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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives J MS / Circular no. 597 March 9, 1 9 34 FED ERAL RESERVE BAN K of P h il a d e l p h ia Banks in operation Third Federal Reserve District To th e bank addressed: F or your inform ation, there are given on the follow ing pages, lists o f m em ber banks and non-m em ber banks in the Third Federal R eserve D istrict th a t have been perm itted to resum e operations under th e executive order o f the President dated M arch 10, 1933, and subsequent regulations, and those which are operating under restrictions. This list has been made up fro m the b est inform ation available a t th e date o f going to press— M arch 9. It does not include private banks not under state super vision. A ll previous lists and supplements issued b y this bank should be discarded. This list does n o t take th e place o f th e par list. V e r y tru ly yours, R. L. A u s t in Chairman Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives MEMBER BANKS AUTHORIZED TO RESUME OPERATIONS U n d e r th e P r e s i d e n t ’s e x e c u t i v e o r d e r o f M a r c h 1 0 , 1 9 3 3 , a n d s u b s e q u e n t r e g u la tio n s . DELAWARE Dagsboro ............. F irst N ational Bank Delaware C it y . . . D elm ar D over Delaware C ity N ational Bank .................. F irst N ational Bank .................... F irst N ation al Bank F r a n k f o r d ........... F irst N ation al Bank H a r r in g t o n .......... F ir s t N ational Bank L a u r e l .................... Peoples N ation al Bank M i l f o r d .................. F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany M i l t o n .................... F irst N ational Bank O d e s s a ................... N ew Castle County N ational Bank S e a f o r d .................. F ir s t N ational Bank S m y r n a .................. F ruit Growers N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany S m y r n a .................. N ational Bank o f Sm yrna W ilm in g to n . . . . Central N ational Bank W ilm in g to n . . . . *Equitable T ru st Com pany W ilm in g to n . . . .*In d u strial T ru st Com pany W ilm in gton . . . . * Security T ru st Com pany W ilm in g to n . . . . U nion N ational Bank NEW JERSEY (Continued) C a m d e n .................Am erican N ational Bank C a m d e n ................ *Cam den Safe D eposit & T ru st Com pany C a m d e n .................F irst Camden N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany C a m d e n .................Third N ational Bank & T ru st Company Cape M a y .............* Camden S afe D eposit & T rust Co. (branch office) Cape M a y ............. M erchants N ational Bank Cape M ay Court H ouse . . F irst N ational Bank C l a y t o n .................. Clayton N ational Bank C le m e n t o n ........... N ational Bank o f Clementon Collingswood . . . Citizens N ational Bank E lm er .................... Florence ............... F ir st N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank G l a s s b o r o ............. F ir st N ational Bank Gloucester C i t y . . *Cam den S afe D eposit & T rust Co. (branch office) Haddonfield . . . . Haddonfield N ational Bank W ilm in gton . . . . *W ilm in gton T ru st Com pany Haddon H eig h ts . F ir st Camden N ational Bank & T ru st Co. (branch office) W y o m in g H am ilton Sq u a re . F irst N ational Bank .............F irst National Bank H igh tstow n . . . . NEW JERSEY F irst N ational Bank H igh tstow n . . . . *H igh tstow n T ru st Com pany H o p e w e ll............... Hopewell N ational Bank Absecon ............... F irst N ational Bank L a k e h u r s t ........... F irst N ational Bank A t c o ........................A tco N ational Bank Laurel Springs . . A tlan tic C ity . . . M a n t u a .................. N ational Bank o f M antua Boardwalk N ational Bank Laurel Springs N ational Bank A u d u b o n ............... Audubon N ational Bank M a r lt o n .................. F irst National Bank B a r n e g a t ..............F irst N ational Bank M ays L a n d in g .. . F irst N ational Bank B ay H e a d ............. B a y H ead N ational Bank M edford T he Burlington County N ational Bank Beach H aven . . . Beach H aven N ational Bank & T ru st Company Berlin Berlin N ation al Bank .................... ............... M erchantville . . . M erchantville N ational Bank & T ru st Company B e v e r l y .................. F irst N ational B an k & T ru st Com pany M illv ille ..................M illville N ational Bank B la c k w o o d ........... F ir s t N ational B ank & T rust Com pany M ount H olly . . . . U nion N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Bordentown . . . . F ir st N ational Bank M i n o t o l a ............... F irst N ational Bank M ullica H i l l .......... F arm ers N ational Bank B r id g e t o n .............Bridgeton National Bank N ew E g y p t .......... F irst N ational Bank B r id g e t o n ............. B r id g e t o n ............. F arm ers & M erchants National Bank N o rth M e rc h a n tv ille .. Pensauken Tow nship National Bank Burlington O a k l y n ................... Oaklyn N ational Bank .......... Cumberland N ational Bank M echanics N ational Bank *State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA NEW JERSEY (Continued) P a u ls b o r o .............F irst N ational Bank & T rust Com pany A k r o n .................... A kron N ational Bank Pedricktown . . . . F irst N ational Bank Alexandria . . . . . F irst N ational Bank A lle n t o w n .............Allentow n National Bank P e m b e r t o n .......... Peoples N ational Bank & T rust Com pany A lle n t o w n ............. M erchants N ational Bank A lle n t o w n ............. Second National Bank P e n n in g to n .......... F irst N ation al Bank Penns Grove . . . . Pitm an Penns Grove N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany .................. Pitm an N ational Bank & T rust Com pany Point Pleasant . . Ocean County National Bank A l t o o n a .................. F irst N ational Bank A m b l e r .................. A m bler National Bank Annville ............... Arendtsville . . . . Annville N ational Bank N ational Bank o f Arendtsville A sh lan d Ash lan d A sh lan d N ational Bank Citizens N ational Bank ............... ............... Princeton ............. F irst N ational Bank A s h l e y .................... F irst N ational Bank Princeton .............* Princeton Bank & T ru st Com pany A t g l e n .................... A tg le n N ational Bank A th en s .................. A th en s N ational Bank Riverside .............F irst N ational Bank A th en s .................. F arm ers N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank Riverside .............*Riverside T ru st Com pany R o e b li n g ............... F irst N ation al Bank & T rust Com pany Salem ............... .... C ity N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Salem .................... Salem N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Stone H arbor . . . F irst N ational Bank Swedesboro .... Swedesboro N ational Bank Swedesboro . . . . *Swedesboro T ru st Com pany T om s R iv e r .......... F irst N ational Bank T r e n t o n ..................Broad Street National Bank A u s t i n .................... A v o ca .................... F irst N ational Bank Avondale ............. N ational Bank o f Avondale Bakerton, E lm ora P. 0 ......................F irst N ational Bank o f Baker ton B a l l y ....................... F irst N ational B ank Bangor .................. M erchants N ation al Bank B a r n e s b o r o .......... F irst N ational Bank B ath ....................... F irst N ational Bank B eaver Springs . . Beech Creek . . . . F irst N ational Bank Beech Creek N ational Bank T r e n t o n ..................F irst-M echanics N ational Bank B e lle fo n t e ............. Farm ers National Bank Bellefonte . . . . . . F irst N ational Bank T r e n t o n ..................Prospect National Bank B e lle v ille ............... T r e n t o n ..................Security N ational Bank Belleville N ational Bank V en tn or C ity . . . V en tn or City N ational Bank B e lle v ille ............... F arm ers N ational Bank B e llw o o d ............... F irst N ational Bank Vincentow n F irst National Bank Bendersville . . . . .... V i n e la n d ............... Vineland N ational Bank & T ru st Company W est C o llin g sw o o d .. M em orial N ation al Bank o f Collingswood W e s t v i l l e ..............F irst National Bank W i l d w o o d .............M arine N ational Bank W illiam stow n . . . F irst N ational Bank Benton Bendersville N ational Bank .................. Colum bia County N ational Bank B e r n v ille ............... F irst N ational Bank Berw ick Berw ick N ational Bank ............... Berw ick ............... F irst N ational Bank B e r w y n .................. B erw yn N ational Bank Bethlehem Bethlehem .......... .......... W o o d b i n e .............W oodbine N ational Bank B ethlehem N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Company W o o d b u r y .............F arm ers & Mechanics N ational Bank B ig le r v ille .............Biglerville N ational Bank W o o d b u r y .............F irst National Bank & Trust Company Bloom sburg . . . . *Bloom sburg Bank-Colum bia T ru st Company W o o d s t o w n .......... F irst N ational Bank W o o d s t o w n .......... W oodstow n N ational Bank & T rust Com pany Bloom sburg . . . . Y a r d v ille ............... Yardville N ational Bank B i r d s b o r o ............. F irst N ational Bank Bloom sburg .... Farm ers N ational Bank F irst National Bank B l o s s b u r g .............Citizens N ational Bank & T rust Company State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Blue B a l l ............... Blue Ball N ational Bank Blue R idge Sum m it .................... F irst N ational Bank B o y e r t o w n .......... F arm ers N ational Bank & T rust Com pany B o y e r t o w n .......... B r a d f o r d ............... N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany o f Boyertow n Bradford N ational Bank B r a d fo r d ............... Com m ercial N ation al Bank Bridgeport .......... Bridgeport N ation al Bank B r i s t o l .................... Brow nstow n . . . . F arm ers N ational Bank o f Bucks County Brow ns town N ational Bank Coopersburg . . . F irst N ational Bank Coplay .................. Coplay N ational Bank Coudersport . . . . F irst N ational Bank C r e s s o n .................. F irst N ation al Bank C r e s s o n a ............... F irst N ation al Bank Curwensville . . . D a l e ......................... Curwensville N ational Bank Dale N ational Bank (Johnstow n P. 0 .) Dallas .................... F irst N ational Bank D a lla s t o w n .......... F irst N ational Bank and T rust Com pany D anielsville . . . . Danville ............... Danielsville N ational Bank Danville N ational Bank B ryn M a w r .......... B ryn M aw r N ational Bank Danville ............... Camp H i l l ............. Camp Hill N ational Bank Danville ............... *M ontour County T ru st Com pany F irst N ational Bank Canton .................. F irst N ational Bank C a r b o n d a le .......... F irst N ational Bank D a u p h i n ............... Dauphin N ational Bank C a r l i s l e ................. * Carlisle T ru st Company D enver Carrolltown .... F ir st N ational Bank Catasauqua Catasauqua .... .... L eh igh N ational Bank N ational Bank o f Catasauqua Dickson City . . . F irst N ational Bank D illsburg .............D illsburg N ational Bank .................. Denver N ational Bank D over .................... D ow ningtow n . . . D over N ational Bank D ow ningtow n N ational Bank C a t a w is s a .............F irst National Bank Center H a l l .......... F irst N ational Bank D oylestow n D oylestow n N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Centralia ............. F irst National Bank C h a l f o n t ............... C halfont N ational Bank D ry R u n ............... P ath V a lley N ational Bank o f D ry Run C ham bersburg . . N ational Bank o f Cham bersburg D u b li n .................... DuBois .................. D eposit N ational Bank C ham bersburg . . V a lley N ational Bank D uB ois .................. DuBois N ational Bank Cheltenham Cheltenham N ational Bank D uBois ..................*Union Banking & Trust Com pany C a t a w is s a ............. Cataw issa N ational Bank .... .... Dublin N ational Bank C h e s t e r ..................*Chester-C am bridge Bank & T rust Company C h e s t e r .................. Delaware County N ational Bank D u n c a n n o n .......... Duncannon N ational Bank D u n c a n n o n .......... Peoples N ational Bank C h e s t e r .................. F irst N ational Bank D u n m o r e ............... F ir st N ational Bank .......... Christiana Christiana N ational Bank D ushore ............... F irst N ational Bank Clarks S u m m i t . . A b in gton N ational Bank C la y s b u r g .............F irst N ational Bank E a s t Greenville . Perkiom en N ational Bank E a s t M auch Clearfield C h u n k ............... Citizens N ation al Bank E aston .................. E aston N ational Bank .............* Clearfield T ru st Com pany Clearfield Coaldale ............. ............... County N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank C o a l p o r t ............... F irst N ational Bank Coatesville .......... Coatesville .......... N ational Bank o f Coatesville C o lle g e v ille .......... N ational Bank o f C hester V a l ley Collegeville N ational Bank Columbia ............. Central N ational Bank Columbia .............F irst-C olum bia N ational Bank Conshohocken .. F irst N ational Bank Conshohocken .. Tradesm ens N ational Bank .... Conyngham N ational Bank Conyngham Easton Easton ..................*E aston T ru st Company .................. F irst N ational Bank & T rust Company Easton .................. N ortham pton N ational Bank E a st P e te rsb u rg . *E a st Petersburg State Bank E a s t S m ith fie ld .. F irst National Bank E a s t StroudsE a s t Stroudsburg National burg .................. Bank E a s t Strouds burg .................. Monroe County National Bank Ebensburg .......... A m erican N ational Bank E b e n s b u r g .......... F irst N ational Bank Edw ardsville . . . Peoples N ational Bank * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) E g y p t .................... *F arm ers Bank o f E g y p t E l d r e d .................... F irst N ational Bank Elizabethtow n . . F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany H a z le t o n ............... * Peoples Savings & T ru st Com pany H egins .................. F irst N ational Bank Elizabethville . . . Elkins Park . . . . F irst N ational Bank Elkins P ark N ational Bank E l k l a n d .................. Pattison N ational Bank E l v e r s o n ............... Elverson N ational Bank E l y s b u r g ............... F irst N ational Bank E m a u s .................... E m au s N ation al Bank E p h rata ............... E p h rata N ational Bank E p h rata ............... F arm ers N ational Bank E v e r e t t .................. F irst N ational Bank E x e t e r .................... F irst N ational Bank Factoryville . . . . F irst N ational Bank Fairfield ............... F an n ettsbu rg . . . F ir st N ation al Bank F an n ettsbu rg N ational Bank H e r n d o n ............... H ersh ey ............... Herndon N ational Bank H ersh ey N ational Bank H ighland Park, U pper D a r b y . . State Road N ational Bank H ollidaysburg Citizens N ational Bank .. H o n e s d a le ............. Honesdale National Bank H o n e s d a le .............*W a yn e County Savings Bank H oney Brook . . . Hop B ottom . . . . F irst National Bank H op B ottom N ational Bank H o u t z d a le .............*Houtzdale T ru st Com pany H o w a r d .................. F irst N ational Bank H ughesville . . . . F irst N ational Bank H ughesville .... Faw n Grove . . . . F ir s t N ation al Bank F le e tw o o d .............F irst N ational Bank Huntingdon .... Fogelsville Huntingdon . . . . * Grange T ru st Company .......... Fogelsville N ation al Bank F r a c k v ille ............. F irst N ational Bank F red erick sb u rg. . F irst National Bank F r e e l a n d ............... F irst N ational Bank G a l e t o n .................. F irst N ation al Bank G a p ......................... Gap N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Genesee .................. F irst N ation al Bank G e t t y s b u r g .......... G e t t y s b u r g .......... F irst N ation al Bank G ettysb u rg N ational Bank Girardville .......... Glen L yon .......... F irst N ational Bank Glen L yon N ational Bank Glenside ............... Greencastle . . . . Kesw ick N ational Bank Citizens N ational Bank Greencastle . . . . H a l i f a x .................. F ir s t N ational Bank H a lifa x N ational Bank Hallstead ............. H anover ............... H arleysville . . . . F irst N ational Bank F irst N ation al Bank H arleysville N ational Bank H a r r is b u r g .......... *Central T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... *D auphin D eposit T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... H arrisbu rg N ational Bank Grange National Bank o f L yco m ing County Hum m elstow n . . H um m elstow n N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank Huntingdon . . . . Union N ational Bank & T ru st Company H y n d m a n ............. I n te r c o u r s e .......... Hoblitzell National Bank F irst N ational Bank J e n k in to w n .......... *Jenkintown Bank & T ru st Com pany J e r m y n .................. F irst N ational Bank Jersey Shore . . . J e s s u p .................... Union N ation al Bank F irst N ational Bank Johnsonburg . . . Johnstown .......... Johnsonburg N ational Bank M oxh am N ation al Bank Johnstown U nited States N ational Bank .......... K a n e ....................... F irst N ation al Bank K en nett S q u a re. . N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany o f K en nett Square K i n g s t o n ............... F irst N ational Bank K i n g s t o n ............... K ingston N ational Bank K noxville ............. F irst N ational Bank K u lp m o n t .............