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?re:ru• ' s~ ti'.::l..i~ec. _s~ te.s a! S:a_n he: k, ~=>) l,.f --.("G-" i -~""}' ?ren---: ..} _ __ =~- ~!:~- ! - te: ... · a • .:-'1 .o.;.. _ _• -- -• ~- i=_epcr- .;P : ---~-- ~o~~~iC-2:.!- ____ ... T - ..;:....:-~or-- ... - • ~- ~= ~ - :; cf "'~..e /3 :Jet t?-; ::: eua~•. ~e: =~~~~;;;=/ ~~ -= 1hn;fn.QS-~~ shi.?{ ! i'.i=ess: ,,,..., : ~~~-_ne:. .::._-:_~e ~ !Ja-ma : ~ ... 3· : :x: C!.~ L~ cs-r.:~::.....::~:...=~:.::==~ .:-- ~in~s~;. ... :rar-~ 'S ~ ~? t ~ J~ ~-:-ot io:i: !~.:~"70] ! ~= -. -. ee.o_uized egene . . ~- ::= ~r ~ :i":-~~co. t~ u.....:.t~ ~~!! & 7ar-'"..:;;el'ehi .: ?".rcpr£et: o~b; ~ : ~· ~a~ c:;:.: i ;.: i":-ri -:;1;;.! _ ; ./ s_-.:a. .. ~ :a~; ---~ .,.,~ .s..,h ...,.., By '""'n ........s.,..>....i 1...- ...,..,...._ \ s~- el 1 ame ~ughte r ) 15· j i 1"0 ~_....~) ~::-::.~-~ (Cit~ ; .'.:.-! ~;; :S ~inc::~ ~: • "'· - .,,_ ~~~xs:.._ip: Fr:n:i~.: ~ ~~ -~ - ~ ~ ~tt'er ~ ~z It- ~nnk.· :.. n-r ~ :-..~ :;:. : , : -r a.• ~on: .!~-.; i.7!~~ ZheT did :::;..D+- lriBn.bian. real. p.rcpa..rt , bu-1::~-e ~~ -:;re- srr:e. is iI: nm:::re or ~e, lie dJ•mgh"'-..s.r . eti -ence ouay ' s I.ett er shv -s :Ft:r.:rer o-.r b.. _ '!"tz .;;; Gook, . , tors of ~-e.nted. Sacro..::.e:::.-.o . ~.. ~ \ tira ,..._,,- 5a=. --:-• J"C ~ ., "' ~~ ~ a-7~ - -=C - ess:= :W- ~- ,,, ~-c.t-~ i~! :~ .. ;....:;;:;;.~: - eed money r or ~ill~ L o:::- la bo::"' _ Actvised hin to try t o borro-;:on e coun:t at Sm::i t;Ol!lO 3e...nk Z Intervietred; 6 ReDrese..::rted - A.- ....;;;r..i> ao:t ti;>-;;! pa,gcs ~era ::ece ~-y { :>--:'J?:; j ~5 - .... - ~5 . x Ait'.,1.l.t· 1 l ino1· 1 x l~J : l!' Qit:l 11 .l._ h1p : _ D~tu o f'ln1 /I l<l n1; I • 'I l/Jd A, Pl.I · rno 1; by J 1111 I\: bu --- ,~·- On~ ... ... ~ ·-· . . .. _____ ,.._,,__... -~-·-- ined) i ( ti t Ir n 1 J.1 ~ ,;r 1.:1r ntu cQnlphb hi l'o tlo t·o .A1J - --· ... - ·-·--· -·-·-.. l\ ride ( '.>0~5 ) t lo Ill l h~ n d 1 l!:h p 1 yin nt of b1 11 by / ' Atl!ilr,'fo • r,t ~M·l 0.01 Jbca~ l'l1 the UqUel'l S't •te• •ra •11i · •1r i1 ( p ~i!l' eh,~1 lat I 0)111,1 1 VhW I X .o.i 11 .l( I ~ nol'I l t,! • :oi,.ir n 11; •- OUh noh'$.t> I ...... ~ ,Yp!! n '.Bu ,, IHI I •n1•tzi h 1 !JI Vr l') 1i1· ~ t" l' 1h l p 1 . - · --.. Oo:rpq 11 l n I l ndhid 1 1..., •- f~ill Mr • J1t.r1a1 r1ou by cu i ~ t I.' by J b i Kob\Jku t l rar b1c.l a ot ~H.'lrr f J 1.Ul K.o Qi11n :n - _ _ _ ,. _ _ _ ....,,.. _ - ..__ .... _,._,. .. ·-·•1,__. , t N1'.1d) 1n ·toet IHH uy no w b 1 e; soll~ t.r i.1•Ha~t or CJ t' KU • rort, t o coll e l ____ "':'! b J.l J;' ia o m TJLJl:,J:IOHI HADA.Ill r.""''°._"* ltOl11'11 , IC)~ l 'I SAM JU ~N BAUTISTA, QALIPOIHHA I~ tJ I f,Q! r.1 , I J 1 1 '.T1 ' nll 1 •U b r; l. 1 f.l : 1' 1i '1 / () ' 1 I " l'J I !It' I 111 1l t. ' rl I "n l~l."l ,~ 1; l\ 1:11 t: 1 l1 l) I . I ~I l ·v ?I ,'f Ir ll 1 l( I 11 \,(•d 1 'I \I I 11 I, 'ri r ., I~ ' 1"1 \•, • (~ \ t 1 1/ I I T' 1 ·1111 . I "' I I ~ ------ - - -... - ... ~~,__~ ~~ - 1-6. pc:dts- ._92b .;_ ~ 1'4"2 20 pm'!tit$ - t 6-,~ - ~temer l.Xti. - 25 ~~ - m.Zfil - - Se~-er- 1-942 &iguat .19-JQ Seyt-ei!lbe.r J. 941: - PQS~ ~ ;a:<:ziPlS ~e:S3 r;:~~s .:?:P'~!1et;t: -to:trl .r~'!~ - ]ID~ ~ecrir;gg_ !Tete - - ~... a*" c::re Si.@est ::-e°'reea. Sl~m- i~-c=. ~ "teape-.~-:ure ~ ~~ Itt!i Lollest L,D'19 91S l~ ~~ Ii'tSml~~~cx -- ~ lifitl'dJS -~~ .sh:ip:aem~ ~ 1Q anr!: ? ·= er to- ~ incJMing 20 clmtly witit-hl3h ~q Bai.n:r'aJ..1 - 3.ap:.e ,,,mr -1942 ~~ -O-ek-4.- J.9'-1- 1.73-5 n.w Sei:inas: ~ Bui~ a~ Ais~t'fon ~-:1 -the ~ ~ Bi>ri Ottke ~~. 1'42 ~ar ~. if4,l inch 4E.Jj Loa; :r~~Q61.15 ' 26.318.Afl ~1_9..(2 Se!jnp -Vali:BY JUHMng ecd .Asstxd.aticm a::i 'the- tc~ ~ j1.}3 ~7fiB • 73 Eon Qttic.e mmtim .1JJ .~ Angert ~142 1laDks- ~-- ~ 4!1 Clr" WA-- ~~ tnc'Judtng Octof>er 4 . l.j•2 - 2!..I63 ear~ sM~ 1i!l ~,dd • __ iac]ltftf~ ~~ 4,- 1 ' 4 - a •.5Il ~ sb{~~ ~ ~o-ta up t<E-aDi ttcll16~ Oc:t. ' · J.742-l.'1'"8 Carlot- '1lir= 4-J~ ~ ~ ~ar di!Y5 iiI!!:bM" cf- ~ tJartzy- ' .l~ lSl-60 (!hem -r~ ~ ror L"'% C-i-t; or - .$as1-tnas 5" aad :i!lcSsle ~bonds e.."li ~ ~li ~ ott'l~. Stlinas Yell~ Im m1 ~ IDEll ~·~ the tme bmb) . ne :: _ ~ Inc,. OV1ir - am. l9A2 ~Slher- 11'-l li"Cr..e - ~ ~tc:r:lil:.~ is East Sal -:tAS-,~ ~~J ~ ~.a.e-t 2l w ~~ OiV i ~J 1mt1 ¢ """' 1m:il:t up_ sec-t±ona !::::eadiataly lSije.eent to Seiln • 2IO - --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - ------ ----....- -...-.- ~ Pm-- - ,ljiQ. Pl!1P 124181~77 n~4ott U. -~-10 1_,JqJ 2.1.fil ~~ 7 ,-.Lii - $l.,.__~t..11o..i6 - .; - -- s.m,oo 1'.•ij.._&. 22"4 712: .ti ~ no -uent. f-~_.l.~ - 22-~l - ;. te-...ut - .l'! .2C'! - i.75~ :~- --------- ---- ·--- ---- - - _.,. 1:1 t!J,e. Cb1..~ ~ ..:= i$ m> ed!:tf•siaw. cl:a~. .? - ~------~- - -~------~· -...-n".....-~~ : ---·-~--' ~uniO'I!' - is in..ll89d er ' a3ll!ld rail,Qs ~_r ~ CcUl.eaa rar ledic :.Schoo1. Ca1.l 8057. . ----n>e;t-;y----· '1,1el, ").lit onQ 1 X1-1t~'i~vt. II AlqU ~~)1 Mo,l r J;.!./, T.11 10 lut I IT1 le~ 01 :1. r.e11al1iri I .... _._._ nh·,'fint<J!JnL ~ ttS ,_i-"'t-""-·.--....,.._...,...,,.........,,__,.,..___~-·~~ I! r 1J ~yn~ of ~Untn . ul 1J 1rt 1~ .roh ;tp 1 .11 opril.l o r ul ip l Q()1' )ltl ,, t1 on 1 lml hi \J.ll l I -_,.....__....,. ___ ,....._....,.....~-- --I/ ./ tJ 1 11 r' L ,~- --...-- ...-.... .....,, ....._._. ___ ___ ---....-~.""'--· ·-._..-~·---- .... _\ ... { I 11 111N1 t11.l\'.t n : ., tftlldtml ll;r 1 - · - - -.... ''"J ttL\Ob. q.<id.U < ~0 1 )p ) lllH l Jr\ l.l~ W)hl't''-l ~ <?11 11 T"'t.{ I l , .19'2 _.;:;_..~·1n;r -~~ I' 1»1 · t . i:>hor1u 1 l"' ~ "' x ~t,,J.1.'IH ~ M~rlo?.' I i fula I 1 nt.1 ./ll . t Bua tn tJ 1 1 li r !\Cr' f.l(1)1 :1i 1 1ow '1 1 i-m '.P i•oprl. b rl ~ul i.p l Oorp n:n, i () n I l ndi v I. Llt l 1 I ---- - '1' ,......,_-~ ..,.,_... .. ____ . ___ 00 11.a., " lo ~rb .ua. :SO a.ll.t' u •u'h-ll o ~«Id bo 'l! om 1l1.11~ I<: c.l i' 1d.1y hau b 11 OJ'l tl h,l, ~i.Wl h £'01· lfl y ll.1'111 Wanto t1J kncrt H' ·bhl!!;y co\llc.i et 'I 11,ut,. 9!1•1,:) 1 WO\.l b o)'UUl' d , p~t lllt ' w le~ 1 I).• .• +ik1U<lJ/; nd o nt lti.u iJ,rd rn ,7 lll>.M ~ 11i)'ll~ 30 rt.i s:l.ri r orQJll'h '~h:I. AOJ'es • li' iar d l.on tnk n 1"" .A.clv:lri d. )lt.n1 bC> h t them oo.n.b"il').U wiill\ th<dr 1 ro~ ~ U v hitn Ill~ op J1ion Vlh1ob wa.s th"t H1 io tio1 bvr l t h.uil pro nt lb°LCJ 1 9~ ... J., Whuld. io ol\r.ul l!ld,• At l. st not in tl~ll 111111\• Jlio.t i' \Ab~~·$ . Aisrnr d J1trn r1 would: l:)e pro"\i e ob d j n "M ~l\~h ( $.~l)O ,1~) 1..d d.\l~ 11~ e"(Gnt 'bh1~ oho11ld q<:i1itin 1iu> rn. t tu~ all OJ."IJlHI 11 .h v~mu pf 1~ a1 ub io)l 1 tr :\n~9 1" 1.1Ab H1 cl'l r.l 'b, I .J f'.J.~J" _J!lhl t ld Hll ro~ui1 t; i..1iv .l qht11<0 / UL!· c 11 11, t1(J 'f l llJ I _ .....,.,.... ~_..,h_.., _ _R!_q_J.4 . ---r:o4"t•l 1~. r el,eplk<»no : 1 h1tervhw: ,A\'l.1.1lt1 {ofty) of. '13\lain ... I lt Lp~ ~ ___ _,_ 1 'Pnr MJ' M H Ih1 01~riotr.1r iht 11 OtH'P•ll 11 t ion. 1 1d\vld\Jr1l c l q>h r n ,......__·~------__...._--- Jll OM~rao J3 nb:,.i lh.l11i,r1 oo ... $old. ~ Q (}fJMVL v V 1l.J.Qll. - Rt , ~~ 141 r;yri't.1.lle, nt d. rid Mr. d'L)itf of ldoout, Hos 1.t11 o.1.;,01.nt d n . Ji\.t . 1U. 1 ch .. t1ov 111~ lv'1t 1 0 :n1 t11l Oo , to\ (Thin lrn JM./' 111H li rtlll. k e 1(11 i't> Ir''! 'V ,I) ti\ ll I) ll,) ' I \ II "' 1r.<i1id l on P:t.rh w1 hm"V~f '-F· to til11 _, ___ • ~ .. " I ll&VlR J f ....__.,5!U 4e, l~~- 1i. ~ Da .i) nhu 1 l i iO r i (lW I X 'l' .A.rlJ.ltl l M11w1· 1 i>1HJ. 1 ' 111<.101, '~ 1.X o.. s. O.l t 1 Hitllhip~. - Pa.I. 1 o n ~ nt •:r into t11t.~t c St: t 0!,1Q'l.1'1.t:l.n~ un<i l' TNll\ll~rr 'Li lHHl r1'? ft -- ......--,_..;..---,..,..-..-_......__, ___ , _____,_._ ___ rI - ... - . ... ...;..--......,......,,.__~ .. _ _ , , . . , . -. ..,..... ------·~...,,........,..._. ·r llu ll in 1H 1 llnr 1•ah ill l l>;1; opr J, or nl1ip1l t~"> r --- ..··---- - )llr H lm1 .. T.nd .l ~·lu 11 -- --~ .. ,1 - ---~-- _..._.....-- ____ .. ____ -~ · ... l rl1i1ii. n1 l pr op r y tn'Vnlv~ M.J'l< o .o ' Jt l' 1bl< 11 l M:u . n.do1 mm.ii tht El 0ttJll1n.~ Jlnl'.u~:y &1~11 5l0 .... l~t;h Sb . • ~a.ryRvU.l. • .B~'I\ h !1-0111 t, .;ii . )?, l 1 y _ o1· $35.00 per rnori l.:h, Uo 1 • (o o, 'bh, Va111e. u ~t $~00 .00 , o IJh. le1.11~ ~urnt $~~0.00 1 'J.lh 111k po .~ YI lh ht " bu.y J' ttk unH , r:> ic~. 10,00 dow-11~ 'bal.nnoe rhltl no * Ar I>1" ll 1 knn t A.d111B d 1.1':1 b\l,yflr, nml at t oim v l.o dr It l.lJJY £qr oon t ~ ri l. a 001.1 tii1 ct . Hon of l•EJ.B to proap 1?~1.v •. ·' f{ l pereon i1rt 1·v i aw "'Ji..~ llQh Ciit l 1tl lit , l\~t) d !..,oth r int. 1H•ub ~. (wit ) 2 r IJr tented (1>-.5or 5 ) WM lll'l1 RVUll' ' l+lf.. l.' I f 1-:U(l "r-..-11' tn City) · 11~rtr into t11\i tt:ld. St,i.t o.,\, rrl. ~~n t; r Tr n UC! tn. & nWT i 1\0 I l:'llh il) I :Pr om·Lu~ () r il).ip t M .L~1 _______ - ________ · - - - - A.rldt ~ 1:1 f Oor 1r ~ o n i ! n iv i.rl u 1 1 X - ' Jl ~ f :Pf.l.r u.ry Mo J U. I . ( Sta. llQ o 0£ 1 (l t Un(t !>hl) nfl I 'tV'i ~ VI I ...... _.,,,.,.... ___ ...,..._~ l I> r' ci)? :r ~ y i J.'IV'rJ l vi JI '?\ d. M:J 1 l'lf l:> r on t'>lll 1 M1·, IN!o1 bro1.1 i1i l ll to 'b oh~ ed a "Slltoillol. 0-Wf!IJ:' Of , rn r" :to x M hmlll • l.t y• II a d~lllfn ~1utr\Jm•llt M. Yfith. the 111': of irr. J•,i p lll!lhtt 'i111 g bl, r nch ;p1•<>u rty rtl1d lb .. o\.r 1 r:n na~i ntr hie 1loTm x1rnp i•iti;y th c&a l 9 B r.1101u4~d . ,..u . ef e ):' to lN'Vlll Vt lll~ ' , r,.\'Jp int rv1 ' ~ i I l, cith.t., re~~·ea•nt d. ( W!\ • ) 1 .. ~~ tJ }).. (I --~O'> r> ) ct! t It) Ofl \111\'9 i l\ 1 RVI ».;' 11 ~(I *14 1 ' '{:If ..~-....-- ·------- ~· . M~ e~, l~~ ' . '.Ot;/-- '.I'elo).>hl:m I ~y v1;u, ____ _ .A . r:opu 1 ~2!...1J8 ___ 1st l\J--- I u 1 Mill I X x. l i •J:l.' I ot ~nd. Hume ,., !~11 IX IT.111 ' Ot b:anel lpi _ ~!..,.~-- Pn t o:f.' l ,..~--·-·------ ':·pr of BuodntHHH 1' Z' n Xll.lh lllt Pi•opr1. ~ c r l p 1 TitHv l --· Lon l C1n•prIt'/) .t 1. I X ----·,......·---- ------·- -..- .......... - lJ l 1>.l 11 1• i M:r, JCo(lo1 1 J. 10 ho.11 tQTfll J rol' T t;r ri.t l h 11 a. l.oM wi.1lh OnpH,,U F d. :rie.l Savin fl 1•111mente, olnnoe ~ue ,.. , l)()5,911.• A 1•1l lOt.b, 'f~Bhoa ~o k: row if ho er n for thi speo1 l prop rt;y, Tla lo n Mr. K'Ar:l.r.>i orl d. for th l d ou.t; Ho pi~ l ))er oon int nh" d. l ll ~· aon ritpr nhll be ~d • 11 lt (w1f 'Atl r. 1\ 9 ( 1$-~)0fJ5) 't ton1 1, ]11 fX ti \~h l.'IJ l it q1 ~ ll R:r~ tin ..,,...... ._~~- ·--~-- _ .A.Bd t nt ....Oook Qr, 1 r~ 11d1. t L\ I "' t1 ., ...... ye11.r, .. x:,,11.10,, 1\ Q.r111 Ml\.vr•~ 11 ~ 1 ._...~......,.._ ..... ~.,.·-~ i \<1 I ··-- --· ... _ -· t I ' I ~kiit;)--0 r1ntfA~·~i.r~1 ) C few ad~Peh -~l"C:-..1~LJl~r_eb ·~~ntl•eL1 • ~~!- ; ,.. 01, 0 l •) I ~l'l~"' : F.1t11d · r\unb e ~ l ~·" :x. 1 '(J. l 0i t :um.ii': tr. i l I'). 0 ll nt,r:r l.11 13 1Jn it cl St <lr.1 1 B-orn 1!.'L'.-.. . _. ___ _,_.,__... __.._______ ~~~= ~ 090 1t 1 i c unrl•r.• 'P.r · o,1.n11:'y M CJ.ll u N L1 t /'t T:1n 1£ B\\11.11 11 V (:!' timbll!l nq·~1 1 N() -...._ .._..,.., __ ·~· ....-- ,,.. - ··- -·---· ~.~ · l'l\QJ\ }] t.' ti I)' flhi);H l')." rJtir~ et Cr:i • p l •fl ~ 1tH r .Mdr ll : Ti11 1v ld11Hl : I• 11 l~1; ,r 1r~ owd. 1 --~.9~ 11...,..Q..t::.... .J I ·---- '!lt._ - - -.... ·•·~· .... I ·-· x. Pd1wLp L p1·rJpl!ll' ~' 1.nv• tvm\ t . 1 , Btl 0 BEi u:1,' c:.oo 2 , LJ1.r>pC>IL toJ.I ol' 3 , I.Hano M .M1 o1' or• ti).~ a t 1COl\IOh1l 1 ~) rntnti1er.i . !H"O;l h1:il d a, ni' H• f, b f.f' c ~~ . .AJ) t;cm !» 1£.2n , J., tl o isl.1J' 1•1. p1:1obl. m"' rt1nv d 2, l r3 t:c•uck r~ . n c a 1:r1,1 LL I~ 134 M. C(lo~ ~J d Avelln 1 l.l 1rq. th th~ to nhe,, Lal unond stool· to \)I.I oh 1' 1 (J ABil1 0 f,,OfJED .,. ,I L . IHD ltr '~ ~ ~ .,....... ~B}7 'IA 1.11 I ,4dd.J. lm1 ( $. •SiOI )~ ) l 'J}ll./ o Whllt.'il t (l l.i~ I M'Y Xn.t·~ •__, bo "' i 1 l t~~ ~e1n~tv• JI l.Bi'!'41 .\~f'ri~ '.hnk 1 ~ i"l:"a'll ,e L ~o I tbe Un it.ed. S~o.te.-. l1 1•i1 c l, H1l )~1'01,)ll l'~ 'tn'V c>l v 1l 11..1 <l :f:' )J.' ) 'b,ln I I lf.1, I '11~; ~· }! )nt;;f 01 1 ..1;";/ 1 • ,,f11 t<IJ.),~/ a~ . ~ 1t/~, ~ /l ·~c I . ;; /4. ~ (;~ ( ?.t: '..(, '.1 ) I ' •-' :/), (.,1e.• (; f.r(.,I t" ) ) ' ) , ' I t "'(. (t? .:4 ,,.. "iJ;~,~21~~ 'rel..•J?h'1n . ~ l l'\t l:' :\eWIX AM~ tl oc ~ M J'I --~~!a...l....::.~~ t1fol li1 I X ( S~re~~ F111nf1l.o I Oi h t11il1.~iJ t ~.Y JH1 --rrny. 'Or 1: 0 CY) ~ rrt:r:,r into 'fJnt of il''~l; in .. IJ),y'Jl under of lhi. ~n d. Stn fll 'l.'r r.~ui7 :ti~(H npo )1inw7 I --~l'l\ 11 ~r 0.... - li. 8 ~...!;~~'.!IJ!!:..<L-----·~ ~ .. ......... ~-- !9. . •....,,...., _.,,_._............... U'.o---·.,.... ,. ....- I Wr. t!'fll:l.N~ o l'?Al'tn. . T$h1 1t'H P <J I! ~~ t rn hi.n 1 •........ ~ - -----.-~ • -... . "" On r1') l l'll b1 P1i ~ ~ ....... ,,.._, ~· _ . ,. . . _ ... ~ 1n<livtd. l l\l x ' 'P1~h\Jl.1.!l 1'1.l l)l'OPJ':r' y /Hrt;1on. .~1.i t.1 1 110 t a , pt o pr r. bl llml \11;) \~~ IJ,I Jil lt n 1~ h 1.\4.tH · ! rm1,1 ( ~~..1301 ~ ) 6.* r.mi~~~n ~ . L,vy ZunbJl.IH' , in en~Q O . l r, I.I. V( I & WU)' l' J lhrnir.L l) i' 1• n r (,Jill i.ion µtrl lA1vy Z t:1 J\tll~l' ah1b!J' ·b •" 1'/10 1'0 l:.l ~r.ttl l!)O r'.l lli3 1l' IJ '!$131 .. lt 1<1 nr:il{i l J tti lll; h tll'.l11l .. invt'.llv 0 lti t't; ·111d ) ~ (\ :l11v ;I.Vi d) i ll t ~h~v • , ,JW ~~· il.' l plion !~ ---- 1 't t~ erv~ e yr: :x. M1~l ,t, t X .Mino·r1 ti \ -0 l ,ft1T11 l.11 1 x Cit h n hill ' - l,)n 11 o l v.s en tr· in o Un 1 rl E.!...!.t._ Born hore - liveq h•r• line• ·~-....---~..- - - dIi -, __~...._...,_ . . ...,...,.,.~~· 1 ~,y-p11 ,r,j Cl •I ~\,...,,_,._......,~- " '-" J3"1lt in fl t I l',;1.1· t n ·r hip: . :r o >ri.lil 1' lh r)rnt 1mu o,.,rr 1 rl pl J,.d.1l.t· ""ll I ___. __ .,.....,...... \( ..... ...,..~. t- · -~ l vi.chin 1 I x lt•t• rri,n . t.~ r•1'2Qf ~ . .J\l.P.fl la~ ~ 8~t'd1nr eqU1p1111nt t,o p., d11po.-ed ot' lir ·'I l.9~9 F~d V-11 tr1.iok 1 Yith duale, 1pu tire, r•ok boqy J ~ "i.eted him 1.n oqrnpleting deal wii~h a~ O, Oaud1n of St.lin... tir~ li'Ad.CJPU r11()ei.v1d tJJ. e ai.io1.u1~ ~e ~e.• a)(.ecl .. (1.1350 - j.ri ray Qpinio~ " e t.qp pr:1.c1 tor tnb li~\Jck 11 the Ur w l'tl the Q1•1 • rial. tm a that came with. th• truok •n.d h ov· r lJ ,ooo 111il•• o.lll u. and. wer vevy 1mooth. .A lif./\f'l}t \..Qd.ii ' lOl'V\J. [~ ( L..,('l) ,1) I f)fj Wh llm'\<'l l 1J1 Y I ..~..~~L~ ~ . ~~H Fieltl Rep~u•nt •t.iv• ... Ohi,oo ti ~y ( 1>•~11oh 1n~orv nt1•1o~\'.~ to wed) (fl lovolv~cit) tn. ; ___ ~ "~'Q 1§,uua _ b• Tel. ]?hOnti I Inte v~~IV • \l: flµ l br ic ,,.lm~rn W lo r x l\'1ei)ll!ll I O~tizem$l n1 ~p~· ot' llucd. tlU IU f .;rtn,rt'lh~1u f .ropd 1rtlo). 0hi · Co r po r ll ti.on a 0 Lp.._U,__ 'Jil.hlg I lu ti V'Ldu 11 ~· ;f.noi~ l p r-~p~1'Q),r 11volve1i~ nq soope t:' lll'OPLl'm1 .l IJ ·~ l'l'\ llhfl FU.°' !1~11.Hµ Hl oh. n v ~ l' ~1 0 I' l9.'.)'( &'oi· p1ol't.lJ;l , l~.39 h'ortl h ·u.ok u tit l.91+1 OlH> Vt'Ol • ~ed 11 0011~ ple.n.1111d 0'1 lo~yt1 l5 t b~~ ~ tt~iiprq t · cJal bllll r~\~c:i h 111 11 0~1 n t'1·i> n~ Jr. V'I) 'llhoy r ) 0 Ol'C'HI hlBO oh . h rJ J;JQJn !'lu•rt:iblU1 ~·~ t1 l 1 ti 'f WC1l10 'lrt ~ ' 0 tQl'O 1.U, I\. $QH 1t ti" 0 ~o l'11 Cf11J.y 1 hi• ~ 11)1 d, ()l!t tlto Ao bi.on, · nk on. 1 ~h tn till·~ b t m~ .:ipi.n~. O ll b V(9 }, J., r oi· thttm Lo l GllV u,~j_iOfli.l d thu ' ~1ey Ball ~}\Q f)( lll .. rnent . f.iAr 1j, b 111 ()kll hh11:r 1v r"et dntilng g O • L> l' i ~ ll t h1a l: i1"e • 'J.'.' n"y n it. I hoy wou~ Lih 11.k ! ov r n1 1l ouL <., !'i ni o ly Nl t.\ti tl G'f 'lf~ll.l~•d l;? a PQttt !. o. l' l!l t1q ~1))11 n til:o11 ~l bh 1J 110 1.ll t! 110(; 1' I• HoJ11l At oh )S··SO.'.>S) •.1 Hi>r1d p ~~ !! \thnl•Q i1 oeua u. ''I Fi, ld CL Till a h1., ne I l ' ~ i•vitliwl ;x. A:1. u lt I ;x i.t'l.nO'I' I l,1.l, : 4 ' Uf/lr ll ~ O:l.t1.:i n hi ~ 1 r ·~ ~,.......,- ... ~ ,,, _ _ ·~-·--"-......-'-·-,.._------·---- ..,,. .... o'f ~ ___ _.,. ___ . . ~, ~.........,.~--r I ,,... ~- ~ ..-....._,_.__,____ nu.tiino no 1 P jj.t-t11ot• ,, ;i 1' 0 ipi l?l'G))~'ht Ill" ah I J~ I Oo) ' rJt' 11t ion 1 I 111 ~ nn ll x ···- - - - . . .... ____ Ull l . N nt c t oo •o , u nti p rp, n'l V'I Chru•g o Vd t 13 · rr e 11 Jr t L' 1' l'H uU. 1u 1! 1 u. •c • ci 01.i1• t • 1r n.ulk w 1ntn1ne1 i) J.' 011 tJ 1r:.1l . Otim 11 ,.f~t l~<J ] t Hl · 0 ' IJOtttl b). j ·1 on t nw f; L £~1 - tlon" 1'Lntn1t u. ' . Ht Jmoy J!trir1D b 1. 1y~1 ionr. n ~ uxonJJ.''lt f d .1/10/4:13 . { r c rni 1ani:o l :r n t · i• vi t ~I. lt 1, t.h(HV1l ' ... ')0~~ ) +I 0 w d. n/£<"1 n whn ) It 1CU1 c1 PM I ti •Jp p11·<.:>r:to q .M il]I 0!1'ic.J t~ ~ )ilk .r..\ I we -....."....,,. 1 , Mna I •.O. tl1'1'1i ··~·-· ~~ \lr1\T}'-11t i ~]j-(.q.-i,v-~n ......,.....,.· -·-·--{S·tl .i\d.~1 ~t I 7?.. ' n fi\ii"i~ \iin~1l 0 1.if(t•rd~1 LOR Altios, -__,,_('Cft;r..............--- __ _ -~-···rsti\1"';> >:i: i1.1H>t' ' !1.1~ 1 ~IJAi ,).,f J . Giti ~,. nu)"t1:p l_..._t.C1 0Jl''s· , Am I n~ t 'I " 1 1 i 1 unda;r 'l'r oi.: '"'.iry t iq ()n~ 1 li\.llW'f r D1.tnh1oll~I 11l't.nn·r tv 1 l' l' >)11' ~ l~t 0 l1 Q\ll. p I .A.<l.dru t .,,() 1 or11t 1011 I t tld j,y~d\l11,1. 1 l.1 h ( (Jt..I; .) ntlfl.i HolltL 1 ____ ...,... .••....--~ ..··----------~ '1'11ltitJh i"L• ,,k;,/ dU \•1h1n·1~ 1~() i ~ ~ l" t , 1Tw11b1 r 1 l1 , .n ... .Adv.Hr "' 1Hno1• 1 L.~ ~ Ui n~ ~ lilf lM v ·y :i Ji:! 0 ?11 11.Hn~ u ndo 'l'~· 1'11r1 o_,. _ _.___, 0, into 'Ifni B\l.77 <: M1~l 1 i't. ri-i~)..e : ' OU L:iiel"\ l 1 1.p 1 ...u.~..:- ·lf't,,_G) II.~ {l.1. d Stl"I, 11 1 .ti now? 1 '1-----·-· .. nf n\l,oin(lf!fl. l P Ollr u01•1diip 1 i rm ~ ' Hon ' tncl. i.v l dunt t 0 ·' I' r o n l 11 n(l '-'> n bo\~ ·--..--·----.,........_...._ .....11 •-foll 1, o p ck In , Al'Jil 1on tn.k C\l l ..,........... ~--·· 1 ....., ~--- n t in• nw r11 r o j 1 r J c t, n ~ , nd (>l" f.I/ (] • 11 1~ 1 ) pn :rtn o 11 l'H .. ..,....... _ __ t'tnllroh.~)J I ~lt l.ipr "" .....,.,........ ,.,. ... ___ I')" !Arni ll I h l· •.. up, l" (· rl t n, . t,h ,_ coun ;y, v H rJN v wI l") Uld 'tJ 1,. ( tf/1.) U men t\ b;-.r 1 1 :".;r~!d.jr.~.) ' l' ~ r U • alflrV'e L.n Qf cap i·rMti L ,! ' t ,c 1 A.p~t ot tl'!f Vilh•4 I t•~~ i'.l f / . <) :aull 1'111 11 1 ~111 t ) 1 ;l:l)lc:.Jlri 1 bi ·,• Lp1 Fnr tnt 0 ·~ !)• 1'/ l I\ I _...,.. lwl I~i d UI 1. I ..........~ ,1N ti-/ i> r'i.l 111.p11.l n1·r.1n ,. y ri 0 1 v r,l. Mrl 1.\l~''lj1 ./(: ·i, w4r,::'.I /~ ,""II /;,A,_..._ ff) I ...,, /i"'" . I t c,. ~ .. ~ ·~' I _,I II ~ ' . . f;'_. l,, 11 1 f) n:f )'1 t·o'))l111 1 It ' •\ ,,1 L - _,;. ' ·- ,./ , • ••• ) J nrl 1 · ( \.:., t1.1u f.lAdU J.o n.1 .s. 11~5 ) N<J• WP•l'~ 1~ l 1 ;f I l. "'e e c"'1Al11 lla.nk o~ Ii n Ir nci!Bo11 e. eta.t o:f tne Un -..---(~ (:l.f-Z. T.~l )hOn"1 1 I i't t l v a"° I ____.___,..,___ - -... ,..... - ... 'l ,~,,, · q:f '1~t,. ina n J l1nrtn •·•h~p: 1t:onl:' 1. or l\J !11 0C)'t'J:'H'H' A · i nt l I ~1div q l: _,...,...... __ ""' ..._ ______ ,_..,.,.._ .., .......... ___,,._ .......,_~ ·-· _____............,_, ' .... :"~ ~ ....... 111de al cal a 001''1 . l!anl( A& ¢;£ ~l'\!11 l\ Qf Sen JI ' ncheo Vntbe S' Ah Supp leiinei n. t. Sn(» . 44 5 ~ 13 . . .-~--u;:r;; ~la ~ N~uµ I 1~ ·•2 --- )~ l I .,, ,l'Vh'il'l :L~-t·~; :x Adul't 1X ~ lJOt' I '-Ll .I l'. )ll t1 lo I Oit h cnu:l) ip 1_,jl 'Do.I,~ <lf ln t Orlli c~nA: J\ ui1 dtl >ry Lr\ o d St t B1 ----!~~~---~ ~· !I'i•oll.ll\l\':Y J,j.ocm · u :no\\"? : 1'?nci of :Sue ir r;rn 1 ~)fl r1, 11 t"l!lhiJ) I ~Z'OlH"i r Ol'llh1);) I - Oq r·.i o r1 t; ion 1 ...., _._,,,_.,........ . .-.. .,. ,.,_..,_,...__ _ ___ _........._, ~- -------.,- """'. __ ._._ . . . . _ -- I111U v-id iBl I 0 \WO ),l fl! I n 1u.•1J 1 oe 'bJolioy Ol~~v:ro 1 t ·B ~':ruok o houu hold goo ~ ~;1. · "n , " hava tJ01i 1.l l ¢.l p:ro J 11Jl\R • ll l • cf' my t.tto peX't t 1 11d p 1 so nu 1 I 111-. 1.1 d • 1oh (ldr\1.t on 1 c[3..-~()1)'} ) ) 1: h~ o1 n bo l!':l l tl(QJ; lQncl 1 ...... ... ..,..._.,.. ·----· / ' o. ;J,J tJ. ,_'7 ~ 2'f'' • 1 Q.ii.!;J -~~:;;,-(JJ;i-0')~·'l'el ~· I ::ih n t J: \t u1•vie•n ;x ,,,, x .1 it ; H - 01· 1 Penryn ~·--ro"if:iT . . . . . . ..,_.._,.., . .,____ -~· C)f l\1HJ \n I~" I ---"'·---r"!'~ Same ;p, r1,1 a:r nh ip1 - - - - - · -...·- _,l""-~ ... 14_··~1+.... _ Pr <J ri 1t or b Ir t 001•1 ot' l o11 I T.. 1d ( l) ly Ull 1. 1 1 •• Vlivi tl~ d, dv1 <ia on Lif e I ns u1·,rnor pol~oy , e. na nJ,a o th t of Ih."oth.e:r u.n I Si t ol'• Ir h n au :t1lo31 nt fl.l.Jld to oont nue pa ym ~t of pr. rn..l. wna • ( 2) OhevroJ,e t.J truQk . . l . :3 (:5 ) IIu a 1 J';t•iend hi nlJ no • Ac+,· (l) o'.1. 1.1phon • lfumbor t 011 t1 ·~ to l l., to c.U.spose ot Wl~o wi l b k o 1;r - V lu soo .oo. ot.' lti~ houa · hol d. BOO lo dul."in g n: 111 dv:LeocJ to 00 11tinl 11 l>'Ym nt form6 d of 1.111n. n1 of a d<lro M~ ko b s t d ~ 1 l po s s i b , ind ta J~eop Inaur na e ornp1.n:tt:HJ in- ( n<l rliopone ot sn me . i 1Hucto:ry a),'1 1.n.gerne nt. a tor ot ru( 1 or p t• l ln tu tv1 fJ d d, 1;\ r:ldltiot11 1, 1111" LI 1hn •o itnl'J , r nu i'J' • B Uopra s tt110 \ I ( ··L 0~5 ) n.t or m 1to Off io e 0 11.t l pro urt1 ie O.K. If.I r .cl lJ I il r 1 11•1 /IJ.g}f, ~' . !4_& l A '1. \ 1' - t v()ii Q ~ J~.i.,. _ _,...,.~~4s•··J)c ·o of l t\ 11 ll O l'~r i i1 t Q I I· i1141r I ul I Ji r.1 ll!l I OUt i o1!11hJ1 ~ ..... -~~'!~!.. 'U l:l l ti;.d Str. ~ ~l l ,.. ..- - . . . . . •• _.~ • . . . . . . , -.... , . . . - 1 .. ~ "--------~ •• 0 ).'l A~'lilt in~ Llld ll r '.h o.e.a'l..\t'~ L \ ~on 1.J 1J w,1w? 1 llu 1tll <) rrn I :P tit r fil)l 11111 h.l p I T,yTip r>f l?:t1 0 }lJ.1 11) t, O?' f!l 1£. I ·-··- .... Lon t 0 1JrJHW 11 - l 'Jrl i'v'l d U.11.l. ' rorc Ir: t · y 1( }1' )"11 ( 111 . 7, ' (5 1'/ ~--....,.-..._ ~ ot ).' 1'o1i .~ t rt1 1 t .f ,.. ., I ... - .,._ ....._.. ,_ ... ,_,,_....._,_ _,,_ ··-..--..... ,-.. .,_ ------ ;1"' ( (J fly ' 1' (( ~ ,.,~.. t·'1-!" t fl '"' J (. . ,,, ('•·' / / v'I ~'/ A ·y~ • ,,.( r.' • l t1 '(I. J r '" () ll ll.'.1. 'J I I ;~ ,;II' ~ ( ~ --~a-·_,.._._,._._,_.. , -· Tul 'OhC rH~ , r l 1•i1vJ1 6\oif~ A .l.).Lt' I l no~· 1 ' I~ D1lLct o t' l eri l'l L1 l:.o Uni , · d ~ r 0\U2'J l 1 h1.p1 ______ _ · tOll l ~·~ liJ nf '.fh.10111 11 a I }l r111tOl'll h t p I l'~· JT111i 11i 1n 13 il.i.J e 01J1 ,.1orn lon1 ' l! t1111a.1.f'l A<ll\r t -.--~-----·- ---~·-·-'*· Pl 1id l 'l'O !) Ol' ','r i. nv o V .1 I l !V'I II 0 I'\ o•loo.1"-11.-.~. .. ·--M--~ li-4'o - -~-· f p r• l: ( nl I dOPtt " In repl.y to ycur ~•ttu 1~r Apri 25th •t•tar about prope~y problem. t-ha.t tix.ed while I w in Sari Fl"al)Obooi tha.t In,)' tri nd lf'il.l take Ot,?'e &t PJ!Hent and may :t'oi-ward tne wnan X s•t permanent o&inp. " (Fom•r Mdr J )169 Waeninrton t, 8•11. PrantsbQo ~ ·~ . . ,.,. . _ -·---.• .. t .1llvirllt/\1 I OUJ. C V I' t 1GNr.m) H. r~. Aa1l t nt ¥, ·v r. H~1 0 N ,. .A.<\.ui , 1 MJ.,r11u I 41. 1, • I :011.t o ' \ nt1n1 ln I') ~ a~ ti, ru~n 1,o 1- - - - - r.:irHJO nowi 1 cf lh~ol n n 1 Po.rt1i1r hi.1>1 ~r e r '.~: tm•o : i p1 Ot'J :rp0t;ln i OT\ I fodi·r1du l 1 :r ~· 11 0 1i l n 1 i·vl w d: ...--- - - -··----... ---·~ .... --- Ad.'1.l'Al101 - - · • ----~..- - --+-----~t - o i - - ... - . I. " A ~ ·'""..l~ UJ\.,(\ ~HQtlll.l »~o• ( •j...11 , Urit·t ' d Stfl.t ~ 'r !;(Irr Jba.1 ,:Jl.Jb J vt·un•i! n r.i - ~--- .. _..,_...... _ _ ,i\(i 111 ' ("" 'HMl'I M11.l I rt" l'illlh l Oit 1z t~ ! hip : '' !' l et ~ntrr '-rl ·o Unit tl Sto.·c1 11 1 TJ1 i:1 0 l~J'l\t ~ n~ 'tltilL~ l' T11 I:\ ' ti:'y Lj, on 'f'· ll1\Bl. 1~ OH P1u• t 11h tl> 1 oi 11i1 t0l'll~it1 1 C1n•yv1r1•t lu11 1 InHvt~.Uhl I MW1 I 1 Add.1 EIP J ·.....-.-·-~·--~---'---"""""-----·· ./ ..,._,,.....-.....~- 11 ·---·· .._...__._ -- ' (I I . ( • {1 /1<'I; 1 11 I .) _,. /I H ·\ ; 'l/ l •{ "' •Mil ~ d.11.nton~t ~r~o11 who~ Cl ~) d\J({,f A;ll 'JJi' A1 -1t ( • ' ( I' r:1.7 t, 4 do Dh1>obo r 1 I I t)'l I f. f> filnl 1() ( J((. ~ • }f,t1{• ~., 1 i.·~l. Heo10 't'<t I Jl l •t. l A4e .t ·l1ed, ;\A 1J..l, I Mil'IO r lfol I :a'ull. 1.l Ottl !ll Ot n f l a. 0 1ornt 1, , uncl r ~ r o 111,riy L) on l.! 11 w7 I . .._ ..... - ............. _.. -·· -· I IJ u· (', ldl' I 1.1. 1 -- ~'............. n '11 j( · ~._,_.,,_fllio_ -- ... .. --~ ...... --......... n· 1 l pl) \ ~{ I r Ur ]. t k I l.J~',.) ' ' I·• !~ .,_. __ _ "'~- - - -...... - · · - - . . . . - I• I~ l'H /\fl !fur , rt l.'IC1 • i:'ve a~ a~ 13...,~ l'l'fllll,Ql(!a(I / l ~~mt Qf 'bs tr~! \ltd. lta.~~"' ....... _ _.........,,.._.,,___ _ _ i;> 0, u11 ltl. ~:tr. ... u11d.o • '.l'r · nu.ry Li · n o now? 1 of.' H\1m1n •n 111 l' t n1 "Ill I 11 Prt, r. :' 1 t, n l p 1 O n~ f")I / ( i l' 1'\ I t.n i r d 111 1 At tlr 1 1 _ __, 11 I/ I '" t j I fl. J t .I ,( j, • I l I t I I I""-·. -- -· ,_...~ ..-· ;A t I .B ,,r San 'h Moi o f 'h~ U~1,td lt~t~• Acl U; ).11 l\.QJ;' .. ).{.1,.1 ~ :r fl ,( Ci. . .- . -·- . ~- t .1'-l l i.~anshipi _ __ . . . . . .,,..___ ,t·•·.,i -~-·--- ,Jt• ~ 'l!YJJ ri f --- - Du!l1.nlli an; Fo.rl:in r· hi 1 :Pr pr1, t ori' lp t Oor.T,1 l'A 1 ~1•1 I I 1i iv Ld un 1 1 . . .-, M.r t' A I 1 ,...··~· -. ~ --,...-,.....- --- ~""--·- 1, • l nn. t l'l: n l l!IA.., t .n..:;.h 1.i.r.dit ~1m1 l. p~r.>11 wh~t· ( , (')'J5 ) h co 1rnr:1· -·.,.- --~ \ ~...... .... -·-· ., ·----.- . ·~oHr'YI ~- of San. h f?-6.l. .A.&11~t o:f t tao ViH M0t1eoo flt 011 t :oi"~ W"'m I (!'ail• hon 1 Int~ I' '(I. ~ c ; Jt'~ h ·*"" ~~tab' A riroojll l -11.?.JL/.~..,-.p...--;; ~ c~l. 0 : \i~~ r,G} ill I _ ___, .....,._.......... . _ i - - - - ' -·,. _._..,,·,--,-,,..______ ..,..__,,_ _ _ _ ..,...._ ... ' f~, , f:~ ~--,..,.._.,_., ~ ... 11 Ar1.dr fl I ----~ - - ·........· - - -- ( ' 1 .' A'v 1 •.l-1,}b udd,U 1I) /U J>ap II \rlill I' P ll Pit' .. ~ ( ·5 1 1~ ) ··'"--~ ·---""' -~· · ·--~...... ·--·-·.. ~-, . ... r;i __,,..._,_. "'vp 1'1,\~ 1, X'\ ~ 'Un ar Q lll> 1n .P~i· tn .a:l',,UIJ1'1f rn TIQIV T•• - .- . " ~~~ · , . .. .. - ·......-- rs -------.--·---~,--.~ it t Mpi 1 /' ln<li vtdu 1 i v Piinclp 1 prop ty invol v d ' nd ~IO{ P• • :nhl1Q 1 !'rq1~riato:r 0Cll' Li O ~Ill!! • .1 op or pro ht ~' A.t\ I i r O)' I rile 1 c r al I ,~tt,,111 h~i;i ' -···-.........._,,_ ·-..-----·. _ . . . _...... . _____ _.....,_,._ ,.,,,'tJ .t"t O)v t t ng un<l IJl :tn ~ Tr o ,.._,....,.__......,.....,_,...___~~ t: 'B If~. Tl f1 II I t n ~ 11 ll l,1,) I Pr opri o tl t> b.:\.p1 l102· pfl1• 11 t 1on1 I ncl.iv 1duti.l 1 O l' i· cr1 In t n1·v 1.1 \t d. 1 .... ___ ~----..... -~'°"'•!- I ~ .,._...,.._ •. - - · 11,. ~J.' • th I, WI ·, l"J It 1.11 trrr m11~ -------~-...-.----"t.._ l Ch l I '11 ) t I )I 11 " )I l CH rJ r 1' pr 1 t; , n o 1• 1 . _._,._ __-. i', I I """' A~uJ ' I AIJJl r t) o 1 M:tn Mr Jr·.,;.· ri: I I l"Bl!'I ~ 1 t """"'~~ Oi ill Ml i'.(l) :0.1 t o i Op t:'l\t. t lf' t111tl u.r ',~ Y"l l'I n ll:\.lt Of' I'! o t . 11 b1·:r Ta-tm. flR I Un t , d Sta.t n1 )It'/( \ 1'K4~f ti1 ll 0 M W'( I /IL I ,'JI l'll0)1 t1id i:t\1!,\1111 1 'Ii !rb n•vlllW A.l"'bn X'llhl lH P1• oprio c r11t.1 011 J' )rl 1111 i : /\~l ~'r\.d.tH oiv1 I pl ~ ·1>0' 15 ) (l!c1l r o \olhoi•il 1 lltrn ?.f 1..h•u: 1 01 ... ) l •rY• d. rnl 1to >anit ot ~ Ju.nQhco ~'hlC4\l. ;. ·ent Of the lf11i h4 St ~ II - (D&r; Tnltll)hOl\'8 i lnh~·vio1 .A./l1.i l ~I --~ Utr ' "t"at1ir M~r1<1r1 11J11~orT"-~- ... f40il c I J1e1J\41,l. l Oit ~~ · nobip s -41ty}l - -~ ·-,..~-_..,.. ti) n11 ti i nt u1 £ P rt 11 rtihl p: l? l"l'.!}'ll' i tp:r ahip c Co Jil<lr1 t on1 !1vUvidun.J 1 U .i. ~' (l t Pcnon In ---.....--.. --....-rvl \\! d.1 - -... ·-·-----~ ... ... ... -...--...-'"'"'~ T l pl on nddi. 1olJ'-\l pijt,~GIJ wl1e1;t 1\ C"B~no.ry (s~ 1, J% ) ...____ . , __.,_, __ _,_ ----..,.··- ~? 'L) ~I (i I d wt l • • McCANN -ERICKSON IN C · A D VE R1, l. S l NG ~vf.l.ou B Pl:-pp .rty Ou oliiA.o Fc(hu·al UotJ r·ve D11.nk D U d tn S n h• m t no, Cl l..l,CQr ~ :1.n. my l llp)H'lXl o:irn 1.di l'Vell , h 110 C0Q t r 11r iqol , h i1 r. Ol.l1 ho1n m AA rnri t 1· ,., ,. t• IUO'rtl l 11111 wri.Mn11 'to Gdl'lf:Lrrri 1Jonv 1•r.i11ci.on o!' h s r~rtarM<m. w:l. h on1 of Y<>\tt' I ;xpl.i tr1nd t;n him hn w. Ib t11 111y und\ f'tl Lu tl tn (I; hr our wh l' · h 11d.trh · wr , ~ 1Lnd n I( l;h11 · '"' sh h ii. • tl 111 v Ol'\<l &) v1. ·r.i:w eoni y 11r11 11a111r.i11 Vill i >r hll~ r1nw hum 11w<n1 od . Bifot11 l 1J.v,l.1f!. h•i 11lwl ~. iri . tr l 1111 t riht 1 .w w1Lh •11hl11w11u Jin1:i 11111 lll ne r nd l!i 1.•d u1 flll UISl'fJO<l. to L(l op t.)11J111 111 d h rlcyl ,v ()d I lQ w Il l t1f; 111111 t,w bo rirs (" h I oh l pr 111u11 o 1m1,1l .n ,i•rd n t>()l. ) 1..o 11 l 08 tJy\lQ.11\Pl"ll Avrmu 1 1 rl n Mr ~f)() , h1 po r~ · u r·vic $ <)f u J1 p11ntJ110 ~ Ill" ltm r 1' ~1 r hP \ 11 ~h1 $ 1 bo:i1011 t Ll o Wo 1trtl n o n u l l in• on vo11i1Jno!ld in t h la tMl L , 1 r l b1 v 1•y hn ppy 1 o "" p h11 •m 11l1~n1, inu fl h1t1 r nr ~o"' ' lp )1 ln 1 if' l'fllltH i ()d; pl'<>V l rl 1l ,i b i l' l' t p I' tht ' '( fi rlq II() • 1 f'is 1 r1 11 lttl] pin r~ '!iii ' h ()ll ' l1 v n. -iL- .......... -.. ... ~ .... AM~. by ~~j ........, .... ,, .. ,,,,,,,, l'lo "" ~ By ....._ . ,.,~, Anqufte .l~:ctoA .1~7~J ,.,~-. - - ....,......,.._~ . Bu1ne1111 Ii w,~ lfl~'t ~NW·tfi5'!:Jli!)'lt;°'tiH 1 l'Aoo, 1rn~v11;"', ""' TtlllrJln·o 1W r~N 11•r.0 1 v;.. 1.1mJVlil. /l\l f1'1ftt~/Jllr hllN ll!l "M' 1 l'AP.I• ,111\ 1<tel, '-')~ f.N!~ .1.v,s, "~ r.H, 1J 1)~!1'l1i\)'iO, t>" . fN M~11011.·1•o11. t,i . lfV .irmrN JlhU~H1'1rl/lll l~Nll Al 1:,ttJ,-11)(11 111 0N11•1,u 1, ~ 1 1\ Hhl• JAN~ l)l,11 , Mil l',11111.0 1 bd 1,1: S 1 rl!4 hco 'Q'ni,•d lt&'e• "1~ ! I I ;;~ J~ (l!) teJ '? ol pt v1nu1 ,fa~·~~v hw: >-- j._& 1ri ~)n NH r~ \J1ut 2' T1·1 i..riury Iii 1m . o ~· now~ 1 ~ -- - - - - - 'iH m Ad( l' tn nI T l.lll1l on • _ 1fll'V~~11.11 l\J Jl e.Jt..:;; ~ ...L .JJ. .dtkia ~.. Ji:.!_ --1 - rni1lmr J .((I~ ,_. ..,...~'!........-+--·--,...~,..... -·~··- _;!. .__':). i1, -'~' (!...~~t ( (, t , ,. /o.t • wh ti 01 L ( ~)0~5 ) ~ ; i./ •:r r I / <. --··---~~-...~--... ~ It • If ~*... " ::.f:...___.,.. I Ad.111. t: ll t ~no~· t MrJ 1: it A.(l.r1;r.tHl ~ I ill.:lrlf\le I Oit. Ill ns tip1_~, •. ........,...... ?' 'll __ ,._~-··-· .,.....__, I .Jh.c ··- .-..7..11_ !l' (I I t• ~· l 11 c h .ri l11J rm hi I It ,l\.t, JJ.(! h ~ (I' "'~)0 1J5 ~ (id:t t1 t b1.1 ,. 1. f 1l 1r1 d I, t '' I 111 !Vrfl • \.ll! +. , 11 1 ~ I) od -k of Gh• Jrenr • tho Tfl\lt9'd S , B~<UI -~~..-)--'l' a..lie !! \f.1J1 i 11L~ l'JX'Vi It/: :4; if .il.c1U L d X Minor~ I 'J ~141 " JC 1 rl l a i ill Cit izunsliip J _ _ ~,-- 1111 'lljr}H I 'f! Jl\lain 11 I P1•01J11 l' 11 '<Ill lf) I Ru.J.-.i Ul n :rop1•1.11't or 1l, l {J 1 O<n ~) 'l'Nl ti Lur I 11\d 1.vtt'I I l l , I Intrvvluw ct: •q o~ ·- ·-------· ,._ .... ...., •n l11w-1 p tm '3/26/llt~ t>1·i n< J.r1nJ lH' 1)]H 'JC ':I l.nv1' l v1, H~ ht •I l\,l\d, tl<' tlb 'J II I f) ll l'~ D (IU.rtn, n r ~· l;~M ot• l)o•l('j 1 111'1 "'' n nt Lo (\ m 1 t() 1.i ,Ill l~lflM W rd1 fltll) I <J 1 l'hi fl ,Vflli thll • cl 11 0 /)~lb 11 f'Nito t1 th oi' Ctllo l.IJ l O~>hnll).Ud lit I 11 r1·o l1Lbl k11 ' lllltl 1 Af>clU Int i>i11 l1 ttlll wh t bo t1 ~~ ·b R1 rl1' Jl't' 1bJ' 1r1 1 1.. r V<thi 11l1 b<l I"u11h or 110' I 1.n t I 111( 01~ tlq l)t pl H.:11 II l l ll tn in t l. 'or 0 ll fP•.\fl; 11 Wl:IJ 11 ch I, '~- ..., ~ J. • 8Uin''3 J3 nl<, tl f oat As~r\ t or t ~u1 n l. coo (=J Vn. t J :ito a~ta ~....-..... T 11t;?hrn1 c to 1: x I at ~ r\tll. , t 1 l):t' : •.L.l I J' on". ttl lJI: 1 Ci.ti.rt n hip l ()· r ~ I· r t.:!.·11 n uo 11.eiw'l 1 '.l31Ju 1n. I& tP~Q~\l.c>I 111•1 ism&11. lJ ·an In ' 1\rV'L1.iv; di ..... ~ ---.·~---. -......... P 1•tn. 'r11h1 >1 Pr o1> r1 1') rrihip 1 Ad<lr IHH . . . ..,-· - - - -~.. Co r I'' rr t 101t I I n d~ V'~.clu. J 1 -- -- ·- ------ .; _ - --- '1:1r Dodge O~l" CUI •011>,11 u ill'AI Wiij,•b J. i~I h _, ~) i>Ul'l ~·e 1.m1'nel.l from ,he l l)tor V•h~. oJ.11 X>• t u-t, ..,hiQh ·cnC11y IJ. vi tt ua 111o11uld bn thci fi~•t we 1£\ l)l'U- WiU 1' p Ot\ v• ·rcil Ut1l u d'Viol\ by -.r1iw other no ot tnnep9r ~ ion pr.ovtd1•d u.,on v .u'U11.'bion. ~ ()&l1 t. o · tG fl h o l f' ina Ul"n.neo po11QY Wi. th th ()130 der1 l !.it's IAl\Jl'Nl lJ Oo111p »Y on Mhio)t no MQ boun p :fin.!: 16 • wrc1 qu rt r 'Y pr pd \1111.4 • App r. .ir,rt ' r.1m ~ 111 Berk.elay p , m·1 , }lob Khid 1 111 pnrt•tl •~ 1\\ g 1+..~ he go 1 l11tld ot.t'S.oo tho o01"1 ny a b •~12 ~roadway- t.nd n11.ko riiu ue.Uy v..~rB bl 11.r1·P.lit;$1rv.int11, 1Jd. h · It up p yn nt11 t'rotn :t'uncl a 011 haiud, bht> H he 11 t <» 9' hi oh he did :nq t 01~re to d1V11lr;e, <>r o l.lp )?lly.tM•~tB L'r()p\ poas ib .i: u~ire ln1>olllll • i)~· I.~ U hi11 l J/QQdbl e:X:ton "on p:r-j.v;,1.e~ ,qt thfl tH>lio;y or o 1~t~ ,., ll \Jn ndH' v l.ll19 !It bo tn or. P nv oa .. I II.I'!!\.. fl.Cl itii<H) ~ pll(/;~1 ( $.-.:>0'i5) W IJJl..i lh~O fHH:'l ';f 1 V l'llPU ~'Wn .,_&ill p11l' 1)1111 lhl'V' l •d A1\ul.b I X ~1 Ot''I U~ 1. . I v, c.. -··-.-·-cBerke crt;r~---- { st~tcl Uf'Ql.'~;S,a l.f) P 't ,X . t;JnJnle I Oit:l.z r\Eliit Jt~ r~ - o, lM ill~llnl )' nu rroduo i11r n l' nl t~ p~ llro11r 1 t 1, r 1th:\ i 1 Oor nl' ll ~ t 011 o lnd ~ v ~ d.11n. r· · - - - " " " "- l' <incJ.111 l ·proi1~ l' y t1wo lv ri M\<l ncir~~l'I lllQJ'I l i \;h tQ co·i 11. b IJlOl)t - " ' " " ' " " " " " ' " _ ' ..I".. • ..... --~-·-... ..-....... ......... _ l) f p1· ,.., blu1 c &bOV~ ~lifirH I) • W 11 to.lta ll!ri ll II OClllt lflt l Cl Chovrio1 t Clou-pe 19 l (olur)" Ml• ' / nt4 to nll Dodgo bot dpu not h.av white ~ t~n d W~o te Crom Vlllhiole l)ttp ,1.•-1;"1 nt u.~1" 'tvto W08ko o r ~ •H~, 11u11111 • tid~. g 1.n for 1Jow no i' 11ari rcUng bu •• ceiv d no r11 ply • .A fl I. .l 1JJ\ t I .Vo flt\ I ftl<1l\ d Motor V nl ~ l !lt>p r rrent ( r .. N rd11tre.nd, nr e;e~· Jj~lll'kitl y ' J11'11tiol1) ,. ho cl v'), CHI unitil rLr twee 11f1'id11.r~t in Ap"il• How vcl•'• l:l';f o( lliti z n l\i,p, dUpl•~be ho.n proJSpe<> ti v · bu>' ~· 'o o 1·, [XLyi~ l p rM.y b LI ugp;e .. fee of ,00¢ '· ·~, "'Mtl.I. h r.icldtHr>na.l Pf'l(l;ll wh t' ( ·~0' V) 1 p11t'~o:n int.rv1.1tl'!•<I ~ p l' on• 1n,- o J,v•d. Jll:lO I ~lil'W 4itn1ng ftiUeJ.nt ,b1ued. +. d a.p iU n~ .go rtd. tc> te 2 »ox 42' ...,----·-rsTf" . . . t--iia1r\JJllb naor-d -·-..c-·i-·1Oo, .:y-Da 1 o ()f lo.o ~'i1 __,__,...... __ O~lit'orn11 ..___...rNr--,-- en r ;r 1n () Unit od. Sp l' t• ci 1 I111;1 A.d,i\ t1 i i ~ n1 v ct ~ ·--..--..- ~ d. 1 ....-----.~1?..9l 1 ·-·.,.,.,.--Al:>.. QV . ~ " ·--~ ·· ·- -·..__·--~- _ _ _ ...._ontti ....... _ . _.,, ..... _.. 'J'l't' l1 \ tl)l\.l. prop1 'l' y lny1)lV1 d, AW.i llra ') 1 L'>1,) l' hl o11 I - ......... ,l <rt 1rn~ 1, Jvrn 1 Sold l o ~ .. ll$e ~o. o.t: ~tJti•oaa 1nterw1ew•d l Oe Of »~W o ~n'YOl\feA ( g f 1, 1 A Ml ,~(11,,1,>) drli ' ltm11 t p11.111 111 wh l'l 11. n u ti 11:r . ' ' ... ..... - - ··!.. r of: S• rQohqo f , B'e1.La(:s.J. ~M ot Ui• )JQ~ ii I ,,. • :'1.e111oB1rn ,._~.,.~a i'Q'I· ~{tlfi-t-ei· '·-- 'l'•litx>'.hon ln _ __,,.,..._0;.;,;C)_...,..,.OO~E I 0 U~ I '{011~y) n. " or O!'l 1.1 • lo•i •nti•y )• 0 U•\t ~ 1 • ..-- -m~.~er Stl\\ O.. -;-· ~t '\JJLtl.~r Tr ~Mlt'Y ti t:1·fl1~( Mw ? 1 __, ·~ 'llqi;p.JL.l!..J!!w...a;u...,.._ I Tc " 1!.)I\ JITI) HU' :; i nV'Olv 11 !\I'\ por ·l) of l )l P.l" r A t~h rdtU { t.)....',JOI 5) l l 9 GM!) ~1 .i'f, ln i•'IJ vod i -..,..,,..~~-~--..----...-··- I ··- -_,....... ''Pl'tL ~ ......,.,.,"..-.,,...,......,...._-...,.._--···--·- · - - - . :ru~· "" 't,'fT'l t UV'~~WI c> f probl~m'l = bw __,.__...~,. .. ~--------- '• ·f .au , Fetle~ .1 l'h -.1 r e ~ of Sft!l "•·~~ () th u~ • tne.t 01-·-h<>M~ Ir~ e:r'V' .I. !!'\II I (Pe:t• J 1l\J,l.b1 Wno1.1 Ko.l. ~ lull' l ~ I OHhfU1t1hi·p 1_ J1 ~t itiit ~~1: 'Ill la ,ti l1f.1 n /t::; iato 1Tr.. i.t d Eiti;1.t 'l':r: \lll.rlt IU\ll'"Y J.i (,On () now'f I ~ ...... ,... Born VS Orn' .x. ' 111•1 ~lpl\l '(lX't:il>!\r 'f lrrvolve• a1v .R i' ,.,1.. f l'll) !)~ - · .......... ~· l'M ~7' I f4.. M ... f • .._ ,,, -~t.1 ,. . ., -.. . . . . . ,.,._,. , . . __~,........ . . . __,. . . . . .- . . . ,. . . ._. , ___ ri 11'.',yp " t :Il'\J.1.1 in. • • I , \ir>I l1r op 1•1. b()'I' ut~ip l r t ior~I tnn.\ v du.11 l I ~01 or l~ t r)~H· •J i' t)nb lu-. : e e<rye !1&11 li"'-kl l~~~l ~1ni o ffUlCl C:l~ S Un~i·~ of tho atat • -~t1'~i~~~'--·--'hl•'tl11 Ml ht~il!l:t''Vi Iii I J. lt'lr o • ,.1hlulti I M Ml' I . ~1· i Oonco ~. , 'hzr.td4l l OHii111\ M. 0 ---\CT!i'i~,-----·--·--- n~r!/,o Un.i.t"d. $p1 on 1 ___"""'__ __J}Q1· •..Y..a..LJ!..!!.',)1!.f.!L_,_.__ _ lfit •.1 tJf LQ.,Bt Di Ci,:,~ · ~ ! ~ w~d. r Tr ~~u.rr L:4Q1'n o now? 1 .-.. ,. . _......_._._._...,.. ~.rn 0 r ~unin " ' PL1.rtn 'I'llhi11 1 Pro 1·u<m I , ri11~ 0 1•11nlp 1 Addt• 1H I Onr •>rn.t 1011 1 In ivldun.1 1~ c:i, () 1.n r 'f 1.nvolvQd. nrl a nl" *I~ t{,l.C~ r.ithU ( :~-?0'>5) O}ll 1;,f • .No rJ 'PC r no11 in.b t• lo o }:) i· onp t vol• iol'lh l. ~ ...... .. !;° ~ ~w ·1 1·----- - . .bo. . V' ~---·-•t -~-' l WJcl. ~ 11.(1; $ whel•\} r,r .- b 111 1 l'bovo 11rt1 • c,n• ni with Mr, m.·:r .ri li. l'oo t.h t.o in •vt w 1ind.tol.•d. to n11totl.1 < iot· 1H11ott l wiU g h • ~~~~)(.'), nti f o J'iipn11.r nllov bo ooh! fl ~ri tq c.'U.r~. 'I AIJ.mln~•1hdion 1 H G ' • :l1 tfl , l,11~1'1d.l. ()rd. .11'1rn to nor~·o w < ,.........,.._,_ f.tlil~ ·--- ·~- - - - - . . . . - '"_f_,,_..._,...____i.._., I '.Pt."Luo~tm..1. p;ro d,lr;m X l'\~QIU .. O,~~' .. .R~deo da {s,.u:;-;., \Jl· n tT""""lohu' Baute ~ A<b~ ti). I ~1 (I !." I Mt.llO I 8qx •27 -----z517~--·-n-,,d. ~~,UJ-11.~r.....)- - · " · - - X x i' .a.J. l OHh 11el11XHJ !UlUJL ;D to o 0. '"' · lo.B ti.1;~ I\ li';r tnt ¢ 1,n. It ~t St li/() li I Born lJ'~ '~CIW7 I Mii r Tr , 11\L.r'I( Li. OllO<J -•·....-----·-·~- ~ '11 : _ II -....--_..----·-~--.------ . l ur b I. '.£>r,1.1 nipf\il, ·~wl:'lp r h. ,t.1.t>rl :Y° i.n'rO~V ~ t 11.41l e, lf_!!tr l_e_:f_t-..---.. · - - ~; p.('.0})$ I) r l --·----.. -....i .....__ r rni 'J,11 · n1r 01)nto.dtad .~r . O•rl:l.4, PO E Me.mi g8r, Oonoord. o.nd he t '!Jed he lflllJ · a.kl 1)($ t M. mo.ii'Ve1 1• ,l:P Wit.} <M.ltlan<l O!'£-Lo1> cl.ntl w1l.l 11otii1y- till' of.' th re m Hts• lfo or ro•• l!IO ns in r'YJ~nd. Nd ot, p r 19on1J Lrtv<.