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421.11-6 - zank Suspensions Since , jan 1 1921 Nonmember State 13anks Florida M-S Committee on branch Group & Chain Banking FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 70 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State ZI State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FLORIDA. O Private bank 1. Name of bank_ Baker County State Bank 2. Date organized' 3. Federal reserve district Town or City MaccIenny fie7Date suspended Sep 6a 1923 6 Outside city of parent bank** 'cer Bal Population of town or city* 355 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or grpupq If so give the name ofthe chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $MS ',/. 00 , Total loans and discounts 3, la d 00.00 7a 1-'4 /.8'614 1 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments e All other resources Total resources o 0/7 77- Capital g4 000. Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ / /76 71 1 -.(o /04 c792 ‘4,674 $ Borrowings from F. R. bank ,/ 1P2'2. , . Borrowings from other banks 31 All other liabilities , 7 24,ISW Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 7ide If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. fsh, 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. r .., Preferred claims.. / 3 V.7 General claims III cro .4.____ • - I'3. 7.' 1 "`g.21 /'. o Total claims. 1111111 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed • 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (speci y ann-4/•,4707(ii/ Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments / 6e 6 0 pf2et / FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following EI 3 189 National bank State bank Name of State EI Trust company LII Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank FLORIDA. • 1. Name of bank__Citizenit_Ban of dls033--Town or City 2. Date organize er- Date suspended Madison County Madison Apr 22, 193 Population of town or city* 2,234 6 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** None • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) f3e Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $IV -57 l eS7 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts oco,an Investments All other resources , 5 797 8. " Total resources Capital 3e 000, co —l Surplus and undivided profits 94 SS 1. / Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 67 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 3,31/ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: ('mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 0 • 6 Preferred claims...14 4 4 : 9 1 114 General claims 2743- 1 1 Total claims 2.9'7.dio.94 -----712, 0 - 0 If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) • Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) . Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments C %0 it FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 83 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Ej Name of State State bank 0 Trust company 0 Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida 0 Private bank 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Madison State Bank ".34 7. 3 Date suspended ' 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Madison Population of town or city* 2234 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ HO/V 7-26-26 Si x 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank • County Madison Nv N E Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. N 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 17q.” 13t $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts ill-. 17'4 07 SS .970 7z17" Sir. 714.7, 75. 000.0 o ”. 197. Investments All other resources Total resources Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** ‘ c, 0/79 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings SO 6 1')#. $ Total deposits Al .9/v Borrowings from F. R. bank .e.cvsq.1 Borrowings from other banks b ,519 O. 0 0 . . - All other liabilities ( / 1 4 1 f.7170 _7 e Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? No If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Yts If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . General claims. .. /Otel.1, Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? ieo If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primarycause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) £t4,.4.-&t Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 4 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /0 a1L--' - Ilk FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 91 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State El State bank [1] Trust company [1] Stock savings bank LII Mutual savings bank LI Private bank Florid?, • 1. Name of bank , Bank of 7,r it1 crid 2. Date organized 3-- --26 3. Federal reserve district Six Date suspended Town or City Maitland 4-14-27 Population of town or city* Orange 453 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_WAN___ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** N /V0 Nt 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County A/e) / 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts %30./97. N Wk . 34. f67/4-0 Ok• 0 7 S 97 i• 7 g. q3 Investments All other resources Total resources /j: 0 0 0. '00 Capital 3. Surplus and undivided profits 0• 0 0 Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits 07 /i.S7 o, I( $( t i.fq3,3 thg:I 0.1. /YONE Borrowings from F. R. bank J 0 4-S,1-0 Borrowings from other banks iV0 All other liabilities E ,C4 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Pio If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 4It 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Yrs. If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 1/11 7/.? ' Secured claims.. Preferred claims.. v.3.‘‘ /cry General claims Total claims. . . 70 .,6- ,0g 6/ P_,S5 7-.6 y 4 0-7,37.11 •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims General claims Total claims . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) aip:izto Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 85 National bank Name of State M State bank LI Trust company 111 Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank Florida • 1. Name of bank Peoples Bank 2. Date organized / ." it 0 , 3. Federal reserve district I VDate suspended SIX Town or City 1:arianna 7-17-28 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent • Outside city of parent bank** 9" -7-LJ 1-49 2i 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Jackson 3089 6. Condition figures, as of (date* Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ /0 9.051 77,40,‘ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts I! 7S 7, - Investments g, All other resources 7 74 ?•.04 , Total resources 0 . .310 0 00 Capital 999,19 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ g Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ‘;‘,77 / $ /7/3.648 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank .76 Borrowings from other banks 00 9, All other liabilities / e Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • ,/ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 0 ' 1 4 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims.. If so give payments to date: (./ (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments 6.96 400 6.9v,00 ( p.f 1 Per cent of payments to claims allowed / o 0 g,3.1 , /.0 o General claims Total claims. .. 6y 6'003_7 /6•1//2•Y9 •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 7- --61 4 .13. in If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the,following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) aicr Other causes, (specif dam-lhe A4ik2.-e Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ti C v‘. • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 11T [1] National bank in Name of State State bank Trust company • Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank FLORIDA. ▪ Private bank • Citizens Bank of Mayo 1. Name of bank__ 2. Date organized Mar 15, 1906 Date suspended 3. Federal reserve district 6 Town or City Lafayette 822 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ Non Outside city of parent bank None None" 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County • ?As& 2. 1921 Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ • Mayo No May 2, 1921 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 299,512.05 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 13,650.00 Investments 242851.00 All other resources 27,026.11 365,039.16 Total resources Capital 30,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 13,946.59 Deposits: $ 4,306.48 Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 145,397.71 . 97,869 74 $ Total deposits 247,573.93 none Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 57,500.00 All other liabilities 16,018.64 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? NO If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? NoIf so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation?-YeS (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed • Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments None sho None Silo Secured claims , . Preferred claims... 216,456.70 Total claims. 70, 707.02 70, 707.02 216; 456.70 General claims Per cent of payments to claims allowed 70 p 707 .02 70, 707.02 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? NO 34 3Dr-i 34"7 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims... General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc X Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Frozen assets and low cash reserve X Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? NO If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension ? No record 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Yes levied Apr 5, 1922. If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 100% • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account* of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank a 41 4 State bank Name of State O Trust company 0 Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank Florida • 1. Name of bank First State Bank of 2 2. Date organized /' 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended a Six Town or City 8-24-27 MCint0Sh Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. Syster 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_____NO_Lel Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Marion 996 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ 62134. 0_39. Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments /6-creof /748.Me.7. All other resources Total resources ooco Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 7. /7 9. itcr cfg 7.O efi e fIt Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ / ./DC. 44 g Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from otlier banks 7.344 36 • All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening /7/, If so give: *- 44r. / 4 -7./ 7 Ad 4!.tl Attar Name under which reopened_,V-24 Loss to depositors on: Secured claims... 10.73 Amount of loss if 9" 4 " t Per cent of loss to claims • .deocosze.$ • Preferred claims. General claims..7. . 1y.e..? . 4., Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 7d0 4 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 1L 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? "2-i( If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. .. . Total claims. .. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? • -24i) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 7-te If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following fl National bank Et State bank LI Trust company LI Stock savings bank [j] Mutual savings bank [11 Private bank • 1. Name of banlatelboll_rn e State Bank 2. Date organized At714--/J 3. Federal reserve district Six Town or City//(ab Date suspended 7-29-29 County Brevard Population of town or city* 1245 Member or nonmember of F R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 914 non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 7/i/. /I. V3/. Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 67 /3 1. 5' 00 3 1t ` \c q y 1. 3,3 -C. All other resources #37. Total resources 0(9. 000. 0 0 Capital K. Surplus and undivided profits 27 7. 7 o Deposits: $ Due to banks** 14. g7g•ik6 Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits g fl 0./ if.9( $ "F4.12-7.1.7 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks Iry /S‘ ‘,3 NoN4 . All other liabilities 3 7. Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened ) a •-e41 1-44114411 Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims.. afee. .-0642.4...A.P-1 Preferred claims../g -77-‘49--s. 1. Ale , ---7 Per cent of loss to claims .... etz-. 01-a e 0-7,-,A-4 ,. dtg-A7-44 General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 4 --. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims General claims. .. Total claims. ... 10. Ha this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Secured claims. .. . Preferred claims General claims. . . Total claims. . .. .. 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? Ito AL- If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ip FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 148 fl National bank Name of State X] State bank 0 Trust company LI Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida 0 Private bank S 1. Name of bank Merchants S 2. Date organized 12- -4I-,,-c' 3. Federal reserve district Town or Cityllelbourne Date suspended 7.45-29 Six County Brevard Population of town or city* 1245 Member or nonmember of F. R Systern_AIL__ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. N . 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) jt--( 1 1— 1911 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ iC 9.5' Vgi 1. 37 qj1t.220- 00 / Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 31/ 6. . - All other resources N9/0.7 Total resources o. o 00. 00 / 7- 417.70 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits v6.1pi.1 6 ) 7q7.00 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits "$ Nosi Borrowings from F. R. bank J.5:000. 00 Borrowings from other banks AloNE All other liabilities / Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? / 4 g 0 7 74 NO • .t7 0.7Iq— If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. Nü 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which takeri over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Yti If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims. ... Preferred claims... / , 1,0--A..1./ sisit6.7 0 f General claims. . . . i o li,ev‘L/ g6I. 63 o Total claims. . .. 4-7. 1 s:)3 6 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank 135_ Name of State Ecl State bank O Trust company 0 Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of ,Allapattah 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or Ci ate suspended Feb 4, 1928 Population of town or city* 6 Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • caamik Allapattah County_DEltie None zone 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1562700 6. Condition figures, as of(date*)Lti Ye Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ ‘ 072-, P5 9 ‘ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 341/. All other resources Total resources / Ta' 1 /0 Capital 000.00 ,5411,A Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 4* cr 6.01 Time deposits, including postal savings $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank / 0 7. I k(i.7 1-471( -e/ 1 / Borrowings from other banks / 3. 0 All other liabilities 0)/-0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? /1.,0 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims General claims. ... 71 a70. bi7/11 9.4<9/,4 /, -i / v SI / , g. 1 ) 7 c1•d 70-V-7 ?- V1/ J7 , Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent(Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? )1..4) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? %:" If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 200 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following fl National bank Name of State 52 State bank El Trust company El Stock savings bank El nom Mutual savings bank LI Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Bay Biscayne Town or City Llian County Dade 2. Date organized t2 ji4g76Date suspended' i-opulation of town or city* 156,700 Tune 11 193a ' 6 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None None • Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group No * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. le, /7 6. 'Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts eS- 13 /2'9. £7/S2..7c •‘07.Y.67,84 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments \ 1\ af3 All other resources Total resources 00 000. O. Capital /0.53.7 77. , , Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** t7al/ $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ./1‘10035 1 g. Total deposits f6.4741_ $ /0. ;SY/grad Borrowings from F. R. bank • 3064. 000,o0 547,74 /X.773 3,04,V2 • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 41410 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total de-g_ 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed i Secured claims 44/44 4 .A .4-tdi Preferred claims.. 7 A .44A..', .4 -,f Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed , . I 4-4 .hit I General claims Total claims. . . _ If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: • From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims.. General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund . 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /o . • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 199 O National bank Name of State 0 State bank kt] Trust company O Stock savings bank FLORIDA [j] Mutual savings bank 0 Private bank • Biscayne Trust Co 1. Name of bank__ 2. Date organized/by Town or City 4791/5t Date suspended "ne 3. Federal reserve district 6 Miami County_ 11, 193 ctopulation of town or city* 156,700 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Dade No Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate $ q <630, _333. o J3.71 Other $i, 3'3 Total loans and discounts V. 103.177. i/0 6Iy 07,1.0g / 01./". 0 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts I Investments All other resources Total resources 1bO. 0 OD. 0 0 Capital 7. Sy. 0 8 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: 2-1 $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 17 1.0 J/ / .610/ Time deposits, including postal savings , 02, '-11L 2 9J./ 73 $ 1,77.‘ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 31/051-Z Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities i• Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? /1.../12 *, 66.74 ./.1 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? , Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Dividends paid from collections Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed , / Secured claims. .. . Preferred claims.. 44 1-.L. . 4 4 4 Al f ../41 4 i .. Af 4 / .4e,. 414 , 4 1„ / ..L..... / / General claims. ... Total claims. . .. It I. , . If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims . General claims. . . . Total claims. ... _ Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contribtiting causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) .44-11/ Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the 12i bank suspended? /o If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /7;c5 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following (171, O National bank Name of State • State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank FLORIDA 0 Mutual savings bank O Private bank • Citizens Bank of laami 1. Name of bank_ Date suspended 2. Date organized 74r/926 14A 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Feb 4, 1928 Population of town or city* Nbne Outside city of parent bank** None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ • Miami Dade 156,700 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) S%.. octi /91,g Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ /7.3. Arg. 79' Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 0 AC: Oe Investments do 0 ÷1-7 JP/MS'V 7 All other resources /'2-j. Total resources /Bo.0o . Capital 1'0 -000. 00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: 1/5:33 $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings It9 7.1 4e,..s:39 $ Af 05 4 -.3X 39 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ‘0 744ref3 , Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 31 / 4 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. .. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from ' guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 6.0nS.64- 1 5:00845 Preferred claims.. . '7 7 '. 7 . S9 (4 . General claims. ... 97 bog07 /0 / (/ Total claims... . /014/4,7 I_ iSZ•14 / S/ liquidated? •10. Has this bank been finally Date liquidation was completed r7--'46 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. General claims. . . . Total claims. ... Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • e,ei"-c,.e,ce. /1 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following I'7) 0 National bank 0 State bank a Name of State Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Flortda O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Colonial Bank & Trust Co.Town or City 2. Date organized 6-i/ 3. Federal reserve district Six Date suspended 7-11-29 Population of town or city* None Outside city of parent bank** 7 1-15-"rksz/ 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ • Miami Dade 156 700 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts gg as', 3/ f4eo.o $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 3/o.oc All other resources itt- 74 0 11. 'Y Total resources Capital pops Surplus and undivided profits t 4Oa00 Deposits: Due to banks** 13 774: ' Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 7' 6 4- 1 40 4 1'• Time deposits, including postal savings /404.14.1' Total deposits 7/0, 53 $gP‘ Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? /. i i7c) 7 3 33 ) If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Dividends paid from collections 7cf.hiviki6 7 ottp.IDI Preferred claims... General claims. . . . YO 141/0. 1 1 1Total claims... . 2- g 71 7/0 Total payments 6cillo 7 o/L .6 I ItAn.ui .0( 66. IV7 Secured claims 10. Has this bank been fiially liquidated? " Per cent of payments to claims allowed / 00 0 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Dividends paid from collections Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims. . .. Total claims. — 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) . Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? ) / 1A If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? I p0 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State O State bank A Trust company O Stock savings bank Di Mutual savings bank FLORIDA O Private bank 1. Name of bank Fidelity Bank & Trust Co 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district County 'Dade Town or City INDate suspended 1487 19 1921Population of town or city* ' 6 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_144— , 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ None • Outside city of parent bank** one 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 156,700 170 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) g -&1- 7 - Loans and discounts: On real estate $ 374igt j./ Other Total loans and discounts ‘.2'..( 4 $ 3.949. jr/ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments /4 497A 5 -00 7‘, fLi_7 4 All other resources 3 Total resources 4—/-g-43.—‘)* o oo. go //P g S. t i ACO / Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ /44, Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 7‘7,ft. Time deposits, including postal savings 94 10./0 1 $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 71.04a. , 3• Borrowings from other banks 47-07 21 43.Z.74 All other liabilities 3, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? _746 4,45.i/t.‘s) 36..00 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: 4.2 Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over 917 -1%d4./ -t41. gx-e_ -7•Ae Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims.. General claims Total claims. . . •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. .. Preferred claims . General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent(Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) 4 ae.442,t:f..Lt. -6-12,1A-41 c- Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments c/L1,< tAllaA, fel/ _.44444"Aq_ ff*It__},dA-q —A4 -Ay r a4ADftt Au,v,z) --at244AA, • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 4)g, Otis 1 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State DI State bank pg Trust company LI Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank FLORIDA • Flagler Bank 1. Name of bank__ & Trust Co , /s-2,74Date suspended l 2. Date organized 7eek. Town or City 1Aami County 14ay 22, 1928_ ropulation of town or city* Dade 156,700 6 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** • one 170 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1-14 21 / -6 -4 - 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) /77-g fi/./ Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 3. Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments I V\ All other resources _5" 006.49 0_ . :0, I'M 40 a L.5_41 _k.lo• 66 4.97• Total resources Capital 450s,0 0 0.00 Surplus and undivided profits 2.0.573e 9 f Deposits: Due to banks** $__44 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings -3:544 3t 44s. 977, va fP9 Total deposits $ /6 ?. Borrowings from F. R. bank o 7e. 99t 7 42(4,4,4 Borrowings from other banks /0- 000.00 All other liabilities Ai3e. 6 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? " . ""k 97 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 246 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured /O. elevo.a claims Dividends paid from collections /0.0oe.00 ,9., 2 / 1 .5 7- 9.lir , Preferred claims.. 79Y. 74 . General claims.. . M.37%3V Total claims... /36-6114 77 10. Payments from guaranty fund Total payments /O 0 /40 C2 ay' -4 'VS 9- • 4411'6° 5- Has this bank been finally liquidated? 07443 Per cent of payments to claims allowed If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims. . . Total claims.. . . _ Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) . Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments , • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 201 O National bank Name of State O State bank Trust company O Stock savings bank O FLORIDA Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank norida Title & Trust Co 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district 0/ ate suspended 6 Town or City Mi -ami Mar 8, 1930 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_None • Outside city of parent bank** None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Dade 156,700 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) ) 7C L-av f it Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments Aff:a ao. Do All other resources 47. 1,0 j/ Total resources / 3O /ie. o oo• 00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks if. 30 • All other liabilities (01. 3-0 1/'9, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 740 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: ounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. ... Dividends paid from collections . I / 141 Preferred claims Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed / t.I/AL-.. ....LA_.:-' General claims. . .. Total claims. ... 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? fi If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /d . 27/ /f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 210 O National bank Name of State O State bank 0 Trust company • Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank City Bank of Miami Ilaanh 2. Date organized 7-31-30 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended 12-23—RO 6 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System none Outside city of parent bank** • Miami "R flach County none 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 20 • DAfie 6494 no 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Y- 1/ - "2 ?-a2 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other , $ k/4.1 /1-/t. Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Gpei-i.o‘f Investments All other resources 3.3 -7 ?.3 919.S(v. -2/ Total resources / 0 0, Capital /• 7 Surplus and undivided profits 0 _ 0 0 3. 0 Deposits: I. 3cri. 03 Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits g 0 • ID I• 3 o 03 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ 136 S?Sif q Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks /0..0/96- 6 0 • All other liabilities gl.‘g Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening I — Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: j"---2 - v9 If so give: I e..L#1, Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims..... d -C4-0-6/4 eil/' a-A. et-e • - 2 General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. .. . Preferred claims.. General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. _ If so give: •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims... General claims. . .. Total claims. .. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O 190 National bank Name of State O State bank DEI Trust company El Stock savings bank FLORIDA, O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • Miami Beach Bank & Trust Co 1. Name of bank_ 2. Date organize , 7' //WDate suspended 0 3. Federal reserve district Town or City L1. lard Beach June 11, 1930 Population of town or city* 6 Dade 2,342 Member or nonmember of F R. System Non 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate $ Other 0 qi. 411 \ 4L /S0.71 f, 27,0 • $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments )11 +61 All other resources Total resources 4)-1/42/) 3 ar 13 0 600. 6 1 V-. 984 9,r /7 0. 00 7f i5o. o 00.00 Capital i/-6/ 1071. Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: 6.352-./6 /9I6. D 7ff..(0 / 0. o”.6.1 $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $ Total deposits 1.7-, 7 )/1/tryt,tY Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks IAhi f3e: i7 - All other liabilities 1.76'.“ 0.0 0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 1 / ) 1/ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed A .„„i - Secured claims.. Preferred claims... Dividends paid from collections ./ _AL _..- , I' .., ,// ... Payments from guaranty fund ,, Ir ..d..6.-...... ---lea—et/ Total payments e —_ Per cent of payments to claims allowed -..a_ ..• -.........11h. -an . ' General claims. ... Total claims. . .. If so give: 10. • Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims. .. . Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name retAA-4 Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? i 0 k If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. • Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Ej National bank Name of State Z] State bank fl Trust company [I] Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank Flo.rida. 1=1 Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Mica op y Banking Co. .n - 3. Federal reserve district Town or City - 04, Date suspended 12-30-27 Six MicanoPY Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System. 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Alachua 740 y7-7 6. Condition figures, as of (date*)_il Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $_,ZCZ.0 t. Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4eao,co Investments All other resources 174(-0—# " z 7_7a Total resources 0.cC Capital Surplus and undivided profits 3.000. o 0 Deposits: Due to banks** ,7 6_ /4-37 , Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ..5g xi/3.7v . Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? '746 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments ttle, . -41 11-4 .L / 4 . . Secured claims. .. . _ Preferred claims... -111_ General claims. . .. • --- --i-- -------:----." 7 . 7ij Li o1 Li 6. 3 3.7 Total claims. Per cent of payments to claims allowed liquidated? •10. Has this bank been finally Date liquidation was completed 1.449 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from . collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments •. Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total claims.. . - Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) .. Other causes, (specify). Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? " 74.12 -- If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State E1 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of banicBn k of Moore Jiaven Town or City Moore Haven county Glades 3-- 4 , 2. Date organized 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended $ 7-19-26 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 705 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) / /74 k6 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 7-/. 7 y 1- Pi/. et \-\ Investments All other resources /$o.39'J tr3 2,3.0 7-0„5) Total resources • Capital 7:.5 000•0 ' 70 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings leo 9 b Y3. 36 /11 3 / 743 2 Total deposits $ e11%Sf, Borrowings from F. R. bank . Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities /, 6 7- 3.0 7,0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 7o 6• -vo —744 31/ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process orliquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Secured claims 4-i-.53 5 // / 3. S‘7 Preferred claims.. PG. 76.02,3.a& - 02,3. ei 4 General claims.. . 41418 1.3 Total claims.. . s.? ft). Hr l Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Y4 , / dt.D ...)..,.g /aa 114414 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: i (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims General claims. . . . • Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such'supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 61 7e If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments -1_4?,s,,,ietL,4J9i.7 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank Name of State State bank • Trust company • Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank FLORIDA • Private bank • 1. Name of bank Everglades State Bank 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Moore Haven Date suspended Nov 26; 1922 Population of town or city** 6 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Member or nonmember of F. R System None Outside city of parent bank** • None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. *5 Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Glades No 705 WV, - V 7/- 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ /2.3 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts / ‘7 4 / 14A t-e--• i doo. 00 i Investments /g,1,5- a i7z 7 All other resources Total resources Capital /4o 'o Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits 7iff, 7 ‘11 /3 Time deposits, including postal savings /171 Due to banks** Total deposits $gç;::74 ri Borrowings from F. R. bank 98'! 72' /2,37 _Lz42 Lñ ) Borrowings from other banks 05 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 17A,I2 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? T Ô /. If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims. . .. Total claims. . .. „46 3g,72,0.04Z i 7 0- a •v, .3Z77-0.cs• /74544 a V 4 45- If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc ,y Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 0 10 a -4-z-z' -0 70-y- I /97-iZ ID FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following uc O National bank Name of State It] State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FLORIDA. O Private bank • 1. Name of bank First BarAk 2. Date organized,16'. 3. Federal reserve district Town or City 6 Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ .11021e . Outside city of parent bank** none 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Glades • /9/7Date suspended Oct 17, 1922 Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank • Moor e Haven 170 705 6. Condition figures, as of(date*)sZkil,_ q /k/V Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts I. 3 "712 $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments . 2).Y\ , / All other resources 2-0 t. • 378. .317.-6/ Total resources 1/.. 000.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: /.54• VI./ VO v 43f. .7 / j'; 04-g. I ‘ $ /1/. Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $ 7/L 7 40 .76 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank (6.ii-.6..e.(9 Borrowings from other banks lqAti/LEY All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? (it.) If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) v Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... .. .. Preferred claims General claims. . . . /// V. Total claims. . .. 7'/ z a ‘..5-..95.-77. . . 29 -9 42-5- 77.59. •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? ___keZ i 7 4, If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. .. . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) . Other causes, (specify) • Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ;3 /9'. • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 20 O National bank Name of State 3:1 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Floridp. • Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Monticello Town or City Montic ello County Jeffer son / 2 -3 2. Date organized 3. Federal reserve district V`-fil S Date suspended 7-17-26 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System_ %/1/tYNJ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • Zvi/Lc/ 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1776 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 7.382gv3 1,c , $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts........... Investments All other resources Total resources 742', 957 42 ,, 00 psv I 0. 62.7.1e Capital VS0 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 7,-1 / 1/./krik.67 Time deposits, including postal savings V7 4 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank V‘(•.7 )11 1 )4A/ • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilitic 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening .eS ) 1 7 ‘7 1' Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims )! Preferred claims. .04a. of A.ZAL . • ‘7 9 3 General claims.. Total.. * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. General claims Total claims. . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims.. General claims. . .. Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) . Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused. the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /0070 A44.241.411-.4 ItAi uja AU& .5 , • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 117 O National bank Name of State IN State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Mount Dora 2. Date organize /jig 7'S 3. Federal reserve district 6 Date suspended Town or City . Mt Dora County Aug 10, 1928_ Population of town or city* 1,179 Member or nonmember of F R. System_ 0/471-ki 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__None Outside city of parent bank** • None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Lake No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other ( .‘7. 1 Total loans and discounts ‘,0_?o J o 9.00 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 69 - Investments 22 g•‘%,0 All other resources $2 • Total resources Capital k )4 o 0 ô 0. 0 0 22. o Surplus and undivided profits HA Deposits: $ Due to banks** Vi1 -0. 1/-2 / -- S9.6 c9. Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 13'/ Time deposits, including postal savings 2-07.37J.7 $ Total'deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks J 4 17,9.7 hst-3A..t/ • • )1 al'ue./ , I O. /S- ,0 0 All other liabilities V Total liabilities go 7. Has this bank been reopened? At__ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: -' 4 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? ) 1) Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections 5.r.f(60./0 Secured claims Preferred claims.. 33794tst,i0 651 3.?qr. f $e 41.6 9 I. Payments from guaranty fund 7 liAr- 7 ,0 , -e,obau. Laza 4 Total payments 4.4.,t4,4.44a- Per cent of payments to claims allowed .2) 0 , .... General claims Total claims. . . 411 4.40 //19.11.R. t 7 q.q If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims. . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) 1110, Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? D0 7a If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments ad_Le.. 7/ /f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State Ell State bank O Trust company LI Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Mount Dora 2. Date organized Date suspended 7-15-2E' 9— i — l' 1 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Ifinunt Dora SiT: County Lake Population of town or city* 1179 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group 9 / 1 14 * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. -4Z4-a4AA./ 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) / Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 1. $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts /30. / 0 0 0 0 Investments Gik.10 1L87.82.t.84 2 &C All other resources Total resources Capital 0i)0•00 q. Surplus and undivided profits 97 Deposits: $ Due to banks** 2 1.(91.49 / Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits SS,(331 Time deposits, including postal savings ..9.6- 667.K 0. Total deposits $ 47..efqii- 0. ? Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks )4,0-nil All other liabilities /..92-7.0)4.04 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening /914 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: -V/ A4 GLY---0‘11 . • Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims..` 1%est,i lGeneral claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. Ili S. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims. . . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name). 11C.A4e,ieui Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 50 O National bank Name of State gg State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Mulberry 2. Date organized Town or City Mulberry / —74 197 Date suspended 7 -17 9 -2 3. Federal reserve district Six 464 Population of town or city* 1. Member or nonmember of F R System_ nOn 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank______1( 3.. 2Pe Outside city of parent bank** • 71-0--)-•-a-) 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Polk 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts- $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4 3,M. 1 1-1 /P, 70a. ô 0 Investments /,‘,7e1o.a o 9,5:449.SF \-+ All other resources Total resources -7k2-7k9i_74 Capital 37-C7f,29 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ / 4-77-147 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 1/C)-/ /j,4 1.ere) Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ .571407;0 Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 3, 7 ao...0 774-,92-f. 76 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: _54/, Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Secured clai . ,, • /1!<44 rhT4.4 .. Preferred claims / Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims $ 1/144 0a3ito • , General claims.. Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims S . Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? 74-40 If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? L- 2t-e) If so give: - Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) , g-r-493e-vti ' Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture . What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? 1 1440 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Li National bank Name of State El State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank 1. Name of bank Bank of Oakland Town or City Oakland County Orange /3- 7 2. Date organized /Z 917 Date suspended 7 17-26 ."" ' 3. Federal reserve district Population of town or city* 348 Member or nonmember of F R System S 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 14.41- 1.1_ 4 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ /50.fel 7/ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments n\ I /DO • 0 0 a/ All other resources / 7.4 / , 1 34 Gt i• Total resources Capital 1.000. 0 Surplus and undivided profits /1. oo Deposits: Due to banks** ia s ?. P24 3q L. Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits s" /;#• al' • a Time deposits, including postal savings ..9x-7. o o Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 6 -741112 •%—e-p -1 , • Borrowings from other banks /6.,524•72/ _f/.642 7 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to dep sitors on: JO eferre Amount of loss —6LAAA- --171-444A-4-te,444,11. Per cent of loss to claims $ 94A-n.v General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims.. . General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund .„ r - Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failureof large debtor (Name) of Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? / 0 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • -01-42AFAI.k -4/Atled // ,'q2t. • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following fl National bank Name of State [1] State bank Li Trust company Stock savings bank FLORID LII Mutual savings bank Private bank • Metropolitan Savings Bark 1. Name of bank_ 24 2. Date organizedA, t 3. Federal reserve district qi3 Date suspended Town or City Ocala Sep 27 1928 , 6 6 721 Population of town or city* ' Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • One None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Couhty Ega'bon Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) ,1 4 / / Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ ‘f, .0/4/, 77 6 _CC 6, 6 . le. 6.57 - Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments All other resources Total resources Capital j•-'.6000 00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings W.04 , .5.0,021,76 7, 4 4'7.-3- 7 75 $ fi Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank /C fit• 21Z • : . Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities r_kfo. go Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been'taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on:. Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Dividends paid from ' Payments from collections guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 0 . Preferred claims... 79,D.17,"h' General claims. . Total claims. .. ) I4 e 2-7, 112 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total claims. ... Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? L*A0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments D ve, f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following [11 National bank Name of State .n State bank ▪ Trust company [I] Stock savings bank FLORIDA Mutual savings bank • Private bank • Bank of Ocoee 1. Name of bank__ 2. Date organized4e.20 /?/ 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended j111Y 6 Member or nonmember of F. R. System Outside city of parent bank** None_ None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County °ranEe 10, 1928 _ Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank • Ocoee No 771 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) f ' er Loans and discounts: On real estate Other fo/52-. / Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts /,. J.0,100,0 0 67179/ 14.1:33_ Investments All other resources Total resources /-1:19 ea. e. 1 Capital Surplus and undivided profits c: 6- o Deposits: Due to banks** 7V7 ' $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings g/ /r,r7.46V7 e . $ /Oa. c. --()C, Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 39.(57414,/o • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities /7/ Total liabilities 7. I-Ias this bank been reopened? Date of reopening V -3 If so give: Q147. / Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: /570 Secu, il 5claims ); Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Pre erre c 11 "f""11 aims General claim 1'1,4 )IA AL€A.-1-1 Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 1,te 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? l' C 42 If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed _ Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... — General claims. . .. Total claims. .. . •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? ,l'eP If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders • Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims. . . General claims Total claims. . . . — Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)....... Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 0 ftwx_o , ga,Sar " 44 1 /1 .411/t • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 81 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank Name of State 1E1 State bank LI Trust company 111 Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank Florida El Private bank • Town or City Okeechobee 1. Nameofbank Bank of Okeechobee County Okeechobee h/17 2. Date organized 6/0 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 6--L-0 Six Population of town or city*_2320 Member or nonmember of F R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 'h-ervLsz 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 7c2f r7 7 Vy.IC 734. 73 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts t. Investments 33. All other resources g_ 9)7.oi Total resources Liii. Capital Surplus and undivided profits 70. 9)-17. Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 9f17'/7 7v0.01._gs7,29.‘9 Total deposits I / $ 9/ ; 174 Borrowings from F. R. bank /e0. Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 17- 357; Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? .og' • 7 7.40 0 917- 09 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. . Preferred claims.../436. isGeneral claims. . . Total claims. .. • • • -7- •• gz.54 7-6.o741. •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 7 If so give: * -0 -11 Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims. . General claims. ... Total claims Dividends paid from collections • Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) ,r Other causes, (specify).... Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments / • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 154 Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank Name of State State bank El Trust company LI Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank Floridq 1. Name of bank_k_e_0_111e_a Bnnk of 2. Date organized 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Six wn or City 6-6-29 Okeechobee Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_NOrie Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County.Okeechobee 1920 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other ‘ $ 72.6 9 Total loans and discounts /e. aos. Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 3 d‘c.26 - All other resources ‘ 6 •M 7' Total resourcesft'2,577.S . S Capital /00.4000., 0 V 7.3.m,/6 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ //, 7 1fr: g9 Due to banks** Demand deposits, including If. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 7t /19 2) /. /D-7,76 /. $ 3 5 52,e)7 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 3. • /3 7, All other liabilities , ()l 627 fer Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? —740 O.oo If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Ccrndition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • -e; 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims.. /3/214 41.0 6 ,_ General claims. .. Total claims • d — 0 . 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Li) If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims.. General claims. ... Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? %We If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /o If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments e /21 -7 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 130 O National bank Name of State [4 State bank • Trust company O Stock savings bank FLORIDA • Mutual savings bank O Private bank • Church Street Bank 1. Name of bank_ 2. Date organized 3. Federal reserve district • Town or City /97-3Date suspended Jan 6 Orlando Member or nonmember of F. R. Systen-i_ Outside city of parent bank** J.S one 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. *5 Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Orant;e 28) 1928 Population of town or city* 22 255 , • 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None • County 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ / Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts ,°\5 Investments ‘6744,5-e-2 o , All other resources /74t-,1/ ,7 7 - Total resources Capital , .570 oa el.0 Surplus and undivided profits /.57cle - Deposits: Due to banks** O4'5C $ Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 15‘1 1 1 714.1-6. 1 " Total deposits $ Borrowings from F. R. bank 1 g5-444lS7. 41 1 14.6 1-444—, Borrowings from other banks f7: All other liabilities • 00d.o o 449...1 .5-7 - Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? .7 -'," ?- If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • S. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Secured claims. . . (to L •1/75s— a.2..ft/7, As— '40 0 Preferred claims.. IS/. O f 7 /., <1 i 2 11 C k, 4e Payments from guaranty fund Total payments s..6........ 0: /8.3L6.if General claims. .. ' Per cent of payments to claims allowed 77.ft31 a 0 : 1 Total claims. . . F 74 V09. 9,e1 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed _ Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments oo /f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 215 O National bank Name of State Li State bank Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida, O Private bank • 1. Name of bank__()_rlardct__Bank_&__T,r3iat_c.o__Town or City Orlando 2. Date organized 4-5-06 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 7-3-30 6 Population of town or city!' 27,330 Member or nonmember of F R. System_noll 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group *. Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Orange No , 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) ? 3-2 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ I. 00 7”./ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts i.0/.1$ 8.7 Investments 670. /07-.. 67 All other resources VC II . -LE—a- 999. Total resources / /00.000•00 Capital 2,7- 2.. Surplus and undivided profits Z. 7 - Deposits: Due to banks** $ /-5- jc7f o 1 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 7 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ /..ckq ,gtf-ZZ Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks gig• o.00 All other liabilities 9f. Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? kt.t) If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 1-1A0 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments .. Secured claims. . . . / . 4.0. / Per cent of payments to claims allowed r / , - ,, .., / Preferred claims... General claims. .. . Total claims. ... 11 0 If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims General claims. Total claims _ Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Decline in real estate values. Contributing cause , Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) A Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following El National bank gi State bank 1_6G Name of State O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Orlando Commercial Bank Town or City Orlando 2. Date organized 2 3-2-7 Date suspended 5-13-29 3. Federal reserve district Six Population of town or city* 22,255 Member or nonmember of F. R System__ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Orange 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts /7q9, $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts S. / ft -4/ Investments o q. 200• t'3 11 All other resources Total resources k 31.3( q g. Capital /0 0 0 0 0 00 7 .2-(9 1 0.07 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 3‘a• / 1161.12 iq Total deposits 44N E Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks / All other liabilities a-_‘ gaI. / 1 7 4 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 7. No 6. J If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? N If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? YES If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed ____ Secured claims. . . /4575- ft-s-Y_____2— p93. 7s2 )) Preferred claims.. General claims i,o.6 ..5V8.1 71./1 ,- Total claims. .. 410 kg.81— /0 a D 4,Z la.1‘ .3v 4 73 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. General claims Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) / 141-1/•0 % "' 74 ivi.4xv tzt , 104 ..41-ex1 7A1 114 1/ Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • 41.444.4.44 or agriculture? / -J 1A1 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Ac/ FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 167 National bank Name of State O State bank LE Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • $tge 1. Name ot Dan Bank of Orlando & TrustTprf or City Orlahdo 2. Date organized/P- 7 f.3 Date suspended 2 — 3. Federal reserve district Six Population of town or city* 22,255 8-5-29 Member or nonmember of F. R. SystemAgWM4LLIe( 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ None Outside city of parent bank** • / -4 1 -YN-31-1 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Orange 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 37:Li --3 4 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 3 1 1\ 3 vd. s e, All other resources Total resources 3. 1 0. 4 5.e3.4/0 Capital /ea 000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 2 /34.139'. 4s" Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits /VP7d. /• Yin-.lie,10 k0A0P,61. $2..iff.r /2 /41 4 Borrowings from F. R. bank 239,9aS9• Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 5.7r.r.57 " 41.03.461? 1, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? -144) If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 24.9 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund %Fa Secured claims.. Preferred claims...149-121Y•0 Total payments 0 %.,.. 1 ______ ...."2-2.....................i7 -el 11 / 0 0 General claims. .. Total claims. .. Per cent of payments to claims allowed a5g 4s:33 0 • If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund • Secured claims. Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims. Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent(Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments / *0 0 90 .2et ,.4--4?-lite. /S7If • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 1 r - Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State I ) State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Bank of Ormond. 1 — 3. Federal reserve district 7 ,-5‘ Date suspended Town or City 7-25-29 Six Ormond County VOlUSia Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of,each outside branch at time of suspension. - 1852 non 6. Condition figures, as of (date* Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts .7.9on.00 3a , Investments /7 .0 7-7-.00 ,3a.agb- , 77 I All other resources _c3.1q37/3 " Total resources /17- Capital /7 71 /0 , 30- DoO.6 0 Surplus and undivided profits 6fo.34 Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings AiaOs_7./ f 6- , ef 74 5- 1 4 /. Total deposits 9 $ /11 - 7179 Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 1f If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections General claims.. . . Total payments V1.9i4./4 Secured claims.... Preferred claims... Payments from guaranty fund 620 Z.O 93.0 L X.O 93. 06,_ /0 0 86,•414. is /7, 4S (1 Total claims. .. . /0.81cT?4 h_. Per cent of payments to claims allowed - o , 2 43.6 4/• 3.511.4 4 If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (spe ify).. .4414,444,0 4-. 40.44441 e--Zo1 Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments o /f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank A 182 Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank :FLORIDA O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Oviedo 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district 6 Member or nonmember of F R. System_ Outside city of parent bank** None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Seminole ate suspendedJan 152 1930 Population of town or city* 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ • Oviedo Town or City No 635 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 4 79 1 7g : le 4000.00 , 4 14. o Investments DO 0 .00 era All other resources Total resources /or /44.19% /1 Capital 400, 0 972 - Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ 974-5g - Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits .4_a Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits /7. $ /2 Pea7J . Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks AC75Caa All other liabilities //6 7 5-14 /84-S97./1 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. 44 Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 71.--, 0 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Secured Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed /.s":14Z9 /,e 2.4y0g 5I9 1-3. g ki4/5- .if 3 claims Payments from guaranty fund Preferred claims... General claims ' Total claims I' , • I 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? —7.-w•-6 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims General claims. Total claims. . , • 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? —21,0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /v i 74, / • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. . Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 100 El National bank Name of State M State bank I=1 Trust company LI Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank Florida • East Florida Savings & Trust Co. 1. Name of bank_ Town or City Palatka .: --2. Date organized -9 /.7 /OrDate suspended 9-1527 3. Federal reserve district Six Population of town or city* 7208 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None • Outside city of parent bank** 91..Arnsai 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Putnam 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 77.. 8/0, Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts / Pir.fad.00 Investments All other resources /S/.e-4/1fy Total resources Capital —/e -a. 35- Vt.3‘ Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 42 2///. l<014 1 /62'. Total deposits $ fA./4101v "744-vc-C. Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks , 30 03 All other liabilities /17"r,5:4 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: • ounts in dollars) Claims allowed I '1.79v.67 /3. Secured claims. . Preferred claims... General claims.. .. Dividends paid from collections 7-.1q.7.17/.0 7!to o..51 Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed /o0 1 , 7.1/-00.5, 17. 1/-2/2/.11-.( 07.1 /Y.'kg 1 00 VD 331-.64 Gi Total claims. .. . bflt.30-46 this bank been finally liquidated? 10. • Has Date liquidation was completed ° to 01° 4S,9 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Prefetred claims General claims Total claims • 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /007o GIAL.14,4tArvittA,a If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 5 /f • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 4 7)1 , 6 O National bank Name of State • State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • East Florida Savings & Trust Co. 1. Name of bank 2. 17 9•3 : ate organized1 -4 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Date suspended Six 7-21-26 Outside city of parent bank** Population of town or city* 7208 )1A-yue/ -171-7/1.e/ 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Putnam Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ • Palatka 20, 92 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other (4-e7(3.3I/. Total loans and discounts I 0. 073- 0 0 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments oi All other resources 1130.1 / 461, Total resources 36' L.60. V90. 00 Jo. 120. e Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 31. / 87. 47 1.12-6./ G 3.3 .T7741.q o Time deposits, including postal savings ri 7.0 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank )1111 . 11-e/ Borrowings from other banks 103.9 J O. .0 0 00 All other liabilities I.OJ 0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening f.31 -k 9;i If so give: a., 7, /79'7 Name under which reopened Zei,47. Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims 1-"leAki 21;0. AZ;60-1—el referred cl Gen i claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. Preferred claims.. General claims. . — Total claims. .. — 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) 6(A-4,IZ Other causes, (specify e.4t,a-u Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? 4110 Ar If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /00 fo --/A4-4--e--44 /1444444- If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State O State bank MI Trust company O Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Palatka Bank 2. Date organized —15— >4 ) 4 3. Federal reserve district P- Trust On.Town or City Palatka. Date suspended Six 7 -15 6 -2 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Putnam 7208 .71 --61-4 (---- 6. Condition figures, as of (date* Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ d; it/‘/ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2. 7i7 97 1 .6 Investments ..00.6' a g 253 7 1 . 7 3 3-0 All other resources Total resources Ova. ao Capital Surplus and undivided profits 44 4 Deposits: Due to banks** $ 4 56"/g. , 7 V. 4 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 2es /3 7 Time deposits, including postal savings 6 1 7 / Total deposits $ Borrowings from F. R. bank Y.51 F 7- 1 2, 91444.e-. 34000.00 Borrowings from other banks 3t44,53 1 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? -ed./ If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopene Loss to depositors o : 0 0 Secured cl ims..:.... Amount of loss 4, , 1..4teAt Pr2ee1,c,4l Gene": aim . Per cent of loss to claims .444177,-142 , -07v -teZ1v?? , * Condition items shou • be as of sate of usp sin, 1 po le, otherwise as s t e last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' chec s, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. General claims. .. Total claims. . . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed — -- Secured claims. . Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims. . . . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name)2e-ar 4-' 0 Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry 110 or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /0 P If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments A5:192 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following Si O National bank Name of State O State bank III Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FlQxida.a O Private bank • i. Name of bank Fitst Bank & Trust Co. 2. Date organized 1 — 3. Federal reserve district -3'4.- Town or City Palm Beach County Palm Be ac' 3a1 Date suspended 3-8-27 SiX 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank 214 , ) - Le )1h/11 If 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1150 Member or nonmember of F. R. System/ Outside city of parent bank** • Population of town or city* / 92 - 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and .discounts 3 $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 80. Do J r7. 7.7.r. I.7/1 10'.oi 11.02, Investments /11 All other resources Total resources 0. 0 19.c. S g3.( 7 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** el.9 ‘o. 92 $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Timedeposits, including postal savings 24, . 3 2,3,?cr . 7 Total deposits $///4.24/' Borrowings from F. R. bank • r)t4,7 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities I,PToj o 7 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? .1-r, -1444-1V CI AA...a.,4- Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over If so give: alyyti adt—c.A./ g—effk, y /2_ 2 Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims. . . General claims Total claims •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. . Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /o % If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments )/(4-7/- w,_/_127 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank 1_92 Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FLORIDA O Private bank Town or City Palmetto 1. Name of bank Palmetto State Bank 2. Date organizeddeti 13 / / 3. Federal reserve district VDate suspended Apr 17, 6 1930V/ Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Manatee NO 3,040 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ //7. j7q. Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts D/7. Investments /I 9ILE_ 7 All other resources Total resources Capital /8:00.0. 253. 57 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: ' Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings q4v 3‘ 8.13 kg i/r.e4/,3 Total deposits $ .er5Z Borrowings from F. R. bank ‘.6a 6. vs • -- Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 9597.Ak Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? . -L: 7 ?! If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. Preferred claims.. 2, General claims.. 7 / i.0 '3.3/ Total claims...11 , , i7..5 -3 t 1 , /134 , 1 1 , '—\- C 3, WA •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 7vtiO 1.6 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify). • Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? 120 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? (-14,4‘) If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O 36- National bank Name of State ▪ State bank • Trust company El Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Floriaa • Private bank • 1. Name of bank Palmetto $tate Bank ate suspended 1-21-27 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Palmetto Six County Population of town or city* Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group ? If so give the name of the chain or group' * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 3040 Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ lq/(71A1 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ • 7anatee : 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts I Y Investments 6ii All other resources J Total resources lig i t, LL/.q hL if 000.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ j.q3g.3cj 71A Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits Sik Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits / S7 $ 74.&Ct. '7 keh4-1/ Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities ktnel Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: "1 I / Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on Pre e 0 --a-friAn--a4 • o..4.e,..,/ .)144- _ ‘4 ' ja t/1 Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims 114,f-yo:4. laims • General claims • ot4tt:41h 9144. Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims. .. . • Has this bank been finally liquidated? 10. If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Ct.4:2A4Z- Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments a / - • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 16" [1] National bank M Name of State State bank Trust company Stock savings bank [j] Mutual savings bank Floxida LI Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of Plant City Town or CityPlant City cotntyHillsboro g- -i4t-e6 2. Date organized /2- 3. Federal reserve district Six Date suspended 7-17-29 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** n-15-1A-su 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group Citizens Bank & Trust Company group. * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6440 non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 70/.3o S-1 1 t• Investments farg. /3.3 fo5e, 0 7 Z99/id All other resources o/9. Total resources Capital /oo,000.o Surplus and undivided profits •-/ • id 7f 0 - Deposits: Due to banks** 9:r57 _31.11,613,34 1 74 2/,Cs/,91 $ 712 3944 SO , $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits V Borrowings from F. R. bank /.5.5ffcse. 0• Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 1.0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 144 f. f‘,/9 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? —2 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections , 1 1410.24 Secured claims.. General claims , -,, Per cent of payments to claims allowed 0 .17°C. 17tre,C Total claims Total payments - 00./2.7,5- Preferred claims... Payments from guaranty fund . 11417.9 %) 0 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? *---21 --e - If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . Total claims • Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /o 7/(-e—.---4—Lt /4 / Vv e /I 3-6 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following National bank Name of State State bank El Trust company III Stock savings bank FLORIDL E] Mutual savings bank El Private bank • 1. Name of bank Farmers 8c Merchants Bank 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Plant City ate suspended Jan 14, 1928 Population of town or city* 6 Outside city of parent bank** None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Hillsboro-ugh 6440 Member or nonmember of F. R System_ArkIl 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ • County 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) i / 31 q14 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other 491. q 11. JO O. v5E000 ,0 Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments All other resources Total resources 77. /00.000.0 0 Capital g. o 13. o Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 11. I 7. 1 Time deposits, including postal savings Ii /f Total deposits ,t7 $ 317.77 0//hruu Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks q? g tj 0 • 00 0 D 0 fl )2 7 7. "/ All other liabilities /1 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? g If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims...dere. /412-ey1-011-r 1 Preferred claims.?":)244-ditez. General claims Total procesot 9. Is this bank still • 4 : - 14&.te_ ei4ixf:4-t, /4g,r_ , 2&4frv__; 46 ati u? If give payments e: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims.. General claims. .. * Total claims. . If so give: •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquWation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) I Claims allowed Secured claims. . . Preferred claims General claims Total claims.. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections; lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 47 LI National bank Name of State al State bank • Trust company [1] Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Flora LI Private bank • 1. Name of bank First Bank of 2. Date organized 7 34 141 Date suspended ,-- 3. Federal reserve district Six Town or City 7-17-29 Population of town or city* Outside city of parent bank** 11-Ar-Krz.d 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group Citizens liank & Trust Companyrou * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 3030 Member or nonmember of F R. Systern_nOn 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank___NOrie • tirty Hillsboro 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) fr-17 //?'-7 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts L/13-raill /3. 383. vo Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2r3.(04Y-00 jg.8Y 1-9.41 /7 Investments All other resources Total resources i-cr000.00 Ac-7./J74 07 Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ 6, 9es—t 7/7 o Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $ /i9.;33.17 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? Date of reopening If so give: ) 0 7/vsI iq 1 1 .41 - Name under which reopeneX VI 1411 , . Loss to depositors on: 4-6(A") Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims /0 Preferred claim. General claimsN44444-i Total. * Condition items should be as date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over • Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? -.21 7 ' ": If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims... General claims. .. . Total claims. ... 10. If so give: Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims ____ Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. • Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) . 444it Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments _sr_ • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. 151 Type of bank reported—chek appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State [3T State bank O Trust company 0 Stock savings bank II Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Fidelity Bank of Town or City Punta Gorda County Charlotte k2. Date organized 7-14- 2/6, 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 2-18-29 SixMember or nonmember of F R System___ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank** • Population of town or city* 11/01 tt/ , 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group d --0-- * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 1635 / 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 9 11 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts /7IA 7,9 tr /,5: 1411L 000.00 ii/2-.53 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments \zk All other resources / g•‘C7‘97 Total resources Capital kSo. 000.00 2_,S7g Surplus and undivided profits 60 Deposits: 60. gos' $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits •61.3S/ Time deposits, including postal savings 74 11 /33. -11 $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank / /".7(J7 /J 1 'Aft74.1-/ 1.2-S2. 00• Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities V/ Total liabilities 7. has this bank been reopened? %1) 7 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Sao.21 q-000.r.i General claims Total payments 2-1,,,tryvAi 7c 1 1/-o( I- h/ Secured claims....4_7‘ Preferred claims. Payments from guaranty fund - Per cent of payments to claims allowed 0 .117 / 90 ic 9YUY II01 I b Total claims../ ..r-V7,J • g i •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed 1 •-e3 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims General claims. Total claims • 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify 0-0 4-eZP Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? Ill kt) If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 211 O National bank Name of State gi State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Readick State Bank 2. Date organized 3-1-23 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Redd.ick Date suspended 7-16-30 6 Population of town or city* none Outside city of parent bank** none 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group_11.0 * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 363 Member or nonmember of F R. System_osm___. 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ • County Marion 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 60.21 7/ • 7 o o ii Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 00 0 -0 0 7.g36. All other resources co.-vg '1. 1g Total resources Capital i.r000 • o e•s Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 7;3 3. 7.- I __40. 4 /4 Total deposits Li $ 3 .6'77 7 v Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 4/•-s-1 All other liabilities O. CO vg 7, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 14.0 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? --2-z-e) If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? • mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections / • Secured claims. . . ... , , / / / Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed .. . / / , / .4 ,,/,,,a .A....del . -d...d.d.„,..... . / Payments from guaranty fund ,..... d , : , • ' I , Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims. . . . If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc • Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)... ....... hefeic-s-ueet-4 Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 7 ( " e,1,1-rie-et, O z) Z • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank gi Name of State State bank • Trust company 0 Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bankauiritu Santo Sprin's 2. Date organized g- 4/-7- 51 3. Federal reserve district Bulk . Date suspended Six Town or City Safety Harborounty Pinellas 10-26-26 Population of town or city* 756 Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group_—Z- * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 7-G4A-c4. (date*)______ 6. Condition figures, as of Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ /415 Ste / Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 56 I'/13 Investments All other resources 33.A4.LW 1 - io _zit! 7; Total resources Capital 7a0D.o. o Surplus and undivided profits /d• a 0a.a 0 Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 78 71d, /3 '6 Time deposits, including postal savings 9 -/. $ /7 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 77. VO a. a 0 if All other liabilities za/2/ Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? g 1' If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments 'to claims allowed Secured claims. ... .• .. Preferred claims... 7E177Lip General claims k 3:3,3. Ls 0e v3,3f3. Total claims. . .. II- 77 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections - Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc A' Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) . Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 7 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 194 O National bank Name of State O State bank An Trust company O Stock savings bank O FLORIDA. Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bankers Trust Co 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district ate suspended 6 Town or City St. Augustine County June 19, 1930 Population of town or city* 10,458 , Member or nonmember of F. R System_ Non 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ None None Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. St. Johns No / 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) e, Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $_41A Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 3 /4A/ /, Investments All other resources Total resources AI0 060. 00 . Capital iff..56 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits i91 ,Kgo A.1/ .2 3. 6 7 S_Pi/g 3611.3? i Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank ;4 Borrowings from other banks A 871.01 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? q, Date of reopening ; -e/ —f If so give: Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 7 -110 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Per cent of loss to claims Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund / Ateirtie, , / Apr .." _A! , ..................,.. ...f Per cent of payments to claims allowed . ..... , Secured claims. .. Preferred claims.. Total payments / ..,... ,,, / ., , - , /* 1..farme // _ /....r.a...411■,....eli General claims Total claims. If so give: •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims General claims .. Total claims 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify 4 , 1 A. 44 eead-id Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 44:i4 4 14L iqao , • • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank [Xi State bank (') -1 1t ) Name of State LI Trust company Stock savings bank LI [1] Mutual savings bank FLO11 ID Private bank • Nor 1. Name of bank Commercial Bank Town or City St. Augustine County 1 2. Date organized t.,e4:f/rof Date suspended ' Tan 30 19 Population of town or city* ' 3. Federal reserve district 6 Member or nonmember of F R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No St. Johns 10,458 Non -/ 6. Condition figures, as of (date*)_621L_L_fil f Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 9W: 4 7-4 /9". 97-e- if‘ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments.. /97,7,11 97r All other resources 14'7, 7_7_ Total resources Capital ,d.00 .00 Surplus and undivided profits 3/ 7./67-341 Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits fciif.6 0 3 fIfig.4 If Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ 9‘. ea Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 4 /3,5,13 All other liabilities Total liabilities 0 7. Has this bank been reopened? '14 70.44 7; 77 1 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Secured claims. .. 1 794.117 9, 77i•17 ioa 37d.1-s-3/ ______P--1-4---4-• 0 Preferred claims...,, General claims. . . 714 a0b7,11 , .17 Total claims.. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed 1.6 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments claims Preferred claims General claims. .. . Total claims ‘ 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify).. Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? 7(.0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 57 ri National bank Name of State LI State bank E] Trust company 2 Stock savings bank FLORIDA. LI Mutual savings bank 0 Private bank • 1. Name of bank Peoples Rank for Savings 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or City St• kcigil stifle County St. Johns Date suspended al/ r 8, 1930 Population of town or city* 6 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Member or nonmember of F. R System_ Non None Outside city of parent bank** • None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 10,458 No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) / Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 060.J/ 10 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts r Investments f 1. 796.i4 i•0 00.0o /4.3. All other resources Total resources q3f .37- / • 2S Capital q ,k6.2 .7 // Surplus and undivided profits 0O 0 0 Deposits: 06:0 Due to banks** ID Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings '57t 2/6. 69 $ Total deposits 74 .1 21 .7 Borrowings from F. R. bank 2 o o. Borrowings from other banks 7/- 0 0 0.0 0 1 All other liabilities g..3.1 7./ Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? q29• )• If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims.. General 1 16L. / . 12 Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. . Preferred claims. . General claims. . .. Total claims. . .. 1111 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims.. . General claims. . .. Total claims. ... ______ 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)..... ax1-4-e4 — all -4a--)4-4 th-Xeig Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /0 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O 206 National bank Name of State ID State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank O Private bank 1. Name of bank Bank of Saint Cloud Town or City S n int 01 oud /12. Date organized 2- --19 Date suspended 7-17-26 3. Federal reserve district SiX Population of town or city* 1925 Member or nonmember of F. R. System____ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • 4-2 7 S----(-4--t-" 4 r h-0-1-•R/ 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Osceola 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 461 21. /o6 1.66 0 • All other resources „i cri3 7 Total resources Capital A$700c.00 Surplus and undivided profits /4 2e 9 84 Deposits: Due to banks** $ hcarf.i:9ec Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 2,/2-.7-/ ER 7/ Time deposits, including postal savings Wtir2. 74 Total deposits ' $ 51 3.97 W 40. Borrowings from F. R. bank , 4-744-14.-e— 700.00 • Borrowings from other banks /t,a. 0 o All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? - -7e If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • S. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? -- rt( 2 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to clainis Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? 7-2 If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Secured Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims.. . General claims Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? /X-- z?.--/ If so give: /9 74 Date liquidation was completed $2-,00.6,e7;00 .6-7q,. 00 49.31< 9er o.r $ Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain /-tAd Atar- Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed , Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Al . 1 %...,.. (41 i YO I./#7.41 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or Worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry 110 or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments Q • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI A State bank LI LI LI LI 122 National bank Trust company Name of State Stock savings bank Mutual savings bank FLORIDA Private bank • 1. Name of bank Peoples Bank of St. Cloud 2. Date organize Town or City St. Cloud Date suspende County Osceola // AO/Population of town or city* 1*925 6 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R. System_74.42.ei&—e 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None None Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts k‘7 PL c6Tf54t'71.5-67ag o,co $ /403- Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts w"A Investments All other resources 5e. /,-4.03t. Total resources Capital Ac000, 04 Surplus and undivided profits 1,4444—e— Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings o 7s 9 89,fvq,/6 Total deposits $ 63o.7,1 Borrowings from F. R. bank • 4,66 , , Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities L-4 o, Al ? 4, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening •Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? —14 0 -- If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? f so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims. .. . Total claims. .. . ... B.é vs.3,9 ,/-., , p.4p 41) 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 2#tt2 0 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 4V 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) 4444 V i ettoldiaasetwie, Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 721 f f FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check .appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State El State bank El Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank nor.i,c1.a. O Private bank • 1. Name of bank_Le_o_ples Bank of 2. Date organized 6` -/ 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Six Town or City St.Cloud 7--1.6-27 , Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Osceola 1925 ./6,191/7 6. Condition figures, as of (date) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 2-11,e7s-1. / Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts o. 00 Investments P4-410-00 *49.74 3. SI All other resources Total resources 5.1' c 1 /S7000.00 Capital .?38. 70 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: 7 f.9g Due to banks** 7' /9/9.97g.7,3 Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits 0 5701/, Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ 1-4 7.'/2 7./3 Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 6 -77. /4- All other liabilities MI, -11_4 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reope If so give: 7. 1 Date of reopening Name under which reopened At i f Loss to depositors on: ort Amount of loss Z.4. Secured claims./aro. • .t. Per cent of loss to claims 6 -7......0-,...zet4_,/t, /440-....., Preferred claims A-"A- -g-s--4-*-41/. % / 4 5./.2214tElia t.e- 4,-&-.. , : 4 (.4..Z40 ; 1 -4,-*.t-Z-0 General claims.. W' Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? -- ktel " If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? --24 0 - If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . . . Preferred claims... - General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? —14,0 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 197 0 National bank Name of State 0 State bank M Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FLORIDA O Private bank 1. Name of bank Merican Bank 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district 3 8c Trust Co . Town or CitySt Petersburg County ate suspended APr :3° 1930 Population of town or city* ' Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None None Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No Pinellas 53,300 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 0104/ rI qJ o. Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ /‘7. / 2-74‘, Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments .041/g 1 e),,R o2 toSi.30O. -C All other resources J. Total resources 0 .9 97 9 o 8:17 Yao. 000.00 3 5J 7. Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings ' •6 4 6. V 73 $ Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank 31/.6'.000.0p Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities J, \36 0. 0il-g7 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? itp If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to clainis Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? IL4 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections 14.illtifrO Secured claims Total payments 41 ,57.7 c5 Preferred claims Payments from guaranty fund 0 Aiv 0 6 o iI. i•Y/ 7190 V General claims Total claims. . ../ -9 _ v 0.YrY_L-/- 7 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Per cent of payments to claims allowed If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent(Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)... Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? /1,0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /e o If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments "41/—L:e 7-1 /930 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 196 O National bank Name of State 0 State bank 11 Trust company O Stock savings bank FLORIDA. 0 Mutual savings bank O Private bank • 1. Name of bankFiclelitY Bank & Trust Co Town or CitySt - Petersburg County Pinellas 2. Date organizedAh/VfPSTD -ate suspended Apr 25, 193° Population of town or city* 3. Federal reserve district 6 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group 17 ° * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 53,300 Non . 0 71747 2 /9 3 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) l Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts .5-- y.6 9 6 4 $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 3_37 Investments 6g , 0 ga. 4erd-0 All other resources 1377/ 1 _217-..5717. Total resources /AO.000.0 Capital /9 3 , /7,f7 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** 603.77 $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings //9. 9/7 77 89. . 0 00 Total deposits $ //3it i Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 0 . • 000 00 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? —244 g97 osI.;I 1 . If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. If so give: 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bar* still in process of liquidation? Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments . (1.-S- 0 o P5. Secured claims.. . . 0 0 7sa: '17. ' Preferred claims... 0 0 General claims. ... /0€5./13 7 H2-.73/ PT Total claims Per cent of payments to claims allowed •10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? . 1 7'--0 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed , Secured claims. . . Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? 1A.0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /9 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following LI National bank Name of State State bank 0 Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FLORIDA. O Private bank • 1. Name of bank g Town or City St. PetersburCounty Pinellas First Security Bank 2. Date organized 41 17 4Date suspended Time 9, 3.930 Population of town or city* 53500 6 Non 3. Federal reserve district Member or nonmember of F. R System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank None Outside city of parent bank*Z'one • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group Affiliated with First National Bank of St. Peters1urg‘...& 3_0 * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments / ) All other resources Or ") 7/- $o o,00 "4/33,06 ;S . 1' 3b. 0 - Total resources a o. o Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ /717.6 o$ 3 1 Borrowings from F. R. bank /7.,0De.00 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 5 .V 30• 6 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? A If so give: /9 3-0 Date of reopening Name under which reopened i,4ee44q Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims. General claims .. Total .44A /(414 f- tZko , , r * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? .7 1tV If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 6 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? ";(-- (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. . .. Preferred claims... General claims Total claims. .. . 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims... General claims Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) ../t/iiPe. Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 198 O National bank Name of State O State bank 3 Trust company O Stock savings bank FLORIDA O Mutual savings bank O Private bank • Ninth Street Bahk & Trust Co 1. Name of bank_ 2. Date organizedaik 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended 6 St. Petersburg Town or City County May 23, 1930 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No Pinellas 53,300 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 2 / , - 3-6 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 7/0 c. 0o F )I 0 All other resources g'o Total resources /141-7ga 7/ Capital 6 6,000 • 00 Surplus and undivided profits ra 5 îé/. c - Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 5:9C- 7re. vo 9579.622 Total deposits $ /2—: Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks g7.)-7 9. All other liabilities 17'°*00 /o‘loIvt, Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? 11,10 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 740 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 0 Secured claims Preferred claims.. . General claims 3 ! g S . # Total claims. 0 / 1 ,_, 35I.i4° „ te...... 0 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed - 14 , 2 If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims • General claims Total claims - 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify).. Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? ( 14.17 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /6. o k‘ /13e _ --r FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING Z BANK SUSPENSIONS_ SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 )40-alte: - W 9J Report on a separate hedule each bank ccsato the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following E] National bank 0 Name of State State bank [I] Trust company • Stock savings bank FLORIDA LI Mutual savings bank [1] Private bank • , ..rre t)•k. CAI I 1. Name of bankPfLota evii Bank Date suspended Feb 22, 1929 Population of town or city* 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district . Town or CitySt Petersburg County Pinellas 6 Member or nonmember of F. R. System_Son 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • None None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. *5 Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 53,300 No (date*)/ . 6. Condition figures, as of Loans and discounts: On real estate Other I. $ Total loans and discounts Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts S 7 egv ' Investments /, a 0 \iDN All other resources /,6/. Total resources 7 1 1, 0 A/ 7 6, 0 0. ?op. 00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits .50. 1 / Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 4.5)-7. 6 z.6 V r.04,9 o Total deposits $ • 6 1'1.96 '7 2 . Borrowings from F. R. bank J F. S 60. 1/-1.1• 7 7 1 f. Q0 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities .7 I 4,3' . 7 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? / 1//) If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Secured Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed claims Preferred claims.. . , General claims. . . . 1 1'9;96y,re o / Total claims. .. . 7/ 7/ 9 7'6f. 2R 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify).. tavviAA1 Did the slow, do acAL, wJ wort paper eld by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 0 National bank Name of State 0 State bank Or• Trust company 0 Stock savings bank 0 Mutual savings bank Florida 0 Private bank • 1. Name of bankPeoples Bank &Trust 06. Town or City St PetPrRhu rgountyPinellas l '2 2. Date organized f -A4- 45.- Date suspended 6-26-26 3. Federal reserve district Six Population of town or city*. 531 300 Member or nonmember of F. R. 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 7l...Atrt\s2) 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts -// 4 M 74ef: 4 $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts \qo2.O /73,ft 13 . . Investments All other resources Total resources Capital ,/,0 ooc).00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Ce la)-(46, Ara efSi: 99 i c 3;3 16 Total deposits $ Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities / 7. I-Ias this bank been reopened? 33,e0/.5794 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened ge.0/4_64i e-eJ. Loss to depositors on: Secured claims Preferred claims Amount of loss /49 70 i Per cent of loss to claims , of, AL41-4 General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? G--t—e, 1 If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. Preferred claims. . General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. • Has this bank been finally liquidated? 10. — 2--/-10 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. . General claims. .. . Total claims. ... Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Ix Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify)....... Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? jAL /00 If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments t o 41.4..41 4 -4.a. 14 ,,t - -0 . ,0-14 1. FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following fl National bank Dti State bank Name of State Trust company LI Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank LI Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Seminole County Bank AO -1.5 7-13 - 3. Federal reserve district SiX Date suspended Town or City 8-6-27 Sanford Seminole County Population of town or city* 7262 Member or nonmember of F. R. System__ *-744 - 0441 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group_______ * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. --10 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 1. 4? $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments p.5.744.73 All other resources...................................................... gA0.2.57. 5Y2-.51,'7,8 1 Total resources Capital /400.000•00 Surplus and undivided profits /64230.97 Deposits: Due to banks** fo Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings 14/9 $ft . So7 , j8. Total deposits $ 687. 364).8 `744,-.0te_ Borrowings from F. R. bank • Borrowings from other banks fit.3.$t All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? S17 14-d / If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? --2,7,1". If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Per cent of loss to claims Amount of loss Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed - Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed . 4G.577 fl Secured claims. 31,L 657 9'94./7 0 35:SW. r _34 170.40 7 Preferred claims.. 95 1 General claims. .. Z.P19Ia /J-. . A-Volg70.11/ 1/64,c4 ' 4 Total claims.. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • Date liquidation was completed ▪ -1 1 oLf--/k, If so give: Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. ... Preferred claims.. . General claims. . . . Total claims. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /C 0 40 4."—(1ee 4 ¢ /9,- 7 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following I 0 National bank Name of State • State bank tij Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank 1. Name of bankFirst Bank & Trust Co. Town or City Sarasota countySarasota 2. Date organized /0 3. Federal reserve district ' 4C- 1/3 Date suspended Six 7-17-29 Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System____32011- 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank___NOrie Outside city of parent bank** • 91-&--- x-0-] ; 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group Citizens Bank & Truat comariy rou. * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 5529 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts g5\-k- Investments 6',37 6f7.04 c 61 30, fig /9y,4O V.t 4 All other resources / . ,74g 79. 4 / 1 5 7 Total resources 7‘ Capital /40,000, 00 /747,70-re Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, inch.gling postal savings 7.L,111-;76.‘, 4/3 lg o 53 Total deposits .A37./ $ Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks l'5q " All other liabilities / i 4 /0 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? "LtZ) 1 030,74 a,.9C If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 414 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 7' If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments 07___4 93$7r ,i. .Stiriei /7,gkn. Secured claims /foA- ,6 o -4 S e General claims /e o 13.s 74,3g 6s4- 4 Preferred claims Per cent of payments to claims allowed / 2-. S" -- e Total claims. ... lifrM54 /7/00,73 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 474-0 34.S - If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims. . .. — Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e„ poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) A4.4-?Lees Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? 2r1."0 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or othenvise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments o_ e /7 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 7'4 E] National bank M Name of State State bank El Trust company 11] Stock savings bank Li Mutual savings bank Florida El Private bank 1. Name of bank Bank of Sebastian Town or City Sebastian -2. Date organized 1 2- ""24 Date suspended 7-21-26 3. Federal reserve district Six Population of town or city* 242 Member or nonmember of F. R. Systern_A/0 N 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • county Indian River ME AIDNE I; 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other ( - Total loans and discounts $ /JP Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 9I71 N oye Investments 1/. All other resources Total resources I 00 q ivy , k q 7. /.3. 0 Capital D. 00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: $ Due to banks** fie qg 13. 13.6Gq. Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits 5 .277 1/ Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits .,/ $ Borrowings from F. R. bank 1 0 3 / .7 fiONE Borrowings from other banks /7 Afo NE All other liabilities N 7.6 I:Az Pi Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • /. 7 /V o If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. A 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: ounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Secured claims. . . Preferred claims... 33J General claims.. .. /` Total claims. . .. .15.3ii-,161 go. e6 2s17 . ,2J.sit.S:C I33.3go.o 4 1 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims.. General claims . .. Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) .15AN4'IReS TRaST C° Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 152 El National bank Name of State El State bank E] Trust company El Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank Florida LI Private bank • 1. Name of bankHighlands Bank & TRust C°Town or City Sebring CountyHighlands P 2. 2. Date organized / ' 1 3. Federal reserve district ('1 Date suspended 2-11-29 Six Population of town or city* 1841 Member or nonmember of F. R. Syster 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_ None Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group — * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. 7-8_//11' 6. Condition figures, as of (date* Loans and discounts: On real estate Other eC.7A777 117.‘oZ 6 14- Total loans and discounts . Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts /fooe".040 Investments All other resources Total resources 777 __F432/ /6--- .doe.o o o /Oa8//at Capital Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ t jI. of8367 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings //. /2.i.P 1 7;_s• Total deposits ‘•3 Borrowings from F. R. bank 17.ii_ea.00 • Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? t_, r. If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank. by'which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? • If so give payments to date: mounts in dollars) Claims allowed (0 Secured claims Preferred claims... Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 4 ,,W7 0 i 0 triP I/9. General claims c) 33 Total claims. . .. /q/.4 7/ • 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? WO If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims. Preferred claims General claims. .. . Total claims. . .. Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? 914 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments A-I.. 2,0 / • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 9') O National bank Name of State EI State bank O Trust company D Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bank of South J E.I.c 1:sanvil'Vown or City So.JacksonviaF tity Duval 2. Date organized 71g- 7 Date suspended 1-13-27 1- 3. Federal reserve district Si x Population of town or city* 4646 Member or nonmember of F R Systemii4 Ai 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group ? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. No 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 1 112. 64(q1 1 6.W ‘7 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 775'O 0 / Investments 4. G 6.304. f5 4io All other resources Total resources Capital 3/000.00 Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits • Time deposits, including postal savings 1-5 os. 97 ,'Sq. 4L17 3o 2/4/.0 VS/.7 0 ,r)/ef /1 11.19 1 4 Total deposits $ N ONE Borrowings from F. R. bank 10 J.0/-9. Borrowings from other banks 0, 15-.306.1v k(I All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? • o If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • S. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? N0 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total --C 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? )/, If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed (9 Secured claims /7•64.,e( Preferred claims /7.6 /1 .7.1 /' ro 37Titii.'0 General claims ,.. t 1 D q /0. S. / G Y. Ili- .3q 7.54 gl Total claims .pts to / DO ° 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? • 2- tri,L, If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits XI Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) - ad41,e,tf Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? /00% a-A-4-1.44h4/LeAA% If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments A4/ 3,/ • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank I 1E5 Name of State State bank O Trust company 0 Stock savings bank LI Mutual savings bank FLORIDA O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Bradford County Bank 2. Date organize 3. Federal reserve district Town or City Starke County ate suspended June 21, 1930Population of town or city* 6 Member or nonmember of F R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_AISTIe Outside city of parent bank** None 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. NO Bradford 1,071 Non 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ 3/..6T'639.0 0 24,7.67 Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 2 2. Investments 4 -6T 50 .00 All other resources 27 qViA 0. I . Total resources Capital 1/0. 000. 00 Surplus and undivided profits /1. 970.2.7 Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings P i 73 ‘ W.f.( )'6 0 7 2 -f' ---/, )1! Total deposits 03 .0.4 I ,0 Borrowings from F. R. bank 21. 6 D 7_8 / • 4 Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities 0. Ilk/. Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? /1-4) If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? )/IA If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: , /mounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed / #/ .i Secured claims 4/ —1 ' Payments from guaranty fund , . 4 . 1.1.d 4. / • Preferred claims.. 1 f Total payments . • 1 i ,b....., A ,4 , , .,...d Per cent of payments to claims allowed AlLii...L....../..i.di ...i .., , 1 / ) General claims. ... Total claims. ... If so give: 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims • Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) CC<A4-e Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? fr 00 % If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments / • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following '45 O National bank 21 Name of State State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Seminole Bank 4 2. Date organized 4 3. Federal reserve district 3 Six Town or City Stuart Date suspended 3 1 9 - -2 Member or nonmember of F R. System_ Outside city of parent bank** 11..ervt-e ) 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. Martin Population of town or city* 1154 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank__ None • County 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) 7 9 /9 // 1 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts Investments 4S-34 97 9.5. 0-1 9 A50-fe.c 47 1 .1. O. All other resources 9/ 5 /1 07 - : Total resources Lt -Y 75- / _ % 4 57P,oee.00 Capital Surplus and undivided profits IA 0 ?W. 2'is t Deposits: Due to banks** /3-6,44/ Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings /9ifr. 7.09.7-91.5-7/ , I/o.91 Total deposits Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks Dr%5935 9/ 1 7,o0 All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? /7/39. 74-6 If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 2-€8 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total If so give payments to date: 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? mounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments 0 9tAVLIt/ claims Per cent of payments to claims allowed /foll-7 Total claims 1 0 . 141 4 General claims 0 7 OS,61$ 6 -s- Preferred claims. ()4 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? ' 7 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /i90 .&-t-cLoc .012e4 • FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH. GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following O National bank Name of State [2 State bank O Trust company O Stock savings bank El Mutual savings bank Flozicla O Private bank • 1. Name of bank 2. Date organized Seminole Bank ' --- 2‹.3 l ' - 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Town or City 318'-'7 _ Si7 Stuart Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** • 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County - Partin, 154— 1 -19 -i—' 4 -4 . 6. Condition figures, as of (date*)04Let.,,L_Z /r 3' 7 Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts $ f5. f7,9 fd Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 0i'. Investments i7Joo.oc All other resources gin 9,ST go Total resources 191-79J_-73 Capital cra 00a,c2r) Surplus and undivided profits . Deposits: Due to banks** $ Demand deposits, including Ti. S. Govt. deposits azi. 57. //7'1/ 7 Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits $ At- 4f3. 74 Borrowings from F. R. bank o Borrowings from other banks / All other liabilities Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims... ost).-Preferred clairrist4 / 01a14.4 41 , General claim A / vD Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 140 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? ;10 , If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims _ Preferred claims... General claims. . Total claims. . .. 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 7449 If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) • Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. ... Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent(Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry • or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 146 National bank Name of State • State bank GT Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank FiQricla O Private bank 1. Name of bank Stuart Bank & Trust Co 2. Date organized 3 "2-Y 3. Federal reserve district Date suspended Six Town or City 3-6-29 Stuart Population of town or city* Member or nonmember of F. R. System_ 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank_NOne Outside city of parent bank** • 1 -- 1A-SZ/ 10 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. County Martin 1154 7- 1-c c,/ 6. Condition figures, as of (date*) Wat' e,/92 f , - Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts pD6A81 .oa , o3 1 /44 7/7 SV ( , $ Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts 3 Investments 8g./74,i_f_ All other resources .3.51- Total resources Capital 000, 0 0 JO, Surplus and undivided profits 6./if Deposits: Due to banks** Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings $____14o. 68S77-7 749 8744 ff /07. off. Total deposits $ 4t7, 75$f. ' Borrowings from F. R. bank Borrowings from other banks 2.5 0, 0 All other liabilities 4 , 17 y-14.3,527 Total liabilities 7. Has this bank been reopened? o If so give: Date of reopening Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. • 8. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? 71!6 If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: Amounts in dollars) Dividends paid from collections Claims allowed Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims. .. Preferred claims...7 General claims /‘‘, o L-77-t-te_e_<_ /3,/7 0 /754 38.0, 1g Total claims (.110 f6'7,o/ 10. Has this bank been finally liquidated? 4 41" If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . .. Total claims Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund , Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name) Failure of large debtor (Name) a/Ya-e-Zsa Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry or agriculture? 1,40 If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments /Y,//0.0' ilk FEDERAL RESERVE COMMITTEE ON BRANCH, GROUP AND CHAIN BANKING BANK SUSPENSIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1921 Report on a separate schedule each bank closed to the public either temporarily or permanently by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors on account of financial difficulties. This form should not be used for merged or consolidated banks but should be used for those banks suspended on account of financial difficulties, even though they are subsequently taken over by other 'institutions. In case a bank has suspended more than once a schedule should be made out for each suspension. Type of bank reported—check appropriate one of the following 15 0 National bank Name of State Di State bank [I Trust company O Stock savings bank O Mutual savings bank Florida O Private bank • 1. Name of bank Stuart Bank 8c Trust Co. Town or City Stuart County_;:iartin fr/f 2. Date organized g " 7- V 3. Federal reserve district Six Date suspended 7-24-26 Population of town or city*1154 Member or nonmember of F. R. System 4. Number of branches operated: In city of parent bank Outside city of parent bank** 5. Was this bank a member of a chain or group? If so give the name of the chain or group z(i;e:a4 * Latest census figures or estimate as shown in bankers' directory. ** Attach a list giving the name and location of each outside branch at time of suspension. (5. Condition figures, as of (date*) Loans and discounts: On real estate Other Total loans and discounts 1 7 $‘‘ (5 1 //z. dig Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debts -11(. Investments All other resources /741P, -30:om , 1141 9'‘,51 Total resources Capital cnt 0400.00 39.7,1.5:6g Surplus and undivided profits Deposits: Due to banks** $ 7S7.6•24 "Ar 5'7 77 SS. $ 64./67 Demand deposits, including U. S. Govt. deposits Time deposits, including postal savings Total deposits Borrowings fromfrom F. R. bank • LiA,61.4„ , tc, Borrowings from other banks All other liabilities Total liabilities //6 I. 1 * = fir ' 1 4 7. Has this bank been reopened? P-4,/ If so give: Date of reopening /4 ,'f4 Name under which reopened Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims 2— ST --IXAIV-a4A1 )4.1 Secured cl ims • 'U . , 1794 41414 Preferred .0.-vq4).1, 0 Ge Total * Condition items should be as of date of suspension, if possible, otherwise as of the last call or examination prior to suspension. ** Including certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travellers' checks outstanding. S. Has this bank been taken over by another bank? If so give: Name of bank by which taken over Date taken over Loss to depositors on: Amount of loss Per cent of loss to claims Secured claims Preferred claims General claims Total 9. Is this bank still in process of liquidation? If so give payments to date: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Total payments Per cent of payments to claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims.. General claims Total claims • Has this bank been finally liquidated? 10. If so give: Date liquidation was completed Collections: From liquidation of assets From assessments on shareholders Other collections (explain) Total collections Offsets to claims (loans paid, etc.) Payments to depositors: (Amounts in dollars) Claims allowed Secured claims Preferred claims General claims. . . . Total claims. . Dividends paid from collections Payments from guaranty fund 11. Causes of suspension: Check in the appropriate column those of the following which apply, either as primary or contributing causes, amplifying the indicated causes with such supplementary data as may be available. Primary cause Contributing cause Decline in real estate values Losses due to unforeseen agricultural or industrial disasters such as floods, drouth, boll weevil, etc Insufficient diversification Incompetent management, i.e., poor credit judgment, laxity in collections, lack of enterprise, etc Defalcation Heavy withdrawals of deposits Failure of affiliated institution (Name) Failure of correspondent (Name).,r/Vg-feleed-**1" Failure of large debtor (Name) Other causes, (specify) Did the slow, doubtful or worthless paper held by the bank represent largely one particular type of industry 40' or agriculture? If so, state what industry or type of agriculture What was the approximate date of the beginning of the difficulty which ultimately caused the suspension? 12. Were there any assessments, voluntary or otherwise, on the directors or stockholders either before or after the bank suspended? If so, give dates and amounts of all assessments 44-11 70 •