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Let~•~• ~nd

~ta Rere~~"i¥ ~~.,.YA<!.

l!ri.a\lrut1t11on t.ettia:r fo . ~5
S\t'bjeo1a J'a:i:i(ll\e, J. mau$~1o.n Ope.
A.1."aa No • 2 •



M .H '\!arr


Ituit~\ltstion. l:i~t'ter N1~.

SubjedH :


f8:i"lilOMl 8 With Tdv"o~~e• ·

.otion :Lett~:r No,. ?.3
:!nvo t. igaMon or
Dod.litl(lt "1 iih lr.vnou.u•1u .

it1.v:1 ti



May l


lnet1•t1atlon I.ett r lfo . ?..2
;.iu.bjec 'b i




duat1m~ 011ar11i.tlion •

lnat· 1ot:l.1>n l.attor No . 21
Sub3oo t:

Dio!Xl's ition or , rm

Innit u.cit.ion l i tt


ol:11.r1ery l.l'ld lllq\.\lpinant.

No. 2'0

Sub jell)!\.: O<iapila,t.lon or. I.n.:1'0'.tl'oa ti cit.t I~ol. ti re to 1\ ll:Xnminflti<m of MUi t11:ry A:r.'tuttll @.l111 Zones .

lP.IJtruo tion Lotter Ho. 19
Sub jeot: Re'Stionll1b:l11 ty to;t." P~·otootibn. or E a~u e

pril lO


In t:ruot1o n liett "r No .. 18
Bub.1 ot: Storl\g ot l'Tt.ipert 'f in

Evnoue· ion

.Apr1l lO
'f'a.noo of Oomtl."o lled

Oper a~iona.

~•$ t't :i.- ~o . l 7
.A.Hert.ibly 01m ter•
'.tr1 , tM.1etion Letter Hp . 17 , Rl!tV1e:ton No . l
SUb jeot : Ase bly Oen t.&ri•

l'.na t.ruo tion

S'U.b jeot :



Inetruo ticin L1»t1'J x· 1'10 . 1f~
Subjeo ti Oornoti .cri i n ti<Iemo:randwn Att cbtlld. 'to Inmtr'Uo t~1 on L tt r No .• 14.


Ynst:r11"t1or1 Letter No . ir-:
Slli.\b Jmet: Inf' tio.o A-v' t c t,he .



!net:r'\'LC ion iLlilttol' o . 14
•. '\lbjoct: Use of Motor 'Vllh1ol R~g1etr tia& Form, WOOA
eermen 11 Fie N\ing PJ.1~1111t1oa or Motor
l!'o1·in l!'RB-3 ai1d
Vehi.ll'l ,. WCOA Form FRD-4.



bl4tt'tu tit,()11 l.e'1i~ N·o. 1.~

Sub jao·~ i

A.1111 ern1blv O.ntt11rii.

Xi,\$'tlrii.ioitUn ,i:..c.,t te1 l~o .. 12




ll'Joto~' V•h~~1~ a .


Ticl \ ~e1.1,tmemt

Pe.rac.-ia.1. ~ope:rty

l:rulltl'tlo tiqn. t.if;~e~~ No . 11,
l?iro:p&rtr JJ'Mf.ijJ , WOdA. Wtl-.21
s.,1bjC-C'tl Wtn' o)t' Pe:i:"li!o
ll:ail'lt•r'lllflt~on Letteii• No. · Q


.D 1ueminethn of !n,tol'm$U011.



. .,r'


1;'I. .,

Lettel' l o. ')

Sul) ject ~ 1".l;'anr'1't'.ll:i: ot lll'lraoll,:li;,o R~~l. ~op .1: liy, e>r
I.ntE•r.· lilt Tb.eiro:t;n •
I'J~ truo·~icm. Letrtm• N<h


Sub jeoti I :Enouee P:roperty l:>rog:rttm "" ~l't» ~~e ot
$~ o ill'.I..
ll'rHdl!l.e 0Pl1tll'lo1 .1.n Cea s :ije n~ l'..1t1ga.tetl

Regulnt , on

N~ .


II:" • o. 7\ba1 d Items.

In t1"U.Ci)ion l.ieiti't
Sub j~ot'

In.$tl'Uotlon L tt r lo .

. 1"Qh



Sub j ot i Fw:-oh~e o!' Pro;pc:rty of an E-ro.o eo by
Jllmpl o:v·~es all.' 'lb.h Bank,
In,111t;ri.i,cttcro. I.ietter :No .

Sub j C'\:. l


E1ipe1'l B 5.


M.aroh 21

Instr~etion Lettir · o. 3
eub Jeot: Cor 1'1 ii. nttal Natu1·e of Ottnmunicati cm.a
ito ll'hld ~I prennte:t1vee .

March 20

:Instru t1onL

t .r ?fo . Bl ock d Pto .:i:-ty.

ln a t:r1:1c 111 on l.e tit 01· , o• 2


Ios'b!l."UCllt1 on Le tto:r·
Subjeo : P01'fer of
Mem.orandtlln 1Jo . 8
Supjeot 1 A$sembl






pf.irtmen~ No, l .

o• .l
hm if In.tcr1



Al,)rtl. 2

of Info/r"m t1on 0on(Je:r.t'l,1ng WOO.A and


•11/iC!r nt\\,drt


~o .

~r~d~ Ill~ ..





'15 . .


Dill:p~.dtion ot

l&l,r oh 3 O
:li.c:11u11eiho.l!i Ett'eotm, Sto:t"e.f,!:e,

Memct.r~t14unll ~o . 3
~ l';ljeoilii 'l'y')?toal llil.t'1'Y~·••• With lrtaotu1'1111 an~


., 18lli\t0.i1 •

Mem()r an dWa No • l

Sul? j&ot i

J'npan~et1 :Sein~

Oarupe (!nvoinntery

Bulletin 1\f o . l,
Su jf!lct: J'.nt .t.~ Ott'1oe

[Ju'bjoO 'IH

ovod by

N's. :?.
:01TiW:P0!3:.111.b n Of

Dullot1,u No .


U'tll)l.11.0bll.H ..
hr~o bl'll ho},!lt~t¥ .


.f:leritsl o:r 811..le


Ma.t•c h




·oped!'( .

Ball tin No , 5
$ub j o.t 1 11.&1' :renae or lnqui! to r enth

Streets ,

to ibLe

Ootnmtm1 oait~on, .

13ulat11.1. NQ, 3
S1A jac t l '.l'he tl'1 $,S:IOai tt an or
Subj ot:

t·h~ A~,11y

tvaoua~Jon) .


Lo~ Angel~• ·

Bulletin No . G,

'l'.ra1iaf.el:' 01''bilao :Reg !lstre.t!l.e>n b'Y

ltvnou eo .
11111.meogra:pned l tter ond. d eJ. t~ " the ve.:rioWJ
ton, Oregon a.nd
o!fioes • ! thin, tb. St a t s of I~ sh
0Ql.1r1rnia, ct th U.s . ll:111ploymnt Sorv1o e, a1m.fted
o:r to be atc.tted 'W i tll. $1eld Reprea nttiLth' s of thl!I
allvaoueo .:roporty De pt.1rtn · llt."

?.!:f,i.reh ),8

UNlTlD S'rATi $ . ~RE~S'qRY D PART!VIE. T

J!iN'VARY 30,




hecuti'1C!' O~der1 an~ ll~guladon• llcl1th1$' to TraM\lwtk>1u Jn PoreJlri
lbc!taanse aod Fot~,gn..Owned l>ropeny, the :Q.eportlog Qf all
Pordgn-OWried Property and Related Matter~i


General Ruling•, Getae:ral Licenseo and Pu.blic Citculars under 1uch
0 .rders and Reguladon1:
Pr1111idept\ial ~r0d1tmatioo Au.thorizing a Proclaimed Ll$t of Certain
B1ocked Nadonals md Rei!(ulations Relating Thel!etoj
Cei;taln Sections of the T(ading wil'h the: enemy Act and
Presidential Gen.era! License und .r ctlon 3 (a) Thereof;

Gcrtai.o Press Releases Relating to the above meatlol'led Document .




<10HVf1~t}cmt use. in 1 "c1i1i'i~o ()~dfl~ No~J. <'fot ,

amtmfl <l, l'.U.U'.lQ;~i_~g .~rat!~!'e.!i!911~ h1 11. ti{~4'a.,.q~~.~ll l!f

u !!i!~Ll~l'1>jtOJ't.r, ,PT'QVhlln!f fl1'l' tho

't .(Wll'l.it1f.t

prll l10,


:nd Q

of aH ,ftH"Ol!~n-QWII d

ll op ;r.~~y~1 tm~I .,oJ~~qc.1 m•t ~•, tb &.gllHi.t'~~s ~t t'h& . ~rtt~tf (>f
~ho ~, erteu r·~ ii:un~ ·d ;pu 1rnulnl H10 ~to,, nnd C1 ll · rn,l 'R11ll!\~~. (foncral
r,1()(; nMQfl u:ricl. P11blic dlr 11h~r~ iP1l!luerl l1y t1tfJ Seoreta:ry of tbQ 'l':ro~l!fU:l'y
1111(1 r ni<l Ore.for ni1d ltognli:i1fon!i, 1111 nu1 nifod , rwhiol1 hatl Mt (•.tplr d
OJ' J ccm 1·ov11l<1 d, n,s lil.f ,lm11111t;v: (), H14~, tl!ill. iJ :...L~ll.f; ' 1l •1)1.i 1! 1 1 l·(.1dit11,~'~'
,1\2..ry_ of JuJy 17, 1041, 1.rnf,}l\?rizing n 1noelnitned U t of ClOl"tltilu .~!2~~e<~
I ~t.:lot.!.~Lll, wnu 1ro1rn11,tinns 1u· scdb d by 1.J)O $(J(fN.lf,(\ry I t th'o 'l'J.'€10, ll'.t.Y
tQ g ve offloot 1.<1 am1l1 Proola.r.f'l1nLlon, 1~1· !1J~1· ~e~L~l1,1f:lud 1 e" pt that
Pu hll-0 ( h-cnl1 ra Nns. 41 11.110 4,J\ ·f ll' i 1 ftHN il 1,o .ll'l 1wt .•• :1umlm~o1'1. h1
t.l1 intrm·oatF! of hn vHy1 i,'11 . l'<irm~l ltctJ·(lil~1 ~ 11~; th C1 acrnl liuUngfl,
(fo110.ral tii enMos nnd 'Fll.blio Oir,et1ln.rA nil fo111uett l1 tiliB S crotnry of
the Tr· O.ffll1.ry RPd ~1~ir d • ]g.naiio11·61 "~ l)Lt.r~~s (>l tho do of F1odor11l
Itegnln1.icrnw hnvc ho n omhl · d. '~~ {1 · Ju rto immediately
'[Jr(l(l diug on<' IJ Gon rn.l UuJi11g, (J r1 r1il Li t.lnKo nnd P11b1io Oirrnlnr
ia i1ot c p1u·t ti OJ'tiof us ls u d liy thll B oitotary of tb ~l':r n.sury 1u1d
aho1tld b ~lls~u.r~ 9.d in tl t rminit1it or iJl 1·11r<it:lu tho ' rl t\Xl~ng of
nny-i)l:·CiVTifon fherooJ'. Ofllclnl e<1~1le1:1 of t <1.ili>oum ntR r p1•od11 cd
h l'(1ii~ uro 'f:> .t'.inter'I in the Ji,oc'J .1wl n.<~gh l· 1·. H f'<•1'on c Hhc111ld lio lrUlde
to ·~11~ li'(.l leiral l~ $ir1, ~1 ifot· f\ddil . ionut {) ~"1 r., Proula1u lomf, 11pgula1i ons, 0 :ntu·a i ltulhig 0 •n "'' l .U •ou. a ancl l''t'tb lo ~h'<Hllar.a iasu cl
rml1Rccrui•t1t fo .J11m111·1y i~O, HH' , 1t11cl f'w· n v1wn.titml'I ol' nr t\111 rnll1t r11 ,
to tl1oso pl'int d }u t<!in .



.,Ol'taL~...!U2n!..ol'-tb '1'11.. <~Ulf[\~r~h t~~~L12.D'...b..,,qt' nd tht~ r'" 11Ulontial lioon i s11 d nrnl i· 8( r•ilon 3(n) 1; 1 J' o,f' 1~ro 1d o !1. ·~·(; I'< m1dr1coc'I,


'£1·0a.s1n1· 0 !Hiir.t,monrt, P1· ~

ine id9<1.


tno1d.iouud clocnim 11tfil, <l~E~l,.,~!~l
;R h11~~-- ti11Hl l 'uhJI cl Jn t( 'r .vr ot~ t' if'J!!_,W

1his pul!lkt 1.ion 1rio.y b tiTOOll cl from vio
Trea tu·y D pmtmcnt1 Wn·sMngton, n. 0., or fi•om mi~
oral Ros 't"ve

C'O}J\e1i1 11f


- ---------. ...

_.. __

.Attention is called particula.rly to ~.!!;~!!!..,~lh1 Noi....i..
and to the dofinition11 oont•lned in t.tte Oitder and Regula.·
tiort 1 SiJliiet a f!bOTOUgh UDclillTStandf,ng O.f them j9 fllSCDtf.aJ
, to the proper interptetatton of theae documentll.


· GitN 11.Ati t.tc1t.Nfj'ftl
U~ t\lc Pr,e•ld111\t


4lld \If Sac;\loa 3,a) of the '~r.u,1HnK with lhe e1nCl111WMl.




June 14, l Sl41 . , . , •• , .. , . , .•• , . , .•• . ... , ... , . ......•.• 1 •••• • • ,
A p,>iroved July 26, 19~1 . t . . . . . i ~ ' t t
i •
i ' ••
4 • ~ • • ~ •




•• 1 I


I 1 I I • •


I •• '



• i •••• , • • 1 • , • , ••• , • • • •••• , • 1 •
• •

• • •/



I '


t I ... •





~ ~


• I •




.fr.OC'LUf MlON


~· "u- 17,


"J;UAson Dm(;l!IION





llol',tian...--RcJtrlcte~ R.X~drta1icm

and h11pC1datlcu1•• . ,

N'ltR.At. ]{Ul.HlQS

l'l Q, t

~rcqn " l}enmark" not applkab1e ~/.'I ~Gtln u~ .•. ' ..••

I •• ' • • ' • • •• • • • •• • ' • • • • ' • ' •• '

• • ••

• • • • • • • • • • •



NcJ. 2 Tritnnfllr or ~tock- ccr.tlfl t.:n lun and et15tod}'r1{ ~ c rl1e1 • ..... .... .1 •• , . . . . . . . . ,.., . 1 . ...... ,.. 3
No. 3 Trfl11a ictlciin ~ rc,:l\ rtli11 g 11<iii 1111111 1• 11i1 tere(.I ot in 1
fl niinle' of 1 de11ll{l11ted f61'tilK11. 0011:nt.:y
o!' nail on I thtrc<'f ........... .. .. ...... •....•... , ...• , . . • . . ..... • ....•.•• , .... , ... , .... , . • 13
'No. 4 D~finl1lp111 nd 1'\tll1M of h1tcn•1 Qlll tlcit1 u11ad hi ruling•, llocna~•. lll~lr'1Ctl<'os, e111..... .,.... . .. • 14
No. S ontr1:1l ofh111> 01 tc1l ctutltl~ ..• , •• , •. .. , .. . , •• ,,,. 1.: ···• ·· ··•·•·•·•···· j '' 'J:'·· · ••· ·· ···•l ' 15
'.No. 6 Dr.ll vf! t':Y of lmpN t ( ~fllu rit 01 l>y p,.11 r•I R e~er vc ,ujl,nlt• ti:> Qcnerat R.ul iii .No. I\ lC111ou1111 n

No. 7 sc~~~l·~~~i~r~~~l~~g 1;.~;;, · iii~ · 1~i;11J[;r;1~~· 1~i~ r'1d~" ~1;~ 'it;~· 1.,~~l~hi~·cil1i~1· Zo~ ':::; ::: : :::;:::~:: ;;
rtiun p11y n11:11t . to ~tslgn ltd r rt1jln coun l,tiea ~tid 11111~ ~nalfl \,her~bf.,., .•• , • , •.....•••. , . ,
No. II G ncral Ll cc11~e No.
fott11111l a11."le lo r~r#Ol11 wlthlt1 Ti!!·nMier~ .••••••. I • • I • • • • • • • •• ••••• ' . ' '
No. 10 Co11tro1 of PMH1111 i n ~ 1rn11N 11rt ('ncy iin1 vce1.11 l!lc- • " ., . . ,.. ,, ., •.. ,, ••.• , •• 1. .. . ......... • ..

:No. &


•lt.Nl(RAL l Jt "lt1'l$ 9

. ... , .•.•.. .. ,, .. .

Pnym~nh 'P btochd n 11pu11t• In d o11111tl~ ti111nlii• .. •
,. , 1• . , •• , .... ..... ,
J>(jp, lA'f nw f ·t'M of .rrurlti a to hlm kt•cl 11trt•lt11t l11 do111<'J1li ln11kifi .. , .. ..• , •. •..•.. ,.. ........... ..
No. ~ l:£11tri ~ m 1cir 11lnaffQl10h for rmnnnl ecr vic ch1u1flll.ll ••• • 1 , ., .• •. • ,, , •• . •••• , .•. •••• ,
No. 3 P11y111(111 :1 o r chr.rk~ 11nd drnfts dn11 11 -0r · ,~n d l'fl!lr to A~1·1! ,ft, l94Q from acoou~t.1 o Norway
r1M1 I , nmark And 1li cll' n11tlo 11nls, ~ n (! () f hor;;lt.a und drarta drawn or l111ued prior '~o May 101

No. l


1040 frorn llOCr.tlll l8 of Nethel'lnn<h, nt1 gl11111 111111 l~Lll( t•mbourJJ aM jh •Ir natlcmalll (Revoktd ..
}.lo. 4 S;ilP c1f ~ e r 11 rl tlr1 N I 11 niatlo11•l ~11cu1 tl ea f':x rl11111 ·~ ., .. .... . , • , ... . . . . . . . . . ,. .... , , . . . . . . .. . , •
No, S ~11ynm1tu tr t'hc 'L' nil d ~Ll:itc , , lnt~e and l ol tJ1 al $ qbdh·l~iou~ . •.. .... .... .. . , • ... , , . .. • , .
No. 6 l 11ymc 11t~ from ncro1.1u 1 ~ of Gov ernment Clf tlie N ·thr·rlanr H (Rev111c~d)., •...••.•.•.. . • ••.. . ,.
No. 7 l';i.yrnol{l ts rr.cnn acoo\lnh of Go er,nmr11t of B lFtlmn 1111(1 ' 1111q111l N~ tlonule de lat1l11lq11ei (Revolrnd)
No. B Pay1w 11ts f1 nm llC'C'ount o f r rt11rn Nt11ht, rl.1U'd~ li ul"lkfl (lte'l'olccd) ....•.•... , . . . ... ..... ..... , •
Nr>. 9 Com mo1lh lc futur ·s co11tu.~ t11 , . . j . •. , . • " ••. ••• •.•• •. ,., • .• •••.• . •••• . •• . • , .• ••• 1 • • , , • • • • • • , •
,., No. W 1:>aymtnl11 !ro111 11c ounh of crrla n F1elg1an b unk~ CR w1ked) . ... . 'J •. , •.•.• , . , ••• , . . . ... ,. , .
No. 11 Puy m!'.llt for ll\llllg, 11'1\Veling l\Ttcl lmllu 1)\'r qun11 I ('.JCf!ell~C~ in the t Tuitcd s,11toa •.• I • • ' . . . . . .
11/o, ll AUv l11g unrl prr11nn nl !l!tpau 1·11 of JllPl\llC~o.nall!i>fllll~ 111 Untied Slate1, •• ... , .. , .. , .. . .... ......
Np. 12
oce~s ~o an ft ~tpo h hox •· .... , . .. , , .. , . ... ... , .... , . . .. , .....•. , , . , , • • , ... , . , . , . . .• , . .. , •
'No . I,,,
rrt~ln officciA of el'lnl11 Ne th<'rlnnlla l1anktt- ' 11r1nl1~ llce necd n•tion11l11 . .... , .. , ., ,. ... .. • •.
No. 14 Cc rt~ln offictia pf er111ln hnnlqs in Ne he ·1111111 Wt~ t Jndi ~--we nera•ll y llqc1na d i1atjpn11l11.,• •• ,.
Nn. 15 Tran~ac Ion lncid1>nt to trade htl ren th~ Unltr 1I StRtta and the :Netluirlarada l!aO Jndia1 and
th ~ Nth rlll nds W \ Tnct lrs, .. , .. . •. .• •• ....••••• •••. .•• . , ..•. • . •• .•.• •..• ..•.. ... .•.•••
No. 16 Extt.n filo11 to Fr1111ce1 of c rt11m p; llri"a 1 llcen (Revoked) . •• . , ~., , .. , . 1 •• , , , • •• • , • • • • • • • • • •
No; 17 Paym~nt of chrcks and drn(t d raw11 or 111111 d p 11lor to Stme 17, J940 from 1u1co~nt1 of France
aT1cl lt11 untll'lnnls ( I~ vokrd) . .. ... ..... .... . . . .... .. . ..... , ... , . .. , ••.•. • . , • • • • • . • . . . . • . . . .
No. l
New York Offirc of Frnnrh .Atncri(llln BH.n\dng C'rn-r1or<1tlo n
RCO\"flllly licen rd nat1Qna1.. .. • .
No. 19 Certai11 South Amedrau. W e•t Inclian nd Nonr Easte!'n Officca qof r.«1rtaln NethC!l'lanlh bank.-•ener•nlh• Hren~rd nnt lonals •.•.... ..•. . . . •.... . •...• , .. .. .•.. . ••••• •.•... •• ....•.. , •.... , • .

No. 20 P1l{~;!i~"11t~/'\v~~ ll(T~~&~;~ . ~~ .~.1~!~~~. ~.·. ~~~ .~i.t~~~·~~. ~~~~~~I~~~ .~. ~~~:~i·"·~. '.~. ~~t-~~r:l~~~.·..~~'.
No. 21 Nc· th erlands Tr11rling Society R11 t , !,..ti\., and cthe rlanda Trading Society F.iast, lnc.0 -'g41ner~1b
l·i rr nR d n a t h:11111 l ~ .. .• ... . .•.. . . •. , • ,, •..• . .. . • .• • . .• .. . . . , ..• , , .. , . ••. . ,., •.• .• ..•..•....
No. Z2 Lo nll oir and Nrw York Offi<"c:a P B~nQtie Il?lgc 11m1r l'lt ranger (Over.seM1), Lbrdt1.1d-gencr1l11
l lc~ n ~l'd n'nnl.s , . , • . . •. , •..• , , . , . .. •........•.•..•. ...••..•.•••• , ••.•.••••• . •..• , . • . . • .
N('I. n 1 I I ~ion ., ... T.ah\11, ll~toni~ a11d T...ith'U &n la Q( ert~in gcner11l tloc11il'18 (RA:v<>ked).'.' •. • ' '.... .
No. 2 ~ Paymrn t ~ or ohc-dc and draft~ d.rn,vn or 1uuecl prior to Julr 10, 1940 from accountl of L~tria,
RwtorilA and h11anl11 and heir nationals ( R vohd) .......... . .. , ........ .. , ......... , • ,
o. 2S IHTrc·t oCatta <"hmrnt of Fnrm TFEL-?. n !'Curiti~5 .. ....... , ... , ... , , ........... , .. . . .. . . .. ..
N<i. 26 T ra" nrtlonM In r ntaln A mrricaT1 Dcpos ltnrv Rrceipta and Amedcan Sbare1 ........ , ......... . ,
No. 27 Pa;vm,nh of divl!IC'nd~ a.nil lntere11t on. ind r cf mt,tion .<11111 collectio n o(, 11ecuritlr.1.. ..........
"'No. 28 Tnilivid1ial h('J nrc cltlir:rns of, and rrciidlnll" nnl In, l nih• ll . t 11 t t111~genc· r 11 ll y 11 naed nat ionllh .
N". 29 Applica tion of ctrlltln ~nel'al li ren es tf' G 11~1·a l Rulin Nc1, 6 ac ~o unt $ .• •...... . .• . .. ..•..• ; .
No. 30 P aynientft fr om, and tnrrnactions in the admlniurntlon of, crrtaln trusta and ~11\.tea . •.. . , . , . . . . .












(i&Jl!'~~;.r,. J:,1c1i~C.m&-~ (C~"Ul11uedJ
o, :tl d11Ue11iun o( 1.1011p1m1 f11c1tn ecrt~fll ~tc\jl'i I~• I tiuln~ 15t~mN q(







dt11 ml•te~ itQ~,i.11qfiallfll4'l11•, , , , • Z9
, . • , , , , •• , • t 1,,, , "• p 1, ~," , ,, ~ , , 1 . • , , • ~

Cer\~ n tetnjttu1tle1 .fw· ru~Qtlqt•.Y llvl.-11 ·C!GJl~nfiC#
o, °'l Ce~tll 11 rci111 ll•11ofl• i UVil(ed St.ale• r.:~tl~en• lr1 fortdiio 0"1ltf1ci• .· , • ,. • , , ,,,. "~ , r.11 , , . , I~ 1
11 ' I, l
Iii· 3~ Jl:ic1twlQl1 91 ~r't.ah1 aou~ni.l 1Joell•~· fQ •fl)' 'hl otltQd OlWfllflV, • ~ ' 'if .... ' i I•' •• • • I •• i'1 'IV!"''
0 1 ~S i>a111,ept \lf 1•h~c'I(• ""II C11·11h• dr.Wn Q~ iO~cd 11rl(>r (o Clet ~l;111r 9, ~9~0 lrQm 1'«1C1C)g11'
11od ll• ri.1411011"1' (.Rrwokqd), , ,, . ••• ,. ,, · '· · . , .• , .. .• . , , . , ., •.• • 1,•• • ,, .• , • 1 •,. 1 ,, •. ••• , •• • , •
1mirn aeil~Ufl4~ ol µ~ll':•'ia
Nu. 36 l~ll>"t11~11t of chC!ltM Ind 4r,11.h• 4rawrn or i•111~d p1•for IQ Ma~<.h 4, 111411
•11d lti1 r114tioj111,b (li.i:J!~c:d) ......... ....
· ••· .. . , , •. . ,.,.,,., .. ,,
Na. ~1 l'aytna11t1 froan acuo1111~ of· United Sta 1e.•1 l!litl~~ils In ~rriph1y of Un' tetl Stat e• hi1 'tort11f1'•1 p ur\'trlel
~o. 38 P111m!l1•t o( heckt 111,d draf~t ~raw~ 01· ·l-111ecJ pttlo r to M,uoh l,, 19-4i lro1n aooouni• ul ~111n••l'7
an.d lt11 1111,tlcm~h Cl:~ll'1>lr11d).,,., ·. , .• , • •. • .••.... . , • . .. ' •• , , , ... , , , , , .• , . , , . . , , , , , , • .'1 . , . , •
~o. 39 Pay~nt 11f ch!!!~lc• ~ll~I dralt, dr11~n or •uutid 1irlr1 to Marah 24, 1P41 lrqm aceo~1th •<1f Y'll8o.S•vi._




,, i

1111~ h• 1111tlr111~110t1mlrcd) .,,,,.,, .• , •• ,.,, ,,,,,,,, , ... ,,,,,, ,, •. ,,., .• , . ,,,,. ·•· ·•····•·• 31
?fo. 40 Nt1w ark ~·Iii D ol Ct'r~aln Oree~ control1el1 l.011nk,-ge11 er11lly 1kcn11c1d 1111tlo-1rnJe,.,., . 'i .,, ... , ~l
~o.4~ P11yniont of ch~ck1 and dra,fn drawn or I 1ued prlc1r to Apdl Z8, 1941 ltom •oaouni• o Clrciea.

·~ 111~!~ J~r.a~~~.i~11!:i:~~~,~Q~id1~·ti ·~.;i;v I~ 'ii~1; d's,·~.· ~ix1C:~ 'c'e~t•i~ :J•i~~~~'1'c'r~if~ '1 b~"~eci
· -,...._ N•o. 42A C:r~~l1~~~~l~i(1;1~i~ 'r~~icii~i 'o ,;ly ·1~· iii · ' ii~1i~d' St~i~~ ·$11:.;1:1· 'j Ir~~ ' 17,' '1'si4'0, · ~~~i 'cie·~·t~I~ ' 1ci~~P~~.i .:



ti o• and rJU1~r or~r1i~1tlcin•-a:cnerallr 'lio~aa d n11~fom1 ls, l llrlt1 of toport11 ••• • "' :., , . , . • ,,
No1 14~ New Yo~k offioe11 l.lf tenal11 Swl111 banlclnir lq•tlt11tJcms··.. ~en~nl' ily 1imm1~ n~tkmal~ . . •. ...• . .1
No, 4~ 1Ron111n Cuda "- fc11e1·atly llcemcd natlo onl . .... 1 •• , •• , • •• , ••• , • •• . 'd.. ,," ,. , ,. , ,, ,, ..; . 01. , , • ,
No, 4S l>iiymenf of clo~urnt-ntary dr~ftl !lrawn 1mdt1r CCJl'tl\ln l*cr~ 011 crii It i1111ucd prlcir ,,, June
lll4l l~on~ bloo'kcd ICClOUll(ll Other ~hAn Jhoa o f fr relsn lltlU!l tlct, \)f naUrmalM tli t;ir'ellf, dr1~ t·
~al'e~ In Q11dcr prlqr to Jj1ne 14, 1~41 (J:{c\'/:'l l1<'d) ..... , ..... ., .... • •, •.. , .• , , , ..• . , • , , ••, •
~o, .fti l?•)'.rnent of ~ertalrt 5alado rom b1oeked aooot1111 of 0C1mm11rclal 01·ra111r.atto~1' In dcim~Mtlo b~11ki1


lla~~~rl~~~a~~!i'i:;ti;.it' C~~j,i.'tiy ·~;

Y~~I~ . ~. '~~~~~it).' iio'e~i ·,\~1l~~ai (i~~~·ok~1i)

,i .':; .': ,': .'
No. ~7/1 llanqo di NPPCill 'l'nt t C.>m1>1111.r Chlcairo, a rner•dl;y Hcic nu tl na tl ci1111I (1< t1vc1k: i rl). , • , , . , . , , • ,
'No. 411 Cornpltllorl of 1e11urltlr transart1t'l'1f cotnme11oed prior W 11 a.m., , ~. l '., Junci ~4. 1941 for
acoc>unh of <(crtAin I r~!iin ciour1V ~• or nnt hma la th ~cof (lt:'Kplred). , ....•..•• , , , . •, •.• , • .
N6.' ~9 1'ran1n~tloo• Oil ll~hll11 Q.f, , ot ln'll1>1v\!lfr PrC>!lCT(y qt, s,ved~11 l\tl~ it11 n~tlo11 a)s ' ' ... " . • . •. " ~ ...
~o. ~O TrannctloM on b1w11f of Swlt~ertnn~ o~ tl1e llnnc:i11e N nt\1:mnlc Sulii~~ .... " .... ... .... , . .. . .. •










No. 51 Unlo11 CJf Soviet $odali11 R111r1ubllr.s a. 1enetrn.11y 'I co11Ne~ e<>tln !t'y., , . . , , . • , .• , . • , , , ... .•. , , , , , .~Ji
No. S2 Trlll•liilrtldnil 6 n bthiall of, Cir ff'lvnlvln II proriN·f~ of, Sf111i11 lllHI lt!I n1ttlo~ntH. ' .'' ''I'. ' ..... '. . 36

No. SJ Tr1111snotlon~ lruildent 1o tradn wi~h r11urnher11 of 1 1'11c G~11C1rnf!y l.foense111'rade ,.\~~~' raol irwol\I~ •r.
lngp ,.,Oll~ 1Tlrlm11d h1 "'ll'he P1•ocl<hr1ud, u ~t or C1•rt~l n l)l c~olwd Natlcmi\1$" . . . . .... , ..... .. . ""'
No, 54 T1•a,n u tlonA invcilvlr1, j)l"O(letly h1tere•tl or Chitlll o~ J11paf1, or 'Inf rutlqflal thereC)J, prior 0

'li(lt llfl

or !!·Incl'! uly 26l 11141 . , • , ..•• ... , . ..• , .. .. . ...... , .. , . , , . , . , .. , •• , • , , . , , . . , . . . • 38

~O. S~ 'Pilyn1cnt C1f fo· Ulti'i~11llr1' (!ra.'~ tt dr"wn \lndt1r errttlln JettetA ()f Cl'«:dlt i IUtld or .~dvi·e~ prfor to
Julv ;?6, 1941 , frcltn arc0111i,tn of hln• c>r J'ap~n ~ nd !heir nmtloq IN (ExrHtl ·tl~ , ....... , .. . . . ,. 38
iff~. Sfl Ct!r!aln t·~an~actlot1n by ~tnmarcbl orp.11l1111!io111 within tctrltory of 1faw~JI whlch 111·e natlooala

of Chi na or lnflan ( Partmlly l'th•t•kcd) . . .•...... ,, .... , .. . ... . , ......... ... , ... ,., .•. , , . .•.•
No. 57 Prl vlleire11 of nll r.~n~ral lkc nHe~ cit u ed to Iiohg Kong (Re'Yoli md) .•. , •. .. ,.,., ... ,.,,, ..• . , ,
'N o. 58 Tt•!lf111~ ction8 lncldrnt o tn~1 i:i b et·wcert tl1e 'tJnlH1CI Sta te• and 1u1!Y PITt o! China Clltlier th~n
Manoh11rli1 (T'•rtlally \•oked) ... . , .... , .... ... , . ...... 'i .......... . ... . , ...... , . , ... ~·, . ..
No. 59 Office- of cetialn Nrw' Yorlo b11nkA •M tierlaln oth~r ln~tltut C)f\R wlth l!l Htmg Kong an,d Clain11,
cxce1lt ManC'11 11fl~-1tr t•n11lv ll rrn ~rd nntlN1a ls ('.1'11rl111ll y rt'volm1 ..... , , , .... , ....• , .... , , ,
No. 00 Nntior111I Cov~romi·nt of th 'Republic of China and Cenh',RI Dllnk of Chlr111-geril:'1111ly liccrmd
10 1
No. 61
Stkt;a' ·a;;ti
oth t~r thiln Chl11,11ncralh• li ~en srd rlntJo1~ nl " (Partlall)' rc,•glr1•tfl, .. , ............ ,..,. . .,,
No. 62 Cert1d11 Chlr1c11e l1utltutions in W11.~hlngton, 'D. C., and In New York, 1'f. Y ........ genel'lllly ll<l~na~d
nntlonAh •. . •.. , ..•.•.... . • . .• , . . .•• •• , • • .•.. .. .....• • , .. , .. , .••. . •...• •. •.• , .. , • , .. , , • . . •
'No. 63 Oftir e In Phillprilne hland21 1:>! e~rtaln hRnl<lng lnatlt utl os~·-ger1mlll'.Y lfoeo•1~11d natlt;inal11
(Revok<'ll) , ........... . ...........•.• , . • .. ...•... 1 ••• , •• , •• • , , , ••• •• , • , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
No. 64 T~1rn action 1'1tlldrnt 10 n~e between Phillpplne lel!lnde anti China a11d bei'wee11 Phillpplne

offi~~i~,~~t\~r\:/~ t ~·i::.~'Ot~~,~·s · ~·~t',i~~. iii~ TJ~it~d .

·No. 6S

'ti~i · ~ iii ~~·; . bl~ck·c~ ·~~~~i;;

Ce~t:~~d:r:~:./,~~~n ~!cv:~?~~l~i ·~~i~~i~i1;,~·..· ~lthl~' Phiitppi~e· i~l~t;d~' ~hir.'h 'a'r'e' '~a"tl~~~i~

jiina fir J apftn (RC'Tolcrd) .... , . .. , .. . , .•... ..... . , , . , • , .... . ... ' ....•..• . ...• , . • . • . . . .
o. M1 J1awa i 11.n !lffir<' f <'ert 'n ba nlcs-.gt111erally licrn!led. 11otlonn.I (ll>a11tially rcvok. d' ......... , .,. .
o , 61 Payment of certalt1 11larie1 from b!oo!(etJ a<' ountt In dome~tle b11nki1 of commercial org·anh1uion1
whlrh ll!'r n111 lcm11I ~ of f ina or rAPll.11 <Exp. red) ... .. .•.... • . • . ... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . I .
o. 68 N11tkmaili1 of ~hlha and Jap11n ~9ldln1" onf~, in t11 itel'! States Al110e June 1.7, t940- gcner1tll1
l kr11~e<l 11n tlc111f1 lfl (Pa !-'.illy fe"Vol< ~ll) ........ ... , . , .. •. ... , .. . .... , ..... .. . , , .... , ... , , . , , .
/ :ll. 68A Japaneae- nationals ~rlll1H11ig t'ontinttou 1y within ·onthirntal United Stat A innc June 17, 19~().
~rid ert~lp Jap1111~ e h101in!M rnterprl1ciw- gn1 e rnl'ly Horn 1t•d n11tlon~ l11. Rt·pol•t t.o tic filed ,,
~fl. 69 CA!lf.o111il\ nnll W1uhln1< 0111 offkcu of certain Chine,~e .nnd Japane&e l>a nk11- genf:rall• · Hcent1ril
11utlo1111 h (Part b11ly 1t,.(')kt~d .. .....• , ••.• , .•.• J •• •• • , . . • • • ••.• . •••••. . .•••.•.••• , , , •• . • . , •
No. VO Tr1111111eUon11on 1l1r~a1 of, or fnvolvif1i!' property r, Porl11g11l 11nd its n11itirJ11llls ., .•.. ,.,.,,,....
'No. 71 Faym!l!nt for "tibscl'iptlo n to Unlted State~ ri rlodlral .... •....•..•..•. .. . . .. .. .. , .. , .. , . . . .
No. 72 '.Pillnp; and 1''0 erntlcin of applka tit,n!l 101 letter tiai. tent ln the U'llltrd . tate• 11rld Mooktid oountrle1
- filln' of r~port on 1-·orm 't'F R- 1?$ •..... , ... . ....•.•. .. ••.•... , • . • . , ....•.......•. . , , .. •
NC). 73 Certain Chinese partnet'!J t~~ner11!1!V tiremf'd n11tion~ ls . . ........... , ... . . . ..•. , .... , , .. ,1 .
Nl.'I. 7'4 P~ymrnt ~ fr om Rrt•(m t cif nh d Stn't~· dtlrt'" ns wt o are nbrmnll for c rtairl pchonal. eirpcl)11c1
ln th e Uniird Sla1r~ ,. , ... , ... , .. , ....... , . ......... , ......... .. .. ..... .... .. . , , . . . . . . . . .
o. i'
Reml tt anrc~ thr cmgll domes le bank's !o penon. In an)• par1 of Clbln11 cxrt."]lt M:anchuria ,Partia lly
revdked ..... . , . . . . . . . . ... . ...•.. . .. . ••......•.. . , ..... .......• ..• ...... .. . " . .. . .• , . .

















re~ort• 11 F c1110, 'f l;' l~ -aoo . 1, . , • • 1, • l .. , ..•. . , . , , • •• •• , . , , . , • . • . •
other Meler• for ''a.Y1l1Cl11l not ' be pve,t11\~qq, ll<Jcept,c" or paid ie,~PI p~auaiil
~ ~
' 1· •
to 11ce1p)C! ••• .. ' • • • I
nrral ea ~oa. ~S. ~3 ~nd, S8 jr lllllMlltlvt of cqn\1 1 ~1 oJ
$-Tran a tlClos au~hrJd1mi 1.lndcl
vt111>tl n vo l v~d 11ntl prt1•u.y11J1w l of lrclfil'h t ,, .• , •.• , .. , , ..••• . , , • , . , , • , •.• , . , . , •.•. , .•.•• , • , ,
4..,_J n•lr'tlc tio11a for 'P~·ep111·ntion of f'!i()Orl CtO Fotn1 '.rfl R· 00 11f au fofleill'ft·owned •j)ropert)' 111bJecl
to the.- juri5dl c,lon of the U11lted "'111te"· ··i•······· · ···' •·• ···· · ·· ··· •·• · · •· ! .. •.. .••... .. •.
~A- lnstrucllnn for j!fCJt~r Llon of 1 11orl 1111 form 'I' FH-300, Serl(' I'! ] , by <;ur111 l11 n11llo~1•IJ1 Qf JllJ'llR
5- Ncpe ~i~, cil, and 1111Pli} ~1~lo r1s !or, ipc:dllc li crntc~ rc latlni "o paten1& a11d l11ter~1~1 U1crcl11. f'iliiiof re1,MLK cin Fcnrn I I•R-3CJO • . . • .. · · · · • • •z • • · 'd· " .. " .. " .. · " · " ·" · · "· •j • " .. " •• ·""
6-A1h1 c hm~nt f Form ~ FJt:L.2 to oLll •a tlons 1~~1.te by 11ovetmne n~• a11d corporal on• of 1ik>cke4

No. i..... x te1'1il n ol t.imc for il 11~11
}Ifo. 2-· ~r. rt ~l.11 dr. It s


I ••••• •





• "

w t • I l •


• 1 I

• I I

• ' '

' ••

, '


I ••••• '


• t

•• I

, •


• •• I


I •




ctbut1tr1es t ~ ··· ······•············ ·· ,~··1•i •11•••• ••t· •· · ·•·1·~ · ·····• · •"• · " · ~··· ·····~ ~
No. 7- Rend ltlrnccK tc1 i nc:li vlaua l~ In any 1i111t of hlnu, c1xr 1.i Mao hurla, und r General Iilcen•~• NeL
J2 an~ J tp be effo ll!d ua prc:•crlb ~ In pu l?'r>HPh ( I) ( ) I C 11rra l f,.I < ll ~11 No . 7S••. , .... , •
J:fo, &- lt1J1•i~Qiit1<111 of J 1\pnh11 c 11cc, ric- ~ and tHllhorl-z1tt1crn ...... , ..... ".\ .......... . ,, ., ....... ir...
No. BA-~ ertnln g 111•r,1 ll <'<'nsc~. hktJ w re rrivok,.if IJv l'1ib llt• Clro11la r No. 8 rt· n tc<.I . . , . ,., .•.. ,.
:Ne. 91·•·-'R voc1Ui(~n rif ll vt"nse~ and urhorl~a.tlu n 1 t1gRrdln <Certa iri obl~1ulo"'1 of Gavern111c:•t ol
Ur r11 narl< llJ\ d ctflll\I U Q\\1c:r nl1ll wrs , .. 1 .,, . , ..•. , • , . .• ,, ...•.••. , • , • , , • 1 , • ••• ,. , •• •• , , •• , •
1enc~1llljr llcenn4
!'Ito. 10-R voculo11 1111d 1nodl!lca1 011 of Ct'rlnln lic1·n~~9 i11 volvl11(1' ll cmg Kong 11 A
, • 1 • , , , , 4. ~ . ... . . . . . . ~ 1 • •• • " •• , •• , • ••
i • ......... ... , , • a. rca .....•••.
No. l 1-ft'req;i;iAQ" or J~ l1ilip~l oe iL••tl• o,nd ftll" rte on F 1mr1 1' FU·300 ree11rdinli( aucb a "1e~1· Re"ooatlon
of Ger1frnl Li ~tll' Cll No8, 6,l and (15 und ll ll11'll(lrn1•11 I ~·' G 11Nk1 'I . i rt'l1 ~•· Noa, 1 l nd
No. 12- .ln clu on lt1 " l'rc1dnlmed Ll11t'' or 11amr.& ol p rn•o nN within n utral t11 1opt11 n oount1lica .• . , ...• , ..
Nil. IJ--Amt>nd1nt·11t 1.r Cion(l ra! Li conns No , tJ, I~. 1 ~ . Ill, ~ I 11.nd Z7 h • <k letinu t 1t11-ln reporth1



JI 'fl!t..






cnlitCt'llC'll l H ••••••••• ,., ••••• , ••.••••••.••• .•.• • •. , •••••• • •••. , . .• ,, •••••• ,., ••• •• • •• • , ••









N . 1·-1< feron c l~xecutlve Ordu1· No. 8389, a~ nmc chi! ; Reg11l11tio111 l\M•11ovcd June 14 1 11141 ..... .....
No. - Ref rcn •c-··GNteral ' icc nsci No . 4'.I and 50 .. , , , ..... , .. •. ...... , . . ... , . , ...•. . , .. ,, .. .. ,, . ,
No. 3- l<cftl'Cfl('(l-- Gcne ral r,ltensc: fl , 51.... . .... .. ' ... ..... ' . . • . . . . . . . ' .... . •. ' .. . •. . •.. '. . . . .
No. 4-Hdrr nr e--'Re :11ln1k q aps.rovc rl June 14, 1941 ; l'uli lic' .ir1·11l11r Nci. 1 • . ....... , .....•. ,,., .. ,..
!l{ o, 5-- 1'oftire11c1:-<Ge ncral U cnsc No, 52 ......... , ... ., ., ..... , ............. ., ...... , .. .. . .. .. ..
No. 6- R c fc~ n c.,-l~rotianutlcin ; G ,nor;r1 Llc:en1e N ..13 .... ........ .. ........... , .......... .. , ..
No. 7--.Jhferent -11: H ullv'1 Nim N m AB89, 11 1lmr ndrl1 1 Hn~: u l tl rm11 UJ'lfH C•VCd J ll y W, 1941 .... ,. ,, •
.N o. ti- l<efrrtnrc--Cie oi-ial Licr11 ~Nd . 53 , .... . ... .. ,. , , . ........... , .. , ..... . ...... .. , .•..•. , .. .
'No. 9- Ref •r nn-Gc1rn1111 Liccn e , o. 70 .. ...... , ....... ., ..................... l ' .. , ... , • .. .. . .
No, J ,.){cfer M~- R ulatinna np p1ovl'd .J nnr 14, 1941 ; i n Lie n cs Noa, 42 anc 68 : Publk irrn·
lnrs 'Nos. 1 an cl 4 .. , .. , . . . . . . . .. .• .. .... . ........... , ...• .. , ... , . , •..•.•• , .... ..•.. , , . . . .
Nv. 11 -, Hefercn ce Pulilic lr u1arNo.I\ .... .... .. , ...•.•... ....•..... , .•.... , ......•. , . .• . .. • .. ....
No. 12-.RrFmm<;c- H sul-tlrms 11pprov d ] 14, 19,J I: I ulillc Cirrulur No. I. ...... , .. , ., .. . .. .. . ....
No. I -~Re ference- Gen ral l,ict11 11c No. 73 .,., .. , ..... ,., . , ... .. •. , • ...•.• , , . , . , ....• . ..... ... . ... , .
No, 14-R frre nce-Gencral lArt lHIC~ o . .'12 arid 33 ...... , . ...... .... .. , . . . , .. ... ,., .. • ,,. . ..........
(). lll- kl'fere 11cc- Gen1•rnl Lken1e lo. 9 ., .. ...... . , ....... , ... . ........ ..... ..... , . .. . .. . .. .. . ..
No. 1 Rdtren ce-Grn rn l Lirl'n~NI No . 511 and n ........... .. ' ......... . .. .. ............... ' ......
No. 17~- R e!crtncc- G neral l.kc n ~r1 N1:is. 42 Rnd 4ZA , •.•.•....•• • . , ... . ......... .. ... , . . . . . . . . . . .
No. 18-,R feren~r - l ubll c Circular No, 8 ....................... , ....... . . ., ... .. ....... , .. ,. .. . .. . ..
No. 19-.- R ft'crtn c,. - G~ncrnl L ic~nflr . 'Nos, 11 and 'l7 , . . .. , ..... , ....... •.. . ........... .. . . . . . . . . . .
No. ZO- R0 fctrn o<·-·!'ect l~111 .1(a) irw.llin wit h Ille euc-my <' l; gcncrnl Ile n11 0 thoreuJ1d r . •.. • ,. . . . . . . .
o .2 1 - Hcftrrn~e - GerH"rn l Li(•1•nse Nn, (t8A ............................... , .... ....... , ... , ., .... ,,.
.....•..... , ... .... •... ..•. , .. .••. : .. , . , . .
No. 22- Refcrcncr-··l'uhli c Circ 11lur 'u. RA ...... , ,
~o. 23-· R•· !erc111ie-r•11bllc .llrcul11r No. 9 ..... . .. .. ,. .. . . . . .• . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. . . . . . . •• . . . . .. .. .
No, 24··-Rt"1t>rc11ce- Rx1·r1111"c Onli·r No. R3ff9, ll 11.mended •.. ...•..... , . , . , .. .• . , , , . , . •. . ... . , , 1, , . .
No. 25- Tlr:frrcn(' - Public Circ No. I 0 ....... . , .. ...... ..... . ...... , , .... .. ... ,. ...... , . .. . .. . .. .
o. 26·- Rcfe~enet1.,·~ T' ti bli c Cirr. ul ~r o. 11 : G1•neral l lc1•nse No. 80., , .. .....•..•. . .... .. • , . , ...... , .
No. 27- R •forenr,. 1t ne ml RuliTtf,f o. 10,...... ... .... .. .. . .. • . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. ... . .. . . . • . .... ...
'No. 28- Ref ert nte - C.rr1trul rti11i ng No , 10 ... .. .... ....... .. . ... . .... .. ........ , . . .. ... . , . , , ...... , . .
No. 29- Refcrrnc - G 1•tral Rullng No. 10 ....... . ...... .. .... , .. ........ • . , ........... . ... . . ,. ,


i.. . . . . .
n.'. '..




!Tll TJll; ftNENIV







{ 16







Src lions 2, J(a), 3(c) a.nd S(b) .......... ..... ..... , ................ .... .. ,. . . ...................... , 71


EXECUTIVE Ollllllll~ NO. 0889
· ~J,1~.~~1i~~~J~~f,~~ ,1~ii~1 }~:
~1~U1l!J~J, 1fi 1 °;,~1!11;~~
, tt~tf~,n 1 ~·1 , ~~1rt f~f.~~4t
Oc1,~~~ t~~P~:(~~1.~fi
Jun~ 14, I <q 11~41 011tll'l.f'n frP.ri• thlt I 111>1•Q11tl0fl,
~ ~'1.1 i~ ~Fl,.lnftl ''xt. a11d1h11t•rh ~I t~ 1111111111!1111e:111




1111d l>flct11J1l,et ,za,
1rciUl,'lwl111 I• ,1jir \tur;i, qt ~1~"U,li,VI!\ ('~d r ~.p, ..8.1fW IL •m rlfkd l\y 'ltic,C\!11\(1111 ~1ri111r No, 7~~ jll~d Jin1• 1~ 111,41, a11d fl• h1rl11cir
.~m I 11[ ltr ltuN1tl1•e ( >.~~er No. fl8l2, d111~ T1.11)' 261 M41, 1\it 1· 11tl~a (Jrdrir N'1 $\')(~'· du~ai1 ' $1. g~'l urld li::x.ti(l11t1v4!I
Order N°IJ. !l~S, itr.t 4 l)oc:~u~r U, 11>41, tJ ~ ~111111 d1111mt• ~fl otc(I ijy il1111~ ff. <'Lll,l·vci Or'dtjl\• i1·~ l11J,fo. led br {qo\nc/141,, 1


R'UGO)...A'fJNG T) ANSAC'rlONS l:N ft'ORg1 ~N 'E CIIA~GE ANr FOl\f!lgN·OWN D

• AJ.1:.F m.ntm- WNED
PllOPttR.TY, l>Jt VIDJNG ll' R T H .i.JU~ P llTIN
PROPin TY , ANJJ l<ELA'Tr:m MA' rm s.
:Hy virttH: of and ptir' ·uallt to the authorl.ty vested Inn e by cctlon S(b) of the Act of Oct<>ber 6, 1917
(•10 . t~t. 4l;.i), IHI llirm1du<I, hy vi rtue of ull r.i1her 11ulhorlly ve 11l1!cl In mo., nt~ O.)' y lrtm of th o l t nee
·P! n I eriod o( tlnll111hecl 11 rll lo11 I m q,.tn<iy, R111 flmlfog that thi s rdcr Ill ln tl1 c ~11blic? ltl creit ~fld hi
n,90._ EV SJ,.,IJ.', ~&ESI­
11cdd • ury lrJ tho intotl'.~ l of 111111 i11 •J c.1 ·r .nsc ~r~<I se<:'itl'ity, 11 •I AN 'K 1..l'N
L>l~~·r cif ihc UNJTE'D 8'J'A11ES o rF AMlmTC.A, d pre crib th f611owlng :
Uxee\1t ve Ordtr NfJl. 8389 of April .10, 194-01 .as 11.t1·1r11dtid, l M111Jnde<l to read as iollt>w 1
SKc·1·1 N i. All 11[ the foll wjug tra n llctlo na 11r prohlh lt.qct, cxrept u.s )JeclO nlly authorir.e<\
by the S<: .rlltary of 1he Tr •asm·y l;iy m ans of fons, rulings 1 instruct! ns, 1lQ nil , or pt her·
wh1c, I~ (I) ttch tmn. uctlon~ ar by, o p11 behalf of, or put t111ht to th b dln· tlon 0£ any foreign
(U) such trrrn t;1H· tion~ I l'xo1v _pro11ert;y
' U
ot1ntry d t41 gtiut <1111 1llil11 Ord I', or
in 11Yhk~b ~111y fqrelgn c()unt{y de i;ig-na.t c.\ tu th i 011uer 1 eir uni n itlcmal lher~o [, u~11 nt a1(y tilli
on ior sin · lhe effcctl vo d t1i of t Id , rd ·r had nn ititert ol nny 11allire whnt 14oev r, dire t or


.....,. M~··
A. All trim:fers of treclH between 11ny ~in11k i ng in stitutions with It the Un1tcd Stat s ; and
. nilt.d $tu'le.11nml 1111y bu~1~i­
ull tN1n !tit s c.1f er dH bo~wccn ony bt\l\l· j"'~ 111. tlll1lton lthin tl\e U
i111g lnatitutlon out"ldc the United . tu t a ( n1 h1dl11 , 1111y pri1)cip1.1.l1 llg'Unt, i ~Hnfl c11fflc 'branch, cir
C(,ll"l"Cllppnd1:nt ouU ltfo the U11lt~u Stn1 os, nf tl bnnkl11g liH~titt1tion withln th. U11Hotd St.11te11);
U. A11 pnymen·i11 by m to any bnt1ld11g h 1st1tutlr.111 wl1hin tl1e Unite<l'ls;
C. An tran.s· ctio1u 'in ror ·ign cxth11ugc hy nny t)er 011 Withli1. th United States:
D. The export or witbdiru.w1.1l fro111th Unill•<l State , or t.l1c uttnarklng Q{ gold Ir ailver
oin or bullion or urrc1H:y by t.1ny r>er . 011 w i t liln th Unit d ' t11tes;
trnnsfcr , wjtlulg,~wnls or ·xp rt a tio nc, uf, or.J!.~1aJ.iD&: Jn, nuy . id n c of hidebte~­
ness or 1.1v1Cfen c 'bf owner J11p of proprrty Ly ony per 01~ iTihln the United St.11tea1 and
" ·F. Any tran 11.clloi'1 io'r the 1>u11;0 e or hi h ha .. lhc effect of c adintc or 1J1.voidh1g the
foregoing prohibitions.
Sll:C1'HIN 2.
A. All of th e fQll.q~~Jlii W.U • r ' )JQl!!l1i.~ed, r cept as spe au~!ioriicd by
the Sec~etary of tfie .r rensury lq 111tw.n1i1 !J r gufotio1 s, ru lh11:1 , 11~. tru hQnl'I, hcense11, or
In~ In, or with r pect to,
(1) 1Jl.9 ~Wtion, di sposition or j 11~~ l• •I' Q,tll.\'
Or l.\vldence th r of Oll wld ~ ffHm · j SIGl11]lt7f or 1111p1'nrrati, (ll' to which there
any e
is a1'11x.ti or otherwi c attflch d, n lax sl1tmp <~r oth er l\l a n1p of a fo eifpi c untry dcsig··
nated in th i Order or n 11ota rlal < r s h11ih1r uJ whith by itR omcnt. Indicates that it
wa.s . tamped, impri11ted, affixed or at.tu hi:d wit hin .11ch forc l{!n cou ntry, or where the
attendant tirclllnstanccs di:clciae o r i.1.11li..cult th · \ uch lump cir sea may; at ~\Jl}' time,
have been _.ta mp d, l1nprint d, affixed or nt tacl1 ·d U1e1·clo; lUto
(2) The acc1ulsi1io11 by, or tr~t1~ !1,:r to, nny persvn wilhio th ' nitcd 'St~'tes of any
interest j_. any~ s~curity· or evic cncc th 1 c f 1i th att!,' ndant irc~1 n s·~tmcei' disc;1 ose or
indk11te that the ae<:au·lty or evidence th 1· of is, 1WL·;~ll.y .)tttated with in the United





Statti~ .

B. 'fhe Sccret11ry of the Trea. ury may inl'r~. tir:"ate, regulntc, or proh1bit under such regu.
lations, rulings, or in trnct.lons a he moy \>1l'l!lcrlbt, by rtlean o of Ileen s or ()therwise, the
sending, mailing, lmporiing o oth e rwi~e >ringing, directly or indirect ly, irit<.> the United
States, from any fort:ign country, o f ny ecuriti ·• or v1<leoce thcr of or the recc,iving or
holdl.n g in th United States of f..ny st.1cuirit e or cvidl!nce II~ reof u broughtt ioto the United
Sta tea.


' J

C~~~~r' 1 lll!!l&n '- f~r~iitu r~1111try
'. t,l)i11 • rt111 t.' 1 i,ricw~1~ w th ruHp~C'1
tj1e date r,p1;11a~ 1,!'J ,1~1 ,t~e l,p fo i•JJ 1n<'h<1du•le :

~. Th tcirm "for~{gn ('.l;ll.l~*r>' ~e 'l(piatcl'.J h1 1t\li


i11<11nJ 4 rn th~ f~1llc;1w;~,~ 1u1~~il1\!t 1 at1d .tl!r.i ~~rtll efl'~'cti ·~ ~11t '
h• • riy • 1«\l { r · l~g 1 t>1.01l1'f,, IY.t ~~JY l\atloo~l ~h~.11C
(a Ap11U 81 HMO ""' . 1





a~i d,

, De1nrtM1til~q

(lb) Mlty l01 1940-


'he N ~t hcirhtnd ,
l1Qll,l'lm11 ond
J,.~1 ml m11rg ;
(c) Ju11e 17, 1940-.Fnmu~ (loc1utl n1r Monll<·o) l
( ) July lO, 1940Latvln,

:JI tottla 1111d


Odober 9, 1940R.urnnnlll:

(f) Miu·~h 4, ltulDulgarla l
(g) March 13, t94l U tmgary:
(11) Match 24, I 41 -

ugo&!avla 1
( I) April 28, 1941Gr <:cc;
(j) J1m c 14, 194tAlb~11ln,1

Czoc h ~lovalda,

Li chten 1cln,
P oland,
Sa11 Marlm.1,
Spril ti ,

Sw deni


S vitzcrland. and
Union of Sovie t Sc cii~li st l<~p,1blic11 ;
( k) Jun 14, 114 1IJQ
Ja pan;
( 1) Jun e 14, 1941Thailnnd ;
'(m ) Jun e 14 , !941 -lT ong Kon~.

'l'h "e\['<Jct.lvo dnt o1 th l Onler" wi th ~e$p<'ct fo nny forcig· 1a co1111try not rl 11lirnn lt1l in th i
r<lcr i,hn ll he deemed t o be Ju111e 14, 1941.


A . T l c S1·crett1r)• of the T.rea ury and/or 'the Attorney General may reqi1ir , h r menn. 1i f
rrg11latlton!'I, niling!I , i·n sl t't1(' ion ' or oih rwls ' any r1er (,\n ~) k(' p a fo ll r cord of, :-ind t o
fun ti h t111c1er on th, In th e form of reprJrL or othen 1· , Crom time to time antl nt r111. t im 1 r
. fl 5uhdlvi Ion ( k) Q<M I by 'Rxorutll'c rilr.r o. 8832, tla t d Jtdy 26, l 94l Stt P fSI fi. r NP. t. ti '11blli v1el-On (I)
added by gxcc:utl · Otder No. 8 63, dated. Doc11111hor 9, 19~1. 'Subdivlslcin (m ) addf!d •by •J1e<:utive r c No. l!Wfl. dat I
1>etrmber 26, 1941. Str I' rss TMrcue No. Z .J


'Q, Any trrtt1 n•e IQtl Tll£err~d to fo 111Jct ~In S(t\) o(.' •b«1
tfol\~11. C\~1nvh·tt1 lnfo~rttll ttott r~~ ti
Atit uf Poto~~t , 19•17 ~40 l?twt, ·14U) 1:1 • -.,fnen~lcil, 111r i11i)!R!l~t1 ta 11.tiy p:ro)'lerty fr1 whlci·h ""IY
' fo~<dg'JI oourtt r+y or utiy 1\u•tlon1Mt~c-i:eof h11 ny l1l'ltil'rf.1!t r;11f nn v' 1nat re \1,rhat (lev~I', ~ired
intU~ cj:, 111'1 h11ling the produ.ctfon (>f niTIY bt'~nktn r1t i1r •rl t1n t, coi11 1'1H.1!:111 l11Jt: s, A'J r uthr.r pµpcr11,
hl co11~1 ectfo11 tl1t·r with, in t11 c'111tm1.v Of ccint rol d '1t1 h 111 r n, ·~ th~r !, for~ t'!r' f.lftur' aµqh
tr11n ~ tfrm , rom1~1 ~ed ; amd th • Se ·retnr)• Qf th e Tre11111n·;y r~Hclh~t h~ AtWt'.M)' 0 nert\~
ttu1y, th~ t(~h 11ny ll.f.t'!!.,cy 1 hwe ~ •r,_t 11ny 11ch ttu.ns r.t11~p cu: rt, nr a~1 'Vi I tkn of the



pro\li6llcm; oi! th a ( rder.

B. Uvery i•cr on ellti;nf,l'illg' In auy of 'Iii trirnsnctfot111 l'C'f ' .l'c•i1 to In , (•r.tlcm 1 1111t~ 2 ot
thl Order lw1 Ii pa fn\t 1· .N.,rd nf e h such tn 1hui.ctioo ting 'g·rt! in li y ldrn , 1·c•irarrlt R of1
wh tlrnr ~u h ti 11. c Ion h effect d P•l'll'fitttuit to llrens ol c1tlit-rwl1 .,, n11d such r cnrc1 . hall be
1i1v1dlnbl for f;'..um1i11a llon ( r u,t lea t pno y M 11,ft r lh drU t ot '\l ~h lt"Wll r1cllou.

SLC't !Cll'I




A, Ali u st>~ in ~h o fir. t p I' g~nph of • 1lr1n J rd i·~di, Order "trnnstt.atlcm [whlch 'l
lr1vol propetl~ in Whk11 11 far •1gn ao1111try de11lg ·1 ~1t ed !n 1'~'11' f)nfor, Cir u.ny 1•1t.1tfonr1l
1h t:'reri(, 111.L ill * 4' • llTIY lUtC'r(l!!'t or 11;\'I)' natllt'c< Whll l ~CJCJ 1\\f, din~ t t > •inr if \Ct 11 1d111 JJ ~ncJude 1
bt~t not hy Wll'Y' nr Hmit.ati.nn (l) ~uy pr1y111t 1Jl 01· l'l'nHsf I' to l\\lY !. lit ~c.111 llt.r11 C(HU1'try Of
uaii( un.I therc-C'lf, (H) rmy 1.!xport or 1,.,-thrh'Bwnl from th e 1Jnltt·u $Lai ~to R 1.!~h :roreig1, co11ntry 1
itnd (Ill H11y tru n. f1·r of cr('dit, or paym ut of 111 1 ohll~r 1Utm, ~ rirQs$~(l In tt.~ m of thll ctir•
nlu<:y of such fo.rrlgn ·01ir1try.

•B. Th t •m1 ·~1 nltl'<i S1, tc1:1" 1111:1 n, lhe LJnl1Nl Stntt•,Jii nrnl 1u1 pin!('<.• :.it1 hjc t 111 thr jurl •
di tlon 111L'rt't:1 f,nmt th<' h'nn "miltinf'nt nl l nit<'d S tu •tt1!'1" 111Pnn 111 · r.L11t,~t or 11h 9 Unlf(' d Stat&,
th JH Rtilct of f 'cilumli I, nod llw T·nilory n.[ Al11 slrn: pr(Jvld cl, l<J\'rl.'V/,•r, l'h f runh . J'•tlf1ll1SMl
of lhl, ( rrl('r ll ae t (· r11·1 1' nit cl S t;..ik;i'' , ltnll nol 1,e <lcc:mr(l lo 111~·111tl c nny ti•rritm"y h1r udtd
wiiJd11 th<J ( l'Tll'I "fur •i,~ n Cll1l11 I")'" llA tldin ,ti ln p :mt ~~rniph ]') Of th IA ~Wc t'l '11.
. The trrm "l1eri1on ' 1nt·nns an ind vichl'il, partr f'r hi11 1 a ~dtt lr,111, 'Pl"POl'tlli nn, f)r oh ·r
orga11faa tlon.
D, 1'he 1rrm "for lg-11 co1111try" !!ha'll ind11d<:, hut nut hy wa,, 0£1 IJJ:nltation,
(i The tl,tt• PJtul t11t1 gov •rninent t11 c•1·1:of on the ~ffrc:tlv (fatt" nf 11ds ( rd er u well
a 1u1y p!'>lltirat l~bdlvi ion, n1~ency, Of l11 ~ lrt1t1H' ll 't 11l.ity 11\e N'•f or nny t rri tory, cit-pend ·
ency, colony, prnt~dorn t 1 rn nda1e, fomlnion, . lc111 <•'I' pln~r· s11bj (: t 10 the jurlscllction lh rcnf,
(H) A1iy othrr ~OV('rn111ent (i1u;)\1(l ing 1111y 1mliticn l , 11h<lh•I ion, np.~;n y, r ln trnm1~11 t.nlit 1 tlwt·o fJ to th l" c• lc1'lt 11rnt only to 1he cx l.1·111 thnt urh gnv rnni nt ex •r citrn!I or
clnims t.o excrd e rlr 11.irc or tie fl'lrto '(IV l'<'lg'nty Vl!l' th~ ana wl1kh 011 :\tch dT<'ctive d tr con·
s1 itntcd uch fo rei rn cnun1ry, and
(Hl) ny t1· 1rilory which on or si m . llic: t·IT1·1'tiv<' rJn i<~ (If thl$1 . rd 1· L r<introl lcrl M
occ:t1pictl hy lh t• rn i1it ty, navul or police for<'c~ or ot her nt1 l hMily <11 ~ 11r.l1 forrig1i c nntry ;
~(Iv) A11yprr1H11lf( th (1Xit•n1 ll 1at 11chprrsonis, 01· hn bc<~ l'l ,M1ol h <u~ t ntihatlllcrc
i11 r fl (m;1hle rnu , · tn l>clic.'Y<' that uch pcrRon i , or hM br11•n , 8i nce !lu1·h "ffcrtive d:.tlr.-.
ncling or ptHporting to act di1·c·ctl'' r.1r forJir{•c·t ly for th<! bendlt nr on lwhalf of nny of th '



gr~i11 r.

1!t'1.1ng lfong ~hall be
subL1!vi sion.

d1; Pl'J1t'd l o

111• a fnn·I •n c1n 111tr_1 within t111< m• nlng of thJ.

g, Tho terrn "nalion::il" shall indu<le,
(l) An p r .. on who hall bt! n domi cilc<l l11, or 11 i.ub ject, or 1 ,eslrle~i t of a for •ig11
on .try at any time on or Ince the •ff . ct Ive dat of ihls,
(I~) .Any ~nrtrJc rsh1v. a, sodal.ion, c ·.!jl'Oration (,l r oth 1ir O\rr:ani;atl<m, organ ized und r
tht- la ivs of, or whirh 0n or inte the crrncllvc 1fo1.e CJf this rd r bnd o:r hu had its
prlnd1 nl placl' of hu lrPllM ln s uch fnrd t-:n c·otlnh·y, Qr which o n or slno !Juch dfecti c
d.atc wn~ rir ha. Lert1 l..Un 1•o llcd by, or a sublltantial f•tlrt of th .~t ock, ~ lrnr 8, bonds,
deb nlur ·~. not ·s, d1·uft<i, or other- scc11ritle3 or obli~:ition. of 1~hich, WI\ M ha .. been
owned r tn11 rotlt"d y, directly or indlr ttly, AIH:h 1or<.·i ~· n I." trn iy and/or one~ r mr>r<·
nation: 1 Ihereof a he la d •tirtc(I,

I' Pal'agrnph B of fC ion 5 11111c11rfod by Eirccutive Ordor No. H9<1H, dnted Ori· mht·r 21i, 1941 Su l'rtu Re/tau N1J. 24.
S,•11 IJlio Pul>llD t'rrtrlnr No, JJ 'fht (l!nn "United Stat11.'' ~'•v.~ 11(1! lnd~dt tJw .l'liilit'l'int' J l111irhi. '' ublllvbioiii. (iii) i111d
(Iv) 0£ paragranh !.> 11! ilc\ti111) 5 ul.••lituLe"l ~1 JI u of $~blll~·ihl<1n ( iiil, 11mj 111~t ~l"ll(rn r:- oJ 1•n1·~ \l'lltih tl adtlCd l•v l!.,,.1tcuth·1
Order No. 89J;l8, d11ted Dtctm1lx:r 26, 1941. l"ormor auhdi•vislon (iii) baC'nmc $ubdlvf~icJIJ (iv), Sre Pr s,r 1'fle1ur ti, .?ti


(iii~ An:Y i•e1· ou tQ th¢ txtent tht' '"ich pc:r Qt~ t i~. (ilr 'hall l~cll11, t(nee i>uch flfeotl •ve
d to, a.ctin1~ ot purp<1rtlng t'o itd cllrr.:Oy or lmlirc~1 Jy fotr 'I.he l> 11 ·flt or on t.uih~lf of •ny

•nation I of 11d1 •forel ~n CG1Ut1fry 1 .1 1·11:1
(lv) Ar1y other l~CIS$~111 'hQ1there is r~c,nq1 li.b'I ~ Clltl' e 10 h l'j(;v·e 111 a 1111atltil1ial" 'H
hcreh1 < efl1 etl.
hi 11y ase in wh1r.h jjy lr tJ)e of t 1l' fon1 oiog defi•nH Qt1 a par11on i 111. nalionf\I c1f more 'fl'i~ta
frr1 forr lgn ct11~nlr)'l. u<C'IJ pe~fl01 i.ha 11bQ111:1mi crl to~~ n l'llitioo11l of nc:h !i.ll h fotclgn 01mi~}'~
it.\ ~ h cl1 th o<.irn ldncl.l lnt('rt ts of t!\/1'~1 or• T11cu·e frir e g11 ountrlt;• (le ign)tcd In
111 a11y <'
thi Otdt>r w rl/ .r n11tl1bnnl11 th r M nr t1fficic-11t in th e ag-gre!(n t<i t 011~ tlt111. , within ~he
1t11mnlr1g ut t1 1tJ for f,tQlng , 1·p11tr(ll! or 5 pt< r 1•nt111111 or 111 nr ·of th11 11tock, lrn rt•!i, l>c nd., d bahtun~ll. otel'!, c1r11'ft 11, m· i11i i· se ·urlti N or otil ignHon o f ~1 1111 rtn c•r hip, 11 rln1i m, • T'J1Mat.ior1
or other eir rnnl v. tlm1, h11t stwh rnn trol or n s11b. tantfol pnrt cit , m1h I( ck, fl11n.n , liond!f,
deb .nl11r 11 , nQ1 •ii, drufL, ur other <'C \Jrl'tle m· ohli J~llilon 1 no twld by fll1Y one uch fr1reigJ1
ce11nlry 11nd/or 11 nliom11 th r1 rif, urh 1"11rt11or. hip, n . ric h In n, t:Mporr.ttl n r oth~"r rgi1nl~1,
tion 11111111 be df'!mH•il 111 be fl n111 i 111 l ( f <ll\th of b1.1d 1 fot<'l gn cn uutrl · . Th1: S1·1:r ·tnrr () f the
'T'r a111wy fi l11dl h11vc1 lull p1,1v e1· to I /tt'r111int1 th111. ony p •r. on i ~ or h~ll lw (1eemcc\ lei t c n
"ti !lornd" wij\hin 111<1 rneanlri j.i of hl <ld1t11,ti in, 1111(] Hi f1' 1rc·i~·n CCl t111 try (,(w hich 111Mh pet'l\(J)n
I or shn.ll bci rl •c·111c·tl 1o bc 1t. natiomd. Wlthout. llmdnll n. 11{ 1n · (or ,gc.fng, th t'<>r'm 11 n1tlonnl"



slrnll 1.1lso l11dtHll! t\11,Y utlwr pt"riion who i d •1wrril11 •d by th(' s ·c:rr'ln ry o r the Trrn. tllry to b •
a11d1 efT c•1i t? el ate, nct1 n i~ or J 1(r pnrt,l ri r to f\l"I' (11r 1:tly or i~dlr lc11y for
or to ha ve bel.'n, ill
th e b ·nefit (~1· 11nd1•1· lht• dlr •ctlun of a forelgn rou nt ry rlr l~m1 t1id h, th is On'ler or l'latio n I
t.11 rcof, n. hel'(•ln ddl n ecl .
F . Th tt-rm "onnkirig in1>11 t t lon'' s 11 Hrrl in thi O rrlrl' hall lndud1 II)' prr on engfl ed
prlmMlly ot inC'\dcn111ll l11 Ll1e hu ~ lncr.s of bnnkhAfl', 1if gnmting 11r 1'1'1m !!I rrlng er dlt , or of
11urcha1dnf' or c:llh g fo rclg·n " chnng • or 1m~rttrl1lr:r ptwcha or and t'llt·r11 Ihrreof, ns pdnclp;d M n1r 11t, or llny pt.1rsotl hf1ld1n cr~dll for nthilrl§ a$ a. diret or h1clllf'111a~ prtt t 1 hl11 bu 1d·
ness , r Im krr: ~ind, n .h prln ci p 1, n~ rnt, hn111 • oITT e, hranch or corn··l1(11l!lc:r1t oi n11y persQn
' 0 erv;~g d sl1llll bi r gardt1d 11s n t'f•llrut "tmnk L111;r in ~ tltutlt.111 1 '.
Q , 1."h l ·rm ''thi11 Ordt•r", u
W, 1940, 11 11 t1 1J.1 11tk d.


uct her .i n, ~h r1ll mea.11 ti.xec: llt jva:

Order No. 8389 oJ April

S 1~01·lnN 6. .'l\cct1t 1v(I . rcl f." r fo. l'l,,SQ t1 f Apr il lO, 1940 , is 111rnd cl, ~hall ~io lr1Pl{('r be detorued
l(!) be Wn an1c11dm ent !'o cir a r>11tt vf gx 'C' ul ivc 0rcJt.r No, 566 o·f }11111111ry 15, 1!1134. Execu tive
Order NQ, 65(i0 o! Jar1uary ~ 5, l9.l 4, 11d th l <: •·uJatio1119 of No rnber 12, 19:l4, nr~ l1ero~1y mQrHfied
h1 . o f1tr as flwy ·ire hi · on ~lstcn t i h th provisil!1n11 of th ls Orde r, nncl ttxcep1 11 o 010 1ifled,
on t it•itte in foll for<' ancl ffe 1. Noth in g herein , h1111 hr dt! med to revohe 11.11y l k<~ $(', ruling, or
in struction now in ff ct nurl Is ned pu1 u11nt to Executive .rd er No, 6560 of .Jnnunry 15, 1934,
as a111cndl:'d, or pttrAtttm1 ti> 1hi11 Order ; provM •rl, liowa1v r, tha all 11 h lk mies, r11llng11, or
in tmcl ion s h11 l'l he a11h~ t· t to th i- pr vision h •rcof, Anj nrrH•11dm nt, modlflcn tl 1\ 11t rev<watlo11
by or JH1r ua11t to t li Jirn isi<111 1:1 r1 t hi 01'der of ui1y ordu;s, rf'gttl lion s, n1ll11n11, in$lructions or
Uc ,11 ~·. t· halt not a r·c;l r ny net dfl ne, or <1ny sttit or i roC'~rdln .' had 1. r c:om 111 nce<J in •~ny dvil
or cf"imlnu l calie prior 11 1-mcli nm cn dm('n t, 111oc1!llc~HC'l n ot rc•vocn tlon , anti ;111 p •nu!He , forfrlturcs
and llnbllitles und er any uch onl rs, 1•egula ti n , 1•1di11jt"s, i11 strl1ct i(m1.1 nr lil'cns l!I s l1~ 1l continue
iwd m11y ht~ c;nfnr rcd l'I R if . 11t"11 rwHm<l rn rnt, rn odifi r ntion or rev oca tion hnd l1l1lt b t•n nrnde.
Sccrctuy of the
SitC'l'HIN 7. WithtJl1t litni1 otion ns to any otlic•r i1nwcr. 01· auth fJrlt y ,f th
rrlf"r, the St, rn1nry nf tJ1
Trcn hry t tb Attn nt·y l wrRI 11'1 !r 1111y ot l1 t r prov;'8 lo n of t'hl.
Tren ury ia au'thorir.ed • nc.l t· rnpc1wer .d tt prcscrlb f mm tim · t 11 Iirnc Tl!'lf!.1)1• tlo11. , r ul ings, and
in true lion s to carry riut the purpM! ~o f thi'4 Ord er iind to pmv i1 l · th erein or 11>lh erwis • th conditions under wh ich licf."n . s rrmy lie grant d by or throug-h uch offi r rn1 or ag 11 ies n th .:ircr tary
of tht1 Trca. m·y riiny d •ig mll and the <l 1ci11·ion or Lhc S1·c re~11ry wit h c pect to t he g1Tarr1ting, denial
Or other dispo ition of an applkation or license shn.11 b f111a l,
S1::C'now 8. Secti<m. 5(1) f)f th Act o f ctoLt•r 6, I ,17 , as amen t1c1 , provides in pllrt:
"•••Wh oeve r willfully v olilte any of th e p1ovi11ion ·oft 1s Ftt b11ivision 01• of any lk ensc,
order, r~le or rtg·11 l1.1tion i. 5UNI t11 re11 n<lt1 r, 1.1 hal l, upon convict k n, be fin ~ 1 11ot more Urnn
$10,000, r,ir, if a na tnra1 persnn 1 rni1y l.1c imprl1. 1011 ed f r not more than t n ycau, or both; and
nliciput .s in such vic>b~tion
11n officer, dir .rt or, or a .•cn1 of ;111,v corpornt. ion who kn owin gly 11<
ma be J)Utlill hed hy a likl' inc, i111prisontnent, Or both ."
S&CTJON 9. This ( rdcr an d a ny regt1 lntlonll, rtil ing , lice nse or ln . lrt1ctlo11 is ued henundc:r
ma e am e 1dr-t1 , rnnrl lfied or n •,·coked n nn • tim<'.
T rr. WmT Ho l!i,
Juriel4,19 I.


l.1, 1941
lrt Ni•·11'M 1 Jn.

'J'111t \ Jn')'/t,



ll . :11>1<11

.~'(•r1·'ctory ~f ·the! 11·cab(.r)I


Flt flN


' I'll JDJ',il;lll
1Hr 1wr111~1 (il'!lr.r11l


I$ tc!iL1,1~

(I f tf1 e Vli1'/rtl ,1'\t1tN·s
S( ii ei( 111~ ·rr~~Un11 wlU1 ~he..,,,

2, 3(:.i ) 1 ·'(c) 'ln~I

t:Cl)Jt O'F f'ltl:.11 n AT.. rrnnu l . AT )QNS
'J'l1 lc ~1- fo11 cy 111\(l 1 11 ,,~ ll('C : , f(\t\SIH)'
.h•r~ter 'l- Moo 1r~1·y . ffi t 1 Dl!~ ~rt·nu. llt l.'J f !he 1.' r~a
fla 1·t ],JO

nm 1 L


111, /l.N ll l'!l




Office of the Se< r ··tar{
Jun e 14, 194 .




Tn~'N SA C'rTON S H~ 1: J El N I~ CnJ\NC:lr AN I trom:noN -OWNED

1H£LA'rl'.NC ~rO
PH WHf.'TY, T1Ht ll'.ij. l."O.RTfNG or~ A .. 1.. JI(, HJ.C lGN-0
ANl~ RHlATLD MAT'r E RS. (+)
The J


N ;( D 1 1 1~ PER't¥

r1f AprJI 10, 1940, as a1~1<mdt•rl (St~t1I ns l .3().1 to 130h),, nr


1to r'Cnql 1tt11 follows:

~ l' CTIOl'l 130.1.. At1tl1t.J ,-ity Jor rr•(jri.latimtit. 'J1holl re~rirlotion~ 11·re pr~ ~cr1hccl and lt-1. ued ttl'l(ler 1111lhority of
Sl·ctio11 5 ll) of ·th e Al:t o{ October 6, 1917 (40 Stnt. 415 ), a.s •~n 1eu tkd, nnd ltx cotivc Order No. 8389 of April
10, 19401 a · mended by '.E'/C c•11ti C' O rder No. 87SS of June 14, 194l .(•)

S1tcr101• 130.i . Defi11itirnu.
(<i) l he term "Onler' 1 11hnll ,rder t Execut i e C>r1ler No. 8 89 cir Aprlt 10, 1940, aa amenrlt·d ,
(b) The l'f't'ITI ''11e{,:11l 1tlons" ht1!1 rrfcr to those reg1tln inna.
(c 'l''h 1erms "property''' and! " property' lnkH111t" or "pr perty inl ere ts" shall inclmfo, b11t 1{rnt hy way
H, '11vlngij fl('lt"Otu1t , l\IU: $!.QI.its. UI, lt'bl~ '1£.~· or o4ll.i.:ii.·
M limiolti~1 ••rn.!!_1!!J· rJ:m~ 1 drnHs, bulH rt, b;1t1k r\
r ddnl't h1h)' 1111 ci-rs,imikers, ancl in1'•'strnrr11 1H1lilses, n<.1 tt's:1C: irnl11re~ •. tcir.ks,
,.-.. 1obt111d s, coupons, baTlk er~· uucorlnrwes, mnrti:;;.ig ~. 'I·1et1 •cs 1i n Oi' othrr right ln th • m11t1rc (~f SC'C nrlly, wnri· ·
ho11sc r rdpts, bill of lading, tr1x t rrcrip1~. 'lls of ale, a n. ;;trier ~id(!l1C'€1S nf title, '" vnr1'shi p or inclrbkdm•ss ,
I ~s. \ta.!.~~. me11ch~n<.l iac:, chat,·el§, SI \~£!< · <m hnn<, 1 • • gMcl 0 11 hips, r1,:al c•s f n~ mpr' ~ges, venflprf \·iruu"'
ai~rccment , lmid con rac! !l, rcn1I cst:lt ' and any lnt!•rfls I herl!hi, len scholrh, gronnd rmt c;, options, nt'gr)t la hit·
tu!!tr crtts, trad accept· nces, t yn l'tie , l1c.iok acro11n1 · , accnu11t$ payable, h1tlf(mr111 , patcnti;, tr;\d<'m111kR, cc•pyright, con tract or lic~nses affecting or invc ·h··ug pn. ·r1ts, trnt'lcninrl<s or copy rights, i~ ·"m;e )t licies, safe
dcp,.,sit bn es and t iei cnntcn1 ~. ;!lm1uillC'. , 1100IH1g 11gt ·r.·1m•nts, c 1ttractq ()( 1111y rn1 tm e \1 hu.tsoc1 , , • tcr~".' -



,..,e · ...






:->cc loo11 130Jt t Q 130.7:--Sco, S(b) , 40 Stat. 41S 11nd llG6 ; ~er. 2, 48 !';ta . I : 4 Stat. 179 ; l!x. Order '4.180, J\p11lt ,(), HJ40,
~ · a~1wn d e d DY E11. Ordrr 785, } '\lne 14, 1941.

dJ ~!S!MlpiJ'1th ~l.S.UJli ti lie



hl~t ·• l \) '~ t.!!~ hl~~~' lr:f! ~ 1~·tir;~l'lll'

t<ll ~
1-r r1Qt

ii 11 1hi~, "~%*1~' ' ~~l;.\t ott~y r~~ ~ll ,peit•r~~~ll h~. h1g IOC4':~~ lhe ~tt1
" t•o 1/q ;')\ ho:K ~li. f )l(j fotetl'Olt1g h 111
11~1c;1t1b"~~ 0 r~ ,')

11bt ir1 an~· wa.)'. ~ ~11g11rc:l~c l\'1111~111 fi1 ,It n ~ipn1\ the 111 nt1llll~J,t' rJf lM h:rrtl '~<'Ustod~r\
ti)' ,l\'(1r ~hln 1111 ~in.I.rt~ ci~ !1lht'l' t~·r1r1~ f~·f J·l~ 'I t a \t111\l!l bq l\JM1e I. ~ d\~ d n11(1iu1~a 01 'iril11cd Jn the ) 1rdilr1
' ht lntt'<rprntlng r~t11ng~ 1 l!~t'1l~!fl~ l1111tr11l'tl1>1i~1 ctll., i ~!lt1ll\cl ~·•~l·r II f\t t'(l ti 6 (}~t] ,I' 1\tHI Jfcg't.ll11.d II ,, pa1·¢i( ~11 ru• ti1H ''It·
' 'nc11tlerl I (
ltt)I) ~ ulrt1tu<:l lo thl~ p1'(1\ll11<lt u M( .t1t 1111! 1~~11lHf.! :~ '.!1 4~ u~ frt:t1r1 t1l11·1d to 11h hi:re11(,ft1r tl.1


• RC'rlON

130.4. Ri:jiorl,t oJ Pro />1'1 /y h1l1·rf.rls of All Ji ol't ig11 Co1111/ric.r awl N'alinnril.1 1'/11wcof.*


( ) ( n or 1 •fair July 14 , lt;l4J •t, rr.porLs hv.11 he lii locl cm F~ rn TFR-300, duly e-xecnl d unclpr ( r11h, <'Lii\·
talning the info1 1111tti o11 t•.ullNI for ln '\l('h fron1, wi1l1 rC'!IJm :t to o.11 propcr1y s1.1l>Jc;c:t tu the ji1rlsdktio11 o( tllr
llnitud Shit cs 11 t.) • Qilt!~lnlror ~. ~· t.£!.i..ll\!l~;.J~J)1·Q1 'llocl with resp1ir;t to nll pmperty ~ tJbjllct to thd J1uiscllction of the> lJni tt·cl S l<itr" '.!!.~ thl' o ! 1111ii hic ·s on u11e 14~ l941, iu_ whi5lJ cm the vcspN t Ive dal s forelglil 11chm1:1•y tir u,py . u Ui.¥1.l l.tl1t:.f,Q(1f. hnrl a11y inter< !. rA ~1ny 11ut1,1rc wl1at sc1t•'l/('r , direct or .l~ 1d~'lill'I, rC1gur(lhiss
of ·whether a rt•purt <Jll F<Jr1•11 TFH -100 wi tb1 1·r~pc1~ l to 111 1.v such p1ope11ty shall lrnv(~ pre •fou ly bocu fill'tl. St1cl1
eport s !.lmll lie filc!l f)y:
1tr~ tn, or•.. ·ustrnly ,
~. dil'ectl . r .lnt1ltectly hti1l11l1)£. or huvh1
(1 E\: l'Y p<·~irrn, J. ii. ui."
conln1l ~·r po~ e 1d11n fJf 11ch 1~rC>pt' i iY on cilh('r 01: ht1lh 1Jf 111e t1forim1mti1 n d ro pc.·i:;tiy .., d 1~11
(2) Ev ·ry 1lgC1nl or repn• ntati ·e in the \Jnit •1.1 Sta.te!s for any £ordg-n rotmtry or a1~y national thereof
ha'\•i11g any i11formatfon with respect t.o such prop1:rty.


Ptc vlclNl, Thut ncJ report on 'Fur~1 .1]:l -J,P-0, nc(•d lie: fit d whcrt• tl1e 1otnl alue of alt property lntct'l'.•I&of 2-!!l...~
forf'lgn country or ~pt.ik!lll\U b<i..r. 1Qrl,4liJ.~ , ~· · .$1.i.QQQJ,
ltl1out m1 , limita tion w'1n'ts1 1 ver pf 1he fr>1 rgiln1i. J1 .1nr•11l1J nu Jtorm T •R-3 0, filc•rJ a · rcq11iro<l al ove,
sliall be filN.l by VC'l')' f. nrtnwr hip, tru Htli' '. nsso lait111h. <:orp1111·ation, or oth r oq~imk ion org-,rnizNl 1111rl1·r the
la s of the 1 11itc1l Stn'I s ut· any . lHll', lt'rrltnry, or clistri1·Lof th(1 · nitt•d S lnt t•s nr Im h1g lt · prit1d pl1l 1'11ate o(
basine · in the 11ill'U , tltll.' , wi th 1·e pt·ct to n1y . hure of its ~lock or any tJf its dclit·nttm•s, uutcs, lJ11111ls,
coupon~ m· other ul1llg111k.11s ur ~ecurlti\•!.. or an • rrioir thrr hi, in \\hic.h a.ny fo-rei~n country or :my nnli c 1~al
thercnf hnd on •ithcr or both of Ilic lortamm lioned r pcctlve dntt• , an in lerost of any nature ·lint sOl!v cr, di1•cct

or indirect.
It Srr Prm Rrlrasr~ N,., ,,, I , ( 10 and 12. t Src P11/Hfc Clrt'Ular NtJ . I. . rr G/'m'rfJ/ Lfrenu No. 6814, 1u amrm'lr(f, muf Public
Cirrnlnr No. Jl ; l'rnt H lnnst No, 2'6'1

(~) R.t\'IJ<'llf'tll hall lie\lt~ lllnd fl1fld in quftdt\,JIUcat~ with ihe1 l~t~«-ral l~l't~l'V llnuif ~ the dlstrltt Ol'
lh\-. G~, 1mwr 11r Hlgb (~ 0J111111 11li1ti r ''' t}Je ierrllll<Jrir cir 111. tts11 tin of Hie ,U«iil<iu , t~Ue 1i1~ w 1i b thu 1,1111 ly fl ling
the r pQrt ie id(•tt vr h1Ls l1l. pr~u('·!w l pl11 ~ n( b 1~!Jm1 c,ir pr •'~l{~1il i.iffi. <: vr i1nQ11p , ~.,.if s~1c p rty Jill 1 ~ .t~~'»1l
n1~i~Jt!n r ur l1ri nri Ill ~Ill c: 1( liu IW ll ()r prh dpu,l ("tm(.C 04' Ml~~ncy lt1 lte f'nd l v c·~\10 tll, trlct fJI' n I {l'it<Jr)' lJr
if'O~i.ewi, Qin i) !he ulteid ~tlitltl ' tlhe,, ~ M1 t.he • ooe111u J C&fl'Ve 11 t1'k f N~I"'' \'ti1 k (Jt 01e 'I 0Gf ·1 1 I IJ(~rv B1mk,
f $an J1' rulld~o. A nf~Wl hnl1 lifl c11 HJ<:d t h1ti"ie \il.'t'll 1leil wli~11 I! i r1.1, Qlv(l)(l 1y th11 jut11~or l d~~rul Hei. rve
H 11k i. r oLb ·r f l 1:y Gf when ~ ~ J:ll' pdrly 1uldri:~~e<,' a11d1 mn4Je~l 11.nJ bc~r "postinu rk dntod 14'lt r l >nihh lg-ht
lll'rf e Hunk 01' other lljl' ·ncy 1i1h11l1 l~f!<Jlllplly forward
I ( th c.late llJ'iOll vttlcl1 the repvl't 1~ flltC', JL1d1 rr~oim1'I
l h,fCJC C'Q l1 e ol cvcry 111i1,19rf Ille~ witl1 H 10th~ Sccr~tar:y nf 1he 'I'rcia ur,r,
(c.~ ) (I All •l ~(1 h1 t h 1·q1cir I 11111!it he p10P,c1'ly filled in . .f{c1 rts rfowul not to be# Ir• J roper •<.mn, or
l~fo!l' iu essit'i1 llal d tail , h1Llt 11u~ 1111 Q c.1 111 il tp h1&1Ve 1;o~n lllcd 1 <1nrnplit1ric Wlth 1h · rd~r.
(~ \Vher ~11a · in ~'ie 1e(\1'1rt k1rtl'l do 11 1w1 Nr11 It ~111l nnswer Ito q11o~t,1111a, th infor-m U cri n1quil'ed
111 y he et 'f01'th fo lll>!JJt11110Utlll')' ,(.lt1ptl~'S Jnctll'f m1lcid U)' ft:forc:1 C.C 111 the ICJ,>O rt' ntJ l'llmiltttid th r(!wif.h,
Sqpp)crue forf dcict111J1c•11t r; au~I p111~t·rs rn1rnt h11 H'krr d Lo I•• L1 e Jirin ,lp11\ t;11t1:1ncu~ n clu 111101~~1 l CJi·
otht1r apt~roprtatc ord 1r 1u.1d ,he dti~ •r.ibo~ in svoh u a1111or that they can he jd1 nt.ifwd .




(cl) A sq.1 ra!e 1'~~ttl'f 'llt1d1 u11th 111wll I~ Ill d by ea .h per!lcm r«1tdl' 11 In f\1e 11 r ·purrt exc J l that F~·r ()111
~l.l~ t• joh1t' r'<~1iort'.
holtlling pr~1fl'lt)'
{c ) 'l~lc SC!trclary f the Trt.1nS!Jl'f Inay, hi tlis d acrrtlnn, grrmt Htich u:Ktc·11sl11n ur lime ~11 cJCc111JA1cin~ . he
de ms ud'Vi hie fur th· n'laklng of any 111· nil tlf Lhe T'tpo1·1a tl'qt1lrcd hy thc.!Hl 1rg111ntfo11s.
(rf) R . rt Jtcm11 1' If '~300 111a.y Ii tilil ni nu1 rroin nny Fedm1l T{ q~·rvc lln11k, tho G!!1verntJ1' 01· r1 igh
nshi11gtCJ11 ,
C6111mis lcmfr al' territory rir poss :.sfo11 o·f \ht lJ11i1 d Strttr•a, or Lhc t• rrfm y C1f th• Tr1msii r'y,
iJJ. C.( ' )

130.5. Pr11altirs. Sc ·tion .5( JJ of tl1c Act of dot c·r 6, 1 17, 11,1. a11u.:rnle<l, prr1v1de Jn pnrl :
"~' • Wfw ver wflf ftll~y v)olnjt:H n11 <,~ 111 pro i~itin of Lhi1:1 s11LdivlRlPn ot uf, ny Ii •1·11150 orJer, 1 ul
or r gol11t oh ill u1.1t1 (11 rt•tmdc·r, sh11ll 1 t1f1m1 IJ,bn vlllk.111, be 11rwd not tnort• thn11 $10,0IJO, or, Ir 1;. 11nhffal
p tlH(Jf'I, umy lie 11111)1'1 . 01J d frrr rint 111or tlrnn Lt•l'l )'cat·s, or bvth ; 1111d nn otlk ·r, di11ert ""or gun t. uf Hy
c<lrpar·uti n who kuowlngly p rt clJ atc111 in «11 ·Ii 1lc1ln.111~n may lJC puril lmd by 11 ll)(e 0nf~ 1 1mpri11101Ju1 •11t, or

Sxc1 11>

both," •j


SicC'l'J N 1J0,6. 'h< '• flO •ull<tiO'hll and nn rt11lng , lk •r1st•11 , <Jr iii t ruttlo1111 l<J t1 ·cl hrr :t11i< t.Jr hall 1mt be
do med tu au w1 Ji my tr rn11a ·tlun prohibited b l'<'tl on of uny ot:hl!r hH • p10d1u11M in11 1 <•rder or 1'og11I. t Ion. (,., )
SE<.: ll>N 13 .7. Amc'f1dm1m1, Mod1'firali<m or Rr,10ra,tio•1. Thr ' n·g11h1.tirin uo<l nny rttllngs, lk n a,
l~1str~1 lion., or forn111 is11u •d hen~uud r m y !Jc allwnded, n1ud 1f11:d, or re ·ok ·d lit uuy t mo.(•)

lJ !!:N I Y ~ l<GENT Jl U, JH.
S creto ry of the 'J'n•aJury.

l\PPT<. VED : June 14, 1941.


mcc of the $tJcreta ry
July 26, 1941.

AM ENDME 'f 'J10 fC ~:G LATlO S
Aptll 10, 1 40, a. arnl'n~C'd (: 1•ctlon11 130.1 Lo BCt.7), ar l1erchy amended

The Rt• rulation (Jf
s ~ that rt.' f'CJrl , on Form Tl"ll-.1l0U s hall be lit d with ro: p <i t to all p rnrwrly aubjc ·t to th· ju ris ~
dicti on c;,f the nltcd StatC! n th e opcnini.r of busi11e~s 01~ July G, l 'Ml, ab w II t!'I with r sp ct
to 11 prof) rly subj cl to tl1c jul'isdlction of the 11ited States cm Lh r· npe11ing of husineo on
Jun • l, JCJJ O, nd with re~pect. to a11 proper y suhjcct to lhe ji1dsdi tion of lh United Stn :cs on
tlic op ·n in~ 11f bu 11ws on ]i1m· 14, 1'41, in whi h on ho rcs pe th•t> date 1 China or japa11 cir any
n ti(Jnal th rt nf h.<l 1111y i11t 11rc t mf any 1mt11re whnt s 11v1·r, dfr cl or indir·d . .'u ·h rc11ort P.h11 ll
he ilt>cl by th persons pt· ·ifi d in • ec ti cJ11, 130.-1 o{ lht• J•: lnt lo(lS an rl ir11 f he rn111111c1r pre .crilJ d
in the R11gul tilona.

A l'lW \I ED: July 26. 1 ~ 1.

11 . FOLE ' , JH .
.l1cti11g Srr rrl11r•;y af 11111 Trea.mry.

• Section I J(). I lo 1. 0.7 :-· Sec. S(u), 40 Sta t. 4Vi nd 966 ; Sue. 2, 48 • t;;t. l ; 54 Stal. 179 ; Ex. Order 8.189, Avril 10,
1940,,a u ended bJ' .Ex. Order 8785, June 14, 1941, 11nd Ex. Order 8832, July 26, 1 ~41.
fS rr. J'r1m Rtlca«e No. 7.]


HlLA~iltjED t~TS'l: (U ' &~r:r~u
\ fj('> ' 'J~XuJr~r~ 0 (~l~l 11A'lN E

.AJl'l'H ·>JJZ(N-0 " P.,t

BL mKF.11) ~~TI~NAl,S AND


' Bv ~:lut ,P1u5~¥1A1tli'l' Oii' ·;11 11~p q~ ~,~~~ 'S1A.1a11

1. ~flc!><:t.AIM A't 10~





l, J1'RANlU.U{ {),HOO. ire m:J\ r'rr~ld \t c~r Lhe 'lJn,lt<id ~~ 1~1 cs of lllt'rlcn, n<:tb~g uuder and by vtr~\Hl of
'I.he 1W1thorlty v wiled ii~ 1 ·1C' by S ·~tlrm 5,ti) or th Act o( ct.ohet IS, j 17 (4(1 S\ri.1. 4lS) a nrnehlfod 111,1! Secti(jln ~ o{
Mwnf.lcd 11hd by vfr ~te 11£ all btli<·r ti11l h .rlty rvestlid in me, al1(J h)' V'irtue (~!
the A111 of July 2, 1940 (54 Slut. 714)
the tud11h~11ct, c1f ti pcidrnf 101 t~tlthrilt d 11utl111111l em ·rgm1<.. y <•.t1d fJ 11tHng tl111l tlds Pn1l~li11 nr1tiu~ lff u1· •a~, in the
Jnt f(~St o( lllllk unl <Jef: ~Ill , ,do htll' by md 'f llllU tJrodo.lm the fol\ciwing :

Sectl<m 1. The Scnetnry <~f S1u1l:, nc1tnJ:: l11 t·onj 11~1 1Jrn1wllh11i ' Sccrnh11'y r.i( th Tr~n ury, th Attorney Gt!!l·
cr~ 1t, th Sel,retaw trf .:11111111t•rN1, ih /\dnll111'1trn\~1f 111 .ltx1Jt1rt "(lli trol, nhd 1hti ''<1111•d nn1x.1r of i1;l11111·ie1·d~1l 11rn'I
t1lll1~11l Rdt\1'101111 l1ktw<:cn tl1c A t•rwrl M1 J~4· p1thl lcH, !1h~111 ft'M1 tlnw to lime i::msu to he pr ·part'!t1 n1'l !!l1)f'l'C>prlut · l.l$t af-~(n) ctirtuin ~1 ·1·rmm1 tie •1111•d 10 hf', or to hll\'Vl! ~oer1 ldbi~ CJr iiurpun ing to act, wir •ctly or fa1di11ectly, for the
l11mefi l. t1!, or 1rndc1 thr tlli l' li <''ll uf, Ill" undcw \h · J1~rl s~lic;ti(.111 of, or oq 1~ h 11[ of1 ur111 t ill.~1 0\'3 11011 wit'h C •riHnny
or .ltaly 01' a nr1tl(1nt1.l t\u. r. r; illll'l
rlulu p ·rM•ni. lr.1 1 lw111, <Jr on wht1;,e b ·h itf, nr fur whti. t\'~'lJ\1111, the l':itp1n·taliotl Lilr c:tly or lnclire tty
of uny 111tlclc or 111.itr.• rial •xpurl.t· I it11111 tht:. i1lt(•tl Stat . , ls clcum d to J;u dttrin1rn tal ll' the: intcrciwt Cl'f nalfo11al


Jn . irnilnr 11 u1nm·r 111·111 io lhe i11t l'i 1• I' ~;1f nftl1fonal de( nEI , rt1lc~itl1H1!l fo nnd <MtJtlo11 fr(lUl »u .b Ust s11aH bci nuu:lc
drrn, 'lw t1nm. ~i 11d1 IM anti 11y nddido n~ tl~ rn~o eir <M lltmu, thcrdro111. \111,ll b • llfo!l tJ1J1·1·11uaiit t.o ~he provi kms
r,1f \ho Fr.~leirul lfrgj~t.or ,/\(:~ !l\'ltl 11111:\i fo1i ~ hu ll h lp1ow,p <UI "'tllrll Pro,\d List \,J( "c.rt~\~~ lll~IC'kc.rl N~t.for1u\-' •

' .llrm 2. Aoy p <.: l'dlll ~v lung 11 ~ !ti m111H aJJwar.: 111 1.1urh list, shall, for !11 puqws o( $c·ttlrm 5(1 ) of the A<..1
of C cluu ~· 61l !Jl '1, 1LS Ht1Jt'111le1q , t111d for thf· 111q1 ar <1f t lii11 l'lluclunmtio11, I;<! clt 1!lucd t a 11, tlci1111! of a foreign ccmn·
t,ty, n11d hull be trt•n led for r~ll 1n1rpo. <:'I u11d ·1· ftxe L1tl c ( rel r No. 8.38 , aR amc11detl, a.. thQugh he were a n.tional of
Ger11mny or l taly. All the tq1rna and pi ovlsl(JJ1s o{ E.iwc11l1v , Order No. 8 8S~. · s amtmdcd, sh tl li ' upp1Jcaule lo 11.ny
s11t~1 l 1:rr. m so kmg qi hl!l name ~111pl·a1. it1 1Ul1,: h lisl, a111l to nny properly fo which ri,ny uoh po1•son ha. or has had an
lnt rost, lo the sa me . ·lcmt that i.11ch tcm1 and ptoyJsions ar. · apvlicnble to n11tlonol o( Gi,erronny or Italy, and to
propcMy in which ,m1tfonnla of ~ r11•1 uy or Haly .l1rivc or hav ha<l 1w1 int ere. t.
S ctl11n 3. 'J h<: ex1or1a1i01 1 frNu he U11i t<"r1 Sta.I ~ cllr• ~c·lly or intlirt"c11 101 pr ou b h11,lf of, or for the ac ount of
n11y p(;r~t•JJ so lung 11. hl!i 1'1lllJC app~·m. on sud1 11.,;t of <tfly 11.rtlc.le or mu,lcrial ll1 • ·.xpc)rt~itJrrn of whl .b ls r~ rohihltcd ot
(!lll'trl'ikd J.y any pm luinntltrn h~rt Lofo11 ot· lu•ronHt:r L 1.1cd J.tndcr ti1 n.utlrnrity of Section 6 c1f: ~h e: Act 11( July 2, J!>1«J,
as at1w11dcd, or or 111w other rmli1ary cqi1J1m11,m1, or mnnitions, or component p rt~ thcre<Jf, v~· mac11lncry, tooh or
n111krl:d, ur i-.upplios tl(i)C ~!la 1 y fm lllC ma.m1fart11rc, s rvicing, or ope1ution tl·1cl't!tif, ls lwr by 1 rohil>ited under
Sortlou 6 of th•~ . ct rJf Jul)' 2, 194(>, JL~ a1m:11dcd, e copt ( l ) whcr1 authorized iu each. ease hy a li ccm1e as provid d
for i11 l'rodu11111tion No. 2·1 1.1 o{ .I uly 2, l C40, or in Proclm11atic1n o. 24 5 of Mn11oh 4, 1941, t111 the case may be, 11nd
(2) when the Athr1inL Lra or uf fo:i.it1rt Control 1md r my dirc·ction hi dctcnnine<l that such prohibiiion of e.x1 ortatlon
would worlc an unus\Jal hard s! I i on Atneri im i11tt'resl .


S •ctlon 4. Th le1m "pc.non" 11, used hcti in mcnn au lndividu:tl , pal'l11enh!p, assnclaticm, cQrpotation or other
organ 7.:a'l1idln.

'fli<: term " ·nitud Sti1 te "as 11 ~NI ht•t t'in mrnns lh ' ·· nitud Strit e. and nny p1ncc i;ubjvct lo the judsdktiou thereof,
i11cllldi11g the Philippine hla nri s, th<' Crmn l Zone, and the Di tntl 1,1f Columbia. and any other t .rrilory, dependency or
pC>!o:ession of the nliod Stnt •
othlr1g hcrc:in confaimd . h111l b dcrmc:d in 1tny mnnnrr to liniit or nisln :1 the provisions of the sald
ectfon .
Ex;eculi ve Order Nt;>. 2 89, fl$ am~ndtXI, or Llic autho1 ity vestc<l t1hcrcby i.n the S er tary nf the 'J rea.~\llry nnd tJ1e
Attemey en ral. 'o far as tJ1c F ecuti"e Ord r No, 8.189, o.s amended, i oono rrletl, '' he J:roclalmed List of

r.l'tnii~ 1$1 .kl)d NMlt1a1lil '1" r~,101o~kd if; I d Is '(.Ire r~rt'1'111Ltil)11, ii• •ncl'(t r •'lll~t { ~1ttt nJ'l<'r"t)nlJ wlH\ rn 1~¢t hn.,.hr111~
l111d \ hh 1'1111<fl(IC1. t vhn e pro11e1t:Y i~ie1'<) t ll t>\:IWfo 1. •vl.\cl0rilllly piO ~o· ~•otfo~ 1h t ·the r1rc1vl11!(111s t11! Sl1('!1 ti: 11&'11,tivl) Or l1•r· 1mi 11µp\~11.;,1l1l,e t1ml th1· fat•t thi1\ nny J mu:in l. nut oa1ncc1 fo s"ch I Nt ~1u1l1 ln t\(1 WI.Ile bt: doe111(1.1to 1t1e1111 ~h11~
'lli.1 1~ pe 1'JCiU l~ 1M fA m1tiwwl nr ll lun l r.n ~I U~11 ry lli;i lQllll1(ld ln H Itch 1~rd<lir1 wltb'h1 tho •., b1~11it1g tlwrt1tif, or lo ·~iicil!t 111
1\l'Y 111u11:1~1· the npJ lfolttilm ~f 811\'/h O let IQ !!!l1t'11 {'f.,fiW;J fjf 1-0 hti 'prqptlrt hit<1rcats of 111ue;h persop.
JN! Wl''l'N'.l!S · \ Hm~ 11r. OF, l l i1ve h rtiu11to ~rt, m.yl11u11W and c11u 1i1 il the seal I'll the ' 11ltc:d Int<) ol J\111orfoa
lo 1c nffl>rnCl. •
Done ~t n1e diy 1·11 1wn-hlagton 1l1i. t 7 ny (1f u1y In tllt' Yll'-T q( ~1\tr Lewd nl11ef •t•n l11111<1n1d m ,1 1 f1Jdy-on
~m1 (Jf the li1cl r.v•m<lence mf ~hu U nhcd ~I k, r Am~Ht:ri. th OJlll llu11tlrt1<l onll sllltty-slxtl,1.



Hy the :Pt;(~!Jid~nt:


SUM.N1Ut \: IH.,Llr.S ,

A1;-illg ;_\'crrdary of • lcr/v,

('r. D. 504133)
E nfon• 111c11t of r ~1rictlons on imports tind ·xr.or~s subject tCJ the provisionR of
t li e Pres kl nt.' proclama tlnn of July 17, l 4 , rej;'ardlhg "bl l ketl r1atlo11n1s".

July 22, l9-11

c 1... 1.. 'C'l'ORS . Lf us·r MS AND OTJLl\i:RS ON ERNl.!l :
1'hefolfoV1 i11grwguk1ti<J1rt$l1tc hr'J" y J.lrc·scril>ccho iriv cfftlt.'t to the l?r• id<nt's prodama1fon <'1( J1tl j1 17,
19,H ,' ai1(horl~l 11 J1 tho publicaHcin of 11 Th Pr c11ii,1i1od U~t of Cethih LHr>d1,(jtf Nriflon11l s" !Imel the Hst pNtmm l·
gll t~~ d pt11· llilPt to lh nt. l>rocll1rnatlon :
(1) ~11 r !iipl)ci of till u1c1· handl.e i\1tc11d d for c.x.j~\)~ta ti on a lt r July 27, l!J·J I, there shall lie sul tahtcd
>1ith ciach cxpo••t, cc )ttrnt ion, a IJst or statement howlng the t)11111e u11d add res.JI of er~~ b ulti111a l •
cm slgne(1 ~( th e 1111:: rchrLndiJ1c, u\1! ·1111 such nlLnHls a-11d ad ijh'e., <'~ arc s t forth Jn t.he 11pprc11 rlate
Cit] ort d eta.ra tion. 11 the ult.inr econ 'i!f11cc, co1rnlgnor, hlpp rot· otlwr I crp.on having an i nt r t
jq t li ' rncrcho1~d~sc or in the tran.ilctlo11 l 11am ed in "Th , rocl<.drncd t..1s t f ·\:1·t· In Dlr>ck<rl
N11lio1111l!:i", th e ex port at.i on shall not J, • pcn11itted except upon pre. cn1a1lon o f 11 li cens issn <l
pursu11r1t to E.xeCL1 li vo Order No.18389, A.S nmc11<iNl, 01· i11s tructio11s frorn !he Tre11~ lll'Y D ·parlmtu t
a u~ l~orizll1t~ lhe trr11rn1ctioF1.
j \i\flth r(', f1c•ct !'t1 inq rir tntfo n• of 11'1 •tirh11 111list !11 w lifrh any jH' rso11 t111m ,d In lht 'F'1 Gc l;dm~·d List
Hpl>l'111'fl ·to hn\ t' i111 il1 1<'J'C: Sf' I.I f; t1 1 n .~ !f.:'JH11" 1 ~dlc: r , Shipper, 0 1' C) l)tl' t'Wii'H', ih e ll(~('C']ilb11'1 . el o r <'ntrir 'l for
cnnsun1p tlo n ancl wifhtlir:iwa l$ frnm 1 · r1rrho n ~c fo t· cnm.1111 .pti n J11 N· ~ 1 n:l (1f ·11r1t HH· 1·<· h n 11 1.H~ c· t1·1'l ·
d rl't\ uft r Jt1ly ... 7, E141 , i'l td l bl" Wlth l\eld JH'l1Cll hi,t p rli (•tlt atlrm or 11 lit~· i1 H• j.; 1tec1 pur t1H 11t 0
Exrcu\ ivc Ord1• 1· No. R'8 , a , i11ne11dl"d, or in ·tru ctlun fr tn bht' Tnas 1n·y ll<·1m1·tm c• 11t t111 lhnl'izing·
th · t nm ~mc tl fJt1.
(3) T hese r •g·ufotluni; (Jo n ol ;dT ct in llll .)I wny th e nccc:~);ity for a lir C'11. e uqd er th • Export 'on tl'ol ct
of J t1ly 2, 1940. NcJt li ••( nn f;'K 01·t con trol Ii cu e nor a Ileen c 1111fl •r Executi'\'e (rd •r '.No. 8JR9, as
an1enrlecJ, will b · a,c e1 tcd in lien of th ot ll('r l)' l't of li en e.
(4) No thing in pa1ngrrl(, h•, ( I) a11<1 {J) ;ilr•v<• hall hedt'crncd to xcu cnur per o n ftom the 1ucc slty
of obl ai nltig <J lie ·n (, in, ccur !It ct' ith Ex1: utlve )n.lcr No. 8389, n nn1 e11d~·d , and the 1mJolm1rn·
lion or ]11l y 17, 1941 , wvcring im 1t~rtatlnn s from or 1:.1ipC1rtatlon to any p !'son 1vlio ~ name a ppQar
Ott "The Proc lai nit'd I... i~ t oJ Cerfajn 131oc1 ed a t.iou als".
E. 1'1 . FOLEY', .JH .
Arli1111 Strrrfar)I of the Trras-11r)'·

T( '





l'f. D. 504~3 umc•111fo<I h~· D . 50530, Dl'(:cm!ter 17 19ll1; T. D ~0548, Ja11uary J.11 1!>4Z. T. [ . !l05l10 d~IC"too paragra11h J nnd
1 nuu1Lc1"11d ioan1~rnj,h11 4 rwl S u 11 and -4, r-0~1
Ivel ; T. J.>, 5054 <i nle\Qdftd para grr•11b 2 toy ~~ltlii111 "f11or11 1111
Repllhlk " followlnir "lint1C1rh1t.i1'111B'' in the firsl lin J



l!lllA, ii BULJNG5

',!\I'~ 'IL 16, j! ·101 s Al'r'll'~N DED, ANl
1$, lJ, t ~ D Nl m~ g, ~L lJTlVlt Ol· 1,H!.I~ N ,
'l'Q 'rRAN$ \CrNOIN~~
H.11; :ut.AT'\UNS JSSUEI P :.J l< SUAN'l' 'l'Hl'rnJ~T , H'l;~l.,A.'l'UJ'
1 11


t'N l~ J.rnlGN !Pt JJ.AiN ~1£t t:i.!1~t:.

'l ijtt.1~ '01t1N'M~1

Kl '.NOii'




G n.er1d J\ulb:ig !N'o. 1
T\,w S<•c1· ttl'ry C'l f Slat hn 111'.'.lvl 11d me



"J ~11tn11r'c a11<1 f'ce1,llpd nr•c tW1 S(•t)nrlt'Lt! po1hlC'rtl ~l1t1tii s. A 1h1g 111111 rlit11(l i11thorlty of
ptoviai n c [ ·1]1~1 l.C't•lalH\I l'q11~tl1 11\ lcm ~ht.: .~c .lirnc\j(; ~ u rl l 1'1lel1t I\ wltl.dn 11,e \~ st j ,w r1 '·
pnR.ed n a • ol 11t i< n ~1ntl11g 1h1.d . lnrr tht• l lng of k<•1 r111d is 110 now !11 I\ fH slllon fo <.\1trry
()1·1111Ht,-tl Mil <hi~(~ with re ·1 oc~ l<1> !eel nv11 tha 1 r lMdic Qo\·e r11n1r11t 1\As n~ t111rnd
bu\ hi
lor th~ time ti In~ th e Mor ist~ o{ it.lie Re1ya l ptet 1tt1liv1 ~ 11 the eriUtc ()~mt'l'c'b of 1 c 1nv1111iic



f~w(lilif~ n1lu tl<Jnr•,

''Jn yl \v or. the' (oregclni; It wouttl rJcit il!•p·.nr 1.111'1.t l cl1111~ hi11~ wltl1hithi~tl fmlUcm ,~r
tht• h·r111 'Dc111narlt' 111 S cl lcm 1l of th•~ 11'btl 11- ri lf 11t l ine(l le~ - C~i~lv 0 1Cler."
lu view C>l lhu fp't'c~olt g. lb • Tniic my 1 <'I nrt111e11t c no;lnmi t'hc fenn ''Dcnir~1irk'' n:r. 1:1 11<''1
i11 l11t1 d >f1V1: ·1111·11llo11 , <I l~xcn1 tl " Ortlcr and Hl~1.p1l11ti<J1UI 11 1.1 nci•t1tpplyh11: tci l o la1~d.

l h ~ 11ed

Apil l 1$, 11140.]

'tit/\ iw 1n~ 0 1~



No. Z

1111~\lud April

l9, 1910.]






Cll.It"l l~I AT~S ANl)


111<1,11 lry h. 11 1.11·(~1\ 'l111Hi. iis tr1 w hcth rr t'\< follriwlrig 11 re pr11hJ!il ~<'4 hy th l~x C\ tfvQ C rd er Wi cl
lltt' ' (\~IJJ11~fo1111 i s ot<'l t ht\n1t.1111.k1· u;xc.ept 1111rler JIC(l1'1 p:
(n Th fr, 11 fer by a b~uklng lt1siit,Hic>1\ w i1 1~ln th(I U rv.i ~ cl $la.tea Qf l.'lQc.k ~rt ~~JAtefl frn1\1
r11· lp•tc,i I he 1·1 ~1mt• of" nt.l tlrn111l 1' ()f N<rw y or D1,: nm1url1; 1u11i
(I>) Tl! ' dc·UvtTy 111H c:.1f ct1&tlldb' llt«•oun ts or t,,he re Cjil t lu cu tr1dy ·a1~co\11,')1l:I, by a. ~n1nld111g
iu · 1llullu.11 wllhin tl1c LJi 1i1~1l St t N, of securities h<:l<l or to b 1w11l ill rn siocly for "nalio11 al~ " o(
l' ntw y or .Det1111~n1(.
'l'hc Tr~u.&ury Dc:p11rlimml comlrues th li';x.<;cull I! rt)Qr and Re~t1l1~tlr:11~ll •U 1J!'<lhil1ith1g st1ch
l.111 11i1ar tinn., Nic·p~ pt1(1cr llc<:n e.

'l'RA SI\ Tl . N$ &l'J'.GAHl>HllG S.!.tCURITUi:. RlWI Tl~JU~J) O.R r:N~ mirno
1 l?IS I , AT:ftD FO!tElGN COUNTRY OH :NA.tlO~J\L TH.Ell.Olr
1111 N' A Ui 0 F

<.:ou·n1l Ruling o. 13 118 Amend d
'flt, !lllrntlo11 o( btink • brr>~C:rll, t ran f<-r ug(~ lll ll , nwi. l.rnr 1md all c.11.11 '(' per l~ll and bnnldui.:
11 true~
in ti i1Hlpn in the LJ.nlt c.1 S late ill lnvi erl io th e fact ihut lit 1 '"J'r ·11&1iry l)i.parhncnt
11~~:c:cut il·c \r<kr No. R3, 9, /\prll 10. 19 10, a arn od~~ c.I. nnd the Hegt11111 io1 ~ i$SU 11 p1m1uaq1t th re to
ns 11rd1lbiling th~ acq1nl hi 111, tr1111 :for. 1]1~i.irntititm tram port.alio11. irupnrt..aticm, xpor tn tion, or
wil'l~dn1wal of, QT th encforscmcnl fJr guarrwtec: < ( . ii;nnt1ar 'b QP, r>r otl1crwise d allng in, or with
n~. fiH''¢L t~i, till)' Hcctll"ily (or cviilen c thcr of) l'fftlHcr d or in scrib din the n.amie f n1~y country
clc·Aig11a tell hi hx(·ru t I •c 01dr: 1· n . 8.~ .'9, April 10, 194 , as 11mcndt>cl, Qr· a~),)' m•tlona l th ci·eof,
(•xc cpt p11t'n11a11L lo a specilic 1 il'tll~l\ Irr •p(•c iv of lh ·fart th,tata 11y tim (either prlor tn, cm, lli'
<111h-.N1L1cnt In flr ll 10, I Q,10) 'th r<'gi t(;r d or i11 serihed c1w11er 11h<"rrol may have, or nppl.':ars tu
linv ~. 1tB11i1{n1 d, trnn ~ fl'r r~·cl nr rolherwir:.c di po. c1 nf a11y uch sM·nl"it y. Applkl'I lon for Jlcen st;f
rder No. 8.)39,
-.lwu ld be made i11tlir111n1m •r pro11idcd in thr He1·u~ttlhm 1 . '~ d und ' r Ex cuHv
pril 10, 1940, as am 111l<'d.


ul•d Jum.• 3, 11140; 11.111cndcd Juoc 17, 1940.)


l>ltP'l~rJ.'lONS ii.ND lW'f,..,li:S Ql!'. J'N'Tlt' It~K'l'A'tlON U ilD

L.tCENS~$, :NS'JllRUCTION$, /lt'J:'C,

IN' llUt.JN S,


Ge~tral Ru1ing No, 4 ••


'Ex.cfl!y1t ~~!I spedfieuUy pr(1vld ed herehi or tlt h11rwlsr, all defit1h10H11 nj!lpc~rlng In E.Ke otive
Order N • 8389 of Apri'I 10, 1J910, •a •meilt~ied, n1ti1(l 'the H~fJl!t1t1ti01111 l IH'!cl theret~n<ler, 11hllU
nppl:y to t110 term s employed h nll r11lii1g: ,•n. •s, 111. truc 1lnn$, eto., 1111 l, in ~~1<.lltion, the
following del1nl1fon11 M'ld rill \ l11teq'>rctutlo11 nt o pt .i;cl'll?ed :

(J) Th~ tt:rr.n 11 0rd
r" i~ hnll n11,1un 1£~<.;c:utl'
" ,...

' t1


·r No.
.-... as n n~tnllGled.


(2) The tc:rrn "llcf'n!lt>'' 1;1 hnl1 r11 enn 11 1ice~1 e lssuJed tmclcr tbii Order.

(3) Tiht1 1en11 ' 'ln~ere t" wh
of any nat


n u r.d ~~dt h 'r

11p ct to f'fl' Jlerty 11h11J! J1H.111n an i'1terest

wha1,11oov!:r, dir t cu; udir ct.

(4) 'l'he t~rm "blo kt:cl <:q111t:ty'' sha ll


11.n:Y fD1 C"ign ccitwtry c.tes i~11atf)d in the

(5) The terrn ''Nt:t11rrland11 Ea t lnc'l'le." sh l111m .111 th foll wfof{ I Java u1'd Mad11r11,
Sumatra, Riot1w~Li111,tg•A arqhipeliAgP, Dau)<n, 'Bltlllon. c l cht~!\\ 1 Dort1eo (We t, Sc111t11 aml
East 11ivislon. ), Timor Ill' hlp lngo, nau nnd LwnhDk, !.e111se r Su nda I lirnrl Aand :Ot1Lcl
New G1~lnea .
(6) The t 1·n1 "Ntlhcd 111 1~ We t lu<lio ,. 111111111 01111 tl w ft l.h1wlnl{ : D1,t h Gulun n,
]}utch s1·. Ma rtin, - t~rncu o, lfomlire, At11h11, St. H:ui;taPu s Mrl Snbit.
(7) A1'Ly per11011 Jio n!led ns 11

"'tPiridl;: Hce'11 eel national" slrnll, whJl o so licensed,

~.~~~~-~...~J 11 per on w11hl11 th; 11 t'(7d -~,fi~t~~hor"""noti. ,11,i 1J!? l .~f !:\~t ~1q~lrJ<,I
. c1 1t1..1J'; ltUSif!!:JJ, /1 ~1'/:l!f.!'i'f'1', ~h11t the lit• n it1g 01. any l'J<'t' on I). n "H1tmern11y tlo tiso<1
nn1•k1nnl' 1 s'h111l not• be di;epwr.I. lo tu1pctlr.I itl tmy w y the te~ uir rnen1 s of th e rder ancl
Rcg111l tfons relating to m)~ rt :J t1hc prtif}U'(:tlon of boolcs) t)'o,1u11 r1ts1 r~conl'-1, etc .
(see 11ectfon 4 0£ tl1t1 >rder nnd s~ctio n 130.4 of 1hc ltt- ,u1iitlo1u ) .

(8) Th term '~.J! 11crm1mt' shn ll 11Jcian m1 ucc01rnt in which ~111.£1!.«1 ~n­
t!:t or ntional th er ~~·f h ~s nn) ntrres1, with respect to which ite'tcntnt paymen ts, transfers
Or wJthdrnwals or ot er <~n lllg'l! may nn bt~ mad,e Ot efr eC:t d e)t~ pt f>l11' 8\~ant lo!!. li~ tll.filO
authorh:lng su('h act l0>n . T heTnrn "l.ilochd orc·o1mt" shrJ11 Tjot '>e""d~<:m <1 \e jl;'lc) i1~e fr e
do llar 11 ·ro1rnts of the type rC'ferre~l to in Gt•nern l J"'j ·cn me No. 3~, ais 1mmJ11d d, or thu
ac ·01m1 1' of i:i.m rally licensed 11ationrtl s:

(9) 'the tc!rm "1 ariklng in11tltt1tif'l11 1' 1111ll ha,re t:he m eal'lln ~ I re crihed in Sectio1'

SF l)f t.he Order.
( 10 'J'he term " . b nk'' 1:1 hall rman any brnnch or ville• within the Unit.eel

Stat 11 of any of fh . foll owing wh ich is t1,.9'l n lHl.tJ Q1,~l pf nny blpcke<l 01u11ry: any hank or
trnst cotnpllny Incorporated under til1 hrt11ld111; lcLWS ci f the Unlt Cl Stot C'~ or of any state ,
tcrdtor , or di stdtt of th e t tii tdl • 1nleR, ot any prh•a 1 bank or ban <C'r s11hject to ~uper­
r\'i."~On a l(i ex11111 i11a. io n 11 .~rr th han ldna llnv ri f the United Slnt s or r.i.f ~trl)' stl)te, territo1'Y' or di . lrkt o f the t.Tnited Sta Oil . 'l"h t! Tr •os11 ry Departmen rnay al o ri.'\) th,orlze .i\r.IY.
thtw bankln g inslit11 ti on to e (re11te d 118 a "dome Uc bank" fo r th e 'purpose of this
definltidn ot fo1• the tmrp01!1 t' d f n11y license, 11 t11l t11~ , or ln str1.1ctlon.

(11) The tern "national 11e urhies exch1111g·e'' hall mean an excl1ange reglstere~ a~
a natkinal secudt i<>s exd1an,ge under ectlcm ·; 1A lhe Sccnrl ti
Ex.chainge Act of 1934
( 48 Stat. $5, U .S.C., title lS, , . 78f) .
(12) Ref rencc· to a ny general lie nse or gen ·rn.I ruling which hai:1 he' <"
sha11 bt>
m d to re er to t1rh license or ruling as amended.



.. ...



(t.'.l~ A"Y ~t·~ whp b)r
than 011«1


co' ii.try


of •uy ~et\r1ldf.ln

•h$1I be ud()~mt.(I •.Q be


fn' tht 0
I\ flC'Jn.,1•

~tr1 ' i~ • ti"titldt\111

ll b


l fltor•

ot lltt()h l?IQ<:l.~cid
,' 1 I



I lo 'ked c:o~111 rles 1 a.
(14) In 1m1V' cn!IC!· Jn ~bich 11 p<:non is a natl0trn of tvu) ot'
11ot1 be' ~ elnt\'cl to
Hccnt,e wlth r~111~ec t to 1111t'ioru1la <>'f clma of such t fol'k
fnch11J.e' 1.1uch persr>l1 \·u1lesa a til'eru11i1 Qf 1eq1.1rll o·r ~reatel.' ~e»fie. J~ m~tli\llli\dhif:.l'' 'i\rllltt ~ , peet
t•~ 11at~ trnls of en.d i otbet' btc1<~ keid c:m~n r1 of ' \ihlch rrnch per$Qrt i~ a 1111W.nH~l'. I
11,.thc c~pllr,.1lon
lS~ 'l'h11 S1.1qret ry (1i the Tr~u.11\tfy rn•crv & 111,t.~!UJl.t !!~ ,. ~l 1~d
Q.( a \l' U<·~n~~
U1ereof wltH rell;p et 1.t>, partietdll r f m1c;n11, ~.rn,n11n.dt1<m111 or ~rri11erty
S1t~li ~cti~1'1 ah~1l be ~ln<~in,!f. upe~ ,all recc~ ~ lni.r ·~ch1nl 1H1tlr,n'tlHf
Hv~ u~~l~f.~ If fn 'nn.y· ca 110H e ' fit~<'l I tit trnnt to ' he
!\ct (49 Siafl 500, 'l.\s amen ucl by 50 Stat. 304; tJ,9, •.. !411,), V, tit! 44, !l(to. 30! tll ..tcq)1
(l6) NQ lkA: n ~e lu~ll he rlec1,11ed io 1111t1:1t1rlv.. 11ny tmn f.~c tion flrohd(1itcd by ren. on
Ord r
<1f t11c prl>vl Ion~ c1f nhy 1nw, prnC:h.\mi\tio11~ qrder l(lt' r ~ 11l1L1ii>11, pih ,r th n th()



n ncl Ror;uh\1101111.

3, 1040 : Uin¢1'1do<l Muy 241

l\l~l ; ]l11y


J,94J 1l


Ge111er al


No. 5

oTI ~nd oftl'Jt
i'hi~ s 11di11g, 1.nillng, Importing 01· oiht rwl .~e bring\ihlf tnto the U nltt'tl S11nt~ ,

June '1 1 il.~4-0, {l-(Jln any for ·lgn cr11~ n~tY'. of any lie ' t'rldcs or vkle11ce thcr of or Hill
or hotdll'11'( irt th e Uni1 rl Stat o f aii.v siec'l:ldfl •s or
tc- ly
Shte11 i pT'ohlbi't ·d, c:itcept on r.oiadHlon 11mt rm oh
deli'vered fot exa1hin11thm to a F d ral
.and all
F d ·ral Re serve hank, n fi cal ~t g nt o f t he Uni1etl St tcs, hall h01<'1 such cc11ri1ies
of tihe
ev:iclence. thcr~·qI until th
"Q'\t·~~l'ic mt;1,ned 1o
p •ci {11Jd in , \1 <;h O rd 'r, tis nmcnclcd, ariy
th1~i; on or si ne~ th~ late
l?r<llo! cu· t1> whether or no~
whal so~v er, direct or lnc!lr~· ·11 in such '><~cu d tic (1r cvic,l<cnoc:is thereof,
t may be st~brnltt~d ~o the
any t)f st1ch ·r.>11111 rl es or , ny nnHona l th(•r of 1IJ Q hncl n11y
Federal Hesl!!rve bi,ink holding surh stcurltic.
Cu tOml/l omccr l\Ut1l poF.lal employcca a,re instr\.ltted ·to deliv,e1 any 8t1C)'I 1:1 C\il1'1~1tl$ or
det1ces there(){ to a l'1' •dera'I
•ft1;r J1u1e 7, )940i which in tl1 osiinion (l'I cu ton1s 0Jfir.<•1·s nr JlO eri1 ployecs
ee with the
Custom Rei:,r11t latlons o~ 1937. If <1 ny n.rlicle 01lcn d hy ~m ticlclre &c c
or 1,1n<d t he supervision of a ~m st o rn 11 officer r postal 1·m p1oy
ties or vlclenccs thi:r of, uch s cui·it 1eti or evidencii:
st1ch custc1m.s office1 or rmstal einplQyct1 lfor cl
'Y'ided .

11ntiouncelt t'llat, 11ntl1 further notice.
fJt111ued J~ne 6, 1940. On J1i111e ?, 1940, the Secretary o r the1 Tf'i'lllSllrj' Ja,
i ~wf1>\mdlHf1d ~ r Be.rm1.1da need
, Co1ui~
secunl•ie1 oornhiir Into the Uttlted St11tu fror;n Gr it n tltkln, l~ 1 11n<'Gcpern1
Rulin ilQ. s. Sut>vlemeJlliu nil nid
n.o! be forwarded to II F'eder'n\ Rcse·n·e b1111k for f•xa.rnh rntlo11 lrnclcr
17, 1940, thnt, until lu rth~I" no tice,
ta erntnt of J un 7, 1940, t h~ Secrttary of the Tr a~ury ri.nnoutirNI 011 .Tune
be forw~rdrd to 11 F~dc:ral Re$crve
ccurltlr, coming illlo the 'United
1r·al f iuit<r. No. 21!, fl.I lill'1t11drd.)
bank for cxa.rnlna.tion


Jiuu.. ~v.11w1 1?M n4.,<>JtTJ?.D ,Jia<:u~rnns ~" f~J):ttJtr.t. 1.. 'lfiW~'
l,~ l'JlPOtR1'iL ~tJ,L1N9 N(). ~A ,QCQlJN'.t' i~ p,o~r. 'I'IP

C ~r41l Rulln1 ~o. ,6



RV it, .11~~~
n , NK~


(I) Jrfr~ PJ'QY!~l~us f Gem:r ~ J~1llln~· :tfo, ~ o,f ~tit,IHl 1, 1~·10, i ~"d ~ ll h~ 1:pwdtlu~111o l 11 d 1'•v·
'·~1\11'1: ~hCl1'"lt()1 ~1 1C, IHU'l.lfll)' Qll~~~11\\ •cl ('li (u!~ r~)ll~ lln<l \J~fi \~. /?l'(l'Vilto~. th11~ ~1111r ,tf~dr1• 1', 1 ~(~!\ 'f\' . 11.a,· k
to w110m .c ur~~le$ Pr i:vi~~·~c~ tht1rli1>f ('101· i1l~1f,~i·_. rt !1irred t 11. ' c~ntlt\$1) h~ vq \)(11 ~1 Iorw"rdet1
r t)1 ~ic1.1dt l' , at at~y
111 d r sti~ll g-c.neral r,~~l\lllif may, 11,11 fl Cit~ ag 11t of the U11l11·1l S t •1t1 s, 1-l<:ll
tl1 u~, , ur,der n1~~m1prl.Ull arrar1gemi;nt whh !11u 1111lt:r \ sc M th se~orl tk !!, to a (\1!lt\H' q hank.

~~) l"'r,IQr tQ 11t1i:b deUycry hy l1'edcraJ Re ~rv~ Hu 'i1lc of Ml~' 1,\Ch se 1~tl~y. ~ ,o,11ple\c:
the a<io:t~l'ity sh· I.I l;>e ~n11tle 1 r rec<:iv~·d n11u l.iy ~llC!h c~t •ra J~ ,t~ ' f
d ~ \'it>li ,n
1111 I fo ,any p" e h1 wll~ h ._ 11ccli.1dty ~(}!!rs n tamf1 , f~11I or othc:.r mark ~1ot I ndlng ~t, ·! r t,o pl'ec.
cl !1111' ptlmi, a phot<'J ti~t o( • ich marlt 11ball b~ 1,md i'I t 1.h~ oq11t,~1. e ( th 11<1~~"1- s () a.111'11 ~etain c1~
by 1, Gh Fe<;Ju,r11I R ·serve Il nl,<;. 'J'bla rc' q1.1ir<.'f!1e11t may lici (Ii p~· n~Nl w ill·~ fo ni);y Crt fle In wbkh
r;itipl·p~>ria,te 111"1 trng<!hWrltn v11·e flll'ln:d ,\Jl tq fot h1rn~1» hh1g . t1c1i l~cr.ft.rn l J~~!sc n •e U1;101c wlth thi s
1loK crlplion wlddu n 1(/lt c rrnbfe tfrtrn aft<1r suet1 tl()H t\r •





(3) Up<,m the delivery of any 1111 ·h 11 c11rity by a J<'t dcm d J<ei-c r v1• Bunf, to nny clo1ne11t k
lmnk, s11 cl1 bun)· shall x nrte sucb (urtn of 1 •ipt 1\! 1m1y h • prcu: r.1 ~ d 111>- th S •1Jr tary o( th r
Trca sl1ry.
(4) Any rlomcstic hnnk tn which 1my IHI ·h t~curity 11 hu1 1 he <lt~ li «r1·tl hy;, F d ral I e11t· rvc:
Hnnk .s l1all pla c StHth 11ccurlty inn Gc1u·ra l Hulin~~ No. 6 1tc·co11n1. i11 ucli h1rnlc.

(5) An y o.UtRtnndb1g OCO(ll\l~lt ln :wldcl~ !4 •q11d~ic 01" 1h pt'(JCc~ <,1 11 th I' nr lrnvc 11ec 11 plac:otJ
pm llfmt to ·tho provl~lon of C·1ic:rnl l<u lll'lg- 'No. 6 pdmt' M this u.mend1nt•11t . h41ll b ·· d cn1 '<1 to
IJl' a. ~ •~ •rnl l\uling No. 6 n cotmt.

Fccforul R scrv Hun)~ sh .11 rel n1ii n11y s ·1·uri1y rdc1rrccJ tQ 111 pnrnghi1ih (l) h t'CrJ( ot
~l111H a.1.111101•\zt: 1l1Q r~ leu. e nf ~h e <i n~e11l~ .of ~111y Cic11t•rnl l<1~1in~ l'{o. (111c: mini , if ~t1(l whcm the
Ttl! ~iuy Dep1irh:11 cn~ \ 11<;1,ti;1ficd that no ibl(~cl td 1111untry, or 11atk111i1l t11 ·rcof, hn s, Zi t ..-ioy timr. 11
c,r :iJ\00 he clfoctive date of the rcic r, had r1ny lriH:re ~t in ,·~1 h :-i~· t·\1r11y or 111 11uch tt cc(1t11H,
(7)1 Any npplicatlt n for a Ii eon e nuthorirfog UlliY t ra111 nct1, n or clruillng wlth ref\po 1· w a,
c iii 111ly 11. ~icatf.I that
G n ral 1~1Jllng No. 6 ia<:c;l;mrtt (l11duding t.lle N.i,\1t ·n t..i U1t.11t·¢I Mfo1!1
nu·h 11ocou.nt il!l a Gcnern~ 1lfolfog NQ. ,tj a cl!ltmit.


A used in thi l!i g :neral rlJlihg nnd in 11ny "tfa·r 1· ulih ~1~ . licem1t•11, lt1 ln1 ctie>iis, etc., m1·
Nci. 1\ account'' ' 'h<111 nm1t11111 Ile' ott nt ,f 111 tyfl • reifel'rt•d to In parn·g-1·t1fih ·

trrn1 '"Ccricnd R·ulfai;:-

(4~ lind (5) f1cf co1. am1 no Jiny men\t:s , 1'rnnsf ·r.. OI' witlidrrw.• nm I e 1r111d ' rrnm, f\ !jd llO ot:lwr
tn,lt1snct'lon (Jt' d a ling l'li71jr be t1 ff c<:ted wlth rt·s pr cl Lri, :m y llt1th a.ccmmt r t~f'l J. 11!1'$V1 j tnt to pnt''1·
jtt'nph (6) l1'1'i 6 e or put' uli n1 t o licen ~ , fft tll ided, tliat:

No Ii C:flS{~ shall he dcemt•d to au th<rlzc tnm sncti(tll wi t11 l'f! Sf)Cc t to a General nnl 1.111lcs fh e provisiol'l of sm:h lkc11sr. n c Mf'l cHicaHy mnd~ app'lioaM" to 11
Ger1eral RuHng Nb. 6 a ·c01111t i
1/tig No.


6 nccount

(b) Jn t'1 e •v nt that any sec urity pll\t it in a General 1 '111ing N . 6 accou'tlt is 'l'l ld ot
otl1erw l.,,e dealt with 1l11der 1ict'nse, exccpl 1l li e nsc of ll 11• ty pe t •fer •d to in pa rngra p'h ('S) (<·)
below, the proceed thcreraf hall be pine ·~ lr1 a Ge'll •1;d H1tlinl{ No. 6 accotitl't in th e snrne
dome tic bank unll in th ame u artHt ln which tl1 s ·q1rlty sn'ld or ot11 erwi¥,e d1i11lt with was
hel d.
( 11) The cont · n ls o1 a Ce11 c>ral 'R1ll i11r: No. 6 11·ccou 111 rn 11not 'I uansf · rrrrl to n hl~c1)c<1
account, ex ·1•p1 pm unnt. to a llccn . e pcc ifi r:nlly 11utli ori7.in1~· uch lrnn sfe r. Ap( lkatio11, fo r
lioumt~· mal11 m•iit1rig the trans(et of th cvn tou Olf a11y General li<11li1 ~ o. 6 .aocu1 1~lt t o a
hkidked acco ir~t s'111.111 bi': accomt)arde<i hy t1dt:f.J!u M.I.' ''v'1!le1~0 r f t•1illg- thr I 1t c11P1'tlt ~·1eJ1t1111 oi
blocketl 001m1ri s 0( nat i'vnt.Ll:4 therwL
I T~suod Au rn£l 8, 1940 ; amcndl)d Junr 27, l94l. Sr~ P11blir Ciri'11for No. .]


General Ruling No. 7
~l'hl 1.•10\ll for~~ o! C~mcl"a! J t1H fl(( ~A. 5, M i'l•J, Jllfn1~1·1t cl P)' Qf''11Jr11l ~j.\li'l~ ~o. 6; hl\V· ~ b~~
~;~ ~vn 1h«l \o .!It: \1rhl 11 01· er 1doncu 1h'll'l'<:Qf com In ~ from tlw Phlli1ipl nc T 11.11~118 ri11d ~·~ • ~ iw11w1.
Mn! Z 111c i111to ur1y 0 1.l1er i;iurl' of the Urill d S\ut s,
l l 111111d SeptcimbCJf ''· ltfO,)

C8Tr1'A IN P.A.YM. ~N'f$ '.(0 D '.L~Sl O~A'l'ijD FQTtEIG.(-1 CPll;NT.lUES iN1




',l',l·I EH~OF


Inquiry 'lrn bet!ll rnnd
Hxecnt ivo Orde r No. 89,

ci. t c whe tlwt th fo llowing is pri hl11itt1 d. ex tf>t, tuldet• ~leC"tise, b:Y
aln('1Hled , 11nd the H i:: 11J n·llon s I . 11 ed }llJ1'~ 11 1llll th • l1 ti~· ~


A. ·r qu st or 111uthorl2.rt'l1011 mndo by or r.111 b<lhn•Jt o{ µ b1q1k t)~ ot.h<~I" ~H:,r11~1 w,lHdi~ tl'l-1!:
lrnitt1 J. Statc m ton b1mk 01· th l.l r p ' rson i11 n frirolgn tim111 try othe.r than Ot'lll C11f the ·outd.rlc.
dmd gnnt ed in I~• cut-Ive Olrclt'1· No, 8389, ru 111,~ •tlrled, nil Ii. rn 1~ 1t rJf whlch r t1M~t. cir ~11t1<10drrn­
t i@111 l'J'ltch lat! r bunk Qr t> r (Ill nitke11 11. 11 1yn1ent <>Jr trn11 for (lf c;l'f.\411 ~ tiiti11er directly or
ind ir Uy to one ei f th forc.1gn cQu r)tri • de ignatlld ln t~ ~~:X'( cut Ive · r~l11r, ~$ ~Ill nd~d, or
a nntional th ereof.
'rhc 'trca·~ ury cpnrtmcnt cot1 str11es tl1e l~·x •c11tlve Order, ns anl'.'!lldccl, a•iid Jl ~u,Ji\tloris 11.
prohihlt Ing such 11 t ra11snction e rept un<l cr licl'll t".
IJ111u\'ld Septranb('r 18, 1940.]


Gl!ineral Ruling INo. 9
Inquiry has been made as t o whelhet n per. on within T 1mglers may engage b1 tramm ctlon
neral Liccns ! o. 52 r la tl1·1rr to Spain.
1 11rsuant to

G ' ncral Lie nl'! e .No. 52 clo1·. not vermit such trau sa.~ tl e>u & an<! , ao t~ rding·I~, 11.ray such transac ti()n. which a NI nol Ly a 1g en ra.1 licew1c oth er than G(lneral Lioease No. s~ may only
be effected ipu~·li\UlHlt to a specifi · Jlc1:ns1)1
( !11 ued J11!y 23, 1941.

iire led a1te1 t ion I@ th

At the time of th

IHuanc of G •ncral r..'.ulh1g

fact th~ t 'fangi<. r assets arc blocked.]


No. ·f, the Treasury Department


Rtding No. l.O


( 1) TlH tHltJ 11Jaitlon, d&avosltlon or lrnn fo(' o( or otbcr cl1mlln~ in, or with re!lj.H)Ct to, any of
the f01lowit11f i Here-by t rt:1hlblt'ed Jrcept: a,11 authod~crl by llr it c e1xprt1ssl.t refet,.iaJ: to this
general ru'lh1r::
(a) Any l"l1illpplne pa,p r urrct1ct;
(L Any neoc:urhy ii'> · u ~ d y, or t'h ol llg-a~km of, cll\11.r the g1t1v~rn111e1n 1Qf th e oomH. nIV!'fllll1 of th Pllilil11•i1ie-. lncll'ldi1)fr 1ic1lillcr1l 1111,11 lsion111 th .rc:of, or ur1y o:r i orntl<m or other
orgiwl r.11~.k111 01·~;r111Jz1.1d undel' lite· lu11v <.Jf tht1P1ill'1~1ph1 I l!\l<md , unhiss F<irm •rlfl{,L·2 hn. , be 1~
p't' lo1dy o.llr1chccl [(~ auc h . C'C'\l'l'l'Cy by, (lr ·11ndrr t'ho dlr •ctlo1i of, thll Tre~sury 1) -.1~A.t'lt11 ut.
Forru TP£L-2 wi ll b · tllt1td1 ed Lu 11y c1Hil.y c .\"rrctl 1 J h1m :in ilf pre, ·uicd !10 m1y l1'e l n l
[\1•s t•.rve !.la11l(! 011 or 1 (~fo 1•e Jrt<J,r1iH1')' 11 1 •42, :ic 0111p1t11i · d t · u dt~scrlpifoh th 1· CJ[ u I<'o nn
'l'FR- 10. Sub. qucr i ·to Ftu1·1n1y 1, 19·1:2, •orm 'J'11'1£L-2 11 1!Jt1 utta o h1~ d t1J . uch s cu,..hies c11•1ly In
th e di er Liem eif Lh c S ·c tnry 11f tlit• Tnm m·y nnd o nl y upon tl1e fillnH jJpr pt·~~ s.i·p plka;
tio11 with II F!!llcrnl Ro ' l' r\'I' ll;i nk trnci ng the OJWO n1hi 1 or \' UCl1 c:urHy sittce Jll.null.ry' l, 1~2
.1ml 1mti s£11c to lly ~ plu lning t 1: 1<'• .Gill th 11e u.ri\y wa : n ~ Jirci-c1~icd to ;1 Vcl;lcra1 .~~~se e
l~ 11n l~ oii or b4; u~ 1ft:hn1ur; , 19 tZ, (c,1r IJi[ a ~.Lacl 111C·n t .1( Form ' F EL-2.. £1~ h f rm wUI lw
a ~lt1ic~cd to tnrnp d !-l CC11 ri tl t•f the typo r uh·1•t11l i\CJ ln . l•ctio11 ZA(1) of tll . rd r only p1jrsu~nt
to " xh1tln~ l1roct•dur r fating to ~t 1unp 11' 1trlti~11.
pr sly refe~riog Le.) t.hia g ·n •r 1 rulfog:
pt as ~llilu d iicrd ijy 1 tou
(u l\'11 J'h1'1 ppine paper ~ UT11 my lwlil withlu tlP Ul'l 1 l Stt1t l 1t .11eby r'l.lf!Uh ti to be
<tepo!ilt cl cm cir h(1fr>r · Fdm.1 t•y 1, H.>4·2. hi; hi kt:t.1 cut1• ncy accc 11nt. wi1.h eithe r a i(Qln tic
1;nnlc ur wiill Ii e New York uffice r tl1 1 1~ hllip1 lne 'National 'Lank .
(Z) lh

(l1) Th . hunk <Jf d o i l lrnll hcilu itch c1m·ency for th e ~cccmn t, or pur uant to the
111 trtt1:t1on., of 'lhll dc1J 1 ltrl r.
(c) n or !J fore Pebruary 15, 1942, cv ·ry bank holding any bloclrncl cuncucy accounts
hall fllc a f('J () rt 011 P.'1mn T l•R-110 in tri1>llc1ttc ivith th appmpdat 'He foul R 1 rve Bank.

A used in thiR ge11 1m1.l n·Jll11g und in a11y e ther n1lin g , , Jlceru1es, Jn trudions , elc., the term
"blocked currency ~t .ount" , hall m •iit1 m•1 at'o011 11t fron1 which n I aym l'lnts, t.ran, or wi l1 1irawals may be m11cl , ~1rid no oth t 1t'an ac lio 11 or dcrnling mny b •ff •cted wlth re l ct th .reto,
xocpt pursuant to a li cc nBc exprt'. ly r fcrring to nch account.
(3) Ph1Jippin pap r currency whkh r ·ri r 'tu J unuary 1, 942 w s of 1·e ogn ized pedal alue
to coll ctors f nm1 allfl u nu . unl n1rN'l1C)'. 01· wl1i cl1 is he Id a part of any eol l ee~ip1'1. of r.a•f a11d
u11usual curl;'ency, is hereby exclu<l d from the provision. of th i ge neral rul ing.

By dlrcctlcin ol the I re ident.
[Jsmccl J!irtuary 14, Hl42.

$ 1.'11

Pirr11 Rele11sr~ Nos. 2'1 , i!ll cmrl .9.

'f1he fo111!1W11'1g l• lt~JC:t 1) Pre 5 lfo. 29, <la1c:.d Jm1Un ry .30, 1942:
'rhe Tr1•11 •1ry Jlr1•ar 10 c•111 1rot:l~y aoiw1111cc«'i tha l lir. 1i111 durln, r hich leutlm~t cc1·dlleatel 11 ,f/urm Tln'J:JJ-2 wlll
l>e 'lllhced to 'Jl'hillpplne aecuritlfl!l v.hich arc 1m1 ent ed to Ctr!(Y FederaV ){ serv e Bank a <lm panled by a llescr ,11t:.io11 <111
Fgrrh ' !•Ji, ]Q has l~n l!Jtlendcd from fTcb~uf!r;v J, 194.2 to h lbrt1ary JS, Hl42.)



1SSU1~1) tJNDT.<;1 ' ~LX.atC\JTJV E () D ~J.'.R NO, 38f~i Al'JU!,. 101 1~~0.
~(rncrui..Ai·~oNs rssu1~:0 i·11u:R~lUAN'l' ·n i~.JH~·rc,, roti:.A'l'ING
TN FORF~lON 1~.·cnAN'Olt, lt1'C,
____ _,,.,.~


AMJ!WDl~t>i ~NP

ro 'r~AN'SAC'I'tO'.Ns



IAYMU.N'J'S ·~10 DLOC:~Tm AC OUNl'S o~ DOMRS1f1'C lh\NKr

Genorql L~o()n

Nti. l



A ge11eo1111.l lfMna ie1 )) 1,"1 1~ by i:1w1Led "11tliorli.h1g 1rn.r ~ny rnC(ll: cnr t:tMrnf ~r Qf Ol'<idlt to •
do 1' ~'l~c l>11 11k iu lhe lll ~ ~ ot a11r blochd oq,1~1 11t•·y '1r \iLtic~ )I\~ th~f4iJQf
p1•ovldfoJ1 tbe fli\'11-p \;ving ,t1.1nn ~ a.n'\ ,0Q1j<llt C1~u1 at i:i 1110.m.ll'lfod 1vdtb i

bk11,i:~c(I aec111,~ 'IH. in

(1) Sti h payrnei1t or t:run1der ahall not 1 e 111~1~le:
(n) :Ernm 11ny hlocl<~<l uccm1r1t hi a d cm1011 t,lc blank: or
(b) T•'l'mn nny oth er 1J>1o kod •1oc unt It 11u h f. aymcnt or t-ra.n fer r~pre enb, dh"c1\l. tly
j f ln<llr !!ot ly, ll t rn n~ft' r (' { tl\e' Int rest or a blockt1d QUuilty or l'jlltlonal thcrot>f to
au;y 1, !h •r o rnn'lry 01· p ar. cm .

(2) Thl'l 1~e 11 cr'11l H cc~ u Re shl\ll r101: 1H• 1lee1ncd to nut.h Mi:r.e :
( 1 ) ,Any r~ny n:~ cn t or tr11~1 1J f <;r to any ~Jl ockQd ac 0\11ili lidd ~1' n nn1m1 other ttia~1 t11at
of t:\1~ l;ilpc ~eil co tin~ry cir t~ atl~nal th1!rcof whu ia the nlthn1,~e beneficil'lry of 11uch
pt~')'l))1Jnt ur w rn sfer 1 m·
(h) At11 'f<IW(llr. n cxchitnt1e trttnMcllon inclucllrig, b11.t not b.Y wo.y of lirrlitaiioo, anr
tra nsfer Qf (' red It, or p11yme11 t o( tut t•b'liga'flon, cxf.1r 11scd ln ttJrmii of tht1 ,euriffei\cy
cif 1rny foreig n ~ tmtry.

This gcn c1·aJ !l en c hou ld not l1e ·ro11lo)"':d to 1 akc a. ny ,pnymet1t or tnmafcr of cr~1dlt oomi••u·
pri ing an i11tcgrnl pnrt o·! a tnmsnction w11kh cannot be effect d wl1ho1mt 1.hc sub•cqu
an cc o( n furth er llr. •n e.



!h1111 d A11rll 30, 1P'10 : 11 u~il~ rl May !OJ 1940 : JUrtt: 17, 1940: Ju1y 15, 1!140 1 Otl1~b er1~~ 1940 ; ]'Im~ 14, lll4l ,
1>e t1! Oenem Ll c•nile N "j fa r.•X1f!lld I by •J c:n •r11l 1.l~ctl5e Nu. i!Y. s~e l'u blic c •.,. ,~for N O. 2,1




Uoensc No. lA

A ge<t'lCral licenA• 18 her by g-tnnto<l 11t1thorit. in tr:rn!lt.lctionll ordlrrnril y incirJ e·rtt to th trnn s{er
of ecttTities froni FL blo k'l!<l no ount in th · nam e of nny p(•rs n ~ o a hl oc1te<l a.cco1mt fo the "ame
irnme h1 a dort1cstlc: bank, pt·Mi r.1 1.-d b() l h of t h~ foll o'\l\·lng term and rondllions arc Qm pli ' d w l~h :
( 1) Such (• n 11'i'tlc:::s sha ll not he trn Hd .rr d frnm any hl • k,e0 11c c.01rnt 111 a. <~ 1om<> ti<: ha I< :
(2) Such nccuri11·s shnll not be trn nsferrcd from any other blo k ·d it.C(;(lt l!lt Jf 11uc4 t ('an!lr
'fer reprosen s, cHrecLly or ind ir ctly, a t.r nsf r of Lhe interest of u bl ,ked country or nation I
thereof 10 any other country or person.


(.)ct(·1l.ier 91 1 9~1. Set J>tiblit: Circular No. 9; Prus R lecm N t1. 23.]



l:CN'1'1UES JN

ntcTAI'N !llO<f;QJjW


(1.1.R,¥.U.. SJm lC:ll CJJA.R. ''S

Gen ''l'al t ·&ccu ~ iNC1 ·2 a• A1w,endelf
( ) ~ getu•s•al lil 1·n. e ~!'-I J, • !h)' gr m1td 1


(11 Aut lmd.,dng nn) l n,k1 n~ h~ 1\tu\i u •J th~ tl tl1~ ' j1J tetl Suit Lo du\11il 1;1 11 y hlt•<' j cl
nccoimt wit h uc h l>nnldng lu lit11tl(m (or wit1111nu!l1er c•ffice wi lhlt~ 1lw Utllt t'rl S tnt ~H o f 1411 Ii
bnril~ jint,\' in tilt.1liOt1) ln] ll}' li~ C. Ht or rci mbttt'. 0111c11t for ncirl!11ll .r: le• clktl(C!I UW\H I to llt1ch
bn,1k Il g' instjtut,Jon by th OW ll (f of S\t ch hlC1'l'kl'd ll(;l'mm l ;
(111) An th<~~h.lng 11.Hy b11n l lr11~ iii. t )tutlc l\ wlithin \\ ht• ' 11i(t:d ~~'ti~~ 1A 1<1 11111lH1 l1nc.t'k l"utrie
1q:;-tdn st 1u1 y f01 ·~un a i1m11 cw llO m1111t m•alr1111Jrn:11 l·I):· it \\•.ith a htt nldJtf( Inst It 11 tlon 111 11.!1y
bloc kt•d ccmntry fo r th e 11uq10. uf r ·spo1u.J h1g l l'J dcl it: ·w 11 Ii act:(J\1 111 f r 1lornw 1 11ter l\';\1
chMge i:n 01lll t1C!1 Q!I th ~l'<lW 111.
(2 Auy h11.11ld ng' ll1stitution wlthiu tl:t e 'Oolte<l Stnh:s vhM1d'!t any <'jtim tly 1•crl 1d t rA
Illy 111.){ lc Item in cest1 I( $SO IQ 1111.t( llCCf,l\1.~lt wnu I' I}\' ll\!\lrnrity of tlil. ~ ·1' 'lilll li ,1)1rn: j~l 11dl file
with il1q <l~propn:iate Fede r f l" t~scrvc Bn11k !tt thtl <'h<l ci f . uch c(u rt r1y ~,l(m~>i1 t rcpr11't hli \Villf~ tl10
i1rn me of slild1 accouM n1~ d Hie 1"ttt rCI 1tnd nth.C'!tlht of each l ·rn i·n ,,~t~e!1s of $50 e~1tNl!t1 I ti 11 1i1d 1
11 c l~ unt U11der the a~tthorlrtv <Jlf ti 1s (:'t1h1rr•,'I lki!!nse d1HIJ r,r sud~ q tt~rtcrl 11~ le) I.
(3) As 11 ccl lu thL gen nil llc cnt1~. the ~f'rtH "n·cirm(ll ~ t:rvloc h11rge '' h11U i11dmJc chri1·i.rcs
Jn, r nyrn nt or r11i111h11r ern cn t for iu te1·0. 1 <lo · : cu l,ile, lcJlrj.:!rn ph, or t ·kphonc t·hargcH: pru• 1(11('
co ts i ·u. l dy f e ; small nclj 1111!1n 11if' c h~r!ftlR ln •m1·vC''l l.w <'kh•t'pih & t t.rnt·. ; fri1Cl, b11t uo t by way
r1i lln1 lt1~ tlrm , m.i11i m.u111 1'111. 110 ·har,ue•, acmunt cunyi ll f~ barg11s 1 IH>•tary rll'la prot 1•, 1 fr• 1~ 1 11m,I
ch~1 ri;rc11 for re(CT<\ll\' f' boo l;11 1 11l1nt o 1111
rC'd t rq> r tl:l , tran !llr.:rlpts nf • t1,1kJ11ent i;, r g-istt'.N:~I mn!J
ih ~ urn•11c<', 1:1 lntl (1t1 ' t'y 11111.l su1•1l ios, rltr.:c1e/ lH•nk. , n nd ot lw 1· si nill i' r it~! 111 s.
[li. iwrl .M i1y 101 1940 i 1iruu1 1<.IL1~ J1< 11~~ 17, J94(l J June lV, H>AO. July J5, 1940 ; Clct11l1l'r JO, 194 1 lum1 ,~Q, 1941 ;
(M<·IJ!'r !l, 194 l ; Do1·11inlmr 11, l94 1, '!'110 !JC0\•1'1 vr q111m 1l l. i µ1111N~ ·~(.• , z h x.1 ~111! t) lw c~111111'1 t,fo 'l}fiO Nr~. ii!!J.J


f' Y?lf.t!:'NtS 0!1' Cf'llliCT<S N'J) URA 'l'S RJ\ N O lt 1$!> llD PlUOR T AP~ ll~ 8,
truo u ACCClU!ll'ifS Off NOltWAV ANO PUINMAl1<fl A'.N) '$,' H TR NATJO~ALS. / LNl


Dl~ A FTS 'Ol~AW'N

l 40

R ISSUUD PRlOIR 'l'O MA'V HI, .11140 'P'H O M ACCCilJN ''S

Geu $ti Lieenf!lo No. 3 Uevoked
l b,~1~d M,.ny

10, 1!.140; .:mie uded May 17, 19'101 rcvoh·<l Jun e 13, W40 , ~


Gen 'ral Ue< m1e No.


ns Amem1c1l

A l'eneral Ile ti s. is her by ~ran t ed authoriz l11g- 1h c bcni- 1de sale of s~r.ul'ltlc · on 21. na tional
s urliles 1·..x ha11gc by b nkj1,g rn stltu tiona within 1he U nit 1Slat s for thC" accou n , ltnd p un111a11t
t. h the nut iorlrtn llo n, of natiCt11a \s of any <11f 1hc 'fon!igtl oo uutdes llct>i f~trn1(~ cl in Itxec ut i\•e 011tl1;>r
No. $38 f Apd l 10, J9 ..\0, all nm cn <l t.•d, and 1he 111 ril i,ug· ruHl receipt of V• ynwnt.~, transicrs of ct·ccl it,
11nd tmn !lfer!1 t) f s1i h sec uri ti es whi ' h ar 11 ecr. .. t>iiry In i<.1 •n1 s of arty uch sa le:, provklt,<l tli11t:
(a) the proc. eds of th' sa le ar er clitcd to on a(·rou111 in the 1H11)1 of the nati m l or whoB·
ncco un t th e Bale wa s 11itu.I · and in the bank ing ii1s lit11tic.111 wi th in th' Unit ed St Le which held the
·c urltie for ur.h 11atio~1al 1 ancl
(b ) lllls g l!:nc r I license shall not be cl et11 e<l to auth1,riz t hl! snle o f any accml ty f'cg·isttn•d or
in crlbcd ln th e na me mf any <>f the fc~relgn countries dtsignat d iu Executi v1: Order No. 83 9 of
Aprll 10, I 940, a · am ndcd, o:r any national th C'r of, frrespccfrvc Qf t.h CI fp<;t tlm l at a11y tim
('Whether prior to, on, o r si1bseq11.ent to April 10, 1940) lh regi sl •i• cl o.r ln$r.rlht:d uw11 .r t1tcrc-:of
may hav ·, or a.ppears tci have, a ssig1rnd, il'a1\sferrcd o r o1bcrwls <ii:posed o f 1Jut ec.u ity.
E.ach bankii1g: in tit'uticm rnaking any sales l1 crcin au th rlzecl is rcquirnd t. ( 1 file prompt ly wi th
the aJDprOJHiate F · deral Re uve Bank weekly report showin1~ the d . tnlh of tbc tr1rnsaction6,
i 11c!u c1~ng a de c rlp ti o n of tht~ ccoiri tl c sold, th dates d ale., 1.hc persons for whose accoimt th
sa lel! were 111ade, and the prices oll>ttntncd.
Thi. ame ndmen t of Genera l Lie nse No. 4 hal1 not he deemed to pl'evcnt th onipl etion on
or prior to J1.1 n 6, 1940 of pu·rchascs and a l(-_, wlii<:h w re maclc prior to June 4, 19-10 pursunn1 to
General Li ' ens No. 4, of scc u1·itics other tha11 1wcur i tlt>~ ·regis l red o;r l11scribu"1 in t11e 1111m • of
uty bf the foreign om1trice d'e l·g natt-d ln Itxecutive rder No. 8.3t-:9 of April JO, 1'~0. ~, amel'lded,
ot any national th r of.
[l ss~ d M11y ~O, 1940 ; aum.mlcd June 3, 1940; June 17, 1\140 ; J.uly 15, 1940 ; At~~1&t 8, 19 40; O~lober 10, 1940. The
neope of Gcnl!lrKl l.u.1c1\n~ N~. 4 •is cll!1af.ldt1d by · cnctnl l.ktt:me
. 25). Str Pr;AI II (.; 1~rular No. 9,• Prt.U Jf..tlticu1 N-<1. Z3.J


JJ,n'M ' N'J\'

'flllt u .~ l 'l:t;I)

~r.-1n· 11s,

S'I' ~· s A:ND1l'Ol. l'rJ A~ $(JJ~1)1 VlSIONS

II.a ~ , ended
gen rill. lfocr~. c l , here\1y &rant<i~I a,!~ ht>rlzhrg \he l~~Yl\ll'll" Jr9in any blool(~d
licoount tn the U·~~1tecd•s ol' al{ ,rtolf/' (11• 1i1 t.ttihit~'1hLhlty ttiicrec:tf mr ·t~) any h•tCli
t rtitQry, dlstdot, O(i)t.ll'rt;y, r111,m1dpa1i·ty -or p1;.1ll1 irnl n1tbd~iv i~lo11 lri th~ tfaltod St:11t¢Pt, of ttt'ltt1m1
i:h.rtl~s. ta:Kql'I, f(1 1l~ 1 and r.itht!r obllg11tlons 1 owed fherct('.l by tlw qwoe.~ ·f i1ch blqul i:,d •P<i'1\Utlt.
(2 l~u.11kln,·i~ i r~sii tM icm!l within. th~ Unh(~d St111.tes n\nclc1ln~ nn)' ..11ch Vt~}'lhtl,'1 ' sll 11 file
promptly w 'ith the ilppropriate Fe<i11rnl .Re erve l unk rttDPlhl)I r pol'bri '.1t•ttl11g fMth t~~e
1h-tilil of Btl\:h ·t-rnn11artlon11 dtlrlng such pt.riod.

General J...1oe 1 c) No,


lfu 11ud Mn.y JO, 1940i .111T1on<lad Juno 17, 'I 40 1 July)$, lP40; Oc•tcillllr 10, Jg40i J1me30, I 4l , 1'h »(ope ofG~neral
S la oxtt'ntlud br <) awaJ ,l,,111 1m1 No, 29.J

Llcu1~•e N(1 ,

'.P~\'Mll.N' ~ PRO M Aq:ouwrs OH QQVRR~M.ENT OF



NJl;TlUl:J\ T~ANI>

Lioe~•llci l~o. 6 Revoked
13, l9ol!Oi revoked Mny lG, 1'940.J

(hl!lb~d ~hJI

AND UANO UE NA.l' lONAf-lt Dl! Bl'l:WlQUE

General Lieont1e No. 7 Revoked

M1ay 13, 1940;


Ju11e 2(1,

1 ~40 . l


Gener._) Uc.,n•f.l No. 8 Revokecl
l~ uue~ ;M~y

13, lfi!40: ~ev(1ke1c,I ¥1\Y 16, 194.0.)



No. 9





(:I) A gene ml lken e is lHlr by grtan1• d authorizb1i; the bona fioc pu11chaet1 and sale of eom·


futnr s c<mt'Ntct. .nnd cif evi<:hm s o f G>Wn<'r hip' ol nc1'11t\1 commodi ties on an excluauge or
banr<l o{ trn<l ·wi th in tlae 1.J11iletl Stat 11 by l)anki11g in tlltition. vlthln lllf' Unit d State., for the
ucco1mt of 1rntlo1ia ls 0£ noy blockc•d co1u1t1·y, 1~11rs u11nt t;o th e inslnt<·ti o1111 of 11uch nrltiona l11, and
n 't<J swry trani; fc:ra or rj tlwr <lculi11g-s in vi<knce. of ow1rnrship 1i£ o mrn o<ll~ les , trn1~ a (cr s or· crc<lit
and pr1y t11 ent s lw t.wN·11 n('count in bunking in 1'1il11ti<ms wh ldn th e nitecl Sl'nt't:s flS rnq11irccl io.
c<mn c1ion with ~'Urh pm ·lrnscs or nlil:. 01· b!!caull< of fluctu ation in Iha market valut1 oI the c o~11·
modi! !es c1'Verod 1Jy tJch i::ontrnc air evl <l~ nccs CJ'f ow r1t:rshi1u, pro icled that: :
(u) No &'1ch pu r cha~ r;h;ill b mnr1e ex~~r>t for tbe JllHf ·ia o•f cove.ri,ni;:' a cJ·arJrt position
token prior t Octol> r 25, 1941, in the llrcnt111t of lhc nallo.n at for whom the p11rchn els made:
(b) Nn ·11cli , le shall he 1nadt1 t·x ·•pt fcir t li · puqw, fl of liqtddntir1g a long yioaition taken
pric;ir to October 2.5, 1 1)~1, in flH! accown t f th rrnti unal fpr whurn the ' ale ls tlllld!l ; und
(c In lh en c f tither purch a~. 0ir $a l the net p1·ocPcd$ o{ the tl"ansaction are credited
to a bl oc ked (l.crnun t In th· 1rnmc of the rlatJonal !or whtJ , c (J.ccon nt th e tran&acii on was <>fTectcd
1m d in th e banking 'in . tltution wlt11i11 the Unhed St.<al s which rnai ntaln iha account. for which
the trat1 sactic•n


effoct c~ ct.

(~ ) E1t:ch l)ltnking lns·titl,'lt,\on e ngn~lin' g· h1 o:n)' trnt1Sn<: tion herein 1n1lhoriz cl ls requii 11·d to file
pro~nptily with t1
l1 . rqiproprintc Ferlcral H Herve Jfa11t· mwnthly re1Jr.rr~s showlnji t he deta,il s of mach
&;m· h trnn , net ion, jlfldudlng '' dtis<;riptl on of the onrnH)tlity futimis cm1trnct11 or ovid 1ai:as 0£ owne~­

s'lii11 uf ar.11ial commodlti1''1 p1 rchas ccl ot sold, t.l1e dittcs of the rml'chases or salcs 1 th p l'll!CJf)s for
whose 1H·co1111f' the purc ha ~c~ <>r sales wer mach~ . tlw ipl"lcr;: at wh ich ca.di wa9 m tH)e, the
11111'11(' ,o f the exchange Of h<1rmJ of ti acJe 011 whlch CllCh ~l.1C h tna nsnction Was elfoctt\d, nnd th e net
m11rk i. posi tion in thr et:immodity in quc tion f tl1r~ w ti1.111a1 for w hose acoo11nt the tran sactfo>n
was effect d hefor uch tran actlcm amt a fte t" uch transaction.

[haue<l May J4, 1~40 ; amened Junt 17, 1940; July 15, lll1fO;
Rclt11.1;r No . JS.)



r.t ber 10, 1940; Augtist 11 , 1941 ; October 24, 1941.

G~11~rd l.11 Qllf\e

'Ntl. lo UevokQd

rx ~HUod Ml4x ' 4, 11110 : arri en~

4 ~Ill)' 2(1, Ul41>i (,vok~d

)11' 1 '~ ~s,


l'A\' ~d1t iLJVl llT01 1.r'1C·v·.i:t-.I Nd. J\1 1 ~1Mit.Ait 11'tt'.RSONA'L EX:PE~SiltS
lfN 'rl i lt ' i N!'fl:U S'J~~1'.L'ES

GC'.ner:u·I License

No. U



A go nern l llcen11e is lm by gra.nt d nt1thorizli i: pr.tyhl en1s nncl!f r11 bf er dit in t11e United
Stn•tc from acconnts in bm1kiiil.r ln fl titt1tln 11 s within th e nitccl :::;1;1te in whlch a na1tfo n I of
any of tho fo r ·i n co untri ~ de lg nrtt d In E ·c-ontl c rdcr NCJ. 8J89 of April 101 1940, Ill~ nn1cnd4'd,
h o.s u prop rty nt ereM withi n th e mcn11ln H of tlw Exr:ci1t.lve rd< r of ~\tlt ll 10, 1940, a. 11mi.'n<l t1.
a11d th(1 atl ms If\ 11t d 1hc11cu1HI r, t o.. or UJ nn the nrcl r o{ th pt:'r on In wlio11e name th e
nccount Is lwhl, wo,.,ddctl ll~!Lt (n t h~ f~ ul~ int,( n~tlt141 lr•f' niak,ing 411\)' 1112 l pil y in ~·p t. or t r11ns~
fo;rs of er •dlt snti 11ll s it<1clr t h11 l uch prtym~n !A lllld t nrn. fers of t'H'<ll nto 11 e<ll!d f.or Hvi n1r,
travelln11 ani1 hnl1nr pt·nH'>r111t (l~yl nm~<>-. i11 t'l1e t nih•d' Stll~1c1:1, fh) sifoi JWY~, ·11r~, . :nil' tt·,, '!~f.'&1' .•
()f credit hy
l4d t1~111ldn1r fostl tullnn <lo m>t ·xcN:d $~60 fjtj ~rn y nt~I! ,rn('1t1 th o c'\ r for llt1e 11 OJrnt
oi any cme 'fl ·pus:lf6r1 an·~l ( c) Qnch h1,J,l\11·b ll )n ·t(tutinJ t'li i<lkln(\;" f1,n:x 11ch ptiy111rnt or fr~·Q .fe rs
of t.rcdit Al11tll lff· pr niJ>1ly w lfl1 ~hi') RJlflT'O'f)l'l 1tt F dt·1111 t~11 P'!.I bnn\~ i11G>11t hly repor11si .'hn;vh1g ·•
the! del(dls
BUC h J 11ymo11 !A ancl lfil l sfcr s Clt CT di t.





l.I V !N(,l

Nt:ll P'EJI

AL RX l• ~N .,E S O IT

.l J• NRSJ£ N. 1' 10'NA L.'

IN 1) l'(' ll.b .:TATE,

(;eu1m1l Lio 11 e N . ll-A
gcntrn1 lic tm g · i here-by f~rnnlcd r:i utlnrizi ng pa: nwnt ~ rnit or th e bl nrkrtl nccount of
an . ..nrlio1111 l ~f J1.1p1.111 in th e C'11nt i11c-n lal nit ~11 'tatr 'l for He liv in · nnd pc•r ·mini ex lt"O ·r. , of
s 11ch na\lpri11l 11nd. hi s ht'.1t1sc:,hol ; pr o~·i~rd l hi~t I hr. to tal pnyrn 11t • .,uu~l'r d1 !s ~'~n!rnl Ileen .e frCJm
all the block<'d account s of :t ny one n11t1rnrnl ha ll nol ex<.'c rJ, 100 in p.1~ 111c pt l.'111iar monlh .




(2) ga l , cmplwcr anc,I lher p<·r!i\01s rnul<inr; an y s~1 c:h 1 ~.a ~; 111 e n1. · shall . ~ti fy th~m11cJve 'l ,
th~·ough •(f1d~·1,1 jti:, Qr othc:rwi , hat pn m 1•nts ou t r~ r bloc ked 11 rco11111.~ {1Jr ll~· il\K ctK pct1 r.s for any
.. • r,..,
on 1rntioQr.11.a1.i.dJi.i hou!]eholtl rl ~· nnt· .t:'X c ~ecj • ·~1()Q ·n a1t. oa · ca lt:11d<1i" P1 0111h .





1"! .suot.l l ocumber 1J, l' ~1. S1·1• /1t·r.r Ierlr1ur Nt1 19.J





Qenc~.r~l U•Je1lse ,No,



•.ro ~~F'.~ tl~1J)PS~1 ~'();)\ ~ ~\

~ti Ame11(Je1~

, , U-;t 1
A gN1M'rtl Jlc('nlle llo1 h "l' t h'' ,\ 11nted <111,!I 01'1id 11J.( a.c<· ." a ,f,u ~ 1 ~lllr ·
·the fnrc;l{1t1 c;<w1~~rks t.hl.i.,: 1111 ~''11 l~i l~~ec iii ~Tu1ra:f A ~ri ](), 10.101 '1 ' 11 111 •11t1Nl, or.a
1.'1 10, ll l\ lil('i11l1·d, a~1t1
() rclr l' v( Ap~·il 1
~ ·11i ·r('j wi1hin the ll'l n11i ng o! ·the r:l( ·c11 ·tl


t~g~~ll~ns l11s 1~ d th er 11n d ·r, or , c 9ntfiioi1~~ pr '.P.<~~1 In Y<!!i~h .~ll'l'. . f j\1e, fo~'.-¢GI tt,t;J1.µ ri
li!Lti,..re11 t of 11,r 1~ ntpre 1~:,]1~t soev.,,r, cll,!J.:!._~r fndle 5 , And 1hP op1 ~ fl1 ,. hi r rnmov l th ere·

from o! ony property, btJt iu CIH.!h jl. C out r Oil ' ~ ~O J1 vltJg- l crins ~U d C1mtitl011 I
( 1) Sµc h ncc;c , 11 11l rn~l l ~ per;1 'tt l o IY ln 1t1c iflr Qll~mn of nn AIJ.11' di: ~1 rprq <mt111 lvt1
' , "
o{ ~ 1.W $ii!' ' f.11\1911 ~~ •
(2) J11 the eve nt· thn1' any ':t1ctie}' or evi1fo 1w~!I of ind c:1; etlne!'l'
Plf pr~.~J.Y. ro t b'1 1•einwd !rr>rll ~\tel~ bQ:it1 11 1~ .1, l';'ce111U ~H~1 Jl 1)Q 1t1rml1qe<1 1· nl.v 11 111 ·

l.:!,r: ., )' i I'\ ~.~~~\18,
il1tq H~ c:1:u!pd1 h1111w1l 11lulr up 11
rcrno\lll l frrJfU ilucl1 b9 '. t.11ci , t fl() Jl y oi ir;viq~ n t s c1~ lntlcbted11~s ~ or vjd nc t\IJ cf o Nll ~f hip
or propqrty fflHI Q'\lf.ld froto ·1mch b l:it' and wl1lch hQltl f!I 1hc 1n'1Q l.1lijcQt ~() \11 F ... \i~e !.£'! 1t' r
o . .rl,1 lO, 1910, n 1n e1 cl.c~l. a nd 1hi! Rt~gt1 l a 1 !011 L ~11cd tl1 crt' 11T1<l ~. for th l" n fi(111nt 9r- tl1 ~·
ert lnlrt 1.: sts lh0 rdn rs of the N.lf\J'f.IC' (h:o dntcs Rp d I · ~a ce f irn r h I f.'1 -lC 1\lld l'.lhjp · lQ th
fic~l in S ~l l'll On.Jar, na ~rncml ed, of the r .1·rclg;.; C: W~1 rle; c1 c ~ignnte1fl;.}"such c rdcr, 11$ ftlllend t:d .
or t1riy natio1111l th rcol;
( :~) ln lhe 'V 11t l Jrnt llUl;Y rn o ney or vi d ''IJ Ot•S or in<,lr-bt't: cbws~ Or evi<lt•n c()S nf IJW,l ltlr!l f iip
6f prop •rty l'\r n•1pond f'!W1l Mich bmc the htL11lifoi: lnsthution whlt~h 1·eceive11 into it, 1·1h1to<l~
!i ot evldc1nc c11il Ct l o~viH' r sblp f 11roperty r<'nrnv ocl froru
1111y money cir evi.d •nccs bf tntld1t e
~ o c;rn dn1,11 Ft~dvrc1 t (1 crv 1 , nl ' .r t.: "· · , 1· • .i h .11 1 ch Lox. hull file Jro1111>ll'v w· 11
l\f UCll q.u, or~t.~1

~ ~.!: ?:.

' r -~;;':C'-;ii't'iit.l:;~· or_,~

whl h 1,11ly b t~~ h~111w\" q(' su~l·• ii\o

1le~i~l1a ~Jjl ~ :\r .,r'i. ; To'"~;



I '· kl~'l!i h J t.t i'il.. ~J~t l~.

" •'l:ilch ro1:.,l o

· " /,; •·· · -,


· · · · ~ ' ·'


Th~ les. e of tirh hox or ot he r p ei r sot1 l~Tllll f Ct'I !IC 1: $ !1 to s uch 1 ()')C ~hl1 1l l11~ni h t I
t\H' f(m\nJ' o( s uch ho:it ii ertlfi cat e ill td plicntc , ll ll Cl cop}" C>f ·w l\ i<;n s)1111J f>e, f'J4i 'C11'\t'tl 1111(.! et
Cll , (\1 that he h;1s lilr<l Qr\ ill 111ron11?tly ~ I· 0. rerCJ'rt on ] ron11 T~1J' -3PQ wtth res p ~c t t $11C 1
b~) X 11 nd the con1 n t thct·oo f: 1111 11 t ht' lc"l~ Of' u [ RU h b l'lx sh nll dc11v1.:r t l 1t~ , wri 1u copy o f
Ala cl1 rt ifi ef! te, an<l 011 co1\fo m <l ( flY ti\ re0f, to the !lfipr 1pr lat<J I~ederal I cr.; cr ve hnn l~.
fl'11~ti r1M~y20, 1940 : un1cnded Juuti 17, 1940 ; . u1y 15, l, 4 : C clohl.'!r 10, J9 O; July S, 1941. Sue Pu/ll'c Cirr11/a1

No . P,·


Utlrri, r NQ. 2J,J

CERTAIN 01~.FI 'HS CW C l!.It'l'A1N

'E't' HH!U,,ANl') S TlA Nl tS-OEN11J~ iU.l... Y j,! CIINSJm

Genernl Lfoe ire No. l 3 as Ame rHlcil
( J) A gcn<'ral 1ltcnsc is hc rc'l1!' g-ra~llt.!d lkcn ~i11~: :i 1:1•nr•rall y lltcn 1·d 11:1t1011 :d• :
(a ti c .Tn va , S ingap or e, Bon Ii r fl tHl alct1tl;1 nfliC!'. . ni 1i1t N t•1h·tll1t11l~c:h l111li"chl:
J I a111lc 1 b1rn k ;
j ld11 h , Sin r, po re, Rn ngoori, Cnlcutt a im d Bo111 l,1ay (Jffirt:H of ti
(h the J ava,
edc rh11Ht ·h e l fande l Maat. cln p pij ;
(c) th e Ja va offtc !! of •tb c )• HL. clle Bank i tmd
(tl ) the Ja 11 offi ces of the N <erland; h Tm:lisc ho EscomJ11 to Malltschappla .

Any t ra n ~ncllon t:n,L"n g •d lJ1 by any ·11d1 offic • ,,[ a ny .: 1 h b11n k pu ·st11wt 1c t l1~ ordl!'r uf
or [o r th e awunt oi any other nn ional nf 1h • ethcrfontls 1. alst'> hereby a111hc>rlzt·<l to
the sa me e:lent, and undr.r the <.ar1e circum i.1ance. , as though such 1r 11 11 ac li1111 ' '<'r
0)11ly fo r the account o f u h offic of u cli I>' nl< ; providccl, ho ~v ('r, Lh t t his autho1i111·
iion shall not lie dra mrd to pc1·1n i t a y pnymr nt, tr 1•~f r r vit·hd'rlilWfll from any hlad< t·
ll'. CC> 111 t.

!'I ssued May 31, 1940 ; am ndud A 11 ust 8, 1940 : June 7. 1941 ; Jtib• 26, 1941 : 1'e ~rnbar 26, 1941 ; Junuory S, 1942' ;
1!>42. Sa 1'11/ilir · il'ru/a rs N 11.r. ZI}, Jl 011rJ 1: Prr1,1 Rr lcfUN No1. ~S (IJ~tl 26, j

JanuHrr :W,


CER'rAJN Olt lCR~ 011' C:~R1'~1N D~J\IK.S IN N ETlU:~RJ.ANPS W,ES'r J,NPJKS.... GEN~~ALt.Y

Oen.,,ral Ll<'.ensQ No. 14

(1) A ge1hm1l llQlltt e .la bereb1 -~~11ted lkl.\nlihg i'.t.a renernUy 1ioein.11ed 'lipth:~111.ta:
(a) the Willem ~11,d (Ct:jtaQ~Q) offict11 of :

(i) th" 1CUra"Oat'.lschc Dank l
(ti) the Ml\chml & Curlel'11 Danie:
(Ill) the I!dwaTdl! HenrJquct & Co.1 and
(b) 1he Or~t\jc:iatad (Arul.m) offiQe If t.hc .Aruqa U~n~.

Arty trnn 11 11011 cog-11.r,:'ed in hy any 111eh office o( t\ny au\"h bank ptlrs1iknt to the orae,· qf or
far the 1 ~ not of n11y other 1111.tfonnl of tbc N' e~herlnncls la e.1110 herebr authorized to the
ume ll(t •(1t, nnd under ti;\~ · ame oirctlT11Stanca11, a ~hough atlch tra~s~ction 11¥etfJ aolel;r fair
t.he ac.001111t of such office of ~ u oh ba11k i :provided. however, that thla authorl1;1 n:tion ah•ll
not be dl!tl'J me<l to permit any pa ymQn\, trnn sfer at whhdntwa.I frotn any1 blochd acco1int.
11 RUcrl .flm 4, Hl40; nrnuncl d Juno 7, 1941; J~11,mry -0, 1942. Srt P11lillr C'irruliir Nn.


·n HNT 1'0 '1'RADR 1J ·rw IH!:.N TUE tJN1'fl.W TA'fES AN .b 'f.U E NEl'HKR·
L.1HWS RA. 'l' nmrn. AND THE NE'fHR~.LA.NlJS WJtST !NDll!fti


General License No. 15 11 Amc.tuled
(1) A ~;c~rnn1l li ren~' 111 hereby gra nt (:(l au th odzl ng- nil trno nctlo11 11 or1lln11rlly Incident
tri th o i111 por ~ \11g ml ~icpur l ing of g·orJdff, w11res n 1d 1nerch11,ndi e hetw on the nltcd States
and th e Nc.thc.rlnnds Eu t Jn ic. <ind 1 ctw .(' 11 th e Unit ci Stat .A 1111d the Netherland Wl'Bt


provid'1d tl1 e f llqwlng t •rm nn

a ud itions nre complleq with:

(11 1 mp rt au(J xpG>rt b tween \hf Unlt ti Stal s and such a.r as f1 hnl1 not be
finnnn:cl, din: I ly or indh ectly, from any bl ckC'd accou nt in which any blo~kcd
om1lry >r any nati(lnnl ther f, o'l.h r than tho eth rhinds or any national
thereof , hns an int •rc1> t ; nnd
(h ) rnpm1 <i ,
i111 1·rc 'l l,

~11 ~1'1

June 4, 11140 ; nm

nnd W1Cpc• rt

b tw r.11 the

nd sud; areas shall not

thC'rtof; tht• r thi1n t!1c Nct lH· rland <)f any natlonnl t. h<~1· cnf, ha$ an
nr Jrn 11ttd nn hJl r·r«I' l . i11ce !he elf« t ivc <1a1c nf the r<lcr.

irr11ltm N o1, ~ a11d JJ.]

June 7. 11 jll , J1111unry ZO, lll 2. S oi• P11bl ic

R>CL'ENS l()N • 0 Flt1 NC!l


ni tcd Sta1

<l i re tly or ln<llrtlc tl , pmpcrty in which any bloc'k d rntml ry or any


C Jrrt\ TN



Lfoen ·t~ No. l 6 R voked

I 1s .uctl J 1111 c 17, I ~40 i



d J~n • 30, 1941 ]


rru )R

TO JU I? 11, 1940


Li 'en

o. 17 Itevoke<l

(I ssued June 17, 1940; amended .)uly 20, 1940 ; rtvoke d Augu f 81 1940.)


NEW y ,l;)RK OJ F ICP., 01t FR lnNCM AMJtR1 t\'N llAN ,l<Hkj

tJc 'Rl'OJM TWN-~~\ ottN1llJM1..t.'Y


Ge:ne al Lfocrue No. l8 aa Amended
A (!enerr11 Hce n. · i h ·rcliy ~rumted li cenRiHJ; lhc New York
icnn f~lni ldng Corporntion u ~ genernll:y ti on\l\cll oullon I.

f'lke lf lhc Ph111 ch Amer ..

[.h111.1.cll J1;1ne 181 194Q1 lltl'llt',,d d. ),u~1e 7, 19~1.l


NJ.t'rtnmt.AN'DS BAiNKS- OltNIJt ,Al~ I ~


~,foeme Ne~~





(1) A (,!'e ncrnl Uccm10 ill lnercby grirnt d Ileen• inr; as gencn1lly tl cch&N1 nitti o11a l I
(t1 the Ilucnos Aire , Cn r ca nnd Ma1 no11ibo oln es Qf Bnnoo Holund ~ \,luli.loj
(h) the! Rio ~l e Jim iro, San tos ~nd Snq P11t~lo o.ffi c sol T~an co H 11lu.ud<·?.: L 1ildo l
(c) th~ W lUcnu1t1ul and Or '*etncl ofllces of Hol1n11alm:.l1 1~1~11k ·V11ie i 1111cl
(il) thd H11ifa 1111d T tnnllt1l office of :HoUnml ·n11nk t11d01~ .

Any trn.t1"actlou ngag·1:d fo by any !lach offi~(l of any i;(iC:h 1~M1 k ptt'l'inum t t<) 1,h c cm1c11· pf or
Car the ncc.;cimrt of MY other tt ilqnal of the Nethedn,n<ls ill also hertby ni1th orlzc·rl t·u the
ame ex: P1l't. au(! 1111cler the . nme clrc.1~m.Rt~11c c s , n tbo12gh uch trnmm.(tlr.m w~rc.i ~ ,~.1 ly for
the 11,ccou1 1t of ouch office of ucb hn1llc ; 1 rovi<led, ho' <iver, ,thal\ thi s a11thorl.zatlo11 .. hall
not be deemed 10 p .rm it ar1y payment, tran sfer or wllhdt"awnl from nriy h10 ·ked nccc 1111t.
IJ ~ ~ud

June JA, 1940; 11rnundod Jm1e 27, 1940 ; J11ly 6,

J 9 ~0 l J1111e

7, 1941; )anunry 20, 194'1. Sre 1'11/llir rlmi/tJr

Nt1. JJ.j



Nl'rRD STATli:S CJ'l'I ZJtN S J)0 '.M1CH.l!.l> 0'R fUl.5 lD1:NG JN


General LI

nse No. 20



w tST

l NDrnS


Ag n •rnl license L hcn·by grRnt ed authori zing hnnkin g institu1ions within th e nit1·d States
to make rd \ payment , Iran, f •t an d withdrawn\111 fr m acccmf\U in 'th n nm p of 1t ny i1'uUyl<111 Ii who
i'5 a dtir. n of the uitcrl .'1at R aucl who I domi ciled h1 , oc resi<le11t ctf, tl1 e Ne tl1er)11nd l·~as t
Indies pr the N t.herlancl s 'W csl !prliie ; provid <I thut nci forcig-n country MnH·cl ii Exr rutlve
Ordu No. 8389, a amended, f any natl nal thereof: (cilh r t han uch ~; itlicn ,of I.he United St11ttiR)
has, or has hacl nt any tim e (w h ·th~:r prior to, on, or sub, eq11e11t 10 April 10, 1940 , any in terest
of any inaturn whntaoov r, direct or indiroc't, in such account.
Banking ln ·tltt1lkm s within the nlted Stntra mnl ing such p yn1 e11t1:1, trnn s fcrs 'Cll" withdrawals shall file promptly with the appropriate · •ed •r:.i. J Heserve bank w l}kly ,r eports shuwing
tht details of the tr~rn ac'tions during !J Ch period.
(l11u~d J •J r1t

J9, lP.fO; anm1dl'd July




N . 1fJlU.,A~OS 'J'RADJNG socrnT" RJ\S'r, 1.'r·,o., A.~m N!{'tll'lU~tA'NPS ·r~A.Pt~Q

G Jr,'l'Y J .A!'l'l\ IN<: ......m 1NUR.Al.1 LY L~C: .Nin

(1.oQetal Lj o~n•e No. 2J


J) NA'~' l()ti!Al,$

Alt ArrH~gded

1 A ut1ne1•nl 11 1~ n • ill 11<lreb1 gra1;ted Hlll<bn.lllnf;t the N ·thcrh111d11 T1'ndl11g $1)ciety I-tut,
L l111., Lrrn<lon ml the N t 'l h er lancl ~ ~~rri~~ln,~1 Society r!tt. t 1 Jnc., Del .v;r.1• ns ge.n6rtt.11f licensed
nnl !ounlA, A n.y lnm don t• n~ ged 111 by t111.1 Net.h~rl« 'J't11 ~1h1t Sbd<:t)' &Mt Ltcl ~ , f"'Gtl·
dm pnr unnt t ih pnler of cir fi;i~ th " a oqnt of 1411y otlier nallo.r~ul o( th e N~ 'oer1nndll1 ·t!lr
lJy the Nclh rh1r1d s Trndil1g Sodoly E.a t, fl;\ ,, J) l11warQ 1~urru11~11t to ~h <'mfor < {or die
ac oiu t of nny p~"so1· 1 n tl1 Nt'tl11:rlnn<l. E1\ t f n<lia. or the N-. tl1crh11.1d Wc1st fodl , i" al o
hcr«hy n\1rt horlzc11 t · th1.1 &11m<: tixtQ1·1t, nnd tlrl<le1• 1ho r;, in ¢il·c1!1'\11i\.rn\c\'llt, dr.i t'1lltlgH such
tr1111 . ·Lloi1 wcrc1 ,\ii I f• r HH· a cc.n111t of such b11{1ld11ig· lnslltutlonfl; provldel\, how ·ver, th•t
ild ~11111lh otl.•,11t·i·011 \ ;a ll n 11' h u dec111f:d to l'er1t1 i '. ~·n y 1rnymcnt, ti•m~isf r or w11hd1111wal f 1om
t111y hl o .le "111cco1.111,t.
'.IP40i Ju1~0 7. li'4l i ) li.UUl\t:V ~o. 1~42. s-- ltt1Mlp c·~rcJ11lnr No, i.1.)1
fl suad )m10 2t. 119401 lilt'flCtld ·~11ut



LONDON AND NIIW YOR.K Ofl'FlCES ()F' BAN~tJ~ 1'1U. . Gll':

romt L'lt'r1'A'N0Xk .


Geru~rad Ll~eitse No, 2~ as A•n_,n1h~d
A ~llt1 •1·n t Hcl:'n e L\ lH!1•eby fti:' n le t tfoettiing th6 L<Ji1dtJtt •rul IN'ie\\t Y cil'k offi<.ie11 of the
B1ii1qt1e lh lJ;f • potir l' Et!rtngcr (Ovcr&'tll8)1 Ll~lt <l th1 1gC! l'lcrn~ly llcena~d n11tloo Is. Any
b 1.htl J,~oudon Offi{10 (li l!tl'<lh bn•nk, ~HlJliUJ~ni l(I ~hi ()~cler ot or for
trt\111\Hdion engL\g(• d
'tin. n<:<:c.nmt u( nny otl1er Mtinnill of l:h lni111J1 is o,1 110 ht·rchy n,1thorh:ed to tlu same c~ten t,
Mel lrnd ~r o~c saw tir '\1111. i rl • S, i~. tho111th !lul.':h lrM1!1ilt.tim1 w "e a"1 \y for thl!! J!~outqtt
of 1.mch ofnt'c ;f SLtcl1 ·b~11l'; r> Ml<l d, licnv vi.:t, H1 t th ia nuthortv.:~ tldn hall hot be
to pc h1 lt rtny pi1yt\\l~11t, trnn ~f~r (>r \\1lthd'l'1tWl1l lrbrt1. a.ti)' b1ol:k d l.ltcouht.


(h1s11cd J11ne 271 11'40; a1~1(mdc<l June 7, 1941 ,]

Gt1nt1r al J.,foonso N(), 23 Revoked
('1'11011 d July .15, 1940; re Olrnd June 30, 1941.]
JUL¥ 10,. 11140 FIWM ACCOUtHS OF LATVliA, mrrG>N'I A A 0 l.lTHU.A,NfA

Genernl Li~'


o N >. 24 R vok< d

(h1u d July 15, 11140: rc'Volicd August :ZR,

1 1>~0.l

l!JrJ1'nCT 017 A't''rACHMltNT OF ll'O~M 'l'l~f~L-2 1:'


Gem1rql l.ictln () No. 25 a11 Am,end(ld
A gcnrrn1 lic·rn~C' i1>1 h rcliy crante unde r rct ion 2A (l) of J<:xc:c11llvc Order No. 8389, of April
lO, 19~0, a~ a1m'1Hku, nu\l1C1rizi11£' 1he acrpnt-li tinn, dispo. lti 1•1 or tran sfer of, or 11t1H~r dealing in, or
wHh r ~sp<'Cl tC>, nny securit y ur c·\i <lt·1 r l tl11·1ct1f, to whlth "l'rN1st1ry Dt•pnrt1n <:n'l Form '1'F1!L-2
h11 lwcu pn· ·ir1urly ntt ·1c1H'rl nr . !lixe<l liy, nr un~ cr th e dircctlcin of, th(' Trc·a. nry D<'pnr1rn en t;
Jl~oviCl d. thl'.ft thi c; l{<'ll'' ml li cen se :hall not 1 e cl cmed t~l a11tlrnrizo any ttan l'I l i n ; rohil>itrd by
rea or of any prnvlsicin ( rJr n1lin,' or regulation th ercunu r) of ur.:h Or er other than section ?.A
[lsst.t d July 25, 1940; amended June

.m, 1941.]

l \lil/\N$/\CT10llS JN C~'Rf'AllN ol'\~E\tiCA N p.J~P<j.H~~'J'All¥ R~cRa1 l$ AN'tl


Ceneral ~,io,em., No. 26


AMli.lUC>,.N ~~V·ll. S

Anle ded

A ge1icirnil JieNu1e 1i11 He reby t(lfl\t1tnl ll 1ndcr ~'' U~rn 2A (2 of f£~:ecu•1l e G>l('cder N6. ~~A , of
Ar~ dl IO, l 40, a!ll anw11d d, author•zlng the ncqul ltlnn by 1 tran fo\ to, 111~y pen11on \\'lttlin th111
U(1itcd S.bti"a of 1u1)' lntf'r~ t in •n)l Alnericart Depo"l'~ \~r)• Rec lpt dr At11 rlr11i1 Sh 1·e J!h'Y kally
altuatod within the Unitc4 Rt:ai~(~ repre1erit'l.1.' n llllY &ecmrl'!~ )' or vitl 110 • theroof uot 11hys1cnl1y
sltuatud v Hhill th U11itc1d • ht. 15 whi<'h .R ooclpf ( r lrnl' ~ · n11 at.hni'lted t<> dea1:i\')ghl on a ~atlor1al
~c11titic• ex l11lt11rf.i Qlil e.n,;\ pi• i(J~ to htlj' 25, 1940; pr rvld cl, ~wwe'\•er, tha·t t1hh g !ltnd l 0011& sh•'ll
Mt b~ deC'mcrl to at.tthoi·iir.c ~he lsllua.l'\-Ce oi Amerl.M'O l)epd ilail'y R!lcelp ll <1r Amerl~T! ,J!•
agab.ui thei depo~it 11.'tt1r July 25, 1940 < .f any aec1ul1ty dr ovlthntJ¢1t tl;ie~ea( ~itii phy1Jl •1tlly Jft\tatllltl
wlthl11 t,he U11·l~ed S t ~1t,t11J) a11cl, rwoivicl·ti~ tlh11\ ti1l$ f:C'C: llera) l1 ·cm1e sfortll n:ot bo 4t1c1tted t'O 11uth,<u•lie
•ny tram1a11~for1 frGhlbi'Leu l!iy rioas,c)tl a! ~ny p·~ovl11i~•n (itir< or ~ogti\la·Uon thereu;udt1t) bf such
Or1! •r oth er Hum s ctlou 2A (~) .
ilHwod All8ust ~. J.9~0; U™1nd1d hlyi II, llll41.]

PAYMRN'l'S OP ot\rll)JtNPS ~ND t1111'R1tM'r ON 1 AND R.RDIOlPTf6N A'ND

Gener•l I.iceniie .N11>. 27 ns Amended
A g·ertcnll lit itse hi htrcby S'r~1lt<"o rtuth6t'izfo~ !
(1) "l'he pnyt1H;m t to, and rcc.eipt: by, a hi111klrtt hH1tJt11t'lott within th~ Urtifed l~ia~,flll df
fand~ or o'lht.r .pr~l\rt'y ttpril!tt\til'I~ <Hvl~end s or h'lterCI! t 1ott net1irltl .s htild by Uith htlnk!.n g
IPif titi1tim1 ht u, Muthd Jtot(JU:nt 1 p·rC>vlded thatt the f\1~1de 6t tithe!' flJld\t,~rty itttl otedlted to or
def>b!hl l1 in ~ blcicked acuotmt i11 the nnmfl (If the fll1Hot1at for wbo~ ~dc<JthH. the ett1rlHe•
wt.1e hdd, ar11t in the bnt1ki11g instihttkni withi n ithe lfoh cl S1ntes which hel{l such sec1nt'.l·tie•;
(2) Tli payment to, and receipt by, a bnnking Institution wit hin the United State.a of
fund s paynble in r • pcct of srcuriti es (incl111ftit1g C(!)llpdns) presented by such b:rntdng ii1 ti~
tu1.ion to the pmper p11yin1: ngcnts within the Unit d Statetl for rcdetnptlhtl Qr C'Cill<ic.t.ililn for
the accotrn1: anti purs uant to the nuthodzation of nn·ti onals of a11y blocked oountty, pi-ovidcd
( n) Th proc::t(!d11 bf the re.dempliort or 6t>'l1rctlon nt'tl er ·dlted to rt bfocked 1'Cc o!,
in 1.h nnme ( f th e na1.l11inal for whos. 11 cc·ot111it the rcr'lem,it.i61\ t')r t<ol1ecth)t1 wa trirlde
and in the banking institution ithlq th~ UnHod S t,aties whlch held the secUritltia for such
nati(rnal; and
hal1 not be cl cm (I to a.utlwrhc.e the prl"&eotment: for
(h) Thi general licens
l'edcrnptiorl of any cwrity registe red or hJ~crlb ·d in 1he nu mo o{ a1ly blockc<l country,
or any national th er,f~ lrrespective of t h' fact that nt rany time (whe1'11 r ptlor to, on,
or uhs (1uent to April .10, 1940) the rgi · ct d (.It l1111cri brd o'vner th r of may have, or
a.1 peJl!·s to ha e, !\~ . ii,t·n d, U1u1 ferred or <0lherwlse di posed of s~c:utl1"Y;
(3) Th pr.dornrnn ce of such thcr act!/., a 11 (1 ti 1c ff ccting of such other irl1r1sactlons,
11s m ay be 11c .cf.lsl).r il y lricklc nt to nny o{ the forcgi1' ltii;.

This general litf·n : e 5ha11 not be <'le .rned to • uthorlz • l\ny p~yin •n' , trim f r or withdt.nwal
from a bl ock ~d a l'Olrn t irl rhh-11 l'11e l At1t•1· nf, or olh r obli1,;o r with 1·c·f>!pcct to, ~security has
an fo1crei;. L if ~ud1 b..,u\!J or 1Jhli 1·01 L a Llodt cl rn1u 1t1y u l' tMtionul thet·eof.
[hs1ml All!,'11>\ 8, 1')40 ; Rnwntlrll Ju11r 30/ 19•11 ; Jn.nui.1·y .:!Q, 1942. Thq cope o[ Gllri~r11 l 'Licensc No.
by Oent'l ra.l Li cmc No, '9. Sr.a Pub/fr C:ircu Ms NM. 9 11 •1if JY; Pre1.r lfrlcatrc No . l. '

271~ ~tended

T'hc followlnn l. lt·xt n! P11Lllc Jntrrprcl:Rtlpn No. 1, 1i;1tocl J1111unry 2:1, 194:? !
Tnqulry• liils l'a1el\ m1111k :'IK wlii·ther, trnlkt Gm or11l l IC'l't1$C No. ~'7. n IJ!ockcll ;,ccO\tht fo fhl' llllmc of A may bo credlttd
wilb dlv1il ·nds fJll lp\•k h(•ld in ,.uoh Iii r'k.eil t10t'lll1r1t, ~nclu SIQ(ik bei11 ciwuud ii>I r1~co rd by ll who l ~!RP a hloc d nat!imal.
Gcnttr11l Licuq~e No. 21 kuthorl10 tl10 crediting of A's I.II kfd a couilt im•~l)l' the abov!illlnc.u11.]


JNDf VlDl.1

l) A 'e11 e ..
v.lduill •wlio


tT .•n S"fi 1'1~$I

1.. ic~ne.ei

nt·11iona1l ~nY lncH•

( n dtJ~en ~1 l.l'i,e VnUec.1 $.. a!_t111 n'r\d 1•e1ddlng 0!' 11y l ~h.Q" tJ l~.~rL~i&t.e~ i •!1ild
(h a .11ulkintd ot· ~~1t f(llreign c:ountrr k10~ely by rr~!ltiQ .f huviJ1g bt1c:i-1 uo 1kile Qr resi- /
l ·pt t'hcrel1l Ci'll pr jflt;tr!Je i . . c;i 1h ••I; h1 te -i ~ ..the
,. ....
,~~!.. d tp !i~ll.. a11 ~ l=l'enernlly 1Jcens~~l nntlcmal
~t gJJdsi,l. /i~ r.1irt i I l .it.hi• ,)· Q.Wljlc, bn I! wt
(&U¥ Jwl:l ·~.i;J.~n 9,!. ~.-~._Uni '' :'~ ~:~L~ ·~.,who ~ ii"Oaffilii ,r·<i)·t 11/91·c.ig~ co1111tr by rt~u: tm craf
io 'f foc't "'l-~1e-r ,1~an1'Jtt~~ Sl1,~ h f :i:l:f..:rh \!lr.t.I m111 bl!~tl rJ'Qn>ioll •d r res1cll':!nt 1'11 S\i h fort·l~ti c~mntr;r
(II~ or sl!'1 r t~~lti 1•ff t1Q1IYe c.\r, '~e,,
(2) ~~~i'I t .t F!;!.t.',111...:l,:ltll..JQJ. ~:re ~lu\ <1.J.p )J<1' tlkd wlt h rcripe~t te) the Pl'<)l~et ~
e~ta oi 1n11y ln dl'Virlttr-1lK llce11 ffcd her In r~'\l.,&'£!,Llf'll}~~~,!.ic. 11 ertl ~udlou~l.·
(.1) 1 hll' gN1 rnl li crm~c sh~.11 ~..c;.t t cler r11cd 'lo aff~ct,.11~J_ll'lrlt·i~ ot "''dd1moe11 t·hereof ~ .Hvered,
or required to be tlcllv('ti«! d, bci 11 l•ccleral He orve l'l ank under the provlslom of Gen.oral Huling
No . 5, a s llfll~I 111c11tec1 , ir to ILUl11()1'lzc nn·i ir1111 llC fon with r tl pe t ~o ~uy suclJ ~1·curillcs or
evld ncea thereof or 111 0 pr '!o ·rls ll.111nior.
11 m.i d Augu~t II, l!J•IO ; arnctulud J11ly B, 104 J; Scpt o1 ulier 9, 1941 I




A~' PL H: ATlON 0[1' C.lm'i' J\'l'N OE'NE.RAt.• .t.IC,:R N S~


TO CR'NURAil. nuLTN(; ~o. 6 ACCOU~TS

Gen or 11 Lia n c iN o. 29 -.~ Am,uaded
The '11 o 111101111 Qf the ifollowj11~ g ge11eval Hct~ n ~ 11e h<lrebiy OJfH;le a.pplic11'ble ,bQ Getu111ail Ru t~
Ing No. 6 e.orn11ut t·o t.he exLeut tJ~n11 lil'llh g<:ucrnJ ~~ e1v; nre not '1>th4rwJ11 • lll'pllc •hh b~ :(e1m.ln

of iheir 111e<iifyi{ig blCJdk ·d iu·counts o·r a(;count11 o~ bl@cked 11o~ntriAs ur natfoua.lit tb~eof i
0111 eral .Lic•t)'H;e. 'No. 1
cn era l Lie 1111e No. 2
G •n rnl Li ctwe No. 4
Gi- nern.I; 11 11~ No. S
.1enera l Lic:tm c u. 27
f h s urd Aa •u1t 9, 111401 11p ended June 27, 194 1.J
l~AY~f.N'l'S F'ltOM. ANC> TRANSl\C'l'I

Gcn":roJ Llti


No. 30

O'l«, C:afn'A J ~ 'fR\~S'l'S A.NP HS'r.A'.1:' 1~ $

A ~~i!'nt'rn l licrn (."is h ur f'hy r;rn.l1t4l:cl aut'Jii orhdng 11ny ba nk or trust oompimy iir1 ·@rpo11r.1Jtt<l 1rnder
the lnwri of the: Unltod Stutes OT or all)' $t!ll territ ory ('If <l istric t or th Unh u. Stot 'or any pdvntc
han k. ii;ubj eot t.o . 11t>erviBiein and .exnrni1111 t i<'ln utHler t'he ht111kl11g J.iw o f any RlR1e of tl~e United
lcgnl representative
State , acti n(; a tru stee o f any ·t rnst it mlnistc•rcd In the United Stutes or
o{ a1~y f' .i l:itc adniitii lcrcd In 1he U11ite<l S1nte , in wlii h ttt1 t ·o r sta te (,)nil or mol'e penions who
are rwtir ()f Ot\ll of tlie for lgn co1111 td 11 ~I lg11 ted J.n J'£x ~u.ti' e O rder No. 8389, aN am ndcd,
have an in terest, hen ficin l or othcrw! c, or arc co-ll'u st ecs orr co-n•ptes niatlve , to iu the

followi 1g 1r11nirn t ion :
n!l I ·g-i.11ty cntitl!•d
(u) paymr·11ts ()t di Flril ,t1tlv shi:u;es of prindp1d or irn::ome t o a11 pc'f'ef.(J w ho 111' uot l'la'l lorrnl of ' of rn forcii;."ll OO\m1·ries deslgaatr.·d In StJC'h E;iwcutiv
rdt1t , a:s amt•11 1l d; irnd
(b) o.the r tr1u1sautiM1s arising in th nclrninl stra tir•u Qf such tru t m cattLte "'1/h~ch might
bl.' engng d I l if 110 national f any of th· foreii;n countries designated i" suich • ·cculi 'Ve Order,
as nm~ndcd, w rc a bene fi c iary, co .. trn, t •e or co-rcpre c ntntivc of surh tru st or stat e;

ptm!'ided, however, that t.hls genera l l ic nse . hall nC'Jt be deemed to nulh prlie uc h t ·n rnt e or legal
repr sen ta. tl e to eng-ag-e h1 a ny tran ctl on a t th e r equest, o r upo11 the jn tructions, of any benefidary, o~ .ru. ~ee or cci- re1)re entatl ve of suc h 1rust or csta tc or other pcr'sora w ho 1$ <l national o f
an1 of: th e foreign (lountri cs designated in .uch Ex '<'Utive Jrder, a amended ,
[lmrued A~igurt 14, l940. See Pf4bllc C'4rwla1· N11, 9: Pru1 'R.t'/l'as~ Nt1. Z3.]


0 IN o~~ OCIUP

N} J K<


Hl'l';t'fd 'N $.EC ' m·rj}~S f,lfCA'.R l l'oj

87'AM'l'S OF :D'F.STGN.~'J'f.l::l) l!Ol ltl Olil COU'N"Cnms

.'i""~·oc~a l Liceium No. 8l.







A r.-e11 1·n1 IJq~11} l.11 li.Y i.:-ra te~l n 11 hodid11~ ~a11klng l1111 titt1tlon wh hin lh~ lh~H d ;1 tnt'll:r
~q d c~1 h r.qup n frrun (ic 4rlU ~ of ,tht: ty11 t ·f ' t'J'Q<l to ln ec:llo 2 (1) of !Lxrc1J'i ,e ~~t qi:
!No, SJ 9, a ~ am en dc•c;l, wlum suc1 1 1i<icuritlc!I h1.1ve lie n lt1 ilrn eou11iody or po. s~"1 jl,'l" .o.f 1 ,.1tl') h bn11:k· ·
lug l11~ t l,1,u tli;rnA co11 1l1111n11 ly lilit1oe J11ly 25 , 1940 1 tp l'l ~<l ~mrt 1u.1d1 cpu1101,11 for ceil\ec;lo1t; rind to
perfor111 . 11 ch Qih41r iir t~ nnd to e.ffllt't 1111 h 0tlrnr 1.r n nc1·lon!I a• 1o t1 be tHlces ar liy lndd1nt to
F.11.!ch ~.o1ltrotlo 11, not w ithsta11,ll11!:( th f11ct t lln·t: T1• '14uty DcfJnrtm nt orf1'1 lA! ma;vi not hn ve
[ro1'n wlil 11 Itch coupons m·e rJ t~ dforl.
be· q fir vfou$1y nttnc\led !('I the sl'cuHti
Tl\~.A f4'1lll tlrnl licCtn ~lu11l 11Cll h de<'1n cl 10 n11 thorl zo ml y trru:1111lctfo 11 prohlbJt!!d b;v rea.11on
o:I nY 1 .r(,,d 011 (nr rpllng w n11;:-t11at.lon thell"e.u111(kr) ?'f such rcler other th111'l ~ ctio11 21\ (1) .
rf# u11od N fj'i1~ 1 aa. 11'140: "'MIHfod JIll ·•· I94l;J

C~Jt 'j'A,I;N

RRt.fff"J' r\NC'F\:S


Nl~CU:SS Jn'

~. 1

l?<!G , ~)(.P Jt:NS:fli$

Gom:1ra1 l..Joeme No. 32 •• Amended
( 1 A J.:' ·nt~ l' a l l lcc 11 ~1! l!I lwrcl.1)' l{run ~ <:tl 11Uthorizl 111;r rernittnnct:s by uuy lndlv chit\! thrnt~r.h
l.lllY t)oincstl1= bunk t 1 riny )pell ldunl wlio is u ntl cmn l o( r1 blocked ·t.ii111·try nnd "lrn Is whh!n 1'!.l'IY
foreign counlr}', u11cl 1w d m1:stic hunk i~ authodzt1d t.o dtcc:t such rcmitt1)ncc&, Jj(Ovl dcd the
f!lll owlng tent}, nnd 1· 11di!lotill an: co m111J d wit h 1
~a) Slli'h rt 10,ilta.occl! airc maid · on ly fo r the 11 ece1umry e po11so11 of th e pa.yee 11.11d
hi hr.n1s h@ld nnd do 110t :iic r.' d *.10Q i~1 n11y on ·1.11 ndr r lnonth lo 1111 y one 11oim:holu. ·C.'j(~ep. ~
tbnt acldHion, I Sli11m w r.' xcc1(:dlh~· ~25 it1 wt1 on c11 lc11dnr mouth mn'.Y \?t! 1•t11TJltt ·11 for •
mn111> I' ~.1f 1·he pn re 1$ h tn1 sl" h ol~1 \r1 addlHorl td •th • payt'"t', prwHI •d tlrnt ht no 1Jh1111. a
s o( $2 p 111· (~akndnr l'1111)11th h e rnrni1ttr;d to 1.111_ <11~e h i~ J.J . <•hold l
li'Utlt In ex
(b) ~u h r mltlancus ll'r0 not 'l'lllli~lt· ·frt\lll a 1 l clrnd tLCl"\1llllt ot h r tlr1on ilfo'ltt nn a.oco'l.ll\t
in hanld11g ins ti1utio11 w 11h ·11 t h' Unitud Sta1 s. in 1hc1 nnm e of, or in which t he benefi cfal
in~ erest i held J,y, 1hc 1' y •e or ~11 eml)' r ~ al hi l'l houtwhold;
(c) H the pn c•c I wit hin an y bk1cked cou1•1try, 1h r e m iHr~ 1 we 11,ay l~e ·effected only:
(i ) fly the pn ym •11t fr 1hc dollirr amCl\1'11t of th ' remittunc to n QCIUI C. tic bank for
credit 't:O n !;lo ked nr unt i11 th e nam e of a ban.ki1~g· ln thu~l 11'1 wl1hln 111.1ch l'dUntry; o~
(!.I ) By the 11r:q11 i itl n o[ { reign xrh ange ft ma per. on in th United Statelil havh1g
ulc of ~ u c h e:xchnnge.
n Uccnsc 1m · lficu ll y i111thorlzing th
(dj H the j~nyee is within any f rci!!'n co11 nt1•y oll1er thiin a 1ockc.r1 cotrnt r 1hc rem1ttnnct1 intJy be cft(:l~tc: <1 h1 th s11.m c m11m1c( thn1 s1~ ch r rnlt tnncc wot11d be: t'fife.cttfl. l( the t~ll}'~fl
vwrc 11ot 11 natio nal of a blockC'r l cm1 11try.
(2 All ind i ich~nl, mnking imr h rrrnitt;i.nce1.1 11ll(J 1111 dot·mstl bank, ff cctlnu. qch rt• m1,tt1 a 111;~111
sh1dl sl'.lt.i1fy th m c·h1e tJmt th e fo rlllg- i11g l rm and nnclition n r~ with.
(3 Domtll tic l nnks t11rCJ11 gh whid1 'rH1y • ut>h rel11 l tta noe origin' le hall ex 'cute 11ro11nptly
'ectidn A of orm TFJ{-132 in trlplicmle w11h r •t1>pecl to cnch uch remit nnce . Wh n . o t~ecuted,
sm:h c pi s of •orm TFH·132 shnll be fonvarrl rl promptly to ti t clomt s1·ic h111ik i.1 ly transrn iHi n,c:i 11brond (hy c11hlc or otl1cnvi i::e) th e pa)'11w111. in ~ ttu ·tion for ~uc h rtmittance and ihe taller
bank hnll, upon tlw r cdp t tit er ri f , •xetu1e Scc ti o11 B of . uch rn1 ie11 of 1<'orTll TFH .. J32 and
promptly fil e s11i.:lt eicrct1ttd n~por1 in tr lp1'i cate with tli <i n1\ 1ropriat e J!{:dcrn l Hesc:rv Bnnk. 1f
lh c don1esti o bank thrnugh w'h k h any 1;1·1ch rc1nittnu1'<.: ori~innt ci> iii. al. n Lhc ba.n~ 1~Jtl111a~ ly t ra nsrnlHiin nl ~oad 11rn 1nyr11e11 t l11strnctlorrn for Huel1 rt' wi1M11nc!' , 1h •n i:11d 1 l~o n 'k 11al1 <:xecutc b oth
n repnrt cm F(!)rl'l1 'fFR -1.\2 . hnll br• dcrmrrl tn harve b Ml fi led
S · tiort, A <"md H c f !luc h r •port.
in c<1mf)linnce with thi & g-cncra l l'ice11 r; c unlc R bo1 h ~rc· ti nn~ . and ~ thereof h;ive bcien duly
ex.ccut d as h ~ r iu pn·~ai l · rl.
(4 A u t•(l in ti i. ghwrn l liccn. e the t erni "hn u. el ul<J" fh ~ ll mean:
a) "[ h" e indlvirlunl fllrnri n a. common d wcll in ~~ 11 ~ a{• 1 1Hy; or
( b) Any it~r!ividual not . hating n com mon dwell ing t".i tb oh r as 11 family .
fh llU d Au ~t 30, 1 ~ 40 : am1•nclcd T~ bruHry 1, 1941 ; t l1ilwr 23, 1941 ~rir PuUir Clrr11 /nr No. 7 / Pre,l\f Rt'l~aJ11

Nn. 14.J


"lUt'l'A 1N RlD'.Ml TA.l'JG11.$ 1.0 U~f,":tim $i'1 :.r:i:r.s

rnzn~. 't.N

Gener~) Uoe~11~


CFl,il.Jt1'fl J 00'tll'fR1iBS

No. 83 ._, AmeJ1cled
(1) A re ·11:rp.l 11<:~~1 , e j~ h 1' by t:"r'n,nt <~ au1tli orlr.h1n r 111Jl11uiqe,, by nny l11rllvl~hu1l thro1~gh
ar.1; dosn $tic b nk t<;1 ·111ty l1tdi ldu I w11C1 '.11 a cltb:cil oi he Utl:ttcd S 11to11 wlthfo (l.ny {orelf6rl
cot~ufry ~nd ui1y c1011:1e tle b1mk la 1uttl1 rlz<!d to l'fl'tic:t llUth r •mili'n.n.c.e , 1:1ra,1kt d Hl!l fo!fowhtg
ter~1t11 1111d ondH lo11s are cc>rnplled \ H11 :
~n) S11c'h rC!niltta,rit el!I dt not irceed $500 In nny <>ne tnlen~lar mo1Uh 110 any payetl a1nd hh1
hot111eholcl an l m ~\d~ only for the m~c:es~ury 1l Ing and trq;~113Jlng xpen • 0f the p•yee
ntilr.l hl hou ~ 'hr.>'ld, t1xc; 'Pl ti111t (l,ll Mld1'tlqn1'1 , 11m not e~ceml il'g $WOO ma:y bfl 1'<!1nittl'd otuJc
1o si.1cb pn e Jr ~i~~.h ~ uro ' ll1 hci Ill ed for fo e 1) e cii cn11Llfog th p11yc ' q:r hls hou 11·
hold to H!turo to t11e l Jnlt1ti Sta,t s;
(h) Suclt .1•e1 n'l l!itl c arc r~ · t ~11a.dt1 frou1 11 blocked ll cC>\1t'1t oth()r lha11 fro~~' aJ' ac.ccrnn t
in ti b1u1 dng fo i; t.it1Hi61 wlthi11 thtl Urtlt d S· in the num e c:it, or Ju which tl1e '\?eutit1cl"l
in:~el'd t I fleltll hy, the pt1yee or mcr11b1u-s of his 1'louathQld. I
(2) T~crnlttl\OCC herch1 at1thori r.ed !hall ~fe •fl'c(~ tec) f:lUt'S\lll'Ot t o t1·1e t l'll'I n1ld OOll fl ltion~ of
(o) or (cl), as the ¢n,~e ma~ bll!, uniter (1) 0f Gc11eral ~l ettlJe 'No, 32. Tf Te111.lttnnce11 c:11mnot be
effec: l d p11t·11u1tr1t tC> (c) i,ncler (1) of General )...iceu sc No, '~~' ~qn1~ tic ·bun~~ ar~ u•\.U'horiicd to
effect suc'h rem I\ Lances In flllY of the fol)(,wlrig three w ys 1
(a lJ ;r establi shJug: or 1mdntainlng free dlllllar nc ~unts:
(b ) H)r ptt)'blcl1t of the dc1ll;lr tunc•t1nt o[ th rcmlttnnr.e to n domestic b t1k for ~re<lllt to
11 blocked ncl:1l1uM in the mun of 1~ btu1ld 11g in stituti n withhi any 'blocked 001111tty; or
(c) Hy p tyrn nt of the d olla r un1ou11t. of the 1'1.. 111Hta.nce tu a domeMlc bn1~k: fo:r t'!'l'cdlt ti)
the dollar nee tmt of a l>'\nltiug lnstittit,lon which 11.l 11ot a n.n1:ional of any h1 fked C(>tmlry,
(3) A11indivith1111 tt'laklng , ud1 r,cm1lttana1 s r.\nd all Jo1r1 ~$tlc ])11J1ks t!:ffo.ct h11' Huch ~ClrnHtainccis
sh 1l l1\lth1{y 1'hernj.lelves ~hat th fore pfag t·erms ~!lei C(.mdH\o,\ a1 e compHcid with ,
( 4) WiU1 1· .Sib 'ct 'to!h fl ~i.t~n.uc:e ni:Ude pltrill~11n t to 'tlll1;1 t'E1 er• 1 lloense, r por\ ti ·on J'l'ofm
"l'fl'R- 132 sh111l1 be eX!fllcut ·d ai~cl Ill d in t1i mnnc1er a nd f~nm and u"dc:ll' tht~ oonclltiot111 prescribed
ln Gener~ ! I.le •nse Ni;i. 32.
(S) As u ed in thl a gen nl licc:n e 1J t erm i•hon, eho1CI" shalt h d ewecl to have the meanini;:- pre '<;ribed ih Gertcrnl Licen ·e No, 32.







fluu~cl Se11t1,11~1loer 101 1U40 l l41111"1idu~ Foli1·~ary I, 1!141 i 0 tc1l1Cr 2.~1 1941. Su l ub/111

i-roi/.lilr No. ii Pn.s f(rl~111c

No, 14.]

EXTJ!NSll N 011

ER.TAI ' ~; J!,N,li ftAL l.l 'e.'.N ' It


nu ' KTr.D


General J.,icentie No. 3ii
General Llot!n&es Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1 l and 12, as am end ed, isstwd under Encutive Orde>r
No. 8389 of A~ril 10, 1940, 111s amended, a·r e hereby fortlier amend d . o that u of the date
he1 t.10( ther • 111.111 be t1b11tituted for the wor<is ''Norw9.y, Denmark, the Netherland~. !Bel·
gh1m, Lu:xe 1~1b@urg, Fr nee, Latvia, Estonia or Lltbua1~1a'', wherever thCly appear in 1such
ge11en1.l Hcc; n es, the wot<ls ''art of the for ign countries d slgnat ·d ln Executive 0 .rder
No. 8JS9 of April 10, 1940, as 1m1en(.ied."
GeMrn l Li cnl!le No. 12, as ar11endcd, issued under U::x.ocutive Order 'No. 8389, of Af)lril tp,
1940, as a11}enck•d, is here~y further amended by sub. titutlni; the following {cir subdivision


then•o'f :
"(2) 1\1 1he event 1.hat any money or evidetlces of indcbt dne s or cvlde1~ces of own1•rshir1 of pr111fierty are to 1be rcmov •d firo1 t1 uch bmx, t1ch <Le os shall be pennlitted only in 1he
pr sen '(~ o{ ·'111 au11l.ori.zed rer C$C I t:atirve of 11 banki ng ~n s tit11tlon witllln the United S ta tes,
' the I ssor o ~uch box., which recel ·s Jnto its ustod y it:l'l1tHltfo1tely upon
wh ich nmy 11
rem<.1val from such bmc the mon e,y or evidence, of indebtecfn 0 1' evidr ncr~s of ow nership of
prope rt y r mov ed frrJm uch b ox a nd which huh.I. !he sa m subject l tho E'. cuti e Order' t
April 10, 1940, ns arn •ncfod, an d the R p;u lation Lsucd thcr 11ndn, for the a oun t of Uhe
lessee of 1111c h box and, ttb ject to the pro1 erty :int re t thr.·l'ein a (l)f 1.he respective dates specifif'd in such Ord r, a amended, of the foreign countrie designat ed In such Order, as amended,
or any national thr rco{ ;"


!hsued Oct('ber 10. 19-40. The leiJ!t ol each Grnerat I.lt1<·11 c relerred to II Genera l Lir ·nsc No. 34,
10 thh 11ubli Al Ion, wu revised to ,'ve effect to the a mc111lmu11 l ft fld fort h ln Jt111 ra l L101~11st Nu. .34.)



:P/\Y1f.Ul:'NT 1011 Pl·OtC

·s ).Nb


U~A'W?il Oft 1~ss\rnp p~JO

1•0 OG'r~)mm 9, 1P46 , p~oM:

AQOi()\iNTS OF ~tJ'M.AN.lA ANJ> 11$ NA'tl.O iAU

Gent~r"l Lfoem~ ~o; 35 ltevokod
I l•rnu1d 0ctob11i• 10, 1940i l'ew1k111~ Na ettw11r 20, 1!>4Q.)

.PA"YM~Wr OJt Ca'F.CKS AN'I.'> DRAF'tS DJtAWN OR ISSUED PRH It 'LO M~\l<'.a·I 4, 1!141 P'ROM '

il'JD ItS NA1'l0N/\L'S

G~~llm•l l.loe1,ee \No, 36 :E.w;.pir~
[ h111~'l

March 4, 19411 c;itplrt'.d Apr il 4, 1941.J

J~AYMlt'N'fS mtoM AC OUN''rs 011 UNlT.lim !JlrrA ·r~s Cl'l'IZ~N$ lN El~PLOV 01~
Ull!ilTlW s..-AT1£S l~ JtOR1UGN CCU~tRI~;Ci)

General Lfoc:rue No. 37
A gcucru l Uc ·m1e ls her by g rl\O ted 11.uthoridng banltlng !m1tltutlon s wlthln the UnHecl State1
to tnukc td l paym tits, tran Eln d withclrawah from no1.1 1J11nt. In t11c name oa citlze1n1 of \:he
United Sti:t tt' wh ile such citizen s an. wlthin a,1y for i~n co1.1ntry in th ou.ree of their cl'nploy..
rnrnt by 1he Gr)v ·rn 1n nt or tli Q U ni ted .
Unnldng- lnS\tl tutl(l)nH .vi1hin the United Stint ~ 11gai~i11g in n,ny tro.mrnttion~ ~11thori zc1l by thls
genera l llc- enstl Bhnl'l Ale promp1\ly with the npp~ pr'i11l~ Fodqi,·nl ri tH,lrv¢ Jilmik mcwtMy r • pqr~a
s ettiu • fr.i th the dc·tnil o{ 1.1 ch 1.ra11sac:tioTI& during sur.h ~oriod.
(hsqod '14111 h ~·~· 19-41.]

General I..icen11e No. 38 Expired
(!tsticd Ma1Tch 13, llMl ; ex pired Apr il 13, lf'41.J


General Hocn~e No. 39 E:xpired
(laemid Ma~oh 24, 1,941 ; expired Al)ril 2'4, 1~1.]

General Liccme No. 40 us A:mc111Jed
A g-cneral Noens<.> i h reby gran ted lioen ·i11g lls generally lk ensed naitional 11 t11e New Yor.k
offi coa of :

(L') th e I·\l.'tilleok: l'\ank T1w t Company;
(b.) the iaa/lllc o( Ath ctis Trust. Co mpany: and
(c) th • Ba~~k of A thtin Snfe Depo it ompa11y
11 tts~1rd .A rrll Z8, 194 I; m oded June i, !(>41. J


N ·w: York.


General License No. 41 Expired
I ls ued Aprl'I 28, 1941; expired May 2:8, 1941.)





t '



A gencrnl Ill• n. c is hereby ~·anted 1kenaiM II gt'in~rn11y lie ~d nl'\t11111w'IS lhtHvidt,lnl~ who
hu:vc l)cen do111ici11.1tl In nncl re Wing only ill the 'Unitecl Staitra nt 1111 tim R r.; n a11d ir1ce ti cr1~ei:i·
tJwc cl M't\ o~ lht1 . r.~ler fine\ 11t 111' tlmH on !Ind 1l~ce J~ne 17, 1940, jif s1u1h efft~11 tlv~ c1•h j~ &ubru:~;tt.'!Jlt
toJ.1_1~1e 17, 1940: prm•icl"''' hmvovt!r, tbit thl• license ah1.1!1 not be decmcxt \o lkensd ns "gem:tully
lkeJlii;;'('f~iitillb"i!Uf nny ind i1rldtm l who l n nationnl of ,~ foreign oonntr·y by 11e11 on of any fact 0th«1r
tluu1 thnt t1 ch lndl viduu1 bas been a st1bject or cl~loQ 1lf 11 foreign cc.Htn.try nt ar1y Hme on Cit slr1ce
such off (!Ct Ive dt1te.
l.~t:j (>rb (1 11 ~til.l•.J..f.,.&;:300,i,t f,\i;Jt. !(.Ql.\ltc:d 'to be filcc\ With I' r.1,ecl to the p1rope rty intrrrBtl\
«>'I ilJW h11l lvl~lu111 s !lo tel' :t1er iltl !\ti ·geoeta.\ly H e~n!\atl m~t ot1~1~.





N1.Y 11'4 ~nrn 'IJ lTJII s· ATES SJ n J\JN1I 17, 19.iO,
fDl,.l(\t .. :rm. 1 m~
s-- IJ l'i'NRl<.A~.14Y.
' IU"r IN ca nt Ol{ATJO s AND OTJf.1',I'{ H .AN l A:A'l l
U • NSED NAT!ON'A l~ S. fl'Jl. J NG Oll REJ 1l'lRT fu

J) [


GeMi:a l Lfo1mF10 No, 4.<2A at\ Am ntled
( l AJ~.~~~!':!'J1 ~·L'

iM 'hc·rc· h~'


(. ) Licc11slng a~' ll gc,ne.1'0,11 lir nsed nndrmnl a uy indl vict1t11I who 1111 bfler1 rc 11i< ll11~ 0•11y
In t h State ilt all t l~n a ron nt·1d s~Jt1ne 1 ~~~0, and

(lJ) Uc 11slii1g a~ a ge1icn1Uy lke1u1ed tmtio nul 11ny pnrtn rJhip, MA clalkm,, corpora t1 n
or ol h r orgal\ lz.ot1on whkh ls a na tlonal ~J f nny bloc k d co1.1ntry solely by r ·n on of tt,he
inlcrP l thc·r .111 of a perso n or pet ons lillen c:cl u genurn lly llctnt1t1d nutlc'innls f)tiT"e11t:111t lei tt1ia
gencl'u.l Hce:nse.


' (2) 4 rx.J?. ;;_,~11 llcC'n Rr:d h rein 11.S ~ g:enerall l~~tlSCd 11ntkmn) . shall fito with th l)Jl!'>l'O•
prrn te 'Jleclcrrii Riiscrve 13iq)k n rer,ort nndet Qf\1;\1 n 11'i'j)lfonte forth (~1) th i111n11;i, n<h~r s
~n<I na tlofl11llty o(. 11e:h pe•r . c>n; (h) a stllt<'mcnt tl\r~t: R11ch pcrsol't ls 11ee1Hle l 1L n gen ·rall:Y!ic l.'nscd
n:ati omd u11 for ·thl Mv. nrrnl Jlcen !'I<!; nnd (c ) a 11 tnttment tliat 1,11·1 J~ r•fmn h11s M d h r 1 pr>rt 911
Jform TF''R-300 or that snch pt:t'sion wa;i nco t r qulr cl to fil . uch report bec1111. e l~ e totul vllh!l: of
11111 propc·r ty lntereRts of snch 1wr11on t.o bc repol'tC'd ~U~~~i... Such ·r port shn ll be: filed
or1 or hefor · February 15, 1942, or within t11 lrt day. nft.c~ r t11e el ate 11po11 which .:uc h per. on Hvl'lit
Jl<? h not ct1rnplyi ng
him !lelf tif the privi1eg-es () f tl1ls grncra1 Ileen e, whlc;he 1cr is later.
w th 1 iU~l!.?.!!.~..!:!:.2uh' m n1 I, n2l_:~!.!.i£.1..1£..~a ~ ~~ 1 a, nx t_ramiiictl~.~ ~11;(\e'; ~11_. ge.t ·ra.l

. ............'"'.

, J.!!·~n.1~

(3) 1'his gc1rnral license:
(n Shn11 not be deemed to su pcnll, cnncel , or otherwi se morlHy in any wr1.y t h req~1irm 11J<•1\l,s of th e Ord<!r and reJ,•·11lations r lntir1g to !"ports on Porm 1'1;'R ~.l00 with r S.f'<\Ct to
th e prop Tty int re ts of person licensed herein as getici·ally 1iccns cl nn11oMls , a1'Jcl
(b) Shall not be <leeme·d to license I'!.!\ a gmerally llcen~rd 11a t 1011111 any inclivlc'lua I who
011 11r :->i u · the 1.:ff1· ti e Jut of th Orde r h s acted or pu~·portcd to act dirr tl ·or l11d:ir ctly
f r t11e 1 cneAt or on behalf of any blocked country, inch1di11g th government th 1' of, or
to li c:c,>n<i any lndi lcll:11l wh() i fl 11ational of ~ foreign avuntry by r'l.'lason @f any fact other
thau ihn t , uch indivldttal lrn 1 c :n d miclle<!l in, or a subject or ci~.iz n of, 11 for eign CO\ilntry
nt n11~· ti111 ' on or ·lncc th fiectiv date of th
ll ~ucd


uvcmhc1· 27, 1941 ; umonded January 20, 194.'l. Sre P1·~J1 JMcrud No. 11.l


~RW YOJ 1<'. OFitlCI~S O'F ClPl 'I'i\'114 $ J' ~. :RA.N'Kl1'1'0 rn~·1~ ·.rtrr ~ ON'S­
GE:Nlt'&ALLV E'N 1m 1NA'rlONA1'.•S

General Lic~:n•c ,JSv. ,43

A gt nernl license Is h en~\l • granted 1lcdn!llng 1Lhe ·foll~w,ii1g

(n ."'wiss Arneric n11

IJl'f'ller'n,1ly lke11 tlti 1 \t1t l (!Jn~l1i


orporatlon, N~w Y rk : n.~1d

(b The New \'nrk 11ge11cle of :
(J) Crec!llt Su l.11c; and
( I) $wl ss Hnnk Corporb.~lc111 .
lh1l1ed June 14, 1941.]

ROMAN CURIA A ~IINERAl. LY l1~. cm-1stm 'NA'l'lO:Nl~L

Li~~ll•~ No. 44
The '.Roman C11da (or urla Romnna) of tl\ti Vatican City St ate l11 her by' litt11111ed al'I a generally Ii co sed natlonnl r1h<l ntil pcrtmns to the e>tt nt t hat :tli1 ~y at•e acLing f rand Gm bebal1f 0£ the
Vatldan City State are here.hy l lc~~n ed r. gen.c:ira11y lioe11 ed national.,



( hallled J1me 14, 1941.]


J:'AY),U?.Nl' m· DO-C'l,lMlt ~TA,i V
l SSU: .D 1~RI,C)R 'l'O JUN E

l'.>~AP.T$ P~l\WN 1.J'.t'fDl~'R CER.l'AlN L~T1.'EltS OF C IH.tlillT
14, 1941 i:rnoM BJ.OCJ<l~b Acc:ovN'rS anmn, THAN
IN orto-nR li'1UOR 'l'O JU~E 14, 1941

General Lioen e No. 415 RQvoked
l l••t1c<i Ju11c 14, 1941; ani1>1ulecl J uly is, 1941111evoked

Augu~t 1, 1~4J.]


Gent ral Lioen c No. 46 Ex.pired
[ l Hued June 14, 1941; expired July 15, 19~H





General Lie. nse No. 47 Revoked
( lu 11ed Iune 14, 2941: revoked Decembu 11, 1941.J


Ge~eral License No. 47 A Revoked


l_., 1941 ; revoked Decembt>r 11, BIU]



CC~MPT• .'l,l ifQN (lJr S11!C1JRIT!&$ l'R.ANSAC'rrnNS COMMF.lNCl~D li''f<.IOR 'f 11 A.M.. ll;. s. ·1 ,, JUNK
(~, 11141 l~C rt A, COU~'J'S 0 '11° CU'R'l'AlN FORRIQN CO'(JN'I''.lHE;S O'ft :NATl,ON'.AJ... S THltRi~<,\111'


Grn,ernl LiceJ\!4., No, 40 '.E1111ired
lI -~uad June

l4, 11141 e:icpirtd Ju11e 17, 1941.]

011', SW~P.ltN ANU l'I'S :NA1/rIONALS


Lie nse No. ii9

(t) A gene ml licen e is herel)y granted llcensing any tr l'/sactimn referred to in Sectlott 1
of 1hc 11d r, if (1'11 such tr n~action Is 1y, or on behalf of, 11>r p1~ra11a.nt to the dire1t:~ion of Sweden,
011 a11y 1111tfonal ther of, or (ii) 1mch trnnsuc1ic)n lnvolv property in whkh Sweden, or ,.ny
nl\tlo nnl th rco , hn nt any tlme on or sh'1ce the >fil l! ctive date: oI the rcl~r hnd l\t1y ,intert.IAt,

;rmd.rlftl, Ilia I :

(a} Such t.t1nri 1i1 n, 11on is not by, m on behalf of, or pursuant to the rlil'odl cm of an~ blocked
co1rnt-ry or any nutiona~ thereo f, <JI her tha u Sweden or a ny n;1Ht uni en' Sweden; and

(h) .S1ach trn1~sa tlon dolls not involve property fo whl h nn:Y blo ·ked co11Htry or any ,n~ tlonal
th n!of, C)the tlHu1 Sw!1dc11 or finy n~1Uona l l!lf Sweden, has at a,uy thm: on or sl11oc the
cliat (>( t11l'1 Order l1ad a.ny iufor st; and
cir( ~·~i

(c) Jf u h tro.n ltc'tion i~ n t by. or on behalf rJf, or rmnua11t tl1l the dir ction o•f the Govern·
111 nt of . weden or the Svoriges Rik. ban l<, such han !'l1tctior1 h;i 11 nQt be cff e<;ted u~1til a
n·p1· '.'entnlive ln New York, New York, of the Swed1sb Lc{;."ntion, deslgnilt rI for sl'lch purpcis I y the Mini tcr . f Sweden tB th~ United 'tat , ha certified in writlng that 'the Gov··
<wnmcnt wf Swcdet1 has cletcrruir1 d that 11ch transnctlo11 compll<:s with the co11dltlons of
puriig rnphs (n) ond (b) above.
(Z) This H lli!IC shall not I e 1.ftlem d to pei-tnlt anr ~a.yme.nt, 1ro1n {er Ar withdr11~tV1il frotn
( the Government of Sweden or
any t,lockod ace unt othe'r than bl ckerl noccJ'tmts lt1 th e mun
th• Svodires Rlk s bank, nntll thti sald repres<mtati vc in New York, New York, of th Swedish Legation ha. c rtlfied. wiLh re .. 1 eel to the 1ransactlc111, ?LS provided l:n parag..-aph (1)( ) ahov1~.
(3) Thill g'Cneru.l lie ·n ·e shall not apply with respect to an ' natfonn.I of Swt~den who is Jtl~o
a n11tional or any other hlock d country.
(4) Ba'Uking insti'h,1iio1111 wi<thin the United St•tes engaging in any tran actions n1i1thoriized
by this general license shall file proinptly wlth the appropriate F ri cral n erve Bani · weeldy
i;cports setting for1h th e d tal'I , of trnru1aclions effected by them ·.mdel' this l,icense.

(5) A s us cl h1 t hi a genera l lloensc, the "Gov rnment of S1 eden" hd incl u de the govern~
OH'll't of any polltlo~il ,tibdivis ion (terrltorltis, dep nrJ ncie , p<> . essions, s!n1e , departments,
pr vin c , counties, muni tl r>alhles, district , or other p1nces ubject to he j11risdlctlon thereof) ,
or any J>'"1litical ; g ncy r in11tt'Um e11tallty of the government.
(Issued J uue 20, 1941 . Su P ublic Cim1la,. No. 12;


Rt/ No , Z.J

'l' l<MISACTI ~8


BlU'(AJ..P OF S\ J T Z.!;iRLA, ~ID 01~ '.J'I1Tt 'BANQ IE NA1'

stm1s 1r

(I) A enliral 11 •n e I ~ h<:reby grant ed I c1111 11l11c- n11y trr11q 1ctl0n r .ferml to hi S ct,I 1~ t \f
the )nler, if such tr nAactfo.n i11 hy or Ot\ beh If of, or pwr tum t!:>th1.11 lr1ectb1i oi th Gov rmn ·11t
iof $·wlh:er1and or ~lu: Dl1n(1ue N·atior1ak , lsse, fir1nlirlrd, l/wJ ;
(a 1) St10b tr11nsn'(t.i<:Jn lo not 1'> , or l).B heh H of, or J)\Jt$1l l't\1 to the direct on of 11,ny bloclddd
co1~u~ty1 Cllt 1111}' t1,n'flc~11Cl1 t),t'lt'ti f, other tlrnn Swi~zc rlniid ot n '''itli;innl o( Switz.crltui(l ; M~
{1 ) Such trammct·l<rn does not 1nv!'l h•t- prof! rty in which any blc ckt!d country or 11atlcu1a)
H1c:r1t.of, otl C1l' thti·Q Swih11'1 1•l1rnd N' ~L n)' .national of Siwltze11!nr1cl 1 h11 a·~ noy timo u eir
r dcir J ad any inteil'os'ti.
lnoc th effect ve, ~a.t • Qf th
.10~·1trr11uent o~ ~· whzcrlruH.1 or thv Banqucl N"tio1111.l«i Suis!le
A11 tnm C\H!fl\IJL' t.\ ln by t•1
Jmr11\1ti.11t to ·t11 c o:rd r or fom• tho uccc nnt o( nny othe.r 1 atfor1i.1 l "-~f f:'\wi•t· 11.~rdand l~ also l1 ~r ·hy 11ut.horli~ecl to tlH• n11·1 extent, n(l 1rnd r ~he sam cir~ 11mst1u10(~ , :aR Owngb s1.u;h tran a tlon ' ere
t\TJl o.f the Goven1ment of Swlt21c:rlm;1d l!t l' ithci lJ1111tp.1c Nntioru~le $ t1!. se.
s<~lcly £nr th1 a
(2) This gent~t11l lk1 n e sbaJl not be deemed to pctmh any P1.\Yt11 nt, traoef r or wlthdrn.wa.l
frqfli 1q1y bl ock~d account, oi,11et thaq blocl\ed actioupt in t h11 rinm of the Governu1r.n·t: of Switzer·
ln1\d or the H11,11qi1e '.Nationale S1~l. o, ex.: pt a providect lu p11rng1·a-r1h (3) o~ tl1le It rwra \ Hoeniio,
(3) This geueral Hcen ~1c nl ~o au'11'1('1 rl:z:cs any payment or tT'litn til.fer uf credh or trnnsfcr of
ec11ritl<'Si fr om a bl<ckecl nooount 111 wh lcl1 u11y nntlonttl of Swllv.erfond hn1:11111 intere t to ~1 t lorkecl
llceollnt i11 a dt)t1'1<' r. tlr bnnk in tlw n11m e l"~r the lfanqu Nntioi.ul c St1i ae, H, prior to 11ny s11ch 1)11y ·
trmi t or tr~in sfo r 1 t.ha In tn1 ·1 on~ lo t;fftoc s uch pny rnent or trt~n sfor are conflrrn e<I by the l3n1Hl~~Q
Nnl,i r1i~11le Siiii,; e: 1m1vlded, however, th ~· bh ti\ttho t•lzndon ·111l11 not be doemecl to m_1thori.ze 11n t'
pnyni •11t or. 'lrnn fer ~1f crcdlt 1 r trnn::tf r o 11ec11rltle frotn a block11d o.crount in wl1ich 4ny
nnti<.~1H1l (;f n, blo<'ke1:t cot •~ t ry, itl~e·r than Sw lt111ir\aod, Im~ ai1 i~1ter et, er ha t•Ml an int ·res t n•t
11.ny tlme on or ince the eff ctiv dat e of the Order.

1 lil ~ ·heral Heel'\ e Khall Mt ai}µly ·with Tlblli>ect to any natl(.)t1al of Switzednnd wh~ 111

~lso a natl , 1111 1 of :any o'lh •r b locked country.


Bankitig i11stHtttion wi thin th-e lfoi1ed Sta t e~ ngngin~ in a,ny transaction authorize.d
by this ff'NH.i rat H .nse hnll file prorn ptly with th a JJ proprlat~ 'fi\edcm1l l~c serve Bank wellk1y
reports setting fort h the detail!! of trnn n c 3 1111 effect Cl by ihem under this llccm1e.
(6) A s u ed in this i;en eriil Ucen .~t>. the '' Governlll cnt of S wl1 z rland" shall incltlJ(.lc: th< go ern'''cnt ()Jf nny 1101iti al suhdi 1siam (territ or1e , dt p cnclenci s, poR e sion , stnte , depnrtm~nt , provh1Cl\C ', crauntl fl , munlclpaJWe!I, di trlct s or ot her pl11c s st1ll ject to the J1.iri s1i,i ttion thereof) , t urty
ov cr.nmet1t.
po!lticnl ag ncy or inslnunent:ality of tl

[Tuucd June 20, lj)<ll.

Src P.il1llc


N p, 1Z;


Rt/caJa No . Z.]


General. Llcenrie No. 51
(1) A ge11 ral license is beret y granted li{;ensing t1rn Union of Soviet Socinli t Republics
u a generally licensed country .
(2) As used in this general licen c :
A.riy foreign cauntry licensed a a ''generally licens ed coiintTy", and nationals ·thereof,
&hal'l be regarded for all pu1"po1es !l if siuch .foreign country 'Wtllf! not a fo~eign country desi(natied in the Order.
I!d Jun11 2~ , 1941. Su Pr1111 Rell'OU 'N1>. J.)


'l"R. N'SAc· t ON'S ON' Bil'~UAl.F 6F, i J#VMJ r:Na' JrROJ>itRTY OP,
SPA J''N AN1) t"J~ s NA'l'IONAT. $
G.,11,~r._t '.f./c1rt1w1

:No. 52

1) A g n <tii1l lleens!l 'i h e1·~by grttnt~rt llci1,111 i.11u 11riy :trnli a Hon Tt\ft'r1·~fl 10 1~1 $ectlo,1 l of
the <~ n:lc·r, if (l) stich ~nt1"J ,~tio1~ l py. or on ;h~huH ''~' or 1rnr 1111u1t 10 the'.ITI c>f Spain,
or nny U11cr(of, or (H) ucl1 trrtn!luli lt>n ,i n r.1h·ea pr-0p~rty lu whjc~i Spn1n. or uny natloRal
1hre,reo•!, bas nt 11ny fn1e on or slttC'~ th cl1T dive lntc of tl1 O t der hfld 11r lntere111l, pr•ofJi1ied, 1/10.t:

(a) Sue 1runsa.r1i4m 115 not by, cir ou helrnl'f 01
r, ('if 1 ur 1u,1,nt lo the rJircctlr111 of '1.l'lY blorlced
couu1ry or atiy zrntionril f,h ·rcof, oth r than $ paln or a11y nntlonal of SI nin i and
(11) s.~ch

tl'ft, 111acti0n dot' not \n\" 1vc ')ro1~ rty fo 'vhic;:h all:f bloc~~d c.t>1mtry or any
i'lntlm11 J1I 11ter~of, ot11t1t' ~h~n, 8p11in <ir 11ny n t;iotHll C!f Spain, hu,a
any- \time on or
al 'IC 1}1 efil~btlve tlntc of 11\(! Ordf)t had l'l,ny i~ite~e t: atlcJ


(c) lf such tii11~ sncticm Is not I y, or cm bchnlf of, or p'Ur uant to the dfrectiQrl of the
fo $tlt\1to E pv,rtt\l <le M riet1!11 !Gxtrnnjern, 11~ch fr~rn~actit'lti hall rwt be effected 11ntll
the l mitittJto Er.panol do Mone .u 'Ex<ltr11~Je1·a hns oertlficd in writing that the Jtl .tltuto
lt pal')ol de Monef'.la 'E'.x trnnj •rn hn'~ cl l't•rrhhH'.'d that t!ch ir11nsnctiun ciomplies with
the c~1ndJtip11s u{ p;~ragraph (a) a1Hl (b) u,!Jovo.
(Z) Thl. gencrul lie 11 c 111 c,1 1my J'l\y1~·1eni or tran lifer from 11 block ~ 11ct;Ol1"'t l11
whirh any 1usl io1rnl of Simln ha an ii1kr st to n bl cko(l Q,ccount in a, dome tlc I fltl~ ls, the J1ilme
or tho lnstitttlo l~sp1mo,l, de Moiled~ Extriwjern; provMed, howevl!lf, th~t thi s authnr:i:~:a tfoJ;l rsh•tl
not he 1J Nn i< d ti n'lltlu:iri:1.e f\OY pay1nent ., 0r tnn sfer [nom a blo ked ru·cotmt id wbk.h p,:r
11~1tlotlal o f a bloc;lalJl t<>untry, other thnn SP,afo, has an lutc11e!lt, or Aftlil hq.d ~'1 li~ter ~t M aQf
time on or in cc tile fft•ctlve <l~1to (J){ the C>t<ler.

(3) ~cept as provi<IQd iu, parag..-aµh (;?), t,h~11 general Ileen. e shall not be deemed to pcrtnlt
r.111y payl'llcnt, transfer or wlt hdrnwal from ~uy block 4 account oth r thnn bloclrnd _,,ccotmts in
the name of 1he lmtl1'uto Es anol de Monecla Extrn.njera, until the lnstJtuto E . panol <;le Moneda
~xtl'lrnjer11 hns ccrtlflt1c1, with respect to the 1rllm\ nctloi~. rtil providc.d '11 parngr~rph (1) (c) above,

(4) Thi s gent:ral Ileen e ~ha11 11ot apply with respect to nny nntlood ,o{ Spain who is also a
national o( twy oth er Mocked o ,1\mtry.
(S) U~nklng ln Ututicms witbln the u,,ited States eni:-::ig-dng in arny trar1 at.t lpns a~thor~zed b!)r
this ge11crr1l Jfo n e shrtll file p~om~l>tly wilt'h t.he ,il'Pl" Ftidt111al Re erve Dan it wee.lcly r-eport1
etting for1h the ~1ctail s of trnu~ ac:tlol'1s effected by them under thi ldce n e.

July 11, 1941. S ee P11blic


No . .JZ ; Prm Rrlra,re No . S.]


General Li em No. 53 as Amen<Jed
(1) A g n ra.1 lkerl!le J h~reby g.ran'ted J;(,"enslng all tJ1anl!lactions ordinarily lncidt:nt to the
imp(j)rting and exporting of good . wares an' J mer.c:handi$C between the Unitorl States 1and any of
the member ' of tlie generally licenstd trade arcn or betw eu the members <'1i the generally lricensed
trade are1J if (i) uch tran action is by, or on behalf of, or pursuant to the dire<:tlon 0£ any national
of a blocked country within the generally lice111<1,!d trade area, or (ii) uch tran saction involves


in w1' i,;h M.' ~·1 ~r.h llf,ti n111 h a -. ttny th11 e or. qr ~dmi~ thQ~ffe~ tlve lnte of tlio
1rnd 11ny ht1<~rc t, phl·dcJ.~d the fo llt,wfog tenn, a11d co11·I Hori '1.Lt'e complied wl(ti i




(!.') Such tra1u1n1:tlt~ o S11 not by, or oh b~ . 11Jr 0£, 101' 1~1.i\tH11\~ t t.o th~ dlre~,tlou of (i) ._,.,y
pt!ril\Oll VJl/~1C\ i'l r11i1rte aN~~ll l'll Oti ' 'J1lt(I l )rr; lll lltl d LL t ol Cer Utlt'I n 1()Ckect N th:>~Hll11' 1 ,
cir (ll) an , h1 i dw<J n1Ttty 1.~ ·r l'lt\tltinnl tht'reoi not wit m 1tie 1tcn,M11, Hcen lied trade
a,re1t l

(L) S1.1 ch lt'n 11 snctlo n doe not lnv oh1 prrJper ty lo which (i 1t1~y JHltison whoirn natm~
appen. r 011 1'Tho l ·1· <;la ir.nod 1,i t o r ' r t1d11 H1 cic1r.t·r.l NaHomda". or (ii 11ny blocked
cot1ntry or MlioMl tlu:('fecif not' '""hhlh t h 'R' tll:ro ll li cc11sed tra dti ntea, hns at D.ny
time o~ or siMe the ll'el1t~ve da1c of the hfler ha<l "'11 l:oter t1 t J I.ind
(c) Any hanl~i ng h111tih1tlon '1VlthJ11 ~ho tfn.ite l Stnt't~s, 1~ril'>r t(J i·s uln1t 1 11:011l1rmin1r or
a,d vi si ng, 1.citter c.[ tr~(Ht, -Olf n ocepiln ~ qr f"tl)1inJt dnlf~1.1 ~1·~wn , or ffJl\111 µ~~]nr; thl!l'll ·
l'l dve. (911 l~fl.YH' 1~~ 111au0, 1i~d ~r lc- h~ns ~( ti.t lit, or fl'lftk\nfl 11rw o~h1;r ,p11.y1t 1,ti n·t 1~r
trnJisf 1r cf cr11dlt, lll cQpneA: t.lQr with an:y 1 1·~1po1· t11tfo>n or e~i,or'~tl I 1111 pnnt11nnt· to thls
f:<lntiral Ile turn, o~· engagln!~ lu ru1y oth er trrrn ac tlon hert!: lu 11u tl,oriz ·d, shall 11atlgfy
It ·e;li (from the shlppl11g doc1rnH,nts cir othetwlt'le ) lhfl.t: (I) 11,uy nch tra,u11u:i tlor1 Is
ln irlent t.o a bo11a :firlc .im1,ortatlon <>r x prrrtntln n nnd L Clistc.nn ury in 11htl 11<1!'0111,I
course or bu lne/JI, ntit1 that the v1ilt1 <Jlf ucb l m)ll ortn~lon or exportation reasr.111 11bly

co r sflon (hi wltl1 th • t1n1 s "' 'rniu1y i111 c lvt:d in f111i-11cJng- 111uch ttnr1 11nctlc11'l s~ fl,n<]
(il) Huch lrnport rllion or xportn !cm l r1r wtll be m11cle pnrsunnt to :Ill th e t1:r'ini; and
contllt lo n11 o! th j llcc n. e.

(2) s~•bj ect I~() rtlt otl er ' t:' l' lll!I and cont1itlcms o.( this gcrnera l Uce11se 11ny mtlilmal of a bl ckcrll
c:otJ ntry doing h1.111h1e1111 wllhi'n 1h e United S\111 1>nr uau1 to a ikense is al!!o hereb)' authorized,
wbl1e 110 1lcenNed, tc1 tui"ng h1 any i'ra11 s1u'! tlrm ref err d to in p~re,g~apl1 (1) to tihe 1i1 nt11e extent
thaL such national ls Ilee n ed t o engag-e i11 $\1cb tr nsa Hon involving per <)n within the gcner•
ally llcen 11 cl trade ar ea wh o are not 1111tl011nls of a bloc ked cotmtry.
(3) As t,i sed in t lils general II en r,:

(n) 'l'h.e term "gc11t!rt1 ll y lkt'n "e<l tnide are11" Rl1 nll n;u•;i n th o f ll owlitg:
merlcno Republlc , i, r., (1 ) Ar!k'enli11a, (2) l3oli·vin, (3) Brazil, ('4)
hll , (5) · olornbin, (6) ~ os'ta Hie.a, (7) ubai <S) the Dou1it1lo111 Rcptl b·
lie, (9 li rdador, ( 10) l.!:l Su lvu<tlor, ( 11 ) Guatcunnla., (12 ) Haiirt.i, (IJ)
Hond 1u ·ai, (14) Mex ico, (1 5} Nlrnn11r1·,1i1a,, (1ru) Panaina, (Ii') P.arag1111y, '( t8)
•no:mt· Iµ.;
i'cru, ( 19) Urnguay, 1111<l (20

(i) th e

(ii) the J~ riti ·h Cl'nnmonwenlth of Nllti«~n g, I. 1•., (1) t'he United Ki ngdom
( l~n gla iid. Wale!l, co11and ond Nmr thc11n lr •larid), (2 the l~ri tl~h Dc1mio·
km (C11.n11da, Au stra lia , N .w Y.t1nln11<it, the nfo11 of Sot1t.h Airlaa and
N wfouud11111d , ( 3) E ir~, (4 th e h ie of Man , ( 5) Indiu, (6) Egypt, (7)
Ani;'lo-Egyp1ia11 Soudan, (8) Iraq, (9) a ll c •lon ies llnd protecto rates itmdcr
lh c Hrii.1 slt row11, and (JO) .ull rn and tcd t en lLmi s 11cl mi11I terf d b~ the
Unlrt r1 Kin!;,<lom or by any Hriti h Domini on ;
( iii) th e U nioi1 of' Soviet Soduli t Rtlpubllcs ;
(iv) the Netherlands :Rru.t lndles;

(rv) the :Wcth·erlands Indies ;
(vi) the .Belgian 'otlgo and Jbanda-Urundi;
(vii) Green land;
(v iii) Iceland ;
(lx) Syria and Lebanon ; and


(~) (l) Fr<mch E( pnLorl;

I Arrli:a,

Jnclm.l 1;1g t

nmflrnou . ;

(Z) Ne\'{ Ct1le·

· onbl • (3) Tallltl, (4) t,he Ftepc·h fa9 t~):.;llshrtle t11 fo :in c1l1L;

term "we11t?:a:AJl1 lic,:en, LI tt d t1re11" sb1111 not :H!icl11de
~1m:l 1l<,'lf)' w~kh l ,con.tro ll ~ or \'.)Or.\t·pl ti by ~~iC milltni·,r., l'IQ, I al 01' pdHb. f pr ei M
oth 1· •L11\borHy (if J1w a , Ot·r11,1u1y~ o.- fody, Ol" nllles thereof,
i~~·o:vJded, ho ~·e"~r. \h~~ tit .




(b ·r11 11 tcr111 'rne:mber" of th e gem:rnll;y 11<.\en. · d h-111111 area ahu ll mean any of the io11 ~1lgn
rJ~10 trie i or poliHclll t1bcl11rl11lcu' U<>tnpd$lng t,hc generally liotmsetl trade aren .

(<i) Th tcrni 'any n~~Uon11.t Qf 14b1()cked1'!<11W1try within ~h~ gcmerally U en11ed trade area''
. h~ll moa.11iiny1ip.tlonal of a, ~locl,ced OO\~ntry wht> wa11 it~aicid wl~hlr1 mnd doing butli..,
t1(l a wlthlo 1~ t1 ~r a on 1u,d j cci Jun e 14, 19·11.

(ct) tlvi t1mn 4'Tl\e Proclaime(I Lil!t o'£ crtrt!Jl IHocked Nntj~inl\l " llh«H me111) "The
Ji'rocl1.1itrwd Ur>t o·f Ct!i rt1dn Bltickl ~. N111·l<11nl11s11 r/18 h1111.:cndecl'ar1d 11~pp' lr.nie1~t~d pr<'>tnlill~lltCld pu., uant to tho t>roel$.Hllltk11~ of Jtt~y l,, 1~4L

[h tiod 11til:y 17, 11141 i ·111n1cr1ldccl1\\ug1111t S, 11>411 ( tobrf 9, 1!>41: DcC?c!mlJCt 26, 1941, S~~e IP·•Mlt- C{rcul/lrs N<Jt, ·' ·
12 1• l-'r1•o1s Uelt:a~11 ill. (I , B o"d 35.
The ~C11!0llllnlf 1.11 tut o( Flublle I11tcr1111Qtatl11n No. 2, dalci11 J11rit111cy 2ll, l94(l i
JMufry l)A btllin •rilldl\ aa to wi>tlth r ~! h•111le tran 11atlon with a ~Olltc-rr1 11~ the ge.nerally llctnml trade •rea !.
cixdutl~<f from e1w11l Llcen t No, SJ srilt1l\Y b 011,t~Rc •uoh e01111eo1 l• 11, ~·r11n<lh <Jr s11hsldi:11ry of a apnQern orwmb:e\1 uqdcir
\~e law• of a c ~111 1try 1101 ·wlU1ln thci genera II)' lloensed frade nrcra c.r bt.1Jll.uao 11 •ub•tanlfal 1i0r\loi1 ol ttl~ ·•took ls held liy
a l•eripi1 d or mldenl ci11tplllu elf the g' 11~r11U:y tlc~~$ed t.r~dc 11rt",
A tr1lde lrll[l~action ith ~ <il.lflc~rn dc1ir11t bqMinuns withli1 the c neratly lioensc<I trade 11.rea 11 ~c'1: cxc1uded fr°"'
~i-.eral Uc;t'lflie No. 53 for t1ie11e rr11sor11,]







DUT 'NO'r ON OR $INCE JlJLV 26, 1941

General Licen,Re No. 54
A gemernl licen e is hereby gro.ntcd licem1i11g nny tTans ction whioh is prnhlbitcrl by thci Orcler
l!io1ely by realilon of the fac:t that it ir.1volv~ ptooperty In which China or Japan, or any national
thereof, has at a,ny time prior to July 26, 1941, lniat no t on or sl 1 Mt~ July 26, 194·1, ha1d any interest.
This gc1,eral liecn c sbaiJI not be deemed to 111.1t11orlze t'tny transndicm, lf (i) s11ch transaction
is by, or n behnH 0£, or pursuant to the dlr c ·ion (])( hlna or )i!,pa11, or a• ,· 111nti<>nal thereof, or
'>:tHtl thereof, ha at
(li) such trn.n action. involvaa property in which Chinn. or Japan1 or a11y ~
any time on or since July 26, l!ll41 . bad any lnttireat.

July 26, 1941,)

JAli'AN AN·D THEIR NA.1'10~ ,-.LS

General l..icen!lc No. 55 Expired
[h~u d July ZG, 1941 ; amcrided Auguat I, 1941 i Set1tcmber .3, 1941 ; expired September 30, 1941.)


~&lt'rMiN 'fl" AN$A(:.'1'ION"S ~\· OOl~iM"£R<:tAl· OUGANIZATJONS WITJiftN TIUlRt'VO•Y 01r lliArWMJ
wn~tc11 A lt NA'rl.()N/..t.S Cl!F C;(;JNA on. JAl1AN

Oe:no.-al Doen•e N'oJ156
( 1) A gerl •ral licr. o~e ls hiiruby gia,nntecl licen~in~ any pnttnetship, aH<!ci tlon, fuC1q:1bratfo11 or
othel" orgnnlznllq10 eugnged In c-01111ne~dnl nctlvitlen Wi1hln. the Terdto:ry or H'nwnil 11t1cl Which is
t.I r111tlom~l ni Chia1t\ or Japan, to engi\i,re h1 nil t an ac1fo11s ordinadly lnclclentaf to the normal
conduct o·f h s l \lsine!ls a.ctivl~l~$ within tht\ Tenlfory of Hwwuii, (>1·o'l!)id,cd, h<nv11f1'1r", that t.h1s ij'llneral 1icett e h, .11 f!Cl>t iqitbor!u:

(t11) Any trnl'! !lnctio11 which could nPt bl1 efJlr.ctc1!'1 without a tloenH H ~1.lch otf~..1n1zation
any blocker! Q~Q~.tfy ; <If, ,

Werl.I llCit B till 0, ~\a;l of

(b~ A1ly pa1yn1ent. hanaf ·r or withel~awal (iiom An:Y ~)p(1~1lcl !l.C~(.lltlnt lrt arly banklrar
.l.nstltutiC11n withit.1 any put bf th<l Unit~d St.ate$ other ~i'llin the Territ:Gry cir Haw~ii.
(2) A.111y organ zf).tk1n engaging in h11$iO ss pursuant to t.hls ge1~eral Ileen e shul1 not enga·ge
Jn n11y 1ra11-'ilncti1m, 1,ursunnt tu I.hi g·enernl ti cen~e or any other general license, which, dirC!!ctly
or i~dircctly·, tlb .. ~ :rntM1y dlmin i ·!H''• or hope1·Jls the u ets o·f ttcl1 l'>rtranizatlon within the Terrl~ory of liAwali or otherwi e Pf judicially orlec:ts the fin, i1clal pqsitiPf! of fl!Uch or!.t'anl~atlo11 within
the ·r(rtltory o( Ha "' U.

(3) Any aueh 011gn1·dz,.tie1n 11b.all file wl~h th11 Govern(lr of the Terr.lto1•y of I-Iawail, w.ithi1'1
1'i>dy days .a.i~er the tl1tte l11e~eM, an 'f(klavit on Fo11in 'fllJlft-1 se·ttln~ fort,!~ the d•ta oa1le1d for hi
.flUch fonu . Any or ·~t1lw.M:iorl not <lornplyln~ with thh.1 11r.quire1nent Is not at.lthori:r.icd to ng!lge

iri fl'l'IY t11ansnctlon tv1d1~ r gc11 .rnl license.

(4) Any bank fr <;ting any paymrml, tran fer or wlt.h<lrawul pursuant to thi gcnci·al llcense
hal1 satls·fy It elf tllnt such payment, transfer or wllhdr.awal is being· rondo puuuant to the terms
and condition of this gen ·ral lk11n e.

(.5) Any organi zn tion cngnging ln business ptmtrnn,t to this general 1icense shn 11 file mon1hly
reports in triplicate with the Gt>v ·rnor o! the Territor)' of Uawq,il setfrng forth the deta:ils of the
transnctlons cngnged h> by h during the rctiortlng period. Such report shalt Jndicate recelp.t1:1 a~d
~xpel'ldhures clnssificd int~ gct1era.I categories l~y ~ 01i1·rce , p1Ly e anti purpose.
!lmted July 26. 1941. Rcvolu1d • ·\() Japun and national• thereof

t1itd 8,.4,; Pnts1 Rtl1Q.re1 /Vo.r, 18 a1td 22.]


r. 11>41.

SH P11bllc Ci-roulor1 Nc1. I


J h1nwl July 26, 1941; teveik«l December Ui, 1941. Su /"14/Jfic Circj1/or No. 10; Prti~ J?tit'ose No. 25.J


tn 111£TW t N 'J'JI\ 'i. u '1 l 'J•.l<C:D • TA'l E S A
TR,A,NSACT 0 ~s JN 11\~ lt1q1' TO 'l'
1PA'R 'f C ~ CUI.NA O~l'lllt!{ 'l'11J\N MMlf C~TUlUA


1Gener1d Lfo .- e . o, 5$ as




( 1) A gerwrnl l1int1~~ e i~ 11 r~ 'Y itnlnt1 d lke1·111fof;l' HH I\ l10,i!1cHc1 ~ onl n dly i11 cident tQ thf.:
of tro,i <l~. wnres ru1d mrfc,hr11111i 1;>ct ween 1he Unh c\ StrH IA nnd uny pa.rt.
o·f Chinn c>t 1cr thun fonohuri , ptr1midM the followhtg tcnn rind ooncll~lom are <:< rnplicd wJ
(11 Su h ransaction • hf\ll Mt involve prr1 t~t>rly In whkh uny 011 • ot th follo' lng hn!l 11\
, M1)' tlru11 on ljlr ince lht1 dl'cicU '9 d"te of th Orc1ci: haul imy Int re t and sh1ill M>l bt.1 t,y, or
on bch If of, .or ~1\tr . 11m1t tl) th • dlr ctiP:n o( 1t11y one o( the fo11owfo!i':
{l) ru-.y lil ck;eu co,1.mtry rJthc:r tlrnn (:l1lnt1, or
(ii) p re.011 with o Mi111c1n1~ln, or
(ill) nr.iy nntlo11;;il of 11tny 1;1oc.ked cotrntry other than -~lna unleim tl, h u tlolll\1 (
wi th' n Ch~na;
(b) .J!,.ic;pti1:rts frc11l1 (ha Unhcd Stn·tes \'~ 'hhu1 lH'l.'Vh~g- 1 vahrn in e ' (Ills of $100 sha.11 be
e.ffe ted only pro\'ided both or the foll win{i:' <lCilJl{lh!ous 1.1n~ !l tl 1'1 cl l
(i) ~ yment thel'«Jfor h1Ls been or wl11 be made t.11ro1t.1gll (I dort,6stlo bank and sur..h
~.cmiestio 1ba.111k h!l5' bee!'I not f1etl by an ••P:ll'lointec1 bnnk th·a t the ltnport r within
t'.:l1lnn h11s pn\d or ha 001n1>leted ni'rangemc11h to pii. tl1l•rero r with Uniled St tes
ti llnr at:q1.111·Nl Crom such flPi;>Oll'l 'iit1d bnnk, or iu lii:.u f th {oreg@lng, n domestic
h· n hu i1ee~1 notifiocl by an .aj>1wlnte1~ l;>auk that the ~hlpment bus been .• ~her·
' i e npproverl hy tho Siublllzat on Bcmrd of ' hinn; • t1d
(ii) n (lllth hl1a1:n ·nt the domest,ic bnt1l< r(:' ferred to l1n (l) s,m11 exccule Fprm TFRj 8 it1 qttn.<.lrn1illoatc. 'l'he orig"innl of s uch 'X<·c~tcd fdr•m hall he t1"nn t11itted by
t e dc1 111e:tic bu.11k ,1irectly to th~ colkc'lor of ct1 t,olmi r~t 1he. port o ~ e~p 1rtf1ti/m
nnd hull I · rccc~l·ved hy such oll cc t·or 0f cu Htoms pri rJr 1:o tl1e expor1.at1011 or the
11hi11i:u~nt , Tht: do1~1ic11te ~f !mch xe .lltcd fom1 11hull be d1,1llvere<! by t he i<l(,m1e11~
10 c bapw t: tM\ exµo~t. ·r or 'hit! ltgc:ut. whq shsll 1~rc l\lol1t 1111(1, If q,q~1¢s (Id,, deliver
•nuch cot1·y tq the colfoctrH' oi cn~torn 11 t t)1e r ort p ·f (j.)1.1 ott tk>r.1 at the, tlinl«l the
Shipper s l'.txport Der1arn'llrn 111 fi1 ·cl. 'J/hc r em1tlqit'1g- two copies of ·i1ch executed
form hall he f'dt1d p4·omptly liy the cl o tl1 • tic 'bartk with the aPJ1ror)riate .F'ecleral
I t ·rvc Hanl:.
(c) Import lnto th e \Jnitt•d Stat .11 fr om ' hin a hav ing o vnh1 in cx.ce!il8 of $100 shaiU be
effected only provick d /lolh e>f the followln~ cn11tlhlu11 an~ 11a1l fi r cl :
(i r aym ent th rdor In United Stnte11 <1oll1u hos b een or wil1 be made through a
dQ1ne!1tlc ba nk nni:l the: cx~ort r wlthiu. ' hi1111 hat'l , old or ha completed arrangement for selling ouch U111tcd Stttles cfollars to an 111 pointc~ d bnnlt, or in 11 u of
the foi•eg wlr1g, the shlpm<ml h ~ b ·<m oth tw is • a1>pro cd by the S1•ablltz11ticm
J. 01u·d o•( Chlna; and
(Ii ) prior to the rel a e ~>( 1my s'1ch sh!p1111 tit from ct1 . t~nt1 a c~ts tocly the ci>l1cc1!01· o!
lnwortl n~ a.lid c;icpor1i111!1'

m t orns of the port of entry through which the shlp111e·nt i Imported . ha ll h1tive
r• cei ved a t<!Jn ·1dar invoic cove.rllig st1ch hlpn1 nt 11nd $11Ch <:01uuJar i:nvoice
Fl All l.icnr the c:crtification of n Unit d Stat a cons ul ln 'hina t!hat an appointed
ban ha. duly l'l otlficd th<~ coMUI t.hnt the exporter withfo h~ nn ha sold or hu
r omplet d arrangements fGr selling th llrlitccl Sta te d1)l'Jar proc.e ds from tich
hlpment to such appointed bat1k o r that the sh jp1'li ent ha been otherwise
a pp roved by the St1ll!>ilizntlon Board of hina.

(u) Th condition pre. crib •d in (b) jlttd {c) lrnll not apply wlth r espect to any import
or ex.port : '
(l) if the shipm e·nt was in tran sit between the 1Jnhed Stales and "hlnn on ovember
12, 1941; or
hipment i the United States G<:>vernmen1·t
(ii) H the on signee cir consi nor of th
ot · he hinese National Governn1e11t or 11. recognized agency or polltical ins rCI·
m enta lity of either governrhenl; or
(iii) i f payment for the shipment was fully effected prior to Novem'bcr 12. 941, and
t he fo llowing re1>orting prooedurn i foll owed : On each s11ch hipment a
domestic brink Jllarticipnting in financing the hipme.nt shall execute Form TFRt 5 A in q\.ladruplkate. The origl111 11,l ri f ~ 11 ch r, ecuted fo rm ·hall be tran mitted
b , uch domestic bank directl~ to the collector of cu ~oms at the port of importa·

. th t 111 llll\)' l~ : a!ld shnl l I~ r cel"ed by u.r;h cQ .lectcir tif
roleal\l' of hll1C I' Ith lpm ~\l irop1 CUf'ltO\'tlS C\lSl'Od .' () T' prfo,uch 'l\llprnent 111. the on e 11111y be. The 1l~11)l10~\ of l;l(:P
e11Muhld form 111~11 l\ d •Hver d by the wome Rtle ba11k fo rh0 lftiporter r exporltlr
cir th fr 1·e~pel'ltiY alj\'~llL who 11hall tm!aent ah,r\, H req-t11bs~ed, dcll~(\r ~ cla copy
~«1 t\HJ ~oil c.tcrr ~1f c<umt11~1~. nt th<J Hm th a1hlJ'>f~ltl~\t, i re l 11,$ud frllirn ct1 tom"
c11si . dy or thti $hlr1rcr·11 Iuiipr..1 ~t Ptlc1nrMloq 1~ fllM ~ a,! the ca.11~ t~H\1 l fi. 'fh(l
rc 11~1nh:i~ twt) ~npie1t Ill{ e1ach N~~c\1. t t1 forT •hall he f\'tid ]nron1ptly bt the
doi.'1 .ti hn11k with th at>flropdat·e , d!'lrl\l ·1~t crve Ui~nk.
(e) Ari"/ clome111llc bM1k prk1l' te1 l, uirtg, conflr111i11g or nd)'lslng 1·eUer8 of credit, 01· 11c~c{lt­
lng or pnyln~ clrn!ta drnwn, or rcimh\•raing th m . Ii Iii for pa.ymn11ttil m~!'\c, tt[1tlm• lett «111jl o(
credit, or ll'llll~lng ;my ollit·r payn1cnt cir tr1111 11fer of (.'l'tlllt, l.r1 c('l11n1:ctlon wllh any \:rl'l l) rl~tlci r
"r exµorta ti 011 p11r!l\1ilOt io t11l g ne·ra! \ iOeme 1 Ctr l'lf.r!tgfo~ ifl llTI)" other ~fllnl'JACtlr11·1 l°l t ln
r! ttthvdzt!1 , l1nlt{y ltsclf (froln 'th~ shl!llpin~ ch!>t',\''tllcm1 < r otb.crwhl ) t\1at1
(l) nny 1md1 t1111t1snotlo1·1 I~ lrncldent to n b()nn ficlc l11'lp<~:rt~don Qr exp<lrt~tl<m !ln~1 is
eu11 t c~11rnl'y in th 1w 1•n·111l c1TJ11rt:H'l cif b1~·81in111:1 , . 11m1 that the '\" 1 h1~ of 11>t1cl) lmporll.t"
tion .M (.1 ~'<llOl't.l1tlon 1•cn,111on11bh ct~rtl'll!\pm\(I Wit\1 ~he 8\l ft'IM ~1( tl O~\fW j11volvl!o(\ lr1
firrn11clng 11ch tt111n. ncllon; l~t\d
(ii) Rnch lm111ortr~tlon or exportati<im ls cr wltl be m1l<lc fJlir~tl!Lnt ~o 1.1\1 fhe, tr.rm!! n,1d
condHlons r.>£ this ll e11so.
lf.l:KJlOl'lllt {llfl n
1111 t IJ ~
to th e (ll<jHIJrbtjon t (

t lcm


('\I, tOll'lf; pd11r


(2) A 11 a ~rl in thl Jtener t Uconae:
(a 1' 1w tC'l'lll "11ppointc<I hlm k" shd ll 111<' 11 nny

( th,Ji'IC blnks cor,111ern.tln g with the
Stah ilizntiein Hoard ur hinn aud 1 uyiuu nd !! llin ~ (or ·lg11 c ·c hhn[.: • wlth t'ho 1wtmls ion o{,
nn<l trnhi ct 'in th e on1Jitinns prescribed by, 11 h l\onrd, I.Ir m1 n11!11 Q[ which l't f.lp '!tr On f'cht'd·
ule A o.I tld s ~t<m r:t l ii ·1·1 c· '1t l11 tlme th 1ran . nctlo n la cfl c•tNl.
(h.) A per. on hu1l not lie dc1:111cd tu rue ,, vl'Lhin ('hilll\ 1' unleil8 $11Ch ~ et' SC~1i 'WI!. sit1111ted
wltldn 1111d do.Ing b11 inc l!l&l witb~11 Chhrn rin und ir1c!\ J~me 14, 194l.

s mmULI] A OH Gf.tNJl'RA.~" t.lC,~SJ.G :NO. 58
Th offlc s with in H'011iJ] c I'll(. t,tnd rrny rrmrt (l)f ~:hl1~11, ib pl Mflin ~~1mri;1, r;f the (o)k1rwli.1ft arc
hereby li ccm1ed ti "appol11t(!d 1J1111l ::. " wi'th i11 thu nHmnl11r: lf 1.Oerw1·rd Uce1·1s NP. 58:


The Chase Bank
N, llonll l City Hank 0£ N cw


Und ·rw.riters H, 1ik for the f?nt' Ea. t
A niel'lca11 Ex press Com11a1w

Mo. ww Narodn)r ~aank, Ltd.

'rhos. Cook & Sol (l~ankcrs) Ltd.
g-) IT 011gkong & Sb011ghai Bank111g Ct~rrioration
h) Mrn:antllc Bonk of l mdia, Ltd.
!) D vld Su . s cm & Co.~ Ltd.
j) lC. D. Sass< on & Co., l,
\<:) E. J') , . n1111'\ ('1C111 l~11nking ...o . , Ltd.
hnrterecl Hw11l• of indfa, Au. trnlia f. ' hh111, I .Id .
, 1)
m) Nt•fl·erl,ftnd 11ch lndl sc he Hande l hank
N<'L\cr landschc Jfand I Maatsclrnppij
S h~ ng\ud Conl1'\'l~ rci11 I, Savlng iBank, Lid.
.EnAt Asia; Ltcl .
Nntlonal .otnmercial Hank, Ltt1 .








' llekiang ancln trial l33'nk. Ltd.

Bank of Can ton, Ltd.
'Ba11k~11g Corporatirin, Ltil .
C \' Cr a-Chi n
Kirtch.elJ'f;\' liankin~ Corporation
ttlna J1~an king- Corpora tion
J%111k of Chli;1a
Hank of ~ onHmtnicrLt ions
Fnt·rnc1· 1'3a11k of ,hrina
('ntrnl Bank of China

f l.ssm1tl July 26, 11141 : m1w1trlcd Nov!'mlm 12, 19111. Sre />iil•lir Cirr ulur No . 3; Pf'r.t.r Rrlrair No Jr"i. Ricvoked a1
1~1truof l l'C<'mb r 7 19 4) . Su P11!J/H' (t,rrufors Nos. 'tmtl RA. Prr,u R lrrt.1rs Nbs. 18 mrd
Ofi'1c1· vithin Hon/tl Knng 11nd 11c1lupiod Obina of hanks rrnrn~c1 tn Sclwdulc A l!J lie a1111olnted bru1ks 011 Decomhe.r ·
26, 19•11 . Srr Pubfl( Clrr11/ar No . JO; Prru l?rlr 116e N" . z.q


IP Japnn um.I 11atl11nuh


ORFJCHl!I OF CltRTA.,?N NEW 'Ymu~ liA~'KS A ~!) CE;(tT,tqN o~mi:,:tt , lt'lf~Tl'!1 1JT IONS WlTHl~
'HOINO KONQ )'\ND CH1N1', RXC!EJI'! 'MANCH'. UJ{).A -... G~~:illl~ALlS J.. l,C~NSltD NATlONA.t.,$

Gt1neral Ucenec .No. 59 ae ~~ended
(1) A gcner 1 lioen ll is h reln' grant d Hq 1a1j11g- a gencrtilly lloena<ld the offices
within 'Hong :Ki(ml'{ and 1my i·1i rt Q'f Cbinn c~c:ept M1u1churin tif the foUowing 1
(a) 'The Charee ~~ank
(~) Ni~tli.mal Cl~y 13nl)k of NQ\ York
(c) u~·1d ~nvtltcni it'fa1\k fo r 1~hc Fnf E1u;t
(d) Amerlcfln ~Xllroro C'r.m1pa1l~
(e) :M oscow N'urodn Bnuk, Ltd.
(f) Thos. Co0}( &. S(]l n (l3nnker lwtd .
(g) lfonr: kong & Shanghai Bn,nldng . cirpor~ tl on
(h) .Mt:rcnntilc Bank of lnd ln, L\ d,
(i) J uvitl Sa lilO n & (.o., Ll(I .
(j) E. D. Sas ocin , Co., Ltd.
(le) lL. l . Snfl orm .l3a11l<h1g Co., J,. . td,
(l) Clinrtcr i'l Jfank K:1f :India. Auetralla. & Chinm, Ltd ,
(m) N()dcrl m:l c11 J ndi ~thc H 11 u d el~ b11nk
(n) Nc<lerland s c'he '.Handel M.nat1Jchn11pij
(o~ Shttngha'l 1 ommcrclal n11d Sa lngs Hank, Ltd.
(p ~ Ha:o'k of 1£ast. Asia, Ltd .
(q) .Natio1'1al oni 1ncrcittl )hnk, Ltd.
~h ekfoni: lncltk trial Bank, Ltd.
(s) Du.nit of a nton, LM.
( t) Ove r'. ca-Cl1l11e11e Banking orporatlcm, Ltd.


incherig i'~ p.nki11g Corporation
Chi1111 Dan.kl,ng Corporation

(2) Any s11ch office 0£ 1.111y such bank ls also authori~od to enf,t'age Ill all tra.n..actl.ons ordi·
narHy ill lde11t t·o the hnpotting und exportlng of l/l'Q< de, v.r1u·e1~ tnd mer\:llanddsu between the
the terms and con(),lltions of
U11lt d State and an part (.) ( hll\a, except Mam:huda, p11o~ideid


Gener'al Ucen·s e No. 58 are complied with .

(3) Banking lnstitutiCi>m within th e nil'. ecl States making any payment, transfcJ' or wjth·
drawal from the account of a.ny uch office of the afol"eme11tio11ed ba11kl~g institullCi>t)s shalt file

promptly with (he nppro1~riate Ped .ral Reserve Bank monthly repor~$ aetting forth the details of
uch tran sactions durlng &uch periort.

I Issued July 26, 1941; amended A UguRt l, 1941 · Nov11111l 12, 1!>41 . Revok;pd .as tu Jupan a11d nation11h thereof
Duo1111ber 7, 1941.. Su P11blic irci1 lur s N oa. 8 1111(1 8.4 ; Prra>s Tfrll'tm.r N 01. 18 (l!lt;l 221 Ollincs within U~Ttlt Kong lltld
i;iami11lc<l Chinn c 1rnod to be g nur11Jly Jit1J11atld 1111tir.1na1, 011 noc~rnl.wr 21.'i , 1941. $ri1 ("ulilsr, C•'r l'11/ar- No. IO ; Prct ,f
T<d1"1n n No. 25 . ]


NATIONAL OOV ll: .RiN'M1£~·,r q)l.1' 'l'HI:: R .PUillMC O'F CHIN~ ,.-..,)ll'D C ltNrJ'RAl~ DANlC
OF dlU:NA -..QE'N ltRA(.LV J..lCEN~IS:O .tM 'tlC~\l.AJ. S

ener11l Li cm p No, fiO



(l) A ~e u erat 11 er1 ~

Chl·n 1111d the c~ntrn1

Amcrnl~ d
ks 1erl-'hY gr1111 t~CI

J. 111·11<

(i f


Uc~J\.,hlff inll' .N~t i1m1il G~1 v~n:1rnr.n~ ~·f L11 ~ ~~11pu.b.llo
'hlnn jll~ ,g nernll y l tct1 11 :.ic.~(1 nt1 U •111tl •1.

(2 A1iy tr11n $4 ti op f)t1g1;1.~ ' ' Jn by uch governm f.1·1~ o,.t 1' 11ch bani. 'Jl1~f ~llE\nt tt.1 the t1~cfor cit
or for H10 .11 ,ount o f nn' perMi whhln "hln h ~ l !ICI hereby n1t<ll1 orlz d to the .iu:n
J<tt10t, •~nd
u1nler tl\e &81'11 · oln.1un-1. t un ce111 ILS 1]1(')\l{.l'h . uch trt .IUllL<'1 lon were oMy fo~ the accotn,rt (If such

gove rnment or !'l µch 11 11k; provMcd, h o vcr, th l thl~ ullltl10du1ti1~n nhi11l not ba d ct11ed to por1uit
aoy pn~rm e 11t, tr~u1s f r mr wlthdrnwnl frmn nny blocked aoc<HH1t c · ~1 ·1.11 t11!1 p rnv.ltl ed h1 p~r11~.rtnph
{3) of t.hla f,:'tll'letal li r.en e,
($) rtl1l s gtnnn,I 1lo l'I Re h ~ l'I nhm at11horfae any 1tm.yrntmt e>tl ttlu1 f<1r of e,wilt <t'l t tra,1.~ ~er of
11ecuri1les frm 11 nny blaclwcl n.occ,u·nt in which illtl)' nnti niil of' ...hina hm1 nn int<ircst to 1t11 nctount
b1 n dotries ti~ bank h1 the m111 \e of .1lch g0tvenm1 e,~ t or fftlt~ h ~~tlil<; pfCivifo~1 n\'> otheir 1~1o, k;et!I,
cio1,mtty r1r arny natl orw1 th 1•00.f t1a nn, in1.crest, <,i:t' b1~s 'had M i11 tQr~. t In s ~i: h 'blo1:ke1) tHlCOUtl . at
any timt~ on 01• shir.:c the (.lffetltlve t1ut11 o'f ·the Order.
(4) Banking in!ltH11thrns wlthln Lhe United Stu te. t!lflklnH an y pay,mont. 1ra11 i.1£u <')I' wHh~
dnnval froni th nee uJ1h1 of such govt!rtlmcnt or 11lit h bunk CJ I' fr om ny blocked ;ic~ount referred
to Jn parngnq>h (3) shall fl.Ya promptly wHh the n.ppropi:latc Fcd!':rnl Ho lll' Ve lliln k mort lhly
reports c tt1n~ forth the d tnil of R11ch tra.nM cti ons durlur.r st.1ch period.
(5 The term "ge~1 emlly li con11ed n1ttlon 1" 11,s applied to th e '.N t lonol Govern1m:nt of the
Republi o( hina sh11ll mea n that !J U.C h g·ov~rnm eut urny he rcg11ni e<;l as .thougl Ch1na were ~1ot a
blC>ckod 0011n1ry, and all perstins ·~ci the cxttot ll~ at thtl)' ani ac: tlng for or or• hcho.lf pf such
gov •rnment may 1> rei,rtirclcd a!! i:enerally 11 ·cnscd rtriilona\s,


fbRu~d 26, 11>41. Re~(i)ktd u5 to Ja.vun a n~I nn(,k1n1ll' tl1~1·au~ D 11011J11~er 7, l94J S rc PJ1~llc t) lrr.u l<1r.r Nn1,. 'B
01¢ 1144 ,• p,..,...f,I' I~,,,,,,,~~ N11r. .1 8 tJf!4 211. CfllQes w\lhln Hor~8 ~ou~ Dl)d mp 111ric~ hi11n o~ C1111i~a'L f~ll!l~ o( 1lr1,i1 nea,~e~
t() IJe J1N1t mlly llot11~ncll nnt lrmals 011 l)oo 111li~r ~6, 194'1, S p f11flll~ Cfrr11/#r JVI), .1a; Pr~''" Nri. .9,J


General License No. 61 as Amended
(1 ) /\ g iiera l •llcense is hereby granted Ile nsiog

tlH: offl<; s out ide the Vtiited State!i and
rmt within a11y blocked oount.ry o th er than China. o{ the followin g Chlr1 esc banks R.\I generally
licensed n 11itiol'1al!J:
(a.) the JB11nk of China;
(b) 't he Uank of Comnnmicatlon ; and
(c) the J~a rm er 'Bank O'f Chinn.
Any trnn 11 ·tlon engag d i11 by any such office of any 1mch hank JHHsuart~ to th·e ol"dcr o( or for the
.account of a11y per on not vvithln tmy block d ('ount.ry is al so hereby authorized to the sarnc extent,
and under the circumstances, as thoui;h uch transaction w re ole ly for the accQ\mt of such
oflke of uch bank; prot.•idcd, h<nvrv11r, that thi s au\horizati n hall n ot be d •i: med to permit any
paym nt, tran sfer or withdt'awal fr om any blocked acco\Jtlt.
(2) A ny office within Hong K()ng or any part o( hi 11a, :xc pt Mn11cl1 t11fa, of any such Lank
iii! 1~1. o authori.r.ed t o ngage in 1tll tran!<!I tion ordi naril y incident to tlrn 1111por t l11~ and exporting
elf goods, wares and merchra.ncl l.. between th e Un it"d Stat ·.s an d any nrt of ~h l na, ~·xccpt M1u1 •
ch l:lria, provid d all lhe term s and con<.11tion1! of G c~n c ral Liccu e o. 5, arn co111 1~ l ied with .
(~) l3 11king inllti'tutlon w it bin the United Stal s maid 1g any payrnent , tra nr;f •r or wlt'hdrll,wnl from the aoco\lnt.s o f any uc11 office of the aforen:1entio11 ed b i; hall file prnmp!.ly with
u~e upp1·o priate :Fede~nl Reserv )}a n1 monthly reports "(!tl l~ g for th the de tu ils of Sl!ICh traru;ac1


tions durbig uch p<!ri od.
II ue<l July 26 1941 ; arol.'11d1Jd uguNt 1, 19-41 ; Nov ml1c:r 12, 1941 . .RcYok~ u ti> Ja11an ll nll nation lw thi!l'eof
DCCtJmb r 7, 1!141. .S4ri• l 111blic Cirr.14l11rs Nos. 8 a"d 8 ; I'r ru U• llfri,,r1 Nn~. 18 mid
liicc~ wlthln l tlc1111t l<11ng imd
occuvi d "hinr1 ceased to be genc1rnlly lie nst>tl nati i~l 4lrl !Joomnbtir 26, 1941. n P1ibffo Cirrnlur Na. JO; Prr«~



o. 25.J



O.lfl~1C~S 1~ iPltllLJJif'JNlt JSl.Al'lll$ QF',f'AlN :tiAl\1){1NC lNS'irtl'.' llTl .~ NS ...... ~-~CB::NS~P NA'l' l O~,i\l.$


f1111iucd July 26, '1941 I revoked ] lmt.rltr'y 5, 10~~. Se" Jl~,bll ' , rt1•u/11r /Vo, .1111

l 'R/\NSAC"J'.'lONS lNClDE~T Tb TJ A rt IUtTWJ~ N l'Jt!LU i '!NI~ l LANDS AND GH INA .A.ND
Hln' V\ lt .'N Pl1fLJPJ'•Hrn 1$LAND. ANU JAPA

Goner.a! J.icien



64 Rcv<lk d

[l saµdi Ju1y 26, 1P4l :



tl Nuvtwhcr

'.1 '2, 1041.1

C .R1'Al'h1 '.1,'RAN'$A.CT10N'S DY CO.MMiE:IH'ilA'~ 01t Jtt\N1Z TIONS WL'l'H 'JN P'HIX,,JPJ'tNit JSt.AND!i
W1UCH ARE NA'l'tONALS f)t.r Cl '1NA 0 1~ JAl'A'N

General L~censc No. 65 Revoked
IT m i l J11!y 26, 190 1 r~okcid lfllnuitry $, 1942,


Gcncrnl License :No. 66


' er Pu/1/ir /(r11/or Np, 11 1]


.Amcud J



A g neral Hren if! hereby granted llcen$l:n~ as generally lice1\1Jed 1i11ti¢na1 th e 0fficu,1s in tbe
Tcrrito1·y of Hawaii ot'.:
(11 the Amerl~111 [-;oclHity Bank;
(b) the HonoH1l1.1 "fru i;;t Qrh J> ny' ;
(c) the Liberty Ba k o( Uonolt.11u;
( d) the P;ic1flc Bank;

(e) the S111nitomo 'Bnnk or liaw1pii; and
(f) the ~ okoharm1 Specie :Ba 11k 1 ·
lbmcd July 26, .194 L ~levokcd 11. lo
t:1111/ SA : (-'11en Rclc11 ,1,.~ No~ . 18 uri<I Z2.]

Jnpnn aud JUttionnls thc~aof 0!.'00mber 17, 1941. Str PHb/ic Cfrcwlr,J Nn~. I


GcJ)eriJ Lie-01J e No. 67 Expired
I!slued Jnly U , 1941 : Cl'J>ired Augmt i6, 1941.J

NA1'1 lNAt,S O'.l' (l:MlNA, ./\N'b j~PAN R.ltSlDJN r ():NJ.. Y r:~ UN.lTl!I 5l'rATES
)1JN ~ li, 1 11()- &
II.ALLY 'LlCliNSIU> 'N~'X''lONi/\.ll!l

Gem rnl l A om No. 68 u,~ 4.fJlf.\~•ded
(t) A g JI r I lk nM i11 \'il'Jrth~r g"l"lll'lted Ucen big 11 g<•i•c:r lly Haen el!l nad uni in~1lvhihut1 s
Who nnJ 1111 lom1l 11 cir China ncl Japan rmcl who lm '/f' P<' 11 r
fo1g otii,ly ln th'I Unlted • lM· ~a at
•II ti m !l 011 a111l 8d nc,c J u1 c 1,7, 1940; f roi•i1h•1J, h or 11wrr, 1.h t I I ltc:iz11$ shall npt· h~ d~em d t()
Uccn ~ 1:1s a ge, 1Jrnl l 1 l'cemH~<l 11nllon~il tiny iudivldu. 1 whu Is 1~ nuiidn111 of Chlnn or Jillian by
rt 111011 of nny tnc:t t1ther 11'11111 1h l' liUCh fo Hvldu·ll 11a11 born n !lt1hject or rit izer1 o[ .h1nn or Japan
at n)r 1ime Oil l' 'Inc. SllCh untc . t~11

o m 'rll'H-30Q a,r 1 uot rc ~t.alted t.o pe 0 1 ~ with respect t,p tli~ pt•cJ'perty
f llll)' iHdi Jd\ t1\111i cnl!t.:cl h •rC!'in u~ &' H Hl!i)' ll~cns <] 1111tlo11ul11.
I hnucc1 Jtll>,• 6, 11l4l , Srcr /'l'~IS f(t/1•u,r 1{(1, 10. ~vc1lml II ~ f (J .]kp 11 11d 1lfl lOfJ•I• th,orl:lol J nr.cmbcir 7, rn41.
Sri I'11hUr,,C,'/rc11fon N11s. ,v (.rnd BA: l"mJ /rr(r,cl.rt,r No1. IN 11t1d ail, I


i~tri; • ~~


.SE NATI0~1l l\U llESl:OllHl CONTlNU9u s1.. v W I'J'lJJ.N C:ON'fl ENTAI, UNrnm
Si' TES !U C. J N'.I' 17, i1>40, ANI
El ',. AIN JA'PA 'N SE lJSTNltSS ltNT Rl,R1SESG N LmJ\Ll.. 'l. I ' ll~SF.lJ NA1'1 NALS. REPORTS Tb BE .Fll~ I>

Gcner11.l J.Jcm1 c No. 6RA t\8 Arncn<l d
(1) /• ~""nl"r1tl 1lcense i 'hereby
'.:.-. ~.......,... --.,....iw""""

~,ranted :

{a) Lloc1 ing 11 a g .11<>rally lken ~<-d tlf11ltm;i l mi

ancl ' lw lrn !l 1 c .n

ns tZ


sl ll•~l~


lndl lclmll who l o. natio11(1! ri f Jrq1nn
Ill' oll ~ irn 11 fllU uu1~ sh1 c

in tl1l' ~ nt inc u~aJ l.Jnll d :Stal .

~. 4. , and
(b) Ll •11, lnq <1 , a i,: 11 rn1l. 1 lie u~c·d nrllio11ul any p 1rt11e1•1:1ld~·. n . ~>ci11 ti n, c<.1rpe>r1t1 icm
tr <A li l'r i•t~anlimti m witl1iu !lie c<•ntincnt I nit1 d 81:11 •a w~1irh l· a !~L>n.ul of_ ]!1. ~n
~ o~ h 1:. asnn, of 1.h in ter .st tit ·i·c·in of n p r on or \ii'!rgQn
11 us •e11 cDJly f!CCJae

(2) Thi 111 f,r<:n ·rn l lkC'nl'I shall n ot lJe uremcd 'll> licrn ns 11 {{ nernlly llc<:1111ec1 uat!onal :
(a) J\ 11y ,il'ldi vid 11al, pnr1 tl('rnhip. .1• .•1..da lion, u1rp11rn1 ion or rilh •r Clt'g' · nizu t il'.l1i on the?
fl.r.s;rni ~~ µ(wh ich lhti Tr a1>ttry DepurLm .111 .'~11Linyil11 fl,• ~>r:ticntative ~t~ 1.rnrd or I'll) the
premi e nf which th ere i~ i-w ted un ri flic;rnl l rrm Llry t cpo.1'in'ICn mJfice Ornt. th r. Jtremld<?!I
arc untl('r the cunt.r (1 ) of th U11itc1l St:i lt'.' G iv<'rnrnrut, >I'
( b) · ny bnn k, trm sl (.1mpa11 y, !1l 1ipping l'l.llll'Un, 11 l 1~n n sldp ugc-ilt. •, 1· Jm1uranc Cl'ilmpany,

(c A11y JH'r!Hm 1 hi1, on or si\lce tltc c!Tcctivc da l•• it tlH! rd c. r, has rcprc, rnit·d L•r a . ~r~ d
ag ·u t f(>r any pcn;on locntcil ot1t~i~ l e th· c 111Liucnt11l nit<~d S1.11tcA or fur 1111y p r, cin own •d
cir co11trnl l r1 by pt·r n, Juen e-d out ~ id e t1 c c1nlit1rn1al United Stntc•., or
(d) Any f)t' . 011 who on or incc- the dTrclivc: cfate of 1hr Or de r ha .~ ttt'l<:d or imrimrl d to
act dir ct1y or indirect1y for th· b .n .fit rJr n behalf of any hlock •d ou ntry, in clud ' ng the
gov mm .n t th r ·of, or any pcrscm who L lf.. national of J1~p11u by reason of uny fac:.t other than
that • uch pc~ r. cm has 1 cen don~ lei led in, or :i subj<.ct or citizen ·CJf, Jaa~an n t a ny •t im on (~r
since the cffectl e date A th · C.irrter .


(3 A ret)ort on ~ ricia J 2f.J~\ :h•tll be fll d with th apprQp'l'iat F de1·al He erve
Bank Oil Ot' before F hruary 5, 19.4 2, with re. prcl to 1hc: prope.rt. l11tere. lll o! e ery per on
tkerised h re n a a. g 11C:rally J icen~scd nart.ion I 1f tihc tola1 tilue of the pro1>erty interests to be


reported ·

ll..CW..Jlt mi:iir•

(4) Every bu foes~ enterpri c 1i1~ensed h rein us a genemlly li<:t::nsed national hall also ii.le
with the a1 propriate F deral Res rv' Bank 00 or brfore l<'cbrunry 15, 19-42, au ttffida"it setting


General H<Jelll! No. 69 ne An1enclcd
A gcncrn1 1icen so is her by grru~lcd li oennlng t\~c (C11l1owfoi:" 11 ge.ncralb llccnaed nabionals 1
(a) thci Sari J"r nd. oo Ql'61: of th e :ijank elf ttr1t<~ n
(!1) t h\! Sat~t\nt1.1nt0 clii'1¢e f 1.ho 8u.mit1imio 'Bam~ nf. a,HforMtH
(c) th e Sc·rHtl<i otfke of tlrn Su rn lto m~ 11111,k of SontH •; mid
(II) the omcell in Lolil Ang<:h!1s,. ah Fr111iclsoo anti Sen Ill e 6f the Ybk~hnrn Specie Tia 11k,
Lt cl.
!I HIJDll Jul y Ui, 1 9~1 J• e nkcd as to Jn11a11 a.11d l'.ll tkin11le th~~co{ ne ambQt 7, J041.
1111d 8 ; l'r-ru /(.r/rir.rtr N P~. 18 n11d ZZ.]


Pt1biir Cfr1,,,lar.1 Not. !J

'fl{ANSACTIO'NS ON ntt.HALF o~~. on t N'Vm. vn~G l'RO'.PERTY' 011',

General Li<len e ' o. 70
(l) A g r neral lkc:n c la 11ereby grnn1 <l licen!>lng any trnn · a~tiM r eferred to Jn "ection l
of thu rder, i( (l) . ud1 trnn 11n(·ti o n Is by, or on behnlf of, ol pur ·tmnt t<> t he direction of Porl11ga1,
or any irnti6nn1 th r<'of, or (ii) uch ttnn .nction lnvolv s property In w hlc.h Portug al, or a11y
rder had o.ny Interest,
nationa l th ereof, h•1s nt n11y thnc on Clr since th e eff dl'llc t!latc ol th
t niv,1 -/cforl, 1ftaJ :

(a ) Such t n11 .. nc\'ion i 11ot hy . dt on l.irh ull of, ot jiursuant tb the dir dlor1 of art y blocked
cnhl1try or any 1loti . nal l1 1e rcof, c1 ht•r th1111 .r)ortugnl o any nlttional o '.PC'irtugnl;
(b) $ 11t h 1. rnn~.,uctinn 1Joes no l irivo l ~ property in whk h uny blnc).tetl 1;:0111 try or imy
n:il irmal t h ·rcc1 f, oth er fl rnn Port 11g-nl or 1rn y 11a liom1l of Port ~1r,:11l, 1ias nt nny time
oh 0\1' sh C(l 1h err Ctl'l' e date of the Orile(' lrn d any ir1t1CtrlS t; 0.11(1
( c) lf u lt h t , n!inclh n is not I y. or un l.> .half of, or purn ia11l to the direction of the
Go,· •mm :1 1 of l"ortugal ot tht• Eli n co de J.lortugal, ~u h t an action 11ht1.H not b
ITcctt d witil the B, nco de J'or ug I hn s r 1tif1 ':d ln wri t in t11al the Banco de
I orf u1 • l h d t~rmin1:d t.l1at w ch trnn cl ii:m co in with I he CWlditiol')s o{ pnragr· ph (a 1 11d 0>) al ove.

(l!) tMa ti<t:t) rut u~.en ·e ttl'llu att h@l'lt , Ill <lti:Y ... ll'\ ~ or t f\tlJf(!t f l'ti a b\011l~dcl IUl~tl1'iL 111
whi •'h t4tl,~ 11 t,lo1111t r>i l' 1•tt1g· l ~ ,8 nn h1t<t1r.:ot 'I/ a b1~1\:kcd 11 6ohnt hi n, dorrt1,11J'lle bo.111 Jn t lle
TIU.'O'I CJ( t he '.Bn11co de IF'ort1 11 i pr<;.iv idc.d, hc:iwt• (~ri thnt rlda 11i11th o.t'i~r1 t i1.111 Jinll uCJt l;>fJ det1tne.1l
to n· t 011 )1 p~yll1 €1t1'l 'ir lnrn fo1· fr .1 10 i• bloi:1r.cid Mt~~\hO ~ii\ \v•lir h ~11yi rln t o·~ l ~ '*\ bltw-"cll
c~iw h'>'• ~ithc1• tb~t h)t 1l11 •·111, ha, ~11 int r it, or h l'1 hno -!11' ~J'J\1atest a~ a•ny 1 fl1:e ''' " (i11 ~t1 c·e t11t
!Tcc(h·ll cl1\to o( the Order.

(3) g~tiipt f.\S pwv ladd ht pa~grn11h (2)1 ~hlN g Uc1m11e 111111 11 'flr>t! I.tit! 1~cemuc::d tQ ptr1'1it
1m11mt, trall!fft"r ~·· Wlthdrn
u.1 {ii"Oill nuy 'lrlt>~k d no aunt othci11 tilu~ti block ·d ~ c.Qiu1ts , in the.
nn n1 c f the 'LtL'>'1t1t11tfil!'h t bf )ortt1~nll or th Hanco u~ l ott1t g-d1 t.1nti~ 1he B1uico, de l11ort\ilg11t has
1)t:rtl ' ~ 1, wJ~h 1 oep,Cl 1c~ ll1c \m n '1.1.1: l1c p, l~ ~ J.irovld~« in (l )Ci; atiov 1


(4 'rid ~ 11011ertll 11 en


t tJf

•~HY otb et ,J:i1

hot apply wlt.h 1' "'l~e,ct to
1: MtMr')'.

1 .. hr1'l\

t ct!ct




Pt121tt ~·al who

n1 o

(~) l • r~ldng· l~sO!utlorl ~ '\'\•hhbt he UJ'lhotlt $t te~ 'l!h ·t.igl t1g 'tf) · ~n;y tt'ti.11 ~MU6n· a1~thpr~21ed
b)r thllil g'l.\ltert1l loenMI sh9i lt 1\1~ JI 011,~t l¥ 'with thll app,-l:lpt/ tb t~~~tl .r f.,!I tv" J3ank weekly
re·pr.i1•!s schtf1g forth tl1e cletai1 or trn 1.1 sacti611tl eff'tl~t~<it bf t'h a'l u'rk1ijr lh18 Jkc\'lsc.

(0 A tu11 cl ln ti1l (renf'nil li e 11s , th ''Go ernn1cnt pf l or tugn l" t;hn11 Include the go,1ernoi any ,p(11iltl"fl.I • \1l t'lt'\o·I fou (t«!rrJ~Mles, ti 1) 1 1deodo. 1 ·possuss orts , stat~,l!l , d~\)f1ttll1t+ nh ,
prov.lwce .. , 1i>t111 t1' , mtu1kdp l1ti1 , di. trlcl1:1 01· ot her pl., cti. s1~bJ ct to the juriadktiou thcih.of),
or ru1)' p~1 ' ,t.l11•d 11.g1.111cy or h1 tn 1111«1nLalJ t y oI \h gov n111 ent.



IJ11111 d A\1!'1lat

rn 1 1941.

Sic /'~"1ic C#rC'tilbr 11/o, 11 / /VrrA<i ltcfll11»1 ""· '9.1

General Lfoena No. 71
( l) A g(•11cr.:tl lk ·nsi; Js here! iy granted :1uth<~ r :ti111y the 1,ay111t1 11 t from any blocked l.i oou nt to l\llJ pub-(c11· t1n in llvii,lu. I sub crwtion to a pr1'1odicnl publtshel1 wltl1in the U111tcd St;1te1,

I aher or ag~ 111 tl wro(J{
provkl cl 1b~it:

(a) S11r.h publL hc•r (nnd t11c n~rcnt tlrnn•1;1 f, if pny111 •f1t Is made to an ugent o( 1111ch pul lishcr) i,
IVC'1 1td withi 11 the Urillud ~~ C.:ll ; anl'I
b ) Th . lotu1 imunmt f 1\ny such pn Hl 11ts friom 81\y blooko11 acoo\;lnt doe. IQ(./l Ci!'.CA:iod ~ZS in any
me month, nd d ~cs .nut 1~xc ·NI $100 in ~my !Jnc y ll~r.

(::!) This ge n cr~l lil "'" also m.1 thMizes t1w 1na ilh1g by l.ln~· p 11M i,J 11: or agc' 11l~ther1•oi M p~l'l(Jc1lcal s o
ncl1lrt•ssue., pro idr.i:l tlmt the pcl'lotl.foals are 11< pnrn:tc~ ly mniled fo m the 'IJn~ted tn.tes cli'l' ·d to @ac.h


( 3) 'l'h tc:n\1 1periolllcb.l" 1ill no;ed 111 this gene r1111ir
a.ny JH~Whpr per wl1cth ·r p11\il,i1;hed daily or lt:ss frcqtttmtly.

t1 se

h1111 i11d tJcl<>, but ll<lt by wsy of llmi1a ion,

( ) bnn1dng iris i1utkms within th n it(lld Stat(ls mg;igi t'lg hi a11_ t r;11"t~at l io119 atHhntfacil hy thls !);('ncrnl 1ict11,T slta11 llk> whh 1h · 11prr' ,priatc PNlc:rnl Jh.~t· ·t ' \' B rink(•~ ut l1rfore tho 1~1' t <:J;:iy ci( J •~trnn ry, April,
J1 1ly u1 1d Uct(Jh •1 1•t•pntt11 ln cliu:iting dt~tails of snch trnma ,tiom c'.h1rillf~ etit h n 1ch q1mrtcrly p~ri~>d, !11r.:ludi111i rlp pltJ j1d111 l<kr.illDC'lLlirm of tlw nccn1111 H wh·cfo arc tl ·bi tc·d, a1tu II c tnl<11 m~M1~1t~ cl<·hlt d 1' ad1 'iluc


F'l'UN-0 ~ND 1
PROS:rtCU"l."l'ON o~ AN~~~lCA';l'lO]'.I~ ~f()Jl ~&T'n~RS p"·~· · ~ ·t· IN T.~R \JN1l81J)
wr.A"J'Ji:f /..\Ill) ~u.,OCK ~ ·o NT,IUI~ --1ui.n~9 011 Ttltli'QH:l' O\N 1nORM TfR·Sn


Gcueirul l~ie•uue .l~:fo. 72 ,1u1 A~o1~11e(l
( 1) Ag .<1ral lk.e11se ls hf,'l'<·by i,.r1·nn't1·d nhthorl:dni;r (I) 1h<l flli11g 11~ th ~ .itei<l Sti1LI'! 1'11d'f'llt
Omce of lllJ 11icp,tfcmil fot• 1eltc•r!J pi.llClll' for in'Vtnllbt18 t~nd ~l .Sll;n s, nnd the fl'.rO!\eC \l11lOll of \l1Cb
,p1ili('. tlrm , io whk\• U\1)' 11atlt1M l o( l\\ny blo kC!d cm1rtt has nt n1w 1hne nn OI' Rlnce tht: eifco~
I v elate of ~h J~der hnd any i11~1r 11t, uni:! ( I) ll1tl r ll l'<•lpt of leltr;rQ p ttnl. i11•n 11 p11r1:1u~11,r~ ~o
any lllH'h Flpp!1c tfon, pr ¥icled th f< llo·wfo•i:c term 11!'.l ont.llit.ion n1·~ o,l"lt~lfocl with i
(R.) '!'110 ptl'~CITI ming OT prmi cu tl111g tlll'' tl Ch tq1p llcntion , I"< Cfotfr ll , uttomcy OT' 11.gept
In <1111t1 tio11 H~l.)r \lllh, hall ~wtlfx th ~ 'lJt:!l~ml R~lltts l:'at: nt Offi~e in writing that.
the "l'ptlonOou is b jmg fil cl autl prC1soct1t0r.l pu1·awrnt ~o 4 1l1ii , ~c:qcral ll1,1ci. ci 1111d
1 (h), i 1pc.l11 notlU utio~1 by th l'nitt\d Still ll'alf:tvt: t',Oo tl1 t l ~(t .r po.t<"~1i wlll b Jss1.m1
nnd rA't fc:n$t 1wer1~y d11y$ btJfQre t.he ~~· y~nei~t tq s~~h 1>iflce ,f d1L, fl1111I ~e!h th~refo,r,
th11r 1ihU I 'ti& Med <lirecLl'.Y with the 'l',rei1. 1uy Dr1 ;i,rtment a, re.port Oil 'F'Clnn 1'F''R·
Ji'2, so1 tl11g ·fo1·1h. un c1 r onth, 'lht1i11fo·rlT'!1tio 1\ c11llc:d f<Jr th rein,
(2 Th~ genr1·nt lie n e Bhnll nlfw nutllol'iz a11y per r} wlrn is not a natlpnal o( any bl<i1~k11d
coun,ry i
(11) To Jil and 11ro~0cwt "PIDlic11tioh fnr I ttcrs patent h1 ~1uy 1 lr.lcke.d cr nntty;
{h) To rec I t1 lett er~ piitent gri111ted 'Pttr ~t•~nt t<~ any s~~ch afipllca.tfon ; 1.Lnd
(c) To I a:y ic ~11 c1m1cn:tly <h1e t (J the ~ov(i rqment of any 1Jlock d c011n ry, eHher directly
or thro 11g h I.In nttc1rn r ()f rep'l"CRl' 'lltative lucr1l d al>J'C)Ud, fot' 1h1 ming ( f MY ltch
uppliioailon, tm<.I for the gran1tJn:g nn<l ma.lnlcnance of any pnitent.
f)omestic banks 11hoi1 1 llffect the paylncnL r f ·r C'd to ln (c) 1:111rstrnnt to 'll1e terms 1111d conditions
of p~raiira h (2) of Get1er. 1 Lke•n ae No. 33. All l1a11k'> (!llc:cling any such 1 nyments Bh!lll s111lsry
them se lvel\ tlml 'I.lie forcs.rolng l ·rm11 nnd conditlu11 ar c 1mpliecl with.

(3) A11 p r Ot'S e11g. s-log in any of ti r trantmt1tlc111s al1thotlz(·c'l by (11) or (b) under (2 nhovc
shnll fi1e p1·0111p tl y vi lh the npproprintc I1'<:drral J' ' •t e Dank retort s s.ctthig forth the dctt{ih
(lf lil'lo1r h

t rntl.~l\C ti fln!-1.

lth rc:; p ~ ct ti.) ch p<.rymc11t 11nth o1 izc1l l1y (c) und t;r (2 nhovt~, ~cports 'otl Forni '.l''.FR~
"XN't1tNl nnd Ill cl iti lilt 111 01111 r nn<l form :md umdet· t.ha o nd itlc ns de11c.rlbecil 1n
Gt~h ra.1 Llc(•nFt' N . 32, 11 11 umencled, x: cpt tht1I it m Nt>. 6 <!If Rtl h i:urm ~bn 111 e leU. blan k nnd the
1>rlgdn~ting bnnk • hnll irnlicate Q! 1 th rcv<-r e • qde of ·uch form :
(a) 'fhc· podftc puqw e for whkh tmch ptt.\'l'llt'nt\ ls made;
(b) Whether M· not an ap1)lkatio11 £01· n pal nt has bern file I Jn, or pateut hl'ls been
I 1H:i.I b. , tl1e Unit cl Sta l l'. Pati<'ll'l 0/' ire, ct:i cd11~ ~he in·vcntion or design involved;
( c) If such app lication ha s er1 fil ·d b1 1 (>r &1uch pat nt iss ued by, the U nit<id State.





Pllt nt

· fl'ice, the wumbcr thereof.

(5) Thl g·encnl lic('UI/. does not nuthorlzc any assig·nmtnt, gra11t., cncurnllrance, «-:re~tion (JI{
a Jiicense, ot !lx cuiio11 of ll.l'IY agrccm nt or arrangement of, under, 01• wit.h re pect to any pale11t,
application thcrt·for, liceni. 'thereunder, or interest th erein, in wldc h any blocked country or
nation. I thereof ha., on or sfoce th effective date of the rdcr, had nny i.ntereat, or any other
tnn saction not speclficidl'Y au~horizetl by thi s general licen se.
!Issued Scp1cml>Vr J, 19-41; amended Oc1tot er 23, 1941. Srf



Cirrular No . .5,]

C:ER AlN ·.:f~1N~'£SE l;:,\lt,TNifi;~SUIPP..... c;mrn .u.'l;Y MCliiNSltP NATION/A.LS


L Cle11H '.Nill, 73

(t ,)' A .8'1$\l 'rat lil • n u h1 ~1e1«eby ~1·t1ot .d Hqe111•h1jr 11. ~ ~ M"tin~ral1~;y lfo f\Hcl 1\••U(il1u~q ar•'Y P•f\M(·
11hlp which i11 a n111.t.io11~~ o·e Chill'l4 11.M whfoh u1~etl'I au (1f th11 follo:wb~g doQditlone 1
(1,1 ) tl1(l parlner~l lp ham boon conH1111(ltl$ly •eng.11g d in buslne~s wlthiw~ the conthu;n·iat
Un1tcirl States 11lnce p<rlor to Jttm.1 17, 1940i
(1~) t 1e 1!d/~1r maQagm1 ut ancl cn:ntrlot of uch t111rtnt.1~ship is vest~d 111 p11rt11era wlt.hh1 the
U1;1lted States whp ue not· 11i.tlo.nnl o{ iu1)1 hlbcl~ed ountry (or at'e llcn1aed all g~nerutly
lken sed 11ntiQµn'l e))
(p) mlnco prlor to Jµ .nl' 17, I,. 0, n ~ ·partner in such partner11l1lp has t-.ecn a n'tio11a& of
uny blocked cotu1try other th1111 .lii1111~.

(2) "thi.A general Het:l'l c sbn.11 n<llt t~e cl~cm~\d fo lic:tme it.11 111, ,epcra\lr· He~nft~d ~rulonal I ~yi
ts a n111tl<;mt\1 r.1! any blo~kc:<l 0Qlll'l1.ry other u,11.n C.him\.

partni:;tllhip which


(3) Al~ pa,rtn rshl1)s Hcenaed herein as generally Ileen ed nntlotlnh shatl file w.lih ttie 11-pproprlate Fe<ler11l R serve Hnnk whhln lhlrty clttys r1{te1• th e date hereof a report in triplicate actting
forth; (~) the namo 1111<1 ncldres11 cif the purtnern11lp; (b) the nnme, 11ddTe1u and nntion!llity of ea.oh
partn r; 11nd (c) a st:at. 111 ·nt thnt tho purtner hip im llc ns 'll as a generally llce•nsed national under
this gen ral licelnse. Any 1~11ftnershl111 1n.ot .otnt lyh1g with th~m J1equfr'<1mC'.tlt J11 Mt atithorlzcd to
engngc in any t ran act frm 11hder thl$ ic~nerul liccime,

(4) R~pQrt «.H1 l~o.rm 'J;'17l,~ rJOO nre no requlr d t.p be fil'C:d wilh 1·e~peat ~o th e prope~t:y irltercif 1tJ1y p rtu,cr hJ11 ll c(l,rtsed hc rcln ni; il. ge1u:ml1f l! ct'M('d 1·1ntlcmi1l.


Jtaed 001.~ber '9, Hl~L Sri· Pr~ttl R1·l~a .re 1Vr1. l.Y.I


1J N'ITJil) STAT&S Cl'l' lZl! NS WfrO ARK ABROiA.D

G·er.11,:rul Licen e No. 74
(1) A r:w 11f'n l li ocm c: li; h •t•cby gr1111ted ~t1~h~t1zing pnyrn entfil nnd t.r imefeu o{ credit from
blo cked llC .ot1otM in d11mc: R'lic brt11101 fm• lhc ncc cssnJ y 1~c r sona1 exp nseK within th e Un~ited Stlltc&

f!lf RO)' l·itlzen of the J'nl1 ·d Sta tes Who Is wit11ln a11y ~ordg n eou11tTy, u.n d !o:r U~t p er~1Cm J a,~~pen es
whhin the 'Utiit ed S1atc of the fnmi~y of such clth(."n, i1rov1detl that the followi~1g t rms ~nd con·

dltlon ane cl>mplied wltb :
(a) Su~ lt p yrlll:nt nnr.l tr au -ft-r are mn<le Ot'lly f1,om hlocke(l accotmls In the name of, or
in which the l~cncficial intt·rcst Is held by. s\lCh citizen or h:i fomity;
(b) 1'h total of all s11<·h im m nts rm cl trunslen made under this 1rct'leral ll~ense cloea
not ex:<: ed $500 in any b lrn ncl:ir month for any such citlz 11 or h'11 fi1m~ly.

(2) T hi. 1.~neral licen11 • hnll nbt be d ec~ m •d l() au ioril'.e any payment or tran sfer of credit
which could not be cff erotc<l wltho\Jt n. tlcensc l( uch dtlzen ~~ere a generally 1iccmsed national.
( .3) Dome· tic b;ink~ making any ~ucll fnt:l)'inc11t or tra n.t1fcr shn.Jil satisfy thcmselve:s that the
foregoing te rm nd oonditlon: ar 1:omplfod wltl1 nn d ~h~II 1le promptly wit1) the ;lflJ ropriaA:e
Federal R serve J3a.11 s.pr1rate monthly l'Cfl>ods in trlpl1cnte on Form J' ITR-1 11 respecting the
tr1.1.n tiction fnr th1i 11c rrmnt o-f each :;11ch cit izC'11.
( lasu~ <I October 9, 1941.]


RJit~rrTANCltS TWJ\P\JCli :00).1.ES1'1C 111.\ K If() 1 R~$0N
(\l!f CJ-U.N)1 J,XC.ltPl' MANCllURIA

G< n ~ral Lil1cn11

'1r n

m mfod
{J' A t 1HW 1 1ic ·h t\11 'h hott'!>y gr11tit 10 1tl~t h<ir i~\n it r1.1111ltt111~ ~s l11 at1r rm 111it t y l.ll'IY p0r!IIDn
thirciu~h ahy ~fom '!Ifie' to un~ p r11crn in 1111y 11 t1 of Cl1
dna cxcq1t. M1~l~t1 lwrl11., 11,ul '111'

C\()>(fl All hill~


)11 'l th ~11 l· l~<l 11,"1llff 1wt li~ll'~ 1'<111'1hli11' ~ '

t1 011s art:! ' tlll


i(!9,U the follCJ'\Vlll ~ \


l\ll l Cllllllli·

pllt1cl wlth t

(a~ S\~c\\ 1:r.111l~1 nf!;! 11~11 lii,i. 111 ~1d (rc1m nn. 11 c'111n·t 1lh~· r fl im rt 11 r;1rl<:er.111ccot111•t n·ntl,
111J]<• •t 1o ii 111 ~b) 11C'r of, urh N~1111ltfor
rn 11y he lrn1de from 1· · h1 1)tkcr1 ncco11nt of nny
r1tttfo11nt c)~ Ch~ r1n.
(b) $uc1 1 r m1ttun ccs may Ml lo rn d • fro111 r111y hlntk d acr r,unt it ftlly M the ·rnttow·
ing 'has an ln<tertJl'lt lt1 su ·h 1i~c1 1rnt 1
(!) Airy natlonnl of ny l lntl~c: tl count1·y ~l~ber than )li11l\ l
(ll) A11 ;f JiC'rf.; n wHhlr1 J\1nnd111rln; 1•1r
(Ill') ·iA:r!,11 hlc o.ku~ cr11111try tithr:r t1Hm Chh1n if 1HI
(c) tti!:h rn1nl(t11nre•. ~ h.ill (lo j{J'1 1d d hy rlom1' tic hnn~t J ayimR" th<i ~fol~~t 111)H'.'hlit ~I
the r 1~1jt Lun cl) \(> ri 1\klilitj111\! cd ng 11t , f th e Ccn \rnl lin.11·1, of Chhrn {rir thn accoqn"t of a11

a)'lpo111tM ba111'.


~lo1nc tic 1.> i111l , •ffec \lqg


tc:rm a M~ nndh· io~ rm f::Orttnli11rl whh.

·h rN11lttni1~ ·a 1\all ~a1lsfy 1hum, clve. lhnt the £~1\'ligoin11;

(3) Wltl'I l'C1lf>Cl tl lo l\'1.Ch 11etllli1itanc:ll IO!ldu Jll!lr \.Ull1t 'to ~his. g ~IU' 'I Jj 11 f\e r a~Qrtll Ofl Hof~l
TJl'I . JJ2 ~hnll be t'X,CCllle<l 111111 filt~d li1 ~ht• 1111m,n cr and ior1111 1.111 I l~ndor h\l (; rm~lti 11'1 pr 11c1" li 1(\
in C nc rn l Li e 1a r No. :~2. l)rir11 · ~tic hu11k e thrnu~h wldch m1y s11ch remit.lnnc('R origin1i1 · slln11
n 6tc Oil the T'CVl!•rs c flii'l or l!l1Ch fo1·111 the 111\fot'O or 1'1ii) 1.i1 t\1~ . Ctr.tlC)l1 for Wltkh 1h~ 1'tlllitlanc:1! it!
b lns;t m ;:t~fo htrt 11cer.1 not ft~rnl ;,h t11 t1 lnforn111t b 1 c11MNl fov in ltllm 6 of si1rh 1fO!'rn ,
(II·) J\11 11o11nr 1kc·rui,11g to f\ny pp1Jlr11NI 1a n· p1m11111.11 1.u thi gcm11'11\ 1ki:r1. · tihall , H ao
reqtti'l'l."d by 1'h Stuhlllrntlo1' l1 011rr1 cir ' liiu ll , ti~ l'IMdc nvnlh1ble tp th .Honrcl hy puyrnc•ht lo the
Ce11t·n1.l 11w11c CJf ' lllna 11 ~:·nhrn l dcliv ry of 1111 • p1irnl ent a111 01rnt of 'hi n •i;<.· rn1 t iomil currency.
(5) Thi gcnernl licenM. hall 11ot lie Ui' t!lll d to aut hci rize nny trnusactl1m l11 dd 11t al t o imjrnrts
a1·1d c Fort br.:tweei1 the nit cl \11tc. 1 11<.1 Chiu\!..
(6) A . 11. ·cl In thl!! g ncrnl Uc 11 u:
(n) The t rm "nppd~ntccl l>1111k'' ha11 'h ave thr.. meanintr as jhat prescribed lti
Geu w d Llce11 111) Nci, Sft
(ti) Th t c~l' m ''<le. i~~nnt. d ngc11l of il1c ~ nOnl Jhrn l< t1f Chl nCL" s; hnll mt li-il thl! .1~<111\ ,lc
Qf hi1111.

If suu l N11v mht 1· 12 1941 11'111en<l11cl J mmrr $, W~ il. . rr f'11/iilr Ci11;11l""' No, 7; I'rniu lf1·lr111t N o. J6. R~olre1:t
111 \1,1J11 fl~ll11nll 111ttlr1u~l~ dirn·r1[ l)11(•(11ihet 7, )9 . Srf 1'11/./ic ( 'irrulal"r Nal . JJ 1111rf fl · ; / ' 1n1 Rrl1.111rr.r N(ll. I Q111~d 1!2,
C ffi c<'ij wilhin Tln11g K tihljl 11rul rJr1·u1derl C""hi 11 ~ nf 11i1nk11 11 .1m1· I in ~·.(·n:1h1l r
of r ;1•11l'l11! 1 .fo1· n~c Nn Sil ccused o be
»J1JH•l11L ii l•t11tl11 r>n IJ1·c ~ ml•cr .!6, tfl•I .


S u 1'11/111': ( il'rnfo1·s No.r Ill 1Jutl I J: T'rru

c T'R("P1rn.T



r11 IUU:(W, 1·1umt TC. JJU'f NOT 0

G<mc1·C1l Lier s




Rdr1r.,~1 Nru.


"lli l6. ]


OR ,"l:N l~ D l:!:C ll MUhH 9, 11941

tl. 76
g1•m1r;d 1i !•11, 1· i11 hen•h)' J;'. lrtllte1l l 1 1t•11·ing 1111y 1r;1n 11 li pm which is Pf'Ohih i1 l hy ttw rclrr
~ v1 el y l1~ rN'\1>{111 Ill~ th·t.i f.r1(:i t1rnl i'\ in ol'v1• · prr;pcr ly Jn whid1 T li <lil ;llld 1 <11" any 11a1ion1tl l\wr of.. haLs
at r11 1y timt· 11ri~1r 1Cl r ci:e mb er 9. l ~N1' bul nut () 11 (J I' .> i11~c Dc~ ct• Jl1ber 9, 1941, had Hy i11klt t.
Thl f\ g fl ' rn.1 ll t;l'nl'i e sl 1Al1 nd he dcr.mcrl to R11thori r• nn y tran$actlon, if(!) st1th t1"nn ~1H:'tlo11 is
by, or C111 lwhn1f d. or p1mnmn1 fo the dhect ion r;f Thailnnd , or any nnt icmnl th ereof, or (ii} much
transa Hori invot ves properly in wh ich T110ilm1<'1 . or any natfo 1rnl +h 1· of, hi at any time on or
sine J cemb('r 9, 1!)41, had nny interest.

!Issued Dcc1:1nber 9, 1941 .J

J'AP! :Nl¢Sl~ ~A'J'J< NAt'.p U~QAGitl:l IN PJlO'D~J(,!1'1 Tq~ MARl~E'l'l.).'JG C'JI
IJL1'H.\,· l)tr"t N ~ F 'lf001D tN U~l'r' .b 'S'l'A'l"~i,

Gtm irQl Lic1om.-, No. 7'7
( I, /\ !~en ·r~ j lk:t'oM $ her~•)11y ~\r'ftntrci lken h1g 11~" pe1·sci1t ol~f~!L "l;'d, pnt~r Lb ' lltlc1)l'blllr 7,
l 41, h~ 111 j1ro1·l1 1~dlun 1 1nn·1kl• tl rtg nt' dL 1rih\1~ lc1n uf foc11\ 1•rr.ld11 ·i ' \. 01h~ tfo· c1in li11 111t nl Un t ,(!




St 1sand1 iiio( aM~\ rt:ltmuUf J1lpa11to 11cing11\ 1\ lj 1 l~nn . n 1li n !!' <,rcHi·u1r!I~· inr1dlmt11lt thl!li1t1r11111~~
(l.l1t111 • 1 ( their 1 1\~· i1w:« ur r1ro<111d~1~~· 111.\\ I c11r ~ ur. di trlhqil1tg f 11 !I ' JIJiln the ~~l 11ti 11 r1ttl·\
Uolt1d States, l'rm.11d1·d, hen '1'1a.1\\u t t111 w11~n1l l1r. ·11 <~ ~h11ll 11ot tt1tllH)'riZ<'l
a) n1iy tru11. ncti 11 which mul~( 11c t hi:i t•IT<:~ lod' tho111tl11<."<'11 <' H!,11\C l pet• on we'l'e not
a r111lional of n11y IJl odq:cl couniry,
( b t 1'nl poym 11t a, Ha11 sf r11 or wlthdr 1wal from bloclml nccrJ1Jtnit,~ of 1li1y sud, prr on
1lu1'ln~'f imy <1!11 • w1~c·l< i11 <:lee 11. o·f then •om~ we kly puymen frc1m snoh acto1~1~t dqrlng th10
~!p , Clr
l!I! ~l~Of!1h '3:1Vrlr>~l 1!.m'l11 dlr\ l,el;)' vr~redlnj~' th.C rhi.C p_f l1il'l Jl
( · n ny trr.m il tl()h by or 011 h s1f o·r '11p11ti<lm11s ~~ Jnprt n1whh iVr.:11~ ttM 11r.t11 udly Ncmw.~d
111.1tioim l11 1J111d<'l" Clc!1ricI'<d Li ens· N,o, (I j1tl<Jli Hu , c(!lrnib r 'J, 1941.

(i Any pcj•!lp n <:n@uvlng 11\1 bu Hlncss p1i'rs11~"tt\Jt to thi!l g n nil Hce1iso '~1111111C1t til'llfl!ll r« lt1 a1~y
trnn a. tir 11 ptHn11lnl tn th1 A ~fen •ral II j?mw wHr h1 <llrf'<'tly ~11· h1<lirc tly, s uh s l1rnti~lly th1nint$hes
or lrn1 c>d l11 thl' n, l'\r.t c>f. 11ch pt~ r 11<111 '\1 h hh1 1hc· 1•11h tln 1'11 til 111lt ·1'l 8tn l c:~ c;t· nt l1 t1r1~·lt1c- prl'judi·
ci lly nfTe .t s the: r1111111 cinl Jllli< ltfon nf 11 t h pet ~ Prl ilth l111\k cc111t tlt·11((1\ fol·i e<l Sll\tM.
(J) Any bank eofl'(-cli111r 1u1y payment, hnnsl<' .or withdniwul pur suant t1 this ~emral llcen e
shn11 tliH( lt~<M tha.t 1111cl' Jill u u111, t r(lfl~f ···· or wi1hdrnw111 Js lJch>g m11dc tur1, 111m~ to th . 1"1'111!1
and t•rinrl11wns of th lR i~ c 11 Nnl liccn i;(·,
(4 ) Wh<·re m~y b11 ck ·rl <1N· o1 1n t. in a li anl<; is <ll'l~ !teil 111 c ce s of $5 rier rn1cn1ar lill'lnl'h
pur mrnl tu this cnernl lil'<"ll ,e, . 1~d1 1ank ~hr1l1 fdo wit h thci aprH1~1Hin ·te Fodt·rn ~ Res ·r\le Hanle
n r(·p 11·t for 11rh c11,lcnd:1.r 111011tl1 se lling £ r'th 11.h r d ~a ll s f the 't't1t-n t1\c11l ti/a in urb ~· co unt
durin g t11e '1alo11dt11· ul C1)111l1.


~tid U~i:iti~nl1 r

H, ll>4'L .~tit Pr~u Rpl1•(.l.1~ N<J, ~9.)

TR, N AC'l'I) s INVOLVING PROPlmTY INT fmm; r s OF HO N . RO G, R N'l
N/\TJ NA J~ "1' H.RRUCJJ1, PRJC>~ TO JJU'l' N ·r ON (JR $INC. n c "MDil!R 5, 1941

Ge:r:wrnl Ucun c N~. 7U
A genera lke111w I!! herr 1 y gran1ocl HceP Ing any tru11 . nctlon which l!I 1>r11hih·i1cd hy the (" rrt r
.olt'l}' by r' a 1n n( the fMt( 11.1t l~ inv<~l,·e pm1~e r ly h1' hich Jl crnr, T 0111{, or 1111y nMion l lh '' 0£1
In at l.l«~Y time priM to lJ c rnl er 25, H>q·1, lntt not 011 or i1'1r · L'> ·comb it 25, J 41, lirtd any ii1lere"t.

This R n ra1 licC'n sc shnll nnL b<! dertmert 'loc authoriite r11w ~runs11~·1lo11, H (I) !'~1ch lrtui~ci ction iJI
by, ot on bch :.i lf r)f, en· pm· ·11n.i1t j l) 1111.' r1ircl·tlrm o f Jlo11 1:" J .ohg, t 1· 1:111)' nn1.ion11i tl~ er o{, or (ii) ti'1~ch
tt11mtL1:1rn11 hwol'Vl1, lin 11wrl y ir~ which Hon g Kong, or any na1ivr1u l th ·re: f, l1 ns al any tim 011 or
si ''' V eccni)J •r 25, J 941, h11d :111 y In l c· r ·st.
I hm~d Dci::e111h r 2(1, 1941. Sr,, P/'cu l?dva.u o. 25.1
l'AYMllN , ()F .llEC' ' s
1\11.? P'J\C.)M /IC "OUNT

n DR All'TS J 'RAW OR lSS Jtr> pr 1. 'RT JAN \. RY I,
OF P1ULJl'l'1NE ISL NDS A D T n mn N 1' lONAl,S

Lfoem1e No. 79

Ag 11e1·ii') li m111~ i . l;ior hy 1p·1rnted t\tilh ri~lng b1rnki1w. l1. tit11ti1,11.1 wlthla l11c 1J11itrd SL~te
to p.:iymcn1:s fron, bl or.:kecl ltccoun ~.l'io f1{ the l'b ilippin. h lnlld , or any natlonnl th<:tf'lo f, Qf
ched c and draft dra w n o r i med prjor lo Jntiuury 11 1942 anr1 ic1 nc pt a nd 1~ ay and Mtiit 1'o ~n 1 ch
ao ou n~ ll <l rn.fls tlrrt\;'/ f\ 1~rlot to janu,,ry 1, 19-.12, imrti!'r I ~ter., IDf cr ecl it ; JIN:ividuL that acli bn11king
in tit utlon ma kin~ any 1 nyrmmt or dd}it ~u1 l ('lrizt-i! h~ ·(his 1~~11 •pil lfoe:n c shall fH 1worn 1~ ly witl1
the appropriate l•cdet'al I{ crv • Hank w el ·ly rt•pr;n . h win!!' 1he dct.nit q[ ii!UCh trc 11s11ctlor111.
Thi s licen i;;e hall •x.pire nt the cl ose of bttsine s 011 P'ebruary 1, 19-1·2.
(.Issued J1mun1-y 5, 1942. Srr Prrs.r !frlrn~r Nl'J. <1-1


l-1 M1L l'.11 UN ' Cl 'IZ~:NS n ~P IN ~ ( '.NVl ~N '.NffBP $TA'J'i,:" OJ~ JN a ~ .l~A l..LY
. U E.NSl.t'P 'if~AP Ailtilli!\,..-dJENlll~'' ).,.. r~ t CKWHtP N~T.l ONiALS

Gtm ral I:iccn e :No, UO
(l) A ge1u~(al 11 L 1H:1i1"eby g ant ed .\I ei1sh~tr , 1.1s :1i;'t' r.1<lrfdl~ Uc ntietl ~1ailcm 11l i~'.fl)' hicHvldu11t
who l. a d th:c1~1 of th~ Comm ci1~W· 1Hh <:i( tl1e Phi'lll'11;lne f ~l 11,\!1 i n \~'iJil~ mJJ,y h' the Unltt1t1.
Stnt s nr In the g~1r1e1111,lly ifo nR,od tr,~cl 1u·e-~. \Ii d. fine11J ln, ener~d l ..!c !1 $i'l Nc.i. 3$.
(2) :Re11otlJI 011 J'l'onn lFJl-300 nr- ndt .reqnired to be <ifod with rc11pect to 'll1e rropet·ty inter~ ta
<1·f .irn:y 1 u cU 1vlcl 11 ~1l s

I h~ullc1


1i rn11r:d hc~~el11 a11 gNi rnll y Hrrn ecl nr1tl onul .
Ill, 1942, Sro Preu l~elr1111 ,No, Z6.]

'R.TArN () .frF lC'.ES
,rn OIF PHll.1I'1?JNl~ NAl' lONAL E.ANK A.1\tD

NltW YORK Olfl'o'J


X,,tCE:t'la~P N ATI,ON M~S

General Lioense No~ 81
Ag nerr~ I Ile n. o \s h rc\Jy granted llh n lni;:- 'ti gi:ncrall y li e ·nsed n nt l0~111\ 11:
(n) 'tho N w York onke f the r:>hit lppi ne Ni\tlo,ml 'ij•1r1k; rm<1

(b) The oOk ~wit hi n the United S lnt 11 nnd 1he g nerally licensed t;r11d area, as d efined
in r<i1Hlni, I L·.loen e No. 53, rl( the ~ lo11g J<r1r1g lll1U Shan '"hl.11 Banki ng Ot'poratio'll,

Jm1m1ry 5, 1942, See

l'/'l.'11 J~alrQsl1

Nri. '1c'.I.)

G(~V1t1l'N M1lNT F OMM iNWft/11'....'f':L~ ·()lt l~llll, l l"l'1NT~ 1SL NDS, l) wr'l ll) $TA1'ES
>MMI S~lQNR'R, ANU ClIR'fA l N 'l'H . 1 ·s - .c; NJtRAU.Y. UCl,tNST~D NA'l'~ONAl. $


G·eneral J,iccma No. 82

or th e c n'ltllOtl Wfi'U i th o.r t'ht! I'hlll,ppiu~ I 1at11111, the.: nlted S lnt.e. 'HIG'h
'!he Phlllpph10 L lnnd,· , <.Lnll all 1'>fficers or the lJnlt d l!l Gov l'llUI C'llt within
th e Philippine Jsln1HI , nr hcrelJy llccm ~ d a!! li censed nn tlnnal ; ~nd a l1 !} nc>ml to t1 e
e:i<t nt. t hnl they nr M·tlng for n11d on b half of the (ore oi ng ur hereby licen sed as {l't' \1fJru11y
He 11 (ld nirLinnaL . The term "g-enernll Ile ·n ·d 1ta1ional" ai;; Hl tu1l d to gov rpmenit { lhe
C(\Jm,m t'tWtli111h of Lile J1 hJl ippl11 c T !ltn(L \'Hd l 0 1 11.11 !hnt rm<" h t{ov11rnn1e11 t mny be rc{.ln.rd du
nCJ l ~ bl ockccl cot1Htry,
though ,th e Philippl11 Jii w
Th . ~

N f•rnmcM

ornmi1H1 lo11er Lo

I fssut1d


Jnnu~· ry

5. 1942,


.c11eral Liccn c


Sre Pn1,t RrftcU u No . 6


)lJl ' ON. FROM Srt URlTIES JH!: t~ mrn



o. 63 n Amtmclod

A g-tn<:r. 1 llcc n&e i IH!rchr grauH1d a ut h ori ;r.j ng th delacllml'nt of coup ms ftom ' cnril 1es of
th e ty p!' r •f •r rcd to in cn<'ral I'11ling- No. 10, the pr ·~e 11La tit>11 of sucli coupon for collc lw11, 111~d
the p rfonnntH" · of . uch otli t:r ac ts and <!l'J'f•cting f s uch n1hcr Lran!l11c tio11. as mn~· be 11cc1.1 sRari1;Y
11ch coll c1irm, 1~ 0 Lwith$l:.mclfr1g !h e fact that 'l r us ury l r•1iji.1r1 111 ent Jlorrn TFEL-2
i11~:i u mt t
11loy n ol lrnv<l he n prc:-vicm1:1ly att ached to thl~ S1!c111rili · from wl ich u h cot1po1~s ;Jre detach ci.\.

ThJa 1J1:1wral \iCl'!l.e shall not he d e111ed to uuthori7.e any trnn ,,o.ction 1J1·ohlbilcd by i·c11 Qn of

a11y pro'V1b1icin (or rnling or regulation th •rcu1t11der) of thii rd cr other th n Ge•ncrnl Ruli ng No. Hil.
This litcn • hall expire at the c10.1ic. of busi1le.,.s cm Fc:brtt!\ry 15, 1942.

f lssucd

J an uary 141 1942: amended January 30, l 4?..]


PUJU ,JC Cl'.llCUt..AiRS'
l.l 'l l ~n UNblt J" E:XH U'r l V IC J~p n~ N . ~EW1 .l'H.IL 10, 1c.10, AS AMl~ N , gn, ANJ
' S.#1! '1ll ~S
' l' l ll ~ l ~ l ~' l. O , h: El;ATI G 'J'( ·~' 1 1
1<11. GlJ l.A'l 'lUNS ISSU ED l' HS I;\
~N ~;


l'h. IG

l•c 11lc:cl 011 or ib

GI,~ ,

E'f '•


Puhllr Circul su; o. 1 t18 A1 ndcd
l ' fc.i 1c· 11cc I ~ nu1uie !u ~c1? tic •JJ l , ().4n
. 1111 !1


th • R o ~~Ll lLU<m


!~ ORM


p.110 lcH11gtl1 al r r1~ tl 0 1~

I onu Tl'? J<"390

rct .111ly l4, l 4J ,

Tl1 llm ~Htld11 which , uch rt' ports on Fnrw TFH ••~OO sl11dl h · fi led i, h ·rel>y
OctcJh r 1, 1941.

11 suc:cl JLdy ' 1!>41 : 1.1 111c•11acd

Atl0'\l~l 1(1,

llP41 : s~~· 111!J~r


ttmdel.I tp

1941. Srr Prc1,1 !Mrrii I Na.J, I . Jl'I OHr/ 1~.)

IN .IJIRAF'l'S OR T UHR OHiDERS FOR 'l'J\ YM1rn1· NOt 'l' (J ~n P:IU!S&N'.t;ill:D,
A CC fU'TK'D ! H r JD l!:X fW J:1URSUANT '. 0 l ~J, ,1rns.11:

ll>ub1ic Circulur No. 2
'l'h folk1wing nr • r ·p1 1cs which th e Trri1 ury Dcpn1·t111t•.11l hn. ni rult' to lnqt1irl1•11:
( 1) I r~fi., ' r ot l1tr orckr. fo r pay111ent 1l1"awri utHJ r Irr 1roc11 l11 l .tl •ril uf t' l't<"itt i11s11et,l ,j,,1
f~, or or on bch 1l f of all)! bl uck d ccrnn try or nal4om1l ' hc·n•of may n ot h im,1 c;nted, ni:c pt cl QJ'
pn11l cxcl.'p t p111" L11mt t.o !km e.

(a) J 1·idt s or nllic·r <.mlcr. f 1r 1my111rnt, in w hi ch tiny lJl e>ck cd ·ountry N 1111ttio 11nl Lh t·r<iul
ha11 <1 11 or sitH·e th e ·fr • ti v • d~1t () ( t !.1e ) nl er l ;:1cl uny lnic•rf.'~ t. drawn 1111cl er any irr ·vo1.'!1hh·
credit mny not Ii pr se n1ed, :iccC'ptc d nr puld cx ~t'J' l pursul1nt to 11\ n, c,
(3) J ncttni nlnry clrnft in which 1111y ulc>ckc•d rnuntry or nr tfrmal thereof hD :t nn or Inc ·
th cffrocli c1 1l11t of tho Order ha<l any i1~tcr c. 1 may n41t u p ·c~1 c 1 1tccl, a eptcd or pt.1,i11 cxc pt
p1.1rsua11 t to license.




en ral L1 ·en. c No. l do

not nuthor!z a1~y • tt ch r)ayme nt into hlo ked

llC',t'OUf)I S.

I l~Autd August l, 194q
1'1Vlt C)p O:N 7fROL Oii VESS EL IJN 01LVlli'.IJ AND E'REJ! A YM 1llN',r

Public Circular No. 3
Lk •11


Tr<"n ~ u.-



Dc~ partrne-nt ha

mad e t l11: fo llowing rcq1ly Lr inq1.1iric11 r •l11tlv

fo General

. 15, 53, nd 58 :

Tram.nct ioll 111n.y h ngag d In ptir unnt to the term aritl co ndi tions of UGh gen1:ra J
lie nbe , irr !!p ·cli •c nf th owner hip, on! ro l 01· donmicnta tlon of th e ve11 l un whi h 1 ic•
g oods, wa r !\ an ct 111c1•chanc1h,e ~ r shi pp rl, an ("! irr SJH't.:li\'e of whether or 110t frel!:ht cm 11 ch
r.:uoda, wan <111c1 mcrC'handi e ha been prepaid.

I Iuu d Au1J11s t 11, 1941.)


'r cular No. 4

[I RMn•d Augcis I , 1941. P11b1lc Cirrulur No. 4 la 11rlnted as n S<."Jlllrnle pamphlet and therefore is DGlt reproduced
ne1ei11. Sc ~ Prru Rtlrairo No. 10.]


Pu.Mi Ci11Nd1t No, 4A
I~11111.1~d ].'Uluary l , 1 94~. Pulill~ 'Clr e ul~r Nu. 4A lr t1rlnted

•i a •ev~ratp pu.mp111tt 1111d 1lu•relo1c iJ ll!'>'l

rept'.ttdtl t'CI

!llRCUSS l't'Y OJ<', ANb APt"J,. JC:A'tlONS T•'O.R, Sl•ll'.CT IC 1..f UN$13l$ Rte1. 'ri. '/ G 'l' O PAT}£N'l'S
./\ND JN"!ER.RS'l'S ·rmmmN. Jll;J. . fN . OP Rl'WC> ltT$ •ON li'ORM. T:f."J?·31()

Puhlio (1 oular No. 5
(1) l~ fmmce L ir 11!10 tQ G 11<mll l,.lc~HJll(l No. 7&., Att~J1!:lo1~ Is ~!Jr t:\ cl to the fact that tb h
g .rtcrnl Ile Ill e do~s 11 o l nuth odz any person w ho Is a na~ i nnl of any block cl ooulltry to file or
prose:cute appl ic:ntlo 1l~ for k·tters ·pute1il ill any for il{I ·vuut ry, t o r 'Q1ve lcHtT' pat ·n t g.r ant cd
ptwsuant to ucb fipH tl'(l11a, o·r lb pay 11ny £cw t rJ any for l!fn co untry lr'I r,01111:1e t 011 t11e r wlth .
This ue11erul lkc11Ml QOl,1 llot au1hnrl z th pny ttirnt 1( f~IUl to 1Htort1~y r rCJJll' s•nl~dlve, ln the
Unit ·tl talc· . or Jn r('l r<•ii.:-11 C'UUJ11l'l s fur ' ervlcus t'(llll'lcl'<~tl In OOll li('C ( i~m ' Ith rlf\Y lflLOll' 1Jtio11
111nt.hodzcll by tll' h !;J't;11cr11 i li e 11 . u 11nd d1 c. 11o t. ~rn t,11orl z ' ·t hl' ·fff:cti11~ t r ecri 1·f!i11b!' <1 [ tllly nai igo~
Ill 111, g'Tt'lt'll, Clll.Ul'llJH'fmr , er otim;1 (If!\ JicenStl, ni )il'(' \ltlOU Of 111lY lljft'ClC')rH. flt (11' 71.rln.ogettH:t•t Of,
u1ndar Qr wllh rc"p ct to a11)1 pnrt.u1H 1 ~1~1~H11:111lc111t11er11~ot, 1i •c1\ s~: th ercn udt·l' <iir h1t ·rest •the rd n,
in iwhfoh an y l>leclcod coirntry dr MY r111 l ll;)t1td th rcof., 1J t~ 011 it• $.lucti th effl'cHvc d·ntr of iExutt4·
ti e Order No. SJ , mi 11.11·1~uded, had any litter s ~.
(2) ApJ>licatloli, for p ci lk Hcl' .t1 ~c& relatlllfj tu }\\11teuts ancl hitur ~ti\ 1h~r in rr~ay bt1 mndti
1'o th e np1 roprinlo F' deral l escrve llnn~ l 111 ]ror.111 TJ<'H- 1. Stich 11ppl il'11tfon !:hot.l id contain lu
ad<.Htion lo oth er inform a1lon requil'cd tho follvwlug:


hcthcr 1111 t1pvllcntln n for l cllur pati;nL ha becm !1 1 d li1, cir l ct,Lers p ~e11i 1MJuet1 hy,
he nit d Stut Pnlcnt. Ofl1co 1£ such tippl lcn tlou or fott e1• putt:11t l] IJ1volved in,
ot lu im y manner a IT eel d Ly, Lhe tran. ac tion in qt1 ~tibn;

(b) If any SLtch npjllication is Qn nlc in the Unlted
it.her ·o·f shm.1 ld be a tt11d1 cl, l un<.1 mu de a p ,1't
II ti n. e, Jf l t· W~rs patent have br n Ii;, uei!I. by th o
there<) f shot1ld be r~tta <;!Hi d to the nppUcntion for

Stnh~s J'atent omc ·, a trtie copy
of th· 11ptillond@n for a. Tr ,aetn)'
nl·te<l Stale s Palc:nl )ffice, a, CQl!JY
a Tnmsttty ll ce.nse: and

(c) A lJde{ no nt11,cl111kaJ des · t lptlo n o·f the rrntur of the Inven tion or deslt,TJ.1 covered by
Sl1ch applicntiou or lette • Jltt lm t, indiratlni{ the use to which uch invention nia)'

be put.
( 3) AHent ion i ~lso d.l rcct r1 to th e fa(·t that th e R irutatlOl'll! 11 qt1 !re that l'rports on Form
T.FR-300 shall be .iled with r $pect to any patents, appli cati(i)ns ~he1 1 e for, a,ssigni:nenls thereof, or
licenses r 1nti1Jg there to, o r nn.y pre e nL, fulnrc, or d11 tingcnt l11 tctt~st s ' thcn•in, agreements pe.rtai-ning thel' to, ar)d any ·o ther contra(1ts :1fi'ccll1Jg or li~volving th e !Gm~gc1in g, such a th rlg1h,t to
receive royaltie.~, llc: ·nsiug atra.ngcni nt.111 and O('m tradl'I by w hich any lnformailon 111 l·he nature of
t echnical clnta or otherwi e is tnrn s111Jttd.I or ·xcl1, ng ·tJ, in wbk h cm •ith r or bi;it h Jttue 1, 194-0,
haisoand Jun e 14 , l.·11 , ny fo reig·n country or nr.i.t.ional tltcreof had a ny inLC rJ!.~ l f a11y na1ur
afo re·
cvcr, direct or in ·n~ct.
mentioned l1~1.ere t& 1s required a of Ju ~y 26, l 41. Attorney who hav e fo their pQs ess;fo n any
prov r ty in which .auy of the interest rcft:ri·ed to ahcwe exi ·ts, arc required to Ille a report thereof
on F'0rm TFR-3((1,

I It. ucd, eplember l , 1941. Sae .P11blic Circular No. 4.]



PubHo Cii•cular No. 6
(t) Arly llcen ea whfoh ri1a)' 1,e ,{t5titl4' p~rmitlint~ ~he\ r~cli:mp(lon CH' p1l rch ~ e f.or s.iokit'lg fLmd
.Ptlrpo es QIT oth r for 'bl~1cked 11.(;C:ounts (J'f hands, <l t!bcnltm':'s or hn1lar obllgll t,lort11 la ued
by gc ve1•om~~1t of blocked oun~ri s, ln~h1dl11g 1rnbdlvlsfon11, 01· by !l.r;~Mat lc,011 org1Ln~~e~
Uttdel' th e laws of ran)' bl oc1<:e<l co1m\ ry, will be so lirni cd ~ t.o allow stJH'h reddmptioo or pUl'chue
only of: liuch l!l\!ICUritle tc; wh fol1 Tre ~mry DC'parttn<int J1orm 'l'F.EL-2 has been previously atta.ched
or nffi ~ d by, or under the dire tlon o.f. the Tren11ury D pnrt{lle(lt.


(2) Application$ for tlm nttl'chmcnt C1f Form T:FltL-2 sho1,1lcl he lllet'l 1.m Form TF'tt-2A wltl1
th(I l1' r\aml Reaerve Ho nie 1fc~ r the d~"trl t or with th<! Gov~ri or o ~ High Cc11'nnal11 loper ~f the territory 01· po, se. l!l.lou of the United Sta tca in which tlte p >pllci111t re3ld or hMi hls prl·ncipl\1 offi(le or
a.gcn<~y . 9pl .11 1'1{ J~orm rn J ~·.2fti. m.ay be ~~bt'ained bo~i' l! ll)' sw.-: h ll'eM;Nl.1 l~ (ll!IC l"Ve Uamk or C'J-Ove1·•'\0r or hilgl; Coumnisslonor or fr 1l1 the Tt't1~ ury l)epartrnent, W11.!1hl11gt1(J~. D. C.

(3) Atuention ls •rill ed l.b the fu c:t 1bat: per •on~ ncqt1lrii1g u1y audu sect1tltj Ii on or a.Hc~r Sept mbf.',r .1 5, 1941, t·c1 whlch Form 1' F 1" L-2 h not 1wen attnched, are required fo F'orm 'irF' l~2A 1.o furni sh mn ch more ocimpl tc 111111 detuikcl informl\tl on oo.-i ming th e tins l own rsh~J of the ect1ti1ies
t.ha11 ls ·reqL1lrc<I ot p •r. cins ho hav owned s11t'li securities ccmtlnuou ly lnlc lJrivr to Scptembc\r
JS, t!J4l. Wh rea th e fo1·mct tn• rcqt lr<•d on Form TFE-2A to tra ce the ow~cr . hip 11f s~<; h secu ri•
tic thr< ugh Aprll B, 19..\Cl, l11 CJrJ1•r to n'btain the <1U11cltmcnt of Fo rm 'TFJCL.2, Votm Tl"E-2A
only reqtJiro. th t1 latter to ti·11cc th <l'W~t ·r hi1 of t1ch ' cutltle, fron1 t 1ie t) r$oh fre1m " hon1 th 'Y
hav e acCij 1lired then1 ..

(4) Any periu 11 ac;q1;1lrh11{ rmy i>Uch ec ud~les 'Linder a co11tract macle prior 1.() .'e1 ~ember l5,
1!)4 1 C'Vf.lll though deUvc-ry of t1 1e ~rnrlties n1ay hav'1 been eff ·1ctrc d on Sel~tembe r 1$, 194 2, or wlthlu
a r n11onr1b lo tlme tluirN1 f1'ter. nc ·rl trn ce wnt r•. 1dp on \y fr I'll th e person from wh om 'l he ectiri
we!~ acq1Jlred , tJrovkled th e ·~~r on.. 111 y Dcpnr,mt• nt ift rur(1i shed with !jf1'tldactory vitle11ce that ~'!;le
em lracL wns macle iu lh e normal cour~c of bmil11 ss through or with n darn tlc b~nk or broket· <lr


IJ, 1941. Su J"t-111


No. 11 .l

H!CM.l'l" ANC ES tO TND1VJDUAI.S l N' AN'Y 'PA:R1' l~ Ci;t l~A, EX CE i!'"£' 11~ANCl\IUR1A, UNDER
GE'NiitRA~. LI i?N'SES NOS. 32 A:ND .\13 TO 1
PA , AGRAPU ( l) (c) OF G'ft.N .. RAL LI CENSE )1:0 , 75

Public Circular No. 7
General Liccu s Nos. 32 and 33 sha11 not be d emed to authorize remittances to any 1ndivld1.1a1
in any part of China, except M ~n chu rla, unless , uch r mi ttn:nc s are effect ed hl th manner precribed in pa1'ag·ra ph '( l) (c) of G noral License No. 75, namely, by u ddm stir. bank payink tJ1e
dollar amount of the rc_mi~tance to a designated agent of the entral Batik of ' h~na (or th atcotrnt
of an appointed hank.
{ h1u~d

November 12, 190 .J


Public Circular

A'l:TON C:H'

J ;~PANltS 1R ~- TC



o. 8

All general license , specific lken· e• • and ai1thorization of whatsof: e ' clrnra.ct r wre hereby
revoked in so far as the aut'horize, directly or indirectly, imy t ransaction by, 011 beha lf of, or for
the 'bene6t o{, Japan, or any national ther of.
{lu11ed December 7, 1941. S11 Prm RtuHt No . 18. St1 Pttbllc Circular N o. 8A .)


~ H 'l'A lN

NII~AL l.l RNSJts, Wl·:llqt. wmm Rn'V'QK~l) DY


Pult1ie Ci:reular l\fo.
Alig 11
Wt•rt• revolwd



NO. ~.



all 41e • 1~ olh r tha·1~ lhoi>c 1i t cJ
by l 11ublic lrn1'a1• N . !l

lm rirr, l/l ('. l'c1>y r in t1d,1.-d it.o ti

t)!:tvn~ thnt 11\t:y,J J...i()ef\ e No, 56
Cc:ri i"11l 1 1 jct·,:n ~e No. 58
Gi:Mr ~ ~k 'O e ?illo. 59
GeJ11~ra1I Li oenA" ,N'o. 61()
Gener11 l License 'N,o. 6l
e:uerrii·l J1J CL\ Cl Nq , G3
, cnera~

J,,ffc 1·1 <" No. 65
.1encr111 Li 'll1ise N' o. 66
G n rn,l Llccn e No. 68
C~IH: rit l Lk~ rrne N' o, 69
"'e n era! l..Ac n 4 No, 7$


li 0 ATlO~

clt u

lU'IJ llU~S AND A TflOR lZATI (..>

s lU~ G


UfffAIN ow.1 ~ 'llQN~ 0 11

GOV'ltHN Ml~N'l' OF IJHN •!AR.KAN!) CtrnrA lN O'l;llSR O:UJ.JGORI'

J>ublic Ciroulal' No. 9
All f!!" l1 ral Iken ·· , p ·ci fic IJce nsc., and ll't1ll1orl:rntl ~n s u f wlrn lM<'.v<'r h;1mct<•r ar • hcrr. by
revoked in o fur afl the)' authc:irltc, dlrectl)' or incl ir ctJ y, nny of th · f(1llow l11 g with r sp<'c t t () any
hond, debe11t~1re or s.i m il1u.,0M lg11tkm, h1 r,lt.i1dinfJ' C\ll'l1 JH,1;11 (all t>if w hk h J1re h~rdr1ah t t~fcrret\ ,j:o •~
cwritie ) lu1Aed hy the Cove11nrnen t rif 1 c1rn,ark , @r '111y 1wliLlcnJ 11.ubdi i,J n, ng~n y ''~ insl1·11 ·
n 1tn ta lily there of :

(a) 1h e rem oval of uch ~l'curlti s from l !ticked a cotm t 11 o f 1 11nrm1rk,
within Denmark, or frQ111 a11y Genernl Ruling No, G a<~count; <Jr

Q" a~1y p


(l~~ th e prcf;lr.:nh1tlon, by or on b half qf or for the! h n<-fit ( Dc~rnHtrlt, or any pcrscin wl,~h(n
t>em1~ark, t any G~ueral .Ruling No. 6 acco1mt, of $uch scc u itJ s ft)r ~11y1ne11t or reclenwliion ;


( c) th · sale 01· oilier di po ltlon of 1=111ch ec nrilie. hy or 011 l) halt () f or fo r the b ncfi t of
•n •r11 l Jfoling N(). ti accc)unl,
Denmark, or any person wi thJn Denmark, cir an..

P·1·(rl1idrd, t ha t thi s Publi Cirrnli:1r lrnll not t • rJ~t·rn d to preve nt th • rnrnpktion on r 1r pririr tn
l ecerubcY 27, 194-J , of purthast•f! imd si1l of t11Jcl1 s(~ 11titfo , (othe r U1nn de1ar:hed i:owpi()u ) whil'h
24, i941.
wct"e m11rle pur lUltH to the rn•<lJcrr <m or h fore Det'li 1~ 1
lh ued D ccmber 24, 1941 . Sr~ l'-rrs.t R /1•rm No. ZJ.]



rvo A1'1 N ANt;I

MO~ Wl AT~'< N OF 'ElllfA~N T.ICRN SI!.$ JNV 1..V1NQ ll OND
AN' GmrnRALL LICJr.N 1m TR.Um ARE,'\


Puhlic CkcuJar No. 10
U n 'ral Llccn111 No. $7 Is Jiurehy rev!'Jkec1.
i. t he oflic ·11 wit hl11 JI ong J ~ 'ing nnr1 ocri1p1cd hl11, of linnks n m 11 ln Sch 1111 lc A of Gcncriil
o·r the dute lwrrnf,
Liccn t~ N'o. SR, hull, . elf th Cli1te hr.:recif, eu11~ to h • 11ppoln ted hrmk , nn1~l .
. uch ofYi e . ha.JI also •<' l lo I · gen 1' lly lie n ('iii nution~d witldn the 111eunh1g of G 1rnrnl
Llct•nse Noii. 59, 60, or 6~, l\lld IJ"1Cb genf·ru111ceni.c a r ·to such extent lmn:hy re'10ltcd ;
J. Gll11e1 I Licrnlie NQ. 13 js b ~reby 11111 ·~1 1 1 d l-n the k1l)Qwir1t,f 1• •II ¢ot :
(1l) Th· w1 rd ''1 fong l(()ng'' i cli•k ted from tt1Jd11:l lun (u of pr1n1gruph (1) lhurt'of 1nncl
(b) Tile vcird " 11 · ug Kung'' nncl J t·n,111i( nr de! ·t d frt Ill 1111htllvi.Jm1 i1) .(If (~Af'I~ ... ~lli&llh
(I) th ·reo(.
4, S11b.1 amrr.r11ph (11) ot par111p·11rpJ1 (.~) 9f 0cl'ICP{L1 Lic<Jl'l~f! :N,q. 54 fr• h~r«1 y f,\JtH,\nt1od i n the
fol1 ~Wi ng resp ct :
(1) A omhlt1lon i 111Htltul rd fo1• tho p1~ rlc1c1 a~ th rJf h em (x~ ther of; and
(2) 't110 roH wln r p11oviiso to ulJ o( the f:ll"O islon of su h:pnTllg'l'll•Ph (a) JI added at the 'lH'J

th •n:o £ ~

"l r 1 id d, li ow~y er, t1rnt tlH: t(:rm 'i;c11·r.ull;y 1Jccns t1 tra.rl.i o r~~· hulj 11 t in l~tl~ quy
torrltor)' wlilrh I ~ cn11trolleil or oc(;ttpl ·d l.>y th~ mllitury, 11101al or po ll ( re s o o tli~!I'
n11t11orhy rif Jnr~nn . 11· tmrt11y, or ftn1y , 01· alli !I th<'r of."

IT ~ucd T f,'C1·111li r 36, 19•11. ·rhi:- 1 ~x1 I twch l"ll<'ral llq'll. 1• Ulll1'11det'1 l>y I 11h11r lrru1111· No. 10, 1111 rlc:I forlh 111
th n 11ublkatio11, h1111 bctm n ·vlfll'cl to •Ive r.ff«ii I~ lhn •m1111 1111 no i l onli 111 1i'.Ul1llc lr('l!h1r (}. ltl. '111 Prn11
U ,,.,,,,,. fVµ, .!.~. I

JN 1'iO IU1{ T' l•R..JOO nm:~/\R J I NiG
F llH!fi.Zll~1 Q~ PlJ U.l.PP1N1U ~ f,i Jt'J.'$ ANJ;.> HltlJ>(,jJt'J',
~ AlU A:WIH'ifP·
S LJ ' J 1: ASSETS. H l£1V t:A'l'TON OF Gli NlrnA !. 1...ICglols1ih N~J~. ~J /\
~1.ILN 1' C F GlLNRlt I.• LI .. nNSJ:tS NOS. U AND 75



Puhli-0 ircula:r No. 11
11.en tlon L dJ1•cc1 •d to tl1e foc:l tl 1~JI pu·r Lwnt to Ex.ecutiv' (Jrd r N(l. 89 8, 1h •pr vision
( rf!er NcJ. R.38 , ns arnencl d. ho v lJ ·en <iutomaticnlly xt<'nded to tlrn Philippine•
1 ln11tl K1n th •. n1111· ·1(•11t 11 tl1!' p1•ovi io11 s of th(• rrkr npply lo :my "th r hlr>cl c<l co11n try.
(2) For ~ Ji· i >t1rim sr of 11d111i11ist rluy, the . rdn and r.<:1mpl)riJ1g wi1h tl'lt p1'ov ion11 tlwrerif,
tlit' l hilippi11 l. ltt11 Is hall l>e tl~r.o ~j to b • 11 for<Jitm t:lllQlry R 111n1t ly ~le ii,:ua t d Ju th Order
ard !1pecifii:i.. 11y 11atllcd in s · tic.111 .3 thrn of. 'J'hc ·ITe l 1v ~ <l at· 1( 1.hc: )Hkr 11. <LJ p1it-cl to th
'Philippin f!'lnnd s shtt.111 <ll' 111erl 1ci l1c.i J 111trnry 1, I' 4L, The deflnltiun (){ th.Q tc:P1olll 1j1at;\lou.i•1 it•
nppH d to 1h' I hllipJ. inc l1'1nrid shall h · th11t . {'lcciOrd in p11rograph E of soct Ion Sal t11e rd r.
(3) l JH)rt!I on 11'onn • l'l''.R - 300 sh;111 \JC' fik1l wl11 1 rt• pe(' t 1P il1 prnpcl"t;y imhjcd lo t11c jurl ·<liction nf th United State, in which the Phillppitw Llnnds or nny nation .I the~ ·of hai; Rny Interest .
D< 1.1o nc~'. rnloi;:- thi r r1i1irc.111l nt, ml lnfMm. ti n 1· "ardi n~ ·lhe d;1tt.ta a of which rcpCJr l.9 ,fe l o
be fil ed wi ll h the suJ,1~· .t ol a h 1tltre public lri..ulnr.
~4 Gcnrn11 Licens ·No. 1.3 is h rcby llmrnded hy the d.r:ll· tl 11 of th word M.ardl " from subdivi. aon (a of pn ragrnph ( l) th c'Of.
(5) G ·ncrnl Li 11f,(·~ NoR. 63 und ,s nre li er hy r evoked .
(6) Subdivision b) of parngrapb (6) rof Gc·n rn1l LiC"rn, 1 No. 75 i hereby mn .ndc rl t(J) rrad a ~
fo1 1 ws:
"(b) th<1 term 'ii ·ignated ag1·11t of the c11tral Dank f hina' J111ll m 11n tlw Bank nf
Chinn ,"
(7) Attention is illnctNI tri th• f:ict 1h ~1t n u ~Nt in the Unler, nnd r • ~u l rtt i( 1H1, lie n st'.~ and
oth r dornm nts i, t1l'tl tht·rr1111 df'r thi.: tf'l' m "t nitcd Sta tC'!l " does nnt 1nc lt1"1 · tlw Phili1>/ l1u•
hluml , nd do s 11ot inc·lwl . irny othe r lr.rritory cn11 trollrd or 1ccupied h y tl1c~ military, nnva, or
·pollce fore !'I or othrr authorlt of a ny hl nc k ·rl c·otm1ry
(8 All ge n ml Hren ; '", ·1 t ific llc<'n cs, and nnthoriratinn of IV hal. nc er harnrtr1· i. suerl
nitNI. lnt ] ligh om mi io n ·r to the
rel r 1u 1r bt>fnre Januars I, l 12 hy th
pu1· uant to th
PlrillJ pin T: lan<ls ar hPr by rr.\ohd .

or ExC'rn th,






11 sued j unui1ry S, 1041. The 1r.itt <•f e11ch 11e ncrat Ji ct11 , 11111endc1l !tr 1 uLlk ircular No. 11, ~ . $ I forth in this
publfoutlon, has ticer1 reviae<l 10 lflYC dlt·c1 1 he 11m1mdm1:n!R s ·t hmh in l'ublk lrc11lar No. 11 . Src l'rru Rcleou
No. 26.)


Publi«i Circnllll' .No. 12
S 111pp\·~ llH'! llt J; p.• 7 ,ju111utry l4,

l\~42, t() wn1e Pi 0 11L 11\ .d ).. ht C>f Cert ain mocked Natfo n l;l\~''
T,)ronml(.Mc!d pun; tntll to tl\\,c flr(:Jcl1u11 tlon n-f Jii.d) 17, 1941 ,' c<1h\nb1 !h\f1 o{ J)Q1•t1 !1M "iv1t\~jn
flo r thgnl, Spain. Sw< d~11. S~viti: ,11 ud ~nd Tt1ir.lc1:.:y1
Attcn:tloo I. dire ~eil 1,() l,he: fact tha~ the o JI ·r8(J)i\ S1 1\1!1 wdl aa all other p rso1•1s ,.,,ho e nuMs
1.1.pJ c1n r on ''Tht" l-'t'ocl" hitcd List CJ:f •rt& in l~ I c.I.( <1 N a1lo11n1 '', hutl LH1 tr nl d l'o1· all pttrpoa<!l!I
a!I th ugh th y er• 1\rdfonal. of Ge rtnnny r l'taly, Act:oJ'rlfoi;ly, Grti rn l l..k tJ11e, N~s. 49, SO,
52, and 70, <•latlng r s pc~ ciiv l:Y to Sw ·tl o Switzerhi.i1 ~. rmhi and 1:1 r1ugf.l.l, a wi:U a s 1~11 othrr
llcen s 11 which d not 11u~ h odz1~ trnn Uic:tlons by, on ~~ha lf of, oi• for the bcn fit of national of
1t!f'l\11;\fl'Y or ltal , lfo IH t 'll l~t,h:G>d~c tf'QIJ a tJon b')'1 on hi<ilta,1'f or, ~ f(lr tllc benefit of 'j)fl:r SOll l!I
~hos n l\tn(~ app1~ n1· 0 11 1mrh list. The h~rr • fact thnt t.llle 11.nme of c1 partk 11li.1r in1lhldua.l or
p11 c· rn l~ 1wt cont~im1d oH thl 11 Ii. 'I 11hn1l 11 Dt h1 co11,1111 1•t1cd to 1 cnt1 t!Hi't ll1H:lt ln<lhrldunl or conc<w11 ·ls n ~: o. nillfonnl of G nnrA1'Y •t 0Ct"1y · 1· tr1 111Hhorlzt1 tll'~U lltil~tl<ilt11~ In Which 1in1r iH!itlr,.lral of
~ 'Tl\llltlj' Of Italy 111ny ba'Vc 1tn in•te:rest.




[ lssued Jatma.1-,. 14. 1942,]


}4ENDM JtN'l' OJI' (Jl~NERAL 1,1 ENS~ NO .. J.IJ, 14, IS, ll>, 23 AND Z7
n'V DlII.ETrNG R.R1'AlN 11ll:l?0Tn'INO 1rn1QUIRE'M'RNTS

Puhlie CJreu:lar No. 13
General Lie n c Nos. t:~, .14, 15, i , :?.~. and 27 nre h\'lroby 11-nicn rl ecl by delc\lpg i.hci fi
part\gr;11ph c.1 f • ch 14cb ll'~n T'a\ lit~ ·11$e.
{lflRUdd A11tiary iO, 11142. The text 0£ eacli general llooo t1 referred fo h1 J~(jhllc Cirrml~r No, I ~.
1111)Jllcutlon1 hllfi !Jf'Ol t visctl lo i.:lvc efT cl t.o the ~1r1cndmCJ'lt~ Rl'l 11,rlh in 'J\tlilic lr~ule.r o. 13 ]



.et forth 111 th la



l' ll:LA'NNQ "J:'O CEK,L'AIN DOCUMEN 'l'S Pl'~1'A1NlNG





FORll lGN Jl't1NDS


;g... ,.;I£X, ltCU'l'l1(~ ORDRR .N • 8.189 1 AS AMln:NDED 1
RJ:l:ot,11.,.ATl()NS AP1PJ OV Ell JVNR 14, 941

J1.rn~ J,4, 1941
foa. " No. l
In view of t h< unli1nH cl natl pnul c111eri: n y 1kcl red 1v 1hc l'r 31knt , h · h ~11 tocfoy is ur.d nn
Ex cutiv ( rd r fre11zh1g h111Jhrcll 1 ~e1 y ill} ( 01•n1an nd 1 t1dl11n rtlUl t h ir1 the 11H1~d St!tt(m, .l\t the
u1 lime !he rrler l. o f1 1;<1z ~ th e ass t i0f '-! ll ln vndcd or o c11pied J!.urnpe11 11 <'tlt\ll lti s Mt J re ..
viou 11 frou•11 1 'rhos lm\udc Albunh1, A11 ~ tdn, Czecho lo'Vnl la, J a; r.HH1 Pnlantl , Tho \fr ez, .
ing <'(111lml will bf: clmh d te1 d Ii!' the 'J'r<1t~ •u·y D~1 purttilol1t ,
'fl w. c: tr1cn .1ir •g 1111 offt:, t ~ting 1111 li 11 ~1wial trlll1 nctlonr1 !11' h1t;h Ge.r1 1n t11~ m1d 1t11 lin11 rntl'rellt
nni 111,'olv ,cJ uhder 'tlt • ton lro,I o1 th~i 1'0 el'iU11 cnt, iM1d ih1(m 1'1 avy ctinil:t1(l1 11e11111Mfl tQrq>n p c11EUQf1H'iw: Order 11<1 d eslgiH ~1. limo g r1t1~r r thlt~~ $, to prevcwl'
11ms fllllln g to oon'iply there yi11).
nitcd State iri wriy111 h111·nil1JI to 11ath'.lnt11 dden e ~114 01 her
1h e ul, e of th e '0111rncln 1 r cll itl 'II of 1h
Au1 ·rknn inlcrcis ls, tn pr 'Hill the li ( jt1irlat io11 ln 1h U rdtcrl St:1tu1,1; uf l\SS e1 s lonterl IJ dt.ih!sll or
011q11 st, tlntl 1c1 <"t1rb uhver. i,vo activltles in fhe 11 itod Stat s.
W1th a ' '!c w to hi1J>'lm1111 n\ii1~ th tl control cif Gt r11111. u nml It111l1111 11 ei ·ts lri thi. critrntt:>' nnd it1
I w of th e int rrclat ion hill of ln1.en1(1 1lonal Dn andul trun . 11c1lonl', rhq I. uc111ive 01· ler h1li1 also
h ~ t n t• k11rlcd to tli 1•t- ma 11i1tg 01111tr l~ . of continl'$11a1 E t11·op . Ho\v v~r. it lR iMtnndcd th11 t
lh ·wugh th , 111etll u1n nl gencrrd llcmsrn 1.}rn frcerGlng oont1•ol will h Uf1·e<l -wlth ro.pect to JTlnla1H1,
Pm tt1g;il, Spain, :wccfon , ~w lt z<' l'ilind 11rifl the lfrt\ion o t Stivic t So ·lnU t R p1lhl!cl'l, <'Ondritlcnial
t1p1111 th e rocl'lt>t uf H<l cq1111ft n!l. tlnln C<!, fr 111 th ~t'>\•e rrllnent !i of 1111ch cr) no1 rlci~ 11\at ihe ire1\C'ral
l lc'!' Jl ~f!' will not h m1·1plo •c1 by t11e !n or 'lhelr '11nt'lo1111J 11 f c'> evude t1~tl 1~ urp tH1 11 of t'hl s Ordl!ri
1r11,ttllcrtn oro, 1ran1111rti0t 1tnc1er th e gerH'lrttl licenst>s wl11 be 1:111bjeet tn re11Cllrlh1g nnd cli,refttl



l>t:t' l'\iliry.

Fih1111llta n!ll!11111ly, with tht• 1 ~1111i1 ll o'f the Exec11tlve nlq~, it.he l e11irkn't npj)rov d reg1~la­
()f 1All for11ig-1H1\ n d pr op\"rty in tlu.1 U11ltecl St·1te11. Thb cen. u ~ wilJ ,tcliite
th • Utliterl State belongin -r to countri es ancl tm ~lr.l 11n.l11 !WJbj ct to (t<:er.iog
r:1>nlr!'J] hut to an other t<m11 tr irl\ n. wr1l l.
Uncl r pre lou s .xecn1i c r<lcrs fr eezing ctmtt·ol 1m s hre11 extend1~d to then 1ict ~ of Nbr~
wt1y, cnmnrk , t11f! Ncthe rln.nd A, n ·lglbm, 1lX("lll bM11'g, France, l .a tvin, Fstrin inl f 'uriHtn (l.l,, P.111·
,:rnrin , Llt hunnin , JT11ogri1.ry, Y t~~ro. 11n1la n. nd G (' ce.
ti on ~ , t l\ r~ rh g" n crntt~!.I
n t <inly t o pro perty Jn







R.eloase No. 2

ao. 1941

Th () 1'm.111ury Depn rfm('nt ha toduy ii. 1H·d gcnei't.ll l icc rrn~1s re lating 1.{~ S witzcr lancl nnd
Swt>d n 1rnd 1)i1tiontil~ o! ~u ch <:ounlrfo .
Th ' Sw dl ah gen("rR.1licenM11utl1orlzes trn11s11. ctl r1n,. by th e Go\•en1111c:ut 0£ Swede~1 or tl1
"entra l Hn1Jk th ereo f, provi ded 1ha l r1 ot her block c1 co untry cir nnti unlll th •r o{ lill lnt re tflc1 in
s u cl~ tran . nr: tion. Sti h g enel'<il llccil e a1so nnthorlzt' 1.rnn!mcllons by 110.tln111ll111 <Jf Swtdcn, pro ..

vided Iha n tc·present n.tlvc in New York "I y of the Swedi h J..ega.1io 1 d slgn1Hed foi· such purporby tl1 e Swcrlish Min is ter haA fitsl ce rtlfi cld In writing to the ctT •ct tlul.t 'the Gov rn111erit of Sweden
has detcnninN1 tlwt na ot ht'r blo ·ked coun h'y or rtntlona l th ereof i11 ltltrrcsiN1 h, uch tran saction .
l3anklt1g ilf1~Utu 1 tlon wi ll r c ·ly ut h cer tificatlons tHrcr tly from the Swed.ish rc;pres e it tive.
Th Swl 11 gen(~ ra1 licen, a11thorl1 · any trnnlilac1Ion by tl1 Govct1l111ent of :sw!t.zi-r1a.m1 or the
Cen1r;tl B ;mk of Switz .rlani1, ind w1ln f.r any trrin satt ln11 l>y the Government or th e Central Dank fot'
th nccoont of other natio11als llf wi z •tfand , pi-ol'i<lcd 1hat no ot.her 1.>lm.k()d ('.quntry or nntional
lh 'r e(I) ( is Interested In such 1.rnnsactio11.
Th e variations ·In ih e ge11ei:pl lie-en, es wcire draw n Ml aa to conform t,o dl .ffetcncc ln control of
·chahgr ln ti two countrie .
)fo1h Swcdet1 and Swihe tlan have giv<'n 11pproprlat as 1.1ran ces to t11is Government in con nect ion with th l~x r. ufrve O·rder and s11 h gc11erat Ileen ~s.


I..lCRNSlt NO. Sl

June 24, a9+1
Pret1$ Uelea No. 3
A v,enera1 lie "'f" unfll"1· 1.'he frr.e;ri n, con trol order as ill ut"Cl today with re sy~ect 'to tnJh saction s of the nion nf Sovi('l 'och1llst Jfopt1hlic nrid i t natlomll . The State D ep Hmeh reqi.1e ted,
and the 'T'renstuy

rpnrtment 111H! the l) ep11rtmen t of Jm1tke app1"ov .d, the i stmnce of the license


fcn·m1\I a
wiqtt1,Jill ru quirc:111 ,Ill <> f th
n.al1011 11 al ~Ut·c.I 1J~ 1 11 11 fr<· e~11lt:' <> dc•r.

\Yhl 'P ~~.,,., lie'1n n<.('1~11 ·s lNI

a r~14e


J~1HCJJl~1t n nc- ultl\\

•n ti~ 0~'1tl 11 11 .f11 1w 10111., \11( l' rt•!\ h ut
A~ 'lh1c tl111'" H1c fr :v.ln 01-<Je l1 •r.1ii1 <d,x t·e11 ttid
n111Hi111r1 (l(l 11l11t it. wn lr1tr:11clcl) ti f<rn~l the u.1e(\Om11ol 1~c1~·urul ll1: 1~Hos t rJ fadl\[1a t ~ trnn llt11;· tl<111i,11,r
vf S!H'l1 lice nM<' wa tr; lw cnndll\011ul 111'011 ih1•
C'l'ti 111l'1111rtric 1nd tl1uir nutlonnl . h . \tr111
lrn•ti\1111 (.!II~ (Jf st1d 1 tP\111'111011 'lhitl 11111 #-:(' ll't'ill,J li e< P ~ l'll
l'l'C<' ipl or fHleqm1,'j ' ti. ,, qrt.Lll C't' frl'l111 th
of lhi<: r1 (H'l.i111,1
mli Wll'Jltr l'61 M 1J1i'lt na 111~1J~fl lii tci .k1·11~I lhtl 1HJlrl I)
\\l!Jtd<I 1101 IJC •111p'luy.t1111, 11
ni•rkr, l {t~«·n cv1:11t r; c1ml't' . 11 Ln1_t tlH· Unici1 r.if. 1 iC!1 ' orla11 'l Rc1~111J11C'~1 h11v1: mud<" 11 h u 't11H'


t1i1 1 1~i



trnH R!IN ·~:r. 1ri<HJLA'rl




s A-·r ~ v:m .r n

1~ ~4.

1, RN . ~

rn11 11 ·1u11 rrc .cm


July \~~ 1r

L'l' •Lur . for~:f'!1.l't l 1 <1u to1hly e tlltn~ •1 ~"11lihl A.ud~ \4 t J(J, iD·I~. ,l hc Jl~~)
r 'J~DJ' ( f\ \lf !!H 11~11e1t.;n··~ ·II ~ jWQJ~Qrty ilJ ll1 • V 1ri~~ 1St~·\.q ·
Tl~~· pc11 sl1.ll w11 pi-1lm' ~1 h t 11c it• .1ctt1ry. ' ,lt'J1 th~ ;;i~ipirvl\l~~I cif 1.1~

.r!,l nlln


~h .' •l"l')11lli1S

Pt1('. 1~1 11L 1:111 Ju~1r 11
1mit.1·iN1 l>i>Wh~1n 'it 1.~ wlm t11~· ii;, u 101~·c' .! ill!l 11!:.x.11 ·1111 w-11' (.)iul~~r it' •.zi111-{ ti a ct. \if all tJ1(:
1:0111.i11p1it<1l ~it.1ro11p ~~-O>t t~n.·viQu. ly ill'o,zu11.,. Ai t~~\ jl1w1 th~ 1,1p1~11 . r. l~' 1lll w•irn (1J ·I ·n-11L1~: 1liktl

by ~11ly H.
Th·. ccrr.tnry ra l!rtl nttentlm1 t ~ 1he ta ·t 11111. \ht! 1~t~,1 '1 w ll 11 fal'-' ~Wl <>1JI, 'l " pr P\'I' y h1
1!1e Dolt l S.tnt{ I clonf(ing \Q 1•u11ntr11'1r. 11 <l Jl 1\i in. 1 . u1;~e,rt: tc k•'l'•:inK <icmtrol, bµt tc> .11 ritlar
r r~i',1 1 rl nationnls a w 11.
' r ll~~lr)• cd'fi .ln l t1aid th ul 11 now fi.m 1. fr1 r 1i1nrtb1g th ~ci1 1~ (Fupu TFKJUO i: li\·iJ ~
<lrll.w1111p 1 111 ~I ln(l l'l~ t1~11 that Ii ~viii! b IL"V\l.ilnhl ' f r di 1r\b1~tQQ 1 l11 .11l11 ul \< 1~ d11y . I ·1 1 fun\'I .
~uay h~ obtnlm·d frPlll nrty F elem! j, ('l'VC bF1t1k n~ cll aii r~' G>~I~ !Im Trou ur .IJCJ>i1rl11it·nit. ) 1th l
l ~u1'k al ,10 will he ,ll1 u ll~)1; i1tlo11 t. • hm~.i h 11<·,b fori 11s,
¢(• t1 ~' hnr r fo 1·1~ p\h rut s11id t1.1Alt "t ii$ .,p · It· ~ thf1l tl~h cxtqp~lrm lo\'1 1) 11,(f!lnl fll\'\J Jc OJ pp1'.
\l1~·1,i\y ,fQr 11,l l 1i<1r!-l\Jr\ i11,1d li1iJtJ.t,utlon: tn i·t•p111 I ~·!I frJt.clgr~~ow1~ d jJ;11<.1pr.rt.)11ill lli U1\itu I ~· t~11 ,


R• le" go No. 5


T1·ca . 11r

l ot111y lfls 11 •c1 fl ~C i \ rill lie

11 (lt11l(frr


r.1·C'f.Zl.l\{f Qn,k1· >d1ith11~

)uly 1l, ~94· 1
Spnfo un<.l

tltc•fr a~s \• t 1u ~Iii >1:~11,111\ry,
·1!1 · Spini 11 Ji[<' l'let"'1 l l\c;c n'>. uull~1rhr: 1111y t rnn . a ti<111 hy 1he Spnrdsh h'11ttdttt c ol F'imd1~11
l!x<·h1111gc, 111dncli11g- 11ny (rutl $!i l'tlon by 110 1~1 - tlUt1\<: for the UCt'(.1111\~ qf otht· r prntlomilii o{ Sp<1i11.
prnvi<lcd th .~t 110 "'tlrPr hi e c:!;rrl ounl 1 M 11all .m< I thPrf'nf i ~ l11tercgtc(I ill r. 1nl1 tr•111 act1u n.
'l't·c·n 11ry n Oci ul. 1mltl 1hiit f p:1i11 hnB ghre1 1 a 1~ proi~1iatr ?llStuanct •i1 1 ~) this G1 v1·; mncnt n111 sls t<:11L wllh th ~L·n ·· ra~ Hl'~Jl . e llnrl th ~mpo 'f">(J'f II .~ ~: t11lv(l .)l"(]l("r ( r .\11111· 14, "l11rh (')\ c11d1cl
fow r,:J.i1g • l1i1'0l In idl C'otmlrl of r.ont1nrn1a1 IL rnJpc.


~~rii1li; th~·t't "f ;~ntl

RrtF RltNCE- PHOCl', /\MATlO'.N ; OTtN'Hl~/\J., U

l tlillll

NO, .53

]uly 171 l 94 l
R.e1el1 e o. 6
A . ~ furthe ,, t<.p li1 ) ·w nI the 1H1li111Jt i·d 11ntipm1l ·nu~rgen<i ~' cfrch1rc·IJ lty the Prcside1,1 t, 1
f •I Ii t of p iT Ji Dll wh.ich w ill hc~
1111~ to(lay lfi,, ll d a l r<J<la11rnti(111 t1t1tl1 rrizlng t1 c J11'<J"Jl111i;tnl.io1
k11 vvn a/li ''Th e )1>rn<:l<limpc;J .1,..iE\t o! Certain nto c· cl Nntimials". Th<: 11 I 1 ill c:J(w!>L t o.l -~·1• l , 11J
pt·rson,,\l <1 CJllell tn 11 a ting r r Lhe b · 1wf1t f G!Tll\ll ny p1· Jtnly 1,)1' m 1tloualR t•f 11t ~ 1 bC cr1untrkl1, all•)
ot v;~l'i(Hl R ar!kl1· or 1m1h·ri11l i.. cli C11 ((I
per11un. 1 ' html the "xe)()rta.!i(~n , cl ire Uy or i11c,H1·oct lvJ
tot:>· d trlni ntaj Ill the; 1111 ' r · 'l of nii\lc nal dt:f n~e. J h · li s·~ will he pn·p·11·~·oJ h~1· th e S('lcrc tary 1ir
Sta1 <q1cth1g in c9 nJ.11,rnt'li l' wi lh th Spi:rctnry f h · Trer,miry, 111~ At 1 I'\) :y G 11eral 1 !lie S<:ercim y
(!If C9m111 r1·re, the Allmi 1~i .tr11t9r pf "iq o rt Cont;ol, ;11~c1 the ·oorcll11n lrJr of Comrn 1\ lal Qnd Cui
1u ta1 Helal'i o1H1 b .l'w(' en th . Amc•ri ·n11 Rrp11l•lic~ .
Sirn\llll.nneot1fi1lf vlth the i'1 . Un11t~e .if th j rG1ic ln matio11, a 1i1·oclaiiw•r1 \i H( w:.i · i ~s .1~d hy 1hr
<k ib;11at ·d oY •rnm1·11t c'1fiid• 1!'1 rnnlninlnr• 1 1c 11arncs of mor 11iati HlOO 1H:rson"' nnd limiuc ·s
i n s 11t~1t1 iQ'~ in th1·· r>th~r ;Am erican 1)rpuhli ·,. Thi ~ lis is lht• r<' uH o{ l(1J1g ri11d inU-11 . i•• r invc li ~:n·
1i<.1t1 ahd s1ml ies hy tlw intcre ~t 1~ w•v<.• rnni e n'l.~il al):e11cic11. T~1e Ji $l wilt hi:! 1rnblisl e~l hi he 'P\'<!\"J·al
l~cgi . lcr RrHl 1ny b · obtai1ml in pnmv11 1•t form fr 1111 ' HI inu "l ~<1 <~rnm cnl; 1 in~titutirnt t lH
F ckrn l J 'SN 't Jfa k . Frnm titn<• 1 n Lim<! th r~ l\'i l1 be adf'litl(Jns to and dr•lrtiron frr•m thC' fo:t
whirh will n1 .,o bt: ma<ll' puhl~ . The ].lrn~i<l e-n t ga 't w. rnlu~ hat an •on• r.c1 vini:r 11. a cl11ult for 11
per-$011 01'1 ht Ii twill ha ve hi . min1r nctdc·rl forthw ith to the Ji t.
1·r :d b 11 e Ej;p nrt
Th I~ twill have t\ pri nc ipal func1i~ns, In 1'1 . fir. t p](~ (~, 1w ankle
Omtn~) ,Art f July 2, 1 4(), may be- cx:p rt d o per$on named hi ~h 11~. t <;>tC<' pt u11d1·r pr~il\l uir·
<:re ·111ti<iJ1t It>,;[ f,<'.rt~. ny
cu \1 tan°' . S ondly. j ~r ~o• fl 11 the: list will I~<· t.rc~~l a ~lic111gh 11H)









c..r ltnly wl1hln th rn ni11g o'f ll:x cull c Ir Jer
l' 11. tlJ !)

frc~1zlng conlrc1.I wuK


extrut1 d tQ nil of th

~\89, llfil r1t11r11d<'(l , 1111d r w hlcl', 011 Jim·

cci ~nlrica nf th

on~ in e nt

of hit,ri>p


th ere f.
At th ti Ll1111! of t he I:. UWHJO of 'th e J>rocll\n:H1tlo111 It w11s n! 1:1 0 nrtncn!i c; d ll wi h1 atitdrjlnv, th 0
tJl1jrc tlv . rJf E~ccutl vc Ordc•t No. 8.1S.I, as ri,rn ·nc! (lti, ul l eff ort 11rc beir\I{ nwl~i 1() ir t1r.e th len . t
fHl .Me lnt ·rfor~· n c w lt11 k'11"it l111n1:e ln ttr ~J\m rk11 11 track Whh thnt 1111 iri vi ·W the Treu 1
n1-r 0.1 tm tit lwa Is. ucd a g ·1)1t:rttl 1Jce11t1c ii h rnspect. to intc,r-Arn dtM trfl,r!C 1rn n1mc:t on& n.ud 1 he
ft11m1d1d tr 1111t1ctlo11 l11c:l 1l ~n 11111 t her ct ri i nv olvir1g lH'rso ns in th c 11 her A hie ri(111n t6p111i'lirs wlw
111n;y be 1Ht1lonals of IL l! nrOJl!'ll•I ount ry de sl1;11utt'f hi lh r• rdcr . Thi, g·e 11c1•n l l'I t-11 () wl11 permit
11a tlci11111l~

tl«h <' l & B~ s o f trnn1mctln1111whh(')11t1h • tiere~~lt y of u11r1ly ·h•J( for specific Hcen II .
Th l,(llll!-'rul li rt:11 , ·,how v1·r, wl1111ot upply top ·r1n n 110 ,l r1ni;:• th eir 1111mr' fiJIP • r ?n t\I
procl1il111 d ht. ln ndrlhlo1t , c• i.nrl .r a1Hl '11npcirt ·ts In the U111t.<ld Stats n111y from tlrn 1o l1tn « lie
11d i i·d hy thei r bank nr othcrwJse (hat ilustru ctio11 h . c hacn issncd hy the Seer I.My of the
Tr n ury r cluld111r pcr.ifi Jl c:;emw npplicutio n ( 1• t rn<'lt trn11 sac tio ns in oh lt1/g c:er tai11 r ersonll 111
tho other Am ·rka r1 rqmLllcs wlrn nr 11nt nam don tht• r•ror.lninicd li st.
.J l'\1 rtl11nrnH'!l'l1; finnn cla.1 trun suctinn . hlch u.rc n ot In i1lc•t1t11l to 1il1t·n11ecl trnd t rn m1flclio 11 s nr ·
ilOt rr.ivcrecl 'hy the ~ran ml II ·e118c, Wi th 'l'C' ~P ·ct to rnch p1m:1y fionn 11lrd ti·Msu. ' tlor1 , app11 t1~ rltHl~
l-!flt' Cifi c li e ·n cs wil l have tri e 11htainm1 rern th e TrN11111ry 1 ·pa rti11 •11l.
T iw procl1tl111 ·d li st ' ill alRo i.t·rv · n n g-uld(· tn U11 ltr<1 Slii.tcs firm s In tl1c s I \. t)Qn f n,g ·nt 11
11 11d n:pre 1ie11tutlv !11 ·th · C1tl1 ·r Anwri c. n r•tpuhlics.
lULr11r.R,1£N F..-mrncu l VR OH.JrnR N<. 8.189, /IS A MlCND IW ;
~rnG I,A'rI J s .i\l.'l'H vm JIJL'( 4, 1!141

Jul ~ 2 >, 1 41.
J11 view of the 1,1 nl·i111l1t:d 11 . 1io1111l c m •rg-ency d ·clctrctl 1.iy 111 c ]'rn. l,~r nt , h lrns to<l11y bsuc·d rm
nilctl Stat . i11 th e ame 1m1omr in w hic.l.1 ar;~c 1 11
Ex c111iv<1 ( rdcr fr eezin g )11rm11c. <1 aA&it'l!'I in th
of vttdou.111 Iiwc•p nn couniri 1•11 w ·r . frozen 01•1 J1rne 14, 1941. T hill 111 ·11511r , in (•f(Qr t , hdn,gs 11 11

Pres R cleuo No. 7

liJ nncll\l a.11t1 h1p(Jfl n1~~l 11orl tr11do tt· ~n 11rt11) n ~ ln wbi h J1111:111c1>e l11rro11·~ nrc inv l ovc~l 111111 ·r
tl c control of th ': f1o 01•rn111•q1 and lr1 l>ose11 cri111111i~l perwltJ Ii fn1• violati on of ilic 0.rdor. ·~h is
ExC' 11ti vci . ril<"1',, juNl. ~ !l, •111 · C>r1 kr o .,U'JHl ~4 , 1941, 11> d£ 1 s l~·nr.d 11mc'nf{ other th lrii; tc pr ·v ~1 1 the
IA c of tho fuwne11i1 frm hiles of 'lh · l 111~ ·d S late and l'l' nClo l1 tw ccn Jupi:in n1HI the UnlleQ !; tnl<.·s,
iu w11.yii ha rr1.1ful to 11atilJ nal tkf n c a11cl Atn<·ri nn int ·re ts. lo prcv<·n t th l i q~iltl tion in th e
t1n11cd Stale o{ asscls obtuine·d IJy duress or conqur . t, nr1u to cu dJ s11lll't· rs lvc net ivhic& 111 tir e

Unil<·d Sta\ei..

lliang Kn.l . l1t· k nnd for t11 e purpris' of h ~pi n f th e
t th s pc lfi<· rc·qm t cJf Gc11 ra li s im
hln N1c Govn11111c1r1, t\1c l'r ident ltu s, Ill ~h · am c lim { e.dc11 cl cd th r. frcczi nl: c1;mtr111 lo Cli jnr • l•tJ the U n1trd S111lc '. The aclmini tra tion t i( thr ic n. lng 11ystC'rn will rcllp cc1 tu lii nc c
ns ·ts will b r~ cri11 d11 c·t <:1l wi th 11 view lo 11 tr ngthrning lhC' foreig n trn (lc tuHl r ·cl11111i.:- • pos ition of
tlw Cliine c G<1H: 1'11m r111. The indti- iou of 1:hinn i11 the 1:.:xC'rntf e On1er, iii accor<lance wi th th r
wi l1C•s 1 f th e hi11 •s Gove rnm t nt, is a co11t inu11ti(Jn 11( th is , v<'rnmcnl's p1 ir·y of :1ssli; tin " Chi11a.
l~EFJmENC)i-- GENli:H AJ .

1•.1. ENS II NO, SJ

Au g 1u t6, 1941
Tlte Trr~ n ury Depnrtm wt tod ay amended Cellrrn l License No. 53, grewtl y <'xp rnllug its ·cope

Pi:css l{•l a e

o. 8

of r1pcr11tio11.
\ h 11 fir t isi;ued on J11 l 17, 1941 , the liccn "dealt •ill\ int r-AmcdcaJ1 trad tran. t.1(1tion Rand
1tl 1l' fi rumci11l tramm el ion l1mrlm1a I t11erclo, involving per 11 11 ~ i n th -0lhcr Ameri m rep14l>llcs whn
w ·ro nn tionah o•f any nf1h cco untrlc who as rt ha\• . b en frozen . Th · a men<lcd g 11eral lfr rn h·
a c1wcis imilar prl'V ilc ~e to hi <'k1 rl Mliona1s within nr1 area desi i;nated as the "general ly 11ccnst•d
trnde 11r :a.''
T it "J{1·11er:11ly 1iccn e<I trnilt> art!n," as dt·f.rn ·d, induck
( 1) tlw Amcric;.n l'puh lk11;
(2 •th e Hri'li~ h 0111m 1 nwMlth of N, i11ns:
(.3 the ninn r,f Sc1vlet nr inlt t Hopu hlks;
(4 the NC'llrnrhinrl lfa~ t fod ie ;
(5 ·the N th crlnnd Wrst Tndi . ;
(6) the B<"lgian nng-o and Huanda -U ruud i;
(7 Grc(!nlnnd; aud
(8 lcC" lancl .
As in 1h ri11 of i1 pr <I C'r sor, th arncnrl ·rl gene ral lie n e will 111ot Apply tn prr. tin ~o lonrr
:i•, their m1111 • app ar 011 ''Tlte Pr cfaim«.>d Li I o f rt11in Ill<•i ked Natinnal ••and Ill not iippl 10
finMH:in l tran sttdicin not incidt:ntal to licensf."d tr11 le tran act ion .




- 0 N U\l, l.I " , $i(r., il>l l 7U

f'niwa Rele._$e No. 9

A11gt1st../12. l!iMl

"l'l1 '.1'11,;a 11ry l;)epur~loeh L l1c1s l !il~ tl u 11 en<.'rnl li c;;epae u1•1<l r ·~h e fr . r.~1111~· ord ,,i 1•cfail11g to
l artugcil l!11rl rul'tlnnul. th'~·N· ri f 1~~~d Uidr it i\c l hi tbl, ~·o tui l ry,
Th J101 lt1g1.1 e e go11e1•1•i 1foe 11 ~ aut1ntirl&c!I lra11 raq lfon L1,11 t·b~ ' 1 ernmc11~ o( l'prllll{ I or 'IH1
Ctmtp.1l Jli1nk tla enioi, pr< {ir~ ' d th t iti other Ji lv~k<:<l c111 11tc ,.r 11 itl 11111 tl11.i: re<1f is lu\crc tcd 111
11u ch 1rm1 ·1l(JnS1. Sud1 i;~n\~t:nl Ucei111 uls ;itdliorlz . tm,u1 adfo1~1 by patlounl of 1?o ·r t ug1.ll,p~1.·
l the (:entrul
H~cd; '.he l'llltr J lfonl of Po~t ug11 l ha fh I. ct·rHOt:d l11 w,ritlw; Ip the effect
13 111< has tlett•rniln '1 tllut no Qth r btocki.~ ci 1rnt~y Ol' Ile tlonnJ ·t11 ,~1·eoI I b1t1·rN1to,1l In I.lei
~rt111 a tlo11 .
Tr as11ry of!iolal • id U~a t: l''o:r ~ugn l hu gh•e1 n '\n·1111rluL , 1 11r1.111 ii to tlih1 ;t1v(·rn111 11.I im ,
J t .l 'l t Wlih th gtt l IJTOl Jkt1U C t\lld the lJOr Oil ' (If t t.I frc: Z.l ~l{f ordt•t'.



IUl:l• ~JtltNCJ.~..... lt ~GllJJ... ' l'lCJN

A N ia y:rno JUNI~ 1,4, W41 J OEN1~ Al .. 1-t'IG .N. J.C. NO S.
a' 'LW l..1 . C1 n ur.. J:tS NiCJS. 1 ANJ> .,


MIU 6111

Au1,:-'1 1 18, 1941
.R.< leaee No. 10
.opi e of Fu1Ill 'JT lt-300 1 UC 1~i-c d r1~r thu ·m ll h u( 1111 for ·ig w11vm t d pn11)(·1•(y 1>lJhjt1t:t tu
th jur1:1dktlon or th Unli«d Sl:1t1·i:. a r lwi11i: forw11rcl •11 ln fht• I• :dr·nll Ru ;(' t Vll Hanks iltlQ will
be avail, 1.ile for cli: tr'illtttlon h , th m lr1th e pt1hllr •, ii l1in the 11~·x t' f •w d;iys. 'J Id c •11.,11 l helni,:
lfik n 1111 ·1rnot t th · rt• et1t (1 •1·~. ii1 1 HI •rs aml \ ii\ flt 111 h 11\ • nl D~ i rt.m11m lit~ ll fiiv c aud a t•urut.c
fJictu rc f nll for tlH1H..1W ned 11r11porty in lli ~1 Uu iLL•t.I S.lul".
B. nn u111u1H.1111rnt. l o J "1lilk 1rt ~1l a 1• blc. I 111t1 thno fio r fillnff such 1 ·1wrtm h11H 11 an ·ttmd d
to lH~r
}tor111T Jr'Jt.JCJ1111.1'1 h1•(·f'I pr<op11r•ci1 n.ft""'' exl.e11 Mlv · sl11dy hy th· 'J 1 ~t•111111 1·y fo 1:rJ~i . 11l1nLk1il w(l,h
5tnt l l l)rl Jtt slb\ rn·1 111!11~ 1tu t. s 1111d 1;rlht.1r I V(!t'l'ltll(' llt <l!Jt!' fl ()l('. In l\(lrHtf1n, (inft't1 l'ICC huvt
ln•c11 h •.111 with r<•pn~ ; MHt1liv<1.:1:1 1~( hn11 ,I ~!! , h 1 1.1 I n111p 1t.i 11 1 HnL1brt1ktr~, 1Jf ~ hlpJ >ini,;, ail l't µd, a111d
ln ~ ura11rc· orp(llratlonH , 11 nd rif l111 ~itrt1 ll and Ji rDft~HR in11a1 i;irc'llP ,
d'l JWOJl rt., sul>J ·c t: i!J lhe jur~sdlctlo u of t11t• lJnlt<.'d $blt C1$,
](l~ f\Ol'I. urc rt'tJllln•d concc 1·11i11!' L
1 hich !. fr>tc:lg•1H.JWtWrl or in vv hic h n 11Ad icmnl uf a for l g~1 .cl t1 11try haa 1.1 11 lt1ler11 t, r<'gal" lc ~a of
w ... r t1 .h Jjro11cr ly bcl Jlf.l'S w a for eign 011.ntry ur fL1rc:ig n ml1 1011n l who11c n . rt. havl! ht\' il
lro:i:en t111cl er ~ K(• c11L1v · r<.1 •1· Ne;. 8.~$9, The crn. u will r 1.'a l lh l' nmm1 nt n£ pr•t1prrty in 'thi.
<·011ntr,y ow1wd hy ci1h~ cm. of Ili c J ritl h g inplr e anc'J Latln A111 r/r[! n \v II tu tlirlt wn I by
J1.1 r>· n !~ e. Gur101m, J ~ll ia n, rm d Cj1h r E 1Hopc1111 and J\sintic lu1 dr .. t'. . 'the "<'trnu. 'ii i! f11rni sh
lhe mot cotnplcto lnf nriat !on ever 0hltdncd yvit11 r •spect to for ·igh-owu •ti pro1 ert>" in this
l:<'.lll n1ty.
F fill l~i<"J,{ - 300 is 1. .lug issue<! in nine "crle. ;u~aptc1! for '\ ·llit)' ln te1 oJ·tiing 11rciperl)r l.1y
partlct1Ja1· J(h111pll iwd (; IM1 tis f per ot~s 11 .qLti'l'crl to mnke "tr port. It ha.r,; 1hn 1 ho<·n I rJ lbl<:' to
fJi'Cl''klo ac.1 1 p l' HfJ n o l1 l i1~t1 tl to r .po rt wlth 11 f (J rtl1 1' 11 lt<:1l fM Id s pm·po.. · 1. 1'11lil lc O rcnla1• Nu.
4, n ow al s( being- dl i;tr il1uted, co nttdn. gc1H•ml in,9trnctio11s co\'ering Forn TFl ~ -300 n. a wbolu
and 1pecillc h1. trn t ion . a. 'lo th<' 11 • uf c11cli l'rio · o( Form TF 1<-300. Dc·t11 ilf:tl fo.ll.r'uctii>ll .
t.ltc1· fc ri·. ha e nut been prlnLc!d 011 any FCrics 1.1! th· [orm ,
A rep< rt cm Fm m TFR~ 30(J lllll l be fi led by eve ry pe1·i,;cm in th e LJ'ullcd S lal c c0111.:crnin1.r
all /iroper ty i> ub j ct to th e jura di ·ti cJ11 of tit Uni ted Stia l s ;md held l>y li irn or ln h $ ·u to<ly, cc111', or 1~atio11fd
tf10, or v sess ion 111 whl ·h 01 1 eiithe r ]11111: l, 19,lO, or Jtt.n c 14, 1941, u for<1lg o o uulA
tht:reo f ba,d :111)' Int r11et:. Hcpt1lrt r<·g·ar<linu s11 11 pnp •fly rhusl 1 .flied. hy {orei#:'n na.ti()nalri
h are fa1 th h> cc.i uot,r . Every lcirn'I 1 f pror1 rty int<:r ·t n[ <l unti1?11rn l i r •11'tk d lo be 1epl'.J.rl d,
h1chul'ng, m11 ong uther lhi11gs, debts owed by a11 ynne tc•1 <L nati onal <Jf a foreign t outi try and all
C<llltmcls with fl 11alirma l o[ I forcig'(l (l,OlllO lry . " orp 01·~ t and C1thc:r orga n i;mli o 11s nr1· rt~ c~Uir'cd
to rl"p<JU atl slrnrl' S o [ stoc k, bnnrl H, or <1tbcr . l."curit1es 1 s~, 1.1 ,rl hy Llw111 Mn d I) 11 c 1 by n ational ~ of
ln th'.s cotJntry whr:i know o f JJ110 )) rt.y 1!1 the
a fmeign coun try. Ev c•ry n1~e nt 1 r repl'c entati
U nited .' tat m; hcl011gfo1~ to u fordg11 11atkqa l for wh1:1111 he i ac~ t in~ m11 st re(H?l'I mch property.
J 11 th e ca e of h lne; c or .J apnne sc pmperty, TC' \Jni t. arci rc<iuired with rr:i,q ('C l t·n pr1,pc1·t , in the
nile d .~ Lat e. 0 11 July 26, 1941 , <1s "c·ll a cm t 1c I'~ earlictr cl 1c ..
N1J report s a re r<.·quiro<I rer,a rd ing th . property of foreif.n 11otin11als wh() ar . "'gc11 rail>"
lice n.• d nati onal" u111ic'r General Liten o;<• o. 42 or ;t11 crnl .lrc u c No. 6R Th<J · gen ml
lie 11,, c~ relate to fcii-eign nati nrtl s clnmiciJcod and re . itfr nt in li ds coun lry co11t in1.1ou, l '1ince Jun e
17, 1 0 or in . e earlier d- tti'l with T'<'.~anl 1 th • nAt ifmals cA N rvr.<ay, 1Jf'mnark. H lg·i m 1 Jlollan ill and Luxembou rf.:. Nor aie ri:pr>rt. rcq11ired to be f1h•d if the lotnl l'Hlt o( ull prnµtr ty of
any f reign natiomi l whir.:h u.11y one !Hi.I' on would ollicr i c be rcqgii1· ti \ rc,p n t wa. J(I. s thin



r1f ·~1.d• tk) t)s \. b~11l't)ft1 , JHli ou, trn cl
111J'.11·Jr s. aotiyr~u1' , .£ra 1.1 c:hLN1 int1rrt1 t11 in ~·an1u·r 11 h1p ii1r1 1' 1m1nt -s hurlt1r: i 1t1· <:<•j'l'i1:1'1 l !l,,~1r f1r o1~ t'ty
'llrn 1~h4 ,;! hlch c 11uo r !Hlll, b u d~·Ltirrnined.
·1JI am1 v r 11J~<: . 1101 r1 to 11,t (:the1 1 • •r r rm t t' q~1ln d tc,111mke
~rh . Feder" I He (I r v~ ~· uttlt
n.11cp rt. t1 1~d wl1at sed<la uf hirni 'I' 1< -~(JO 11 l1011ld 1.Jc us d,
Ptdl1J1· or any l'.'ltl'il01l tri ftJ • J cpo1' l .ri;,q11in c1 ( r Jdil\ wm ul.ljec1 laln1 lo rl'imi1~1\I ]H.:11 lticll.

~t,OQCI, exc ipt lh11~ 1 1.lii f!l eJ1<rrr1 pilt'.'f1,1{lo:~1ltt a l'l''h' ~(ll l l lfl.'5~

lll~ll~I£JU:tN Iii~-· l'llllJ,.lC

Pte11w l{ol.{l1uui No. U

ClHCUt.A.n N



S• ptomb ·r !3, 1941
.As n filrthcr k p to p1· • vf~ llt tht>sttl · in th co1111try of !1ctt1.rl ticA w.l dd1 h vo b cu looted
nbroa·d, tine T r ·1u. ,1.ry totln n1111otH1c .tl thnl 1wr~o 1rn hoh.lh {; hl<Jcl t•tl fo1•ci1~ 11 h rnd" i; l·w~dd mak •
r• c lliuik ~ 111.ivc 11 ol ·MM u or tllit:a( · !\ It c:hCld t.i:.
~p pli ,. tiuu lu tli npproJarin t.c Ft1derill H
\~<l b 1'<~1: 1!tl1 t·iti~. '.L'h1 wi ll nl .u .111cve11 t th clc·pl •rio11 c1f ld uc k t1 dollar b11.lancr fi1 th~·41lgh fltWlPIJll
t riu11111c:t' pus ~l'I b) qclm l ftir('j~"l1 bu·1Hls 1,111!1 !ltrv c: .to ~l1fl'. Y ~1ut. th ~ (lither ol: jcct{v-e. 9{ 1h.o h'tlllZlt l.j:'.'

urd~f' !I,

l-ler(lnfter n ll~1 ri OM I s1~cd \111~e r ~h e ' rn ·~ing < rderti wllt Hrnlt (lie r ·d 111ptiLJ n, et\l. 1 of
bon<l 1df'l..a•n ti1 11 ~1r sl udlu{ uh li ratfo 11i; I$~ .<l L ihc .goycrnmc·11'l of any l.111'\1 I tc1 c itH1tr cir by
cQrpL1rnt1 11$ c,irg )~l11.ed 1~11clel' ii 1~w · f uch couintry t i:.c•q uiltit1, b arl11i,r ft \!lcar11t c certWc&ile
<.111 'l'n:astHy l. mn TF'. ltL-i.!.
lat ed that l 011;1 flu h"ld •r ·~11 sud1 scc tuit (l.'~1 iii nco tidor t<) S '?~ember 15,
T he T 11eas tr
~94 1 sho11 ltl x1ie1·J nee llltl cllf 1cq hy ln cluarit1r; lhr.h· sccmillus, Por:0n a qlilirin~ 1:1 urh s du d~
tics 0 11 or 11fter St! j>le111b 1~ r 15, JC·tl whic h do not lJc11H a · l()~rnwc:c ccrt lf1c111tt· 111 y ·>l,{.>MI tic<? d nl<l c:rabl t;llfl c111t 111 olit.1ti1lit1g th ll o ttnola~n •Ill of SlH'h fortll ~'11tl wi ll lie a. od lti tr11 c thci c1wri11rshlp
<.1 f . Heh ~e 11rJU ~imc. April :8, .1,9 0. 'J<t, w s f., rnJ>l1r.1 ~JJ1 1:1'l tli 11L wh lo 11.1 o 1qer ti Httcla ~~·c ud ti~\
sln c prior t,o S 1: pttw·1 l~cr a, l9H 1ic;111ld co n~i l'ltl~ t Gl hol d t.I 0 ,1,curHi.t!J after Sl\id l <lilt wi'lh()tlL prcj111d ic111g tbc1ir 1 han ct11\ of olital11h1g th 11 c.•ce. l'l!'Y clt•iit•unn:, ilr~ PO <i.C11ukiu r lltl .J1 $11CurJ,,.
Lie· 011Cir11 fler Sept 111her J 5, 1941 l'lh<Ju ld make ccr tah, ilH1l Form Tl<'J!.L-2 '!tad >c1c•11 at l ftc11cd pr'ioJ·
tci p1nd11L e.
1 reviou s r <~gulationfl ls. ucd hy tht nc~pnrtrne11t hnv llh <"1ttly irnpc1:.cll 1'0. trl 11011 .~ 11pon 1;he
JJl111Jo ri aticm of c urlt ks as we ll 11 011 d1·i.iliat:Mill. ccurl1i ,s lwld uliro, <l r11· L m1l'i~~g ft.i<'i1r11 t11n11l11.
Dcfaih flllga1 din~~ tli 11cw re ltd tarn •nt uppt•1u• 1!1 Treasnry l pa-.tme!.lt J' ubllc · irt~ulnr No,
6 issuodl to ny u11t:J ' I' t h~ fre m 1!::' ord1~ rs.


. - lUlGULAT.l ONS AP'.li'ROV!In

J NE 14, 1941; P.UfH.lC ' IRCUJ,AR NO. 1

ScJ tcmber 18, 1941
PrcH 'R.eloaae l~o. 12
'l'h • 'l'~u ~uiry Dcl'n·rtq1cn t l(ltlay 1:1n riout1 cd that, iri t•e · pbn ~e to 111m1y n .g u-0 ·t11, it has !:Klen ded
uu't' l 0 t ber 3 1, l •41, th time fot· fil ing th •11&11 11 rcpo1·ta f or ·lt,:-ii .. own cl J.i>r<Dll~l"ly 0 11 l!'orrn

TFH.-300. T he CC li. Ull aB nlcrctl uy 11.h~ Secn1tary 11f th . Tr a!\Ll l'y, wi tli 1h ,!ll)p1ovul of the
rrc idcnt ' on J unc J 4, l941, sin1 ultan ·ously wi tl1 Lht 1sf>t1RllC~ of th Ex ccutl ve Oz1( Ct frc ziug l:he

a11sets of ia ll eountd sin conlh~rnta l 'E urope ll<'Jl pr· iou ly blo Ii •<l.
T 1•ea ury offidals 1oday rq;ai11 rnplrn lzcd 1.hal 11111kr 111 Orclor r.m d th e R 1;t.11'L tio11. of June
14, 1941, n •101't11 on Forn1 Tl•H - 0 nro reC'p1iru<l to b · tilc1d with rt!SJ et to tdl forel gn -•ow11 d pro1>·
r1 y in the '(Jn~fo<l .'ta lc and n L m rely wi1 1 111'..JH'. t t0 tile 11overt o( blf' ·k •d a1,1 ntt;ic and
nationals th ei·eot
Form T11! -300 was 1nade a'•ailablc at 1tl l Fci<kr I H.escrvu Hanl< s 11nd 11t th· Trca 11ry :Oep~11·t­
fl1 ·111 clmirir; tb e fast week l11 A11g llllt. Sine that t IUH', rt la rut~ n·ttmh r of qt1 ·1:lt ions h ·v l ecn
,received 1 y t he l etHlr·tmcnt ahc1 l y t11c Fed111·11.l Ffos(.'1'\'e Hi111 k· in r ·'cl to ''nrian.111 n sp.~cts o f
the repo11t.
ew York rN'C• ntly p11lJJi~l11:d rt. i.<~rl s or <'J1Ull' Io ns nnd
The Fc1l'e~gn l!xclumge .ornmittte rd
:rnswers pn.rtl-ularl 1·cladni; to banks, which it hau prq111rC'd alt1· r (JllSll lt <Jllon wi th 1IH~Treasu ry.
O ther grou . lta c lik ewi. pr '1SN1t1:d inqt irk vhid1 nr.: b.: ia 1 L1•n. idt11:c!.1t i believed 1.hat by
th,i. oop ration between the Trea: ury al1(1 per ons u1Jhgc<l 10 report, l;oth th o 11cc11ra y of th !!
rcpoi·ts and the conv ,11i .nc .of l>(·rso n reportiu x will be l'N.llllolttd,
Th Tr ai;ury f cl that tl1e r ·-pc11~ se to th · ce:ns1111 n •11cJt'1 h;is lJ, 11 grniifying up t.c:i the pre ent
lime trncl believe 1hat the.· el!1c1u,lon vi'llc ano 1111 c.1 ·cl tvtb y wlll facili tai the s11bm}. sfo 1 of com·
ii)etc and ucc1uat' IJ'eport •. aud ins.ur ampl O)' JWrlun ily fnr tile <:<mskkrati n of a.11 qucBii ns
and prohlems.



J~r,~111~ Jlel~n•JI

No. lS

(rem .ral
~r1'\' Ctn111cu 1 tlicf 1 rei11n11ty JDepnrtmeht to1htJY
At 11rn r q111• . t (If 1(1l1 "" ld11v
11\\c:n 111 1 ~·<i~ alb:inrc ~; \j{' s~11·1 1·1~ 1of ct11 1.n~n Chh e vufl 1 1~·r hlj) ~ u11dur 1~11e k l!~ill!'l t·clcr .
'J her new ~r~ 1wrnl lict!1111c fo.w , the ·11 cou t1t el f IL hU'lJ!~ n1~1111lwr o " hi~Jei:-.e p 1'.i~iU!r1:1h1i'
•11gu1,. <l IH 111~*111 ) • '·)thin 11te 11m1 lhll'.1llt 11 Lhiltr.d SLt1W , puttlc ul. rly 011 th w 11t Qll ~. The
11 id for 1.hl1:1 g1.'llernl lirt~ lt. c, rtiew 1wl11clpully J1c1q1 Llio ftH'l tl1ut ''sl1t·ut I :\r t her~'' nr• quhe cu11 ~

hip and \ lll",Y. frCq tH!'JJ t]y OnC (If 1110tl~ tof \hi' ~I IJt: 11t p01' 111C'r 11 \VO\i]d
b I rcr.iclrn l ('1f C hl1 1(1, lllll !\ 11bJt•cti11g 1h -:- ' hole p HI nor . hip l'o rm :;:h1g CfJflll'C I.
Th• 'l ,· <n~qry , t11.1r.d that the 111• 1·~ f.l't·m+a1 lie' 1tJH' 11h..o t't•.1 1 t•. 'll.1c111 ff(·cf d l art11 :1·~hl~ . lrtnn
1he {,lbllJ.rl1tltn 1 c.l llliiir~ ccn s 11 rcpt1rls 0 1i J1\i11m TFR-.100 with r 111pL: .t t.o l11clr l ''11~~ 1rty.
llJllUll')' JI~ (..hi_r)(! ( fllLtl\1 t

T~J •I l~ lm.N n:.~ C~li:N$)~AJ,.. l.I.Cltl~'

J.'i.fl .Noa. ~2

'N1 JJ

0 ·tc>h¢l'23 1 1941
N<». 1~
T11c 'f'rN~lit'lry r (.' fJ(U'il\H'ilt t:o~tiy 1·on1< f111·Lhc; S't'r <.111g- ,l'rl{'l.IN\:11' '$ to )1l'tlVC:11t tilt' .i\x·l frorn t1('.f\.ll Z.lnr, freu c1oll11r or 0 1ho1• vidui1hl1: fcirclg-11 011rr I cw~ th 1•D11ti:h r('111ll1l1n pc. t<» A ·Is t•Qn tn.i'll ell tU" ·11 ..
Undrt· t <ln '11 111<·11<fo1 111 (o Ormtt\I tkc nll Nt1. .12 rt~ rni 'll nnc:c•i. t 11·1~r11(111 11'1 the A:>: ls toqn 1.~ . '!1 =111d in Axis <ml·t•u lll ·d c~it ntrie, ca11111>l he m11dc1if . 11 ch rt·mittnnt·~~~ t1tul1~· f~er do11ar rir v:d1il ~
rdi1 forc•ig11 <·tmt: ncy 11val1abl ', to the A is. uch 1·e1nl1.1 nncea tw.i stl tl p ·nnit\ <I lf only blo ·kcd
dollar rc:1111Jt frnrn tl1 • lnrn , 11c t1Crn.
1 Thd polic-)' lrn11 not 11s ct l~a(· t~ fully applied with r<'. pt'c:t to rc.rnilltL I} e 1·1 Am rlcun cith.cns
in lh e" rozcn" c•o1111trl 1~. J~t'n1dttin1~ '' $to 111eh 111c•rloa n!l muy cof){l nu e ul s~n11tially r.ui·at fJr ent

l•J.'leilJs llole~ e

<> . •'13.
C'1~ . r
The ' 'rMi~111· Jjicpr(1'tmcn1 a l !i(~ iwliriatccl thnl 1.li1~ 11a111 • s tric-t J~Oll y wn11lrl be 1r(Jtlowed in
dmlling wM ll Hpplio!ltln1\fol fo r· ~pcrlal llt'!'1 1s , :It W!l.l> :fn1•ll wr lndlcu t(lc.l tlml ;1Jiu1m 1t s 111acle 11v1tll·
r.1 h1 to : \l1H' i·icr1 11 c:liit. · n~ iti A:icur; (•<inmlt'le. 1 a.11cl A1<1i11 crJ•t·ll1101l d 0011tMr lllf\ 1111 let ~ 11 ¢du! lie n · ii

11nd r .rcncri .1 U

111ay l ie d rn tk11ll y 1·111 t1!11l'1.L

Hlil~,J.UqtN t L'l'.~

f,t NHJ~AJ:~

r..;11 ltNSit Ni • ?

P 'EISfil R lease .No. lS

Octub ·r H, tp4 I

ti. 9 i li\11 cl
Tli 'il~ rottijl1t·y D<'purtm nt 11y u111w,1.111~ d th • 11rncwln11·1 1 ~ <•( ' cpernl Lkt 11 R~
LllldL'r Ilic fr cz inK CJl'cfor and 11:lt1 lln g' t lh purr.ho . ' and Ille nf !>ll)lllO<lity r11t1.1rt1 (1111 'rflCt {o r
ll1t• acc<11111ti; nf l1lnct.. . d 11ullonu la. T lw n111cndcd lir 11 fi 1: pcriTlit. l1·a111H1ctio11R onl y for 1ht' plllrof rnveri11g short p JSitlon s or llq1.1iclalli1g l ng posit I< n t11h11 pr icH to .Jct(lhcr 25, 1'41 .

JU~ Jnrn Jrnc.Et--GRNl!l


)S, 58 1\?'J D 7~

Nove tn1J<1r J2, !!M l
Prt~ll ,lfofoft e No. li6
~a •No. SS 1elnt.o·
T he Sc rcL11 ry o{ th· 'J'rea u'l'y
tn lo t.r11dc uetween th!! Uniteu 8 tiites anffl :11lnn under the fq~1·zi111-r C<!>nl1 0J ancl the J· 11an e I
a uuw • n<iNtl llc:t11 . c crnv1~1'it1g r •ndlltU1t<" tn Chm·.
ndcr t o da y'~ am<·t~d~n ·11t tc' Gc11H'rn l Uc ns · No. Sc tra.11 brt.wee n lhc llm~l'ed State11 and
. ; 11111 ;1 ~ Ill he <'h•nrr!d thr1J1J h th :ti~bilirntlon l.l!1a~ I of ~ hfoa or it a·11thorJ.z d Hg-ents . U. S.
11.horitJc h~\V(l J• l'Cn l ll ,'l lrt.H~'lOd bd(tl"(' ' I , ring ~ hip111< llt.. t.n t'(.i'(!Uire f>TCIOf that thtiS COO•
II tfJIU S (il,U
11orn Ch1tHL to ·tllc lfoltt! j Stllte. will
cli~i111 has .b 1.•11 • 1if1fwd. T h <lolllu·$ accn1~ng from c J>C1rt
he 11111dc a\'ailuhl , t.o ' hina , anrl ·th e Nationa l Geivc·rnn1 .r1l of ' bina will l>e a ided in cont~ Hing
im11Prt .
Th fot~ig 11 x h 11gc pr.i ition o~ 'hin~ will 1\liiO li>t' . trc;11 g thc11ed 'Vy the new General License
No. 75 covcri•lg renil ·t<111cea lo ' hhrn, Prir s!ll~\llt. to this Ileen c rcr11 itia11ccs h1 14ny arriou11t are
pC't1n1ittc:tl In lln y I mt or China, 11,'C'l:pt Man churii1, ns JonF' a. the Unitecl States c.lu11nr <.iri . ihlf
from s11 h 1· c11iitin1l~(" itn 1111td availnhle tr~ the St11bilir.n11 11 l~on n.1 of ' h inn upc~n it s clexnann.
Dl'1tl~1rs In Cl1b11·se bl nrlm! nccn11nts a s we ll :rn unblocked d o ll~rs miiy bo employed In 1tt· kh1g
i, uch t<:mittancc "
nde·r General Li c11sc o. 75 nny dornc·sllc bank in th e nited ta( cµ. n a.coept orders for
r mi'llanc "1 lei China. Su •h rcmittnnccs (ll'C then etlectcd liy 11 clomrs11c bank pavi11g the <'lol1ar
<'nfl'al .Oi\rik of . - liinn for' the accollllt of
a11101111t of th • remlllan(' ton de. ignn1<.·1l 11i;Cn t of th
l'tn "n p1•<Ji 1•1t ~d bank." TheRe dolln1·s wi ll in t11t·11 he m11de fH'<ti-laMe to th' Stab1Jii~atfot1 ]1 arl'I of
.hhrn up< 11 11 mm1d n~ain. t d livery of 111 t"<.jll ival nt amr1unt of .hine. 1111Hot11tl t11 rr~ncy . 'The
ni111 '~ • Gr wrnm nt ha . a nn 1 1111c1~d th at ~ h e 'B ank nf China a ,,1 lhe Ph ilippinc Bank of Com 1111rnl111 ioi1 , ha ire bee n 1111med as de ·ig1rntcd agent. oI the enlral Bank of Chin








Unltc>d f- tn'lo!l " · .(11 ift•M HrH.n'lp ~~~1 ie. pr1tvfot·~ l. 1' M1trrod into ~tM1Hi~Jlt.(1t\ 11gr <' •

1v1q11 ti; ~vl tl ."111!)11 wh rdiv dt•ll11.r 11111! ~ I t· ll n r~· ~·X't•h11111: • lwv h<1u 111lQ11 d11 a~ t\l1nbl o ·1ci 1tho ,' t 11hl1l ~ 11"
t.i 1h 'BcH\Nl of hl111. Si1c·h I 11ard 'I: 11'1 C>s l1111l\ ~l11id l'C'Cf'Ptl.I• hy (; hlm1 , 1·1r1 •nti ~11ti11 (.1f ,thre~
Chhtc1.r, 1111 A11C'd cn11u 1Jjl(llll j(d11,1· ; 1\i llu cm lhfl fl'{' l) l'llll'l ~ l·1da(i .11111( 11:! ~H'('. l' ertlll l y Ath •• M .
tii·y, 1uJtl 11 1. r~t , h 1tMlnu1d t1 pp l.'ii 11t ~1~ 1111 1h · ,...~ tirllnwwl ti 11 •nr h l'lntl 11 'l'reMtJ~ •
'rYi< lc'rm "llJtlJtlh1'1 ~·1 1 hMli" 1 rl r· i11 "'<l in .'it 11~.u Lb.•n.1• N "~K 011 ''Miy nf 1l1 c1 e l rn~ lo1 1·m 1p "
1wi1h tht•
1•1·~1ill, wl1h ti\<! StnblH zll tlo n l\ w1rd r Chi11n Hltll hit 111~· 11111 tH·1'1 l11ir 1IMl!!ign t1X · !•11\~l
J tlrml1 1011 C\lr1 1~ 1Hl f!1·· l lti th to11<1lti11 1 111 p·rn~r.nllwd b 1, n<:h lfo(wd, th!l 11~111 ·~ <111 vhlc h ap j><i~r
fltl Srhc1iul t• I\ c1f th! /!C11 ern1 lir('n ~ 11 11t tl1 c· tlin thr lrn1rnnt''li r,i11 is riffoC',( •cl, 1 1h 1 pl·Tko vhhil1
llnhi; I 011g nhcl 1111 y 1'ar1 <'1f Chii 1u <· xt· •p L M11 11rhurla nt 11w Iril11,l\vlng- h 11lc11 1111 i,c be<'tl niin Nl




bt~nkR" !


Thu C'hnst· :nunk
'Nulln1rn l Ci ty l.t tl k nf Nll\V . \'nrk

( )

'Un\l <'I wdt •r.

(It )

(j' )
( c~



H11nl• for ih

~:l'r l'~n ~ t

t\merlcnn gxpttss C11111p1111;y
.M n 11 'OW N~r dny 1 anl·, !..tit.
'l'h1:1. . 'nnlc & , <HI (ll11nlc·ersi) T,ttl.
Jlotnu.l(on .,. & . h iw t:~foil l.\ankl 11i.::- nrporot iM
.M Cl'C(lll tfl • ,1) 11 Ilk of Jndi11, JAt~ ,
l)t\vid ~U'lllC•• n &. o .. L'~!l ,

lt lJ . Sn!! orni fl.( Co., Ltd,
H. D. Sa~f'onu H, n1dni{ -:o., Ltd .
Chur11•n!l l1 1111 k pf I ndln . A11 ,.tm ll11 IV ('foinn. l. t I
N~c]1 · l' l .1111l ch h1dl <: h l J1111 dci l11hu.nk
N ·1!01l:.111d s(·l11• l lnndl'l M ~11t 1-1r. h1q1q11~
Sh1111 1.rh;il 11111 1111· rcla l :mrl !4 f1%1 h~ns Hnnk, f .td.
.llrmk 0r Hu . t l \ In, Ltd,
Nniir1111!l '11 11rn11•1·c i:d J~ n. 1'1 k T..t<L
CheJ~lrinJI Joch1Mrla1 Bttnk, 'Ltcl .
1~anl< of ' nn \on, ,


OverRciir hine <' Bn1\)d ng Co rpnrrrtl1111, Lt <!.


K inclt(•11r; Hnu king C"rporn tirm
Chinn 1ln11k i1·1g- C<irpora tion
llP1111c f 'hinn
lhmk (•f '01111nun ic nt ion
1rmr11r. rs Ilnuk of hi nn
C 11trnl l ~~nk of C'b.11111



JrnF,'ERENCE- GE;NrmAt. ,f,l 'ENS l,t S NO.S. l ANP 4.. A

Prti•• Release No. 17

Ma1,•011iht>1· 27, 1 41
e frc ~·ri 11 g cnn tt·ol
The '1 rens ury Dcptl Tlm ent torhiy iss nf.'d a i:rc
ro1:1tri.ctic11111 '~i th rC!lJ?t"C ( to certai n cl!lS~ ~~ r1f rd111; e. who ha ve hcC'n l'l'sil'Jing· withiu tl 1'' \folt 11

Strlk!'I 1:1l nc June 17, 1940.
Gcneta l 1.iccmie No. 42, i su cl on Jutw 1 , 194 1 fr r' <'d the :i C0lln1 !'I f hnnu fhk r •flt g tes wli l)
had bt:f-n both do mlcll t'rl 111111 J' !' i<l eM in \ Ii. lllt C'r1 $1l11c himf' srC'cifl <l dt1t (lll in l<ilti . Then ·w
General Uc .nse No. ·~ ... A ccinforrul imtlnt prlvl1c "'fl cin tli' 't' rdu .•ecrs ·whb a(mlll 1n111p.J. • wi th ~l~ 1 ·
fl. 42 b 1at oou•1d nr t 11 1 ·r.~t tli d o11 ii ci l1·'1
{C i(len ~e n.nd oil er rc.qt1lr monts of Gt· n~ral J,J.(JC1'M'
1 h.e Treasury 's dc•ci f!l !o111·0 rnnh th is lih< r11N zufi1J11 wu pr(Hnptr:d by 11 ·r t•<;i<11 ~111dy rif 1 'l'
cer111u11 r •port s which hn vc b('Cll file(] on Form T •'R-300, H Wn s expl ained th at li1<·rn11 ..u r•f tlu·
dlffic ilt foi; com·1 cted wit h oht1ti1iing itmn lgrntion iRn" rmui ' rcft1/~c· es 1il'lcl I eC:111 ~111 +rc~d lf1'om 11i ..
privllege11 of c;('l1 rn l J_i 'II . I' Nn. 42 . It w ;i a~ (') p. iutecl { ttf tlrni ln m!loy r.thet' cri:-ie~ tlrnrt• ' ;h
clo11bt a. t o wheth er th e rd11g«• •cou ld sn th, fy l he domicil ~ .q11ir .111 ut Rnf Jr ncral Lie 11 e N o. 4~
Tt now will be tmn ccsha ry lo r • olvc that point b~crm . c. snch pe rsons may lal1 · i~<l va11 t11.i;rc rif tit(•

nrw Gen .ral Llc n, '' o. 42A .
Attention WM C'll llrd to he· fact that whil e th e prop ·rt y of pe r '011S 1icrn. l' cl tmd r a~lJ l'l':i l
Lic«mir! N'o. 42 n rd not l111 vl" been rcpMtt•d 0 11 cnis l S npor\ F n nrl T''P'J ·.300 n ~11d1 e x1· nipt in 11
wa nwde lui\1 .r t1 1P new· .•<'! c-rn l License n. 42 . Tim n ew~ 11ernl lirtn sc rxprri;s! • hint'!'! t hat
Sllt:h r ports are 1·eGJ·11itcd to hu vc 1.iic<:J\ filec'L



P~\'le'u~ be.-

8, 1941
The Tre \I 'L>cp· r~m·qt ~1111$ !he 11tt,<•11t lon c~f n!J ha·11ld11gh1.tlt11Uon11 nud p~ h (ll" i•1 *1r 111t tl
fer i+nn·s tp the rr1rt th t Lli1 rcvocn~inq liy th· 'J'r11n i11·y Dt' fMrl111~11L h1 hibl.I
.11· ulu r Nri. f! o(

nll rrnts1 a11<lin~ f!<'n~ ra l «1nd po Iii~ lfoe~H11~. :n o ftlr ns 1hoy M11hndzc- at'y t.N111 11i:tlon hr. •Or c111
nr, llr fur th(' b 1t1dit f, Jn1 !In u11d hor 1111ll(111nh1 1'111 ' lllll011f.r rtt l111r 1lrl111:1a. the foltowlng
Aign!Acnni' hnmc:dli1 t C!fl'~c~11:


(J . N,1 Japanc1 . 1111tl111•1111 now 11·1 the- t11l1J1 <•f u 't'tH•nllly ll c·(·11 ~r1l ·1'1111lo1iill , l u 1M111 Clilll ·
11t1ctlr.m, a ltention ,I, callecl to lh fnllow ·11~: ;
(11) J'apuotr.e nMlrurn ls 1• .sl1.l1'~1t In l'hi a cr! 11ulry blntkNl 1111d~i· 1·~1t1 frel:?ll11~ Orcl«r
Irr 11p ml"/vo cif tl1e l 1~111Jth bf tllt'fr I' nirl 1•11 •:· 11 1 this er tlntr,Y i
(11 NCl Japnr1 i.1: h11nk, hu·~ 1j\ s1~ ('.111 •rpri t: c• nth~r nrJtrq1J:.rntm1'>1t m IV Ii thu f.ltr~tu~ 11f n
i;:·t~mrt1ll y lfoo ll •c.l 1wth.111al, i1 1clml l11g 1tht· Yc•klohallrn S1i de JJ11nl1, L,td . 111,<,l 11Hits ln•u11 ch '14, tl1<
!annk of Trd1ivnn, the Sundton1t~ Hunk CJf Jl \\'\!nil, the Su ll'llt1 m .1 ll~u1I'
l'111Hn1·11ln, the
Sund1flmo B n'k Af S 11i1le, <pal th11 l"11cHic .Lhrnk, Hon lu lu .



(2) No wi tb dr w111. whnt C'H.'V r nr<1 n'llc11v~d from l\ny 11cccn111 i11 nn.v hrlnklng instltti tlon, if
Japan or any nntionnl of Japnl'I, ii s n11y 1111 •1·1·.l \n 11 11 ncwunl. Tl1i. lncllld C'.\l wlth~niwal~ fo~
l.iving expm _e UH we.II a for nny th ~r ptirpn~e
(3) Nn with lraw nh1 what C1<'\1c•r 1 r 11llr.1w1•(\ f nm any •ufo dl'!J?n <Ji1h<ix1iy Jn111m c>~· any ml'tlcmal
~if Ji·q nr1, 1111JCl 1cc.l' a Is not al1C1 1;1~ tri ally flllf depmil l ox iitl th content t•f whklt Jupa n or 1111y
111\tlnna 1 of J 11pa11 ht\S ijl'lY i 1nt.crest.
(4' No 11 ·111it.1t1nce in 1111y amo1111t s whnls(wvcr v1;iy b . 1naclft to J 1~p H (~1· any u11 tiomd of
J11ptm, whercso ver lo<1~ted, i11GlUclln i re1J1lt!M11r.c·K t~1 ll11it(
"'tMe 1~Hh:<im1 r ide~1t in Jupa11 ,

(5) Nf!J imd · t1•an~actlun wi'1 1 any part of tb~ '•m Id. Jnr111 Jh1 r 1rn<lc with Lri.tln Arn ·ricn. hi
which Jµpan or aqy natlcmul of Japan li ar. tiny lnt en~~ t may he L'1T ·etc<!.





GltN ' :RAJ, t 1Cl£N. lt NOS. llA A'.N'D 17


Uefoa.sil No. J. Q
The 'Tr 11. ury Dcpar1nvnt to•h1y

J:lC" ccrnbcr 11 , 1.941

a111101111 • 4h-r·g 11l tt! ic111 "'ovcrid 111;r llrvil 11J e:xp •ns . irnd wage
[or J ;1p1tn .se natlom1 ls iii t11c Jnltt!d Stott• 1u1cl l'l'jif11latk11i •ril'~r t1l n~ .Jn))flfll'~e ni1tlo11al. engaged
1in Orn pro!luction , mark tlng 1rnd dh,trib11tiai::- of fno(l nntl agrlcu ltmnl pl'r1rl11c1l8 " ' ltlih1 th
Stat s.

nder ~cncrnl LlcPn fi No. 11 A ;111y J· pnricii c 11nlirr11:1l h th • rn1Hiu i11· 1 rdkd S titt(~. may
receive up to $100 per month for Ji In y per :r.inaJ l'x pc·nsC". fo r h I111 uml hi s fomily. ~'bl s li<' nse
p rmlt -s111:h p.;i,ymcnfa !Nnn either 1hc 11111loni;d ' hank acoo unt or frmn hl~ r.n1vloyt~r 1n th~ form
<ilf wage.. 1.lu1k. 11 ~d mpk1y r$ rnr.iklng snch ptt •ru ·nt are rcq1~J.recl to nrnkc certain it.hwt lh1;
japan ,c nlltional ls nnt dr 1winr; more than $.100 111id r th · licen c. ~[ 'Im , CL]Cl f)llll' c• uationttl cnn 111;.1t dra.w *JOO pet iiumth in the fol'111 of wi~ge.s anc! nt the s. me time wlthdrnw $JOO pe·r mon1h
frotn his bnnl< atoo11nts.
Un<le·r Geurrnl Lie n(l · No. 77 J ~1)~n . c 11 licma ls cnga' l in the busi n s of pro1lucing-, 1na.1·ketin1t or di s tril 11ti11 i~ for)cl ~r ~1Kriw1! 11ral ptr duct . may, wi h mlno r '){ce!ption , ~·ng· ~11 ln all
transnctil'>ns indde11t rJ th . normal con!l11ct < f su~h bu im -11. 1fo1.J v r, llnde~· 1hc llcen11e n J21pane:e nati rma1 cannol withdt11w frol'll his ncornmls d\ning any one week for i; 11c-h c1,te:rp ri efii sums
:in exc s of hi. a c rage weekly witbdr<twals during the la . t lx month 11. Moroover, tht: licern1
covers on1y J111 ane ll'ltional!l w ho \\rcre prC<viously liccn ed m1(k r 1e-qcral Liccn c o, QB, This
action I ia1tcndc~.l to µumH: tl "urckrl tnl vcm •nt of (r , h vq~elabl . mid other f~od in ar. a :>*1'
as Lh e f acinc ·011 t i11 order to .;i upply th net ds CJ( our c:hii1ia 1 popuJatlon and militury forces.



f1pt111 t 'h< 1J1dt11'd ~11\t(s rnHI' Gr~ t 11.r 1~ i11 li11 •e p fl lr.111s t t!nlt rNl hi to tribilhr:1tk•n n[rfll'!~
11·1('1\!U1'"' l1h China wh r :liy rlc11lu r ;111d . t (:r l ing c1 fC hit1 1 ~·.c.1 !1111·<·. IH1t•11 nw ~le nv1dlnhl <: t 11h1 8 tr1hrl1i ~il ·
ti Jlt j ()~rlt\ or { ":;11'! , .'ttc'h llr1u n! Wn ·~fl'l i'Jl. l wd l' tlC!C' ll 'l l)' li \ ( ldr1 11t1d l;Zf.t~1'i.1'.11 b f rhif'~tl
Gh tit sc·. 1111 At11l'rl p1111 <1p rwl nt ·d 1.1y Chi1111 u.q Ill 11·~t11~~)il\<'H1lntici11 Inf th e flc1cirr1 11r. • of1 \h ')' re<11>·
1 ry, ntid n ti ·HI h nntinw1 J npj1r1Jn H~l ('111' ' t!H1 tl'd1~11 •nr! 11 il!ln Qi I h ~ flt'itlt..h 'l'N~\lm lry.
Th · lcr111 "111 p~1~·111 t d ii 1111" J d fin<-1 1 lu G n<"l'lll U c c• 11 ~1c Nc;1, $R ilii ''MW nl th ' .e h11nl1 ronp ·
1wnH n:i.t wirt1~rt h r. !~1r1l 1l11111 ln 1·1 lk111rd of( hl 11n noc1 hu~1 l11i.r 11nd 'tlt' lil ng 'I 11·ciiA n 1·x,ol1 1 ~ni(( • 'V lth th e•
I' rmi slnn of. inrl t1l;)1·M t th o 1·ondlli1Jn . pr< ~rrl f.1cd 11y, twh lilftrt rtl , tlw n 11i11 nf "lvhlr.J·1n~.1 11 (1jl""
nr lh i. ~<·m11 n l lk c·n t· 11 L th (• I 1m 1! tlt t.1·1111 ~ 11rt l1 11 l. (\fT ctqd," Thi;: olH i;ci vh hh
on ,.' ch ·d11l l'
pu11 of :1i m11 X<.'.U p1 M1111 rh1arl11 of lh fr•liowlnf! h n 11k ~ h11 v !' b e~ n 1~1111it• 1
Ll rmg 1.. un~; u1Hl un.'
., tl)'J~ 1n to<il ban 1<i ' 1 l
'1'11(· Chit$ Hnnlc
,t'1 .~ tlc111 I Ci ty J.11\ (l l-= of Ne v ,Yqrl
Umlt•n rit11r1; 1 11~1~ fc·r 111 1r111• Hi:l ·t
~: )







(I )



• , ,,



_• )
( z)

A111 ·rlca~1 Ex pr .A!:l ·• n1np1~1 1 1)1
MrJ11cow .N, rndny !il nk, 'Lt1ti.

I '
l'J'h 1~i'i . 'ocik ill· ~<m ( Hh11'lt ·rs) 1;ti.1 .
l lott g l< ( 1ng & tilinti uhal l,inn l;il11r ~t r pornt io1~

~1cn~ 1111tilt.~ 11<\t\k of J nd ln,
-~ll'l~o<rn & (.'()., Ltrl.


~t. D. Sa~. 0Q11 ~ C'.c1., Ltd,
RD . Sn ;win H:rnklt1 .L:' "'o., Ltd.
:1ia.rt1•rc·rl ll 1mlc or I ntl ifl, A u ~. t rn ll ,1 8: C'11inn, Lill
N-cil crl n1hr h 'li~~ 1 1 che JT11111fr h1ht111k
N<d( rl ti<h~·li ~~ 'l lirndt•1 .Mc .tit ~c;hM•.plJ
Sl1 :11 trhrd .011111w1•ci1il 11nd •. 11vl 11 ~rs lk1nk, .I .td.
ll r~n1 ,,[ 1'.r111I ~\ . m, Ltd.
Nn1l1 11a ('011 11n ~ rcl 11 'I Ht1 nk Ltrl.
icl,ltmg· lnlfo l'l'inl 1'l11T1 i<, Ltd,
!~ 111 .k CJf ·~mt o t~ , Ltd .
( 'Ver ea-Chin ll<' Banking C tpnrntl1111, Lt rl .
K li •rhtng- Honking ('(1rporn llnt1
( hh a B1rnkinir C rpcJrii.tio n
Ha11 lc ,_1 Chinn
Han I· c•f ·onwH .. :,..i tfon
F'nrm ,. lllll' k or "hiti rt
Cfi't1tn1l Jl,1tnk nf Chinn


RI! 'f!.R1rnCE- C lt'Nl·. RAL 1, TCJlNS 'ltS N

S, 4 ANJ

4.? /\

Novcml r1· 27, 194 1

,l>reH llelease :No. 17

Tlw Treasury D ep r lm cnt t oday iss11en a gr.• 21 c1· nl Hct ru.1' lih 'rnlizlng- th ' fr Pr.ii1g t<ln trul
restrictions w ith rcK1)c•d to er rt;dn tla s. es u! rdui:ees whn ha ve been n :sidtng wh \iin lli(' \ 11flr1d
Stntes sin c June 17, 19 .
o. 42, L rrne d on .T 111w 14, 19·11 frr•M lhr nc co nnt. of h111ia fill · r •fu g C'c::R wlHi
General 1'.k ns
l1ad bee n b()th cl omicll f'rl nn d rl" ~i clcnt in the lfol t (·d ,'t n l c~ itiro i,: prclfic•d 1 a c·~ in 1 ~40, Th C' new
(J •11 rat Utensc N<il . '12A c·rm c fl(• d si1wil11r pr iv llcp;~ 11•t lht• cir f11,gee \llhn N 111lr\ tn111ply • •i f'l 1 th 1·
rc11l<ltii1 e nnd c1tli r req u.ir1.:me11ts 0f Gcne1111l l..1<: ,,,. e Ne'!. 4·2 but ri' nhl nrJ rmC't Ll1 c ',<'l ~111lc il l'1l


I <da1 1hdy of 1 ,.
reports ~v lii ch ht1 e 1 ecn filed (1111 r~onn TF l<-300. It wnr; r.xplninr . th at bf'f! '.1"i"C (I f 11 1{'
di.fflcultins conn e<:t •d \•i·h llht;iit~inf:' i1rnn ig r a1'on vimt 1·11a·ny n ft1 ~c· e hhrl le 11 hnn NI frnm tl11•
privilege, of G ·n ra 1 L i( en N n. 42 . 'ft wn11 all"o poi n t 11() t•ut 1hiH m n 11r1y o th ~ c11se~ t ht n· wa
demi U~s t o wh thur lh n ' f11{.\'c c rnn1 d R:i1i ::.~y 11~ dm Jici l r ·quirc111cnti; (1 f ~Nwni l Li t'll c Jl.h. 4·.~
1u r 1wlv~ Llrn polnl bccatt '('. nm:h person. may tal: o <Ldvanl,a.g • of Llii·
Tt 1i ow will b e 11 nue•
11 •w G 11er al Lie n,., · ~ 0. 2A.
Attentio n 'W<IS rn'llr<l lo ho fac t that w h ih) th e prnpcrty of £1Cl"!;Ol1 li re n. ed lmder Jen ·r.d
Lit('nse ~o. 42 tHlC'Cl 11 1') hnw b •en rt.'pr rtf'd on ( r11 c;11s l·cpnrt F orm ·ncr~ - 3 0 no 1'tlt'h r "l'r· mplir 11
was nH d nndt• r th<" c•\\r Gr11 rrnl Lic'cmt• No, 42 . The IH' ' i::-cn~rn l licem<: cx prt•!<-11ly ~ ntes tll;i t
such repOTts are l'ICquired to ha v b '" n iilt-:rl.
'I'h 'ir1·ca11 11r 's d ci io n to mnk e ihi11 lihct"tli zafom '\!\'llH p1·c rn j'l1cut by. a

~ cmsus




,J'r·u Reloa



N '1£..... 9~

T10~ J(.t\ ) 1'RADING \l!fl,TJ:lf • l1!1.t
1..1Cn~s 'nwmr.u~JJ lm



•r i


Thel'r 11ye11Hoth 1 lsf!11udai.rMr1 t11 llfoens . htukrS.t1rtlrm.1(a 1~f th ''rt1<lh'lgwith thr.enerny
A t p rmlt ltny ally 1rnn n lioll liich ih e S 1 rctar nftht Tr a11ury licr.1t1iu1s 1.mdc·r the !re1 zirlf!: control r>rr.hH •
W lit th e 11i1l 1r~ak r he pre. ·n t wnr. $11(' li(ln 3( } o( Liie r ding wJ(h th e <•ncmy ct b«"carnp
ffectlvo, T ll\s rtloq preihl i.t 111ir p 1 11 h"<!rn tr11dl 11 fi' l1l1 1~ 11 mv uo)1. $ nutl1 eirizc d l~y the
Pre iii ·nt. A. a ·~CJll. l'<jll "ll fl hnnki11 ~( 111d hu in . lm1Lil t1t lun ll1ic1 ug(H1t1I th (ll11 ~ try nd u. ed ~(')
p11t thrc111 rh l l'll ll !>B.C'!I 11" lot ~nh I' th1 'y tnl)!ht l1wolv1
t' rrnnr1 l tn lfa n 01' jnptm hU l11l<'I' 11 t 11.
he 1\cia ~ry 'DC"J.1uttm nt nlr .t1d 1·0 l (rol. tru11. act.ion invc>lvi11g O trn1111 , ll' ttdlan ·. 'r Jnpn11 r.~l'1
Int •r ~ l$ Ltnd e' ·t he froe1 1zl ng ,rdN . ' ddtty 1s l1l·t'llllp by 1111~ I re. 1d<'nt lnt1r imtes t'htl lkons1nir 11r co~
du11• unt1(1~ l.'t.·tl1 n a(o) nf t h ~ '.flrnr1111u wl th 1h r.:nt•my r·t· wl tb tihn t of th '.l'11tt~ tn· l'y 1 t:p11rtm N1l
11 ndN rr ' zluK ~·tn) tr<,11. T hi.' ll w g l •ml 1ict•11t' 1 lH< I •lck t1rn1 tr11n1111.ctlorlte 1v11i ·li th e Sc•cr~t .ry t){
tlH1'l'rt'!ll!rnry lir~n' c" i1t1dc·r th frc;t1ti11g tontrtJl rln'k r'I rn11y hij dTcoCl l ti whhot1t1 t'e. H!'tl fo'r Lh pro·
vlA1t1111:'1 o{ ~ce tloti • rt) of th<: Tr11 lh1lr wi111 !he ei1 .. rny .ct.


Pr • s Rcfot1 e No. 21

TJ cemb r 15, 19-H

Th· Trm'I.. 11ry 1 <-p 1l11H'll1 tod:ty ftirth " I' rrJax d lo 0 111 ext cut anr1 umJer approprl1ttc nfr. ·
J;tl4n-d tlw U~~ht Nttrie lo11 R vhkh bud lie<'n pl e1l 11pnn J11Jllll1('.\> • r·~lllh 1 i;c Jn tl·ds c u11t1·y. Il
ill be 1'0111•mbcrcd 01 ton th rmtl1ret1k flf W'lll' 'the 'J're:t/ilm·y, ns r.i 11'teca1J~l 11u1r.Y rn · nro, pln~e<I
n comp lc:Lc strJ ppa YC c11·1 1d l .J11p11r1c11.e fin t111 dfl.I nn~ (!0111111 1d~il trn 1. ar. ll n, i1t1d 1ook c1u;tody of
rti n!ly :f11 po MM <'ht rpl'I Cf\ ,
11 l>t:n 1nlH"f' 11, the '.1 re sur i1;1111eil regul a(lun~ gu (lrn111~ 'I i i11!f xp ·nstl, (111£1 wngc for
JoJ'ant•i;<• 11111i11n ~il s In the United Sla1 ·~ an .I r~i;t1 l ntin1111 w 1 vf•rn1n1~ Japnne (' m~ tio1111l s engng d
111 the prod uc ti m, ll'litrk{• ting, 1.1nd r11 ltil 11tfog (if fcood tt d n Ji 111f11rnl fJl'(llltlC' l S.

T he gencrn l llctn'e I. tHHl ti duy by ll1 Tre sury 1111hJoc·k. th · 11 ccu111 1IR of Ja pa11t'. c n. tl na1
who h11 •c m1lde d con1im1r111. ly wilhin 1h cti11 tlnr:11tnl tJnitNI S tnft-. ,i11t·c Jun e· 17, 1940 nrtd 1'lcr·
mih 1)1:1llln1·;;~ u1(crpri:-ic wl thi11 1hr 0(111ti11rn ti'll niLn l Stal" ow1wd m1d ·ntilrn lkcl. by iqu h

.J apant' 1e oat innul tu l"I 11tl1111c to <Jpt·ratc:, except in thmw n. e!I in whirh Tr!'lt nr~ reprc en tati v ore rnninfoirlc<l on the pr nil t' ll cit 1111 official Tr sttry nmic<· is pos tC'l l irnlicntmg tlial such
pr mhrns ar(' unr1 •r Grin•1'11111ent con rn l. l t J.., 11111lripat cl thnt Tr•enaury t'C!l1' t•s nit ativ 81 npel
p().F.tcrl M t i es wi ll lit: rrmnvrd f10111 th . pr< 11Ji qc:. of rnnny frqinnrs<' entl'rpd~t''il ln which 1hey nrc:
no v H1alnt1dn d, thu ollnwing 1th 1!11 t'rpri<.rH to 11r ~ umr 1rnr1111 I 0J.ll"ll\tiong 1111drr Rur h ~ren rat
lie n <'. 1.t i furthe r n.nt id11al(1rl lli~I ~pcc-lnl bt.1 :1 ic opcrntlnK llC'N1se. wlll b l 'l11NI to nrnn y
Jn. anese ('11 erprl. 1c.~ in wliich Treasu ry rr1•rr'lent11t i\'t'R nr conlh1t1cd tc; lui mnfo t11in d all owing
ll ll th t' fl t


t o CtJldNl l


rOV <'rlllllCll t

:-i lll'Vt


llC •

Hepre C'11t. ti vt111 Jn lhir; <;ou ntry o{ co net rn locn LrJ abrmui or own <I :m d C'On trolle d hy per·
located ab ron<l r t'>cr:'fudcd from lhc prh ilegcs of the general licens .
The J npanc1>e n tlon 1 who are i::-iven the benefit. if lodni,"s llcens llt'o suf>Jeclt.ed to oe-rtain
repor ting r eq 11irem~nt~ irn<l other' tl"~irlrtlo11' which 'lvi'll c n. t 1h1te .are 11an1.s ag· lmt th nbu e
of suc h b nefits.



.1111 ,rc CIRC l.All NO. SA

I 1>remher 20, J( 1
Thr Tr eA,qury n port rn 111. 1odny reinf\tnt d Cl 1ain •·ueral 1icen .es uo rl t't' th e fr '.'lillr,- Order
in 1heir applicallnn Ln Jap ie.e lrn tion 1$. It will 11• rl.'memberrd 1hat t;r Dec mb r 7, 1 41, all
g nl"ra! and spr•ritk li<'l'nSr ' re rrwik .rl in so f 1· 1\11 th y roncr.rned Japane e nation a l~ .
Public lrrt fnr u. B . i. !r ll<'cl ~oclny , nuthorittc J1111a1 eH~ nntionals lo pay In eii a11<il fee to t he
ml and Stnte go\i •mm"11t., l<. d ·pv~11 thcir fund· in lilt ke<I <1crou its in 1,nn}c$, nud to eng. g•
in re rtain other limit cl t pe r)( finatl ial trari ction 1.11Hkr pr I' r a{(;guanl .



'8 , ~.1~fo11 e :No.


R1uucrn.i; Nc1t-Pu11u 1 c.:m ·u .• A.R N.o, 9


l cc·,en1 Ii(,r r. 4, 19·1·I

Tlw M~nl 1;1t(!r o.f .D~ rpn wtk jo th1, nlt!i<l Slt1(t<,!l }111 ~ hifonn~1d th e.~ Cl'P1ilry or L)'1e 'l"n.11; If.I"¥ 1hi~t
t·trnprm folllug- d11 } iL!11Hlry 1, ,I( I~, p11 1 l11gdom of l>1•11ui11rl () pet' enl Exttfrul) G . 11~ lfot·l1.ts, l1111:
1 r111~ary 1( 194·2 )l\llH 1111\ .J e p1dd In d.1illu~·~ if l1cll1 ,l} 1 11) •nuinrl c11 ,P01'!il(J n11 wh hh1 l ·111'1'11.irlc, ~lw
h M olat ~Ams 11equu, ttll t)Hl u. tl1 RlM'\t (il'f i\it1 S1: 1retary o{ 1hc I'~tM\S \lfY In lfl ~l<l,11;\' t\ll 11nith1·

l ion ff•ctlv e.
~11 vit1'I nf thi rerpHu~t . the 'l'ren ~ 11ry D epnrtmc:nt toduy l. mid l nl>lic lrrnlu.r No. • \ 1il 1t
r '\1()11(<\ l nn 0111S1t1\nclin1t ll11t·11 tis 1.1nd .n11tltcirl:rJntli1Ht116 ihr. xt ·nt ihnt th wtrn11\ uthti1·wls111Jennlt
~lilt•, tfrt1 ct1't111io11 for y111yrrwnt dt· rt'dr111ptio11, 61 tl 1er (~i911011lllcin on b ha II c1I p nrta·1'rjc or r>cr 011!1
\ !thin D em~rnrk, ofr. uch couprm 111Hl 111\tr D1tnls.h m· nrll e.
T he 1e t l'J( the lr-tter frmh the I · tll1'h M h•tl~ is 1111 follow~ j
"J 'b~g- tv lufqri,1 you ~h·M lb l lnu·do111 pf l C111nit1·1+ la ~I $lmt1 ¥ of pn.ylu(I' the 0u\wm t~11l ·
lhg 1hrn ·11. Jt11\W,t ry ~' W14i of th1uK1Nftlmn of Dc1111'\al'l~ 20-yeiir 6 pcmmt l! ~:ternnl (Jo d Ei:111(tll,
h 1 '' *1tt1·1~t:l to 1 e~l"ll1Q!! Crm,11 lll\)'mtmt hi .~olla·r ~ ·~he QPU£Jtltj pr ,.on totl 1m. 1) h~d( 0£ D~:pm, (~1;k



(~r p·~· rtiCl lHl wJtl11~ D!.\runarl .
' 1lt wUI £1u;l~hntc · ~b J s pt'Qgr!'ln1 ~,( 1pptoprh1te r'

striGtiol'll! ur liptt)o~cd uprrn 11•an act{om
and dcnllr1s;n for th(I ncco11nt o( D 111u11rk en· p ri>cm wlt'hln 'Denmark J.n Danish R ct1,rHi a.
AcnmlLngly, J Wot\ld 1'l'ppreriatt yc111r h11110Al11i;: tlw Mcrsst1r re trlc:tforu."
.Rf~F'ERF..N · n - ltXECUTIVJL O~tO.RR NG, $3~9. ~~ s AMEND


. cembor '{.7, 1941
B Rc:lc11 0111S~·· 24
The Pr<'.. lde nt lust nl i.rh I I ~ 11(1(1 an ltx cutlv ' )1•1l cr frt•czliig Tl <mg- l ong- us cl l11 ~he tTnhdd
~·itlltc! . 'l'hih1nr.tl111 w.11 $ tukcn111 s 1h11 n ~ 11lt p( th ~ foll of Jtll'l111~· Krmg fr11<J Jap:i u.• 1 hrrn111!1; . nd et
Ilic nc.1w ·l ~x~· 111i n Ord1r all flnund 1 nn(l .t rndc Lrurn~a. th111 s h1 which ll 111r J<qig h1terQ ts a rt:
h r11i>l"cd a'f'e IH1~111ght: u~ule r the cou tT( l uf ·th 1 G(>ver1111H~ 11t ''1 1~c1 criminal j1H!i1~alt1ea f'<iir 1~J1)! virolntll!lna
r11•c i1m1>0. cd ,
Th e n w l tx<'Clltlvt> Orel •r n1 D provltl ·~ for the 11ntom11tic fr1:rzinJ{ ot the ~11g11tt of atty oth11r
t rt'lt.or.y llfl c11 !le it. , html~ 1 c occt1ple1l or Ovt"rrtrn by lhc mitlt.11ry, nn vu l !ir othc1· of r s of th Axi11.

lHt f•' l!RltNCE-- l'UB'.L,lC Cl RG!Jt1 AR 'NO, 10

Pres11 Relea e No. 25

Dcc('mh r 27, 1941

Jn view r tll OCCUf'flllon of Jlohg Kong, ntH1 tlH· fr eer.lni; o f Hohg )(l)f'j" a 111 1S by the Pre 1dont, ~t.1e Trc1,11111ry Dl;pnrtrnent ha t siwl f'11b1 1c .,iretilar N l'J. 10, whkh re o 11 cert(l.ln gcnrnll
ffect rif l,>lo 1d'111~
l i c(·n sQ~ whkh f.\ p c 1dfl~11dly r1· l nt~· 'LQ ,Hong (q,rlg. ' f'111.' pt~ b1lc clrc11 \i1r a.1 . o hi.I ~ t'h
11.1« UC<;Otll'th or 1111 h 1111~ In )Jong Kong a11d ln l')CCt1plc•c1 hini.1 1 ~nc'l o{ flr <'venti(I~ the offic es Jn
lhrn.g K',(m~ 11d oci.umc~l Chim1 of such b11riks (rqm t111a11ch~ g 'lrlto c a110 hart<J11ttg re1irl'ltta11 • R
h<: tw ecn the tJnllcd S1,u1N1 anrl Chi nn,
m 1t rn:mrnc 1r.-- P EILIC CIR OLAR NO. 11 ; GENERAI. LI


NO. 80

Ja.nuary 5, 11Jl42
Tn view (I f th () sit.untion created by th l 111pc1rnry nejtty c1cr:11pa ti on of important part of th' .
l'hi11ppl11c l sl<m<1 , t11e Trea ll11ry Dep1.1rt111 nt toclll iM.necl 1 ubHc irc11'l ar No . 11 cinllinfr atte111ion
In t he fort tll at l 'hlll11pln 'itSs ct.. l1a v h en au~omntically fttoien unclc-r th<! Dec niber 'a6, 1 41
:i 111t'ndmcnt t tht' fr c zin~~ Orrler.
Th1.1 n '" pul lie cim1la.r pn sc 1·ibot!1 th ilt f(l) r t.h' of ~11 fr ezin~ O rd ~rs tl1c I hHi1>-·
pine 1 h1ncl s Rhoulrl be rt'g11rc1t'd as if 1hey wrrc 11. r;ep11t11te b'l0ck ·d count ry a11rl that lam1"'t)' .I, 1'912
the fr(.1t•r.lng reg-i11!1tirm s ~l$ a1ip1l d t <ll die Philippirl(,'!I.
W011l<I he J'l'~arded M th e eO't·c tiw· ct11 te
T h i. Wii i\ c1on I'() fa ii ]\, te th n1l111 fnl Rf'1:n tin11 n{ rre(•z ing Cl n t1:c.ll ( ! \' '(' 1h ilippi11e a ·sc•ts r.tnd al sD
t 1 pro irl c tl~c 1111hlic wt1h p~1C'i fic s t 11 11 cl~ rd .• t1•1 g1lirl<: thdr cornpll a nc•f• wit h the frec?. i11 g re r;11ln~
111rnctknl pll rpose s th l h1ul t lw Rfl ll1f! elfoc: t n. th Ollg'h
tinns r ·lating· to th e Philippin e" For
fre<'.l1ing- c01.1t rn l h;irl hc·1·n 11pccificnlly c·x rnrl 1 cl to the Ph ilipp ine J la ntl 0 11 ]a1 11o1ary], .1 -12.
'J'l1 1n11Jlk d rc11I r ~llsn 1111 1H1m~r:{'(I llrn l rc n ~11 · rqw rls C>n Fo rrn TFR·300 \ 'ere· refp.iired 1'c'
Ir !filed with re .'l p ct I l hili1~1 ,i n e u ~RcL. Do tai l regarding tl1i , r equlr e:met t wil l be anJ101111c-C'i1
l:itor. Cer tain grll ·t•nl li c-('O HCS r lating- to (11~ P11ili ppinn I sh111rl wc:rn r vokctl n111l thcr w ·1•e
nmen<led. N1·w lkcn ·s we· ·e i !in<·d uea ling wf! h prC1hlem ari s i11i:,:- c ul of fr eez in g l' hilippine aR e t· ~· Th;.11e gc· n er~1 lir n e. foll mv('rl til e g-1· 11 cr·n l pn.ttr.rn of doc 1m1l'11L i s u cl in th e p:i .· l
111 cpnn ·c11on wi th extrnrlmg frct'?.' lli,. control t or! 1ww rntmtry ,
Jn vlew of Ge11m1 1 Lie-en. . o. AO i ~'l1 ti"r1 t nda, the frl"t>r. ing restrictions vil I not a IT c; t Phili p·
p ine ci tizens' ithln the U nite . Stat s or w ith~n the ~CtH•1·nl1y lken eel tra c!le area.

Pre11 Rde11 s~ No. 26





RlH ~:RE~Clt--<G~NE.RAL .F!UL~.NG NO. IQ
l~dlli ~el~-•e 'No, 27
J11.1'ru~ry 14'1 aM2
$¢1 retnty MorQ' ·nthau di111<.'l losecd 1toc1ay t~1a:t. prompt ktion btr Am( 'l'l nil
ffioinls in th'e
1!'hlllp:plncs prev .tt cl uumr 11tilllo11a t'lf <lolb&:rr; w d th ol f1C11tHl s, eoh1, c111tt· ·11 j•1btillion,1 twelry
11nd c>tl1er prppe1"l)' frc m (rt,lllng lnrto the lu1nd11 of the ]1t1 ahe~(.I. This Is lt"he frr t 1.ippt! dlc•n of the
"FICO!' hod tlill.t'lh 1~011cy 11 vhlch a,ny Clil\Ul'l:Ty ~11Ul u,11 ycl: rnadc lo thii!1 <ela.s11 ~f V'nlud~lesi
1n ilntklt~r~!'lon bf thu fomporary o(':(lupntlou of Man31a !Ind othdr p~rts c)f the ip{,;11pl focs 1
rcmemb. ·ring the e:itpcrlenc of unp,-epare.d Et1ropean couillrle$ tha~ perrt1lttcd ht01d1·~d \ ~ nilUlons
of drn11nrs 1;.rf Vliluable t(l) ht.II int.Cl 1he b;(t\da t,f G rm1tny the s~~reiary o'( the TreA ury, irt
co l{>.(Jrntlon vvllh the Secretary o.f the l nte.rior und a t· th d~r '\ tfo11 of th l r~ Iden , V' •rited in
Urn 10. s. ulgh om mis lbnlir tho Wt'l pl·n~ fJOWl!11$ oL Title lll oifl the '.1:<~1rst Wttr I!> Wer Act
1941 u1ul a·u thorh d hhn to 11t\IH1 1111 r~ct\es ·11ry 1l!lt ~ps to t revc1;it bu11lcJn, 11uirf't111oy, c~ln, ~heck.,f
securlt es, Md 111l,m llar va1liuabl¢11 f11t>(il falling' into enemy l11tT1/h1. 'fh High " m.tlll 11i(l)ner a
l\ttthoril!lt!<1 to ~estrioy ~i'y (l)f t,ho11e II.Sil ttJ 1or otherwbe clbpose 17.1f th ht nl'tht>lr thll.n ti:> permit the



l~C(jttir~ t'h l•r11.




It hi too early tr'. tat• the r1moun t of vah1nh\ s wJi'ldn. tlt~ Pl1ilJ11plMll wliidt wt:re
Hl'r~•c<'l (~Vo 'to 01• 1111/ CILmdol'l by the Tllu'h Cornrnl t:lsforu~r, It l~ ertll.h~ ·d11U the ai;noU1it ~Inn$ h1to
ma11y mlllion111. No nform!\llan has cotM to the Departmt:ttt orf any e'i~lf\c,_.,t 1m1ot1M of ·ruch



IMC> enemy hands.

tary Morg' ·r1thau pol·11te~I ottt tho l High Con1mlf!sioncir ~afr~ ha,d been " L l d in
C1 f'CMit;i: this 1Jro(tr11rn by Tre1Lsu,ry Dep11rlmcnt re] r · ~e 11 tntl •s Vit,hp l'lf.t.d b<1 n cle~l\.Ut,')<\ from
Wn• h lngtor;'I last J 1i1ly ~P n sl$t Ua Hig1i Cmnml~sfoncr in u,dm ln l~tcrintr the 1(~ee1dng ccmtri,>1 iJi


the Phillppfo 8, 'l he Cecretary C(JIT)rll •ndccl ~he 01W1g /.llld ahUHy of n1dfi1e people i11 carrying C>~lt



'l'hc Treas111I today , licling in ce1opcr1dio1, with Uw Depnrtmcn~ ~r tjHJ lntn·lor' 11i1id t the
tlir . tl~r~ o! tli l r alcknt, I u a general rullnl( uuticr the freel'.11,g 1· gu1atipna hnpo lng a s,trlct
cc111'tl'bl rn'\• :r l hillJ l1irle- sec1ad1 i .1 a1.1d l111p ulldlHtr t'hUipph\ 1 uper C\~rrency ,with Jn th· United
StutN1, T\w s<~ 111 a. 11rcs, together whh thQ, e t.nken lrn1111lan 011~1 by ~he Phlll'(!iplne Go·verh1111mt,
1.1,re designec' 1'C> c,!1 r•ke (lfif th · 1JH1rkct for any 1u1illct w11ich ih · Ju,pa,ne~e Jlllt.l\Y su~11~q1.wntlY disco er
fo lhe,r loc1tlug 01> ·rnt.lbns i11 the Phl lippl n\"is.



~RENC l!:.--<JENltRAL

Profl!I Releaeo No. 28
l\t tl1 clirectloo of th· President, the


Jantulry 14, 1942

Tr~1ts11ry l)eparlmcnt 11ding ln cooperation wlth the

D pa·rtrnent d th Int.t~rfo.r today lsmu(·d a gtm~n1l rullnf,{ unde( th~ ifreezi11g rcg1.1latlons lm1jclsirig
a trlct co111 rol over PhWpvlne s ct1rlti n·r?<l impo,rnding a ll PhiUJ)pii1e paper currency within the
United States.
Th • rHC'nstJrll!s, 1nken nt the request o( the '("l1111vpln Goverm:nent , are ~e l&rn d to thwart
.any att •mpt l y t ll' A x:i tt\I d ispos C>f l ot d Phili[lt•in~ 11 ets in the U 1\Hcd S ntq , Slni;11lla111:qusly

tbe l hlllppin Government took tlcll 1~ 1t0 prt'V. ,,~l oot cl as el being li qi1ldnted ln marketi; outside
the Unit d Still(' . lt wa. i:iointod 14t Lhut 11ot onlr doe · this interfere with 1Jhe Axis war ffort
but ln at.'ldlti n it mtty ontri l ttte m!lt rinll}' );~ mrnimizlnt:' AJCis looting in the J:>hllippines by
r m ov ing lhe lncentlv for uch actJon .
Und r tod(ly', gene ral ruling all Phill1~pin~ paper curren~y within tlrn Unitec;l State n11,l t be
depo. i11ect in ble>ckc·d currenc;f aioco1n'lt in hain.k$ on C>I' before F'eb rm1ry 1, 1'942. Currtmcy ?laced
in ur h ac .ount may bt1 removed only wi,t.h permi sion 0£ 1J·1e Ttea 1u·y Department under a
frc zing control licen s . On or before febt'u11-ry 1.5, 194-2, hank ' mu st ·I' port a ll ' currency
in their po scssiot1. AlB dea lings ln suc:h currency ure prohil This is iMended to d strn any
possiblie " black mn1·ket" in the United States for l oted Phillpplm currency which might otherwise
be smuggkd into the country.
Th·e •enernl ruling also curbs a.It doa.lillg' in ecudtie i s u d by, or ·t he obligatio1l of, either
the l'hilipJ'ine Gov ' rnm nt or any corporation or ranized u dcr Philipp;ne la.w ·1mless a "cl~nqi.pce
c•rtificat "lrnown as Tr a nry Dcpartrne1ttt Form TFE.l...-2 ha~ been attached. Per 0118 within the
Uniled tntes holdlug any 1>uch s curi~ies will be ab)e to J1a· e the cl araoc ccr~ificates attached
io their s ccui-lties b fore. February j, ~ 94-2, with a mlnirnmn of inco11veni nee s ince the Jrecleral
R erve Bank will a>1.1tomaticall'Y att11ch the certificate upe>n presentation of the secu rities
aoccmpa111t.i:d by their de cription.
After Felmiary 1, 1942 th cl araiace certificates 'wm be atlathed to Philippine securities only
after the hold r has satisfactorily explained his po$ es ion of the securiti s and the reasons a.
clearance certificate wa not atta.ched prior to f'ebtuary J. 1942.


'iJ'be Tre11s11ry Dep!lrl111c1n·t called a tef1hon to 1the no tl e of the PhiU1~11ln 1 Oo •rnme11t to ai.l\
r.1fi P1i1Hrlp1,!m aecurh ie uod curre11 •y whl h w .s l 1Htd today. 1'h1a ~H.rtk,e ~1r1,;dl!d 1.ill
k\Qlde~a of s.uqh &~ 11rltl~, and c:lir'lle;i,cy ~U 1U oaL1otrJ s 1.1x.1 .pt 1tl11t.m1y <;Q1 11 ~·1j. ~~ $ to dcpo1:1h th r
t~,~~di~1gR. wit~ b1111'.k,~ ~11d i rward ii !I' gl t11at\(11n rt1pv1· 1t tlu1cm[th th 41lr ba11k to ,the New )((!)r\11 !llfficCI
Q.1 the Pl, lli1mb1( N11~1c,1111l Bank, 'l'hc
1.ext f sti1ch node i m ·1.~U~
"ln t1rdu1 to ,prott1ct bmrn lid f1Ql(\! t'>11• of ~ 1 hillpipln. ctit't' 1\ .'.)' air1i(j\ cic;ltrl tl111 ll'<"m t'he
effc\ct~ whl ~~ iwoul<,l (l.ltberwh;c: r11kl1tlt ~l!<m1 il~e di ·p o Won cf 1d 1 C!curh Oll .Qnd r..u~rt:n jr
which :muy ~el~ll loottlfl dwrlng 1.h t cmp9rary ri~ <;1.1pu~!crn Cl! p id p£ ,t,hc f l1illp plnfl
hland~, lbl! f.oll owht~ 1wdfl .at Jin' is hereby g-lv~·n n behaU ot the r1ove~nt11<'1i~ o'f th
Cpmn1otiwt1allb o ! thr. Phillp11lne 1
"Al( h l~effl I}( l'hlHpJ!llne pnJ ~r cu lieJrny 1 ewhi;re th~o wltliln. th F'hlllp1 l11 h latlr.l ij
<lre notltled io d p o~lt su,c:h c 111· f 'llC)' ()II OJ' I efore ' rtm~ary 11, 1 ~42 ror regla,1 a t! on i\11\~
sa(t)k~i:pl1'g in a rr,.put.ut~ l e bauk locf1t ed oub~ ido, fll~Q o~g~~!v.e<l UDdc>r tl1 t1 Jqws o{ , Qtrn>try
other lhi\n, .an t1nu1iw Qo1.1ntry, or te~1 rlt<;1(y ~ cup\~d or oontrolle<l by lll1 enf'l!'ly. L>epmiton1
much c1ure11cy should obtal.n an appr prl~11 ro ·el pt iron' . tt ch ba nk iut 111tl(ylhl:r t'he 1,1:rr 110)1'
l). ~~~d . denom1iu1tl n nncl sednl 11u1ulHi(. Du,n~s rncclvjng . ucl~ c1~1 re" ~Y for RU.cfo dQpn lt: 01•
ho\ 111!f iiuch c:11rru11w far their o)Vn 1~Qcoun.t n e h()Mbiy 110th111~\ to hohl it h1 tt'folcr.e()l(ti\'
J)e~1 .h1$' (nrth ~i· ~ nstr't'ct1i111 . &qh ~uct.1 bank; sbo~ll<,1 h1,1,111mJjulply forwnd lo the ~o.w \/prlc
ag-cncy of th i: hltlpploti N tlc1n~ l Banik, 25 Brottchvny, New "\;b1·~ . c \ or~! · '1 rciri<ir~ in th ree
<rnnt.orpurtsJ rtlfy lng the names 11,11tl aCldrc s ·~ (' £ the <depos~wrs <.rf l\ ttt•h curr ·ncy, the d11te
o.f deposit, th<l nmo~1ht so cl p<l!lll'ed l>y each u ·rw11 itor und the de. rl ptl n (tncludi11~ s rial
nmnbet) o r the c11rrehcy so (l t positec1. %ch rep 1'111 sho\,'IM 1.1 p1~ c ·<l lt1 'thq rthdl 011 1) r befor.Q
l~etlruary 15, 1942. H11ch ,count(·q1 rt !lhniih1. Ir r tllil ll Jc, Ut' cll spnt ch~.d by ep;..ratic m Rl'lS.
''All lt old ers, oulridr. the nillul Sl'a l rs unc1 ·I. wh •re tha n wlt hiti th e Philippi(lt) !slan<l11,
of soc11 r!tl1is l stt <l by, or th obligatkm of, illuir th· gowrnn c111 1 £ the cim monwr.alth o(
the Ph !1lppiur. ~ i11ch1tt i u~ pot.i tlo;d 11ubdh1 i$lrm . tlwrf)of, or nny <1rpc,r Iion or <>t11 <:'r or~ft nh:a.·
tin orgarilz d 1mder tl1 Jnws o! that g~1vernn1·11t ~~ 1 e JHi>tlfiL•9 to f(ill ow a 11l 111 Uur pr()ced1ff~ .
'Bank rtice i vln~ ~t1cl1 11ecmit es fot 1'tlf:ri$11'11 1io.11 t1111\l r;1fckc1·1~11 ff . hoi1lt1 ld~nt i fy thl'111 1~i
co11"rp1 ~ t o l 1r as ioASib le i~ i h · reoc.lpt's ~+v eu ~n d e rio ~ i t Q rH 1111cl 111 t hr lr 1·~p ci rt · whlch are
fot'Wr.t<fdc r HJ tl e N' I" \'6i·k ilgi!lhty bf th e PhlllrMt1• Nntionril Bank. S i1 c~1 !'<:pod 1iQ1i11¢
h1 c h~ d t· 'the r11 u1c aud ad dr ess C>f the <kpu. H0.r, elute t'1t d Jl sit , a.M lh tJ d $Crl,pli l'.lin .•hou ta.
include 1h • nrune wf thCl iss1,1lng party, the i 1.1e, tlrn t.ol I 1111mber 0£ ~e curities , th e serlal ()f
<:ertifl ate 11n·rr!l1erR, an~ the u11mo of 1he rc11·l ·t i·e<l owner, if any . 1111 l In npproprinte rnsea,
the lenom.lnat1on .
••'J.' h11 gf.lvernrnent of the ommouv tilllth of t he l hillppln os h requ st d the Unit d
S t~l-0 ~ Trcaiiury D ·p~rtmt: ~t and the l)ep11rt1m:1~t· of t\w lntcrior lo nq;i\f~ appr pr!ate
provisk111 for th r~i,r~ tra t i~m, of PhllipJ)lM iove rnmcnt •lnd col'p r.alr se · 1ni1.i ~ s lo ~ted
wi01i n th · U11it d S tato a~ und t o adt>j>I. s 11~h regulaio y 111ca,rnl'e n will a11si t ln carrying
out th p11rpo cs of 'fhls notl fi atit'ln w th r opect, 10 both currency an f •c u'l'itl s. C@1,1ip li1Lnce1
with the i;irovi11ions f Genera,! Ruling N<;i. l() i. s'1ed by the Al~cd Stnll~. Tre11 !j 11ry th pn,rtment,
i111d1~ r E'X.(ic u tiv.~ Ch·d ·r ~<'> . 8389, 11 1> am nded , shall be decmwcJ t o be compliim e wlth the
r ·q 14i. tcmt~ nts of thi netlcc.
"All l..,hllivnine securl·tles and c~1rrency not rc~g·i s t rrrt puirsuun t o this not ice wil'I be
j)resu1rH.; cl by ll1c gio vernmer~ t of the Cc;mm1on ea Ith of the lj hll~ vp in s, in the aib~ ~ 1H:.~ of dear
rrtiof to the contTal'y, to have come un<lcr the cont~ol d the ene m ,











j. ! mu ~ .11 Lill!
Rr id.l'in l Co11Jm1'1rio11er of t11c P/1 ilif1p i11,•.~
t1J the (, IJ/I rd .~fn1t.v. "

REFE RliNCil.-'G.E: Nf£nAL R UNG NO. lO


ff. I<c>le.a~e

No. 29

Ja1m:1ry 3 , 19'12

'!Th~ teic.t of I'rci;s R.elca e No. 29 appuar~ in the fOC>l.rmte n:1der •t ;thur~ I l\ ll lillg


n. 0 at ~·aire 18.]





f PU:SLlC-~O. 9l-651'H C()'fJGRESS]
['40STAT. 1•. 4Ul
Site. 2. That the word ·~1: nemy ,"as ttsl!ld hert1lrt, shall be deemed to mean for th purpoaoa Qf
such tnldlni' and of thl11 Act.....,
(R) Any jndivid11~I. pa~tniir~hil), or oth~r bo(ly of indlvidu~ls of ~ny n•~ionality, rriside"t with·
In the territory (h1cludlng th:!tt occupltd by !.he "'Wtary l\'1!d ~1~-vat fo~c~~) of a11y natloti wl't~ whloh
the Unite(\ Im at wnt, or resident out h',le tl1e United States a.nd doing 1n1si1"1ess wh fo such
territory, and any i0orpc>r11tic>ri inoot'porated within such terrltod of any Mtion wl h which tht1
United Statea i11 at wnr or incorporated within any country other thl.ll the United Stah\1a and
~oinu bt1 lr.u~ss within 1111ch territorv.
(b) Thr. irov~romen' nf a11y n1~ti cm with wblcll t~ci Unit~d States tl!I at war, or a.n y p~lltk.11-l oi·
, , 1
mmdcipa,l ubdlvl~lcm thq~e1.1l,, o~ any ~ftk<1r, off\d~t 1 a.Q"ent, or ag"1'cy the~eof.
(c) Such othet' Individuals, or body or tilao R of indlvid1~•ls, IL!\ rnaiy be natiivea. citir.~1111, 111r
~ubjcct.a .of any nation with wl~kh tl~e United S~11teN ig at wat, other ·t'han citizens o( th!' Un~ted
Statett1 wherever :re11idetit or wherever doing bush1e1111, as the :Pre11ldent, if h'= 11hal1 {lnd th,~ 88.lfety of
the United State. or the succe~sful proscc utiop of ~he war shall SQ require, may. by proclamat.lon,
lnolude with.In the term "er erny."

The words "ally of enemy,'' ns ,u11ed h«"reih, shall be deemed •to mean-.

(a) Any ii1Gllvidi•al, partnership, or other bocly cf indlv:idt111ll'I, 'Of a.ny nationality, residetH
within tbc terrHMy (J11clt.tdi~lg that occnpied by 11'he nllUtuy and naval fll!roes) of any n•ticm whk~
l• nn d1y of a till ti ti with whkh the United Statl!ll'I hi llt war, or re8i4e!l'lt outside t c. Uhi·eett Sute.e

and dolt1 b1.111lness within such t~1rrifory, and any c1)rpC11 11tillln ir1corporated within •uch terrifor~
of such ally nation , or incDl'f!orated Wlthir1 1any cottntry othe·r than the U1tited State and <dolr1g
b,1~lness within euch tetritory.
(b) ·the government of any rJation whi~h is a.11 ally o( a na.tlo11 with whlc.b the UnJ,t ed $tates
is ~t war. or any ?OHtioal or mi\ll~~cl~l!,I subdhiisiot1 (l)f s11ch ally n,atiol'l, c.r any officer, official. a~cp~ 1
or 11,g ncy thereof.
(c) Such other iadlvld111a'h1, or body <>r class of individual•, at 1nay be ~artlvea1 c;lti&ena, or
wbject o f any nation whic.h ls an al1y of a nation with which the United States is at war, other
than citizens of th.e United State:11, wh·e revcr resident or wherever d\)ing buslness, as the Pret1ident,
if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successfld prosecution of the war shalt ~o
require, may, by procltmatlon, hu.ltide withfo the ~erm 0 a1ly of enemy:'•


The word "person 11 as used herein, shal1 be deemed to rntan an individual, partnenhip, aasociation , compa ny , or other unincorpoHted bod)• o{ individuals, or corporation of body politic.
Tb( wor~ "United Stftte11," as u.,ed herein, shall be deemed 'to "1ean all land an,l1 wailer, oontitiental or int1ular, ip any way withi'l:I t.he j.~rlsdictir.>n. of t;he United Sta.tes or occt~pid' bf the military
or naval forces thcreot.

The words .. the beginniug of tlu~ wu," as used hcrei~. shalt be deemed to niea.n mid~ight ending the day on which Congres has declared or shall war,or the e;1dstencc of a state 0£ war.
The worlh "end Qf the wiar," as t1Md 'herein, aha.ll be deem~~d to mean the d&te of ,p11oc,lamation
of exchange of ratifications of the treaty of p ace, unless the President sha.11, by procl11,1nation,
declare a prfo>r date, in which ca~e the date mo proclaimed shall be deemed to be the "end of the
war" within the meaning of th i Act.
The words "ban1k or banks," as used herein, shall be deemed to m~an a11d include nation•l
banks, State bank , tru11t cornp•tiies, oor other bar.ikl or banking uaoclatiQns doinc bu.i·n eaa under
t.he laws of the United States, or of any Statfll of the United Statea.

'J.'h IWON1 ( tio 1.rR~e." a~ µsed hc•rnl tt, Jlhf\U bti d rn <J ltp 1tit<~n ......

( n l~ny , atl sfy, <:o:n1Nn1nl111e, O(' g·iyt ~r;c~rlti 1f.CJI' 'lli pl:lyn1ent pr A11tl s fii ~ t l<J11 o{ f1ny dc:ht 11r
ol tlgntioo.
(b} D t•nw, ur.c ·pt, p1Ly , l r 1111:nt· f r t\ top'lat1 c (>'' pny mrn t, or ludo·t'N<.'I n11y 111cgo tiahl in1Jt1•u·

m 11t



clto e in

~c tl

inter h1t



carry nn, cnmp1 t •,or


An y con tnict, agret1mf'1H\ or obllJJ11tlon .

(d) 111i or !le!l, lrJ 1'n or e t1· n~ t:r1 dlt, trnd · ln, rlcal with, r.xchn.n re, trnth1111lt, t1·t1 nst1•r 1 a11slg n ~
(lr titherwl s dispose of, or r ec iv Un)' frm,1 nf property.
(~) 'J'o h"'v , 1 y forp1 of 11,1 iM or co 1111110 in! c(11,T1 m11t1 i 1<1llou Ci r lntcr ·011r e with.

Srrn. 3, '!'hath. t1hn11be1111fawM (a) !"or IUI)' pe r~o 11 ln t~1 r; '\Jn jtul Stutf.1, , el<.C pt Ith 11 l!ci:n c d 1h Pre11klr.11t. ,grnntcd to
s1~ ch {H:rsoo, or lq the ~ nu:my, 01• rdly pf f'llOl'J\Y i ns prcivfdect 111 tbi ~ Act, tb tr~4t1,, of 11t1em),'>t to
tr1.1<le, «ilther Hr ·c1tly Ot' lndlrectly, dth, to, or fr om, or for, M r.>tl acdo11111t rJf, or o·n behnlf r.Jf, m•
fbr the hen fit of, any other p1:rson , with 1tm ow l 1i1l~o ot\ reu cnnb le cal\ tc:> bclfove thllt 1111ch other
per11ioo l ~ nn t'11 my 01• .{ cri .tny, or Is coi1rlt1ctl 1i g or 111kl , g' r · rl tn Rt1d1 trnrle, dhoctly ot·
Indirectly, for, or cm 11co tint ()II, ot on h half (Jlf, <>1" for 1h ucn1J5t of, .m nemy or 11lly <J>f enemy.



Site. 3. (c) For any person (other thnn a p rsc n In th ervicc of th U11i1 ·cl St1110 Oo :rn·
n1e11t or of the Gnv rnrncllt C\f any nlltlon, .<~c.1 f}t thai of n·n nemy or 11Uy of enemy nutlon, 1\nd
athcu' rth1u1 ·µc,h ptr on or cl ~sr- of 1wrso11 s n~ ~ay he exc(llpt d 'h erc 1.1u ~r. r by th ,Pr 11/ <l ~nt . r
blf such p~ rs n a!l he 111 ~Y dluct) , tp ~end, Qf q1ke Ut of,, (.Ir l'1n lng intp 1 nr att ·rt1pt Lo en d, o~ tnke
0~1~ of, i1r lul11g iot,Q 1 ~10 Un.It ·d Sti\ le , 1iy h1nitqr or Q)tl1<;l.' wri t!n1f or t ng·JJ,1 form o( Cf,'lnlll1\mlc~­
tio", ~.xc111p~ ,fa1 ~be r ilg\1l11r l:Q\11' e o·( th~ ll.1~ll; und i l~nll pc t1nlawf.q1 ( r ai.1iy per on to end, t al ~.
o'(' t·ran mlt,

r attcrn1~t Lil ~ nd, tl'lkQ, or tri.n 1nH o~t r.:i£ th e Un.ltl.'ld St. te , ~ny I ~ Iler or o th r

wrll'lng, book, map, plan, or other pnper, pic11ue, or any t lci;1•nm 1 cubl egr~q~1, 1or wJrc1e6lS r11 C1 s;:ige,
or other Corm of cc>11111iur1l ation intend t1 fC)r or to be d liver d, dlrectly or lnrli ectly, t1> a11 enemy
or lll'ly of enemy : 1-"rcw1iled, lr o~v<wcr1 T hat any pm;on rl,11\y scn<li tit.kc, or 1ran1unit 011t of th e Unit d
States anyll1lng herein forblcldt:n H h shall first ubmh the same to th e Pre1ddcnt, Qr t.o such offic r
as the Pre Jdent mny direct, and ~ hall cibtaln the lie n e or cons nt or tho Pr sld eo t, under s11ch
mies am1 reg~\la1:imi ., anc1 with s1tch (l:x;cm f)tiot~s. a haH be prcscr1bed 'by he Prcaldent

(Ae arpended by Tith III of Fil'Bt Wur Powers Act)
[PUULl - NO. 3.54-77TH CONGR' •S )
(b) (1) Durltrg t11 • ti rn of war< r during 1111y oth r period o( uaticmal mergency d tlat d by
the President, the Pf'eslde nt may, th rough any agency tltat he ma r de !gnat , or o1.herwi sf), <i nd under
such rul s and regu lations a he may pr • cribe, by mean s eif in trtH·tions, li cc1'1s s, or otherwise(A) investif.(ate, reg1i1n1 e, or proh ibit, · ny tran sact·ion in foreig n xcha·111:-c, tran slets of
credit or pliytnent !I b fW'cen, by, 1h·ra t1 , h, GJt' te> arty banking ln titutfo n, Md the lmpottlng,
export.,i ng, hGar<ling, m ol~i~g. 'l!Yr ·ea.rnrnrklnn of gold or s ilver coln o·r b11Jlfot1, currency or
sec1u.itles, ancl
(B) investigate, t cgul;ite, d r <ct 1111d l'Ol'n p·el, nuUHy, ' roid, ~ rc'VC>nt or prohibit, any n.cqui·sit ion h ldlng, withholrilng, u e, transfe r, withdrawal, tr11n sportation, impo1·ta:l.lon or ex:p rtation of, or deal ing in, cir reurcitiing a:n,,. right , power, r r 'Priv ilege with respect to, or tran •
a ·tion.s involving, •ny property ill which any for ign ·ountry or ~ n11tlor1al thereo f ha nuy
inten t,

by 11)' pen>rm. or wlth rll pc~ll: to 1 n JU'r,perty, 111U:~1je~t t~~ th J11rl11dictlot1 II.Yi 1he uh <I Stt1ttilil ,i
u1cl 11.0)' tirop rty nr interc.. t cl 1my ~· ori:Jgn ~l)Ut'ltry o~ ·orttlowL.l ther111J1f ·h1111 e. t·1 whm1 ui. 'nd
11rptir1 the t.e'i'Ol !!I, ~tlr11r tN'I Ly th r'i·o i<lc1lt', i)l s1lli;:h agt~nr~ Qt' pl~l' Q.J:I ~ 1MJ lic1 <'1 slg1
nntlltl ifr<l'ni
ti111t11c11lm c l1y the l'r. ld~ht , f~11<1l 111H1111 noh tt·1· 11u 11ndo<rndllkm nts the t'r1111l1lt•M lnity preacr fh1t1
a111rcl~ ir1i re. t ot f,lrcip r~.y b~lJ ht1 hehl, µ <:ll~ iidn1inUerncl. li1'[1iddated, HQl cli ti1· o1 hC!,r'Wl e c.'fotth
~llh Jr1 111 . lntor1l1'1 t 1!1,f IUHl Ot' th h 1p11.11IH r the Uflit d $1r.1t ll,I' 1111<.] s1tcl1 de sl~{nn tefj Hft!!lucy or
,Pl:f!IOl'I 111'1iy jl t t'f!lirJll ~Ill rand all acts lnclt\fe1al to the ~OCO!l1f>lls l1m1:nt CIT f1trth .f'fl lCC' o( t,heslJ Jllllr•
pose~ : 11nd the f'resldent hf11J , in the nmntl('r 'her i111.1bov~ 1 ro lilt~<~. n:~rulr \ any pc:r 011 to l~l'<iJ~
a fl!,ll rctcir 0£1 1l1ld to f111·1li . h un~l r orith, hi th form fJf reports or othc-rw1 t', n1nplet . Jn.rcirmn·
Hem rc-lritlv t•O any C'l or tran saction l'llft•n'fid hi'I l11 lh\$ . tlb llvl11l II ~it.her h rm • d l t'ln~. r Uittt't
the cc>niple1 ion th!"t' oi, ci1• rt:lntl e to ny int r t 111 fol' lgn property, or r Jntiv·~ t:n riny tJrnp n lti
whl h tl1l ' fo~C"ign c:m ntry (JI' 1111~' t11lti H1l11 ther o{ ha.!I or hns hn<J !lily i11t rll I:, c.n au1rny l.u: otfacrwl ~o
11cccs11a·r)' to r nFoN~ c tla 1 ~o;vlidon cif !hi• $Ubt1ivl 11 ii 1 and in uny Nllle lo M1i ·ha !l'ICpQrt. ~· t1ld h
r~qulr cl, lh f1 tJrei ldcnO 111 ~1y, In the; nlallnt!r her<'lt111bci e lWlwld d,, t•equho 1h~. li>rod'Ucti(m, r. r .if
lfoce.a ar; to the 11i.1tk11'1·11,I •. ac11.rity i.:.1r · dir.n c11 th · s11l11;11ri.1, c'~ a2w foook t a(.lco mt, r cnr1a , cerl·
tracts, IC1ttu11, 111e1tttcu·a.t1da, or ot!1er pap l'& , lr1 th(~ · CU tMly or oontroi l!if s1~ch per (>0; tiod t.hc Pres).
dent may, in the nanm•r hel'einal~ove p~ovided, rt.nke (Jl tber nnd fu1•th1~1· ntill lir s t)Ot lncoo~d tcQt
h<'t' .whh for the: r .1forcl•mc11t. of 1hls sul1d ivlslol'1.



(2) . il paynwnt rJnveynrice, ttirn sf r, n lgnn1en t, or dell ery o'f pr(J)pcrly or lnrter !\t therein,
nH.u:l·e to or ior 011~ 1~ count o·f tlic Unlteil ~1al<' , CH' ns o therwls illr ct ·d, 11~1r~11u1t to this s~bdJ•
vl lo~ or nn_y n1lc, rqgulntion., instrn tlo1, nr clir •ctkm I nee! hen;wHle1·, hn11to1l'te xte~1t thlli'eof
D<~ ll rttJ] 11 <JUitlunco MH1 dlmth rge for a.II \ll~rp o~ca Of the obllgallon of the pN· 011 111' 1d.tig t,1tl
~am , ; a·1~d no pern,m iha1l tie he1t• l1lahlc In any CC> ~rt for or ln r~ pcct to at1ythis11r dp11e 01· omHiud
tf) J:ood fnHli in l'fltlll cH01 wlth Ll1
ach 1ini triltioJ of, m in p1~r uanc: of 1111d iu ·neU1rnc 01:1 1 t).11
~t1 l~ divis lp11, llr any ru1e, 1·e~1.1 lntic;m, it1 1:1 triuitlo11, or <11 tt1t'tl n 1. ss~ cl here11nder,
(3) As 11 1~<l~ ii~ tfa~s ~rtbrli'Vl ;,ii/ 11 the ten11 i•uuli.11tl .. tntci11 ' 1 rncan s the: \J ul~cd Stute M~tl l'l!~Y
1~lace . 11bJ~c t· to 1h judsd1cUcm thereof, JnclWdlng the l'hilipplm,: lslnnd , nnd the W\" rnl coL11't11 i
fit. t ln. ·Lnnre d the "omu 01~w altJi of ~he FblHp r~lne 1 l11ntl sha,Ur ha e J11risClk tlo n in all c ~(l,
ivil or criinlnal, nrl lllf( und r thl JJ ahdivl~lon 111 the Phllip1 Inc lsl1 t1dN a,nd I' ·mturre11t J11r.I dlcllcm with th e di trlct ourt s r the Unite(\ S tat<~!! ( r all Cfl c • t:i rJI OT' cl'inriml, 1 ~.Ing upon 'lhe
h1,r;rh · 11 i Pro11icf.ed, llo~ rcrvar-, T'hli t 1.he foregplng shfll ll 11ot I> nnstr11 Iii as a lim 1t 1ion 111~01\ ilh
pow r o( lhe Jilt'e icl ht, which i. hereby ccmfto·rr •cl, to presc ribo fr~m tim(l to llmi:, d finithm , 11cit
111 •ou i I nt with th p1.1qm e Qf this ubdivi l ri, for11n, or 1111 of the term,1:1 11 ·ecl ln thi s sublli lsfon.
Whoev r wl11f111ly violnt,c nny £the pro lsion a of tlli, t11ldlvi sio
r or any llcM1!'l•, o~~ler,
~·t11le or rf"gula tiotl i s~ued th ~r 'tmcl r, shall, 11po11 ctmvfotio:n, be fin ci ncil ll!CiJlC tlin11 *10,000, or, H
11 1111 t11nl. pe rson 1 may b · lr.nprh;c•)I\ cl fo1· not moN~ than ten y nrs, or l oth; 1111d any offi cer,,

Qr 11ge11t of 1111y corr10r11t1lon wh·o k11owh1gly partki111 fos In

ud1 viola1iou may I c p111d her! hy a
lllc fine, it11J)rLonme11t, or both .
. 111 sed In this sub~i l. lo·r1 th1,1 term "per 0 11" mcmn an imliv~d1.111l , pf1rlner hip, aseociatlot1, or c rpclration.


I' El'.>ER


Elt l~~ J3AN1 OP 8AN fft.ANC11~ <..0 '

~l~Q~L A<ll!lf.l'T
01" 1fHll; "''~l'l'IJD 11'1'""'"~
Pp ~tlll\.I y ,o, l!}4~


1"(1rt1ll(~ -~~!!!Y..!.!

Clr11u.l11r l'l{!J,


'fo Dank!!!, B1mk ra, •fru~l Compa,uie11, und O~ho.,11 Concornod,
liti tho 'l1welfd1 l,l'cder4l Bp11erve Dia~riQL,
f) IUAJ~

$ms I

od of Fodera) Reguln,t iom
'I'itl 3l Money· antl J1'inl\ll ·<i: 'l:'reMIH'Y

C.Qaptel'l-·Mon tnr:v OfUcos,


vartn1011t o,.( t.hq 'J,'t'O&f'll1ry'
131-~Qen l'lll J.,iief! Undp,(


Exo \ll tv 01·tierN<1. 8889, Apdl'lQ, 'l.P40,
1.1 ~ ~m nded, Mid Rcgti1atio'rl8 Tll~11dd
J~ ur till. nt 'f'heretio ....... ~J>1>end Ix:.

',l'ttEASUl'Y 'DEl'A.Rl'Ml\:~'1'

Otlleq ol the S<Jorotar,71
J>••blic Circular No. 14, Undtir t;xoou~ive Order No. 8389, April 10, 1940, llli Antendecl,
and ltegulatlons b11rned Pursuant 1.~hereto, Relating to 'l'mnsacilcms In Foreign

Exchange, ~te. •
( l.)
J licemH•
i0tht1.r uutl\tidr:utitm no v outstanding or her aftm· l111st1 '<~, unluai.i ~:i<11N~si;ly .rc1'4lrrlng
ho 1.hi ci.11<~1.tla.r, slrnl~ b d (lel~ed to authorize 1my bl01ckecl countty or mi y na,,i(,11il.l thor(!Jo:f to


purdrn. , dil" or b1dlr •ctly, l'lecuri ties of ally on i"sue of a 0011)orn.tfon if the


so 1mr-

t geth r with tho aggrega~ of all other securities h ld clfructly or indlr ctly by sllch blocked
cou t1·y Jr 1111tional com1tlt.ute mor than on p •t' cont f tb out. in:ncqnR 1'16 ·urit.1 Ji\ of t.bat l s~11 .
Banking institutions hnll not effect any 1mch Pllll chaso, i~ th ~Y hav .rcuso11a bl ~ Cfl.Ulil to h Heve th~t
th t erm he'l•eof tH' b •ing violated.


(2) Monthly repol'ts cm Forf11l 'l'Fn\-4 arc hereby rm1uired to be lU d with reepect to th purchase


sale of ecurities for any b101'.:>ked ri.coount and, unlt1s1J xpre sly .r ofen·iug to thiH 1mblic circular, no
Ileen e or oth ,r authoriza.i ion shall be deemed to susp nd the r quil'cment of tniog thia ·r.epOl't. Suc~h
l' •pm·t shll.11 be fifod wlth the nppropriat1 F ecktnll REia r
bank hy th b ,nlcing inMtit1.1ticm with which
Rurh Jocked ttccount is hold and shall be tll~d @nor befo11e the 16th day ot th month fol'lowh1g the
r.tdenciar month with r .sp ct Lo which the J' port is tno<l. No report neurl be filod fot· any calendar
month during wh 'ch th . total pu11chases and the total snlea for ru1y blocked ac ·01mt 1rre each Jes.
t.ha.n li ,000. 11hi,. r nporting re(lufrem~mt shall }.) de•med to bfl ln lieu o.f t.hnt r quirocl tmdel' any
licen now outataudlng or he1· aftei· issued o far a s1~ch li nae requfr<'s Lhe fil i ng o! reporta with
r <1spect to th purcha 01· ale of secuJ1ities for any blocked account.
(3) BaBl<ing in ti1iuiion , hall have a rea1:1onable pcl'io<l o{ thn , l.iu1. not to exctJHd l.IS duys fl'om the
d~1t 1.• hN· of, i11 whkh 1o a\lju1il th(•iJ' 11eco11d:"1 for th , purp . of omplying with th provision of



fOVl~R J


ir•V9J'll ah.all b tillid wi·t~ ooitpect to a11y
1111 1tlill'nph (J hm twi:; tiroi.ri<lut11 \1uw v1,r.r, iih~t 1•
1n whit h th VI c1 pt r nt lhl'l.ltM~fot1 Cl>·"iti !111'~ lri IJUi~agt~ph (1) w~s e CH1ded ~El n const:1qu noe
of r ct.otd1-1 b h1·1tf Wt.he nro 11 ()f miju11trn nt. Such 1• .port fth1ift be tllocl with tho appl'OJl'rln·t e Fa<fol'&.1
1i1. t1rrv bunk Withln $() dnys of the elate hereof n.tul 11hnH QX}'lf'(llfl61l'Y N( r to 1u·ng1.•apb (8) !)f 11hill


P~•IJ,ic ci1ici1l~r.

ID.~.. FOU!lY, JR.1

Actitt(J Sfia1 ctwr11 of tho Trca

February 8,

10' /J,

19~2 .

For )'Our inform11tion th followlng Al11ttcrn nt t i tl10 p11eRI! WEHI 11olerv10d Fob1·Luo·y 3, lfl42. l1y
th '1'r<'11iKu1•y Dcpartnie1\t.
ru Tr< &,1.nn•y J)\,\()IULrnent ·tot\~lY l['l~Uoli\ Public Circub,ir No. il.41"'Which prohibits the puJ:i~1hasc,
without specl!1l I oer1!1 • for any b.locko1~ a<Jco11nt of mor(~ th11:n one per cent of t11e l.'mt11tnndlng

!<!hal'eilJ of an~' ono elf ~s of an~ corp(ll•atl n. 'flhe r11i1rpo1u::l of ·thf111 reetrfotlo11 is to mako ~oubly ,.ur
tlitit the '~'n~e.au1·y Department may <1111111 !lpoci~c 1l l:Y wit.h any attemt~t on the part of blocked
n1,1Jona\s to utlllzo T1•oa11ury I ep1~rHnm1t ll -Onl! IJ f r 'l:he r, tlrpoee of l\cqub'h,g a aubstantinl interest
in Am ric1tn corporations.
Puhlk ' Ir ul11r No. 14 nlAo simpliH s and mak. uni·t orm 't he vnriouK 0·~1tst.1,1.nding J'~portin,g
urlti(js pursuant to licennes issued und<tr th11
rcquiremcnt.R r lilting tu th purcha11~ 11nd anlo of
freezi ng ord r. The cir ·ular pr ecrib fl I\ n w Forrn 'l'F'R-4 which mn_.t bt1 flied in any "Jl9(! where
111 curiti s a1•t pnr .haR cl or sold und r a 'fr ~f1ury DepartJpent lice·o~( in\lt)lvh\g nt1\01u1t exc 1.1ding tho limitntlon co11t;nin <1 in Public lr<:llllar No. 14, Th11s, it ae~udtieir ax'e pm'chaa~ or $91<l
uncl r the ll1itthori~at1011 o:f one of tho general lfocns ' l!I which per(nit ti:an111action11 ori ~hfllr pf
the 11eutr11,J countrlc R o·r rn11rop iml't th(iirr m~tltu 11al I 8 1 J' port. ()fl rrFR ... 4 ill requh<ild to be tllcd.
'J~ho 1~~~ o! the n w for·;m wm :fa •i1itflt( en1foro ment. of t'he otie per cont limlt.ation mentl.onod above.
P1 0'1hJion is rrwl in the p11hlic ci1·c11l11r !ot· n 15 day peribd dirrlng which urokemg'e houaea and
Lank1' mny nd.h1Ht their re oordA so that t'hey muy comply with tho new r nts.
F'orm 'l'Ji'Jt.4 ' ill bo H\'i\llnbl in th flOILl' future and II~ yppl;y wrn b furnis hed by ihlFI bank upon




your r



Your v ry truly,

Pn1sid nt,.

l '111t

I~\ ,

M ,. 11(\1). 111 Httil

i11i1 tmll !IOI\ , HH',



H , H •IJ, 1tnd 1luly lltl, J IM .

I. U <111 1, 1111; 1'11 \Jlh Nu, llC1~. 77 111 1'1 ll W ll '~H. l.:.11<11•1111\1 (11<11•1•
J1U1 Ii , l ~O . JOK I OUtiY!• ill' lh•l ~ II~{ Jnly c I 1 t• 1ll , 'f lit 1111th'•I
• , ,, .. •1.1111 I' nn, a o . Ji.f1J.:Ula1tJ011 ' A ' '"II o, llo~ ll, ~ 1<m1, nd d J Ulll'

hH~ t .


~: 11, .A111ll Ill, Jllfh, 11~ lo!' Jjlt1w11ll1 1• W il~ •·
I 'I'll r ~llflft, 1'~···•, 1!111111' I•, HO. 1111d ll11tN1Ulll u ll1'ill'I' 111111



l')SCA1, Amt'NT' OP TH& lJNl'l"ID ~T!~'fR S

li'Q r ~ry-

To ::Sll.n)ra , BLLnk rs, TnJ.Bt






Ort:'J'jln r:1 0!1 ,
d~ral Re er v

l. ~ l~fi:

1M.l Ot'h


Cor.cort od.,

Dia ric

f3 l'O I

ia follo o1i. rr 1 vi ct1
'Jfor ;vou.T info rml!it1cin rmd g 1. ltmcci ,
ew bc eri roc,cri.ved fr om he S1Hir(~t 1 q r of h Tr~i:1.11u.r~ wj, Lh r e m•enoe to Gen arol Lir ona. No . 6~ Al
Se •j,rrn J c • fo1·rr 'U"R-300
lilha ti ma f'or fHL1p.; a \\';'ti ))O r
itnd. the 11,ffic'l.uv it et t .\n f o;r .h i.n:f o1~ 111D Lio: r t>'l' 1:r d by
wit h t h H' CrW'i iol'l .1 of
Form 1I'Ji':i lil-1 , :!. ;~ a.cco:i.·dar1
Pt.ir0.grl!:ph~ (3) hn (l) of G· ·1 i· t~l. Mc .~ r· J.:o. (, A, 1A
:x: ondf.H'l. fr Oti J1' n1a.ry 1? I i 94;) I t 0 Jfo !"'\.llli": 2 ' I 194? .

Fr!: r) E r

A 1...

R F.


t:; 1 l



oP ~

AN f"'1 .~ . N cl s , o

F(llCAL. AO llN'T Cl' \T~l lt IJ!oll T«D S 'rA'T&:ll

Febru1ry19, .H;42
Jllf1rel111 lr,Qncl1 Cw1iitol


To Danks, D•nkers, 'l'rmit <:omp.-nloe, anti 0Lhors Concernccl,
in tho Twelfth l1'ederal Reserve District.

'rhe Se<wetary of tho 'l'•~eal!IWY hl\s h1f!IU d th fe>llowfog public clxcuJa:t :
Oo~lo of P deraJ Itogulatlons
Tit)(, 81 Money and l~lirrnnce: 'l:rearmry
Cl~aptor 1-

Monetl.\ry Offi oo~J .

Department of the 'rroa1mr~r,
Pal t lBl~G n T'al Lie · nsos Und r
Exa 11tive Or<for No. 8880, A1n·i110 . 1940,
as A~ ~1ded and Rogulntion 111suod

Pm·Bmmt ri.'h reto.- Appcndlx.

'rR·HlAi.smiY D1uPARTM11JNT

of the Sc(lretct·ry

Publl~ Cll' ula.r No.15, 1Jnd1ir Execut('r" OrdcrNc1. 8389, April .lO, 1D40, us Amended,
u.•ul .ltcgt1l1Jtfon1' bst•cd Pul"fJuan.t Thereto, ltelnt\ng ·t.o Trana1.u~~io~J!I *•' Forelv.n



Qm1 ral Liue11s s NOH. 4!> 50, 52; and '10 are ame1 d d by deleting tlie toxt o'f the p~u1 a.gniI h 'l'IUJr1 ~
bi;i•1ed 4• (4)'' in Gmcral Lie n,se No. 4P and tho t xts of. the parng1·aphs nlll 1bcr d " ( 5)" in Qen ral
Lice1u1ea Nos. 50, e12, and 70 and by su 'bstltutlng tl1 fo11owlng in e.nch of &uc:h tJaragraphs ~or the
matter so d let d :
,. A l'oport on Form 'l'FR~l. 4.9 hall be l\I d promptly in duplicate with the a.1,proprla:te PederaJI
R,eecrve bank by u.ny banking lnatttu tion within the United S.t at fl:
(a) 'I'hrough whi •h t,tny rerni ·tanee in excel'\ of $5,000 orirrlnsit s; or
(h Which iflMqes, c~onfirm , or a.dvil!E18 nny letter of · .edit invoJv in(,I' nn •1m0Lmt in cxcc,ss of
$5,000; Ol'
(c) Wh'ich debits nny bl~cked n.-0cout1t in an amQunt in xoesa of ~5 , 000 £1n: any $ingle item.
under tho auit.llorit:y of this generstl lic<mso.
"Banking institutions within the U11ited States sba.U also Ille monthly reports on }4''(~rm 'l'FEl:l.1
with the .approprJtJtte I~ed errtl Reser e 'banl~ illdfoating the total of all tte~lit1s a1•1d, se1>arately, the
tot I of an c11edits efl'cctc<l pur .. uant to the provi ion of this s;ene11al license."

ID. H. FoLlll¥, J1t.,
A.cling Seoreta.ry of the Trcrum.1·y,
February 181 j 942.

li'orm 'J''F R-14:9 wll11,e available 1n the neat• future and a supply will be :furnish d by this
1i1pon yo1rr r ·fit.test.


ry truly ,

'l 'MI Jill,



111 , 1 ~~1 1 ,

r. hl , ~ II l'lil l Hi 1111/l 11r.1i ; fl ,. ~t ~'till.. 1. r.~ Hlut, J:U· l'u\i tll' 1'11. lir. t 17 th 11.,n1,1·1•1*": l~ ~'"'U I ! \'~ 111 11.-1· UH ll,
a 11mr·n!l,,dl1 y10 x: uvutl\ l.>•<!l••rW (i, ,11ui . 1~ . l lll1 , l1l ennh·1·(11·rt"r" ttH, Ju l,1• G , lltH . I G~~· 1nh CJoiler 111111

•m111 mhrn· ~. 1110, 11nll Jl)~or ulll•
11 • If UD, 3ffU ,

\Ir er tibll , l •ilu 111lw1· 2U , 11111 ; 1:11'!11l~tlu11" A111•1J 111, JU t111, lt ~ n1n uri~11U .11111

H, 1U11l,





f'lleCAL, A~INrf Cl~ TMI: UN1l'fllD 9TA'T'H

F1ebru,m:y 19,



l'""d" C!!!!1!f!




To Bauk11, Bankers, Tru1t CQmpanies~ and Oth,era Conoerne<l,
iu the 'rweJf tb Federal R4nllene Diatrict.
DID.AR Sll~B l

'l'he St~creta1y 0£ the 'l1reasury hns i11s1md t.he :CollowinQI p\lbUo cfrcu'ljlr i

docle of Fed<~ral RegtdRtfon~
'fltle 8l Morwy and F'immoe: 'rrensury
Ohaptcr l-Mot1etwry Offices,
J)(1partm nt of the Treuury,
Parts 130 and 181.-Appendhc.. •

'l'IU!lAf:IU1'f,Y Dl!ll'A·R l'.MENT

Offi.oc of t1u.1 S 01•6ta1r11

Public lrcu)ut• No. 16, Under Executive Order No. 8889, ArJrU 101 19•0, as Amended,
and Regulu Uons 11illilUt1d Pursuant Thereto~ Rela:t\~ng to Transu ·Uon11 ln .~oret1n


Exehana1 etc.•

(1) Att ni.lon is ~1!l·octied to t.he fact that p1uetumt to the Order the
flutomwtloany extond d to o.11 of Jldthih Mali:i.ya to the san-u exttint 11
a Pl ly to a ·1\Y other bllllc~ed cc11mtry.

previsions thereof have been
the provisionfll o:f the Order

(2) .For the purpo

of a<lminlsterlng the Order and complyin1r with th p1•ovisions t.herec1!, Brit! h
to be a foi·eign country sep~rat Jy desln;nat d in th. O!'lil r a•.nd specific!\lly
,namod in Section 3 thereof. The defl1.1ltion of the term. ".national' as applied to llrltish M11.laya ·sh$1l
be that l'J pc cified in paragr1tph El of SEiction 5 of the Order.
(B Gen ral License No. 18 is hereby am nded by the deletion of the word ''" from !!lubMalaya shnll bed emed


e.Ii i.ll ions (a) and (b) of psmigraph (1) Urnreof.
(4) Mt ntion ia dd:l'ected to the fact t.bat, br reaso~'I of temporary control and occupatlc;m by the
'.Q1flit1 ry, navr1l and police !liorees and other aut,horlty of Japar~ Briti h Malaya i$ no longer lncfoded
within tho generally Beens d area ~i deiined in General 1.;lcen1;1 No. 53.
(6~ No transactfom shall be deemed to requiro a lfo nae solely beoaus1> it h1vol es property in which
a blo k d country or natfomal thereof had an interest whkh was •ixtinguished prior to the date of
t,h extension o:r tho Ord1.11 to such oountry.
(6) A nsed herein, the term ·i:iarltish Malaya" shall be deemed to ineludo th Straits Settlements
and the Mslay Stutes, both :federated and unfederated.
E. H..


Acting S11aref,(J.ry of ·tJt, Tr a,11urru,,
February 18, 1942.

You:rl! very truly,

fEDf..l~AL. Rl<:SEf'"V~
fl1•o"L ~GliNT







u Nl'flliC\ S'l'ATI:•

Febr11~l'Y !l. 9,

Fo~~(!! 1run(itj C9~trol


'l'o Bank.111 B11n~: en, 'frusl Companies. and Other Cone
jn the Twclflh JI' eral Reserve Ditlltr:fot.



Jl1oi• Y<ll)l:t' i:nf ormnth;rn. th following statem~ t to th~ p1• "18 WM il'E leits111~ b~1 tha ~t~ l\Bu1·y ne.
partmc nt.
'!'h · 'f'J' nsury D~1'larj,r1\ •nt ha a•nt1otmc d tlrnt S de~ K o'f l~oru1 'J.'JT'R.800, to be used ~ l' po\rting
the p:i;opcrty of Phillppln I natlomil lll, ia b •irl r j'orwflrd c1 to the 11 ·dn·a) n Rerv~ bnnks for distribqUcm to t11 pulilfo wlthin 11 · no t iew day!'. TbiA c nsus, which\ 11a announc.ed in Pu!Jlio dfrcula'l' d by 1.he .11\pnnc~so invaf.lion ~f the Philippine l lan<ls.
N~1 . 11, iR~1u don J1munr.Y lJ wnfl n ·<
Surles K ls pattc•m 'l aft r pre vlons Rotlos of F-0rrn TF'R~$00, whidi have resulted in the most oomp:reh ·nRivo ~ urv y ()'f :forl'ig11- owned property v r 1ru:i~e iu this 001,mtil"y.
Repol'UPI on. er! is 11 1 r r~·qu h• d i'rom all p •r ons in th Unit0d, s oldirig prop(llty h\ whl .h
•\ na.tlonul of th ~i' hilippfo~ J~ lund.a had a11 itl ter ·(:Ii on olth r .Tune 1, 1040, or Jcmu~n·y 1, 1942, Q.r
both. Property lo i\ ~c din th :Phillppin Islands ·11 1ad ncit be r I>tH:t0Q. 'l'bo repo:r.t11 m~at be tlled with
i;h< si..11prlmriat FEJclerci'l la 111<!!1·v b~r1k 011 or bf'fo~· P ·•bruary 28, 1942. •
l?ubllc Circtdnr N<i. 4R, which will nlso be 'wai1abl e at th Fod ral ReR rv i)anks, contains compfoi e
dlreutlons :for prcpnrinig :r"port.s on Serl s K 'rho circular b1chufos not oril'Y genoral instl·uctions
to all 11rm1ons rl'.!potUr1g on the H l'.i a, bttt Rli;io mlditional instructions for oedain ATrJups of p rso11111
holding ape ·i·tt d kinds of pt't'.l'p rty. 'rhe Federal Res r \l btink wll1 1u1~w •r questicms co11carnl ng


the r •porting requirement. .
R ports ne d not be mt\d with t• apect to propel•ty o'f pereoni~ entitled to th bem~ fits of Ge110ral
Mc mi '.No. 80, G<rn t•al Li en ti N'o. 81, or G 11c1r1Ll Lie nse No. B2, 'l'lor iH a report requlr d iif the
total 'Value of th prop<irty o:f a national Qth rwiee reportable hy a partk:.ulnr ll i~son was leas than
$1,000. Gen ral Liccnae No. 80 exempts t:he propc11l'Y of nationals of th blan(l,s :r siding
In th Und ted StAtas. G1moral License No. 8:1 r·c~lnt to certain battkdng insMtu'tions. Uncler Gene1•1ll
Licem1e No. 82, no report, n ~ed 1 e ft\ d l'espoc'ting property of th Philipph1e Govermnen or its subdiviaiona, the United Stat HI h Oomrnisaioncn· to th ' :Philippine Iala.n~ts. or any officer of the
Unit d States in 1the Philippine .
In addition, no rewo·r t i.i 17equir d concerlling the property of citfaens of the United State , who are
nationals of the fJhilippin Islands solely b1:.1cause of resfrl n ether as rcp:re •ntntivas, e.g nts, or
emplQyees of th Un!i d 'tates, or QS membors of the armed forces of this country, nor ne ~
rerio1·t be m.nd of proptJrty belonging to the family of. any s1ich p rs n.
•we hnve been mathoriz d by the Tret•Sm'Y D.upartroout. to r.rant; within this d'istriet, 1rn e.."<tcn jon
Qf th~10 for ~&Hug 1•ep,nts Ol'l S rios K of I~orm 'l'FH-300 until March 14, 19 2 jn t ad o'.C Jl1eb1•111.H·,y 28,
1942 as i·r1dicated 1bove. 1 ub!Jc Oircular N'0. 413 ing in t ructions fu· tll p:ropM·a.tion of those
reports and th relat d f l'm may be obtained by :rna.klng· nppileation to t11is I ank.


Your \'ery truly,


FtSC~L .AC:Ol!llT 01" '1'"(11 UNl'l'llP ST'-'1'111

171 b:tt1a.r1 24 t 94'2

Jl''!R4! Cm3trol

-......--t11rt1uftn ~o. ~

'roBallk$, Dtmken, Trust Cbmpanie , all(l Others Concerned,
hi thf' 'fweUth Federal llc11erve Dist.riot.
D.JiJAI! Sll~$ :

For y11ur in:fotmati<i1n, thQ following i the text, of an of the PPesl.ient d4tecl Febfom:y 12,
11)42 cielognt,hig to the So<~retary of the 'l'reasm:y nil pow r and authorit;,1 und(lr Sectioos 8 (a) and
I~ (b) of the '.l'ntding with the Enemy Act, as amend d, nnd t ho 11ext of a pr RA 'llelon.110 rel ting th reto
i flue<'\ by the Trc~asnry n partment 1rcbl'Ut\l'Y 2 I 1942.

1'HJ!l WH'I1'l!l llOlJSEl,
W~ Sl:UNO'l'O'.M,

Fe brri~a,.ru .w, t 9M~.
'Menwrand111n to t,he Secretury of the

A11 pow~~r ~ncl auil:horitw coh.fert·ed upon me by Sectlon& 8(a) and 5(b) of. the 'I'rading wfth the
Enerny Act, n amended, a:~e hereby d Jcga·ted to th Secretary of the 'J)tioasury.
Ii'Jt.ANKLt.N D. RoOSl!IVfiltiT.

Morgenthau releM d toclny the toxt of th Pro11id.. ut's Order dE,ilegating to the Secretary
Qf ti e rJ~rcasurry all the pow rs r •lating to the admini·s trat,lon, custody, vesth1i.r, nnd control of
foreign-owned pl'operty, lnela,dini:c enemy-owned pl'operty. Anr1.oun<1ement of the substanue of this
Ord r wa last week by the Sccreta ry of ti~ 'l'l"easury at his press con'feretlce.
'l'he Order specifically delegate to th Secretat·y 0f th 'I'J.'ea.sury a11 power and atathority under
ctlous 3(a.) and 5(b) of the Tra.<.U·qg with tho Enemy Act, as amended by 'l'itle lil of the F irst
War Pow rs Act, 1941. .Section 5 (b) oif tho Act gl es the l'resident, or f.I Qch offlcel' as he de~igru\ites,
cornpri hemlive authority to <lea.1 with any ~orel1rn·t0wned or foreign-controlled pro}11erty. ExiRting
fl'eezing or<ier11 a·µd 'regulations have been issued under the authority of this section,
S ctioi:1 S (a) of th Act relates to l' strictionl! on tradii1g with the enemy. U:ncl r th gen ral
licens • 11,IR'ned by tho President on December J 3, 1941, the licensing p11oeeduxe under Section 3 (a)
W~!i lnt.ogra.t;ed wit,h th. licensing procaclu1• ,lll n.der th~ freezing regulations; Th n w Ord r also
clarlt1cl'l th t scope oif' such .inte~ration.



Your ''ery truly,

l''l"eBid 11t.

fr::or~T~AL RESERvr~


l\NClsct ..

ffflO L, A~INT Cl' 'l'ftl« UN1Tf1Q 9~'"1' (•

J.l'ebl;'\llll'Y 24, 11:14~
Fo1jel1n ll'uMtl Co.-tr~I

04tc!!l!'~ \N~~


To B,.nka, Uau'kerR, Trnot Comp1.micis, 1Uid Othehl Cc1noerned,
iin the 1 1welhJ1 li'edcol Be1one llh1LJ:'icL.

The Secrc~ft.T o ib e 'l,l:e1- url~ he.a ieal! d the f Howitur ~nJe:ndment of Gonel'ul l... icenl!lo No. 42:
Q~1<le ot r~1 cder l a11r.ulatio~u:J
"i'itlu 81 l\io~~oy 1mtl Fh\litl:Hl~: tr ~1111.1 y


Ch~lpte~ l-M~ne~1.~ry Ofl)<.)081

])opartmctlt of th(1
Prlrt 1s1. . .-Ge1uit 1:l'I LncoM~l!I Under
Exe cutiive Orti · i: No. 8389, At)ril 10, 1940,
as Art1en<'lcd, nd Regulations l11111ue/I
:Pul·su,mt 'fhtm~tQ.--Sl\lcUon 181,42.

r.['k~D.:\SURY 'Dl!<PAnT;Mlll~ '.r
Ot.ltoc of t/t.p S~c11~t<.it':JI

Amend1nent of 0 nl'll'al J.. fotinHe No. 421 Unde" J!lx«'cUtlve Order No. 8381), April 10,
1114-0, m1 Amended, and Regulations ltll!Utid P11rtm1tnt
Th·eret1~. 'RelaUnrc to •rranlil·
odions In .ForclJn Exchai1tgc.;, etc.*

Gem r1,1l t~ic( nse N1~l. 42 is ~nu ndc.d to 11i111.d 11111 follow@:
(1) Ag mm;\l lfoe111sc is h reby grant~();
(a) l~ic n ir1g as .n uen raJ'l'y lfo(~ni;013 riaUonal any indlvldunl i 1i1ldiJ11g JJ'I tho United Stl•tes cm
F4 bruary 2 , 1942, and
{b) Lic"nsing a n !l napdly lice11r:i •d nati@nal ~ny par~nci11 hiiP, aMauc•11tio11,i, oor1)()'fp.tion or other
organiMtion which i~ a ,n4dfonnl of a, foreign country del!llg,rtated .In th~ 1,1rl.:l~r ~olaly by .roaiaon
of the inter st thor 111 of a per~on or pel'son lioo~l ~ as RIPl\~l'ally li«lcn11o<l n~Uonala j>Ul'suant

to t;hJa go-1ert1'1 liic~n. e.
(2) The 'following p1:<.wiaions sh11<ll govern tho flti!l'lg' of r ports undtir tihis general lleonee:
(a) Bofot ofl'ecting any tt·amaaction. pursuant t@ this g·ent1rd Ucens the following ~el"aons
lfoensc'd ht1r inns ll'Cll( i·ally Ucenll!ed natiQ' shall ·!\lo a r.e1>01tt in tri·r>Jlicat on 1i~orm r.'F'B-42
with the approptiaito l~edeml i:ta~srvc bank:
(i) Evmy i1ni'!liv idu1J:t whi0 wa~ not rosldh1.g in thie U'l'!Li\ed Staitea ()ll Juri l.7, 1940 i and
(ii) Every part,ri,e~·l'lhi'{I, assoc:iatfo~1, corporat.ion or otf)er. crgahi~aticm which ptiot t.Q
1'.., ry 23, 1942, w1u1 not a generally l10E1nl!l¢d ·ru1it~onal solely b~r •'etli$o.n of t~e
h1tcreHt o:f a.n indiviidua.l or individ11als •efet·~ed ~o \n (~) above.
Any peri;on failing to co:ir\ply with this reporth1g 1•equh:ement la not a.u~hot·ized t..o ehij'age
lo auy tran a ·I.ion lJUnmant to this g nor~l licen•e.·
{u} lll'ldlvi<luals Md otrim· porsonl'il lio~nsed h reln 1L111 g n rally licensed na.tionaJs and not falling
within ch\BS s 1·eferr •d to ln 2(a n ed not filf! r ports on F1orm 'J;FR-42.
(c) 'I'his g ne11al license shall not be do ln4\'ld to ,susp1;md1 ca11c J, Ol' oth1~rwist~ rnodli'. y 1i~1 e..n~ way
tl1e re<1uiremi;nts of the Order a~1d Uegula.ti.ons relating to :reporLa on l;-ol'1n '1'1FR-SOO with
,r 1spt1Ct to 1Jie prclp .rt.y <.?f o rtain per Qfl!'I lie n, ed hiereln E~s g'erieraUy lice.need
nationals; ~J 1np~1idoil, ho'lfl<Yvei·, that if mr1orts on Tifrrt-300 were not, prJer 't.~i Febnu\ty 28
194'2, required to l;>e filed in an'Y case or cl ss of', il'lleh 1J•e1.~ort~ ILi'~ not :required t.-> be
filed pursuant to this g1meral lice11s .
(3) ':Phis gen ral lie nse shall nl'Jt be deem d to license a.s t\ gener~any lie •n ed national:
(a) ,Any individual who on or since the ffecth•e date of the Order has .acted or purported to act
directly 01· i ndir<.\ctly for th benefit or on b~half of any bloc'\<: d 001,mtry, including the govermnont thel'eof;
(b) Any l11dividual who iK a national of a blocked co1mtry IJ;y reason <Jf any fact ot.her than tlmt
auch i11qividurd has boen domiciltid in, or a ub~oot, citi!llell, or rellic'Jent of a blocked ooant;ry
at any time on or since the eft'ectiv date of the Orde;r;


(c AIT.'Jy huiUvldunil whQ et1~eri1 a blooluid 001m,try after F-1b.ru11l'¥ 28, 1942; 1,>ll
(d) Auy natlohal of Japan. Nationals of ,fap,a1~ sl)~lj conU'nU~ to b governed by the p o islons
of Gen ru.l 1'...ioonse No. 68A in se11'ax a.$ Oeneral Lfo nae ~o. SSA n1iay be ~PjV>licab1e.
It, H. l~o1~11l 11 J11. 1
A o~itlg SfJO·,•eta.1·y oI the Trrcanuru.
I~ebruary 28, 19'42.
For your l:nfCJrmatlon, the foll<.>wlng staternont to tlw P-'0BH 'Was 1•elo~sed Fobr1uwy 23, 1 1~42 by
tba Treasury l l1partm<mt.
']~he 1'r asut'y Departm nt todn ' lib ralized th f7111 zing eo11t1101 r strictlcme by acc(jrding to
refuge s 1,1rr)'Ving in th United datos after June 17, 1940 the same bt?f.\tm1;mL n.s thtit p._,ev.h:u.11:1ly
~tendod to otl1er :r(!fugeea •
.At. the aa,1me the 'l~rea11ury simplified the freezing e<mtl"OI J;1egu!ation1 1w!th 11esp c:t to Ml id<int
11lllmA by ·onsoHdaUng int@ on.e gtinornl licens the fre Wing t'.!<rntro~ ,pro isiw111 a,ppllca.(llr; to ll'U
i.ndhr!ld11nla ( · xcept nationals of J'a pan) now residing i11 the l),ilt~ ~~t. II, n.n~ to tbe bu11l.nQ111s
co11~rijs l>lotiked Holols becau~e o't t.he i:nterest of such indivi~'llAla. 'l'hi~ _was ~~~~\e by ri·ipo!)dtng
G Mra J~icnnse No. 42 um! at the same timer voking Geucra.1 ~J(e~\lf:ICS N'o. 42A'. atid ~o., 6B.
for som time t~l.c practice of the 'rl!'eaaury Departmcrnt h~a be~11 tlt> H:boraltze t1,e (rotll~inir eon·
tr l r · strlctiomi v .latlni to bm;ia Me jrnmigrants and i•e:Cur~s in t.he l.lnite(l S~te11 llilld, 11.t i~10
sam · tlm , to tighte11 t.he controls i'n thch: a.p1)licatlon to lndl idual ens~il 1:1i~h1d But for eloso
s1 >p~rvision.. 'l"he xp rience gained by tho Foreign Pund
ontrol d1,trlng the past 2Z moT)tl~11 'l.lld
the :rm1.11a of lnfox·mat)o11 gathered by it, particularly on tJt1e 'l'F'R-300 censu.s reports, h~ve e~abled
the Tr asury Dopartm nt effectively to c11rry ou tnis policy.
'rr .asury offici~ls stat d that pers<mJ' dea.Untr wit.b resident · of iliio Ul)ited Stat~• ma,y now aasume
that s~ h rouiti lb are n9t l>lockiod 1111.I 81!1 ~.hey a11e aflirmativolf tm notice to the cwritrary. 'l'h
' i•y J) purtment will t•ely on banking institudons to a11:~~c1 e 1~<.m·tlnue(,t 1.' igjlanoCl ~. n fileei g
that aocountiM which 11rc ·not ent.itled to th pr.lvllew s of Gen ral License No. 42 remain blocked
.in ciurying out inl'ltructio1•1s of the 1,'Ha.sury Depa,rtment in Cl<l!Sl'llil which a,re l!linQ'led out fol! 11pecla11
troa:tm nt, and in bringing mrn1i1ua;l o,r otherwise suspicious t,ransacti<>na to the attention of tbe
~'oreig11 l!'unda Oontrol th11oi1gb th l1'e dc1•al Rmaerv banks.
Nationnl11 <:>f Chtna, who were ·pr.evio~~lY aub~oct to the provil!ilons of General Llee.m1e No. 68, ar
now entitl <.I to !111 the benefit of Gencr·al Licena No. 42.
The new G neral Licens No. 42 does not :free th a cou11t!! of pereons who huve been acting on
b•!half of Axis oou-otrie&. Likew]ee, it has no effect on the gr at bulk of frozen assets, which are
.owned or euntrolled l>;r foroi·gn go ernmonte or by irndiVidu11ls or eonr.. erns located out11ide the
United States. Nutionfils o·f Japan a1•e till subj ct to the provisior18 of Gen(lrl;Ll License No. GSA
and were not affected b~ today's action.
'l'he 'l'reasur!Y' Department directs your at,t ntion to the :f11ict thrtit the new ·General Lieenee No. 42
in :no waiy alt,011, t'h status of aecount11 which have at any tim~ b een blocke<I ~urauant to l!lpeclfic
i'tiatmctiu11s of tbe 'fr ii.s1Jry D partment 01· a Flederal nesetve burU<.. No such llooount should be
unblcxiked lltltil th , ma1tt r has b en si1 l.i~nitt ed 1lo t.b J.rederral ·llieBerve b - aJ1Jd a ruling or license
1·ecci •d Auth orizi~Hs th unblocking of 1n1ch aC(')ount. Furthermore it i~ a4vi!ilable fol' any hanking
'h11'\tlt\l-tio11 01· brokera,ge ho11s to consult th }i edernl ltes l'Ve bank bl!lfor uubloelting any account
which has be nth sub1iect of s1?eci'fic inqulry by t,he Treium1·y .Depa:i;tme11t or by tbe Fede:ral Reserve
1>1mk a to f,)10 stiatu of. 11ch account und r th~ freezing ord ~·. Business enterprises whlcl1 are posted
or on whoa prerni e. guards or superivisor~ are stationed by the rrre~11u1·y D partment ari not to
be consider d as gen rally licensed nationalP.1, even thougl:1 Slich cnterp:r!see, J!:C pt !or the po t.lnfl
or pre. ence of Much gua1·ds or supervis~rs, appear to be 1ncluded within the proiviL'Jions of General

No. 42, as ame-nded.

:Becau. olf the fa •t that G neral 1.Acense No. 42, a amend d, xclu~es by it111 teM11s
wh.o acquir a 11 sickn in the nitecl States aft r F bruary 2~, l942, thcr wUi b eaRes in which

ttn ind~ idual i.~ exclud1.:1d from t.he provision of Gt!n Ml Licen e No. 42 solely bocauf!e of tbo fact
th t he aicquiires a residence in the Unit d Staitlm! ai'ter thll.t <late. Such individuals rnay .flle appU•

cations ·to be lie nsed as g0u tal1y lioe1~s d 11i\.tl...111al under Genei•a.l Llcense No. 42, as amended.
Yours \1 ery truly,


· -,..J',;:rt 131 ;-Soc. ~(b). iO S t at. 4tn 'llnd l\f.O: (I~. B. ~8. 1ftl. 4: f1 4 Su t HF: Puh,lfo No, Ufl~ . 7H I\ ,on(l1'1J111~: lCx 1•utl CJr•dur· RU 111
Ap r.1110, 1 ~,. IJ . aft om n!]~d l>Y E x cutive Or/Jf!r 87 u, Jull I !I J Ul IJ:lo\t <' !i~h· b trllonr ~ kh ll, Ju ll' llo, J114 l , J~xl!loull V Ol'~ r SU n,
J)e ornb r 0, 11141 , a o c'l lOx llUt lYo Oril.-r Ult8, Dt1oe rnhe 1· CO, 1Rt 1: te 'lila llo •1M, Api'll 10, 1U4 ~1, ru 1<111 nl'lod June :u, 1UCl, 1rn d
Julv ao, Hi1.

I; ~Dl.RAI...

RE SEl~VE BiAN( ' O{l" SAN Ft~AN Cl SC()


AG\ll'NIT' C4'1 "fl.Ut UN tnltl 151TA'l'lil

F bt·uury 24, l M2
l~ orelrn Fun~•


£lrt1ul1u J'ilo. Qll

'fo lilimlcs, B11r1keu, 'frust Com11"td l'I• and Other~ (/oncemod,
,in the 'l'welftb Feder~) Reserve Oistdol\


r.rhe S cretnry r,f tho rrrcr~lmrr hatJ isJm cl the fc>llowing 11evocation of Genore.1 Liconaus Nc11!l. 42A
und 08 :
od of Fed ral Regulations

'.l'lt le 31 MOll!J¥ and Fh1anc : Tr;casu1•y

Cba1)'b r 1- ?i:Jcmetnry Ofllce!*,
JLp~\rtm nt of the 'l'r f~lilUl"Y,
enorl\l l~iCOl'\a a 'Undet•
Part 181
.El ecu t,~v Ot•det No. 8U89, Apdl 10, l H40,

nis Am nd el~ , arid Re~ulation~1 r &n~od
Pur 1mnt 'l'hereto.- .Scctlo.11181,4.2A nnd GB.
'l'n.111A.au1tY D1w A'R'rMlllN'I'

Offici! of tho

Se ort.rta~·11

Rev(•catlon of Geawral Mct1nses '.Nos. 42A and 68, Under Executive Order No. 8~89,
April 10, lMO, ,,_.,.Amended, and Regulations Issued P11r1'!11a11t 'Ibe1·eto, Relating to
'fruneaciions In Foreign E change, etic, 111

Genernl Lio naeli\ Nos. 42A wnd 68 a.r hereby revoked.
;H!. Ji, .F'OLFJY, /Jlt.,
A otin,g Secr~f;ar11 of tlie. 1'reas1,irry,

February 20, 1!)42.

Yours very tl·uly,


FED Er Al~

P t~s

\ Rvg BANJ' op· SAN f,RANC18C<.

1"11 A.I. A~llNT QI" n~·lt UNF'fll!D S'fATll."

M11 1

h 11, lP·J ~
lolor~!lfl ~und1

QJ!, ~n. 2111

'J.'(• B~nk , Bank('r , Trt\ t Comr1auie11, and Othel'~
in the 'l'wel{tb I~(ldor11l Re er>vo Dhtrict.


Tl1a Secrct1 .r ' of ·tl1t1


'J';ruM1111·~ lu~s

hJa1H d th 'following am<111dm1·i1t (>f Oonol.'a.I fJ


No. 68A:

de• of Foc!l x-nl 'Rcgulatl011i.

Fim~)'la.e : r.rronsury
Cha:ptor 1- Mc n ti1u·y Offlcet1,
D •pitrtm nt of th( 'JIMnRtn:y,
llwrt l l·--Gen rnl'leni:iea Under
l'd r N( , S889, April :t 0, 10 . 0,
l~x(icrnt· v
Hf'l Aui< ncl od, all<! Jt ul11tlonF.1 l meued
rursunnt Th ,r Lo,- ect1011 UIJ .68A.

r11it,1e 31 Money and

Offi,c of t1~EJ Sccrretary

Amendment l!f (foncr•d Lit1 t'se No. GSA, aJil Amended, Under ID:!'ocutlve Order
No. 8:189, April 10, U)40, us Amt1•1dcd, and ReguJat.ioniJ ht!med Pursuant 'fhere~o,
Relating ic1 'frumm ·Uons ln Fo11elgn Exchange, ek *
Ge11era1 Lio n <~ No. GSA i l!i h i'< by ame11dell Ly del tiug p t'l'u!.(,t'aph (6) and r ·numbering pt1.ra.l!ra·11>l1
(7) 1\8 p:amgraph (6).
E. Tl, F~Ol.ll\lY, JR.,
Acl:imy ~r. oret.1n11 of tJw Trc(L8U1'1/,
March 10, l 942.
'l'h dc~l t1t •d pnr•\ •ruph rea,d as follows:
"This g ne1·al Hconsa shall not authoriir.~1 any transaction whicl1, directly or indirectly, ubt.antlally d,imlni hel'! t~r in1perils the Mf.iets within th contin ntal United Stat s of l!l1Y national
of Japan. or othenvise prejudicially affectR the flnanclal position of , uch national within the <:ont.inental United States."
This para rraph WtlA dc•lPt d in order thnt .Japanese va u H operatinv ond ·r Grneral Licen ~io
No. SSA might dlspo o o:r th •Ir- ))roperty without rostrlq,tiGn.

Youn·s v •ry truly,

Presi.d n.t.

'l 'Mllllll :· :-.1i. f, 11J1 ,.111Hti1! 4H.i1111lllUU iHe11.U 4 Hlut . l t.~Htn t 1;u,Pulil kN1 .. HM. 1 th 1m 1011~; lil11 o u,til'e!J11d••rHll ~.
Alll'l i 10, l~JO, 11 !l111 Hll0V\I b)' Jbuumlvo t1rd1-1• W)~f., ,Ju11 q 1,, lU~l_._IUxe1• 11thte (l!'lif +r ~~N~ . ,IUI!" 110. 1G41 , X'tW\lLiVlj llt•t'lrll' M91iU,
11.)~ \lf' in ber· ll,1M!1, Rnt'l ID:i. 11(1 l111111 t•dt-1· 11118, lle ne mh 1 2n, 1041 1 n~i;11hulcm•, .April il:U, IU +fll . " " 11m t1nd~1l JIJ ll H, l llt',1, anil
1h1Jy ~n . 11141 ,


F!!r•l(fl !un•l·~~lrol
!l!s_1111hir Np. Ull2

'J'o D.11nke, l)anki ,,R, 'J,tml. Cornpnn.iea un(l Other ()onoel'r:ie<l,
in 1l1e 'J'wnl'M1 I odcri1l Rest l'Vil rn tdut.

1''011 yo ur i11forma'licrn lho 'r1•c1111


J C'purt111 •n Lhr11 mndo t he follo\l\rinJt rul'lng:

l'Lf.I i.o whether th . 1'1'(Lding with th mn('my Act.. 1~8
orn y or 1ihPt' ug<cmt if.rom "'•tir frnntlng 11 Jnpnn · KC
d. pvohlhlt~
iim1irl n·t All 11 ntlt.le!l t,o 'l.11( pd lJ 1roa of Cknui·n:l Lice:M No. 68A.

" .Inquiry hnA IJOP!l rnwl
~ltrl( 1 nd


vo ry truly,

P1'tJll'ici.ont .

lF.;nrnRAL P11:sg1~vll: fll\Nt<:
fl'ISCAL ,~!Jiii-iT


oP SANfRAN01 sco




lfti.1 Ch 18, 1942

(llurel1J1 l1'ul\dl Co11trol
l!g. J3I


1'o Dank~. J;lnnkc.r11,, Tru~t, Cc;•mpuui !i 111ml Ollt(,rs on<1 ruccl
iu t}ie 11\vellth ])'edtw11!. lt rve llistri t.
D~Alt $IRA:

inforttuit.loth the 'fcillowing kVr' tht t xt,s of ili1:u JoHtlvei 0r~ ~· No. 90~)5 dl\tad M;arcb. 11,
rn42, e~fa~l:IHs'hi:ni..r the omo of the AUotl Pro:t11m.•t,y Cut11todinn, Of fl mcmo:rwndum to the Secre1lnry o'f
· the Tro1\au1·y from ih Alien l'I'ope1;Ly Custo1.Htm, nncl of a stntorn nt to iibo preaa mloased March 12,
1 ~4~ l,iy the ',J:'roaFJ1u·y l epnrtm nt with lilill:lP c:t ·Lhol' ~o.



EXIDCU1.'lV FJ O'ltmm No. 0095
Establi• ...:;.g tho Ollice of Alien Propc;l,'ty Cu11torlJ1u1and Defining Its Functions nnd Dutiitla.
By virtu uf tho f~uthority vost d i:n m hy th Oon.sti'tmtlo,1·1, hy th Trading with th Elncm1y Acit
of O ·t l11'r 6, HH7, u,a im1cnded, br the FJ.rAt V./u.t Power~ Aet, J.941, mid as President of the
United Sttites, it is Mrolly cml.urcd M follows:
(1) 'l'h 1"0 ifl he11eby ostablishecd in the Ottnco fior l!lm 'l'Q'ElnCl~ 'Manage·m ent of. the lt~Xfj1CUtiv omc
t1f nw Pve i.d£mt the Off ce of Allen Pl'opcrt.y Ou~wdfon, at th€1 head of which shall be an .AJien
Prop rty Cua'llodtan a11polnicd l.iy tho Pt sldent. 'l1he A.11 n Property Custoqlair1 aha.11 reiceive comtxmtW.tlon 11t fll)l<'..h rate as t'bo Pvosiclent shall :.t. pi1rc~ e and in Additic'ni sh~ 11 be Qntitled tcr> auitut1il
and nece1m~ry t·11~11 portn1,lon, sub1:1(stenc • and oth t oxp6Jll:Jf.'~ incidental to 'th<i pel"formanr. of
hill 1c,ltd.le~. W~~hin tho JIT\'il~tlaiti@n of Stich funds R8 TI'll\Y be made ~vailali> le ~OJ' that llUllJOlle, the
A.1iot1 Property Oua11odhm may nppoin:t 11.ffll:li ti~11ts and <il~.h 1· per1:101mnJ airul delegate to them sucti
fu1ic:ti0Ju1 ns he may d(:lom nOll(\lf:I ar,y to c1m:y out th v1•ovlsi(JT1$ o'f thts <~1•t'lcr.
(2) All power o.nd authority conferred on the Pr .sid~mt Ly Souticms 3(a} 5(b) of the 'rrnding
wJth U1e liJnom,y A<:.t Cilf October f.i, 191.7, •1s ~mend d, nml by Sectiorni 3()1 auc:l 802 of 'l"me 111 of
the 11'h'st War Powers Act, 1V41, appJ·oved Docemiver 18, 1941, exc pt. 1llf1Ch p11wers and au.t horlty
ll8 were delegated tQ the Secretary o'C tlrn rveasu1ry by Executive OrdC1r.s issued prior to ~'ebruary
12, 1942, anrl to the Bo~J1d. ,of Govornors of the l" der11l Reeerv System by Elxccu1ii'1e Orde1· .No.
8848 of. A'lll'glllst U, 1941 (which power. 1rnd Authol'it shall c@nt,hme to be vested in and xercisod
by the Sec11etlilry of t;lle 'l'rMsury and the Bom:d of Go~ernors rMpecUvely), a11e hereby d1 legated
to and v steti in th Allen Property Custod~an . The mernol'andum of February 12, 1942, dt~le­
gatif1g· to th1i Socretary of tho 'frea1mry certain pow rs 11.1.d authodty under said s ctions, i
ho1 <1by revol~ed a.nd canceled . .Any and all action hcr.etofore taken by tb·e Ifonird of Govet',nors f
the 1'~ederal }l, •serve System af:t~.r Feh1uary 11, HM2, in pur1m:mce o:f Executive Ord· r No. 4.8
Gf Aug1,1st 9, 1941, i h •rel.J y a ntim1 d and ratl1i ed. ln th exerciAe of the authority her in del ·
gated, the Allen Property Custodian shal1 IJe subject to tb·e provislonFJ of Exocuiive o~·d r No.
88!\9 of July 30, l!Ml, and shall <l ignate a rcpr sentative to th Board of Ec011omic Wair!are in
accorci.anc with Sect.ion 6 t.her o1'.
(3) Any prop l'ty, 01· int rest thore.ir1, o'f any foreign couritry or a national th reof shall V'St
in the Alien P1 opcrty Custodian whene\:er th AI Ln Property Cus•l!xJja'rl shnll so dk'e ct; and, in
the case of any property, or intier st therein, .- ubj c 1t to the control of th S{Jc:t tary of the 1.'J• a ur ,
when the Alien Property Oustodian shall notify the Socl'etary of the Treasury in writing that b






h.Q!I so tHl'ec~ecl, 't1'1 Soo:retnry of th~ 'rrfil4"•1Arr 1h~ll r~'.l~o.1110 ci.U l,'loblrol of, 1m.;v 111µc~ '-'rop rt.y, or
!11teJ1est thetelp, to the ,.A.lfor1 Pll'<>l~~rtr Ouf.lto~i11.n.
( ) At1y Ol1tst~n~b114 otder, rirt1c1arnatkm, reiulatfon, 11Uiill "', lfo .n11e, (U' inst1matic>u ls u.ed p1u•.,
su nt to, or rolating to the administration ot any peiWIJr QT lllilthorlty ve1.1t:od j'n tha Allen '.PJipperty
C\1. tocUnn by thia Order shall remfiliu in eiftlet unle11s and tmt:ll tl1'n ·ndod or r voked by 'ihe Ali"n

l tQpert;r uatodian.

o. ROC>SlllVEVl'.

Tm:l W1f11'ID Housm, Mim:h 11, 194!t

* • * • •
WA]'l~JNC'l'I'O~, D.


.Ma,rcJi 1.t., 1fM$ .,

Memol'im<hnn to tlle S 1cit11ry c1! the Treasury:
Th re ~s :h r by~ legated t<> the li'ocretnry of th.e Trea1111~'Y all pow r 111·1d (lutl).-0rity under Sectlona
8 11- a,11d 5 (b) of th(;l Tradio,g witlt th Enemy Act, na an\ended, ~~!0011 d tlpor1 rna by tbo
Pxe idt nt hy Ex e1:utiv Order dated March 11, ~94~. 'l'hi11 del g~\iion fr.I te111DO riry, pendfng th
tllffing and orgalilb:atlofi of the office of t'ho AU~11 Property Cu toclian ~ arnl 11h111l u11tl1
.evoked iu w.rit'iug ii.\ whole or in part at any tlnw by me. 'l'hia dolcgntlon shall not be coni.trued
ius a limltatfon tJt>Cln 'tn;Y authorJt,y to ex,e1·ciae et&ch ;power and authority at any t ime.




Atiqm, T.)11o~ioT'f.y

du,st01t icm,

• • • • •
At a joint ptella conference held today hy Secretary .M0Fgentbat1 and Mr. CrowlaN, newly arpix>inted
Alien Prop rty Oual\odia11, concerning the Prel!lidont's Elxoeutt o Ord · l' atali>li&lting tho Office
of AlJen Ptoperty Custodian a11d deftning !ta fun.ct~ons, it wns poi11ted CIUt ~hat there wi1uld b
no ifitei•rupt\on in the vairi0us pJ'9gramliJ vital to the effort which at' hl?W in the 11rooe1u1 of
xecution 'l'Qlatlng to fbredrl'l•li.IW1ned and foretgn-oontr<>lled pro1~erty, It ,also pointed 0111t that
Secretary Mor1.r~mtil1at1 and '.Mr. Crowlt!y had \ljl(>rked iu ,c.oop1J?J1wU0n for: th laet t1evernl mo~ths
Qn, c~r.t~in of th~11e pni,gr,nmiJ, and that 'liMs spiri,t of cl<llse coope1•atior1 w01.1.ld. continue. '
It WM also statetl at today's conference that in adtution to the ft•eezing c(mtl'ol p@wers which were
left in the '1\ieasury D partrnent by the P11esident•s Executive Order, at'her l'~owers and authority
which w 1 p·a·cvlously vo11t.ed in tbe Secretary of the Treasury would remalri with the Secretary
oftb.e Tt-eaf.mry ponding th stafling and 0rganization of the ofiloe of th Alien Property Oustodian.
Accordin gly, th'ero was rtile~~d today th~ text of a tnemoran(l1m1 to the Secrotair~ of the 'rreasury
d'4tcd. Mn..r. ,h 11. 1.942, iesu~<l by the AHen Property Cus~ian. 'rh tic t of th: m "ntorandum i a
flollow19: (Same •11 set forth ~bo e.)


very truly,


fl' l ilC AL A~!(NT ll>I" l'l'HE

lJNITll:r;t STATlt.1

lvl !'ch l , l !1'12




To Ban:j&.s, BankerB, Trulli Cu1mpanie1, •••d Othera Concerned,
ht the ·rweUdt F'eder._l .Re1ervc Distdct.

'.l'he 'ect• tl'.\1'17' of Urn ~ri;mwi1ry


Issued th fol1,~Wj11g gom1rn\ il'uling :

Cot~e of JI' dtm~I R · g1dni'ion
1~1tl 81 '.Mon 'I and Finan< e : 'l N~u su1•y

Chapt< 1·

l -~·


'Department. of the Tre~sL1ry,

I a1·t 182~G •11r.rn.1 Rt1liT1t(s Uncltll'
lllxecutivu Ord rNo. 838H, April 10, Hl40,
as Am nd d, and I egulnt!onH Ji;i11 u~ d
Par~ trnnt Th r to. -.SAC'tlon 1S2.6A.
TllHlAf:IURY DF.ll' Allll';fl{1llN'l'

0 fl£lle


t th<J S~ ct e~lt1'!1

8889, Aprill to, J940, ~Fl Amet1ded,
ln 'Foreign
Exch11ngc, etc., and Sectlon fi(b) of the Tralllng with the Enemy Act, ns Am4'nded
by the Fir t Wa'r PowcrH Act. "'
~le1ne•·11.I. Huling No. 6A, U"dcr E"ccmUve 01'<for No.

and Jtegulation l ll"lsued Pursuant '.l.1htire1.o, Relutiing io 1'runs.i1H~tloJ1

niterl Stat s nnd fon ign cun ncy aent, mall d, import d or othcrwJs . brought hlto tho U ni~ed Swt\1.
from any blocl<ed country not withlri tl1 gen rally llcem1cd nren, or from, by, or on boh11lf: of tmy
pet H n wh oR(\ nl-lm . app 11·s on '"l'h Proclaim cl J.;i. t of Certain Block d Na1;ionals", alfltl the re(leivh1 r
or hc1lding in the Unit d States of such currency RGJ brot11.rht into tll.e lhtlted Stnites Rhall be subject
to tbe rirovi ions of Gcner11,J Ruliugs Nos. 5 . Jld 6 in tho 1:1ame mar'll~er 110 If l'luch cu:rrcncy were


Cliltftl Iii.

E. JI. l!.,OU!JY, J~ ..
Actiri-o Soo'f' fiM"11 of tho ':Jlii tJrtieur11,
March 18, 1042,

For your information the following st.atem nL to the press wa s rel eas d March 13, 1942 by th •
Treasury Departm nt.
'J1hE Tr f.Lsury Departm nL today took acU011 to control the importation o! fm• ign and dom tic
nited, tnte!! 'from nny block d country not within th ge11e1'nliy licensed trad
currency int.o Hi
~\rea or from any pt·oclnim d liAt national. G n ml Ruling N . 6A subj cts all 1rnch currency to
the control xtended to !I curitie by Gonernl Jil.1~1imrs Nos. 5 and 6.
•rrE aflm•y offi lalt1 pointed out that und r this ge11 l'a.l ruling currorrny from t.h eHe blocked areas
01' )latio nnl wot11d uron importai.l.on be forWi.Lrd . 1l immediat1 ly 0 a FoderHl It . erve br.tnk as tlscal
n e1it of the 1u·it < · tat s. 'rho Ji'edend H1~s r ve bnnk will thereaftet• hold the currefilcy 1J1ntil
th '1'!' nsury D pnrtmcnt lms autho.rized its rc~l ease.
Yo1.1rs very tr~1ly,


l"J,. 0

l~ l~A.L 1R 'F: ... ~f(V'8 BAN J<
F"i•c~L. Aol!M Oi' ,,.....





SAN l;,)~A'N Cl s CQ

B'!'Ai' •


Ma e!h Hl, 1942
for~~!&'\~• (Jq.-(,o~

_!NIUI~ No~

To B1ndo1, ll1,ud,~a::1i1, 1f'r"st (JQmp~nle~, n.-d Oti11e.ra Con~oi:ned,
h1 the 'rw~ltt'.h Fede1:11i lleae·t tti J)lfll\tfot,


Thfl S cfotary of tho T~cq 11ui·y ha.fl! iR!lu d th following publl.c circLtlar:
Code of Federal R ~ulntionl'I
'l'itle 1H '.Mc,iney and F.lnnnc.o:


Trem~ ury

OfUc(\i:i, of the Tre,fl.SU~Y ,
PIU"b l ait G~~ler.~ll 1..1 (~USC'-'\ u~~dl'iJ."
111.xecu.t iv·i ().roer No. SMO, j~prJl 101 1!'40.
f,l,S Amende1J ii,nd R ~·ulfl.tim (s lasuea
Pur1m•mt 1~h er to,
Trt l!lA$URY DJOt'AR~Milil'!lT

Office o/ the Seitmita,i11u
Public Clrc,,.iar ?\io. J 7, Undllr Exccutl. e Order No. 8889, Aprll 10, 19~0, H Amended,
'and Rcglllaliemm l 111sued Pursu•nt 11hcreto, lleJ.utl11g- to •rransactione in Foreign
Elxe)hange, etc.•
(1) Genoral Liocns No. lB is hel'eby am.end d as foHows i
(a) ,T.Jy d lethlg the word "Jmia" f.roin stibdi lshms (a) a1'1d (b)

or pa~·a,gi,ia,ph

(1) thereofi and

(b) By d •1eting subdi visions (e) a nd (d) frorn pniragra.p h (1) ther of.

(2) Ge1Prnl Liceiisc! N Ii'· 15 is hereby .amende d as follows:
(a) By de! ting lhe words "bfltwecn t he Cnitecl Stat, f:I an<l th N therlands East Indies and 11
from 1mrngraph (1) thereof; and
(b) By d leting the wo'r.·ds "such areas'' f 11 m 1mbd:ivision (a) and (h) of p11,1·agraph (1) the1 eof
and subsiitu tin~r thcrefo1· the words ' 1the Netherhmds West Jndies".

(8) General !J:iicense No. ?O is he.rebiY amended by deleting t ho w0rd " he Netherln.nds .mast Indies ~r"
1i.•om th e 11ret 'pfi/rag' the1ieof.

(4) Ocneral Lie use No. 21 ia her by ~mended by deletln 1 the WOJ)d "the ~Tet?tledands Eaat lndies or.'' paragraph (1) th ereof.
(6) Fo;r the purpose of admtnistering the Order and complying with the pro Mons thei1eof, i:he
Netherlands East hldies shall continue to be regarded as a part of the Netherlands a nd not as a 'Jl&rt
of the tieJ.·ritory of 1my other blocked OO\Hiltry.
(6) Att ntion is ted t.o the fact tl:).a't, by t1ea on of te~np rary on~rol u.nd occupat ion btf the
rrtilitary, naval; ar~d polfo forces and other au.thol.'it.y of J'a~11, the Nether11mds Ei!ist I1idie$ b no

10ng;01· tnolµcl~ '!Yithln thel,{f(UI NUN l~,...ed ~,,~e -~ ·~ 4enmiq hr G~h r•l l'.4oc'QS(~. Np~ 50. c~ nor*'1
;Lilleni,t> Nlii1 Ml b ber~by arn10nclo~ by ~EllJe.t~Qg ti})B w9rd11 "th N~t:h rlnn<1~ Jil1.1,st lndiee" f:rom sttb·
dlvj 1do11 (a) of p•lr...,graph (8) ~he~~o~.
W. 11. )<,QIJlY, ,Jrc.,,

A ch~'f!O 19c1n•ef1ct.t·11 o./ tfw '.l'11ea;$ri/.t'U,

MKrch l,8, l942.

yQur fnformatlon the followlnJ statem n-t to the pl'\lBfll ' 111~ reloae d M~lrch Ul, 1942 by th



Th<~ rr~IOij tlt,Y I> partm nt •mnouuood 't11day that, :br J:l(l8t:iOn of teml)ota.r.r J4\Llf.1.~le8 QOcuiui.t.ion
'*• certab\ gener·•l 'Uoenses relatmg to th~)Ne a11e&s $.1'

4nd e llt I of the Netherland6 li.l"11t Ind.i

nQ lon1te11 BllpUcu.ble,
Public Clrcul1~'t' No. l7, is~ued today, <*lied att".ution to the amendmon1•of, these genol'Bll licenses
which 1rnd autho·rl~ad trnnaaction1' by, or on behalf of, persona In th Net1icrla11ds East lndh.1s.
Thia d~velopment further implem nta the De1 art111 •nt's p1,ogram o:f pre,~enting the
li<Juidatfon In the Uoltod State$ of the assets of lnva.d~ d r.:ountrl .s mul is in line wltb the policy
rogulnrly follow d with ;respect tQ terrlto.rfos tempor11rlly falling· u~cl t llnemy clominatkm.
:noted thl\'t the Nethorlaot\\11 En»t Indloo will oonUmim to b regAltdfl<l as a part
o•f tho 'N therlanda, froQlen by :mxeeutiv~ Order of '.May 10, 194Q.
Offici~il apo)(e81TJIOU

Yours very truly,

"ED1CH/1i,, H •'li RV~ BJ' ·; . OJ~ SJ~ ; ~'JUj 0 I OQ O
F1S0J.:L • en.. ·r OF ~P r; G ' r~r.'.!J EJ TA'l13.lf.1
W C!'lJlL ;.•HCJ'.PJ.;:HT"' pJ.i;:;JAh T ·:.:. 'I1

tE'J.tottA: 1D1P 1
: iroh 19 , l , it?,


;im .•

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J ,., ,1 \CO 1 o., i.oa.1 C1 jzc~nr.-1
,trLJ~t , San !"rt 01 oo ,

l'O:>)u:, :

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.1 v11r ll1'J ·11;.~b1Jro 1'0o li ni.~ t li ,iJ: 1'tu•t1lt.L1ro
p '0 ., rt ~" 111' r.' !!l t;. l i 1
!r1 \~ ll r.1 lp1.w



l .r.d

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surud ,


u Q£L....w:.tJ_ lE_~~

Ac vi soc tl. J! t o r:· t n '~l.'YLio 1,u (a l' e:ict
l \vH ... 101 .1' o 1110 1·s , rt 1 ·o 8 r11p .o ..r t i.c;
11cl. ElVoi11.11l)l;~ i"tl':)reJ· t icrJ i J 1 .,u ·.. 1 11f :.c: · r1.. 'l 1.1:·1
t::i u~
r arJ: ·1cu l . i~r:. JllJ )1~11t ;J• · '• . ll ordi:..r
.•J 001 ld irit111·cwd<1 :::in t:.:..;:ir U(• ,elf .

'c l o,




J . .; o'nm r ·Lz , 1 2J>.3 L11. vl owl11·" Gt,r ..Jt ,
A:1 Jri ou11 c. 'Liz n .
T1 .,,; '0S JC in the
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on our

fi l .a
1 .. ~on t.

Hosa , CA11f.orn'lo .

TH 'Cll UfHJ ;io• buX'
Of r-1\Jo v t J, i;r•oc (Ji on O\fft
n, roxi ·1. t ol y 300 1 000 J OJH:l in iE~ .r. ct tw rv · d

PJ•o t h1.




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Ul 'C, SU t')f hO U :3 J ,'J lcl oq1.: !)I ,Ont





;~ · =~ocjutior: .


can cit.lzons .

cu 1 ri __. •o ·i c .'! o t o bl; ~ o:-- <l u o .. \ 1 h l s .r o }oi If. s ?
.:1.·.o i
our ouu ..,e-; ti on f.IS
ur.. c! ictu lir uic1nt.i8n
, . ~,t.. c.1 ·~1JOn ::ilJ inr· "f lr·: in, Li.:.~.J ,
l't f, f lood ii


cot 1.



curt. oil n1







b,. ·.. .-lc.l


Of cill.''1.l: \,;


l ctton ru i·

··~ 00or.

0111.:;l' .


Y · o?wc!l 1 l'E.ICl.!lf'Un l , Ft, l" · Gar 1~o f 'i, l lf!.IW fl 'n i ·1. ,
( j n . .. t :)Cl :r ) ,
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n . w'':

1nc.l Lu ve G"AO

t, •

.ori : Cri1 ·. to .• 1.H. G!'. Clo r..1 ] CJ .f'.' <.:: . d''ttr c1l .. 01!Jr•1.01
o t n:;10 r~·1 .:nv o:( r 1;cl on t.lcr , u1:cu ·r· H. 1 co1!!1
·r· :J: ! . r:i r • ~ : ir1 nd Cni. t.r· )1 "Jf..l ·d nu· 1 ir Lzi ll{,, r u~· -

o c1aL1(lit1Jl' t1 .1c... i.j,t.l~ t3 1 1:J11 1 ~f' r:i:r o f
'rool. c c1 u(,lit.r 1 r 1.d I. :.ibo v c~ ) oorHrn
· • ict· L C:0LJ1:l , J'.
·o J,.11:r1l C.:J,C iff. C'.J( , ldtJ, I l1< lCJJ 'lltlH d iJ 1(; 1 llti1. 1'f'
\ d)llJ d curi't..a 1.
I'll y l'll ·t. J1c•r cl rl' l ( ll 1 . cl ' v ~ ) opnd l'll1
Sb.CJ J OG:' 11 0t do ·11 .1 no w . d ni,E urn" Ot'l!Jfj
l ;J JP .1.' .
or1L sr-r: ~).rl.1.y r:.lcooa. .
dE•lJ · ~~>r

.. ;{iJ

16 :


'I'su ~ hlr11 ,

CH lfon i o .

Stb j •o · :

rn: s

Ao Jon tok en:



?001 '11 1< c;t•l

n r ict1

i 111

»ven e , Oo!<:l1m d ,

c.i l zen .

S ool. wo~·,lt
,o.e ri . :1b ovu oddro~·r-L
fix t.u"es , :11,f? , 500 ; BC't'Otm ,:3 pm/ LJn , •.r 1 , 500;

O\•lfa liiUO ~'
J2 , ~ ; Q ;

Problm :

'roJ~l: ,

:;rn,e :


Nl l'

adv .s

ren ; r

orrnl . Jo


lpf. to .

tronof l' l ic uni


1~cnu, .

Uoo r d of J£qm1lize1 ion \lo
E1 ,
,iori ovc·r n11r.l1liJensou1 1,hjs o 11Ji t I! I3 v 1u· d d ,l / 'U",
, r o I; . j! i
:: !' f e 1 r>C'I t '-' : : p 1 '.; i •
hcfet·r ccl to b

· iu r

3herJ-;f ' o Offir.o , linr·t
, CC'• l.U"J r i 11 • A : J• 1 c C:I n c

! o 1 ?L t. "
~;1u.h j ~ct :

r o.nLh


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. r . • U'Tir:rnn l.




, ·.:or :nc
ul e : ."o::; :r •~ '31'!' •r.l. ,..:> Cou: ~- l el cl J.1r .~
bOl : ' -vjn ~'Lr t!Je , llii:::J • oncl ,
A j s , · ~01 t f>J';)(':t1:in
C 1 lfr.> id a , os c1r·1 8r:cur t.•.r J\d. inir:irati0n is ared ·o l~::t.~ r d a:o s·L.a11ot• .ln ueh cr:n·n as his.
· 2 ~·

MIC: e us:

Je 1t.urn e 'ou t~ u c.l. 1HJ , G l 'EJ n lifJ rJ Pn1 J· , :' 1, 1'11. 111\aco .
FDIU' riri .Li t(3 f I ' :U... . r~. fll\ 1t l' 1/,1 t ')I 1 l · ;
fCJ 11'
1rn t · ?'O f£L.1l'.'
lO((l >(;1 ·11 .


'F n:U, 1 (J.)IH' st.: of l'OU.l 1 { J11.i.i'Ath1r,r~
tM!3 c ,, . a ..11HJ('ll;.!l on 'or . ··o.1:"1J:· - i; I ():
liv ln l»ur 1·: , i11olur'i1 1 on .rn .1t.· DJ ·r11o:·~jJ ,
e::r.u ClfJi cino uCJ ~· t t. 11r1 J rtf, s a !·w ;J. l Or J., o ncl , ·Jim "'' 1 .
i•i:;tur rl
nho 1 ,1y . :,ll' 11~· hew r , 1 in 1..ont.~nl HJJ' *ionnl
pr10 1' 1\;r loocAtod it lrdclbll Gr~ 1.i Jl'a.r} 1 c·~)1,0 1sL. nl or
Vf,1luebltj t. r.)CJ~
.a lnnt,G , WOT'l.O ~>f' dJ1111n f)Sf.J £1 t;

Cl ('-?!1 8 i

al e ·'f . ts nn r;11tJ£lt'i.01 o f 0\1rw.1·eh i ) er
n b LI . 1 (] i J { 8 .l 11 t lJ ;/ 'r 0 ~ U J11, i' (J I l: r ) 1(,H ('1

prod (;IC
PJ 1 0blon :




qu.e 1 tion of o\,Jlt,; c l: po' oort11j11 , .rov1in r r.l:1n· ~ ,
rao1"1r:J 1n /'T 'ound , SD'1 ':'.I in putP. , Art. ooJ..l. ec·to n 1r
. .Jr ··uJl it1t r-1 v1 ouJa l o or cons f.;,rn l o vrJ ]ll(L T\.JC1
of t'1 nl.1~ 1 qiJ!.t,e olc. , 73 - ~ yerr · 1 3•r IH'l<.Ct1veJ .. ,
n eo(J c.or f.i '.Ld f lr;: C.ll J''G • .· n OIHW tl11 · I l.'OUn :l!J
evt1cu1;1 t ticl , w.11J1, c1m b c o,nt:1 t o in~ 1· , sof'o L!'.'tod.
of U!:Hrntr:. ond c1b.r1fl oF~ 1on n1' 1LL·lc;'?

rcm11y th.:iAt r oo
vJ!. 11 H.ll out l orH:l1rn, 1nol \HUnr~
'P~u·h. U.;nnissi on , r.11J~, 011d Uriit e cl J 8t.e 0 ,1ve rn 1 t. .
coopc11~ ·c

:) i' l Jl:

c ion tehm :

c t!cl n tt..Ol'r e: ' f:->r ;r i Drrnl'. cH1 f'u : d ly . Sur · FJi.
.oo 'LiJW w1
•1,~1 er :··orl-: Co U'11.s sio1J , hj•rnr~lf'
1~nd r ,;i ;'l!'e se 1; · v•.; ~-vocu oe Pr o per .; · J "f) r1rt."'lo nt · ci
1md EH1vu1r· to 1 oacJ 1 u uol D[,!'CH"l'"HJI
"> '. i tl1 o,
!'T'Oj)1'H' 'L h~ , FlllfO f"Uf:' i-od: · O!' llOBUtlJ , f. nd COil 11.lHWlH f,3 '
if odvloob r.: , .11' 111· L.r• 1.ri ur o , fluWCll'fl , o·o ., i 1 lr..:l1
hnvo '),.Jn c,runt1" 1 ,ioyrn 1:·1 t l10 l1iut. b;· bon l' .. r.r,c lc. o
. ttjzcno. A1 .· 1roc;ra1 t,J'lus ein ,.. r lw'd L;· tltin f l' vl i
... ould
Ir n be pr•~!.l 'n ud t o Pu I: Co;n1Jn101, 1. !3 a \1Jl101.r
Emu 'thu ,J:;uir·d c.if ..,) up r v .in._rs '>l' ' '. t Ci :• nnr1 Cou.r
of S1~n }'J• n--i:.:co fur V · d1 op l'OV£1l , j f 1 cc~.,l'l"' .

0011 t

Jo1 t


ller:-1an n
O:iri 01 ,

Cle!) ir'(, , 248 Cl6·1.:;n; :..:: t.r ce 1 /;m
:;rlr lo DJ on luoninr; ot orc nt n

.~1 · n,ci:-3r•c J

t~ cl~!' ':.1 . :i!

Pr:.:>hlt.!n :


Ao io

Adv··oc" tl-..n
fVirJ1w·10. de, f.1 hot o~:ett?l• 1eT :f'o r ~wnc or inur11:1 , 1:in<l t h~t he shoulcl c"lirc·rs

C V ff .. tl.1



r.:oncol lo1as?

·rah! :

t. h 1 s s .i







J "s .;" r . ~·.'t:i \ .) u J d . :5 n i st h i r
or or l:irir out antisfi:rntory

Dru.:l1io ·: 01 1,l;:o nnii .:i J'('lrl~l~e ,, il~o ( ll ' rJt l.'s) ,
7 . . l,~)1,! vmU"o
f' ucl:i'lo .L 11.m, - 1. 1·1.11 ~1; ·
Sm 1. . 1.JIH'ld!\), · 1eir.iciim r t, iw urn~ .


Jnr: Pl on ·~
oo.nH.9 ; t \ o CJ vu lHn e , go ,::it1 oond,:\.t,'LoH . tu 1ct.
.'l~Lne oJt in nr ormnt,
2 1 000 ,
bourl'lt n 19 2 2 fO J"
VaJ. tHJ f al.J fl!'C1n0 r 'k <' '1!'70 , DOO , lfo nli l:mn t.h r eori
1onrthl,r 11£fyr1c..:: 11 ' .rot:l r e 1C:Jnt. . nw:v cl 1 not.
;.,,3,800 .
wcm ·Lo 1JJ, l p:r op l' t y · 'l' eif.or t, o 1, trn1Oih

Owns cci ., lE1t · 1y \P CJUip pccl !l~H'snn.· :. , h o

Ou ..~ 1:H.;i1t1lt' bJ•othoJ' n Cl 1:;.d, t lJl' · oonfur w~·~ 1·1
l11•H nt ,., · ·~Hd .l'
baJ Ir hold l11c nortt~E1f; ue t o
011t 10 , wi ·n
)Trc p n" y iL f.:Jtr131~t r:i:r · noimttou, ona
potil!libl · ll.l,' 'U l'S , 1..h( l lH 1JL ; ti llO J' Jl\.ll' ui·~rno n .
Uf'f ur d to hol ,1 o n tftW t,b ;:1 Hncl CU 10U.A \.J\tl'I 1n} r ,
: \l~:Jnlc'I Sll'bni t li.B" O f ~o. sibl. Oll~'' ro A~ OLU' fl1tis
111 · arsons 1 ntor<~s <Jd :ln ,Jd.A 1 u of m"opcD ·1..Jr •
c,1 ·0

Aot.icm talrn n·:


,r11P -,;,:;c J1: /\~ •• n. :~ ' ,s , Tfl'L ( 1 :~v LEH GJllr..Dm:r)
,\"ETUCA; . Dr·n~:~H .

,-~i l'.l~j .,

rr: !.'l! Vj SvlJ th11t \l h t t A.iori,cim r;Jtll.zon '\ j ;f'u v1·
1Tt: un1JPu 111 hrn \.JOU1<l 1 <J b1'; aub , 110 1, ·~o lJ VllCJll( • on
cn:cil.l'!.' , ol 'th 01ir;h on.r ob ilct1.·l~r1 ~va ld _


Suggeete(l !)ir10 r a..~ for Ue ~'ederr~l Ill • lrv" iil1.i~ le o:f' Sm F;r1111011i1cc
wHh ' rOJ:.i'-'r~y o ~ vu 'jJJC!I e fro1n Pao1r.C'1C}
Mel o h · i• JlU.bU o @ enoi. Fl to do
Ooast 1J1ilit1Ar;1 aruu, mhe 0uo e s o thb pro);IOOl.lJd prot;am will d,~p end. 11,,on
:plti.oi g Q01ll!P1&t ~ neponsi.'tlil:tt, ~ or i B G1xeo11t 1~ cJr; :t.1·1 ~ rom··ioaaible> \!1~•~tf
Cot), b a.~ ~o~r aoti·n und..n tht) , ··;111 :re.l d·l'ootion of th, ~ 1 01.. :L 111!1.lica.i•y
autl 11ritloa,

~ h1l ovmo1 Hot· cm ahr'l' 11otio of ona oif' '~nt.:il onn(1~ oJf orsono
i'rorn Ni:qta.ry 111.ro11.11 o th l'u Uic OoaBt :ccdae1~ s rl. 0•11 Jro'blomo 1·.1 oonn~c­
t1ith 't,ho l ..~51'~~!.H!2.t.' .. 1~l1&~l' ~ OJ 1~rt,, ho , din ·~ 1mt~. t e prohot~on o:t
'),·m dir of su.c : er~o.11J n .,. ~ ··." ~·· • '. 9n.f.! r:: ~:JrJ. : .~~ .." lo.~~. ~~:)..p11.~
o ~~i.1i. Qr9,: ObviotJ,ol;r tho .;ii111 r .. to, will ott\tflll rf:''i .nu 1io ~f'l 1.onn o £11 grout)
voi'Vii'tl.. Ho ~ovQ:r , th :fol'lo ·1in 1• 11 t· o~l'GJY1 ill rl.od tp t~oou rd to tb.1~~
oonoi1,1tdMt with the
'9-";~ r:'ll1i11JC'1no.':ili::i i1rc;1t e1Q·ta on of h.:iiLr pre>poTtr ~.n ere t
•11u· o.':t'ort,

b t
Unc tha p~o 1 r1·.:u.1 1.11 on bAoicla,ll ~· to o.oaiot tho eV$.QU.
l'.~c1uid.11.• ~o 1 of bio roi)errt~r , Jl.t le eX,poot.od thfl\t i . UJ10st i 1i•hnc. B the C>V'U\.OU.M
\11.l'l V(jlun.t~~a~1 IW U. h bns@lf Of tha i'l\-CiHtiel!I e,f:t'or t.\ed. 'k)y his J?it'O',l"a.m ,
'~al. ~I :i.,~Hoi\o ~~ill . bo ?oce ona..r;r to ~.oa;l 'f ith. m•o(;\i~orm ~d ~ th fJ;l
,mpl.s lego.l ait. .nord.t:·
·•ho coib t 'U.11ft\1r aC. ~nta. oo oi~ orv!li u ~~ · l'.lthtlro
ii:: the Tr~t•tl'Ull.;J' De . t1~1tnit ~It 1c;h
l )I~' '/ st ec1. "'in t'fie'" pi['l,'Hor:· "(\u 'tlr H " f)
ce•:i, 1be da f.'l~n.tea to ouch Went Oor. t ti~ancy t :)'lll. .dtl tM.~ pr i;,"l:!le.r.i. 11Jitho,ilt
.1r1. ce11Stt~ of ob•tnini\ng furthQr i, olal\i:L;:in or 11a.,.1 exao·~ti~r orcfort!I.

q ...:~~


'Jlhe a.i1d. urP.;auc;r J:f the nli.t~til).1 1 or.l\r.~l ~. with the 1ar e
co1ui't,11tes t1 e
:icl.l i r~i]; .
lw.:e of h'll.l\!.lUiO i '1ris tha.t wil l raqu.1!' 1?2'.' 0ntJ;t
:iro ~rain 1 s bei11g tt~m:1nistei-e ct b f:I- e. ::i- e: oy ') tho We st Co<r1.r.t oloa.lterl wiit.ll
r:,h ~!.~ -fl,. l o;:\ ...
1 ·.n aut h..,r1k to Y.ct witl ;;iut r ef x· onoo tn Wti1.11h1:.'.'...i:;on..
tl1.~ 1'11 ti11):~1 ~ ' ·.~.~
?f a.1.1 anpeot~ f the avM.\..a,ti
S ~ ject tot ia ovbr-ell control b1 the army, tn· d iTeot raa~o~ 1oU ty !or tha exa rntton of th::i ·· r opfi'l rt ,r t~ l'eots of the >rabra.m should 'bJ>
r.i h.~ed b the F~ii~~llll il.etJ ·T''\re Bank or£ Sa.n ~"ira.i+cinco 1 \rh'.i.c. h. a 'bra.nob. olflf'icaa
'.:1he Fe!i,$\t'ti.l Roocrv 'ba!tH wi;l.~ be i.n
il.1 Lo .Altig loa ~ $$1-1.ttltl). anC: Por la.11ci.
a \:. ot1iU01'l. to tna coopo1·r.t iol1 o'C at .i:1:r Gove"" .ont a.ger;.oiu,and o:f' 101.1010 · 'n md e;icpoirirmcod, :o Lu~tit'llt on.s L th..i ">· :r ious l;!Oln.':l.unH.ios

';hrolld;hout th~ Wost Ooaet a.r "'i1.• Th1~ cooparat!l..01~ , o ~o t os with tho mta.1P lic1'10d in ·ogrit,y an 1t eibilit~r o:f' . no Fod()irltl Ros rHt'VO blli 1'.., •!lll erlil.t;1t the
co:!.fid,enc of' aJ.1 oi' thf!) e.. gro11pa ('i.nd d. _E,o~.~e.. o· .., 11' -p·'.S.r dl,\_q_r:~
o • other fielf-ueldt~,, i nt ere t , ~l"ederal Re&1e.?j~ b :il: wiil.l ~itao wariC''ii;i...._
c},J? FJa i · ahoh t:1'.ttl1 ~h~d•n.l ~eu;r ity ~eMUJ th<!! ~1"Illctr S'fllitH t~'.?1.trtm~n
e>f ~fo\i11£il1r;"" ·an 1l other ll1ed.ert·al, Str..t llltd local 1m'bl~o e.gencha tb.t4i ,l!IJi.
be of iaitla:neo 1.n tteal~~'l. •wl h h~ prr.rp"rti~ d'llri ~ thec CO'\.t.rso o! its
l1q;u.ida.tion. i.Vhoa 111.g.,:p. oio~ w 11 W'IMµbh!ll.y bo callQd u:.·><m by th F:11.Ut1;~it:r


ol"itht» to h )cU.e othou·

l;l.S)'.leot ~


t: h~ ov111.~U.fl,t10.n

h;f'l 1o:rio1t·t"tion an,d r · r-iettl.e111s1irt of t,J:ie
~11 211.1 \lP a.raae .

pt o'bl1.1in 1


a.a th.a

imp a(ll., , QTld. 'bhEJir \l"O- rnplQynl


!l.'lio 'll"od.ori l l:\o1.n:rvo ll nl· o:C S£1 Fil' oiaoo , ,1hi oh b t he lM,ocal
''O.\l't o:f tho Trc-ttHJ'11'1'lf ':PtiprJ,:r\.t~e i·t , Will bo n.o heel \·tit. 1.!1lr1Pl.<1 tl.\tt l;l.orlt~r to
a,;; o\\tlll th!ll r1:roguun. Th.a T.t•oftfl\.l.r , Df1,Po'l"tm n1.. !.·;l.l b~1· do'l'm. tho 'bN• ~ d.
11or·I.\\ ;p:r.ooodure
pr1 11c·~ ·pll!li!i '~t d ohjepi\i;tvu of 1Juc.h ·~ro •ru1n0 1~. ~1 well p.a thlb
to b o foUowo•d, 'rh!!l :PojJJl:\i· t.~lll'.mrll 1:1iU. 11~ho f\.ui111.i1;0:1. th111 Sa,n ~ 1l' rntolt~c o licullk 'b:.t

ot t:t1ain6d ij:lCl?Grh if;iC) rn.1,!q!l.Qt ~n \·101'.k~n.,g
tl e d.eU'-ln oi' t he '[?!.~ci ~..;:r~., ir1 t.h fiold a.nc1 tr.i ·p~tir~i.ti~h it• :t h •,.i<:..,t."'111.ticm . It' n ad 1i the DU11J&.r~rns1~tl i.s ~.n Ill, r~odUo~·i to 1i1•ovi(le th~ Sm,l '.P'ra.r c.hoo
fod.arial f'.t ohoe wi'tb 100 01, 1110N 1 eti for th1c1 ~.l)'ll.) » a OJ . The lu1~mot of t !1h
!. · io b r.11 '.\.oV':>cl Lha.t t cEL1'l 'oo pu.t il'I. o,,, ta ion b~r l· o d~u
,?1'og:rw!~ is opl)ed.
:Iaroh 9, l942 .

fllt,1r J?ltl.MJ w! tb ~ho rl-'q\ll.h1t111 n'l:l..rt1bor

tV - OUTtl'. rE OF PROG!Wil ;

£lrope:rh Bta,:ff odl. o 'ff.too~ uud,e»r tlO hoer, fon ryf tho S~~l Fr
Hde:rel Re1.1erv1:1 :S1,1.n\I:. w'Ul bt' oven ~ t:i.t on>Oe i ~• thlll loQa.l. e.om1:iu.nitie111
vhich 1''Va.ot\ ea •w t.n . bo 1t\oved.•

f~o n ·

An1lOUltO&l1\eJi.t w:l.11 'bci 1.\ thro ghou.t the 1.'l.ro1J1. 'br· the l'sdora.l ~-aJl ,
oorv ' 01! Sen Fra:i: ti!.eco that its r£rproae;itn.ti.VGfJ i t t,heue oi'nceG are
prepo..reCI. to ~ o.sist eyf!IOU.Elep witn til'°~ ,pro~,lcJl)l of ,11,~u~r'.11t~~~. ti{i~ ~r ·(~i:o. e;•-t;:r
. id p:rohc:,,in thsm ~\gP.4.1\at t:i.oae l;'IG!ll clna to nlce u.nfnir a1u:rru1t'1\.g. e o ~f t eit

plii;b.t .


These rep~!llGOn to.tivoc ~ 1 r:l.ll a!lalst in \') h'in r,; '\.ho o'.·1.1.cuopf:i in a.
b~vor o L l. ;rn~ooii';-"iiii!'"ii pf~~·~ r ' · ~·(-tjl :;ilr .l>rol?Gr ti,'. . ~? ff·. r
:!2~.!.~.2 .. .. o o'bts
Iii c~.$0 ' '"horo the , v&c 1ee 1~ ~1~bh to .s e,h ct h:l.o o, tr ~Li..:1mt ·o. ..ii)...
ot as a.ft i1ti fo~· t l (i!
l?,.T;('.)TJ rt , ilh F d.a~·e.1 w 11 be pre)Jla.:redl to
;:ioram o:f 1.
e ' ¢'1.1 e unde?' a J)O\ile:r of at.torne~· or sii>Har arraini;e.ment and t . k;e a eps to
h,, prope:rty on fa,i l'' term •


o th
th~ea.tened b;r oreditor wi .l 'be encourfl.gad to cor,:a
of ha 1ed.or e.l 'for a d·;i ce and. guid.e.n ce , IJ.'hc ll'od ral. re!,lrarw ..i t ti voe '"ill also d1,!2~-2-~l1..!...'W..t.~,~--wi~.J1 J!...S.~2~.l.l.S.t .!;!!~.~,B. 'J,.Q,;v ~
~ . . $~ ~.a. . ~w
cl :t!hitintJ;, .t~,e, r~!.'1. ~~Jil . l
..,~E..~!11e; B. , fP.;i r . ~ J.1~
Sy lt!l.l'fJ;G the mere exht·o~r the oredi tor '·"hO threatrns wfdir ac:Hcm .
a.i10'6"' 'Of'~ttr1 '1'.5r~l?"E1Ji'l of hel,PA :.t e; ova.c11~Htt1 will eil.1rJi::a.t e or f pre9tal 1 1;i.ost
o.f t e 11h1~rp kes that a.u i1ow f..ea.r ed.


l'CJ)lr ~: uanta.ti:vo e

lit DOL1e ca.Illes the p:ro:perty of t.he e•.rritct" r.'.la.~r ·oe such tha.t its
a f\~tute tine, o . i:i;., J
~ b reaHied a
rsal value cm·1
! SU.Oh cases the barilc 1 13 ;r :preae: ta.tive wi;l.l a.s1;11B't'" /fer vaC\Hli"
i.i..g•. ~oi;: th•J sto r age of emch pr ori~ rt ~' 1:f



ha.t is

ho ·1-1ia.h of '.ha evacuao .

. "" :l"'•'

On agricultural. ~ro;vertiea tbe benl:: 1 s r-eprese:'ltat.ive , w~th the
e V: ~!.. St.a,t~ s ~!:f!9!lr· cm.~.....o.f . A :t;, ~ fll;tO ,
a11i 'lilllta:-tce of re::>:resemt "Hvet1 ~r
will. athl'!:~t. t-0 a.rr rmgo for t.9.i!... l.!~ri\1., ~J.:.. , Q ~.0 .~... ~~...o~. ·~:.~:9';!t ~ or if :.-toed
be for th!3 ~~o'\' of tho crorie ~ 'l!rith a. vio'W to ri r o o~~ u :-~,; 1i'.o~r 1 0111 th:ro~

hat tO:lltl\.0:1 ,

.. ..

"'" .


... 3 ,. .


~·1;m¢1 co 1.ts ~l!IJ;lil"l!l&er1tAtiV' a
1.1 :rvie l!IFln .I~ ot $ni
Tl o F111d~1· 1
\'till b oloa .04 -wH' · daqni~t e n.~tl~u~tir ta oo»o wit h y~·o'blen111 a.r:1.·ej. ~ on. th.Cl!
b~un~o of, 1nchUn .. e1ro'1!rl tm~ c~ • 'rl1e p,t'OLJJ."ti.r:1 rU .11lC:i !C1 u· 1.~ll) ei.:n,d e.t a,11
tJ~mu the 'l:>t1nk wil.1 ll.t'li .mp~ tc.? ...~<'' . ., ~ ~a .}?' .Q.,n.,:A..~ a.-u41Jit , aat1J!~~"' .,.
Wh o~ :i tho ' 0 \) ~· or:t'a f1a.U :1.·~ t~:Y bo 111!itH'llilllli\\\"il r~r t
t~ VJ! ' J\,!il !3"1'A
bll"I-i.Tc:l e resp:ra'i:ier. c. '1 v l ~ to ite::J i ll 1u\d ~~Ice t ·rn p~o·:> oirti,r OVt)r fo:r th" p urF,1 00
otf' Qbt tl.:Lnhig .Ii ·£ h ui·ld. ~ ::Ju, cH'\ 1iq 1aeit!o1'l..



lt U 07pooh~, .ho;t it;..~~a 111otttic 'Ill'? r;f thh Jbll"o 1r,l;"M\ l!lil.'ld. tht. l" ....
~l'.ll<H'l to th~•) Ge ~ ot' tf r1eiilt1,·b1G'.o tol' th~ H'111 ~/11.M )l'1 o:t' t.neio." prop rr~t '~r

!l ~ff; t1pQ11~lu...u;peM,jg
:cro he m1l1tf.'1r7,t t1.rflo..

tlat .. &sJ»riu;re ' l.!1..:; l1·1'1luntgliJ.t;i.J:L2-!." ~h,. .]Jf





(1) 11.'he OOl'\trolliH(; llXi rq;1~ ,1 o to bl3 followed are tho&a OU 't ·~
1'1wcl in ithe 11 $u1Leatod. Pro crr l'n for
e Jl1 d. r 1 'E.oa• :rva :Ba.nJ;. of San
Fl·a.r;i,oiaco an_d. dth r Pu,blio .\~ei'l.oiea to Doal with Pi• ope~t.' of Evacm.!Jes
of 00£1"1t .Miltti:rry .,\t'rms'' i• rn:i' · n od to in th" tol.,,~:r t of 14~.rch 7
:f:rom tho Spor t1 y of. t.ho Tr :>111 u.ry d.el, ogc•.t1n~ au: ho:r:'it• to tho FoClo~Cll
l\l, ~ rv o Bt nk of $•~1 ll?·a.:ncihoo.

U~ ) A.l;L I.\ v ilabla fl OUl' oe a , ~ncl'U.~1 ~1 • . h~ . .;i.,r 1rn , X'e1.~i,~. · li)-~;­
,~~·10r,it:'iat e fed.en:~l n~~-.9)aa , b ,., 1 · ~ t;v,,~rli · ,a,, c. will 'be em;plo~ od
1'lr t.he l'ec!oi-a1. aeaitrve lila.1~'' of San :B'r1,mdrnco i n the ll.t M~®i.'U~
~1..for :U,QA. to o'lra<llUtHlG with i·onpoot to tho ~)roi oo ti '.lll o:f th.ob propart;v
tlntc1rl)sts. il'ho (;lV:l\g:..,o&ri ,.vzULh.ILO <?, u-a. o~. to ooj a-.1..l' witl1 tl;i n J qSJ,~·
t11tiona with which hey J a,v b0 i'i d fil,li 11r; t\nt iri wh' o: ti e ~· ha.'t 9 oo., . .
fidehc , -u,C'~h i-1.a their loct\l b1mkir QQlJ, o,c t or..c 1 1Attor~1 oy1.1 1 :rua,1 ac1tf'•.t
f\~~:.i. G1 eto. 1n Orl'lor to obtiit1:: :ltlfQrroat 1Cr,~ t!Ll\ WOl"~C
tiL:rl."tt.ngomont~ with 1~u pect to th dia:poo~ tlo11. oir :m~1 no: Q~ ce of heiit'
pr 01:>l1n:'tp bol<li,nga. It wi U 'b o mai:l cl~1-r to t i:i 1Wac e a t,~1,~t th1.::i 11:it1T\'1. oe e of the toderal leaorvc; :Brmk Eutd it u b1·m1 ohorJ tt i Cl i:fficlla ll.l' :fl'OU l~r
1.Wf\ to them 1i.Q._~a~-~-t, J~9Y ~!' \1,oji l.- Ir.mi. l~,dv ~ ; t r J' .~f.
1Leret t~
eV.£:.OU!l. ! \ll\A.ble ~0 ma1~e other an• 1.r.i{;emcmtC1 9Jlii.iGf1 "'.Q£," tQ DtW, 1 ~
ad.ort'.1 Reaarvo 1onk of S .i1 B'r,nCi rrno w[~r tr.lro , .o,.1lct f\ ,f?;,&~n'li, illJ.:
t~\~~ r ernorv1n~
· ·i ,ht t,9 d. cU , '\io !19,~ i f i, o, 1.u1o:i' 1 ~ :ml,"joc-io
w1 a be setv d,



(3 ) I1; is w1derstoo that no deoision ht\
t , a - · •taoua()l'J ll'lf y riot roturn a.f er th e WA.r, AcooJ;"Glini:;l ;r , wh1
iimh.a1 . a will b e
...~ 119,uidat~ , tha ovacuee 1.1'l1:r ir o m.1n tho O'llri1 ~r ah1i: 'Sl!.J?i:J)J,":i, ~.t¥.'

ho l'.ofaVO~.... ~ci.b.illd. , l'lial.d n " u~ppl~ d!i' 1t.ttcr'"1!14'rii~ema11 rn with t hf) Fod,ernl E(lloerve
othi x· fo1J.' ih oa~·e e.nd. TJr oo rvE-1tion .


( I~) fo additio.: to i ts 'brnl c t'a in Lo o A i1;ale , Scattlo , an
'.Por le.nd, he 1 P.enervo 3an1'· exp eta to ecta.blia!I offiooo 1.n such
othor co ununitieJJ H may bo 1"lOOi'.ISU!U'(' to fu: io ad quah aor.,ico to th<!l
lt is recogni.zad , howev or, hn.t t e F edor
Ror-iei"lf.e Banik no;r,
i ;'! c r.,a o where it has 1".cce;pt1~d. I'\. power of attorne~r to o.ot on 1:io:ulli of

l'J1 VMtloe, o.11:po1.nt .. s it n ~\f~ent MY brm . or other r9p.rop11:· into ngeno;r o:r:·
J? Xf.J01'l Which t rrJT\,'f nOl]i [ ;n!ll.tL' •
( 5) :rt i a und. r ot ood tha.t :V,1,, ro ~sit ~ ,q· ,1
lO\ll? cti.on on tho pf..\rt of cr oc'l.ito:re ,
o F c:ide r111.l Roa ;)rv
tho fro()zj.i~ gi.~oro rJHl tho oth r 'O owors hi. ~'oot ior1 "'? b ~

:from unocX''\il.P:U~

~f1 tne Tm dint,; w

enco1ir~ged ,
l'edoral RHr:irve off.ic\i'lfl Md t :iei r pro'bl erns . TheeG

the ]remy Atpt • • Thus ev' 'e s '.t :ir'oate\ea. by o:re'ait'ors wn . b
to come to



~ l·, ~~

- ..



o#i(~eai w1 U ~11li p~1$pfll'ecl to

.siW.J..n.J.hii •.~!.1!:

d· oir..,~uc a, t m "

. JiL~l.Jtti a


~~f~t. ! i'r'lij.l}m~t?
~o C!~'iiirl"R''=-t~ttl):i.1 t:1.l ltcif.lo':riV'\il Qrf:to ,~nJ luak, u1u> of' Hu,ogi;i.tod.
POll'1 ~re, tt. '111111 q:J.~gJt.,..iJU '!t. .~JHt :r ~ loVEln oif' tbi11 "t .!if . 1
a~t ~ y: t~ tf.llllpt ()if' tbe o~l.~1 01· tta. ®~u or m,'bt
fll1d reu t
tl~o111. l o Ot'iAU 1 ~oir Will b u g;i~lll te d XIB:rm101on to P'ti='~ue'' ' a rfl!1.d adi" m,
t>n!y h n. thfil :il'eid.o:r~l BtH'lt.1:x"'(o off10111 is fJO. iathct iidtoq\le.h p:ro h ot 10,11 ho,s b C!l ~D "'aoo:r<\,pd tho CIWP•OuorJ, Uo11.l.o.1.l y h ei lt;Jt owl odc;ii t £J. t th1.1
~od. rnl i./:l.e BI''VI' o:t:f~od d.e rop1\l'Ql.'l, ta (\ot \~iU b e Mt'~ tl:wn a.d~q~te to
r<al~e~r ·~he til~\'-!VtiQn ..

(6) It h b.p.~~~t'otoodl l,~ r;:11~'lll'¥ii1~ o~~t tU111 :ir.i~1n~"rNb ~ ,' . ~
:!:)~ 0£ So.ri ir1•ml),oho0 ~ ~ ,., ~.1' 1 · ";i,.a1 the p(? weto '\ll'H.'
Sep~i~t\.~.C"1) t:Jf with the :Iilner~r Act, ae :A.rn~1ild. d. 1,1 ~itle I U of
ar"FQ, on Apt to veBt t:tt 1e to any a.lhri ·~ll"C>vert;r '~1J.~Jpr
cotl~!J..J.~.ti on and agrQemaut o:f . the !t';ra~.9 , ~o' '.llU',~J 1t .~

:Jlle e~Jil.1.. t

if "llDER,AL




l'l lllCA.L AGiN"r OF' THl!t U.NIT L' BTA.'TES

'.M'ttrch l 0,


L~ u~m1u,nt Go" .n~ .J . ,., . .,,1 ~W: t, commtmdirng g n ral f th We ~er.n De.ff.l~tlfr' Q l'Jl:l,l'l{LTifl 11.rnl t,q
. nnli: of San Framcisoo has be n af>point d to
~~~ i1'1n1.ounced toe 11y tlrn tb F deJ•al Bi< se1·v
11s:ri ·~~ n'.l'I ' so nnd othor 'V£LCU ~ua sltu11terl " rithln pl'ohfbitc~l or restricted mili~ary 1.11 cp, L


m::p +.,..
of th( ~h' ·1~~ffll
rJ'he 'l'roa.sury D.pnrtment 1md 1:ho nintt.ary uuthol'ltlof( hav s1lve:o bro&d powera to the bnnk. to erw.ble
it to o~rrry out the objocUv s of tho 1>rog1:11m. Ba,nlc h:idicatod that they are undertakinlr this
prog:rnn1 under th direction of G ne ru 1 D Witt for the purpo11e of !l.l\Sistiug military authorities hi cleariJur
\IP the problem pl'csent d by th wa.1' m ~gene..
rrhe Federal U aol'V€ Bank. acting in <lo11junc.ti<:m with the oCJmm. ncll'ng nen ri,1, plan~ to carry cm t~e
t. nslv o fa iliti R, 11s won ws tho!!e of its branches in Seattl~, Portlan(i, an<l
proj ect thrc1t1sa-h ih bunk'
Las Ang1~1ef.4. 'l' h o ' joot.ivo of th program will b to bring about a foir an<l j11st lk.1u'idatlrm of tha.tpropo.rty
whlc:l1 th e r1 1ic11 so nnot t,a:k ' llh thoni.
'l'h )i'od cN~l R s ·1•v Ban'k will esbbli!lh other e>iTic~1s h~ 1.he ooasfal areasi_n~t evacu os m~1



l',2ll'il~farEm;ll1~1 ~our1~ol a?~- ad~~e i.~ tl1elr Q.( li~date t.h~ ii' propf:~-1u1 w&lrni MITTUauoolli
tho F1al or oU-10.r cHspoa1ti~11 ortfieu1;liioperijf.""Jilie11e ol'G, ~fi11a ( strong JtH.11l'!IUl'es to pro1Je~JJ.e
x acue_f.4 !!~; ~ lUl C,U!r,~ l 8 1 ~!~~!~·
"' t:nc"ral l eWltt tmd F' n ll rv otfi st.lit d t.hnt the gov<"rntncnt do R not plan t,o tnkc titl
t · 1;hf.1 property pf th vacu •es. On th contrary, it ·I th<iir int nti n t.o mA.,tb.,g,,~vncu eH jn 11 .!,
ll9..;!d:11t·!~~JJ:i.9ir ruo·eert:l_ nt r ~o~.~..mices md tr.1 1rrot ct them llig&inst 11ildil. jduals who s olt t;o
•trukeii.ilv1J,n fo1r~ of their situ.atfon. If 1\~Jt\ o fll lals stated, the bank w!U be I:' r>tre~ to t.nke ove·f U,1 :.
onbul of t.h " p.n~pcrty l.l ml "" powNs of nftcmw:v in ord~r to prot cf"iheproperty in er st ofth eTva ·nee.
Evn.cue s will b n ouragod t(J comt11 in and dl~c u ~ s th ir problems"'l'mitlng fo tl!edisposition o:f thoiir
p1·operty. No <il'.I wlll l comp •II d to com e in, but thofle doairir1g th1 b1tnk's a rvice will find competent
1,md imp11tl't.in1 nH~n propat· d to nss·st th min tlwir p1·obl ms .




. 0...!!.:,l'fl l .Do~itt rnade d ear tha.t.~lJ~q~ q .!a,irm~,a r . the l1 ynotes o:f this program and th~-­
d ~~.llilliLS2,tthe >vacu e' pro~.Y JJ e11smUal J cmuse of the uirg"ncy of the We t oast sit111•ition.
OfJicials t nt. d Lhn.t 1.he F .d ral f' oserv Ban. 'Will work in close cooperation wit.h Federal , stat e, And
local publl£.!loncl es that may be called u'}}trn for assistance itidealf.liiWIDitE-"iirQ'Pert,y of evacu a cluriog
the course of itSHqii!dation. Th se uge·{)cios have been or undoubtedly will be oal1 d up<Jn by t.he mmtary
authoritlos to hs.mdl · oth r MI uets o'f th evacuatiou problem, such a s th . tranAportntion and tho resettle1

ment ()f lh

vucu s and h ir


'mploiYmf!•nt in n ew M OM . &~n~l

~d .

hf.Ir., irn;ditu1·

J;ll ip


· QI .

We,st Oop ~ ar a ,.wi1l,.})e called U?On to do ipci til11 . ll~ ~ in prin ring abott
,,~ or .r y 1m qul aB~e d1spo itJon o ,t'tl,o · c ~~. ' J?~OP,ort~.
General DeWitt stated that he had bec-n r~1q uest cl by the li'ed .ral R serv Bank to point oult that
Treasury Department ~f1•e .zi11g regul.ations will not interfere with tli.e p1iogram. 'I1hi i partieJJ1larly tr•Lt e
dera.l Rcserv Ban'k Th
~ W~ No, 66 being 1·eleased b. the
in view of tho am :JJd e t
Genera ' 1cc1,jl E~Y RsrmL.~_anese e und er 1ac;h Hcen t.o dispo e of th eir prop rty
without l'e. tric:ti<m,

c~.~mrnni~s ttu2~u r!i~ut ~h (l

:Fi,d" J.. nas 'J:V Bank of ~4an Fro.n 1aoo
Fi scai 0 1r 't;l e \Jnitecl t.a e,
ltvaou0 P:t'o.P' :rty D~ par l /1n ht
Ma roh lO, J.94S


l elm Ja:pemea;


Di~pa~e or it you~s~lt if yo~ on
ci'.t" ilf" ~'o\~ ,c.1annot , you pho1Jl~
you re.p osa orrn f. :idArioe t. ...G.9.,!~ttDt".~:I ¥. •
~ndf'r~ ~ J)~,w,,.:t·

what do 1. do w:1t

cit . .



my pn'.'>J,.>Eo1rty7

on a

r~e6onabl~ bo~!a~

sAleot f:mrn nnro :tJ Whnl"l
., f.F · J!P~ i.n i!Y~ Ut a. ~H'3"_enM

anoth"'T J13.pan EIP.7

' .



No ,

f" al i J'ap nAs
b'l l' hplliOP.I •


'.t (1'>




you cor:sid :rod your ank or you1· a tto1•tH\' t or thf'
a na. wn r o:r any I)~ rs on with w'.b ou1 you llave ~ n
usin £Jn end in morn yo u hav"' con.t'ld.en e?
~o in



wu J


v ouat~cl.


g11rdl j:lss of

ot ¥;now it:ny pw;reon that 1 co uld s~l~"rti ~a 'lllY agent ,

ls no on I would be willin~ to t'.~i v
Would you eoo .~ my .gPn t?

au.oh a


to •


Vfo w.1 l b


ls a, pow w of attc1rniP ,


No, yo\~ i:i~a 1d

ltld t o (:!;iv



H oonsic1Qrati on 1:t'

lonPI, su i'ficitrnt?

1 r· ~nt i.t vvith;>...Jl!.Bt~9~,, Jo~.~

to yo\Jl" ag t as t o 'thf" cq, paait!,on, oi[yg . .' o.r.;e;;:rty.
You C:atl oo:ntinuA to contaot him by ot-:irl'Asnond~nc,..






vacua t.i on for an.

su SP.qt.1F>nt dll'lal in ~a~

bta n an a.gfln t to


bf' run by him,

- 1-

1 t for you . it ma.y


t. J, .

f t US to do SO b~t QOt pr t1oa le
in an O) r at 01n m oh ao 't11.J s . (Wf'I WNUld o viqusl y
not l:: ff in ('I po 1 tio to r..~pi::>ra.t a ~ola1 izAd bus i . SE'S
!'.H\Oh as thi!:J or navf,.,lty otor ea , l'l!to. 1 alth o' ~~h 1n
c (\1 l'P"'rati pn ,
OP t l n t i . I · a, WA oo~l

Uld b paasihl




aa 10




o s


0 1' r . (U l"Stllt,fl'I prop~~:rt.1ps1 inolud. ~\.n.
op~~ra.t:tr. ('(~ nta aoua.d l!l p tainflld .)

p·rod u.o , i rcl'!:lot ~ , and :r fi.nmnori a n~i. l' ot 'tlh~
. r Wfl"l"S i 1Jl o iri t rn us . ~gn tl· ah· or op~ to tnP: J. and
I BAll t. cir ps and plll.y t.hf'lm. th reaid • 0 mi I
a . aign thM~"' o.coo nt@ I~l'<I OPi Vil lF>?




t.h~r f• !~J~Y

s o t r>. mnunt and oh :r.a,
I can tttk RI wj. t lt m "r


J;ll'O pP1 rty

YO\l n,.f:\.

A. .

dP s





..• .t '.I.OU~. OY.'
··1. h • au •



r., .

:Jha t


If you



t ~.n e

on ' t 1 ,.,et v

t 'Lio

~ ~


rny own
J .

c;, .


1' tl:

l~rrny , u~·y

ods .10~. may tek p wi. : l:

Do l 1 etVC' tt' usr- vour




vr, J.u ·it. ri 1 y'?




wll..l . d~.'M . r-

ou ,

o IAT of attrirnni: f'orr in sr-lPctlnrr

PfflN' i;s ~r~ sa 1s f .tory to
mi. tP wr a 1-wor arr
t hP 'form
both pn.:r'ti~s , U YOU o>hOll d 0 S "'
yC'iU u " wi 1 carry suff j c1 ~n a.uthor1 y t o ~··our a.~l»t'lt
r:o IPV"'•;t' ,
r.>~r .1 f'.'$ \'I i1 inot 01.llll St,j :1U i •
SO thll 1J t l l l'
ot '.!IS ;your
th P ll'r.d,.,,n.1· F.PS"l l"V"' Banl<" on sr•nt s to
l:ifSr'lnt, -11.., po•1r.•r o.f at o; ~y .•U.f!!t br~ on our ~. rm .

You rJhoul

Can I forT11 a corpora.ti.on to opP.!.'


my J.ll'OpPl:'ty in my


as long us it is op 0 rat 0 d

in in

-~ ar~a .

- 2-

y pi~opl ce.n law· llly


A, ,

I do


t~ot hE 'Y

t;th y '

som 'oo dy


· own nnd do

ah'.".ll"'l:H~ 'b ut

I do

horoA 'Whi oll
Can I lPI sr• it. to

11uWJ 'II.

o w1 eh t o l!IAlJ. ,

. "l?

J. r:~ t tn tou,ch with 901
a r ns on i bl r "11 a:l to:.r 11n
8lU cili
r 1~r1 t i;al 11 a .1 , ~ ,


Stl ('J


qu'.U. 1f'1.f'1d pPrson

e;i v ri th


l'\"'()r OM111r.y

ca.n I tak P onr " c my usin ss 1 tr a~mtlo1s by oor~P spcnd~
~, .·~~ '.m .r~ fur J at 1. :c• .~ ,I'll of'
''·mo ".1 ftr.> r I ovr• tUl G1
my . ropr•rt.i i'f' J wi r~b so th 1 t I d~ not l1r 'll'· to &H•ll



y s , y u o n.
u l'


TA~ 1 ny

h v oh1 tnry on ~h''
d i i:rn n n t. :ion wh 'l t.l!JO ""' V"' I' o f
· ,.,. · h 1 :w n rwr:>. ,..,c · 1 on.

r "'' 'Pl' o
" V().C'.llf·l ("I "In d
1... r r)"Hl,...
f'l f'.i. t.:

} f:

'i l:\ll"H:I

.r rrHigrt .. P~,

\w·M·1 tllFt "
) · ;rv i f.l\ 11'1 1.1y

th n n" f r:t t o s


Cl 1

r m." o\\ ot $ j orn J
p ,.,o f,l"'l rtl " s ':~

r. 11 - A J'l

,i11'. d. o , o t 1' n '1W r '!.' ~In y n :t :r ~~ .[' I\ 1'.!"' n · f'l t, ~V"i t h 1v r• ) r-1,
~ · oh fl! r y' ~" Jt 0 v im~ ly .l . tr n:r . •1r n 11,, hi"~'
undr· 1· r. 1 t " '!' H .P"' · v 1:~ 1 on .
i rr.·, ~ re n. · / j cl J r•ou · 1
ck ] ,J
~ "'
1ng ·t o
to (" ,


Jir you wi ll
~. "1


r ivr

;l y •




tlv- f

.'J. t

i.t1 ·

::i r.., fi.•i t," I' ''l t
(\U t~\ ia ll ~·Y

·1(1{·, ~ ,


11:".l (I (1

1' 01'

·. .11 b

o r 1 s t Ji r ot ,n ...
J'l ''lYtfl r>nt a r\)," P \Jl P

W"' Wtll b ..

crm t o pr o

r' 1nt o





1t' y o

i;nv (lis t ' h 'lVP

' tn

I h .l rn r bt . o 1\I P t\ t y C!J t dl" '.1." fl ta mcrv"" "1 g,h !. know
I arn in u pi·ohi't:dt. Pd 7..c'1n ~ . S aalcil :t: p:roO l'\l" d to

' ~

Jiq '., d•ltlll rny



'3Sl" 't1w'?

r1· tt •" l' for yo• <i t :. r1nin~\ti.011 but y1..1u ahoulc'l
take v nt · v r1 111 st"'/. •u · n'lo ssi:rr:ir tQ prot at your
1 t tll'lY bf"'I T1 O·•
li:n Wlr.i <l~;r th
i1~t, f) l' f.' S 'tB ,,1 vl i. th

ess!l ry to


).f'l'l. V CI


. o ~l .

in your pl"OpArty by s,. Jli ·n g, tr ·:1di:nf. ,

Y s , you n'ty d <:il







l er ing or r.irJ:Y ot.h n. r l'P tlloO.


C•~p. l TnOV P [\y bu .1.r'lt'

"'--·-·rrivo1r115TtF" · ·· . \:FF11i \?'"" M·~t 01








fo n

ni=•'W lOC 'l





• ..







fl f.J o:f'








Y'a s .)

0 ·1n J
j t 'ls lt"l l"t(' 'l ' ,'"' d .
J wtnt, t o Il'IOV"' Vf.i t h 111y t:r,u Okj
t• k1 .hi!' truck t.o m:v nr:w loo"\t:.lcn1 (Pr r.os11'!11 1• 1'1,y

out of th n stnt . )

Yris , if you 6'1h r11~K'"'' B 'tl sf·· o•t ry
you :r

'\ f.'li' "m

'~rnr nts with

r '"' r11 to:r •

r~ .

1/ou1d :it h " pora1j ~> l "" for m·1 t;o UCJU\d•;i ·t ,.. J)'.~ :r of' m-y
busjr.... as 1n d p).ri. or11 otJ11::q• ·:ir · iolr s 1n st.o r '1ruW


Yr>e .


t1'J ·~ t you ' 11'." • 1;1 jnp; f 'I/ CW"l t <?• d c.'IS::H" S not
dlicl do you frcir. th ro priv:i •· g/'~ of GrJ x1:....E..:J.....IJ,..c.e ,ef' s
i seund und'"l' E:XC" OUtiV f" OrdP. l' No. aw·~:
····· "' ., ....,, .... ~.,.

'0 1 th 11• t1r r " f c;;

.i•• ..................


...... ...._,,,





But l •rr.n


l onked

n'l '

:l. on 11 •

a ~,u.1


~ ,!j,Q,Jl.....Qt.. Q...

in ynur h r h ~ lf .\ t
ycru r pr, a1 ti
Y<"U d 11 s '\ bl ook,, d ti"t. 1 ~i on'1l

~J en ,




'Y"a , y·o:ur


Will yo

I tu:r,n


O V "'- :t'



busiilP>lll EI t r1 11n ').atl t t o n .qu1d.'lt,r'll or

opmr•11t. " , w111 l · .P't th . :r. oo~n><.\ a ox· TH"Q'f i t!'J.7

1ould p ':ly int o your noaount n"' t

or profits fTot

J)l' O ...

usi nPss ,

un loo k tny .1oc.oun
with • '?

s1:> th ···vt. I c"l.n

• .,,,,




nri y



V·! i 11 1

·r.i ,. 1 .. ol }'_r. l th ~ r '' ,


Y "" S.


'rh'Jn 1 do no


Y ,, a ,

~ e, . . ..1~ :~'

l/J. vn , ny

., s.t ~. l

'b Ptl

r·ifi t o!' my ' \0 0 unt •

. 11\' 'l1t~

1~ w~ J.' 11tl Li or s
s1 , .il. ~\ r prir E<cm•1


N.o ~

"' •



t q ~t1,PO, p 'lI;... n Qfli ti ;ri.c r
J , yj tlf', .· r ~ V!'l, LG.', ".l. m'i



S(•S ,


- 5 .-


r ~


!'!OW Ji' HH lY!l:1~U R1 ':t~( Hl ~~'\..P NG

:tw 1'l1E I!J'l'Ot J' 1 JOH OJI'


'l'h m "''lfl)t' hn.a l'.rb l,1li1.1hru r1 th i'li\7.'Um Q·lv:'tll n e,.,n 1't> l ' Arih11h1 11·t. i·~· b OT),
'bo 1.u:111i ·t 1, np11n,.. 1rn r"mM or 01'l11- , 1f pin H'11 -J\\,t•1• 1 ·nn nl•.~;u1m1 , Cl!"l r mm rrn,d Jt.rl.Jjfi).'1
ation 'J $ r1.ntl e11; 1rn (~ rtu Jon't ~' ·r ir 1'1f1~. · ''rl j r o·"1 .h .1 roh ·~\Ji 1 bf1d 1111 c~ 'l' l.d t 1:1i1
rl.X' fl S ill 1>t\C >\.!';
( Cl Qt• 'I~ 1 .\ l.1. :1 &D.0 fl •


1a,.n don r ol Adm rl'l Frt; rr.1 :iQrn hlll. n
a, ; II 1Df"11r noy1n I . I 'I rvi 'HI cd' [' :1. o . n i )11
T }\r1R 1 11 1'1 r· r1d <'
l'rm \.;r.rr. '11 h v•:J tiaHm Ml 11\dl1i1hrq\ to u,1m j e:
t.1". ' .11.lpRn Mci , t~l r ~ th :t'R , t~) . 1j 1-;1r1 , o 1~'Vet ~ \lt; i trn . wi· ,h l1 :.\.mt.'I d:h.1.t. o .r ru l•~rnfl 1ir,\ n:lng;
t'rcirrt • o m'ITH 1,.wt.I. i ri rrl 1n• 1 A
1H1h ' 1 n. :r~.·:\ '"' c r·n ·n • ·~b f1JJ'(: t\r
tlwe f~ tJ\ ll '.ilg 1Ynt:.1 ~
o n~ .f'ro1n th e li'1J.r'f Fi~c.n.i ·d ·~,r
b; tir11,,J.on , on · !' oM
:i 1rf'!! cl1l' 't1 ~·,,, \lr i ·:1
l"i~ OllO :r ' C•tl\ .h,
c 1 N~ :I H I" r .t(l I !lql1 .. l' q• 1• nnt'l l'lf; h , 1;i . >, T1·1n i:n1r:1.


fl our:l.'-Y n :trl uro~ <I nr r
'l'Y' f.1 t. () f\l!l ll i lft J if. nil St'
I,) ch " 14tl~
i'!l.i r !\,ill o i ,·\on n i' 1 M 1 r-:rl .. ll' u·rc1.1 .1 mc1 1 1.1 •'\l!' E.1s·\:11 u•td 11nn!; op 1.1r\J;l~) C'n t:1 .
Thy w:1 Jl t1l1n o. ni.o t .ln f~n d '\l~rJ. q\.lrtlH'ii.d ·f' ri nrr. wtw nun ·11k (:I v e r 'lfl.~1!1 ·~ct
'.1 m:1 rl , u1 d hr.• .lp +.h~ in n l'ldn r, Et • n /11'1'..:tU · t o r p rn ' ;, on th rl ~t nd 1..o obi:.rdn
i r"t~it ,
Thiv l~td• r t\l 'R(H,1 :rv1 e.1r on'l ' ~ ;~ot ~a ·Lo 1Pl, th ~ !)! •.11w~
"i d l~1
oI' pP1rmcmtt 1 Mid no nMfltr1 r ,.o r·£d:, •, '"htll So l '1) ~1~ m·~ ·y n 1,en+ ' fl :lc;.1 Jn •Lei
h Ji t h1;1 1ll~l'1.111 !1l'l 1,\~ h 1 rr.1hll\ln.1; rif mov:i111: , !';l.n~1n t; i!.l~ploym1m{; , ,1.:ln1.r1 i~ 11 3 ~..itfAn r


ti .


A11 w ---•.rn mr,. ym1 .
_ ·-n·.cu-.......1______
.. __

WHAT TllE._..~ , _..,...,,

A G~:!;T





'!'hi: l• trt flflt:)llrH;:I l1''( ri •~ h u 1.. , r·•n r 11 l ,irdl.'.1 ,
:':S.iJ.unt~..'.:~.~11.r~ ~~-'.- o f' ,JrtJWOlHlA 1i n d '~ hr r
w(:,;)')''t; t o 1lv1
1~ "·o J' .\ 1 rl


J1•1 ·

1-.1~ rnu s" ·w11· r oM1 C1T' r r.tr1t~.


;{ ~


ncr·11'r t1/'., t

!-~r .:.onrl ,



1 \1rr~i 1 r ;ln
r ~ 1 ~ , nnd
r a .f'1d r . 'rlti r d , I 11 r.t 1tt t ~tk •1
·o !Hf· tht I 'th(·' 'V' l\1.(1\ ·cd 1 ~vl i.1 b1pr, i ,n f'ul.1 ~ ro d11 c. .l r n nf ~ t~ lT Of ','r (,' t"d~/
or wh \ ( h ·ho•r r j s r1 w r t1~ cl . \ol ( Wl • . 11:) p f'm.rr111 r !l t. tl<: :\ n1~ 1"JV!' r· th e
'J' Hi'li ', ond :lf tht•Y ·u·t> 11nrtbl" ' c bt; q rn wt 'i r,- C.11~ 1t11l , n .for
11·o• unc 1:1.f! Mt ~; } 0 wft l 'j 111 1~~ lr. UJ1, 1'.1 tf~ t) (' ,

in\.'1 .1'1:, h1;1J
·a ·q.s
J u!'l'b

l ~:.: ~, r I n1 1,;(ll hi



r· rrd11


f !ll r





.11 r ..

hu1; ~ t,V


Th <:. i'o ll ovdr. ., VW tit · o:n ~l 1 i;i.r,.11,~r; r
bl sri ."I t Cd by tb r F,, rrr fk l Jrl L;! 'f'i •
T~uC'ifi r: G •!• t l1 . e. ) oyr ,. n. or. i 'i'l'I •
A•.r ·


v·: 11 b \ I• yo1 1 1• 1; <:i rrnin 3 i f
~ t
~i~ vrcc .A ti f.I ervi 0

I rl l '" l1



- 2-


·c 1 \11 1i.1
( ll

nl 1('I1fi


1:111r1w• r


:f1n:tlow 1nr.



]'!~!' "


f'r~ •111M•

lfow m11hM1c cfo l \i11v·i 1n w}il(h

A, Thi htt r. \<'.''\: h •11 d .J1 r11
d1r1 ~l'Y tH'1 ·~) \I l·'t~l' A 11 M1t 1 ·
Ot h.t·1rvd.:\1 13 Yl'H J 11y h, f'or 1;.1 to u~
di r> oti of'
T ori
10 IJ11t111•5 ly
th o who do
1J rl<l :no •


ii1 tl,u1•1 1rt.1

t1 \


:I'.'• r.1'1 f'll!lltl ci:t' l \j' p i•ope :r -y

)( (. r

Vl l'V Flit r1't '
ht 11'.ld r~J •O l"'b
""~---1. ~:-.r ....
1 t wc,u 1' n11u ,,. • lJ , S , IU! 11 i:l,'mt:inil cl' f't u •

, •11, t1111. 1 t

• 1t•1r


1ilon .vo tr r <Jtp~ r ,1 b i' T' oi 11f t \.11 I~ 0 Pl' OP
1wr1c. 11w\'il f'. wil'.1 ho :ln rn11 r1h 11 · t .t~ r 1•1u a


!'lll l rl.i r1rc1-:w of 1n~v prop~ •ty Wll1. 1 J' <lei 1, t }·.now w11

whd; 'l'fi la hnr rim to

I ~N


tu n~ 1



~~~ ) 11 1r1 1•c1i:1 r11rn 'llO Wll ~M'r F1 I
JA'fr~ '{Ol1
,]• A ,f' l•:l "' '11f1 '11 "' 1•1)j I[) HI' "itf ...'' 11 I(\ ri 1

r· ly

Ln(l o:r


l j 1 l/ H
t n <B ,. c






. A. !' I ro"ICJ\"•I, htf!'I m1m "in "'hi J'inl
II ·ln[" d•t:;• ~ :f'o:r :'<'tl •
l•'amiJ;i 1 1~ ltnd
emr.tH r i· cu ') . m y m ,. uod :('j l Q :;;j !: \<J\ Ul<'l1.t' f~O l;l trli\ICI t ,, f f 1'0 rul . .At ,. r·· f'I n. th o
;n lur• icm o n\1!l'R 1 ·l J• r cipt1 n 1 n ·~· :rr, •1r~1 C'i'L. fTr, 1i (.(' tlio ·t. vohu!' i•l :ty )v lr:\11:\'b'i.l'lt; .
Tlc• Wnr u)o A.J 'lo11 Au hod ;1 UJl ·r IAr . M1H:o11 M. 1.r.i11 1how1.•r d .11 hnr ohtl f l';f.l rd'
r 1Jl t•1. ·;lr11 cf' ;hoi.•
to 1 VI'\ ltn ·o irnt~ w o t\ •u
1•p'I,; on
n ·nrn , but
thi ii Uf!.11 y 1.1 o· n \' ll"CtVi 'l nr l'o t.h(.11'1 11 p)1n-\.il.l l" jly ~Vltl!lUflt.~ ·1c; . 1'l'1(I u. P. . E . r.
wll hrilr you fin n \•)oy t~n · •

Ar •1 ll,'/ rd· r I' •r tl rn , r.·r · 11\ ·.1.1 :1 ot . ·:- r
1lL·po:gri of m~· :!'rlrmtn;r c• rr•i nnn 'I



im · tq;



ttuthori~~ ·rl



Th •» 1~11.rm ~ 1.1 •t :I y -~ l""'nt l
), · \J. , • ~1 r\' •lr;rinnn1 if:i'1NJ .I t• -.hei r:l 1y t1~vurn mu11t l~ Htl . ll\l ·hor:I .' d 0 rln .hi.: Jr.r . 1!1 lnay 1· 1• 1(•)' Y<'ll t<» 0 .ht. r t' IV'IW.!'11'1fllllt I c I ~ r1A,
J: · 'j' u 11 .\
rr.•1clc1 11r 11r . non· l <kri lf'. lnrLl· 1 r 1wr1 1.r"1111rn Fe with . r ."'at•.'
yc1u sr.~111ld ::ic~k ,he ( vi ou f'lj' tl10 rurrn !) .tr' y 11 _." n •


nt a



N1 .


W:U l



r r e d\1




,. in · rm idi ~.t•·y , 1u1ry1.. r


c .111

;j, .. Hf'

.. 1~1
















II' ;r

\1" i:\ R•.(1ur·]



~. ~i

1Ut. M j < t "



'"jJ l



y !"i h

11 lp mo ?

f\1ttmt .

1 1tln ~\ IAH

W j\1



'i .rn .


qui pr.en


H•.t will

r:: r



Fo. r1


ud y fi l d


n · ~1 ~ t:.n

· 1 •


u. frlir p:ri
a'rJ,:i r vulu •,


rn 1


o. :L,1-.orJ d, ' 11 t

'11/hr. ' l b w \



A, Y :) ,
f'j~ci rt



}. ,
i;r. t tmlb




H1:J ~ ~ l 1r1nlr.o V<, r 11
· n d 11 nt)~, put L ..., c;

l tilko niy



1tf ,1


~ ' C'l\I

~-,, X"'J:\


r "r''l •

'1n:1 ..Hl' y( m·

M bh mt;

i·ot U•h :O w l r10 11 rh: oid \~d . l:>11t w·l ~"l prubt.i'b )y d apim cl t t'I ~~(,

b1< :\ridiv ~ t1et1
u ic ,
J ~' ;¥0\l 11ow wh r r 1 ;vou n I'! rdn ., nncl h tni(I It r ·1 ~a
hl l ch mm sf.l lar1J Y<'>ll r.11 ·t;1 ..Jr..1 O\\l' 1,1 q ui.1mt 1\ •
r :>'Oll 0 M1 ' • (1H'I {i h r.i l.'I l~dp1

mont itt 10 1 1J~ .o k•,1qi t h1' l1n~ i1~ p~~ odl.1 . tlf11~ , y!.~~~ in<.1.,r h!ii'V(
·o ri. rr (\ J~ i~·' t i d1l tt)'of111
pf' :t ·bei '·h ~ n\llw op( l"O;l:. 0 1" . Th ·~ F1.tr111 f.» a1.11r i .y · p,':rllll • n: so
11/f"rt.m,gl!I 110 r.1tr:1 r1~ , ov,r
oqi1ll.pmwut tmta ;yriou 1u• ati :I u ·to u1;1ei i'b .


r.~:n r~ (') 1'

wr.t nlb ·bo nr. 1 11.1 to work Cl!! ll. lnb.o r r !l.n {~h11 lr~ t'l rtnm1 1'b'l!ln
\.1(£ tll" b o1Jt.
1.i.wno~· u , ho lJd l 111~1· nr 1• tt't1t;,cJn ·tr n h:r ough ~ih~ lP"l :rtn 5 cur
. t:y nr;on ~11·

A, Guel £\l:'l'!Ul[!; ~mwnt a Rhould l~lll inndl11 th •tiutr.h th J ll'C>du1· t 1 Fh:.•ouri
y 1q~1 1Jn rd; h
U. S\ . Em Jo~· utt ofi,iM , H' ;,tciu lr· ~ p,lrlttil~· 1\U/~Q t :l.utih1': f or
Rn ~ woll"'k, ;101i nh 1rn , d
$ID <:lk 'bht~ F'nrlo,,1ro,l $~1 i.u·1 t:v
( ll) ' I l'l h J \'J , 'I'. h i l a tl' I~ , II ry ~. n (.~ r <for t.o ~' t orrnbrn
whut wo1,k tng; t:o n trn tion s p r r~vid.l 'In d iv1lrnth r h 1 p i· •to1 Hnr,
W>tf o f'or ha. t n.~· 1..'fl, i.
b v tn
6 · ~:l d


lfl '' hiJr u 101;{ ohLmot.:i

1.c nc1:t o?



cbtrdt1 ~JVi.lrrl!'n"1t 1rn.~~t.1m•


td, Whi r \• r I J" o•-

A. "{· ~ if' ;you n:ro n.r1 Al"lcr ie'l
i L11.1 , ~t r1n;v h ·c Aa1h :11.:i t o ohti~h1 ~ · ... .r,ulnx·
!Pu.r.;l'I 8• oqr ' · u~~d >:" ;ht bill\. r•t:\im 10 n 1 1· 1o n i'rmn fw "oh
r r;civD tnl""t.ITl
1 ~dtcs;,• .
l1u ml!l.4~, t n t.lH" n •

Oo I hw <:111.' p ·o no· .~r), ttc;n.lnit1. i,n cli.'v id1n 11 'itho
n b rlld!l.oulc111 :i l:1 low pr:l .•-,, e, or t c. dc,d'r · u1~ o b~· inr1k j n1• f'r.i)., r ·'.I 'l.ry1n1~. t o bu, lTLY 1 'l11':'.i
n pn;, «Jin~(.\

lf you io1ih~ ~01..1:·

!1·. ..


1' rrt:ltH'.:•1m ts :. r roug ta~ f.10i :rvi ,u 131..1·11t o 1· 1' :•011 w:l l l
Ve n 'J'lU T'Y r OR i lo l•tO t (J(' ':l.C·l1 . Tho Gr.•v,1 r n.n11.1nt '\', HJ A:rmy
rmd t.h o Pt1t ·o oi'
Cl)!.. it'or ·1:!.(l h• •r, r r om\ioNl I) r.\.• lll~tion '\f". iJ'!rlt '.1 n
f'r\l:'SCll fl ·t..·~- ·'lnr; 0 ,h1~c\'1;, yoµ .
You aho\.lld r 1 r ort mllo•1 n t r.. mp · ~ . ~~'~1r t 1l:;l. nnm of'
th 1.l pn:r . 01 , n.nd 'Lh Q tim1:i nnd
11H:( h•'i npprc~i h u l you ,
o th ,J u.r.;•;11 • !:I.
• 10 11
•i-v'lcu c1•n ·13r . 11 I:!' yr.iu h•1"r<~ wlt n vl'l 011 t b suo 1 t '"'p t. , 'lih1 •rl r n•rn•.n mho•1J
rJ1on bo g,1v-.:in to h.,, :.i. ~ 1~t or tht"1y
shc;ul tl 'om i n ,
Do I

~1 ll>f,\'b 1}



lb cl u. vly

,e; ,j l1!J;, )L h i,HL"JY


ha.v~ "'> ~llll,01.w oi' my r r on<.. r y ,

f.l l

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~ .in rm ~ r cw oit..h rir 11 u·1 111' 1. lJ t~. 1\;h \;d :r 1f.l.l(l I, ibo
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lilm1 .1 0~1(mt t f~ti11i o 1t


ti. , 'Yeti ef-\o\\ld !'O)fMt
o \;b • Fi1t'Jl\ ~P 1n·~. by nr;on+.i lf'it·~· l yoi
t .J ~\lT"L;n,f\y
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1 ho inf'orl!IC~t~ on mt Jl•T .I th·
.h 1·, 1fo.p1 Til M w~. oh t o o11 r,l r J 1)11 Dt!l 1 ·u~ c ci l'I ·n ~1'!ie1 wHh

'bittJ1 J f\ itn u CJ 1 J:lo orin IWVll 1rnu
Q"t.;f\1, cl 1nJ Of t1 1"flt1 h~ hrjl 'nc YOU d1•tvt'Ynin.i Y}Wt
1m d y \I. mny l;iv i n·t 1 r n .J't; , ~~ h1 1. d by b 1·i 111~ 1in1~ yen~ CIF,u h \.. r · vd h ·,\w ,Jr\ J 1n ~ri1: . ·


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r •. d ~ r 1.tt1 11• . lfJ "· .: os l ; :1ou jn rrohl,:m,;i nf. th :ri .f i'or 'lh nl) ...
He wl l:. r d' r :1 u ·.o t nk ~ , 1 r ~.''' .J ,rJur 1Jo tr F•rni Cr ·11t /1 d!"li11'l r 1 1~;:1,,n o r h•)
r &uJ.11r F 1 .r 1•1 $uei1rity r urHl r · "ili !'\+.i on o f't'i u11 , Al l t""'>'•rmm n t .:r · fli
r r·'T(t or ·for11 o iv,, imin1'U<\G· ·ri ri'by o flu h .I O'ln np li 1, 1C"n l\1 , l! o "N 11 r q1101;
hnnks ors Ji 11 your:\ 11 ~ "' 11 1/ •. ! n:rn!iblu .
" ,i r \•i c t

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f'on '<losu. o t \1.1df"f.l"
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d S 1 l"V'i

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o;f WMhi ,'l.IJ:ton , 01·ar,rm





r~ ll

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011, :torn~

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ti va 11 •
Ycnu· 13 ve r y truly ,

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lf!tDF.,lifU.1 R:J£:nrnv·E; l:IH i~ OJI ;:;_

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Pro !r ty

No .. 1 - ·::iU .'EC'r:



11~11.~ ~ 01" A '1) U ~

1'lV; 101 fJO Q
t ci s

In it, d S L I

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1K' 1' h 18 1 l '42 •
U1:.f:ll~ rn.~ Jl c 1 '0Vl~l> 'J

A! r 1 r

( Jrivr.il1.rnt. 1u·~,



'HJ~ OA' '~s

At p
nh::i o nl ''.~b~e~.d~~~w~~i......l~~~~~~~-..~

a. i .~;~ e1t.;_~:u~~....,.....,....,

J!! v t~c1i t::u~1i 'v l l.L 11ql ;t Eit be tmn .l<Hl
l' ViO ~; thr 'll{;'.h tbt•in 0 J, 8 . l~ub . j 0
by the~ r • .s. Em ;; loyrrtni.
H •. J.·t Deni tme 1 'L Q timl~pn v... 1·h 01p H ns of .11 ~1 1. · w·n pe )llll
1ll't ri 'l EJ ·r fl
t ..ti 11 t.o Armv t.rucl,. ~1 o 1.nd1ctio1 c ~nt rs . rh
b nLl1!1fH rod "Hid L;o 11
t. o h tl.11 ·n 1 tli osr
p<irncin'.1.l uar s or
I f ) ar 11y 'Lru . t r· r1in .



a.t, rn:·e1Lnt .



( rt i a 1 nfr; r nn(,j o t1 c 11





Li1 e lll o f ' • . 11 • A.)

','/, C . C• • 1:J • v l 11 J np p U cc t lo n ' 1l 11n n p ·t ri 't. 1A 'no~~ •
blfJnl ~!:. , wt, n r:orn•Jlt:i Cid , \ il bu hrmfl t- d t. c1 fib VfH'iou.:.. off'tcc~n .
Pimple al<; . n; 1ip p l :l o ~1t O 'l to rernn n iJJ T'CL:Jl1.\r.·~wd t, L.X>.r~t.orl s r u .
,. 1.1 out t 8 ·U rp ) lloatJonD 1~!Uoll , ir t,urr1 , wil , be !l bmit. d o
The c1 re:t r:oard
bt1 ' i·c~ r or d:r·a.t' t ai-),>OOl bo •u :.i .
. o ct~.L cir f
)1 ·
l'l.:i li.o t.:ton
by th c~ 'ti't b(Hu·d , :l will b pt1 r:ie· to 11 . r'l:lUiJJ i•r.;,commend
(~r y r~o1·run 1 d \ }10 .l 1 U iJl n g lvu 1 intll "~P '> l cvnl or t· j rntiori .
l'J e.r• he11:iHh s
xe ' ot
rl'l'i \n ·e will e nc.:> 1:;;.o (.q1t ;\.o ns or , lil{1lilno13a
i. · wo uld\;• d 1rn g 1, ·o ua ,o 1ov p ooµl(-:J t'L r· ·h t .r 0ar.0 1
i Jv o lve er
e~, f: , " i'" .)
(p rttlyi;d,,




rr .n -, rr.· 1ln in th r 13 rit;tt:d cir .rohil::>.i. .ed
lf ) Vacuet d
ulng dt~o:i .ct U')On,
appU rJ't i..J cin 1('
h t.., V1'1cLw0 i ill b· allcwe.d t ci
d. i: s cJ.n 1t =\ c ,n ion,

:) ~/
r .~ -11

;J / ,/ /,


- ....... _ _ _....,J,,..J...,,..__..,_.,_ _ _ _ _. " " - - - - o , Dn, Oanl e:r'

,>•i :

._.\J,.. llll!::l'll!'i\\V.E 'ANlf< OF IA.N Ffl~NflrllCQ
! ~f'Tll;D 8TATEt

f'f,8 CAL, ~G&;NT OP' TMl!i

·~~'11.!1.,POO ~rr~~J~l~liX Q !Vf\flJ!~!;'ll

'March 'l l, 1942.



c>f 1~u110Ucn11.11 •ntl Operat1Qd8 of l.ho Ev11cuee P~/ape1,1t1 J)ep•rtm~t
the United
ot the ,eder-.1 Rf,'Aetve llllnk or S•n Frandeco RIJ JJll11t!,\al AreRt inf,'lfAdh'il


In it1e 011or~t:io11~ EUI ll'I cal An· nt of. the Vnited Stl~t f.I th F~~doral R serv·mBa;q){ <i1f Sa.•1 Franc.,,s
Ma been d legat~1<.J the duty of~-· Germim and ltaliap (IJienR and J.lOrijonli of J'apa~,,l!le
f!1'1eQ8try eN'&o~tlni fro.!!!._t_!1.i~~ wtii~h hav~ ba •p d·es1~nat d by H~'l~QUJlr1iers Weater11
De£flQ$e (fammaml aind Fo\Jlrth :Airmw, Fremldio ot San FJ·nncJs,1q, Cali~ornia.• hl PubUc P11oc1amatilon
Ion >fOB~r!j;~iUJ• ,9-nd ei!illJ.•E!e
N'or 1, Issued ur1derdate of Ma.rch 2, UM2, in arrauging for the l'O
'1!.!! <>Ritfo~ of t't\ie propel'ty holdings of iluc}l ev.~m;!~:,.... n 1t11 operation, the Jllederll1 Re~ · l'V'e Bank of
$an l'~nc 11co is i.lt1 , ect t e ~fir ot'ron o'f thfl militi1ry authorltlo s.


1 dmlni~tl'atlon

The following gcmcritl outlint1 a'£ proced11re has heell oatliblishflcl for the

of thil'I


1,. The Fecforal Roeervo .lhnk of 811.n lll'ra.n<"J1:100 wj1JJ1Q_~.JlQ!!11J 8BiOf!..5!£..ErPntW ()fan evaou(le
ae an ~litlh {lJ,'()p(ftty Oll~to<li~n, h\U. "'.il~ Ql'V0 ,l~ra as an p,~vlifcirto U12 0Ya'llMl.Q.1in.~1w m.t.!Jt!lr

- . ..~__...... · ........
pp~ltion t ~~ ""
l!:l':lis, :ru1 h w ~ ,ff' ·~'!~
will l·! te on~ a p1.1rely
with ith~ <Wacue(l
2. ~ dca
'"'1 •
f hi
. •
J.~,....~ , 9roJr 1~~ ~~~ n.¥: a....... P~ro !- 'I~
8. The 0VBCIJ (l \111'~~1 be ncourag ~ in his own interest to malt rivat a~rangemcnts for the His~
posltion of hiapropertJ"'litiil'1i.Je;Cir<>~tfilp~ofi la ft ~'ijti~-'
(a} Ind pendent, actton (lf' the e aeuee on Hlf.\ o 1.l ~llat, o.r
(b) Through' a·1i 111i~nt of t1ie evac1.1~e'.p own ,!Jel~tlian.'
4. Jn the eeleetion of: an s,getlt the lflederal Besetve Bank of San Franclaco Will mecommend the
appointm ut by the vacuee ot 8Jm!0 yerscm o~~l,!1ion !!!_~hich t!!_e ev~oufJe repol!l~ 91?.nfidenct' to repr sent his intere~ts 1:1u~nJ<,h1s aFtorney "c\jl 'Rfa filil @stl'Cl]l~§'.
5. 1r8i1~tootl1 r'Wi~~~'e1or the equitabtld~J)c;-;;i-;;f hj;· proj;'crty or ft0r ll'n
agt,nt 114oceptable to t,he evacue tio .!'epresent him, the 'tedera.l fte1:1er•ve Bank of San .F'rancbmo
wj!I give considera tion to aooepting lt!~~r of attorney.










Eacfu'~~""cO'ftsfiferecr<m !ts hi·iv dua metlt$8?it'isposed. of Oll thtlt basis.

7. A11 advioe anj~sistanc~ possi~e wjll be provided th~ e n,ct~~e F d~ Reserve B11rnk o:f
~lsco, ariitlfl'fc~e tJ'llt,t th~ M ti~ ?.£ller wi~hfii tfuGAreas mvo v~ Wl)o are
ll'1J?!'2a.~hed PY. evac11eu ~or ~11iia~ wiU Uke!lrise ext~n4. their full a~1~.ia~noe ,arid coop?ra.tion to the nd that th pu1·pase of th proMam will be com letel serve~. tt is recognized
that ffio'a.aS'ismllcc t'lie ba'fi'lf81nffi"etieli! or g11ea er spe n the execution of, t,he


8. The Fedenl lteserve l3ank of Sari Pru.ncisco will endeavor to advise and asaist bank f.l.D~ others
wlJ.!?.m th . va u es sel .ct as theil: a ' ~ l·n_ffiejer~~~e:qth~~ci~ . Obviousiy, it
the oan s an o ers w1 in i e . l itary Area vrho are approaCFied by~cuees to act as
agents will ace pt s11ch a.gcmd s, th entir prognm will benefit.
9. From time to time the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco will disfl minate s uch informa·
tion and in tructions aa will assi st il1 th a.clmi'nj atration of th e plan.
p11ovided by overnm ntal ag Jlci s, both Fede ul and stat ,, in th adminis10. Al'.lsh1tnnco wiU
tuticm oft.he acuntion plau, inc luding th se agencie handli11g olb •r a pe t s <IJ.f the evacuee

l 1.




problem. 'rhe vacu e1t11u1d f.11ofr 1•ep""e~ .nt•tivos Jncludhuc their ag~nts 1hould Keek tl\e ll-1p
of such a1rencf. 11 for specific matters wi~~hl their fields e"'eh as thelie arlatna out of the trea
Q'IQ~t Qf, /f~wing crc1p~ and other flpeclallzed Pl:'Qble:ms.
While Jilf.tWll.P@.L...n~~Q!lJ..he Jllluidltk'!n..Q(.YutntoJl~ If th~ v.acue , he will bfJ
in!formo~ 11y the F od flf ~e Qrve Bank'. of San Francisco th~t he m1,1.~1 r~1tain owner1h p of pl'op..
ort1\' leift b hind If n11}!.lrop1·i~te n.rrangemente can be made for its prot~ctlon and ,preset t.1tlon.
Tho prol(r•~ will l;lo adw\ni~t re\! by t.he Jll~eri•l Rea~rve Bank of $81~ Fr1'.n~lsc.o ~hrou.ih its
head pffioo lf-Od tb·rQµ~h Its br~nchee •n $~attl , Wal\hJngton ; Pol'tl nd, Or~; and Lo1:11
Angel~e 1 011lifomia; n.11 w ll ~ l!l\tch, othei: officos ais may be estabUshe~ fn the ,f.r u for the
efficient !urth •ranee of its 11.ims. The Foo ral Reat rve Bauk of S~m fran lsco Ms established
its Evacutl\ Property Departmllni in San I<,rtt,ncls<:o, Oalifornia, ai 600 Oalifornla Street in
tha,t citr.
It ia intend d t~)jn•d~jo fiore~ "''~tlon b u1u1cru , ulofu $a'~ which would IJ
detrhn ntai't01lle:Tnter(1st lirt 1e evacuee an n a ..,e!Pecll11 t rolnJm~~e hJ! lQl!A~!!JI to tl/le
greatest 1'011111lble o:ictent {n connection With the ~j•J>t>Ritlowoni s pi-O'Pfir y. ·it ·IM antlciNttM
that thi:11 will be adoompllKllf.ld to a large extont tbziQugh -.ppeal to tlle oreditor'u ·1ert1e of fair
pluy and. the obvious noooe1lty of complete coopt,\rat.ton mn the a1;hnlnl11tratlon of tbe ov._cua·
tlon p·roarram, ~JIL.,~J.ikh
gult~ble Jl~ttl~ll\.<'n,t ts not 11.iJ.'~ect uJ)On istioul
promptly b~o~~ht to tn~ te!t.Ucin ot tl)e F,~leral ~!~~!ve .1:1!\nk qf 'BA!! l"fincaco.
No compu slon will be placed upon ncuees to utilize the facilltli•e provided by the 14~cdcl'al
Reserv& Bank of San Francisco, but they are invited to ma'ke Ul'le of them .

• ral R.,11erve Bi1nk,
'I h foregoing are Jn tended to set f1)rth certain basic princiJllos which the Fed
&Citing in i·te capacity: a~ Fiscal Agent or the United States, teele to b1e Jmp1>rt1&rit In the eftlelent,
speedy a.nd prof>(lt e:Xucutlon o1' it1J dutie~. In the conduct of the evacuation pl11n It ts particularb
d 1d·red that th~ bank.a thrm1ghout U10 Are~s will extend th~IJ:' tuU coope11atlon in the khowl ·ge
that by widespread .asidstance to i~e lll"8ClHle ttie pr~>blema tncld~nt to their rem9val from the Areas
cal' be most rea,dUy imd mcpedltiously solved. In their f Q11\U~ent. of their places tn this program,
banke are requested 00 ~1 {ve consi.dera.tlon to tile pr<>«'!dure a11d prl~dples enumerated above. As the
prQgr1~rn ll06 forward the Fade,ral lte11et\'OBank of San Fi:ancisC(l proiX>IJllll to comm~nicate to the
banke additional suggestions and outline• of procedul'e or changes In 1~11ocedure calculated to im~
prove its administration of the program •nd t9 provide pubUc cil'culatl.on ot data directed towaTd
its 8J>EJedY aocomp'lishm nt.

f'lltOAL. Acn;NT 01" THS U"ii'fllD

~r,.~·c:.11 i , 1



1~o Han.kl'!, ,Bank rs, 'J.'ru t Compauio , and Otber.e om1ernod,

ln tl.ui 1'wolfl.h Federal Re8erve Diefriot.
DfllAI\ ' l~TR.S:

'l:'helie hM b'mn ill Ii d 1.h folb'Jwlnsr regulation oi~ M111•ch l8, 1942;

Code Cli/ Fodor211l R gulid.lons
'rltle 811 Money nnd Firu:mee : Troasury
Chai ter 1 -Monetar~r C>tllc . ,
D J?llrtme nt llf th •rroasury,

Part 180.

Special Jteirulatlon No. l. U,ider Jei;•~utiu Order No. ·!l389, .A pril 10, l 9'0, ae
A.mended, an~ Seetfon 5(b) of tJu, '.l1radln1 wit.It the ~IU'mf A(.t, as A.mend~d by ti)\e
:F'lr l War Powers Act, lH.1, ltelatlng to TranMactl~n11 In Special lllt>okod Pr1>pertyl

By virtu of tho ~~~)ritr vEsteciJ!! the ?ed~t!L~~l'!Y.~-~~nk (>'f San Frnncieoo, Fis~ A111e1\t er/ 1:bo

'On~t1ed Sb1t e, pur uar1t tio searo;tl 5\6"fonl1e 'J'r&.din wlili tht1 En<imy Act AS armnded by ·~he U'it'at
w~r PoW"11'8 Act, by virtue of the a.uthQrity V(lated in such ba.~11~ by the Oomnianding (J •neral of tho
Western Defemo Command and Ji1ourth A,rmy. ml by virtue of all other 1~utho.r.ity vest11 cJ l.n euch
e b<Jr .PY pr 11u•ij:)ed:
bank, th .f~~H~S eeia re ulatfo
(1) 'l'h·~fflisiUontdisp,ol!lition or tg,n~feu>f, or oth te~~~ng in, or cxorief inr,r any right, power,
apy ~)~J!jrea_lJ ' JJr.ruWid l\f') slincia•I B\(>C~ ;f!r::opca:.t)1
or pr 'V 'lh wl Ji respect
is prohibited e~ 11s auth()rtzed y.-n~e:IJiressly reteilat1g to1 t: s regu aroti:
pereo~ wit)l the neuJ1eat
ill d on l~ortn T'El·1 by
(2) ApplfbAtions tor ~:ny ~uch li;~,s·e
oflloe ot th F de.n l lteaer e Bank of San ;FrMcisuo. Such api;il 1i!it on& Sl1 >UM set 1'ort1n (a)
th lrttmist, lf any, of the applicant il1 the 1woporty; (b) the dcitails ol the tra...,11~actJon for
whjch a Ii' nso i13 requested, incJucHt1,g tlle terma of any proposed El •ttlement; (e) the rn11nnel."
in whlc)l the tif the evaeuee national in h ro )ertt.J!! J;ielng 11ootected; n.:nd (d)
e'j1•or'o~d 11 t.tlenient.
whether or not th~ evacuee national ~l:l in agrecmcn 1v
((}) As U$'11d in thi~ special r gulat~on and in any ruling, lio .nse, i'nsfructlon, etc.:
(a) 'l"he term "~cuee natiQnal" snail moan ~ i{~a lei&e, German, 01• ttaUari a,lic~n, or !t.l!t.
ruson f Jiij)tlle~ a.nM'itq. resident: ,on ot Hince December 7, 19.U in MJUtary A r ea
No. or n speCffied zone" u1 other M.iUta.ry ,Areas prescribed in or pursuant to pul~lic
1~.rocla.mations iasw~d by Lietltenant G neral 1. L. DeWitt, 00m'J1landin~ Genaral of tl1e
Western. f)ef,~nse Oo1nmand and Fourth Army. For the P]I:' ose __of th.I! t~,glatlon all
evacu e nationals arc national!! of a f(> eountrJ.
(b) Th·r-;m;;·sve~l'irBrci' ed Propert(-;-}1a'if irtQru;propr.rty jn wlllch an eV!lCUee r1~1tionat



lus an int .re t aud which hns b en ~· isi 'na:ted alt§mc14lL:S1!i>!"'.O.ll(}!1;l ~y th11 ~'ed1m1.l
R.oserve llnnk of S1:1.n Frl,ln.ciaco in one or more ef t11e101T0Wlng way a:


(i) ~l'h r (l is l osted n 0r reasoxu1.bly 1 a..r such property a n official Federul l.l.eserv
J3ank 01' San :F'ranci11eo notlc that ·uch prop rty i Sp cla.l Blodced Property.
(ii) 'l'ho Jers n holding 1;ucb prop rrty o havi ng possession or cu tody thereof has b n

•!'art ~UO :-·Sol'. ~(h). 10 fll 11t. H t> &~• d 00, Se o. Pi 4 f!lat. l ; Iii, tat. no; 1''11bllc No. an4 77lh Oon ·r Hl J~xocuttve rder 8ROµ,
.Arwll lD , lll4o, l\H .uni rid d by J-Ox~outiv Ordc l' ·lrsr•, Ju11 H, 111 ~ 1. Jllicl'leullvt> O~d~r Hiii~, July i , J~O. Jllucuu,• Or~er H~6D.
J •t10 inb r tt, IUO, IU.:x11c11llve Ord~r 80118, D11C1Jmber H , 19'1 , m&eoutlve Ord r ~Ob&, ll'~lwu~ry 10 , 1Ut, uoutlv 0 ·1 dllr DObfl,
11ro h 11, 1 U42.


riot.1'01 d t~r, U1.o Federal iesE1rv0 ~11mlt .ot San Fr1u,ci~~o t~a,t r;iuQh l(itoper\\Y.ts Special
.Blocked l ror>ortl'.
n Q,. mor p rE1om1 luwi~ig nn ~ntcr at 1n such prop rty h1we been no~ifiec;l by 1Ule
l odor· I ll Ii rv J3f.lnk of San F'rancillco thnt aitch ri1· perty 111 S ec!J\1 Dlockml
Pro1; rty,

F d ral RoR rv · Rank of San Franob1C(.I,

By WM. A. DAY,

Poro ytmr 1.rr 1:rmaticJ'1:1 t.ha following atatcm nt 'to th.,; ress wa l"Ole11aed Mr.~t:'cb 1"(, ~P4.2.
•'Jn Qr~for t'o protect .1aJ>f~neeo and other e 1~cuoes, tho l~ed •rul .R ~~l1: Uan'k of San Fr11ncb1co,
as 1f~RCUI Agent of tl1e Uiritod States, 11oday lsaueil roguh~lions Q()Hlgn dt.o bl~iJlg' l~bou·t en2i11
ecttlemotib b tw~Cl~·e9~.!U\lld VVeat 0~11t e~~.~,
'I'lfe new ••egul11i1cms are intended ~foremtl\ll unfafr uct!oa...b~ti!Qy~dtm ·wbkh
wcn1ld be detrim<mtiAl to the i.nteres Ii ol th ~evltClr€.iiilrfi'ir[O.Tulu!mtz~J:iJ~ ~noonruiction
with tho disposition of his p11<1pcrty.
It Is antfoip1itod that tl1is will be accomplished to 11 lar,ge ox·tent by dh1act appeal to the
crc1.M1lovs' aerui of ff.dr play and the obvlo11s nec~ssity f r ()Ornpl te uoo1)er"ticm in the ad·
minlstr:atlo11 of the evucuatlon program.
'We wf.\nt llnV Jnpnnea r other evncuoe who find s th1tt ho h Rdlfllculty ,in r aching an e<1Ultable
suttlerocnt with his er ditors to col'rle to Uw neur st omc of the Evn ntl Pr<~)e1·ty l)epartrnent
o'f the 1rederal ti Ii rvti Bnrfk. At the bank we <'.tl.P dbo~1 s Ml'I cl\\S<J and take the Mcuasar·y te~lS
to protect the evur,uo !front~~~,' Wi111nm A. Day, ¥11' 1d"'e11t of the Fledel:al Rc11erv

Bapk, sta,1i d.

Bnnk otnciala warn d that the i:nitlat,iv m1der the new regulations will :rest with tbe evaeu e.
4fie1' the ~1.u;~e. !,Jo§ attc1~~0~ -~_m1~DJ~TI ~~lt~1blu~t!lle1nQllt :M'.ith hig e~9~11umd h~11
f.'111Q(f.'1i0alwu1d go tO tlfo nearest office of the vacuot:~ Proptirty De1iartn:1(\nto neFeaeral,
~ve l ank and lay n.ll the tact~ before 0r10 of Its rop1·escr>.tatlves.
eft;prt ~QJ;u1ru~
'l"h ban'k w1q r..DlliJI tl1 C?ieditor 1· nd h(:lll.r lda aide of th · c and rir~ ..
1e crec tor ii\ ur1r a Q
abcmt an a.m1cri15re 1!1.!nlcimt1n o , re ma er.
Fecfot·a , ese11\r,e Batik ni'ay freazo the evac;ueti'li
e eva l!lee,
M.lttng iffi aWiitl:\ilin a ''
- --· -·- -·
P1:,C/PO~Y. by d~~~atjng it ll~ §ir~!!l~c~ed E r'O.P,!!l'ty.
F1~llowing this s11 pt'iw an wH ~itM:r..Do!illtl. ptl@ on or near ibe prop rty o:f the evac.uee,
staitil1g thi~t the .J)ropei•tw desc~·ibed fri Uienoffoe i& SPec.lal DJqcl~od :P~opet't.Y' or wm ~oUfy the
p :r;1~$1U..b.LIJ.db:1g m:.h,rwJn:K nci.asEIJS i0n.. 0£,. 1lho.wl!.~!i)', or p ~ !!'.!\'AS h11vm~ an ntero~t m it, thnt
81~Ch prO'p r•ty 'fa S·pecial mo ·ked Propc rty. Flt)deiftil Ries rve Btlitj!{-(,fft(:Jnl's iltat t1 tnat }}~ltl'IOl'l8
clea!in,g with ova.cuees may aaaume thnt their property is :not Specfol Blocked Property unless
t~Y, ar... ~~~~..2_ll r1o_!!~e to the ~~~ry.
After the pJ1operty has been declared Sm:1&lo!l~l. 1c <.!, llt91t~i:tyt-1my aoq~dsitlorr, disposition, or
to a license is ue(f b.Y the i•·ode1·al Re~ rve Bank. Applicatran fer of that property i11
tions for such lioense13 may e tea'""Wit?itl'i ··11 -arell oJfice o'f the bank.
Becatl8 the bank wlshe ·to 1>rotect thee acue nofi Fnli in tt•ani:m,<.ttJons involvJk"-~tfil):
emt but also in it.hose lnvolvt11g all kinds of ~:;'Tia > <!I . er ;·tn r gulatlonis m , it possiblerorany '.kind of property to be de13jg11ated as eclll oc ~ea Fr'Operty.
By th<we br~md pto islonR th r gulati(i)D8 enable the bank to protect tho f.lvam.wo iu such tl'Pic~l
tra;nsactiens M (\Qlldit).ru:!!IJ.Jlnles, ina,.tl\)me. rrt, or ~tl.Y q~he"t: . bll<i of ~sialln~ ln any
kind oj'. prot)etty, iffie atf11c:uoe will ftr8r'!111l!m;lltref.lie simple st.op l!.lf l)Ctltlon ng' the bank to
declare hi property • pecial Blocked Propetty.
Eivacuee to a.void
~h b~nk niade cl ar that it wJ.11 h~ ~ni&~rd :f2r. any att.Cf!l.J?1 onrtlul p ui of
~- -' 1mR thrO'i.lgh toaay's re1;ulntio:l'J1:;.'
th payment of r asonable crecm.-0 .s



Yo11!t'1J very truly,

' '"""' ll'f'l'i-1 01............ ... o
'J•ll.'iUal)l\1Y P llll",.\.1''l'MJllN'l'

Ottlue ut ' 1111 B•ortetar)I

-'rPlle•tloa F'~r • i..~ienH •~ E~o In • li1ci ipa E cll.n(PJ 'rr•nHellQn~ Tran11t·• r ~·r retllt, P~r•neri&, E~1•0..i.
or With raw-1 Frmn the dntted 1.a~~•, or •hill E•l'rn•rlc·tr11. or Ocdd •~ r 1Hll\'C'l r' Coh1 cu• Bullion or
(lao•reuoy, or the 'J1r11n1tt1r, Wl1bdt11w1•Q or F: por11111lo•• ,,1', or lh al, ·~8 h1, 1£ hbt(1 «1e1 c)f


fo~lciib•~dntlllll o~ lilt1ldenciti• o( Ow1~N'•hl1• of r~o.,..,,.,
(11u J.10 ni.!11c 1111id nn<'I fllell ln ~~ l plt 1111,t tt 1'Hh t he .ll111d11ra1 1 1t1~ ~rv • t11111 k f\lr l h <lfllr l a 1u• with th Cfov11r•1oc1t 11r

11mm111~lc111ur rit \h t11rrlt<irJ1 11r Pt~Ktt1•l1J 1t ~ r th 1• (l p llril tatl•ft 111 ' ttl11h \h11111•r•tl 1111nl r •Ill 11vr1111~ 1\11•
11rl11<4iJUt.I l•I &~ ut i.. u1 l111iu or Ml11al 1111I 11tl' lou ur 111may. 1t Ill u1111Uc1• 11t i.111 1111 ln~I 11· u~l~111111~ cir t1rh11•hJ11i 111~110
t•I bu~lll •~ ur 1i1•lnu l1/111 c•fflnt nr a noy In IL J11111lor~J H~.11 l'yo a1" lrlt11 nr flll"h l"rrllc•r)' 1111 1·11~~11• lr•n Ui ~ 10111!10!4·
tfon 1h011lll be n111d w l 1.110 ocltlro.I lt~·~erve J11u1lc or Now i' !,r~ or Iii• 1rnd111J( ,ftlllt ··vi) Hflo,i J( \i i !IMll lft•n1wlAOO.)


To TKl!l


or t nmTlllllA1!~"11V,

WH'hlngton, D. ,



Tn ._ac.011d~Me "fl•l ~h l!l:nioutiv(I Or!h r No, 88~1l of A11rll lO, Hl4(), 11• llm~ndlld, t•(l1t~l11 n\ltg ~r1mH~ I.Inn~ In !foreign 11:rrnhnttga 1 to.,
1,~1 rl I.till 'lt•11ru l a t lan 11 ..:pd ltull11g• h81'0d th 11r e1mder , liu ut1~or1l11nod h(lr'obr 11pttlh11 fo~ a Uolu\11 1.11 f'IX out tJJll tr11n~11utlon



ti liclow 1

'.l:h() l\ts.rna of ~h appl iciarit is,""'~',...... ~ ...,.•.,...- .. """l,.,1,.,.....,,.........."ri'''' ... tt •..,,",,.._......,t,.•.,;1,..1........,••....,,••,~~·t1+··..•·+f•~ ...... 1.,.....,._,,..,,.....
,.11.,,•• ,.....,'".........j"~··""·····1 .... 1. ~
(2 ) AJ1pllQant n111ldlill at or, In th Qa u ol a corporaUoo. ~11 11t.nt111 8h lp, llt1~1>1.iiatlon or ottl1 r (Jrg1irnhtahion 1 hH th pri11cl1111 p htc
ot b usJmi~e lit:


i.,...... j

-tl ••• , ..... .., ....

(II) l\Jlpll11ant la and ha \>.!e n Ii oitb: 11 of.--............................ - ............. - ... - ......,,,_.........,..._ .....,,__,...............,...,...............,......... _,., ........ ~.................,........,..,....
uint10.1.......... "',.. ,..u.............""",......i. ....,......."".. ,,..... '"'"..''""•'t<"'l"·"''i"......"1o"'"'""°'i•111o• I
(Mt•it lh )

(,T llj' I

(V P r )

001•1•l•"'l•l to.... 11oooof!l'°'.. '.,''t••1 ... 1.... ltt•--·-""l'''"'''... "'""'"'"'''''"' ' .. , .. ,... ,,_ ___ .. ,.._,,,_.. ,,l"~-H-•<fOooH,,...o,.•1,...,_ ., .. ,,,._,..,._,~1ooopoo1 ..,,,,.1.,j,,, ,,,.,,,,,.,., ... ,,1, ...,lllftl<WHh"t!'U,...,,,,.ti ... IO
l..,•M_l ... jl•t•••-•-,.,. ...

( f1t11L11 llPI Ill'


,,r bt11ilr11•HJ

1',..._l..1' "....

Thr applionnt ~•i ll'l.18 a lie nso ha<>rdt•r to 1
( Sltn't in detail the nnt.urlfl, purpui;e l\Tid r1mou11t of thfi tT~M11 tlor1, nnd th e T11\n11>, a1Mru 11, nntlonallty 0 pnd o Nil. of lnture t o'f every parly, lnl'<lu/Jlng th appllcl\nL, irivoh ·ed or lul.croslc1J tn ·the tr1rn1111ct.ion. )

•All ll nlh1i1 fr, nw 11.ppo1~rlnllf In


rdeir ~<t>. QnHO of .Apr ll 1!1, l P ~O. a,1 l\llH:n(l 11 , anll Lhe 'n111t11h1ll<m, and H11l h1 ~

ti111u11a ll1~r~n,,~1 r llho.ll

1q1ply t !I Lh t11rr11 en1pl11t Cl rn1• 111,
•• In thu tlllll of o 1;1or11C1r11-t1oi1, I• rtr1l'r• hl.rl, " ' ' linMo<'l11l1011, jl'l'Ye ClOUl1tr1 111 w11l••h t>r11unlr.••d •rill Jttdl "• I ~ 111 n1.1111•r•Jtlm111t11 r>er1J~nlal('1\ 11r ftW 11k,
t1t[111·c1-. ~vl'ldft, cfol!omv r u , n!>l 1, dr111t11, cir 111 h~r ~n!"ur1U1J1 or (1l1Ueull1•1111 of 111 h or a nt1111 tlv u o•wnm~ ~r tiontr<o11~Q 1 dlrti c ~l:Y 1ir 11dfrc .tly, l•Y
ll. 1J lo 11k11111 c c.i1mtrt ur ol!ill or mo11 n1tUon11.le ~ h l'O()f,

1Qi.D mllinUa11C1d tn i~.-1 lJ 1b111't.1 h1'• a11y in ,r4111t. lt6flti dr
i11dl•r411111, hi ~h. ~ti~11•11,~tlo 1or. ·tr11n•~crt.\QJ1~. Jfot II ~iCW:lllill a •~,pl~ll(I t~ 1114lrei;u, I( 1ilic1r11111'41 &fl~' ••\~p~WJl.9f iiq~ t.h~m b low.

a, ' 1'h •'PPI' ~ 11,pt 'i't-l're111n~• illld 'Mll't't."n!4i th~t '110 P'llrti' otbiirr <th ..~

'l'h 8f'llllu11 r1t rf'J!Jlee11,1t11 and warl'1rntil thn11all th fauL111 her11ht wtod llt•o c:or:rnct nml trut1 and that hu doc• not llift, 11 knowledl(C o! 1111,)' 11·ui~t·l11 I fact» in Uf•nncrt.l~·n wil.l:\ ~11ah 11 'Pllr.JiltJ\,un whl11il aro 11oi fully and 1H1our.111,t ly ' 'fCJr~b, b11r hi. (A~ta<1h
11 rcLu 11oht1dul Q1 11f 1u1:1· ad1mtonad mn\erh&l iuil'orrnv.ti1111.)

'.l'bo llJ.IJlllt amt ~e-11~ 11 11111 nnrl 'Wu1·ri1r11.ll th11t h 11111 eqm'flllcd, a.nd &l!ft' 1 11 ~hath will comply., In all •"O~ ect~, wlt,}I 11J.x:11c1.1tlv
Ord i:' }'.In. IJU U £ A111·l 10, ~I) ICI, \~~ alflO)tdu(\, anl3 th ltc1u.l11ti 11111 11r1d Ruli111fill ~11"11~ bh()'l'll~!ld r; an~ w t.11 !/.Tl:f 11,111l .~II I •
q1111s(ifl 111~1,1 ~d to he 11i111ll 1,1 t!l11"1111: tt11m1w. 11nd t. 1wt, wit'1 re•.Pt\<J1l ~the 1.1'1\q111utlori Pl'l~ll hwmlved, 11\Q pt,\"l~r .11p11lfo11t.lon
of tho und~r~l1111 d for 11 Ha UAI 111~1 b1Jun llllid or ls p 11d 111r, lllUI pt as (.~lluw~ l

't"''"'''"'·-·-l"'t•f_,....._j ......,..,.,,...,.""'''.,.................1..,.,,.,f.......,_,.,.,.,_ _ __, ....... .,.._...,,,...,1•




Bf...,,.;_....... - ....... ,,,;,,,,,,,,.,., ......,,,,...,,.,,."',........,...........i.,"~..- - - ·......... . ,.........."... ,...._.,, ...
S'r A 'P l!l Ol"........."-+······i•+••· .....,....1o.,,,.... .......,...,j.................11......... ,.. .., ..";.-1••••,,.,.,,..}
()U n'L'Y

<if ""'"1o"" ..... 01., ...1..... ....." .. '-···~, ............ "l ... 1... , ............. . , ...., .. ; ..,1o ...............,_

I.II ~

C-0/lilnn :for Hconao, or \b(),....Hfll•tOf'~'"'"" ....""'11111u•tt°'!••U1'"'!~11•••,.••1.,~oti ... ••-.,,,_.. _,,...,_,.,.,,,,1 0 1f,,11,""~·· ........ - ............... ,, •• ,~,,....... "'''''fllt.,!•f•'1f'l.. ,,t>l•••l•t1 .. •l1•Mt;t>o.O•r.--tt"'"•'•11-11"1~-.o··..,·,·"'1 .... .
(N~ !l1

( t 11 ~0 rM ILllq n• 1lp tn R·l'l •lil"4'11U)

C• I 1tp11ll t.Jl\llt)

'ffOl:t 0 the ap1,1lq11,11t ~Tl th 11bov11 11,pHqati 11 fo1· a II 1181!1, and 1ihfl1l 'I a.m duly authorl~efl ·to m41ke th fo·rugulng appl1Ht,1on on
behalf of the •PP. lic~.nt ; th11t J' h11ivt1 perm:mlll knciw1c"g <il lhe facts aw !Mlt f\)r~h in 1111ld a11plioatton and knQW tho sa1nt1 to bo trno

aind anomrat1J1 and th&t I (lo nt1t h11vu knowlodgo pf a y 11111wdal flA t1 in oonr1uatlon. with uoh appliQl\tlon which ar ML :folly 11.nd
accuntely 11et fol'th her In.

(lfotJariul Seal )
l\1y comn-ilaslon nxplr a......,, •. _.......,....,_..,. ....""""""""""'"""""'""·-·...·..--···....-

Recotnmi'ndallc n of fl' ed"r11l Heeel"Ve B11nk
Th E1bove 11ipplfonti<>:n ii1 f.oi:wnJidod tQ the Secretnry of the Treasury with the recomm ndatfon thfit a
lio :n e. hoiitld be (grnnted in the foUGwing amount
•••ti "'"
(deni d.
"k•I•" ........


... ~•tM-•H .. •

'"''••••••0•1•0>••••••--0•I •


or SAN


By,,_,....,..,.. ,,.."il\.,.oM +l ... '''"'•u•••..,-..,t!,...f••tti••f~;,,"f''''.,...'-t--••otlooo+ooo-•·••!•... !•• l!., ..010>-1tH


1d ~eNrve 4ol of ' 113'

m nt ,or 88~;·,,. c'Jtflun, D; ~b.·

Tr;;..,u; ·D;plli'tm~1i:;

NbTJD : It this il.1Jl:'llr~1 Ion fio Y!·r'• tr<ild 111 M>!Y fof111 the r»rov1¥lo n1 or ~ho Provj•tona l lh1tt11l1tllon1 1u1rncl und.,:ir ~..lie
fU UH\


bo or.unpl!tKl 11/l th,

d~rJ!es of tl'll~ f orm may be 1'.A)Jltdnad, on .!'6QUCN!;:· at a ;
Vt'a11hlnirtun, t'I. 0.


n'tille;;e· b~;•.k,

ili..) ..

,. J~\:i: l !. 11Vl~ f.A1'!'

1"1,,C.AJ, A'


\ M Ft,At/~: J,i Lt


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Fll!lcAI'., AGENT OP TUR UNtTPJn SrrNt'fD ·


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o ce.r•r;.t.,' c rw ~c r u1 oft c.I .: ..]tln, Cl!1d f'1•ec,1nr. " 51trniel Blo. J·e lr•:'.)11 · :r" ,
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p S OnO hol.dl . p:ropt T' 'ty, Ol' lll.'\V'\,nr.; f lO 1rnrwl an Ol' CHlf1 ~.l (lf
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,') ok d

t"A4 ~~llt:RVE, aANKqir •AN 1°M4"4Ct• 0
lf'l•CIAL AG Nlf 01" , ... UNITlllD •"fATb

J!l~iHNN P~pllfl1


POSTING '.NO'rIC•~ NO .........,..............


'rhe p:ro.tierty Hsted below is designatoll Spec'l 11 Blocked l'ropertyi:

PuraHnt to Special Regulation No. l i ued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Sau Franc! co,
any acq~isitfon, disposltiGn or tramfer of or oth r d<mling in or wlth respect to any property des,,
lgna~d H Special BIOl.'.ked Pl'opert.y is prohibit d. und r penalty of law unless suah transactJon
Is authorized by appropriate licen e.
Ap11lications for any such license may be filed on Form 'I'FE-1 by ar1y pel'eon with the.nearest
otnce of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Such npplicatfons should set forth (a) the
interest, i'f any, of the appliellnt in the property; h) the deta.lls of the tran8action for which a
license is r quested, including the t rm51 of any prop<> ed aettlem ,nt; (c) the manner in which
the interest of the evacuee natioMl i:n the pr-0perty i8 being protected; and (d) whether or not
the evacuee national la in agr ement with the proi~osed settlement.
P'l•C:AL :11.Gr:NT 01" TH• UNITID 8'lAT'D

.. . .... ,...,.

............ ,.........,.. ,... .


Jllt l (M>lliOGO MJ (121!0


l"~DE .. AL '-U\UtVE •ANK 0


~l.t'Al, ACll:lllf (IP" Tl11 tllNl'{ .. 0 eTA!T'. .


f!i'111C!U4'4\ l.....•pl'lrlf l),p11rt tn~I

~()S"r~NG N()T.iCE NO......... ..............

PlOCIAli 81.0~ ~:ED Pl~OPER'fY


'l'h proporty listed below i~' d ignnied



lllockod P1rop rty:

Pur uant f10 Special Itegulatlon No. 1 iasued by the F deral Reserve Dunk of San Franclsco,
any acquisition, d eposition or transfor t1t or other dealing in o,r wlih re11<ptd to any prop riy dosi Ynat d 11.s S1)ecial Sleeked :Property is prohibited under p nalty of law uni ss such transaction
is a"tho-rized by O.J)propriate licenfle.
AppUcation for any such license rm11y be ftled o'n Form 'rFE-1 by any p r on with thene.arc8t
otlic of the F deral Reserve Bank of Sim ~"ranclscu. Such applications hould set forth (a) th
interest, if ny, of the a1)plioai1t jn the ;property i (b) the det.ails of th transaction for whicl1 a
He nse i ;r que. t d, including t,he termfl of any rmopos cl acttlem nt; ( c th nuirmer 111 which
the intern t o:f th vacuee na.tfonal in the propert~r If.I being im>tected; nod (d) whiliher or not
the evacuee national is in l,\greement with the J;>ropo d settlement.
P'leCAL A(U:NT 01" 'l'Hll: UNl'l'l<D eTA'tU


S~Ec:l~I.~ ll~OClC6D



'.Pllrsua t to 1':)pt1c.i~l lteg'U1ttthm No. 1 iss·ued bY thQ ll1ederal Re8ervl3 Bank of. $a111. F'1'a~ci$~o.
1u,iY- .acqu i1d !1>11 1 dl$poeit.ion OJ: trans!ft'lir of Qr l)th er dealing In or wIth t·e ped; to •l'IY p~ol)(:rty des.
(pated ae St>edal ~locked P11operty le rm>hibited under peT11llty of law i:mles1.1 s11oh ttianeactlon
is authorized by !fppropriat.e license.
~ppHbat.l011m tor anlY i!uch l ioonsEl may be med ()n Foirm 1."'FEl-l by any pet!l!!On with tbe ne.a.~e. t
Bank of San Fr~neisco. Such 11.ppliCJation l!he>Uld i!le~ forth (a) th~
ttitel'est, if •njr, of the a pplle1mt i.n the pronerty; (b) tlte deta.11s or t)le transaction fo.r which a
Jfoel;lse is requel!ltA!d, h1cludlpg the ~t:n'I$ ot rmy p11opose~ 11ettleµtenrt.; (c) th ' r,na~ner ht wl1ich
t:hei lntlflre~1l «~.f tbj'} cwacoe1.1 ~ational i~ the p1101~ erty ia t,.t\i~ pto't1bcted i and (d) whf1ther or not
the eN'acnee Ratlonal ig in aigf\eem~nt wlth t.he ~ro1.1oaed l1H.~ttl011'lel1l~.
offi~ot the Federal l:lieserive

f'EDl'tFlAI- RltS&: ..'VI!'. •aANK OF 5A.N f'1ft>\NC'l 900
""'tllll1't.. ... ~IE.NT
•..;••t•~·-·"·-lil-·11• ~··-··

. .,.. :..••.. 1•
~ l\ttj,



~, • • ,.~ ... , ..... , ........, ..... ,, •


or itttli l.llN111'1;a:t •'fA'fll•

f11~0ERA'L RF;$ER.V~~ 'BAl~K OF 'SAN lrRA~CI
f'llfC~!. Acai.;Nl' 'OI! ""~ \.llij1if'•D .TATH
d"..c~ .•·rq~.,,r 'U t"l-1''~'

Nu 11111~0. .... i,.....


Melt'~ J>,npr(t.:r

DJOA8 Smlil:

You herebr noUfie~ that the propel;'tr lbtcd below is Speeinl Bloo1:ted.ProJ rty :

Pursuant 1i<' Sp~cia.1 Begul11.Uon No. 1 issued by the Fo~eritl Reserve :Sank of Sun Franclaco,
any acquisition, dist'>ol!lition or tran .:fer of or other deaUng in or wit.h respect to a1w propl\rty
designated M Special lHoo'keli P'roperty i111 pttohibi~ed under 1>enailty- of law unless such transactfon is 61ltborlzed bY appropriu'te license.
Applications for a1w eueh 1toenee may be fiied,011 Form T,FJ1)-l by any perstl.n with the nearest
('ffice of the Federal Reserve Bank of San ~'nnci~co. Such. app)icatfonlll should et forth (a) the
iut~rest, if any, of the 11.ppU~nt in the prof)f.lrty; (b) the deta:ib of the tr11.nanction :for which a
licenfle is requested, including the terms of any pro,posed settlem(:lnt; ( c) tbe manner in which t'he
interest 'i,f tno evac.uee nll!tiorml in the iwoperty i$ being pr()tected : and (d) whether or not the
evacuee national 'is in agreement with t,he 1n1opo111ed settlement.
Your very truly, Oa8hier.

f'lllQAL Alllll'lt QI" '1'1411' IJll\ll1'1it> .TA~H

l 11'C.1P'°'l'l.y



l~tif*llb.. flU I

oUre No 1.....
R1u1t'll1.I Dloak;~ P1io1lf.lrlw

DEA~ $1R,~:

Yo1J a.l'e herE!lb~· notitled tha,t ~he ·p roperty list.ed below il!I Specill.l Blo<;kc~d P.roper y:

Pl!.l1'1n1·a nt to Spi1cia1 Regulation No. l Issued by the Federal Reserve llank of San Francieoo,

nrw aoquisi.tion, dispositio11 or transf<1r <if or other ,aealing in or with resplilCt to any property
de ignated as Special Blocked Property is prohibited under penalty of Jaw u11less such transa.cticm is authorized by appropriate license.
AppHcation. for any such license may be tiled on ~'orm 1.'FE-1 by an I J>el'son wit he neareS1t
office of the F deral Re erve Rank of San Frundsco. Such applfoation>!I should set forth (a) th
interest, ~f any, of the appliciartt jn the property; (b) the deta:ilo of the transaction Car which a
license is reqm;istcd, including the terms of ,;,111y p r-0po1md settlemer1t; ( c) the mnnnE!r .i n which the
J,iterest of the vae1u.~e national irn the pt:operty i~ being prot1(» tied; and (cl) whet;h r or not the
vaicuEle n1ttior1al is in agreement with the propo sed settlement.
Yours very t.ruly,

f'lD! ..\il.L. IUE9iJ.Vlt'


C'iJll" -~N ,. ANCISCQ

fl1•c~L., ~lllllN \f C,f' TH• Ul\ll'"aD llT.Alfh

,1!1•1111•.. •"'ropvtr O.partment:

. l'Clliition r(;r lllocklU8 tJ11de·· Spe~ia'I


'J~hti undor~ign od

gulatlora 'Nu. l

(.)crtif\es ihat he i11 ~

'O A Jap1me(le ali~n

O A Jl t'ffOf1, of Ja1ia,nese 1mcestry
O A 'Get·man alien
O A.n Italiatl alien

u.nd that he has bet.1'n residing at. """"""'"1•••••"""










' I







••••'"'" .. " .,........."' M"'''"'"'' "'" •• U• ,, ,, •• ,... "'"""'""''"\/•H/f hf•"""«hO•••I'"""'""'" "'


(lill'fl t )





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•!• '''












• •


(. lilll.LO)

((Jlty )

'I'h e unde t·Hign<ld i•0p1•es nt~ to the Jfied<iral lt eRt:ll'\IQ Bu nk ()f S\11n, F rErnci~co blu1t he htts been
u1181wc Hl:d'u l in hiA 11tt<m1pts to re.noh ah equitable 11etilc m nt with th(I following creditlin"s:

't:l1e uud l 1-1lgn d h l'eby petlUonH ihe Federol Jte!lel'\'e Bank Gif San Franci11cG 1lo de1-1ig11at1e

the followirng pr<>)'l •t•ty •~1:1 S1)ecial Blocked

DlLtod this ....


.. .. dky of . .............. ., ..• ,. .•. ..... ...194

at.t. . .. •.. . . . . . .. ··-~........~ . ...... ..






fl'J'DJ9'1\1 "~._... VI liA"'IK Of' SAN ,i'"i\l"llCUilCO

IQ"\. Ad.N'T Off itil! UNl'fllCI •M'f£11

.lbacu1141 l'rQpr.ri1 b1.1part1ncmt


·-~i.. ... 1,,...,,

.. , ..... , ••

,lllLYOf .... ,,,,._,,.._, ..,,,.,.""'~"··•·• •v•••"l""l'H••••

l.ieti:w~1e n ....,........ ,.. ,......,................................. ,, .....,. . ~ ....................,. ,........

"deb'tor," loi.nd.. .. . .. . .. .. .............. .... .... .......... ... .......... •. •............

,, o•·



,....,.................... ,., h e~1 e ln1.1 '.f1~er l1 · te~l'ed

u .................. -

... ,


to HH

1•<l11 • t·red to ~us


of <fobtol'' . Joining in !Ill 11pplicatlon und r Spaclul Rogulatlcm No. l il:11m .cl
by 1.he J<~edcrul Re1-10 1~ ll 111k of Snn Jl'nrnafaco, aud iri comlidcriition of th eir muiui,1l con~C!l'lt., Oil'
u.bove named d , btor Mlti creditor hav <mt 1• d Into u 1-1 ltlomen't uµo.n the foliowil1lf tom1 t1:


.......... ..,. .....................- ............ ,....

1•• ~j .. ·~ " ' •O ''''"t "" ·~' " ' ""'''''"'"~'-•''



' ··••i""' .• h.,

...... 1.

··j···· ....... ····· ·-··

"' "'"'" .,.,,,. '''" ·•T i•H•u• • • •O< t •••I., .. I t · " ' " !



fE D ERAl1 RESE R VE B 1AN K 0 1• SAN l~Al\IJC! SC O



1J'e der:ta.l R a(1.r vo

m Bra oh


oi' $ar F:rcu·10 soo

!1ropl!lrty D~p~rtme:nt
'UH. ni ty 671



t or the p1ar11oa

t;iona , we



i s tb :firo ,
se·quen oe and should b

lv s rd conte c

Mu'.l"oh :!!4 1 1042

oFn o:E 00~11 ~m110 'I'l o .


t bH ehi :n

uni fo.rm



nnd 1 nstll:'uc~

n mphllf •

o f whioh thli.ll. pal"t1im.1hr
Each al~s 11\Hrn 'b l.etin w1. ll b n\l11!1bmred in
-preserv d for·e tefa.renc: by t'ield repre-

ncfopti1·1r th

relea a

OAL. AGJ!ilfl' OF 'J"l;Ull UJS11'1'QD . TAT.O.'il


wi thin the Loe Angeles off1c ,

Thh o1'1'id wiU ·ry t o rnoke ts proo dur am ahliple lll'I JilOasiblfll
and at the er1me t me sta'bl1$h ad qua t,e control over 1nforlliat1on r8l?leHe
c~ndence ,
01~ived ov e~t tl1 counter , by teleplmne o~ by
to IHlti tlia. ei.u,x .UUUUijle, ~iU..i~.Q...~;Q~~~
take; e.t
h ;i:iro:P :c•1.f noort'lod in ~ ~~J.!i!Qf 1 o~UB.lll fl:l"P U • Att r1t1 on 1shou1d ~ll'I
tnkeri to elww tlH~ H oaru on of tb (~ ·~11e~ctlon on our int r"/1 1!1W form .

!.Jn1l.dlir1r:, oi' 011.r

rn~lllrvi ~~•.:..

Thia forxn hlll ' e~n i'or arded, to l'oll., nd the ue. • of it wu &:x·~
:PllliMd b~· m m~n from this office a t th time y(rnr field o ff'ic WtJUJ
etabl.ished . FO!!.' the sake o1' u;nHormity, hGvievar , we wish to memti:Olll
eilmple TOEltk Wi.ll
tbe1 t ll nfor,n6tiO~ sboul~ be :reoord d 1 a M wh1~re
indtoat t~rn ty-p oi' lnfo;rmutt. 011 (!. a red ueai nn "X'' . Unhr " ' ~1:iil.on

'.Daken" on the l.owet . or ti on of tl e 1'o'l1m , .ec;e tqrrv t hfL tq*ll&Q~~li\ .R.:Qa,~
eo ti on on a
lbe$-~~...t.?j·~r}f~ • If o. follow-~p i f.l neoesuwry , indioa
~ quen a ~ 1 whiol· wi ll re ~Jr t o tt1 01r~ · i :ne.1. Iri t h1e Wll!Y' tl:1e
e l ow o J es of th illtervi w f' o:rms may 'be ~twt~rded to thif ofUic~
e wiil.l b 1 a posi t1on t o hold tl'l8 for" lr1 'Un $tfvfl •
... e u.htU your f ollcw-u 1 s 11\1 eequ ntly reo 1ved .

The:r will b oc ci s ion to 1nterv·11ew p~J irao1 s ot ,rour offi~e , CJV r
l' l~= 1a 1.nvolved
rt e t aunte r <>r the t 1. phone '1,A~t .. ,.1'~• .-ipt1 ~ltJ~
.n the13 tilaE>m, .couJ;J. ahculii b
and the contact heat 1e nnee<~u,ny .
n. tM e connection w'.hm one :person
made of t e er
irPlpr sente a g .oµ,p , e ord Ql1 y tU'J one inter"i.ew , but indicnrt ·the
m.unbeT of arties r~ remented , T erae i' ~eur e e s h e !l.d b r l.eas d
to tb . 11roper li.ndivid ua l wit'hin t'he Loe J..ngel a of'fiic daily , s.nd

- l -

PED'. R




Frs(.lAL AGE, I'



or ~u~ UNIT'll.ID S'tATm.

nt. oti If 111 are to .'orwe:r;id t ein 'to th~ i.oa An , "lee of!f't oQI
roii,k sptloiel &f1'01• tc 1'orword th F.119 J1'1po;rit:a
r1rly a1.1 poosil1le, i? t ord i· t1H1t thei~r may o l'~C iv d by '1118
to \IB s
eorly S·a tu1t'd11.1y 1norni n •


'I' pte~

O.~l i;M•11'r!Pl~


ll'und tH

Strun:pe il1 tho Miount o! ~o . oo h ~ve b n to:rvmrd d t o yr1ur ()ff1oe,
r q,uisitior1 c.'t!lcl1tfon1il !'9\.1'.PPli 111 a few dayl!I bef<."lr enti.oi.pat d


n!led .
l.MI~ 1
All 11\lJipli es will. b f ur nisl ed from the Lae n el es o ff1 ce ,
inOica.t to us by l t r or ro mo:randum the ty e o:f' 11.m ply ncl qumntiti. ,a
d.eair d.,

i t(l t rut it
w ~ eqipr
t.b ae bu,l1e1"ina , How Vol',


tM.e off1o


:in ord

ill. n1 t

fi H

'to enter a ll. point a 1
f.'l f aoi'bl.
r .p:r ser1tt1 ,d v s sh ouJ.d 1'o 1 t':r e 'tl:l

to obtfAi.o dnfor.r•iut.ion ro · Jr·v·i ouel.y eut,>•

r,iH t41 1 or o G1bt1:11 1ri:t'ortrw.t1 011 .ono x-ntn,c. i nirneCli.u1. :p.r o lema.
oonaapondeno 1i 'WhE:ll" v r :poes'1.ble 1 but rf;) aor't to 'tl11e t la p on when
neo sary . C ~~il'if'I tiiUHf ·~~.r.a~ ir.i orCieil' 1 ~ 0 a'V'o1cl , ny b:l.lHrn .s for
r it ts ~ "esao ry to w1 re tHe
toll oalle t.1t i'illlld 0Ct'10 ei.


hould \1 forwa.rde dt

o:f'f1 e , t.ele rarna



" lJ'~st !!,C c.a~U2.

Qov :·mn nt r 1 te 091


Caa s d v loped at the loB An el e


e will





as c1f t0 1 a neceaaar~' 1!1 ordo:r ·o (•iv ell pelr'of au sequent rel
a11 eccurute i f'o:r1net1on . Bull til'l.l!I wUl e,ll'lo
oona eon .. erned d fin1
b :rel.Aas d (!!vint~ t he nemelil rrnd lilr' ons t o oontaot in o ,l er a noiee ri h 1.ivaeu e prOJlerty rOblem·e .


'\' -.. ..



i.e1ei 8t1ant Mana .. e:r



f.'El)El~A'L RESERVE BAN'J< (.)F

A&ENT OP 'l'HB 1JN11rl!ID


Loa Aagelee
Du.llettn. No. 2
Nanh 24, 1942

Lor1 AflKelea h
Re~~~ve ~al'lic of San




TRh1ty 6'/U

'!'110 )!J!N>lblem b.a1 betrD Jlll'e&f!l'n ted to the offlo11 t>f the :Priaie
Ad:m.1.nieti'u.tor 1n a,n e1r.ulaa•or to dehf'l!li~ie w)leth<'J'J;i or not 11l 'Will
be poaaibl.e ito Ob'tdll releues illOldl'Ot to thl!I Bl!lle Of th&H
oau. We understand that the Rist1o.ntns ao~r~s establ1sn e(l 111
·va.:r1ou.s looel 1t tu ere the :proper bo<11ea to app1"011on wi tb ~hue
probilemp, Th111 B(f.\rd, ooool'ditl8 to ou,r 1n:to:rmat1on, t.a 4\Wibortut.

~ r · ~eleese enabliag the :a:pa,neae to sell tbe
to leeue o · e
• Tb.e pe.nnit d.oea- allow sale to an
an the a.. ,1J.t. . 1·r. A• Mi
in ·v diua o e.- r ' ' "'ifiji,
• ~....,,






Aaeh t on•







C'4\L ,l\GJ~Nl'f' OF 'n,U:lJ







Los An el,eo
T.iullot1n lo . 3
~u•roh 24 , 1942

Loe A11gelee B'.I·1rneh

Fede:rol r~eaerv 131.1.nt' of Su. .n • rano iaco
Evnouos Proi-Jel'tY Dl!IJ?IU't (Jlent
'I' ty 67l6

SUDJ .ffiCT l




"I'1l'ION O.F


For- you'r own inf'ormati.on and. not for !'<9hcwa, 1,o o ~­
011se cf this kind, we would b to f ee; , ,b.a..
tF~b'al&tt!1!'. . We desire tio void any such eot1on and .;';h'ere anjr
}!liift!15ii'rttr oasee tbia po1111t, lmrnedinte reference sl;li:>uld be mad«!J


to this gff1oe tor reference to our counsel.


As l ~t ~t Mnnn o~.

·~ ...


f.EDF..,.-. t'\I..- RESERVE BANl< OP~ AN

At.,1 AoE:NT1'>F 1u~ UNnT.u

l.o! Aogelea

81wr11J •

Loe Ji~gal.u


Bulle·Hn Ne. ~.
Marc}\ 24, lll-42.

ll'eht'al Rea ~rve Bank c;ir San Franot.sco
Evoouee Property Department
'l'R4nU.y 671.6
SU.BJ' CO'I' ~




Whore a J"npacen dealHa to d11:pc1H of bis ~J(,\ld1nga, e1t)leir
real or personal j we ha'Ye 1n llll. ouu sur.;~estied that he oontf.\ot
a r-ep1.1tabl• .reah·or li>r lf)ther agent to sot tor hi.m. We tnve 1rouna
lh some 1nst.anoe.e thiat unsor1.1.,.u.l(J)Ua peraona helVfs been er1de.a,voring
to roroe the J"e pnlleH t o d11pose of hie Q.oldlnge ~t 11111cr11'1ce


