The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4;.1.11-4a - Banks OperLting Branches Summary of Branches by States & Classes 1900 - 1936 Delauare A - ueorgia Committee on Branch Group & Chain Banking • SUIRRY OF BRANO1.77,S State of /.7V—Iel)ATIAR.... Date and year Number of I anks 1900 / , 1910 191.5 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 '926 '927 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,-•, , Bamks Nu:I'ler Operating Branches N'xnber of branches Total Outside Loans and Ih Resources city city branches investments / /(In thousancs of dollars) 4/ 4/ • 6; 20 0 fir ly 1 190,7 .1b-A 7 7 ° 1 /-/Li 0, V V, i7O If .i/ 3 izPir 6,`T?9 4 77 BANKS OPERATING 3RANCI-ES To be re:?orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the folloring years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. . Name of bank June 30 (or nearest date available) 1900 19io 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Within the city of -oarent bank Outside city of parent bank , Total -4- State Delaware Loans and investments Total resources 2 ,456C,O114 2,yde p ee° 2 2 2,467,006. 3,017,774. ." ..... 1- 2.,gq 3me 3,3a 11,••6 .- I. 3,11 1,aeo 4,de f,‘" 2 4,504,599. 5,599,472. 2 me 20, 1917 Dover Branches operated 0 Sep :,. 5, 1905 Tom or City Farmers Bank • BANKS OPERATIN G BRANCHES Town or Ci ty Name of bank .0 2 5 -- Branches operated WI thin the ci tz,r of paren.t bank Date State '1) Loans and inves tments Outside Total 14), Total resources parent bank 1900 _ 1905 1910 ],...9.15 1920 , 1921 1922 1923 1924 , 1225 1926 1\(-4-12 e • J-1 192_7 19; ,),„‘At 1928 „ 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis te7 • 4 1 e, o oi „9, 1 ,),--,— ' 19, c 9 . a rs" 173A.ITKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank t.-elAlt.44414.1- a-tHiCi Branches operated. Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o-2, parent bank State Loans and investments Total , J-ri, •.i,,, Total resources 1900 ..1, 1905 ..1 - Lt. ._2,3ii7 A,.,- ._,4_ , -,,-/ ca, a isio ,--- .;...!, 3 3 '.q,'Leg, ,.: 1922 1926 _ A .2._ _ ._.,2 a.- 71/0' 1/, 7/?' /I)/I.7 1_2, 6 2.1 //, 913 13, #17 /2f _711_3 Ag, . i-B a .A, 1 -9/e /-6, 734' --1- 1928 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...." ',A.. Z7 192_7_ 1.92a._ 7 //2'- 191_5_ 1920 .2 11117) . %I 1 : 7 7 /9/3 " 017:444,;' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /e'D7 rrif BANES OP2ATINC.1 BRANCHES Name of bank hik.0 1- Town or,i City -Li vt4) Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city oZ parent bank State Loans and investments Total /Slid)• Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 19_21 1922 1923 1924 i...9.5 1927 `d-t k. A L 1 , 3,is-o 71 ..1, "•-) 3-4 -CC 43 -I IC .5 3,/ i( 1928 _a iy 1929 ,I c2_) -.1 •4 140 atL 3, gr7C 3,iviZ 3, 3. Su- n 7/0 4'r Pi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis h2o BANKS OPMATING BRANCIDIS l -LAN-A.4 ?e Town o Name of bank .t.;litA4.4 State City Branches operated. Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank 1900 Total Loans and investments Total resources / / 17/01O 62o ...2 _.2% // .5-4/2/ !1Z 1 1„072,. --4"qi 1905 1910 1915_ i._______ 2- 1920 683 ,• 1921 1922 , 1923 325 ) 1926 1927 . 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 9il 2,9‘.20 3,V33 4 ,. • ....Ai . 1924 1928 . - s'..4.-y .99i 3/ a .1 p. /r7eCX,a7r)v-, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES To be reported — each bank (iry21ud1ng trust corn-Anies nd savins banks) which operated one or more brrnches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Name of bank June 30 (or nearest date available) Sussex Trust Co. Town or Lewes City Branches operated Within the Outside city of city of bank parent bank parent Total State Loans and investments 378,585. Sept. 5,1905 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 555,746. tier 0 1915 June 20, 1917 esources 420, eve 1900 1910 Delaware /, 2 2 r: 1,6611085. P,1 14,40e.e.) 1,856,706. BA:N.TKS C.;P:gtATING BRANCHES Narr.e of bank LA a PL1 c-)1, Town or Ci ty 1 Branches operated Date Wi thin the ci ty of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total U i't S tate Loans and inves tments 0-1-(L) Total resources 1900 1105 S. 19;5 S. 1921 1922 1923 1924 19.25 17926 r V" 2 i,-).,p e___, ! -•,),3-.11.a.7 1927 3/ -i•-7A6 L,/ r 2-- 192g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis er.4-- .BANKS OPKRATING BRANCHES Town or Name of bank ,Li../f2, 1 ,•4._ State ty BranCiaes operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside * city o2 parent _ _ bank Loans and investments Total I 1900 1.9.05 '2 /q750 1910 ____eg "/ 1311 Iiii,rtie 1920 _A a 2 1921 „2..._ _.2._____ .R._ ,2 1,3 Ar 1 / ,3l'i - 3 7' 1922 , 1923 2 1q24 a 1i25 1926 1927 192S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total resources 2- 1 4 1 4 2„, 3/ "Jr w 5-Y4 0- - 57/ • 0-5. 4 694' ,a 91 . _ 1 i_ , - - .7,,/r2_ 1444011 e; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • /9ef. • BANKS OPERATING EPANCHES To be reorted--each bahk (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the follorinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. . Name of bank Baltimore Trust Ce., June 30 (or nearest date available) 1900 Within the city of Parent bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Delaware Loans and investments Total resources Outside city of .arent bank Total 2 2 197,502. 514,396. I- kler,4060 3-6)4" 2. 3... 404,tdo I/Lb" 2 2 755,742. 0 - 1910 Jun e 20, 1917 State Branches operated Sept. 5, 1905 1915 Torn or Selbyville city C7 1,094,242. BA-.^.TKS OP714A . .TING BRANCHES • et Name of bank AV.itu Town or City `) I% t LAA,u,r4 rt._ State Y11\ AAA) Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 Total Loans and investments Total resources parent bank 1900 1905 ---I-- • . 1910 1115 1920 -± 1921 1922 1323 192)4 , 1.3.2_5 P26 &P Q . 1927 "_5t— g_.1,7.11)-1 7. 49Y y, / 71 '7, 6 f 1928 192€1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f Y.-11 t----L ;iI4 U--_ t „ d SI ?, 41 7 / ,0 / 0 , V/9 / / a-z) imi • • BANKS OPERATING BRAN C7-IES Name of bank State /n-A-k- • ____ Branches operated Within the City of parent bank Date Outside city of parent bank Total 1900 Loans and investments Total resources -t- 1905 1910 i 191_5_ 6 , 0 1920 9 1921 /4 JO 1922 _Le /0 /a 1923 192,4 125 1926 1927 1028 1929 .1111mmor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , . gc371/ ‘.,i °Y‘? Z/3 i'''i. /a /_Lia t,.26$ _.7 ‘ -7 r 7.i--- - ,263 7 /.973 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPEZATING BRANCHES Name of bank . Town or,I Ci ty Tt.r.,01 VAA4 tilk, State k'YIA QA.A.A). Branches operated Wi thin the Outside ci ty of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Total Loans and inves tments . Total resourc es 1900 1905 . 1910 1915 1920 a21 1922 1923 i 1924 la25 _ •a1;.11 2-7 i926 c 1927 1929 i fccr-z=....! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ••• •/2,2-1.3 / 6, BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or Ci ty Name of bank ;//i/72,14 / a-4/, eA/ 4 State it24°-/ I _ Branches o-oerated ., Within the Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Loans and investments Total Total resources . 1900 1905 1910 • 19_15 1920 1921 1922 1923 1021419.25 7926 ] Lz.s. // 9 7 Af2e e.. 1927 -1_,( ./I o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /Z i// 7, gif_ 6i OL 201_4_44_1_ L / i lig 6 #?#, a I7 i 0Z,589 2.C. ri--S / 1928 1929 / / / 1 14 — 33.,s-36 .4,0-,49.43- • _BANKS • ATIN G BRAY C'HES Branches operated Date . tate Name of bank U/ Within the city of parent bank Oatsi city cY.L' parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 19Y5 1510 IL/Pi APei. 9, 252 JrZi 1920 1021 1/4 /1 4 f-/ 1922 170.5.3,-3 ..4&2e 1923 1024 1325._ 1926 192S 1929 _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 1)J32 -4/ • • BANKS OPERATING A:Tcns To be re:.ported---each bank (including trust companies and ,s on savings banks) which operated one or more lpranchc, June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. June 30 Cor nearest date available) ei\D A_JZ. . State . Name of bank W Branches operated. Within the city of Parent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k / / 1 , AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY Branches Operated Within the Outside city of city of parent bank parent bank Washington, D. C. Total Loans and investments Total re8011re88 3,633,000. 5,619,000. 1900 0 0 0 1905 0 0 0 1910 0 0 0 995O0O. 1915 0 0 0 41.1000. 1920 3 0 3 22,758,000. 28,811,000. 1921 3 0 3 22,263,000. 27,783,00r. 1922 3 0 3 23,458,000. 29,277,000. 1)(1923 4 0 4 25,948,000. 31,749000. 'X1924 4 0 4 25,391,000. 31,296,000. V1925 4 0 4 27,799,000. 35,368,000. 1)( 1926 4 0 4 29,727,000. 36,858,000. 1927 4 0 4 30,556,000. 38,307,000. \ 1928 4 0 4 31,206,000. 38,772,000. 1929 4 0 4 30,418,411044 38,511,000, 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..., 1778,-000. 9,960 0. 30,833,000. 