ue1111 will b acceptrd for ttora11e. Pum pmducu, farm ro~chfnrry, 1utomobllu, land, Jin I.ode, or p~tl mu t nc.t ~ lrattd u pu• nol pfripcrty "" this fo11n . AftM all r:.op1 t of thi> form })aver been 611 d In and r turn d ~ tbt CMI Control Station, one copy, for conformity with the oth1•1 th1 • •, will h Ktvcn to th owner ol the property The c ;iy dd1vrred 1.0 th~ Qwn r 111111 b~ v1dence m rely thal othet .:opi ' of thf furm h~ ~r11 delivered . Al thl• llDlt tl1 owner mu t I 11v the Y• 10 tht plvce whcri th property 11 to be found, or uranArmmtA to drl!vr.r the key IQ th repru.•nLMl·,e <>f thie EYacu e Pmpcmy Deputmcnl o( the Peclrral Rut r\'e D nk ,,f 15an PrandK.O b« fur~ leaving the rea ol ht1 rr denct. Tho copy dcll\'er~d w th e own~r an"·ely howa th" numbl:r of Item , >xc , incl cratfl whl h tho owner cl11l1111 he ha1 prc:p r d for 1tora11e. Lt doc.a not cent an a11rcvJ inv ntory It J~s 11ol c1>11itlt\ltc a vuf6td It. t. It docs 1101. conlt1lute any evidence of the number of 1tc1111 acru Jly ortd or of the conlcntt ol boxc•, r.ratee or µaclrtaca , VeriGa• lion o( tht Inventory II t ol ftuu1 actually a ortd will be road ae 6turaut 11 acrornpllth'd " v~ri6 ·d 11.i will th•n bf forward d to tltt uwntr. 'l'/r,. copy Qf 1/1t 1111 m11/Jtd to th e owtt~r 1 Ill u r111 IU o rtcurd unJ 1/iquld ht c:ort//d/7 pritw•,,td by him , pni111mt111 Tdlt.nul --~-1'--------~--+--·-i,._ .....- -1-----1---.;....--·---+---·--I ___ ~ "-~· -~----......,1- ___T_•'-"-'•~o M•nd f. •_h_lr_i-----1----~ , _......,... . ~ .~....;.;;...;;... ______-+- 1----~1 -P•t_•-_d_1~w~·k~~·-·----t---~--. Pvl'fll "I• l•rtf ·--~,...;------;~--- --i-------~-·--+----1-----1~ ----+----------1-----~-~--i----- ---_.:=-__-==:_-=:-=:_.-=.I ------~ -·----+----· ...... ~ '"""' 8t'fl•1 c&fllnol --------- .. wln111Mllna- - - ------ TH I t~tlt v~u.!!_. W11h bolltt ---- 8ut'el ___ Cli Jr,"'" ·-------+--------· .._ CMutlnMI ______.___ 01110• bbl• .'.1.••.!..l"•'- ___ _______ _____ ,___ lronl•1 hard .., _, i----1----+.l<. ll•~tll nbl•tl Jt;;i.... ---i--~-+"---- ------+------M--~t-----+ -'!!!!.._ _ _ _ _·-+----+-----+-'---~--+-- 11••· """ Tab~ ,.,_~ ,~~- UlllllY n~h!tt _ _ -"--1---+• Abov Items con.,ist of , Y. Individual units .........--. - --- - hb -----~-_C:,h l~~ral 1h~ _ __ ..... . .,..,..,,..... If the property hetdn claim,~<l to have bcci1 delivered, and whtch :ic..-tually waa deliver d io lost, damaged, or d aii lhe re11ult. of n tligenre wo1I it I in the p~Mit>n or CIJ tody o{ the United S~ates, or of ;iny agency acting fol' It, the Congrcas of the Unit~tl Statc11 will • ;i ked LQ tak • 11p p!'opriatr. action for the bcn fie of the ownm. nper~y Enolo••d UI • OOPJ ot ro WCOA-na.a COY•ll'lN JO'fl' puo• '" no~ •1l t .iie p1,01 11l41oanca OJI tal• ra ~ ~e prop$~ty ~•o•lT•d wltb t ,l),8 toU.o •ct••• •ttb tJMt li•t ~GI •~c•pttonu U.1 l .. .,. dU m1tt'l ~, y~~ • ' Kt ndly ackoowltldg• reo ipt of th ncl.otu'I' by liti nnd« tne .noloeed copy ot th1s tt r to &vecuee Pn>per y Depar Mnt. ed.i·•l R aern Bank or San Francl co , 0& 70? South Sp.rt Street, Loa An,gelae 1 Callfornie . You1r11 'Vil'¥ truly, Rec lpt or Datt he eAelosur HJT:rh Nati ti/ 011 111 11 0 B UELOW THJS LINE STORAGE NO'l'ICE 1111' lln or IMn1 ppurln11 Qn Llw r~vert tide ll( chf!I ror~l have littn )>I ed 111 1t<m gc d th e place lndlc tccl b(•IQw with tl1r t!Xcq1ti11n nl 1hn • ltc101 ptd6rall> l111lt(l.I d rm th rtvcrq 61Je o( thl1 form u not found, or not d livc1cJ lo the undrral ncd rcprcm•tllt:lv' o( tbe F J ul Ru rvc 6. nk o( S n Pr~n d1co, M Pl cal Ai:tnt ol th• United Statee, ur a not htin8 o( the pl'lpu type for ra". The toreil 1tl'm1 nrc i<lrnull J only u to lh number o( ltcru1, raid, or ho~et, and nut Ill to the ccmtc11tA thereof, 8IONBD- - - tlu: eucral ru,crvc 8a11~ o[ San f T11n.lm1, Plmll A:1cr11 of tli~ U1111cd S1att1. Rtt>T<l'-llllllK Ill Pt.ACllO IH RTOMIOC hT _ _ _ _ _ _...._ V:l.AR Ji OU.:f.C 1925 CHAPALA ____ _ Alslel~J / ANTA BARaARA INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER n•Cote 1111y propr rty will be acce pttJ for 1ora11c by the nlted Stolt. Govonmrnt (ol11 ( ~) coplc1 o( th11 (mrn m1111 be 61JeJ 111 and r Wrill'd to th Civil Control Station ~I wh ch yuu re j!illtrcJ fur cu11tlim n he b dt o ( f'icCh copy lht Item• to IJt ltfL for 1tara11e mu L h 1 fully IJ ed ltt ni nut on the prlnti:J list 1hould be wrltti:n fr1 the hlank 1pacu pmviJrJ llll thle form llY l1m11ll 1nld~1 mint. be 1ecur ly uckf'd In cntu ur boiu of not IM tl1<1n two (2) cubrc feet CApadty and Mii bt lndkatcd llmply 111 t-0 n11ml~r r1f li.1ua, nQ attempt lwln11 madf to 1ic101~e "'" thf1 form th e attJc:lu thn~in All u111u .ind bo u mri t be t •nrrdy patk ~ d and (uttn~J l!a t, bol, crate, or art!dt muH be Identified w1t.h tag• obtai ned £r11n1 th <'f'f1l <:.umrol Station. Nri lot t bundlr~ of cloth~e. llncn1, uten 1lt, or othtr &mall or un 111 11.ntl I h1111 • holJ ittmf will b~ arcept~cl for •tor 11c. hi.rm producu, facm n nch111.1y, alnouiobllea, 111.nd, hvutu k, tH pct1 mu.•t not L ll11rd • por •m~I property un thl~ form ~h r all copltt of the fom hilvc \><!en 611 d 1n and retl.lfnkd t i') the f'Jvil Control S1at1nn, one copy, ch clrtd for conforroity with th ~ other thrre, will ht 111,·en to th owner of the propert y The copy dPl twrud to the owner will ht! v1dente mH ly that either UJl ll'.'I o( the fo rm hQ~e I 1•11 dellv rtd. Al Liu Um the own" mu t Ir ~c ch hyt to th e pl~ cft whtrr the prop ·rty 11 co ht found, or make arrangcment1 to dr:liver the k~y· IO the repreknt.1tlvc o( th e l!vacu-.e Property t)11partmcnt or 1he Ped rQJ 1\utnc a.u1k of S 11 Prancl1CO befort len vfng the area of h1. t e ldcnce. 'Mir copy dellvtr d to the ow•1er merely 1howe thr number o( item•, boie•, an d cialct whi h rn1 1 uwne r clahn1 he h • prep red fo r Jtoragt, It doc not conJtltote an agreed inventory. le d~. 11ot ct)nlt1tut~ a Vfn ficd IJ • It d•>t• nix contlitute any evfd,nce u ( the numhtr of Item Actually it.ired or of the contcnll of box 1 , crotca or padr11nc1. Vcdfica.• tloo o( the inventory II t of items actually 1to1ed will b made 11 awr f(e It ac:compll.l1cd. A vtrlti d JI I will thc11 IH· forw1mJ,d to th e owner. The copy of Iii list rnai/1d 10 tht n•lltf will 1~TYt aJ retard aud 1/Jou /d b~ «lft/U/17 prtJfrl'~d b°j film . 11 p.rma1m~1 R••lo, - - - · _ - f!odlo, o~blo1t ~bl;:~!!... - -11- ~4 =-- J --+------, ·~ - v~~., -~".!!...."!.!'-- - ---- - - - DI N JNG ROOM -"""..!.!..--Ir:.* UI .~h 111•• 1.. 1t111tf)11 -c~i.~ ,•. ;; oi;"11n;b1. - -~1,' i ••• - -......-1------+-----i lht. •••II T blo, ~ll1n1l1n - · - - - - - - 1 - - - -1 If the p pert.y herein c! to have e di!l!vcrcd, :ind which nctwtlly waa delivl.'ri:d ls lost, J;i,m;i,qcd, fir dulroycd the r ulL o( ncgllqen~ while it ia in the p & ion or custody of the Uuitcrl St.i,~s. or ;if any ngl!n ) a.ctin for it, the CongfCM of ehe l foltoJ St.1tlul will Le ;1.111 ed t take appr pda.te. action fo r the bcnclit oi the own 111. !ll."•oe -ni.a pro '" h th IAcl.oHd 1• • oopr or fe>rw WCCA·J'Rl...1 oo•erloc yow!~ =~~=-~- :ot •t-- ;.••w• &u1i1i a'i ci oia it\e ral'll, rty recetH<I ag, •• Ub. th l·U t\,lbnt hd br rcu ol o tog exoop tout y • • crt H • l 1 •t Klo y ec kno •cl& rec 4p l and r urnln« th enclosed oo y Propertr De rt nt, de l ReserY 70? Sout Sprt Street , Loa An l' 1 of th noloaur enc by iBn- o thie l ter to vaouee .Bank o San rano1aco , , California. Your • ry truiy, tb •" • STORAGE NOTICE 1'hc u.~ Qf Itel!)• opprarln1 un th~ r v r alclti of 1hl1 form h v ~ tn placed lo a!Ol~J! at th e pla~r. fncllc lt d below Wilh (ht lt~~pl1UJ1 c1I of lhl1 form .i.. not found, or 1\ot dd ""'ed to th e undtr1l11ncd r~prca ntatl vr of chc P~dnul l\ •aervt Dank of San Prancl o, 11.5 [lfacal Agent nf the Unit d St trs, or u not being of the p10 er type for atorag The 1tor d !tem1 Rte 1•J ·11116.:d only aa to th e nulllher ol 1t~ru1, crato, or boa s, and not a• to the conr nu thereof. h~1 t ltc1111 ap<:dGc Uy lndkat~d on ch~ revtrse ai<l 810N!D- _ • ....__... llejJracn11118 1he Pedwtl lluer\le Dal\' .,f S 11 Pt11n•, •O, a.1 Agenr of 1hc U1111eJ Swee, P1ACllO 11'1 'TOllACI AT- - -- - - - - i - WAREHOU_aF tO 5 CHA?Al:A - Alslu /),I I AN rA BARBA A INSTRUC.110NS TO OWNER Or for any proprrty will Ix accepted for 1tora11r by th · U h... d St.1tt1 Gowrnrncnt lour ( 1) CtJP •~• of th l fon11 m11~t hr filled In .inti r. tu1nc to 1hc .~vll C'o111rol Stat1un l whirh yuu rt!Jllbtt11;d f •r \On~11.1tlnn o the barlr of ach wpy tht ll!lnl tn br. ldt for 1toraK,' 1111.J t he c~1 fully lbt1•d. Item nut 011 the pdnt d Ifft 1ht1uld he wiilh n in thr hl;111k •P~Cca provided on tl111 form, Small 111tlclc muat be ae padi:cd In cm1e1 01 bnua of not k I hnn two ( l) (ubic feet 'apacll)' ml will b • i11Jko1 d slmply H Lo numli..r vf bi.> r&, no Gttem11t l Inf! mad to ittmizc OJI hie form th• rt1olr.t thcr 111 , All cra1ca a.ntl l:><i e~ 1nu1l b1; •rc11 1rly pachd •nJ l.uun<d l:!a-:h bo~. crate:, or article mu t hr. id ndfi d '41th l11R ubtafoe.! c1~11 from th <:.mlrol • ta 1011, I No lt111 c hundk• of dr)thl'I, ltn tll, u1r111ll~, or oth••r lllllall or Utl' 1uli•1an1i:1I hou ch<>ld Jtc1ne will hr cc ptcJ for otr;raiie. Parm l)tod11 ti, form m chiim-y, ntomob1ll'8, land, lav, Ur I:, or p• m\Ut not be Ii cd 111 1x 011 t prpp1:1 t y on t hr form. t• Aft 1 alt coplet of the forrn have b en lilh d 111 and retu med to the Civil Control Station, one co py, checked for ~·'tlf1formlty with th t oth1 1 thr~t 1 will I" w1vcn to th owner 1Jf th proprrty The wpy d•liwr. J to tht 01,1,11 r 111111 ~ cvidtncr m rdy 1ha1 01hrr lnp1rs of the form havl' li«n d•hv111ed. li t thlt llmv tht own 1 mil t I nvt. lhe kc:; to the plaf4 v.hi:rc the pttJperty 11 to be f11und, or mukc arra1111rmenu tu ddiv •r th« k~y• to the r pr~1e nt~llve of chc P.vacuf Property rt111ent of the llcdual llt crve Bank of S n rand1co bl'lurt lt•av1n R thr &r a of lua rcdJ .. nct. The cop)' ddlvrred tO the owner mtrcly 1how1 tl•c nurnlic r of itrma, bo1ed, ,\11 d er t••t which the owner cl1111n• he ha• prcpn1 J f11r 11oragr.. h d11 '• not ronnrtut< an gre d 111vcn1ory lt do,:a not conailtute n vmlieJ h ~ . It dDCs r'~ co 11~1it11te any evltl nee uf the n\1111her of 1t ~rn~ aatt~lly to!t.d M o( the con t ~nu of bou1, '111tr1 ot pad1a111.1. YldficA• tion of the 111vcntory Hsl of itt 11\J actually lO d will b • made a 11irn11c i " ·omplMhed, , vcrHieJ lltt 11<1U the11 b~ lorwardfd t the own~r. 1 1'ht copy of the 1111 ntmlttl l o tf1 1 Dlfl111r !t!ill rtcortl 011d shuuld b, orcfl&Uy pr111r-,1d by '11111 , JRrVt as Ii Pttr 11<111 111 Xnoloeed t• • 001>1 ot to1• WCCA-~2 co'ftrl .. tour --- _. . _.. " . . . -· -~- ·--•4 __ . . _.. -- ....... f't--. p&"9»'fr~1 ~~•u• ~" •• -.• •• ~~· ~··•• ~---··~-•• ~¥ ~~- ·~·-• '111• p.roJ>Ort1 t•o•b•« ••'"' ltb tbl Ue1; ·~•the4 l>r 1'0\J, ~1th th• follow1iag •:a:oe,tlo111r . >. " x r c 1ve~ ~ no list d. or th enclot r bt elgnibe •~loaad ~opy ot th1 l•tt r to vac~•• Prcpert1 DePtr 11t. Ftde..,1 ReHne Bank ot San hanotsco. ?07 So~th SprlQI Street. LQa AntelGs. Cllitornia. klccUr ac no•l•dc• rtaetpt 1D& •aid rt ~r~tnc Yours Hr')' rul y 1 1. The rroptr~y de .:nh u •>n the , v rn 1i«,le bl thi1 form focit~d .i rlie a~dtn• giv n ab<J t l• d Uvuit>J l.l'J tl\<11 l1ed ral Re ·r• B Ilk of S•n l'r<111d~ ~ .Fit4'•l Agna oi th t.Ju1utl ~tll '~· ~t th~ &Qle 11 k of the unJ~ral"nt;J. 'It 11 a~ntd th~ no Ii billty or t~•iiou11blllty ~lia!l lw a~umrJ by th ~ed 1al t\f el'Ye nlc Sin ..01111.-cclon whh n ior Not~ 10 0» n n DO NOT WRITE UELOW STORAGE NOTl<:!E 1'he ll!t o( It 'ma npp1:arfr1" on (he rever e siric of thl1 form have •en pla ed In ator g~ ~~ the pl~~ lndkatl;d b~lpw wiih th• oc1:ptfnh 11r 1ho1e it•Jlll ap dfically r11JiCJ1t d llil the rev rM: a.ide of th! form a1 not (nut\ 1 or not ·d"11v ·red ~o the I.Ind uisn'IAI repru~ntauve o! tbe P•du1,;.I Rt11erve !lank of S n £1r11rid~co, -· flfa~al /\gent o( tl1t Unitl!d RI.lie~. or u riot btfllS of the proper t)'J!e for uo1 ge. '!lie ~tortd temt arc ld'Jml1 J only at '" 1110 nuiubcr of ltcm1, crat•a, or box~A, end not a• ti) thf. r.ont • nt~ thtreof. ~ + 8tON&1>- - - --;- - - - - · - - ---~flYUIH ILHlg rhc Ftclti al Rt1crvs B.i11~ of Sm1 f'r11t1c:i.1110, 114 Pis W/\11£HOIJ.~f. PLllWlO JN ST-OllMJll llT--~-- l AJ•· l~~J. ~ANTA 5 CHA£>Ai.A 11 t\11cl\t qf dtd IJnlrcd .Strttei. ·;--·----·----··--- - - BARfl.ARA . :=:::=:::::::::::===================.::::=c~=======::::;;:================:::::::::;::::::=:::r:::=:====:;::::======:::::::===: ' INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER BtCore nny property will ~ A~ccptcrl for ato1·age hy thz Unfttd ' Stal~• Oo,crnin .nt four ( 4) 1:Qp ·ea uf thl1 form rou1l be 6IJt1d In antJ rtturncd to th~ Civil Cc.111Lrol Station at wluch >OIJ rc11l4tm:d rur rvanmtfon . On the back of each copy th Items rn be I rt for •torage mu•t I)( carrlully llu d. Tte~ not 1)n the prfntad ll ~t dv.iuld be wriu n in the blanlt 1pao.:ea provldrd oo thia form. Small artlcl • mult Ill! •e~·ur ly paclu:d In cr1.t.u ot bou1 of not let1a than two ( 2) q1blc feet cap aty nnd will be lndicatlld tlmply u to numba o( hoxl!ll, no attempt beiol( made to itemlu on th! form tht 1.n.klc1 th1•rrfn . All cratu and lxlxc• 111\l L be arcurdy pnckcd end fa~leneu . Ea(h bo:i., crate, or 11rtklc mua\ be ldr.olifit<I w11h t~ir• obtain d froiu lhc Ct ·U .(Jt1trol Stalion . No luOlle hundlce or doihu, lineru, \l~nall • or oth r C'Dall or UI'\• aUh$tantlal hou ·hold item• will be ace ptcd for noragc. Pai m prod•JCt , farm toachittcry, al1tomobllu, land, hvur:ook, Qr pc~ muat not be U d u rcrwnal prOptrty on thu rorm . A£tfr all cop!u o( the form have be11n lilkd In 11nd returned to the Civil Control Station, one copy, checked for con rormity whh th" other three, will )>( l(ille n to the owner or thr prQpcrty, Th.e copy (lellYclftd to the owner v11Jl b~ evlde.nce merely that other .;npfea o( he form ha\·r b.o.en delfvfl rcd . At thia time the owoer moat lu vr the lu~yn lo tht placr where tJ1 e property ia to be fnund, or make arrnngem nta l9 del!ver he keya tq Che rrpn:M1nllliv of th.e Evacuee Propert11 l).:p;utment of the Pcderal R-e rve Bon~ o( San belon.- laving th a.rc1 of luA ruJd~net . The copy d~liwred t.o the ownrr merely ahowe Lhe number or ltcm•, llOact, an d cratu which the owner cla!m1 he hu.s prcpiw?d (pr 1toraue. It dou not constitute an ngrc«d inventory. It Joca not con.al1tute a l.'enf.i~d 116~. l~ doe~ not con•thute any ol the number of It u11 a~tually 1tortd or of th content of l>Cl:ue, crau~• <1r packal!'~ •· V• tio11 ol the nyentory li~t br 1tt~m• 1ct11ally 1\orcd will ~ rnaJ( aa 1tora11e ll :tccomplM1td. A \'uri6cd Ir t di th n b forwarded to the •)Wner Tli• t:op-y of th• 1/11 m4ill'ri ta lht owun ••Ill iert-e pr11en'~d by him. rmud 4Nd 1lw1Ald bt rarcf1dly tlJ a perma111111 .. / - t.., /r .; ) - /iJ , . I/~ .I I · l~'lf/'' J ·· ~ ...,( t;// .., 1.( I tr (( lJ 7 ! I l J I . I c I /,r_ , cl: fir:; . /10 7 3 s RE EDER.AL fRANc1 l. Riuaaki bly c nt :r 11 1 Cl\ Uto'.I.' la J<~ er ,,1 0::; .. i y Tho you , Yours v ~ ry tr1 iv . \ __,,, u, A "'/ .... ~ ,. ,,,,- a1a an\. ' niwer ' R cotpt o he ncl o ure 1.s oc .., (__ 'l HJS LIN STOIAOI NOtiCI Thr l 1t ol ~.w; tpJl!ll*.tlng 011 t rc:wtr ol I •i• (prt11 !l.a1•r bttn rl11ct11l n Mlota,g at the plllcir indJ~tt• brJvw ~·Ith the uoept C>n pl tl,i:me it ·m• e f•~ll)'·~ ~ tbt ttn111e f t.hlJ fcmo t n ~ loµnfl, 01 tlOI df"liYerf'd I() lhr "n tf"t S ~ f. tit~f\Ohve <.1f th~ d1 t~ ir Unit.,(! U1tf, • or 1, apt b nJ c;if tbt pr 1JCJ type for tit.Ilia. c. The ~ f'(!d Itel"•• arc idMltllr~ Rtlltl"llC .81 " Qf Pt•nll.l~l;tl. • lKll /\~till nly •• t.o tbt nu-mbt1 of t ~··cot~ , or blir •. and 11 I u to tin 11~nu tberwf. s.n I lfl!ll ' ::·::;,ii ~--· tHSTRUCTIONS TO OWNIR r r •t••rage by c.he u il d U•llon, ont <opy, c:I. krd for ronfr·Mnity ,..Ith tit otl1t1 CJ''" r ol 1he .pm rrity Th ro:iv 4r111·r1ti;I 1wtn L th ·1\1 b. c\'I nit mrr I t 11 ~. r oupiu of the form h;i1 ht-t:'n ~"'"' rtd . At tlm tune t 1e ownu 1nu111 lra•·t the kt)' I<> t t pl~<'t ~·l1u tht r prrty I ~o bt lu nd, 0 1 ma,~e 1u11.11gtn1rn4 to ~ 1vtr It "', to tbt I t prt-l4. n lllltJ~·e of I ht e ·a~urt• Pr UI )' ~ lrtlil {It ~)' ! I ~ dutt Rt- 1'\' anli <>f ~n f'rau btfort ln,vln the t.r II 91 hi• t.0 t I 1:.iiuiu. PE E Jt.ooJ.oatd h • ~ oopr tit tora WOOA·J'RB...a ci>,ertJa& ycur lnclloated on t~e toJ1l, UUJ tile lht autmUttcl b1 yo\l ~~·. ;~e~c~ t~ ••~iig~ • . ' he p~1ce TM p1>QJ:iert:y :Nc&t'fe4 wlt th •Crt•• 1 fol~ owlng •~Q•ptloaa.~ Kio 1 ao DO•l•O&• r~Qeipt pf th enoloaure by ign~ i"I! end retu..rnlng th' enoloaed cppy of th1 l etter to ~•ac u e Prope f De r aent. Ji'ed ral Jie&el'Ve a.n of San 1Ttu101aco 1 707 South Sprias Street~ Lo An elo 1 Ca itornta. Yours vef')' truly, ·~ pl c . 01 tl You . • • ).Ml . I SiONAT u OP 0wHfll._N..: Nott to Oirtitr-: DO NOT WRlllS B LOW THIS tlNH ITORAGI NOJICf.. 1lie 11,1 of il4om apl'fUL 1 tht rf'll~.r ff 11ide of lli • for li•,w- btH pt ~ In ltW' C a~ It ~Ice Ind! tied \°"I' iih I f t ptst•n (t( tl'i05C '!UN ' prir.1J1e1illy itldJcikd oi:i 1h.i re\'fllit' lide I thl.f form u not lc.\Jiid, or r.o~ dcll\ (t:d tO t c undue gncil replelo(nU.tave of ,b 111<1 I R~rve Uanlt " £ San tanci , &t PC&J Ar.ent of the 'llittd Stuit1, cir II not bt~ng of c proper l'Yf'e (or i:torare Tht ttor~ i1<11t1J.re1drnufi ·J onlJI u to the numbtr of 1.t1, •nd nut ... to the coMrn~1 t.l1rrrof, the Prder.J R.nuvc Ban of s... r~~ruit~o . .a1 Jfutal /\ t'ni of 1.!1f Un1ttd St.res. fu/>rtlc:•U.'1~ WJl.REH USE 1025 Ct! PALA -----·---- -·--.. ..... ~- . - INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNlR Bdor 1ny propr tt1• ~'111 ht atr(pted f r ltora e ~Y t ' Una d au- Gowmmrnt four ( '.) oor 1 ol 1hlt for1n mu I br fdlr:tl rn arid chu:hd for conl n ilr, ti'ith 1 1r to the O)l.·nt·r o( the r•ropt!1 y The ~,, d lt\lh Q •111 Oontn;il Su1Jon , one oop}, l rte, will \'t to Lhr ow tr ill ht \•idt n0t 11trdy tbal lier ~ 1 . of ti e form *•ll 'l betn ddf\· rtd. At th.I• 11mt 1ht Cl'llo n rnu luvt th e ~ f' to tie 1>lac· whcte thr f'ropr·rt}' I to e lt.t.1hd, CH make 1rta.hl!t!Jltr1 to dtl 1•t1 )'11 the r4'.pnsentaU\' o{ tht Ev•C'ISe~ Pl(Jp Ay D t'fnt11L <ii tl1r fc&,..t llr1'0Vr Ban\. of $an Jiran Ila> I f111t •~ "' tllt' atfa ol ha f C1.idtn1.1t. ~•llt l cd e a J 'Jlhe «'PY 11:11\·crfld ~o oo ei;, It dtlfl1 t>(JI wn11tu ut.e a.a "r.nfir:od II . lt a!:t e o'lvntr llltrtl and crt.t • Lhe cnilor;r II tllo d vr of 1, r~d 1. "'' ~h<i;i• tht nurnher of it 11a, he ha f rcrared fu1 st racr 1ti cni.or . It d 111 a~ «lUUtur a11y evtdC'tlce ~f t t n'll'°'1ar ol nr ( th tott-./ '""lid ,,,..Ur4' 10 lb iiJ!t'lMi' •'lll Jnt r , ••. rff.,, -' '""-" ,,, t•tf/-"f ,.,,,,,... ..- 11 ., •I'*~ fED RAJ.. .ESERVE 13 CI 0 Fueiu. AOElft' OF 'nt.I: UN1'1'&D STATE u 0 nte l 11 Oa.11 torn\ , E nc loeed yo I.' :vro tha form . ~rty plBc 'rh o • mitt d by l'OJ; r op o , l' of 'form .. cc of the tet/; /jt4ta I f in t 11 the Yours R o ip -mB-2 lHc aoxnow~ed tu~n11p ~0? y of he encloa I' o rec ~ nc os• co ~· of h 1 h t r o . 1.;se1·9e »an)( of' 1 an 'i ue;.artment ' , Los l"'& , Cal 1.fornh. South S>rln s'r Ktid y ond r a co in e Ol'npo £1t t.h rt.:r l' c t ved "fJ- v ar~ ncloe ure in ao .:J.J.1r:J.1' t dge AA! -< • y, 'flu f•tt> ny ~ .r11htd 011 lh · r1·,·l'trt ~kil' of I~• ((Vm loa.1r<I at tM add~ C•"l'n al>Q\'t la dt~Mrt.d ~ !tie Ped, ral R.r..ervr !Jank u( i;.n rant(l.oo. il fllCllol A~~n~ of tht Unat Utt , at t•111 '8tllt ri •qf ti c un6r.r11 in«t. lt u atr d ~ llQ J1ah '' "' ~ pc..n• \Ulily sh111l ibt ..l'Umtd hr the dn-~ Rf'fltt\'f' B•nk or n ha !Ito I r UIY al( (Ir <1111 ~IOtl in conn cttcm with •U ~itpoldtl<)ll . It i• un6rr;tc.od th~t no n llrllrlC~ ' h 'f 1·4T NotHo Ch·ntr: D<'.> NOT WR lTB 861..0 1 HrS l.LNB STORAOI ,Ntptl I Cl{ itr I t:J>l'tinilJ <iit ~ t rr~e-tf;t 1l~f qf I S fo~ ha 't bttn r1art.d n raif at ~he place Indicated lxlOl\I 'Ii tn tbt tltc:tption ol pcl(llfl(:JUly r.dltitt4 on 1 t re 'trt• ~t o( llu i r111 &l not found', or nvt d I vrt d ~<> th• undtra t•ecl r p1t5eCJli1111t of the f'~ rial IU ~ ank 1>( ' n f ra11d.w, a1 I 111Cal A tilt al Lin nlt.ed St<&~ , or a• o~ be ng of ti.,, proper t)·pc for fit ra e, ne Hcmd jtf'JU are i!!tM1f1 d nly a i9 t t IUIWib I I ikl!UI, u • or (<l\l ~llf.6 tb.u r. 11h } llt ~l!*! i1<¢1t1• ~ tU(t)t1'11r 1lie Pcl~•I R~tn•e &n~ ., Pu..·al A#rnr "' p OL I S 1/1t 9J S.n Pr4~o•c~ • Sw u . ______ ......._.___ G..11 AT......._ .. _ _ _ _,_ _,.... -- INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNlll u1~lf)n, one copy, chedttd for confor111ity 'llh llit otlm to die owner <j( 1 t riroptrt >'. "rt., to;> • ddt •t 1ed f'\'ldtn~t Alli rd,, t!.ii..t dtl r cot> it. of Lht for ha n en dioh,• 1 d . .At t 11• t me 1tl1e ownc-r 11111 Ir•'" tf1t It ~ to 1 1t pllice 111hcu Ll1n pr rrt u to l·ot four1 , or mah u<r~r·i:rr11r11t to dth 1 1l1t t)' to tLt rcpre1rr.1.n •t of 1l1r £ •acuce Prvpt:ll? Dept. tlll of tie Ptdrr I R rvr Ba.r1lt df ln Praflcili(IO tbcforc f11Y n th aru 1,)1 Is n.1h!t cie. 1'11; tt/I ., I t 11111 •tlflt4 .. tltf< n1M'r ttil/ "~''""" .,,.,,," ~ ~fli'flf;.Ur ''bf'l't~ 6r "'•· m.- # ti ,. _ _.,., IOTCtHN FEDE AL RESE }VE BA K OF SAN FRANCISCO f) aQAJ.~ OJ"nl.B :UNJ D STA'l'E rwnt er ~amJl y co -; of form .. cc -Jl'Rp....2 covering in stor pe et tha pluce lndlc"t 1 r cai ved a ~ aa with hu llr Kind J aclrno ai nln i£ 60\11) ledc~e rec l and r turnin17 h inc oatJ co ~· of ro r 'i ver.1Htlf10nt ' 1'edcra H Y1·e11olsoo , ?O? south $)rln s re ·10,l!I' vLA .,,... o~ the enolo S - .)::\,- - ; , ~ ..t Pat ro by te1• to Lo 1 ve ry .ruly I ....... ·-' ( ..1aaistunt ece1 t t of th on ub- / .'. ... /,.., r orer . ...- C. ubut 9P. the t!f'Vtriic Jidr cif this ro... lelt<d •I tl\c: "~~t lit 11,•tn alxrl·c I~ d 11\\l"flld to t~ lJtdrral RtP • Bank A • nt of Unij,ud Stalu, at U1e 110) • ~ of t1 c uodnr c,md. 14 1; d l ~Q fia1>1Uty or 1~N1'bl1itt ehllll ll f'J it»d1100 for •i:tf •d ur otr1i.,i1>11 iti wnnt Uon w4h llit al•p.o.itioq , It ie n«krllOOd ~hit oo I S~n Note to Oit:"'m DO NOT WRITB ~61..0W THlS LINB STORAOI f.mOTICI 1h tlet <if l1e111 1ppf'lirir.1 OQ Utt rrvtr&t ride of I k form h•''" 'l i«n ,ila.ttd ln 'Lon.gc al tht pl~c Ind ~led b.:h ~111 the 1>11.~t-ptitm 1>l llvn• •~ti6,.,.liy In\! catnd on tin r ''c:rM' lldt of th• ( rm a nlA found, ot ntit dtl1vtr. ~ io t e uw:l l'lligntd rqire~r~ta.t:l"l't rJf Lhe fl dr1 R.Cllai>e Ban\ of Su ranciil!C'Q, at t1e•I I\ r:nl of the n• 1:d ta ~. or u not brl111 of 1J1t f'W~c:r tyre for •4<>r111g . The ll'torrd tmJ are idtcrti~ d onl\I' u to the ptu111>cr qf ltt1n1, oratu, or boir:o, •nd 1oo1 a tq t ooo l~ntc thcr«lf. tholoB ~"'· f"dtr•l ltttrr\&e 81111 Su.nun_. _____ _ __ _ _ iR-tp1·,,i,ntu1g tl~4! liJ f•~H Asr"'I Clf ltf 5,.,. if~llnim<i, 1ltt l1n111d S'4rt . r)O~ ,. {Oi5 ~HA PAf.A_ - - - - · - - - ----·- . · · ..& J ---- - BARBARA INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNfR I ' Bdorc any prl:>{'rl'll' wtll be a tf>l d for ~torage by ilit Unitr' • Oa\~fflmt11t four ( 4) coplr.1 of thi• f rm rmJ t 6.TI 4 in and r ill{Tl~ to the Qi 11 0 ntral Su11Jun &t v.·hid1 >' Oii 11· • t<r~ lor t \·acu1tiot1 ii t ~ bJC'k of taeh C<•PY t~ e it "" to be left (o, .to•• t tn ~u.t be urdUlly lltte6 ltttn• l'lot <in the printed II •h 1.ild Tlta n ac I 1'<1"'i4 d on tlu• forJD . Sl~I CMI Ccmtro1 S1.-.1,jc..11, one pf, ch lted fo·1 CJOnfort hy 11\•lth •the otl rr t m , ••111 be iwn t(I t . r OWl!ltr of the prorir11y . The ct~ dthHat~ to tht o't!Mr 'II I> M rn« nicrtl th~~ 11thcr ropl~ of tht for~ au ~n dc:ll\•tr~d . At thhl tl~e ti, t <OW'1tr (l~U~t \t~ ~if' r l'' t<> the pl11<r crt t 1e proptny 11 to be fol.ind, or make 111r..11r: mt11La to dtlivt1 1 t ktyl' to!> ·th 1 prell(nllll\rt ol t lvku~t Proptrty 0 partr11cr t of t Ped 1'*' R tn•t l\a ti ~ of a.n frand* btfor« lta •l s 111~ t.frJr ot W w' rr!lititnc~ . SA fRAN~I co FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 0 Fl•CAL AorNT OP nm NlftD Sf.A'l'E l.nalosed is a oapy ot tam ~CCA ..fta,..2 ooverl..r. your p:r.!W""'t!' "'~ee~ !~ ~~:.••i"' t\. foo pbce 1na1oa~ ft ,.. .. 1be f,o._~ ~a pro~e~tf r•c lvo~ agrtes w1tb the list subml ted b~ you wl'b he follo•1U6 &«oeptionar .\ l • Ki~cllr •oknowledge reo ipt or the noL sur by l~P1118 and r turning the eucloeed qopy ot thls l tter to ~tacu•• Propnty De;pa.rtunt • 70? South ll:Pl'· QC ed na:l Rea rv<0 Ban of Sen P'ra no heo, .Ans las, California. StHet, t.o ~ )La. Rtu p or the encloeur t1ov ~s; ~l .~. C'~ea\1 ~. , ~ ' ~ c ; AH& stant .,,,,, 111\;J! ' IUl.fl•" ls acknowl dg&d -1:~~~ .l".A·a c «t=e/l.L~ p ;;;_or1, n c i<~ hQ vi . -da..~o.....e...............£. . . .J_c,......,.-u.....s......._. I I(, ,,,,.. l/ l/?&JC b• laJ I , lHA r.tir ... ltMI •.m ~· ooto N.e.,.. 0.1U"1da ia.-1.J O.a\el' ..... l•M 17 " ..., ,,,. , ......i..... nnttet _,, ol J'0'1I' ltft trottrtr IOGA4U I, la • • ll• -... . to ,_.., -. J09f retoJ!I of a 111 nMlY-4 •• platl.. la doap. I• Afn..1etcl.. ~. .... " or '~ ••,, "" •'11 ••••1,. ..., . . U o ltJ ala • 'k• ~ 81 la la JOV 0 1• o r 'u • la JCMI" •••••1oa, ta& •U .• tlal OOpJ, W• a r• n 109 r9'tta tt 1tloa Y09'• 'b' nrr .,_. o. loW r, ~ _, •••l• ....... ·nit pwrnly d~ 11 t.<l ,011 1 e rn'H1>r ddc of IJ forua lOGatr:<,I ~t 1t•t addtt$8 ftY n .,ho,~ tt l'r•nci • u II'~ ~ r1t of tht Uni~~ • utN, at 1J1c •~lt ri'k ro( tht \11\d rl'itntli, 11 It •II ed !kl no lli.h1fity Cir by 11.e ftrdtr•I Rcttrw. Bini. of ·• 1.randtc<O kr any Cl r 11tl11~'° in aoru1role>11 w:1li t 4l11 v. ill l•t· pi-~1 l<,1 >.f cm ti i• pt<lptrt y. lt SJONATVU Of Ow~ W RITl.l BBLO Nott ' " O,,.,ntr: .......... STORAGE N01~CI The lM. 1>£ ildfl• app~ r "* dt of 11.i• fo~ n ph.Ol.-4 n 1tt.oui: lot t h~ ph1u fod ~!td ' .luw lliilh t1'r· t ttf!li~l'i of of t h form a not lo;iunid, ot 110~ dthvt11td to t u:nde,..t ed iitprt'.IU'lta vc (.ff t t )ltdtial i'f'al A t.1'11 of the Uniti'd btat , 1 flD not 'hilng of tbr proJrr '''f'~ for ~tor.a.i:c . ·, 1t ~rtd itC'm m: ~ttd1f1•-d tir hp o, lnd nCil u t<t 1thc c Mitnt ~hut f. I.he r~\'l'l"lt tl~r:i1,., ii 1111 pecJ6C11UY ndir.<11-ed cm die rt •a1 Rt11«1n•e llinlr of Im franci~co, -a1 Mly 11.t t'O 1he n11robu of i~~. Ollil~CI D • md11 't WA f:HOLJ.S - 0"5 CHAE.A /l.lsle !J fsA 'BARBARA Puc· o nc c: INSTRUCTION·S TO OW'NIR. lklt>rt •ny propt11'J" v.•tll bt ~OC:ll!Jllrd for &t~tl r t G v,rn lrat (o\lr (•) of l 1 form rnrd t<J t hr Civd Conl.ll<>I • 1taticJh ll \Oi1l t-0r11 ti 111u~1 >' th' Uniud bt 6 lr:d in a.n Oi,•tl !»otJtol t hrt•t, •·lll bt ll'1 ' u. r11c oie. n 1 <ii l'IOUI, no att~lll.Jll thtrth. AU cr•atr. md iuu • 1!1t ht• , en~ or ._rtl fro111 rht flh- Cc•f'tr ~don 11uu1} 1 a;t d 1 Tiit t"l'JI o/ tit~ li• .,.., I• 1 ._..,., -'"' _., • • • 1im.-.1 """""" -4 ,.....,., •c- C"M4!/•Ur ,,.,,,.,..,,,, ....... ESERVE FtsGAL A.GE yo~r B SAN:fi KO o TU UM1T1t> aolos ls a pro rty laced 1n forn . Th ANCISCO Sun .. COA YRD-~ OO'Verl lndlc1~t Ii tl m1t t&d by yo • H 'I If Ito Ltoa 'lo r v ry ,; '/ ) . ... ,,., (,,. A is ant Rae i ot t le ·" is so nowl d@e ... '· /' nagar ~ · (__ No(1t ,t o 0•·11tr1 DO NOT WRJTO lloELOW l'IU ITORAOI NOf&CI fo 111oraac •I the pl•rc lndantcd 1""" ••ilh ~ u r pt cm o! nut dtlt red tb~ undrr~1tn d r, prtJifl\t.I ~ of tlit flc•tl t•l ·Ina: o tlic proper I pe for ;tora . Tbt 11tored It 1 u~ idtr.h .d The ll•t n( 1tHJJe -.,ppun;1 on tht r Ytt , •Ptci6tllll)' u.clfuauill oo the 1nme llidt of t\u• { r111 a. r,ic~ R l\1c lhnk of San E'ran llllO, •o I I A c t ol th• tale , only "' I<> I e ll\>t11bt"r o{ itt11:1 , tr~ ~ oac le ., $JGtU . l~tpruu1u111 lht P1c!tr11I os Pilral Ag II R.l.i.t111i .,f 11~ IUin' ~f .CJin Fr.11, J('t, Un1trd Si:.tcr, ___ ........ _ ..,..._,...... INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNIR Defore any proptrtjr ill' I •OCllptc for 'l<>r&f:t by tbr. Unitt-if t&t Oo "tn! rnt four (4) ro)'ltl d thu form nll•M bl; fi'llrd 10 a rttvrncd t.o btit 01-il Cxntrol tWi atlon On t l \-a · of 1 a; y t e tu 1 • l>t l It f r 'mu I tir c111~tull1• lhtt.<I, ltctns 11!.ll. on tlat print~ IM rhe>1.1ld l>e ••rltt<'11 in tht lank p• pro\tl!lrd 011 t " for • 1n11ll 111t1.dr~ mui;t b1:1 Krtml • p11 \ed 111 \1111 01 bv11• ol 1101 IU!i (i) <1\lbic (ttt t paoty a "'ill br ndk11td lli,mpJy • 1ur.btt nl l:it1 1· no allt.llll'I ht i'ifi 1 tde 10 1ttm1u on th for t e &t~klet I nnn . I\)) (Irk!~ 11.11d D\ljlt br •r 11t1y P•dcrd 1111d u t bt idtnu r.(I w1lh to ~ obt11in d t 11.0 tw:> <".iv I' Oo11trdl ta.di>n, oilt oopy, r f r coulomlty ... 11 ; r1 1Hn to thr ow.>nu '" tl-t roptr~y 111 e co d · 1 •rrr:d \Cl th o"''nt( wlll be e' dtnct 111trdy t at lil er cvri r of thr lvr«> h,, bun dcllwrrd . At tih l~ ume 1l1 QN &aUl4 ln the h)'I 1-0 ~ 1:1b1 w e-rc rrcrrr~'f n llO bi' I 1.1nd, or !ll• ~ 11u1~nnt'ht5 t<;> drli' r thr kq· to lhr r pr 1r.t~t ,. of the v&cutt P J>t:l1)' l>tpa.1t,!l•mt of 1lt rcdi:ral Rt.ltl"l'f l\apk o{ &an ,f1r1,npll(IO brfi:.rc tca¥in the aro (I{ ht I 1r , will he f c:lfl\t;f. y dl'll ·rr 'Tier "'" fl/ r6r 11111 tlll.M.J t• 11.# . . - •ill wt"re a • ,.,,._,., r•c•ri fUlll • " •• tl•f'/..Ur '-'urrid l7 WM. =---· J ---··-1-·--,---,.·--i--- ... '"_!...~.-·-- ---- .........-----v............ .. ..... w~ ~ - ~~~--..,...~..,.~ -- fEDERA'L RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO Fl CAL AO&'NT OJI' TJU UNt'AO S~TE S Femily l '11clos d i s a CO.PY Of fOT\! .. CCA-Jl'Rt'-2 cov ,r 1 !fOUr l"Op&rty d 1 n s or·ogo at th l.uo iudic!.lt t ~ form , II' o J.'01 l rt;r reoe!.v d a reea wt th Ile l.1. .ml t d by you . Kindly ckrowledco r oc1p of the enolosurB y si ntn an~ ;r t11rt.1nl' th., (rnoloe d co 'J o ls le t to "'-'"'aouae ·ro 1·t; D" >a:ri.moint , Fed :ral. H(; erv 11 lk oi' Jan. 1''l1a11c1soo , 'l0'7 sou h S r1.n,g St r , l~-011 AtlJl'el .. , Oulifor 1 • YollrB very R•o•l~ the ·~· re ts ae now1 Dnt 1 -· 44(11~.-n~-'{.._.. /() ~ ruly, eel lo .......... ;-r... ' ·- ,__ 1, lMI allJ • 140 ·~NRSONAL e J>t~•ruti• dr1e11btd on the rt ·r~i.r 6 ch of th~ (()rin tocatf'd a.I ihr *dtfrt gh u Ii~ /.gent of th U ult d Stat· , at 1ht: I rlhlt t>f ''be undw n1 d. I ' l'tMl by t t \ l ht h. .Pcde:ra\ R !'\' B11,l\k of ryYidcd on tbh pmprny. a. ran tC<I far &11)' ad or omtl!J e111 In Ptodtr·a1 Rt• f\ !lit 11 r reti llCQ, ~nn«-.tion with at Ban of San n•ib1ht v hall br •~'llo~r'il, cli pot;Jlt011. It ii undrr ood th•t no u1 1ru1ae l'f No ft t j> 01rn r: WR l"JIE B LOW TH IS Ll D :::r.:::=:=:::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::=:===-:::::!::'::::::::::::=:::::.::;::::::::=:============:::::==============::::::::::::==:::::::e:::::=::::::::::::::::: STORAOI NOTICE m~ • appe rln1 on t e rcYl:llC id ,,f lnl• forin Ii ''t Ii all)• 1nclffil&ttd 011 ti. 1t;\'tr d ''' !1111 foNn Mt Re.strve D!l-n'k o( t.n franc •o, • lig nt of tht! nit d 'Ott>a, <.mJ1 u LO l he nuoobe.r of item,, rattJ, or bo1t11, and not a to the cqntcnt The Ii t of 11A'cna J" ith tk~ em·pton of tlttn hred l!\ lltorH:e lo nod, ot n t dtll\'Htd <IT as n01 !:Kiln~ c.f t c rr thr1·111>f. IOll ti rder•f iRr•n1·~ 8•11 erf !.d11 Pr•11ruco. A ,.;;.l,.