*D im e Deposit Bank & T rust Company K u t z t o w n ............. K utztow n N ational Bank L a c e y v ille ............. Grange N ation al Bank o f W y o m in g County F ir s t N ational Bank H a s t i n g s ............... F irst N ational Bank L ak e A r i e l .......... H atboro H atboro N ational Bank L a n c a s t e r ............. Conestoga N ational Bank H a t fi e ld .................. Hatfield N ational Bank H a w l e y .................. F irst N ational Bank L a n c a s t e r ............. L a n c a s t e r ............. Fulton National Bank L ancaster County National Bank ............... H a z le t o n ............... F ir s t N ational Bank H a z le t o n ............... H azleton N ation al Bank H a z le t o n ............... *M arkle B anking & T ru st Com pany L a n d is v ille .......... F irst N ational Bank Langhom e Peoples N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany .......... State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) L a n s d a le ............... ..F ir s t N ational Bank L a n s d o w n e .......... ..N ational Bank o f Lansdowne M auch Chunk . . M auch Chunk N ational Bank M aytow n M aytow n N ational Bank L a n s f o r d ............... ..Citizens N ational Bank M c A d o o .................. F irst National Bank M cAllisterville . . F arm ers National Bank L a n s f o r d ............... ..F irst N ational Bank L a p o r t e ....................F irst N ational Bank Lawrenceville . . . F ir st N ational Bank ............. McClure ............... F irst N ational Bank M cConnellsburg . F irs t N ation al Bank Lebanon Lebanon ............... ..F irst N ational Bank ............... ..Lebanon N ational Bank M cConnellsburg . Fulton County N ational Bank Lebanon ............... ..Peoples N ational Bank M echanicsburg . . Second N ational Bank L e e s p o r t ............... ..F irst N ational Bank L e h ig h t o n .............Citizens National Bank & T ru st Com pany L e h ig h t o n .............F irst N ational Bank Lem asters .......... ..Peoples N ational Bank L e m o y n e ............... *L em oyn e T ru st Com pany M edia F irst N ation al Bank L e m o y n e ............... W e s t Shore N ational Bank M ifflin to w n .......... M ifflin to w n .......... L e o l a .........................L eola N ational Bank LeR aysville . . . . F irst N ational Bank Lew isburg .......... ..L ew isb urg N ational Bank L ew isburg Lew istow n .......... ..U nion N ational Bank .......... ..Citizens N ational Bank L e w i s t o w n .......... * L ew istow n T ru st Com pany L e w i s t o w n .......... Mifflin County N ational Bank L ew istow n .......... ..Russell N ational Bank M cV eytow n .... .................... M ercersburg ... M cV ey to w n N ational Bank F ir st N ational Bank M e s h o p p e n .......... F irs t N ation al Bank M id d le b u r g .......... F irst N ational Bank M iddletown . . . . * Citizens B ank & T ru st Company M i f f l i n .................... Peoples N ational Bank o f Mifflin F irst N ation al Bank Juniata V a lley N ational Bank M i l f o r d .................. F ir st N ational Bank M illersburg . . . . F irst N ational Bank M illerstown .... F irst N ation al Bank M i l lh e i m ............... F arm ers N ational Bank & T rust Com pany M illville ............... M i l t o n .................... F irst N ational Bank F irst M ilton N ational Bank L i b e r t y ....................F arm ers N ation al Bank L illy .........................F ir st N ational Bank M in e r s v ille .......... F irst N ational Bank M in e r s v ille .......... U nion N ational Bank Lincoln M o c a n a q u a .......... M ontgom ery . . . ....................Lincoln N ation al Bank L i t i t z .........................F arm ers N ation al Bank L i t i t z .........................L ititz Springs N ation al Bank L it t le s t o w n .......... L ittlestow n N ational Bank Liverpool . . . . . . . F ir st N ation al Bank Lock H aven . . . . F ir st N ational Bank Lock H aven . . . . *Lock H aven T ru st Company L oganton ...............Loganton N ation al Bank L o y s v ill e ............... ..F ir s t N ation al Bank L u z e r n e ....................Luzerne N ation al Bank M a d e r a ....................M adera N ational Bank M ahanoy C ity . . F irst N ational Bank M ahanoy C ity . . ^M erchants B anking T ru st Com pany M ahanoy C ity . . Union N ational Bank M alvern ............... ..N ational Bank o f M alvern M anheim ...............K eystone N ational Bank M anheim ...............M anheim N ation al Bank Mansfield M apleton ...............F irst N ational Bank ...............F irst N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank F arm ers & Citizens N ational Bank M ontgom ery . . . F irst N ational Bank M ontoursville . . . F irst N ational Bank M ontrose M orton .............F irst & F arm ers N ational Bank and T ru st Com pany .................. M orton National Bank M o s c o w .................. F irst N ational Bank M ount Carmel . . F irst N ational Bank M ount Carmel . . *L iberty S tate B ank & T rust Com pany M ount Carm el . . Union National Bank M ount H olly S p r i n g s ............. F irst N ational Bank M ount Jew ett . . . M ount Jew ett N ational Bank M ount Joy .......... F irst N ational B an k & T ru st Com pany M ount Joy .......... Union N ational M ount Joy Bank M arcus H ook . . . M arcus H ook N ational Bank M ount Union ... Central N ational Bank M a r i e t t a ............... ..F irst N ational Bank M ount Union ... F irst N ational Bank M artin sbu rg . . . . F ir st N ational Bank M ountville M arysville M u n c y .................... .......... ..F irst N ational Bank .......... M ountville N ational Bank Citizens N ational Bank * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) M y e r s t o w n .......... M yerstow n N ational Bank Osceola Mills .. M y e r s t o w n .......... * M yerstow n T ru st Com pany O xford . . . . Palm erton . . . N ational Bank o f O xford . . F irst National Bank . . * Paoli Bank and T rust Company N a n t ic o k e ............. F irst National Bank N a n t ic o k e .............Miners N ational Bank N a n t ic o k e ............. Nanticoke N ational Bank * Peoples Savings & T rust Com pany N azareth N azareth ............. ............. N ew F reedom N ew Holland .. ... F irst National Bank Pen A rg y l N ational Bank National Bank o f Penbrook .. Second N ational Bank Perkasie . . . Petersburg . .. Philadelphia .. Philadelphia Philadelphia .. City N ational Bank .. Corn Exchange National Bank and T rust Company Philadelphia . . Erie N ational Bank Philadelphia . . *Fidelity-Philadelphia T rust Company Philadelphia .. N ew A l b a n y ------ F irst National Bank N ew Bloomfield . F irst N ational Bank New foundland . . F irst National Bank .. .. Penbrook . . Pennsburg . . . F irst N ational Bank N ew Cum ber land .................... Pen A r g y l . . .. N azareth N ational Bank & T rust Company N e f f s ....................... N effs N ational Bank Nescopeck .......... Nescopeck N ational Bank Nesquehoning Paoli ............. Peckville . . . Pen A r g y l . . F irst National Bank o f Osceola N ew Cumberland National Bank F irst National Bank F irst N ational Bank F arm ers National Bank & T rust Company N ew H o p e ............. Solebury N ational Bank Grange N ational Bank o f Sus quehanna County N ew O xford . . . . :!:F arm ers & M erchants Bank N ew M ilford N e w p o r t ............... Citizens N ation al Bank N e w p o r t ............... F irst N ational Bank N ew tow n F irst N ational Bank & T ru st (B ucks C o . ) . . . Com pany N ew Tripoli . . . . N e w Tripoli N ational Bank N e w v i l l e ............... F arm ers N ational Bank N ew v i l l e ............... F ir st N ational Bank . . F arm ers National Bank F irst National Bank . . F irst N ational Bank Central-Penn National Bank F irst Camden N ational Bank and T rust Company (branch office) Philadelphia . F irst N ational Bank Philadelphia . *Gim bel Brothers Bank & Trust Company Philadelphia Philadelphia . * Girard T ru st Company . ^Integrity T ru st Company Philadelphia . K ensington N ational Bank Philadelphia . M arket Street N ational Bank Philadelphia . N ational Bank o f Germantown & T ru st Company Philadelphia . *N in th Bank and T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . N orth Broad National Bank N i c h o ls o n ............. F irst N ational Bank N o r r is to w n .......... M ontgom ery N ation al Bank N o r r is to w n .......... * M ontgom ery T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . N orth east National Bank Philadelphia N o r r is to w n .......... *N orristow n-P enn T ru st Com pany . *Penna. Com pany fo r Insurances on L ives and Granting A n n ui ties Philadelphia .. N o r r is to w n .......... Peoples N ational Bank Philadelphia . . ^Provident T ru st Company N ortham pton . . . Philadelphia .. Second N ational Bank Philadelphia .. T ioga N ational Bank & Trust Com pany Philadelphia .. Tradesm ens National Bank & T ru st Company Cem ent N ational Bank o f Sieg fried a t N ortham pton N orth u m b erlan d . Northum berland N ational Bank N orth W a le s . . . . N o rth W a le s N ational Bank N u m i d i a ............... V a lley N ation al Bank Philadelphia N ational Bank .... F ir st N ation al Bank Philipsburg .. F irst N ational Bank O l e y ......................... F ir st N ational Bank Phoenixville .. Farm ers & Mechanics National Bank Pine Grove . . . Pine Grove National Bank & T rust Company Pittston .. N u rem b u rg O r a n g e v ille .......... F arm ers N ation al Bank Orrstow n .............*Orrstow n Bank O rw igsburg . . . . F irst National Bank & T rust Company ... F irst N ational Bank * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) P lym outh ............. F irst N ational Bank Schuylkill H a ven . *Schuylkill H aven pany Plym outh ............. Plym outh N ational Bank Schwenksville P ittston ............... P ort A llegeny Portland .. L iberty N ational Bank F irst National Bank ............... Portland N ational Bank P ort R o y a l .......... F irst N ational Bank P ort R o y a l .......... P ort R oyal N ational Bank .. S c r a n t o n ............... T ru st Com National Bank & T rust Com pany o f Schwenksville F irst N ational Bank S c r a n t o n ............... Scranton N ational Bank S c r a n t o n ............... Third N ational Bank & T rust Com pany P o t t s t o w n .............Citizens N ational Bank & Trust Company S e lin s g r o v e .......... F arm ers N ational Bank P o t t s t o w n .............N ational Bank o f Pottstow n Sellersville S e lin s g r o v e .......... F irst N ational Bank Pottsville ............. Miners N ational Bank .......... Sellersville N ational Bank S h a m o k in .............M arket Street N ational Bank S h a m o k in ............. N ational D im e Bank Pottsville .............Penna. N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany o f Pottsville S h a m o k in .............*Sham okin B anking & T rust Company P o t t s t o w n .............N ational Iron Bank Prospect Park, N orwood P. 0 . . *Interboro Bank & T ru st Com pany S h a m o k in .............W e s t End N ational Bank Shenandoah . . . . M erchants National Bank Shenandoah . . . . Miners National Bank Quakertown . . . . M erchants N ational Bank Quakertown . . . . Quakertown N ational Bank Shickshinny . . . . Shinglehouse . . . F irst National Bank F irst N ational Bank Q u a k e r to w n ____ * Quakertown T ru st Company Shippensburg . . . F irst N ational Bank Quarry v i l l e .......... F arm ers N ational Bank Shippensburg . . . Peoples N ational Bank Q uarry v i l l e .......... Q uarry ville N ational Bank Shoem akersville . F irst National Bank R a l s t o n .................. F irst N ational Bank Rebersburg . . . . R ebersburg N ational Bank S la t in g t o n .............Citizens N ational Bank Red L i o n ............... F arm ers & M erchants N ational Bank Sm ethport Red L i o n ............... F irst N ational Bank & T rust Com pany S la t in g t o n .............National Bank o f Slatington .......... G range N ational Bank o f M cK ean County R e e d s v ille ............. Reedsville N ational Bank S o u d e r to n .............Peoples N ational Bank S o u d e r to n .............Union National Bank & T rust Company R i c h l a n d ............... Richland N ational Bank R i d g w a y ............... E lk County N ational Bank South F o r k .......... S p a n g le r ............... R i d g w a y ............... R idgw ay N ational Bank Spring C i t y .......... N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany o f Spring City Spring Grove . . . Spring Grove N ational Bank Ridley Park .... R ie g e ls v ille .......... R ingtow n Ridley Park N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank .............F ir st N ational Bank R oaring S p r i n g .. F ir st N ational Bank R o m e ....................... F arm ers N ation al Bank R o y e r s f o r d .......... N ational Bank o f R oyersford St. M arys ............. S t. M arys N ation al Bank S t. M i c h a e l .......... St. M ichael N ational Bank S a x t o n .................... F irst N ational Bank S a y r e ....................... F ir st N ational Bank S a y r e .......................M erchants & Mechanics N a tional Bank Sch aefferstow n . . F irst N ational Bank Schellsburg F irst National Bank .... F irst N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank Spring M i l l s ------ F irst N ational Bank State College . . . F irst N ational Bank S tate College . . . Peoples N ational Bank Steelton ............... *Steelton Bank & T ru st Com pany Stew artstow n . . . F irst N ational Bank Stew artstow n . . . Peoples N ational Bank S t r a s b u r g .............F irst N ational Bank Strausstow n . . . . Stroudsburg . . . . Strausstow n N ational Bank F irst-Stroudsburg National Bank Sunbury ............... F irst N ational Bank Susquehanna . . . C ity N ational Bank Schnecksville . . . *Schnecksville State Bank Susquehanna . . . F ir st N ational Bank Schuylkill H a v en . Sw arthm ore . . . . Sw arthm ore N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany F irst N ational Bank & T rust Com pany * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) M y e r s t o w n .......... M yerstow n N ational Bank Osceola Mills . F ir st N ational Bank o f Osceola M y e r s t o w n .......... *M yerstow n T ru st Com pany O xford . . Palm erton Paoli . . . . . N ational Bank o f O xford . F irst N ational Bank . *Paoli Bank and T ru st Company Peckville . Pen A r g y l . F irst N ational Bank . F irst N ational Bank Pen A r g y l , . Pen A r g y l N ational Bank N azareth N ational Bank & T ru st Company Penbrook , Pennsburg . N ational Bank o f Penbrook Second N ational Bank Perkasie . . F irst N ational Bank P etersburg . F ir st N ational Bank Philadelphia . Central-Penn N ational Bank Philadelphia . C ity N ational B an k Philadelphia . Corn E xch an ge N ational Bank and T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . E rie N ational Bank Philadelphia . *F idelity-Philadelphia T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . F irst Camden N ational Bank and T ru st Com pany (branch office) Philadelphia . F irst N ational Bank Philadelphia . *G im bel Brothers Bank & T rust Company Philadelphia . * Girard T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . * In tegrity T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . K ensington N ational Bank N a n t ic o k e ............. F ir st N ational Bank N a n t ic o k e .............M iners N ational Bank N a n t ic o k e ............. Nanticoke N ational Bank * Peoples Savings & T rust Com pany N azareth N azareth ............. ............. N e f f s ....................... N effs N ational Bank N escopeck .......... Nescopeck N ational Bank Nesquehoning .. F irst N ational Bank N ew A l b a n y ------ F irst National Bank N e w Bloomfield . F irst N ational Bank N e w Cum ber land .................... New foundland . . N ew F reedom N e w Holland .. ... N ew H o p e ............. N ew M ilford N ew Cumberland National Bank F irst N ational Bank F irst N ational Bank Farm ers N ational Bank & T rust Company Solebury N ational Bank Grange N ational Bank o f Sus quehanna County N ew O xford . . . . * F arm ers & M erchants Bank N e w p o r t ............... Citizens N ation al Bank . F arm ers N ational Bank Philadelphia . M arket S treet N ation al Bank Philadelphia . N ational Bank o f Germ antow n & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia .* N in th Bank and T ru st Com pany N e w v i l l e ............... F ir st N ational Bank N i c h o ls o n ............. F ir s t N ation al Bank Philadelphia . N orth Broad N ational Bank Philadelphia . N o rth east N ation al B ank N o r r is t o w n .......... M ontgom ery N ation al Bank N o r r is t o w n .......... ^M ontgom ery T ru st Com pany N o r r is to w n .......... *N orristow n-P enn T ru st Com pany N o r r is t o w n .......... Peoples N ational Bank Philadelphia . *Penna. Com pany fo r Insurances on L ives and G ranting A n n ui ties N ortham pton . . . N e w p o r t ............... F irst N ational Bank N ew tow n F irst N ational Bank & T ru st (B ucks C o . ) . . . Com pany N e w Tripoli . . . . N ew Tripoli N ational Bank N e w v i l l e ............... F arm ers N ational Bank Cem ent N ational Bank o f Sieg fried a t N ortham pton Philadelphia . . Philadelphia N ational Bank Philadelphia . . *Provident T ru st Com pany Philadelphia .. Second N ational Bank Philadelphia .. T ioga N ational Bank & T rust Com pany N o rth u m b erlan d . Northum berland N ational Bank N o rth W a le s . . . . N orth W a le s N ational Bank Philadelphia .. N u m i d i a ............... N u rem burg . . . . V alley N ation al Bank F irst N ational Bank Tradesm ens N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Philipsburg .. F irst N ational Bank O l e y ......................... O r a n g e v ille .......... F ir st N ational Bank F arm ers N ational Bank Phoenixville .. F arm ers & M echanics N ational Bank Pine Grove . . . Pine Grove N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany P ittston .. Orrstow n .............*Orrstow n Bank O rw igsburg . . . . F irst National Bank & T rust Company ... F ir s t N ational Bank State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) S w in e fo r d .............F irst N ational Bank T am aqua T am aqua Tam aqua .............F irst N ational Bank .............* Peoples T ru st Company .............T am aqua N ational Bank PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) W e s t f ie ld ............... F arm ers & Traders N ational Bank W e s t Grove .... N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany o f W e s t Grove T elford .................. Telford N ational Bank W ilk es-B arre Temple ..................*Tem ple State Bank T h om p son tow n . . F arm ers National Bank W ilk es-B a rre . . . W ilk es-B a rre . . . Three Springs . . F irst N ational Bank T i o g a ....................... Grange National Bank W ilk es-B a rre . . . * W ilkes-B arre D eposit & Savings Bank W ilk es-B a rre . . . W y o m in g N ational Bank T o p to n .................... N ation al Bank o f Topton T o w a n d a ............... Citizens N ational Bank . .. F irst N ational Bank M iners N ational Bank Second N ational Bank W illia m sb u rg . . . T o w a n d a ............... F ir st N ational Bank Tow er C i t y .......... Tow er C ity N ational Bank F arm ers & M erchants N ational Bank W illiam sb u rg . . . F irst N ational Bank T r e m o n t ............... T rem on t N ational Bank W illiam sp ort ... F irst N ational Bank T r e v o r t o n .............F irst N ational Bank T roy ....................... F irst N ational Bank Tunkhannock . . . Citizens N ational Bank W illiam sp ort . . . * W e s t Branch Bank & T ru st Co. W illiam sp ort . .. W illiam sp ort N ational Bank ............... F irst N ational Bank W rig h tsville . . . . F irst N ational Bank T u r b o t v ille .......... Turbotville N ational Bank Tyrone ..................F irst-B la ir County N ational Bank W y a lu sin g N ational Bank o f W y a lu sin g U lster W y om issin g . . . . * Peoples T ru st Co. ' Tunkhannock . . . W y o m in g N ational Bank .................... F irst N ational Bank U l y s s e s .................. G range N ational Bank o f Pot ter County W atson tow n . . . . F arm ers N ational Bank W in d sor W y o m in g .......... ............. F irst National Bank Y a r d l e y ..................Y ard ley National Bank Y ork ....................... Central N ational Bank & Trust Company W atso n to w n . . . . W atson tow n N ational Bank Y o rk W ayn esboro . . . . Citizens N ational Bank & T rust Com pany .......................Drovers & Mechanics N ational Bank Y ork ....................... E astern N ational Bank W ayn esboro . . . . F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany W e a th e rly .......... F ir st N ational Bank W e i s s p o r t .............W eissp o rt N ational Bank W e l l s b o r o .............F irst N ational Bank W ellsville .............W ellsville N ational Bank W ernersville . . . . W ern ers ville N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany W e s t Chester . . . F irst N ation al Bank W e s t Chester . . . N ational Bank o f Chester County & T ru st Com pany Y o rk ....................... F irst National Bank Y o rk .......................* Guardian T rust Company Y o rk ....................... Industrial National Bank o f W e s t Y ork Y ork ....................... W estern N ational Bank Y o rk ....................... Y o rk County National Bank Y ork ....................... Y ork National Bank & Trust Company Y o rk .......................*Y ork T rust Co. Y ork Springs . . . F irst National Bank * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system, Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives NONMEMBER BANKS AUTHORIZED TO RESUME OPERATIONS U n d e r th e P r e s i d e n t ’s e x e c u t i v e o r d e r o f M a r c h 1 0 , 1 9 3 3 , a n d s u b s e q u e n t r e g u la tio n s . DELAWARE Bridgeville .......... Baltim ore T ru st Com pany (branch o f Selbyville) C a m d e n ..................Baltim ore T ru st Com pany (branch o f Selbyville) DELAWARE (Continued) W ilm in gton .... W ilm in gton W ilm ington .... .... Claym ont .............Claym ont T ru st Company C l a y t o n .................. Clayton Bank and T rust Com pany Dover .................... Delaware T ru st Com pany (branch o f W ilm in g to n ) Dover .................... F arm ers Bank (head office) Provident Savings & Loan A sso ciation W ilm ington M orris Plan Bank W ilm ington Savings Fund Society NEW JERSEY A tlan tic City ... Bankers T rust Company A tlantic City ... Equitable T ru st Company A tlan tic City . .. Guarantee T rust Company F e l t o n .................... Felton Bank Frederica ............. Delaware T rust Company (branch o f W ilm ington ) B a r r i n g t o n .......... Suburban Com m ercial Bank Georgetown Bordentow n . . . . Georgetow n .... .... G r e e n w o o d .......... F arm ers Bank (branch o f Dover) Georgetown T ru st Company Greenwood T ru st Com pany Burlington Bordentow n B anking Company .......... Burlington Savings Institution C a m d e n ..................N orth Camden T ru st Company C a m d e n ..................W e s t Jersey T ru st Com pany H a r r in g t o n .......... Peoples Bank H a r t l y .................... W e s t D over T ru st Company L a u r e l .................... S ussex T ru st Com pany (branch o f L ew es) E g g Harbor C it y . E g g H arbor C ity T rust Com pany Lejwes L ew es E lm er .................... L ew es T ru st Company .................... S ussex T ru st Com pany (head office) Middletown .... Delaw are T ru st Com pany (branch o f W ilm in gton ) M i l f o r d .................. M ilford T ru st Com pany M illsboro . . . . . . . M i l t o n .................... Millsboro T ru st Com pany Sussex T ru st Company (branch o f L ew es) N e w a r k .................. F arm ers T ru st Com pany N e w a r k .................. N ew ark T rust Company N ew C a s t l e .......... N ew Castle T ru st Com pany R ehoboth .............Rehoboth T ru st Company St. G e o r g e s .......... St. George’s T ru st Com pany S e a f o r d .................. Seaford T ru st Com pany Selbyville ............. Baltim ore T ru st Company (m ain office) T o w n s e n d .............Townsend T ru st Company C l a y t o n .................. Clayton Title & T rust Company E g g Harbor C it y . E g g H arbor Commercial Bank .................... E lm er T ru st Company Gloucester .......... Haddonfield .... Gloucester C ity Ti*ust Company Haddonfield T ru st Company H am m onton . . . . Peoples Bank & T ru st Company M argate C ity . . . M oorestown . . . . M argate T ru st Com pany Burlington County T ru st Com pany M ount H olly . . . . F arm ers T ru st Com pany Penns Grove . . . . Peoples Bank o f Penns Grove P itm an .................. Pitm an T itle & T ru st Company Pleasantville . . . . Pleasantville T ru st Com pany Princeton .............Princeton Savings Bank R i v e r t o n ............... Cinnam inson Bank & T ru st Com pany Tom s R i v e r .......... Ocean County T ru st Company T r e n t o n ..................H anover-C apital T ru st Com pany W ilm in gton W ilm in gton .... .... A rtisa n s Savings Bank Citizens Savings Bank, Inc. W ilm in g to n W ilm in gton .... .... C ity Bank & T ru st Company Colonial T ru st Company T r e n t o n .................. Trenton Saving Fund Society T r e n t o n ..................Trenton B anking Com pany T r e n t o n .................. Trenton T ru st Com pany W ilm in gton .... Commercial T ru st Com pany T u c k e r to n .............Tuckerton Bank W ilm in gton .... Delaware T ru st Com pany (m ain office) V i n e la n d ............... Tradesm ens Bank & T ru st Com pany W ilm in gton .... F arm ers Bank (branch o f Dover) W o o d b u r y .............W oodbury T rust Company W i l d w o o d .............Union Bank Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) A b b ottstow n . . . . A b b ottstow n S tate Bank A b in g t o n ............... ..A bin gton Bank & T ru st Com pany E n o l a .......................Peoples Bank o f Enola E s s i n g t o n ............. Tinicum Bank F o r t Loudon . . . . F ort Loudon S tate Bank A lle n t o w n .............L ehigh V alley T ru st Company F orty F o r t .......... F orty F ort State Bank F reeburg ............. Freeburg S tate Bank A l t o o n a ..................Altoona T ru st Company A l t o o n a ....................Central T ru st Company A lu m B a n k .......... ..B edford County Bank A m b l e r ....................A m b ler T ru st Com pany ^ A m b l e r ....................Daniel Signore (private bank) A r d m o r e ............... M ain Line T ru st Com pany A v i s ......................... ..State Bank o f A v is B e lle fo n t e .............Bellefonte T rust Company Berwick ............... Berw ick Savings & T ru st Com pany B ethlehem .......... ..E . P. W ilbu r T ru st Com pany Boiling S p rin g s. . Boiling Springs State Bank B r a d f o r d ............... Producers Bank & T ru st Com pany B r i s t o l .................... Bristol T ru st Com pany F r e e l a n d ............... Citizens Bank Glen R o c k ............. Glen Rock State Bank Glen R o c k .............Peoples Bank o f Glen Rock H am burg .............H am burg Savings & T rust Com pany Hanover ............... F arm ers State Bank H anover ............... H anover Saving Fund Society H anover ............... Hanover T ru st Com pany H anover ............... Peoples Bank o f Hanover H a r r is b u r g .......... A lliso n -E a st End T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... Cam p Curtin T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... Citizens T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... H arrisburg T ru st Com pany B ryn M a w r .......... B ryn M aw r T ru st Com pany H a r r is b u r g .......... K eystone T rust Com pany Campbelltown H a r r is b u r g .......... M arket S treet T ru st Company .. Cam pbelltown Bank Carbondale . . . . . L iberty Discount & Savings Bank C a r b o n d a le .......... Pioneer D im e Bank C a r l i s l e ..................Carlisle D eposit Bank & T rust Company C a r l i s l e .................. F arm ers T ru st Com pany Cham bersburg . . Cham bersburg T ru st Company Cham bersburg . . F arm ers & M erchants T rust Com pany C h e s t e r .................. Delaware County T rust Com pany ''''C h e s t e r .................. Frank E . D eFuria (private bank) Columbia ............. Columbia T ru st Company Coudersport . . . . Citizens Safe Deposit & Trust Company Coudersport . . . . Coudersport T rust Company Curwensville . . . Curwensville State Bank D a lm a t ia ............... F arm ers State Bank D a l t o n .................... D oylestow n . . . . D uBois Central S tate Bank D oylestow n T ru st Com pany .................. Peoples State Bank D u n m o r e ............... F idelity D eposit & Discount Bank E a st B e r l i n .......... Peoples State Bank E a st P r o s p e c t . . . E a st Prospect S tate Bank H a s t i n g s ............... H e lle r t o w n .......... Saucon V alley T ru st Company H ersh ey ............... H ersh ey T ru st Company H i g h s p i r e .............Highspire State Bank H o llid a y sb u rg . . . Hollidaysburg T rust Company H o n e s d a le .............F arm ers & M erchants Bank H o n e s d a le .............Honesdale D im e Bank H oney Brook . . . Hum m elstow n . . H oney Brook T ru st Company Farm ers Bank H um m els W h a r f . Snyder County State Bank Huntingdon V alley ............... H untingdon V a lley T ru st Com pany Johnstown Jonestown . . . . . Johnstown S avings Bank .......... Jonestown Bank & T rust Com pany K a n e ....................... K ane Bank & T ru st Com pany K a n e .......................K ane T ru st & Savings Company K u t z t o w n .............F arm ers Bank & T ru st Com pany L a n s f o r d ............... D im e Bank L a u r e lt o n .............Laurelton State Bank Lebanon ............... F arm ers T ru st Com pany Lebanon ............... Lebanon County T ru st Com pany E a sto n .................. L afay ette T rust Company Elizabethtow n . . Elizabethtow n T rust Company Lebanon Elizabethville . . . L ykens V alley Bank Em porium .......... E m p oriu m T ru st Com pany L ew isburg H astin gs Bank H a w l e y .................. H aw ley Bank ............... N orth Side Bank & T ru st Com pany .......... L ew isburg T rust & S afe D e posit Com pany Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) M acungie M arion ............. M acungie Bank PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Philadelphia . . . . C hestnut H ill Title & T rust Company Philadelphia . . . . Citizens & Southern Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Philadelphia . . . . Finance Com pany o f Pennsyl vania F ir st T ru st Company .................. M arion Bank M a t a m o r a s .......... Bank o f M atam oras M auch Chunk . . M auch Chunk T ru st Company Mayfield ............... Mayfield State Bank M cSherrystow n . F arm ers Bank M echanicsburg . . F irst Bank & T ru st Company Philadelphia . . . . F rankford T ru st Com pany M id d le to w n .......... F arm ers T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Germ antow n T rust Com pany M ifflin b u r g .......... M ifflinburg Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Industrial T rust Com pany o f Philadelphia L iberty Title & T ru st Company M ille r sb u r g .......... M illersburg T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Mill H a l l ............... M ill H all State Bank Philadelphia . . . . M i l r o y .................... M ilroy B anking Com pany M i l t o n .................... M ilton T ru st & Com pany M in e r s v ille .......... M ichael Boruch (private bank) M in e r s v ille .......... S afe D eposit Vincenzo Laudadio (private bank) M ont A l t o .............M ont A lto State Bank M o r r is v ill e .......... M orrisville T ru st Com pany M ount Carm el . . Guarantee T ru st & Safe Deposit Com pany M ount Penn . . . . M ount Penn T ru st Company M u n c y .................... M uncy B anking Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Philadelphia . . . . N orthern T ru st Company Philadelphia . . . . N orth Philadelphia T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Pennsylvania W areh ou sin g & S afe D eposit Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Philadelphia Savings Fund So ciety Philadelphia . . . . Real E state-L an d T itle & T rust Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Real E sta te T^ust Com pany of Philadelphia Roosevelt Bank N e w b e r r y .............Bank o f N ew berry N ew Cum berland. N ew Cumberland T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . N e w E n te rp rise . . N ew Enterprise Bank N ew Philadelphia (Silver Creek P. O . ) .......... Silver Creek S tate Bank Philadelphia . . . . N ew tow n ............. N ew tow n Title & T rust Com pany Old F o r g e ............. Old F orge Discount & Deposit Bank O xford ..................Peoples Bank P a lm e r t o n .............Citizens Bank & T rust Company Palm yra ............... Palm yra Bank & T ru st Com pany Palm yra ............... V a lle y T ru st Com pany P a r a d i s e ............... S tate Bank o f Paradise Parkesburg F arm ers Bank o f Parkesburg .... M . G. M arian, trading as the M arian Bank (private bank) M itten Bank and T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . T he Rzepski Bank (private bank) Savings F und Society o f Ger m antow n & Its V icin ity Philadelphia . . . . Sonsitaly Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . U nited Savings & Beneficial A ssociation (private bank) T he W e ste rn Savin g Fund So ciety W y o m in g Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Philadelphia . . . . Philadelphia . . . . W . W allace Alexander, trading as A le x a n d e r S a v in g s A c count (private bank) Phoenixville . . . . Phoenixville T ru st Company P ittston P a r s o n s ..................Citizens Bank P e n b ro o k ............... Penbrook T ru st Com pany ............... M iners S avings Bank Port M atilda . . . . C om m unity Bank P e r k a s i e ............... Perkasie T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . B a n c a C o m m e rc ia le Ita lia n a T ru st Com pany P o t t s t o w n .............Security T ru st Com pany o f P ottstow n Pottsville .............Safe D eposit Bank Philadelphia . . . . Banca d’ltalia & T ru st Com pany Pottsville .............Schuylkill T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . Beneficial Saving Fund Society Pottsville .............Union Bank & T rust Company Philadelphia . . . . Broad S treet T ru st Com pany Prospect Park . . Prospect Park State Bank Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Reading- ............... Berks County T ru st Com pany Reading ............... Tobias Knoblaeh (private bank) R eading ............... R eading T ru st Com pany R e a m s to w n .......... R eam stow n E xch an ge Bank PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) South F o r k .......... Union D eposit Bank South W illia m s port .................... Bank o f South W illiam sport S p a n g le r ............... K eystone Bank Steelton ............... Stroudsburg . . . . Peoples Bank Stroudsburg Security T ru st Com pany St. M a rys S um m it H ill . . . . S um m it H ill T rust Com pany Salix U n io n v ille .............Peoples Bank o f Unionville Vintondale .......... Vintondale S tate Bank R i c h fi e ld ............... Richfield Bank R o b e s o n ia .............Robesonia S tate Bank & T rust Com pany .............St. M arys T ru st Com pany S t. T h o m a s .......... St. T hom as Bank .......................S alix S tate Bank S c r a n t o n ............... E a st Scranton S tate Bank S c r a n t o n ............... Green Ridge Bank S c r a n t o n ............... N orth Scranton Bank & T rust Company S c r a n t o n ............... Pennsylvania T ru st Com pany S c r a n t o n ............... Providence Bank S c r a n t o n ............... Scranton-Lackaw anna T ru st Com pany W aln utp ort . . . . W aln utp ort State Bank W a y n e .................... W a y n e Title & T ru st Company W e l l s b o r o .............T ioga County Savings & Trust Company W e s t Chester . . . D im e Savings Bank o f Chester County W e s t Hazleton . . Miners Bank & T rust Company W e s t M ilton . . . . W e s t M ilton State Bank S c r a n t o n ............... South Side Bank & T ru st Com pany W e s t Pittston . . . W h ite H aven . . . W e s t Side Bank W h ite H aven Savings Bank S c r a n t o n ............... W e s t Side Bank W ilkes-B arre . . . Hanover Bank & T ru st Com pany W illiam sport Savings Institution of the City o f W illiam sport S e lin s g r o v e .......... Snyder County T rust Com pany S h a m o k in .............Guarantee T ru st & S afe Deposit Com pany S h a m o k in .............Peoples T rust Com pany S h ire m a n sto w n .. Shirem anstow n State Bank Sinking Spring . . Sinking Spring Bank S m ethport .......... H am lin Bank & T ru st Com pany Southam pton . . . Southam pton State Bank ... W in d G a p ............. Citizens Bank o f W in d Gap W o m elsd orf . . . . W om elsd orf Bank & T rust Com pany W o o d b u r y .............Farm ers State Bank W y alu sin g .......... Peoples State Bank Y o rk H aven . . . . Y o rk Haven State Bank Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives MEMBER BANKS OPERATING UNDER RESTRICTIONS PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) NEW JERSEY L a k e w o o d .............Peoples N ational Bank Ocean C i t y .......... Ocean C ity N ational Bank Pleasantville . . . . F irst N ational Bank Tuckahoe ^Miners D eposit Bank & T ru st Company Philadelphia Com m ercial N ational Bank N orth w estern N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia ............. Tuckahoe N ational Bank PENNSYLVANIA Bedford L ykens ............... F arm ers N ational Bank & T ru st Com pany B u r n s id e ............... Burnside N ation al Bank H a z le t o n ............... *A m erican Bank & T ru st Com pany Philadelphia Philadelphia R eading . . . S ixth N ational Bank Southw estern N ational Bank F arm ers N ational Bank & T rust Com pany R eading . . Penn N ational Bank & T rust Company R eading .. R eading N ational Bank & T rust Com pany W illiam stow n . ^W illiam s V alley Bank * State banking institutions which are members of the federal reserve system. N O N M E M B E R B A N K S O P E R A T IN G U N D E R R E S T R IC T IO N S NEW JERSEY Cape M a y Court H ouse ............... Cape M a y County T itle & T rust Com pany PENNSYLVANIA B ethlehem .......... Gosztonyi S avings and T ru st Com pany Bow m anstow n . Citizens Bank o f Bow m anstow n E a st Conem augh. U n ited States Savings & T ru st Com pany o f Conem augh H arrisbu rg H arrisbu rg Jersey Shore . . . . Com m onwealth T ru st Com pany Union T ru st Com pany o f Penn sylvania Jersey Shore T ru st Com pany Jersey Shore . . . . The State Bank o f Jersey Shore PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Johnstown .......... Johnstown State Deposit Bank Johnstow n .......... Johnstown T ru st Company Johnstow n .......... M orrellville D eposit Bank L a n c a s t e r ............. Farm ers T rust Company L a n c a s t e r ............. N orthern T rust & Savings Company M ahanoy City . . Am erican Banking T ru st Com pany M echanicsburg . . M echanicsburg T ru st Company M o h n t o n ............... M ohnton T ru st Com pany Philadelphia . . . . K ensington Security Bank & T ru st Com pany R eading Pennsylvania T ru st Com pany ............... S h i llin g t o n .......... W illiam stow n . . . T he Shillington Bank M iners & M erchants Bank Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT APRIL 19, 1933 “ Fo u r t h S U P P L E M E N T A R Y L IS T O F BANK S G RANTED L IC E N S E S TO R E O P E N CAUTION. Your special attention is called to the fact that in the collection of checks, a check drawn on a bank which has not been licensed should not be considered as uncollect ible. Such checks may be drawn against “ special accounts” authorized under regulation No. 7 issued by the Secretary o f the Treasury. This list has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from the best information available, and supplements all previous lists. This list does not take the place of the par list. The following member banks have been licensed to resume operations without restrictions other than those applicable to all baulking institutions under Executive Order of March 10, 1933. PENNSYLVANIA Elizabethville First National Bank* M ilford First National Bank ......... •License effective April 20, 1933. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT APRIL 5, 1933 '- ^ T h ir d S U P P L E M E N T A R Y LIS T O F BANK S GRANTED L IC E N S E S TO R E O P E N CAUTION. Your special attention is called to the fact that in the collection of checks, a check drawn on a bank which has not been licensed should not be considered as uncollect ible. Such checks may be drawn against “ special accounts” authorized under regulation No. 7 issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. This list has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from the best information available, and supplements all previous lists. This list does not take the place of the par list. The following member bank has been licensed to resume operations without restrictions other than those applicable to all banking institutions under Executive Order of March 10, 1933. PENNSYLVANIA ......... Union National Bank4, Jersey Shore. "I cS< "V - c CL U j L L '- ~VA—O G~i Z>1 . I pm" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- n u a u u w - Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives SECOND S U P P L E M E N T A R Y L IST O F BANKS GRANTED L IC E N S E S TO R E O P E N MARCH 2 9 , 1 9 3 3 CAUTION. Your special attention is called to the fact that in the collection of checks, a check drawn on a bank which has not been licensed should not be considered as uncollect ible. Such checks may be drawn against “ special accounts” authorized under regulation No. 7 issued by the Secretary o f the Treasury. This list has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from the best information available, and supplements all pr&vious lists. This list does not take the place of the par list. The following banks have been licenced to resume operations without restrictions other than those applicable to all banking institutions under Executive Order of March 10, 1933. A ll banks in this list are member banks of the Federal Reserve System except those prefixed with a dagger ( f ) . State banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System are marked with an asterisk, thus (*) and non^member banks are marked with a dagger, .thus (f) also they are indented and printed in italics. NEW JERSEY Audubon .................................................... Camden..................................................... North Merchantville................................ Pennington................................................ Audubon National B a n k '.// American National Bank-*f Pensauken Township National Bank First National Bank w / PENNSYLVANIA Mountville ................................................ Mountville National Bank The following banks have been authorized to resume operations under restrictions in addi tion to those applicable to all banking institutions under Executive Order of Mafch 10, 1933. This list is based upon the best information obtainable to date. PENNSYLVANIA Bethlehem ................................................t Bowmanstown .......................................... t Conshohocken .......................................... t The Gosztonyi Savings and Trust Col / Citizens Bank o f Bowmanstown Conshohocken Trust Co. M t y? / , Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives ( ' THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT S U P P L E M E N T A R Y LIST O F B A N K S G RA NTED L IC E N S E S TO R E O P E N CAUTION. Your special attention is called to the fact that in the collection of checks, a check drawn on a bank which has not been licensed should not be considered as uncollect ible. Such checks may be drawn against “ special accounts” authorized under regulation No. 7 issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. This list has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from the best information available to date (March 22, 1933), and supplements the list prepared on March 16, 1933. This list does not take the place o f the par list. The following banks have been licensed to resume operations without restrictions other than those applicable to ail banking1institutions under Executive Order o f March 10, 1933. A ll banks in this list are member banks of the Federal Reserve System except those prefixed with a dagger ( f ) . State banks which are members of the Federal Reserve Sys' tem are marked with an asterisk, thus (* ) and non-member banks are marked with a dagger, thus ( f ) also they are indented and printed in italics. DELAWARE ^ Sm yrna .............................................................. F ru it G row ers N ational Bank and T rust Co. NEW JERSEY ■^Atco ..................................................................... A tco N ational Banl B arrin gton ....................................................... t Suburban Commercial Bank o f Barpfngton ^H addonfield ...................................................... H addonfield N ational B a i j k * / -'L au rel S p r in g s ................................................. Laurel Springs N a t io n s B a n k * •^Marlton ............................................................... F irst N ational B a n k ' / , / M ays L anding . ............................................... F irst N ational Bank s f ^ M e d f o r d .............................................................. The Burlington County N ational B a n k ^ / ■^Pem berton.......................................................... Peoples N ational Bank and T r u s t C o r / Penns G r o v e ......................................................t Peoples Banlc o f Penns?'Grove S yW est Collingswood ........................................ M em orial N ational B a n * o f Collingswood ■AVilliamstown ............. ................... ................. F irst N ational B a n k / PENNSYLVANIA ^ Belleville ............................................................ Belleville N ational B a n k " ^ J Belleville ................................................. ........... Farm ers N ational B a n l r '^ "\\ ^ Center H a l l ........................................................ F irst N ational B a n k / ^ . oa_ho- ^ >5 • Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) ^Clarks Summit........................... ............... Abington National Bank^ 'Edwardsville ............................................. Peoples National Bank / Hummels W h a r f....................................... + Snyder County State Bank (This bank should r r r * / have been included in the previous list) • Jessup ......................................................... First National Bank J, Kane............................................................ First National Bank / ^Liberty........................................................ Farmers National Bank-^ Mahanoy City ........................................... First National Bank 4/ Minersville .................................................f Michael Boruch (Private ~barik)J ^Nanticoke .................................................. ^Peoples Savings and T^tist Co. * •^Spangler .................................................... First National Bank * * Weatherly................................................... First National Bank S / / <-, • J Windsor ....................................................... First National Bank / \ T<\. G> • " \vJLX-. p a (f » [/~u'f '\ . j Correction of title in the list prepared March 16th: Security Trust Company in Stroudsburg, Pa. should have been Stroudsburg Security Trust Company. The following banks have been authorized to resume npwatinns ^t>cW restrictions in addi tion to those applicable to all banking institutions under Executive Order of March 10, 1 933. This list is based upon the best information obtainable to date. NEW JERSEY Atlantic City ........................... ................. *Equitable Trust' Company f S Atlantic City ............................................. * Guarantee Trust Company Cape May Court House................... .. . . . t Cape May County Title and Trust Co. Moorestown ...............................................t Burlington County Trust Co. M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( t ) . Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives CIRCULAR Federal Bank all in Mem the ber Banks T h ir d F ederal NO. 5^3 20- GOLD WITHDRAWALS P h il a d e l p h ia o f To Reserve MARCH Reserve D is t r ic t : Dear Sirs:— In response to requests the Federal Reserve Board has extended until March 27 the final date referred to in our circular number 532 relative to gold withdrawals. The circular is therefore amended to read as follows: "It is requested that you prepare and forward to the Board as soon as possible after March 27,1933, as complete a list as can be made from information you are able to obtain, of the names and addresses of all persons who have withdrawn gold from your bank or a member bank in your district since February 1, 1933, and who have not redeposited it in a bank on or before March 27, 1933.” In accordance with this request, we will be obliged for any information that you can furnish us. Very truly yours, GEO. W. NORRIS, G overnor. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives Form 1565 N O N -M E M B E R B A N K D E P O S IT A G R E E M E N T Deposit Agreement, dated.............................................................................................................................. 1933, between a banking institution of the State of.......................................................... (hereinafter called Depositor), and the F ed er al R ese r v e B a n k of P h il a d e l p h ia : W h e r e a s the Reserve Bank, a t the request of Depositor, has agreed, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, to accept from Depositor for the purposes of exchange or collection current funds in lawful money, checks, drafts and maturing notes and bills received by Depositor from depositors as new deposits under the plan of operation authorized by Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury issued pursuant to the Proclamation of the President of the United States, dated March 5th, 1933, the statutes of the State o f......................................................and the Regulations of the Secretary (or Commissioner) of Banking (or the Comptroller of the Currency) with respect thereto. Now, T h e r e f o r e , T h i s A 1. greement W it n e s s e t h : The account opened by Depositor shall be designated as follow s: “ .........................................................................................................................................................., Special Account.” (Name o f Bank or Trust Company) 2. A ll withdrawals shall be made on drafts or orders drawn against such “ Special Account” and signed by the officer or officers of Depositor duly authorized for that purpose. The words “ Special Account,” or the symbol S A , shall be incorporated in the indorsements on all items deposited in the ‘ ‘ Special Account ’ ’ ; and all deposit tickets and cash letters covering items forwarded for credit in said account shall be suitably designated for credit to the “ Special Account.” 3. A ll items deposited with the Reserve Bank for credit in said account will be received and handled for collection by the Reserve Bank expressly subject to the provisions of Regulation J of the Federal Reserve Board, Check Collection Circular No. 477 of the Reserve Bank and its Time Schedules, as they may be in force from time to time. Non-cash collection items deposited for collection and to be credited in said account will be received and handled subject to the provisions of the Non-cash Collection Circular No. 419 of the Reserve Bank, as the same may be in force from time to time. 4. Depositor agrees during the continuance of the deposit arrangement herein provided for to keep in said account at all times a balance amply sufficient in the discretion of the Reserve Bank to offset items in transit held by the Reserve Bank for the purposes of such account. 5. The Reserve Bank shall be fully protected in relying on any instructions received from Depositor with respect to deposits in or withdrawals from said account, and under no circumstances shall the Reserve Bank be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for the application by Depositor of any funds deposited with Reserve Bank hereunder. 6. Depositor agrees to reimburse Reserve Bank promptly for all protest fees or other charges and expense incurred by Reserve Bank in the handling of said “ Special Account” or the collection of any item deposited for collection to the credit of said account. 7. Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement on 24 hours’ notice. In W i t n e s s W h e r e o f the parties hereto have caused their respective corporate seals, duly attested by their respective officers, to be hereunto affixed, the day and year aforesaid. B y ............................................................................................. President A t t e s t :.......................................................................................................................... Secretary or Cashier F ed er al R eserve B a n k of P h il a d e l p h ia . B y ............................................................................................. Governor A t t e s t :........................................................................................................... Cashier Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives Form 1564 M E M B E R B A N K D E P O S IT A G R E E M E N T Deposit Agreement, dated............................................................................................................................. , 1933, between a banking institution of the State o f..................................................... and a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (hereinafter called Depositor), and the F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k of P h i l a d e l p h i a ; W h e r e a s the Reserve Bank, at the request of Depositor, has agreed, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, to accept on deposit from Depositor, new deposit funds received by it under the plan of operation authorized by Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury issued pursuant to the Proclamation of the President of the United States dated March 5th, 1933, the statutes of the State of ....................................................................and the Regulations of the Secretary (or Commissioner) (or the Comptroller of the Currency) with respect thereto. Now, T h e r e f o r e , T h is A 1. greem ent W it n e s s e t h of Banking : The account opened by Depositor shall be designated as follow s: “ ......................................................................................................................................................... , Special A ccou nt.'’ (Name of Bank or Trust Company) 2. A ll withdrawals shall be made on drafts or orders drawn against “ Special Account” and signed by the officer or officers of Depositor duly authorized for that purpose. The words “ Special Account,” or the symbol SA, shall be incorporated in the endorsement on all items deposited in the ‘ ‘ Special Account ’ ’ ; and all deposit tickets and cash letters covering items forwarded for credit in said account shall be suitably designated for credit to the “ Special Account.” A ll deposits or withdrawals not clearly marked or desig nated as intended for the ‘ ‘ Special Account ’ ’ will be deposited in or charged to the old account of Depositor with the Reserve Bank. 3. A ll items deposited with the Reserve Bank for credit in said account will he received and handled for collection by the Reserve Bank expressly subject to the provisions of Regulation J of the Federal Reserve Board, Check Collection Circular No. 477 of the Reserve Bank and its Time Schedules, as they may be in force from time to time. Non-cash collection items deposited for collection and to be credited in said account will be received and handled subject to the provisions of the Non-cash Collection Circular No. 419 of the Reserve Bank, as the same may be in force from time to time. 4. Reserve Bank agrees not to appropriate or apply any funds of Depositor on deposit in the ‘ ‘ Special Account” to the payment of the rediscount or loan liabilities or any other indebtedness of Depositor to Reserve Bank existing at the date hereof. 5. The Reserve Bank shall be fully protected in relying on any instructions received from Depositor with respect to deposits in or withdrawals from said account, and under no circumstances shall the Reserve Bank be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for the application by Depositor of any funds deposited with Reserve Bank hereunder. 6. Depositor agrees to reimburse Reserve Bank promptly for all protest fees or other charges and expense incurred by Reserve Bank in the handling of said ‘ ‘ Special Account ’ ’ or the collection of any item deposited for collection to the credit of said account. 7. Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement on 24 hours’ notice. I n W it n e s s W h e r e o f the parties hereto have caused their respective corporate seals, duly attested by their respective officers, to be hereunto affixed, the day and year aforesaid. B y ......................................................................................................... President A ttest :............................................................................................................ Secretary or Cashier F e d e r a l R ese r ve B a n k of P h il a d e l p h ia . B y ......................................................................................................... Governor A ttest Cashier Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives Form 1563 R e s o l u t io n A u t h o r iz in g P h i l a d e l p h ia by a R e g u l a t io n s d e n t of B ank of t h e the or O p e n in g of a “ S p e c ia l A T rust C o m p a n y S ecretary of t h e in t h e ccount” the F ederal R e se r v e B a n k of T h ir d F e d e r a l R e se r v e D is t r ic t O p e r a t in g U n d e r T r e a s u r y I ssu ed P u r s u a n t th e U n it e d S ta te s, D a t e d M a r c h 5, 1933, at and to t h e S tate S tatu tes P r o c l a m a t io n and th e of t h e R e g u l a t io n s P r e s i w it h R e s p e c t T h ereto. W hereas the.......................................................................................................................... is operating under the plan (Name o f Bank or Trust Company) authorized by the Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury issued pursuant to the Proclamation of the President of the United States, dated March 5th, 1933, the statutes of the State of................................................. and the Regulations of the Secretary (or the Commissioner) of Banking (or the Comptroller of the Currency) with respect thereto; and W hereas this institution desires to open a “ Special Account” at the Federal Reserve Bank of Phila delphia subject to the regulations and conditions imposed by said Reserve Bank: Now, T h e r e f o r e , B e I t R eso lve d that an account to be designated: “ .........................................................................................................................................................., Special Account” (Name o f Bank or Trust Company) be opened by this institution with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; that the proper officers of this institution be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to enter into an Agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in the form submitted at this meeting and made a part of the minutes thereof, and to comply in all respects with the terms and conditions therein contained or hereafter imposed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary (Commissioner) of Banking of the State o f....................................................................(or the Comptroller of the Currency) ; and B e I t F u r t h e r R eso lve d that the proper officers of this institution be and they hereby are authorized and empowered in the name of this institution and under its corporate seal to execute and deliver such Agreement, and further that any one (or two) of the following named officers of this institution be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign all checks, drafts or other orders for withdrawals from said “ Special Account” : I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted at a meeting of the Directors of the above-named institution held on.............................................1933. Attest: Secretary or Cashier. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives Form 1562 I n s t r u c t io n s d e l p h ia b y O p e n in g B anks R e g u l a t io n s d e n t of t h e for and of t h e and H a n d l in g S p e c ia l A T r u s t C o m p a n ie s S ecretary of t h e in the ccounts a t t h e T h ir d F and ederal R ese r v e B a n k of P h il a R e se r v e D is t r ic t , O p e r a t in g U n d e r ederal T r e a s u r y I ssu e d P u r s u a n t U n it e d S t a t e s , D a t e d M a r c h 5, 1933, F to t h e S tate S tatu tes P r o c l a m a t io n and R e g u l a t io n s of t h e w it h P r e s i R espect T hereto. A t the time of the opening of the Special Account there shall be filed with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia a certified copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of the depositing bank author izing or approving the opening of the “ Special Account” at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, approving and authorizing the execution of the Deposit Agreement and designating the names of the officers upon whose signatures drafts or orders for withdrawals are to be made. In addition there should also be filed a certified copy of the authorization, if any, issued by the Secretary or Commissioner of Bank ing, or the Comptroller of the Currency, to the depositing bank, granting the right to exercise the statutory privileges. Special deposits will be accepted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia under the following conditions: 1. The new account shall be designated in the following manner: ‘ *....................................................................................................... .............................. ........... ........, Special Account ’ ’ (Name of Bank or Trust Company) 2. The Deposit Agreement (form enclosed herewith) shall be approved by the Board of Directors cf the depositing bank and executed in its behalf by the proper officers under its corporate seal. 3. There shall be deposited in the ‘ *Special Account ’ ’ only funds representing new deposits received by the depositing bank pursuant to Regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury and authorization given by the Secretary or Commissioner of Banking or Comptroller of the Currency, or transfers made thereto under Regulations imposed by them, or any of them. 4. Withdrawals from the “ Special Account” shall be limited solely to purposes permitted by the R egu lations of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Regulations of the Secretary or Commissioner of Banking or the Comptroller of the Currency. 5. Withdrawals shall be made on drafts or orders drawn against the “ Special Account” and signed by the duly authorized officer or officers of the depositing bank. The words “ Special Account,” or the symbol S A , shall be incorporated in the endorsements on all items deposited for credit to the “ Special Account” and all deposit tickets and cash letters covering items forwarded for credit to said account shall be suitably designated for credit to the “ Special Account.” 6. A ll items forwarded for collection to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia for credit to the “ Special Account” will be received and handled for collection expressly subject to the provisions of Regulation J of the Federal Reserve Board, the Check Collection Circular No. 477 of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and its Time Schedules, as they may be in force from time to time. Non-cash collection items forwarded for collection and credit in said account will be received and handled expressly subject to the provisions of the Non-Cash Collection Circular No. 419 of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, as they may be in force from time to time. 7. A ll deposits or withdrawals not clearly marked or designated as intended for the “ Special Account” will be deposited in or charged to the o ld account, if any. Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority - g .O . /GSlDi I* " t / as O ^ THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT LIST O F BANKS G R A NTED L IC E N S E S TO R E O P E N CAUTION. Your special attention is called to the fact that in the collection of checks, a check drawn on a bank which has not been licensed should not be considered as uncollect ible. Such checks may be drawn against “ special accounts” authorized under regulation No. 7 issued by the Secretary o f the Treasury. This list has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from the best information obtainable to date (March 16, 1933). For the time being, supplementary lists will be prepared as of each Wednesday, beginning March 22, and mailed on Thursday, covering any banks licensed to reopen during the week ending Wednesday, including also any changes in previous lists. This list does not take the place of the par list. The following banks have been licensed to resume operations without restrictions other than those applicable to all banking institutions under Executive Order of March 10, 1933. A ll banks in this list are member banks of the Federal Reserve System except those prefixed with a dagger ( f ) . State banks which are members of the Federal Reserve Sys tem are marked with an asterisk, thus (*) and non-member banks are marked with a dagger, thus ( f ) also they,are indented and printed in italics. DELAWARE Bridgeville ........................................................t Baltimore Trust Company (Branch o f Selby ville, Del.) Camden .............................................................. t Baltimore Trust Company (Branch o f Selbyville, Del.) C laym on t........................................................... t Clayton ............................................................. t Claymont Trust Company Clayton Bank and Trust Company ✓ D agsboro............................................................ First National Bank * Delaware City ................................................ Delaware City National Bank ^ D elm a r...................... .......................................... First National Bank Dover ..................................................................t Delaware Trust Company (Branch o f Wilmington, D el.) Dover ..................................................................t Farmers Bank (Head Office) X D o v e r .............................................................. .. • First National Bank V ^ r a n k fo r d .......................................................... First National Bank Frederica ........................................................... t Delaware Trust Company (Branch o f Wilmington, Del ) /U r K 0L .-& c c - , ///* & Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings o f the National Archives d e c l a s s if ie d A u t h o r i t y tQ < ? n \ DELAWARE (Continued) Georgetow n....................................................... t Farmers Bank Georgetow n....................................................... t Greenwood ......................................................... t (B ra n ch .of Dover, D el.) Georgetown Trust Company Greenwood Trust Company Harrington ............................. ................... . . . First National Bank Harrington .......................................................t Peoples Bank Hartley ............................................................. t W est D over Trust Company ^ Laurel .......................................................... Peoples National Bank Laurel ................................................................t Sussex Trust Company Lewes ..................................................................t Lewes ...................... ............ ............ ................ t Middletown .............................................. .... . . t (Branch o f Lewes, D el.) Lewes Trust Company Sussex Trust Company (H ead Office) Delaware Trust Company (Branch o f W ilm ington, D el.) y Milford .............................................................. First National Bank & Trust Co. Milford ............................................................. t M ilford Trust Company Millsboro ........................................................... t M illsioro Trust Company M ilto n .................................................................. t Sussex Trust Company (Branch o f Lewes, D el.) Newark ............................................................. t Newark ......................................................... .... t New Castle .......................................................t Farmers Trust Company Newark Trust Company N ew Castle Trust Company Odessa .................................................................New Castle County National Bank Rehoboth ........................................................... t * B eh oioth Trust Company St. Georges .................................................. ; . t St. G eorge’s Trust Company Seaford ................................................. ............. First National Bank Seaford Trust Company Seaford .......................................... ................. .t Selbyville................................................ .. t Baltim ore Trust Company (M ain Office) y /x Smyrna .......................................... ....................National Bank of Smyrna Townsend...................... ................................... t Townsend Trust Company —■ — W ilmingt o n ................................................... . . t Artisams Savings Bank s W ilm in gton ........................................................Central National Bank W ilm in gton ........................................................t Citizens Savings Bank, Inc. W ilm in gton ....................................................... t Colonial Trust Company W ilm in gton ........................................................+ Commercial Trust Company W ilm in gton ........................................................t. Delaware Trust Company (M ain Office) s s W ilm in gton ........................................................* Equitable Trust Co. y W ilm in gton ....................................................... t Farmers Bqnk (Branch o f Dover, D el.) W ilm in gton ........................................................ t Fourth Street Trust Company W ilm in gton ..................................................... ..t Provident Savings and Loan Association f\ fVi ^ W ilm in gton ......................................................*’•‘Industrial Trust Co. .^ W ilm in g to n ........................................................* Security Trust Co. W ilm in gton ......................................................* Union National Bank of Wilmington W ilm in gton ........................................................t Wilm ington Morris Plan Bank ------- W ilm in gton ......................................................... t W ilm ington Savings Fund Society •^Wilmington........................................................*Wilmington Trust Co. W y o m in g ............................................................First National Bank t V- / M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a d ag g er ( f ) . 2 Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives j - .... d e c l a s s if ie d Authority j g Q . tO S *n i \t NEW JERSEY ^ ^Absecon .................................................... . First National Bank Atlantic City ............................... ............. Boardwalk National Bank y - Barnegat .................................................... First National Bank •''Bay Head ................................................... Bay Head National Bank s Beach Haven .........................................-. Beach Haven National Bank & Trust Co. ^ Berlin.......................................................... Berlin National Bank •^Beverly .................................................... . First National Bank & Trust Co. y Blackwood.................................................. First National Bank & Trust Co. Bordentown ................................. . .......... t Bordentown Banking Company ✓ Bordentown ............................................... First National Bank s Bridgeton .................................................. Bridgeton National Bank Bridgeton .................................................. Farmers & Merchants National Bank s Bridgeton .................................................. Cumberland National Bank Burlington ................................................ t Burlington Savings Institution ----y Burlington.................................................. Mechanics National Bank '5 - ! 6 * ' $ d . ^ Camden ............................... .....................,*Cainden Safe Deposit & Trust Co. ^ *''' Camden ...................................................... First Camden National Bank & Trust Co. Camden . . . . ...............................................t North Camden Trust Company S Camden ...................................................... Third National Bank & Trust Co. of Camden Camden ...................................................... t West Jersey Trust Company S Cape M a y .................................................. Merchants National Bank Cape May Court House ......................... First National Bank <S Clayton ...................................................... Clayton National Bank Clayton ...................................................... t Clayton Title & Trust Company Egg Harbor City ..................................... t Egg Harbor Egg Harbor City ..................................... t Egg Harbor Elmer.......................................................... t Elmer Trust ✓ Elmer.......................................................... First National y City Trust Company Commercial Bank Company Bank Florence...................................................... First National Bank Glassboro ................................................... First National Bank Gloucester ................................................. t Gloucester City Trust Company Haddonfield.................................................t H addonfield Trust Company ^ Haddon Heights ....................................... First National Bank of Haddon Heights * Hamilton Square....................................... First National Bank Hammonton ...............................................t Peoples Bank & Trust Company ^Hightstown................................................ First National Bank ^ Hightstown................................................ *Hightstown Trust Co. v'' ^ Hopewell .................................................... Hopewell National Bank % Lakehurst .................................................. First National Bank -^Mantua ...................................................... National Bank of Mantua Margate C ity .............................................t Margate Trust Company S ’ Merchantville ............................................. Merchantville National Bank & Trust Co. Millville...................................................... Millville National Bank ^Minotola .................................................... First National Bank Mount Holly...............................................t. Farmers Trust Company -'''Mount Holly ............................................. Union National Bank & Trust Co. * Mullica Hill ............................................... Farmers National Bank </ Oaklyn ........................................................ Oaklyn National Bank Paulsboro .................................................. First National Bank & Trust Co. Penns Grove............................................... Penns Grove National Bank & Trust Co. Pitman........................................................ Pitman National Bank & Trust Co. Pitman........................................................ t Pitman Title & Trust Company Pleasantville...............................................t Pleasantville Trust Company Point Pleasant .........................................Ocean County National Bank ^Princeton.................................................... First National Bank y S ’ Princeton.................................................... *Princeton Bank & Trust Co. s -r— Princeton.................................................... t Princeton Savings B an k -------- 0r\ ^ s S Riverside.................................................... First National Bank •''Riverside.................................................... *Riverside Trust Co. / ’ Riverton .................................................... + Cinnaminson Bank & Trust Company ✓'Roebling...................................................... First National Bank & Trust Co. M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( f ) . 3 h C\ Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives d e c la s s ifie d Authority f . o lo<rr)l NEW JERSEY (C on tinu ed) ir S S ✓ S a l e m ................................................................... City N ational Bank & T ru st Co. S a l e m ................................................................... Salem N ational Bank & T ru st Co. F irst N ational Bank o f Stone H arbor Stone H a r b o r ............................................ .. S w e d e s b o r o ........................................................ Swedesboro N ational Bank S w e d e s b o r o ........................................................* Swedesboro T ru st Co. ^ S Tom s R i v e r ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank Tom s R i v e r ........................................................t Ocean County Trust Company J Trenton .............................................................. Broad Street N ational Bank o f Trenton y Trenton .......................................................... * • First-M echanics N ational Bank o f Trenton Trenton .............................................................. t Hanover-Capital Trust Company / Trenton ..........................................................•• Prospect N ational Bank o f Trenton y Trenton .......................................................... Security N ational Bank o f Trenton f\ Trenton ............................................................ .. t Trenton BanMng Company -------- Trenton ...............................................................t Trenton Saving Fund Society Trenton .............................................................. t Trenton Trust Company Tuckerton ..........................................................t Tuclcerton BanTc ✓ ''V en tn or City ........................................ . . . . . V en tn or City N ational Bank V in c e n t o w n ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank V ineland ........................................ ................... + Tradesmens BanTc & Trust Company y Vineland ............................................................ Vineland N ational Bank & T rust Co. W estville ..........................................................,. F irst N ational Bank ✓ W ildw ood .......................................................... Marine N ational Bank W ildw ood ......................................................... t Union BanTc W oodbine ...................... ................................... W oodbine N ational Bank -^ W oodbury .......................................................... Farm ers & Mechanics N ational Bank /W o o d b u r y .......................................................... F irst N ational Bank & T rust Co. W oodbury ........................................ ................ t Woodbury Trust Company ^ W ood stow n ............................................ .. F irst N ational Bank * W oodstow n ..................................................... .. W oodstow n N ational Bank & T ru st Co. ✓ 'Y ardville ............................................................ Y ardville N ational Bank M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). Non m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger (t ). 4 Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority_g .Q . <05~DI PENNSYLVANIA / A bbottstow n .....................................................t A bbottstow n State Bank A bington ............................................................ t A bington Bank Trust Co. * A kron ................................................................. A kron N ational Bank ^ A le x a n d r ia ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank / A llentow n .......................................................... Allentow n N ational Bank Allentown ..........................................................t Leliigh Valley Trust Co. Allentow n .......................................................... M erchants N ational Bank o f Allentown Allentow n .......................................................... Second N ational Bank o f Allentown A ltoon a ..............................................................t Altoona Trust Co. Altoona. .......................... .................................. t Central Trust Co. y A ltoon a ......... >>*,• * ................ . F irst N ational Bank o f A ltoon a Alum Bank . i 1, v . .). . t B edford County Bank Am bler Trust Co. A m b l e r ......................................................... .... . t Am bler .............................................................. t Daniel Sigmore . “^ A n n v i l l e .............................................................. Annville N ational Bank A rdm ore ............................................................ t Main Line Trust Co. 3 -,/ ie •2 3 A rendtsville ..................................................... N ational Bank o f Arendtsville v/ Ashland .............................................................. A shland N ational Bank ' A shland .............................................................. Citizens National Bank * A shley ................................................................ F irst N ational Bank v-1A tglen ................................................................ A tglen N ational Bank v Athens ................................................................ Athens N ational Bank ^ Athens ................................................................. Farm ers N ational Bank ^ Austin ................................................................ F irst N ational Bank o f A ustin A vis .................................................................... f State Bank o f A vis •S. A voca ................................................................. F irst N ational Bank v' A vondale ............................................................ N ational Bank o f Avondale Bakerton, E lm ora P. 0 ................................. F irst National Bank o f Bakerton ✓ Bally ........... •...................................................... F irst N ational Bank B a n g o r ................................................................ M erchants N ational Bank ^ Barnesboro ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank v’ Bath .................................................................... F irst N ational Bank y B eaver Springs ............................................... F irst N ational Bank v Beech C r e e k ..................................................... Beech Creek N ational Bank Bellefonte ..........................................................t Bellefonte Trust Co. 's Bellefonte .......................................................... Farm ers N ational Bank ✓' Bellefonte .......................................................... F irst N ational Bank * B e l l w o o d ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank ■^Bendersville ..................................................... Bendersville N ational Bank w Benton ................................................................. Colum bia County N ational Bank * Bernville ......... ................................................... F irst N ational Bank ^ B e r w i c k ............................................................... Berw ick N ational Bank B erw ick ............................................................. t Berwick Savings Trust Co. B erw ick .............................................................. F irst N ational Bank Bethlehem ..........................................................t E. P. Wilbur Trust Co. ■/Bethlehem .......................................................... F irst National Bank & T rust Com pany o f Bethlehem ^ B ig le r v ille .......................................................... B iglerville N ational Bank ^ B lo o m sb u rg . ...................................... .............*Bloom sburg Bank-Colum bia Trust Co. *' v‘ Bloom sburg ...................................................... Farm ers N ational Bank **' Bloom sburg ...................................................... F irst N ational Bank ^ Blossburg .......................................................... Citizens N ational Bank & T rust Co. *•'* Blue B a l l ............................................................ Blue Ball N ational Bank ■y Blue R idge Summ it ...................................... F irst N ational Bank B oiling Springs .............................................. t Boiling Springs State Bank J Boyertow n ........................................................ Farm ers N ational Bank & T rust Com pany ✓ Boyertow n ........................................................ N ational Bank & T rust Com pany o f Boyertow n ^ .B ra d ford ............................................................ B radford N ational Bank ✓ B radford ............................................................ Commercial N ational Bank B rad ford ............................................................ t Producers Bank Sr Trust Co. -^ B rid g ep ort ........................................................ B ridgeport N ational Bank Bristol .................................................................t Bristol Trust Co. ^ Bristol ................................................................. Farm ers N ational Bank o f Bucks County ^B row n stow n ..................................................... Brow nstown N ational Bank ✓ Bryn M a w r ........................................................ Bryn M aw r N ational Bank B ryn M a w r ........................................................t Bryn Matvr Trust Co. M em ber state banks, m arked w ’ th an asterisk { * ) . N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( f ) . 5 Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED A utborit y . £ u >. iQ .- r n , - PEN N SYLVANIA (Continued) <•'' Camp Hill ........................................................ Camp Hill National Bank Cam pbelltown.................................................. t Campbelltown Bank s Canton ................................................................. First National Bank Carbondale ....................................................... t Liberty Discount and Savings Bank Carbondale .......................................................t Pioneer Dime Bank Carlisle ..............................................................t Carlisle Deposit Bank $• Trust Co. Carlisle ..............................................................t Farmers Trust Co. s' Carlisle .............................................................. *Carlisle Trust Company t*' > /Carrolltown ................................... .................. First National Bank */ C atasauqua........................................................ Lehigh National Bank v' Catasauqua ..................................................... National Bank of Catasauqua - Catawissa .......................................................... Catawissa National Bank v Catawissa .......................................................... First National Bank ^'C en tra lia ............................................................ First National Bank * Chalfont ............................................................ Chalfont National Bank Chambersburg ................................................ t Chambersburg Trust Co. Chambersburg ................................................ t Farmers $■ Merchants Trust Co. s' Chambersburg ................................................. National Bank of Chambersburg w Chambersburg ................................................. Valley National Bank * Cheltenham..................................................... .. Cheltenham National Bank J Chester .............................................................. *Chester~Cambridge Bank & Trust. Co. s Chester .............................................................. Delaware County National Bank ^ Chester .............................................................. First National Bank Chester .............................................................. t Frank E. DeFuria * C hristiana.......................................................... Christiana National Bank *'■ Claysburg .......................................................... First National Bank Clearfield ........................................................... t Clearfield Trust Co. Coaldale.............................................................. First National Bank * Coalport.............................................................. First National Bank v Coatesville.......................................................... National Bank of Chester Valley Coatesville.......................................................... National Bank of Coatesville * Collegeville ........................................................ Collegeville National Bank •' Columbia .......................................................... Central National Bank Columbia Trust Co. Columbia ........................................................... t + Columbia .......................................................... First-Columbia National Bank v Conshohocken .................................................... First National Bank - Conshohocken ...................... ............................ Tradesmens National Bank ' Conyngham ........................................................ Conyngham National Bank ^ Coopersburg ..................................................... First National Bank Coudersport ..................................................... t Citizens Safe-Deposit & Trust Co. Coudersport ......................................................t Coudersport Trust Co. Coudersport ..................................................... First National Bank Cressona ............................................................ First National Bank ^ Curwensville...................................................... Curwensville National Bank Curwensville .....................................................t Curwensville State Bank , * Dale . ..................................................................... Dale National Bank (Johnstown P. O.) Dallas ................................................................. First National Bank •' Dallastown ........................................................ First National Bank & Trust Company Dalmatia ............................................................ t Farmers State Bank Dalton .................................................................t Central State Bank * Danielsville........................................................Danielsville National Bank ■ D a n v ille.............................................................. Danville National Bank * D an ville.............................................................. First National Bank ►■'Danville.............................................................. * Montour County Trust Company S s D auphin............................................................ .. Dauphin National Bank ■'' D e n v e r .................................................................Denver National Bank " D illsb u rg .......................................................... .. Dillsburg National Bank Downingtown ................................................... Downingtown National Bank ^Doylestown ........................................................ Doylestown National Bank & Trust Co. Doylestown ........................................................t Doylestown Trust Co. ^ D r y Run ............................................................ Path Valley National Bank of Dry Run -' Dublin .................................................................Dublin National Bank -^ D u B o is................................................................. Deposit National Bank ^ D u B o i s .................................................................DuBois National Bank DuBois ................................................................t Peoples State Bank S D u B o is.................................................................*Union Banking & Trust Co. ^ ' Duncannon ........................................................Duncannon National Bank * Duncannon ........................................................ Peoples National Bank M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagg er ( f ) . 6 mt- :•. . .KfflB! Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives d e c l a s s if ie d Authority g n PEN N SYLVANIA (Continued) Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank Dunmore ............................................................ f ^ Dunmore ............................................................ First National Bank ✓ D u sh o re.............................................................. First National Bank East Berlin......................................................... t Peoples State Bank ^ East Greenville ............................................... Perkiomen National Bank / East Mauch C h u n k ........................................ Citizens National Bank East Prospect............................................ . . . t East Prospect State Bank .............................................................. Easton National Bank ■/ Easton ^Easton .............................................................. *Easton Trust Company v/ x Easton .............................................................. First National Bank and Trust Co. Easton .................................................................t Lafayette Trust Co. •''Easton ............................................................... Northampton National Bank , ^ East Petersburg ............................................ *East Petersburg State Bank y y East Smithfield ............................................... First National Bank ^ East Stroudsburg......... ................................. East Stroudsburg National Bank East Stroudsburg.......................................... Monroe County National Bank Ebensburg..........................................................American National Bank '■■'''Ebensburg.......................................................... First National Bank ^ / E g y p t ...................................................................*Farmers Bank of Egypt ^ Eldred ................................................................. First National Bank Elizabethtown ................................................. t Elizabethtown Trust Co. -'' Elizabethtown.................................................. First National Bank and Trust Co. S Elkins Park ..................................................... Elkins Park National Bank ^ Elkland .............................................................. Pattison National Bank ^ Elverson ............................................................ Elverson National Bank ■'“'Elysburg ............................................................ First National Bank v' Emaus ................................................................ Eraaus National Bank E m porium ..........................................................t Emporium Trust Co. Enola ..................................................................t Peoples Bank o f Enola - 'E p h r a t a .............................................................. Ephrata National Bank * E p h ra ta .............................................................. Farmers National Bank Essington ..........................................................t Tinicum Bank , Everett .............................................................. First National Bank . a r Exeter .................................................................First National Bank \ ^ Factoryville ..................................................... First National Bank Fairfield ............................................................ First National Bank « Fannettsburg ................................................... Fannettsburg National Bank Fogelsville.......................................................... Fogelsville National Bank Fort Loudon .....................................................t Fort Loudon State Bank Forty Fort ........................................................t Forty Fort State Bank ✓ Fredericksburg................................................. First National Bank F re eb u rg ............................................................ t Freeburg State Bank. Freeland ............................................................ t Citizens Bank Galeton .............................................................. ..First National Bank ^ Gap .......................................................................Gap National Bank and Trust Company Genesee .............................................................. ..First National Bank w Gettysburg . . . : ............................................... ..First National Bank " Gettysburg ..........................................................Gettysburg National Bank Girardville ..........................................................First National Bank Glen Rock ......................................................... t, Glen Bock State Bank Glen L y o n .......................................................... ..Glen Lyon National Bank " . Glenside.............................................................. Keswick National Bank lAA~Ay"xGreencastle ........................................................Citizens National Bank ' ^ Greencastle ..................................................... ..First National Bank '. .............................................................. Halifax National Bank First National Bank Hamburg ........................................................... I Hamburg Savings $• Trust Co. ,T'\ Hanover ............................................................. \ Farmers State Bank H an over.............................................................. First National Bank Hanover ............................................................. \ Hanover Savings Fund Society Hanover ............................................................. f Hanover Trust Co. Hanover _............................................................. f Peoples Bank o f Hanover •s Harleysville ..................................................... Harleysville National Bank H arrisburg......................................................... f AUison-East End Trust Co. H arrisburg......................................................... f Camp Curtin Trust Co. •''Harrisburg......................................................... *Central Trust Company v' H arrisburg......................................................... t Citizens Trust Co. H arrisburg......................................................... t Harrisburg Trust Co. •/ H allstead............................................................ M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). Non-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( t ) . 7 —• ' ■J, pp» --------------- --------------- --------- ----— ................. ■ Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives d e c l a s s if ie d A uthority g -.p . PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Harrisburg1 ..................................... Harrisburg .................................... * Harrisburg .................................... ''H arrisburg .................................... Hastings ........................................ •^Hatboro ...................................... * Hatfield .......................................... Hawley .......................................... / Hazleton ............................... . . . . •^Hazleton ........................................ / Hazleton ........................................ •"'''Hazleton ........................................ Hellertown ........... ........................ "/H e r s h e y .......................................... •''Highland Park, Upper Darby High Spire ................................... -^Hollidaysburg ............. ............... H ollidaysburg............................... Honesdale ...................................... Honesdale ...................................... ■'Honesdale ............................... . . . s Honesdale ............................... .... . Honey B roo k ................................. Honey B roo k ................................. *^Hop Bottom .................................. * Houtzdale ...................................... f Howard .......................................... / Hughesville.................................... H ughesville.................................... Hummelstown ............................ S Hummelstown............................... ^ H u n tin g d o n .................................... H untingdon.................................... ^ Huntingdon.................................... Huntingdon V a l l e y .................... * H yndm an ........................................ </ Intercourse . “Oenkintown . * Jerm yn . . . . ^ J o h n so n b u rg --^.Johnstown ., * Johnstown . . Jonestown .. t K eystone Trust Co. t Market Street Trust Co. *Dauphin Deposit Trust Company / Harrisburg National Bank t Hastings Bank Hatboro National Bank Hatfield National Bank t Hawley Bank First National Bank Hazleton National Bank *Markle Banking & Trust Co. * ^Peoples Savings & Trust Co. v t, Saucon Valley Trust Co. Hershey National Bank State Road National Bank t High Spire State Bank Citizens National Bank t Hollidaysburg Trust Co. t Farmers & Merchants Bank <t Honesdale Dime Bank Honesdale National Bank * Wayne County Savings Bank First National Bank t Honey Brook Trust Co Hop Bottom National Bank *Houtzdale Trust Company ^ First National Bank First National Bank Grange National Bank of Lycoming County t Farmers Bank Hummelstown National Bank First National Bank ■*Grange Trust Company v Union National Bank and Trust Company t Huntingdon Valley Trust Co. Hoblitzell National Bank First National Bank *Jenkintown Bank & Trust Co. v>r First National Bank Johnsonburg National Bank t Johnstoion Savings Bank Moxham National -Bank t Jonestown Bank fy Trust Co. K a n e .................... K a n e .................... •^Kennett Square ■^Kingston ........... Kingston ........... S K n o xv ille........... s Kulpmont ......... K u tzto w n ........... ✓ K utztow n........... t Kane Bank & Trust Co. t Kane Trust & Savings Co. National Bank & Trust Co. of Kennett Square First National Bank t Kingston Bank & Trust Co, First National Bank *Dime Deposit Bank & Trust Co. v"' t Farmers Bank <$• Trust Co. Kutztown National Bank Laceyville Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Landisville •^Langhorne ■^Lansdale . y Lansdowne •^Lansford . Lansford . / Lansford . y Laporte . . Grange National Bank of Wyoming County Conestoga National Bank Fulton National Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County National Bank First National Bank Peoples National Bank and Trust Co. First National Bank National Bank of Lansdowne Citizens National Bank * t Dime Bank fx First National Bank *— First National' Bank S y f s ^ M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagg er ( t ) . 31- Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority g . p , tC S T > ) PENNSYLVANIA (C ontinued) Laurelton ................................. , ......................t Laurelton State Bank s Law renceville ................................................... F irst N ational Bank L e b a n o n .............................................................. t Farmers Trust Co. / Lebanon ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank L e b a n o n .............................................................. t Lebanon County Trust Co. / Lebanon ............................................................ Lebanon National Bank L e b a n o n .............................................................. t North Side Bank & Trust Co. s Lebanon ............. . ............................................ Peoples N ational Bank L e e s p o r t .............................................................. F irst National Bank •''"Lehighton .......................................................... Citizens National Bank & T rust Co. v' Lehighton .......................................................... F irst N ational Bank Lem asters ........................................................ Peoples N ational Bank ^ Lemoyne ............................................................ *Lemoyne Trust Com pany *•'" * Lemoyne ............................................................ W est Shore N ational Bank ^ Leola . ................................................................. Leola N ational Bank L e R a y s v ille ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank ^ L e w is b u r g .......................................................... L ew isburg N ational Bank L e w is b u r g .......................................................... t Lewisburg Trust & Safe Deposit Co.. L e w is b u r g ......................................................... Union N ational Bank ^ L e w is t o w n .......................................................... Citizens N ational Bank v L e w is t o w n .......................................................... *Lew istow n T rust Com pany v- L e w is t o w n .......................................................... Mifflin County N ational Bank *'•' L e w is t o w n .......................................................... Russell National Bank ^ L illy ..................................................................... F irst N ational Bank s Lititz ................................................................... Farm ers N ational Bank '■'''Lititz ................................................................... Lititz Springs N ational Bank Littlestow n ........................................................Littlestow n N ational Bank ' Liverpool .......................................................... F irst N ational Bank s Lock H a v e n ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank -"L o ck H a v e n ........................................................*Lock Haven T rust Com pany •' L o g a n t o n ............................................................ Loganton N ational Bank * Loysville ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank v'" Luzerne .............................................................. Luzerne N ational Bank "7? (. >.. M a c u n g ie ............................................................ t Macungie Bank ^ M a d e r a ................................................................ M adera N ational Bank M ahanoy City .................................................tM erchants Banking Trust Com pany ^ M ahanoy C i t y ................................................... U nion N ational Bank s Malvern ............................................................. N ational Bank o f Malvern M a n h e im ............................................................. K eystone N ational Bank Cv/ ^ M a n h e im ............................................................. Manheim N ational Bank ' ! ^ • s'ii M a n sfie ld ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank in Mansfield ^ M a p le to n ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank Marcus H o o k ..................................................... Marcus H ook N ational Bank *• M a r ie t t a ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank M arion ............................................................... f Marion Bank ^ M artinsburg ..................................................... F irst N ational Bank *' M arysville ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank M atam oras ........................................................t Bank o f Mat-amor as Mauch Chunk .................................................. Mauch Chunk N ational Bank Mauch C h u n k ................................. ................. t Mauch Chunk Trust Co. M a y fie ld .............................................................. t Mayfield State Bank ■ * M aytow n .. . ....................................................... M aytow n National Bank * M cA llisterville ................................................ Farm ers National Bank •'' McClure .............................................................. F irst National Bank S M cConnellsburg .............................................. F irst N ational Bank M cConnellsburg .............................................. t Fulton County Bank M cSherrystow n .............................................. t Farmers Bank * M cVeytow n ....................................................... M cVeytow n' N ational Bank M echanicsburg ................................................ t First Bank Trust Co. M echanicsburg ................................................ Second N ational Bank *"‘ M edia .................................................................. F irst N ational Bank o'" M ercersburg ..................................................... F irst N ational Bank y M eshoppen ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank M iddleburg ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank '/ M iddletown .......................................................* Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ^ M iddletown ....................................................... t Farmers Trust Co. ■ ./"M ifflin .................................................................. Peoples N ational Bank o f Mifflin Mifflinburg ........................................................ t Mifflinburg Bank #■ Trust Co. M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). Non-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a d agg er ( f ) . 9 . JHT Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives I ^ c la s s ifie d PENNSYLVANIA (C ontinued) ^ M ifflin to w n ............................ ............................ F irst N ational Bank * M ifflin to w n ......................................................... Juniata V alley N ational Bank ^ M i l d r e d ................................................................ F irst N ational Bank S M illersburg ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank M illersburg .......................................................t Millersburg Trust Co. M ille r s t o w n ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank Mill H all ............................................................t Mill Rail State Bank v M illh e im ............................................................. Farm ers N ational Bank & Trust Co. M illville ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank M ilroy ................................................................t Milroy Banking Co. y M ilton ................................................................. F irst M ilton N ational Bank M ilton ................................................................ t Milton Trust 4' Safe Deposit Co. * M in e r s v ille ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank * M in e r s v ille ......................................................... Union N ational Bank M inersville ........................................................t Vincenzo Laudadio •' M o ca n a q u a ......................................................... F irst National Bank M ont A lto .........................................................t Mont Alto State Bank v S M o n tg o m e ry ...................................................... Farm ers & Citizens National Bank ^ M o n t g o m e r y ...................................................... F irst National Bank S M ontoursville ................................................... F irst N ational Bank •^Montrose ........................................................... F irst & Farm ers N ational Bank & T rust Co. M orrisville ........................................................t Morrisville Trust Co. v M orton ................................................................ M orton N ational Bank ^ M o s c o w ................................................................ F irst N ational Bank *''' M ount C a r m e l.................................................. F irst N ational Bank Mount Carmel ................................................. t Guarantee Trust Safe Deposit Co. s M ount C a r m e l...................................................*L iberty State Bank & Trust Co. V. M ount C a r m e l.................................................. Union N ational Bank * - ^ ■ M ount H olly Springs .................................... F irst N ational Bank Mount J e w e tt..................................................... Mount Jew ett N ational Bank ^ Mount J o y ........................................................... F irst N ational Bank & T rust Com pany ^ Mount J o y ........................................................... Union N ational Mount Joy Bank Mount Penn ..................................................... t Mount Penn Trust Co. *' M ount U n io n ................................................ .... Central N ational Bank •' M ount U n io n ..................................................... F irst N ational Bank M u n c y .................................................................. Citizens N ational Bank M uncy .................................................................t Muncy Banking Co. *. ^ M y e r s t o w n ......................................................... M yerstow n National Bank « M y e r s t o w n ......................................................... * M yerstown T rust Com pany ^ N a n t ic o k e ........................................................... ..F irst N ational Bank x N a n t ic o k e .............................................................M iners N ational Bank ^ N a n t ic o k e ........................................................... ..N anticoke N ational Bank ^ N a z a r e t h ............................................................ ..Nazareth N ational Bank & T rust Co. w N a z a r e t h ...............................................................Second N ational Bank ' Neffs .................................................................... ..N effs N ational Bank * N escopeck ......................................................... ..N escopeck N ational Bank ^ N e sq u eh on in g .................................................. ..F irst N ational Bank N ew A lbany . . » ,.yt- •/-/ 5......... v- •rJ. A . . F irst N ational Bank N ew berry . . . .Q&fs&yySA. J! f/.l. .J . . t Bank o f Newberry y N ew B lo o m fie ld ........................ t ............ ........ F irst N ational Bank *•' N ew C um berland.............................................. N ew Cumberland N ational Bank N ew C u m b e rla n d ............................................t New Cumberland Trust Co. N ew Enterprise .............................................. t New Enterprise Bank ^ N e w fo u n d la n d ................................................... F irst N ational Bank o f Newfoundland N ew H o lla n d ........................ ............................ F arm ers N ational Bank & T rust Co. N ew H o p e ........................................................... Solebury N ational Bank s N ew M ilfo rd ....................................................... Grange N ational Bank o f Susquehanna County * N ew O x f o r d .......................................................^Farmers & Merchants Bank ^ N ew Philadelphia (S ilver Creek P. 0 . ) . . -t Silver Creek State Bank v N e w p o r t ............................................................. Citizens N ational Bank N e w p o r t ............................................................. F irst National Bank N e w to w n ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank & Trust Co. N ew tow n ........................................................... t Newtown Title Trust Co. -• N ew T r ip o li....................................................... N ew Tripoli National Bank “ N e w v i lle ............................................................. Farm ers N ational Bank y N e w v i lle ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank j N ic h o ls o n ........................................................... F irst N ational Bank f\ N o r r is to w n ......................................................... M ontgom ery N ational Bank , — —— ^ N o r r is to w n .........................................................*M ontgom ery Trust Com pany S M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). Non-Inem ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( f ) . . ^ 10 Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives d e c l a s s if ie d Authority ^ tO < T n ) PENNSYLVANIA (C ontinued) “^ N o r r is t o w n .........................................................*N orristow n-Penn Trust Com pany S " N o r r is to w n ...........................................................Peoples N ational Bank o f N orristow n *■' N o r th a m p to n ......................................................Cement N ational Bank o f Siegfried at N ortham pton ^ N o r t h u m b e r la n d .............................................. ..Northum berland N ational Bank N orth W a le s.........................................................N orth W ales National Bank Numidia ............................................................. ..V alley N ational Bank N u re m b u rg ..........................................................F irst N ational Bank Old F orge . : ..................................................... + Old Forge Discount Deposit Bank O ley .................................................................... F irst National Bank * O rangeville ....................................................... Farm ers N ational Bank O rrstow n ........................................................... *O rrstow n Bank X O r w ig s b u r g ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank & T rust Co. v Osceola M ills ..................................................... F irst N ational Bank o f Osceola *■' O xford ................................................................ N ational Bank o f O xford O xford ................................................................t Peoples BanTc Citizens BanTc and Trust Co. P alm erton ......................................................... t Palm erton ..........................................................F irst National Bank P a l m y r a ................................... ..........................f Palmyra BanTc Trust Co. Palm yra ............................................................. t Valley Trust Co. s Paoli ..................................................................... *Paoli Bank & Trust Co. ^ P a r a d is e .......................................................... . t State BanTc o f Paradise P arkesburg .......................................................t Farmers -Bank o f Parkesburg Parsons ...............................................................t Citizens Bank * Pen A r g y l ........................................................... F irst N ational Bank •V Pen A r g y l........................................................... Pen A rg y l N ational Bank * Penbrook ........................................................... N ational Bank o f Penbrook Penbrook ........................................................... t Penbrook Trust Co. Pennsburg ......................................................... Farm ers National Bank ^ P e r k a s i e ............................................................. F irst National Bank P e r k a s i e ............. ............................................... t Perkasie Trust Co. v' P e t e r s b u r g ......................................................... F irst National Bank v' P hilipsburg ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Banca Commeroiale Italiana Trust Company o f Phila. P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Bancd d ’ltdlia and Trust Company P h ila d e lp h ia .................................. .. ................t Beneficial Saving Fund Society o f Philadelphia —- J *0 P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t The Broad Street Trust Company ^ P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... Central Penn N ational Bank P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Chestnut Hill Title' and Trust Company P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Citizens and Southern Bank and Trust Company - P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... City N ational Bank P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... Corn Exchange National Bank & Trust Com pany v P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... Erie National Bank * P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... *Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Com pany * Finance Company o f Pennsylvania P h ila d e lp h ia .................................................... .. t P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... **F irst Camden N ational Bank & Trust Company * P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... F irst National Bank P h ila d e lp h ia ........ ...............■............................. t First Trust Company o f Philadelphia P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Frankford Trust Company P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Germantown Trust Company P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Gimbel Brothers Bank and Trust Company * Philadelphia .......................................................^Girard T rust Com pany v P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... t Industrial Trust Company o f Philadelphia P h ila d e lp h ia ...................................................... ““In teg rity Trust Com pany / ^ Philadelphia ..................................................... K ensington N ational Bank Philadelphia ..................................................... + Liberty Title and Trust Company Philadelphia ......................................................t N. G. Marian, trading as the Mcwian Bank * Philadelphia ..................................................... M arket Street N dtional Bank Philadelphia ......................................................t Mitten Men and Management Bank and Trust Company * Philadelphia ..................................................... N ational Bank o f Germ antown & Trust Com pany Philadelphia ......................................................