13,867,000i__,L • ••• 0 VI BANKS CA'FEUTIN C7 BR.AN CHES Name of bank U.1,kJ'i Town or Lf1r if .01 Ci ty 61 k_tk State Branches operated. Within the city of parent bank Date Ou ts I. d.e city o-: .., parent bank Loans and. investments Total 1900 1905 1910 1915 _ I --I- 1920 1921 j_ 1922 192)4 )32_5 L926 1927 4 1923 i I ,/ 1929 If 1_9-.... f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i ../ ../ 4 al er• s16 tf 3i).,716t Total resources BANIT OPERATThla Name of bank DATE District National Bank, V7ashin3ton, D. C. Branches operated within the city of parent hank A/1923 1 1924 4I O(1225 2 )( 1926 4 2 ) 1 (s 1927, 2 tk19284 2 4929 2 fe136z Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Loans and Investments. (0,1,41. q;) tc7.3gg. 009 7.'712g lo o lige' y, 4oci, s70 X438. et3 40, MS(Jr Total Resources 4 BANKS CP:RZATIN G- BRANCHES Name of bank A a t's(71/C111_19 Town or City '1/V/1 State Branches operated. Within the city of parent bank Date . Outsid.e city o-2 parent bank Total 1900 Loans and. investments _____ 1905 1910 19.15 , 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1325 326 ki)---Q e_ . ... t 1927 `,\A. kiwit__ 1928 'I 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..2, ..1) ,2; ..t ' 4i ' Z t k Total resources • • BANKS OPKIA,TING BRANCHES Town or Ci ty ,,, kr State oes 6 11 :2•11(..• -Brancl-ies operated Within the ' city Sf parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1905 1510 1915 . 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ . rt, e i i 14 , 4---1--_ • • BANKS CIPMATING BRANCHES. Name of bank - Farmers & Mechanics National Bank of Washirwton, DATE Branches operated within the city of parent bank. Loans and Investments. 4X 1927, 1 3,IP 0, VO 1928 1 1 3,5o0,(11q- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n. C. Total Resources. Consolidated on Dec. 15, 1928, with The Rigs National Bank of WashinFton, D. G. • • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or ty_ Name of bank , State t : Da te Branches operated 'vVi. thin the Outside city of city 02 parent bank parent bank 1900 -- 1905 1910 1.9_15 1920 1.9_21 1922 1923 10214 19_25 1926 'ff!IV" _ 1927 1/ l92 1929 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Total Loans and investments Total resources - ATING BRANCHES BANKS C.TEjts.. Name of bank_ Franklin Nat inmil Town or jCity Wasl- .1 ragton Branches operated Vi thin the City of parent bank Date Datside i city of parent bank 1 Total ixtiesitk IL. C. Loans and. investments Total resources 1900 1905 _ —4- 1910 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 • 1 r s ,-7 63, pi? 14,13,1 971 1924 . 1 3,ffIg'.0,58' ,t 14717. igi i.a25, 1926 ., 1 i r i f f ( IA,./6 /. 734 5.3-er, 4,31-1, 37e '19274 3.____ 1 f zb 744. 3f9 192s J —1- 1929. 1 I 1 3c Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LA I j i 5.a7„z. 7ao 7,3 if. 3,34 4bs, Id-' , 7.1,2.. 333 41.• BANKS 0171-LATING-' BRANCHES L.,'A 411, Name of bank Town or 1,4 v-a City Branches operated Within, the c i ty of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank rk- State Loans and investments Total 1900 1905 1910 • 1_915 1920 19_21 19_22 1923 1924 , 25 1026 Kg'-Le „. p_ Var-170 1927 )tt lk i..._ ( ,I 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,I If i / / P 1 f 1 / 1. q0( h Total resources BANKS OPMATING BRAN C'.HES Ill Name of bank <1.- Town or Ci ty State GO, , 03•1t,s-L Branches operated Within the Outside city of city o2. parent bank parent bank Date Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 1905 _____ ___ 10,10 1q1_5_ i 1920____ 1Q21 • 1922 1923 / 19214 1927 1c3a3 laa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 1 2SO I_ I ii, 3 AlJ .21J .1- , 1926 0 / ; 1 _ • II/ („) BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES NOV 22 i99(1 THE r kos Name of bank HAMILTON SAYINGS BANK Town or City Washington, Branches operated Within the city of parent bank aTte 1900 Outside city o2 parent bank 1 _ baggc Loans and investments Total D. C. Total resources 1---- 1905 1910 1915 1920 1921 -- ---i- June 30 1 1 0 575,3%,37 962,20.O0 1922 1923 1924 19.25_ 1926 19?-7 192s 192 -, t 1 4— I____ Absorbed by The Riggs r:.ational Bank June 11, 1922. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e• THE RIOCE NA By BANK OF WASHIFGTON,D.C. Auditor. Washington, D. C. HOME SAVINGS BANK Branches Operated Outside Within the city of city of parent bank parent bank Total Loans and Investments Total Resources 1900 0 0 0 165,000. 220,000, 1905 0 0 0 1,004,000e 1,422,000, X1910 2 0 2 2,403,000. 3,032,000, /1915 2 0 2 3,997,000. 5,064,000, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AY. BANKS GPMATII\T Cr BRANCHES :Tame of bank Lincoln National Bank Town or Viashinf't on City Branches operated *Ni thin the city of parent bank Date Outside city o...: parent bank Total SVPIPSx D. C. Loans and investments Total resources 19 19_0_ 1910 1115 1920 19.21 1922 ---i, • ____ --i--- j52.I,/ 2, b.stio2. 812, - 1923 / 1 1924 J 1 f 4-'7bc2. l'7 19.2_5 4 1 f 5,5/0./14.2• 7, DSO. 43f 1- 926 4 f 1 L)'19274 1928 . L>(1929, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 I 1 i___ i 1 I I S, 19,61.2- 07C ' 14/0g,g72. 1100, II/6 617,3. lit., gr_gi R, .3I 1 4, Os,zps- F,44g. 6'1 77 w-ei Y,0s3. 4-7 o '2-71(7 g:q 3/ 7 2— BANKS OPERATING BRAT.TCHES Name of bank 11 et Town or City_' State Branches operated Within the c i ty of parent bank Date Outside city o:c* parent bank Loans and investments Total 1900 1905 — 1910 1915 1920 1_9_21 1922 I 1923 1924 ,.926 1927 r I , la25 f-) -k e_ • _.I Vi./ 1 4_ M.At- / ., 1928 •, 192i9 ,, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 I I , f I (,, Total resources B.ANKS OPKRATING- BRANCHES Town or Ci ty_ Name of bank , • Bra,nclaes operated Date Wi. thin the ci ty of parent bank Outsic3.e city o: parent bank Loans and investments Total 1900 1905 _ l 1910 _ • 191_5_ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1325 1926 1927 102s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _l_ L_ ! __i_ State (Y,," Total resources • 411YARY OF BRAN01-7S Date and year Number of banks vrc Banks State of ITIL- er Oerating Branches Number of brarches In Resources Loans and Outside , Total city ! branches investments city (In thousan s of dollars) 1900 190F 1910 1915 1920 , 1921 , / IX 1922 1923 )( 1924 / ii 6 e7-0,i6f-ic_ ___ / 227tiz_ t 1925 / (t / 0(1926 / // / \/ 1927 02 y /el le57, 2- 2,4 / / A 192s / tic 1929 vuo / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis YO /5-73 ,)/ 97 _T-',7,5— / / IX /,2 k'',c- 2 7, 1{,, i _ ritArklf_ 1 / ., r / 1 /4 ,9/k 47 / 8/7e1, / . . /31 ‘E, Nov 21 *90 ,r4 • BANNS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank C Town or ty t ,k‘ • Y\ tvt State `YrIAAA) Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Da te 1900 Outside city o2 parent bank Loans and investments Total - - 1905 1910 15_15 1920 19_21 _ 1922 1923 1924 1925 1927 t-i 0___. 1 I ? i, I h4)2 -€_, 1926 ( 192s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I L.. I Total resources • B.-,17"3 r- r') -T7S ( 7 , Name of bank I:IERCT: -; Town or City Afashint;ton 1). C. , Branches operated Loans Outside and Total city of investments 2arent bank '4ithin the city of parent bank 1900 Total resources None 1905 1910 1915 1920 1921 19221 1 19E3 1S24 1925 3 , 6926 3 4)( 1927 t i t-- 1 41 346,163.47 5,017,367.30 1 917,639.68 b,±38,ó99.70 3 7 161 210.10 8,026,695.01 9,b14,944.78 10 854,565.93 ' 9,785,335.12 10,795,291.64 3 8,934,977.16 10,431,123.71 8,960 938.65 10,317,466.66 9,468,4b3:4A 11,24,6.69763 1 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or Name of bank /, t kft A 7),.(9"). ci ty `Irrit Branches operated Wi thin the ci ty of bank Date 1900 Outsid.e ci ty o2 parent bank Total thA Ur.. State Loans and inves tments _ I. 1910 1.9_15 I. 1921 1922 1923 19,24 1.a25 41.26 . • 3 41 -• 1928 . 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .3 1.3 /601 7.4,r7 kfc . To tal resources 4E • BN1CiPERA7.111Y.1iNEf Name of Bank DATE Branches operated within the city of parent bank. 1928 none 4929' 1 14130 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The National Dank of Washington, D. C. Loans and Investments. g, g36, cis7 Total Resources It6s:zigo / 4 ••• 1 • • BANT:F: OPPZATING BRANCHES Town or ty Name of bank State . •-yQ1IL tt it In Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city cr2 parent bank Loans and. investments Total 1900 F 1905 1910 t 1915 1920 4- 1921 1922 1923_ 1924 . r 19.25 9- t1927 _ _ Prue__ • 926 _ 192s 1 192(? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .1_____ _ _ 941 , 3 /.5— Total resources BAITLS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank Peoples Commercial and Savings Bank,Washington DATE Branches operated within the city of parent bank 119211 1 1922 1 /1923' 1 I 92)4 1 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Loans and Investments. D.C. Total Resources 3 05-,sn 391,10I qs-O, 733 • ks W S. BANKS OP:MATING BRANCHES il NOV 22 i9130 461/ Of' oF11100,0 00.0r Town or :THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK city WASHITTGTON Name of bara • Branches operated Within the Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Total SMINC Loans and investments D. C. Total resources 1900 1.9D5 --4- 1910 L----- 1915 4--. 1920 --i, 1921 1922 June 30 3 0 3 June 30 4 o 1924 June 30 4 3325 June 30 — 6.. 29-15411493. __A„._ 25_073.976. 32,547,329. 0 4 24,80 33,759,959. 4 o 4 2639,231. 294.07431, 4___ o 1927 June 30 4 o 4 192s June 30 4 o 4 49.352,134. o 6 216,886. tX 1923 1926 \)0 1929 June 30 June 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i 6 1 , 867 Li. 8,65],4,192.1_5(444142M,_ t. THE RIGGS NATION By :10,390._ 51,2o3x017„ 58,363,205. ' , OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Auditor. • BAITT:s. Name of bank ) OPERATIN CT BRANCHES TO V7T1 or City /( d yk ark.t. kw. Date Outside city o2 parent bank Loans and investments Total 1900 1905 1910 1115 1920 1921 1922 I 1923 1924 1925 1426 i i-x-1.1 1 .)