---~ ... - l\HEI l'l I f~ I Vmttd S1..a11i oy r .J A la/~ • 1025 CH 1.A. -·--~ TA BAR ARA ------- INSTRUCflONS TO OWN'IR a11 11. ,p=-o rty will be ~ptc:J fo1 ntnt fou1 ( ~) ()(if'~ of t it Ci tl Cont1c.J Qa,;j Control l(lrage ., f r Ii m 1 1 If , ont. ~opy dhtdttd for c1111fo1m1ty ·Ith t tat ltd in arid IUttd (c.r to tlor <no tva ncie tr ( cA tlit f'IOPtf'ly , 'T'ht C<•~ f n1hrr d hHrcd .Iv ! h~t 01hc1 l 1 ul tht form h•.r y • to l'it fo11n , b1 ll!k ~ ura11 •r c If iii dcla\u l 1r f fnCllte rropm· trut tnl of th1: v.· trt ti a W thr rr rt'l'nl.Jti1'f' 1>( I } rt rr.i R~llt'M'r El•1 k of San r~noil<lQ btlon I a\iri1 tl•r tin of h1 1wt!f!11ci'. Th ~PY litlfruod n~ cntu I I~ doµ not ~nw.i1 b llinr 1 r.o 1 r ~wu cr CDtrd~ ~h~· tht noui\itt of ltr111t, ( r C.N'•f'Clliif lo ti t OWnf'I !)le Tiie cbt •I 1J. lur •-.ilr~ 111 llU ~ll"lltt' •ill rtrt'e .u • i>f'nt1nrftl rf'11C>PWI •"4 JIM,•1' ~.,,.;.u, lor Ai1.111. e., ,,,_,,,..¥ l!W•llt<t Hf'tonr 11~!0£ GF Pllti. AUIC~I fED E RAL RE ' no your pro rty tt a form , Th mit ERVE BA J Of' s CJ co y or for .. OC.A-FHD-2 cov rl~ lnoed 1 stornB u tba pluas lndlcat on N'O rty reoei v r . ,. i h h 11 aul>- y yo , You a Vdry ASB113 an Rsc 1:p of ha 0 neloa re is 11olmo 1, l ge · ~ der;cr#l>rcl 011 lhr m'UM' kdr ol thl& fo~rt1 locat.rl! a\ tl1t addre• •1vr11 a'bo e it d h crd ti1 the n'll fl, I' t l\aok o ( • an Clll of th Ur111 d t.a,t ~ •I 411 ~ \. Ct.h undu~ " d. It iJ air cd !)>al nt> 11.i>lhtll' oir rr p..oi..hi1lty l1al1 l..11t11W hy the Pe<lrrd otrvt &nnk ol S 1 ' 111ncitco fo r any ,1rt or Ollti»pol\ in wnnccti n with i t •1 o l1ln11. h 11 \lndrr •'UOd th no jn.U!llnCt wall t>i· rov1dtd on thia proptrty, r•nn1>1 1, llf F If.Al A STOIAOE NOTIC Tilt lilt of tc111a •pJlfa.tin.C <>n the rc1·ra e ~d~ of ti foru1 I\' hffn p)a~td '" "tvr111:1· •I tht place indl t~\! 114- im• ulh 1bc cxotpl on ol -.hulll! 11tro1 pt .i6catl indki t-td on rh rtv 1 · •1 r of 'lhia fort.TI 11 not I u , r 1'111• d •hvcreJ Ii<> lht uhiltr t e4 rtp~ . nti.ti f tht ltd.ral RE:kt' e Birlk l)f , t.n rt.n °!«J, u 1FC\I At:t•l lt of th~ nlt d • l-ll , or u or~ btl~ •of tl<t J>ropcr 4-YfJ only a to the nuin er ef &trm, cr~111, or bou1, 11,nd nol a 10 the et>n.t nu lhtrf>Qf, Sa Nl!D - 0A'l'e----~- \)LA D lN l'<>llAGll AT- . , - , . . . . . - •- - - - ' - - INITRUCflONS JO OWN I Sdor &tat · any pr ef1y will bt a()Otpt d f or rnr11i:t b , C..o '£J rim ct fo It ( If) C'('lpi" o( th1t fi:,na 111 M ie U itl'd bf Wtd in arid Ol,•jj ('.()ntrol L.i n kt •b )1 'OU r C • Ill rd k·r ti·ar iah,.,n. On 1 .e bac of eapb copy tht itt-m lo be Ir t fo~ r~ t n.u•l lie c;lr full y lttms OfJll ~n the ph n tod liut •hould be w lien t t ntif lo t n t he. hllril1 ~J>• C:lirtl 1'1¢krid ID (11 lltf.• c fert Clf'IClty and Hll bl or nc!1(.1<t«d 1.0 d.e 1111.11cr • 111 ht <11dl,.i:it 1nutlr that 09o· u mu« lo ·1 tht lcq· 10 ti t ~ce 'btr ll.t pt<>J'I r't}' 1 Ao bt I 1und, 01 ma\.~ u rar1 ~ " " to ~ H'tf 1 r lct J' to 1) r,.prt- nt.ti\• I tlit E •aeutt. P,<•ptrtf lbt:put.ment u f d\t l'rll ef'~ Re. liC:rvc Bank ol m ranclMX> ~f,.n I a ~11 l 1uea (Jf 11 bc-r:ll dtlll"trtd Al I I tirttt t t r d oc~ . · 11 of tlir: ill ·mto I 1 i:.f 1tr1t• llC1J1.111.lly • i a~ l1bcd. II •tn~tll li~t •'I'll tltcn br ''e ,,... Tu "'" 4>f Ii fi-1 ~d •• •'ill -.J·1lao•U H 1wrflf""'f f)TtNJh'd lo) W.. rm.r' on·• • • ,~, -----·-.. DllHNG t , dama"l><l, 11 or d ;jltrft>'OO ¥ ai~! ra. 1· '* DERAL RE E E BANK O P SAN FRANCISCO ~~ FernH;yr fol'lll .. coA .. Ji"'R -e oover! at the pluc 1o lo t d on r oeived e Jr es 1t~ e 11 t ub- !i:noloae yo r r>rop rty tits foirm . ltt d y oopy o s to~nse 'l'ho 0 er _ _... li...,0~..0...5.____~ • y oekLo~le d e reo oi t of l ftoclo ure f ond r et rll n enolos d oo ~of thls le ter to 11 e 1-r o 'I w1·art ont . l'ed r1 l R Fm 'V 1 k of .;an c , ?0'7 Sou h S rt ng St re t, Loa 11r1Pe 1.Hl , c1.1l fornin. Your varr r lj' I ,,,, . ,.. ( _<:. a 1s1 an. Recei rd nili of f°!'fi._ a n~ o ur ls ..,,, / ..... I' nacer no lod ed ~ ~(i,h_ l_ Notr ,,. o.,nm 00 NOT RITB PGl.OW THIS UNH ITOlAOI NQUCI rllo\t ln!ilr, tfj! llll&> Wit h eel 1 p1 t- htllti' thr fllf J: lio~ he I c: llrn1l e. 111altd rttt111s an. dtnnfii P LA(;:f,D I~ & 1025 CH f>fltA - 1 AB RllAl~A I: tNSf'RUCllONI YO ·OWNIR Ci~ Cont r<-l II bf TJH; ~•1'f t -t tlr r;,, #UJ 10 t~ n"'" •ill "'"'' ..,, • ~·t rpr4 111111 ~ll loe unf"'1't ttflNintJ '11 f#.. ..... INVa+JTOiv Us PROPQTV own:•• ftro f If JM OlllCll AWTlllL.I 0, 1111\lltlO , U 'O'D ' llf.,l'lD 11'(lt, ,. st;;,d-ftt - '"*'"' - -~·"' - -., ...... ., "'~' I - -·-w~--<!'n1. ~---.... -''!.! ~ ------,~- .... ,. . ,_. .,. . . ______ +----..---..................-~-------~----i;-,-.,....._ ...¥....---.,-.-bit-"!""-~· __ j~. ~~!...!..~--.................,.......... ,... ..--.-----------~--~~~,....._.~--~-t--------.....~--------------....~----..___.,..~4--..;....-·--+ W'oo l~fWM' lb• ERAL1RE ERVE BA I{ OF SAN FRANCISCO FI S CAL .AGENT OI" nw U Nlft t> TA'f'B !~~!o:io~ ~ .. r • pert y ho d in & ~_, - 7 vt fun• i:.:CcA ..1 r.titiil-t oov ring your torego at the lace i nd1o ted on th tom , ne property lr'eo tved agree wl t h with t h following exo~ptions r bl I lh - l h llot submit ed by you t t u d. 1v .. not t • a.olmowlo r oelpt. o h nclosur y sl1n1n and r tu:rn1o the · nolo d copy of th!s l hr to Ev$cutte roperty pall" rien , t?d ral a r e n of SAn .rancl 00 1 ?07 South Spriciig , re et 1 Los AngBhs , C Horr 1a , v ry Qt the rul / , 'fl H;T'l':rh lnc1oeure • .. ,. ,, - ~·'-f11tSONAL PROPllR fORM . • ' !........- ' ll'fMtJ~4 -- f1;?Jf,)(Ml.. .,.~ JTI --~ie_d_<J /ii/ ""~I!::. ' ~"l.l ffi•,IU · ~4 .r . Pl.MIU (IJAU I d Uvu cl t<l t hit •at no ltabuity .c..· Qtllli t>n In c n11t • i r any a (-l~OM1 O" Al"f'. l'tOd c?fl.t_,..F ~ ~ e..BA!J.A, tt.l<rYI cj A - (_: <•1'1 .. d~r R~~ •'Vt 8•nlc of San r rtl!J)<~ ~ih!Uty '11• I l;o n~o.1111·d 111 'l'>'j lh (ta 411J'<1>it <>(b· It i• '\And~ 1ha~ no inrura ~ / StottATIJlll! or Qtl}I£ Not to O•·rm: DO NOT WllJ B 8 LOW l HlS LJNE •I i 1--r--- ... ¥, I = StOIAOI NOfrlCI apJ'tulng n l c ft •er c i.1dr. of tn pla~ n t 1rJ ·~ •t the l"l• ~ il)di~411r b1.\v~1 ~itli d1r c ·~11\'011 of in k~ttd cin l11 rev lilde of 1it f np u nett Ja11nd, or t d lt1 ·rd Lh ndt1-'gru>d r JH~ntau •e \ tl1e I t\lr1al . htlp of thr proper type f r litbragit, The torrd 11r1:n, 111: tdtAU ,d - W4Rt}S r:.~ -~ -l t_.~. --~--- .. - '~ - INS11RUCTIONS TO OWNIR Br fort any propen )' ~·lll be ac:etrtcd for c mint'rit lo 1 ( 4~ ro !tt of thi1 fo t al4.t G r lW'ncd to th OI 1 Con1tol t•tlll'll 11 ~' f the l ni d ~'ll 0ohtrol till I 1, ont copy, chc~hd fvr con onulty '1!1it•h 1hr 1:1thtr ru, wlll bt 1 tll to the Oi.I ne1 of 1h rr<J "" Tht Clll''' <irh•' 1t'd ;;() tht V1'o 11 t Wlll lir t den e l'Q Lhl.t Other •r1u or the I Jiil l &\'f ,c1,, ri•, 'rite of 1•e lu l ...,.,,,, ,. t .,.... ,. •ill .foW rf':erl flU 11'•.W ... ~, li1 w.i. ,.,......,.....J 1lfM JI ,,,_.,llN., - · _____ ___ ___ ..__._....._ .._ .....,.,__ ______ .......... . . . ~-.----1--~,.__, ----1-~-b-~-~~·""---·~~-~--t----+----+--~~~1--~-~ , ~ 11-~-....~1---------l c••-~ _-,_,.., _u_r_____-r--~, 0~"''· ·--'I' •~o&RAL REsERvE BANK oF s~ fJtANc1sco Family !Jwn ll 6 .,. -lO no oa~ 1s a ,c opy or film vco,. ..J11R».. e oovoring your placed 1n storeg at t'he plao tn~ioeted on th form , 'I'h.ll op rt;r reoeiv d agtte 8 'IY1tb he list BUbm 1tted PY you i h the fol owln e~o&ptions: r• rty . 1vl1 .. .,011 ~. l<hdl.y ack o l dg r c !pt of th encl sur 'I l!iBn· 1ng and r ur.n1 th nolosed co, y of this lett r to E•acuee roperty Depar 111 ed rel. Res r• Bank of ~en Franohoo , '107 s-,uth $pr1 Los An olo , Cal.1fornla. Your a v n truly, -_ PAM:n.Y No./J_, O'i N Ml o -=~"_1-S~~-r_ Awl a"'" Wmcn Pt.oPun ·11 l.c><:Arroi .• nitcd I -!· -;; .;-'--· l~l-00111 , Oil· 1.l'f, 1110, J d~·li idr of thia fcrnn lt>fatrd at the addrw 11 n abo .._ i lh riole r k of the urickulgiu:d. It ' a rt~ l•t~il, at It ·c1f'd to the f'c:dtrl1 R.e•tr<i'c Bwk of Sui no lb1.bUl1v n:apu: lillty all be 4WIU11 d l!IOn '1t 11 undei lil>O\)(f 1hat i\D irrlurure am.ow THIS LINB Nott' to Ow11 t.rt DO NQ',f It 1_r- 6'TORAOI NOTICE The 1111 of ll ms •l•ptartnir 011 the «:rvt.r• tidt ,f 1t1» (01~ "oe n pl d in 11 H~' •i t hr pla(t h•d 1 d bd1 • 11. it h t 11: f'I ·r•tci,cally 1ndk1r~d lJI O 1 •t rt•'t.l"l'C h ( tfot for ai ojlt I n4, r. not drh11trtd w the un tr-' lll<d re 1 11111 • of the t~P't Ban.It or San Fran MIO, IK.i,I "' t. I or the Unitrd '1au •• or ....ot b111n11 of I~ r propr:t tYI"" for 1t-0ra1t. The lllOU'Cf 1trtut an only •• i.o the 11wn.btr 111 i or box ., ptid l'l<A a.a to tht cont~nl thenof. t Nt i~·u I.If Cil Ji, __ --------- - -------...- • . IN YRUCTIONI TO OWNER Cl•>il r.u I ~tat vn, ont Pl'• thf!'t, w I l'f: hot 11 1.0 tht ov. tr t t •.wr 'fk c•~ fll# rlar 1111 --""'" -• "'" trill ..,,,,.. • • ~,,...-.nrt •....W ·~ fWttt-llJ j1ir;.ft'ril lif .... ~~ 1•H CMHK OWNU'• HNll1' Al!TIOLI \~~H· ci~•1•1, ....... *'• --~~~------...-........--~ (l-1 tlthlu•f t •Ira --~--+--------+-~'~"""' ---~- -----,~------....---,.... ---~~;-.:...,.J,f--~-rr~-t'-il"""""'"' o_. l'lflrll• cll!lllt (lrl)t- .-,l- ..... ~-·~--'----+-~-4~....... - ~..pdf'I fED ' -.RAL RESERVE BANK OP' FISCAL. AOEMIJ' OP 1HE UNl'nl:P ~nolo.sed 1 co y of SA fRANCISCO TA.TES 1'01in .. CCA-JIRD-2 your ,pr or, rty ll\-0 d 1 stol'u e at the luo the forn . Th pro .1 r y received Bp NI 11 w t l1'11.t ed y you , of anolos d cu ~r ropert; oa11urtme1 t , li edoro · R •· e;r·v Kind.y aclmo hdga reo l.V si? lng and re urnlnr nc hco 1 70? Rea i t of .' ~::'.J:...L. I Datli r he So1~th h S rrt I'!. St r eet 1 Los 'UiP l oo o ls ac no•,le"ge<l oov ril'.lg 1 nd i cei t h l!rt 1f\r. ft'OJ>i;l1Y dtsnibed\ n I ~ ftlfft dt M thi~ f rm. k·ca.~d al the a.dd el 4•n ..~ovo ii d·hvrrr.d to ~he f('dtra.l IP1 ~~J.,_, 1 •• ' j • I A enc Qf ~e Uni~ d St11-we, at 1hc wt~ rM. of the tmdtr gn,<i. It I• "-•' ,.J dial f\O ll•bi.lity ~ ~ 11y r ' e .,_.,.1 R~11t1~c 8-ahlr pf Sa.n qmme(>\) for e.ny act or 0111i~ion ~n ion wit.11 ~· 11 po•t n. h i• u111f ,.,.,.11 · ri•o\~d d 011 t~i prop.r 1t,y. /, 'N.:>tt '" OJ11ntr: 00 NOl' WlUTll tiUJ..Qw 1 HlS t.I NB 1 STORAGI NOnCE Tht l ~t *' tprc~tna on t.l1t (tvm, ~iclr of ~hJ• fotn~ ha'Yc h:t.n pl,.~d in ~-rora~~ ti. p\act- 11\dlo~I~ below lt)l. t c•°'J!(io~ 6c.a.lly indl~lfit on I t t ,. ~llt ,.dt lb'f th • r m 1111 n!Jl lm1nd, or nat ddi ' d tu tbt \lnd1 gntd l'tcP:•·"•m~al ~It ol ~t p d1•t I R~ectv~ l)a11'k e>f •n fral'l<:I~. '' fi~~lll Al:!'!lll ol \Jriit d "rt.I.It•, or u noi btclng of t~e pto,,-r )'Pit fpr JlClfit, t . The 11tOrtd llfl'IH rm idmt1G,d l)nfy U l(J the oumbfr of ilt n~, Crl~ Or boua, ahd Ila! at Ul lh (:()fll>t'llU lihtreof. t OllC itt:lll of ltcll\5 .., Pl.AC ' 0 I IN S,~UCYIONS TO OWNER Brlor ,.ny property will be •IX>f"pted for t!W~ e by ~be Unit~d Statd Gp,•rn1mw1 four (•I ciopit of tbiA lorwi 1111111 be filled ri anlf t urne!d w tt r Qj, u Cb.nt rul !iation at v.'I ch ~ r,1\1 re wrt 4 for e\·-C\1111.f!Jfl, Ou t bac o f tarh w f t e: lteul 'W -e 1 ft f<•t •t ra t r llti~ Ill bt ut l11lly Ul!Ud. Ji tf. blank r• 1 nQI. on lhe printed 11111 I· ould 1 writt~n CMI O<mtrol tatlkJ1'I, onr oop , die vd !for 0>nl0t'llllity\I tht al~H 1.h.-n, --.ill tH 1\'tn t the o., e.r pf l e f'rorrrty , 11hr ,('( ;:i dtli .. ·1:1~d 10 th Cl ·ntr •lll Ix · v rnce mtrtly tih,111 o e r pie cjf 1!1, (ollQI t.a1·t I t'1 de 1 •t r d. h 't 1 1 111111.t l~t u rier 1~m11 to t th~ key ~o the rl)1<«•'h1rr dle rro~r\y u f(I be fouud , or 101k 1-rl'll\l(tftlrM.. ~·er t e 1.eJ•~ lh rrptcwt t'ti••t of 1 it lh•arute Pt~y O,.p~t'lll ~ the fl ·d a1 ~~M'r'l' e 8knlr en Saa Pranoieco 1->efort ~•VIII~ t.t.t arb• o( rt:fi>ideinoe. py d i~·riit4 to 1'1e olloner *'tft1y ~hu., ~hr 1111 bu of :ltr_.~ •• l.ii;h thr O'll•Dllt id~ h f h r r~plt.rfld fot fJ\(Jrjl ''. h dtit• /lc.c (!( 11be' tn rtdl in •c:-ntoty. It d0C11 nl.4 c:oi!lllJIUU a ~n d '!lot.. It it .,, . Cl0ftjjl1it\llll': any ~ ae~11111 ly $1.f'rtd or uof the tw'ol>t'lll.J of xt , not OT 11ck t . N f11Jlt· UUI of tlte i.l1v •ntory t.i~ (If 1ie111s • lily stor we'! Iv qi~dt ai llt()1·• • 1 tlttbllllipltlihed . •\ i~,if• llilt! ill lihtm ~ forlll'ardtd 19 1'.h~ o •n ;,r, )fU, and trlll't ,.,._ r'"' U *""'"' GI 1111 t1.JI t• •lf.t .,.,.,,. w ·llt ~~ • • '"""'"",.' ,..,I ,,.,,J ~IMiliW h urtf-''' ,,-..,....-4 .-, 110.. 11ur ll!l(li!I~ - u ...... o~rtte •UIUUI . , POI. llrC'O U{)ltOOM HI l'l;D RAL E ERVE Fl NK CAL AOENT OP nu~ Ntnrn TA1'E Sa 411a&h i.\Uy Oe ter Tular • Calitr;,r11ia nolosed is e conv or torm cc. -.PRB-2 eov ri~ you.r popertt pl.aOf1d in Bto~ag at the plaoe indlcat~cl 00 thG f'o~~ '?be r. oelv~d agrat w~tb th 1rnb1dttttd by ou Ill 1Gh t bire with th& ollowlog exoeptions: One trunk, liated--not recetved re11oi pt or t-he encloS\ll" by $lgothiB letter o aeuee Xlnclly aoknowhdg lng and r tu.i•ning the enclosed copy o Pro ert1 Deper~~ent, edoral Reserve BBnk or Son f~ana1sao 1 70? So~th Spring Str~et. Los Angelos, California. Your I \.;,,. ,/ enoloaur~ j ('_iii. ·1· A el is ackno\ledg _L~ .: 4:-~ ;_ Si very trul. , ~ture 1. 3 ..~ . . . . p RIONAL PRO Ge,,,k;~t' Y A MA-D A.................'"""'_'........... ,'l~f.n1-· -.-S1f Ir 7 A EAL (l'.lt•i he l'f •J>r 1~y dr. iibfd 011 t. t rtYitrJI' Unitrd an Ide of thl~ f l'l1lo l t d 1.1 tht ad n gnirn abav<t II ct· II •trc-~ 111 the Pt·.dtr-1 R ~"""e BJnk of an •I 1ht IOll' o~k of 1h11 u11d rn !'(;d. ll a. aarr d ' at r;Q l!~h1llly Ill r 111>.ibUity •'h.t.11 l t a~ mrd t•Wli; 1.l'ld•ro f r a11y art ,_, poti~lot). h i• 11nd~rn~ that no in~ura r 01111 Inn \n fZ SI N< to Owrrn: DO NOT N l\1.U 01,1 OwN RlTll B&LO Jj,4;.,£ _. _j • -.A~!jv ..~ I ' : ' HIS UN STORAOI NOTICE 'l'lit Hilt c-1 th.IP. JPl-"'•11 & on tho& lt ·1111 lp«lfia.lly tndJ~lA'~ CJott Retitf\'t 8 nk of lft I rarod~09, only •• ito ~he nucnbtr 9f 11~111•, ~u1I th t v r t ;idt of chi form ba.\~ ht 11 plai:td 111 fl<>e&te u. 1h11 pl Qe ind1aa.tcCl bt: !JW Yr•ll1 the uct 1fon ol LP rt tf&e ldlk of I l. Conn ., llot lou11d, or l'ICll 1'tllwr d ti> till ,.. en~ r prt fMllU I tl1t hi ril fl at Ar,tt't of ~he lJn1trd f.tato, or ., n~ bring ol ht proptr tyllt lor ~t) t . 1'11t it 1t lttmt art id111uC.t~ 1or hose a11d ot n• to I.he cit•nttnu thtrtc•f, 10~5 ~ APA ~ 1A A- BARbAR~ -f IN STRUCTIONS TO OWNlrt lkt f Bdore an Gov •1 turn d I n ·al 1thh, l nit .f ~tilt nt copy, Ill> four tilt (~vii he b•r I'll. ~Pf fl/ f/tlt li11# ""1/lh' I• , ,,. •ewh •-If 't'l:Ml Ml u...lJ H . ..U; ,..,_.,d ., .._,, Htrf ., .,,,._.,._,.., OWN~ll'I Hl·U~ 1tU.it11 4>Wjil'A' I fll:,.,011' AltfUILll or rc1s, ' tlt!Pl'lll OJ',..,!l ""''' ~l~t~l~I•• ---·--.·'"'--·----~ ·------+-----t---- ""'' ·~ ... ,-.----ltaol •~IWI AL RESERVE B K OF SAN fRANCl 81 PJ.. I 194'8 r run l y :um r ,,_...-.1...a;iO...& ...a_......,.___ Genki obi Yea4- 'rular $ bly O•nter Tular•, Oe.litornla y U't' a copy of orm .. cc -FRT1··2 coveri 1 s tor (IC> u t b ltio incHc CJ on t.:1 r ei ecj a ,Jre 1J w t. t th l.1 F. t u ,. 0 tho form , mt you , of •..;on s , Cu , U'or.118 . 11 11 You a very ? (,. /8 ls Bni r 11 , ( ,u Wm<:tc P:a I' 1'ht pr rty d 11tn1•td on 1 , . , .... 1idt of 1111• fl>•in 100& d J.t tht J'ranruoo 1 " ' t'Jaol A tnt of I> U111!('d f>qr.µ, • ~t ti ""'I y t,he t.4rral tilfr'\'t »anL or k11 rand q for •ny act ·11! ha pm\•td <ln thl pMpt'r1)' .,ddt~• p~ n .,biw STORAGI NOTICI I The lUit 4Jf tt111~ a1'1)Xari11- on the 1 v fl!!- lide of thi• 101 1 bi • ~Kt n placed n 5t al tJ,e pt ,e md.-u.ud th thr rutptlon I t!Wllt. I I pcoific!lllY 11\cfirncHd '(!11 tlu: re.·~ aide j)f this for111 •• Ill I vn<i, Ir nol d ll\•trc-d l.O tl~c 'undt . " d n-1>rur11t I e Ir t k Ptf.l!f 1 1l atrvr ~arik uf Sa.h 1atti;11i\"(>. lot l'iht•I A •r t ,j tl1e n ttd , I tt•, 111 •• n(lf l,,r "f of r pr<»tr type or tc>u e. 'J1ht onlJ raa t.o th" n'U111b r ol l1-t"1111t, c:rath, or bo~c , n~ llQt Ii ~o tht cc•ntrni. 1b1:.trµf. 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER 1\dort t r LI 11 in rJI thJ f<·itn 111\IPI f11lrd n 1 d turn.rd to lie Ot ,, Conbro1 t .Mhu:h •u11 rt •u!crtd ( • u •acuation , C n the ba(lk of C'I~ Pl' t r ILt to 1-e ll"h for JCma,,-t mull ht carc'J .ilfy ll11td , ltcom t>o.I C>l'I lht p1fo~ ili~t lu·t.ld be ttr1n1• pro11rr1y wjlJ ivil {)(.r;t rill be IC<',fptrd 101 tll•nr.c b 111tu Ou••rm1ur11t four ( 4) ~~' r, wi1! ltt ~o Lh t b 1vU1 to 11\e 1> 'lltr o t n<·r br. provli!td (l<ll t hll form. nwut bt t of ~ l.c lhi'Mtol y Ii~ uf 11 ven ta I 1, M.'C<.t1t1pUl.t11ld. 'T'• t:0/1'1 CJ/ 1At llJt •-"rd I• I At .,• .,,,, e lft m11nl - ' ~·-·~ ~ t•tf..llr ~'~' tJ 6 U... kn WA YB .L L CHECK LIST ;;~~-;i;i#;;;;;;.,,::C~·u:.'.,j.~F~T~;i,;o;i;;;,;:;;;-;;:-;o,;fj;;;;:;;~;;;;~L~.;rJoN '*'™'""'™ ~:i_ . 8'0;. -~---- ._!t ......... -- . - - ...... _2t .. ,....... ________ _.,.;.. ............-..- ,..,..,. _____ .,....,.._,__ _ _ _ .,.,~ • ...._....... .. _ _ _ _.,,. --·~~· ·~ ___,. ____ ,.___,_ --..-----···~"~ ...,..,.-----..---- !' .. ~---.-..""'-------·----· ._,;..._I - - - - .- -- - - - - - . ~ ~·~~ ~---- ___ ]4 - - - · - - - 11 --.......-..... ... ~-·-------.. H -- - - u •! . ~ ..._... -.. -~·-M ~-------.,.,.-~ ?'~;;;;-:--~ I l' &; M ~11- 10 J _I, ;;..... ; ~- . -·-· '"'''"' ,.,.........,. ----- . . . . ___-e·--..------------.. . __4J ~ -~-- ·~ --- _., ·-- -- .... --~-- . ~ . ··~-·---.-...--- -;'---,.,......,,.._.,. -- .....--------~--·~ 4S •• ·- - -'-' ~ . .. ---r-·-"---......,---.., _______ .,....,....,.., ·- ---~-------- ·-- _____....,..,...,.......,,...,. .............._....,..,.......,,.______ _,,,, ., • :n-o.h••k r.t ot p t "->ill' a hu, lot • u. wui b t t l• 1 1 net la 1 ot h ~ 1Mll tfloial oo 7, r o•••••ton. • DE RVE Fis .RAN Al! K 0 U:: STATES ~Wiiber Family 't 0 __ liQ_,.7...,1_ D1>i• •• b 1 Oen •r Tu.lar• , C•lltor 1• Eno10 15ea 1 o copy • ; 1n·m ifVC.A-:rn...-~ e~·1::-i::-.,s ~~'l!' prtp r y plac(11c1 ~, in ator~g at tho indtoa'h td ~n 1'orm, ':Ill. pro,11 r-ty aoah·e d ogtees itb the llst 11ul;Jmi ttGd by you wlth the fol.lo log a:xcepHon.1: u ~t. -!lot U..h4Mlo.t<&.iJM iaUd-- ot reoaind Kindly eoknowl ed e reo lpt of th nctosure by sign- ing ead r&t riling tbe e cloS&d copy of this l ttn to Jevacuee ro e y J)eparti111ent, d ral Rea "e Bank o f Sao rallOlsoo , 707 Sb th Opriag tr et, Los Ans l Your , Co1lfornia, v ry ~uly, I - I I e_ _ ...,._., - . ;5 '( L f..(..} •( J:.-.......,....~-:=.._,~,·-·..- PAW.f No,_/ >'_!: SIGNA'Tll/H OP 01\I~ BU)W THIS lllNB STOJtAOI Nonc1 1 he 1111 {){ Itel I pp trin1 911 UH rcvtn~ dr or tlll fomi hi.·~ ~" ,,tllatci in Ill t~ d1<;1se "'' 11 tpt• ·h,Uly n i~~d ~ 1 th~ ·l'e! ·flit de ~·~ t.hl, form nfl( IC>Ynd, o r R ~rve Ba.nit 11f Skn Pt..,-i!ilKO, .- Punl Ag rit of Un ttd u~ , or •• aCll !"Inly u to nt,llll~r o( l~ma., cr•t.tlt, r bo1rs, ~pd tW u 10 the oont rm tb rco(~ PJ.ACU>' I' ., . tl\r pl ind1Qlittd bf}cYW C:t II(• th th ST ................ 1· ,..,,., fftf ill, ••IC ,.... - ' ,~ ._ ·~;iiflfl ~llr ~~ . ,........ w r•c ••- •M ~u ., • ,,.,. n!Wl ,.,r,,.,,.J b- *· Ill.It OlllCll A .NT OP '111i.E Nl'MH> fl~ TA' · S Jl'amily um.ber l!l copy of fom l'llCC.A-YRB·2 covfldng jl<>ur pr:»p rty ,.l.aofld ln , torag at the ln<lh•t d <>n tba conn. 'l1he prOi!Je ty r • ~aiv ~ n raes wUe the llst 1;utbmi 1 h(l b, you wlth the oilowl ~pt1o ns: Kl nc.U.y aoknowled ir eel pt of th eoolosuro by slgatuirni the nclosed co~y of this l tter- to .P roperty Department, d re.l. ~e8 rrvo .Bank of San. ranoleco , 1oq So~th Spring Str et, Los Angeles , California. tos and Y~~ s Y ry truly, ,,,.... R oelp\ of b enolostr ls aokn wledg ·d 11 l .,.,..,... llay It, lMI ... To I• ftl.U• flalar•, t .-1, 0.du Oel1lt a Dea fJbt *' aa •11t1-ttm w m \o JOU ' ••lo.., •erltl.. •OJJ ot , hl"eoraal lrlfwt:r Ina • • ,..I, wht... I l " ..... to Ml'ft M fOll' .re oft of ' " pocll • ••tuUr .....1,... ta a ••l•iat ' • ,.. lJ n unel U to by t ,~ or 1a•M 'la al ..tat•. ....... tbl• ••,,. 1a-a m ••'9 lhloe "a.19 la fCN.r otn•lal eon, •• art r a1'0• •l ••• Uoa . - r•tal~ \ t.a.a U l a 10-r ~oe ..1•tos, ....,., ........ 1Ht o. IDl.a ·- 0 111¥ fOIM S•n I '( 11-nci~ for any act or omi Qr! 'II\ ('(J.rn ~t"~ i;m SIClN 1' with llU di p 1tion. h It 'Und ~ rlllood 1~ t nq foFuranoe Ulll! (jp OwM ' l·I IJ .llAlU- -.,.,-.-....- - -- - =-·-..-=-..........,.N(>tt: t~ 0•1nm DO NOT WRITE BBL.OW TlllS LlN& STOlltAGI NOTICE Tht I Iii. t atu™ 1.pJ'Urlrts o thou item 1p1.'Ci cil y ndiC41W un the uv 4'.c#t('lt &nit of an rll'!lc aioo. a onlt' u «i tht •11lmbc:.1 e>f ilcr , rtt« 1 of 1hi. f rm hnt tn ph~d I\ ~1~rai:c at the place lo~lle:d btlo~• v.ith th t ottp~ l~n l f thit form al fltll lo n4, r ri.ol dth'l'trftl llO the unck·r lpr:IJ •rcpre:w111atll>l4! of tiht F1·d 1at Unit d l, r1r •• tV,'11 \>tfog of tht pro tr •t ype for ~t<:ira t., 1:'11~ Lotl'd lt 'lll id ht.1{1uJ I(/ tl1c llv 11.<ot thuio-L •ONl!D- . __ a 1 Rtj>ronmn t the flrdr~ I Atrefl.'r .80 1t~ t "' -- iu f11"a.I Agt11t uf ~he "[ an p,.,ndllfo, IJnuci!l St4ltf. WAREHOUSE 1025 CHAPALA A.i$18 t . SANTA BARBARA --~.....,..,.,...,--- · ......... . r·--~~--·----·--· -- -·--~.__ INS'fRUCTIONI TO OWN•I Br fo re a y JI rtrtJ will bt acuptrcf 11rol t•Ui1n '' {1>1 ·•~e l>y L!.e Unl1cd Oiv1l C'...on Lr~ mu\.! I . !1llt'{j m a d th1 e, ....~11 ht J1 h,tii()n !:'"'" ne copy, c t<-\:td (or oon fol'lllit y wi~h the othrr ow"tr of the' rroptrtJ' T~, w, y drll" rr <! ownrr "''ill b · evld net 111 rrly 1h•t u f'lb {If tt111 I 1rn I.a bt-rn "11 1 d . .i'it d1I, 1j!lle t h11 ownn must lra,•t lh \:ty to 1r rl•ct iail1t1t lht f'r ptft)' t# to ltt follnif 1 CJr rt1a. C U'IJl'IJ':~fotnti lo de!inr Lht 1;.. to t e 't J>r nit tl • of r e ·a.wee Pr J>tli\jl t at1m1tnt o! t t fie rtd flt'"'C Sa.11 ~ 1,1{ f>a..i rra.naallCO \><fore lra\llnl th11 J.rt't of lu~ to t<l t.l~t 11 rt111d~oCJC. Tm t ipy d li'•ercid lo tl.r DWlllfl m ,,1y ill'.Q\111 the r>timhtr of itcn1•, •n • ~' ''' v.11 h the pWlltr <!la.1Ji11 be ha pr.r1>art<I f r t<ira t Ii ·i rto.t c1v11 1 11.11 ag rfltd 111" nwrv ll dot:t nOI c.cmr;U1 1,; ~ a vrn6td !.'!•, ~ 11~ conrltit"t' tny t~·t~etl()c (J ( •. 1e .number 1>f It 1~ a u1lly te>red (Jt of the oc..nt r. of u . V u 1f 1· w~h oft 1'n '"ncb.ry •U•t .>t 'ildn 111>t'J IJ• •tom'I "''ill lb~ 1niad~ u ora r I aooompliw t ' A Vtt'li ti! "'·' 111 thn I r tiurdt4 I() t , QW11c1, ~1; Tl.1 c~'ltr •I ,,,, ~· r1111illll t• t»ae 41W,...., •'ill,~ t«fN Mlf s.laoell' l>c _.,.,,,11 )' ~"~'fl'/, f,y lli•, ,.~ ., , ,.,,,,,,,_,,, mAY usr .- 01v~111 · • RJ~Olt 11\lllHrll ""'· . D~.,..,.L RESERVE BANK p· A F't8CALAGl!NT0111tE . J [1 J) STA'l'H Cl CO s May IU , 19"2 1. oab 1 1.'atoba 'rular• a 1 y C• ter 'rular C 11tornia Enol.oaed 1e a oopy ot fom WCCA-FRB .. e oovMlng your pr p rtiy ;pliac~d 111 otora,a at tM ~lace 1atl1cat C1 ·On the ronn. T'be prov !\.y l"ec.eived a nes wUb the U t 11ubmlttad bf you w1 t)l th 1 'ollowi ug ex.c ptiona: One tn1n , Ono a Two boxea On o • t d--no ll ted inB 11 t d--t o rtcelvctd. r•o~lv ing ma lvad dr wer , lhta d- - rea reo lTed l 1st~d--four ~c or Kln 1 ac~nowledg rec tpt of th e~ol'~urQ by siBn1.D« a11-d r1Jturnlng ~he nciloHd. ooptf of t 1 s letter to ~vacuee ropeirty :Der>art•ent , d ira1 Rettttil''VG Ban of San 'F1·ano isco, ?0'1 SGuth Spr1oe Street 1 Lo,s Angeles, Cali fcrnia. Yours Yery truly , ~ONAL ··- · -J P" 1PRONR'l:Y l'OIM ~ . - . ~ ~AWILY n fi BffLOW THIS Note to On1er1 D :: Th !lilt of tnua A punng co th. rt 1·rrtio tl.olltl it ttll 1•p!"d6 1117 ·nC!i t:l!Jt"d llt:1.erv~ Ban~ (>tlll)l U tot of ab Pi an al t.hia form ha''t h 'J'IMr.od in fll(lr •r at 1)~ place WI at.rd btlow •h untl, or ni.'.11 cf.tJlwr!"d to t·ht untiit:r1lcr1r:d tc'p~nta Stal\ , 1' a• nP't ng of'' e J)rt•f>H t)1> f t •tota11r lne txctp11io1 111 or t e I drn1I Vt nlm · t lm~co f . Stow D __ tN JIUC IONS TO OWN I Tli f()t}' I du· lut "'""""' I• tlu nnrr • Jl "'"'" t«ord ~ tfftiW h. (".,..,..,,,, ,.,.,,_,,.,..,,, h -... 111 • ~rnd.Mrat OWNll'I - il~l'••r AltlO'l.I i:,~·...~~ UOROOM ·~--f--Clt~,~--~---i--·--"'~' ,., -" 1,;·,;. b;;;· -----+--II ~- !lll- ~ ----i-----1f--- ~----+,.........___----,---'lt------+~ ~--~-~+-- IS 0 Mar Bl , 19~ J\Ual lnou7 'l'ul rt aaunbly Oent r M •• Oallt·O l'ni• l oaea ts fl: coJ~ or om 'VCCA-PllB~2 cove ring yo11r lao .d in to1'e1 at th& plao lndicat.~4 on ·i na O\Mll, Th proJJerty reMi'IN~d &greeo 1 tb th ;u ti subml ttea by you iwtth the ol c win.s ~ceptiona 1 1111 pr,,p :r\.y Clll ! on, reoeJ" i\- -not 11. ot d~ah• , ncaiv --not 11 •d y itY drea r1 , 11 ted--o • r celv 1~ Kindly aoknc l d r e lpt of th ing and returnil)8 the onuloaed copy o · hi$ le er to ~•souee .Property Dspal"tm nt, Fode.rel ReHne B nk. ot Sen Franc aco • 707 Solttb Spring Street , Los Angelo , eel Hornie, very t .ru1l , lf.O\tr Recei t ot h enolosur Is a kno ladgad ~,;;.........-.•~~~"""'"~.J....:-.;;.;~~;...L..-,.t;....;~'i~~.....;.I_~......,---...~;~ G. )J.0 I }/_,,,; t'( / .) Not~ to OJ#'nm '0 0 NOT WRlTB BELOW THlS LINB =-·· IYOllAOI NOTICJ The JM ol itenit appearln1 o the rcvullll 'de of 1ble /oT'JQ ha •• hctn pbd ~n litor~se u tht plac. ln~lc'att4 bl<ll>'N " th the t'll<ltplfon FPt.cifi~lly inditU1td 011 thc: re rrvt d~ <,!( t~b iol'U1 '" r•OI k>1.1nd, 01:1 not drh\• red i>o th u~d~r•tlt11rd rc:prurnt-1t:I ·c of thJ Pedu.-J RMtw 81uk. of •ti rf,nm&e1>, 111 · irldl /. aL of the '1n1~d S1a((1 , .,., 1 not inc QI I r p~~ type fur lllOf'•Ct· The •torcd It~• ar« l&111\6fd o fy •• l-0 die nu1111>er o( item , c:~a. 1 or lx>1tl, h1d not as to th OQ111;tnu t.hereol. IJ101oe l.titlllf Slo.Hlli>- . - -11;;...,_ _ ft.tpt cm1.tln( the le 0 ,41 Rmrne &"~ o{ Saw fr111 iu.r.o, " 'F~m1! A~t•H of 1he lJl!lllrd SWilt#. INltRUCflONS TO OWNIR wm Jlil:for any propn1y ht aooepti::d >f •t t.tora~c: by t.1'.e Ut.lte:d 'tat· Ov\•~rt1mc:nt foul' 4) rpiet of Iii form mull! ht ftlltd m and r>tturr1td ~ t!ii; [C41-tl Ootitrol St11ion at ..,,.kh ~ u H Ill ted f!'> r rva u1tirm. n the back. of ~a.cli ll(>p l 1« •tr.inf t.cJ bot lrft fQ>r '~'"« u11111t t>e l;':l.rcf\1!1y liete:d. hunt not on r.innt lillt r1h1>uht be '!'l•rlt.totn 11 biJIJ~ ~patu provided (Ill d1l1 ferrin art•Jcltt. mu t be lt.(!Urilr riacktd n cu.~e 01· br•tu of 11<.'tl 1le 1.han two {l) C\f c ff capac4cy and 'lli'ill bf' 1ii1~i "4'd •ilttpl~· u ~ num t>tr ( ~~ c~ no attt pt be g ~• e t<i llt«nitt on t I• fo"1" the ut.ic!e tl1tr<in, NI or;.t~J anlf lbou11 mu• ht 1-«'urt:ly paciltt -.iii {a 'ltr ,~ , filch l, C1ratt, or ardclt muat b~ du•liillW .,,ltli taj: 9bti.i11td f 1 m ~ •C QI. 0 U.nlrol t.adon, Oinl f'A>n1wl tat n, ont py, <'h t~Nl for ~nl fy wit!I thr dt ti 1•1rt~ "I'll! ~ n en l\'I 1he l>W!'ltr crf rh~ p~pr11 )' 11ht rop delh• r«l to th!' (l!ltmtr 11•11! bt tvidcnce Ulritl I 1111 Qthtr oop1t t;;( ~h~ form hll1'fl btts ddi d At this li~ii t.l e O'IVncr w~ lr11·r , lley' (9 t pl1& r "l'htrt Lhe r ptliy lk 1to be fCJtl d, ot ••Ice a11~nguotno tv delh•jjr t t 'kty 1.(,1 t & leprr tr1tM \' ol lllf I! 'l(!li1ee Propttt~ t>cp1rit.1111:nt of tJ t eat~ lh.nk 1>{ an f!nncl"'10 btfort I a 11\t \be ar a of hit r~ dtnae 1 ""'°"'t Tut:, t I.ho•· t 1: numbu c.f ltt11 1 1 ~11e oWtitr c11.u11• he lias ~ltpa,ri!d fru ;pr a,gt. It d~ nOI <'t<lll!I ltute t.n ~reed 11111en1 •tY, II dllt .nrit C!Ofllltit If 11 ,reri£ 14111· L1 i<M•ll ~ • 111-.jt w lill)' ~ &f tl.e 11111mlier ol .u111 aat • ,,, t<>red U( (If die cc.nttnu or 00.e., Cf ltt> C.r p11dl.a11r ' v ,nfifa• tlon of thi: lfl•cnr litit o'I ltt!D tt11ually tloird 111 b~ 1111de t.• •u~l!jl: h .iic.~Jh~. It i'tn~d l,Jn .iilll 1hen bt (~rl'.·Arllltcl to •J y deli\•trtld to 11. OJllilltt ni.fl'l!ly 1~a. · li1jj1 ~•k 1i. Tli11 c•H "i -~ ,..~ -' ~ k ,,_. •JIM.ii to 111, '~•n •1fl ,.,+1 •411•11'1 ,.,tNrYM.., "•· ~ 111r.•• Al'l'OT NlllllrR OP "'1• 0 "' ~ • RIPOlft Allt'ICU H'Cf D L1VHI& lO()M IEOR.OOM •11••n •r ro KlfCHEN-(Co11'I) Ft CAL AO~HT OP TUE UN lTED TATE J uly 15\ll 4 l ' .ar. a.or • Berrao 2 Family Numb r _ .hhh11111:ra 140_8'_....-. 0-8-1 'l\Ll ere '-• 11 Ca:n1\er 1'\&lart • Oal.Uonia 0Hr "1'11 1 bhtau.ra I In our letter to yGu or Way 12 , 1942 , life encloe&d a copy of form WCCA-ma-2 uoivertng y~ur perBonal prO!P&!l'~}' placeo in stora o ,~ ~L" .,1. ~~ 1nci1ca e~ on tne form. The pro~eTty receive~ by you wtth the following e~ceptiona: a~reea wtth th• liot au tted l Dea 11 te4 - not round l dropl at table listed - nO't round 3 trunk.1 l ated - not tound l ••d ewood re • l1ste4 - no\ fo\ll\4 l •lHtric t-etr1 erator Hated .. o1. tOUJtl 6 bo!X.e , diahea and ooolc1n IU'elllih Uated. .. not toUl.4 2 boxtf r.oti,ed - not 11atl4, W ap nr n ly have not r cet ved eny ack .o l dr:ern nt from you, and U' the form es duly reoeiv d by you would Bpprechte lt' you would kl dly aelcnowled e r e1pt l:y Bi ni an! raturni n this l tter to the vacuee ro\)erty Departm nt, Lo" Anf'eles Branch, F deral R serv Douk of S n anciloo. A ael f .. addre Ged enV'Olope 1 nolosed for your con'r &n!enoe. Your~ 0, .,. ' very truly, ( <::: . "'---<' ' - 1"red C. U.o.l.dJ1ss1 tant Mabe er. Forni .'1'COA-mB-", is oc now- ..,.._. ~ ~~RSONAL PROPll1Y f.OIM ILun.ui •--·-··-~-- ITORAGI None• pl~ .•r•1: at ti-at la ndicatfd bi-11-.w -~~ ~li+ dtt.plm!l f>I lll'rr d ~o tht iuultr'lltll d rt: rt'JttnU.t1 ,. of the 1'.idrot t,u,, or a n()I ball 1,f t e pro,« lJl>e f r ~orajlc 'Jlht or« it 1 art drn cd tht wntcn~ there<>f. llrprutnl'•>lfl tlae Ftdiul &i,rnlt &n " 111 l'u. '' l\g,111 1!1~ United ot _ w R 9u Alsle .L. 1 Ji. INSTlUCTtO"I fO OWNll _,,, PelSON-6.L PROPERTY JNVE~ITORY ·~"r~·• ft[PIU - rr Altt•lflLI e11c:c,, _.._.._ •WU''' 111,0~f n•111 c11t'11 ARTl~LI usr 'b.,",",.ft111,•• u ~~..~~·.-1__.._._ l ~ .. . ___._•rO"• _ _.,___ _ _.,.__ _,.._!ti_'~ •~•rra.o.....,_~_~--~-~_______..._Hero &llJ"''o ' ...·,."~~ - LIVI NG AOOM IE OROOM h-ll$CELLAtH.OUS Chllf'• ... ~., lltl"d OM!''• t~bl-;;'~j +,-....,.·--r------i- tilt,.... -....- - -- ulc1i ---+----- ----"--"••!')'tie --,,._.1-r...,..."1111'·~+"-'-''----lti---''"""'"-"'-·-t...-0~..._ ..;.;.;.;...;;..-.........,,_~'--t-",.,...._·+-'"""'"~~1~~~..._~"!!'.t.. ··"'!!~ --.....------i·-.....,.,.....,-1 l>UHhlG ~OOM ;JR EB IT ' D TATE$ no1o88d le a O<>py ot fOlTll ~CA ...Ji1R.B·2 OOVlH."'i.D& :YO\lr O Or•ae at the pleee lndtoeted. on the fOil1\l. Th& '):>~overty reoehed asirus wUh the l ht ,11ubmtttet\ ty you pr~perty pl.aped 1.11 with tue roito ina except1ol'l8: Klndly aoknO•ledge reo ipt of t ncl ~ur y eign1 t.g and r$tur11hg th e l\O.toaed cop;y o th1 s l t r t o vac 1.1911 Property , Jl'(td1Jral Ries rv Bank of Ban l"raJ,lchco, 707 outh Sprl,oa Street , Loa Anglos , California. or Owwr. IG AT\Jl hLITLllAlH BEi.OW TH IS LfN STORAGE NOTICE 1ide of 11 ~ lvrw •h•''C brtn pr OI I nc!, ac~d ()I ot n Ill r•iir ll 1he1 ind cat e~ IC111J with t u tNlllr, pl !IOI df h~r.W to 1h11 undtttt nee! ttp~*CnLa.L!~ ur th• di"l al ing of ~he pr ~r tyt•r ·f t rigt. The ~tortcl 1t tilt &re idrnt¥it·d -·~~ P«lr"I ION 11 - Tltj)rtJOlf1'1g t~o 011---...--- "" f11c WA Ass I RrtMW $•n~ ~f ~ n l'r.-n('i1ro. t\i:c11 1" ' th~ V1111td S1att1 ~-- ··- - ............ ----- -- -...-... .. . .. .. ...-...