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Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Telephone: Interview: Address;. Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship / ( Street ant Number} 'ity & ^ * / r / ;&te ^ jmA Date of last entry -ft^o Uni ted States Operating under Treasury License now? Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Interviewed: Telephone Number M j Principal property involved and scope of problem: <9* j ■* ’■* 5 > "W Action taken:* / / Handled by: *A tta c h a d d i t i o n a l pages where necessary, Rainier Hotel V ’/ i v --------------(Date, Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States on n i e / V (Print) / <? / ) Address r W 'Street and Punier) Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: f h b Rainier Hotel Name: (Date; Telephone: Interview: Y? Person I*vfcerviewed: Ia nor: Male: Lj • ^ ' ~F ‘lJ § r\ O Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: /¥ o 0? ^ ' . $ 0 0 vv *Attach additional pages where necessary. ^ TE3 MAIL DBPARTME ^ E F E gR tD BYMjj*. DAV& //j^> Mtf! Aa xx ee ll Nn .. Rr aa hh mm ^ 5725 SOUTH EAST 21 AVENUE PO RTLAND, ORE 1.0 - V z GS&iECTED BY tEBJ MAIL D3flPARTMEJN -tL TT* knt A _ w ^txruy # r OAA*. ^ £ T Z lu L «L>t- ' <-£ ^ g T - n . $ 7 j r £ . & 2 / A'L^C c //? ? s+*uiy< J F /j'& y t/Lv ' -' /<-4UOA-v>^. A J 5 ^ " f Jf.AS / M V s A V J / v >:'>SnoT -v j^M^4r^.*vV jc» wVo^Nv 1 •. ^ I T v v X N1 ■^_s* »•> X >»--•— _-5^r^ ySfv ^ <$>**' ■•'■ ^ >fc3° _ v ,’ %. - v - ^• >■ > < T ft . Oh*--K*■ VV" l Qr~^y»#3k ^ ^ ^ 5 . .0> '►^*^1 - »ft~ . *'O* > V aft-_ * t*^>aJk*sK \Sv a > a . auto POETLAM) BRANCH Evacuee Property Department larch 23, 1942 Mr, Axel N, Ralm, 5725 S, E, 21st Avenue, Portland, Oregon, Dear Mr. Ralm: Reference is made to your letter of March 20, 1942 in which you state that you hold a mortgage on property belonging to George T. Takagi near Mood River, Oregon, which obligation has been past due for some years and on which the interest has not been paid for more than two years. Your letter indicates that you intend to force a settlement. If legal notion is contemplated, you will probably wish to consult with your attorney as to the proper course to pursue, Ve assume, of course, that any action taken by you will follow due processes of law. ENG:VF itfJiBCTBD BY THE MAIL DOPAMiMi*; * S'7H to r n <&**• ' y ^ US2XBBIJSD BY THE MAIL D3BPA RTMEJ'H VO M B ---- A /^v^< y Q ^ r > -^ T ^ - u A - r v o j: <X-^CSU --------- Q '0 ~*XsC L£~STs~r-*~ on- ^Lco* o ^ y jt t ^ c t < ^ A — 7 <*_^ < _ f & 3ox>x?) /y ^ £ yy^coc^j q@_ <r£ 70~7), I* " 'tS ^ i *%. ' c . yy cr <?— c / r2X^y*^it -^C<3^ / ^ ^ — > OoZ^ ^ A c^-CX-^L<^ $ / Ir o . ^ y!u<**+-1^ & *•+**— ~&y •*■4<^Al /^ -f~L-» cZ *i^oJL^c£ v ^ ^ c t - ^ - < ; r y > -z ^ y <Za^ cZ £luo fSo^^/ y^i^Jy <r— $y^<3 2o @ S b ~ tS -* -< -^ -Z . y r>_v^ ^ .. k c '* ' ry\S-^7~- 0--^~C ^ ... —C^-i^i y<> y A'^j y~<^v-Y^ <o^> s^— er- co^i * ~/y<^ v/ y*— cA > v ^ Xaxt-*-c ^ — cvd^ *de,a— 'CX^-. ~^C«. /^cr^i —Q, i/l ^^-€- y~<x^o <xt>-«iy30 d-4~ *7y~V, C^i— .c o J ^ j^ $ 3 fox'. 'C'VtJU*-* J -t <u~Jt # ^ i n r v . '^y^ 2 o^jsQ : | J ^ ^ y_ ‘ cy& -£ L -^ .j’ /£. «— ~ ~ — / » ^ <.^0 • <PL <X> Ts-i^^CL^r ~l £-*-w©^ 77. 0^m^7c''*-'W -AnuL by Routing Advn* -No Anm^ar JRzquired t f c c u L ^ MEMORANDUM Visit to Mr. dial ft* Rahm, 5725 S* L. 21st Avenue , Portland, Oregon# Our file indicates that this party holds a real estate mortgage on a Japanese owned fruit farm of twenty acres in the Rood River district; the name of the Japanese is George Takagi; the amount of his claim is ■J3,000 principal, about three years accrued interest and irrigation taxes of approximately $700* I contacted Mr. Rahm at his residence this forenoon and discussed the matter with him* He advised that the Japanese will quit claim title to the premises, to avoid foreclosure proceedings for a consideration of $ 10 0 . Mr. Rahm believes that he will either arrange to pay the £100 in cash or have the deed placed in escrow pending the assembling of the £ 10 0 payment or resort to foreclosure proceedings, de agrees that this is purely a matter for him to handle according to his legal rights and that the Federal deserve Bank s.iould not» intervene or attempt to coerce the Japanese into making a set tlement. Lr. Rahm is of Swedish birth, 80 years of age, has resided in Oregon for fifty-three years, is a naturalized citizen of the United States, a re tired fruit rancher of the Hood River District, a«i advises that he has taken considerable loss in investing in Hungary and Chile bonds. Howard Alger, Field Representative HA:VF Evacuee Property Department Portland, Oregon April 29, 1942: Mr. Robert R* Rankin Attorney at Law leon Building Portland, Or gon Dear Mr. Rankins Receipt is i Cidiowledged of your letter of April 28, 1942 f relative to the amount owed by K. Hagaki o the lakiiaa Sheep Company. We do not eecm to have this name in our file 3 and consequently can give you no information regarding him except chat we can report very defi nitely that we are not holaing in our possession any luncts or assets of this individual. Aa a mat ter of fact, if the funds of a Japanese are con trolled, the "blocking* procedure is effected at the commercial bank shere the account is carried. Federal Reserve Banks do not accept such accounts. Regretting that we are unable to be of assistance to you in this instance, we are Very r\ rours, S. A. MacKachron Assistant\Manager SAM:DH Ro bert R. R a n k i n A T T O R N E Y A T LAW YEON BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON April 28, 1942 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Porter Building, Portland, Oregon,, Gentlemen: Attention: Mr. Scott A. MacEachron There is a Japanese by the name of K. Nagaki who has been indebted to the Yakima Sheep Company for two carloads of sheep manure since January 18, 1939, in the amount of ^219.92. There were two other Japanese who owed similar amounts and one we sued and recovered judgment which he has paid. The other voluntarily made his payment, but this man has apparently gone to his ranch somewhere near Payette, Idaho or Ontario, Oregon, and apparently hopes to avoid payment. The circumstances, briefly, were these: the father of three boys incurred this bill. Last fall he left for Japan. At the time he did so, he had a substantial sum of money (believed about ^5,000) which he distributed among his three sons without paying all of his debts. The particular son, whose name is mentioned here, is the one who farms the place upon which the sheep manure was used, and I have threatened to sue him for the oenefits he received or because his father bis fcriuuted funds to him which he had no right to distribute until the father's creditors were satisfied. Mr. Jachetta, an attorney in the feon Building, represents him and I believe is very fair and trying his best to settle the case without litigation. However, I am told that he makes no reply now to his attorney's letters, and I am wondering if you have any funds of this Japanese in your possession from which either a judgment might be satisfied or which might be attached. If there is anything along this line of which you can advise me, I would sincerely appreciate such information for the benefit of this worthy and unpaid creditor. Thanking you in advance for any consideration, I am Yours respectfully, J , . t . . . . • y\ t . ■ , v&fio:; ; . . - % ■ t;v tS^ „v;> ^ v i « ' < '«ri ' ~ 5 ilR ECTED B Y TH E M A IL DEPARTM ENT // TO M E _:________ Eagle Creek, Oregon. b/O Earch 1 BY i; .*4 U A V M A IL D S P A H ! Federal Reserve Bank Portland Branch Portland, Oregon. — ... -.. .— --- - Dear sirs: I noticed your article in today's Journal regarding the assetts and property of aliens during evacuation, and I am writing for information along that line. We rented our farm to Japanese aliens and they refused to pay any reitt for the past three years, now owing us $300. I would like to know if there is any way in which we can check up on their assetts without going to court. If we knew that they had any assetts we would go to court and attach it, but we do not like to go to add itional expense without knowing where we stand. We have reason to beleive that they have concealed their money for the cannerries with which they did business told us recently that they paid them large sufas. I will appreciate it very much if you will advise me on this matter as we feel th t if these Japs have any bank account on any other assetts, we are entitled to ourrent money. If they list their property would we have access to these records? Thanking you, I am Mrs. 0tto Rasmussen R.# 1 Eagle Creek, Oregon & id* b y Routine Advu* JpCo A n v w e r R e q u i t e d PORTLAND BRANCH Evacuee Property Department March 21, 1942 Mrs« Otto Rasmus sen, H #1, Eagle Creek, Oregon. Dear Mrs. Rasmussen: Reference is made to your letter of March 17 1942. No specific provision has been made to take care of a debt such as you mention, but it is possible that if you will call at this office accompanied by the debtor, we may be able to assist in arriving at a reasonable basis for settling the problem* Very truly yours, 3 . a . Mac. Assistant Manage Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States T % y A * (Print) Address (Street and Number) ______ £?■ * r y !ity) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: T ype of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Principal property involved and scope of probl /VC*> *\ / b " < & * £ - / Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. Ray Hotel Name: (Print) Address P * ___________________________ (Street and Number) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?; Type of Business; Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation; Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary < ' * .. ..... * _ • ... i,u .. V ‘ ; •• . - • Red Gate Curio Shop Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal A g en t Qf the United States J4oV\ A- T[)yJcS-£yejt ■? 3 o / Seaside Resident Among Evacuees > gj&te SEASIDE. (Special) — Akiyama Mason, proprietor of Red Gate cnrio shop and a Seaside resident for 20 years, left Saturday night with Mrs. Mason and their two children for Hood River, in com pliance with army orders for Japianese to leave\the coast district. Mason is a .Japanese national The family will live with Mason’s parents who have a farm near Hood River, for the time being. They do not know their future vpro gram. kv&tx*z ?HDp-smr vsp April 3, 1942 nm m xm t V isit to Astoria and Seaside on April 1 , 1948 Acting cm in f o m at ton r-eceived fro® i$r. Lund of the Faro f. eeurity .dnini str a ti on and a telephone c a ll resolved from l5r* Clyde Tuol, manager of the United States Smploywent Service o ffic e at A storia, Oregon, Assistant ’.fcaager S. a* ItoeKaehron accompanied by 2* V, Usberg v isited Astoria and Seaside on April 1, 1942* SUBTSCFs It was learned that a curio store had been operated * Corjnercial S treet, A storia, Oregon under the runes o f Hed Gate Curio Shop by C lifford fcatsuura also known as 0. fllMifi Passu However, upon v isitin g the store we found that i t was vacated end was informed by Mr* Tuel of the onployrront o ffic e that tbs <rmor le f t for Sherwood, Oregon sometime la st at 474 week • The Hed Gate Curio Shop located at 889 Broadway St*, reaside, Oregon wee also vacated and it was learned fro® a newspaper article appearing in the -storian Budget of ?/*rch 30, 1942 that A* Kyama raison proprietor of the store and his family left for Hood Piver, Oregon on t&roh 28, 1942* A visit was made to the Astoria Branch, United States national Bank of artland, Oregon and M sieger C* A* ’Reynolds aid Assistant Manager Harold Nelson informed up that approximately twenty-five Japanese, all single, were working for the Columbia Hlver packers Association* ’’a were assured by the Bank’s officers that should any property problems ari e they would contact our offloe* Field Ueprosentstive sa Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal A,gent of the United States :______________ _____________________ Address :-----— — ’ 1 • _______ ____ (Street and Number - ‘ (City) Dste of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: P rop r iet or sh ip: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages where necessary. Red Gate Curio Shop Name Portland Branch . t-aeral Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States \ Name: Address: (Street and Number) ( S e ^ r — (City) ^ (State) Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual:^ Person interviewed Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages where necessary lifford Matsurra Date of last entry into United States: Late lust weak Mr* Lund of the 1 arm Security Administration informed the writer that Mr. and Ivtrs* Akiyama, 229 Broadway, Seaside, Oregon wish to dleouss their property problems a representative from the evacuee roperty Lepart ®nt at the lederal (©servo bank* with Apparently these people own a store at the above address and also own a curio store at Astoria, Oregon. The premises are not o~med by the .Tspnnese but are rented on a basis of $ 100 per month* This situation was reported to IS*. Lund by his Astoria representative. The writer gave assurance that the natter will be looked into* ?