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U n it e d S t a t e s


Field R epresentatives
Evacuee P ro p e rty Department

I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No, 1
We a r e f o r w a r d i n g , u n d e r s e p a r a t e c o v e r , a s m a l l s u p p l y
o f "P ow e r o f A t t o r n e y " f o r m s , Numbers M i s , 2$5 and 2 5 b . " you
w i l l o b s e r v e t h a t on e f o r m h a s b e e n p r e p a r e c T f o r t h e u se of
an e v a c u e e who i s an i n d i v i d u a l o r r e p r e s e n t s a p a r t n e r s h i p ,
and t h e o t h e r fo rm f o r t h e u s e o f a c o r p o r a t i o n * B o t h f o r m s
h a v e b e e n p r e p a r e d m e r e l y f o r c o n v e n i e n c e o f t h e e v a c u e e and
a r e t h e r e f o r e , s u g g e s t e d f o r m s t o be u s e d a t h i s o p t i o n ,
T h e s e f o r m s may b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e r e q u e s t i n g them*
F o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n , we a l s o ha/ye p r e p a r e d , b u t a r e
not d i s t r i b u t i n g , s i m i l a r forms w herein th e evacuee a p p o in ts
t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a nk o f S a n F r a n c i s c o a s h i s a t t o r n e y - i n f a c t , b u t w h i c h w i l l be u s e d o n l y i n e x t r e m e c a s e s . T h e r e ­
f o r e , no p o w e r o f a t t o r n e y s h o u l d be a c c e p t e d b y you i n b e ­
h a l f o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Bank o f San F r a n c i s c o a s F i s c a l
Agent of th e U n ite d S t a t e s excep t under s p e c i f i c i n s t r u c t i o n s
f r o m t h i s o f f i c e , w h i c h w i l l b e f o r t h c o m i n g o n l y a f t e r a com­
p l e t e r e s u m e o f t h e c a s e s u b m i t t e d b y y ou h a s b e e n m a d e.



T h is i s t h e f i r s t of a s e r i e s o f numbered '-'I n s tr u c tio n
l e t t e r s " . You s h o u l d m a i n t a i n a f i l e o f t h e s e l e t t e r s
and communicate w i t h us sh ou ld you f a i l to r e c e i v e
a n y l e t t e r , w h i c h w o u ld be i n d i c a t e d by a m i s s i n g


d e r a l


e s e r v e
Fi s c a l A


a n k

gent of the

o f





U n it e d S t a t e s

March 15, 1 ^ 4 2 ,

Field. R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s
Evacuee P r o p e r t y Department
I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No. 2.
R e f e r e n c e i s made t o t h e EVACUEE PROPERTY DEPART?"ENT
CIRCULAR NO. 1 c o n s i s t i n g o f S p e c i a l R e g u l a t i o n No. 1 and
press release respecting that regulation.
I n t h e i n t e r e s t o f c l a r i t y and t o b e c e r t a i n t h a t t h e
e f f e c t of the r e g u l a t i o n is u n d ersto o d , your a t t e n t i o n i s
c a lle d to the f a c t t h a t the r e g u l a t i o n v e s ts a u t h o r i t y in
t h i s ^ b a n k o v e r t h e p r o p e r t y w h i c h may b e d e s i g n a t e d a s
Special^B locked P ro p e rty , but t h a t p ro p e rty f a l l s in t h i s
c l a s s i f i c a t i o n o n l y w he n t h e s t e p s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e
re g u la tio n are taken.
I n o t h e r w o r d s , by t h e m e r e p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e r e g u ­
l a t i o n , al], p r o p e r t y o f " E v a c u e e N a t i o n a l s " d o e s n o t b e ­
come S p e c i a l B l o c k e d P r o p e r t y , b u t i t i s p o s s i b l e f o r t h i s
b a n k t o p r o t e c t t h e i n t e r e s t s o f e v a c u e e s by c o n f o r m i n g
t o t h e s t e p s c o n te m p la te d by th e r e g u l a t i o n in c a s e s where
w arranted.
P le a s e s tu d y t h i s c i r c u l a r most c a r e f u l l y and b e a r in
mind t h a t c a u t i o n m u s t be u s e d i n t h e e x e r c i s e o f t h e c o w e r s
which t h i s bank h o ld s in t h a t c o n n e c tio n .
A d d itio n a l forms r e l a t i n g to t h i s s u b je c t and t h e en­
f o r c e m e n t o f t h e r e g u l a t i o n w i l l be f o r t h c o m i n g i n due
c o u r s e . No s t e p s s h o u l d b e t a k e n b y F i e l d R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s
in e x e r c i s i n g powers covered by t h i s r e g u l a t i o n w ith o u t
f i r s t r e f e r r i n g t h e ma t t e r t o t h i s o f f i c e .


d e r a l


e s e r v e


a n k

o f




an cisco

Fis c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s

M a r c h 20, 1 942

Field R epresentatives
Evacuee P ro p e rty Department

I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No. 3

C o n f i d e n t i a l N a tu re of Communications
to F ie ld R e p re se n ta tiv e s

P l e a s e b e a r i n m i n d t h a t t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s , memo­
r a n d a an d o t h e r m a t e r i a l g o i n g t o y o u f r o m t i m e t o t i m e
from t h i s o f f i c e a re of a c o n f i d e n t i a l n a tu re in ten d ed fo r
y o u r own i n f o r m a t i o n a n d g u i d a n c e a n d n o t t o be d i s t r i b u t e d
to o th e rs.

S anta Rosa F ie ld O ffic e

• The l i s t o f l o c a t i o n s o f f i e l d o f f i c e s d a t e d
M a r c h 1 8 , 1 9 4 2 , s h o u l d be c h a n g e d a s f o l l o w s :
U n d e r NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, s e c o n d i t e m i n r i g h t
column, change San Jo se t o S a n ta Rosa a t a d d r e s s i n d i c a t e d .

A s s i s ta n t Cashier*


wk - -yr4:

d e r a l


e s e r v e
Fis c a l A


a n k

g ent of the

M a r c h 21,

Field R epresentatives
Evacuee P ro p e rty Department

o f




an cisc o

U n it e d S t a t e s


I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No. 4.


R e f e r e n c e i s made t o I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No. 2, d a t e d
M a r c h 1 9 , 1 9 4 2 , a n d t o E v a c u e e P r o p e r t y D e p a r t m e n t C i r c u l a r No. 1 ,
c o n s i s t i n g o f S p e c i a l R e g u l a t i o n No. 1 a n d P r e s s R e l e a s e r e s p e c t i n g
th a t R egulation.


S p e c i f i c forms have been d e s ig n e d f o r the use of th e
v a r i o u s o f f i c e s o f t h i s b a n k and o u r F i e l d R e a r e s e n t a t i v e s , t o c a r r y
out th e program of d e s i g n a t i n g and f r e e i n g " S p e c i a l B locked P r o n e r t y " ,
a n a a s u p p l y i s b e i n g f o r w a r d e d f o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n and u s e a s
follow s:
Form nP 4. P e t i t i o n f o r B l o c k i n g u n d e r S p e c i a l R e g u l a t i o n s No. 1 .
o.n r e v i e w i n g t h i s f o r m y o u w i l l o b s e r v e t h a t i t i s t o be
f i l e d w i t h t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Bank o f S a n F r a n c i s c o , by t h e
e v a c u ee , i n i n s t a n c e s where u n s u c c e s s f u l a t t e m p t s to re a c h
e q u i t a b l e s e t t l e m e n t s w i t h h i s c r e d i t o r s h a v e b e e n m a d e . The
f o r m s h o u l d n o t be g i v e n o u t u n t i l s u c h t i m e a s t h e F i e l d R e p r e s e n ta tiv e has exhausted every e f f o r t to b ring to g e th e r the
e v a c u e e a n d h i s c r e d i t o r on a r e a s o n a b l e b a s i s .
If, after
such e f f o r t h as been made, you f e e l t h a t th e F e d e r a l R eserv e
rank should take a c tio n in fr e e z in g the p ro p e rty concerned,
t h e f o r m s h o u l d be e x e c u t e d a n d d e l i v e r e d t o y o u , i n t r i p l i c a t e ,
by t h e e v a c u e e . Two c o p i e s o f t h e f o r m s h o u l d i m m e d i a t e l y be
f o r w a r d e d t o t h e O f f i c e o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a nk , by w h i c h
you were a s s i g n e d to your d u t i e s , t o g e t h e r w i t h a d e t a i l e d
re p o rt of the t r a n s a c t io n involved.
P o s t i n g n o t i c e N o .............. S p e c i a l B l o c k e d P r o n e r t y .
T his form has been d es ig n e d t o c a r r y out t h e p r o v i s i o n s of
P a r a g r a p h ( 3) > ( b ) , ( i ) , o f S p e c i a l R e g u l a t i o n No. 1 , and t h e
o r i g i n a l wil}. be p o s t e d on o r r e a s o n a b l y n e a r p r o n e r t y d e s i g n a t e d
as S p e c ia l Blocked P ro p e rty .
N o r m a l l y , t h e s e f o r m s ^ w i l l bo p r e p a r e d by t h e O f f i c e o f t h e
F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Bank i n y o u r z o n e , a f t e r c o m p l e t e a n a l y s i s
o f t h e r e p o r t w h i c h a c c o m p a n i e d F or m EP 4.


Field R epresentatives
I n s t r u c t i o n l . e t t e r No. 4
Evacuee P r o p e r ty Departm ent
Page 2
M a r c h 2 1 , 1942
L e t t e r to C re d ito r Concerned.
F o rm EP
■ T h i s l e t t e r w i l l be p r e p a r e d l y th< t hOef f pi cuer p oo sf e t hoef Fn eo dt iefrya il n gRe
s e r v e Bank i n y o u r z o n e and i s f o r
p e rso n s h o l d in g p r o p e r t y , or h av in g p o s s e s s io n or c u sto d y
t h e r e o f , or h a v i n g an i n t e r e s t t h e r e i n , t h a t th e p a r t i c u l a r
p ro p e rty i s S p e c ia l Blocked P ro p e rty , in accoresnce w ith
P a r a g r a p h ( 3 ) , (b ) , ( i i ) , ( i i i ) o f S p e c i a l R e g u l a t i o n No.. 1
and a l s o may be u s e d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h F o r m E P I .
F o rm EP 3. Memorandum o f A g r e e m e n t a n d S e t t l e m e n t .
T h i s f o r m i s t o be e x e c u t e d i n t r i p l i c a t e by t h e d e b t o r and
c r e d i t o r if t e: r a s a t i s f a c t o r y s e t t l e m e n t h a s b e e n a g r e e d
u pon by s u c h p e r s o n s .
You w i l l o b s e r v e t h a t t h e f o r m p r o v i d e s f o r w i t n ; s e s , b u t
d o e s n o t n e c e s s a r i l y h a v e t o be n o t a r i z e d .
At t h e t i m e t h i s f o r e i s s u b m i t t e d i n d u p 1 i c a t e t o t h e O f f i c e
o f t h e F e d e r a l R o s e r v e B a n k i n y o u r z o n e , i t s h o u l d be a c c o m n a n i e d by F o rm TF E- 1 ( R e v i s e d ) , i n t r i p l i c a t e , w h i c h i s t h e
a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m m e n t i o n e d i n P a r a g r a p h (2) o f C i r c u l a r No. 1 ,
a nd w h i c h w i l l b e t h e b a s i s f o r i s s u i n g a l i e a r i s e , a s i n d i c a t e d
i n P a r a g r a p h (1) o f C i r c u l a r No. 1 . The a p n l " ' c a t i o n s h o u l d ,
in each in s ta n c e , i n d i c a t e th a t th e purpose f or which the
l i c e n s e i s d e s i r 3d, i s " t o c o n s u m m a t e a t r a n s a c t i o n c o v e r i n g
S p e c i a l B locked P r o p e r t y ” , and th e i n f o r n e t i o n r e q u i r e d in
P a r a g r a p h ( 2 ) , { a ) , ( b ) , ( c j , ( d ) . A c o p y o f F or m TFE-1 i s
e n c l o s e d f o r you r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d a s u p p l y wi 3.1 be f o r w a r d e d
to you l a t e r .
You w i l l o b s e r v e , f r o m t h e a b o v e i n s t r u c t i o n s , t h a t no^
l a t i t u d e i n so f a r a s p o s t i n g o r a d v i s i n g t h a t c e r t a i n p r o p e r t y i s
S p e c ia l Blocked P r o p e r ty , has been g iv en to th e F ie l d R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s ;
h o w e v e r , i n c a s e s o f e m e r g e n c y , o r when t i m e i s t h e e s s e n c e , t h e
•'**#*$o r t m e n t i o n e d a b o v e may be s u b m i t t e d , i n t h e f i r s t i n s t a n c e , by
t e l e p h o n e , t o t h e o f f i c e w i t h w h i c h y o u a r e a f f i l i a t e d , who may g i v e
y o u i n s t r u c t i o n s a s t o t h e i s s u a n c e o f F o r m s N o s . EP i a nd EP 2,
b e a r i n g i n m i n d , a t a l l t i m e s , t h a t t h i s a u t h o r i t y w i l l be g i v e n t o
a F i e l d R e p r e s e n t a t i v e o n l y i n u n u s u a l an d u r g e n t c a s e s .
As t h e p o w e r o f d e s i g n a t i n g p r o p e r t y , a s S p e c i a l B l o c k e d
P r o p e r t y , i s so g r e a t , i t i s r e q u e s te d t h a t i f t h i s p ro ce d u re is
a t a l l d o u b t f u l i n your mind, you im m e d ia te ly c o n t a c t th e o f f i c e
o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Bank i n y o u r z o n e .


A s s is ta n t Cashier



d e r a l


e s e r v e

a n k

o f





F is c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s

M a r c h 2 3 , 1942

Field R epresentatives
Evacuee P ro p e rty Department



I n s t r u c t i o n l e t t e r No. 6.



The f o l l o w i n g i s q u o t e d f r o m a l e t t e r s e n t t o a l l
b r a n c h e s on M a r c h 1 1 , 1 9 4 2 :
"We c a n n o t e m p h a s i z e t o o s t r o n g l y t h e n e c e s s i t y
of i n s t r u c t i o n s to em ployees of t h i s bank p r o h i b i t i n g
t h e p u r c h a s e by t h e m o r m e m b e rs o f t h e i r f a m i l i e s o f
any p r o p e r t y of an e v a c u e e , th e s a l e of w hich r e l a t e s
i n a n y way t o c o n t a c t s w i t h t h i s b a n k . T h i s , o f
c o u r s e , d o e s n o t me an t h a t t h e e m p l o y e e o r h i s f a m i l y
may n o t make p u r c h a s e s o f a n e v a c u e e Ts g o o d s o f f e r e d
fo r s a le to the g e n e ra l n u b lic in the normal course
of b u sin ess."
The p o l i c y o u t l i n e d a b o v e m u s t be s t r i c t l y o b s e r v e d .

C a s h i e r .

March 23, 1942

Field Renresentatives
Evacuee P r o p e r t y D e p a r t m e n t


Instruction letter No. 7.


• On January 3, 1942, the Office of the United States
Attorney, sent to all state and local Police authorities, a
notice calling their attention to the fact that the President
had, by his proclamations of December 7 and 8, 1941, directed
in the interests of national safety that alien enemies should
not possess or use various items, such as firearms, weapons,
ammunition, short-wave radio sets, signal devices, etc.
notice stated further it was necessary to require alien enemies
to denosit such prohibited articles with law enforcement agencies
and asked for the help and cooperation of the local police
authorities throughout the country.
Public Proclamation No. 3, dated March 24, 1942, issued
by J. L. DeWitt, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, carries a pro­
vision that after March 31,
1942, no persons of Japanese
ancestry shall have in his possession similar items.
Y/e have determined locally that in many instances
after the first order was given, Japanese aliens delivered such'
contraband to American citizens of Japanese ancestry, and the
question therefore arises as to the amount of such contraband
which has not as yet been deposited with state and local Police
In order that we might better be able to visualize
this condition, we ask that each of our Field Representatives
contact such law enforcement agencies in their particular terri­
tory, ascertaining in a general way the amount of such contra­
band now in their hands, and report their findings to the Office
of the Federal Reserve Bank with which they are affiliated.
information developed in instances where the amount on deposit
would seem to indicate that there was still a considerable quan­
tity remaining in the hands of U.S. citizens of Japanese ances­
try, will be of great assistance.

Assistant Cashier.



d e r a l


e s e r v e
Fis c a l A


a n k

gent of the

o f




an cisco

U n it e d S t a t e s

March 2 8 , 1942
Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department


Instruction Letter No, 8


The only cases in which the power of freezing '
control covered by Special Regulation No, 1 will be ex­
ercised are those in which it clearly appears either that
the evacuation program will be delayed unless the power
is exercised or the evacuee is being talien advantage of
by reason of the fact that he is or may shortly be undep
orders to leave the community.
In those cases where the parties have resorted
to civil litigation in order to settle conflicting claims
regarding property interests, the exercise of freezing
control will seldom, if ever, b e •justified.
The use of
these powers would be, in effect, to-prejudge the rights
of the parties litigant.
Therefore, when the parties
have^resorted to litigation, we should leave them where
we find then, especially so since in every case the evacuee
whether party plaintiff or defendant, would be in a posit ! &
to continue the action even after evacuation, his testi- ■*
n o n y , if necessary, being taken b* deposition.


Generally speaking, the only cases in which the
freezing control^ in relation to a situation which night
be settled by litigation, would be justified are those in
which the rights of the evacuee are clear and, by reason
of indigence or the necessity for immediate departure frota
the community, the evacuee is not able to have his rights*
determined in-our courts of law.



d e r a l


e s e r v e


a n k

o f





F is c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s
March 28, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. p.


The following memorandum, dated March 05, 1? 4 2 ,'was
received from the Western Defense Command and Fourth Ax m y , signed
by Karl R. Bendetsen, Colonel G. S. C., Assistant Chief of Staff,
Civil Affairs Division:
"MEMORANDUM for Mr, William M. Hale, Federal Reserve Bank,
San Francisco

Reports to the FBI on substitute farmers

The Commanding General has directed me to request that
you instruct your property protection field renresentatives engaged in the evacuation program to do the

a* Where substitute occupants of property formerly
occupied, farmed, owned, rented or operated by
Japanese have been procured by your representatives,
or have been procured as a'result of negotiation initia­
ted by your representative, to furnish a list of such
persons to the nearest FBI office for checking and to
furnish a duplicate list through WCCA channels to this
Division for delivery to the Military Intelligence
In accordance with the above, Field Representatives are
requested to forward a weekly report as of the close of business
Friday, in triplicate, to^the office of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco, with which they are affiliated.
This report
should include the name of the evacuee, the name of the new owner
or operator and a sufficient description of the property, so that
it might be readily identified.

Assistant Cashier,

H nm


d e r a l


e s e r v e
F is c a l A


a n k

gent of the

o f




an cisco

U n it e d S t a t e s

April 3, 1942
Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 10.


The following text of a memorandum dated April 1, 1942, from
Colonel Karl R. Bendetsen is set forth with the request that all our
personnel be guided by its terms in connection with this program:

”1« It has come to my attention from reliable sources today,
that during the course of planning for an evacuation from the San
Francisco area, the tentative evacuation zone boundaries ■were
described in the presence of a member of the Japanese-American
CitizensT League, by a member of the civilian staff.
This incident
occurred prior to the time when the proposed boundary and the pro­
posed evacuation project^had been approved.
The result was that the
Japanese concerned immediately undertook to notify other Japanese of
what he had overheard, by telephone.
"2. Even if the project had been then approved, the dis­
semination of such information /in advance of the time for publication
might have resulted in serious consequences.
"3* All persons, whether military or civilian, assigned to,
serving with, or in any way connected with the Civil Affairs Division
or the Wartime Civil Control Administration, are directed to exercise
every precaution to insure the utmost secrecy of information regard­
ing evacuation scheduling and planning.
Such information must not be
discussed in the presence of any person not officially connected with
the project, or released for publication prior to approval for such
The seriousness of violations of this directive cannot be
"4. Loose talk may cost lives, may retard the war effort
may invite serious direct action.
Aside from the liabilities imposed
by law, every person has a patriotic duty during time of war, to*
exercise the utmost discretion and to avoid unauthorized dissemina­
tion of military information.
I ask that each person who reads this
memoiandurn bring it to the attention of ail concerned so that no one
will fail to oe reminded of his or her obligation in this connection*

assistant Cashier.




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U n it e d S t a t e s

April 3, 194-2

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 11.


We are enclosing, for your information only, a
memorandum prepared for the use of our representatives in
the first WCCA office established in San Francisco,
You will observe that we have outlined a method
of procedure in the preparation of the handling of the
Form, in which we have gone into quite some detail. *
It does not necessarily follow that all subse­
quent offices will use the same procedure, as conditions
in various locations^obviously will not be the same, and
will result in amending such procedure from time to time.






April 2, 19^2

Use of Personal Property Form (wCCA FRB-2 )

Evacuee’s First Visit
These forms will "be available at all CCA offices, and normally will be
handed to evacuees by the representative of the Federal Security Agency at such
offices, at the time the Family ITo. is assigned. It is believed that the “In­
structions to Owner" for the preparation of the form are complete and selfexp lamat ory.
The evacuee should take k copies of the form to his place of residence for
completion, including tne "Personal Property Inventor^ List" on the reverse of
the form.
Evacuee’s Second Visit
All copies of the form should be returned to the Evacuee Property represen­
tative, who should check them for conformity, delivering one copy to the evacuee
for his record.
It should be explained to the evacuee at this time, that any property not
included in the Inventory List will not be taken from the residence at the time
that the other items are removed therefrom. For example:
If a stove, refrigerator or amy other item is found at the place of resi­
dence and is not included on the Inventory List, it will be assumed that such
items belong to the landlord or that proper arrangements have been made with a
finance company, or other person, for their disposition. This point cannot be
too strongly emphasized.
It should be explained to the evacuee that all such items as stoves to be
stored with us, should be disconnected and that wherever possible, goods should
be crated for their protection, as we do not assume any responsibility for break­
age, etc.
The evacuee should then be given a sufficient number of Storage Tags (wCCA
Form ERB-ll, "bearing in mind at all times that the number of pieces indicated
Tn"the columns provided for that purpose on the Inventory List, would not ne­
cessarily indicate the number of tags needed. For example:
In moving and storing a grand niano, the three legs are removed therefrom,
therefore, a. grand piano might require h storage tags. Likewise, a bed will
consist of the headboard, footboard, side rails, slats, springs and mattress,
and consequently would require at least 6 tags. The storage tags must be com­
pleted by the evacuee, giving the family name, Family ITo. and indicating the
office of issuance, i.e., San Francisco.
At this time arrangements must be made sc that the furniture movers will
have access to the property. If the keys to the premises are delivered to us,
we should immediately attach Form VT
v/hich was not drawn for this purpose
but which will suffice until such a form has been prepared. The evacuee’s
Family ITo. should be shown on this form, as well as his name and addresss"- and
most important, the name and address of the person to whom the keys are to be
returned after the furniture has been removed from the premises. If the key is
not delivered to us the evacuee must indicate on the form, the name and address
of the person holding the key, who must be located in the immediate vicinity.

s iH H V H H H H a v p a iB n n M n n n n ii

Drayage Instructions
'The first copy of WCCA Porm PRB-2 should "be delivered to the person des­
ignated as a coordinator for the various moving concerns, who will take care of
the furniture from this point to the time that it is actually delivered in our
warehouse. The second copy will be placed with other similar forms, arranged
numerically, and delivered to our representative at the warehouse. The third
copy should he retained hy our representative in the WCCA offices, in a numer­
i c a l ^ arranged file.
Delivery cf Furniture at Warehouse
Arrangements have been made with the furniture moving people, not only to
take care of the cartage hut also to properly stack the furniture in the ware­
house. Therefore, we will not receipt to the driver of the van, for furniture
off the tail-gate, hut rather will make our check of the inventory as the fur­
niture is stacked.
On the Inventory List, immediately following the description of the
article, the moving people will indicate, in the column headed “Article", the
number of pieces which are being delivered. Dor example:

Piano, Grand - h

Our representative, in checking the goods into the warehouse, will indi­
cate the number of pieces in the column "Rec’d", which should correspond with
tnat inserted by the movers, and we will receipt on a form provided by the
movers for the total number oi pieces indicated in the "Rec’d" column, rather
tnau the number of pieces indicated in the column headed "Humber of Pieces",
After the Personal Property Inventory List has been checked, the checker
will retain the list until the end of the day, or some other convenient time,
to be delivered to our representative at the WCCA office.
Because of the possibility that a great number of items, particularly
rexrigerators, have not been completely paid for, and it might therefore be
necessary to examine these items for Serial Hos., etc., in connection with
claims from the finance companies, we have requested that in storing the fur­
niture, refrigerators oe placed as close to the aisle as possible, so that they
will be more readily available.
Office Routine
After the furniture has been properly stored, receipted for to the movers,
etc., copies oi WCCA Porm FRB— 2 will be returned to the iviain Office of the
Bvacuee Property Department for proper distribution to the War Relocation
Authority and the evacuee.



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F is c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s
April 4, 1942
Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No, 12,

We are enclosing for your information the following;

Personal Property Form (WCCA - Form FRB-2)
Motor Vehicle Registration Form (WCCA - Form F R B - 3 )

forms are intended for use in connection with controlled evacua­
tion operations in each area as evacuation occurs.
They are for­
warded to you in order that you may be apprised of the procedure to
be followed in this connection.

This form is provided at Civil Control Centers by Federal
Security Agency Representatives to permit evacuees to indicate the
household furniture and other personal property of a substantial
nature, crated articles and inventories of acceptable merchandise
properly crated, which the evacuee proposes to store with us.
use of this form is discussed in Instruction letter No. 11.
As is indicated, this banl-c will arrange warehouse facilities
at ownerTs risk for the above types of property which the evacuees
desire to leave in our care under those circumstances, as each area
is evacuated.
In this connection, Field Representatives are requested to
investigatewarehousing facilities in their respective areas to
determine what storage will be available when the need arises.
Army has request0^ that we do not make use of existing private ware­
house facilities, but that we endeavor to obtain facilities not now
in use or the use of which would not be anticipated for regular
V storage purposes.
In considering storage facilities, it should be borne in
mind that unloading facilities such as door space should be adequate
in order to minimize the need for tying up numerous vans and trucks
at the warehouse point through bottleneck of unloading facilities.


As not only must we arrange for storage but for pickup of
good-s as well, Field Representatives are also requested to explore
with local drayage companies possible arrangements for them to pick
up property from various addresses, moving it to and storing in*
such storage location as may be obtained at which point our repre­
CTOKY sentatives will check it in and guard the goods.

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No, 12.
Page 2.
April 4, 1942.

Please make your preliminary investigation and give us the
results of your survey.
This form is for use in connection with the obligation
placed on this bank to make arrangements for the storage of such
motor vehicles as evacuees may desire to place in our care in openair storage at the risk of the evacuee.
It is intended that this
form shall be completed at the Civil Control Center by our repre­
The plan contemplates that the form will be prepared
from the registration certificate and identification tag of the
evacuee, in triplicate.
The details of the use of the form will be
the subject of a separate Instruction Letter.
It is intended that space will be provided at Assembly
Centers or other places which may be designated later for storage
by this bank at that point.

Assistant Cashier.


W C C A -F O R M

F R B -2

N ame


O wner.

Family N o.

OA ddress
' * at W hich Property Is Located:.

(N U M B E R )


( C IT Y )

( F L O O R , O R AP T. N O . )

(S T A T E )

The property described on the reverse side of this form located at the address given above is delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the United States, at the sole risk of the undersigned. It is agreed that no liability or responsibility shall be assumed
by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for any act or omission in connection with its disposition. It is understood that no insurance
will be provided on this property.
W itnesses------------------------------- ---------------------------------------Signature



O wner_______________________________

Illiterates------ --------------------------------------------------------------Note to Owner:


The list of items appearing on- the reverse side of this form have been placed in storage at the place indicated below with the exception of
those items specifically indicated on the reverse side of this form as not found, or not delivered to the undersigned representative of the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the United States, or as not being of the proper type for storage. The stored items are identified
r as to the number of items, crates, or boxes, and not as to the contents thereof.
Signed._________________________________________ _____________________

Representing the Federal Reserve Ban\ of San Francisco,
as Fiscal Agent of the United States.

DATE— -------------------------------------------------P laced in Storage at.

Before any property will be accepted for storage by the United
States Government four (4) copies of this form must be filled in and
returned to the Civil Control Station at which you registered for
evacuation. On the back of each copy the items to be left for storage
must be carefully listed. Items not on the printed list should be written
in the blank spaces provided on this form.
Small articles must be securely packed in crates or boxes of not less
than two (2) cubic feet capacity and will be indicated simply as to
number of boxes, no attempt being made to itemize on this form the
articles therein. All crates and boxes must be securely packed and
fastened. Each box, crate, or article must be identified with tags obtained
from the Civil Control Station.
No loose bundles of clothes, linens, utensils, or other small or urn
substantial household items will be accepted for storage. Farm products,
farm machinery, automobiles, land, livestock, or pets must not be listed
as personal property on this form.
After all copies of the form have been filled in and returned to the

Civil Control Station, one copy, checked for conformity with the other
three, will be given to the owner of the property. The copy delivered
to the owner will be evidence merely that other copies of the form have
been delivered. At this time the owner must leave the keys to the place
where the property is to be found, or make arrangements to deliver the
keys to the representative of the Evacuee Property Department of the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco before leaving the area of his
The copy delivered to the owner merely shows the number of items,
boxes, and crates which the owner claims he has prepared for storage.
It does not constitute an agreed inventory. It does not constitute a
verified list. It does not constitute any evidence of the number of items
actually stored or of the contents of boxes, crates or packages. Verifica'
tion of the inventory list of items actually stored will be made as storage
is accomplished. A verified list will then be forwarded to the owner.
The copy of the list mailed to the owner will serve as a permanent
record and should be carefully preserved by him.



O W N E R ’S



O W N E R ’S


O W N E R ’S















K I T C H E N — (Con't)


B ookcase

B a ss in ette

B o o k shelves

B e d s , In c l. s p rin g & m a tt.

C h a ir , a rm

D o u b le

C h a ir , O cca s io n a l

S in g le

C h a ir , overstuffed

B o x s p rin g s fo r d o u b le bed

C h a ir , s tra ig h t

B o x s p rin g s fo r s ingle bed

D a v e n p o rt

C a r to n , cloth es


C h a ir , b o u d o ir

L a m p , floo r

C h a ir , s tra ig h t

M u s ic c a b in e t

C h a ir , ro c k e r

P ia n o , G ra n d

C h e st, ce d a r

P ia n o u p r ig h t

C h e st of d ra w e rs

P ia n o bench

C h i l d ’s bed



P h o n o g ra p h

C h il d ’ s ro ck e r

B a rre l

R a d io , c a b in e t

C h i l d ’ s ta b le a n d c h a irs

B a sk e t

R a d io , ta b le m od e l

C h if fo n ie r

B ic y c le

Ro cke r

D re s s e r

B oxe s

R u g , large

D re sser, v a n ity


R u g , s m a ll

D re s s er, v a n ity bench

C a rto n s

R u g , p a d — large

H a m p e r, cloth es

C a r d ta b le

S m o k in g S ta n d

L a m p , floor

C o t, f o ld in g

S to o l, fo o t

L a m p , ta b le (n o s h a d e ) box

D a y bed

S tu d io co uch

N ig h t ta b le

F o ld in g c h a ir

T a b le , coffee

R u g , large

H e a te r

T a b le , d ro p le a f

R u g , s m a ll

L a w n m ow e r

T a b le , end

S u itca s e

M a n g le

T a b le , gateleg

Tru n k

P la y pen

T a b le , lib r a r y

P o rc h c h a ir (w ic k e r )

T a b le , nest

P o rc h ro ck e r

T a b le , occas io n a l

P o rc h d a ve n p o rt

Te le p h o n e sta n d & c h a ir

P o rc h r u g , large





P o rc h ta b le
S e w in g c a b in e t
S e w in g m a ch in e
S te p L a d d e r
T o o l chest
Tu b
V a c u u m cle a n e r
W a s h b o ile r
W a s n in g m a ch in e
W o r k bench



B u ffe t

B ro o m s & M op s, b u n d le

C h a ir , a rm

C h a ir

C h a ir , s tra ig h t

H lg h c h a ir

C h in a closet

Iro n in g b oa rd

D in e tte ta b le

K itc h e n ca b in e t

R u g , large

L in o le u m

R u g , s m a ll

R a n ge

T a b le , e x tensio n

R e frig e ra to r, e le c tric
R e frig e ra to r, Ice
S to o l
T a b le
U t i li t y ca b in e t

If the property herein claimed to have been delivered, and which actually was delivered is lost, damaged, or destroyed
as the result of negligence while it is in the possession or custody of the United States, or of any agency acting for it,
the Congress of the United States will be asked to take ap propriate action for the benefit of the owners.


Instructions to O w ner
To be accepted for storage by the United States Government, the
motor vehicle must be in proper running order.
The procedure for registering and storing a motor vehicle is as follows :
(a) The State Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate for this
vehicle must be submitted at the Civil Control Station,
and three copies of this form (FRB-3) will then be prepared.
(b) Two copies of this form, together with the Registration
Certificate, will be handed to the evacuee for his retention
until arrival at the designated Assembly Center. The third
copy will be retained at the Civil Control Station.
(c) The evacuee will be given an identification tag which he
will tie securely to the steering apparatus of the motor
(d) On arrival at the Assembly Center the evacuee will
deliver to the representative of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco the two copies of this form, the Registration Certificate, and the keys to the vehicle.
(e) The representative of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco will check all numbers on the form and if found
to be correct will acknowledge receipt of the motor vehicle
by signing one copy of the form and delivering it to the
If the motor vehicle described in this form is lost, damaged, or destroyed
as the result of negligence while it is in the possession or custody of the
United States, or any agency acting for it, the Congress of the United
States will be asked to take appropriate action for the benefit of the


d e r a l


e s e r v e
F is c a l A


a n k

g ent of the

o f





U n it e d S t a t e s

April 4, 1942
Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

I n s t r u c t i o n L e t t e r N o . 13


The following is a list of Assembly Centers for ivarious
areas in Military Area No. 1 which the Army has tentative
termined will be available for use in the controlled tevafeuatnS


b 300 ;









estock Expoion
Anita Race Track
.ergo Advanced Depot
Fair Grounds
S e c ’s. 19 & 30, T. 14 N . ,
R . 4 E . , U.D.B.& M . , about
one mile 3.of Marysville
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Sec.32, T.12S., R.20E.,
M.D.B.& H.
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds

In most cases, areas in the Assembly Centers will be
available for the parking of motor vehicles at owner’s risk under
guard provided by this bank; in other cases it may be necessary
for us to arrange for automobile storage space.
The general procedure in the evacuation plan at this time
contemplates the establishment of Civil Control Centers as valves
of the areas to be drained, as those areas are reached, with a
view toward processing the evacuees at that point, including making
arrangements for disposition of their properties, and then direct­
ing the evacuees to the Assembly Center for transportation to re­
settlement areas.
The general program will vary in specific instances, but
the general outline has been determined upon by the .Army.

Assistant Cashier



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an cisco

Fiscal A gent of the United S tates
April 4, 1942

Field. Representatives
Evacuee Property Department


Instruction Letter No.14

o? yoiOR v e h i c l e ;' ,/c c a j o r k f h b -4.

we are enclosing, for your information only,
a memorandum prepared for the use of our representatives
in Civil Control Stations, established or to be established
throughout the military area.
wtfe believe that the information furnished in
this memorandum, together with that contained in the two
forms mentioned, will give you a clear picture ^f the
manner in which the program is progressing, insofar as
motor vehicles are concerned.

Assistant Cashier

■h h h h h h h h h b b


April 4, 1942

EvacueeTs First Visit
One copy of each of these forms should be given to the
evacuee on his first visit, in order that he might study them
and know the contents thereof*
Evacuee's Second Visit
The State Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate, for the
vehicle, must be submitted at the Civil Control Station and should
immediately be Checked to see that the owner's signature appears
on the reverse.
Three copies of each form should be prepared at this time
and WCCA Forms FRB-3 and FRB-4 should be stapled together in sets.
Two sets, together with the Registration Certificate, and ,,
an identification tag which the evacuee will, tie securely on the dr
steering apparatus of the motor vehicle, should be placed in an
envelope and handed to the evacuee at this time, with instructions
t* bring all of these dc cements to the designated automO.bile stor­
age'point at the proper time.
The third set should be retained
as office copies/
ALTERNATIVE NO* 2. (Bell to Army)
If Alternative No. 2 has been indicated, and the evacuee
is the legal owner of the motor vehicle, he must at this time
present the Ownership Certificate, duly endorsed (lines 1 and 2 an
reverse) and the Ownership Certificate should be attached to the
office s a t ~oT~ DUG a Form FRB-3 and FRB-4,
The endorsements must be
exactly the same as the name inscribed on the face of the form.
If Alternative No. 2 has been selected and the evacuee is
hot the legal owner of the motor vehicle, the Ownership Certifi­
cate, being in the hands ^f the legal owner, will obviously not be
Delivery of Automobiles at the Place of Storage
From the above, you will observe that when the evacuee ar­
rives at the place of storage, the only documents he will present,
will be the tag to be placed on the steering apparatus, two sets
of WCCA Form FRB-3 and FRB-4 and the Registration Certificate.
this point, all the numbers appearing on WCCA Form FRB-^?should be
thoroughly checked, together with the information concerning ac­
cessories, etc., and any exceptions should be noted on both copies
of the form.
Inspection should be made to see that t'he tag is se­
curely tied to steering apparatus.
The space provided for "Receipt
for Vehicle" on WCCA Form FRB-3 (both copies), should be completed
and one set handed to the evacuee.
The remaining set should be
held and delivered to the Main Office of the Evacuee Property De­
partment, together with the Registration Certificate and the Keys.


San Francisco, California

Evacuees will not be permitted to take their motor vehicles to reception centers.
No assurance whatever can be given that evacuees will be enabled at some future time
to have the motor vehicles now owned by them returned for their individual use.
The United States Army is authorized, in its discretion, to purchase motor vehicles
from evacuees.
Prior to evacuation, motor vehicles may be stored, sold or otherwise disposed of
by the owner privately, without governmental interference or assistance.
The other alternatives presented to the evacuee who owns a motor
vehicle are as follows:
Alternative 1. To deliver his motor vehicle to Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the United States, for storage at the
mer's risk, without insurance; which storage will, in most instances, be
open areas (at Assembly Centers or other designated places) and
V must of necessity be of a character which will subject motor vehicles to
a more or less rapid deterioration.
Alternative 2. To offer his motor vehicle for sale to the United
States on the following basis:
The motor vehicle will be appraised by two disinterested appraisers
• and, in its discretion and at its option, the Army may buy the motor
vehicle at the appraised price which shall not, however, exceed the Blue
Book wholesale value in the locality where the purchase is consummated.

!s A

A. If the evacuee is NOT the legal owner of the motor vehicle,
in order to arrange for a sale to the Army, he must present to the Fed'
eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the United
States, at the Civil Control Station, or such other place as may be
directed, the following:
1. Registration certificate, duly endorsed.
2. The agreement on the reverse hereof, duly signed and witnessed.
3. Such other authorization and assurance as may be required by
the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the
United States.
In case the evacuee is not the legal owner, it must be clearly under'
stood that if the indebtedness against the motor vehicle is equal to or

greater than the appraised value so that the evacuee has no equity,
no sale to the United States will be consummated. In such an instance
the right of any creditor to repossess or recapture, as provided by law,
will not be resisted by the custodian of the motor vehicle.
B. If the evacuee IS the legal owner of the motor vehicle, he must,
in addition to the foregoing, present the ownership certificate, duly

Included in the term “motor vehicle” are the following:
1. Passenger cars, light and medium. Heavy passenger cars in order
to come within the purchasable category must be classed as “medium”,
as the Army is not authorized to purchase any “heavy” passenger cars.
2. Motorcycles.
3. Busses and trucks of all types, including pick'up and delivery
trucks; and tractors, including semi'truck tractors.
It is not intended to include within the term “motor vehicle” those
self-propelled motor vehicles suited only for farm operation.
In the event that the sale of any motor vehicle is not completed or
appears not feasible, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as Fiscal
Agent of the United States, acting for and as agent of the evacuee,
reserves the right to store such motor vehicle at the owner’s risk, as
above set forth, or to make such other disposition of such motor vehicle
as may, in its sole discretion, appear to be just and equitable, including
the right to permit the legal owner of such motor vehicle to take his
legal recourse for repossession or otherwise.
It is intended that the above procedure will provide a feasible means
of protecting the interests of evacuees in their motor vehicles, without
prejudice to the interests of others therein, and thus will effect an equitable disposition of such property.

W C C A F O R M F R B -4

Agreem ent Regarding Disposition of Motor Vehicle

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undersigned has read and understands the instruct
tions on the reverse hereof regarding the disposition of the motor vehicle described on
WCCA Form FRB'3, [to be attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein if
this Agreement is signed] which the undersigned has signed concurrently herewith.
Said instructions and those on the reverse of WCCA Form FRB'3 are a part of this
The undersigned desires to dispose of the aforesaid motor vehicle according to
Alternative No. _____ set forth on the reverse hereof, and requests the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco, as Fiscal Agent of the United States, to act accordingly. If the
accomplishment of the alternative herein selected appears to said Bank, in its sole dis'
cretion, impossible or not feasible, said Bank is authorized to make such other disposition
of said motor vehicle as it deems proper.
Said motor vehicle is delivered to said Bank at the sole risk of the undersigned, and
it is agreed that no liability or responsibility shall attach to said Bank for any act or omis'
sion in connection with the handling of said motor vehicle or disposition of the proceeds
The undersigned further agrees, upon demand, to reimburse the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco, Fiscal Agent of the United States, in full for all charges and
expenses incurred in connection with the disposition of said motor vehicle, and authorizes
and instructs said Bank to deduct from the proceeds of the sale of said motor vehicle
any of such expenses incurred.
Executed at___ —----------------------------this-------— day of-------------------------, 1942.
Family No.

Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United S tates
April 4, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 19.


We have previously stressed that information
contained in Instruction Letters is of a confidential
nature, however, information contained in printed
forms which are already being used in Civil Control
Stations, is in the hands of the public and you should
discuss freely such information contained therein,
with persons interested in the subject.
The Instruction
Letters are for your own further guidance in such dis­
The program of storing motor vehicles, furni­
ture, etc., has been established and although we will
not give service along these lines until the particular
area is to be evacuated, you may nevertheless inform
evacuees that such services will be available.

Assistant Cashier.

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 17.


The following is a revised list of Assembly Centers for
various areas which the Army has tentatively determined will be
available for use in the evacuation program:







Fair Grounds
Golden Hop Yard near




San Bruno







Near Phoenix



Int. Livestock

Santa Anita Race Track
Tanforan Race Track
Wallergo Advanced Depot
Fair Grounds
S e c ’s; 19 & 3 0 , T. 14N.,
R.4E., U.D.B.&M., about
one mile S. of Marysville
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
Sec. 32, T.12S., R.20E.,
M.D.B. & M.
Fair Grounds
Fair Grounds
CCC Cave Creek Camp
CCC Mayer Camp

This supersedes Instruction letter No. 13 and Memorandum


Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United S tates


April 10, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. l8.


While storage facilities under the supervision of
this bank will not be provided for evacuees under present
plans, before controlled evacuation occurs in each area, it
is recognized that many practical difficulties will be in­
volved, particularly in the rural areas, in arranging for the
pick up and storage of the properties of evacuees during the
short time available in any given evacuation operation.
In view of this fact we are encouraging evacuees
to make preliminary storage arrangements so far as they may
care to do so at their own risk and on their own account,
with a view toward having their properties deposited in some
central location in each area from which they can be picked
up and stored by us at the time of evacuation.
In many cases
evacuees are depositing their properties at their own church
or association premises with this objective in view.
it will be necessary at the time actual evacuation operations
are started to request evacuees to take additional steps in
identifying their properties by tag and to otherwise place
them in proper condition for storage.



It is believed that the best interests of evacuees
will be served wherever they can make preliminary arrangements
of this character.
Please inform us as to the solution you propose to
find for your area.

Vice President.



Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United States
April 10, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department


Instruction letter No.



Reference is made to Instruction Letters No. 4 (Special Blocked
Property) and No. 8 (Exercise of Freezing Control).
We have every reason to believe that evacuation in remaining
areas will be carried forward in a comparatively short time.. Experience
indicates that the actual evacuation is greatly facilitated when proper­
ty problems have been satisfactorily adjusted prior to notice of evacu­
ation. We therefore urge that every effort be made to contact potential
evacuees in your area to the end that a solution be found to any proper­
ty problems they may have.
We wish to reiterate that it is our responsibility to see that
such settlements are carried through on an equitable basis. It is not
sufficient merely to advise the evacuee to settle his affairs or consult
his creditors. You should, in each instance, go sufficiently into the
details of the problem to satisfy yourself as to the character of the
problem and then follow through until you have definite knowledge that
it has reached a satisfactory conclusion.
We further request that you review your interview files and,
in instances in which advice was given but you do not know the final dis­
position, that you endeavor to contact the evacuee and learn from him the
results of his efforts. This will then enable you to complete your file.
Your reports and records should fully set forth a complete
history of the case so that in future the file will reflect fully the
problem presented and the solution arrived at. Remember, undoubtedly
cases will be found in the future in which we shall be called upon to de­
fend our actions.
That we have not had referred to us more critical cases raises
a question in our minds as to whether field representatives are getting
close enough to the problems presented, and being thorough enough in
their investigations. We of course do not welcome the use of the freez­
ing power; nevertheless, such power is available and, as previously in­
structed, you should promptly contact the office of the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco in your zone if its use seems desirable.

Federal R eserve Bank of S an Francisco
F is c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s
April 11, 1942
Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 20.


Following is the text'of a memorandum dated April 8, 1942, from
Colonel Karl R. Bendetsen, Assistant Chief of Staff, Civil Affairs
Division, Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, relating to the
above subject:
On the assumption that the matter of designating military
areas and zones is one for continuing study and that there will
be necessity for the future clarification/ correction and exten­
sion of Military Areas, and particularly Prohibited Zones'A, as
already set forth in Public Proclamations No. 1 and No, 2, it
is desired that all communications, data, files and information
bearing upon this subject be assembled for the purpose of study
and the determination of a general policy in this regard.
The major part of the information available in this connec­
tion will appear in the correspondence and written recommenda­
tions that have reached this Division, either direct or by
transmittal from Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth
In addition to the material that has already been as­
sembled, it is assumed that there are also communications scat­
tered throughout the Division which have been retained by various
Sections for lack of information as to where they should be for­
warded or for the purpose of handling additional matters referred
to therein not related to the subject matter of this memorandum.
I t is directed that all such communications, data, files
and information referred to heretofore received, be forwarded to
Captain Truman R. Young, Room 420, to reach him not later than
Friday, April 10, 1942, and that similar disposition be made of
such material received in the future.
Any suggestions or ideas that WCCA personnel may have on
the matter of the readjustment of military areas, prohibited and
restricted zones, which may have occurred to him by reason of
participation in activities of the Division, or that may have
been communicated to him orally from outside sources, will be
placed in the form of a written memorandum and referred to
Captain Young within the time specified in the foregoing."


Any information of the character referred to which is now
in jyour hands or which may come to your attention in the
future should be forwarded to the office of the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco with which ; ou are affiliated for transmission to the proper authorities







Federal R eser v e Bank of S a n Francisco
F is c a l A g e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s
April 24, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department

Instruction letter No. 21.


Considerable confusion has existed as to the definition of
Mfarn machinery” and as to the eligibility of property which night
conceivably fall within that definition for the benefits of Alterna­
tive No. 2 contained in WCCA Form FRB-4.
After consultation between this bank and the Farm Security
Administration the following matters have been determined upon by the
military authorities:

All machinery and equipment primarily susceptible of use
in farm operations shall be subject to disposition or
care under the supervision of the Farm Security Admini­


The determination of the proper classification of machinery
and equipment will be made at each Civil Control Station
by consultation between the representatives of the Farm
Security Administration and this bank with respect to such


The basis of classification of such machinery and equipment
shall be whether it is the type which an implement dealer
can ordinarily sell to farm trade, this exclusive of trucks
of all types.


Trucks and all other equipment which does not fall within
the foregoing definition of farm equipment will be re­
garded as qualifying for disposition by this bank under
either of the alternatives set forth on WCCA Form FRB-4.

It is believed that close cooperation between our Field
Representatives and the Farm Security Administration will result in
the solution of any problems with respect to the foregoing, and our
Field Representatives are requested to extend full cooperation in
this regard.

Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United S tates
April 25, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department


Instruction letter No. 22

Japanese Evacuation Operations

Attached is a copy of a memorandum from
Headquarters, Y/estern Defense Command and Fourth Army
dated April 23, 1942, setting forth the general
instructions regarding evacuation operations.
As the memorandum indicates, additional
specific instructions will be provided regarding each
operation as it occurs in a given area; however, the
accompanying instructions will apply to all operations.

Assistant Cashier*


Off ice of the Commanding General
Presidio of San Francisco, California.
April 23, 1942
SUBJECT; Japanese Evacuation Operations
All Sector Commanders
All Civilian Agencies, Wartime
Civil Control Administration


1. References:
Public Proclamation No. 1, this Headquarters, March 2, 1942
Public Proclamation No. 2, this Headquarters, March l6, 1942
Public Proclamation No. 3* this Headquarters, March 24 , 1942
Public Proclamation No. 4. this Headquarters, March 27, 1942
Public Proclamation No. 5 . this Headquarters, March 30 , 1942
The following instructions will guide the activities of Sector Commanders and Civilian Agencies
in the evacuation processes. The instructions contained herein will replace the separate directives which
previously have been forwarded for each evacuation project. The practice of distributing such separate
directives is discontinued. It is contemplated that only such advance information as is pertinent to an
evacuation project will be forwarded.
3. The evacuation of all Japanese, both aliens and non-aliens, from the area of the Western
Defense Command will be directed by this Headquarters. Pending the resettlement of such persons by the
War Relocation Authority, evacuees will be provided temporary shelter and other facilities at Assembly
Centers and Reception Centers.
4. Numbered Exclusion Orders issued from this Headquarters with Instructions pertaining thereto
will provide for the exclusion by a specific time of all Japanese, both aliens and non-aliens, from a
specifically described area. The Sector Commanders are charged with the supervision of the evacuation
from their respective Sectors of all affected oersons within such areas to Assembly Centers or Reception
Centers to be designated by this Headquarters. They will cause Exclusion Orders and Instructions pertain­
ing thereto to be posted at prominent points throughout the prescribed areas during such hours as are
specified by this Headquarters. A suitable supply of such Orders and Instructions will be furnished by
this Headquarters at the earliest practicable date preceeding the effective date of each Exclusion Order,
The Officers specifically charged with the posting of Exclusion Orders and Instructions pertaining there­
to will execute certificates of such posting to include the area, the date, the time and manner of postmg. These certificates will be forwarded to this Headquarters within twelve hours after completion of
5. For the purpose of registering and processing evacuees, Civil Control Stations will be lo­
cated in each area to be evacuated. The Federal Security Agency will locate, establish, organize, and
operate these installations. That agency is authorized to deal directly with the Office of Emergency
Management and other Federal Agencies as may be needed in the establishment and operation of Control
Stations. Within each such station there will be included appropriate sections to render services
applicable to the several interested Civilian Agencies. The Civilian Agencies concerned will provide
lor the personnel and the instruction of the personnel assigned to these sections. The Supervisor of
each section will control all matters pertaining to the services rendered by his particular Civilian Agency.
6. The manager of each Control Station will be named by the Federal Security Agency. This man­
ager will receive instructions with reference to the evacuation project from the representative of the
Sector Commander at the Control Station and will be responsible for the distribution and execution of these
instructions by Supervisors of sections within the Control Station.
7. The several Civilian Agencies will control the services rendered by their representatives at
Control Stations but, insofar as the coordination and operation of the installation as a whole is concern­
ed, Supervisors of sections will receive their instructions from the manager of the Control Station.
8. The Federal Security Agency, the Department of Agriculture, and the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco will provide for necessary general services such as:
a. The registration of all evacuees.
b. The medical examination of all evacuees either during processing or after their
arrival at an Assembly Center.
£. Medical aid, including hospitalization, and social welfare service for and
during the processing.

d. The settlement and protection of ?ill the real and personal property of the
evacuees, including the registration of those private automobiles belonging
to evacuees to be used as transportation to an Assembly Center.
_e. Storage facilities for items not otherwise disposed of, parking and immo­
bilization of private automobiles at the Assembly Center or other designated
place, and provision for prooer policing thereof.
f\ All forms, and operating details incidental to the foregoing, and the main­
tenance of an adequate filing system for all documents and other data assem­
bled in connection with a particular project or comoination of projects.
9* A physician will be made available by the Federal Security Agency at the Civil Control Station
during the entire period of registration and processing to attend invalid and other exception medical cases.
10. In addition to their prescribed functions, the Civilian Agencies mentioned above will assist
the Sector Commander in the discharge of his duties pertaining to the evacuation.
11. The Sector Commander will provide such military personnel as he deems necessary for and dur­
ing the registration and processing of evacuees.
12. Sector Commanders will be responsible for the supervision of all movements of evacuees from
affected areas in their respective Sectors to the destination designated by this Headquarters. Arrange­
ments for all transportation other than by private conveyance will be made by tiiis Headquarters for move­
ments of evacuees from control stations in affected areas to Assembly Centers and Reception Centers. Any
additional transportation for evacuees within an affected area will be arranged for locally by the Sector
13 .
In certain cases where specifically directed by this Headquarters, evacuees will be oermitted to use their own private automobiles as transportation to an Assembly Center. All orivate auto­
mobiles so used will first have been registered with the representative of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco at the Control Station and provision made by that Agency for the disposition of such
automobiles upon arrival at the Assembly Center. As soon as is practicable after registration, the
Sector Commander will cause a schedule of such movement to be prepared for the Civil Control Station
concerned and provide for adequate supervision of convoys of not more than twenty-five cars each. Arrivals
of these groups of automobiles will be spaced throughout the travel day with emphasis being placed upon
morning arrivals in order to permit the early settlement of evacuees at the point of destination.
14» The Sector Commander will provide such military personnel as he deems necessary for and durmg all movements of evacuees. In addition thereto, appropriate maintenance nersonnel and wrecking equip­
ment will be provided by the Sector Commanders for all movements in supervised grouos involving the use of
private automobiles by evacuees.
1 5 . The Federal Security Agency will provide medical aid, to include an appropriate number of
physicians, and social welfare service for and during all bus and train movements of evacuees from Control
Stations in the affected areas to Assembly Centers and Reception Centers. For movements of evacuees by
private automobiles, the federal Security Agency will make appropriate arrangements for medical service.
16. It is contemplated that the number of evacuees moved from one affected area under a given
project will not exceed five hundred per day and the number of evacuees arriving at any one Assembly
Center or Reception Center from all areas being evacuated under simultaneous operations will not exceed
one thousand per day. If practicable, rail transportation will be utilized for all movements involving
travel of more than one hundred miles and for all trips during vrhich a meal must be served to the evacuees.
At least one tourist-sleeper will be provided for each train to insure appropriate accommodations for
medical cases. Cnee the mode of transportation has been established and a schedule determined, evacuees
will be assigned by the manager of the Control Station to a particular bus, street-car, railroad-car or
motor convey in sufficient numbers as directed by the Sector Commander, Close liaison between the repre­
sentatives of the Sector Commander at the Control Station and the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4, this
Headquarters. is essential during the entire period of processing, in order to coordinate specific trans­
portation requirements and transportation schedules. In the preparation of all transportation schedules,
primary consideration should be given to the capacity of a given Assembly Center or Reception Center to
assimilate properly the arriving evacuees. In this connection, movements from affected areas will be
coordinated so that all arrivals will be spaced and timed as early as is practicable during daylight
hours in order to insure proper settlement in the Center prior to darkness. Sector Commanders will des­
ignate specifically a train Commander for each train used in transportating evacuees from his Sector to
a Center. Similarly, Commanders will he specifically designated for all other group movements of evacuees.
17. Sector Commanders trill inform other Sector Commanders concerned if the route of a movement
of evacuees frem his Sector to an Assembly Center or Reception Center requires the crossing of, or move­
ment into, another Sector. This action is designed to obviate tactical complications and the oossibility
of rail and highway congestion.
18. Sector Commanders trill cause the following reports to be made at the times indicated:

A. At noon and at 5;CO p.m. of each day of registration a statement as of that
time showing the total number of families registered and the total number of
individuals to be evacuated thereunder, will be forwarded by wire or tele­
type to the Wartime Civil Control Administration, I23 I Market Street, San
Francisco, California.
b. At least forty-eight hours prior to departure of evacuees, a statement
showing the exact number of persons who will require rail or bus transpor­
tation to the Assembly Center or Reception Center will be forwarded by
wire or teletype to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4* Headquarters,
Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, Presidio of San Francisco,
c. At least forty-eight hours prior to departure of evacuees for Assembly
Centers or Reception Centers, a statement showing the total number of per­
sons for which lunches are to be orepared, will be forwarded by wire or
teletype to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4, Headquarters Western Defense
Command and Fourth Army, Presidio of San Francisco, California. In render­
ing this report, full consideration should be given to the number of chil­
dren and infants requiring food and formula milk and ingredients.
d. At least twenty-four hours prior to departure of evacuees, the Manager of
the Assembly Center or Reception Center concerned, will be informed by the
most expeditious means of the total number of evacuees to be expected with
the mode or modes of travel, date, and the probable time of arrival.
e. Upon departure of evacuees, a statement showing the exact number of evacuees
who departed, the type of transportation utilized, the number of private
cars in any and all convoys, with the date and the probable time of arrival
thereof, will be forwarded to the Manager of the Assembly Center or Rec­
eption Center concerned, by the most expeditious means.
f. Upon departure of evacuees for Assembly Centers or Reception Centers, a
statement showing the exact number of evacuees who departed, the tyoe of
transportation utilized, the number of private automobiles in any and all
convoys, the time of departure and the destinations of such movements will
be forwarded by wire or teletype to the Wartime Civil Contr>l Administration.
1231 Market Street, San Francisco, California,
g. Timely information will be forwarded to the Manager of the Assembly Center
or Reception Center concerned in order that appropriate arrangements can be
made for unloading, if the nature of the baggage or other equipment forward­
ed with evacuees to the Assembly Center or Reception Center cannot be ade­
quately handled by the evacuees.
h. Within seventy-two hours after the completion of the evacuation of any
specified area, the Sector Commander will forward a report covering the
operation of the evacuation project with such recommendations as he desires
to make thereon, to the Wartime Civil Control Admini strati on, 1231 Market
Street, San Francisco, California.
i. Within seventy-two hours after the completion of the evacuation of any
specified area, the Control Station Manager and the Supervisor of each
Civilian Agency involved in the evacuation project will forward through their
immediate superiors, a report covering their actions in connection with such
evacuation project with such recommendations as they desire to make, to the
Wartime Civil Control Administration, 1231 iiarket Street, San Francisco,
California. Copies of the reports by the Civilian Agencies concerned with
each evacuation project will be made available to the Federal Security Agency
at the time they are submitted to the Wartime Civil Control Administration.
Aliens failing to comply with the Exclusion Order and the Instructions issued thereunder are
subject to immediate apprehension and detention. Alien and non-alien Japanese alike are subject to the
penalties provided by Public Law No. 503* 77th Congress, approved March 21, 1942, entitled, "An Act to
Provide a Penalty for Violation of Restrictions or Orders with Respect to Persons Entering, Remaining in,
Leaving, or Committing any Act in Military Areas or Zones". Sector Commanders will make suitable provisions
for bringing this matter to the attention of the Federal Civil Authorities for any necessary action. Sector
Commanders are authorized to call upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the enforcement of the statute
and for the apprehension of any aliens failing to comply with published orders and instructions.
By Command of Lieutenant General DeWitt:
(signed) Hugh T, Fullerton
Captain A. G. D.
Distribution "M"
Assistant Adjutant General

Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United S tates
Nay 1, 1942
Field Representatives
Rvaouee Property Department


Instruction Letter No. 23


In addition to the freezing powers available to this
bank under S^ec'al Peculation No. 1, set forth in Evacuee Property
Department Circular No. 1, for the protection of evacuees, widen
is ordinarily set in motion at the request of the evacuee, this
bank has at its disposal the assistance of the Foreign Funds
Control Investigative Unit of the Treasury Department lor the
investigation of transactions where such a step seems appropriate.
Fou may encounter cases which, in your opinion, demand
inquiry into the motives and good faith of persons dealing with
evacuees, even though the evacuee may be satisfied with the
arrangement he contemplates or may already have made.
Oases of
this character should be referred to the office of this bank with
which you are associated, in order that they may be brought to the
attention of the Investigative Section to wnich they should proper­
ly be presented, rather than enforcement agencies whose interest
tnerein might be doubtful.
It is not intended that all transactions which involve
the Question of exercise of the freezing power be so submitted,
but it is our thought that we should make use of this facility
where the services of an investigative agency would be warranted,
particularly where fraud or disnonesty might be involved.
step should certainly be taken where illegality is suspected.

Assistant Cashier.



Federal R eserve Bank of San Francisco
Fiscal A gent of the United S tates


June 24, 1942

Field Representatives
Evacuee Property Department


Instruction Letter No. 24


The following is the substance of a memorandum from
Colonel Bendetsen, dated June 9, 1942, directed to all agencies serving
in or with the Wartime Civil Control Administration:


Personal dealings with Evacuees
All Agencies serving in or with
'Wartime Civil Control Administration

It has come to my attention that there may have
been personal financial transactions or negotiations
between personnel serving in or with the Wartime Civil
Control Administration and Japanese evacuees.
Any such practice by persons connected with the
Wartime Civil Control Administration in any capacity
cannot be tolerated and it is requested that you
caution any of your officers or employees serving
with or in Wartime Civil Control Administration that
they are required to confine their relationships and
dealings with such evacuees to official business only.
No personal business of any nature between Wartime
Civil Control Administration personnel and such
evacuees is permitted."
We understand that the memorandum has been given general
circulation among all of the agencies working with the Wartime Civil
Control Administration and their personnel.

Vice President