• 1 1927 ). T)1 1928 192c) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ,, \r'- • L Branches operated Within the city of parent bank State 1 Al k, ei w,...Pi..1 Total resources BANKS OPKRATIN C., BRANCHES Name of bank (2, 47/__2(4 0 4 „ gown or fiificf„deCi ty Bra..nches operated illi thin the I Outside ci ty of city o: parent bazik parent ba.nk Date S tate Loans and investments Total 1.) To tal resources 1 1900 190_5_ lcil0 191_5_ 192o 1921 -0— ! 192,3__‘ 1224 # -- ! I _24-J I 19.2_5_ .,?. 19 .1927 192,3 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T 1 t , t: ‘ ° -33,--7-a__ -4 BATK C.;271RATING BR.ANCHES Name of bank _actaand 21st i onal TIFink Town or Ci ty Virafinin.,,t on Branchesoperated Within the Outsi d.e city of city o:4' parent bank parent bank Date Total FiztaidtxD• C. Loans and. investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1315 I -1920 --f--- k • . 1921 1922 1923' 1 I 1,1,q p/. ,2yi 6.2s-.(101 1924- , 1 0 4,61p-1.1147 I,. InIk. las 19.254 1 I 1926/ ____I ° 1927' 1 (1 1928 4 1 f 1929 w 1 .1;s-isg I I-79e, 1-133 33s400 ' 13 " P14/ g - 7gfe, 674 5„p1.o5, 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F 2?7.7617 • • BANKS GEMATING BRANCHES Name of bank ./../ Town or City -State 0?), Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 19.05 Jr--- 1910 _ 1215_ - ).-920 1Q21 — 1922 / 1923 ____ 1924 / 1a25 1 1926 i 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / d .0 / _____G) _e I —1 1 t ,:g 1 ./ _/___ i ii, , 1. .., 1r. 7 ‘ ---4-2- 7 ;/- g I 7 •17/ / domiik • B.A.2\,TRE," (2:MATING BRANCHES Town or City 1/V Name of bank '11\- oLt. 1922 1925 26 1927 S.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 171 thin the ci ty of -parent bank ('^ • -A a 1— Branches operated Date State Cru.tside city o-Z parent bank Total Loans and inves tments Total resources S .BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES, Security Savings Name of bank Clomiercial lawn—axCity &tate Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city of parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 19.Q5 19_10 19_15 .1V o 1920 At C 571 1922 72 2- 112 1923 1924 1925 016-YIZ- - 1926 1927 f 92S / V41929 fi 3c Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , •••,-+ tV1-k 4G,019.65 5?3,1?6.10 595,370.07 / r 4 191,430.71 . BANKS OPKEATIN Name of bank Town or Ci ty . 1• 1.r\ Wi thin the ci ty of Sarent bank Outsi d.e ci ty o:L' parent bank Total 1900 1910 1915 1920 _ 19_21 1922 1923 19214 1.9.25 1926 K.)QQ 1927 192s .tvvoi___ 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6*. State . ` 1. /YIP v. . Branches operated Da te II01 I Loans and inves tments To tal resources 1$ TVIIKS OPERATING BRANCT1. Name of bank DATE ritandard National Bank, iaash., D. C. Branches operated within the city of parent bank. \ •-/ 1923' 1 1924, 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Loans and Investments. I.ôs.7f t oo , 1 Total Resources. 35.2. '/,-/ Bank went into voluntary liquidation Oct. 29, 1924, absorbed by the District Net. Bank of Tashinston, D. C. BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES e_ , • pax:L Name of bank TOW71. or Ci ty .1:47 .7„"S tate 4 14, , 1. _ • Branches operated Date Wi thin the ci ty of i- Darent ba_nk Outside city o2 parent bank 1900 Total Loans and inves tments Total resources -- 1905 4-- L_ 1910 ---1--192o . I iqa _ 1922 1924 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 () I- _ BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of ban171,0 v ;(o-turtJ Co- Town or c<4Ltj Ci ty Branches operated Within the ci ty of parent bank Date Outside city o-.:* parent bank 1 1900 1905 C, State Loans Totaland. investments Total resources 1•1111NIIIMIIIEMVION•moms.....=......_ —IL,..... .- 1---—4- 4- ' L,I."1-0---- 1910 1915 - "Is__ ' —4/ io id fl4(., 1920 '1921 )KA. (5. - 1922 0,-,A.,t - 4923 4024 oi i 44- 7 0, / r 4 oSq,F3 1',/,Fq.30 0 9.1 I tpl e. fLY-: 0 "I Y 0., , C^,,c I //,q 4 :5, / 'i 3,0 0 r'. ,A-e /// 0(.0 2< 117.1, /LI o iY‘7,4 ( / Y.0 -1 r.ro3 1-------(' <1925 1926 1 0._.-f Le,g 7) ( (1.928 0,-L,ct 1929 0 ,t1 3/ 4 LGy„_l2,6‘7Y,3 -5 ' F-i" I C144.1_ \1927 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - -.9" I ( - i 1 ' Ye'f-r-,3 ONA--c — (9--14-t ,41t1,9V v) - 4 4- F. IFG.78* 3 1,070,0 Y /3/34,904,4-q' r" 4 - . I 3,-ce 1 I /3 • BANKS GPMA.TINCT BRANCHES Name of bank '1 0 Town or ty OA 4 9.y ieb. ci I •--1 • ‘Y\ 6--y\ YYv.k vvo , Branches operated "Ari thin the City of parent bank Date Outside city o:: parent bank 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 — I L.9_21 1922 1923 1924 19.25 1926 )o-o e , 1 I 1927 4o / 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1, I State Total Loans and investments 1. - Total resources Ilk. • Ilk „ow..00 Al BANE.S C.;PATING C:ES 1 4 1 NOV 8- WO c 0, ,•%0 Li EA of Washington_ MechanicSvm or Savings Bank Name of bank City .dashington Branches operated T Within the city of parent bank Date Out city o2 parent bank Total tit State Loans and investments .„ D. C. Total resources 1900 1.9_05 1910 1.3_15 1920 1921 1922 1923 None 1924 _ —ITwo 1926 Two \X 1927 Two 1928 Two 192.9_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i Two 1 _ j I Two I 418 810. 1,781,516.0( ____L Two I 577 753. 1 866,38L3.3' Two 747 402. 070,413.7: Two '182 606. 2,546,742.3E Two ,3784Y.p 2.2/C. 2,068,643.4!5 • BANKS OPE:EATING BRANCHES Name of bankbillAtntLa, ik Town or Ci t pht ( . .4.)A. State kC) 1- YYU NVO '7\ Branches operated 1i thin the T Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Loans and investments Total 1900 1905 1910 1_915 Thr 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 19_25 1926 A9-e 0 , .p...11- 11 ai 1927 l92g iI 1929 iI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..• a- .. a- -/ -2- -?_, '3/1, •.5 Total resources BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank DATE Washington and Southern Bank, Washington, D. C. Branches operated within the city of parent bank )41915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 Loans and Investments. Total Resources 3,3700 ip/ Or '15-1 BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES &I/ Altvi‘itett.40 Town Ci ty Name of bank elymtekt Branches operated. Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank — -- Total State Loans and. investments Total resources T.- 1900 1905 1910 1915 . . _. /ie,LL i _ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 , 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , • , 7) ) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • jet.A.Aet.,:* 7ii,p BANNS OPMATENCT BRANCHES Name of bank e/ xitra ite...4 Town orlw tt. State City Branches operated Nithin the Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Loans and investments Total 4:740 Total resources T-- 1-- 1900 _ _. - ,- 1905 — 1910 1915 " a e ir ' ....- 1920 1921 1922 1*1924 1925 1926 1•2 192S I 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ._ 3 ei 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANICS OPERATING BR.C.;.C HES ad.44,04;‘, d_wviA2 1 Town or ' 40"at City Name of bank Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o:: parent bank 1900 1 1905 / 1910 / Loans and investments Total l 41 ei, erre* 1 /el o, mei t d c• 4.4.4 - 1 del-e414, J-d,644— ) ,- . 1921 1922 1923 3.924 12,25 1926 1°2 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total resources /D 6, -esIryf• 1915 1920 State , • Zayt-vs-e-"/9'. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84/4,4 • • • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or ity Name of bank State t-,-/61/-1-40.. Branches oloerated Within the City of parent bank Date Outside city oZ parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources f 1900 , 12D5 1910 n • 1920 12- 7 _____ 1921 1922 1923 /, c/ , 1 J- 13?5 1 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1_ 1 2. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank State Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank _ Outside city o2 parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 • _ 11:25_ 1910 1215 __ 1— _, 6441 1- 4 34 / / — -- 73t1t4ktli /) 4 — 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 15.29 1926 1927 , 1 1c 2.--, - 1.9.__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ?,041, eL46,0— 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I?Yr BANKS, (2-MATING BRANCHES at"da, Name ol bank Town ori_,(1, Ci ty Branches operated Wi thin the ci ty of parent bank Date Outside city ol* parent bazik S. , --1- -. 19_21 1922 1923 1924 19,2_5 , r 1926 1927 192S 1_9_2_,_0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / le 1905 1910 1915 l i Total AtsitigAS tate Loans and investments 3 7.s" Total resourc es 3—a-r) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ..BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank state Branches operated. Within the I city of parent bank Date Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 7---- 1900 1 — 1.9_05 1910 , — / c 1915 . ••••• 1920 1,121 922 1 190 . 102)4 25 1926 1927 192,g 1329 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , L, kt p • / g (NzAs„, et.4.4 /9 A) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ../ ) 1 ( 4i A 'A—rec 44 • /1/6 BANKS C52ATIN CT BRANCHES 1 G.4 Y t:Zu4.4,4 c Ti ovrn ty otzt_tv,_ 7Tne oleitank S tate Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o-..: parent bank _ 1900 1905 19_1_5_ — /i /1/0. _____ 1--— -H— 1---- 1920 19_21 _ _____ 1922 1923 1024 19_2_5_ i . 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Total resources / / 1910 Total Loans and. investments / 1 P-0-0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _BANKS OPLRATING BRANCVS or To City Name of bank Branches operated. Within the city of parent bank Date Ou.tsi cle city o2 parent bank Total zo- State Loans and investments iota]. resources 71900 s 1905 _ 1910 - 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.5125 1926 1.2 1028 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . ..., _.1 2sfef 84", — 64 1 et — eskt • (sxi, ebt6A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6.4.w..ti 6votiivkkd ,T#6 Ni.../ktkes#,"..vcii /1 11 St' pwoi • SUllikRY OF BRAN.CE7S Banks State of Date and year Number of banks 2 1900 Nur.,2ber Operating Branches 'Number o f branches Outside Total Loans and Resources In city city branches investments (In thouS9ncs of dollars), ( 6- F 1905 q q T 1910 ig 141 /7 1915 .•1'1 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — ,Q7 1 ,3 i (,q q _7/ - J7 ic s--7 1..615 2-,1 (0 0 -7-Z7-71-- (q o5 ,e2 #•4 or:t Of,III Cfr.4 / V61- 1,744 - / 26 1St'' e ) .( 2 (- ....- 4/1 D 13 t. ;(1 (lJ2, L I I .11). 3 06--13--tzge v'---?) — • I f?„ t. . ai fi) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J / 4)/ 6 'Ar 1°01i/Leteo.4 6 a (7s Pdm 66) /9. uteA. (Ai /11-7/ _5 8 I ct 2- I I 25- ( / 33 Table 6- LOANS AND INVESTMENTS OF ACTIVE BANKS BY SIZE GROUPS 1920 1930 Size Groups Per cent Per cent Amount Amount Loans and investments (000 omitted) of of (000 omitted) total total Under $1,000,000 7,537 21 5,717 12 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 12,016 33 13,640 28 10,000,000ta 50,000,000 7,366 21 8,015 18 50,000,000 and over 9,156 25 19,890 42 35,075 100 40,062 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis All bani,ss ) 7.--t /407-9 It 17-7;1'e-411-1%-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tffl a w?ct 144 LE _5z) :• -10-g 5CF /,5Z „, (11 0 aff-H s I v"7-0 517-13•' vrd te 0/7 obi Qb rf k wri91.2p 119 • Lq17 Nt e l'—'111.LV• 11-•/ 1 4-440--ft Table 6- LOANS AND INVESTMENTS OF ACTIVE BANKS BY SIZE GROUPS 1920 Per cent Size Groups Amount of Loans and investments (000 omitted) total 1930 Per cent Amount of (000 omitted) total 7,557 21 5,717 12 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 12,016 33 13,640 28 10,000,000ta 50,000,000 7,366 21 8,815 18 50,000,000 and over 9,156 25 19,890 42 36,075 100 4S,062 100 Under $1,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis All banks • • STORY OF B1NCI7S Banks Date and year Number of banks Number 0-oe rating Branches Number of branches Total Loans and In Outside Resources city branches city investments (In thousan s of dollars ....., ..... 0 :_.) e, 1900 6° 1905 0 0 1910 el‘, 3 /1 /4/ 1915 020 3 020 02S 1920 ,_ i 4 2o Pi 1921 17 Li / , 1922 /I` il 1923 1924 /? 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / ,/, 00 .. /7 P-7(3.' 60 2 7So ”.-. ' 6 9,3, 26- .6- 39 3/ 413 ':, ,/SY 6f 6.3 o . 3,£.2 2- 39 6— 49 6?Z ?2, 3-06 77, ka Fli, a 52_ k7,/' aF4/,0 71 BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES tAAA .` Name of bank Town or Ci ty State Branches o-oerated Date IVi thin the ci ty of S arent bank Outsid.e city o2 parent bank 2C 1 I. 19_05 Total _ 1910 1915 S. 1921 1922 1923 192)4 la?„5 1926 192g 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Loans and inves tments — To tal resources 3 7 BANKS OPERATING ERANCHLS ez• To be re7orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the followinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Torn or hirerIrr Name of bank CitY julnk nf nua . gnnfh west Ga. June 30 (or nearest date available) ' ;.1 4 14 * . 3 State Branches operated Outside Within the ci ty Of ci ty of -oarent bank , parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources . 1900 / 1905 1 ,o. 31,1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 ; '1 , ..; / r). $288 767 , $391 586 BANKS OPERATING BRAN C HES Name of bank Town or Ci ty - S tate 7i Branc-aes operated Date Wi thin the c i ty of -parent bank Outside c i ty of parent bank Total Loans and iaves tments To tal resourc es 1900 1905 1910 _ .. 1215 GI —I- 1920 ' 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 . *26 ' i 1•2 , 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ._ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / BANKS OPERATING BRANCHIS To be re.:?orted--each bank (including trust cormoanies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the followinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Torn or Ashburn City . Name of bank Turner county Bank June 30 Cor nearest date available) State Georgia Branches operated Within the city of -"Parent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and . investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 De 3, 31,1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 $160 324 $198 434 BANKS OPMATING BRAY C HES Town or Ci ty Name of bank 1-- Bra.-nc:les operated Date Wi thin the , ci ty of :parent bank Dats i. de city o2 parent bank State Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1510 --4,-- 1q15 _/ 1920 O 1921 1922 1923 1924 1 _ 9.2_5_ 1926 1927 1928 1329 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 41C ''IPZI'Y ar Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .?/ 0/.),0,k t.t BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES _,,Tovsm or Name of bank 0,41^/fik/c441_,Autility Branc:les operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total 1900 1905 1010 1°15_ 1920 1021 1922 J 1923 1924 1025 1926 1927 102S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / JO State Loans and investments Total resources BA1N.TKS OPMATIN G BRANCHES Town or Ci ty -Z Name of bank State t , Date Branches operated Wi thin the Outsid.o ci ty of city o2 parent bank parent bank Total Loans and inves tments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 _ la21 - 1922 1923 1924 1.9.25 1926 1927 /t We. ic _ , dik.2fc ,V 192s •I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .59. e 446 .; ' • >;?- •,7- aff ,IS-, 51 • BANKS OPERATING BRAL C HES Town or City Name of bank State Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city oi' parent bank Total Total resources I— I I 1 _ 1900 Loans and investments -1- 1905 i i 1910 1015 1920 + 1021 1922 —1121_ i I 1-1 --1,1 e / ' 22 __.ZZ .i.'_•7 1 I 1 3" 2 .2- 1926 i --+i I, 192_7_ 192S 1929 _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ .. • BANKS OPERATING :RANCHES To be re)ortod--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the folloving. years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Torn or CorpcitY Name of bank Central Bank & Tr. Atlanta State Geor4ia ) June 30 (or nearest date available) Branches operated Within the city of -earent bank Outside city of arent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 lo. 31,1910 1 1 $3 184 383 $4 456 84( m. 31,1915 1 1 5 742 832 7 981 13f5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • BANKS OPLRATING BRANCHES Name of bank . 6,,d_o,a Town or ty Branches operated. Within the Ou.tside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date lalk, State Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 —I— 1905 10,10 / 4"-.5, /6P% .-,, — I 4_ / 1 V , lila_ ._2 / 1920 / 1921 —2_ 0 6 P1-2 , , / , 02 1922 )323 19214- —Ir— t- 1925 IL 1926 V 1927 192g 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 _ I -- 71 9 , /i BANKS Cl'aLATIN G BRANCHES Town or Name of bank 111Lithad___LLald,_ C. ty [Mb ItA State VAL) , `'YviSk. _ Branches operated _ _ 'via thin the Outsi d.e ci ty of Total city o2 paren.t bank parent bank ------ Do te 1900 S. 1910 1915 1920 __ 1921 . 1922 1923 1924 1925 /44 T26 , _ 1,2s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 9 ° Loans and inves tments Total resources • BANKS CPMATIN G. BRANCHES , Name of bank Town or City • State ( Branches operated Date Within the City of parent bank Outside city o-2 bank _ parent _ Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 _ 1910 1915 1920 19_21 _ _ _ 1922 1923 — 1924 1925 1826 / 1327 / / 1928 L3 ____/ 1929 ,.3 / „ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 9,_? 1/ 17L 32,fe6 ii i . p_i__ 2.• 7,7 • BANKS OPERATING BRAY;C7.-IES Town or City Name of bank State S4.1,1 _ Date Branclies operated --.--- , Within the . Outside city of city o: parent bank Parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 19_05 1 1910 _ -I+ 1920 1921 _ 1922 1 / Liel i./ Z / 5 1q24 132_5_ i_ , 1926 , 1928 —[ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ---2,2-,41 P- L_,3•04.yet)____ 1 1_ -X____ 2zi) 2?, if/1 , --I---- 1927 1929 • — , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS 0TMATINC.'7 BRANCHES Town or City f AIL r Kt-tk.0 A Name of bank JA4t4 -h ttf Branches o-perated "Ni thin the City of parent bank _ Date 1900 Gu.tside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and. investments . -_ ____ 1905 1910 1915 J 1920 - - 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.925 4-. aJ-•1, , 1927 1AA ' , 1 - _____ _ 192g _--1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tr-19-allr Total resources It- -1 BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Tovvn or ty Name of bank Branches operated Date 1900 1905 1910 1.915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 -126 * /947 .1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Within the city of parent bank Outside city o-.1: parent bank Total 41. State Loans and investments `-""' c-e Total resources BANKS OPLRATIN CT BRANCHES _ Town y Name of bank ,'",/( State Branches operated Date Outside city cr.: parent bank Within the city of parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources . 1 -I - 1900 1905 , / --__ 1C/10 1915 114r . 1--- -C--. 1920 --- -I- -- — 1922 _ , 1923 /S/ /K' 19214 // 1925 2 (7 (9 o , /320 (.• 6 / io_i_ag' -3-,-/ 3,e/ r ,7i ? 1926 ;927 1928 , 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LL.L.., , . _4e,.0 , — ., ___ /9 1, etii , / ,• I t 4r; (1344,144-rrrl /9 22J4.4 t:14,„ „gto- ,r) oci,en4.9r:ex,J.,/ /9'7 /'7 2,2 Z. 06,),wer:. 4 / ?7 .2- 114 ct44 4 :4 a ?-47044-i. e;/ 014/NAlo.v-bej/ 014 , i0424 0111,--,A7 . 43 / 9/, /97j et," , / 2 2- a n'llez. 404L f0/ / 9z 624:411L; /92 2- )3/.--e2-1Lxdrf- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / q 7', '9 2.r BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank State 6- • .\(\--6-14.) '1(1•11A.A.,6 Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank -- Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 1905 1910 19_15 1920 19_21 1922 1923 1924 1.925 1926 1927 _ k(s_,,, , `--f . 1 I , -_-/- 1, g71 ci,014 I I 1929 1 j I I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 I - 192s r 9 3Li7 _1=_.3 I 1 -3 l_i ,sAi 1I. d 50 12,—Cil 'T-4-7-4- ii. CY4 1,421 BANTCS OPERATIN C7 BRANCHES Town or A State Name of bank Date Branches operated. Outsi d_e Wi thin the City 02 city of parent bank parent bank 1900 1910 193.5 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1929 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 Total Loans and. investments Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • BANKS OPELATINCT BRANCHES Name of bank Town. or Ci ty flfl2k State _ Branches operated Within the 1 city of 1Jarent bank I Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total Loans and investments . Total resources 1900 1905 -4-- 1910 101_5_ 1920 / 6 1921 ,, 1 ,, 1 -., • ,Lez._ ,,,L , 0 1922 1923 _ 1024 1225 t-----jr i 1926 —if1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _i _ • • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank ic) Date Branches operated Within the Outside city of city oZ parent bank parent bank 1900 1905 1910 1215_ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2325_ 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T.wn or ty_agul, -4- Total State Loans and investments Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • BANKS OPEFATING BRANCHES . A, Name of bank L-4**"1"tr-ti Town or Ci ty Branches operated Date *vVi thin the ci ty of S arent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans an d inves tments 1 1900 I. 1,10 1,15 1920 i_S_21 1922 1,23 1924. 9_2, 1,26 1,27 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis z-- Total resources • BANKS OPERATING ERANCHLS • To be re2orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on S. 1905, 1910, June 30 of any of the follorinz years: 1915, Town or Baxley . Name of bank Baxley Banking Company CitY June 30 (or nearest date available) State Georgia Branches operated Within the city of -0arent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 / , 1905 ! Deo. 31, 1910 2 2 $221 133 $337 099 Deo. 31, 1915 2 2 304 818 406 698 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPERATING BRAN C HES Name of bank _ 77a Town or a ci 0 State Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date 1900 Outside city of parent bank __—_____ _ Loans and investments Total Total resources . 1905 1910 A" i, -- / 1015 A g 30 1920 / / • I lq 21 4)- 62 _937 , 99/ . 1922 1024 332.5 1926 1927 1-, ---4 1 T, -ir li , i 1028 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i i _I - -ri I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • t-t-C4 1"" • BANKS OPMATIN G• BRANCHES Name of bank .f) F-t lA11%/ te 116 fr.1- Town or Ci • State I • tYvvt.w), Branches operated -r te 'vVi thin the city of parent bank Outside city oZ parent bank Total Loans and inves tments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1920 1921 1922 1923 1.1:,_• 211. 1.3.25 1926 ck01.1.Y.1 1.'.0 1927 I zit c h(.4 2.0 r ,r1L LA//14A . 192g 1929 I pi) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fr I" /I 3 7? /1 c- oe • BANKS OPMATTN G BRANCHES Name of bank aittk/n4Ailt:<4 Tom or Ytituz4i ty Branches operated (hitsi el.e Within the city o2 city of parent bank 1 parent bank Date W4Uf& State Total Loans and investments Total resources T. 1900 1- 1905 — 1910 jO 1q1_5_ 1920 / - 1921 / /iI/d (1.- . 1922 ,. c:, 1923 4, 2_ - 1 4,_a_40 1q24- ..2 1 2 , 1325 2._ 2 / -1 1921_ L 192S 192 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___I ___22 • i 1926 • 4ril 1 __7/__ 9, e/ 7 2.02_ ______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ki BANKS OPERATING =RANCHLS To be re7orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. . Name of bank June 30 .c)r nearest date available) Town or City Bank of Buford State Deoreu Buford Branches operated Within the city of -oarent bank Outside city of parent bank Total ) i 1 1 Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 C7 1910 De :. 31. 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis #127 146. • $186 920 -JP BANKS CPERA TIN G BRANCHES Town or Ci ty_I,LVtk Name of bank Branches operated Da te ;Vi thin the city of Sarent bank Gutsi d.o city o2 parent bank State Loans and inves tments Total Total resources --7 1900 I . 1910 1915 S. 19_21 1922 1923 192)4 3325 1926 1927 1929 K.Oce_ c, ,! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e ,2I agr'l , l .3 7 _ -6°° d • BANKS OPERATING BRAN C TiES Town or Ci ty Name of bank State / Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank • Outside city o-2 parent bank Loans and investments Total lo tal resources 1900 1105 1910 J 1015 1920 . 1921 ,, / / 1922 1 i 1. .1323 / i 1924 1926 4._ 1'7328 1- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _i____ 3.e)4d- _ 1927 1929 _ 3/ 192 5i ..... - 0 _ g• 1_3_0 3 i 14/ 2.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bk.0P72.A.T1.17G BRAZ.CHES To be relported--each bank (incladinb trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Name of bank June 30 (or nearest date available) Town or City Branches cr)er!lted 3ithin the Outside city of city of parent bank parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / _BAITS CP-ERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank 4)-/W (uAkA.,0 YYVINIA Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date State " (1 - • Outsid.e. city oZ parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 gLo Q. • i I 1928 ., 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 31 / 3)! ).331 Sof _ I_ _ 1 1 1 4/17 3f BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or iT) • :Airt"O City p Name of bank Avtiwt/to Y Mit Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments L4 Total resources 1900 1905 Oi) 1910 1915 1920 . / 1921 6/7 1922 1 1923 / / 12- 4/6--s" ' _2s-7 1q24 ,47 3325 -.2 1926 1927 19a,3 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ 6,2/ 393 Zi7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPERATING ERANCHLS To be re:?orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Name of bank Bank of Cartersville June 30 (or nearest date available) Town or City Cartersville State GacrOa Branches operated Within the city of 'earent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans TT . investments Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 1 1 $355 994 $424 515 Dec. 31, 1915 1 1 258 812 330 830 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPMATING BRAL C HES Name of bank Date Town or City_ . Branches operated. (hitsi de Wi thin the I 4 1 U WY (:). city of bank parent I bank parent State Total Loans and. laves tments To tal resources i 1900 -4- 1905 1910 , / 1q15 / 1920 1 / / t I ler/ 79 t 1Q 21 1922 1923 19214 1_325 1926 1•2 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — 4-0fro-Crk 464 BA.OP-AT.LITC'r BRLT.C.;1-1ES • To be re7Dorted--each bank (includinL- trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. 1,Tame of bank _a2.441.4e.eaai Town or, 6 City „State ,(54, 0.ct,t-411 June 30 (or nearest date avail')ble) 1900 1905 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Branches owrated Outside -lithin the city of city of parent bank 1 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES To be re:?orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the follovinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Town or Chipley Name of bank Farmers & Merchants Bantity June 30 (or nearest date available) Branches operated Outside Within the city of city of parent bank , Parent bank Total State Georgia Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec , 31, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 $113 419 $144 897 BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank State orJ,04144,1, Branches operated Date Within the city of 1Darent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments 1900 Total resources _ 1905 1910 1915 / //z,77:7f,-4,-______,,,_ 4' r, 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 .1925 1926 162 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f:1" BANKS CPMATINCT BRAN CIT.ES Cola bt-s Town or City C Name of bank L k 1 AlL41 State (-••• • vYYkiLim . Branches operated 'Vi thin the City of parent bank Date 1900 Outsid.e city oZ parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources _ 1905 1910 ai5 1920 Ian 1922 1923 1.9_24 19.25 1•26 AOQ e__ , 3,4'77 77 .3 1927 192s 1929 „ ,, f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 0 31 il cf _3, S3F i.,6 7 'I ii i 70 8, 26 0 BANKS OPERATINCT BRAN C T-IES Name of bank 2,L-e3A4444_,hzA,tc Town or CI ty State cd iel,Ld4_/ Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources i 1 i l l 1900 1105 1910 101_5_ 1920 19_21 1922 1 33.2 ig24 3 1325 .:-.5_ _6'1?g _I 1926 1927 1928 • _ 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i -- .4-g-k-- 1 fo BANKS OPERATING ERANCHLS To be re:?orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the follovin years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Town or City Cornelia . Name of bank nornella Rftnk State Georgia pJ June 30 (or nearest date available) Branches operated Within the Outside city of city of loarent bank , parent bank Total Loans and . investments Total resources $236 790 $266 013 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31. 