^r. I* 8* Crouoh waarnt pjbp :mnr d e p a s t o k w April 3, 1942 K-MBKNDmt SUBJOTj Visit to Astoria and Hoaside on April 1, 1912 Acting on infomat ion received from Mr. Lund of the Farm Security Adreinistration and a telephone call received fro© l*r. Clyde Tuel, rnanager of the United States b^nployi^ont Service office at .ustoria, Oregon, Ana is tent f4anagar S. a . ?*«c achron accompanied by 2 V. Usberg visited Astoria and Seaside on April 1 9 1942* . It was learned that a curio store had been operated at 474 Cetaneroial Street, Astoria, Oregon under the name of Hed Gate Curio Shop by Clifford Matsuure also known as C. iiiaufi Mass* However, upon visiting the store we found that it was vacated and was inf orrasd by Mr. Tuel of the oaployraent office that the owner left fear Sherwood, Oregon eonetime last week • The ed Gate Curio Shop located at 229 Broadway St., Seaside, Oregon was also vacated and it was learned frcaa a newspaper article appearing in the Alieria Budget of March 30, 1948 that A. Kyema la son proprietor of the store and his family left for hood River, Oregon on March 28, 1942. A visit was mode to the Astoria Branch, United States National BarJc of Portland, Oregon and Manager 0. A. Reynolds end Assistant ionager Harold Nelson informed uw that approximately twenty-five Japanese, all single, were working for the Columbia River Taskers Association. "are assured by the Bank’s officers that should any property problems arise they would contact our office. Field Representative nsoni Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of tne United States fr- Name _ Tokuzo Rokuta (Date) Tolephone: Interview: (Print) Acidre: iidult: I’inor: AL__— (Street and Number} (2 . } i s j —i — — T A / Male: Female: Citizenship; Skat: / Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: T e 1ep hon e Numb er : Principal property involved and scope of problem: 'y f' f — /b> y O y y f f / <£v J 1* •AKxfL X C>4+dr V “t '****» *. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Roseway Hotel Name : ) 3 /I » jEjrin't; ^ Address (3 11*eet and I- umber} - <2 'City) > r y ite of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury Licer Type of Busi nos s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Principal property ^^v^lved^ . t 7 * # 1 <*• f+ 6*-**1 / 4 i *4 y^ope of problem: / ^ . *>**- & 0 a ~ '7_ s i/ t^ s j/y (s -- —V 7 ^ 4 ’s t ' T^» r ^ . * - 7 ^ TT: . Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages v/nere necessary, c"'" « . v ' s***-* <?1 Fortland Branch Roseway Hotel Bate of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: P©rson la10 r r i © w e d Addres * A* # S '/ <Z.Js' /?> <- 0 6 . Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: ^ (y ' *** <2 A c t i o n taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary* ’wl ; r * Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name;_______ ___________________ (Priift) . Adult: Minor: Aadress (Street and Number) 4 2 Cl tv __ n _ : .. Roseway Hotel (D : '(D:.te 7 Telephone: Interview: ^ Male: Female: Cit izenship: ^ (State) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Te 1 ephone Num.b er : P^-'i^cipal property involved and scope of problem: p - / J y . / 0 *+ r , S zL n , jO "7?r ’ / O* <0*4*4***^* ** ^ <«►-» ^ nT -r 00 ^ - - - -^ ^ Action taken:5*' ^Attach additional pages where necessary. & 44S Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of tne United States .seal Ag Interview: Name:________________________ (Print) Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Address |Street and Number) ;ity) .ate Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?:_________ Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone _____ Number: principal prorjerty involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary. Ina Takei {Roseway Hotel) (Date) Telephone: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ~r '(City) (City) ' Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenshi mship; J ja -ate) A Royal Palm Hotel Telephone: Interview: *A TW ~t Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: — Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: — ---------------------- Person Ir.tarviegqfr-^gfa ■7 ^ / J ~T/ ^ f > / \ /?. ^ :r“; : _____ ____ -_____________________ 1 Telephone Number: Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States , / f A ,l Ik [i Address , jt jr ^ (Print) o Z Royal Palm Rot el Name U y V > (Street and Number) !ity) Boat Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual:£ Person Iate rv iewe d : Address Telephone Number Principal property involved and scope of problem: Attach additional pages where necessary* ■___________________________