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1ul.y 1 t U-42 A:Pl'-lfC/l!.. 'I c.Pr ,. t "P '" ,_,.. (I P' :J s ~ · 1 'f Ii ::r ., <!, c..P t J..I ) t:. 'I' I ' Wl 1 1' J- day of l 'i? I p17'· .,....--.-.#--' 1942. n Receipt ot the above eert.ificatee and hereby acknowledged t.hia ,. l'f.5'° 8 ·r- f put ,. or otGr • lll ol • •&11tr t on lranoi•oo, C 1tor1nta.. at D 'fl• on ot n le ati: le 11.t"O te>rHr di t Cl> yC>u bar "1 tb. re at"ratj on. d cartUl oatee o..od Uc n & platH Gil th tollo ~ uto ob1le1• Pl outb l Olltb PJ454b1 P4'•l74?84 rsoelpt ot tbo.e& oarli no 't of tbia l tter . pt. t • !our a H• lJ>t c1 tb plat• • l r by 1 1h ! i;> Q bo ary tru "Y, ort:if fa at.u apd elm o- 1e ad t ht -~..;;..._day l'f/r;'~..,.~...... . . {; u 11 111 e r D r~ c r and t h. b elgn a1gn•cl w ar ion to Of' rtt..tic:l at 140J6. Ch, .c r lreally ha•e t !'ollo tng: H. S-.:2u 1 , Ho . l4 Hi.uct l Gr o ry Oo f . I nou IS ily a rt 1t1 properly I. , C "frolot Town tor no. 32825 1, O. hip 1409?1 .l c. l4"97, Oh rolet Panel 0.11Yer'1• otor ?Jo . 2).31)5 ulo town d .o. otor No . 4)463823 ' ' • D. n • D 25, 1942 th l"O.P to you o by t ~ dur rr1v e1ho11 . lo n ve:r truly w 2. ~~~ ~ 1t nt Ca .bi r WSM11rra1 ELN ., ·I· I ~ I ) Cl ; P". I~ :() --·--n :=r nit. 1 nci sco r "' re i r; n ne f9 .11m r 1 8t,h. 1 ot1.~tn,.l ~ to .. I I '1ild 7 t /· n•"iv·lr ·, • 1..l dch 1 r. , eC. ID, ·cM A" l'I CL ;o • ---- H s;;:;Rv1 ... s - -- -- -- - · · ·- _ - _ , _ _ _ _ p,_i ,....., _ _ C,C , tcku)I, ll'ord 8, Sari 1 16·2!~0166, bc•a "'.ng, .F·s8200. S'tate ltee a Ji.\otC1r 1 ea. j.62 ;•2 'truci, stun, cTI11h1°oiet 611 1"'~ f!!ltirHd 9ta:be :Uaewww To'l'll dam, Jfb&"" t:ator l!n,16'' , bevrol.8 t Motor ·U642l, Bua • te l 6i 1~3 7, O&Dll8 oupe, Dodge 6J l 'J37, ,j/i6G1'CJ,-1.2'0~ , Sel"ll\1 x (a) San a.l Jlotor ,Pt>5·2l 876;J, State nae ~l=l!•!S•, } II l j1 Sport Sadan, CM--.rolet 6. 19}6 1 s.i.r al ~ '..k-U-~9~J , 5 · 'Jl.2 Motur " 130.5}50, State 1 cenea 110 00 :::.~ •a· 2 l?!J 00 I I 7 22 ?54.. 'fr'2'7 ea. 170.00 ea. ea, l eti. e • l'.5· •• 2 0 00 l ~' 00 0 18-)2j&,9J, Oo11pe, J'ord 8,, 1936, 3e 111 c mu P,• 2.H il.otor #18-,251~9}, S•e Tou-r1 ng Sedan• Old cbtla 6, Hn, r otor ~/66550, State Uc n 1~'1)61686, St.a.• Coul)O, ord •, 19~0, r1.e.l M'.otor ;?:.\2907 8 68. Steite l1oenoe al. .f.9'£. 6JH 290'71168" 4P 807 1 ea. a. J. a. ea. l ea. 0. - -- - --·- - - _ _ ,__ l,__ __...___.,.....~ - ------- - - - :;..T;;.;/.;;;.tL.___ _.._,_2 , OH CO TO - - - - -= ·- -- --·- . ---- ----~------- - --------·---- ___ R~ccived fr o::i Fed'3ral Reserve Bak of Sa ~ra n ct s co > Fi r.J l"al he Un i ed S t a t e s 1 . ho · oto:r vchi clo:.1 e bov o d i::is cri e d . (Dal e of Deli11cry} ( ) ... r:e:it f ... 2 I 1942 r: • lour:;i v r tr · 1 ier • .. . l.o • GMTiat'f ay :el n -:. .. I L '1'1 l 1:1 J ltnR o.ra, A. si..V Jt ~ i .' 1; 11 ich of l A. ·c1 S CO l'u '• r 1 . r,i,. I t n f:!" D iBCO 'let ifo nln lo,,q'\ h r .~' 1. th l'in t l'IO ' f'?J,- 0 Ol"lR: n. ly •JI ,,...,& .in by r.not.l.t1r rac1Jived t di 'f . r :Dt llou nd ud i •''Y 111 ni' , r.... uf .e. ·n..1 Jn "' l.1 p-:.r I.ii . :. ?f!2!f<44f/((4uc ~cc T•1.L Flt. E Ot-ll.Y W E. !i1Gl4~ 1 '"I , "'; c r,1. i1 o ni 1 r~r 001.J Al R DE I -------- __ ___···-- A TIC.... :J .,... H SLR. -·- ·--·--·-~- rc;s ~-- -- f1 • 0 ft'ole t. 6 1 1 '1}1 t Serl o '32112.Sl, ta~e l.to1n• • · G02 l·lli~,e . rla1 :ao;,-l.~'o'. 'lon Se " • .Cbewoi.. ~ 6 1 l. ~31 a. ~ MU. 8 .at " &lotOI" 6, l,37 Do oup ' -ei8?83 , Sh ta l d.&n , 0 t3 Ol't "' ~5,;o, 1 otor crd 8• l~,6 , '6l.GB6 , 6, bi Sekn, 01.d 'l'o~ , iUo•n 6,4.. l''o• 01ape , rord. ~. liM>tor '07868 , St 1ie I I~ 00 • 2,0- 00 2.28.0C ,... !i8 00 2.So.oo I ~ ?9() 00 • 195 . 00 1!11 I 00 I ' I 2S1 lie n11 f icense /!Jt.P lJ.5 1110. 00 I l !JO 280, 00 1111 • Ill l,j . 00 1 l&t 00 l I I I un. S.rial .. .. 5 •• 1 #'IX '~'' '07868 , 80'7 .... l. l ea. ?S• ___ _______ _- -_-- ----·--. _______ _..; · ---~<.? _____ _...... l t 1766, i i.111. z6o.,oo l en 1'ls-Ji;u''· ~6,5,50, S~au U:>tor l ••• 1 /#711. n •• ~-12• ~63, 6, 1936 5W 7lZ State l a n tal te 11. WcrtOl' P16-)25l9'1). St Oonp 7222!i4t #t'f~2)'7 n l.?O.,CO 1 ·- 'n"O:kt. 2.3 .,l,, I Stet tor II' r1al. -0e1UM J)odge 6, l936 t S.rial l?!cm / '11: 6J2' l.tiC-0.ll l .... I ~-· ............ _ ' !~ ___ ,_ .._ _.._.. AL • 00 uo I oo 15 I 00 _____ . 1\.8ee 1ved fri6ro Fad e r al Reser ve Bank of' San Fra 1 o1 sco , F ".soa l. I _·e L o the v ni t ed St ates , t he mot. or vehi c l es. abo-va desc ibod , (Dote of De J.iv r;, ry} ('l'ular• ) .. it. a 1 • I - . . . 2&,. 19 ClG ,,, 01rl' array :eln tol•• ta • ttft• J / ) ./) t r .U.al1t no lo ( ( o)l Tiatta71~• ,, . t ( 0 !nq ot ' t• ....... OIJ'I L-v<-~ C•• ta!" (!J or t ulo 0 I l'!9W } u ~, l •• • • ,. af tf • • l JJ J7 t , OK'!' o ttay: RH Rece1pt or the ebowe oert f1uate anO plat&!!! nareby e.cilrnowledged this _ __ Department of Motor Vah1 cle a day o~ _ _ _ _ , 19A2. t , r. • • naa~ cant 'CoCA ,0 Ill f .e • .VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM MO 0 · Addr· ~··----- l'a.mily Number__ H. 37 "...! .zo._ :nc~~- _ tcred Ov.·ncr_ Nilme f Re e>f Re i11teroo Ownu_...!!! • It.~Bo~ 209 -Add ---- --·-· of Legal Owner- - . - &m.&S~ri.11.l Licenac Numhcr_ Make of Vehidc Date firc;t Id Dod Engine Numlx:.r _ 011• '1'104 e '6 12-8-30 _....,_._-- -- :50.J.ll:?.47 Number. l 'ypc o! v Jude.- 4 _ Dr Tpu.r ~ed n) A()QC$.110rir ( 1 die 1c11011beron u~lt1deJ ! T ire () 1 - Radio - .1 - · - --------· Other Rcm.1.rks :~ --~---- -~'~ WAIVER The motor vehide described In thl.ii farm i.a d live d tot e Peden.I Rear:ve B rik of San Prw i100, a.s PilcaJ Ager1t of the Urutcd St:• tes. at the e ri&l< of t.he ander&if!lll'd. It is agrer.d that no U bi:llty or responsibility shall be a umcd or omi ·ion jn ©onecl:ion with j~ disposition. lt i1 unden.tood by t~ Federal 1'C!ler\'f Dan.It of San fr.lnci!<:O f er any that oo insurance: will be provi°'>d n.thU pro.pi,m;y. L' - Slgn•wuM~J~~~~ 7--;;~.. Jj RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Plac.e of DeHvefY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- ·- --- Receipt of the vehi le d~!>Gribrd a.bove is hereby acknowledged. . ---~· Reprem1tf1tg 1l1e Federa,I Rc,erve Bat.\ of San Fr1111ci~ o, P1i;cal Agent of the United .,•4te.J _ __ Placed in Storage a ----... - - ------------- _........ ____ ,. ~- ______ - _____ __ -·--..,.._-·-----------·~-.,. _...._.. -.-.. ~--- ----· --·---.. I sfror ~ons to Owner To be aicrert.ed for stor•ge by tht' n.ited State1 Go e:l'n.lllent, the be m proper ru1tning order. rn m~ \' · The prqoc<l\u e 1 ~ r regi~tering and torlng a motor ebid ii a. foll •a· ( ) The St.ate. Motor Vehicle Rr-gistrati:lcm Cen.illcat.c f 1 1l1i~ \•ehicle must he ftlbrnitrttd at the Civil Co tirol Stoitilon, l and three cx.1pie of tlii.s form (FRB· 3 will ther.i be p.rej?lued (b) Two cop1e of this form, togeth r with the: Regiittnticm Certificate, ..,,1.IJ be handed to the ell'acuee for hia rete:11tio11 until arriv I at thr designated A •mbly Center. The t.liird copy w ll be retamcd al t.hc Civil Ornt rol S tlOJJ. (c) The cvac\1ee will Ix- given ~n id 111i.fic:ation ~g ~ hlc:h be the e110 r will tie sccurclr to the sturu1g oippa.r;itu1 °'' vc.hlcle. ntcr the cv c-uce will (d) On arrival at LA .A 111bly di:Hver to the representatiYe of tht Fede1aJ eaerve Bank , the Regleof "an ,_,,ci o the tw cwfoe of t.hia ! t.ra~ n CJcrtiucat.L, and tl1e .k }'8 to t.he vehicle. or San ( e) "me prcscntath•e ()~ cl1e J!edrral RC6erve Jain.k Francisco will che k all numl>rcs on Lhe form ahd if P(IUnd to be correct will aclmowlcdge receipt of the ooob:»r ve:Wcle by signing one copy of t.he. fonn ~sid deUveril•g ]t !Ml the evacuee. lf ti~ th~ rnot.or vehicle deacrlbed 1n this form is lost, da.nnged <>r destroyed IUIJlt of negligence while it is in the posse:s.siori ct outody o{ the United ~f.t's, or any agenC)• acting for it, the Cong•eu of Ilic United Stitca wt11 be asked to take appropriate acti n for lie renefit of tri:t a& owner. ; SE COMMAND A D FOUR H ARM\' !tr" D Cl IL CONTROL ADMl NlSTRA JON S.o franciJco, Califorrua lNSTllUCTIONS TO tVACUEES REGAllDI G QISPOSITION Of MOTOR VEHICLES tV'! ~.a 111 llDI * t mutt tio t.a.lte their m r vehicics to .rcaept.l n n.t era. hoe gi en that wa uee& will be en hied at me fu~ure tiroc ll own d by t.11e.m r tumed for 11 it llUl ld1~11-l u . No a uran ro h11 c t.l)C mot(Jr 1•e id The Umted 1..1.10 Arm)• j fr ro e w1eea. 11u1 hori.:;cd, io i"5 dt5cr tion. to purcha~ molor c-hkles P r to e e11a L1 n, mo vefoclcs may be orod, 1d or oth rv.'iae liisp:\9Cd of h)• tl1c a 'J\Cr pri, .atdy. )th t govunmr.ntal interfere.nee r 1 ALT RNA T l VES OP S greatn than the -.•llue RAGS OR SAL The 111l1~r'Cli pre. rued t J the ''llC\.lrr who Otol'1U a mou:ir 1•eh1cle are a1 (ollow11 Altrrn411 e f. To de-lJ,•er hi1 motOir 1•rlilc:ltto F drral R.l'.'Mlnt :Bank ()f Slln Frur<Ilf(!01 u fir;e1.I II cnt <>f lhe Ullitecl lilies, for n c al thr owner' rJ~ • without 111 rlnc· , l''hlch a(41 a e wJll, Ion molt 111 l&ncet, be io opt11 arcu (at ~'\.i;unbl~· Ctntcn or other ilealgnaud pla~) a11d rnuat ol ne« ity be of a charaet4'r iy,·h.Jch will 1lll>}c mo~ Y hklet Lo a more or lus r•pid dct.crion.tloo. A l1er11111tlttt 2. To offer hi m tor ba1il: chid~ ror aale t«> tot The rnator "chide ill br appn.lud by two diii ntcresttd •ppraillt'.r• ~nd, m iU di1uetir:>n and at 1t opt1011 1 Lhr A r111y l!lay bll)' the motor \•thiclc al Lil e e.pp11.ised pdce which ahan n t. llowe ~r. ncc:ed the Blue Book whplc1oalr value in the IQcality 'll'h(rt th~ 11ur hate h ~iu rmlnated. PURCHASE OP MOTOR V H!CL(jS Bl' THB ~vllcuec hu 1110 e wt , B. If tl1e r1•Muee I 1110 ke111I oumcr of the m111or 11c:Pl1.1le. he 1111m, !() the fol't(lOillg, rmtnl the 0V.'tltf~h1p CC • 6.C:Cllf I duly endorW"d. itl ~ddillOO DBFJ ITJONS AND CONDITIONS Jocluded in the t rm "rnotnr vehicle" ur the f Uowin1: 1. wirnger c;a r~ ligbt and .medium . lit•Y)' passentc r earn io r>rdt-r tl'lme within tile purch1.1able ca.tegory mu•t bt nla ~d a '"medium", at the A rill)' H not aud1ori~crd to purcluac any "heavy'' pa. ht:rt CUI. 1.0 2. Motorcycles, ~. BUSftc:a and truck1 ol all lype1 1 Including pidt•llp aricl d lh•ery trucb; and traatcm, including seml•truak tractor•. It is not intr nde.d to incl ude within Lhe term "me110 1 vebl-tlt" tliolliC &elf-propelled mot.or vehicle• stilled only for farm operatii>ll. UNITED STATES A. If tlir rvocure is NOT 1111 lrglll l'll,111T of the 1nr1t.()f ''thlcle, in ord~r lo a1raoge for a air to the ..-...m,, he rm1tt ~~n.t II> the Ped· cral R CKT\'f Ban lr of San Prand!IW, aJ Pi1o<al .A gent tlir United Stat"', tt Lnc Civil Control St.atlo11, or such <lthrt place '" may be dim:tcd, the f 4.lllowin g: or 1. 11rgl !ration certificate, duly >e ndor~d . 2. The agrurnent on the reverie 1r<trrof, dLJI y irtgned arid witor111td , 3. Bl!c.h other authorization 1md .as1Jrance a may he :rcQ1Jired by the Pedrul R..uerve Ba.nlc of S111 Jlranc:iJCo , u Fhcal Agtnt of the UJ1it.ed t.hat the the ri ht of a.n1 er Ju -'T to rrpo1su et rec.apll.lrf, as }lr<J,,ditd by law, will nor be n:aisted by thr cuatodia.n of \he motor vehicle. United 141tu on t'1e followin 50 11u ale t • d1e Vnlttcl Sl41>r1 will ltt Clflnl11m~11t.ed . In uch I fl faetancc IAtCI. l n ca e the t'Vac:uee ia not the lci:11.I ownrr. j t mu~t be cl~irly 11nder• l'lood th&t ii t he indcbtcdnrs agai11 ibe mDt<lr vchiclr: J, tqu&I to or In 1hc e\•co t Lhat the a1lc o( apy mot0 r vehicle l• not COilllpltttd 01 appC'ar not lea fult, the Ft<!eral Ruuvr B11.11lc of San Pranciac!ll, '"' P1r;cal llgcnt of the Uni ted SLat.f:I, acting for a.nd as agent of the: cVllC'llce, ruenict the rlg'ht t-0 tore auch motor vehJde lit Lhe owou' 1 YU!l::, u ~bo"e M:t !orth, or to make su~h· c!l1Jf10altlon of rucb mct:.or 1•ehicle as may, i.n it.t JOle diMJrttian, lpjtt&r to be just and eqult:able, lndudlnfi the right l<>' permit the leeal owner o ( •uch motor vehlde cc t.:ake h!.t lcgtl rccouue fi>r rcpouewon (lt otJierwisc. 1t is inLended the abo1•c procedure will provide a f c.asfble rnean• of prQtcctlng tl\e interut.t of cvacure1 In their motor vdiidet1, without prr1ud1ce t<> thr lntere1t1 o( otl1ci. therein, and hu will dfe<I an cqul• tl\hle diJ.po~ltion of uch property. Agreem•rlt Regarding 0 ·1.p otitlon of Mot·o V tlid * THJS l S TO CERTI Y th t tile understgn cl has read a.nd unde tands the mstru • tions 011 the re\lerse hereof ttgardlni the dt position f tile u 1 \ 1de detenbed 011 WOCA onn FRB-3, (t attath d he~ and incorpoo-atcd ~· refmnce her in jf this Agreement · gned] whidl Lhe uudrr gncd l>as gjgned ooncurttntly herewith Said in I rue 'on and th on I.he re er of WCCA arm PRJH are a p,;irt: of th s e aforesaid m t r •chide according to Altcmall\•e No. _ t forth 1 the rt:Hrse hereof, and r uesu the P~<I ral Rescn•t! Bank of S n Fnnci , a Pisa .A mt of the UmtoJ Stat , tu aci acco in•l)I. Ji the ctccompiH mr.nt of the aJtcmativc herein selected appears td Dank, ll illl ·l · dj1· cret111n, 1111 q1bl ·or n fca 1hlt!, ad Ban is authorized tu uu c ud\ othl·r d1pn1tion of r.aid rn tor " ucle • 1t deems proper. Said m tM eh1cle 1s dcll\1cnd to eaid !Inn at the sole risk { llie under i 1r.icJ, ncl it is agreed that 11 liability .r respon l1ilit)• shall attach to .t.nk for any a tor omis• ~1 n in conn ctlon with the handlin' of &1d m(.'Jt()r vehicl or dis.i; ition f\lie 1>roc1.ed thereof. The \lndersl ned further ilgroes, \Jpor1 demand, to rcunbur the P dcrJl Reser c Bank of San ra.ocisco, Fiscal Agent of the nited Stat~ , :in ull for all cxpcnae& incurrc in connrction with the dl l\O 1tinn of nid mNor \'thicle, and authPnzes and in true ntd B nlt to dedu t fr m tht proceed& cif the tic of ~aid mC>t r \•el11cli: any of uch :icpcn incurr ~. WITNESS: ~:t~~R£rl ~ :t ~ fl. Ji . e e MOTOR, YEH CLE N.ime o! Regai.t.ued Addr FORM --~ Pa.r.nkly Number wner_ __ 4:.58L ----- ----·-·- of Re !'L.'llercd Ovmer. .............. '1\C:r (H dift'ere.nt) of Legal Addrc of Legal Ll ~GISTRATION O~ner _ _ _ __ umber_ ruie b 8 M.tke of Vehiclr Engine Numbe-r -~.....5-10-4 Accc.srorie (Indt · t·e nm71ber 'm vehi It) · thcr~ HCclter Ye Re:m rks None _B .ll261S - - - - - Type oi v b~cle,..._ .Brom _ - - - - - - - l f'l-rC Tire ( ) Radi - Ye Oser -l)tt.1 ..,..,.---- --- rV D nk of San Francisco, u Ai:cn t The mote>r vehicle d nbtd 111 thu form · dcli\•rred to the hd ral of the United Sta.tea, at the &0!e nsk of the \In erslgneJ. It is 1gretd tba.t n~ lfa.bil-ty or re1ponsibility shall be assumed by the Fed I Re.serve Da11k -0/ San PraJ1ciacq f any iL or Q11\i&rl fl in CQM~on with it.a diepolit.ioo. It is uodcr&tioocl that no iosuran~ will be provided propet't)'. Witne&Se& ·for Ulite:ra tu _ RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Del ~very --- ---··------------- -------. _____._ __ Receipt of tJ1e \•ehicJe deson'bcd a.oove is hereby ad nowleclged, Du.. _ __ · - - - -- ·-·-·- -- - - R.t'/n'cm:nt:lng the Federal Reserve Ban~ of San F.-11ncisco. Fiscal Agent of the U11it.ed State,. Pl;i.c.ed in Storage a - - - - ~- .. _.. ...,.__ ---· ______ ...._.........,.._ __.....___ ___ ___ .......,._ .... __, _______ .. _____ ----·--- .... . ... ---- Instruction to Owner To be accepted for storage )" the Ur11tecl St.1tu Govi:mment. the v hicl m1.1St be in Jll'O{ r run111n ord r. (a) The State Mo~r Ve'llide llegistntl.ion Certi.iica.te for this 1•ehide mu l be 11bm1t:tc«I 1t t 1c Civil Control Sta ion llnd thn.::e c.opi of I his fo1m (PRB-3) will then be prepar d. (b) T'wo copies of thi' form. ~oge1lier with the Regi ration for his r ntion handed tt> tbe eva CertifiCllte, will u1at1l arrival at t!bc <it~ignate.d A'5C'Tnbly G<nter. The thinl copy will be r tain d at the Civil Control Station. (c) The evacuee will be g:i •e?'I an identification tag ~·hich he will tit securely t.o ti e !ileUlng a ppa.ratus 0£ tbc Ill t<'r Vl'.h.i clc, nler the evacuee will (d) On arrival at t~ J\Nt1 hly deliver to the re:pn-.scntativoe of -the Feder: I Reserve .Bnnk '(If San'Jc:i.Bca t.l1e two oopiea of t.4h fcitm, the Regle· tq.ti n Certifica , a"!I the ~C)' to the veliicle. (e) Th represen~rl"e of tJrt Pederal Reser re nank of $, n Franciaco will cliec:k aJI nl211l re oo the form and If found to be correct will ack11owledge receipt of the motor vehicle by signing one COPJ' cf tbe fonn and dclivering 11: to the evacuee. U tbe m()l:or vehicle desc1 ·bed i.11 tlil11 form i lost. damaged, or destr()'fod the reault of negligenc:e wlul e it Is in th~ j)OSS(;'. sion or cu.stody oi !.lie United Stat s, or any agC:nC)• accil'lll for it, the Congress of the U11i~ed bJte.\ wl]I he aaked to !alee ;appropriate action for tlie 1-lencfit of the owner. 1 ' llN DBFi ~NS8 C MMAND AND F IVJJ. CO ARTIME rR &r1 rancUco, RTH ARN 't AQMlNJST A I N allfornia INS RUCTI ONS ro EVAC U~ES REGARDING DISPOS· tON OF MOTOR VEHICL S * ~·ill not be pcrolil tC1i t be gi e11 Lltil1 ,, To as ur nae wha(c1•er ~·n J b)' 1 lo ~ I eh1 m1..t(l( the e ha to uce eir m r • :hid ' to r« p · D cenu.t IJ)A: i ture time eies rill be n;WJ d .t! t~ m returned for ~r in~f ndu I ' d. in its diem::tio11, t-0 purchil 111 r •erucle& from evacuee&. F by 1h Bl r , ll())d or the vi eva uation, ov:r~ pm·atd)•, witl>0:ut u fot.crferc.nci; or usisL&n S RNATIVES 0 AL Tht othu a.lttmath·u p nhklc arc 11 folio ••: nt~ RA B OR SALE to 1he evacuee •·ho Clw11111 lllot.or Aftitrmotl,·11! J. 1'o deli'\'rr h1 Ul(ltor •e-hlde to P~cforn.l llbrl'\le Banlit iFa.1 J. •ent of ll.t rutl'd Statt.t., for llt.Qra • at t Cl owner'• ti Ir, ' inrur•nc • ""l.i h alor t will, in mt, l , l>e n opc11 "eH ( n A l'mbly Ct-.1't.e111 or utl1ct dcJii:natell phot:1 ) and mu of necr. ity 1>t of a cl-11111 r ltic:h will tubjeo1 motor ve~lc:I to r apicl dr:knorati.on . 1 morr or le of an flran dlC(), u Aurrnotif'e 2., lo offer .hi State on the foUolllfog bani: m r vthicle for f.llle 1.0 tlie U11Jte:d or u I. Rrgl1trLtl01\ ct:rti6cttc, duly rJldor11cd. 'l. ·n1c ag~cment 1>0 tbe r~·e:ret hereof, duly aigned aacl 'Will!lened. Re1ttl'\le Blok of Sao Franci1<0, DEFlNITIO S lnc.ludcd In tlit term D OONDITIONS ·•1nv~or v~Jucle 0 ue the following! l'ur.euger cau, 1J1ht and medium . Hu..,y ;pali!iengcr cart lri order to come within 1] 1~ purcbu1ble ~tccory 111l11t bi: cla<Std u "m<"illum", u ihc Army i1 not auth()rlHd tu purchase •n,. "lirftvy" p111aen11cr cars. z. It A . If 1hc n1ai·uee ii NOT 1he legal oM!nn of the m~tor thiclc, in ordn 10 arrug~ for a 5a]c to the 1'\Tmy, he mu1t prct1:11t to the Ped• tbe niltd tral RCKr\lt lhmlt of an, Ill Plsul Agtnl Statei. at the Ci.vii Cont r<>l Station, or such other place ~ ltlt.y l>e directd, the i United er1~c.ir1JCd. at may be rcqolire4 b'Y u Pistal .Agent ()f llfotorcyclei11 3. Bu see nnd truck• <>f all trpea, incl ud:lnr pic:k·up and dcllvc1y and traci.on, inch1dh1g 11ecti-truclt trl<ltoorw. lTE'D STATES ~he Fe-dml B. Jj the l'l'llCIJre rs 1ltc i...:.i 11wricr " the otor l•thido, l•t must, in addition w Lhc lo~teolng. r•l:M'llt tlu crwner~htp ctriifi'11!tc, d11ly l:11u~ ; P RCHASE OF MO"J' R VEHICLES BY T Hll Such Ollier 1uthorhatian and aa1uran~ at tlie 1vac !tt ha~ no eguit)o, 1cattt than the ipprl.ii.t'll ".i~e Ml Cl '"I~ to 1l1e Ur11tcd 141U 111>ill bt e "'"'"' o.trd. 11 1uch an 1n!tanc 1he n ·ht ol n•• trtdU.ot t() r JIOlil s ar renptcure, 11r pru•~ded by la " ·Ill JlOt be !Cil~ted by tiie U•todlui of the mooter ' 'eluoJt. 1 The motor ve hJcle will be apprai ed by t •o dil'inttrt1~c.d apfrl.i~tT and, Ill lt1 dl1crcllot1 and at 1t o.ptlon, the Army may bu JI the 1no1or vehicle lt Lhc •J•ptaiscd prlct '11hlch UliJl not, ho\\~vcr, e:sc.ttd tbe Jlllle '.llooli whole&a!e 1•n1lle tn the local ry where the purc:hue 11 co11111111rnat d. ~- '1 ' ~ <>I the tatea. In ciue the tvaeuee ie riot the Jegal <>Wnrr, it must be de;;irly \Jnder•tood that if tlie l11clebtednen a 1inat tht motor Yehlcle i1 e11ual to OT i1 not intended to lndude i Lhln the term "motor v hlole'' t.hoac motor vehicle• rultr:t >0n1y for :lann operation. ~tf-prorelled In the evt-11t that tht ule or any motbr vehicle it not or :app an not fuaihfc, the ll deral 11.r:Nr\/e Da11l of San flranciJco, a JTjte1J Agrn.t of the United St ~ , actoin for •nd ., agent of the evllcute, r~rvt1 the right tO atore ueh 111oiJor vehicle at the owner'• rl1>lc, a abo e set forth, or to ma.Ice 1ul!.b o.ther di1po.Ltlo11 of 11uch motor vehicle a 1nay. lo ita wle di11Cret~on, a ppir air t.<l be ju I a11d equitable, lnd1.1dlng tbe right to pmnit the lr:ga.l CJ'l\'Jl ~r 0 r aucb rnotor vehicle w ta.k.e hie leital recourse for reposi.«1~111 1>r 1>therwlat. It is intended that the aoove firootdure wOl provide ~ fea~le meant of protecting the interest• or C\'l l>Uee In t.h-tir rnotor Vthlcles, without prejudice t1> thr inUl'elit-11 o( otber1 t.htndn, a.nd th u1 wi!I effect an equi· ble dlapositlon of 1ueh properry. Ag 1eme11t Regardin Di po1 ltion of Motor Veh icle • HUS IS TO CER TJPY tl1at tile undcrst ned bas read and underst.a.n.d tbe in~tru'· 1:100$ on tJie rcvel'lle iereof re ! the d ro it 1 11 of the me>tnr •ehscl d oo WOOA nn flB·3, {to be a.t 14lched 11 1 to .md incor J"dt d y reference liertin if t.hil Agrurn nt I ai neu] whi L the wit.I rsigned hits s.igntrd concurr 111 y h rewitli Said lnatructiorn and Ag eemc.11t. Se! n IJ\e . •er&oe of WCOA orm PRB· arc: .. par1 Ulf thia 111e 1u1d r 'gri<...a d u'CS to dlz, f the aforeaa1d mot r !i•ehk)e accordinlJ tC> AJt crnatlve No. .k set forth on the reverse lierwl, iUld reqtrect:s the Pe eral Reserve Bank of &an 'llC(), u Pi J A rent of the United States, le> llCt a I Jmgly. If tl•c a omjlli!lilmcnt of t1i lteroati c her m lecteJ appears to id Banlt, 111 its )le di&oction, 1111r ibl or nut f ihle. id 13 nk hs autliorl~d to mJ c uch othe th J)()SjUoJl of &id meitor ''eh.Ide u it deema proper S id mot<>r vehicle ra dcliv reJ Lo said Bank t tJ1e w. lc rl k of the under gncd, nd mt ia agreed that no 11 biJ[ty or respon bil1ty shall att..ach to said llilnk for any .i t r oml1· sion in C<•11nei;tion w1t'h ll1e handlin of id motor vehicl or dj J t;JlHm of the proceed thereof. The linciltr !&med fort her agrees, upon dcm11nd, to rcimbune the P . I. r•I R serv' Bank of San rrucisoo, Pi&eal Age11t of the Umt«l States, ia full for all char cs nd ex pen irlcurr d irl co1111cction with thr Ji po rlion of ·:Jd motor v hide, and uthor1t and In tru l5 icl IJi\Bk to dcdu from the proctccla of the b.tle f aid m()t<>r v luclc illl)' of su h expenB\'.5 Im; 1rrcd. Executed a.~< ,. -T / ti~~thi~, ~.f:i".day of~ J I 1942. _., ..., . ,._ (~ ... r:2..-;-t.-fZ',,_, ' _,f~...,..·""-'-·· Family No/ 1(..:f>J;z- e ,. TION FORM MO OR VE ICLE REGIS - · - - - _,___ Pil.mily Number l Name of Regittcred Owner Add ,. Ql of R.egiatued Own • of Lcpl Owner (if di£f re.nt) _ - .t\ddreu of Legil Owner ngme M&lle of Vehi Ir _. ~umber I -r. 'type of Vehicle.... Ftr1t Sold__'.l I · l'.) il '.ll-0g Light( ) _ _ _ Radlo Heater Re:m.uu: ., W Al 'tE The motor vehicle desulbed in of the United Sutu, u I.he eule rii;.k by the :Federal Reserve Buil of Sa11 f omt u delivCJ;ed to the l\rJrn.r Bank of an P oci.o;co, u Pisc.a.I Agc:at ( the undmigned. It i agreed t!.a.t hO 1111 'Hty or respoll(jilnbty £hall be asumc.d ~asc.o for any •ct or otnasion iJl connection with its d1 fU.itton . It is underrt that no inMance will be p~decl on this property. \Vitn Signatur ()( Owner ~ for Ul.iteratea - - - RECEIPT FOR VE ICLE Place ol Delivery_ - - - - - Reaipt of the v hide de.1Cribed ~oo e i hereby acknowledged. R.epresrmring t11e Federal Re'en>t Ban.Jt of San Pranci~co, Fiscal Agent of tlte United States. Pla.ced in Storage a - ----- ----·- ~-----------··-- Instructions to Owner To be a eJ>ted for Rorage by the Umt. State8 Go\ tJTIDl i.llt, t!h.e motor velu le must be m pmper running ord r. The procedure for repering and :toring mo r veh1dc I .a• fe>llov.• : t..Rte Mo r Vehicle Jtegi ;i tiou Cert11iat.c for th1 e mu be submitted at the h•tl Controol ta1i 11, and three opies of ~h~ f :r1 ( I B~3) ll th u he p11Cplrc<L ( ) The \•eh~ (b) Two oopie1 of this fono, toget.her with the Re l!ltr. ti~ CertJlicate, will be handtd t<> he evacuee for hi rctel\IH>n mbl)' enter, The tliird unLil arriva.l at the drsigrt ted copy will be retained at tile Civil C,.1ntrol S tioo. (c) The e\ll\cuee will be givm an identi5cation tag wl id. he to f.h 'It. ing Pl' tus of the 111ot r w JI I.le vehicle. (d) l'l~.r the cvaC\lee will n anival u tl)I: AUe bJ deliver to the repreaent.1tivc of the edera.l Reserve B nk o S.n Panc.i&CO e two .copiea of lllii form, the ll ,.. vehicle. trat ~ Certi6 i.e. nd thec kys (e) The r prcac1 t.ative of the Peder. I lle:arve Bank ()f Sl.ll and if fo\Ln<f th~ Fnndsco will clicdc all number• Le correct will acknowledi:e .rcc.ei pt of the motor "chide by &ignini one copy of the form ancl delt\•ering it k> t!.t ronn evacuee. If the motor vel icle dcacribed in form is I t, damaged. 01 d~ooyed u the result 1.>f nc ligcncc while it ia i.J1 the posit:Mioo or cwt<>dy o( the United States, -o.r a.ny agency acting for it, tht Congress of the United State. wi11 be a ked to take npproprfate actfon for the ben.dit 1>f the owner. I ~trlrlrik~~1H1tmQti ~~ti ti ff t¥Ci-trt(-l)~-trlrif~ll>\\~Aotrtr t t. SS CO IMAND A.NO OURTH AR.M.Y DB WAR IM.B CJVIL 00 TROL ADMINISTR.A ION WESIER San Pntriciloo, Calilfc>rni• INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARO.ING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * Lo reception Oleil te:ra, be pemoitted to Ice Urir mtltCJI 'I/ .at me future tirne ed enab be I ii cuee& w given be can n• noe what .,,er • m(l)l()r v • ·~le& now ownc:d by !Jlem retume:d f <>t \Jleir ind.i ~du;l we. ee& wul t. Tbe Umtcd l rtllll e aoueu. d or Prior liO cv1tcu t 001 motor veh clea may be by the owner prl atdr Ht.bout.. goyrrnme:ni.I fore rf nm e or ~ AL'fRRNA nvss OF s ORA :.B OR SALE 'flhe c.1l1otr altc1 am•r1 pre&rnted to tl1t C\'6CUr-e 'l'ho owm a \'thlcJc &re .a• lcillov.· • mol~r Alll'rraoll,.,.,. J. 1 o d~Ul'tr hi1 motor \•chide tG federal Re11tn•e Ban of an r,.i.C'l•Nl, u f i~c1<I of t)w Unlttd Stl.lrf, lo.r lil.OS•llt at the crwn~r'• rl11lt, \1/llllouL maurantt; hfoh £le tQg: wlll, i11 111(1 t Ul~ ncu, be 111 oprn uea1 ( 11 Assembl, Centtn or other cJtm pl•~) tnd mmt nf ncet'15ll1 be of a du racut which will sub1 rtt. llltJWr vehicle. lo a inotr or les.i ra1nd deLerloratlon. r ba~11 The mCl!.or el·icle wm be l.ppral td hr two di~in re1ttd lppniHt ud, in 1t. d.I rr~1on a.nd u fu optlon, the Arm)' ruy buy the 1notor ''chicle at the apprli d prlr.e which 1hall not, however, tu• ed the Blue Book ""hol ale \'t.luc in thr. lCJCtllty whm thf purclia11t 1~ GM um1natcd P R.CHASEi OP MOTOR VEHICLBS BY THB UNITED STATES A. If clat rnoc1>re Is NOT 1he leg4l OMrtlN ~1 tlte "'utor tiehlrlt, ln ordrr t e> for a ale to the Al1lly, he mlJlt r-re"nt to the Prd· en.I Rt erve ll11nlr of Stn f11anci'f.(), u Fitca.J Aiuit o f the Unit~d .St•tea, at 1lie Olvil Control Station, or 1t1ch ot:Ae:r pl11ce u may lie dircctcd, the lotlowJni: : I.;I r ticin cert Ifir.ate>, duly endorsed. i . Th e •f;'t'tl'.muit on rt \•t.rll( htrcol, duly l!Jllrd and wltnwcd. 3. Sur::h ot'b(J' 1uthorlza1ion and a &ural'lct a m•)I be: reciuired by rhe Fedcu l.\nen-e llank of San PrandMX>, "' f i1aal J'.gent of the Unlud States.. In caae tlhe Mtacutc 1 nCJI the legal owner, it m11JSI be clearly under• 1ood that If Ihe indtbtcdnl$ against the motor vcblde u equal t.o or l rwise d.i.spmed of 11ce. ttil.IC'.C' Lhan d1t apprl 'i,ed value IO tbat lbe cvacutt l u no equity, no • to t.hc U,.L1e-d Sii141tu Will bt cm11opm.a1td 111 9uch an in1ta11oc: th~ ri I t of ally .cireclitCJol to rtpoucu m rt()aptun-, u pro\'idcd by law, w.111 llcii be r •u<ttd bw tlie crullodlan ol tbt motor '<eWcle. B. If tl1c CtlllMl(f ' s 1lit r~e;o.r 4)Jll'1Ct o/ dit molPr •clurlt. ht 1'11,"t, in a<ldition to 1lie 1011 r11ah1&, prutnt Ll1t ownenh1p c~runcnl', dul)• tndorf(d . DEFI NJTIONS AND CONDITCO S Alttr11•liil'r t. To offtr lilt inotor \•cluclr: for ~lie to t.lic United Si.a~e on tlir follawin <111 lttcludtd Ln l.ttl!ll "motor v h1 le" an the followine : I, Pu1u1gn etr , Licht and mcdiu111. Hnvy pa ager t'Jt.rt in prdrr d a "n1ed1um", to co11•c w1tfnn tbr purduaable c.atcto:tJ mu5t be cl aa tho i#IJ'rny i1 not .u1tliorlt.ed to purdtaae &r'ly "hea >'.. paliM'nger cln. 2. MotorC)'cilt1. l. BuUCll and tn•~ 1 of Ill typt,j. lmcluding pick ·up and delivery trudisi and tractor , 11111:1udini aemJ.trucl.: tracto1:11. 1t 11 not i!ltcndecf to lncludc within tlie term "mowr vthide" thoae mot« ~vdiinh•• onl)I for farm opcntloo . ~l f•propelled lri the •mt tint t:h.e ule of any ~r vch cle i• not com plc~d or appeal'll not feuibl~ tlie F~dcril Re cr\Oe .Bank of Sa.n 'Pnnoieco. •• P'i11al Agcnl of the Unit.eel bl.e~, aotln ''" •nd •• ag!'>nt of the e.,acutof., rt rvn the right tlll ~lore .ucli motor <V«blde at the !J9/ner'1 11lslr, k• abo1•t act rorth, or to 111alte 111cli otlu~r odirpolltion of alK!li m(JtOr ''chlolc may, in itl !Ole dU<rnnfon, appu.r to lie just aod equi.table, including the rie ht w perm-It the legal owner of 11:1ch mot or •chide to tile hi ~ leaal r eco11ree for 'c:p<»111e1 ion or othuv.Me. A' It i1 intended tliat tlu above rrocecllarc will prai\oide • fculble mun1 of prOtMlting the Jnt:uelll• ol evacutea 111 their motor veh.iclea, without prrjmfi(f. lO the. il1lU:C II of Olhtr1 thtr«U , and thu Will tff«:t ll ll equl• ta le ditp0aiti0ll ol l\l(ii pro~rty . - • garcH,_g Dl1po,1 •Ion of Motor Vahl le Agre ,m ant * THIS IS TO CBR TT Y thal the w1der1tgned lu.s read and under'5la.11t!s the in t r\lc• tJO!'ll on. f ngl' tng the di pc It (l ( the m t eh.lei cki;crfbed ll W .CA • , (to atuchod h rot rtd trtoorpor ted ~ 1."t'ltrei tl Ag~nt ii gneid] 1iich th 11r1der gn has eig11 d (IU'lcumJJdy Sud ir»t \KttOrU a.rtd th n the r me o W OA P rm FR ~ t part I J.h:l Agreement. f. Alterna.t.ive No. n nk. of San, <1 mplii. m ar •ehi •Je ittoi'd ir1g to ~ the di!ra1 Rc-Jer\'t requ , to rt aooo.-dl 11glr. If tl.e ~ I lt1mi id Ban l \.h .sol risk. oi tbe 1.111QC:r'1 11ccl, u1cl it l agreed th. t no liability or r pon&tb1lit)• shall atl.a h .Ba..1tk: for any a t ('Ir ()fl i 'on in coMect on wilh the handliri~ of id motor t".h · I r clU 11011 oi the p iecf"ll tl1ereof. r v-:h1de it dd1v red to S1Lid m 1 1 'Th11 w.denighliJ further, upun ur.mand to rcunbur the Ped.-:ral R rv Bank { San Francisco, :Hscal Ag nt f the UnitccJ Slalea, fa f"ll for 211 d ar •e~ 11t.I ·xpe11se~ in~urrecl ln onncct1 n with the dis~·ttion «>f atd me tor v nde, a1~!3 -ul h()ri c.a ml in<truct ld BiUlk to de u from t11e proceeds of th e til tnQl(lt 1•cluclll any of ~uch expenses mcurl"('d. xecutcd at r · 11 re , Family No,_ ITNBS 1 1 9~1 , - - ------..-- ~ e TION FORM e MOTOR EHICLE ..... iJLsuo TOOl l to Na me ot Regastued Owner Addr EGISTRA Number of Registued Owner_.P. __ _ Name oi Legal Owra r (if different) Liccn-.: Numhcr M ._........,,._...... of .legal _.$Ame _ _ _ _ _ Add SaU.l Qs.63.33 ric.s ( /, d1rate 11111nber _.,,, vehicle) : Heater one um r_CF361S...86 gine NumhaR-7655.50_ - c of Vehi le Olds 6 Ac .J. 4.88 -- Other Spa~ 'T:lre (s) l f'(> Li ht(•) li one di !_Ol] - - ona .....,.....,...,._ Remaru: _ _ .. ~ .. ~ ........... _.__ W A IV ER ~rve BlU'\i: of San Prandaoo, u PiJCal Agent The motor eh1cfo i11 diiJ form i dtli~er d 10 rl\.: Jl'e ponsibllity •hall be a. med of t11e Unit~d Sr.itei, at tl\c sole rl Ir; 1>! the ondcr&i[ncd. It ia agre d tha th) Ila. llity or dia 1tion. It i1 understood ita with •onncotiion ln OM.Wion or act. by the Federal Rtaerve B;u1k of &11 Pra.ric:Jsco [ r any pre.petty. th t no iRSurance wilt be provid(.() n t Witn Signa.Lure al Owner fozr Illiterates RECEIPT. FOR VEHICLI Place of Delivery - - · - - - - - - - -------·- Re-Odpt of the veh.icle deacrihcd above iJ hereby aclnowledged. -·---· . -----RepYe enti'llg tl1e Pcderdl Re$crve .Ban~ of Da.--- - - . . - - a11 Frirncisc<», fliS<a ) Agen~ of tlic Umtc-d P laced in S a.t ______ ------- - ------ -··--- ------ ---.......,__ _______ ..________ -- · -~_..._ ... ___ lmtruct on ro Owner rage It)• the United States G<>vcmment, tile ehklc mu ht i;\ propc:r 1rUJ1ning order. To be accepted for motQ' TI1e procedure for r tenng wd nng 11 motor ·eh.icle is as follow : (a) The State M or Vr.1 icle Registrauon C rt1fiCC\te for tl1i1 ~·ehicle mun be !\W.rllit~ed at the Civil Control tation, of thls form (FRB·3 wi,11 then br preparied. and three co (b) Two coples of this I rm, togcth r with the Registration Certi6CAU:, will be ha11ded to the evacuu for his r t.entle>n unlll arrinl at the designated A 11em ~y Center. TI1e third oopy wtll be re ined rt rhe Ci"il C.Ontrol t.atic.n. given u1 ideBl1fication ill tie aecu11cly to the 1t.ceriog a.ppa.r.i.Lua vehicle. (c) 'The evacuee ~'lil g which he mouir CJ( the {d) On arriv;i.1 at th Alltll\hl Or.ntcr the evacuee will deli\•er to the reprueotati •e f the Federal Reserve Ban of Sal} Franc:iaco t], tw en ie& of Lhi1 form, 6\ Regj•· tratioo C'.eru6cat.e, ;111d the lteys to the vc:h.icle, (e) 'l"he repW;ienbtivc 1»f r'he Pcdml Rettrve Bank of ~n rancisco wtll check a.JI number on the form and if found to be correct will aclmowledge receipt f the motor vehicle by signing one cop]' of the Corm and delivering 1t to the evacuee. If the motor velticle described ln this form is lost, damaged, or d t l'O)'cd as Lhe result of negligence wbilc it is in the pos.susion or custody of the United Stal.ti, o r any agent/ acting for it, the Congrw of the United btea will he asked to take npproprlate action for the benclit of l1ie owner. ' I • AND ,FOURTH ARMY TCRN OB WAl(TJMB CIVIL CONTROL ADMIN STRATIO S•n F raadlCrO, Ca1ilomia INSTIUJCTlONS ro ~VACU cES REGARDI G DISf>OSITIO.N OF MOTOR VEHICLES • E acuec:a will not ~ p:rmu~ tQ l:.c &heir rnl.JtOr veh1cl · to cept.i n t r1t. No 11ranc.e "fa.I \'~r can bi: g1 e.n th t ~·20.ices w111 l:ic erul>kJ l.I IM>rne future time lei h;rv the mQl.W' chic es ()()I~ own d boy tJ1un r ·rume-<I for th ·r i11dl idua.l use. Crut d Stat.ea Ann~ i {rom e n1thon cl 0 1a ib diac:reiion, lo pu1 haae Jll(>\ClC ch clca !llcueeL J•nor U> di~JX e"'a u~tlon, motnr \•thi d f DCC, ALT RNATIVES F ST011lAG R SALE ihe other alt rnabvca pre. ot d to Lht t\•acvce v.·ho O'll' n a motor • \•thlc:lt art u folio.wt: whicle to Pcdrral R.r.sen·e .Bu1li .4/trrnatirt J, To delivn Id rn of an 11ran i1 , u flii.ra.1 Agc111 o.l t~ United , for 11.<>11ase aL the owner's n k, w1chout in 1ran t ; vw1'ida um1111· will1 Jn mo t al)Jtt n~e•, ~ fo open aro1 (at Aemnbly Centu or (JI r.r dtllienaud pl•or») and mulrt ol ne,uut}< be ul a charact r ·luch <a<ll! ubjcC'I me>tioir vcbl Jes u:i .i more or lw rapid detulor;:.l>il)n., Alttm•li,·e 2. To oHcr hl State on the following basl1: !'El( r r 1cle rot &It tc the United The m<ilor 111ehide <a·ill br appr1i~ 'f V.'O ditinterr ttd lf),Pral rrl and, in lu dhcrttlon and at i t n.rt n, the Arrn y may bu the motc1r ' ' hialc at the &ppraiacd rrioc v.·hicb 1hall 11ot, l1ow vcr, e1tci-td tine Blue Book wholr.111le aluc In the IO<'al1t l' ,., lie rt the pur<h1i.1c i C:OS111111XJm11tcd. PURCHASE OP MOTOR VEHJCLES BY THE UNITED ST TS.S A. If he m:1cute b NOT rJu lc1•I e>ia.m> o/ 1he niotor t1ehlde, in ordtr to arr1.n1rt for a sale to. the Army, ht mwt prc11Cnt to. tbe Fed· rral Rucrve B.inlt ol San Pra11ciKo, u I cal Agrnt of the United Stat.ft, at the Oi\'rl Ccintrol Sta~e>n , or 1uch other plar.c 11 n:iay he directed, the following: 1. Rcgistr1ttlon cr.rtifie1t.1., dul e-odor«d. 2. The aercemcnt on the revu 3. htrtof. cluly 1IRned and wftneascd . uch other authori~a1JQ11 and a 11ran oc u lllay be rcq1Jirtd by the Pcdml Ruuve Bank tJ nitcd Sute1. or SLll Prand!C'l, u Jill~! Agertt cof the Jn c;ue the evacuee ls not the I~ al owner. it rnuit be cleru1y undn· tood that If the l11debtcdncu aga the rn()tOr velticle l• t.qulll to or rr:ucr tl,aa tl e appralro..d \la.lue .c1 t.hat tht c •a cc hu oo equity, "o ••It IP rhc ll1111cd Statrt wrll ~ co•ut1mlftarcd . ln 1uch an ir. ll t the ncht ol lfl m :d1to.r to rt po or recapL11N: , •~ prD\•idtil by law, ·will not be re I d by Ille cu1todim c..f the motor '•thiclr .B. Tf t1rt nanue IS 111 e 1~1111 ou••it•r of 1l1e tnf'ltor vrhlcle, ht 111H t, an ~d<l1ti()IJ! t.Jic forcfi:t>ln , prr:~ nr the ov.inrr~luJI mti6catr, d11rly end rM"d. ~PINI lt1dudcd i11 IONS. AND CONDITIONS ti c lcrm .. m IC>r vr,h1cle" arc the follo""'m& : 1. J>11m1t; r cnr , light uid ruedit1m Hc1cvy paSKngrr ctr• ll1 Cir .!er to cornc w1thi11 the pur har.a.hle cat gory mull lie cho.i. d a1 "mr:diuni ' ru tht llrrni• iii .11ut authorh&ecl purchllW any .. l\rn7" pw nuer c11r • ~. Mi.torcyclt•. ~ . BUltCll lJld trUCKI of all typCJ, inaludJnii pick•up truck.a; an.d Lr1e:1()rt, inclu(')ln& 1eml•tru tractora. llnd dtl ''Cry It i1 not o.nte11ded to i.nclude within t.htr: term ''mnwr vehicle'' t.hote w:ll•propcllcd ma.tor vehicle• IUltcd only for farm opr.ration. In the evrnt that the •ale (I f arty motor 'llelticle i1 not completed 01 app ara nrit IU1ible, the Prd ra I lle1ervc Bank ol San PranailCO, 11 Piic:11.I A cnt of tli ll•led StaLtlt aciin& for and 11 a cnt ol the evacuee:, rl"J(n·ra the riith t w tore 4uc:h ruotor vehicle at the owner'w n le, u above acl ft>rth, or Lo mah a~c:h otllcr dl@p<i1iliOJl of web mot.or vrhldc as may, in itt wlc dlscreb.l1>n, appear to be just aod equitable, Jncludl11 tJ.,c rl~ht 10 pm11it the Ic 11.I owner ol tuch m1>t.or \•chiclt to ta Ice hi• kgal rccou1ee for repoa&e ioJl e>r <>therwhe. It it intended that the abo1•t procedure will pro\'ldc a lcaaiblc mca111 of prul lo tht interUUI of tl'aCUtU in their mot.or veh{clu, wfrhout rrejudlcc LI> the interut <Jf 01llcr1 thcr in, and thu will effect an tqul· table di poli tie;n ol ~uch properl)'. Agreement Regarding Di1po1ition o, Motor Vehicle * nus 1$ ro CERTlF\' thaL the WJdersigned h d iJ1l:l uudcrsta.nds the in tr\IC• e er hereoJ regarding tihc. diepo · . n CJI the motor vehicle dt-.loCfJbed rm \VOCI' F nn. FRB·J.. ( be attached hrrcto 4'10 i.n '.f by reference hrrci11 1 f thu A~ tme1 t is ,ncd} which the \lrtdersigned ha • gfl«l (lllf)curircittl>• here\ldtli. ™" Ot1 Ule · Sald inatntctJ ru and th . on the OC\I rsc of WOCA no FRD·3 are a pa.rt f 111 Agrecmc:11t. The 11nder..-!gncd desires to clU. of t e afo e1J11id m()!vr veliicle accordtn ' to A 1~11\ No. set f !l'tll ori the f'C\1erae here-of, and n:<j'U.elll the Pedtl"cti Rest!.r te B•tlk of &11 rmcisoo, 11.s Fisca.l Agent of the flited St..t..: to uct ac rdm r]). Jf lie a.cromplishme.nt of th alteroauve be ·n select d ap rs i.i Bank m lUI ilc ds , er t1on, impo 1b e r m<t fea tblc, s.11d .Bank is nthon~ to make such other di.posi tmn f a.iJd mo r v hide lln rt dems pr per. L- •ud mN r dticlc u delivered to s;11d Bank Ill Lh ~e k cif the. und 'gned 1 i.t.llU it is · greed tha no liability < r respol1 ihtlity shall at.tacit · 'd Sa.nk for any :l or om s· 10 11 m oon necLi n wiLh the handlmg of siud motc..r ehrtJe ord.i·pcsition of the prricced tberC'.)f, Tiu. und i:11e:d further ngr , upon u mand, to r'1.lnhursc the P •derrtl Re: ~ i.; Bank of S11.n rancisw, Fiscal Agent of the State , 111 full for all harge.s a.rad • ei.:pm inoul"red ln connedion with the di po it ion o< S111d o tu chide, and rnc.l instructs &ilid B1tnk t deduc.t from the proceeds of the Jc cl said mouir v hi ·]e any of such Execute.di :;tt& in~:;_:__£ ~ If' O' aC:-~/____..,f!-M ~ day u - $£~ Family No.-, / ,. ~ .f!~ r? ~- - ..,.,. IC~E MOTOR VE e REGISTRATIO F0 M 1 Na1t1e ol R~g · r:ucd Own r_ Y ld.h~ru ol4 N· e of Leg J Owrier (if different) &et t/P. ~ Addraa of Regi ered Owner Yux 614 la n::v::~'tt'-•-ir.~-- of Lega.I Ownrr___ , ht._ {j_2,. Add Serial N nbcr_ _ luck M&le r>f o I'd 8 Type of ne& (l ndmit 1 number on \Jell ·cle) : Sp:uie Tire () ffen1er Ifo _ ( ........... a. ----:S- - - (' ldQ/:3/36 Ace ---·--·--- 1 t., S:L1p ) Ca. l_i f o rn 1..1! _____ _ ~$ Other l Q Veh.i~l e.__C 2 e-,....,....-- ------- Remarks . ___ W A IV E R n1 of San Prand6CO, u F:i l A •ent The m('Jllor ''chicle de$Crlbed fa thu foml ie delive cl to the Ftd •ral R fV of the Urut.ed &!4w, at the sole Ii k of the un. crsignrd. It is a ecd that no lia.bility or re pr>!lsTuility &ball lie a 1mecl b>• the Fed ra.l Reserve Ba.n~ of Siin Pr.q1d~o for cu1y act or omiliSion in ~ nnc~ion wit)) Jt.11 dUpa;ltion. Jtia llllder that no msurance will he proviuc.<l oo thU ropcrty. W:ltnwes for lliiterat RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE ------ Place of Delivery_ _ R.ccdpt Gf tile vehicle dc.9Cribcd ab(m!JG hereby acknowl dged. - Date Pl.aced ln Storage ·- ____ ____ __ _...,......._.._ -------.---- R.epre1entirlg tire Federal Rc,m:e Ba11k uf Sim Frl!ltlci5oo, Fi1>cal Agent of tlte' Unitld Sr41i~a. __,, ----------·---~ lastructio'?~ to Owner I acc.e("t.ed for rage by the UX1 tied St.ate1 Oo' mment. 1he \•ehicl.e must be in !P.r()per ninning t12rd • (JI) Thie State Mot r Vehicle Registr~1 ·<>n Ocrtificat(\ for this elwJe mu he s1l'li>mittod 11\. t.he Ci'V11 Contr I Sta.tlC111l, ancl WU' e; copies of tltis form {FRll·3) ,rJill the11 prtpued. (b) Two copies of this form, logC"!Jier wit!J the Re is r.ition ~.rti-6cat e. will he ha ndcd to the e·n c11ec fo:r hls et nt · n until nrrlval nt the de igm11.~d A rnbly Oe11ter. The 1hird cop)' wlll he tainrd <ll the ivil C on \r-ol Stat"()!\, (c) The eVAC'U e will be gfren an identification tag which he will de accurely to the st.eerio ap~ruu. of the motor v~h1lde . (d) ()ra amval at t~ mbl)l ter the <Vacllee will deld er to th rerresent:a.flive of tbe Pederal Reaer,•e Bank SMi the tv. o COJ)ie.a ~ thu fol'tX\, t:ia~ tr~~ Oerti~te. anoJ the )t~yatoth~ nhfole. of Reg!,. (e) 111e represcntati\•e of the Peden.I Jte.s£ne Ban of an PrandllCO will check all number tJra the form •mf if :found to Q>e correct will ackn wledge r~ipt of Lhe motor \•chicle by signing one copy of the form 1md delive:ring •~ to the cl"a.tuoo. lf the motor 'Vehicle dcscnbed in this fol'lll ia le»t. damll.ged, m: destro)•cd a11 the ruult of negl!gencc while it is in tfie;~oB or C\1$tody of the United Statl·s, or any agc11cy acting for it. tl1e Cong_r~s t>f tbe United St:..llca will ho asked to take appropriate action for t.he benefit of the owntr. . ' , WBST 'RN DEFENSE COM ,D fO RTH ARM AJlTIMB CIVIL CO TR l. .ADMINISTRA TIO 1NSTRUCnONS TO IVACU~ES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MC'TOR VEHICLES * Rva u ci; will n t be piennilted to u. tJ1 r motor vdudes ta .recepti n cent No M!!UITT 11oe J can ~ gi •eo th t cu will be cttablecl ;at ~ fut.Ure time to h c: ti.he mt.Jto.r -Pebiclllll now ~·ncd b)I i,he1 1 ret urne'd f th~u md1 vi dual u Th..c Unit 15 St.atea Anny~ aµthorii.ed, in from evaweca. t ditcr t1011, w pur hue, m t r c:hi Jes P.ri rr to va lll!li(>n 1 m(!Ulr vehi les ma> he <Ied, llC>ld ot otherwise dil by t.hc ~wnu pN atcly, withoul go1·errune.n Lint..:rf rente or as.Ust.m . ALTERNATIVES 0 STORAG The othtr elte1 n.Ui\lt:• prt entecl to t.he ,. 1:11cle are u fo!Jow11 OR SALB t 1n11.c v.·ho o~n1 1 motor Altunotl"e I. Te> cldi\• r hJ1 1110l r vrh~dc to Pederal Rhcr1·e Bank ~I Sa,n FranciR<:o, ai Fa&eal .'°\grnt of ihe United tJiC .e, for ilolagc at the qq.;ncr'1 risk, w1the>11t {111uran e: whJd, torJ!gt w' I, in :mo•L ln1t~noc1, be ill oprn a11t111 (1t }Uwnbly C.c:nt..,r1 t.1r othe1· dll! f·liet6) and rn\Ut ol ne«•"lty ht> ul a cha1acter \llhich wall 11.1bjcct motor vchfclea to a m<irc or lea1 rapid lltl.crif1ratlon, A.ltcrmlllnr 2. To offer h/1 ruO>lor 1•chiclc for sale to thr Untted the fo11 owlog bui1 : St.t.c:~ C>Jl The motor v~hl le will be a11rrmed by two <' l"intcmtrd1pprai11tu u1d, In io diw:reuo11 aod nt iti Of"tion, the A1m11 may b11y the motor "chicle at the ap raiHd Jll'101: wblc:lt shall not, however, exottd the Blue llook wholc~~le value !fl the lo~llty v;liere th purchw1c h oonmmmottd. PURCHASE OP MO"fOR. VEHICLES BY UNtTED ·rATES A If the culKl!ee i~ NOT th c ftgal nm 01Jmer -0j th e molor vehicle, 1n order to arr nuc for a nalc t-0 tile /\rmy, 1-c mu 'Prtllent Iii the Ped• eril Rmrve Bank o( San Pranc:l1>00. u Pl11eal .A.~ent <>f the United ~ltl , ti the Civil Control StaUC)n, or 1ucb ot1rcr place 11 may be dfrecu:d, t.he follC)\\rl11117 I. Rei:latratlon eutiliut.e, dul)" cndorgccl, 2. The agrtemel\!I on ~he revc:rlie licrcof, iiuly ligoed andwltneMed. 3 Such other authoriuti<>n anll a urancc as tlie Ped~rAI Reeervt Bank of Sa!ll Fraru:/sco, United tatca. PA ll'IA}' be 11quirrd by Pi1tal Agint of the ln case the e • is not Ihe legal ownu:, It mu t be cltuly under· 11ood that if Lhe i11debttdnea• i11al11st the m(ltor 'll>el\lcle i• iqual to or of gr~tttz than the lf>pral d value .ti t.ht1t Lhe tneuce h.. no quit)', ne !41k lO the Um1<d .Stalu '41111 be rcmsu111m•ted In auch rm illstancc. tl t ri bt o[ any crcd.t.<Jr to rtJlt'IHCJill OI' reupture, as provided 1'y Jaw, v. IJ not be re111trd boy ~ cui.tod11n of the molOr vrhlclr. B If 1ht ~11c1c11rr. JS 1hc legal OM'l'let of the 1no1or 11d11ck bt mur.I, m •dd ti(.ln (.(! the fort(:Oing, present Lhc owncnhip ctrtlficat(, duly rndlll d DEFlNCtlONS AND Cl)NDITIONS Lnd\ldrd in the tcno "1notor v hide" a1e the following: 1 Pamnt:;cr cart, light and medium . Huvy p11snnger CJrl iJl ordH to c inc within the purchuable' mu l be claucd u "tac-dl\lrn ", at cl<t A1my it not 11mlil'.lrl.&ed to purchai;c: an)' "hnry" pawngn c.ars. 2. Motorcycle.a. l . lluU1t.1 and trucb o{ a.fl typea, lncludin1 pick·up and clrl ·vrry 1rudn; and tractort, including aeml-tAlclr. 1r1cwr1. It la n inknded ~o include within die term "mDtor vehicle" thcise wll ·p1optllrd motor vclilcles 1ult.ed only for farm operation. In the c\•cnt that tile nle o( any motor velUclc la not compl(ttd or 11pr-car1 not leu1ble, tbc Pe-dwtl Reaerve Danie of S•n flnncl1co, t Fiscal Ii 1t of the United St:aru, ll.(ting lor and as •gent of the t'lacucr, ruel"·e1 the right to 1tou such mot-0r vehicle at thr owner'• risk, ae aho~·c act forth, or t& 111.1 ltc such ot.hc I' dl5p01itfon of 1uoh motor ,.cJikle 11t CH)', in ii:.! Mile diacro:t!on, appcu to be just and equitable; l11chuling the right to ptrmil the legal owuer of such motor vehicle to liike his k aJ ra:-0u rs.c for rt:posi.tas.ion or otherwlae. It i intended that t:hc abo,•c procedure will pr<1\lfdc 1 fruiblc m can1 of protecting the intcruts of evacuee• Jn their motor vehicles, without pr / IH!ico: Lo the lnteresu e>f others thert:ln, &nd tihua wi11 ttfect u1 i:qui• Lablt d1 politiC>n of 1uch property. • t eg rdtng•on of Motor Ve ide Agreement * THJ 18 TO C RTI F¥ that the undersigne<l ha.a d and und r: tand1 the iru ru • uons on thl" l'e\lerse hereof regard1n tlie di '>CJ 'tiun 1>f the: in ehide de rihul on \1 OCA C>l1Jll FRR<~. to be att.;tcbed hrr 11ct1d mrorporaltd lry reference liercln af thu Agrr,eine11t • i;ne(J] •hich the '1Jlder£igntd ha. Ii ncd OOJl J'flt'Jlll}• Im I.\ ith. )nstru Agreement. 1 na ooe on tlbe rc1•etliC of WCCA Purtu PR~· 3 arc a part of tin of thr e1foreuid m lOl' "' '1icle a · 01dtn t.o to dis The underog-nod dw Altemat1vc Ne>. _ set f rt.h on 1he re1•crse hereof, ;ind ~Q\l the Ped ra l Resm•c Bank of ·111 ran 11CO. u Pisca.l A •ent of the United , tu at"l acro1din:ly. lf th a mpliahm~at e>f t.he liernative h 1J1. aelc ted appean 1<1 .Ilornk, 111 its sole dis· rC'1lon, lmr 1hle or nt•t fee 1ble, id funk 1 autJ1on~d to rnak~ uc.h otJ1 r<lis.p st.II n of id m tor ·vehicle u Lt deems prope.r. S id motor velude 11 ddfv n:c.I to aid Bauk le ri Ii. i LI•c und r 'g11 , nd 1t 1 agreed that ur; liab1lit)' or rcipon!Uhrlit)• shall ttach to SLid B1t.r.1k fur arij' act or om11- on in conn·aicm thcreof. \.\'llh d handlmw r id m<>WJr v hrcle or di rte 'Lion (th proc.tL<.l' 'The undel'lig 1ed funJ t " reea, UJ'l()n dcm1mcl, to rrunbur the Fed~r I RCJervc B nk of an Pran · • PiJC<ll Agent of the Unltt<l Sr t ~. ill hill for all d\a.rzc and rxprnses inrurrecl in connect1rm v.