- ., ~----~~ INSTl.UCTtONS fO OWNIR rat<4 n a11d Oillil Cont.wt I rte, ,u tail , ont oopy, tekcod fo r ronformi1y 11.1th tht mhtr Jlf'()ptTI)' Tilt (l(lp d lnttrtd or th~· tie 11.trt tlit r<.ipi rt)• ff '-<> bt 111 '111, or mah rani;(mtn to dth •er tht le y to 1t rtpttJ.t' n1 ati1•t of uu l'M.C IJ"" Prf•ptn u ent of the ftdm.l llllf ' Sa.nk Of Sa.n fr cillClO btfort I avrnc lht IJ!U of lu rfltildtnor. "'n'r •Ill"'"' .., • ,..,__..., "•"" "' Cllr«#..1/t "'""""' .,. ~'·· T~ ~_,,,, rtc*'11 - ,,..f I I U11 111-"tJ l• 11&1 ,,... ,. .... UPORT llll••fll 01' 1'\111. . AITIDLl - lll'IM CMl'.C:a - llrCl'D LIVING 11.0PM 01r:;· ·~ 0 •Ualllll , , l'l)L ... ,,,.1:11 "Ull'G I H - -~'M" ff • IJJ:• liMlC.W AIJICl<I •O'D KITCHIN ..... (C.,'f) ,...,.... -- Ft , AG OF ' II.& TJ 1"1 ST. T , Ak'.lro •"•• fla1 .u Ur o. ta N.a. o.i.u-. la Eh.closed. 1 s a oopy ot Qnit wee ··Jl'IW-2 covert~ YO ·UJ' pup r-'tiy plec~ d l a torege at th.e ~laoe indic•ted c,ln the fh:'ll!, Thoe pr-op rt~' recaivod u ree11 w1th tile li st eub1aUt'1d by you wl h tlta following 11oeption8 t • l l I l. 8 ~ OlMlll'• hh4 • t r D&T•Qort lb .. • aot f8'Lal • 1Mt • '~• ta- • i t t•t • ' tOIUld. oainou or 01 hN ).h'1" - • ' tOll.M. 1>n.111Q' lh ti • a t01La1. 1 taroat lo 4' li•ti.t • ..,, 1 le.ap ll-'&t • tout. n• 1'•••. 11 . _ . l ....... 1 u tu - ••t.a • to ao ll• tu ll• • • aot tnn4, - ao• roa&. Klo( ackoowledg r c i p t of the eno~o1ure by et n1Jl8 and r turhi.Q.6 the nc losed copy o f thla etter to Eva cue e Property Department, ede ral ~es ne Bank ot Sen .P 't&JlGisao, ?0'7 So uth Sprl ng Str e t, tos An e l e s , Ca U'orn.h. , Your I ' ).c I..... ,,... . ""' Asai very truly, (.. ._ C: tent I/ _.,.{ ...__ ,O:W..i;.;;.._u,"""~.-.~~~E~·b~rl~#~~~~l;::._,~-"-'~~~.;J&""lliiijiN.J ~ Jl,kt Av- /,.,4. . 1.I frv #KL. l..../.(' ~ I~ ~/ I (~ .t-,. ' 'I!, -j )~· "~ P.<.... ~f "' /:. \l u. 1ul1'7 H.T :rb ' l /(~ 13 Not~ to 0.-nrr: DO NOT WRITB llBU'>W THrS t.1Nll 't'h \i•L (.If t m •PPtl:•lfll ~n the ft"\'tr~ id of thi& fo.Nq h•v bttn "1• d In Jt.oragr. at l~r. pla~ indl~ ltd bclo111 "' \II tl'tf' ~ ~r·l i0'11 o( iVQIJ rt4~i1Jy indial.f.d on lt\'tfit 'de. ol thi• !orui .. llUll lound, O.t t)(Jl 4':11 ct<'d kl th 1111,dtrwan 4 re rek11t•U • o..f th~ 'fl dlrnl , ' fJ I I\ M (If t~e Unlltd St I •· 11r ~ not. bd'1,g bf th~ l"l'O!?f!t t)rf<t for oragt, Tht tot:ed itclit frt utc n uC.~ J only u to ~bi.e o 11Jnbt.r of II 1~. 41tate , or bvi:o, "nd ntll. 11 to the wn1tno thtt tof . i'h jfl WARLH\)U ~E 1926 CHAP.A , Aii>lU ~ .•• SANiA BARBAAA IN f'RUCTIONS TO OWNIR !~r.! rt r.ny lYrqptrty wr'll ~ aoopttd fm t ra~e by r Uni ·d of 1h fora 111w.t be t I~' >n ~ nJ tahon, one oopy, ch~hd fo r ('(lnf«snny utb th~ ot 11r " n tO tht l.'l ntr of the pr rrly. The drlivnr to tl•t ()?.·ntt ill be evidrr t m:Jy that Olntt <'C>f'lt' of iht' fvrt h.Wt b«n d lJve:r. d. IU th11 time .t ht ·ntr IMIUl>t. I •~ 11' ~er (It« f•hfe wht~ die pro rty I• to be found, or ma,~ e irnn mu:nu w d I •tr t1 I! rn t 't ht rc:p1~ nll!IH' ol ~be 'f!~tU« Pr~pl:n'y Otp.rUD 01 '(lf 1ht M>rvc Bu.k of S•n Pr•nd11110 l (, re I •~ 'D RAL £ ,. ERVE BANK a.. pr p rty ~ ~clc ~e 1 placA~ iii ! "'N' y 21 ' l nf' "f' nr'll! w~r. storage at the pla6 -FRB-2 oo:var1M Olll' h\iioatad on tba tom. Tne rop rty reoe ved ra rsea wi.tb the list subraithtl by you witl the oUow ng ~ceptiona t On• t 'bl x te11al on, One 'bundle Of . aolt lour Ont 11 sted boo basket•, llahd r iv o. i re , l1 One iroti!n 'bo On table, 11. K.hdly ao~nowl&dge reo ipt of th e nclois e 1:1, oisnlog and r turning th eijoloaed copy o th1 e l~tter to ~aouee Property Oepartm n~, F d rel Res tve Ban · or San Vranoieoo, 707 SOutb Bp~it.g Street, Lo$ Angel s, Callfornia. You · • Yery trul, , ~ le. .... ,/ Receipt. of th& enc ~4M , Bate os~re Asai l ackno ledged ~~ v-~ ~L s . d' 'f .tJI ~ <~ -· I.Ml p 11~1 .,. /.L_;;d .}20. A US<?.~ ( .. V.. •l.ltl -1.ANr,;~A (C:l'l'T) U11 I f•ttl &fl ~u.neiico lt IH ./ orm Joc:al<d &I ~he le ri•li o l tM de1 i i 11 aho,•t it drU,•e1td a rfl J th•• oo ha t the Ptdcral Rtw:11·c link uf San i.ty or ruporuibillt)' i.lia'.11 ~ •~ ume.4 lflj' ut or (1111! Jon .la con11r-cum 1111th ~ 1h~-pomµQn . h b ndm1tood t h11 !)O In µrinC't 111 l fot ~KA , •t fl If, h Tt'--· - - " ' - - · - - - - - · - ·--'--"_._._....._ w ·1ms UNB SYORAGI Nona to the c1.>r11tn~ th trof. OMl!D ~~----------...-----,.__......... INStltUCflONS TO OWNll (X 'ii Oon~l'lll St~ticm, onr copy cht~rd fot nfonr.11; ltb tht otl rr tht·ft, '111111 l>t "In to t11t own r c,>f t t p1•opcny 1 ~ iCO;>v drlr~u d I 11, (J"'"· 1 I.II h t\ · tn~ n rrly 1 op1u vi tht I rm ha ·t brtn d h•'l"rrd. Al ti I IJl1\ tht m.·nu mullt Ira •r thr kt'' to the rbct 11111\1.°rt thr pr •r•· ny i 10 be foofld, or mUr arrani:rmcnll .to drli\•tt thr h,. t •1.\1" re r• orati •e of 1h1nt <•f ti t flcdrr 'Rt r 't &ank of S•n ra r 4t: forw~dtd ~II# th o-."~'" ••H _, tM 'bf -*"'4 I• 1t.e ti.wN • ·ill "" w ., • ,.,,...,_i , 01"4 ... •111,rlU ~ """'""' ,,,..,.«i ., ldr.. ...... P.EUONAL ··PROPU Y INVINl'blY Lt t WllJ t Htl'>Wf AllTIOLl •v••U ., "°" . . _,_:.._·. _..:_,_____ 1----~ _;;.,. ~_~_ ·~-""--l~Plt ...,_, or.~~f ~~----+~--1--....._-&, ~--+-~-~. ~~~·~'-k-"""' '------+-~---t--~ --+----~ '"'Q"~·... 1•_·._....;.•__ ,__--4 JS O Fl ::.AL AGE · OP TIL l N~Tlm TA'IJh FMl y Enclosed ie umber 1'100 your ronri. The pro ert y ret\'leind a rees with the U t aubrni tted by y@u w1 t h th fo llow. 1 g euepti.on.11 8 ()Ot'! Pl'"'IP 'r'~:Y placd i.n $to1•a1 of fomi weoA-lllRJ\-2 Q(IJV ll'lJ'.\! a~ tho p;L.ace indhated bn ~:he Kindl~ ackoo l ed e reco pt of the ncl sur by si~n ing and return ng th nclose6 co y o th i s l tcJr to l~ve,ouee hoperty l>ep&rt111ent, F 4e l 'Res n Baok of Se n Franc taco, 70~ South Spriog S rieet, J.. os An al Your Recei.1>t ~ ot th ..2(,/ y .:,. t>at CCIMl.e.nt , CeUfornil • very t rul t,r, encl.oeure la a.ckno l. d£ed I f -- P.lWCLY 0. --· ._.... (P•L.!>Olt , Oll J."1 . 'lfO . I 1~lver; fotm le>Qa.l d •I t he m1J '111 nt of the Unltrd StRl , al the R I ru.k o { an it t t (J 11 dtlivrr ~ the Pedcral R 11trv ll111 k of an 11ni'bi.lit)I ~h~I Ii<' a "'lllD WJth 1f.r dil'J>O l ll'll'I. h i1 undm11 ood that no rJ.nd11ro fN any u t ti r omifta> n In Nott *"' C(l under~ ned . Ii 11 a 1tld lha1 no liaht.lky 1;1r ru -- O•·utr: DO NOT WRITB llBLO il'H JS LlN STORACJI NOTICI 1ih .• ) .t of ' t~m~ J~pc.arjng Qn the 1tvtr t ~lit o( the •fu.u11 ha\•e ffldt of d1is form l~ ~Ii.\ Re f'I~ Ou t1f ·Sa11 Pian ~. !I ~l•c~I Agt'rlt of tl1e Unit d t'tc , Qnly a• w 1111m~r o( it~•. rali' , or hont, and not u i.o tl•e aontcnt !},()le ft ~pt>cificajJy fod~•tt.d d11 (h rel'f"' Ir ri f'l l~lf tr1 ill-OtlitC !Ill ~11~ 'JI\•~ fodl~•t~d bdtlW With t'hr U C'Cfllli;i {ji.1100, Cll nvl ~1 li\'frfd to ~h \11Jcfc1111igne.d r :J.lre~ nlUJVt of lb CJr .. , ~1ot brn1c of th(' proprt t ypt fr,r ~1orag , '01t thereof. SIONl!D- Oi - Rrprr•r"''"K d1t Pt tt141 Rt1tiw a~n of S•11 l!ra11tl.Jco, &1 F mi.I AJ(tnr ~J t.h~ Clmttd Stam ~6 . CHAP tA-· NTA BARP_~, . .__,, ____ ____ __,..~ .. _ ~ ...,....,... ·- - ·-- .,......,......_ tNS'fRUCJIONS 10 OWMER r re ~ftf pmpt rt)• will • C<it ptrtd I I' t Orl~t y thr Un1trd •crnmt. l fQ\l t ( •) cor iq of ti i• for 1111 ¢ ~ ulltd Ill ard Iht OiYJ1 OonLrol l ll!ID at la; 1.1 tl1 )'OU It 'l.lil rt'd r.., n rht. b1tck f f!M:h. (() l' rhe tltl(J to lie rft f01 Jltor• i:r .i(m ~rcd Qi\,, 1 f ('.t, ·t o Lt. u1tlon, or r oopj•, di11Cl1td for ronforn.ity •1th tl r c:ic'•tr <M11 I g1wn 10 tl1r own r d l t pr or 1'L . The oo~ dt.h w re u.i.utr ~ill b. t\ dtnct m rcl~ lha1 otl.u •r u 61 tlie fort11 t.a , th pr r t1i1• l• t o •r fou d, (." a.lie kr ran gl:'llltint~ to LI t rt pr ll~ ''e of lhf' Eo111~ee 1'1optllY U> par 111ltr Rctit•f'\'~ 'Sank. of Ln fir~11e11too ~r.iden , \\<Ii kt 11\tr ~ •e ftu'llJ an or un• rvduc 11 l~\il!t fl!Cil be ~Md r~ tiQ dtli~·tr t I e tr11 of •D RAL E ER.VE Vt fi RAN I CO ~am1ly ltnc,losed is a cop1r 08 ot tom WCCA-F'RB-2 oo"eri na ifOUr ladio•t&d on the fol'l!I , pr~p~ttv plao~d 1n at~rag at ~he pla~e Th.a prove rt~ :reoeived a :ree w1 th the U wl t)l tbe ollow1ng ex«i e ti on.a· K.h1dly acknowledge l ~Wiiber st ere ipt of th e.ubmltt~d b'J Y0\1 en.clo11ure ~ sign- the enolo e~ oopy of th1a l tt r to ~v~cue~ Prop•,r t y t>epartm•nt , Fed nl RuaM'~ Bank or Son trranc isco , ing ~nd return\~ 70? Souto Dp.rillll Receipt of the ~/r?_ /~oZ X.te S~.reet , Lo J111ge1 s , O•li fornta t ~ PIRSONAL 1'AMU.'V ADt1uu" Wr 1 .. Pa.o.,. nt J r· 1t'D:- I" t L ~(),._ _ _ / ~ / l1jllll•U1 (Ctn') l.f H'" r e 'd~ 1>r tJ1 • lr;r 111 le. atc-d •I tht •tn abo''~ i1 di lfnrrd I<> ilit fl er I R.c:1rrve B~n\ of San Uuit~J uwa, at I '' lk~ ru~ f 1h1 uniJ u ned . h agn tliat no I• lty ur 1 'J'Ol\"l>lll1y hiJI h~ • 1,ii. d Bank of · t.'l Pranci.r<> lor llny a c, or om is ti>n mn ronntetion "'·1th 111 ~ip rtlon. It 1 un~n~tood 1 1;t no nrnnr tt 11, prr·i- 11 dt u rd on fr~11dll( "• a f'l I A •rnt of b1 t'ht F clrtal v.ill pn.~l4td Rr~rve t)n lhla pruptrt11. TOIAOI NOllCI TI1e llwt or item • JIUt na <in tht r \'H ~id ur .i1 forro 1ha t rt1 ~"l~cl'd in ~l U'll.~C ll tl111 lmi t~dicw:d bd ·itl1 ' r u fl' on of 1hD11e 1ttsn1 p 'fically lndl ai d on t!ir r rtH! d of tl.i form a found, or n t d liver d to 4he ur.dtr.alptd rtpr • nuti1'C ol 1>.~ Jltl.J.-ral Rt,t1 Batik vi an l 1anc at fi 11 Aitrnt o the r11ttd f.tau , < r at n bro of th• proper t~·p for toragt Tht IOrt:d It 11 at id• 11IHI d onl,. u to I f ntJmbu- of 1lc:m•, ol.ltf, or ooau, and not ii-' Lo thr conttnl · thtitof. '°°• "°' DA'l' l---074 PLA(lUI II~ 'IVllAAC~ .,._ _ _ _ - - - - - __, TA OA INSYRUCYIO'N I TO OWNll Ql\'il Control L - t•11!>.n, one ocrpf, checkf.d fw bortf br ·~Hn h) tht 0«·~r ctf tht prc•prny o n~r • ·ill he 'id •1jlr m t at oth r l'fl:li ,', """'' to l t "'' ~h form ,., ii 1i11tf t t a111na in 'llllt lta •e th kt)' t t pl11 • r ptrtf i• to bl! loun , 1 ma.kc arn.nrtll'IU•lt to dt1frt:r wit r prtM'nta111•e of dll' a«"r Prnpeny De: rUo~i•t of thr c:6tl"'l't Bl k. of s~ fr·-odMY.1 bcfort in Iii 1it1 art:a of hll ~n dt:lin:rrd ~I 1htte t 'C:fll to t'tdcral r na. t nrr ell tn ht lt11J rr~ vued f~ 111oragt. " It ot con•h t.e a of tht nU1'11bu ol it 1>• TW t•~ I>/ tht Un ~ ,. tloe ....,,, •ill ,.;eor' ~ ·~ c•,,.Ut ~u..,. An.. •1 fl' ·• ~ ON~ ·- ~1: ....~...~-~·l·~ ~;~ ---~,..............~~......--~~~..-....~.........--~~~.....-~~~--~~~..........--.........,...,.......,__~ ..,. ·~ '""' -1. . ,~ .~~: ........---~...... , ~--.......,.. -.....-. ~·~ l'ft. C>Wrf;K - HC'D -~ll"P: t•N~rt ltU CHECK Ul'HT IOU: Ollr.£111 1t1m11Y __... lfSW 1111ill•ra l OP l'OL LIY1'4·& ltOOM • . ·- - ''T If 1l-ie pl'(lpcrty bm:i u ti t of n .... ll.,, d Ii f of I.he Unit :d $tate , QI" vf 11 U: FED RAL E Fl ERVE BANK OP' SA FRANCISCO '~AGENT OF nm UNIT'EO T,ATE tray 2:t , 194 Fainny :U111 pto] r y ,.. ( (" I ' ot the ~J . <Jiate !I'll nolosu~s ______ 14108 ..2 oov ri 1nd ic£l totl o t u l rt rub- 'l.o · very t l'Ul:f , t r lf a okno~le o ._.;.... Jl\1> • FH A1 W1 uc11 h oP1u r l• t •rn t <.>f 111 "'t l\a.nk of rdtral R.c;f'f\'t n11n k o( :;aci of 1hi1 form l1 1r_.t d &t t~c 11ddrr1' fl · n ~''C 11 th unc! ni ntd. Jr •.. a re d lol nu illhtb1y ur re p<mi.lb1lil)1 I ~II b r M~ 111n niln tooQ Ill 110 in r'atlCA' IU1 f'rop rty. S!GNA 'rul.J 0 WRIT OWN B LOW THIS LI N SJORAOI NOTtCI e oft I forn1 haw bct11 lacf'd m Mt • • at the pl ~>I lourid, <•r 0<1l d J1 •t nd l t e only•• tot-he .11<u11 r of It .rn 1 ratea, or 1>01 ~. l'llted • tll• •· ., u not bring <>f t h1 IJ' r<•JIB lyp •nd not ea 10 1'1 ci.r1 nt 1hu of. DAY-----J ,,i. LD IN TOIV1GI! A'I'- . ---·IN TRUCTIONS YO OWNll SONA . tWllla<'I I\['''"' .m . All'TI • , f'f)I, ".,· ...... ,,!k~'-'-----1-----1 _ _ _.,......,_____ c 11t, ~ C.h~•I lit .ir~-· ·-,..;r---,,,.--1 ~----+-tl-h..,. lld.'11to4_ _ _ _ _ Cl•lld1t l'llrkar - Ohllli1tah~1 (!~Iii~,,,., +---+---· FEDERAL RE Fl ERVE B CALAOBNT KOFSA , 111B Nl'r'ED S~TES y 2 t u ' o 11 y • '• e.tum1 1X (110 l&rt 4.ta bl y Oent 'I\:lar , C titorn ia .h.ooloeed 1 a o y o ,perty ino ln a1 tornp a 1h p 0 rty r riclo OB1V ge -4.~-· il' l ll --------- ..... .,- ~ l 'f 0011, O R <!ll'f. HO ) -~~.;-·-r-=·· a.ri "1 1idt of this forn1 ai the lddrr· ~ i/"i n a ~·e \I d Ii •trC"d to 1he P dfr&I R.cs<tM•c hfl k of a St;.k•, al tit. •t>le ri11t of ch Uf\d ol nt.d It i11 a1rt.~· d that no bab11ity or rn u1~1b1l1t hlll r at <1mtd r&nci~ for •nv act or om1 O'fl In ('()rtnf wn with It ell CJ tlOn, It js 11ndn l)(ld that no nsunn~ I be providl d on th! pro pr r1 )'. laNATuu o• Ovna I Ltn r:.aAr . ..........~_._._,••_- . - _ --"'"""'- - N otr to 0 -..·11 ,.r: DO NOT WRJJ1 BBLOW TH IS J.JNB STORAGE NOTICE The I •t of 1t rinl l pu tlrlg 011 I.he rtvme ude <1f 1.hl form ha v( t n r'l•ix-d in M1>raice nt th~ J'la In e1.1 d bdov.• ~ ilh t1 t tt rt on o( t ruil pec1fic11.lly on t 11: m trne !lid of thlk fom1 a nOI St> nd, or rwt qd1vtt~ ~ t e undrraignfld u 11\ffntMh ~t -0f thr 1dr1 ~I R~•r,•e B.ank of an !;inc~. •• Hocal Agcllt cf the mt«I i.~q. c~ a nO) bnng of Ille f'tOJ"U t)'JIC: for 1<1u. t , l'ht tored 1 t~ 'art illrht1f1 d ouly ll Lo th4: nurnbtr of iu.ro1, era , or bon1, ~ nd 1101 11~ ui the 1011' 0A1' --- Pt ..t.Cl.D I WAR ·HOU 1025 CH PA A sle ~ . SANT A BARBARA STO ACll AT ~-..... _,._._.._,_ -- ..,. --= INStRUCTIONS TO O WNIR l(,ra e by tht "'' 1r.1 mt four ( 4) t0pie1 of tt.' •t nit d for tau t bt filkd 111 an4 htch }C.. tt •1, II for t.ahf.n CX•fl t I e Item tu r ldl (or ora~r nr-1 1 n th prinlN fut •hou d l'f '141it ill O•U t b nrtfully Ii u:d. lt tnl 10 the blanlr pact pTo ·ided on ti ·~ fono CIV\I Oontrol tli r«, •'iii ~ tat n, one COPl'• .he lrtd for ronfo1U1lt1• With t t CJI tr wntr of lh rrvptrll The top deh,ned h·r•1 t.c> thr u1 to t.lir " mr .,.,11 oe t•vldtnct'. All~rt l I othrr (JorJe• i.C tilt form hl''I betn dd1 •t rr-d At tlu um~ 1h• C?Worr mu lravr the ti· 10 1t plarr •hc:rr 11.e prorrrt i~ lo bl: fe>urid , or w1lte unnitt-!Jltll LO delfnr lh of tlir C\•wlll.rte Pr¢'Jltrly l>e.plu 1111 ti e>f dit Ft Hilil 'fl.rn,n·t em ol ba.n IC'O btfort lea ·!tlj/; ttie aru of .... relii.d ot. t 1 t I n-pl'U(i\ ' ~ti ~ C:fl!P>' C'h,·n~ to ti. (111fnt1 carrcly iiow boJt~, l"-d c;ralti 9Jl,1fh t t Olll' II de ' ~·rnll u.mlllit an • reed n 1. f.t dt • ntit• ll(ll. "''' ~/I/Jr (I f ll1r fiUt t it numlxr of ltun•. I ela.t.-il ht h.u prtplr d f r r.twy ,,..:tJ t• '"•' n•rr l~ d 111 lll 111.111 " - ' " ... •Ill.II,. ,,,C'Wtr(«l "' ..... Ortet n HM'r 111 I( ,...,...;mffil All'l'IOl ·~-----··-----L-- 011'11\tll't •tf •1' .... "''' llllllflltl• 'U!Offl 'IJ·~ PC*. Cl'<O#ll' l>F l'I • AflTIOL - . .. SAN FRANCISCO FEDER.AL RESERVE BANK OF' t) CAL AO'E' r OJI' 1HB U ITED STATES l'nmHy ?1\lm To 1 • Tulare ts mbly 0 n 0 1· __ p_l_3_ _ __ ~r Tl1b.rt, Celi fornil:l your pr Enclo •ea l e oo y or lac d 11 . t or pe -2 oov rln !ndiouto oo he Ut a 1J1b- pert~ ilrn form , Th mitt d by- o • p OJll't.y r ooive Y.1nd y an c re'\ ur i.o nr ledf!. rec c. l v. h o h nc.l..o cd COP/ of' u ce o~er ty l,r(t tirtmont 1 , "ed ural. R o::,-ve ~ • ()f Jan Fi.· nctsco , '107 o uth SJ,!l"ing $ r e , l,D l\rlP los , Culiforlia , Your s ve ry r ul:;, ,,, .... ( •7 l , aaiB ant ' ~so pt of the nolosur 1a a c k no~led ~- /11~~ c/,A.._ I Sl nntur e jl ' "· ··~ ,,....- ~nar•ar ~· (__ ·p t.Wll Or tit•• ~ OWHI AT ~, WttlC., aop r~~~ · ~~~!/"~ an T.a _wf.uft,~·~ \'tl~ Hdt r tl•I~ for1a 1ooat d JI !?it-.H' ait t.hc .We r4fk of tl1t 11nd [ n.ncilJ("O f r any ~c::\ Or Ql\"tn IQU\' 1~1 nt d. h · i agrtr~ dr11 rr>l'd to Lht frdmil Re Ml S ank { ID thal no lial-toliry or re f'0\~1'bnit )• ~ul ~ ll» unud STORAGE NOTICE ~• dt , -of thia l rti1 ha 'f d ·(Jf I •it f "" at not tau: , T bo1. , and n tu 10 th ex>nt n tirtn .l'!a ::id •11 ff<.>1• ~ t the; pl Cf. ind1c.lticd brio w1t11 th cxttpt n of fou nd , 11>r ACll drtw~1ul t I undtrtigntd r tpn~111u 1•c f the rt Hal r•r 11• nc~ of t '1 t pt µer type fo r -1011•gt . e 5t"rFd 111.;m~ 11re 1denulirtl in• thnrol, J 25 CH APAt TA B~ RBAHA INS!fltUCflONS fO OWNER or hu), 1<1d1utt-d ol l aa t nut ~iin plr OR'Y I.! 01tl!rll'• lll'IM C)HICK lf~flt 0, ITtlt OH':Cllt OWNl!t'• •ll'HT ftll'lllf MITIOLI "c;•. LIVING -- ~ OO M >lllC'O IM:IPIPID •r . ~~· UTICLi u :11•0 1Ep1GOM tMIPPU t Q'#NU a fllflJllT litUMIU or I'll . _,_..._,, lflM Cllfelll All'TJOlt r~·· &H ll'P'IUI I ~ f.E E 1... RE ~: RVE BANK OF F'ISCAL AOENT OF 'l1iE FR.ANc1 U l'l'E 0 STATE Family I~ er __ u...,.1_1..... •----.......... Uaur A :s \>ly C t r • ,cauto~nh co y ot' fon .. CCA-FRD-2 oove rio atorARa u ha r oai ed c."r in io ~t a , i h t ll lu i1-1 o a ul>y to .San for ia . Your a !H'Y 'l r .c;, ./ '/ ,\ ,.. l ..., .. , .,. /\. s n'tent V nar or naloo ~ 1 ao no• o ~ed (__ ..,,...----~ ~ '~O<Off, ~ll .. -~ '4,l"ll', Q, -4.V· '"' <:rllf: fidr of thl form locatrd at d·.c it.ddr gi ·rn •bu•,•e i dr\l ·u td tQ the P d al Rl*ttYCI B• • c.( LTnlltJ u~ ~t tbr lll'lt n ol tl.r Undc:m n d. 1t i •II" d t ~ no I ~b1lity or r c:~j)Qnr ·4!111 1.11 l'anclllC'O for anv 'llCI or olai11i n in ~l\t't•<'1 n whh at t f." SIGNA11JIJl OP 0 ...·N STORAGE NOTICE Thr Ii e;,f ii m. app~rinit 011 the tt\ ut r.le nf ~hia fof(n h1111r b11:11 ~l•ctd in l'lora e at tt,~ pla ~ 1 low ~·1th 1b t~l!I o •II cf th c ittlllll ptc1fioally indic:at d on tht rt• f i t d' of tliis form u ot 1<1111d, or n l b' r ii t.o ·l ht 1111dtr 111~ iv B1.nlr. o( an Pta.tiallKlO, &fl rocll .i'.11rnt at the nit d , t•t;;, ur u ntJI being of che pl'Ol'f'l IYI" l11r ~tora. . t n rrd It mf 1.u idu1uhd t • and tl I 'll to I c 01)~1'\LI tl1tr ' · Pi.ACED 1 roRAo WAREHOUS . 1025 CHAPALA le)/. TAB Rr.tARA IN.STRUCTION bdorr •TIY propr.rty v. II bt •~tpl d for 1t1oranc I' t n II d St1.tu Oonrn ent fo { .. ) copm of th• fnrm Ill 101 ht filltd t~ aud L •ii ; I I ~·uu r trc-d '"' to l:>t Mt lt·r ~ r tr lir.t .hould ~ 'Ul•rit1t11 TO OWNER <".ii Cimt ml at K>f1, olle tficu, will •P i:frt11 t ti. Tllr ·('•;,. to/ 11i~ 11,r ,,,,.,,;19' _. ,_., • .,...., • ''"" .. • ...~ ""' ~ "" fflt.fl#•l1 ,,,wrteil '1 .... ;,,.__,..t 1n:rt eN,HK "'" ICLl I llllP,10 LjV11'4G OWIJ:"'I ll:PDiff ,•.,.,u 1ru1 c11~n --r-j A.the~ I>• OI. He'll OOM •tllPl'liD Gli'NJr,e Rt,O 1' llU!lllf,I 0' Pt A•YIO~I. 'Hll'O FEDERAL REs R.1vE BANK oF s, N f'RA.Nc1 CJ FISCAL AGJUM' OF 'lK£ U1ninrn STATE Usa'b l"O '!\ll r& ll. tno 1eE«11bi~ C 'J;\lJare, O i~ro:r 1 Ol"llL • C A-Fru>- r y tb ro rorrn. tnHt~d h Th y you , a1~n1n Your ec 1 o he cnr.lo ure ls oovar1 1 !ndicuto t the s:rty ~o v e r~ no.l r ly, if't on BUb- .. 44~ ~ · PilSONAl PROPIRTY FORM ' _cj< --- ~ /o:!/ . .(f. 'r1ic r pcrty dt11Ctlbtd on che r"· •K idr ~f 11• form lt><:ll Jdd~tia i"''°,·r 11 dt b•rrtd ·to thr rdcra.l R st,,,., lh.11~ of •ri rand a• I al A r.t o{ the U111t d, 1u 11. e Mill' rl ol th11 1.11id ·nitirl d. II u ai1 c~d ~bat no Jiahility or rttponi;ibait y .:hall 1-c: '"'urntd by tbt lltdtral k t • 8111 cf ln rwm o for u1y act r oml on in ~n11tc1i o wu '1 ' ' ol!p •iuoo . It u \lndrf'~ ovd ,hat no "' uranu •Ill be f'wvilit<l PlO)>frt y. Note to o..,".tr: DO ~01' W~ll B BELOW THIS UNB STORAGE NOTICE The 11111. of ilf.u~ !IPP ni ~ (lo 1c re~·rr e · ~ o1 tbia !orui 1\'e t11o.e it.c.uis ptriGcllly -indkat.f'd on the re trl'e Jr of 1b1a form i nt•I Rcr.c:rv 'B ank of San nnclllOO, •• Piau.1 A1ttllt of t.h IJnl~td' t•tt , 11nly u to numbu of itc:1n,, aat , r ~stt., lnd n as tihe c<>ntm t t trl pb11td '1 11 &to~'-J:t at tl.e 1>la e indlu~d lldow v. .h tile rll Jll1•on of lo1111d, ' not dl:li,u-e<I lo th undtl'lllfocd rcpn n1a.1ive ol thr l'cd 1111 r u !IOI he•n11 of tht proJ>tt tyrr f r tota 1. , 'f'h t ~t.01 ed lttm• are ldt n11 11d tlttreor. R{/'rt the Prdrr-1 R<JH'W ll•T> of ·-,. as l'u I A~ml of ~h.e Unsted Su1tu <'1111" 1 I'r11tlCUiO, . WARE ()US 102 CHAP.Alt\ - - - · Al le f, ~. SANTA BARl3ARA - ~.. . "' -. . -·-- -- tNSTRUCT'I ONS YO OWNER &tic.rt an)' pl'O'J>trt'y will be ac ti-'ltt\t r.,, ~trn c b tl1t Vnll r· d Go rn1n.t11t four ( ") <X>rlc or tl lom1 l!llU I ht 6!1td 1n a d t o 1l1c Clh~I Com r I Ult Lliltf 1, crat •fll r!il *''' St atlr< . cd , pt an11J1 1~ ~'ld1:11c. "' t c umhrr of itriuJ a tullly iltor.-d or of t1 ~·r•m Lt o f bM ~. tratttt IJt ptith tt Vtn a· i>U Of tht iM' ·ntO~f llli~ bf l!Nfll 1.«w.ll OH'd ••!IJ lit m~dt l!IW• ~1 ·~ &Cl»MP I ~ . A \'Cl'I II htt 111•tll Ii;, ·a.tdtd r. Lt t v : Cl '"* 1.Ja; "''7 •f IM Ii ' •ftiJtl ,. l'W'UI ill ....,., MJ ,,._" ,, uw#*'f)' ,.,.~M'ff .,. ~.. l«ttt ~ • ;,,.,,._., ---...ow~c~·• t Ulll Uf>Oftlr "1~•ir11 CHCC~ K AllJIOL• Cl "' l. u Ill ·*~"'' i~~ll JTI• IJl1U!:M OflDLI 'Hlf'IP~O LIVING ROOM ~- l~l>ll00 1M l = l~IPP~D ru• t11rllflllll 111:ro11r 1'111~~ Ori' ••Tl LI -· IC ITCH Et~ OMr.~11 :,;-r:~,:. iec.~·o fEDERAL RESERVE .BANK OPS NfRANCIS 0 Ft CAI. AGEM1J' OF 1llB UNtTKD ST.ATE S I.1 n ). O murr.i TuJ at> A OUlbly Oe nt-0i'l'Ula ~ . Od1 fo?nh rn,o!l.osed la o oopy f form .. CO -F1U w2 cover:I.. your J?l"O arty 1>1 ced in !ltorne0 ut thE1 luo indic(l.t ( o he form , T • .J.'Op1.rty r ece ived a re s 'Hh h Ur•t. mi te d 'J o , Klnaly acitLO\\Jl.ed .a reccl end re ur 1 t the 1~n1n .ti:v llOB roperty Li l 1anoisco , r• ncloso oo r!\;mpnt t Fed1.;rnl of t R1.,s rve ~ '107 3outh S,ir lng Str eet 1 Lo You1r v ·y truly, \'./,\ " ~ ( _c: , aa Rec· t of the nal os ur Arip. ant .a a.c nov le g le te 'I to a k of :;an OU · ifor ia . PAMtj.~ No,, WRIT& 8Bl.OW THIS LI B Note 10 <hlftr: DO N ITORAGI N.011CI The 1 lh " ~ lle~nc of t 1n1 •PJ>C•l'ir11 on th u·,•er t hi •?t" 16wl1 .illd1n~d " the ••tr~ IJ f till (01111 BuA: ol Jl'I h.ndl-00, a1 l'1 t•1 A tnt t f thr United •• n(;I 6Quod, pr rial 10 d>4l 1md nl)! bt ng of 1hi t"l'QIP« tyf'e I~ 11t0Tage. 1 •· ,,., .., 'f~ t•t1 ti I ,.,, - " " " .. t•e •Her N(lf/P' ""4 •..u ·- twtl.U'J' .,,,_.,.~ .!!' .... NAL f)ROPilTY IN INTORY ;~--~..,_ ___ ....,..... _,,f-..;;;- ~;;;;". -· 11.!_ .."••;....,____......,. ··~f" ____.... ~ . . . .II\. . . . . .~... ~-- '--4----1~---.-.4· 111tM ·~""" l•rn1111h 11....--1~---i---~-1 CartH. ~l;..."'-.~•.c.l~...---ir-.,-,,,.,-- !·---.j------+-- .....~~~+-~·~.....~.... ~---~~--......~~......................,.... ·----+----------- . . •wt••I 811~., WAYBILL ·C HECK LJST - - - - Cu. FT._ _ __ - - - ,,:L~~ ~A::,'~1o~M::;;:;:;;;;=:;;;;;;,;;;;;TA;;;;;;;;.._;;;;·-=""m:;rlia;ii:iili;i;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~i C.K . OU'I' CK ITEM Din. , -·--- _____......,,___ ....,.. ~-~ ____ __ ... ____ ...,,__,.... -·~ .. .,...,...,.. __ _,...,.. ~..._......---......-..-- _ _,,.. ......,,___.,.......,.,,. -- -- __ -·"""___.,.. --· .._....,.,.,._ .... ...,,,...,..._.___....,,.....- ......~----...-.-~- ·- .. n• l', l • u. ' 3 81." &b1 BJT:rh 0 OS LR .. B ER ia ft aooy or orm VCOA-J'RB-2 Pl"<tper~y it c d iti tol'ag at tti. Tltie pro · llrty re.oe!lved BUNG.B wU wt th the oUowiJ: ~oy rill! ~o~r pleoe .lndi,c ahd on the f,o m. the ll$t IJUbmUt"<l by you ~oept1ons t Kindly eo nowledg rec 1pt of the $UOlosu~ by SiRQ• 1Q8 and returning the enclosed copy ot this 1 tter to Jt;vaouee P;roperty Oepartment, Jlled ra.J. Res n Bun,k ot S&n Franc isoo , 707 So1,tth Bprloe Sti- et, Los An l os, Calif(>rnta . Yours very truly, Receipt. ot th encitos r~ i s ao nowledged ri c.., 'T L'/~1'ttf--...---· /I rt 7 ,q $/,1-tr¥,IA: ~~ 101trl"I •r . t p tci~r~)' dc.ll4'r1!.wtJ c •11.t ,..-vwe 1.1dt o f ~hu fvno 1 atttd at lie add .l[lr,iin • ·, A l llrlh•Mtcl tll the: dtral Rtett ·~ ~n\ ol l'rino :o, ·~ J.lhci.1 A ,U\I· of ihe Umtt IJMJ, al ll1t ~olt tu.\,: of the un4 u tt111d. n ... •irm'I d 1at 1\9 lil ailv pr l'f«J>(ll)lll'bi1ity ~u \lir. y lhr t~t:r~ Ru~rv Bmk ,o f ~ r••• ltO<I for ~Ill' ' ot iro~ iQn in ronnl. lion !Mth it !l~illon . I! II 1111~u~ovd i.!\at u.'111 t pri>\if,fed <>11 lhll J>l'<lptrt)'. ~ --·- ~ .~ . ~- 7Jfl'~....---~-- ,,;~...._"l\-:~"¢,f. ~;~,1~~1~_1 luJ, -===~--~.,S_J.,. ;N/_\"'1JU A-.-, •• ~ 01' . ~~/oOw~:rr: .~,N=»O~ WR111B1 BF.~1~HIS;,Li~~ 11 ITORAGI trfOnCE ~litfl\ t.p(lf'ar\f\f on the revtt f L}Jr f Ntl hi.,.. hot:n ·pl ~ in itura~ ~) the 1 •~t lr;llic•wd hf 111 h tilt w:~Jjl11)n of &ptclli(l•llt ndtcated 1Q11 th rcvtrM: , cit <•! l • f f1fO a. ncil I 11001 tit not. tb • 1~.d. lo tht (lil4-.n ig11 d r ~' 1>rnLali1•e of ·~e J' ell Ill llcslllln•e B~nlr, t•f l!iMl frand.w, ., f iial AvlU 9 ( the Unittd S!•tu, cir a ntt bdftJ .;,I the l'OPQ' t~ f(!r lltc.rage, 'fl~r ~\lrrt~ iilc1111 ~rt idt:11t1 Ml· •• tQ the t1l(.lllbu 9£ ~. i::r·1it • or btu;1'11, aad nc-t 111 wt •e ~·11tt:nt ~ be11t.0 I. Tht I lit or thdllt 11trot , ,,,.., ONAL PRO!PiRrY l1Nvelrdv UST I --,~-..---~ao-~--,....----·~~---·----~~~~...-~~...__-----~·----~------_...... iCllf ,~·· OWWUll - ,_ ll~PU! flJ."ll~f AaTl~l.I •llllllllt or ""°" BEDROOM LIV NG !It jila '' " ......,,....-::--'"1--t·~-.......--................,._~ ·'~·......____· ·L.:-'-f-;>W.,"ir"-V--"--~+-~~~-+~:~::~:~ :.:.:;11:::;::.'l-~-~·~-·-+---t--1--..- 1-.......--.--........,....,,......_ _~t•ll• "'IJ\lle• I)•"·*"' ...' Cb•lr, r, !liar - -....... ~~ lf--1----+ Ch~Jhl «11-1, IV..:.....;y~_......_....:.;;F---~I qi;:. _. .,___ _ , _____-4~hll~' ' ""' R B 1 t arn1 ly Uwtber the rom , y you V lgno !oJV'll<lUI~ mohc , /~4"7 PERSONAL; PaOflRIYi PAMn.T No, _14133 -· - ---- ____ _-.... ' Th t prt prrty d 11<>r~d 011 t h~ r '' r ~ •ld of thlt form I cat d ll the 11dcl•eN fll\'m l bo r •• ddh· to the ~ \!era! Rt m• h ntiPW, u ~1 I A~u11 of t U11i11.d St t• •I the lj(.lje ri of t.l1e lll'ldui.· ncd. It .. ag:rtcd 1u oo liab.Uity or rt:~p 1•ibiht)' hy the Pix!tral Rr..-vc lhnk oi &•n l:'na"ci oo fo r •ny tct ('lr omtfi,lc>o in . !Qn. h it vnitnotov4 thr.t v. 11 h.. J'fO\idtd on thiJ pro1't1iy, .a uUir 110 in 11111ct Nott to Ow11m l'.>O NOt WR.lTB 8BLOW THIS tlNB STORAGI NOTac1 11b liAt e>f ituu •Pflta111n1 Qn th e •~''trllt ilJc oC ~Ma form h•w btrn pb,,,....d In 1i!(1~&1'(t' •l the plac.c lrtd c•tr:\i bdow •i·1h It 't')'.Ctp~ion ol ilnn• &pt'C:l,6 119 india \ 4 on th ~ •rr c litde 1 l~•iJ forrro u n(lt. lounll, oi not d b1.·11Hd :w the 11nder11igi1~ rt:prcttnt th·~ o.! th ' rdt·ral A.~btt •e Uank of 'an Ptincl1«>, ~1 Pl-1 II n•t o( r.he Un:it.c;,d &111 1, ur 11 not· b~ 1111 f wt r er t)i>t far 8«>'rar:e The 1toir-J iJcme lrt 1d nt• td only tht numbtr o'f It .m•, Cllit , or bo,t.., u1d llOt "' to the <11>nt.e nt. thertof. ~I Ill! ••to , NBD . lteprurnuna 1 • f'tikr•l &turw ~\ of S.a11 f1""'~ as ""'' I A&fllt of th it 1).,11 cd S 111w. ________ ,,__, ___ ,._~_ INSTRUCTION$ JO OWNER 8.fofor ttd f()r non r by tht nlt d t filled in '" 1 1 tJUrn~d ·to 1 t C. it1 C',onrml Station r.t h1ch l'P\I rt l~trr ~ lu e IC'\latK•o. On t 1t be crl sch C'JYY the lt.t'.m co i"' h ft for 111-orage 111 UM bt c•nduflr lla d ltot".:1oa or~ on Ll1~ prl ~od I& t ah9uld bt lll•rltt tn in ~1 c lrlhi111( 11r tt prohdlld on 1hi1 fotm , &t~t aii pr-IJPtrty ·11 at t O\lt (•) oopl~ qf lhi• form 1Tlt11rt $Ill I u1f ei lf•1181 1Mlrd¥ paci1414 In aaw1 ~r bJ1Jtu. of Ol 4 II' th1r1 11\'P 1) c11ble f11r1 C1:/'1'clry and "' I bf:' ndlcaud 11tt1plr ,111mhu ul no •o('t Mo~ m,~dL· t<1 i H1 des t~ rrln 11 crates &nd ~d 1..1 Civil Contr l.kl Statio. , one rop ', c kt'd fi;ir O)S'tfomlty •Ith tht c1tht1. three, "'II l-c JCI' n tu the o ctr of t ' prtipmy. Tl e co;t, dehvtttd t<> t.he own 1 will rv1dtn« rnutl • that her coplt'' I th' fv.,,. ''" httn dthv~rt'd . A1 tldt t•mr '"'• owntr I'll st c~ • the t • 4.9 the JIJ• t 'ttt t I-lit roptrt y 1 to bt fo11nd ot m lit i. rrHi r~m~ ' d ivllr t be ll1~y~ CiQ tl\t rtp1 lllhllll 't of thr lh•11c11e Pr~putJ' '.Pei:- J1,!fl~l of the f!rJtral R rwe B~nk c..f u1 Praint:Uoo he f cu~ lril •lilt th of hi~ 1tlidllt1c:<e.. RSONAL PROPE~TY iNVENtORY UST OWN 11 11 uron ltl/llUIHI Of f'Cll. G Wlfl't U~OllY AllTIC.1.1 Al~lOLI 111-•atll tr"'°" '~~-' ;.e ~II OF UOllOll>!>t lfll l l Cl Kl"lCHEM- (Con't) llllPrtD L RE. fl.SCAL K GENT OJI TILB • . ANCIS ,O rnn Ht.kaN Fuji oto 'l.'ulil. r 11 &f'l'l\)J 1 QI ch Tulc.r t 0 l11'orniu T~TR ' Family NW!lber liJA3 :Enoloaed 18 a oopy or fom WCCA-TRIS-2 ooverlJ:ltl :rour pr1tp ny- noeri i\.D avoreg at p;Lace ~A<IJ,dat~d on the ronn •. The p~oi>eirty reoei ved ngrH~ wl th tbe Ust &Ubfllltted by yo u. with the Coll owing eiceptionJ l c rs 1:1. l l U11dly e.o.knowledg r no <:> Ulld. ree&1 6 not Hs ed. ot l1 t d :reco1pt of th 11nolosure t~tning t y sla11- enclosed copy of thie letier to ~vaouee P!'lopertr Ore rtment, odex.l Reeeno Bank of San ll'rfln.clsoo , 707 Sou b Spriua Street , Los Angel s. California, iog •~d d - Yours very truly , u: Wmctt PJ.ornn rs!;( -rtt>:-- • ~.a ---- .lJert _ v1 """""' .HllW f-( (_r_f;"' - .8 \~If ~) 1Jl1nt1t. f:~ N_ I BJ!\ id~ of thi ( 1m locl~d a.t e td r • &l'' n a.bo1•r. 11 di:ln•rrd to ,\ ht dtra.1 Re 1'¥ JJ1111li Cl( an at the ~ n It . f the u d r..igmd. li u a. rttd t nu litbiill1y (lf ruponllbtl l y ~ •ti 'I•~ ak•um~d an l-r~nd11eo for tn'l' act or Ol'fti~ion in nn~io11 With It ~i JI0*11tO , h is 11ndtr 1<11 d thlt "~ lnwurar1ct tatt l .. ,,... Ii.AT DO rl NOT WJUTB lm~.ow n us Llr-.'B STORAC.E NOrlCI of il-<'-m llPJ;'U I'll (JO the ff ·~r dde of (.hu form l~'t l*e pl tt>d fo l'tOI ~Af •( thf piac~ {ndlrattd hl°'low lll'ilh t~1t OtA:pt M Ill ilically indlti.t~d M tht rt1· ,.... dt of d1• ( tin ll• ~•<4: foond, r rioc d h"''t •1h ~min &Alld «p1t111: ofitli'U 11f tht 1Pe411 l ol an P111 eitl:(>, •• l~t<&l .Ago1 ol de Unikd ta •· Cir u 11ot b-dng of 1be propienyp~ for 111'.or.,ce, 11hr ' ltf.UIJ ue idLnOf1td <J.nly 1• to the n11mbtl' o{ 1~· nJ, tt~u , or bo1.u, Jnd 111Jt A t oonun ~herwf. ••to 'I ;ro ~C·ll r~. ~~---- --~--~~::::::i._._ .... INSf RUCTIONS TQ OWNER for •1tor tr r the \Jnil a.Ci of Im Cli'\l Co~uC11 'ti111c)n, one >'• r , to for 0011fo11t.l1,· 'lll•lth 1l1t ot rt I •Ftf, Mil ~~·t11 •t t.b~ ownh of ithe p pell y Ti1 co:>y dtH ·nt: lo Ll•ir 1(,111.J\ · 1\1111 Ir li'lck-11 lllfll:I,, t.hLt utlrtr llO lea t.( l i fo1111 ha t 1-n 4el r1tl. Al 1h. · · bctr 11111111 lu .w tl1 ~ rfF to t.l,t ~>IMce "' tt. l t rroriuw, I «> r fotWil'J, or make arra l11: 111~nu dellvtr th~ h·y• ib ·t ht t t prr.Jfrtf;afi 't or I t Evar\Hle Prc.,pttr1 IDc:i-a.rt.nll!nt of •l'!.t dtr•i llltl'l•t B olc, of lll ranr;'illf l-tfort l~aving the ""'' ol tlH lie r de!l~ . ·nr:r "'l~l'tly i:h()11•1 1~1r. nu Lrr or i1~U». •id rato wnllh t~. rm dt:i1r1• ~ lo• P'•'P"1eei f 111.orare, lt 4bbl not CJQllllU!ut u l.j'rCicd mvtn t' . ft Clot:t nbl dOl'Oil-'1-\llt II \'fllftl!ll ill 111d!W!~ 4 mnt11Ntf •111 n1dl'n~ r e "'1111ber Of ~'111! I'll( ltti I 4':ftli (.!{ or I i C • ltrtl~ •of bou 1 l.ltll ~ ~ agca. '\le nf.ta• 1iOO bf 1th ln1tcllt<11· II f 1erta1 i..!11 9w11·d will ~~ m•dt •1 1U>ra gt phlll • • A \ ti ' • • ht. '111'111 thfn br r ... irt'd~ 10 t f bll. Off, hc.;111111, ,..,_,t,,,.,,,.,,'"t 11.r l/llJil/IJ . . . . .Jr,..,, • .• ~ ~ 1•~ (4arf#ltll ,.,..,,,,.. ~. jfrW • • ,.~, PERSONA~ NllNll'll Of' f1;1. owo111a IUlt GNECK aw '"'' lllrOAf AllTICLI llVIN'G ROOM 1' WI CHCCI( AEl'Oftf .AllTICLI I U'lllfll 1Hl·l'joU ,, • tH Oil •1/fNIR'I lll,Otf ---ltCO'O PROPUt( INVENTOlY UST an•ca. 110"1 1 BEDROOM lNl,.l"U AlltfO~l WUM91'!1 Of l"Cl*. KITCH 'N - {Con'tj sco K. OP "f)s. :AL A()tr OP Tl'lf. 'NI D '· TA.TES Eocloeed ts oopy ot form \~C~A-FR&-2 coveriac tPl1~ lao d in atorac• at tlH plac•t 14 cated on the fCl>nn , pro er\y received agre-.10 w\.th the Ust li11.bJ11.Utea oy you PN.Pftrt ~e ~ith the ol~ow1J.1$ exoep lo~•: ...... u.-.. ll• .. - • • r . •tf . 01 ,-·~' ,,.I J1,,.)IJ> I Kindly aokno ledge receipt ot th encl fur ~1 signiurning tb enclo•ed copy of · his l tter to Efacu e PX"-Oper y ~"'8-f'tMnt, ederal eserT Bank of San \!' taco , 707 S~\lth Spr1og Street, Loa A~ales, Califor~la. ing an~ -·· \___ anctoaure i s aoknowle(lga~ r •tt 11ha iJlM 11y dt11; rlbcd on 1hr rc11rr t $1dt of chi• f11rm loci"'d 11 the a.ddl\f» ' n abo,•e i deli Ned ll'I 1 c cdt'ral Rf'J· rw- Bank of inci~o. ~ r1~c.d Ag nt or the \!11 ll·d S4trs, Ill ~h~ II()) r !'k 1.>f .th,: ""drr ™'~· .(~ I a.erff'!I. II\ ~ no II bility !K rt p!>n't ilitr ""ll ~ -~ m 1 y the Jledm1l RtiotO' Dan Ir of tf' r&DQJ(l(> fQ.r .t.n lj:I. i.r a~&lolQ il'I no~ctioo ~lLh L• "-'•II bo: pro,•id d n 1h1 1'tOJ>t"r l fl. OT WRI nlil.OW 'fHlff U NB IYOIAOI NOWCI 1l1r U I (,lf itiem a.J'pe&rW(( on tht re''trftl Id o f \hb forPI ha •r th 8t it rna pt 6c.lh 1ndlta l~ on ~f..~ t 'tr~ Id~ <>f thi1 1fonn f1AllQI A cnt of 1h• Uru.tlld Re11etvc ,Jlimlc cf 11.11 ~c joO(), M ont,, "' t.o nu,mbcr of it.t'-lll , or11'f. , or bon1, ~nd n aw Ii ra pl r»oi I 1Jon(l1 ~r aw- , " 111 114 ~IC)t f()re 1oy proprrt • ·ill l>!I •~Pl~d f r &tat . Oa••wu11u.t foll( · l { 1hi fc.1 •> bda ol w chr co01m11 tlirmif. D- - · · -·- lt.!cptr,c Vie rrdv I llt1t'1•t 1u l''l$r11I A ·~ t t,>f 1l ~ 111 Qlo'XI Oo11tn•I · t1t tm, copy•, c.fa:dted lhr o rwt c•f Lo t., ~· r•tr '"·ill bt t\idrnllt'. m rtlf ~ ffl bcteti <\rill e N tb tlm~ th~ •'111!~ t~~ t6rrri,, It tc1 k \'h , ~I hr ~.i 1"W .,,, f'l ·r 0nt 10 th( U., •fllW ., 1"1 ,_,., • .,. HfW # II ,.,,,.. . . . m·_, --' •NMll I t cW.llr ~-'..,.' •· ·- ~ SON~ MOPYTY O'i/lllJl\l ~ lfi.1!11 CMltCll llt~f)U ~rrc ' .,l'CL L Vil HGP ~OOM ust Oll'll~l!l't iwiii'cll ~11~\~ lNVENTOfW AlltlllilJI "'r-""'"''T ..,..II !•til,.,.l:D IE.D~OOM KITCH~"i"- (Co,,'t) FEDERAL RESERV • D K OF SA fRANCI 0 FlsC.U. AGENT OF 1'l£ UtnTED S TA'l'B S 1un1ly l mb r fnttk Ju j t Tuhr . ly Ctn or .. • r..11.1 , ~ "'"'"""' ,t,nolo o o.o y o fo •. COA-FRJ:>-2 oov rlng eirty pl.ace 1 r\ ator-np,a 1.1t pluee i ndicut or Tbc pro11 rty r ceivB a rees wt h lt l1 1' t. s byou , tn Kindly aclrnowledtw rec ! pt of t ad r ·t ninr th -ncios ·d co~· of iii I· ro l'ty Do;•art1nen\. 1 'ed l'f\ l H } ·uno i 00 . '10'1 south Jlll"ln Sti-ea;t, I ~o s nln acua Your .rul.y, '• Tft l."i ' ...,.,a Reeelpt of the nolo r i ata.n t ..... . lll ,. ' mwer toa~d ~I t\i1· addttall i\'tn .t>ovr ip d,ll 'trc;d l-0 the· Pc:dtt~l ~1111'1 ' Bank of San I 1'1.Ml f ~~ ;.ind I r\•4· It ,, .,, td ' •t.I DO bability or r~itV •l1aU bt a.u1U11~d for any ~ct (Ir l'lmi ori in ciponetllion with 111 !iota. It l1 under•~ tft.,.t n1> in 11ra.l\et1 de <if thle for111 LINS I f:a;:qoeQ 1 IJOJA<tl NOTICE 'Ili 1111 ~ item• wptann1 on trm~ ~id~ of thb ft.>tm t1lll't fwn l'llletd tn lft(lrai:c •I tl1r p Cif ndioarrd l>ill"W ~·IJtt t~t ~roetill~ ol it 1111 ca.11,. ,~dlcall'd 011 tile m•erllll' fide vi t lift '°'~ ~ l\<ll I 114, ot AOl drhv 1f'ti JO die undrAi!«n.>4 rrprc fll~tivr or lht 1'ut~11i llloCJV &ar,ic. of an I ranaill<l(>, lk l!l<'al A:gc~.t ol the 1 ~ rrd :1•t"' «r a a11t \lelh11 of tl1e prnper type for ,i.ora,c.. 'flht •wrtd tttlllt Jn drnrifi d ty 111 t.Q t e. ru.i.mber o( I~~. ~t.M. or llos1>11 ~11d ollt •• «> the th,rwf. ICIK ----- --~·· -- WA'ftP'i()t.1 E l025·tH1'PM.1'i ~i$ e )/ SA T BARBAR.I\ ---~~-- L . - - --·--. --- ----............... INS,IUCftONS TO OWNIR '8c f(lr •n /t>rqJerty tl'ill be At:J(ltpttid for Go\'ci11u.t~J f lit tr.Lt rrt\lrtud ID t H) oo ~~ o1 th e -Olvil OoMr-v! Sl11tl00 lit l'(tr'.a t by t •C ~~·mn lflllflt ~I 1 he ru1.1 ~lied in <tt •1tf ucd {1.o1 t"' ai11v • 0 r: ba Ii <If r.a, c th • t be lr-h ,f or itticior. ' m1~ t~ ncf l}i tis 4, l!l11 rw1 on tht pn.nted I i ~11wld it wrltttn mth f.,lank rwl<lpd <•n t 1• om1, ~ ~lltl5 or !lo ~ of pi ,k fen r.•t·~ a,~d ri\ ~e i11dira1 d n~11n tr lll fa,~, b, rio ·t~Huf•t hell\ ll••de w 11.umt . on tlli form t irticllf~ tfa rrin. !ill atif: atii:f 'l,es U.11111 ht- 1JtC11rdv PM!.~ed arid ni-11 t~ 111·0 (r.a 11rti t• . n l fr(>tl!- tht ~j mulfl. 1'f; lf'cilrd' •ck ~-..bit ~') '11 1f &.1~e rc.u.1 lbt, 00nt)ltij f:llUflt'd wnl 111 Q~ • Cl :ii C<i.~tr.cJ Stktlon, one oopr. claede<I f0t ronfo ty u·a1h (Nt 0tlle1 tj-\nt, Mii l-,e ,h o tl(l thr t>~htt of t p (rt)', The <io;tY drlh•crtl t.o i.h o 1 1ll rvidtbce lll«tt'dl' tl,a ~ oop oi tht fo1m ha beno cl 111mll. Al this hJll't< t , M'fttr llkUl.t vi 1«- ~ t prc•pri'ljl 1• l(Y 'bt: found , t hi• t.11anr,r1111iriu t~ dtll •etr t \.",-. u,i -.he r , p1eetrotat~··~ of u1t l!v•tutr llroptrt,. ~·•ruit:nt (lf 1!.e PC'd~nl tltem•e 8•nll pf ln Jira!! ~ brl('n l~• ifil r.M ~l'• <•f ~u r dencit.. •e II,....,, 1n1t one• D~llflt't WU~ ----.. AUICM, or · llf.O'b llVIHQ ilOOM t"tl'l~lrD 11111 u•s RLNlllT . • \~· 01$ ....,,,.•, AaflO~I iut.1ar11 I "'°" LR ERVEB Family Number 1 • neloaed h s oopy or t'bl'lll WCCA ..nm .. 2 coverlng your pro>p rtiy pleoed ln ator•g at the place in.tHc•t ,. nn the :!'o:= . '!'t.c pr J'° ,. ~ rece ive It agrees wi tb the l1 at sutmi1 t.t d 'by yo u w1 th th.e o l O"iN11l6 auepttorun >. • • '' a• ' lh'-•· /'. (} /11,.. Kl.nilly acknowledge r oaipt of th lng •nd Propert ?07 ~&t~rning S~uth De tbe enclosed rtaent, oopy o thto 1 or 3pr1Qg Street , tb ~ter to ~'vocu~e ed•rial Res r.o &Ink or Sen ftano1aoo , to~ Angel s, California. Your~ R ceipt nolosure by s l f\11- Aolosur v ry 1iruly, 1s ao now edged l..oc1"tlO~::;;:=o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s.;iij! I T I M ____,u.. u 11 --··~ - JO --.-~ -·~ - 10 _ _ _ L __ _____ . ________ --------__,.__ -~-------·----_...,.,., ___ -·· ,...,..,.... _____ _,,,._,. _~-·------...,.....---- ·~ -.~ ·"·.. -l . n . .--a----------·----------.. . - I- . . .-.... . . --d~- - -·~ - __ ~·----.··--~~ --~ _.,.. .. ___ __.._..._·----~ ~-~-- ____ . ,..,. ~--- IS -··-,--~---- " 41 1'7 --l................----.... ---- _____...,...._____..., ... ·-- ~ ·--··-·-----·-----...-..,.,...............,..._ _., ---.1-------------.. . ------_ .. .__..,. -··- - ~t-_,.... __ ,....,._ _.._....__ _.. __ ,..,.o;.o....,,,_ _ _ _ . .....,,_..........,,....,.._.....__.,...,_.,..... IV IU: D AltD UC El'TICl~li "l!>l' . .,...._,. aw. WAYalL.L NO. 'I . ; opy of :f'orrn ,.CCA·FRD .. 2 covering stor g at th plu inQ1oated • o tlO your proJierty J''ho th torm . mi tte ' 1~ y r eei v Tho a r .es ~ l ith l t b- !{OU . s1gn.lng of .-;.en lifQrnh. Yo . }'. /I ~ ... ; SB s /t. I .,.. 1 r very rul;r , z.. _c::. ' ,..,.... st nt l~n r 'rhi 11mrr11y ~cfj(ll1/htd Qn ~h~ fi'\'Crpe rldc or chi for1a l>QJttd lit r.ddrt:•~ n ' t.!wH j pcllvmd 10 I e tid tr.I R~rn •nlr pJ Ei..h tlran.c.111(.0, H .il(..111 .\.iti!t of Lhe tJnl d U.l<j, Ill !he 1.ole n1k of the und •lfltled. Jt •('1C>c:d that nu! bwcy QI: l\t.~tlru.ihlUty ~'hall I.if - uro~d by the l ~1·r)I Re t~\·e Bink. of m l:'nr Ko for •ny a.ct or Olll•*!l~n Ui <JQrmecl diJp(».ll'IO • h •<tc.r .ood 111•1. i;w u1-ura11c;e. 11 II prcMdt.tJ 011 tnla proptrt SIORAGI NOJICI TI1 IJ1i1 or it uu Jppe•ti~C n It n:\' 11\f 11dt f thh ftirr~ ha'i't ~ft~· . r\ tl·Ol'ljt !lt I c pl-cc •in~Qle\i btlow illl'ilh 1ht ~I: -PHvn 1ho11C1 .ilt•~• peclli Jlly Ind «:d on 11~e r '' rwc dt f It• • fo rm a.a n1.1t follnd, vr IWI id l1vcrt<I jo tl1e unkr~1r11UI r(:proirlllltl 1 ol ii~ i·d rll1 Rtk •t BLnk of Sui Pr~nciooo, ~· H i:llt /\. U'<l f t t nmd &tat.n, or a.• root bt4n• of iht JllOP r IJ'f'e fOI T t 111ortd ltro•• u w th nul'Qbtr of It.em•, «at , or bot •nd tl(>t 1 10 the oont t. tlitrcoC. _,,::;. - Rt*"~ B1m~ o S1p1 f.r1111111•ro, (ll l'tlr&I Agmt ~f the !l hnttd , htto, llf pr<l'll«<tiA 1lie f'tfi4,.f l)AI P.u..c .o 1w Swo.,,.ce ""'- - - "" - - - - • WAR HOU$ 1025 CHA.P l -·---------.- - ~~~.~-'~... SA_ A. _BARSARA __...., - - - - - ====::ic:========;:::::=:i:'====== J,, ~ I .,C I f INSTRUCTIONS fO OW"ll 8.rfore an r\}pe:rty will bt k<>OtJ)l«I fo1 &t.atu Go1trn11> nt fo r ( 4) oopltJ o1 tl•i' f(l .n 11 c an r•cc.~ PW'l'iClt:d ()n 1ltia fof'I~ Stiutll a.rticl • lftUlll 1bil lhll.D l\\O (?) ~!:de fNil pjit.)i:e> n ~r'*lf or b-~A'.~ Cll 11()L leu fapadty and wr11 be i dlr. me! ,JJ11ply t. et: 11m ly u fann 11.<a~hu rt)'o 1~1tNn h. la.nd, lh· · a• p.i'J!O~ 1~r· 'l'Utr 1>n ~·· (Cimi , J\ "'I .iilf ~•J'IC <.Jf t;p I! fofll\ I\ * ("..,,11 o~nttl'\'.AI ' ~t o, 0 c oopy, cl1edrd for nfonnhy wltb tl·~ IJ't~l"r lhTfle, wilJ tit il"'t.'11 10 tht 0 'ntr of !ht prop rty. 11lC 00fi'' e)j f«\ 10 tbe c:iwMr •ill br tvill nc.e aaur:liy ti• 1 Llhcr c~pm ~f •ht form ,,. bet.n d 1w-r d. ~t tMa tlrl'!f 1J r er ai 11t lt>~Yi' IJ1t ·ry lo t t pl c' • tit the rrc. rty II 10 f uncl, or 111ak. arr&ni:u11rnu to dcllve.i 1l1e lueyt 1<11 ~t.e r1:1>r-t.11cui.b" ,,f tihr R'ilae>utt Pr ptrt O..r,.1U11eJ I of d1t ' !l'di:'Nil 11t1•11er"\'f I.Im~ al' S~ft :Pr~dl(IO ~fore lr•l•ll\R 1th~ ~tt:a !tlf b1J re.llldt,.~. ,.. .... ow u :1r SOt-.1 L PR PEATY INV - lll'tM CttrOK f ~~11,.'r!" --- llltU&~I flC'D l>IHI G ROOM .. rr - !IC,.. l ~~~~· IH• Cllll I< ur10L• llt'D FEDERAL RE ERVE BANK OF SAN fRANCJSCO Enclosed 1a a oo~y ot forn lVCCA-Jl'RB·2 oQYerl.ns yo~r pr•p TtY J,eoeo u1 1ncu•ag ·~ tile plaoe inaio•iiieci 01~. ~40 ~\,n11. Th• pro er't rec hod a nu witb the list sub111tted by Y'Oti. With the followt,ng exoept1ona: IS ll Rue l i t d. - l no tound. 1 ~ d • not llst t l:lBt d. l -no lit Kindly eoknowled,ga r ~eipt of th , • nol sure by isn- inc and returning the ndoHd copy of tht s l tter o T&c\lee Propert 08 rt111e nt , Federal Res rvo Baink or San Fraao j aoo, 707 Sou'th SpriQI Str& t, Los Ange.l a, California. Your· v iry truly, ~.•3 i _ t/Q4 v. I\( r.Lt_!i.t e o. 1"'11~...,~ 01'!0'~ ;::._~&'1Afl:.. _ ~ /! tfl A A ~ ti(Cln') I ' ' e t0f 1hj1 form l1*0111od :at the add rm P''~ n abc>l'e I; dcll,·tr~~ I.<> tlhe Pt'drral R.t tnc 8-.n rit~ of , hi\ l,lt\d,~· en~\! . }J. • ~to(~ ~hJ'I fl h l11!1ty Qf ~ ~ .i1>1lltY tih.U I~ • 11m d i•~ican Jh OCinnbdibn wVh "" •1 ·p.tt1oitl0ori . ~ 11 ~nd 1 1o1.~ 1 ,.,t 1.ct 11~uranoe I SIQlfA,,llU Nt11t io o,,,,.m DO NOT W Rl or 0 Nf. .~ ~· h?t- · (/ Ii BW,OW TllJ.S LINB ITOllAOI NOTICI ~e ~i.i of Lttm appej1.1n.1 ou ~l1mt it~~ ~P d&cllll'I' l11d1tilttd on th rnm Rcll'f'\'C• 1l nit of .,n nt>c r.<JQ, j I l I i)U y •t ~ ( lCl ll\I~ Of l<f'tn , l!f'll de of tho ( 11• bt11f liet.11 11tl• 'n 11tora#r at ~ht pli. e lnf:\i • bi•low .i~ll tll t-:tccpp<>'' of dt uf 1111 for1t11 no~ fou.nd, ~r n(ll d 1 r<¢. tp t~ ~d ~ilg11r.!ll rr;p1e1itntlt1~·~ of lhr. f'1 1k ral n btlrt& o( 1~he proptr type for tWT'tl*'· he 11-0r4>d Jtt~1u t,lf &tMf c :a• WAR HOU W.25 CHAPA ~ le b) ·~ '->ANTA BA.RBMV. i::r:====·:i::·: :.: .=-=-::;;;=e::::=:r:::i:::=~__.._._.;..JJ, s It: . - tNIYRUCTIONI TO OWNIR nit d e.,11 Ol>r1trdl Slalijti11. one ropy, Chech~' fot tonfomilty l11r~. r1 I ii.Ill br •Wl•fn to 1ht tiwqtt of the 11"1 prrty. The tOf' dtlil'urd t(,) I ·~ m. nrr wtll bl' t'l"idt11Ct .Ill~ nly lha.I ,,t'1u \'.()Jll of t I I' fomi I ., litn. d fo•ulld. At rhi UUlt lh~ 01'111:r llllUl!I k., I t \f Lo u~e pl ·a l!'f i '1 pl'q11rrtf i1 l() be louJ\d, Of 111Jlte u r~nr,r111rntt t dr1r1•n the h :n tQ t e rqne mult.ll·e of cl1r ft,••ru11t Pr<Jlff' 1~;. Der• 1IJ11t11t qif 1t e f,,d Bank of , lll ~candllllO btfi:u, 1 avl t the ar111~ Qf "'' r~dtncit. ,...._ f9S6N~L CIW r••1 1111' • CHCOK UAOeaJ W'~ li-<1- .....--r--~-1 HO'D LIVlHG lOOM ... PROPERTV '"' MdRY l fEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO Fl CAL ~GENT 011 'l"ll.& NlTEU STATE i< l~ucloaed yro 61' ·y 1lnoe tl form . Th p4•0 mi t d y you, y~ur 11.)I ~b copy of fom .. oo -.F'IU~-2 oove r i in 9tornfB at the pl~oe indic~ t:t r ce i ved a . raes wd. h t l i I" le n encl oaur<l , y ~; lour ve ry trul , .- AB Biatant Rec t of r __l_t_a_?____ l ''i.e.• r of 1hi1 fcmn lc•cakd I t h~ 11.dd~ i~•c n a.buve i• ddlvrr(ld 10 the drral ll liff'Ve 8aT1~ of &.al'\ , I Ihe tole rl k of 1 e undt16 tned Jt 1 .a t t>rd \hat no H•bi.lily or r llJ>On 1lillil,, iha.11 ht aH tor<! co-nn"1.11ion w H1 its th~p illlon. It la b d111'11'1ood ,11111 no n11Un~ce ll'Olt ' liLITlkA,,.t.•-•-· Nolt to Ovm~r: DO NOT WRlTB iBBLO STOR~OE ' H IS Llflni NOTilCE '11b 1 at, ol itcma appUrill( on the m ·c:n de ,,f t J 1 r.a ha •e ~ell placed in ~ta t •t lhe pla.c:t ~!li~,.ttod \\itb tht U.te udl r1i 1-l100<e ium1 ptali~ll)' indlC!ated oh thll t · r1>e de l tl 11 lor1n a MK loo11d, or not de.lwH d jo tiht un~ra grt d reprttttntati1•r c>( Pt u l Rt~rve Bank of ' 'an r•nt:Uro, aa 111~11.l A tnt of the Unit~ rigt. T11r li\.Ort4 1i~1n~ V . r•t.t~l·d Qn)y Ill to 1th • 11\.lmbt.r of ite.ina, trlk , or bo.1 '· -.rad n1> u 10 tht l 'd INSTRUCllONS YO OWNll ""'>' 111'111 ~ a.octptcd f?r tOriJt b t t LUI d 'ti'fll11r.t1l ilmr ( 4 p~t (lf iJ fo Wiii\ bt Mlr-d in a ncf rrturllrd Ill> the: '. WI Oo111Yt1l Slallo at wlu 'l"\I 1 •.'~•l'fA'r i:<! foe •'aNation . On t b of u cqpy th~ lmt1 to ~ Ith for @t.orl.g lor iny pc s~~l.c- I( mu¢"' ~"I lh• j11 tbt Mrnk ~pao rir.ll ~ 'l li"l'a. ltt.m~ t>ot on 'the printo:l lit pro,•lded on tl1i form. ciul~ bi v.'rit n de nn•wt be lltC\lfU~ j:>adi lld n riW' 0 1 ·~ of ..Wl leu l) c bi fqi~ capllcity ~nd •111 ind cat ~ pl • •~ t 01'~1 Cor.Lrol rtt-, """111 l>t . ORY UST owua•e e~MU'' lli"CllU' JllllOU •• I'll*. AUi 14 U.f!tlT e .. WAYBILL CHECK LIST ,,...................,,,,.....,,.................,.f,_...,.....................................__............................................................................ ................................................ ....,~~-- Ct<. IT It·~ ITEM DI:\.. . ' ' -· 1911[ -- ..·---·----.... ...,.......,,.,...,._.._ ~--- - - - J' _,.,,,., ,u . - ..., __ -·-·-----.......,....,...... ,,,_...__, ,.., . JO .. ...,.._ --.~-.,....,_..... - - __________ -- ------..;.,.,~-- , u ..._.'-'- -------~.....,...,_. n - - - -l u ,,, u ... _ -------·----------. --. - .... 1----~------,,..-- •• 14 15 40 1, 41 17 - - ·-·--.,....,-- 4J ·---------· -------.---11 ---~- , . 41 46 .___ -- ---~_.... __ _ .,,,. __ - -- - ·--_,,,.,..., _.._,._, ..._....,.__,,.,,.. -------CACK l'Tl:ll .. U•T '• I: CH ·= __ FEDE L RE ERV BANK O'F SA fRANCI }"l.SCALAGE'NT OP 1\l£ UNlRD STA'J!ES t Hy i-e rJ oo i of 1 ourt cn ·J r1,1;1 . \ t of \ e twrJ, !/ / 9 t/. ,!_ Dat · ' nc ur-e i 0 Ml.>lc U 'IT \ IC If 1 J Oj' l!'fY li. l.i<Y.; ~T 11;.J;;w #PL Cl tit•• Ul'OIY ~11•1tta ITII.. A ltU 01' l'otl. IEl>ROOM •1 ... ~, iii_.--; - ~---"'I ll 11t, "'"' • ""!'~.:. .;,,,.·~ - 0 Ir, t11•olr"•f ....---....... .... ...,,___.._,i....__ ,_+..- --.. ~ ~I •.!,!:• ~~ _.. li"_'- - . - -1 O•nHP'rt D~•- ----~---~ ---..i-'-'Co1, "-°",.... M'!!._ ,,. ,-..... --- ~. .. 1·~· ..!!!!~~lt Kl.Cit WAYBI L L CHECK LIST ___ .,...,........, ·~. ....... ----..,..-.----.,...., ___ __ ______ ·""~ . . ....,. - -- --- ·- f1 .. 19 ~o " I -- ,,.,...._, ~' ---- - --- ,..,._ -- - ,.,. -- ---~ -- -· -.. - ·- u 17 la It • --·-- --,.-...,...--- 44 -- - ____ ,,_ ,..,_..,,. ,, -- -- -·-·---- _..._,_..___ •• ••. JO 11-............=::1........,....,"""=="""'"""'""""""'""".........""".....,:-...........=n..............................................iu........i.u........................_..................,,,..........................................._,,><'fi p-"..c..1£- "- ....._ _ _ _,,,u ...., . c.... _•.. ' .. ' ... "'- .....u...•..., T"'•..1:- c..H .,,..«_ M"_!'..0_ 1...- ·.. CN - 1.o. 1. o_ w __1i1_ _~1:D ·!"!r~-- C«D . "!!.~N Pl} I Vlltlll .!!' D UC l'."TIONI WOTr:D. *"' OUT OP WA .. llHOU• •"- ----......--- - ·- •11.11...o. FED I"' RESERVE BANK OF SA fRAN FlS-CAL AGENT OP 1l'UC UNITED STXJES e, 1\ 1Nt To1cblro Jfl.k6Jl1U'a Ae •11 e•Dter 'J"ul,1re 11 ~Utornia IQol.oae~ h a oopr or tom WCCA,..1'RB·2 ooiverha tour repertr placecl 1A atorace at tbe plao• 1ndloat•4 on t~• torn. •er••• 'lb.• propertf rto•t••4 wltb tile list aubltttt•d b7 you •Ob. th& to ll'ow l ca •~eei>t 1 ooa 1 l Bui t-eue 1hte4 - ao tau • Kiac111 aokaow adg r eel t or the enclo•ur• by Jign1"8 al\d "'9turp1"8 the encloaed capr ot thia le~t•r to IEYacu•• .Proper1J JJ>epartMnt, Fed rel RH " ' Bank ot Sao P'r9DB boo, 707 south Spriac Street, Los Angeles , Ca~lrornla. I Your Hl'f trul)', I)' I..._ (.,a. -""' At11$l ls ac JlOWle e4 AL PROPER Tb Prt.nti llt'<J. •• l'I y the lt~tr al R 11trve will vr ~dtil a tlu roptrt)' . Nrttt ~o O.-nr11 DO NOf WRITS llBLO\~,- 11iJS UN STOIAOI NOTICE c I Ill of itucu apptnt~nf ~n thr rt\'tuit ~ldt I th 1 lc>1111 hn't o 1la in lit raiia l l th plM.'t ind cit~~ thorr. tf!.au •peciiioally 11141tiated on l~ c rc,•cr1e fide of t 11 Com not 11->und, 'Of r101 d n'trtd to L µn~ ra tnc:.d n~~11t P. tv• Ba~r f ''11 land~. at I ill'll Ageni f the Unlt d ~t.t.t , 1ucit being ol the 41ropu tYJ1t for ¢o1·agc, 1'he: only u to th~ n!!tllbi-r of lttm•, cnk , or bo "-'• •n ncit u t<I tle oonttnt.t tbueof, f~'f 1 (rt•• &OMO~~~"_._..,_._ 0of 1'11~ .,.,,..... ........-----· ... ~ lltm~e Bo..~ o.f S~n flrono~c~. ltcfl>.i"!a.-tfl!".Th"i p t ''ii of I.he U11~rrd .SkU tJ ACW IN IN,1RUCTIONI 'O OWNIR Dr •rt any pmpcrty 11-1 he •oa~rt d f State m111>tnt fr>11r ( 4) «"'J)if! of thb lo ·a 11at n n t su t toe fo1a, bl!t d. It · 1u nut ori tlu rtll'IUld 111 tbt tnli. tJ uu pro,i<ftd oil thl tor . 1~1 hr.iuld 1-c 111ritien S •ll an1c1k t.tiuut b ilclJllrd~ p rk ~ an cira1.e o~ bl11r~ i>( W.<it Ir.~~ thl11 v.·<» (l) bic fut qpir.dt·y •nd •11 be in6iC11~.d rr. ly u numbi: r 1>f N.·~t , lio Mtcfnpt btinr 1111Clt . 1if lr.r cm thil fo1'ID thr an. t rmn. AU cnu~ 1.1\d n 1nu11t ht tt •~dy pJ.d: d and fu.u11rd . tpch 11<11., <rat~, or artldl u~ ~ 1d4'-tl fitd 1d1 1 Oi obtl.1ntd ft !Jon. II or 111\' 01\"il Contrv'I talion, o t oopy, t ktd fo1 oonf01'111il •itfi tht OI tt 'lil't ht l\ltn le l OWIUt of lb !)tt.>pUIY The t th~ 611..nrr 11•111 be n;d nee mftdy t 111-t <:o1- tr «•pit.• of t r for111 l1a t ll«itn 4rh tred. /u ti ia Ll1t (llll'ntr mtllll I a k >' co tht pl , 111/htrt the rropetty to f(lll 1d, or lll ... t afn1.111:e~tnt w d11llnr ~ii IL 1 ti(! 1the 111prdr111. .,., ()f Ill t l!'l>ilt11t;e i'J.;itJtrt.JI fi~p•rii.101mt of Ll1t Pe tnl f\ rve. B1u-.k, CJf an r11111!]iftGI) bi.for~ l~avlr1a t.11 ~!'l'a o( bit ~ «lpt' d l~f'ed IO u~. and en~ wlu~h >ii ht o PERSONAL PROf'E:ftTY IN rOR'Y UST llWlU*'I U UT •• nr• . . ,~tf 11\>lllU 1tu111•u orH!L 'tP LIVING "001\4 PCJt, .. WAYBILL CHECI( L1S1. CK . Cl! . I T£M ouir olt'I.. 1! ._.... _ _ .. 10 " -- -- ..... ro-··-----~-,..~...,.,.,_,,_ .....,~..,.-.~ -- - •.z . ··~ -~ - _,._._...._.._.....,.~...,..,-----·-----------...... ~ J• ---~~ -- --- ,_.....,._ .__. . I.. - -....~-- -- .. ___ ____ ~- ·- __ ,.....__._.._ ..,......_,.,..... ~------ ------.-------·~- -· -- ----------......... ______....._.,.........,..............____ • 1.1, 1 • ta.,. llOada 1-11-1 re H••Ur o. n Nan• ca 1.1 tor la 811'r ••t~.t ftl a t •a l t"14ual at • wre • ••,.. r~ ..,....... •r •o l 4./1 Ooll l .,. . . , ..... p a1 ,,. el• 0011 flprt ,.. .. I 1/1 Wa • ll MP • •toa •• • lo* "' ll• .. "-- '\b• tt Of 70 I DM Al l~ Wbttb arr 7ou p~o Yl ... 1 u ,. roq U , .. in ~Uh YO'Ul"e J!,,1rh 11' •k•t ••rr r 1• Ur ,... tl ~ I :0 .. f>. .. I ~./ I (..j~) I h.Dt l , Ml • prt por~y vleced n atorago at the p The pro er~y r~o ~ lved u reea wl th wlth ha follo' il e~cuptiona: of of t tng .o 70? I Your c e:ry trulw, FEDERAL RESERV.· Pl B CAL AGll"'NT 0 lune KOF NfRANCI CO TH.I UNITED , '.!ATE ~. 194 F11rnily l~b r l:li.w1• li da !ul.are A.11 lf Cen Tula , CalitorJlia you p ~t l' .tnol.osed 1$ e OOPJ/' Cf form , . COA-~ ··2 OOV!)rtng laced l n ator•se at tho plo<:ie inH t d • p rty the torm. ml .• .JKU Th prop rt~ r o lved e reeu ~ lth t l4R au ~ d by you , s o nowledgo r cei 1t of the oclosure by h no ose copy of th latter t o ad .ral R{:js rv Bank or uan , Celfot'n1s . :Cowee very tJ. lily , 0 ,,-· R o ipt of the enclosure . ~ . (.~? ,! ssistant aokoowl.odged •Po'"" It dcU rrt.d to 1he Pedc.r&l Rcillfn•c ti1,f (IO h~l.nlil')' 0C r tllJ'OO :ti.lit ·on v.·nl1 lt.s GUpCll-iLton. Lt b 1,1ndtriU>CKI i•en 11 11 tg r ~rd 1.11 fr&n • o for •ny •·l'L u1 Note 10 Own tr: DO t hit ol ittl!IJ •1'pt•rl111 l·hC•I"' J>W1£n•llY it>,d1r•kd '"• lbn ('f • an ,,ur, ~~uion In ronn OT WRI1'1J 8EL0~1 'l'fHS UNB idc of tlih {oral aw. htit.n 1•\ tec>tl £n 110111 t .i the pJa ln<lk•trd b.>lo"W 1r.•11li 1ht "trctJ'lioh of I t r~; .r. dt. or ~h lt1nn •• 1)1)11 k.>un41, ' fir,.! d~I ·er () tht \lndm nrct ltprr.~n tatill't iJ d1t PrJiral i •al A4t,11~ of uu1 llitt-d la~ , w- _. n btJ.nJ ol U-.t pl() r 'YPC fo1 ~to1•111 The 1U>rt; 11~1 • 1ut id 14(j, d 11 th' rt\'tn Oii or hon , Jn ___.,_....,.___....... - ~ ...._. INITRUCJIONI JO OWNIR t11tio{I, ont co y, ch~tlttd ' br «•nforrnlty "'~th tl.r cnhr l)i ·tn ~ t e ·ntr of lhr p ptrt) . Tht 0(!~1' dd/vu.-d wu•• ITlflll OHl'CK Cl 1Rlf'Cllllr llUllUUll 0 IUl'I l'~,.CllT •u•n• ., .. AllTIO~ "~ OFl'H. ~ ·IVING .ROOM ............ -. Hl'OrT 11u111au O' l'CL l'fl.• NlCK WAYBlLL CHECK Ll ST 1 CK . on.. f TE M I.a ..,.....,.,,..o:.,......;.~.-......;._._,. ,;+11-i-~--...:;.:.---·-~--~~ ~.!!. •o I 1- -~·------_____ ,..,,.._..,...__.,._....._ ·-.....--.--..... -~ .. •• __ I •• J.' ., .. Il .,_ ---· 10 .. . ,. IJ -- -· ~-- _....... ....... r--------...,,..-..,..,_.__ ._,. . --- -- ·- -- •• tJ 40 ,. ., --·-· 17 ,. -- •• 19 ~o 11 - Jttr ---- ·- - ··- ___. ~- --------···---"-...------~-·..,..___ __ _____ ,,,_ ___ ------ ............ FED ·RAL R Tl BA ERVf... I OF S FRANCISCO CAL .AGENT OP TU.£ U!N lTED S 'tATES JtrOno Set tul•r• AH l c nur Oel1tol"lli • 'nolo e ia o oopy ot' ro:rm .. ccA-F -2 co' •'Gr iog your prol>8r t y p seed in a orag~ at t no p ace 1ndlab~ed ~n it.he tom, Th prop rty r eel v d s r 1 "1th th .su - mute(! by you. Ki ndl acknowl dgo r e oe 1. t of the enoloeur 'by lu t r to and r t rnlnp th e enclBse copy of th ouee P11op t Odra rtmant , Fed ool .R ae rYe .Ball of ~n M i1.soo . 70? th r1 g Ctr et , Loe i eles , California . ~ i61llng iE 1 vn·y trul y, Yo ur ' Y.l v . .... R•o lpt ot tho enolos' l ~Jl. ,., ., . r ( /: uistnnt acknowl dg&d ·4 ' (_ ( PERSONAL PRO!IRIJ FORM f ~·~I.?/ ;f/ ,/ U J T \\IHI HkTf I /;.s It/ -· /'1 :?: t4.... J J_,,.111.a-:'/l.r.?t /Jiff/kt~ 'T'h~ prtil'f'rt)' dr "! ·d on 1hr eY nt 1ide of lhiJ fo~ tll&ttcl ~l tliti ad le ~ l\'tn II ,., ie dtlh•rnod to Lhc- rdrra.! iRc M~e tnk o'I all tancl~i>. a ,hJl'lll i\i;tnl o( ~he United SQ!N, a\ .1he It ri~k QI ~he \IJ.1dr.r~lgrttd , lt la aerei·d d1at no I• lity •r re 1»11~b.illty baU bt at.t.u~~d 1-y 11ie I 1<11 l'\.t, •t ~br 11' of • u1u:li1W lc1r ny a I C'> f 111 dln.i;'IC~l km wi\li il ~ ~PQ• t.iori. 14- ie "'' ,fill.Wt>d fhc. 1'111 n r.111il11r 11 Note t<> 01..,tt:r: DO NCYI' W1!UT'B BELOW ,. 1111~ LINU SfOlAOI NOTICI Tht U• of It •rr11ari11t on ch, rt vt!W 'dt of ti.ii fot QI •¥oe tun v\•( d i~ Jtoragl' l\ t,fie plaQt, lndiilatt4 btl v.·11 I r 1e U:Ctf'I Oil 9f th 11> 1una r;i:ic.i r;,ll}'<I' 001 t it rt t d~ of l Ill fQ11r. u not f®ml. Qr n ~ dcllinred to dlt undcr~ljnt-d r~ptueollt~l•t df lht P~ ral Rotn'" Blt'llr, ol l!ll, fi :a.I .A11i::o1 of tbt nitt $t ur ·~ ho& bclnif <ll int n))N'r t)'PC: for lltor..,_. 1e -.tor d 11rulj art idcn11fu<I &•to the nulnber ol ittrti.«, oe:1µc~. or bo110, t.nd nor die C1)r.u11<u thtll'C'.Of. , . ,t/} ••to ''J• ~~~~'~'' OMlD'<t/P'-1""_..'fo-:r'"""""-=~,.-..,.........,,. tollllN(~ . llAT IN5TRUC1aONI ,0 0WNIR 1 Be'o~ a11)1 p pC'rty 11.•d.I be a!l(:e,i>t11d ((•r y t t Ututri •I •.t G~ t 1nrr,t11 four ( ~} ropie1 of dilt fon uiu~t lillrd rn and td.ut11td to L~ Q , I Oqa~r<11 t~ ~ioo 111 ~ 1 ~h ·01.1 rtgMr rc~ ~111 tvftt11a11 n. On 1 h~ t.•t o( ellol h y bht> ltem1 1iO be lrft (01 .Cc;u tilt mulll bt c.ardull1 '~· !tuna otll (>n the printed lllit s 01tld be 'Vl'rittto ~... *1'tltl • 1r.iu111 bll peet1tdy r• ~r.d · ti tl'it • or IK•t;r o f cit lw tl.j<n r«·et (l) cllbk ftrt ca~city ·• d .i1~l be ~nclkat cd .In ply •ii to (} .iJ Ckm t r<i1 Stttfiln, one OOp)', .ht ed lo r ooof(•rcQhy '~ith u.r 0\ 1tl thrc 1 11.•al l>e ''en to the own~1 pf th.- pr<>rciit . , bt OQ?~ d hontd to t ht o~;aer 1rill , t:\'idtnt: mfrcly tb11ot <>tht>r pie o f j. e f1,1~111 ~''"' djl),i<111>1«111. At ~1 • tilne the owqeir tGnU!lt l ,a,e 11..- kq• to rlace c:rt the p ptrt' j1 o be found , Qt ab: •rr1ni:t.n1 , h tlJ li'l'tr th' kcr• lo<> thf tfpr ii 111 of 1l)t ntu ropll"tf \)C,pnt111rl1I 11{ lht eelrral llillt n•e "&,bk of a.11 l'-.n!llllOO 'bdore 1eatm.t the •t~a 1,11 l1t1C~ fl!l!idtndt "WY eli\'uc4 lo th Qtllncr bcin~, Hd j:1111t, II ~tit• dto•'" l~t nv~hfr of itru , for • t .,-. 111 -a1otid 111, •cu ry. It cll't"• ••el OOICllt l\ltf: & WfJliitb. Ill~ lltl'll«' tlM• t h•• ~rtp11rr, cit ronlltit eel htil. It ~ amM.i1ou~ any ..,. tJOe <Jl t •ll!Dbet of It ace u~ly '9\lloitid o1 <>f d~e ce>n~tnl of u~, ttatt; or pa, a ( '" fi~· oo bl the •111•rntorjt Ult of •uun ·~1.,.allr 11tote4 v.1 I 1 Tii~t. ~ it ira~t If ~~1td A micid liltl • ~ ~ l~ar ~ t•e ~n !'if ,.... till --""" " '~ ~ ..,..~ ··""" ... ,,, .,.... .,.. ...,... • • ,.,,.,_"' "'.,,.,"" .,. ..... o· 11c1•1 ., RlPOIT " UHtR ~- .u m"' .. . .':·· u,.o IH• Oii CK f ~~ ~l:", AllflOl..I ITCH£N- ( ___....,..._..,.__ ,_..,..'ti • WAYBILL C H ECK LIST Cu W IUGHt C l{, CK . •DU 'I" Dl.1.. /_ "'- 0I I F'T.- CK , OUT I TE M - - - - LOCAT ION CIC I TE M OIL. ' -- -- -... ~, n - 11 lt 10 ------------- .. .. ... ,........._ - --....-·-· ·- - I ·- -- ---.............._,__ - -···1----.- 1'1 ~ ----- ---"'"-""- ------..--~--·~ .... 11 J'-, . , - -- --~-...,...--·i---- ----:-.. . -·-·- -44 ·~---·~ ~o LQA DCD A.ltD WHliH D - C..1:>. our~ WAHMC11Ue1 • ' - - - · - - - - - ~rAYBIL.L CHECK LIST Cu . Fll'. g~, .r;i' ;A;:.,c.~J; ; ; ; ; ;_.,:L.o:; : :~(::.:~;J.?.:r=:== ~ ~-==:=- -·- ·-~...,,...~-it~---+---..+----1---.~1...---~-------,..----,----~----..,,.--------~~1 -· ...,.,..,,......,.,....,.,..__ -··~-- ~~---~·---- ---- .....,. --.-·-~- lJ .. ··- ,....,..,,... __ ...,.,,,,,,....,,,_.,..,..,..,______~--.,,.........--;.....,. ------------'-.,-'"'--··-,..,.,,..,...,.__ ··--=----- ...,_, -- ---------~---- -- - - -- -- ...,,,,....... -- -- ,,_........,..------....,,,.-..--'---"""-,.,......,..........,__ - .... ----~-- ...... ...... ....... --~-.,..,. a.. "'' -:.oa:. ,.:.. FISCAL AOEHT OJI '1ffE U'NlftD S'L\TBS 1u.n• s, lH2 am1ly Numbsr l4t86 -~--!---- To1b.1'kan !lani '! Aae..011 Otah.r 'l'\ll r , Caiitor?Jia ncloaed is a copy of fonn .. o A· H -2 conring your prop r y placed n ator~ ge at th placA indic t ~n th form. Th p.r o tty r eel ved egr ea w1 )1 th l at sub1111. tit.ed by you . Xindly a c kno~Ledge r ooel 1t of tbe enoloaure y s1 ning and r turrnln~ tn e nclo ao 1 of thio l tter to acue~ P ·o rty Du ~rtment , Federal Reoerve Bank of can one sco, ?O? so h ~pr1ng ~treot , Loe n a ea , Caltfor 1 . Yo ur very ru ly, l__ saiatnnt R o lpt or th& enclo ure 1a $C now1edgad ) / PIRSONAI. Pl.ONITY FOllM .r.w or ()v.1 to h .WTl.llJll'I BULOW THIS UNS ITORAOI NOfrlCE t (I ~t e of ituna lf'I catlin( '°'II thr rt.Yt 'dr of Lhls foru ·pt.<?lfltally ndlo•ttd n Lht rM-.:1· ~ 111~ of 1}1 I r a· tMSTlUCttONS rro OWNll e ti! fo r 00111 Lun It )' With liar ot l 1r tnCI: A rc:l~ Lha1 othr r C'l>pir: of t t 1 l'tll havr UJllC' thr ""1ir·r m11•L lth·r t e 1~n•• to thr irl1A1 "41htr. t ~ pr(>ptr i • Is to bt fod1,d, 1n 1J11h t.rr-.n •r111e:n1 w dtll'!'t'r tt1t l e t tl1 rrrwicnt111h•e of 11-t vac\ltt P prrty De.par ~•I I 1l1e t•d1· rat Rt l"'l'e Bi.n t;1f &t.11 Fr•flc. llQO lttfore 111& nc ti-it: area of Iii 1'11 ~"lClj),, u .. ~r.d ~t T~ d1111 r1Y '"'""' - tlh•elt t~ th ~1(1 mr.rtl~ 101!1•1 tlar llltlmber <if ~t m~. a ~ I h 1ht p111nrr cla.i111t ) .~ :.., .,re art4 for lltOl:fJlt u;, fl/ tltt fllf' *"1'4 ,. ,.,. •111'li'r w.;lf .,..., ,,, "' ,......_,.., ~ lof llfllf#' ~ ., •; SOMAL PROPikTY tNVENTORY UST !IWt+rRla ~~, POIU Utll . , l'OI. ~ AtTICt..I WAYBILL CHECK LIST W~tGH' ----·- Cu . FT ITEM IT E. M 11 -- _________ ______________ ....._ l9 )0 . ------.._...__._ _11 I " '° II 11 u - u I H___ ~·-..... --_...,,...,...... ,, ·- ·- -~ .... -_...,...______ __ ___ ..,...,. ·~-- . _______ _______ __ ____ _ , . .,_,_,_ ~---~..._.........,_ .,.__..... . __ --.-.--..~ .,....., 14 ·-11--.. . . ___________,__,,______ I! ,. 41 - ., --·-- ---'1-...------......""""-·---··- ------- - -.....;;.------------·-""""----- -- -- - -,----------- 11 FEDE L RESEJ v B 'J is a your prop th t rm. mit a ~opy B ro t K f' S N f'R CISCO 3I or OX1!! .c A- ·orago at the plao rty r calved a r ee ~it U-2 cov l"iAA !nclioat d tn th Us su - by you. Kindiy ackno l dge aoei t of tho eocloa ur~ by s1 nlng a.od r turn rrp th nclo d copy o th u l.e t r t .l!.Tnc ea Propertt 'Ol.ipar n1ent, Fod !1:-ol Re e1·ve Bank of ,;an trancieoo , 70? LJo ut h 6 r ing Stre t. , Los hnge , C U fornia. ... , ' PiRSONA~ PJtQl!IRTY ·FO.. PA.Wa.t No. - I AooJl 1 A"I Wnmu J>aopt,.r•r 11 1-J: .J...' -7 _,_,_ . TllD i crue>0t11, 011 ~P'r 1}-F/~A ~ ~o /, , ""'"",,,. ~r~ T11e PrQJ~Hl')' dt~tr1htd on tl.e rr1•cr.r -.fdt of 1hO ~orni !ootitd •t tho adare>d &1''tn atiGn \I d l1.-ned 10 1hc 11rd a.I Rem ~ Bank of S•n ranrbw. •• l'1M1AI r\ .,enc of lbe Un• d &ta\C' , at 1\ ie I 1 \ t;1f the \ll)~tn! •ned. It a11rr d d •~ no Iii.I lity or rt~poniimlny ull a•r-11111.-4 ' y t 1~ 1edu;J Rf>iter,111 Bank '' I ll\ Pr an kU for att'I' ,apt M oa;i, an In ooltl'l«i c•n •• 11~1 tu dai.po1<11.ion. h u ~nduwJCad that ntl buut¥~t , 'ill br. rm d d on th1 prppmy. Ncm to Q,,.,,.m DO NO 'WRI'fB BllLOW 'f'HfS· LJNB •Jli>nrin• ~ldt uf t hh f11rfn a btt., pl~ in •tora ll tl1e plac11 lnd cated brlnw "rnli 4 t u~ption of ittro1 ~~·t.dli"lly nchµttd 6n ~he re 'tl"IC! dt. elf I I fotm a r:.ot lo~nd, or nc.1 d h•• rd to rhr u11dmlghtd f'q)turnlati •r of t t Ftdw Re "'~ lhn of Gan rancill410, u 11eal I\ er1t of lhe Urut.·d &ui. , or a1 n<i4 l.lfir.a of ragt. Th! tturf'd 11 , ue id f1trfttd Ql\11 •- ~ tht fl tnbt.r of~ , 'Ci!'. oc,, orbou, anll ncJt ·11 to the Cl)nlml.j\ d1er~of. 1 fol' PL.A<. 0 IM ha lor <'onl<11111•ltY •·ltl• r 01 tt JHOIJUIY· Thr co;>y Jthwrcd LO ~ e na w I bf e .idcnne ~ rr.Jy lliat other N•p ell or the form h~H n ddlvtrcd At thit Lim~ o~ncr mu•t I a ·e i,l.e U:r1 «i t place ..,11cre 1lit prop rty i• lo ~ lo nd, or 111a\t arr11nGrwmt le:> dt:ti1·d the trw to • rtpr · nu1u•·~ of tht Evacu t 'P1vp rt)' p.rtmu-.t pl u.e cdtral R n •e llu1k of n fra.ncillClO ~Jo lta is11 t.l\t ar a of bu r dtnet \'r 1.0. tl.r 0111ne r of rh l\SONAL f't\Of'Mtv IN 11'1\'fl•ll'• lfUI CU:Oit ltf'OllT TOR IUM OMUll( OW!t~lll ll'fl"OllT •11•,ll l!Ulll·ililiA OI' ro1. . , NL lllCl'D LIVHIG ROOM ____ ·- f L~'"'' f.~~r I _...._.,,, ll\~-l1111 ~~h~ _ ....... _., ~~~..::~•,___ .!~··· IM! -'-p•..;.~---· ·~-~~.......~~~ l,lST lll'IPP r.o HO'll IEP~OOM 1•H 0•~111•• Hl'Oat ..., • • [R ll';nt , 1 °'' f'Cl ••«rll 1.:. -:: I WAYBJLL CHECK LfST I 'f' E M TE M' ~- .... ~---...·-,----<1··1-~~-· . .- . . -~!. --~ ~- ~-~- _..________.,,... __,~ ..~--~..........._______ _ -- ___ .,.._..... ~!... .~,~-- ---......,._._ .. "'" .._...._··... ._..._.....,_.... __, __ 10 1..:.---,- .......,..-----_._,...,..__,._ _ _ _ _ _ ... -----'----·----,.....~-- .)l __ -- - --------- ---·----.------ .... ____ ______..__ ................ - ---- ..,_,..._..__ ._ ...... ·--·--- ·- ----...------- -~ ------·- ...... -·" " r1 !• - - - - - - - - - o_ ~9 .. ' - - - ~ . , , . . . .......,.,,.,,..,.,,.,,,...,_ ~~- ~--.,......._-..-:-~,.,.- !'-·--·~ _ ., -- 1-.,.--...........,,-......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , l l - - .,. ___ --t""'·--...._ ...... . 