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 EAMKS Name of bank °BMATIN G BRANCHES Town orrt City 1")-1 Al k111 Branches operated 1900 . "-YYVtA44) •'Y\ Da te State 9J--d- Vi thin the J Outsi d.e City of city o2 parent bank _parent bank . Total . Loans and. investments Total resources ---T — 1905 1910 1915 1920 — 1921 1922 1923 1 19214 la25 1:26 ic ( . 1•2 1 1 11/77 7 7Y 7 _7_417?4 9 1928 1929 1 3s7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEL 1 • • BASICS OPERATING.' BRANCHES Town + or eo_t_1\lx_eA_, Name of bank e trrivaCl uy Branches operated_ Within the — Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date Total State „itt-teL Loans and iinves tments I, Total resources 1 1900 1905 1910 1q1_5_ 1920 . 1 1921 1922 9.23 192'4 la25 1926 ,1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _. .1 / / / I / L_ / _1 / 1._ -7-___ 7-9 72._ 4 I ---i-441-4-- I _L_ _ 45 5'',,26,4 , -236,-7 , ,/ / I i- / , I el dif 79J .,--,2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHLS To be re:)orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the follovinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, . Name of bank Weathers Banking Co. June 30 (or nearest date available) Town or City Dooling State Georgia Branches operated Within the city of oarent bank - Outside city of parent bank Total Loans an d investments Total resources $15 436 $36 073 1900 1905 I. Dec 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 , X-PAAA1) 2 i 19 kle) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank _ Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city 02 parent bank Total StatL Loans and investments Total resources I. 1910 1315 1920 1122 1922 1923 _ 1024 13.25 1926 1927 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ __ B..P..NES OPERATING P.R.417CIES To be re:?orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more 'oranchos on June 30 of any of the followinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Name of bank June 30 (or nearest date available) Torn or Union Banking Company CitY Douglas State Geprea Branches operated Within the city of Iparent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 31, 1910 1 1 $304, 826 $381 608 31, 1915 1 1 299, 691 418 820 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPEriATING BRANCHES Name of bank)( „it 12.L t. Town or ( City f\--1-&-U-d--14 State L - k-A-4--1/01A.MAiki . Branches operated ;Vi thin the city of parent bank Date Cutsi de city o2 parent bank Loans and. investments Total Total resources 1900 19_05 1910 -- 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 192)4 1225 ()Q-e , G1926 P ,,, I-10 1927 )0./03,_ 1-• a2-) )4., 1 ),_.2, , 1 6 t t 3 2- 4,1 1928 1 f 1929 I fe) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '-' 2 1 10 5---t) • , 1 ' e-it: a BANKS OPKRATLNG BRANCHES (D Name of bank 14/Ykit-÷1(112Gvyk ' Town or City ( ,-7 4-42_/ Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 7--1900 4____ 13D5 / 1910 / 1225_ _ C ) / / / I 19_20 41.30 J./ #3eI o-ol. ,./99, xilt / 6-P-ty S4? 7 1 X 1c121 1924 19_25_ ___in 1 :2- _2 4 1926 ( 1927 _L • 1926 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 7fd Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -• • BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank dr li giyon, Town or _444:City Branches operated Within the Outside city of city (32 parent bank parent bank Date Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 ' 12;5_ 1920 , Ida 1922 1923 1924 12.25 1926 / 1927 / 192g 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / J / / 1.1.rit i7isy__ A/at S g • BANKS GPLRATING BRANCHES Town or City /c2„1 6.44,11, Name of bank Date Branches operated Within the Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank 1900 1905 1910 1911 1920 . C./ 1021 1922 1923 10214 1925 1926 1927 102g 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. Total State Loans and investments Total resources L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /9 ) BANKS CPMATING BRANCHES Name of bank OltiAiit ix) cLA. • ')'\_ Town or ri City AAA. t 162-61,c, "MILAAA) Branches operated within the city of parent bank Date State Outside city oZ parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1935 1920 19_21 _ 1922 1923 — 192)4 19.25 926 3142- 1927 • 1928 .1 1129 „ I 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I I 1 9i3 if _?, ,1 se 7 .57,7 4457 a BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES A 4704,1,./ a Name of bank Town or jot/ City Branches operated Date 1900 1910 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total ,14,-10eAtate _911,deopet/ Loans and investments Total resources C4,0A4AA . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .2 /9)4- BO 0.?=ATI.17G BRAZCHES • To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Name of bank ,1;e4.4,14-X./..,..v. Town or. City Branches oxerated June 50 ' Athin the Outside (or nearest date City of city of avail-ble) glrent bank parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 19;15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -:2- • BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or Ci ty Name of bank -( State — Date 1900 Branches operated. Cutsi d.o ?Ii thin the city o2 city of parent bank parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources . 1905 1910 — 1915 1920 _ 1921 1922 1923 19211192_5_ 1.26 1927 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --1- / i / — _ /5 st ) / /J-( 1 e0 • BANKS OPERATING- BRANCHES Name of bank Town or City &etir-AAPtr- /rAitivvk UUL Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city of parent bank Total State Loans and investments /Cif Total resources 1900 19_05 6 icao _,2_ n i 191_5_ / 1920 / 1921 / 1922 / 19.23._ i_ 1924 -4— 1325 1926 / / 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JZ 0 45-4 y"j 13d i-fi '-' _/ ,._ 1 1 ___.L. / / I 1927 192 12_____ .‘ — L. 1./z.,-- r) ,.. 2 // Ii d ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANES OPEFATING BRANCHES Name of bank Town City ." ( .11•4111. UIx nil()(4..‘ d State ( . h VIM . Branches operated Vi thin the city of parent bank Da te Outside city o2 _parent bank Loans and. investments Total Total resources 1900 _ 1905 1910 — 1915 1920 _ 1921 _ 1922 1923 1024 •26 A5-.e.e_. . 1927 1928 ,, 3f 7 i T I ! "4-7- 39 1929 1) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3q7 ,5-12 -----S-441- 5'f3 • BANKS OPKRATIN C.- BRANCHES f.12,,, Name of bank juu,yvrt Town or& Ci ty Branches operated. Date 1900 1905 1910 1920 1921 1922 1923 19214 125 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Within the city of parent bank Dutsi city o2 parent bank Total 0,„ State Loans and. investments Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES e Name of bank Town or c, Ci ty Branches operated Date WI thin the ci ty of S arent bank Outside city o:1! parent bank ------ Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915__ 1•I la21 1922 1923 192)4 19.25 1,26 ffS 7 I 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis irc4041÷I, 1.1 11 BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank - Branches operated Date __ Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank --- Total 1900 ) 1905 1910 1915 1920 iga 1922 1923 1924 1325 1.26 1927 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _J State . Loans and investments Total resources • • BkTKS OPFIATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank State Branches operated Da te 1900 ;Vi thin the city of parent bank Outside city oZ parent bank Total Loans and. investments Total resources -- 1905 1910 1915 1920 1921 1922 -4 1923 192 4 ) 1925 gec— 1926 / 1927 / _I / I4 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / 4/f /9W / 9/ I q--1------ FC • • _BANKS °Pail.TIN G. BRANCHES , t4dArt4(._ Town or Ci ty ti4___ Y1 /4-04^ Name of bank Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city c;12 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1- 1910 1915 0 _0 1920 1921 1922 __I 1923 / iq24. 1325 i 1926 I 1927 192s 192 _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 111E111 7 L_L-7 _i___al I . I _ -- 1_ 1 7 As. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 I BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or -- I City Name of bank Branches operated Date S. la05 1910 lal5 S. iga 1922 1'12 1924 1225 1926 192 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total. resources • • 1° BANKS OPERATING BRANCHLS To be re:2orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Town or . Name ef barallrown Rank & Trust Co- City Lawreneexille. June 30 (or nearest date available) State Georgia Branches operated Within the city of Parent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 $35 151 $56 374 BANKS OPERATING ERAITCHLS To be re:2orted--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more 'oranchos on June 30 of any of the followinz years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, Torn or City . Name of bank June 30 (or nearest date available) State Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) / / / , ,...i / ;'• BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or Ci ty Name of bank .._ Branches operated Date Wi thin the ci ty of parent bank Outside city oZ parent bark 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 19_21 1922 1923 1924 19.25 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — I ,feW Total Loans and inves tments Total resources BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Name of bank 6.44^k Date / Town or ,71 City 0(- 4iA4ArlA Branches operated Within the Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1n15 1920 1q21 1922 la21_ 1024 1(1125 1926 1927 1928 19_6_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '517.3 _2(5' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0PERATIN1- BRANCHES • To be reported--each bank (inclueing trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Name of banLiiherty Rankine cn. June 30 (or nearest date available) tha cit,7 of pa7t,rf, bank Town or City Ludo-Iv-1cl Branches operated U si e city of parent bank Total State GeorF,ia Loans and investments Total resources -J- 1900 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $114 016 $137 180 BA, OPERATING BRANCHES • To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191, 1915. Name of banklAmkgf Stelurt_County June 30 (or nearest date available) 'jfir;hjn Eh city of parrt bank Town or City Lum pkin, Branches operated lu sl e city of parent bank Total State aAorgia Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis #146 458 $175 865 BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES Town or fk City Name of bank State BranchesBranches operated Date Within the city of parent bank 1900 Outside city 0:1: parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources -- - ---1905 1910 la15 1q2o Ida 1922 1923 1924 125 1926 ivel 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 1 ____1 ...t 1 t 2° 4 BOOS ORERATIHq BRANCHES • To be reoorted-,-eaCh bank (Inclueing trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the follawing years: 1900, 1905, 191‘, 1915. Town or Name of bank Bank of Milan June 30 (or nearest date available) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wir;n:InTKa city of partmt bank C1-6Y____-.milAn Eranches operated si e city of parent bank _ ,State Georzia Loans and investments Total resources BANKS OPERATIN BRAI`C 7-1ES Town or City Name of bank Branches operated Date Within the City of parent bank aitside City of parent bank Total State Loans and investments 1900 1905 --4- 1910 1°15 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0///1 z • BAO OPERATING BRANCHES To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Name of bank_Mount Yernnn BAnk June 30 (or nearest date available) Torn or City Mount Vernon Branches operated u si e city of city of parent bank parent bank riii7771 tha Total State aria Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31,1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $79 328 $160 004 • BANKS OPMATIN G BRANCHES Name of bank - - • z Town or City • State r: Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 _parent bank Total _ Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 19_21 1922 1923 1924 1.925 1926 / j 1927 / T 192s 'I „ 1929 94J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / / / / XLC ;94- BANKS OPERATING BRAI;CHES Town or r 2111.Vv ,r City Name of bank Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Ou.tsid.e city o2 parent bank state Loans and investments Total 1900 Total resources —1— • 1905 1910 1015_ / 1.20 / lq 21 L 1922 6 .2 2'- / _I -i-1 1927 I lc;28 1929 I J L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2t.. r / 1 ..., , . t i 2 i 12.25_ 1926 ).0/ 0, 4- 29/ L 1 1323 23214 1 f.--z9 -1-- • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • BANKS CPERATIN G BRANCHES cia Town or f City t) i 1?) Name of bank , Branches operated Date State (1 0 Within the 7 Outside city of city o2 parent bank parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources L 1900 1905 _ 1910 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 11626 (3-•',I.F.17"1 1927 , -tivv,--(._ 192g . 5/i 63 3 i 653 T 4 27 Olt 66/ 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 S36 BANK: OPERATING BRANCHFS ,Town 124 4 Name of bank City °--11111./0-4".40 i,, tarr , ,A1 2JsA Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o.:: parent bank UAOrrt , ' State j Loans and investments Total 1900 .1905 1q10 3.915 1920 19_21 1922 1923 _ _ 1924 1_9?..5 , / 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . ( ._ Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S -44 4-1-1 /926' BAIII OPERATING ?RANCHES A9 • To be reported...-eadh bank (Including trust companies and .avings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191, 1915. Name of bankjEft°RIAD. Bank June 30 (or nearest date available) Town or City Richland Eranches operated sl e /771-7-1 tha city of oltj of parent bank parent bank Total State Georgia Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31,1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis #131 933 $185 987 • • BANKS CPKRATING BRANCHES Town or City , Name of bank Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 13/,9-gis 1921 1922 lao 1924 _ 1926 1927 1928 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _1 ii -9,— ye 1/6 ,5_. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • BANKS 0-"PMA TIN G BRANCHES .0, Name of bank 4,-,z4.,_I12I(./2 0W11 or Ci ty State Branches operated Date within the city of parent bank Outside city o:: _parent bank 1900 1905 - 1910 L9_15 1920 _ 1921 1922 1923 1924 19.25 1.26 1927 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis —- Total Loans and investments Total resources :JO : -ANKS ATIN CT BRANCHES Town or Ci ty_ Name of bank ,z_tic State Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date Ou.tsicle city 0-2 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 1915 I 1 i 1 ,-- ': - ^:: 4_ _ 1922 1923 / _./ 1924 i La :2,5 / , 1926 _ 1928 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i _2 427 _ 1927 1929 ;;%/(i) /_ _ i -- i 1 I c Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • BANKS CPMATING BRANCHES Town or Ci ty , Name of bank .11114-11 m At) 'vVi. thin the ci ty of parent bank 1900 _ Ci tA) , Q Branches operated Date State Outsid.e ci ty o:C parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources _ 1905 1910 19_1_5____ • S. 1921 ----- 1922 1923 1924 la25 1.26 •aJ-.11,41 2.63e .3 / f 3 , 192g •i 1929 '' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I 1 ! 1 1 , V // 3, 9,Z y .5e fi* 7t) _ BAP OPERATING BRANCHES • To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Town or Name of bank Citizens & Jure 30 (or nearest date available) hern funkPitY Savannah State Geon2;la Branches operated ui,7771 tha city of parent bank Si city of parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31,1910 1 Dec. 31, 1915 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 $6 790 833 $8 856 693 7 477 399 10 593 612 BANKS aPERATING BRANCHES irn or Lictivii, y;44,0f/AAALL2 Name of bank -7- Date Branches operated Within the I city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1105 790 1910 7 I/77 1920 *71 • 1921 7 1922 23 7 1924 1925 Ai.<.3 6-D ,C12 t 1926 1927 102S Ida Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .-- 11-1 -1" • 4/c121 • t 1'40, te v11/ / ait7e41 L - ( 1 • .1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •• • BANKS OPMATINC'T, BRANCHES „, • Town or 1 Name ef bank hial city \ A__ State VOL), A_IISto-/Nk Branches operated-7h. thin the Outside ci ty of city oZ Total Iarent bank parent bank Date Loans and inves tments To tal resources i 1900 1905 _ 1910 1915 . 1920 1.a21 1922 1923 1024 19.25 I. KCice,. t.-.1.4-.11,1 gb.1 1 / • ' ( 192s 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 K I <g' ,93 ..6-c,_ze•f 53, ,g-.5/ 1I 07 __Ei AL77 73. ifit:L_ 74.... 7 4/3 I BANKS OPLRATIN CT BRANCHES Town or CI ty -1-euirXtvruo-k /Tame of bank Branches operated Outside city o-2 parent bank Within the City of parent bank Date 1900 Total State Loans and investments Total resources _ 1905 S 1910 115 ( 1 1920 ._ 1921 1922 /.:),f,c,. 3/ 1323 J , .1.p5 1928 1921 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... I 1 ____ / - , , / 1 i (A. - • -' 2 d BANKS OPMATINC.T BRANCHES Town or Ci ty Name of bank • State r-- Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Da te ---- Cutsid.e ' city o.J: parent bank Total Loans and investments ---T Total resources — 1900 1905 1910 19_15 _ 1920 1921 1922 1923 . 1924 1_22_5 1926 '/9, 1927 ___.z 1928 / 1929 _72. JtPdp I.E,p, _ / . , . ,77.7"L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9' , 7,W1 . • ATIN CT BRANCHES BANKS Town or Cl ty Name of bank state Branches operated Outside city o2 parent bank Within the city of parent bank Date Total ' Loans and investments Total ' resources 1 1900 1105 +- 1910 101_5_ _ 0 1920 1 0 1921 _1 1922 / 1923 / 102)4 / .325 1 I g 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 6 / .1927 1929. __i__Z 77 6 1926 192S / -H--1 /2 / 12i 1 9 7? '1, .,••-',,./ 7 „2002 • Alk S OPERATING,BRANCHES To be reported-,-each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Town or Name of bank Oglethorpe Svgs._& Tr. CSItY SavannAh Jure 30 (or nearest date available) 1900 tha city of parent bank Dranches operated u si e city of parent bank Total State Loans and investments Gs.orgio Total resources e 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 $ 1 343 031 Dec. 31, 1915 2 725 760 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANKS OPKRATING BRANCHES Town or ,S)41s1 City Name of bank 4^-01Lk Branches operated Date Within the ' city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Lon-ins and investments Total resources i _i____?_ 1 ...z....5g.3 1900 1905 .__ 1910 / / 1 //_,,?_71--if* 101_5_ / / I, eff2,34< -2,7. 6.- 74-tr / / / / JO 0 1920 ' _...1 1921 1922 '323 1324 -4 1 1926 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1----1- zf , /(1 2-- , 7,-;c:d2-/ r . 1 25 1927 i to z?.2- 2-- I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _BANKS CP.ATIN G BRANCHES Name of bank Town or &AA-LA.4 4 Att1444"Vbi Ci ty ,•1 ' Branches operated Outside Within the T City of city o2 parent bank parent bank Date 1 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 19_21 1922 1923 102)4 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 i Total State Loans and investments 9g ' Total resources 1/2- BAITZS OPMATINCT BRANCHES Town or City 4 yt Name of bank State a-- • SeYot. Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Da te Outside city o-.1: parent bank Loans and investments Total Total resources 1900 1905 1910 -- 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 -- 1924. _1325 _ ...).,.1.7 -1 1927 17 -1/ 7.5" . 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ii ...7c q,( 9.!( .2.4 7 • BOIS OPERATINQBRANCHES To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C', 1915. Town or so--City per-UM Name of bankBank 41_51 ,20.DitOM Jure 30 (or nearest date available) Branches operated ou si.e D1TTTn tha 1 1 city of city of parunt bank Iparent bank Total . State aanro Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 De ,. 31,1910 1 1 004 838 $ 134 353 De c. 31,1915 1 1 135 178 183 090 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , BANKS OPERATING BRANCHES -0VYT1 Name of bank or ty • -V Braies operated Date II thin. the c i ty of 1:)arent bank Outside city of parent bank State Loans and laves tments Total ! : 4 Total resources 1900 1910 ai5 . 1920 1q21 1922 1923 1924 1129 1926 l•2 1028 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis —/-g—t-kli i / 6I i 2A:,*Ole I 1240660-. it„baLliej.i-Lib Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /9/O el" , BANKS OPKRATING BRZC HES Name of tank -ovrn or Ci ty frk Branclies operated Date Wi thin the ci ty of ;parent bank Outside city 02 parent ba.nk Total "' State Loans and inves tments Total resources 1900 1 1905 1510 6 ,) 192o 1921 . 1922 1923 1924 19,25 1926 1927 ).28 1925 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i _±.4,:kuLZ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BAS OPERATING BRANCHES 411 To be reported--each bank (including trust Companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Town or City Rwsinxthnrn p Rank n. Name of bank ' 1sanu#41 June 30 (or nearest date available) Branches operated • si.e city of city of parent bank parent bank 111-6777-1 L Total _State Georgia Total resources Loans and investments 1 1900 1905 1910 De ;. 31,1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 ' 1 $106 947 $164 657 4 BAill OPERATING BRANCHES To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915. Town or Name of bank Jure 30 (or nearest date available) cttizaps Rawc With5n e c.ity of , parent bank City Branches operated Outside city of parent bank Sylvania State Geprgia Total Loans and investments 1 $122 323 Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31,1910 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 $153 191 BANKS OPERAUNG BRANCHES Town or Ci ty ,,D1,1 •c) Name of bank Branches operated Date Within the city of parent bank 1Outside Total city of parent bank 1900 1905 1910 1015 1920 1021 1922 1923 1024 1925 1926 1927 1028 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O -State Loans and investments I/ 4' Total resources Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( i v • .•'),1 • BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or City ' 77,71- Name of bank Branches operated Date 'C. thin the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources , 1900 /0 1905 1910 1915 1920 1221 1922 1° '-' 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____ BANKS OPMATING BRANCHES Town or City Name of bank Branches operatedWithin the City of parent bank Date Outside city o2 _parent bank Total State Loans and investments J (' -- 1900 1905 1910 1915 _ 1920 21 1922 ' 1. 1924 19,?5 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Total resources BA1111 OPERATING, 8R.A1'JCHES 111 To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191c, 1915. Town or City Unadilla Name of bank Commercial Bank 41. , 5 Branches operated June 30 Outside (or nearest date' Within the of city of city available) parent bank parent bank Total State Georgla Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 2 $109 217 $156 470 BANKS OPERATING BRAY,CHES Name of bank Town or City itivva-kiLl.C. State fir./C(.0 1 Branches operated Within the city of parent bank Date 1900 Outside city of parent ...___ bank 1905 ___4___ 1910 -4- 101_5_ 1920 Total -1— . —4—1 VA) . / / 1922 0- • 11/C / 1 .2:./et i 2 1(121 1325lq24 Total resources f 4 al _ Loans and investments t-eti 6A-r_4Ar•'. L. 7 /1-21/ ` _____ i 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AllkS OPERATING BRANCHES • To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Town or City Vidalia Name of bank Bank of Vidalia June 30 (or nearest date available) Wlthn the city of parent bank Branches operated Outside city of parent bank Total State Georgia Loans and investments Total resources 14 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 369 160 3103 509 BANKS OFERAUNG BRALCHES , 0 a. Town or City__ (k.: 1 , 61t, Name of bank Branclles operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city o2 parent bank Total State Loans and investments Total resources S. S. -4- 1910, , w _,• - _...,,,L__ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 . 1926 1927 192S 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ , 1/4 / 41764 ( 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - iti le "vri/ ./9 /,.< / ARS OPERATING BRANCHES To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 1911, 1915. Name of bank Jefferson County Bank June 30 (or nearest date available) Town or City Wadley Branches operated Outside city of city of parent bank parent bank State Georgia Total Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 Dec. 31, 1910 1 1 $27,132 $53 040 Dec.31, 1915 1 1 23,509 54 321 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _.13A1KS OPERATING BRANCH-ES Town or WAAL:7 i ty r Name of bank State — Branches operated. Within the city of I parent bank Date Outside city oi' parent bank Total Lo%ns and. investments / 4.# 7 /./...?t Total resources 1900 1105 1910 / 1(711_1 __./ 1920 / ef i 1921 1922 1 1923 1924 1325 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S • BANKS GPMATING BRAIXHES Name of bank Town or ty_22/2/1241k4APLIC State '&111.LO Branches operated._ Within the City of parent bank Date Outside city 02 parent bank Loans and investments Total iatc.77L, Total resources i 1900 41905 -4- +- 1910 1915_ 1920 0 6 . , 26-/ / 1(3121 o ______ L_____, 1922 ____ 1923 1924 la25._ 1926 1927 102g 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 l 1 --I -i i 1.1 41 , i , i I- i- ai„r47/d J.e4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 • OPERATING BRANCHES To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Name of bank Citizens Bank Town or City Waynesboro Branches operated June 30 U si e (or nearest date city of . city of available) parent bank parent bank Total State Loans and investments Georgia Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec. 31, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $124 618 $196 819 • • BANKS OPERATING BRALCHES Town or, Ci ty Name of bank Branc:ies operated Date Within the city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank Total State ,/ Loans and investments , iotal resources 1900 1905 4-- 1910 ..., 1015 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 1927 1928 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis : - - ---+ • - -_-____ ____ 144- 7L - 1 ( 2 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :/j r )() / 7'41 ../1/1 WS OPERATING BRANCHES • To be reported--each bank (including trust companies and savings banks) which operated one or more branches on June 30 of any of the following years: 1900, 1905, 191C, 1915. Town or eCity of bank Name Winder North Ga. Tr. lc Bk.. June 30 nearest date (or available) n The city of pa-fent bank Branches operated Outside city of parent bank Total State Georr,ilL Loans and investments Total resources 1900 1905 1910 Dec.31, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 $114 808 $134 399 BANKS OPMATING Name of bank Town or Ci ty -e11 , - z _21 State Bra-nciles operated Date IVi thin the City Of parent bank Outside City o2 parent bank Total Loans and investments Total resources 1.--- 1900 , 1905 1910 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 19_25 1'26 1927 1928 laa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 i ---i-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis