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Protests, Boundaries of FRDistricts Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Full cut '850R - Hatt cut 1,8502R - Third tut t 8503R Fifth cut *8505R, :UTI;MWM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /2-) o Octob.)r 1914. ' Sir; On *Doh41f ot the Paaeral Rotiorva Board roceipt is acknoaedvd of ‘ of Cept3r.bor 22114,kand the fact that yaw havo •J no potition nor cornplAnt to fr,' a3ai nst Iho dacizsion of tho Rcoorvo Bank Orsanization Comittoa in namin ,..; th:3 Fodoma reservocitil .4.n1 the district,' t4 b3 orvod by o7lch,ha l blon (11:17 noted. it'Appotru1_y, Socrotxxy. J. H. Thitocido, Caohier, The Pint Nat'l Bank, Rvn, Oklahona. • :epteub9r 'ear 'clnator T hcve your sets of Septeu!Ar "Cth, enckling lotto, fro r. Harrition en the subject of a hoarirq, to *or given on co- rutition for change of iAlahol.n. fro: it i uvt 1ti rosont diotrict. thio boforo the 'eservt. 'card, orj wo fully a3drealtttm t'.at it iht L;cvsibly be nwic.nard to rnwljust lino s ;4`t^r thr lymks are opened,. but I thin;: you ,-.1.11 eeo that if -lerc to ',mit for the dItylmination of ,111 the petitions Out havn tc fAmd, OC.W.8 3IX in nubnr, for relpoval fro., one dintrict to fino%h42,r, it would einla y the orcenisetion of th meerve itunke for a very long tirt. ly llornible,thst w bnfur: St in r, r i9 1,:) - osib2e„ nt:..y be a It is, of course, bahq- e t4 pive' tho doared for.-“alifr irir% t4i1l clndif and you cur) b04Vr,, o/so. Very nincerely your's, (Signed) c S Hamlin- Governor of thll noard. Yon. 'obert L. Owen. nit'drA,ntee f,enato, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis idci\ 51 • BERT L. OWEN, OKLA , CHAIRMAN. HITCHCOCK, NEBR. KNUTE NELSON, MINN. • •• 00N111) HLE JOSEPH L. BRISTOW, KANS. EEO. MO. MERENE, OHIO. COE I. CRAWFORD. S. OAK. SHAFROTH, COLO. F. HOLLIS, N. H. GEORGE P. MC LEAN, CONN. JOHN W. WEEKS. MASS. R LEE. MD. UNITED STATES SENATE, JAMES W. BELLER. CLERK. • COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCYL ) Hon. Charles S. Hamlin, Governor, Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Department. 7:y dear Governor: I enclose a letter and clinning from 'Ir. 7. B. Harrison, the `7ecretary of the Oklahoma Banking Association, with regard to the qurstfon of hearing the protests on the districting of the FeCteral Reserve Banks. I should be glad to talk wit:_ you in regard to this at your convenience. After the tanks T)ay their money into a 'reserve bank and receive stock, it would be somewhat more award to readjust the lines. Yours, respectfully 7 . 71, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of .4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BCVISIU A S-t'lpte--1:er 22,, 1914. Sir: Oa behalf tht; . Foil:xi...1 Rosary.° Board, receipt is Haknowladf;od of your letter r_rotostiac; a.tnt any retition to lace tho Stz.--,te of 02..J.E.filoma in the Er'snr.,..c. C tty Pectorra Reserve District, and exprossinc the that the Federal Reserve Bi...tnics should be orgwaized as promptly as possible. In reply you are advised that your views will be brought to the early attention of the Federal Reserve Board, Respectfully, 1.1r, J. A. Gilb,nt, Cashier, Far:ors & liferclInnts 11:-Lte1 Ref. Oklahoma. •E. L. WORRELL, PRESIDENT. 0. B. GARRISON, VICE-PRESIDENT. J. H. WHITESIDE, CASHIER. R. E. FISHpR, Ass—r CASHIER. TH E Fi RST NATI0 N A L BAIrc:14ik CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Your favor RESERVE.,BOARD SURPLUS, $10,000.00 the 10th inst 1 received enclosing Regulation No.1 and beg to say that we have no petition nor complaint to make again3 the Organization Committee's decision; We are well pleased with the location of the Reserve City and also of being within the District in which we are, No. 11. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Could not have placed us better. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .3 ! . • r)N1' • \ Septemer 9, 1:)14. It; dear Senator: Vor yeur;infolmaxtIrdn 4nd in further rosponse to ycur octomuniction on the euliject, eacloaed flnd a ooy of the proaa.ilxe zealit from t14 decision of .the 1Wservo a:alk Or(;anistItn Committee, duplic.tto of ,4:lich has been sent to eadh bank individually represented ih tho corz-i;spoildenco trInaIliftcd by ycu to tiiis offiau. v%Ktuirermen.A cot :orth in tie) con.0113d a 110 for the hea-ring in lerich you Ara intr,,rest o T. shall be vory t4 eso *at ycu are proctly I mr, riture.t41; z'ca. yoJt ?Lica A lettEr 'leach wAs,„orMdefathidvertently, iholuacd la the correspondence above. :(47 truly yours. Secretary pro tem. Ilon. Robert L. 0:en, United States ',79.shingtont C. "m!losurne (2). r r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ?JD PAID 1. Septerber 8, 1914. vy dear Congressman: For your information and 1.11, further reoprmse to y_qpr_communicatiamleAl l the subject, oncloseci find a the procedure in appeals from the decision of the Rectorve Bank Organization Comrittee. when the requirements sot ' forth in the enclonurn have been cerplied with ane. a (1.: set for the hoirin- in which you are intereeted, T shall take pleasure in sceine7 that you are prompily . notified. Vary truly yours, 7scrotary pro tom. Pon. Scott Ferris, House of nnpronnntAtivon, Vashington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BONn 1070'. September 86 1914. doar Corv,realman: For your information and in_ 4// . furtlqr .-ospcnon t, ) 7-ur_aymmunicatAtmlii // te subject, enclosed-find a copi at the Irocedyrn in a from the decision of the eserve I3nk OrganizatIon Committee. Mon tho rquiremont7., set enclosure forth in tho haye born complied with and a date aot for the holrinc; In which you are interoeteri o T shall take pleasure In aeoinl that y are prorrIly notified. Very truly yours, 9ocrotaty pro tor!. Hon. William H. Yurray, House of Reprenentatives, Washington, D. C. i.DLAW‘L To the Federal Riikrve Board, Washington, D. C. /0.1.;,z Gentlemen:Believing t division of the state a most severe blow to the commercial i ests ovthe entire state, we, the under -V signed citizens of 41,/ Adei Okla., petition your honZ orable body to place the State of Oklahoma in one district with headquarters at Kansas City. We feel this state is homogeneous, that its commerce to a large extent inter-dependent, and that all of the towns and cities of the state can more conveniently transact their business with each other through one common center. Name Business // / r ...-a-T AjuLA /15ju, Q A‘. A1-1- 17/L,, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,( FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FILE To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. ./c-3(-:'• :-ae9/ * Gentlemen:Believing the division of the state a most severe blow to the commercial interests of the entire state, we, the undersigned citizens of --;"(""' ; t‘e itpt Okla., petition your hon orable body to place the State of Oklahoma in one district with headquarters at Kansas City. We feel this state is homogeneous, that its commerce to a large extent inter-dependent, and that all of the towns and cities of the state can more convenient]y transact their business with each other through one common center. Name Business c„:47,7 0-7( 4 cfj 0 6(4 rv'iNP: or KONAWA; OKLA - , --- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SEP c,r-31•4 1914 10, OFFICERS H. M. SPALDING, President, North Enid T. H. DWYER, Vice President, Chickasha H. A. McCAULEY, Vice President, Sapulpa W. B. HARRISON, Secretary, Oklahoma City J. W. TETER, Treasurer. Bristow Val/ 1 4\'' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE , . ''1()i \ L. E. PHILLIPS, Chairman. Bartlesville\ H. H. ANDERSON Gotebo , , R. P. BREWER, •!Iles00. P. C. DINGS - dit. . ,... re ,., CHAS. L. ENGLE "t- -;AElReno GERMAIT:Fl ...15 - Tonkawa J. A. HO Gage , T..P. MARTIN,Jr. Oklahoma City ..------"RALPH REED Porurn (Lawton GUY C. ROBERTSON ' , OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 908 COLCORD OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA. :.lip'ust 26, 1014. The Federal Reserve Board, 7ashington, D. C. Gentlemen:- Will you Le kind enow:h to furnish this office with a coy of the rules recently adopted setting forth the proper procedure to be follettar —TE-77T—T)-1-1 portion a a district desires to be transferred to another district. Thanking you in advance, I am, Very truly yours, EITS1/,-.TERE.D SEP 4 1914 , \0\61 Cotricalt.10 err% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7_ ;lecretary. RAN DOLPH LAWRENCE,PREstDENT F. H WIC K ETT. Vice PaEs'T F. E.GILMORE, CASHIER EO.P.KUYKE N DALL,AserCAsni. _MERCHANTS FARMESTH AND ,) CAPITAL $25,000 P.2. NATIONAL BANK $URp,,..„ ?..5°45P.P E.1)t..V,N1..--SVESEPIE. BONRD I- II_E_ \ ROFF, OKLAHOMA Ausust 25, 1914. 7eserve Eank Or, zanization Colnmittee, Washinzton, D. C. Sirs:We understand that there is a novo on foot to place the entire state of Oklahoma in the Kansas City Peserve District. the1a3 iitrict il1 be us able to take care of our n - 7us for funds as the KansFts City district, 7refe7 that the Tistricts be left as they are, for the reason that we are a cotton sroviins section, and our needs are ientical with most on the banks of the Dallas district. We are not in favor of any move that will ::clay the completion of the orilanization of the 7eserve nanke. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very • truly, FARMTMS & 71ERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Inv RECEUITED AUG 2 019j4 Res. Bank Org. Committee • L. OWEN, OKLA., CHAIRMAN. GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK, NEBR. JAMES A. REED, MO. 11 1 1 KNUTE NELSON. MINN. JOSEPH L. BRISTOW, KANS. ATLEE POMERENE. OHIO. JOHN F. SHAFROTH. COLO. HENRY F. HOLLIS. N. H BLAIR LEE, MD. COE I. CRAWFORD, S. DAK. JAMES W • GEORGE P. MC LEAN, CONN. JOHN W. WEEKS, MASS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C UNITED STATES SENATE, BELLER, CLERK. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND I.HIRENCY1A010.)1 54 \9\4 g.s-v6 Veik-IkKk" CO August 24, 191.4. Governor Charles S. Hamlin, Treasury, Washington, D. C. Lly. dear Governor: I transmit for your consideration a telegrnm just received from the First National Btu* withdrawing its opposition to the division of Oklahoma between Kansas City and Dallas. Respectfully, WEFEj WESTERN UNWN / /GEORGE W. E. ATKINS. TEL VICE-PRESIDENT NEWCOMB CARLTON, UNION Form 1864 AM PRESIDENT BELVIDERE BROOKS, VICE-PRESIDENT R,gy,Ep._ AT IS/Stern Union tel. Uc. VALLIANT OKLA AUG 21 14 Office Senate P. 0. Phone Branch ik7 R L OWEN, U S S WASHN DC WITHDRAW OUR OPPOS I T I ON TO DIVISION OF STATE KANSASC I TY DALLAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST NATL BANK 332P- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis // 42'4 7,/ Juno 23, 1914. 61-/Ili A°L; S Ng dear Senator: Upon my return to the office, I found your letter of the 20th enclosing a number of letters from barkers in Oklahoma protestin against dividinc Oklahoma betvicen the Dallas and 'Kansas City districts. I anticipate that the Board 'A.11 talc° up this questi on shortly after it is organized and I have civen instractionm that your letter, with enclosures, shall be called to the Board's special attention as soon as it is ready to consider these matters. Respectfully, Secretary. Hone Robert L. Owen, United States Senate. ROBERT L. OWEN, OKLA., CHAIRMAN. .BERT M. HITCHCOCK. NEBR. • KNUTE NELSON, MINN. D JOSEPH L. BRISTOW, KANS. AMES A. REL., JOHN F. SHAFROTH, COLO. COE I. CRAWFORD, S. OAK. GEORGE P. MC LEAN. CONN. HENRY F. HOLLIS. N. H. JOHN W. WEEKS, MASS. ATLEE POMERENE, OHIO. HLE UNITED STATES SENATE, BLAIR LEE, MD. JAMES W. SELLER. CLERK. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY. \II2) June 20, 1914, Hon. Li. C. ialiott, 2ecretnr:7, Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Deparm.ent. My dear !Ir. Elliott: The bankers of Oklahoma have sent me many protests ag:inst dividing Okl-homa between Dallas and Kansas City, for the reason that they desire their clearings with each other to pass through an Oklahoma cler-rinc point. They hrve a natural State pride which is very powerfully felt in Oklahoma, and moreover they believe that the commercial interests of Cklahoma as a State will be much better conserved by clearing thro an Oklahoma point. In this I very strongly sympathize v. it' them, and urgently ihsist that the integrity of Oklahoma banking territory be not impaired by this division of the State. volume of our business is through Kansas City. The very great With a few bnks on the border of Red River, it might perhaps be a matter of indifference, but feeling assured thst klahoma will have branch tanks to serve the local purpose, ev-n the banks next to Red River would, in this view, prefer to clear through an Oklahoma point. I submit with this leter a large amount of correspondonce which I have had on this ,,nestion, and I hone that the Board vill not Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. E. -- 2 compel .-he Oklahoma banks to clear outside of the State of Oklahoma, which would necessarily follow if the southern tier of bz7riks were attached to Dallas. Dallas does not really need these banks in southern Oklahoma, for the reason that Texas is a magnificent empire and is now growing at a tremendous rate and in a few years will have one of the ver:great banks of the Federal Reserve System. particularly ask that the Federal Reserve Board shall give a special audience and careful attention to the representations to be made by the rev;resentatives of the Oklahoma banks upon this cuestion. Very respectfully, Encl. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ash „ June 4, 1914. Sir: On behalf of the Secretary, I beg to acknowledge receipt of yours_or the_ 1st instant; and to advise that your letter will be placed with matters to be brought to the special attention of the Federal Reserve Board when organ— ized and ready to take up these Liattro. Respectfully, Secretary. Honorable Scott Yerria, 'louse of Representatives, Washington, A). C. Z • SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. OTT ERRIS,OKLA .,CHAI RMA N. .m,M ES GRAHAM, ILL. FDWARO T. FAYLOR,COLO. JOHN E. RAKER,CAL. HORATIF, C.CLAYPOOL,OHIO. iARVEY B. FERGUSSON, N. MEX • ,1ARL HAYDEN,ARIZ. SF, M. TAYLOR,ARK. LATHROP BROWN. N.Y. TOM STOUT, MONT. PERL D.DECKER, MO. ANDREW R. BRODBECK, PA. • DENVER S. CHURCH, CAL. IRVINE L. I. ENROOT, WIS. BURTON L.FRENCH,IDAHO. WILLIAM L.LA FOLLETTE,WASH. WILLIAM KENT, CAL. NICHOLAS J. SINNOTT, OREG. JACOB JOHNSON, UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON, It L. JAMES WICKERSHAM, ALASKA. it glApretiviriatilivrir D.CAMERON CAMPBELL ,CLERK. tE T. RECEIVED Honor-lble WilliRm G. McAdoo, The Secretlry of the Treasury. My dear Mr. Secretry: -------- Q00) V ' (fmninittuT flu jjj 1J JUN 3 1b14 IRes. &Ink Org I have recently communicated\ with your Office _ _ with reference to the great complaint that comes from every bank in the southern half of Oklahoma regarding the placing of our State into two reserve districts. I think my former letters on the subject made it -clear how anxious the banks in the southern half of our State are to be put into the Kansas City district, so that the entire State might be in one district, and sothat they may conduct their business largely with Kansas City, just as they have for years and years. 1:!ith reference to my former communications I desire to add this one suggestions: The Dallas district is already top-heavy with cotton and all the cotton territory borrows at the same time. As the districts are at present formed, Kansas City has practically no cotton territory in it at all. Southern Oklahoma is practially all cotton territory. Attaching southern Oklahoma to Texas only iacreases the liability of the Dallas bank, while attaching Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. / T r FERRIS,OKLA.,CHAIRMA N. f, I ES M.GRAHAM, ILL. &Mt.,r, T. TAYL OR ,COLO. JOHN E. RAKER, CAL. HORATIO C CLAYPOOL,OHIO. HARVEY B. FERGUSSON, N. M EX • CARL HAYDEN,ARIZ. SAM UE .1. TAYLOR,ARK. LATHF,P BROWN, N. Y. TOM STOUT, MONT. PERL D.DECKER, MO. ANDREW R. BRODBECK, PA. / DENVER S. CHURCH, IRVINE L.LENR001, WIS. BURTON L FRENCH, IDAHO. WILLIAM L.LA RNA ETTE,WASH. WILLIAM KENT, CAL. NICHOLAS J. SINNOT T, OREG. JACOB JOHNSON, UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON, ILL. JAMES WICKE RSHAM, ALASKA. titimt ititiprrtwittittilte6- ;it Tintunitirr tin thy litttifir ',CAMERON CAMPBELL ,CLERK. -2- it to the Kansas City district would place it in a district varied in its resources, much better nble to take care of Southern Oklahoma's crop needs nnd such a redistricting would be of benefit to both of the proposed districts. Such a change in the ip resent plan would have no ulterior or evil effect on the of the capital of the regional banks. On the contrary, such a change would tnke :450,000 from the capital of the Dallas bank, but would still le nve it with more than a million dollars above the required minimum capital for any given district. I hope, Mr. Secretary, our rip peals may not be over-looked in this matter. It affects the southern part of our State and they feel it more keenly than I can explain to you. Very sincerely yours, ANSWERED JUN 4 - 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2F41 1914. Dear Mr. Your recent lett3r,,. rtin or to tho of the Rosary° alni: Orgpaization Con nittoe, will ')c, aubnitted to Cto Fader:rd Reserve Board for their consideratio n. aGtu your obaervItions in reczrd to real estAto papar hold by banks. vory tmly, ( , s'g-ned) J. S. Willi/IIDB. T. P. Martin, Jr., Esq., Pmts. alahaml Stock Mrds Ifvtionftl Oklahoma City, Okla. -4 , 4_1 J. 0 .ak, " ' " •A`-'4 IJ ' L.) SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SCOTT FERRIS. OKLA.. CH AIRMAN • JAMES M. GRAHAM, ILL. EDWARD T. TAYLOR. COLO. JOHN E. RAKER. CAL. HAPVE.Y B. FERGUSSON. X. MEX. CARL HAYDEN. Aniz. SAMUEL M. TAYLOR. ARK. LATHROP BROWN. N. Y. TOM STOUT. MONT. ANDREW R. BRODBECK, PA. DENVER S. CHURCH. CAL. A. M. NEELY, W.VA. • 441j ' JACOB CANTOR. N.Y. IRVINE L. LENROOT. WIS. 61.:RTON L. FRENCH, IDAHO. WILLIAM L. LA FOLLE1TE. WASH. WILLIAM KENT, CAL. NICHOLAS J. SINNOTT, ORES. JACOB JOHNSON. UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON. ILL. JAMES WICKERSHAM, ALASKA. D. CAMERON CAMPBELL. CLERK. iquarir ufiltrprrgrutatiurg f.).. Tonunittrr on Or linblir Eatthri, 111anllington, D.T. 7- --- - C. • •• CI 1914. 1..ex.21, -1 onilutuoD 1.To Nulls] bda t Honorable William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury. :Jty dear Mr. Secretary: Zg AV rri t‘ 7ff o Protests still continue to pour into my office, and I dare say to those of the entire Delegation in Congress, against the division of the State of Oklahoma into two different reserve bank districts and, if the present arrangement is permitted to stand, it is bound to work a great hardship on the State financially, commercially, and otherwiso. While I am advised and understand that the Organization Committee is without authority of law to make any change in the present arrangement, I do nevertheless want to register my emphatic protest against the division and to most respectfully request that as soon as a date can be set after the final organization of the Federal Reserve Board, that we be given opportunity to voice our protests and the reasons therefor in person before the Board. I have already, in my letter to you of April 14, 1914, called your attention to the almost unanimous disapproval of the bankers of Oklahoma to the present arrangement, but the matter is of such vital importance to the banking, commercial, and industrial interests of our State that I again take occasion to do so, fearful that the significancs and importance of the matter might be overlooked. I might in this letter, if I chose, call your attention to many reasons why the State should be assigned to the Kansas City district and I will call your attention to some of the important ones, as follows: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SIXTY-THIRD CONGRcSS. FERRIS. OKLA.. CHAIRMAN. 9 M. GRAHAM. ILL. DWARD T. TAYLOR. COLO. JOHN E. RAKER. CAL. HARVEY B. FEROUSSON. N. MEX. CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ. SAMUEL M. TAYLOR, ARK. LATHROP BROWN, N.Y. TOM STOUT. MONT. ANDREW R. BRODBECK. PA. DENVER S. CHURCH. CAL. M. M. NEELY, W.VA. JACOB CANTOR. N.Y. IRVINE L. LENROOT. WI9. BURTON L. FRENCH. IDAHO. WILLIAM L. LA FOLLETTE. WASH. WILLIAM KENT. CAL. NICHOLAS J. SINNOTT. OREG. JACOB JOHNSON, UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON. ILL. JAMES WICKERSHAM. ALASKA. i*usrrifErprrorttiatiurtill.., Tontittittrr int tip Jubtir Eanbri, D. CAMERON CAMPBELL. CLERK. IlltuAingtott, D.T. Honorable William G. McAdoo, - No. 2: 1. Of the banks in the southern part of Oklahoma which have been assigned to the Dallas, Texas, district, practically everyone, except a very few owned by Texas men, have signed protests against the present districting; 2. The natural trend of Oklahoma's banking relations and business has always been toward Kansas City and not toward Dallas; 3. The banks of the State have always found it more convenient to transact the greater portion of their business with the Kansas City banks and it is their wish that they may be permitted to continue doing so; 4. Intimate business relations through years of transactions have been built up between the Kansas City banks and those in Oklahoma, and it will work a great hardship on our State if these must be discontinued and new relations established with the Texas banks under less favorable conditions; 5. The present arrangement cuts the banking institutions in the southern half of the State off from the Capitol of the State, thereby making it awkward, disagreeable, and displeasing to the bankers; 6. Not only have the bankers of the State bitterly complained against the present arrangement, but Chambers of Commerce, other commercial bodies and organizations have likewise registered their emphatic protests, regardless of politics; 7. The State of Texas is large enough to compose one reserve bank district of itself; 8. Oklahoma is a new State, handling immense amounts of Government deposits, due to the tact that two-fifth of the Indian wards of the country reside within its borders and for this reason alone nothing should be done to unnecessarily disturb the banking relations in the State. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. eiFERRM,OKLA,CHAMMAN. MES M. GRAHAM. ILL. JACOB CANTOR. N.Y. EDWARD T. TAYLOR. COLO. JOHN E. RAKER, CAL. IRVINE L. LENROOT. WIS. HARVEY B. FERGUSSON. N. HEX. CARL HAYDEN. Anu. BURTON L. FRENCH. IDAHO. SAMUEL M. TAYLOR. ARK. WILLIAM KENT. CAL. LATHROP BROWN. N. Y. TOM STOUT, MONT. JACOB JOHNSON, UTAH. ANDREW R. BRODBECK. PA. CHARLES M. THOMSON. ILL. DENVER S. CHURCH. CAL. M. M. NEELY, W.VA. JAMES WICKERSHAM, ALASKA. WILLIAM L. LA FOLLET FE. WASH. 14ousr Lii Erprpririttatiorn NICHOLAS J. SINNOTT, OREG. Tninittitter mt t1p ihthlir ICattb, Inas4ingtort, B.T. D. CAMERON CAMPBELL. CLERK. No. 3, - Hon. William G. McAdoo: I shall not at this time burden you with further reasons and arguments as to the wisdom of permitting the State to belong wholly to the Kansas City reserve district. I have merely cited these few reasons to you, Mr. Secre- tary, to impress upon your mind the importance of this matter to our people and our State, and to let you know how keenly they feel about the present arrangement, so that you may get our wishes well fixed in your mind and give us an early opportunity to more fully and completely present the matter to the Federal Reserve Board at the earliest possible date after its organization. I have the honor to be, with great respect Very sincerely yours, SF.edac Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MALL 1....40 CO TOPLI., 591+ E 1 11 NATIONAtitAN UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. / SURPLUS 8, PROFITS STOCK $20.000.00 S100.000.00 DIRECTORS: W.H.QUINETTE CHAIRMAN GUY C.ROBERTSON N. A. ROBERTSON SAM MADOUX R. E.HUFF N.A.ROBERTSON,PRESIDENT W.H.QUINETTE,VicE PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN BOARD DIRECTORS R. E. HUFF,VICE PRESIDENT GUY C. ROBERTSON, CASHIER SAM MADDUX, ASST. CASHIER P. C. MONROE, ASST. CASHIER 11,,,,twro-N,OKLA. Hay 14, 1911. Federal eserve Board, Washinp-ton, D. C. Gentlemen:As president of the Lawton ulearing House Association I desire to file with you the enclosed resolution, passed by the LawtonCl_eg,Ilnz House A2sociation and signed by all of the bank in Lawton, askinp: that southern Oklahoma be changed from the Dallas Reserve District to the Tansas Uity or St. Louis Eescrve District, reason for as]tin- change stated in the resolution. TruutinF you will give this matter your consideration, Resrectfully y 1 - \ GCR-G. Enc.l. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, Lawton Clearing House Assin. WHEREAS, The City of Lawton, and Southern Oklahoma points, have, by action of the Organization-Committee, provided mor the designating of location of Regional Banks, and fixing of the boundaries of Reserve Districts, been placed in the Eleventh Reserve District, the Regional Bank thereof being located at Dallas, Texas, and. WHEREAS, All of the banks of the city of Lawton, both ',3tate and 7ational, are members in good standing of the Lawton Clearing House Association, and WITREAS, The following comparative statement for the month of April, 1911, is a fair showing of the business now transacted at the Regional points in Districts Ten and leven, viz: Remittances to Kansas City. Drafts drawn on Kansas City Remittances received from Kansas City Collections received from Kansas City Remittances to Dallas Drafts drawn on Dallas Remittances received from Dallas Collections received from Dallas )797,934.62 838,743.21 470,347.96 1,901.56 None None None 529.38 • AUD, livliEREAS, 47 the banks of Lawton and Southern Oklahoma points, are required to remain in Reserve District No.11, as now ordered, great detriment will accrue to the members of this association, and others similarly situated, in that the trend of the banking business will be forced in different directions from that of other business, and the benefits rightfully accruing from long established business relations will be greatly impaired, if not wholly lost, while the forming of new connections and establishing new relations will of necessity take time and entail considerable expense as well. And, WHEREAS, The state is now divided and placed in two Reserve Vistricts when as a matter of fact no natural division of business or division in banking interest exists. THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Lawton Clearing House Association that it respectfully petition the Federal Reserve Board that such action be talror as that saythern Oklahoma be now changed from Reserve District No. 11 preferably to District No.10 or to District No.8 as may seem best to said Federal Reserve Board. tO Unanimously ad•Pt; .iis p. ktt dol,f* " o' on C'-e-aring House Ass'n. e'Y • 6.1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Secretary. itY :Ban of - aton Lawto By Cashier, Fir By lal Bank of Lawton c -president. otirc _ ,_ Bank of Lawton Cashier. Citi By ,State Bp.nk f Lawton VIC-e-Fresidenft • NO.98138 O.J. M. BREWER,PRESIDENT. J.M.YOUNG.VICE-PRESIDENT ROY A.COOPER,CASHIER HAROLD GENTRY,AssTCAsHIER CAPITAL,$ 25,000.00 SU RPLUS,$ 5,000.00 '‘)V RESOLUTIO N. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank of Heavener, Heavener, Oklahoma, held upon the 9th day Of May, 1914, O.J.M. Brewer, J.M. Young, A.S. Johnston', O.C. Burns, S.W. Hoag, E. McCutchan, Roy A. Cooper, qualified and acting directors, a majority of said Board, tie following resblution was unanimously adopted. Be it Resolved by the Directors of the First National Bank of Heavener, that the Cashier be instructed ttl file with the application Tor stock with the Federal Reserve Bank, the protest of this bank being located in District #11, for the follwwing reasons : FIRST The locating of this bank with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas, is contrary to the usual trend of business and not in keeping with the intent of the framers of the measure. SECOND All cotto4 items are cleared through Ft. Smith, Ark., and to clear these through Dallas, texas, will cregte the necessity of maintaining a larger cash reserve, in the bank... , I, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Heavener is the Central Division of THIRD the Kansas City SouthernR'y with a monthly payroll of from $15,000.00 to $20,000.00, all items payable in Kansas City, Mo. To clear these through Dallas, Texas, will cause a great loss of interest and time. We, 0.J.M. Brewer, President, sad Roy A. Cooper, Cashier of the First National Bank, certify that the foregoing is a true copyof a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on ti,1 above date. C. II. GRIFFITH, PRESIDENT J. A. HYNDMAN, VICE PRES. • NO. 9995. • R. A. CHAMPLIN, CASHIER L. D. GALLOWAYSS'T CASHIER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SENTINEL, OKLAHOMA. -111 I May 7th., 1914. Reserve Bank Orginization Committee, Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs:EnclosPd find our resolution passed by our board of directors for stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. While we are sending in our resolution we wish to protest vigorously and our Board of Directors passed a resolution authorising me to file protest against being included in the Dallas District. Our banking business here is done almost exclusively with Kansas City. It certainly will work an untold hardship upon us if we are left in the Dallas District as also every o other bank in Southern Oklahoma I sincerely hope that the Orgizatioh Committee will make a thorough investigation of this matter and when they do we will 'be included in the Kansas City District. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very Respectfully Yours, FIRST N TIONAL BANK Cashier. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r- t-) A -(7 Br-"L,ID iz • J.CA RL FINCH,PRESIDENT. A. J. FINCH, Vicz PResr. NO.5352 1§2 g?. < „en 56H . A L/175, C E. L MILN'ER,Ass-r.CAsH.eva. THE FIRST NATIONAL1INii /•/ WEATHE 12IF0141) ()KILN. May 7, 1914. The Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:Herewith Application for Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas., Texas., the same being made by the president and cashier, following respldtion by Board of Directors. of this bank: Wish to state rurther that at the same meeting of the Board another resolution was adopted declaring it to be a violation of the bank's interest to be placed in the Dallas district. Our interests and business connections are not at all common with those of Dallas and this kind of a connection promises to result in /A great difficulty for us to handle our grain and live stock business as this is done principally with Kansas City and other eastern Cities. The natural trend of business is toward Kansas City and the existing railroad facilities in that direction are much to our advantage. We therefore urgently request being- laced in the Kansas city district, and we trust it will be found possible to make such change before the organization of the Dallas Bank. Very respectfully, All LITHO GO TOP.1 • 11 FT. CHANDLER, PRESIDENT. D. A . SCOTT, VICE -PREs'r. I 11 ] NO. M954 FI11ST NATIONAL BANK OF HOBART. J. B. H INES,CASHIER HOBART,OKEA1-103Lv, .:ay 6th-1 cOYt-\Th To the Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D.C. Gentlemen:— Enclosed find our application for Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, the resolution embodied therein having been past by our board of. directors today. We do not feel that it will be to the best interests of our Bank to be in District #11, and quote you below a resolution adopted by our board at the same meeting at which the first above mentioned resolution was adopted. "Resolved that it is a violation of the Banks best interests to be placed in the Dallas District of the Federal Reserve Banks, and that our interests could best be served by affiliation with the Kan— sas City District, we therefore urge that a readjustment may be made placing our territory in the Kansas City District" Thanking you to earnestly consider the above quoted 'resolution, We, are , Very truly Yours, First National Bank of Hobart, 19 M Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E.C. M ILLI ON, VICE-P0.910ENT A.U.THOMAS.Pra EswE J.W. MUNDLEY, VICE-PRESIDENT. tt I . eoikoDca:.-. BCLAFY,A S C AS IER . N'? 10226 CA LV I N, 11.lay,5th 1914. Eeserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington,D.C. Gentlemen;We herewith enclose our application for our pro rata share of stock in the Dallas Reserve Bank but is the desire of this banking association that we be placed in the Kansas City district not uecause of a selfish standpoint but because our business interests trend that way. At least ninety per cent of our business is transacted with Kansas City for she is equipped to take care of us when we need money and is the natural distributirg -ooint for this section of being burdened by bein he country. -e feel that we are connected with Dallas and_out off from Kansas City. It w as well as mor certainly meet our approval ninety oer cent of the banks in this section of the country if the boundary li,tes of the I ansas City district are changed so as to include us,that is soutdllern Oklahoma. Thanking you in advance for any consider, ation that you see fit to give us,Te are, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ours Very Truly, The ,e.1 vi BY ITational Bank, Cashier. R.N. ROBINSON, PRESIDENT. T. A . FITZGERALD, VICE-PRESIDENT. J NO. A.S1MS, CASHIER. • N° 10298 THE KE0TA NAMONAL B WESERVE BOARD Ha_ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,$ 28, 500 99 KEOTA,OKILAHOMA, 40, May 5th, 1914. The Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Sirs: We are sending our subscription for stock in Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and in doing so we wish to say that we feel that it was not just to our bank to be placed in Dallas District, as we have no trade nor financial relations with that part of the country. We should have been put in Kansas City District and we hope your good judgment will prompt you to transfer all of Oklahoma to Kansas City District. JR. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, KE W NATIONAL BANK. hier. N. T. CLARK, PR Eti. FAR Nil LOANS A SPECIALTY J. M. F3OHART 110 N(). TV27 FIRST NASTIONSIA I t CASHIER RESUME BOW) k.ta 14110‘1_ C'ASII CAPITAL, $-10,000.00 • , 47 ,/ APACI1E. The ,liFcc-tor LA.. tiii 1ai1 ru Lc herc1,.) - protera placco_ in Tir:tr:'ot Yr, 11 for rca-,or tilat we have no Lusint — f- rn-Lrinctio::-; nnllas financial inqtitlit'or9 nnl the tren'l or bil-;inc_, Ls townr', Cit, an. 01-lallor'a City. Wo are very posi tive iir belief that it wi31 bc _1,- tr-!7-enta1 to our 1)11sinc5q intero9ts to force:1 to leal with a PanC ir Dallas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis //' May 4, Sir: Your letter of recent date forwarding telegram fool,- the Cashier or the American Nat'onal Bank, Atoka, Oklahora, is hereby acknowledred, and on behalf of the Connittee, I beg to advise that, in designatinfr the Federal Reserve cities and in determininz the geographical limits of the districts to be served, the Committee gave careful consideration to the buminess convenience and welfare of the entire country, and all factors, including the local interects of each bank, .ere studied and fully eirhed. The certificatedesignatinr, these districts has been filed with the CorTtrollor of the Currency and the Conmitte can not now legally nake any chanres in the districts as defined, Your Respectfully, Secretary, Reserve Bank Organization Comittee. Hon. Charles Carter, House of Representatives, U. 7ashington, D. C. aummusumsco :Lrmo Antonin • C. H. GRIFFITH, PREsT. A.S. GRIFFITH, VICE PRES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. P.GRIFFITH. CASHIER. E. C.T EAPE AsiT,Ca.sHIER. N? 10,096 LONE WOLF, OKLA. May 4-1914. Reserve Bank Org. Comm., Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs :I enclose herewith application for stock in the Dallas Reserve Bank, and our draft for ,333.33, amount due now. Resolution authorizing this application was passed by the Board at regular meeting today, but at the same meeting, a resolution was passed, objecting most strenuously to being placed in the Dallas district, and declaring it to be a violation of the bank's interests to be so placed, and giving as the bank's wishes, the desire to be placed with the balance of Oklahoma, in one district, with the Kansas City Reserve Bank. Very truly, • • NO. 6230 American National E. C. MILLION. PRESIDENT JAMES Mc CONNELL,Vicc•PpcsT J. G PUTER BAUGH,Vicr• A. U. THOMAS. CASHIER BRYAN. As,. CASHIER J. J. KIRKPATRICK, ASST.CASHIER )IcAlester,Oklahoma May 4th, 1914. Reserve Bank, Orgaaization Committee, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. e/ Gentlemen:. The following resolution was passed at a meeting of our Directors, April 29th,1914 "RESOLVED, THAT it is the opinion of the directors of this-bank that the placing of this bank in the Dallas District is a mistake, is contrary to our expressed wish, is against the best interests of this bank and other banks in this section of the state and that we protest against being placed in this district and request that the lines be changed and all of Oklahoma placed in the Kansas City District." Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours truly, • AG.DUNLAP,PRESIDENT. F. A PARKINSON, VicE-Pne5oocwr. E. E. CONES, CA511111, C. E. M A LON E,A'Ss-r. CASHIER. E LAWTON NATItENTAL /;; CAPITAL $ 100,000.00 .,` LAWTON, 604ilt,t,„Yay 2nd,1914 Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Tashington,D.C. Gentlemen:-Inclosed herein you will find Application for Stock in the Federal Reserve Pank of Dallas. re do.not wish it understood by your Honorable Committee that our sending in this Application is an endorsement of your placing us in the Dallas District.We feel that the interests of this Bank could be much better subserved in every way by being placed in the Kansas City District. If not inconsistent with the policy of your Committee we would be pleased to have such recommendations made to the Federal ‘ \ Reserve Board as would cause the Board to reconsider the action of your Committee and Place this section of Oklahoma in the Kansas City District where our natural business relitions titles us to belong. Yours very truly, SEP isL iL2M c' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • A.J.SEAV, PRESIDENT J. D.SIMPSON,Vic: PRESIDENT. J.A.CARLBERG, CASHIER. BERT.SANDE RS,ASST. CASHIER. gEIQNA\IL THE t3 O.6257 ARAPAHO,OKLAHOMA. Tlay 2, 1914. Reserve Pank Organization Committee, Wasbinrton, D. C. Gentlemen:= Please find herewith inclosed our application for stock in the Federal Reierve Bank of Dallas. Said application is sent in duplicate. The following resolution was adopted by our Poard of Directors at a meeting held 1st, 1914: "Whereas, We, the directors of this Pank, are practically compelled to submit and accept of the conditions imposed upon us by the Organization Committee, Be it )Resolved, That we hereby express our sentiment, and we believe that it is positively in violation of the interest of this bank to be included in the Dallas Federal Reserve District, and that we would prefer to be placed in the Kansas City Reserve District as we are located in a posltion where the_phantMt of business flow toward Kansas City." Yours very respectfully, Cashier. SEP Li I :70R1,4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 914 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /;?- ,-;, (1 May 2, 1914. Sir: roe roaeirt or your arrlication for stock in the Federal Pes:rve Bank of 1.allas is her5by aco7leidged, wld in n.eponse to ylur_letter_oriltil 27th, on behalf of thi- Organizatin Cormittec, I bog to advise that, In deeignatirg the Pedcral nzservo citioo and in determining the geographical limits of tne Districtc to be served, the Comnitte4) gave careful consideration to the businmse convenience and relfare of the entire cotintry, and all factors, includirT trso local intstrl of each bank 'ere studied and fully weirrhed. The cortificate designat,:!ng these Distr'cte has been filed with the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Committee cannot now legally mako any changes in thl District: ac defirted. Respectfully, Secretary, Reserve Bank Organization Committeo. The First National Bank, McAlester, Oklahoma. SAM SUPPV CP P144...0. CITV ROY M . FELTON,CASHIER. •• • E.F. SMITH,Assr‘ CAsH. F.E .WOODS,Ass-neAssi. N O.9044- VillisseYffirmittiff&e?eA • W .) $4ff _111111140 0ICIAA_. May 2, 1914. Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:- At ou:: Directors Meeting yesterday we passed the enclosed resolution, and also one to the effect that it was against our best interests to be attached to thfiallas district and requesting that if it be possible, you place us in the Kansas City District, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very respectfully yours, d.,T( 11, GEO. B. POPE, PAESIDENT W. H.COLLI NS, VICE PRESIDENT. ROY M. FE LTON, CASHIER i-IDLRAL RESERVEJWW-PH.114:. F. E. VVOODS,Assr NO.9944 ••• OF HYDRO BBC Ulf5\79)14D)ID Eri APH 1 1 A April 4, 19l4.?k Org 19 .14 CoyanEffr2 Yederal Reserve Board, "Tashington, D. C. Gentlemen:We notice from the press reports that you have put us in the Dallas district. We realize that you are up against a big problem in laying out all these districts and that it would be a hard problem for you to satisfy everybody. 7e also belive that you want to be fair to all and place the individual banks in the districts that will be to their best advantage. By placing us in the Dans district you have severed us from Oklahoma City and Kansas City, -the two cities that are familiar with all our conditions, and placed in with a bunch of people that are absolltely strangers to us. We have never met a Dallas banker in our ten years bankin g experience at this plac-e-, while on the other hand, there is not a bank in Kansas City or Oklahoma City that we do not personally know one or more of its officers. The natural trend of our business is to the northe ast. We believe we are safe in saying that 95% of the checks we receive on out of torn banks, are on banks laying to the northeast and east of us. The Postmaster here advise s us that he handles two Dalls papers through his office each week and over one Hundred Kansas City papers a week. All of our live stock is shipped to Oklahoma City or Kansas City. When our feeders need money they go to one of these two places to 7et it. Another reason and one of the strongest thy we do not Mike to be connected with a southern Reserve Bank is that in the fall of the year when we need money to handle our crops all the other banks in that distri ct will be wanting money too, while the northern and eastern bank will have a surplus at that time. We believe that if you will thoroughny investigate things you will see that the commitee on organization has placed us in a very akward position by putting us in the Dallas district, and you will confer a great favor on us by transfering us to the Kansas City dietriet. Very respectfully yours, id-T-1 7 1914 410 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.D TINSL.EY,PResioENT. W.R.VAUGHN, VICE - PR S R.R.JACKSON,CAsHIE.R E.G.MATHEWSON,Ass,CAsm. N. 10368 , THEE FIRST NATIONAL BAN( OF BLAIR CA PTI A L $ 25,000.00 BLAIR, OKLAHOMA May 1st, The Reserve Bank Organization Committee, :lashinizton, D. C. Sirs:We hand you herewith corrected form of ap)lication for stock in Reserve Bank locted at Dallas, which we trust meets rith your approval. At a special meeting of the board of directors of this bank held today the cashier was instructed to notify you that this bank is dissatisfied with being placed in the Dallas district and to ask that we be placed, if possible, in the district with Xansas City. 7hey consider that it will be harmful to this bank's interest to be olace' in the 11th district. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reupectfully as Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r- 4111. C. H. FAWKS. PRESIDENT D. S. . VICE-PRES-T. J. E. WILLIAMS. 2ND. PREST. H. J BROWN. CASHIER IL I. No. 10317 OFSNYDER SNYDER,0'ILA. YAy.lst.191 4. To The JoeCeral eserve Board, Washington. .C. - 1-6.1; 41 Gentlnen:- t. We are enclosing application for stock in the Pec'erikl Lererve Bank at lallas,Texas. How-ever sending our protest against being placed in thir district permanent ,as —e feel to knor• that thir is a naneactto the co--ercial buriness of our State . We believe after the board goes over this ratter and finds the true condition ,they 1-i1l find it ril1 almost irpossible for Oklahorn to turn her co—nercial business to Lallas or any other Southern City. The nAtural flow of business is through Kansas -ity and St.Louis. re do not have one of our items come through Dallas once a week, this is to show that all our corrercial business comes through Kansas ,itv, an 1-e are correct in saying that 9C believe of all business comes throucrh Kansas. City ,directelv or in directely. We ask that in farness to Oklahoma .please give this matter due consiterration. Marking for your kindness in advance in this ratter,'e are7 Yours very trulv,(4 Cashier. _ F M.EN H,President. 0 S. M.KING,Vice President-. E.*I P LEY, Cashier,---RABTREE,Asst.Cash. rctro The City Nati UNITED NO. 575 STATES DEPOSITARY CAPITAL, AND SURPLUS $100, 0.00 THE PIONEER BANK OF CO ANC 11 E COL;ITI4/2 LAwr°iv,0 Air. 1 "30 c- Hon. L. C. Elliott, Sec:., $ MAY 6 - 191ii Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. • r ( ti V C.- KQQ*4----4,14 Dear Sir: We enclose herewith, application for stock the Federal Reserve Bank, of Dallas, Texas, in accordance with the law. In connection viith this application we wish to state that it is the sense of the Board -of Directors of this bank that it should be placed in District No. 10, instead of District No. 11, as nine-tenths of our business goes in the direction of Kansas City, and we respectfully protest against having been placed in District No. 11. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours ver:T 9 Copy of resolutions passed by the Board of Directors of The First liational Bank of Mill Creek at their meeting held on rfitr""1::::::;r3S,ILtor __Pprieltitla944 Resolved that we protest against being placed' in the Dallas District considering same a violation o_t_ this°Born I-1lE interest. •E.7,3‘JiM BE.S.E4.0,1 e.40,ro i to; .Par OILti\W' I 1914 46/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ilk BOARD 1-1 ft7EUVAIM, RESERVER.E.LEAVITT,Castlier. W H P. TRUDGEON,President 411 N.7(U)7. #4 :1) TII1: UNION NXIIIONAL PURCELL,OKLA. April 30th, 1914. The Reserve 'Rank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:. We are inclosing herewith application for stock in the Federal Reserve -Rank of Dallas. The Directors of this bank also passed a resolution,\ directing me to advise your committee that we consider it very much against the interests of this bank to be placed in the Dallas District, and to state that we had joined with practically every bank in the part of the .state that has been assigned to the Dallas District, in requesting that the matter be reconsidered and the entire State of Oklahoma District. We trust that be assigned to the Kansas City this protest will be given careful consideration. Respectf r - N: ler. •-• , SEP4 .1914 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i7-1‘. 14 MAY 6 - 1914 rorrin 4(4) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40i -erg ./ di- • April 29, 1914. A. _Icton, y County Bankers ABsociation, Blackwell, Oklslama. A Dear 7,ir: I am in.receint of the resolttion adanted by the Ray County Bankers Association, and in reply would state that this matter will be filed for the consideration of the L'ederal Reserve Boara talon it isappointed. Vary trey yoltrs, 4. 3oaretary• J.W. Mg NEAL,PREsioKNT E.J MU RPHY,Vic& PRESIDENT CHAS. W. BREWER,CAsmIER W.C.SMOO r,AsSr.CASHIER N29985 TO OKLAHOMA STATE NATIONAL 13 CLINTON,010-4A1101kL1 • April 29th, 1914. The Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D. C. Gehtlemen:__ Complying with your instructions you will find herewith enclosed the Application for Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, duly executed by this bank, for 16 shares. 7:e have delayed several days sending in this application, hoping arrangments would be made whereby our bank could be placed in the District with Kansas City for the location instead of Dallas, and trust such an arrangment can ;,,et be made, and we wish now to file the enclosed application the in order to that if it is possible we may yet be transfered into that District. We have not had, and do not have, and never will have any use for an account in Texas as all our reserves are kept in banks in the _orth and East, and we have practically no business with uny southern banks und if we are required to clear our items and do our business with Dallas, it will be an inconvenience and delay and out of the natural course. )L07 If it could be arranged so that we could have a branch •Vj 'bank at Oklahoma City, we would not so seriously object, bIlt -kla. citv is in the 7ansasi "it;,7 distric3t, it semsthis woula be out of th4 ,iuestion, so the only logical way ;;ould be to transfer this 'art of Ckluhoma to the '::ansas City territory, Sincerely yours, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • It1cjganners National 10283 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $27500.00 J. R. UTTSRBACK. PRESIDENT T. A. VAUGHN. VICE PRESIDENT E. W. POWER. VICE PRES'T AND CASHIER Alaustiilic, Okla. April 29th, 1914. • To the Reserve Bank organization Committee, Ai6f k ' Washington. D. C. Dear Sirs:Referring to resolution of our Directors subscribing for our pro rata of the Capital Stock of the Regional Reserve Bank at Dallas, Texas, beg to advise that while the Directors of this Bank very willingly subscribed for the Regional Bank stock at Dallas, at the same time it was the sense of the meeting that our interests would be best conserved if this Bank could be in the Kansas City District, where our banking connections have always been, and we ,.. --aozas_grrangement can yet be made to attach this part of Oklahoma to -Dra rict iNo. 10 instead of District N 104)(1 41914 Yours very r EWP-J. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11. E. L. WORRELL, PRESIDENT. 0. B. GARRISON. VICE•PRESIDENT. J. H. WHITESIDE, CASHIER. R. E. FISHER. ASST CASHIER.r No. 5900 THE Fl RST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS,$10,000.00 RYAN,OKLAHOMA, Anrii r.2 s 29th, 1914. Senator Robt, L. Owen, 7ashington, D. C. Dear Sir:We would appreciate it as a citizenaof Oklahoma if you could effect a change in the lines of the Regional Reserve and place Oklahoma entire in one district. While the present boundary suits our individual needs at present, yet as establishing financial strength for our commonwealth it occurs to us will ever prove a great barrier and if Oklahoma can be placed in one district it will prove an advantage in this wise, and would beg that you use your efforts to cause this to be done. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very truly Cashier. 2 -/Op AL TIESERVE BOARD f-ILEI ED 71 • 0.H.THURM ONO. PRESIDENT. E. K.THURM ON D,Vict-PREs. C.E.GANNAWAY,VICE -PR Cs. L.E.COLEMAN,CASHIER M.C.TRIM B LE,A513T.CASHIER. ':3e)/ 4 c* WEREaDiff cLINT MAY 6 1914 1 ,pr. 23, 19141;0RM ' The Reserve Dank , ommittee, 'ashington, D.C. Gentlemen: are today forwarding youby separate letter the application of the 7irst 7ationa1 Bank of Clinton, Oklahoma for 18 shares of the Capital Stock of the Federal I have sent this appliReserve Bank of Dallas. Texas. cation in as per your instructions in order that no delay will be made on our part in getting these organizations un er way but we wish to enter protest emphatically that we do not approve of Southern Oklahoma being placed in the Dallas District and we feel that this is absolutely against the test interest of this community and that to be placed in the Kansas City District re believe that would be much more to our advantage. it will call that when cotton begins to move in Texas for far creater loans that/the Dallas bank could ever hope to take care of from Texas, liew I:exico and Southern As in the past practically all of our items Oklahoma. have been cleared through Kansas City ba_hs and as we have never had a Dallas account or ever had any connection whatever with the Dallas Ranks, we can not see how we could gain any benefit whatever from being conYou will notice we have nectcd with the Dallas Bank. joined in protest once before in this regar- with the —e hope -ational Banks of Custer County by aelegram. changed district this Let chance to that if there is Oklahoma Southern placing to avorable f . that you will be In the Kansas City District. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very truly, Pres. l ilrEDLRAL LEON LW.PRESIDENT J. H. PYE A VICE-PRESIDENT RESERVE BOARD FRED T. HU STON,CAsHIE R. L.CORK, A SST. CASHIER „ s N28727 THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN CAPITAL $25,000.00 SURPLUS & PROFITS 7,000.00 CITSTERCITY;OKLA.April 28-1914 Reserve Bonk Organization Committee Treasury Department ---'-' Washington J). C. W ILZ-A-V. I Gentlemen:rt We are herewith enclosing mAy 6 - 1914 application for stock in Regional Bank located at ( 4 Dallas Texas according to instructions received, ' \FORiL this application having been passed on at meeting of our board of Directors as required. We are doing this strictly under protest as we one and all,consider it as very much against our interest as a bank in having been placed in this ( district. We have never had any banking connections w whatever or in any manner with this reserve point nor have we any banking interests whatever in the State of Texas. At least ninety five per cent of our business has been transacted *ith Kansas City in the past an we consider that it works an unecessary hardship on us in being forced in this district. The banks in this county almost without • exception do not carry a very heavy line of e±change and it is practically all kept in Kansas City where we have had to go for our acommodations in the past and if there is any way whereby we can get in the Kansas City district we certainly desire to be so placed. _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of • 4%11P. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ FEDLliAL IIISaVE BOARD HLE • f / / //6 r / ,A April 28th, 1914. I i",4:4i ructsirt of your letter of A:tril 4thand in reply Ous to -vivi,;e that in doJignatini; th minlng edural Fle3arv e.ties 4nd in thrter- goo6raphicu1 lirAts of the Distrit;ts to be uerved, the Cfraritteo gavt, carlful consideration to the; business convennco and walefaro of tlic: entire oountry, and aal toters, inoludit% the. local intoresta of each 'Laitn,;: were studied and fully -aaishod. The cortificate designatins these Dieixiots has been fiIod wit1 th Conptrollor of the Currency rt4nd the ConvAttee; cannot now lesa141 mitke any ohanzes in the Districts au defined. Rof.uctfully, Uri C. W. Crabtree, Ae3istant 'Ale City Natis.:naj. Lawton, Oklahoma. T •••••• E • A11.1 2c,-) 1914 Confinittet Res. Banti, org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,...-----AT)ril 27th, 1914. 4 !.t:1 / (' ...„„.., Sir: On tic:half of the Chairwans I be . to acknowledge 7 the receipt of your letter of April .4th aduinz yuur protest to that of the banhs in south_rn part of Oklahoma a:Lainst bein3 placed in the Dallaa diatrict. In rerly I be, to advise that in desiznatini; the Federal he3ervu cities and in detcrmlnin,; the ,;eo3rarhical limits of the Districts to be served, the Committee :Ave careful con;ideration to the b ainess convonce and welfare of the entire country, and all f%ctori, includin,, the local intorests of each Lank were studied and fully weihed. Thu zerti,lcao deai:patinz these Districts has ueun filed with the Comptrollur of the Currency, and the Jomittoo csainot now legally make any chat,;ea in the Diatricts ls defined. Respectfully, .Socre-',ary. Honorabbe Scott Ferria, liC'Aje of Rurxesentatives. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • i•ILE t'EDLRAL. Pt:SERVE. BOARD J.H.GOPDON.VicE PRESIDEN WS.AMBROSE,VicE PRESIDENT WM. P. FREEMAN,PREsIDENT NO.5052 R.P.BREWER,CAsHIER B.s.BaOOKS.ASsT.AsPtER THE FIR ST NATIONAL BANK jeer CAPITAL $100,000.° . _ SURPLUS *,50,000.°9 WALESTER,OKLAHOMA April 27, 1914 Reserve Bank Organization Committee, Washington, D.C., Gentlemen:- We are enclosing herewith our application for stock in the Federal Reserve Bank at Dallas, but we desire at the same time to protest against being included in that Dintrict. Since the opening of banks in Oklahoma, we have transacted practically all our busi-ness with Kansas City, also all our mercantile business goes there. Texas, and ee. pecially the City of Dallas, does not sell one one-hundredth part as much merchandise in Oklahoma as does Kansas City. Only a small percentage of our live stock is shipped to Texas, all of it going to Kansas City. The Oklahoma banks, and especially Southern Oklahoma banks which transact business in, Dallas, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In a poll taken before and after the eztabUshment of the present boundaries, it was disclosed that less than a dozen banks -) ::... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • J. H.G0 RD ON.VicE PRESIDENT w.S.AMBROSENIcE PRESIDENT WM.P. FREEMAN,PRE si DENT NO.5052 R.P. BREWER,CAs Hi ER B.S.BRO OKS,Asst CAs HIER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.°P SURPLUS $50,000.Q° WALESTER,OKLAHOMA were desirous of being in or staying with the Dallas District, and in almost every instance the stock in these banks was owned by Texas men. We feel that we should have a revision of boundary lines to place us in the Kansas City District, and we are making this pro. test a resolution and spreading it upon our minutes. We sincerely trust that the Committee will see fit to grant this request, which is unanimous in this Territory. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis nI 1914. Apri12.11, At My dear Congressman: On behalf of the Chairran of the leservo Bank Organization. Committee I beg to ecknowlodce the receipt of your letter of the 14th inetantionclosillt, stated, a letter from Ur. V. H. Blakely, Vice President of the imerican rational Bank of Wetumka, Oklc.hom, The Committe3 haviac filed itt; certiCict.te with thl Comp— troller of the Currency is of the opinion thzit it cannot now Tx.11) anzr cLanos in the locations of the Federal 7oserve Banks or the districts to be served by them. You vill recall that the statute specifically provides that the determination or the Committee can be reviewed only by the Federal ':esorve Board.. Fespectfully, Secretary, Feserve rani, OrganizPtion Cemmittee. Hon. William H. Mtrray, , House of 'Representatives., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /2) 30/ /, April'f!3, 1914. I beg to advise in 1-17orioe to ypir letter of April 8th, th.A in rechral rcsorve cities and ia determining the geographicl limits of tho dirAricts to be ssrvod the Committee gave careful consideration to tha buoineon convenience and welf,Are of tho antire country, and all .1() locAl 1nt03tS fct,ors, of each bAnk t were 3tudied and fulls' weighed. A cortificte designating these districts tr..s boon filed with the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Committee cannot now legally make any changes in the districts as defined. with particular reforance to your roluost th.-it Hughes and Pottanatomie counties be plaeed in the Kansas City district, your attention is called to the fact thAt the last named county vl,s included in this district under the decision of the Organization Committee. In viol,/ of the facts above state4,however, it will not bo possible to meet your wishes with reg rd to :iughes County. Respectfully, Secrot . ry.. Hon• 2;• 14 H. Murray, House of Representatives.. cfdE ,APILDOPSWORTII BOOK. C J. M (" " W. e2 . SPEARS,PRESIDENT . . M.CAS LAN D, VTE-PREs BROWNING,CAsHIER W. T. FOR E MAN,VicE-PREs D. A. FOWL E PIASST. CASH I R 8616 PROFITS $15,000.00 35,000.00 (86-212) DUNCAN,OKLA. f Ajri1 nn :Reserve 13.zra Crni, -tio1-1 Co I • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :717 OT .C • Dear 2irs: I return herewith to you the Corrce2d Coy of our , ,aication for Stock in the Poac3:c.1 Reserve :Bank of Dallas, To::as. As our 17roident is beC soon, 2C) e could ot in town and )mLy not sicn this .A:licatioll, we 1-1 ,To . h!2,a it siEne0_ by the Vice President and for fear this miLht not be satisfactory, 7/e have corredted the oricional Al?plication and return it also, it betlrinc the sisnature of the 'President. Plea50 1:a.r. on - our carelessness in mal-111 tl-)e error in the first ono, I an also handinc you herewith a liAitiorvjhieh I trust you will Eive due consideration. 11:bol;_t3 or 4% Thre are o47 of the banks of nlahorla which viere 'er,d in the DcIlao District that are not GRE.OLY -2., DI2PLEAar,M Your To the Federal ROrve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:Believing the division of the state a most severe blow to the commercial interests of the entire stat e, we, the undersigned citizens of IYUNC,a_ni Okla., petition your honorable body to place the State of Oklahoma in one district with headquarters at Kansas City. We feel this state is homogeneous, that its commerce to a large extent inter-dependent, and that all of the towns and cities of the state can more conveniently transact their business with each other through one common cent er. Name Business Qty National Bankf1-, u! eity iNtttiormL kika k, Goo ftztv efrc.11a tic! e, ii A--441"fr Uzvi, aveAa/ 4_,,e1. etwt-Cit/' oetta,_ lcza fii( • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis eux)4- - eLIII j7/4, 17 fr 707-rie4T" Zct;,co-R, N‘k No. 9858 T P MARTIN, JR PRESID E F BISBEE VICE -PRE T E J L1TTEER , CASHIER AWEISMAN ASST CASH T CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS,S 400,000.00 STOCK YARDS STATION OKLAHOMA CITY. --Afswer,ed t.1 AY 2 7 i4i4P 72 April 23,1914. 1-1-1 —1 1--1 I...) Hon. John Skelton Williams, Comptroller of the Currency, Wahington, D. C. Dear Sir:- j , 1 0 Bank We are in receipt of your circular letter of 15th, advising that we may now legally make loans secured by real estate according to certain reouirements of the law. (( The writer of this letter has been in the banking business for thirty five years , about half of which time was spent in smaller banks. Ny experience has been that the less banks have to do with real estate loan,the better, and as long as I~am President of this bank and can in any way influence '1 -oolicy I shall as far as is consistent and possible keep entirely away from handling real estate paper of any kind whatever. In my close contact with many of the smaller bankers scattered over Texas and Oklahoma I find evidence of the fact that many of them would have been much better off if they had never handled either directly or indirectly by their bank a piece of real estate paper. We are very sorry indeed that the State of Oklahoma has been divided, and I trust that you as a member of the Committee may find it consistent to use your influe nce towards placing the entire State of Oklahoma in the Kansas City District. Our bank has the largest bank deposits of any instit ution in the State and about 85 07 of which comes from banks now locate d in the Dallas District. This is a new State, we all have had a very hard time in trying to build up OUT business and the various interests of all concerned, ,Tid this cl),Vision is certai nly a blow to our many years of hard labor. Our business of the eatire State of Oklahoma tends towards the Ea and Kansas City. I have just returned from a trip through c tain parts of Oklaho ma and Texas which have been cut off fro lahona City and find that the Dallas bankers are going ri t after the little institutions many of them carrying accounts with us, soliciting very urgently that their business be transferred at once to Dallas banks. This of course I cannot criticise as it is but natural, but I was ouick to see in many banks visited that it is having considerable weight with them. ated. 1914. TEVEC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Your kindness in these matters will be greatly prpreci- V ZUND KAY COUNTY BANKERS ASSOCIATION, BLACKIVKLL,KAY COUNTY,OKLAHOMA. • I41 APRIL 18th 1914. WITH A FULL MEMBERSHIP BEING PRESENT, THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PRESENTED AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED. WHEREAS, the Regional Board has divided the state of Oklahoma , placing the southern half of the state in the Dallas district and the northern half of the state in the Kansas City district, and: WHEREAS, the banks of the southern half of the state have hereto fore found it more convenient to transact the major part of their business with the Kansas City banks and desir e to continue doing so, and: WHEREAS, the placing of said banks in the Dallas district will result in a great inconvenience and loss to daid banks in the southern part of the state as well as the state as a whole: NOW THERE-FORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the KAY COUNTY BANKERS ASSOCIATION; IN convention assembled at Blackwell,Oklahoma. this 18th day of April 1914, that we earnestly petit ion and request the said Regional Board that it modify its order heretofore made and place the entire state of Oklahoma in the Kansas City District, and be it further: RESOLVED, that a copy of this resol -ition be forwarded to each member of the Regional Board and to each member of Congress from the State of Oklahoma. KAY COUNTY BANKERS ASSOCIATION, KAY COUNTYI STATE OF OKLAH OMA. Mi Secretary,' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President: r\, ( ROBERT L. KNIE LOA NS JAI VEat# ATTORNEY CORDELL, OKLAHOMA I \ ZIZtlAt AFAV i ii, il., ra 4 18, 1914. Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: We notice that under the new banking law, the Stte of Oklahoma is divided. The financial in- terests and the development of the State of Oklahoma has always been allied with that of Kansas City. We believe that for the best business interests of the St. te, it would be better to have the entire State of Oklahoma in the Kansas City Division and not with Dallas. We would respectfully a&k that 17,11 place the entire St_te of Oklahoma with the Kansas City Division and make the surrounding boundary of the Stte the line instead of the ,boundary line dividing the State, into. two parts. Very truly yours, ROBERT L. KNIE. RLK-GH SFP w=-,•:.)Fayi if • '1914 ./..//-4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • J. H. SCHAEFER, PRESIDENT • BOAn _ -- J. B. D00LI N, VICE FREVT J. B.SCHAEFER, •••^., THE SCHAEFER - DOOLIN MORTGAGE COMPA Nev INCORPORATED ALVA,OKLAHOMA L14.. The Federal Reserve Board, Washington D. C, Gentlemen:- 1 We notice by the press reports that the State of Oklahoma has been divided into two Federal Reserve districts, and as citizens of Oklahoma, we wish to protest against this or any other division of this State for these reasons. It is an injury to our citi.zens and will injure business arrangements already established, because such interests are now one and to divide them into two separate districts would naturally cause conflict among our people and would tend to bring about unnatural .division in our State, which all of our citizens wish to avoid. With the exception of a few counties in the southern part of the State our natural business trend is to Kansas City, 1:o. 7e do not know of a single business concern in this part of the State who has any business with Dallas Texas, nor do we know of a single farmer or business man who has any business transaction with that cit. We know that you are interested in the upbuilding of our State and beleive that you will co-operate with the other good citizens of this state in this mattEr and by so doing we beleive that you will be doing our State a great service, and will assist in stopping a sectional strife, which is bound to ensue if we are put into two separate commercial districts. Yours very truly, JBD AU ° / 7.4 SIXTY-THIRD CONGJIE SCOTT FSS1S. OKLA., CHAIRMAN. . GRAHAM,ILL. JAM E ARD T. TAYLOR. COLO. JOHN E. RAKER. CAL. HARVEY B. FERGUS N. N. EX CARL HAYDEN. AR1,1. SAMUEL M. TAYLOt K. LATHROP BROWN. . TOM STOUT. MONI ANDREW R. BRO EC DENVER S. CHURe,CA M. M. NEELY. W. A. JACil CANTOR, N.Y. IR1NE L. LENROOT, WIS. TON L. FRENCH,IDAHO. LLIAM 1.. LA FOLLETTE. WASH. ILLIAM KENT. CAL. !CHOLAS J. SINNOTT. OREG. JACOB JOHNSON. UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON, ILL. JAMES WICKERSHAM, ALASKA. iqousr of Erintsratatitits Tommittrr ott t1rtitthlir Kattbs, lUaollingintt, D.CI. D. CAMERON CAINIP4ELL, CLERK. April 14, 1914. Honorable William G. McAdoo, OS'ar4 FEB 2, -tot The Secretary of Treasury. My dear Mr. Secretary: I beg to transmit to you herewith many protests from the • banks in the southern REWA-qt-Oklahama"agpinst being placed in the Dallas regional bank district and urging that they be placed in the Kansas City district instead, along with the banks of northern Oklahoma. The banks in the southern part of the State have established relations with the Kansas City banks which they prefer should not be broken and the trend of business has always been toward Kansas City and not toward Dallas and I cannot believe that Dallas would be the logical point for any of the Oklahoma business, and I furthermore believe that the State should not be divided in this respect, as the matter now stands. Should the present arrangement be permitted to stand unchanged, I am fearful it will work great hardship on our thriving, growing Commonwealth and result in a great loss as well. May I not therefore be permitted to register herewith my most earnest protest of the- present arrangment and to most respectful ly urge that this matter be given the consideration it deserves to the end that the State may not thus be divided financially or commercially Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1150 CONGRESS. HAIRMAN. LL. R. COLO. , CAL. ERGUSSON, N. MEX. DEN. ARIZ. M. TAYLOR. ARK. SOP BROWN, N.Y. M STOUT. MONT. ANDREW R. BRODBECK. PA. DENVER S. CHURCH.CAL. N. M. NEELY, W.VA. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JACOB CANTOR. N.Y. IRVINE L. LENROOT. WIS. BURTON L. FRENCH. IDAHO. WILLIAM L. LA FOLLETTE. WASH. WILLIAM KENT, CAL. NICHOLAS J. SINNOTT. OREG. JACOB JOHNSON, UTAH. CHARLES M. THOMSON. ILL. JAMES WICKERSHAM. ALASKA. D. CAMERON CAMPBELL. CLERK. il§iust,of Erprtsrittatiuts Tommittcr un Or 3Juti1ir Eattbs, Itlanllingtoit. D.T. into two parts, and that the entire State be placed in the Kansas City district. would thank you most heartily for the honor of a reply. Very respectfully, Enclosures. suomn I C. H. GRIFFITH, PRE9T. A.S. GRIFFITH, VICE PRLsr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Su... CO. LIT..CTIV01. H. P.GRIFFITH, CASHIER. E.C.T EAPE, AsgT.CksmEra. N9 10,096 ZONWO LONE WOLF, OKLA. /a2 April 14-1914. AtIVA, l'ederal ileserve Board, Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs :We wish to protest against beigg placed in the Da2las district, in the'recent Reserve Bank districting. We have never had an account in Dallas, nor done any business there in any way. The natural flow of our business is to the north, and we feel sure that being placed in the Dallas district will be very disadvantatrus to our interetts. would a great We deal rather be placed in the Kansas City district, and to .be cleared through Okla. City if that could be done. Practically all our business is being done, and hag always been done, though those two points. We are taking the matter up with our senator and Congressmen also, and if anything can fie done to make this change,. te feel it -muld be to our best. interests. Very truly, • APR 20 1914 -oRm A. L. NIMq. PRESIDENT LEON KAHN. VICE-PRESIDENT V. N. BARNETT, CASHIER We the undersigned respectfully ask that you use all the influence you can in placing all of Oklahoma in the Kansas City regional bank district. We believe it an important matter that IOW we have it this way to prevent the state from being divided financially and commercially. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD / (71 CROSS REFERENCE SHEET File No. 3',) Subject t SEE File No. - Letter of Dated Remarks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON t er.6 April eleventh, Nineteen fourteen. L73,0 MAY 4 - .1914 Fefttor-.. My dear Sir: ' Herewith I hand you telegram of the American National Bank of Atoka,Oklahoma which is for your a7nropriate consideration. Honorable "v.F.EcAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, rashinston,D.O. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 •. WESTE NIGH UNION WESTERN UNION TTER THEO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 57A LY fCli 6 21 1966 27 NL 4 EXA, ATOKA OKLA APR 9 1914 HON CHAS CARTER UNITED STATES SENATOR - WE EAM:EOTLY PROTEST AGAINST BEING BEST BUSINESS INTERESTS flULD BE WASHN DC PLACED IN DISTRICT ELEVEN OUR SERVED IN DISTRICT TEN VIE URGE YOUR ASSISTANCE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E PARR CASHIEP. AMERICAN NATL BANK 611 AM IVTZ. SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. AOMAS W. HARDWICK, GA., CHAIRMAN. WILLIAM A. ASHBROOK, OHIO. LUTHER W. MOTT, N. Y. JAMES L. SLAYDEN, TEX. GEORGE C. SCOTT, IOWA. JEREMIAH DONOVAN, CONN. E. E. ROBERTS, NEV. LADISLAS LAZARO, LA. ABRAHAM L. KEISTER, PA. FRANKLIN BROCKSON, DEL. CHARLES H. DILLON, S. DAK. JOHN W. ABERCROMBIE, ALA. LOUIS C. CRAMTON, MICH. SANFORD KIRKPATRICK. IOWA. SAMUEL E. WINSLOW, MASS. WILLIAM 11, MURRAY, OKLA. FRED E. LEWIS, PA. J. KUHIO KALANIANAOLE, HAWAII. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE ON COINAGE, WEIGHTS, AND M WASHINGTON, D. C. E. T. SHURLEY. CLERK. 101r.l April bui-i6.‘ (14 To the Secretnry of the Treasury, Washington, AlltR.1. t D. C. Dear Sir:— 7erewith A let'er from V. M. 3la1ely, Vice ?rent American National B nk, "letumkl, Oklahoma, re-,ltive to the regional reserve district concerning which I addressed you q letter the other thy. You will observe that he states that all of croup three of the bnnkors of the State, except 7uchee county, is now with the Kansas City district. If you c_tn not put the entire State in the Kansas City district please to put 'Tuches county in that district. You will observe the by reference to the map that this can be 'one without breaking policy you have in mind. Yansas I sincerely request that you put this county with city, and other towns. which includes the b -tiks at Hollenville, 9/etumka Yours sincerely, sre" cr ' . (/ ko. -i col') Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MOTO. SWIMS,1ITI4 ST LOUIS • TURNER MEADORS,VicE PRESIDENT. W. M, BLAKELY,SECOND VICE PRESIDENT. JOHN D. R EEO,PREsioeNT E.D.HALL,CASHIER. NO.7724 SZ/WrA 2WaltW CAPITAL $ 25,000.00 SURPLUS $ 5,000.00 ; -7 4 /1111 / ,i N4Ni Hon. Wm H. 1,1urray Washinton, D. Dear Sir : 7;e are writing to a:31c you to kindly use your influence with the organization committee of the Federal Reserve System qiid if possible keep Oklahoma intact in a regional reserve bank district and we think it is to the interest of the Oklahoma banks to be in the Kansas City district If the committee will not consider the proposition to put the whole state in he Kansas City District, we hope you can at least induce them to put Hughes County with the rest of Group Three - it being the only county in the Group that was not placed in the Kansas City district . We have no business relations whatever with Dallas and have always depended upon Kansas City and we feel that it is an injustice to be compelled to leave the City of our old friends and have to begin over with strangers And we feel • that our state and the State of Texas will need assistance at the same time and we fear that the Dallas district will not; be strong enough to meet the demands Very Respectfully • • THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CROSS REFERENCE SHEET 7 / -7) File No. 8 ; 11,) Subject ),A SEE File No. Letter of tA, I Dated Remarks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SA W. S. SPEARS,PRESIDENT J.C.MCCASLAND,VI cE-PR S S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. M .BROWNING,CAsHIER DODSWORT m 9.1,0 W.T. FORE MAN ,VICE-PREs D. A. FOWLE , ASST CASHIER 8616 PROFITS $15,000/ 1 400 CAPITAL $35,000,00, (86-212) DIJNCAN,OKLA. P.ri I 9t'i /(9 t9, 4,e) '11 l'.. tcI:10f ile• 11()11. :'.ieett Ferris, TI.C. WashirEtor, D.C. D.:ar Sir: ,r 0, of In the i ntglre st or the future \ire Oklahoma; 1 , 1 thrt 111ne of;!ustice, equity z..rd for uozens of Lood reasons which I L.ri sure you urderstand, ve ask that you uoe your utmost in'luence to correct the indefensible devision of our state b: M P.coer-7, ! Ro!,rd. It is almost unbelivable that our 12art of the state would be Fkec. to try to force the river of our fthace to Tlow uphill instead of its nAural course in which it 1ms hoen flowinE so mv,ny yearc,but a division of the st-zAe is even worse. We have never had any busine-ss relatic\)Lo with firiancitll centers to our south, they have neveany npecial fnterost in securing or handling our huninn8s, and it will be most unnz...turl and undesirahle to us to sever our old tine connectiont:; try io hufid up new onos, in,pec;ally in a locality co very inconvenient. .;:c have nothinc Aatever against Dallas, are glad they secureu a reserve Ban17 etc but certainly do ohjet mont e!lphatioally to beinc attacheu is v. tail to that distrfot, and more cspectE.11y to having our state div .ded. You- 4.17- / 7 444 C „.7.43 .• • I Aft, NIGH N1CN WESTERN UNION . f-77:7AN TTERL /(2l THEO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT • ' RECEIVED AT 266A WN 38 N L 4 EXTRA VERDEN 1793 OKLA APR (19i - P 8 1914 SCOTT FERRIS WASHINGTON DC 4E WISH TO PROTEST THL ACTION OF THE RESERVE BANK COMMITTEE IN DIVIDING OUR STATE INTO TWO DISTRICTS EVERY NATIONAL BANK IN OKLAHOMA DESIRES THE STATE KEPT IN TACT IN A REGIONAL RESERVE BANK DISTRICT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK M H EDENS CASHIER 927PM • SIXTY:THIRD CONGRESS. . HARDWICK, GA.. CHAIRMAN. M A, ASH BROOK, OHIO. LUTHER W. MOTT, N.Y. S L. SLAYDEN, TEX. GEORGE C. SCOTT, IOWA. EMIAH DONOVAN, CONN, E. E. ROBERTS, NEV. ADISLAS LAZARO, LA. ABRAHAM L. KEISTER, PA. FRANKLIN BROCKSON, DEL. CHARLES H. DILLON, S. DAK. JOHN W. ABERCROMBIE, ALA. LOUIS C. CRAMTON, MICH. SANFORD KIRKPATRICK, IOWA. SAMUEL E. WINSLOW, MASS. WILLIAM H. MURRAY, OKLA. FRED E. LEWIS, PA. J. KUHIO KALANIANAOLE, HAWAII. E. T. SHURLEY, CLERK. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV COMMITTEE ON COINAGE, WEIGHTS, AN MEASURES. WASHINGTON, D. C. ,14:4J - . APR Ui 1J14 Hon. WM. G. McAdoo. 'Res, flank Org Committee Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir:The division of the State of,Oklahoma between the Dallas and Kansas City districts places the southern portion cf cur State at a very serious disadvantage. I am urged by means of many telegrams to protest against this assignment, which I do now. However, I realize it may net be possible to comply with their request, hence I am going to ask you especially if you can not place Hughes and Pottawatomie counties, if either or any portion of them are south of the line, in the 7Aneas City district, if not all of the remaining part of the State. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours sin erely, ee' 7 / t 1 t 214:.6 • ;el , .1 • NO 8702. FIRST NATIONAL BANK J M GORDON PRESIDENT. C E .COSTELLO.VICE PRESIDENT F. J STAFFORD, VICE PRESIDENT. CAPITAL 5 25.000. SURPLUS S25.000. T. J. LAWS, CASHIER. 3LANCHAFRD. OKLA. April 8th, 1914 (1//' Hon. Scott Ferris, Washington, P.C. Dear !:ird the comrittee of the Federal Peserve Associntior has divided Oklahoma in two divisions and which throws us in the Dallas Pistrict. Since our business relations have always been with Kansas 'ity and St. Louis, throwing us in the Dallas District does not meet with our approval at all, to say nothing of the many reasons why the entire state should be kept intact and the advantages of being in a district north of us to that south, since north is the general trend of nearly all our business. Will kindly ask that you use you very best efforts to get the lines changed putting the entire state in the Kansas City District. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Thanking you very kindly for your efforts, I am, Yours very truly ier. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES t,) '94 WASHINGTON k\ coorgtttee (22 • April eighth, Nineteen fourteen. Herewith I hand you two telegrams which are explanatory and for your consideration. Very truly yours, Al 40 Honorable 7.G.McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, r'ashinston,D.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "-3+0/ WESTE UNION WESTON.° TTER NIGH THEO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT RECEIVED A.'I 247C AN 72 NL 1 EXTRA w, 877 STIGLER OKLA APRIL 7 1914 HON CHAS 0 CARTER M C V:ASHINGTON DC .THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PROTESTS AGAINST BEING IN DALLAS REGIONAL DISTRICT OUR INTERESTS ALL LIE WITH THE NORTHERN PART OF OKLi0-10HA AND WITH KAMSASCITv OUR LIVE STOCK GOES TO KANSASCITY AND WE GET OUR COTTON MONEY FROM THE NORTH AS DOES DALLAS AND THREE WEEKS LATER THAN THAT CITY WE REGARD THIS AS A cm.AmtrY CANADIAN RIvE-R USE YOUR BEST EFFORTli TO PLACE er CHAS C SLOAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tti TO US SOUTH OF THE -Witi4EASCITY PRESIDENT 927PM Vtes. Bart‘c O•rg Form 213 WESTER.UNION TELEGRAO COMPANY IN CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD 25,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA. This Company TRANS:V[11 , s and DELIA- I:Rs messages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have been assented to by the sender of the following message. Errors can be guarded against only by repiating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of Unrepeated Messages, beyond the amount of tolls paid thereon. nor in any case beyond the sum of Fifty Dollars,at which,unless otherwise stated below. this' message has been valued by the sender thereof, nor in Fen y case where the claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission. This is an UNREPEATED MESSAGE,and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above. BELVIDERE BROOKS, GENERAL MANAGER THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT BRANCH 121W RB 23VALLIANT OKLA APRIL 6 14 C D CARTER H OF R WASHN DC OE VERY MUCH DESIRE THAT THE ENTIRE STATE BE INCLUDED IN ONE DISTRICT WOULD THANK YOU TO USE YOUR EFFORTS TO THAT END Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST NATIONAL BANK 138P - A .J. M. BOHART. CASHIER FARM LOANS A SPSCIALTY • • NO. 7127 FIRST NATIONAL BANK CASH CAPITAL,$40,000.00 A VA.C.1-1/E, April 7th. 14. Ion. Scott Ferris, 71ember of Congress, Washing;ton, D.C. Dear I am writing you concerning the seiection of regional reserv ebank districts. As you doubtless know •this part of Oklahoma has been placed in District No. 11 with nails, Texas as the location for the Bank. In the first place we are very much opposed to the dividing of the State of Oklahoma. It will result in a great loss to our growi ng commonwealth. As we understand the situation Texas alone has bankin r, capital sufficient to form a bank— This being true there is no good reaso n why Okla. should be split in the middle from east to west just to please Texas and her leaders in Washington. This will be too expcnsi,re for Oklahoma. From this region of Okla. there is. absolutely no trend or business toward Dallas Texas. No Texas advocate will claim that the natural course of business is toward any Texas City, but on the contra ry its positive toward Oklahoma City and Kansas City. For example our R.R. busine ss our P.O. business remittances for merchandise, purchase of livestock, breedin7, animals and last, but not least, automobiles all from Okla. City, Kans. City and on north and east. I am in favor of Texas having a reserv e bank but I want her to have 't without tearing Okla. into two parts. I want to ask of you to do everything that you can to aid us in getting this part of Okla. attached to district No. 10, at the opportune time. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly, THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT HOUSE CORRIDOR, .TELEPHONE BRANCH 251 169W RB 24 BL Ut WANETTE OKLA APRIL 7TH-I914 HON SCOTT FERRIS H OF ,R WASHINGTON DC JE DO NOT LIKE THE PLAN OF HAVING OKLAHOMA TWO RESERVE DISTRICTS WE WANT IN THE KANSASCITY DISTRICT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE WHOLE STATE TO BE 1 . .STE 11 47,1 VIESTERNUNION NIGH TTER THEO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT .6WW ETND AT 33 NL 2098 14 ANADARKO OKLA APRIL 7 1914 HON SCOTT FERRIS M C IF YOU CAN HELP US WASHINGTON DC IN ANY WAY TO HAVE (HIS PART OF OKLAHOMA PLACED INSTEAD OF DALLAS WE WILL IN KANSASCITY REGIONAL BANK DISTRICT APPRECIATE ANY THING YOU WOULD DO FOR US NATIONAL BANK OF ANADARKO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 421AM T. r.W00 DAR D•, s. L.W..P.IYERS,VicE- PRES. I. E.COX,CASHIER R.BEN POPEJOY,Ass-r. CASHIER f;_, NATIONAL 'ANI:k (CAPITAL50,000.00 ANADARKO,OK LA. April 7, 1914 Honorable Scott Ferris, United States Congressman, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: In reference to the Districts created by the Organization Committee and the effect upon the financial interests of tie State of Oklahoma, it is my candid opinion that the division of our state between the Kansas City and tne Dallas Bistricts will prove contrary to the established and natural trend of our financial business and prove a heavy blow to the commercial interests of our entire state; making thebuilding up of a strong Branch Bank within our state practically impos3ible. We prot -st against the division of our state and ask that you use your erforts to have this matter changed and prt,serve our state intact. I assure you that you will render our state a great service in bringing about this correction. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Thanking you for your consideration, I remain, Very t 411 y Yo Cashier. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111111w— • -1 111 • 4 N9c.)968 farateir titutaiNtut, tt H.F.TOLIVER.PREsioEmr. C.H.BESSENT,VicE PRESIDE NT. R.W. HUTTO.CAsHita CORDELLOKLAHOMA April, 7,1914 Iion, Scott Ferris, H.R. Washington, D.C. Der Sir: At a meeting of the Directors of the Farmers National Bank on Ai)r11,7, a resolutio• was adopted directing me to write you expressing to you oqr regret over the action of the Federal Reserve Board in dividing this state between two regional reserve districts and respectfully requesting your influence in obtaining a reconsideration of ttil action. we are opposed to being placed. in a district with Dallas, Texas, as our reserve city and prefer Kansas City as our first choice. Being acquainted and conditions in Southwestern connected with our Oklahoma you will readily see that the trend: oif our business is not toward Dallas but toward the lio-theast. Futhemore you no doubt already realize the importance to us in Oklahoma in maintaining our state undivided. We trust that we may receive your th1J1 iiit r. Respectfully ) fkeH4C arhier. sul;Port in W.S. GUTHRIE, President, Okla. City H. M. SPALDING, Vice-President, North Enid EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE T. H. DWYER, Chairman, Chickasha BERT HUDSON Randlett L. D. ANDERSON - Medford F. H. LOOSEN Okarche E. K. HIMES - Norman G. E. DOWIS Blackwell A. L. CHURCHILL Vinita H. A. McCAULEY Sapulpa A. U. THOMAS - McAlester P. C. DINGS Ardmore • W. B. HARRISON, Secretary. Enid *Ea.*/ OFFICE OF — 908 , Ince-.PriesidME Alester re ft ye n SECRETARY gtOUCCOLCORD BUILDING, OKLAHOMA CITY April 7, 1914. To 0.B.A. Members in Dallas District, Gentlemen:Without presuming in the least to dictate in the matter of the regional reserve bank districts, we feel that another letter at this time will be welcomed by you, in view of the many urgent letters and. ,telegrams we have received. The writer has much information which it is impossible to convey in a letter, but the main point is: After communicating with senators Owen and Gore, all Oklahoma's congressmen, and after consulting with bankers in Kansas City personally arld canvassing the situation as thoroughly as time has permitted; we are convinced that there. is a reasonable chance by proper activity to get Oklahoma placed in one regional district. As for a branch bank, the administration forces inclined to adopt the policy of placing branches are only where there are not overnight facilities for handling business. Under that policy and the districts as now framed, every city in Oklahotha is barred from obtaining a branch. Our information is that 95,!, of the Oklahoma banks that have been placed in the Dallas district are very much opposed to this arrangement. We ask that any bank that is contented to remain in that district please write us at once. All others hou1d fill out the enclosed form AND RETURN TO THE WRITER. (lb not mail it to Washington.) This is VERY IMPORTANT AND SHOULD -HAVE YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Farther suggestions will follow developments. Very truly yours, 1;1/0-171./ Secretary O.B.A. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN ADDRESS FROM EN/fl TO OKLAHOMA CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 1 L.B . WRS. President. C. F. MCDONALD, Cashier 4 MALL LITHO CO TOPEMA• J. 0. CHAM NESS, Asst. Cashier A.A. PITNEY, Asst. Cashier cow-MAI 50,000 .„0/9*LPHOSTIN $ . 46)oa q$1L FtRST NATI co0 ia-ed NAL BAN K UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY EL RENO, OKLA ., April 7, 1914. Congressman Scott Ferris, Washington, r. 0. Dear Sir: We wish to call your attention to the d71.vieion of Oklahoma into two regional districts, which we feel will have a disasterous effect upon the future growth of Oklahome. We feel that it will be to the best interests of the State by our being in the Kansas City district, this bank being placed in that district we have no cause for complaint for our personal interests. What we wish to avoid is the division of the State commercially end financially, and feel that this division is most unfortunate for the State. We believe that the southern part of the State should be placed with Kansas City, retaining the State intact. We trust that you will make your most strenuous objections in the southern part of Oklahoma being placed in the Texas district. Yours very truly, D'ct-P WeSTE,47t-7_,,,Na UNIC5N Form 2589 B 4 - 4‘ WESTERN UNION TER DAY THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 101W RB 19 BLUE IrONEWOLF OKLA APRIL 6 1914 HON SCOTT FERRIS WASHINGTON DC E PROTEST AGAINST DEING PLACED PLEASE USE INFLUENCE TO HAVE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN DALLAS REGIONAL BANK DISTRICT US CHANGED TO KANSASCITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1P t.„.tt-t 6 1 157_,' WEtTE DAY tir Form 2589 B UNIN TER THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 102W RB 27 BLUE 4 EX ' DUNCAN OKLA APRIL 6TH-1914 SCOTT FERRIS CONGRESSMAN WASHINGTON DC PLEASE USE YOUR STRONGEST INFLUENCE TO IN ONE REGIONAL BANK DISTRICT HAVE ALL OKLAHOMA PUT AND LET THIS BE WITH KANSASCITY IF POSSIBLE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J D WADE CASHIER DUNCAN NATIONAL BANK 10,3P • rm 213S , THE WESTEFilk UNION TELEGRPIII-1 COMPANY INCORPORATED 25,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA. CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD This CoMetany TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages only on conditions limiting its liability, whirls have been assented to by the sender of the following message. Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for compariSon, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of En repeated Messages, beyond the amount of tolls paid thereon, nor in any ease beyond the sum of Fifty Dollars,at which,unless otherwise stated below,this message has been valued be t he sender thereof, nor in ally ease where the claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission. This itian UNREPEATED MESSAGE,and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above. THEO. N. VAIL, BELVIDERE PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT I 1 '-!"N N 1 u BROOKS, GENERAL MANAGER 11,006E OORR1DOR, TELEFHONE BRANCH 25E 25 ELKCITY OKLA APRFL 6 1914 SCOTT FERRIS CONGRESSMAN WASHINGTON DC E OBJECT TO OKLAHOMA BEING ALL EFFORTS TO KEEP OKLAHOMA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIVIDED REGIONAL DISTRICT LANK USE INTACT FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1-32P - 1) E KTHURMOND.PREsT I C.THURMOND,VtCE PREST C B FINCH,AssTCAsHIER J L HURMON D,AssT CASHIER. GUY FORD,CAsHIER. N. 9959 c7;,;c33446,e-"iff,(//e,,k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,2J Xerre 4 6 1914. Hon. Scott Ferris, Washington, 11 C. ky Dear Friend Scott:We Oklahoms people are very much dissopointed over our reserve bank disrict and we do not think that our state, under nny condition, should have been divided, nnd we think a great injw:tice has bee!) done our stPte. 7e feel that Kanwas City i$ the gate way for our business end fully 90 ¶ of our business leads to Kansas City, and if we could not have had Kansas City for Oklahoma we think the next 1ogicr,1 pl.-,ce would h. ,ve been St. Louis;nnd being in the Dells District we certainly Are disappointed, Rnd we would just 8boui. #14 soon have been placed in the Californin District. I believe I em voicingr 'a very large per cent of the bnnkers md reople of our stqte over this locntion. We have no Pore spots pgqinst Dmllas but it is not the logical piece for nny of the Oklshomn So I trust t:st our congressmen nnd Senators can see their wny clear to protest against the dividing of our state lnd nsk for it to be held. together wherever we wilt h .ve to go, if that be, Kansas City, Dallis or nny other place, cind I believe that fully 9Q % of us bnnkers wanted to be in the Knnsas City £jstrict, I trust that this 'matter may be 4 reconsidered by the Federal Board. Yours truLy, Presi en FIT/P'13. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis omc April 6th, 1911. Gintlanen: On behalf of the Chairman, I b3g to ackno-710(L;( tia reci.-), 4 of your telegram of April 3rd requesting tat you be place d in the Kansas City instea:: of tlls Dalas dist rict, and in relay be of the Co it to advise that tho certificate edfiniu tho goograulAc%1 liits of 1;11e redJral Reslrve districts, Irts bo.m filed with the Co:iptrollor of the Currency tild the Organization Committee cannot alter its docloon. R1s2ectfully, Secretary, Realry) Bank Orniz4tion Committee. The LAvton Clearing lift;se Aeociati on, Lawton, Oklahoma. uNitoN sr WATE ti.-11'.1 \ crat 'A NV NIGH WESTERN UNION AW TTER THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT • 2321 Loo" NA AI 31 NL HOBART OKLA APR 5 1914 HON SCOTT FERRIS MC WASHINGTON DC PLEASE USE YOUR INFLUENCE TO PLACE BANK DISTRICT WHERE WE BELONG FOR OKLAHOMA IN A FINANCIAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis US IN KANSASCITY MISSOURI REGIONAL IT WILL BE VERY BAD WAY TO DIVIDE THE STATE; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 1152PM ) • 44, WESTE 1 U14IttiN WESTERN UNION NIGH WTTER THEO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 2394 8A FA 24 NL SAYRE OKLA APRIL 5 1914 HON SCOTT FERRIS WASHINGTON DC WILL APPRECIATE ANY EFFORTS TO .STATE PLACED IN THE KANSASCITY HAVE THIS SECTION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISTRICT INSTEAD OF DALLAS LETTER FOLLOWS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BECKHAM COUNTY NATIONAL6ANK 247AM • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WESTE UNfON PGrrn 1?269 B WESTERN UNION NIGH __ TTER THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT • RECEIVED AT ' 207A WH 47 N L MOUNTAINVIEV! OKLA APR 4 1914 1615 SCOTT FERRIS MSHINGTON DC WE PROTEST EMPHATICALLY AGAINST THE REGIONAL BANK ;IATTER KANSASC1TY IS US LESS THAN TWO PERCENT DALLAS OF TO HAVE THIS THE LOGICAL OUR BUSINESS MAIL FACILITIES TO KANSACITY BEST EFFORTS DIVISION OF OKLAHOMA IN THE FAVOR IS WITH THAT POINT USE YOUR BLUNDER CORRECTED FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1019P (/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FINANCIAL CENTER FOR • U PON W?STE DAY Form 2580 B THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT HOUSE COF:RILJk.),„ BLUtXELEPHONE BRANCH 251 RECEIVED AT 71W RB 41 SNYDER OKLA APRIL 4 14 HON SCOTT FERRIS WASHINGTON DC WE PROTEST AGAINST BEING PLACED IN REGIONAL BANK OF DALLAS BECAUSE OUR TRADE TERRITORY FOREIGN BUSINESS IS WITH KANSASCITY PLEASE OF OUR COMMERCIAL AND BANK USE YOUR BEST EFFORTS TO TO THEM FULLY NINETY PERCENT HAVE US PLACED IN KANSASCITY DISTRICT FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 125P .0" M. • VIII RESE.Mi. 13011/4RD C.SIIVC01,4.... / pupt.i:Es Emu]: NA // t. plqpc CAPITAL & SURPLUS 30.000.00 . ESPONSIBILITY, QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS. CUSTER CITY. OKLA. WE MAKE FARM LOANS April 4, 1914. The Federal Reserve Banking Board, Washington, D.C. Gentlemen: We respectfully request that this county be transfered from the Dallas to the Kansas City Reserve District as that is the course of all our business. We do not now and never have handled any business through Texas points. If you can consisterAly do so we would appreciate very much your making this change. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very respectfully, Oi Cashier. 1- H 17 19M• 4 /0 — F.M.EN 1-1,Presiclent. BOARD I-1LE S. M.MNGNice Presiderq. C.W.CRABTREE,Asst.Cash. ,/ lit The City Nationa4(Jrf UNITED STATES NO. 5753 DEPOSITARY 7,4-0411,740: CAPITAL, AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 THE PIONEER BANK OF COMANCHE COUNTN( LAwrroiNTI OKL.A. April 4 .11-41 Hon. Wm. G. LicAdoo, Chairman, APR 1 1 1914 *-Fhington, D. C. Res. 8.9ink Org Committee Dear Sir: We wish to enter a protest against being placed in the Dallas district, as our business is done altogether through Oklahoma City, and Kansas City, and we wish to be with the rest of the state, of )klahora. Kindly give tliiv 7om- consideration. Yours very truly, 'kr, • ' is ▪ / ▪••••••-.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • IP • 191 4 ....I.CARL FINCH,PRESIDENT. A. J. FINCH, VICE PRE sr. 3rd signed by all of the National Banks of Custer County, protesting being attaclk the Dallas district. :010 • In the 16 years this hank has been established, being the first bank established in this county, we have had practically no business with Dallas banks, and regret very much having been attached to that district. We have been many years establishing ourselves with Kansas City banks, and hope you will find some way to let us continue to do business with our friends. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • April 4, 1914. MELD. FOR R. ELLIOTT: Please advise Lawton Clearing House Association, in answer to attached that the Committee cannot alter its decision. W. G. McAdoo. NO. 9976 The Beckham.CcountyNatiorial 13arlk CAPITAL $ 25,000.00 M.A.R USS ELL,PRestocnT 0 M MARS M.CAstl,cc: W.E.SI M MON 05, ASSTCASHICR Setyre,Okla. April 4th.14 iion—Jcott Farris, iashineton, D. J. iZy Dear Congressman: II tii' hIO Ji have just sent you the follo7inn, messaA i nd desire herein to confirm same"iiill appreciate any efforts to have thi:, section of the State placed in the Kansas City Federal Reserve Lank district instead of Dallas". And in this connection I wish to state, that I feel that 1 am not only voicinf the preference of this bank L_Lone but those of this entire district, and as Chairman of Croup one of The Oklahoma Ianker2 Association and in pret close touch with its members I feel safe in saying that practically ever; member of this ,7roup prefers Kansas city over Dallas. The trend of businel7s from this section has alwa-v s been towards Kansas .it and St.Louis and not Dallas and the banks of this section have establsihed --- relations tkat at 1:4.nsas Cit, that the;,, would much )refer not be broken. 1 01v •:/ Trustinf. we may have Lerour earnest support in 6,Ae0;t1iis matter and assurinr. you of our larty appreciation, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I ber: to reman, Yours leru Jashier. tit GH T LET4°1R WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY Form 2289 B THE INCORPORATED cAaLt SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD 25,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA This Company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages only on conditions limiting Its liability, which have been assented to by the sender of the following Night T.ette:-. Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not bold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of tharepeated Night Letters, sent at reduced rates, beyond a stim equal to the amount paid for transmission; nor in any case beyond the sum of Fifty DvIlars, at which, unless otherwise stated below, this message has been valued by the sender thereof, nor in any case where the claim is not presented iu writing within sixty daysafter the message Is filed with the Company for transmission. This is tin UNREYEATED NIGUT LETTER,and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above. BELVIDERE BROOKS GENERAL MANAGER 1:171E0. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 2I7A WH 16 N L / 1638 SCOTT FERRIS 2 ) LAWTON OKLA APR 3 1914 M C et..1 WASHINGTON DC USE EVERY EFFORT TO GET DISTRICT INSTEAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SOUTHERN OKLAHOMA OF THE DALLAS IN THE KANSASCITY DISTRICT LAWTON CLEARING HOUSE ASSN I026P A-'441L Tlepartment TELEGRAM 62WU MO 87 Blue 31 ex APR - 31914 CLINTON Okla :Apr ites3 . 81 1,11 91 k4ori Federal Reserve Barikiitt,..139.4tARH7.6 .1,41-1 ; 9 194• 6 keit ash ngton,D. C. - 2 OFirvi 1,/I /,ç We,all of the National Bankers of Custer county,Oklahoma,respectfully request that this county be transferred to the Kansas City Reserve District. Not one of us has a Dallas or even a Texas account and practically all our business is done with Kansas City banks. The counties directly north and east of us are in Kansas City district. --,F-i-rst Nat ional Bank,Pil int orr,Oklahoma. . State— National Bank; Ciinten, German Na lanai Bank,' " Westherford;lirst National Bank,W-ez-Ah ford; F-irs-ti National Bank ,Arapaho; First- Nat i-onai-4ank,Cust e-r 43N - ba p tional ra 7Peoples- -State National Bank,Custer City; First Bank ,Thomas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis etk fitilPH or LET vat It WESTERN UNION R, THE Form 2289 B TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCO 25,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD This Company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS meisages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have been assented to by the sender of the following Night Letter. Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable-for errors or delays in tfansmission or delivery of Unrepeated Night Letters, sent at reduced rates, beyond a sum equal to the amount paid for transmission; nor in any case beyond the sum of Fifty Dollars, at which, unless otherwise stated below, this message has been valued by the sender thereof, nor in any case where the claim is not presented in writing within sistY-dnys after the message is filed with the Company for transmission. Tlii4 is an UNREPEATED NIGHT LETTER,and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above. THEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT BELVIDERE BROOKS, GENERAL MAN 241 A WH 1ri75 25 N LAWTON OKLA APR W G MCADOO CHAIRMAN OUR BUSINESS WASHINGTON DO RELATIONS WITH KANSASCITY IMPERATIVE THAT WE BE PLACED AND OKLAHOMACITY MAKE IT RESERVE IN THE KANSASC1TY REGIONAL DISTRICT DISTRICT INSTEAD OF THE DALLAS LAWTON CLEARING HOUSE ASSN 1215AM Al\ISWERKD (oc • APR 6 1914 TYWArni (.--79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (1-6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • re BoARIt 1110 ,DLRAL To the Federal Reserve BoardfE 1 Washington, D. C. 4 Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in Dist i No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City.c ,±ate banK5 - c-Nu Bank Officer Signing L; 1. C J. to 11..AI 101 *IP am. cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. 7 f3t,-14 Bank Officer Signing aeciares its na TAArui euuuou l) to 1 CAA. cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Waif. tAK STATE BANK. ;HE ULIN'MAA1 Bank Officer Signing declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank /Al/ Officer Signing rf, declares its natural course or traae ana iinan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. P t /P' ?-77y( Bank Officer Signing _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Okla., Apr'l 1914. ' To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing aeclares its na LUFU1 UUUU0= Ul LoiCtuu cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. HANN tK Gar, OKLA. I7 Bank Officer Signing declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing aeciares its natural course or traae ana rinan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing - 476-eta Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Okla., Apr 1914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Gar, 0/04.. t rifF OtHilAiv Si A I BANK. ELK Bank Officer Signing _ _ declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing Ce, aeciares its natural course or traae ana iinan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing t zev/reL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Okla., April 1914.. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing aeciares its naturai Course oi traae ana iinan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Okla., Apr". 1914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in Distr ict No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking Syste m, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjuste d that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ Okla., Ap 46/<3 To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and financial communication violated, and urgently requests that the districts be so re-adjusted that it will be in District No. 10with headquarters at Kansas City. AN K OF rT L)BART, Bank Officer Signing that it will be in District No. 10, with headSA_ , quarters at Kansas Cit4.i Bank rar Etank, Officer Signing that it will De in uis-cric quarters at Kansas City. Bank The First National Bank Offic6r''Signtkig that it Will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas Bank Officer Signing that it will be in District Bo. quarters at Kansas Cit Officer Signing that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. AE Bank Officer Signing urgently recial colfimunication violated, and -adjusted quests that the districts be so re 10, with headthat it will be in District No. quarters at Kansas City. 7---"PtST Bank _ Officer Signing NV":10NAL BANK. •OND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Okla., Apr -- 1914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and financial communication violated, and urgently requests that the districts be so re-adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. _ t Stert Etank, Bank , Officer Signing that it will De in Distric quarters at Kansas City. VI/ VJ..A. Bank The First National Bank, (AY 0ff.J.c6-'r' that it Will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas Bank / 4,116,1101. Officer Signing that it will be in Distric; quarters at Kansas Cit Bank Officer Signing that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing recial coununication violated, and urgently -adjusted quests that the districts be so re headthat it will be in District No. 10, with quarters at Kansas City. Bank Officer Signing 71ItST rc.A7ioNAL BANK. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gotebo Okla., Apr' 1914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and financial communication violated, and urgently requests that the districts be so re-adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. Bank The First National Bank -&KC • ' Offic6rSigndAog that it will be in District No. 10, with head quarters at Kansas Bank Officer Signing 4,,pper that it will be in Districi ay. quarters at Kansas Cit Bank Officer Signing w #4/4 / 40p 47124/ that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. Bank .1....00MPonsoOMMIIIIII.I.NRIOMWM11...MINDOMMONOMOID Officer Signing urgently recial coanunication violated, and -adjusted quests that the districts be so re 10, with headthat it will be in District No. quarters at Kansas City. 2.11110.1M.A.M.01.m.11.11MMOIMM.MIWOMMINIIMII.O111 'AST NA:101'4Pd: BANK. Bank 7 Officer Signing Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,Okla, April 1914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and financial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re-adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas gJy Bank Officer Signing that it will be in District; au. quarters at Kansas Cit i ( " //Al Bank 0 Officer Signing VT.LV .10.19 A that it will be in District No. 10, with headquarters at Kansas City. 'sA Ff. BANK. Bank EiMem ••••• an.11.11•••••• Officer Signing and urgently recial communication violated, re -adjusted quests that the districts be so 10, with headthat it will be in District No. quarters at Kansas City. ..e...........•••••••••••••ammodwinmnINEIN•••• Bank:--"PtST _ Officer Signing NATIONAL BANK. OMEN. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mount.:in View,0'1 '. Okla., Apr" 11914. To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. O. Gentlemen:— This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finan— cial communication violated, and urgently re— quests that the districts be so re—adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head— quarters at Kansas Cit that it will be in District quarters at Kansas City. Officer Signing recial communication violated, and urgently quests that the districts be so re-adjusted headthat it will be in District No. 10, with City. quarters at Kansas Bank 7100ST NATIONAL BANK. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 o s s 4 Okla., Apr:,- %1914.r To the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen:This bank, having been placed in District No. 11 of the Regional Reserve Banking System, declares its natural course of trade and finanrecial coriuunication violated, and urgently quests that the districts be so re-adjusted that it will be in District No. 10, with head . as City Kans quarters at EANK, UNA. Bank ••••••••••••......•.•••••••••••••mo Officer Signing , and urgently recial colLmunication violated so re-adjusted quests that the districts be No. 10, with headthat it will be in District qaarters at Kansas City. • 9, Bank Officer Signing 7AST . ION t-._ BANK. 71 j Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IAArxix -1 Okla., A 1914. e Board, To the Federal Reserv Washington, D. C. A Gentlemen:en planin District ing hav k, ban This anking System, 49erv No. 11 of th e Regional f trade and finandeclares its natural ce lated, and urgently recial colf.munication vio be so re-adjusted quests that the districts No. 10, with headct that it will be in Distri quarters at Kansas City. Bank _ Officer Signing ST N A-TIONAL BANK. - bgl SP-1) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis