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421.11-6 - Bank Suspensions Since Jan 1 1921 Nonmember State Banks Minnesota J-N Committee on Branch Group & Chain Banking #874 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State X] State bank • Trust company • Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minne sota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank_______Farillezz_at'at P Rqnk 2. Date organized 10-2-09 Date suspended__ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Jasper County 8-15-25 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Pi.pestone 1000 8-15-25 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 266,863.60 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts MOM Investments •I•1•• MM.IMMO ti 3L-Y. t 37,786.19 3C4,C40.72313,01V- All other resources Total resources $30,000.00 Capital 5 000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $86,187.13 Time deposits, including postal savings 158,552.97 244,740.10 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 4100 OM,.M." MOP 33,272.40 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities IMMIr 313,012.50 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Yee If so give: 111225 -the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims .1•1.1> Per cent of loss to claims 411•M 111.1..., •••• mom 65% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. er 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. ... Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Dqp;eted reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1062 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [31 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Jenkins State Bank 2. Date organized 10-30-13 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City -17-27 Jenkins County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Crow Wing 150 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 3-17-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 55,117.39 Total loans and discounts 10,816.41 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts ,\ 6,091.60 Investments 9,164.86 All other resources ”1,190.26 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital MOM ••••.1.10 MOP Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 38,602.15 Time deposits, including postal savings 22,501.81 $ 61,103.96 Total deposits Aft. ram .11.11,41•10 Borrowings from F. R. bank 7,499.59 Borrowings from other banks (1,600.00 All other liabilities $?0,303:&& Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened___ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. - 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections __ ^,! Secured claims. .\7-- 7,765- 89 $7,765- 89 4,835.92 4,835.92 Payments from ZiaXIGIDSratIMM _- Bills Pay. Total claims. . . --a:s 7,765.89 100% 0- 43 835.92 100% /1-- 15 111.91 ,,- .• u-- 7I7 I q. : •C `f r , Per cent of payments to claims allowed collat era & advanceCr Preferred claims. (71--. Q. 43 133.88 15 3 111.91 General claims. . -- Total payments f011:11— 1C • .F. 35 ---- , (,,, , 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Laak_of_resarve.. . poQz_paper Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 50% - $5,000 - 12-14-23 Paid 6-4-241A 50% - $5,000 - 6-24-25 Paid $4,900 - 12-23-25 35% - $3 sbo 12-29-25 Paid '3-14-26 50% - $5,000 - 6-29-26 Piid 6-1-27 Statutory pssessment 410 Ou4 Asseosme t ordered 12 5 • #469 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCII, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following , Li National bank EXI State bank Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minne sofa 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank Town or City Kandiyohi 2. Date organized 3-15-04 2-14-25 Population of town or city* Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district county_Kandiyohi Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 184 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2 14-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 190,874.75 Total loans and discounts 13,236.49 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts• N Investments 28,016.67 All other resources t232,127.91 Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 5,000,00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $50,227.69 Time deposits, including postal savings 160,410.32 $ 210,638.01 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank •••• Borrowings from other banks M. ...O..= All other liabilities 216,G38.0-1—. 7 , 3-k, ql Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . $1,085- 38 $1,085.38 General claims. . ..198,001.9'. 4. o: Total claims. . $ 69,345.95 100/_____ 69,345.95 35% .5 S. 14 . '7,A •lij-2/ 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed $1,085.38 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections . Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $15,000; Assessment ordered 10-15-25 • #1158' FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [X] State bank P Trust company O Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • Karlstad 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 3-3-15 12-17-23 Population of town or city* Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district County Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 360 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-17-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 152,516.93 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 7,881.47 Investments 2,000.00 All other resources .1/1' $135,653.1501/ " Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $19,091.94 Time deposits, including postal savings 107,892.39 $ Total deposits 126,984.33 Borrowings from F. R. bank 26,805.93 • Borrowings from other banks $1a790.26 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from b .'NMI. Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments a.vance $1,956.3.' $1,956.32 Preferred claims. . 1,327.6.' 1)327.62 General claims. . . 122,818.83 26,8O59; Secured claims. . .. 1-Bills Pay. Total claims. . 1. 1 9 6. _ 12,277.40 __ ,, 7,26,805.93 I.' 7 100% 04 4 a. 3Q 805 9• — 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 100% 10% 10 1 D.3 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total conections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims.. . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reaerve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000, Assessment ordered 6-4-25 • #1158 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State a State bank E] Trust company • Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank- • 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank 2. Date organized 3-3-15 Town or City County Population of town or city* Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Karlstad Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 360 2-9-23 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 173,482.75 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 6,816.93 Investments 2,000.00 All other resources 4,025.35 $186,325.03 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** 31,574.34 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 103,605.05 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 135,179.39 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 22,000.0041 /44/4 All other liabilities 03 $15-7,170.3944,3-Kr Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 6-28-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None Per cent of loss to claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Fro.zen asset.s Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended' A ri .41111.• A-4194111 No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ifat• /j_15% 2. 4 ) • #567 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State gj State bank o Trust company O Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank o Mtnnesota Private bank • 1. NameofbankState Bank of Karlstad 2. Date organized 5-27-05 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Karlstad. County 11-21-28 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 360 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-21-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 85,310.96 Total loans and discounts 34,528.06 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts •••••••••••.. Investments /I li • 111 62 7,. All other resources 12C, Total resources C4 0403-/I $10)000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $33,021.24 62,128.61 $ 95,149.85 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 20,029.06 Borrowings from other banks OM. • All other liabilities $10,178.91 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . 161529•3 General claims. .. . 77 I 260.0 Pay-- —201029-4-0 Total claims. ..:4, 113,818.5 .-01BillS-- . r 5,752.00 v , .... _ , . zr. 6.:,9` 6-.9- , ._,. ..,„ 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Per cent of payments to claims allowed . 35% 05,752.00 s., 85..18- — - 8T4s6- , -r',7t-f-t)' '(--1V-hki'l Total payments 1 :-.78 j., r, -, ...„ -.-. .J- If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Deplted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Rtatutory assessment NO If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 10,000; Assessment ordered 1-29-29 • #710 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [3 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Citizens State Bank 2. Date organized 11-11-07 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Town or City 12-10-23 7 Kennedy County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-10-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. $ Total loans and discounts 215,551.28 3,770.51 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 500.00 Investments 0.61097.57 All other resources $2-5575-1973€1qP, Total resources 8252000.00 Capital 8,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $ ) $21,371.69 99,550.90 $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank =OP OEM OEM 87,505.31 Borrowings from other banks • 55.73 All other liabilities 483.63 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 120,922.59 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. "Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from altintaxfeltinI collateral advance Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. . $6)102.63 „-- $5,265.30 $5,265.30 86% --- G Total claims__$.' 0 ••e . ' - • ". .-- 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed ,. .,..- ..r..4....=.- • - -77-7-1 — - ' e.-;', 0 ' If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserfe Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment 05,000, Assessment ordered 6-24-25 • 7 -1 4 - 378 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH', GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank [X State bank O O O O Trust company Name of State Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank 2. Date organized 7-25-02 Date suspended Town or City Kennedy 6-4-27 3. Federal reserve district County Kit tson Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank --- Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 6-4-27 Loans and discounts: • On real estate Other $ 200,528.97 21,759.93 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments / 7-4 (12,089.29 All other resources $23,t aiL8-7-1-9 3 CL.37 Total resources S25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 35,291.72 146,333.35 $ 181,625.07 Total deposits ••••• 01= ,11.M. Borrowings from F. R. bank 24,044.30 Borrowings from other banks 4)5,669.37 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • 4•1110.....••••=m All other liabilities If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from gittateerAugth Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral Secured claims. . . Gr Preferred claims. . $12,825.0. $12,825.02 Gen 34,808.34 GenerAl cjaimB_. .. . 174 G28.3 Total claims. $12,825.02 tr ,ifi bitItT9 34,808.34 24,044.30 $245044 - 30 . n. 761t7)-t , I $ .5:j, 2,2) 100% 20- i-it,-.497 L-11 t3& If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments _ Secured claims Preferred claims... General claims Total claims Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000j Assessment ordered 11-24-27 or #829 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 320 • National bank IN O O O O Name of State State bank Trust company Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Kinbrae State Bank 9--8 1 0 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Kinbrae County 112230 -Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Nobles 150 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-22-30 Loans and discounts: On real estate • Other $ Total loans and discounts 40,554.09 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 11,700.00 Investments 13,150.40 (6120.14 All other resources $71,5184.6T373,770h4 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 2,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 11,286.13 Time deposits, including postal savings 43,984.51 $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank comp •••• dm.OM, 6,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities MED411111•/MD 70.64 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 55,270.64 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give; Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims • Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Claims not passed upon Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed ..._ Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those • of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Poor paper and lack of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension' 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended' Yes 100'; — Ni10,000 — 8-1—L, )8 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paio. 1-10-29 S-Latutorv assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered 1-9-31 • #287 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Ca State bank E] Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of ban Becker County State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 11-22-1899Date suspended 7-7-26 3. Federal reserve district Lake laxit_county Becker Population of town or city Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 000 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7-7-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 308,053.90 Total loans and discounts 95,973.45 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 8,026.31 Investments L111,'gEta• All other resources $431. 1 602,1-81433,q rr,011 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 25,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits. Time deposits, including postal savings ) $123,452.49 236,459.59 $ Total deposits ma..1.10 am MID Borrowings from F. R. bank , 24,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities • 41.1M WOO WM MIRO L%63,912.08 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 359,912.08 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from falliattla112111 Total payments Per cent of payments to claims alloWed collateral Secured claims. . . $5,107.78 $5,107.78 $5,107.78 100% Preferred claims. . 11,584.Q1 11,584.01 11,584.01 100% General claims. . ..338 1221.1a 67,647.22 01—Bi1Is Pay- 24,000.00 • -' , Total claims..40781912.R9 4f !i 67,647.22 $24,000.00 24,000.00 , 1 b -ti(.3.:11-. • 3-5'I_91,A.qi 2 10 '41+4, 2-4 4VPIat.1)1 Nor If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted-reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutry assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 12-20-26 • #368 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State Do State bank 110 El Trust company El Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bankFTown or City_Lake Wilson County 2. Date organized 6-7-02 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7-3-24 7 Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Murray 450 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7-3-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 267,481.78 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 17,833.89 Investments 23,242.46 l 22, All other resources -.14 $3-31,253.2734Y,°3/•IS Total resources $25,000.00__ Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $53,638.54 -141,474.28 $ 195,112.82 Total deposits Gam ••••OM, Borrowings from F. R. bank 84,571.18 Borrowings from other banks 411 71r7 32,. ,A( 18 All other liabilities $342,031.18 Total liabilities -11 . 19/111165fliffilgii47/ 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed - Payments from glilalitMlade ro Secured claims. -"---- $11,468.01 $18,531.0 Preferred claims.. fz, 7,11—Billn Pay Total claims. . Per cent of payments to claims allowed collatera & advance -9 General claims. . Total payments 164,140.7 iikazitir ;_ ..i.merv.I.,:.,.....:,. $11,468.01 , am.MI• NM IM• - li,,'77-C.-0 ----, — - 4..t.i___-::'47 _ .. . , 6 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed . 0011.11,0,11111.... 62% OM MID OW W ' . :...*-4,......_._ .0 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets • From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve and Frazan assets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended ? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000, Assessment ordered 5-30-25 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Gil State bank Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bank of Lake Wilsopown or City Lak e Wilson County 2. Date organized 6-7-02 Date suspended 12-5-21 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Murray 450 12-5-21 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 396,208.53 Total loans and discounts 17,598.69 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 124120.87 All other resources $425,928.09 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 12,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $66,964.40 Time deposits, including postal savings 223,644.60 $ 290,609.00 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 54,111.16 Borrowings from other banks ' 114Y07.13 All other liabilities Lb-X:4041 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes If so give: 5-6-22 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None None Preferred claims None None General claims None None Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments . Secured claims Preferred claims. . General claims. . .. Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections , Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Uncollectible assets Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? es 6 2,c gl- 13 b -14-Y?---°-j31114"t If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments o-4f) g St, • #260 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank A 119 Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized State Bank of LambertonTown or City 9-6-1898 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 3-11-24 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • Lamberton County Redwood ..-- ------- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 850 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 3-11-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 518,358.65 Total loans and discounts 76,933.98 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4,263.08 Investments 41,723.23 All other resources 14.0 4 4 -€73,41,273.-9.41/i0 Total resources $751 000.00 Capital 15,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $95,223.09 Time deposits, including postal savings 428,622.38 $ Total deposits 523,845.47 Borrowings from F. R. bank 31,640.57 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities •••••••• OM, Sk40 ,4F16.04 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from gimaltzingdzi Total payments Per cent of payments I to claims allowed collateral & advance Secured claims. . . . 8,173.33 Preferred claims...$8,173.33 General claims. . . .,23,782.66 157,314.83 1-Bills Pay. -31-i6405.7- ---77---Total claims.. MO• •• * • 53 L9 _-5.(19 ' * -' $8,173.33 100% 157,314.83 30% 1764.0.-157. —3-I 6,0.:- 57 ----mnot, ''''I:"Zit 1 , .`ACk? , 6 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 0' If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Froz.en.assets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture) • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $75,000, Assessment ordered 7-15-26 • FEDERAL RF.SERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank 21:1 State bank Name of State 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bank of Lamberton Town or City Lamberton 2. Date organized 9-6-98 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 9-23-21 County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Redwood 850 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 9-23-21 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 815,135.70 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments ta8,544.89 All other resources -TC 33 : Pi4,a 1 •a Total resources $75,000.00 Capital 37,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 133,380.47 Time deposits, including postal savings 476,552.08 $ 609,932.55 Total deposits rme.rano 111MI Borrowings from F. R. bank 121,579.00 .. Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities 7-51,,u3. Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Ye S If so give: June 1, 1922 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None Nond None' Preferred claims General claims 11 None," Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. .. . Total claims. . . . If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Frozen assets Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /J40% If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments i/ - %co 0 • #917 FEDERAL RESERVE CONIMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 1] National bank Name of State [X] State bank t • Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minaesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank Far & 2. Date organized befer State B,_ k 9-26-10 Date suspended Town or City Lancaster county 12-20-24 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 3. Federal reserve district 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-20-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ $95,528.21 Total loans and discounts 15,534.41 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 628.61 Investments If , t i fl& All other resources kg• 41 3, , $12-0,5C3 e70 Total resources Capital $10,000.00 8,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $59,283.38 22,272.13 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ 81,555.51 Borrowings from F. R. bank •••• AND 12,965.77 Borrowings from other banks fr(di.,t4t-, 13,827.47 All other liabilities $171;,348.75 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from Total payments glio _ Per cent of payments to claims allowed ateral a vance -/ Secured claims. . . Preferred claims...$5,187.20 $5,187.20 General claims. ..60,860.17 ( C1-Bi11s P. --- T9rce77: Total clairns. . ..pcj,Fetiza;14- $5,187.20 6,044.25 , - ---464A- - L.-12,965.77 „ /Y -44•44-444- ‘ 4- 0/ g.-1 , )I 10% 1000-4,4*-1 P ' / I, 4-2. .';‘) 6 ' 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 6,044/25 100% . ---7--- .4,-._e_it--11.0 If so give: 1>e Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Ye8 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments $10,000 Paid 10-22-24 Statutory assessment $10,000, Assessment ordered 9-28-25 • #952 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following (7; • National bank Name of State X] State bank Ej Trust company ▪ Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bankLancaster-Halma St Bk 2. Date organized 5-31-11 Date suspended Town or City 11-20-28 3. Federal reserve district Lancaster county Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank 4---- Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-20-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 166,051.33 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 1,850.00 Investments 7 426.34 r1/,tifIV 100,G7G.03-0,461"°3 All other resources Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 6,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $69,892.21 79,247,62 $ 149,139.83 Total deposits •••••••• Borrowings from F. R. bank 14,846.20 Borrowings from other banks OM. 411M, All other liabilities 41,486.03 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections ?wants from Man , Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed gqinril al Secured claims. . . il1,204.29 $5,400.78 t $5,400.78 14,352.86 tr 14,352.86 Preferred claims... 231 324.21 r ____ 117,126.99 General claim' s ; —biliS Yak-- 14,846.20 1. ia•seidirs 4-li Tota . 48% 62% $14,846.2O - - 1:47846726.----1 IIMIENIIIII, ,-'' 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed ,,, • 11411itult" 5?), (I ,I 1 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $15,000; Assessment ordered 3-19-29 • #ni-1 7;5 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following EJ National bank Name of State State bank o Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Lawndale State Bank 7-2-17 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Town or city_Lawndale 6-12-26 county_A,t1kin Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 40 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 6-12-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 46,111.14 Total loans and discounts 9,025.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 1040,08 (11,008.42 All other resources '6, 6-61-1447-56- Total resources 67,y.II.1-1-1 • $10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 18,096.45 Time deposits, including postal savings 23,088.72 $ 41,185.17 Total deposits , •••••••••1•10. Borrowings from F. R. bank 14,056.47 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities MOM • al,241.64 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 41••• If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation' If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from zwastmixmix Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral Secured claims. . . . $75.00 Preferred claims...$75.00 5,712.55 , , General claims. . . 17 956•91 ‘ Cl—Bills P. !' 056.47— Total claims. . P $t : ,...-$14,056.47 $75.00 100% 5,712.55 14,056147 15% 100% ,7 Sr - I 3 r 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? _ If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)..Depleted..reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered. 12-15-26 • #1226 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 4-1 d National bank Name of State gcl State bank Trust company El Stock savings bank Ilinne sots. O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank First State Bank 2. Date organized 11-9-15 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 73025 Leonard County Clear viTst_er 225 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group S : cr el * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 7) D 431;‘AC\11 4/(7) Vro 6t) ()) itA 01 e, j AI; 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7-30-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate $ Other $ 107,072.23 Total loans and discounts 11,876.52 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments I 3,33-7. g(. ( 12,490.24 All other resources $331,4a8.99134697163 v Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) $35,723.55 56,888.79 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 92,612.34 ./ Total deposits ................... Borrowings from F. R. bank 25,454.51 Borrowings from other banks 3,760.00 All other liabilities $1.3g826.85 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims $ Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from NIM014V/igEltli Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed collatera & advance , Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims..$5,198.31 General claims.. a Ci-Bills 76,159.71 )4-54-75 $1,000.00 ..........-------- 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed $1,000.00 .. 5-217,- t -253-217.-1E3 --_ '.- -."7 mow ow.......ow 19% am 0.m.t.nt 99%- If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Frozen Bsisf;ta tea d.l .d reserve. Other causes, (specify) X X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments $6,500 - Pala (Almost ) 6-19-25 Statutory assessment $10,000, Assessment ordered 10-6-26 • #1 8 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following (Ij National bank Name of State [I State bank 4 ,1 ▪ Trust company O Stock savings bank [] Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • L NameofbankSt Bk of Lester Prairie Town or City Lester Prairtgunty 2. Date organized 6— 7-1893 Date suspended 12-12-24 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • Population of town or city* i-------- e,----- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. McLeod 550 12-12-24 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 259,001.88 Total loans and discounts 9,108.70 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 18,624.10 All other resources 1) /,1(10v . ' 4r 9 .5 sz.e378c,5,-1- Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $56,557.33 Time deposits, including postal savings 231,430.37 $ 287,987.70 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank .11M11. man .11•11. • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities ONO 1.111. ••••• 87.70 Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening 9-1-25 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: If so give: the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims Per cent of loss to claims =NM .m.• =Ea MOD 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . General claims. .. Total claims. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Deplete.d. xeserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #603 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following ' National bank Name of State xi State bank El Trust company Stock savings bank EI Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minuesata • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized First State Bank 1-3-06 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City Lindstrom County 3-185_2-4 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Chisacro 600 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 3-1E-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 171,281.46 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 82 832.00 Investments 1 2409.59 331, ell 9 2 066.60 All other resources , lao 5ia9.e5leiv,444-1/ Total resources $252 000.00 Capital 52 000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $19,976,75 127,951.87 $ 1472928.62 Total deposits ••=, VON. aN/M4111M. Borrowings from F. R. bank 11,500.00 Borrowings from other banks 3,000.00 All other liabilities 122428.62 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . .. Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes_ If so give: 7-9-30 Collections: $ 101,460.12 From liquidation of assets 10,600.00 From assessments on shareholders Unlisted asset,claim & Other collections (explain) int on daily b al 2,302.52 $114,362.64 Total collections $ Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) 3,901.42 Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from gEtillrXtit9CMDEM Total payments collateral & advance Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Cl-Bills P. Total claita4s-:-4 $735.03 $735.03 149,653.71 176000 85 407.38 .. ' $735.03 ,- 85,407.38 100% 57.07% 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 1-21-24 • #845 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State a State bank EJ Trust company LI Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank D Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bankLismore Farmers St Bk 2. Date organized 3-2-.09 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Lidmore County 10-21-26 Population of town or city* 350 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Nobles 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-21-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 107,957.87 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 18,991.68 Investments 13,780.66 C10,819.12 All other resources $1-5-1-3-54gravAliihiff Total resources 0.5,000.00 Capital 3,614.33 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $2'7,052.26 90,355.80 $ Total deposits 117,408.06 Borrowings from F. R. bank 19,560.16 Borrowings from other banks 900.00 All other liabilities $1-37,&08.n- Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from •- 01 ..41! Witt!Ixta co 13 299.35 $13,299.35 469.64 Preferred claims...469.64 General claims. . . Total claims. . 04 609.67 26,164.40 -:.,:56016-. , -, ,f -,I,71,...:, . • Per cent of payments to claims allowed a era]. $13,299.3% Secured claims.. , Cl-Bills P. Total payments 469.6 ;_. 9-/ 560.16 , ,; ; , . : Il 100% 100% 26 164.40 1* 5.1 L ,41 Li 4,3 25% •es. .... /c\ri If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 100% $15,000 6-17-24 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid 1-12-25 Statutory Assessment $15,0:c; Assessment ordered 8-27-27 • #1352 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCII, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State DE State bank O Trust company El Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank o fi8 Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Citizens State Bank 6-6-17 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 1-5213 Litchfield county Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Meeker 2 800 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1-5-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 131,897.45 Total loans and discounts 9,966.24 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \*, 26,465.00 Investments v -vin, (11,573.27 All other resources $179,901.98th ir°'3V Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $28,492.98 119,849.90 $ 148,342.88 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank MEI OEM. NNW 2,807.44 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $414150.32 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from Afiii/Plitain Total payments $3,656.06 tr $3,656.06 100% 5,746.43 r 5,746.43 36% collateral Secured claims. . . . $3,656.01. Preferred claims. . 16,085.4 i 33.704.48 , 124 478.9. 1 i• ,SfrO7. *2 tr en C1—Cgiirtse Yak • • : 4) C / 7 , Total claims. .' ,.J/ I Lf(-I, r)D 1),Lip • 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 33,704.48 2,807.44 . kl 3 D(,. 7 Per cent of payments to claims allowed 01: Qq,9 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed • Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) X Logs QD loans Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 100% — $252 000 — 10-24-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Reopened 2-8-23 Statutory assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 5-19-28 • 3 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CRAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriatesone of the following O National bank Name of State State bank 19 O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Citizens State Bank 2. Date organized 6-6-17 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Litchfield County 11-23'22 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Systet 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Meeker 2 I800 11-23-22 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 401,939.53 Total loans and discounts 18,628.10 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,000.00 Investments 40,612.61 All other resources $463,180.24 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) 67,945.31 315,567.42 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 383,512.73 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank •MM.MMO 48 Borrowings from other banks '000000 Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Secured claims Preferred claims General claims If so give: 2-8-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss None Per cent of loss to claims None It It It it Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • -467. CI S431,513.73u/43,I80." All other liabilities • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes i00% — 10-24-25 - $25,000 /6 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #636 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank o !1;34 Name of State it State bank Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Far & Mer State Bank -91006 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Lit chfield Date suspended 10-16-30 6_--- County Population of town or city* 2,800 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group *Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Meeker ,--- 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-16-30 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 331,899.44 Total loans and discounts 103,640.78 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts fL:› 29 Investments 700.00 44333 07 (27,330.59 All other resources $A42-5-5-71-8,4114941/03•33 Total resources $35,000.00 Capital 9,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $79,236.61 307,057.48 $ 386,294.09 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 4111•11.11.M.NIMPI•••• 66,609.79 Borrowings from other banks MM. All other liabilities • 903.88 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? .11M. If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims.. Dividends paid from collections Payments from t.. • q •.1.044..1511X _ co a eral& a.vance $25,589. 7 $25,589.97 r 6,769. 3 r 5,320.31 er. --_- 347 516. Gmeral claims. . ,0, .-.. a—GI—id—Fa,•.1. Total claims... 8446,485. 1 .: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed . . Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments $25,589.9 100% 5,320.3 79% - ....... .: .. If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed , Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify).........P.Q PA'..paper X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • Statutory liability $35,000; Assessment ordered 12-R-30 • #1359 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following _30 O National bank Name of State xj State bank LII Trust company 0 Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • k Town or City Little Sauk County Todd e _an1. Name of bank Little Sauk State 2. Date organized 7-2-17 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 2,4,-25_ 7 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 100 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-4-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 100,852.13 Total loans and discounts 6,842.07 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \ Investments =/••/NO.11•••.••••• (25',385.60 All other resources $133,070.849 Total resources $20,000.00 Capital 8,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings )$ $36,144.84 ) 41,913.15 $ 78,057.99 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 29,774.83 Borrowings from other banks 3,202.83 All other liabilities 131,035.65 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Secured claims. . ., 1, $3,149.11 $3,149.11 Preferred claims.. 9,123.4 claims.. . 70 2665.9g'l 16,2.4Gsneral 29,774.8-13Gen- 1=Bills Pay .,, _ $3,149.11 • .: 16 261.41 ------ 1 -2-77-„, ------rn:67,:zo:. /7 - • ----1-fr".le.:. , Total dahrir. . *The a an s mus be deDoelted in State Banks wad shall be 'preferred over all other creditors It sill give: tu. tias this bank been finally liquidated r • Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $20,0,0; Assessment ordered 11-4-25 • #1477 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following • National bank Name of State xi State bank • Trust company D Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Minnesota Long Siding State BankTown or City Long Siding county Mille4a_cs 38-20 Date suspended 10626 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** t. 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 100 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-6-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 24,590.04 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,100.00 Investments 8,453.00 All other resources Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 204.19 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 11,819.24 Time deposits, including postal savings 12,729.80 24,549.04 Total deposits WIMP MMI, MIMOI•111 Borrowings from F. R. bank 6,437.65 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities dalMo.110 $30,a8-G.C/3 AN, /lc, SS Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . Total claims. . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes If so give: 8-28-30 Collections: $ 22,880.08 From liquidation of assets 1,728.97 From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Int on daily bal 70.80 $24,679.85 Total collections $ Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) 1,061.41 Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Pa ments from .1.'.: main Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $8,182.81 100% 876.91 100% CO :teral & advanoe— $8,182.81 $8,182.81 876.91 876.91 14_04E.58'1 6,437.65 Total claims,.,.„ :_29.,.84Z..95 5,810.13 Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Cl—Bills Pa5.r . 703.10 1.5, 7 9. or" 0' 10- $5,734.55 -5-,7 3 5".. 54_810.13 6,437.65 10 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory Assessment $10,000. Assessment ordered 11-A_27 • #650 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 1:1 National bank M State bank LI LI O O Trust company Name of State Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank la.nne sots, Private bank • 1. Name of bank L ouisburg Stat e Bank 2. Date organized 1-2-07 Town or City Date suspended 6-7-29 3. Federal reserve district Louisburg County Lao Qt1 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 13 Parle 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 6-7-29 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 126,392.09 14,993.89 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Nr,)\ Investments 1,000.00 11,553.86 All other resources $153,939.84 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 43,546.95 Time deposits, including postal savings 70,202.00 $ 113,748.95 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ••••• 15,546.66 Borrowings from other banks g,4-443/3 All other liabilities $1-20-,-200,G1 03,931, ya Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? MOD If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened__ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from ,0_I,il. A". ,via a Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed a.vance $520.30 S520.30 $520.30 100% Preferred claims.. 6,846.87 6,846.87 6,846.87 100% 0,362.23 22,410.88 22)410.88 15,546.66 20% 100/0 Secured claims. . . . eral.clairn&__ 1 PitY .5,b46.66 i 1,--an—haiis . 1. Total claims.$1 ro 67 ' • •• ''' ) - 1'1' 1; ' r)- "i ,7 7 (. - )- , 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000 Assessment ordered 7-3-29 • #897 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank E State bank Name of State O Trust company o Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • L State Bank 1. Name of bankynd 2. Date organized 6-1-10 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Lynd County 10-31-27 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Lyon 200 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-31-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 110,874.84 Total loans and discounts 19.,319.43 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,152.80 Investments M,g1f: 01 All other resources $3./13,43a1÷-7. /4.c311-61/, Total resources Capital 0,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 4,000.00 Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 38,075.51 Time deposits, including postal savings 55,754.13 $93,829.64 Total deposits MM..01.0 Borrowings from F. R. bank 27,500.00 Borrowings from other banks OWN,.01M, .1•1111.00•1. • All other liabilities $1/4 ,329.64 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. Dividends paid from collections 2,18154 $2,181.54 999.04 999.04 General claims. . . C1-Bills Pay -2,7-7-50Cr;00 -/ Payments from mount= coiiateral & advance (1 C Total payments $2,181.54 100% 999.04 100% -... • ---- 3 ?o / 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Per cent of payments to claims allowed -‘ -- .. - a 3. 7 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary 4 cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specifyClose d by order of Board of Dir. for purpose oi reoranization X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture_ What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $20,000- AnqesRment ordered 3-7-28 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank Name of State Z] State bank • Trust company LI Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Citizens state Bank 3-17-13 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Mahnomen Date suspended 4-23-26 7 County Mahnomen Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Systen 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1200 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-23-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 256,727.31 Total loans and discounts 56,933.77 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments f1. 4 (25,5'02.52 All other resources $"&&"9"Taa3"%&034741J4 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $132,654.01 - 116,111.86 $ 248,765.87 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 59,135.18 Borrowings from other banks 6,806.09 All other liabilities 344,707.14 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened__ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends plaid from collections Payments from xmomtdme dollateral advance • Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $9,819.19 29% Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims.. In. • • aa .—gn ei Total claims. . . $33,866.4 218,323.5 $9,819.19 (.1" ---1,..-_. 440,28(3.45 4* -, , , 6 , e 1 b9-ritt-A i-,-6,-ki. , 311 325-:-.2 ---- 46,286.45 I: (2 i ‘: 6, (11?0'19 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 79% o.,., If so give: - Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes,(specify)Frozen assets (I depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 401 ‘ 10 - $10 000 - 10-29-24 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid 2-10-25 Statutory assessment $25,000, Assessment ordered 12 15-26 • #1036 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State 5] State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minne so ta O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Citizens State Bank -31713 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 8-28-23 Mahn omen county Population of town or city* 1200 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. tfahnomen 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 8 28 23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 377,097.48 Total loans and discounts 15,270.34 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts IIMM dad.••••• OP. Investments /11 16,3,4 (29,350.70 All other resources $479-1-77.16-rre,331.11.q Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 15,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 114,630.43 Time deposits, including postal savings 148,170.19 262,800.62 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 130,881.35 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $40_33,681.97 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 12-24-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Ye s the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None MOW ..•••• W./ Preferred claims None ••••••1....••••.. General claims 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 0, 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. .. . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted.xeerve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended' 40% - 0.0,000 Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid 2-10-25 0D 4A3 • #706 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CRAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 11 National bank GI State bank o Name of State Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Security state Bank 2. Date organized 10-18-07 TOW11 or City Date suspended 11-5-27 3. Federal reserve district Mahnomen County Mahnomen Population of town or city* 1200 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-5-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 110,053.85 Total loans and discounts 42,217.39 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \ Investments 8,926.25 21,049.81 All other resources $182,247.30 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $29,548.30 109,005.27 $ 138,553.57 Total deposits ONO IND •I•10 OMNI , Borrowings from F. R. bank 12,357.11 Borrowings from other banks 75.72 All other liabilities 1 1.-40 .16 1C0,900.40 Total liabilities try;Y47. 3 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections P4.x.,_ments from Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed dnitell il $3,025.95 3 2 025.95 C- $3,025.95 Preferred claims. .. 15,111.71 10,577.85 a" 10,577.85 7012_____ 6 2076.34 49 ,'" Secured claims. Ge eralslai • Cl- ins •-• 15 756.97 -, 100% 0- 64076.34 otal claims. . . . a _,-2€r174 4.4,4. il..14 . ‘,il ri in • ' 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve & poor paper X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000, Assessment ordered 4-9-28 • #476 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCII, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank [2g Name of State State bank J Trust company D Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank 1. Name of bank Maple Lake State Bank 2. Date organized 5-3-04 Town or City Maple Lake Date suspended 4-3-24 3. Federal reserve district County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank - Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Wright 4-3-24 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 36896525 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 17,331.23 Investments 27,945.59 All other resources 33,054.07 $447,296.14 Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $58,007.92 Time deposits, including postal savings 365,619.21 $ 423,627.13 Total deposits Borrowings from P. R. bank MID 411no ONE Borrowings from other banks MM.•••.1.1.1.. .31 All other liabilities $4....2747649-r1244Zv%ilq Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 5-4-25 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Yes the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims Per cent of loss to claims •••••=1•••••• 33 1/3% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: • From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets and Montana loans X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments #476 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Q474 • National bank Name of State ;C:1 State bank o Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minne sota Private bank 1. Name of bank Maple Lake State Bank 2. Date organized 5-3-04 Date suspended Town or City Maple Lake County Wright 4-6-26 Population of town or city* 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group *Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 700 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-6-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 170,810.91 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 20,000.00 Investments 27,812.25 All other resources 48,835.82 $267,458.98 Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $9,524.10 235,790.35 $ 245,314.45 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities 4 /144" 6 44-5-,314..A5 Total liabilities -frfh 7. Has this bank been reopened? 7,4rg,1 g If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $5,253.87 C- $5,253.87 100% '40,821.37 6010 Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. . $5,253.87 General claims. . . 34,202.27 140,821.37 6, p Total claims. . A 39,456.14 I pi 76 , c--- I il 6)4 '7 5". If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Montana investments X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $15,000; Assessment ordered 7-16-26 • #241 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently - by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State I] State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Mapleton State Bank 2. Date organized Town or City Mapleton County Eart 1027189 - ---Blue 6 Date suspended 7-5 Population of town or city. -h ' 27 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Blue Earth 7-5-27 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 240,386.87 20,900.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 310.Pi (20,028.56 All other resources $301,315.134476/7-)1/ Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 15,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $108,955.35 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 128,496.97 Time deposits, including postal savings 237,452.32 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 17,625.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities mM...•10.11•1. _145,077.32 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Yes Date of reopening 9327 —— Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims If so give: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None None 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. .. . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets and depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments a-% • #964 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In ease a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [2) State bank • Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank e 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Citiz_ens Stat_e_Bank 7-6-11 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Winrietta 4-17-24 Population of town or city* CountyLac—QA1a_ . Pane Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-17-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 191,198.80 58,488.45 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments qii,)/1 (8;372.10 All other resources Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $19,895.08 Time deposits, including postal savings 182,785.55 $ 202,680.63 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 28,350.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $2,030.63 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? _ Yes If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from xmmmlmkmt collateral Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Secured claims. . . . $39.25 Preferred claims. . $39.25 Genesql claims. . . .'05 293.47 Cl—ills P. Total claims.. ...:-r a 4111 . •, 0:00- —28-05. : 50.06 !--- II q, 100%___ •• - 10 -. ‘.. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? :I If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims.. Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)... Frozen. assets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000, Assessment ordered 9-5-25 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Do State bank O Trust company Name of State O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Far & Mer State Bank TOW11 or City 2. Date organized 7-6-11 8-27-21 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 9 Marietta CountyLaC Qui Pane Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 . 8-27721 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 331,404.23 Total loans and discounts 18,593.74 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4,200.00 Investments :7,466.32 All other resources $361,664.29 Total resources $30,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $38,223.36 Time deposits, including postal savings 192,591.74 $ 230,815.10 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 85,500.00 Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities "(AlII, /1 $318,316-r1034/e . 4 44 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes If so give: Sept. 15, 1922 Name under which reopenecl____the__$_=_e_______ Amount of loss Loss to depositors on: Secured claims $ None ti Preferred claims General claims ... •••••• Per cent of loss to claims Non0., None 25% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. ... , Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Excessive loans & mismanagemen Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension ? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /0 No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #559 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following • National bank Name of State [X] State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Marietta State BAnk 5-3-05 Date suspended Town or City 11-15-26 3. Federal reserve district Marietta Countyitac Qui Pane Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-15-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 239,346.18 57,077.04 p. 00 r 0 0 •5 Investments be,g47:0d All other resources $Zra6Tan-r45333/01-0 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits 5,000.00 Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ' 4112,537.78 172,147.86 $ 284,685.64 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 411•Mr ••••.11•M M/ID 18,335.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 4•111•4111•11,••••••110 $333,020.64 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 411 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured clailns Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation) If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) ' Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from fittilx 36ii o ___ Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed a eral - Secured claims. . . . 1, 46 550.73 $46 p 550.73 '26,837.32 45,367.46 General claims. . . . t. Cl-Bills Plit,, 18,335.00 f, I - 1' • Total claims. . 4§ P. Preferred claims. . ,,-$18,335.00 c)., $46,550.73 100% 45,367.46 18,335.00 20% 100% c-- — j')j co) 41. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed A- • o,b' 4.:,' • — /- ' e 3/.g If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims General claims. Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes lop/. $25,000 - 12-19-22 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid 4-25-23 Statutory assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 9-7-27 #1183 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State A State bank D Trust company ‘,7 El Stock savings bank Minnesota O Mutual savings bank LJ Private bank • k l State Bank 1. Name of bank Marvile Town or City Markville 2. Date organized 7-1-15 4-18-29 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district County Population of town or city* 150 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Pine 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-18-29. Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 63,994.33 $ Total loans and discounts 11 450.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \ Investments 5,164.00 L 7,236.56 All other resources $87,844.89 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 31,935.65 Time deposits, including postal savings 22,388.24 $ 54,323.89 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 13,716.38 Borrowings from other banks PI W .693 All other liabilities 3443-r9.6 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Ss'(. If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Percent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections r ------ Secured claims. . . $9,000.00 Preferred claims. . 861.68 Payments from zniaritarbzrA Total payments collateral & advance , ,,.. $337.24 .. $337.24 ' (• 52,712.25 1V .ay: 12-i716.38 - 7--- -07----- -$ 1,084.6. 11,0t84i.6.2 Totalclaims.. 764290.31 . ,--,' SiI 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Per cent of payments to claims allowed I1-4I - 39% ..'1•8011 41 1 7,7 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Depleted reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 500 - yes 5,000 - 5-18-28 810,000 -10-30-28 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paia 8-10-28 Paid 1-30-29 Statutory assessment $10,0001_Assessment ordered 6-a6-29 • q.3 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank [X Name of State State bank 0 Trust company 1:1 Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank ID Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank__ 2. Date organized Markville State Bank Town or City 7-1-15 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district MarkVilie County Pine 12-8-22 Population of town or city* 150 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • ..----- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. - 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-8-22 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 112,708.20 Total loans and discounts 1,989.08 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts None Investments 9,087.64 All other resources $123,784.92 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $31,592.00 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 36,686.70 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 68,278.70 Total deposits ••••••••••.. Borrowings from F. R. bank 8,000.00 Borrowings from other banks $76,ai-s-rr?-eftv3,71d,iv Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Secured claims If so give: 3-10-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss None Per cent of loss to claims None ft Preferred claims General claims ti tt Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 411 -crir.v-v sf 31 ' All other liabilities • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . .. Total claims. . .. If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: • From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify). ..Depleted..resarv.e X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Ye s 50% - 5-18-28 - $5,000 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #806 FEDERAL RFSERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank ff Name of State State bank Trust company El Stock savings bank o Minnesota Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Citizens State Bank 4-28-08 Town or City Date suspended_ 9-15-27 3. Federal reserve district Matawan County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Waseca 50 9-15-27 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 54,003.13 $ Total loans and discounts 22,408.70 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts •••••••••••••• Investments 13,476.4u All other resources 8E0,2,88,23 fo,4.3st-40 Total resources 1O ,000.00 Capital 604.75 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) 21,083.60 58,746.25 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 79,829.85 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank •ns• emir mow Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities • •••• =00.110E. OW. 70,f3a0.e5- Total liabilities go,4c.340 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes 4.8 If so give: 6-16-26 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None ...•••••••••••• Preferred claims None 411.• ONO,••••I IMO General claims 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary k, cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 10% — $10)000 — 5-1-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Pai a 10-20-25 • #1232 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank J LI LI O O State bank Trust company Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Farmers State Bank 12-6-15 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 8-11-25 Mavie County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Pennington 75 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 8-31-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 27,544.61 8,545.45 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts •••• •••••••••1•0 Investments 41 3- 3 1 5,164.08 All other resources $41 Total resources 14 41037-1/ v S10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ $15,454.36 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 9,565.31 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits OM.411...•••• =10 Borrowings from F. R. bank 4,717.84 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 411•10,1M• IMP ONO 0,737.51 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed — Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims... $3,688.40 gi.ritiftL55 --_-4; - ----- - T00% ---047-794-.-7±2 MO ••••••••4=1. 01—Bills P. --4-7-744,41 . -7177-rx7----7 4 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: $ 700 (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims.. . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Frozen assets and Depleted reserve Other causes, (specify) X X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? N0 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statuory assessment $10,000; Asspflment orriPr_ed 8-9-2S • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State Ex State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Meadowlands State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 1-21-15 Date suspended_ 10-17-23 3. Federal reserve district Meadowlandk,ounty St.Louis Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 165 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-17-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 28,206.71 Total loans and discounts 11••••••••••••••••11 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts '‘k 15,789.29 Investments lbo• 8 44,052.46 All other resources .8-6-i-04.&.4.483,14, .44 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $64,601.59 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 11,607.85 Time deposits, including postal savings $ $76,209.44 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 110- Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $48,209.44 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 11-7-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Yes the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims Per cent of loss to claims -•--V Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Qutside investments Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? NO If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ervi- • #941 FEDERAL RE-SERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State Z] State bank • Trust company • Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Bk or City Meire Grove County Meire Grove Farmers St -Town 2-15-11 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district 11-26-23 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Stearns 180 11-28-23 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 188,979.43 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts =NM'••=....1.0 OM* 3,000.00 I,-v /3- el. Investments 27,111.46 All other resources 31-3-100-0.00vv0,3°44• Total resources $12,000.00 Capital 3,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ 18,060.36 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 186,744.39 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 204,804.75 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank .1•111,4111MO•100110 Borrowings from other banks •11111111111. S40,1104.75 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Yes Secured claims Preferred claims General claims If so give: 7-7-24 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss None None Per cent of loss to claims =.111•miorembti• RIM VOI0•11.0 •ITIN• 70% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 011•01•1••••••••1 All other liabilities Date of reopening Malli • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Montana investments X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture' If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #685 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks susTended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State M State bank o Trust company • Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Borgerding State Bank 8-1-07 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 2-23-27 Melrose County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Stearns 2300 2-23-27 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate , $ Other. $ Total loans and discounts 336,622.75 47,179.58 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 30 29,600.00 Investments (30A.M All other resources $ $4414-r7e61/446vea,Ai Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) 63,543.20 328,661.28 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 392)204.48 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank .......,.......... Borrowings from other banks On. MM.•1•1•1••••• CIO ami. NNW..., All other liabilities 204.48 Total liabilities Yes If so give: 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening 7-26-27 Name under which reopened the same Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Amount of loss $ None Per cent of loss to claims .0.• MOO •••• None 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. ... Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #986 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON MANCE!, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State Oc State bank LI LI 0 0 Trust company Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank Security State Bank 2. Date organized 2-2-12 Town or City Melrose CountySt earns ps// Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district 11-26-23 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. -1=-25 11-28-23 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 582,430.18 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 12,035.00 Investments 131719.65 /361,q31V/ All other resources $644-34;48-rG4Li/4 Total resources .4 ,c;50,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $90,804.32 Time deposits, including postal savings 495,324.96 $ Total deposits 586,129.28 Borrowings from F. R. bank ••••• WIN •••••111. nem =MD Borrowings from other banks ..I/41•1111.•••••1•10 All other liabilities 41b,129.28 Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 7-1-25 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None WWI IMO, 1.411D Pal& Preferred claims None aim arm ow General claims moo 75% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. ... Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify).. 1ontana . X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended) 2z„ No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #759 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State 3 State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized First State Bank 3-19-08 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended 11-30-28 7 Mentor County Population of town or city Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Polk 400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-30-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 105,571.64 Total loans and discounts 12,959.59 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 8,800.00 Investments /10,927.65 All other resources $12 0.8-ragg„ Total resources 31-b 04- 10,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) 52,345.70 54,291.05 $ 106,636.75 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 19,200.00 Borrowings from other banks 484.69 All other liabilities lth,321.44 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 110 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened__ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . $7,907.41 $7,907.41 7,067.63 7,067.63 Preferred claims... Payments from grteranty fund c Total claims... Per cent of payments to claims allowed $7,907.41 100% 7 y 067.63 100% 0.--- General claims. ... 85)807.73 Gen-- -G-I—Bi1-1Es---PaY- - Total payments IMID.NO,MWM.. 4=••••=.011•1.=MD r --2: —1-1249. ,i7... ... 'I-4;4t , ', i 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . , Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) La .1c. of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000* Assessment ordered 2- - • #I014 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State tl State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank Security State Bank 2. Date organized 10-22-12 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended 2-23-26 7 Middle Rive&unty Marshall Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-23-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 90,398.70 Total loans and discounts 12,594.68 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 90.00 4,114-7( (15,211.64 Investments All other resources $1-1-e , Total resources vv,779-73 $10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $38,903.29 66,420.01 $ 105,323.30 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 5,338.03 Borrowings from other banks 118.40 All other liabilities $1)14779.73 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from COTITtrigll fotal payments ' Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . 0T-elgiill7Pa: Total claims. 1.2,662.7 $12,662.78 $12,662.78 1,623.13 9,172.50 1...., b;338.03 9-,623.94. -1711 . 9,172.50 ,$b,668.03 5,338.03 ‘),-.'i i 1/ !3 . 4, 'Yr_'- ,t.f'. it hi, o w5.cji 100% 01 18 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? NO If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered R-6-26 • #1014 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following [..] National bank Name of State • State bank El Trust company LI Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank MlnDesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Security State Bank_ 10-22-12 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City_taldle_IttveaCountyMatUlall 4-13-23 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 4-13-23 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 141,476.87 Total loans and discounts 6,444.48 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 11.1 1 5,774.91 All other resources $153,696.26 Total resources 10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 21,989.54 Time deposits, including postal savings 66,994.73 $ Total deposits 88,984.27 ••/.. Borrowings from F. R. bank MIMI, 53,523.90 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $1.04 508.17 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 11-26-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Yes the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None 1111=11 Preferred claims None •••/••••••••••11•0 •111•111 General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . General claims .. Total claims .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment,laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) a.sets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #518 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State al State bank O Trust company 1::] Stock savings bank Minnesota O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of ban Town or City Middle St Bk of Middle River 2. Date organized 10-24-04 Date suspended 12-18-25 3. Federal reserve district River County Marshall Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** Z.-- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-18-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 248,524.50 18,712.32 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments arm, mom ••••••••• / 1 2 3 3/S:10 (14,809.56 All other resources ,04G.33114347".° Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 2%000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $60,075.32 Time deposits, including postal savings 125,307.20 $ 185,382.52 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 69,979.56 Borrowings from other banks IMMO All other liabilities $285,362.08 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened_ Loss to depositors on: Anzount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from xftbzgatIVICIME1 collateral & advance Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . $7,755. 3 87;568•15 $7,568.15 176 ,., # 742 6u-i-979. --$8a -a 9:.56 .692,7956-J)?' ,, Total claims. .. . 25,4?? , - 98%,______ General claims. . . .. Cl—Bills P. -1 6 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed se" 0.. i ,17 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets and X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000, Assessment ordered 12-14-26 • #525 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State [II State bank O Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Milaca State Bank 11-16-04 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended 1-15-30 7 Milaca CountyMille Lacs Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1650 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1-15-30 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 73,580.38 Total loans and discounts 44,437.45 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \ . 6).." 28,221.08 Investments 20,005.38 All other resources $166 244.29 Total resources $30,000.00 Capital 1,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) Time deposits, including postal savings $59,701.64 70,165.09 $ 129,866.73 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 5,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $134784g-s45 C-1-1-kizyt; Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from XiiiXtrgl cot iliviq eCo a- .i.22,358.76 Secured claims. ..274510.5. Preferred claims. . General,claims en C1—i11615 ToWl claims. . 8,896.7'. 8,896.75 - 97,028.21: 24)261.12 cr,. , , i 5,000.40 1138.t4.35_.. tr V 5,000.00 .r d •r -,„..-, , Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $22,358.76 _80% 8,896.75 100% 11,261.12 5,000.00 25% 100% itJ 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve Poor paper X X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory Assessment $30,000; Assessment ordered 2-15-30 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Di National bank Name of State .g3 State bank • Trust company El Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Security State Bank 2. Date organized 10-11-17 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 9 Town or City Milaca County Mille Lacs 12-2F-21 Population of town or city* 1650 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Non- 12-28-21 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. $ 374,762.43 Total loans and discounts • Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts =NI .••• Investments 11,993.46 All other resources 23,270.07 410,025.96 Total resources 25,000.00 Capital 7,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** 56,915.26 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 244,070.95 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 300,986.21 Total deposits ——— Borrowings from F. R. bank 74,178.85 Borrowings from other banks 2,860.90 All other liabilities 410025.96 , Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes 12-6-22 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims If so give: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None None Preferred claims General claims tt It Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed -Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. .. . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Worthless paper Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 100% 100% 3-9-29 Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments .00 $12 y 500 Voluntary Assessment paid 12-G-22 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State LE State bank o Trust company Ej Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank MinnesQta O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Security State Bank 10-11-17 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 8-22-21 Outside city of parent bank** Population of town or city* 1 ------- "....-- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Lace county Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ • Milaca 1650 8-22-21 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 416,379.41 Total loans and discounts 18,658.24 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 17,466.03 All other resources $452,503.68 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 7,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ $77,359.44 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 326,408.96 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 403,768.40 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 12,700.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 4 /1 ,3 ' 61 8 8116 ,468.404-rv,r03,48 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes If so give: Sept. 22, 1921 Name under which reopened the same Loss to depositors on: Secured claims S Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None None. None" Preferred claims General claims li None Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation) If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . . General claims Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 2-m0 • If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1099 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank Name of State DC State bank Li Trust company O Stock savings bank Ej Mutual savings bank o Minnesota Private bank • ?/426-tiot'-e--ep 1. Name of ban Millerville State Bank Town or City Brandon P.O.County 2. Date organized 6-1-14 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district 7-23-27 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group ? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Douglas 152 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7-23-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. $ 55,135.04 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,120.00 Investments 8,773.19 11,342.02 All other resources $77,370.25 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ $618.32 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 64,585.56 $ 65,203.88 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks .1111•••••••• All other liabilities U6,3 7 $CE,203.0G Total liabilities 17,37 07. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Yes If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . $6,082.6 Preferred claims. . . General claims... . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund $6,082.67 tr Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $6,082.67 100% 75.00 0- 75.00 100% 59,761.00 35,862.50 if— 35,862.50 60% r- ii 9-1 D2'i). 6 3.7 75.00 Total claims. . .. $65)918•6 ti 2/16 7 / 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? . If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture_ What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000' Assessment orriered 10-20-27 • #1245 -/ FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following q 0 National bank Name of State K] State bank 0 Trust company 0 Stock savings bank O Minne sota Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank American State Bank 2. Date organized 3-22-16 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Minneapolis County 9-26-27 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hennepin 464)400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 9-26-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. 265,318.46 Total loans and discounts 19,653.66 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts --' 41,049.44 Investments 89,744.54 All other resources q415,766.10 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) 237,425.85 147,627.60 385,053.45 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $585,053.4541/17744./0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. , If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) , Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund ,-,24 119.73 $24,119.73 ) Secured claims. . . .41,706.35 Preferred claims. 41,706.35 0 736.97 187,202.03 General claims. ...'87) Total claims. . (.7 A 653 1 563.05 2'5 d 9't 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? C Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $24,119.73 100% 41,706.35 100% 187)202.03 65% 7.5'141 2er -H. 6 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 40% -_410,000 - 5-28-24 Canceled 6-13-24 40670 - $10,000 -11-13-24 Paid 2-24-26 $200 60% - $15,000 - 9-14-25 Canceled 12-12-25 60% - ].5,00O -12-12-29 Paid 2-24-26 100%- 425,000 - 8-13-26 Paid 1-22-27 10010- 425,000 - 4- 5-27 Canceled 4-18-27 Statutory assessment 425,000, Assessment ordered 1-19-28 bank suspended? • FEDERAL RESERVE CONIMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank Name of State [X State bank LI Trust company o Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank • Minne sota 1. Name of bank Fourth Ave State Bank 2. Date organized 8-30-19 Town or City Date suspended 12-22-22 3. Federal reserve district Minneapolittounty Hennepin Population of town or city* 464 400 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** O 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 12-22-22 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 154,533.61 Total loans and discounts None Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 8,000.00 Investments -yi 130. /L. t12,001.99 All other resources $174, Total resources &a-64M $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 83,122.81 Time deposits, including postal savings 58,067.95 141,190.76 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank OEM.OM 6,275.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities ONO 41MM OMNI. $117,465.76 Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening 6-9-23 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims If so give: the same Amount of loss None U Per cent of loss to claims None II 10% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. ith 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. ... Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims.. . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 80% - 4-10-22 10Q10 - 7- 7-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1451 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State Dia State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bangtia ran t y State Bank 2. Date organized 8-30-19 Town or City Minneapolis County Hennepin Date suspended_ 4-6-26 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* 464 400 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-6-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. $ Total loans and discounts 120,153.04 3,135.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,000.00 41,/o4.// (20,208.20 Investments All other resources s- 1-4 ,40-0.24-110, Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $71,593.30 33,607.65 $ 105,200.95 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 15,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 814200.95 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation' If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) _ Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments o $9,791.74 Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . 9,791.74 Preferred claims. . ". 22,741.0: Geiwral claims. . . 74,695.37 Cl—bills Pay -I5-,000.0* Total claims. . - • 'iCOL ATERALFO '- '•-• .e-.. • 01.) - • 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 43% I, If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)Froz en ass et s & depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25 000* Assessment ordered 7—a9-26 • #1093 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 36 • National bank [X Name of State State bank [1] Trust company [1] Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank LI Private bank Minne so ta • 1. Name of bank Harriet State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 5-18-14 112023 Population of town or city* 464,400 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Minneapolis county Hennepin Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-20-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 199,650.41 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 12,084.42 Investments 16,7;8.76 /24,J A14. (31,948.21 All other resources 20e-1421.eov144013 ' 1 Total resources A25,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 118,010.54 Time deposits, including postal savings 125,457.78 $ 243,468.32 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 4,500.00 Borrowings from other banks 41) All other liabilities $2141,968.32 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Yes Date of reopening 3-31-24 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: If so give: the ssme Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims Per cent of loss to claims 411.11.1•111111.111• , ,M1 30% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. ... Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Deple.t ed.. Ee.serve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Ye s $25,000 - Paid 12-21-22 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1396 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the hank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank Name of State 5 State bank o Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank Liberty State Bank Town or City MinneapolisCouny t Hennepin 2. Date organized 12-19-17 1-13-27 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Population of town or city* 464,400 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1-13-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 333,082.34 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 13,751.69 Investments 33,373.00 Liklo.11 (48,610.71 All other resources 4es,sicr. -9443S,-07 ' 8*-)4 Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) Time deposits, including postal savings 154,966.10 200,062.11 $ 355,028.21 Total deposits ON. ••••• Borrowings from F. R. bank 20,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $435 1028.21 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from A1111111 Secured claims. . . ..$37,384.3: $37,384.38 Preferred claims 270,874.1 122 198.46 ---- - r Avnitkie e• e e Total claims... 1. - •1:1-2-58-..-41:—t- 1-.1' 43 Cf—effilfbainilssak. Total payments 1. r- $37,384.38 , 122,198.46 41 IMOD, 1 t-',. 1.; ----' 0 1 0011 OS r) 9)• tr7(1i b- gi. -•c Per cent of payments to claims allowed 100% 45% • 100% - ‘,. i: ..-1 (ei If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) _ Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 60% Yes 8-18-24 - 530,000 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 524,780 Paid.' 2-20-25 $50,000 - 11-23-25 - Paid 7-2-26 Statutory/assessment 00,0001.-Assment ordered 7-26-27 #933 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O XI National bank f Name of State State bank Li Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank11 1 a-r-ket--atate_BankTown or City 2. Date organized 12-17-10 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district 12-7.=22 Minneapalis_County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hennepin 464,400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-7-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 303,177.23 Total loans and discounts 4,948.12 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts zA Investments 10,698.59 48,433.20 All other resources $364-rac-7,4433/,(21.44 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 15,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 179,194.90 Time deposits, including postal savings 141,765.17 $ 320,960.07 Total deposits /NM Borrowings from F. R. bank 22,500.00 Borrowings from other banks 6,129.39 All other liabilities $3g9,589.46 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections , Payments from XMIRMEtTA $4,583.02 E4,583.02 $4,583.02 100% 3,106.21 3,106.21 3,106.21 100% 183,485.84 65% ----100co • Preferred claims . General claims. . . 281,437.26 183,485.84 C 1—Bills Pay.,-- 22,5oe.eo , ,771-71-1!M72 -- -44r,-*41-w3 . ' 4?Total claims„J.$3-1-1-5-cza 1-?-7_,--74-7----r7.00f. . - tt -3i-7;Ts's; 1-4,4-2Y-41-:111— a9 3f ,j 'A : 11110 Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral Secured claims. . . Gen Taal payments - ,) 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed '2-8 --to .3t- o ) , •s": 7 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed • Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify). NQ. D.alc.crt . j-.117A P.tr11........ X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000* As,essment ordered 7-2 - 5 • 4494 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank gi State bank Name of State • Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Mer & Mfg State Bank 7-2-04 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Town or City 2-15-26 7 Minneapolis county Hennepin Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 464,400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-15-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 882,260.62 Total loans and discounts 177.857.80 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments \(5\1 190,921.07 202,632.26 All other resources $1,453,671.75 Total resources 7 8100,000.0o Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $417,802.92 850,330.67 $1,268,133.59 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 66,750.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities I3iiS. ,3-34 r8-84.50131471.7C Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened__ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation' _MX_ If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections 59,816.71 Preferred claims..27,884.36 Secured claims. . . O Per cent of payments to claims allowed mfitR,Mcintri collateral & advance Total payments $59,816.71 9— $59,816.71 100% 27,884.36 Cr- 27,884.36 100% General claims. q-.) 062,955.83 478,330.10 n 01-Bills P. .6,750400 -- 0-: .. ;., • , c Total claim / Payments from : c/o .7 O ,r478,330.10 $66,750400--66- 750-.00. . ' , . ............... .. 45% 100% --.7,-.12, 1. If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)....FrD.z ..a $.s0:t$ X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 100% - $100,000 -.2-10-23 - Center Holding Co. - 12-5-23 $83,000 Paid 4-22-24 Statutory assessment $100,000, Assessment ordered 6-25-27 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [x State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Minnesota Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Mill City State Bank 2. Date organized 11-3-17 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended_ Town or City Minneapol4ounty 22-22 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hennepin 464 400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-22-22 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 254,904.52 Total loans and discounts N one Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 20,000.00 4-01.41/ L 17,294.80 Investments All other resources $2-9-2-,130.33 , 0 vPd Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 12,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 95,556.84 124,870.90 $ 220,427.74 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank None Borrowings from other banks None All other liabilities 13,200.00 Ildiscounts $216,627.74 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Ye R If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Minneapolis National Bank Date taken over Minneapolis May 5, 1922 Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None Secured claims None II Preferred claims ft General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . • General claims. . Total claims. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims . General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry . or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspen,sion ? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1343 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following [I] National bank I Name of State State bank 1:1 Trust company o Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized_ Nokomis State Bank 3-18-17 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 5-4-26 Minneapoligcounty Hennepin Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 464,400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 5-4-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 238 1 206.09 Total loans and discounts 9,649.31 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 63,621.00 All other resources 62,862.96 374,339.36 Total resources 825,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ;3165,249.52 177,315.13 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 342,564.65 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 47701 I All other liabilities erfr Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 374L,331-34, If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Anzount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund cr Secured claims...$10,066.5: q10,066.58 Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments $10,066.58 100% Preferred claims...10,289.2 10,289.24 0' 10,289.24 100% General claims. . . 289,223.0 203,304.97 cr 203,304_ 97 70% er- 'i ::::, 4 4 I 66 1 , ', 309,578.8- 9-2, _!.'; Total claims. . . ' 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets ° depleted reserv X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 20% - k$5,000 - If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 5-1-18 Paid 6-11-18 40% - $10,000 - 8-6-23 Paid 1-18-24 Statutory assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 5-23-27 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank LX State bank Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • L Name of bank_ 2. Date organized Northern State Bank 1l-8l6 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 3-20-22 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • Minneapolis County Hennepin "---- r------ 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 464,400 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 3-20-22 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 185,103.17 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts •••• cat,IMMO 13,282.27 Investments All other resources $2c23,755.7234'4114.111 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 52000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $114,724.78 80,049.43 Time deposits, including postal savings $ :194 774.21 , Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank None Borrowings from other banks NOPP All other liabilities $2414,774.21 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes If so give: 10/29/29 Collections: $ 115,435.36 From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders 8,929.51 Other collections (explain) Int daily balances 2,068.60 $126,433.47 Total collections $ $30,598.35 Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections $3,016.57 $3,016.57 ____-i----- $3,016.57 100% 7,291.16 7,291.16 7,291.16 100% 135,770.57 97,581.57 (--, c Total clai&s.. - it A 14(), 0 „..oviaseraivasia..._,..-- Payments from rtftrectltriePrid• tffati'Cu.e. _ Total payments 97 581.57 ,.. _ --... Per cent of payments to claims allowed 68.20 eriistitttismiitspasatriffr /07 g‘ge7,1,o 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Foreign investments Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments - it25,000Statutoryassessment $25,000, Assessment ordered 3-29-23 • #1235 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following • National bank Name of State o State bank o Trust company LI Stock savings bank o o Minnesota Mutual savings bank Private bank 1. Name of bank State Deposit Bank 2. Date organized 12-23-15 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City Minneapolis county_lienne_pin 12-7-23 Population of town or city* 464,4_00._ Member or nonmember of F. R. Systen 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-7-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 364,850.48 Total loans and discounts 10,297.03 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 55,240.17 tiO,101. C 85 2972.10 Investments All other resources rara.91:48LoopS.V.,/ Total resources $100,000.00 Capital 20,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 182,261.65 . 298,606.60 $ Total deposits 480,868.25 IMO em•••••• Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities •••••••••10.1111111=110. $400,868.25 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? v If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Secured claims. . . . $2,957.54 $2,957.56 Preferred claims. . 20 I 349.2; 20,349.23 Payments from guaranty fund . General claims. .. 413,323.34 2:db . s 55 Total claims. .. Per cent of payments to claims allowed $2,957.56 100% 20,349.23 100% 289,410.55 436 630.04: 3/2,7/7 — 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Total payments 3.,:.',/ 70%, /1, If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) North Dakota investments X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $1004_0=_ARRpqRmen_t_ordex44_&- ,-25 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following i 0 National bank in Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Western State Bank 2. Date organized 6-9-16 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Minneapoli— ECounty 4-19-22 Population of town or city* 464,400 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hennepin 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 4-19-22 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 384,038.68 None Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 24,403.75 Investments 41,105.47 - 94•4449-,54.7.4(34,174/6y-if All other resources Total resources S25,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 177,346.71 Time deposits, including postal savings 239,153.04 $ 416,499.75 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 23,670.00 Borrowings from other banks ip All other liabilities $410,169.75 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. ... Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes If so give: 5-27-30 Collections: $62,098.89 From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders 2,525.00 Claim & Int on daily balance Other collections (explain) 5,233.95 $269,857.84 Total collections s Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) 56,812.62 Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) ...._ Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections 27119ifIVOI MX COCIIMIlif ; Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Advanced Secured claims Preferred claims ralgy ims .anej3 Total claims $1,008.22 $1,008.22 $1,008.22 100% 2,375.37 2)375.37 209,064.66 2,375.37 100% 209,064.66 62.1% 36 291.07 '— — , -"'"''11 C,7' Oc3B 2-12-i 44iI -1 - — 3391V1otc. --„ -z.-...i..: -...,..itai '- — aliffori: .... 3. /41 -4-GO-- 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Poor Montana investments X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments WWW Statutory assessment $25,000; Assessment ordered 3-19-24 • #1392 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following ) dr. 0 National bank DO Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank inne sota O Private bank 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank 2. Date organized 11-30-17 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Minn eiska 12-8-26 Population of town or city* County Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Wsbasha 250 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-8-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 105,829.38 18,282.36 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,000.00 Investments 23,597.07 All other resources $149,708.81 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $28,597.15 98,452.49 $ 127,049.64 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank =NM .NE.01E0.0.10 Borrowings from other banks / All other liabilities Total liabilities /49, 70818/ 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . $179.59 $179.59 24,566.11 75,339.67 7 h-_;) j (I, Total claims. .'.$.24,745.70 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed o- $179.59 100% (i-- 75,339.67 60% o- 7CC/9, I If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Depleted reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture' • If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment t10,000; Assessment ordered 6-24-27 • #466 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank !"- Name of State State bank o Trust company o Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank MI.nnesota • 1. Name of bank Peoples State Bank 2. Date organized 1-29-04 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Monterey county Date suspended 7-13-28 7 Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Martin 317 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7-16-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 146,270.32 Total loans and discounts 11,334.66 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts VA Investments 2,007.64 404.04 /11,818.76 All other resources $1-7-1-7431.38/1Y103374-1/ Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 5,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 54,041.70 69,861.14 $ Total deposits 123,902.84 Borrowings from F. R. bank 29,200.00 Borrowings from other banks 3,432.58 All other liabilities $173;035.42 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from 'cINTIVelti payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Taal & advance • Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims.. r - $1,040.64: $1,040.69 118 441.4. 53,322.54 tr• SO ell Gen C.e4fitilUmI)ay 148 682.1.' .J ' ' Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? $1,040.69 (i" 53,322.54 29,2O0.00 29 t 200.00 ",i ri ;,.-,.- t.(,?,, 100% 45 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) , Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment 4310,000; Assessment ordered 9-29-28 • #790 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State al State bank O Trust company O Stock savings balk O Mutual savings bank Minnesota D Private bank • 1. Name of bank Chippewa 2. Date organized 4-3-08 Co St Bk Date suspended Town or City 5-29-24 3. Federal reserve district Montevideo county Ohiprewa Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5000 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 5-29-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 570,234.37 Total loans and discounts 87,217.28 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Cicl(c 6,136.42 Investments t 1,111-3C (72,902.62 All other resources It.y.5e74.943.74.974373. Total resources $60,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $116 ,995.74 559,377.30 Time deposits, including postal savings $ Total deposits 676,373.04 Borrowings from F. R. bank 4•1•. ONO Borrowings from other banks MN,.1•11,... All other liabilities OMB MEM OOP ,373.04 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . $23,636. 4 $23,636.14 $23 P 636.14 100% General claims. . . . 644,564.1 193,243.2c 193,243.20 , 30% Preferred claims . . }%7 :.668 200. 5 2-/6 Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed . 07 , 3.Y. 4 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims (leneral claims. Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen aRse.ts X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or,otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $60,000; Assessment ordered 6-18-?25 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each • suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank L State bank Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Chipp_evia Co St Bk 2. Date organized 4-3-08 Town or City Montevideo Date suspended 7-20-21 3. Federal reserve district countyhipRelia_ Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • - 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5000 7-20-21 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 922,270.48 14,173.96 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 25,052.66 Investments All other resources ,808.21 i,etv.(13S-43 Total resources $60,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ $128,053.84 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 647,321.89 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 775,375.73 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 169,000.00 Borrowings from other banks 11,360.00 Notes re.difimounted All other liabilities 5,735.73 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yew If so give: June 19, 1922 Name under which reopened Chippewa County State Bank, Montevideo Amount of loss Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims $ None lion?. None None 20% General claims Total Per cent of loss . to claims ---- * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to. depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets & mismanagement X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended ifa - /111 ' If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 41-()9.0 e_d /0g • #1045 FEDERAL RESERVE CONINIITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Q National bank E l Name of State State bank Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank D Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Far & Mer State Bank 2. Date organized 7-16-13 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Montevideo Date suspended 1-15-24 7 County Chi o_p_elva Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5000 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1-15-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. $ Total loans and discounts 439,727.59 69,741.52 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 12,263.20 3it o• 1 I /29,674.68 Investments All other resources ../51 400.343frii/41.11# Total resources $75,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** $100,187.61 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 255,662.82 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 355,850.43 Total deposits ••••• Borrowings from F. R. bank 114,946.73 Borrowings from other banks ••••••••••••011.11100, All other liabilities 797.16 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yee If so give: 11-24-24 Name under which reopened__ the same Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Amount of loss None None Per cent of loss to claims - ••=0-01•1. OM IOW 41.41• 40% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . General claims. Total claims. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name). Other causes, (specify) epleted reserve and frozen assets X X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry 40 or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes $15,170 — Paid 4-6-23 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1045 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank [I Name of State State bank O Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Far & Mer State Bank 2. Date organized 7-16-13 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Town or City Montevideo County_QU.pWa pe 12-13-27 Population of town or city* 7 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5000 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-13-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 235,648.35 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts fID-J 16,542.37 Investments 50,275.13 All other resources $302,465.85 Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $143,609.75 88,899.07 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 232,508.82 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 14,595.10 Borrowings from other banks 714 /, 93 All other liabilities $'2447±eaTee'' Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 3 a 1-,A4S7 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from 'T.InkreTH co Secured claims. . . • 14,249.98 $14,249.98 32,584.45 32,584.45 Preferred claims. General claims. . . P ,tn Cl-Bills Total clams.. 71,420.62 17,472.24 595-..-10 - - /: 41---r / 2.„ otal payments T & advance (i 1;14,249.98 tr- e14,595.10 32,584.45 17 1 472.24 14,-595-10 .-- Per cent of payments to claims allowed 100% 100% 10% --I0Of ,, -) 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause k Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Voluntary 3400 - $22,500 - 12-18-22 $15,170 Paid 4-6-23 Statutory assessment 450,000; Assessment ordered 6-13-28 • #1089 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. • Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following • National bank Name of State [X] State bank O Trust company ▪ Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank o Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Montevideo State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 5-9-14 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 9-15-26 7 Montevideo county Chippewa 5000 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. e. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 9-15-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 91,876.13 Total loans and discounts 41,286.45 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 798.43 44*/ (19,275.14 Investments All other resources St-SZTaagy--15f-r3/ Total resources 8o-8T $25,000.00 Capital 6,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 47,139.05 Time deposits, including postal savings 60,221.44 $ 107,360.49 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 15,320.40 Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities $14,680.89 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to clahns Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Claims allowed Yes If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Payments from XiM102/11,36 Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $7,091.54 100%_ collateral advance Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims..$7,091.54 Ganeral claims. . . . 98,976.98 I 1—.13411.18 kiay 15,320.40 Total claims. .- 41 1 . , 0 G -, n L $7,091.54 9,938.85 ,,l! 't !') N (:, 9,938.85 $15,320.40 15,320.40 I fj- ,", V) v!.'2,3 :" I - 10% 100% .0 2-..-.., 1' )i 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed n •?,, ..' 9 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify). T.0Z011..a8.8 0.'t S..& cl. .re.$?,/'V X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 40% $10 000 - 1-10-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid A-13-25 Statutory assessment $25 000; Assessment ordered • #211 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank Minnesota O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Citizens State Bank 2. Date organized 5-4-1894 Date suspended Town or City Monticfello county 2-23-27 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Wright 1150 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-23-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 271,144.07 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 27,283.00 Investments 20,601.00 13,383.69 All other resources 332,411.76 Total resources 25,000.00 Capital 8,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $56,698.42 Time deposits, including postal savings 222,124.17 $ Total deposits 278,822.59 OM. Borrowings from F. R. bank =MO 20,500.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 2 ,33-3-JD- Total liabilities 333-,4//,74. 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total YesIf so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from annittrilymb Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 100% collateral 116,911.76 Secured claims. . . . 16,911.76 r 16,911.76 15,859.59 r _15,859.59 Preferred claims. . . 15;859.59 r 25,216.9i, 20 -,500.00 - ,-o-b 1-0-----. General claims. . . 92,364.96 125,716.94 3, ,../..., 3 -5.1.7 Total clainis-:-.:-.:1345,636.31 lb- WA V:4------- - -----9647-b-PA.-- 4-1.k 911 Lwi LQo$____ ci IA- 2/1 If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. G eneral claims. . . . Total claims. . . 000 e 0Msf 1,4-1 k,k.cLfk,a Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25 000; Assessment ordered 7-7-27 • #413 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH', GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State X] State bank o Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Minnesota Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bank of Montrose 2. Date organized 4-18-03 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 11-4-27 4ontrose County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Wri ght 250 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-4-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 161,967.70 Total loans and discounts 29,107.46 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 6,350.00 Investments 25,144.75 All other resources 222,569.91 Total resources $20,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $50,458.97 130,956.53 181,415.50 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 13,500.00 Borrowings from other banks si6.c4-4/ All other liabilities 1-9479-16-v&G- Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 0 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed .$4,626.21 Secured claims. . claims...4,455.92 Preferred Dividends paid from collections $4,626.2.1 Payments from iffiatZfliKZfl collateral & advance a"- 4,455.92 a" Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $4,626.21 100% 4,455.92 100% u65,487.35 General claims . . 163,643.27 65,487.35 —$13 500-6-00, --13)500.00. 01-B1-1-1-6 ---Py-- 13-J-500.-00- --;--;-,-----...7-rz' Total claims-,L86 p 225.40 Of)5 6' 7. , -1 • 4? ( 1 :3 ''; 4 'ISA-, 1 , 1 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 40g 1'1 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary lk cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $20,000, Assessment ordered 6-11-28 • #420 FEDERAL RESERVE CONINIITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State Do State bank El Trust company O Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized First State Bank 5-12-03 Date suspended Town or City Moorhead County Clay 11- 8—a3 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 3. Federal reserve district 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 7500 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-28-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 473,047.09 Total loans and discounts 17,965.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,980.40 Investments 21',° 3f .86 All other resources $5447 Total resources 860,000.00__ Capital 30,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $156,999.17 181,701.51 $ Total deposits 338,700.68 Borrowings from F. R. bank 92,762.80 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 41,463.48 i Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from xmixtymbi Mork Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral advance _ Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. . $6,141.38 •. 320,326.30 S6,141.38 32,139.38 22_,_Iez.-ere - __it ..,-. Tota1-claims:7 ApetYgl cPknys. _ ,-- $6,141.38 32,139.38 100% 10% "5-1-1-7e09745- — , ,-7,----77-------7-1-7609-74 ....r.70,•,,--.....,,,,, IIIMINSIIIIP .... J..: • 't ' )'-( r 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $60 000* Assessmpnt ordered 2-20-25 • #1236 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following ' n• (5 (1) 0 National bank Name of State X] State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank Minne.sota 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank 2. Date organized Town or City 12-28-15 Date suspended 12-16-25 3. Federal reserve district Moose LakcountyCarlt n___ Population of town or city* 1000 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group *Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1_2-16-25 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 352,727.57 13,900.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \ 43,852.36 Investments 29,514.61 All other resources $439,994.54 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000,00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $103,247.65 271,831.05 $ Total deposits 375,078.70 Borrowings from F. R. bank 33,750.00 Borrowings from other banks 41, All other liabilities $408,83.7e4,t3/q4. Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from gralantgatact Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments rigIggi Secured claims. . ' 25,558.00 $25,558.00 Preferred claims...2,073.64 2,073.64 I. , 117?538.28 0 ,750.00 , General claims. . . 35,444.18 CI—Bills P. N,7N.QQ b,86n.06 Total claims. .* 5. : ) : so 100% 2,073.64 1005 117,538.28 33750.04 )(Is. I L 9.9 c)_ 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 35% 100% 001 : 1 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Llt), 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name)_ Froz en assets and Other causes, (specify) Depleted.•reserve X X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Statutor No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments assessment ' .25 000* Assessment ordered 9-8- +612 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank J EJ 1=1 O State bank o Private bank Name of State Trust company Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Mj.rmesota • L Name of bank Stevens Co St Bk 2. Date organized 4-3-06 3. Federal reserve district TOW11 or City Morris County Date suspended 12-17-29 Population of town or city* 7 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Stevens 2750 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12-17-29 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 402,948.13 Total loans and discounts 53,839.76 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts C\ 115,640.46 Investments 22,521.8? All other resources $"&&4 79-56 -2-2404A3•41 Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) Time deposits, including postal savings $165,105.94 284,827.51 $ Total deposits •=1/...M.011.111. Borrowings from F. R. bank 90,257.75 Borrowings from other banks 1,377.41 All other liabilities $601,568.61 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 449,933.45 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Claims allowed Ye If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Payments from cffnfalii Total payments 0' $59,996.2 Per cent of payments to claims allowed & advance $59,996.40 $59,996.20 Secured claims 100% 19,238.'4 19,238.94 C 19,238.9 LOCK__ General claims. . . . 380 2493.14 a Cl—Bills PayA,Q0 Total claims. .. . 38 2 049.31 a— , C 90,257.75 ag'_049.31 90,257.7 10% 100% Preferred claims ,§R.Z.1 A 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Depleted reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? N. If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory liability $50,000 Assessment ordered 3-29-30 Or #966 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State 4E1 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minne?ota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank 2. Date organized 7-11-11 Town or City 1—5-28 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Id orr st owncounty Rice Population of town or city* 750 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) -1528 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 159,420.01 38,780.94 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \6(4) Investments 7,184.11 / 4.14 , (25,185.17 $230,570•3,3)4"44i" All other resources Total resources g20,000.00 Capital 4,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 77,077.68 Time deposits, including postal savings 99,897.27 $ 176,974.95 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 31,250.00 Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities $25Y224.95 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Ye s 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from .p. • t-As) 's C•isti Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed co lateral. & advance A Secured claims. . . 113 2,344.39 claims...8,521.89 Preferred $2,344.39 ..,r 42,344.39 .100% 8,521.89 r 8,521.89 ,100% 153,827.61 84,605.18 943.89 , eyi95-.1 .. Total claims.74 I :', 11 'I I, t, Li, ,icliil r- 84 / 605.18 55 3 427b0..oo -.31 12-50.00..... .‘. _-• 10 -, •',I,-1 ,-. ,e;i-• 1-9'• A• 7 i f i. '154 Li 7 ) 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Lp, 7 c.14- If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Poor paper and lack of reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 75% - $15,000 - 3-26-25 $10,000 Voluntary 100% - $20,000 - 9-17-25 Paid 3-29-26 50% - $10„000 - 10-18-26 Paid 1-8-27 Statutory assessment $20,000; Assessment ordered 3-19-28 • #751 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank M Name of State State bank O Trust company LI Stock savings bank o o Minnesota Mutual savings bank Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bank of Morton 2. Date organized 3-12-08 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended 2-23-26 7 Morton County Renville_ Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank ...--- Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 800 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-23-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 118,074.02 Total loans and discounts 000 =0.00. Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \-A\ 12,500.00 Investments 25,493.48 All other resources $156,067.50 Total resources ,25,000.00 Capital 10 000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $12,687.62 103,152.47 $ 115,840.09 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ewe, •••••••••••m Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $I-1-57640 Total liabilities , 7. Has this bank been reopened? 09/.1--40(07,J If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes ; 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . General claims. . . 4,639.1! $4,639.12 111,413.7 .• Total claims $4,639.12 73,754.45 0.0 . •r 00 , 73,754.45 0-- 7t,;9 ii. J . % 100% 6 7. If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000* Assessment ordered 6-18-3.0 • #751 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CRAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank [A 55 Name of State State bank Trust company Li Stock savings bank o o Mutual savings bank mixne sota Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized State Bank of Morton 3-12-08 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 4-8-25 Mort on County Renville Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 800 4-8-25 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 287,214.52 20,608.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments •••••• 11,314.03 All other resources S-3-10,1g6.5531,3,4/.01 Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 10,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: ) Due to banks** 60,778.08 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 198,276.11 Time deposits, including postal savings $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 259,054.19 MOP WM raM..1••••• 29,536.90 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 0) 3 1 ,591.09 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes If so give: 11-9-25 Name under which reopened the same Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims $ Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims None --- None 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. General claims. Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Prii nary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment,laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Frozen Assets Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /-7 NO If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following E] National bank Name of State E1 State bank EJ Trust company LI Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Mt.Iron First St Bk 2. Date organized 11-11-16 Date suspended_ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Mt• Iron County St•Louis 9-2-21 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 4---- 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1800 9-2-21 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 202,762.64 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4,000.00 Investments 10,886.55 All other resources $217,649.19 Total resources $15,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ $125,882,35 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 60,010.10 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 185,892.45 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Mae OM,OM Borrowings from other banks 4110 /3, 756,74 All other liabilities $1-85,8ft.45)47,44141 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Yes If so give: 8-2-22 the same Amount of loss None II Per cent of loss to claims None lione None Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Large amount of questionable village warrant Other caltses, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1162 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following ^ C1 O National bank CM Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Farmers State Bank 3-19-15 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Murdock Date suspended 12-5-29 7 County Population of town or city Nlernber or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Swift 00 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1 12-5-2 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. Total loans and discounts 144,240.42 $ 29,190.57 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts ‘ 0C1 Investments 3,400.00 t, 34 114,074.11 All other resources 130 905.10 $, Total resources 325,0G0.00 Capital 12,500.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** )$ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 112,438.96 $ 139,671.97 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank MOM OM.r•IM, Borrowings from other banks ; All other liabilities $11V,#90.44 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 2,018.47 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopendcl___ Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed , if: Secured claims. Preferred claims ., 1• Gen =ammo collateral 6c aavance ____ Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed __— $1,045.74 :1Eir ieials claksr.., % 130 Total claims Payments from $.1,045174 889.10 26/ 437.78 0"' ;. C4Ardr-IM411 "4 045.74 , 100% i .4,-- i. - _,.......Aa. %%abut••Aum.,%...., ---- 26 437.78 2 . ' • illirilMie 4// MII No ....I.. ...... - ' Pri°'1':' " ,V4n5iiar"*'et _. fitkr17 • % (1, 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets • From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Poor paper & depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $25,000 Assessment ordered 2-14-30 • #662 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O [x O O National bank Name of State State bank Trust company Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank D Private bank Minnesota • 1. Name of bank Nelson State Bank 2. Date organized 423-07 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City Nelson 2-4-27 Population of town or city* County Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Douglas 200 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-4-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 155,701.42 Total loans and discounts 9,600.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 8,500.00 itt-y.Y) 118,908.54 Investments All other resources $i Total resources , .'l r tf3i v? '1 1 $12,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $39,407.07 139,115.12 $ Total deposits 178,522.19 elm ••••=•• Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks m.i.•••••=.11•1, All other liabilities 011110 ei•••1110.•••nr 6113,522.19 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . Dividends paid from collections $8,029.9' „r6,676.30 r $6,676.30 83% 679.64 679.60 r 679.60 100% 84,183.25 er 84)183.25 50% 9 I1 ",,q. r-- 919. 168,179.0 General claims. . . Total claims. . Claims allowed .., ... .... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed ‘c7:7 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $12,000; Assessment ordered 11—P-27 • #709 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State a State bank O Trust company Ej Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bank of Nevis 2. Date organized 11-11-07 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 1-24-30 Nevis County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hubbard 412 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 12430 —— Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 39,683.15 Total loans and discounts 4,100.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts v-_-) 5,000.00 Investments 6,471.14 All other resources $55,254.29 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $ ) $23,752.27 18,215.00 Time deposits, including postal savings $ Total deposits ----- Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 411_967.27 RedisQounte 2,600.00 3/4.• 0 V 431.00 • $44 998.2? Total liabilities -yr,A 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: ' Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation. (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from gaimagmam Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed & NiggEal Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . $4,718.2. $4,718.26 7,987.8 $4,718.26 ./r 10.00 100% 10A00 28 633.8'. :24eGnenni-citilis16P. "APO Total claims... . '..' 90 r r 2,r, • • I' $2,600.00 2 t 600.00 . i,) 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 10 4,,-7 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total claims . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted rasexve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 35% - •31 500 - 4-21-24 Pai 50% - $5,000 - 11-7-25 50% - $5,000 - 7-3-29 Paid 3-19-26 j-9-24 Statutory Assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered 4-14-30 • #705 FEDERAL RESERVE CONINIITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank g State bank Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Minnesota Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Far & Mer State Bank 3-11-05 3. Federal reserve district Town or City NeW f0lden Date suspended_ 6-1-27 7 County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Marshall 300 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 6-1-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 168,209.05 Total loans and discounts 21,914.06 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2,891.36 Investments 0° 5 11 f_ ,L 8t.$ $201,0443_,s33.13;1(0,311 All other resources Total resources 20,000.00 Capital 4,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $37,791.11 Time deposits, including postal savings 132,340.61 $ 170,131.72 Total deposits 4.10 Borrowings from F. R. bank 19,376.60 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities • •••• f ni3,510.32 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened?. OM.•••• If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Total claims Payments from camenl Total payments $1,803.00 $1,803.00 Cr- $1,803.00 . 5 P 81275 tr 5,812.75 5,812.75 Preferred claims General claims. Dividends paid from collections 161,232.92 48,369.87 —. 1 ,--7 -c5; er' Per cent of payments to claims allowed 100% IOW__ 3 48,369.87 ---19-37-i-6-0- -,-------1 , 1 1 If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Lack of reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended) No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $20,000, Assessment ordered 11-22-27 #583 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCII, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State 2 State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Mi,r1Tlesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank St Bk of New Germany 2. Date organized 8-21-05 Town or City New Gennany_county Carver Date suspended 2-a6,25_ 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* 250 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 2-26-25 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Othe $ 122,308.17 Total loans and discounts 36,606.22 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 6,545.00 143-04 ( 22,278.74 Investments All other resources $187,738.13 I Total resources $20,000.00 Capital 2,915.51 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) S40,179.16 120,816.50 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 160,995.66 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 4,500.00 Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities $166,i1g-6.-6.61asi6t/i Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 6-1-26 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None -•••••••••••• Preferred claims None - General claims •••• elio• 65% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. /7 • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. ... Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? $19,000 Yes Paid If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 8-20-24 • #123 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank g Name of State State bank • Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Minnesota 1. Name of bank State Bank of New London Town or City New London 2. Date organized 5-13-1890 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district 7 116 --2 county Kandiyohi Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estiMate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 500 1-16-28 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other. 349,580.76 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 71,686.01 Investments 3 All other resources 36, 1 228.73 Ig.f)? Total resources $25,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) 49,352.12 406,803.42 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 456,155.54 Total deposits WM, OMI• Borrowings from F. R. bank 13,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 01.1.•••• ON. $419,155.54 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Yes If so give: 3-26-28 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Anzount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims M110 aim ONO Per cent of loss to claims ••••••./. 110M. 60% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) . Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims General claims Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: • Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify). Q.C1 . reorganization X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 110 de, ,2p j -d #723 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State • State bank El Trust company • Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank New Munich State Bank 2. Date organized 1-8-08 Town or City New 141.1.11.thil_County Stearns Date suspended_ 11-26-23 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of E. R. System 3. Federal reserve district 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 325 11-26-23 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 310,966.46 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts .m..••••••••••••• Investments •••••••••••••••••• / 21,606.21 All other resources Total resources $20,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits )$ ) 39,122.29 269,930.07 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 309,052.36 Total deposits a,m Borrowings from F. R. bank ••••••1•11•••••• Borrowings from other banks • All other liabilities 311,052.36 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening 2-26-25 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: If so give: YCI3 the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None • 1 11•110•••••••1112 Preferred claims None •••••••••...... General claims 50% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Montana investments X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #442 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following [1] National bank 50 State bank El Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank • 1. Name of bank First State Bank 2. Date organized — 912-03 3. Federal reserve district Town or City New York klil)g.nty Otter Tail Date suspended 5-21-26 7 Population of town or city* SOO Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 5-21-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 222,608.87 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 24,662.88 Investments 13,529.51 W,1q 14; 4.68 All other resources $375,10-5:94 "Y/V/413 Total resources 825,000.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $81,628.94 128,726.68 $ 210,355.62 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 30,248.00 All other liabilities 13,590.51 $211,194.13 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from xv.I.Destxdpitth Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral $10,776.t4 $10,776.84 $10,776.84 100% 16,299.22 1095 75,812.88 75,812.88 ('• '..-Y-• 30,248,00 $ ' 4 . 30,248,00 : ' • e Ca—al:Ile-Pay/14341 t.,:8 !.; 1 . ' t“ ..,1'7 Total claims. .--.," ':. I !} ';, .?.77 . 405 100% Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. . .. 16,299.2. 16,299.22 188,153.441 ;15-i 9 aci. tic, /O_ORS',94 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation X Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 100% - $25,000 - 3-4-24 If so, give dates and Amounts of all assessments See Exam 12-18-24 Statutory assessment $25,000; AsseRRmpnt ordered 12-18-26 • #1238 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CIIAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 1:11 National bank M State bank o Trust company Name of State O Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • L Nameofbank Far & Mer Stste_Bank 2. Date organized 1-14-16 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or CityNew York Millabunty 3-7-24 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Qtter Tail 800 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 3-7-24 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 160,345.48 Total loans and discounts 18,157.29 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 41•MMIII , •••• MEM, Investments 1311M2..ft All other resources 213,094.90)-11://°*44 Total resources $25)000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) $36,575.52 144,456.95 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 181,032.47 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ANON ••••• =•••••••• 4,957.97 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities .1•••• $4152990.44 Total liabilities Yes 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 9-20-24 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims Per cent of loss to claims •••• Van OEM ••••• •••111, 66 2/3% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • mom.. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Depleted.reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #1143 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State IX] State bank • Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank EJ Minnesota Private bank 1. Name of bank Far le Me r Stat e Bank 2. Date organized 11-12-14 Town or City Date suspended 7-26-24 3. Federal reserve district New Ulm County Population of town or city* 7500 Member or nonmember of F. R. Syste 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Brown 7-26-24 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 541,516.39 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 39,253.37 Investments 13,500.00 All other resources 39,737.67 $634,007.43 Total resources $50,000.00 Capital 17,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $78,446.31 Time deposits, including postal savings 433,111.97 $ 511,558.28 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank •••••=••••.••••• Borrowings from other banks 14,500.00 All other liabilities 41 -0114q. 43 $1;&I,ofD43.343'4007, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Yes Date of reopening 12-6-24 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: If so give: the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None ar••••••••••••• Preferred claims None ell••••=e• General claims 35% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Decline in real estate values (Montana investments) Contributing cause X Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 50 000 - Paid 1-8-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • , #499 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCII, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State 4:1 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank Minnesota O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank State Bk of Nielsville Town or City Nielsville 2. Date organized 7-15-04 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 11-8-28 County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ - Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Polk 250 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-8-28 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 105,260.30 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 16,623.10 All other resources (6,285.13 ill $1287-1-68-7-53/34-3 Total resources ri•3g $20,000.00 Capital 5,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $37,714.15 60,937.23 $ 98,651.38 Total deposits MIM41•••••• Borrowings from F. R. bank 700 00 11,. Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 13K3 $ Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • 51.38 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total Yes If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections xmlfretrimth $7,236.00 collatera & advance (' $7,236.004 Secured claims 3,902.52 403.91 General claims... 95 4440 Pay. Gen 01-Bills 3,902.52 9,507.97 Preferred claims.. Total claims.1 1R 1 242-43 ), h , 62 tt 6 - Payments from Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $7,236.00 100% 3,902.52 100% o9,507.97 11, 44 44 11,700.00 19-,f_ 46 . 1 I 17 0 g , 10 10 . • (-1 lc 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Preferred claims in this bank not represented by deposits but are tax collections, seed grain notes, rtntals and salary for unremitted 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) DOpletd_re.sexv.e Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yea 100% - $20,000 - 12-1-26 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid 1-24-27 Statutory assessment $20,000; Assessment ordered 2-1-29 • #1204 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State LX State bank O Trust company 4, v.,• 4 4_4 LI Stock savings bank o Mutual savings bank Idinne so ta O Private bank • North Branchcounty Chisago 1. Name of bank Farmers State Bank Town or City 2. Date organized 9-3-15 11-29-26 Population of town or city* Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 800 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 11-29-26 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 37,796.21 10,314.11 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4,000.00 ON' 74 (17,228.65 Investments All other resources $er97-&36-79-9.- 11,7#f•13 Total resources 818,000.00 Capital 1,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ) $21,093.97 27,186.78 $ 48,280.75 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 3,968.98 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 249.73 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . Total claims. . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes If so give: -32830 Collections: 34,831.45 From liquidation of assets 7,590.00 From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Int On daily bal & claim 454.99 42,$ Total collections 876.44 $ 2,372.09 Payments from atairsttaingthi Total payments Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Per cent of payments to claims allowed collateral & advance Secured claims Preferred claims $4,154.49 ,4,154.49 4,275.28 4 p 275.28 36 291.86 .0e=41Xlaillats.—. _$ 0-k...did-Tire - key- - -31-968598 Total claims.. * '2_ ...z..t.:Arlet:* 241175.21 . t4< - — c $4,154.49 100% 4,275.28 1 00% V 24 175.21 36&98-- --3-9-: .9: **-t-rir'-‘---'#4 t .j ' ii.iliar.....- 66 2 ...—..., 11. Causes of suspension: • 4 Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Depleted reserve Other causes, (specify) X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture' If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension" 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended' Yes 25% - $61 250 - 4-19-24 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments $6,175 Paid 9-25-24 Statutory assessment $18,000.; Assessment ordered 7-16-27 • #1004 FEDERAL RESERVE COMNIITTEE ON I3RANCII, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 71 0 National bank a Name of State State bank O Trust company 0 Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank_re°ples State Bank 2. Date organized 9-16-12 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City North Mankateounty 2-14-27 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Blue Earth 3,200 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2-14-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 109,577.09 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 9,857.35 Investments 3,000.00 15,269.67 All other resources 137,704.11 Total resources $20,000.00 Capital 4 000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits ) $55,427.87 47,728.96 Time deposits, including postal savings $ $103,156.83 Total deposits 411=.411...M.1•101. Borrowings from F. R. bank 10,000.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 1156,83 Total liabilities /37, 7°'' if 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: 4-19-27 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Ye s the same Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims None d•111•••••• MVO Preferred claims None =ID •••• General claims 25% Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . . Total claims. .. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • #807 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State LX State bank O Trust company 82 O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Minnesota O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Security State Bank Town or ciqorth Redwo Od County edwo ad 2. Date organized 4-28-08 10-21-27 Population of town or city* 176 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 10-21-27 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts 98,782.07 7,753.20 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 12,000.00 Investments (16,281.16 All other resources Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 634.64 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** ) $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $34,202.75 90,427.24 $ Total deposits 124,629.99 ——— Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $124,C29.9a 3 . 1; 74,4. 3 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims General claims Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Yes 10-9-30 Collections: 004,617.09 From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders 9,500.00 Other collections (explain)Int on daily bal 1,064.50 $115,181.59 Total collections 9,891.56 Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed , Dividends paid from collections 402.38 $3,402.38 166.81 166.81 17,207.81 Total claims..$ , 20,777.00 Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed $3,402.3 100% a-- 166.8 100% 105,076.79 er 105,076.7 89.65% I 0 9;K qg • o--- 1 D g 6 I/6 • 90. 0" e 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary k- cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry le or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes 10 000 — 10-20-25 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Paid. 2-3— Statutory assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered 2-21-28 • 1401 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank C-1 Name of State State bank iJ O Trust company [:1 Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank o Private bank 4 1. Name of ban Northcote State Bank 2. Date organized 1-10-18 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7 Town or City 1-20-23 Northcote County Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Kittson 200 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 1-20-23 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 62,295.67 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 31722.05 Investments 13.51 /, o4 5-,792/22 All other resources 3.457,91- Total resources 10,000.00 Capital 2,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits $7,289.98 Time deposits, including postal savings 30,595.51 $ 37,885.49 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ,1•11•••=1. ••••••=11 23,500.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities $13,385.49 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. $1 : 4 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. .. General claims. . . Total claims. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Yes If so give: 11-2-29 Collections: $ 11 2 742.88 From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders 6,57F-86 Int on daily bal Other collections (explain) 464.39 $18,783.13 Total collections 315.51 Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims $79.2 $79.22 36,903.7 General claims1\ -.), Gen 31-Bills Pay*c, .-' $36,982.9 Total claims... 12,343.58 Preferred claims. .. i $79.22 100% 12)343.58 33.4% -33, i 2., Y--2-3 Collateral amounting to $32,523.56 to secure Bills Payable of $21,000.00 foreclosed upon. Balance of B.P. for $2,500.00 filed as General Claim 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Depleted reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? No If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Statutory assessment $10,000; Assessment ordered lo-29,24 #423 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El E National bank flplp Name of State State bank E] Trust company El Stock savings bank • El Mutual savings bank o Private bank Minne sota 1. Name of bank First State Bank 2. Date organized 6-1-03 3. Federal reserve district ome Town or City Nor th Date suspended 5-18-29 7 County Koochiching Population of town or city* 350 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5-18-29 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 45,289.61 Total loans and discounts 16,504.62 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 8,258.33 All other resources $70,052.56 Total resources $10,000.00 Capital 3,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ $24,498.41 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 25,539.98 Time deposits, including postal savings $ 50,038.39 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 5,000.00 All other liabilities )-1 0.4.47-/ $55,-038.:49 Total liabilities 70, 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Yes If so give: 11-1-29 the same Amount of loss Secured claims None Preferred claims None General claims cy..rt Per cent of loss to claims OM. •••• •••• ONO ..•=•••••• ONO ,ml• OM.NIM•• Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. **Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims. . . General claims. . . . • Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claim (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drought, boll weevil, etc. Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc. Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Name of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Lack of reserve & poor paper X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 50% - 45,000 - 10-5-26 - Paid. 3-4-27 100% - $10 000 - 5-25-28 Patcl 7-5-28