>l yet:! ~h ti.d.d ~ Ucmn\ ' ·5 ) H l ~ ' la \~h 1 1 1~ Ii oe.i w~ y jl • ' i1 .., 1, ~ Met'\'49 l1 0 f fl .. n "'r'Md l ~O ~~ Age~t l'Jf th Vn.~' •11 S he Ut1l l3. l@42 ~I.I' nrun --. ae .A.d. rl)ntt I .. t r .....,.(Pr i.n ~i.fJJ~9_{"ff'"V'e)0'_......,..._,._ M.\llid 2 'BCIX 4i.t!7 ·-..~-.-m;.;--.-;.nr-,rt"tmbfi~r·---i---· Mi l).01' I lfo ltl # ~ ntl·y into 'UDit ~ a Stnt1n11 "t OJ'' "), unrla\t' · Tt~/1'MU~ 'l ,fp i ri ·' 0 l:i1. trno iit Wf I f Jh.J.Q il) 0 AB I p~,. ,i r11n~r1 .Pr o 1 ~pc illt or1J do.r1)')1• t l rll Incl1v !..d.ua11 At /tt'Ai:! I I' lvr\: 1 on 1H1 <1 n I lji Thh r 'I h~• ~U.Bpo 1 <\Qt h~. 11 rue'! tl.d tin ,. u1s1ru111 i Wh(~~JJ n (~(JI~ rr~ a x '.rn n .fi.l~ I Oi HzQruih~lH .._ _ _ _ l I :Ontn 1}f ta' 't'e~tJ~f.'l~Ll I x·a~el'Y'itlV I 1 1'Un0iu ao St ~ ~· Airl.\ll,~ l I litif\O)/" I ~ X "IOll\f.\lll : l4ul 01,lit.or:n:La. ---- ( $tu.~ Oitli on~ ;;-..,.--,, .....J.~.:Mo..~----.....,~_,.._.........,......... _9'1""'1"----· ft l . W• I l I ·~· I') (' ll1'~clu<1 !3uu i M s 1 E>nr: nra~· ~t1 l? I l?~ O ll dt1t C'l t.i Jh~'['l I Qq11 lliUti in I. ·-·-,.._,..... --~- .... ,. __________ ,.._ ! nd iv:l. d.w 1 1 ~Ul t~. lco (\ll'tii.b\U.~1 .. tin .tf a DPd~ 11;t1 l96\'.l (olu~a'). 001.11" W'!J lo OhiiYrlil t 11 (l.O\.ll?& p\.lnil ot lEl~l (cslt0e,r)i tiCJ • ll Dode;" \'iii.It d.oea n,o1l tmvv Wbi,to alt p. 1e.nw !lo-ti tot11rnod i'l'()Jn v hil.ci1e l)epn:r~mq:r~t (\:l,u. Vfro bv ~"Vici arrw.l l \.co 0 • l'ldi nr, ir~ ro1· t 11~('1l fl. ev1 go rogo,rdinr. b11b r Olll iV!!lc'.\ no l'6 (>ly. Acit i.rm ~n.kq11 : 141 Phcn.\ll(\ Moti:>r- V l\l·a.11oh) 'tho un~U tiiole De u 11 :;mnt l\v$.a n \))\ ~; w>i.~-il ,.u.p <r l, l~at\l\f!l .,.in p 1 0~1)1y not be 1 :O rab we 1' bi Ap1•U , lf owever, by pyill.g ,ree ot' 1 d";yi t; or oiti v. neti.~p, dupt•o11.b htu p).'oep Qtive \)uyo1· fol." ()tu·, fl.. ~<lh dtl.h c> 13.l l)O I) wh Pn ( 0.-.~0~5 ) 1 p• ou ~nt r.-h...,ea 5 pe e oru1 ~.\l"fQ lV'e c\ ~ aug nei ca~ "'· y r B l•kq). y ret\;lmed h.ell"e 00~ e.ncl / O.p..r-nt 11·i reo1'lJ •hcS• @l~ply with th• r•qui,re)lllliit11 pentitting hb tc ~ im1nediat.. I I( ' ale. Tile11 :plan• bo I I I 'V(l1uniliR'U ) •~1:na._ u ' IJ 1r ) t ODOih ,, ·• ~' t1r l :anu 11"v'1 - JI' .l.leei 1 J.ce n~ o, ~......,....,...,~1s•2 ~~l,_ hon 1.1 i x: l Ltervi vi .J\rtv;i t i )-i i.nor I a., :$0 :i 21 ,..---~Brr•e(l t ml\ f~b:rr--Ro'.\l.t M•1 J. 1 1~ J, QaU OolliCCl>r,'d, 1 ~i.le: -- Ol tt'1m16~ 1ip ~ e. n t r:r in o 'UrHt Cl St'1 c l _._!Jqi.·n. u & ,;!_~....;:Yt'~ ..-- - - - Iii I·'• ___ .. _ _ _ _ ··--.---..............-....._...._._...,___ r·' (1 ((' ./T•U Cl f !l\ll\ b1 Q BB I l)ll.rlln l'lolh.i.}11 ~ r 1>rw1 t oi:-t.Jh --...··-~--~- v1 Adel i; Cl>J'pl) ll.tlm1 1 A'bov klCI 1 - - - . ,... _..,._._ _ _. . _.... _ , . _, ..... forl L" J. un. I -x one ....... _,....-.._ --~ " 'P.l;''\M l.J.Hl. µ,~Dp Ac:+. i 11.k 11 1 l' ·'3 i.tW!Jl I nd Ct;IJ r ri Jl ~?bl(tlJ h 11 d donQq:rd. Jl ,G, & .Ill. o C1o ~Qd ':! o 11t1tiJ1 to ma o i h tti '.' b.1·1,•1 • 1 ~· :ti llf' t l' (ll\ tto of l' 1.1 r1~v1, flW 6 on• t 1wo~11 d tl~·fl<lh udc;U t tor.1· ( ~ -,r;i1;5 ) 1 ~_,. .,......._ ... _ .....____ I 1• M#lt~t J f " O ' l l _ ....."" .. _ _ 1 fl \f.kll!Jl'll n. o tlttary n.d. I\ k It !~ ~ Ot1l'lit1 , A y · 1 no phott , th., ~_\-j~..,_.. ·· -- · - - -ru11~J · T&1 ;r;hr.> 110 P Il tuvtew: A qr()*la 1 lti;j\J,1~• ........._ a, ~o .Ai\1~ • ~.M { BtlJ:·e·-·ut; .... , ~--;1-'J.,._N,_w-~-·-r)-- ........··- F m11l!0 I ~tC)ni ....._ {c1oai. t°irl_,._. ....____ lltll11\~ L1 g ~ .f.l)<l of" irit,o lJn t (I). LtHl .i• T~·QAf,ll:t.l'Y' r~1~~()n 1 l ~ l.'rll alH Part tLill' fl h ~.1) 1 Oor ·>"' t'I) L~ cm l J: ll ii. V'l rl \l.f\.LI Ad \ r.• )l R k' LI I >I< i;. l\ t ti). o rt l" r.0:1• MW7 I I1it l'V'1 Q"fHI.! ... •~.....-- 1. ~-"~ .. l G oQ \'l'h ti o lnQ ).'~ow, ~·1>r J.1. e>J:!._,..._ _,, __ _ Al><IY . . . .,. . ____ _...._., ... h • i. a • · ill µm d 1t~, 1.1\U t -O:l)rdon tt''lrl'.l i• of Mt•i'till. rt. W:l.11 l.rl e 1 ~ a\il d ttYO 1.V'B~ I"' ----r---- ,. ,.....t..- --~ Jt1 z, """""""'"'-"""' ,., r. ~ ' ' -- . . 'r ii Q ~. .,..,._ . ,.._~. . .,. ,. ... . . ,. . . _,.__,. . ~""--···-·~-~,........_......,.,.. . ,. . ._ . . 1~ l" 1 r.ind.~h n no ). fl t\ (~50 ); ) l!l)rt\ t;Y, ti .._.._.....lf "" $t d1t 01 _......,.._..,.___,,....... ___ .,."'•. . . ,.,. . l A.c ~h·~ f\I I ~ 11'1' tit\ t1 o p 0 0 J1 01. t ·~11u1i~hip~.a.: ~P~. . . . - v l' U0l1 ill:' ~ ~ r1. l'lc n rtil 1i'p Jt M11i ~ 1 Ce>?llCO:J.'d , On •1 ,1if lni> t •H\t r :r = M~nc~· l.4 . .,-~. -· ------f""~ . - ~n g W0'.\1d n~n o A.1, _ ~_ ~ 1.10 111 A tt.lnt y om y ' t '" f D·.h ,t' it entry int,o Un1 ~L Stilt __ J'l I __......... .._... _,.. ......, Born ;f ihtni118 fl fl I V. ~_......,_., .. . 1111.11 tr\ 'tlL\h 1 H l'rcrprht or1i1l1ip I () Ol' p 11' j, i l)J i t ncl t v1.rl.v1,11 1,X A tl l' 1 __~ :bi:lv _ _ _ -~,.._°"' .... _... ....., I ---""---..-...- ~.*----...-• .,_..,,., 1t f ~r i•op11r ?ii" rch • 7, >.. r1. l. fl , tM21 bove "r ~ ~fl U c:t to>~ y tt.d ,, lJ1H~tftd. J.'"O J) QIH l o t1 or. Wont tfl kn11N .U h~ ()CJq1h t~r~oo if l.f oal!I.'lll J~\l.J y~ ~ ::t;11 l r t ort n ii' rH ti 11.oh pLr 11 Xle l'J, Gl, l ,., W'tll CPil r- e' l Fln.Q. fl\\btni n , of p ~ tl , o . r' :in r cin• tn ~ 1.nvol. ntf\ . Ht• I ti br.i l'Jll f , Cla •dQ ?l 'l'lll•l). ~· 1•di r of pum1>a, l 9 lJI tH \'llh m•IJ ~·g 1 01 L f •.11 .._. . . . -~.._.... .,. I/: . ~--=-z,&..,..e......) - en lQne l ~ J:ntl!lrvh 1 Anu.Lt 1 Mtnm·1 MµJ,• ' Jr r! · ).e I 01.b1. nali~p l~P!~~ 0~~r,.................... AL 1 ' 1r n. ro 1~ $1 ~·rn 1~1 l >Rfu'.\ e t I' i.p 't1.I) ~ ' Ol:'iM I ll i~ p h r•. nu r~ tp.1 t''rl ml'> n y t b flrt 1n p<> Pl t I' tr> in~ rv ha .L"u 01• \fi.l, ~· tu.i•ri , ·o om No n! p rnw\1 No ~·1<1n <> A'lit1 h (~:) tj~ ) 1 }11\fi'''' to th1 of ~<H "ff I l ,.,Ii\ l' nl c lJl/i ~ \ ' .,_. .,. . .,._. . . . . . _, •". @J IJ.or<l.ot\ 1lhu1t1 r 1 11 orn1 y ~ B 200 01' 3()() f (')I" ·fu1 f1.1.t 1 l , dhcuanion . -·~...-.- r1t. ty·illW tu voiv Qd. ad.tli \. ~,\HH ,~.-,............-·¥••..,-• -~ ----w-·- , .............,... ···t~-i•J ~ .__.,,.---··- le rJt ho ' n ll'r . coU~ited Stntes c,onool"d ( cIT,y-)_.,_..._.._ Oei11t' ~-Tifij;t-}"' oJ: '.hti t en ~ry nt o Vn'l dl. St Mf ·- · .. la-. Oi. , r1. eh1r1,E'~.2aneae Born TJ 8 ~--N'e 110 r le..'"'"tt , . . ,. . . '°'"'·..- - _ . . . . , . ,, , .,., _.....,._ ., __ ..__. .,.,,.__.__._.._....,,. -·-- -~ · ---"1"',._. _ N'on . _,_,,_ rt. j 0 1\ Akt'n '.. He w\El pkeii by J't\.l>W1. Acl.v · ,tJ otl th t; :1. r pi..,<>b b;J.y ioko up oon.trnot. h dv e~ to aak ~apv ~ Bent o b not. Ha l' t.l l:~to.bJ. vo l'l. of p raon nterv1~w 1 N1> ot.1 p :i.• oa l.1.1!1 j.nvolvo t 11oh .,,~ d. '1 t 1. <l nftl. ))11~fHl 1.-h i; n N~ ( $- tJfJ'}) l 9 :i ho phrlne b __......,_,_ -•r--tf'----- ---~-~.-..--- H io olo utng o:l.J,l, f:t;•o1 P Cl " w Oo ,. on oohtr Qb u~ n()d ~J.o~4 . balance t~ 'f l" oon11:ci o P ( &i 11! r lJ o:i en at l vn 011 1 e n prl'EHJ 1.11e bo1' money. -·---·"~' ri1i llG ~ l:V7• '>O.t' t ;y to 'l:t --... . Cu I ..... • liJ l"V $ ent ct ....J.~:..ia~-- . . {Do.t e I 'Ial fo .A. ll,1l rn 1111 1 Rte 2 B:J 42 7' - - -{S raot mld h unb r - hoM 1 ~v.1.1.nn x ArUH t ~ ~im>t' l • uln I ( 1111\l. 1 CHiin · r~ liip 1 ......._ ( c ty) D11t1 ~'Ji. nt:r ,•r in o Unl o. la t r.J f. Du1.1!m1 J I Jlnr n t•lib t p: Ji,rc pi' trl't r l.' 1 l.l p1 On · p 1rn. 1 o 1 ! 1 ri l v lth.Jf'\ L I X p l' ll011 Iii I 1 l1r I rr!. 11 .l r op 1 Oar: hi1J:r 14.isc) 'V' h.1qlee Dept.. l!oenn on Oh Il or i · •y .. t. ~ ...." .. -- Motr)I' v lliol D pt t rt:tnez l\lla Qondl tiona t i8 · r.ru11 nto tl1e otrio g t a ~tifioat A out blJlfj flhouh, he'V'e twn a. :re . O M .\ £111 11~ \!'hi r' I ,..... .. _ Above .__. . _--- ----* -·----.. .-...,_..,.. lfo1,1 • r 1 ···-- - -..---·.....-....,-- 1 Q li'1 ld n.ah ('l.tlci ~ " t)I)? ) ,..__...,.~ f ti{o, Of p :r CHUI int r'Vj, w I') rio. o :P r on, tnvol v c\ ... __ Aboy1 ...__,....,...,.. b v l v .11L irnrl n op1 1> :£ 11 t' b l'lr1= n, nr1I J?lrnn d ~n:t'onn d t h t u to bei.o not n llblt to them in t w k CJr J<.1• .1 ·' T l • ph <. n l Viii\\' d t ro1 ou~ eoe1p1; No ~'3115 Stato o:!' Ooli.tQrni Moto1.. 11'.i.te~ -a:t-42 tront o fio t M'lltit1nr1~ . a l.1r .. 'f ":r - T49 .~aise R -r r no~ t•fo ~l /lOl:C sio . Owrlll'Xi ~ b!p 01· R 111l:r11.tion oertit1o t , He rJ is 1 not J:leoei v whu t to d.o 0 ~M __ ~~ }{ai~· Hi _,o (s i:r.noJ11e)~(ir1 .rr---·<dti~n Iii 1 Route 2 80JC --- le>} One ' Intervb\li : X 4~? --- ~ $tr 3•ir7W:-;;-~:;.r·-.,.---- ............. oo noo~ , Oal1fol'n1a. convr--------n-6~1- l,111+. o Q 1 wt ntry int o 1.Tnittd. Stn 01 . -..---~~--~--~-. ...,....,~............, 011 ~M t L ~; \1 1\1l1.n· '0~1J1.m1.ry !'.ii n " M W1 I 11· )3\\11 l non1H ,...... !?1 r ·n ~·11·Mp 1 l?:rt:lpr-t t 1w 11 .t1> 1 Om• p11r 1.t ilm 1 tnrl t v~ unl.1 x r.n bo·v ttt 1;bo).1 19'42~ A.! <lr !r · f l' to t• QI .._............, ___ ........,,,___ __ Abov .., _,...____ AlJOVo ..--.-·. . _..-= . .--- ·-·- ·-It. . . _ port oh a'):J o ve p t' Y' cl b d M' oh 27 , .Act.l111 'Alrnn illl r mad · r l;> t· o Mal,~t:tn<,11?.~ 0 111.'0~"nio. to~\ y ti:> 1.ntcliv' 1ttw ~ ~ C1()1•cton 'l'Wme~· , tb. ttot-ney fo:r LUl.v:I o ~~1iorino nd o:x:pl inad to h1.m ho ~ope of cu11 p:tioblam. Wo don idod tf.H t. i wo1~l d. bo bent .fol., tl . p >rt1otia ~. t1vo3. v· d thnt: vr~ have me"tJ 1ng 111~\l Mr. Tta:a.• a1~ w:tll con a(Jt ht cl.1 1 t 1md. nobit:r '11 t. L111uJ nd pl a.o wt oan rn.0 t . ~Jo . o .1 poruon11 1.h11erv1 t r d - ). " " '' tnvolved 1. '•lt ~lid it ~ 0 f\fq l1tlf.( 1l H wl1 l' (rJ-?O'l~) 9 Jj fJ It lHlf . ~· ~ ~""r 1j t) _t•.{\l( -Pit1i&b· ff ~;a " I t'I/ . '\ 111 f' F ~ ($ o lJn f' 'DUG i.n tl. _i)__..,...... CI, Sntl!ll I .Pn t·t n 1"11htp 1 Pr op1•i i n1• nll.p 1 Oor1v'> r1 i o I 'f.1 o.t1.•1d1.111L 1x Ac 1ln r 1 '.Ci J. ph n 1)1)1 ) lfo. ·-----. . ----f'· )t• r.ibl I I 'lld 23 l)J'IHl , tot'Jllin 11 i'11.lS I) QOtnb l' ~l ; U.J.:1 2' rront .l..h lo p trndue t\(I n l' Cll!1u;orrl, 0(~1i orn~.J, . llt11 tvro qr 1J () 1 ii 111w1:111 1•r!~ Q ind IH 'rhe 1•UJ.Hll de G nob ir, t I ewe nu~ ror.1 ho' ev<r, l~a h s to aulf i1.1\ll ' k1.hl • n Y 1eh e ~ ur rii liw•o 1101; i t 11 o!' 'Eq1J lp111ent o n ti1urJ i1i1m c101/ IJ'\W W ~ rl'y t 0\" 1;1 0. P,; 1'1 lea rovid frn ·I l: •h p o•,•r h L?l.ow d l1h ho'y e\I ·r , 1 1111d :C •l'llt.. llk«> 11111.nniw 1 how Vllp , '11h tonn n11t OCln ri l tho t 11mu J, lwre no 1 l'fU~r 8 d l r 11 I; )rr n I ., Su~ 0 11 11() , '' to l.rrlp; 11 ~hll ~ " · l oontc o1i i.:h o d i IH>11r1. l of or II •, 1~ 11·1 p i· It 1to11n '.rntt1· t w d inVQ l\' d <lh .1.d.llt ionn ( ~~)01) ~ ) 1n. I f,t to · ohn~ 111\. o ml ~ '!/'Q I' to r '-lh Jqu i rM,,i1t. 111()1. 11 ~111uu 111, to tbo11ney ~ I l 9 mrt:t f <>'bo r:; 'tll lt'U • nd~y , r; r · ml)j \ drto . r I f; 1 •'hu.t t th!Dkil hi OU to11 t1~rn ion l'"•nt awney, aoo 1/or bu 4 tot.i ·~ tl~301 ho 'I••• lie •Ul ••••Pl ·~ ...wt>orri.., " " d • • no~ la>ow .ru.e otttot ll<ie 11 • ..-. ot tho () o"Hh·ate thj) we.l l).ut1 wonld ru...... Qn hl\'11, M ''' haai t~ '1'11.a ~·· tcso tor ""'P• and ll!OO. Ir l>o ·~•~U requi!"';l · Mm h............. ..,.1.,. lssp "' '"°"' ·:iqo Hlt I>•~• t:or tho •tr• •rrl• 1, ho 'oit~ ijl• t•tfi•r ond h• t..., •16'\IUo, oil<\ four . b"°tllore reotde n)Jis, Four llttieru:t 1141hool, llf! ••11-be11 1;ha tk).fJ i-.Jlcl is h$.r<l to 4ed With. rhe ltl\'1).d ~ttol',119·y h Go,,dion T\~rne r. Qc)inoQrd, (J~l~tona:!: • lq~d at ~h l9·)·~· •ln ~• t " t'bl Rourve lla.nk. ot1 S. ~ .l:r11.n1;;l.•oo l ~1\t c~ t~ United S (ti I 11 l --;y-- l 1:!h lVJ I t~ t' t'Y~ W: Aclt Lt I · 1n ri 1' ~~1 ., t F~111 IJ.:l.1· I Oi i ()n1J ld'P I. 11 r.r ic:r+tJaow? 1 -~. j .__ T,'f~O •1. Duo :l.11 01111 t 1rt.n 1t1 1.lhLpt P1•opr'1 11 t, ora b1 1 I Oqr1Jor111 t i p11 : I ,11Uvld\.l1l.l. ~ .. _ __ ......,., ... I"._. ________, -··--·..... . --·--<!,.._ A LJ 1 --·--...-..... _ ---~~ ""'-...,.,.~-·- i----~- ~-- ___ __ ._ ... .. -----.......- - -·... _..,.. ... ~ .. ..,.. ~- ....... ,.. . ..... ___ .,.,. ·--· e~orve 1!"11& o'( Sn i ~nt ti!£ he ' e~ '------~·-·""°w~~·r-1',........_,,..,.,_ .. _,,.....,.___ ,. !'..l ~'· ' ....... 1""'".. -~-- ...... ,.-. _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ ... _ .. _,,._ • ...,,, ... ~,........ I P1•01~r.i1 01· bll) I Ot>l"··, N1 l.on 1 '! ill.I .:I. l d\l(l,l. J v '.. olr p)i11n11 h1Jl'lbo1· 1 ___.. .._.,_. __,.._.- ..... ~ U1\nrll1',d \l~ I Ill Mt. ( I ..,1 Ci H dib~ClMl d1 ) l"S '"" r: .Y;Jl'; Of nuein<Hl~I Pl't.r.t~Mrt1hl p I 1, {\ tl ~1·crn t ·1 1,\. bo lrtl() 1 ""-'•- ,........,.......,,..,_.tllo,._ _ ~--"""' ....."~ ,.... .:;~ p, ;l Urti iu!) I 1~ 11 ~ i·a ,\ i)l I lDt'O) H ll CH Ii' 11 i.p ~ Oo r 1 <i 1i11 ~ t>t\ I :C 1rl lvi thu 1. 1 _,_~~···..__ ~-,..- ....... ,1 ' •""'·---·~!"'!' ; /' Ju 1 c fl' • *~b · ( h ~ ild, l.Uo i ~l- ~mti~n 5()~'5 ) wrr.i 1 u 1H l1•.11y. .... . ....,_ ,. ......... .. 'X : 0 0 1~ init I P . ~· t 1\1(1 x· ah i l~ L 1,1\ ih· 1ld1 t o1• h L).J I Co~ .1 1>rnt 10111 ~ .111jV'l d \lB 1. I JlJ J..e C) t ' o 1. oph IM :r o l. WF.1 tar p ump on l n r~ d ;J?eV · l • d nomim l. iJW Aot )t\1111}) ~1)' I n b~ 1"V' i ~w J;>X'OJ?U• y • tiuen t c ml .no aqL~tty .. t 111 ort tl).~.Y n, l!Ol.l'b h ~ ~u Ot,;1 flt a by nunk, c:o1.d · ho ). , q.. 361 , quity i11 pump to X,oomia , who Wil.J.. th a~ lk or Am •ipli . R >X'tfl E, u1ty sold t."t?a' l.O . oo. H• irll · rJ '>~~ !~!11r_ln.qc1 . n i·o o , 1ll!l •'.¥t GJ otr1oe tq Jr~ l t ,..... _,,_t--· - ··., __ ...___r-•--'---·-~-....... ..... ··-- ....-~ il'~/')o nf 13\ lM ru 1 ? ti pl' ll(il'1lhip, n.' l 1 t Ol' ~I l).l I A .l lr Oor;; (>ttd ion I I nd iv l. d u,11 t x 1 ,o l 1J phon __ ..,__ lh.ui1'll _......, ..,_ _ ,,__ ~--- ....... i• I 't-- " " " " " - - - Or. flu i1wol.vuc 1· l. . Cl t 11.l.1.1 w~t l' lllllJJ on·b1•00 t ) u d >y ~· 111 011 1t1e1~ io H • :Loo 11a , On' .. ··or11i11. l>u n 00111 1 tu l 1 ._.........,..f,...._ ---· _......_ .... _ _ .......,.__ (::JU to 1 rn 11 Vr~1co~ UJHlnotl ty n ntll~Jl' th a 1q r r 1H1 hn ii n H 1. tl ,r r:1 1 "tJ rn q ~tty . "' Mb ( l1 (a'".13or; -) Ld.d . ~iPM1. d, to M'il I ""'""'...,.._,~-<!Oo>f ......~ -~ ·!~!., -~-rFr~~1fHzkr~-ei1 Route l., Qox ---- ......Cat):' e•.$ a·~ ~~a- fi.in1T~T"'~-t · -....----,_......---.~-·- _._...__. u.s . --- ~--t- ......,.._.,,--...r.................,_ 1 1)I rm o )::Ju !'\.lit :urn I '.Pr 1''1\ H l' h !) I Pi:1 J!H'"! r, l':I r . I I J' I Co , ON•t .l on I X11cl) ,,ia .1.1 1 ':. 01 ~l.l ll h') · H n1>o r I at l'i o 'Into t' l:'w111> on iJ~op tr . uro ll ::i D:ric o e bout month np,o ' :i 152 .oo . 00Qtrt1ot bald ~.y llank l'iOrJ toomi ' Bl ) I tlO d.Ue ~ e .50 - ~ontbly · yn mt te .ve. Bank or qu et puyment~ v ry ;u.t;J i.t' ny 111 u i ty • H b,1£, 2 l>ll , t :Le, who iJ'tb .NHsced l.ri PU1'(} J noine th un 11nd 1:1au1n.o the oori·t:r t~ Sus$ t d h. t ey to liJ ll r or nour.;h to 13 b ew 11olJ or 'Jll1ty , oth l'Wio 1 t tll b tll r Joasea. tnll fAt b ~ LI ·• (0·· 1)0~9) 'f b "-HHo n11.1 Ma-0 11 wnoro n~, D .t 1 r laoi en ry 1• o Op ·• Hill' unil<lr T f ir'Tl. ~• ~•lft -·--~-·--- ~;! ~~ d St-nt •I 'II Lion " no•?• ~--~· J> l'f.10 11 In ti· J~v·lr.w d.1 ?::!::-- L •.,. •• :.....;t.T ".t-...::i.:..._.!l<.W.*"·""'-::....,;.... r. so I -·--_! • .;~..!:.":° . l...,~;.;.._.......,..._.L._ fJ1i l rp li() n N1nn rI I i'.' 1~ .11 Lp l. 'f)J"l)y1 1• ;t ( 1) /~ /"r.7_,y(.,;1 ~) (Z ) ~4 ~t. J 1 11c11 ,. 1:n ~Vl.'i d U•t i •\~'Jt\ I }1~ 11 Ul1 I' 1.1~1)4 l' ll 1,1d t.01 11b )? l Oo lH11·0.t l<l nl Ind\ H.UJ.1tl ·-· '" •' l!t r1cll t.1 4 t, i i:i:1 o.rl1l It Ji nll..1. ip,0.1~ ~ J '5')') '.) ) '~h 1' J1 ae u ~n.~~ ~I - · - · - - - -· ~ 4<1.\>.hl ~~r~IJ).'1 1'fu.1 I J r x :fDl!lt-1.lft i X (}~t z~"til\d.l) l _,;u.._,_ I Olli.! ;t,H ~'l@: u.n(\qi• tl!.r.1 4Rl'llJ'1Jf' Li. IJl ri,r,t(j ,qw1 I ,___ ...-~ 01,i(lf.t f pi:o'p'J.•lmJ .rv J1d .r j.p l pl'.'OJ.l ~t~ it\V rJ ,y cl 6\ n!\ :tn ~1·im ot M ~~. •ot h 'l l" I net YJ~tlt Ht>- f Tf~tll~.ltQ l<r. ji lta. . ~.n fovmn.t~.on. wh,11itJ iiO nrdJ<> .nd ~r tr:t 0 I>oopl. d fln · i im \ \ rdt 1 1ilf ffot.; _, el3tlt9d ~tr 11i"o:rr1 Bm,.1Jh (Abtoru 1 p·)o~.ntl Eid. \/1 t h po·ro of y) r tto>x•no, . f, I bl\( h (Ll\d~ 1 l 1~ 11 11 ~fl. ( .~.•~()r; ~ ) ljo f\; $ \'lhiJ11 J'~() (l r ll ~ IJ..o , .\1 rl r on I - - - - -....-·-•· ...,........ ·-···-·-· 'I)r: .,,• <¥4,t t.u() i 1 ( ~ ... 1.)()5 .i ) drH ' l phO t'l.ll !ltu11ib1 t I I ~li \ i 1'> M " whor ~ ~ {?ii 131\t'f .....,_, .. ,.,___.......-.-'!'1,.__, __.. ___ _ ...... 1'.'01•fiiriNi. . . . i It 'D t din112 4 ou • v ry RWBord n i ly, Oa. ::i..:tcu n1.t:i. 1 ·--.~--------~~·I'_....,,,'fii'ffit~- cf! l.. 13 •,mt1r:r 1nto !Jn ~ti t\ (1d, t• st ,j • I• _ _ _ _.._....,.._____.,.._.....,.......,.___,,,,_._..._ ~.1 ,11 1~1' ~,, . 1ml' T~lllfl. \ltY lii<'elil\!J now? 1 _,........ · 'n.11 . ir~ ll'!,tq111 1~~ ~r op P19b n r1 h i p 1 Oqrp1l't'tt, .L oi\ I 1tti.l v~d.\Ul,11 ~ r . ..,_..,..._ ....__ }l'Jrt. d bc:1 br'\11 0:1' !.lr1 1 u to ~"'11v t i o ri i 1 «t by ~ Fo 11 w1 .r l1 n.d.d.H n ( .,1)()'1~ ) •JI. ,.l ,..........,..~-··------· hr11on Int 1•v 'WC!<1J ,.... :P1r~nct~hlpl J?l r ri 11 d _q J.t o:r r:l.ttin :rqn a • o L'1' U:n:i G·J • ~ o1 n o~ whaN ll· • --· ,...._._..,...,..__ 011 ir t iQ11 1.1u1r-:; t n Blln J Jf'J 11nt'I gn va 10 'A. ,_.. . . . .,...._,, • • ,_.•..,....... _ _ "................, ........- ~- .... --.., Evao11ee 1J'lopert1 Depart1111nt f14e~al Re••:rve Bank. ot San h~~oi 11,100 622 ~ i~th 8tr1et Merae4, Oa11torn1• Gentl •ni•n • • Rout l, . Box ~le. o ng as &~ nt for 1, g~ower n Vt b, ~ he.• taken oJ-de ra, with depol1t1, for Pl nt1 from a 11\IJ'llbor ot Japan111e t rm xie 1n 1lh1 looa.:u by, ':he e t11.~e~ f now \lna.ble to aooept del1 v ry ot th ti.1 pm.ent a, d s1 ti• to obtaiJ• *'eturn or the dopo 1t1, :r nging fr'oaa 40.00 ilo tl00.00 oii, 1n lieu ot 'tl1s, to have ••UX>f;\no hiat th 11h11,m ~h 'bet po 1lpone(\ ant1l eom future t1me wh n the t4;rm r 1.n que t1on rne.r . J. Turl,oo~, Cal1torn1 , ot • t~a:wberry plant 1 b ~a bl.e to uae the e tl'awberr:r 'l nta, KaJ1o)ta dou not reply to 1nqu.11"1 requ1ut1ng th n ro.11 11.d a.d.Clre a ot tbt g.rower in UtaW":l., wh1on eeem to h r. au ry 1n ol'i:ler to etr ot aettlament, W1J.;l. YO\+ use yl')Ul' g ood ott1oee 1n an end ll.Vor t o aeoure from KaJ1ok& the info1~m tton required, by r que1ttn g him, by ma.~l, to reporit to you~ depa~tment 1n Kero 4, Tha~k~ 0110 1tJ to:r your ti l""o'Uble, ,,._..,.,,...,,..,,..,_~.-·~ !l';m ·..--~ -~~ or ~\111t1r B 1 nM 11.i pc V<>1 II~ t 01,l 1'1111'l\ · L u 41.1' re I' 1. .._ ......,.,- ~ -., ~ ' .r ~ ~ p l I t1 d IV .1",\JI ; t. 1;M h { ~\. ·'. 01 ~ ) ML~ ~on :1 ~J ll w" ~ I) n Qli•ll'-Lt"Y 1l~)'O t 1 1\ ,r) f11 «1 1 - · · .,.._ - .O.:t <>t ~fl. t l'DP1'>' 1nto Uni.~ d bt•,t "1 ..;.;...,,.&:.&.1o""""'i..,.;;..o'"-lltj"""""'""""'~I°"'"""*"~~~.~ Ope;:ra"ini v.ndor 'Irr oif fl\tU in ,1;1a..r. ~n 11 uty Mc;trnQ µl)ifT 1 v .4.ddresn 1 ~t r111htr11 i•op11 i 01· )11pl 0()1·poi·n \ 1 Ill<H 'li~ual I;i:1pal prdl'J rty tnvo~v d r.nd. I • ,... t . 11 , J /() ~ __ ,, ;;..,,.""'S....,:Ji:..: · ....~..,,1"..._..r.;.;-.~~~-.....,..,...,..._ T. loµl1one Number; p~·LU:~~~..,~...L..f..AIJ:"-t-~~ t10110 ot proul 1n1 ' ' /' , , f( r '. ii , "i, I\ ·~· ~· t' t /I I t J I J., I ~ ' " , 1\ ( n.f 'l) II ~Ill! I.> ~ . ..- . . . . - .. , Pr1r '11 ruh ~ 4 it1•0 i.'i. tot•uh pJ ...... '''""'" .........--r _ _ _...,... ---·- - -..- -i ..... _ _ , ,... _ _ _ _ 1 ... · · - Ooni11t 1 on c Ml i1h Uor1d l~ )I, ~ --·~...._.,, __ --~ .11~ 1 d~\ (I -.1,)()~) ) '1 I\ i n IHI 1~h1w i~1torrnu1 t'f D\ !.' \' 1 (\ t Q l' J1 I -.--·~......................... . t •b.• •Y•nt t ~ tb• •PP•t•n~1f uppen 1., ' \Ji t ,,_ will h •• 1• b•l n • roa tb1 eteo 1pln1t • «• • oere, 1-. •o1d t lo•• Wb1•9' •ill tb.• c>l.11 • \ rn•' •• "to •n••a•oi- ~,,., 0011.. tbt nr uke e 4tt oleno rol le oht11on R•pr111ntati•• J\a41••n' ltl f''IJI ' 1• •11J11 1. li, , t1> t' i i J'I 0 )" r· 11' ' Jn n 11•1• l l1~n l1 f i1 1 tlll,Y l.'11)1 Y 111t•n I' J, 1i l I HJ h1 t <! IJ l'll 1 ... . .. "obr1eb8 ,.....,.. •• ' i.r, n..t ot ls.Qt '-"~tl"y ntQ V11i'\ed ate.tu 1 ~·....i...--~~..,:.,...;....-..... . . . i--....._-,__,.----:- oper11ibh1g Uind&u• l 1'e ~ll.l'.Y Li en• MW? I -~~,.;,.,...,.......~~~--~.,..,.__.,.._,__ ~ 1 .YJ.Ht Pt Hu,11in lllU t>erJ:!Qn hib~J''Vhwi,d.I 11 .T:>e.v~n. X"•l ~ 1 Pl'Op~·i t f.Jli1p 1 Ooft1or~ Hoi11 .A.d,d1• I! AI ....,.................~...,._....,._ l ndt viduu 1, 1 Jlnndl t\. h~t ~---,.-.--. -- ~46 J. .i:.l ~ o · •ui() ·-.----·~ ·• et ·';r1tlfUfi1ii7-)~~--- l'l.".ml' b .Ar,l. 0Q ·w r t~ ' lon : r o1H1 1 lJW tll lJ, _........_____' t 11.,_p__,..__...., Joy J) • ...... , Jlr r oot ,[.i. nrii:iv h i p i :x: o • b 11 . P 1~1.· l.nc1 r ~ !b::io qi' llun 1no _ 1 _ .,_ .._..._,_ ........... -· ····~ ,... - ..,..... _ ,_,.. ,...._ .. r--- ... ;,~ .... I .i1l1v l d\1r 1 : CHI f 0 IJ /~Ili on t11: n i"' lo o 1' , l . I 111 ). inr.. . ·,\oo iJ B O ll· 11 11 "d b,• tJkt> ~J...~ Q l1 41 't . Aot.11 di 1~ d1 ~ i o nn.l. ) 111,c n 1 l Lll'tl ( ,,I ,() _,ij ) d. n r,y, '11 11 nf Buo I n.inrn 1 l?i\r lll 'l 'llh 1. Jll 1 1:'1 1 pr l :r.' ,x m·c \pl QrJ l' ., l 11 1 l , I on ld ch·1 'I t ~ t•r 111 _- aw ........ ... ~ ~\1 . _,_,_ .. ___ ·~ ._............. .. ........ __ - ...,..,..... ...... ................. ~ ~ -- . .. __,,_ l t Il\11.iv l 1n I f 11· ohl 11n 1 0101 () f'i 1 ' r1 nnl1 11 -~u liMh .-1'1.J,tl 'OJ!i.11 :V~.,,. Wt.I ~ ~))r5 ) ( n e 111 ,,.,, h,v 1 1::1 , v f~i:._o_ld, 11 "k Adu,~~ t t4i»~'U;I' I Mµl I :t nd~ I CH t ~' Orm • H ' ~"1irl.o:r 'L't" ~\':f :Li.ronpo no'f/11 'll,yTl Of ~.u.p~t1 ...,~ I I>Qirtn r I \. Jc :x ~-· ~ A ~ l.11'.l Oll ~rltt\ tVi ..,......_.....,_............... '"' ... \ii lp ''.Q..JE.ic. . .....- J' ·p 'Tl • I) j} l --............,......,.._.,..._.._....,_ di . · Pt-1;.pri,[t 1 r r Lp l nt•pril' t L(l i ldui l: lil \i r IHI I ~d l'l~ ~lb ),:, I 11 1 11 D )'~U I I, t ,., L. f:> ~ ,, ok.• I :f l ~..oo , . J1 v' m., J ~h.Oi'tau:o t •urn~un•) ' 1 Ad .M1 ot, x Mi-l. 1I :I: lUI Hi. ~tol:>l<~on , O l.i:t'or11ia l"r ( c~r.~1 CSt il'e ) o . }ro~·~cy Ope u.t ~~ 'V oyo D~t <>t 1..~tit ~nh;/ 111 1' nit c.l tlt11t ~I Cl i' lhll'l 1n ~ U ~ h; n11h~L''l!Ll?i__,.. ~ panene ~ 1;f~t ,kll'1m\._ _ _...__.___.....,.,_,.__,,.,.._ ~~~ 'lHn . , \l.Jld. r ~1 1:utl r;r :tii(.' fH\oo n.ow'f; ......:ID ,. Oi. 68.A. ____....,...,...,,......_ ..... _........ __.._..,,.._.._....,__ ,_ a ! ...,.. ~ l' oo 11 ! o~ 1 .rv 11~1'1d I ~-~L 'D ~-'1..2!~ ~ll---~ . . I l'o.r n tllhl n 1 l2:rc· l' { 11~ 0 1• 1 1p I On•1•r10tn. ~l, 1 $took ton I1~. 1vLd.u11l1 ' l l'lt~; t.o d1 1lp0$>0 ot bul3:11lO~·I S ' O lHH,ll 't d ~('j y~· t:r e . eoo. 1"1n:r~h tlOj ae tQok &"':1 ture~ 1 n g o1 n · bur:i J.nefJIJ. , 00 . Own 1 'i) 13 ~ord ~ r l Bo dy Trt ok. f tronu~ mo~ tly J" lHrn ae. H r t: ' 1roperty , O oQ ~lZQQ to v1lol e l'S . u11111b· ll , 11 tli rt1:ia,!e whaJ. nnl :rra , vv n·t m C)j 111 to l1 out t r not l 1 s thut 1oc1 L l'~rl c Jui t l.:l.coount .1 t:.h qr.a• i to a ~ 1 f vh1 ; 1t to It li ov1 ~ t ti'vfiJ i1 tcJ pu• ill•~ ofi' hF.ihno llpo tl 1 :t r3 :rf.l urn , 'roblani 1 r. Po t 11y lrn.oy l as1 d l ~l!l la 0 !' .. J•' a ) 11 ' l10 ( t.y . u1i I 1 n.o t:r , J ht.1 Vf). ma trnd <~ ' 111 g 0\11'.J~· h i a of p l obtJ l ' 1eoomm ndi1 g foJ.t n 'Ii l" . r~ 't o brin ~ l:JU.bject 1. t11:rll wi th th a,.n ip e.l.1. ' l vi"'.1. c l:lfl tllf l 1) n'bo lj 1 lnt . ,· ch »j ') ',15 ) ,().d,j. How\J,. Ii ff. vnco,. Wl\11 ~ I l'llOOf Jlf ry un l 11 1~ 1. 1 }•• fl , \1 ooltton rltrir l~ 0 Tln lt <I. S lit OR I n n nr;w7 r T, pn nt Bu inoR ~I l?n:rt11r rnhJ. i ~· :t'ro1)rJ. t r> r 11ti t Oor1 nr11 innt In.t1ivl1111\l l 1t t\tlti l'.l&.~fl ot lait ~u~~.Y tn~o V~1Utd ~hten t ,.,..;..,~:.:-........,.__......;.,..~_.;.;.--,..,....~~-r.~~"'-... '"' 0 . &11 t~n,; un ~r !J.' euu.r;- li11cf.n~t\ nQW' I 1 l!y}l$ of JJu.0:1.t1eq,s • Pl'l:'rt'.n r Bh i. p I I 'l' ii I ..,,.. Prop11 h~Or!!!l1 l )~1 Co~· r10 .ra. t t r.m 1 lndi'vidl,'1.~ l.l ee DUN & naAOST~'.t', lNO 11 .A,c i o tu.k: ' S.AC.l 6~9 HOME EMK1~nr 1• ......... - ---·"-'--- __ ~_.....- ...........,,....,.. -- --........ ..... 'l> .I. i' l t i1t.r;r 1nt¢ 0'1l it 1 ...! ,..-~-,.....,..._--~..,.._- e1•uo o l'. n i1 i•v1 . w. d ,1 t -·..- -----...,.... ·- -·-.~--~... . _,.... • _ _ _ ,.._ .. t-.-_ _ _ ., f Jll' obi< II I oq 1 Aot .i ox-i 'tllkr t /\r 1;1 t'J t, n rr nd t It\ I ! .nrll.1 c\ lilA , .Jh ul,d 1 t iOM ( ~·~· ,, 1!,l ) D ~ r 1 a n·~ y I -·- 1> : ~, o 1 --·~ .- •·· ... th t ·h~ wou.ld: bot;row aom~ 1~on ·":{ a~«\ as:t:llilt-¢1 e 1 y ~1.000 ~·00 01 .in . itl f~ll $f>tt~e·r1 1it o' ~~~s ouJ.1e;ation~ Vd.hh Mr . ~~1d Wfh ' a1j i ura. . 1 /e ll~~4 \J~ ed ti\ •rmtte:r W1 t..h '.t'l:l . ~~'\jiu:ra tlnd •dt~ flQided to t.eJc~ th.e ~ 'f:t r of. lCre>o.oo t)autl , $ p~ i)l.od thu tto1~ llfS' whc:i •J,·t rJ~&d XI e~t ~1 witl tittfr ' r pri.ntd.1H1lfJ , uri ~·~ti • •· ,Jiu~1:1, o tl e · tliLei nrtei~??,OOJL j\lat ' :eare v ~ou~t1.n I ~lte.t B\L Ii 1.1 .t1eo1&1veQ. the J,OQ'-1 . 00 1ri tto.t El,., vme vmr~ ll'lliOl\ f\~iu;r~ d with bh(f l:Je,t. ,, :nt ,. 1<}:x· r1~~n'llo 1 ll Of '1o _________ ,,_..;,. ...... ............. _....._....... , ~ blo rd I; I q 111 " / ,,.,,..., I' I I() rJ t '/ , ~II ~ r -.-i (. ~ . g/; I' ~ ~ -f1v ~ '(' c /_ii /i flt .I r n ,.. / hon (/ I 1/ t' ") .,,y \:I l;;-,.r.; ( u' l I r:1 'J .. ,- ) f / ~C Ci,.. -(' ,,,)' ... j -· I I / /~,... ·1 ' ~- 0d. (1~~,. J ,,I ' '""' 17·~ I j Ci I \ A~ . ~rh l,..f~( I}~ ) rld t iPn1 l ,.,.. · ' /J ·(;) ~ ??1. - -- );. '( (I r \,n k 1 J'l "' 1/a~/f r (f '1 t ;.. . t'/ ' 'ft I dJ. (IC .. ,. ( J~ o l •, I n 11! (] ntl.t111e • ':.! ,J() • cl6 . 'o . 4'J .~ )~ I ~ , ~ 9 /f( • ( JlO , I tnu r. . W,,'!A 'I ' 'l '.t 961j0 I ~ fCJH lllA..¥ t i r1J N l,)r l1 l 1 1t ,. 'JDJ at JudiU $fl" I ll1i,rt11 ri>hi.pi sr r.ip d1Jt 1> r11.1 '\. 1 Ad4.1• r Oorrm'J;"ll.Hon 1 l n O. iv~d al r JI I , _ _ _ ___,... _.,....,...._,......,..._ _ _ , ___ _ . -·-~ ---,..~---- Aot,1.,n t'1k1 nt 111 .A.f,t1t b 1\11.di i oMl pl'l.lJlQ ( ' ?0 l? ) 1 ~hnr nq ,,......... ,A1h1,l t I M~no~·4 ..fol c l , Ci 'U.JIJ~ r ·lt'r ~ I 1 1~ ' A t1.1.4l~ ~IAiHari (~..?) }5) tJQcl)• whcH 11e,rv l"tl ~:11 •4u.Hr ~ llinort fj((ril ~ f r'.' l etM.le t IC .L t hE111Ship1 ta Qt' 1 0.11 ~ 11tritr11 .1 rit<> :)ba~ e ~ 1 (/ rr. ting ~~nie \l."d!ill' (I' of Bu~t~flqs: p,_l, l'lt l!'llh p I J>l"O ~l t to~ h ~pl OP1.'t1Pi:aH01 r11iihid1.m1 t l>t•i >\uJ. p l 1 t, l.t-1• J f CJ_ 1 v' Xrit~rvi. wed1 ~1~~--" -~""""..-.~....:i Add.le 1 '1 l Bpho n lf\J.IUPO,I' I j -I b ; ~ t j ·I). I /' Pe~uo .nvolv ' I f,J11 rt/ ' iii", , ~ ~ l,.A,I I • I.: ) n,n.d rJ01)9 /,i,o{_.1 ~A r-, n .:; .(.,i't( l1 ll ~ 1 I . I~ (. .i.J 1 , ·i lf.l.jd J Jl ' . •'1 ,i .(:1 Action tak n:• I ./t., fl/. r "' 1 /\UiMl1 r..d< ;plll,leo 'l'll:le1• ~ ~I ,'(J ( ,, I n. Q If oua\"y ' ,.. " fh.rt «~l AtA, ~· .k I I ~~JU..~..._.;..,7 2·? 7 o prop),. m1 ( ..~.. • \ll•C./. f ) ,~ __,,_~_ _.,.._______~_ llOW1 I _ (l , { t t• Jil:l'ClllC ~iofll) lllll" ,)"' t" , _...., I I p /I. lu~ ent.ry 1.nta (fpitd Ht1d ~1£ \l.l'ld i.• IJ 'r l!a 1.iry tit1.1 n111 I _,-'11.....1.2-~-.-~2> .._______, ·-·-..__,... ripw, I -a:i.'n.,,,,..tJ"-"-'t_ _ _ __...,";,. ,.___,.........._.._ • l4\l.l~t v 'ftl~~· / Iahr'fi••t~ M~·~Qrl lt4ihl )'e11J11.l.•1 lli l tM•h 1p ,.,.. .P_,...MZI~~ ~ H j"/ ':ti.~ 6 1t ' j ' iM.1ii t' »H~or~ lel I l omal,q ~ ~Ui M 11cill5,p1 i1n, Qf DI. b~~lill r t n ~ Nlh 1)i.i popri f,o ~·qhip l Oorpo1 · titHH Inr. iv1 unl 1 Pu1•0Qn in.ti rv i .. v, d.a t>n AWll.'o IH ~' lo}ll 0110 ' ; •A,1; r1t1~i r.t.dlli.Hona.1 fl(~~ • ( .~ .... ')fll;IJ ) L., ! \ilh re n o~se11trr _.......... __ __ . ....,.._ ""'""UumP. X' I -- ~ ....... - ~•h.t>MJJ.!.! J X~l<h'tvhw1 I( M\l.10t ~ ino1· 1 '1t! I )( ll\Jl11f le I O~ bi 01J1,1 ~11ti1~ uriclll' r 11 ~ u ln. Mdr .lln l l "_,..._,..._ T l l l·ion PJ{.... .. . !11v1> h d 4 I l l;f I; . .I 1/~/ r t;' I ~ 2 ../,,.#(.) I iJ At;· I \I ... ~- l. : .... ·• 1.1111l11 J:' ~-· ·~· I~------'.-.--... ~-· ('' ' ..-.,. ~--·~ / "' , " I . "1Y.r ." I . .. . ?~ ., i.(, l ~'!!:-.:.:.::...--- _.,_. . . ,. ._ r o l)'l 1 in 1 'Cl)j,)IJ (I~ ~. V\t i c l'I d. 1 I _,~,._--•.- - . lfl;i.• n.1u1.y tii r 11110 row'/I - - - - - ·- ··- ... 1.......,,.......,...,._.,.._, _ T~ dJl l. 1~41111,p ' 1/YJ I (' I All,y 1r ;1. ,,._. / . .~ ( ~ )" ) . ~ .. ·~ .( .? ' (, ~ "'· (,J J ' 1. ' ,, z i•m •! t\ G>l'!f l', I 1r~ I ( t.~ It,> i' I I,: ( I I... I "" I.. .~ •' I • 1 1 ,,. ( ,,J ~Cl,IJ, ~I X M ~~c :r 1 l~r 1. ; IH X I Oi bwn.11) i.p 1 _ _AQ __ CJUlj" J., c' 11ir1 .• ~ n,ow7 1 drtr l!I J T !1t' l'w11 11 '1 4~ )1 l1X''1 Jl r ;r trwol v ntl ··--~---·--"-· -?lu1 .•. 'I f j ll.' I) ll - ......... • mo.... ,------·· ··- "" __ ...-.-.- . ---,..· _. ,·~· -·~ - l 1.1 I A.U , r. Brott ht in f.ll.1.;p ~ 111 na of thor , · hiYlllltl'.>n r.1):t l<i 1 ~ o whe th r o · not the o.uto lDbiJ.e WhQ i int; i·ned 1 to 1.n• u :tr be sold . dv.1. s t':l101 d 1 tl Un1 \ ·• r, • a in a 111Ucl:i 1 11utomobileJ1B b o, o ~ nk1 " H th })1lllt O\ erd1 :tp o irds na.d riot be1.m Dl 1..1oed .1.n sto,r e ,e .Wed ):'al H S~rv e d to do oo . .U.1.1.H~ .. hlQU Md., : i 1 ~le~ OHhll11alilip 1 - - - 'J)a,~ 9t' lRB 0)',)1n· ti" I p tJ 1J" i.r,t 0 '\l.nd.1.w ~r~M tJtli ~'d. ()~Ii, r 1l 111111 QI ltOIY'C _ _ _ _ _...._-:-r-~ ...r---·-~-.:~--~ Ha ru'l d ~I --~-- A,llµlt i ~1~or: t o,l, I )'ln)·1e;t.e: Oiti" np\~il'J ~~-,,._..,.. 0Q'l'TJ(>l'll t I 111.l 'riO.u l\dr roari I 0l I t,1 f 1\J c' t onnl p~ ( '"''.>·)~l; ) ,_._ ,...,......... _...... .. .....,._.. a 1-111111.' ~ . ,...._~,,,, .,..._~___.,~~ ~·.....,_,_ __ .....__..., r .4 "f' ~ t'\ 11· , • -- _..,...,......._.,............ ----...,..~,,._ ~ 4! _ _,....,_._____ .....,_,,, ol' 1)11nino1rn 1 l' ' n l' uh1 pJ l'O.(ll'iU t 01' I hip I .- . ._.. ,., 01. Ol:\.l'Y ·1 F1 .. ,,,..,,,. __ ____,_...,,.......,;.. 0 Adlil ~; M' lltqrt MA~•1 1!' 4.1plr« l. ; O~?t l fHi!r11Mp1 .......,.~.,,,,., !)a~,, qf. laiat 011fll'llti i ~· rp Qf ~1tt ntl•y 1ntpi IJnit.e\i t:itAihlH - - - - - - - -.........~......,..._,,,. _ _ _ _..,."- ) 1.l.'1<'. l' 'l!t'l'lEI t!tlll;Y ti oeh ~-· ~· :aiL~t'nQJlB I i,:>at·t~<J"'nh i pr Prop11 ~ b'~l'~M111 Q·o~pO:tl~ltiQll I A1idt1 ~~ I I ndi.v 1d\l.ti i I 'J.'fJlopho11<J lhuub a - DUN & 13,r i:l•til"e:!lt., '' Ac..t, i O~l now J~ ,.......,,....,___....._ J;j'\1:3 ... ...._.__ l't _ _,....__ _ _ ,.....i.--....,_,.........,...... AO 6,) Mil' Af{O ' tS I:IE 1\tJ TY HOPI?Ill · a.1(,e)\ I lit H.t;1n1 l ti b;v I ~---- I ~~t ~Lt I 1; { M' I i•11,).1 I :t ·--~·~a (s ~-il1~~tt~1---··---~ 1 l' ml..11H rJrf.~ ~tll 1 0 li. Q n1a --~-TB1 t:J J -·-----·-...~-;)-...... 6· n. y l t I) llnJ 1. cl, Sto,'li ~ 11'1 Pit.h nuht 1918 ......... lt ~Qt\ l _.............,._...__~·-··.-......... --- liW!lO. ~ .--··- - - l n rvtt)W( cl= ........ .A, a1irrH11 1 l ~ J r itt Lo o l <3 t ~n 11Lo County . A 1•li\tnkn :• ( ~'l1o:i: lJ t~ c :t;il'~ ~ t1.1 tr,r c v · ;i. '\.h p.Ll c1e Wl or r.u l on 1 · :r.m:I. t !Jo p .:r wnrt • ll I ,,. ... ...._...... . . . ,... ... ~ ... .., -~~ T•ltph ~.a l l ttervt¢v! ' J,.~ 11 lt ! l!Ut~o:' I ~d. l 1 , II 1~,l.~ I • '-TB'fc~t i t,Y D• ' ot l••t ntr~ 1nt o l1 !t•d Str '?" t~nr \l.n.d.eX' ' ((11" ~In~ ot ~u in~Anl 0flf P'> J' Hq I in1 iv l.d.1J11.l 1 ·----- -..,.....,..--~ ~ ld.6on ao no~'? I --·~~---...- ......- - - · _ __, ~,_.·---~~......... !1 1 _,.,...,._,,....;.......,....._-._____ _._ ·--1 l':' art nKlruh i 'p I l?J> ~T> ri t Q1'Ui t, •r 01. bi.~ nt1ll 1p : ,. . . . 1) ~ -- ---..... .... .. ___ ;;_,___.__, -·-.. -·-- . J..ti tlldb ( $ ~01,~ ) ~vid.1t 1.Q fl -_...,.~,_ ........,. . __ ' - - # • .. Ti ew,_...•Jk. Wl..S . • I ii" 6_.a&p I ii Jr ~ f "& < • 0• • ~ :i r • l lftrsos •• J ~ ...>• • .. t "' ~ Iii ! f r. noi. 0 , C........,J\.~ ~pe.rty and leaae. c.s.r.m ___ !}! ,'/J) _,,,_, I 0 f 'lhl.LI in "11 1 :Putn r11hl:p1 Pu r i h1w 11 1p 1 00f1l'n·n ~u I A(l.d.ti ' II fl I t 1~~ j.v ,Ld1Jn l. 1 -----··---~·---· ··-'-""-----~--------~--·------·---- U1 nd.l r. "'A.vtll h 1.i;!4it. l..o Ill ( ::JO'jB ) Jir11~0 Ii who.t' n «I •wa~:it ib:V- 1 ,, __ _.__..................... -. D. l' tl il•r , o 1.111 k' Vu<lu I <11 0 1•'1 1 r nnd you 11<.M' 1111,v ~ J fl M 1.11 f I' I o I ( ilLl.Y bi·, nd .I f')ll \) r y lU' (\'Hit f,IJ l) J' t II ()(~lhplu 1 fj l 'I, {fU J dt l.'lu11 1:.1 1" yi'J\1 1' lttt a11 1 vu w.1 11 lw pl • J,311 (1 Lr'l I' \ l n111.Hll11lt '()! 1;l d r 1J. .1nn t,o nny 1J1p11\111 Ju 1 v11d h ,\ '"I wl nll 1) nubn1l m 1.111 b,J11t1 Y)IJ r 11 A •Jif '{1 r ,y I r·u l 'I ~ 11 Cn. I i u1·1 , .Uulet i MiMr~ liul · I J'al!le.l,BI --1r;s.t~> D 01' 1•1. Ii 01tir.oiu1l ipt --·~···,--·riw.r--- on ry .\Qt<> Uni~ . d. S di n1 /%J1·r11 /y lltt. -J ----__,...,.......-...-,.-__...,.__...."'-·---,I• ~ 1.~ •I _.,.,....,..~- ·.-.....,.~---_,....jllO_ rrf AJin Jalll n 1 ruh1 pJ 'Pro ?rirtor hip1 $1 .... 'Pt\ ,.......~..,.. ----------- ,....-~ Oorp<>rnt101u In<U v1.d11nl 1 41 .........--~ .. .A, ~ n ~'?11. ( '..1)1.)!'j~ ) ~it i pna.1. p g ~ wh r1l n oo Qlll(l.1'1" ~1 Su ~' :rano1 oo of' t'tle U'n1 ~ •d. Sh. 111~ A(~U ~ A6.d,r.o · I • Mk1Ql' I 'Mt • Oali, to.rn~a • c~ r--=- --- . .,. . . . - ~-- ·r ri m~ 4 1\11 ~ I ,,~) ( IJ a'ap 11 193'1 ·· -·~-·~·.-..-..----....--..-""'....___ . ~B- -~ ---~-- I n· r •v J w 'V1.L 1 11 h rn~ 11.s. :rii~ l\ee• if p n l93l ..... -- .... ljl I Ft.trr. l e : oit12 n h ip: fo r. ' l' I 1 ... _,, ... ·-·-- .,.,..........__,_.,....._•.. _ icith -··- ...··--. - -...-,.... --No·- .......__ ,. ~ ,, f·• ~ t~ -....-.--. ---- -... -- ........ J' ") QJ,1•1r11 1 ey P:t'l!:IS nt oopy ot op 01 1 poweX' t ttol'll ~y pt1epr re.u1 t:or th m l?y ttOl'l:l '/ EtO, . dttworth, e.ppo1nt ~1~ i:tobe~t Alloyd ot Troy, p t~ t • 1rM,t1 a.o e n1 t giv t~ust th r 1 ~h1i to e 1 p:ro 1) ~tiy ~1<\ th l, i ~betX1 fol," ol.oe. d' ()tor;t.;Ly. 11 Tlulf f 1l' lBo own r1 ~ura. 1~3'' l~ lymcn~bh ·'' l r n t k.-.11 1" 11~ oan now b~ o.lo111e d, a d n whioh tl1ey ar 111 tor t4r;o,oo. D1Lh ~ h *! t on br w '1nt o !Jriitt!d Stnh l'\I Ull tl.<~ J' 'l'ro fl\ll'iY 0.JG rl\ 1 i ld t ~ n '~Y:P, ri ,lt W'f I l'"'Mll t no1:n-y i ,ii\·1 d ; -- ···- oroµ nr :; t nvri 1v1' 0//!. ·*·t.' I ~ · \· I t../" I ' t ,,, _4_,~ - --~--., . ,..._._....,. • .~ l _. l.2!!~ a> h:f\lfll ( 't' ' ) $~U t "'~-iiitr~~ r"'"'tT'~'l"<'iT~~w-r---- lfa,14 ! .Aid t:' ~ ri a l H1Hi ',! He>~- ~4 3 ··- -··-··-rsrr-'"'ii- r rJ f!,e J WF.1'L~horn1 i l ,\tLl~1 Vh~ Ill' ti). . . . . ~----· lfum I ~rv ti ~ nu ~ J}u. ~ MHI I Ptlt nui• h.lp 1 l 1:r '.lJ~d 1 uo:r ll h. 1.r,11 01Jt ON ion I ! ,\clividu 1 1 now J (H n1U ----.."'"4-·-·· 1 nf. All · r t I ....... ,.................. ',.... _. __ ___ ,._"""' r . M iva 1 Jll"O prn· Y' :h1Vo tv l ond accr1c o:f' ui·~b'.l.l ni I t,o H "m, 1.' rmrt llf ~~ ~ ~ ?.ii. I J ~>4 P . Alt 1. !>, 0 u,1 ' \ II h otUi ,r . 11 IVl i1t A.b ~w1 h o.Ml Hon ( •... 05 ) d li~ I • n..,...... Jof ·~ Mul l ~TIO 1 f" 1f lfol11 1 'Ji' l\lith I J" t'' CHJ.7. l}Oh!.1H ........._.~• . :rr.1' () f Buui M~ 1 l'1 . tn.f'X'l.l ip l Prr.p1•t n ,1· r.11h int C'1r1) H' t-, 1.m 1 rn i.•t1d. 11 1: ~11.1\t·~ I'! nI ·\·l ' " (, l f / 1 f •1 rj'J/, " '1 ,( -(1 I f i Ii. .1i.ol1 Q tld , I ( t\ -j;O'i) ) .. ,/. ' ~ 7~1'. ' I l ( {i.. . It> ;.:,) I J . ... ; ''I t ioM 1,. p1 t. 11 ,.,) ti '"· IP) ' 1' I ,.. I • 1 ; ((I. ~ fl ·7 ' ~~ r. · 111 , ' .. ------ 1 I I· • /(,I~ 1 ,{. ,t /. . ~·1 II : 1•m l,pk'n l" 1• 1 ·II 1- ~,,.;J J, /, A(I ·- rJL kJ~,: ' .1 j ' A ... "'' ~ ... ~~ j ri....._ - - - -..-....-,._,..__,....._ ---4 . 1 / 1 i,,{t, I'~. ,_,Uu, r·~.....,. . . k1 t•non ~ll . t•vi11we,L1 I I , ,..~ .) I I ·~-• .'f#i. ... . - .... .... --.~- -· 1)1,.1, r '/ ' .._) I;'A? ( l~ I t' ' ~ t.,) I Tell •:£1h.(l n. P· l n.iUYl t'l''l"I 2 ~ l , 1, &;l l'l Adt tta o I - ~ ct.;y1 0 ' M..u. ·t;; x. Mil r.i1• 1 Mti,l ~:x; · lu1 11 I 01 1.7.1 n bipl ,....._ • u......,,_ -1.\nd.l·l-\lm_b_er_,,_,,__..., ___ -·-~...-(B'ir',._1_t 10 :0(1,t, t~ lt 11 'l~ .\1 i'O'l'hi.t. -- CStiLtcS --- Llt ·---~ Pur pon Jnt rviuwnd i A clt• __........,..._..,... 'flrl. i; l)Al l _, ,t)Jl . 13 _, . ~ ..--._ ,.,_.....----+-',,.,.. _ ____ ril ··- - - ·....... -- ~._.. ... ?"' t - - ------ ......,,, ...... _.,,. prrn ~· :r ln1n v~ T 111. lJ It ~eervi ll&n~ o of Sat1 the Wl):t.t11 .tl.d•JJ t i Hnoi•1 Ad. tfoh 1 .i't 11~ 1. I <llU~ l '.tlll to o ' lo. 't la·,y t) ,,n (). 1;;rnt i'I~" \l1irt.o' !rt1 . :rP• f o Un ur:r (! Otnt ~ 1 ;n Jlt)llff I ll1La in. IJ n I ILrb 1~ l'tOh )I Pre P'~·i.. atc:rul i}'l t Corp11r . i <J I T1 dtv:lt I t i -11,A.i;t.f r. 1d oh ( $....~: i)5) r 1;.dcll . ' Adrlr 11 1 HJ 1 Jl l1 I n Numb' r I tfn.nd l 1J1l 'b,v 1 ' l.Q111 .\. LJMll I 1 Do : J o ~1Ji'1;t;. ~ ,(p IJ 0 laot ~m t~:r into 1dov ' ~r11 111:'1 Un i ed Stnt uw 1 ""---·----"---....---....--......__ _ _ _, a 1!t;f Lleeinoo MW? 1 Jl'l.IJ it~ $& J - -...- ..._ ............... Int VI d; Pr t·aoti i'1J.r Im :r11 l1J.p1 •t :t'y~ ~-- ..··~-~---·-....---·"-__,_ ~ rl. t.or hLp 1 C01'.P'il'll.t :ton 1 11uUv 1l:\un1,1 'Pr I ~LOil l)t'Cl fl 1! ':/' ----- i~1V1) ),V10ti lllld llt!(l 1 ii In 11 tl f tlJ' .'t:)J ..... --...- ... ~---~ 11trlf J )r .. I ,,; . /\MI 011 I; )<' •' rt l"' /.ei :J. fl. H11\d l 11. 11:t Q ,, ..;JI x ; .Ad.ult r· :x Ml;tl1 I X Mn~r1 iHl..l.0 I Oittq:.;neb~l.H ,_. . -__,.. Aclclrti 11 fl 1 'll 1 l)hrJJ) _ J l . L,J..i..t_,1..11.i.;i... .J...u.;~ i:.a llwnb r ' J 111 1 hi m ~I\ im1 ~ ,h Ar 'tl 1 ()IL I k:1 11' * l, 1 11 tl t~ Ht. 5 It 1 Qll I b )lb pi rn 1.,l of \)1n1 iutama~ \ l l ovi I () ~l ..... ··--~--.--... ..;...~~ l'n\ 1.111 '1Jr11 le Ht l ; '•1G.\l 1.dJ ;l itJn l p ;t'JI~~ ) n 1'11 111 - 1.r1•· o qr Ch v ro l t ' 1•ul'11 n :" I to .I) I ' 1111111 ~· MIC? o.... tHll'P U'cl .... 3. . ,3- ~J.. I - { l l a t q J··-'. . . . . . . . .,__ ~&lephon ; tnterv1Clw1 M~1,1.J1, : ~ Minor: Mt~l. <11 1 111""' F ~1 lu O~t171 n h ill I 0 r; 1·11 · i r.1;• t nd ~ t~t' nrii.ti 'll1•l£< sm y tif J,?Mpir t:,r \1 1 Jl 'I 1 11 1 nc () r' llp · L~ crf 'i r b1,111.i c:w . _....,_ - ' ,,. . f.) .tHr ; b 1)1.• /).,,C,1~ .t .~. ty h. ~ Nt 1,, I' \ b ''\/" I ...r " ~I CL..IFP'ORD KALL AM I ·~t) f 1. ll I ··-·~ . ~· 7 __ -:;3._.t c~~;:; - s ;n:~- 5 ~a_ · ~-ese .,..,;- - . IC... ..........-~~~~~~-~~ ...~v_•_;_....,~~~~~~~~~~~~~- C- -. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ l ~~~~:..x= acou._-A; · ~ p=:tva- e :-a. ~e t;js _list. r pri~ ;:; ... lose ~a-. --· ... - _. -;- - _-.._. ~E~ cy~-f"'"tr';' .- - . .. :· ~ s ~z ....,...~ •ruLirp ,,,, T me i Ai\t , ~'OIEij- b~ ' r•vl Qw; ).&a. t: OlllH Minor t Mu.l. :; ~· mel I Ci.ti; 'll,n 1· r.i ! Jhtni'n ri1:i: 'fh l' t I\ .'t 'll h :i,p~ vo1ni ~ tot hi p1 <lol.'])02.' 1 Oil I Tl d.l, vidiHt.l : 1t1iA,tt. 11ob u.d.dl ln 11ll.i (s •• r,f.Y>I)) __ ._,._ ,.....,..._ hl. phon Nu.m.b r I ninhipt --~~ __ ____,. __ ...,..._._ , --...·---..... Bank ot $a:n J!:r•l.'lehcQ .Age-n' of tbti !Jnttllt t•'•e I' 4et"al ll•Hrye l1ilf~ .Jun• - .ai., 1942 f~tl')) 'relephon.,: In e~w ·in A!$ti.l t: M':1n r: Mr~lei ~I l1Uli i I.') ~ 01 OpaM ting und ~· 1t'r• 1 ~ YJHl Of 1~(11 ll A ury ~ 011 o.k nf *' t\01'~ I s \.i:p: _ _ _ · - - - -...·"ii'I", -i..;.;;.;;._,,_........ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..,,_ _.____________ e~ l.'n1· t nenh i l? t Propi•i to1.· ah:l)l I aor pora.tio111 1 r1 d.i vi 1 M r,10111~ tl~er A I d~· no o I ~~ -""---rns.te J (L'e:l.OJ,'hl OMI tnt l!ll'Vi ~II .A.<lulbl Min1;1r1 tt J,Q I 'Forn(llt'l 1 Ottb•mal ______ ......,.._,_,.... __...,...___ _ _ ,..,..~ IJ)l(l) rJ o, Bi:i.lli~oa •1 - -. ........ 1J Ol' GPO in1 ~ CI TV' )? L't 1\\)1\ J.l}J.i J;'l '.e't'o l'i, <1 ~or t1M:pr OrJ'rlJOl'AtlO'l!l I M.tlr li1divUu(l.l, I 'J.'o1 phon lf111Il B I --- ,, 'M t.i~h rtdditiolla.'l :P~lt• ( ,. 1)i..i% ) 1,1h11r.i nooe1lUll.t1 .._ w d1 ri __ __ .t 1 II .,.·~-_,."I•- "I . 1~ __..,..,..._,~·~.-.~-..,,_~ -~ __ ~....,......_...., ...._..._ ~---- ~ ..-- ' I k -- - ... \tiill"T ______ 'l'fl'l.< >hone : :Xnte)."li. l!I WI Ad.uJ. t 1 MhlJ l' I lil11-l c l 1 fP0.1.QI O:iH MnaM,P 1 A, tl'r;' 11 nI __..........., )"' I I __ I }'"\I ,... ___ _ __ ..._ ,__.._, ;~" I __ ~ __... -··----~ _...._...., ·-·- ...... Bartl( o-f S \ r u.11~ or IJ.' h U:ott ·o s111 "!I L ,I QI'\ · o now7 1 T• •·o o' Bu 1JJ 11u 1 :Pnr dl.O J' rlh \.p I l~r n:nr11• · m· h1p · -,.....- . .... ,._, ___ +.-...... _,.,._. _ _....,. .... _ _ _ ..-~_ ---.·~~ Pnr on cJdr G 001;.1 ( r 1 · l oi 1 I 11r i, ',r;l c)\1.1).1. I ApVl~111cuyh or.i.~lOI\ Blld. . j --------~to-····--.,,._ . .._.., ______ -- . . ,. . . . . . . . ollllm•d tih b h11 Ii d :p!.lr(>ht~aod a N-.ah uoup (aet'~&l m•mbe~ O'ff1:i3, 1ttoh);" nurnb•x- l'.J ~'70~13). l'hh o t• wo.• :wr· oh,..11•d ~.rom Rebran.k llun'b1u•, Oalcl1 m • 1'bet t1ppU.c'l11n·ti hl\11 pllid ll U .ttl11 O'V' r ti1n Q.Jld •t~ll rrwu lll2. ~h• 1'ppltaM'b ol1dm1t thll· h.• bOt~ght tt•w ~it'IJ llhd bhat; !ebr Hunt.-,, h.1\'-' rti-(JOtHJt; " d. ·bl~ o r ·w.ibho t any sor·b of $etblo1n n.t w th hbi, 1uHl he ftJ ll'I h&.t h h ~ hon taken ildTMhge ot. rour i•ep1•t11Quhtl1.T" oalled nebro.nk ~~1'<tr • m~ ·bhey 1nfo.t·iuerl him that t.h ocmtl.· ~ob hB.d 01•L ,indlf beJtll, 110.U ~tl illi• Angle> ~ tion.-,1 .B~ 1 -.aid due bP the t 1\0~ 'bhtrt ti '6· l) atl. ~ .hll.d llll l'l.ociden· , wti,t()l wu1 tJtLbirtly Iii fllt.llt, bhe 1n""-l:' no h w1 '\iU111 qano .U d, r r1.11 ~ J.d(tr bhe 1l.rt·aage111Atnb 'bh(ty h1~ rith th 1\11 0 ~11.tior•l nlc th11;y Wl4 to til.k;a \Ip bM.1 oontrn.ot immad:L tely u.nd Ji'$J.\lnd to th• Anglo If 'tllone.J. Bank 1lhe ~XI\ lGt~so. Thi pp.H o ~it d.i~. noti inform your l"t):>i:'O ll"' tlv ot: thU, ~i(\ du• tt> t.he Q ~ · e ~ 1;wu.t1 tiiO!l in value, ebl'o.lllc ll'l.u1tfl ~· "Un.ted bh t th.iy 1tould be lad tC'I "' 11 thtt o..., to nyone .tor ~e a1nount ot rooney Jthii>h. th .Y h-'~ p id ovet' iJQ tihe bank. a or Ac. i.01~ · i1 •m 1~ ro\\r npreae:n1bhe in.f'oJ:11Md the ppl;t.;1e.nt ~tt.t U' I\ ool.ll~ t:Lnd p fm~l'lt11 h• ori thit aar, Tf•b~lf.,ll]c ·tih• 4'ppl.iCJ :nil in ml'lldng iiuoh Sl 111. pur«>l!IC\ser, who \fould a.11tt11u tho INn'tflr would I ' dly 1111J,1b rh• a P[Jlioant ii•~rn~ a.n.11 inrol"rn.ed ~Cl"")' ''•pr is nt 'biTflt th 't) he haa 'tried. to f nil a ~\l.l(Gl:' bUt t). hni ):i fl \ bltt to do GO 1ln1\ thP.)1k:rJd l.U :tf>l' l:h oerv!L.ou vendtJred. • ~ :S4nk o. Sllln 1 it nc I. Bco of tho Vnittd Sta~ea AllUJ. ~" ~~ll. IJ I.'I t-ftl. EJ : . r-l Fn~it ,. .~l"""-·-- ---ra-·1 l i Oit i ~fl n1,1hip I .... ~--t1 d St n. o : "/! l ~';r of lh11.lin ri 1 ------ P11.i·t11 1' h i pt J l."Oj~ 'I.' i 1.i ci 1· l!hi J I 001'{1• I\' I t 01 I __,_... ----. ·-···-----·----.-·--, ..--·---_..._· .. .,..., l1 1cJiv1.l'l,u 'L: ~ y I \LJll1>1l l' I 1· 1 111 / ~--·--.__,.- I ' ' •1 f• f\U • Cl·h!l { ·~O~Jti ) ~ of: fJ:"an()tqoo 1Jrii~e4 St n~Q I upt11 I ~ ,. I I /I, t t• ..,..:_~~'-.............---Ti?~ !11 )--"~~1~~~----~ __,_a..... ~~~ ~_J..t:..!:!..t,.-.~-- -----'""' \n t'.r t mul 1 rtu.L Minp htr110f;i' J I '.!'<: 1 Mi.i l i x b11tl,1., : Oiti tmn rl~l1t1·~ 1 ~'!. Da 'cl •., ,. ' ----....._~··- 11, _....,.... _. ~---- ...,,_,~,.... _.,._ ___. -- 111. -· .....oi1.,~ .. ·~t --~ 1 Aclcl1 c 11 I ,.._ T111 1 ph n1 I - - · ___ ../JJJn If btH' I "-·· •··- ;ii, _ FJ ....... l ....... --...· - - " ' " " · · - ._,., .... •rt ~--~~;y-·-rrr.\.. t) ' 2·~~r~!n~ t 'P.!t ,) ACl. tve l3~1ik e:t" $a.n ~fl"ilnclioQo 0<t the 'ttn:tt S lt ~ ~ raf.1 ~ , 11 '!J I , C~CllA Si:t•~t ..,.. 162ja (~h· tlt f:\..-i.1t t -- ' htt'.1 ••l I I • b ~~~-----. 14 t' I i'\Ol' I 4ot" I X r... ll' ~11\f,1t1: Oith11 nsh ~p~~ Dl:l. : ~ n •'~'into 1Jni1lcd ~t t ofl l o.f 'Lo - -.. - ......-,_,.....-..,.,,.__'"'i _ _. ,..._,._.......,.............,_......,........,_ __ al:t\"I o f i3\1dr1.a1Hjl Oe,rdn r llt~r•tt'lOt' h1}'.) I :Pr 0111 lab 1? ~1.1ld p 1 Corp • 1•1 t i 1Jn I I nd.iv1dun1 I X T J. pncne lfomb Own~ hcl\.1•4ll (ult r) u r-n. 1Jl\•d, O'Yln• N1uh n<l 11 ur~~i1\\trfh Wil;J, ~~~,, ~lf~ H id l' 1ncmth, Oti",1.o , b l. ~il Ha p4'roo1111.~ 'in)l(lr> l.r1 lo $105 .. 00 , r.idu.1.1ert .t'110111 < • ).1 0-\v s ~1~ ~rto~ of.' J, lo 1>ri .I. tlQtl ' 36. 00 i')'!l>m lM, . ayiLb~ Arrw)•ioo.. 1 .l:l nlr.. o ).1 ~Y ~r . Ut tle.) Tl•~() ;yefl.11 11dc:nu1 h ~iiis\411 1.4 tro·p oUt l'fliiih f:rlo 1)./1 'bP oat»llj~.I' h.oiiu, n l9~CJ rood.el., pu1•oh-.1e~ J~J,;v lll4l !'l)r l:tibr~~k nq luntflr, P YJl\01.rtlli ae; nt4 , 011ikl.~ t l4 , 0fi •I 426,()0~ n ot po~ O)', (H )1dLe 1.Sl?fi , h1Hut/il i n .Lire, n\'9l'i.0~11 'Vrl• · 001t1pl\mr I dg, a .t" • •ty· ~ Par~b o~ por . Cl l on t ttk:on 1• PhoJ'ltld J,citropol tan, IJ)h, l~;l,S, n.tld <)l>ta. .r d 1.~()~1~ 1.ot1 ,, poliqy h Ill pt'~ ri,t o eh SU~ll: et~(l n·t "' Cl 1t. t valu , () bo ll"fti:.l"opcili M d 11et.b~e ba.llt.).1Cl du Lirlt Cll1 lll\I hra.t .; ' '" PQ oy o.t utom<ltl:i l.o ati;\ b~ an ' OBO dU1t on J\d1l,l I: I M1un M1~l '1 1 ~ F ~Ji.Cl'.( IJ J 01 t h1. n11hi!H ·~· !!!.£ll1.,.._ (ii . ~. ')'ltl 0 f l?a erohlp 1 l? r pd e < r I· tr r t;1n•p1 I 11 i l•I' I T1 1 v Ld1111 l l Fol \n ... , r1/24/1l~ .J ni. 1 r,nf'lol'I Xn.t .·v1.11wd,1 --~IJV -~ Ad.c! r1 n 1 -·--·-·-·· ----- •..A. 'P1111 )Jhr n,. 1 h1 1 1.H l. I --· --~-.---·-·----·· 11. l hot1 t~ ( ! 'li1>Mh. ~}t'h' .... - __ ...._P"'I._! , ' ,. r , 11 c -~ffi~-~'Al.El:!>l Oli. I la 10 ni wi X ·•HMl' e. '· "' 'I ·JI t~h l ... x V' IJ ~:IL:). 0 I Oi ~:l. ianllh i I~ ";.-=-~:..';,ll!:1111 t'.11. t 0".ll:J t' ~1;. i 11! !/'Y'l r ci t l ~n t o Un L , d Stt OR 1 ntr:1 t' la t o :r.' 'h ~.C'l\ll':f Li '~Ill ' !) l ~)W'f I i l!l(l. Gl 'l"Un iq :B'\t 111 l'lll r Po.vbno r I hi.tit 'hc~ .lH' 11 r1 r11hirH Ool1p 1H•1 l on 1 x i un.1.1 P111,,1t hcn.111 ~u\ t~1·11~tJ u~•I· Wil.l 11.rr.•11.nm•) w1.1ih ~ri n.-L to o~lCIUpy ll<>\lu• (cl J\.r) !.'n llihll•d~ 0~1·111 M s1,. • dJiin. ~5 modd, pl.u h.a.111d ,Htl)' l~·U f.Q Dlbr~nk ~n.!l lh.111 tl ... o ll :r 1 onth. r, I lyrnot1th 11..e;rrnta, :t1qone.l 'Ct1 pl11.n lo OfJ,';to.,, Ind. no 31 5.00,. rtlnu.~orl. L' l:ly Ir;. I :I.~ h.) (I .1 ()o.)cl llc, OlU «I ~\ 1 1'~~1k p~ l llJ '' i 10 3 e~oo f'r111rn 138, Q;C' r~~·~at flit'~ l•~ , ori :ln L l(),,_n o~ 4:28,00. 130 ¥e r ~l).~t"'U.rrl • iri11u~•ll.Mb pol q~• :i.DJIU ~bl·G a l ud (lt 11 led ~n 19~4, tro\JCJ HA~n. I.i'~r" , J\ h.\IS r.~oo,n 'l!r\la b Oon11~n:y I l4t, I e)•kel y, P1~y1 t l• 00¢ er ll'IOt').tl " Ji. 1 •J n. 1;11.ltilll t • r.~lirm.oct, Mtttr'opoU.t !)•'"" ntJ "c poUQ1 hfJt1 fl ue; ll d oPt)J,i ou..nt T:l.mep , n lo n b '.ba:nlc. •lt.i ~~r {~· ? 0 1 5 ) n l)\it"~ 1 d ~'rl orr ~ on h ii "' V'~l\tu, 11h: 011i; W 'bh ll" llh )• o :1 Y' d Tb LH'lt 1 ~h. ia1e, gp tp "'e ~o oli.tan L~~' Md • I h pqlioy a ono • tbl11 T.hi.nk" i:tim r ~'° ' J ~ ll ·1 ll .n k Qf S 1r l'Hl 'l eM of thQ 'UnH ed S a ·e -·---r iF.&J_____ ' l l; e ll• l'l.U I ~on·i ~l 'Y I . "'.... ..--....---~ ., . ,. .,. . . . . __ [ 1 !':/'• Qf aua i1 irtrw r p~ J.c ---_._..,._ . _ .___........ ... .... . --,...-·-·M_.,. .__ "'""'"I+,.... .... ~,.....,...-· ... ..,- 1l"V ' ,.J\.tl t JI 'l I ~-M-~·- . . _______ . . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . n t llK C01 I H dl~d '\J;y I ~ At ( () •• 111 •• h 1)'r ) J l di l. ~ OllfJ I '"'?'~ llJ,ll Cw·; CJ'r" 11 l 1J 11 I !i\d 1 vi r w~ l 1 ]W 1 r ,..._~..,.,.... ---~ » rQO ~ 0 111 ~ 1 L w.-. 4 1? . Q. Bo B lmoii ~ igf!tru, • 4.~i, c •cl , 1.1r. De r H.ri .our v n~y 1u CstGNFm) R. -· 1 t nt ol.o ur c y, :. v ::- R&O N X" ~' 1~i rm I, k M A. l' Qtl I • A b\ . Ii 't1\ii~ 1 ,.,, 1Ji t 1. lJlut'l wlv~v~1 ( . -5~ 1)5) , --(DrlEiT ·~1.eph a n t \ ~ i() l''V'~ . It,' I A1\ul'IH Mi1'1<.w 1 1ill,lt) c Femal. 11 01ttt.11 neh tv:_ Do.~o of lnJlt 11t:rv ~nto ti t O:.~ <i1• . 1l'lf1 tll'), 'r;rrie mr l'\~lJ..t'Y ~l Sto. ~<:ll~l fl 1 0 M W? I .f 1hu1in 8'5 1 'P (l,rtn1 uh,j, 11 Pl"o C0 ;i.• l6 t; oi•nh 11 1 l Vi 1' /'.l.t 11.lTL I !1 r hldtt.n,;J, I ' ~,..·t~,.. ;pn.l. lll'r.>pl':i.' 'I bwo1. · •\. 1i I 1H•o11 .):f J\1 h , 1m1 !ti· "11 1.uc\ 114,i\ ,t, -Oh (, :\-,~(1~) 5 :(, \OJ'!Ell r~n llf' "l'h i I II. "lllll.!.'.'t'~ ~1,V I A41ll.t1 lo • ....., Minor·= M4l!bi • Ji' 1Ml I ~ C1b'L tUHJ.h1p1"' , D~ 0i o( l a. t l'll t1 ltt:; ~rtr,y 1n t Q Unit d. " tla t un de~· '.L1i· !Hl\\V~ l'.1j. ae1),:H~ 111J>e of' llt a noea 1 !:tr.qrt.n. :rqh:!.pi l> ~· 0 J;.i.L' l to~· hi )'I I Oo r po 1 ~\011 / ' ··"' r n\l.'L vi d\~ttl I 1 ..............,.-+o-..,.;;;i:_.;:c.;;;....;- OU V ~. ~ t l y1 \GI GNEtO) R. ::- •. y -;· . SON letl\nt o t Ql'd n i:mou· . 1010 •LJ."I hl ! o tn~ o S n ~r~nr.i~ oo Unil S ut o i 1p ieru ~ to S c , () ---J:._1~-...L............~---~ Drittl Tt3l0:nl1,nte I l 1 t ~vi.01111 .Ar Ui,. I t .tno:r : ~ Mr l • l :x F11r.r• l1:1 l Cith<lll al 1,P I .J.l....J..~ ::O~ ' f y f. l Opr. 1•11,t i l~~t P l I ...- !Dr, \ lt')il.61)' Bill ' ;'(' :Ci IHH H _ i~ tn"• 1"1 11. .-----"~..i.ii.: 1 __ ~-- ·- V/f I lh~d lHl ,, I P11, rl 1~ rn l ' l 1t'' l ~ · t1, rol ip1 G1 ' 11 Ii l)J t r ..._ _._. ____ f'1~ .. r•"1 ....._. _ ... o i! I 1·.bi \ ti . . . . _._.__. ··-·-··- . . . ". .....---.. l1 -tf•• 'J.'ll' :1 1 r. I. f)I ~ ·ti-- ~·- J)f Q)l tl --·-~-· .... -·- ~--- - 1l, ~1w1.1 l v. ti 11r1 d n 1 M111 ~ f 111• h) 111:1 J A11 l. o1HH 11 11•1c Cl t f1 e , fJ n • II o .k ~ , Q ov l.' 1u•• U1 ,I ii111.1 ''H o;t \/ ~ Lal 1 111· 1~ l' Jvo~ 1; o "r. lit :1 :.i rt l'Jl'. ~1·ov Cll.v Oont,·nl lb ·L~. 1)1 ( QrJ,) ~ .1 f n r t. ,111)11 d 1. fl 1 1t, 1b 1111 nt o!' ti o1H di ll f.(l !1r,iy 2n 1 f!l 1i~ I on 1.';1;1 QJ 1 l~"' rn .l 1:r 1. !t' to 1r~r. n i n.1 rif'i • Ali n n ~ ,•1 oJiou I. o 1 n HJ.'1' 1,1•t v L 1· .'0111 l~c 1 EJ 1. rJV81'. 1 fl, oi•il1 'l.'fJ t,n <11 l11. l.'1i PJ•icn: to or;lg j lH l if' IJ1 ,ll'' .l \;j I O . I 1 Q'V · t•y 01; o:t•t ~ ion t ;i ol' <.>11 n<~J!riJ11p Hi. J 1\ 1 a l'l'Otn l t • 1 Ot VO 1 uo t) il n11 , Ht~ l 1 d lll11i . lHlr>l'fH 1 tht nor:1 Ut:l.o t t'~ r 1 l.11:id..~ttll'1 d n·:in :r.• th ·~• 'ot.1 · 1lf)t;1cm \l11 t)l~ ()I ~ f UI t\1:1.11 w VJ Dn r blr-l tu obb .\ bl rt 1m m1 ; o!1nacH11 :r 1 1'\ln l • cfo v oL' lltiit1n• tci l"t 1 d . nr c;J.. '> j,1v o~~r.1i 1.'1,onbo 01: Q\'J l 1 l lliJ1 jf l r. o nttrrnllod . (1 l..ny:\.l (t, QUI u o ., rt n c ()'( i lo 1 1 Jfonrll 1t tt'Jttt.r '1\t fl, (I -!> •fj? ) niti.LH') lll J,l~J n Off j a,r 42~ 29 , l 'en ~·I .J J (lJ - _.... . . . ----·---..-..,...,.......,...,_.....,.~----~- t:l ti v , b1 ~ unrL11r ,.. - ,G.. Tr 1· Li ouoi1Q l o w~ 1 l? 'l 11, n ·t~~·ri 1Gd1 ·-.--·-- _ l't1on A.rldt" lH~ ~ ""' "" . · - - - - ----· _ ·---- -- - --------........-. 1 1 '• I uuen, o M l.'ITI CJ o vHy pr op r y i 1w r) vnri. H.n 'l?d1 l".l.!11.t 1 in ntr 1:1 n ol'.lQpt Q:t pr r bl. 3rn l lion (! me nt ,b 1 Llc ' O .u'o in ,,n<l1 nm nto thn t, t, i:·. Jeeiaa Ct v l i. u. '.I 011 ·t ·t tie p1:nJ f~ l i p to ·t h . Oh v.r:olot 1 v~~or• " :1 tl 1J111. fo:r. tl\G.l, t If/Ila ~ 01.!' bY' t . 1 :Ba,nk , ·,:z1 . o v• ,ll h nQl'l l tl'»t tl som c V'' nit r linut lio hud et.'t i c j .n Ml le ov uu 1 ola i11 nr" ,1HJ!) , '10 fo'! 1 ~lrl,lJltr: · 1dv'ioed ~ e had. to ill tiewoot n t)1eu11 but wouV pt fJ fl ti a :Lrrr or;11nei 'M.on on to 1L'1:.11t ot c n r 1 ) 1et l urn . 1 On 01 riv11J nt •! k 0 1 v Jrri<hy m rn l nri , ?11.1.v ', t;11, h i J ink: nli i wrn im1·n oyor to nl<l onctor " db~ tho Ilnnl( 1u3 J · f~ nl ownot" but not ndoroed by Ouv • n n li h ~ rG it c · t1nt. r l) ut 'bh ol. u 11~ nf ~l1Jl5~40 \'I ioh N onn i J'I re , llci .n i b~ b 11 ve lihe:ttfl in po~1cia p ion or ou tolltor whi.oh :l.11 bl l.l l'J t. al b \~Sinono N1ot. oe . He pr m:l.Gatl to i.'Ol.lnc'l t h em lltl nd r-oturn inst l 110 \lml to CnV' I 1 n ~. w ndJ .nq. up \ih() !;lir a 1~ or K· oi on !// ll ~ kB oro nr. t.lrn 1 'QJ 1 ~ tronaf'''l' of ~l plnJ a .i t o Karri :L . u soon as 11 tui:n it vo to 111.H. l h nod l olrrurn of th · ' it ol. N~t b i on l B nk on tl nk:~d hLm ror i,):l c1:i1 o~ l1 Flt 1on. r j,t, wJ.Ll w1•ita K1 m l ot' IJh r tu 1u a th pinl' R) 1J> , 1 1 i 11dm<!li.l 1'/.1 1 Tnl1:. 01 CL • o . tho 1 ov fill~ ~ t b 1Jomo r u rn.i t: olonc jng 'bo Onv :Laot1J. rm I* r!'ur n i 11(5 'lihd.I l ink: rH 1 p 0 l ct no ta OV'Ol' 1..C> H '' n. 1 l>O~ cli.SpOO j on . 1tis o 1 e sn '1A.l'o OlitJ.y ( 1o al '111[ 00 Vf3.. 1.t o 1.11 l~ru ck flV <'l t'o 1• Iemc.:t i.• d 1 t.i n11J.r.rnc1L 1101.'n n tl<l 1.':r . l :i.· 1.n 1·1ar • A !1.l n ,, I ror.• Jlt' d 1h S or m n t»o oi' nti 1bout utiot'l 0 O)JOY • 3 , Dunh rn C 'llj\.t 1 h l'.\dd~ ( $. .~()~ ,. ) t 1J no,1 \11 l'.l V1h1n1 1 n o unl"lf vU Oont'l'.·oJ. t1 r,1t,ion ~ 'iJ2 . Ilk !lrov•. liq 28, 1942. Jt4eral IA••r,• .Ba.Ilk o( Sain 1rlinoi100 . Ilk Gron, Oal tqrnia. irb• foltowl11c i I 1t te•1nt or the d~iation nhttng b1hee~ Jll.SM B, Oav• and. m:;yHlt oy r \b:e le al "•nauh1p of a Oh.evrQllt l to-11 tl"\lci:, aieg11t1nd in the na.u ~f .T•11• ll~ O•TI and. Qn •hi oh he ha1 borro-wed a l\la et mone1 tru• the O pitol ati om&l Jiil.ilk ot Sacruento 011 which t.b.ere 1' a b1~ar.o1 o•1U& of $600.00 on •hlch the PIJJll•ntt d,eli.nqu.ent d th• bedc d•11.nctinc ·pqmeiat or r1po•••11io11, tru.Q)r Wt.I purelh&Hd 07 111 in Juct.t.1t, 1939 f:rom tbt Capitol ~aYioltt Oo, tor the lllll $la'>O. o:ii hni• of $(!0(), down in th1 for• ot ~rue in •l'ld. ca1h and th. on a. 1.a..n ot $EO(>~ to the Ille aron of' tb.e Bqk ot .UeriCJa. Mr. Can tro1 1'ho• I had a w,b ac1no7 o.t the ~·~•ral Pt,rli>bum The Q, Onpor&Uo11 lac 1ndor11d 1117 n.oh at •II.• b• bank: wbicb I up 1.ia tull l):I }fov1•ber Hl4<.l, ~· car r•gi 1t1r1d, a. t the t.11111 of ,vurQl1a• l.11 t}i1 ot Juu R. Oav1 for .._,•ncr &11~ OQ COJDJ>llHon ot pq111•nh, he became tile l• al O"°-er \>7 th• b nk tign1ng ott on ~h.• p11:1lc 1;1.111 trhloh ii•• WIU ginn r• •o•a OT•r . In Kfl.l'ah, l ·4').. borro1'1d. $4ll0 .oo tr.ia th Oapit.o1 N t;!.oau1.l :Bin ot S&or".. menbo 1ry.orbr to bq an lri.tun..,Uoil&l 11 ick upH tru.a.k frolll Ju .. Can, pu.t... Hric up~ 1eou.r t:y, 1 Mr. OP.?' l10 t111ned tb note && 41 ltr. ,ill pllJ111 nt• on tlut lll.&n woe 111 d.• br 1111 and tio~plttttd ~rU L, l9•2 • .A.t ttie.t till t pbk wl11, 1n1. U11 In~1r11 t,losut.l. "&a d1nt4. over to Ii l>y t~ billlc but no~ t~t pink dip on tb.e Ob.evrQltt, 11i 1t~ll b•illt r •1t111r1d ~n the 1111111 o .r1u1 OaH. A.11 p et1.1i• on. ~h11e ltu1 were ad• bJ' llt •lld. bh1 tru&l • irt mr po1-.uton, Mr. D. J , ir..u I ..,r•••btO ~·rot thl ll1n•rd :P11;roleu1D Oorpor Hon k11c.nm1 the above tb be th• t'aot1. On ;reoti rin& no t.5.o ot 1no1~ t1011, I -.rrang1114. to t111ru. •n B«•ni;i, 'Wb.iob J had p):'"ioud.7 . . 01i.r•i1 00111 the General troleum tor b)l1 l 1lC1l'11l Dhtriot ind.epe13tl nt of liitll'. 0 ve, to the ht~ f\Ul OU Oo. 1ni1 'to le41 o ""1 ta'UOIO to theta. t iQ •ndtd to i••gi t•r th.iii 1.n th~ 1:1am" or. t~19 eitrl'• J'U•l OU Oo~ 11.e r ht•,r•d. o~•r and 11711:L! a.G ogi;o, J'ol" 1lorcy two rtD!ltb.1 t b~ve bt l'.l trp1ng to 11eur1 th a'.l.1p to th• Ob v:rolet trom C ve 'but b.e.n 111t • th lU11 na.1ion libel' anot:.b. r. Mr, '.Ila t h • aho n.d-e 'Y'ore\1 ti) b.•lp 11e l•~ 1 t 'but wo ban tUl.4 no 111cr.ie11 . I• found. ou.t lilia~ he pink 11, p wu b.i:Ld. b7 tb.e Oapl tol raUoJt 'Bank t<11 ther wit. Ol'll ra~· . aar owned 'b1 Oa·n • 1ecu.rU1 for • lolltl ~n which th J>• i 11 'bal a• ot $600 .0(), Tbey rtf'U,1a t<> ~Y• i. t up unlen tn. loan. it pNd. .b th. •nh deUnqunt ~b \!anll: ~. placed th• ptb•r 1.n the ha.rule of U• 'tt.orne)'• tor 01>llecHo~. lt' tbe tNck h 11po1H1Hd, 1 wl ll. t'ac11 • oae ot tJ-o• $600 .. to 1.000,. becaU.l'I• ot ,., loan e·• cilll'•d. 'p' tav• cm o•~ 111 ~llich h• b11\t no ~ntJ.,r11b n o~ 9'bi<1h h11 borrc.lwtd. W'i thou rq <}on111nt 0~1 Jc~QTlerJf)•. I am ••let. J'<l'Ur •14 in ..ourin bb.i.e o'm rebip oer lt'~cate tran1t rred. o 111 IQ I 1118' co•plet m:r a.rranp·t nt• •1th th hrru l'al Oil Ou. 1'ho •h now 0;11•l'&tl t be h\lek1 for thei nteitn 'f. ---- ____ __ ._,.,. El Grove, ~ y 28 , 1942. s~ Ste.ta of Cal1fo n:1,e., ) Couu.ty of Sacrom nto,) I, He.j1.m~ K4inle1, being f1rat duly i:iweir.n, d pose nnd f3 ay: oncia.y, Ma;y 25 1 194 2 l on 11 e ghtered Orov , C 11.fornia on Fr:!.dl!y, on Thu1•sd y, May 28 , fr.1 n (l~ 1 l la ho l'."d in Flo1•i.n, tinv· about 18 230 !l. 'lhi f3 g:r;i ~'t. ly 1 't; rt' l"r ( ht... ndl! of tha F h ti ch l h. d b1:ten 1lm. rlhr11l .., f' .:, 11111 •• 1i1y nl ,) '•..!~ . . 111 "' r 1 lor .I' a '"~ ""'"' ' fl ' "1t11 l. 1~1n11 , 1,lt w11111 111 htln1 ,• 1 ,, •. , J•f, 7. / I· ·~- • n 13 rv of my u.e1n nd t tbt- Bo.nJ Ii a1 i' a r iign d to go ori Ft• i da,y , " 1hl~ ,- . Into, ''"'J., ,.., .11 •• ,,, •' • II ,, ] Ill 1, B, 1 1 dvi sed by t1 x-om r. to cloa o ruy l:iun ne. IU .t: .1·- •r•11 1 1 , I via. a r r o iv · d w~·ittan noUoe wit h tht3 c oa1n r J. ur o I h · nC)'t bGen of from Ell 1• peoted to l nve ~t 2 P .. M. Thur d1 y, May 28, le 2 d a tin d fo1 1 M nzanar. in Cent 19112 for Fr sno, Oal. and 'J'ruJt t 1;1.bout 11 s:50 A. M. UM2 that I wa y 2 !'Q~ Evncua 1on and wa.~ ae. 1 rv.:id f'o11 A~ !H~m J.y on W t.'brnad y , May r:n, 1942 to la1:1,v THAT 1:rn ~1,Fnsao t1on irn e of 17' $ , 1 fQr p rt .- he p1 rpo ~Y P,9 , V Illa, o Sa ":'r · net uco !Jnit d. S At !I 't11 ' .\.\ 1 I t Atl.d.1·1 QIii Uir l1' 1 ),(, 1, J n .11 x r1 :x (ii 1,l OH 1 ri nah l.p i ..............,,"'-rI) -· .fJ - ... ___ ,._ n()W --· ~""'- •t ...... •oft ,..,............ 1tl nrnnc or .-ik ot' "'JLt- ·r1 •h n!i,dJ.Hriri1 ( ... ~Jar r ) . 11~ 1l11 wH l' 11 -...---rr Te l e!)l . I ll t r.l?lfJ I I nt :r v;t I Mul Adil.r t• , • n r y inl; o U11 Lt tl 0 1m t.~ 1 ~ \l.n<lt.t r ti r i:i n1w11 ~i r :rfl •r:i i 1 ~ 11 lnv1J .l, 11nrl f' ncl .. ,,. 41~ ' ~ ,-- '" u r. n (1 1·v i '1r rl; I r, K un i h rn 1;c·,,p n ,_ __ . . ·-""'"- ·. . -- --'" " ·---·I\ ·-·. ---·· ---·-.. Ad.<h'l'I t1 montl 1 ~lo·-------....,._.,..._.._ n.o w'l 1 Po ,....,,. .. _. . _,. . ___ _.,._ tl'lli I'll 1;1 1H u VI : Min ri1·1 Mil 1 I F r ,1 l t1 : Ci ii:enGh lp~ -- ---·- - - - -1(.jfi\t;;))-·- Dt\ 'r:l o ' lt.1~ t ~1 \1f bn t I' • bl o ••d J."1 li11 11 tn~ :; inl~ aJ llP P ti <ten p1..1~ rt: .ro:i.• on 1.1lHl oon O't' 1 u.o th :r. . lCurnai t g nay b t oj.n · ao {) V'f:}:x' 10 'bllt'l S:tc l1 X111 . \,\)). 0 la I i . 1~. e v" rom11l.ent which in oluclaCJ. t1l o ·r.:i,·u~ol<.: s . )Te noN wi 11 r:1 th tio b('I in hi o n me en l. ~i. J. ow1w • vd lih 'cl·10 s 0111"1). ]'UQJ. w1 r . TheOh v~olet 01nnot b tru1n! rvo t f.>l. .ill/ , ' t OrJ <>Oll t jl'U1.. t onJl. t i•. '11a 'l..11 of tlHJ . 11., nl 1 tr•ol, mn Oo rox ut1on wl the tnc t t r ti ci'l' l't h o < l>a n ·t rrno .u.·u tbo p ~. nk n.U. nuoc ()0 3 . I .P . r1oil l . • 0 Dvo e,tC1. o rli"J bur g r~ CJ\to~tin e ·~ha l 1 10 f.' tt· p tn.k c-1J.i. whi.0}1 ho 1r .r: oe\ to <\n pr vii\ tl Rnme 1, w u~l ( r t11r.n oil ''\U wh oh Oove oJ inil1' 1 be '.l.011.MG d. ·L i11m , '.£Ihl e I ow v l' ;Lo nc>'t 14 1• QUI' p:r;•ob , 'H \ Ull 1i l u 0 I!' VVOfl Jll <.l g~)t'l lll.t( u lly I. fl tnmJ1bl,y , by I I orLU.s t;-o t ll n Cl of '1•11 t; who u clvif.!G~ Onvo thtb wa w i· it11Jio1/:ln,r5 on l~ h re ll) iJ e. i J. oo w a u. I~ t o D11.01, 1. ub u t d 1m.m 1 d ·co tt t hoy wot~u n ti i nv olv cl , Ount uo1;od Mi· . loJ.m r t h;, Cl oplto). I otic)~rnl Hlllk · ~ ld?\t:i hin oo pl'Jr c ticn by wltl hol ~n1~ o.ny ~· po nos~ioti unti.L wra or1 ~1 t:ry nd. r$tra l ). ' n oub 1.illo o . o . Ha M~reac to thl willln ;-Jy. try 2?th; 'l'oi.t nc'lvin· h h (l t l1o wibll dnv· u 1 r~ Ln.g lJJ.m to (t E1 i n t ual with ua . I a.l a o 1 hon d. t;} e >i fJt,l'iot Mi rn(}~ cwldn(.t. hit1 U1101i an l l'f, r; ~n tl ) cit o • ne ac m.ed to{ ~. t on ti bo "d 1 bu1J wur,11 a. uo bo f.'t:J< 11 uni. onhor J)\t~111a fj,;t'fr t , t 'dka Wl'Lh liol.m r.i gli th utllc 1 '.l1b er a'\Jto ne:t i1d lrc e< y gone O\ b uo re posae1JIJ ti a on~ th~tnk tl h :i.t w1 o .n. dlr~t'lcabm.1 11,1 :r o v 1ed I :Lm .I. wo.D in 1J. r~n. nri.1 ti a ii wo wou,l.d )"'UP 1111. )t'n ' He rom~oed 0(1/lin -,J h ld r:r l' J10 j ~ H ion , iny ~>, 11~1 Kru1 i l 13 tino of. d.orm•tui1 o l tlenJ.y tJbun~ C3u f.x1 m 'B'rt<l1. y , ~ y B'Jil.h to hLl1' 1/:\ r. 'J , M~y ~ l • Tlrta · d Hnt ortutl 11 'r) w~ 'V ont d t1j.m u·a b1.i.t c o tl L10 n io1u.· rtr Qha1v o from 3oci ;l. J cu.d. ~y , ll "J h o lrnd tic <JIJ 1 awll'l¢ted f~on 'l.' tino e tinu t on tio M.nllc:nur.,. .rn:l,t we-u p :r crnnt wh n I nine 1 le t, nr.l n i,c~ c v l o,d pt' mlu a ,o c Jn€J in b~ noon M.oh h Ciid not h.U f O. G U,P to UllA t.lmf 0 OU l.(Hl 1,q T~1 )c 0l.'0VCI nil fl 11~0 r ai ~ th rd nk e :11 _ _ it ~./,t.Ch ( , 0' ~ i .,_..._.._.___,,.....n-!..,.t_o_}-··· - • • 'P '.!! .,1h nc J t 11.t"" · l · f l M~u,.l tI Mi.00 1· 1 MJ~l o I 1Llfi , 11'1 1 () ~ 'H'li Di,'· n of lMt, n 1•,v ~)') o Uni, u~l SL t hip l,___ ,...._..._ 111 ........,-~--~,........_~---.....--....~~------..,..........,... ¢~ · r·~ t ·i )l~ u.i a, r ~r{,lrAl\Uey Ii.I.. · · n 'P r. ... w? 1 ,..,...,.~~j.,.,._ ... _ 1 " ' ... _,._ _ _ _ ._"'"'~--_...........,._ ...... 'l: :rP c'f ll'l.tllin.oa•u l.>ti..r ta,1~ r~h.1,p& FrQ ri. 1il'>:V ip 1 01'JJ''}'l11rr U1 n r h\tt t rj .d\lfi], I ~L.V- , 1 ob r cl~ h~1~i tn, n~ wl H' 1~ ( zi-.- O! D) - .. 11 m .L Jih'i1l o \'If tl\lil __ -,..,-.........,.._~-~---~~--· I u 1 •Ir I ...... ....-.,..._.____ ,, ~--..--- ........ ,t;-l.. j os rvo llM Ag ll of Se 1 'Uni Ql' th Mu~t t lillnor: 1 i~I 1 hq v l'rl 11 hlll1t' I a , --rem-ii-·- } Dn ' t··~! ll oi ont:ry i. 1i o tJnt t ~i Stnt ll f I~• Ci .l.'~(l Tl hi ti 1,. !.,., · ,..., ,..___...,._ __.~_.__,_~...,.,...~ ~ ... -------...._..--...,, ~I;~ <I T·,1"1) (1 11£ Bun \n rt I Pft. r n n· hip I 1l' \ 1~ t11'l l' flh \1)1 h Ooi- •o r11t 'l t1l\ I !.) 1,yitJ,U,n.l 1 1 t ~H.11 1Jl Vll.1 Hq '1ra 1'0P tll'1i .'f 1) 11 1'1)0J 1 l~· ~ IQ 1. r ph . nvo1,v Ot 1J'' I l1. "1 lH ,\ (U ' d r • . 1(,~ f11t11 H1y ?0 , 1940 , IJ ) A!!l,Lon. ~1 km 1• il< fihh1q ll ( rf·~.)O? ) dd tio 11 1~L 'arrin l~hQ 'O ---··- .... ... of. \ lll I I I() l ) llWl\\)ill' I .,;HlCi· n IW~' · -~ .. ·····- -- ~ - ... r ul '"o ~ ·ve .b.1l.t\l\, ot' Sa11 'r nci co AfJ IAC:ll JI f tho tJnh~ I 6QD.t f .A.rl .~ r. 11 1 ' I L~ n.~hi.l 1.U1l':l Oit PLl. i o! 1.ot1 • -----.~·-~-...,1'" _·,-.. 1_0,S. _··-·-----·t . _. . -----.. ,. . _. . ........--.---·.-.--i----,_.. __ _ /l.fld l• · ~ I ... ----,~-,.-- ·--~-- _ ... "·· ,_.......,..,... ... _,_._ ....... --....... ·i---- --,...... . . . . . . . . _ R :r.,.r, to repo:rt ot Maroh l6 1 l\'141~. (See Sant• .Roa l tter or Ma7 ae. 1941) p 1'111 llnplem n t • and 111aa )l in ry re turn d to deale~ f ·"' H. 1<ll1.icl 1,~ I !fi/\,bt ch~ c11t:l.on i,l, ( !l... 1)0)~.l ) Dil'ti<1t ·.,. to lr i.J.c> I ... I.(' t'I • - ~·~'Bater 1 L'11t T!~leplionID: Inte.r ricwr, ~ .U.11tt1 \Uno1•; Mn.hi ~· I"'" hl)'Ul.hl 01 t~~·E11tlihtp1 '.L1y l,'Jt' .I}u.u\nt1Br11 t)o.r tnu•nMrn .fropx·i t1>;ruhip1 V"' Oo r po 11a. bi.01H l n<ii V'i dw l 1 .A.ddr nti 1 .. ~..:...L (b.•oIJ a I ~a D1ahi of 0. l t't:J. H 1. ent, r;r in.t o Unit e: \l St ,,.__...,..,__,.....__ . 1· 1. ~ ' 1?r1.l ~i n~\l 1wop1 ~· '!" .LtlVO),vo11 11.nti a.. 6l\linll11 l t~ctr ot .i ~• cm Xr t \ J () ). ..,.~- ·,.. ....._. _ __ ,___ . ' • M ' l.i tMh ( ~~)OFJ~ ) w l' 1 l' V'i - - - - - - _ . . , . -....-.----.......-- .• •)ll ' ''tin ' 1' 11r ·bl. 1. 1 J11na ;30t~, V.tSUH. tu1.di io HJ, ljlll ()ff w~,l~'t1 .ad ~ . ~ a.r,'{ D ' 11 --·-·--·. ...:~ F•....,~·-1'" ~--·lpo•--·-· Ou~ 1>ld tr~~, Joh.I'\ Kan.e1 w,•a 1 lrlUI S.n t\•ot.t\J~~ be uwe ti• Qff'1ld\ tti• Bt.nk 0£ Ar1~~~oa l.7,,00 Qltl a ~r11omi.i lo&r\ endo:re1•li tJy 11c11M f~1,•1nd• &rid n tural,ly the bank 'lflA-lilt ct th«J1r RI ney l:>itfor thy •11 H• arranhf t.o pny IU\d di~ l\o ye ~~BrdJ.y wibh money borrowctd !rQlll a fello" ~ I" \llld r · Tr t1«1. J\.l.Lt"Y' LL Q1u1 0 :rlll Y!?: !l' n1~ or Runin .lfHl I l' ,rtn1r t.Jh l 1>1 l.>ro r !. to i•oh tpJ 011rpriNt t .I. ~m I ! 11c t vtllu l l I _ ______ k of San F.ra.110 1 1:1 o of iti, ltn.H \'J, a,.J:;,ea .... 1-41 ~--..._-<!lat 'l1 l el) Alli I fohl'Vi e .A.dli.r r..cH1 1 01-··-- IOr'l : I! :X r at ,-:r.-.-----fl~:"i-- .---·--·'tit l'l.d. il013l~ 1Of" · a!(e ·- -.,...._.:-:1... t' <I 1. M\L / ·~lit. ----r:rt.n:r·r -· Uno .. Born ln'"__o0·-1 lr. ---------N,,_! __,. .. ;,~ 1 ,, ....- 1 !'1.I 1 1 --·-.,..- - -.. . . ··· 1.·, mo I·"A ~• ._...,_. ---- - ... ,..._... ,. .._.,.._, a.a abov Jhr l)P ! \lf,. J I' I ... _ ....... ~ - - · _.. _ ~ f '•' ._,T l ~·o qn t n 01·v1 •1 11 d : ft. c ~ 11 1 nn - --.....- __ ....... ..,_ ---·~ ~El )._~---..---···--··-- - - - >1' l' '' r)hJ.o,..i lt v ou OtNAs thts ro. ertu on1e Uq.rrovern nta wh oti h hfl leae!<i tQ e c>ol hal. 11n :t'll~ stor~. bou~I t tlH'ei rope:rty in lg•o tor :~g!ooc;>. le .Pti1d o.bo1t 3,!50u to dat l nvi.n.g ~ b$l noe t1u o.t' round 5,~0o to th 0 li~na V' 11.e:t Sldg .... .i() 11 J l!IBI\. .k ay,m. nt s "" or ?5.14 1 l' tno. ,,p.tns inte~ flt & ~ :IC 1!. lla la 11ow <h tl<}.U nt 4 montl1e • . ~'hh i s n 6 ~ 11 lo 11. l lt I, lo ~ hev ba n Tsry n 1.o to him l'ld r wnHirlg tor hir11 to o oae d., l o ht• h ll a \a n ~n bla to f iQ<.\ t~n nt to;r b.itJ iool hell or d_.u tor • ~'N d· ys ~Ro h tnou~ ht liu h d a d a . al.l ma e With ~ H l bl\11 th l ,r e t l t nrot1 g , ij o llao an orter <>t !50 mo. t or h l ro p ;rt~ but tit t 1 n.ot itrn o ueh t o ay th'9 .D. & L. Pri ni- l!J1. l las ll l. p 1'11 r y llw d vn tl 120' on Ytlh "h tl :re !HP I No - "" ~ A to IL d r 111•( 111 'bro ~el" 111 :Jto tlk: 011. of <J O>n t~ ld r lil. o ~ttd. t'l6 h1tn, in n(f viant s ~ txi v 1 r>fl.r- A1 ·l:l• n l:Rkr nt Uu to ()Of'\dlt ,t on thin 't!Oll ~qu1t;y, 1\dvla tY <Ille to c o n~iil.t w!'th. J.n ia ourl.nK a t n. nt nr.I a wr·J.btien &P,;t' ein J.ook: t er t1lle J:'OI '3tt1 ror him n . 11p;p ty J:r be did not t 1 'belb.l~d. in ll'lt retJ t .nd mak any r~aaon b.l , ymen t , t ll, t~a a.r t o b a pr tty thin • ~ ~J . 9.iK ot their ~oJ.p ·t it t':r:om ·i;h ,111 tet.1n . tl'1. tY' would re.o.t tb l l oont1•1H~ t lilO th 11 t~ an{ .1naurano nd llOl.tld hi a own .r bl p or th rq etl1~y tnl ght b o\lr 60.d b h ld t'P h ,i.JlL tor the ure,t on. lt b o s not ti v t 1:,10 inu h be.~ lllok, tlt'-o j)rop :rt}" shoul.d v tltll l l y pay oft. To<>k him t o J:JertJon w1.tl1 n1tnoi+itr to ie$1U ern1t ~ IJ1 11il o 11:' I i.11) Oir1 a~~ t o fi er RI ChM·"rt i g undH '1.'re P.llry' ~~ 11n11<1 .~ l'er.1 •1 . e f:l t,c,1. t r I ri 19 2 ~ ............--.-....--........- ...-•.._-,...__.--.,,__.,,.__... tq~,, Ljj'l', n1'W'l 1 _JLqn&,""' . ___ _,....,...•- ...~...-.,.,.....• .,.........____ A 1h· ~ a 1 .J.:_J__ < :1 ?fJ.... -------·-·----,...__ ...... _..____, ... _...__ ~c h R·~ t'I , • ll ~. , n I uw 11 \th~r- 1 n0 CUlSID b 11Mo tr_. ~i.l.s.n.1 Oft1ce dated _ _ )_Hj..!.~.J& i 'J:l~ l1 ~.rlltA I T nt·eJ .1h I'll I I tb lJ'V'l WI .A A<l.rlt 1111 1 uit ' t~r 1 01 : v'1J., I (! h11.1.;l 01.t ~ ll · r',f 1, \ T,"1') 1t of n. w1.111 l!l t11 1 •od Sb~ t 0 p I _....,..... :1!'11r l.11or11M p1 Pr· on~· l 1 ~ l'> 'r11bip 1 Oci ~,,., O'r 11t101\ l t 11d j vidun.1 1 P~' rBO lli In _,....._......., ~. i -~--.- ··~ o;rvl lJ ... ·~-·- - . . --·-·-~,.,.,~~---,.....,...,.-·-··...- - - ~ ··i d 1 " A,1Ld.r M1 I Ell.\ _ ___ ... ._...___ __,,__ ~..,. --"'r"""-.-· ---· ~n I (l I - --- ·-·"" -----·-- -~--------·""'- ..,............ ... ------....~ - .... ....,.............. - sold t.hdr to.11WJ.t.o pl nt• t/Q l"dic9 ft P•N1ll,i. OannintJJ Oo. ot Oitroy •nd l a.oN of onion19 ricl 3/4 a.are~ p£ ourr'vn.t_. to Hav or llolliJ' with ! .a. A. 11.ppJ'ow:L, t rrnitu~tuc;I theit· ha Yflt..h 8~t,1phen La.ll'a.goiM• ,, fll'O/llf • A.ii~ \oh uMl.tiotin.l •}" 'O Q ·ll oi·· 1Jr)l\iJ rlb1q•y 1 ( u,_ij )I} ) 1 Thiiy h8Ve y L 11 r.1 i urn.11in··T-Tr1·1n ) fl.. .1lr. ~i · 1 t. l --- ; rt!Jla_J,a {cHvo;} Uox 10 r;.;.-;--~t'-ru;ib;0-·-...- a<J. r; ) ·. F r..r• l I Oith nahip 1 V•d • • ~-~--- - Y. K me ~~Ai - -....-- · - .. - · ·"--t-........ ov _ ...... non .. n hi i~ 1 f.13 th &. .1. tJ :l' )lJJ.1% 1 '.Ph 11, 1na ~ Oeo~ •...._......_. , •• -·.......,....-.J. ............ _ _ ........ ._ .... ' C!l)llO ,... _ ............... ~- h o rtd 1t I Vl'lCJUfte Y.. on o'r tile m n , l une, 8:11d h.e h11 oJ.Cl h.I. tom11 to ' J nt.a r 1. l ruth'J Co , ot U1 l ):'P:Y O ll r, l'h y atiJ 1 h v t?f on lon n 'VH!tflk:. 1 nd h v BQ l. tl< °" d. br1.n pa q.r l.11 ao1 1m D'ind. th ctetement bo1..1t om to a ttd onloJts to b oorot ea evr eu l o tiled a ra wt h L 1. . ' 'ol hi wh. h Plll Iii w re 1 bo1..1t his Hlitr~ o r 'Ill ., Ill l'lt.1.onJ 0.8 th ' ltarn tlv·fto . stated t~ d.aal,er wo11 .cl not lJ Y' him. whl'l ho non id r d . ffl lr A«t, t r 11 1,nk·1nt rios a.nd. ll vr.~cu t(l)d, would. rob~l'>.1 y bx<~ng ~ isl · o thtl onm Wh n h wu lei oi San lr!lll h c. 1,luU•d i at~~1 lJ r.if t b _j;~~~~--d•pl m I I rit ervi,ew1 A ul·ti 1 M ~ tJ 'I Mril J 1j I Hl~ t z 0 1'\ i'l'>I _ __ Do. r o . ... _...,....,..___,...,,.. _ _ ........,...,,_...,.i_ ~ .n· f J3uni 1J1.1A111 l' l' tn t'l1 h1pt '.? ' rn l?r o1i d ctt nrrl' 0 1)!'J1 ll"fl i.1.1 t tn1•1iv LdunJ 1 A. ~1 r, C)tl 'V it 1.0~.>fln ~131tJ I ll t''V tl 'lf<"d. I ,.... _,,. ,_ .. -t _. '.fl:U · 1 "rihon e ~l\JTilb rl nt, Ila ~~ "'I - l 1111=a ···~"· - ' .. .. ~ 1d . I 11 11 t.n'km1 t rou1> t·, ,t ~ 1ont.. of 20 Ct\ijOI! 1 onl.1 - aonio 1 'I hr v b n ll. tlli KJ~11~217, ~I •, Knm t llol Uu~ r•, t10 C) , IHI J Oil I P, -- ~ -··~-·---- •• l~ 14tu t.. n:I, wi 11 · Q ~o a ll hie 111+0 1/-;. t.on Cl vr /" .r~. t11 1~olt , 11 p, :l..1•1 ...... r.Qll~.r ~Una ~· Ill;1.t g Lllll !ollovd.nn, - <1i. o~ in lud d iH eo.t'l.j,o~· t'( pot•l.t!. ""--.....°'"'..... ol.d I j.11 Oll~vroJ. t t, •uck o •I . '. Nut l.111.f, ti 'J tt ti, i <lt.:1.~itl tlf both. :1. i •• tHH y o Bu ~(l ~c ~ co ca1l Agent a 'h \luit. !l ate a " p J;/l fi~ 2e) I 0 I •- 11 l•l)h omn 11\t, e rv '1n Art M1. LOl' l ~I btJ,. l •. I r, l l~ : <;i bun l i ' - - · - t o.B ~ r) ntr ;r in to Uni t d ~. OHI ,..... ".--........,-----·-~Po·~·----·---·- ,) .. ~ ¥l ...____...-.....,.~-t .._...Ffe'"_ ... ,..... .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ....-...i _ _ _ .. 1.1ii'1t1i:i r1 ll ~ r!'r Ii r n T htp Adrtn ~ II I 'Pr d llt OI" I 1(:1 1 Ori~· •l:\'nt ~ ti t n.~ 1., l. d.\u 11 ... __ .__,_.. ·---' · - - - · -.. ,.. • or· n 1111•~\ h1~u 1 0! 1l Ii tJ ~91.0 Ghr.tvro ti p·,.rn ; 17, · rJ A IJ1 1·1• iv x., 23 Cl. ov 'l'l 1~.'>' •·'1,dli r1.rlc.\1. li o Ii J. l;> ( ~'~)I)~ ) v rn ~oLh ~ 11 WhtH' tl jn r1.r n 1 -----· ot·•-- .. ~· .. -·~ __ ..,... 1t. , ton t,1 11\ k 1 un • 1 :J t-,11 1J 1L, :· 1ui ,J t n. 1 • 11, Lu oopy t1i' b ,l l ol' \l;, i~k or o' Sv h iJr.i.i ~--TDn:-'n1·--- llnnt11 r (i'sh >ho~ 1 AME~. l YOSl1IYUKI_jG6Cl. V. ) 't i ~31:viowe x: _,_,~$ "r n n1i}-.. . .TPr :t ntT~oI~;\.,--- i\ 1d. r t!~ O I __)i ;\tl\l l. ..1~- 9.. _l.Q_ ___ ::::\_...,_____,_ \, S r ~lumb 't on 111.' H 1 I o ~: t Mn.l " 1 X x F~·nr~ l 1~ 1 Oi t~ nohitH._ Dut, "!l o J' t l o.nb U .1 • Mdm: • ':ti o of cl StntcJnl ..l.UfilS_ ntr:r in110 Unt __ Tro flt.u·:r I:d o.nt o no\\1 11 .._...... . , Bttei.th111 ~ I l?A.rb~ ~nn l. p i x !J)'om·i ·t or nh.ip l O •) rp • >r1~ 1. o J~ I T.ndiviu nl 1 P •l 1 nd 01' 1u)blom 1 l ' I)) :(O\lnger broth :r b v fl.l'.1 ~l.l~n an.d h.rtv abo11t bout 2 anr o 1)1.'l tb ~c to the o nn ~·y F1li.oa &: 'J.lh!a boy, w1 .b. n a tathe' been op retil\ • to rnato 1 nt m.i:r ry n :r 00 10()0 p:Lr1n.t11J tbi.s 'far. 'J!ot l er aige 1 ch 'I li ve.. '~bey ~e b01l·t to melt a ale r r llli t it:roy , ror t~K:in.g o :re Q't th 01L1ng th m iat p.t11n.ting tim. • IJ:•n a Oeal. h.1ui not y t b er bovi ev o~ came l.n. Y1ith Mr. l.bert 'l!d~, 2t3 Ole V'6J3 J ve~ l nts and. ocnolud d. n Jo1H, who owna a r rtch 111 th1t Urrn. Jumn dit:itriot nd i ame, n1 ha o .1.<1 · ton tru,i:ik to r .T ix tpr t75 whl oh t:r.anaaotion 1 $ egi a b , to bo h artteu nd oo y 1 belng lar wtth ua. ~h l.J . • ~e b ln~ d. v1 d ot thls tr n otion and 1alao of th riding tom 1;o r n. eotioll ~ll inb wll. l b r port d 11,,r wh.,n. OtJ111p ted. ' 1 •l.l r) n ~Ak'nn 1• W r t'lliu "'HJ VlhOl'\l oQpy 1.rr bill or a l on t;ruok 1111d gi.vins y or a m•a to the • ~ ti· find b ve not1.f'J, 'l m tanJ, to 1J En.lra end. ~Jr,lng in hi a dis 1 with th 08.flJUJ,).'.')' Will ob h p110 "' 615 to milk~ t~r eprov J, whett tl\e~ h ve g;tt at1. o.n ~t, o (J.ditd onrtJ, B p pt trnn l~ Cl ll!lrtf Ltl t tV 1 l/illd. teat~d n• Jank ct I ~iu'lci ~ oo »'1riM'L.. A '~ nt ot the Uhlhd. Sti;t u !lo lill'n.l :Ro -- .-.._,,,....., .. ,. ~--- 0 1c. l' 11/J.,i ~ undo r l' r ill __ i·11 MpJ rJ oi1d 1tor ul tr; 1 Oor11 n1·1 -,........ ~on• Ill(i I Vid\Ht.1. I :1 111lrl). {$·· ~1 )~'.i ) on f ...... '). - · .. . 1t"" .. •• ~ir t.: ----·· __.., ,.__._.,...... . _... . . . t ---~--- Hi ~ .. . I ( !• ·...... -"' -i-... •1 .,.,..,,..__ .. ...,....,,.,._ , _..,__~·"~--._.....~...... "' ..........,...1,.... ... ,. . ... <tr< 1J~)~t) 0 1 lJ1111i'lUiH I P ,, , _., _ _ """' .. _ ·~ ......... .... _,.. . . -·- _ _,. .,_. ,_,. ._ ,. . . ., IHI l tl{ i:i \) : ni1.1 ,1! .I '~, •.e ")1-v l4.l /lie, J\t r,Jf UJ. nIr n I! of: S tJn1 I /·· · / 1 1,.. ct,; T~- Taa1 a.plit1n0 I X1ta "V\ 01 1 .,,l ~ ;.·;· ~ 'lli'l' : 4t1l 'l I lf 11: hi y c:J i 1i i 7. l~l\lhi].) I_., ._IJ\_(l ..;...[..:....;,:o..;... lJ !' c:11\ lfl At .r 11J1 1 (I l' Vi l W d. I .. ,.----.......... . ---~-·r.- -"""'·~ ----- .,._ ..........,__ __ ___ _..___ ...... ·- --- t'l '''ltl' "1 1, 1 '1 ~ "'A ~ 1.111 1 d.d1 (f ' !~() II)) c 1.0•11r\ 1 . -" Jr , · -~,_,___,,_._ ------- .,.. .. _._.. tl 7 11 ____ ........., 1 l! 1 ' • ~""' 'tul. I H lOl' I Ml, 1 11tl1 ~ 1nt1..1 Uni ti d St 1 Fun.tt1 1 Olth 1 ohi H -u.1o1.~_.,....Jo1,.1.;u. .... -.,.----,.-~... ~·-, o·C lh.1.c li1 .i a1 1 · on l :i t P11l't11 p" h l p I .l1rCJ 111 Jat1'1'11 1 ~ P 1 0• !J' " 1 1 t. l vil\\1111. 1 )I Jl. ~l '•I p l?r r r i 1111 r>i~•.lp1 !:'~ ~· tl J l'Vi •Hi'QCl l A.ttrlr n l t 1~ 1 1 Hit', LtW l J,v1 l - T l n">h• .:ii/t,C'/4~ u nrl tH'l'.ljl t1 lfi:r ,h1 )'I J:t' ) l , lq•, 1 ...._..,.,.-~·-- ,.....--···1 pl (•111 ---- I I J O/f; .A1 t,1r 11 1 '1'1Nn l ,.. .A" 1.tQh nd.11.~ •i1or111 ( • .I IJ% ) rj·t 1;' • lH 0 l\ 1JW7 1 T;ni , D o1' antr• illto U111. t, ct S t11. n 'lJ·•nq Euaiii sa 1.kei:rt l.'rtr 11<1~· hip 1 rop ~ io 1 n'J W7 I 0 ) tJIJ •:i f 1 l'110n n •r1l rl.p1 In~l '/.."'' !J.1 11 )l\(JJ\I! 11 1>010 of Am h l'IH t l.t" • Od 0 lon A. c: 1 0 1 trk U.---·-----· ___ ...-·-·-··-··-.. -~. 1 tforo'b1 I:' I -_ ___ . -__.,. --·-·-,.. .... 1lt' /'I l()WO .~l.)Q ~· "f'O 1'111 t~x o t1eul ~ .h H 1· or:~rd 1.u 111 J' h r vln1t Lr> Lio l.111Hlu , '1 J lli1 Ill w~ h tu''• ~ owar ~li .. ooll~olllon 1 1~11 pl'«f 1 u'l 1,1 ii' n l~ h l~rl.d. iti,11 11 1 ~ f,ll\gO I\ \11)\QJ'H ')0'.i:i) I i• . ~ ~1·11fly 1.cir< •I " A. _........., n~tt ch A1 vi r;d h 1· t to \Dr w ll 1c>l1L ''lH 1• ·r d J ....... l' ln t; bull 0 l l' n1nrt.h f1~1Jdi o M ;rt 11 I · - - - . , ..•_ _._,.. ___ _ Cor} rirn. 101 ; Inei 1 vidu J. 1X: l 0 I I I\ I llH'1{ ht\ 11 ..... ' I __ ...,... J~il II I Mno r i bfol I ~ .'f'f1 1 ~ r n1 r , h 1, H 1 \ vl.d\.11 1.1 vr. til x T lt phi:m . 1-lut 1 r r _ J!Lcna . -----·-·- ---· -----·- I 'Jh ·i i. ci1m.l pi,,,, 11 rt:1 1i:w o:t _ .....AJlQlr•......-- - - - - -·- J tltl.t·I' ~ti : ··- - ---- ·-~m.iaok, ._Oen.tar___ .. _..,.__ __ N , d 1 t1 0 1• r.lp 1 1~ 11 r •irnt~ t'l hl l ui·Mlll Int ~n·'f 1 Ft.nil oco 11 r t' pr b 1" 1 Kam.igak1 I A cl:r Su1• ( om ;r Rte 1 ci Box l8 ·-..··~---ciri;- ·e-:Ti-d.!7W;"t:1-~~---Byron, 0 lit. ...,...,_..,..(Oi·yr--nITi.\t ;)- - l:'\0?;' 1 M 1· 1 11r,F1l 01~ t :.iflrHl i:i:J'l '~APJ!~~.s-~ --.-.--O:.•Jl''\~ i nr; \tl1:d r T~· u.r.;; IA ic~u X I ~~L ___,..,. -.. . ..,.--. . No a \<J W? ! C R1.lrJ:l..nun111 i o.t'tn Tllh1 ,H Pro d ,1 t o1• h;-p 1 '.l;,v-riri On I11 M l'/'\ 11 n1 ivtd,un ll X t t' I ....... ..........,. --- ........___ .,...._"""____ . __,..,,.._.... ' 'P1·1.1.c1.pti,. J1M1' r y tri Nh 1 net l' 1 ll 1' '' I nt{' )1 l 1 •• b Oi l to rGpo;r•t of. Ap~i l 22.. .l. g a • Lt i rm , i,, lttHI r ljc -4,bO'Vl!J );) i·u;y a ll d 11 t l3yrqn' Ap'r i l e~th.. 0 ha 1 dt!tposited oneQk to;r bro tiher 11 1nm.u• t:io :r-a~1wn With~. lt. Li;(' lnauruno~ Oo!upe.n;y e.t St0Qkton5 the1 :r nyeistig tlng the tll.utt r turth 1' to e if' th a n ()o I't oh ~k du to 1/h taot that broth It' is in J pan an th ~e 18 no V'I y to obt 1n h1 iu1 ture to neoesa ·ry pa~avQ. Above No ot x>~:r.t1 i:>n " 0 ,, p rty ill! bo into n. m ot N .n ~ ki ~irn -i1""~ri .. A • rua , 1 Rt l Kn1 o 1 --,·mv nl :Box 18 n 'lfwnl>e-rT' - -Cat rec t Byron, ccTtWT--------D1. of l o.I.\~ nt.ry int o tfll1 1 · ~1.i ''\ i ., \1.llQ r ' it'r~ 11'\.ll:'y ti ~&n o !J: ;.rpt(fJ 0 t :B\lill i n · fHJ I P rtn.rr 11h ~ p r l'rc p r~ht uJ•tth.i p J nr J.'l ' r rrt i 0111 ln i v it;lun,). 1 x 'P.Ti.(d ------~O d. . tf\·t nai I-'' M \11'? I •Jl' --Y- on ! T1 ~ t1 t• y l volv \i. nt nO):'t ~l'i l 14..1 Hl42 ~ rap _ ___.A.bova _____ ---------··-_,,-~ ... m ph.1m ' it'"-) ,PMP . .!~--r-·-·----..-__.;,--~ ~~ ... Above i·vl.itw d r - -• ,_,__.... cl ---~· .........- - - ~' .... 1:1 1r 1 , None .......,_,_....._.. ______ ·--.....-- o'f p r · bl In f .R tu ;rm~Cl wi tn lictOe Uf),~y f or,tns trorn. Oiit<i O:t'fI.o ~ Naw"Yo~k Life In1.1u.r no Comp ny,. to b• .t:Llla~ poliqy, Ju 'l out to p1 y p $llliurna tor ttu• o yanrs on brother• e :p :n r.o irfld b:rQth :i."'a 0$.gn tu:re who 1 in ;r ;p n~ ' fl. •ir• dVifled bo S toolctox~ o:r:rio Of l"'ew Yo'.J;'lt Lita to oomp1et p~~~r ~ if ~0$ 0 ~~1 • n t r red ~boy pa~ty to tJ.on 'l'rE\YQ;l.. J> P~p titmant. Stoolt.bou to alcae 1 J.:{e wr tt r. •tiJ.l ijo of PElar ona io t :rV"1 w <.\ l l\io o~ p TflOPl!I involved 2 "' t,t.ndh. ~a l o ~ NI)• ( ·?0 ~ ) ~ut nee 011 y Al l 'L \,lad ~e;r:ni.Lt to go to o,~ 1a thil3 ioe or reau.'J.ta. or I ch no tu -*= Ar.:.ill' "T:';;";'..,_-I>c~ Ll!lll ~ Tel fot n1 ..Adel"tall ll I ij.o~ifo l Box: 18 ~ul''\' 141 ; nti•y i.iit,o U.nit d $tn.tq" 1 - - lfo d IJJ r T tlt\U1;,Y \ p J•I) 11.crH on. tw l'.: Xii Oil M W? I ,.. ,... - l' '/ ti nci M~., · ') . Ji? • oLv n. """• l'\ n4di.ti lott/ill l1f ( ,, ·~0~55) lllA tla .Ad.ti.~ I X JI Wh l'il IHIO a& ;! Jn.~1!;._~t ·---~--..,,...._.. ,. ri · X 1 Ci!;i.~ llal A.fltl l' C fl I "Tlrit r.1.18.1. X F'nir.rtl!ll,, O"l l f • {bi t'y) - - - -.........(]'t";t ··y---"~ oi' o.s~ WI Mi11ioin K1~L I ·-istl:"eE)t 1 J:l1t !l J b~••11H "'""'"·"' io t .i~~ne !!.. tl'\by ~l l!.~..!.- -,..-;; r ~ ,.,, ,J ··tt·-- -_,..,,.,--_,_._ ~I '· of Un . I\ t.1111 1 ,.... tt "li' t'~ 'S\tr n~e r-~(j}r Ll; ~. ,..;....._ _,l;.,-...~~.•1--....-~ ( Sta•e 't nd Byron, rwnb ''t!; ·-·- OaJ.H .... ) -....___,___ ...,___ { at.r,t ---.(~Ci,__y Iln .t1 q f lo.o~ ent ., 1nt;o nit y-- 4 tn n r 'Bun ~n IHI I ,'/11 h.r n1rraM.!) 1 Pt'lo r i 1lo:r~1 1r1 J..c\.itr OrJr 'l ~'n ~ 0111 I\ 1ri: •..»_o!,___ .,_ _____ ·-·---· .-...---- _ 1vtd\l 1 I 11..,n ..,..~ O rrl ot ' Ill 1,f1.k I) I* ' Mll11d. 8tlo~k 0•1 off oti, 'Pf\ 'I 1'+1 h11 1.r1 rt o nlH)" p1 t ';f 4 ll:ft'Pn, ti' ho ~\t1d1•1 'NJ h11, r h1ru ~t • l 0 0 !i 1 o of .P l' 1\0rt w cl I' ll<~nR tMh nlld. t t ~ c IU J;lfl l:JI ' d'jo ) . \iihBl'l,t I uu1-r:r _ _ .. _ _...... , .... _"'f' _ _ .., _ _ _ ~ "m . F' ..,"' LY h: 1Vy A. I OJ ,. . ("' I I .I ,) NI> Nf, 1 o 3 f g4 I c r r 11 der1 1. Iloeerv ank of S• n f'rnno.:1. qo \l . o. lJol<. :3l2B, T raLirial. Sf111tion fi a ti t. , ~lll.l'lh Mir on Cl n1•l Iii r\ I Am w1·i , t1w i n r \',OOA, ~ rd o J 011.'.1,<I np l:lrt11'111t : ot t tJi'r.l.nt' 1110 1 n.,~' oonc1 1.rni. 11r: ti'L 1 Ll.l);'. 1 t Ola'rJ rlvl {r " t.Tlll,( , ti, YfJ Kll.lllih .r Ji'm il.y . J3LO/ Fr .nol. o S ten .1 ~ ---...-...-(0 t T~:r. l'hon 1 I 1..te:rvLovn .i\.<iul.t I . . u ' intll' I {_~-~~/ ---·\Stfite) P t of laot nnt ro~w ~ lnt o Uni Oi "' h~111Eirdrn .. ·---- ........__... or nt.l J..11 1uu l' rrtn r h1J>I .V)1Qp r ~ , o:r l l Tll I11diV'l., -~- ______ . ____ ...., \I' lH '~At rt. b t•< 1 ( .,.~1C1~)~) ___ ,.. ..... ~- __ _..._~_,. 111 I ·----~·-- t, l tJ )I _ _ ,__ l St1 01i,•p • r'll l o I , I .... l(tltJ I r, n·1\.J.l'l l -· ........ ,_ + i ton11 Pl!.1. UH wh ~'iJ 11 o Ul\tW ---·! ... orler~ ~. l l1 l cul •a r.·v lia.nk " • gent ~t' tho .Mul.t ; i.nQ:t' I Mu'.1.1-l l Forrnl 0:1.tiz n ~--..---.._..----~~---_ . ____,,_,_.,.___ ',;, ~ o,,, r .H '· ti A.tld:r fl l _ __.,..__.. ,. ,__._...... ·---·--. -...Uur btJl' I _.. .,_. . . . . . . --· - . . . . . . .-.. , __,..,.. - ..-~-,,i..,· ,, 11 l prop i•ty· lnvrilv1 d 1ml IJ f probl,1m 1 ' ( I ' , t ?: ,1 'I' I I~ rI I ~ 1l lr f II ., , f 1 I I I I 't 1 ' I ' ) ' I L. 1>1 ClB W h lM Ii I. ~I l.' H11n1.1 <l l,o 1 l '\.> •. I I 1' IJ.'>t'f.)>l Ro...ae1•Te, •uk o·f S~n i\·olld uao 1 • 11.n 1 of the tT~i t 11d fl ·L. fl ----· \rt~ ~ 1J10i hl!lne1 Int n~ ~ Wl ·.. · ---:- Ad,ui~; lHnci)'I M~l.01 ll"lllmp).ql OiH~ :nnb.1.1>; - · - -- _ of: lha 1n 1.1 1 !> I~ l~ tl Ill 1' r>hi "J?.l. P or; o'l' ul1~P 1 O q1·~orri ~tlrH 1na.J,vld\lnl 1 Ao1, \ on t I n1• *A1i li t A1j, nd ( $.,..1)(.)1) ,, ) Hun11.1 t)(l.~ill Wh .,._.......,,.. ... ,... _ . . , _ ....., ~ ---J..-.-~1 ...- "'-•" \it ;;·, L ~. e k o f ~Ill::. l!'t r, cL o ve nl A en~ Of tn . a n' ~ B n~~ J\c\u.L , ~ Hinoi ~ Mrtl · r 1 11).·l l i..-· ,,.. .,..,.,... Vl nh ;1 ,1.n t () tJnH at o:C ll'u1 ~ 0 l • 1• J. t ~ I {i \l.Hd :r Tr 1 fl.l'ltU"'Y' ~I . 6 ~M10~ 1 !fl) ( -.......--·--~ -............,_.1 fu --~t· Cit .I. ~ 1' ti tj uh1.p r ....f-~i.-~ ___. _...,~ ,.., ~ ,._....,....,......_~ H• .. ~ uow1 I II\ ,..1,...,. A n 1' \1.ll in ri I p I:'' l1 0Z' ll h i1l l L'r o d do r 11h p 1 O m·11•1 1~n.t '.Lon I !1r.i vl.dw1l 1 -~- .. ,...,.. .. _ _ , ... , . . . . . t ... ~1"'"- ..- l? r i J.t)l 1, Ji' l'Oil 'r• t~' 0 I (f).1 ·' 'lnv 1i1I 1u 11:lp1 of ,,/ I i1 A: ·.t.~~ ..•~ , .. • l) rl, ' "') 1 .·{ t li'/i) l. r- r:.t't ti r... l, ·, l ' ·• l. mr, I /. / .. I ... ,., ~ ' ·ti k ~I - ··i t t,r ~J' t I .,,, ((,,,(}. 1;i1t{A/ I f., (.lr 1 1. I 1 "' It .1 11 ( 11 ,I/ I ., ,r.f ~/;~ ~ .. ~ ,. l6 tt (1 I U ., t ' . .. --t1Jy-~ f1 h1'.ll rn.t •'JU I . .I (I) ./ J.1 Vif)VI : .,... ..\.riuJ 14; ./'' dnor 1 ./ fol• : v F1m1~la 1 01. ti. ~6!1 h ip ~ I :n .• 1 c:f.' l.t1,otl on tn·v h1 o Uni. (.\l'lCll:' , ~i ll T;; ' 'J f u.nrt~i· Tt• I cl fJtfl.t 11~ U'r~ r~1 c 1 nuo :Uu.,d..nc1 n I no w? I Ad.d t' I fl l I 1 • ,.....-.,... v-~ -...- . -.-..,._., ;'.~ ~ ·' I _.:l:L ,...J,;.2:.1., .... 1:. f- I ~j ~ 5::.J. L J j t.. -- ·~··---· nbltiJLI C!tt ..... tft1 . (\ " ti(," . ,_._ _ ·+- •- -· -6-- ......___.......,.._ 11' ~!:! ~t<:.r~ I t ~- l.J.:.L.::: x• vi. \·/ tl I tnc hJdui 1. 1 Ot), G 'r.l]?IJ _____.............__ ,. .,.._,.._,....._.r---~ - - .,,. ••. ~P n Irv 1 r f u.i•t nrr. h p l Pi·op:l'i,1J t ll Nll l p I Oo r prirnt Loh I / --- _ _ _ ' r ' 11-t ,, 0 "" I I/ i I (t( • r v ; · •'· ' II' ) ·"" µ, . t /I ,c "' · /.\r.h r d..d.i ( (} .. Oi)b ) ff• ·~ /11 I 13, I' /0 I I I t'. I r. ~ ./ I I {v rj ~ I ( r: /...: I " --...JJ~) ·--T" 1 p)l.o~~ I l iit rv.L""wt M tiJ I'I Mt. L· I Fur n..i. : 0i 1. Z tU'I h 1.p t•........,,.-"=""·"'"" ~,.. •• ~ ,..,.. ... ff I 1 11.A.t. l•~ .ch (J.-5 ti~ ) r.i.d.d.iti!)rn'4 ~I Ul'l'U 14• l ~ ~ f'l'i 11th I ) ll L. )' 1' 11,., n c11(11111.tV lfo p I() b • In ' ... - . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _ . ..11-- ... •Iet l Reae>rV'f lhn of Sun i 1houl t.611t or t he Lt:e I 4.!Ul.t a x lUnOl:'I Jh.. let JC; _ ~ii ;t;, •• (01ty Ty11 rc.m 1i1 • ·- I Ci Uz rt hl~, ........o...___ e ~o ICnmimo~1 r~in.g F non In\i111,):'v~ ~ied 1 _ Jlf41i:ll §umey1 It~nmm.. .. Jl.clJ rouu ' ---,-.:z=~~ e......v...,.,________ v• !rtu.:•1 ~tu .. tll\tJ 1~ I.' pr() h lom 1 o ~1\0l/f 'lrh b!J moil 19~1l11h 0 ()JI, bl\ltllll I l!lxp l ln.c.d th 1311.ll.)t: ~ b 1:il111 Jlh.n or or 0.1/ OU ·oring forl).~ bt.1.r•. t1ou. 11 oo ult.! ll • 1n l'I 1 \J,. ,\.J ~l . 1"' 1' I II" 'l'lllr, I NITMll ~'l '.\'l'l•:S rt.hi.' t1e.e .11 tnA:Ld to ,yo1.n~ Ll!lt't1 ~ ot JU{!w!lt, l.9, tl:'lc1oline oe,n pf.t~.111• NQol°CJJI r-<rt.11.:Lning to th o u Viol t wd.ka.,,,., 9~•Q. ,. ' Wo ¥tou.l.d app1• aj. , yuur ndtn to Ull, oat,bciri ~O{)lua ol' 1.1.ll·o Wr-i ti\ b;y ~l1u 1 pl'Omptly, ratt r tht.1..i k t.nom~ as nu h. 1:'111 t.ot'or b n thi;, oau. A. .ii t,ant Oa1ld. r )dr11. lftUL I - <O v"" .,. . . I . ~ut • iit!.rooa : -~-,_..... D 'c, -0 f l i t, entxy tnto Unttfld Stnt tl11 1 C 1.1 r1t in· uml Pr :l" W.'"/ ld.cor100 n.o w1 1 ~:n> of lh1,n ino 11 " ' Pnr tnnr ~ l'ropd t ~ r h1 Oor r> 1·~t l< 1 Ad.d1't 11111 - - --...--~. _.._,...._._ _ ,_ __,__, Ino 1vi dunl 1 ' ·~ri'.l. p ·.,n 1• 'l10 J.1•plv.m. Hw b H· 1 :r ·1nv(>lv~c ~ ''P' f pa.1 1.1 vou l1mtll1Y<\ 1>,v 1 i;tMll Md io lOrtF\) ( ~ Of>~) :rm I) w)'\1.1)"1 JlC)(l~ ti r :~l9 rt tt l·Bon Ui1, ~1 (\l*l Mr. R. »l . S n Fl n ()l)l 1 t 19' 1942 ~l v . t• oi\ ACJ et 1 br nt f ~1 eqe~ ·l Et 4-0<') ' • .li'ro~t 0 i OciJ.'U''l1ni c. rvall1 11kJ:J':f fJ~ Jt a re h"'t•fUldi BG\'>, lrr Mlni:10 t 0f1l1f" ·ni Olil r1 1w ~1. c am\c r11H1 c tJ11 n• o nt: .h i n. nn ow l' t o ~ Q\1l' l' 1'[1l. t of Ial.: I , 1Tl <,, nc . r. L• .1. ,AJ.l • field r•r•~ ..,,~,.. ')19 P1i a.. n• ~.~rt" liJl'*C1.n ,,._.~Q), c.u~ l>• r Qt P4,p an ~'" Ud1 i-M.a a 1r1 j. a t CSU ;y l er (..... 1i.~1d 1 Q. ". ,..,.. ' ~ •l'IO)l DAAIQll.t.Q no • .-t '"'"'"'""~ hi.I l14LrtJ 0 rowi up t. b 1'lL&RI krr ~.·1 i. tant 0&1h! 2' 11~. \ti ~b• t I • ~ (6 ~II et \ "' ''" JI () .. I • J,'ol;"ni 11 U3 . l!M . i' 1•~ 11 II nn Cl 1 \ i' I -~ ' · ~~ ,, t I ) /f ' tt'"~ J;,, r "' ~t .~7, (J ·" ) , " t .ti I,. I/ Ir 'J 1 I r • J J ( I / -1 h , . ... )~ t/ (__/)(/ 4 J. A .~ ';,/ (i_ ~J.)t f. 1 •I, f , I ~ ) !. 1. 'q ~ I ,, / / I I r>-·• .; l; I " l ,f ,·,. • ' / @ ~~-> I .I (. { '· ~j ' Jo( (! "- / ('·••J • d ")f\, f/ I 1( I ·' ;-11 J(j' ..c, ' " I "' /__ ) I II 4 'L • ' , (I ' L " f~ .-,,{Q i... ,o ', •. / \ I ~) . !' ' . I r-· I 1 . I -t,_ , r ~· ' A ff I L ll 1 ... , j,. I / C1 cJ , f. l ''· f"· , • ,. ,(. I • ) I l A. j ;t,·, ,f I .) ii I "' l t, > ' • r .I J I I I ) I I 4 J ' !· I /l ,;t ·, ' . ·t I r . . v. '. / " P ,. • Ill ,, /, ... I. I' (' ,,(!/,., I I • ) ;f• ' 'l ' "')) -:/ I t • I ) ' I l ~ (~,j ;· I . ~ I. ·,1· ~ I ' ,>" I I I t • )' I ( A. I , ' '1. I ) I ' ') - .;, 0 , I l/1-1 Yl / ? '-. / ,,_ ·~I 1 ,.· 1 / tJ ,J..- • I I I 11.. ,,, ,, I tu ( 1 1 <' I 71. t .r r " J (: ,, ) ') I !>· I- . " I I r ·' t _ ' .. <·t. , ' I. 11 ,., ~" f' ' . I ' ( '···~ cl __ j o at Juli/ · , J• ·~ - -·-, (Date) Tahl)hon i I 1it rvi 1 A ul ~. ·1 ~ O.t' I ifa;i, : x. »l·nta.h I 0 ti L ~ 1ish i p 1 rt.~ ,, 1~ 1,~ l"'.l.t ·1 l,nnt. l)p.ti·:1 ~no UnHPc.l. wicl1 r IL'r ~ f!Ul"Y o r t .M.oen., ri ri<i w? I ... __ \ l r.1.1 o'.I.').'l•i.. :rwo·om T' '!' ~ 11 V'O1.., ou ll'h · r:11 r If ll I l , J ll ll o1mb .H't ~_,,___.. .lv•.thll'.I' __ ~.,......._.,..~ ,,_ .o ~.,...__._..__.,., u.• ,........, niruo ""'"_....-~-....,._..._ ,..._ .. 'ii I'' , 1 rt: __,J ':!!Ill . :n 00'l''1le M ' ~JI\(,)'' I ~>·-- On.!H ll l nt rv c we - - ( sur'.-,;;n;,:...:zne---..... • !. fl : Oi 1. anti 1ip1 _..JJ..JL.._ ......_ !11 ro~ f ~u.11 I.nun : P :rt lltO't nliS. llr. 1 pr~( ''I/ rl!'fl Oor 111•n. t 1 l 1io i.V'id.UHl I P~ ,i·a on t rit A.d.t ):' f-1 . _____,.._..?lo.__..,_..__,,,_"fl""_ _ "" ...... · - - -"'..... Intl ~·v' ' •- 11 v1r' tl l ,,.l .n Q." _!l•XWfl.U..,_,ed,..__ ~-- -· C:"K Ocnn pany Jil.Uf.f.._ ·- - '11 l ip.hun ... -----·~ - --~~ -· .... - ...,__ t~e.xwei .l • groin buy )" t.'011 ~la.or Oo~1pa.n1. I d Blutf 1 and Wis h d to 'P\.\•' hnti., ••ve<rfl.l tQn" ot g~· n t.hnt b lotlg to r. ~rlJ..n or1il., lJhOt1"1Q thi II ot.1';1.¢0 bo 1rid1.01.1t if it WM llll .ri~l1t to d.o b11111 en• wit kl 1111~ on tq pay h m t ori the airt, M:r i / r , \ 1)1l l, .\.'. lll t'41 Adti t11 d that it --.aij all rilt) t to puroh and ~p p&yr hin1 f or 98.JTll • A· t.,..wh Md.1Honn.J. v o ~ wlllll'il n ll ''I ( •· ..i- )?5 ) l pr qn ~tervl.tjlf !ls 7 i.nvol,'J'•d, tP,l ts gt :1.r1 tror11 :0 l t•t 'JI'• Kamlimori t "' ,I • ~~. u....llJ&i_,,..... { l 'tit ~l} IJ.liJl.' )v ne i • i cw:x tn.~ x A~t ,11 ~ I Mi 1 · > r 1 EloJ•A l~ne • li vi•d._, . l. . .- J'lll ... a:Lmi•...... --~r~_....,- or l31.u:iit1 I !.'Ill!' r1 i' :t' ll\·1 \ , n I l,r .d ti tp Ori 1 1· ·1· ~n 1 ,Melt• Wll <) ''L I ll\d I l.d\JJ1.1 t T .l. 1> l on tu11"b tll' I 'l V' 4,:i.'.J V-8 P l~~'"' l.l'oi· ~ , /j.i- 1 0C11' llit tlOJl t i.1 h 11 bh~V wi h i..o 1l hpo 110 ot burox "" llU t~o1 • M'VirsQu th luo -~ . ,........_ tn I o IH.i Va l•b1u oruit1 1•y111 . Cb il 1 ~ t>Ol'I Q.ld ub ul ,tm ib. 01 i.U (2 I !) ~h Vil l~I v :i• ir nil ~,i.t1•rvi. J.\ r w• ) ()O ~t J Htcm , ~ Hh II ~l l3h~t' l l 11.p 10.· , uml t lrn,t ·~heh• 01),l' ilh~· u O\U.' lou 1 11 Qt ih liho of 1500 upr1 ti i·oin 1 l W()ul Hi tie (Dnt";;y--· Te;J.; hc n1 l tn 't'Vi t) W Arl.1 l r r Mi () I 1411 J • I n1ihlp I 'On, i.11.J f lMt entr;r 1n ·o tJni, fld ~ 0?:> 1·1 :1't 1nc·' u.nd '/: Tr 'f!:111. ot nu 1.n\l 11 ' south 111 L L( tlli o •I 1.Hr t I Gi l' 1·11 l'n.r twr 1 h i P;r pr' r tp 1 J " OrJ .,,, n l.0111 IVl i V I.ti 1.UL 1. I ) , l>t 1• on 'llr\'1••1 1~11 1 '11ulr ph nr tfo 1nbu1• I '.JI i i• 1111r 1.11. tody , lo~ 111rvl11w r1t tru. l 'J m1 c r>r\ J, , ll 1. l • 1l Hllll'.1.1 0~1 i10- . r~·d ll l •' , 1 HL i· 1fl ' I 1, Y (] j , 1111 l !l 0. t•~ '.I • l111 111 111.HJ And r· t·on , II· , whti wil l}'I ( ., I jt q t1d 'l.• d 1 ~ r \°Vt) ,.. C:h\ ~ h )) tl•1 ~ •1•l t tJ ~ l'1 I rt]' l'rup :r· :r J t •r ol 0.t.hl• ...n. t)c , •I (Jo ot r 7.. l 42 HIV H'lm1m0To t!b 1 HO l o . Hl , t D• !1· ll\& tt) l• ~-11 &d te u~ 1 •• Q1r•llir ,,.,.~ 1.n. o ~h11 l tl t:\.iy ot• Apit11. ,, <$ h• ~· l~Hill l&eoolrtMJe~ t h- •t p&l'tl 1. r) p t"'tlJ I 1~ oo r t.ic.m 11" w 11 1tu ' XAM M~vro by b;f 'I • • OJ j.l, ' I ... Q 11. o A 1 . r pcm by tt ( u1 un , .- oo t>t 11 11 o n lllt • 1. t ·~ •• to rom bJ 1 l • ~ •r aud l y b~ cm 1• (' r l. t '" b l1 rl•J l'l Id ll\b l\ , 111 ~. OOt on 111,td 1, l 1 b bHIIn tJn l.. l. llll tJ (lf' • HAY HAm1mo10 . $""'"'~ ......~11"" O•elllv Ir••~ ..................._,,_,.,.....~,~t~r-.-,.......p-.-~-s--~·-~.....-..-- I:, ~; i. 1 J, '· lTA, i~ b Q c111 •n t to 1l _ _ _ _ _.......__._.._,.w..,.1. I i • T l> ov ..... . .._ IAMIMO'l'O IA? fMlS AOI ~·r, 1. qe &IJli 11n int:i<l thie lStih d.,- of April, 1:94~, •1"6 l OINAI.P O. JU O, he. 1n Qlllll•d. HOOJ\d PJl"ty1 w..'l\-H 1 'l!liat to M~ 141 l, n l ~lBlflTA 11\~<:l r1•j e; t.~ on o· r tba n oJ.' h· 1 l Mn 'Q'l'ope O•orn A t1.l l6, l 9ft~ trom t o fit ut J r y ed n Qo1~ • l, wat l' 1 $ I· nrl n nrl In noe 1, ~l 1i:i.S~ l.Jl l l th n n 1 hd privil It q ~,hi:· tr,Qm t,,h 'Ill t e.J n 1 1l. L~ 11 Hf>Pll hy v nt ., j< t .l <H~ 1t d t Ci 1) ~ ti.,., Qt,h u ., t. 1u ti iti nt w ter 1 ft;Ol • '~h11t, 9/11~. pa ~1 t. 1a;~ty <ibt nubl 111 ll h V• th ri ht •tr grtH 1ilh, :rri,g birJl') .l i<l uwne by 0 o ·g I<~ S..h tie nnd :lee.I d to n and p111:· t >" f or th.e 1.1 •,r l ~, tl 1m ot , ~nc.111 w1 «i by JC. K ~l.l\Qto April 16, inn: a th Ohl I." fJ t 1 I ;id W ""'"1 ht b QOJJ • it'tl ()ti v IN IVIT~X:. a ll'fftU!.P:O I th lllllt'~ :; .,,.. ti.rat ti bovtt Yll'i ,.. llJlC>n t tt 1ti v•1 of t..ll:I.• Agl."t:i.m1int. hereto 1.u1t ~h :lt ht net t.h dlly &nd. a•. 0 d OEOrtlJ ~ lC ;;a i'uti. ff.I&lf 'IA- l .,_ti)' oon•ti1t to tihfl >ov nii,'·1• 1 iii. urv :Saw. of bn . , .· \ i'ltl l '!!lil t ot t,he tlt.1U d. IJt co , 1~0~ I ..,..._ ,..,_ ...,,._( nte ) · .._ __,.. 'l1u l c> hl')M I ··v ~r.iw 1 Int · Adnlti l ~ tH' I lotu1 Il l Fi;irn l iJ I --- 0 it't;rH Dn t i:> i' 11,mb flnbl'I/ 1.nto Unit rl Uti ,, t o1 1 , ,...,_.__ _......,.. _ _ ""' ___ ........_,..... 0 I ,, Li 1 ,... \.ll\UOl' Tvr {I IW;y 1 j I! n.oo Mw? 1 ... ..,,,_ - ~-,...-- j1,l ,, ' . - .., _..,_,__,.._<f""'•·-----·-·-·- """°-......... If I ___.....,......~-- --- ~ 'P/f'Jll IJf _ "·~ )\\ fi~11fH4 1H' Pru: n1i' l!hip4 rom· fl tor1 h1p 1 Oe1 r p ot10, t i on I I id i v tluQ;l 1 A.!l ~ T JI I r:--_...·------.. . . . . ----..----------+· - ~-- •...-.._..,__..,.._,__ ll \CJ ii o 11\ll!lb < v 1 - -~ I tin 11 d. b~ I ...........__ J·'a \N C l l')U O l0o Mon.tere;v St re t lUuu, C litotnie Jl:lne ZO . 1942 11 ltctr"J. Ree rv Ilk of S n hf n '100 SI\ null! ' r fJ t e~ n ll rflM i 11 oo, o,. H o:r nil O nU m 1i1 l 1 lJIOQ J...'C ........... APil lMO' ,....J!O "' - ·~ 'i lib r• :; I en l•(l n. t t hr, °'1111 1i1.w ~· ~ .At.nimoto 1tho 'W.l·ot tl the 15Lh. 11. 'bcu t h.i .r,\ n h , cJll f'IY o ~h i h '\t/11 Q.r \1na.1 1\111.t I · WI\ •1.xnJ. in cl t9 h1'11 till t !ii P 1n1~ 11h.HN1J.y I ~111. nuh. )'ll'Oblf.1111,wn.11 CJr?H tl Lr anul hB.Lp him w th, w H 1toti'!t~· 1 tll f, 8 1A, )/'I! Hv · t W teonvUl 'l'" lO t I IJ t llJ\tl 8 t C 0 )1 tm t l).a t 1t' h f1~t Ud,,otnr;- l1e l p 'l'o111 t.~l\ ·t r>ffU ~o :t'i !n s, tl l!'r• ll<: l11Jo 1 wllS.oh h l\1.d )) ho J(; / , vnn. .Lqb611'Jh i' fl l\tll iV I Sr liM J, t~ld ,. .f \ llHl l a vr u I,o b j 1 1IVl a I i '1"1 '1 I\ J. 6 h 1100 Muru• 111 8 , i a th•ov • 0Al.~ • J? o o n hl"IVLn Ill rnnah t II iJI b,y 1· 11 trn l h I , II tJn iin 1n1 1H Jno ~ J. i :n~ bl.l.V in /ti tr lfoptn~ l wl.J l not pu t 11n VJ ()}',' r 11 II L 11 J fl >J 'ii , , r he ~ 1 ll L.. ) fl-1! 'J I fr f v t ti ! 11 0 •/') ,, 11 s 11r1 I I Ile l, . 11 wlJ l H' I' b )\I r 11 VII lj r \) I t Cl.Ostl) 1n dated lllllllO tl'Oal r~~fJ.2.__ N WI ~ -.. .... _ Saliria• Oft ta. ___ '.11~1 ghi l)a I I i tu~·v hw 1 -··-·- F •l•ltW.1 I Cli 2 n ~ f p 1 ~·------ P11 Ii i 0£ lant ..... - -- ·-...-..... .,. .1 1 1~ 1.n 11 11 ~ 1 '1.1 )rn1.1 o:t' l1 l'ldl 1' opd. •t 0 2•11 d r I Ori ('j" Ot"fl 1011 I ll1 l .1111 lnli r 'l'V iruo1\ hill I 1 -·l"' ........ 11 _,, du111 1 ..·----r-•...--... .._,..._ _ _ _ - t -.... -~..~...-~ ... · - -.. •-·..+o1~·-· w 11l 1 ~--·-- ----.- ------- ---·- .... -..... ··-----,. - _... _.. _ 5 £ (\ L ·~-- _,., __ ....... -··---· "i ''; Jiaa lr:~'li9h P, ot A. \io Jus r. Ni leen of Wat onvill,, 11 !'11."' rl \J~ I !!J'l.J..,0.~.fl..• ~~b P:ti•out <~ to ,File I ,._ ·-·-&at'inu • / B uk ~· S ot he 1 f• ne i~co ~rdtod. S ut~• ,., .. ,. Muit i ~ ..- J1 1.11() l' I l~r.11 I )11 n.11,J,~ I 1 01 iZ<!Mhip 1_ _i__J Dd u of l qt ntr:r h1h lJnit d, h1~eoA1 1 Op1J1'n.H·1q; 'U\.li~r Tr ll t1i.iry L11 o.H11,1 lll) w? 1 T:rr1ti o Bus in o 1 P.1.trt110 '1hip1 PrDt~ ri t or hi lJ I OQ>r ,., r11t 1on r l 1 cu v J.Chw.11 v Ad.dr e 111 ••-.,.__ T l phon1 ---.1. ur11b~i·1 J 11 't ,. I 0 Tll I u.1.~ I A 1lr fl i X. H or 1 1-{(Ll I I)~ Hle t 0 ........ ...._ rt .rr t »u.a ~~1 e11 1 l'nrtnnr11h.i >1 l?rc rl 1 ort I Ltll , J\Llrl.1~ b ~nri, t l.11~ i v Lthu l I 0'lr Pl'it1n.lpt\. ' J>rl'lp~ r ;r ·in vol v rL .i.ud n . rJ vl ,, ~. ~AT.i 11\,c.h Id ( ' ilJO~jf)) CL • !i.l) i oru 1 ~t . ~ 1~ .,._....,........,...._ . -·_.....___ .............. ~ ~ ...,... __ ~ ... ~ 111 -----"- _ _ _ _ •__.....__............ __..._ ">1.' '1191 ! J ,I.I;) ___ tt:111in~htp 1 .....,... tif tn• l l 111n I c. - ,,.hk of S :n Fr no1110Q o f t.1'1 1Jn:\t d S n t tJI fj .Ml l I •j MiMl'I M1 ~1'> I Fom 1. ' 0:1.t ten al 1.p ' ·--..--. (St. a -,,;y--·a.ttts 1J' ).o,·t . n l,l.':f ~nt o Ur t ~ d S nt Op1n.•r t nt;; uqd 1· ~1 r 1\B\Li' Y" ,(JI< H\ClO W>W'1 I 'IJ:•r r Budn ~ 1 ?Mtl ,.. .....--~-~ ~ ..•.. -~---·--- ....-......,.._...._, i,J . ---·- ......,..,__ --'· _.... ....__ .... , I 1 lia.un<lrr J:lft~'fl. Bh .1,pt Prop'l:'i ~ o nhip l On r prit• n t rJ 1 Ind i t l \11"11 I l' uttrpt trc111 i1 'j (~ 11 Il'it fl l'V io d i - - - - -·- ·- - - · ·- ..... ___ ··-- __ _____ •f . .. ..........._ - ... I•• ..,... __ 1.1 I ._, ~-., .... ru11: I i· I t ttel 6/ll/4l tl"Olll Ktr\Y'Ptl T. Or•f t Ml d I tpreont1~tb , J AR'r.fJVILLJll ~ 1 At ',oh f.ltl.d i ion1. 1, J,111~1J {~•• QIJ1) ) wt i· n Q 0 T GftEO(} l.1 ii 1w 1 ··-~•...,.._..... ..,.,._ I') f t1 M A'6rnnL ~-......... _,_,, __ -- ·- -·--cn~1-0J '1/19~erpnone: Int nvhw: Aa.llU ~I Minor~ u~i.lrJt F mo.lei OHh · 1\nbi}lll M: 1311 iM$U I Pr 11 tm r 11hipJ P >.·"'on Int r v3 < w d: l'C)f.l:t'i tofrAA~P I \If ) All l on ti. l ---- ·- ---__ ________ . __..._....,.._ ..- ... .,. ._ ._. I 11 ............... --.....--.,...,~~ ·-· · - ,..·~r- - ~~·,... 0011 cn:1 ti oI'll lt1d.J. vi --- I' I v I lj ru • Jio.r1d1.o d h .r i •At,,: t 1 ncl~Uinn 'L po..r a vhttl' M~ 11unl'>" ~ •• 130 1 5~}) XH. •r •tntt to fil I JJ1u. 1•...1: I /le , r ' dflr l II. 'r•e lank flt I ffil.OClllL A !fl t t;'f the Unite A.dultll l.f.inorl - -.......-utiiTBi1"lfuinliur )-.--~ ~r>J, o t 11cimal. 1 O.lthahGh1p l -141\y~·&-~.J.~ _ , , _ .. _ ........ _ _ _ *f"I~ ... ....., ... _ .. . ,. ... _.......~ _....,. - ......,._,....___ ._....,.. __ ._.._ _ . _ _ _ _ ....;....c..__.._,......_. 'll;rr11 0£ })11 :l..M fll, I Pf.\rtn1 i • ~hip.: Pro-px.1~ Al'l<l:r ~oruh1')?1 Onr11cir1. ion 1 ! nr i vid.UI lI "r'\ ~· C1. A0Lil)11 .._,_ _____. ....,...._ ·--·-· - · - - - -.... - -·- ._..._,_..,.....,. ,....._ ....... ___........_.,.__ _______. I (i , J~ AI pho M N1.µ11't, ~· 1 1 M 0 __ __ 1 Poi' pn Illt 1vi ow d1 t N~ I \ j r ·,'"'~I I (. .Lf .~ I t .) l, ta.le a11 + Hu~1 il • At1·ool1 ( ... 50~5 ) !_, drllt 411111.l rm ti i• nt.1 d. tl o l\ 'brL fU t j,J(i,?_QLt -.... Da.te Tel •)lrnn I x Xn e rvh~r : (~.1~"i II i irim• I lt. i~Hl •i l ll\1rnnle 1 Qi 1.zantihip 1~-!11-...E- Da.t; n t r r 1nbo Un i of l ao ......., _ _ 'P 'i.ILl" L j 11 ii r op t' l Lnlfc-\ v 11 ncl. IH)IJj) o:I.' m· ... .. j o - - · f ' ' - - -·-··--· - - - - ______ .......,__ 1. Hn l "'"""'"' ~......a·lil ! pNtp 1 bo~' of Onl( L111u1utr,v . m¢ntl10 b i 1 d., fl\ h h-om tb.1• Oh in $20, 00 l' r I Ar t. 1 • n nl< n i• Bi d h~ Hi YI\ llh i , na ll t l'Pl' t 1' r l(O 1 ·i work1Ab1ie p:Ll.ln 1n ven~ of. vrJO\J Han. 1. ~th r. Oh. il\ , hio J.1'tirilo1•rl lf \$ o.1 n~~at t·. 1 n '"l' s.n~ Knmi n · r. 1l (I ml! th 1111y t ~,-, l{lun~nokn. h.t he h. l11Ly11· , l. int !l r-vi ! ...l' 1'r 3 11 nt ~ot.lll d. "'A1i tll.Ob. n. J:l iit \ tJ I ~3. pt'-/ Cl\ ( >-·50 15 ) Wl\$.~'IJ n Q!l UllT'lt Dl.11 ¢ • \1 t; o Q Md 1 •1'£ 11 (I. m13nt FR\ I ( / I' J (1 IJ I S 'O I anah , c0 i ! il ook 26 - ' - A uni'. Branch wLo F ll OY 1 Ar ), ld ho 'l% E n)( C , roe 13ld • i(Jn If 1 v ry- llQ h '! hl oo kort rc,r o your kindnft " 1n i in <11111 t. , er, I no r 11 rour1, (Si . n d) A•ay , It m1.n1.Bl1i . •. lt1.1"! 1 - ~u J\.J. . o a 1 rsm - :u22 - rs-r; :J ---zo1 D lll.1~ ·rn:fv-flrf_"_.....,.. ,__"_ at tle ~> 1 A~e, South a-r-~rr~irr"---"·-"...- r. w 'l'rp )" ll' I ~ ~M r! Mrtl •ll 1rr.~h 1 Wi•hin~cn I Oi t :\.;!;onl'!h i :p 1___..--- ---rmu.teT..,..._ of lo.ut erLtr:r i1nt o Unit d Sb nt s I ~01·1 t :Ii g \Ui~ rr ,, Afll l~Jlffi '{Sur"'"r:-i';-f -l)?d.~ ...........----~'"'-,,_.....,_,__'-...., _ _ .....,._ _ _ ... ip-.....,._ _ _ l\ u.1.''Y ~i .~ ein ~ Q tt.:;i 'Ii'? 1 rJ.i I ·'• ~ __. ., _.......,..,,.-·--r·----1. ···-·--·--·---- f '.fl'UGl?\ 1U I 1?~11tnorL1h1 >r l'r.o1n:ht 0 1· t M'IJ r O<> r1 1,rnt i onr t 11111. V' l.d'U1 1? '\.1 rt1l 1"L.1. ' p~crp1 ). I i· ·by- 1..nvol y d. l\.1ill ia co1~ of pr nbl ml ..... _,.~ - · - •A.v .1 .cl~ i o111 l tl ~ "' wh1 ~·i• ·1~ o ( t)I ~> ~a~·~1 l> .. ~ ...... e . ... . r l llei erve 1l1n1k of ~ l'r r oh co A.,ent o:f ~le UAii I:. d S~ ee JI ~t 11'l 11qnl Ml lf~Ei)--- 'l,'Qlopron : In.t.1wYhlw1 4dult ~ .A. de MtM1·: romo Mo.l. I. I 1~-D to O( l~ut nnbir in O J e ~· r r.J..1<& u.r\d,a1· T; .11 G U~ita~ ~t~tw~I '~1 1'Bl:I. ur~· - .........,...,. _...,.____ ._.._------~---___, Ar\11\' Iii I Oo p-p t~r1 ~t ion~ :r:naiv.i.dun.l.1 111/"rn s .1 (!\\ l'I~?) liJ,lltljj·,)q))I\~ ~---- Hoon a ll\';IWf I of Du. ~ino.i 1 1 Po 11 t ll! i ~ I i p: Pi• nJ''1 tox- uhipt "li1,.t.t1 Fm11,q.J, a 1 Oib J. ~ > 1~1.1M µt l~j(i I\ Wh r,ll I\ '1BJ .n.\1)' .--------·-~_.....,_ ____ _,..._ ~ r1}.. -.- ;J.,. l942 'Tr.iat'C.;_i=-~- ~..-:ii, l~ bl'l(t~ l i1tot'V l \y'tX .\,lh I X Mi r.;r i bohJ. : (~.fTl nf x Ji\ r-.-~l.~ I (: l ti iHlt\llhi;p : ...., _ :Su111.1tQAIH ~ l?T(:ipri t or J.p 1 0111•pr)r u~m 1 ln1U1fi.dunl 1 X ). .........),941 111 111 .d. ;.i., _ _ _ _ _ ' t~Q l.l.1 p1 ht rv~ 1w(l 1 V\. o.r,o ~ il tl~ wh~~' n Sll.(h f' 1\he'l¥Cfl~fl.'1'~ P L\l ', hi r. \J __._...._.._,.._--'-_ l OI 0, Q() I 1.'1 111• ,.• ,. ., II r 1 'Rasei·• J&r.k ot Ian ., $4'11 .Agent. o'! I).· r~oi "J O O' he1llrnltlid.. Gt~t u - ---cl) ) """"'·---~ t 'll1 lfl11hQJl,tl I ~l\t f.1 ),'V1 •W I AdU.1 t; ~Y'!!fifr·!P-f-~l- 1uib·;:r·~·~~·- -9bf~:.;).stg.1__1 . . . . . ......---1mu:re-1--- ~t~n,() ?' I Mt\1 1,, t l\111\F. l.~ ; OJ.ti ,rn h:p,1 ,..... ..,_ ..,.._...___.. __ ~.. ·--··--....··--·-.... ,. ~~..,.......,......i. ,II., ' I ~ :n n 1J f 'Du nin lH1 1 Po rt llt.' '' rihip.: P~opd.t t\o'I.' 11hi.p I OQrpoX11~t ~Q n I I1\' iv~d1 1 11 P non l/\t1 rvi. \t11Jdl Ad.rl.r 116 1 .........,....................-.-....~-·~----- ____ _,_,_._.__......_.._ . _,... .,._. ____ ---·---~-""'"'"*'_.,....___."" Jll,1l'Jt\ I I'\ 'l;);y I ~·--~--,-· ......... JuJ.r I • lMI • 10 , .....,, nt let,t..l' o u'b,ieat. J11ly 25, t~r ~ l.a' alut!, O•litQrni& Mt'. lliro ~ whioh 1e loci~ tied 111 Qt'tioe in • .,ly pri • th•1i ope rt tor o~· tll.e a.bove nanx d laundry, 'I A're/I. 'NI). :2, ri rat A pproaohet1 OU I" Chico ar It. l\pp tttat ubjecL " lttu 11 at Uut property, "H.h to11r yors rt11i1.ainin on tn~ l a• • i\t th t t,it)te h• w 1 n- 'boq ,P.ou l~4Z to el1 M u11in 11is 1m~h o.~ a. " 1ubj at a:lthollgla mtC) 1.nroJ.lM.tion " 1 1.vail.abL• tCJ ev1.011 1!,.lon,. 'l'he bulk o.r tih equip111 nti t r th Qp111r tion ot th • b~ "" in 11 a h•d bot1 pll~ ~ae d. by him on <H>IJtJl'aot t11p111 F. Okawa, tol'J'D ~lr ot lWno, N vafj , -.ho h d. ~•tHrn d Q II un in 1940. Th o al. pu , t) ~ pdo o ! lln!c:I ()qUiJ;lmflnt, n 11• t o.t i~ 111 01.1r 1'1 , amounted. tCl J _.OOQ which, K/Ulliy 11tat d, ho.d HJl ~ due d. t.o ppl" 1;icima~fll:r ~2~ 000 i1 ym nt~ h d Jl<>t bun ll1A • to Ok w .sine JUl'l'J, 1941 nB tJni d. .St tee a.utl'ior1 t e l~id re-, t\lr,,ed, with~mt advS,Q11t 1 n:r 11bieok~ 1 b 41q_u~1\tl.1 matted. .oo, .oo • whi1ti ~1 h ut\d ry 111 bu•in 11 ha.fl. bHn sharply- :redu.oad. 11ino• D a1trlll1 l" G, 1'1J l. 1u1cl. on ~:r 22~ l%.2 l$Jni;r1' e.d"(leed. 11a th t'f~rib~ to in~ r ..- J.'-i 11n1A. 1 Prom a praatio11-l shndpo1.!'lt tllh ot i1 118ff at d th6 i r utbt'a.c 017 1>111 r oould be ob i.Md a. t r aal could b9 tt qt•d ~.n vl 'If or Karni.ya l 11 11ttt.tue 11,a Uni ci'tidticm. It l'lll 11b d th t a PlC)u.k a OQPUnt in th l Ok 11 'ffll l th 1C>1i b b e~"l>l wr of epoai r dt t.htA.t. 110 d 8 6tr..tu ot hed 11.1 d hie r1ghttul poN.ion of th pro e d o the d ~o hi. oredi.t in tl111t oaount. llowev r. n vi, w ot 'r a.iron ~ l p~io oou L no b obt111i11e1c,\ 1 h e~ggot .. pal"ti ~ at" lnei:' t. I11 clcli ;I.on o tho q 1 ~ptn.ell 111 .-it,1.oned \;Ir.iv•, o rti in it•IU abe>ut lrhj.~h th i· " uo Q rnplexit,y a t d. 1 I ad heen purohe.t11, d under ootJ.t.r flt from ., 1,i.aa.n me 1111 f.irru • Two ccmt l'aota ltilt~ tt'I~ O&l:i:t'or~la. Laundry Jik"(o:l,.~l)i Com.pany or O kla111d .,. re ~n dteot; one whtoh wu ttegot.1Attc\ iin Ji11.nuaey , l-941 t e. ooat o:t appro;x:4u.t.ely f,82 , 00 r•pre.eeri.tod 1 oh.-t·t .el m.<> on ehirt maoh:tne, ooll.r.~ p\"•IJll arnq air ~omp:toe•aor, lfbioh h'd be~n nd'Uoed to •t:>PJ'e:x:ia!Atol:y 35, .00f t .. • ooottd oe>l\t·n.cit Nd• j,n M'.e.roh, l.94)., at an ori1ina.l 0011t CJ.t 225. ()(), wu to.r &I\ 1xtraet<0r ~net · th pr •t!nt Q&l.e.nce ii ap11rox1JN1.hly ~70.00, Oh July 10 , 1942 our Ohioo r•p.r euntaUv• waa •Pirl O\.lshb $dv1ce .in YiflW Ot ~ie Oh&t'i •ta.tu• •n~ the inmineno• ot fllV o~atiQn ~ll M.:l.litair .A:r•I\. No. ~ . ~:1," l4rtdl1n"~• Al.r. Hottman , JIG• " 't!<l oanotl th l•••• wi'tl')... 011t. peMl~y hut. 1u,our cl r'illW t•M.ot, wu a.nxioue 'if o ar.ran e r~oval of th~ equi,p!'I nt il'l c.>J•1.h1~ tho.t he mi · t. l<1as th p1"e1n.ia 11, approao~ed PY' ~iy&., wno lmlu.1..y-n eupplied u11 JV;lth a oopy ot th rnort, IK •Ill' li1 nt dat cl Ap~·U., 19, 19.31! b twe h h:i.111ael!' antl OkA\W•. ~n thti it~"1• 1rt l.ud111cl ira th oQn~i· ot w l.9J4 FQ1-r:l l>si:l.vel")" on whiob tt\ d1Jl.y cmqol"u~ I) rt tr:tn o t' own•l:' Ii P, w ~ .iya, 't Hfl c rt ... ti.qateftl Wll~ to?:'PI r~od to u , tortet.ner YfH,h th d.oawn nti11, 11'-' -.r. pr " •\U;y in ()Ur f i l a • ·h• On Jul.,y 1 , 191+2 iw-. n"dr s •d htt.or to the Ali 11 P,ropert;y Guetodi n rec pitul. t'-ng this ~1tire probl, m lllld 11 l<ing any d\1<1• or a i tanc ne IJ\1.~ t b 4bl to 'r ndor, Up to th pre11 nt t iiu1 nQth lli! h&a he r1 rorthaomi11 from tha.t genoy o tlu' th n th t they h d ~orward d th letter 'tQ V ahingfion for •XJJl<n.... ti on. •ri Otl Jul,.,y ;;.~, 1%~ .,., XillH~V d let t~ora La'Undry ~c~ulpmen,t Oc;in1r l\Y' t1vj. i.rllJ thfAt tl1e,r ~i.,11ir tar poau11119 tn. <>rt.ton or t:ihe 11qu,r.m.i11t whie1~ tb .Y deliver41<I t.o lfo.miya~ There W•A en.olo11ad with Meil' ~ . a l1o~• 11dd~ 1111ed t_, them br ~ 111~~ inv t:irig th~11 \ to i:' equi)"ll 111', tld adv;1.111ing th m that ~h• Gov nm nt ,)•d bnlano • n~ <la1 .Jiol'ob ·.i:r p i•111:1,.do11 h d 01•is nall.y t.t T oopr ot po e the ken <>V' I' th 'Jlhia oft ae r,soht&ts !Id th OaJ.~tQrni.a L~ur,dry l'1<}ttiJlnl nt Comp f1'1 an~ ~dyieed thfll'!l th11t w :iri no "i,H pr"v nt o:r 1.tltert:ere 1'lth r pollif" ion. ~~ tir1ano;1, i hititory o· • th atmt:re.ot11 ""'"' •Hl•fvt11 lr\11(i ou t,linf!d •arl.:LtJr in tl1ie\ um ant:\ w d.. vi •d th 0 11..tomi&. L ttndry Z'!.lli.?"ent Oc:impan,r tiha.t t"'-'l'"t)1 i· cc:111.. veraat:t~n.o .,ou.ld b h ld witih t,f, 111 duriri~ the week ).'.) 11inn:i.nt{ J\,3.y 27, l9~~ , alt.lloulifh i't wu n11~d 1. ar thl.41i not,hing W! ul,11 \'HJ d~n to p;r-.iolud 6 fQreol.o ure. It i "1! ClQUree obvj.oue that there ;ie a pl, thora ot l:.•41l ry equiJdl•J1t .tel' eah at the pr•1ent tiJ1Je. 'J.'hi :te.ot~ oousi l•d witih th• loo ot R<IOdwill b r.>f Japantuf.i ~1wn11u•1bi;p, has 4ilnini he~ the prio1u <>bta.inable. In thill writ~r ' opin:lon~ KW.ya mh.ot.1ld o.llC!'llf rtpoH,,s d.on t equi.PIJl•Jit ~ed by 0 uca iane b~o&u•• ot tho equity ..tlioh la l"-l!'-6' Lnal. hd •n;y u1111 he m.:tabt Noeive Trould be ni()fll.1.Ml at P••t it ot t thro~eh oe~~r eola oJlann•l• · ifwrl> '1•rl\l4UI pre~ent theruelves eo far ee thAt eq~1pm•nt tlU ttel ~~ 01<~'¥1& is <lon.Q.eilniad, Vb•, pl. O it n fltora.~ for tlh•, lilQk; tomird a.rt u1tin\ate r n ••'.1. of bhe oontraot "itll Okaw alt r hoetilitiu have c uedJ Kamiy._ oo~ld J$.V!1 a pow41r ot tto1m111;y to eom• di .. inter eted party to11 u e of t.hie ttqtd.pment t'l l.( the procude to go into a blookecl t.lQPWlt. iii\ th n1:1rn., of OkJwo. tid the tlalu1<io rev 'rt to him.eel!. \.IJ'l.a i" "ou~4 ot 1£ h fl Ue,.·nn.t1v b UI.$ I'.\ t.he rnin:l.IJlUl'll h '\le to b etipul•hq. OP~'l' 1\00 pti bl.fl p:ricUt The?' -.Cll.lld tu1cioubt.dly l)e l!!Om qu. eM,on bqut t~ title Oka.-111.' e ha~noe but th:b :1.e 4 1111ltt r• whioh oould b11 str 1 lit n d, au b BC!d on certM.n unl.'\eretandinga. :t.n 'V.i wo It 1. rnoe;. d 1.1~. ri b;l. rn n't Ct)U:J,.d b 15\i(llJ t cl t ha. t thit:l .fotnt c.C diopo~l{tion, m d. tter JJt thQd pr nte t:.b11 uniing t.ha1i prope,r a~r•np .. ........... ..---..,. ~ U, I .. 1 ' '(fili"i' ,__ _,, .Ad\ll ~I n le : M1ntn• I 1 l• l ••f • , l~ : .n ·~··,...._....,_,....,.........._ f lhl ii J IHI I) I l>A1 1 t111ftJl •I111 l>r1 pd. c t i i r 1 i'PJ 01)1• 'H 1; l. I I F :r.• 011 . . , _ _ _ , . _ . . , ~ · - - Oi h 'n,'; prl ' ':f 1!1l•11h1llU~ 1 In arv r. 'rll I ) i (1 } htp : _~-...... ___ _ ........ __......_.,... ...._,. ....... - · ·-~ -_,..._...,.._..,...... In ~rvlrJwt• rlt ___ ···-----...... -- _ ·-·- I ' 1\nlv i du11 r --·---.-..,...·---·.........J-- .... i I y r .11d.l 1•1' ~,h.ui~ri. h (;. ,. 1,5) r1M:l.HmHl tl~• ~tat·~) ll l !> n ~11 \:J I .. ...... ~ ........... · ~ d r l Rese:tv~ lle.n.k o! Snn h'a'"~ ·~ sco 'hca.! A.g nt Q·f 1;he Uni e G~a~~a Junie 2,4., 1942 (o~t"5 t'el phon 1 l'.1 i;ol' .iewi : Adu'L.t I ,Arldt'Olllfj I Mt ~1 nle 1 S orame~61H' ---'""11i1 t.y; IMlJSI Ci f11e 11sh~~1 - - - - ------m. . . ~-e.-)_.,.. ______ ....,__ It~~....__~_...__,.. \ 1 ,yf)tl cf I MIHJ ~ Pnl·t:nornh1.p1 P11 <,l'll'1 to~·r.ih1pl Ool ' [10 r1L t ~ OJl I I ~div i duo,'J. I Jlr 1noipo. p Qpnr ";f i.rivolv {> n~m & l3H.A1xn111m1Y11• 'i tto - ' Ad 6 ~ ....,._..,.......,__ __ ~~-- .. ;,; . I _ _ · -......... ~---.~........._... R _ ffl Ns.1n ... l{f-.-n?:r·j, q Ad' r- . I l'l,~ I ' t ' , r:av6rtY Adult I Il l ·fll1Q~ I f 11l <H I I , ~-. -·~~,~ity'r··~ lllfllltl.cH - I nt/l'>' iilb ~ U, tH ci I Olt i~ c ·n ( St•\~--- ' 61,t~t fl I ...,..._ __.... I............- ____... ... ,_ .. """"'~ ~._....,_,..._ ___ .. ~...,._. ,,"'tl_.. _ .._,,,,..,......~h~,,- 'I:"')• 'lf l'm.' ~"•i ht t or"! iow1· 1.3'\:tllitl tllll :P . rt no~ h hl I l' r opr :I. i <>l' Bll ,1.p 1 Oo :r;-. or 1; l<m 1 ti rl °tv.t ch.1 ~llt ') ---·~ i' /' ...,.... _ _ uu,..i......., .... _ _ ..._ I~ t1 .... _ ... , ... '.l. I ., t1 .1Jl1 I ; I •I A<l.rb·o1 oL Q . . . -·-----~~·-...._...__,,J -...........!.:.._.._.~ ,,, t'l ,4 ; .1·· ,, -.; I ' ' () 1· ;it I 1 ( I / ) t ~~l , honu 1 l Lt 1u•vieW~ A U.l t: H~ 1tOl~ I 1i111 1111 ~.,tJ IOO.lcH Oibizcn 1:\.1.)H ......-....,,..~~·!""" ~ 11" a of l311t1 i1i ~· l'1 ·u i'.l~ 1 ~h.ip 1 001·1 o r·11 l qli l Ii1rt':h ~ dti 11 v " hop t v ~- ... --- .... , --·+_... __ ....... ... ... ~ 'I; 0}1 ~ I' t If l l\.VI) t V, ' ~ - ~ Adui M I 10 i'I M11l• I 'Jil ll\11 l I 01 ·11'1 on aI ~ lH ~- J,~;.w.•'-4 Of Durai1'1 · . HI 'r 1'< ( J?tu,• t ncNlh i >I i'l' Qpr 1~1 nrnhlpr Q1n• p1 ) 1·1~ ion 1 X11d l.v1 1. u nl 1 Ir I "' Vt;ir ( I ... i;ih. f\d.' . t; ·' l~ M~ Jlt~t)ll 1 t ,()F'' ) & I !'1 ' 1'1 ·1 :r 'l , I f I ( • :&an th or "t San. ·•re.ne1 i;;r;:O UnL t d $tQ.ha - a/llLt~~T(..,.....), _ oh; ~ rrhw~ T!'lt.l!.l I · Im A(\.u.\.t) t x Mt .or; J,ddJ.'Oll 11 I n1 l. Hl l pv op1 I' y l.rtv1)h c nd. IH!Oj IJ •1! J:H' b1 \I ~ Abov a plioM~t o lhl'\ t.) i.t'l ~11Qmiae; i.u, O<)p\pAny i b t4r• xtllp<1rt cm &bon'l.n•a~ d•ted 3,/!0/42) .............., ........... 't., Kt Sha rn ~ (tie~ Mr, Sheti. r1-.u. :le l 11.vl rig tort y i h ~~ .-.aou. a,. .. ,.,_ llt r Q ir\ t ~ 1 t ~ 1i> i ~1 (>rtl\Yall Btr~ley O~ti~ . ~--·~............. 18 ~g :g b. M rr li ' ' ~ c L ¢0 ~ a~eu1 n1tell. - _ _ _. 3.120.~-~--) hlQ!Jlto ~ ln 'W IX 1 1'YL I ~ r.J Ul Q ..... n t~;.1 int o UnHocl l~t t ~-.,~..~--- - xn: tl 11 r'r l) iii nr.i r•n.l Am~ .u Ml (II' C.)wr111 Chu wk 0 I lfl 0)1 t'i' oh lq l J h.nn, J ( Q l. 1.l • 'P ' d 111rh rMnir ' 1• \J , ~ , .., tl j, QIJ.l,.f rt:1.ht1 or ~'llJ l nvolv d Rhd J 11 13 ~ ~6 ~\ l'<~m l' I ·rl\l itJ t) I b U I' ~'\. d 1, Q ~I ht )' ill'ii 1m1 l h" r u n, IH vr f r'H' X' ' 1Hi ) IU' fl , l!l O Ul ' wl 1 n Pll l 1c1 1,\1,m1 11 j 0 r1 t Iv ( >-· h fl 1. ~.imt l I) Ol)I' ) I). fl'ih QI! h ~ l 11 y11 i1·\: J' 0 )' cl ,) '1'\ t 11 l"~ '· l q p r111l Ii I 1 IH• , Wh4l.11 110 ! I tr.~ M11•• { () l'J ll f l f'i \' 10 y111 r , h ,,, ~!\.t cl Wt If )' 1tn r I il.lll ly 1 H M , hu i. r ')i' 11t' r) 1> l \) }l\i f) ~ rj ~ 1'1.Hld I" I l'1 20 //'tl ,, , I) dnrrt ho),r,1 111 JOV'/ IU J Ol' t' .)'IH~f l:l 1 .ltJ 11.1 y nf~ 1 h .Y a•... o . !1 · orn y nra 1 -~\~~ -1 s"U.t n--or "li?1,•i nti---......~==~-·- A.J<lt MH - llt-l lfu.laf• 8;\reet · ·-rH1i :f';:i~-itCCiiUJ1tb r;-·~-~-· • 'll'V t'lli: Adu bl l. . .-. ti ~· x if :x ' 1r.ll' l ~~ }. II J (ll ,j,. : <) J. t l 1. fll'),C) ~ 'P l_ l l___ Add f' • T. ,,.,r:i.Mi!•"" nrl".l 1 ,, : 1.n.vnl v ·it n l .l l' t:iP p on Nurr b• r I -··-··· ~.!i!ill ..----...,,_..-.....--- of 1 z' •Jb i.~1m I llo 13r ~Hl 1011r- :i tt.~1· 41\t Cl rey· 2~h! 194?.. t.n wh.t.~b, 'f O nclcu d a1o-py pof a lt ~ r wr1 ~ 11 by Mr ft ti T loyuia t behalf of bh Unol• .,r \le l:IUll~y-.. t'h.t i:l 1u• t 'l ' 1>f a .PhotQCl1l\.ph.1 altaa.!h loa t 4 t ~13 '1'1.ll .r: Str1t t. , l"~e1l'lo CJ lito;ilp.'h ., ~b.1:1 h ~ tilt UU.• tlOQ t tl11 r. • l e :fl! t114. '! JC01tuna •~ th. J,,:i 11Q iD.11oeptj. I\ 011nt•r lool\ht\ lair 0J''OUnh ~» Jt "-'Cl 1 oi1ttdn1 ~ tollow1si b .!ol'at t 01u ti'U.dio ''l";i~•n ~· •t.ored S.n ti~ dn~ roo~ of 1tw h~e. .a. t 114-l~ If 1.l.IU" hreit.t • th 1t ",,,. , " ~ to N9 L 1 1 J!'~,Pxn:·1•to\' of th• lr8~no Oiiat13:'a. i:: *• L ., 41 '11 w r tol' in , tl'\IMc with ~h l3•k~nn Van & Shrq• Co11pw , l'I' llllo Q.t1lU'uAL • 'i f vllfit I aontiw M'.)." ••c I ~..9W.§!D JO'rJ a.. llt t rh.g to OC)Uh t•4 t~h Cl ' • ?k~4 --- d .uua;d _,d:, ~ -UuJW-~ . /tuz4L ~- - -:d,;, ~ I ~~~~ U,,ffe.,d. . ~ /~ # ~all-~ --~--r-kd_ d/ b;::.~L \.-;£ c .i.c c 4-• ~ Crt J...~ I • jf ranh lftatntpama ...... F NO , CAl- IFORNIA. Apr:il PrQvc111t Mall'shfi ll ~.c.c.A. Whitoo~b e, 1942 Hotel San Fr noiaoo, Oalitor1l D e.r Sir, Ol'l• w•lk " o, my w ale with l.l. otner J J>"" ne a photo~r ph r~, hav be n picked up 'by the B.. B.I ,. I )lad to n sum tl e rett1>ond~1iL1.ty of tibe StucU<;i. Not kl'lowi.ns anytbiflS uhol1t the l vro ~PV$rnjn$ th op r ti on nd olo ine Qt th plloto etUdio I w·;tah o cl,e.a1• 111yself on o ;rt~.:tn po;1nte wa unobt inab~a at th. loo 1 w.o,o.A~ F.. B.l, 1 and. t e 1:>011,oe at tion, '?h loaa.l W.&.() .,A, Uf;gest~td th t l wri h to you d~r o tly and g i.v• le dup11oa te ao y ot tkiA• l. tt1r ~ant to yo~, to 1in•DI• Believing yo\.I. woul~ pr t r dir ot, •~oiit, ~d to th p cJ1nt que11tions th y re a.a follow111 t rnovaabl quipaient Q1' th 11tud1,o ho, v been turned. in et th lr.>oE.\l {JC' tJta ·t ion 6't the t1m of 1irool Jn bj.on an1eot,1ng i. t ~ . Ill would ther tor to know if thi, l'.'em ining ( / ) tat1onary stud.:10 aq ~vment ool1ld be tul"n d in t the same pla.o ~ Ii' Qth rwi1:1 , would tne g~ ~ ~ O._o_,~ be th prop r 1>lao to turn ov r th ], Th lr~ dy ~\lipm ~. ' ~ ~ .. nta . Of.In l e ll e.lJ. or tti t11l'14dio nr Amerioan who not of Ja.~~.n nts to oe anoestr~:t ~, l ~iah to ke p the l fl ~ Qf the atqdio qui~> ... in my p reon6l pea .ea~ion in the v nt t~e -equipmen.ttt oan not be 11~ld at a f'•1P p~1o ~ 0<>1.41~ 11d.s t> don ? ~•ntw tltl It tfl 'ff "'' ' J ' " ,. • l ( a• 1 It m • ar 4* ti 1) l ~ .. jJ'ranh Jkandpatna •~ We have A large aocw ulaticm ot negativetl tn&t has been kept on file tor repr1.nt Jlurpoaea tQr th• acoomidation ot our ouatom•r•. It it ls ot any value to ~atio,n~l Def1n ~ , I would riot like to d••tro' it th•u~~rora aan. to~ 1uggest now· 'ho d:tspose ~o te> ot ~1l ~ t;,. 1itu-.t1on as express d in my tir#tl tme buein sa bas been olpa ~ nd is 'liRJposai'ble to be r~op ned • I would there fora g);'e& tly a;pp~•o;Lat ~o\U' 1Dwed.1ate r ply to the p•:u gra,pb 1il:Jove ciu.•at1on1, P.a. t>t' the th ~he &tudio e~"11i11~ent• oonsi•t• primarily at•tion•rr o mera, the enlarger , and Pl'i1iter .. Kindly 1 nd the answer to th1~ lett r to 842.E.Street Fre•no, California. --.. .·-·· -·~-"'-OS'iitar ·r l na t 1!\11.'l Ii \H rv iift w1 .Ad~ l t I I~~- I ~4 1h 1 ? 1. ll'1J11)1)..l1J l 01 ',I,~ l'l nh i p I --, ....~.............. ,......._._......,._,._,__.___...... ~ -"'~--. · ~- .....--.. ~----- .... """'......... , .. -~~···- -+-•-· .........~----·- n f ;31.rn l.l'I. . t'l !1 i Pnr i11M• h 1. p I -... ,.,.._ ...,._,_,....._ ___. .,._....,.. ...... __ - .. . ·~.,- - __,.... . ~-- . ... . ,._.. .....__,_ ! nrltvi u 11 . I . 1I l . i· ti Corpo1•1• J.~n 1 . 1 ~ P.t 0)ll.' l. - T,'.f'/1 ___ .... ,,, r' '"I H ..... ........_ __ ol' ).'l'llb l 1. 1111 ~ ,t'l)n h ' dll l t,~. Ot'ln1 ') \f Qfl \l/)\1HI ~ I \ Q1Hl l-1.>.'~ 1 ( iJ,.. 0 ?3 ~ ...........,,.. .... -·-to·.J·ttl'•4.,.... l ·1 Ir. ) t •1 )'Ullll 1' lll.! r 1141 t d l'Vt • ~· q't t SA"NTA CRUZ COUNTY BUIL'DING A.ND LOAN ASSOCIATION l••': ' T LllHO•e 121 • ~" • p i I ' . r , q , : A ,; .. r i11~y \.I 11 ~ ;; l I , I ..•. ...._....., A - 1 , ,, "" Air•""' I J 1f 1\1 I I 1' l'ia d l'lll Re 9 1", V'C . Mk pf 1411 rr nchco hoal "'~"nt of' Ut!! 'fol.hd. S t;aa ____ -~-\I>_t_t1 Tel p OM : lnt.11wvhw1 Ad.uJ:t 1 Minol!I M1.:i. l u1 ...... :Feima.1,,01 Oi~hort.ohip: --,...... .........."'1'........ ~..,,._ - .. ,.....~-,.- ... --...... nu tnQ l'I> I.I I - 0£ ~ T ;y1~1 . tt....+~..,.,.- ~·1----~~···-~-- ,.-.·~·-,.--_......, r . J?i·P1~11 iat or ~hip~ Ool'Jl'•l tioni __ r.1\d;l. v ld'\l 1~ 1 r I q I .,.,,,; ( a.~~0\) 1j ) ~lli~iCA Wh :r 1 MCO.llnf\_.f I •I p 1· ... _ _ _I " " " _... _ _ _ ... _ ,. _ . . , _ _........... PAvtr\ l.'flhip~ -. >.,tt,Mll n.dr;IU 1.llM.l ~j ~. ............... _________ , l:;'E DERAI.. RE El VE B NI( OF FR.A CISCO .A,d.\ll t: M int>~'' ' "'""'' Ml ht ~1 ainn.le: OHi .Pate of lt1i11~ O~ .t'$, t i 1~ ~1','r l11bo IJ11H d S ta~ fl 1 ng uri.tJ., 1· Tt ea 'J:yp(' QI! Ih.rn 1•l !> U I ~ry M. o n JRr. : ; { J f"a'rt~~ l 1 nMpt 1 ' " " ' VJ P.-np 11 b~reht;pt o,l., Jry()i•o. tion. . ./' I11divicl l: ir · _,. l\t'lW1: ,,, .PO!lon Il).tuvi.Qwrtd.I A.d.rLc•oGe 1 'l'e l O't>hOM }1'11nb l'I or p'~·<1bl I f\r4t'\.on. tnk l\ J 111 ,,.. If rn 1 " •j .. I' / en~}1ip: .,.,,.,.. ,41) l • " Adult I t1illOl' I . ·uh 1 : Fmn l o : 01 tiv. r:ql\l'l li}'l:, >4;14JZ~J~fl"' ___ _,___..., 0 111;"1 t,i,1,~ nd n.•Tr 11u, ']~t)) l)f Bi ~I '1 ~I t J. '1' 11 r , 1 1 r B h\ ~IJ' :?t"O Ll l.' ,t:l \iCl:r' ,lhip l CQrpornt:i.CJ H r1 l v du11l 1 t'. --"- ··---- ----···· ~--·- ......... ,~.~.., J.i on n tH no ·1?1 _,... I ' ""'· h~ " •• Pur$on In ·I tI I A ~r vl w - ·-- - - - · - - - - -· - · -· - .. __ __ ___ I I .....,....... ,._,_._., _..,.. _......,~·-_........._._,...,...._..., _,,..._.,... __ ___ w ,, ;,,,/ llf . 'I).. ' (~ 1-1~\ljf ) -~..,...,..~e........_...,,__._ 'l'~l• M1101 l n tet"yt 1 MuU : l~ ~nor. Mr·l 1 ~ i i'•1r !-!le ; Oit t h 1. p ~ -,..-,-- :On. rt cf' l o. ~ r1 tnr lh t, o u11 l. t lit Stnt Mt·. v~n Lo >an 8 ,·1 J aent u ~t'fiUL' t . n1an o~ 20 Ot\15 a f OllfJWi118; ... dipCJ t on'l.y .. orn rMy I ve b on inoludl.u~ in e tU 'l'.' r pOl~ t', 1.nQL\ld ~lng th t nt1 z. wo. wish e to di. o~ i;, ·t: h16 t1•is . d'-\~re, Mod l I,() ~4l• \'1ttlch hca ts purohnoln <>n t m • Mr , Mr• K ~ na~ w sol.' Oroooriy Oo. fnr oontr ot. <J A.t '1 cll c ,;~ ·11 5) /ll'.ldi l t> )lJW I I a <} fr Sidui.c:i 5 l.tH~ d • !J.COll WM •' l\00 llHl~;J' to c.lonz l s ~ dW 'II btalM1 of l j, <i a)). r~ t.ll Ult I Ml.~<.1 rt 'Mt ~) q l1111rr nl ; Oi i '11 noh .~XJ : ~~~----. - - . . . - - . - - - - - - - - - ·- -- .. - - 1•· t. <' li .....- - - - - - - . . -- l!rp Cl f P. 'au.\ 1'1~ 11 rit fl I H r hi P·rQ r1it. ortl ' 1111 Onr ,, ~·11.ti~~ , t I 11d 1'r Ld UJ\ 'l J .11.d.r\t 1 1>'l'i r,.l'))n. 'I lnvolv ri d rrnop1 11 ns ----· 't pt 'b l - ---·· .. -- -~ --.....·.. - ,,,. -...- ·~~ ..............,......_... .: I • ·- _____ ~.,,,t ,....... 111.1 t port d h aolt.1 hi Fri.p i.<iaJ.11 et l.'od.il9 l flt, 6L1 l lio Gon~ttl a Hu11dwr.1.r e & Ciroo··1·y Co , tor,:.~, (Jo h crnl ·, h ult no of hie o~mt t•tt ct. . (•' k -t.1w.il1 ( ~)...Jj )I;~ ) tui.d.1HoMl vac~• wh"J.''t nAo e a.rv ~.L J I , 11o l 11I 11;11 J. m·; >i<M J•;111•ATTVr. D~. T'LIJ\.. 11, t,,, ~ 1 !l l L..:- v~~1. l:- ~bo n J.H I .. St l n <." f a ha.rtni oo the Uiri ~ed St~~e ---M'l3';to,---·· N m~: T 6le ~ih o ne : -A 1~~fnf!e) A1icl ~ 6 Ii a. i .;ii " I u o rv i.a 111 - ---- ......11itreot ':C · ' (1 irnrl.el 1 T :r itill\fl \ti,>y ti tlf; Mi no1•1 Mi-i.11 I · nle; Oithe1u1l iPl .,...___ _ 6 1 _ -.i_._......_ _ __......_,___,_ __ o. oi:-11. t i n~, rJ J\.1'!.U lb t, ~ nu l\O \f7 I -·- -·..,..·- ~-~- '!h.idn B. t PHrtn l'Gh,• l' 1 Propv'lat ol" Qh.i p J ____...._,__ 61 .,. ~ ... _,....._..._,_~pw-.-----· ll f --~ -- Oor, pq ru;t i, q n 1 t lulb'ld.l1n 1. 1 of p 1· tJ ). ln1n I '* ad.1~Lt. ~l1 ~ JIU~0\1 wh.e1•0 I~ ( $...l) Oli5 ) IHIH r~· .. --..- ·-·-,,--.... I tf ~"' ~ r r l ,, t ' . COPY or KANDA I H. Route Hl, Bo~ 686, Valley, UTTER Ft .CEI VED FROM - C~liforn1.a ( ~r . stti~d S t~etit J. s1 15)6 P rk Alam da, (:el U'ornia D tu' .Ir. Sje g1'ried: Jr.L t taking time otf to se.yi "thanit you''. The Oomp ny brought our hous h.ol.d arl 'f this m.orn1pg and now w ar$ glad beioause Wells Van and, 6tora.g ooda b. d a bard t~rne; to b~ w1 oomto rt ble without them. l i-eoeived a lett r 1.1ay1ng oul'.' hOU$8 is rent I ll o:t the things ot' value e1 t~ken 01~t ot th bo·in • So now ttier iBn 't any stoJ' Nom 1 n tbe houee. ~nd A.Pl in thanking you 1 (P'o1•m r Ad<ir ea .. . 2413 ! l' main, '.ma~le Avenu, Alameda, 0 )...) 13. :L'42 .lptl 1 -(DTer- l'e l e wn 1 x \ ll\H :t i~ t er Mt.i..l,t : Hnot' I M~1l 1i 1 Jl'Ult a1El CJI: Olth rrnb. i7,H I _ _ _ _...._,,_ , _ _ ....,....__ ~d~ f1l I'• ,, IJ:; p )'ht.1 ~ n ~ O I i~1.1.l1 tn t uhltn r '(' PrQpi 1. 1 t 1) r 1:.1h1p i Oo:qvi:r 1 ~ l. on I 1 J\<1tl1: ·ntJl' phone t 1ulLv i u.n ll 2. An J •,>.It 11 1 .~• ntra.!, Nu.11\bt r 1 • ,_ ~~~~------· ·- _,_ ~-----.-------- Ot.n ~h w "-'1.dll turd 'o l•ll • Y•Q I. $.torl\gt Co. to ...... F LU•~ 'l'hh ••• ll•lq•ll, a».d. l'MIJ. wrot• '.nP • ab1:PP•~ u.•. t i lr.•1 1\ 1111 ~· d•• ,u .• , A "-'~•ba\ an.4 b•1 onfll'lll renU g Qf hi I t30.oo »~•sa•. l h••• t •ontl\ o ••th l\uld1 tun terr•d. '4l Xuta• • 'lJa.•' 011. "'O" 2. \ ';Ol'. 01heo 1111 Wtl11 Vu 6 , ••• dJlllT•~•d. en .A,p.-11 12 u .. o·f1\1•\ in n.•~ t1a4 llj)W llM Unn c1 ' ~ .AMiMh 11(lt'Ld.b ~o nt ( :_)IJI 5) l ..... nl I) t S h tint te J1ra.Jloi.11co $ t e x clu.~:t I :X. i 01• I Mti.l I x lru,!!'11llll 1 oitt~ 1• 111p1~_us_A_ -~,..._.... +• llup~n • 1 r11J\J1, 1 Propt•i to ah'i.p1 l' l"l3 0 11. tl t't1u Cor P"rrt ~ on 1 ! ndJ V'id.t \, I X: .Add.rt: ___ _____ -~---- - _ ·------·--.... lo~ _,________ ..._.........._"'_'"- Tol. p <.· n Cal t i d (I w~ 1l II n II• h\l()l u 1Ll j 111 ~ th t . Uio it ' ould b" " )' 1 L OJI ti ~ K ll(l ' r'll Xn rvlow tl.1 ..-----~-·-- _ ~...., o~iv l1i11 h I l\old ~o W1 I l ~ IT ' b~ <J1uo VnUtJ,Y Eh)lflt ~I ·L<iVUt1(H) rot• ~~hir 0110 vi k l 11JI, • L ir n tl :; h •A ii M) 1~r\cl l t i ll n~ l ( -~01.~ ) JJorn . _....,.._.H ....,._ .. t.11 )·1~1 Comp . 1l,Y 1 '' b iild.11 'J tl ' ''>n l uod to b 1 l h.\ l(H1\I IH.l I () t) ~'fli .I" t• 1 V' d 1 <lnmpnn~ 1 ml 31,oi·isp• H Vy l :,' blll. CJ\ 1.1£1 r 1.w.l l.oo to \ hi p th~m ,1 ) ~· ho,y c pl, tn ([ 1,h1 t t()dny r111 t h1or1•ow Cl 11<1. Ii vu 110 ~ I J11oci l lle"a g J''Yta YI l3111n k rJ r a n 1 aMhcco ~tie Un~tmd Su :l,1t !'Vl f.'l""r of ?.I :;•' et· -----uT1;--;;r;~.ur-·: ...1Nn d , C:1:1.l. i l'Ol'lt.l / Opol"~\ti·~f!i IP entr,•r w.n,d1JT ~nt,Q Uri I. T ' fi11:i T;y-pn nf. Ih1 1.i1 il:! AJll wi:·~ ~ r1J nr 1l1H :Pr C:}l ~. t1 t' I 1p l '/. Orn· I'! r •n .!.on: ..,...,....,_-·-r-;:A)--· ......o-;-?r- ---~or;:-;y----------1 DI t,11 1f 1 •rch ;,ry ; l.9 ;:.i s at;;f .......... ,ct 't £• 13~ 1 ----~~!! .....':.2:1 I" lii. 1JtH10 now? I 1~ l.'kJQ~l ~·..-- .. ....----.--........ · -·-"'""--~-----~-····--·-·_,..__,•A In .AMt•o ~II I l.'t'"V1<1 1·1 ·-- ··.... i"lll'lli l\l' I bo11 Ot r·11c Ill o f' II di ---~--- to (' 1• • .. Ai1 '" '' '' ( ~~()'):; ~ _ - Ill' HI. I ._' ·----, ~-, -o' - f19... ... 1l• 1l L 'JCO ~ wt . L 1· a Vn I l 1'y ·1, : > lnonovi , t,u,c l1) ri« 1u I 1111t t ii v to mov- --·- .....- ........................ .... ;/ .Ill., 1 1.. Jv l1hml t 1q ~ __ . ,_...._, _______,_,....____.,. . __ 'crijl @~ J.l'.lo k11~. ..,. I ~rf.~L ~' "?i I .~Len ~fl. n <Jf l/).Jl 0'.'!l on ,t,r: into TJnit d Qnt , I I 1 II tr a ! l'l."I bi ·1~ ~l\d~r :V1.4llt'.1131.1ry tLNU)tO )lU W? I T:,rn f Il D111 I O I l?11.r.bnr.w li 1! 'P r pr~ t •r 1 r ,l '" on )I On:' ' ..•1.1 1rm ~ ~ ( / / l lq hithHl I ' (}) ri. ~ (,t 1 nu'l P:t'Oj')O' : 1 Lnvril v · d •l llcl "/) ,J fr' :ft Ill'!:> 11 ll:f ~) If '! . ..., {4,I r . r. /· ~ .Jf.¥'"''"I' . ~ ll'elliif!t' 1 »i,,llce.l 1 ~~QrYe S n. nk:; o n .Jl.Etent of Unit d. (·o m,----~l\l SMhcm~ ~ r Iutc);'Vlow : Actu.l. Cl HnrJl' 1 )J{r1,l (11 I :F1.1tinl 1!1 0 t'ti ~ ~Hl'l'll ~i!J I'"""'_ _ __,.., !. l\~rWI I - ~ ·~t .. .--to-t--~.,----....~-· ~ --...; ,..,, _~ .... ---_..._-...... '~-;;pe n'f lhu~ il'\ tl JI I itirtlt t1 11h'j,:v; l11 r1rio1i CJ r 1:1L 1.p1 1 Oot'Jl'1:t'll t i oii i !nd i. idur1l1 L < ~ttA :h. i:vtdition1l. M o ( ~-·;:i055 ) 'l.'(I J, 11 phone I I >° I (! wl\ 1•0, n 01Sll ll ll 1'1'f N'1JJ 1 • r1 ~ ....,._,.......,.._,,.,., - . --_....,..,*""" f!,: -·_,.,,.....-:--..........,-· «, ~ ~'Sans WOO~ A.u~mbly O nt.;ar T nfof1ln~ Bu .Bruno, ~alirtJrnh 9/15/42 ... Ha.~ Che'frobt P:I, kue- Motor N1>. AD ;lli.,1192. C.a.l" will be at. "l'antoran 9/l6 (?). Kanda i. a not;. r•ct:Lv cl •ray m.oner. an1am S-.r1il n hu tl ed t~e ear tor .tJ()\lr mo11tln, Will ne Sept.•rnbtl' l.'I, 19~~. 9/!1../4~ - :r (rlainei.?) Holt ~Jfllard t. 'l!anfo;raQ) took 4•l..1ver,Y ot C.(l.l' NA Sa11d l'8 .. 9/17/44 - Lt~'Ying Sep~ember 19 :tor reloo, tion ,(l~nt r. UQl~t will bu.y tlu oar pt.einb I' lQ~~ f13r $475 oaan ~ lt not, flolt wUl pui c r in publ.~c ( mee in $1J..o Fro.noinoo and. l'Jl)tity th• Fctd~ r l 1 00.~ ?/lB/42 - ~<>~ t 1 •~e ld-.nk of 3ao Frat1pifle10. ld t.o Holt.a oe • oloud., ard .frM\' 1\1\hd to tl • o r o tl, Cl ~ q ,os•c:l. Mr~ Wtiru1too~ ltOOl!lRT VIIDrn.STOC ~ ( T n.t'orui) . . . . l"!tll!'l a.dv1.iiee • Jl1 4l d.t')rQ.l e J!l i mo 1 .A.lJe e:rw~ knk () 8M 'fr () bhe lJ~ih 4 S 0 eQO I; Al -·~nn:t;r- 'h phr;rne1 X nte rvl ~w ~ A.Aui t 1 IHn ·1r 1 ~l ~lr I Ff)m l () I OiU 1llttnh i ; .On t Tj'1\• i Qf 'J, 1,a ot rm ,.. ~, ,b ibq t1n1.t ecl ~t iQ~ 1 _.,,.. 4r- ...,.......,.._ ... ..,._...... ,._.... _ _ ,_..... )3111\ i l\QBB I n r ulli . ~ ro1n•1ot or 11 hi1l J -· -·~~.,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _......,..-..! '£'>I'\. r t orntl..on r 1l1c.Li ld1 l : 01? l.' 111 l ·-·------------·--·------. ..........,..,..,. *;..t; •~1 h I d.rl.l. i Q n tall. 'P ($... IJ )JI) ) "'!"'T'-·-~ 001 • Xo1l j,o t.~ Ai~ B1tro •r1tQ1t t,11 (~' ~oo~q+aw•robly ~•nt•., 0 J o-..t ~ romi W 1 I 'rf 'l' P"~-< uu L !D nu u ni'oI'li\l s aembly c nt Snn. Rr11no , On Hfor Lil1 J1 ly P.B , 1\14!'.1 Mr•~ olJ'l.t' b Per ae1 EVA OUl)J t'OP ~it~:r Da pin•t,u1unt; Wed J r•f\ HJ a &Jl' "' }]uni< I.) f' All.n li'l1nn n:1.J1 100 n. 8 I• l'l Dori r l l lll)tl)O t' r1C b J ,1:' .. • tJ cr oe t () 0 , Oo l1.t'Gl n 1.u o ~ or ti u : u111\l<:l J. J , Kn nrln .f' Bn t't n CH ~~(') , 'Pu 1 ... fop n . aormbly U nt P , 111 n oomo to tHl fot• n 1i.nt;u1H1 1 tl o'IJ wb tn r. p1l yrnoiLu u L' 1c1n <>no \I 1 nm·D 1· U30 L. t:ll. I ,i eob , 01ll11111 , ()r.iJ. U'nl'r n , 1:t' rra • : 1 unrl c~l 'o J:l~. olt1~p nr.·1~ to ~r ~ \nn tn nd t.J· 1.d~ M~ 1 • l( mrl i l'lO lcl l\h6 Uho v11 ol !{ whiol1 , 1 e,trJtHr tlidd i n l; llo nl,i; t:J )}v.irl al !:; , l m a wihlJ. .hi 11n•o1m11nL :; 11t l. r• . Cnntlm.•11 J'Hl'Y' t;C) .:i•. Kn ridn till month1.y 111m or 11!1:~ 0. o o uritU t:ho I' 1 :l. I lltn 0C ? f 0 , QC) hn 0 b1 •Jn I i l , t4 dow r 1;yrn n \) h1 i1 hurJn l'!lfl< , nq ri h 11 1111 ,V p 1ytM n t bo :m Poou I. v1Jd \;o 11 to . : 1.nno Mu y , HM~~ , J, r1 • 01 n <J J' hrtt h d ··r~ u11 !'l'O O ll 1l.'t3 Ul.llr I.} J·iuor 10 ·Of' .h!J 1;J1L\Olr , wnndcrtn1, 11' Jrm oou].(1 nli t·, 1 i prqrmt pu:'rn onb~ 1n Ho •rh n nk 'f ll J' rn 1 11 1~ ll lm . our• lctnd fl Ii l, t V•JJ•y Yr : ro It:nn Lrnnui r . S.1n,.10J'O :1.nq111.J •rJ wh,r l;hu 11 0 ll1~ 1/J'1 o bo M1r]1 1 C'l' Ii 1 on to L ~1. tt m 1 , 1"1 ly ym wo , 1~ t • ()t\kJ.ilil rtd 1 , J] l t'O.t.1n'f. Mey Ii 1 1. ) '1 ! r, nAtlD•m , tr:LL!i\t. t3Ar1 UEJ,., ' . 1\1\ND I d1? 11.() rioi'J y nt " ~)o ,n 1 J n' U Is 111.t u 0111J Ll. y P1ih l \n Ll 111, l.l lli.'f htl'l t;o Lh(J ~tlllt oL' ;h1 ~-t-:y IJ lJ.r.. t• l ( ~.'io . oo ) ?fl0 , 00 ) b11s lHlHl J d ,d by· mu lih 11y ( .,) Oh.f;)Vt'O l ~l'fJ11d l;hi:L J 1d •t' q I, !Jj < lwp I wl l l ,J trnrJk 1 J.C 4. .~ Lt r i:n an c111Pr1 y pw1 l:y ll~llllf l~ l d rn PC:JffU:t.t.• on ---- 1111 1.1:1 l~lu Ul 1~1 vr•r?; l 1y <Jr lit y 1 1 ,11H3 1 .7 (.JOJl'lrtl I. f;l 111 0 1 p:l.1 1 1 f 11\lll ! ,;i , 11144 011uve llplc. of 0nt ot t Sara r JlCii c no Vr»t• ~ t~a,~o• ,, \f l ' ~ I~\~- 1 ·) ,eph. !>rl.e? I l 't.,.n L o w~ ... , ' 'On tll o-K ltuit An.tay into Un1h(,l Stntc. ...,..._....,.....---~ ~ 111,1t 1\ i lli: 'uid. 'r' (ll:r;i O.f!\U,';v' li:icon,;iq now .___. _ ..........,............_ '.t'11nl'I ot lliU111 ,P 11d /l n• ifi:l.,pd. "1 h :P rJ1CJn .'T. nt 11."V'i " w ~d ,...........,...,..,..,._ ,,., .,. f~~ ____ ,.......... . . .,....._...,........._. t~ ~... 111 lt __J, ,..,.........,._,...___,.. ....--... ·~---- j '[) I e01 nh;i fl j O~:t:'P ? ~' lltl 1 I\ I ll1(\J ri.d u . l 1 ll~· . Ill 111 11. ,.. · i..~:~ ~ ~itionui 'Pilt• ~ · 111~5 ) Wh#~~' neir, ••itrlf Dl . II \,~V~/· ~ I) 't l I _ _ .................. . I .l~ v"' I .. 'i l,)\ll Ill IJI I.) I , ~I. rll llti\•• I lllKl l Q() ..... of CLU~i. n11 •Ila. r l , <>~~,. Of 11•• • Gt partm~td uf ~ tor ~e~idee f< ~iui1i~n of ~esittr~tiott l• ru 1 ~ · 22 106 7 ot r : '£. lJl' Il I, .l I 11:) 'I 0 C,, V" .t' nlJ pJ.11 v 1 r ...... l2ag __ tl\.i\ 1. ~ -Jrqsa.C'!Uie........... . 1K ~· , J'i~ ·-····-· ......... _ , • lf'JJ:1-,gl1.·~ ' ·)n:J. 1 0111;,j n !' or ~-.~2J.Q Ql -~ _""".... 'i, I. ~l d I c1 1 1 mr.i I cJhr l i' a .\. t: • l 'r; r:mr,:i. t ta <J , w h· · t.n. Ci:! L()\'/ n g 1. (I a l tJ t /!t l l hi 0l ~ l'Q~l!.J'li~ ( ·- ·-· ,.... ··- -·-·-·-·--.·· -~ ·-- -- ..... ·- ~---- I , n0 fJ lit L • rJ i ~ (. ,11 'Phc.. :r1cl rHHt d · rJ l' 'l{o \ ~' Cl fl pt At p I 11'-111. l. Holb t In J, f.l tlJ ~\ j. CJ I A • ' it,1 ( l 'J t, G ')1 .L ia oon'V h1 r o • Y°liU l;' l!l 'l/' f-l 'r' j! lll n • ·~ ... r ·t1 J~ttl biv / l ~h) 0 1 / · f.tJ~ li"fl 0111 11 1 1 ~• ¥ I c.~ j /ti t11t .~ i n 1 11 ( d -'f/ r t• r7--~ ti , ·r.; 1 '""' " ~0 Ikmo:i• Bui lt - ug .e.1 e m11 7 39 Li<l n l1 114 ( llO'W l\~O ti DfH M 1 u ~J "" • DQnr c ~ u ,o• • I • ,/ ' 7'1 .). i w,; J J/)A n~~ 1T.'ft f:-,. f I _\ n '] rrL~d -L <> Ste. es .AdU t t Mi.nial' I l hlo l X \lr11 ,L r Cl iz nan i p t J!.~:..!l ...,.--..,. ._.,.._.,.._ _..___,...,, ~ ... __ ___ ,..._..,_....,.. .__ ,.-., ~~: ~· - ' T... _,..,. .. _.,., , _ . . . , . , . . . . _ . . , . . - - J. ~YVG 1 [ !ua:l.n QU I >n"lin ra hi11I Jl' l' <l)}\' j 11 I) 4·, \ --~- l' ~ \\ \ p I 11 Co1·r"n'11 :lon 1 __ . . ., _ _ _ __ _ ,_ AlhWO - ·--- ... ...........~- ... •, Ui rJ f M1 ·\.or n,. >I itl I!! AHr•. h. 1.¢ lH l Pl\l\l ( G... 1,) 0~5 ~ (l-.1 :t u t.. • ll'7 ~ l.J t.t.. f. t~ l\ C I il . J \.i U j1/ ..,_... _....,,....~---- vIi ll. 0 .1. ; c.t /, • l!ur. ~· l:.1:. 11 r!() V1 ... K11 ,., IJ!/tJ ,1 th1 n I ~1.\r i.I;, 1)~1 l. .._ lltJ.fl.lll ..-.._. .. ,_,_.......,.__ ----·----··__.,. __,,__.__,....."_ I 11tli v:\. dUJlll 1 (l t.i l)l'\ tnk~ __......,.__...,. , _ I 11,i J" ,, . l.>~ ., .. ·-1 1•1 c J ti oi' 1 ..L 1.~ 1Ji '•' JV ~1L 11 1 (11. •1 f,ur"Vl rd ~'"· t..•11 · I) 1rtd. J.... ti I u \ \l d b11 t J.1~ <I 0 11\ l) ~ I I r :1 I ......1 'u 1 • ,. j ~. I 111· I l 'J 11•11 y-1 I. ' • y I tll l t.1 f1 i t" r1cleuo ~ ,., Ill I /\r l )( 1·1111 J' I i11 l1J I x r l11 Uo1J I l~rlltJ...l. ' nuh i Tjl l ..r:"""~ 01 h ~ I!' 1 a o.!' 111 nt, ---- .. --................. .. ~--~- __ ---. ----~....._.....- ......_,... ............._.,..._ ... _ _ ,.._""-.. -...--.... - ·... --~~-.. ti ....,, /0 1);1.' )) UiUl) R6 1 . Pt·1rL1\0 r llhip I Prpnrh 1to 1 Ill t 00)"11r> r11 lon 1 ! i11l i i< 1 Jloll(JW...l.lJ;I 3·2:5-•2 , ,. .,......,,..,. ~ ,,__...... . ..·-~---.--.,---- A.d.rll•ll ~ I I .. . pt'!'lp'lrty l.1lvo l v·1 I. n 11. ll ~n " J.' 'J,1l,i• Ameri~ "'l'rlut Oo111p•111 h ~ ?{. A. 108.?1 ol'l Japl!Jl!JH 'l''o1 l 1 1111 AppUoe.l.lt1 1t tu 1 t d <>friot, Sf4\ )'t11Ltt1011o<>i h•llt. ltl Ohuroh in liorkeley, wM.ah hlld betn for rep ir p.irt:iQ&!IH, Thil ,l o•ll " s ()ri~~Mlly t'o~ t l4i0 ,13o. 'l'he b&lan4'• ~t:1tar¥11.og a.b the pre1uob ti h f' ar 61• .86, Tn• 0.11!11 •r• al: b~11 rlote aa 1'ollOW'-!t KllJftiy• 1{ M, 'f. r~k CJ.IHl.lci, 1C1ni glloh i J • ( ~., oe tl.I Uo• . a, K. !. n.-n... ) I Mtl lllU.lO~ a. 1the 1r,o:i: ·bh l:y , 11.y11\(jn.t 11 $ '51~ 94 "' '11\e h nlc;, &.g,l'•• to w 1 t at .six nwi~th d•ru.nd.:ln turilh1er p~~'t•, gnnu:U:tg 'th.h wIth. tl1 e hcip• bh o.t bhttl!Q p60i)l~· may b• able to Ut' r;y on thtir ps.y•l).b1 •t the 0100. of th t time. J:f' they ql&Qnot do t)lh , tl • 'bl!LUI< 'd;I.~ 1tep i~ bo prClb•ot th ir 1.· i~'h..t•, k.nU.ou 1 11 • • ~tt1ohed. K•i.n.•har 111 -.. (>Opy •Y 4U~~H of the greetrw11t bow h" Mllbhly p y111.4' nt;11,./ May l t> ll o• olook. A. 11. Ouo olond. lfro.n cl co si.t1t e ,., 1 ( 11 [> 1 --·-·--~.,,.-On._ t~_,....._ __ T 1 ;il11me 1 I 11tl'.1ntaw1 ~"l\l. l " A.Jd.11 n 11 M' ()l' I ~· 1 1 I · r1 r 1lo I CH 1.:iirn()i) t 1 :r. nr ...--~---- lll.l.'r .Y 'Li c ll t1 M 71 " f Bum ll R fl I 111.1•e1u r11l' lp t !': t w • i. ,. iL t ri I l. ll/ I T 1•n l ,, 1 1 J 11 I fl ..,1 01> '), ,, J I J. r rJ 1'f >h n r ti in n i- : lr 11. ~ " ··l , l I ··---. - . . .. , ____ I )I J • • I ' ,. ·1 "'" j ~-a. -2 . . .....1~1(:)~-T. J;r.1 hlon11: Ii ~.~rv· L fJ'lfl l J.clul bI X Mino1• I 'l l u l X. )' t.TI __ Bo,tla,ll~.,__- _ ..._jb, Utorn1'--.~ 0J. y ) ( S t t~ 9J 81.l I Ci H~ 1il'll11.,p• .J...~!.n. 1.l'ry t"l.c rH.11.'l now? 1 n f BtHl i?\ '!!11r \l.flf.l I Olea.nj,ng u d •nh'lp t O)l1ng :Vr O]J:l' ~ o ~, Ot'Bl ~>~i·13oii In 1 vt \·1 d. 1 ___ A.em____ ,......___ 1p I ---· Oorpri •1 \ ,n t fa<H'i/td.1.~ · ll l{ to X IJ.1 l.1phc n l~un\'b .r ~ nbJi t-0 lei~oe or1Hll ...fil1 J.n!A'bed v11Lt1!ll of' mon~h h ri(l.n~y, rent r bman $500, .Lfo~th 26 .00,. Dod.(S$ 1~~ 7', ~ Oot•l\l :r R ullo u, qu!p~n.t ( ub~ r}. <JUr :r1 rr.iil h. ~ .. J.nti ;hm · r'.k:1l\ll111 Im1.e1nuoh S~i'if: Bon.,rd I! tl Ill ll>lio rilll 130tl c:l't Cit'Ot.fl.t'~ pf Oe:rli;eley e l I I JJt 11.d'V'io • r'\ I b ' H< I, I I E)11).ato il~d. r r.i.l J.°-Afl~ltl.I;'V . . ank.. IH S n W.ra.~.chJ~G ri BCJal Agent t>·t th.. United. St ·t a · ~::i-e...-) T l .Phon ____ ~ I iti ci t'v:l,nw : M1.i.l ,; 1Hnor ~ ii!J1,le 1 J nu~le :. <lLtl.2' D1 011 a i~ f l'I'\ T 1pn 1 laA t hi)J : ___ _ .into U'111·~t1a. S't t c rH nh'.1 l -~ Vl'l.<l1JX' Tr Jil~~Y ~~- .... ,........,...~.--.. loo,.. ~ !J '.I. oiii.1 ,--. - . . - . . . . . . . ._ ......... ~ ---··-~-.. --~ l3uQ iM ao 1 Pnr l\ J'l.lh ~lH .t>1•01H1itl t or ii i r:n Co:rp•JX' iH o I !i div id. 1ni I A d l~l"~O I ........ I ' ~/' ,I lilfl.ttmoh t;..d t :L 11 n1 ~ p; ~ u w)lr,1~•(1 l~ ( ll ~01·~ ) ,.,) I '• iio wr i._...,,,...,....,_,.._,.._ _ _ _ f! ri'f It _ _...., -··~------ cil II I \na-·-.,------... T.l'Jl IJ i'l 1)lt I L It l\l' l/'18 W' : l 1l r l t : 1rn I Hu or 1 l(•l ii ' )J\iw lo 1 o~ i :.1 n lilp 1 ~- -~··--i.>f 1.n i n rr l r1 o Url ....... 0 1 Ql1 ·--· ··-~---·-- I rt l •1l'Vinw1·• 0 I Ad. Ir a rn I ._.....,. __ - 0 l\ (lat\ u 10l~r~\ !, (3,..11n13 r > IHl •lfl\1 l'O HO I I ~ " .... -_...,._ ..., ·--......__..,......._ .. - -.. -_...., ..... _..l,_., .. ........_,.... ... _ _ --- rlJ. A · -.......,._.. Pi • - - •1•--w-. .. ,... , .__~.__ tt-· 'Ot 'ij t q --- ..... ·-··- ,.......... ..,... ... ·-~ '¥! () t. d 1' 7mU)t or QI 'V 'r'/ t N (s1GNr10) ·• •iot n. E, i~t ~ f trtitl' ,Jr )'OU t ': v1::. r:1 so1 o • l :r ,,, l -'i~ <' l I ... :rv lliM ' 0 .t" 58.ll Jfr DJ. 1)0 g4'nt ct tho Uni t•d l tst;43~ Ad.uH 1 Hi no 1•t l'4/1.1 ..J i Jl1l,r 11 Oi, 1. 'D · o 1)-. of 1 tit n tr:r in o Vn t 1 d. S• nt ri r r:i.Hn 1 widt t" Tr1)0.GW':Y Li. ~ •Hill ~ow? i ~ .m t l3\lu l. n~i u 1 I rtru 1J:111h..l 11 l?l:' t'M' i < t r11.. 11h.:l. p I OrJrpr>N t.l. otLI Il\t ,t 11l d.11 ti ~ .. , t n 1 1·.1 k' n11 t * i)v'o11 ,. // /~~ ·' H1 n1 \ r 1l 1w , 4d1,1.lb1 ?.! ~ l Of' I Mi 0; 'l'.'l11f. l v V I Oitiz nohip: p )' IJ()I') I n't rvi Mdx•cio c Hld I ~~.u.i.:..: s r l~ f, n I' an ui eo thot1~t1hd.Sta.~ in l''V'lll 4~t I TelQIJh.crnc ' lnte r:rL i.- ~ :.x. pi - JlJrt11:... ... ~,._...,_ on ~ D t. ' of lo t tm t r:r ~n o Unt .i..t St t · ' C:.. m i. ·1n1 \Jl\~t J: T~ar S\U'Y L:!.r.011ao .tl¢ W? 1 ll' '· ·11<• of D\t11\111H1 Pn t 1 11 Cit' ~lh l1 I l1 ropri.ot \ :t.'Uhip 1 Juld1• I fl - - ---·-.. . . . .-·-·------ "- I I.. ( Ill r) l' p1U' T. 1tdi'1'l 1'11 1 l 0 J ow- p 'J/25/ 4 _........-.... t.·l n l. pnl i;nm l' 'I ~nv 0 lv t uml ·nc11 .v r:ed to b11t i· .cl th t M h i b n h ~runr: .cu 1 l'll!. t • (• M f.hyv11•1 , Mr:; 1 g 1.' , r ~ N or:u:m q1; d . 1.u AJh1 ny • n. tl n~ t l 1t 1A li n ' 'h t y ti. i o i f' t.l' h Vt od d h:l.m U' i pl':ljo n.t 01.r1 !' 11 ~~ J'()Jl hf.In ~ d .fl l' VI 'JI • :r I ll - c 1. Qon ... · r IJ l :J '' 1.l. f' ·l:X1 ~ or end l ' t ll tl (.l I• • t) l'. I;~ J h I ii t•ll yv < 1" ~ r 't : )' t,1 11 I u1d> nd ,l (J I ' ttJ {I' It I ..t V C tl\ ~ UlJ 1 1 Y' h< 'I j ·1 I•' . ' lJ\ J t ll)(J ri. ir Ho of' l1 k J'l J 'r , 1tly PiJ OS d. I J\ rt} c1 1.·1· 'l.c ),• 1 ! 1J ~h <I !f.• no :m lnly Jr 11h l 'Y pf ,.t r fW Ch in lUol1rnon<', '.C h n· o 1. l l Ql1<l, l' . r.I 1 ....... -·-~·-· ... i ll)\ .' fl. Jl •'.'l rt Mondt~ ~ r u.t. J bryhon . : fo eniew ~ .A Adu,H I X li no:rl HJ, ~ . X l!\.1irRla = OH i DI t Qf 11 tr ,r a.u ~nto U'n · il. ll n e 1.t>i meri n ·--~ 1 _l!~,ro ......__,......_ ,._,_________ JB ~~~~ '1:1 1\. r, f J3uuina 1L Flori• t Pru· n · l' (ihi H pd!it Gl' ~ t p 1 Q(J r nrat i o I I t<U. vld wl 1 X Pt' 'Pd 1 i J f),l ]?M O r "I inyl) 'Vr rt tlnc1. llent11 l<H10.~j,,m IB() tq mrJm equ\lpnW'n.t nd gQ0 11•Ul, Uo1.1~nb eC'j11ip111en1l PQYC!. 'ble thro1.1 h Il l' l1 l' 1 l '1 1!'>11 n. 1Jlll l tl.t 56 . Uoot qt v-11.l.u it\ llH ~Qowt .~~o sto11 c of pott ry. 600, 1 m.onth11 ago, owcu l>a l Mti of .u oh11.niqa IJ11.21k, l b1 ny . oo. O,.n1 t l'n olr.. (cl.ear). Al'l t:. 1 ·:i 1t tnk"~ 11 1 liugl~Utof'\ Ul."f ta.,:id f1ttlt ~U~J?Jlltll'}'fJ ll.n urr 11ge t:oL· p ;.ymtHl ~ 1J.C IJi~le:nofJ ,du • pro ro u bo th.ill o.r1· o .... . c'j ~ ,l a no r7 I ~ti s1>011 1 t()OK tJ,lld in)Jnedj, .t liy liloe b nk lll'l pou uil?l.• .. rtt ~or t. 'l)el yboM: l~ihrv w1 ~ Aad.u ti l'l'1Q1·~ IJ!n.le I 'B 0 l)e.t oJ.' ln11 t n.try ht ll Ur 'l 1 y~ o ·~ Ou.11~ 1 l!IJI t d fH rrp ITIJl~ I 1n<' t1 hilH ~lwld.-,:J~--4-~;,... . _ _ _ _ _ - ~ -------~---ffl· Pl.'l· ~·l:.n l'Oplc\ I r11in:i pi Ql't.1hip1 Cor rio ·n.Uq 1• 1 t l'l~'L \I i \J41 l 1 ~r lnaipul pre~ r y lnvotv ~iA ~·f. p ~~ "~ ~ I -r :-:c-:. ·, w,ci , - r f( ~· ~t ({ ~v ~ r" · ~r:,. ·- I ~ (I Gk.-.. .., ~ l 1 l• 1.. tlv-e l!rui k .i\_er1t oi N1,1 I __ _f. D e tl l, 111 or Sa~ Fr he trn~t cl -----TDo.ifi'f llrJ l u-r~ tt ll ~ I --- X.1t, .l' <rl.ew l e ~ ! Un ~ · d · - - -........... .., , , __ _ ....... ...,....__ •. -.._~· ,..__ .__ 1: 1 ot: J}1Js lu"' 1 1 'J? r f, 11J;rr1} i 1. I P1• )t l • t ot• l Jn I O'J l:."'l•(J r ' l.r.m 1 1,JCt 1Yi Ufol, l. I ~ At ~ l1 ~ r.1/J ll ~ Ho1n'.1. ,.1U) ( ;) -. 1 I ) • ....._....._ .. ___ - ...._ _ _ .__ ,.._,____ .........,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·••· Pnr~on I n L ~ rv l ~ 1~ 1 · ----·~ .... __ __._ _ __ - - -.... _.... _ .. ,. ~-- ~·-,..-· .,...,_,_,....._ ,,, _._.............. ,. ~j~ Ii ....... .,..__,, .... ..... ... -~--·-- ' _............ - • • • lillt • ' ft I r.tJl otf .Y~hl o,t't'1crit.1 a ,1'1Jrt 1942 ' ---n~-;0--- fo11;1r.ih n : I Ct t•vj aw: Rt s H1 !,hw y --·---..{ st1:;.--c-;-;T.. rt' b_:r)____,,_ l, i" ~-· ?A·5 r1 r. t1 111 ; · no 1 J C 11 1 . or I I !( 1,I 14 \ ---....-.. -cr;~t."or--·- ~-(ct~~· ' Ad .L 1 11/ .l fl c·H tr.I I I\ ~ hl );l ~ __ J!.\Jl! r D1.1·1~ o~" l.nat; u 111.rv 11 fJ'\),l',Y i tt U~ ·-...... 0t I of. l3ti in 1 ni 1 P1 • nn1•t1h i.p : l?:r p •l . or Ii.I p I , ow? A.ti l.' OOT'{1or11 t 101 '.r.11.J.i. v i dun l r lv1 l t " ( . 1 11 \ .1 C'f)I) J\p1' 1 1.l'I ?O , l I /l"1 1np; cn n t,:rfl t:a 11 1 '{ tm l. r t, > ""'_... .. _ .._....__,._,.-..-.- 1 l'I I l fl1Jh \ ilVQ -...--~-----·-· ........ ·r t~ nn n 1 lf 1ml)11 1• 1 ___ -- ...,.....__."""""·---.... "'_ . _ ,..__-..,..,_ _._,_,_ --- 0 ' ~I ' 'lb l t ml 4 ~ n lr 1 o ., ~ , 1 E'11 j ·, "' Att 11, cl f: dd.i t.Q n.11.1. H r·o (O-~i01 ) it .rv1~ whr 11 J 11tl a ra (ti' ~·, Dil.•I) +; 1 () i1 i I ~- ---·-· -~'I "rv~ ll 1k of So.n i ·i1.nid co nt of,' tho U'n.iht\ S llJt os i' .1 phon t lutGl'Vl l'lW~ v • A.cul. r ,,..•. Adclr ae 1 I· inor ~ 1-{1 J.a r .,.. lfo11111l.e ; Oit.1 ~ 11.11111 . t' Bun~non 1 ' " " ' Pnr1 nll1'Ul1 i H l'l'' pl'ioL r•nh.l. p t /) ·p· 'llt Qlt l In h· .I.dun l I """"' (. I "f'.A.,.' T J.1 hen• ~llli°t' l' I 11 • , f I I/.;J I j rt.( rt. ~ 1, I Ul..... 71(. . II I~.. ,., .>I IJ . ,, I I' / 1 .r. Ii,, I /, I ,. (~ . I. I ,, I .);/.,'ti J \ I'\; ) ·• (11 I ,(I I (l • . I/ t/.•/ , . ~I )1 ( y,,,. I l 1''"'1 i I k <J b~ f $a.n Vnt •~ tfLnci oci 8tnt &1 )... <XOtHJ ~ 1) t I r.> t' ln nt:.~·r1 :ln o Vn1 d tn. fl ! :r Ti• W\ AMi· '.I.' ": ... ___ -- - J.1•phon Nu •lr 1 . /ltt11 ( t .~10 / ,,.~ le A I ·, I t ...,/ f A .• t.1.fl.%t~l)1U-.i J ° 1 ;·. / , .r· Ai I / lit .' ;:. ;~,~)tit· y· I et tr.I.. ,4( -A I l\l;lh BAAit (~.> 0 ·}~ ) t' 1 "' t- o~IJ, NO II I~ ... 11 ,.1 I 11L' ---...---........,..., ·--·- ....__,--... ...... _.,.. ....... ) I <t 1 ., _,.. ...... CI.Oslo in mo tr~ Sal.irws C> f tice dabed ~ T1:Jl ti1il h.".mrj t\ Bl'lf'i Wl A. \ l ............-: - -.... .. _ _ r:r.? i) l'l,t P1 :flu lrt I j~,.~-· IHI I ---,... ------- 11<J1• 11 h i p 1 Pt.l()l>~ i 11 OJ• I l ).J I O o:r HJ ~11tlon1 I \Iii vi ,U,/~l 1 ; -·- ···-· _..,.. .... ·~~- -· ...-. ·~· ·-~- ~iiv•n FI Qt A; t 0 M. &4, Qlikbt\r~, a_k w. Oabd..lan, t.e> lQClk ltt•r hd.e l':il~<>pei:tti,Y at lO~.,.:J.017 L&.k Stl'ieet . Ha 11.Ul'IA~, lh•1r . d )l:r' I )..I P 1 1 r. t 111 to i1Uc I ............_$alinaai. &e rv.e A.'" l'lt Bank cf tan Jr c i oco l th Vai 't «I. H t. lli t i ( J T1tl m h flrlC! 1 t11 . j,. ie'n }.. IJJ, t I Viii11'> I' I l·I J,1,, r tnP J. rH ,1 1 noh ~p l Oit 0 ~ ()' l ,,_ -~- · ~---- ... ..,. ... _ , _ . ,., 'r· : ll o~ E r 'P1w 1 Ll t' ·i o 1:u1 1 1 h~ l'-' l>'....., ..._ .. 1• ' • t0~1 il h ' p~ ' .d; i 0 I\ I n 1 LI ... _ ""' _____ ~ ,.,,~ 1o 1..-.; .... .. ~ .-. ·• • ...,._ .. ,..-t ... ,_ .. ... ,. ........ .....,.,,,., __. I --.... ., 7 ,, 2-9 V• . ,_.. hn·lr~mfi O -riU n Oon'l11•u:J. A1.l1111.11. •I.., f' tiu~·,) H 11t11·v Hnni· o;t' $An F rl\lil'.l 8 n l;ir noi1u f) ; 01 J.iJ~Ql'l'lfo •,Jon• 1)1.) ~ n.'tll u~n' Wo 101t1 1 ~i. ~ ~Ufj ~>t' ~MW'), t •• 'h1 wl~op" ! Mrll11 wi• • IJ ~'or ~Iyot.11· olw'1~ht10 J. 1) I nl. i trf v~gl 'i~ ,.. e V• Yo 1.u.o " vr;ry 1i 1~ i.~ 1 tr" rli1 Jank C){ t.h~ or ••n haNc1 co UnH\ld. Ste.t «HI ' l ~---·-co·~ -·- 01 ln ~ hl)re; · ~vLw1 A~u).t I • 1. JIOl' I Mnl •. I F rp ~1.'.l. H O tt:i;,1nu1~ .....,------ ··-· .. o,f 1 11dn1HH I ,Pni• t 1 r tih ! p ~ 't•o ·L t or 1d Oo:r111'1·1~ l ImU v i.~1.ur (s.. r;i i\~ ~ ) _...,..- .. · - - - ·... · · - - on l t1 •A.t. t.11 0 ' 1 i~dd .I. ~1)~13.l ........... _, _ p1,1, tl8 WbtU' O Mo IHll\~)' , -· -~..- . , .. .. ...... ..,._ _ ·-- ~· t ~•':"'! 1 .. ........ .._._ ,,,,. ... - --.. - - .. . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ jP._ , 11n·...,...,,,-i.L__ i'el .P210I\ lutcil'v·iew: X J\.rt1J,l I JC M1 'Jl ' I M11). I ff!, T l\ltH Ci iz .Ou/· r• or L(l.t\ on tr;r :1.ttta Un i.t d St ntn 1 I ..13u th ho.--- -,_,,............._____,,_,_,_,;-..,....._ ~ ,.,. . . . ~··, ~N&l~~. ,..... -~-.....,.~__,,. . .:.......,.........,.,.._.._ i:l ...... tl.'4-1.,..,---...--_...,_.. . . .,._ _._.... "' Atc1N~ 11 1 .r 1 .L pt Ol\ ol' ll or d l1V t' nt1 - t ..... .at _ ... _ __ _ ._ ut.0111ob lle . pon ved vci:lu.Htlot to t1h.1 1 ru tv Jl1~rL1l.l WhfifrO fl l~t!! ~ T'Y 1n~ _ _ _ . _ _ .• l'Vh\Vlili h:rc L_,_~. --··/ I ..._,_,,...,..., ...,..._.. ... I' I II t"I J :~011 1•ve lMnk or sfl 1 r n l co nL A.Bont of he Unl~ t t" a o r l• : ___ • ...!L , ( Su.r 1 > >-..J m11 l A ul ~ t t-!itl1H· t Ll OJ l11lm 1 1-) I 0 1. 1iz nuJ!\ tp i _____ ·-""'------ ....... ----..-~·- -.. 'I ;r (I (! ... ~---.--...... D\l,R Ln 0 ll 11 I Pr11· ~no ,r1-1 >ii.p 1 !.,.,.., ·---.;...-,,.fo-...,_... ,.__ _,,__,. . . . . Adt r oc111 t Cori a r1 t Ln111 -·------......_·- ------·--------.... ... I 1 1l~v i d \L '.'ol up hon l '1lllP• l l' I ...... _, ri I' all l i) ' LI __ l' l "u Lo * .t ~J'')L? tm1h r.iddH ) ( (J-1 0~1 \1 .H1~c1 0 111 Q a \ott . ltll, l.'~', ~.~ I -~_I"" r Pp lp d ....... . . ____""'.,. _. ._. _,. . . . . . . . . . ' _..,..~_...,...._ .,.. M. y 8 , 1948 H. a. KRn to t. 1 1, J~ox 74.6 old 1 t 1 or 466 B c- t: San i'r • li..1c o • ti\4' UnU;i S o.t u J AJ;>al ~ 0 'Pehl'.'ll'n1 . 1 Xt .P1\i; l 0,, ot' 11.\s · e n r;r ll'\ ·o Un H oel St n. c tl i fS1?. b!1 If,; \..U'ltcl)r r :/Tl Cl lJu.o 1,h 11)~ 1..Cr;f 'LL 01 ~O l <l W? I Boz:o. d.Jl"V.i:ll\ t h~r.e,. l'it!J~ ..,.Jla..,.. __.._.,,......,, ,...--M·~---·-.. · - - "____ .. _,......,.__,_ ...,___,,__, 01Jr 'l n~ ·L1m1 fod.1.v td ur I X rord v-a x l ,a t, - - - - ~ II ~ $ l'B.rt11(1l'nh.itl I r o i•1..i t or 1 ip 1 ;.e__ "'"'- • .- . -..---------'"""' Pi.ok-Up 1940J 4 good tir11 , l fa.1r 1par•, l':r.S.oe teoo. oo. A.1:r1.1on t dt.:t n 1 'pv t I ~ J ~.._.-if.•..,- _.._.;~·ey---~~dl)1)h o. In tlr 1 w: :x. J\.U.d.rn tlu : ____.2.72.8 f,f:nm·~~ tr ci b r~nd , '°---- u1.1br:> .. J ~ it ! tH'~ MELJ•. I x Adt;i.L l.te I 01 th u ohi;p 1........,.,....,.,,.......,. Jl'1 r1 br:r :tnt. o Uni ' ~· Tl <1 St; , o 1 of lh10 in.1 i 11 1 Go. d,.11ie1• l'rirtl1. l'uh.\. p 1 t'v o11•i Cr.ii• •> rn l1id ivi•l Pr\ n i!'1 l pr. .m 1 nr 11l in 1 'l..r> 1 nl 1 r .Atlrl rt ___..........._"""'_ ... 'J i t v11 t ot\ 11 nd li r J +,it 111Qlllt I t, I c 11 ~nk n I 1l1 11.rt.cH l o~ t1l tl ( 3- 5d!J~ ) l "' t tl l o \fh n 11 co> oi' i).r 11il11rri1 A.pp ~ cw u et. bo mont h n IV: is ~~'t'k'll\f. d to ....,.. .... tftQt to tJ __ .. _~ .IWf!G, Tom. CROSS INDEX ( "'); ~.,.............,....."..I 'it....... .. De3cri~liort "'•••••••• .............. ,.,,.,.,,. , ••• , , .,,~ rt• •• ~··~ •t1 "'l~~ of Document C ross~l ndex •J : .... ·1•••1'11• •1•r1•• ••• 1·••'"••••,•• .. ••P•,t.,' ' "'~'"t•• o1,., , It ,, I ..... ~.,,.i , ... . ;" ' ' .. "'"'' ' . r. Re........ . Flled... •• ~ ~' I ..... ... ,. I .... ,.. I , . ; I .. I~ I~ I •• t .. ~· ... t ...... , •• ~ I•.' t •• t., ' ........... '~ ' .. ........ ; I ... " ' . ' " " ' I ... , .. ' .... ~······ . . . . . . ~ . . . . ... .... it ...... , . I·~ ~ .... I ... ti • ~ r ...... ... .... ,. .. ........ t> ' , .. kj Ll •1.DP. ~~· t t. <in1• Verw>rlt. Aw.n • nd I( &t re• • I l'f i ·t •hin 011~ o_ u. ' 4UtnHqn1 ' • rn••t P. J11md", Jr, A.ui.o+. nt. aOR1111.ll11on r ., \ . . .ro.J: .~o en, Ban~ o $a hct!l N• n, o! tµe · ~11Lh l1•1\ e! <to \' ~St.a~ ·---~-nr;;:i;--,----- :r.o.L 1~9;,. onu 1 l. t orvj ew 1 .A,(lul t I '•( ~ · ih~W 11)1 1'1 Ll l I F )1111 l I 0;1..t i • ~ n ish i I ~- · ---- . ....,..._ .... i-_f"_-t>••·--'*'--··"t......-. --............ ·-·-· ....'*"'--~--,. 'J'.• :r ,11.1 o:t' !lud Q I l'iu· ll rah I11 1 Pl1 lJ))'i -ll't~ll J? I Cot· orn 101 ~ 111Hvi \l J I 11 l~ t· M l l\dd:i1 ,. . ~ I n· 1. rv i1 w1· dl (/~ I _................ --............. . _. __ , ........ ~-- ot.Lm t r.1 ( n I ~. - ..~ ~· l~42 A., ·--"--.;;....rofV 1J KANZ~lt1 -·-~·-zs;""":ti;·;-~--· 1T>l1 Li\ 1u 1 1 A. ,,x•o ~Ill l Pick T -"ti tvui'M"' .~ t Rt, i Box 57 --·- ·· -l"at ·o-;t~i\;-· -;.~y-·_...._ ....,_ . Pl~ I l'1•Jn1J. l a 1 Vaoavill•, 0•1iforn:1a _ o.r lo.·. ___.,... ~- ___ \\l I Hno1• 1 OH 1·1 n ip I_-··---- ·---roITir ·-----·-----fi~ ,~ "':":)-.. 'IJ~1. ·Q 'r IJ;~l,t.:l"Jholl'11 I J. Ii tlllV 1a VI I ___ ,_..,_,..,_,,_..,......_, __._..,._ .....,.._ ............ ~ ........---.-...-1""1 ... ...,..._..........---.-~ ,..,,.......... ..----..~ Ti/")C/ rd' Jlufd M ii~ I l:I .r nornh J.u I l' 1• <)) • h or h t'C I 11 - - -..... Cl)r; (Jllrl L I ori I l 111 '1 v l. · un.l 1 ~-.._'l" ......... - 1 4 ___ ... ... 010K KANZAI<I /•/ A.r.t ioi'l. ~Att. fl n111" •a h. d.rUHol"lrJ.1 ( r; ... 1;0~ 1, ) 1 _.., J ll~nll WlH,~1 0 \\ooi; nr~1·,y. -~ ,.. . , _ , _ ...... , _ _ .,. _ _ ...... _.__,. ........ ................, _ """'"'"·-·- -.... ~-··· Apr 1 26 , ~ou i1 1cep.tly ri . 94' ~1 . l.ftd et tl:Jia of!'~<i rot s li ;,\ '-' in o,,il'n14ot;ton w:lt,h y 1.&:r p op i•ty pro J. me r lat11:ng to t,he v o t on p1•c, ram . 'h ut we xi mot I\ rm d 1;i,s to w~1eth · you bsv o en tq :n 1 ~ t 1 t: o .o ·~y ~ r ~1rn~ men ta .t.n tb, i 9. re$ rd.. l nt~ 1.1 • a, w <lesir trJ l. A.l'l'l Wh~thf .r ou:r ft..rr· her 1.Cf ti l\Bd. , t 'I/ill l:J r!PPl' Oi.Pl.b j ·! ' j'O~ ua · fl to h~ pr sent t tu or .vou You.r e II :ry)~Y , r//~ l'i rtv-c:~ ·Ir~~· / aQil!i t 10..nolos 1· i1t 0'1 )11 r tlrOOfl 1 T.yr l'lr '.lh u i.11 (1110 , !' r n ·r llhi it ~ 01"1 :h I Qqr ,1 1• 1 t i c1 t 1"rc.11r i T, n~. iv,td,l)t 1, I d. i •· e~ 1•ve l3 n k o S Fi ca1 A ent of he Uiji r ~ IfTi!-nCl.lil 0 St11 ~ efl J ~~ \i 1 ii ' : ~iM l' ~u] i I ,.. 101111 fJIJ\.a l ~ I <H t 1zone 111 t> 1 _ 1t..&-;..~,__ '""' '- .....,.. _ _ ._ _ Cf' lh.1.Bill ~···l""""·•---.. 1-.......,. QR I Pru· t neru h ~)l I P:ro1n·iotnral ipl 01')1' 1\Mtir.itt tmU vidun,,L~ Tl. Jhone lfor-i •) 1'1 / 2..Hk\ (\ ~ f \ ~ ___.... S r, __ -· . - ·-.----· c: •)••):~ Jl D~r ut <11 ( tn 1 • IH] JJ~i S~.n ,·ra.nchi, of tho t!tiihd. S o.~~a T lel)hol').•. 1 ~ In Qt°v i1 w1'-' .A.r\.t'l.1 1~ t~~no1• 1 Mr1l ~ t i ,,...,..-. ~1 P:11 l · I Citl~111.ihtp~~--..,.._,,..._... 'P 't• l 1 n lp I J? l' Op )"' '! 11'1•11. v. tl I f\ll ~ r.>D I' 1fl ' t,, Jr1 I k ~ -·f:-1 "?A1 fl ..,,> 0 I I Aly l)f lll' •1· bl\ll I ~ 2-" v ' ~ ~ A.Cl I\---\ \~t h 1J \.-1/ f1· ; ~ Ir 11 t .1111.· , F~ ~ r ~ (-~ ~ 7 ~I t 11 ' I f\t . ,· Il i ~J V' /\ ~ y /\ 1 ,,1 /\1 '! I/ '1 . Yr. ' 1 I t.1 1 r ~ t) ~1. ~ H .t?. t.: \ j· l t . <;J1 ~ '" ( v. /.; ( t·r1 ~'!f' JJ ~ ~ '' r,.11 ) l) t. /' h ( ;.... • CIJp) J\t~\lJ, tJl. Q M ·- 11 1_ 1 ..... -~ ... 1q /.. /. c. I,.. t ~ I IJ r 11 • ( &v- 1 t. ·r ·l 'f\17J.... · - -~ I I fs '-·r /wf(), r ... ') Ila L p~ c. 1' \ <l·111r ~6 /It) ( ( \ (). ~1 ·11v\ u ''\\ ~t 0 'y./ 1od 11, r l . .,._·_ !o 8. Adiul t 1 MLl o~ 1 M·rJ.l I a/ B'ert1n.1 1 OUi 2 Qrtah:l.11 1 I ~~.U~-!-,J,;~~;..._--~.-:.~~-7--'~""'""' tt Da.t of' la.a t llli. t "/ :L m~o ~fo ltmd oi)e~ci. bin ~ u;r1<l.eJ' q•1 t ll\lt.Y Mo•m a 'J'I ¥ l il o·f 13'1.ii i I~ nP I Pc.t t.n ral i p 1 E'J!tlpl'i' i Pit r uh'ilH QQ;r po t1.Q 11v l .ocii vi ~m: 11 v "" 4 1, lc•.,.a ( .; 1 f,, ~.J I I ~ 1'i ~ \IJ ·- ..,.._~.._.-r::::-:'.-~~-....._ (D () __ Tel :\)lO!lt' ; ht r. rvi.ow I Mv11 J 1 I~ O l~ I ll(il i irll"QClU I -·-··-- 11'11r.inl : OithfH\ ll t p i -·-........- 'U' lt oJ. St f;l.1i · AI ... ~·----·- ~~----_,.......,..__....., .....-- ~ ;(jl o '.Ruo ill 11 ~ I P1.1.r t il ht I) I t'T Ct1l'i t Ol1 tl ~'.{I I I I ,••, .....,...__.... _...,.~ ......,....__...,__.. w. d. 1 - .._ _ ,_..,._,_ ....,.._ 11 01'Jr '> 11 n · ion 1 !1 tvltlunl l 1 rr\11 on l, fl, l' UPll ·--..,_...-~_-....,,. --.-- J'l ll t 111 Adc11 ~rJ : __ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1 'l't.t l• nh1:111 r I -·- ·-·~· -·· -·----·--~- ~ •1 1r1 ~.r . ,... . I\ t .. Mul~! "'""' iMl' I ! dH F1 malfl ; neh'i i. 1,.. Dll t ll "r h t Q!, rl\I:. fo ~ J1 n l,i' :l.J'l ,o trrri \lncl ~· !V Q Alll1y 1 a. St 1, , a1 ...... _.......,~=--.;:....,:1.-..::uf..1,I~.--,__,_-....,..,............~. ...'·) I' • ...." I'1 d\'Jll (I llUt1irt ll A ' ('(\1i}J;i I 0 l1 ti~ 1 it l?ropl.'i 1 r, t'ul ~ fl I 1..,....-- o.rbn 01J;rp r:i1' t i Q,l 1 1 divid.u.i 1 1 ~ ~(I I I ' ""' 11 ' . (.) l ) .,,, ___ ,....._._ .. l ~ I a n aplan r ' '' aao , :; :Pnon 1 ~ st.rt-Jtrt Gart' i ld 0008 Th"' · v oua·tiion P:c•opllirty o-ipt • ]'tJd1U:ral ~~a~ryf;j Bank of an B'r ncisoo. 500 <. l:l:t', St.J:lf;j~t, b a1 1 I wou l intur"' stud to bi..r :f.rou~ l i n• l,e :vifli thi diat:riot • Being a j Qbb r any murcbatidi b would int J:"1c..i11t iw , Jlp 01 lly th fol.loIll J'ChUldi.I_, CJ)' b Wbol ltOrijl w:bis 1 Lntia • u~ n's cl~tnitli , Sno 1 ov~~Hate ; 6B1rt..s , Lagg , L:i th ~ ja.c~ la i lm<Uoe, Gl'oc ri · s , toola , Automob:t s, Spor,t i goo • Marin all• gooda t Ho u~ riy fJtCJ. Your. 1vr.:Jry tr,uly , ,7 I Bu~ ( _,t .i" , a.pla.ry, • o. 241 <lU! r, __ J,!.R(~n --~ -- ··-'."\"' ........,.. ___ Min t r~ntj lfo.fl't r 1 Sr 1• 1 • 1 ~1 I l •ifll. .! () I O!tih n1;1ll. . ~ .....,. ..,...,.._ ................. . .-·"I'-... ,. ."" .. ___ .... . . .t.t. ~- ....... -" _._., ·--11...... - --... ~ -- '. (i1 ... i ~ ~ i I -~ o , ro1) l."bV own~t cl v allt d 1/ <> r:ieoJJ~' mun~ 1.~. :i ,b11, oth 1 i () i1 in O' rl.tJI). 1.ic;Hu ~ ~e3 F l'.l40<S ~ u oilt fj~tlli.ok i) ~@ ltol.'1 1-0~.lilot. & lUIJtiOI'\ Will 0 . J;'I to:r ~11 "'~fli~. ktto n ~ tu• L\ '( :s'"130~1 ) 11. fl~ H ariri 11 · . t11:0~ 1111 j.l)l)t ~I dr I ~'~~ ~t<> arr P n, . ,_ 11HH :Ar. \_111.~N'l' {W ' I' 11·1 l 1005 Peurt 1•n . 11 SrrATI• s nth ~· rRet . . ~u .n1• niR '1i1o:r.m.mer1 o, \ Jil:r:il 11'; , H14 l' • Jar a ff. J!oh1. w.-a. ri/o ~ll 13. kq Os 1~p; ~1 1 5 T f;) I , t.:.c ot , CJ.) 1.1. t1tH'lll tr.:i r,HIO r tr1en to 1 or11 t 1~t ti 1s '»ff io(~ !'0 11 . ii~ . hltlJ1 •1 prr>ot pt t. t · nJ11n1 . 1ll·1·nne BVl!J'.rf f.) JT "• Vo r. o ,n vou oo).1(),, 1.r r:1 olvLn'1'. hy v1 rrn 1 ion 11 . . , trnA OllJ .. ,,JrJ 1,lnfnc Y.11\1 1 11:y rr-.i ly on tho ic>11 tri:.ntA ·1 ' trla ')1.' 1j 1 ' 1)r, , ot~~l1 , V'H'Y t q Jy '.Y'0\11'.'1' A:J/;1, 1P;..,p( -~; .f . !CJ 'n rlrH) -f './!./ l I f I 1, ( Apl'il 17, 194~ It w.1.s v cy kind of y-ou ilC! 1nq1:1 i r my !lilue ; A wo. ill)Qtr1.1 ote\3 l l'lJl li•d ~u·ow. b '111 l wy r t'or 1t p&c~ 11 l l,io«1111u1 ln.t • ng rd~ 1n tl11u ~ .r ! h M~ ciom • f h Ve l n th: Dio tlrb i lnl) ~n J\I ~ lll)d a.bout othl!lr QlltH1 11 11 imU r o 111 ~11 b•it yl!l,1 r off':io did no :l.ri1J'lr n.1.o t hl')rn or tih n l)l11J i r of 11ppl>-1.n ~ i'or 11p1110 \ 1 l l.:1.oel)f.f , 0 tl it bo 'bhl\ t t h 11J:tlutLtl ,1on Iv. 0}1An15 cl m11kj,'Jg ~ii 1111noll 1 6 ry o np pl y l'Q ~ nittiu f 0 rt 'ti bo flrot1i h I l'':tlUQn why L h1 V"O llOt :y'r11 )' l •l Oi'V~<I )ll.lnfl Snn ~1 J'(Lrl!I oo T o 1r OOl) l''br fl':J 'Le 'V' r~r llltMh l\Plll' t>it\. 1~ 11 rn.no1tl."li ly YCJ l~ I 1.- ·Adul J\.tirtr.·oo 1 Mino r1 M~~l 11 i'uni1e : Ot i. r.nn h p: _..........·.......,..._. . '.O o l f f.' nt 1·;r in o Ut\j \if3i, n! x-t nM' h ~ ;t' C:.})X'i l'l •l'l' f I ll d 11 1 Orn T '1 X'I) i ll'\ I li Stn dn"t· ii 11 ~ i:v Lcl1J1~ t I l I I Oh, <l ' ' nd 111\ by I 1 '1 /' !.IO I l\dU.l t I Mi \O,t' I Ma.le i :H' 1nltH 01 h1:J?I •.....,~•·-..- ._,.,,....,______ u.ry ~ . n ~.vrui " t' E\1.11in l! I P :r"tn r h1.p I .?liC) r.i <ll1 0h.ip l Orn• ri:rn ! orit Intl I vi.dtJt111 1 a now?i ..._._,...,.___,,,_~__. 111 'l1 (J)'IP L iI _...._,.......,-,..,..- b11r I ., _.._,_...,,..,......_ _______ ---"'--_...... __ ___ ~----.....-- 1•]1 Qll ll N'1ll 0).i(). ; l) ' _ ~·~-..,...,...---..i,..,...-~- ......,..-., ....,... ......... _..__ t,! .~l B n~ o S n r . ent 0£ t.h Unit 4 $ r~e $ r GJ.. fl ,..0 11102.0 nnv-;nr- u 1 JU~en ........ ~--- Dr~. a o f 1 11 s t 11t r y i 11 t o U n~ h c 11 r, un. ti ~ Tl' t u.&ul';y Li oont •J t10 w? 1 A(l1l 'L 11 , _.. t'"'! l 1l' ~ 1• I JlC ( M, lH' a y v1l. e llt 1 "-fllf~ t. 1 ii ~ o 1' .,.,. of \.1 L _,__..,., .. ·-. ·--....,.-... ,.,_. ___,.,,_.._6'_•·• _..,_ 'I 8 , l ........,_ - · · - · .. ___ ·-----lll - ...... ,. __. ·- ·obl 1Qi: ill • I y ut· and a r 1 11' t n tl d.v noll . Con 1 1 t u i' b d .L 1f:t 1 to 111. bl W l 1 fl1!11 l.lL'1' 1'( ,· •, .I' OJ.Ii 11 l'J J)ll \7d I ' ot' t tl-OV J:'l .V tl l'l' ir, ~ m• 1 't f3 . Aot i ll I . JI I *" II· nil Dh 11:iu , tt.1 rl 1i;y 111 ih I Ci l' VOVill ........ .... i.-..--., ... , (l.I o S n 'r l•ciflco United 8 a ~o Mu .t: X Mi.rto:r I Lo.1~1 I X { ~t1.1.t o Lo. n~r .•r 'into t Un.H (l Stnt11n p~ rl\t 1 n~ t1nJ.~r Tri . n1u·;y ti. F 11:1'11,e J ()! h nflhipi }- A,u. ,_..____~ 0 1ie <J 1oV/?1 - - · -..... qt l l ,.. , .-,.. _ _,_,...! ..~.·-·· ..._ '1 • • ,...,..__,______ ~· ~,i ~ "J 1 1~1r1& on Int; of Dur.iin e 111 r;.11 I>n.r 't1 t11hlp1 .Prori•t t or·11hLp 1 Cnr p.,r11. 1011 1 .Ad.di: 11 V'L" ct.i .....JAr,. K1~_1E:-..! ..J.....(!2E.L g ~ ,..._.,.._____ • _ _ _ ,._,...,__,__ .. ____ _,,,_._..,,,,,..t_ Tltd lviilU11 LI 'Pr!. f'l:i.Jin prl"lpt ~· y l.nvo'Jyt I\ 4 ll 1' ldlh )."'Mt J.n d tiEJnt1on, bu,t h Al. ,~ lui~ ~b('ll4t ~"00 n.nd. wi u ll l\~ hr1\\uo t'rl)\O R Ql.nn t1on Of }11' 00 Jt\ J Vf1. 14)B to B J.i I th b 6 n l' Q;{' l.lO\U l.t 'i tlitLC J\l.n, 19)~ Q , Ctrll'.J I fj lio d1•n:w 111rm1 ru~r , A viB rt t1 rit hc1" v 11 q opt fl 'l' .10 .. (.U n n 1) to ll nti o · U.v l~ l~ood., n.i.d u1.ti ~ cJ. il.l <1u.~ 11 ' 1 111'. C.H.l.l' • ~ 1.on D a'lfl\ b r ~l. . 1943. .Aoco~n~ A. :Ro r d. fo r 11 mn1 · e1on to au 1i..l t d. l 1r I:' llo bl\nk. blQ k ~. 1' 1 t •it ~1'~r nr µ Fur 1'.l · 1 Oibiz 11.1l h~pt ____ ~--__,,,..-·-------..t--".., f. l Uo~n R !H l!l 1• n :rahip 1 Pr op ·hit orehip t OO?'jl•H. 11 t i on I 't 11d ivJ,dun.11 1 At A h r.d1li.tinni l, l)t4!, ( a,.,~(l j~ ) ...r. _______. _ _ ,. ~jf t'• .) I ' j'!: I) o.n .liranci o t the Unt e~ Wat s t.1fl I .u Pf I ,()(IO ; • v· ., J. ( ~UL' na.meT----(i1·i n.f' l '1 •I 4, )£ ~ I 4. h 3t T' --.--··- CT'i't;-; ~ A.1 1.i ) I ) o.1~ lti.r.i~ "t. Minor 1 r) Mnl l ; :X: Jlfl l I 01 1~ ~1\ 6 l i '[l ! fo . o l flt 13 111 bl•y in o tJni,t. d Sta 0 11 ' .~·~ ' 1 ·1 n, ____ t . ), .,.,,...... 1_2~....~...112..:U:~_J_;.tl_..-_ ~ I·'• l, lo....__.__._·-----·~.. _ ... __ ,,..;..........._,.,., . __._ _ ~ t't _..,.,_, _ __ r ....., r.1 u ..... 1.thoy ........ B\l.11 :1. m Arl t 1\l"tnr l 'ti hilH . ~-..........--- ....,, . -~- Pt'<Jl:i\''io · nrol ~ p 1 001· 1n1.. 1on 1 I nd~ v .1. \ll ,l, I I f' 01 Pf' 1\ c (,h r 11' 1' ' • t 1'). ci 'I 1 t ~1 h 1 'J l1 1 d v l Llf ' 11 . )' 1 r. ii\ll'o ·• 1... '.1 JflO wh I ch 11 rJ I'm· r H1 nlr 1J t l 1 ;1 h r>v 1 1rn:r t r ) J. u n !1 t~ 1 ,. ) l. IAl lH 1 , ~,' 1' r] Av J , lb'r l, n a a. 1•ve Bank of 61.1..n. l ·ain.c: 1 oo he Vn!ht\ Sta.t111a l Am nt of 1 ll'\ Ol':, Mhl \'3 ~ / .,/' ' .ale: 0 i i !iH 11 t.Jhi l11....i;...ioll...-..-.r;:._ Ila. u () 1 ~.fP. 1 n.t~:r into --...----._..,- ._~·-- •J f a~t.1in l!Hl I llt.' n rull 11,> I l?rop).•iot o·ul .l. p t Oo:r vn• 1t b l nn: fod ~ Y id\lll l I t Uri~ I. >.' Addt• n 1 ___ __ ·- , "" ·---·----·· l t · e ;r a,nk. o.' Soi l'./U'J ohco fhC'nl A "'t~t ~:t· t Ii~ lJnU d. Sta.~ea t .i11 kl u U I V"" M nur r IJ!r .·~ ~ .,,,/ i' i"nle i 0\ I). ot' l f3 .,o 1' Lil h1 ". '1.1 ·tz neh~v~~~'"" t1•:r ln o Unit fld. Sb n.t M; \ lnU l ' 'Pi• B\ll'','( 'Li t I\ O f\ 0 \1 ~ I d<lr n1 .-----~"---- ~- - k-i . ~ 4' J-/.i.__ _ • (lo~~ ' • to ti ·• •n not •• f>n llllJ ae11h, l tt ·~ or"-n yAoont:ld.,~01 •l n11t 4ot-.n4a*"t lfoe o • Ih1t• 4•Xt.·~ O. rs~ On I uly U5"b11 1 (, re,) ld a j n4. l , oc> ••• o cu~t l• ordend tn t.n1~ '3 11 He) d•t•t'H\ttfl .turni ~u re• 11 l , Ju.d es 1 r Y«>.r toJ> •• o &50, fie ,oroauml (intorp 1*14 on run at t JJ hen we :r. o ttot' our ~ri • "o•un , At ~ ~ • :r C> • ll~•o 4 It · ~o \J 1 Pll. t 'IQ \'! ·lp11;1;L • l:>., • ' •• t& t I ay • ., IU \21 n . kl n t1on t o;l..•1.1 1o • \Ul • lIQI t> t lt.S, .Alt 111 01 o*1urn1 14 t n• Mo:ro1\D1 b•, twu1 t k• 1-v , on Co\U'l ot '1 b• t ' • .,,_ oi• , 'b 1 1 ,__.~ ~ 011 d th an J ty bl) BU i n ou ' e~p r 1•rao Wld I u J1lll ~ .o 1 ! • T, U' yo lJ .,. y('m br1nt. a ocmt1 Ml tid " 1 tb w1 l l,1 31in l 1V til'a.1 m tt l'. tt• 1i l l t, i p a ~1 1 th t1 f;1' BO oi: o you r o t h o ul,d bo w11ll1 1 osod. t crl:' t ( ta ) 1t n t,• 111l•m n't l'1 b' r • on l ty rr i .,. th• m t ~r , o )"Ou . ·t d I 't i i1 he di.d fh WJ.1l ot ur tit n to r ran •in .· •7n~'~· iu.ct••"· hit Je!g_~t.llQ :~:.;;,~~~.OIWIU~'-1.......-....':~~~ r •ul da • 1t I& 1l.'!t •• r Qf 11• 0 1' 1111 \) II 11 l ~ cl. ep:'J;":ly . t>n th • • Q~' • ··~tl, \l )'~ OH ot 11 • f ,. , . . t' fot I r:i J r' ) rv~ Bank: of SAA .l·rMci o nt o:f h.~ 1J1dh~ at~e 011.~ ~ r 1 ao ntr;! n ·o tJntt c d liH nt FH ~........, __ !Z1;1ro I) f B\\od.11 11 1 Pl.\.rtnn r h till ,rf Jll' i I 11 l' 1' Orn '1l' ll i I . -"11o .... _...,~_..,,._,..._.. _ _ ~ ....,.,.,..._,__.....,.. ..........,._.,_,_,,,, ..._............. -·--- t.o I !11dvldu111 1 .fl I t /Ir n 1. 1•1 .. \I ·' -·-~.-.. ~· ~-- .Ml1i.l · 1 ZI( ii ML1l rn· I I ..,........ '.i'l r I·' .lP I 0 1. t 1 iH1 111111 i p I "· " c;i f l. nt erttt-:r n ·o l}n.1 o nvol vi ~~~(t ( (' 13 k Qf S n o! the Unite · Stat ,a r:ihon . 1 torv .1..,111 Mul' I~ Mi Ot' I Mtil { I:lat· r 0 ~rn .'l."'I in t~. o U11ltnd Stti.· iJ rJ !' lo.11 · rll.U ns l.intl r 'lh• ~.r11t of lh101.n1i111 1 ntu·y M •on o ~ I '-" F11:J1!f!.ls 1 · 01 h nahiD' -#-~U! ( - C l '-.. r -- MW? 1 ..,._ _ _ __:,_.AJ_._ .,____ ---·-:-· V' 1 Vtll ,. ~ 'Ji r~: ~ cu ..i)_0~ ' bl"1011 BGn tn c vvir1w d1 --· • hip 1 ~--'""\! rJ b• p ti. atr> n 11 J.. p1 Acl(tr isot _ ----· - · - ~1nrii•>l:ttt ~m I fo1J.l. vi~. n I. 1 Tu l.1phon \till • r· I P11t't110r .,_..,___ r-r- £l:a·i n 1.J. 11· :1l1l<1n1 ·~ lo o~ v _,...;-- /\.JJ.~ R.~ (l r .. ) ( ) , bi:i tnn I + L·O t ~ I ,/, ' -- ..... .A '1 \...()· ·f. .) ). ~ l 0 .,/' (1<' , I r n /:? t· \ A) -1 t Q, c:• c o{ Jl. 1. '\... "'J\.tt r ch n.cld.Hi-1,)Jl l. ( ' ,)01 ' L... }< ' )/;\.g< I --- ~ wh r. rit P nnt.r ··-~ . -~· "'-« tr {bat,,) lf.lel.e honer Int r tevn Atlul t ~ Mi Hor: Mo le 1 F tttmll.'1 111 1 Ci 1 z ti~h~J11 -·-..;...,;.- .;.;,_ _._.............._...._I"'__ ..._...~--- -=,~ I•• ~ I U,y,rl Of ~Uitli ?) 68 p ; tioi·tn t h A~lH Pl'rJTl ri t o); uh1.11I Oo •poi•ubi ox : 1 p Addr l nclt v! dw.1 11 rrit l:'fJl,)ri l'V"l Wffldl "'a.. e UN ~ BJJAl>S'l.1Hl~ET '' Odto~·d •rn. l.oring 0<> - ..--.--..--., ti l !Ii l vhotJ() N"u111 I0 (J ~ -~ i' I ...... -··.. ~ ..__ r- ~-· a.-~-·..___ ..___.., Tri:l1 ~'( h [,l I !i t , ,, .,i.l:l W' l· ,.., l Ad'.\l : ~ r I i,i•t ,) ...... lJ , c t li!l t Ell!I r 't i 11 o !Jni tt Op 1~· \t T;m,a 11 i.1nc)U% ! 1fr u Q1l 1'1/' Dtn ino1rn 1 Pta rl,n r11 i1) : P ~ 1.Jpl' i l t <> I' h,1?J I Cl o ,.,.1<H'•1 \.llJ'l l _,, ? .iiliv .l dun.1 t V $ a t G r. I _ Ll o:o11.c •. J1 0W1 I or en !. _j__'l.!1, . -~-· --.-- ---~ ... ) - ·-""........ __ ,,___ t l"Vi OW1) l t --.!:!!::...!:",~ ~ ,._:-:_t,_,...,. ...,._,..._ I TAT112gl'J'I' Of CONTROVIRSY OONO]jlUfI~TG !PWJlO!NT betw'een iN'U!) DUOTIOl'! Thi• c se oame to me on l ay 18th. at th Oo~trol StatioQ, l50l O'l' rrell Street, San ,ll'ranoi co, 't)y tb8 oom.plaiLnt ot Geo. 1.<;111n1 .. wagi reaid ng at 1696 Haight tltr et, San Ji1ranoi100; th t lie had b en in th.• employ o! lir • Oonnoll,- tor 'tlhe pe. t a T•nt e Ji y ara. il contended t.b t h waa hired by Mre. Oon.n oll1 o.n o·r in.ore half d•r period• • ob w ek e.a a hOU.IJtboy -to olean hcouae 11.4 tnat ttlere wa• l>a~an.oe o-..:ing in th. amount of 04.36.50 • ' r.a111.Llt 01 suom f'OJ:"lr:. Mr, lC a hi,,. iL pr 11nted numetou• oopie1 ot mt tementa wbioh h.a.4 tie re1141r d to e ployer at variou.a tim , 1howing tn amoUtlte ow 1ns for the p od ot ii.he 1tatem1nt and the SllLOunte ~a:l4 on a.ooou.nt ill oh •. Mr, there rt r W • paid in 'o •h1w•g1 1tat, d h( di aont:tnued the fll1plol111 nt on or 'b l.anoe t that 't1me ot '5?6. ~ that unt i about :pr11. lat he p rfo:rm•d a irnila.:r 1e"io •• _, 'bo~t Janu.. ry l! 1941 with oh ini:st 1101 in o •h· He et ted t~ t du:t"ing the p"r1o4 oo•er 4 1~ th1a 1" po:rt 1'1. h d many t m ·• )'n.19,d.e demand tor the b la.1~oe owi,ng but wa• ~sured by M11 • Oonno~ly that h would be p 1d. and ~bat n• ur ed h:l.ftl not t.o mention thl matt&l' ot the amount ovdne; to n; a he would bt t ken 081'4' ot od p id in :rull~ With th pro1n1. •• lllm&l,l ara.ou.nta w r paid.. pn aoco\.l.rtt 1 ll~ induoeaient to oontiou.e 11.i employm ~t nd 18l'Tl018. , r.. K~•hiw gi stetlld th t tollowlt\e; A.p:rl ot 1941 ~e rep t Qlr oont1inu " to m le; d ina11d fo~ payment by tteml>t d. pereo n 1 inY•l'Tl W• in wbi<>ll utther promie we~e ~de nd ~her Af1ier no oot1ei01r-.tion W I SiY90 i ~n t Ot 1 t,h d001" YI 1' J' ted~y Ill lllm8d j.Q Oil f&Cee Jrurthermo:r , he h d many time• tt m:pt d to oo~taat Mr•. Con_noJ.lY by tel »hon wh r upon th 'phone w • b.ung up nd ito e1on ider tioQ gi~•~,. ll11ring th l•tt p rt of last ye r h was o•lled into tile D11tr ot .A.tto:rne1• ottio• betort D~puty D1•trt.ct 4.ttorney, M).t • :trans, ab '~o Mont go 1:1 at:reet. 8 n Fr 01100 end w rnect. \11 her to 1111.lCI QO mr 'P tr• on l o lle o.r;- tel1pho11 oali1 bu.t that U' 11 had PJUt tilng 001111.n , .h. nould t k:• legal prooedur•. Y:r• ICn.atl1wag1 tu~n J:' ata1i ~h•t h llfld ratQod that 101mstim ~uring J.914.l Mra. Oonnolly h. 4 turne o,- r -.ll o-r h~r pl'operty nd tin nee to her dau1ti.ter1. Ml - iliae comioll1~ xi •iding wS.t.h moth r and ohool. teaoher t ·tile iJIUl~el W•1>•t•r 8Qhool, and t µ ll t 1011, Alvin Oonnoll1, a.ow of tne ~ ede:ral Bur••U CJf I~T 11ti at.1Clll, VI ahington• D. 06 th t d.11:r1ng ay itd June ot 1941~ Mis• Oono.oll~ m116.e on en: t"o p yme.nte or 10,00 ••ob on oooUJlt a.rad t.h.a.t b '-JUlill a ptember 15th, M111 Ooruiol ., patd him bY' cneolc, mark I\ 11a~ coo· t" l.0.00 e.nd in t'ou.r •Uooeuiv• :P •t1i•l", nialciAg 1 1 trot l h.n1.1 ry 0110 mt or 5 .oo 94as ., 4 for period, unbU the u:rth •1ur14 Mr. nnore, J{ r..nt at th ti ~11u ·O on.noll1 flll'9D1/ 1118.4• OJ1 th n r•oogni•• the •hiwa 1 bfJ would be p 1 in :t ul.l, ~ INTfiODU'CTlON I oontinued) It lll'P ~rs t t attl!lr Ja.aue,ry lat 11y attempt to colleot the &mo\.i.llt owJ.11g wu retaisted by both M1•a. Ccn11ol!y and lier daughter, Mial!I Alice Oonnoll,y, wtth I.\ ~4'f u••l to d,i acme t.he matte1• in :pers1;>n G>?' ov·er the t ·phone and to c~use him to deel1t any 1"urtJl~r annoyanc'H, the •~rviaell of' tbe Detecti v A@e1101 were employed. He wa• _. epol:'t d to th .li' .B. I. and an attem.l>t was made to obta.1n e. warrut fo"t h1a rreat at th Richmond Di1triot Ql.1ee Station. Mr. eblw·agl tu.rther stattd th t he n 4, btten m.ploytd.. •• hous boy in Sell '.» ranoieoo by au oh pereone 1.1 M.r • A.ngelo J. Roaei, the w1;t$ of ayor Roa• i; Mrs. Eleanor Leggat , Mre. J. li- GrJt't'l<aQ • M:re. ~1'1ward 'I.'h.urber, ·l.r • A.. J. Romey, Dr. 1. , MoNa~gtit :Mr•. 111ohard .o. Ara.u,nt and rnany o1iber et ln San F'91.noi100 . W1th this b cfk,ground, Mr. K eb1wag1 we.a then eked t() make 11p a t1 tailed statem1nt of tb.e aoooUJlt t'rom .h1119 m mol'andwn ot atlat men.ti retidered to jueti,fly his ol.,.irn. Suon a etatemen.t, o 00111pU1a by Mr. wagi, is tt ohed her to and m de p ~t of tnle r ~ort, eb.owil}.g the d. tea, det ils of alllollllts due tog t.ner w1th total mont.nir uount11, the amounts paid on ooowlt.P, the be.l nq•e due at tbe enr4 ot eaCJ.h 1110,nth and th final b l noe or t4~6~ 50. '.l'JlMli01{! CQNVJlBlAi'I()~ UIJ!~.t MM,_Q ONl'i'QlJi~ At abotLt noon on May 18th I •phoned to Mra. Ti W, Oocinol r t her :l'f dd no. , 1346 Lake Stre t, telephone - kyline 0964 !llld told her Mr. Kl\,abiwe.g'i nud that 1n1 w owing to b.l11t for e1nplo~ .. m nt a b.ouaebay in the approximate amount ot Ji,36. 00; tllst the .B'edei::al Ree :rve Ban~ wae int ereet d in the protllem1 ot •Tlouat ion ntl that 11uoil Dl&ttere hould. be eettl cl am1oably b tween th.e Pl!:tt1e• intell 1ted; that Mr. Kaeniwag1 had oomplaiiied that h ~ d m ny tlrne• ~ttenrpt1d t,o oc11 at the amount QW1ll.g b~t h•c1 been met w~tb :Lao of OOJU!l~d.e;ra,t ion by net and that J. W :lnq~1riQ8 I to b.e;r l;J,de 9t tbl stoX'.'Y that ~. prope~ u..nder1Jtandi1:1g tni.ght be re ch.84 aia to th• tren•ao1i4.on. Mr1. Con.oolly then expl ;tn.ed. tb t Geer a K llhiiw1.g;I. h•d b n eiraplored by ll ;r tor bout a event tell y ar1 J t.l:iat 1ne owecS M.m. nothin b"'t tllat h n d oootinu d to dietu:rb her until •A nad tc the ae:rvia1s of a Burn• Det . otive employed tor couple ot , 5 that abe '\Hilt to tbe 'H' d re.l Bureau of Inveet1g ti.011 in San B1 1't.AC11~o and pl'oyad t-0 th m. th t ehe owed him nothing; t 1.2r~llel.'mor1, th&ti •h• him b to;ce th• Di, triot Attorney, M;r1 . J1vu1e 1 Deputy, •h~, U'}>on. ehe lJo prroT I! to Mr .• lDv•u1J that •he owed. him .not)liog. O.n ooriti~u•cl an(l.oya~o••, lltle Jtore c~t .,, rrant ga1nat ~u- . Kaeb1••gl t the ad,o.bJnoncl D1•tl'1ot Pol he Stat i.on.. She further et t d th•t sh• b d no mcnt$y tio pay M.1 ol i111, it ~he!" t(as e1.1oh a.mouht owing, s h.e had t11rned tJT1r ll. of' hei• bua1n•s to ~er daughter, M111 Alioe Connolly, and "a• tb rerore •••Jc: without an.r t"lln4'5. ' T ti:!PHO!Ul OO:NVJfil:WATION WITH MRS, CQNNO~-Y: ( 0011ttniued) Pase J I then reasoned with M: .. s. Connolly t,tia t lr there w•r• lllllOWLtl!I ow:tn@, it , uld be proper t.bat ••ttlement be •d• rui I would like to hi v h~r come down to tbe Control 6tatj,on to diacu•a 'tile Ollltter and to look. ov r th eitatem.ent mad bJ M'.r. Kaeb1wag1, At tbe beg1QA1ng ti)~ 0011ver1at.ion Mre. Connollt told me that ehe Ii d, her oaacelled Obeo'o for tn ot ll p ymeiits made and upoa my asking that theae be preaeate4, said. that 1.bey had b en deat~ioyed. and tbe.t sbe had no a oh CSoownente nd tbat $he had turned oTer all or b.e1" b sinta1 to her IA• ri da\ 0 1rg conima TIQN§ MP :x- 1sou1sin,g the r with Mre. Oonoollr, I 'phoo d Mr·a. l!Jnn11, Deputy Di•triot Atto;rney, o.t ~'o Montgcua.eJ\'1 Street, and :towid. thf). t Mr • Connolly ltad oomJ>le.ined. th'1t Geer Ki sh1W~1 a bothel'ing tJ1 em a'bo ut bill l that George .,, 1 o l l•d into tile o:t"tic• 11~ told by be1' th t hl!I eh.ould 111Ak no t'u.rtb.eJ' t,tempt., p 'pbone o:r oontaot • Connolly per•onal. ly, but it Ile thought tb 1 ow d bi111 :tor l•bott h ehould .t'il • cl im in oourt. She al o said tba t he did not 11!aoua or determine tbe Ju tioe o:t tne account, or e:xpre•• aia o p1niop th r on. I tu ther on ok d with th lUo.tunoDid D111trlct Police at ti.on a.nd roun.O. thA t Mra. Oonnolly h o, attempt ~ to he't n o·r t10 :r make an r:li'e t of Mr. K•shiwae;i but that th y ntueed. t ~ u> •Jid told llti • Ool.lnolly t.nat ti h•4 risht to k tor the money 1.t ftUoh an •ount W re QW1hg. J, turtn r ob oked 'ffitb. Mr. A~ Agenoy b1 Sen E'r M. H rd11 or t.h Burn Dot otiV'e and he id th t t,hdr aewvio e werf> csall•4 ltJlC>n by M:r • Connolly to "tr 11 Geo:rg K lthiWag:l tu t ind 0\11i wh t n wer~t d", but tb•t they did not :t1nd him. lie t'urth. r e~:t.d he thought t~ :t'e w • oin tb1c.g b~hind th motive ot Mrs+ Connolly til~t ah was not 1,vUlging, 1101100 l further oh11tPked W1th M Gritt1Ji ot the deral J:jur t,a ot at1ae.t1on ~ ll, 6utter Street, S n .~' rancbao, and vr -5 tolcl th. t Mr•. CoMol1y eked th m to DlAk • n i~v st ig t1on ot th baokgrollnt1 or G Qrg Ka11niwag1. an4 tb t he • • di turbing them by oont 1nue~ demand• tor money. • G,riftlA et" t ·d th• t thi ~eq1111t "'ff e retueed on th t t rn n.t tha.t 1.t JUOner was owing to M:r. K••~i••c:l that they co ld not 01>noern tb m el ve witn the m tter. J\V 't:ir!QNJJl .QOlfYERB!t'l'lQ[..~~'rH ALIQJ) QO!fNQLLY A.ti about 't20 home and st ot ilQm 4.3 • 00 bill h not b en pd. ita int ~e t, 1.n the mo't b :r' l?.M., y lBth. , l 'phon d A.l.:io Ooonolly t htr t d that G r e .. 11\iw si h d preatt.nted a tat ntent t'or huu ebo;y aerTio a and 1-JL 11ired a.- to •bf this , fter expl. :1.nins the ).)o•1t1on ot th.1 bank 1 to problem• ot vao~tlon. Vage 4 MiH OOllllolly atated the,t asb.1was1 bad W()rke4 tor the t'a111ily s Laoe abe wras a girl an6 tor t l•aat ao111e •eT .nt. •ll year• t et.a t·ll~t ebe wa• not respooaible for any mou.nta owlng br mother or ., 1 the 1' amily and that lier moth er had no 't wide w1 th. •bi cap to pay •~Y amouata ri her mothe;r's•• had been turned over to Iler amt\ tb•t •h• did not. pJ:'opoae to pay any or the obl.ig tion ot t,he tamil1; "t.bat they ha4 1.n the pa1t many servants and ha~ a.lwaJJt p id their l>11l1 w.h•n du•· She further etat.ed that 1he oould not \Ulder1tanc1 eor 'a e ttitude in approaching .her to pay tb.e obligatlc.lns ot her (QCtQer it suoh exilte4; that reoently h b d. made such d•man4a t.b.ey WIJ"t OOJQpelled to llltlk tbe J :rTiO 88 Ot a. prS.Tate det.eo~11'e 1 the J'ed.1ral Bureau or Inv et1gat1on e..n4 h d peen t~oed to o_,t in a •arrant for .hi• arre1t b oau1e ot hie oontinu•d b.ar11a1• tlu•in tor amou~t• ola1med to be owing~ a~e oon~:td.ere4 it "•• a .,. of' blaok•il to extort mon1e• trQm the ta.mily. I then to l.d M,i.11 Connolly thA t Mr, Kattdwagi .h d prepau•ed il, d et•tem.ent ba.a d upon the statement r111derec1 t:ron>. t1Jn• to time wner 111 b l noe w • owing or 436. 50; ~b.L\t OJl thia statem. at it a.pp red tp t 1h h d pB,id 111.r. K •h1wag1 in llrnouiit at l,O.OO • ob tnOWlt of 50.00 trom B"ptember 15, 1941 to J nt1.A:r;y l 1~42, 1ch Yidently p~oved her :r oognitlon ot tb. p l no ow1n.g. Mlae Connolly t.1tea ata.ted, " ••, l did thil to k p h1:m, quiet and it I h d thought; I would not h ve p id him anrthing t't Ji th.e incident a.t rl R X'l>Ol"• filY uool, e 1 Mr. E. P ~ Switt at tb. SwU' t Lumber Oompe..n1, told m th•t I fool.111n tlJ p y George any more moll y aft,er ,ll eart ~iA~bo:r." *• ek: d 1ais OonnollY' if it wa tl l' 1J.ttttude tnat the .t .I? ar 1 Harbor r .liev d he or he1• r mily ot ny tuttller tin na ial obligation to J J;>ane peo pl in ttii ~ oountry. 6)1 1 id, ""'f • 1 I wo·Uld not have p•id hiJJl ny money 11' h d tlhoi.aght ot how 1 riou'9 Pearl H r'por w 1111.,. I then 1~o1d.ent I t.tien at ted to Misa Oo.n.nollY that from th at t m nt r n<l r•d, you1· r mUy 1 owing to Mti. l'- ah w~gi in the raouJ:it ot 44)6.50· as an f\001unulated bal net ov r a p&9j.od ot't'he l. t n '1 or ten 'I ar• and that the bank; de ired. to know if thi ainount or any o t.tte~ mount w owing. it 1a vident that be • id "Viel.1. that is What he a 'f• i owtng. a you t ~ Ilia word agatnat tba.t ot an Amerio n'i' What, a;r: . y-ot,a. tl."')'ing t,o deten4 t~ e Jap1'?" l th n explained the pos1 tion or th b nk 11 antru.11t • witn t.he ~uty, und r tb. aoua·tion, or tll t n0 uncl~e nta.g vuu9 t en of evao1~e a n the,t th il" bus Ln •• and prope:rtY rel t~ons tie settled in an orderly 111ann ~ nd on r ir b si.1. B\l.rther• Jtlt!)re, that eino he had oornplain d <>!tile mount ow1n1g , wo~ld ike tc:> h~ve h r o om a.own to th ContJ.'01. St t ion and di au. th matt l' ttltil tlut idea 1n mind of e.n axn.10 b ttl.ement. •d.' ' ,.. Pa e 5 &A••• Sne ••id ttiat d1d not ' awe tbi1 Je.11 •Afth1ng; th•t Iler m.otner ll•d turned over all ner TAiJ h•r ~« had nQtb.1ns •1th wtllic to pay e.nd ane waa not so'ing tio P•Y' her 1111>th1r'1 obligation• or t)boae ot' t.b.e tamily and tti.t 1he di~ not c ~neider tb.e,t •~• owed. .. Ka1.h1wag1 one penn1. I t.b..en l\\&ked. tut her 11Cttler oome down to the 0Qntrol Station and go ove.r thia 1tatement ao aa to arrive a.t tll• Pl"OJ>er 0(,) llOlueion ot' the amount owiiig, it e.o,y. he turta1xintorJ11d •• tn.t neither 1b.e nor her mottler l'tluld 41.aous• the Qi&tter turtll•:r a.nd no ad<Ut1on 1 mount• of m.<>ney 10 uld bei paid to tll• J"apane••• OO'N9Ltl&ION At tier tben oan eraationa fJJld ext11~4•Cl :1.nv11tiga.tio11_1 it 11 my p raonal 011.nioJ>. that an att~pt b.a1 been u~e to na4e papng tbi• obliset.1oo t'ar 11tvioe rendered by in timid t it>Ji, thl:'eata and embarra11• 111ent• ot tH~l J ap11.ne1 • to try nd ma~e him g1 Te u.p the J;l\U'IU1 t ot h1 a Juat al 1111.. There ia strong oonvio't1.on in mJ mind that tbeae people be.Te u.sed tile 1arvioea ot t111 Japanese nd al>u1,11 hi.m. t eTery turn by r lae p~ami•• tbAtt ht w~ld be paid and e.el(ing him pot to mention to 1u1rcu1 tn t ~ou.nta wer owing trom, tim t9 t 1.1111 1 tia.u• tore1te.ll1ng m t by 111m to mak oolleotion prior to th.ill t 1.m. • In JQ)' 0011ve1;'1at on with Mba Connolly, l f'ou.nd h 't J1W1t evaeh•e in bo· oonT•l'!9At!on, ide-tre.oJdng q,u •tion1 a1k14 by r lating 1.rrel1ve.nt utter• amt\ • e;ent.rl!l.l •Tll11o.n. J.n taot, she 1th.owed. d:l1po1 it1oii. ot l.ltter la.OK ot 0oopera.tion in ttl• oon11id11"'at1.oll ot tilts matter ot deteJ:"min1Jig th ;rue uount1 ow1n. • • Ka1niwagi relat .~ tllat in 'fe.ry inst noe or bi• pr 11111tlng a. etat meat ot: aooount ~ . 11. Conll.oll.y a b.eoked. wit.h 111.rn trom h~r r oord• 1on eh lce·p t. th e:x: at e.m.ount1 and bal..a.n.I'•• 011ing. •'V• 'pho,o. d iall of th• people abo-ve •~ume:rated tor w:ho!ll b.• the p~. t 1 1noluding M~s • .A.Aij;elo J;to1e.t. n He;ry inataaoe li• wais n ~11 oominende·d · ha.Ting be n entru•ted with tl'l k•J• to <Jft io • to oo~ and go a- he plea11ed. in bb. ll•rtormanci of the work ro21 '1B:1Gb be ••• employed. Re wa1 aon id rel! a 1triotl1' r•l1able, h •in. ll•tfor!ll A lli• d11tie1 and hoaeatl1, an w&• in all r •X>eot1 e:.tir nel.y ti$1'aotory, I ba1 ,,ai;ik 4 ~n 1 • I rep1aat d p~mni• •• nave be~ to oollt1ot tbes amount• until beoolll i~k1oxn~ to tn. e:itent to ;rel1•.- tilem r:rom any that tbey ;. ve llaed v&r1 mean• by oalUng u.pon th v l':Lou• a eno1•• enumerated impre11e•d With th taot that any aotio,o. 01,1 ht p rt ..C~'• l'ao tl.y ~1i• demands have eo~ingly tibt~ th y- uaed tbe Pe ~l Harbo;r ino.ident fUl"1iher obli~ ti1o.,,, to tllill J ape.11111e, a.nd 4• t)o U1. to~••t•ll ort ttempte!l ~tl"li.n to 8~ :1Jlt1Pl1dat~on re btm iAtO 1Jllbl211~a1.on. t 90!fL1'lOll In the oont in'ltd. I oonol~• ioa. ot t b.11 1111'e1ti,gatic.»n and. on ~~ \U'g1nt re"lue1t ot Mr. K:•• •• 'too b.11 l•ge.l J;'ightJ, lie ••• 1..~tor~•d tlJ,1 t. 4• h•~ tb.e rtght to tile b1a ol11:a w1 th tbe Labor Oommiaaion ag11n Mr•. Oon,nollJ a.n~ al10 her da.~ghter, 1:tn0e 'ttb.e a:ttair1 ot the mottu•r bad b en turrA d ovrer reoe11t).y tQ tbe 4augb.tar, Mi11 Alio1 0Q,11JlOllf, an4 her ion, Alvi.n Thi• wail done PY Mr. ~••b.1••11 on the tt erlloon ot Me.1 l 9t.b. and a Jleariog naa b ea. tor 'l'uea4ar •tter 11co~ at ~=00 o'olook, May i6tb 1942, •t tt1• Ooulae10'1•:r'1 ottioe, 'l ~ V1n Ne•• J.iye11u1, San i:ra1a 1100, •1tn t"et'er llCH to Mr. Ool4••ortb1', 1 ••t Deputy. '.Be1p eottully 11,lbmit~ ed, ,, mA+am u !Bl G11e1-r4e ~·n~o Xa1h1••!.1 toi ta:r1. 'l'. w, OoAAoll1 at )420 lulton st., . ain l're.o.oieoo, Qalttorni•• 1'14re•1! A!! • lJ~6 IAk• si11!! 1 ,!SS J'1an!&•!o1. Employed t'J't ho'1•• woik on Phone ... SJcrlln• 09'64 be.•i• ot abQu.t 1/2 day J?•r W!elc, a.t f2. 50 ••ah tye, '.rot el :Pai.4 OD. ~!!bail l93~·l~33 ll.lJt Mar. Apr. Ma.1 JUQ. Jul,. AUS• Oa , Se~t. Nov, WJ. 4b 4, 4, I. 0 @ @ " i/Jj <;JI @ :ru. 4 timH ~J. 'f Sun.. Jul, Aug. li•i;>t. Oot, Noy, 3 6 4 4 ' 2 ) 6 ) 4 Deo. ~ "" "" "" " " 10,00 l0.00 12.50 io.oo 2. 50 2.50 l0.00 i.o.oo J,o.oo Q 1'4 .J.21 ~!! 2.50 2. 50 110.00 ~1150 2.,0 10.00 l 0 ,,Ir=.. ~ 7. 50 2.50 ~.~o 15.00 25.00 l2150 ,.oo 30.oQ 7.50 10.00 2.50 2. 50 2.50 llOJt. p~. Mar J\111.. ;nu.. AUg. -~t. Oc , lfCIT, ;. ·ti.JQ11 2 141 p.50 $10.00 @ 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 lS,.oo 6 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 I)410. ~ I " .." ."". tf '* "., " @ 2. 50 t12~.,o • 130). 50 l0.00 7.50 10.QO 10.0Q 2.~o lO~oo ~.50 2.~o 10,00 ig.oo .oo 2.50 2,50 2,50 ' I 22112 5.00 ~.,o 0 I 28• so .oo IT•Ss ~•t l!lati~U! l,2J6 ' )o.oo 5,.00 ~.50 @ tJ.22.,0 12~50 ' l0.00 5.00 lO.oo 2.50 2.,0 G o.oo i11.oo 2. ,0 "" "" 10,00 2. 50 2. 50 2,50 2.50 s,oo l2.,0 50 2. 50 ,, " ~. 2. 50 " . 12. 50 2.50 ••t ,~•i•no1 Fe'b, T2~·~ . "• l!e. anoe tll8. 50 ,;rg, Apr, ~iS!Ji s ti~·· 4 time• 4 " 4 5 " Oeci. ~ ~2l~I .Moo99! • Dal &AO! LT&.Q. Feb, 'rot.a, Sol!lt I l ~2.2g t117; ~ ·~17,52, f42l.OO 2 Total Ptt!U ~2~2 Jass !•~ ~!~I.QC)! illl ...,,.. 4. war 4 l•A• lr1b. .lpl' o a'UAI .rui1 Aue. Be~t, Oo • 'NOY, Toi el Dee». I )j~S W! ., b' llB.. ~ ~ "" -,j " " ,."' ,..y .ru•• J'\lly .. I4 "" " 4 ,. " I3 "' o.a. ~ ) ",.w -it " ~)'a.ti. ... 4»:r. J•).1. U.J J1me .rui, Alig. •tt. Oo • Nol', Deo. . .... io.oo ).OO 12.~0 io.oo ~.,o ~. 50 ;,,o 12,!SO 7~,o 10,00 10,00 2.50 io,oo 2. 50 t12~ 1 ~o• t125. 50 • 546,50 2~ ~o 2.~o i~50 2. ~o tio.oo :a.50 ~.oo 7.50 2. 50 2,,0 10.00 io •.oo 2. ~o ~. t100.00 ~S. <>O 10.00 ;z.~o 17.50 50 2.50 .,o R.,o ~.,o ~· ~o R. 50 19,00 ~.50 4 l1 •• 4 ... ~.,o 4 2.50 2.,0 ~ 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 .. . ~ ~ ~ " '1 BaJ,a11Q! ll.00 ll.00 9.00 12.00 , ~p,oo tioo.,oo ttz,, 20 ~1.91 ~ 7'9t.el "• + s " ) 2.~o Ka.,., ·~t. Ocr ., Noy, ~2l~ ,.oo l • ~ ) 2. 0 ~ MOOWl\ 421.00 2.~, "" Jan. ~·t :S$.l 110 ~ Jan, 4 tla • ,&.pr, toi 2.50 " 11&14 ODI Ltga1r!l 4 time 4 • j Mg91Lt I l0.00 2.50 l0.00 12. 50 2, ., () 10.00 ~. 50 2.~o ria. 50 2.,0 ~.~a 2.,0 ~.50 I 2~10Q. :z,_oo lo.oo l..0.00 lO,OQ 7. 50 10.00 10.00 l0.00 .12, '~ 50.00 122,50 '7,.00 I 47,SO 519.00 P•!• ) l)1t&!l 12~~ J'9, ;i,t lli.2: 1an. 2 2 '"b. Mar, A:p;r, Mey June 2.50 ~tl! De<1, " 2 " "" .. 2 50 " 2 ~ z -rt "., 4 " l94l ;rag, lat !2id:. Jan. 4th M '! & J'Wle f 1 4ooe~! Iii 2.50 I · 2.,0 2.~o 2,,0 vJ 2. 50 i.:» • 2, ~o • ,.oo , .oo ,,oo , .oo 5.00 5,.00 5.00 10.00 J.2.,0 I 22 .~o 57 , 50 I l611U!l! t5?6. 50 - c eh "" ti~ • ~ tpt,, Dec. .ra.n. •b. ~t~ bl an~ f519. 00 so.oo t:i.o.oo ~01004 »t, Oot, No1. ~w 2 2 oui1 ?iO'Y I f 14 on Eatanoe 'toi!!E4J AU@. Se~t. Oq ~ Total Mq\Ult $4El6. ,0 l~t~ ... Oaah. l•t .. 0 lb. ... Oaeb. f l0,00 lat ... Oaab l0.00 lO,OO 10,00 lat "' Oaah lQ,QO I ~Ot02 ~~61 ~o'4 I II £ >1~~t r. s F. A""' If c. h e [3 ,. " c f G:r.,. Y11tdN Wrtr 1~ 1 , HoJ, loo . ~i on o. 110~ ct, YPurt. 11 T'f /' i.tly, ,,... / ' 7 ??,·v a ,.·() ·\· Ae • 1 n~ 0 •0\j i· ~ _ .. lOM.. J.1.... l!1F Aruaokie Branch L~J', Oolor"~o F't)d e ~ l Re _,:rvu Elarik · 11.n FranQi oo, C l,:1.1\ At yo1.1!" a.ti'litrnt oonveni ri o w;tll yo11 pJ11ue m a:t ' til d lllpou.l of tMe pet"40Ml pro1 rt.iu h11;1,ti in etot:~~e by yotl f'ot' th f1'Y 01..1.-a.t.etJ cHi~ ns Q J pnn~" do150 nt. ~rtto11rn J.. Q \ih• H lOQB t Wi ll tho }11Jl!111on 1 pr per+t 1o be ta1nnarerrad on 0 nt. ra ,. , n QO, wh n, ~. l f tihifl st.'t.i11 d J)l'o·1>e .rt:.i11t11 a.)1lll no 1 t o hlf t:.r it, wil1 H b pQa!l!l.llilo t t:i.voe· d C3if1l\11t•d rUQl1 a is nt > ti l !!! l cnhlon o nt,llr, t1 11i1 1"1' th i o rn tt1 ~'ht.Ul k ~Oil r~ 1n nr\'vanQO f oJ' y our 1t.ttontion. ti.CJ / / l /" b ~;.f"/V-.__.... I t. !; Bh ~ , .. "lfi0~~- IJ.'e !Jli<iM j ~nbti\1 i o'lr" : l\'1.uHI MiMrl '1t1~i I r niul. ~~ iri ! fH\hip : - - _ , .,....... ....... "..,-~~~~-....,...,.,.... ... .....-~- ~·1 P• <l ~~...,· -_...,..-~..._,..."""..,_.,.. _ _., !11 ,,,-y. of '.au oi 111 n l? ~ r~nt:1r~hl.p c l0;ro1n• t ot, oruhJ. I> t OnX')1'H'IJ. i. IH XJ rli y)..dunl. t ,A 1. ilJJl. I) .k: I,\ ! !II ...........---t-1ff_..._"' ~ ,.. ,. ·~ 1.1 ... 1-j M1J, b1 ~ M ~ Mi': MfL),u ~ FomHl ~ 1 OH, t~n uh i'J) I •.....,.-+- _ lJ I I) of lo. , .,...,..._ ,_ _ _ _ ,.._.~ ...:--1......_,__. .._..,,._..,.__.-.... ~. c - -- . ~---~ Eu l)1· lilr;t C'l JI 1•tn 't'ilh:l. .H l'O'Jnl t ()1'!1 ip 1 ~ '> l'J'ir'lrn.t imu 111r\.t 'V idu(l,1 1 __.... ------,..._ _...,.. ....... "-~·..,-..i-· ,-. G+l f'• _,.. _~""'....--~.... .·'.., ()! . k1t1no 1 fac B:t''V ,l ill WI •· \cl uH 1 ' ino1' 1 Ptl1 l i.! I • JJ' l nili\1 I (lit :rn11eh:!.p l ~'~~-, ~!- - · - - - - - _ _ , . - - ~-·•_ .. _ _ _ _ _ ~I,~ ,., - -- -•-.... Cp tirnt i nc u 1 nur TrQ1\B~tr/ 11aona(.JI ntiw? ; ·] I 11---· _,. . . _,. . ;. . _.. . _ . ..,.., (l ft. 1 r~ p <'.l :B\\.l.'°1.n ~ E'F~ r tn rohi I ? 1p, ll,J.J , I 11 Pr op r\ · t ot' QI l p 1 0f1 r , t' O, l u11 1 IncH• 1,u 1 1 -·..-·---··of• Aclr.'\ l' 'D .o h o11 . ' I J.1· ·~d 1 utl b:f. I l) 1 r ( p t () ,. n 0 I (! rl, ; ._._.__ ____ ""_ .!A ·· nl ~',"':"'J At u lt Min l ' Arld.l" IJCl6 I j· ' 11 ~ t ~ F1:.1rn • J. '~ : Cit, 1 t Ll O ~p: ___·-· no.teofl11.· , ... '11,1r110 of 1}1 ll b11 all t l? rL11 r hi I l.>1•1))11,' i 11 M' ~1 ld ).' i 0 t.l l" o 1' 11 l l <H\I Ii 1 l· h ---·------·-·- l'l ...... O t' co 1 I t r 1,• vt11W1Hl I --····~--· l ,Lrl t Vi d\l /'l. l, I l \.1m nr 1 --~- ... ~-- - . . . _ . . __. . _. _ -"·"' ---...,.....~ ---·~t<" --. --·---..........- ... ' ! 't'olfl.1 011 {• t\lll 1 "'" ' b ' 'h '-' ( .l·4~0") r. ) rHU<ll\lll ~.lnwJOCI wll N i ).IJO ' ~ - - -···--,... -··-···-....--.....--- - - -......-•.,... .• 0(11~1· I 1>, I o Fl ~ o I ... - . ..--.. -.,..,......,.. ,_ • I ~ .. Pl l , l. Ct·11 "$·• N p) I~. U., nt 0 olo t& r l VfBord n tE c.. u .:- ycr,p I hl" ' ON rn G }}\del' 1tl I !l ti of lo.llt an,t;~.;r Q-)·, l"t:\ 'll :rr> i n" 1.llido1• 1-r ~ Ai n o niti 1l S t a;iv.r..V' 1vw11 'LiNntiri r nu.11 htt111" 1 l'F.wtn N htr ~ P -.. ---..-~ ~--.....-~.~~-~--..-.. -._,_..._,.,_,,.....___....,..,.. 1: on i nj r 'L1 ...... _... ...... Oonv, i·ll.t t c•H lntl,I •rldu11 i ~ A,.. 1.lllh C:i..J.)o'J5 / n.d4it ~l)J l P"4~ whwt.1 ~I ~ n ~- 11~ r)r .. ,....... ~ --..,. .cJ w rl I _ ~ . -·~--... - · - - l1r rprit1t or i DI ,,, __ -' ( "' -;-.• (, J)~'ll ,- ..- :1;. ~ A4ul ti .. Minor I I Mn,l~: .......... l omo.l flt Clth nohipl t 0£ ),e.u t OperAti1~~ , ~?'P" . of nt1•y Un·! t uni:l t.• '.!!~·~· dU~,y ~ t o n i'U)"" 1. \l, ill P~~ trim· E1~1 ! pr ~ Propl'i to1· uh~ 1v-' () 'l 1"'1 L ! l " ,i ~ f>tn. t nct£'l , 11 n11 : __........,........_.....;...µ....,·""" ...,.._ _ _.___ /' P~"i; • · ___. · ........,..............;~/I/ n .>./ 'I' l'll~n rnteJ•vi w Cit Add~· ar fJ,-?f~ - ......,.,., ' • -~-----.-- /1 ' l "'' i 1 1 .. - - - · - . . . . . - - - -........,._ '.111'1 ophon ·rum J' r d nnrl f!cOptl of pro l rn 1 ~· - - - - - -........................ ,, ... De 1 $ 1 u 1 c t, 'm AuthCJi• y F.JlW yo r l11t t mdd•rati n. ' t11·.ll' fl Gr t e> th Horbert. 0. /.. 1 tr h ; At11i t ri,t. o •hi r. Jtolc.i- 81!{. 6, Bldg . L2 , .'.pt . 1 t 011~on , Al"'iz,ona. . P brua1•y l 91 .l 9L!J U i t1 h 11,')i,tfld rn, l:.fHS war t,ol d t..llflt t. I .Y wo d o<>mo d . ~h.t DV• r ,Yl!l ll.l' 1'(.;\W, n \V( WfJ~J d l l ., t () kn w y~ W pl 1.10 d 0 l' b J 011 i.n1 h aa I! YV 11 ,. 1,1 rm t.h i I~" Ol'IJ I o:i rl! t;o COi ... Ol).jtlt• ~ith am t.j ntc11 I.I 1 <l tho i.r pl t.hfl'I h ll'V or l Jet. IC 13 d .tLl. Ni • 1 )• 8J11i Jy IJ - 5 90/+A P ~rri 1•ly 'rom r t1h d 1 <:Jn l.ii' orni 'I yours . Q J/ ~ T~l l nt I:l1 ,, r'l fl tll 'J 1.1 !).cl t.1::r int o • '11'1• • ~lU"j" ~ ,'/ fl 111 ucl Stnt l:ii fll'"I{>~ r I 'f i11 v ol v -- (HH.ICJ M W? I ~ on Ac! tr ~ Jl1 .,.,,.,,.,~ · Fl i T~ tnt1ll1Vlo wot1. 1 I li1ph (,n 1,I. f\fl rl II OJ)O ~. ~ " I NHnib11r r L· <Diltt;) ~~ ne r ~v wt 1~ ~.. i: elo i;>honu 1 In.te:r11iew 1 .......-A .,tlt, ' • tnor ' /-'/ H 1l d I on11\le 1 /l r:;,J OH~z111ahip ~ - -,....0-i.t.,y) - Oiy1.,l' ·--~· 1mcl: i.• 'l!r (u:i.oUl",'f ti m>n o now1 1 tin I o 1' 'at ti in · t'H I l'M1 rlOY'Shi;p l Fl.' dp~ l.ut1Hnl ip 1 I Oo~w1 r tt \ t1 11 1 I cluti. t I """"' ........ ltll)jU • t1tl'\ h u.Ctcl.1 ( . 501)~ ) P.) ~ l'.ltll 1 f pr l bl IO I --~~. -...?Ir! - --- - ... - .. ..,..._. ·-(:DIJ.t;;,·--.. ~ Nw.i1. 1 A.1l1l o 1J.1 l G~t·m r t I o)' Vi. ew: A'' \ll · I I f 1. llOX' I ~d. r.q tlJttl.\.11) ! OJ. Pn. ~ o qf. lfl.nt ~1 r y iitto tJnit. · d St tu II __ , . ___ ...,...,.~--,..---..r-- .. n M1p1 ___ ,., ___.,,.. "J ,~---,..,_.~---- --· ·----·----..·-- '""--·--·-1m Tvno 'lf '.Du 1.1 o :is I · Pnrt.nq:r M.p 1 llt• p:d 1 or· h l'l t Oo t"" ti '1'11 tnn i X. rl '1v181in1. J ). ' 1 1.1, ,.. __ .,..._ ... ...,. 1) •••• _..,.. . - ..._. ____... ···- ••• nt ll lD . OOP'.! 1 1'Hlll t< NO LUU-Bi:JR OQltP.ANY .Ba.k ?! .field, Oali.t 'ornio Oct.op r 2nd~ 19,~2 Peclere H o JN 40 S Ba.nk r1eQt1u1 Stre,t l:J n Franqj ll'oo, 1j,I\ Evaou e l•rop r y 0 pt,. Att r1 lon Wr, ij, E, ltl\7 1•rnn 0 ntl m.en1 R e1•l"i11 qn Lo to pi·o1 rtr owr1 M', 0 ~ ·'' o by Joht'l IC ru10\ Doro hy j{e.t no, lf.l ~1 IL Oiti1.11on '1J ti to h prop r y through a. S1·l t As wo ~r1dnrq1;. 11 it til ,, ~tal'1o ' B ,," Tti11 p1-or r y :ts 'fl'oM..h pproXirnat l:t dr> not h(IU v J>l"Op rty with no t1t1d fht' It m b nk 1.pprox.i 1 3ROo.oo . h~ul!d b 1uit1 l :t;'t fol:" .h.. hl!ly })old titlil ly . 00 .O<), p«l r111ibt d to oont' ~ o h b~1:ts Katano ' 11 • th• bank Will. ;'O\I pl ak this np 'W:l b t I Oiti ~ ii I 1 Na.t1loM 1, D&.u (W e.dv-:1. W3 te>pe vhould b tak n bo prot thiit pro11 tt;,r. l'ou.i:1 l'IHC K'.ING LU y ry tru.ty, luR OOMP/d~Y • King /a/ )'/ /~~ ~ o:i.•o..t ~~ a. r ve ~w oi' Gai~ .lr,r1u~qJillqo a~al J\1.11n1t d tho \lnlh4 f!tatcii+ . :;p ,._,I-~---- ... _,_....._..,,~ .,----· ,,..., n r l\1 h1 n 1 Fn.r nt r 1· 'tl t ~' r r r:1 1, , •1: 1p1 Ota p) "' l.P\I . / m1l rd1l 1 .' ' r I 'I 1'C • I r\ l 1•1 -~-~··t:. .,-. T le.Ph r e1 I i llorvi n t\i,tl ' I i. nor~ i,.!'1~l • I ll' lltftl I Oi t hi ll h :l.J>' -~....--.--.. ~· ,....._ _ _........_ _ _ .,,_ _ _ _ .........,.._ _ _ .... ,,. "'""~··· ,... ~j• .. 1 ~·...- ·--..--otf.!i"·-·~,..._·~rl~·_,~,-· ~ ;/p · ' 131,1 in ~ l'r1.rtn \' tlh - .--...,.,...,,,_... ___ .._._ .. ....... -·-- . --.....--·------·-- ·- __.....,, PDTa an lnt 1rv jnwod 1 tH 1 Propd at "r" lpJ 01'J J' p•n' t n 1 I nMvi \ 1. : t. M h r.vtd.1..t /~ s....: t1 J5 ) nnl pn~~~u ~*...,..._""" ·- wit i'i.i 1it101H1 f\~Y ,...._ , ~- t~-------·- _.,.....,_ ---- ~ iuI /il. f~ \}c1.4!rl}.l F.eo.e "V JM\( Cf S~ rrn.n~i!IC!'Cl ?i 1$0il.l 811. Of tho lln i hd, St i) eie __J1.!1J-_~!-~t'!.?:_.._. __ Tel $/l:Jh.on i I it11r.1vhw1 ( 1 uiit ' MiM'l.'I w~ie 1 ' hll 10 I Cl i Uz ne 1"•-""t-•..""'...,.........._... _..,..,~,~ ·,..···•-.,ro-- ~ ......... -,.._."' . . .. .."""""'._ ...,.......-... ~~: • ,. .,. . . . . -·1.-.-.. ,. . . . . . . ,.._,__,. . . . ., . . ....,. ...........__..,...,,,. . . . __,..,....__,_.,... ....., ~ ~ '~ , •oo ni :au.a ii l1 fl 1 l?orl, +cn·ohi I l11•on:ri1tlo1• llip1 OorrlCl rr t, t i:m 1 1 1 ci ;i.yi, :\lfl.l 1 . , . . . _ _ .,... .. _ _ f • • ...,. •• _... . . . - " ' " " " ' ••• ~.,.--- ......, .. - ....... ~--,... x n J.l I; r x M·l)O :r~ .A.dr r (}tla t L~•1l 1'1 L lllA.1. ~ JCI ()Hi"' naild p1_,_JJ. ' ~L Mr • ll ol n l ~ vtn~ ~11.:lJ, o ht. . I-toi.l~ton . J Oas o ~EX' a!' ,A:ttooimey tio o;l.c>aad A. . ....,....,._ ~, pl'J of '.Du1lin - I !1_ 'J.. 2__,___,_...._ - . '" c, > I .J:2.. ---· ·-·- --..----.. ' Ill ~ ..... 01 l'n r ~11erah Ip 1 l 1r opr t P l' t C11r pni' 1.r.n. 1 1111 lvidun l 1 An 11l on n.k ru., ld .!'Oll ; 1 >( ' •t I< ~M't l'\Ch ru tl;\.Hrrn1 l pr / 01$ whrt' t n 1 ( l}.~~n~J5 ) (!I ,, I t Htl'~ ~"/.;: ' ... J D l'' o llt1d t,n f i.\.r.11 - - - -··· llflnk of t;if 1 th e U1i t ........,.,,._~·-· ·Wo·-·r --·-·· ~ e1 r • h 1 .r ~· Le: ,-·-- __ .M.~ 1· 0 0 11 1 n1 li1~ ~· 11 ~r,1w 1 I Q lurnb r 1 tl 11 ; in1 ~IJ I 01,t; l v. tleh1'P I ... hp) 11 a 1 P no r1 h1p 1 P1· ·wd 1~ t 01· .h Co • or11 t J. 01H I 11cJ t v ;I. dUt'l.l. I Poruon L ~ ' rvi _ _ _ _ ..,........,.... t ' - - " l........ wctl 1 ... ~-----.. _1"'"'_r-o-........, ........... '!<_ .. _ _ __.. ... . . ._ _ __ - --........... -·· .. . . . .. ,....,-. ~·· , l' nr..i.hir 1 _, ~~_...,..._.....,.._..__ . ..,. . . . . ..."""" . . ·-~··-·-,.-.- ......,.. , .._, ~-:J~ - - .. _ _ _ _ ""', _ - nu .... I Dll · t>! l n. 1~ 1• _ __ rc11 11t l' l1,V ~ 1wo lv1 /Jl~d 111.' 0i;l -~ ~ -- ........._..._ . -·-· -·to..·-- . of yl 1ci\? l 1,1ll l Tr 1nt.l l rJ 1YI 1H1 t)f.t •.I. t <i l' ~ n I t• •· ~ ·-~ ~ t .,. "" • • :t To )1 w1 l l!/~ /Jti .. / 1/4a ... •• LJi<l not •how np, 0 •• lbal• • HOHltlRT (Tantci ' .+ J / ~J """ t ~ f 'V"' ''f' r y t.) 1" y ht A,· ti ,, f w"""' I A ~ ;.,;; r· 11 ' ·~ ~1A ·I,! 'lj :J 1~ i. ·•1' /, 0I .,.. , Y\ I I (. I \ N1 • C hI )•" 'I M • ''S$1 0 I /J FJd.•3rol R P1nol\l rv11 S !Ilk of Saa \• ~ c te .o t cf •he Unit . Stc.t <i. ··----(r::l>r-a...,.t-a<'."'r-·~··~........,...._ ' 'Uel e1Jtl. J)IJ I t i b r J'"V ht ~I A. c H°ifl.l:'ll" I I ..".... _. . . . . . . . ~--..,... -~,...--t"""I ~- . . . . -..,..__.,.,,.,. . .... --- ....,~- ..f!.? •I ..._ ~ .Y1'J O 1 1)) j ., •• _ . _ . . . . , . , . _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _•. . . . - , '_ _ _ .... ,,...._, ..,....._..,..__ _ l'I i~ Bu illlHJll I i r~l'l tp I lPl' Olll' i l '() l' hi P I Pr r Oor• c rn 1<>n1 Adi r l)11 I . --~ ~----- ..- "'I ••·-·-··-..-.-.. . . . - ~--- ! 1lt l V'i. \li l 1 --··-~- ...-.... ~ Ac I; i o1 t 1 ••~ 11 1 .......... ~ ~,....- ............ - "'-........... .... ~- e 0 PEJl.SONAt, AID BLJREAU p Tantoran Aue rnbly 0 nter Y' San Bruno, Call tom i.a AugU8 '~ 26, 1942 Mr, 0, A. OiblSOI'\ .F&dere. H41 ll'lf Ba.r1k 0£ S1m l11 rMoiflQc /~00 S1uu101 StrQot San ll'r nclaco, 011Ufornin D ar Mr. Cab on1 A L •• I runat.nro Yoshizawa of Dti11din 11~, Apa:rtmQ'lt "ll, ln to UQ artd acil( u th~;t \'I {!(t't in t.ouoi1 ial'J IJ , U•ru • ot' our O nt. r ha1.1 com ~th yo\l cono ming n l•rorn th j,nfonna.tion. W· rooo:l.Vt1d fn>m Mr, ;i.:>shbaw•• we \lnde,i•otl!l.r1~ that M:lBu lP ll~e hau. nctod B 11.nint. l' r t.tflr l.\ i the ~au L ardm of,t'ioa11 of the W.O,C.A 1 hr. YoBll'li:C.a.w ha~ met JJ.t l!I · '111~ isovnral t,i s oonoarniog thfl coll.. at· ori or a eurn ()f 60.00 from 11 bu1Sl.n e man in Srua L 11nciro, W un t r tant.1 th t 'i o U1 !.ll,& protnis d t;o ~ oura th 111ona1 for' Mr, '!011hi~4ya and e n Jt to hii11 at tho lllJ e rnbly oant<Jr. 9.1." WOt\dtlJ'ihH if you hnv tli e.<t Ires~ or c 'llle or lmo'tlf her wher nbo~t srJ that w cnn get in to'f.lch W1. th h,.r in orciier to :inriu:lt EU.I to What :lopo O.tion h I e 111ad ,o f tlti~ matt r. vioua Tt1n.nk yrju, 11 t,t t•l'I, tor your JJnd oo op1Jration in t~ i11 o.n.d prti ... Vory truly ;yoU"ra,. Yosh~o utaynnn Yo hi.P K1.tayl)Jna. YK1gs Dir11oto~ <aiE1lo ) 11 t 1, J, /7·· ?'~t.~':1 t •l rl 1.l;r Dat °'' t:Hl l bf en tr;r ~n to 1 ,, t hd. ltiU:i Stn t1a 1 r fi'l. ng UJ~der 'rr t ~1.1t'Y L 1.. <lTJ,'-'~ )\ow? I .. I I ,, Ztt- r, . ,.1 / ( ~I (i" ,') I"? ' I fl / ,, ,,, JV -;/ , /)J a l ... _.,.._... _.._ Ad.tlt• IHI Iii I ~~Jl __ _____ ,_.....,...._,.._...,.._~~- . . . . ----..,......-~.""""" f1! / rJ. ~ " '.), I __..,. ~ '~ ___ .__ ___ ' . :;...-"" So hf.l Unt J'r a.11.c t co d. ~tp.t · ·- -· (Dii.t(i) Te. l tJhon.a 1 t tit •n·v l e'tH VI Arl.uJ. , i n I ino ·1 MnL• 1 ....(I) f:.; F mrllij I 0 .1. t~ 11 01i11ll1)J 1......__.__._._ P1 t •?:fl· n~ 01~1J\'n.t ln~ r:i tll'lCl 1· ~i·· i n o tlnit d Stn. Tr ii W'Y Li a).\) 11 0 fl ' 1 ~ ----------·---.........- 11.0 '117 I .Attrl r n1 _......,..__,.._ - .. - · - -· · · T l J1h< A~ t l'l.('. )l r.i,rldl i rm il flll/ t e \1th I' ll 111 c ( tJ ...,5DI) ~> ) 111 l{ttJ 1u1.rr •lr 1 ..- ........ ·-· Dll (I ..~ - ..... _ _ ... +---_ _ , · · - · ---.. .............. _,..._ ----- 011 ~o r~ , --.------ .. ' ~- , ' . t "ji/ YORK 11 I IN :UR ;()E COLl:li>AHY OAltLA. D BHAt OH 0 ~ lOl!l La. t Squo.:t'e Ell g . 1 't'eLegrnph at Broadwa..r , Oakl nd , O~li 08 16th Stl•eiat orni a ay 4 1 1942 n•• , l!'ield nonr e11tativo e i ~e l, ,eeeJ.'lv e Dank ot Sfl.n ~1· ono1aoo 100 14th Str et ormnanto , 01'\li!'o,r ni ~ !' . 1\· : >ol,ioy- {o . 13 121 082 .J.L_o g . tai(ll.fl.Q~-- :1., n r cal pt ol' · 1,1:rtta .r1•om ur B ct•1nr1ou·to n:ixmo h ua to wz•i. te you r u1leJ.I'd lnf5 th ia o~ s • 0~' 1''io Op 11 1n1 Friday , t.iiy 1 1l·~t V/fJ raont th 11mJ.I'od ' o t'L1.1/hor 1 l'''.td:iuymna , n J tt. :r , inc w th 1.'L irnloae tho 1j1Jl i11ou1, o·' tho Joo ·mu ~· l l riuux•t r :t' t.urn lei to llim t~ rJ o :rtH' Lo oopy t' th vii' .1,oh woa tJi V' n ·bo \ t t!I ~. n 001u1ooticm w1 th ~v ir since Jnmmry 14 , 19 fh we ha b nd vo •i11t, t<.> <> ~tc in th0 n. a un~~Y at't'i< vitr.i 1 a oopy ol' th lnt3ur1 •o bJl'th l'ec-o d. so t l o·t v could e.oo~pt p yman t o'f lll'H' D<~oJmb r , l~ l Pl' n.lum . ·,v ri-d· ble oo respondenoe tho inau;i:•e1 •s J.'nt,J ~ aok:in1~ tl1r4 1'UI1l'llah ua wlth t)l :r;iequ1.remo nta but we w~'l' un[bJ. tot' iv '/coop utton L'rom iiin unti l. n'out two w lA 11{~ • 'J..'h l' qu.1.:i.· ,_ 1 ,n ta wa:t'.'e submitt d to ~ho Hm1 .t11.11.oc ~lcl l.o.ot w~el 11e l:'·'H~i v d h (.jt:r. ,i.o);1. to uoo pt l,lle mou. y ·c r V'I Liio h w a l.'opwr r ad 111td rn .11 k th peicl ~ h l In 11ooord1.1nce wiLh ·th. :i.1oqu.eet l'ttom th .Ltuiu1•od •t:1 'f'at ~er tlrnt tl e policy l rni 'l'F.l de-rea l.'o:i:· itt1 o ri l val u uJ oJ.' l ur(~ l 1 lC , l.94. ,. W<l wisl1 to ototo t}u.1.t Lllia 1 tt l' ifl ro' ivincr, tl; 1 ti on t.1li 1;.h ol1aok l'.I oul be reooi vod l l11'0 ins :ld of tll n x.t t n dn.yB . Yours v l7Y 1.J , l.y , ( Jignod ) J. L. auokur Or })., r Jt.11,k Qf IM h o:Lnco <Jf th UnU.t1d. St . ~ a l> -Jl;y"'-~ W lopl\on 1 fot erV'h /1 'Lt 1 M. l'). )jt.'1 M ) ~.. I 1'' •r .l1 al I 0 ti 1 l lUJ)}1 1pl ,,...._______ ......_..........__,_....... ~.-- ... -.........-..,....-..-.. ,_."' ~, ! "' --- ""...._ ......-..._ _____ N Ht111tHUl • At 1. h r ( 6. ~O~I ) 1 Ii i1~ Ol"ll'll 1~1\.t: ti \~bfl :fl _,...,._._..,.. ...,. ........ up lement. . !)Ci CO 346 0 . 11itco lJ Dox Ro t J..1lr1.l'111ij: ..A,clul.~ c 9 -(St'T TiUi d. tl1un11 t i· ) , 'J lr:i 'r1 lifo nin --rc1.yr-------rsn: 1 01:' Oeit o.f ). 11~ on r,· 1. 0 r DuoilHH; fl I Pn.r rnhi1 1 P1• 0 rt t( r 11 i.p t 001• i:wn.t 1. p ~h n1 . d t 11 ----·-·--.. Int t•v I. r w1 n1 Tt who n L ta.y. m" d1 ~-- )(Y !ill..W UU9.!iJ.t____ ..__ Y'G LI' • II :ru.1. n1 ·- .........-~. .u 11 I Ci t,;1..,, ,11h1p 1__ ··-·~· · _ o Unit d. Stoj1,:p; ~ ,J'Xl 1 itiol'J M:.i ~ ~ 1mn1.~1 .t ·- -··· . - ·- ·- . , .. __ .....-~ ~ .. I phr n Mu~ 1b1 •I ~rl 1 ny or.i1: 1n• w1·,1 h ~re cl to o o nr hi tn n<l Ymlt Ut\ _..,. ~-.-- ... _ -- -~ ... _,..._- <l'O p· t b) 19 , ·~O . oo ~ oles d , Di )'t . I l\ t, (l L10 ' ·-·-··-··~- ...... ~·r., 1i;iL :B .nk: ot" San ~t he Unit a 'l1 ~lOi~ht>pO I E.1 · n•i w: Ad ~ !' OU te 1 ~Jll I Do:ic 4 ---·---lttt'IJEt ll Jlori n ';'i"" A. \~ 1t. I Wi.1 01' I fi;.11,i)Oi".T---.--..- ! 1.1n. Ln 1 Oi t, !z Mini p I - . - - - - · 0 litorn1 . --(Cit } - - - ---"---rst;ite)-"' 'D, , ( o l n fl . at,).' :r i 11 t p Uri. t . St n. t tHJC ..- · · ··-- - - - - - - . . """'-·----..- .........-..----· o·' Du lJ P roQn In 0 IHI I 1 t•'V1ll\~ 1 d 1 ,... 1 rt.nor hlD 1 or• hl1, t Oor1• ~11 ' lon 1 I 11rii viun l, I __ ..__,.... I·'Gl• - __ ___,,, ___ ,..__,,.,.._.._,. t ____ ,.. ..... '-" ,..._.._ P1•1111·1t ~ ~ OU'r Pl'ObJ lllP 0 I.HJ /l'.1>46 far?lina to r.r 1m1 Olon n. r • .?;'ll • Krt1 ya. 11.1 p~· F.I nts ),ett :r :rro~1\ · rl Clo ·don tin 1 ah ha u Lle n o mli t111 d t o hOrd.P i tn 1 ~1 nd .i s n<> , · \1l. t o on:r.:cy on. w1. th pov1 r of J ~ to 1 •110 to :r•ont OX' o . 1 tho l)r.) Li.tllll nt .. orl o c. on to rn mbi r 01• h ;tj.:rinof •Odon D ,t.wrt111enc ·t or ':r.1 no1 uco , '1 2r1 ~ :louio n Gt:r t . Tele 1i h.o n~ Ho n olph 1340 . In t leJ ao11 do~1a n tlli Uop.t o onve l"G , tion Mr . l·J or1l n h in o:rme m th to at 11 u pow r o:t' n·;tornt1Y' r 1.: n·bed pro\J1i\'.>ly ao u 11101 some uutiGf ot>o1·y clia.P\'> al ot i10n will w~ll 00 i I ~ oont~11u 9f bV10 1 l tor to ~· . Kt1 tny all'l1 ttaah \ , H• 1!llud b~~ !SJil.uU'.t I ... A 1 ( , h nd.d ltl oti 11. ! l\/fHl ...(1 >'>) 1 1oJ l11)1•1. 111111 a1SJ.1r~. no);'nm nto or 11 i 1i 1.o o ll'Uo t -··~- ... _..._ ........ ", 0 0 Muy 5 ' 1942 Deor r . K~tnyumn; 1 o iv cl your 1.ett< 11 • J: cm riuite H b bt r.1 l r 'Y u cl,o bus 1n s. v1 th. the 1oon thAt wtin a to :r nt tho 13tor • y fllater hn b n 1 l too o you a a w 1,e qu1.te t 1~!'.U ocpp· <t . l om p;o:t.n1;.; 1~1:' . f i•J ·rn , U1 ol~ l' your <I d:r;i PO / ntl you 11nc.1 li · o nn He1lt e . I bo .. J, ov .l.t ti1 be st pol.i<J.Y. we 1Jt ~ttl think Iror,~n1i, you f~(3t ~ a1tth:ro.oto1•,y . !no rel :y oi.•r!on ' ur;r. Ooxidon n'J 1 h •otli Oorclon De :r:t 11,· nb it :i ti ll .F~''' no1ooo ~1'. Molpll 4~23 Mia. lon 1:s o tr 11 l a 11, p.r 1l 28 , J.942 l ~eo a ive<l your lett er u11d hope yon nd th flre we 11.. Ive b the lloap1 t . 1 tiva we lea but ti 111 p; t t1n f 1 ne nd e;x,iJ ~ t to f o t1ome in s W!J(t It. n in l.01111, 'I a1 t, r hn l> r1 clo ing h r uost to l'<:tnb lihe S tOT tUHl h1 d 1 t. n clv rt1. cl in bh Olkl1.uJ, '1' ibtin tor 8 . yu An :t• wtir~ only on<i v nrty who n nsw r d 1 tl tn y oompJJJinea 1. bou·t tl1 ~ q u11w1 nt b · 1, n~ v '!Y old crnd qbool t . hi.: v v p1 rty now t h 11; 1 ems 1nte e e tee\ lnit huv l1Q Ill.on f · N'ow ·; wo u.Ld lil<o to know how m\10h do '/O I v,a 11ti :t'o:r Y0 lll' equl Jlme nt . l t' you r. flak too mno h 1l wj.ll h ll v e to as)\: you to move it out b 1b i it ' a r<l1l oru blo, l mi r;ht be 1-1bl.l!l to o ll 1. t Olt 111011 tl y J:> ym nta my rnJ , am th i l, or I wn1 t you to o 11 wer m iuunocU. iialy hew be )n 0 111p by , l.otie time now ~ l ~p in1 to ho r r~ l s oon, Ui ll.O U!'O ·. ?J (EJ J. Bn T)lI d) E r ox·clo n . . . t r uer1.1it . ~ ~ Ro rr" JI nl( o·c s , ll'ho l A.13. n t rJi ~he Un~ i 11'llMtscQ cl. Sa.tell Time Ol enera icu ltl :JI'; i l Ml:' I Ji'J, o~· L)• o li:t.o:rn:l. ---rm. t:r ..........,_--._ . .,.... ---~;)~ Pnt nf 0'[l 1.. e · 1rnt:x•y into Unili1~tl S\i£>ta +; 1 __....,_ 9~1......... -·-· l'11.~ 1.11g \l.n\'ln~· TI' Llllel.l1• y L ~()OtiU1l n.ow t ~ 'X~n'JIJ 0' Dua 1. 1 I) .....~.J':lJt ·- __ l i .....n .. ...,.,......... _....,___,,_... ............ -.,.. . ·---~... .,. . I\" I llt.'!' l' '.I J'[ilJ ip l 1>i• Qp r1. ~· tDT' hl}) I X: ./i.d o., •c r1~.t Lon i , rl 1 i un.l. I i.• '.:'01,,qi l on 0 u n, Ol~J· )J;'Obl0m ---·-·,._, ·-·Bnme ... ·--.. - ·- ·-- . . . . ........ l urn ll'H' l no ._...,.,_________ ---· - tl 1 I as --. 1'CJ\lhn\1 i;i 01.' A1r1 l6 I. ?Hi l~ l\y- e. l1 1JW htui p1•ot)lol!l u1' l'e q11 EJ ·t i'or p y 1c n :t:.rol'n l 1,1. Lol & domra 1\y • l UO .. 1 tl1 ·L r· ot 1Jr111 IJ'1·1i oi oo , :t:OJ"' lmlnnc duo of' · 3 0 , a , 1 .~ J.'IJ . J o ta.yarn cl. bw a)l ,., tur d l.hi j, l:.em , I l l'fl 1 on'' vi t h OOlHlEIIlt 0 1' SI), I srna:n Il l{ lN~ · " ;Le t1,. :r fJ\ OWE\ l." 001.p t uci;ac l1 cl llhowa o a~3 1] conol.iu 1· d , ;i 91 l 4l , j, ~ t~G d 1. lw y lC'JC n.1 a .. ti 1. ·, t r~h win " l otUl'l1 J' nnunx•y ' 01 l :mm whl oh :i11 p1·1~a ento 'l.Ji. Ano now shown en 'lu , 30 . eo ~ ll •1 "'rgll !'or 1 1 ~U Q)H1 1n ll ntio 1l l 1 ll \ Y1 ,9g'~e H.':fi:66?im... ,.,.i.., . ..,.. , I ...... - f ,-.~ .., •"re Bank ot Snn ] ~ )'\t o.f' 'i'l c co he Untt 11 S niom A I H!x. Hnor 1 I l l F~11i11 .l ll I '.JC Oith 11 Mp i _~ AJJa . l~~l -··--~ _ """". _.... ..........To ..,,.. TY''O 131.tJ ii11l oUI r,11 r·nhip 1 Pi.• pd 1 OJ'' bl ),l l . .--·. ro•--•..... --- _ . ..,. ,. ___,_._...,. ___.,.._._.,...___ t" (ll'(lon lnt nt'V.I Wi" tl : J ' ? chin Col·, 1 n 1 11 Lon 1 Il l ·-~·•ft.It ... · . SAUi ·---.._ ... ··---..i....,. 1.'.1.lao OU i Pl.'O 101 Ot oa 0 ' p;t1 .ll. ·--..--.. _. ·~ " no,ne... _____ _ ------ l: .idl j,d,u lt 0 -~-·...,-..... - . .e ~ l. '4 ' -"---~· • p't'obl r1i 1' a n. o s ot w11 ro JA:c- • r tl y 111 hMl a nt: <.mi~ n11l blrLh oerti :lo 1ie o;i.' on 0.1. 1 o 01 no l out insuruuo poli y 1~ 13-J.2).-082 tc:i r w 'fork Life r1ou:r t1oe Comp ny t n kl t d f! o , nbo 1t APl.'i.l .• lTo l.1eply to d to ot.• i·n u1' h,h •th ll :v1 ·t1J'j.ont • 13orlf nd , r 0;1.• 111on1jO r o,h , }, nE\f! JI , ti'3le \ lHm 3.. 1/ g4 , a nu M e~·ed tho in to tJ.'Y o IJ 1fl od UlJ , tun1 1J1' i>irth ou r•'llii' j,oat n 1d th11 me n · y 41.t • . l' . no ·11 nu Wl ll ncl vor to <lo uo 1°0 ur. . O lad 13 'J:1 • ;t:n1i l'View d .i~i!YiRJ~'{-, , ~Oil wit ,t' I) •l llll. IHW :r . r 'l · .eQ~Ti'v~ Dank c:i i" SIUl Ii·nn i. 6"t of tha VnLi•~ CQ Stat s Sao , April~1i/ 1942 T l phOM I I ac rv i f) ~fl :x: Arl.1.1.U.1 x ill Mi.nor ; MtJJ. u ;f n1 -1 I X Oitiz n'*ri1prAUO~.:u D11 Q of le t$t n tX';r j i:t o 1111 ~ t d. Stn · ae 1 ..lo. . '""'..... i g_.....1.........,..}., 30...,tiiliil• 1 . ~~tm:~ned tg JJ. Q,~ 1·'.I · 11P; '\J.tHl l' Tri f\1icy !ii u11 ou ~i o w·11 'r;trH n f Bu,Q in nr I l'ur ii1 r11hl. >I :P q ll•ir. t n ii. t p I X Crwn•ir t i o I ln r ~vl.<lu1 1 1. 1 '1'rior \1?•t r1~,.,n l' y A ld1• ~ n I J9.11. • .ne: .\ nv l I u Fora g~ .Ir~nda 0 ont1•ol n \('l'.'IJ:i M! J)l' Ob .t.11111 •. . ~ ......,_.••- --~ $ . Jil , No . 2t1i.W 0. Jvtr , 'r 1t o l ~ t ( t ,b,e h u~ ) r.~ow 1.nt rP d rat l:lism~'lrlt ai~o F btuory Hl, l g 0w Ba.11}( ~ooouut 1 a vings o ly , Dank 01' Jun rio~, l)lt•ot.te BrliliOh ... ( tlOt bJ,oOkl.ld.) • t;..,.. .,.~_. ........ 'Y M i 141 .. I M.,.~ M:1.yo KCiltay ma ha 1 ov1er o' ttor ney d t tl Apl:'il ? 1 1942 , t:t'om T. I GO ~ l!l. t ' y'UTJ~e. . 'J~o.J(e K:. 'tm y ue. ha l. ~'7 B~li. Qk: ml. l ·i3'7 Oho vpol t '11ruok , no notl.lUb1•uHo " , whioh ·1 1 ":x.veo t to a ll. , u.oirt(~ 1lh ow r o:t A ~ 01• n11~ 0 tru .r.H.' l', 11 i 11 1111 im,0 Q11. 1.:u &J.l(I" wao own d oy Miro tt: 1nr11a who ho.a lvo11 Pow · ot' tto n y to a 1 •1~url Gor onl•, S oi'Uzen•,• ~hit :r. o t' to .l ttfJ O:l.' a ll . r .. '1 ttaoh d, d.1~d. J. tter t'J~o JJ'or (l,n Jrunda Oont~·ol ·t u abov • li' tl it3 .P re:. on 'l' c h· r:s n ltoanoG , I vrUJ. hc1vc~ 'o:ru ~ oom.. p.l ·t d tm r. trn11 n to you ot'te,r.1 }our.lay , If not , J11aa udvia • 8 . 01~0111euto e Int rvi w d u.-.nol :tm.vol.v tl ' "'A . 1:wh ( )C'>'J~ ) n.Mt .l,01111.i ,,,.c1n wt\cit· 1l4llitllll~~rv· 1 :; 1 u~ 01'1.'ioe (~. :ao·i:Uaitt • · .G o PY .cirs . nyo Kata~ l4t1:: LL-ee..,._, Gak-1and, Ce.l.irornia. ~-l.6 "-'e enclose ,.,?fl,TCA.TION desc~lbe<i bel.m; wh i ~~ i.s retiuJ:::Ile d -ror ..addi t.i"01l!il. ; -.rcz:=a.tion as indi eated : Your a~plieation ~o~ A.sEignB:d ~o . 5 . dated . 1. • ~-670 ~ 2. :lease- .,c:::.:plete reve=se at: a ::ulic.2.~ion as ~ed by Sign an •x-. {cro•h~ co_ie~} aekow.le - e b e.f-are 4 0tary J:'U.Dlie ~ to us . .3 . . ~y is. a lleense :Ra-ve o resiu..ed in 'the Unit-ea States ~t al2 -ti! on and since .rune 1-'l ., _ 940? ~- ~t FETI~A is nationality er . =;y;;s;.. R\I ' ~ .P..f._ OF ~Gardon? S~ Y~ Fis.eel. Agent o_ the "C'n ited States 1Hlter · l. ?.o ~-0 l°'IH~ !ta.t'lk " S11n rtu duoo 1h!:!Al Age~t l'Jt, ho tlnHed S M ~II Mult; M~r 01• 1 li!(l,),il' t f n·1Ji.1. : Ol t L 11: .nab'i.p r·--.--- T.!1 ~ 0 ~;{110 r)f lo.flt ntr;r in o Vn.1t rl Stn,,uA I ~· ]1,.1.l)j. n,(JlJ~ I l'a1·t n."'r 1h '\p; Vrcpr~ 01·atd:p I Ot>rp 1>t'n.t inn 1 !.1rtl.v~A.unl1 A1;t. -0!1 ti.d. 1 (a.. .501.>~ ) ~r:>r11 Ad~.t ti fl I ·- ·-,......-~_..., __ _______ _..._.,...,.......,_, ...,. . .,...,. ____..._ .... __ ~~"" '9_I__ #,ln'14ol;, 11 ' - · - - · - Acll'l.l' ~ I p 0 , &o ir ti°Q J &7 - _,,,_,.,. I fid~hr }-·· f"' ' ..:1i.1 ,yJ~! ( .,,.;J,( 1/-.-!' j,.t,yJ'__, ___ ~·--· ·--u·ti- 13 _.....,........,._._ --- umllor1 ./. ff'( (~ Ir( ! I 'J 11· ,,., .) / 1 .I ,.. , 'i' t.! ( ) :>; .... (! 11') ,/. ~ nt "'.: ~4 D1. iif, I ~r)" • .• ) f.'"' ~iJU011 t11l 11n 1i+ ~- .-) tl/)l"'l,~t ''i". '71M1 (§,,' 1~1.. l fJ ..'11'1 .y'll# i-,v· .• Jt1i0r I ;'.<.I•'. l'itf'. .1.h ili, (1.o' 1~<'1.tH ~. on. 1l !>t:i{i'' IJ '' ht' ( ~-r;1 1r,r 1 ) -1., , 'II · til) O'rf ·1t,t;) .7Cl,, ~',I ?"A ;i:( ',J ' --u,;.1i/·-~-_,... 'l!aleu h on o : r ~ 1 1•v l~ w; A ult I ,a nor 1 . 11.l ! ll'lil r ~1tH C1 Pu.L o:f l.nll ntry into U \t d S b~ t ild;I, l11.d ~ 'P I ----~· ...., - . . ... _ , . . . _ _ _ . . . , . . _ , . . _ _ , . . _ _ _ _ ~~i.....--..-i~_,,f'" .... ""t"I' .,,.. ~.. , ,. - - - - - - - - , . , - _ _ _ , . . _ , . ... (!)y".)o of '.Bua:Ln o 11 1 r o~ ip I Pl' opi·i 1 t o r h l, p ~ Oor11rJ r tJ t l<ln I :?t1.~·t.i,1' ,.. "'A+.~ 11ci h r; ')~) ) (u. . ulc\ tJ'i.01\ .. ._.__... ·~._..- .~ I _,.... -~ ...... ,.--~- __ ___..______ ! 11d.lvi d \i . t ~. ~ ..._._.._,,_ ....,..-....,_ -·----- _ ..-.f __ ___, _ _ _ .. '!'T" _ _ _ _ ,. N~ ,,. Di.r Q t o t to il I ,I..... dcil'(l.l J\e Ji' el A ' •~ J'ra.n.r~ Un~ d St ti erv kn.k ()It° n t. o I he s c~ a ·---..._.cna.r;r·~ ,.. ~ 1 p)J 1 I ln.t.l:l Vi Q ~ ..A.d.uJ. to tlh1 :ir 1 1 A.d l:'OUJS I 1 lrl~tl ' I ll'OTlU) : 0H ir.mi l ip l --- Ue n a lant r rt ry tnt.o ~n.H d EJ't d, · P 1 \:ll1:f l i onMr~ n.oi;/J I j o l l _ t _ , . _ _ _ _ _ .,.... Ad tl.rrJ f.1N j) ) I ' - · - - ' - -.......... ti I I ~,........ *~ti tn\ill ( ~· ~QI ~ ) Hli1 ___ _ 1 rd R auve Bank crJ Ian r~anQ t .. co tiad Af;l')J\i of the U.-Had. S t T IJ Bphono I ! n .l ' ],"!vii Ad.1~). t I Mi 01• t lfo) } I' l 1 Pll'l " ) tH l:IHi wm M 11t ..,._ .. ....... ......, .,., . .. ~--- p, l' i:in Int 1· v~ ~1 A1l1 ' •Hlll l ">..t I, 1J ($ 1 •• l JJI ~t) ) JlMJHl'.I' C)f i.rwol.v d r,\t\I 1UJ,t tcrnt l. 'P / ()11 who II r.1pu of riro cl l . . . -.....-_... . .-.. .- ·-·- ···- ,1. i, , .... ~·~ ...... , ... --"" ..,..,..._.__.,.. _ _ ... , _ _ Tul phono lhun'c Pr 1. t l 'l ......,._~ 'J.' 1 -~ · ··~ - - ~ -- - , ... ,~ ,... 1 . 1~1l. ..... --~·--...-.., ' t etrt l lH. I' · I' ... , ., , •- _ .._ ,.,._ ..,. ••.,..,. • r•· • - •• • --., ·-- .. ... Ut •- ' I ·p t' 1 I --- k v ) , t o f' lJuto Qf 1 tr or SQ 1~ I 11 ~1 co 'rl' Un'it~ S· a t e - onh y 1 to Vn . l1 O. t . ,A(I d7'1 1 ti : 'i'1•i 1' tp111. "> 'J, . ,I'~ (;J . ;1. :$. J/, ~ .... , '/fol j r'tn1. / 7,;' ~:· ~·· ~ > 11/. ) , ., t 1,1 fo I \ ~/ .I lo• , ,,,. ' ,,",(...(, ' I" '), ;It ~11,. ~·r I tf"'-VIJ "' ,/ t ti. I, .. .. I ,/ I. ~ 1: I r m•11 • • f) (), Jll 1 L II 'ti " v· •1 I ,,.,, J i· J I 'f/f..,.f'... I 1 I ~ 1'' "''I../ _,e ........... / I DR" f lo. t n t;r,•r in o VnH d Stn clcll• n1 'l' 1 phon Pr'\..1 c1 n.l rirn . t .,.. :I l!.l\M llC\111~ of ]il' ob.Lu1r.1 it1.'V'O}V1 ;J_ . ,J./v J,,... . C ~l I .I f h.llllDlll' I ,. 1 l~n'j1 ~ ~ (},,_ " "'" ; . '/ ) " I *' .J1 ( -'\. f! l---.r' . f/µ1111. , , n . Ii•• ..,.\ , I • ./ ,.) J .. .. ..:;i / ' .., i 4!.:I ~ , --- t.J ...... t . f 1, jA J r~ ~ fl , Ill ~ I I ; { r . -1,. a .... J..:l ti H •w/ r ' I . ./ ) .tt. ... .J / --· - .... ,/I eur'l(e llanlc l .A.,•ni.t ot o~ t~.c,i , n F:r"")(: heo tJni t d. St tee - ~* !(Mn• (t• f 2 'lie 1 e;phOne Int orv1 w: ,4.du.l t I ~ 111.;)J;• : MnJ.e i ll1er l Oit i z l\ hi:PI ---~ -,,,. ,., ......._.......r---..-~---1"''- - ~ ~111.fp· ·~....-~--------------......---.--- ~ Du1,11 ~i · o r o nrtu nJhip1 P. t' OJ'll' l tq r oh i l11 Oor por1 l1 ~1)11 r t ndi vUuv 11 f ~a.ruo11 .tntn~·vi VTl'ldl - - - .- - Add. 1 t1t P~Jn c 1 pn l prQport1 Jnvolv d nnd $oap fl 11 Ao :I II . h. DUI~ I Bl ADSTI ltE'l' ! NO .. .. •._....._ __........,_ ____.,.,_._._,....__,....._____...,.__...,...____............,......_... of rroblom1 i 0 6,9 Hous o .l' l•'oo Im' * lfond.l. Ii byt _,_,,.._...,_ u:U..2'1 .a.tar~~ . .~·--~ Tel .il'lo~o 1 r ~~ triew 1 ArW11°llf1 a c ult P ID Box 8 Hl ----~·~s~ -.e-r...,....._111-.... r1'-....fi_;; ~• )- · - - - l•ir 1 I .F m1·h1 Wa.nn el lrina• Oal:U'omia i'J". ____ .. __ -rs~~t• 5 O~ t: ~ --ca~ T,•mo ,., P Md t\IH ll 1 ,n,) r 111.p J Pr(J}lt'i1 Ol'Bhlpl 001 orn ion 1 t 11'\ 1v,lri u.11.l. t Aot Lo•'I tii~~l'..t l' (!Oil Int r l·v low 1 (1~ AJ.h•11l it -·- I i:..r t _.......,._ __ _,.~ rrnh~p ' ......... _ _ ............. ~...-~ - ...., ... ___ --- ---- ........_.. -. ..._·-·--·_. 'le.a lettor i.n ao~raopond nco t:I.• • A'rot 2,, 19~2 th1J.t Gj.b111on "00A r pr nt11tiv in l"\1, Ur. ll, lfr. 11dly and ~-~. Buokler a.1.1 fl!om th<' SI.I.It!! ddra~ui. h.a:ve ILBai ted hilm, P~ope11;.;y ifl now l aeed l>Y' H. D. H•obo" of ll"'firtgton.. 1..e~ t.,~ d .g1ed bt "t • Ka ho. ~-· - ...... ··~···t-<!·4 P . O, l( 'l Vl11 r 1i 1 pl" l ll ' , (J oli /\ Jl' il {!'f ' ~ 9 1 ~l 0 1•11 ! 11 ... I 'I 1: 11 0 • ) 11' () I LlJ'1) I' 111 I J l l' I ,.,It f; tll" l1f ''}Jdl •lO 1 l'Ht1llVl ~nd 1t1 il 1.HH 1r t1 ) 1J1hq ' )I iJb 111 X' ttl I ~ !Hi' U t> V OU l\til))l )l)' IJCl: Hrn 1 i ll fa1fu J.•1n :/1)11 l1 h ~ 'I' !' J,1 u 1 · ~n n11 t 1 PO /~~ b ~h"' 1HH•1.t11;1. 1 i• . , tJf .rl/ . 1}1. bu<>, , ,'f ~" .r 1• pn1 ri b11 1'11 , 1v lf(}OA. l 111'1' 111l '' ' ld r,r, 1H , If . (1rH,y 1 11111 l ~ · . l1t UJ1. if 1il l't>l1 t , 11 11 1111 1Jd r l! 1Hr, Ou~ lJl 'llJJll J l 15 fl U\( 111 und. lJ~ IM> . H, ll , ltlWhJ~ f)f' lrvl.1 r b"n · 1)11 1' lll'1l)16 W11 I ~· 11 J; 1 llil Youl' 1d 11il l.1 t )J 1i· ~ l' t n I 1. ori , v H':/ hru l y ,:t c:>1i 1 e , , Or1l tr. , tJ;r.·u nt !:1 ~ BOl DB t "OF nolC1•U~ uhl 1 J\.t\\ll'b I bU ~or~ 1·fol >J J tllt.flla ~ Oit~1mrinht11 i-·--·-· :O" ·" 1J ¢1' '.1"1U 1 1Cl t entir:r int " 'tit i .n. u.P,d<•i, Ti•• f nutr LJ. of h 1e1 in ed !Hnt fillll f n 1;,1 ....,._._...., ~_ clctl' ·~"'-"'......_ ..........._ ,,,__.,..._-....._.. ......._...,.,_ ... _. _ _ _.......... tI~.1 P 1 _ _ _ · · - · - - -.......... ttl l 'V 1duitl I _..,......... _...__ -· ··---· . ,.._ 1.(ln , 11t1 k rrn I iii ,,1-, ' .... ll11n\"\ 1. .. ·.,1',,1411 (' ~01) ~ ~ r.i.d.d.h ~or11 t P'- • w (ll' I -,.-...,.. ...._ fi'l f '• •I 11ow? 1 1 Po.r n •ra \~.r I F:ro Yl. 1i,n•un. ri t On:r '> l."'1 ~tl'll ~' _,,..,..... _ _ II Q ~II ~., . ~· ~dl,1.J. t I ~: 'f"' Ml Mn Mn1&1 vi' 11' ir.a'L e l Oi t l ~e Jl\1J/1ip1 ! (D ~.1.1 ----· B Lfl in f'.V j"j'UJ <l ~· rn.t or viewed. P1Jrutm n I __./_)_/ _ _.._ _._,_.._...._......,..,..............,....-._ A.dd.r Oo., yio r H01u (nalt v i du l 1 T l pho r.e I lln1P l'll\O ~ p 1 prop e r~.y ·jnYolv II f u , .11 a n, 11 '.i~ ,.J' ,/ /) f f.,, 1.-r u~ /( /'~ I (..oj I_.. (J f , iii.' 1 ' <., , )(J ! lt1 (}1 1 ,,a.~ ' . r. , .__,..... ...,. ·~ f'· -.-....-~ 1;11 I ?t:t.~tr> l'Bhipl ,..... Pro1)1' . tiox·uhtp1 ~( I ,,, f 'i' (.. I </ t' r _,...........,~ ~ ~ ~ }J <1' ~ ti. .ll'~IJ';dtO ofl tt,le \111!!\•d lt1,11t a. - __ .........-"..._ .. e __.,._" 't' lep n I Int e i',, ew t --rs bl'f! t .f.:trci.~t~+r~L..i;.-+~·.__,--rl~~+~H 1)0'. o ot' ()p t'r\ "i t 'r:tpr Ulld f 0 !.' '.!hi.fl Lt n r:r r (i'r 1.~t<> 1J11i1i~1~ tn Cf'll iru.r.r l'.i.I. u.p a n.o w?' _.,.,.. ___ -·---- .,.._ - ~ ... -·-~"""',_ ............... ....,.....____., ,......_.__. __ _,. ,_,__...........,.... cil ~:, \l l'o.ttn1 ·r h 11 l'r opr·i t o n1 i ip ~ 01w )rn· i '- n 1 Atlr.1.n ll I - ..···--· ........ ·~--· .. -· · - - · - - ·- t 11rU vi .c\\l/1 l, I - - - - -··•·-ff ·-·. .·!•-·-- ,..._... •A...i.i4hrMi ~t,)Jll (l,i...11 ')~ ) . pl ia w~o' '' Tl lfr wir;r ___ ... ,." . ... uguat \lbj . a I 4, 194 / &r · St e li , L r <1t <]2tJ llyiw r 1 CaJ.:1. rornia. o~ d ti e J.11 th / /' / ,/ HAR Y H. LEE l!JOMJJIJD TO ·r11B s·r .-11 11! Qll CAU/10 • .Nl(f t!l D LLllOl'lli'JNS ANYWl'l ~RE: 'IUO A •"f'l'CH1"' H>>,.o, l!l~Lll"ONNtJI. Jtd.•:r l l\ea~ r 'V& Bank ()f S n NJ;1 n-0 Leoo, S neom~ una. ara.mer1 t p 6te. , Ban ] l11.1inoJ.1100, O~l1:1'ornia, . tn SW11 Tb~ bo v ot YI .o~. '~h• lu.1t U. (; ~fl a, ell, .1 apun u ow a on6 oj' nu r " .l ho ts. o:r. htm w II uar ad.d.r•s• wa h d nu ta 2., o t h or fill , We unct r t ~nQ. thle p rt~ 1 plo,y 11 in that pl (.)e, but h :i· Oo 1.01•a1 o, et fuse to ily om- fl Ji r>LY to our L tter . Wi l you ~1ad ly lnatruot h1m to to'w'rd th ls wnoun 1i to \u1 • X"mu1.-i v c 't~ tru.l.y, lil!L -o o'f '1,A Vll ... '!P ,, .. 0 I H4'!'W... IOl.CI II• A!'<O &9 HARRY H. LEE flr:JND/ll) 'l 'I) T'/ITt fA'l'B Q/I CA l-'l'ORNIA QCl~L.IEl!llTIC:IN8 i'N'!'W~O~ l'lt •ao A •Tl'lU;'T' HAYW~RO, CALl,.QFINIA 'e eral eeal:'-.e J3allk 8an•ome a1.1d. 61iicr!&1nflfJto e t l b1 r1,1no11500 , Oal if orn •, • pu.n o~ J t.1.r I) r. l a 1. :r " ~r" 1 Witl'1 'JJ,vl ~~:far l'lQ 1' ~ e~ rd~, to~m~r 11.d.~r ~· O ue w o:t LOCJfl, h I lt • $ /\){ Atr'I m ~ l'o 1n ~add.: 11 111 e11uM . ~A :JAWA our oonvor tion wltn. ;you beJow tbe r1u.mae ~o gi'V 1.ih t .JuptLo i~o .anx 1~2,IJ CJnl U :Mill.. coount. we r\ 3 .. nt rvlll guinrH him :t'or 44.00; • • og 146,rrvin~ton u l, H'orni • W h v -................... .~11111¥ rH u. Jill. ,,r Dr , , Zi'VQclo ,l r , :to:r ~Sit' -- t{JXTO , Ki -..,_~----·-----.."'-'--\iioin.t1 ,A~u.1 t I .A.d dmiti Ci ll I _____...-,.j ........_..,.. ..~tr.icrr·ru;r I M~11ort 11.uo Mr ht ~' mnle1 Cltl. 2~n1b.ip1 - - - Flo~l ~ J Calif~~nia 'lctt;r) ,,.... ........__,_,, Op,l'l~"". Hpg ur~d t Tr~~ Qf ) T11tl.f'lphoJ~e; lnt :rvi W'l' ~1 rea \JJl'f T~1.Clfll\l)e ____ _______ ,,..,.. __,........,..:.;.,..;.. it<>w? r ....---......................._ .....;...;....-.._,.....,__,........,_ _ __ Bunin~ ~ : 1 ia,rtML'O.h1p I ~Ol'l j t1 :r:titl t pl OO.'l \lQrt · icnil lnc.\1\l'i. tlt t J, I A.ddrel'J n I ~Tlnoi al prep Tty inv Lv 4 nm~ aoop __ ______ ,., of probl m1 __._ ..,..~-- ~ . ~ ~ June 24, 1942 . . . ,_ _..,.,(""""Da-~--)--.,,.. Nm 1 'l'E!l flpho•it : KATO, • H -------~·--~P-x-in~t~)~------~-- lnt.1n1 w: .A<tut t: 8 )8 J St, /lddr QQ: ------~rs reeT'WiIT-ut-n-1·.,. l____ MlnQr: Mn,le¢ ~'$tM,l ~eic~ m. n tio , 01'11 Ltorri:t. ---(01- yJ -rmtlt' ' : Oi t i unship l ·------.-~-.,...,.--.---·- O·p ')'yp l'I t'i n Und l' 'rr II \Lf( TJi flllS~ M W7 I .... __,.........,..._·-~ of Jti!J Gtl r l'll.r Jlll)•nM pc ProprJ. to1'1Ship 1 Co zi 1·1orn ti o1 rt 1. vi dw.1 l t 1 Bee lHm ,., 131 D:J'l'l l~EII' .INC - ,.,Jj!) 6 59 K. to Ut-0$ Oo111ps.hy ,i II Hou () roo ~ ---.....---··· --.-....-- ,, ...... ••• t r --·--""""~D,.,.......,..-...-)- - · - 'l' J, n il i l n~ :i."11 1 w~ l!(r1.111 I H•L-..,..ii:;·'-"'""Ll.till... fhi.rrwm · ·- U?rln'tJ 11) ioep;;;tinte.tiv• .Mu.l c Arlr1?.'!0. 0 ll C 1<11 or i IAH1 ~ 1 n~ ' Ci t/t :;i; n n r;r :l.n o tJn i t cl St nt 11 ~·-----....-~_,..-....,..,...--......,_-- ~; I'• 1 .....,..,-- ... - .. --,__-~....,.,.,......__ rf,'[J"l ll fJ f' }'au 'ill Fl I i• Q11 l' Lr n r 1>h tp 1 t'rorl:rl. tP l' n' .p1 Ooi:· •> 1 rt't 1 ll I Ir 11 ~· iri \I d.1 I• dc\:r t• fl I -·-------·-~··-·-- •.,. .... _. _ _ _ _ _,__ Iw1 v l tl u111 1 Wf' !l11' CJO Mi• <ii 1. l!.NT 001.!PJi.NY. ShJICf fliAr. Ml ' 1;>-.~o~, -' )\.l ..........,...._. __ ...,..~~ 1>1 nJ1 ~lu1it'o l I () htr~ II• ~ ! .. , in 'di fl o t Ste.· l 1l' 0 t' 81'U1 :l'I Unit ~; 11.1a 1 J( ~! . . ~~~ Aclrl~ ~10 1 sur""-~·--ivr i ;; ftL , l A >X _....._..,__(Str G 1r"1y - - ( 1. ·y Dn.1 >f n.ti Ci'1 H'. n ry_ l (\f.rfui) -.--~ .•htlt t X' 16 t" ~nd fum'b :i;-y----- iLMl' I ' 11~1l 1J i .:c .........-..--~·--- Tot . ~t~-· 'If Ill l U I 0 H J.2 ui uh i p 1...-!tt p d St t'HI I ...._....,.._._...,...,_,_._ _.._ .•.,,,._ r'11.ifn 1tH n r;y it o !Jn.\ .!!6 fl AtHJl', ('IOl'J. .....____-...i~,.,_,..,.,_ 1•y 1i oon•rn now'l 1 T:r'i r ---·--~--- n1' lh.u.!lncrn Ol' lltti· P~'Q1 r hip I ll<'W • 1}) I Oo r! 11)t'f1 lon I 11'1 \ yiil\l.rLl n1it 1 (J r.)m t> l t~l, t'(ipn 1 · , or flr1t1 1 l 3., 194 ~> I, (.\ • Acti rn h n lmH 1 I <' , h t"' • A tr oh r.l1dl.ttor.l\l rmr;rJn wli (t l)fl~ >) t 11J 11nc1. 1l$f\.l'Y'· w o • Snp.. ' r o eltli:io b,, 111li' d. I t a / l M • n J\ I X IA .r (),r 1 Mil.r t X Atir .l'O Q II I nl I 01 lh nuhi p Fll :!l.mrn.o ..~. :rtCP n Q ......._....,...,.,_...,..__,,.....,.._..,,_-"'I+._.......,._ __ ........,....,._.,.._ _ _ 't ./Tl Ii f' U Gl.M P~r ~ :r I n.1r htp1 Pro r t vnn1 I 01wp01•n 1cmi Inrll.vt<luol l t~rnn l.!S X ,, ( '"1. ~ J .1 t ti . o I. or l i•u()I) Ln t rvlqv cl1 Bnrn _ With i:t _ . , . . . _ _ .... _ _ _ _ " " " _ r ..... 1· ~ _ . . . . . _ _ # _ _ , "' ·-----11)]}~,_-----·--- Ad.d. r 111 '.1'1 l 1. pl nn hi n. •Jt' I fr t }J .l. oh to cH ;o o to ·, :r\HJ j I ~ •k llptJ l'J 00111pl et1 on of t.h ( Htl.lld l ' Ill 'Ii , q h ( :J..-':101;~) l~i~. i ~OM 1 '[;!/ 1l ., 1.H\ ,,,.,I . . .. /J~ JQ . h o· S TJ"nlt IitMdsc~ a .1 --..-.-.-, Pat ll) Tal• >l lln ·~~-~u.;o..c:.aa...a; IJ : lnt l;'Yi ow: Mu.l I ~~ <ll' I M11l 1 ,1"11 l<! I OHir. ' (ata.t) _.,,...,..._.._,.._,...._ ohip; _ _,..___, ..... __,..__,...____,...,._~--·~--..-. ......----._... --· ._,___ --·-·__,..... ....~! 'DYTH of Bu irH.1 1H11 l>r.Lrtn :r1.1MJH ---·--- Pre 1r~ horuh 1p I Orirpri wit 1011 1 Xi rUvl.du11l l -.....---- - //.I ~ oil 1,ml \; nk:c n ' iw I r ,,n • /i.'li · J..Ch MA~ Horw.l ( J..-? '·'~ ) .~: IJ!WC'"' \of)\!.'~' l 11 a iornry .. t ...... - - , 41t r ' l m)bOl'lll I r.~tn 1 vlew: A. uL~ I I i l\1'.11' I ·le t F1.l/1I l 11 I O~He 11 shi . 1----~...,. ..... ' r1,t l.\a I ~-·r·r--•-.--..------+-M., ,...---~--.....---- '! :'1/ ~ f. 'J)u ni111nu1 I Pnl'tllCI 1p 1 11r )ll'irJ 1\) l'llh tii I Co 1·r1o:r11 J. on 1 I Ml i V j,<l\\ll l I At1iro111 1 ··--... ______ . ,....._ ...._. ... _.,.....___,._.,...__,._ __ .... - ...... ~ f • .... ~ ~ - .. -t- &.~1 ___.... l. 19 2 I ·t~--- Tala ,I) rm 1 .t11ta~11w~ 'X t Ul 11 ! M l'lo r 1 l4c1l •J I .Fr( ar·-y_..... no __ T.;r C P!t Buu i n OHiZtll\ b1J;1 1 11 1 l~ lll:.' 11..l t' hip I Prnpvlo ,l) r tr1Jiip 1 J\d.d~· . Jl I Oor:p 11rn 1on 1 llld i 'fid A. · ~ on X :ll'.:11111tl~ I l l. 1 )t t i lmn 1l!I l' l llli r& t _ o_n_1_c_J_9 ._•...!. tJ • • t' .h l.l ih 1:i Ii n ( r1 1 ,., f,') h11 1.11' t~ tt> ' l'l tl u (,'\' I ,,~ d 1· L - B rv ;ian1' o i3 l'rMduao 1i1i ctl.1 A ent ot' tbo UitU•4 It t~a ~· tOl___. .,. ..... ~n .1 Tel•ph,l)n 1 ln r i ~w1 am I Atnl 1 ~ ~H nr..i:i.·1 Mtt IJ I d. '.nn ; :n 1, o o ....,,......_. ........................ _~, ~- ...,.... _, . ____ ,..................,._ .. __ __.. ....... - _.___.. ...... .. ,. ~-- -~ - . t, ,__,_ ··--.............--,........, ---·--··-""·-.....-· J·--I ' t> .......,_ 1 • ~ r l • ciq rvt1 :8.e.nk ()f Si 'iao11..l A en. t of he !Jn te A u lt I 1. Ol;' t i'·•t1,l. . : l\ JM. I Cit~. ntJh1.t. I .. ____ ,_ - - · - - - - - - ,J h•f ; T ,"!JP :Au l.l\U ~ s' llMtllCl )'llh.ip I f.'4H'1:1011 In n 1-vi1~ w rd. 1 Propr t>t' hi1?1 Clo l~ior1 ~ Lor' 1 I1rl ivi u.1l 1 A.l.ld.rfJn 11 cir * li.t b· h tlMHionfll 11n r o ( $1..nt 1?) ................ ___ lTurnb• ~· ~ ---...·-·-·-..-··-... -........ _...,.___ --.......... -~-----.. ... ------ -- --,-........ ..... ·~·---· __ -~ . ..... ... il I l "fl$ l.• nth rtot [(•ttU•y, C 1 torn a • t I.JM ANG F.U:fi ERCHOW OCl~f(> i\NY: 4eeo Wl!IS'r W~SHI NGTON ~()ULl£11AAO l!.06 ANG~j..lfiS , CAl.lfrORNI-' T•L•~•1qrot w_..r...111 rJ·r 11•11 e1•1l Rell l'V fhmlr o!' S n ~· 1·uM1. co 1716 "lley t1th St1•e ,t lt adl 'h 01d,J.!o.t-1l.lll At·L ntions r, roh l • .J'1 ell , l 1 <.1 [ epr s n 'tiv On~)ut n; j . WfU) Q~) r)~ld l t, j ,rl l[I Ql.'OW 'fl 1 0J..~\ J.n (.>\ll' fi.l unrow ·y K. Keto 1,1..l. d d ioai t .Lt th / in••,...,..•·.... ~.,. w~ lhll:r ~. l .,, a. 'f' u.-,. ...._ orn.... ~ At ......, C IJl-r,, •• i"C ~. f.o. r• •· e r •~to'Q llNl..n ,,.i• O.rl1, Ht -~,Ulla. \>N'fLftl ur "'" • tuu ... l ..Wr-.e• ~ 0 pl•••• u ... ~ .. ,. 11ar ,. I •H · ~ t11 l l 1 l iii' 1.11Rt ·nt:r:t ~iibo U d,t Or I l 1 t :\.J\~ t). Strn.1i n I \'l;tl r rrr1 llll ry L.iQr:Jtl.11t) Mw? I , Ad. 'I:' Cl 1I / -·~•I>_..,.._.,....,....__ .. -:r .... ~ I ti ·~ •"' I t tf'I(. ~· (., I ,J f · .,, ( ;:,, /} I {~ I' ; fl r' r( 1& '(&• '· i c II t ..../ r{i / /.I , I, ·'A.I ,,.,(' :lif ... tf . l \.ii' I t fA I"'" I I p J ,· I :t:~· nlt1~ h I • A.o \ •> l{_,t "I •'/' l ~ I .,t • t I ( ; r~l ' I ( ,'/' ,,1 t< I , I ~ r 1 Fe i' I N.\.1. 'lQ ~r"it Agent ,__,__ _....,05,,...a_t.....,c)~ "- hl J.>hOno I lfo I i tn •i I Ac uH r M no rl Mil I .i'l:im .L ~ O H,;~n i 1.J(l i - - - - - ~-_,....._~,,-_,__,,,..,.....,~---- .,.,......,... _...__.,..__,....__.._ __ fl ,'ff11!J r.i1' R~" 1n ,..._~--.,~ ti ·GI 1' rtno"~h~pl 'Pro ri o '11hl.p; Oci1•p •,r1t1~1n1 -------··-~ t nrl.1V Ld.un l.1 ....... __,... .... .. ..---....-....-.. . . . - '1! ~-,.--....... ............_.._ :4I~ _____ . ....,.._, - -----.---......-----· ... Hu.nd.1. u "'.A t.11.<1h u:ic j, ti i.On 1 >I~ ~ ~ ( ~-?0%) \~h~11 1 1) "!lQ • a.ry y I - -·- ·-·· . . .... " i!l'i t cop Ota•· OMt., wlU ch I lJ1f onL1o 1, hCI t 0 II i ik )'Q or o hi.111 • I lctrid 1, w0 rD l to ltun J.lranat '~l .., 5 ,.. D 1 n Frill 1 11 ion, F d ho l;f 101 lOB6l., () Snn hPn.ilJit:l U11:tt S t 1311 1.04? . y (il:B ·ivo:L ti ! t\t \OnlJ I l"'ti~ r 1\.1.u.l t 11' .M l. r)l• ; l.it1l.o I ( 4.0 '!'r (j ) 1 I Tftl . : Oi 1.111.1t1sh i 'O1 .•..!~n )_!:__ ~.)71 ~r (lf l'lu1lin111b 1 :E1ll.l' I I J:'»hi >f :P·~ <lr r i on IntmvvLow cl 1 ...........,...._ - . ·- ·· oru l 1. p I 011rp ·1r Hnn i I 111\ itrtcJunl. 1 > ..-,--.-.........,,.-~'""'"'"_,.. 1 Uon f pt' b ~ mt o I: r 'rn ll.M;1rm. o.lrn 111i11 .. -~-------·~-------- I ii111IH r 11 r..j)t ___ ionot rno'lio11 vch.\.<~l ti \H cl nt, 11 n~ i, r 1.. '5 H1 o:r .r.1Hlto l''oi:i '1 J·1u ol , 1. 1~ 1( 1 1 1th .• r t'h l·t, ~IC) li:H\\:()l Ur> :i'ilJ , lllll . ll1:11;cH nt 11l~ fl'OU.d. l)i1 mni lAl to R.n.1.lo o~ 4 •J,/ 2 / 1~1 '?. . 1<.111;0 onm 1lhia Qf.fioo ~ ilO .• m. 5/1./4'?.. ri · 11i.1) Lnk 11.t~ li nl. h wl.1 110 1n.y d. 1.1v :r 1.o B· ·t n1 urt u1 ~ r· et l1 13 1n n11 y, dLOfJJ.1.1'{), llt1Nl llf - ....,..,......... ......,(-~---·_,... 'h le hon. 1 ! nt :i.·v~rw ! Ad.u.l. l Mir ol"' I •)M1 1. I Jfo r;:1·Ll ~ Oi i7l r \lhir> 1,...___ ,.. Do.l'n 0'"> 11, ''f 1Mt ~ n h :r in o thtit o ~ l!i? Stf t t:11J i "'".,._ .. _....,..._ _ _ ,.._,._,,........... __ ,_.,...,._ ,.,_ .....,_.,..._.,. •''"' 0 t:'11~; i n~ 1.1.Tl.d 1· TT" ~ t1 1u·.v· td.{, me a now'i 1 1· of ihv~ iru~ _._. . . ._......,._-". . . . . . . . . ~ . .,_._,.._,... 'l .......-.,.~ _ __.,,.... ,_. 1~ 1 P o. ~ tn :r1Jh1 ~f >r q ,:td. t 1 I ,\. p1 Cn1·rv1rn.t i.1 n 1 .l'u I\~ 1 'L lin ~VUlU(• l. 1 (1) tr J>h<m '' c • ., ·{ 1•11.cj). ~it iow l },) (, ~ · ~5 ) Of! W:"fll t1 ~1 f1 I y lf\ln 1)1 r I .......... _'"" ___........ ... ..... "'·----~ ... ~ 11 gJ J.cen~ .a.n ot· C')f ~ I ).'(\Ut:ri, co Vn.1-•0.. • J\lUIJJ am . . . (Stt-~7/·--cr:' 'i:n} Ai~t . 01 1 ·p NTIB!.TO Tl'l I n OCA J\ uGJ ill (Gfvmi-·---- ~ ~~-...,_ ....._,..,.. 'l1,1 p1 tirlr 'l' J 1 pl l't t tnvci:i:v~ Ht tw1~p 1• fl .,..-~-- ..... ~· u ,)I'. - ........... . 1· / • -~ ..._...__ . .,.._ I\ I )._~~~.1.12 l\li1 t,~.__,....••·---·· ... - -·• tnli·-·Ly -OtJnt r-·-'" ,, L:U1 I I .... Num 11• I 9 11 1 __.. ---~·~ L'V 'lWI .ic t/l ,;, d Wi Ol' I ~· J : ·---Tffi", lilY'Ofl4 1 1. 'AT2___.... (na. 'r l.•pbori.a : l ten ew: l .,..., 1~ ·T?ri1.1r- l.p1 l. 1r bl crn 1 , , L1. cii' IJ ; l,•Jl! t1il••1 • •r .1.• 1J 1.1 l11 1t• 1. rid 1.1quJ i111· t°Lt !11.' n Lnlog 1n1:11• 1 1111 , ~ r1J11.n~ r.) ti o ' I/ •u t,1,J.r phu 1 r v llV tr· ut 011 I' t1 /,'r.1 , Duy •J 'l . ! .h~lt 1n, 11''l1 I.ii H1t ('t>I' t 1 I• l' r1 ,111rJU , 1. tN 1 t.l11t1.1~l. 1 l• i•r tl t 1 T11~ "r~1 no ~ , Co 1 •. 1.1 11 1 ·.1;,>rt ·J.Lh t,h Lo t, , J 11 1d; 1;rH Ill I' l..lltil' t,' I H :1 '· 1 llll i ( I t, Lbu iV IJ l' Oti thi. tt) UNITED STATES DEPARTM ENT OF AG~ICUl,TURE F~RM $~CUR ITY ADMIN 1$if"RATJON a ) }',,~7 c~~1 on 1~ ' '.11 ,ni nnc , Cc 11 fo.i·n "'irn '.10 , q,H! 1. l.l , 1 . Dun ii . F. nr nl .on , euerv· Ufn A ·J· • ( · 111~ l, iv 'NOOA A s tnb l, y Oo t; · l"' 1 1'\J 1111'1 1 0 . fOl'1:1. 1~ 0 1.• 1, r ~ Duii to1~ 1 ~hi. Ii I lr ( cly j vn11a. 1ind l' , u,l"n pt ; J.1200 .oo J'or h t3 V ~ i-• t I ni lln t b 1 1..1. r.i to ht m .t n 0 11 1~ 1 1' q u~ Hm 11IL tJ I J j,,,, , n1. 1JO I" • Ki to 1 < o r. o, ~·t uh lio t kl 11!.<l 1 i~ t 1 t, '1t ~ 111 , bu, ~' t. i o d ; f.'l n .li t l ~ t. n rn y j n f, i r, t" 1 1; t ' 1. L 1t t r ll o bo i~ 1 n11 tq~1111111, Lilt: .~nUtH .nr.• ;b1 ll\l1.•po1~ of ) t") 1' i 1•1 1.'0l' 1 • 1.' Ir . o 1 t h t'H 1;o u1a1,1 1 wt 1, 1 111 rtdl lilt lJ1 1 1 '.I. 1111 noy,i th () 11 trc t ,()fH1 1bJ t. • 'L'h 111.K 'J\ t V T'Y tllUQ \1 'c.>11 YOl!r' Yo1tr , 1•01 1b l 1, ;r•u,1.y, DYLt va !d 1 " ~ • <Jh . lt Bil l I'll.' ' 1 J~ .l l"O Ol'l rn ,,. ·r 1 l ~~i r , Vit1.11 hwt l :.• r. l 'J .1. J·' 1•i .l:''I '1 n nm •• buu 1 1, I,) ~ J ~ lr'I HI ' VU II I •II II 1. !'Ji I' l.ll II/ I , , j l't,t 11( 11 •11 r.r· 1 / 11· 1, t.l I Ill 11~,,, I 1t { • II L I 11 JI. I l I ,(U 14 j Iii 1 • I, . ,. .... 1 l ~~ S l"V ~.~If f.1.11 '~tJ.nlJ <I J. cr..l Agent ¢.1' t~o lfnl t d. Gtu.t"" - - - (u't·· 11 l lhOn I llnt 't',,i. wt ,,. Atlv,t 1; t f! Ol . ~·-] M1nvl" 1 Mt~J,11 1 )!'lllAl I Ot b 1u1h1' l 1 _ __ • ~(J ~ .yY11. -----... • bi 11 \JJld.fJt' 'll:r ' o l'I w? I ~ ........... ... ,....... !ot.__,. ~"""l~ ·--·~ · l"'-'"""1-- .......- - - -~- ' ·w• 'f l3uoJ.11 o t :Pa,rtn ru hiJJI PT011r \ ot () l' 11 hip I Oor 11i-nt ).cl !lr -~--- ~-._...., 11Ii i Jdll /\ l I T l.1J")h ' :l!r.