1.t ~ , I '~ - -··-~-~------..... ______ .~-- _,~_ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OP fRANCI 'O )) - .i - \ Enclosed is a <1opy oi form 11~cc.:<-i-"RC- .. co'1e!"1!"• Y""'" pnpe-riy placed 1.ll a orage l't't i the piece tndlcat&d on the f'om. 'lbt property recei,ed a r& o wlt th~ 11 t su mit~td ~Y yoa w tb the following &~eeptiona~ • Kln y aokn wl dg c i t of th~ nclosur by el nnd Hturntng th ncloa co )' of thls l tt r to •acmee roperty !Depart,.t.ot • d ral R servG Bank ot Slln rancteco 1 707 South $pP' S re Angel s, al1forn1a. tnig 'fo~r IV'erJr It • ,/ Ree 1 t ot U aclosur ts ac nowledged PIRSONAL _,.........,.,_ .AT 11 ff \\/mutt Pa.oru.n h Lo<'~'n ~~ /;t _A( ~.#A - '~ FORM - ----·---,.,..- )//JL f.µi-1_-!MP/J:[·_ ~ J' United Sr.u ,, at tht wle ri ~n PrancilOO for any 1 Note It; Ownm DO 'T'l~c lt;t ol PRO~IRYY, 11'- ~--- --· _.. t•aT.Ata) givrn a.bcwe I d livered 10 the Lha~ no liabllilr r 1upo.M1 eol the und r.i ntd. Tl la O'J' Wll11"B BHLO e 6 1tlc it}' hall l of an a nu111rd l HlS LINB appe· l'ln.11 <>h 11111 1e\'c 1 Ide of ~hi• for 1 lvo•r tag~ -~ 1hc pl " ndic&ted ~·flntY v. ~th \ht rx~n~tlvn o( In d cat d 011 rile rtver11e illde of th I f()1111 h riot flJ\md, or bill 11" IA o ~he uo r gn d rep1f trtr.tli,•c of tb ~H I Rc11•r •e Ban~ c..f an .Prand1«>, •• Agent of th. nittd St.a "' n~it ibtlris ol the propior t yPe fo1· .wrage. 'r1t~ i>torcd t~• an drntiblild only H t.o dat ourtibtr of neui., r-.tta, or bo.1:0, an.! oot 11~ to lht nlllll th rwf. ,... / hr1ae tl.t'Ul lt 111• ptaf!~lly <I',,. fore any property will bt aoct pt d f r ~t r&Jtt t r ntt<.J Go ttt ncnt four ( ,f) ropiu of t ' fo m'"' be filled In a11d rd lo th CA I 1oall a1ticlc 10.ullt 'bt lleCllr dr tn rrat lhan t •o (?) c f ttt l!lpa~ty a.nd • ·iii be 1 cvrabc r aC 110 r , n'.l att mpt •n1c\r~ t u in All crlt and bo u lnwit !>ox ra.u, or artJde tlllllll hf idtnu )marcl Station. b 1ndl or cil()ll1H, • hdd ·~~ will bt n' intnll, lll~n 01 CA.Ii r au. I t•f Ufl • U.ffplc fo lrtwa 't . r r Ill prM\Wl5, l>1' Pf'!t uJit llot bt Urot cd e;,.,1 Contr I tbrM, will ht 10 the o •ntr t:a!i1m, Ont copy, chc keCI for nfon.ruty " th ti r oc er JYU t 1t1e 011. tr i;.I tht proptrty il1t OO~) drlivrr<d ,.,ru rv1dtnce rrly 1l.aL olhcr c<>fllh of the Cot1n .,,. beth dtlr\•trtJ . At th I IH t tht Ol>'nr>r m111~ 1ea"t- the t )' w 1l1t t~t •lld:te t t toprrt •• t.O be lovr.d, or !xi• an~nc m nu fo 4cll ·t1 tit lu: 1·~ lO I t rt 11\M' FIUitr\•i: ol I c lh•a \JI' Prc.p rt D Htaltlll or tl1t fdt ral Ra r.•r. Banl of Sui Prall liCXI before lea n, tht 111rta of 11 rwdtnct.. 11lte OCl' )' dd"•tr to tilt o 'fltr mrr 17 l.01111 t f r of l1t1111, bo1 , and ~ra in .,.1 1 owhrr ola.llll1 ht l1a pri:par-ed ic..r t1torai . h doc:S tl(ol am ~ l.t an a t td •n,<t.111 ry I& dOI. not oon11tltu1 a 11 i'ifi ~d b1t. ft ti t · 11111: Ol)n Lit t r,..dmoe of tht. numbtt f n act1.1ally 14« or of Lhe oo.ow-n of xr , cnt QI pl 'mf:c•• n <>I ti Jn~ OlOr)" IM o r l IM ac1tuaUy Iii rt4 ·Ill b m~4r ·~ Ill •Cl t i •c«lll\P i!lh d. A ~nlifd li•t Wt'll hf fo11r,.~rilltd !(I th 0111't1C'f, ''t'. ••in f'4r t~'f ;f 1/w "'' ••i~ I; •lit •ll'!lf!P ttfOrJ fllNI .,,,,.,, .. •«Id,. #lfOUltt'H., will ,n-fi• ., • ,,,.,,_,,,, llliiit. oav usr UCl'I ll\fl<N~ ROOM IHtrP'O 11n101111: k , OWNl lllt ITlllll CIKCCIK u;,.u, ' -ii ~~·4l' lll:OID lfiD~QO'M lMIPl'H ... ' . WAYBILL CHECK LIST IT - hof . __ - -- ·------·----·-------·---·-,..--~--.,.-,----.,._. ...,-..;_,_ _._ _ 1• l-- -·1------ ..--· -- ------------.....~-·---------·-- -- ---·-- .... -·------...--· f • D , RAL ESE~VE s B 'f) CAL Aot:'HI' OP 'J"H.E Nl'mD tATR Ju • 2, U42 Maaao T l M.uie u ••b 11 Cent.r Tul.a re , Oa..U. ton11a ncloeed 18 m Jl'aJU 1l. y l'Ulll be r oo y or ------- ii'1>~·111 i'PCC:A-~ • 3 - .. c-o~· e:r~nn !f'.:'" pr•porty laced in otora oat tle place in~i cated oo the fo;rm , rna PJ"OPfrty r e !Ted gr ea 1 b tb l lat u mitted by you •tth th fol owtng e b p joa : l ck <>f' IU.ger .. 109 ... noi\ • CHP •4 by lcin• 'Y J odl.y oknowl d~ 1ng aud r turnlug the clos ro erty 'f)epair .lllent, d ra 707 South 6pr1 Str o 1 t of th ~l sur oy signcopy of this t er to ~••cu e ~ aervo lkln~ ot o Yranctaco , ns· l~, Ca ifornla. ry ruly, !'\11- r. ~•uiabty Tula~, JUnt lh'l.011~ee Center Qkll.t1>mi• 4, u Prop• rty Pe pt. Loa Angel a Br&nch edera Reaerve P•nlc of 8 •• 707 So. Spring St. Loi An.g,leg, C lit. Vy d H' !Ht-1 1 reotiT•d thi• onn enol. oa e • dat• your 1et~er wlth ~ht 'll'C04·~B-2 You at te4 in your 'letter that on• h ;·ge rug 1 1,..,'.. found, a1 though l t.ed--thh, I •i•~ to in.f<>ra you 11 an error, beoau•e t 11.U not •u'b1dt a~ rug tor 1tongs. And aa to'r the ••er of sugar and. rl et, :r •onh r l r 1t would e po1Al le to haYe Jt •ent to th11 c~nter. I would •pprecbte l t 'Very llMCh i f' you w6uld do 10. I r thi.pDMtnlt i i poui lei pltue forward th. to the follQ lng adct.rH•t 1 1 Bar rfl ok l)...2J,. ·' .C 4Heablf C...i.ter fu1are, Calif. Aho, . •n~l oatcl plH•e rtnd h• elgnecl t°'eOJJ ot aoknowledr;••nt. rhanlcl11g you .... ry li'.tndly, l r.•h, I .l:y u. lfft96 .. h o,. -.., • 1'. .A., t C' • Y••"1 \ l , · ·r 1aso AL 11.10P11n FORM o• Aoo I AT WtflCll 'P 'aQl'U'l"T ttn by ~m °'"''-r:fJ--'?o(~~7~-- - --- PAWILT h L Tl•e 1·r 'P'"''Y d1. 11bfd <>n 1ht r ,. r~ dd 1tf I i ft.rm \o •U~ aqh, f.ddtc:• r gt\•tn aho ·~ ·~ ddi uf>d to i!-it Ptdc:ral Rut·rl'e , at r ~ 'tl\I oI tht Umt d St l •· •I 1hr 'J r k (lf Lhc \Jndu~i l'\rd . lt I• airrr Cl t at no hab1 tr ~r rt~poru 'p it t 1t ~Jur~l I NOT 'WRff B LOW 1 HIS UN STORAGI NOTICI Th lilit f jtcm1 aprw1rr c o~ t h~ r · 11 t.l ose 1 m 1.pcuflca.lty fo 'c&td co ll~t 1 •r:cK R.tll'tvt Bank of Su 1 tan~eob, • l'ulfal Ai:t cmly 1 to tht n\ll bu IN fllUOtONS TO OWNll ~ !ore any Jlrop.c.'11 -.-iU c t fo11r (t4) pll'I of th rr1ur r.d 1¥ l.l:rc Q,•il :c ~rut S~ion a.l Statu (~.,,,, tn urar.e r~1 ir1uliC w~1i..b ~ t r Unitt bt f1 lkd 1n 1r. d C.1V1l HRS()NAJ PR<>Nlrt lNV&n'OllY US't tW ri.•1 llt,..UT All1110L AllTICt.I lrU!l~Cll tP P'Cl. 11.00M UDR.QOM KITCHEN - (Con'tl ~1------+-~ -· ~ 1-----.1--C!. . ·~·b~ ! toll•n 1-----t-°"' ..., .... ... _.,._-1.._......_ 4 WAYBILL CH~CK LIST Cu . FT. C:K . CK . OUll' Ol'L . ,_.,..__ .... _ - 1p ·---.-,11 ~- r - - ................, ......""' ..,....,..,.,_..,.,._~·--... -~_._..._- - ~---i1.----·,---"-~-·---.....,~---'--.....; ------1. . . . - . . . . .·----·-------- !6 · · - - . - . . . -·"""'·------·-~ .. ,......,,.,...,......___ _17 - - - - - - -·~-------- .. •o ... . . . -.. . -~~--'I--~--- __ , __ --·---.....-, 44 --""---.--- -,._,,..._,,,__.. ..... .., _____ •• 41 -- -- _ .._.._....,......__..., -- .....---... --··••...--,,,.,,,,,........... ~- - __ - _~..--.---- ____,_____ ....... .....__-·-~---..-.. , fED :.RAL RE ERVE BA K OF SAN fRAN IS FISCAL AGJlN!r OP nut Nf'l1ED ~Ir.ATES .rune S , 1942 arnily 1o Miaoiu rnber -·-=1~9::;.:t:....-__ M1gell1 Tulare Aeatably Center ' Cali tor Di a .l!'oolos d ts a copy o form , C A-ll'RD·..2 oovo:rlng r ty . 19.o d in tol'.lege et t hs plB e 1 nclic ted ion your pro the forro . mJ.tted Th rop rty r cel v de r ea 1th th 'I you , Kindly aelcao roe 1, t of al ning and t turning th ncloe copy o jt,;'Y'&cuo• roportt tJ P rt.numt, 'liedGcel R Jl' l co, 70? <•o 'h G r ng St et. Los 'lours very Reoelpt ot the ncLoeur ruly , lia u - .PIRSONAL PROnRT'.¥ ~' Banlc of 11 1b1lity ;hall ht Notr -= n1 1m au ii w nus LIN t<J Ott•11 t r1 STORArJE NOTICI o.e 111 tdt , .r not dnr•trt6 ~o t Cf i!ldl~~e ~ ~10111 uh the '(>f IJ1e f'rpptr t)'l'C for 'J'h i.1-:)rtd ll 11\1 I rdmtl i.Mf'fll P t ccpliC>Jl (I{ undtr ~nr-d r'prnoc:rrt.Ut\'t 1·f t~~ Ptdcr a.I ~rt id•htl~ c d Jtt,;~,e Ba11 flj-S"' Ptlrnruco, i/ c.lit IJni1cd St•ru , JiCfD t IN StltUC110N5 TO OWNll rall!•n, ont rop , di C'kt d for cor frrurhy •>ilb ti. l'f~1tr M"n lP tht c. '11"1 i..f < I" pm11 1'ht t<l? d Uvrr cd I I>. l:'\.' i c re Iii rd that otl~ 1 oor 1 o f riot fomo I aYt PERSONAL flftOPElrY lNV&N1fORY t..CST nu1 llHJCM lftll ~MlOIC OWNUl' a RUOllf AlltlDL AITIOl.I 1111111 II . , f"CL 1111 t>,rti , IUO'O llEDROOM .. -----.... ,..., Pl;;;-;;, Mu~I• •• l•tt ~,~ --_,....,..... i~~-~- PlkO ..lllllt - - -........+ - . f"l•n• •• ·--~-i-· _____ ...___ . ..,..._.._ ..........__ _ .,. _ _ _ ... ~,.,.. ~--i· WAYBILL CHECK LIST - Wl'!ICUlf- - - - cu. '"·,;:K. 01<. 17 OUT Dll. , M • ......._,__.............,..____...,....._.,,.,.,....,.,.,..____,,__;..._.,.,...-1! ___ -- -- - ------,..... ,... --~-------- · It •:t - '--j - - l.O l1 _ _ , . ._ __ -· - 46 •! - - --- ·- ...-.- - - - -- ..--------..-.---.--.,41 P,l.Oll ,..llO'Vll>llD WHl ·-- - io11 l>lD AND ~-·---.---------- .. W~ ____ ......,_,_ ...., WAYBILL CHECK LIST ·------·· ....... -- __. ·----------·--------..,.......,____ . - • 14 10 IS II 11 1J --r - . ..,.,_,....;_______, _..._ ..... _..,.._... _,, . ,, --.J _ __,_,_.....'--..._ .......,......,.._------~------ 41 .•• ----~--~-- ------------,.....,.,,.,.. .,......., 4S "'~---~-- ------- - ·- --------··--..---·--..----·--------- •• It 10 - 1' ----~..-.--· ------i--- u __..., ~-------,,,........~------ ................,.____ ____........,......,._,.,..________ ..._________ ,, --- ---·--·-----.-.--_........,,......,._,______........, __ ___________ .,.... _...... __ 'ED ... RAL R RVEB K 01· SA f.RANCI co J!'.nclor d is a copy orf fonn , C A-nu:--, eovet1118 fO r prop ,r ty lao d in eto.r ago at th l ce 1 rl<H ~ t d 111n t he form . Th roporty r cetvod agrees wit tht: U t au rnit ed y yoll . Ki dly a kno led c reo 1pt of the ncloaure by urnin e nolo copf of lo letter to K'f ouo ro e' i ~.,I, .rtim n.t , Fedet'A~ R se ve Bank of Gan hanci co, ?07 so th ., ' r str e I LOB Angele I Cdlfpri:drt . Yours , .r.' \ ./,. ·' ery truly, t prOJ' fly drnnticd on tht rr,•r1u- id~ or if; l(Jnn IGt11.kd ~t tht 11d6n11t &!\' " flrana..- , • 11 ta.I A cnt of the United St·a lo, at tl.c ~y the I ed~r•l R 5fn·e will ht• 11> Bank of ·id d on llti prop rt y. ao t1.r1deco foT any act or tni .on In ron"t(.otle>n •·nh itf dl Wlrl" .r a. ___._..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,, llA'f • TORAOIE NOY:IC tli Ni lt.trn Rtr1e •e .81111k 11f an only a1 c.o •t!le ,iurnbtr 1025 KAPAt.A · - - - - - - NJ A B. RB_A_!~~ _ ·- IN5TRUcttONI TO OWNEa Bt fore any proput-y will Sat • ·r1nmen t four (4) co a Oiintrird -- - .... ··-....--- -~-~....,. PER!ON-'L PllOPY.'fY INVINlORY 1 __ IUY OMlOllt 41110~ _ ,,..... ., , ST ••llU• •f'OU owwu·• llUIHfl llUlllU illl... tT ,,, l'ot. aroro lfiOROOM •~1,.,.111 0, "'°.. AITltOL!I 110'0 ITCHrn- (Co11'tJ WAYBILL CHECK LIST Wii4W IT M r T' ~ .... ·------ -....-~ -- -·- ... EM ... . .-._,.--.....--..,....,... ,_........,., -..... - ...........______...,....,... ___ ..,....,. .._~---- ....__.........- .,...."4--··-·-----.. --.. """'l .. .... - -~.-·------ ......................- - - - i ~ - --·--........ _ ___________ ....,, __,..,....,... 40 ., -- _____ ......_.......... -· ·~·,-·-- ~·--,.....--- __ ._.,...,..,..,,..,,,, Ill.CH llf'EN MUU • I s tli" ___ .........,,......_,... ~~-·· -~- .. .,...____.. ...., __......_._..,.. ....,.. .. ~ --·-------- fED RAL E ER E .B NK 01"" SA FRAN }).S CAL AG'ENTOP 'l'JlE UNITED S'TA.T ES • 1 I I 'acloce.d i.a e copy ot fo your rop :r -; placed 1.n s ore at t he tom . Th rop r y r cei v ed a mi t e y yo , Kindly ackoo 1 dgc rec i of .e enc oour by ei ni n s od rt rn n. he nolooe coy of this l tt r t o &-veouo ro rt y Do:1rlllrtrr.ent , edarn l Ro er ve .Bno of' ~11 t unoiaco , 707 ~o th pring ~traa , ~os A al 1 Cot t fornla . 'Your ~ ,,. ,. _,, A ... very truly, (.., ;\ aist nt ..,,, (__ Aot .,,.. A1 \Vu1cH Paoi>iu.n Is L The rrO'pcrty dt11<:r htd on t}, m·cu side pf dil forµi lOo!lal«i at the addra. 1,tn bo\•t i• d llnrf'd 10 ~hr l'cdcrt.I Rut.r f'randjlto, " r u.c 1 ~ tnt o( thr nil ' lalf'~, •I 1hc 1elt r1~k C• I .e 1.1116 I I ntC!, lt I a I ,j ' t Q lhb•U11 <tr re pe>n~t lt1y ' l1y l ~ trl.l ll. "'e Bank of San f n ro lo1 .ton llcl or o 1i Ui nn r.illc.n wJ1h it• lllapo 1til.11. Jt • undt tbat 11 pruvldt.d o tnlt 1)tr,lruty. 1 ITOR.A.01 NOTICI d~ f t11 frmo. h't hi It fltVrtj\'C' &t 1t1e pla.te inoJo~~td bf:'\pw ;. 1,b 1 I~ rll(lti:-1 ~t of clc f I Ii for.ui •• nvl !<i\1o4, ~! o t d liwrcd tht Uh er cned 1•ep1 M'tlt U\'~ ' dtr•l ran "!», •• l' 1111&\ Aerni f lhe Urutt • ••~ n • tit' bm oe c1f the rr Pf' trl"t for ~ rag • 'J1l1c 11101~d ittiro Th lbt o f •M•o 11npe:arat1& on lh.e t" rM! ti K it 1111 Pt'oiftuUy inlhcatt~ on tl, r~. tni: fl'il!'.tve Bu'k of an unly u 10 th~ n11mbtr of 1t~m11 1 ('t~tfill. or bc:1rea, ud ,n Btlorc any .r u w thr c1,>111~n l thuwf. TY IN11tN ORV IUM l\lijlCIC ARTltLI owu ~ lJ roar ••ro •UllU IUlt OMl:t.Jl s ....... 1111'01'1" AITIOLI: 11•11n OP l'Ot. AWJIOLi11 • WAYfULL C11'ECK LIST I T E 114 _..,_.,."""---~·~---... -...-... ~-~·- - ·...,----~- 10 ----...- . - - '"""'"'I - - ... - ~~ ~- ___.....,..,,..,.............. ........,,,......... ___ ·--·~-·~ - - .. - 11 ·~ ~- ....,,..,. ..--·• ------ .,..,..... _. - 10 I I I ., 1~ .,_ - -- ___,..,..,.,...____ .. 11 2t lJ fl.I.CH c . fl l-tou1r 1 111 _ _ _ _ ---- ,_, ED . RAL RESERVE F) CAL AGE BA OF Ul.E .T\m• K OF SA FRAN ISCO Umnm STAT S ' ltfl amU.y l~ b&\r _...;l.-46 .;;..;. lO.;;__ __ i-1 hu. 'Id iao " Aa••bl1 C•nter, Oelitorn1a nclosed is a copy ot f o"1! •.COA-FRD-2 oo'VBll" i ng yo ur pr o,p rty phu!ld li\ a t orag a t t h pllioo ~ ndhated • n th e tom, Th r o r· v r ce lv d e ~ :ree with t 1 list su ml t.ed by you . U ndly a 'kqo ledg rac 1 t of ignin ap,d t' t ur nl.n~ h 1rnclos co · y w ou • l>rop rtt Dtt r m nt 1 ~ eder l R 1raooiRco , 707 so uth 3 r lng Str o t, Loa Your Reo etp or th e w.l-~ nc loour t he en losurs by of hlo l tt · () erv Bar1k o Ge Angel v ry truly , is a c k no-.rl dged -2/l~ Si ~ U!'I • oal1forni~ . Am>llUI AT w UCH horran ! 1 The I IC -oi It m 11pporl111t fl :r~''tr r dt of th ) lorm nt'llf ban pltcc>i '" ru ' cdieall)t inchl!lted OJI tht re\ t'.rff tll t " ' tloll hm • fj(lt ft>\11\d, Of It f ban 1;a.ncift1X>, a iftal i'i t 1 ol t r. lJ11lttd Stattf., Ut bu of ltuo;, (,.,a.r.&, or bi> d lle<t 1!.11 ui the ct1otrnt "<"t ragt at I .e ddl\'tl INI RUC IONI TO OWNll •-it 1-hr ot.1 f r oo:i ~1 ·rred rt lta1·U. the ~rea !Jf I.a hf'W• th ~ul11btr ol it b•r r n11~ml f PRSONAL PROf'HTY INV~NTORY LIS1' " ....-...-~ . ..---....._.....____~-•.,,..-... ~.. ·-------~--pl--~--~~ ---~.eo~,.~ "~ '"'":'1""~-.....o,..-.~~ ? "' -!"'!"...... .,.. ..,,1"'"............------._,,...__....__._,~~--~----..,..,-,1~-· o 11101• 1n• eHlO ' urou -~·----'------~--~----"--~-LIVIN& ROOM ·~~·· --...---~, ·~- ____,.. ~- Hf'IOllT - 11•• ow ,._., l , All1'1Cll ClH~eK rn.• ojt<r AITICI. 11UiUc• Of ,ca. f - Ml ,.l'lll UO•ll I""' "',0 lllOl'O .....------t--...---~""-----------------.i.-----..i-.-----1--~--· .,....,~-~--------...........-..1~---~~---~.... IEOlOOM KliC HEN --(Co-n't ) ....... ·---.!·---; - ____ _________ ___ ----t--------- r--~--------------1----t--~- ...':!~k h;;;;;-:__._1----it-...,.·--11-0-.-·---t- ll-•_ la_,_IMol, ""l"t & "°"'· ·- ----t--·-----=----t4---·,_ ......,.. -. ~~ .~ .._•---111---·-· --l··-·-'·"·'" '"'-------·-lf>-'"'"----+----' !:!'~•l_•~-d ---.-··+-.-~'-.r··-· ~-·.... !t--· --~l~·-·-J~•Pfi _•~~-·-~--~"" ~-b-M_..... ;.-.~~-~.....L-·~""-lt-~~ · --·~l----~-----~--~~--.-'1 ... . . . . . .luuor •• •• llll'lllt""' .. . ~1 ----- -- ru• Olltoll •11"11u1•• ·-------- o RTICll. c ! ! _L _ _ _:___. _.___ ...__r____·...._ o_......., __.;..._ . .....\laol I _ _ ,__-4-_ _ · --+·- I ~-- .• ( •\lol" .tr~1-tll · ~-'" 1>'" a1'!1• "P•_l'l_..____-+-.. ... ---'t----·- •---·- -,).-r.,,. --;-;i.t!M -1----~,. i.-.-.. . . . , - - . . . . . _ _ _ ----·- ~~~·------~"-. -- - .....,,-. ·t---...,.---.._---·--il-·~~ t--.......;-.~-----t----..i-----+------t--·-"-'--------+-·--i-----1t----,. 0 ..1< f.'h11t . .....~ ---- .,_""'___~ ----..-....-· ij-·.. ··-·-.1----- ----....,..--.~-.....-...-.~ .....--+------------'-'-'-----1-----·-----.i.-~~. . .+----- _.,.......__....______.,._..,_-_- .--~---=.--~~--- _..,. - ~·-"'-'-------~1-.----11-----·------· ----------;.-_,.. . ,. ·~~'" ..bin<! ------ ---- - ..!.'.~r•_•_&m!_ ____ l - "'"..'!!.."!;!•h!._ .. -"'----r--·--+------+-c _h_••_1_.,._.,._.•_,.~·---·+----+---• P _ l_•1_1,~·~----·- ---- ll o- , Gld1l" I ---- -f-"'!!!!'.!~-~-- _ ----- ..!I~ _!•Iii••~·-·• _ M1$C LLAH~OUS ----!·----+------t-0~~11'.':....c~'::.:'•;.__ _ _ _+-----11-- --1.---.........,-------------·.':-.,.....----·- _C1t _ »_1_•_,_...... _ w _ _ _ _-1----1-- --·+-----·+ t>l't I - c-.;F-- J -- 1 _!l~.~!'.! l&kfl&111 'h•lrt • · ___ .!"t' _.,__ __ - - -" ·-•-"·-'"' "·'"" - - - - -- ~. I ---- ~---..-i ··--~- ·- -----+-----1-----1,______._________.,...____..__.,..., -~--..... - ---.. --- I ---1...----..........-. C••lr. ,,________ !'Mlle! __ ,,..........,________ -i----1-----1-~ ....... ... _ ·----·- _. _ ___ _ _ _ i.~-· lff·l•ll -----+-"-"•·~~•r"-~--1-----1·-I ,. __ -----'-1- ~ -··-----.t-·--•:I :, ,~ il' l , 111rw1o ' - Ii"" ~i-.;....----- +·--· -.1----· ,__Yrr-. -· --·---+---''"-·""'""'- ---·- _!•_•_l~·-·-"-'-'·-·----+'"_...__-t·--~ ~--'--.....-''!'!"· ,,..., . -----·-- _ llH!ll. . w 11 " ' -· ....,.., .7 . .-.Drr•Hto "f•IQ- l!!'lllll ....- . ...a..... +---- ......__--;-·+-.- .. _ -.-- - .. , .•._ r;; . _ ______ , 7_.. '• 0"'1n• . - -t----·-·---------" --·-~ ·---·~~ -·--i------ ~·~ fllll,! ----- ............... _--- - ..,.. 1-----+-''""""'·ldilt<•••U...... -""-"'-·-·-· -·--·--·-1- _.,___ J~· Dtl)'lot ' ~--·-··. _101u_ 11••~·~---,-11 - · - -•--"""'"...._.......,...w.;.1~M :. . ;. t='"----_.... aw. ._.. ·-- ~--· r;.~,. ........_ -~ __ ,. -----t-·-·~ ·--""r---__.-....,.._ . .~ ~.....,....~ ----..---1-11'•_!!! .. ~..··-·- - --.. - ··- -..=-.'1-.....-- ·---·· -'!"-""· ...... - . ~,.. - { -- >-·-·---- -"""· ~-· ,,,.,.,.,-Hb ,.,,,_leol llw1. •aft --'-"' L•w• .._....,, ......;.;;.:..:,._......;·, ~--:-i:--·_ -'-'----,,..,-.....,....,..,..,.......,~.,..-,..,--1------1-~ • T•ld .,. •• ------+-,.~-~1 u ltlf! --·- I - .. tit.I~ I~_; '"~ I '""" rrJ.J f , I ~ ,..,,; ·-I'-·---- . . "'r.---ti... - --....:.'.: [.___• == ................._ • --p.;;-;;.1------ "~~.• ._.. 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" ! -__ --....,...--;_,,-'-" '' ---·~ c~ IT, ~-·-'---"+-.--'~+----.:.r :-----+-Clh ~1•_lf____~=-11-'-'---t-""'----f·- - - (Jt. ''· 11<•1•1· ........ti .i.-------'-'-.._._.,._..__'-li_,..... -.. ---·-"-h-10;-;.-.t +"""''-'i:=!r,,--..,.....,...1----•-·--ll--,,_--1-.-."'j,."'".-, .----,......---~---·----·. . . ,-----~- .. ""~------.....-____ _, io,~ -;;, ,,-. . -... -+--. - ...,-... --- ·------- .ittot..f!!I utlllHt - - · - ' ·-· 1-·------------,-·., --->t-·..--.,..,,_.,...._.,. ~ •• 1111'~ ---·.,..__ =--= -----+-· - .. " Ulllllrit• }~·~· •rl!•·•-..-'----1' ------- 1 ~- _ _,. ... ,,~ ~~""" =;:.""""-'-'"""'.:...:='"4-= · --1~-·-·-·4--"-...,_~..,,=--":.:.'';:......_. ,. ..... t'" •r ....,. . , ·::::·-G' .... ---_,,..-".....,,~r,,------f......0--f------·'t-"'-"'-''-.'llOf-~--'-'"' 1 ----·-:-·-· ·--·--.,---,.-,..--·--- ~-< - - - :_•~>-"__-· ·----+----+·---'6------__,1---------·-----·--t---.,,,..... -·-------lt-----...i----.....e----~--t-----------~~-----i~------ ' -------+---.....,.--.....,....................~----·· ~ ~tot.. h ' ......._....,.._,_. ·~ -------'+~---+' ·---·I ---~-~-_,,_......;.·-...._,·"·:'~+;,,,,........._:... '----- } ' ~--=-·--·~~:1--.C" •lj..- .~· _... "'' , I ...!e.!!.._____~ ..,,,... - ' ., .,U'41..,~t ._ ~ J -- r· IJ l1JIClflll!ICll•oo oc cu.wdy i;./ ti~ Un~ttd tin te •ct.loo fot - .. 1 .. '~ -· ~- . ~, i'---_ ... ~ 1_1 __,,.__ '• ,_.., , ·...... J ,. . ., -".":' · - I •-· - • L •. _C"_,i' -- f ;J ----~ WAYBIL'L CHECK LIST cu. F"·----·-Cl( . . -''t!Oft• CK ITEM ourr l>EL., M l!, u 29 --- -- ~ -- -:...ooi. ·~ I\ -- - 11 .. .......--.. ____ ______ ....,.. . .. .. .,..... _._.,. --- -----·-----·--..,...,--------...... . - -- ______- -·N----------- , -·- •o -...,_.....__...____ ·----.---.:_. ___ 17 1 \~ ., ..·----~--- .......... ... __ .,_.,.....__._ ~--·--.. u •• ~ __...,. ___ __.. ______ .....,.......___..______ ____ __, .,,. ...,,.. _.,. - - ·- - - . -- -- -•• -- - u <!1 7 .......-..---~----~ .......,,,.,...................,,.. ~- --- ,....._ ____ ---~--1 .. u ... - - --.... I ON• J<lP'Y 0 WAYlll.L NO. w-- f D . RAL RE ERV BANK LAG .NTovm 1'1 1uM e, l Fe Uy IW!lbl.t I ao Taut& 'h}.&r• Aa1••bl7 Center 'l'ul&re, Cslifornia oopy of form , CO ·FH t he &t orage a ro}IO r y r ca lved Undly e cknowledge r oe1 >t of' a igt\l ng iu1d r " rn1r1r, the e11clos co y ET cuo& ro:pert1 l)!,part m n'tl , ed rfll R no 1 doo, ?u7 .. outh 5 .:ri.n ..;it:r eit, Los :fours nry truty , • • •.- f>B8l Reo o1pt ot the enclonur io a ~? ( t n no i O ge~ .Bn1,k of ca n I CO tforn i 6 , ., P RSONAL 111~ P1ROPIRT~ FORM Ill.I'> rt)• dl"f!'.rihed cin 11.r 1n 1 . dt of thi lt.rrn loraltd at tl1e dll~H It wn .~l>!wt u ddi,,.11ed to tl1e Ban ~ of I _... t of the J.Jmt.t:d St t •· at th~ K.ilt mk ur the und 1µ n •d. It u a r d h I no 1r.bii1ty or re n&1 hty Jiall br ISM ran ·llf'O fo r any rt r om1 •on " (On11rd on with its ~ fijl uion. 1t la ~ nd rr~OO!f that 1\11 fn 1ranc -·- --_,;..,..,.....-:.....="'"' -~ ..- - - · STORAOl! NOTICE n1c U&t th R· ilUll• p r Ii. 1111 ali app r1ni1 on tl1c re\'et5CI lJdt of d1b forf h a1•e 1-c:t n plier- n ~t1og M 1l1c filllCit! indicated low 1Lh t 1t q f>ltOll of ally lndl Vil th IC 1·.e ride ol thi5 { fl I a not. I u1\d, Ill fl t dd1wtfil w ll1e undtrlll J n~ re11 1~nll LIYt "' ti ( l'ttl.·ral tb f'1anci11eo, !~cal AJltr•I· <1f the rut>1:d ta.Ir , 01 • tu• not bflng <>I tt,t propu t jlpt fo r 1.a t Th~ i. rtll 1tunt arc idL 111114 ::--e INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER Stforc any ~ropNI a.POt.rteJ fo1 of il f<•rll mu ~ l-te fi'J ~ 10 H rt •1i.tcrtd fur PY I he ll~UI t-0 he )~(L for lllOl I. t nut 1>11 t.hc rnntcd ll t 1hould be 11·ritu:n Ovil Cohtrnl utiorl, one py, chtclrrd for oonf()r1n11y ;v1th tht otl1tr 1r , 'l'i'lll ~ ·.-•tn tc> the <> n' r uf 1he pr<>pf'll l1r co~y dthvucd w Lhe CJWnu IVHI ~ e l'vid au11: 111 Lh"t t tr ()pit of 1 ,, furni ha ·t u1 ddr n-d. lit thr time l r Otrllet 111\J lcavf tlir key• Lhr pl•(t rt tl1t pror II ' i1 to bt lo11nd. or make a1ran •cm nu t dthtr t 1t r • i.o t1 ~ rrprtflt"rilat1ve of th fvr. ee Pro~y Dt u tnl ol tlir fcdr rltl Re m ' S an~ of 5•n PraruJt be-fort I A•'lnll tht: ar a of t,i t tD.dtlltlt. cap r, tll•· r lo ti t t111•nt1 merely how tht number T#lf ~" '1 11* .;,, cla1"11 he r Jccm~. lia~ prep•rtd for l l'llt:e lt dou r.ot c n111.1tllte r.n a ro 1 ve:ntfJry . It di.ou n t ''tr! cl h . It doc• not ronJtltutt •ny M'i<I nee c.f ~tit n act11a ly <'"eel or of ti,, c»ntr nu of b u n of t e 1n rntury l11t o{ itt.ITI• •01utlly made •• t at'<''11 pt ~ . I\ vmfiel l11t U l.Mtt IX fOJ..•a.1drd to tho"" tr. lllli Cflo.UJ 'ii lac)i t ht O!ll>'J\ f ,,,..;I" ,. rite • it-afor t""""' • rttl ilN.U k- Ult«f~r jwewm~.,, •·W,..,.,.. u • 't~ faj. 1 ITlM CMfO 11••n•a ltlPOftf .AUIOLl o~~i~ '& ROOM __ .. I '-'l~ll. Ill••~ ---;... ._ - / _ _,._.-t ,..~ ... (1 ..... f>l•.!!_!P~ltlof_ !••r!J'!llll __._,..._. . . IH'.M CH I UO'D- ..llll'P'IO ll'lt'"'•'• U :l'tllT ~UllllFll 0 ..~. U'TIO~I WAYBILL CHECK LIST W IOHT- - - - - - Cu. l'T ...___ -- c;:"~ Iill,\: . TE M EM 0\IT ' u II --.,.._.-~--- .. %9 ·-...~....,,..__ -- ·----- -- .-..... ...,._,____ -- -- ... .._,.._.... -- ____ __...,,_______,_ ....,_ . . ~---- .........,... )0 u --....,.· ----~- ·-,..-~----- u It •• ----·-----·----- 14 IS -·" ·----------~-· -- 41 17 , .. 21 I u u 14 ________ 47 ...,.. _... ... L RESER E BANK OP fl CAL AOE H!r' OP ~ A FRANCIS 0 2'l!T'EO S-c~;rE am ly Job.a lu••u ura truri er -.-;....o11l-.:iUi-..ll11e.-_ __ f\Wlr• A.81•lllJ Canter Tulare. Ctl.11 tonta ~nolosed r y 1~1 is a oopy of form . C A -Y~ hoed i at o1•age at t ho plo c ro rt.y l' oelved a r ea ri t i11Hc t. l you . slgni cg 1!.'vac11oe P!l-oper t/ ~'ratlC ill O() 1 7v'J JO 81' D~J •!l.ttm n't , Bn 1.)t of h l)pr ng o t r Yours var I Rao 1 t ot tll eno1.oa r SB iA ,a ckno U dged le , ~n e t.fQrll ~ . PIRIONAI. 'P IOPIRT¥ FORM } AW i 0 Ao Qw UH ""' Wm II PaoPtlll'tT h la form local rd ll tit ad~1it1 iii • n a ...,, mlr ( 11-.t und r•I n d . I~ i1 a franc>IOO ft 11 hy tht Pl'dtrJI 11,111 1 r pm 'idtd <>rt I .I r ' , Net t 10 O•'ntr: DO N T WRJ'f8 IU! / ~~..,;;,..,.c;._.....:.. W 'l}US LI NS STORAGE NOTil~I! ·,/ Thr 1 t:t oJ Ltnu ar•peo rihl\' n vcm · ~ of thu form •~•''t ~n rt• rd o 111.<1ra~ at tht plact l"dicatt-d bi Ill \1,'ith 1hr •l' ~J'll vn vi ILctnt ptofi11ally mdiea d on tht nv r~ r of thit lor H not lo md, r not 4 h~rf'd c thb undtr nt4 rtprt< it of tht drr •I Rc~1n• :Bank of an l'r1wcii , ft 1K11.I Actnt. o t nitcd ·1uu. or o I)~ brn1 e>f tht proptt t)'l'e for nora t . Th~ red Jtem are 1ctinuf1rd only H tc the number ol ite111s, (lr&UJJ, or bout, •nd n •t-. to th oor.tcnu th~1col. ~t ' .ha -..,. ON!ll> INSIRUCJIONS TO 0WNl1l 1 ... ta lkfC1f! ir.y proptrt'y "'ill be! •~c~tc.J Im Oetv ·rr mcnt four ( 4) coplt.. o 'th for rctumrd t ffi\I l tit Q,·11 Cotllr~ Cl.ttfully IU;tt:d. l lU Sut' Ot 11 1 11 t.utd fc,.r be: I It or oragt 1 1111h th 1w S 11 n, cine ropy, ch "d for ~11( nn~ty .,, 1 rte, ..,n " 'trt t<> 1h o.•nee1 "r rt" P"' ptrt , Tt.r IC l h e' en O~J' 1t1 bttn dt:h ~rrd . •~t Of\ Lbt rrrnt ro •idcd n th1 Conn , 1-ll Vt Of ~ t bon of nc•t ll!ll« ll'lf'Jy u lo c-r\'e 61.nk of r.W4tncc . It' c»:ry deli '1 r ~ V~CU th fr 11 iJIOO fort ~h ptht 1 fV tNV •lll.,.01 Ill&• llUalllll or re., GWllErJI lll,.41A AUltLI ~IO"INlD ., IJ VrtiMEii llOOM ---- OltY US'f •w•'l" ,. AlflPl-1 10H IPl'l0 IEOltOOM - WAYBILL CHECK LIST .._='"'WLCliiieuz CK . OUT _,!I. ..:1•.• 1 u I 21 . 2, } JO ' 1 11 C IT I!. M I) -- -·- ......,._. ...-._..i.... .. -·- .......... u ~-- t 10 11 11 1J It • _______ ____ ' ._ .,_.,,_...................,,,..... )J 40 u 41 ·-· n __ ___ ,..,....,.,...,._..,.. ___..,.,,,.,,,,..,,.,....,.,.,.,.......... .,...__,,_...,.. . u •• It - - - _ _ _ _,_,,,.....,...,..,......_.,..,._ _ _....._ _ _ ..........+ -- -- -----·--·---,_.,.,..._,_,.. 11> ....__._. l ·I 1_~ lt 14 1J --- . --·~-~ ... FEDERAL ERVE BANK OF SA . f~NCI RE lE U l!J'B FISCAL AOEI!« OP t. 0 STATES f'Ulai-e .u., •bly Center F111111ly NWflbe:r ',t, Oi.litwnie nc,1.oaed i pr,pe~ty pleoed in e uu 1· eto~e e The prop rty r.ecetved agr& ~r ""o~ !:C.t;.".-!Pl'-2 ----- cov ring YO\U' the tonn. ~t th pl~be indteeted on t wUb the list subm!ltted by you with tbi followlil8 •x.ceptlona: la o ot 1 Can ~• 101 lia e4 - no tound. •1••4 • DOt li1te4. Y.1n y oknowledg reoei t of th by signing and returning the enclo~ed copy of th1 letter to EYacuee roperty Department, deral Resern Bank or Sen Freno hco, 707 South Spr~ng Str t , Los An h t s , Ca Hori\! a. Yours , , , lc.,ia. ,.. Rec ipt bf ~be A enclosure ls ac no1•hdged Siu ~ T\Ju r Ow 81JLOW T HIS U N STO"AGI NO'lilCI <""''rt# T Ar tltt ~Ill .-.llu '"' 11-r t11hrr will tH'11 ., • ,~ - ' ,.,...,~ ... l'llriJfM,flt ,.,...,..,.. '1 W.. ""1,..,.,.il« TV 11wwu•• au·o•r U•at11 !1Pf>Cll< LIVING R()OM ~NV~oav US'f WAYBILL CHECK LIST ITEM .... Ul -----,....----- u -- ··-··...... ......-,..-...~- _:1:' JI 1 . IJ ------..---------~---..,,_,.,...._,,,__ . • • 10 ··-. ._ --·!!---.-----·-·--··---- 14 --- ---- - ____ ..,_ 11 11 ., - ..... r---- ......- 1'I .... u 14 IS ,. , --~·------------------ ··--- _....__......, 17 -· -------,_.., ________ 11 1• 44 l-0 "s II 46 .........,_ - - -·---- _....._....____..,...___________ l!. u . 41 ,___ 14 ' . -~· ------___,___ __ __ __ _____.... - ..........-;. .,........., ...,., .,... ,.., lS lfiClit Ml#IT ea CH KCD IN •f'ACll! P!lllQVl!jl 0 WK !II LOA. D-=D /,HD Wl-ll:H D 1:111.D t.ND DCU,.IONI NOTl.O. 11-._.,......,,......,_.._.......,.,.._..,.......,._,.,...==....,..._,,.,.....,.,.............,,.....,.,...,,.....,,..,."""'........,"""'.,........,,....==o...,..._,,...,""'""""'" ·---"'"-~·-- Cllo . Ou't ~...........,w:~ v• e= ILaL~N -~ °" IW~aatou• Iv _..___..,.,...,...--.....,...,..,.,...""'!"._ • • J .~~:;..::;:,:::::;;;:::-.t:.:....:~;;'.;;.:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;:i;;;:;;>;:;;:;:;;;;..;;.::;:.:::,.;~~:.C~.:'::.1.,.!;;.;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;i;;v;;;-.z-~::;:;;i:;;;;;;;;.....;;;:-;·7-:::~~....':*.t...............................-lf RAL RESERVE BANI( OF SAN FRANCISCO Fl 'AL AGENT C)ll 'ME UNITElJ STA'.f!ES J'\lllt &' 1 ~ l.4151, - - - - - - ii.. f<a atur.ta 'l'\• A9 a,m._,1,. 01 t er 'l'uhret Oal1tarn1a ~;11olo ti e h a o opy of fo['f!l . C yo r propurty p ecad in a torRge a the form . 'I'h rep rty r oeived coved og d n Hat eub- A· FH~-2 th laco 1 t 1 t of he lmdlc~t m1 ted bf yau. Kindly nokuo sl nil'l.i acu()e an~ 1· tur l~d~e ~eo nr th e enolos eaolo ~u r ro ert.1 Dtt11artm n , 'li'eder l R s er , tranclsoo, ?O? so h s r4n by eopy of th 1tJ le te1• to 8011 Stre t , Loa Angel a , o Jlln Califo~aia . Yours very truly , ·- {'-·- of th!' all !It • l!flll'd no 111su.r•1.c KR 10NAL f'JROP!RTY INV~ITORY llST ll~lllf"'' Rl.l'O~T 011~~=:~· OtWlll •• llll'CIU' AlrTICl.I AllflC~l 1111•eu1 WUlllrlll Cir l'OL ar f'o llUMlrR U'10 llJ~ ~lllPl'UJ or P"ll. I t•ll'O _ f. ,.__ _ __, .... - - t~Mlt •• "' ..._......,,-.... - ....... 1!1~'1.q !!.'*·~·· ____,...... o ·~· ,~ ~-.....---i1------,-i1•-,,---tr---,..."-!r--"-~ Db~~r, ~u~t-.--.,--'-...- - - - - - i - - - -i ·lo---,--,t--""-. ..;~---------1-----• ·--------- WAYBILL CHECK LIST --- IT -....;........ a: M ...,,f-~ - 1t _ :y..,.......,..._ _,,_,..,,,,......,..• _ _ _ _ _....,._ __ :: r --· --·----""----~-- -,.,,.,,..,...,.,......_,_. __ _____ ,_...,.., , ----...,,,.,..,....;•. .. 14 u •• ----.-.-- .. I . . -- -- ----...-...,..,,....,.....--.._._____.,.., 10 45 --.-.,-----..- ..,....,,.. __ .., ·-------~---~-- ..........,,.="',.....,__ ,....,,,_______ ___ ~-~ fEDERAL ESER: E Ft BA S K OF CAL AOENIJ' OJ11'l:l.8 U~nnm fRANCI co StWrE 1\lne ~. l Op))u UI) em11y N.u• .U1•bl1 Cent r Tulare. Oelttornia u o ed a oopy 'umb~r or nm . o . ·V'H ----""--------lt&ll -2 covering plao d ln tor a et th lnoa indlcu ~n p op r y :r oaiVed. a re o it t U · au - 'I ou . Kindly cknowled~;e rsoe11 t o signing and ret rninp h enolos Kvacuf)e Prop rtt Dd .rtrnont , trano sco , ?07 so th g r ng ~ed ~tr nalosur by ls le t, r to rve Silt k of , A ~el 1 Cu t ornia . YourJ vei•y truly, ~~ ,· Rfla 1;pt ot th enolo ~r .. ~ (_~.: Aaalstant e ao no l dgad ~ff/rt," ' · 19' J' Birt T t YtrJ . PIRSONAI. MOPIRT.¥ F.O'l.M ,. nro , a 11• .i 11 'f c <>f t hi by tl.t ,dn•I Re ~ 1la11k 111! v.ill hr rr11HJt1l on t l~i• rropttt)', ~ um NI c ti no in An« ·..n rr: DO NO SfOR..AGI N01ilCI Th list of it mi lpptatin bn Lli r· mllt 1 cit of thi~ form "''' th t it.tmM J'C'Ct,tally ,indlcal d rm tla lt'~tl'ff tfdt i>I l i• f(> rr u 1 J'luc1 e B~nll o1 ao l'nndw:o, t 1 · I i\ t~I bl t.h nlt td t i-1 orlly u io 1 1~ D\ltitbtr 1>f item , co.t , or bozo, hid noe a INITllUCTIONI 0 OWNll ni aopy, ~h-•Mhd •lit f I ht roprrty "K.\ll be •c tpt d for Tile CPftr ., 11;, I for n(~~111'1y l'tlprrt\' •.tel kl fAr n•rr •llU Nr•" -' """"' ~ fWff.., ,_,,.,,"' .,. ~' TI, ilf'rl'I • 'It ll<l~f 1),r {'11,rr d 11 · 1t • ,...,..._, I ~ON...L VW NC a hlPD T llWti U ' I u lit N'1.ltll lllUllU PROPE.RN . l ~VENTOftY us't llff• l lftM CMtCK A&TIOL.I lit ,..,• • OIF1f'CI ~tUt!(. ~~ T-Hl~Pl~ 11110'0 •lf u•r n . ......-1.~~-..--~~~..........~--i~~·~+-.....~··~·-.J..-~~~~~~~..i..-..-.....:...;...--~ ......;;.;._.;.;.;.~.i...~~--~~.....~l-"~~~.A....~~-+~·~ UDROOM ITC HEN -jCon'tl .......·~~~~--.....~--~..,... ......~--i-..~~--"'T'--~~~~~~~.....~~~r-.....~ · ~'1-~~~~--~~..........-~..,..~----t--~~~..-~· ·~·••ottt ~-lilp 111;~-----1.----+----1 ~·bl•· '""~. '"b I ltf' ,.;,~u~•tf':~..'___ -·t-~·--+· --~--+-'----~~!.._-~l•_b--'i--·~--1----i --~--+---------+-·--o.-+----1--~ ...- WAYBl.LL CHECK Ll ST 1 - - W l!l la H'F _______ Cu . Fr IT Ii: M ----- -...,..,_ ...~ "·I) 14 _ lCI.. .....- - ____ __ .,,......,..._. ............... -- -- ~·- --,...__.--- -----·""-"- ,_~---~ _ .,...,...,. _,.,.. .,,~--- IS ----... 40 I• -~· ---------- . -----..··---- ---·"'-· -- ------..---·~ ~ .... -... ---·- 4S _.........._---. -------....--------------- ~ ---- ____._____ ,,,..,. _,, __ -~------ fED E AL R .ESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO Fls :AL AG HT OP 'IU.E lJHlnm STATE s Ith•• 8h!JMal,. Mar• Au •bly Center Mar., O..Utmonla Enclon d is a copy of form .. c your property th forn . 'Ml laced in o orag~ prop r y oe ive d ir at A-'Fnr-2 ace t ~e p coveri.~ lndic~t re a , itb t U en · 11u ... rn1 tte d by you . l<i.ntll7 aoknow i Jt of the nolo ur by ~ xc1ng t e ene l os 1 co >'/ of thl l t.eir to Evac u0e }> op r·t Di; u•tlJ ent , Yi d ral R se v ~uk of can Jl'rano~sco I O? ,:,0 th 3)> 'I Ilg s t, Lo~ All8eles 1 Cul!forn1a . a i gn i l\@ an d r Yours very r1.1ly , •-r" ~ Reo t pt ot the enc oeu s, st n is ac no l 1..M• ~If IA ~e. Dat a Stgna tu 0--'f .. dg~d IL NAL PROPI 11. FORM Na.WI (ip Ch'tn (~ J} ) -"·Ai D; •.. T t rr• rity du,1~d ~n 11. 1 1•1r1oc ·•Jc of ti u fonn I at d a l .i: •dell • h• n ·t Md hvt rt B co th ~ Ptder~I l\e-0t e B•nk of San Fran(llCO, #1 ir.l(al A nr of I.he n•ltcl ~I tf. u r t 1\11 'It of the 11ndcf'llgntd It i• •Jr cd ~l) .i, ~II 111.f>lhly or; 1e1pon ~llity "'11,ll r 11 tn~d Bank ol at• lr a1wum (1>1 an, or o I• ill'n ln n l'!tlion -a•rth 10 d1•r t1on . It It 11ndn i«.-Od that no io-.ur•r c •ri Not e to Oinirr: DO NOT Wltlm JUlLOW ·n ·n UNB STORAOI NOllCE 1 htt o f ttm1 •.1>.11nnng Qr& ~ e rcvcrJe fildr ol t.N• for:11 hl\'t bt~n pl•«d n ai r ge •l t\.ie pla « i11d1 C'llt.e~ bl:lerw ·It h (lit rrctpL>on ol thoM! It lllJ •·P l~tllly itl"t•led on ti. 1-c 'tne ~ c:>.£ tr 1 form •• not 1lou11d. or nol d b c1td to tlltr l\lndf'.r'i ntd npr r~utivc f tM rdt ral R t'l't of 'a.n tan~llC)(l 1 ' " fl• ~ •c·nt, o{ tht Umtlid t•tt, Nr •• 'rl\)j 11'111 of tie 1)mj1ft ttpt fur 11toni;t, The llCOud Slµri • 11-e I~ 1111 6.~ ol\ly u to r nu.mbt of itv.nt. crU , o tbo1r.1, ~nd oCJt u 14> the «'flLtnl thereof. WARf.HOUS A &le iNSfRlJCTIONt TO OWNll di 1 Oont111l 1 t Ion, one rop)'. c.beolti·d •for ·nttu ti d~liw r At t ·di<lt u.e j)r pt" n y I k1 pl• ,tit. dH' (tl\'ft~ 111u11t bt folMd, or- inek h th1 <A'iu .:ff 10 t ht jlr~rtf,Cll)l>O~ t ~ ~·ionli 14e c~•y •I ••• lht ,,,flil,J •• tie r•~-' r:a e th .,,.., l•rt ch:ll · r tt1t 1>f fl,· J>1 tritjt 'Dr arUltM u.f the *n llr•n~uoo btfor luYrng 11• ~re• (>f 111 · ri111c L() co11fo1111lt o •••tr r1 . .,;II Hrt'e • • ~--•I "'-'4 ... tiiffifrllJJ' ,,,,,....,IM~~ PY.SONAL MOP&lTY ' ' WAYBILL CHECK LIST cu . L..OC"-TIOM- - -· + t rww~ ITEM ::~= -~,1,_,__--·~·~.,_,..,......,_~~. . . . . . . . . . .,_.__ II - . ----...----- -------.--~.........,.,,..·------"- ---~ ________ __ ,..,.... ---- ...... ----~- - ------....................,....,, --·--- -- ....... u It - - -------------------------·- ---...•• 10 11 u -- ·--- .. ·--4----..,...--- MUIT •tt _________ C.Hl:CMltl> iH flll'AC QUN ·Y-------~· ~ ,__,,...... .... r· o. w. 'fu.l ERA1... RE. E vE BANI{ op SA FRAN a laka~o AIH111blJ Cenhr !UJ.are,, O&Uton.'la nclou d i s a copy Qf f orm .. CCA-YlH~-2 covering your property placed 1n ato~aga ot th pl ce Ind cLt d n the torm . Tb roper y r oe!ved a eea ith t i s Ill! d by )'O • 1ndly ackaowle and r turn l p the P J> tt D~Pll.l't1no co, 70? Jouth rl v . Y. I v, / .. ... 1S8i& Reo ipt of the enclo ~re ry truly , ;I (. ant ia acknowledg d AllCll.l'. • 1111' W1t1(tlf .Pl.OP llf'Y Tht pr my Ia c.Krib~d on l'h' 1ewrac iidt of :.ited al tl.e ddr cl n ab..n•r i1 deli rred. ti) lhc t'd ral R,.. r ~ Sank of S n mli. of the undtr &11cd. H ,, a r I thal no lia~uhly or r punlih1ht)I •hall be, n1m1d r C1miMil01' in ~ nuroHon with rl' dr po lion . lt b unorr tt>(,'ld that no in•uranct thl' (c111u 1 t SJ NMt to NAU.TUI OJ' 01llltll ,..,,, r: DO N T WRrrB BULOW THIS L IND STORAGI NOnCI h•vr. bttn 1bl'td n ahu1.e1: at the place tnd11:attd bt low 91•ith tb~ r;1 Ue>n of 11<1 1 <11 11 l tldt"tr 41 l th t <und ni rd 1.-11rHtrt11ti,it ol tht Ptdr1Al brlng nf It pro tr typt fo r lll()t~gr.. 1'ht 1tort!d tttn.1 art idrn11fi1 J PtA JO I TOllll \l l,N STlUCTIONS JO OWNER tfort any ('f a Ci1·1! O.ntrl)I &i.ation, ont c II>'• ch«k d for confc.r111it .,,l' t•1t othti pttty <K•ill be acctpted f r (4) ropJt o f thir for 1 11111•1 i11cd Ittm n!'I! oo the rromtrd o th•• fo1111 . ll ht rvcn tu th1; (')9t'llff r tlit prorrn ' t nJl'f dtl1 •r rrd to t1 t ov.. nn wul ~\lidtnc;e rutnl" u.111 utht:r l)ltl of tA1e form h&\'f bttn dt'\rvertd. At ti• 1 tilYlt thr <rwntr ffi\1111 lt1,.•r kt')'J t(I the vl~c<r to dtl11•tr thr tlir~t, prir.~ 111 t ~ rtoly rad.;4 in u•t ( l <-ublc Ctt't ct.p11cl11 11.0ll I numb.. r of hvr ly tl d~ r.01 llOOlll.itute tn & lttt h doe:i aCllulll '10I I.fl "8 the ~l.o •• 1t1r num t of atcm•. • he u prtpartd lr.r 011 t a r d 111 'l>nlor 1, It clol n1>t corurtJt11u a it'lltt ~ y C"'ldrncr af r nur.cwbt:r of rt«ll bt fo1'1l•1 rlfi:d I~ d1~ OWllU . •I•'""'' _.,,... •• ••• ••11f'I' Tiu "'"' •'ill tfllC'{lr<fi llM .iu.u .. c""11J, 1~t#rft4 ., .._, Hir<i·~ II • pnlntmnl fY INVINTORV UST IUll CHUI - ~~Tlll'L.t llalllllll•hlfll -~-- -·----_,___ l'WllU'* llLP'l>llf w111ti1 P'l)L ~, _,, V~lr. ~---- ··-·..;!·------.. - - --tr-- ..f !lrb.!!.-~·-··_.,_1_,..,,,,_;.,_.;.... -------~· .~ ~y. ,.......,,... ~ ' (:1t1tr~t!!!,__--t·----'I·----+-- ___.,.__ _ _,__....;.._,,_...+·..,.--..i---· li•l'l'• ____ _ ,_.... lltuil,.h 111<4 Pluo, ~ra~ J•t1i;;"~-~ - __.....or-_.__..~ "·~~, h•••• ----·+-~----4- _____..!. ·~·..~· ...!!.'!!....----..- t------+·· !.!~· -C•·~ to 11 ---i-·!!!.71',jii~ - ., ..... - - ·-~ 1'41ril\r~., -,-__... ....._._ -·- ~;..,.;, , -r------t~-- ~--~--t--------~1----it-------<1--·---- .!!'~'------l;....~-~-1 ---~ ..!.!"~- - - - - -·-.---==-----------· -- ~ -----~ - ..............-.................. .....,,,,_,...,,.,....... -- ~ - -- -------~-- ,. - ... ____ .................,,__.....,_...,. -~~....,.,.......,, __ ..,... ~ u ........ ~----, 14 15 " 17 - ___ ___ ·----..---,.,,... ....._,.,_,,..,., ..,.. ·~~_...- - _______ ___.,._.,_,_...,. fED · RAL E ER' B K OF SANfRAJ'7CIS 0 nsc.AL AGE"NT OP TUB UNrTED t:ATR 'Flln i l y lfu..111 ar J,.;;..U;;_..; t'1_ _ __ hiaa• oih r.llr• .U • • 17 Cea~ r fUla:re. O U tornia ~our li:ncl..oue(I i e nc d 1 11111. ed b yo • prop rty the Corm. 1 rop rty ;..lln for Iott, Yo11rs ·' ory truly. (~? :sat t nt 'oager PIRSONAL PROPIRTY FOAM Nott 10 0•'11 r: DO NOT WRl'fB B 1HIS LJNB STORAGI NOTICE 1'he. lit;!. of ittrna •JJpearrn,l( on Lhr rt\'tl' iidc <>f form Ila •t prc1fit11'll indicilt <j ()11 L t fCHI I' .<Jt elf 1~1111 f nn U not R.utc v Bans of 5t.n ru1 ~ -0, 21.1 1Mla3 ,.. 1.:nt o! tb onl1 a• I() ~ht number' of ~rµ1, CifHta, or boxtl, -nd not tl.o fltTltl en p\a d uo-4, or n in .wn be lib tht t ctpt c.11 •1! to t'lit undctl! 11ritod rtJ)r rM,ttl t (/( tlrt I ~ r. ti jirtojlltr lyf'C fvr ll!Qtal(t. Tbt t<lttod lt 1 ~rt ldtnuf.t t '-l t ~hwr«I ti~ ~~nll f tl.e r. INS RUCflONS YO OWNll » (or any roptrty •ill h ta.1 , OoHrnmtnt fvur (•) (l(.o 1 tht Lint d Ca"'\ Oont.t ,J "1a.tlon, one oopy, lhrrr, will '1 tl> lt°'" •nw T ltll «'lir of tilt ftt'"'-' 1"-IJ k .,.,,;1#4 II du , • ~ w•iU nu ., • ur4i/•U1 prun,.~-4 • .,. iii•. lilt ,..,.,.,.."°"' o Yust ·~ nw R P•'• hlJHtll or t'fl• OMtCIC 0 f Alf flU ITll OVlllUl'I 111'.l'OllT UflCLI -1/llH:R tf f'(!S; L 11£0'0 ~OQ~.~ IEOROOM OWIUl'I Hl'GllY ~ u •er• uO-o ttlfl"PID cwn •r1 WAYBILL CHECK LlSIT u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ......... - -- __.,..,._ - ___ __ ___ ____ ..... ........__ ..._ ...,.,_.....,.,..,.,...., ..,.._.,. __ ...._ ~--'--"-·--,,_,,..,..._.... ____ -- .,_______ ------...,.,.~ ----------- __..,..,....,,..,....,______ ---- ...__...._.-·----~ · ·~ --·~-.,..,,_,,..,. 4.'7 • - ·--1-- --..; . . _____,_.,,,.......__ _,.,....._~ ·--- -·- .... ·----...----~---------"'- •• UCH llrllfl MUeT _.. e CHllCKED tlf .,.A.Cl: 1'1tO\ltOllD W H lH LOA DID AMD Wlil:H PllLtVIJltO A.ND ll~CIPTIOhl• ,.01~ . -'!.---............. , 1umJe WWW • m=sr::. ~ ~-----..... 'llll A'l' iULA. NO, f~EDERAL Re,sERVE BANK oF SA fl·tAN ,is o }) CAL OEJn' OP 'l'Jf.E NlT'ED STATE 811.lpt:o IDOUJ't N1re AH•blf Ct111t r Family Uumber lfla.lar., Oe.l. ltorua l~l O.C.1.oa·&Q is a l.lupr ui tvur .:cc:•.. !":m 2 ~O'!' ~!,, ~"m" ,PJ"tperty placed ln ia torage at the phoa hUcated on the:t torn. The prOJ.lel'tT r&ceh d agr1tea with. the list subraitted by you with the tollo tag ceptiona: rec i• 4 • not lhtect. 1 Klodly ing and ~eturniog ~okno th rop&rt1 t>epertmen , s r 70? South Spring Receipt ot th l dg r c 1pt o th aol.oeur b¥ siKD- enclosed copy of thia l tter to ~va aue e ea t'e.l R serve Bank of Son tranoleco, t, toe ngalu , Californ1a . PERSONAL PROPIRTY fOllM -..? / 't NA.WI OP _ - PAW:lL'Y 'No, ~_ZJ{ t<_ f'ran h "U.ltl t a!lfd Al l e ~tlldrc1 g1\'tn a 1 i• , ot 1 of th uti!l\!1 i ntd . It it f r anf Pill or om11r1 n in connc fr1~ w1Lli 1u di The f'IOJ"ttlY d lltl\, 1 heal A bdcr.t Rutrve Ba nk !if br 1•10,icl,d on li\'trrd to Lh~ Pvdn Rt~r •c Dank of a aU l,c a fiUm d "n<ltrfll.L•<r.f 1ha1 n9 1~puru1 r th.i~ prl'f'tl1y . OP 0wN L + "' )1..U T U'l' . 11. -·--~ No te to 0••11 ,.1: 0 NOT W RlT STORAGE NOTICE The hat ol t m1 •PPl!.,rfnA: 011 th 1·evtr~ ~1dt uf th 1 foJJ!l ha,•r r lctd lo tho!lt i m~ 11cd (alt~ mdloat d on th<· r vt rlit' "dr t•f lhl form a nl'A, I'' 1ll 11trve l\a.n ti Sa. ranrlft o, ~ j •l Af;(llL of tht nitA:d ta lr , c.nly u to thr nu~nbcr of 11.C'm.a, rat , o r bo e., 41>d n t u the c nt IN TRUCTIONS TO OW Ill aidtd •f lltr I/it e/&1!4 t• tlrt "'"'"" 111il1 H'j't>r '''1"'' ~ '""""' '" ~.u, f>'r~1"' #aiM, Th f•;7 •r t(I thf •• • Olll'l•tr. l'f'r••·4Ht llWllCll'• ftl.PllllT H1J'ltlPrh IU OMl:tll ewnp u~ .Aflllt.Ll r lflM CHtCll ~llWUll ,..---' U.O'b IVUfG fl100M fJUl t t .. HVMll r11 ARTIOL~ o,r r , JlllJL Of 1'CI. in• cHce• ew11~11 · 1 ftDOIT AltTICLI tMl~PtO Ol!'l"ID U:l~ROOM lltcl'O KITCHEN-( •'O •""Ml• WAYBILL CHECK LIST CK Cl< , OUT Dl:l. . ..,,.._ _ _,....,_ _,,,_.,,...___ ~·-r--- -·--~- .!! . . . ~.~...,JI.....,_..,......, ___ --~~, .. --~ -~~- - ______......,.....,._ ... FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN F: CISCO 1' AGENT or 1llE Ul'nTEo S'C\TKS 1 I FU11ly t~b r _ .., ••• •-..-..--- nter 1.noloaed l a a oopy ot fom •. CCA-JR.B•2 conriQC your property pb.ced t.n atontge at the plaoe indicated en the fem. 1'1 property receind agrees wUh th 1U tttd by yo11. list sub- JCtlldly aoknowlell•• x-ecei t ot tbe e oloeure b.)' algnlng and returllina the enol.ou<l cop7 or thia letter to. lft.O\aH Property Depia~Mllt, Feiler-al Resene Bink ot SUI hanc t aoo, 707 SO\lth Sprlmg Street., L~• Angele•, Call tornia. Toure •try truly, 'PIRSONAL PROPllTY fOIM ~n l r ncisco for '"" act or om F~ion an bu •c iJ cl.II rrrd to lht 1liat no hal .h1y oi 1 ~nnrcde> n 'll'1t.h m di ontion. ft it under 1 "'II STORAOI NOTICE .rn• de or ihl lc r1n ha'l'C I t of lhlft ~orm a• ooc ,f of Ln Pnmo!llC" u l1ie11l ~"nt <ii tl1e nlled tm , rr u nil! number c:if 1~ms., cn.t~•. m :rr~. and n.;,t to to th o;,nttot thrnd. ie Utr.t 9{ it lppetrillg on t t r~vn ~hc1H Jt. • l'«"fic~t,. iodlr.a tcd oi, t e rf •·rn Ri>uc1 •tt ~ui k only" to t t IN tRUCTIONI TO OWN I I\ fC>rt tny pt'Qpel1 Gowrr otnt fo111 C;,'11 ' tllrtr, n lr .rn t•l>on, ont copy, 11 lrrd for confo~m1l •·ith t hr Cf1 1 rr r oo y dd1 ·< red PEASONA[ p :OPE.kTY INVEN"IOR)' OWlifl.~ I ow . "'' U:P'OllT Ul'ORT ~ 1--- usr 't~ll:Ol" ~UJilfl or 1"01. BEOROO~ Allll ULI ITEM ·•- :1 .......... - _____ --............- ...........- - - ,....... u ........ ..., _____ .,._ ~- ----·------- 1J "I 41 ---....,. --- ____ ...... -·~·.._.....,, --- _____ ..... , .._ ____.....__~~----- FEDERAL RE ERVE BANK OF s N t'°'RANCIGCO Fl CAI. AUEMT 01' "nlE UNI'llED SV.TE 1Wl• 2, l9 .,, 1olul lenichi 1'1aMno T\11u "•••til; ~at. Mere, Oal.1torn1a ,. no1.osed 18 a copy or t'om .. CCA- ~B-2 oov r1.Q8 your propert y plao•d ln atorage at the place lndiooted fa th~ torm , The pro~ rty rec ive agrees with tb li!t submitted by you. Kindly aokaowledge reoGi t o th enclosure y sisnlng and tb& e no los d copy of th1 l$tter to Inoue• rop r\.y Oepe.rt•nt, ' do.-81. R sit!l'V Bank of r. a. traneisoG, 707 south Spri Str~ t, Los A~e es , Calitorn1a. Yours nry trnly , ~. ' . ~ PIRSONAL PROPll'IY FORM A 11 Ow~•k- .-: ~~ . di': ur thiJ form lo~t d lit cl.I addrn ~11· n abi>vc ,. dtlrl'H"cO to tht Pt~ ral Rll t lbnl.: of San c iu, al lht f<>le H f tho 11l11il:B1 l\cd Ii i1 a r ed jhai: nl.l h bilil y or m 11.Jb1h1)' •h•ll he 1 11mt1! >' the fl tr11l t t"\'t Bank of , •11 i'ra.11ci1.w fo r tny act or omi on in oonnnilton th ill dt ro ltion It I• ondrrl/lood 1\-.11 no uuunnct Ylllll be pt<r,idcd on this p roj" rt.y. The r r nbrd C>n ll e r •'Clli( ION A't Nott to Q.,.,,. rr D NOT WRIT a O• OwH O.HLoW THIS U N STOR..AGI ROflCI Tue 1111. of tt udt a l Llti1 for/JI ht •e bru1 f' acrd in rt r&#(t al the pla l.n!iinttd l1JV<• v.ith rht r1:cep1:Jo11 f thOl't II ·111' • fiu.lly tndlcatt•d on ~be rt'' lllf' dt 111 chi form 111 not lo 11d, 9r nCJI d hvt r d t o cb.e u d-rnl nrd tt'JUi'JtntaLiw <>f the P1·d1·1~l R ff ·i Bank of an Pran ~cu. •• hliC'al A cnt of th rfng of tht proper 11 e f()l storage, 1nt ~·~d (t~u·- ar~ idcn1.r1.d only a. ui th n111nbtr ol 1~r1 caatta, 01 INl11tUC110NI YO OWNll l al'<lt~•tcd fl"Jr roplr~ of St•t I ra t '" fo1 ai mu~\ by tie n.itt4 n nd d {.,r tora«r rlu~·n plv a to C'.11• Cont rof ULon, onr °''P , ch .ktd for oonfo1mlt'I' wit It tl1r otl tr lnH, ll It c1 ·en ro th o~·ht1 9f tilt rroptrl)' . Th :-r ddiV1 ,i'd l.O tilt OV.ntr ul bt C •1d n tr C'O I of tJhr furro hu•r brni dr!J ~ - ,flt ti tiltlt I c .,_.,,~r muflt lt~i·t t t. ~l'J to l t r lac.V.')I rr th 11r"l'' rt>' la to lat lo d,. or m1 i.e arr•n 1:~ tni.. 19 dtli •tr t hr 1rt to n re t1> t•li t " ' tht E •cu t f'roputy Dt-ra.r enl of 11c tdHtil fl.ul"n'c Bank of · a.n ranciwo btfore le.a n~ ·the ,tru of Iii~ OWi'Ott me:rdr •nY.• tin numbtr ol en be forv.·• ra.. ,.,.,. "" •• li111 ...M8 .. td lO ••r ....,,. •.., '*'"" ~ ,,., lfl'il ""-" Ii#' c.-t/9U1 "'"'"'" ' •!I' "'"· t ( 111 • 'tc-IJl • owntr. ~·--• ~ON"L PR~TY INVENTORY U&l Q\olUlll IHI! CIHtOI( urur CIWNUl'e ~IJM•U Cl' N:l llfl• tlltC!lt ~rf>o11T .. 11uc1. ARTIDLI or.,°" •VHlll I 1-~----11,......., D'f~ , ..... C!lllC!ic. 111'6 11lro11r '"'"'''. Ali1'1tll.I ,___ _ I1 1r,. . ~•-----...........~---"~~~....~~-+~~~....1~...,...~--.,....~~---·-'-"'-'~-·-~-1~_,_c_o+-~~-,-·. . . ~--~--~-----"-•-tti•o J'"''''~ -- --.....-.-..- __________,, K\ TC HE~ -· (Co-n't• WAYBILL CHECK LlST I TEM I -'---1 ·~ . )• ---· --·- 19 ---·----·-~ --~..,-....---.-.., -------..----·I _,_ - -..... ·--~ ------~-·,-- 4J . - - - - ,..~•. ,.~..,,,,....,....~ --- ..........--,...............,.,,........ - - - · .., .!• - _....., ___ ·--~----..-··----~-- __ ..... ......,,..... FEDERAL RESERVE BANI OF ANfRAN·C ISCO Ji CAL AGE'NT OJI' 1'llE UMTED STATE .7U:D• a., 1H2 ll•l• UD01W.'t1. 'Tl&larie 11•blr C.nteT !u.lare, Cali.tor 1a 'nolofJ 1 co y ot: :ronn , CCA·FRB-e cov r-1 yp.ur prop r 'f leoed ln a.tor ,e a th$ pluce indicate • n the fom, Th p;roperty r ceiv d a r es w1 thu H t subilll tted by yo • Kind ,e reoe eticl.oourEt by t of th no1os ·d oo i ~ th s l.ett~r to a cuee Prop r!t.y 1}e rtm nt , etfo l Ro•s r ~ DO nk C> $&ill h'a.nciseo , ?O? So11tb. Sprl St r ee , Los Anpel.ea, <;alit<>ro.!e. 1ignlng and re urn! Youre yery truiy, ~\,. . ~ - C: ,,/' Asalstant e ·~~er R•a•1 t of th enclosure is ackno le48ed .... PIRIONAl.l PROPlltT¥ FOIM MOTO .lit Dl 1 AT Wtt1e11 PaoPnTT h , RtU6l , .._._ YlltA· A'flllll U111MIUUU ~ldr of 1hi1 fo1~ loQatrd at 1?1e 111.lJ•m gi Ill abo-.-c 11 drlh r«i Ill 1he Prdt1a.l Ret.U\lt Bartle ur an "ii d &1.1Lc~, •I the <Ml ~k of thr uodu•i ntd. lt i' a rer cA1a1 no I • 11111)1 or 1t por< 11~ililiy ~had bt a1.1um•J an Prand o for any ~c~ M orniruc-111 lrt on111.'l:tlt1n W•th lt.1 di p0$1won It 11 undtr otoo1l 1 at no J.ml1ranu Not~ - to Orn1rr: DO NO WRITB QBlOW THIS l.LN STORAGI NOTICE The ti11t ol ltcma ~t> uiing Clln e rt\l~r i.idr ul thl1 fo1m ha'' rhcu it m.r pmlita ly 1nd1cat d on ti ~ r; v rte 'de <>f this fo 1 I 111 I\ tnt <JI tbt R~b rvt Banli of , a11 Praothc4'>. only u to the n btr of tier , c:l'ak.a, or houa, and n<>t to t11e c. ntrn indkatc!d b. low with i he pla tltd t on 1>I --·-tNSYRUCTIONS "$ lrm any propm)' will ~ al:()rp1~J fer ·t!lla~ Stal . Go' four ( 4) rop t• of tb fo!in 1~ ~14 rttur11rd to 1- t Cla• I r1trol H1 •lh 'l On l e baclc of radt oo rh • 1ttl11 multi. lit r~Htl illy 1l ot<f . lttm Mil n thr rrint U1<1 n 1>.e l·Ju1k p~ot'I pro ·ided M1 thi1 form , -c inall arw ~ 11n1" k fltcurtllr paL r4 n tr •te- 1;r • u• "' 1>0t I ~• thlll two (l ubic f~t aapaCJry and 111'111 bl? fodlr:alif lllllply u t ro OWNll I OMI Contr thrrt, e copy, checktcl fol 0011( rmill• ,.,u ,th th~ ot tt to r~ o" n v.1 I b.i tv1 rn e t11<rclv that ue.htT betn ~r.tavrrrd . At I 1 tlrtie t r ow11rr llHJPI It'• hrr th. !OJ'f:r\Y u I<> ~ found, o r :n~IL trrln~1·1ntn to dt1iwr tl t ke,.. lO tht rqm. M au e o( Lht IC'Utt PtclptMf Depa~tlll or , ..... ~ e f~t111I 'Rrllf.r •t 8rnk . f l.11 f'rand!ICO ~r r u Ins t •~ea f •~ reiolknca. ·n:., J' d lli·trlJd l(J t~1t 0>1·ncr t e "1"11tr mrrt1y l()W tl1t 11 121~ r o( ituna, ch.Im he h rittnl4 I u· , cra or arh "'' Vtofica· tun bl th un•tntor)' I~ o( lttlfl~ a(Jt uall)t J10m! tdfl ht' 1rir!le II 11tora t i1 arromfll1 cd ''trifit d I • fo,..·-~drd • t O'll' r. 1'..a r~ •I ll•e LUI ..idltJ ,,r:ml oJ ~•"" "' ui'flll.,J4r t• ,,_, • ....,.,. •ill ~·• ., • i>f'mN1wt111 pr,..,,." ~, w.. SONAl:. PROPEklY IMtY WAYBIL'L CHECK LIST CK . (:I( , OUll' Dl't.. . ITEM' __ _____ ·--~·--~ -- II .l' u lJ ....---~-- ....,__ __.,..,,__,,...,.,.,,...., .....,..,.. ....., ,,,,,,,....,. __ - _....---~------_,,.....~-- ,....,...,. ____ __..,.._..,..._.,.. ______ .,,..,._,..,,.-..,.,.._ ,,.,... __,. ,,..._.,... " ,., .I ~ ..,..__ _ __,_,_,._,,..,._=~~o.- .. ......,_------ -- 19 - _________ ___ ..,.,,_...... ·~ ·-- ..... 11 1~·---..,.,._,,, __ _, --.. . .~--·--·-=--- ~--··'111--".!. - --- ·'----~-.~_,,,,.,,,,.......,....~ . "!.. - - - - ---···~-"""'----...,, •• __..,.....,.______ .....__.,... __ ~ f°EDERAI .. RE ER.VE FlsC.AJ. your r o1' t)u fcn;•m. y yo • l\Ce B I OP SA fR.ANCJSCO AOf}NT OP 1\iB UINlTED STATE I•• a, u o ,y of fom .. CCA-!ltfl ...2 ooverl ng tor a ,a t th l uc iodicr te • .n ropnrty r cc&ive e r ea wit.n h~ li ~t su - ml te Ki dly eckno l eco1 t ot signing and ~r ne tte enclose ~o 1 "e.ou e J-rop :rty 11 r,artmont 1 fl·ano is()O , 70? south SprL 11nk o edul"lll R<: Stree I Youn v~ry .Jan or <:e 11 tornia. l,iOB ruly, dtofbed un the \' t t fi~le or tnlr f rtn ll'C.tt4 a,t l •t addrr "' I •I J\ 1mt 11( th«, U111~d U I , •t tht ·le ni.k • f thr \Ind 1~1 114.-d. h rt , u Pedtrlll Rtlf(' n'e lhnlt of 11.>vid d (,n thi• J1 Pfl1Y :J aboY Iii ~ t • vi • um rd o Nott 10 Q,.•ntn D WRITB nm.ow i~wurauc;c THJS 1.J NH STORAOI NOTICE Th u.~ or itunl appeatin~ () U\ r t \'UJC ~idt o( thit lorm 15 thorc t 111a &nYr Bault of an Fr u <~ ly u to the nwnbt.r o( 11.t.m , cnte., or boiet, •nd no~ t I rrr 1P'Pdtit .io st .. gc: u til•t ¢• -....,---_,..,.. --:-r-- INSfRUCTIONS YO OWNll Bdl'lrt a.r,y prop rt .,.,ill be Ocntrnl'lltnl fou (-4) oop ~c:~urn~d t.o l e (\ ,.,, Oorit r I 1a1 al "''h1th 11 rt i.ttr cl for v• uation 0 11.i ba -k of udl e<>p the 1tr1jr to br kit f r mu t ~ rarffully I 111ea , 4t.m ntot on tl1t rnrittd l i •he> 1ld ntttn 111 tht },l~n 1ce1 pier d don th r fo•~il llilt to t.l.c (• h r "'.ill u•1dr ct l'llrr ly duu Ol .. r u r: br n r\t-vnC'<f I\ I I h~· 1Ilfl ! ~ OWflL'f whf.r tht pfll'prrt )' 1t W bt fo, nd, or ma k, atn.n ittlll'I:~ w dt1 tr 1 c k.e1 w th rtptCM: nl.flti ., <1i d1t fl •amrt r 1opu1r Dre anmtr.t af c.~t f'tdtr11I Re n•r Ba n ~ of an rra11oll(10 l.cfot1l t"a' ·111t tl t a.rt, f hn r n 11l•dt to 1~ d not. mitt on lhn form t t pa~kr4 ind o!ll nrd v'1 of ~l.t in vtnt<11y die T'" i~ t-d . li 1ro I O'f Ut10J ~ct a. «I II -IU I < HH •I 1Jui li.t ,,,,,.,,, " ~......,., .fll .,,... . . #'rtli!lllfl!IC'lill ,_,;1 -'I~ .,, ~ltllr 11te#r•~· t7 "-· ORY U 1 -.,,.() 11l1•11n I Alll'IOLI'. Ill ~lll'.tK ow111i-•• 1u1t .. UWIU ., pea, llVIH& 1001.4 cunt -..........--- PlPOllT aEOIOOM 0 ........ lt,..llT .UIT OL llUIHrll 1r l!O ..............,,__......_................;.;._....,_..,...11-.....~ .1-~ ~~-__,~~~~--~~. ........__,__,~,,___,.._--ii--............~--------~~~~.........~~~~-+-~ ·- --..,i.. ll••l•tlllo WAYBILL CHECK LIST CK . OU'T CK . DI'\. , lJ -·1' u ,...,.........,. 4 . 29 D ~ JC) -----~ -- --· -· -- - ............,......,, - .,,.,...,.. " -·- - ' .1 T EM ~...,,_.,.._ ....,..._.,.....___ ........ ,-j~- ·-~·- __ ~ _u 7 a •• 9 J4 10 u II Jc; '1 !' ,,...,,...,... ...,,,,.., . -- __,... -- -......-.~-- 19 40 41 17 ---~ ... --- 44 -~- --------------- ____ ___ __. . ____ ------.11-"- -- -- ....,,...._____ ·----- - ·- ......, - .. l ~--------..-...--- JS 1.ACH t'T CI" l\llUat • ----,_.....,......,_.....,,....,._ _._o 1t 21 -- 41 CHltCKl:D IN .,.ACE. ..~O\'IDl'.D WH Ii'"'.. H LOA. Pl.'D iutD WH. It! ,~ f D ·RAL RE 'R VE BA Ft SCAL MENTI' OP TUE ~. 1 OF SANfRANCJSCO UlUTlm STA11E8 194& e.m il y Num er X~tn.bapl 1'541~--- are AaH lf C·• Att !u.lar•, OaU.tornu E:nolo ed ls e co py ot form • cc yo11r pr o. rty th o form . Th l ced n store.go Bt t 1 r o}J rty rec lv •li'RD-2 ooive,ri ng luo 1nat at d an t 1th th lls su. - m!t ed by yo • 1ndly a okno ledg r~cel t of t n oaotoaur by t ro n ~ha eno os co y o hie h t :r to s ou e rop r ~ 0.: J !lll'tmont , deral R& Bt'V Bank Of '' n /lruzele I Ca;HfQ'.l'llltl , anc1 oo , 707 vo th $ . rtng s ignl ng and r Yo u a v ry t r u).y , ---: I"c.,... "'. . Asa sion ·' 1 ao now! e\\g d PIRSON•L '"IOPlllY POllM ; ' --- 10.~ fllP. 01' N() t to O•nrtt: STORAGE NOTICE (If ltc~• •ppe.11ri1\ ob 1J1 r •utir d ·flf rafically indioa,ed CY11 t"e rtvtJ Hide ol '' I Rt. l' e Ba11k o( aD flr•n t; t.Oo, a1 1~01 /I c11t of t~e on y µ t th 111.unbtr of 1t 111 1e gt i ci Ulyfl t at lhe !'It. in UJd 1 no< d Ii 1..0 t i' the u11drl'lll !llld r } 1& 't bttO f'lll~d t(lDf Al'->tt " '1tl:r L e xrt111·<>11 of i! l•!JYt of thr flrd / 1 1025 CHAPALA- - - - /E .,SA TA 01\R _AR~ -----~~. ....::...~_.. INSJIUCTIONS TO OWNll one cory. cd t r confol'Olil~• ,,.ijth t!it 111h"r thr Ml.O~r o{ I e p rny Thr to~'I' dd1 ·rr d w ch <JW!Kr ,,~ bt t •1dtn mr r ·ly tba1 ,u, ' c:-0pJu of the I 1 h ~·t ' '11 O<mtrol t t11111, I rtt., 11111 lir ,,,, .• n ·rlttt.n htr n doh~t'td A I t It • her~ tl1t proptrtf 111 t \ ii t1111r l r. Oli"fU'I llllUI l>t fc.und, r ma t'I " ' I hr kc •• to I ~~~ct ow111l1 • IJl:ll CHUK ell'ctU 1~~11 AHIClo. __ ,...... OOM ..,.._,~-' b Ml• IL ft .... ... ftll•· ... •Ii 1allll. UPOIT AltlOll. ·~•lti• ---i-----+----1 11rcro BEO~OOM O'Whf!l' I llt,.OAT •v1111r~ fl\I~· llf:O'O LIVING ., . IUM OtHC OWlt~ll' t "'""'" or I'• Al'flOLI WAYBILL CHECK LIST CK CK . IT~ OUT 1>11.. , _,__ M !J · -----~...._.._ __,, t""-..._,~ ~- 2 .• 4 ......... .•• "1--..........,........,.._,,__.., _ __ 11 -·- IJ 14 "-~ _ ----... __....... ...,,"""...... ----~ ..- ,_,,,,,..,.,...,,,_.......__ WAYBILL CHECK LIST CK . CK. OUT DEL . g~r ~~. IT EM -----~-... -·------.-..... --------··- JI ...- --- -----·--·---·,..-.-"----- 11 _....,...,..,.,.., _____ __... ...,......., __ .,-....-..-- ··-· --1----.---..,..._..,..___ -· -------··----- ---.----·-- ,, --- -________ __..,...______ . . ·. . .-----..,.,...-:.-~· --·--n 10 11 ,..., .___ ~---- ........ ... .......,.,...... ~------·----------- ..._ -1.------~----- 1 ·- ·--- - - - - - - · - · - - - - - - - - - - · . J9 40 ·--~-----~- - - -- i--.--·------........,..----.........-------- J1. .. - ·-- ----~•.--..- ............._.........._ •• 19 .lG 41 -11--'1--..-.----_..,,...._,__~--~·-----·--- 11 -- --_...,............___ 11.ACH lirl:ltl Mu•r •t CHll:CKlD tS -··- 4;_6 · - - - .,.._,,.....,.........,..,.,..,.,_..,._ IH ...ACI ..lloP\'IOl:D WH ---------......---. - - . . - . . . -.......... _ _ _ _ _ _~......,--.......- - - - --.ii . •1.. - - ---- r---o-..-----..,.__,...,.,........,......,..,,,_...__ H 'LOI'. 0£,D AHO WHll:H l>ILIVl.lll:D AHO lXCUfiON• NOTCD . f ·DE L E RVEB K OF SA f' Fl GAL Ao ENT OJI TlJ.£ UNlTBD STAn: ru.u •• lt To•b1ko Xlt•llllwa 'l'ular A.8••9'tl1 Ctnttr ~are. Oalttol'llla nc oa 1 e oo y or l'om ;.i;Ji ...1ii<:&-E uv :d.~ /yU ... placed ln stoira o at, U10 place in<lio ted o.n the fom. the ~~o~ r y teoeiTed egr~es itb tho l at au mitte~ by you with th• follQ ins uo pttonst pre~~ i;-ty l Bo rtcel Kl ndli>' ao i.nowl. d,g Dolosure r signing ~n4 r turning th e olos d co y ~ l t r to ETeouae roperty Oe~rt111eo 1 Federal Ba nit or S n Yrano 1$00 1 ?()'1 Scu~.n Spr St re t. LO , CH rornh. ( ___ or tbe enc~oaure 1 c PH·pcrty d 'ftl~d i;in tht rcwnc Mid' o( 1~i fotm lo<:lltd I I\ 111 or h !he *'ddro • "ri ·~ abov I d i urd to the P ~ttal Unltt>d · 1at , • t tht t0lt mk of lht ""'~•i11nc:d , lt 11 a re<d that no llaM\Jty or rt p1>011l»l't dl~iuon . It It undtmood thu 1111> rn~uranet nus LINS STORAOI NO'l!ICE m• apporlng on the · dt of forto ha'llt bttn pltet<J f 11twa c at t ,l)lact Indicated Wc.w 11oatli lht tu1~p1lt1t of ittnu ptp6eally lndiqtti <>n the r v~ 11de of th1a f r111 l nol leund, or npt drh••trc to the '-11 t:l'WiC•'ed 1t,prllM!'nta11vr r tlit! I rdctal c: tr'I' Bank ~ f an r1wcile«>. &• I !K..'I A cmr of rhc fnilf"d otu, Cor a no~ l>tinr ot ll•ci prortt Lyp~ for 411.0ra~ . Th~ ltortd 1tc:m art rCIPnl46td t>nl y u io tht nuro'.btr <>( ltt.lllf., -.u~. or bor 1, an~ llCll u 10 tht cont.fnt.11 th n L 4 IOHllO/ - L h' ~ Rtt>rttrn!111f a.\I... f-1if.J . ,..rf'.P1,U11l / • s." lJ''t I II' of Fr411'rCtPC(I • o/ tli.t '1n.1td Si4lr•. PL Mirn rn Sa INSYRUCt'IONS TO OWNll I rt trl'Y property wi.11 be for pie. of tt\11 lcnr "'"'It rnu~ t\1r lJn11rtl fte £.11 d 111 arrd tr ,,. lion, 01u copy, ohct<hd l<>r oonf<>Tlffli\1• v.~th thr Qt tr thnt, Mil I c , lvrn t the CJWfltr of rlie 1>ro1'er1y. Tht r»:>Y dd1 •trtd lo tht ""'n r di mudy thllt her et-J'i of 1h lor ~·•·1 llll" n dtlt ~. At ti I tttnr 1hr ~'11tr mu t lr·a1•r tht ~t·y• t~ t •r p •<'.'r 11 h rt. thr pr~rty iu be: lo~ Clll, or roa\ie 1 1.r1t.:tJOtntf ddh·tr hy, W thr r pre fl~til' of t\it flva,cutl41 Pr · prrty alU!ltlll Qf tht P dtol Rt "'II Ban of Sur bcfont .:aYi"t thr 1Lrc:a of b1 t ,;id net . OvU Oc>nlra1 t '"° d n 01 l ". c;f not lu mdiaat'l'd ri:nrt, a 10 t • an i;rcied 1nvt'nto . 11 4o~ not Cl(J11M1ttut a it ~v • Cit (Omji1u' a11y rvidtnct of 11 t hlln.1.1tr o.f aa pally ltt.>red tit of tlir tnr.t 1 te or br·u~. ~rat (lr f•llt l.1;t . "tl'I a• t!ibn ( 1111 ta -tn o• If t t•f lt m a1w1L 11 I.Or d •ill bt u 11ton~t II a the pl .ed ''"" "" Ii t ..,11 fort1·ardrd 10 T'• C.1'1 .J '"' U1r m.J«.l lo 11Jt ••111# •·ill ,,,.,,ff u ,,,..,,,.,.«'4 6'J' /llllJ, rf!Wrcl ,.,,, Ala.,.IJj b• urrf.U~ ' PM•CI . ' IJlr,.ottntl Ohl , ti!i•l•lf --~.,:....--~·~-~--i-----.1-----~-~ · .-~-~---i-----4-'------4 =,,,r.~,,,...-·•--==:--1~ . ...~... _ _ _...__ ,.•~ , ~~· l'l11111~r 'I'"'"' ~--1t -----~-c_1~ 11e·~----~-----.~, .!,'.tol~'!'l.~-- _ _....,.___.,.~----t1 ----11-~---C~flf• l"~•,!,!f ~·~ _, _ _ __ _____ _ ·-----I· Cll!l••·•ll>I' i.,,._ --- -+-~--·~---'f-----~.~,_~P~r-..:;;:;:~------,.,fr-~..-,.,,..;+--..:...--J.-·-,.,--:lllaJ-;:;;:::..____:::_.;;..~~.J;;..-. "'*' "~' '°"~ttN o .......... "~~~lot••~ ---,i..~-;-'~'•· ~ .::: w.111~ . ..... e WA Y'B~LL CiHECK LIST --··----·H"'-.,..,. . , . . ,. , . . . . .,. ___ .....,.,.. _ _4_!_ - - - - - .........,...-----~.,._,..,,......,. __..,....__ no;Lo·s a le a aopy or !'om VCCl\-FHB-2 oov rine yo ut' r.pc.rty placed in ator.e.g~~ at th. phc 111Ucated. on the 1',o m. ~h& ?~o erty ~ec~ived oar~es with the lis sut~ltted by you wi h the foUo.,..,l e.,-ceptions: . Kin y 1ng 11nd r Pri>perty 707 Sollth rtll' ent , ~pil'--1'g th~ enclosure by si nhis i. ltler to JCvacuee rol '~osarve San}: olf 'Jon Y'tleno1sco , OKnowl dg uming the U.a .... clos $tree t , ~.. os ae~ipt o co y of ng11les , CalHornU . ouro ve ry truly , R1:1e i p ot tbe ncloi,ure ls aoli· o .le ge t>a . ..;.;...~~....;...;-=----------.--...;.:.....~~-,_~--..;.;..~-----· fEDERAl, E ERVE BANK 01r- SA' fRANCISf,O Fl ~L Aoltlft' OF mK UNI'Illm STA'flE s 1- .Tuna 27 , l 941'd. ( t/J (13 'l'sv, eumlda 'I'uJ:a r 68 b ly C11111t r 'I. l re, Cel 1to nh In o \r lett r t<11 you of J'une 2 . 1942 , we .oCllpse a <!.iopy ot fonn p r ~na~ propert y plaoed i n Q o Qr& at t ti~ place .lnUee cl on t b~ rorm. 'Th propert>' :r ti vet2 • .(!r a wUh h Us eubmi tt d by you with th f()llowin~ exo ption& t ~UW\nl oov ~~ r~'16 y~ ur l Doi rao iv d - no t ll&te • dvle in 1> h o •r 1 Jo •& it t a \& ot th bo ewing maohlne yo llst d n your Pere n l & , If' s r your lh t ch e e out e rtgt t. appnrently have not iretce1 ve4 ny ack o ler:trem nt ft()m )'OU, end if the forro waa duly rooe1ved by y·ou we wo 1ld epprecia e r you wo uld kindly aekt10V1hage riteeipt y etrnt am return! n thh l .tt r to th "la.01lee Prop rty Departm nt , 1.os Anir l s ran h, Fed ra.l. R eerve r nc is co . A self-addressed .envel,ope t.e ncl.o e<J for your co nven.i nc • Youl'u . (_ 'I"<· < =a ' " '"', 4Mect ~--t.-*1,...~~..,.,;;;.-.....__,. . . . . . . . ._ _....;..,o...,._-.,;.;.;.'"""""""""'"';.;.;;.=-...;.----_.,....-.;;_ ...... PIR.SONAL PROPIRTY FORM ;lA"'-1£.:J ;(lf1,;q,~ AT \V111011' P&ori11n 11 J;ooh'rl!D: •• .., I / _,/.?~- ~ --- .,_kL..f:'{ f) ~-'=---'1,a°U.({.d#Ii Lll/ ~.,. {j, Lt~,~:-· 1·ibcd vn tl•r r-~1·tr tfdt ol chi forro lo atrd ~t c 1t addr gl · n bP"C' · dtll •cr~d to "ht P-i·drral R 1t1Ve Bank of Stn ranaN";(), a I'° I A e.nt ol the \.1.ni1.:Q c;~•tf , al the ~111 dt of thr under11iuned . lt u agr d th11 t no lhbality or ~fif!P n~bnity 1•ll bt. llll d by ,( e !o'r6 'f'll•I llttf'Tl'I! Ban~ (J( S o Pr•ndeco fo1 Jniy art r ornl t n In q..tlnf'~Uon with •t d :pl'.l itio-n. Tt ii •ndertt od that no in urancc wlll 1 p10.,·ldtd on this prc>l'fTt)" I h ·~ I.If kAT Not, to Ow11m PO NOT WR11l1 BELOW TI-US LlN h. ir\·4.- -w STORAOI NOTICE· Tlk~ ti i ol ii m1 •I> t,.rinll on ti\~ r v r of thl6 form ha\·I! ~~" pl1<ctd (~ ii r~t:e: H "'1t gl•ce ind uted btluw ~·1th hr he p~on 1;f o If: l~otl , pc~>ific tly Jndlt•t d l>n ~ht rncnt ide ( thi• follll aa 11<11· lound, c;1r ·~ot citlN ~d to 1·1u• 11.1nd nl 111:d reptttr11huh·r 1>( •lne IR~1'·e B nk. or San Pranti.k(l, "' {ljli(lJ.I AW1.1nt pf tlie UnJc.ed tall!,, Qt Al l'I l>!in•• f pr()pl'r typi for (Onge. Tht •tO!f.d ilt.'.lll• ·~ d n11t. d .,.. j vnly ~· to t-h, n\l.Ulht·r of i~ tat •• 'OJ bo:r ~. and ntiC Ill l(l the ¢0nlfll~ then.of. tit•·••' 1 ,... ~ " p... - - - ..-.-..-.--,._,,.,---··· Oi'll!.1 Cont co1 -··-.......,.~ - tntion, ont (l()py, cht<"h·d for ronl 1'111it y wlll1 the at i-r 1,hrt-e, will he g11·en to the O'>o'ncr of lht 11r<>ptrilf T e COM' dth · rrd i.o .the 0"·111cr ,,.:ii ~v1dtnl:" m nly thllt oth r <JQP't• of tl1t fon11 a\' !>et n dellvutd . f\t Lhb tlme t )ie o\\'nrr 101.1• lea w tlir lt)' w 1hi pl"rt wht,rr ti t pr~ptrty !a to c b nd, e>r 111.tkr arra ng m~nu to drliver lt.t k !(,) \hi! 1 pr-t ,ntat ~·e of the E ••c1.1 e Pmpe.rty Pcp1u trotnt of tl;r Rcatrve 18uilr. ol s~ 11ran ~ before l~a'Vlnc II-or ICI ''" ~ re~lde-11ot. 'l'be oopy Jtlj"«.tcld tu t.l1e o ntr mud Olil'I tl1r nunibu of Jt.(Jr. , boxt:t, 1mCI ,nt u.·l l.h ay.•ntr clltm• ht •• rr pi1itd f .tan it, h Jt " c .Utute ~n • rwcl ·m• tiory. !t d • nut OQC\Htl tr i wnfn:d i . lt 1-1a. un •f ,.., ,li.1 • r«t¥11tl """~'ti 1-"' ~ i1t1 ~ ri/ ·~w • """""" ~,..,,~ . ,"'"'· 11· ~....,.., HASONA( PlC>KillTY INVENTORY UST lflM Aini I OMf~ll ow••<• "'"'" - llV#lrl ., l'lll!L .-wnc - WAY91LL CHECK LIST CK CK , IT IM OUT DI • ~- ·-- -·.;.;.-;-,-,,,.,,..,.,..-...,......,_,....... ··--......----~.,_.,,.._..,,~--......- ., I- -.---···-....,...,,.,....,.,..,.,..,,__.,.....,_._~.....,,,--- ·::I I 9 .. __.. __,,_,__ J4 _ _ .,..._....___.._.~~....__.... ,_....~..,....-.,...,.. 10 "- - . ll " I~ u __ ____,....,....___ .,_.,.,,,..,..,.....,. ___ ___ ___ ... ....._.,. ~ ..... ~ ....._..., ~..,...-~-.,.....- -... " 41 · - - - - - - -.. ~-----.,_,___,.,.,·I - 41 ______ ...... -. --·-·--- -- --··=-"'!"'---_...... 47 ....i-"'""'----~--- ..,---..,.,,----------,.,......,......,,...,,.._..,...,..,..._. 41 -"'"""i · - - - -..... . _ . ,...,,....,..,......,.,,..., _ :. RAL RE RVE BA 'fis~ AOENT OP 1RB OP' S Wf'11ED fRANCI ' 0 TA' E 2• l9U 1.... uJi Ni1~iao 'l'\ll•n ua•bl\r Cenhr Tulere. CaUtwm. • COt•ll Of tur11 e :rocel e 'l . ub- fours , _. . ". Ma Ro p of noloa re 1 , <n·y c..: ,~ - an ..- - IJt:i'Da ar Pt1n 'rhr f'Uwprn~ dm.r<bt:d c,n tht r w1 .e" dt of thh fotll'.• I ltd •I acldrc111 1' '' abo"t I• d~livrred to tht l'rdnal R Kr<'C Ban~ ol an 1 i;(l(l, ~~ 1 I fire I 11( rhr Uflllrd St&\( I al lht 5!>1 I} k of u~ vnder fncd, It ' acr,·pcj ~h•t n\) 11,1,i lity r rr~pon l»lily li•ll I •• UIArd dt I Re1iefl\I na111; of s,,,, l'ran KO for llUI)• ac;t or oinbtwc.~ UI conn 1'llh •iM <U·p~ ltwn. h I uncl~HI Id th 't ino in"JI"'' NMt t <t O,.,nrr1 DO NOT WRJTB BHLOW TH S LIND St ORAOI NOTICJ , 'lh lilt o! h~uu 11ppeariu1 on ~ e HYtl r this I rm a betn p ced itJ It n th soe ilt<mt •pcdficdly ind catt'~ on the rc:11er&e ( lhl1 form 1 lou~. or n RC'lJt'nlt Sao~ of an nr1 llOO, a1 i '~J Ag t "'' \ ht. Unlttd c:i.1 , <ir •~not t only ae lo tb · nu111bc:r of ltdnl, critots, or bout, and not u to the contl1!t therto(. C' •• ~ INSJRU j'Jror 11y •1U be U:«pttd fot t(>f'"~t b pnrr1n1rn1 fclur ( 4) c:iopi s of thH foTJ inu l be lied 1 • tJ r~f\lr.l'' IA> tl.c Ca\111 Control St•tl<>tl ;.1 lo'ihk11 l'~•U l<Y, ~terrd r I •tvac 1a1Jon On the bar. of uc o ·~Y tl1 t lit 't.Q h IHt c;r ~ c~H f1tlly Utteil. 11trn1 na 011 ht prin d "11t 11,>ulll be ormrttll IN·e an prQvid tf VII ~hil fomi, ~I Control 1a11<.in, one copy, ch ,. f(Jr ronfb ~Y Yo'ilh 1ht l•t'.u dlret, .,.iiQ he l\'tn io thr IJWI H or t.l1e pl'Clptl'ty, Th t l' di\·~ ri·.d 10 the <m 11t1 wdl t1'i~tnct rout!y that oth!'r roi ir of 1 r fo111ri. ha betn dc\rv rd. At tl1i1 time th Cl'lllocr &ulll lea\'~ the ilcris ~ i.l•t a aihtrt 1hr pr'Qpni~f • k> ht ( nd, t malt~ 1trrangrlllf'nt to 4t<lr r 1hr llt • to tht n_ r n. atl\'c of t r l!!'·atuct Pruptny [i\1:rn111>tr11 of tl c t.M 1.rta of f edrn'I R trvt 8111~ of -.n Prancliioo hl f t lea w Jef!ilf'll~. 111pl .CAI A v~ri~e4 l111J •' Tit~ "'"t of 1'" lul tWilf!I #• dre ~•IN'f •-Ill "'"'' ., • 'nm-,.; u ., urlli/..,,. ;,.n'l'tl h •""'· r,corJ --' .... INVEH10RV U$t 1n• oMr.0 11 --r-Uo<D •Wl,.,lD A'l flOl.ll 1_.'"' ' ~H 1 lt~C"D ; I tell A,ll'f'IOLlll --,...--• lO' ll gH lrP'~O W.A.YB JLL C H ECK LI ST WllO.HT Cu . FT·-·- - - ---- - I TE M I 11 .._ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ __ l u ·- - LOCA.TIOI Cl( . Cl( . OUT &>El. . I T l!: M _____ ______ -- . ...,... ..____ ....,,,,... .,.,..,..__., u - ........ .. - - ...... _ ___ ___ ......... ...... ~-.-- --~ ...... ....., .. -,,.,.._,......,...,.. 19 -----...........,...,,..____....,__... 17 19 l!> 21 1! :u I --1-.._. ..._. . .__ --.-.- _..,_,~, ' •• .. _ 14 lS II S!I EA C l't ITEM t,IUST • ·Ii C HECl'l£0 IN tPACll\ f"ROV IOID WHl'.H LO' DEO A.HD W H ~ Dll..IVCUI) AND U C: lrflOHS NOTED . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. , . , ; - .............................., . . ,.........,_..,,..,.......,....,.............,.,,"""'--. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............,..,.,,...;.._,,,...,...,,,..____.. 2 WAYllL WA1t'1 tHoua& •v- _ NI>. L RE ERVE BANK OP SAN fRANCI 0 t'l CAL .AGENT OP nut u ITl!D STATES 1\1.M 8 t ltu BalTJ M. U'JH1ab1 Tulart Aa.,_b4-, o.,,.· • i Tulal"t , Oali tar·n ia .r..nol.ooed 1 your rovo c fo , CCA-l< ilD-2 covor! the ~ tl1e forrn . l Qce !adlo t it~ th l irt en uu- ni ted. by s1.g,n1n a cuo rop rt/ tiepo .rtn.on , F1•anQhco 1 70? ._,ou1.h Sp i 'lP' Your , r.1 :.> A Ree 1 t of t e noloa r l very <.: ' - MJ l en ac led ed n~ "' , .t:ZJ~~~-L.Lt.....--".~~ U4 C~. PERSONAL PROPIRTY. FORM Jale 11 I ii: I\' n ab!> 'f i~ dtli •t r«! w 1he Pt d n l RCM'f'Vt UM1 o/ an undtu.ignc.d. h u a 1 d l •l no li..halii y or l't:~pon ibil11,, £ all hr ·~'1>rr. rd om111<1on in nne« on w1~l1 •"- ch po1•tl)()n fl it unckr 'It! ~hat r10 1n•1 ra11 1t«f t ol l t SIO~ A IMJllil OP OWN ' a ltun Alf•----·------ow nus' tJNB STORAOI NOTICE 1'he liJll. ol il'4:m1 a ppr nr.a n 11 llto&e j '"' ~ptu call!' indltAttd '' •Ilttef1' lhr11t of an ran(UCO, a n11ly u lb tht number ol tt 11JJ, CJ 1 t e N>11rrn t c uf tJ,111 ft•ri~ hl'llr en pla~ d in lllor~ 11 th~ phi c nd l.'•l ~d \1dow 111th d1r- u :ctptapn ol c.f um for~11 lU root fo~nd. r 'IOI d '"rtrd \ Cl lht 11'\dc ralgncd rtpn•M:n0 ~1\'f' of tlli t ~r~I f the lJn11NI tatr, r ~•not bring of 111e proper t ·r fot st rare. it 11t rtd 11"41!D• are Id n11 atd Mt.n tl1trt0f, ---~....--- --~"' -'·-------··-..... ·--~--------~- INSTRUCTIONS TO OWN,ER tnpy I ra\J~I be on tht •n t ~ hl~nk FP•<~l' f!tO Id d 1Jn tlu I 1 m DI ftlUlt be 1C ra f r·nr.t ~ of nCll Ir 1 ta.lit1n, or1i <IOpy, thH:ktd for conftmnh y 11'1th t~ tlireoe. "'' I 1t 111 en to t1•1' ntr of t e roopcrty Tl r oo;> I() th t>111n 1 will ht t\' llwc 1 11.11 1 at <.>thtr R>J'lld of tl-r font1 ha bf.'n clchYcrcd, Al 1hl• umt l~c O\l't'ier mnu91 Ir•" 1h J.cH 1. I pin .tr 11.t fnoptrty " l •r. lo nd, o r u1th •11an;; ~en 10 drln•ci 1!,r key• to tht 1<pr tr~ n1,,U1•t o( tht P.'lle 1t wptrtf !Dcr•rur.ti.t of the flt'dt:t;aii R rtir Bur~ of ~u fln.nnllOO bt(ort lravin ~ ~ &"JI t.f i rcr duux, t 'let ..,,.. t•, '"'•'' -' '4>f d1t t/11 •flMrJ I• t~ O...l rr •ill HTffl ., '~ ~~-"'" ., '"""· & j>l,_*'4'•1 PERSONAL ll~~O~f o'llll'fllf Ito'• 111,110111 111111taU II llf;~ ! a ,,,. D,~L ~fY INVENTO~Y A TICLI ----...-..----· ____ "'*"" ... '''~-~·---+-----1---.--·.+----- .. .... 4 _.!°I!~!!.. ~ .. ~ ~ \ HO'D HO'D IEOAOOM ri.~.llrti!I LIST K1 TC HEN - (Ccn1'tl WAYBIC:L CHECK LIST ITEM IT E II ______ ___ . ._ ---~~ ..!.! -~·-~'- ........... . JI ___ __ ,,... . .,.,..,..,._. -- ___ .......------~-..---- ............,..,_ ._.. 4J -· - ~- _.,_..,,.,.._ __ I: I ·-- _ .._ ,--,=""_,.....,,.,..,,....,__ •• lACl4 IT"l;M l,IUIT al CHl'elU'..D IN 9 -'Cl P'llt0\1101.D WHl"6 lOADID AHO WHIN DEi.i •*1 ._....,_ ..... --...,,--=--~- .,. FEDERAL RES ERV Fl BAN1 OF' SAN FRANCISCO CALAGENTOP'l'!HE '1NITBD STATES un Tl',.."":el.':l!!'~!! ! ~ ~ ,,,,.,!"Y l)f f Oi"Tll WCCA"FRJ3~2 oov ,ri your re p r ty pl oed !n storae at th pl ca Ln<Uua ~d on the form . Th.a pr<>J>•r y ~cd v1ad u . r es wi t tl h ,l. ht su mi t d, b~ yo u With t ho 011011111\U except on 1 iW t' o I t Kindly so knowl d r colpi of th ocloa r by st n1ng and returni.n t h enclose~ cop,r o th s l t or to • aouee to art y De artlllen , F1 eral R aerv () Bank of So i1 rranoieco , 70? South Spring 9 r et , Lo I I... ,,,.. An~e e, Y6ur 'V Jt\ A lifor 1e . ry truly , r? - eoeipt of t;he ancloe re is a okno vled ed _ .--.. . ..<..... "RSGNAL PllOPllTY FORM 'PINPf'l1Y dr•mhtd n th~ IC\' 19 rrand11t10, .,, al .A ·int of 1.h • Unlt d La 1. ac by tht tlr cul Rt: nc ll~nlr cf ~n Pra.nch1co for • y 111111·.~ pru\'id R.CM:n·e ~anlr of SJ.n iltt )' hall !If. U~I d ill)' ot lt5f>OO ttt or t no n trar .c:t NotetcOw:• r: DO NOT WRJ'rB BBl.OW THIS LI = STO~AGI The h.i It iJ ur1dtll k•ud rh wn1 d n clu prop1 rt y. NOTICI at the pl• 1>( it indlc:a~iJ brlow ·1th the t et111lon of d~ral INlit UCftON ·ii C'.onvc.\ Oliq11, 0111! oop , rd for ronfoqnity ~'ft'h tht (It r thrtt, ••11 ~ ,. n t tht ot.n r of t)., pr reity ·nir CJO':>f d;..liwr,,, to tllf C111. t11.r ·n Ix -viJ nee mue1y th t °' htrn dlllu•tttd. !.t thi Qj Lt t prof'tr w tr h N to ' rct;r .mt•h\'e ot edrr-i•e 8ar1k Df Slll ~ id f arnce Pro lllY Dti>1rtaal':nt f t « re.n !IP(> bt-fl)tt lri•rina tM aru of la.11 Q:., 111'.e (ii1py k t•~r ./ rlae liltt ,.,ll'lld I• tM ,_..., lt'.il1 .wrn • • ~_..., .ul .....U ltf, ~r ,,,_,, • .,, #dfe, rfll°"' 'fV JOAY ~ST IN~ - ... PIN1NG ~OOM ~---- KITCHEN ;:::-::.::-::.:·~-.::-:..::.-::.-::.-:..-:..-:..~':_-_;.... i _._i' "· --''---"--~·-------..~-"-'"'-1---...i.-1~' f. ..... ~--~'-f-·6-~,t i---·~.....--....,~~~..-~~.....~~~~..-~~~~~~ - == ~" " ~.... •rHojl' I • •· . -: · J...----.. . .... -~ - - C~11tlt~•r!._fl___ ,,..,..._ , _..l-"-...--'--.-.+-.__ .. _". __..,_-'---- +-O - '-"" '--- ----·_,l_..'""" ... --1-'"-.--+-- - ~·----'¥· .o·...-".-', -"-';~-..- - ' - ----....,,_ ~ ~:~~;;-:·.,~ ~.c..;..__,....,'~+--".., ~f--.._-t, ..__. , ...,..-'---l-...:7...:~~~~.l:...::•;;.;: ..: ;..1____ "" -'l,_--+----h -_.-· - - - - ._::;_:_:::~·-----~"·----'"--"--- ------~...::. "_:. ":."::.; .•;." .. ~Ua,~"" · 4 - _ _ If _____,. ~ _--·- -----· -·-+-.__..____ ---- ..... ttttu .•tetti: ..,..___. ,. _____ ____,__....'....:_._ . . . .- ·-1---~--=----'._ __111 _ 1111 _....;.._•• l _ ..._..-~ •.;...; · ..= · ...;,;;.,i _ , ·; .•4-'r '-' -~•----_....--' flm-flt ..-........ fl~,-~ ,. I ,.· -" ~ ~~-= -___......;.-i~'-----tt•~f"-"- ' --.,.-~---· ~ . -~.: ··~ ....,.. _ _ - ; _ -t'l--t"--~- ......,,..-- ·--~~·-'"---"'_ - --+___...,.__,,1,..,__'-"' · -~--1,____......_ , ......._ ......._ _, .. - ~,....._..,,._ \ ;· ----~'~---...,.,....,.;;--' --==--+~"-------r-·-·-r-- --~ -1 __....1,_ 1 _~..,..,.....,~_...-~·;...;.'...-..f'---...,,..-'--.! -'---- ..._.,_ _ _-1-~'·'~~~~---~"-! ' +-~---+-·~~-~-~l~_.-" -l-______........i!..----+ ~--~ ~ ~----·..-·-- .· .·-·-.,._ . _'.:........_ -·---~i---- -----..:···+.,.:.o;ulll:;.;11t~=~·•111::.:...._""'"-+--..__..___ ...__,__.;•·-r__ I ........ ____ ,___ ..,.. _.., -•1-;;=l-· - _, _ .•L- ·.. I~. ,, -· •• ___ l! ...... , idu r untk-: ' hlch actually wu deli\•ered i lost, darnaged, , or cusl(id)' bf tbc n lt.ed tlf: , r of -11 • ~rtJropri..ate &ction for tbe hcncfil of ti!)fleCl.~t«n ,.. ... 9' WAYBILL CHECK LIST T__ Cu, Fir. __ I T ,E: M .. 1 ~ -:..-------.,..-....... ... --~ 11 ~· --1---~----- "I ··-r·----.,..... . . .,,....,,..., --........ - ---------.-~- - ___,...,..__...,,.....,._ . ... FED RAL RE ER E BANK OP SA fR N IS 0 F'lt!CAL AOEN'll" OF TJiE UN11'EO STATES luM 2, 194.2 rm Shi tam i<a1111l y ;unl:er • A11aabl7 Center Tula re, Ca U. tar n1 a 'l'll1 your ro if, a co ;f of t'om .cc -l•Jl -2 cove r t d in B o~re u the lu 1nd1 ~t •n trty recelv BJrA wi h h liPt a b- Ban of f.>an s , Cul ife>rnlll . tours very ru y, .-: ( __<:: As istan !R ael t of t e nol1>aur 1 ao no ledg • PIRSONAL PROPERTY FORM " Yt;R~ 1110 !V~1uA/tJ At>o•ru.• i.r 'WHICH Pao UTY h LooA.'1 111._ _ ··--~ _...._ ___ P.u.m:r No. t,<io.IJ!'•Jll) ' ft _ H!lli ..........:;. .......~~d ' (GI") , The prop '1Y d ·" d on t t re •tr~t 1lq• of t.hi1 lotro ICJ011trd at the t.ddN"tl ~ n ubo1·c: I• d h•c:rcd l, L e. l'rdc:ral R rve Bank o( ' un Prall 1 •• l<!t.I A~~n~ of the Uultd • ' · at the: • le rltk of the 11'1d1: n gnt.d, i la as.rrc:d 111•1 (IQ or rt~porui!Wl1ty d11U h • ~up1od h th P ikttl of San ranca for any ac.C or omit. · n in (l(•nn kin with tll d~JXl'll 011 . I~ ie undrflll<ll>d t 111 no ior.urjlnct 'Nott 10 O•·ntr: DO NOT 'W.RITU BELOW TH IS UNB ==::if fl STORAGE NOTICE The JI t of it ni tho i~une 'P cilicial'y Rcaervt ·Baok of '&n o ly " rt ~r of d 1J1 fonn ha ~n. pla ct n tor•Ct a1 th~ plact ln4i .at~d , ltiw wit t .., u~ption r on \.11 re· ~ 'de ol thJ• fo r~ u ntlt ouod, or nCJt ddi1·rn:d ~o t.h undrr 11cd r prfl triuuvt of cht 1.ik 1al 11an11i11co, a lll(l'l A ent uf l t UnJtc:d I»' , t nat bcmg of tic: pro~r type for toragt , The stored ltemt are d1•ntdl d ud n<JC u to the conttni.. tfare:of. /, · appo.1101 on 1 , --., WAAEltOU ;p. i~l ,•• -- sANTA BARBA. ~ I 'NiTRUCllONS TO OWNER Bcr(lrc any property 'IA'lll be •OCT ted I ,r OJ 11 Contrul u11km, one copy, che rd l~r n -0111tit1• 11 t.h tl.e <J!litt thru , will \It fl\tn lO th . of the prop rt y. 1'be OO?Y ddtvtrt\1 to chr """' r ill he rvidcna um 1y tlall.l oth c"p ~ n d hvtrf'd . t.1 I tii1'41t t e _,.. r mu lt~ \'I' 1>1 t ) 10 the p ~<11P wl)tr-c- the ,rropcrt •~ 1-0 be fout1d. or malre arrar.i;c muu 10 dtllnr tbe ey• 10 tht r prr nt.llti 't of tile f,·a Pr pcny I> panait-nl o( tl.e Peden! R rile Sank of San flran ci11CO bc:for lu ving t.11 ue• of lilt i• r denot. Fite flflh' II/ I.lac tlJt ~fJ reurJ Ml •"-" Ii• lfl tb ,."' •il M"t·e Att-t..a1 IKe#frH tr liol•. '°'•,...,__"' f~V IT. . ClMOK UT ••111~·· flO•Olf lllO'll LIVIN~ ltOOM lMlfl',.111 ~~-~ HDRQOM - ._:::__-33,MISCELLA.tHOUS IT E M . . . . . . ...--.,,., . . . . , . " " " ' " " . . . . , . . . , . , . . . - "" ' fit~""'- - -·--- ~ - . ., __ · · '• ' ___ - ___ -~-~-- · -----...,.., ........... fl ---~- -·- - -.- ........... ........... ~---- ....._,..,........,.,... _ u n .. - ·----..-..., ,.....,. , _ _.,....__ ... -- --- --- --- ......,,.....,. 44 is -~··------ _________ __ , ..,... ~ so EACI* lll"lfN' "UIT eE. Cl1'l:CKlfD I~ •l'ACE l'ltQ\1'1011.D WH I. __ ..,..,,...._...,... LOA DID AND WHl;H Diil.i l'.RlD ,_Nb EXCEl'TIDN• NOJE.O . WAY.ILL NO. ,_, fE .:. RAL E KOF ··' c A-~~~n-2 oov rill8 tha plho~ 1nu1c~t 0n a t h lP . u1 - your pro tl SA fo itted cknowle ce rec i , o' s1 nin 1ll . nclo · lou Rec lpt o f h& no oa\1r l a very I Tht. prc•1 rt)' ducd~cl on tht rr trtc sld~ ol thh f 1r1 I 1lN.I at !..I~ a~dtt c;.v'::; ,bQvr .I• dcl wrtd t•) the Ptdttra.I 'Rucrv~ 8mk of an ranr.1.00. aa bnl A nt of 1h Uci~tcd St.ate•. at tl t le r uf tile und t 1gntd. Jt \I agre d lh~t no l11t> lit <>r n. pon hl\j1.y ~hall I ) mrd 111• ti I' Fed~ral Rutw 'S nk of •n f'1t deco for 1ny act or omlaoon io 't•nnc tl n -w1tl1 ii ~ on . It ii undtllt ~ 1hat "II in! I t pro•.·idtd '1n thi prl>!)frty. •t "1 h.UfU.Al'llS- - - - - _ . _ _ , . _ _ _..........,_ _ __ No tt to Ownm DO NOT WRJTli Sli(J()W THIS LINB =::::::::::;:::::;::;:::::=:::;::;:'"--:::=:::::::::::;:,.__:;::::;:.:::::=::::c:::::::;::=:=:::::;:::::::::::::::::=:=:::;::::::::::;:::.=::::;::.:::::::=:::::::::;::;::::::=:.;::::::=:=::!::::=c:J::::cJ.:;::::: STORAGE NOTICE H~ of it m •Pl' trtillt 011 the r r~ idr uf t la (<>r havt bi!cn .. lallt'd 1n 111>ra1r at tht. pl•ot cbelt~d l> I "!'ith tli~ ~~,c r cm of hunt lfl ~t•llY 1ndlca.ud on tlie revr.r"' !ild o{ 11.,, form a · nbt io1md, or llot dtllwred 1u 1h undrndgned rtprn ntll~~~ 9f th I r.d r•I Rc.&l'rvt Banlr of 1,n 1an1i11CO, ta fli.ol Ar,ent of the nltrit tilt , or a.e not tint( ol the pr Jltr ~y~ for •onee. The .tond ituJ11 ar'e 1dl!r.n £d Tl\ t lit on1y •• w tht n\unbtr of 1 10 , ct'at , or bol •, and not n lo the ~rmt 11[1 thru:of. &ION D ~_,,;,{!_/'.. i / ~..!;J , £~ t'prciltr 4" -- - i tlic Ftd"•I Ru ~ •f ~11 Pr "'f1.r< I Ag(:11t <•J 1l1c l/ruttd St11tlJ 11n o, ; 'f .PAI.A -,..-------·------..... KNIF'*""C ' RBARA -~------~ =- I I INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER lo Otlj!C clui lll'd nttrd and' at v. h1d1 \'VU it• urd lo1 r''ll"' r.ion. " 1fwe bJrk f ach «•Pl' tl1e 1t n1 IO ~ Ith fur 11wu~ muft ht u1d1Jly llited . 'hem ~ nc:.1 i..ri t t pnottd li t c.uld ht nmn in tloe hank 1pace• proved on thu o~ . Small arttdr1 t01.dt b~ ltl.'Ur~I,. ~ac d in up.w w P.1 than t11t10 (2) cubic ft:tt ciai•• ty w.nd _.,11 ht inchu.ted n1;u-, .r vf 1 '' no a11ewp1 attldt lhtr ra. All c::nt 111 Ovil QlnlrC>I Sul.on, Ont -.op • checlitd r I ' confurmfly l>-1th t (Jlhtt l r-et, -. ll I-or •n·rn tP 11it QWl)tr of the rro~1w. The oo~v delivrrr8 10 tht ()11.·ntf IHll b.: \"ltiC>not mtrdy ih•t 0 otl !>ll'.t or th.t: f rlll hav bttn dthvtr d. ~l d1it 11111t the vwne-r rnu.i lr~1·f' e "f the p n r htre d,c fr<ll" II)' I W be {()un4, or mtlcr uran.:ew111u to dell •tr die h • t.Q e rt pr ~n1 auv (lf thr IE\acute Pr rny D i f!·nt ol ti r Pc:dtral Rt crn Buhlr of lf'ranciKJO bdi:irc lta\?n1 W. uta of l1u r denve. ~ oopy d h vrreid to tiht owner flltrtl 1~1<>1U t )1r n111nbcr of 1t.t.m • hc>1-. t-. 1u1d crat~a •lh di thr owi,in~r cib.lms lit b.. r1pared fvr ~ilorai:r . b . dt>cii not oon 111.1te ao a retd 1111•cnt y, It d 1 OO(lrrtih.. tt a ,.mfid '1l•L . h don ll'IOI aeon titmc any t•• '" of th' n~ of lltm• 11ro..a.1ly ~ rtd t>r of 1}.e coottnl ~f u , or• or ~·•t agr; , \Ii n~ea· ih of tht lo · ntory lilll ,,1 \tem Ill af.t rtd ..rube in.di! u 11tora ·c fl!'lll d. ,\ W'l'tftt-4 !tit •'111 ~ 0t forv; 1.Ntd to ~h OWl!tr 11N rd;IJ Ii/ I~ li1f ..,,,'14 -, I~ • • • rlU •n.,# .,, • l'i!r__, NC!Pd - ,"-&4 H • .,..,, "''""" ,,,. lti& tWUfl' ~tl'IOl!f '".,"•u• "°" uv1 N& aooM AtTlkl WAYBILL CHECK LIST !.J~:;,:;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;r;;Ul!liiiimi;;o;;;;;a;;;,;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s~V~ !f lt~IQ~H~T-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~-;;.,,;C~U~.~F~T~••~;;:;-;;-;;;;,;;-~.:~;;,;;;;; LQc~~li..ow;;;;:a.,....;;;;•~-iUiiiimi;;;m;;;;a;,....o;;;;;;m;::iif,;;a;._.=i;iliii;,;~ 8~r ~~. ITEM ITEM Wik J I ••~-··~·----~-·....;-,_.......,,.......... ., 10 II 16 -- -- --- ...... -----. -~ ,-..,.....,,.,-....----,... -- 11 11 II 14 •• IS 40 " 41 - -- "' 1 1 J_ - -- _44 --- 11 11 u _ ___, --- ·---- ·- ., 45 ~ I tp -- -- ..-.-r·-~-....,..-~···- ! ~- JIJ ------ -- -~· ----- -- -so 1'C~TIOIH -=----------....-................................-............................_"""'"'""'----...........~. -._.. . . . ...,,.'""'9F""--=="'""''""""""""'....,.. .......,_,.,,.ll w v•n. NO. IUCH tT l!-'=-----;.ow----.... MU8T ait CHU::llCD IN PACl P'llO\llOl:D WH N L04 Dir.Ii AttD WHllN Dtl.IVPll.O AND NOTED E RVE BANK 0 . Ftsc.AL .AGENT OF 'lllB Tu™~ s fMtA Cl CO N'tlf'li D STA'TE s i, 1941 IOJ 'fabis'bl 'l' A.1•-'l'J 0•Dt1' !Ulare, Oalttorata l'ol'l" your rop fon , t rnit ed .cc. n...2 -1' oov rln indic h 1 ut tho 1 Jr. s t d en t a~u- y yo • tgn1n B• '.four ver1 r 'J I / ' yl . .... I • -4 Bis an ao nc v l ed (__ PERSONAL PROPER't't' INVENlrOR'r LfST 41(,.0 RT ~--· "'' ljllll' J~ Of' r"Cfl. f.lfftOl.I AR'l'I Lr - ....,._ UIYll IJUt,J'l• .,..._,,.......,., .........~~.....~~~~~·--~~...........~~--it-·~.....~--.....~.....-~~~~~~.........~~....~~~...........~,,..~,.....~~~~~~-N~~.__-....._"____.illlb ROOM 'l(lfCHE N -(C1>11'tJ WAYBILL CHECK LIST IT£ M 1' -~-- e u 1' I - ---- (J •o l' . -- .,..,.,,.,, u u ... 10 ." 11 ,~ I ...... - •J ·~ - •• -- ...... 11 .. ...,..,..., ...,.. 14 u '! I tC> ...... ,_..,,.......,...,...,...._..,, ~. , ul 1.7 __ ., ~--- ·-• )~ f - ·- 41_. •• -~--~-- •! ~ --· - · - - - - ·uu. :zzz= u :.o Ati O rxCE.l'TIONI NOIH .D. · - w~'"' ;;,""-;""~""*"'""" 11..~""· ' • • 11 itt d by .. fo . Jllnolo ed 1 1m ~e oover!ng at the pluoe indiout d • n your pro ~rty laoed in the form , Tho pro rt a ,:reee wi h h. 11 to ub- yo~ . K~udly ROkno le ffe r c 1 it o the enclosure by alg al nd ra r l n~ tbe onolosod oo y of thi o l ter o aouee Prop rty De rt,rnent , Fe<I rnl R servo .Bat of oan -P-ta nei sco , ?07 sou h Spirl np; S reo Your I v, Y. ) .. . . J1SBia 1 Loa JH~o a , Cull or 1 • very <: . .,, (__ PIRSO und 1 1g111 lven 11\>qve It dtliwrt.d to lhr. Ptdenl ~ e~ r lh.nlr of S,.n d. lt 11 agi;, d ,that no li•lnlity or u. ponw1>0il'I' Olll(I~ rt.ion . ll i• und~rt! ro l tlil~I T« --.-~-_....,, _ .. .,,_.,_,,..,..._. _ _ __ Nole'" Owntr: 00 NO'I' WIUTll ~fil.O STORAOI NOftCI Ide uf t'J, fw11 have l\'lf:n ~l•«d in ll<>r~ge at tl1r place lndlClll.fd belra ·1th ~h u;ocp on ol indlnattd <.,n the • \'tr~ ttide C U11a I Ill at n il lo11t1d, t>r M l 11•trtd i'l I undm.i nfd repr nu.rn•t 6f t'ht P dn•l •~ l•o•I I\ l"Jil of the lJn\t d • lattJ, or •• l\<ll bt"l!ll of the prop"r ft¥r 1t.Ora.1l'. 'l~e •Wrtif 11~:111• ~ tdtnl.iht-0 ''f' t.heJci-01. for 1111..n e fonn 111 1 bt d '\•tJll'• l ftT ~i~ iAH~•u ___, ltl'.ll''J ROOM -- ow•:r• u:r IUll !IMIC>lt ir f, ..... A•TIOL• ~OS. IMlrPi' llO"O HDkOQM " ...., 1'~1111.11"1 W'~U." .UTIO I WAYBILL CHECK LIST ---..,....._-. . .... _,. __ 10 JI J ~ u ·--- · ~- -- ...,,.,...,.. -. - - ...... I 41 -~ ~--...,.....;.,... - ·--·- ...,,.,....,... -- ·---..,._,... __ 1' ...• ., --·· ro ___,.....___________ , - - , ar . .....,.._ ---- .!• •s WAllDCOIJH .... - .. I _ u 41 ______..._______________ - -- ... H I ---- -- - 14 "'' -- .,--...~ . ... --·- VIA YBlLL C'HECK LIST WllOHrr_ _ _ _ CU . I TEM ITEM ~ -- - --· --·--- ______...._,..,...._ __....._... , - _,....._.....___,___ II - -------·-------- u ... __ _,_ __ ~ II -·1~-..-...,.....,..._.,,,.,.,,....,.... _ - ------~- ·- -- -·---------,....,,,...,.._--.,...,...,,_....._,_,_ --- _,....__..,.,,________ t9 40 -- --·J-,_.-..,,_,.,.;1'- -~·--..,..,..---~----·-...,...-- -- ..... ~ - ·-·---·----- 4f !----.....-------.---,,,- _____ .....,._....,.._ -- __ ,___........,...._.._ ...... -.,-~ .-.....--.-·- l' ... D E AL RE ERV. BA FtsCAL AG'KN!T OP n J{ OF SA fRANCI 0 UNITED STATE s 1U!h 17 ' 19"2 iOr. H. 8l' '1\lla uenaga Aas abl.y Center , Calitorni-0. ~.noloaect l n ol>v 1 1Jf for.:: ~·:cc. -•. ..!!- l"ov riAA your pr. party placed 111 s~orago t th<) pleoe i nd io Ud on tha fom . '!'he pro$> rty reo!)ivlld u~reea wi ·h he t t &l1l.ani .ted by you wltb tha follo iu exce t1onat e ~roning Bo rd• list.a - not t'ouDd . 1 ewing Cabin ~ listed - not found . 2 Tool Oheeta 1st d - l not tound. Notti Thia ooy rs you.r ouBllbf>i<I lia~ . Your si ti ot ~Z ind vtdual units was oonti l 942 . 1 dndly aud r turnln r erty De e:titm 70? South S pr1B~ 1 as r ~urn dio l l1 t co·n'" a to you Juns 2 , signed ttolrnowled.g mente. r c i1t of th~ encl sur PY sinn· d co y of t is 1 tter to Zvaouee qea rve Bnnk of So n Francisco , Angeles , Callfornla . Yo1r vory tr~ly, RE L ERVE B J OP SANFR. FISCAL AOEl'lT Off Tli .M I , 1.lNlTED STATitS 1 I !ia:nil y 1: • ! ol o ed 1 s. arty Th A n proprrty l~c <'\ Andl y eo1n o ledr ood r i ur i'lf the ~n .tvac eo 1:-roi;.ert/ L 11 rtlf16ni, a c aco , ?07 soi th spri p s i r e lour varJ tr~ly , ;,sei tan tlie inc oe r· 1 CIS 0 led a 111 er UIM ------- PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR _NA/( Cl/1 "· /vJll ::,A AIJ Lt/~ "" -~· . -- Y ;IYJ.l.1 . 111./LL ~ /1A/p tfrl (~IJ 111# I ~f11t _ - U AVAl.,.LI. .L)L.-.. ----(<"·"~. 10 thr cdC'ral Rt 1 l'f: 8• le of • ~n luy vr n1 11n11b11ity •hall b uqir!J' t 4\Ef'OU l ,,,....~~ ~~~~~~,~ . ~~-r_o_·o__. ............... ..... ...------,,... . t!Wlltl< 'I . .;P'Dfl'I' .unc1.1 llllilli8U ~UlllU Of '111'0 ....... P'~ ...._..__, 1100\M ,...~~~-- ______ ~· -~.itotft '·f ~lit. 11111 __, ~~!:.':!'~!!.'~- ( h~~. ••11\'j!t ..!••:.-................... -----11-----<1---- · ·~•Ir, •It rllllll ~-· . ." ~""'* .....----..... ~~~...---~~-1J-~ ......... ~--~~~-- ..... ..... ""Y"~~~.,...------..-·~--~~..,.. ~ --~-------..~~...,.~ WAYBILL CHECK L-IST IT t: M 211 - - .......... - ao ~-~~ 11 ·~ II .,...,..,.., •• ,.,.,., ..,,...,..,,.. -•t .....,,.,..-,- ~1 •• _., - -~,,.....,.,..., 40 41 .................,.. ...,.,...,. _..,...._....., 41_ ~---- _____________ , __,..,.,._ - ·-- ·-- 11 ·---.,-- .. 11 I ACt+ ITC~ NU•T •• CHltCKID I -~~~--- C«D . ouir Ofl C1tD. OM WAit o-..v - - .-.,.- ·- -- --·~------- ... _________ ., --·--- ...... ---~-------. f • E AL RES ERV'• BA K Olr .. AN fR · CISCO FISCAL AGENT OF 'IUE 'UNITRD S'rATB ,_.,.. Ml •I' --~1~~~1 !. ~ 1npy nf r~1111 pnpl"rty plao~d 1n storage at th cr..A-FRD-2 oov rlna yo~r pJ.ece 1n!l1cat d on th$ tomi. T\1~ ptope~ty reee1~~d agr es with the list ~ ~1tte~ by ypu with ~ne foU,0~1 6XC eptiOll:B: 0 • hi • by 1Jign~inil)r ¢ ow. d r ce t of th Enc\!e• 1Jl8 end rr turnlng he encloe&d co y of this le t 8 rve Dao~ of San rranoisoo , l'o arty Depart nt , Jo d ra n~ l BBr C~llfor nia. 707 south Spring S r e~, lo 1/Qur v·e !l'y ruiy, ._:_ ) Rao .ipt of the en loaure ls ae (..l,,J . .. ,, ...... ) PERSONAL PROP.I.RIM. FO•M 11•t \v,11<:11 hon n h 11.c- add.r •• ~Wn a ) ' lll'llvettd t the rtd~ra1 Ruc:rve 'Bank "'' !>1111 r llln!l u &l'ltd. It '' ~~ud thu no I rt pon•ibiltty b all l>t a aum d any ad 01 ou1i1>tli>rt m nnc io11 with u dl'P 111oa . It it ndtrllt.Oii<l thll no tn~~mnQt lOl'.lltCd at °' S10NAT\J'11 OP h ,UH.llA 'r Ow1u ... a- - - · Nqte to Ow~im DO NO' I 1 : fl:==- Sf ORAOI NOtlCI The lam cA itotMi apptanng on tilt rtvtr t ide "' this form h !\It hfien phud 1n lltoragt -t 1h11 p ar lndic•t·t~ 'h lo •Uh tl.r ~tc p on of d1 . 1Lc:1na ·~fiully 111djut,,.ll on tilt rt' me llldt or tli.• •• nnt lo110d • .or l\ I Jt!h er d lo th~ uniltl'll ntd rtprt:Unt•c.i~·t ()( the Pt<! I I Rt: '' B•11lr 'Of &a.n ranC\l~oo. u ••I A.rr.tnt of ~ e United lat , rrr •• ndt l'Nlinc err the pr<rpef type for .tl>ra&t, 'T'he .tim'd i1m11 are d~n1i1Ci,d Olll)' u to 1ht nucnbtr of lu1 •· cr'lit , or bo.1t and pt a1 lo 1ht «>trt~n~• thc:r of ~ l'!SA ~"' SIQlf& WAREHOU E 1025 CHAPALA SArtJA B~RBARA INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER Civ11 ClQnLrol Su.1.001 111\CI CO'JIJ', checked for oonrwm11,, 'll'tth 01e othtr rl"t. aU bt 11'rn t 1he o"' u o( t~t proptrty. The corf dtlivrt'(~ ' to tht 01< l' r ' II b~ evi~tl\ CCI lllt.rth th.1 ;tl\tr <:pt of the forr:p ha~·t hr.era dcliv rf'4. !.t d. • um t t 11u m l~ll\'t tl1t kcyt «> the placl! "b rt Lh roprrty I to bf' /,, nd, or .mak~ ~1 rani: mtr.u to d Jlvct tht key1 to thr rtprctrr.tat •t of 1 e l!.val:\Ju J>ropen D anme l ol t ht Pedcral Rutrvi lhn'lt of San flu.l'\dtoo btfore lravuo tlwl uca of bla. JC!SI dtn<:t J>)' dtlil'tt( ' to tlot ~'Cler merr.17 ow1 th 111.t • b r of it m , 111d u·atu ·l.ltih d1~ "'~ '•ti' c.lw111 ht h prrpar d f1,1r •l<n ate. h dti• ne>t cx.n~trt utt an a "" d 111..cnt"ry rt do.~ n()t oonutitut a ''tri~ll 1 , It 1'11tf nQt l:Qllflt.'lt tt '"" drnct of t1~ number ol rttilil• kctua Ir ~t.Om or ~r th~ ~ ttnh ul oor , u us or ac ~l!c , Ve11 t'i n M t t lmcnu.ry \114 ~( tt.c:riu acrua lY iwrtd ·Ill • M«llllphiltitd /I. 1 t'f1k~ lillt Th n Cao *"• Tl!« '""~f of'"' wli llliNltll •• ,,,,, ••·~C'I ,,,;u m•, "'• ,.,,,,..._, '".'' - _.,..,, ., unlitll1 ,,,In,,. •; .... ~~=~~ ., .... '!_llMl!I• I WA YBILJ- CHEeK LIST - WllJG~lf- - - - - - - · - Cu. ri: .--:.-..- ....... ICK . OUlf DD. , C IC . _. ___,, ....,_._¥~-- ~----- ·~-- _ ,.. ,~------.,.., .u .. r-= ~!....--.,~ It --· -- ~ · - ___ ...,._....___ __ .......,__-1 _ _ .,.,...,...~,~~...,..--, - __________ _, ---..._ "____,. ·~ 1 _...,.... ............. -..... ------.,.,.,_.,,.,,..,.. _..,.,..,,.,....,.......,...,....,,,__,. ____ --.,....-......,...... ...... .,.~...,.. ......-............................ ... ....... -- ---,..,......_,... ...,._....,_...,.. "----. ·-·- _ _,,,,,.. ............... ......... . ~.,,,_=,.,..,...,.,- ~..., ~s ....... .i..;..,..""".m.""""....._............-....................___,__..,....................._...,,.................,.,........................._........................._.............._................."'11 I.ACK 1 ~1.11 MUIT 811; CHl:CKED IN aPACE P'ft()'lllOCD WHltN LOA DCD A"D Wltl:N Dltl,llVCltl.P ANO DCIJ'TIOINe HOTl'D. , ................................................................... ,............................,....,.........""'...........,.,._...,........,........~.......~................~............ ..... ·=-====· ...... WA'Y•ll.4. ~o. fEDERAL RESER E Fl CAL AOE BA I 0 s fRANCl ~co 01' TKB UNl'llltD STATES Dr• ..rl Mw J\!,M T\ahr• A.a••"1J' Otnt•r M•n, Califo:rnll . a.mily r ber i.en Enclo e d 1 8 copy 01 fo r TC~-1·'\J:':- .. co.!!!'! no Yf' Iii" ;preparty phoe<l in IJ oraie at tho place 1nd1 c 'ted on th tom, The p~operty rso 1vud a r 1th th l!at su mtt sd ~cu br wlth the rol low1og exe pti ons : Ohl let' 1 Bid lllted. .. ~t tOWld, Ironing Bo rd li•t~ • DO~ toun • c f bl• ltat.4'- no~ tou..i. )(hdly aok o l. d u 1.o ur by 1gning and returnln th cios l tter to acuee Prope,.-ty Departmen , F' d .r al R aena Bani< of S n l"ranoieco , 707 $1)u~h Spriog S .ire t., Los An le$ , ; llfornia, Your very tru y, Reo tp of t e ~ nc 1os J~4(t</;i., tr~' ' r 1\r p~1't1 d~ " d ori llh~ re 'frff I: of thff> form IQC&ttd at the ..tdl'J!ll ' -,11 abmot ' drllvt red to d1.c. Pr-.n 'llCJ!I, •• t\11eat of IM U111ud &tMita, l4 the le f ihc uriclel'fiientd. Jt i1 q1•ee4 &h i iw ll"11lit7 ar r •ponlibflitp •hall lw y tl>t tlf.'dtral l'irit.-.:Ye lbn o«i an r~dll<l fC>T an,. 'lid or o•i~n lrl nn rtton W1tl1 It• ilP<*l.ion. It 'ki _,d nlbo!I th•t ·ill br proV11Srd c P ! Nofe 10 O••Jttrt DO NOT WRI j !I I f 1 t ITORAGI Nonc1 1te ti. oJ ltt1•• 1111pr.ari1\J on thr Lt R it "'' 'Pfldkall Yt 1..Jr •• 1uli'* ~~-er~ Ban\ -<' Ul rflbdto>, t' tbe n~ o.f ~ nt , Of boa tO 6t of t!Ut fori. haYI! ~ f'ltcd 1n 111or•1 at e pl~ 'Qkt.ed bi>l!>'W ,.. rci ~™ tid f tJJ1 form -.. nOI lwnd, or nOll debw.~ ·4 ~ dM u~ ~--~ Ii a1 Aatti( of he mtf!d ta1 1, <If •• n~ bdnJ of t.llt' pr r type for --~ n IA •·•«id no1 aa i<> thr cootrnu th~eof, I TIUCYtON nltt6 10 OWNll Ci ·1 ~ntrdl utlon, o~c. cop)•, c: ()(:~ti& f11r oonfol'llfllty ~di the i.othu threir, ""'' p 'f t~ t•ht ~ti of tht propt-lly. n~e «)~) d i tel to lll•t C1il ll r lrilJ e ck-rt · 'nlrrc:ly IJhu 1)1.litr ~opiei o.f dw. fottll ha d I" rr4 , Al thl. t .._e tl1e ~ au11t. ltra t t tjll to e pl wl"ittt r pror;t n)' ia to li!l fC11:1nd, or ta.a kt arr&.111tath.. it.o cldl\•tr rrprr tot•\lv or L~t E"aai e Pri>ptrty Pe al\UQmt ol • t tr"-' Danit 9r $an f'rancheo before ltiJ .., IM Mt.a of # rtlidenct. '*" CIClp1' l~tr~ to tl1t ~er ll!flfll,. 09" l t 11um r: of itf:lllt, bosi: llld «atu w1 ~ 0111T1 t ~· lie h• pr~p ltd fcit 11Corag1. It Mil n4Jl *'lltltllflt alt r.-ed in""-ICl1'f. 11 dun flat. ,mw tit! . It • tu•• ~~-- "'' e'l'kh.lmi of tile cri of boaq., ~ ot Pt\ ~ • Vtn ~ • a<'ll'Uillp ~ wlTI bt ll\lldr af •or·~· ualy tlkltre4 « of !h OC•lll tbe inwn Oil' 1l11t. df ll'lied. .... ~·~ llflt .... di• .. """' ., ..... WillW .. ...,.,, """ . . . . . . . ...,.., .......lrie4 ''"'*"' . . PERS NAL ROP&~1'\' INVENTORY IUM C IC:.IC Allfll>LI PID DH~ I NG tu •I tbaV. • t ffJ ~-----1--- ~---·-1--U•lr. C 11 11 r1 ~ hi tl~n t RO OM OWlllU' I 1£,.0lltt ."