We desi re to mvold thle and

ha~• s~g.gasted ~~ll


laililfla, JqJEea:~

~~~~ ~*~·~~·~ft~~~ttt~:.lttil


apo•l •

l t1 sornl!I 11 st at1ces you will tlnd p!l;'opeir·t y 1lt hBld. 'l;ly ltl1e
Japanese 1111der leuH whleb. hen $ome Ume to run. :r,n m~ny caet$
ttle#e lee!JH rttq1.1~, re the ll p1proval of 'llhe property owmtl" tU t .o BU'bleria ine. 8c me 1.m1tanoelil ooin1og t o our eheatio n lndtoate that th,e
pro porty i>wno1t' wtl1 not ap11rove of the tirr.1neaotion Pl'Q1111u1ted by
rnreater rent l is dbtnioed.
tho Japaneeo t or s ubleas• unless
In ttome inst ances i 1enal.\ty UtJu.s u in lease's will. be invoked to
the .detriment of the Jopaneoe. The'l"e ls .no pettern to follow
in handling ca ses ot tbh klnd. We believe that tha only prooedure
to foUovi ls t c end·oevo·r t o oontl'lct both parities to ~he tranel'!ot1on
for a ~t"tl nk dhou.sUcn of tbe proble!m a 11d endeavor to ob1;o~, n the
oooperot .\on of the p!t'o e :rty owner.


We ore r e · rhG; ro,rms t•or ~sa 1n ueeembHng infermation on
propert1es avnUable for 110.J.e l\nd irellt, and tbo'.Sei iwi U 14\b5eq~~ntly
be forwarde d t o t he f i ol d re p~e&entnttve.








Asslat~nt M~noger.


1 ESftR'VE



Fl:S(JA'I'. A&EMT OP 'hllil UN('f1DLI S'l1A'Tlil

Lo11 Aage:les
nulleUn No .. 5~
MB rot, 24, i~42 ,

'il.;06 A.uci;ele Hrunch
lleiaerve .Bnnk cit' Sa,µ, ll'riu oisoo
~nouee PllDJPer'ty OepM1tment
l1l1!ntty MU



RXF.W ruJi JCE PF 1l tfIRlE.S 'l'O Tll.'NTH

t ) OL!VJ1 S1J'REETS 1

Al persona co.ccil.i\O 1ng ~nterv .1e1we for t'he Evnou'~~ r p tty
Departm nt a re CJaut, de;n1nst :re~; e;rr1.n nny ii1qu1riea to tbe
l,.os .Angeles ll!J'.1i1inc~. of the Jl1ed rral. Reear11'e Ht1nk ot ~:ll1n 1.'0 o iaeo t
at ll1enith nd Olhe Str~ lfl ts 1 iln Lol!l Angalea.

Any 1nr,iu1r1Bs boar'i,n1,~



Jirobl~IT\IJ ino~dent 'tC>

evncuetiou are tC> b answe!C'e·d by tbe ~~~~!..~!?Jrt.
to th i p1•opur 001labcre1 ting agenoy
~t~, 01• r eferre
Only in uiries relating
o?l"fti"f~" fn tbnt nrtiouler branoh,
to ~~~Mt h~4f ,·9Ai~i· end othrnr mrattera n ~ r11111lly hrrndhd
by 1! e ederal Reserve :Dank or Sari Franoiaco Gi1'0 to be d1t 0oted
to tba Tenth and Ol1ve otrloe.



Ass istant Meoagar.

11lsoAi. An N'I' OF nUIJ UwrmD Srr.A1"G .

t.oa An. eles

Los Ao,ealoa Brianoh

Fed1,11:rnl. fioaerv8 B4nk



Smn Franoisqo



13u1let1n No. 6,
M~rQh 24, U42.

'llJt1nhy 673.6


TRANs1rER 01r AUTOMOBlL • rw.i0!3TH/\'l'IOt-J



:Mr. Loll Butler, Miinaaor of the outhern Colit'ornia his ion
of tl\o Stet of CalUorn~e :Moto r \Teh1cle D vartmeot hr.i" mdvhed
tMa off1oe tho.t, offeotiire imm d16'tely, 1t will no lo.\lge;r be

neoossury o send to Saoramento for transfer. of re
'lliti,Jn&\¢~rr,e. .?..?~,ltl




The toll.owing bit"~noh oi'it'ioee o~ ~ha Motor Vehicle Department
lJtl"nt1on tf!IJnetUatelyi
are now aimp'1wered to iessu.e transter8 of 11ee;l+

Ssn Diego

To cover all Son Dtee,o Oollnty.

Long Dench

'.l'o cover Long Deneb 11roe and.
Or.ang:e County.


To oover ell other oreoo 1n
mouthern Oalifornie.


.,. ,,



Ass1$tant Manager.

n.. iK ro1r t:L,' 1rR hf· Ol ':100
T OF' 'J"'HE U1UTEb S'1'.~'I1lr:8
PHOPERi ·' liEP.'H''l rmn.1

5 ... 11\Jf:lJ'.EOT:


F.:~wn .H


F:H;iO ,t

Ill .J P t) l'I' .Cl'


'rho follow

Q~' llOllSl!.. ,!~C1L}) l1;1F;.i;C~ 8 ,

reilttl'li~o 1.t.rn



i arnod

trol 1dminlw r ation und r drato Of iaroh e9

-' Hl)portt
I f1~eez. n g nr·d

l' '






\fl'1~.:l 1

• .U1 1C.

01v 1 Co.n.-


A:n · rlocni~

11 b:l

t. t, c1


und1· i;·1 e icl .u·my aon r ol, li'r·r

°b( Glj .PO o y;f t,ltoi.:c.· Usb1r6, rr, tu;· , house iold'. af111J) oto • .t' t;i fl• it;.,..

r·w·i1l 1ln

are , nir:td. o hcb .r person,E~l p.r·o c:rty , tod11y b.r oUQil




lit m un1 · 1 t, Gundy (r roh 29 ) p1'C,}\'l<llnc1

u nt,~on

11 rno v om. t ·ts or ov,\

f Q:r

1ntt ,T no· n a•


D nn

b 30, 1942

fr om ·he

~o :rt

me Civil Co11t.:rol

t 1 o $t 1~t.c.iments

q\mini o1;r cd , i o n:

ch i f of 1ih ',JOC,
ri w rn1 :.. 1'J' 0m 'J'eim C, Olo ·
i i l rH~ rt 1. nt t .o tho A. orney
:iv ilL n st ff; (tnd r;p
ny p 1 r on. t, ldng i~d v ti Af~ of' !'le p i· G · n or l, t l1111·

1. f·


p o.x(3d f.J ate of' mind of U o ov ue s o d fr· a ucl t.hem
n:l' pr .pe rty will e p:roso ut ·d by the D 1'.\.l' ~i!OJ'll.t of
JuGlt1. , •



thrat wr rn m nts hF.\vc;i b~.HH11 m11d
S tatc~m e nt :t'.rorn t he
Jrope r ty ct h~ evn cd oa prior t
f or - b ~ storinc
i $1.!6tlf'. al' ex lu~iion o:ru :rs . Vhuo houso 1 pt~o. 1 · b in(~
aoquir d , and ll non-periohable :cod s pr operly rq ·
rn1 s .o ·•
will b · E~ ·a1·e d . Ir~t~orm t:to n re Ill. · in stnNttt,
re gul 1onl3 c n b obta~ ed by .T'AP' nCJso ri1 ' r~ra, of


t :ie

6 4 - VCCA s rvi oe of' .'l e s

st1;:1l li · he . alon.~ . t,h
f':f' d w1 l'J OXl"OJ"tdl
. o f' ·l). fl r1J o na l. t nd

PlH'ific COt'\St . 'rhe!l o.f'fiC(.Hil nr
l oS i
o f'a.o:Uiteit,e h
pre p J'

ffairc of Jap n a
h·ir x lu ion .

pr party
prior to

in an equitable manne r

~.oo u d ao Pr 1on No . 4 ( .11~Tch "7 )
L . e IH · , Com.rrHmd in.g ~ - H~r (~ 1 of t.lie
:;ost rn I) ' f o1ue Coro·:: n a ud ~·our·th Ar 1r1y .
'' 'be o d. r rohi bits a l all n J' pan ~ s and pe r· non• of J1~ fWtJ "e
w •turn
nn~B ry frorr l u in r Mi lit ary i r ·n No .l , r pr n nting th
. o r 1o no of C11l~ or 11i.a , Or 1Jco.n , Was h1.n (.1,'L on , r: ct h 1rn1ith rn r.:u· of
i z ono , lYLl.!.L.ib.§.L._r_£.!-2JL~nd o1· _m-E.~~ er -v il s .i on .
'' ~'to ' f'roezJtig or
.i y .d. e u te ntrnt G1. r1e r 1

" Disoussini;
v a:r·


of ev



0 vil Con r ol
u es ' bot se l ol

.r .

r ' \Vlln

s1 tu~t.ion ,

' nl!lr11l D

dmlni ·s t r.ati l'n will

11 t
~)r·o v

d.e f' r the

furni u:r:·e an ·. .non-p orisha l



:"' .ocks of .. co ds .

of h ouce hold
sp ce will b nv 11 ble for
r· and pro crly r~ ~ stocks of non- eri sh bla .ood prior
o t e ima h. n tan y J upan se cxct\.ioion ord r s· i 1 b ., io a .ed ',
. neral Dm Vitt s1 1d . ' Provioiop will be ra d . for instr otine eA h
o &Vail hlmoe lf of : t o ro e spac as o bow to prodeei~ine
apu 00 and re .,. u at1 on a CfU'l be
ceed . Int'orma i. on I'e a.rd ing a ora
"' S t o ~eg 0


r i


MEMOfl' .NDtn
M r cb 3o, l :14 2
~ ~.

o t;. l.ir1eid by o,ny 1r1 p(Jtnese Eit : ny oi' t,.hp 4 '.' C
h P•to.1,fio Coes · , i\..n 0 11' n
. ~J P11:d.101·1ed ulor:ig

oerv :l.o




ti 11'11p('1n Ml-O

ti e'

olony. '
en r-e.l '00V itt sai

lf li

r ·,y nt' v lu :1 .
h . 'VEJ




pri ~s l'lf




q '1nno t.

disp o~~ of it a

to s ore it prior to th



eva .ua s · y


?~ 1•m one

by' hx ·1 rn:ton Order.

J p1mes

n~Otl san.r1 1'ic o 1;1ny porsonrll pro:-

' o J .p rrn s

f'ei r· pri

hA W1 l l

tine ho le :('oticod tn

a terr.rpt to t. i~k

o obtain pr porty fl\
d n rv , an(1 ar

un-Am .riccln ,


sdvnrit. ar~e

suorifi e

only of th


censur .

of' Jr;ipan oo f'1•om . 1.lita:ry .1· n io . l ir~ a 1r.t1lH,'lry
''' Ev ou ·1 ·J
ssi y·, b lt I in s1. '~ th t. 'it sh ll £) 0tccom l. ioh r.l with ·1 rnrix1--

num d ty of f a jr aa , .one 1! t en wltl rapid nd ord ~l y a ooompl
ed.vis e a:u J l? ne ~le t0 av~ .\
l"iD j "ct v ~ I co1..tntiH'll 1'
rn nt of.' t1l
b 1 t~s elvos
calm, 'J.e.w- ~\\bid.i!lg , and o p.r ~ pi't;r·
if1't 1e.1 Ol"d..e:ra , t


e oom1 E vu uetion

"' ~'pew s

wbi k

tc~l. them

snid at




of th "'

o , ke e ~lrly a

~ ,her J'inancae




of th



ff erec~ tl1em .

:icin der.·v i es

r prl



se rvi es aw·


o pr par




for ovaou t.ion , ad

erson l. pr- per y of v l.ue as

s, or fP wi l b

av ilab


.'' 1




\\re.fern Deftn•• Comm~nd
and Fourth Army
Pr••ldlo of S11n •rancl1ct, Collfetr"I•

Public Proclamation No. 3
Mctrch 24 1942

'J'ho _poop] wlthir1 tl1e' t11t;es of W11 hington, O,roriron.1 ~11·
!i'nrnfo, l 'on tnun, J<lt11Jo, N' vndn, Ut.nh ni d Arl~ona, 1HI(!
th, Public Ornornlly t

Wmomus, By Pub'llGI P ~oc l urnutlo11 o. 1, 1l1ttcd ~fll:t'<h 2, 19~2,
tld l1 11,d1111nrf:(111ig, 1.ho11 w r · dm1l lllil d (111d <stn bll lied Ml111,fl~Y
,\r<lfL. No~. 1 nnd 2 nt1d Zo11es 1,h<m:of, Ill d
W11 RF.AR, f~y I 'ubllu ,P.:rool1tmnl'lou .No... , du't d 1fl. r<11~1 JG, 11>112,
th l. lHlntlq~1 r1111 tH1J, tli 1•0 Wl' 1t1 tl slgmi tad and f~ffll 1lsh <'I l1ilH,.trry
Ar 1111 Nus. a, 4-, nud 0 !UHi ZO IHIH 1hM of, 11nd


w ·r nn1 r~ fi, Tlrn 1rr·oN11n1 Ml1.lwt lon. witl1h~ tl11:11i1 Mlht11l'.Y A ro11,l!l 1111d
~ouo 1• 11\ilr ,q 11s I\ m111lc•r of mill11l'ry Ile' u11~i1y 1h . r..iituhll hm nt
of e.rt11ln r• gl'l lntlons p l.'l,ulnlng ~o 1111 O(~lfl.V nil "" nnd 1111. p .,..

11ot11J of ,J11plJm1 {' urwNH r~· w.it11i11 enl<1 M1litory At'NL 1111.<l Zon11H
th rci of:
ow, 'rH lil11 1woR1~. I, J. L. D~Wr•1 1 T, 1~ioutt1 11 n1 t 0 nernl, , S.
rmy, by ' 'lrtuo or tlw 1 nt.h ority vet cl in m h tho P1·esidm1t of
th 1 nit, ' l . 'ln 1 s 1111d liy th 8<10'1ot,111',v Clf Wn 1• I! nd. my ,POW(~J'M
nncl 1n·~11·o~n1.j 1· 1~H '111 Coru rntur<lhig (l h l'ld, 'W l~tcm I) r•ns orn·
rn11rnl, tl o livT·el>: <foclun 11r1<1 c·i1ihll, 11 t lrn ful'Jr~win1t r l{Ul1ltio1111
C'fln•ri 11g 1ho <'IHH'hrl'l t~i h olrntirv1d lw nil 11llo11Jnpllll se, nJL.alh n
~Vi . 1111 olic\11 ltullurrs, 1Jnd nll .P.C1l'Ro11, gt JLIP!'P, Al_.!!O!I '1.!£l
r·11~i din1t o~ho Mil ltor Are1111 11J wve cl<1 cdbe1'l, o r
uoh p 1rt lorL 1h 1r o,r llR ur·e hr1r(•in11ft or 111 n1itm d:

1. Prom and t1Jt,er 6 :00 A. 11'L, J.1nrclr 27 , J!lt.., 1111 nll "n
Jnpmw e, 11'11 nlir·n
•rmnn s, all 111il.'n Jtulians, nnd 1111 }1<'1..
Olli! cl'f J1q1on
nncPstry r11. lcli nf( nr being within the •oo·
grnphlcnl li111i1 ~ of .Mi1i111ry rCil No. l, 01 within llUY or tl1 Zonf'

lulili l1tt1 wltliln Mii 1,n~~' A1.'"" N~. ~. u~ thc1Rt11rniu, 110 cfofh1ocl
rlbq l l11 Puhl lo Pi·O<· lnrnntlQn No. ,I, d~t<d M/lt'ch 2, Ul 'i/,,
tl1l~ hatulq,lfl\1 '.rH, 1)1' \.\~ lthin th(! g~t.J~J·npl1Jot1 •l 1lmlt 111' tho <luNil!'•
lillL( a Y,mu ~ (l!il.(lh!IHtU l wHhir~ M1111.1\t:'Y l"Ullt No11. :1, ·~. fi1 '1'1H I a,
ns U1nMc1 11rcufl 111•1.1 <lt•flncid 1111<1 dol'lorlh c~ In J'•11l11lo l'r·<1d11mntl!ln
No. 2, 11nt1d '.M'nJ'(•h 16, 1942, 1,l1ts h*1udq1111'1'ttlt!l1 t>r Wi'lbh1 llllY of
110!1 1uadlUon111 Zon111 1111 11111.Y lif•l'(lt1'ft r I> 11lmiJ111·!y cl elgnnto<.l
nu l dofi~-wcl, 11!11111 lH1 wlthhi1 lh11fr plnoo nf 1• lclerw l> t,w on tlw
l1our111of1 100 P. M. 1111'1 01<JO J\ . 1.f. 1 whioh p riM• I~ hMalrud'tor
r11forrocl to us the hour of 0tll'ft1w,
2. At 1111 otbor t,irllN! l'!ll Nllt h 11011 on shnll be only i~t holt• plac:o
of I' ~l l<l llCO Or omploycn rlt 01' t,r,flVo}ln~ U tWllCn thnso p)llOOH Or
witllin II lJJ ll tllllC Of llOt ltl Jl() 1.h1111 flve H1ilc11 frorn1Jitiir pJnoe of
11 11<) <1 11


6. After M u111 h fU, 10~ 2, un pll\\ Dn o1' Jnrmn a nu o ti•y 111dl
1rn,'e hi hls po l'I •l.{81(11 1cir ~s or op rutu 11t· 1my t.lma or pln •o within
nny ()f t.lie MlJit,f1 1•y Aram1 l to f.l J{rnlm1lv11, 1\1' st11b'li111hod 11n1l
t-fol'I. J 11ucJ 2, r IJoiy' mc11tlouN1
<1.1 '(l.11 <1 111 P11li'J111 P1~011J r~rnn1iou
u.r1y of tl11 followh1g- ltt1u1~ 1
( ~1)

lrfone< .






vlol 11t. \11 ~ th . ,. l' ~l1 l111 l1mN will Im suli.I ot. to hn·
xclu ion frorn 11·1(1 Milil.ory .Al'on!I nnd 7-oncs J c ~iod iu

ny JI


l'NC> ll

p11r11J(I'1tph l nwl lo 1lw nr·i111i11n l pon11l1ir 111•n 1·i fod l y Puhlio
J,nw No. fi03, 77th 011gr s~, nppr•ov 1r1 Mnr•d1 I, l042, uthlod i
" n A<tt to 1~1·ovid 1 11 P1•nt1lty foi· Violnt inn or fl<' 1ri tl()i1s r
OrdcrA will1 Roiipoot to Pcrrson Hnt,dng, R<'mAinlng in , l.i-Onving
or n:orn1 It ting Any ct in Ml'Y A l'Ons or Zone. '' ln the co. c
uny alien enemy, uc11 persor1 will in ddl io be ubjoct to



11ppr• homilon n,11d int rnmcnt.
5. Hy tm11seql~till'I. JJroclm11atio11 011 t•<lcr ther wlll bu Jll'C •
l'lt~ rlhcd 1.bos eln, o of persone who will be <1r1ti1 I d to 11p,ply for
<1Kc•m1,tion11 from ci •lmlon ordeni berenft r t.o bo immocl. Per on11
grant. di ·ucli c1 ornption will lil< wli; nnd nt b same time nlso be
C'xompt cd f1•orn tl1e oywrntion of the cul"f'cw I' gu latiom1 of t.liis
prorl nrn otion.


rn1111rnit1 n.
(d) Bomb .
(o) B pioMl cs nr tho ornpou ut. p111it.R tlwr((lr.
(1) }11.n-1 -wwvo 1•1HJlo 1'eeclvl11!f cts h1tvlng 11 :i'roqu ncy Cli'
1,7(;0 ldlooylllc111 <>I' gro11tc11• or (If 540 ldlooy •leR or leMN.
(g) ~ludlo t r1umnl lt,ing act11.
(h) Slf:l 11111 lovlaes.
(l ) <Jc1dMi or clplrnrft,
(j) Ov.m •t'llrt.

:J. No!.ll'lug 111 JJf~ t'llll• llJlh 2 r1.li11ll bo <w1111t.r11rnl to 1irohll1l1 ll'IY
T11il1 (j
0 r 111 ulrnv HJ'I aif111l r <H•~111111s rf1111m vl~· 1.i11!{ t l1r ll<'llJ' HI:
$tntoi. Po11t. OfYl<·o, llnltc•d St11ju1 1D1np1oy111t111t Fl rvl!11 Offici , or
offiMi op11r1U«l cn• rncdut.nliuicl 11, 1.h W01·1ln1c C' I'll '0111.1•01 Ad 1ni11i11h•11tio111 101· th 1111rpnHt1 (If' tr•u11sncti1114' n. hual11~111;1or1,he
lllllkhiµ< or nll,V ftl'rllrl ••niont.H r '1knn11hjy Til'C'fl 'll ry 10 tl(i((11npl\~b
1•1·1w.11111lo11 ; nor he cou~tr•uo(l 1,0 prohlhlt trn ·\' l u1utc~ r dul,v isl'mod
('ltrt11~(1 or l'OMl1]1'11C~ II ti (J nnc!I t1·tlV!li cw1·1nlt pt ovid~ d fm· in Plil'fl ·
1{1'11J1h G ol' hililic Pr•oc·lnrnntlnne mnh ni 1 nrlcl 2. 1'ruv I p 1
fon11ud i11 chllllf.1'11 o.r t1111i lM1«0 to 11 J:llrH ou1 idC' tl1e probll1lten
1'1111 1 T'(ISfa·fo 1, (1 (ll'Ofh Wll,V ht f)(ll'f(lf' lllOd witb<tut N)(!'11Nl to OWi'·
f !11\1 llOlWft

,J •~ ir•

( h) Wuavcrns or lrnplmnootn 0<f wnr Cll' oompon nt. 1'l11rtK Urni:uof.

Auy moh p rHUJ,1 fol'mil ju {>O!l ·lon of. any or t:l1 nhov 11 11n111d
i1 ni11 in loliitlon of th<' for going wlJl b Hu1),ilw1t IC• tho ·ri111!1111l
IH'llUl1io provided lJy Pnlil lo f;UW No, u03, 77t.h 0ongrOHl'l,
up'provo Mnrch 2J, 1942, cnl tl ti : "Au Act, to VN1vid tL P(lfllllt.y
for Vi.olatfo11 cir Jtmitrict ion Cll' Ora rn wJ1h n ep rt to Plll" on~
Eu'I 1·i r11;, I~l'rnuln l n~ .in, JJ01rvlnr,i 01· mnml11lng A11y Act. in

Mili111ry J\r



'J'l111 rogulll1.1tml'I ht•ri lo f1\•1i1o1<11'.ihod wl t,h r1d\'r m; to U1<, ol).
wr t•t11 f(,11V 11 IH.'ll hy Ctl<!lny ldlrn. 'llrO nhH1 Hnted for 111ul
Hup rl!locl 1l1 fl r111-1·11l rl1io1111 cir 1.lw Uni t <1 , t.olm1 AH rncy nonrrm
b r •t foro 111 .for·co in oe d11iu limlL <l nronl'I. All u.rf w (IX mp.
t,i'1 ns h rotofo ri• g1•1111t.otl hy 1ho Unit d SLnt,(lR .Attoi·rHyH nrl.'
l111r(•hy r·o olw c•ffo cLl v Mot 0100 n. ·111., 1-'W 'l', Mn1"h 27, 1!1 2.




. 1'ho 111 cl 'l'UI Blll'l'llll cd' lll l'!l tig11lion JH c1 flign n11Ctl UR 1lw
11g •11cy to ouf r•c 1.)10 fm.•t•goi11~ pro IMlou . h i,. 1• c1\1011t,('ll th11t
M l polio wiLlilu the siat<111 nff' otetl h~; this J rocl 11 11rnti011
u11si$t the 111 1foml l311rc1m of, In c tlgnti on by rcp1wting to iii thf1
llarnes oMl [l(Mres~o of nl11wr1w 11 hell11 od 1.0 !wv(1 violntod 11w ·c
,T, ti. D1~W11r 1 ·r
l.1i1mt.er111nt Gcuc r11I , tJ. R. .Arm~'

nm·FJ . ·L R"RJ:3ERV

I~ •



~''(SO.AL AG r.i· T l)jr
F:V AC lJJi~ FJ 1HO~111 1~ 1 ,

'l'l •
L LJ •

6 .. ·' lJlt,JJ!X)'.I1.




l"T A, 10 :n OJ

(J l l 'l 1;Go ;<~'J'.1 Ni' ttG
'it WJ,\ I ' 1t,r

PR~JC A.. 'l.'lUH


s .cur1ty A;enoy:



/f 5 -

l:tt!iB b •

,1ITl10HA ' Cl'M
o, i 11•.


Hair ob

rim!n'L'Iu JS
r c i,ved

! ':1'NERS


He F df, !'lll

" ~11e.ra.t D01/H.t t omorrow wU.1 issue the ~· ol..~ wLnf.J l,!t.. oalar.:1aim lonumt:!.in Forn WJ.)o-i~~.a 5 (. ppli. cad.on for ~e· ii,pt oo. .t'or
1!illtary l!lv uc U.flt1ona) w~1 e:i;•ew1. t11 you aro 111lr e.d y 1u.1.1;q,1~,1 ie(). ~

t j 011

" ra the people w't hin the st tes at Jnshin an , Or 9on ,

0 lit'Ol'nia , r.~o ntana.
d..ul10, Nevnda , Utl'ltl and AriZOOH Et~Hl U1e ; bli
rr, en.erall,y: Whereas, by 1>ublio toolo.r 1E1ti..on No . 1 dat ed f.1e rob .2 ,
1. ~42 ~ th1s Hf dq,u r ~ r s , th :r. w re d .ed 1.:1.nd :. at.1lish.ed
!• 11J.tery Ar ea.a No • l and 2 and Z:Jnea tllexi!'of; an • whereas, by
J..!lubl ''c Prt')clarrmt.ion No . 2 , da.t (l 11iar oh l6, 191~2 ., this H .·ad. •1 1l&rters •

.here• w re dea gnate and est~blis.h. d lH.litory Ir aa lJos . J, /...
ar~d 6 ~nd ~ones tl'lan:-e o:r .; and, whereas , the :pret'le.n t rJ ltutAt:loti wi h~.n
t11 ,1.1 c'll.iltte.ry a ,'rf!aa end io;n(l!s r <i~~res , am Ei. mut~t :r cd mlllltary
neoeoa1ty , the eat tlishment or oertti n re~ulatioae a~ set forth
h re1naftor :

Now 1 th re ore, I , J. L. DevHtt , Lic.~1~· enant G n6xa 1, ~
States rmy, by virtue of th autho rity v sted in me y he
Prea d nt of the Un , · d States and by thA c oreturv cf iar and y
ewers and pr rogatives und Coromandin~ Goneral , West l rn DefAnse
Oomnand , do hereb y declare and establish the follow1n . rt ,ula tona
o v~r1n
th · conduo ' to b obs ~V · d by all alien Japanese , all
Hli en 01 r111~nrn , a]) al ien lt.a:i.1a11°, llJ'l ~ lll l
.rm.:>r.aoi' ,Tapaoese
&J106HJt ry, :r!j r be.Lr.ti,., wi tJ ln t!1 mili. ta r y ar a.s abo\l'e deaori rH



t ~d

"' Prior t o a
during tll
erioc'l of xo u ~ iOrl a.n . ~vaaua t'.l CJ n
o . cei·tain p .rst>os or class a ,,f' ,. erso1 a 'f'I"om µresc.r .b d mil it u.:ry
HrNtS and zones, ersu ns thorw .tse SJLlbj eot ti ereito b t Who come
wl ibin C>Jl or mot·e o 1:,lie o1e.sse opaicif icd in A, B , 0, D., E , and
f'ollaw 1n rnay mli.l.~t writ ten e.p l ication f r ·Xemption f'r om such xolU···
s:l.on and ev eoui11tio.r . A pl1.oet10n f orm WDC- l~M 5 he.s been p:repa,r.ecl




purpose an

copied thereof ma y be .roo1 red from any United

ates ost Off , ce Jr United Gt t s •iplo yment Service Of~ice in the
Ne.stern Pef' .n1Je Ooru :na nd uy p rsons wh o <hem them elves entitled to

ex .mption. The foll ow. 1g classes or pore ns are he r
to b exempted fro exclusion r.d. evacuat·o.n t1pon th
satisf'act ry proof as s i eoifi d in Form WlJC ... PM 5:



furnifa.J:li.1ag of



r 11w.l

"' A.


It.~"ilinn nJ!erw


)0 , .19 it 2

'\' e nty or mor


f' a e ,

"'B. lrJ t.lir c;1w \) f' nf'T"'l.tUl 1.uir.~ ItaUan o U rt n , th par- nt,
' . f' , hun 1. u l, oh Jt:ld of (~>r 0 her· r~ r;3oirn J o a:· . t de n tho hous p r. ) et. n of f'.i.o~:.. :r, e.n
ppo r · i, w io ; l y d perid ljl1 t
!iciJ d r nd wh of.l J
h A..r m,Y' of th e
en list.Ad '.l'Ui~l). :c· cH.1 r·1tr1hu.1 u n - d 1 Ul'!L on iwt1V('ll d lJ t y t r
f.J. ,V' Unlto d
1.Jr J. ted Steto o OI'
at, a 00 €Hl't Gu l'.' i,
. :t t.ea 11U'i.n Oen! is , ,;1 ,r 1Jn l1'.0t1
1"0. J Jl t !H!I c rH~e o!' Ge:r. an ml ItaJ.ia.n F J.:lrns , tl"lo pa:rerit ,
wi fe, h~sband, ohil.d. o f ( or o th 11.· P. r e · n who r. a ~\ (l o 1 ' hull e ..
J ol d , and wl osc sup ult is wholly c;1 p rider t lJ ou) or aff io r , enU s t. d man or oo rrl.(11i r~s10,ec.t who , on or aino o .!Jeoe1:i e:r. '7, 1? 41 ,
u ·moO. ft e~·v .·cao of b · 1Jr.d .t d ~~t,.tes
111 line o f' duty v1'l h t r1
l 1 d1cntP.d iJ1 t h pr o~d . n 1sub~pa1•a rl\pb .


"' D. G·e ;·me.n ai cl. ltuli n ei.ll ena aw i t.1.rlg r10.tur11l tzation w.trn
l11 H'l f'lled a pe t on f or natuz-all.Uti ion tl!l<.a who he.a p. ld tn ~ f.1U pg
. e tiiex·et0 x· 1.n a court of comp tent J ~~;ri sd;l, oti.on on \Jr e.:L o r ~
ll oed1 r ? 1 l 1:N,.. L


~ti n a in hospital or confined a a wh r e and to o i l l
"' E.
~·emo v ed h ref1'or w.tthout dat1g r t ..:i ! if' · .
or lnoapaoitated t o

bl .1 nd,.

'' 'F.

Iru11ates of o r plrnnar.; s an d the tot t1l ly

euf , dllmb or

"'Th ~ applioar f o r exe ~t io n will b r uir ed to furni sh
1h ki nds of pr1oof a .eci f lad ln Fo r m : DO · ' M 5 in sup po rt of the
a · pl i oation. 'l. he o er'tir le a te or c x e·-;pt1<:>.n f'ro m r.~ v i oua tion wi 11 ~1 lso

· l1ol ud exe 1ption .t 'r ofl'! oomplia.nce wi h Olll'f't.w re~ ul.aHons , su ject
how WGr t o ~uoh fut u;ro pr c1eunat i o ns I' ord r s i r1 t l1 pre mis es a
rru~ y f r om t 1me t o ti mf' be iosu.ed .by this hea quart ors . The persori t o
c rfew heo b on ~ rant ed
w 1011 Slloh ex.emption fr or e va ouatiotl El

"E ll ther eaft er be n ltled t o reo ide 1n any po rtion of any protibi t d ar a , includir g t los e a~eas h er Atofo~e d·ol ar d pr0hibi u
ly the Attorney Oenera: of ttu~ lJnit ed S ta es ."'

"'v JheI'e ab ov e q o ed i ns tr ct o r, va:ry f11·om For .m DC - PM :; ,
these inst r uct tons prevail . . w .Ji.ll'.'Oclairrn t i on i de.nt i fled as " P 1 l.i c
Pr .::i cHi.. a.ti.on No . '.. 0 • Pleas e ssue 11'or m 'NDO - '.i.JM 5 only to person
c lee r ly w. thin olae a~f ioat io.n s o utl lned . All otb r$ must c onf o r m
~1 r 1otly to pr v iou.sly issued pr0·c la -na t ions a.wa · t · n oo:no f utL2r
r d er o ;r perrn.i oslo r for any mocHfica iori1. . lnterpret£:t t io n of new rocla at;iot1 solely mil t a xy function t o be performed by Ariny off :loials
or t h eir desi ~nated r Lr esentati v es .

111. w
cle Lf'l:i;•r-\inNl a , oo J F~.r no wiith fim rc~l DeWi t tHt1at;
ll reo pQnat 1.11 y Jlnd Cil..('Ll1 0:\~i y iri f'i r· J
x "' 1t.101uu, ·,pe n(
n e·.epip L.rn . i'ro •n .;r. ol tHJ on o.rdero und. ourf' · W r r.;, ln i::>JHl ls
mpos <1. 11 'i"J,cwost, ~.~ al 'SI )1 , , at :t:'Jl l1e-1'1.1rJs 0.J'1rnan. • Tl1Js ot'floa
wtl ettr:mr · t, .ltfi' p yo ~1 11~· 1·c n · ly odvtae
n d velupmentr.J, al~
11 rH' r t ~ Lons 1 all tixoepti n s und 1 oen~iri otl.1 r than Ln ind l QC\l.SdS . m 1rnwhlt(ll we wUl. i~ f 1111:• ~i O P 't'OV CHli J'1(-jN)hf.1ll. ~11 i,nqt11.r l s

r• , oeive-d .

'' 11 · z· wi t.h.

1 n:

ollow a rz·oved

an1 ~JW

rs sovAri:itl 11u ·


Whol oal· produce de lero , s orn ~on to. r 5ularly r ce1v
d.ellv · rie s fr o".t .Ta ane e p:r.· · ctucers , liv e more t hert t' t v

'n 1 s 1'ro 'TI ci y . Pr ) uoers 1.lf ua.Lly oal.1 on two or t.hrc
who ,\ s 1 - c alers, tl Hn ro 1..1rn o UH Jr f a:r"ia, . o ourf
liu1 "la i11volved. May tJH so d l.ive,c.1 <~a oont1 1rn ?



~so ln .~.roo ry· t.1.11Hn rn 10 who 11 . Li _, ht p .,rmieisi on tr)
1 rounds of th ir debtors , collect o ltstan in bill .
old wo uld have t.o uaa Wh .i1.e coilleotors. N ou.:rf w


ng1e 11ivolv



May Japanea

1ay the~r nai:'e thei1· own oollec: iorw?

ooll·otors ineke


coll otors to ao uaint the'n vd. th
A11s er:




s tion:


or two tri a wiU1 ~ntit
ouot c) me1~s anrl rout 10'?

Sac ra mento has b · en d pendent




_, r ocery trnd f sh deliv l~ Y rout s in ar , w. re no l ooetl
stoi·es l OE!.lt d, Both Japanese and vihi e oust .Jm, rs affec t. d.

Suah routs us ue ll¥

rav l four or fLv

tw 11 y five to thirty miles.
th •s e r out s c o inue?
nswer :



Yes ,

· to n :

,'or e ene!r1y aliena

to trave l
I o thit:l


t owns , t otal d1 -

lo curfew nn le .


and oHizens

than fiv

e[' i ted?


Japan 1.9!'.H~

t 0 b~y

ar cest ry·

foo d s

i eh


No, unl ss he
ar no s u~es th re or wi r i 1 five
miles, and then only if making urchases while on norm 1
business t lpa fro m homes to places of employm .nt,

Mf'.l.t' o! :30 , J. 9 I;. 2

us on 01 ·1r. ns Jar~ n _ ono 1 0 1t1~y t.r ~~ v 1
n my a
u1o~e d)eu f ve m:tlei1~ from ho•n it' e·m1,l oyed EH'l trov 1.1111
sell eflme.n1



u st ion :




st i o n:

No .

na 11y




air al Lz.

W!l J'l.1

t ,h£H\ f ve r.n.i.lE·lll if c121r·1ploy1~
' hNi iJ ~h :J ut C·O t;y?


a.n n .ot;r;·y tr 1
a.13 11'.f



encirs tlr:'Q,


tr t hr"'.~r t.rnv~l irwidA.n t.o oar.·ry:Lr1 .. oin tll it' wo1·r.
in tb ei r cM n oocna unity £\nc'i a Onft their own f:)rm r rn1Cl
r · ., ular pt1tr 01 s .

Y.e~ ,

0 (1n r g, ul l"' coll otl rs 1' .1.r· J apan()~·3 r w• {JD.f.lf.r, ubltoJ d
n. lfrumiso ci , co t,lllu c ,dJ Ectir.Hl work wi th •.:>LJt


v1 olatin~

five mil s rule?

E1· CE '.D V I'fi~ , J.P(it f'TU . c,..ec1urity A. ·1 ,y
L1A1 on dartime Clvll
Con·t r l


st 1~e.

J. on 11

F 1''J:Hl1A.L -~1~3 r1w" 13 lni ,l)i1 :
l RJ ; a n.o
r:·ri;o L 4 111-..1.r,r. v ~ 1r1 ., ur: 11r"' , , J .~ · :$
F. :V OUT~ 11.! PHO pir~i, '1'' . l)'f.\~ .:· 1 r T.' 1'''~. T


., . i(J1f.! • .J'1~ 1
l~~ lf'Ch


J~) .

--~1 ..




l1t'Cll' 1'1Jl~t i on 0 nd ~·1



JO ,

.Ul~. I? .

ond ~·J A ~

'11 !10 f oll1:.iwlnr• AClra 1 I. t.ra · ,lVfl
10Nrn 11 ,1 lma
ri i
»itit ul t G! ~ 1 e.1 o f 'tu f' , 0 vtl Af.'flaJr1J ii,'o \ 1) n 1 .1/(
L ~ rnrn Ci o mnnn . a nc1 . o u;r t n r r~ y u.nd r
at c of' 1 n rol JO .

~· x· n



'' 1.

It is
e l1 Rll'f' of\ "::> 1 r r r.d ;.:.u1 .i;.>ns
Pu b) o f 1 l y in1.' CH 'I cL1 ;:i f ' 1 ' tvH,j u; ii t v c.tcll :lon
111t1d 1· ,locH~ t,l. on
Ltnof1.:ir t i uot l crn o, oont ·npl t<.. d 1 ot.lons .11 d fK~U"'
c I H9 h P.1 !'ii b C11 n · 1' f' i () !. £11 l .V
3o a
d urio ~ ..


rn·o. ,ra rns ') l' bo th
~trrn f f' 1oi al , 1rn

J.l o U1 t. }H~ ~ICC
t h 1. llilit 1ry




P r~1 . ·rarnr~

Et V \, t, fit

l prlrt Di '

f ·o:u •


!Jo 'P :r son conn •cte w1 ·t,h CC w l
ruak. &n. y a u·Lf•rn i t
'fur• pL bl.i oa ~ on w -. tH.>l),t t h author1..1·.u on o Co i. Ben no p !, son oom10 t
wt h WCC A. will 1r1 .kE an y uta t ."l n· conOf1 ·1 l tJ,. 1/R vlit.hou
o . f. rf1no .. f:r•on Cul . Ber de o r anr,J. t h ~

i.s r.rn 11 ()',"' er ..

No p1r s n corn100 ed i l NI-.A vdll ma,
any o a cvn nt
f <.'> r
l l>l10 0. t1 01n w i ~ hou t tJ11.;"1 u·t. 1or. ty f :r . !U9~n
J ;:i1; r ; 110 p ri.i:•non oo i.n. c ,r
HA Will 111e.d c· · '! nt t<il'fl nt ,eincer n-·
i.:trr, >JCCA w · out. l r.u ano f orn !1[' , '?J I i:ienhowe;r rn c~ Col . B f~ n · ~ s ri.
" 5.


Cap t . S nnot i.a f' l~es r·
;~ . .n.~r~no . . J..1 .. r.lf.• I ct

). lo 1: f' r ' /C C , ,nd
uhlic rel11 · i o r ~ iii!Vr l'

~ la t ions


" COA . Mr. John Rl r d is ·)r
s ,r· la .ons na fl f' ·'!' f'o:r t ". , a nd
I e· a l or e rn~f" au 11orj zed t ~J lss 1 e 11..fa:rm J on , o t. !Je pr ':IS , , ~ 1 t f" r
r ."\l':)val o · t, r·1:r r Gr .c t. lv rH
or • Any ress :r lP•fi
' h 1"' or ,1m1zD'L j .,.1n t.1 wl ch t o t1e r ls ~L ~ r i .)ued , or wl1i oll
t ea 11·s d~. r flc tl y o r lr l r eo ,ly on t h
ror,~ l'am of
II· c• h t;> r g rilz.~fJ

l on , wllJ fl r s



.o in ly a r rovo ."

J 'L' 'l1R. !•'l)tJ
Ap x•H ~ • ~ . 42
'.NO, 8 - ~ Uh~.T ~ O're

ss .rn lY' c ·nt




r ss s ·f~ e1!10nt

WL"ls rel · iu~ed

W .r

by th

m· nistra ion, \ s o~n Peft nse Com1nnd and Four h
under dato of pril l , 1942 .

'ime Oi vil.

" .1~oqui s

nt ers f< r tA,._\e in h ·
tirn of, six Rdc 1t!l.onal 1:1es nbly
jo . l , oomp rioine tho
.rom 6 ili ·rH·~r At·o
J · p1~0 sei
"1S Prn ,p ort om :\ ot O!'il.'l to1· n:tti , o ·- uor~ , \'tras l~ int& Qn '"md 301 thern
a.I, ,T. L,,, !Je v11,t ,
1\ri zc>n 1, , wr.11 nnounG d t,odRy by l..ii 1xt.onant Gor
O ommfUldin~ · · ne~ 1. of 't.l'io w~st, :r'I'l. De1'<mse CJr>Tl\ill'l,.n.~\ enc F'ourth Almy .
f.1'V!U'lUt"itio .t


11 'l'V.;o o:f he
o in ·Nashin t o n,
nte:rs Are l i:rnat d ir~ A.r iz.onll,
h in Oti lifC> •nl~ rid Or .. on. Th y wiJ.. l su plc o . , th
f)nd on
en ors lre ,dy am oun1'l d :Ln Onlif o,r n 1a .
'' Arr ·n B 1t1•nts hCiv




1ieE'ln cornpl o od i'o

O~l U 'm 11 ff.a , G n l'll l
location w 11 ao ocmo a ·e 3000 cvaoue s un i l
Otl C'Jl'
'fJ ouatn j,o lI'O dy under cori s tru ticm .
lo otiono a.rc.:J :
Ho de c g r ound

c1 ·

S l in !'l



id .



r olo

1 ini~o

i~nl'l t,e


o : O\J orno<h. • 300 ov cue· n .
" · r1zon£1··-t\>vO for ner CCC t1mps , E:laol
reelt Clamp , 50 rnil eo O.Ol' h o f I hoeni.x , . 11d t.h o l l"
~1 ~t Cavu
is May :r. Oe.1.c ri , r:ip ro;x.imateJ.y 85 mi lee nor thw st 01' HL oc;n 1x.. Bo th EU'a

On ,

b in!, rn.



ready for Lnune la e us •


on ~ ... Lon

.r·.u s


Tra~ k ,

n oiu

Seat 1 ,

Fai rgr oundo near T coma. '~ · xtent of aooomod at ians B
points has not been announced.
" Oro ,,on -- :>a oH' :lo Int rn

near Porti nd, to



nd l"uy A.


Livest.o o.k 'E :xp osi t.i o n g round l!I

aomodA te 3000 .

. ent r·s in
h ·
DeW1t't fu:rt her announ a tha
" .1r~ner
nd \ ash n ton would probably have N ombi nod ar mod , 10~
Or eo
f or -bout 0 , 000 e vucue s .

" Th

anno noem n t

crup.has izo ci th 1 t


00- c<.1

led a s m'bly po ts
w10 will la er

srniembl in.,. evac:u· ·r!
pu..rposr~ of
b· us
o 1 b ish
t ~
ba moved to eoept i on centers Duch


in Owens V l
c. e :t v

y , CeiHforn1!ll , wh n

,11e lQtte.r DI"·


~enzan ar

rnndo r eady

.o t ·-

" 1'ho as se nbl. y point s prE:lviou s1 y announced , inc lud n
s ,
dy in
ele.::i: , vhich 1.s elr.
T.ra ,k n er Los ,
lsewhero in t!: nli:fornia, 1.n or near ·ry"vi11 , 'ac ai · n 0 1
Or.'ll e~
Soo k on , ' r o k, 1 reed, J.l'reano, and P1n dale , F r esno Ccunty, And
'T' l. a re. R (•

" Copa r o ion worlt 1 s already under ay nt th

po n

~. "

n wly a nn ounc d

·Mlllt ~o:R.Alir.DUl~

t1u ot' ?ei;11ona.1 1?3:'opet·t~r Jlc;riin ( ·tOQA il'!.B-P '

Stii&il ~O~· '

form1 wHl be a t.1blo ~t lil ll \'ICC Qf:t[ioo , ~' rior1M.i1l1r 'i-'ill be
e re-pil"f.'I 1uto.t:lv1e of t e Fed.o ral Sa 1:;r tH~.r f£ Ql1 0l' nt such
s l'
offioac , a. t he H m h Fe.m~:l :v lo . ~. a Gd (~'lHld. , It 1 believ·ad. that the ll i not.T,!'letG an c1 a&H't ·~ 10Uo1u1 ~ o Owner" for the ·:i:i.· e1.H11.rd ion of tha ~10~.m n


1;1.ed to tWeiou


eJ}i)'l..F.1J~ntorr ·•

' v•o~e~



taka ~ co 1ie~" 1r1olt.1d.ina; thei 1":Peruons.l

o· th e to w to his

?l"o ~' art,,

l i1 v. ntor



:ti:i.R t, n



r ~ol~~ae e

t ho

reiv l) ra e


'b. ~ fO:\UI .

:rt ~'

11 oopieo 01~ he form o:iou.). d. 'be ret ur ne d to t :·10 J v , 1 o Pro
w o al ·u.l d ch ck ·tha i ior co1j'o1·m i'Ly , f'. 111.l.1 erin e; 0·1 cop"'

:r pr e11 e11o the evao eei

t 1~. '!\ ,



re or .
xp .£\inecl to t ;l
I rwe1 or7r Mat ·~ 11.l.
othlllr item m.r e :remo'Vod

I t s: o Hl. b a
i iob.d d i;i t):l

thf.i.t th




t~~ 1\t 1~·.1~·

ti ,, ~ ,

be tL11': n from the r M ll.d~i :, o

?rC'lr art :• :not
1.1.t t.I o ti .1e


For ax.1\.11\pl e l

Ha sto11te , ret'ri(.; rator 01r 1.n~• ot!'i, er i is fO\l.nd. R.t tl'H~ plao of :r'(Hli de. co ai1e. ~ e not :t aol' ed. on the I 1 vai; t o:r-~, li111t, , it i.11 ll. 'b 11\U~11ed. tl/.tlil.t 11rucb
it c.1ms 'bolcm ·t o th.o l ~ dl.or u. oa.< that J?lroper a.rrang· UI nto ). 1.wa l>o on made With
:!i 01.•1oe oompan:•, or o her pc.1r on , for th~ ir d. i pod. i.<n1 . Tl~int co. n 9~


llt:X:2!_tjtl]~}l 81.S h


It should. b oxplain.eo. t o the ov1J1ouee all B\U'h it iru1 <:10 f.J owes to b
ato:red. 1th 'Ile , shou!..d be d..,_ acM.,1 otmd n.nd t ha.t ·rhereve1· po e~ ~ ·~ l e , goods a.l'HJ\l.l
M c:r1' for t .h ai1: l?' oteoti o.11 aa WC) d. o


1u1 sutii


l'eapoi. ai 'b1U. t y !fo1• 'b.r A.le••

tq;l'I , Dtc ,

':Vl1e e v~m;i.e s boul thtM b o ::;i 01~ a su ·fie
m..1.mbe'l' o,;.· St. orai;e T'l.~ ll (i'itl CA
l'ox r·' :Fru3-l ) , 'bea.r1!, 1· mind e.t aJ.1 t i e t tat
n\l.l11'beir of yleoes Li.c~ica. te cl.
h t 1~ ccil:u.mnm T)r ov i ded tor thitt pur'·?o sa Qn th I \.... , torr Llat , 11 ouic· l1ot ne:F'or .)X mp l 1) :
c~ s dl·· i nd.icl\t 0 i'll'.l· munb :ir of te:t[\S 1 aed.od. .


r.1ov5..11g aitid at orinir; it tll'liUlt!l. n;i.ano, the th r e lego re rer.1oved t.b ar e fr ou1 ,
bed will
tl'HB're3foro , a ~r Md piano rni t111ht r equi;i.~e 4 otorar:se t~{~S ~ 1 1!!::owhe ,
oo HdGt of he headboard , fo ot.'boar d 1 e1 U e rail a , al.a a , a;pr1n~e m t r esa ;
1.uid. co.,, aeqi,t ·l'ltl;v \ltOu.1 d. r e q' at 6 i a a. T :ie a t oil'a 1~(!j t a ~a muat be cornpl 1~t ed. 1b,. the vacu.e111 giving tl: e ; imine , lPa.mi:!..r ~fo . a•uc~ i ndi ca.U ng itliLo
of f:I. c of is a'Ua.t c ·, i. e ., San Franc i co ,
At t:'lia t 11. e a.rranitte1ne nt a mu 1t 'bo r.ade so t ha. t h e ftt1·11 1 tu r mcive:r o wi 11
han acce s t o the p:r!D rty . I£ tl k eys o t e pxe isa a.1·e dol1.vered to B,
we ahm.:.ld !mr1ed a.hl;ir a.ttac For r· VT l 7D. ~hich ·ra.s lQt dr e~w.1 t' o~· his :;urpot1 e
bu..t which wi ll $Uf'nce \l.l').til a f orm l.8. been .:.Jrepare d . l:lhe eva.cuae 1 n
Fa:rni.1:· 'io . F.I ould. e ehown t)n t hi!B f rm, &e rell a.e hd 11e1.11 e lf.\.!ll..'l ad.1te n .• and
mot!t ir.r ".1 "lrh",nt , the Marne a.p.d adidre r-is of the !? IU·s~n ti o i~) t h e l:e ~•a are t o 'be
r e i..\1.· :' l'l.f ar ·t h e :f'u n ~ture h~ bee; rem oved :fMm t e pr emi e • a t.hG kio;;r ~ s
ne>t tlal.i'11'o[· d 'Iii' '1.111 h e 'V'a.q.uoe r.m,at. i. d1cat . on t o forl'll , ·ho 1.1·1d ad,lircH1s
of ';h'J · OJ:' flOl.1 h o~d ng ho k o~r , \•lho l!l'l.iat b1~ lo.c; t;od. i.n t hi:i iril"lh c a o ·icinl.ty,

tha p.r on def.i·"
will tnl:a Ol:\lt' of

A:rrmi amon a ha 10 :0 ()~ 1 ~lld.r.:. w:I. th th furn~. tull'~ r.uo'l'fi11{,: ,:-;.oor1'.l , nQ> 0~1J.y to
o'f tho a.t· e 111 ht~ alao to 1"'X"03' crl;ir F)tMl1 tl:e !\u·;1 it\IL~ in t.h wf.l.:retli!k Of'!
ho1Hi • 1.he.r !01'1:) , we \>/ill 11 ot I e oi:i 1 ~ t to t he d.ri v r of ·he '\tm.•1 , fDlt' ;f\,,rrl :\.t'Ut o
!Cw,~ c:i! the Lwo; to1·: • 1111 t
off t l e. t U-go.te 1 u ra.t ltt11J' vii.11 ma1i::1;1 our
.... '"
... ...
- - - · ·-·nHu~ e h nt111.o·~

: i , i nmr' rth . , el.;r :t: 01 • o,••i n
1n~ poopla ~il l 1nd iaito , Ln the
null1b r of p ~ ocH1 11/hldt rcrt11 1)1i tl.111f~ dio li-vo:r d . .Fc>i·
,, th Cl1

11 f.ll" · o

1r t1ol , the mo

A(llr:(' . ·~'t 'l n '\ nf
fJllt .ed.

' h f.

"Article'' . th

Cn.Jm1 1.'() rAa ntoti , 1.1 1Phr:l cl,.ing ~h g 0Qd.s H1 t.o t he ~ rahou , \Iii \ i~) dinu.mbe:r o f. p '.1 c 1i1 1 11 th ool\Ul\l'l 11Jltl'c 1 11 , wbi h li on ,d. con:-u·po.1d. wilth
ate t.
1.~n 'V'er &1 , a.nd. we will :reoei }t\ 011. /I' .fo1·1 provH 11 b~1 th
t:r,e ''lt~~o ' ll." col u~ , r
ho total n 1.aib~T o:f p il!ceo i 'l.d tea ad
i .1 r 11 in dica ad 11 th column l 1; dod " l'\l.tribe iL" of l!'ioo1Hi 1' .
nw11 . r o'!

hat ina rted. by t~
t l1n.n



~e o ~ l"'
Aftci~ th~ Pe:r.aona.l Prop e:rt,~r I 1w1? .1tQI y 11 et !nae b e; oh c' 'I.Id , ~he
l i at un Ul. e1 ' (J)f H~ , by , or $O mo ot!1 • co.wen1 :l. nt H u•o,
to be deU v11t,·ed. 'to our upx~ s · nt; at 1 ve r1.t th \'l(~OA. of :f1 oei .

will reh.i n th

Eecau a of th possibility t 10.t a :f!.rom.t num'b r' of n ma , pa.r ti o~1J. r~rl ~1
l' :fd g, r & or~1 . ha\!' no be n cdm.;_; .e · J,:1• paicl for , an~.i. it mi· t th :r for o
o. , 1;1 c•:i.·m~ c ion 1·i tb
ri .o os1:1ru" to xm these it. .o:r Sor:tall.. :tos .,
e ommvn.n1oG , m h.ave r c- qu.~ 11t o t:'Ul.t i J ato r:l.n tt~ ;fur(~ l'l oe from tho fi
n, tu1•6 , :rofr.lglllrator . b ' lF.1oed a.a clos
1.dJ.1 b T.'•O it'tll l"OA! illy


ho e .its ;:>o s bl.B , r.o that t h /

M .~r t;ha !f\:tl·n it \tt•e hs~ 'b e n. pro~:·erly sltori:i , r. cei"J t d foit." b th ~ mov mll'."a.
ti~ . , ccrpien of' WIJCA Fo'l"rn .B'.Pl..B-·2 1il1 'be r t'~r-ne d. to .h~ l•in i . .1 Of:fic o:f th(ll
o th 1::n.r R h oe.\l d.o,
:~vo. cuee Pl'O)C!lr y Dep.e.rtment foir :io r di t,:rib
A'llthod. ;- 11\Tld th r.iva~ e e .


~j !\ld, JI pr ID6J:l1'1il.L.1VCt1

~va ouel!J

Pl"c1porty Do •.IG\J't..1o11H1t

1'ho fl'l . lowlnt :l ' Ll1C1 ubut£1.110 of ll 11101111:.irt.m.dw .('.r·<~111 1',l,11
: m.rt,fom UJi V l Co 1trol Ailmini ~tp:i Lion du e J ne 2G, 19'12 , J.a~rin{. t 1 \.111
t lic :roc(CJu o .for t.: 11' ow1cl a t 1ol1 o!' l.l · 1· 1Jo1iI:1 ol' Jn}?ll1 fJklO £1 oc.'+tJtry
!.ro .1 1..lP C&\.l .i.!' oro 1~L por l mi ol' , il LCt l'J" Arv i 10 .

/\U C;lv:t1 ' an Ai en: , s
11m ·t ir11cJ c~ v 11 0on t,J'• o l " ·!l.o 1f · ~ t .l rm


proci-' tJNJ .l.'riir t h1;1 evc.1c11c.i ion 0r a.lJ. p(· l" :i1i11 1n of
Jt.i tl1'PfJU ()n .os r,1 1 both aJi•n!l non-£~J 1Hw 1 1J·o1.1
'Ltio Oo1 · .1·cwnil1 Pt>i"t\..ion of 1 U:it.('.tr, AM1 10 , ;·~ wUl i'n ,\,3.ow
Le Qj'.>A t ' tio 11.ii l'Ocod ro utili?.,oct t.'1l t.! E:tV"1cw;1t..io11 ~.Ii'
,, i1Hn l' f \ 1· 1·ri. :o. J. Linc! r ~rwt:ruc .:.orw corii.ic1. nod .Ir ·h<~
lot.. r, t.: J. I t:- dqun:t'l turs , tlatod Apr1J 23, .'1i,Z , fMC: p
at~ lii:•t•u , J'lld/ ' (,r pl"ov:ld id ,



____ , .......- .,


A11 r.or1:1c1n.s of 11 a. 1:ia.n )tlf.1 Cln"( et.ry rcsid1.nt, i 1 the
CL1· llfc>r11d1 J>on:\.on l;),l' 1· .LU:t a ,Y A'r a !'.lo . 2 w U >~
vnc;q'*'Lud t. o ~.£t.i. \'..~.J:l;\,.1 ~.c1,•~ l\11 a.rt:i t.<~ bo r.LciV IH <l to
tnk( wHh on cr;:;r.. a r"L r<:l , .n a. ·t itlon o bt~drJ:lr
l no~11J _,
·ciilet. ATl..ic:l i; ·. 11d t ll) , pc1·eo1 Fil rrop rty ot:oiont. 'al
o houcickcicq lnt , bl1t ; ed.. to t1 c ud .. ~o pound.i:i for pc r1wn13
over ll y•:.w rl.l o ti. 1J ~ •u d not. o oxc oe1l 7 5 pcmnrl D f oir
"'h Udr In undrur 2 J•. 4r, of ace . Substn llou1':1ehold turn111J ,


.r,111ch n~ 1·ef'ri,-~or11to rr·i ~ \rash ri,• ml cl illoa , r. m1oa and 1 oavy
11 :. l,u·l'.I ~'lil l br; t '"por111•Uy ~ or-e, t.o be h.i pppd o
cionti cin Proj(H1t.s at
lntlJl cJi: r~ . 1. r.1wevl."lr , smoJ.J. . i· it<1n11s
f J · l" .. onaJ. pro ·F•;r ;• •1.•· .1 ·m :Jhippu by the ev oue1es &t thcd.r
,),)' pii'.l'

IJ8 l po::it. o:r

:Y.preu;e.1 .• t,o t)· e rto1ooatir.H1

d /'//

~pv"LA-!.'li ;.: an

Ct\ shi r

Fi&CAL Ao111m of •nm U'lllt'AID STA,.~\~


f'' iold <.ep•re or:mt.. t1ttve!l
Prof J·t~r P wut.,n nt


S'Vl1J.~ 0'1' I

Co' on :i .i3m'l ot

in or w;l.t.h th

'I'IJe .f o ll c.1wi11r

j ,l'J

n1 dt.l'L ,

r) ,



~.'(J i



1Hith:.i ·•~ lW


111 r1or ·1rnl

194.2, 111lroctr1d Lo 11111
vil Co ti•ol. A1it'. Lini:;, r~t.1oni

All 'ronoit D
I ll. l' 1111e


flJ 'V i.n;;


n f:r•<1rn

r:tw o. .<.'

l';l1 1 11..

s 1•\dr 1:


Cc1n l't"•l f\clu 1r j i:it,x a lc:11

lt tt!I oomci to 1.y att.<l)nt .l.on tll:.1 t; th(1l'lb na,v b11\r
ell p \" Cl!1(l.l .finoncl l +,ran1W,O ion Cit' r t)\>tiutlcma
b tw ~n pei•sormml f.!cH"V,\1.1.t; irt C'Jr th ', /Gq~ L.11e Civf
C()ntrol Adt1tini.~H.1•atic11 rtd JD~"'llnf ::..c c:w~cuoc~a .


ny ~~uoh t.:\.t~c1 \Jy p r::ior o com l!lct, d ilH.h th
IV :•t r1 e Civ.ll Control ri.!T'in:l.str-ition in a11 cra,p&c:U~,
c llTlOt H3 to lorn. 'LeHll rdncl it :s ~wruos t ;. ,~ hf;I. yo
o:i.u'L.lon an of yo1.A;r1 oft) co :.i oi• e :1ploy l?.S ,i:wrvi11 ,
wi · !J or :ln \11 /ll.~ mo 01.v U Co1 tl'o 1cirnlni r t ··on 1.J ( t
ti cy tl.l''e requ:lrocl to col 1:i11 thei..r ri:~ lnt. · omibip· ;: nd
va.C\ E.l 'S t o usin~m only ..
dc(~lfor.s wit h auol
Ho peroon1.1l •U •. inen-1 f a.r y n,ature b t v"1 11 ~ r i mn
Oi v1l Cor tro 1 . rlmi1 ill r ·tti on r rsonm~ l · rd 'uch
evncurc,, is pexmitt rt . 11

· ie undert.J and ·hri.t t l1



has ·e. fm civ n one:r«il
~.[l rti .e Civil

ci culu.ti.C>n among an o the. 11 r.inci a vorking 111 it.t1 th
Con .r ol A 111i.niatrn .on arid thed.r p 1·eonr o ""



Jri . l d JI

v 1 cu
f '



L 4;'


t 'iv t.
r\.1 p r y Uc 'J r.



l 3 J 1•x;rr :

T1 I •" ;1l'lO fa 1r f. (,) I

t, a r I•: un f!'r
LJ(, f:.
·1 "'n t.
lo cl ( J F~ r
t •ml.:. La.


'r1 .


1\C I T'l.1 ~ 11' f:
•OUl ',..:

I or

:f.'lP <• z nr





Ef(,.,, ~)TJ;~

; Wf 1· u

v n i lo hl

"') . l ,

·1i s

f' :>r l 1 1 1 .'vu •-1
I 'r u p ·. r t.y
h, .. :i1•0tr>otl on .::i f
v nc C' ~·· , w i o j
ht r .•qu,:: s CJf
v 1.10 11 , t J1 l
,:i. :. . 1 .. ·t' c ,,, >f
11 , i' Jr j,•11 J• un a
t.i.1• " rm10 r1
e 1 11 1· t nc it. l...> c t 11P
wn !'" .1tc 1 n t 1·~ n ~11 r itl llp p rrJ pr i.c1t ,1

,;;!;;,,,hr:/t-~-'l~ )"'l~~

0A •h1 .r .





Jr.IaiOALAQ~m' 00' TM UNIT'l\'!P SirAT-f!lS

'fl 1 d H Pl' a e1. t et i v 1q IJ


1uH1 J' r::ip

bje t:

rty D


' 't r

:tn o r

op· r R l cn

n a

E ~ wOU

o :l ·ct


io tiB f .f, .,

1w ,


In otruo Lon l

.~· at' m~' ut


Op~ r

001 ,y of: a

v nouatlcm o

tt ~T


erno 1•f1n ' 1 rn f'rom

i-r1 t~ i 'Jt.1.. .

tl1 D rn, rnonrn , t m ind.ic A c·s , fl


i on .1

it ocaur o in

in ·; inei ru ·1 on!'I will nr. P y Lei

1.1 op rati o ns .




l.09 l'


o . 22


7"1.YA /? I v'L--·-

s le ,a

Cnshi .r .


1..wD .AllD 1l' 1 ~k
HI~~l.Afl'l'B!RS DSTElfll~ Dill!i'l{lt Slll
0£ 4,ce of t.llei Of'llqi U1c1 i
l'/rHii1.j.p r:it $11.11 '.Fl'MOi•i:io, Oal l:f.'orr1i ~\.


J :J)dnflllllt l!lv~!llllt ori Opo1'1.11.tlon'1


JU 1 St1dbo:t' U~1dnr11
All C ivU~an A1b1 ple11, WIU'tl!ll!ie
Civi.l Conttal J~1dn ~trflit.ion


l' 'bHo ProtJl~111.'1.~ca ''o. 1, Hill' Flel\rt,1uf1rter11, Mar ch ll~ 194.
l' P01,~t.'l on Nip, 2 1 t hhi !{1.111.dqw.1,rt ..,. , k\r oli lt;i, l <;14•
l'i..ablic 'i';'J<o1:1tnill!\I: 1tl'f'l iilo . 3, th411 B1111t\ qUfi:tt.or11, ,}lrn•llh :14, 194~


Nbll c I'"r 1 ron.t i on No . 4, Wlh Be«,d q11"'~ ra 1 lw·oh (,1/, l C).12
t'ubHa N>cl 1M1i1l or1 No . ~ . U s Tfcnclqw1.rt.er11 , 1ru·c:ib )0 , 1 'l

2. h :l'ollaviir i il81 :rtoti 8 will
t4e ho Mt. vH l ea of $odli<ir Cci111 riiul H :nd 0 1.vil ian At11tnc l."m
.bo evWlUl.l i on proce1111en. Tb ln9 .ruotd.ont1 cont iond h•r•ln ll"l.1,\ r c!'nl act1 tbe oep r ~t. e cli11!1 0L ve. l'Jhlch
p.ravio\: "'l,y been hr'l'llU'd!ld for eeioh OV!,iOUll\ticm ·p roj o , Th p:raot io of ~:la'll1•Abu t.ln£1 1mL1h ~l'lpl'll' ~
di rect. vu iii di oontinu d, It iri oontempi&ted. hat onl.y 11uch dvnnQ• infonuot.ion tu h 'Pt rH1; it o M
v11 ~1lftt.1 on p:roj11ot Yll l

). '!'be av r;i1.1t1.U .on o:f ru.ll J~pQnill11e, both ellen• 1'1.1.ld . nori--n.Ucns , l'Ci!ll t'h 11r II. nt 1.'hll Wn,1t, r
1 fpr"t,; Col!lll.Mcl ,,lll 'he c11.rect cft by thi11 Hat1d.qiltl\ . :P11nd'1.!1 1~ t,hf!I r ulli lt'lll\tnt ot' 1Jum1 11n-•o:n11 lry t 0
Yl~•r tt loo l cm il.u hQrUy, ;1 wt•1,1. Iii& will 'b 11rovld d t11111ro1•uy •h11lter and. o l:w!r flllolH ha at AMs 11111bly
o~rit.trtl tmd 'Pleoopo\.I on o~n.t n.

4, M11111'b11rC11d 1bofos,l on Ord11r• h 11ued .f r CJll t 11 11 &l'ldqlJU't1111r11 wH.ll lnlltil'\lotiomi 'flelrtl'll'rdna t}••re~ ci
will )'movU11 ! err U m MO.l\l~ion by (ti. 8\p-l'lifio tl111~ c:rr al l Jlll.p11.naa11, beith tlHet~• tU\d %\On-aH n .i , fr om
l!!}Jll1'1f'~oril ly dtJ11o't:i ad a,r fl , '.l'b.
otoili' Cdllllottlld.l"rs n.r11 o\iar 11 with the tll<l'fJttv\s io~ of tihe e'llf10"4ti~n
f:r c.lJl tt1eir r 11pcno•t1 VII\ floc'torG of al:J. !\ff ot11.1d nera 11 wi thlu woh ll:t:O(l.I t.o A a11~bly 0 rit. ra or Roo•pti C•O
Ce.1 tt!iu ·to b 1btdU1'a.t1.1a by M~ia R"ellqUIU'to:ra. '.!'bey wl.ll o 11 lll: ohu :l.on Ord ra M d 'In•'t:ruoi\ono ptH·t,•11, ..
h fl t e.:r<cto l.n be yoe t,e(! 1.1.t p.romin11ir• ,10 ti ~ t.hr011Ei·r~ut th pn11ori ed eN111111 llUl"h 8 nuoh hour11 1u1 m:ra
flo l.!'i. Cl tty · Hendqlltl.rliera. A 11u tn.1111.'1 •IJit)ply of ll\lob
deu em~ lr.istNobi •will bet furnl oh 11 lr)i
'•d0 Heuv.lq'UN'b1.1re nit th ~11rl hr. ·pr1.10Ho11.b'l e da 11 ;• Lbo ef!eoH'Ve M.t <l:f nrh b o1ualcm 1dei t .
orr:l.01111•1) ll'Jl•oH'!. ~ly Ol'll\\\' •ell wit1h the 'j)Oat.i.nei o!' P~ilud.ori Ord•r• rmd 11" t:rt1otion111 I' !'1'1dning ~:a~
i1.'l 11:x: o fl o Jttil' C101.te rif rruch pt:lll ng o i ndlud tbe t'll'ea, th111 date , be b lll ~ mtwll 1• o;f pont~
! 1,. Tb11se ce rt1f\oat et1 will be !'or wr:l'll t11d t.o thh lleadql.llU"t11;ts w t.>1ln woiv h<iU'l' lll r.ifter oomplet ~on of





Lh1 •

5, Fn .· tb111 purpCl~l!I o r s 1torlng a d W' c11a~ln • t"11C\Joes 1 Clvil Control St11.t10 o 11'1.l l b l o"'
r!l.!Lod 111 4!1110b ea tl(l be ovw:sW1.ted. 'T'h111 Flei!erttl S ov.rl ty • ency ('l'U l l oeP1te, e'\'..sl1lhh, or e:11rrhe , a:11i
r. 1~ ,.ate t.beoe hle ttll ln. :I 11. Tha:t. ~ ency is l\UU1C11r t d to deal. diil'ootly wilbh th11 01.'fi oe of' Ft111 r r, r.c1y
Mer111!l!llD tit till!!. th.el' hdanl Agenoh11 1U1 tnBI)' 'be n1.14!!d d i.11 th• 1.1t111, l el.11nont. 1md opcr 11Hon of. Con~.~ol
S·t, at, on • \\'itb o ea.oh 11oob atatiori thet •rl.ll \te !I.I lud114 11mrropri11t.e 11Jeoticn1 Cl r 1\det' s rv oes
l'PT> t. o the aevnill i111 t1;..r111ted CivU ian Agenoi•e . rl:ia r. hillar i~a C!~!OIU~H!icl wiU fl'CIV
1 or the p rsor111• und th &o~t ruo H on
the per&onnel. ti.111 .11cl t o t.best11 Hoti e. The Suporvho.r of
aoh fieo ti on wlll con1.ro1 I.Ill 111 perh1inlr.g •&rv 0111 rcmdef'ecl by hb ~articular Clv'lllrm Aitenoy.
6. h.e man~ fill of ol!iCh C 1t.rol. Stl!ltion w U be nu d by the ll'ede1•t1l liioow t,y, 'l"hhi n:iVlf.f~or rl'.l.l ?C'IO!ti've lru t :ruct\on11 · Hh r f~ renoo t n the flVMtiahon plt'oj eo+. foro111 tbQ l."flJl I ' 11ont.11t l ve o'I: tbe
S ct.or Comuumd 1· a.t tbe Control St,l'l.U.on ~ulUl will b11 ru on ibh for'J dbt:rf h t an nrid cuouti on ot tr1e11
i.un r uotian11 tly r.iuperv~acu'fl of 111ec Ci'ru wi ~b~n thi! t;"r>l St.11.tiC1n,
Tht!t 111 ver!'ll C~vllinn /\genol.ea wl.1 1 oonh·o1
e Ct'Vi c:.011 Nin/Wred 'by their rr11reui.ntl'lt'lve1 111t
<Jord ina ·ion onll C!pGra Uon of th i.netal l at i on 11111 B, whrile ia OOtlCU'tt"
rvb t.Ju O'f' 11ect!o1111 wi 11 rEioeiv their ins -t''i om1 Crom the 111111.11 or of th Oantro'J St tlion.


Oont 1•ol S at'.\ona but , im1ofw• as t ~
11, SU


'I'h Eedciral S11c l.ty Agcmcy , t,he D1rpa.rtmen of Agricult.1.ll'e, t!Uld th F eclerfftl Tleservo
Sa11 ll'r anoinco will p r ovld,e for riooeua:ry g nerel 11<11rv i oe1
.h tUI
11 . The rllgh :t1r:i- ion tif !ll l C>VEICU c11 .
Tb 111edloel ox«Ulih1A i on of' e.ll ev ue " either d in• proceuill(j Ol' aft.e;r heir
tt.!:r iva.l at e.1;1 A!111&mb1y 0 nter •
cUcinl !\id. ho•pitall zi.l.tion, 1111'1 ()o tal w lfn,re fttervire .for lll'lii
dur :l n~ tlie :rror:r,.1111h•g.


'!Jar* 0£

~· \Ph

&titt~<t•n~ n prot110 ~.tin~ 1.3.1. 1'111 n1fl.l ari.d :p•rt1nmll prt111e:r•.;y ot \t.b
ov1JO\aaH, lUCllUi.H;q th I! ht~t,iCA11 ad' tl1<;>•e pr\"'111.~li 11 to111!!1'bll•11 be cmi:1in~
~o Vl'lCl\ll!\(19 1\.(1 0 \\~1tll\ !I~
MT1o,i:11a1.tio1 ' ~I) Ill:! A•fllllllllily o~~tllir,
l:• Stm< II fill' nit. 0 f()r It mlll ,, cit o~~nd~ll tll.•lJC110il ol, ~fl:li1ldtlfj h\l'lil. fllllllli•
\1l l hatitm of tJ:r•I 11t. eni~t1D10bl lei" ~ t.l.111 A11110111 li~r C~ a:r or o t,hor d.o~iw111.t111io
l !rt:r pr®~1· 1101 tol ; +.bu o ,
All fox•fX!•, 11nd Or1tt11f!l-tir. g dst.fiil11 inc tut11l. bo thf'I tor oh1n, I'll,~ tl\111 ruai rr
beMno11 Qf 11n iiido(!1111.tt1 :i'l l uu 111• 111 i'Clt' lU d,ocu111,.,mtr1 Ill. !!l\.h!!(' 411.tfl. 111uembl t'l, in, oont111qti1cm. wi~t 11 p Uow r p1<ojecd1 or ocYrab l'lll.'h1or1 al 11rC1j1~0~ •




1) . A 111'Y•i.a 11n. ri.ll ~ inllde
tU th411 l" ed.112•.U. fleou:ri
tlnqy 111t th'l'I ClvU OqnLro1 Stntion
nU1•t1 qi11rio4 ot t>•g~~t:.~cl't lc:m ~ proeusln& to ~t.ond 11ni e>thor e.ioept.~on 1Hdioal ouel\.


l01 lr1 IMlditlcm < heh· prenoribo1\ uooHon1•, bl 1 ClvUir.ui J.l,m101~11 WQn'ltio-ned ,,.bov1> VtUl 1'u~11h t,
tho Saot.q;r CP1A111U1.14n ii'! t.h111 dhchro:ge C.\£ l1i• d. ti11•1 l)<lll'~ · to ih 11vac1.1~,td.~n ,

ll. lrhe Sect.01· OarullllUild.!iz· w. 11. 11rov1ae 1'1.ll!h milittl.l'y 111u•orJ~1 n• h llellm• nece11•~' 1'o~· !!l'ld d11?"·
l'IS tl·ifl H1Jl•t1rm.tla.r1. ·!Ill J1rt1oa1i111111in13 o:r m'#lo\JfJ.. ,
12 , Sector "C'llllllllndOl"s will bl!I ~•11pon1i:I le for thi:; &'1l!lill'viair.m o1 nU move11JMtA ol mvtl(nwes fl'Qln
f. o ed rel'-• n
o\\.r re pootive &11110 ou1 i~ tho di •t~10Htm dull.1p:iP1 tid , i; b emdq\.\Al'tero11, A11J'1Ul(IA•
"•et1t.a ' o.r al,l tran11port. tlon oi 01· t ri by ,Pr1vrite omvet~IUUlll wU~ tio ey- t l d111 l'l111ndq\l.l'L!l'tet:r for UIOVI)...
rneuih of &1Vt1au••e ho'- oantt'ol 11tlll(,1/io1111 in cdteotlati uoas t.o 11.auim bly Ce11t.f.1ra 11od Rt1011'pti1011 C1011ter~. hiy
dditianl!l.l Nlll'.lmpol't1~t:l1,111 for flVl'\Q\1etea -,dth n n af'footod . oei. 1\'il be l.l.T.':(' :u1g$/I for l,ooally by •tiho Seotp:r
OcJUn er.

1,3. Iµ Ofl.r•t.fl\in o 1 1 wh n ~p'11~1L'ioa ly ll.h4'otecl by U1h l~e 1dQ\l/U't. :u, ft'•noueea ~i 11 br.i N'l~·lllh.t41/I. t.o u11111 ttid~ owr1 'Priv 1,1 i\llltc-1.11obUfl11 all tl;'6rulptll''tn~ on tG 1!11\ Am.11 mhl,y 0 nte:r. A.'ll 11rivl!l.t11t 111J1t1;1.,.
111ob.l.\e11 ao 1~•~H\ w1 U flr.11~ )"w1~1~ bean 'l'"Mhlhl'ed ,.,..i tb t.b11 r~11r111&M't1bmtil.v o.r t,b ll'!ldO'l'l'll. Ilall11rv~ !3$.nk o!
S n ll'rrmo !l.nco · t iil'llJ Cor.i'h:•Ql St n1ncl p rQvi !on 111 de IY.Y tb.r\t .Aget1cy t: 1:rr ·ho tiili,r1p11i ti1m rd! m.11.\b
1t1J~Oll'lo1'tl h ~ upon 1u·ri¥!.\>t I.he AG!lelllhly 0MteT . ~ ll!llon M i 11 -pr 10 :1.ol'l.~l M;t I' r ,Jl•tr11.· , · t~!o
61110 or Oti1~111w1dor yl'i U c \Wfll 1~ ool 411 " of INQh fltCIV(l1ll8J1 ti to tio p1•111 1!\l:'cd far tl:i · Oi vil Coot:rol $ ti.on
Q(.)noirrried 11nll 'J? l'o1: lde<i,Urt,te 11tap .-villion of oinivor• rsJ: nob moN1 tt..i;v1 t~ii~,..:f'iv~ on.n eiwih. A:rrht1 b
otf 1.t1ain 8'~•U,p• of au tm<lb' ltu1 .,.,111 be ISJlhbMi:i t hro• lio1.1t tb tiots.vol dey '!rit.11 111U}ihn1 a boin ·rl•VJeil. U.'fl''n
r.irrli,tP an v l.• dn. o:rdo'l' t.o permU th" • r 1\y net leu~f>\nt. of llVBCn~e• l t.h p!'lh \. o'! 4ut nf~'Hon.
14, The Suo1;or C tonll!li.ld,tn" W'l.l, rl"ovoldo 11\lC ~ 10 il H :y panoimwl !II h~ ('I emfl neoou~cy ~·or M"- nu r~
•t.l 11101111111f.l'.ntn of >moueel!I. Io 111'\dlt.ion hen1 to, I 1:ropr!f*.t !I mainttimtnc 111 " raonn l ld w:Nic:\d.r1r: tqu\ r,...
IU l1t wUl bo l1 .ovid.•d \!Jr tr.- Seotin Ooltllll M811'1l fcrr .u !llCIV 1n111i:t in oup r•rbll!d. IJ~'Cl\1118 hivolvlnr. t hfll 'lO ci'f'
lltrJIAO bil 11 [\y ili-o!lO\le ti.

l!), Tbw '.ll'ed.etti.l SnO'W'ity A ;en(Jy will piiovi¢ m di.o!ll ~i.d , o lr1c~ua. t\.ll l\"(lJlrr.ipril.llh nU11l t1t1r ~,'f
noc ril af!t'"'lloe :t'ol' eind. dl.ll'~nll u l l'!uH t .r dn JUO"Vl/llllllr~te ll:f' 01111110ut1•e :tCllO Cmt.Tcil
SL !.ori11 in •t..bu o.f!f'eotJod tll"'O
l'l .As.aa111bly 01,1nt.orr. m;1d. H~o ition C(llYlt.eni .
ff'CJll 11lO'll6111 ll11 of ElVP10lJee11 by
1 lvn:\;e 1J.\1~omob'n11a, th Flllde:r-td St1()l.ll'lty A "i.l l inok #lJipl'o.Friat.e 1!17'Nmgnm nh t'rJr mAiHOlll 11 !l'Vkf.1,

~6. It ! • Qorttl!lllpl111. tid t.h!l. t..ho ntunbtll' <1f eV!'IO'.le,,a mov-ed £ om ona fvo vd !ll"l!la. \ll' "" 11iv!'\n
Tl'C>j eot. wilil. no\, exoe!'Jd five hundred p rr clJ.\y Ill' the n.\llUblll' elf &'WloCweus rriV'in tl.ii any one 11$ t1111My
Ce11l. n1·
Reoe11tiot\ 0 1t fJ r from tll rf!lnJ being evacoo.ted u.rid.or almul .Ull'O e opertl.HCJna wiU nol1 e:i;oee(I
Me 11houa.e.nd, per lllliY· If 11r n1cMoa.l:il e, T1tH trtmapor\;6;tk•n -wlll be ut lized for ~J.l mowm n
fovolvill f'
ca.Vf!l ot' lllQr
hnn cine huodt•t>d mi ea
µI, for a.11 t'X' p• d.ur 1ng 11!.ch e rue 1 ~ b .,rv d to the 11'VflOll•l!l111.
k 1<1 ~ t orlfll tourht-•l plllr -..ill b1' ~r ov d111d f4'r el'i.O t.rai.l\ to n u!:' r.tpI1ro111•itllte 11eoommod&tionl1 fo1•
tn d <lll.1 <l·9.£lea, One
he woda o. tr11:n!l\11orta ion Iv!.~
en •ta 1!.11berl Md a ac 1aduh d•t.1111~0 0414, e•nou.&ea
11 H b
s 1 gned by t.ho llllU'1l\lg r of 1l
Contl'ol St.a.ti;z. to ll.. J1lll1't icular bu•, stt't'lsl.... al!U', tl'l;llz.owl-uar· r
lbOtor cotrvoy hi •tif iol it i1umbers ~ ilir ct .d by t
Se ·t!Ull nd r . Cloe a hion b"t'lt'Gen tl11!1 '1"8J..l''ell41Tlt t v • c1f tl1e $ 0011111!,rrnder 111 tile Oont·r ol 6'\,1\t.100 ii.rid the Oh.I. £ o St.a.ff, ' 4. thh
B al!'i\ulll.l'tera . ill Htmti . 1, d ·ina .lie ntdr perlod of p:roo 1 in.ti. 6n ord r te1 ooordlr111.te spooil 1c r . ~1••
v o~taH n i·equi'l'l1111ent11 euid t •rnnr»po:t 1e.H.ol) nC'<>edule11. 'l n ib :pru a:raticm o RU tll'ur15part H
primary oonaiid rl'l.tion b!! gi v~;. t.o be o, plilCl.ty of 1t lven A s ambly C nter or !1ec pt Ion 0(111) er to
o. d .111i l!\1t proper ly the e.r:r!.ving evaou~ea. fo th.i s oonneot on , mov11meinte tfrom 111.f oo ed a:r ri will be
ooo rlilr1&ted rio tM.t. all n·l.,,.1ltJ w.ill bo epMed and tifl\11d i early e 1i1 i prl'.lcMcMiie dw-i.n dniYH ~t
hours i.r1 order to ~IW' prop r u~u.:Jauie.nt in the
nter prior to a kne s. Seoto.r Oommnnde:rs will du ·
/.!l'A'h &pec:l.£ioall.y e. trrur. Cr.rmmfll\d8'r <lr el!ieb tram uaed l:n tr!U\ •porhH.11 l ll!Vl.\OU.e&• from hill Sector t.o
IL Cl\l,t r.
S!mlJ.nrly, Oommruid.ers 'Will b JJ speeU'io illy deel 1ttlllted. fr:ni all othoi; /l'l'Ollp moveir.oots of e1111c11(l 11.
17, Sao·tr.r;r Co111a111.nders l'l'i 11. !.n.fol'lll otbo:r Sector COtllDIWlli ;re acnoe ?l d.

the l'\!IUt


11, 1UO'li'C.t111ont

of :VB.(.)uee

fr<:111 hh Secto>rLo 1in AtSt111nb!ly Ceo1er or ::li!!-tJeption ConL r .r111q,1l.re1 t.h <".l'O!Ullnl{ of, o:r: roC!'l/'o•
Ill ll
nt.o, 1!11lo'l.he:r Setoi!'lr, 'l'bia act.ion 1.. detigo d. to obv' ' at ho ic"-1 OC\lllpl:loa.ti,on 1'.llld the p011$ibi
rail w1ii hl oongem ion ,


l . SeotO'l' 001n~d•·r o wil!I. oo.u~e th11 fo lowi:11s repprh to e moo

a.~ t,'hB t.irno.11


•'ti1~l i.11U1.r1 l\ll ot t.l.'18it
at ;ii~IOJ.m . oJ' elle<h d!lV o:t ~ L ri~t>l !'.11\
At. n an
'1Jll1l '1 l'C1Jii1 to::red IU:ld 't.ll',t! l,dtil,l 11\illDb JI Of
tlH sl11,Jri~4 il\e ·~,ot n11J11t)t11L' (I
hi.~ b to \'> 11 wMl'Uat,edi t lif•Ul!l~•r, 'fl'i~~. 'l:ier !l'i:i~~·~ 1 b;v w: 1•11 Q~' el!i}
1\ype t q1 t.r1 lfll.l't~IMI Cth ~ dantrc4 M1~i.n h1 tirill1bhn, 1 ~3~ M&:rkt»t S~r6\tft 1 liltt.'I\
hc1mba. 1 C#JilUar11k,.

At l111S.1t l'o:r. t;t"'e~ilM:. li,?UJ'll 'P r~o!.' l•o ~IS~~we rif ovt101.ttuu 1 " •tate1111m
•bi>wlu H eM.ata n1,\m'cic>l~ af tl 1·1100Q wbo will r 1 ~u I' rail cir ' I& tll'~n11pi11:0·
oeJ!iilf lam C nter , lrll'l Qoli tor"1Ji IB. d \.y
~at. ,1 ·o he h11 w1k1 ~1Y ~~op er or
wit"~ C\i' t.f• • :fl1t1 to •the Aa ,,11 t~ C :\ :t"of Elh.f't, 0-4 1 lleit1dr,uarleir111,
We11 a:r11 Dtllf .u domlnll.l'ld '1!ll.1 bourth ArlflY, :Pr dd~o o:l' B 1n hamh o,
Cl 11"1.rni

t let1.11t f•rty· llli11,llt hc.•Ur$ µr \ or t,<:i ilnpru•tuH lli' 1ivr1ouel!1n $0.- lln11~!1\ll~y
11!$Lerner t 11 owir1 1,h t" •i.l l' ('lf,' i111••l'l(l.lllp'bion C~1'ltiet111 1
11., h l lll'lt+.11.~ 6Nl o ilfl '" r 4 't'lld 1 1111.l 011 :1'0·1..,,~r aid, 'l;iy •th OT
1 ll ~d pi :rt, ri. 1t' tl t 1 rn Def' noti
bl.lo M ii ohMt OM if Clf S n1't', tr•4,
ti l 11ty,p
b90, CC!IU.:i!Cll ' lll ai., Io r.•arid :t'"
Oeimfll!lljld , I ll'o1U't " Arrqy ' ' rci~! cUo o!' S ~·~ F:r
bh l"flf.tlrtl , !'Lill co~1idc\t11•1i\Uo!'l ~riouU b!ll 1i1lvtl4'i ·Le tl'l('I ~!lllll'i ~· .,,f ~ 1.1in
<h,.n d 1 ilf·:nt111 r r,iuir~ue h11d .l!U'l4t'onnulA 111ilk 14 I .l.11/;:'J)et<li t1h,
0111nten 1·
llC11UJ £ r,.11


at t·· nty··fowr liouru p 11l or ~o do,11 U'tur elf evl'\P ~llil&R , 1,b.e ~Ul(l i(O'.I' f
'RlloepU orl C 11i11,'f oono :rr1ed '!'(\ t 1 h it1for111c1d hy hq Allltllh 1 Cent 1•
" ltioll.l!I 111&nn~ of ~b.~ >t.o l\l. 111.1111bor of ovMu u o be t1woot d, wi

A l

thei 1Do



o e111 a tra.vel, d to, 111\d th11 'fJJ'OUol•l

t5m11 o M'.t:' .v l,


Jpan. d~ ~1 e o evl'ICluoe , 11. 11t~ cu11111nl ~hr.wrinr t !Le. "'aot. ntllllb r of av~111 ..
utl.l h111 , \,)i1,11 nU11\ilil•r Qf d v e
whr1 d )'.>~ d, 11'1 t;rpe of lr111111po'l't1.1U
o•ir11 ir, 111:,~ ~ fll.1 OQl'lvoy~ . wHh t ie dn e 11n t.h<1 ~ r r.ib •Lbl u ' ht'> of 11n· 'rlll
th r11aJ', v·J l l blll J'orw!\:rdolll the ll1. rw3<11r of hlJ A.r.1H1a1bl y Co11tur Cir 'noc~
t• irm Cwf• • r co11oernt1d , 'by 1:.1'\.Q n1Q11t :rplllHt\ouu mm 1a ,


Up. d,1.1 r~ , 1tt o . evriou~1u1 .t'or A11101•bly Cero ta-r~ or l\oo!l'r1 i or1 Centi r~ 1 ~
11i ,t me t •bcwt.n tih llMOt 'l'\Ulll'bl!lt af 11veio1.1 f.l who dcpnd tut, M1 tl\'~ of
l).uto.wob~lo• i n ny 11!d. &l
tl1tMsvt•rt. c rn~ ~ il, 1od 1 thll 11\1111 ~,.,- of 1r ivM
b.a b. me of dup itur& amd, t,b·~ cillll·l:.lnu. l.r;.71$ o riur.ill move ut 11 ti ·wHl
o f on;ru ll.11'1 11,Y 'ld'l'o or ~ el111typ11 o t :Oo I~ '!'tdlll 04 U CQ'rltr il Mrdnlvtra 1011 ,
traeit, Snn ~'rano aoo , 011lU'o r1 n.


'~ moly iui cr!llll.lii:m vrl ll 'b.e for""9!rdocl to tb
0 •ob r aonoe..rned in 01·q r tmt
ar ll•oe:v
lotdll.n , H ~be :r:i ~t.u e 1of tlllt ba
rn!!.d e or
ed with It" Cll!MllD t o .4,91 mbly ~irintar at:r
q1.1a ly ;.'\t.dled. 17,Y th• evmo1~ea 11 .


\?itMn IUI' 'ti; y-~1~0 hol.l.'rs nftll!t' t ho\ l'lf lil:111 f.! VOIOl.1r.~Hon ot' Mzy
s11oc U ed 11.r en. , 11111 111110 tol' Co1011.11llde'· wlll fo r 'IClt' ~ r oriorl 0011 oir4n the
opoira for. •J th~' ·1•t1. u tlon :ri1·oj a t w t 111 h r sC"Ollllll( :11<1~ · ~0.0111 ll bn i'~18ilre1
t a1<1ke t irnc1n , t,o t.h1· ?<'lll'tl"' Civil Con~~ol Adl.lliri atr1 ti cm, 12)1 1hrko
S ·re,.t, SM Fr~cioco , Callt.' orn e. .


a~e. ty-two hoi~T• aft r t l,e compl M on o tb.e vaoul!I.~ ion pf ll '
up!.(rv4 ppr ot' li!M.Oh
'l , t.ho Control Sta~ i tin liBMl<i;:er llXld th
•p ~ t d
·-.•tlr;y lnvCJlv a n t he Vf'IC:~ltl.Hon p:roj o~ wl11 ~· orv1&1l'd. t lir1>ugh balr
Oivl ll
illill\11d :t.e c-.. ,erio:n , a r epol!' i ot1v1Jrh~#.{ h h aotiio a in OC•flllllo U on ~rHh 11\lch
tibey d c it-Cl ·t.o m.eke11 *o the
' ro~eo wilt):! s'\Jr1 l'f!dcni111t111d,at:icm"
fl'IW::•1s; i
Wart. m CtTil Control .l\.dmin . atra 1N1 , 12 ~ l'.clllket S r em· , S r. Frl.ll'loi :&oo ,
Oal!for n a. Co io11 o:f t,h ·1·011 tB by th1.11 Civ lhn Ar, nc i es ocrn e;r d. ·~·! th
f.laoh. Vllr.1.a .icm project will be rM~e 11v ilt.b:l.6 t;o trm l!'0di,wi11l S ouil'itr A.ency
tb t.ime ari!I autwi 1.tell t o tbf.l Wtu· Qiv1l Conh o1 Ailm 1l11'11lli'.t111.!on.

llil'.l.nal{eit' et:I" tl1e Asa~m\1ly C111\ o\11
np'(lr opll'.i 1J:t.e l\l'rnr11~,m n a O!lll b11
ga•e or otblJT qu.!.tllll r1 t f onmrd'"
tlil!>OOJ)~ ri Oen.h r ••mo~ be ~d11~

19. Al tno hl Un o c.01~ply wlth th F11.oluslon Ord 't' t1TLd th 1nstnio1don,, i aa d be1 reundei:r aM
Wld d er1 i cm. Al ten md r1on-alicri J t \}ll'ft1 P.111 lilik ,.1111 mubjer.t t,o tt)ll
111ulrjeot t o 1mm diot l!.JIJ•lt' l11!H!!'l
nrov>11d ~ arch 21 , 1942, rmt1 l lld, 1'An .Ac to
p ool es profdd o. ~r flJbli~ 1111'1 No. 1,c.13, 'l'Jib Congr u,
; • r ot ion or wi ll n eBpect to P ra ns F1nterh1 , .El~'l'\t\in n 4.n,
Provide I\ P11:ritlHy f?r Violmilc;
In ? ~Ht11'l-y .A.teas or Zones" , Scic:to11 OoD1J.Dillld1•rB 'l!fl l mff.k suita l e ·rovi& on11
11l!•W n , or Oo111111lt. ne nll')I k
err tir i I.ling t hit lllfl. r ., be e.H ntlon of the F'-.d .,.l Clv l Aut.ho;r lt.ho fo r !ll'•,Y n oeul&ry !lCI :Ion . Seo ar
t,h11 11t1dm e
Ooo~.d r s a:r• i~u'\. orlr.ecl o al l ~,on t e Fed rn' bur a1 of hvoeti r,taan fo , tle e nf roement
derff rnd ~.m1t;n1o~l0ne.
und for tho ap )'eh nai r1 c.'f ~7 alJ. ns !: 11 i nt{ \.(I c- m ly with publinholl


( 1111.Jned.)

!lv.f•.t\ 'l'. B llllr1t.on
Cn;pt""h A.. G1 JJ,
Auillt \!11\t, Adjuhn


F1.sOA1.i A01Q~ Oll' 1nua l1.h~t'lfll1n


A. r•i , M , ) . 42

I ' ~0 1:1 l~t.i v os
a v ~. u e Pro~orty Dop11 t~on

!F.'telcj Re


I ns t. .t'


t.i o 1 · t', ·


N • 21 •

Con1:Si.derf1Pl r.".onf utl1.on h H · X.i! B S o tl1 . t'n ·f 'jn;i,t i o (') ' '
I:inc;r·y 11 and as tc tho alig . .U.i , or pr opC11 r y wtd c·h m.i c h .
rrn .fj t !J o f , 1 t fJ J'ntl eJ
t Ill · c cfi t l o 1 for thl~
o re
y ft:dl \it .d
iV No . 2 o r a j ned. i11 WOClA rr0 ~ru. F'nB-11.
1:' ,, l'T':l rr1r:J

J,d1 t.l .:-1 .l '1 r 1.'l t r:_, 1
tril J a ,"j" au' l·101r j


1. .


or 'l 'edo n
I l' f o J :Low 1r.\ g


i rn:

m r·:~ rn i~.r y an 0qu1 ·,n n'l. J ri 'll ll ~· r.nJ.h,f., · i bl of tHrn
DLl l Jc ct to di.·, s:i. t. l cm o:r
J. ;··ei rrn 01 era ions 9ht.H.
ct1r·o -ur at•r he su.r rvioio n of tl(l lr13rn ~;ocuri ,~r dtini~
a r•a i om.
1, 11

t.lon n:f' no,) i 11r1ry
O. r t. o l 8 t; t or
at l ve o. o1' 1 o F u•111
.r· t1 r r s
'tl is ha k w. h c d er · t o t..uch

he pr o'


'l'lt:l c1

' ·

<l t .1 Fl F111 l'n:I ~; ( Ul' .,
t r." 1i r1 tl 1Pl'rl by tho



-~3if' Of:l

o a · · a h Ci ·vi

lH!:1s.1.1'i.C'1~f.:· on o'f rrnc1h n0 .tn r·y tH
11111e th · r lt. j 13 th t.:rr
rcrn n.rdi
fl f nll .y .. 1 ~s .
· is

q ali J'y~. nc

n i f a:u. ·11 1Ji t
C) u 1 pm pt w:1i c
ion o f t;'arm r~qu p ,r• 1 'w\li 11 b 1'(: f o r . l sposl ion y Ll i - bank un r

i1o nl er na·iv · os"


on WCCA Form

F~ B -4 .




f 1~ 0E1tAL RE s B'R:vF. 13.A:N 1c. (~ ,,.. s~'N r~r~AN ~1 s c o
F) soAI. AQlllNI' QP rrtLlll UN•irtoa S~'.1'1~ i

A:r1.r;tl ll , J.942

Fie. d Re~r sentat1vos
roperty D par
. tJk3JlU TI


OMP LA'l'IOI OF ll\ F'OlThl.A'l' ON H,b:I, '1''lV 1 '1'0 nE ..... l~XAM! ATl O ·r 011'
. !Ln, RY Al: 1 S A l U ZONES

ir1)1Jcw:tng ic~ the t x.t · of' t.t mor.10 Eirtdl.Un d.-ntoa pa:iil 8, 194.r. , t'rot:1
Golcrn l Kuri:1 l lL Bencic'tc.wn, A us i~t.£~ n t Chi ei' c,lf,' f;t,ef't 1 Otv JJ, AL'f'u~ 'f tl
D vt1'j.on , Wei,~'t.ern D ferwe Cm fl'lt.m~ !ill d Fot.1.r~J" Atmy , x lnt ir1r_ to tho
e1 bov
oub j e t :

"l .

On ·te ossumntton thut


he mo

or or dos l cn$ti nc

i l i Hry

a.rona and zr;M~
cue t'Dl' o nL :l.11 i nc study 01 u h 1
her·1· v~ilJ
bo no an et t.y for tJ CJ fut t f' olEJl"j !.'1 t.1t ;Lon , cc>r'l'<".JotloJ1 u <1 ox · n-

s.lon O:f' :ilitary J,1: 0 . s , 1.)11.d JHUtioulnr l ;,· .Pr o!tlv:l'L.od ~on1'.l
l' H.i ~~ ~ 0 ' r () . h i '
t b i
1" 0 0 l al u t. ,l..J JJ :') l : 0 • .1. ' I r J' l 0 ;> I
io do ..Li· ea t htt 11 001 nrnl tn iorrn, dc1 i:c1 1 fU.o sj einCJ Jnf orr
bEEi.r1 n1~ u pon 1.1i t1 :..i1.1 ;J o·t bo r.1,030:1b l d for Jw J1uJ;1 po ~3e
rmc~ tlw u t err~l~mi it, 1o l of' 6t (.7'o rw:i;•u l . oli oy in · l'l1 · r ec,crcl.




1", e Majal' a.r t o.f tt10 intr o mnt1.on €~ Va 1J a bl, c
t, j on "1l
opp .r in tt~ o ' O!ld,encio ond wl'j t



A, t~~J
i 1t

!.lt 1.0·1
~ tu,i:y

~n .td1ti oonn o . -

n ;wnd.A -·

·t iono tlmt. hnve r c a t hi s Mvi d.on , · ~ hor <tfrect or. by
ransr1 ttal f.t ori Headquf1rtc~rs '~E:Jst rn Def ·r.t· e Oommand encl Fourth
A1·my . In addi ti o
o l. a mr.J t, rial ilrnt lws fJlr et y b on r. rnt~ ·r b. eel , i
io trnaurned that ttuir e llll' oleo oa.rnr1un! otiono so11 · tc1 el

hr ou.ghout. i


ivis1on \L .t,oh ht.Vil beien r o ei n od by v1~ 1·i ots

ions f or lock of tnf0rmetion e o t o ~h~r tloy ohould be tor~
uu:·de d or f or th pur oso o:r J .cmdl.Ln c dc.1 ltio ~l rn ~·1; Ofs er rr od
b:1 th ~ x·e .1 n no t J~o l 1 eel to t l'l o st bj ot mo tt ·,.r ~~ f 11.1. a m io,t .


I 'is d.l.r oo oc. ·110 n.11 PJuch oom'il nicut.io11s , datu , !':tJe$
rn1 .i nformat.ion rore r ed to ho r e t of ore t:ece .v c;1 d, e f' E,.r · eC\ to
OtP 1t E11n. 'I11'uman • You ' , 'Room •120 , to T'GV h lJim not l n t ox·
Friday, A rll 10 , 19 2, ond tl Et sl il er d1raposttloh e odo of
ouch Materia l r ·a ive in th e futur e.
,3 .

Any noci;es t ns or i den
thn 11'COi1. .orso .1el may have o.
1, JH' n. a L .o r of l o re t djut1 rnon of ~i!i ). 1 ti ry 01· t.. ... ,
Oh1. b i ed and
rCJstr:i.ct .d zo co , \ib.i c 1 r.iay i nv0 oc.currct'I to hin by l.' '.;J 0011 c .
rinrt i
'lc1i i u atlv tic:ifl of .ho DLv:Udot1 , Ol~ t!1r.. t, !"lay .r. vr.;
b1:er rJorir-:. nioa e5 to hit 0 1rr~l l y i'rort outniuo :w ·co~ , \1.ill b
>l ice :t r '1.· trn f orn of n 11v1 1 j. t t. crn :nc.:rtor cmd un ·f! ft r .r.• cHi o
Capt&ir Youn t; Vii tn ho irn !:P100ifi1.d 1 the fore( oi r;: . 11

tr ·






SAN I1uN01sc o

J)SCAJ,. AOENT OP IJ\IJEI U~l'l1lill> li)'l""l'E $

.i\pril 10 , 19i 2

Field R prase1~~ jv ~
lo~ty Do par

Ev a-a Pr6

R :f'eN~ncJe is lnll.d t o Inmlru 1..:Lon l. ~t • .1•1.1 No . 4 (Sp c:Lail Blcio ~ cl
PropCJrt,,y) t~n No . a (E'lt ot' 'Fr'oez nc Ooi ~rol) .
\i have . very r l'lae>n to utll 1. va 111' · evil':'u&t.
tl.J,'Ci!lB -will bQ ar.riC1~l forw l'd in
00.upa.1~ t.ivel,v shooc· ti.ine • . 1iliq.i 1 t i t·
j.ncli.oA. (~ 1~hn · t.h \ ll 1
'.l. u .· o '\ 1-!J er ., ly l\ci it tc
wl an u• p..1r•..
t ,y p1.•o\1lorr10 l1avo bMn n t. &1foo or ~1;.Ly a.cljliat.P.(i prJ.,01• to rwt,·l c o:f' 1 V!H1U~•

n.t.ion .

Vie therofor o u:r1:" t.hfl



Vl\cuec:i in yo r a.:r a t.o t,foe end · h
1y pl'.'obJ,e1nm 'Lh~IY rn111y h v •



o madu t o cont. ct pot..or1t ..i.
o r.u1y prape1•-

f .fort.

t. 1 solut..lon lie l'ound

We 'ivisll o re .t.orate that · 't. is our rut)pOrn;i.iliU:.\.t.y to o a t he~t
tlflmon t s at· onr!'i 1 t.ri.rotJth on Lrn ~q u m.hl \;ail'J •· . l t i1::1 110

uffic .1 n (t.e .r• ly t. o dvii· ~h
vt cu
to ao t, .1 ~l'in afl~ rm or ocirwul
bh or tUtor s . fol.l !Jt ould , in each in tnnic o, go auft':Lc.d.e1'l ly "to Llt
ia.i.11.'J of the problem to a t .s!'y y 1.ll' 111e t F. t.b tl cl1 ·N1.oter of 'tJ o
~ir obl 111 and the1 follow t. hro\lf.:h,l you h . 'II
d j ,n:i,t..o knowleti e ~ 1 1l(~t.


haM reached a satisfactory aonclue1on .

Vfo fur Iler re t1u at tha yciu r" vit~w ;rour int :rvj, 'VI f ilo4'J a.11d ,
in .ln~ta!'lc · 1r w ·1ich d vic wa"~ · 1VCJ'n but, yo\! d1Jt Mt koow the final cH s -µosi ion , you endea vot' o contac tlrn vacu
and lei\ n frorn hirn the
r•i:i.rmlts of l i ,e :r fort.~ . This wiL1. thEm mi.blc yo11 t o u:orn,pl te yfJ ~· f:l.le .
Your r eport,s 1md


co rdtl s au. d ful:Ly s<:1t forth a compl.e

h story "r the (~O that 1.n fu't11r · ne f'.Lle will rof1.eot :ful,l y t h1)
rwoble>m pr aen.1..ed and t.b i!lol• lior a r rived ~t. Hemembtn· , und c1uht dly
ctrn s wUl bo .found 111 l'l :fut.uire in wl1iet1 w sh 11 be call d upon to dore i~d our a.ct..i.ontJ .
Tha. · we have no t. had ,r•efer red tc:J

s mol'f. critical


r •i •. nes
G ttin(J
c.los t () i.h
roblems pr esenle , a nd h int t. horcn.i~, h encur,h in
hefr imr' $it, t~ati ams . Vil of com·se clc;, not welcome the use ()f t.lw fl:'eezi.r r, power ; n v r h l ss , stch powor i si avail.a le and , ta previotl.s~. y ins ·r o d 1 you should .>r omptly c@n ct th ofi'ic · of t>h · F doral }' l!l:irv
Bank of run Fr1.:1.rt> i you zon . f i · $ u~e s e111s dos · r bl •

a. quei!l ion in our minds as t.o whether field r p.r" sentn.t 1ves .ir




])~ .l•U(. OP SANl'RA.N ClSCO
Ftscw,. AOl!lNT QI' 11f U:~~'l'IU). STJitrlll$


Ap.r. ..1 l , 1942



oon Ativo1

.. a 'P 1 0 e;r, t.y Ot')IJ'l'lli'11mon

SUBJ"E: /11 :


J ADVA mlll dll' OONTBOl.. l~lm
!a'V ACVA rot O'P~RA'.PIO rs

s o.J~ag



orv t sion ni'

thi11 bonk will no·· be provi
fn:r· va u ·,es uncl · .t.' p1•es n
1s ,
:f'oro oont.i:'ollo ovn urtton or t:ro '1 t.Hl h. a . e , . t
h~ re-001~n1.~od that .m,any pr ;pc lc1:tl diff'iculties will b
1nvolvey,id ,
. 1· i Ul£~r 1. y
n tti
tro.l a:r ats , in E!ln:·nr1 1 #N~ fci:r the
.ink u ~1nCJ i;Jtor1~g of · 110 pr:.-i e tl·u of . ve ua a dur~ng 'tJ.1e
ah rt time avallob l o in any i
unt1on oporB · io~ .

J'.z: v:lev of thl.s f'act w o.. e oncnurar t n;; ovaou · cH 1
.r elim1.nar y o t oro1.; or onro .l nta eo f1.1r os htJ y :01c1y
01~.r·e to t~O so 1:1t. hel r own ri sl' a d 011 'Ll oi..t owr~ 11u o nt ,
\l'J i~ 1 n 111 'I/~ owercl heivlt c th ir
·o or 100 c1 ipoo ! ' r] 11 som
no.n nl locnt .l on in •uoh ur "o f 11 r1. icl t.l1oy ccrn ('J p1o'-"e:-d
u .• { Hl o ·ore
by us ni t.h
1.'1f•• '"Jf 0V p o11a iall .
11;1 rcrn; 01 1Je1:1
t• v J cnocrn n ·o <~o ooi ~ nc t;l oi .r ""top or ti e nt. t l nil.' a vn church
/.:j:'J1.,0 0iut:i.or
.t'e:'li1:H9D wi ,h tLJ
0 je o' V(~ in V ' W..
t otu.rell ..
it v11 l. l h " n Goo!.rnc ry c,1 , the .J c l o ~uol ( vc1 oun t.i on opel"fl ton
ni·n n~art.(:;ld 1. c:., J'oc;iue!:'lt v rn u ,ee ~o t1Jl:o acJClit, L:nol t;l' u : i.11

·t o m.a k

id l"l
'Ll e11

f.yin g t.l·i:r propc~rtJ0 3 by inc ord
n pre> l' 00 td l.t .1 on .f' or r; t. o or.;e ,

w J1 ·



Clo hcu·111inei l)lnce

It js bcili e vo<'I
l D
8,· t
i' t X'O ·t D D.f \'JV! OlWQS
r erve d wllQ.rev r
l e;, o::n Ttlakc rr · J r j Mll'Y 1.i1 J"DI c;o·.1onts

• ia Cha.tac ,e;r.

Plenue tnfo ,rin rn n

f3nd r r yoJ

or a .

• C•


s, 1u .. i on you propoeie ' o

ri::OJ!!R.Aif.. ReSERV,e 6ANK. 0 1P SAN FRANClSCO
PtsoAI., "°¥~ ~' Tlll:ll UmT11» StcA.ns

lflv u o ue

Hoprea,ntat . v~s
P p ·,rt t Do !Hl

t.rnen ·


Tho t ollowin ' ie a rov1s ·d

vn Ctr 1)19 'W ioll tM


use int


'm~r ht'iH:1



of Asa mbly Oon

re for

to n ta ively d.o 'te1~rn~ nod wil,l



ro .r1m:


:1 r~A

uya 1 lu11



Yl!!ki no



Go d c n







cu· ~ lC11.d





nc r


Llvr took

i..:~po 1i1 •

t 1o



San B1·uno
Sa Ol'8!i Jl o

DLook on
Tiu oor.:



Mere eel



P n d alo

9,,n 11 J\ni · o Hn c Tl'
'Iur :f'Ol.'£'. fl HM e ruc1·




l'hoen ix



l ot
v1~no .1l
.'ol.r G,t· ol nus
so ' s! 19 I.: :;o , ~r . .1.4JS. 1
n . 41~ • , L. ~ JJ . ~~ • , c~ 0u t.
i1c S . of Ma ry evl lo
ll' t:Jd l~ 0:T' l')\.1I d ~
Fell.i.:· Gro nd,t-i

Fnil' 0J'Otindri!

Fair Grounds
s ~ 0 • 32 I 'l~ • 12 s . ,

Foir O otm

8 v hi al sho Ul bo di regarded .

:· . 2 OE • ,


Fair G:rciunds

CCC Cave Cr ck Canp

This s perscdos In truation l e t c.u:·

. Jo.


·,~1 nl.l1;,.1·~0

M. • B. & M.




J..mryrJv111 e

Nec~ ~r



~o .

Cem ,

13 and l\.o Ol'lrndu.n



1~1s~ A.Uv;Nl'OP~~ UNrTEl1P STA.1'1S

Fj G .d h' "IJ'CHtrl1.. £lt.1v1.1 s
lWf:tC'IU e rl'optJJ.'ty De 1~ 1·trn_ .. nt.

A.S i.Jllt~L


f:'\tJD1TJDO'J I



!l's .ru e J on J .t.or Mo . 17 ,
h1.)Vif.d.on No , 1 .

0 1h1' ~ HS



:n•v \ !'if.l~

H ui,


<;;J:JOldby c: r

c11~1::i l!lreof!\ 1i~ !lic:h "}
Army h11J~1 Ntr.1 Vlvely d1:i~Cl"t.Li d ~·11 .
t er mm in thG eve10 atd.on p.t'C>(', l'.' ·m1

te.r11.1 :r~i\t'

vn1rt ..

be rNnU~ib1· ·

-l.c r·• Uon

:·~E.U 1 ·lo!1
f'uy '~~ l l.1p


Yuk Imo


P nr ,l 1u '





G,round ~j

1.~...- in : {):Jl

'1 1[,

Puc • .lnt:. LI

:tc 1

• 1a'?

vc.~1 to<}<

_.. "'1u ,· l L.t crn
0 n lj P.!.lll~..
Al ·1cl fr1


Sein Jr·uno

·~~11'" 1


Gtoc:k t.on
J.1t1rysv i1 le

·r .u ·

o "k

Tu1ru· ·
1.1 31 cd
F're .Jr o






Pi J eclalt>


SEll 1.i es
Lono l 1ii




C.i.Hlr~ An jt ,t.~

rEnf orq

. ~ l·(O rL1,tu



~ee k

· .'u1) ul'(~C'J Adv a 1 ocl



F 1:1 i :r ri l c' 1uH3 a
30 0 I 9 :

19 ( ,. 0 I

'I' • 1 11 ) ,

n. n~ . , r . . B. ~. '. . , a o ,


one mll12 S. o!' M~ 1··y~nUlo
Fai.r 'rD\,r na!
F'a~. J:• Gtnunds
Fe '\ i · nrot nd.13
l!. . ~i r G 1·a1~11J s
Sec . .3?. , '1' . 28 ., .R.::>O .~ q
.: • D •.tl •
. .1 .
Foi.r Gro nds
~... f1 :r Groun s


va Creok Cam

CCC l.1 yor C' rip




11'.,.cuu. AC'f/Em' OF rm.Ill V~ITED S~TJQ Si

Field Ro~ta. Bn'u 1vas
Bvmouea ltoperty DepQrtment


00Ll ,WOTlOl1 I!J Jll!l~Wru.J 1 lDU 1i
l.i!D'.11'£l 'ill
0 , 14.

1". 'JOH)ID 'l'() !l1S']qUO'J1IOJl


In Ux e 5 o!' the lnat 1 uru .• reph of tho m£,m.ornndurn ,
xro:nn FH13· io 11t:mt1.011tHl. 'rhls uho .J.t.I bo ~ OCA J•o ·1
Fl, 3. -:; . l'h o :; r1'touot1 ·d,U. t] n oo - " At thi a po n , e.11 the
numbers appea:r~n g <'In IJOOA Jl'v ,('111 Jl'J'\B -3 ahould b
~he ked , •••• • ii




]l'1s~"'t. Mlil'N1' OJI 'l'Hl1J t1.Nt11QD s·iwl'lll

A, ri

F1 old


reaenta ivos

4 , 1942

lD\rtu~1uee !P.t•opo,1,• ty .De pc\:t"trn,ont


Ili\ st.oc·\.10 tiion ~~)tteir ~~o ~

i..5 .

INFCiR!liJ.A'L1ION AVA'.tLABLE '11v Tl·:E J?Ul~l~l'.OI

We hovo ~r vioumly vtr es d that intormation
cert ai n d in Xn Atruotion Le era la of a oonfid~ntiol
nature , how var~ lnforcat l on con ljned in ~ int e
:C oras w 1oh a e ul 01 y bo ·w. llS t.1Cl Lr~ Ci vil Control
Dto · i o11a , 1r; in Urn hcu1tlFJ 01' U

diocus s fraaly ouch inf Qrmation


public nnd you

o ~n



a1ned thmrein ,
w~~ tr1 por.no11s i,n '~ or io t tl. i.l'l t1 h~ sub,jewt . 'l'he ln ut.r·uot io l
Lcttu0 orei f or yoi.1r r.:iwn :fur~ho r r.uidnncio ill ai1eb. cH$oua 1:1 :l on s •
Th$ .rocram of atorinc mo er voh1o l ae , furn1~
tuio , oto., ha be n es ablisbed and althoueh we w111
not 11ve se rvice almne theao lines until tho p•r 1ou1ar
ar ~e i s to be evacuated, you may ~evarthelesw inform

evacu es that r1u h service(~ will b


/j/p-,'Y'{~l--LAus istant Coahler .

Fll$i.:w. A<lt::

OP 1n~



Hep,ro a r1t 1:.1 ti vo s

o '.Prop




.y D · .P rtm' ~1t

tblL Oli' \1110H Vc.H.tO.J ' .r~~cn. · 1rRii.111 .lO .~ 'F'OB , vv'CCA
FORM Fim-3 AND ' 0111 ..r. 1.:N'r .\-rnG1 H1.,1 l .'O Ol:J 0 1·;rn.o .
v::.1110 .E , " O.i .11 0 r.. 11·1a1 •• •



Ar · rn lnsing 1 f or yollr info.rrn

'!on nnly .

0.1; our r pr f'·· n1,r~ .\'ve9
E\ meonran um pr po:rod t.\w th
i n Cl'Vil Oo ntr o l. .., ~ ions, eEit 1 bl.iahcd ():r Ci be wtc:tbliaho
, tbrou ~ boµ ·

the mi li DIJ nrea .

b l! Gl'\11':\l U\ I\ th 0 information iurni b d 1c
ot1tnin · d ir tti e two
h t
tu1d um1 tr1 rretl1 .r wl
plotu • nf th
fo ·ms rafirn ti one a. , wi 11 give y u

h11l m


mann·r in wti oh th e progr n 1e pr gro sing , ins
uio ()f v · ti lea ut• <."OilC6 nod,




p~;t/z,~)'·1..-aais an
Errnlo sure G

Oaah l r


w ,h,


OF M0 1l'Ol


FOJ 11.


Vti.t lCL}i, Hl.. GI ;)'J,'li NI'iON


1• '


co .

R',.1Cl·1Sl)JJ ;t: Lilc,;i., . c.i 'f'l ON F MOTOn
:E !1s.•. 4 .


4u ll942



v. m:o.r..E,


6n (O py . f e h Of the 0 fprms lhnuld be give n to the
va · ua on hi a r rot vinit, ln rder th t n~ ml h ~tudy th m
P!no kn . h<ri oo ni,un s · x·o f .

I~~ n....Jd~~""7S· r; ~uj 1; j :t
.fhi ~ . ,e tnt,c:ir V h

vmbi ole 1


l Ro· j(s :raU. n a r ·U'! nt · . for· t hf'
ttod 1t thn Oivil C ntr ol J n lon end ehoul
bo oh ·' <'J k c ·o oeo tt1A. · he ownoi• ' s ~l(p'lf:'I uro pf>'.1 T!i

t be

imm cU t .'Y
an th .ii 1•uv rso.

~ CG 1




J.rm· ms ]' ·(B- )

J'wl"I M ,. ,

at mu h rnrm sh ould bo pr pa1

n . nU 1

ll"· i).,.,4 .f;) t11"juld b e D 1~ p l1


wi .h t,h

Hn . iA , ' A


o to


et thin


etho:n• :tn s



n 0 rt.11'1 1-1 t . (1 , and

i U · 1 · oe~c.·qroly cm
. V&i o u
~i wh a. r t,
1don1/1 fi , H 1on
. t · ri . . p t: rtl us o f' t ho rn ot or v u cl , ~ ho 1.1 l d be l o d 1 n nn
· nv o l ope rn M:rnd oc.~ o Ile , v uoe a t 111 &1 Jm , ~d. h in ot

t i) brl



tt\ 86 doc umCtl. S t o th e d El i Ct'lfl t ti

pnln Bt he p r ~ p B r tim '•
ow oftl e dnp1 e s .

Th e third so

!.Jun;r ~illVE JW .






uhoul d be r et aln d

2 . \ ;:oll...-~ci1TI.Yl

o UP
l.f J urn a i vo i.~r. • 2 bas b
r. .th.Q. 1£.1!.Q.1 wnex:· of i H~ ot or v oh1 lei, ho
pr 1 s nt, h O·nor ohlp C r H'i c' A e , cluly nd o :r s d (J1.n · s l nd 2 Ml
sb ul a b a o hed o to
Own eri:i l1i Oo rti f j
l' · V rs ) and t..l
T!H• ndor! emontsmu st e
o t' vvCOJ ll'or n l"l 1:1-} a nd F'HB-4 .
:>f':fi . s
ns ribe d ()n . e f "l.c~ o f th f orm.
"':1rn. ot l y (te e rn n ' bf) n~m


l1 "'j:.

ll t

If' 1H t, r ~' · j,v N ~. 2 b t~ ~l b e n "l o t d M1 the va u
bo OwneT' s h. p Cc.u.' 1.lf' ~.r: of ,hfJ mo t. o.r v eh~o J. e ,
tdnc; in ·J:c l'v rnds o f' th lei ,al oiiv n r, wi l l r'lb'Vi ously n()' bi

.:tll& l!.e..!11

c1• a .U ·1



WAR.TIME ClVJL CJONT~ot ~l'.>1\1lNJS"f·k4"l'lON

San F•••nd#Co1 CaUfot~~I



llv11coc~ wiU ript hlj prl'mit ~d liq ia.~v. ih~ rn~C4J -.i~i~ ~ f :Pf.IOI.I tltlfAt ra.
No ll~unq1ce w iale\'cr cal) ~ " II'. 1' t.h~t. 'iV" ~ wlll, ~ ~llllh~ ~t ~-e f"t~rt 'lQ'U!I
have tl!C m~tpi; vcl1 d&!.11 DQW PWf~:l 11~ LMm ~Jt\I~~ ~QJr ~'ht.Ir I 'WlW"haa~ 111~1

The UnJtecl $L•tQ; Army


¥i r.u~~~~ W i,~,4~~f\. ~Q 1~IW.fl! ~r ~1111-ie\es


d. 191~ " q.C,}~1,111'- "'"90!1Cd o(
vll,Cy~t.lcin, me4t>t v. hiQI s m;iy l>ei
1 l?rlQX; \Q
b~ the owlllt:t pdvat..:ly, VJ~th I flPVt;.nw;1,c r•tlll•rf.ic1 q (If a•t~nce.

oa SALilJ

'rhe oth r ;i.l1e rn11tJ\lu ~If l\Cl/1ted to die v11cu~t · bo
\11,hkl ~re aa fblloW• 1

()W111 •


Al1cr11111lv11 I · 'J'o ~ellv1111 lie •iliu1· v l~l!D UY it. dnnwl 'flit'ttr~e: ~1.111~
cl( Sart F11111 olm>, .a• J1/1rr11l /\!(tn rAi d1r lJ 1rJ~d li1.a11~.(cir 11tit1111 1.1. ~II
owr1e.t'1 rMr , wltha1.1t lni111r11n , : wlilc4 H(11.-J1~ will, In 141<.¢ 1~~. hci
1n open 11rcu (11~ A11embly Ct1lti!1'Mor uther dt1l11n ted p11eri) ind
nlurrt of rieoess1ty be of a chanat~r w)1 rh will 11 1bfe<'~ motor vchi~lfla co
Aller1111tlv~ 2. 1'

(lll'~r lilil 10 t('jr v •ft d~ for "le to l!hc U nlted

(11Uowlng ha.b 1

"rhe motor 'Vehj le will he '·flfl'l'Rl"cd hy two dl1!ntcre1tr.d apr,ral•ct.1
~1id, In Its dl1crr.1.l!m und nt lt1 option, thl' Anny may buy th~ n1(j)tor
Vt hkle ll the !lpf)rtll•Cd Jlrlcc wh ich uh.11 nut, l10W vtr, tl'.l.'ccd thti 8)ue
Bor.ilr whofoaaJe vnfo"' in the l.:1 alky wlw.rc ~he j)urch at<; I• t.dt1.1ummatad,

A. tf tftc r.114'!1100 I~ NOT rh ~ I al 011nur of tllf moro~ 11rl1ick,
In ord l'r to arran~e for a 111,I t.r1 the Arm y, he 111u~r prue-nL to the Ped•
t-ral Reserve n11ok of Sn.n ) lnmci~co, ns iuul .A1:e:11t C1f th e United
Stat 1 , ~t the Olvil Cornrnl Stptlun, fll ' au1·h r. t:iicr pince u may be
directed, Lne following :
t. Rcjilistrnticrr1 ar rtlfi anuc, duly chuor11ed


the rcvrr!IC hcr~o l , duly ~lg11ed and wltnese d.

uch other authorl~al Ion arid attslJrun ae aa may be required hy

the Pedcral R.coerve Bank of
United Statca

un Pra11d sco, aa 'f'i8aal Agent

lni;ludfld In the lcrm " motor vthlclt." are the followlng 1
I. Pammger c11rt, 11,µit and mcdlul!l . Ii nvy P•.t11engcr ClJ,r In cm'.l r
th e purr. h~~~J:jl·e i;,lllego must ht ola~1l•d II" "m1•clJ111n ",
u Lhe Army 11 l'i<:it autl'idri~ud' t:!.I 1>1Jl'ah~de any ''h~Avy'' jit1M!cr1grr rim,

t.!\ c!Oltlc W thin


l , Motorcyolt•.

Jt • not intended to Include within the t.erm '11 motor vchlcl " thos

l.)NlTED ST A.TlflS



R. 'Dus1e11 and trnc:h of ~11 tytit•, lnclud nfC plqli · up knd d1i11very,1101 arid lr1u.1tura, IM1udl11fl 1e1nl•tn1alr tra~ra.


'2 . 1'hc ~ri:r~emc-nt

ll, If Lhe ~lla~ll•~ i'4S, ~1i~ I~~ 1t1\llntr fl'f lf11 ·,riM01 voli1ol~, lim J~u~r.
iii addltl1111 to ~hti (01"e1JCJl11~, r11'c1llnt l~c ow~ ratlip c11nllic•tt", d11ly


a more or 11H r-pld d11tcdor•tfon.
81.11.e; on the

1rt&C61 fball <the ~,ir•d lithiii' ilcl ~ t.he evacute ha• o•'
•W ~fi!I
the ril~l·~ of &n~ C!Jf;d.ii.O·Q ~ r1.prM11e-. !ir rqo.a)!klre, JUI Jlftivldbtl by I w,
wnJ nQt br ~11Ated l'IY ~lie alllcodian <1( th~ mQUJ1 vehlcl~.



J.n cue the evucuec i11 not thr ler11I D'Wn!'r, it mullt be dlear'ly 1,1nder·
fll,ood tlult if the ind~htcdn tH ~iirun1t the motC1r vcihfolc is equal to or.

illllf•Jropelled motor vr:hlclca aultcd only (or farm operation.
In !'he event ~hH the *ale of a~


'1td1kle is not co1npl(tu1J f; r
Sap PranoJ fl, AB Fl1C'al
A •rnt (,( the United Stat.!'", actln1 fot· ar.d u agrnt •JI the tv11£ucr,
ret.ervcs the right to at-Ore Allch mocor vehiclt at ttA t ownct'a I' sk, a~
above stt forth , or to tn~ke uuch oth~r di,1101ltlon of 1uol1 motor vchicl~
KS n111,v, In itfi MOie dJ1ar~tion, up·p ur to be jUHl and equitAhlt, lncJlndlng
1.hc Ti •ht to pet\rn{t the leg/ll 01&<nr,r of 1uc}i nti>IOt vehicle lo ! hi
legal n icou ne for rt> pOHlila~ion or 'otlwwllill.
npp ~ars riot fea~ lbl c, ~he ll1:dcra.l 'R.1m1'll1 Ban.I( tlf

lt le in!;!lndcd Lhat the abwe rroced11rt wll1 ,prr:ivlde1 feu1'ble m~an~
of protecting tht int:ere1ta of C'\•&cueea in their motor vt1l1fol", wlt'ho1Jt
prtjudfoe t(l th e lntern•t1 of other• themn, and thus will i lrect nn qnl•
lahle dl~po Jtion o! 1uch p1•opcrty.


A•r••m•nt l•o'at1"l~1 Dl1po1ltfon of Moto' V•t-lcl•
'rHlS lS ~ro E~ Tl.PY th


the un~fora g11ed hu8 re ,d arid ui:1d rat· od t~1e Jt t·mc•
tio1u Clo ti~ t'e\ier~ )1tirt:of regi\( 111 the dJ po JLJ(ln of thl.' l·notl ~ v l1 rlc dcscrl~d un
WQOA Jltm~1 PRIM, [tel l:lil 1•t~avh~a ~ieK11tc;1 a11d i(lcorgtQl''1~ ti by 1'i' ~fe11c:ei Ii re(n U
t<hla A~f!! ltflllllt I~ *'~·~lldj wtrkh the 111de1'1~(lllllcl l1a111 II gtlr.\d QOncutr~nt1y t1~11q ( h.

$t1ild ina1ri.i~;tlQp1' ~ncl tht.1$(i n the te\/~rlie c1f WGOA ~tltl'l'l M\fH ~re 11 pi\tli cit ~h!9


'rh.J uridrul~t:11id d11a re• Ito dis~ of tl1e 11f<1f1r..11jlld nH tot• v111hi 1~ aocnrd{hg 1lri
.Alteri ntJw No. -·- ··"- llef forth tin !lie J'CV rse het'eof, and tequ~ l8 the lit1.'ki:'al Reserve
Ht\hk of 811n :£1r,1neiJ o, a l'iscal A ent of th l fhlt,.c'.I t e~. to net. n co~d t ly, H t.lic.
aooompli hrnllJ'lt of the l(lttn111t.ivc t,ercln lk\lcc;tccl app •·1~8 to 1ll.i Hank, Ir\ 11'1 .st1l111' d 8f
crct.lun, imJ"1t11~ibl e ru:'lllCJL ' l'.ll!lihl 1 lllllcl Bank. Is 11uLhodzl"u tt rnttk $Li ch oLhl"r di$p<>Woh
<If an(i~I mt;rl.m vehicle 1u ~t clem1s ~~o!ier.
Sidd rTl<)tor \•e.hld ia (,lelh1cr .d Lo ~1ud 'Bank t1c t41c !W)le ris~ l)f t11~ 1i1nclcro gn d, ~ncl
\·t ~ 11~Ne<l tl11'1it no H11hi1Jty or 1't-:&p>Q1\t.1\lliJlty 6'h111l p,~~1cl1 to .al~ Ilho~ for any ;H!f. (1rc.1111is'
slcm Jn o 1\nc 1.lon wM1 th ti ndl 11g <>(~~/cl ~notci1· \10hide I'll' dJ~rx~s.uloJl M lhe rit~1ceccls

'I11 in~r lgMct f\trtl~cr a~~,;~, upon di:rni~ri \, t.o r~imbi,us.c tlie Ft'(.h:1·al H1~11alrvll
Dar\k of San Ft11ncL o, Pl11ett.1 A~1~n1. of th Unit,~! Str1tcs, Ir' ·(ull for 1~Jl hnq~ce b1 d
ox 1 ·ri 11!8 inct1 rr1J<l In conncctJor~ w tj1 tl1 di p s\ticm of said motor 'Y1!1hklc, and n1.1tlu.H'fli 'a
nnd Instruct.Ii e11ld ll~ink to d ·cluot ft1tn the Pl'f.X1 eds of t'bc ttr~lc nf ,Llcl m(lt.< r vehicle.
r•Jl)' of n1J h expen11e hm1m:d.












.................... · · -



f ......... _ _ _




- .. _ . . . i .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""'" .... ~~---1


'l"li$~ A,C)i!tNT '1' 'hllll UHl'l'Jll:P S'U'raS

4. 1 .1 94 2

1 1d R·pr s nt ntivec
;v.n ouee P1· p l'ty D pArtment
,\SS:i:t ni.Y. o..::wrlflH G
rolJo ~ i ns


Inrn r uotion Lott cv

~c .J3

i s a list af , eaernbl7 do n ors for v r i auo

n;r '·u::i i.r1 l ·. 11 t~J: y :r. e 1 ~~c:> . 1 wll1 01· tllcb , r my h f:ls · c.~ ltf1. tiv~ ly act ll 1r d w. l. l h o av•l1 .1\lb.l.o fo!r' U B 1~ ill t.h a C) O fl tl~Ol l. <~rl 1v o. u1'1'!.io.n


1'1 :

lo oo
U 100

11' li l ' 'J.r• )ll n 1l I
''J ·!1 !,\ o V 1u•d no . r

'l'upµo 1. 1 otJ

Jn .1...1 v -.JE~ n c ){' 'Lxpn-

•.11 ti.OJ'!

f21:J.1'Q1' 1 '~

.r o1)Q a

1 _500 0

3 C;t' '1U t U t o

J t ook 'Cll'l
[,~[ y t Vi.I. le

Turlo k
'rul e r e
ero d
P1 ned S1 lr3
S ll ir1 f'l3

oe 'X'N.1Pk

5 000


}r 'Hl r Gr cm nd r.i
.:..i«J ' .. . 19 it .?0 , T. 14 . ,
H. 4J . I H . D. l3 . & H. , 0 b OU .


]'~a ir


'f!' ir 0N) Unt- S
Jl1 ni r Cr· ound t~



, ~ nit f~ !\.

Wol l u r ~ o






one mil

Adv fn ed D po ,

3, of

Oro unc a

ry sv il e

11'•1 ir Or oumls
Su ri . }2, 'l' . l2 S ., H. 20E .,
I , f ,J3 , & ~ ~ .
Fu ir ro und~'
F ,d. r ,;r- o und,f.l

I n mos, oa f.leo. · r\llas in the Jo Sf.lem:b 1y Cent e ro wil l pc
eivail l.!lb le !'or th parki ng of mo tor v e hicles n owner ' s ri Uk un da r
C •rd pr.o v1d od by tl1i e bank ; in ot.hor o r. ea J. rnm y be r: trn oss11;ry
f o:r us t o nrr nge f o, a.u omobilc at or age spnoe.
cont 111pl

Tho gon r 1 proc e dure in t he ov ouotio n pl a n At

hi! timo

es ub l . ..,J ;ri nt o. Civil Con. r i:>l Ce nt 0rs a.!ii v 1 ·vos
at 'he ar9 s t o bo dr9 ined , as t oso areas or · r eached , 1 h R
vi •w tow r
p7.· occe nt; t ie ev o t.u~ e. o.t t b!lt .i o nt , in. c ludinf~ m ·ki ng
a::rrange-:ier1 , f..'l f'or d.i s po s it i on of th e ir prop irt 'i. · , 1.rn.d the.n d:l.r,il c t-·

1ng tl e evAau eo t o
se t tle:;:ne n a re a~ .


fose mbly Ceutor for

r an portHt ion t o r e -

e n - r 1 prog:r,am wiJ...l vary in s ecif ic 1n r:i t r;;1 n ces 1 but

the ge n r e . outllne

Ji s b·en detorrn n•d


; s 1st ·nt O

~ hier



]i).611CAL AOllIWI' 01" '1'11H UNl ~b STA"\"RS

A l':l.l 4 I 1942


Re~ . uaon


a iv

Pro· ar ty D


re rt. nont

Iri s .t uatio1

l ot't.(u

Jo ~


stJUJEOT 1 STORAGl~ 0 fr l 11!1 "J0~1AL J~HOPEHTY AND TFCl'Nl'MEIN"!' OF 1!0TOR Vl'IIT!OLl~ . I

Wo n

crnoJ..osi rw,


;tt•otu· 1nfortnati ri the f ollowtocn

l?(,u aonal l'ropo.iity Form (WOOA - Fo,r n lrH . ~ ... ?. )
Fo:r:m Frra--3 )
M,o t o.r Vohiolc~ l l e(~is t: ru ton Jrori:n (WOOA

~Ph<.rno ·orms are i.ntel1d d for 1se l.n co rrneo \lon with aont
U 01 1p0ra ·ions ir1. ~1 1'H l'l are1~ no 1vl1 uat.ion oo ur s , They

warded to you in order tha you muy bo arprjsed
followed int t9 onn · ot o •



Pf<..01'..lfilil'.Y.2:QJ{M ( !CC A _::


v 0umr e fo 1•o
f · h ~ 1rao edur

10.ij\LEJ~O .... ~J..

T'hh' ro:r10. is 11·c)vlQo r.i Civll Oo:nt1•ol 0 n rs l~y 1rea. rol
y · J) OfH'ln t fAt i v - s to por1 it (JJVIJ·m rnes t.o in.cliot·1tc1 ll~
S otJrity
auhst1:rn' 1nl
.h0uo hold ;'lU"11 1.turP.11 on(l otho r' perfJCnal prop«~l' .y of
na ·ure , or~t d art i ala a nd lnv en orloo of acoe ptr blo m~rahandiea
, vno u ·o r}' OfH1SEH1 to s o1'· w1th u~ ~ '.r o
o erl:,• crnt.c d , l i c)h i.l
0r No . 11~
of t tn form is dlsounnoa in ln ot uotion 1

• s j tnr:liof.l.t e d., l1ie birnJ: \Ji,J l 6rr1.r nco wor h o ur:10 fnoi1i tJ.oo
vac.rn . : trn
of' fJ.ropo1 '! wllloh 11
n ownfH 1s r!.ali:. for tJo i.. bovo typ
oh U7"c1a
1 Q CJV H C f.I t.

l ·i th:\.' t,) on , F~.e1d Ho re.r:Pntn tv co C:ll'.' E r quos .od tci
invoot~lcn t e wer~.houe,i 1 c f l OJ.l i. i. · 1:.1 tn tJ1(;l'! :i:· J.' cp o t.j vc n.T'Glf'H! to
·ten ~od f' rt ocrn . 'l h
<lo ' or.l1.11e viha" · tOJ'C f. C viiU b
uso of exl in c
Ar~y hes re uootod that we
1 vate \Wl'0 · h t ~e cndoa\ror o obtrd n fac l.15 1 13 rot n w
muse f i,ct i 'lt::o 1 htl
n UfJe or ho u eio of wl lc h ·~o JJ d no l.Jc on t o re t; d f'or l'(;£ lar
s o:ra 1.. o
r ;iooes .

onsid rlne s oroco fAo111t1e$ , it ·hould b


borno in

rnind h£it unlood\r1e fnoUi ti.o n sucl a,, door a c;10 slloti.ld be ac eQ.L c
in ox'df:lr' o m1nirni.ze tl1 nocicl for tyinr. u nl:tr'!l rous V' 1us nncl ruoks
et the warehc use point th r o lt~h bo tlem.. ol< o.r


.t .

As not only Illus , we orrEU1fo fo1· s t or e e ut tor pi .. kup or
goods as ~ all , Fi ld Repr-sent Li voa ar e also requ stod to axil re
~1 . J locol drayag oo n ies oesible a rraneoments f ort m to p'ck
up prop r y rxom vertouo ad rei:Hie J , ovi git o and oto rin: n
storego loo otion as may 'b e o oin~d at wh1oti p .., i t Ol r re >re -

,.--~--i 3J. , J

so tati ves will check jt in an

Ruerd the coode .

~oo~ atives
EV F.J OVC'> '.P~· operty lJo i~.rt,1ent

Fiuld lo


'\~ 1.l;' 1 l

No . 12.
POf;,{,;l ?. •

4 ~ l 94 ?. !

SU qJ ~orr : S'1' 0HAOE 0 r P.t!1l1 1 ONA!,, J'if<OP.&JH'.l'Y AND 'l'H..2A1'MJ..:trr OF UO'J1on V'EtidJ~ES
i:i1 Q1u10 m 1t.o , 011J' p;v
o:(' ,IC.l .13.' SUl'VO:'f •

T OO\ll !I

.U. \J n i:wy i nv

MOI'OJ.Lllilll9l·!.~L.i:ors' ,'RAJ:tQ.1tl'..~


J. r.~i

i on


L ( UOQ.~.Jtym~1


c:i 1rn uo


J!.~-:2 )

'.r'lio .roa.·r is f'ol u:1e 1n mmeolLion w tll t.h1P ohl ic.~ti. cn
pl c..ced cin J1l n ban}r t.o rn l"'o Fi.r.·rancomeirl' " f or tl11::1 ::it.o r < ) of.' r uoh
n ot.0r vc.i 1io1<H? aa ov· t~ou.rJ uo rm;/ <lcu11r•o '.o l oo~ l n Ntr e n •o i. o 1 Jl a. · ~ o.i;· c~ co n1, tl c~ r.'isk cd' t l .. ev c1ouoo . I t. L ... ,CJ cod t,hc1t. thJ ~
Uo1 ·ol Cle tot ~ ou );o i·oi e Oiv
r~ 0 0:1 1. o cc a
· :i1T~ srci ll
lan oon I )1E:11;eo tho1. thr.1 forr1 v1 l U b J p:L' optu · d
sonta 1vr.:s . Th
f.ro1r. ho roe~~. ·1 t• nt.1 on oertJ fj ce o n.nd. 1 · E 1 t.i f io '1't l on r ; qf' ttw

avoauoe , 1n







Tho aateila or

th ~

uoo o' th

o ltrntl'uot on IJr~ tto .r.

form will

l :l o 1nte ndml l10 1~ s .rnaoe will. be p.rovide o.t .n1Hw 1 1..i~. y
C · tor 11 or oth13:r. lo<HHl wri:.1.011 tn y be <losignutod lvto.r r or• s·~ox·ae.o
· y this bank t t11at poll t.

Enol cs .r





• .,...... f< ...



,~ .,.·-·-·-~


.......~-·-·-·~- .....


..,._ ,.,.,



Nu... -·--·

. .-.. . . . (#rn~,
..... ..IT
""" I



.. ,



._........,.11 ....,..-·..


..t -

.,,.. ~., ....- _,..,



(111 ~Tl I

(CIT'\' J

'l'ht pl t>fll"('l,y dQ~crHml Qll 1bc rever•c .Jdc u[ thh ruun h·~at~d ot d11 n1ldr1q1 glv " aho u I dtiliv r~d tu l'hll Jludnal l\e•rl'\'t l\ hk or 81w
Jlr.u1e co, ~- J1J a~I /\1111111 ti( uhc UnlL~d St11\t1I• at th anlc rl1k ur th und 1·Rl11n11d. It • h1Jl't1•d t1CJ llnbll ty c•r 1e~11m1slhillty 1h;1ll he 11"~umr1.l
by t\\t Pt•dri•:;I n1imvc ll~n~ cif San l'r~l'ldnc'll for 11 ~1)' 11rt ut 0 1t1ii fvfl hi u11 11 C(lcm wM1 ju dl•p1•alt1t1l11 h J, undrt bDC!d ~lw n~ lr1811r11noe
will b pnl\lld cl pn Ll.18 pror1rrLy.

l t.t.11l!M'rll~ , -··· --·------·--·-··--··-~

Nv( w o,.,,, . , DO NOT Wllfl'B SEL




ft1cu1 • 1111~1ratlt\g

rio the

r:1.we~~e •Ide of ~hil form .!\ave hn~r1 plao

cl ln •tiol•uqe ab

~he plaoe lndla11t~d b low wlnh lht. 111,c~ ptlp r1


Lhmc iirn11 •P~of.Gq~lly ll'ldlti~~ed 0 11 tho rever~c Ide of this fo~111 u1 lt>und, dti ll(it dc:illve~e,d 1~0 the \mdfrPlgned rc.11~e8e111"t.lvD e1f ~he llt•
l\t 1~r\lc TI~11k of S«n flr~n~I o, Aft 'Pi#ckl .A,gr11 1. ()I the lfoltrd 8111(~~. t>I ·~I'll!\ hrlri lr ur th~ prt~per ty{'e for nwmgt. 'Tiu: ~~med (~p lll911re h.l~ntW d

rin l)'

~a to

Lhc rn1rr1hrr C)f lt,n1111, crniea, N


1tnd not "s t•o

th~ c<mtu'l i~

tl1 r rr(1f.

f<.tpYctftfltlng Jhe F~~er11I R.~•1:r1Je Bdn~ 11J Sa'tl F'l'~!•d• rr• ,
w l<l:~ca l Agctnt of the VrUud State,, ,

'""'-·-. -·. --- ··--- _. ...,

__ ·---- ·-- -

... ...........


-·--·---~··-· -~ -- ·- -·-


______.. _.. ____

_. ,.,..

B •fore 11ny 11 opUt)l' Will be aC'ccpt:ed for ~wrng~ by the Uniud
f.tatoe C:ovr1nrn nt four (4) aorilr~ ol this form m\1fit be filled tin 11~
rr t urned to bhe Ol\•ll Collitol Stntlon at which yn11 rt·g!Atcrtd for
rvuc1latl0 n. On the hnc1' o-f euoh copy the ltcm• to be ltft for alMQllf
muiL be ~a rrfu l ly liot d..h m1 n t 011 the prlnt1•d Hst ahould ht: wl'ltlrn
in llh • blunk H1'11 tc provided on thi• form .
Stnall article~ musL be securely ~a e11rnd ln cra~ee or boxes 011 not lru
than two (l) cubic feet cn.p11cit)' and will be Jndi<!ft't(ld al111ply u to
rnunber of ho es, no 11.Ltnmpl befog made co it~m u 011 I.his form the
artlcleR therei" . An c atca and boi1:es must be p~oked and
ratrt~ncd . P.aah box, crate, or l tic.le !llWll he ld ern.li6~d with tags obtained
frmn the Civil Control St11.tlor1.

No loose bundles of clothe•; llnf'n&, 11t11n1n8, or nthrr small or un •
tantliil ho1111t1hold itrmli "'11 be •cceptcd for Ktorar~c . Fai m 11rod u ~ "
n m11clilnt1·y, rl~tomohllcs, hnd, 11,1~~hodc , (Jr tJet.a ln\1st. not br.• li<;trd
ns pc rao11d pmprlty on this form.

A ftl'lr all


of the for'!ll have heel\ filled in and rt1turn .d



Olvil C'.ontrol Station, i'>nfl aopy, cihechd fo~ f;\OnfounJty wlth lhc ot llllr
thr ~' wnt be )livc11 ~o tb ~ owner of the tH'opcrty. The cnpy drllw ri•d
to the owner wlll be cvldentle rnc tely Lhnt other wplca of 1l111i lum hn vo
b ~ rn dtllvercd, At \\\ ~ ~ime the p~ nrr rn 11~t. lr,nve l'hl'i key~ f1i Lh ~ rl•rr
wl re Lhc prnpfrly It ~ M found, or mnke nrrangemcnLa 'Ld dvlivc r
lccy w the r~preiknt~tlve of L1e 1'Uvijo11e Property 'Dcparw~~nt of ~h1·
Fcder"l Reserve Bank o.f San Jlranclaoo before l ~nv{J,g tht. ~r a o r hi"
T~e copy dcHvertd to the owner mer.ily !'howa the humber of ltr1na,
hoxr.5, ancil c rutc~ which the owner claim11 h e has prdJl&r<'d for ttor11.gc .
lt <lt>cll not oonNl!ltutt 1111 a11rr.rd invc-ntory. lt ,doe~ 1101 cr,mi<titutr a
vrriiied liet. It dnet not conR~icutc 1,ny cvid enoe of the mun her oi item~
actually soored ar of the c:iont.entt u{ bo11:c , crat~ or pnc k~i:r s, \lr rllk11·
lion of th~ ir1,111nLory H' of lttmt a.ctu~11y tmed wnl lie made 111 vtoro ~r
iii llCCl•mT'll~hed A 'V~rlficd ll~t will t·htn be 'fln'Wa1'dcd to uhe owhcr.

'l'Fat copy of tf1e lid moU~d 111 tl1t ow~1.,r ,.,ilf 1tn•e <11 a permm11m/
J't(itml """ 1lt01.Zd '1t ctnt/ull~ 11rtur¥tld by him,




--r-·- -

. . . . . . . . . . . , . _ _ .. _ _ oft


·--- ...- .

..... ---Mf!IMI• . •obl•~~-

fl til! !• ,.~,. !'l"'"'



== _;.:,

...._ ...__._.,._. ,.•'~~t_~•ua

..i,.. . 1 ...._

' • • j j -_.,...-.,...,
_, --:---.






_.__._. ____,....... .

,..~t e







~;~ ·

. ·- -

_! t1l1l!!,!1n~~~

____ __ __
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·---1---· . .
,,, ""'

.,. ___ J:.d!_•





•• - - - - - -

............._,_,_ .._...,,,.__...,,_.

,,_.....,,__,,, --·-w-..,...~---+-----·____,... __ .,____

__ ..____ .. ..Tnll,Jo, ~.!!!,~.!L~

!t!.~'-·-L•W• m•'fllr

11t ·-----.. - - - - - .... """-


__ __ __

- ..- -. - · ..~---.

.. ~I!.!·,!!!...._ ... ·--· -----~ ·--..· -


- - - · ..:r' ~~lf!~ ··~ tt11~·-·
- - - - - ·-· ,,~11! 11 , ..ii~rtt;;--


... --·.--.-.-...1"'6

.., .....

----·-·-- .!'!e I•!!..._ ,,....._....,
'1't~l • 1


···--- .!'.~!.!!!!!!

81".~'"' !lltflll

··~i~ 1,;j__:=·:~




------ __..


U{~;w~I;..- - - -.....

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u'!!'i .._.. ___..,.,_ ....._ __:t..,_



____ -------·-~-·

r!~~..:. !~''' ·----+
11!_ •.


l'•r•h 2

"''"'"' ••1111111
l11w ln1

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111uhljj t



~---·~-- "~ ·.~}..~~~,~---·.....
...,...,..,. l•h•!


....- .....__....




- - - -.!J·~V1uwUm 1111,."11r

----i.tiuor- -........--___
--...---- --...-.-_.,__


W ~• -


W~•n1n1 ni• q~t~·


DIN 'I N'6


t ..·- - ....-~..

H the prope..rty lierein d1tir{led to h:we l;icen de1 iver~d. ni~d whlc:h R(,'tl,lally was d ·l•h•crcd 1s !Gist, damagt.d, er d e~tro»ed
a11 L. c: result of negl(gcn1.1t: wh11e it 1 Jn the JXlS.~lOI) <'1' C'\1stody f the United Stalie-,, or of any agent.y acting for lt,
the Cong'rl,':;IS of th.e United States will be asked t:o take approprittte aotion for t,h · benefit of thie owne(8.

•··t ......... ~ .. -·~


'4a~o ol

!l ilat.cred < wnet--

----·--1-•----·- -·



Nnn1et·1 L gal \wr1·r(Hcllffcn·nt ) .. -~

-----·~--~----- l'amily Nun\ber_

·--'--------·~·- .

--·----.-...---·-- ---·


Addre of L ~al
l~1cc nt11: Nun h
M~ I







I!n~lh N\lmbcr . -------•- ~· - · - -·

c ( Vc.h clc

A. coorit: (Jmlicate tt11111bar

Serial Nu111h r •.. - - - · -·--·


vehic le ) :

.....,.. ..... ~

_ ......... •·


... .. -

..... •tlol

T}lp of VQb1c:.le. ,__..._,,

p;irc "fir (s) ,_ ~·

J11Jg Light (s) ... ._..w





.. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _


R mark111


, -. , ...... -....

... ,.,.,. I



"'"'+1 ..


...i.-.... ... _ ..




The mo~t1r ~\ h c:I · d~.$c dhbd in thi orm 11 d Uvered ti~ the Ftu~rai R.:e~l"t'Vt' B;rn'k of S 11 Frun sco. a~ PIH 111 Aiir nc
of i1hc United Stn s1 nt the 11ole ~1 k of the u11derslgncd. It. is agre ·d thnc no Hnhlllty or 1 sponR1hllity .ludl be n. \1med
hy the ccl ral R crv Dllnk of Sao F~a
':o fq~ a11y ' t ur ini11,1foo l11 c.:mqecMon wit~ it. Jlsp
rlc 11. lt is unde1'$tood
t'h11.t np in urrtnce will f • pr(l'I klod .Ill t.h.11 P!"QflCl\ty.

Witn RB .a .
ll l:ltc.ratea

'i n turc of


Pl e of Delivery
Receipt of the ve.hld dee nbed nbove Js hercb)•

~cknow lt·dg


llt.:;....,_.,._ __

1 eprtsentri~g tihe P~dc;al R.;~e~e Ba;~·-~f Sa-11 Frrai·1 ~isco,
Fisaa,I Agent <Jf the Vniud States.

t.oragc at•--·-------

ln1truetlon• to Owner
To he 11 cepl d for Atomg blf thr: U1dted State$ GluvL1r un ·nt, tl1e
11 1r1t 11~ vehid tn1.11lt be ii' p1oper ru1111fog ord r,

The prno1 ckw°l for re1sleterfog ~d st, ring 11 motor v hlclc ls ;1s folk1wN 1
(••) The tat· Molml' Vchlal Rieglstrnttcm Oi:itiftc;~(fl fcir this
vr.hfolr. h1l1a!- hr. subn i.Lt.m1 11.t tbc Civil Oont·rnl 8tatlo11,
pi of lhi f(~no (FRD·3) w 11 tlicu be pfep, red.
11 11d tlir
(b} Two oopl B c f thl form, t' g thcr with th Rrglllt rntiori
II c evacuee or hls rct;:ntfon
·· 1 llfie111e, 1 ill I 1m11uc<l t
until nrrlval at tlrn de !gt1t1Lcd As9 rnbl y .•cn t·r. T h thirtl
opy ~Il l b rtta(n•u nt the Oiv1.I Ooimol &tul'km.
(1; )

Th 1:v,1CUl!!C will hl~ ~!vcn 11n id~ntlfl c lifon !; whi h he
wi.11 tic \~ urcly t· ~h ~r~rh1,(,I 1\lfDlll'"tui' of 1'1 ·, 11'\ 1•i'or


On arriva l nt thi;I ~~ ·m ly O.mtrr the e~ ncucm w(ll
demi ,R ~e.rvc :B11nk
dcllvor tc> tl1c rC']'I' ·~l~n l,,~1lve of the
!Jlf Sun I 1J,' Lhc. ~wv t'Opl~ f I his farm, \fie llcgliv
tri~li\ •li Cc4ti!ira te, and th e key$ t< the v litcl ·.

(c:~ '1fhc r •pMscntittlve of the Ftthal R.cllc.l'V D. nit of Sari
llran ll!C:u will rh ck nll rnmil'l('r {l0 the fonn nr\d jf round
to he cone t wiU IL kriowlt•dge rec Jpt nf the mot.or vchk lc
hy slttnlng one copy of the fot·m rmd J llvcrin)l it to the
1f t.l1c rn t@r vehicle dcsc nkd ln lhi ful'm ia le t, diun;q~cd, or lest roycd
rLI the m11.1lc <'£ ticg1Jge 11 .c wliil it Is ln the p< llSC!lSfo11 or cuet.cidy of ·t.hc
l ln tcd St 11tcft, or ttny aw·ncy L'itin' ( r it, the C ngr of the Unltecl
• 1~1 t ., •111 hl' h<l t~· l:uke 11ppvl pt•li1tr for the bt·neflt o ( the,

})&<li\1. AGENT 01' 'nlB 1JNiftl> S~'l'KS

Arr 11 3,

F e ld RoJtes ntativo a
1' n
co Pro rio:t•t,y JJo pf rtmrnt
SUrJ.Tl£C11 :

~4 2

No. 11.

In struction lotL u

USE Oli' FrJmo ·~AL rr !'Ji,RT'l FORMS I WOCfl. FHB- 2.

We ura onclosi1r 1 for your lnfornotion only , a
t1emorenclum p rep ~red f or t o US('J of ou r I'CT>.r so:nt.u 1 voa ir
the fir s, WCCA offi ce •o tobllshed 1n San Franciocd .
You will observ e that we havo outli1 d a method
of proceduro lri tb 1rop(1N1tion o;f'.' 1Jho han l~nc;. of' he
Form , in which we h vo cono into quite some d tail .
I ·~

doen no


c saa r11y follow tll a t el J ou so -

quent otf coo will use the acme procedure , as oond1t1onF
oamo , nnd
ir v ri ous lo etio a obviously will not b t
wiJl .r eult in nmci dtng


i me to tl1 c.

roocidur c t'ro:n



) .I/ -/,), .
. '
t I ,,/'/


Enclosu re


"7 /

'1 1'/


Assist n1 t Onehior.


.J-'\. ,.~

Hln 1lOR.A.iml.T11l
SUllJJll C'~i



:Pe:r1HHl,al :E'l'O:.(>


J'r.u"m ( V1'00A 'Fllll-?)

' o Fir~, Vio~t


n.1. ll w
oe ot'f.1 Em, "..ict o Jil n ~, ..1. 1 'b
1te.Hv of the lfocllll•e,1. Seer i•it:r ..\1j t.ilioy ~~ auahl
r1f1'1oep, ai.ti Uuii ti.1~ h ~' :Q . 1~• etli .:n d, It 1.a beli.eivo
lu the "I i IJ ~·v.otio11u to O\\'ner" i'ot th
n\tiPO o:r th . 'orm .re colrr,?l1 1 fu1 r solf~1


ow :f'o:rmo wUl bo
ta V QU ~ by th

~d C

aX;:pl~ W

.r ti 'f>t"'

tOllJ' •

h c.wa.o\l~o ahou.ld takti ~ oo 1i~H1 oi' he l~ Nn to hh pl,...c
oo m,vlot,i on , i,1101\t i 'n a t.l':ia ''P eiiroon~l PT'o~1 1H1 t v t JV$l1 ttlr 1• 1,1ri1t, 11

·bh o i'ortn.
Ev1 au, Jo 1

of r b iiano !or
Uw rov~ir1?1e of

Soc.onc1. ViaH

~--- .. - _ _ . . . . . . . _

_ _ ooo(

1 oop1011 of ha forrn l oul d bo rat\irril'J to t.h :~vE\ mioo P1"0)ert ~· r ·pref"\
wl o shou.ld oh,cioh: tht1 m for (~O.tfol'm it~r, c\oliv13:rl, ::i e,: o · o op:' to t.ho evaci 1H1
for hia veccrd .
t ~1.t! 1

!t ahoul,d, 'be
pl.i;i, ici 't l1 0 VM\ll;Jl!I ti t t .u ti 1.10 1 tlHv\l ti~' p:r(,1riut not
iwl ded i •1 th Iw i tor~' Mat will M'h e t tik 11 fr•orn ibhe r l!'.fl i dt:ldle at the tj.1. e
t \tit ha other i tema aro r1ui1ov'eid t ber · 1'rom. For 6Xl'lmp. i

I:f' et mtove , ro:f~ig 13 rator or •r ot er item h tou.ncl ~t the pl~c$ of rB11d, .. oOI ru1c1 i1 no1l inoltl.df)cl ori th@ hvcmtor ,: 1,iiat, tt wiU b t} f\smwn , d. tha.t
1t · m l>olong to tho la11d.lorc'l. 01· t :mt ;proper nrrn gornontio h av~ boon mnd~
fi1n100 aom •n~ 1 or other poraon, for their diepoaitio~ .

~9_0~!~!.tt;!~~_E')l"\a.~i t ~·

I · s 'l.ould 'be ex:i;il.ainec1 t o th ovbicuee tht t f.111 o\~·o ~ i terns li1 titooo to b·
a oired with \\a , should be c1. i~H Ol'\,lechtl nd that wherover po aeib l ei , good.a sh oula
be cr~t e c for their :p ro t (wtio ~1 , aa 1110 clo 10 aaau.m
i/ ~en:po11111ib:tlit 'f £or 'Pr~o.k:­

ll·'A ,

etc .

~he evapua
sl 01.tld. then, bo ~~ lvcm a 1n.tffi c i~ ii.t '\W11ber 0.1.' S tG r&t;o T r\r.~s ( \~COA
Fol'Tl !'' , bo ir ine.; in rnind Ht it,_ l ti.mes t i
the nuh1berr o: \1 :1.e(HH> i : tl ilA~ted
:1.n tha o-:>l'Ut!U a 'r1 r ovidod ;for th11t ·i.1ur ·:ioea on tha I ,wG1ntor: I1ist . \·•oulc .1ot n cee a ;;~ril" 11·1~i1 OQ e th nUJ!\bor of tt\ga 1H.10d1.11d , Fc>r ,1xom;)l o i

fo r.1ovii1g and etcir111g o. g r!ll.l\6 '» , the t hr . e lcign 1u· :re1.)oved t .ereifror:i ,
he r for<J , c ~r 1u1Cl mi ght i·oq: •fre 4 etoro.g;e t ags , '.l'Ji lceMho , f:\ bad w1.ll
cO " of the headboar d , i'ootbonr c\ , id.e railo , ala.ts , oprin a 1 11cl ma r e cia ,
n.11d coi1 seq\1,1n1tly 1·10\Lld req".i:r e F. t leinat 6 tagm . The 01tora. .r,e t £ o lJlllSit 'be ~H~lll.­
pl.i:;· od b~· tha avacue , givi.ll{~ th o frunHy 11L1.rno, Fa.m1l1• :·io. a.n cl i11dic.ati g
of 7io of ie'l3U&l oe. i . e ., Sa:n l!':l." .

At thh U 1.wi a,rra.ngementa li'l\l.Elt be me.d.o ao t b t t .be furi1itu:r e move1·0 ,~1 U
nccou · o l, e :p:roparty , U he k ~·111 to tl e pr eniae~ nx·e delival'e d o u,u,
Wl\i shoillrl il1'ort1\ Vrt 1 rr> . which \'/a.B not clrc\.W'1 for thi
:? rpr1ae
'bu.t wl ich will uff1ce u.nt 11 such a fcirm has 'baem J?il.'Bpare d. Tha ava.cuee 1
Fami1" ~io . ru oulc be shown on this form , a.a •el l an his ieuu a.tic\ ad .
moat tr.r)">r t tmt , the name and. as of th.a , etson t :i w 0111 t. e lce;r al'a to be
. ed. afte r the :f.'urni ture ha be~n rem v d. from ths praI'il.uer . If hu k: y i9
rot d.eli •1:i1"et\ o u111 he avacucrn r~\lst ind ca.ta on the 'f'onn, tho na.r.10 ~ d a

o f ~h~ ) eJ.·son holding the koy , 'W'l)o fllUll

bo lGott od in thG immod vllcinlty ,

- p ...

!;:~~l~ ~l!....!DJJ..~ot i jp..,!
'l1h.e fh. ,1CJ\y o~· \VOOJI, 1l'o.r111 :B'fl.13..? hou:ld 'b~ cleli v X' a. 'to 'llh. pc:rl\O tl d(!)S ~
i(~i .t.l.hd, nl!J a, poo1rd,tne1,t or for t"lo v r Ml.a rtl·':l i\11.1'\I oono rna , Wllo 'vill 'bul~ri QE~r
th.B fu.rnttui~e fro in thi :rioi ~1 t o t e iine tt t\t j.t, is l),o1~'1lJ ll" lleUvo:r
wa1• ho\:i..t:ia . llhe 1J flt:io14ci oo-py will 'be. pll!lc d wit l1 oth :r aimHf r ~:o~'jllti , rri!qlf" d
n'\!IJ1it\l.'li oli\lJ 1, .• m1c d, l voracl t o uu r 'rO]!l' g(l .-1 tE1.~ivu a.t thci W!\l'~l o o . 'l',ht1 t ·iir('\
oop;y ohou r be :i:- ti ':I.nod 'hr our r l'X'1rnont1\tivL11 1n t.he WOOA off1 ca B, Li. ii nui~ r .~
i~~ll y a~~a~·ed r le .

Pl!)~,1 V01'l .5!.L~nl t~ .!J..J!tt:.,...O~~ll_
/i.rl.ftc 'l.B'~nmn't~ hav boen madlb w1.~ ~ tho fullit\~ !) mo•ti •'i~ peoz'lH no onl~' to
Cf.l.l"fll of. t h oa:rtr..i.g!l hu.t f.\lSCi tG ii rai!l · rly ~tlil.o. bi tu1 'l. t . u~re .11 tli · 'il1r.1re -.
:rhe :r fO:J.'O. w wi'll not rooed, )i, t o the riv r of ·t £.'I Vl\11 1 for j\u~ ni 1ur
Ji outHJ .
of:f tl~e t !'•i l-£~1'\.h , but n 1.t.l1iJr will 11~1Jr.o ou:r ohaoic o:r th1b :I .iva: to;··~ 1~ tha i'uj1'Tl1 tu.r id atao 'ca d..




0::-i t e In•tantory, 1r,\m6itl.iahl:v :fol101•rin · tl-ie d acri ·~ ti otJ of ho
ntio'.Lo , th < movit\{.;; pcoplfJ v•ill. 1.nd iofl.t,e , .i n the co:!.wnn hD(l.c".l)c1 '1A.rt.1olf.l11,
nu.10 ,.1 of ,10 ~a wh1 h 11ra bdng dc.11Hvor ed. lt~(l t" ~1Xtl l1l(1li'H
:Pi no 1 Gx·o.n


- 4

Ottr r~pr IH r1t n,t1v<~ , h~ o cikin t,~ t.ha ,,oodm ih't(J th~ itrr t,• hoU tiH n \ 1i.U 1 1~.1~
the m.unber· of ~)heat 1n th oolwro1 llReo ' d. 11, whi.oh nhoula oo•r r iHJ}'(.111'\.d •i t h
fO\t' l :>i• ovi !"lei 'b• th e
1 llEIJ't~d. 11~ thl!l movr.1u.i 1 a11t\ \V i•rill roc:oi pt on
' .R c. ' d" , '6ttheir,
move rs ftir .ha 'ttl>tal ri.wnbo:r
t ;wn the numb r of p ~. CJ0 1H1 indioat eel il1 h e C'Ol.umri h in.d1~d fl 'u.111,.1q.· of 1J1 u es 11 •

Aftoir th Pertrnne.l. Prope r y lnvFJi1tory Ma t. hn~ beo;.1 c.hec'.~' 1 th cl: cl:or
will reta.1.n th lht iJ.nt\\.l the ei:id, o:f t h du~ , or $Omt1 ot !wr co.\.V .1hn tL.e ,
tc> be it<3Hvm-·ed to ou.r r pt>!la ~ t E\tilva a.t th \· Oo of:i.'i c . •
:@eJOt\.'\l$ Of th(ll pOOllibil t y t llb\t /11. e:rant n'\l(ll'l;H,,'r Of it .TR1'1 1 pA.:i'i', ~Q\llfLl'l ,11
,r (ll frig() :rn.t. 01· 0, h f\ v not lneen com;l e t 1: 1'l, for , H,nG. it r.1 it '.h t '\.. ir (')l' O "o CJ
ri 1 cecrn~~, to :itamin, thaa e it ems :fo So:: ftjl ioa ., etc ., Li co11•1Jr:'1 ;lon \':\,th
r:laima .fr om tho fin.anc OCH ._, n.n~em , wo have r t Gd t hn t; 1.i t oriiw thu f,ill."o th ~'
11 1 tu.;.·e, ref:r' r~ ora. orr; bo }laced n.s cloril e to iie 1 i lt1 Ml ;?oaoiM.o ,
will b r ore r e dUy .

Aft r ·th · :forniti.U"'e h o bee,· p ro1:ic~r .l y l'it o:r'3cl , rocei·,t od for o t ho l ovmra ,
eit c . , c<.~ple of WOCA Form li!ffi-~~ will be :r _t u rn d. to tho l•iH 1.ti 0 f:fi c;.e of tho
:Uvoc.u. t~e P1•o·po rty )',)a!J~.rtm nt for )l'O"• r d.iotri t ti on to t rn tor 'B.ol.001.• tio11
Author it ~· Ptnd tht1 evacu. .e ,