-ith tll dlspn-itton e>f 'd mc.t <ir elLic.le, rrJ autl1mfacs and iwtruct md .B, nk. to dcdu fr('lm the proceed• of the · le ( id rnotor \'f!nid any f uch e f'CllGC' in urr d. fa:ecutcd a.t.A.rl1 ay .Q ~ Family N<>.- WITNESS: ' 1942. an"'4 1 42.99 • e • MOTOR YEH CLE REGISTRATION FORM Name f RbgDtered Addr -ner___ _ of RtgUtcred Owne:r__. 'IICh R .Kog Parnlly NQ.'"!lbu__ l Oha.u._ _ _ _ 2~2 __ _ _ 05 Name of l.qal Ownu (ii differ nt) Add "fugal Owmr_ _ _ _ Sam Make of Vehld Fo_rd l!ngfoe: Date Flr Sold 19.:50 Ty Acoooori · (Imiscate numbtT on ve111c1e) : Spare Tire( ) Heater 5 rill Numl r~ L1ccnse Nuoohr. ?I or:i s Other .....,..,~,.......,... Num~r F.ordor of Vehicle_ One o ______ _ Pbg Light(•) • ,,..,. ~ . Homa ,.........,, l'lona ________ ----- - -----WAI V E R The flAl1l r vehicle descnbw in thu form is delivered to the I edera1 Re«rv;e B nk of S11.n P.ra.ncisoo, u Pi~I Agent of the Urut.t<l States. at the 50Je risk of the undersigned. It is 11 rrtcLl 11::> Ha · ity or respon 'billty &hall be assumed by the Federal Reserve Bu.nk of Sa.n Praocisco ~ r 1my act or ornwfon in connection with it.a di~poaftiie>n. It t, unde:n. / "" that oo in ranee will be provided on ~hia prQperty. Wi~nes&:a for - ------- ----- Sigriature of Owner_~_(f 7tu. Uliteratu RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE n a.ce of DclJ..,•irey_ _ _ _ _ ___. _____ - - - Receipt of tJi.e \ft>hicle dcscril cd above is hereby acknowledged. - Da: Placed in Sti»~gc: at _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - ---·--- --· -- _ ... - ·- - llc:presenting tlte Pedual Rescnl.f Ban~ of San Fra1icisco; Pi.seal Agent of rile U1r1ited S""tes. ----------------~-- ------ --·- ---~------------.......- ' .. lnstrucfi·ons to Owner To be accepted for s rai:c by t nited States Go •ernmc-.nt, the m(J(()r whiclc mu11t I In roper runnin~ 11rder. .L The proceclure for ~ L ring and torln a in to.r \1ehlcle ia aa foll 1: (a) Tllt St te M "'d11clc m11st Vehicle RetJtiratlon Ccri.Uic.a.t. f0r thi rul:-mlltod t l the Civil Contrnl St.a.H n, uid th c c:.opie.sol th1 form (F'JllH) will then he prepared. (b) Two rop:ka of this form. 10g"ethtr with Rebristration Cetttficat~. ",,ll be ndcd t<> cbe evacuee for his retention u.1 til arrf •al t the designated Awmlily Crntu. The third oopy will be r t..1incd at thr id Control t.itfom. ( ) 'The evacuee v. m be ~ivcn ..,~ identi6caci n g hich he v...Ul t~c to the u:erang app!.r tua of m r I e.hJc:lc. (d) On arri..,a.I at Aaml>I Otntcr the'e will ~ver to Wl~ representatj • of the Pedenl Reserve B;ink ()f Pra11ciaco th t ~ oop1e1 of trot form, ~ R tr•tion Ct.rti' te, and the to t,he vehicle. (e) 'Ifie rep~<'c of the Pr.den! Re3erve l$<tn of to flra11d!ICD will d1eclc all number• on the form and if found tQ be correct. will ackno led e receipt of the motor vehicle by lgning r»lle copy of the l<>rrn and delivering it to tbe evacuee. If the motor \lehlcle de.cicrlbecl in this I rm u lost, damaged, or destroyt.d a the ren1lt of negligence while tt 111 the posoe!sion or custody of e United Staten, or a.l\r agency acting I It, the Congress of the UniLed St:atea will lie aal<e!I take appropriate action for the benefit of the owner. EST'BRN DRFENSB OMMAND D FOU.RTI ARM WARTIME CIVIL CON R ADMlNISTRA 10 San F.ran ·aco, O•lifomia INStRUCnONS TO EVACUEES RE-GARDING DISPOSITlON OF MOTOR VEHICLES * F:v•<:u es 111 oot be pcnnitted t.o t ke t.1 e1r motor vehicles to r epti n centers. No uran wlllltcvu cu1 be giv n t.ha c: u ea 1iJI be en11.hktl u m f timt. to ha1; the mot.or "clud now ownc by them rewmad for their l!ldl\'idual we. Tli\: Un.j•ed St tt$ Army i$ atJtborized, 1n la:. di~etion, to urch1t. motor \•duclc:~ from c: acueea. P or to e a.cuatJ001 nwtor vehicles roay lie &t<>~, eold or ot erw• disposed of by Ill owner i-riviitel)•, without o cmm :ntal i n.~rfertlllce or a.ssi6tan 1 ALTBRNATJVES OP STORAG6 OR SALE Th~ 01hrr lltcm.llti\'<'I pr! 10 1 e l".\'l t'U tt who uwna a mPtor ' ebi t a.1e u followa 1 Ar1rrrnatl~e J, To deli~·rr js 11\0tot \•chide to Federal Rt5eJ'\le !311.nk e>f St~ 1and soo, u l1iacal l'.gtnl e>f the nited StatCJ, for Ftr>nge at tlu· (}Wnn' 1 sk, wllhoul insurance; whkb lit( r11i:c: will, in m i11stanct11, he in open aru1 (at A111ernb~y Cl<ntcn or 1>tl1cr de11gnatc,.~ place•) and mwt <>ol l•trenily be or a ohar11.ct.u whkJ will suhjc.ct motor vchicle1 to a mort 01 i:r(ater the apprall!ICCI vilue llO tltat die t\lacu..e hill DO cqµrl)', nr> u1lt to the Ut1irtJ Si:atu 111111 be ce>t11u111m11.rd . Ju 1uch an lnlllart c 1l1c ri 11 d any c1 ditor I.() re po i.c1>1 c.r recapture, as pr<1v.iilcd P) J, , w.•ill nol he re•i&ted by the llBtodaan of the mcMtr ·chide. B. 1f 1/ID rv41n1ee IS the kgol 1>11ro tr of 1h~ 1111110 1 1 rhi<lt, he 111u.t, in ndd ilion w the for~"oia1, p1e6C'nt Lbc owner h~r «rtlliclti-, d11ly r:11dor M'!d.. DEFINJTIONS AND CONDITIONS Im rapid dcterlontion . Aflrmotlre z. To offer hia mot.or 1o1 hiclr fo1 ~tie te> the United Slate• .on the folluwing bufJ: Tht motor vchk ie will ~ app1a i1~d Ii~ two diuntcruttd nppra.lser11 i.11d, In ii. dlBCrtt.lon and al iH oplicm. the Army m ~y buy the mot.o:vrhidt al tho appmiscd prlc:e wluc h shaU 1101, er, acced the '.Blue Book "'!h1>k1alc value in the loca.lhy hue the p111chatc f, e0nn11'Dina1ed. .PURCHASE OF MOTOR VBfllCLBS BY THB A. If rite r1111t1ut ir NOT t.11c lrgA-1 ownrr of the 1notor vehlde, ordl!r IP aminge for a &a.I!" to thr Ami y, he in11 i prt~nt to the :Ped· eraJ l'\'(llfrVC Bank of San Jlra ncisco. a Pi11tal Ai:rnt or the United S~tt:J, at tht c.lvil Control Sta~oo, or 1uch other place u may he cJlrcde~. the following: 111 en do reed . l. The agrr.c.rnent on ~lie n·ver1e hereof, duly 6igned and . l . Such other authoritation and at11\Jn11cc u may be required by the Pt~tral Reurvc Bank of Sari Pranti•co, Unitrcl State•. lt'fltl "mo~1>1 \•elucle~ lite following : 1. P11 ·oi:tr CiU'I, light a11d medium Heavy paueni;er ca11 tit ,,rdrr r.o oome within the purchuao!c: o.tegory must Ix olu• d u " 11\ clfarn" , as the: llmiy la no! autM..r1ud purchue ally "heavy" pu~u1gc r cu . 2. Motoreyclc1. 3. Bllllel and truc:l1e of .all typo, tocludl11g pick,up and d tll.,.ery tl\Jck ; and traci.ort , scml·t.n1cli trl~r1 . It ls nut intended to i11dude within the t.crm ''motor ll'ehilcle'" tliotc 111:](,pwpdlcd motor veWdei 111ltcd only !or fa11n opcrulon. UNITED STATES t. l\eoi tratlon eert.ificai.e, duty Included in the a1 PIKal llgrnt or the 111 cur. the evacuee i1 111>t the legal O\llner, it mlllt bt clea.rly uradcr&tood that if the indebtedne11 again t.h motor vehicle is equa.I to or In the e\'cnt that t.hcc: nle ol ny motor \•ehicle 11 not C&1Dpiletied ur appear• not I eaaible, die Fed~r1.l fte-eNe Bank cif San Fra ndte1>, H :Pi1cal J.g.:nt of Lhe United Sc.atu, acting for t.11d M agent of chc e 111cuee, r~en• 1 rlghl t.o ctoce sue~ motor vehicle 1t th~ OWlltr' 1 d k, at abo,•e '1?t forth, or to malte ucll nther d!tp<>1ition of 1uch motor 'llir.hldc al may, ln it• tole dillCfc!lion, appear w bt jnL and eq'llitable, inc:l"dJng du ri.~ht 10 permit the 1cgal 0V1ner of 1uch 111olor ve~iolt to talc::e :Illa ~111111 rccour~ for repouesuc.n or ot.bcrwl&e. It Js Intended that the a.bow: procedure v.•ill provide a fcufble muns of protect.Ing Lhc intuc of c~'lcurc.a In their motor ve.hldu, wi thout prejudine to the intrrc~ of orb r1 therein, and thu1 ......n1 effetit an equl· t~ hlc cl ls position of 1\lcb property. • _ gr •~"' t" Rogcrding Df1,po1itien of Motor \le icle * TH 15 JS TO "' !RTlPY that the undersigned hu d 11.nd \ulder Land th m!ltruc· ti n~ on Llae revuae b re.of regarding the disposition ( 1he motor ehicle de: .nbo..d .11 rm ~- , {to be attached her o and inoarpor ted by fe!lt.nce fm .in if WOOA •nedJ which the undersigned hits aigned refu."UJTCntlr he-re ~·itlt. this Agre.tment · aid 11u1troctioni. ilnd i;h n the i'e\: r of WCOA form }1\.ll· l a .a pit.rt of th.I~ Agree1Dt:r t.. of tile aforesaid mot.or \ aide according tu un&rslgned desires t.o di e ederil 1 Reser c erse hett.of, and req t forth on th Altel'1 iltJ 'e o. Ban.k of n Frand ::-o, 1u 1scal Agen.t of the nited tau:., to act. «ic .rdtngly. If die ac mp1uhnent of Lile alternative hercitl &elected appe.a.r w td B1tn , lt1 u ,Jc dis• creti01 , -111po bl or n. t fea& hie, • ld llii.nk ia authoritcd t.o m Ice llc.h other di position of • id m<>tC'lr \lthldc as it dcern prorer. Th '...L Said r11otor \•rliic:le Ia dell\'m.: d t.o sa:id Dank at th aole .1• k of the \l1tdcr i,:ncd, wd it fo agn:cod th t no liah1lity or r ponsibilu y n.11 alitioh IQ s;dd llmk f. r an • iL . or omis· ion in c :11ncction with the handlio.: of a.a id mo r vehicl or d; prniitio~ J t I e pmcecds t1~e.reof. 11.e ign~ furtiher agrees, u . n dema.nd, to rcimbul'&e the c c:rnl Reserve Bank o:f San Frand.sco, Agent of the United Stitt , in full for • I ch rgc and expen 111curred In connr ion with the dupos1twn of 1o11id motor vehic.Jc:, and a uthoritea a.nd n nicl siud Ran to deduct fro the pr,ncda of the s.t le of .. ·d 111otN vehicle any of sud1 incurred. Em•>! . ~ ·~JZ-~;,.,-t:/.p;•~&~/1m. ----- fa/&QJ:L._ 7f__r--fi12/ F:a:mily No._ ~ / L/ ~ 2-.. ,9 • MOTOR V HICLE R GI TRATION FOR ' of Legal = i"-m-C=a_______ _________ lfa.mily Number...l.A274. __ _ osh E. N une of R.e;gistued ner (if chlfertnt) Acldre of Legii!l Own r____ i;;lars.o ______ OS? 8 LicMae Make of Vehid1 D1..te Far __...._ -~- Sc al 'ore:! 8 l':!ngine umh:r 16:: i...b f:12 13_____ _ kl J\cus.qorle (Isi..~-ica.11: nmnlier on vehicle): :Hea~r .. Spare Tire(s) on _ Fog Light(•). :l1on a Ji emark.s: __ ----~-- ER 'The lllGlt-01· vehicle dc.ncnbed in th form is t the P~d ral Ruserve .Bari of Sari Franciaoo, as l'inl ABc11t of the Uniced St<ttea. at tJ • .oJ risk of he undersigned. It ia a.(!r cd th11.t llJ liability or raponsfbility aba.U be 8!1umc:d by tlte Reserv~ Bank of San Pn ncisco fo~ any act or rni.sli:ion in cunnecttoA wlich ita cl:laposition. It ia underdr. that no insllra.rtce will he provided p11 thi1property, Witn for llliterat.u - RECEIPT FDR VEHICLE Place of Deltv-ery_ Receipt of the venicle desc.nbe-d above Is he.rcby 1 cl<nowledged. Da1.e.--- - - - · - - - - - - - &presenting the Ped.nal ltc:uroe .Dan~ of San ll•rincisco, Pi6cral A,tn t '1 / thr: Uon ted State•. Placed in 5torage a ----------- --------- • ~ I lnstructi ns to Owner To be acc.epted for rage h)' fie United State Go1t'e:mme11t, 111.c motor ~cle must be in proper nning rdr.r. 1i e procedure for rcgt tering a.Jld storing a m<M r velucle i M ( llowJ. : (;i) The M , r \I el i( e rat it>n. Ocri16 te f ~ rhis vrJncle must he submiitt d al the Civil Control l<ltion, and three c.opi of thu <t1"1l'l (FRD·)) will then prepilfe<l . (b) Two copiea of thi form. i;Nh~r with the Regi bion Certi6CJfe, will be hllnd d to the evaC\lec for hl11 retel".lt:lon unt1l arrival at the design<1ted A rnbl>• The thlrd c.opy will be ret.a ned at 1he Civil Control tat Ion. (<) The evacuee will he gi en an ldrntl6cation g whfrh lie will tie 1tCUrely to ta"at. steerioz appacatua o tllle mrio: vehlde. ( d) On arrival at t ht r\.A$embl' t.c.r t.hc evacuee will deliver to the repmiell tivc of 1he Federal Reserve B:mll 1CJf SAA Francisco tbe t •o cop)(.a of ~a form. the. ll i~ tn.t.i n Certtlicat.e, a11-0 the key• ~th~ vehicle. ( tlit Pederal Reserve Bank of &11 Pra.nd!IOO wi11 check a.IL Jlumbera 011 the form and if found to be correct 'Will aclcmowledge receipt of the motor veldde by signing one copy oJ the form and deliveri11g it t.o tl1e evacuee. (t ) 'The rcpre11&ntative U the motor vehicle described iJi this form Is (()St, damaged, or dc.str0')1ed as the result of negligence e i~ ie in t.he possession or cust.ooy of the Unite<! State&, or any agency acting for it, the Oongrl!ll of the United St.ate& will be asked to ta e appropriate action for the bc.Bcft of the ()\\Iner. • WESTBRN D ~l~EN B COMMAND AND JlOU T l I ARMY WAR11ME cnrn.. c NTROL AI>M JNl.~TaATJ Sam Frltllcisco, Ca1J.forn1J INSTR cnONS T-0 EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSmoN OF ~OTOR VEHICLES * Eva.cuec.s will n~t b permatt d to taL tl1c!r ~r vebiclca LO pti o centera. No assur.tncc wh t ver can b.; &;l\'Cn th~t ac:UUJ w1ll be eraablcd-:i me f ut1ue time have the motor vc.hi l no own d by lhrm re turned feir tli ir tnd! 1d 1111 use, The lfoired Army u authoncod, in ji. ductct1011, tt) pu.rdla m<l4 .r \•ehicl from e''a uees. Prior to evacuatio:·1, mo r ,, hiclea ro11y be 6U'l td, &01 or ot.he..rwu.e dls~d of by the 1>wnc( prl atdy, vithout i11t.crimn~ or nee. ALTERNATIVES P Sl'ORAGB OR SAL The otlicr a\tematl~ts prc~ntcd to 1lie c\•acuee who Al foUowe : OVIC\B a motor vd11rJc are A lt~rriatl.,,~ 1. 1'o dtllvrr b!a motor 11rhklr to Pcderal Ilr«:n'I: B•nk ol San Pnncieco, ae Fi~al II •en~ of ~he ni1ed StateP, for bl-0 rage a the owl\cr'a rlik, w1tl1ou insur~noc:, winch 1toragr ""~I, in rocu1t 11utaocu, bf In open trtaa (at l".ll!ernbly Ct-n1era <>t or.brr dr-lignated placea) and mu of ne r ity be of • e1haracttr which will ub!r:ct mot.or vil1kle• lo a more or I rapid deterlor&:tlon. A ltrrn•ti"e 2. T() offer' hi moror vehicle for ale to thr Unlttd S1atr• on the fullowini ba&U: Thr mot01r \' hide WJll be by IWO di fn tucsted appralma and , Jn lta diKreuon and al 11.J (lptlon, the J11my ma>• buy the motor ''rh,de at the app1ai eel price which thall IH>I, however, ftceed the Blue :Boole wholenlc vah.1e In tl1r lor.allty whtre d1t purchue " r..on wnrnated. PURCHAS OP MOTOR VEHICLES BY Dill UNITED STATBS I\ . If the evacuee 11 NOT r!ie legol oW'1er of thl' mot<>I' vrhkle, In order w arrange for a sale W the Anny, he mu t rr acot to the Frd • cral Rncrvc Bank cf an Prancltoo, 111 Jll11eal Agent of th.: United States, at tbr: Civil Control ration, or 1uch other pla« a m11y be dlrr. ed, the following: I. ReglatrAtion cut.Uicatt, duly endoraed. 1. The agrcc:mrnt 1111 tlie rcv11rr>c her~ol, dl1ly signed and 1a1itncned. 3. Such ather authoriz:.«lion anrl at<S11nnce as may be required by the Pedrral Re crvc Bank of San Pranr,J5e0, a1 Pl cal AgcDt Ctf the United Sta1.t1 In cue the evaClllec Is not the lef!al ()Wiler, it mu~t be dearly under• stood that if t he inde1*4!11t ~ against the motor vehicle i eqvrtl to or grtattt than the ap;praJllt d 1·t.lue •O th~t the encut has no e~ll•ly, llO ·· I~ fQ 1he IJn•1etl S1.<1ti:1 u11ll bi con111111m&mf. In uc:h an in111tanc~ the ni:}ll of any ttrcdhM 10 rcpos~ti or recapture, u ,pio\'Jdcd b)'l law, will not be n1411le d by the c:11p1pdian <>I tJ1e motor vehkle. B I/ the tl '•rilct IS 1lie lfg~I l11 addlclon to the fore go 'ng, pr 11{ rhe moror t•rhlcle, he 11 u&I, ml the ownf.nhtp ~ertllicatr. 1 duly (IMtrr rJ1dorucl. DE TNITIONS A 0. COND ITIONS ludl!ded ind e unra "mc1l.()r w:hic3c" re the lotlowing : l P1 eni:e 1 can, Jigllt and medhun. H l'\IJ pa51enger cau lA 1mler 1 CUIDC wltbin the.- purdl.o1aa'1le cat~,gory mull be da cd a "mcd1ut11 ', u the ~rmy 11 11ot alltliorl:.ed to pu r ihn6e 111,. ••f•tl''Y" paa1c.n er c•rn. 1. Motorcycle$, 3. Bu•ou and rn.ic:k:a cd all type•, fncludln11 pic:k·up and dul11cry 1n1cltJ; :and tract()oll, iMludi ng aorni,truck tractors. It I not ln1endc-d t.o illdudc wlLJ.ln the tem1 "rnot.or vellic.le" t'bosc &elf•proJ>ellcd motor 111:1\l<lea aufled olll)' for farm opera~lon. In lht c.wnt that t 111. ..Ir of aa)I motor vthide ie 11ot eompl kd or appc"an not>lc, the feeler~! Re~T" .Bank of ~n PrandMl'>, 81 Jlir.a.I !li;cnt of the Urailtd S~atei, atllnG for and 11 agi:nt of the evlituer, r rrve1 the right ro tLO!re e11ch Jnotor vehicle Iii! th e ownc.r't rl le, aa i..!Y.>vc iel fonh, c>r Lo nnlct tlch othu dJspl>9ltiC1n of 1ucb motor ~•hiclc u roay, ft1 iu sole dlacr't&fo11, appcer tc> be juJt u1d equftablt, ind1Jd ng tht rl bot lo pw11it the leg&.1 owner of 8uch motor vc.l1icle to tmk:r: 1111 1e11al rtc~'Un<.: 1011 "'-PO~ic11 or otber:wi1e. 11 111 intended tl1at I he alxwc pl'()(tdlur wnt pro\'idc a fea~ible OJearu <>i protecting the fntere 11.l e> I evacut:CI fa lihei r motor vchklea, wrthout prrfudk:t 10 the i11tl!'l'Nt1 of othrr1 tbu-ein, and t'bus w111 effect an eq11i· tllhlt dt.po,ltion of wdi prc11erty. Agreement Regarc!linu Dlspoa·tion of Motor Vellilcl * THI IS TO CERTIFY that tl1e under&i nee.I bu read arid under tand •~om in tlie r '' .ri;e hereof rt•garJing tbe d1 \VCCA rm r RB· I [to be atta Jed beret and inc.or thi Agreement 1 lligned) which Ule und nrigrted bu gned ooncurrml )' S:ud mstru 101 and t~1 aeon tbe rC\''USC of \VCCA rm R]),3 are a. p rt of tb.i Agreement. The unde ·i.rnrd deairee to di.spc se e>f 1i e afores!lld mot r '·ch idle crord ng to J\ltcmatwe ·o. -- atl forth on '!he re1•erae hereo , J1.11d requem the ed n l l\eiJe!'\'e Brn of n han, as i ] Agent of tht? rnted, to a ac ordingJ '· It the acc.<.>mplisbm nt f the ·e herein ielc d ap(X'.an to d Bank, ir tt .te di· c.re1.lon imp • le r n t fe-.anbl , t11ud Ba.1 L au1hon.ud tu make such otbn dJ of &JI id Ill t r ·chicle as it de-ems p1· per. Said m or vehicle 11 dclil·ered to 6ald Bank l th .le n k c:,,f the 1mdt lijne<l, mi it l agreed that no liability r r sponsibihty ,hall tt.a h sud BJnlc for an; ac-t 01 omu• S)l)rt in connection with the l1andling <'{said mot •elude or di6['0!:1tion of he pmc •eds tihe.reof. The unduslgncd furt~ ct a •r.:e5, upon de-mand, to reimburse the Fed r. 1 R - ni llrnk of S.w raoruoo, Fisca l Ager.t of t11c aited States, in foU for all charges and ex pen s incurred in connect kin w1 th the <l1 spo rt1011 of id mot.or ,•chic le, a11d • i.h rizcs and m tni .;ud Bank Lo deduct from the pr· .eds of th<: !till(• uf SAid rr1 tor \ eJuclc any of such upcnse incurred, Execute-cl at.. Arrojo Grande 14274 \V ITNESS: -. WeC:A l'O,.lolnl9J' • ...,, • t I e e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM 9 - - - Fatmly Numbr-r l4222 _ Name of ~ tercd Owru:r-..XS..tAu.1.chLF" fl ----~ .A.ddrw of Registered Ow11c:r_P_. Name of Legal Owner (it dllferent) Add of Ltgi.t Own NT &... SA Jlank_of ---- r-8.a.nh. Maris. ,_ California License Nurnber~£3 rl9l P.or Make of Vchid Date P1111t i & . St.aka -~--~ Sc-rial Number. . -.,.....------ S G2820P Engine Num r_ l..8=5.578220 8 .3-29 -~o - Type of V hJQIL-fi!lk-' ll.p 1.... ..,..-.~-1- l. He1tter None 01 Other lfona - .__,_ ...... Fog Light ( ) Radio Olla Ol1Cl - - .,....... 'T Remark! :_ _ ..._...,r·-1 ,...,... •......,.,,.,.._.....,..., - -· WAIVER Tk moto.c vehl e bribed in this form 18 delivered to the FMerd.I R~rl.'e .Smk of San Praracisco, as Pl11eal Agent umed of the United SLa.tu, aJ the l(i))e risk of the 1.1n ersij:ncd. It iJ agreed thn.t n;.i Liability or responsibility shall be by the Feder; 1 Reset'\Je llank of San Prandr.cq for any act or vntissl1m in wunection with ii. dillpo.Ul.lon. lt ia urlil toocl that no msuranc:.e wtll provided on I his pre>~rty. ·----- ·---- --- Witn~ for Illiterates Sigrll\ture of Owner__ -~---- RECEIPT FOR VEHIC E Place of Deli"ery ·- ·---·-··-... .---....---- --· -·-·--~-- Recclpt of the vehicle describct.I above is hereby ack.nowledgE'd. . ----.. Representing- the Fed eral Resm.Je Bani( of Sa11 Prancisco, Da.__ _ Puca.I Agent of iliti U11ited Sra.te.,, Placed in a --~ - -~-------·-----· . ··--- - - - - -·-- -------- -··-----4 - -------- -~ • Instructions to Own r rage by the Uniwl Sti.t.ea Go\<ernmen ln p per running order. The prooedu I for r i$taing arid taring a mot r "chicle is 111 folll)W : ( t) 11 c ta.t.c Mt r Vehicle Rt-g1stration Ocrt1fi tt f()f ~h11 vdddt mm b submitted .at the Civil Control Sta.ti n, ut! three of this fo.rm PRB· 3) will l.hc-n he p.rerilfC<I. (I>) T\"I, rop of this fnnn, i.q:ether with the Regt Hon Cert ifir.a.. e, will be handed to I.he evacuee !or h.!1 ti:htlon arri' al t the design t <l A">~mhly Center. The th.i1'<i oopy will t med at the C1111 Control 'tation. ( c) 11 •a cuce "lll !'!! ~i"en an ident i6cati n '! •hi ch he will tit: rely to the st.eerfog app;i r<Ll\1.1 of the motor "erude. ( <I) 011 ard J at the Aale1nhl nter !Jle evacuee will dcllve.r t.hc re:preseotitive of the F deral R~rve Bank 'O SUl the t •o copies of thi1 form, the R gl.., u,.t:lori Cc:rtifiatc, and the ey1 to the veh.iclc. (ot' The rcpr !!erlt.ttivc o( the Peden! F.esuv :&.11\ of San Jlr'°'nc19oo '11--ill check all numbers on the f()nn and if found to he conect 111 acknowledge rec.eipt of the motor vehicle b;y• Ollf! copy of the form and delivering 1t to the et1ac\.1ee. lf the m~or vi:hlcle deecn'bed ln thia form is l t, damaged, or dr:st 1·oyed as the l'e&<\1 It: r>f negllgrno! while it ia fo the pogseasion or custody of the United Stat£' • or an)' gene>· acting fo r it, the C-mrigr of t~e United State! will u .ed take appropriate action for the benefit of the o' ncr. , lj I 111 - ,.._. .. WESTERN P B COMMA.ND ANO AR~ lMB CCVJL CO 0 RTH All.MY , R L ADM NIS JMTIO~ Sim Pra.i1cDc.o1 Califmlllia INStRUCTIO s ro EVACUEES REGARDING DIS.POSIT ON OF MOTOR VEHICLES * E arucea will not b. pcTillitted tQ t.o.lte IJ1e1r m 1LCJr dkiclr,s t.o r ept' n centa: No wurwce wlutev r can j)t: given tb t e' v.'l be nabled at~~ future time to ha11e the m t.()r •e.h1 Jes 110 o Btd h)' t retiar~cl for theu ndi ·u.Iua.1 uac. The United Staw Army i1 a11~'homed 1 111 i d.iict ior,. to purchaMi m !I' vel1icJ f l'tlm e\lacuees.. • m r yeludu m ~ be stott4 «.lid r {)the.rwl clisp a f Pri r to by the owner ri"1a l ly, ·ithout o cmmental l te.rCerc.a <>.r aaslstan~ ALT8RNATIVES OF STORAGB OR SALB 1'hc other alttmative1 pre cot d w the c-\•acue wl10 0'11'111 ll m<1to.vdilcl11 ue .. foll11w1: A ltrr11•li''' J, Tod liver hit m<1t r vebklc to «lr111I Rutr\lc Bank. Prand1co, u Pl5al II i:ent pf t l.t nuCld, for awr1ge at 1'.lle CJ ner·e rM1, 'thout 101uranet, wl1icl1 RWrage will. an roo1t instance•, be in open ar u (at A6!.tlTlbly Center or othn dC111 nared pl11Ct1) arid m111 t of ne~ Ly be of a wl1ich will ubjcct motor \'fhfclea to a m~1e or lus 1apld dcttric>ratlion. ol s.. n A lterndti1' ;I, To offer 8 at1:1 on I hc follc•willg hull: 1111 mtJtor nhicle for ale to the Onlt.rcl 'l'ht motor nhidc will be apprai•cd by t\\/() dl 1oterc11ted appraim1 aud, [n au cfotrtllt>n and ~t 1t op1fon, Lhe )11my may buy Lhe mol<Jr vd1 clc at ~be appn.licd price which ~ha.II not, howe\lcr, exceed the Bl\le B<>~k whol sale ' 'alue In the Jo('allty where the h oon11JmJ110.ted PURCHASE OP MOTOR VliHICL6S BY THB UNITED STA TES /A. . If Lht ewC1lte 11 NOT the leg11E· of rhe 1110 a,. thick in ord"r to arran~t for a ale to the Army, h< muot pruent to Ult Ped• ei:a.I Reserve Bank of San Pranci&co, at ~l11r11.I J\ cnt of the U nJtccl StaL , at the Oivll Control St111Jon, or uc:b other place u may be d1rertr-d, tl1e followin111 I . Regi tration ctrti6ca tc, duly cndorud. :2. The "!e'"ement on the reverie hereof, !luly &i •ncd and witnessed. !. Such i»lhcr aui.borliat:Jon and a surancc as may be required by the Federttl R•aervc B11.nk of San Pranci8CCI, aa Fi6tal Agent of tile lJ ~i tC"d tatea. In case tbe f'•acuec !& not the legal ownu, it mu be dr.arly llnder· irtooct t ha~ if tlie indcbtcdnru againlt tbe rn otor v.chicle i& equal to ,or ~ tatu an d e app1 u!Cd "'al\le &o llhi.t iJllt . ·Kucc hat nCJ 'fCjUll y. t1P ulc 10 1hr Vm~r• will be co111Mt11 111od. Jn uch ah inwt.a:lltc tl1e ui;Jit c•I u1 CNChtor LO r poWJU qr recapt11rt, u p1<1\idcd bf 1a"4'. 'Wall not bf rc:r;.i111c:d by 1be cu•todian of the !Dot.or •chicle. 111 S , II rltr c-1 a.CtJrt IS 1hc ltg;il ouma 1>} thll .otM l'.Jthidt, he Jn\l I. addition 10 the (e>rc11olng, prre nt the i» ·oenhip ctrtifiwe, dlttl)' ciador~d. DBflNlTIONS AND CONDJTIONS 111 t c term "mo•or ''rhlcle" Lit fbe following; J>u•r-11,t~ car1, light 1nd medium. Hell\')' pas engl'r ca.r1 iD end r 1 C.Clrnc within purchuali e cat gCJry 11.11111 be lu~d u ··mcd1u111 ", at 1ht Anny i1 not au tht>riu d to putchue 2 3. l..JI y '"l1eavy" pas~rng r cars. i:>lOl'CJlolc•. :Bi1 nrit. llld t.rUck of d i cypca, lndaidl11g piclr·up and dtl \"I truck&; anti wac1ors. includins ~ni-1.ruclt tract-on. It 11 f\(lt i ntendrd (() inc within the term "'motor \lthklc'" t.11 oa: iclf·p peJl td 1111>tor 'llchldca 1Uitcd only for (Lrm operation. In th~ t'llcr>t that the nlie of a11y moto• ~cle i1 not com pli:~d or a.ppcu1 nC'J Fe iblc, tht Redual Re er1'c B1111ic of S11n Franc:iaeo, n Ill!' al Agent o f 4l1~ Unibed &t.4~11 11clllng for and u agent ol the 1:vac111~e. r~rvea the rig:ll.l t:o •I-Ort lJch motor \ltblcte at the owner'• ri111 1 1111 aba\•e 1et rorth, e>r to make n1ch other dl1p(l8llibn o ( tuch moLt>r 'lltliicle u may, in it.I r.<1le di w:Lion, appc~r to be just and cq\1it1blc, includlni: the right t o Jl'trrnlt the legal owner of tuch motor vehicle to t11ikc 1111 lct:irl rcco111'11e !or rcp011v.1Eio11 or otherwlee. It is illkn ~ ed that the a~1c p~0et:dun: 'NiJI pro~-ide a feulble mean• of p rof CClilllg'. !he interest.& Of <CVllClltt• in tJ1cir mot.Of Vehicles, v.t/thoot prcjudi~ I<> the intc[e6t.I of othtn therein, Ln.d thus will elftct an cq11I• table disp<>iaition of 111ch property. O(;A ,..., .. ... gr em rit egarding Di1po1ilion of Motor V hid * TRI 18 RTrYY that the under gn bu read and understands tht in rue· '" er1e her«> regardm' the dt pc.1 uion or the m tnr \•elude d hcd () 1 irlt.D• , {co att ched hereto and lnet'tporat.ed by refercn-.e h rem if tlu.a A ~e:mellt. ned} wl1kh the 1Jnder1o11gned ha l ned ooncurremly l11~rc rtll. Sak] in t cti011u 11.1 d thOBe. on the mi 1se of V.1 A Form FRD·3 arc a pa11 of this J\greement. The und • l!ood desha to di1pose of the afore! id motor vchl e according forth on the reverse l e1 • (,and ucats the Pcdi:rnl Re noe 2 temat.l\•e No. Bank of a.r Fr;m soo, fiscal Agent of the nit d tntcs, to act accordm •Ir. If the mi- if.hmcnt f the 1.lternaLr\'e herein eelect.ed llppear to id Bank, m 11' le di· 1blc, said Bank u authoriz d tom· J.c L1Uch othi:.r 1.h pt:i'ltio!l rt derm proper. Said m tor 'el ide u dd1vercd LO said Bank at the 51.1lc · l. of the um.le ~ nt.:d 1 '-"" agr d that n() liab1 lit or r pons1b1lity shall at eh said Di11\k or 1111y ac r omu· •I Jn JlllCct.i •n w1tJ\ tJ C hanJJing of said motor V b1 le Ur di f ~1Lfon of the J'TC ' d Lis thereof. The uncle igned furtllcr :t recs, upon dr:mand, to rcim ursc the Foder.ti R :r &nk of n Frail • Fiscal Ag nt of the United States, in full for all cha.rg~ ru! peni.esin .urrcd Ul conn~ ti n with the chspo 1t1on of aaid me.tor vtluclc, and auU-,ori:e& nd inst~u id JS nk to dedu from t.he pr· eds of the . le nf s; 1d mot( r vehi le any of Ell h expen . i11cu rrd fa~ultcl~hO~~~ Family No.- / ~....Z:.:Z ;:2 _.,-, _ e MOTO e VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM 7 Jfob.m.1y g_____ of R~gu;ter-od Owncr..lm . ari.a, Ce.11.farni Serial Number.same License Nuo her_ 7?1974.8 _ - }\ e of Vr-hi Je Dille Plr 8 ngine Sed - (lt1dica.te 11uml>~r 011 '1c~1d.::): n 'umbf'r99li6.731..7 ll-29-.4:1.....,..... 1lcl t SPO.UJ."f Heater .None um r.U212 S.tol<ee ~----- Nairoe cl Legnl wncr (if cWferent) Ba.olt .of ~Q Address of Legal 01 f) Parmly l if().rr,il,e,. __ _,,,____ ~- ----- l G .Addre.ssi of Registered Owner_ ..F. ..__'""'..'-'-'..,....."" -66.2, -~--- Spare Tire(s) 1 - . .,._ __._..,. . . .1c ,.- --------- ---- Other 'r u.L _Fil.tor R.erm1ru · - - ... Radio JLone. Fog Light(•) None ·---~~ ··-----.......-~_..,.....-·~- ...... _______ _____ _ . WA IVE rve E nk o( Sa.n Pranclsoo. u figcaJ Agent The motof' vehicle descrlmed i1 thia form is delivered tll.l the 1'eden1 urned of the United S~tes, at the lie rial of t11e undtr&ig11ccl. 1t is agreed th t "" l!abllity or responsibi.iity .hall be understood l• ft diepositioo. ji:. witli. ...01111e~on i11 ornllision r act any fo~ Francisco Sa11 of Dank Relerve by the PedcraJ WUlt no inS\lf'llflCC w;ill be prov•~ n. this rropert)'< Wit.r1~ - - for JJliterates - -~--~· RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Plaoe 1>f Delivery_ ______ - - - ----- --------- ---..·-- ----.. ~------ Receipt of the chicle dcscnbcd above is hereby acknowledged. Dat.....__ _, - - - -- -- - - ----&presenting ilu Pedertil Reserve - Bar1~ -- · - -- oj Sau f",anci&c:.o, Fiscial Agent of the United .5tal·e!, Pbtccd in Storage a ---------- ------ -- . ------ --~-·-----.------ __ ...._._..___ - -- ---··-·--- , .e ,1 ruled Stat To be G<>n nnmrnt. the m ring a mcxor vehicle 11 a The pl'OC('.(.iurr (or (a) r Vchidt Rcgfitr tic:>n Certlli~tt: for t'his mum be bmit~ecl at t..he Cival Oontml taitlo111i and t.luee CDiJlc& of this fonn (FRBi· J~ will tl1en be piocJ>aretl. \•efiicl~ "°' thl1 forlD, t:ogetlirr ~~th tl1e ll gi t ti•Jn Certilfi ate, ~,11 be handO<! to the tv.l(Ut:e (or retent.lon until arrival r Lhe d igm~d A!semhly Center. 7.he thin.l cop)• will r ·t:ninrd at tJie C 'vii Oc:mtrol, tilt on. (b) Two oopi (c) The evacuee 111 bot gi1o1e1t a.n idc-nt1fic1t1 n g '~ l1fch lie will Lie to the. atee:ru ir a. paratua oi tbe maitor vehide. (d) bly Qtnter Lhc ev.iauec will n arnval at ti.+ A deliver to the reprc-aentati •e of t J.c .Federal Rt.een•e lllnk. the l""1<t ooptc:t of thl1 fotm~ th~ 1\egl,. f San Pran · c.erti6 t.e, .a11<.I the liiers 1-0 I.he "'~hl~e. (e) TI1c rtpresentttive -0f the rd I Rt!.!trve Banll f $a.t1 Prandeco will checl all nurnbm on t1:e form and if found to be c.orrtt:t v.'111 ac nowledge rect:ipt of the motott rehicle by signing one cop)" of the {orm and delivering it t» the CVl\CUCC . If the m.otor ~·ehitle de1aibccl in Llio form is lost, d11magcd. Olr destroyed as the f Dtghg~ whJle it: :i :in tile poMCS.~ion r Clls tody of the URited States, or any agwcy ae,,t1ng for it. tJie Congl!CM of the llllited Ulke app rnria.te action for t11e ber~e6t or the Sta.tea wi11 be a&kcd owner. 'I . .. e e WBSTE~ DBFENS COMMAND ANP FOURTH AR.MY A TlMli3 ICJ'VCL C !'l'TRO. ADMINIST.RA ION, Calif0<mta INS:JltUCTIONS TO E'f ACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION Of MOTOR VEHICLES * E •acucc.s wlll not lie pt 111!l.ittccl tGJ k., ti cir o:iotor vehicle& ~ recept.i<>iw • o urrnre ·• ha1i:Yl!f c;tn !>.: gi •en t!J t c a ueea ill bi,: CJ\.il bl d at aome f~~11rc tim~ t.o ha\l~ blie mowr vcl1:id~ now ·ncd by them rc1urncd f r tJ r iodivlL.luaJ u . The fr m e\'.a nit.ed State• .Anny Ja &l1Lbol'Ued, tin it tlfsc~~tie>B, w pwcll !IC motor v udes \leel. r to e'•a u;1ti 11 1 motor veh"cl may be oi-.ed, Id or o~ne('Wise by the °'"'Iler ps:i,•at.cly. witoo t &0'\''111nmcnt.a.l i...'\terle:rencc r 1U1S.1 nee. .r' ALTERNATIVES 0 irt~llct thlll tJ S OR.AGB ()RS 1..8 The oLhcr allernatl\let> prescnred to the t'•acu~c "'ho ~·ru 1 11101or A llern•llt'O 1. To deb\ Cl hls mvt~ Ythlcle ~ l'cde11l ReKMe n.,.k ttf San l'randacQ, ae f ~c.J A tnt oi tile nit ti .. UI I for r&ge at tlu OIV!ltr'' ~ ,k, without {111111r~nce, wltiflh l'tiungc '1(1111 i.11 IU<l t il'I i.,.o , bl° in open arra• (al Asr.crobly Cent.el' or l)ther de ·g-111tt-d plKu) a11d mu t of ne rseity be of a aractu wh.ith will 1ubjeci 1D1Jtor '1thiclea to a tnQte or le~• 11pld deterio on. Alltr":sii'l'c 2. To e>ffcr hlt mo t vclildc for State1 on the lollowing bsla: to the United 'rlle motor elnclc 'W111 be •ppcaieed by t1.1•Q di lr.lttrcffd ~ppral~u and, 111 iu dl1c1etJon ~nd 111 it apt, t.he A1rny ID y bur the motor vcll1cle at Lhe a.J>prai d price which hall not, howt'I 1 1 c1t:tcd tl'.c Blue Book whobklc alue lri the loc•lil}• Ji.ere t.lie purch~il c;o11 uoiJQaLed, PURCHASE OP MOTOR VEHICLES 13\' THB A , If the wacure Is NOT the ltg41 OMl!ttr of 1'1e otor ue:hi<.le, m order to arrange foe n fllllt the Army, he mus~ Jreaent 10 the 11ed• ral Reserve &anli or San Pra ncil!CO, aa Pl~I Age11t of tbe Unitrd Stat ca, at the Civil Control Statlo11. or such <1thcr plue u rnay be dirr.cltd, Lbe following : I . Re i tration crrtlficatc, duly c11doned. 2. Tbe sgretment on the r("verw hr.rco/, duly ,1,n-fd 111d wluieasecl. uc:h othc.r auth<>ril.nicm and n~ uranef as rna.y be required by the Federal ReKrve 13aak of San Prancl1co, aa Pisc:at Agrnt d tl to the U•n~d B, Jf the ci>Mtu:e IS the lr111l ow11~r of th~ 'n~1ar 11thicJt, he must, in Adliltitm to the lorrg in~. prel'ltat tlle owllcc !lip oc1tl6cate-, du 1· r:11doriclf. DEPJN!TlONS A.ND CONDIT£0 S Ind11dr.d m thr term "mt•tor veh.lde.. a1e the followl11g : l. P11ue11ge1 e&n, lfght and rn~dlum . Mt•''Y ra~nger car& in 01der be -0lu&r d Jt.J ..mcdi um"'. "' tlic /\r111y i1 not aµthoriud to _..,, any '"f.uvy., puu:·ng< r ca.ri. L~ toJTlr witl\in thf purcha ab1e a tttgr11 y mu11 ~. )\.JQturC)'~~ . ~ . llu.m:s and Ltucu of all t ypea, lncludlna rlck•up and ddl •ery true.Li: and ttacton, Including scm ·rruck il•oton. I 1 I~ nc.t intended to Include witl1in Wic term ~'rn<1Lo1 v<hi cle" thole 11eU•proprllcd mot.or vehidc.s 1uittd only for lann i>pcration. UNITED SlATBS &. of apprllt d '•alue ~ th t tll~ n•ac:uee hu no e;uit , St11tC'I ICllll bs ('O!IJlll!lflllll/d . 111 ucn an l" 1nc:c the nclit ol llD)' ci edit.or tQ rcpo~ci1& or tec.-pturt, &1 pru1'1dt-d by Jaw, 1111111 111»t b rr i ted by t.hc c11st.odia.n ol the 111otor "e.l.lclt. 0 vehicle are •• folio"'': diif'(l!led tbe Unittd State . ln caae Wit evacruce J not tbe It gal owner, It mu t ~ c.lcatly undH· lood that if the lndebtf.clnen agalr.1Jt the motor eklc:le ia ~qud to or f n the t\ICOt t.ha.t !he r.a.le of 11.!IY tl)()UJr \l~hlclt i• not t;Ompleted or •ppral'1 not fua Ible, the l'cdual Re11trvt Bink: of San ranWco, as fiscal .Agc111 ol th~ Unit.eel Stat.u, aatiAI fht a11d ai 11.g<nt of lbc evacuee, rucr'l'e1 the right t o 1tore suob mot.l>r vchidc al tl\e owacts r.i1k, at above eet forth, or f(> make S"11ch othrr ditpo1 lion of 1uch motor 'llehlclt:: u may, in itt sole discretion, appeitt tv be jutt and equitable, induding: Lhe r1 hL Lo ilir legal own~ir o( w11ch m~tor "''ehldc t!O h 111; hg11.I recourtc for rcpoueulon or otbe.rwiec. 1t I~ int.ended !'hat the above p1oecdure will provide 1 lc11111>le n:u:an of pr01ecti11i: the lntue1ts ol cvaC11 ces i11 their r11ot:or vehicles, 111ithou~ prtf\Mllcc to the intcrcet,i; of o h n 1hereln, and lh\>e v.; ll efret:'I an e11u.I• tible cllspoflit:lon or such property. Agreement e· arding Ditp·olition of otor V h cl1 * THlS IS TO CER TJFY tml the uncle · rned lia1 read t11d l.lndert.ta.m;ls tJi innnic· Lions on he r' hereof regarding the di ~~o t11 n f the mvt0r vehicle de;cri!JC<I on rm R.B· • (to be ttaoh ·d · <>;ind lnror rated >' refer·ei.ce herein If WOCA thiJi Agreemt"nt i& 'gn ] which the undet-Wg11ed 1w slgnf:'.d co11rurrcn1ly herc\\•tth. Silid instructions and tbo on the revet of WCOA l' Agreement. mi FRB· 3 are a pllt1 of due The und r gnoo ~re• to .diipose of lihe 11fotcea1d m -r cJticle aooord11l~ to t Ioru?1 cm the revet hereof and requ LB f e Ped n l Resel'\•e AlLCmali\1e No. k o, a PiscaJ A •c.nt of the nitcd t.aL~, t a l!C.:- rdmgl)•. l { th Bank of San Pran ooompli!Junent f tl e lt .mati,•e api:ttrs I() bllid nk, 111 ·is le d1srrelil fl, tffif"05.~iblr! '1' n t r~,. 1'Me, ~;ud B nit l$ n11thonwd to ma l &uch ot))Cf d11positi n per. of said m r vehicle u it di! ms •ercd to s;dd 811.nk at the sole rl<. of tile und .r lgnl!d • .and n for a;n)• a ororru , ponsibiltt>• mall att:a.di to sud !don of the procerch di or \/ehiclc tor m aid of handhng rbe !lion inc nncctlon with t11creof. Said m tor ''chide is d 1 it L ag eccl that no liability or The unclersi~"lled fu'..rtlrr agree&, upon demand, to re.imbur ti u: Ped i;ill R.t:.ter\.'C B;mk of San Fnncisco,{ Agent of the U11it d Stat.c.s. m full for all c.har& and mC>tor chicle, 31ld authori~.a itltln expense incurr d In conn j n with the di and instructs Bank to &e uct from tJ1e proceed of the: &ale of said mOt()r · hide incurred. any of uch expen or fo<ut<d . ~~£7-d•y of..~ ., 19<2. -~ -A -~~ No._ l'..'i! '2-- I' )..-- _ _ _ _ ' ~ ' •fr ,l~f ,-.. I ~ ,J ·• rofti.r e e M O ·OR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM unc of RA:g1tt e.rr.O Owncr_ .- _ zz.~-·--·- - J 'CU ~:1L~7 ~. . ~2.~~~~ Add JUB of Regine red ~r; a.''n"""""'"-- N me o( Legal Owner (if ddTerent) Adel~ Licen of Legal Own r _ _ _ _ __._ J / t-r:.;::_(. /-Mr/_ _ _ _ Number_ Make of Vchlcl Serb.I Numl::er_ Cn1,iine N um r Type of Accu.'IOrice (lridic4te numl>cr ) Heater 011 f- Velqd~- /ca J.. , •...£~~~._,..:;: PC>R Llght ( ) _h....~~ ve11ide): lladio -~/_ _ thc:r_ Rem rks .__ WAIVER rve Ba"'· €lf San Prancisoo, a. Fiscal Agent The motcr v hlcle describ~ in t:J1i1 fonn ii; deli t>rred to t"e Ftdu;i " urned pormhiillt}' ahall be Ctf the Urutcel ·u , a.t the le roll of die undersig1.e<l. It is agreed thitt 10 1i.1tbility or understood is It di&poeltfon. it..s witJl n necti oo:n m km mi or a hy Lhe Pedenl Reserve Bank o{ Sari Jlranci6CO for any tliAL no in nm.nee will be provided OB tlU& 1 ropcrt.y. \Vitne for Signature of ..Ow Illiterates - -------'"'------~-- RECEIPJ FOR VEHICLE - - - - - ------ Place of Delivery Receipt of the 'Vehicle descrihcd above 11 hereby acknowledged. - Oat..___ _ _ _._ _ _ _ __ .. Reprelnllitig the Pcd~ral Reserve Bault of San Franc:Uco, Flsc11l Ag~111t of the Uni~ed Staus. Pl.aced in ___.,._. Sr.or~~ ·- - - _,. at. - __ ___________ ______ . ....._ --- ·--~----· ---- Instructions to Owner To be A~J t.ed ( r storage by t.hc 1uU1d St.a.tea Ga •t.mmcnt, the motor ' 'ehicle tm.J!il t.... jn propi;r rullnmg rder. (a) The Stat.e Mot.or Vehicle Registratio!l Ccrtificat.e for this ''ch cle m1J!lt Pe &ubinitttt!f nt the Cf \•ii Contr I t.a.tion, and tl1 e oopies of t hi& form {PRD· 3) will then bt prrparc<l. (b) Two c:ciple.s e>f this fol'm, together W'I h the Re · ration, will be h~nded the evaC"uee for his rettot.ion until aJ..ri~ al at the designated Asscmblr Center. 'Tiie thud copy wi.Jl fie ret.iinrd <tt the Civil Cont 1 tation. {c) The ewac:uee will he gi'•en an idcntt~ cation tag which he will iU accurely t.o the sweri1 g ~.PP tu• of Iha mowr •ehiclt~ (d) n <irrl"l'al at th /\. r\lbl}• nt 1 the evacuee wiJl cleli"er tel bhe repreaentative f the Federal Rcservr B nit C ,. ran~o the two copi~ of t de form, the Regis• traJ!kn Ccrtificat.e, and the ke)'s to the ehicle. (e) The reJ>resenti'.iw. e>f the ederrt.I Reserve Bank of San Pra.nci will C'l leck all numbl'r on the form and if found Lo be correct will aclmowledge r ceipt 1>f the motor vehicle by siplng cvacue;e. OJ' e copy of tbe form n.nd delh•ering it to 1ihe If the motor veli;lcle described in this form i lost, damaged, or destroyed a.s t.he result of ne:gUgenre while it is In the pre!JCSSion or cu.stody of tl1e United S tcs, or any agency cti n~ for it, th<: OongrCllS of the Unite<il St.ates will l>c Ol!lked to take appropriate actiDil\ for the bendit of tJie OWVICf. URTH ARMY NSA COMMAND AND WESTli ll l 1L CONTROL ADM.I ISTRA JO Sao, Ca.ljfornia WARTlMti INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARD I S DlSP'OSITION OF MOTOR VEHlCLES * f..rac ure&- I not :ie:: rt:rtnit t d t.o Ice di t r tion cent.u&. No assurallce whttl c: er n be gi 'o!ll UMit t. cu will be enablet.J t aome f l.5tu~· uroe to ha.1•c t.hc motor " acles now 1>wni:d by them re1u110ed or the.Jr mdl'l'ldual u . The Uf'll1td Sta.tcSI t:my u utl rar; m iJ lilac:rct,1 n, to uJ'cl1a from evacuees. Prior 10 ev• 111 trl(fJl, tPCJt.or ebj I may hie stored, ld or otberwi!ie disposed of by the O'l\l' pri 1•cttcJ~.. without vc.mrnt.JJla1 .i1~tnrfi:rcnce Q1' assfotaoc:c. A 1 RNA IVBS 0 Th< other all"Jnl'll C'. S 'ORA E 01~ S pre rn t· d lo 11ie c\I uec ·ho own1 1. 1nol<>r ''tl11clc arc u lollC>w.1 AIt"""'';,.,. J. lo dtli\'cr his roo1i>r vrhitlc (() cclcral R~n·~ llianlt of an Prandte.o, hi Pa ·al,nt uf th Unit(d t1t10, for~ rtl!lr at tJie owner'• rl•k. ~1·111ho11t111rura11cc; whl h &t.<>ra c IN'i I, In rno•t 1nata.11ca., bco lll open a.real (•l ~-bly Center ur otli~r de.$ig11:at d pla~) Lnd 1n u of n ltr bi; ()/ l char•cter wl.ldt will 11bj6<t: molDr vc!ilcl~ to a more ()f lcu rapid dt~riorltlora . .Alternoti"" 2. 1o offi:r h.11 mote>r \JCh1alt ]01 111.le Stale$ on the fo!Jow1n11 b.i•I•: 10 the Un.lied Tht motor ! hidt· 'W1 U be appra1 •t:d hy tlW> di1mtcrelb:d appra11 r .rnd, in ll1 di crcl1on and at ill option, the Ar11:1i• JIU y bu)I rht motor ''eh1de ll the appnut·d price which ha.II noL, howewer, r1c11ed tl•c Blue Do< k ~be.Jc ale nlue rn the loc.allty wl.trl! the purc.h.iee 1 con u1Mu tcd . P RCHASS OF MOTOR EHICJ,£5 BY THE UNrTBt STATES A 1( the n111e111.r is NOl' .the legJl l orJmer of 1he me>U>T vchiclr, in ordtT l4> ;rrange (01 a salr !:<I the .Army, lie rnusl pit: cllt to tl1e Fed• era! Re~rve Duilc ol San Fra11cl1co, a1 J:11.ca1 l'li;r-n t of t!1e V Stat.a, at the Civil Clon trol S~atlon , or 11J11:h Qthrr ']l1acc as may bc directed, 1he following: 1. Regi tra!ion cert1Jicai.e, bly eridonetl. 2. The agrcemrnt on the rt'Vtl'lie llueof, d1Jl'S' 1l11111cd and witsleJ ed. 3. S11ch othtr authori~ae/011 rnd MnJr«nce ;u nay be rcqul red hJY the FeclMal Re-serve llanlt of 61\n Frandsco, ~· United State&. l11u1 of tile Jo e&Pe the '''~tuet ia not tl1r leg-al Olvnu, Il m111t l>c dearly ond r· tood that if the i mh'bttdne s ag.;ainst the l7l0tor eh icle i1 eq ud to or gru er e value .o that the rvacue-e hu oo equity, ti~ i41e to th.r Um1td StJ11.i'1 WI I be ccm111ttl'111dttd. ln ucll 111 r1eta.11e< the 11ght of ar.y crrdito1 to rcpo 1 or recapture, as provided l>Y hw, \\Ill Dl)t b rr 11Lcd by the auat.odl ui of t.hc mot0or ehkle . B. I{ tire evacuee IS •he ltg11I owr1cr <>/ tlae mot.or ••ehinr", he .mu1t, m addition to thr lort'~oln1. pre!lt'llt the ouiei hip etrtl fi(ar.t, duly t11dbr11:d. EFJNITIONS AND CO DITIONS lracludcd in Ll1t 1.enn "motor 1•thlde" are the fotlo1.,i11g: l . Pa scnger cari, H~lit alld medium , H'tM'\l)l pU!Stlll t i can in tiroc r -..o come within the purdiuable catei:ory mu•t be daw d a '"i1led1u111''. as 1t1e Army j1 not authorlted t() purcl111~ a.ny "hea,•r'" pusen er C11'1 l . Motorc~'Cle1 . l . Busse• and trucl:t of all tyJIU, lncludlna plck•\lp tr 11 lea: and traC!Loo, including etDl•trvck t:ractort. nli! dtllYcl)' It i1 n<.1t mttndcd t.o include within 1be tum .. motoir \lchi<le" thou 1elf1.rropellcd motor veh1clca 111lted only for furn opc.ra.tion. Jn tbe c'•wt that the sale of uiy veb.icloe i1 r.01 compleh:d or appca.ra not fcu1blt. the Pedcn.J lltserv Bink of San F n~, 1u Pla(:Jll Ai:rnt .:,( the Uflited Statr.., aetin-g lot aod as agent o l the e-v11ruee, reserves the right to atore 1uc:h 11101.or vebicle at the owner 1 riak, u above ~ct forth, or to ma.k.-t such olhM" dltposltion of 1ucb mot;or vehicle as may, in LI sole dl11Cretion, a.pJICar to be ju t and eq-i1jtable, lnduding tl.e right to permit the legal owner of 11Jch motior vc~ld · to take hu recouue for re po 11C.Ulon or othenriee. It l Intended t 1at e abo11e proudure will provide a Ceu~hle mean1 of pr.otecting the inttresi.. of evacuee• in their m~r ehlolea, without prcjlldkr to th e int.crelil.J of otllc.r1 therein , and tbu1 W'J11 effe a.n equi• t,.ble dispollitlon of such proputy. Agre m nt Regarding Disposition of Motor V hie I * THl IS TO C..ER TIPY that the undm1gned ha rad Vld understand t.hie 1Jl rue• ereof re ~tdmg the d1r.pc siu of the m r ''chicle d :rihOO on WOOA JI. 3, {to be attached her •to and mcorp rat d ' refer nee 1 .r ifl ;( t.fus Agttcment i;ned) ~·hith t.he undrl"'ilgned h l'lled cancurrenrly ber.e'~ ith. Saki 1nstn1 tmns and thl.l9C on the r< Agree men Tur. under: gn Alt rna ti c No. _ de ·c1'11e of W '/\ onn FRB·l arc ;i i-trt of th · dfspoec of the a.for ud m tor \•chide au:ordi11 to forth on the re-. eree h'rl"of, rnd requem 1J1e Fe<l i.l e rve B nk of van F Fi.sat A cnt o the Umted t,, to •ct accordin ~Jy, If the a mplishm 11t o I.he altemati'l'e her in I ted appear tti l~nk, 111 ~'Trtfon, imp ihlc n 1cwblc. ~iud fu.nk JS auth need tu n1ikc, uch otli~r tLion of sa 1d motor • i.:k a 1t de ms proper. J ires to !let aicl motor ch 'dt: 1. dd111ered to S<11d Bank at the 1~ ri · ot the 1nd r gntrl, aocl it 1s agr d no li.ihility or res nsib1lit)1 lull to · id B nk { r tny 11c't r '1lmj11o· on in ct•rmecti " i,;Jtli 1hc h ndbag of said m r • hjcle or di rn~llion of th.. proc:ccd thereof. 'The underii necl fortMr agreea, upon Jemand, to rc.-imhuree th Pe.d r I I{ n Bank of SaII F , Fiscal Agent of the United State&. m foll for all d anJ e:xpcn incurrt!<l l.ll con11 cti n with the d1•po 111 n of aid rn tor ehi le, an •1ot.h()rize5 and in truct Ban k to deduct from the proc ds of title al of ·id 1noL r 1.•e:hi le any of such Executed • incurred. ~i ~ , 19~:1.. /'2 aud_#~ V' · _d Panuly No._ y of I JL. I ~j - e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM (Ste arne of RegU;tercd Owner_ l:t.A Addrellf of R.tgist.erw Owner_ .5 A imtru~1i.o11• 011 boclt '1/ tlrii ihtlt) J fL. _ -A )'1.. A d A _ P.trnily ~(_ J/'Q Nurnher _ / -;P&fifi l d_f/_ -~ ;("_----- L2. .5._ F, CA JV tJ .N N~me of Le al Ownr.r (if different) N-A ~A T-Q, _f"4-f? A¢,~ C A.Li(? lV ./::J l::-.1( d j q () 2_ __ _ E of Legal Owner_ _ / 2. .5 Add /7 !'55 __ Serial Numbt:r_b' £ C rfJ J - / tf 'l_IJ.,2.. Licenne Nllmbf..r_ C/~ t!Y b ~{a.lee of Vehiclt Engine Nllmber. 11_ .)__3_J tJ 2f 1'--....-D.ate Pir t N•ld / () - /2. __-: 3_ Type of V n r;:Je_,S_e, _e(._ 1 ea AGC.ell! ric ( '11Jml>er on ehick) : r _ pare Tire (.a) ;bN t: Radio .. _ _ __ Pcig Ug!.t(s) Other _ _ _ . , _ ---- ---WAIVER Agent The inot.or vdude dc.c;cribed In thiJ form is deliver d to the hdnraJ R rve Bank of Sd.11 Franc.iSCCJ, as Pi of the United Slates, at the sole ri k of the under 'gntd. It 18 awe(•d thnt n.:i Ii fay or re ponslbility sh.lU be a uroed 01· Qmi .i(lll) in co1mectJon wlt,h )ts dl~pooltion. I is ull!le r · by tJ1e Pedc1al Rf.rerve Bank of San Francisco for any that ntl Insurance will be provid~d n this pr perty. W1tncs.sea for 1Uitcratct1 Slgnat11re of ~~~ _ w nc.r_ (/' _ • ...: _ • _ 1 RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery__ - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - · - · - · - - - · - Rueipt of the vehicle descri~ cl above JS . --·-- ---- ac.k nG>wledgcd. Date___________ _ Re:premuing the Fr.d e-ral Rtserve B1111~ rJJf San Fr411dsco, PL.lcal Agent of rhe U11l.tecl St.ates. Placed :In Storage a - - - - - - · - · - · - - - - - -------- G emmrnt, thr. ~) The t.ate. Motor Vehicle Rega t ration Cen16Cc1te f tru \'tJiicfc mll'!t be ubmit tcd at ihe 1l C.Ontrlll tat on, 1tt1d 1hr~ c tp]es of tfo fmm (FRB· l~ ,,·Jlthl-n be pccpMrcd (b) T '<l 'YJI let r,{ this f rm, eth r with the Reglf!traticm Ce/ dicar.. , will he hand d t<> the evacuee for his retenti n 1•1 til arri\li. I t the d · •l!Ba1ecl A11Semhl • Center The third y will~ r 'tilined at tlie fv.d D•ntrol . tatlon. c) TI.r evac11ee , 11l g1ven ao id" 116e41tion g which he Mil ue 1Uurc:ly a:.. the appt t&.15 of the m vdilclc. {d) On arriviJ ;it th a>hly nter the cvacu~ will deliver to the rep sen~li\'e ()[ the Pcderal Reserve nlt S n Flllll sco the two <»PS f J mi. the R 1.. tntion c, and the k >' to the •ehicle. (t) nie repre9e11ta• j\~ of the Federal It ;erve allnk o( iiO Pranci!IC'.O w11l • heck all m1mllt:r n the form and if found tc be rre<t: \viii ack11 wle.d' rccefpt of them r chicle by sianing c.rle copy of ~he { rm n.Dd del h•ering it to th e•cuec. Ii the m or vehicle c1ea..--.rlhcd in this ~orm I I , d<imaged, or destroyed tl•r of ncgliJ!ence while it i (n the sioo or cu tody of the United tcs, or any agency a tillg for it, the Congres.s of the United l«ll l"t wt11 1ie " kr<I to t.lce appropriaie n for the ~ne6t of the ow11er. a,, ' ESTERN DEF · NS8 COMMAND AND FOURTH ARMY CO fROL ADMINlSTJtATION WARTJME CIVJ San r;anci.sco, Cali.fomia INSTRUCTIONS TO ~VACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * J tQ rak th r rnol. \ to reception cent bt.t.ev..:r u.n be gi • r chat acueet will be na.bled at ne fut:ure tiime No 1-$1·Uran to b vc the mc1 r v h1cl& oo v ownrd by tbt-.m returned for their ind.i.vtdulll U!lt!. a ucM will 1 t be imnltt The U1 · Sta.tell Anny :U a11thori d, in i d,1.9crcihoo. to p11rchase m tor veblc cs frotll C'VRC'U~ S, Pn r t t> vactintioa, motltr \•el ic.Je-.a may be itOred, Id or otlierwiac di po d of by tlie owner prlvat.ely, v.ith~ g · mm int..erfo.rcuc or a.i at.aocc. Al~TERJ STORA S OR SALE ATJVES 0 The c..thct altnnati n prn1rntcd \'eh1clc are u follow1: tD thr 1·~cute who ov.