."" II' r!)L AITIOLI usr e - WAYBILL CHECK LIST ·- Wll G H ll'~ IT E' M - - --- ___ ___ ..., .,_, -""""-=..,....._._... !"'!"!'...____ _t" ... 1...-.---·-r-~...........---·~------·"-.¥" JS - - n...._ _ ....,__,,....____ ..,_____ --- -·- I---;.;...--..,.......,____ ·---...---.-""'°'..,...,,....,.__ _ .,_ --,,,......_ .................. .. __ - - ---..·--- 17 -- ------------....-.-~----- -- ---- II 19 - -- _............... _.~~-·-·--- ·-~-------··. ~--~ _ _,._._ _,I ________ ___________ 1 ~----------~_,......-._,,....,,_.,...,,_, -..,......_.,...;;..... , •• •• 20 11 -- --1-.. . .------------ u Ul I -'I~-'.."''·'--·!---------" ....,.... ._.. 41 ____ ___ --------··---·-------- l'EDE L RE Pl P. B A I) CALAO , Ji:11olo ro er y t 9'1 d l&ced l Tht. ;ou , 'lo ro e 'I TATE FR.AN ,PERSONAL PROP RT'l FORM -~~ .Ant> It T JI IUCll 14: 'l'bf JH<.•prrty dr rrihrd on the: r \•C c de: of this foun }O(<d at the l C:drotU j,• n .lbo\•e '' dd ~ red lo 11-.e l'tdcr Re ~H •• n f>u ru1Cli , o T: ~-.I }, cM of tht Unitt<J llt~•. M the J le r1 It of 1hc undtnig , It 1 a g~rrd ~t no Uahl)ll y or c"pon•1hiliW •li•ll ltt a1,.: 111•1d by the di rll l\u;ervc B-.nk ·I ct or oJnl on m oon11c tlcm ~nt h Ii i ,Sl~pQlilt.ion . It ia und 1i1.u&d th•t 11\1) v.111 ht ~ rm·l t J (lll tim p r()prl'ly. Nolt IO 0 1'1nCr/ DO Nor WRI SYORAG·I NOTICI anly utot J..A D II( $ ~- S NT INSTRUC'flaONS TO OWNIR an • j'..roptrty ill bt aoc for 111 ra •t l' the nit(" C>\'trr 11 tn fo11t ( 4) rlu of thii form mom ~ f;.lltd in a.nJ l tfl.\H1rd µ. th~ Q.,~f Control S.tJtmn H • kh \W 111t rtd fur ~'\'ll auon On th ba. of ilah ClOflf ll1e I " 11,1 \ !d1 for tor t rtilJ t bt ctttfoll;i li11t«I , ltrm fl 11 th pri1>t d llC I• <.uld be wrltu Dd 1 t •1.4 pt'<l\1dtd n thi form , Olli! C nmil u11lon, onc: copy, • tktd for ttonf r/rilty 't.h th od,er thrt , aiil.1 b ~vr Ill 1,1ie owner ol tJ.c pr rwy. 1he oo~r df..liwrt-d '" 1 t ~· nn 1111.U b evid nee mrrd' tliar 1,11 1u or•rl (I f the (cmn l1•'t bun dr.l vtrl!d. At 1Mll ume the o trt th l\t'C mu ka>•c the kc ·~ r •ptrty u to be founf. or make arra11 c1ntr1 tQ e pl•~t 10 d h •er th,. C!)'I 1-0 tht rrprtk ntat •t of l11r I! atllee r pctt t a.r1i mt of t1,r ftdc 1'1 RtfiCn•e Bank of San l'ra11citoo ~o re luvio8 thr am of lut rtJ>ldt o ~ . Tht tbt<Y deli 'tf> t of M.ll'1. lor ~(>T'a.i;t . t • acCQ111p11 , ... ,..,., (:.1 cJir '"t .... -~ ,.. ,,.,. """" ,,.., HfW . . . ~~· ,.,.,, ""' •'-" •• ,.,~, ~,.,,."" ., . .. PERSONAL '"OPi~tV' tNVOOORY UST If 1111 Cl+ICK oWl&H'• ~lrHr llJ•U• AlflOl.t • , ,o•. - - ,.._.._....... . ,. . ,. ,.__ - ,.~ •11t•• ---...--'1-·,.,....--1'-------..,..--<1-~· PllffilM!t<•P• •. ,, ••le> • • ~,;;llladl;:-WL'"it ""~dt1 -'-------....; --!~"' --- OIHt NG ROOM ano•r M~ II ,U'r!OL or,. • HD ROOM - tWHl•S KITCHfiN - (Con' tl WAYBILL CHECK LIST "'!"........... """. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'20o..........................................,...........~-~ ........... ....,.................." ............. K, our \:K , i~ll'I. . .,..._,.._ u .tt ... ___ ,,___ --~--- __.,...,,.._..,..____ ..... ·~·--- · -· -~_.,.......,, ~----...-..,.... _ ....,., _. _____ _____ _._ ,,,,,_ ,._......_. ........... --...._....._--.-,. '"'."_,_....,,,.,,..,.., JO ------··-...... ITEM ... _..,._ ,_ ....... ...... JI • J,1 ...... -..------------.,,.=~=--~- ------ 40 41 -- - - ·--,,..-....,,.,.....,,.__._,__,...,,..........,,...,.,... -- ·----,,........- ----- -· ______ , -- so llACH ITEM ti!VH f:C'!T==stt' WAltJHOUH alt CHECKED I N ·• PACE 1""0\llOl:D WH WWW' 8v N L04 Dll..D At;D WH N DID..IYl:ltlt&> ANO DCl:f'HO... OTlO , csnr M W WWW;» !lt;..........ij!WWS:W:C i"""""'==--=,_.,.._....__ AY .. li.IL. NO. ,n f DERAL FRANCISCO U l'n?D TATES f forr.: 8 flt t h COA-~R o 11t•r 1 Bd BC ea !..uG wit. y r o of Jan uUfor. in . [OUl' Vtl!l J tr11l] , ( nc oour PIRIONAL PROPlltt F RM ~ DllUI AU- \VJllCll J'f.Of' Tb pro Praoo , at by ~ho 11tdtr wll1 bt provld . trty dclC'n ·d on tbt rt •u c rid of I.Iii form localed at ~l'!t a drt~ 111 \CO •bov~ it ddl\ trtd llJ t be P I I Jt•tvt l1~111r of l al A11en1 nf the U111ud S ti':•, it rhe ~"le 11 or 1h U4dc1i.i rw-cl. II • -rrnd t "" no I a !tty r 1 1ronlo/l11llly a.II t>t a I R.cPel Ban of llfl l rlnri•w for ~n 11'1( or Olll •Ion in ~'UntltC'tipn with ~ rr<U'J~ 00 It fo Mdtmwd d on 1liiJ r (lrny. 0 a.11 td ru . --Nole ,o o.,..,,u: D NO" WRITB BliLOW THIS Ll B ' ;~ STORAGI NO'Jl~I The U~t of item appu.rin n th~ rl!'\•tnt bide of ttJJ (orm ha"t ttl plactd in •loa e at l}1e plue nd Clltred ht low v. ith Ihr nr.cptiun t>I thor .itr 1 pcdf1c1lly tndic•ttd on 1 e rt\ rae 1idr f ~i fcmq a not lound, or riot dt11 .. t1tci to the u~drrttcn~ -i-tt>rtttntuivt of th F 1.fc1a Rc:etr •e B1111r <>f '.an Pu11 l!ICO, iu l~;al Ilg hi of tht Uni~d • tat , r a np1 lxing <>I 1:ht ptoptr type fpf torltt . Th •t.01td Jt ma~'~ d, "11fj1•d only~ L t • numkr (lf Jtem , 01.l.t , or bQn •nd rioi ,I OM· J>LACl'D " 'Sir >JV.GI! A "l!"..!""'Wlllll?.l>j()US to2r: ~~rtfao"""'" - -~--- -- ...- ........ ~ate.. ~.SAN r~ BARBARA INSTIUCTlONS TO OWNIR nh 1<! tl,•d Contrr.1 thrtt, ~II N: a11on, ont llOf'Y· c tchrd fo1 oonfo1111it1• 11,,ith t hr 1h1.:r to lht CJ ·rm l'f th rropt"rty The roll • dtli •trtd '1llb t •ldn ,l\tn "lhr1t th~ pr<>pt rt 11 to br lo11nd, or n111ke arrani:r111n1U lo!I <lelh•e. t f k ,. to the r ip~" r.1.uv ol tht l!"M1UH Pr pflly OcpanlDtnt of he ta.J Ruervt ll.&tlk c;id an tan ~ bcfQrt I aYJng the a.tu I hi Ii~ . I •wwtll'• -~·T r•1m " llCJ. PBS ~AL PRofQf\' INV 1H• C.MflCll Aar1 ~f LIVING ... ,,.,.,,, .. ·~·': I'"" r U•l!ll I ()BY UST U• .. tu ••ucLS " ' plOL lllCJot IEDllOOM '"IP"D °"::.!"''' _,.lrT ~g U•U"' ilWflOU .,~ l 1trD KIT CHE~ - (Co"'•J WAYBILL CHECK Ll S'T 1 - LOCATION IT E ~ _____....,......_.,. .............................. ,,,.,...... _______ -----..,;...,....,,.,.,.......,_,_. .. -· ,., - - 1---..--.....,_...,,.,,.._ ___..___-'-__..,..,...,_..., "t.r' to I 21 I ul I ul .l4 I - ____ __________ ------·- .._ ______ ___ , - -~· -.--.:..- -·-- 41 •• -- -- -- -.-..-..... '" -- -- _,._.........,...,.._......... ..;,,,,.,.,,_,.... ~~...--..,.. _.,___ --- - - ------ _____....,_ ------·---•• fEDERAL RE ERVE BANK OP SAN F CISCO ..., ., • 1t • rn 111 y 11 l nb r 11010.Jed 1& a y ur . ro ·Orty 111 ced fo 1'h p ·01Jt)rt.:1 ecknowledre rec 1 of t nol.os co r t11H 1 ~ n , 1' daral H h f'.!1>r ne St r oet , Lo 0 !)ft t the four v l'J r11l:f ,_ / \./' Y. ,. _.. .... ( c.:. . oietant J ,,,,. ,. ' J 'rn:!f. r ----- l'80t P&RSONAl . ,,, , llW~l 11u•11r~ tr PllO~lY INVENfiO~Y OWlllll' f l'l'lll llH£01t Cl"OllT AITIOL.I rci•. WUHU lllO'D llVltUl ltOOM UIPPlD .UTlll I LIST ,, OWNIU'I ''""*' AllfCLI OF PCl!L HO'D KltCHEN - (Con't) WAY B ILL CH EC K .._,__ L IST - - - WIUOHT- - Cu . LOCATION_ I T It M 21 ·---_..,. - - ---··--..-------....,...,._,.,,..,....,..,,..,.......,,, . u ---------------- .. , ·-- -- ,.---..---- •• 19 10 21 I 45 I _ _ _ ...._ ___ n_..._,....__ u! I l' I _,.......... l4 I ~~.._,...i.,....,""-•"""' ..... ~·_,-= -......~-=~-=--.._.....____ - =. . .:. . .s_•~ =......,,...-==..... .......... IAC H f f l ... MU•T • _- H ~ ·~-_,,..------------...----~ ="i--.. . - .... ..........i.... . ...i............,...._......_,_....,.,,_,_...,...,,,..,_,.....,...,.,..._,=.s"'!.ll r c...H..a. .....K••1..,D ....,•u-...•,..P'..Ac,,_•..".,..,°;,.,. " '...ot.~-'o""'w ,_w,,,r--=L=:O...A.....o.c..,b_....,,......o_ •,.,.1it m.......;........."!"... -~""".... ~"1', ____,__.,,...-!1""1l FED · RAL ESER EBANKOFSANfRANCISCO }"l CAI. AGrNT OP 'lll.E UNITED STATE ty2? , l92 1 o co y of !f'o nr . C CA ~ ~1~r-~ oov rtn d 1n ntorn at t l t.1 c 1n\) 1cc:. t ,J i rPc lved a . re ea with hL li r t ou - •ou . indl:r acknowl.e f? ' r calpt of si and re t rni e th e no o J<.vec es 1 r ,e t J D1tpt1rt11.a11 t , a claco 1 ?O? •>o th .,pr ie .,tr 1 rnl t UH• 1 Your · rnr J --: ( of be en l oo 1re E> 1 Cul l'or 1,, . ( 1 r i l ette r o &111 of ..>an r ul:1 ( ,\ aoi atsut. Ren thr~ d cool of Nott to 0 ·n " DO NOT Rl B BELOW nu STORAGI NO ICI on11 •• II> tbt nutnb«:r of it"ni. u:o, Pt.f>(;tD IN f(ll)I () io25·c ~ .J~ANTA BMli.AftA _ tNSf RUCTIONS TO OWNER ace ptrd for lilOC'a~e b th Unlt1 of thil r rm IDVll be 6llta • d It ·idmce rrrly It at «her 1'.t•plfl t'f t~~ lnrm A"I ~ l a" the k ~ l-0 t pl t toun df''lll' rtd. A t tltu time th ov. n r ihcrt \ht p~prrty '' •.o lt0~1'Y IHVE 0 1 ~1H"'I nr• Ol'"H'I IHI" llf llJPGU TORY LI 'f CMlCI( wu1n111 °' l'a.. WU•D£~ IHIPl>IO Ol P'Cll. 1£01l00M LIVIHCil llOOM 1•41~ ... I II• tllri•' .. IOlltl. -'-l·~--~-~~- --' ~~·--·~~-- ........ -'-"'-"'""-"'-"'4·...;...~..;.;.;....:;;;;.;.:.:..._.~"-'-~-+..:.;""-''----t~..........._4-~··~~~~~~·"-'··~·-w. ~1~~-...-1~ l1t1;11P'i• .. II•., .... .... - - ____ ____ I -- ,..,.., lifOllt •• ~·· I f'I•••· 111-.,..., ·- --.-I _ _ ~_,,. _____,. ...... - ~'t!!!..!!!'1• l'loot blfft TU.I" •nl -----i-----1--·--t---.....,,rT"'-+--'--....,.,~...,,-. . ..........._......;....."-~--~ ----~-'~···~·'!!.... ---.,~---t----1 ·~....,_Tlllilo, llbratJ _ _....,_"T•~li. ~•II _ _ _..._t. 11h11.;~1 Tell,IH!nt •l•Q• .. f Dll> HG ROOM ---"-!----·-+ ,..__.....__...4. l k""' _ __...._......._... Cit lr, ftr• .._._,~-----1· ------- lift11 , llll•tbll -_---_-. ClMll•ollt!l 11 1~-ttr hbl,----~~~---1--·--&-----+- ll•t ... , R~ f• -;r-.. ------<-----+ flll!lltll' I HPOllT WAYBILL CHECK IST ITEM ii • - ................~------ J.' -·-- ,,_._,,.________,____________...__. " J ' 1 • -----------.-·---------~ ·- -,..iO _____.__··1----------.,._,..____ ........ - - ...... -- __ - ....._ ___ ______ __ __ .... .,.... ._,,,, ~,.__.._..__. . ...,..._ II - ·-'' . . ' •s. II l• ,........... - - - - -- - 10 11 ___ -·-----_,......,..,......_.. _.,_ .. -- --. 4!._,._ v II j - -- 14 IS " 17 ____ 41 ••••••• • • • • • ....._.,_...___,_. . '"! ____ .._ 18 It - ---·)-...--..,..---------- ·---- ----- :o "~n ----- - -·~------ ______ _________ 47 2J 1,,....-..-__,-...,;j.,._._.,._... ,_,_ •• u _, J.• ii lidS_.,.........,._ __,,_ . -- -- ------- I' AC I! ,.._OVI DtD WH l;t.I \.Of< ~-- I •DE'.O ND WHl°N DO. I V( £0 A.HD l:llCEPTION' MOTS:D , ":" WAY81LL HP. EDERAL RE ERVE BANK OP SAN FR.Al CISCO FlSCAL A1J MT OF THB UNmtD STA'r& • • 19413 ,b.n lc : e~ 1our pro ~rty l ced t forn . Tl\t. p1·01 •rt,· mi tit d by o • y 0 ;an P, Cult 'or. lo ure v r; t '1tl:1 . ,_ / I I ' Jt " a ( . ;,. { ... \ •.~ 8 n1 " asc. ·r.1:1 f' er Pl,R IO AL ,~RONllY !I/ ; -·- J 14 / FORM <! ,;e.;· L. P4Wl1.f No_,!_':/_v I _( . _ ) f / 1,1/ \"°'lllHOJ (. ·~·e_<•u¥-....... ~~, " f' lttl1••utd :tu the lit y or Nott 10 d ral. flt: tn'f Ban~ ~( rtlf>oru,~Jilu y ~hall San be ~111t in rancit •nur: DO NOT WRIT STORACH NOllCI t Pl• e tt ''flit udt ol 1hl for"' h••·r I~ d -INl,RUCflONS TO OWNll , one oo(:ly, ed for conf n11IJy 9Ji1h clot c.tbtr w t.h~ awnr r of 1lie propen Thr co;iy 4tlh•tr d 10 l.h o• r iU e'·ldtncc llltt y lhrr p1 of tt t f 11n ha•·r bern dtll\•ttl"d Al thu hmc I t t'IYolleT' UIU l In\' lb kt!' to i:hr. r4are 'Ill~. tr th' l''fll'tn " to lit fv11r1d, or !11•1te 1ir•r. N~~n.u to ~eh ·er tht e • th r prt'>•cnnun of 1ht v11cu<-e Pt cny il:kp•run t Cll thr rdtMll Rr:»uve Banl.:t f San l'l&llci.t<iC• before le¥\1 r t !.'. a.rtJ flf 111• t 1rt , 'lll'lll it>r •1vt 11! cStll<lt., PllSON ,,,. cut DWlll:ll'I u ..ou 111/MHll .AllflOLI --- ~ °'~ U:O'D LIVIH$ It lOOM , El'Oll *"'"' ../ ,l.OPY I INVINT Y UlT Ill:• ON IOllt Allf~l.I ""o" ~ll!tlllU •11111•0 . , l'Cla. HVO Hll'l"JD llWllflll'I AllflllYI , "°" l~DllOOM k4 l&C ELLMH.O UIS as tl,C ru\!11~ of n 1hl" Pongre• C1f t WAYB1ILL CHECK LIST I WUOHJ-~-- C11 . Fl l..ocATIOH ITEM ____ ........................... • ___ ~ ITEM ...._...-~ . 1--1......---------------·~·-·---- ------~--- _____ _____ ...,.....,_..,,...~- .. -·-------~--- ...__..... ..._..._..-, • _____ ______ -·- · - -·- · ----·- -·- -·- - -·..... . _!._ " .....,._..,.. ....,. .-- -- _..J ·----- - ..-- ·---- 4' . ·:--.--- --...----_________ ..-..-----.,..... -.--- -~..-.----- _ _ _ _ _ _.._ - -- ----- ~- - .....- ___...........~--- ......... 1t•4.. -- - ·~----.,._ ---------- ... --- ,....__ ___,........,.......,., - -- _,.._ ··---..._._... ·--------1i-.-~ ·-·----'-·-------~----- 41' ~.,.._..__ ________...,... - _, ....,..-~-··----- • ,, ;J ·~ -~ fEDE AL ESERVE BANK OF SA FRANCISCO e1111l y I rn 101,1 l'J r11/ , ;' .- ·"' •' : 8 ( '• " PERSONAL PROPIRT¥ f.ORM 1~e of this i1;1r1n lixat d at lM add al t ht lei " gi •en 1 ''r: i1 di;-\ ·ertd to 1lu Ped rt.I• ~nk of an l ol the IU'denlcncd. It it • rtcd t hit no u..1i1.1i1 y I It po1~•1b1Ut,. d all lit l Ulb J or w ion in conntation with it illlf'OOllOI\. h •• u.ntlcr tvod that no r W THIS LINE ott to 0•111tr: DO NOT WRIT STORAGI NOTICE ' 1h e Ulll of It ms arp~ar.Jil( on th re\'tr~ ide of th lon11 hav~ b·n rl•rt>d iri 411 ng at the pl c~ itd e.itd brlow ·1th th e ti«ptlon of re mtt 1de of t h r m llf nc.t lound, or Mt d I vu(.d io th \111dt11 ned rcprtMen lntlvc oJ "1l 1 rd 1 l 8&111'. ol •'an flranclllO(), ~ h· al A r11t of the United t.atl" , rn not h 1nr of tbr prop e tortd item• 1re 1dt11t1f. d the number of 1uuu, era ar bou11, a d nC/t a. to the ()L•nt.rntia tlu:reol, J lrKin• ptcifi~ally in.ditaud on tl1 _____, 1'1 Otll I I tty al IN&TRUCTIONS TO OWNER ht 1fC..J!lt"<I for llie>rl •e l>y ithe f l •I for111 lll\l t be filled nit~6 111 and Crvil Oontrui ta!jon, cne oopy, edwf for con orm\ty .,..nh t t othtt wlll hr " 'to to the ov, t r of tlu: proptrt\'. ihe CC:>Y dtb,•1 rrd to th O\lll'LT .. 111 e t 1dtn . mu I tht oth~r 00('1 of tt:e r m ha\:f btcn d1w1f!~ . At. th1 tj me tl•ir D'lllbtt 11111 lra v l t)'~ to tl.t ,ii i.: 1· .,,.her<' ~h t ("lropt~ l to ~ lou d, i>r 111a~e antan t111r11 to d J11•rr 1r th~('t , Ii 1 10 t rtprei.c-nlath·e ol 1hv f!vacutt 'ProptHf rtdtr&I R™"'t lhnk (1f San 11.nlU(.O D< l'Ullt:nt of thr befort \ the uea of 1111 TI.e COJlf d U •tr o-d to the ownrr !Qlcrely ~ Ow• 1hr um r of itnru, r,d au• wl JC,h 11.e o •11 r a1~1 l•e ha rrrpi.r d f r ttoragr It .Qou f•(lll oonuJl11t.t .an a rtfd in" nr~ry . It doc1 1'Clt tp1:11t1tvu a nrifi~ ti . ft dci~ not otmlll-h1tr any e11ldt!'loe of e mi bu o 11~·1111 &H\iltl'f ttl r of t ti~ of in \'tO ry 111. npluh~ .-\ •rn fo1'rardrd tel :r:c~. ,,..i.,, •• ,,., ....,,. ··id Th t•#J'f •f '"" ,,~, ,,_, llMJI/ •lt..U fie "'1r/.U ~,,.,,.,,.,., lor t.ibt. If.rt.. tll ' ~I ONM. HOKlW INVaNrORV LIST IH!I 41Wli'lll'I au•U1 ,~-~ AlflOLl ncuoo.,. A•Tt1111 ~U-Cl :;r.MI: : WAYBILL HECK LIST ·--4 ·--...,,,,----------....- ------.... ---------·- - II u u ' ... _____ -- ----.... .... .._. _______ 11 _......_ __ ..__. ___ )6 11 .. -·~ "9-~ _..._., _____ _.,.. ___ ~·-- ....... ............. - · . , . - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - · , , - - - - - - - -- -------...,__.. - - ___ -~------.,·--·---------- - -- -·----------- ....... - ~·,....~---~-.....,_.----~------11 FlsCA.L Ao oF •. . K HT 011 'QLB U1oft:D SAN r N c 1s o Sv.n s ~ co ~ or f o rr c~A- Yttn~2 covor1 . tornpo ho 1nd1c rl' Ce ~ V B t:: l'\r l\11r fO\it ',, y ' v rrr.: / . ..- ( , s l t an of t e c.c Qaur l~ i& h 0 n e· ( ' cul.1for 1 . J"U l :f ( PERSONAi: PROPIRTY, FORM a~drta i~f'f' ai1p e 11 ~ell'<'trf'd the Ftdtnl Rt r It r11k of tht llnde1u5ucd. Jt i1 •&1 cd ~l1at oo hab1llty r rupu.n&1bility hall htt 1 · rntd connrctlon ith lu ~11 0tit1on. It ii undtn1h1C>~ 1h11t o 'in ut1LT1ec Not~ 10 o,. ntr: 00 ~OT 1 W.Rl B 6 OW TH.JS UNB STORAGE NOTICE 1llr rn'tl'fie 1~ (t( 1 .ii form Iha •t. rn rf•,ed in torage at the: place (ndlt~ted btlow tl1 ae it~m• •P'<" J6 lly Ir.di 1td 1•11 th '' r 1dt of tha1 fc>rm •• not lo\IC\ll, ot r11 t d ·hvtr d to the imdtralJIWJ reprt« 1~111~ llutr e nan~ cif 'u1 r•n~ftll, .. Fite.ti A~t:tll of th~ II ttd •tu, r u not m111rt of fht propt'r type for \(Ir.ct 'Jibe tort:~ it only tu to the ournbtt of ltcrna, , or -xr •nd tlCll lJI to the conttnlJ t11treof. ----------· _,_... _,. .,___.. ...... .. --···----·---- INSTR.UCYIONS YO OWNER Del tr1y iptoprrty "" l be a~c rt<rJ for ~1 1r1 bv the: United in an nl 1rntd to ti, Ol1'il Col\tr I U.ll '" ai "'" cl1 l 'OU n:. glA~rtd {1 r c1•11.rnatl' , n rhe but of u h ot>Jry 'Wt ttlft• to ~ ·1~f for lltQra& DI t Ni aidully Jilted. lu m rvit t•n t},f: pru1tetl h I ~i.ould bi; wtitttn in 1he blank ra.« pr vldt11 on Lhl~ ( rm. t ... t •r1 Gp •tt nlto«!nt I 11 (~) Ot>j'lt c.f l i. fonti mu I N .611 d I utid inu t bt: r ly a k~ in cnte1 or i t • .~ t""<I ( l) cu c fret . paat1 did --~u bT: • dim~d , tl\t tnU4l i mu f n~ l ply .. t Ii 111:c 1uly r ck d ••• be td1!111lf11·cl ... •lh ta Civil Ountrllll t, on, ont c py, cbc~lce.d for 00<r1le>mtil 'II tl1 Liu <itl r tlirtt, 'ill he 1vt11 to 1h~ ownu nf t r rrorcr4}' TI" 'CPf drli m::d to the ow11 r ...,ilJ be t'idencc llif.l tv that rr ro t ~f the {01111 haw bec11 d1,hwrtd . l\t th I l'llf the nrr uftt ltaH tl.f' kr1•1 tlit pta.ct v;ljlftr tbt. propi n y b w bt lound, or mah at-r n ·~rr.tlll t d /\·er t r lrt)'• to ~ t rerrc t11a1l1· <>f LI P.vacut( Pr~'l'~' Drr·••lmt.1 l ol "'' Ptdfrlil R*n·e Buli. of San r ciMIO bd r~ 11•u11 • t: ue:a of ~.I rwdtnlt. 1'1t wpy tlivtr to 0.0101!1 r.crly ho.• lion , a 1d cral.(l whid1 the o.,ner dl•i t t number of it ob~itltd L 001\lt tlUtt: ~ tll or un· 1'4-riiit<I hal. ~t i:lo~ 111111 amlltit life •nl' e1-ii:ltn~t t e ·~umbel: of i«'lllJ a t».rf y •red or Qf tl11' Cl01lbt nt of OOlttll, ff lei ur 'pai 1,~ V n 1r•· tioo ol t~e 11111r,nto1y 11 t o( ilctn~ aotu~llr •t r a cutor I h d. A ,,..,..,fd u~ th be fa •r 1 be 11dt u ill>vr•rr T ro'1 11/ tlit litt ,,,drJ u U.. ••"'" •.U "'"• ., , ,,.,....,., ,.,,.,, llilUI •i..""11 • ., r.t1tdtiU1 ~- A-1 "'*'· PERSONAL PllOf'QlY INVlt.fTOllY USl' .,,.,,, •• ~ u"a 1t111nr• OWllH'I '11,[, AllTIO I Alf tQL& ·~ '"°"' K11Cti£N - (C...'t) WAYBILL CHECK LIST ·----- ·™- -- -- .................... .,. ------· .J u - u __ ,,.....,__.,~--...,..--..,_.,..._ . __ ·----·.fl 19 ~:!,--_...___~ ........... ......,.._.,;..._~-- ... --- __,.,,.,.,._. 11 _...,..._,, ____ --~- ______ 41 41 ., ,_......, .,....,..~ ~~--·---- ----~ - ·-- -..-- ...-·-·---- -- -41 - ·- ~--- ~- 1 --,_..,._,....., 1-- -1---.,....,..,,,..,.,.,.,._....,....,.. _.....,.__....,._ ........... _,,......-..- ou:o. WAY•IU. NO. f D . RAl.. RE:SERVE BANI< OP SA FRANCISCO FlSCAL AGEHT OP TJlE UJirrrED ST.ATES , 'f • l9 4:2 em ly I m er _l;,_ ......2...........___ _ -2 oov rl i a co P~' of r orri: d 1 n ;;, or1 e a r eel v " our ' }l • _A ·• ! ndi t d n th< l.i r nih- a .. r ea ·nn / r1 l • . ' ,# ( .~t'o fer ., AbDlll .. AT W111 llf The pwptrt.J' 1d 11he~ cm lbc ~vtr ild or t11ia form looted llJ tht; ~rett v n abu ·~ dclmHd to the t~ual R. llf'l•e l\~nk Qf San P1•nt1 CA>, •• " IK~I II ~nt of the Un11 d StatCll. at ,._.te ri k I th~ ndtri:lp1411 It i agrirtd 1h at ni:I h-bilit.>J Pl' r111ij'Ol\lllhllltf ~n be ••Wtotd by ti P utral Rrtot.1\•1: })an'k of ~n ll,i ci q fot ~n,i act or n l~n'n aonn Cll Inn w tl1 ii• difpc:W111111. I ~ la .t1n~tii:i ()i.)(! th•t nv ill mar 111•111 b<- rovidt-~ or; thlt proJlfrt)'. 10.l!ATVU 01 0'#n<4 ~a. Nott to Owrtm DO NOT . at rt111n1l'd to \.l.t Qi ,111 CNntnl for lll(;ragt bt writun "''here tht p pttiy 1 lo t>ie rfplelltn ktt~ ed ral Re , r~itSu10 rvt: l'?iari~ tokY •w•r.11i• l!.IPIDi'T llil'.IMIEI' __..,.__ -~· AlltlCILI ., "°'· 1JH1IPPUl t1Sf ltrO'li tp•~··.. --~~-- 8opk •~•'""' (l~;i;;-;; -- --;:it~-;;;;.til ....., -·~~~--~--- r--1'---..,,..,- -..==o.;. :.:; Ji.~~ji'll~~ ·-.-...~-- +....... ~·--· ~~l.----+------'11----· __,__ E••...;.''i~;,.:~;i;~l'l...:..._ _..,..,.-,,-,.-,t-,,,--•-+ ----t---,,.,....-i-':.:.:;..~;_;,,.;;,;;.., O~lt M 1$C EllA Hi OU$ ·---1-----+·-l""l.'.... ------+--.--1o-~•hllt -------r!l~-·---~..-~, -----<~·Kll<·~,~~,......~~-----;1----+-~-~ o------- ~n~\.... ·-----.i'"-';.;._--'..-i-c""'"'~ ~--~~ ".... ..... __________ ~'.!"•· ~ """'' A~tl~~~'!!' ____,.. .-·-~-·--~---~ '~• WAYBfLL CHECK LIST Cl( , DI:\., I TEM ----II ·--- - 11 . ,. - - -·---------~-----~--- -·! . ---------...,.·---..,,.,..~·- ..- . . . - - ______ _.... ,.............,... ..,,,.....,........,,..__ .... ___ .....---... ~ 10 -1,...._ · - - ·--·----~ ..- - - . . : . . . - - . . - - - - - - .! l u --~- 14 ,..,,__ _ _ _._._...__..._ __., - ~I ·---..~-------------- _.. .,., . .---1--------.. . . . .-.. . ...,..-.. . . . -- - - ----·------.. _n .. -----~- ·i-·-- --- --------- ------------- 4 .......... --~--------~----;..... _.. ... ~- -~ ~--·-·..,--.---~ --· so 11.ACH l"flN MU•T •1 CH KID IN •PACI: PRl)Vli!.ll;o _..,,_,,..,.,,,WHE~ LOA orp AND WHlH Dll.,, IV~~ CD A~D 1:11i:a :l!T io I ~~OTl:D . f· SA · RAL RESERV. BANK OF Frs~ A<IF.MT ,OF Tlt.E 1 ;r UNIT'EP FRANCISCO Sv,~s er .-e covert nui.cE.ta IH it .l o.l/ s igning eno r6 c ocwl e P,e rec 1 t of the urn inp th~ y co py of ~o lo s ~ to •acuee rop ;:t/ De rtmBM , •e d rnl l'l F" :rv .Bil lih or · n F'u:inctsco , ?07 .'.O th Spr\n .) tree , l, ')H II.If'· , Cul1.l'or 1 . fS, 1 {oar VtU'/ C'lll:J ,, \ ' .. Ro Y. ' .. ,.... ( ( .,, ,.a 1s t ant ( fOltM p1 11\1d W1THll ii on thit proprr1y. au Note ro O••,,m 00 NO' STORAGI Nonc1 r•cq1hori <•I i -. f f' a '"' are 'dtf:~I <d ~- nforlnit¥ tVi propr11J'. l'h C"O::> r '~" " .,._.m,. t•r •'Ill ""' '"''*iP/"'' ,.,'*Clklw/*'4,,._,,,,_ ., A.Mi. t "'"' tl1t our.r ... Ll'>t' CJtlitt dtU tr~ ''"'~ ., • ~~, PEtSO ·Al PlO RTY INVENlOR llST ., I - I ,.- i ITU OWH•'I ~ll'OR'I' tlH~ rrln wlfl ft't ll l ,.0 111 l'l\IHU CHECK 1---.. . ...,....---, !I ' At1'10LI 41tl1 0kl or rce. t O'D lll~l'fD OWliJll'f Hf'OllT AllflOLI "\llllHR Of' I' IEl.llROO M LIVl'NfJ 1ROO M KITCHEN- (C•n't J ---.. . . . . ·----·--·--1----1----.....---~-+.--..-----. ---1-- ·- -----·..---- v .... u. or . . . ---1------+--·----....-· -----·~--,11----.-.~~ -1----+---~~,~ ··..,...·_;.,....,.. . 1---- -··· ~~...-~·-'+-· ----·~--· ~ -0 ~~--·-·-·...... -·-·~-llt.... -------~·------~------+-----+·---·----·....+--·----~- ~ ------~~ . . . . ----- ··=-·.·,-....,_....._____ ___..____..___-ti-"- -'-"-'..., ·'--· ---.--•- --"..i.' -·-'·'_.,.__._,,__-11-- - - - 1 W•1hl•, Ill••~!!!." __ ..,..,._.·- • . . .DIHU"G ROOM KITCHEN .. - ··- -· ti•lr, • n1v1o1 - _ ~-- -....,lltl•lr • 1-----i· w~~~ - ... -··- - -·--'--. - - · . . i - - - - 1 111-· - - - · _ •• ··~ .-.._,_.. 'j •. -----t·-----.,;---.,..,.,... . __ ...... ~· ...,, - ,· ··,.,..-~-..-.' ---1, ---+----i--,lrt1 _"'~'· -'"'-"'-'--.,..-~ - ----1---i----~·---"-" ' Dl•1 tt1.,t1~lt _ _i<.111·-M~••lt~I .. ---,.-, ----· ---- _.:..__ ~--- - ~· -----+--•-- ,....-·--Ii------+---___,_ ------· ~ -~---.i R~i I"____ 1 .._.~ •t ll!llllli ·-1-----1 _ - - ~lllll_lll_~·------+' --'--1·--'-- I t - _,__,.___ llil•llll I - _.._ --......-----.....----~-1- ---1----------"" ---~ ~ -· ..... .. ...----,·-· ....,~~----------------..---~-'41------- ~----------- - ~-A_ 11_ _ _ _,.....__ ,__ _,._~---<i-----+-'' _. ll'_• ~~~ _ _ __.._~·~-·- -µ.._.~ <11ia.1t 1. I .. _ ~~ _ .,___ 'i• - - f).tr•Ml!u.r,t1~~~·---~..+· ..,..---~ - - ·-..-~·-· ~ ~ ' ---- "~' 1,...,. ...,.. ----·.------.--.-----.---·- ~ ---·--r-,..-11-,------,+--------. ---.-- ------ - ---...-.....,,.......-....,....,.......,.-----+..,,...--,.._. .....,__ - - - -· ·-------+---· --r-----.- -__.....;._.__,,.;;:..,_.,. . . _ -~~~''~I ~-•1_•~~ ·••-•--,~•-·- ---- -·----.,r-·- - - -......·-----; -----+--- 1 I !--• _,_t----r---+·---·- ~·~ .. I •., ....~---- _ _ _ __ \llll{tr __.__.. _____ .. - ··--·~ : • _,__,,_.._""'!I.!-'---.,""'-"-'-~-..," ~ ·- - ···-- -- _... - ttelii bo e items censl 1( th prn,p r(y hcatin ·lalm d I ! .• !" of ..:i .. ___ .,Ind Vid\lal uni • a •t l n dcliyercJ, and v.'l\i l &i;t'Ua.ll)' W ----- . ~--·~IW='""·• .... .__.... i .i......,,.... _ - -· .. ... mlivtml I• 101 , (\atni • d, 'at, .. _ ,, WAYBll L CHECK LIST - Cu . l'"'f'.___ Cl< , --~ l.OC AU "I CK . ouir DP.. ------.--.....- ... --- --.------=---- 16 ... --· _..._,. --.....--....,............... i..z. ,. ___.. __ ~ ! ' - ~- --~ . ,,...,,,,,....., _,......,,. . . ... _,...,.._, ---~ 41 ---~- •• 45 -.-,..._,,.....,,....,_..,.. __ ~-,-·----- LO A DID ANDWH&l; D FEDERAL RE ERVE BANK or SANfRANc1sc ll C'.AL AGE'NT OP 'lltB 1J ITED S.'EATE S ye• l l.942 -!l!'!'!'!bl. n..ntitr 'l'ule.n , c Hfornia ru ly "- y ,,. Reoei t o f' t e nclosur ,iS i a ·noLl 1 ,,, t 'o"' ·er ,, ( addr 11•en abovr i• drhvr.r~d to tl1e J'edrril Rcrit tv~ Ba.nk pf • a.n c gntd. It i• acm:d t hu nb li•billty o.r ru n'ihihty 'ha.11 e .-u1111 J uh ttJ difPot.itJ.o11 . I~ i• undtrtt(JOd 1ha1 no 1n ~u11)G« or OwNt JC AT lu,,n '-""•--- - -- - -- - -- -..... Note ie> 01,.,1m 00 N()'f Wlt'l'TB ll l..;OW 1 HIS LINB STOltA.01 N011CE f ~hie t rm ~ave e-11 p1 ~r.d 1n wtoiM:e fl L tl ~ pl• e indiUlttd bt1o "1th tht ~1(rpticm of e ffdcral J6 tlcit bnns nf <ht rroJl'l'r type f!p" ~r•gr. The ~or«l 1ttlll• u t d 11uf1td rt.of. fv~i. c..r nol dthv rrd lo the undmil n ' RtM- i•e only u t , 1r in rtprtff-nlati •c (lf ~ I' IN TRUC'f1 ONS 10 OWNll (',.,o/1 <Jt,11ir(4 5tatlvn, Ont py, C >t lied for oonformil • v.-ll tht T v."IU l:,e ~ ·tn t rht ciw tr of r f'll\prrty. Thr Cl', drlln rrd V• rte ntr '(!. II he tVJd flt ~Wl othu a1p1 ,,, tLt r rm ha1• ~n dclh•titd I th L!mt ti U\lo'l'ltr rnwt lcaw tbe •rt 10 the plac(' v.l.frt lht pror rtr h to bl! fou nd, Of 1nake arn.l'lnr111c11u to dtlb · r 1l1t by• IQ th r pr nt~W\'ll ()( ll1t 1?.vactlfc J>rvpc:rty pir!Jlltllt of tht ecfrtal 'Rtie.r •t Baiik of &an ra.r.idlll!(l before lta,11\f ~ ~ta of ht read ~ rrr, The c pr dt""'' T~ ""1'1 of 1 d1, liil ••lr' •• tla. •nv 1riU Htt't., • ,._,,,...... ,..,,, "*" h Mlflrtll, ~ ~~,. ~ .... • ..,...,.,,......., --,.-,.,,...,.+--.--..,,........,-.~.....~----+-·-· --+-"-.;;...; ···-..... · +-'"'""......;.;.:......;...;_,..;.,,_"""".""............._ . _ ____ ---~. ~r .' ..' ~ ~--·· _.,.,........ ,__ ____ ______,_________._ • _-.1--~_...' ~ ----·- -·--~·· ··"'--- - - - - - V11t... ---~--·~----·--_.....,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...._ _,..__ _.,.. ·1 -----''---~ ' ·r ' --·ort,· ---+---....•------~·----·---': ..._1-----"_.-+ ·- -· .,.,,.,.._..... -··· ---- ..,_.. lti4to~llll' . ...,...___ -. . . . . . . --_,......i.-.... ______....___.__.._.___+-·........... . -~·"·~· • -·~ ~ .......l!l•~hl•• , ·--·--------1·-,--.-....i----' KITCHEN ,. ,h. 't ._..... 111.;.......,. ---..,....1·.•------·-,-11--'.",......-•..-...,------·-t------·--·--+----··r---+ ----+---------.....·--t-......- - - + - - --f-----.-1""-"....:..:......:-""-'--.,,. ..,-·- ......,,..-... ...... - ·' b~~~. ~-"'---~-r-· ·-·...,.----• f-.----1--M c_~._~_______ _.._-f<_ _ _~-·~---·..:...i~··-----'---•~--,-"'![--,.,..-~.,.,-..i .,...,....,_;..._ • • '" .I .• .. ----+--.-~--~-----~·__,.__.·+-----------. 1---------·-. --+----+----~ii------~~-w -~ -~-lll! --. l,• w------,._..- ·~~ ---~---1----+-----llh··~--""""-- ~ ~_,,__ t~--.. -- -f _ _ ______._. _-.1.,--.. ....... . ---·.·....,..' ru.~r!!t~.!!,;.!.._. ___-1'_ _ _ ~.,.....---11--·--.,_.11_1t11 _• _ a,. --"_.._.....,.,~-·....,....,..----·--- --1 .....- , . . ·- .. O~fba • 14>• I · 1r.~1' • """"' ~'""'~,;; -----r-f-'-· ~ 1Cltt1o .~_,.,,.........,11-,----..., . . . - - . - . . . - . - - .-- - .• ---+--.... ~-- ----... · -- -~~..!lit"! _____ I ,, ,_,;,.._ i--_..--·-·- ----r----1----Jt1- ---..:.·....__..._ · -., ---.-..--1 ..............._ . . _.,........ ,_..,..._______.___ ............_...... .....,'::11111....--~L -.,...,. ..... ~ - - - - 2:!~" - - - - - . !~..!:..'!;~ ------+,..._ ;~ ---1----.l - - - · _____.......r~~""~'~.., .1:1, ~-i·~ .1 ... ' ,,. llQ•____ __.__ '"""*·~-·· "" • .. ~----~i.....---.-1----'"'"'!1--"'-llf_11tt>r .._~...."" -·'" lu_•__.___ __-.r· ---·--·----"--+~--------~·~ ..._ .. ~~, - l. " •.. ---~~...~" - -..::_::_,__ ..;.>-'l c':l:"~. .• ·· ...... _ .,___ ·-----~-~ -·- ' .. _. h--"- J·- -·-'-' -+ --·~..,.._.!_._-t---~1.------+-:-~-~-·-~-1 11111t -.-,1 ~-.--.f->---.-+--,--·.---,-.,--+---.....,'\~-...-·~.: .IL_..,L~.·',•~~ ·· ,.•, -' -,:...)·--= ----~--~-_.--..;... ~_,-...-....._ -.. ·=---'~---f...:; __..,.____..._...,..+-- - ·,:. . . I """'~· ;.. ~- - ............,....,.._.;...-..;'·;..;,;o~",,:;;... ·" ~_,..,.~.~ ·· _,:.,;. · ....,.--1--~--.....ii....~-.---.i-..----~~"'°"';oo·· _.,-~,_.-l...:.-;;,;,,.~..A..-u·.-. ··-.;.;.,;.:.L. ·' -.,_,.-.._.;'.;;.;;',r..~~~;....~ _ . -.ljl~":'""'~. · ··· · ...., ~ Above It m co1ulst of ••l ' lndivldu~I llr .,,,,. -· lf i~ pr<>pe:ltY herein daif!lfd to ha" b cielivtnd. arifw?il a uiJlf waa :m eried i l • da.~aged, or dest!O'j' a the r~ It of negtigtJlqi whll it iJ ui t. JXlllleU or 11 ~y of tll~ United taWJS, Qr cif any a enc.y ai · ~ t wr It, die Ocrrni• of th~ U; i~ St ttf. wi l • a.s.ktld Wtt , ~ ~ propriat actjon for tlie ranJi t I thl 'o OClll. WAYBlLL CHECK LIST - Cu . l"T. WltOlt!f CK . ITEM CK . ITliM OUT Dll., -- ---·-··----...- -- ·---------..._,.,,~..,..,.- -· JI J9 ---~ 10 ., ·------------'.._.. _ --··-.-,.....---·---·-...,............----------__.....__________ ................ ~- u . -- - .L_ 14 _'!.._.!.. IJ -- - ----- - . J~ .. . - -- -- -·-'---------------·I---_,.....,.,.....•• .. _1 __ 1_ __ 40 41 - __ ....... __ _ ......., -- -- -·~----..,....---.--...,..-- _ _ _..,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....... -11..!!.. - - __,...,... __._ _......._ _ _ _ _ __ ll ...,..._,.... __________ - -----.---41_ - _u ___ .. ____ ___.. ._....,. .. •• · - ~-.--...,.,.....,......,.,..._ _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . _..........._ FEDERAL R~SERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCIS 0 1'). SCAL AoE.m' 0 11lE UNITED STA'fES 4 lo.1e your ro rty p.Lece'1 he fom , h mi t d y you . HO n r'ty y er to slgn1n ,36 !foNia . ..,ar· •ml'/ , '/ o ur ' )' ~ 'v· " .. ,,,., ~ .... ( (' ,', an s 1 1! nt ... 'it.,. " •' uf:er ~ ~ , ..... 19'1 l- • Rnrrh lnclo1urt ry tr l , WA~EH USE 1025 CHA.PALA IJ. \a .. ' SA lA aARB~Rlto. P SONAL ~OPERTY IN\I~ ORY LIST AllTIOl.I IEOAOOM -~'!~-~---· _.._~'~'"' __ loli111I --- ~--·-l~----.1 l"to!:J.."~•-- -~-~--ool'--•.--_...., ' .' _, ~-1•1111 ~~~f --~1 -----i-- WAYBILL CHECK LIST Cu. Ft . _ _ _ _ _ LocA. TI O!~~..;;;,..iQii;;,;;;r:.;;;;;;;;~ CK . CK . o urr 1>11.\.. - IT E llilC ·----.·------ 1,0.-+----------------.--·-·t-----t• -------...,-- _-______ •• ·-·- --- ,,__ __ ____ _ •o " "-- ------------------ ~- - --- ---,-- ....... --·~..-,-- ...,.-,,..._...,.,......, .• ~--- ---r 11 - ··~ .)4 ,....._. .....,..,...,. ... .,;.._.,,_..,.. ,._._...._ - •J •• ...,.. '~ .,.........,. __ ____ ,_,_._ ,...._ -- ___ .,......,,,_,...,.,_,_ .. -- - --------- .... - _.,, _______ 44 ------- __ __, ··~··-----------~_..,---~~---··~-- ...... -- ---............. llACH 11"1'.N NUl'f It c ......-._, --·~ -'"~·-----..-,-.-.-- •• ...,,,_..,.......=·= P·......_~ art.L HO. I ~ 0 HOIJI. FEDERAL RE FRAN C IS 0 E VE BANI< OF SA May • • 11.a Jo ~rour lt.ncto d l n prop r y pl c d 4.n 'l'b the forru . n"t"t y em i1 y l1'wll er o y of f or. C'JA- ~B-2 cover!. tbe plnce lndlcate 6 1'4tb h l1 ml t.t d by you . i Klndl7 ao nowle p receipt of th r turnin t e na t>s co 'I of' ropnt1 part 1 nt , edt! r 1 R ~ad .evaouoe iranc isc o , 70"' ou h S np 3 t re&t, Lo lo rs A ... ...,. Reoe pt of be enc o ..... r to a I ( S' ( r l:t . J , _,... ., -;. , ..-' _J,t .. .. aeer i stan 1 ed ('