-1.t QiDl\L prtlJ.>1' 11 ',( J.l; H 1 ·~ lr'l.nc1 11 o )1 .... ......__... lfonb1 r1 --·-------·--- .... -.-- 1f pr bl 1n 1 I Ui.n~.l 1 I~ 1 y t .At 1Mh ( l , , QI)~ ) r~ d! i~nnl •. # \fh~r~'\l n f.)011r;,r -·· ...... _ ........... ... .,._._""' ........ -""'.w,.... • r~nal co, th.-i• o t h r~m ~il n 1.h 1 our v -,:y ti: ~ * no ti!. pro 19<\L.Ll'" .. li'll 11 r l, ~oee'l"V. Bl.l11k of " "'1 n Q1l.l A.:,ent f 811,n 11· iiolnoo h& tfniMid $ t ci 25 l~42 - Jun.. ----~Df1 eT'__ _ To l (111 ~1cmo t Xnt 1wv t.iit i Ac\1 H ·1 a.n• e ~ ~t~r·' :01.1,tr o" 111. t ----· &lrn~ t Cb-Qve , Oali.f 0171-~-·------rs1;raT----- J1tr.11 into UnU cl l:J JJ. t 111 ) 1 In l.f> I Oltt 71un hips ~·-..........- ...... ,. ,.,.__. ... __...,._,-t-.,... ..... - ......... - .__ __.,.._ ,_,..... rJ:i' l.lnfJ~ll tl DI I Fn • n · ~ h1p.J roo ' t Ol"llh i 001• 111•11 ~ :ltm I M!nor1 Ilo.J.0 1 P1r on Int vvt ~-"ti . .. _ _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ - !jl .. , ,, ·I ..,.~----,._ I~ ......_..,._"--·""·' wd 1 - -.... . . - - . , . . - - - · - - - · - -.. "'?... _ _ _ _ _ _ !nclhH~l l Irr ndL d \i,y l _...............,.__.. _ ......... P i 1•1111~ 1 <l. o CU;u ..._".....__.........,.._ rve .B gent of k. oi' Sf!l~l tc :roncil co th~ Un1\•~ l tat ca '11~ a·~t:O 6t.O { Sm·n"'ie)~-rfrh1tJ--rcli In } - - - - ,A.dd l"O OK I .\~ . ~. 2, .Lodi . IJ~' x ,Ael1,1,l 1X M11 Q I Mr.d J I Jl\ 1r I l I 01 tl .onoh1p 1J.l •8 •__ __ · 1.1.t'oimi (OTiiYJ :On. /,\ rLd.-fum~J,_ (~t )" e hnn ,i lilt rvi ow t bot l d.1 n lel n1.l 'frttre1-,t 'u~ j, /1 2 / 4~ ,_....~ta J'e ane ~ l C ~1 r U 1\" \U1d l' 'l'r tA.A\1.t."Y L1..r· o1HH 1 uw7 r -·-·- .,. Aclti /l ' fl/!J l1vn 1vcnt "1011. r <''JJJ• i· r n I.. 'l1 hl:A' l'u COV N11 b•Jl' I 11 , • L l1 r1. ~ 1:.1 J rrnu \ nir. li' rni'L 1 o:r b.!1ec t ' .. o:.i.r .inuy o 4u Jpp CJ. i1d 1'.ile . 1 ilt . A,, " ~h rMliiit i o ( -~· .·11); ) 2 arr. . -~- o f] ' lo .... lf i~qb '~tm l /0. l. Ho LitJ ,, .. ._ "" ,. . . _ ..-t-1-·-·- _____.,...,._.__ ni 't I 1 ·hot\ __ _....-- t. rni ~ 1 ~' k Ot' $ ~ i (!O c t~ Hts lJ!lO•d. •~a'h lt lt!U ~ ' Art.u LIi I ~ '1111:a'I V""'"' Mnl. : ._For H:l.lil I Oi hi ?Hlh1J;1 1 ~ '1 ,f·',• '· ir ./fl t " 0 :( lh~ ~ l~ B ( 1 at• n1 r11H,,tH :rq JJ1 I t 1)' C)<n,' l 111 ' t ~ tll l\ i'Vidu All, T 1\1 ~· JI I 161 . . ~f /' i tpI ·I re~~ l l phon lfllmb1 1• I ~·· ·· ~l( ..J.. l.odi an Fr . c i. LiO of the tin d I to11 .a.nk r.1t m:1 i . n 'Lo \.J ·· ahi ·o , ----··c~'1' ·;-;B)"-..Tir i nn--( ~ive~)___,,_ .tddro:i n l L, ~F .bo \1l <l t n 1 l 11 t. nn f-'Ur~_,.._..__ - ·-·--orrr -· I e• Qf 1,a, it:¥1·--------(-st.-,u...-"~1 l1 ~ :r Mll.1 : lr Lodi , ' l l t orn t ( l\r\~l MilVJl' Z in o Uni ad St Ii a 1 ·- - - - - - - . - . . . . . -..... - r H . IJC Ott1. 111 n h ip: ..,..,...,,.........__ lJ . S • J P e . - .. ~.__,......... .. _._,..,_..._.._ _ tj'> ti• --~~-·~· ...... ~.--...· · · - - - · - - .,.:1! on I ·v1 WN\.1 - -.Jr>-··. . . ·---·-·--'--•O.-·----··. . now'l 1 HJ.'Y 'tii,r on· P·1· t1~ /lddr 11 I '11 l tphon 1 in l'r o11 1>i Li<n•y jo j,11 , 1\ t ,,1.1.ut,13 j 11 'I. l. J J" .1 . 1 J ~ ~1 t,otli whioh 1.n 0 1 i!l 1 · 13 l ly not th J. i:. to t1 J 1. mi a1.F1't1< J. l V' :r S J OU! 1 tuu r1r I No ---.. ·-··-~ · :i C! t'rom i;he H&bl z l'O<H 1 1 rr~ t.r,1i t ·r ~.) t· 11 dov,· . r • < n:f ll r.1 to Brn i1 r t S11 1 rlPium l;'LLrl dr.., we ty , , 'l'.ru. tl n1s tl:r.~ mu 1ti :r , p1'tHH t' f>t to :i:iu.n tn f t oo · t cm l i:~ cor d oov r c Ll'.', :re e:r.rad her to ed ort• l r l) Ol, ii.i i oy, ~ ,,J.llAJ, ), lnt~ Qtl iirh *l~'1' I ntm 111 n.r:r Q ' ,. i '$fV'e lle.n of Snn Tr: l Jr., ,ent of the Unit d. S , d ,r . :1. IJ a hcQ t.•H1 l ~,- *\Dit.i)- _,_,,,_ 'l'ol.IJ!? l'l,lll!il : I, l'ltU! I t 1Ql1'V':!. B1!/t ,Ad.1l~t: M~llOl"I i,t ~.o t l'amrJ o I 0\tJ~11 o "ah~ jjJ I 'J:!~ )I t.11' Jin~ ill Bn I P1 P t~r.lJ] rit tpr t1i:pt 011rp1.w1 Hon 1 Inc\iv;l.dur l.c Aelrlru Tnl 11 1 J\ th11) '.h ) t ttl. ~c:m-.l p1~ • '1'h r lWP 11 ry ~- """'--- .......... ,... !)hon 1 < ~')' __,_____......,,.....,..._ -·----.......,.,_.,....,___. __ . ...-- Poraon lnt rY wadi l.' l\ tl'U )l lp.t ---- 'w ...,.~·----·- c 0 p y J .tn ·--- BPECl AL '·, 1942 0~1LIVERY Mr. Ha:rold 1fohra1co, f'i*!l.d ll.epre nh 1vo, PedGral neu rvc 13ank ot SM Pl:!$11. oh co I Evaou f roperty U pa1-tn nt, YI . 0 . 0. A. Aae IJlbl;)' 0 llt. r, FdrHr urid11 ! 'l'url ock, Ce.11.L'om ia, j ubj1ot: llea1~ ~ r 11' - FMlilyNo , (ru. ) ?J20 'l'.a,da k'1~u K Lo - •NJlily NP . ( ~3 ) 61,~/ Vl1A.t. r ---..... :J ir1 l n n.acomAanc~ your l tti .- of 1h1M ·. ~ , 9M~ , w n l d rig th n <le~111u•y fdrrmJ MP ~-IJ to 1 () X out~rl hy tt. above e1.1bjeoto and t 100Q p(l..~t.1 to wt1on1 tih 1 Q1«i1.ra fU'o t(I dolj v r d. Th r ~~ ,, t ~aH on e.n d own r Mp c rt i J;'i n11t ., r aloo no l oued, 11,r V/h n h• r.H1 l'o~nut r oompl hf.l and t.h t1 ubject,• oori D of our WUOA (l'o1•nw 3 and 4 ·~ r t w1n d, phu d lj r t..n oo.ra to th proper parti. Co):'W rdi.118 th origin l. hP'M~·l.l ho u11 and givlng ~hfl copi a t.o tihe 11f.1•11u1 a .fo1t t.h ir il 11 . t, , Yourfl v t.•y t,rt.iJ.y , Encloaur o Geo . U, Tinf L'ay/J! w 'l t f r 1N on ~ tm on1m111 01 r h nt ,. " W. W. ST ITH SON & Wint 1$ , C'l l lfo rn i Jnn h' ". 94.i,:. 141~ K · o lllk A. .. :el Unit Nh ~~rnl.ool~ U l JovnJA. IPn1·0 £i \ OIJO I n~ ' • OU I u 1'J b 1u1 s •11 ~t t hr ·~ 0 11 , lot , (l'~ Ol'Y to you . o ' IJ (}pu-p j. t'\ .tn ~ ~ h ;1l') ' o ... fl d Mon Jr.. n<'l i n~ Lo tl · ,e 0 1 ~HJ 1 tr '1 tni y,' Vl'1 th l1 o1i >ttl:' <rnu.l rr ~ro,-.a.u to :1~11 arid Wll a.n f.IJlll fot.:'W :t, IJ 1~ j 'fO J()Y l;' ¢ f1ff'llN a·r . I N W, I. Ml'fMA.1$1.111 A , H. 8CHA B~Kl!R fl ~ l'Stltrlll•T M~NA<IC~ lllllllPINT "l<UNT 11MOl'llC n:Mri..e ltUILPING Wll'l'l'IHI•· C ~L.l l' C>R~ IA ~on e nct air111 11 arLymo,r • 'lould ¥Oil lt e me 1io 'tBk the r>iok111.nn d hol d tt tor you, .t'or tht~ d.1l'aLion 111141 pl!l y Y'Oll !'o·l."I th Qt' .l b'? 'l~hn.t 1ti o·oposHion ~o l* u. i J•t>p o ~ liion y you tbn blu book vnlu ot it or about p 1t 'O. PO or pr• o t 1h1> L J,l r.\r:' clerbye :ri 01 r\ 15 'lne, Lr;> in h: 'f'{a ~ 5 . 00 mo~( q1!1 t ! Ar J. 1non t o S'ti bh A.n.d. ho w l l b t 1 .1..i s huv · not aon y ·~hi y riot or t n :royals 1o 1boub tl rt 1 y , 11d 1lh y '111 1 t pe11 h l.p ;tu not aoni ng ilt ye1, , a,.·1•( eryh1 r.~ :>O ~ en llot~:r. f..tne now ptlt 1 1u l· o,~ c 1 tv10 t n Ii w 11 ;r· l'~ tn t t1111 11 bc)t 5 00 I WO\jlQ 111 h hitn to 1'0 :µ0 thh y o'tl II W ~4' t() f.' hol.p 1. pit l1 . Tll ra ;ta t. hi.n g 1 'J.) i i. 1.11 ' rJ si:> ;fir· nn.d 1 ti"uok oo go .1 R din tl l :r'1/ 1.n t 11 ~I~· (, p11b np J. uoma ea t l 1 lbtll:V 1 ~!!>¢ '(J a. J, l the 001i a a i rt o:f l'.' ib. rap111. flit aomc-• mH colino t, .r1u.1 ritlo, t J't ov r r1m l}.'t ne ~ th~ pJ.:1.1 o r.l ,1,J. oom• onn t r1 tho 1 ;• Hk~ ' bor .1 ij ~o hi1111 /3 l v ln f• aeoh 11ay 01:1 Y'l'.lt , l or.Jlt th l 11r 1. 1 is !)J;>Oin t 11 l. ·t:a t he hot 1·1 n loti1 ot' 1 400. 00 1 \ l • u td is I~ VO lllO 1Wia ¥0Ul:1 rum t\y i ~ h 1 e l, 1 o .d p · J't>ui t ~nd ll ci lm n u~ t'al l.QO I? HO!! l huv ' 'l.. q ! l t ml orr l.mdl,y. t:l 45¢ I oin <l)t b11 t l)tJ J' OF s \N F l'( C l tiCO Mey 2 ~ 1942 t. mdl ·Ao F.l ., <'0,Zl.l W._c. c. 111+.n · ~ f.l' !if A. A1.uJem. bly Canter, 1a,1r G1•ounds ~~look, Od! . lfe.miJ.Y ~o . ~ 2') •6157 Dee.v Sir: At the lm the }l]l(,olusi n 011 de)r , ef!' oti tng thic a:r n ~ t wh1 h you ~re vi uialy i•ei:Jided, we.s beinq; rx·i d O\.lt , you d.01 1v r~d your mr.ltnr V'O hiole to tne Ji1~a 1·n.t ~l t•va Ba,nk nr S. ~l ll'l'Em iaoo , ae D'i sca i A13ent of the U11Hl)d ~J t~te s , 11 01· at :t.•an' at yoqr r,wr1 ria~ and witho1t ill(! lt1.. an "~ rith thl'J llnd. f' .. tar1~'\:1. ng tht1t s 11 h Bt .tia e we uld b ln en ~ [lf'n QI' n whir, h w,,u d o ub j e t it tri mo·t•e nt l s t3 l.' p :t.d d t rim," 1\ t ton. nth the thou el·lt 1o lllin ll '·l y ou. mi. h t llov . b n h ~J it nt ,, offo ,r y oq1• mo1J• r vohi 1 fri~ ai.. t o Lil u. l t ' l1. S bu a \..i,•my (~1i hot im , b oaus you b. d nn fil.1~ tn•nnc . ,..t• thn fUTlOUnt whi n y u Wl')Ulct r ceive t' o 11 iti I VI 11 'V lmd i.t np ,t ' \. EH ~l ~r twr. 1.odop tld nt FlJ).Prf1J.1-1( .t 1n. '. 'he Army, thro111.h th.ta Orrn~, 1s IK)W i~ !ldy tri rn.nke don thi tl nppr 1 liu J., us f l') ,Utiw~I t'ler:1u1b~ l'lf'f'cr, b ·\ tt Aml"tunt r.1rt'er <l , • , • • • • • • • • , , • • ?? . oo Ml IUl whi 11 wi.11 be IA C) p ' 1:1b le a f ina.L p :vmont by 1 1 ,,wn l' • ~ , • • ~ -oDal, an<i tr~ b ;roryJl tt d to r p;; i ~i t e 1~ d owner • t-120: L08( 'M 8 ~111Ul d :yolt nnw t' l, hn b o 100 nr th ~·o p t i clotsr1orotLon t~ wht n YC>ll l' <Htr 1 ~l tJ\..l'O .1 l ti d I y ou (tJ:I() w1.llin t,., ao pt p · ym n 110 Lnd l 1:itea. ab -yo , p cu;i oo lncH o t, ln. th a ll th .t 111tn l Ml IH'<Wi r. b l."W l l'.l~oQe lv~ thi.13 !1ppl'His d e d1 t n ni · Le 1 OO M~li t'r\t; t on , Otl lif o !\., r a.n per. \ d so i ~ t ae 1. va Unn~ of f 1"1'!' l A u it nt Oaoh1 r. r1 ~'.I111n11 i.r ~,.,, ..J to c o r ..l ao-. rvli) :Sank () :' San ,., Uite 1 ont 1>f t b.9 'Uni\•d 8tai~ 1 up,Wlem6nt tQ S 148 Q. AJ;U:1ti; l~, -U ~ 'h ltphon ' l l').tr.rrvLe t ( d.l" IUlf:I ./j.1l..\ llt i r Minm•1 M11.l •1 : E ·r u li I Ol.b\ 1'1 nah1. v 1__ _ '01 I. 0 J.a. Adr'lx· »Il l ...! .I Cl 1u .. " ()).o~ad I I .d.11\. ~C'l'nf'1 ~~ wf11t'I) po ll1J!l1t'W (JJno:r.~1 ~n,tq J)i.w O'ftio , rt 11; l "'-~ M M t! ' Mnl.fll .._-14n1fllQ I Oit ·l :z 11 e ln ~t> l I" t) W'f t <If Jl 11 in n11 1 l)n.r ~ nor d ~rn :Pr o1 r l1it l) f lli· i p1 ~lll'j)l"J ~'llt l 1> 1 Ari a fot11 1~ , i :b}:t. .-::t:;; ·- \'I (\I ,_... ....., __ ______. ... I \,.n.l.<'rin I iii ~ ~"' J v ;t..i,;.. ~. ~" ' I ~ 4t1.1( •A fl.oh { $. ·~01 ~) 1 l!.1,U Ho rit .1 p~ ;l c9--r.Jl'f . 'Hr1c o· t i, /)t!J . . ~ J •l t• ..- •. ,------~-·· ~"' tv ,, t;:~ ,.J -p· ( , . ·, fl3 011 ' ................. )1 .............."' ... _,_ f. t1dJ vid,ur , 1 e "'" P '""~-·-.,....._,_::2::J....,._«?1-t-····•,.... ...."".....,_ ___..,.,._~,_-.........._.. , 0 0 p y P. o. acm: 87 Wnr111 Spril\fllll , Cal:lt"ornb Apr 11 2'7, 19'4.2 Fed ro.l Bank of ~O\h l•'r.l.\nciooo fJQrv' 400 a.neorue Jf1n PJ1a.nchqo, Ca iL'o.rnin or Y:o1~r 1. t.t t' ~pril ~5 w l'l MlH\QW tdl<feti oon~t'ning our rn1C)p•J rt.y problurn r lll~inEI tq sv 1.1.t:.~Ql'I profiram.~ V/tJ rfi 11 d l:io n~'m11 ,vo1.1 'th t '"' lf(jJ•e fo'r.., '~un ,ti;i 1;o E t 1.it1e & !Si, t.o.11c of Mr, 01\i~on, your J' pNi"' •onta.tive 111:. WOOA n lll\ywur and Mr, r. BUokley, )'.our ppro io. b1 d, a 11 ~'ro111 Wi111, ~' Wdl•l', addl'o a. 01u1 riro p~~· ty .ltJ now l iu:1et.l by Ml". 11. o. !3e11bow 0£ l11vin1 t,1>fl1 f1nd th k. nd ;l.n,t,or flt in 1 tJAll\ o u~· 11111~\',1. 1• r<~~.. Ka~" Dr(>IJ. By '.l, K.aLo r1 Tel• hon : Int :rvi n¥t : / Ad.u:t~ : ,.... H CJ' I ,,,. M£d. I>"" F nil I I )(0 .J2 Oi L:i1 hllhi.IH.k(~ ~ ·-·_......... ~~·· lr:yr ri ,._.,_ ·---· . . ....,.__ ~---~- nuoin m 1 EIAr n r ·ah~ p 1 't'Tc;l;r kt •1l' 11' ip I Adcl1·t Oorp•i~'ll '1 o l. I !nHvL<lu tU i / T IHH ) 11y hon1 !?:t- I ~t: .. ;, / , J IJ'l, ("""· ( '.2-f,..i ,,,;' i ftl · )1~ :.a } ~ - . - - - - - - - ~·---.....__ ___ , /!,_. , J " /IV ti • c CJiH · ~, t ., 1iJl1 11 dd:1.Hon~ p!Al.fc>• wh ~·1 (I . . )1;5 ) ur1 - ;a ~II' r. · , i' t?; /~;t JI• ~...i /,... • • lfur. pr ob n~ ) -~·- ~ nnr~ / I I . :1 eHt'V'tl :San~ d ti r.'\j l St 1 ] 'muo·tfiC() e a.tfil13 gen t '>! the lTnlt ~l l'.'\l ----·-wn 8T--.--~ 'l)o:J, a h :nt; ; t·1t tvicw : 9s t r1) .i\.dd:r IHI I Arl UI l'l t a.n m1 nr. 1 '"""l!~fuii~""';;r·---·---·~ 111 st.f+I-· ndoJ' ~~.·u fl\.IT',Y Li onlllu 1·10 17 I l?u r 0011 Ao ii l 1 1 • ) r~ iV .. ··~- ~--. ...-.. --··--- ~J ,,.....,,____.__ ,_.______ i"" ' Xn ·0 1•-v l 1. wHl.1 - ) ,t .---- Oit.h1-:nul\i ·--~ .Ad<lr a J 1 I 1 1: F~r.1 .l (') I t! . 0 . ---·-·------ ,. ...,,_... ..... --·--~-- ........,._. .....................,. _____ ..._...,._ J t. 'I)' l Y··1 ~N t7 . nI ~ Ii 1\ \ltf I ,...., ·--·-...··- of ~ J'rM\i:;.i oao f) 'qn.iitf;ld StP ~UGI ----·-~j.)·~\i 1 ,tl l. •phl'J'll ~ l1i n '-'Vi~ l AC].UJ. ~ t Mino'i" ?·1 ~1.r ' ~t n"'l.'H ()it ~ 1:•, l"<~bl.1 1 1 ~ --·-; urn on ,._ .. _.._ _ _.....11o-.....- - .. Int or v1 ~w rd 1 ··~ • 1 .. t••·•ol- ~·'fl .. ~ ..... ,. .,...... ·,tiI •'I ,.._ ............ , .. ....,._. ......, .......,...... .... __ !",._.... _ T J.11 phon 1 4~ 1 · ..,, ,,..i. inl 1n•, 1nr1'""" r .,"'' ....... ~ ••v " , "~· I. • ~t. ll~Cl \. 11.1.lflt ( ,...':>li5 1'. ) 'Pfi d d f).l\11 "'" 11...,.,p / mUl I II I ,( II 1 "f " l•, ..•: Ou"l 1•·,1l r1 I i I ) I./" :t,nt~rs, ~al , 4~ April 15th. l • M~M,MaJl'a1•le.nd , •r . tooe ro~rteentn st. 4 SaorfJJUanto, Cal, en tl e1neri 1... ll : - a~ alllett 14 • :r ;ply to youl'! l tta).' \) In th.o. t we hav · hin*~ ev r t~mt d to~ t)1e du D':rnnk a rnend z Al).ril l ~rank: Uv ne t 'ifinterd!$, Oa.1.. wa tltink rranged. eatisf l.)to ''$ • 'le h v to t1on t'U~~ Q'.rQl18.ri\ nd t.a~ •'r nk • Mar.tlinfz., Lc:ra1n1.o, 1;n!' \10 I v had an t to'r ney t' w up lea e. ' r l'l ve a ske d to ))av 110\t r or e tto n y to pay t x s, m•1k: o1t1o Ga our xnor tg ga , l18.Y 1~dora time to ·t ime and me tor all f:r.•u1 t ~ lactr1a fr\lit obeoke arid almonds and tbe H inte):ls 1 3l1 anol1 to and m;ys lt aoaor t)\ n dtstribut~ ng to the ~ n p yin·nt n co billa trom 111~do payable to 011 \m r1oa , th money t.o the r nt ers xm1 ot 1 the li. afJe. ' 'h nk you tor your help:lns me, beg 'to r, You1•i:, , trul y~ ~':J'"~ B nk ot' S J th Uni~~ $ tee j, Pi l l 1942 , i ----rDari;r 'IJobphm ' 1 fa .r , iow : Y1 auto meY-Tii'r1,,t) - ~6i 1e ) All\~] P, J . !30 •. 8? -riitr-~· - i ~umr-rr---·-- w rm l~uh l Oitl.~l'ttlil nip i .....U . urn-. 1 v~ on J\d <h·. _____ ll'ornrtle 1 Eipti1ne;a, Oal . -~T:rr--- I: I :X Mit10r ; ~ rv i ln w ,____ 1 -··-.....-._.... .. __ ........ • ,, ___ ---- __ , --... . .. ~ 2J. ·---·--- Wt l' 11 8pr Lnf f1 ....,.-._......_ .... .,..._ r ' i.nv1' 1V Gt?\tl n IJJ on l ti,j l if J/l' hi ml VI 1, m;a .h'I. . Olin h ttilt houri 1 ; 011 01.' PI Ol3lo.1 Elli 1b J n uno b1 h 1p M.m ? 111,n H·r m l11A 1/lrm on h.i f hu . ,r'i1 11r, n / nd bo L•t rn;y l'.'lm i 11y to 1rrnn li,rn 1. policy . fl 011 ro f.a.r• l th 11 er1 e 1nu . (l tl nt . Atl\.11. h (J.( d ( f>··'50'J~ ) I cf ii.n i1i·~o~h Cl nt of t h Un '\ d. 8tnt 11. t' 1 ,.,_,~ r v ~Sin )'l At al ~ h'M la'rtU. Mu.l, -~ --w1·t-:. .md.- it._1Jl__ll>_r_)...,.......-·---·... 1retno o M r:i ~·:r 1 • I; s Oalifo1111i• c i yf D t· t .M'!,. L'' J'' 1 l ..11 hl&rt l •• \ irL.r op o : ~~t 1 ~ • -...--(Sur nil.Ill i/~r i nt"J"'TG1 v;;;r-·- --- in o th ( Stnt ) - d 'n uni Jtrrn 11 UaUect _.._ .... ___ -~__,,,,,..... \•'•' ----~....,....__ '1 ,\f )· I·' • _,.,_,__. .._ . . . . ._ ;f B•.l 1111• 1,11·tn1 :r t11 r1 Jtl'•l•r~ ' Shr. l n•aon In i1 rv .•1w <\ 1 l:';xi t r: L"• •• ·~ l p I Orll J •n ', •. '1 1 !1 d h t.d 11 l I S 1l:ri r r..i,t1~L t11•op x•t• lnV'c ,. "__ ..... , .- . ... -- ·-·--·l'f'l'··. . ....,. . . . 1'"""t",.._ _ _ . - Jred --~ - i--- - Jt&~rou • _,..._._.._ •r--~·~·- 'V d. II.'\ or•• ·1.1 . • . l' )'P . ., blo1 1 H •ha\ bi• l aellort Mr 11•har4 P•J)&•l•• hh le •• and to•'Ul\tt i.1111 4•pol1 \ et •1)..0.00 Ke - · 1hret hh tidurH pri hl.7 u4 • &oooun'• r1oe1r-bl• OTtr \o & oolleot~o~ . ot.. )I I t Kl')l , . :J r •d. .ri r'V'e lian oi.' San r n hoo ~ ~ c!ll ~eiit ot tho Vnil•t. 8 tnt,ce ............... i, ..·1 1 ' i-1 { Dtl . lft tn• ~ A' I ~(}; hl nh.on I tat. '" l owI i1i1_,....__ Arl.ul't 1 ~~-1_ 1 ____, ... \l) ,'ITl r. __j'~ 'll -""\Tw·ti;itiT-l"Fri nt.) l'Q.lrn i Do l' l/'1·1 Ir 0 , ,~~--- \ CUi~n o' 1 nt £ 'R\1 P ,· W. l•Jl' I Mr 1 J I ,Q' JJ' •1 l.& t Oi i.. 1 h hip t..,;.......,__ ~nt~~ j 11 l r I I h1 1 tnto tn H1 l ·d ,~,. ' Stnt ~1 l' l)Oll 1n·r I 1 1·r Pr1 m· . 01'Jl l l 'ttlO \ ',1 l . 'I' • J.u h 0111 H111 , r 1 1. t ilh JJl'd, ti ~ • ~ ~~ l\flQ tI 08.i'f 1 f) ) I() -- ........ _____ ,._,.. .,... ' ~ ti •, __ hr nk of Si n lrnnc l th S ~s UnH o te l, Ju.n 42 ~--1PEi~}--· llul llU h ) rl CJ I l , tt1 )'1/ WI Flt • - 'l'n l f.o-x 2 0? ·~· l'O'·rr7:"'..t Cl.n I 1 r~ O~ l tr . , ---·ra1 t v) -·---·-l::it.nroJ---- . --.....- ..._ ,_,-.._.. __ ,____"... __,.....-....... ~-· ...,._ ,4)...... I·'• ~ ~· .· n n. ;Eh.mi . -·-.. . ~-i------ ·----- . .--.. .. !'t-•~··-...-- tl : :PH~ 1Cl l' h iJ) I P.r ll11' 1 " iil p ; OJ Acl i:r on 1 I 0<llt• Cll' II 'i CJ 1\ I ·- - ----·-...... ......__........_ ... --··-. !.1d i'V~ d un.l 1 Vt I 111 -·-·-·--·-.....·-··-- r Hy 26 o 11 Jc 11'' 1 f t ,1 r ()r- fJ • (1 11 Mi•, \J l f'f I t f) RJ' Y.1-l. 1 A ) n , 'ii 1n . v 1· n r o l 11 l I h 'f ht lj t.t , t' l I on rt I;~· , 1 11 fl rl p ~ n • OJ o 'l<\. r1 d l li~ I V .•,!l ~ 1..1 11 1, < / '1) 0 WI o:ro iltH 11 1 l'f 1 O~ N.\ i~ t Qi,\, ¢ Filrj t . ~. __ ,,...,,. . • .._ _...... ~ t'Mil. ·~· l'V'1 . ,_,, k. l~ " of th ~· -1,11iel ~ . q Up:1hii ijtnt tJll Tt)l.snh OM J hi.terv,l 111w ~ ..,... . , ,_. . ._. ,.... ...... ~,......~~_,..._._ _~.--~~ - ;~,! ~· II ...,, . . . . . .~~··-~,-~~-~,.....- 1·! . ,,· r. )u.oirw~ nI l?o.r not I! i 1.1) I t>rop,•i Oor jrir n t o 11 ni~ 1 t i •H~ l l~n. '1v1 c)·u,d l'r t~ r.i1.;ti1~1. I .__._. l'J)''op1rt:r i~ ~o v1~ , ~ni t 11 n •c·i1 of p1• 1 J, 11111 (' . Iv i« (, 11 fl I J' I~, I I Ar t1ot1 ]t *.i\,}) ~ h (1:\-J·orJ?) 1- YI{~ t t~ J (,_f•. I "" ,I " ' !1 ~ . ·i t f .. 0. t tl ~ l. w~ L pr I 'I~· __ . -~--....-- .~ --- ~ ..........._.._...... t'l~r;; int10 t.lnl.tod St n.t 111 _______..._,____ .....,.. ... rr,'/TJ uoinuafl1 I ?e.r ?1,fl't BI i:P I l°lJ'p J'i (J 0 7' I ~ p I ci:f' 1. t:ll' •)'J.'1'!,t p lrl Mcl.rll o : ll I , mH v IJ.\Jf\l l'lilOll 1 v Tol plv.i n M 111LW d. i _,.._._.l J ____ _ _......_.,~-- d-i'..!...!.y.-LL.1::..JLu:. t, . L ( Jl+.L;!~;.,..d'---.!.0. 1 _, - llun1b · r 1 I ~ ... ...... -~----·-,.. , . ,I ' " ; ~ ·; I 1 t I ~I ~I I (1~ 11 Vt..' t1 1 • I I ; P.ot j 0 11. o.Jr'tm J/i t I .• ( I , , ' tr/ \ IL I ' l t ~t ''( //( 6 I' ? I I, ..... //~ 'f'.j', I ~· t A" t~ h ~l.d.tt6. ( ~1~0'>~) 11? n11 l' ~~: ~ 'I 1I I fr.1 ti I I /'I ,,, ~ (l li'M~ l)Ol, !>hOM I l' 1 WJ ,__, /r;,ttJ1_ . ' I In l'silrn1u a . i • MUU I M or l If!.!.,_ ~1a1 I •• :0 ~· 1 r.i:t 1(.1, ~ on. r:r in 11) Un H oil St l. 1h10 i rt 1111J1 P rtn ornhin l J?1·op:r.1oiiot• 1 i p J C0rprw i t I l \\rl i.v1..d1.1n 'Pr.Lur. ) n. r() p~ r ,_/{4 It'"....., I "'" If 1 . '' '/../...~ ,,. ~ )if4. ,1// ,, ~·1.1011 I~ 11 l I I )/.A l::i 11 1 U I p hr.111 I UJ1l1)1 •JJ>f o:f l"ll' Obl I llH 'l ,. l June ~'-,• 1942 · - - ·\DOTiiT-IJJolt,phone 1 ~ n. t H"V"~ ewl 3~9 L St Orowcney·, L St --~· rrtreiitand iumbllr s qirllJllento - 101 y Adult I tif.irior c r---- M~J. 0 1 l!' flll D;l.<J.I 1.;n.Ut 0:1.thnMl ip l - - - . . - ,~- . ----......-...-.--..·----·~--,......··-. .··--'""'~·"" ---·-j- ~·.!·I ___ _ _______ _______ _ ___ I _.__......... .. of Dll n AdrlNlCI il I Onrp<Wt.1.H on 1 I1 d vl u 1.1 T 11 (~. ~ F :u~ n1roll l p.: Propr t:tor 1h p l ~ ~At •i 1.1111 OUN '.< m JSTl'L.1 T t. St.rf.1 t roQ ry · 1 1 rtt\cl ~ \. on11L r11 J' ,, ,.) 1 _.,.._ ._~~- .. --....,!-- ~ wl '11 nn 1 _._ __ .... - .. · - · - - _..._ ..___ . pt10 n ' NU - ~ l ......... # Hum11ur 1 6~? IHH ~'1 ............ __ ,.,. __........,..,___,.. t .r Banlic o' 8~\ fret ci <:o t.e111 Q'/. tlhe 'IJ'1i~1 4 ---\n·· ~) 't1&l a: ho Xnt P. r V1.Jwi lt I litino:r 1 A,(1.1 (11 (! I i'61ne.lo1 01. t 1.1'.enoh,ip I ni Qf ), r.J ti i.r. tr:r ln~Q 1)n1.t d St; .t tH C1i l't~Uri.~ \Ul.d ~ ~1 1' l), flU'ltr l Cl n M 1 l1Y1 () ot1 :Bu R l..n . _l"" ... __ .,,_,._..,.._,...,~-- ---- --~.l""""__,,.._..,.........,...._.,._..._...._f'""'"~ ...,..-._...- ___ __ -·--- ~ I nowr I ~~-.-, ,.., ro.1.· on tub '' V'1 ctw d i p l' t !'\( T:' hip4 i·o·i>r 1 <l'J,' ll hi.);H ll:l'"J,n l7' i oI\ I . ........~--- .,...,_.._ ......,._,._.._.. ""' .... ("' ) t ru1d1 d. At 110 ( $.. I.)~~) ) r •IH1Qnfl.l };II;\ ,QO \fl'ter b~ I Dt • t\torl. t q f'tlt I cp t~I ·I ,._,_ l,,..,, ~~-- lnd.Lv.i.4'111.l t I• -- ei·e) T$ie ~Mn ; I ~elfytew: Letter : x Ad1il t: Minor: Mtd, •J I --~A. (State) - Do.t " l. ~YV 0 -~~----·-------- ~1 , entr;r in o lJ 1.t d Stnt1;1a 1 On rr•\ · i ~ 1;nd~:f' Ti· t.iuur.y L.. cmn :H!iw11l · : Oit l~ n hip 1_,...,......;;..__., '" I rJ 11 >w? I ....____...,___,...._..___ .....,...,......_ ----------·· j of nuq!n~nn 1 .,..,.."_,,. ............... _ _ _ _ ,"'. i-...--.-- - .PlLr n r h I Pl l?t ,;pri1 t ol'r1' l p 1 0')r 1r t ~oiu n1 i.v I. w l,; .Add.t·r~ T l.1 ph ri r _ . . . ., . --.. --·--.,. . --1. _. . _. IH .A.Cl.via d. bf Ohu:1;1Ql 0Q\.ln()1l. ~ U b n ~j."V'EU J?ow l." ot: Attorn 'I • no1 tnt rv1owad ! involv d A.1:. 1.rwh ( ;;i'.J'>5 ) Q,t'l~ l. p o.o,rum nto Of ioo r. , nt d \i. rl.(u1,QJr. t:le.n<l Adult I !A or 1 X 19 :Yr· Mt• I 1r.ttlll l 0i t 11 • 11 nh~ p t .,..-W..Jll& Dn! , of lo.o ¢?1~r·1ti erttl'~f int.o TJn1t 1d trita. " T .t.:!.?.'tt";f :1. 0110 1 Jn.12an ( bt1 rn j11.~...~.....ill. '..J~f;? ~ now?; __ -----.----....--·--· It1 t ~·v.1, 'It -·------111 ~ r\ 1 ... _._ ____ -·-... ·-·-···-_..,......, ......., _.._. __ ___ _.._..._._"""'.,. ... _,, .t.n om nl!lny w1 th l' Pt'On\itl t ~ 0 ;1111 .., C. A/ Q\bson l."'1 l np1'~1a n,1. t,i v , : f 'I 'I f) t~l\J' · S l 1 n •.,.... _ _ _ ). u1. • l Mi 1.n·: M1 l : »'. r 1 :;, I 1.....r_..,_,_ I (.,..S.,..~t O 1-.wnshi1~ ' ~~-.:.:.!:......! llln a o' lti. t en~ry On rn, i n u.tq i· 'l'r Lie ari 1111,ry' CJ M W? I of lluuinBa n1 Pl\t1 n1 t1 h l >I l?r.qm:i t o · 1htp1 ......._.._......... Or:i:r '11rnt i~i 1 n . : ___ ~.,. "l?rin~i.p11.1. prc1p1 rt~ l \V l 'lf() Mc ('.' (')\ I W1 r. f 'C \ I( t•1 i ___ _ _ __ ....... ... . , I I. rti A., f. )11 ( ' Jj"11)~) o,rl.d.i ..., .. r• w \ - - _..._.,.___. .. ~- pi.• obl1 rnl " ~ ... ,. ... _.... .' I· Jum• 25, 19.42 ( 11~ r ''I .. M KAT$UY,AMA., &.r:ry - - ( St~r n1;:a; )' 0 ti I 1re1 )hon r ·-r -r 11 --C~i '•IJ~-·- J a ltt -y·)- · - - - - ~& e r n1e11t.o; - (Ci lit I Ql;J ) Iii .llJ' I l 11Y-- ~ \01' 1 M1 11 I Ii .111111 I 0 t t 1H,J'J6ll1.'.(l I _ -~- -·----=,.._.,.... . ,. . .,______ ~-- ,,. ~'·? l - · · · - - · - - - --..-·-- · - ---·-··-................ __ i. V tdwi 1 I • i,t,/l. h n .di. 1on.1. l. Pl ( ~.J (s ,, o.i" l.p,a en tl:':,l i.n 0 Un j •t l cl $ t n,t ~ ,.. r l \loi11a11 ~ u.r. tn~:r h1 i 1 f>T' pi•i tOl'llh.1.Q ' rir p 1x·n t 11 I IP ~ i r..~rt rt,1.,11 1; : 60~ (~ Str - - ~-, r-r.;tn"i1 t\ti"n~7 ;:)....,,_.__, DR ln W 0 -·-·- 1 11 wh 10 I ll1.1 ~ 111~ t o fl ' I •--.....,....-............ 1"1s t:,\J 1, s\n1·: "l'm1 T 1111-1 I N I' ! ll ~'lWn: l,OUO Pmlrta!!ln t;h _,ta·~[)~ Stl<).t.' l 01 J \. to , 0. lil'o ·111.f. ll(J 2 I l ' 4 H JJ'r:itf n:~'l.l lorJ l'V'e I o.n\; ol' iJ. n ''l'IJ..t P1·qp rt;y-U11u.ii l.rnan1J •1 QQ d/l TH"3 l)ll Cl .J l, }.'f t) lj ·3 1n U' •a 01.£:1 ·> , 011J.U'1:i1:11i l'lrto1 'l j, fl ):i; o \. ~H:)(~ C') \l' ll<:l ' 11ll0 Ii '11 )l{' tJ I 1 L0 I) I' t, h 1fl \.1 \) ,) 0 () .v n· . r t'tlCJ. '.'In lu v1 Luri1 'II 1 nl\ ~11lm1 t,h LI; ti l'1101,CJi-l ly 011011 rl.od . l;LWFJ l11 v d LJ1 J Lt ~Wlll id 11 1;11 ll' o 1 1mtl.s - Jll"•.> h .l nm 11 )ll.'OllJ 1 11t_.nt,i110 J' l1 L ., i1lt10 lr..> J I l:I'Ot:J D~IVER & DRIVER Rqal!!• '701 •11•3•"'4•11 8•1' 011" Atllf~ID I" •1nL.DINq BAP ll A"1111 N'l'P 1 CA&,lrrDl'f'll_., J' ne l, l 9l/. . ·cl ro1 R rv o/o A. J' . H td 100£ ll~t, t St .t• · t1 ~ nk dAo mu nto , 0 l.ito •n ia D tll' MI' • :r 1'rom I a t 11 Kfl tin 1 Ci. ~ ( 0 '.PY) D~l Wl:;S'l'ERt o fiat ~us . 0 HlAtTD AUD }il(JURTH AHMY of Ansi. te1nt Chief cif ~taft, ~11v ], Jd't' 1ra D'lv sion WAHT.I E CIVIL COllTR.L A .n !STRA'l'I H 12 ' 1 Mnrk Streat Sen ll'rf1)101 QO , CA if.'arn :ta tr .L phon KJ~ond 1-k Io el't s. nr.iv 1· S1:.1n.l o:f Amt :t• l on uJ. lcl .Ln SE1e!'u111"nto , CeL\fCltn. 2-Z6 l \ You.1' l ·t r o r ,.f 'I , l 4~ chi ro sod 'io ·~h Jrout• h Anny- H. qu l" . l'3 1 fJ eh ~ )'.lAnoisoo :r:i qu a .ln r> Lt·m1. i31~on ·ear Hori·y M. K ta ye1ua, o r a1..~ont of t~1c SE1ormn r1tp A· aamllly C nt r, o aH nd n ho . rin • ho or th Uont •1rnt<)rCJ ' (3tn t Li onna Bouvd on June .12 , 19/t~, h . b r r ! rr ·id. o th t of t' o :tor n nnswe r. 1 grnnt fo Mr. f{r1 011y't tne tn a · t hQarl1:11? nt tl•1 lm tp1 ton t for h 1.n you!' J. tt r or May rovicloo ·tll JHloona ry a rrnn om nto b motl \ih · I\ mhly I ane f>r for a ()h aL J .<HHleiio • Thi.a 1 t l;or w,lll lo m1 t~ho 1•1.ty , o th nt .l '1 l au h n t' j , t. Asamnt,ly (J ntor IA ne r ri ho~EJ l' ta J.Fit t,h r ororioinc. n wero yo11r qu ation, ¥ ry truly youra 1 ( 13.ign d ) ImT~ \ A I H l"TTlfln MrJ .1 or , Ohie Ir ol i Oopy ll LMs l tt r r , ClOF~Il~L , JR, (loap ,t , Jr:. Onva lry r i ulatory s~ot1on ~ ~ I })j t& U 'I ,,... ... ," ;4 ( ' l; o~ I .fr A:<1r11st~~n • J, h hnLq J· 1 1 t h .pL ~ n :1,v I n . 1J 1, r .u· ,. J,, l~ t.h t . iii 1 ' ~ tO l' I t '/ 1 r ~I tHH \!J I, Yo 1.u• ( l"lllS I tl 'gh l t c1 y t r.u y 1 7. ) ,) •. .?' l.. I ot ),(\ . 0 v ~ I wl (~ l1 ' ., ... '90• ~ • f • ' Di D•fY .. ,. ro crrm IH' DRIVER & DRIVER ::::::;::::=r;n ~· 7 o t ·':I • ll • '4 • • Blo~ IC. tl f!' ,11\"' JClll ll:J~ tJµf\Cll M lll El~ORAlotllHD, C:,11\L ff"J:lR Nf!o M y ~6 , l<)l,.2 , J.f1ed Nll HHl ~,, 6 n ~ rono1. 1100 Otil.iforrl Eo.nk 1 O' ntl m. 111 w nl' h oUo K teuy 11rn wh.o 111 b ~n ~n~. j,e3 noW t. ()OlJIJ) We J t.'or Mr. H x•r.y M. t d from hta a1ty Wil you ldnOJ,y • rl vi H 1.1 wh Lll 1· or / o l.t1 u11.y 'fill'{ ht 1:1.o t oticm m.t.iy 1) · oont\nur<l p nd.1 np; th(~ ~ r . nd. u~t r a b 1110 • tho111 Yo1.u10 v l'Y "ruly , HSD 1Fl ,j M'«. IW ~ . ON II f.l 1'. t Sti.n Er MlM~ S a ~ · A' V.o.H June - · ·· ~5 , l 42 CPo. ~ ......,__...___ 'l'f.ll~l)bl:ttH) I l'l'Til f . . .,~~! ...~.:"\---r.'" "'."'(--~~·~--' S\U• 1',ia.111~1 / \ J' •int / ~ 05, vn1;. J A r~uo~n Sui-mi u Oof'fe -.-.,---rn;;;:-·-t $aoran1ento, hop (2c fota,i:•vt wi Mult i Ml 1.0l' I M11i I K 3~) anif'~~r-·-- ] 11mA.lll I C 'U,t Oi t .l.\'ltlll 11 h 1p I _,_...,...._.,..._, Co~t 1 ,,....,,..,__,...---rm;-nTiiT-·---4t--,~~--~ -.,.. rt .mu ...,..._._........__. .,....,_. . ~ ..... ' ~ ~!, ! 'B~ll in · l'l I I?a,rt1)n:r li l.111 Cl f 1?1:10 l!i.t1 \) l' ~l 1p l Onr~0r t~1l I 1\1 lv'\. 'Ill. I ' 'Pri1()l~1n.1.. 1;n·"l1)1 r·rrr AAd.t• r 1 --~--· --·--··-· .. ----··-.----~ 1.nvul.v ,\ ~1'1 ur.o . .w n:f l" ·»'bl 111 ; Su DIJN I~ 13.RA.O. 1rH. .lilT I.NC (~ A.0 6s~) # S1 nde., 'o 't a 8h<> p lln1\d l 1. il~ I ,.... _. -~· - · el'v~ .)!).nit Sa nt Qf th!J iv 0"('11 o i•i- i lo11 t 1; ont 1If md~1~1 ~r 111t ·~ ~1..tlld. r.-a11 at s Un U mi t1ilt-Y" :ti 1 "1 ll ~ Q 111 S~ r: o 1 ~1 t\ 1 ow? 1 -- ~ -...-- Addi.· flll l . ____,... ............., .,..._. ....,_..,..._~ ..."""""... _ ........... ..,,..,....,.,.,.._ I I~ Ji:l>rttm 'l'O 1\ H~ t>. M,.... $TIO -- .f~ ·~ .' "l O"°Y\. , 1\t. ~ ~-· 4.l 0 _a~~,.?d-~; ']~j t;ih I l 1 h i•v1ew 1 Adu ~ , ~ i ~illt~t I Ill ~ ~\) lfl/.l.1. l t t i ll: n hi, ·--,,...........---------~ ...... . .... 1't..... i . - · - ........."""" ..........~ .. ""'"'"................,.!'4....-1·"~ ' A.d.1~ I:' f.H1 l I (I•; tc, ,I 111 , \Oh niU ~ loMi ( Q...J)")J)'? ) 11 £;1, 11l1 l 1q 1 \i( Ol 1\tllnq" , ' -··~...-·-~· ~~---· -~,~ ........ 4_.....,...,._"' <If' $~ lil"l'I. O l 'GCO o tbi \TIU\ ii S l\l, l I V°"' A"11l.l" 10~11 l..{ :1~1 ·n·1 t 1ll1 ... •rr 1 • I 01.t l7. 1161b ~:J} L.w;;.i~'l:'!("~·~~..,,.i..,. 'I!iilrt l. n~t ent :• t;i :t int o Vn~t tl. - St t tic Op r1l. 1fl • 'Wtd r Tr nuey X.1cen o now?' 11'.' yn :f lh1p l nan a 1 I.' .t n :rsh1 H l?l' o rit ~ o r lp1 01)1' •ll'fl t t ~ '1. I . ncl i vlAu1 . 1 AI~ 1t lll t11k 111* ~ "" i;blAh ( S,.Ajf}I I)) . . t. • r l ,~ , L"';/ lU I 1 ~t 11 t l ~1 h1 r ·-: \ 'l M1·. Huos ll. VI. Oiint~elJ.., 70) Merket Str e.t, telpbone Garfield 2411, ttorney tor K wabate, c~ll d thio mornlns with hie olient end :r1•i nd who had pre~ vioualy talk6<.\ to ua nbout 1',be o~~e. The attorn~y at~ted ~ubetant1Qllf ·~ followa: ''H that liill oli ntf J.euse on prop r y at l798 ~oat tre t 1~ eutomnti~~lly o naell d on tAa date hie 011 nt s V6ouut d. That long e~ h1B ott nt p 1Cl tihe i·ent promptly under his 1 e ~ t 1 a not mat ,t.'1 l to th l nd owner to wnat ext nt1 or mottnt he l1,qu3.d4t Cl th p,ti m.1 •· f1 b!ng tt.\oklt b~sine oont 1'1 d on tb ll ~l'ha.t wb n Kawl'!b .ta to< k: over th bu.r.~n a troui Netsu, h v ~ p~rt oori HL rat ion, mount o.r th d posit prvvlou$ly put up br M ~~u on th e rlier le~s ~ in othot word , 1n. e.s1·eoin to torr it th115 $18 0, it oome~ out or h s tunde, ~d ~ot th •tun ot tl' ~ f ~r d to 1n Stort•s latte~ or A ~11 13 to th Fmd rol Roe v B n.k. 01: S 11 Fr noisoo , tta.oh ~ h r to .. 11 Aft tel.Icing with ri xti s r. pr n,tins bot~ e1des Of th situat ion, tho tolloWin APP K~a to be th pr nt at tus or tb aua I 1'.'> !.'tiee Sto f, r OJ:ll Wh Of p~ s ntlns th own r, ha s otb r p~or. uncl it1 l'Ji .char pper ntly oont at ~ K Web t t eim.11~~ oh~l:' <JL in the J panes v o. R hortl~ aft r Oeoembe.t• 7 (whi ah 1iJ not d n1 d bf Kew be.ta or hi e e"titorney 1 in «m 1.!fo t to lrnv .h1m a 11 tb ator nd le ee, Fro1n oonV' r~ tion with ~.Hou , :t woul judge the pu1·abas l' he l1ad 1'ot th .1nv ntory ml · ht hav be n We~n a in, oir Bome obho.r iq,~ido'tiil g QOUG J:!l'l., whoa of!'el' would be :r. 1rlY low. Whil d11.nt1' ll t 1 oli. nt did not a ot in d t il a 1 v d t'ront liq,u1da 1~ 1ne his inv nto~y 1n tih past tour mori1; b • it would 1 pp :r to be n eubet nti l wnount, nd probably in :xoa o th 5, ooo Cieu.ra 1n .. dio t d by I in t· in som tiu1 a~ whet h h cl .r I eµgessted to Mr . Cantrell thet he 1mmed!ately oont~ot Mr. Stoff , repre~ent1ng th& owner, a q,i i• Phebe Hart, in en ettort to find some prompt oom- p~omiee egreeru,e,r1t the,t would t)e IJl,utu lly sat1111"ao"t.or7. He p,ro.1111sec:1 to arrang suoh a, metting 1:r po ad ble today or tomorrow, b11t ~n ny &ven't, woul~ 4viee me not later than tomorrow afternoon progreaa ot the ns oti tiona, J'OT:;rM AJ;1.r il 15, 1942 or the n r• in o Un l (') 11) l' l 1. 11g \ll\C\ )' ~)'I "'··--~-.-.......------ i•y £Ji U 11\ I lllJ\'I? I A.c\t11 At•, I 11n ll ()) Ill 1irl fl~' 1 1~ '~ ,'"). ' (•l f1 I ., k• 111 t;. n.cJ r;irtdit.ionJ1 1 la ( ~J.. .. ~)(11 1 ... ....___,,.......,_.....,....,_~-.... ~-· lltrlf J) ). )' 8&n Frano1eoo, Oal1to~n1a. A.pr11 13th l.94a. ,MJ'I. o_a. Tyler Evaoua~lon D partm nt ~nd Montgom ~,St~., 61n Fr•s,noisoo, 0 11t1or•n1a. D.,Eu~ 61r' We a.r you h We t l d w1th t ,. a tteh1ng taokl i~ wt.tll the i t/& r you r que~t d.. t nnnt • Y~_()_n,..iii!~ buatn s ~ tna deola.r•ed 6\nCI aak d h1m to sell the at.or and l ~ ao t tH• owne~ oould b prot$Pted~ H e ld h~ aoul get ~o~e 11\0ney ae ling 1.t titta1J, 1pd, Wll-6 not 1nt J 1eated 1ll nrAVin~ · to,.. le ti e on th pr bl 1. • 'l'h 1 • 1.1 WB. umd AUB\),at. l. ~, 19•1 wh n oond.1.tione wer ~oqd. nd moxi JJ.r.'lv..,ntie.g o'~o l · oould have be n ot>t.a 1ned. W~ b 13..iv tt wo\iJ.i'l ~o:ri'k gr at hn:rdeh~p on t,n own r tt tin ator l v oa1. d ti th e t.tmo,. Intereat f. nd t1 x 111 o tu~ot bt'l J'gc toolt nt\ vr b v 1.t w valuetd t Mx1 • Na.t~I'\ .A.xelroi 1 buy J:I for YI eln11t 1.~i rid Co , wu A to oee h tn and h wan t.ed to ouy tb r eh tng ta.oltl. etock nd he ooked round onl.f in t. ~tor V' J.ued 1t at f t>~ooo , but, th e J'U.fl woulfl.n. t do baa1no 11 w1.~h h1,m &a h want, l1 to 1.:u11J. l t r ts.\ • Now ~t.. pr a nt h 1~t:tll ow a baok nt o·t S4 5. oo. 'l'ht p had a. . t10 , 000 or more . nl1ght n you mPJ'fl ab Ut t#r~is t tl nt Wl.ll IJ y th&.t h nt r d tnto R n w l train August l.5, l,9 l 11rid h only put up •1 a oaeh o ot1r1ty, t\Ot $1SO e he et.e.t1 d.u to the ot tha.t. th pr vi, ua t. no.nt nad up on hta un x.l:)ired, 1 , 1/he a m ot $165 end this w s er di ~ to Yo h1yo Ko.vrat:J t~ .. rro We w1.l l e~ you tomo:r·row, Tua c'l.ay &bo t 10 A. M. at your o r Lo • Xo~r~) -,.•y t ul;y ~lt?-~-r -¥.i-~off1Wo~_:_~---· k' ~ i.o () Li ·~ 9 0 ....... ., .. 1 ' ... _____ ..........,,_.,._. ft.t" • 111"'1111 =-· 11 ~1 fl·[~~ •.:•"'1'o.111~! Ii JI rri~~- .r:n d.1·1!'1 · 111.1• I!' f 'ft . '". . t i·J f 1.. . .. 1.. •·'1'!L ·1:11a:1 .·i.a I· ...~eu ft~ I fllu•li· · ~-F!T'·t.~t~·Ur;r_ w~'f •. "· ·I 1~; ~.;·~1 ·1 ~·~·f~ "· I,?;: ·~~:·~ ~·.~ . ., ~1n • 1:~~i!~l.~H!I. !fH~'H!H.~HiHHHU1UStrH!UiHi H~l!BHti!iUl:UUH ·1~lb~, ''" . · ·-.::~ii!. !~ ~!. ii!' H.·! •.•.·r rf,ifll:. t :. t,f,~i ·~ I.Jr1.ttill. Ji:.H §Ji•· U~t-i?·-f. ~p··1 1 i ~~ill '-l]Jl ' I ~ "' t ]!:! J • 1r;u ~h·~ H~h h.1 · ~r~S[ii[ ii!~~ Hi !!f ·(~ '. r :'f" ~ t ( 'frJlh~.t :,1~i gfil rtllH~i. -~ .j . ~r:; ; ; r . ,. ·~-tl ~,.Huhr ~~rh lh ~~~!hf.! H'Hh!f r~!t.uh ~th hn 1ib11Uh! . .1J ·.nb E. t .. ' . 'i! · Ell' ·· h " .. .m I • •c ·.tU.· ;. ~f~hu q~~u a l ~a · ntr·~:;.J1 ' ,, • ,, ' ' '[, ". " a h~ 1t~uan unt uo: ~ttr.u,~ J ·:· .o:1 • .. J! ~:'~ '·' . ~ i\;i . • ·~ ••• " " IJ ,{ ,,,1,.~ '" ' I '.:I '( I) ' • I ' I B~·r .kb-~~ ~~ 't hn ,:. n(~ ~ n.l·. ) 1 • • '" ••1 ·• ·- •• ',' ' ·• r•~ , • " • .. ', ..,. 'I I 1. "I 111 (,' ri I tlrit ~ ~ 11 rl't, ) Pl th I t!O ll tl.t 0•, t. ' () I~ I '\JO h bllt ti. 'l' 'V' A ~· I i l !• I I ~ Mli. f San ~·r D.lic J.1.1c of th" lJni\ d. . e.te _,,all!UL~...._e....,......_ ...,___,.. ~ ro0ll•LJAOt1. I' l iten t<.J"/ I Adv l hi in \'J 1.. J. t X I ' I '.I ' :B'lin.: l : O! .L:111 n l 1, i t 'O .ti.I QJ.' ~a 0 )0 •\bhlf~ 1r;y;p <'> nbr:r in o Uni t d S'ii n wt . 'I.' 'l'l' Li on MUlj" lJ Nl I ---~-1.!.~....£iSL..---------- ~;l M W7' .....- l·I• •I ,_J!SL.....-....._._____.__,........,., ,-... .-~ r~, _,_ __ f Hu i. l n.r ·1\ ·r l'rc r t or 11! i ·p 1 On:r··1 ' t' t Adth'P · I 011 - ~· ~ __ ---Sruu __ ----..... .... 1H1v·e . . .. ... .,. ...,..., 1rti l.L~ t 1 l:nrli vi.du•, I -- ....i,.l o .. ...... I '7 r.e • - .__,,......... .......... _....._ . ,..... l!iU••Et..L W, C~NTFf LL ' /l\ITO~N , ?J1U 11 1. I' J"~/\~Of ll r.I tl tr. AMl.J "' L l~ HIN llTR~ MAlf AN 1 ,. IN ~ ~ u11. 1a 1 N 1 rm fJ A If I' I \, b o a~ II lf~OI n• .h::. 1-.1 h ( 'I- ·J;,\'.ll J~ ) c1. tt ~nlli Xlll " wh i• 1,l ' qhll'I' ~I l\\.lftj Ir •I II' ~111. 1~ n1~11 \I"•r f1' '1 1 I ' d r 1 A>11er'Y it ank 0 1' S ' ·ra.n 'i tic e~l A e:nt ot' ;~.,Unit ed S .t .. fl Mult c v" l 111n• 1 Mr.1J. ' Y 1"11'.<~ l d I Ci t~ 1rnru1h!J.1 1• .OH o 19.ot 11 try ~n o trnib d S -. :.-,...._.,_ 1; 1 I" r.11 T~/l'J • o lk1n1.n 11n t l?n.r n. .;r11hip1 l' ro t•L ~ t'.lrn l l p1 C~ r )• ll' 1J.t.ion 1 !nt i v i.~ L11 ,:1. 1 'Pr 1rn.Lp i'..L p r op u•t.y 1.nvr)'J.Vt ( rt/ P 'r I Jy ;-'Q, l llph Nnmb 1 r· • rl , r11ch f\.tldLHoM), p c.i.e,oH wl'l cn o 1 n ~ 1.u r;t , tj..,~()l)IJ) 1i "J I ,,,.1. ••v(• 11 ) PLr I r.;r' t) l t~ I -- _,........,_1f;i 'lid . h rl!!l ~ ~ <~ t"l Do. n f l. 1t 11 r ~r 1n n t11 i 1qi," I 13tei,t -·--~ Mdr1.1n .11 .t,.t l.!b ( r.i.-'/J, I k ) 1rH ,'l.o 1 1 -- ..... ~ - ,. . ,.. ~·---._- ..... _,.... -- ..,,.,,........ - - ....._ ..... ............... -- .. ~ V r 1ri ,QI mi or6 n :l~O 'F r 1' t n ::/ .tlJ if I o t1 A> J~ of Gfl.n 1r~nclso t of the Vnit-d I ~to$ l"V' • --- I~ iitt~ ~ Mul t,1 A.Ai .ro Min •Jr ! 11~ll 4 Jiur, I d\ 17: l'\t1hi;p1 _ _ _ _ "-l • D .r Qf t lN r t1 ~ Jrt " I fJ ~n o t nit d. Stn. 'lir tU\\WY Li4•01H' o 1H>W1l1 _._...,_._,...._......... __.... ........ ~.-· Eu~in u Pl 11r11fd :p I 0<"Wf •)).'/\ l. 0 111 tnn i.v ~d 11t1 1 ' d.d l'~ 11 I ~~(~ J . ----. .... .... _...,... -· -- P~.r ni.i r~h1. H l,(T't ll' t ~ -· .. .... _...._ ·-··- -- ... ~· -~----· - - ___ ......,...__ jj ..... ...... _ ......,.....,._~ . r ~~--- ............... --·- J..d1.1l. t I , ,..,.- Iii rlOl\' ~ M111hr ~ ; nv.:1le: 01 · i~anahip: () , ~ ~ ni 0!1 :auo :l n Aa: PM•tn r hlTJ I .Prop ri t <H' l'! hi,p1 Cor 1.or nti.01 1 'Cnd.1. v uo.11 ~ 'ti nci p l l?l' OJl r ii ~ i1volvnd. 1md rto p 'lJt/l , 11{ I' ... 9. ?.~ ·) ({ /J );,.,!.-; . I ) 't ) !.. 1,tr1. - . _~ .. ;{ , I IV /. A I ? //) 111. ( ;f / .j ,. C11 l l ) I l,.,-1. ' ( . ttr~ ~ If o f t' l'Ohl 1111 <.o"' ; XA w ·. . -- - .Ad. re a I &.c •' /, /' l1ttLil"' I I P'p r rdin () fiVll.CUJ • 1tl!Ol'tl wiit) t;hip b&nk I qf.)d.t L ___ A .\.l.l. t I :t 1-t~l or; ! Mll.l. '11rrnJ1.'.I. C:l Ill :DtLt 'I oct ln.nt nt rif 11 a lltll Q U!'it~nd ~ or i11l.r.i ~ni> ia fH lJi.•opr ·J.c or t1h:l.p 1 0111:' ·1 ni• .t ~ q r : Ind I vi.d w L1 x. rnt li vtow .Li A.!ld1•ef1p; __ _,_... ..... ~~-... cl. _9.h .!.'..!! . -~~ !U~!~ Ofm11 l' JI 11 • ~1 11, If) hor lL!:E..--ilU---~--~ . . ~···- 11 hu olc r.... ~·di it w.l 'th uur1.l imi;i ·cl !l"'en rt . on ';I r"" tm.. y1 ln ~•1 , nd 1 qu1,p1M n 6 11.o . 1. r~ nk1m 1• .r 11 1r~i.r. ,. t. u ~1 h ~ 1.h :1 P ~'QU d . *At Mh /~r d. J. tl C)l'\f 1. p &·· 0')5) )ij Wh l l'l 1•rr t\ \.l'\·t i•'Vl lJ' , lO il 0 'YI • 1~11 tn> 1 1'o r trll U1 p t·m~ u 11. lJ l. • II "'ill \;o • I n l'lV r\u ii 1. ~ n - H 1a I 'Vt'it 111 'I') ~~~II w d ,\ °"' t1t f ~ , ;( ot.<1 r~ " ~.I ....... ..,:m . ·--·- -.. P •·\ nnJ. 11 l ad .jl')\r.\1. .....,ff ~:· - o...,..~~··~-._ .......... ,...._. ..., . ~lt'f'!Cln l'1 i.·tn. :ruh1.JH 11 h~lH ~- ..........................."""-_...,. _ _ _ """_,__...._,_ () c.t• ~ 11 I" \lt1cl1.ii· ~r~P in.1~y Li c Mo n.o W? i '~ ;rJla ~ <in 1\(1.1\», n ntit\ ht:1 w1 11 ul 1t I M 10.;v I l~n 1.n F1 U'ktl I Qith~ nub~P'~· ~- .......-· h.nt Dn. : . 0 O~ur t ! 1 ~ IH\t ':/ \lJ'l.d(l'l' into tJn. tEJ<l Sbn <H~ I !r~ /. rAI.):'~ f.l~Cll'Jll l'.1'l tltl~? I ~.mG Of lhl. ~I\ '11.l I Po.rtn1~:i1 11!1 ill I Ptio'J:iriavor Nh:l pi Ora• l'li•n.t l .Ad.lli.• mI ----------..---... -~.~-- .......- · -........;;.,......._ ~'· _.,...,........_,_........,..,..~._,_ .. ...,... ___.......,._.,..,,....,...-~-- 1'.! t I In1l i. v1ciutil11 .., A.t; t.a.ab ( a,...i O'j!)) dAJ i 1:m1 :I. 1~ • .,,i, 11 ~• 11 ~~ ~Hf\r:it _ t -_ _ ,,.._, __ _. . . , _ , ~ _ _ ... _ --~- ..- - -