•a1 & mtttor Al1emoli1·1 I, Todeli'-'rrliif mol:or,diic:leto cdrn.J Rrsrrvt Blok ol Sin Pu111citc0, IL• i1cal Agn1t of t!.c U111l d ~ne•, for <>rage at tht t1wnct'1 rl k, without in11:u1ilne11. "!i'h ch lc>tajlr w.ill, ln lllll!lt irutancu, be In open a.r 11 (al ALlcmhly CCriters ,~r otlm· dmirnat.ed pllcca) Lnd rn111t of n c:-.~ ty bt C>f a chara er whiU. will mbjel'!I motor vrhide.i to a more or lt:•s rapid dC"terlor11d(ltn. All11r1111ti>'t 2. To offer h.ii. JDntor •e.hidc f<Jr sale to tile Unittd Sta.tu on tht follClwin b-a11i1: The motor veh iclt well he .-pprai ~d by tv.•o di intur.rted appra11.era and, In ittl discrrtion and nt it~ option. tht .J\1rny may huy tht mo~or ''ehklc at the 11.ppra1~rd pr.ire v.•ldch chall not, hol(levc r, t:xocc<I the Blue .Book wholfsale value :n ~he locality whrrc the plirchue is c:o1111Umm1.ted. P RCHASE OF MO OR VEHICLES BY THB UNI1 eo STATHS A. If the t11dC l4te ii NOT ll1t les;~ ou1no· of the motor ehklt. In ordrr to arra1111e for a sale IQ the A l't11 y. h~ rn11tt prl"tent I() the Prd· erat Re~cr\'e Bank of San P.ruGiH'.O, •• Pltcal A1ient of the 11Jt.t:d Stat.CJ, a.t tbc Cl"11 Control Sta.hon, m sucli 0 1lier place ru may bt directed, the lollcrwfog: 1. Rcgi1~ratlon cert ificate, clrJty cnd or11ed. l . Th e 11greernent on th.c rel'rrsc hc r~f. dLJI¥ tigned arid wltnCNt:d. ). Such othu aut.horl~atfosi and aMurancl' a may be required by the PedernJ Rcnrn: Bank of 'an Praodaro. aa Pl~cal Agrnt of the Uni c~· d St He1. In case the eYacuce i1 not the lt•ral owner, t i mmt hr clcRrly understood that if the lndebtedDts4 a~aJn t me mbtor vehicle ia eq1nl to or greatu Lhan the 1pprai1td va.luir so that the c\·acuec l1a1 no e"luily, 1111 ,,Jr to Urmed S1«rr1 "~ll l>c cD114tl111~ted. Jn "11th u1 111at~n" t or rec:aptme., as pto idrd by law, the ~h t of wy cr d11or w npo will not be rr- i~ted b~ the eu1todlan ol the tnotor ''ehidt 8 . If Ll1e c11acuct IS 1l1c lc1al ow11tr trf the mor11r whi It, he mu,t, n 10d11itm to the fortgol11e, rretent Lilt ownel'flltlp c rti.~c:at , d uly cndorttd. DEFINJTJO SAND COND ITIONS lncl\lded in the term "motor .,,,chicle" ue the following: I. Paucnger can, 1 ghl and medium. Htavy pa acngu c111.t in ordrr be c.lasMd u "mtd1um ", a die Army i1 not authorl~d to pu rch111ic any ..heavy" pu Ulflf'r l'<1r1. 10 cornc within the purchuable e<Qory mu111 Z. Ml>toroycle1. 3. Bu ee and Lruoka 1>1 l.11 types, Incl udi ng pJd:•1Jp ancl dtllwr~· truclt1 ; aud tnot.ort, iocllldlni r;eml-truck trat.1.on . Jt i1 not intended t.O include wit'hln Lhe term "motor veblc)e" tilloet 11!11· pr-0pell~d motor vtl1lclu suited only for Ja.rrn optrktion. Jn the evtnt that ~be •J.le of any motor \•.chicle 11 11ot completed or appcar1 not fe-.eible, the Federal Re1.erve Ban k c;{ San Pra.ncili<!o, as Piscal 111d a1 agent of ti.~ cvacute, rcaervc the right to store auch mot.or vehicle at the owner'• riak, iu ~hove eet forth, or ~ make 'urh other dl•J>Cl!it.lon of aucli tllr>lor vebide as may, in ita aole dlacretloA , appur lo bt jll t and cquita.blc, including the right to permit the lega.1 owner of 111ch mote>r velticlu to ta_kc hie legaJ recounc (or rcpouusion n.r othtrwiee. Ag nt of the United Statu, acting for It i• inten d ~ d thlLI the abo1·e pr~durc wil l pr<>vlde a fo1alble ~an• p ttotlng the intercltl ol evacuee• In t.hdr m11tor vehicle., wirhoul prejudice 1.9 the intereJt1 ol otlie.ra th,trdn, ud thui will eiTect an equi• 1ble dlspotitfo n of such property. -0( . Agreement Re9ardlnt Dlapotltlon of Motor Vehlcl• * THIS 18 TO OER TlPY that the undersigned ha• read und understanda the lnatruc· tiona on the t~ve.rac hereof regarding the dlaposiUun of th~ motor vehicle deJiCrthcd 01\ WCOA Potm FRB•3, [to br, attached hur•to nd In orporated by refer nc hell in lf thia Agreeme.tlll ill mgne~) whlcl1 the undersigned h • aigned oonc;;urr ntly hcrcwl1h 1 Said J111U'u t.lor11 and thoee on the reverse of WCOA Ponn FRB·3 are ll part of this A(lrcemcnt, The underal~ned dc1iret tp dlapoee of the lforcaald mou>r vehlllle acr.ordlng tu Alt ·ruativc No. J t forth on the revel'll? hereof, amt re'lut.l!a the Ped ·ral R '4:tve Bank, of Snn Fran sco, ns ,Agent of the United Slatet, LO n ·t n cord!ngly. lf tho !lecompl h1hm nt of tJw 11hernat.ivr. h1miln iw;leclcd appear to ~Id f.bnk, In lt.t wl di~· rellon 1 imp~blr. or nc t fea llilc, aafr' D11nk la aud1orl.1;ed to mok Ruch allier liapoaltiun of s;lid mot.or v·hl le as I~ deems proper. 8 dd motor vrhicle 1 dcliv rc<l to l!fdd Hank al the eol • rl11k uf the 11ndcrelg1ml; and It Ja ngrced that no llc1hlllty or i'capo11..thlllty shall ~tt.a ch 1~1 J!lid D1111k for any a ti m· on1la• ion In conn 1ion with the handllug of 1mid moto1· vehl •le CJr disro1ltlo11 n( the. procc ds thereof. > Tha lt11dcralgnrtl .further agr ea, llJJOO demand, to rclmbur~ ~lie Ped ·ral llCOQtve Bnnk of San Pranclaco, Pl I Agcn ~ nf the Utilte<l Statea, in full (or 1111 chr1r~j!ll and expe nse~ lncurr ·J ln conrwctlon with the t.llaposltion uf anld motor vd1lclc, and nl1thorf~~a and in~LrucLa a:lid Tl nk lu dedu t from th · procc1:d of the 1lc of &a id motor vehicle u11y llf such expen$Ca ln urrcd. L I 1114'.l, Pamil)' No.• I I · , • _,. " ''. ',,·""4.:,:'"'\ • •1....P-1.... , .~ .~'~'1"''!7'~V·'f"('_.,....,,.t"(?Wf!'~"~f'1'1""'11'~~, .- MOTOR VEHIClE REGISTRATION FORM - - - - - - flunily Name of .Regmered Owner_d . Numhui.!.f/J''f -- Name of Legal Owner (if difi'erent) Addrest of Lepl Owner__ Llcerue. Number. MaleofVeha clc Datt'. Pirlll Sold Serial Nwnbu_J 0~ 'f :2 _l.. g / ' P..t,~ b ,;i- .).. l - Aettli!IO.rles (fodlcau rtr..nbtr Huter. ~t1 ~-vehi Je): T ype ot Sl'll'e Tire(s) _ f J !f? ~ "-'- umber ngine 'f]] ;J... _- - - Vehicle.__tf_~ ··- ~ · _ Fog Ught s) _ Radio _ __ Other~---.......~~~- Remark. :_ _.. ---- WAIV R The motor vehicle descrfuocl l~ thle form la delivered t.o the Federal Ruerve J31nk of Sa.n Pra.oci&oo, 111 Pisaa.I Agent umed shi111 be 01f the Un]ted Sta~es. at the sole r '•Jc of !lie- underelgne<.I. l i.s agreed Utilt n llabf!lty or ~ponsibillty under&tOOd la Ct disposition. iui by tJ:ie Pede-cal R.c..erve Bank of San Fraoo&CO for any a~ <>r e>mi ··un 111 mnncclion Ith that no insurance will be providedo11 this property, \Vitoesses for lllitm.1£8 IECllPT POR VEHICLE ---- --- ---.-- ...---- ---- ---- Place of Delivery_. Receipt of the vehicle de.sen~ cd nbo\•e ls bere1'y ilCknowledgcd . Da .......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - the Federal Re,en1e Banlt of San Piscai Ageni of the Uriiced Suites. Reprmnti~g Placed in Storage at_ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~---------·---------·--· ---.-.,.-·---. ----·- - In trucrions to Own r To be ucapt ed for ~Ma c hy the nircl motor vrhl le m l 111 flr<>pl'"r runnin r lltder. (a ernm nt, the 11ie ~. M t r V hide Rqmtr<1tion Ocrt11icate for 1~ vehi lie mu!:t 1 ~ ruhmm <l a1 tile Ci ii Cvntml 1ti n, a11d 1)1 c cora of this form RB-3) will t I . ) I prepar d . •plc of th1 form, (b) t • ' getlirr with LI Res:l rati n ·ill 1 handl?'d to the c1 Acuce for h1 retenti<.in unttl 11rnv I t the dengnatrd A . ·mhl)' 111• thtrd 'py will rdo11n"d at tl1r C1,·il Control, lJtion . (c) The acuee wtll ne given .1n 1dcnt1fit..t1J n t.:ag •h1 lie w1 I t1 • curdy t the . le nng ap[ara tl,L!l o th motor vcliidc {d) amv:il ;it th A~.mhl ~ntt>r the r to the representative l'>f the Fedcnt.I 1>( , an Fr.Jncasco rhc tw CIOP1'- of tJ~ls f nn, tra.tmn rtifl at , .tnd the kt.')' t<J the h1 le. ri o lh• (t>) The r ·rr cntativc 1,f the F dcrdl Rcr..:rvc Bank of an Elranci&CO will check all number n the form and if found to he ·orrc t will acknowlrdge receipt f th m r t>hidc hy 1gning one copy f the fonn ;t11<l delivcnng 1t to the cv ·uce. [{ the motor vehi le described in this form is lost, damaged. or dcsLroyed a th i ult of negligence while it i~ in the po ssi n or custody of the United ' t..i1.e$, or any agency acting for it, th Congr ' ll( the United Sbtte:a will be asked to take aprropria te a ti n for the beneiif of the owner. . . SST RN 08 SE COMMAA"'D TD FOURTH AAM'a' ARTIMB CIV IL CONTROL ADMINliSTRATION Sa11 ranclsco, C..lil-0rr1ia I STRUCrlONS ·ro EVACUEcS REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES be rmil ted t.o u. * I.heir me r vdu.¥!ce to rect:ptloo ce:Jllall. wjll be en bled t me fot\ll'e nme No a un.1 e 11,1hat er ca.11 be giv~n thal e\'11. chic~ now own by th m returned for their ind1\'1<lw uae. t-0 ha tea Nt11 y u ;iut hon d. w it dlSCJ'eti , to pure.ha m1>tor ellll Ju The mt.«! E acu will l Imm eva Pri r o e1o1a u ti n, 1notM ehk.le y bt st red. Id or otherwiae dis by the o\ l priv tely, witJiout owmroeotaJ lnt.erference or · t.ancc. AL'fERNATIVSS F S1'()1lAGl3 OR SALE The olhtr al1~rnatl~·e1 prcKntcd to Ilic evacuee IVl~o owns a 11101or ( rcaur t.h1n the appn.i d value tlO t at tlle ev•cuec has no tq111ty, 7111 sat( to the U111trd S&atfl ~,JI be ro11111mmc1ed. fo uth an lnll.lnct c.l.t rl ht of any cicdit.or to. n po- or r~apt\lrr, 11 provided by l~ w, vehidr arc u follows : ~·Jll not be rc&l1ted by the C'\l•t«liui All r11otl t J, Te> ddivrr hi1 mot. 1 w 1.idle t<J cdtr al llocnoe ll&nl:. of Sari ranci!IOO, llf il!Cal A eht of ti United $talc, [Cir 11torag1 lt the ownu·1 rMr, w1thou1 l1111Jrancc; 'll hleh IOAI c will, in 111~ I in1ta11c:cu, be 111 open uc11 (at Aucrohly Crrrtrrt CJr oll1u dc11gnned Jllac ) ud mu I of n ct· ity be of a du ratter wh.U. ·J11 11bjc t m1>1cr vehlda to B. if tlie cv1 1~t JS I< al oll(lller of thr 111ot1>r rh1fle. he m\J t, an 1ddiL1t111 to tl1e (c>regolJll, JllCatnt the ou•ntr hip tertHical, duly 0 The mcAor vehicle wul be aprrai·~d b, two <1 appnlatrt and, 10 JU dlscrwon ll!lrl ar I (IJll1on, tht i'lrrr1y may huy the mot(lr " ehiclC" at the epprmcd pri wliir:.h all no t, howe\•cr, .c11:c1ed the lll11c Book wholc1;ale v.al11c In ~e locaUty \\here the purchue t1 ocm1um111a1ecl. P RCHASB O F MOT R V · HICLES B'r' THE ATES UNITED A. If 1111 evaturt ff NOT lht lrriist Hlltlt'r of tbt n oror tJehkle, in order to ur~ngr for a •al~ 10 the Arm)l 1 he znu t prea111l to the Ped• cHI Re rve B:tnk of i;an f1rand . ~• fl<cal Agrnt r>f the Unitfd SLalee, nt ~he Civil ConL1ol !itatfon, or ~u h other phcc: u may be dire td, tl1c loll°"'•/ng1 I. Regi ~ration ccrti6cate., duly enclonecl. l. The Ngrccment (If\ tl1c rC"\'tnc herfoi, dulr sl,gned a"d wlu1~1at d . 3. Such other autborli:a.tion and aa 11rancc u may ~ requlr d by edcnil Reserve Bank of San Fruid~co, tu Fi11Cal J. gtnt of the Uniud the In cue the evatucc 11 B<'t tht lr,;al cwner, it ll'1u1t be <'liearly "Ul1dcr· ltood that If the lndebted11es1 agafo~t Uie rn-0tor v.ehide it equal to ur the .motor \'Chicle, endorucl. DEFINITIONS AND C N DITIONS a more or lei.1 rapid dmrioraLion . Alltn1<1ll1·t 2. T1> offer hr molo,. vd11clc for aale lo Lhc United Stue1 on 1hc: following hula: IJ Included in the term " to1 1•chicl•,. are the followin : I. Pawengcr can, light a.nd rnedi11m , Jf av)• pa~n~tr in orde r corllC '11.·ithin tl1e purchuable c:atq:t;~ rouat be da f.Cd u "mtdtum", a1 the Army i1 not authoriwd kl J>Urrla~c any .. hell''J'' pw(ngcr c.ars. to 2. Motnroyales. ! , Bu ecs •n<I truw of a.IL cype1, includi~g pidi•up a"d ddlvc:ry I ruck•: and tnctora, lncludi11tr 11t1nl•truck. cr1ct>or•. lt 11 not fntcndrcl t:o indude oWlLI In 1lie tcnn "mo.tor \lthiclc" tl\011: f,prop<ll d motor "ehicle1 n1i1ed only for !larm operation. ln the ''tn t that the i;.aJe of aoy ll'lOt.or vehicle i1 nCJt com ph:lcd or appeua n feaa11>lt, tht Pedc:rnl Rucl"\'c llAnli o f ao rand1Co, u11Uc»I Agent of the U!lited Stale&, a«:iag t1P1 and aa agent of th11: ev1cuer, reMI'\' the right to • ore uch motor '\'ehldc at the owner'a rillc, u abCl"'C 1cl forth, or to make 111ch <>lher ..!i1p<>111tion of •ucb motor 'Vehicle i may, in iu t0le di1crctiOJ1, appe>J~ I» be Just r.n d quiLabh, includl11g tbe rig.lit to permit l hc legaJ OW'l\Cr or ~uch me>lor 'Vehicle tiO uYe bi1 le al re courae for rcpCiltRuion or otbeniiae. It 1.1 Intended that tbe above proccilure wfll p rovide a fnrible mc1111 of prol(ctlng t.lic intt" rutt o( t\lllt'\Jttl In their motor vcblclc , wlLhout prejudice to the i11te1tat.a of oth«n tbrrctn, a nd ,.,.nJ fffec:t ti\ equi• table dupo1itioo ol 111ch property. . Agreement R gardfn DI position of Motor Vehrd• * nus fS TO CEil TI PY that the uodcrsig11ecl baa relld and understands t.h< in itru • t10fli on the re u h ( n:gud!Jl ' t.h di t1on of the m t r \•ehlde cl~ d n WOCA Fron .FRB 3, ( be att.ached h " .and io rpor ted hy rcfcrui:.: bercm if this Agn crne11t i,ii !O } hkh the has c."U!'rently liuewith. il.ld i.nstruct.i n amd th oa mel'C\cn> of WOOA rm FRB-l ma put of thls Agreemc.nt. The unde:rs DM tJe&Ll'e to dt5po.!-e of t!ie af d molDr \•tlude acconding to AlternatLv No. L forth on the ri:v b roof, a.nd requ tbe Ped l lte.crv Hauk of n Fnmclsco, a isca.l ~gent of the U n.ited Stat , Lo act accordmgl y. lf the accompli hmesit ( th lt.ernatf\'e t;e.Jl'cted appears ae1id Ba.nk, 111 1t.t le di • creLion, Jrn '!>le or n ea 1bl , wcl B.nk u a\lth ma.kc uc.h other diapositicm of 8'I id m tor vehicle aa it d im proper. Said mo r Hhtde i dtl1\'~ ru.I to id Bank at the le Nk of Lhc und nigned, and agreed that no lia i ity or r~ pc.11u1 lril:i1 y sh11.ll , ttach t said Ban.~ for a I)' i>r ()mi&' sinn l1l oonnc i n with the hand.ling o{ ~•dd m r ve:hi or diaJllC> t on of the pracecd it 1 thereof. The 1m<lcrrig-ntd hi rthtr agrees, upon dcma.Bd, to reimburse th Federal Reacn•e Dank of San Fnnci , Fi.sal ~~enl o-f the Urtited St , in full for all ch4rgu and e:xpen i11curred in oc:mm ·ti n llttli the di 1tion of id motor '' hicle, ud au hori:..::11 and io tr11ct sud n to ded~t {rom the proceeds of the SC1k of !laid m t r ehic.l •. .. e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM - - - - Famil)' N~t- N me of R.egl tecc liddre:11 of 11.c~i .e.J!ed Owner. Nante of ag<1l Ov. ner ( i( ant~J~-~ n-t.a Sprin . Road __a._._ California_ __ ___ d~f(c~en1) ._......__. of Legal Owner_ _ _.._______ Add f 1 __ Ford 4 ~ v~rudl." Due P·1 r Sold Seda.I NWllberA4 7 um r License liccu VJJ 14133 ri~ (fmJfc:a.I< .n Sedan_ • Type of V hid l.l.-16-31 nnber on ve1li e) · Spare Tue _ Pog Light( ) __ _ ) . One Radio_ - - - -- ----- ---- Hl!'1tcr Rcmtrlu ·- __ ----WA VER The m >tor ''t.hide de&c'l1lbcd in th(; rm is deli ered eo the Ptd •ra'I Rc.'8t1"e B nk o( &n Francilk'.~, a.a Fiul Agent of the U11i11Cd St.ates, al the r;ole risk of t:I c gncd It u agreccl ni1 liability or r pon 1b11ity ~hall be a urned cmi ~11.m in .:onriectJ n v.'1th is. <lisros1ticm. lt is und rstood b)' t.he fl erdl J\eoierve B n~ of $an Pra11ci o for dO)' a t tl1at fl(!\ inrur;moie will be provided on thi rr-c.pcrty. Witne for Illiterate. , I J RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place <>f Delivery ~---- - - - - - · - - - - -·------- Receipt of tbe nhic.le deM:ribctl above 1s herebr acknowledged. Oat...___, ------ - -----Repre&et1ting ~lie Federal lltscTve Bai•l of San l'fscal Agent oJ iJt e V11i1 ell States. Placed in at ------- - -- - ·-..., ..... ___..___ __,,_ Fr1rncisco, ____ ___ ----- - ____ ...... __.,,..._,..,..._ - ............... _ ----- Instructions to 0 wner To be a pted ( r storage 'J 1hc l'lire.d St.ate Go'1unmrn mot« 11tlilcl lllust. be ill ro~r ru11 nmg order. 111 ~urt for regi~ering 1111d stcnBg the motor vehicle ia as follov.•a• (a..) 'T'he St,;ite Mor r V 1r1cle Registr;at:ioh Ccrti6cat.e for thi vehicle rntt lx- 1 brn.ltted ;it tlic Civil Cont r l St.a 011, and three oopie: of this form ( RB ·~) w· l 1hen he preru . (b) Two 001,ie& of Certificate, will until arrival <1t copy v,111! be r this f nn, t(lgethcll' with the ratie>n be handod lo the evacuee for his re~ntioin tl\c designated A rnhly Center. The third ined <ii the Ch•i.l O>r trol tat ion. (c) The evacuee will 1-e g l'en u 1den't1ficat.ion will tie \•t:hlde. urdy the 5tf.eJ\ll g- .as>pa~ i: •hich he f the m (d) On arriv I t It fl ml>~ J\ter the enc:iaee v. ill deliver to the r preeentati11e of the Federal eat.I" l\:inlt of San r, no:ie;c<> ll~c: t\!> 0 t1>piee of this farm, tile R. g;l1• tll~ Certiticat.e a11<i i.he k.:)·~ k> the v~~c, 1 (e) 1'llc represent:a·i~ of the fedc:r I Resen•e Ba11 ~ of itn Franci!ICJ.) wil r heck: all 111Umber11 on the fonn a,.,d if f01111d to be rol'1'.ect will admowlctlgc receipt of the mot: r vehicle hy signing one c~p)' of the forn1 and dc!Jverini: it w the evacuee. ff the motor vehJde d ·rflxcl iA thir. form. is lost, damaged, or destroyed the result of negligence while 11 Js in tine j)Ofi!leSSion or cwtod y of the 1111 United Stal •, or any 1tgenq adlin11 for il the Congre&. of the United S1at.:a wJll I e a&ked to take ~ppl'<>priate ~cl ion r r tlie benefit of the OW!lC.f, l- · ESTBRN 08 • N COMf. 1-\NO AN URTH ARMY WARTIMB C I 11.. CON' ROL ADM NISTRATIO S. n Frand.Ko, Ca l fornia SlltUCTIONS ro EVACUEES R.EGARDI G D SPOSITIO ~ Of MOTOR VEHICLES u will t b: pumitte t.o t Ice urance wb11t.c • r ca.11 l~ gi •en that C:I' l-0 h•ve tlic. rn toir • 1i c:s no~ o vnrd b) them me (uture t.iroe No The Urn Led 'ta from ~urnod .,..nny 1aauthon <1 1 m•Li d' ren for t.hcir indh~clu11l utt.. , to purohaw: motor ve.hldcs C''CICUC"ell. Prior to C:\'a Uitll o, moL(•r 'Vth1clu W1' be iWred, eolu or othtrwlre disposed of by th &\mer r ri1•c1tel)•1 '1.1t'.hlO'llt •overnmcl\~ l taterfcrence. or a!Si ta.nee. A. TE TIVBS OF ST M R ALii The othirr >tltc!rnui"rl prcF-Cnl~d Ill 1he e\•a<·11ce v.. ho o-·111 1 motor thide arr a loUow : A 11t·m11I r J, lo dtll\'Cr hit mut 1r 1•rhlde to ~dnd ! t:tvt Bank o{ San ran lllOO, aa 1&e&I Agent of the UD1ted 1atu, for t1>1•tt atthe owndt d11k, "'1lthout inmr1111ct; wluch fil Qt•ic vill. iD mo Ullit&ncr., be In optn ar t>.I (at Allllfmbly ~nter or ~tl•n: d 1l&Dett-O pla.«:s) and mu t of nc < 1ty N of a chan r which !JI nil->jec-1 mo1or: 'Yrhiclea to a more or 1 -• rar id dele1il>n1tfon A /1rr11.aJf.t t 2. To offer hJ1 motor vcliide for a.le to the United St11tc1 on tl>t following buia: Tht motor ''thidc: will be •J>p1a1 cd f f l"'O d ' intere t d appri.im1 and, In i d11.crttl(•ll and n 1L~ opt1tm, lhc ~ 1 n )' may bu>• the m(ll.()r l'chklt at rht •rrr"I d price wl11d1 •hall t10L, ho •t'Yer, sered 1he Blue Book whC>l lle value in 1he lorallt)I wber-0 lhr: purchue 11 o«t!J\ mmaled . l'URCHASE OP MOT R VBHI SB THE I\ . If 111& rv11C'uu 11 NOT tlte lcr•I owntr of the 111 oto1 vehicle, in order to 1man11c (e>t a l!llt. tr> th e Army, hem t pr<'Kllt to the Ped· eral Re1rn•e !Jank <>f San franc! :o, a 1~11rl ..... grn l ol tlat Unllrd State•, at the Ql,•il <'..onlrol Station. or urh oth er place l 1111y be directed, the r 1>llawl11g: I. Re ~i ..1 rat.ion certificate, duly cndoreecl. l . Tile a11retmeBt on the re\•c::rtoe hcteor. dul~ lgncd a.nd witnciatd. Lhe Pedrral R..raen•e B-ank: ol United ta lc , a1t B. If tlic ri•OCllrt IS the Jcaol ownrr of the motor ctlnrle. he IO'U l t, m addition t.u the foregoi11 g1 prenn.I the owllt rthi1> ct.rtfllllllt , ituly cndontd. D PJNlTIONS AND COND £Tl0NS IDduded m the term "motor chicle" arr the following . I. Pa n er ca,._, bJhl Mnd medium. llravy pauenger car• in t•rdu to come within the purchuab!t clltgory 1oun be clu d a "111tdium ", ~ the Arrny i• not authcnir.ed to purchue "heavy" pu~en er .:ari. '">' 1. Mc.torcyclc . l . llu and Ln1du of all typr • !t1duding piclr•up and dcli'Yrry truck&: and tract<Jr , including 1eml•truck tracton. Jt la noL Jntcnded t.o Include within thr term ''motor vehld~" tho11t ittlf•propellcd rootor ~ hJde.1 1ulttd only for fanu operation . UNITED ST A T6S ucb ciehcr :aut.horlLation and a "-lr&ncc a rroter t.han the apprai ed value IO that the evacuee ha no e 11ity, no ~ 10 tire Umtcd Sc..stcs 111111 be co nsum1114l~d . In uch 111 i1Uttncr u1t Nght of ny ere 1tor to repo11m or rccaptu1e, u proYldr:d lry la 1.1, w111 not be resi11ted by the cultodian of the motot vehicle. may be ~quired by PrancllCO, as Pi!OI "" ~e11t of the Jn cue tltc evact1ee i1 not th e I C"~al winer, ft rD\JBl be dearl)' "Under• 11tood lhal if tile indebtcdnru again t die rnotor 'Ychiille !t e41.111l to or In the e ~nt thal the ••le of any mot.or vth ide ii not corllJ>]clt-d or appran not feuiblc, the Federal Ra er\'C Bank of Sa.n Prandl<CO, u Pucal t\grnt o( th« United S~tu, act.lng (or and 11 ~gent of the eva('tlce, rCit r.'u the rl ht t.o store such mot.or vehicle at the owner'' riak. a1 1.bove 1tL forth, or to mak.t auch 01her di p0&itlon of auch mot<>r c u may, in it.a w le dl1JCretloia, appear to be Just ancl equitable, inclltclin& 11le righ t t<> p ermit the legal ownrr ol 1ucl1 motor vehlclt t.o uke bli legal recourse for rcposausloa or otherwl1c. It is Intended that the abol'c prO<?edu re will pro,lidc a fusible mc1m of pr(lttctin~ the inttreet.1 nf tl'a.c:ucct in ihtlr motor vehlcles, wiLh<Jul rrejucllce 10 the inter u of 01her1 r.ltcrein, and t hu1 will effect rn equl· table dlJPO ition of 1uch prope.rty. • .. " - m nt Regarding Dilpo1ition of Motor Vehicle -~ THIS JS TO CERTIFY the under&igned haa read ilnd uaderst.1.ncla the inst.rll(~ U [II 00 r trie her f Te ltding the di tiun of th m r \•cl\i e d ril !(.) I\ WCOA 1 rm FRB·3, (to be att:aclaed beret md me<>r(\C> ted by ref re111. la rwa Jr th1• Agreement la 'gnedJ whii;h the under 1goecl hiu. gned co11currcn tly hen....,.. I . aid mstructwns and t,h n the r el'iiC of WCCA &rm R ll 3 are a part ol l tt& 1 AgNement. 111c wJder igne.d denrca to d1& of tJle 1(or~lcl m !hr vd\il.lle according' to AJtemati •e No. _!__ eet forc.h on the rt\'~rr.e hereof, and reqll the Pedertl Re«n't: Ba.nk of n, as Fiscal Agent of the Urut.ed S1ate&, to ac.t uccordingi)•. If 1l1e a omrlu1hmait f th altematfve her in 1ielcc.ted appeu tc> wd Rank, t11 ltt .Jr c\11r er n, impoiUble <ll' not fr.a ible, said B Ilk is to m ke uch otl1 r dJ5posilJGIB of said mot r vehl e as it. d ern proper. Sald m r \'ehi I ia dclt ·crl"d said D nk at the aolc: mk of the und Ri~rned, l.l d it is agre d dut no liability r re pon&ib1hty sl•all atlac.h to&aiid rany actor on1J · ion m wnnr iln with the handling of aaid mt>Lor vehi I• <>r dif itl()n of the prO>Ci:c<ll thereof. Tile undc tgnu.I furtl r agrees, upon demand, Lo rei1nbur IJ1 fll'de.ral Reaen· Dank of 11 Pranci&oo, iscal /\gent o{ the United Statu, :In full for all charges and e pen incurred in conncct1 n with t.hc d1sposil10n of aaid mot or ,. llide, ud authori i;a <lllU in true sa1tl Bank to deduct from WlC proceeds of the iu le ( id motor ehicle any of such expensct1 incurred . . /)' _L~ ~ --"~ Executed at... KJ!l,-17..:z. ;,,,ntf,,;:~,,.;.t hi .-=" J __. J· / day oL C;t(r-1~; 1 ~ Family No._.. ~"'1/'A: f. .:. / / _._.. , l942 ~ hK. .- . .. e 9 MOTO R VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM ( f Regi ered 0\1.Der_ Addre •' of egi ttred M e ti lnAtnmion1 a" bac:# •lttt'I) ~ ~: NA/£·. _ . ._~L- oer Engtne c~I .. T>'~ ol Date P1 A tx "f tl1iJ ne.i (lnclic~ t e nutnl>er on t•ell~de). Hec1ter. T1rc(s) umher_ , h1 I· I )ther _ WAIV ER Pi11eat Agent The m tor v ludf dr ribed n tlue form ia dcl!Vered to the ederd! Re rvc B nk o( &art PJa!ldSCCl, u , urned II ili, ity of tlu: l nitcd St.ates, at the 1le ri k (I( the u11d 1 igncd It is agrc d that nv lmbilit)• or r pon LDll ( r any a <1r nu •11,t\ 111 ni e it>n with it.s di po<ir.>n lt i under t id n r nc; h) the f('Jcral R r.·r. Bank of tl1 · nn i11 urancc will l • provldoo on pro-pclit)'. Witneuc:t f r Signature ( Owner_ f _ ~=-=-:~"?' ~:.-:i:_r- fl litcntM - RECEIP T FOR VEHIC LE Place of J) li ery -- - - - -- Reccipt of tli vehicle: de!ICnbed ahove hcrcey Jclmowll'dge:d, Dat J<epresen11"g the Feder~! Reserve i&a'!I~ of Sa.n Fraricisco, PisceLl Agen t of the U11ite-d Stares. Pia ed in S~oragl! a - - - -- - - - - -- --- ---- -- --- -·--- - - - - - -- - ---·--- .. Instructions to Owner ptrd ( r , torllJ:C }' the ni~ed Stcite Go,•cr1 ment, the r '·ehld~ must be in proper runni11 • <Jrde-r. & a 1i m t The !' >£' d 1e for rcgi tering and ·torin~ a mot r v.:hicle · as foll<>w : (<1 ) The St.ate Mot r VcJnde Reg trati n Ceitliical for this 1• hi le mugt hr ubmu t ('d at tih 1vll Cc>ntrol tatt n, a.11d three copies cf this f rm 1 RIH) w1ll 1hm Ix- prepa red. ( ) TJ.·o C(lpics of thl fo1m, togeilir r with the Rcgifltr.i.Li n, will l>e hand ·J w th ilCUce for hl ret.cntion unt1J a;nnl <tl the deaignati:d As nl>ly Cent r. '11'1e ti ird )PY will re r~tained a1 the C1 11 Control! n. (c) Th.: cva,':lleC will be gi en a.11 1de11t i6c.ttion tag wJu h hl' \ 111 tit sc urcl>' to th Leering l~l'arat us of tli!! motor \'ehl(le. (d) On .mi al at. ti • A~ lir Cen1er the evacuet: "ull dd11.1e r to the rcpre. nt<lti w of 1 he Federal Rcscn •c D;ink 1.l lll Pr.tnci. 1> the two wpic of this form, tlii:' fl_tgi,_ tr .Lt1~1 Ccrti6 lie, and th lc:y to the '1ehjde. (r) c r.!f'JfC'stnt1tti ' 1.1{ th Jl't"d,·ra l Jle 'r\' R.10k f all Pr.11cif.CO' ill ched all numhen n be 101111 a.nd II fou r1d tC> N corrfcl will ack11owlcclge: re cipl of tlie mot r ''elricle hy I ming one copy of the fiorm ;md deli11,1ering It to the evac11ee. ne motor 1·chiclc dcscribt-d in th i forrri ia 1r t, d11 m11.gcd, r d troycJ tl.e rw.dt e>f nc~Hgcncc while it is iri the J r.cssion or c11 tody f the Un 'trd tale~. nr any agrncy a ing for it , t'he Oungrcm of the U1 ited i.1ic. ~u h.: a I: d t;iltc app rop.ri:atc action for the t.cnch r>f the 01 ncr. 11 ·! t ' ,. .. . "" ~ ~. R rr. . URTH ARMY D SB COMMAND C: IVfL ONTROL AD IN I S RA'flON San MJ1ci.iico, Call foroia lNSIRUCl!ONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHilCLES * will No ur.uiCI! \ h.i ·er c.;Ul lie gf\ en C\'acu t-0 :hiw th• ~r ' · 11cl now ()\II hy them l:!v1 u The nited tea to rtorption CCl\tua. abled at me f ut~1re tune for th 1r individ u 1 uae. Ti p1m:l~u.e mc;tor vehicles Arm:y Ls autll<Jrit.ed, m 1ta disc:r-$on, fr001 cvae\llee&. Piii r to l'.a u by tJ e 1rner p1i1·~~ ALTBllNA:YlVES OF ST RA red, d s may be ~'1tJ10ut go,•erBm ntd intufc:renre or RSA.LB The c.tlic-r •It mauve~ sirr rited to th e acur!f 111•lio " n1 a motor "Vtblcl t ~rt: a1 iollCJw': Aftrrr••titt t. To drlM• lli• rnotror vthldot t o t dtnl J;l.e1tM Dank of Sui h nd1<0, a• fhcal ,-.11t11t of the United d.llll 1, for tc;nwr u the w•11cr'• ti k:, w1ll•e>ut lnMur1nc-1 , 'll'hi<lh toragc 111, m :m~ t: instanct.1. be ~11 ot>tn arc1i1 (111 Assembly ~nter1 or otl111 de rn~<I pl•ct1) aiidl rn,1 t cif necuut1' be of a c!.uaMcr v.luch will object mot&r l'thiclu to • mCJrc or It A ltt1'114Ji~• 2. To offrr IJ mow1 ' 'thlclir for 11a.le tci the United Tbr motor "d1idt "''ill be appral t·d b~· t·w-0 di5mt•n apprall'Cu llllif, in 1u diacr t1on and at Jt <>rtlon, th e}. rmy IDllY hu tJie iootCJr Hli1rlt· nt th.c • r l'rni1 d price ,· hlch 1hall nut, howe r1.1r11c:t'e<d the llllic bk v.•hulti;.a lc alur In the l&cality v.herc the purduk i ().( n1umm11td. PUR li\SE OF MO'fOR VEHJCLBS. UNITED STA TES ~y THE A If 1Jic e\Jocuce it NOT" the legal ou'tl>tl' of rhe •!IO'lor vchirlt , lo ordr r t ci •rra n~~ for a ule le> the Arm , he mu t rrt.U:nr to the Ped· tral Re.cM'C Dank of San I'ru1cl100, & Pi11e:1 I .ArU1t ctf tbe Unilttl Sta tr..1, at tn c Cil"ll Co11 tml Station, or loch other place u ma)' lie directed, tbc lollo'Al!ng : I. Rrgi tntio11 certi6c&te, cl\J ly tndoraed. ~- Tht ag rcemen~ on the 111<1erae hereof, du ly trigncd 11.niil Wlitnemd. Such otllrr authorint 1012 and anura.nce u ma)' be i-equ!red br i.11e federal lluuve Ba11k of Stn Pr1ncltco, as Fi1CLI t\~1tnt of the Ulllted ta e~ . [n cue tbc £\/ n.1te il not ~h e ltgal owner, Ii: must ~ ditarl)' under• tc»d that if t'he lndebt dne 11ialn11 the moto:r vehicle ia ll'Cf1lal to or othrrwi di p<Md of grute.r tf Ln die • ppnoltlfd value 60 l l the t \ aC'tJn hu nc> 1ile (J the Ur111-<d St..rcu ...~11 be con111m11111trd . rn u· l:IO tq\Ut)', in tlllct' t!it right Cl' a11y " ditot to npo • or recapture , ru i•roV'ldt"d b)' la..,, v.. iU 11ot rc&iJud by the cu5todl.a n CJ! tl1t motc.r 'Vehicle. 8 . If the tn ackllltCJn Ul I& tlic legol ownn of the ftll>tOY' ltlil(lt, lit mun, t he fore Ina, preatnt Lilt ow11er&h ip ceruk te, duly eu11e11ri to endCJraed. D Fl lTLONS AND CONDITIO 'S np<ld drtrriorat.ic>n . St nr1 on Lli c followinir ba 11: OJ' Jncludcd in tile term "mo~or vch clc" the lollowin1 : I . Pu11tn u c.&ra, Llr;ht ind roedlum . Huvy p1u<tni:cr ca11 ill ordr1 wid1in the p\lrc:hu11.hle cateaory must be da d n "medium", a the Arlll)I is not autl.uhed to purcl~ue 1ny "hel\·y·• pa tn~er em t-0 c<1m l. Motorcycle . L Bune• and tru s <Jf all typt11, including p1er •up aod ddivt()I truth; :u-.a tract<>rt, includl na Jtmi•tl'\I(. tnctol'll. Jt i& not intclldcd tCJ irlcludc wit.hln the term .. motcr wruclc" Lhot.e ttlf·prop lied motor vehl<lee 1Uitcd ool~ for lann e>pentioo Jn the t\·cnL that tile aalc of • ny r~ocor vehfole 11 oot wmplct.ed or appura not !t:.a11ble, lhc fed er~ Re.•erv~ lhnlt of an Pren~•. aa Pillfal of t.hc Uruted Sutu, acting. for and ae a tnt of e c'1acuee, rc111:rvu thtl ngbt to U>rc 1uch mGtar chicle at the owner'• r~k , a1 above llCt forth, OT t.o lnUC 11.lch other dJapo1iti011 of 1uch lll ~ehicl e ae may, lr• it• l!Ole ditc1etlo11, apprar tCJ 'be ju t artd, ln1=l1Jdln I the right to pcmiit the lt~al owner of 1uch mot-Or vcbiclr to tatr hil 1ega1 recour.ic fe>r .rcpo•a.ealion or otbcrwl«. It i1 io~end d that tf1e abo\•t proced11A1 wl.11 provide a ft;l ble mran1 of protect! rig the lntereat o( cvacuce1 In their motor "tl11du, Ithou t prt ju<licc to the inttrelltll ol othrre thcl'ilin, and thu1 will c1ftct an cqui· table di polition ol 1uch property, "Wc.c:A , °'- '1111·• • Ag eemenf egarding Dlspcuftion of Motor Vehicle * TE-US IS TO CERTIFY that the 'Undersigned llu read aoa understands 1he instruc·· ti na on the r •er llereof regard1J1* the d~ ti n of them. r ehicle d n \ OCA rm PRJ:l-3, [to be aL her t.o and mcorpor111«l by reieren-.e erein if t lri A reemc.nt u signed) which lh: undcrsigl)cd has 'gnoo herewll.h. 1rulr'ucti0nund those on t.i.e re erse of WCCA Porm P'RB·3 a put of lh1.1i ~,freetnmt. Th undersigned de&irca to d.U.piose of the afe>ruud mot r eh.lcle a. rch"g to o. - _ t f rth 011 the l'twer hue.of, and rrq11ests the Federal R · •e n.nosca, as Plscal Asent of the Uni~ed States, t.o act aoc rdingly. If the t f I.he ~ltemative selected ap.))W\l to Jaid B<1nk., in tU di&l!l'etJori, im le or n f ible, aid B nk is tom kc GlJch oth r dt position of s;dd m tor vchi le llll it det.m proper. S.Ud m t.or vcha e is deliver I !.() Bank at the role · k o( the und ·gn d, anJ it 1 agreed thnt no 1iani.lity or r pons1 ihty shall a~t.ach to &aid 'S nk f r Ul)' act or omU.· sfon in nne tmn with the handliiil of said mot..<>r clti I or d11>posltrion of the proceed tliereof. The und r igned f\lrt.hcr agte.ea, llpon demand, to reiml>ur t.he Federal Rew.r ~ Bank of San rand&c.o, P1!ieal Agent of the U111l Late&, in full for all char s and r:tpen. !I incurred in connection wilh Lhe cli pos1Llon of Mid mli<>r vehicle, and authorizes and in Lructs said Bank Lo deduct from t.he pro.:.eeds of the r.ale of said mot r vchicl any of uch .eexxr EJiccutcd incurr;d. a~~/~t. ~. his I .£.° of ~.....1.::.[_ , 1942. e REGISTRATION FORM e M il'OR VEHIC (Su ldtr•clitml on llttd t>/ 1•u 1ht1t) Nall!le o Regh;tcrod Owner. hsa haru Sh.ilno~ ~ - - - - - - - - Family Number ' ./~I/, - I Name of Le al Owner (jf ditlrn:£'t) Addre of Leg I -=- r>8>c r - Ford 3 Ma e f Vehicle umber Engme Type of V chi~e- Qabr • l9.35 . ----=-r-.....__.._.._.,,. Date First OOld riu (lndica1.e nrnnber Cll1 ve~icle)· /\ ~ ~ ~Tire( ) l _ Pt>g Lli=ht(.) 2 R.adi Heater. Rcmarka :__ WAIVER r vehiClc der.cribed in tihi.a. form 1' deli\•ert.d LO the P tkraL - n• Baa of San Frar.c1sco, a.s Fiscal Ager t urned of the Unitl"u tJttet, tt the de risk.. of the undeNig11ecl. It is agreed tha :11 liability or re ponsibiHty sha..11 be .rstood und i& It dlspoait.ion. its with n nn~ m missio!l r aot any for JlnncillCO San ( &ri Rr.1erve Federal by the that no iruu IC\ tltte Wlll re prov1kled 011 this proput y. The c W1tncuie for TUlma.te ----------__.... ___ Signature of ............... Owner~~ RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE lace of Delivery ~-------- Receipt of the chided nl'>ed abcNe i11 ~cknowledgc:d. Date._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -· the: Federal Restnie Ba,,~ of , an PiJcal Agent of th~ United States. R~presenlllng Placed in Storage a ----~-.._ __ _____ , -·- ----------------------- Ftt1J1c~co. --·-.....,-.--.....-- lnstruc- ·ons to Owner nited State• Govem e bjr the forr To motor vebicl must 111 J>ro .r running ordt>r. Th proocdure for registerilllJ and onng a 1ll<lt r "ehide ' as f()lll.JI (a) The State: Motc>r Vc:hiclc Re i~t rat ion O..rti6cane for ~'h 111 tlon. vehicle lllll!lt be ud.,rn.ittcd at the Civil C.Ontrol , od thre< cupiu ol dau form ( RB·3) w\ll then be p.repar d. (b) Two copi~ of tl.I fonn, to:!ether with the R.egi a ·e>11 Cerciiica te. w:ill be lianc!ed to the ~vacuee for his .rctenti()11 until arrh•al at the de ignated A mhly Center. Th th:irJ copy will oo id at the Civil Control l tion. (c) The evac:ue:e w1U be gi\•en an 1drnt16caLion g wlucb he ring <1pparatu of th n.o1()f will We ~l;y t.c> t.he vehicle. Qfnter the evamee \:idll ~mbl (d) On uriwal at t deliver ~o the rerrc.gentati ·c of the Federat Reserve Bank of San Fran~ cl e ,..,,.o oopi.e• of this f t'Ul~ the Rcgt.· t.all1~n Ce:rti6o:te • .a.00 the k ys 10 tlie. vehi.c1c. (e) The ~preaentdve of the Federal Reserv Bank of San PrandtiaJ will rhea all numbers on the form and if fO\Jrid to be arrect will acknowledge receipt of the mcl1or vclrlde it to the by slgmng one co1>Y of th fol'lo ""'' ... "all" delh•erfog · \evaQlle. . , ' .. ' If the motor vehlcl e. describc:cl in t hi f crrm is lost, damaged., or de11tr<>i•e:d as the result of negligena: '-''Jule it i1> in the ~cm or custody f tlle Unit.eel Stat('!, or any age11cy <1cting for it, the CongrC$!1 of thr: Un.Jtie:cl States will he ulctd to tale appropnate action for the bcn 6t of the owner. . . ESTEllN DEFfiNS COMMA D All TF.!MB CIVIL CO 1D RTii AR.MY ROL ADMI lSTRATION Sao fr;a11cisoo, Californi.a INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGAflDI G DISPOSITION Of MOTOR VEHICLES * Eva cca wtll t be penmtted tc) take tLeir mcxor vehicl to reception CICJ\t'f!ra. No a ur n e wb te er - n be ~1ve11 thtt v~cue \l.UI be enabled at me Iut\lre time r ~· I 1 es no own id by them mumed for l.licir md ·1d11al U!C 10 ha e the in The United from e aoue(.!8.. 'tilt.ell Army 1~ ai;th ri d1 iu ·WI dl&...retion, t.o 11turdi1 Pnlvr to e •tc.lllllit ia, motor vehicle ma)' l>e 51.Qrtid, &@Id or otlicrwi by t.he owr r pn •at I • 'tliouL go rnro .otaJ mti::cf ennce or O.R SALB m tor eh.ides chspoood of 'st.ulcc. e-rut r 1.h.1J1 l e appraittd value IO that the cvac\l~e ha1 11c.. rqu1t)'. aoJI!' Io il•t Uniwl Sr.a1c1 will be c:ons11m11101~d. Jn ucli an in U11Dcc th!' n t or any crcd1t<lr to rcpt•He:M or ~ccapturr, .a1 pro ided b)• Iaw, all Ml bi- rc1iatcd by the custodian of the mutor nhiclc. n~ Tile oLlier 11lt rrnauvu prt rntcd to the c"ae11ce ·•· 1111! o t1w111 a mowr ~dude are u foll Alt!'rmrlln J. To cldj\•tr 11 motor\' hide lQ I cdirnl Rckrvc .lhnlr oJ 'an ran :iMX>, u Jscal A mt of the lltutcd Ult 111, f..or t.oragc ._l the •lthc:iut in•ur•n t; wh ch tou11e v.•111, in cn(I t ln11tance1, be (al Ali cmMy Ccntera or othrr de11gnatt:<l pl•cc1) and fa open ar u'L 9f nee ·ty be of a chuacttr which w111 ubjr.¢ J11e>tor vehlclea to 1 more or l~r rapid de1erloratlon. Alitrn4li•t z. To offrr hit lilotor velticJc for .ale to the Uhited t.a.tea on t.he fo!ICMing haw r Thr motor \•rhJdr will ht by t o di,lnttJ ittd appraiKr• &lld, in 11.8 di crc:-t1on and at 1ti r.ption, the Army rnay l>u)' the mot.or ''thiclr at th e appr11.I rd pncc v.•hich hall not, l1own• r, r~cccd the ~lue Book whole 11Je \•a.liar m the lcicality whttt the pur I.~;. con ummated . PURC ASB OF MOTOR VEHICLES Ill' THB UNITED STA TBS ,.., , If rhe t't•acuu 1':; NOT thr lt,c;al ouonier oj tht "oror llehlc:le, r>rder to arrange C>r a sale 10 Lhe ,..,nny, he must preu11t to the l'e-cl• tral R scrvf Bank of an Pranci•«i, n l'rm1l Agent ol the UnfL d ttttr , at Lhe .;fvd Control St1ticm , or 1uc'1 otlicr place I.I may tie duecltd, the fotlowin 6: in I. Rti;l•tr.a.ticm cnti1ica t~. duly endor ed. 'l. Thr. agrttml:'nt on the revu511 hereof, duly 1i1111cd .a11d 'll•l•neued . uch other auLhoritation and auuranoe 1.1 may 1>e required by the Federal Rexrvc .Ban k of San Pranci1cu, u Fii<al .Ai:ent of the United i.tu. Jn ca. e Lhe cvacul:'t u not the lei;al owner, it mu t be durly u11dtr• tood Lhat If th< lndtbtcdne- agaln1t the motnr vrhliele i1 equal w or 8 , Jj 1Ja e "' ire l& the Jc,wcsl owrntT 11{ the 1110111r vc.h 'rle, ht "11Jr.t, Jn a kl1t1on to the forisoina, prea nt the ow11e1il11p cer tili ~tr, duly end r. d. DEFINITIONS AND C !\''DI Tl NS lncludttd to the lenn "mot.or ''dude" 11re the following. l. P sc:ngcr can, hrl1t and medl.i11t. Heavy pu•en1cr car1 in <irdcr \I 1thlo the p1;uc.hauble category mu~t he cl.a Hd a .. rncdrnm ", purchue ariy "hetV").'' pa nf{tr car . a the: Ar111y i1 not auth<lrlted to co111e 1 Mot«c:ycle1. 3. Bua~u and truck of all typl"a. 1 Including piClK'UP nd ddi1•c ry truclu ; u1d tnct.ort1, !nclu d ln~ 11emi·truc:k tractor1. It u not i.n!tndcd ~ Include withil'I t.he term "Dlotor "e.Jifcle"' tl1oa.c ecll•propcflecl .:notor vehic1111uitcd 0 1\I)' lor rarm op(rlt on. l n the C\ICDI that the sale of 111y m()tc>r \lehlcle f1 siot oompl Led ur aprea..r not fcaaible, the fltdrral R rvc Jlanlc c•f Sall fr1tndeoo, •~ P1 aJ A~nt o f th United Statt1, a 'ng for and ;u &llc:n t of t.he cnc.-ucc, retervca the rright to store mch motor vehiell' at tlie owneta ri .le, 11 abon Kt forth, or t.o malrc 1uth <lther disposition of l\ICh motor ve:hlcle a1 ma'Y, fa ii:i 1<>1c discretion, appear!.() lw just and equoitable, lndud:ing the right to ricrmll Lhe legal owrier of n1ch mut<ir ...,eJ»i le to ta•e hit lcg1l 1ccou r• for rtpo ecu.ioll or ot.hcrwiJe. It 11 mtucled that th e aliovc rroced11~e Will provlde a fcar.r!ile mean of pr<1tectiqig the of tvacucu in t.hdr motor vchiclr4. without prejudit~ to tltt int.ereit1 of other& therein, and thua will elfrct an cqui• tabit dUJ><ISll. ()n of tu ch proput y. Agre m n~ Regarding Diapo1i ion of Motor Vehicle * TH[S IS TO CBRTI Y t.h1tt the underitigne:d hu read ~nd undcrst mis the 'nst.ruc• on re ·er.e her ( rt'ganlLng the di J ti n of the ID r vehi e de lion n rm R&3, [to be attadicd h·r o and incorparated by f'Cf nee iicrem 1f WO A lia1 llig-n~ oo cutr ntly her :w>th. thie A reemen~ la aignc.d) whicb the und Said in truction and those o.n the •1tree <>f W '"'A Parm FR.8·3 are a part of Oua Agreement. oi tl1e rn<>t.or vellide accol"dix ro Tlie utideragncd desire• to dtspc the dcrat Reserve act forth on the re er hcrtof, and requ Alt.:mati •e No. Bn.n of SaR raoci.soo, as Pisca.I Agent of the ni~d State.a, to net acc.01<ltn,gly If the n pli&hm t of th•<: herein ippears ~ 1d Bank, 1n iw 1le discz u 11, LIDflO'Slb-le 01 not feuibl , aid Ba.nk i 11.uthorit.ed to make &uah otiher d1spo ujon l id m l r vehicle as it deans proptr. f S Id mot r 1•chi le is deh\'crecl to ud Bank at the aolc iisk of the und:!'r&.1gncd, nd it is ~•re d that no llability r>r respons1bilit)• shall artacl1to said Bank f r any a or on 1.S· si n in ronnl!Ct1<>n wiL11 the handling of said moror ''eb.lclc or di&position ol tll\'! pr ceda thc.reo-f. e ltndersig11r.d furthc.r agrees, upon denund, t~ dmburse rbe Federal Rcaervc Bank of San randliOO, iscal Agent of !.he nit d State , in full for al I cl rre.s and eitpenses incurTcd ill conncctfon with the d1spo 11ion of id motor veh1 le, rnd aut11orii:ei and ii rue !iaic.I B11nk t deduct from the pr cw of the sale of Aatd motor \'ehid~ any Of SU h e.xpen5C.! i n~urred. Ex:ccu d a ·~ ~ 1..Jay oL ~- , 1942 . ~.~~~~~~_.J. ,,.J Family No _ t _t./- l / ~ f . e ~ MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM ( 'rt • of Reg1st~red Ol!.mr_u~~~ Addre fRegistered arnc: Licrnec , 1h C'I) Family Number IL/ I tJ '7 -~r_//~/ .Z~. _J__/-C. •- k ~~ -~_._. ,~_~'l....c.c/I ___S-"1~,. (??...-A.I ,k, #-4/C.~ .) " ( Legal Owner (11 d11lercnt) {$. -~ of Legal Owntr. Addr ,4 1Ji ' ~- -- itumu1lo11J on b.iC'lr f ~/ ~ ; •- - Numbcr-.L~ lY-_-·~ S:rial Num ' r "' ,,,,_...Z.' Date irst Id Englno Nu'""'' 4 - / 3 ·-:J3 %________ A cw rie (I"11d1cate 1· on ve11icle) · Spare Tire(-) I'll"' He<tl r--~- ~ T}'pe of Ve.hid I ~ • - e2 ~-::(' ~ VL) .:l:.3 -7.f (;'" ~ C:. ~· _ Rad> Pog Light s) ...)/. ~ ~ Other- Remarks : - - - - WAtVER 'bed in this f nn is delivered t the Federal Rt'!iCtVe nk of San Prand!l<X.l, F1 al Agent motor veh1dr d pcm ability lll be a urned of the n11 d States, at the le ri~k f he under igned. It is agreed th t no liability or <leral Resrrvr Bank of San Pr.n~ lsco for 31\.)' ac.t or omis.wn i.n connect.ion 'vitb its cJ1 position . It is unde r.toad h}r th provided on tihi• propest)•. that no m urancc will ne Witn for llli1eratea RECE.IPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Deh1•ery_~- - - - - - Receipt of tht>: vehicle descnbed above i her hy acknowledged. Dat --·--~--~~---~~· --- Representing Lhe Federal Reserve Ban~ of S n PTanL-uco, Pisca l Agen t of the United Staw. Placed in torage a....__ __ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ------------ - ··----- . .' , Instructions to Owner T) be- accepted for ltt ra •e hy the 1lited St tes Go,•ernment, the motor vdu fo mu t be in proper nu mng order. The procedure for registering aod t.oring a ro to r vehicle 1.S foll()~• . (n) The tulc Motor Vclucle Reg15tr: tion Certificate for this \1chi le mu t &uhmltt.:d at the ..ivil Control Station, anti three COJICS of this ronn (FRB·3 ) wul then be prepared. (h) T11,.•o copic of thu form, together with the Registral'ion Ccrt1n te, will be handed to the C\ acucc for his retention 1;11til am" I t the d ~1gnat ~d Assem"1y Center The third copy ' ill be l inecl at the 1vil ntrol St.ahon. c) The ·.icucc ' ill be gi en an idenliliution g wlUc.h he will tic curcly to the ap ar tus of the inotor vehicle. (d) n arnv I at the A mbly ter the evacuee w1LI c.khver to the represent tive of the fcdeul R Rerve Bank of San l'r.m('.i t{le two copl~ of form, th R gis• tn1t n Ccrrifi .cite, and the kc) to the \'cll.icle. (!:) The rcrr f.CJ1taht•e of the Federal Re.!J!rvc B·mk of San Prancil!CO WJll check 1tll numbers on th . form and if f und to be corre~t will acknowledge receipt of the motor vehlde by signing nnc copy of the fonn and delivering it to the e~acucc. If the motor wl1iclc det.enhed in tl1is form is In t, damaged, or destroyed , the r •ult of ncgligcnc • while it is in Lhr poss ion or cu tody of the l 'r1itrd tal c., <1r an)• :ig ncy acLing for it, the Congrc.~s of th United S t !I ·11 l1e a kec.J t take app priat • act' >n f r the benefit f lhe owner. WESTERN D E NSE COMMAND AND f F.'fH ARMY A.RTJMB CIVlL CO NTROL ADMIN ISTRAT ION Sao Fra ncisco, California INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES E acuees will not be permitted No a.ssuran c "'h t.c1er can be given hilve the m tvr 1 elude.s now 1 The U11it d t tes Arm)' i * take ti elr mo1.Qr eruc.les t.o · ~pt.too ccnten. to 9v.1 t t\•acu.ccs will cnabl d at eome {uture time d by UJC.m r l.lJ'ned for their inda ~dual use. authortr.ed, in it diaCJ'eticm, to purchase motor veh.ide6 from evacuees. Pri r io c a ua11on, mo!(lr ehiclea rna y be t0red, 110ld or otherwi5e di by th own r pri , tel , "' 'thout oven~ment al interf rencc or assistance. AL eRNATI VES OP ST RAGS OR SALB The olh r altcrnati1 CJ pr.:icnlcd to the tvacuce who own1 a mot.or 1 \•chicle are u fo1Jow11 Altern11t it·~ I. To clehrr his molur ''thidt to tdtral Rl'IOC'n•c Alan le ol San Pr anci~<:u, Ill A ent of t.h" United tatci. 1 for storage at t.ho owner'• rig , IVithout Insurance; whJch •lc•rl c will, ln IDO~t iruLancu, be ' in open arra1 (at A1scmbl)• Center• or other dulcnatcd pl~•) lnd must of tltCCJ ity be of a character which will ubje motor vchiclc1 to a more or lw rapid dtterlorat.ion. Alttrnatirc 2. io offer hia mi:>tor vcl11clc for ale to the United tate1 on the following haw: 111c motor v<·hiclt wtll be apprmcd by two di intcrc cd ippra.114'rt and, in iu di~crctlon and nt I optwn, thr "•my may buy thr rnotor vrn1clr at the apprai rd pnor wh ich shall ne>t, lwwe\fer, exceed the Blur B<>ok ll.'he1let11le value In the locality where the purchAM 11 con&urnmated . PURCHASB OF MOTOR YEH CLE!S BY THE UNITED STA TBS A If th t WOCl&ee is NO'f rhe legal c•umM' of rite motor vehicle, ordn to urange for a ~ale to the Anny, he must prescat to the Ped· era! RC$trve Bank o f an Prandaco, u Pi al Agent of the United ta , at the Civtl Control talion, or 1uch othrr place as may be dhvcud, the I llowing: in l . Rt.pi tr:i!ion ccrtf6c;il(', duly endorsed . 2. The agi:rcrnent on the rrvcnc hut-of. duly .lgned and witne'!1ed. }. Such ot her authorlr.ntion and a rurlncc tl1c Pcdcrnl Rc1ene S ank of Unit-ell iu may be required by an Prancl1C1> 1 at Piacal A gent or the latt.a. In ciu;c tllc rvacuce fa not the legal owner, it must be clearly un drr• 11tood that ii !ht lndr.btcdncn against t he motor vehicle ia cque.I to or d of grot r tl1w tl1c d value &0 tbaJ the C\'IC\ltc hu no eq urt~" no ule 10 the Un1ud Stc1tr1 rt-ill be con 11 Wl<lttd , lri wc:b an ln~l~n ct Lhc right of UI)' cicdrtor lo rrpo &eAt or recapture, H provided by law. will uol he rc.. lltcd by t.hc custodian of the motor chicle B. If the tt141Cllct JS ilic lego.I owner of the matm wthk lt, he must, ln 11ddition ta the foregoing, prettnt the owntr•h1p cc1tific1 , duly cndor1oed . DEPJNITIONS AND CONDITIONS Included In the te rm "l.tlotor vehicle" art the lollowini : I. Pa~scnger cara, llJh l and medium. Htavy pa&Scnger Cllre In order tu conic v.•rthin tire p\Jrchaellble ca~gory niuJt be cla ed a~ "m dium", a the .Army i1 not autli<>rited ti> pul'Chaa.t any "'hca y" paucn 1er ca"'. 2. Motorcydee. 3. .Buuei and truck. of all typc1, including plc1r·up und dtli\lc1y true.kt; an d tractors, tndl1 din , 1c1n1-truck tracll.>1"9. It 11 not inttndcd to Include wit hin the tum "motC>T chicle" t.ho11e aeH-propdled motor vchlcJe1 auitcd only for farm oprration. Jn the rvent that the eale o l any mot«>r vehicle I not completed or appeare not fea11ble, t.he Prdt:ral fte1erve D11nlt or Sa" Frand1C0 1 a Pi6Cal Agent the Uni tw States, acting for and •• agent ol the eVllC\lfC, reserves t.he right t<> gtore such motor "chicle at the awnrr'• rillc, u abo"c 5eL forth, or to make auch other dll]>Olition of such Jll'llor \lehide as may, Ln its tale dlscrctioA1 appear to be JU.~t l nd cq1-1 itable, including the right to pmni t tbc legal 011•ncr of such motor vehicle to takt: hit legal rtcourae fo r rrpoHeJJion or otherwl11e. or 1t ia intended that the above procedure will provide a reaalblc mca.n• of protecting th e of evacuee ln tbtlr motor vehiclc.s, without prcJ ud icr. to the in tcrau or other11 1.hcre1n and t.h ut will d lect an eq11I· tnble diJp<mtfon of such property. , 1 ~(,m.,.~ WCC A I 011 .. r · . ~ ... --: - .. .,·n.~·'·r i)r... , .., r.J~"tlr.,..-, \ ~T" ~· •'' -' • ' , • .. Agreement R garding Dispo•ition of Motor Vehicle * THIS IS 'TO CER TIPY that the undct'*lgned hat read md uaderst.:an the iu true• taoll5 on the r crile herco reg.srdmg the di ·IM>n of the mo: r ;•ehiclr. deacnbed on WO A P, nn RB·l, [to be atudied h rdo ilnd 111 rporatcd by l ference herein tf this A reement u ·gned] wh; tJie urlde · gned baa 1gn d oonrnrremly her~with. &id i rur,;tiona nd th Agreement CO.A orr.n FRB· 3 a part. of tlua Th undcraigne9 dcsirc& to diJpnr,e of the al id mo ehide aocordinn to Alt m t1 e No. t fortli on the rever~ heiit»f, and requcsta the Federal Re rve Ba.nk o( an Francisco, as Ptscal Agent of clie United St.ates, to act a«:ordmgly If the accompli.Juncnt of th ltemative herein selt tcd ppein U> gjd Bank, in 1tia sole cbt'H or n f 1ble, id Bank is authorir.ed lo make uc.h other dHposition of said mot r •t.hlcle aa it d .rt pr per. L - Said m r \lehicle is d li\•t:red w :tid Bank at th !lOle risk of ti e ned, ind 1t ls ugr d l\O liability or hall at~c:h to Mid Bank for ~ny a or ornw ion in r.orrn~Uon with the l1andling of said mdtoc \lthi le or disposition of the proceeds thereof. The unde.rsig cd further agrees upon demand, to reimburse the Peder: I R rvc Bank of San Pranciaco, Fiscal Age.nt of the United St tea, in full for all harg and c.xpcnacs incurred in connc Jon with the di.po.1hon of said motor v !Uc.le, and authomea and in lructs id Bank to dcdu .t from the proceeds of thr s; le c.r saJd moLor \'ehtd any of such cxpe 5 rn urr d. Exocutd , Jt?/Lfa"*r1 th ~~......~,~~tu~~ Family No._ ' - e- ~-· e -... MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM (str mslr11tdioa1 on Name .of Ile 1Gttred Name of Leg11l Add o/ tlii1 shHt) Owner_ --"''- wntr (if different) --1!!.!. _ (,ve l,~ W ':f_ / of Lcga.I 0 ;<.TJtr Liwise Numb.er_ Serial Number M1Lke of V had · Engine Nurnbt-r Dat1~ Typr of Vehicle Fir Sold (/,,,. iratt: 1rnmbt:r on eh le): ~ Rtmar "'1'1 ti!. Spare Tire s) I (,l/C6l- ~ -o/ ).il K._ If W ?ij (/Ck Fog Light (s)./Y f. y _£__ _ - :_~;$ _.,.. -- . ___., ___ -·---- --,L:---- 't::t'~~ ·~ ~ ..,...... ~_....___ ,Y -~ =================================================================~ .,,.WA I VER The motor "chicle cbcribed in it form is dell\'cted w the Ptd ral R rve Bank of San Franc1&co, as iscal Agent of the U11itcd ta , at the S1>le nsk of the undr.rc;lgncd, ft is agrml thnt 1n liabflity or re11ponsibility shall be ru;: uulcd h}' l11e Peden! R n•e Bank of San Pranci6'-0 ( r any act or omisaion m connecti n wilf1 jts d~positfon. lt is understood that fl() Jr1sura nee wtll be provided on thi• rrvperty. - - - ---- - --- W 1tnesses _ for Illitera tee 1gnature of Own r t{';t -~ - ~----..........._- --- RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Pb1ce of Deli ery_ --~~--·---- Receipt of the vehicle d en 1i ahove ia ----- ----· ----· hereby l\cknowledgecl . Da.tc_ _ _ _ __ ------ ------ · Representit1g ihe Pedt:ral Rc:sen>e Ban~ of San Pra11dsco, Fiscal Agent of tl1e United Stotts. Placed ln Stora1te at -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- ----- ____ __ ------ ------ ----- ... .. _ .__,,.-- -- .-. Instructions to Own r To be acocpt.(d for stc.rage by the mtcd motor \'ehicle rll 1 he ~n proper running nice The p e-dme f r reg· tering and ring a m tat r Government, 1 1 e rude ia u follows ; ( ) 11le St< t.e Mot.c.r Vehicle R •gi!llratie>n Oe1ti6catc f r 1 vehicle mu !1.1hrtutled at the Oivil Cootr l t.at1on, and ti ree copies of thi form ( RB·3 ) will then he pfepar d (b) T' • of thi form, tog Lhrr wlt.h tfie Reg! t.raL11m, will be hand d to the rvacu f<Jr h1 retentfo until .irrh-al at the d 1gnatcd A&ll(:mhly The third ooprwiH r·t.ainedatt e .iv1lO ntrol ruin. (c) The evacuee will lie g1,•en n 1d .ntt6catiun g \\'Jii.. he will tie securely w th.c .st.eel uig "pp.i ratu.s <>f tJu:: mot.or \'Chide (d) n arn a.I at th.e A r'tlbl tcr Lite cvacuu V1 I deli er to the reprcc.entll.L1'1e of lhc Peder&! Re.serve.- Ihnl of n rjl.rtCJ&CO th<' t:wu oopic of thi form, we R ii· tra ' Certi6cat..e, ~nd Vie keys to th ve~c- (c:) The: ~ep • enta~ivt' of the tderal Rceern Dank of San PT1111d11CX> will •tieck alt numbers n tJic form and if found to re C(.1rrect will acknowledge receipt of !lie mot.or vehicle by signing one copy of the form and delivering it t.he varuec. [{ the mot.or vchir.le des.:ribed in t.his form 1s I t, dam<1ged, or destroyed as the r ult of negligence while it is in tl1 po!l!ICW1>n or custody of the United Stall"!, or any agency acting for it, the Congress of the nited Statt will l asked tak a proprfa acti n for the 11cfit of Ilic owner. S"rERN D AR1 IMS ENSE COMMAND AND r R H ARldY IVIL 00 S:n Fru1 INSJ'RUCTIO S TO GVACUEES REGARDING DISPOS TION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * • ·a ue will not be p ·rmi\Led 1.o Lil t dt' motor \•eluclea to rt:c.eption centers, No t11'suranoc wh;i1.:: er 11 be glVCJI that acueet di be at iiome fot11re tim to ii c 1 ie 11 .or ,•clu lea now O\\J tid by m returned for their .ind1v1dual u The Umt . fr m tat.I:' Army is nuth r1r,ed, in ;~s di.a n, to purcb11.11e motor •ehlclea £ l(i'\Jee.B. ?rioo to e1·• ut.> 11, motor duel may be 10red, 11 or otheN ·!IC diaposcd of by t.hl" O\ •ner rt\i!Ul}', without go ernm mterferenceor a istance. ALTBRNATIVES 'The 01)1er altern 1i1•u pr \•elaldc ut ~ follow : S'fORA '8 OR SALB nud tn I r c11..c:uce who owni a motor A ltm1011"r 1. 'f(I dch" r I 11 moUrf 1•duele tu cder ..I Rt.scrl't' Bar Ii of an fral\CJllC'O, a& Pi•eal A eat c{ tl e nrtcd Lat , !or nt t e 1J.,.11e1'1 rak, w1t.hou1 1 v.•h1ch e>1 ge will, In nwHi 1nstancee, br: in OJ>l!ll areu ( ai A uobly or 0ot.!1er dollgnated pbcu) Qnd m\l•t or n Ct tit)' be or ll d1ara t,cr '1111 ch w11J 51.tbjccl motor vchicle1 to a 100ore C>r lu1 rapid detenora t:l011 • .A/1~rr1111 it·e z. •">' a. If the C\l~lt 15 the ltgitl (1111'1~, of MC: 1noton1ehfrle, he rTI\11-1, m acldltlcm to the foregol111, prettnt tbc (>\I.Int hip oertllicrn, duly COQClfiltd, D FINITIONS AND - NDI IONS To offer h11 111otor whiclc !or ~ale to I.he United Su "' 1>n 1l1e following h11ls: PURCHASB OF MOTOR VEHICL S BY THE UNITED SIA BS II. If the r11<ieuee is NOT tl1e lti:.:rJ &wner of the motor tJel1k:le. 111 CJrdtr W irra11gr for a air: u. the Army, he mu9t pr eent tot.he Prd• cr1 R..C$~rve Bank of in Pr a na C(I , aa ' Ag(nt of the United S!.<itt , at tl1c Cl\'il CoQtrol Stttion, or BUch other plac:e u m:11y be dircctrd, the followlnii 2. Regi1tra.tlon c.ertifu:ate, duty c11dornd. 2, '!'be agreement 011 tohe rt:Y'CTff: hc:rc<ol, duly lizn1:d and wltnested. Such other Autlioriutiori and u ur&J1cr aa muy be Tequired by tlue E'c.dtral Re1erw 'Bank o f llr1 tcd S1-1tea. 1nc.l\1dtd tn the tc.nn "motor whlde" 11r1! tlte followi11111 Pu~ncrr cnra, li11ht llnd tnedium. Heavy pu~engc1 cat• ln order within the J>\lrchasable category m1H l>e clwcd ru "mtdlum", at tlie Army 11 not 1uthorlt.ed to pul"chae 1Lny "heavy'' pai u1gcr cart. t The motor vehicle wnl l>e i.ppraiml b)• two di interr,ted 1pprau.er1 atid, in it dlacr~uon ~lld 111 iU• o ptil>n, lie Arm)• rn1y buy the motor v lllcle ~t the Appraised pnce wfach mall nut, hm.1•e1•fr. exceed the BJur: Bed: whGlcule \•alue in the I lity v.•htrc the purt'hue la con urnmatecl ar. l'rand1eo 1 ll Fiscal Agent of ht .In cue the rvncuee IJ not the ltr,a.l l>'A'DC r, it mil t he cleuly uodier· ii the lndebtedne 11t:llin11t the motor vehldc ia equal to or nte»J grea.tu than the apprai~d a.lue ~ thwt tJte e\•acuec hllf AO eqi:Jty, 110 111le1 to the Un1c,ed St4tt:I Wlll be r 'ILSil'?>llla.ted. In 1uch an fo1t.lnce 1h i i:ht of cudltor to repe»11CB1 or ttcapt ure, at prwldcd by I w, I nDI be rui1ted by lhe cuawdian of the motor \•ehlde. w c<>mc 2. MoLorcyclea. S. Bue!IU and truckM of 11U type•, includl11g pick,up ~11d delivery tr11ck.i; and tr1ctor1, Lncludinit eernl•trodc t::tactc>r:1. It la not intrnded to include within the t~ .. motor Y'ehlde'' Lhok sell· propelled motor vehicles Ju:ited only for f llTll operation. In ihc evrnt t b..t the ea.le of any .motor vehicle i1 not tornpJere:d or appelm noi feasible. the Pedcr~l Reser e Bank o1 San Pr1nciaco, a1 Pisa! A e:l\L or the United Statee, acting for and u •sent of tbe evacuee, rea.e1we1 the right t.o tore 1µch motor vehicle at the ownet '• risll, a1 att forth. 1>r to 11.Jcb otbe:r diepo11ltloo of mcb motor Yehicle as may, In I" 1ole ditcrttio11, to be ja t and equltQble, i11cludlng the iUght to ptrmlt ll1c legal owner of auch 11\otor 1•eblde to ulte bia Ir a1 recou ne fo r repomasion or otherwise. II is intended that the a ''r: prTudwe wrtl pwvlde a leuiblc mean• protec1in the Inti-rem of evacllteJ in tllelr m<»tor vthfdea, wit'bout prejoti.diae to the Iht ere h of otht're t.hcrcJn , l nd l:hu. will dftct an equi• table dJ1po•itlon or Stich ,prl>pcrty. o( wcc4 ro"" r1t. .~ .... Agreement Rega rdiAG Dispo1 ti on of Motor Vehicle * THIS JS TO CERTIFY that the uncle gned .hu read underat.mda the jnstru · t.iom on the tt"VU'Se hereof reguding tile .J1 itfon of the mot.or vehicle described cm WO A orrn FIIB·l, lto be attaclied he11u and ioc.orpo m·d b)• reference he.rein 1( thia Agreement u ned] •lucl\ the undertoigncd Jias mgned ooncurm1tl~· et• vjt.h aid ir""·''uc:tJ<Jn& and th .A greernerit. 11e n the rC\•cn.e o{ WOCll PGrm FRB-S are a pa.rt of t:lus The undemgn id mot.ol· \•ehi le according w Altem11ti,•e No. t {oreb on the er }u:reof, a.nd requests t~e denil Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as Fi;ca.I A •ent of tJic United States, 10 act i.cmrdingly. lf the c roplil"hm nt f the aJ1em11ti11e h rein selec1.ed appears to said Bank, In iu e dis· crrt.i n, imp ible u not fea51bJe, rdd Bitn ia authori~ed to mil kc such oilier dispositi~n of saJ motor 1•ehlde as it deecn proper. $;nd mot.or vehicle i delivered ~ stttd B n~ al the SCJle risk o! the 1111dc:mgoed, ll.lld it i a.gret-d that no liabllit)• ur re&ponsih1bty hall at tott:h t\l Ii<\ d &nk. !or anll' a or (i)!lli&· on in co11ncctlol'l "'1th the hrndling of said mot<>r yehide or caie;1 'don of the pr ·ic cc.iB t.hereof. 'rhe uh<lersigoed further agrees, upon demand, to rcunburse the Federal RCliCrvc Ba.nk of 611.11 Francisoo, Pi!IC:al Agent of tbe United Statc.B, in full for aJI charges a..nd ex per sf ncurred ln connection with the dis po. 1tion of said mvtor vc.hicle., and authorizes and in truct& aid Dank to deduct from the ~r eeds of the s.1lc of s-a1d motor viehi I a.ny of u h expense.a incu rred. Exccut~d at..4- A.d~ .- . .. e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION 9 _ Reg;i:sten~d N me of ~ -• Number 1 4 007 'T!ler_J ._ Ino~· . A'v f Registit retl dd res FOR~A N m of Legil Ov. oer (if diff r nt) Same 8 boy~ ~ Add f.lf Legal Own r I _~-:i:.,... _ _ 9597 · I,,, Scna. i~urnx:r nginc Number _ 4;= ehicle But ck 8 M;ike of Date Pir!lt. old 4-25-:!.§ - _,,..,. ... Ac essoric (Jnd1care number on vt:ht le ): Heater_ _ Rem. rks: non - -Al.l her_ T)•pe _.,,.,,_ 'pare Tire() - o( Vcl~clc4D~ur 2 1> l r Light (s) S ~ 5P l __ Radio A rt _~,:..,... Condition of tires flir. tires are ...Wl it .-W!'t Mileage ru ~o , ooo . pp arance good. Pu onatic ~ ar shif t. Eng1ne _~o~~ · WAIV£R Tiie mot r \lehicle descnl>t.d in thi fbr:n Is deliwtt-d t tlie eder1tl Ra•J'\ie nk o( an Fran isco, as Fiscal Agent of the LJnjtcd St.ate , at the oole ri of t?ic undcl' igAed. Jr is agr d that no liability or rcs,pons1hilny i;hall he a! 1)mcd hy the Fcucral Rc.o;erv Bank (lf 'ap Fra iSCQ fol" an')' i t. or omi <ion m wnnection \\'lib 1 1.h p . 11ion It is under t .d that no tn u nee will he pro11ill l on thill property. Witnesses Signatu re of for Jlhterates RECllPT FO ·R VEHICLE - - Place of Delh•ery_ _ _ _ --------- Receipt of the \!chic.le described above is hereby acknowl dged . Oat .... Placed in Storage a.___ _ _ _ -...... .._ - -·- .._. - - -· - - - . Rep1em1t-iflg the Federal Reserve Ban~ of San Francisco, Piscal Agent of 1l1c United Stat es. ---·------ - ~------- ----·-·-·----- Instructions to Owner T ucccpteu !or torage by 1l1e rutcd St .. te. Gov rnm nt, the be tn proper running order. mot.or 'chide a 11 pr dure f r r.i.riM.cnng and . tonug ;1 mot-0r elude is as foll ws : (a) 111e Sute Motor Vehicle Re~1Str.tt1011 Ccrt16ca.te for this cliiclc mmt he uhmi1tcd at the ivil Cont I Utlcin, and three pi.: C>f thu form (J:<RD·. ) will then be prepir d. h) T vo c ptc of this fonn, I •ether wi th the Rcg1,tratl n C'Krttficate, W"ill be handr.d to the evacuee for hi re ntion until mva.I at the d• s1 •natcd A hly ...enter. The third copy w111 be re1,1inrd at th ''"ii Control t..ition . c) Th C\ ;i ure \vtll be ' ·ill u1: sc urd)1 f{i t.:i th en an 1d nt!fi • ttcm tag wl1ich h t. ·nn a a.ratus vf the rnutor veh.irle. (d n arnval at the A bly ntu the cva ue will dl'lm! r to the r~pn !lCnt 1ti •e of the Fede ml Reserve of.' n 1 1 thr to c pi · f thi form, the ~ii· tr. t1 11 Cert16ntc, and the la:>'' Lo the veh1 I ( ·) The rrrr srr.t dti\'c of the I d1.:ral Reserve B1nk of an Frrn, 1 ) ,.,11 he It ;111 numher~ oil the form arid If found to he cc- re t 11ill acknowlcdi:e r ccipt of the m tor \1ch1cle by igmn Ollt' C(•PY of the fotm and delivc-ring it LO th evacuee. If the motor vcht le uescnbcJ in thi fom1 is I. t, dam. gi:d, or destroy cl a the result llf ll [!hl.(Cllce \ hilc it I in the po 1011 Of CU tody of I.he L nltcd tate&, "r any agmcy acting f r il, the Congrci of the nited t t • will 'N: a krd t ke 11rJ> prfa ction for the bendit of the owner. .. . EfENS ARTIMB C '[) AND f M~ !VIL R.TH ARMY R L ADMI TSTRATION Sao Fran i&c:o, Ctlifomia INSTllUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DlSPOSlnON OF MOTOR VEHICLES * E a u ea will not flt: pcmut d to 1 ke th r motor vclll Ci to 1 ption oent<:n. o 11. ;uran e\'er cu1 be g1 en cl 1 v will be l!I l-led •t e future time w h. \'C the iuo r · l11d no"• ow -.: by tlxm returned f r tli ir i d1vidu I uue. Th United fr m e 11cueea. tiit Army is autl rnr.i:d, m llil discr I.ion, to purJuse m Pnor t:o varuat1 n, 1r. I.or elucles mil)' be red, by t.b • owner .11rivau:ly, wi hout. int dmnc AL-1 RNA TlVES OP STORA B OR AL The other alt matt •c1 prucnt d w the e ·acuol' ""·110 owns a motor th1cl are as follow1 : AlttrnoJlt·4! I. To dcJl.,rr h11 ttor 111rh1clt to tdeta.I Rr er.·e Built Pranri~co, a1 Pi al Avent of the Um1rd , • for ora e at t e r w11cr'1 1i Ir. without insurance: wluch a101a •a will, in mto1'1 1n1ta.ncf', bf 1.11 open area. (at A1Ftmbly ~nteu or other dcl!gnated places) and mut of n cutit)' he o( a char act tr which wm ubject mot r •ehldn to a more or It rapid dtttrioralit111 . vf fian Altrnuitit11 2. To offer h1 State on the following ba~i• 1 \•th1cle at the appru cd ['rice which ,hall not, ho •ever. cx~r.d the Blue holcale valur in thr locality whrrc the purchase J1 co-nn1m.mtled , !l.>1>\: PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY THE NITED STA TBS A If tht evornu IJ NOT the legal owner of the motor vehicle, in urdrr to arranl!t: for a sale t.o the Anny, ht mu t pre1et1t to the Ped· tral Rele'rvt 8a11lc of San Ft1nci100, .11 Pi1ca.I Agent of the United $141c1, at the Oivil Control Station, or such oLhcr place u may be dincttd , tht following: I. Re~Rtra tion certificate, dul)• endoracd. 2. The 11grcemcnt on thr reverse herrof, duly aigned 11.nd witne1 d . 3. Such other authoriutioo and as urance a may be r equired by the Federal Rcaerve Banlc of San Pra11ci1<:0, 11 PIMal Agent of tht" nite d late Jn cue the evacuee 11 not the lc[:al owner, it mu t be dearly under• stood that i{ 1he intlebtednr 1 aga nJt the motor vehJde ia equal to or d r llicrwiec d. posed of tha11 ll appni1 d vklue o t.hlt tl1e c\•a Uf'c hu no eqwty, 11 1111~ •O the Un1ttd St-tc 1'~11 be co111u11J1111Jtrd Jn uch an inlltanc i.11 ught of an) crulm11 10 rcpo w or reQpturr:, as providtd by law, I not be by the cmtodian of tliC' mot.or whid . r 1ter B. If the rt•O(.U4:C rs rht '"gol DWncr of thC' molo,. c.hfolt, he lllU I, addition t.o the fo1cgolng, pre nt 1hc 01>.•nu hip ccr.uficatc, dul)• cndontd. 111 D rootor whidt for sa1• ti> the Unit d The motor •chidt wall be apprai cd by tv>'o di int.trutcd appra1 en and, Jn 1t1 dlacrrwon and 1t 11 option, tl1c Anny rnay buy tlie motor r ,. luclcs NlTIONS AND CONDITIO S lnclud din llic term "motor vclude., aH tht folle>wlng : Pl»tngcr cara, h hi and rnrdfum Heavy pa&atnJ!"r"t car1 in order come w1th10 the purcha able category mu&t be da •cd a "111cd1urn", u the A rm y 11 not ;authoriird to pu rch aie any "hea y" pas engtr car . 10 2 Motorc)•cle l and trttck of all typn, Including plck·up and ddivcry 1rud ; and tractor , including 1emi•tniclc tnctora. It II not intended to incluJc within the term "motor vehicle" tho&c !Clf·propelled motor vehicle 1uit.ed only for farm operation. In the e\'cnt that the sale of 1.11y motor vth1dc ia not complettd or 1H.1t fcuible, the tderal Re ervr. Bank of Sau Frandsco, H l1cal Ai:cnt of thr United States, acting for and u agent of the evacuee, reaer"ea the nght to 1tore mch motor vehicle at the owner'• ri•lc, at abu"e $el forth, or to make such 01 her dl1po1!tJon of tucb motor vehicle a.& may, in it.a &0lr dr$Clclion, appear lo be ju t u1d eqult.11ble, including 1.he ri •ht to pcnnit the legal owner of auch motor \•chide take bit kgtl n~courec for rcp<»a< ion or otherwiK. appurt "° 11 is intended that the above procedure will pr(Nlde a lea lble .rucane of protecting the lntere II of evacute in thrir motor vehicles, withot?t rrcjud1ct to the iottrelta of olhcn lhcrein, and thua will tfftc:t an cqui· 1.1. 1e di5pos1Lion of roch property. .... .. W<XA 10,.M PPS• Agreement Regarding Disposition of Motor Vehicf• * THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undenigned bu read and unden;tands the mstruc· tJ ns on the re tn.e hereof regarding the <li u in of t.he m hi h: dcscril ·d cm WCCA orm FRB•3, (w be atuclied hereto a11d inc r rnted by rcferi:.nce herein 1f ~his ./\ nent a fiigned] which the w1de gncd h1LS ligned oonrurrently her \•,1th ald lncuuL:tl ns and thl'>9e on the re erBe of WCCA Pom1PRB·3 are a part of thi6 Agreement. The under gned desire• t dispose of the af re11;dd motor •ehicle according to ;' Ahern ttve No. set forth on the r •er hereof, and reque the Pcdcrnl R ·rve Bank of San ·, a Agent of the Unrt d ta • to" t accordin •l)•. JI t!Je cc mpli.shmcnt of t.he altem ll\'C herein selected appear~ lO Slid Ban , in i ~e d1&· crcuon, imJ tble or n t feu1ble, ea•d Bank i , urh nr.ed t make uch other d 1tfon of id m r vehkle as 1t deem proper. aid motor ·chicle is deli •er d Lo said B.lnk «t the it i igrl".ed that no licibility N responmhihty .hall atta ion Ill conncdaon wit.h the hn..ndl,ng of said motor ebide or di 'I.ion of the pruc~·cd& thereof. The uode gned further gree , upon demand, to reimburse the Feder.ii l ~, ·e Bank of an Francisco, Pi!!Cal Agent of the mt.e.d St tcs, in hill for all charges , nd pcnse& inrnrrrd in connecti n Ith the d1 po• 1tirm of Siild mot()J ·ehicl , and , uthtlriZ • nnd it tructs id Bank to deduct from the proceed5 of th<' £1 of mot(•r vch1 1 any of such cxpcn cs in urred. Executed at.. ; 1942 . ___ ......._ W l'l'NEoS : ' • a A D F UR Ii ESTERN D R LA MINISTRATION IL CO "AR' !M San RMY ran I Ulifornia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES be p m11tted wha~e •er l; u be gi •en E\•a uees will o 1J15surln to h ve the m 1101 r \ I id no t.o t m t r \IW le t va ·uc · wtU O\~ncd by e1 l'le<l at eva ·uauon, mot.or vclu I OF S The otlin altcrnatll-c:' pr nt d 10 llAGB OR SAL the evacuee " ·ho owna a me. r nte futur time Ullf motor vclricl may be red, Id or otherw · di posed of istancc. rcal&f than the appra.1ucd va.luc IO that the t\•at:\Je bas no eqwty, nu ule to tire Utittcd ttt'J u•ll be c111\lllm'"a1ed In Jllth an /nltlncc the n •llt of n1• c1edltor to 1tpo or rcca.ptute, ae pro\•ldcd hy Jaw, 111 not be 1r&l1tcd by the: cu•todlao of the mot,or ~·eh1elc:. ,. h1clr are aa follo '': veh1c:lc 10 redtral Rc:i.en•e Bank Altn'Plolhe J. of a.n rancilK'O, u A tnt of c.11 Uru~d , for Ji rage: at t r ownt.r' 11 k, ~~thout inturaocr1 h ch •I-or •twill, 1n 11w t fo1hllct , Le In open atru (at Aaeembly Center or other dn1gnaLl'd placc.1) 1.od mu.i of nrrn lty be of a character wlihh will 11uhject meit~r ehiclu to 1 more or lu1 rapid detc:rioranon. II A ltrrnotin :z. To offer hu m~ or wh1clc for tale on thr following a it: wt to the United llPJ ra! ed · two dlsJnter ntcd appr1.IKr The mutor vehicle will and, 1n its dlacreLion and 1 1 1t option, the ,\nny rnay bu)• the: me> r vchid at tlie apprmed price which ihall nor, h~"tr, ltCeed tlit nluc Book holt1alc "'alue In tht lrtC'ahty whert the pur<1hasc ift con ummated . PURCHASB OF MOTO:(.. VEH lCLliS BY THH UNITED STATES A. If tht t11ac11tt u NOT the legal 11wmtr of tht motor 1Jt1r~le, CJrdcr tCJ arrange fnr a 11le to the Army, he mull present to the Ptd· era! Resent Bank of San Jlranclsco, u J'i1ul Agent of lhe United tlltt1 , t the !Jivil Control Su1tlon, or 1JUch other place: a1 may !xdirc cd, the foJIO'Wing: in l . Regl !ration ctr1i6ute, duly endorM:d. l. The agret"mcnt on the reverec hereof, duly 5iflned and wilnused. 3. Such othtr aut.l1orii.atlon and G m returned f c their iAdividu by the own r pri •;tt.l.\l)r, with~11t governm.enw mterferen ALTBRNATrV1 re~ pt1 uthurir,..:d, m Th, fr m e\!acueea. Priur * tl ID ~ · •uraoce u rn y be: required by the Fcd rral RClcrve Bank of SMn PrancillGO, Ra Fh;eal Agent of the United St.atu. In cal«? the cv&c\lce !a not the le~nl owner, it murt bt dearly undrr· stood rhat if the indebtcdnus agun11 ~he motor \•tllicle iJ equal or ll If 1/te wa Utt IS the lrg411 OW11t1' co/ the mot<>r vd1lcle, he 11111•1, an ad.dltion to thr lor~going. prlllltnt tht ownenh1 p oertUicat~, du!\ cndo1 d. DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS lncludrd in r.lit term "motor vehicle" the following: Pa&!JCngcr cara, li ht and mtdluro. H avy pu tnger cart In order '" come ~·itliln the purchuable ca.L~ ory mu be clU! d as "mcdmro", a the ti rmy 11 noL authorittd to purchuc any "heavy" pauenger cau. 2. Motorcycl!"ll. 3. B111SU and rrucu ol di type•, Including pick•up and dellvrry truck&; and tractors, including aemi-trurk tractore. Jt 1 11ot lnttndcd t.o include: within the term "motor vehicle" tJ>01e Jdf•propc:llcd mot<r< rude AUlted only for farm opera.don. Jo the ~ven t that the sale of any motor vehicle: 11 not completed or tppra.ra t fea 1blc, the Pedtral R«CCVe Banlc of San Prandsco, iacal /\ cnt of the nitcd, ftcting f1>r and u agent of the evaruer, rttervet the right to tore uch motor vehicle tt the owncr'1 ri , at lbovt fitt forth, or to make ruch other dlrpo ition of tuch motor \•thiclc u may, in iu $Ole di1crrtion, tppca.r to be jwi. ind cquita le, including tht right to permit the legal owner of auch motor vehicle t.o take hl1 legal r'!cou r c for rrp0t.11CASion or otherwi1c. Jt it 1atendcd that the above procedure will provide a fcuible mcane of prot.ct't.lng the interc~t• of c:vacuce1 in their motor vehiclu, ,.,ithout pujudicr lo the Interests of olhen tbtrdn, and tliu• wi11 effect an tqui· table: di J\(l1itlon of 1uch property. --· a ~ . e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Naro~ Co ._ Grocery The Hinode ___ _ __ of Reg1 .em! Owner_ Addr P.. _.i o f Regist.crc:u 0 ·,1mer o. a.mfly ---- 14097 umba__ · - ,_ LC>m or: , Calif'. Box 687 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ ! ame of Legal Owner (1f different) - - Addreb.S of Legal Owner_ - l -,, w_r I?'_ _ __ Li ·nsc N umber Make of Velucle. Chevro l G 6JC02-4 360 - - __ _ Serial Number__ _ 6 Dat.e [rs t Sold 3- 2 7-_3 9 Acccssor.tes {Incl1~1m Heater_ Remark : _ k975 P JC Typj: of Vehic 1 number on vehicle) : Spare Tirc(s). P<>g Llght(s) none fuldio none no11 , . Eng1r.i.e o.od.., ;:;.pelU'll.D..O..E!.~ c·od. _ .'U.r __§_good, -~tires receritlY re- Pi · I Ai• ·nt The mot<Jr vehicle described m thi form itr delivered t the Federal R ~--n'C Jlank of Siln Franci co, aB lihitll be a.~umer.l of the nited tale , at the le risk of the undersigned . It 1 al:(reed that no llabiHty or 1 por tbtltty It is unJr1 storxl po!it1N1 di 1 wi'th hy the P dcral Re<.er\'c Brnk of SUJ Pra. ·llCO fo~ an>• a.ct or onu.s;fon in connection that no tnsura n ~-:e will be prC>vided on this property. Witneasu -- for Jlliterates .. RECll'PT FOR VEHICLE Place of De.lwery ___ -~----·-· _ -~· Recdpt of the vehicle described a e is hereby acknowledged. Dat· - · - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pl~ced in Sll()rdge !\- ---- ---- ---- ---- - -- - the Federal Reserve &m~ of a'l'l Fraru:isc:o. Pm al Agent of the United S1c1tes. Re1m~sent111g • Instructions to Own r t rage by tl e! St ta Government, the m p per running er r vehicle 11 a follow : (a) The St.all' Mot.cir Vehicle Regt tnt1on Ocrtibcatc for this v h.1 Je must 1e brnlt tt~ at the 1vil Control ' t·ati n, a.nd three p1eJOf thi form (rRB· 3) vt1JI then be pr par d. (h) T •,•o CKrll until c py corie of t h1 form, togetJ1er with the Regi t rahon cate, will ie hancle-<l t' he e-va 1 e for 111s r tention arrival .it the d gna cl A mh )' Cent.e r 11 c third will he reLaincd at the Ci ll Control tatie>n. c} The 1:v cu~c will be I\' •11 tie • •cul'l:ly to th n an identification ta which be tt.:cring appa tus of the molor \•cllide, (d) On m al at the A . 1 ly n r the C\ acuC'e Wlll d1.hvcr to the reprc nt~tive of the Federal R rerve 1la.nk o{ Siln Franc1MX> the two cop1c.J of th1~ form, t.hc Regis· trdt1on CA:rtifi ate, and d c k y& to the vehi le. 1 (c) \ rcrrcscntali\'c of the Federal Reserve Banlt of an ran i "111 check all numher on the ( f1m and 1f foun d to he corr '-''Ill clmowlcd' r tet f't of the m r v~ hide by 1~nmg one cc py of the form and dch ering it to the evacuee. r TI1t' If the mot r vchtcl de nhccl in thi cmn l Inst, damaged, or d :i.~ the re ult ( ncirltgencc \ lule it u ln the po ion or cu tody l nited 1.a ., <ir any agcnry acting for 11, the Congre.-.s of the ' ·1 te viii hr n J.:ed t t It~ 3pf' JlTi3te i.cti n for ti e ben fit owner. lroyed of the nlted f th • ES ERN DEFENSB COMMAND A D :FO RTH ARMY TROL ADMlNISTRATION ARTlMB CIV IL C S tJ Francisco, Califontla lNSTRUCTlONS TO EV ACU~ES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES "* E ilCUC '"'ill r •l be permitted to ta e thcu lll t r ' .hides to rtJ I\ centci: . No ~~'\.Iran ·e wbate1•e.r he gi ea ~hat ·vacuc 1..1111 eri bled .it 11Une future tim t.o h•v.: the 11' r 1•ch1 cl ~ nov. ci :1111c h}' tl-.em rcil\: ine-.d for tl1c1r iod1\IJ1.lual use. Tb · Umte d Anny 1 a111hork.ed 1 in 1ts dia!:r...til i to purcha m!M>r ehlc.lea from cvacueea may l stored, d or orherw se disposed by the owner privately, without go...,ernui 1111.Eden:n I or assi!.tance. n o r to e:vA1.c112Li1>n 1 motor vehld A TERNATIVBS OF S ORA66 OR SALE The ollirr altuna.ti\•et pru enccd to the vacu c v. ho own1 a molor lrt' u folle>\\ 1: vehicle A lrrr1Wl1e /, To deliver hi1 rnolo r '\lehlclc to Pt-dtral Reserve B~nk of Sui f'r an rato, a1 f11c:1l flgent ol ~ht' United • Wlt.c:!, !or to tj!e Ill t c u~• ncr' a n k, wlLhoul ln•unnce, ldc:h I.or i:c W':ill , in 1111.> M ln1L;u ceF ,.be ln e>pen areu (at A1SCJDbly CcnlcT or other dcugnat.ed J>hct•) and mw;t ol nttci.aity be of a char1c1cr wh.lcli will ub jecrt. motor ~ellicle• to a more or I 11pid detcriontlon. AltrrvuJJiu 2. Tc> offer hi1 motor ''elude for n.le to t.hc Un11ed Stalt'.1 on the follCJWlng bull: The moto1 vr'hiclc will be apprai cd b-y two dl,in t.ercsted apprai1er• and , in 1u d11ere1Jon and at it option, thr Army ma y bny lhe motor vehicle at tht appniscrl pnce which 81lall ne>t, h C\'tr , curred the Blue Book whol .ale ulue In the locality whrrc tbf p"rcl1a11e la consulnml'.ted. PURCHASE OP MOTOR "vEHICLBS BY nm UNITHD ST AT6S A lf che euacute li NOT the legcrf owner of tlte motoT 11chfclr. in 01dcr t<> arran~e !or a sal to the Army, he rnu1t pruenl to tlie Federal Rurl"\'t Dank of San FraBcls<:o, a1 fli!lCll Age111 of the U11lt.tcl Statt.t, at the ~ fl Con1rol Stali1>n, OT iuch C>ther place aa 1na11 be dimttcd, th~ following: 1. Ree:i1tratlon ccrtflicate, duly endorsed. l . The agreement on the rrverae he1tC1f, dul signed and wlt11U11Cd . 3. Such other authori~ation and &SJUranr.e the Pedrral Re11r1•e Bank of S-an Pruid&co, United Stata. a& H may be required by Fila] Agmt ol the In ca~ thr evacuee io not the legal owBrr, it must be alnrlr u!ldtr• Rtood that ii thr lndebtednu ag&inst tl11r: motor ·ehiclc 18 equal t.o o.r iin~t.-:r than tl>e value "° that the c acuec ha1 no equ it y, 111 uch an •nBl.i.nce the r:i lit of any .rcchtor to rtpor.aeu or recapture•, H rro,·ic.kd by hw, will ri0o1 b~ rct.ibt ed by the ou1tod 111 ol tht motor vehicle 110 1ole ro 1he United Sti:rei ll'llJ b~ cons1mn11otcd. ll. If rht tt•acuce IS the lrgol owner of the motor vtl•ic:le ht mukt, in AddltiC>n tu the fotegoine, prt'1tnl the ownt'rahrp c rtsliatt, dul y DEF'INIT!ONS AND CONDITIONS I noluded in ti c term "mt1tor vehicle" re the following : 1. Pu en er cu 1 U ht and medium . H eavy passenger etn Jn <•rd1·r to r.omr wit In the purchuable cuegory mu be cla 'd a "medium" , as the A miy u not authoriud to purchue llny '"hnvy" pn•enger <:H . 2. Mot-0rcyclc . l . DutM1£ .1nd truck.a ol all l)'pe1, including p1clt' UP nnd delivery ttucl : and t:r11c1ors, Including eemi•lruck tract.on. ll ra not rnttnded ta include wit.bin the term "motor ..,,chide" tl10M: su f·propdltd mot.or vehicles 1u.it11d only for farm operation. In the event that the aale cl lily mooor c.hlcle 11 not cornpll!tt'd or appean not frasihlc, the c.dtral R1~rve Bani: of San Pranclsoo, u Pncal Agent ol the United St.atu, acting for 11nd as agent of the evacuee, re•uve1 tbc rigl\I to 1tore such motor veh.ic:le at the owll~r'1 r1slr., u abo"e w:t forth, or to make uch other dilpoKition of such rnoWr 'Ythiclc a. rnay, in it.I tole discretion, appear to be jusl and equital>le. induding the right to penmii the legal -owner ol euch motor vehicle to take lil.1 lcgaJ recourrsc for rtpos11C.8slon or otherwiee. It i 1nteBded that the above procedure W111 provide a leuiDle tmlllll of protecting the iratercst of rvacueca in their motor vehlcle1, witlrout pr~judict to the intere ta ol others therein, and th11~ will tffect m equi• table d1 flOl>ilion of 1uch property. .. ment R'.e carding Dlspo5ition of Motor VehicJ9 THIS S TO CERTIB ti 111 on tl.e reveI'tie ht ·of rm RB·l, (to WCCA thu .Agrume:nt a 'gned] * that the undwilgncd haa re d a.nd under£ta.nds the uwtruc· regardtng blie d1spo t' n of Ll1e m r' hic:I descnh:d on be atl:ilched h 1eto and inoo1p rated b)• reference herein if which the 1tndersigllc<I ha igned concurrentl;1 licre ·1th. ·aid 1Mtruction and tl• Agn(ment. n Lhe 00\'erse (.)f WOCA Porcn '. RD· 3 are a p~r1 c.( this Id mot.or vehicle according t 11le undersigned dui.r t.o dispo. <>( the afo quest.a the Pcdera1 Reserve ill'ld hereof, m•crse the on forth 11tt Altcm ti •e No. ~ ~utk. of San Pra.nci o, ae iscal Agent of the 111t d · 1,1t , to a~ accorc.IJngly. f the a.aid B<ank, Ill jtg k~ c.lia· acccJ111plir.l1ment o the a.ltufliitl\'C herdn rele.cted appcu Sltoh ther th.•1~u 1.m make t d ri auth i Bui 1d cLinn, tm ()j!tblc ur 11L1t fea lMr, of aaid m or vchi le a it ilecm proper, f th undm;igne<l, imJ S id mCJtor ·chicle is cle-ln·cred to said Bank ~ th 8(.lle Jl ia agrcul th t no HabCltty r r ponsilnlity h;tll itt.icli to 1<.l Bank f ran)' act or mU1· si n •n connection w1t1l the handling of id morer ehide 01· dispoi•tfon of the prO<:Ceda tberoof. The WJ11cler ··gned further agre~. upon dem nd, to :imburse the ederal R rvc !hrtk of S n Fn.nCJ.SOO, Fi11eal Agent of tihc United tatC!, in full for all chilrgca and c. pen s iacurrcd in conneet1 n with the di. po 1tlon of &;ud m tor vc.hklc, nnd a uthori: , md i nstnicts s.11d Bank to dedu t f rem the proceed of t hi: s;ile i said motor 'iducl my of .su~h J!xecut d lnsca itt.. . trin ured. ~J~ ?. ' J. z _dfly of ~ • 942 I~ ~-~<) 'fr-'-'~ -.-·· -: Pa[l).ilyNo .. r· ~ -~ • ,, ' - w c• ro11w• • ·• . e MOTOR VEHICl REGJSTllAll (Stt lwlntli.o-11J f Rtg1 tcred Owner___ of Res,> Add on b«lr o/ e 0 . . '"'...~'.... - FORM tJ. t thf'rt) hL_• ~ ~4' _ ,}:; Owriu-~ S-- /V&J ~ ~ . . __ Pvnlly Numbo,/ - ~a"!>'° 5<0 .9 (? -~ Na.r:n of Legal Own r (if difie.l'C11t) ---- . -----....--- .Addre of Legal Owner___ _ L1ce1111e Number Strlr.t Nucnb.!r_ . £ Jt.hke of Veh.tdr l!ngine D t Flut nea ( ltt A Heater Typt ld 1 ate number on t1e11icle): IJ_ _ pue Tire ( ) t:? ~ 2) 9 1/_~ jL0 ~ Nmnber.~ of r.£ / / z _t:£ SJ Vclllcle,Z-~d -=- ..S~Q'.Z _e._ 0 _ Fog Li1tl1t(a} _ Radio__ J _ Other Re.mar WA VER The m tor vehicle dcecribed in thu fotm is delivued W t11c P dfr-al fl rve. B1mk of San F.randsco, • Plsc:al Agent of the United Statts, 41.t tk sole riak o{ the 11ndcNignccl. It i5 agree<.! thnt n lial>il1t}' or re pon 'bility ahaJI be assurned by the Pede.r.i.l IWierve D nk of Sa.n Pranruco { r a,ny act er qmi4 ic.n 1ll ·orm i n TNith it.a disposition. It ii und r. :-od t.hat no in uranre will be 11rQ'11decl on thi.s rroperty. Witne • -- - - ···------ - for Illiterate RECEIP T F.OR VEHICLE ·-- Place of Delivery - -..- - __..__ ---- Receipt of bhe vehklc descnl ·cl above 1s berdry acknowledged. FedeTal ltmrve &t1~ of San Pi$C<!l Agent of tile United States. Itepresen~i11g iii~ Placed Jn Storage at- - - - - - - - - _!""'.. --- - Frand~ o, - - - - ... - ---- -..,-.----.,- ------- --- ... ln1truc ions o Own r T() fx: 11'11~ rrooedurc for r~gi terllig nd the Uniwd !ates Om unmecit, the ori11g a rn r • hicle "' aa roll "''~ (a) The Late Mat r Ve.hide Reglstratii n Ocrti6 ( r ~hi1 \•ehkle most be hmitted 3C 1he Ci\•ll Contrc..1 n n, nd three copi r tli11 crm (FRB·3) will th n l•c prepared. (I ) Two copjes of 1 1- form, gether with the Reg ration Certificate, wiU bi? handed t the e\•acuec for hi n:tJtnHon until arrival al 't e <lesi~nat.c As ml-ily C'.tnter. TI1e tl•i.I'd ropy will be e i B~d • tthe i vii Cont ml ta ti n. (c) 'The .wacuee will will Ille accurel l '1ve11 1tll 1d1:ntificatton ta whicli he the stcertng a,,ppanitw; of ~ m r vehl e. (<l) O.n t.rrival at ti ~IJ.t nter the evacuee. will drliv r to t.he pre.sent:athe of the F dera.l ReBef'\'C Bttnk of 8<111 ran · :.o the t •o oopjea of f m, tJ1e R iJ· tnt:loo Certifica•e and the t}'' to the ' 'ehicle. (e) The rei;i'esent.11:.lve of th Federal Rtaeive lhnk of San Fra11ciACO will ~111t:e.k all number on the form and if ~11.rund to be correct wil I ack.n vk ge receipt of I.he mcror ehiclc by lgniog one copy ( Lhe form 11.nd delj It tGI the e\lacuee. lf t:lie nlotor vehicle describe in this form is lost, damaged, or destroyec.l a.e the rC11JIC of negHgencc while it is in the possw;ion or C'Ulllooy of 1he United Stat~ , or any Iii 1e.ncy actin11 for it, the Consr of the rutcd St:lltc! will lte aalted t uke appropriate action for the reAefit of the <>wncr. • STllll? DEFE SB WA M.MANO AND .FOURTH ARMY JME C IV JL CO TR. L S.11 DMINlSTRATION rands o, California INS fRUCTIONS TO EV ACUE~S REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * plioo cent rs. will nut be ~1Tlltted to t..Lke t.hctr in tor vchi lea to E cu 'f urc time 9CJlll at d enabl he ill No urancc ·h te,er in !JC gt •en that ·acu t.o h \'e th mot 1 1 luc.IE:ll now o '"" J h>' th ·m r :iumi;d f r their indw•d it.I u . The Urnt d S.111~ Anny u a.uthQrttcd, 111 it d1acretion, Lo purchaec m r vehicles fr m evacu Prior t C'll t'Ua.t> , rt1ot r c.hi ea may be ilor d, Id (Jt oth11rwisc cl ' poaed of by the <>wner pri atcl) 1 w1thout 01urunental iut.u-f r nc r &Ii nee. ALTERN TlVES F ST RA B OR ALB •tebt.u than the 1pp11111td val e .o 1bat the cvacuu bu no equity, Jial ro rhe Umtcd Stalci 111111 b con1111111m&1cd In ~ucb an in•t•n~~ or re-capture, aa. pru\'1dcd by lew, the r ght of any 1cd11or t() rcpo 111 ne>t be rul~tcd by the c:uat.odlao o1 the motor ••cl»tlr. 11a The c..ther aJtern atl\•es p1 r.c nted to tl1 t r ·ac11r.c: v. ho e>wn1 a motor ''crude a1 e as lollcr•·B: A./t,,,.oti1·c J. T<> dtlivcr hu ~({Jr rrh1d ·to Fcdtral lt.c trve Bank of San i 1rao iteo, ll Pi' :a.I ..Agr.nt ul the Ullit rd St I t, for F ra e lt tJ1 v11.·ncr '• n , .,.,lhtllll inhura er, wh1cl1 .1.t-011gc will, 111 aho•t •nftlll , be 111 <>pen areu (at A 11e.mbly Ctnttu or ()tber dc•1 nattd ~1'oe1) 1.nd n1111t e>f nr<e 1ty b of a char•cL r ~·b1dt llt'lll 1.1b ·en motor 'll'rhkle to a mo1c or l 11 rapid dclerioraU1>n. Allf'rnatln 2. To o ff r ho motor ·chide f~r Lie t.o the \Jniled Stltca on the loJID1.,.lng b1.W.: The motor 'II llicl will ht appr1 cd l>'J' tw<> di m lcrut d appraiarn tnd , In ill dl1>Crtl 1011 and al 11 L•J'lfon, the ,..nn y JN)' buy the motor vehicle tt Lhe apprai1 d price whicl1 •hall n<>I, how~\'tr, t'llG ed the Rlue Book wholualc value 1•1 the locality where thr puric:h111t 11 cora1umJJ1at.ed. 11UR HASB' OF MOTOR VBHfCLES BY THE NlTED ST A TES A If the '"4C1He '' NOT 1hr l1gal (IWftrr of 1 e '"otor "driclr in order to,e for ' ~ale ta the Army ht mll.'t pneenl to the Prd· nited crt.1 Roc:f''t Bank of San Prand!IOO, u Pl•cal Are t c.( thr laol' u may be State , at the Ovil Control t•tlon, e>r l\Jch utbc d/rcccrd, thr followins: l . Re(.'1Rtratlon ctrtifiClltt, duly endoned. 2. The agreement on the revcr1e hereof, dllly igntd and witnt1M'd . L Such other on and 1murancc a.a ma)l' be required by the Pedrral Re11erve .Bank rd S•n Prancitc-o, a Pl.a.I Agent of he Unlt"td Suta. Jn cue tht evacurc 11 o the Ir 11.I 011mc-r, it m1.1•L l>f clrarly undC"r• llood that i( the indcbttdne a1ain t the motol' "dilcl is rq1ul to or ,,.0 fl.'4 cc IS t.hc ltga.I 0111/TltT' o/ 1ht '11N .r w"'clc, he mu•t, to rite forcgwnr. prc1oe111 the o n~1 hip en.i6ettr, duly B. If 1he in ad~liLkm endol'ltd, JiFlNJTIONS AND NDITIONS lndudcd 1n the term "mtot<.>r , . b1elt" art. the foll 1ng: l . Pu en r r Cllrl, Ugl1t and m d111m. Htll y )'I enger are 1 n C1rdu cone within the purchuable cate~ory mu be da d •~ "medium", u tht Arm)' la not iuthorlud 10 purchaBe any "hca~-y"' pu!ien&cr cat'lcJ l . Mot.orcydu. l . Bu a and truC"ke of all typr.a, Jn eluding p1cl:•\1p al\d dcUvc1 y trucb; and tractors, Including aeml•truck tractou. It 1 ncit inttndcd to include within the tum "motor ••" t.ho1e Jldf•propcllcd motor \•chldea 1111lted ooly for farm operation. Jn tl•f fvcnt the ult of any motor \•chicl e is not complrttd or appu.n not {ea il1lc, 1he Federal Reatn•c Bank of San PrandlCO. 11 Pi1cal Agent of the Unit.«! twtct, aotina for wd u •rent of tbe evacurc, rcserve1 the ritd11 to r;t.Orc uch mot.or vehicle at the owner'• riak, ii.I alxive Kt forth, or ro maie rnch nthrr•ition of '"ch moror vchlclc u may, in iu sole dlscrdlon, appear to be ju t and rqui~ble, ioc:ludlng Lhe rlf,:ht to ptrm1t the legal owner of fUCJi motor \•elllde to talcc l\j Ir gal recou ue for rcpo1aculon or othr.rwite. IL is intended Ihat the above roe dure will provide a fra1ihle means pmuct ng the lr1terc1t1 of cvacurea ln thtir motor vehicle•, without prejudice to the intrre.• of olhtr1 therein , ind thua wi1J effect an cqui• table dlJp(I 1tiou ol such property. o( Agrtem nt Re arding Di position of Mo tor V hide 1 * THIS 15 TO CERTfFY Lha.t the ul'ld rst ned haa rr•d and under tands the 111titruc1U 011 the re: •erse hereof regardmg the di p tion 1f the m l r chide d nl: d on WOCA 01m FRD· 3, [to be att ched her ·to nd in r ml d b;r rd renc~ he rem if this Agrei-ment is sign d) whi the undc 'gne<l has sgmd co1 rrer ti)' hrn.·with. inHlruct1oru and th on the rr. rerse of \V A. Ponn FRB•3 are a part of this Agreement. Th utld rsign d c.lesirea to dispc•se of tl1 afor d mQt.Or' vehicle according to Altemali\lc No. lil't forth on the t'e\'Cf'ile hereof, and requcsts the Federal Rese.r.•e Bink of n Prnnrnoo, as Fiacal Agcut ( th United 'tat , to a ac ordingly. lf the mrlliihmcnt of the altenutlvc b rem sclect£d appe.u'll said, in 1 aol di · crtllon, 1mpo 1 I . or u fo 1hl.. , satd Bank is authori·ed to make .uch thcr dL~ itfon of . id mo r \chicle as 1t deems proper. Said m to~ wJu le is dell\•crcd to said Bank .it th sole risk I the und n;1gnl!d, and agrc d no lia ility or rcsporu11~11 · ry hall attach to aiudBnnk for any actor orni • io m c.onr1 ctfon with the ham.lhng of id ro or vehicle or disp<>Sit.icm of tht' pr c d 1t 1& thereof. The undeuigntd further a.grees, upon demand, to rcim ur5e the Federal Reaer " Bank of San Franc1 o, Pucal A ent of the United tatea, m full for all cha.r~c a.nd expenses incun d in c noccu n with the di pos1l10n of 6ald motor vclucle, nd ;.uth n and in tr ucts wd Bank 10 dcdu t from th proceed of the sale of s;ud mot r velnclc anv of uch exfjn!l:s incur red. 'l cutcd ~ ~is v7 _day of ~ ., 1942.. ~~~- - 'ily No. _/~tt:> ,90 e e ., .~ MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Name Qf Registered nu_ of Regist.cred Owner~ Addr Name of Legal Owner (if di1Terent) Adclrew of Legal nu_ - - - - - - Seri.J Number Licc.nse Number_ ,) ~----------- I 5_327-Z-5-L.1_ Mnke of Vcluclr Type of Vehicle. ....... ...,.-'-"._ Date Fir (Indicate nrn11ber on 11tl11cle) ~ Spare Ti.rc(s) ~ !(~ -_ 7 .--..'-'-'....__! __.,.,......,........,.. Renurk.t ;_ _ ·--- ----- ....... -~-, ....... W AI VER The mc>1or \ crude described in tlW form is d Ir rr d to the Ptdl!ral R rvc Ban'k of Sitn Prancisoo, as Piscal Agent umed <Yi' the United State., at the &e1lc risk of the undersign d. lt is agra-J tha n:> lia ilit}' or responsibility shall be by the PtdenJ Reserve Bank of San raoci&e.0 f r an~· a t or omission in ..::onnecti n with Ir.a di position. It is under&t.OOd thttt llG insurance will he pwvidcd on thU rroperty. A P//) Witn Signature of Own r~,_,,_;t. for ' . IUitentea RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Plare o{ DeHvcry_ - - - - - - --~- - - - - - - - - - - - -- R. ceipt o{ the vehlc.le described above is her by acknowledged. Date-. Placed in Stonge a ----- ---- ----.-.. Representing the Fed eral Rr.serve Ban~ of San flraracisco, Jl'i:Jcal .Agent of the U'tlfteci Sr.ates. ______________ .. ____ --.--~ -------- .. ~ --- ' l1Utructlons to Owner To be accepted for It.Ora c by the motor vc.I 'ck mu nited tat Governrocnr, the be in proper running ord r. T11c proccdur · for n:i:1$tering and t ring a m .or vcl11cle is f !low : (a) The ~IJlt M 1 r Vehicle Rt is!ratu n Ctrtificat fe>r th11 -velucle mull!. be subrtuued at the Ci ti Control Stad n, and three copies of this f nn {PRB·3) w~I then be pr::ram;I. (b) Two c.opics of thie form, tht:r wtth the Regislrat1on Certi6ca • will re handed to the evacuee for hi retention until &rnval at the de i~nnted A -mbly Cent r. The third 001iy Will he retain d at thr Ct 11 Oontr I tau n. (c) The va uee Wiil he given n idcnt16cat1on g which hr will tie securely It> the t.cermg app tua of the m tor vehlclc. 1 J (d) On arTivnl at th A hly nter the evacue will deliver to the representative of tl1e Feder.. ! Reserve Bank f n P1:,\nC1 o the t p iea f thi onn, the R 1.. tJ !loo Certiti~tc. and the keys to tJ e vehicle. (e) 'Ille rtpresenta~ivP of the Pederal Resrrve Bank of an Prand!lCO will ; heck all numbers on the foml and if found to be CA>rrcat will arknriwledgc receipt of the motor vehicle hy Bignin one py of the f rm and delivering it to th r::vac7. If the moto~hlcle descrlhccl in this form ia I~. damaged, or destroyed as the result of negligence while it i in the possession CM" custody of the United Stau· , or iiny agency acting f r it, the Congre.u of the United tatea wlll he atked to take approprlat act1011 for the benefit of the owner. I -. • STER1 D ARTIME NSE COMM.AN AND FO RTH AllMY I IL CON'fR DMJNl T RATI N rancisc~, C lifornia Sa.u tNSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHtCLES * per.nitted 10 t.a.kc 1.beir motor v•cuce will 11 1mc future time No whatC\e.r n re !i en that C\'ll Ile.el \\JU ro h \'C the motor vcluclcs no'' owt ti by t.hct.11 r .turned f t Uleir indj IJual u Anny The UuJlt'd St atJ' orited, LO it d reti n, pur hiUlC m tor \•eh.ides from cvacuea Pnuf to e a ation, ui tor \' luclea n 1')' h 8l0t-ed, sold or oth .rwi11e dl1 by he own r pn\la y, \ thout g "ernroental interference or a 'etance. AI.TERNATI VES The ot.hcr a.ltccroatl ·u• \'chicle arc aa follCl'lll•t! STORA E OR S pr~r11td E I<> t n evacuee ·ho own1 a mo1<>r .t4 /t rrnolil'e 1. To dell rhi1 rnot r \•c-hlclt lo l'tderal R r\'t Ban.Ir of •n Fr a.nd~c.<>, a. iacal I\ nnt ( the United Stalt • for ~tor111gc al the owner' r1~k. without 1nsuran r ; wl ich • ra~ will, in «~L matanoa, be 111 open a.reiu (at Aa1em.1'ly Cc11t~rs or othci dCQl(naud plaeet) and mulK of orcr5 lty bt of a d1ar~ r which will ruhject nwLOr vthlc:lea to a more or Its rapid dtttrioration. Altrmal;,.t 2. To offer hi• motor vthlclc for St.ate• on Lhr folluwinf bui1: we to Lhe United The motor wh1ue '-''ill be arprai~ed by two duint rr•ted apprai1er1 and, in tU dl1crction and at at opuon, thr Army .11117 buy the motor vehicle at the apprai~rd pnce wh1d1 1hlll not, howtvu, rrcecd the Blue Book wholrNale \•alu~ in th locality whtte the pu1chim 11 C:OnFulrunatcd PURCHASE OF MOT R VHHI LES BY Tim A. If the ct•ACtur i1 NOT the lrg;il ""~'" of the motoT th;cle. in 01 drr t.o arr~ngc for a nle to the l\rtny, ht mu&'t prCKDI to the Ped· rral R urvc Ban k of s~n Pranci11eo, at Pi•cal A mt of the United may he State•, at the Civil Control Station, or 1uch other place dircc:ttd, the following: I. Re gi~ tra tion ccttlticue, d uly C'l'ldoreed. ai:~e r.rwnt on the rtvertit hereof, dilly dgncd and u-itBtf!ed. 3. Such other aod a auranc:e lhr Federal Rt&e rvc BAnk o! an Pranclteo, than the appm&ed '"lue &O that Lhc e\•acuef hu no cqult y, '1<• u1lc r-0 1h1 LJ., ed Sc.atr.1 will be c!mn1mT1111tcd. ln n.cb an inalancr the ri ht tif any creditor to r poiSCN or recapture, u pro\1ded by law, ·iU not be r listed by t.hc Clllit.odiln of thr motor 'chlclr . 8 If the c1·Mute TS t.hc legal OWnN' c1f the fllCJtor 1•rh1ek. he mmt 1l1c forci;oin •, presmt the owocrl.h1p cierttiieatl·, duly 111 addition cndonied. DB JNITIONS AND CONDITJO S Jnclud d ro the trrm "motor vehicle~ arc Lhc following 1. Par.11tr1ger ca.rt, light 1.nd medium. Heavy i1a n tr c•rt fa order to come wathrn the purd1u1.hlc catti:ory 1nu11t ht cllL! <l a• .. mcdrum "._ at the Army ii not authorittd to Jlllrchue any "heavy" pa · ngcr car , 2. Molorcyclu. 3. Bu•m and tructc. of all typc1, ir1cludiog plclc·up and deli'• ry true.It ; and tractor,, inelud1ni: &emt-truck: tract.or . It I not intmded to include within the term " motQr ~ehic:le'" t.hoae &elf·propdlcd motor nhJcles auitcd only for farm operation. UNITED STATm 2. T he d of a.i 1 may be required by Pl&c:al l\gtnt of the Ur.itcd Statea Jn cast the evtcurc is nol the legal ownr r, it r11u I be clearly u drr• Btood t hat if the lndebtedne 1 againfll, the motor vehiclt · equal to or Jn the cvrnt thal the n lc of any m IOI" vd1lcl 11 not coruplet.ed or appears not (u rbl~ . the Ped ral R • r\'t Bank of San randJCO, 11 F1acal /\grnL of the United, actfog for and AB agent c,( Lbe evacuer, r~el'Yc I.he right to titore uch motor vehicle at thr 0110."ncr'1 rilk, u llbo ·c set fo rth, or to make such otber diFpoaition of wch motor vthic:le at may, In 1U .ole discr lion, apprar to be jtlit and equitable, includin g the right to permit the legal owner of such mot.or vehicle t o take hi1 legal recoune for repouus.lon or otberwiae . It 11 inttnded that th e above proctd ure wUI provide a f..ae1'blc meant of protcetir1g the i111erut.1 of C\'acucet i n their ITIC/tor vehi deft, without prcjud1ct to the intere of othen therein. and th ut will effect an equi• tahle di ~po ition of t uch property. - p Agreement R gardlng Di1po1ltion of Motor Veh icle * d am.I undcrstanJs the 10 truen on the r vet hereof re •ardmg the d1 1t100 1 f the mot.or whiclc d t d on WOCA F rm PRB 5, [ be attached h 1 o and m rporatcd y ref uce herctn if this Agrecme1 t i 'qne:d) which the wid rsigncd hu igned con urrently h l'l:\\,th. THI IS TO C t1 rud rnstructiom a11d th on the re\ •rt1e of WO A Form RB·! arc a part f th1 Agreement. The undersigned du.ires to dispoee of the aforet.aid nK>t.Or vehi e a~rtlin' to 1\ltem t1vc No. • t. forth on tlie re\•et!le hereof, tlnd rcqu the P d ra.I Re ·rve Bank of San Prand , a Fiscal A •ent of the Uruted States, tJJ act ccord11 •ly. lf the <1UX1mph hmcnt of the lte11 live h rein le·ted appear td Ban ·, 10 t e tNon, 1m 1l I or n l fcaSJhle, aanJ .Bank 1 autlioru. d t m kc ur.h tll r d1 flO<ll•n of 1d m tor v lucl as it deems rroper. Said mot.or chicle is delivered said Dnr1k at the le ri k uf the und •r 1gn d, nd i agreed that no liability or res n 'bility sh t said Bank for an,, .act or<• 18• mon u1 coni1c tion with tl1e handling of mud motor ehiclt or chs ttlon rJf tl e p <ls 1t. thereof!' Th under&igned further ilgreea, upo11 demand, t-0 reimburse the cdernl R r\' Bank of San Francisco, Fiscal Agent of the niud tat s, in full fer • II harg~ and ·. pcnsca incurred in connc tmn with the dispo it1on of said motor vdude, and ;i11t}1 riz.cs and inr,huc sa1d Drnk deduct from the pr eed of the sale of id motor \'ehicl any of sud1 ewnBCS incuired. Exe utcd ~ ~1 I' / day of .., 19'42. - / 4 _. ._'--'___,~:':!--G.-ft ....,,..,.__.__ e 9 MOTOR YEH CLE REGISTRATION FORM vne-r Name of Registered Addr ......_............. " of ReglStered Ov.•ner:_.....__..., Addrcu ( Le ml Llce.n11e Num~r :Make of Vcluclr Date Fir t Sold Aooe&JOn tu_) H (1 cite.ate number on t•t1iicle): Spire Tire( ) . Cther l Fog Light(s) · ' I + WAIVER 1·v Bank of an rancisoo, u Fiscal Agent The motor vehicle dUtC1'1bed Jn d1i; form is dell tree! to the Feder~~ or re pon ibility shall be assumed lia'btlity nJ th~ cil agr is It cl. 11 of the United St:lltes, at the sole risk of the undeni by thr. ederal Reserve Bank o San Pranicieco f ( Rn)' a or -Ort~ .sion if\ connection it.h it.ti dispositlo1l. !t is und rstood th t no insura nee v.'111 he pr idcd n thi& p p.?rt:)' \V itnes.."a _ for Jlliterate• RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery__ - - , . - - - Re«ipt of the vehkle descnbcd above u hereby acknowledged. --------lleprosenting the Federal Reli!'rve Banlt of San Francf.W>. Dat Fiscal Agent of the United States. Placed in Storage aL -------- ---- _... -·-~-- ----- ---- ------- ------- ---·----- -------- -·----· Instructions to Owner To be acc.epted ( r t rage ht the moi.or \•ehicle mu~ Pt. 111 propeM urming order. Tht procedure for r.:gi I enng tat.cs Government, the nd storing , mo . r venicle is as foll w (a ) The Stat.c Mo r Vehi l Rci,ri 1ratio1 OertHi tt! for tl)is \'thldc mu~ be u mittcd at t he Civil Oontrl)I Station, and threc oopi softhisf rm (FRBr 3~ will then heprcpa I. (b) Two OO{'lic.a of this form, t~ether with the Registrat1on Oerti6cntc, will be handed to the evacuee for his rct:enbon until arrival at the de..,ignnt.ed A.9t'mbly Ccntfr. The third cop will be rct.aincd ;1t th Ci ii ntrol 'tation. (c) The evacuee will be >iven an ide:nt16cati n tag wh.i he wlll be securely to the atA!Cring nf the m<>U r veh.lcle. ( d) On arrwa·I at th~ n)bl~ t ·r th evacuee will deliver to the represenhtive of the Federal Rcscr\'e B;i.nk of 81111 Fran ·l!Co the two copies ci( Liu fQ(ID , the Regla· t.r;a.t.\oll Certiticatc. n.nd the key t.o tl1pt.h,id, . · (t) Tl\ rcpre.sentdve of the Federal Reserve Bank of Fr ncisco ' ill r lleck all numl an on the form end if found to be corr ci. will aclmowledge receipt of the motof' vehid l'>y signing one cop)· nf the form and ddlvering it to the r11 eva.cuee. If the motOr vehicle de.scrihcd in this form is lost, damaged, or destroyed 11 the 1:esult of negligence while it iB in the posse ion or custody of the United Sta.tC$, or any agmc}' aotin1: for it, Lhe Congr~ of the. United tatl:41 will he a ked t take approprialc a Lion for the benefit of t.he owner. 'I ~· · .. :ESTE D A COM ARTIME 0 l IL CO San h ·an : ~o OURTH AR.l\IY ADMlNJSTJlATION , CaJifomia INSTRUCTJONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOStTION OF MOTOR VE:H•CLES * va uces will not be permitted t ta. e .eir or \•eludes t rccept on centers. No a.ssurJJ e ·h t ver n l •w that • will be en hied at some future time to ha ''e th mo r ,. h1 Jc. now owm:d by them 11med for their i11d1 •idua.I UA " 'l'he fro.m evacuee&. t.ttu:s Anny is, purch ii.. <i" in !le mc.ttor \•eilucles r!or to eva u tiM, motor •d icJes ma;• be ton~d, ookl t>t o1hi:.rwise dl p sed of by the owa r pri ratdy, with ut go\•emm ta.I mterf erence or assistance. cirattr than the appn cd \'.Jue ALTERNATJVHS OP S 'ORAGE OR SAL The oLher a.lternatfri- prl"r~nttd t<> the e ·acute ~·ho own iii motor vthtcle are aa follow•: Altf'moti.,t 1. To dclh•tr h11 motor '•chicle tC> Pedcral Rt1tn•e Sank San I' ranci1co, u Pisc:al II c.ot of the United t at11~. for ora t at the owner'• n ~. without insurance, "'"I !Ch \ora c wm. Jn molll inna.nce , e la <>pen 11.rcu (at Altternbly Ccnteu or ot.htr du~n1tttd placr•) and l':IUJ>t e>f !lecu it-y be of " charactfl wh1c.b w1U •ubjeC't motor \•ehiclCB a more or Im rapid dettrioratiorl o( iO that the evacuee hu no quit '• o &ale IO 1J1e Ur11trd Stllttl 111111 be C•n.11&m111111td . In uch nn tht n • t of any c:rcdiwr lo 1epou or recapture, u pro oidrd by law, ,..·di nc.>L be rcu tcd by the c:u1tudum of tlte motor •ehic:lc. 1n mforMtd. DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS AlttNullin 2. To olfer 'hi~ mott•r ''thicle fCJr ale to the Ururrd 1ate1 on the followlne baai1: The motor vehicle w;.l[ be nrprai~ed by two di l)ttre.t d appni er and, m iv di crNion and it! 1t option , the Am•)' nuy buy the motor \•ehiclc at the 1ppr ai1otd rrk.c v.•h1rh 1hall not, ho '<' \'1!1 1 exceed the Blue Book wholeaalc aluc in the localat)' whc:re the purchase i1 comurnmri.tcd P RCH SE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY THB UNITliO STA TES A If the ev4i:uce is NOT the lrgal owner of tire ""'tor vehicle , in orde r to a.rra ngt (or a •ale to t he Army, hr m\IJlt prc.ent to the Ped· eral Rc1e rvc Ban k of Ran Pt11ncitctJ, u PUC'al A i:rnt ol thr United Sentea, at thr Civil Control Statkin, or auch other plaoc u may llC' directed, t.h following ; 1. Rc gi~tration ocrti6catt, duly endoucd. l . The agrpcmcnt on the revenie hertof, duly lgncd and 111:•ltnr:M1ed . 3. Such other authoritati<>n and 11. 5ur1nce a rnay be r.:quire:d by the Federal Rcaerve Ba11k of San Fr1nd1cc, u Fiscal /\gent of the United St<'!tct. In cue the evacuee i& not the lcJ?al owner, iL must be clear! y under• tood that ii the indebtednru a ain t the rnotior ,•ehidc h equal to or 11 If thr c1•1S('U.rc I the le go.I oll'fltT of the mC>tor vrhirle, he iriui.t, ddition t.o the fo regrn:ng, pre.c.nt Lhe owne1·~hip cc11i£catc, duly Included in the term "motor 1•eh1clc" are thc following: 1. Puacn •er ca r , biht a11d mediwn. H ra y paucngcr cart In <•rdc t omc within the purchau.ble catc •ory mu t ht; clas~t d " "m dmm", as t.he Army i1 not to purchatt a.ny "heavy.. paueng-.r car•. t l. Motorcyele1. 3. Bu1~e• and trucb ol all ty1>e1, Including plck•up u1d delivrry Lruc1r11 and tracl()r1, including &elni•t.ruc.k lractora. I t u not ntended to include within the term "mot.or ' •eh kit" tboR acll·pre>pellcd motor \Oehiclrti Jutttd only for fann uptr&tiou . lo the c'•cnt tha.t the nle of a,ny rnoror thlcle 11 not completed or 1ppur11> not (euiblt, the Pcdcral Re~Cl'\'C Bank of San Prandaco, u Pltcal Agcal of t.he United Statu, acting for and u agent of the evacuee, reeerves the right t.c ~tore uch motor vehicle at the ownnr's riu, u abo ·e K l forth, or to m~ke 1uch other d!spoaltlon o( such motor vehkle A may. in ii. sole dit1crt:tioa , appear to be ju&L and cquita.blc, indud ng the right to permit the legal owne r o( 1uch motor vehicle to tklre hit legal rcc('tut1e lor repo~te&aion or otherwiac. It ic intmdrd th at the above procedure will provide a fen Ible meant af protecting the int.ereatt ol evacuee In their motor vehiclca, wiLhout rufudicc to t.he ioteret!tl of oth1:n thercJn, and thu1 wi11 effect an cqui• u ble diapollitioo of such property. ., Agreement Regarding Dlapo1ition of Motor Vehicle * THIS IS TO CERTIFY th t the underaigned hu read and undmt11.nds the instruc• tioru on ,, rse her f regtroing thr d.i 1tlon of the motor ' mcl detc:ihc<l ll \ CCA 1m FR.B-3, [ be attached hereto and mcorporated by referen e her m if Agrecmen 11 gncd] which the under ~g~ haa signed ooncurT<."ntly herewiu1 . mslroc: nt. a.nd t ose on the ro ene of W CA Form RB·~ are a. pa.rt of this Agreement. Tile unc.ilc.r<signed desires to di pose of the afor id motor vehicle acoording Alcernauve No. _ act forth on Jle rever hereof, and rcquesu the edera.l R: rve Bank of San Fran ISCO, a Pisca.l Agent of th nit.ed Scatu, to act a oordmgly. Jf th a mpli hment. of die lt~m:itive herein selected to Sltid Bank, in its sole di · cu n, ur prusible n fe.a tble, said Bank is authori11td to ma.k· such other di position of & m l r \'Chicle as it deema proper. Said m • r vclude 1t 11 deli\ler d said Bank at th aolc nsk of the under 'gn d, and i agreed that no Uab1hty or rcspon 1b1hty ahall au.;ich to .r.aid B:rnk for any a- or oro.i • &10n in oonnccti n witJi the handling of &aid motor vehicle or disposition of the proceeds thereof. The und Nigned further a.grcca, upon t.lemnnd, to reimbur the Peder;il Reaerve Bank of an Frt1.ncisc:o, Pi I Agent of the nitcd S tes, In full for aU charges and c ·pen incurred in connection with the dispo 1t10n of id motor veha le, nnd authorize& aid Bimk t deduct. from the proceeds f the sJle of a1d motor vrhicle Executed ~f,,. MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM - - - - - - Family Number Name of R gi&t.cred Owner___l( Address of Legal ·n r_ _ _ __ Mi\.kc of Vehl Ir "'41-U : f-I- ¥ Due Fir t Sold _2__ ...,.,...,,....~~..,,.....,.,.._ Lioerue Number_ c,,/_ IL) i\ccet>BOnc (fndlcare number 011 11ehi le): Serial Number Tyre of Velu.cle_ - Spare 'Tire(s) Fog Light() Radio _._ _ _ __ thcr Rtmark WAIVER The mot r vehicle de.scnbed 10 thls form ~ de.livered to the ~ d ml Rllfltrv Dan of Sa.n Fran 'aco, a Pisa! Agent of the United StRtel, at the sole ri k of the under 'gnrd. It is a.greed rha 1••1 liahility or ruponsibiHty shall be a.urned by the Peder<1.I Reserve Bank of San PranciBco ( r ny acl or orru SIC>n in ...ormection wit.h 1ts disposition. It is understood that no in urance will be provided on this propr.rty. Witn ign:iture of 0 for Illiterates RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ _ ------ -------- ------ - Rec.tipt of the vehicle dcsc.rihcd arove is hereby acknowledged. Oa t..___ _ _ _ _ __ Rtpre$en~ing - --- - !he Fede1a l Reseroe Ban~ of San FranOu:o 1 Pi4cal AgerH of the United Sr.a1ei. Placed in Storage at --~---- ------- ------- ·- ·------ - '. • Instructions to Owner To be arc pt.eel for rage by the .'1ted Government. t.he motor \ i le must he in roper .running ordn The p ure for r~giiltenng nd storing a m tor \•ehi le i& aa foUO',.,'SI (a) The St te M r Vchi le Rc-glatral'1 n Certlfiaite (01: hi ''ehicle must hr bmitted at the Cl 11 Co11trol tatlt•ll, and thre ooplKJ of thj form ( RB,3) will then be prcpan-d (h) Two copies f thi1 { rm, tooether with the Registration Certificate, Will be ru oded to the evacuee for Iris reteuHon unttl arrival ilt the 'IAnated A mbly C.Cntcr The. third copy wtll r tamrJ t thl" Civil Control tat1on . (c) The cva uee will riven an 1denttficc1ti n tag hich he will Uc ac.curc.l>• t.o the steering apparatua of the m r \'Chicle. (d) On arrival at th A9acmbl • nter the evacuee will d llv r to the representative of the Federal R rve Bank of San Pnttcseco t.h 1 •o copiet of tlu8 form. the Regis· t.rilllian C rtiticatc, and t.lic k ys to the vehicle. (e) The rcpr "nta•Jw o( the l'du I RC1Crve Bank of San Francisco Wlll <httk all numbers on the form and if found to be orrect wiU :icknowlt>dge r c ipt CJf t.he m tor vehicle by signing one copy of the form and dcliv ring it tO the evacuee. If the motor vehicle described in tlw form is I , damaged, or destroyed a the result of negligence while it · in the pos..ession or custody of the United State , or any agency acting for it, the OoJ1grus of the nited tatl!8' will be a ked to ke appropriate action for the benefit of the owner. ;I ,. . • SE MM ND AND FO RTH ARMY ARTlME ClVlL CO R . J., ADMJNISTRA. IO San FranCiiico, lifornia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING OISPOSlnON OF MOTOR VEHtCLES * ptioo cxnterg, Evacu.e.s will wt be pcnnub:d t.o la.kc thC'lr mr.t r vduclea to fu re tJme givrn that va ucea \\'lit he enabled al raoce whatever can No h c tihe m tor vducle nCI\ · OWJ <l by tllClll rc.t\11 neJ for their mdividual use. The Unit.ed t.a.t~ Army is authonr.ed1 in its diso ilOJl, to purch m or ve.hides f tom evacueee. P.n r to evacua!Jon, motor vcl1iclu row be fored, Id or otbcrwiae di posed of b)• the owner pri at ly, witbout go interference or a t.ance. ALTERNA TVBS F STORA E OR SALB The other alr.c1nll1\'ti ptcGtnlcd tu the naru t who owna a mowr \'rhicle are at folio~·•: A ltrm11tl>'11 I. 1 o ddi er his motor •rhiele to td~ral Ruene Bar1k of San l'rancill(l(I, a.a f1iKal Atient o( l he VnJt ed Stttct, for ~touge al tl1t ciwnc1'1 r16k, without 11umanc : whl h •tor~ i; will, rn mv 1. in tan eA, be in l:'ptn arcu (at A ·mbly ~nlera or other duign11ted plactA) and mu t of neceAt1ty be of a c.haract r which will ubjcct mc;tor vebidea lo a more or lw rapid drttrloucfon. Alttrn11tin 2. To olftr hi~ motor · hide for 'lie to Ult following buiar c United t&1c1 vn The motor v h1cle will be apprai cd l1y lwo .di intcic ltd appr1ir.c11 and, sn iu disrr tson and at 1 opt ion, thr ,.\rmy may buy the motor vrhide at the appni1rd price wHch 1hall not, hawevrr, exceed the JUue Book whc.leaale \•a.luc In thr I cality where the purch.ue it contumrnalf!d. P RCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLBS BY lHE UNITED ST ATES A. If the cvacutt: ii NOT the ltgAI owner vf t11e motO'I' vtl1lde, the Army, he must prt6cnl to the Pl'd· tn ordrr lo unnge for R Hie ,.ral Reur,•e Baulr o( San Prand~. H Agent of the U11ited Sta.tea, at the Civil Control Station, or 1uch other place u may b~ drrccwd, the following: I. Rc gl tration ccrtific;itc, duly cndor~d . 2. "rhc 1,grccroent on the rcverec hertof, duly 1ignt:d and witnessed. 3. Such other auc.horization and a uranct as may bt required by tlic FtderaJ Retervc Banlc of San Prandsco, u Piaoa.l ,Agent of the United Sta.tu. dearly under• ln cue the evacuee I not the lrgaJ owner, it stood that if the lndebt.cdnr a agaiml lh ~ motor vehicle la equal to or greaur cl~an the appruM:d ,.aJue •ci that th t\'acucc haa no equity, no 1olc ro tllr lJn11ed t•U:J uisll hr con111mmorcd. In sch an tn~lancc the right cA any cred1wr !Cl rtJIOUCG or rec:a.plurc, as provided by la , Wlll not be rumed by the cu todlao of the motor "·chrcle. D. Jf tire w11ruct l~ the legol 011•nM' of rhe tnoror vchiclt, he lllU6t. In addstlcm to the for~~rne, prc:sr!ll thf) ownerohip certdicntt>, dul)• cndoraed. DEPJNITIONS AND CONDITIONS Included in the term "motor \•ehide" are the foll!JWing : 1. Pa.-acngcr car, liiht and medium. Hriwy pa nger cau in ordrr to co1ar: ilhin the purchu.ihle cacegory muat be clu~ed as "medium", aa the Army ia nett autht>rhed to purchut any "heavy" pa11oengcr CPO 2. Motorcycle&. 3. llu1Ae1 and truclt.1 of all typu, incfoding pidc·up and delivery trudu; and t.ractora, inch1dsng K111i•truck tractor1. It I Bot 1nlr.nded to include wit.bin the term "motor \' hialc" thotc sdf•propdled motor vebiclea 11Ulred only for farm operation. Jn tl1e evcnl lhat the ale o( any molar vehicle it not completed or app ara not feuililr, rhe P~er.t.I Re~erve Bank of San Pranc:Uco, H Pisa) /\gent of the Unit.ed StaLf!a, acting for and as agent oi the evacuee, rcaervu tbe right to tore 1uch motor vehicle at the owner'• ritlc, aa alxwe ct forth, 01 to make such other dlapolition of 11ucb motor vehicle as may, In it1 sole d1 crction, 1ppear co be ju t and equitable, including the right to permit the lega.I owne r of auch mocor v~cle to taltc 1111 legal rccou rfiC for rcpoueni n or c.therw!te. 1t i inttnded th t the alxlv,. pro<."r.durc will pl'ovldc a feuiblc mtana of protectin& the intcreau of evacuee• In their mMor vt.hiclea, wilhout prt'jud1c t.o the interests of othert therein, and thue ll'ill effect "" cqui• cahlr. dispo ition of such pr-0perty. .. A;ree,ment R gardin Dh.p otltion of Motor Vehicle * THIS lS TO CERTIFY that the Uf)ders1gned hu re d and undeni1.a.nds the in true· bons on the r erec hei't'IOf regarding t'he di 1Liun of the .rn r vclucl • de&eribcd on WCCA nn R.B·3, [to be cittached here and tncorrc>ratcd by rtfer nee Ii rein if tlus Agreement is liignecJ) wluch the undcrSt •nc-d has ·gned ooncurrmtly hcr.:\r.r11h. Su& in&tructiQ1U and th ori the m•erwe ()f WOCA Porm FRB·3 are part of thLS Agreement. e under 'gned d • · to dtipo51! of the aforesaid motor vehicle according to Ah crnnt1v o. _l t forth n the re "rse hereof, ilrid requests the P d rat Reser" Bank f Sa.n rancisro, as F1 I Agent of the Unttcd Sw , t a.ct accordingly. Jf he accompli J\11unt Of , JtematsVC herein toe! ct d appur Wd llitnJc, in Ill ]c dJ.5• 1 t.ion, unpo 1ble or 111 feas1bl , aaid Bank iaauth n..ed to mnl·c u h other d1'positfon nf said motor v hide a jt deem proper. Sa1d motor vehicle · dchver«l tci id Bank at ~he le rl!k of the under 1 •ne<l, and it jg agrc d th t no h.. htlit)• r responsih1hty Ghall at.a to 6"lid B;u1 f ran~· a tor omi5• sion in conr1e tic.Jn wJt11 the h ndling of said m r \1 hicle or di J ltton f!>f the pn."!Cefd thereof. The unden> gncd further agrees, upon demand, rimburse the dcral I n •c Bank of San Francisco, Pi~! Agent of the niu:d ta.tcs, in full for a.II charg and cxpcn incurred in connection with the di position f said m tor vehicle, and authon~ and in.tructs said Bank to deduct from the proceeds of the sale of aid motor vducle any of such cxr5nses i~curred. >:ecuted a~ ~1 Family No. WITN~ ' _day of ~ ' 1942 . • e . MOTO~ VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM N; of Ileguitertd 0 Addr ner of IVcgistered Owner__ Name of Legal Own r if different) Address of Leg I Owner __ frJo --------- I I CJ__);. i' ~ 7 .G.k - License Number- 97 A 2..3 J - Serikl Numher- Make of V }~7e_ G, Engine Numher . Date Pirst Sold :J/ll(().A.~ Y-· ;;.,.1>) l'f Accessories (I, dicat nmnbtr on dude) : 0 _ -- Heater Other__.,__ l' Type of Spare Tire( ) T .J... J - J / .3 5 Vehiclc.._J'u;k. ':( og Light(s) / Q f Radio _a_ _ _ ~ Renmog. ti-~~ ~X<lr~_-__ ., . . , ,_~, . ,., , -Slll._.:..c.. ' WAIVER The mowr vehi le descnbod in thi6 form u d Jivrred to th Ftderal fl n•e B t) of b. n Francisco, as Pi.' Agent of the nitcd States, at the le ri k of the nndendi;ncd. lt u agreed thnt 11 liability or re pnnSJbility hall be a umccl by the Federal Reserve Ba.nk of San for any , ct or Qrt\l$S!on in • nnr.ction ith us diaposition. It is unde id thnt no insurance will be provided on this property. Wttneasee for Ill i tern tell ----RECEIPT F.OR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ ---------- ~-----·------ Rooeipt of the vehicle described above is hereby acknowledged. Date- - - - - - - - - - - - -Representing - - - - ----· - - the P'i!deral Restn>e B111il{ of Sari Prnm:isco, Piscal Agent of the United States. Placed in Storage a -~ - ---------------- -----· -.------ --- ---- - - --------------.. ..----- --- ~ -~- -- • • Instructions to Owner To be aOC'.ept.ed for flt-Ora c by the nited motor \lehicle tnw~ he m prpp r runmnf? ur.d r. tei Government, the The procedure for rc-gifltering a.nd st nng a motor vehi le ir. R6 ( II •a; (a) The Mot r Vchi e Rcgt r•.tiOfl Ct~ti6c.ati for this vducle mll!'t he uhmitted at the Civil Control t.<1tion1 and three copies. of this form PRD· 3) will t.l1e1 be prepared. (b) Two copies of thlS form, together ,~;th the Registration Certincate, will be handed to the evaC\loe for lus retention unul arrival t the d ignatcd A6!l<:mhlr Center. The third c.opy wtll be retained at the iv1l ntrol talion. (c) The cvacUfle will be given an identUicat:ion tag which he will tie r.c.curcly to the IU;:cri1•g <ipp<in.tua of the mot r vehicle. (d) On a.rnval at t~ A.asemhl • ' ntcr the evacuee ill deliver to the rcprescnt:ath•e nf the Federal Reserve Bank of Sl\Jl fra.ncuco t.he two oopiea f this form, die R ~· tramon Certificate, and the kcJ'i to the vuucle. (e) The rcptesent.a~ivt of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Prancieco will .-Jied all number on th form and if found to be c meet will ackno ledge receipt of the motor verucle by signing one copy of ~he form and dellvering it to th evacuee. If the motor vehicle described in thi& form i~ IO$t, damaged, or destroyed as the result of negligence whiJe it is in the possession or oustody of the United·a, or any agency acting for it, the Congress of the United rate.a will he a ki.-d to take appl'bpriate action for the hen tit of the owner. • ~ • ESTERN DEP ARTIM S C MMAND AND F URTH ARMY CIVIL CONTR 'L ADMIN STRA ION San Francisco, California INSTRUCTtONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTO'R VEHICLES * E a.cuces will nut i>e rnu1 d to t.;U. thcu muwr ·chicles r .ption cent.era No urll.ll ~ha t ,.er can be given that c c v.111 be enabled at m fut\ure nme ha •e tl1e mollOr ·clu es now owned by t.hLm r r cd llf thCJ.r l d1\'iduill u . Tiu: Umrcd ; 1, tea Amir ia fr m evacuees. ai tho zed, m JI d rch n, L purchaue mt tcr clude.s Pn >r to eva uation, m tor vcl1icl may stored 1 r otherwise )' the o ·ner pnv ly, withcm~ go crnm mtcrfer nee oi• a c. ALTERNA 'IVES OF STORAGE The otlirr alternauvc1 pr H:hide arc 11 folio"" : nti-d to I ht \•1cuet !.o owns 1 molur A llrnt th 11 I. To dtlivrr hit motor vrliicle San ·r1.nc1K(J1 u Fitcal .Acent of the Urutt'd btaLc . for etor~gt owner'~ m w11.l.out , whkli ,u,ru~ will, in .mot inSL n , be in oprn areu {at Ae mbly Ce11te1 or 0L11cr d ignat.ed placn and mu t of ncct 1ty be CJf a character which 'll'UI nbjecl molor vcl1iclt• to a more or I r~p1d deterioration . o( °" D. If the eviu·urc JS tl1 c lr&QI ou'l!tr of rhr motor 11rhirlt, he mtJ1t, in 111ld1tion t.o the forcgc•rne. prr11c11t ownership rer116ca1r, dul , end<>1 d. D PINI I NS AND CONDITIONS Tnclud din the term .. rno1or \'chicle" are t.he followln1t1 r ngtr cars, IJ~ht and medium Ilea vy puttngc.c can in orde r to c inc v.•lthin the purch11 llhle cate •ory muet be da1sed as ··m dlum", •• the A 1my is not auLborJ d to purcbuc. any "heavy" pusengc:.r cul. l. M CJrc)•clu. l . Bnsm and tmch of &II types, including pick·up and delivery t ruclr. ; and traotora, including ocrui,truclt traotcm. P RCHASB OP MOTOR VEHICLES BY TIUl NITED STATBS ~ If tht tvM11u i1 NOT rht lcg41 011mer of the motor •chicle, in order to a.rr.ange for a sale to the llrmy, hr m1u1 prr1cnt to I.he Prd· i-ral RCKrvc: Bank of 8 An Frandteo, aa lecal Agent of the United Sutc1, at the Civil Oon trol St tlon, or such ot.her place a. may be directed, tbe folio n : I. Re11I ration certificate, duly cndoned. 3. a t an tbe apprai td value l hat the e'•acuec hu no equitv, '"' ulc tn the Ut11trd ·r.oiu u·ill be (Ofl 11m1atcd. In 5uch an lntlance the right uf an)' r ·dJtor to re " recapture , u rs ovldrd by law, wall nor be rcsi t d by the cu1t.od1an uf the motor vehicle nltcd The motor v l,lclc will be app:al rd by two d1~1ntcre ted appra.imt and, m iUI d!ecnuon and &I i opLlon, th e .Army may buy the: tuol or "chldr ar. the apprn cd price which ~hnll nol, howevu, exceed the Blue Book wholr.. le value In the lncalify where lht pu1cha1t la c.onsur.l\tllalrd 2. Thc agreement on the rcverae hereof. duly slg-ned and wilnc of "° R SAL Altt'm4liu 1. To oifer h11 motor \•el11dr for ule to the State on th foll •ing biuia: <.I~ d. uch other authorization and a rurance u may be rc;iumd by the Ped ral Ruervc Ban k of San Prandsco, u Placal Agent of the United St11tet. Jn cue the evacuee ie not the legal owner, it mu t be clearly undct, tr.IC>d that if the indebtcdnc a lgainat the motor vehicle it equal to or It ia not intended to include within t.bc term ..motor vehiole" t hoit velf•proptlled mot.or vehicle. 1uited only for fartn operation. In the event that I.he aal rif ally 11lotor vehicle 11 not completed or appenn nr>L fe uble, the p,.dcral Re.f.Crv Bank of an PrancUco, aa Pi• .al A cnt e>J ~he United Sutct, acting for and tu agent of the evacuee, rtt!C l ·r1 the right to & tore lucb motor thscle at the owner· ,. risk, 111 above 1ct fo nh , or make uch other diapoaltion of &uch molar \•chlcJc ay may, :in it.a eolc di cretlon, appear to be jmt and equit&blr, includlnR the right to permit the lega l owner of lllch motor V{hJcle to Lake hi1 ltgal r co11rae for reposee lion or otherwiec. It 11 intended 1hat t.he abo\'t procedure •1111 provide a fewble mcan1 protecting the in re ti of evacucct Jn their motor vehldca, without prrjudkc to the inttrttU of othtr1 t.htrcin, and thua will effect an cqlri• uhle dl1pa1itloo of tuch property. o{ wc:o- rolllM ,.,,. • " Agreement Revarding Di1po1ition of Mo,t or Vehicle * TKIS JS TO CER TJPY tlm the under• gncd has read and understands th 1ru.truqtfor.s n th~ rr:ver hereof J•cg11rdmg e disp ·i11c-n of the mo r vchi le dei.cnl-..:d u N'OCA orm RB·3, (to attached ber o a.nd mcarporated y ref rcocc li r in if this Agrecm At i5 signed) which the under. nro h &igneJ oon rrently her.:"W1th aid inaLructicm and th on the r er of \VCCA Form FRB·3 are a part of thi Agreement. The undersigned d ires to dispose of the aforesaid motor '•chicle acoord 'ng 1'0 Alt m ti e No. t forth on the revene h rrof, and request.a the ed nl RcuJ'\•e Ban of San Fra.ncisoo, as Fiscal Agent of the United Statu, to a t a.ccordtn ly ll tbc a()C( mphshm nt of the alternative herem S{'Jec d ;ippun to said 8 n , in i aoh: chacr tion, im ible or nvt fCM 1ble, ud B nk a thorized to ma ·c uch other dl position o( said m tor \lehiclc it deems r rcr. Said motor vch1de is dcli •cred to said Bank al the le n · f the u.nder 'gncd, nd it i C1gr~ed that no liability or r f'<:msi"1lity shall at.tach to said Bank for any, ct or omis· ion m ronncctivn with the hanJlrng of said m tor \'c.luclc or dl position of the pr ecd thereof. The under igned furlh r agrees, upon dcm nd, to rcnnburse the Fedc:ra.I Rescrv · Dank f San rancisco, fiscal Agent of the United tst tcs, in full for all charg and expenses incurred in connecu n with the di po 111 · n of said motor vchi le, aml aut.honzea and in truct saicl Bank to deduct {rom the proce ds of the sa.le of . aid motor •chicle an)• of such c:i.~ t~cur d. a~~hi ")./ oL ~ , 1942 -14- ~4v J~ . FamtlyNn._ . ~IT~~ L t/ 0 7 . '/.- -- . - • MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM of Reg1 tered Owner _ •.\ddress of R.egiGtered Owner_ of Le~ Owner if diiferent) ....................-.. .Addre of Le al ;vner___ ~ _ _ } :J 1 J1 _ -.,-,----- Clllf:..Y'' License Number_ 5 t ~"JI)_-f /tJ tr., ;j.. IJ :2 74'-' S. Serilll Number'_ b FA/ 6 Mili of Vduck • C },,, t..v.---6 ngine Numher 3 =-2.. ;- .. 3 Ace nea (1'id1cate number on vd11cfe): '~/, pare Tire( ) °" . __. . . _. .:-. . ;/ ,-- /,f;_ __,. . . I wght(s> f- J ·"}_~~--- 3 5C Jqn_ __ RJd _"1t::Q__ .7t1:d'1 t· i.U41/'d .. _ d)__ Type of V hi le._:_..: • Heater Remarks · 5 ------- f;~ ·/11 WAIVER The m r \'chide d rihed rn form is delivered fl<> the F tleral Rr.oerve Bar.k of San Prannsc:o, u L al Agent f t.hc States, at the sole ri k of the undersigned. It is agrel'tl that 11.l liability or r~pomibility sh II be um d y the Ped ral Rc5t>Ne Bank of San Francisro ( any act or omi io11 in councc).ion wifil it.a disposition. It i xi that n insurance will he provided on thi• pro~rt>'· Witn 9e.a for llli rc1tea ---- ---·- RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Receipt of the vehicle de5en ti bove Is hereby acknO"\vlcdgcd . Representing tlte Fede,,.111 Resc'11c Bani{ of San Jlro.ricuco, FiJCal Agent of Uic United St.:ites. Placed in S rage at_ - - - --- - --~~--------- - ~~~-·--~--- • Instructions to Owner To be i\ ( r !ltor "e by the rul4>u rtiotor mu!lt ~in pr pc! running rdl·r. i'hc pro:edure for r~gJ tel':'ng and tat s etnment, t ring a m tor \•c-hu;le ie a. foll w • (~) 111e ''tau: Motor Vrh1cle R ~ Ir ti n Certificate (, r tlll8 vthiolt: must he ul:-m1ued al the Ci J Contt ~ tion, and three copies of tltia f rm F'RB·3> ·ill ,hen be P1' pa 1'ether v.ith the Re trat1on rtiiic:ate, will be handed the e"acuee for hls retention unt1l arri •al 11.t th~ d •1gnat d A ml ly Center. The third COP)' will lie ret<iined al the 01 ·11 Control Stati n. (b) Two copies of this form, (c) The f'; \•a ee will ~ 1v~ an 1dcnt16cat1on tag 1tich he will tie cure!)• to the tc.crm appua.tua of tl m ·chi e. (d) n arnv l at t ml ntcr the evacuc~ \•ill d liv r to the reprellCJltati\'e of the cdcral Reser\'e Banlr of &n Fn.nciaco the two oopice of thia form., th~ R •If' tra.ti(Tll Certruca . , nd t.he kC)•• to t.hc \•elUclc. (t) The npresenta!i\'t of the Peder.ti R !lerve B.rnk of San rancUc:o will t he k all num r on the f mi and if found to be corre "ill aclmowled c receipt of t.1 e motor vehi le by 'gntng cine ropy of the form and delivermg it to t.he evacuee. If the motor vehicl • describe-.d m thia fonn 1 lost, damaged, or de trored at rihe result of negligence wlulc 1t u in rhe p ion or cust.exJy of the United S t , or an}' a~ency ini; for it, the Congrr.aa of the ni . ~ St.11tr will he a&ked to take approprtatc action for tJ1e b nefit or t?1e owner. • WESTBI • DEF NS8 C MMAND AND FOURTH ARMY WARTIMB CJV[L CO ROL ADMINJSTR.A TION &n Frao · co, Cdiforiua INST!lUCTtONS TO EVACVEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * r ttptfon centic:n.. Eva \ices w1!1 n t ~ pe.rm1tted to t..tke Lheu mot r v hicle.~ uran c what \'fr can be given th t ae\lees ill be en bled at'le future ti ·: No to have th mot r c.hida now owned b thc.m n:{urned for their individual ~. The Unit d Statot1 Army u autborir.ed, in it di6'.retton, t.o purch mot r vr.hlcb from evacuees. red, told or olih r1\rise du Pri r to ev o~ti n, matm ve.hi I may be by the O\Vll r plliv, tcly, wtthout gowrnn1ental inU!rferenae 1r a 'stance. ALTERNATIVES "° F STORAGE OR SALE The other ah rnu.i ·c:a pracnt d to the c\•a:cuec who owns a moto r \•chicle a1e u follow1 1 Alltrndttre 1. To dtlh·er hi1 mot or \•t-hldc to edc1JI\'e Bank of San flranc1Sco, as Puc:al l\g Ill of thr Unit ed, for ~t C•ra Bl 1ht ow11c1 '• ri k, without inw radct ; which wsi •e will, in mollt ln5t.ancu, oc in open a1ca1 (u , cmbly CJc.ntcra or other dcaign11tcd place•) and mu1l of oece! it)' be o( a character which will •ubjcct n1otor vehicle1 to a more or It 1 rap•d deterioration . Alttrm11J1•c 2. To offer hJ1 mMor vduclc for sale to the United SU1te1 on the lollo wiog bult: The moto1 veMcle will h nppraiJcd by twri d1 intcrc ted appra111tn and, in IL1 discrctJOn a nd at 1 option, thr Army may buy the mot.or vehicle 111 the apprai&l'd price which 1hnll not, however. c cted the Blue Book wholc&ale value in the ll>C'nlity whtre the J>Urchase ls con1ummatcd , PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY THE UNITED STATES A lf the e11on1ce ii NOT the lrg11l 0111nrr of the motor vchirle, In ord er to arran e for a sale to the Anny, he must prctent to the Ped· eral Rclll!rve Banlc of S n Prandsco, u Pi cal AJ:mt of the United St.ates, at th e Civil Control Station, or •uch other place as may be dirertcd, ~11e following: I. Regi lratle>n ccrti6catc, duly endorwcd 2. 1 1he agreement on the reverse hereof, duty aigned and wltnr ed. 3. Su(h other authoriution and aasurancc a1 may be required by tlse Pcdrral Rer.erve Bank of San Prnndaoo, as Plical ,~ g:rnt Uni d Statet. o( lhc In case the e\•acuce 11 not the legal (IWncr, it must be clearly undrT• at If the indebtcdn~! ag~in1t the motor vehicle i1 equLI to or ~tood t cl that the ,·acucc: hu no rqwt)', :inalu than 01c value 110 111le ta tht U 11ed 51111~1 Wiii be conftlfllmored. In ~uch an instanr; the rl ht ot any cicdrtor to rep~ t:'6 or re, u provided by 1111.1, "'ill not be rc.m ted by the custodian of tht moU>r veb.iclc. n. lf fl'tlflltt IS Ille ltgol OM/OCT oj ihe mOI CJ r v~hlrlt, he murt, m addluon to the lorrgosng, pre1ent the owner hrp ceruii~tc, duly rndorkd . DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS lncludrd in tl t term ..1110 r \'chicle"' ue the following : I. Pai. cngt r can, If ht and medium Hcav)' pauengcr car1 in order w come w1tWn the purchaaable category mut.t be cla &rd as "mt d1u111"' , a1 the Army is not authQri~cd to purchaw any .. brav)''' pa 11gtr car~ . 1. Motorcyclu. ~ . Butlleo md tru\'ks of all typo, including plck·up and delivery trucks; and trac<lors, l"cludlng 1rmi1'nld1. tractor.. It Ji not intended to include within the term "molor veh•cle" t.ho1e u.lf ·propdled motor vel1/clea aulted on) fo.r £arm operation. l n the c'•cnt that the ule ol any motor \Chicle I• not completed or apptan not Jeas1blc, the l'f'd ral R trvc Banlr of San Frand1co, u Pi1cnl Agent r>( rhe nltcd Statn, acting for and aa agmt of the evacuee, reserves the rigbt to •tore such motor \•chide at the owner'• rink, u above Mt fort.Ii, or to mdce such othe-r dl1position of 1uch motor vehicle as may, in iu '°le discretion, appear to be jun and equitable, including tbc right to permit the Iegal owner of rnch motor vehicle to take hie legal rccourac for rc poa&eliSlon or otherwii!e. It i intended that the above pr(Jetdur~ will provide a fra Ible mun of protecrinj! the interen o( evacuees in their motor vehicles, wit!1out preju<llce to the i nt ereau o f others thtrrlD, and thu1 will dfrct an equi· tible dllposiclon o f ·uch property. • Agr ement Regarding Dispo1lti,on of Motor Vehicle * THIS IS T CERTlfTY that the Wld rSt ned has read and unden.tands the 105truc· Lion& on the r erre her f regardin the d1spo t •n f the m r · lucle dcxnbed 011 WOCA onn PR.B· 3, [ t.o ~ 11.ttachrd h tru.l md mcc•rpcmited y reference lier m tf ~h11 Agreement Is &gned] wh1ch he undersrgne<l has s1 ned cxm u.rr nt ly here •1th . Said in&t.ructiDna and t.h Agreement. n the ·er.e of \l OCA Porro RB·~ are ii part of th1 ding to The unde 1gncd J ires to dispc • of the af re.'l.Cltd motor v 1de a Ah rnat1ve No. _ :i..-:- ttt forth n tlic re-' r I u f, and reque the ederal Reserv Bank of 11 Francisco, aa F.ocal A N { tJ1 nit d Stdtcs, to act acwrd11 il)r. H the ;ice phshm nt of the ;iltcmative} er in l!Clf'Ctcd appeirs w said Bank, in i !IO t. d1 • c-retion, 1mpo 1hl or tfea•ihle, id Ba. k is authorited to male such other d1sp s.iticin of id m or v In e a it deems i: roper. id Bank .1t the le Ii$k of the undt·rs: ned, e1nd aid m r v I idc d Ii\' red I agreed that no lii1b1lity or rcspt• r· hty hall ti.ii Ii to ii<!id Baul.. f r any ot r orms· !'inn in wnnc tion with the hitndllng { aaid mot.or \•ehicl or dJ posiu n of the pre td thereof. H The under ·gned furthrr agrees, upon demand, to reimhursc the cJer~I R rvc Bank of San Francisco, Pi a.I Agcut of the nirod St tes, in ull for all charges and incurr'd in r.onnrcuon with the Jl&po 1tion of s..11d m(>tor v hule, and a11Lht1ritc.t m the pr :ecda of the le of 6.ttd motor vehicle and Jn true sa1c.l Ilank to deduct .tn)' of urh cxrJ'ses incurred Em t<d '~ ~"f '), oL /;{~-~ , l94l. _ . . ·--l;..-1~ /~ Piuru1y No. / l/ 0 !, / wee,. P ,,..,, "' t A• a e e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM . (St~ ;mJn1c:1iotu cm hot!lr t>/ tlu1 t.ltHI) 1..,._ /.,...,..(7 y-e/ .il ·- - - - Pa.miIy Numu1a__ Name of Lega.I 011•ner (1f different) Add of Legal0wncr _ . _ --------- _,,5li01£. _ ·----- Make of Vehiclr ,,.P~ Y. Date Fir11t Sold / - Serial Number_ -~ .!3 / 7 t..f / tf - - E1 g£ne Numocr :t='~ 2,.!j:.:;.___3_7. (lndicotc number cm vehicle): /??~Y.JZL Type of Vchide__,-;z',.P Spare Tire() iJ:7t.. (!' , P0g Llght(s) _ Other_ _ Healer Re.marks :. 4~ .7 7 w_fZ_-!rS License Number_ Accetoori _ _ Ra(!IO -------···--- ~12#/.e/~/ WAIVER The motor \'Chide described in t.hia form is deli ere<l to the Ped raJ R n.'C B~nk of San Francisco, a.a isca l Agent of the Unltr.d States, at the sole risk of the undersigned. It is 11.gre ·d that ID Habr1it~r or responsibility shall be aS5Umed by the Federal Rererve Dank of San ra11dt!Co f ( any act or omission in w nnectlol) witJ) ..its c.lisposit.ion. It is under61iood that hO insurance will be provicled on th.ii property. W1tac for Illit rates - - RECEIPT F.OR VEHICLE Place of Dr.livery __ - - - - - ---------Rooeipt of the vehicle c.lescribccl above is hereby acknowledged. Date. _ _ _ _ _ _. ----· -- - Repreie111i11g tho Federal RtseTtJe &nl{ of San Prnnci$,o, Fisca l Agent of the United States. Fla.ced in Storage a --·· ··-.......-- ----- ~.i..- - ---·---·--------·-·· ---·--- --... -----------· - ----_.....,..·- ----·--- ... ---- Inst uctions to Owner To be acce tcd f r at_rafC b • the rut <l m thide mu in prorl('r running 1•rJl•r The p t~tes Government, the dure ( r rcgiitering and storing a m tvr v hide is foll vs : (I\) The <"tate Mot r Vch1cl • R gir-tration Qrt.ificate f thu ''chicle mu he submitted at the Oi ·ii C'-ontro! t10rl, and threr. cop of tlu f nn (FR.D l ) v.ill then be prepared. rics of this form, I ether v.rith the R gi~tration Certificate, w1'1 he handed ro the ''aeuee for hia retention un•:I arri al it the de.ignat d A ml'l!y Cer1tcr The third copy will be •t.1ined at the Civil Control Station. (b) Two (c) The evacuee ·will ~ given an id nt1fic--<Lti n tag wlnch he will Lie urdy ta the &teerlD apparatw of the moi.ur vehicle. (d) On , n1v· I at th.t rnbly •ntcr the eva. uc ' ill dclfver to the repreaentlltivc of the R rve B, nk c f San'O the tw copies this f rm., ~ R i ... tntion Certiticatc, and tJ1c Jt ')'- t() the velucle.. (e) The repl'Cl!Cnta'foe of the Fed <11 Resetve Bank f 1u1 Pnndarn will :hec.k: all numbers on th fonn and if found to be mrcct will aclmowlcdge r ceipt of th motor vehi le by signing one cop o( the form and deli ·ering it o the evacuee. ff the motor v~idc de.scribed in this form is lori, d maged, or de.c;tre>yed as the Willk of negligence wlulc H 1 in the possession or custody of the United St~1lc~. or any agency actin~ for it, the CoMgress of the United 'tatelJ will b a ed t-0 t.ake appr pnate a tion for the benefit of the owner. .. ESTEl DEF NS WAR JMB COMMAN RTH ARMY AND F IVIL CONTR IJ ADMlNIST TION San Fnmd9<!o1 California INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * to reception CC11~ take t.h tr m r elu va.c 008 will / ot l • pemutt.ed w1ll be e1\ bl d a.t 10tne future time No a' uran what ,. r n be "tven that e\' have • .e mot.or vdn es now O\ d b)' tl1 m retumed f r lheu- indh'ldual use The Unit d J\rmy (rom 1:vu:uees 19 authorued, in it dlacretion, purcbue motor vehicles P.ri r t c a uati n, mnwr eluclea mil)' be stored, sold oI otherwise di.lo by h 1)\7,•ncr prh• tel)•, •ithtiut •crnmcntal interi ro cc or asai ta.nee. ALT RNATIVES OP ST RAGS OR SA 4 The other alte1n1t.ive prt rntrd to the cvacu c ~·ho owns a mulcir vtbiclc ar aa follow1 : A.lltr11at/,-., I. To dcllvtr hlr motor vehicle to cdc ral Rca;crve .Bank cA lll Praud co, 11 I1i•ctl Agent ol the United tat( , for torage at th ow11er'1 mk, w1tbout in urancc. which 1tor•1e will, in mo~L Jn tancu, be in optn arcu (•t Auembly Ctntel" or ou1cr d aignated plac •) and mu t of necrnit)' be of a charac~r wluch will subje rooter vcJ.iclu to a more cir lc11 rapid dettrforatlon Allrrriatint 2. To offer hie motor vclud for ale to the Unit rd on th following bade: SLM tr The motor vcl1klt. will he apprai td by two dl intt·rr appraitcrt and, in it.& d tertLion and nt rt opuon, the t\rmy may buy the motor w f,lclc: l t the appnu~td price which hall not, howevtr, ercced the Blue 'Souk whc.-Jt,ale valur ln thr loo.lhy whcr~ the purcha&c i1 r.on1ummated PURCHASH OP MOTOR VEHJ LES BY THB UNITED STATES A If the tva.c1uc ii NOT the ltgal owner of the 111otor vehicle, the .Army, hr mu t prr~ nL to the Prd• in order lO arr angt" for a aale cral Rrurvr Bank of an Pr11ncJ,oo, at Pi.oul A~cnt ol thr. United Sta 1. ~ t the Civil C'..ontrol Station, or auch other plaor a roay be dir etc<!, tJie followJng : I. Re gif.tratl1>n ccrtincatc, duly rndorsed. l . Tiic agreement on the re"eree hereof, duly I ncd and witneued. • 3. Such other authoriiation and a.u urance as 1ony be required by the Pedcr11.I Reoervc Dank of San Prand1eo, United St•tes. 1.1 Pl!Clll ,'\gent of the In caie the evacur.c is not Lhr legal owner, it mu•t be dearlr undn· toe>d thlt i( the Jndebtcdnc.<11 aitain&t the motor vehicle i equal to or of nater tl11.n the apprai•td value &O that the evacuee ha1 no rqutt), no 11.I~ to th~ Uni~d 1411« 11-tll bt l)fl•'Vmmoted. In JUch an in lance the ngl1t of any er dir.or to rrposseKa or re.capture, u pro~·idtd by law, will not hr resin d by the cu1tod1a.n ol t.hl" mot<ir veluclc . B If the r.111rrue JS tlie le 41 owner o/ 1li, mote>r veh1cle, he mu t, w the foregoing, prekllt th owntr hip <:crtllicau, duly addiLion rndor rd. 11 DE lN!TIONS AND CO DI' IONS Included in tl.e term "m te>r \'1'.hiclc" are the followlng PaRscnger ca.n, Utht and medium. H eavy paueni:er carJ in order to come Within the p11r<:ha11blc category muat be cla ~cd as "medium ', u the Army ia not authorlicd to purchue IO}' "htavy" pa en ·er car , 2 Motorcyclct. 3. Bu11u and truc:ka of all L'yp~. including piclc·up and dchvtry Lruckt; and tracton, including seml•truclc Lracton. It 11 net intended to include within th e term "motor "chicle" those telf•propclltd mc>t-Or vcliic:le1 auit.ed 011ly for !arm operation. Jn the C\'tnt that tl1c .al of any rnotor vehide i• not completed or aprcan ncit feuible, tht Pedl'ral Re rrvt Ban k of San f'ranciaoo, 11 iacal Aittnt uf the United, acting for and as avent of the evacuee, r .st rvel Lhe right to &tore 1uch motor vehicle at the owner' ri~k. u 1.bovc sct fort.h, or LO make uch other dispo1lt.1on of 1uch motor vrhicle aa may, In lte wle dl•crctio11, appear to be juat and equitable, including t h~ rl •ht to prnnit the legal o ncr of 1uch motor vehicle to take hi legal r«ourte for rep01Kuion or It i1 intended that the above proocdure will provide a fea1ible .m ran• of protecting the interem of evacuees In their motvr vehicles, without prejudice to the intcre u of othen t.hcrtin, an d thw will effect ui cqu1• table dur><>iition of such property. W~ PO!lNP'O·• e . -.. Agreement Regarding DispoJition of Motor Vehicle * T'HI JS TO CER TJFY that the under gncd ha1 d and undet'. tanda the in I ru , uon& on r \IUee hereof ttgud111g the du;pos:sti n ( the m r •ehi e deecribed on WOCA rm PRIM, [to attached eret.o and Ul rporat. b)• reftrtucc h re1 if thi Agreement is 'gned] which the und r&1.gncd hu gned ooncurrmtJy he..r ,.;th. Said in tru I.ions at d th on the r ·er of W A orm FRB·3 are a put of t.hia Agreement. The undersigned dl!Slre <ii,pose of the motor \•ehicle acoording to Alt mall\le No. f rtl1 on them r&e hereof. m<l rt."1U th Fedl.!rAl ReseJ'\•t Bank of S n Pranc16CC.I, as Fiscal Ai:ent of the ni~d Staua, act accordin •I)•. If the a mpli&l1m t { the utGrniltl\'C her in lected appe.a.r6 to aid nk. In it• fl() e d1 ' cretfon, lln 1ble r not {ea ~. &tid niak i ii uthonzed to make 11ucb other disposu.i . n of said mowr vehicle it dl"C1ll8 proper. • aid motor vehicle is d hv red to sud .B nk at the le mk of uml r&igncd, and 1t 1 agreed that no lfabilit» or : pen&1h1lity 11.~ta :h t.o said BCln ( r any act or ml6· ston in connection with the h nJhng of 11B1d motor \•ehiclc or d1 pos.illon of the pr ·-Oe<l !.hereof. The undersigtiLd furlhcr agrees, upon dcmlUld, to r imburse the Federal Re.sen· Bank of San Frand , Fi!!Cal Agent of the Unit.ed Statca, m full for a.II charges a.nJ xpensea incurred in ronn clion with the t.11 ro~1tion f id m tor veh1cle, and a\1tbl ri .. nd instru aid Bank deduct from the proceeds of the · le of said mot r \·ch1.J any or uch exprnsai lncurr ·d. Exe ut.i:d at. 'I k t4 ~ 1-7' 1'/"'1 th· ¥ -.clay of. 7-JR/"'//' ,. l!.>.42. u~· -~~ - - - - _L~--- 8' ~·-/..~~ Fa.m1lft;o, __ .. ..... /~,;;~~ fF/SL'1 -P - • . .. MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM ---~-------- Famil)' Nuu1bet I f.C' :,-7 _ of Legal Owner (if difieren;.)1 Add 1 LictJUle c>i Legal Owner Number_ Make of V ht I Dale Ptr Sold Ac.c ~ ':f.3 ( ~--·~ 7.,1 !/ rJ EV. / () - - Serial Number _ <,_L Engine Numhcr ..::.,,.,1 - nr11 ( number on vd11 Type of le) ~ . '£~ $;,.- Vehicl~ Jo Fog Lighl( ) Spllre Tire (a) i.j_,{) V . ..---.------- -. 0 ,£-=::::.... ...2. ~ P..8 Radio _ _ _ __ Rcmar - __ ,.,_._,..._,...._, W A I VER .nre B o.X of Sa n Pranosco, as Fiscal Ag nt The m wr vehicle described in ch!11 form ·e delivered tu th Ftd •r I umed of the United Statet, at the le risk of the ur.dtrsignc<l. ft i agreed thnt n.J lia ilrty or r pon tbility eh.all be ood under i• 1t n. dupos:ili its ith n onnecti in r.lon m.i by th ederal Reserve Bank of San Prapdsco f any ,11.t or th. t no insurance will be provide~ n c~u pro~rty. Wjtn MeB for - Jlliterat RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE :::::::::::::::::=-=:::::==.=-:::::_· - Plac.e of Delivery_ - - - - - - Receipt of the vehicle described above is hereby ack11owlcdged. ------ --- -------Representing the Federal Reserve .B:2n~ of Sa'TI /lrnncisco, Date _ _ _ _ .__ _ - - - -· Pilcal Agmc of tl1 e Vrritcd St.ates. Placed in Stomgc at -- ---"--- - . ------i; ~·-···--· - - -..- - - - - --- ---~·----- - - -~ l•tstruC'ticns to Owner To a pted f r storllgc by the Unit'"d er "Chic.le m t be in proper runntll& onlcr The r icdurc for rcgi tenn a.nd irtor"lng m tate •ovcmmc11L, the ,. 1de 11 f !low · (a) The Sw.e M < r Ve.hide R gi rallon Cert1fic:ate: for thi ehiclc mu. l 1Lbmit1od t the (JI ·ti Control • tlon, and three cop of th f nn (FRB l) \\ ·uthen be prep~red , \ 1 (h) Two (lie! ( thi orm, t eth r ~1tl the R gistration Certificate, WJ.11 !'IC hand to t.he C\i acuoe for hia rct.ent1on until arrival at the d ignt1t.ed .Ai: mbl' C.cnter. Th durd ropy will be retained Rt the Civil Con 1Station (c) The •\1acu c will he given an idenufiC'~ticm t";tJ? which he will Lie securely to the •teen ;g appantua of the m or vehicle. (d) at th m ly ntcr the e"acuee will deli r to the repr 1\t.i.tJ\re of the demi Reserve B nk of S1w , dac the two piet of thit f m, the 'R 11• t.rmon Cert1ticate, and the k y3 to the vehicle. (e) Th r p nta•ivt o( the Pede I Rw-rve Bank of an Franci&cO will • lieck all number on the f rtm and 1f found to !'IC correct will aclmowlc<l~e receipt of t11e motor vehiclr by signing <•PY of the form and delh·ering it to the evacu '. If I.he motor vehicle descrihed in this form IB I st, damaged, or destroyed a t.he result of negligence while it i in the r !lion or custody of t.he United State , or any agency acting for it , the Congress of the United Statl'i will he a d t.o take appropriate actior for the benefit of the owner. - ' ESl RN D SE COMMAND Al' - URTH ARMY WART! MB Cl IL CONTROL ADMI I5rRA TION San Francisco, Califon~ia I SfRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLl.:S * va u ca will not he p1tnnit1it.:d to t.a e tJ cir mot r e.luclea t-0 reception oenten.. o a unn1.. whale .:r w he given t.hat v cueea will be e.n bled at SClilllC future tim to ha c tl1r mu«>r ch1cl a no\I/ owned by I.hem returned for the!J' individual iw. The United 't tc.s Army 18 authorW."'C.I, 10 it.a dt.tCretfon. to purcha.rie motor vc.hidea from. e cuees. I riur l ev uati 11 mntCJr \rehiol~ may be stored, d or ollherwiae disposed of by th~ owner priva ly, without ()V rnm mtcrfercnr.e r st.ancc. ALT RNA TrVES 0 S RA ·8 OR SALB The other a.lttmath•u prc!ll'nt d tu thL t\'~cuee \\ho owns a motor ''eh1clr u t 11 follow1: A.ltrrnati'l'e 1. To ddlwr hi1 motor \'th rJc tor den.I Reserve Bank ol San l'rKncuco, u r uc:al A ent of th Umttd Suta, for · ragt at the C>wncr 1 1 i~l:. wJthout i11vurancc1 wluch •\ (•r~gt will, ln mo 1iutance , 1--n In open areu (•t Aasembly Ctntru or ot.her de 1gnatrd placc.t) and mu•t o l nece& lty be of a charatl r wb1th wiU ub)re1 mr>Lor vehic:lc:a to a more or ltH npid deterioration. greater than tht a1>prai11ed value eo that the evacuee bu no equity, no J:iie 111 th1 U 1itcd Suto will be c<m11tm'lll&ted. In ch an in1t1ncc.: the ll ht of any credit.or to rtpo 5CH or recapture, u providld by la w, will not be rci"'tcd by thi: cu todlan of the lllotor 1•ehlclr in B. If th< Cl•llC~t: e rs the Jr1111l OM>n(l' Clf the m<>tOf t1ehlde, he 1nu1t, addition to the forcgoin11, present t.he owncri.hip ccrtilicatc, duly 0 Sm Alttr11oth·e 2. To o'er hi~ rnotor •eh1cle for ale to the United on the following bai.ia: The molor v~hiclc will br appr 1•ed by two duant rt ted aprra1scra and, in it.& d ~cret1on and t 1t1 r>p!ton, the l 11 my may b11y Lhe motor vehicle H the appraised price whic.h hall ne>t, h()wrver, exceed the Blue Ii. wholr.1ale v1luc in the I cality whcrr the purchase is con ummat d. P RCHASB OF MOTOR V6HI LES BY THE UNlTBD STA TES A . If tht et•MUrt is NOT the f,.g~i owner of iht moi.or vrhlcle, in order to al range lor a sale to thr Army. he mun prc1ent to the Ped· era! Rurrve Bank of San Francisco, u Fiscal A 'tn l o f the Unitrd States, at the C41•il C.Ontrol Station, or tuch othe r place as rnay be directed, the followJng I l. Regi tration certi6c.a~. duly 1:ndor1cd 2 The agrument on the rrverse herr.of, duly gned ;4.nd witm:~5ed . 3. Such other a1Jthorl z.a tion and auuran ce as may be required by the Federal Rcacrve Dank of San PN>ndsco, u Pir;cal Agent of the United State... Jn c ~e the encuce u not the lrgnJ oomtr, it mu~t be clearly undn· lltood that if the indebtedn agafot! the motor \'thldc is equal to or endorsed . D FIN ITIONS AND CONDITIONS lncludcd in the terto "motor vel1icle" are the following: I. Paucngfr cart. Ii ht and 1ncdium, H eavy pa ngrr car In (Jrdr1 to cc1me wltbin l e purchuable category must be cl&& d u "medium"', 111 the Arm)' ia root o11uthorizcd to purchase any "hr.avy" puatnger can. 2. Motorcyclea. 3 Bu • and tnidt• o1 a.II typee, Jncludlng pick·up and delivery Including 1cmhruc.k tncton. true~•; and tractori, lt lg not intendt:d to include within the term "motor vrlncle" tl.oac ull•plClptllcd motor vehicles 1uitcd only for farm operation . Jn the event that th e aalt of any motor vchJde 11 not complcttd or ;ippeara not fc&Jlblc, the Prdcra.I Re ervt Bank ol San Praodtc0, a11 Jl1~~1 Agent of the United, at'ting for and u agent c.f the ev11cucc, reter\Oet the right to -1lorc uc.h motor vehicle at the owner's riak, u above act forth , or Lo mak.e uch other dhpoaltion of such motor ,.,hide as roay, in iu llOlc d.imetio::i , appear to be lu1t tnd equitable, includ ing the right to rermit the legal ow ner ol •uch motor vehJclc to take hi4 legal rc:ourse for rcposoeulon or otherw!Je. Tt it rnteoded that the above procedure will piovUle a lcan'ble mean protecting the interUU of C\14ClleCJ in thtlr motor vehldea, without prejvdlce to the interest• of othcn therein , ar.d Lhua >G1•ill effect an equi· table di posit.Jon of such property. Of • ~P'O .. I ' \ ' I . , .. ,_,..., ,.. - I,~ ~- , l J\'1111· 4 Agr ment Regarding Dil,p osition of Motor Vehicle * THIS 1$ TO CER T1FY that the und ratgncd hu read and underitancls th 1n truv tions on the r ·enie here f regud;.ng the di po:Jtic>n of the m ehiclc de& ·d on WCCA rm FRJ:M, lto be •ttached hereto and int rporatcd by reference hcrei 1( this Agrccmen~ II 'gned] wruch tlv. unde 'gned hu 61 ned oon \lriently her; WI h. Said instructA · rnd th se on the er11e oi WOCA Ponn '8 ·l are a part f thi Agreement. The under&gned desire. to di$pc1 of e aforesaid ~oo veh1 le iiocordin Altema.tiv!: No. - / - t forth oo clle reve he.reof, and requests th Fed rat R rve Bmk of an Francisco, aa Piscal A e t of the ruted tcltt'.s, t{) net accordrngly. If the cc nt o the altern ti\'t! l>ltrein selected appears to &Ud Bank, m tts sale d1scr LI n, imro able or n t f: ilile, raid Bank 1 a.uthoric..::d to m.;tke u h other di of uid motor v hide as it deems proper. it 1 ·,tid mot~ \•ehH ~ ddiv red t.O oa1d Bank at the le f the und ·r&gn d, a.nd agreed that no liah11ity ur re. pon!llbihty shall att.ich to &ii id Bank f ran}• act. or amtS• n in conned.ion with the handling of aaid m t.or vehi I r WfiJ'O ition the pr 111 thereof. The undc 'g11ul further agrcce, upon demand, to rc1mbur the Federal Rcierv Dank of an rancisco, F1:ical Agent of the nit d, in full for all charg nd expc.n · mcurr ·d in cmnectlon ith Lhe di.spoi 1t1c1n of said motor vehicle, and aulh •ri:.c& and ir, tm t · said to deduct from the proceeds of th.: sale of said motor vch1cl any of ucl1 E ecutcd cxynaes .in urrcd. a~ ~~tJ1is ~ay of ~-· 1942. fi i ( A -~· P&inily No. / l:J. {} ~ - 7 ,. .. . .... ~ MOtOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM ../..4 0 . - - - Film1ly Number .J 6 __ I Nam of l£gal Owner if different) Addr Lice111e 'Tler of Legal ,., Number_ /.- ,/ ? /. Milke of · • Ty D.iu Fir (Indicate 111011ber on vehicle)• He<1.tu .. / /.__ Lher~ Sp-are Tire(•) / Feig Light(~) ~ Radio. A <~ "'v...l'·___ ,_!."~.- -·------ --- Remark.~ ·-- WAIVE R i The moto1 chicle descnbed in thia form s deli cred to the ~edual Rl~nte lla k of San Francisco, 111 PiSC<ll Agent urned of the nited Stat , at the le nsk of the undtrslr.ned. It i5 agreed thnt 1. 1 liability or rupon 1b1licy ahllll be understood i5 It by the Federal Re rvc B nk { San for any act or OITU$ 'on in vnnection with ;rs di!position. thM no insuranre will he provided n th jJ fQ~rty. W1tne6!1e1 for Jllitcra tcs RECEIPT F.OR VEHICLE Place of Delivery__ - - - - · - - - - - - Receipt of the vehicle d nlxd above 1s hereby acknowl~dged . Representing tlic Pederal Reserve Ban~ of San F11111cis,o, Fisca l Agent of the Umted States. PJ.'\ce.d in ton e a - - - - -· ------··-- ------ ---------~---- ln1trucrions to Owner To be i\OC'.eptcd for rage by the m d motor \•chicle mu t bf 'in pro.per running 1>rdcr The pr · for rcgi enng nd Lit ring a mt ta e Govemm- nt, the r veliide is as foll rw : a) 11,e "tat Mot.or Vehicle Reg1 tl'1.tion Cer1i£cate ( r ti is ''ehiclc mur.t he e1 I mitted a1 the Oi ii Control Statwn, and three cop\es of thi f. · nn (PRU-3 will then be pr p1tired. b) Two copie of this form, tog her with tbe Re:gistrati · n Ccrtrficatr, will he handed to th evacuee for hie rrt.mtlon unttl arri 1 at. the dt, 1gnat.ed Ai mbly r...cnter. The third cop)r wiU be r taincd <tt th l\·il ntrol t.olt .011 . (c 'The vacuee will be giv n an 1dent16catl n tp~ which he will Lie aecurdy to t.hc SW!Iir g appar; tu& .of the motor vehicle. (d) On arriv1tl at ti\~ rl!bl ter tJ.c e acucc 111 deliver to the representative of the Federal Rc:sen1e Bank of Sm Fr.i.ndsco the l oopiea f th11 form. r.he R~l&· tratio.n Certilica tc. and t.he k )' s to the vehicle. (e) The reptesenta•Jvr of th Federal Reserve Bank of S~n PranclSCo will ~11eclt all number on the form and if found to be rr ct will acknowlcdi::e r ceipt of the motor vehicle by aignir g one cnpy of the fom1 and dcliverlr1g it to the evacuee. I( the motor vehicle deacribe<l in thil fom1 is lost, damaged, or deatmyed as the result of negligence while it is in the possession or cust.ocly of th United Statts, or any agc.ncy a.ct.in1' for it, the Congre!IS 1 f the tatc.s will he a Iced to take appropriate action for the benefit of the owner. • ;I; ... · ES'I BRN OEFE S COMMA.ND AND f RTI-1 ARMY WARTIME CIVliL CONT ROI. ADMI N lSTRATIO~ Sau Fra 11ci.1ico, C'...alifornia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * t'eCZptfon center &\, Evacu es v.ill not be! perrnrt cl w ~ke their motor rucl~ No ur~n wh t \•er can be giv n that fll'd \IC'C'.8 "111 be ·aabled at some future time to h vc t.J 1e 111 r ehi ~ f)O\ own .d by t.hcm returned fr..1r thell' indJVidual u~. The Un1ud St ta Army is authoriv.ed, in i discretion, to purchase motor vehicles from evacuees. ev~cuat.lon, Qlolm vehicles may be stor d, Id or otherwise diJposed of n r pm· tcly, v. itliout 1lnt.erference or asaistance. Prior l b the O\ ALTBRNA' IVES OP ST 'fhe other allemalivra pit rnl GE OR SALE d to the 1vacute v.•ho own a motor vthicle arc u roUowa · Altrr11a1l~r J, To dth\•tr hu mowr ''rh:1cle to Jlt"drnal ReH·1ve Bc.nk of Snn Prar1dsoo, 11 Pl cal i\ •rot of the Un11cd tat , for rage al the owner'• rnk, wit.110111 m urnnc;e, whi h •tora e will, in r:noftt u1Jranw. be in open a.rcoe (at A«1tmbly ;corer• or c.Lher de1ign11ted placu) and 111u1t c>f nec;tifitlty be c.f a cha.nctrr which v.·111 1bjc motor vehicle• Lo grut r than the appra.i ed value &O that the cncuec haa no c uit , no to tht U.nottd , 11,ll Im COftmmmoted. In ucb 111 in Lan the or any er d1lor to r p<m • or recapture, ae prCA·ldcd b)' la " ~·ill not be re •~tcd hy the custodian of the motor ''chicle. in tndoreed. D EFTNITIONS AND C NDITJONS a mote or le s rapid de1erioration . Afternatit•I' 2. To offer hi rnotor vch1clc for ult t.o lhc Unittd Ute• <>n the rc.Uowing bu.Ii: 1'bt me>Lor vehicle will 1-c apprai ~ ed hy two dim11 crutcd a ppr alacre and. iri ill dl1cre•ion and at rts op1i1111, the /\rrny ma)' buy the motor vehicle nt the appru~ed pncc which ~hall nvt, however, CJeted the IJ.lue Book whole ale value In tht localily v.·here thr p11 .ha'1" i~ oon umroaLcd. PURCHASE OP MOT R VEHI CLfiS BY TH UNITED ST A TES A T/ the e11clC\lct s NOT tht ltgcil 1>wner of the 111oto1 vehicle, in ordu to arrnc ·~ for a nlc to the Anny, 1· trtml present ti> the Ped• era! R ~grve Ban k l)f San Prandsoo, u Pi!cal .Agent of the Unit.ed StatCJ, at the Olvil Conuol Station, or auch oLhcr place 11 may be dir ctcd, the following: 1. Rtgi5tratlon certificate, duly cndpreed. l . The agreement on the revrrec hrnof, duly rignl:'d and wltne1 d. l . Such other authorlution and usura.nce a.a may M required by the fede ral Reeervc Bank of San Prandaco, 1ts l'i£cal /. gent of the t)nltcd Statca. Jn case the evacuee i1 nr..t lhe lega.1 owner, it mu&t he clt11rly under• atood tha t i( the indcbtednr 1 ngalnst the motor \'chicle it equal 10 or B If tl1e ev11otrr I Ult legal orvnrr of the motor wl11rlc, be mu~t, Addition to tbc f01egoin1, preacnt the owoenh1p 0tttlfic11tc1 duly Included rn the term "motor vehicle" ar the following: I . Pa amgcr cars, ligh1 and 111edium Heavy pusen(!er ca.rt in order w cornt withfo the purcl1uable c:ategol')' mu ! be claued oi "medmrn ", as the I\ 1 my is not authorh;ed to purchue any "heavy" pat en err car•. 2. Motorcycle.i. 3. BoaseJ and trucu of all typu, Jncluding piclt•up and delivery trud'6; and tractor1, includinit acmi•trudc tucton. It 11 not lrnended to include wi1hin the terlll "motor vehicle" tht11e 1clf-propcllcd motor \•ehklca •ulted only fo r faf'lll operntion . In the f:\•en t that the •llc of ny ::notur vehicle la not comple~d or appears not rn 1blc, the Federal RU( rve Bank o f San Francisco, aa Piaeal Agent of the United, acting for· and aa a •cot of r.he evacuee, rC!ervtl the nght to store illCh rnotor vehld c at the owner'• rid1., aa above act fort h, or to ma:kc uch otJ1 er di1potition or 1uch motor vehicle 11 ma.y, In Ira BOie discretion. ap pear to be Ju1t and equitable, including the right lo permit the lega l owne r o r auch motor vehicle to tak.c hi1 legal rccourac for rcpONuaion or otberwl1e. It J1 intended th at the above procedu re will provldc a fouible mean• protecling the intcreau or evacmu In thei r mot.or veh.itlea, withoct prejudice lo tbc intercrt5 of othC'tl therei n, and thUI wil l c ffect an cqui• t ablr di&po lllr.>n of auch property. o( t. • ,,.. ... . , t Agreement Re9a·r dlng Di1po1ition of Motor Veh1d& * TiilS IS TO CERTIFY that the uodera1gned hu read and understu1dt the in&truc· uon on the rever hcl'COf regarduig th ch r tion f th tntJIOJ" hide d Ab..-.d on 'NCC.A rm PR.D·3, ( · be att~ched hereto nd lllcorponted b' n:feren~ h ~ 111 if t.hit A ent. Ii gncd) which the undc:1'81gncd hu ~gned oon UIT ntly II hvtth Satd Inst ru ons and thOilC on the reverse f W CA Ponn FRB· 3 arc a plrt. of thi nt. The widcrsign;cJ de&ire.! to dlspose of the aforeAaid m®r vel1ide aocordlng to Ahem tive No. ..//-. _t forth on the rt>vcrae her f, and request& the Peder;il Th rve Brnk of San Prand o, a.a Fiscal Agent of the United Stat , LO act accordingly If the a ..omph•hm nt of t.h lt.emative h rem selected appears to said Ban , tn its de dlset1 11, imp "hie or not f 1blc, s:ud Bank 11 authomed tom k1: other dJ position of 1d m Jtor vehicle u it deems pr per. Said motor vehi le is d liver d to s:.1d Bank at t e 90)e riak of th underngned, nd reed that no lfabihty <1r r pon&ibility ~ha.I I attach to said Bank for any net or om • &Jon tn c1. n11c ion wi1h the handling of said m r velii le or dl 1tion of the pr cd 1t ts .t thereof. Tht undersigned further agrees, upon demt.nd, to reimburse the Ped ral lleaen B,ink of San ranclBCO, P1scaJ Agent of the nited , in full or all ch!U),Tci and ex pen lncurrtd in conn c- .ion with the di po•1Lion of said motor" :ha c, and authonte.s and m tru aid Bank lu deduct from the proceeds of the le of said motor vehicle any of uch cxr.enrea in urred. E~ecutcd aJ-1ffl~r"( this~ d;iy of ,Y:·_.1-; / :x '14-kY-:£;_0 Family No. \y~ , 1942. :;.;.', '/,,-t:.._-:v - . 9 MOTOR VEHICLE e REGISTRATION FORM _ Pamtly Number Addr 6f ,Sqq lu of .Regi ured Owner--i:L.:. Nam of Legal 7' (,) ""-~ a~c;. (24//~ wncr (tf ditTen:nt) Address of Legal ner_ _ / 7-___£-.L License Numbl'r Serlil Number - M ke f Vehiclr Engine Number_ Date Pmit Sdd Type of Vehicle_..._..: Acce&!l()r1eo (fod1c te nuT11ber on udricle): Heater J 11/ Q pare 'fire(s) an e __.._ - fog Light ( ) _2._ / ?{ ~ _ d, _ -s/_ L)r __ Radin .,./a__ l'L~ ----- -- _ Other-.............-_,__ Remark -WAIV ER The rn r vehicle descnbro in dw form i.i delivered t.o the Ptckral R rv.? Bank of San Francisco, a Fiscal Agent of the United , at the sole mlr of tJre unders.igncd. r is agrre<l that n liability or rupun lbility hall be a&SUme<l by the Federal Re&erve Danit o{ San FraocillCO f f any ct or ornWlpn in oonnecti n w1t.ih it4 dispo11ition It ia under ood th t no insurance wtll be provtded n this pro~rty. Witnessea · for ign turc of wncr Illil rates RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery__ - ---.·------- ------- - - -- - Receipt of the vehicle dcscribc<.l aboMe 1 hereby acknowledged. Oat." ---- --- -- - - -- - -- - th~ Federal Reserve Ban~ of Sa11 Pl.~cal Agent of Ult Unired States. Reprcienting Placed in S r: ge a ---- . -- - ·---..----.-_,_ ...,. Francisco, __ •• Instructions to Owner To be Aettpt«f for !.Orage hy th.e United St.ates Co mun nt, the motor thiclc mu t be in rop;;r running ortl r. 'The proo:dure for r ·gl t ring and st ring a motor \'chicle u f llov.'S : i ,· The Swe Mot r Vehicle Re •1stration C•1i16cate for r.hi ''elude must be submitted at the ivi! Control t.aticin, a11d Lhrec copie. of this form (FRB,l) will then be pqtp red. (b) Two coplea of this form, LO' ther with the Regi!tration Certificate, vdl be handed the evacuee for his n-t.eouon until arriv;tl at the det-ignated A ~ml->ly Center The third copy will be retain d at rhe Ci\'il Control Station. (c) The vacuce wtll be g1 en an id .nt1fic tion t~g which he Wlll tJc utcly to t.he stecn1 g a.ppar tua of the m r vehicle. (d) On url\'al at Lhe f\ nibl nter the evacuee wtll dclivcr to the repr •ntativc of the Pcdera.1 Reserve B<£nk of S n rM 51,:0 the two oopi~ of this form, tlie Regi•· tea · l Certilic; tc, and the ke-y to the dude. (e) The rtpre..C1Cnta~:f\• of the Federal Reserve Bnnk of San Franci!IOO will ,".heck. a.II numbers 011 th fonn and if found t.o be urr ct will acknowledge receipt of t.he mot.or vchlcl by signing one copy of t.he form and delivering it to the eva,cue.e.. If the mot.or vehi..le described in this form i 1 , dam gcd, or de&trO)'Cd as the result of negligence while it is in the ~ ion or cu'ltody of the U nitcd St.1tC'S, or any agency acting for it, the Congres of the United Sta t~ wlll he asked to take approprfatc a i n for the benefit of the owner. .. MM.AND AND FOURTH ARMY SB ARTlME IVJL CON ROL AOMCNISTRATION &n ranci5co, California INSTRUCTl'.ONS TO EVACUEES flEGARDING OlSPOSiTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * Evac\ n:u w1U Jl t I. permit t J t.a e Lhe:i.r mot £ ·cies to roa:pricm cent.era. o ;u;sura n ' •hate r , n be g1 ven that \ a.c1,1e 11 \ill be nabled at future time to hilve t.he not r th1d o •n by t.hcin rctumcd for t.h .ir indtvidual The Urntcd S tes Army i authom,cd, in Jt u&e. d.iac.ret.1001, t.O purcha · niotor '<ob.ides {rom evacuees. ri r to cva uati n, motor vr.h;dc may be stored, Id r otherw.iae di.spo.r;ed of by the owucr privately, -ithout. go interf.crenre or aS9i tance. AL1 •RNATIVOS OF The i>thcr <cm1t1· e• prci;cnted T RAGG lo the C'\'ICUU R SALB ho owm 1 motor ''chide art aa follow•· AltN·1111tin J. To dd1"cr hu oootor chicll' lo Ptdtra.1 Rcfien•e Bank an l'nntJ1.oo, u p,.u] A cnt ol the United Sta , fur t• 'ragt Ill the uwner' riRk, without m uanc:c; ~·hich ~toragr 1111, m mollt 1n•t.nceb, b in open areas (at /\.511embly Ot:nte~ or other pla<IU) and must of neee ity be of a character which will subject mO\or ''c:hiclcJ to ~ more or lrflJ rapid det.erior11ti(Jll. Alttr11atit-11 2. To ofltr IUI me>tor ·chicle for sale to the United State1 on the folluv.·ing baw: The motor ••chicle wtll bt appm ed by lW\I dl11ntrre te-d 1ppraisrt1 and, in iti di•cr lion a.nd at llt op11on, the Arrny may buy the rnotor vehicle at the apprn .d price which hall not, hCYWtvn, exr..ced the Dlue Book wholcaalc: valu~ 1n the localit)• where the pur·ohallC' is (l(l'f\l\rmmated , P RCHASB OF MOTOR V HICLHS BY THE NITED STATES /\ If 1.hc ettdri.u 11 NOT 1l1r Iego I ownrr of rhe '"otor vehfck in ordrr to arranr.r for a nle the Arm)', he mun prr ent to the Ptd• eral Rtlltrve Ba.nlc of San Fnmd~"O, u PlKlll Agent ol the United Sta tu, at the CIVIi Control Staticm, rir 1ucli other ('laC4': a may br direct~d. the follO'afog: I. Regs tra.tion certificate, duly cndor~d 2, The agrrrmt·nt on tht' .rcverec hereof. duly,.; •ntd and wltneued. ). Such ot.brr authorlz:i.tion and a urance at may be required by the Pedcral Rr.•erve Bank ol San Fnnciaco, u Fiscal Agent o( the United Staie.. In cue the cvacute u not the leRal owner, it must be clurly under• awod that if t c lndebt dntM against the motor vehicle i& equa.J to or grnt:tr than the pprai~d value IO that the evacuee hat no equit)'. t10 6ale to the Unmd S1J1te1 ~~11 !>~ c-o:..um111<1ted. ln fl!ob an in ta r tbc rigl t o( all)' crtd1tc>r to tcponen or r~capture, u provided by law, will not be reaiPted by the CUJtodlao ol the motor \•cbltlc. B. If tl1e ct111ci1rc lS rhc ltgol Ol(•fltT' uf the motor vthldt', he rn11ht, tlse forc~erlng, pr amt tht o~·ner,l 1p fe.rt1facatt, duly in 1tdditioo rndortM!d. DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS Incl1.1d d 1n che tcnn "motor vehicle" art the following: 1. Puicnger car , li&ht and medium . Heavy puvc:nger can in order come within the purchiuable catrgory must be cl1.11td a1 "mrd1urn ", u the Army i• not authorir.ed to purchlllt any .. hel'•y" p~•~ngcr car . U• 2. Motorcyclea. l. 8u&$CI and truck• of all t yp a, illcludin& pick-up and delivery truclt•: and tractou, including 5emi•truck tractor•• lt l& not intended to include within the t.erm "motor vehiclt" tho aclf·propelled motor vehidu wlt.ed only for farm operation. In the event that the nle of any JllOtor "ehide i• not oomplmd or appcare not. fcu1blc, the l'edcral R 1cl"\te Bank of San PrancitcO, u Fiscal t\gent of tl>e Un ned Sta.tea, acting for a.nd u agent of the evacuee, reservet the nght to store 1uch root.or vehicle at the owner't risk, at abo\'e 8Ct fonh, or to make tuch other dl1J>ositlon of auch motor vchide u may, !n It.I sole dillGTl'tiOA, appear to be just and equitable, indudlng the rlghL to perm lt the leg11.l owl)cr of Ruch mot.or vehicle to t.ake his legal rcoouree for repouenion or otherwi1t. Tt i1 ir1tendcd that the above procedure will pro"idc a fraalble mea11t protecting the intcruu of cvacure1 iln their motor vehiclu, vdthout rrejudke to th e lntercste ol or crt thereJn, and thus will cff<:c.t an tqui· tahle dl~position of ruch proptrt)'. o( e WOCA 1'011111 .. ·• Agr ement R garding Diapo1ltion of Motor Vehicle THI l TO CERTlPY Lhat the und rsig1icd bas read and undetitan w lt true· llOOS on the reverse hereof rega.tding the ch p bt>11 o( the mu r chicle detimbed lln WCCA F rm RD·3, (to be a.tt41ched b re a.nd 11' orpoated by re ercnce helein if thia Agreement. is ·gned] whic11 the unde · ned hH sign~ ooncurr ntJy herewith. Sajd iJ uu 'ons and th n the r(..-ve f Woe.A Form FR.B.· 3 are" part. of tJ1i Agreement. Th unde 'gned del.lre& to dispose of tJ1e afore11a1d mok'>r v"hi le according to Alternauve No. . . aet forth on the revenie hereof, and rt.quci; the Fed ml Reaer"e Bank of San Fra.ndeco, as Fiscal A1r·nt o the United tat , to act accord1111Jy. If th ac mplir.hment of tJ altemati\•e herein I ed appear to said B&n , an 1 le dis· cret.ion, Lm 1ble r nl>t ftt ible, said Bank ls authorited 10 make uch other d1 ·uon of said m or \'ehi le as it deems proper. L aid motor,, h1cle is deliv r .d i.o id Bank at the !Ole risk of the: unders.ignw, and it is agreed th t no liability or ruporndb1lit)• hall att.ach to said Ball· for all)' act or omi&i n 1ll COJUlC tlon with the handling of said motor veru I or ch p ition of the fl cl! t.hl'reof. The uocler 'gned further ngr s, upon demand, to reimbur the ed n<l R e..:rvc Bank nf San Prancill<...o, P1scal Agent of the Unit d Sui.tes, in full for all charge. a.nd expcn incurred in connect! n with the dispo 1tson of &aid motor v hi le, and itutl ri.:;ee and instruct 1J D.tnk to deduct frorn the proceeds of th le of snicl mot r vehicle any of u h expensea incurred. B•:;t"~IJ$~--~-thi:j••r ~' ~ 19: of. / ~7~ __ .~ _ Family No._ '/- L- b _ • .' MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Add Mak of Date Fir t ,o.-:_. -<:/ F /-E. ~ Type of V rude_ Jd / Accesl!Ontll ( fo icatc number on tJtl1icle) : Spare Tire( ) Hcau:r umh:r Engine V~hide .Lf!u .r /hf J Fog Light( ) ...__ _ { _d ~C Radio - / ! _ _ _ __..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Remar ----·--·-- ---··- ............ WAI VE tht. F dcnl Re.serve n, nk of San Fnnrisco, .s Pis.!al Agent The m tor vclU le deacn d in this f rm u deli •er~d pon ibihty shdl be aliS\lmed of the Urutcd States, at the &Ole ri k f tl1e under r ncJ , It 1s agre d that r.J liab~ity or by t.he Feder I ~n·e B. nk of San rLnctSOO f r any ~ tor umi 100 in onDect1on with 113 di position. It is uncle that oo msura nee will be pro ided n thi property. Witne59C11 . for Illiterate RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ - - - - - Recd pt of the verudc described above IS hereby aclo owl d red. Date_ Placed in S rage at. the Federal ltes 1ve Ban~ oj San Francis o, Fiscal Agmt of the United S Reprt61.'tl~i?lg ------ - ----·-------- ----·--------·~ • • • • Instructions to Owner rage hy 1J1e rutec.1 State roper running c rde r Tiu: p " ur' f r r ~1s1.enng and . roring <1 Go\•emment, th mcJ! r vdticlc is il.ll follow : (a) Tl1c M or chide Rcgi t rati11n CCTciliColt for th i~ ch1de mu he subrhi ted at the Civil xmtrol Stahcm, anJ th copies of th 1 form (FR 'IM) ' ill the I\ be prcpa red \1 (b) Two CY.•fl of this form, t :l(1; with th RegiHr:tt1t111 Oertrficu . will he h nded to the evacuee for hi retention un1tl .tm\ ! ~t he d~ ign11ted A .,,..mbly ' nter. The th1rl OOJ"Y \~U • ret;Ltncd , t the "·ii Contr l\ '. t, hon. (c) TI1 c i.. wtll tic vehicle (d) gt · n. an 1drnt1ficat1on ag wluc:h he , will I ·c: rd}• t the i;teerm' app 1 tu of tl1c motor n iirm I it th nter the evacuee ·111 deliver to the rc1 r · nl1tt1v of the dera.I Reserve B.111k of an FrJn.-1i;co the t wo cop• o t..hi forrn, the R gi"' tra lion Cerhtica tc, and thl! kcy91 '> the •chic.I . k ' (e) The rep · ·ntath-c o the F ckr 11 Reservto 'Bartk of an ranci1oro Mil check all number on the ( rm and if found to he corr ct will acknowledge r ·c 1pt of the mt,tor vcl1iclc hy gnm r ne copy of the form and del 1veri ng it to the evacuee If the motor vch1.:lt desc ribed in th is form is lost, damaged, or destroyed as the r suit of nc hgcnce while it is in t11e ion or cucLody of the United, or any agency a mg for it, the Congress of the nitecl States will be a~ked co take appropriate action for the netit o( the owner. . ~~~~~Q~~~~~<rlt~*~Q~~*~ .. e - ' 'ESTBRN DEFENSB COMMAND AND FO RTH ARM ARTIM er 11. c NTROL ADMlNlSrRATION INSTRUCTIONS TO EV ACUE~S REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * ten pt.loo t he pmnttt d w tlLke motor eludes v cuces \! ill e future time No whtttc\er i:an be gh•e-n that a uees ill be es hied a.t now o m by tlien1 r n.uv1e-d fer I.heir ind1 ·idua.l u . to h ve tJ1e m r ,. In 11\e U 1t.ed Sratc.a Anny is a thonzcd, l rom e acuecs. 111 ita discreuon. to purcluse m r.or vehldcs nor to e acuat.ion, m wr vehicles may be •· red, it•ld or otherwl&e di posed of by the owner privately, vitbout gov rnmental inter( r n 'C e>r asillSt.ance. ALTERNA IVES OP ST RA B OR SAL The olhtr a.h4'rmu.11• d1irlr are u foUowa· prr•cntrd to thr C\•acuee who own• a znoLC>t Alter,.,,tiu J, To deli •e r !ti! mC1tl>I' chicle to Pf'dtrr.I RCAtetvt. Bank of San flr~!ICI co, all r il\l'.al Anent of tl1c Umu·d Llt tCR, fot LW"•gt. at the ovoncr'• ri Ji, without insurance, whir tClr •t will, lo 11.wat inah6c:U, be in open area (at Asi;cmbly Centers or other dcsigriaLed places) and mull of nccc ly be o f a characttr wh1cb \\Ill ubjecl motor vehiclea LO a more or len rapid dettrioration. A ft~Nl.llli"t 2. To ollrr his mot on the follawlug bads: 1 v hide fc.r ale to the Unit d t.1te1 The motor vd1j le 111111 he ilpf>rmed by ''"'O duinttrcetcd appn.i ere aod, 1n JLS d1 rcuon and ~t 1i.. r>pllnn, the .Anny tnay buy the motor \11·hicle al ~he aprrai.r:d price which h II riot, however, exceed thr Blue nook whcile.e.le ,·aluc in thr locality "'here the purcha1•e i1 consummated P RCHASE OF MOTOR VEHI LES BY TI{E NfTED STA ES A. If the n0C1Jee 11 NOT the legal ou•n tr of thr, motor whlde, l«J anange for a ale to rhr t\rmy, he mUJt prc1cnl to the Ped· era! Reserve Bank of San Pranr.i , 11 PJscal A gen t of the United tatc1 1 at tne OYi! Control Station, or u h other place •• may be di rectrd, the following: in order I. R l"gi~tra tion c:e.rt!lioa tc, duly endorsed. 2. The agreement on thr. r ve.rsc btrrof, duly &lgncd and wltneued. 3. Su ch Cit.her authorir.atlon and the Ped cra.I R.raerve Bank of Sa n nitcd St tu. I.! urancc aa may be n:qufred by ranci11Co, u Jllscal J'.gcnl of the In cue the c1•acuec 11 not thr lrr:al owmr, It m\llit be clear!)• under• stood that if the iodebttdneu again the motor ·1ehicle iJ equal to or greater t11an apprallicd viJue Ii<! that C\'ICUt" hu no Clj It)', '"IO Jale to the Utnttd St re• •111 be consu111m ted. In uch an instance l he n l ol a.ny creditor to repo tcu 01 recapture , u pw idcd by law, will not be re 1titcd l>y tbe cuLwdtan of the motor \eluclc. B. If the ~11401ee IS tlic legol own tr 'If the 1n C11or 11ehule, he mur.1, i11 addition lo the fore oinJ, pre11c11t lhe ow.n1· r~rup CfrtifiClltc, duly endo~d. D FI JTIONS AND C NDITIONS lndudrd In tit term "motor ·ch.icle~ art tlie following: I. Paa.en rr care, Ii ht and medium. Heavy paLscng r cara in ord r to coJDc within thr purchaca.ble a tcgacy mu1t be cl td H "mrdium", a1 the Army I• not a.uthori,rd to pu1c:hue aoy "heavy" pu cnger can. l . Mc.torc:yclra. Bussc1 and trucks of all type•. including pick·ur and dellwry truclu: and tractors, including acml-Lruck t ractora. ll it not intended lo Include within I.lie t~rm "motor \'ehlc.le" tho111: acl!·propetlcd motor vebiclu 1ulted only for farm opention. Jn the evtllt thu: the. sale of any 111otoi thicle ie nc>t complett cl or appura oot feiu1blc , the ed ral Re er1•e Bank of San J:lranci co, 11 !teal /\ cnt of the United State&, acting fo r and ft agent of the evacuee, naervc1 t.hc ri ht to ttorc euch motor vc.hicit at the ownr r'• riRk, iu a bo ve art forth, or to mdce ruch other dupOlitlon of wch mot.or \rtblde ru may, in it. llOle djscretJ011, a.ppta.r to be ju I and equitable, including the right to permit die legal o•vncr of 'ucb motor vchlcle to take hi1 legal ucouree for rc:ponesalot1 or otherwise. Jr it Intended t11at the lbow rcx:cdure will provide 11 fcu1ble mcam of protecting the intetcru of evacuees In their motor vehaclu, without rrtj ud cc to the interuta of othtn therein, and thua will effect 11n equi• ublt dirpMitian o f 5Uch property. e e ., .. ' Agreement Regarding Disposition of Motor Vehicle * THI lS TO CERTIFY that the unde igned bas read and under&t.a11da the mstruc• t1ona on Lh r verec hereof regarding t.lie di p~iti in of the CJ r '' hide describe-cl on WCCA furm RB·l, (to be- attach d he~c:to and me poratcd by referent if thu Agreaocnt ii gned] hic:b the under gntd has signed concurrent.I}• her with. &id m n1ctioru anti thooe n the M•ere.c of OCA Porm FRB·~ are a part of tlua Agreement. The uod" 'gncd d ires to di ~.e of the aforo 1<l motor vehicle aooordmg w t forth n the reverse hereof, and reque.! the Federal R~l'\!e Alt 'rnat1\ No. _j Bank of San Fran :isco, u Fuica..l Agent of the United Stat· , to act accorchn ly. If th ;iccomp uiluncot o the lternat1 e herein selected appur& to Silid l3;1nk, in 1U . le d er :t on, 1m 1. ~1blc or nut fca ihl , · 1d Bank is auth n:ed to such other disposillon f s.11 I mu r vehi c u it de ms proper. S id ml1lor ' 'chide i~ deli\ler <l to aid J3ank at the wle ri&k of clle und r gned, and it 1s agre ·J that no linbllity M respon 1hil1ty &hall 11ttach to .said Bank { r any act or omu• ion in conn1:cllon with the handling f said motor vehicle or dibf)O~ftion of th proceeds thereof. The fort.her agreca, upon del.IUl1'ld, to rcimbur th Fe<lcrnl R r11 Bank of an francisc , Fiscal Agent of the United States, in full for all charge.a and J.pen incurr d in connection with the d1sp 1llon of r.;ud motDr vehi le, and auth ri a11d 11 truct aid B nk to dedu t fr m Lhc proceeds of the sale f said mowr ''ehicl any of uch exu~<.es i:;{, faecute<lJ~ ~~i , -;;..~day orL{t7--t~ . 19·f2. __7~,V~~ Family No. /~'1 3 ~ MOTOR (Str Name of Reg terl.'d Add ner_ _;:;L o( Regi&tcrc:d Owrier_ _ Name of Le aJ Owner (if different Addre of Le al Owr. r _ _ . / Licenne N umhc.r itutrtulHtlU Oii bo:c:£. ld /_r/ t..//, ~ ( / slJr~I) __.. ../ ~ p truly Nwnl.JC'r_/~ 3 ?, - '~- fl_l~_Y_ ~ / /'t:?" ~ - ? 7 . _ ~ ~- /~,,..<:~ (?~7- ~ 9V~~~ _ "'\- - tlris _.,,,,. ~ - / •c.1-·,e./. AJ, /~ ~' ~ ~ ~.4 ./ ~ ( lndic re number on vehirle) of / ._,//uC.......~c-~ Senal Numher_ (;r;.~ C:. 11.'7{;! ( ~--" Make of V h1clr Ace REGISTR TION FORM VEH~CLE ~ . ___ . __ - Engine Numbtr Type of Vehi. ~ Spart Tire( ) le-~~, I Pog Ugbt(s) - Radio _ _ _ v WA IVE The m tor ·ehtcle ucnbc I in !hie form l's d ·liverrd to th lederal Rtstrve Bank of S n Francisco, aa firal Agent urned of the Um~d St.ale , at th sole nsk of the undcrsigmJ It rs a1~recd th:i r•.J liability or re ponStbility hall he trod und is It "tic•n. di its with hy the Ped1ml Jlcserv Bank f San Prancisco f r anr a t or orni ton J1J 'O nn ion t.hat no insurance w1tl J p~1dcd on tlus pre pcrty. W1t n for Illi te r.1 tea RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ ------ Receipt of the vchldc descii d above 1s her by a knO\ I d~cJ. Dai.___ _ __ Representing the Federal Restrue Dan~ of an Francisco, Fisra l Agent of til e United Statl.' . Placed in S rage at - - -- - - - -.--.--·--- ·-------~ ----- .. . . . , . . l'1•tructlo..n• to , Ow·n er Tu , c <'I tcd m t r vchklc rnu fol' t mg by llw Unit t.I S1a1es f\V rnrncnt, th JI t bf. In l)l'flf)C r rnnnin r nr lor. 1h 1w1 c lur · for r '(!' t •r.111, .ind torin • 1 mutor hi I 1~ t oll 1w~1 (.1) Thr • Late Mot or V hide R1·f{l tratlnn Certificate for thlA vehl I• rll11 ~1i I 1mh1t1itt t.I nt tho Civi l 0 ntrol t.ttfon , , mJ tlJI' cop 'cs o( thr (1100 (PRIM) w ll th ·n. h pr~·par-d . (h) Two coplc .. . < ( thla furrn, tr•gethcr with thl' Reg! tr,1111 n will he hancl d to tlw va ucc few hl.1 rete ntion until ttrr!v I ,11 llu, d · ignntcJ " 111hly C(·nt r. Th thiHI c py will I '~ rrtalnr<.1 :it th i 11 Cont r ii Rtn.lmn. . JI Ocrt1fi ca~o. ...... ( ) Th rv, 11 will h • glvrr~ H11 'itfi·r'i't fi.c.i.tlon t t~ 'wlil h lw wlll ti oc ui· I>• ~o th· at.c dpjt appaJ·.itu uf tbc tn v hi le. 1 (d) On 11rrfv~I at th . (\ rphly ~nt r th .va~ ucc will deliver to th · rcpn'. •ntatlvc ,,f thri JI J ind Re~r r 1• B.rnk nf Sn rt flraoui ~I th t\YC) llt I j 'II of thlt foflll1 t.h R ((I tr''tl<!I' Cort ffic11h~ 1 1m( th1: kc to the vchj~I , Th· rr p ot. dvi'.- cif the fl ·ti rill ll ·rve n, rik of Sun llr~ n f~o will .hC' k all n11111~r on tllt: form ar IJ if fli11hd to h<: rorr-ct will a kn1Jwlt:<lgc t"crlpt nf th · 111 t r chkl ~ l•y 11l1111ing nnc copy of Lhc: form (I ncl <l •liwrl11u it to the 'VllCIJ CIJ, \ ,9 • If ~he nmtnr v11hlcl • de rl J In ~hi form is l u~t . d1111ir1gccJ, nr ll' t roycd " the r ult of ncgllg1 i1 ·c whll' It I In th pOMC fun or 11,wJy n( th United • , or nny ugcncy n11 lnu fur h, the .ongrcs of the L'nltetl Btntc.s will b• nakr.d ro tnk approprfntc rirt/011 (or thr ·u fit. of the own r. 1 I 1 ii !I I II I (' . e B 'ES ERN D •• • WARTl. i MMAND ' URTH ARM D CIVJL C NTR l. ADMINJSTRATJ N Sao, California INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * te: mot r v cl to rccepuon rs will be enabloo at l(Jlne fot ttm~ d1t1r wd1VJdual uac. now own d y them r turned ·.nnit d No a Uflll • whrll hl\•c Lhe m t r to 1.0 tak 1 The U1 1ted Stat.ea Arm!' it authon:.ed. to 1r 11.& ai!Cretion, to purchaee m r "ehicl s m cvacue . red, Prior to cv cuati n, motor hid may by th owner pnvat ly• ..: -ith ut 1;0 ·crnm ltal uterf n::nce ALTERNATIV P STORA B The oLlitr altrrnat.wo prt c11ted to the " cur R SAL ,..)10 o~·m a mo r \•chide are at foUowE: A ltrrnoti~• J. Tu drlivrr hi• mowr \'th1tle c.o flcdtrlll RtFCrvc Banlc ra cat the C>f an, 11 1~cal A rnt of tl•e Un11cd t.atcn, for ownr1 ·• mk, wnhout iniuranc 1 ·hich Mc•ra •e w111, in 1no r rn1taneu, be in oprn aru1 (at At mbly Crnters or oth.. dr 1 natcd placr1) and ~I object motor vtltialte to '.llU!L ol nrce 11 )' be ol a chara tr wbJch a m<>rt or lesa ra p1d dcrerioration. Alltr1101lvt 2. To o6rr hi1 mlllor \•ch1dr b11c Is: (or .ale to thr Unittd State on tlic folluwln Thr molot vrhicle will he ipprlli d by two di~tntrrl' ed apprat rs and, in ii.I thacr lion nd at 1 <>prmn, the Anny may uy the motor \'chide at the 1pprai1cd pnce v•hlch ~hall not, howt\•cr, c.lccrd the Blue Book wholesale •1alur in the loC'allty whcl't' t he l'Urch&..l;f i• consummated PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHIC..."L S BY THE NITED STATES t\ , If th~ tt'4cua iJ NOT rht legal ownt1' of tht moror vt'hlclt, the P d· in ordrr ro arrange lor a 11le tt> the Army, he roust pm•cnt rra.l R '+l:rve Banlc of an Jlnnci o ae i11Ul A cnt of tlic United State , at rhe Civil Con crol Station, •) r euch ot.hrr place u may be dirrctcd, the loUowing: d f a.8&1SW1ce. grcarer than the apprai1td nlne to thar thr evr;rur:r hu no t.qu1t)'. WIO ,ak to I.he United t41 tCI w11ll bt cot11u'11mored. ln •uch an mb14noe li1 11&ht 0£ any Cl ditor to rrpo- Or rccaptUI , ll provided hy Ja1ro•, will nClf be rc1JJ11'd by the cuswdian of I ht motor vdJcl . .8. If the n•ac1m JS rhc ltaol 011111n of rhe 111"t°" wlndt, he 111u~t. in addition t< the lorcgoinc, pr111tnt the 01."nerllh1p oen16c1.t.t, dult endor11ed. DE JNJTlO SAND CONDI'fl lncludtd 111 s tl1t term "mot r vcJ1icle'· ue the lollowin I. Pa 1eogct cara, light and mrd1um . Hr11vy pat.&tnerr car• in order to crnnc wtthJn the purchanble cate ory mu t he da ed 11 "mrdti.m '', at ti e Army in not 1•11borittd to purchuc any "heavy" pa n&fr car• l . Motorcydea. 3. Buuc1 and 1ruclu of all t.ypu, includln11 p1ck·up and delivery truck1; and tracton, includ n semi-I ruck tractor1. It i not mtcnded to include within the tum "motor vehicle" tho1t ielf•propeUcd motor vthlclet ruked only lor farm ope1ation. 2. The grecmrnt on the rcvtt c hereof, duly Ji:ncd and witnessed. ln the evrnt that the 11le of any mo r vthJclt II DOt complcte.d or appun not feuiblc, 1he cderal ReGe!Ve Bank of San Francmo, a l1cal Agent of the United Stalu, acting lor and u agent ol the eva::uct, rc1ervea the right «> store cuch motor vchide at tht owner'• rislc, u above Kt fo rth, or to make 1uch oLhtr disposition of lUch motor vehicle a may, In ita fl()le d!1cutioa, appear to be Jmt and, including the right t.o permit the legal owntr t1I such motor vehicle t.o ttke hl1 3. Such other authorization and n uranc:e aa may be required by lci:al recourac for rrpoutnion or otbero,1iae. I. Reg1 tratlon ccr1 ificatc, duly endor1cd. the Pedcral Rel!'rvc Bank ol Swn Franci100, as P!ical Arent of the niud St.atu. ln cue the evacuee ls nnt the lrgal owner. Jc rn1ttt be denly under• atood that If the indebtednr al(alnst the motor vchlclr l• equal to or It is intended 1hal the abm•e pre>«dun• will provide a fusible mtans of protect.Ing tbe intcrtbU ol t\'llCUres in th~ir motor "'l'h1elee, withc•ut rrejudice to the inreruta ol othcn tbcrtin , sn•~ thus voill tifcd an cqui• table disposition ol •uch property. e wecA. ~'"'"' ~"" ' " Agreement Regarding Di1po 1lt1011 of 1 otor Vehicle * TRIS 1 TO C R.TIP!' that the und r&igned hu ind u.ndersta.nda the instruc· iuon of the mctor \•elude deacribcC: on t1ons on the r er&e hereof re&ra.rding ilie di incorporattd by rcfe nee herein 1f and WO A Form FR&3, [to be attached hereto this A r.!Clrlent u lligned) which the undmllgned ha.s gned concurrently here vith. Said in&IJ'U Agnement. ons 1nd th on th• re\1ene of WOCA f"Oml FRB·~ are a part of thts The under 'gned de&irei to di pose of the af<>resald mot.or v hide according to Altemati No. ~t forth on tlle t't.'\•er • h reCJf, · nd rtquest.s the F deral Reser e Bmk of San Francisco, ilB Fiscal Agent of the Uruted Sta.ta, to " t accordmgl}r. If the acoon: plu..hrnent of the\•e herein appears S1Ud ~nk, in tts 601e dis· -rcuon, imp 1hle or not E lblc, 'd Bank is author ired to su 1 other disposition of said mt r tVchlclc as it deems proper. Said mo r vehicle is dc:livercd t.o Siiid Bank at the oole r!U of tl1e undersigned, and it i agreed that no liabHitir or rcspon1ahility shall attach to Bilnk for any act Gr om1B· SJOn in connection with the handling of said motor ve.hide or die.posit.ion of the proceeds thereof. The uoder&igned furtl r · gnu, upon demand, to reimbur t.he Federal Rcsen c Dank of Sru1 ram:iecc, Fiscal Agent of the nited State&, tn full for all charges and expenses incurred i.n connc ion with the dispos1t1on of id motor vehicle, and authorl:,e.s and irutruct i<aid Ba.nlt lo deduct from the proceed of the ale f said motor vehicle . in urred. any of uch cxrt. E•0<utod ,J~t'fµ/~4-A> or-(¥ . 1942. . ~_/~~-~ Family No,_./ 4"<::? ~-? §:__ ' e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Adur" oflte ' teredOwu P.O.Box {>__ L1cen Number P1rBt A ~· ld Ford ed I!ngme _ _ I_ umber T)•pe of V h1 pa re Tire( ) ____ ___ l ___ Fog Light s) ... er _ _ none 'trt _t . Lo Sena! Number_ _ __ rics (lndm11~ mnnhe1 on vd11c1e) : H ater "" -.= Sc-;....;..:...=..::::..=;_ -11 kc f \I thiclc_ Date ox 59 P •. _c_ .111 orn1 'l' N.1me of Le'•al Owner (1f d1tT.:rtnt) Address of Legal Owner _Lo !ll)Qo_. R marks· Regi tntion o.ard .~d. a~ 9 . ow .:r.: 1942 to DeIJartment ot ot~r h1ole Californiatr ator to aboye .name _ ... _,_ _.., 9~rd ~- l!a Div_1_ ion o~ None _____ Radio . None . _bjen ~t t1o.n of Sao r amento • WAIVER le d rlhed in t11i• form ~ dthvcrai t the 11alrra1 R .serve Bank of S n Fran 1K .o, a Fis I Agrr L of thr rut d States, at tie le risk of the undenl ned. It 1~ ~$!recd t.11at no liability or re poruahrlity mall he a urned hy th<' l:' dernl R erve B;ink of S-m P(llncJ.BCO for any ll or ouusqon in nncction with tts d1 pc 1ti n. It 1 und rt ,J The motor Ll-iat no insur, n \' Ch1 will he pr iJcd on t.h' pro rty. Witnc.ssc for Illiterate.a RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_.---·---~- --....--· R·ceipt of the vehicle descnbed above is hereby acltn()wlcdged. Dat ~------ llepmcndng chc Fede ral Rm:rvc Ban~ of San PTa11c1sc-o, Fi$cal Age11t f the TJ11iud States. Placed in Storage at _ _ __ -- ---~- -------------- Instructions to Owner pt a fc..r torage b)' the Un.It ~ States Gowmment, the mo c 'ehicl · must be m J- per rur1mng order, 1hc pr ccJure f r r gistrring and toring a motor chicle l as follow : late Mot.or hi le Rrgi trat1rn Cert1fie<1tc fur this \•eh1cle must be 'itlbmll tl d at thr. "1vil (}:)ntrol talion, and time cop11.·s of tlus form fRB·l) will •hen I pi-e,rarcd (a) The I ) 'I' \ > c.01 je of this form, together with the. R g11t ration Certsfi ate, will be handed to the e11a. u e for h1 r ten 'on unttl am a.I at the d~ 1 •natcd A c;e,in~I>• ~ntcr. The third COJ v will he retained .it the Ci11il Control t.at1 n. (c) The f:\•acute Mil b gi •en ,,n identi6cat · n g •h1ch he '~ ,11 tie · urel>• to th ~tc~nng :iprarat of t c rnvtvr vehicle. ( ) C n arriv.1 at the As · n Ir tcr the C\la u c will d..Jiwr to the n:pre nt;1t1v· of the Flder.i.J Rcscl"\I Brnk e> fhn th tw copw.s of this nn, the Rcgi.. tr· ti n Ccrtifie<1tc, (r ml the k.:ys t the vehicl . r pre nt.mve of the Prd r;1I Reserve D· rik of an r.iuc11lCO "111 die k .di numl •r on tl1e form rnd 1f fo11nd to be cnrrc t ' 111 a knowlc<l •e r-.:dr of the ffi\•lor vd11ck I y 1gn1ng one wpy of the form anJ delivering it to the 111r vacuee. the m tor \•chicle described in th1 form 1s It t, damagl·d, c d tro)•ed the re.ult of ncl'llgen e while it is in the po ion r cu tocly of t:hc l nitcd tatr~. rir any ;igen y a ting for it, the Congre of the nited t;, e• will l:ed to ke ppropriate &C' i n r r tl e benefit of the I( all o ner. ••• . WES RN D AR' IMB D AND F URTii ARMY COM N . lVIL C NTROL ADMINISTRA lON San t'ra 11cisco, Calif t1tla INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSfTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * pti n ntera. '"111 noL be pcnnitted ( No ·uran v..hat.e\cr he given that e •& ueea e future ume to hav 1h m >1 l.'WU I :s rm own~d by them aturmxi f r U 1r it di\'ldual use. Tb Umt d S!" u. Ann)• >II authorized, l.ll it.a dlSCl'CU n. pure.hue motor •ehicles f roro \•acuees. Pn r to e\ u u n, rooror elud may be by the wner pnv ly, w>t.hout 0' cmm1mt l 1nt.erferen ALTERNATIVES OF S RAGB ORS The other alternauvc pre ntcd to tl.e vn ''rhfde Ille a1 fonovw IJ t ho owr.1 ~ motor tdcral Rurrvc Bank o( San l'ra.nd co, ns Ftiral Agenl ( he nitcd SLatr , for storage al 1.he o oer'• n k, without 1nt11ranc , wl 1r.h lo1<1~c 1vJ11, in IQOIL .in1tance, be in opl'll arrat (Ill Ammbli• Qn1 r or other de li;natc:d place ) ind mu t of nee ty be of a character wh1th will •ubje niotor vc:h1cle1 o a more or le 1 r~pid dctcrlor111Jcm, Altan•lwe 2 To offrr lut1 mutor vehicle for Aale to the StalcA on 1hc full owrng ba la: Thr mntor ''rh1de will he app rki cd l· • I 1 disi11 ere ttd appr,iM:n and, m jtt discretion and at rt t>pt1 011, 1he Arm)' rn11y bu y the mCilor vehicle a.l the a ppr oi d priu which hall not, howcwr, e· ~cd the Dlue Book ""hole ale value in the IO<'alily \\ herr the purcha.e IA con•umma ted . P RCHASB OF MO'T R VEHICLES DY THl:l lT -.o STA ES dupoJCd of r USI lance. grru r t.han the apprai cd value IO that the c •11cuee h.u no c~uJI)'. no 'Ale to the Umud St.atcr ""II br 01U11mma1ed , Jn uch an cc Lhc naht of any creditor to rcpo • or reeapturc, r pr<> ~ ed la '• will not be re 16Ud by the of the motor vehicle. B If tlic rt•clCUU IS the lc11ol owner of the .otor \lrhick he snu<t, m ac.khtioo the foregoing, prMcnt the O"wncr !up otrti6catc-, d1 I)· rndorftfd , DBFINITIONS AND NDITIONS lnd1Jdrd m the erm "mot.or "chicle"' are the following: I. Paa en er cu , liil•L and mtdium, lictvy puse.ngcr c~n in c rd r to come v.1tlun the r1.11chaaablt r.ale ory rnu&t bt clll! <t·d u "in drum"', u the Army 1s not authorued to purcha~ uiy "heavy" pa sen er car 2 }..wtorc)'clea. l . Bui.te.1 and trock1 of all t)'J>CI, inrJuding p1ck•up and ddlwry lrudu; and tractor&, lncludinic emi•truck tr1ctora. IL Is nut Intended t.O include within the rm "mr1tor vehicle" Lhoee moLor 11ehiclr11uiud only for farm operation. Kif propellrd A If rhc ro<l('uee 11 NOT rhe ltg f 011mtr of 1he motor vehicle, In order tll arrange for a allie to the Army, he mu t pruent to the Ptd• era! Rc•H•'e Bank of San Prandsco, a Pi~l Agent of the nlttd SLa -. at the Civil Control St:.t1on, or uth other place aJ may be directed, the folio •ing: J. Re ~i6trat.ion certificate, duly endorsed. 2. The agre~mc1\t on the re ·erae hereof, duly signed and witncucd . 3. Such othrr authori7:Mtlon and ai urancc ae may be required by the Federal Rl!lcrve Bank of Sa.n PrandlCO, a Plse&l Agent of the United Statr.1. In C1I e the C"'acute u not the lrgal owner, it mu t be durly under• tood that if the indebtednc against the motor vehicle i equal to or In the ei•tnt tha.t ~he aalr of any motor \•ehjcJ~ ia not romrl t d or «ppcar not fea iblt, Lhc P~der J Re crvc Bank of Sw Fn.nclsco, u Piscu ..6. enL of the United Statca, acting for and u agent o! t.he cvacurc, retervca t.hc right to tore auch mot r vehicle at tbe owner'• l'i k, as a vc ct fonh, or to make auch other disposition of auch motor vehicle may, Jn iLI aolc du1crctioa, to be ju and equit.nble, Including the right to permit the legal owner of 1uch 11101or vehicle to talce his legal recourse for repOQt ion or otherwlee. It i1 intended that the above procedure: will providr a fea 'ble meant of pro~ectfng the intcreata of evac•1eea in their motor vd:Ud"', without prtjudic( to the interest ol oth r: therein, and thus 'lll'ill effect an cqui· table di po ition of au ch property. ,,c,. Ar •u 111 rro, gre ment R garding Dbposition of Motor Vehicle * THIS IS TO CERTIPY t.hat 1he und r · ned hu read a.nd under·l:lnds lhe mi ru · t.wn on the r ·r. ht rega.rding cl e i!!pC'sil inn t>f the m r • h1cle deacnbl n \ CCA rm RB· , (to be ta.~ched h ·r .md in f rat d by refrrerll:e hemn if 'gned) hach the uml nllgncd hu ned oon urrcntly here 'th. S id 1mtruction a.nd th cm the r • e of WCCA rom1 RU·l are a pa.rt f thi- to d Uie aforewd motor hide 1tc r<lirig Alt rnntfrc No. L fort11 n the revcr h r · f, &nd r ·qu the Fed I Re&erv &nk of San · , as Fi!.atl Ag-ent of the ntted Stat t.o a ac.:ordmgl)•. H th the rn t11.,•e her in . :.Jectod appears to sud B nlt, in £<ll di&· a tJun, unpo or n L f blc, · id Bank JS aut.h m.ed 10 make u 1 ulhcr <l1 po tJ n uf mikl m tor \•ehi e u it deems proper. Srud mot ·r vchide is deli ·m:d to 1d B· nk t the le ri k of the und r gnr.d, l.I it is agreed th4t no liability or re p n ibtlity • hrdl attach to liiUd Bank for an)' a.ct or oml&' 1 n 111 ronnectic,n with th handlmg of aaid m t r \'chicle or dlspc ilion of th pr ·~ds thereof. The und ru Otd further agree&, UJX>n demand, lo reimbur the F dent! I l"\'C Bank of San Prana o, 1SCal A cnt of th Unit.c,-d Statu, in full for all charg and expenses incurr d m CCJPnection with the 1.hspt 1tion of 1111id m0t.or chtcle, and. ut.liorlta and inst rue ard Bank Ill deduct fr m rJ1c pn eeds of the ;ile of said mot1.•r \•eht c any of uch .xr,cn incurr d. Executed at..t~ {_~}us_ J.,-{. day cL #-~, ~~~ Family No,_ I l-f-o J..- i 1 1942. ,. ... SE ARTL" a D FO R JI OMMANI> AR~iY !VIL CONTR L ADMJNlSTRATION Sall randsco, C liforn(a INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGAROI G OISPO~. ITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * v.'111 be ptrrostt.rd t.o ta e tbear m or vdllcles to rec:ep · cen G a urance what ' r ~n ~ gi e n ~hat cv uecs wit be nab1cd at fOO!e future time to ch I now o n ·d by tl m n:.turn f ( I.heir rn 1vidual U!il:. E a.cue 1c United Suta Army it authom.ed, m it di&Cl'Ct,ion1 t.o pu~ hase motor vehicles from ev ucea. Prior to e\•acwti oto.r vdu lcs may be red, Id or othei by the ow1 r pnv td)', \V1thout g vcrnm ntal in~rfetcn or ab&istance. A T R.NATl "ES OF ST RA E The uthcr lltrrnauvei prurnted to tht YthkJt lrt U R tlllCUC'c ALl:l ho wnt a motor fol1C111.•t: Altrrndl;.,.e J, fo drli,·er lti1 rnolClr vthiclt 10 flrdtr&! RrMOrve Banh of San P1at1dooo, "Pl~r&I A mt uf thr Umt 011.•nc.-r'! r11k, w1thC)Ut 1n1uran e; whi h '*OJI t 1n mo!ll in..unce , b in open u u (•t ~l>t'.mbly Centcrt or c.t.htr dur nattd placr1) and mu t of neces ity be c.r a chuact 1 which "'all ubJtct motor \•thlclr1 IQ a wore or lr-61 rapid de~tioratloo . AlltrttdtJ,.t 2. To of!er l1is motor wt iclc f r It to tht United SLa1 • on thr follc.wing bulu The motor whicle will N: opprai11ed by d1 i1otrrcsted appra!sc1~ in rt di5Cfdion and 11 1l5 !lption, tht A y may buy the motor ''chide at the apprai11td price which .hall not., t o•,,.c\·cJ, urced the Blur. Book wholoalc value In th e loca.llty when: the purchu IJ con•umrnatcd. and, p RCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES DY UNITED ST ATES nm "° A. If th e C'VtlC"UU II NOT 1he legal ~" of ihe 'llt>t.or \lehlcle, in order ta nrrani:c for a s~ lc IP 11-te Army, ht 111 st prroent to thr P~d· en.I Rr:Krve Banlc of San Pra.nciKO, at Piia.I -" rnt of the United, at the Ovil Control Station, or rue o htr place a1 m1.y be directed, tJ1c following· 1. Regi tration certificate, duly cndoued. 2. The agrtcmtnl on the 14~\"Cr&e hereof, dllly .rigntd and witnuaed. 3. Su~h at.her llU!.hori&11lfon a.nd a UrAn« the Fcdt ral Rctervr Bank of San Franal U may be required by • u Pltcal A~ent of the Unit-td States. In cue Lht e acuee 11 not the lti;al owner. it u t be cleuly under· 11tnod that if lhC' ndcbtcd nr agt.ln,l the or vcl•.icle ia equal to or <.l~pose<l of f!reatrr than the a1•prai d value w that the r\oicuce luu no rqu1t)', ne> a111k to the Uni1rd St4ttJ 111tll be co no1111101cd. In u ao in1t1tl(e the rii; t of a.n)' cudlwr to rr ur. <Jt recapturr, 11 pro"1drd b)• law, will riot be r ~if.led by the cu~1odian of t..lie motor vehicle. D. Jf the n•acuec IS thC' lcg4l ownt"t' cif the mo1or 1.1ehic!c, he mu•t , Jn add111c.n to the forego1na, prCKnt the own nh1p ocrtilicatt, duly tndor~d. DEFINITIONS AND CO DITIONS Included in tl.c term "mNor vehicle'· are the following: 1, Pa ngcr cua, light and medium. Heavy puW"ngrr can in cirdtr to comr within purchuable calc •ory mull be du d :a1 ·m1•d1um~, "' t.hc Army i1 not authorized to purchaae an~ "huvf' pa en er car. i. Motorcycles. 3. Duuu and trucks of all types, Including pick,up and delivery trnclr.s; and tractort, including 1ernhruck trllt«>rt. It i1 not intendtd to include wit.hin the term "mo r vducle" thoec ctf,proptll d motor veblclu 1u.itcd only for hrm operaL!on. Jn the vent that the sale of any 11\0t.or vehicle 11 not ce>rnplrtcd or appt"ara not feuiblc, the F<dr:rt.I Rurrvc B nk of · an F'rar.ci11eo, 11 FltCal Agrnt of the Unit d 5Uttt£. ac1ing C nnd u agent of tbe evacuer, r 1ervct the right to st<irc uc:h mowr vehicle at tbt owner'• rialr:, •above tel forth, or to make 1uch other di1poaltion of iuch motor vc-hicle ao may, In rll t0le dbcretfon. apt>CBI' to be ju t and cqu!, incl uding thr. ri ht. to permit tl1c legal owner of such motor vehicle to take h.t$ legal rerourae for rcpoaM&Sion or otbtrwite. It i1 Intended that th e abcivc procedure will provide 1. fruible mean• of ;>r<n ctlng r.hc intcrc1LA o f e 11cutt1 in their motor vehlclea, without prcjud Ice to th e intcrc1ll of othtra therein, and thu~ wi11 effect an equi• 1ahlc dispo iuon of uch property. ro"w "" • ;\IOC" e .MOi OR VEH·ICLE REGISTRATION FORM Name <>f Reg15tered Owner_ AcldreR of Regi tenid Owner_ P • Q. ••.., . pooL a.lifo 1.a _______._ _ Box 6 , Lompoo , California of Legal Owner (1( chlf rent) Yo Addr~ of Le •al Ov.-ner P • 0 • Box Lie, e umber_ !31~6lo Coy_ }I.fa ti_ D a.m1ly Number--'!:.- - - ~ - 127 , or Ro\l te Wll' ) Yo h1hara Iahihar: .1~7 ,___.Q_~ ;p !;e Rout__ :1_(>18~27 Bo~ 65_1 ~D;l.PQG Number_ 6.F..lOa _ Engine Number £. 7 c of Vehi Ir._ C1hev 6 G'al!_i'or .ni 4 Oat· Prrst Sold lO-i.! ' sone.~ Ac Healer (Tlld•c;att mul)ber on ud1icle) . Other Remarks : _ Spare Tire( ) -·~·~ Pog Light(s) .. None Radio 10.11• ---· --- ·-- --..·--- _.. ......,....._.,,._ -· W'AIVIR The mote r vchide desw'bcd In this form is delwtTer:t 10th Federal Re!ICT\le Ban of an ranci >, a.s Fiscal Agrnl of the Urntecl tatcs, at the ile n o( the undersigned. It is agr~ed t11at no liab1lit}' or r ponrnhihty shall be a ·umcd by the cckra l Re.serve Bank of , ri Pra.n~ for any 11.ct. c.r omi.iqon ill .oon12ec:Lion with its d1 I t i11on. It 1s u11der<t id that rw rnsurance will be prm · d on this property. Witne.\ses for Illiterates RICEIPT FOR VIHIClE Place of r elivery___ .__ - - - - - Receipt of the vehicle described ahove ls hereby acknowledged. Da t - - - - - - - - - - ___ _ Repmentmg tlie Federal Reserve Bani{ of San Francisco, Fiscal Agent of th e United Statrs. Plated tn toragc aL-. - - - - - - - - - - --- -··----.. -------------- -- ·--- ------ ~- ... ' lnst1·uctions to Owner The pr "l·<lurc for rcg1 c nn r a11d 11t cmn~ a m r \lehicl i aa followa. (a) The St.ii•: Mot r chicle Reg tr.i.tton Ocrtifi te for thu ' ' hide muM be ublTlitt d at thi= Civil Control tali .ln, and thr e c rnc• of this fom\ ( FRD· 3) will then be prep11 red (h) T' •o corn of t hta flmn, together with tl1e Re I iion '·rtdi t , "'ill I ' h. ncJed to 1)1e <' a u~ fl•f hts rLtention unul <irrwal at ti c dcSJ ,nt1led As.c;embly Ccntu. TI1e tl1ird ct>p)' w11J he rel.tin at the iv1l Control t.iti n (c) 111e ·"a uc v;ill he gi 1 n ;rn 1dcnt 1fi allon tn g ' hich he ' 111 ttc • • ur ly t t11e steering appa r.1tus of the motor vehicle. (J) 011 arri .it at th A bly ot r the cvilcuec will ddiv r to th r~prl nr.ativc of the F d ·rnl Re erve 8a.J1k Clf 5.ui Pr.m llJCO thr l\\ o ccpicl; of tlus form, t.hc Regu· tnitfo11 Ccr11fic...itc, and tlie key to the vehicle. (.) The rl'.pr ntative of the t'~dc ral Rese rve B:ink of 'an fr.i11c1 o will hc~k all numhrr nn the form and 1f found l<l he rrec.t will acknowk<li;c receipt o( the m<itor vehi le hy .igning one copy of the form and\1ering it to the cva,cuce. If the motor vrhidc dcscnhed in this form i! In l , Jamagl."d, or destroye<l J the result of neglt1tcnce wln1e it 1 i11 the pos."Cf.llfon or custody of the l 'nitccl Stah , or any ag ·icy acting for ii, th onqr 1>S of the lnitcd ' t· ! l! ill 1-e .. ~ ·<l t) I k. ppror rial It ti 11 r r th I n 6t of the owner. -. ~ ..... ESTERN f)E'F NSE COMMAND Al D F lJRTH ARMY \:; ARTif. B CfVtL CONTROL AOMIN[S RA ION San F randsco, California INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOStrlON OF MOTOR VEHICLES * eptJ n cc.nte~ . Evacuee.$ wall nut be paauttc<l to 1..U:c: their ri;i t.or du lea to will he en bled at aorne future time urancc what \•er can he w·en tbaL acu Nia to have Ll m tor cl i I :J now 01>.rJ <l by them r..t11m J { >r t.h ir im!iv1dual \l ~. {ram Th United Sht.u Army ev.icueea. iJ; authorized, in it t\011, to purchaoo mot chi Jes 1~, ll()ld or \h rwue diipoaed of Pnor to evacuati n, m r vcl 1cles may be y the owucr, v; lhout gov nmcntill iotufel'Cn c: vr assiiuncc. ALTBRNATIV ST RAG R SALE The otlirr altcrnau,•c pnr.c:nted to the: tvacuec wl.o own1 a molvr velucle are at follov.•s Altcrnotlle l. Tod liver I it motor ''eh1c1e to Pcdrral Re1enc: Bank of an I, at I li.tlLI A •tnt of tl1t Umted tat .t, for toa r t lbt ""'ncr'• rrAk, willwut 1n11iran e, which £tora c 11•111, tn 1u !It in, be 111 open arra1 (at At<embly Center• or other dctigna.ud pltctt) and mull of nccea 'ty bf of a character which will mbject mutor rhiclN to a more c.>r le111 rapid delc:rioration. Aftrrnotl1·r 2. To offer lu1 motur vrl1iclc for n.le to the United Stat.e1 on tht following ban': The rnotor "chrdc will hr a.ppral cd by two dl~ntctcbled appraftrrs and, 1n ;u non and at 10 option, th~ J'\ 110)• rnay buy the motor "chicle at the appud cd price wl1lch shall not, howc\•er, ciettd the Blue Book whole air \•a.luc in the lnra.Uty "'·here the pur 1&1JC u con urrunaled . p RCHASB OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY NJTED STATBS nm /\ If thr tVKtlte i.& NOT rJr.: legal owner of rhe mctctr ehlclt, in order to arrange for a tale to the /\rmy, he mu t present to the Ped· t"ra.I Rc,.trve Bank of San Prandtco, 11 Pi ca.1 A cnt of the Unittd may be Sta.tu, at the Civil C.Ontrol St.ation, or 1uch othrr place: directed, the following: 1. Re ghtration certific~ tc, duly cndoraed. 2. The agreement on the revcr!c hereof, duly tigntd and w1tnc&scd. l . Such other authorization and aar,urance aa may be required by the Pedera.i Rt erve Bank o! San Prnnd1co, United Statu. ai Placal Agtnt of the In ca e t.he evacu« 1 not the ! g~l owner, it mu1t be cleuly uHdcr• that ii th e indcbtednc againtt tht m~ •.>r vehiclt iJ equal to ar $tOOd than the appn:' d value ao the vacucc ha no cqu11 f· no •~le ro th<- U111tcd Sr•t~I 11111 be c11Nr11mn1at<d. In tuch an n~tantc 1he r1 hl of D.11)' c1fd1tnr t.o repo~ c. or reapt.urc, u prcl\'1dcd by law, will not ht rc61Qt d by lhe cu11odi1n of tl1t mDtor Ych1cle B If the c1•a '"e lS Lhe le id Ol4'11ff of ihe m&r"r ieli!rlr, he ruur.r 1n nddrt1on LO the for go1n11, pre.en I t.lic o-v.·ner blup c. rt~ticate, 1h•ly endorsed. DEFINITIONS AND CO DITIO S 0 Jnch,ded In the l rm Jil(Jtor vehicle" lre the followin : I. P 1tngc1 cara, ligbt and m dium. Heavy pt. !lfngcr car• in ordtr come v..11run tht purchasable ate ory mu be cl i d a "medium .. , u Lhr /\rmy i• not ti.> p 11c:hasc any "heavy" pa55en~cr c&r • t<J l. Motorcyclea. 3. Dusau and truclu o( al! typu, Including plclc•up and delivery trucks, and Lractor , including stml•truck traotort. lt i Mt lntmded to include within the term "motor vehicle" thotc arlf•propclltd motor vehicles 1uiled only fo r (a.rm optration. ln the C\'tnt that the .ale or an, tn'ilt<>r ~·eblcle u not c.omplrtcd or apptars not fu blc, the Ptdtrill RJ:'trvc: Bank: of an Pnnclt<X>, aa Puca! I\ ent o( the United State&, act.ins for and at agtnt of the evacuee, retcrn.A the rliht to &tore &uch mot.or vehicle at the ov.·ncr'a il•k, aa above t lon.h, or to make auch other dispoJJtion of roch motor vehicle be Ju ~t and eqi1ita.blt, ir1cl11dln aa may, In 1u sole discretion. appear the right to permit the legal owner of •llch mot.or vehlde to talce h; legal rccourae for rcpoUC511on or othcrwi1e. It i• inrendtd tltat the above proccdurt' will provide a ftnsible meant ol pr trtln ff the interuts ol t\•acuces in their mot.or vehicle., without prejudice to the interr.rt of others thtr in, and thus will effcat an cqui· dispo itIon o( uch propcrt,. I able ., ' .. ment Regarding D aposition of Motor Vehicl * THIS IS T CERTIFY that the unders1gn d hu read a.nd under. tands th in·tru • tloo& n the r verse hereof regardm • the di.,po 1ticm of the m tor 'Chicle ti acnhcd on \V CA Potm FRB·., {robe l!tuched 1ereto itAd incorpcm1t d y rtfcren e hcmn i tlul Agreement ia 'gned) hl the undcnn ncd hu ·gned ooncurr.:ntl)' here vith. 1d inst ru · n dJld t.hoi .A re..:.rnent. 011 tibe rcvctl\e OCA n FRI.M ar a pal'! of tlu The und r igned d i.irea to d of the aforeaaic.I motor vehicle accor:d111g t .AILem ti No. let { rth on the re11cN1e heroof, and requeat• tl1e Ped ·ral R n• Bank of an r.rnci , as A mt of thr Unit d Stat • to a acoord1n I). If th aocompll.lhment of the lit.em t1ve h re:m aele d rpears to 1d Bank. in 1tt le d1I" er tl n, tmro 1ble r n 1l f asil le, aid .Bank is auth<> to make u 1 ()thcr diJpc 1ti n of aid motor ''c.h1clc it de ms pro1 r. _k Said mt•tor y ht le iJ d hl'cr ti to S<utl Bank at the iK)le ri k ( Wic und r ign d, and it i agreed that no liability r pon$1bilit)' ahnll at.t.ach to wd B,m.L: for any ;1 or om11• ion in •nnc ton with the handling of 11111d mot r vehicle <!Ir di llt!Jon f th proceeds the f. The under gned furtl\t~r aj?rcea, upon dcm~nJ, to reimhurse th P deral rvt: Bank of San Prancisco, Fiscal Agent of the rut cl Stat , i11 full for all charges and expen!<::s in um:d in ronnecuon with the di. po 1t1cin of aid mo or vehicle,· nd nuthori:.cs a1 d in.t ruct saiu Bani. deduct {rom the proce d of the le uf aid motor \•elude any of such x in urr~d. _day f /i /-,,.,,'1,,'1C."""41' ~ Family No .. ' 1942. ------- e e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Name of llegu1t .red Owner_ Addre vneJ__ or Registered Name of Legal n~ ~..-?'t~-:!:~~~~~~=:!;~:;:!..."""''-~-::..-- 1mer 1 1f d1ff r nt} cj ddrc of Legal 01mer Li .2 0 q_ r Number _ Engine Number Date ir. t d_ / - i),,.t; ;__t 1ri Ac 3 tJ J.J_ _.....__ --~ . I - 11 • 4/a./ (Jnd iwe member on vcl11rTc) H eat r ~-1:)_ T)' of , ,.,,~,-ct 7·'1 l U~ pare Tire{s)LiK hrr ..,..___ l _ _ Vclu~ IJ!._}'7 5'i /....Pog L1ght(s) iA/_p !!... _ ._ Radio /C1tJ .f1y# /J __ _ Remarks: ---~-- WAIVER 111e motor • lucl · d ·11Cnbcd In th fonn ia d livered t th Fed C1ll I ~ rve Bank of San Pranc1qoo, as F1 al Ag, nt of the mted t.; tes, at the wl ri k of the under 1gned. It L aqr ed that no liability or 1 I m1b1lity shall be a umed O)' the ed rat Re.serve Bank of San Fra.nnsco f r an)• a or omi 101 connection with its dt position. h ! un er t id that n in~ur n- will he rrow.kd c n thu property. \V1tn for wmrf,id~~~· l!!llnturc of lllite ra~ RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Pia e of Delivery ----~-- ·------- - --- --·----------- ---- Receipt of the vehicle described above i her hy aclcnowledged. Date _ _ · - _ ---- -- .... -- - Repre&enting the Fedrral R,.c,eroe Ban~ of San p,.anciscv, Fiscal Agent of t he United States. Pl.iced in . t rage a.._______ _ ----·---·-------·------------ --------- ,..., Jt; Instruction · to Owner To be ace ·pted for 111orag • the rut ·d m r ,.cl idc must be 1n pr ~ r ru11111ng ord r. 111 pre dim for r •i nng and t tes Go ·.mmeiit, th motor ''dude is u foUo \'S : (a) Th u1te Mvtvr Velucl J e •istration Certific:ate for this mut be uf.tnttt·d at tie i\•i.I Centro! i.ti n, nd tlu-e opi<: of thi form ( RB·l) II then be pr". r~d . 'ch1d~ (h) Two copir: of thi orrn, to•ethcr with the r116cate, ' ill be hand d u thr t\•a e<.: for unul UMV I ell tht: dt •natl. A mbl>· Ccn~ f.X'PY \\ill l'l' l amt"<l at the iv.ii Control Regwtration his retrnti n r. The tl1frd ati n. c) TI)c l \'ii u c will 1-.: ri. ·m an ident1.6 tion tag wh1 h he '' 11! tic · ur. ly to thl' teem. ap aratu$ of the rnc·t~ir vehicle. d) n llm\' I at ti1e 1. mbly 1 r thi: t \ acuec :1.•111 Jcli\'Cr to thr rl'pr.:St:nLcltl\'. o the PedcraJ Reserve Bank of S<tn Prall I ) th h.~·n or th' fom1, th Regaltilll 1ll Ccrt16 1 , and tht k.:ya to the vehicle. (e} Thr- rtprc"C .ta 1\'C of the f·r rat Rt n· Bink of n Fr11JC1 :o will ch ck all number11 on th forl!l and if f uod to he wrr ct will ~ knowledge n•ccipl of the mr•tor \'elu ·le hy <.i ming one copy of lhc form and deliverin r it to the evacuu. ow er • STERN 0 F N B ARTIM6 IVIL San . OM!'.1AND Al "D 0 RTH A MY ONTll L AD1'11 lSTRA JON l"ancisco tAifornia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REC:;ARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICL~S * will not be J'frmllt <l to take LI eit mot r veluc.lea to re e ti cent.era. N &.! ur;mce w le •er • n I · !,'1\lf!n that v cu ~ -ill be enabled at rn. future tim to ha ·e tJ1 mot.or •chiclu no• o rn d by Ul m 11; m d { r tl1~r tndlVldu I U9ie. Eva u The 1~1u:d Sta.tea Anny J.S urclu!.e Ill authoriz,.;d, in 1to ti ' :;,. ion, r vcluclc: from vacuef Prior to C\''4.U. tlon, m I.or vc.IJjcJes rnay be rw, sold or othc:rw111e Jispo$t.d of by the o mer pn ly, v.1thout govcmmt:/ltal inter( ren c r ascistance. AL ·RNATIVES Th• othtr altunitfre~ pr vrh1 rate u follows : F sroRA B OR SALB nted to thr t ·1cure who ownt a mot or AltNnotfrc 1. To deli •er hit motor \•chicle to Pro ral Rutr ·e Banlr. ol ~n f ranu o, aa iical Agent llf thr Urutt'd • tar ca. ( r tor11ge at the ownr1 '• 11 k, without in~uranae, whu:h 5tor1,gc w11l, in '111>11 111 tllf ce., be in open areal (al Aesembly Cent~r• or nth tr de gnat~d plaC'ea and mullt ( nec.cM1ty br of a chanct.rr which will ~ubjc1;L motor vcl.lclu to a mor le rapld d~1criorat.ion . AIJL"r11•tln 2. To crffrr t.i1 moror \•chide for •ale to thr Unitrd Sutc on the folle>wing buia: Tht motor vehiclr will ~ apprai rd by l wo d1 1ntrrutc:d apprai&er and, n it di6creuon and 1l lta option, 1hc •.t,rrn\' may buy the mot<Jr l'ehu:k t t.he appral•rd pmc whicli &hall not, however, exceed the Blue aoo wholrMlc value in thr locality wht.rc the p\lft:hue ii con•utnmattd. P RCHASE OP MOT R VBHICLES BY TiiE NTTID STATES !\ If 1hc e11dCIJce i1 NOT the leg11I ownn- of th! mot.or 11ehlde, ordrr Lo arrnngr for a ale to the Army, he must prticnt t.o the Ped· tral Re<\rrve Bank ol San Prand&eo, aa Plaaal A,ent of the United ta , at the OiVJI C.Ontrol Stat.Jon, O>l' 1uch other place as may be dirct td, the following: tn Rcgl tratlon cirtJficatr, duly endoued . l . The agreement on the rc:11cr&e hereof. duly igned and witnuac:d . l Such other aut.horitation and a ura nee 11 may be reqi..frrd by the f'rdrral Reaerve Br.nk of San Prandsoo, u Piscal ,.t,gent of the ruixd Sl~Lca . In cue I.he cvaC\1re 11 not the ltgal owner, it m1u;t be clearly under• ex <f that If the fndebtedoru against the motor vdiicle ls equal to or that th . t\' ICUCC ha1 nu cquit y. i;r atH than the apprai ed value n11 u1e I l~e Un1wf State• 11'111 be collrJmt1111tr~ . In uc.h an inet.anre the ri ht of any crcdjtt;>r 10 rtp<>• w or reapture, lit pro iidcd by la •, . . .mn }).. rc#i trd hy the cu l dian of the motor vrhiclt. B. lf the c111cucc IS the lrgol ovmcr of the inoror w:hfclr. he mu t, in ackhtion It• the forei:o111g, pruent the owntr hip , duly ndot d, DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS Included in the t rm "mowr vehicle" are the followina : P:wmgrr care, Ii ht and medium. Heavy r ns r cara in ordrr t-0 co t 1tl1in the purc.huahle category mu t be ch d u .. m, diuin" , u 11..- Arm ie not authorlr.<d to purchoue any "heavy" pa sen u can. 2 , ~ Buascc and truck& of all type1, pick•up and dclJvcry true!. , ~nd tractor~. including aemi•truc.h tractora. I 1 nm intended to Include within the term "motor v hlcle" those KH•p optll d motor vehiclea auited cmly /or farm operation. In the cw.nt that the sale of any motor vthlcle 11 not completed or arpu1u not fr.a<1blr, the Federal Re11ervc Danlt of San ra.lidJCt>, na Plea! .Agrn1 of the United Sutea, actinll for and at agent or the evacuee, m1rr\'tl the right to t.ore uch r vehicle at the owocr'• nik, u aboH: set forth, or to malct auch other ditpoiition or 1uch motor ve_hide at in&)', In ir.s tole di crctlon, appear to be ju t and equitable, mdudlng the rght to permit the legal owner of 1u'h motor vehicle tn take hu lrg&l rteourac (or rcpouessfon or othcrwlte. h 11 intcndrd that tl1c ~bo\'f procedure mprovide a fouihle mean• of r1"0lee1Jnl! the int.ere t or C'l'ICUCCll In thrir motor velllclu, without prejudice to the lnttresu of ot.hera therein, and thu1 will dl'ect an equl· tahlr di pr>rdtion of such property. ... ' Agre ('1 nt egarding DilpcHition of Motor Vo.hicle * THI e under 1gned has lion 011 e \'tf • huoof regardmg Ult di po'!llllon of the mOlor vdu le dcs.cnt d on •rm FRB·~. [to <1ttached h rc~o and i11 ·rpt•rllted by r fcrc:nc herein i ~hi Arr crnent u aigncd) wluch the un signed haa · n d con rrently he c:w11 . Sud m trudiona and thr•!!e n th r \•cri.e r>f \V orm •RB·~ are a part f t hi Agreement. of the afo.r id m r vMiole aeconhng to e\'erse hereof, , nd requ s th P dcrnl Re: ~rv · All"rnau •e Bank of an Fran o, u Fi 1tal A •enl of the ru d t<lt , to ct ac rdtnglr I ( the a mplilihmfmt o Ul ilkemati •e h r 111<l apre;ire Iv i Ban , 111 t.s ~ iscrmon, 1mpw 1He or not fr ible, wd Bank 1s authorized to ni.t · such other d1Spt1!!1ll(Jn of m tor ·clticle at it dec1n1 proper 8rtid root \' h1 le 11 dtliv red tu 6.Ud J\an at th le MS of the l nd •nl'<J, llOU it i agr ed th t uo Ii b1l1ty or re pc1ns1biht y ahdl aLtach to s;utl nk for any a orurn · · ion in onnc 1011 ' llh the handling of ;ud to IM vehid {,1r di po>itlon of th pt<Jtccd thereof. 111c undcrri ned further gre , upon demand, w reunhursc the Federlll ll ·1ve Bank of Sun o, Agent f th United Sta , in full for all harg s and rxpen~a incurrl·d in connection with the d pc.1•1tio11 of · ad mot r vrhicle, nnd iilllhorizc and in truct . id Bank tll dt'lduct from the pr cecls of the '.4lc of 1d motor \•r.h1 L any of uch xwnacs incurred. E ecutcd at. k (~~-i'his. 1 "} Pl~--~ Family No. WITN~S: - Y:)· day of /'f- ()_/ tf- - 1942. ...:CA '011'1 I IU -• MOTOR VE,HICLE REGISTRATION FORM (Sre il'tJtn.tlio"' <m bi.U of tltiJ 1litt1) .•{ Regurcnd Q\ •nec_ ,(",~/Mt' ~ / _,,,/f'h /,,Ntr" Punily Number_ (.i_ of Regi cred Ownu- "~;j_IV fiL'q_ _ _ ime of Legal Owner (jf different) of Legal • umher ~~1;;-ll°7k~ :. /C/6t:11;i, 7<f'f. IY· - -62 w .J_;,/,; of Veluclr I>.ne irit • ld e11. rt -~~E'F~ '? t:/6£. I J!..r?Y?'!~fF ()() Eugine Numlier l:f~J/ £ -"J' J: 8 ~ (,' ?,~-}( f/ [> T)'pe of V•:h1d _ Seritl Nurn r:dtr/ J/6' //- ,( ~ ,;:~- (Indicate m u1ber on vein le): Spar Ttre •) I R.idi fog Light ( ) - 01her Heater r. /t!J·~,? ~--..< · 1- - ----- -- WAIVER he rn or \•chi le deacribe<l in d'iia form Is dtli ·ered LO the Pcd•ral RCfltne itnk of San Pranci&co, as j I Agent of the nttcd Sta , at the le risk of the undmlgnrcJ. It u agrC(·d that 1 liabt11ty or rl'! ponsihili y shall b.! allSUrncd ition. It 15 understood by the Federal RCllC'rve Bank ( San f r any act or om.i wn in connection witJ1 > d1 th t no insunnce will he provided on this property. WJtne Signn ure of Owner.f._ for _ _._ lllitcratet RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery__,__ Receipt of the vellicle dea ril->ccl above 1s hereby acknowlecl red. ------- Placed in Storage a - ... -· JUr;esml\'ng the Ft:dcral Reimu: Bani( of San Francisco, Fiscal Agmi of the U-,lud St.aces. Date ----- - ------- -·------ ,-,,.-----., ..------ -.. --- --_..,. _______ _________ fn1tructions to Owner T JO be acoeptcd for storag hr the nit.ed r " hicle mu t I m proper runmng or<.lu Thl' p ~t edur • for r ~enng nd toring a 1not.or \ehicle i rtifi t~ f.1r tl · St;tte Motor Vehide Regi !ration \leh1cle mu be ubmitt«l at the i ii Contr I ... t tiou, and three; pies of this form ( RB ·~ ) will Lhen 1:->t prCJ'lli (ii) Th ether with the Registratfon Certificate, ,.,,;11 he ha11ded to the evacuee for hi! retention until arriv, I at the d i11n ted A mMy Oentu 111e ti ird copy w1ll l"C retained at the ivil C:.C.ntrol . talion. (b) Two copies of this form, (c) 111<.' cvacu will l'C given an 1d •nt1ficati n l;ll.' winch he r urcly to the etceri g •ppuatu& o ti will tic vehicle. iter th evactJre \\ill (d) On ,irr1vnl at th.t f. 11\b\ d ·li\•er ~o the representative of the .Pcderal Resen-e Bank of S1111 ra.n o the two cup ea f form, the R gi • I.ration Certili. «:, a.nd Lhe kers to the vehicle. nu•h•t of tl1e Pedt ral Re11erve Ban\ of San (e) Tue rt:p Pranci!ICO will .-heck all nllmbcn on thr form and if found t.o be ~>rrcct ""ill ackn wledgc r c 'pl of the motor \•chicle hy signin ' one copr of the f rm anc.l deli •cring it to Ilic e cuee. ff the moror vehicle descrihed in this form is lost, d maged, or de6troyed as I.he result of negllgcnce while it is in the posse 'on or custody of the United Stnt s, or any agency actin~ for it, the Con r of th United t,a'ke appropmtc action for the benefit of the a ke<l t.-itt:t will owner. , J .. SE OOMM \\ AR TIM lV( D AND RO URTH ARMY ADMl JSTRA I N San Frmruro. C liforuia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DlSPOSJTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * atllltra. penru:tt.ed to UI It th If m will oot v.: te er uu l>e Y~ ti t a<..ur..ea v.111 at me future t:lrue. r \•ehicl now owned by m r turned f r th 1r individual uae. 0 A1my w authon· , m it. n, to pur IUIC mot.or ehJ l · ~ Po.:..r c1.·~cunt1on, motor eh1cJe ma be ,stored, ld or crwiee duposed of by the ~ncr prlvatdy, v.1thout ov rnmenwJ in rl rencc r 1 tance. AL S RNATIV The oth r a.It rnatiu \lrh1clc are a foUov"a: RAGB OR SA H 1c r ltd to the \'ature h(l own1 1 motor Alttrmiti~r J. To drhvtt tit• m tor vt"htcle to Y'tdtral Re1er1•e Bank of San J'randaco, u 1ocal I\ !'tit of t.l1c l,, nit d tatc , lor 1orllac n hr c.wner'1 rstk, without meurancc; ·h1ch •Ion e will, 1n moat«&, be n open areu (at A5~ml->ly Cenur or other dcaifhated plaet- ) and must of nece ity be of a chau tuch •·ill ubjecl motor veh1cle1 to a morr or I CJ ff tr h . mcAot vehicle for "le to t.hc United on thr following ha cndor ed. OEFI 11'10NS AND C NDITIONS r P RCHAS8 OF MOTOR VEHI LES BY THE UNITED STATES 1n rht Ltrm "motm •ducle" iue tht followin1: d1rec ed, the following : Rcgl tration cut16ate, duly c.11doraed. 2. Tht agreement on th«" revcnc h rr.of, duly i ned ;1nd wiLn"' 3. Such other aulh ritat.ion and an d. su1ance u may be required by PrMcl100, 11 to come within the purchuablt cateiory niu t be claucd a "medium··, u the Army 11 11ot authorl~d to purchasc any "hcav1' pa• ngrr car . 2. Agtnt of the United States. In cue t.he evacuee tt not the lcJ:al O\trner, it mu~t be clearly un der• tood th:..t if the lndcbtcclo< l ag1in1t the mot.or vehicle 11 equll to or fa torcyclu. l and trncu of all typu, including piclt•up a.nd ddlvuy truclu; a.nd tractors, includfo11 1C111hruck tracton. It Kif-pr A If the evacuee ;, NOT tht' lcg11I OIL'lltT of the m.fJtor vchklt, In Ctrdt r to arrange for a talt to the Army, hr mu t pr mt to the rd· rral Rr.crvc Banlc f San PnndKO. u Pi cal Agent of the Unittd Statca, at the Civil ContTol Statio11, or auch othtr place a. may be the Pedcral Reserve Bank of Included I. Pa !itn tr car , Hehr and medium. Huvy pancngrr cau in ordrr Tl1c rr ot r \•th1clr will h rrrai rd by two disint rc11ted appra1 n and. tn 1t d1 ·11nn and at 1t~ opt.ion, tht Army may buy the motor vthi It at·thc appra111rd htch hall not, li<Jw er, exceed the Dluc Book ·holc."-le value in the laaht wh re the purthuc I• oon1ummateJ, J. B If th, cvocurc IS the lei: I owriff of the moror "th1dt. he mu t., rt16catc, duly 111 addttiDtl to the lore11!Jmg, prrJtnl the owner b1p rapid dcttrlorats A ltrrn•ti'>'t 2. To Statt~ •rtat 1 tl1an I.he appraised nluc IO t.hat the evacuee hu no equity, no i11le ro tltr Unir-ed LAI" WJll bi: CC1T1.JMm11torrd. ln ucl1 an 1nit.ance t.hc ri ht o{ ilDf crc:d1tor to rrpoS!iCM or recapture, aa pro idtd by law, w111 nrJt be re 1 tr<l by the c:ust<.idjan of the root.Or vehicle 11 nClt int.ended to include within the term "motor vehicle" those ellcd rnotor ''eh1cle1 1uited only for farm operation. Jn the even t that the 1alc of any mot.or vehicle 11 oot completed or aprcar not feu1ble, the Pederal Rc:litrvc Bank o{ San rrand.tco, u Pi1<Ca.I /\gcnL of thr. United Sta.tct, ilact:Jng for and a agent of the evacuee, rc11Crve the riGht to tore uch root.or vehicle at tilt 01A'ncr'1 ri k, Al above set forth, or to malr.c 1uch other di p0&1tion of 1uch rnotor vehicle 11 m1y, In itl sole diecrecioR , pvrar to be ju.i a.nd equitable, including the rirht to permit the legal owner of such motor vel1icle to take hia leizal retour r: for rcpo11ui.lon or otherwiac. It i intended that the ab ve procedure wtll provide a fcasiblr of prl"tecting the int.crem of tv1cucc in thrir motor vehlclet, ithout rrl'ludfce to the lntucatl of othen therein, and thw will effect an qui• table dis po ·t.1on of mc.h proptrty. Agreement Regarding Dispoaition of Motor Vehicle * THIS LS TO CERTIFY that the und rStgned h.aa re d and undet tanda the lnstruc• tiom on the re •e.nic her· regardmg the d1'JX) tivn of t11e mot r \•chi r. d ~ on WCOA rm RB·3, (to be attached h ro?to and in iporate.d by referenc hemn if this A. rcemeot la 'gned] which the unclersign~-d hu gned con urre.ntly he with. Said instruct• na lfld th on Ille m •e e of \VCCA Form FRB-3 ue a put of thia Agreement The undcrlligned desires t dispose of the afol' id m tor \•chide according to Alt matlve o. _L_ tet forth on tihe revme he of, and requests the Federal Reaerve llank of San Pranci , u iacal Agent of the United Stat , to act accordingly. lf t.lw a mplil'hme:nt of the alternalJve h in le ted appear, to aa1d Be nk, in ita 1 dl!· re n, imp ble or not feasible, 6iUd Bank ia auLhoriwd t {.1 mnl.:e uch other cli position of id motor vehicle it deem proper. Sm.I mo r vduclc ii dehv red t0 said Dank ot the sole ri I.: of lhe und i.igned, and :r is Hgr d that no hah1lit or respon ih1hty hall aU4ch to said H· nk f r il.Il)' act or omia· ion Jh CNlll io1i with the handling of said m r vehicle or di po 11' n of the prOCll~,da thereof. The undetsi ntd further agrees, upon demand, to reimbur: 1.he Federal R l"'C Dani' of an rdnci!.co, Fiscal Agent of t.he nited States, in full (or nil ch;irge& and CXfX'DSCS i.ncurrcd in connccllon with thi: <lt pos1ti n of said moll r \lehlcle, and uthori.:c and in tructs said Bank Lo dedu l ( m t11e pwceeda f the ·1lc rA 1id motor ' hi k any of uch Executed cxr in~urre~:o/ , / a~~his ~-;;, c'Jef~ , ~ ~~~ Family No I L~c t:J 1942. ) .. e wee~. " POl'M 1'1111· • MOTOR VEHICLE REGI TRATION FORM "'fe ~?--'~A'"" ' ;irne ( Rcg1&t.creJ Addr (~llNIC'fi"1 /. ,/' / d// ~·n'r- of Registered Ownu_ _ ) Oll /i1N'k fl( IW 1/i ttl) /7~r/ '7;.r4V 0 \(' l,., I S' ~ J e 1). @. Vo )Ic:. 7 _ _ _ Fanul)• , umber c .J - - - - --- Name of Legal Ovmcr (if ditfe:rent) .~ddreas of Leg;o.I vncr_ - - - - Ir M ~~~~~ - .ri11J Number License Num r_ e of V hiclr >I. 1 1 I rov A Engine Number 1,1)_)..jl/.Z.. , ;_ Type of Vehicle.....:....-..: .:.t.L old (Indicate t.11mber on e111clc) · !"re Tire ~~ F "" A t V E bed in thia { rm i• d li111ered to the Ped •rat R r.trve B.111k of an Francisco, ae Fi ,u Agent The mot r ,·chicle d liabtlity or reqp Mibilit)• shall he assumed of the Urut d Slat , at the le n of the undersign cl . ll i grad thnt by th eder.i.I Reserve Bank of San Pnndscx> f .1r any a t or omission in connection ith 1t.1 di poaitlon. It i1 underst 10<.I thrtt no in urance will h provided n tlua pr perty. W1tne :s for lili raia RECEIP:r FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ Receipt of the vehicle descnbcd above 1s hereby acknowledged. Date- -- - - - - - - · · - - - Reprem1ting tl1e Federal Re crve Ban~ of San Frt111C'isco, Pucal Agent of thi: Unfted Sf.(Jtes. Pla. :ed in Storage at. - - -------.,...,...---· --......---·--- fn.struction · to Owner To be a r' ·r•t d for ~t rage hy the 1.:•. d St..iu: e must l'r in r per nmmng (lr<lrr Tllt' pcixedur for regi tcnng and t·,ring a. m < Govcmmmt, tlic r ' •hide is a follow : (a) The Mnt . r Vehkl Rcgistrauon Certificate f r t1m ""hiclc rnu'lt be wbm1t(~ t the Civil Control 'r-1t1on, ;mJ thri'C rop1 of th ( rm PRB·~) will then be plcp red . (h) T•. •o c<•ries of thi. fo1m, tcigl'thcr with rhe R gi lra.1ion Cen1ficc1tc, v.ill ~ handtd to the va uee for his retention u:'lt1l <\rri,·al at the de ignnt<'d A 'mbly Center. The third copy v,1111 l rrtam at the C'1v1l mt ol t;;1h n. (c) Th C'Va C'\l ~ will h f!t\1rn an id ntific tfon g hi h he will tic urd)• to the stcenng appar.itus oI t.he m tor vch.i le. (d) n aru"al at th 1 "1y. ntcr t.he eva ue will ddi,•er to the r"rr ntativc of the ed ral Re rve Bank of San th tw copies of fann, th R IS< trati n Certificat~. ilnd ll-ie kc)' to the vehicle. 'i.' of the F~.deral Reserve Bank of San Francisco will heck all numbers on the ( rm aml 1f found to be correct will acknowlcd •e receipt of the m tor \•eh1clc by l>igning one copy f the form and dcl1,•cring it to the (e) The tcprescntati rvacuCI:. If the rn tor chicle dCS1:ril-ed in this form is I st, dRmagr.d, or de trored as the re.suit. of negligence wh1le 1t is in the posse ion or cui;tody of the United Su tea, or any agency acting for it, •the Congr of the United tate will be kcd ta ·e arproprfate action for the beticfit of the owner. .. " . . • ·' ID MMAND RN AR IME ·o RTH ARMY er l co TR L ADMI ISTRA IO San i:ranc:Uco, Califomia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Eva uc No · uran w1tl fl'Oflllltt.:u whatc-.i;r n be 1• * t.o t~ · thar l t th t anne future tlmt o w o 1•nt:.d b tl m rct rntd for thcu- 1ndnidu I ui;c: The lJmt.c<l im evacuccs. liC.i Attri)' i~, nit discreti n, r to ~ 'litu 11cin, m tpr ,ej.j tllllY he by th" 01 ·n~r 1ivat. ly, thout. go ·tn.m 1 l'J The o th r 1ltrrnal1>1r. pie t nLcd tu tlic cvatuct vehicle are a foJI 01n: Alttrnoltrt' I. To deli' r hJ1 mutor ,. lllclr to rd r.I R~m-vr Bank of 111 Pranc:111co, a. P1JCal A tlll of Lh U 111tcd Stat • f<>r i.t raac al uwntr' 1 ruk, without 1n1Nrimc.t , wh1d1 •tc>r11 e II, in in open aru1 (at A1 anbly Ce11tu• or othtr d mu•t o( occcmty ht of a chuact.n ·hich will 5ubjen mol()r vch1dr• lo morr or le rapid detrrlorar.Jon. A ltrrnotlt·r 2. To .,I{ r hi1 1nrotur \•dudt fur St&te on the folluwm' ba t to the United Tht mutc.1 vt:lu le v.·ill •e :1rrr11i~rd by tw11 -011o1n crNttd appral r nnd, rn 11.t d1&er tic n and nt 11 OJ>t1e>n, 11.r Army may buy the motor ''rhlclc tt the llppral 1d price ""hich hall not, l.091(\'tt, r.scecd the Blue Book wholr air: value in the localhy where he purcha t 11 (!On ummAted. p RCHASE OP MOTOR vrun UNfTED ST ATES ES BY THE 1. Rrgi tntioo .:crtlficate, duly cndoreed. 2. The on the revene hereof. duly ·l,!'nrd rnd witnt srd. the Federal Ruer c Bank of San nited A 11rancc rAncij(:(), Id or herwi r •ebi·les di pccd of B. If the rnac tt JS the lte;al Clll'11tr Pf Lf1t m11tPr t•thiclt, he mu , 1n 1dd1t.1on to the fore11"1nl,'.. pre nt the owner lup ttrtifia , du!r cndorlfd. D INITIONS AND C NDITIONS clud d in the term "«• JlOr vducle" the foUO'llJing : l . Pa~KOl:CT cltr , li&ht and mt4ium Heavy pu•cn er car1 JO •tdcr to come ·1th1n t.he pur uablc ate ory mull be clwr<l 11. "medium", as the Army ls not to pure.It au: any "huvy" P• !'C11 er car . 2 Motorc)•clee. 3. DuLtet and truck• of .all types, Including p1ck•up and dtl1\'cry truck•: and tract.or , induding KJlll'U'UciL trActorJ, It 1 not in~nded to Jllclude wu.hl.n the l rm "motor vehicle" th self·propcllcd motor vehidta 1wted only for farm oprratioo. A Jf the tt111cure it NOT r>ie ltg<1I owner of 1ht motor cl1iclr, in c11dtr to arrange fo1 a •a.le to tht Army, ht mu t pr <ent to the Ped· tral Reacn·c 'Ba k of Sao Prand&eo, JU i!<:al J.. tnt of the Unu d Stalf:s, at the CAvil C.Ontrol Sta~ion, c,>r uch othtr place u may be dtrccted, 1hr folio ng: 3. Such other authnrit.atfon and pur a ro r. t r than tht aprr..,w:d alue Ml tbat the ' ct 'hu no t un •, no i•le 10 rhe u.111cd i.iu1 111111 tu ccm11.,nmo1cct In uch an m11tance tl.c n l•t of &n)• c.r editor to r po' or rccapturr, u prond1 d b1· law, ~ 111 not bt rtG1&1 cJ by the culilowao of the mowr ' hide. RSA RA B ALTERNATIVES 0 red, t a1 11 111ay be rcquirtd by f?ttG&I Agent of the tatea. ln <.Ue the evacuee i8 nol the leral o •ncr, it m~'lt be clurly under· atood that if thl' lndehtrdnr against the m tor \'ehidr i equal to or In the t\•cnt that the al of •llY mot.or vehicle i1 noL romplctell or appurs ne>t feaJJblc. tlie Pedcra.1 Rci;erve &anlc of San P1 and11eo, aJ 11!QI A tn t of the United Statet, aaun ii for and 11 agent of thr rvaru, ·, r 1Crvc1 the n1thl to l¢0Tc rnch motor vehicle at the Ol'tnn'a n Ir, at abcwe act forth, or make 1uch other di poeltion of 1uch motor '"chicl~ u may, in ii.I eole dh1act1011, a.p~u to be ju t and equitable, incl11din t.l.e riaht to pcnn1t the It al CJWncr o( auc:h mo!A>r vthlcle to takt h1 kg•J rcccruuc for rtpos.e11ion or otherwi..e. it I lllte/ldcd that the ~bo\•C ;-roccdurc wnl pro\idc l feambJc ml'IRI of rrot.rcung thr lntcrcllta of rvacur6 In I heir motor vrMcles, ...,It bout pr judlce t.o the interuu of o hrn therein, and t.hut will dTcct an rqui• table di po<i ion of such propert)r. . ..- Agreement Regarding Disposition of Motor Vehi le * THJ l ro CfRTJF'Y tl11Lt th11: unden.igoed haa .read and uode1standa 1he m true· bOn on the ' . 1 her f rega.rdi.n,g the 1..ll&po 1ti1m { the motor ,. hicle dtllCribvd on WCCA rm FRB•3, (t be attached hereto and rnc rporate.d b}r reference h rein 1 tbu A reement 1• · 11ed) which the unders;gned hl lilgned concurrently he1 with. ~ad 11u.tructio11A1 and tht on che re ri:rise f WCCA Fonn FR8·3 are a part of t11i Agreement. The 11ndensgned desires to di po.r.e of the af refiaid Alternative No t forth on th r \•er· heroof, and Bank of .,an Fnndsoo, ii Fiscal Ag nt of th nit d ta 11c...c mpluhment tll ltcrnall\'C h rein selected appeJr er Llon, llllp I le or not fu. 1bJ , srud Bank u authoruo<l of sa1d mtil r \ch•cle ~• it deems proper. L motor \•ehide aoootdin • reque&IS thr: F de.rat R e , t a a rordmgl)" If the t.o id Bank, in its sole d · m kc lillc.h th~r dts ili. n Said m t r vrhic.le is drli,•w.: J to said Bank at the ~le risk of the unde.r£i ne<l, and it u. gr d that no hability or reapon&il->1lit)' hull ttach to said Bank f r any a tor omi&sion in connccti Ill with tlie handlmg of sate.I mot r elti le or di f \Sll'IOn of the rroce1.: thereof. Tile unde 'goed further •.greca, upon dem ml, t-0 reimburse 1he P dcral R rv Bank of San Pranci o, P1scal Agent of the Umtcd St.ates, rn full for all c.harges and i.ncurr ·d ln connr 1 n v.'ith the di po-•.11ion of said motor vehi le, and authom ~ 11nd in. truct.s . ·id Bank deduct from the pr ecds of the sale of id motor vehicle any of uc.h e>. • ~rcd61 . / ""'-Cf':.tlk.'-"· ~ PL-~ Executed at- • ,,/ this_ ). '1 • ·- - -7-"--"" <lay uf Jqd_~·------- Family No. __ W ITNESS: / ~ p ...... / / :.~ )" (~./~ ~- ~ /-.."'-7 . ' 1942 . 1 .f-l i>'ci 'J -· wee: ro II ""'' ' ) ~ . ~ ; MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM (Su l n 1trNrt iom 011 1>111 It of I hu Jar t R~1st.ered Owner_ Name uf Addrc {Jf. fu_._, _ Reguitered Owner_ :_·_ ' aw./_.. _,.!;.... ...:7--:;..J""'; L:__tt_/.~I!>-_ ) ___ _).le ~4rL.._,.......__[(_b.u_ _ __•~. !t:_:t_ *' Pa.mily Number .,J ---- -- Addrc!& of Legal Owne r_ _ _ Ucen 9./ - 2 ;/ Number ('A VI''/,. 1 kc of V ehide D;i ~ Id t.rst Sena! Number-· ,; v-r .ngine Number ; ,,. - A cs nes (Jnd1 ate number cm 11t'l1iclt) : Spare Tare •) - () ther R mar : I -.-;_ ',, J• 'i " / --· I .- __ .._..,._....,.. Type of Vc.lud (!...J./ e.3 J. /'1-4. !.t ~ l! Fog Light( ) 'lt • __ ' I JV, h _~ ...,._,.._.___...___.. ,, I -- i.J • .r. I 7'l ( / WAIVE R The mot. vel1i le descnbed in t111s fom1 is delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of an Frein 1sc.o, as Fiscal AgeN of the United Stat.ea, at the IJ()]e risk f the undersigned. It 1 agreed thnt no liahihty or ruponnhilt ty hall be a um(d for any a or m1 •M1 in connection '~th it.s d1 pc it ion. ft i unr.ler t ·xi by the Federal Reserve Dank { an Franci that. no insurance wHl be provided on thi~ property. ----- ----- Witnesses Signature of for Ownc~~L ' Ill i tera t.ea _ RECEIPT FOR VEHJCLE Place f Delh•ery _ _ Receipt of 1~ vehicle described. above ls acknowledged . - - Date..._._ - Placed in Starage at___ .__ - · - - - - - - ---- -·- -- ------ ·-· - Representing the Pcderal Rcsen1e B11n~ of Sim Francisco, Pisco.I Agent of the United States. . -~- .. _..· ·-~-·- ---··---~- - - -- - ----- - - - - - -- - --·--- -- -- ---·-- ------ ------ ---- Instructions to Owner Tll ptcd for "'ora c hr the nit d me• •r ,, hide mu t N: m pr pe r n nnin • order The pre l.'"dure for r .;r.1 n11g nd v''cmme t, th rill~ · mo r vehicle i ar. follow• : (it ) Thr. , taie fot r Vehrde Rcgi tr lion Ccn.1ficate ft r this ehicle mu hr ubmltt ·d at the C1 11 Control • tion, and thrcr wpic. (lftlusform (FRB· ) wtll tbm Ix pr rnr d. h) T •n op1r of th1 form, to •ether with the R g1str;1tlv11 c.·rttfiCitl • \\ 111 until rm al 1t opr will ht r I haml1~d to the ('l'ilCU .e for lu rctrnti 11 the d 1 •n ttc.l A mbly , nt r. The tlurd til.Ul d at the iv I ...c>ntrol t.atir1n. 1 v 11.ut \ull be g1 ·en .m dentifi t1vn ta v.•hi h he 111 t e ;...· ~urdy to the I'! crn g appantus f thr mr.tor ·eh1cl . ( ) Th . (u) 11 nrrirnl .1t th ;.,-. ~ly . tcr thl' evacuee \\'lll Jrl1'·rr tu th r ·prr nt ttl\'C of the rdcra l Re rv B1111k oi .'111 Fune · ) the t •.o C:O{'ICS of tht form, the Rogu• tration rt1hntc 1 and tie kc)' to the \•eluclc r) lh· r pre f'nt.it11 of the F·d\.Ml R , rve Bank of St1n fr lllll U \\1JI chr k ttll nnmh<'r't C>n ~ht form and if found 1 to he corrc-.t will acknowlcdi;e receipt of the motor vchi le hy .1gmn1t one Cl>P>' of the form and dch •crinq it l the .vacu e. l r 11ehide d cnhc-d in tin form i.A In t , damaged, or <lcstroy d as thr. re ult of ncqhgr.nce whi le 11 is in the po es ion or 1U1tody of the llr11t.:cl tatt,, or any agrncy a ing for it the CongrC"• of the nited 't.1 ·1 will l kc.-d to tt1k apprnpna~ a.ctwn for t I nc'fit ()f the owner. ..... .STER DE ARTJME .. " RTH ARM C M 1A l> AND fVJL CO TR L A Ml ' !STRATI NS San Franc:Uco, Ot.lifornla INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * l!vacuces will l be. ~nmt t <l l take daeir m r ·ehic:les io reception cxnten. u · urance what• r l.'.llfi oo g1"en that ·a :11 ·di be en I a~ me future tirl'le vc the motor 'ehiclet ~ow owr J by tbcm returned for thcU' ind1vJdual u The Unit ·cJ ta.lea Army is authorized, m 11& discretion. to pur aae motor vehid m evacu rwr to cva uat1on, mot-Or vehicles rnay be ored 1 by the owner pri1: tely, v. 'thoJt o\•crnmcoul interf AL ERNATIVES ST RAG R SAL The oth t r alttrnative1 pre rnted w tl.t \'&curt who o ll>'n ~ a motar vrhicle arc u tollo'<H : Alttrnotfrt l. To ddi ·er his motor \'tlncle to I tdrral Rntf''C Rank t>f !;an Pran rl~c-J, u Agtnt of the Urutcd , for ragr t e ow11rr'1 mk, without in1ura11u, which ttiral(c will, 111 moQI inetJ.ncu, ht in open are11 (at AS1Junbly Cmtcr or oth r dtai natcd place•) and mu l of ncC't ity ht of a char 111!11 h will JubJtct motor \•dude to 'l t an tl1c tppr1JM:d value tbat tht n •acue bas 110 equity, nu u.Jr to the United 't41CJ will bt r!>'lnunm111cd . ln rnch &n«: thr ri ht <•f &r•)' creditor to rcpo•- r r; ·apturt, provided by 11111•, will not be rHt ttd by the custodian of tbt ID()LOr ' ' m B, If the tt•llC'~re lS Ult Ir di ~ivnrr of the mtor or \'t.hldt, he mu t , to tl1 lore oiue, pruent the owntuhip ccr1Ji6catc, dul • add1t1C111 cndorttd. a more <>r lea rapid deterioration. Altrrnotlrr 2. To offer hla mutor vclude for iale to the Uni.ttd Stuu on the following bam : The rnot~r vehi le ••.-ill he apprai rd by two J1si11LcrcttC'd appm n and, 1n 11.S dl~etion and at 1l! opt.ion. thr .A1111y may buy the motor \'chicle Ill tht aprnued price 111h1ch rha.ll not, howevrr, c recd tht Blue Book whole ale valur in the 1<>Cality where the purcha~ " conaummated . PURCHASE OF MOT R VBHICL S BY THE UNlTED STATES .A If tl1c tvon.iu II NOT the kgal owner of the mol4lr vrhidc, in otdtr to arrange for a ~ale to the Army, he mu1L procnt to e rd· mu Reserve Bank of an Puncill('O, DI p, Clll Agent of rhc nited 'tate , at L11e Civil Control Station, or 111ch other place aa may be direct •.J, the following: I. Rcgl1tratlon ccrti6Clltt , duly endor&ed, 2. The cment on l.111: 1tver • hrrcof, duly 1lgntd and wirnuscd . l . Such other authoriation and aHurancc u may be rrquircd by tht Pcdtral Re..trve Bank of San Prandsco, as Pl cal Agtn! of llie Unit d Statta. Jn case the evacuee u not the le1tal owner, it m11Jt bi dearly under• atood that ii the fndtbtcdne again t tht motor vchicl ~ 11 equal or ld or otherwise disposed of r aa&istance. Included D INlTlONS AND CONDITIONS in the t.crm "mo r ''chicle" arr Lhr. following : I . Pa ngcr can, h ht and medium . H avy patsengtr cart ln order l<I come 1tlun the purcha11ble C'&te ory muflt be clu cd a "'mcd1uw", "' the Army ia not authoritcd t.o purchuc any "heavy" pa cngcr rar . 2 , Mot"rcydu. 3. Buuea and truck• of all typ , including p1ck·up and delivery tru ks; and tractor , Including 1cml•truck tncwn. lt n not int.tndcd t.o include within the term "mot.or vehicle" thoec ulf·propdled motor vehicles euitcd only for farm operation . In the C\ nt thu the aale of anp motc•r vehicle la not completed or appt>ar1 not fea blc, the !' dual RcKr\t Bank of an f'ranclKO, a Piscal Agent of the United Statea, acting for and u agent of the cvacuet, re.crvc the ngbt to it.ore iUCh motor veh.idc at tht owner'• ri k, at above JeL forth, or to make such her dl1po ition of 1uch motor velucle u may, in lwi 110lc discretion, appear to he jut and equitable, including the right to prrmit the legal owne r of 1ud1 motor vehicle to take bts ltgal recouue for rcponeNlon or otherwise. It n intended that t.he shove procedure will provide a fcuible meant of protecting the inte1e1U of cvac:ute1 In their motor vehicle , w thout p1~; .. .1 :..,. '" the interuu of other1 therein, and 'thu1 will efftct an cqul· table diaposition o •ch property. e .. ..· Wcc:A PO&lll t"U.·4 .A9 eement . .... egardfng Disposition of Motor Vehicle * that. the under i;mxl hu THIS JS TO CI!R TI tio Ol t r •u hmx>f n:ga.rdmg the dl!'f'll ttvn tlf and in V CA u1m FRB·3, (to be attached b r thi• ...._ emcnt u i nd] Judi the undulligned hu Said uutructioru a.nd th d and under taod the imt ru · the m r vehicle descr d porated by r-fertnct herein if &igntld ooncurrent ly n the re 'eroc of WCCA rm R t\ are rart of tlu Agreement. 1d motor vehicle crordin to 1he undcrsi rned duire to d ix:is.: of Ute af deJA1 R I'\' •t f rt.h or. th rt:\'tr hrroof, ~nd requesu the Alt rnatJ'' N . Bmk of . an r.i.ncisco, as Pisal A cnt of tl1e Unit d t. tet, to ct a >tdrngly. If th e dJS· "~ •mph.ahm nt f tl alteni\ath·c her in selected appear LO &nl:, rn its crei n, rr p ible W' not. fea 11 le, l!Ud Bank i authon.z.eJ to tnit e such ot.hc.r dt of id mot r \'Chicle a 1t d ·m pt' per. _L id m tor ''chide 1• deli\' red to said Bank at the sole · k of the uncle ,. ncd, and to said f r anr act or omi!.· 1 iii a·•re d tllBt no liability M r •pi>osil-oiltty .shall awi. &ion in conncctfr•n ~-it.h the handling of said mr r vehi le or du;posrtion of the procc t.hereof. The under ' further agrees, upon demand, to rdmbur the Federal R i · Ban.k of n.n , Fiscal A ent of the oiti:d States, in full for all charge• and xr.._r\ incurred in conticction \\1th the d1 pow ion of 1d rn tor vehicle, ilnd auth rizes d duct fr m the pr eds of thr 11<tle of said motor clu Jc and fmtruct.s aid Bank any of su h c pen!IC!I mcurf d. ,,:. Family No ..-.:lr!:vr....- __ e e MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM _Family Num r Nunc of Rcgist.cred Owner Address of Rc~red Owner'. / 0 tE, I". _)2 N;ime of Legal Owner (if different) . Addretis of Leir.J Owner Smal Numher__ Uc.cnae Number .ngrn Nwnber fake of Vehicle Type o! Vehicle_ Dat.e First Sold A w 'ms (lndicatt r.umber cm ttehtcle) : puc ~E 0 R d10 0 Otl1cr Remarks . WAIVER The mot.Or vehicle deacnbed ir1 th111 form is delivered to the Fed ral Rl'!ferve Da.ok of Franc1sc:o, u Pi.K41 Agent of the United States, at tlie le ri1lt of the Wlde.r igned It is agreed that no liability or resporuib1l1ty shall be umed by the Federal Re.sctve Bank of San PrmcUc.o for any act or omi ·on in c.onnectfon with i dispvsition It is unJcrs that no insurance will be provided on thi.a property. Witnwea Signature of for Owner~ r~~ Illiteratea RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - · - - - __ Receipt of the vehicle deKTibed abcwc is hereby acknowledged. Dat ' ----- PlaC'(IJ in Storage a - ----- Representrng the Federal Reserve Ban~ of San F-ranciJco, Fiscal Age11t of the United States. - - - - -----·-- - --- - ·-- lnstruC't•ons to Own r To be acapted f r Etorage by ie Umtro ta.tu Om•cmment, the mot.or \•e.Wcle must be in proper running order. dun: for registering and The ring m \•ehide i& u folio a: a) Tii ration C.Crti6cate for thlJ St.a.t.e Mom 'eh1clc Rt chicle mu t be i.uhmined at the Civtl Control St.ati n, a.nd three c:opiea of this form (FR.8-.3} \\ill then be prepared. (b) Two copies of this form, togtther with the Registration the evacuee for hia retention, will Ix handed arrival at the dea1gna.ted As mhly CrntA?r. The third COP>' will be retuned at the Ch·il Control tation. (c) The e\•acuee will be gi eo an id ntification tag whicl1 he will tJ 1e Ill' ly to t'he itttr"n apparatus of the m or ehicle. (d) On rrh•al at the AasembJy Center the evacuee will deliv r to the repre9C11tative o( the Federal Reserve Banlt o( San Franei&co the two copies of thUi form, the Regill' tratlon CertiDcate, and the bys t the vehicle. (e) The rcpre nt.ative of the Federal Ruierve Bank Qf San Pranci o will check all numbers on the form and if found to be correct will ackno ledge receipt of the motor vehicle y siJtnin~ one copy of lhe form and d livering it to the e acuce. If the motor vehicle described in this fonn is lt111., damaged, or destroyed as the result of negligence while it it in the posseMion or custody of the United States, or any ageocy ac ting for it, the Congress o! the United States will be asked to take appropriate action for the bendit of the owner. C MMAND AND 'AR IME NTROL ADM! IS'fRA ION IVIL S.tt1 OURTH AR.MY ranc:Uco, California INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES acuecs iU be No a nn \\h t w hi \'e LI c mo .r du perm.ill gi · 11 now O\ The United Anny from e'I' ueea. Pn r 10 e 11 * pt.ion cer ter&. to t.hcir moror ,.e}ucJ that c ·11 uee. will b ena.ble.J ilt me future 'me ued by th m return d (~r theu in 1 •idw.I uac. authorttcd, in its diM:rebon, ro purchase mot r velucle& u t on, m or , hidCll may be ored, by the o vn r prwa ly, 1d)OUt ov ALTERNATl s The oL rr altcmativu prCICntcd arc a1 follow : tu RA R SALB the \•acuer wlio ownt a motot \'t hide Altrr11al/'l'e l. To deliver hlr motor vchiale to Fedtral RueM'e Bank of l\n Fru ci11CO, u !'1~nl l'I tot of &.tit Uruttd t~tr1 , for Atora tat the ownu'• Ti! , without 1n1uranc:e. wl 1ct1 1to1n e will, in 1110~ 10Jtano , be In open are11 (at Auembly Ctn~er& Dr othet dCl!I oattd pbcet) and muat of necrnury be of a d1aucrtr which will ubJr:C'I 1 wr vehicle. to l more r lcw rapid dtttrioratloo Alter.-alit'~ 2. To ofirr bis motor vehicle for ale t.o the United Stata on lhe following buis: The motor ''th1de vdll he appralsr.d by t wa dililnlrrc ted apprali.c11 and , m tu dl$crc11on and at 1l option, the .Army may buy tlie moto1 \'eh1cle at the 1ppru&cd pri~ which 1hall not, hma•rver, uceed the Blue Boole v.•holc1alc vdue In the lor,allLy where the pur-cliuc 11 consurrun&~d . PURCHASB OF MOTOR VEHI LES BY THB UNITED STA TES .A If rhe e1.011CtLee ii NOT the lrgol owntT of the motor ehlcle. in urder to arru1ge for a tale to thr. Army, he mu t prucnt to the Prd· erll Rc:1trve Bank of &an Pranclaco, •• Pitcal Agent of the United Ute , at the- Civil Control C:ution, or auch other place as may be duected, the following: I. llegi tr&tion ccrwficat.c, d11ly rndoned. l . The agreement on the reverse hereof, duly signed and witneJStd . J. Such other aurhoriut ion and 11a1ura nC'e a1 may be required by the Federal Reatrve Btnlc of San Prancitco, a Pilcal ~ ent of the United St&ter. Jn ca e the evacuee 11 not the legal owner, it must be clearly under· stood that if the indebtcdne., against the motor vehicle i1 equ1l to or pr or o herv.-UC duposccl of • ta.nee. grtatcr than the \•alue IO t~at the evacuee h1t no c u1ty, no ialc 10 the United t.ltu Wiii be '01u11111'lll•tcd. In uch an 1n11ance or reca:pturt, u pro,id d by law, th ri ht (){ any credit.or c.o repoa will not be ruiat.rd by the cuitodian of the motor ''chicle. B. lf tht' w uee JS the leaAJ ownrr of tlie mc>u>r tirhlde, he muut, 1n add1ti1m to Lbe forr oinf, prc11c:n1 the ownrr hip cert1fic.ate, dul)' DHPlNITIONS AND c NDrno s lntlud Jin Lhc Lenn "mot.or vehicle" are the fol1010."ing: I. P111M:nger ca .... light and medium. Heavy paat;Cnger car. in order to oine ·1th1n t.hc purchuable cateaory mull br: cla d a1 "medium", u the ~rmy ii not authoriud to purchuc any "heavy" pa ~ngcr car . 2. Motorcyclr:a. 3. llu66a and trucu of all typea, lrlcludlng plck·up and delivery truclo; and tractora, including 1eml-truc:k tractor•. It 11 not intended to Include within the term "motor vehicle'' those telf•prope.Jlcd motor \•r:hiclea flllttd only for farm operation . In tbe event that the ule o( any motor vehicle i1 not C'Olllplcted or appear1 not fol.Sible, the Federal Rcauve B1nlc of San PnndllOO, aa Pitcal Ai:r:nt of the United tatc1, actin for lnd u agmt of the evaCl.lte. rucrvea t.he right w &tore 1och motor vehicle at t.he owner'• risk, 1\1 above act forth, or to make ruch other dlepoaltlon of such motor vcbide u may, 111 it1 aole dl.cretlon, appta.r to be juut 11nd equitable, lncludin g the right to ptnnit the legal owner of 11Ud1 motor chicle to ta.kt hu legal recourae ·for rcpocte.Uion or ot.herwile. It 11 Intended the above proctdure wnl provide a fea Ible mear:u of protecting the lntercrt1 of cvacuf~.t In tbdr motor vehlclea, without prejudice to tbc luterelt of othr:n thtcdn, and tbut will effect an r:qul• table dltpodtion of ruch property. w ee ~ f :> ffM ,.. • .. e 1·' greement Regarding Dl•posiflon of Motor Vehide THIS 1 ti na on the rel' V A rm this A ree.mcnL * C RTIFY that lite under ~gmxl h r c.J a1 d Wldtr~tn.nJg Lbc 111 tru · r he f reg.lrdin the d1r<•1h cn f the tor ·chicle d nl on RU 3, [to be attach d b r to and tn r rc1ted r ref r nee 11 nod) ic:h the und 1;;ne<l ha gned 'd 1ru11ni t1c>0a nd of 'I\ OOA l'orm RB· t l 11 rart f tl . Aiircetnent. The undr:r gned d 'r to dis se of U\ afort'. id mot r vehicle ii cording fl\ Alt rnati • No. _!J.,.-.. t forth tl1c r \•crae h f, and requ the Pcd~ra.1 Re rvc B.wk of S n rVld oo, a l' A cnt o th Unit d St tu, t 1 ad ac cirdmglr. Jf the a mplilil mcnt the lt rruttl e selected apre-n 8ilid Baok, in 11 k di · er 11 n, 1mr ble or not u 1hle, r.aid Bank 1 ant h(>ri• d Lorn, c uch ot.her di r 0 ic;mJ ffiLI OT \' hl le a it deem r per. , id mctor •ch1cl1> is dcHv rcJ to said .Bank at the le ruk o{ tuc uuckrsi n J, am! it i4 agrccd that no !fa ihty or ~c pn11£1h1hLy r.ll JI ttac.h 1,0 sanl Dim fc r any 11ct 1r c1mi • ion in connrc:Lion w11h the handling (said motor chicle or d1 jllOSlhon of th .. proc. s thereof. The uodcnigncd further agrees, upon demand, to rcimbur<ie the J~ral R rv · Bank c.f San FranoACo, F1 .al AgtnL CJf the United States, u1 full for 1lil d1arg• and cxrcn ~s incurred in connc~i..ion '1.Ylth the <lispo 1l1 n of ill<l m<•t •t \'1:h1dc, aud authc1ntt:1 and instru Mid B,mk to dedu fnm the rr ' C of the s;1lc of· id motor ·.hicl any of uch xpense mcurrcd ,/ E ·c ut d at .L .'?' ,...?7 .v~1'4.,.,d ~~~~ Family No _/ \VITN ESS: d .2.. 8-'.~ t-' I~ I ... I e ~ ---- MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM P rrufy Numbtr.La f of R Addr ed Sena! Type of Vehicl Date Ace umber_ m (ln ic re numbercm t•c11icle) ! Spare Tire (11) .I F g Ligh1(s) _ r _ __,,..,_ _ _...... _,..,_ _ _~,..._- HtJ?u:r_ ----'----- --------~-- Remar • WAIVER The m tor 'chicle in thu form i1 d livered w thr Fed ral R rv Bank of 51111 Prancl11CO, u Jlitca.I Agent urned ponin'b1lity a.LI be , t the e le n k of Llie undcrlilgnc Jt 1 agreed l11at n' liability r of e Urut d understood u It by the Federal Resu1•e Bank of San Francisco ( r any a er omia.~on m nnr 'on with it.a diap 'ti n. th t no insunnce will be prtm d n t.his pr..iperty Witn for -----"--' RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery_ . - - - - ---- . ...-......_ .. ___ fLecelpt of the v hide de.!ICll ed above 11 hereby ackoowleclged. ---· - Reprem1Llng c.he Fedtral lU.seT'1/e Bani{ of 811111 P'Tl1'11cUCCJo, fiscal Agenh of cJ1e United Sw.tu. Placed in Storage a..________, ~----·-·---- ---·-- -- - -- ~--- • Instructions to Owner ·ro bt a.c.c:cptcd { r st rage b je Umt motor •chiclt m m pr per runnin ' ord r. S 12 t< Go\•cmmcnt. the The pro· dur.: for r g 61 rin~ nd (a) Tl e t tc M r Vehicle R <>istrati n Ot:rtific::atc for is ve.hidc mu. be suhin1uod at the Ch· I Oontrc'1l ~t.atlon, and three copies of tfos ( rm ( · Ril· '.\) will I hen br. pr •pa rt d. (h) Two copi f this fr rm, t ether with the Rrs,'I rati n Ccrtificnte, wdl bt handed to the cv11cuee for hu r tentk>n until arrival .. t t.hc d i nahd Ac.sem I)• C.entcr. The third copy will be r; t.a ncd at the 1 11 ntrol tatwn. (c) The acuee will he given n 1dent16c.ation 1tg ·ttid1 he t-0 LI e :cring ap annta of the motor ·will tie eccur h• v rucle (d) On arrival .at th A ly tcr t.he •acucie will deliver lo the rcpreaentative of the Fede.rat Raer\'c Danie of 11 PranoK.O the •o pies of thie. form, the Rcglttrat.i .10 C'..crt1ficatc and the kcr to the v~hicle . (e) Tht representative of the Federal Reser~e B nlc of n Fmncl9CO ' ill cl 1eck all numbers on the form and 1f found to be corre \\ i1 I acknowledge receipt of the motor vehicle by eigrung one copy of th form and delivering 1t lo the evacuee. If the motor \•chicle described in thi! form ia lost:, damaged, or destroyed as the result of negligence while it is in the p "<m or custody of the United Stat ·t, or any aGency acting for it, the ngre& of th United Sta t'B will be aske t t."tke appropri te actiorl for e ne-fit of the owner. ' ' I • Df D IL C fl RHi ARMY rRA l N Sa.11 Fr.anr.Uico, Califor /a INSTRUCTIONS TO f;V ACUEES REGARD! G OlSPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 1dl llOl lC tu. pCntlilt nl nO'I ·me lJ from va 11eJ 1~t4"" " rmy is .;iu m~4or t1ud~ 01>i tea. m tor \'chicle ma re I J, Id r th rv. b)' t.hc o ncr ri'•akl>·· vi1l101Jt i:D :crrunrnul tntuf ence c. ri r t S'J O L r RNATIV The olhtr altrtllall wh1ck :rrr 11 follot1• : 'tfi • pr 6C ttd to the <. ·~cuct ·lao own a m t •I A.ltttllolit• 1. To dd1wr lue m of San ra. lllr.o>1 ~• l'i~o1l ,a,IJtnt of t hr U011<1d Sta.r , for 11r<>ra. t at the ov.·ncr' ru Ii, wlrhout ineur~ncc: ·lu tor a c •·di, m fll(JDt iD an 1, in optn arcu (•l AMIW!bly C,.nter or othtr dral pla« ) and m 1 -0{ oc(lt5 ity be of 1 chan r wh1c.h v.·AU 1ubjrcl motor \•chi cs to am r or lcu rapid dtt.c:rle>Hlion • .itllC't11otin 2. To offtr hl 11 L mutor \•thtdr for u.k Tht motor \•chi le will be appral td tvm di•int re ted apprltl r and, m tle dlM'rctJon and nt 1u 1J1'lJ1Jn, the .Ann)• may uy the mot-Or v }11clc lit the apprantd p11u wl ich hall not, howcwr, exceed 1hr Blue Sook hol u.I 'alue in tht> I I.lily whrrc the putcha&c Is oc•n11111nmatcd P RCHASE F MOTOR VEHICLE BY TII JTED S ATES A If the t..>at"Utt Is NOT tJ1e le 4f oMmcr of the mot01 vehlclt in c1rdH to arnn11t for ~ &Ir 10 the Army, he mu1t prci;cnt to the I'd• rul Reterve Ban i.- or San rancl!ICO, DI PU<:al , of ibt United tat«, •t the Civil Control Station, or Euch other plac~ a• IDllf bt directrd, Lhc following: l . Rcgi t ruion cr rtiftc.a~. duly endorsed . l . The a.gri:cment on the rewnc h ereof, duly lgned and .jtJnened '.\. Such other authori~atJ011 11.nd a1tura.nor a 1111y ra.trr th&n Lhe appaiM'd nlot •e> t It t\•ac:uee a.1 no equ1t}, no •.lr to thi l)nurd wit~s "'ill be conJ1.t'11nt1Utd. To Ft1ch an 1n tan 1l·r 1 ~ t ,,f &ny r~ditor to rtpc•~•t 1 1 recapturr, ••pro •ldrd hr b • ·1U nut he rt 1 t d by tbt cmtod1an o! mot r vchldr. B If the t1•a.Nrt TS 1he I 111 011111n- of tht morc•r 1•d1jclt, hr rnu~t. ddition to the fort •om11. reoc111 die ovmcr hip ccrti6cau, duly tlldN d. in D FINJT I NS A D the United e following ba 11: be required b)• tht Federal R t.aer\'C Bank o f Sao Prandaco, u Placal /l gr.nt of he U nltcd St.&lea. l n ca e the eva uce is not the lcnal o •ncr, it mu t be cltarly under• atood that if rhc Indebted nt.N agarn 1 th motor vehicle ia cqud to or cl NDITIO S lncludtd in the tenr1 "m tor \•thicltM art t.l1r following: I. ra ngtt cari, light and medium lira'1' pas11e11ger ca1~ in t>rdrt to omc within th purrhuablc ate ory mullt be eta d u "medium .. , u the ,A,rmy u not t<I purchase any "hravy·• rusc:n '<r car .. 2 Lru,. Bui c and truclu ol all typ •· Including ptcik•up a.nd dtliwry ; and tracron, 1Dcludin1C seml'1 ruck Lractors. It 11 not intended to include within t.ltc term "mcitor vrhiclc .. thote stl(·propcllcd m r "chiclr-a suiud only for rum operation. In t!tc C\•cnt that the of &ny moto r wh1clc it not cornplctcd or ap a.r nc.L feuiblr, the dnal RcecNc Dank e>f Sa.n randfCO, ~ i&Clll t.ctM of tht Unr~ed StatCA, ac.1ing for •nd u agrnt of the evac:ue , rr rvra the: right to · re uch motor \•ehide at the owner'• rldt, as above ttt forth, or t.o ma.kc uch othtr di sposition e> f such mot.or vehicle u may, In 1u eole di c1.,.tion, appear to be Ju t and equitalilc, includln1 the right 10 f•trmrt tht Jc al owner of l\1ch motor vehicle to t ake hia Ir al l"llCOU re~ for repoucuion or othrrwi.e. It i1 int.ended that the abow procedure ill pro•,.lde a fou ible muna of protecting the intrrut.a of evacuee$ in their motor vthlclcs, without rrfudrcc to the in tcrcsu of othrn thr rcin, and thus will efl'cct an cqui• table di po ition of uch property. Cl A t Jir I 4 Agr ement Regarding Dt1po1it -on of Mo·tor Vehicle * THIS I • TO CERTIFY cliat 1J1e under i ntd l r ad a.nd under&t.lllds tl.e i true· uon on l r •er. he-re()f regardm the dJapoi.m n of the ml•tor eh1tlc d rihcd on ~OCA rm FRB·~. [to be at ell.CCI hereto nd 10wrporatcd hy reference hcrc.11 if tlu Agreement is gned] which the undersignt<l has signed c nrurrmtl-i he:rc,..,itl1. Said 10 truct.iom and th on the r crse of~ r Ol'IT\ • .S·3 are a part of thia Agreement. Tiie und ·gncd de: f t dil.f"OSC of the a~ id mot r V\\h1cle ccotding to Altermtive o 2:.'" set forth on the reverse hero<Jlf, and requeat& the Fcd<:rnl R~ rve nk of San F nCl800, as Agent of tJ1e ni d tales, a ta t<hn 1ly. Jf the ;i •mpli&lun ot f the altem;itive herein sclect.ed appears to said Bank, in l r t1 n, unr. ible r not I ble, td Banl authorn:;ed to rn 'e such otl1 r d1s1'u ·uon ( said m tor \lehiclc a it deems proper. aid mo r verucle is delivered to td Bank at I e sole ri k of thr: und sign • and 1t is agreed that no ha\11iit)• .r responsibiht)r &hall atta to said Ban f r nny act or m1t· lion rn nnecuon wtth the handling of ~id motor vehicle or di pooition of th procet:ds thereof. The undenigned fort! •r agrees, llfXJn demand, to reimburse the P denll R e Banlt of San ranciec(l, Fiscal Ag nt of the Unit d St.ates, in full for !I.II ~ rge aml e1'pc 8CB incurr din connecti n with the di r.1110n of &aid rn(1tor ·eh1de, and a11thon::.t:a and 111stru said Ba!lk to di:duct from the procred of the sale of mot r vehicle any of i;uch expenses incurred. fa:r: utccl a ' y. - ""t- .-t hl.ll day of Family No._/ {) _.,.... <L_ ~"" / --· , ".,.I r- • 194'2 . •* , ;'Y MOTOR ~HICLE (Sn REGIST ATION 'ORM i 111Jl,...clk11U c111 ltorl vf 1l.i1 sll 1) /OJ Name of R $',Cad Add I(._.,.,_~ Addreas of Legal Owner umb Li _ S 'i° iaJ.e of Vehlcl f) ::>I umber ~1..-~~..:." C f2 /5- /:L· ..) C.' / ·1.:2 ngme Type o{ Vehicle... ( I't'ltlicatt: tiumbcr on 1 th cle) . 1 oo Li(tbt •) pue Tire ( _ er He<W:r Renar!LJ: WAIV. ER 'The motor vehicle described in thu form tS deli red to the ed tal R rvc &nk of Sa.n Prandsco, u Pisa! Agent be assumed of the United Stat.ea, a.t the 10le t1 of the unde.mgned. It ii agrcod Witt no llabWty or r ponsibilfry shall unden;t ia lt cllipu&itJon. it• with connection in by the Peder&! Reael'\•e Bank of Siln Pnncisco for an)• a.ct '1r om.iu1on that no inrurance will be provided Oil th~ property. Witnwee for Illit.erate. __ ...__. ____......._ ___ Signature of Owner ~-- I I RECEIP T FOR VEHICLE Plaa of Delivery _ ---·-----·-·--~----· ----- ·---- Receipt of the vehicle dcsc.ribed above is hereby acknowledged. Da ----- ----- - - Representing tire Peder11I Re enie Ban~ of S.Jin Prancisco, Pise1il Agent of ~he United St.ate5. Placed in Storage a -.....--- . ----~ _ .. _~ Instructions to Owner To be acc.epted for ge by the United St.ate:a Go\'ernment, the r vehicle m ult. be in pr; r running order m The rocedure i r registt"nng and 11 riog a motor ehicle is u folio • tate :Mot V hicle Regi.!itrati n Cem6cate for thill vehicle muat be &ubmitt.ed at the Civll Control St.ati n, and three cop ' of thia form FRD· 3) will then be prrparcd. (a) The (b) Two copiea of this form, gether WJtli the Registrati n Ctrtificatc, will be handed tr.> the evacuee for his retention until arri al at the designated Assembly Center. The third copy will be rewncd at the Civil Control Station. c) The evacuee will be givt.n an ldentilication tag whicl1 he v.rill tie ae.curely to the steering apparatua of the mot.or ''ehicle. (d) On arrival at the Aasembly nter the evacuee will deliver to the represe tattve of the Federal Reserve Bank of S n ranci&co the •o copies of thia fonn, the Regie· t.ra don Ctm6catc., and the keya to the vehicle. (e) 'The representati\•e of the Federal R rve Bank of Sa.n Pra.ndJco will diec.k a.II numbers on the fonn and if found to be correct will acknowledge receipt of the motor vehicle by gnin~ one copy of the form and delivering it to the evacuee. If the motor vehicle de:scnb<.-d in thia form i' IOdlt, damaged, or destroyed aa the result o{ negligence while it ia In the possusion or custody of the United, or any agency acting for it, the Congress of the United Sutea will be asked to take appropriate action for the benwt o( the owner. - .. ST R. ARTIM.E fO RTH ARM\' <. , 1MAAD D • El'\S IR L ADIUN IVIL ~ F'ranci5oo R., TlO alifomia INSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES E,•a u es will n t No Ab v-. hat~ urnn permstl.('J t * e.nah1od •t •rne fyture tne r tumcd for their mdl "d I u 'ct have Lhr: The from nitcd Statts Army t The olber lll rnal.J whicJt art. u follo 1 : 'CJ OP ST RA pr M'Rltd IU tf,e e\•acuet. Altl"rn•ll•r 1. To ddi1• r hi motur" bicle w Pcderal Rc..crvt Da.nlr an ranctKO, u Fltcll A nt of 1c Unn d tat.r , for •rar.e at t l.c owntr'1 mk, wilhoul 1neuranct, wl11th 1I01• •c u.•iH, 111 mo• 1nJtancr , In open 1ru1 (at Aa!lt'mb)y Oe.r.ten or othrr deeignatrd pl ) and 1nu 1 of 11ccc 1ty be c,f a charactu which v.111 ub1cct motor •rhiclu to a 1nore or Ir rarid dt>teriorauon . Alur1a.tht 2. To offrt h on t.hc fc,ltou•ing b11 ·, : mowr 1•rhlcle for alt to t.he United P RCHASB OF MOTOR VEHJ UNITED STATES S 8Y THE A 1f the cv.aruee is NOT 1hc legal owner of the motor whkle, in ordrr to arrange for a 1111!1: t.o the Army. he rmm present to the Fed· tral Rtferve Bank of 11,n PranCJliCO, 11 Piacal Agent of the nited Sr.atea, at t e CiVJ1 Control 1ation, or such other r1lace a.a may be direcud, thr following: 1. Regl h atlon certificate, duly endoraed. '2.. The ag1 cement on the rc,·ersc hereof, duly signed And witnessed. authori~atlon and a urance at m~y be required by the Prdcral R~strve .8ank of San Prandaw, u PiJcat Aqent C•f the Uni d Statet. In t:&H thr evacuee 1 not the Ir 11 ownH, it mu•t ~ clearl)r under• agaiMt the mot.Or ,.e:hicJc i1 equal to or stMd tha.t if the lndebtednl' re&IU thtn appnia.:d .Ille 10 tha.t e; ( ·acuer h11 no equity, '10 •~.k 10 the Un11ed ll't I br ccm.i.im11&111rd Jn JUch an 101t...nCIC' Lhr n I t CJf any r dit.o1 to rtpo Ctr rtC<lapwrc, u rro,1dcd h Ju., wrll not bt: re med h>• the cuKr.odian of thr rn r '•ehiclt. B. If the rv•nui IS 1hr Jc .,J ow-nrr of 1ltc mo1-0r t·rhiclt. he rnu , rn ndd11.ict t.o t.l.c for i:nfna, pr nt the ov.-ncr~!.ip cr.rtt6cat , duly tndrmcd. 0 lNl.TIO S AND CONDITIONS Inch1dtd 1n the tf'lm "motor vehicle" arr 1l1e folJr,wing: I. Puttn The mowr \ldll ·It will be appru ed hy two di in t, rrM~ apprait.l'n and , 10 ii.& diJcrrtion and at tt option, I.he 1'.rmy may buy 1he motor ,·cJuclc al the 1pp1a1 td rnc t wl11ch ,!rall noL, however, u red the Blue Book he>ltule valuf' in the localJt • where I e urcbue Is comurnma1ed. 3. Sucl1 othcl' s hie! may be st.nrcd, Id or Gtherwhe d po d of stance. ernmrnt.J intuf r n e •r of L&t \'th1 cueu Pn r w e\•.u:uatki.n, motor hy the ownc..r pnv,tdy, wi~hc t TERNATIV r lUthoriwl, m 11 d1 tr ca.n, ltght a.nd medium lira.'')' pwcni:cr ca.ta in ordr.r ~omt within L c purchaublt ~It rory mullt. bt a1 "mrd1um", u the Army is nCtt a11thori~cd to pureh•&e any "heav)•" pa sen •tr car . 2. ?\.ioLorcyclea. l . Bu and truckJ G>I all typ~ , including ptdc•u p and dclf,•eiy Lrutlt6; a.nd tractor•, mcludlng llCJJli•u•uclc tractors, It ia ne>I intended to include within tht term "motor vehicle" t.hoec tcH•pwpclled motor 1•thicles JUtt.ed only for farm oper&tir.on. ln Lhe vent that the sale of Ul)' motor 'cblclr i• not complcud .:ir appears not fe1111blc, the fl drn.I ReACrvc Ba.•lc of San Pranoiw:o, 11 Fi1ul A~tnt of tbe Umtcd Stat.cs, acting for a.nd a' •aent or the ('Vl.CUCt , rucrvea the right r.o t re such moior vehicle at the owner'• n :It, u ahcwe ct forth, or to make uch other dl1po it.ion o( ucb mot.or 1• icle u may, in ita 60le dl5Cl'etlon, ~ppcar 10 be Just and equit1ble, inrluding the right to prrrnil tht. legal wnr.r o( iuch mo~or vehicle to tal..c his legal rccour~ for rcpoue...-lon or othelwl11t. It 11 intended that the a \•e procedure will provide a (ramble means of prottctio g the lnt.trCJU of e\'acueea in the it mot.or vthicles, thout rrrj udlc~ IO tht inttrel't Of Other& therdn , and t.hue wilJ effed. an c<jUt• uhlc di po itlon of ruch propeny. Agre ment egar·dino IH poutio·n of Motor Vehid C R TIFY that tl1e uoderst neJ hu re;id and undcn;tand the in 1ru • of t e mt~ vclude de nbl-J un 1 ti n cm r vcr he to and in tporatcd h)• re ert:.11 hrrL"ln if \ CCA und ·raigned J u · •n tJ11 .A r ement aid in ln1ctlonA aad th on t11e r :\ rae of WO A Agrecm nt. r " hi e a ~rdrng > The nder ~ ned the Ft~t:ra l Rl''lf'r\'e l forth n tlie re\ rat: l,e ·f, and requ Altcmat 1 •c o. _I Bank f ·an Fran i&co, i. f ' al .Agent of t.he Urur.rd t tc , t.o a(t" tdmgl)•. ]( tl le tcd appea tu 1d Ba k, io it• le d11· a.coomph~hmcnt f th altcmattvc erem • 1ble, wd B .nl 1 authl•ntW to mu ;e .suc.h oth('r di.poi;itfoo rn; of rh under ii:r1 J, nJ 1d mot r vehicle i deh\•ered to&< id Ban· at the I d that no hab1ht1 or rup .n ·~uit)' .hall attach to said for any a ror.lii· iii n in onnc ti n v. 1th th handling of $ mnt r velncl~ or dis iuon of the pre ceJ 1t is 11g1 thereof. ~· cs, upon demand, to reimbur ' th Pcclcral Rcnerv Bank of San Franc· , Fi I Agent cf the nitcd , in full for all 1a~es and pense incurr d m conm.:(ti n with the di re• 1tion of mc.t >t "ehi le, n.nd 11ut11nrit.CS and i1i rru said Bank to deduct from the proceeds of the sal f s 1d motor vclucl The undersigned further a any of uc.h expense rcum.:d xecuted at ):;:. --=-- thi . _,,...I d1Ly of I ,. am1ly No,_ / t..' (/ --- ~. 1942. <O' ------ wee" "O "' r1t• t MOTO - e VE ICLE REGISTRATION FOU.M Farntly N1unber~ Name of Registered 0 Addr /.t?. ~ of Registered N a.n1e of Lega I License Number Ma.kc of Vehicle Da.te Pfo Sold ~ :d:..... Type of _ m Light( ) I Other ti' di . -" - - - - - - · Re!llark.s : WAl"ER The motor vehicle dt$Cl';l Ul thi& form · delivered to the Feden.l Reserve &rik of n Fr nci , u Pi I Agent of th,. United, at the aole ri k of the underttgn . It 1s &greed tliat no liability or rt4pe>nsibil1ty mall be aaumed by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Pranci&c.o for a.ny act or omm1on in connection with itJ di&J>c..dilion. It u under id that DO insurance will be pTO'Yided on this property. Wr~ne&9U • ~-- Signature of for Ow~~--- llliterates . - - - RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE P lace e>f Delivery_ - - - - - Receipt of t he vehicle descnbed above is her by acknowlcdgc.d. - - -- Dat L-.. ----·--------Placed in Storage at._ __ - -----·-------~ - Repre&enting tT1e Fedtml Re&mie Bai~ o f San Prand co, Fiscal Agent of tl1e United St.ates. _ .. _...__ - - _._.. ___ ·------.....--------- --- ' Ins ructions fo Own .orage by t.he nited tat in prope:r running 's rin a) The Ute h and !rt nng a l1lO or V lii le Rcgiatrati r Governm nt, \'C ide ia follu Ccrti6cate ( •r thi \<ehiclc mu t he ubmitted at ~be Ci..- I Cont uition, wd tl . cople.a of th f rm (FRIH) ·111 ln n he rt f!Utd. (b) Tw<1 copies of th.ia form, tog•ther ith th g ·rati CertiliClt.c, ·ill be handed to tl1e t'\ a ec { r hi1 retention until .i.rri•,·a.I at the det.i !Tl ted Asacml->131 Center. The third oopy will be retained at the Civil . ntrol tation. (c) The e\• cuee will be 1:1 n m icl..:ntificataon Ulf: whi he wi11 acc:uft'l')I to the app.atatu of tbe me r ehide. (d) On arrival at the A ml>l nter the e •acuce v.'111 deliv r to the reprl!lentative of the Peder· I Restr\le Bank an Pra.ncisoo the two copfo f thi f rm, the Regls- r tralion Oerttific tc, nd the key to the ., ucle. prescnt.atfre of the Ped ral R f\'C Bank of San Francisco w11l chr .:k all numbers on the form 11.nd if found t-0 be rrect wil' acknowledge receipt of the mot.or \'chicle by igning ne copy of the form and deli eriog It to the (e) 'The evacuee. If the motor vehicle descr1~ in thi1 form is I t, damaged, or dcsf rored as th result of negligence while it 11 in the pos.qcssian or custody of the United Stat.ea, ot' any agency for it. the Congr.ess of the Unit.ed Statea will be asked t.o take appropriate actic>n for the benefi.t of t.he owner. A I • . .. . .. tMAND AND FOUR. HARM RN l>EF ES 'IARTIMB NJ' F,OL ADMl ISTRATIO San Frao . , C.. lifomla iNSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGARDING DISPOSrTlON OF MOTOR VEHICLES * will not be pcnrutlOO to take ti cir m r 1 du to re o r11n c ·hate1• r gi i'f:1l that ea 11? I: enal>lcd t me fvtur: . t1tnc t.o ha • the m r cl ides now ~'fled y th.m returned for llleir U'IJ.tvi ual u . The United ( 1C1ID t.atie Ann 11 autoonZtd, m it.I d~eboc. t purchase m r ''c:hi es evacuees. re Pnor to cvacualJOO, mo r chicle ml)' red. Id or CJthe:l"\ ise d' posed of by t.he owne.r pri at.ely, withe l '"' rnt.c.rference r asistwoe. AL RNATIVES OF s· ORA B OR SALE The other alt.ematwet Jire rited to the c\·acuer. ''th1cle art u follow1 : ho !fl• a motor Altrrn11tit•t 1. To ddinr hie motor chicle' to Pedtral R.i: rve B•nk of San rtndaco, a A nt of tll< United &1att , far ·ra e 11t the OV.'lltr'1 c11I:, wllbout ir1wranc:f; which '~oragr will, in mo itUt.\llcu, be in open ucae (at /uaembly Centers or other dc:1ignau.d placta) and m1ut of necr. lty ht of a c:h&racwr l\•hiC!h will subject mowc vthidu to a more or leu r1.p1d deterioraciOtl. A ltrrnafil'I! 2. lo offer hit motor vc:luclt for salt St.atra on t.he followiug bull: to rutct than the appraiatd alue uo that the e ·ecucc h1.1 no u1t)'• na ' e to Un1rcd Si.ttet will e tonru'"111arcd . ln uch •n 1n1tancc t.he ncl•t ol uiy creditor to repooe s or reapture, aa provided by la , ill not be rcMsttd by the cuatodtan of U>t mot.Or vchklt. 111 endoued. OBPINJ IONS AND CONDITIONS tht Unittd The motor \>Chicle will be appm td by two dil!intcruttd apprancr1 and, in ill diecrttion and nt 1l• <>ption , the "rn•y 11111 t>..iy the mOlor \lthiclt at the apprai1l'"d plice which sl11.ll not., however, eiacd t.he Blur Book wholelillle value in the locality where the purchut u con&urnroa.ted. PURCHASE OF MOTOR VBHIC.1.BS BY TIIE UNITED STA TES /\ . If the mscuu is NO'f tire legal 011111er of tht iwotor 11chlr.le, in otdcr to arr"&nge for a i;alc to the Army, he m111: pl'C'.tent to the Ped, ual Ruervc Rank of San Pranci•CO, u Pitcal "crnt o f the United St.tu, at the Clivr1 Control Station, or such oc.btr place u nuy 1-e direcud, the following : I, Rcgilitratfon certificate, duly endor~d . 2. The agreetn nt on the reverse hc:rct-f, duly signed and witnuscd, 3. Such other authpriution and •~suranct as may be required by the Federal Restrvc B.11nk of San Pra.ndsco, aa Pitc:al Agent of the Statca. Jn cue the evacuee i• not t.he le al owner, '' mua be dearly undc1• 1tood t.hat H the indcbtcdnu1 agalrut the mowr vehicle Is equal to or ll, Jf the '''""" IS the le141l e>w•ur of the 111111or ,,tJrlcJe, he mufti, ad<liLion the ore olnc, prtllfnt tht ownerd11p at.rtificate, duly Jpdudrd 1n tloe term .. motor vehicle" are the lol..' I. PURng1·r, light and 111 dium. H avy pu en er e&fi m c11-."4:r to come 1Vithin l.he purcha11ble cate ory mull be clu~d a "mf'dium ''. as the Army .iJ not authoril.C!d to purchue any ..htwy" paucngu fU 1. Motorcycle1. ~ . Bu 1€:1 and trucb of all type1, indudu1,« pidt·up and d "''try trucb1 and tracror11., lncludln1 acrni-tt'llc\ tractOll•· It 11 not int~ndi:d u. indud( 'Mthin the term "motor 'llehJcle" th te llClf ropelled moto.r vehicle1 ewt~d only for {arm op..~ation . In the ('vent tLat the it.le of any motor vthi.cle i1 not w111pltttd or appca"' not lculhle, the Ped raJ Relierve Ba.nk of San Pranciaco, u Piwil Agent of the United State , acting for a.nd u agent of t.hc t\rae>Jee, rC1CCrve1 the right to store euch mot()r vc:hide at the: owner'' ritlc, 11 above Jet forth, en to make 1uC'.h othtr dirpo 'tlon ol wc.h motor vehicle a1 rnay, Jn iu eolc diK:retion, apptar to be Jun and equitable, including t.he right to permit the legal owner of 1uch mo~r vehicle to take hl1 legal ncouree for repoueuion or otherwiae. It i1 int.endtd that the above procrdure will pro\1de a feurble meaq1 protecting tbr intere&t:I of niacuc:es iri thdr motor \•ehiclta, without prejudice to lnterem of others therein, and thus effect 1.n c:qul• ral-le dI1poiJtion of 1uch property. o( . . .... Ag eemertf Regardi g Di•po1ftion of Mo tor Veh icle 1 * THIS I TO CER Tl Y tlm the undm:.igned hauead ;ind u11 erstwd the uuru · ( r gardtnf: the cit rOSJt1t;.n Of the m Of \ 1 hicle d scnhecf n JCI tiOO& (> the f \let d by refrrenc J·..rrm 1f attached hereto ilnd io \VOC/\ nn fRB· , {t igncd roncurr"ntlr\\lth gned h, th.ii A 1reemrnt 11 !Ii od) "'• the und 1mtruct.i & arid 1111 the rt'\•cr of \V A nn PRB·3 arc a pa.rl of tlu. Agreement. di~pose ing to afore.said mart.or vehicle a hert0f, and reque!lts the ed ral ~ st!'\~ Alternati •e Uruted t k , t a.::t ac • 1rdingly. If th d aprenr1 w said Bank, 'n u , di · aoo mpb hm er tinn, imp ·tble or ncot f 1ble, said Bank i aulhori· d to in :c &Jch otht:r di&poITTtfon of said c.wr ·clu le a rt d ms pl'()J'lCf to of Said motor 1eh1de 1 drll\•er d 1 id Bank at t e sol · k c.lf clle und~ r nod, am.I 11. is it rm:d t · L n~ lfob1l1ty e>r r i ni;ih1hty I all tttt.-ch to tiaid B;ink for any a t <r nm· iun in nr ~c.tion with t.hc I andlmg o( 11a1d m t ~ •ehlde or di!1 ruon of l t r cedt thereof. The under gncd ft.rrther agreu, upon demaml, to rcimourlk! the Fedcral Re!!Ct\ C ntted St.atu, m full for nll charges and Bank of a.n francigro, Focal Agent of th 1 expenses inc\Jm:d in ronne ion\ 1th the d' pc1s1tion of said mot.or •chicle, nntl authori:c id B nk t dcrlud from t},c proceed of tht b<llt of sud moLor •chi le and uu;tru any of such expcru '"111Jurr d. -; Ex.ecut d a .....y; -._,. ~-===,........~- Lhia. ? .~ L ~~~ J_~· .,, Family No._ ,P _day of --:-.:--~ / o--/) ~ / p·'7_ _-·- --- , WCC4 tOll .. ,,.. I • • f ;;)/ MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM 11..cgm.ered OUl.ncr--51-i_ I Addr of R.tgisterrd f Legal •ner..._ o~ _ Pamuy N• ~d2 • wner if ·di.ff: rent) Addnw; of Ugal Licen o e • r --.---- Number_ M ke of Ve.hide te ir~t Sold •riieB (forlu· u me rnber cm t•ehirle) A. R nar T1re(s) I _ Ft-.g Ught ( ) Radio - - - _ -WAIVER The m or vehicle ducribed in th{a form ia deliveral to the Fed ml cst..noe Bank of S n Pr.1.ncisoo, u P1acal Ag nt of the United i.atu, at the ~le ri k of the under 'gncd. It i! agreed that 1 .:> Ua ilit:y or rctpon ib1lity &ha.It be a. umc<l by the Pedera.l Reserve Sank of San Pra isco { r a.ny a t or omission in c nnec:tioo with it:a ditpos.ltion. It it undenitood t.haL no insurance will be provided on thi.a pre>periy y Witn for Signa Lure of Owner_ _ _ RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Delivery- - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - Rece.ipt of the veh1 le desctibcd above 1s hereby acknowledged. ---. -·· --------Representing tlie Ped~ral l~serve Ban~ of San F<ranci«o, Datt_ __ Placed in Storage at - Fiscal Agrni of the Uniied Stai..ts. ..._..,...----------------~- -- --·------------·---------- ---------- ~~...-;;W;N;: •iMiiliiiilMiiiiliiilliM. . .iillliilllllillii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ r on •e by t1 e st be 1p propt•r r•u1ming ord r. Rcgir.tntion 'l'l. r with t {h) Two ex;. i~ f tlUs f rm, thr e •acuec for hi.a rttention Ocrt catc, will be hand d until amval at the designat d A clt"mblr Ce I.Cr Tl1e third tion. oopy will be r tauied at the i •ii G:mtrol g whfrh hr aJl acknt lhtllti( n puatua of Ilic mo 1· aecurcl)' Lo the stccrin ' a ucr ivall b J.'1Ven ( c) cva, uoe ,.,,.i11 H r th (d) On a.m al t the A rn ly Bank Re.&en•e eden! the of dclh•er to t.he repreaentative , tJie R g P· of San ril.ll~o t11e two oopics of \hiJ f C ru6cate, and the keys to the •fh clc. lra (e) repment.afri.•c o( he Ped ·ra l Itcaene Bm of art will che ·k all numb.? on tht form and if foond Frano to be correct. will ackno ledge 1 ceipt of the mo r vehicle by 'gning one copy of me form and deli ·ering !t to the ev•cuce Th~ If the motor ehide described in thia fomi is I l, damaged, or destroyed aa the mult of ne lig1mcc while it is in the po ;essi n or custoel)• of th Unit.eel Stau.·1, or any agency acting for it, t.he of the United a e<l to take appr priatc a ion for e benefit or the St.ates will owtier. D FOURTii ARMY ESl"ERN DEFENSB ARTIMB CIVIL CO TR: L ADMI ISTRATION San FranciJioo, California lNSTRUCTIONS TO EVACUEES REGAROlNG DISPOSn'ION OF MOTOR VEHtCLES f,, ~ viU No a 1u nee to ha e the m * ption cent a. vrluclu to ol b pcnn.ttted w t.lke m future time me t bl~ en be te ·er can be ven that t cuecs will r \eI1id'!i now ov.•n by ~IJCm r. ·tumed for thcu ind1vid11 I u Th Unit.eel &ta.tie1 Army i (rom evacuee&. auth~riU1d, i,n itM discretion, t.o purchase roo«>r vehicles Prior t() cva n.tion, mot.or !'JiidC8 may be red, ild or Olhc:rwi&e cl..iiposed of by the owner rrh-ately, wi1hCJ1ut go i11terfcreoce or alSUttanre. ALT R.NATI ES F ST RA 18 OR SALB The oLher tlurnath•es pru.eioted to t.l1e e'•aouec: who ownJ a motor \lthicle Me as foll , •: A.ltcntistfre 1. To delivu Ilia motor dud t.o Ptdtral Rcecn•e Bo.nit of San raociaro, a Pi&cal Aucnl of tile ruted Stolt CA, lor flt(lra r. at 1 he owner'• mk, in1ur1tnoe; which atoracr will, in JD\'IHt m•t&n cc, be n open a,r 11 (f.t t\i11C;1T1bly Ccn t~u or other daignated plau&) and must of ntce& it/ be of 1 character wli.irh will 'ubje<rt mowr 'cludea to a more or leu r1pJd deL rior atioo , A ltrrn11tlv~ 2 . To offer his mo1or vehicle for ialt to the Unittd Si.ates on tlie following buit : Tht motor vehide will bt apprai d • t o <llslnttr ttd •ppruttrs and, in ii• dltercllon and at its OJ>tiDtl, 1.hc A rm y may buy t he motor whicle al the apprhii.ed price which &hall not, howcvtr, exceed the Blur. Bock w~olraale value in the locality wh ere I.he purchatt Is conwmmated. PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY IBE UNITED STATHS .A . If ~Ire tvllC'nee Ir NOT the l~gal ou.ontr of t.he motor vehicle. ht ordr r to arrange for a ule to the Arm y, he muet rircaent to i.'>e Ped· t r al Restrve Bank of ~an flra nci9C<I, u Pisa.I /'I •ent of th e United State•, at tl1c Civil C'..onu ol Station, or wah other place u may be directed, the following : I. Registration cert!6cit t.C, duly mdorw:d. 2. The agrecmetlt on the rc\ltr1e hcn~or, duly ai;ined and ' i tnrsud. 3. Su~h other authoritl\tlon w d auurance 111 may ht. required by the Federal Re1erve Bank of San Pran clsc:o, u Plscal Agtnt of the United S~t.ea . l n can the evncucc is not the legal ownrr, if mun be clearly under· stood that if the lndcbudneu •gaimt the me.tor vehicle is equal to or gr atc r than the 1prraiJtd \'&lui ao that the c'.\•acute has no £GUily, no 14"e ro the Unartd tllf.u 111111 be consummated. In 6uah an in1t1ncc the right of a.ny <lTcdator to rtpouc:aa or rccaplure., aa pro,ided by law, will not be ru1'ted by the CUJlOdia::t of the motor vehicle. B. If the n •acme lS the Jrg11I owner of tht morvr "elriclc, lie mu l, in add1tlon W ~he foregoing, prc~nt the own~uhip ceritificatc, duly endor11td. DHFlNITIONS AND CONDITIONS Included in d.e tenn "mou.r vehicle" are the foUi>wing : Puamgo1 carr., li¥hl and medium. Heavy pa engcr cart in 01dfr to cOllle withtn the purc.huable cat.tgory must be clUDCd as "medium", ll the Army u not authoriied to purchNe &ny "heavy" p11sengcr c11r . 2; , Mouircyclta, a. BUISW "nd truck• CJ f all types, including pick-up and delivery truck.s; and tractors, including aemi•Lrudc traaton. It it nol iittcndcd to include within the term "mollOr chicle" tho 1elf•propdlcd rrtotor vehiclea tuitcd only for farm operation . r n event that the sale of any motor vehide I• n?t completed or app~an nCi't !e;ialble, the Federal Ruerve Dank of San fraociaco, u . le~I Agc11t o ( the United Sta.tu, acting for and u agent of the cvacue , 1eacrvee the right t.o lore wch motor vehicle at t.he owner·~ rule, aa above 1ct forth, or to auch other diapoaitlon of woh motor vth!cle ae 1nay, In ita tole discretion, appeu to be ju1t and cquit:a.hle, includ!nc the right to permit the legal 1>wncr of auch mot.or vehicle to talt<: hia leg ol recourse for rcpoueuion or ot.htrwifr.. It !11 ded t.liat the above procedure wm provide a funole mcana of protect.Ing the lnti:rute of evacuees in their motor vd1klca, without pr jud lce to the intere.1u of othen therein, and thus will effect an equi· table di position of 1ueh J>TOpcrty. e ;~/ •. Agre ment Regarding Dispos "t on of Motor Vehir~ * nd ::!ac 1ru;truc• THIS IS TO CERTJFY t.lwit th undersi n h rud and uod ~d 'n ti 1 on the tf!'\•er h1.:1cof regarding the dispo 1t1 n f the m r -.<11lclc dcWCCA •rm FRB-., (to he attached her tu and in •fJ •rat~ I refer nee lact tn if thie Agreemcnt u · gned) wluch the undcMgnc-d has signed C:Of:lC '1' ntlr lie dth. ud In ~ructions n.nd th Agreement., !IC on the re,•er11c of \J., OC.11 Form FRB·l ..: a flirt of 1hi The undwigned d ire! to d !pose of tJic { raaid m<X<>r v iclc acoording to the Proeral ft. irve t fo1t.h on tJ1e r erse hereof, and requ Altcrnath•e No. _/_ Bani· of Sa.n Pran i co, a Fiscal Agent of the Unit d$, to act accvrdingl)•. If th said Ban ·, in t •m \Jishmc t of the e er :in eelcc1 d appears h crction, imp· 1 le or OClt foat.lblc, said llik is .1uth ·1nzcd to mah: · u 1 other di of salJ m tc.r vclticlc - tt de ms rr per. S id mo r vch1clc t ddJ\•ercJ to Bank at the e risk of tlie undCNgn d, and it is arr oo that no liahility or re~pon 1Luil)' hall attach to said l30tnk fu any act or cimis· Slon in ronncct1on w1Lh the haudbng of sud motor' hide or d1 po 1t1on of the procceclJ thereof. The und r ign further 0tgret11, upnn d mand, to rcimbwtie the Fcdm1l R rv Bank of an Francisco, Agent of the l 'nited S tc, in full for all c.harg and cxpcn~ incurred in connc tion with ~he d1 po 1l1on r ( &<tid 111nto1· vrhide, and au1hon:. • and in true said I3.1nk to dcduc-t from the pr ccds of tlle le of id motor vehicle any of uch penses incurr d. Executed - " ) nL,;?'. ~"'- -~qu day of _J ~ Family No.• / a.: WITNESS: --.-.<..~ ---D '3 ~ t MO OR VEHIC, E ·REGISTRATION FORM o~-n · . ':J..u,..d,,d../~ C4.."""""~"---- ·- --·-- Puruty of Registered Owner /J.L ~Lc!.a- ..rl&-,, /.:. ~ .~ ~"' f Reg111i.ered • ddre N an e of Le a.I ~ ·ner (if di fer nt) ae Numhe-r_ / Li M te Vehicl Date !r11t Sc Id _ ././.- ~ .:1' /::if} I~ - _ Seria.I Nwnbcr_ ngme umber_ /-?. ~ Ii. .J 2.. .y. -' ,7 - r. ~ I? _-.../ 7 A 'I:.! ries (Iruhome m mber Heater ,/ . 1 , , • .~ ~ '"-1111~"',_rY ~ff.J. f ..2 j - - - - 7J c_.£..u; . b if 3 Z. No.imbcr..Lt: t)_~..b 011 Spare 1 tre( ) :J- CJ, , _ Other ~- Remark : -~--~- -~ ifZV. __ ._____ ___ ~ WA IV ----- R the F detal Reserve Bank of Sa.n 1' 'ranci , as iscal Agent The m tor \•elu Jc described in thi fortn is de11 ·ered of the nit.ed Stnt. s, at the le ri k of the undersi ned It 1s agreed that no lial ~hty or respons1b1lit)• hclll be amimcd by the Pt:dc.ral R f'.erve Blink f San Prancasco for any act r mis.1011 in nne ti n with it dispc ition Tt .is under tood that n insurance will he provided on this propetty. Witnesses for Jlliterates _ RECEIPT FOR VEHICLE Place of Deli,•ery_. ___ - - - - - - - - Rrceipt of the vehicle descrihed a ve is he~eby acknrJWledged. Date... Representing the Federal R.esen1e Ban~ of San Pra11cisco, Fisca l Agent of the Ut1ited States. Placed in Storage ~----- --~-- ·---·------- -------·------------ . ,. ' Instructions to Owner To re cccpt. fr.r mc..t ,, v hi le mu t he rutcd r running ord 1. 1h pr cdur~ for ugii<t,erin:. and a) t t ~<: O\'Crruncnt, he rini::- a m tor v hide is u follow , 1e • 111 • Motr.r Ve.tu le Rei:• trrlll n Ci;rt.tfica t for thia ~ bruttcd I the C1v1I Corurol t11ti n, { 1hi f(1m1 (fRB·3) v..111thenIx1mpared. (b) Two cnpi tin fonn, t>thcr w th tlie Rq~1111rati n Co ti catt , '"'ill hanJ d to th c •;i cc for h r ·ttnLI n u11t1I nrri1·.tl at th dt~ 1gnatcd As!ICmhly Center The thud 'flY v.111 I rc1..tmc.d ;it tl c ,i -ii ., ntrol tntaon. rv.icurc 11:111 be gi\' n an idcnllfi · t1on ta 1 whi h he urdy tll t!.r. tccnni; appar;itu11 of th.: me." or vehl le. ( ) Th \\ 111 ( c.I) 111:. • 11 , rnval at AsiCITl ly ~ ter the en ucc will clrlm:r t tl1c r"pn::: nt;ill\'C u( the Federal RL·~erve Bnnk c1f an riln~t ·, the: two op11.:s of this form. U) Regir.· tr lit111 Caufi tc, and the kc:)' to tbe \'Chi le. (c) 1he r~rrc rt~ 1 -c of the Jlrdcr~I ~rvc Rank of ~n frnm!U> .i.·1 ! cJi,~k II numlX'r on the form and if found t he correct ,.,,u a knowh:Jge rcce11 t of the motor vchl le h 1 1wung c nc < I y of the form and deh cring it to the evacuee. If th 1notor vehic.k d ·!lCnhed in thi form ;s I t, damag d, or d tro)•ed the result of nei;hgen \\ihile it i m th rxw ion or custcxly of the L'nit d r1t• , or nny ..gcncy acti11g for it, th ngr of the 111tt·d • t:UCI will l::c asked tab; <ippropriati: actJOn for the b:::ncfit of the .1: own r. l'Cll .. ,..,... .. • Agreement t ..... arding Dupo1ition of Motor Vehicle * THIS 1. TO CER Tl Y tha.t. e underslgnecj ha rud and uodersan the 1Jllltr.i>: tion• n th reveri.e h red! re •udin the r.b posstt n f the WOOA llm · l, [to attached hereto uid m r frrcnc.e he.r n if this A ret".toeot w ·gned] whl che und · •nt:d ooncurn:ntly het1:v.ith. Sa.Id i Agreement" rue tlOfls and th oo t.he m•en;e f OCA orm FJ B· l vc a pu'I of thia afor d motor 1•ehide a rding w "' Alt mat1v t f rth uu the te\·enie her f, md teql.le!U the dertl Reterve 1 B nk of San Frilllci , u Pi I A ent oft.he Untt d 'ut , t a a rdin ly. lf the iL •mplidiment of the 11lternatrve ercin aelr.cted a to o.1d B n , in 1 e" tit•n, imp l:ile or n t ( '& 1hl , g id Banli 11 authcnU:cd to ma e ch other di poi;iti n of ~id rn •r " hid as it deems p per. m r vehicl a del1"cr; d to sud Ban ii t t.he le rilk of tJ1 undcr'1gned, a.nd it i agreed that no li.abtliry or respon&tlll1ty &ha.II attach to said Ban.Hor an)• a Gr om • ion in connecli n w th the handhn of 1111d m thereof. t r \•elude r di f(I 'uon of tihe pr ·d TI1e unde nc:ti further agree&, upon Jem, nd, lo n:.imburse the Feder11l RC1Crvc Bank of an Pranci&eo, Fu1cal Agent of the nitc.d Statct, in fu I for all charge and penAC& incurrt:<l in amnl'cti n \1th e dt po.:;it1 n of said mfotor 1·ch1 le, nnd authori·ea nd 1m.tru .;iid B· nk t declu from th pn eda of the le of t.atd mcJt r vehi le any of :ucl1 ex Ex cuted WITN SS: G~_,,,..-.,c.."1.A~ ..."""4} ESTEE .... rn MMA.Nl> AND DE EN 0 ARrtMB 1 ROI.. ADM1NIST ARMY lJ N Sat1 ra.nclseo, Californ'a INSTRUCrtONS TO F:VACUEES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES * ''a ueea w11l uol he pcnn1t1 d LO ta. :e thear m r vehld to recepuon ccntu'S. o l- ~wan wh..t.e ·er · n ·e Ur t eva er: '~ l enabled at. uom.e future c h. ·e tli mat.vr ()wn~<l by tJ crn turned Ill' th 1l' i.nd.i U&l uue. • from c United ~·a Army 11 aut.hori~ , in i~ disc.ret1 to pllf(.bue m()t.Or veb.ldea ucea. 1 rl r to cv uat10n, motor clue.lea may be lltO.rcd, d or otherwise di pwed of ~· the t;1\vner privat 1¥, \\·itho t •cwe.rnmentJI int.crferen c aaist n '° The ol bcr alternaa1•e1 "' hicle Mt prl!'Ft u.-d dor c ·n cc 'ht> ow111 ~ me.tor a1 foll CJ>\ a• Allrrnt11;n 1. To deliwr hi« motor ve.h1dc to ede;h\l R.eftch·e Sank o( San Fu11d co, .. p 11eal Age t of the Uruvd ~latct, ft>r raa tbr owncrt 111Jr, •1tbout foPUraor.:; •h1c}1 lbl• t IN 11, tn l!IClfl mlll'kllCU, hr in open areu (11 ~11lert or othtr de11gr1u«l plae1:1) and mwt of nee ty be CJf a c. 11.ract.rr which will ub1c motor vthiclct to a mt>re or lcea rapid dtttriontiott. I Al1rrn<llit1c 2. To olltt hi mNor \'chicle for aale to t.hc United States on Lhc followJng bu11: The rnotor \'efoclc will be appraii,cd by 11>.•o dninttrf tcd apptai r and, m 1ta diacr tion aud at 1l op1ion, the Army may b">' Liie motor \•chic.It nt the app,.. cd price wh1th llhall 0(11, ho ever, c..rctcd the Blue Bo()k wholenlc 1•a.lue Jn the locality hert lhc purchlilc la con ummated. P RCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY THE UNITED STATES A. If die cv~ur: is NOT the lci:ol owner of the moior 1Jl'l1icle, in order t-0 arnn e for a ole to the Army, he muJt prraent to tJ1e Ped· cral Re5trve Bank of San Pranci&<'O, aJ PJ~ Agrnt of th Unlled Stal.ct, It I.he C.ivil Control Station, or 1uch ot.ber place u may be d lrectcd, the following : I. Regi ~ration certifica.te, duly rndoracd . 2. The aar i:m nt on the revcne hcno(, duly a.lgntd and wfrncased. 3. Such othrs authorir.atJon and a55urance u may be required by the Ped~rl1 Ruerve Bank of United Statu. an Prandsco, u Pl11«I Agent of the In caac the oe-vacuee JI nor the legal owner, it mu8t k cltarly under• .iood that H the indebtednr againat th e mOloi •ebJcle i8 equa.1 to or than tloe •ppt ited val e ihat the t\·acuce hu 110 r u11y, YW i11le to r.he U.i•ud Su.u:, be c11111Um1r1atcd In ~uc.b •n u111t1n« tl1e rii;ltt of aoy crrdl101 t-0 npOf. D re-capture, u pro ..1dcd by h '• wlll nol be rcr.m d by the eut1tod1an of the motor \•chide. B. If the rt•11cure IS tlic lepl o inrr of tlie motor \•th de, ~.r mull!, 111 addillon IO the fo1egoin1, pr11oent CYWnu bip ceHilic•tt, duly tnd()rr.t!d. DEFINITIONS ANO CO DITIONS Included 10 the temi r vcblde" lollo~11ng: 1. Pa Kn er ca", h ht and medium . Heavy pa58tnger ca1 in (lrdcr come it1J11 the pu rchn ab1e cat~gory mu t be da•r.i:d a "mrdhim ', u the Ami)• u ncit authorJz.ed to purchaat any "huvy" pa engcr car . 1.0 l . Mmorqde1<. ~ . ButiaU and lnlck• of •II lypc1, lncludlr~g pl<.k-up and delivery truc.loi; and t:n.cton, incl1?ding aemi-lruclc tractora. It ii not intended to include v.ritllin the term 'motor ve1iicle ·• thoW" s ll-propdlrd motor ve.bich:.a ruit~d only for farm operation . In the e'·u;t that the tale of any motor vthlcle 11 not completed or appun not fe&11ble, the Federal Re11Uve Bank oI San Prandew, a P1ecal Agent of the United Staa:1, actin for and u agent o( the ~ac:uee, reserves the nght 10 5tore roch motor vehicle at the own r 1 ri1lt, at abo\'e set forth, or to make 1uch other dl•pt>Sition of 1uch motor ''chic.Ir a.a may. in its sole di11tretio11, appear to be Jt:bl and equitable, induding the richt to ptrroil the legal owner of 1uch mot.or ehic:lc to uke hi• legal rccourK for rcpo&llCSllion or oth.erwlse. ft Is intended that the above procedure ·will provide a fea elble meant of prolecting the intcre8tl of c\'aC:Uee& in tbrir motor vchltlu, without p~cjudicc ID .e inter ti o( ot.hera thrrein, and thu1 will effect an equi• l able di1paiition of such ;iropert y .