*Ninth Bank & T rust Com pany » Philadelphia ..................................................... N orth Broad N ational Bank ^ Philadelphia ...................................................... N ortheast National Bank P hiladelphia ..................................................... t Northern Trust Company . ,* Philadelphia ............................. ........................\ North Philadelphia Trust Company A/- A.-i **(The -First Camden National Bank & Trust Company maintains an office m Philadelphia and is a member of the Philadelphia Clearing’ House Association.) 1 ; Mem ber state banks, m arked w ith a.n asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger (t)- 11 *7 _^ ~\/V 1 Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority j g ' . p . ( O S lO ) PENNSYLVANIA (C ontinued) ^ Philadelphia .......................................................*Penna. Co. fo r Insurances on Lives and G ranting Annuities * , Philadelphia .......................................................t Pennsylvania Warehousing and Safe Deposit Company S\ ^ P h ila d elp h ia ....................................................... Philadelphia N ational Bank p > ---------- Philadelphia .......................................................t Philadelphia Sowings Fund .Society ^ P h ilad elph ia .......................................................* Provident Trust Com pany ^ Philadelphia .......................................................t Heal Estat. e-Land Title and Trust Company P hiladelphia .......................................................t Ileal Estate Trust Company o f Philadelphia Philadelphia .......................................................t Boosevelt Bank _. C ■ Philadelphia .......................................................t V. Bsepski Bank Ox -— -— Philadelphia .......................................................f Saving Fund Society o f Germantown mid its vicinity ^ —^ Philadelphia ....................................................... Second National Bank Philadelphia .......................................................t Sonsiialy Bank and Trust Company T iog a N ational Bank tfe T rust Com pany ^ Philadelphia .............................................. * Philadelphia ....................................................... Tradesm ens N ational Bank Philadelphia ....................................................... t United Savings and Beneficial Association Philadelphia ....................................................... t The Western Saving Fund Society Philadelphia ....................................................... t Wyoming Bank and Trust Company Philadelphia ....................................................... t W. Wallace Alexander, trading as Alexander Savings Account Phoenixville ...................................................... Farm ers & M echanics-N ational Bank Phoenixville .....................................................t Phoenixville Trust Co. ^ Pine G r o v e ......................................................... Pine Grove N ational Bank & T ru st Co. ‘^ P ittston ........... .................................................. F irst N ational Bank s Pittston ............................................................. Liberty National Bank o f Pittston Pittston ..............................................................t Miners Savings Bank S Plym outh ........................................................... F irst National Bank s Plym outh ........................................................... Plym outh N ational Bank / P ort A lle g a n y .................................................. F irst N ational Bank P ort M a t i ld a .....................................................t Community Bank y P o r t la n d ............................................................. Portland N ational Bank • P ort R o y a l ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank ^ P ort R o y a l ......................................................... P ort R oyal N ational Bank s P o t t s t o w n ........................................................... Citizens N ational Bank & Trust Co. P o t t s t o w n ........................................................... N ational Bank o f Pottstown P o t t s t o w n ........................................................... N ational Iron Bank Pottstow n .........................................................t Security Trust Company o f Pottstown S Pottsville ........................................................... Miners N ational Bank ► Pottsville ........................................................... Penna. N ational Bank & T rust Co. o f Pottsville Pottsville ........................................................... t Safe Deposit Bank Pottsville ........................................................... t Schuylkill Trust Co. Pottsville ........................................................... t Union Bank $• Trust Co. P rospect P a r k .................................................. t Prospect Park State Bank •s Prospect Park, N orw ood P. 0 ..................... *Interboro Bank & T rust Com pany ¥' S Q u a k e r to w n ....................................................... M erchants N ational Bank " 'Q u a k e r t o w n ..................................... ................. Quakertown National Bank v' Q u a k e rto w n .......................................................*Quakertown Trust Com pany ^ ' Q u a rr y v ille ......................................................... Farm ers National Bank / Q uarry ville .................................................. .. Q uarry ville N ational Bank \ , \s //yv^ ^ R a l s t o n ................................................................ F irst N ational Bank y 4*Reading ........................................................... /^Berks County Trust Com pany * R e a d i n g .............................................................. t Heading Trust Co. Ream stow n ....................................................... t Beamstown Exchange Bank •/ R e b e r s b u r g ........................................................ R ebersburg National Bank ^ Red L i o n ............................................................. Farm ers & Merchants N ational Bank s Red L i o n ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank & T rust Co. o f Red Lion Reeds ville ........................................................... Reedsville N ational Bank R ic h fie ld ........................................................... . t Richfield Bank ” Richland ............................................................. Richland N ational Bank S R i d g w a y ............................................................. Elk County N ational Bank S R i d g w a y ............................................................. R idgw ay N ational Bank - Ridley P a r k ....................................................... R idley Park National Bank ^ Riegelsville ....................................................... F irst N ational Bank R ingtow n ........................................................... F irst National Bank R oarin g S p r in g ................................................ F irst N ational Bank Robesonia ......................................................... t Bobesonia State Bank Trust Co. s R o m e .................................................................... Farm ers N ational Bank j, ^ R o y e r s fo r d ......................................................... N ational Bank o f R oyersford /V 'C v Mem ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagg er ( t ) . ------- , , ^ , Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority e . o . 10S O ) PENNSYLVANIA (C ontinued) i^w • ■^St. M a r y s ....................................................... St. M arys N ational Bank St. M arys .......................................................... t St. Marys Trust Co. - ✓ St. M ic h a e l............................................ ............ St. M ichael National Bank St. T h om as......................................................... t St. Thomas Bank . Salix .................................................................... t Salix State Bank * S a x t o n .................................................. ............... F irst N ational Bank ✓ S a y r e ............................................................. F irst N ational Bank o f Sayre * S a y r e ................................................................... Merchants & Mechanics National Bank o f Sayre ✓ Schellsburg ....................................................... F irst National Bank ^ S S ch n e ck sv ille .................................................... *Schnecksville State Bank ^ ✓ 'Schuylkill H a v en ................................... ........ F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Co. y ✓^Schuylkill H a v en ............................................ .. * Schuylkill Haven T tu st Com pany / ✓ Schwenksville .......................................... N ational Bank & T ru st Co. o f Schwenksville S c r a n t o n ............................................................. t East Scranton State Bank S S c r a n t o n ............................................................ F irst N ational Bank Scranton ........................ .................................. t , Green Bidge Bank Scranton ........................................................... t North Scranton Bank <$r Trust Co. Scranton ........................................................... t Pennsylvania Trust Co. Scranton ........................................................... t Providence Bank, Scranton ......................................................... . t South Side Bank Trust Co. Scranton . . . . . ' ................................................ t West Side Bank y Scranton ........................................................... Third N ational Bank & T rust Co. ✓ S e lin s g ro v e ........................................................ Farm ers N ational Bank ✓ S e lin s g r o v e ........................................................ F irst N ational Bank Selinsgrove ............. ..........................................t Snyder County Trust Co. ✓ S e lle r s v ille ......................................................... Sellersville N ational Bank Shamokin ......................................................... t Guarantee Trust 4- Safe Deposit Co. ✓ S h a m o k in ................................. .......................... M arket Street Natitihal Bank ✓ S h a m o k in .............................................. .......... .. N ational-D im e Bank o f Shamokin S h a m o k in .............................................. .. t. Peoples Trust Co. ✓ S h a m o k in ........................................................... * Shamokin Banking & Trijst Co. ' ✓ S h a m o k in ................................... ........................ W est End N ational Bank o f Shamokin ✓ S h e n a n d o a h ....................................................... M erchants N ational Bank ^ S h e n a n d o a h ..................................... ................. M iners N ational Bank o f Shenandoah / S h ic k s h in n y ..................................... ................. F irst N ational Bank ✓ S h in g le h o u s e ................................. ................... F irst N ational Bank ✓ Shippensburg ................................. ................. F irst N ational Bank ✓ Shippensburg ............................................ .. Peoples N ational Bank S h ir e m a n s to w n ................................................ t Shiremanstown State Bank ✓ Shoemakers ville .............................................. F irst National Bank' ✓ Slatington ......................................................... Citizens N ational Bank ✓ Slatington ......................................................... N ational Bank o f Slatington ✓ Sm ethport ........... ............................................. G range N ational Bank o f M cKean County Sm ethport ..................................................... . . t Hamlin Bank # Trust Co. ✓ S o u d e r to n ........................................................... Peoples National Bank •' S o u d e r to n ........................................................... U nion N ational Bank & Trust Co. Southam pton ..................................................... t Southampton State Bank ✓ South F o r k ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank South F ork ............. .. •, * ,/ ... •* / V t Union Deposit Bank South W illiam sport .t Bank o f South Williamsport Spangler ........... *............................ / . ............ t Keystone Bank ✓ Spring C ity ......................................................... N ational Bank & Trust o f Spring City ✓ Spring M ills..................................................... F irst N ational Bank ✓ S p r in g v ille ......................................................... F irst N ational Bank ✓ State C o lle g e ................................. ................... F irst N ational Bank ' * State College ........................................ ........... Peoples N ational Bank Steelton •..............................................................•+ Peoples Bank ✓ Steelton ............................ .................................. *Steelton Bank & Trust Co. ✓ y Stew artstow n ................................................... Peoples N ational Bank ✓ S t r a s b u r g ........................................................... F irst N ational Bank v- Stroudsburg ..................................................... F irst-Strou dsburg National Bank Stroudsburg ................................................. .. .t Security Trust Co. Summ it H i l l ........................................ .. t Summit Hill Trust Co. , ✓ Sunbury .............................................................. F irst N ational Bank f/ & ✓ S u s q u e h a n n a ..................................................... City N ational Bank A '* S S u s q u e h a n n a .................... .............................. . F irst National Bank ■✓Swarthmore ...................................................... Sw arthm ore N ational Bank & Trust Co. . t 'r M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). Non-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a d agg er ( t ) . 13 h vcmBmp Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives DECLASSIFIED Authority _ g t q IQ S t)\ PEN N SYLVANIA (Continued) *■ Sw ineford............................................. ............. First National Bank s Tamaqua ........................................................... First National Bank Tamaqua ........................................................... *Peoples Trust Co, ^ *' Tamaqua ........................................................... Tamaqua National Bank v Telford ................................................................ Telford National Bank S Temple ................................................................*Temple State Bank sf Thompsontown ................................................ Farmers National Bank * Three Springs.................................................. First National Bank ^ T io g a ................................................................... Grange National Bank « Topton ............................................................... National Bank of Topton *• T ow anda............................................................. Citizens National Bank v Tow anda............................................................. First National Bank v' Tremont .............................................................. Tremont National Bank S Trevorton........................................................... First National Bank v T r o y ...................................................................... First National Bank of Troy ^ Tunkhannock ................................................... Citizens National Bank ^ Tunkhannock ................................................... Wyoming National Bank ✓ Turbotville......................................................... Turbot ville National Bank " Tyrone................................................................. First-Blair County National Bank » U ls t e r .................................................................. First National Bank - U ly s s e s ................................................................ Grange National Bank of Potter Co. Unionville ......................................................... t Peoples Bank o f Unionville Vintondale ......................................................... t W alnu tport . . "'W a tson tow n .. ■^W atsontown .. W ayne ........... ^ W aynesboro .. JL^ W aynesboro .. Q\ W eissport .. .. - 'J. r 3 W ellsboro . . . W ellsboro . . . . * W ellsville . . .. __ I, •'’ W ernersville . --------------- W est Chester * W est Chester. ^ W est Chester. * W estfield “' W est Grove . . W est H azleton W est M ilton . W est Pittston , W hite Haven J W ilkes-B arre W ilkes-B arre W ilkes-B arre . S W ilkes-B arre . -^ W ilkes-B arre . ■SW ilkes-B arre . • 'W illiam sbu rg \) W illiam sburg v " .^ ------- W illiam sport . ^ W illia m sp o rt . W ind Gap . . . W om elsdorf . . ' W oodbury . . . v W rights ville .. *' W yalu sing . . . W y alu sin g . . . » W yom in g . . . . y W y om issin g .. ^ Y ork -' York • ''Y ork Y ork ^ York Vintondale State Bank .t Walnutport State Bank . Farm ers National Bank . W atsontow n National Bank .| Wayne Title Sf Trust Co. . Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. . F irst N ational Bank & Trust Co. in W aynesboro . W eissport National Bank . F irst N ational Bank . !■ Tioga County Savings <$r Trust Co. . W ells ville N ational Bank . W ernersville National Bank & Trust Co. .t Dime Savings Bank o f Chester Co. . F irst National Bank . National Bank o f Chester County & Trust Co. . Farm ers & Traders N ational Bank . N ational Bank & Trust Co. o f W est Grove .I Miners Bank §■ Trust Co. .t West Milton State Bank .t West Side Bank .t White Haven Savings Bank . F irst N ational Bank o f W ilkes-Barre .t Hanover Bank tf- Trust Co. .t Miners Bank o f Wilkes-Barre . Second National Bank . *W ilkes-Barre D eposit & Savings Bank f . W yom in g National Bank . Farm ers & Merchants N ational Bank . F irst N ational Bank .f Savings Institution o f the City o f Williamsport . W illiam sport N ational Bank .f Citizens Bank o f Wind Gap .f Womelsdorf Bank Trust Co. .t Farmers State Bank . F irst N ational Bank . N ational Bank o f W yalusing . t. Peoples State BanJf . F irst N ational Bank . *Peoples Trust Com pany / ..................................................................... Central N ational Bank & T rust Co. ................................................................. .. D rovers & M erchants N ational Bank ................................ ..................................... Eastern N ational Bank ..................................................................... F irst N ational Bank ..................................................................... *Guardian Trust Company of York v" M em ber state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagg er ( f ) . 14 -"~V J.. , <^T\P » N/ ,i 4 Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives d e c l a s s if ie d Authority tO & p) PEN N SYLVANIA (Continued) Y ork Y ork Y ork Y ork Y ork Y ork Y ork ..................................................................... Industrial N ational Bank o f W est Y ork ..................................................................... W estern N ational Bank ..................................................................... Y o rk County N ational Bank .................................................................... Y ork N ational Bank & Trust Co. .....................................................................*Y ork Trust Com pany sf H a v e n .......................................................t York Haven State Bank S p rin g s..................................................... F irst N ational Bank ‘ / M ember state banks, m arked w ith an asterisk (* ). N on-m em ber state banks, m arked w ith a dagger ( f ) . 15 D - ci _ '