The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. .4b Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4'41.11-5 - Bank Changes Durir 11 - 1930 North Carolina N - North Dakota D Committee on Branch Group & Chain Banking Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of chaage BAra North Caroliti Feb. 1. 1921 CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • Cit, or town 1 Povila- Names of all banks and trust compnnies, Name of a_.ny kind, involved in this change 1 tion* Name or .names before change Nashville 1200 PaidTotal -T--EED OF CHZGL: Loans rein and ! Consolidation capital vestyl:,ntsi sources (000 s omitted) Liquidation 1 Farmers & ,:.erchants_Bphk 40 135 166 1 Bank of Nashville 49 399 438 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBM OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name. or names after change Increase Bank of Nashville Decrease • Newly or6anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, pl.mse use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 N. corolina Date of change Feb.17,1924 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, Name 1 tion* of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and in- , capital vestmontsl sources (000 s omitted) 536 New Bern 12,218 • Maysville Banking & Trust C -15 E. Eastern Bank & Trust Co. S. 117F, 981 14.n I ' n Eastern Bank & Trust Co. i 145 — Newly orii;anized (primary) 1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU13ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nana' or names after change n Consolidation Liquidation Name or hames before change Laysville KIND OF CHAl;G:: Increase Decrease 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Jan.12,1924 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or tom I Pop-ila-I Names of all banks and trust companies, Name L tion* I of any kind, involved in this change PaidTotal Lons a rein and incapital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Bayboro * New Bern 349 12218 Bank of =alio° Eastern Bank & Trust Co 30 661 R32 100 1175 14.2S ..• 12218 Eastern Bank & Trust Co. 145 11111:irS1=11.-...M.1==.. Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *Branches at Oriental and Arapahoe Consolidation _/ Liquidation Name or names after change New Bern OF HAI:GE: KIND 01' Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease 1 1E117 CH.4.NGES P. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. State Date of change /'- I- 2--y (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town , 411 Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus ! Loans of and inand capital vestments bank** profits* (00C's omitted KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation /goz-T-74.- ----; , e2 .1.,e.. - ,1( 4a 1 /: /(,i t ' Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANFS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking state N.Cartilina Form A.--4 Date of change Apr.11,1923 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • Cit, or town I Popula-I Names of all banks and trust companies, Name I tion* I of any kind involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and in- ! capital vestm:,nts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change New Bern 12,218 O L reobles Bank National Bank of New Bern KIND OF CHANGL: Consolidation -/ Liquidation F° 100 q° 150 1046 1449 1952 2234 Name- or names after change iational Bank of New Bern Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL3M1 OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, pr2ase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. iikkgstrammakAaludiaklax Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Jan.16,1923 BAYX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit. or town 1 PopulaName 1 tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any .kind, involved in this change PaidTotal Loans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or.names before change Primary organization -/ Conversion of private bmk NET CHANGE IN NUYBER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Naae or names after change Increase Decrease Newly origanized (primary) ./Norlina Bank of Norlina 25 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 101 State N. Carolina Form Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Sept.3,1923 BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • ....— I Cit:: or town I Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, Name 1 tion* i of any kind„ involved in this change .... Loans Paidinand in 1 capitalivestints (000's omitted Total resources KIND OF CiaGL: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 1 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) V 115 Norman Sonic of Norman 15 •-« If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis District No. 6- BANK CHANGES' F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) State Date of change .2- 7 (If information fuxnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before dange Loans Class Paid-in Surplus of and inand capital profits* vestments bank** (000's omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation 3iez-T• 44, 4-- /7/-4,...,,,:e-e e_ C-99efp-,-(A-- ii_ 7 Asa Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession 3104p Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary i Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank 7 ,774 at_ 7' 214_17 -1.0106P- Compulsory NET CHANG; IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give iroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt), *Including reserves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State iJ. Carolina Form A.-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Feb.15 1927 BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, lignidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Popu1a-1 of n11 banks and trust commies, I tion*_i of a_ny_ki4c1„ ilevolved in this change PaidLoans i Total rerind inin capital vcs'1..nts1 elr_rce7. (000 s omitted) 4100 Oxford Savings & Trust Co. Concolidation. Liquidation Name or names before changa Oxford KIND or CHANGE: 16 286 357 -/ Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nam or names after change NET CRA.NGE IN NU1.3M. CF STATE : INS TI Increase Decrease Newly oro;anizad (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plrmse use reverse side for details. 4113 given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrod. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 sate N. Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Jan.23,1928 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. .0— City or town I Pop-i1a-1 Names of nal bani:s and trust =meanies, Name ___j tion* i of anyki4d, involved in this change Name or names before change Hookerton Pinetops ) Paid-T ----. - -r—iI-ND 017-CANGE: Loans i Totar and inrein Consolidation. _I capital vcstmnts1 snr.rcec (000 s omitte,d) Liquidation 294 Bank of Hookerton 15 96 603 Pinetops Banking Co. SO 331 Nama or names after change --r 603 I Pinetops Bankin 161 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUVBER CF STATE : nTsTI Increase Co. 1 J. Newly or6;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plr:lase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form . Carolina Date of change Jan. 5 1927 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City of town Paid- 1 Loans Total Name in Popula- /Tames of all banks and trust companies, and inretion* of any '4.ind, involved in this change . capital Izestments seurcc,s (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change fine tops 603 II • rlanters Bank 25 101 143 rinetops Banking Co. 3J SO 254 400 i 9 / Name or names afer change rinetops Banking. Co. 50 KIND OF ChAlGE: Consoliaation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN UUMBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Nowly orgnnized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form N. Carolina Date of change Apr. 20,1926 BANK CHMGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. AV. City of town Name Popula-! Names of all banks and trust companies, ticn* I of any 'And, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and inrecapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change einetown 300 Bank of Pinetown KIND OF CHAFGE: Consolidation Liquidation 13 32 35 Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names afer change NET CHANCE IN NUNBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Jan. 15.1921 BAYX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • 1 City or town Name Popula- .Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand inin capital vestnts1 so-drces (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or .namee before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUIZER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) Finetown 361 Bank of Pinetown 13 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State a. nnrollaa Form A-3 Federal Reserve -Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of chaageSept. 25,1922 BAFK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prim:try organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. LI PaidLoans Total rein and in- ! sources capital vestents1 (000 s omitted) Cit.- or town Pop-ila- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, Name I tion* I of any kind,. involved in this change KIND OF CHAI.,GE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank r--- NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE LISTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change II Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) vineville Merchants & Farmers Bank 15 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the baakers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking N. Carolina July 5.1921 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Fopula- Names of all banks and trust connanies, of any kind„ involved in this change I tion* PaidLoans i Total reand in- 1 in capital vesta..,nts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN N:11.3M OF STATE Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) Pink 11111 _I (7) Pj.nk 11411 Bank & Trup,t, n If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State I:. Carotin Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Oct. 3 1927 Date of change EAFK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. s" Joale — Loans I Total reand in- I vestmntsl sor_rce7.. (000 s omitted) City or town Popula-I Names of nll banks and trust comnanies, Name tior0. L of any, kid, involved in this change Paidin 675 Consolidation. Liquidation Name or .names before change Pittsboro KIND Or CHANGE: Farmers Bank 12 60 r- Nama or names after change 67 Primary organization Conversion of private br,nk NET CHANGE IN NMER CF STAT INS TI1UTIO1:S: Increasu =me Newly oraldized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A,3 N. Carolina Date of change Mar.1.1922 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Loans ( Total and in- ! revestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or.names before change Plymouth 2100 WaShington County Bank Bank of Plymouth United Commercial Bank Consolidation Liquidation 50 d86 513 20 232 273 Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHANGE IN NnBER OF STATE INSTITUII0iS: Name' or names after change rlymouth KIND OF CHAI:G.:: 70 70 Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) I. If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the baakers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking StateN.Carolina Form A,3 Date of chaagaJan.30,1930 plum CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirrlary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town PaidLoans ( To-ual Pop-sila- of n11 banks and trust commies, reand in- I in _( tion*_i_pf any_ki4d, ialvoled ih ;his I cl,pital ves'al.ntsi slr.rce: (000 s omitted) Name or names befcre change _____ Apex 826 Raleigh 35000 Bank of Apex Raleigh Banking & Trust Co 40 I 200 410 2.237 9,21 2.739_ KII0 Or CF21.1:G2: Consolidation -/ Liouidation Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHArGE IN NMER CF STATE Name or names after change • Raleigh 1 21 c, c o Raleigh Banking & Trust Co. 200 Increasi.: 1 Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, pinase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the cl]ange occurrd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A Date of change N. Carolina Oct.4.1926 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization; etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town I Name Popula-I Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* I of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans in and in- I capital vestments (000 s omitted) Total reSOI3 Name or names before change KIND OF CHArGE: Concolidation Liquidation Primary orLaaization Cionversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUNBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) Robbinsville 400 Graham County Bank 27 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N.Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Feb.231929 pAric CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate Copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. AL City or town 1 Peplila- of n11 banks and trust commies, Name i tion* 1 of any ki4d., involved in this change r —..... , PaidLoans i Total reand in- I in capital vesm:ntsi scmrce7.: (000 s omitted) 2509 • Richmond County Savings Bank Bank of Pee Dee 15 160 181 / 709 .941 100 ee 100 11•2•11.Vair...111•1011M2L-2,•••-11119mr-aff-ricalr...0 Newly oranizod (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plaase use reverse side for details. As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NT.11.3M CF STLTE Lama or names after change Bank of Pee Consolidation-/ Liouidation Name or names before change Rockingham KIND OT MADGE: Increase Decrease 1 State N. Carolilla Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Feb.16, 1928 EMI( CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinr7 organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name _ tion*_.1 Names of r.11 banks aud trust companies, of any_ki44, ihvolved in this change 1 PaidLoans ( Total reand in- I in capital vcstntsi slyrce7.: (000 s omitted) 15115 First Banking Trust Co. First National Bank 50 253 125 1385 • 3 2/ • Name or names after change 0 • y LII 1 0 (1 A ) 6il ry_1(._ 150 - -. Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the cilange occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before change Rocky Mount KIND 0:7 CHANG2: 318 Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHA1TGE IN NLTLER CF STATE INS'TT ONS: Increase Decrease 1 District No. BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) s- State -0C A. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 4111 Name or namas before change Loans lass Paid-in Surplus inand of and capital vestments bank** profits* (00C's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation 7 Ve Reopening „ .,...- Primary (new) organization i Succession Withdrawal of state bilk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chamge, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank rr. Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NaBER OF BANTS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i4roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resorves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Noc. 23,1927 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town _ Name 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, of any ki4d, involved in this change 1 tion* PaidLoans Total in reand in- , capital vestJ,-ntsl solirces (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Roseboro 794 Coharie Bank 133 218 Bank of Roseboro 107 244 ii Bank of Roseboro , primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1,23at OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: I1 40 Increase Decrease _ Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation Liquidation Name or names after change • KIND OF CHANGE: • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 State District No. 'RANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If infomation furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change relass Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital profits* vestments bank** (00Cis omitted) . 'N4c-,-a- ie 1 /e'c, Z-0--t .----r---- Ake-4r6 -----74-k-. - - ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation i , tfr e4x0-4..e. FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Reopening Primary (new) organization ilr•-,,c g 1 2 --1-Name or names aftcr chance, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 0iL3-1e- Succession Withdrawal of state br,nk from membership: Voluntary Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give eJ•oup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State /;.Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change July 18.1929 EAFX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primar:- organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. AILCity or town Name j Pop-ila-I 17:2::_eZ of n11 ba:11.1:s aud trast connanies, tion*d of any 1.1.44.,_ involved iu this chango PaidLoans Total reand in- I in capital vLstm.nts1 sllaTe7 (000 s omitted) Roanoke 1414 Rosemary Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Consolidation. -/ Liauidation Name or names before change Rosemary KIND 07 0EIEG2: 25 327 405 100 609 7,43 Rapidf Primary organization Conversion of private bank 1 Nam Rosemary ' NET CHANGE IN CF STATE NUM INSTITUTIO:S: or names after change 1 Roanoke Bank & Trust Co. loo .1. -Jesna-mwerue—e"..r,,ftc...-mac Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, plase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tim the change occurrod. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Increas Decrease 0 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change N. Carolina Aug. 13 1923 BANX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primr,ry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town I PopUlaName j_ tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total inin and re1 capitallvestmc.nts sources (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change Roxboro 3000 el Bank of Roxboro First National Bank Consolidation Liquidation 430 681 Lazne' or names after change Roxbord KIND OF OHAN-GL: First Ndktional Bank 471 816 Primary organisation Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NT3ER OF STATE rNSTITUTIONS: Increase Dt:;crease New - organized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ---*Ftgxxx4xxzzxammatiaaLit Skate Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking No.Car. Date of chaageJan.31.1926 P.ArK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prisnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. AILCity or town PaidTotal Loans reruld in- I in slurce: vcso-...nts1 capital (000 s omitted) Popfla-J Nar.eo of all banks and trust commies, tion*...1 of any ki4d„ involved ia this chaagu Name Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 1693 I vs Commercial Bank 100 512 683 I 50 983 1086 1 X Nama or names after change 1 Concolidation. -/ Liouidtion Name or names before change Rutherfordtozi Rutherford County Bank & Trust Co. 200 Primary organization Conversion of bmk NET CKAITGE IN NT1ER CF STATE Increas,_ Dccrease Newly organized (primary) a If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, pL7ase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --- KIND OF-CiiiGE: 1 I. F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) E.47K CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If Information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or Na;:e of all bailks and trust companies, 1 of any kind, involved in this change town Name or names before dhange I Clasc Paid-in Surplus Locns _ of and inand capital bek** n nrofits* vestments 1, (00Cis omitted) YIYD OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcreie:. Suspension Liquidation .e".' ,, • Reopeni.lg Primary (nor) organization Succossior Withdrewal of stat.-) briL7 from Voluntary .kmo or names after chfln:s, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory --t , NET CaPNO- • NaDER OF BPYYS: Increase Decrease National State member L 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are no operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Priiatc 2. Give r,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of tae banks. "Tetional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contihgcncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A Date of change July 30.1927 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • =cc— - City or town Name 1 Popula1 tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kJ/1d t involved in this change PaidLoans I Total and in- , rein capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or.names before changa Saluda 556 I • 10 123 169 Carolina State Bank 10 88 100 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Consolidation -/ Liquidation Bank of Saluda Nano or names after change KIND OF CHGE: Fil Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NJIZMI OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase 20 1 -CM Newly org;anized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Federal Reserve Comaittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking S ta,te N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Aug. 1,1924 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name I Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, I tion* of any kind. ,involved in this change Loans Total Paidrein and in- , capital vestmntsi sources (000 s omitted) 2061 rlanters Comm,,rcial Bank HALL: --- Consolidation -1 Liquidation Name or names before change Scotland Nec KIND OF 30 280 30, 1 Primary organization ) to Scotland Neck Bank 25 539 622 Conversion of private bank ; NET CHANGE IN 11-J1,23M. OF STATE DISTITUTIONS: Nage or names after change r- " Scotland Nee) Scotland Neck Bank 25 Increase 1 Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I F. R. Board Form St. 6795 (Nov. 1930) BANK CH.kNGES 6- e1(1, 70 " „1_04,... , Statesh-04 Date of change Information furnished below not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Nai:e of all ba-nks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town District No. Name or namos before dhange I Clasz.. Paid-in SurnluF-T- Loans of and inand capital bprik** profits*Ivestments (00C's omitted) YrTD Consolidation Convirzio:: Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization SUCCeSSior Withdrawal of stato bank from membership: Voluntary 1 or names afthr chan:e, or of nerly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHPNG: IN NMER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease Natio:al State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn now operated as branches? any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give aroup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti:Igoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State N.Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Feb.28,1930 EAric CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liciaidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Poplila-I of n11 banks and trast cormanies, tion*J. of any ki44, ihvolved in this cha-age PaidLoans 1 in I and incqpita11vLs'2-1.ntcl (000's omitted) TotZ--T--E-63-07 CE.ZGD: reirce Conr.olidation. -/ Name or names before change -r Shelby • 8851 • • Cleveland Bank & Trust Co. 125 Union Trust Co. 100 Nam n n 518 863 L,136 Primary organization Conversion of private lonnk NET CHANGE IN NiMBER CF STATE or names after change 1 Union Trust Co. 659 1 10 Increasu Decrease Newly organized (primary) 1 If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the timo the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 BANK CHANGES State / Date of change Class City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, Popula- state or national,involved in this change of Name bank* tion** • Loans Reand insources vestments (000's omitted) — KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation _ Conversion Name or names before change Suspension le I • ,I l' , ,• Liquidation Reopening Primary organization - Succession Name or names after change LDA,LA-Q-1-66 • NMT CHAN3E IN NUILBER OF NA=.10_,BANES: Newly organized (primary) or reopened Increase Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use this space and reverse side for details. *Ntionpl (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mom), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Alit), Private banks (Pvt). **As given in the bankers directory at the time the chance occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N.Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Jan.25.1930 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, lividation, primar7 organization, etc., nnd check in the space at the right the kind of change. JIILWr 1 City or town i PaidLoans 1 TO-L7-_ 1 Popula- Nar_es of n11 banks and trust connnnies, I reNkme in and in_j tion*d of any ki.44, involtrea in this chanve 1 capital v,_s'm.ntrd slrxce (000 s omitted) Name or.naMes before chan -r Benson 1123 Citizens Bank & Trust to. Smithfield First Citizens Bank & Ty.ust Co. 40 I Consolidation _L Liouidation Primary organization 233 100 KIND OT CEAr.G2: 1371L__ Conversion of private bnnk L_ Nana or names after change Smithfiela -5 0 IC First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. NET CHANGE IN NMBER CF STATE INSTI2UTIONS: Increase 1 Dccrease Newly ori:;anized (primary) t If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the timo the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board . Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) -BALT 'CHANGES ' District No. <I- 1- 611-*-4.-41 State 2 Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 4111i Name or names before dnange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) =Di OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrtion Suspension Liquidation ,...„.. 2iar //' •F Reopenin,g Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of stato bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank , • Compulsory NET CHINTZ IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1, In the case of consolidations, whicn now operated as branches? Nonmember if any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give _roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt), *including resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ 1 ;7 BANK CHANGES State ; , Class City or town NameName of all banks and trust coapanies, Popala- state or national, involved. in this chan,e of Name bank* tion** Date of change ns Reand \lnsources yes tmè ts (000's omitted) — KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation / Conversion Name or names before change Suspension ,,,c. / 9.. , 7 -i , / Liquidation Reopening Primary organization 2 1 (' Succession Name or names After change NET CHZJIL IN NUMBER OF NATIONAL BARKS; Newly organized (primary) or reooened Increase 1.recrease 3ase use this space and reverse side for details. If above classifications are not self-exolanatory, p1, *Netion! ,1 (Nat), State member of F. R. system (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (lAut), Private banks (Pvt). **As given in the bankers directory at the time the chant occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking N. Carolina Date of change Sep. 25,1925 BANX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • Cit:r or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans ( Total rein and in- 1 capital ves1.nts1 sources (000 s omitted) 826 Bank of Greene Consolidation Liquidation Name or .names before change Snow Hill KIND OF CUNG:: Pc 421 Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nano: or names after change NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Docrease Newly or6;anized (primary) 1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6/98 (Nov. 1930) EXTY CHANGES District No. State Date of chance (If informatior furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Na.:- .e of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or namos before change Paid-in Sur721.uo 7 Loans 1 of and ( and incarital 'bank** profits*ivestments (000's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvolU:ion Suspension Liquidation 2 Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrnwal of state from mombersnip: Voluntary i — ame or names after chlmEe, or of new17 organize. or reopned bank Compulsory NET C:UNG: IN LUMBER OF 3.P.NYS: Increase Decrease Natioral State member _.._L 1. In the of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give i.roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mu), Private bank. (Pvt). qucluding reserves for dividends, contLig3Lcies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 67915 (Nov. 1930) EXTY CHANG7S District No. State /".1-4-1-17,-/ Date of chanze (If informatior furnished below is not self-exnlanetory, reverse side should be usod for details) City or torn I Na:::e. of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change of 'Name or namos before dnange Faid-in cani Sur:21us 7--Loans and and inprofi ts*'vestments (00C 1 s omi tted) FTITD OF CHANGE: Consul idation Convc rzi on Suspnnsion Liquidation Reope.iinL Primary (nor) ox&hization Succession Withdrgral of stnt.: b::111.r from membership: Volantc,ry .._._._._ or names of )et chnn:e, or of r.erly organizer:1. or reopened bank ez1 Compulsory NET C7INC--_, IN NUMBER OF aPNYS: Increase Decrease Yetional State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branchos? Nonmember Mutual savings Priia to 2. Give ,r -roup or chain affiliation if any of each of the banks. "Netional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resrves for dividends, conti.1.8., -_ Lcies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change L:arch 27,1923 BALTIC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula] tion* Names of all banks and trust comnanies, of any kind & involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and in- , capital vestntsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGL: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organisation Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change Increase D.:erease New - organized (primary) Southport 1800 reoples United Bank 1 fi If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tim the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of changeDec.22,1923 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit:: or town Name I Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, 1 tion* 1 of any kind,. involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand in- ! capital vestntsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization -/ Conversion of private bank Nage or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU1,3ER OF STATE rjSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly org,anized (primary) Spencer f 4000 Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. 1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 F. R. Board Form St. 679/3 (Nov. 1930) TA77 CHANGES state ")1,0-Az,e' District No. Date of chansre //- (if 'nformatior furnished below is not self—nxplanatory, reverse side should be uscd for details) Name of all bal:ks and trust companics, of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or namos before change jp__A_c,,,„ ,_?,,,,z• 2-2.4_,-7, --e__4„...a1 . e.„_,,,r,_,.‘__ 'Class 1Paid—in Surplus 7 Loans 1 of and and in— canital bank** profits*Ivestments (000's omittsd) YET OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrCion Suspnnsion Liquidation )-,. Reopenintl; Primary (nor) Irganization Succession Withdrnwal of from mcmoeinIp: Voluntary IT6:„.no or names af tcr ch,-.1n:;e, , .)f r.erly orgnnizer.l. or re,opered bank Compulsory NET CHI= IN NaDER OF B.P.NYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are nor operated as branchss? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2, Give c.roup or chain affilin,tion if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savings (Dit), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding resrves for divilends, contin,sencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mAry F. E. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) State >24-1---C-9ex- District No. CHANGES Date of chanize //- -2 (If I - nformation furnished belor is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Nar:.e cf all baIAs and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or town Name or namos before change 1Class 1Paid-in Sur:olus 7 Loans of and and incarital profits*Ivestments (000's omitted) ' CHANGE: YET $5. Consolidation ConvcrCion Suspension A- Liquidation Reopening • Primary (nor) organization Succession _ ..._ Withdrawal of state ban from mcm.oership: Voluntary .._ Name or names after chnn:e, or If ne7ly org: , :nize0. or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHP,NO-_, IN NTJUDER OF 5.PNYS: Increase Decrease • National State member _L 1. In the case of consolidations, whian (if any) of the former head offices aie now ol7erated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,!--roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Yon), Mutual Savings *including rescrves for dividends, contiigencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). Federal Reserve Conaittee on Branch, Grnd fl Chain 4i Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of chaage Apr. 26.1921 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Citz, or town 'NT-me Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, L tion* 1 of any kind,. involved in this change 1 PaidLoans Total 1 and inrein capital,ntsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before changa Primary organization Conversion of private bank \Or NET CHANGE IN NJI3ZI OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after chanre 7 Newly or6anized (primary) Bank of Stanfield 14 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Increase Decrease 4 .....61.1.1i1WS.21C.111Erls=r-aec.=.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation Liquidation .= 2 Stanfield KIND OF CRALGE: 1 F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. .5- State Date of change 17z--/ 7- 7-r (If information furnished below is not self-exolanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-in ISurplus Loans of inand capital bank** pZcilts* vestments 700C's omi tted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSiou Suspension Liquidation 4 1;.1 -1 ; , ,t, -,eic 0-07-f-s?&Gy•-•-e,--0L 774 G. '' ,e 1 Reopening Primary (nevi) organization Succession Withdra.wal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanf:e, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any now operated as branches? Nonmember of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give .2roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Ncn), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, conti:Igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking slate N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Jan.31.1928 EArK CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liciaidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. •=1116211 City or town Name Popala- Naes of all banks aaa trast cornanies, j tion*_1 of any ki4d.„ involved in this chaagu PaidLoans 1 Total and inrein capital vestmnts1 s::111rce (000 s omitted) 1 250 Bank of Stem Consolidation Liouidation Name or .names before change Stem KIND 07.1 15 112 119 Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUMER CF STATE InCrOaSu somsiananworar—LaN, --xmar-abrm.---ecar,9.-11L — JiPIC-1•1111C.613,-$- Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the cilange occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form State N. Carolina Date of changeMar. 9,1926 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization etc., and check in the space at the ripht the kind of change. City or town Name Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust corpanies, ticn* 1 of any kind, involved in this change Paid- 1 Loans iotal in ( and in- I recapital lyestments sourcc,s (000 1 s omitted) Name or nares before change Stovall Bank of Stovall KIND OF ChAFGE: Consolidation Liquidation 12 47 60 _/ Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names afer change NET CTIXTGE IN NU:LER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. 'As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Comnittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 N. Carolina Date of change L:ar.9.1925 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. - Cit- or town PoplilaName L tion* Names of all banks and trust connanies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestzlents sources (000 s omitted) Name or.names before changa KIND OF CHAI:GL: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization -/ Conversion of private il!mk ^ NET CHA.NGE IN NU1,3Mi OF S TATE INS TI'XII ON S Name. or names after change Increase Decrease S.11-T Newly origanized (primary) Swannanoa 66 Swannanoa Bank & Trust Co. 20 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *Ls given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 J Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change N. Carolina Sept. 27,19;g1 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in tne space at the right the kind of change. • Cit:, or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„ involved in this change tion* PaidLoans 1 Total in and in- , recapital vestmnts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or.names before change Tarboro 6000 Pamlico Savings & Tr. C KIND OF ORANGE: Consolidation Liquidation 72 25 83 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN N-J1,23Zi OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change 7 Increase Docrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrod. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking state N. Carolina Form A,3 Date of chaage BAnx Nov. 10,1921 CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • ` ' -IMISOC•1/=M=V.MM.W. -41..11119:11=1C City or town 1 Name tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total Loans Paidrein and in- , capital vestm:.nts1 sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHALGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or .names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk • NET CHANGE IN NULBM OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nage or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) 275 Bank of Tillery 11 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *is given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State h. Carolina Form Date of change Oct.29,1926 SANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization; etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Popula-! Names of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* j of any kind, involved in this change Paid- i Loans Total in reand incapital iyestments sources (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change Todd Bank of Todd KIND OF ChAHGE: Consolidation Liquidation 10 42 Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names afer change NET CHANGE IN NUNBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Nuwly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 N. Carolina Date of change Dec. 14.1925 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • •Citz , or town I Foplila-I Names of all banks and trust corpanies, Name 1 tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and in- , capital vestm:.nts1 sources (000 s omitted) 1102 • Consolidation -/ Liquidation Name or names before change Troy —w- KIND OF CHA:NGD: Troy Bank & Trust Co. 62 1 A9 Bank of Montgomery 36 316 Nano' or names after change Bank of Montgomery Primary organisation 342 Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN N-J1.3M CY STATE INSTITUTIOICS: Increase Dccrease Newly oranized (primary) -4. If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-„.3 Date of change N. Carolina June 30,1927 BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • -3=61CW Cit:r or town Name I Popula] tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind_i_involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand in- ! capital vestmontsi sources (000 s omitted) 1666 a reoples Bank & Trust Co. 25 327 367 Bank of Tryon 15 162 183 Nage or names after change Tryon First Bank & rust C . 1 50 -r . Newly ori±:;anized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation -/ Liquidation Name or.names before change Tryon KIND OF CHAI:G:: Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHANGE IN NUI3ER GP STATE INSTIXTIONS: Increase Docrease 1 State IL Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change J19%/. 10, 141,-/ BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. --.-I i PaidLoans 1 Total City or town _ reand inPopula-1 Narf.ez of nil banks and trust companies, I in Name 1 tion*_I of any_ki4d„ involved in this change I ca,pital vcstmntsl s;rrce..: (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Valle Crucis Valle Crucis Sa nk 21 68 72 =ME= KIND or CHAITG2: ConsolidationLictuidation _/ Primary organization Conversion of private bank !II • Nan°. or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUTBER CF STATE Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, plase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Feb.24,1922 RANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town N,Ime PoplilaL tion* Names of all banks and trust connanies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and in- , rein capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change to 7E0 2ank of Craven 35 97 109 Bank of Vanceboro 25 235 254 Bank of Vanceboro ___ --1.------New / 60 -- If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Conversion of private bank Increase origanized (primary) *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Primary organization NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE LTSTITUIIONS: Nage or names after change _ Consolidation Liquidation II Vanceboro KIND OF CHANGE: Decrease 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Foim Date of change July 15, 1926 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization etc., and check in the space at the rt the kind of change. Paid- 1 Loans City or' town 1 in and inName Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, 1 !capital lyestments tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change (000 1 s omitted) change before Name or names Total reSOUTC3 KIND OF ChAFGE: Concolid-tion -/ Liquidation Rose Hill 554 Bank of Rose Hill ic 10 176 193 Wallace 734 Bank of Duplin 25 673 806 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUMER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 77 " Bank of Duplin 25 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) c,1 If above clusifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. "As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State N. Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date Of change Apr. 30 1924 EMI CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • ___ ----City or town I PopulaName L tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any_kindinvolved in this change T Loans ( Total Paidreand in- ! in capital vestnts1 sources (000 s omitted) Kenansville 302 Warsaw 1108 • Warsaw Bank of Kenansville in Bank of Warsaw 20 121 326 394 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1.3Z1 CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Bank of Warsaw Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change j yr OF CHAF.GL: KIND 30 Increase Decrease -2•SEB. Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the timo the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES . F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. ._'C State Date of change /. 2 .4-- 7 1- - x!r (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital profits* vestments bank** (000's omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Naze or names after chane, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank vaAg 34-7:a -4 ?L6t_ , J • Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF BANNS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding res3rves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EANY CHANGES District No. State Date of change .c / -7-/- 7-1 (If information furnished below is nI.t self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) City or town Loans Paid-in Surplus and inand capital profits* vestments (000's omitted) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change 111/ Name or names before dhenge YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation ' 711-0t4t 4.C.,c-e fi--- ib, -4.--s.xi . 11 / /?etic,a.,....c .t,1" . • Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state b:7nk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanfe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private Give [roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis state N. Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on fl Chain 4L Banking Branch, Grnd Date of chaage Aug. 7.1925 RANI CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 Popula- Names of all 'Do:like and trust companies, N:Ime 1 tion* of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans and inin capital vestmc:nts (000 s omitted) Total reSOUXCeS 704 reoples 3ank & T,ust Co. KALI:: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change West Jefferson KIND OF 25 84 107 Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHANGE IN NUL3ER CP STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change 7 Increase 1 Decrease Newly or&o.nized (primary) If above classlfication arc not self-explanatory, plaso use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A7_1 Date of chaage Mar.29,1924 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. I City or town . 1 Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust comnaniez, Name L tion* 1 of any .kind i_involved in this change PaidLoans ( Total rein .1 and in- I capitalivestm,,- .nts1 sou:ces (000's omitted) Name or .names before change KIND OF CHA1:GE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization 1 Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1,3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Naze. or names after change II Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) West ..,Tiffelfson 500 reoples Bank & Trust eo. 25 • If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, pL'ase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 pp Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form Date of change :Var. 20,1926 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City of town PaidLoans 1 Total j Name Popula-! Names of all banks and trust companies, in and in- I re. tion* I of any kina, involved in this change jcnpital vestments! soureos (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF ChAFGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization I Conversion of private bank 1 ---..- . NET CTTANGE IN NUMTDER OF STATE INSTINTIONS: Name or names af-c,er change 1 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) Whiteville 2000 Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co. 25 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis state N. Carolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Jan. 16,1922 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Loans Total Paidre! and inin capital vestmc.nts1 sources (000 s omitted) or town Ci 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name of any kind, involved in this change tion* KIND OF CHANG:: Consolidation Liquidation Name or .names before change Primary organization -/ II Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUI3M. OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change II Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) --T Wilmington 37000 100 Bank of Commerce I If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / State i=',1z4/ BANK CHANGES City or town Class Name of all banks and trust companies, Populastate or national, involved in this change of tion* - bank* Name or names before change Date of change Loans Reand insources vestments (000fs omitted) KIND OF CH,ANGE: Consolidation _ Conversion Suspension ., (,-.),.. "- - 4, ,,i-('noi,• ,,, --,,—/6 Liquidation Reopening Primary oranizatin': -- Succession Name or names after change TET CHAN:TE IN NUMBER OF NAII0. BAMS: Newly organized (primary) or reopened Increase Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatOry, please use this space and reverse side for details. *N!?tion„al (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Itut), Private banks (Pvt). **As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .1ar/t4-444 :44--icr--'17State 7 BANK CHANGES Date of change City or town nk and trust companies, iClass Name of all bas Popalastate or national, involved. in this change of Name tion** bank* Name or names before change Loans Reand insources vestments (000,s omitted) — • KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary organization - Succession Name or names after change at5t-Y24/14,te7, • aA cl NM' CHANA . IN NUR CF NA=1.0. BAITY.S: Newly organized (primary) or reopened Increase Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use this space and reverse side for details. *N!.-tionel (Nat), State member of P. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savins (Lt), Private banks (Pvt). **As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking state N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change MaY 11 1925 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town PopulaName I tion* Names of all banks and trust comnanies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein 1 and incapitallvestmc.nts sources (0001 s omitted) Name or .names before change Wilmington 32 167 Bank of Commerce Primary organization SP4 2.15A7 17610 I, ::.urchison National Bank Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change I Consolidation -/ Liquidation iurchison National Bank n KIND OF CHANGL: fos 7 .,.. Increase 1 _ Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 StateN.CarOlina Date of change Feb.12,1930 EMI( CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit_ or tor., Pupula-1 Nars:eo of .7.11 banks aacl trust cornaaies, Name j tion*_.1 of any_ki40,„ involved ia this chan u Loans PaidTotal rein and inital vcstm:,nts1 slrrce.7: (000 s omitted) Wilson 2500 Farmers & Merchants Bank ioe 16000 Branch Banking & Trust Co. 250 • 498 Ito0co Branch Banking & Trust Co. 250 Primary organization Conversion of privn.te bnnk Increase Decrease ..--Newly orc;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 611 NET CHANGE IN ND1MER CF STATE rNSTITUTIONS: Nama or names after change , Wilson Consolidtion-/ Liquidtion Name or names before change Williamston 1 KIND Or 1 Federal Reserve Commdttee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 N. Carolina Date of change Apr. 1.1921 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirrnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, L tion* of any kild, involved in this change Loans 1 Total Paidrein and in- , capital vest:. Ients1 sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation. Liquidation Name or.names before change Primary organization -2 Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE ItISTITUTIONS: Nam' or names after change II Increase Decrease Newly or6ahized (primary) 12,818 Commercial Bank 1 P. If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please uze reverse side for details. *As given in the baakers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 N. Carolina Date of change Mar. 3,1927 BAFX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit7 or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change L tion* PaidLoans 1 Total reand in- ! in capitallvestentsl sources (000's omitted) 12,609 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. rlanters Bank 422 SO 100 661 846 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nano or names after change Planters Bank Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Wilson KIND OF Cii.aGE: 100 Increase Decrease Newly org;ahized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, pl?.ase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change N. Carolina Feb. 2,1927 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • -411 City or town I PopUla-I Names of all banks and trust commaniez, Name d_ tion*__i_ of any _kin4, involved in this change Loans i Total Paidrein and in- I 11 sources capitalivestmentsi (000's omitted) Consolidation —/ Liquidation Name or names before change Wilson KIND OF CHAKGE: 12609 Citizens Bank 50. tt rlanters Bank on 330 661 Name or names after change rlanters Bank 456 846 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NO1BER OF S2ATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly or6;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the baakers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking StateN_ Carolivia Form A-3 Date of change Feb.14.1924 -;$ EANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Poplilation* Names of all banks and trust comnanies, of any kind. ,involved in this change an Total Loans Paid, rein and incapital vestntsi sources (000 s omitted) 274 Wilson 12818 rlanters Bank 10 78 121 653 920 Primary organization .30 100 Conversion of private bank o • Wilson LBanIc of Black Creek. Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Black Creek KIND 01 CH.AGE: NET CHANGE IN NUL3al OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nane. or names after change . I rlanters Bank 100 Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State / BANK CHANGES iClass City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, Popula- state or national,involved in this chan.e of Name bank* tion** Date of change Loans Reand insources vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Name or names before chan=ge z Suspension t;k9 Liquidation Reopening Primary organization Succession Name or names after change ott)W11-014, IT= CHANGE La NUMBER OF NAIIONAL BARYS: Newly ore;anized (primar7) or reopened Increase Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatorv please use this space and reverse side for details. *National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Alit), Private banks (Pvt). **As given in the bankers directory at tne time the chance occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 State N. C. Form Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Mar. 24,1930 PANIC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate Copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prilmry organization, etc., nnd check in the space at the right the kind of change. ..---- _ PaidLoans 1 Total City or toTn rein and in1 PopUla- Yanes of ral banl:s and trast commies, i Name 1 capital vcs'ints1 sl-cice: tion*_1 of 11.y. ki4c1_, ilivolved in this change (000 s omitted) Nam or names before change -r Winston Salem 75000 Forsythe Savings & Trust Co. 20 233 246 KIND Or 0=12: Connslidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bmk Nam NET CHANGE IN NUTBER CF STATE' or names after change 7— 7 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State N. Carolina Form A-3 Date of change Aug. 4, 1927 ;s BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • .-=21.011 Cit : . or town Name I PopUla- Names of all banks and trust companies, I tion*d of any kink, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein. in .1 and capitalivestnts1 sources (000's omitted) 75,272 if Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Forsyth Savings & Trust Co. 1A 63 81 Primary organization 20 218 241 Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NMER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name' or names after change N. I Consolidation —/ Liquidation Name or names before change Winston-Sale KIND OF CHAKGE: if Forsyth Savings & Trust Co. -22 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State N. cnrottria Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change June 27,1924 BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Li City or town Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name of any kind„involved in this change ] tion* Total Loans Paidreand inin capital vestnts1 sources (000 s omitted) 17 698 i Salisbury Bank & Trust C Winston-Sale 69 031 / Waehovia Bank & T ust C . i 100 /JO'? 217R I. 1431 254 4 7,5';11 Name or names after change I • Winston-SitilT " Consolidation Liquidation Name or.names before change Salisbur KIND OF CHANG:: Wachavia Bank & Trust Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUY,BER CF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please uze reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EA7Y CHANGES District No. State Date of change I- 25 (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or torn 1 Name of all banks ani trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or namcs before change 'Clasc Paid-in Suroluc 7 Loans of arid and incapital profits* vestments bank** (00Cis omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidatio, _ _ ConvcrCiou Suspension Liquidation tA, ?-72re--;.--,,--.4-fte >z--d-- - Reopening Primary (nor) orgz,nization LI; ?,, • t 7i! '% - , ‘: , ; 2G /4/ /z_. Succession ,2 /4 Withdrawal of stat .!)7.1ak from mombers:-Iip: Voluntary Ut-ne or nane; aft:-.!r cinn, or of newl-: orga.nizerd or reopened. bank Compulsory NET C=3: IN NUMBER OF BPXYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicil (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give j .-oup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tile banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti.lgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking N. Carolina Date of chaage Jan.25,1923 BAYX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in tne space at the right the kind of change. • Cit.: or town FopulaName tion* f Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans ( Total reand in- ! in capitalivestments1 solarces (000's omitted) Winston-Sal • 31,474 .69.031 Battery rark Bank Wachovia Bank & Trust Co Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Ashville KIND OF CHALGE: 100 4065 2.431 2,991 21,660 25,712 Name' or names after chance Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. Primary organization Conversion of private bank _ . NET CHANGE IN NUI,3ER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease N w organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State R.0arolina Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change Feb.1,1930 EAra CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirrnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or to 1 Popula- of 7.3.1 banirs and trust commies, Name _ i tion* i of any ki4d, involved ia this change i PaidTotal Loans rein ard incapital vLs'.r..nts1 slrree: (000 s omitted) to 1000 2:erchants ' 6 Farmers Bank 25 Bank of Winton Nama or names after change Winton Banking & Trust Co. or CHANGE: Consolidation.' Liquidation Name or .names before change Winton KIND 121 152 178 225 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NMER CF STATE INSTITUTIO:S: rl 11 25 Increase Decrease -• , New1..7 organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change N. Carolina Feb. 8, 1925 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 Fopula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, Name 1 tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and in- , capital vesnts1 sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHArGL: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Zebulon 953 I. Bank of Zebulon 71 335 Citizens Bank 31 21 et Zebulon Banking, & Trust Co Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN TaBER OF STATE InSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change to 383 59 Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) ( MAMT CHANGES District No. /- State Date of chanze - information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used. for details) City or torn NaL.e of all b:-.1s and trust companies, I of any kind, involved in this change Name or nam3s before chonge Claso Paid-in S'ornluo - - 7 Iorns 1-17IITD OF CHANGE: of and ( and inConsolidation carital Ibnk** iDrofits*ivestments ConvcrCion (00Cis omitted) Suspenqion Liquidation Reopenin Primary (now) orgonlzatin Withdrawal of str,t from membership: Voluntory liL:rio or naries aftr chan2e, or nf newly orgnnize or reop,ned bank Compulsory rET C7INCT IN =FR 07 aPNYS: Inorease Decrease Yational State member i. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? nonmember Mutual savings Prilate 2. Give rroup or chain affiliation if any) c each of tne banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Won), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resorves for dividends, conti:Ig3ncies, ctc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis h Statcdezy,--6-0t.(4 Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change - BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Reoort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, lividation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 0 City or town Pop-Aa- Names of nll banks and trust connanies, Name I tion* of any kild, involved in this change Paid- Loans Total reLull vestmontsl sources (000 s omitted) KIND Or CILA17GE: Consolidation. Name or.names before chan ii d 00 11 I0 „44(tA, 3 y s Primary organization /1o V • ;- Conversion of private Nano or names after change NET CHANGE IN N01.23a/ CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease • 13 •MCrGT New - oreanized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *is given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking ?LA) Date of change EA/7 CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 40 City or town Popula- Names of cal banks and trust companies, Name tion* of any kilicij . involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and in- 1 capital vestmnts1 sources (000 s omitted) T 611"4-4l4"\- 1 * Z--. 4.216+1../C Concolidation Liquidation rame or names before change si-""24- tfZ KIND Or =GE: n/ 0 0 Primary organization Conversion of private bank • ,AutA Nama or names after change • 1 NET CHANGE IN NU1.23M OF SUIT INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 1 If above classifications are not Self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stat044F- ./Cliti Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change 1 -2 45--- BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. AILCity or town Pepula0 Name 1 tion* all Names of all banks and trust conpanies, of any kilid„. involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total rein and in- . capital vestments' source° (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND DI' CUL GT,: Consolidation Liquidation Priaary organization Ae.'" Conversion of private bank Nage or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUY.BER OF SUIT Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Ls given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State 9P-0-- . Form A-3 Date of change 7-) BANK CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town • 1 Popula-d Names of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* j of any ktad, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and in- , capital vestmentsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change 1)44 4,./ Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk 11 • KIND OT CHALGE: Nam or names after change 41-0,A NET CHAITGE IN NJIBM CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly orE;anized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tiff: the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fr - F. E. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) IANK.CHANGES District .No. State Date of change / (If information furnished belor is not self-axnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) ---•---1 Class Paid-in Surnlus FTITD OF CHANCE: Na;:-.e of all b3nks and trust companies, inof and and Consolidation City or town capital of any kind, involved in this change profits*!vestments benk** ConvcrSion (00Cfs omitted) Name or names before dhange Suspension w Liquidation Reopenin6 Primary (now) organization Succession Withdrawal of stc.t from memI;erhip: VoluntarY NLmo or names after chn: .:e, or nf ner - organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CNING, IN NUMBEH 07 BA:7S: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn now operated as branches? J_ f any) of the former head offices are Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,,- roup or chain affiliation any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resorves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking staJ4y Form A-3 Date of change cf- BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 40 City or town 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name f tion* of any,kiid, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and in- , capital vestmnts! sourcec (000 s omitted) KIND OT CHANGE: Consolidation. Liquidation Naze or names before change Primary organization 4 Conversion of private bank • J NET CHANGE IN NU1.3M OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nage or names after change II Increase Docrease Newly organized (prima/7) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, please uze reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e. J BAN7 CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) -2 .4-4-2! -2 State) District No. 04a Date of chanze (if Information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City cr twn I Name of all brnks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before dhange 1 Class Paid-in'Surplus Loons of and inand capital profits* vestments bank** (000 1 s omitted) V= OF CHI:IC-ME: — Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of stat bonk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan,7;e, or of newly organizeeq or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG:: IN NUIBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease Yational State member 1. In the case of consolidations,. which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation if any cf each of the banks. "Nationa.1 (Fat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * I. "EXTK. CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 District No. (Nov. 1930) (if 7 e State )7. Date of change - Informatior furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be ilsed for details) of all b3I:ks and trust companics, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or namas before dhanze 7 Loans Clas Sur Paid-in t and inof and capital profits*Ivestments bank** (00C's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convion Suspension Liquidation nt.~..g...._ , 711.4-1111-4-L*1Z-L. A 4--4 1 66-0.--.-4A 2/ ReopeninEi; . Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of stato bcri from mombersnip: Voluntary Name or names after chm;e, or of rer17 organized or reopened bank • Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NTIMBER 07 3.,,NYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember ,Ise of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are 1. In the c. now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give f,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **Yationa.1 (Fat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fedaral, Reserve Comnittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State >i)'zt-oir- Date of change 2-1; Form A-3 BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., aad check in the space at the right the kind of change. Q town Name Poplila- Names of nal banks and trust corpanies, I tion* of any kiid, involved in this change Loans Total reand in- ! vestmontsl sources (000 s omitted) Paidin Name ornames before change KIND OT CHIUGE: Consolidation. Lividation Primary organization ii Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NaBER CF S2iTE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (priaaxy) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on 6 Branch, Group and Chain Banking Statec Form Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 ReDort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 111 City or town _ 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name of any involved in this change tion* PaidTotal Loans rein and incapital vestmonts1 sources (000 s omitted) / Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk n • Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change 3 If (4.3 KIND Or CHAKG:: Nano or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUI.53Z/OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Am given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. B. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) TANK CHANGES District No. 7 State 7/. /Jet Date of change - 3- 'nformation furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Na..e of all and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or namos before dnange 'Claso Paid-in Surnlus ! Loans of and and incarital bPnk** profits* vestments (000 1 s cmittsd) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convirzio.n Suspr-nsior Liquidation 111112x41-4- 7 a _r Reopenint; Primary (nor) organization Succao—ior Withdrqwal of stct -) 571-17 from membersinip: Vulantary amo or names aftc‘r ch.p..n:e, or of nerrly organised or reopened bank Compulsory NET CH.P.NGE IN NUNDER OF aANKS: Increase. Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn now operated as branchos? Nonmember if any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Pri7ate 2. Give group or chain affiliation if any of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding res3rves for dividends, conting:;ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Porn: A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Date of change BArx CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 0 City or town1 PopalaName i tion* Names of all banks aad trust companies, of any_kA4d, involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total rein and incapital vestmnts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change ' -OA KIND Or CHAL.G.E: Consolidation. Liouidation Primary organization Conversion of p 'vat() bnnk (I Nams- or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU1.3Z1 CF STATE INS TI TU ONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not Self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the baakers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change - 1',/ BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. III 0 City or town1 Popula--7Names of n11 Name I banks aud trust conpanies, tion* t_of any_kirid, . involved in this change r PaidLoans 1 Total in re, and in- . capitalivestants1 sourceo (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change ==.... KIND Or ailAn2: Consolidation Liouidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nama or names after change NET CEANGE IN NUL:BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ka-0-4-1r If above classifications arc not Self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form. A-3 State Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primory organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 411 Cit7 or town I Popula-1 Names of .T.11 banks and trust companies, Name I tion* j of any kAnd, involved in this change PaidLoans j Total rein and in- 1 capital vestmontsj sources (000 s omitted) KIND OT CHALGE: ConcolidAtion Liquidn.tion Name or .names before change Primary organi5-ation I Conversion of priv%tc lonnk • • NET CHANGE IN IdULDMI CP STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nana or names after change II Increase Decrease Newly org;anized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis if State/ Date of dhange BANK CHANGES Class City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, Pupula- state or national,involved in this change of Name hank* tion** Re, sources 00 omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation / Conversion Name or names before change Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary organization Succession Name or names after change NIZT Cisl3E IN Ci NAIIONAL BAnS: et_ Newly organized (-primary) or reopened Increase Decrease I self-explanatory, pl,.,ase use this space and reverse side-if:or aetails. If abuve c17,ssifications are not Savins (Mut), Prilv.te banks (Pvt). *NT-tional (Nat), Stte member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual occurred. ,i;iven in th- bankers directory at the time the change Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form State Ce- Date of change /0 -/ 7- >1. BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • 4110_JILI:LJIL:_tonn Narlie Popula- Names of all banks and trust compnnies, tion* of any kdnd, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and in- I capital vestmc:nts1 source: (000 s oaitted) Name or names before change KIND Of CHALGE: ConsolidAtion. Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of privato bnnk • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE LaSTITUTIONS: Increase Dccrease Newly- organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. 41..s given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. E. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) P.A.7.7 CHANGES District No. 9 State ' A Date of chanze /7)<7 (If Information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Na;:.e of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before change 7= OF CHANGE: Paid-in SunnlaS-7- Loans of and and inConsolidation carital bank** profits*1 vestments Convcrcion (00C's omitted) Suspenion Liquidation Reopenihe; Primary (now) oiganization Succession Withdrawal of state from membership: VolantLry or names af t7.r h. :Ann:2e, or of ner17 organizer?. or reoper_ed bank Compulsory ••••••••.- NET CHING:, IN NEUBER OF B.P.INTS: Increase Decrease National State member In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmellfoen Mutual savings Private 2. Give f-:roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. **1Thtional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Fvt). *including res.irves for dividends, conti.16,:ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change f-/ BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 411 III City or town 1 Popula-J Names of all banks and trust corpanies, Name j tion 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total reand in- ! in capital vestments] sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change XIND 0: CHAKGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBMI OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nano or names after change Increase sca..aralm Newly or,Eanized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the timo the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease e' Fedaral Reserve Committee on Branch, Graund p a Chain Banking 6tate)gde" Form A Date of change i/-1)- PAYE CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. III City or town Name 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, ' tion* i of any kta4A involved in this change PaidLoans i Total in and in- ! recapital vestmc.nts1 souTceo (000 s omitted) Name or.names before change KIND Of CHAKGE: Consolidation Liouidation Primary organization ,) E Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nane,or names after change II Increase Decrease New - oreanised (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Statt-r, Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • 411 City or town 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* of any kind, involved in this change Loans 1 Total Paidreand in- , in capitaljvestments1 sources (000 s omitted) Primary organization )SflAii-(--;f( 3j 3 , de) 4./ /0 Increase J Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If abavo classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN N-J1.73L2 OF STATE INSTITJTIONS: Nano or names after change , _•7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation Liquidation Name or .names before change • KIND OF CHANGL: State Fern A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change PANIC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Popula- Names of all banks and trust corpanies, 10 Name I tion* of anv_kiad, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and in- I capital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or names befere change lov c?•10;ticX-- t‹-ert; KIND Or CHALCT'2: Consolidation. Liauidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank / Nam or names after change NET CHANGE IN r NUI.23at CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increasu Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form Date of change. WIC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 410 City or tI ,n N3ELe Popula- Names of t.11 banks and trust companies, 1 tion* of any ki44, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and incapital vestmantsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND Or ildE: Consoli17:tion . LiTaidation Primary orgAnization Conversion of private bank Nama or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUKBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not Self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — 1 r. E. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) EAI"TIT CHANGES State ‘77--el--Z.4e.LerA. District No. Date of change /92- (If informatior furnished belor is not self—exnlanatory, reverse side should be rsed for details) rn City or to I Paid—inpur7-3111-fl 7 1 and in— capital proilts*Ivestments (00C's omitted) Name of all ban'Ks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or namos before daz:lige kIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrnion Suspengion Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Successiorr Withdrawal of stnt from meaft:;erE,nip: Voluntary Nrmo or names aftn. chn:e, or of ner17 organizer:1_ or reopened bank • Compulsory •••••• NET CaNG: IN NUEBER OF 3.ANYS: Increase Decrease 1 National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give f:roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut , Private bank. (Pvt). *tneluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, ctc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Fl F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) :Uri( CHANGES District No. '7 State c. Date of chanze - (If Information furnished below ts not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or town Nam.e of all b3nks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before chnnge Paid-in Sur?lus 7 Loans of and .and capital bank" nrofits* vestments (00C's omitted) YIYD OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrCioh Suspension Liquidation Reol,ening Primary (nor) organization SUC3C3i0-: Withdr-.wal of strt- brz-v- from Voluntnry Namo or naec cha. : -a, or of ner17 orgnni7ed or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHP7G: IN NaDER OF It.NYS: • Increase Decrease National • State member 1. In the c,c)se of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the formr head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri/ate 2. Give „a,roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of 1% R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). 'Including resorves for dividends, conti.1g3hcies, ctc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State. .4 f$4 Form A-3 Date of chaage BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., aad check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or towI. Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind., involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand inin capital vesta:.ntsi source: (000 s omitted) KIND OF CRAIG:4 Consolidation. Liouidation Name or names before change (-, Primary organization Conversion lat Ampk-vnte-bnak ifues-ew. • Nano or names after change NET CHANGE IN N-J1.3M OF STATE FNSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,fir•-• T. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EAK CH.A.NGES District No. / - State Date of change . 171 7 1- 1formation furnished belor is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks arl trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town __________ 410 Name or nam3s before daange P- I Clasz Paid-in Surplus Loans 7= OF CHANGE: . of and and inConsolidation capital bank** profits* vestments Convcrsion (000's Suspension Liquidation A., 4 Reopeniaii; Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary 4 litm z or names aftn- CarA2e, or At- it.. 214, If ner,17 organized or reopened bank ' 22-u s/ • • Compulsory NET CHING, IN NEVBFR 07 B.PNYS: Increase Decrease National State member J_ 1, In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri7ate 2. Give pxoup or chain affiliation any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mom), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding reserves for dividends, contihLs.ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stat Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking , 14,44,k Date of change /0 - BArx .X . - CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 Popn-la- Names of n11 banks and trust companies, Name of any kild, involved in this change 1 tion* PaidTotal Loans reand in- I in capital vestments source:: (000 s omitted) KIND Or CHALGC: Concolidation Lividation Name or names before change a Primary organization Conversion of privatc bank /f Nag or names after change NET CHANGE IN OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Ctiii H 11 , Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change - PANT CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Re-port on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town I Popula- Names of :111 baaks and trust companies, Name I tion* of any kiad, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and in- ! in recapital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before change \-z1214,-e-h, KIND OZ CHAL.GE: ( -v Primary organization Coaversion of privato bank NET CHANGE IN NU1.23ER C.F STATE 'USTI Nage or names after change II Increase Decrease Mr' Newly ore, ,anized (primnry) If above classifications are not 601f-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EXTY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of ehanze (1-f' information furnished below ts not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Naie of all beilks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or torn Name or names before change 1Class Paid-in SurPlue 7 -Lo:?ns --1- 37.= OF CHANGf:- -I of and I and inConsolidation capital bank** profits*Ivestments ConvA:rCion (000's omittcd) Suspension Liquidation Reopening PriEary (nor) organization Succession --- Withdrawal of stato brn)... from mombership: Voluntary Name or na::les after Caan::e, or of nerly organisecl. or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHr.NG: IN NDEBER OF BP:NYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, wiqich ncw operated as branches? if any) of the formr. head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give croup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Won), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Fvt). *tncluding resorves for dividends, conti.lgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Statit-4;04.8i7 Fcrm A-3 Date of change RAMC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. —2•=e•101.1=a—As.scam.•=samara City or town I Popula-i Names of :all banks aud trust corpanies, Name tion*J of any ktad.i involved in this chnnre Loans PaidTotal rein and in- ! capital vestmonts1 sources (000 s omitted) Nane or names before change KIND Or CHALGE: Consolidation Liouidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nage or names after change NET CHANGE IN NaBER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly or6anized (primary) 1ft If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change :3 FMK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 Name tion* Names of nll banks aud trust companies, of any kirid, involved in this change PaidLoans in and in- , crTital vestments1 (000 s omitted) Total reSOUTCOC y cll.z. Consolidation Liquid'ation Name or .names before change r/ KIND Or If 0 107 7) / Primary organization Conversion of priv-Ae bank i 1 • Name or names after change 11— NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly- oranized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *.ils given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ii Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of chaage BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of tnis form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. (1111.........rdinmaras..0c=e= 40 City or town 1 Popula- Names of n11 banks and trust corpanies, Name of any kind, involved in this change tion* PaidLoans 1 Total in and inrec:-Tital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Concolidation, Liauid7ttion Name or .names before change g?' r, KIND 01' CHAL GE: Primary orglmization Conversion of priva.te bank Name,- or names after change NET CHANGE IN NULDMI GF STATE LaSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications are not Self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Batking State Form A-3 Date of change RAMC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., aad check in the space at the right the kind of change. III City or town Name Popula- Names of batks aud trust conpanies , I tion* of any ki4d, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- I reca.pital vestm,,ats1 sourcec (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND 0.7 CHZG:3: Consolidation Liquidation D Primary organization Conversion of privato bank = Nama or names after change / NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease New - oranized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I. TANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) ( State District No. Data of chanas I - nformation furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or torn I Na,Le of all b:..inks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or namos before Change rClass Paid-in Surplus 1 Loons 7= OF CHANGE: of and inand 1 Consolidation carital bank** profits*Ivestments Convcrsion (000fs omitted) Suspension Liquidation 4--;-a4 7t0-1 - iatc.-44._ _ Ivx47n4At. , 214_ i, ) - 15- Reopeni.1 Primary (now) oignization Sucsoc,•,ion Withdrqwal of stat b!7nY: from mcmership: Voluntary -- 1am or narnez aftr chT7..n:e, or of ner17 organised or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG:. IN NITUDER OF B.PNYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,o,roup or chain affiliation if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *fncluding reserves for dividends, conti:.goncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking - State4 , 6-. Form A-3 Date of change - BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • • City or town i PoplilaName tion* PaidLoans Total Names of all banks and trust cotpanies, I in and in- I reof any ki.4d, involved in this change cuital vestmonts1 sources (000 s omitted) Naze or names before change KIND 0 CH,VEGL: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Coaversion of privato J Nano or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUIZER CF STATE rNSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Ls given in the bankers directory at the time the change ocaurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Stato)16Y-J/7-(L'4 7.L Date of change _6-76 RANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 410 -41, City or town I Name tion* PaidLoans Total and inrein capital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) Names of all banks and trust companies, of any_kirid, involved in this change KIND Or CHANGE: Consolidation Lieuidation Name or names before change ' Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHANGE IN NULBER 0F S2ATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change f I. iI 71-p / Increase __1.----,- Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, plase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of chaage EAFK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinzIry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit-r or town Popula- Names of tal banks and trust companies, Name tionl' 1 of any ki_44„. involved in this chanFe PaidLoans Total rein and investments! sources capital s omdtted) M. Name or uames before change 3op -9-4-1-41,4— ' 4-671 fiow-or KIND Or CHZG2i: Consolidation. Liquidntion Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nama or names after change NET CHANGE NUMBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Cornittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State L'ate of Change / — - BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit7 or town _ 1 41110—irarn -T— i Popula- Naneo of all banks and trust conpanies, tion* . of any kl2p, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total in and inrecapital vestm,:nts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change Consolidation. Liquidation ppI 1 . ' Name or names after change KIND Or CHACGD: Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHAITGE IN NU1.23M1 CF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly- organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 TA.Y. CHANGES Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. State __ AJ14.-AL Date of chanze - fnformatiou furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Nai-:le of all banks and trust companiss, of any kipd, involved in this change City or torn 410--------- Name or namos before change ili Clas ,Paid-in Surplus Locns of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (00C's omitted) YTYD OF CHANaE: Consolidation ConvcrJion Suspnnsior Liquidation St,-,•iL ., a-71-d a 2t.t_ 7' - d.eL,. /c,.. ,14-1`, ),5 - Reope.i.ig Primary (now) Succcs3io-; Withdrawal of str.t7, bEn.: from mcm;)ersnlio: Voluntary Nano or names aftcr chPa:e, or of ner17 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CNANG: IN NMER OF BANYS: • • Increase Decrease /rational State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? gonmember Mutual savings Pri7ate 2. Give Proup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "Eationa.1 Wat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resrves for dividends, conti.-.Lecies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fedaral Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Stat Form A-3 Date of change - 7-- BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any.ki4d, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and in- ! rein capital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change ,] sb4g; 7.(AJ A11 , Name or names after change qli , KIND OT CHAKGE: Consolidation Mould tion Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NIJI:23M OF STATE LUSTITUTIONS: Increasa Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IT TANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) District No. / - 6 State).*`'-' Date of change o (If Information furnished be1o7 is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Naz:e of all b.:Inks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before change Class Paid-in Sur-7)1us Loons of and aici incapital b9nk** profi ts*ivestments (000's omitted.) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation i .-c- 3-2 'at-t-d-cl Reopening '2)a----"s"-- -I2-41-- Primary (nor) organization , Succession Withdrawal of stat-D bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names aft-Jr chzn,; - e, or of ne717 orgarizeil or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANE IN NUMBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease rational State member 1. In the case of consolidations,. which (if any now operated as branches? Nonmember of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "'National (rat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding res.:;rves for dividends, conti.-„gencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) 7 District No. State 17- Date of change (If lnformatior furnished beloil is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or namos before dhange —Lop Class Paid-in Sur-olus ns of and , and incapital bank** profits*Ivestments (00C's omitted) YLITD OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvorSion Suspension Liquidation F ih.-4.- ,----.-9 - / di -..e lea--t-JeJ --- Reopeniho Primary (nor) S rganization Succession _______ :Tame or names aftor chan,:e, or nf re717 organized or reopened bank Withdrqwal of stato bEn',: from meml;ership: Voluntary Compulsory NET CHANGZ IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease /rational State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations,. whicA (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,5,xoup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "'National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. *Including resrves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Pvt). Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of chaage BAYK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. ci 0 City or town Name Poplila-i Names of all banks and trust conpanies, ] tion* of any kild, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- ! recapital vestments] sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change KIND OF CHALTGE: Consolidation, Liquidation Primary organization tz-f 4-1 Conversion brmk Name or names after change III , NET CHANGE IN NUE:BER OF STATE LaSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *is given in the bankers directory at the timo the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Connittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stat Form A-3 Date of change -/17-0Z7 BANK CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 ReDort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cll Name or town I Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, I tion* 1 of any ki4d, involved in this change Loans Total Paidreand inin capitallvestmonts sources (000 s omitted) Name ornames before change KIND OT CHANGE: Consolidation Liouidation Primary organization Coaversion of private bank Nage or names after change 44_44 NET CHANGE IN NaMER OF STATE rNSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (priaary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, picas° use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6796 (Nov. 1930) 1- ,12 F• CH.41\iG7S District No. 7 State Date of chanze 3 ,-F (If Information furnished belor is not self—exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Na;.::e of all baEks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City er torn Name or namps before change Loans Paid—in Surnlun arid in— and carital profits* vestments NOCIs omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Primary (nor) organization Succos3ion Withdrawal of from stato mombers.nip: Tilantary Utz° or names aftor eaan:e, or of nerrly organizer?.. or reopore,.. bank • • C(Ampulsory 1- NET CHiNGL IN NUMBER OF BPNYS: Increase Decrease Yational / State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri7ate 2. Give f.roup or chain affiliation if any of each of the banks. **NPtional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, conti:igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TANK CF41'TG7S F. E. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. State a - Date of change (If Information furnished below is not self-erolanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Tnaso .Paid-in Sur-)hifi 7 ncris— YIND OF CHANGE: NarLe of all banks and trust companies, of and t and inConsolidation City or torn capital of any kind, involved in this change benk" profits*Ivestments Convcroion (00Cfs omitted) Name or names before dhange Suspension Liquidation Z4-7 Reopenin Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from mombersnip: Voluntary or names aftr chnnze, or nf nerdy organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHING: IN TIMER OF RPNYS: • • Increase Decrease National State mellaber 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. give ,i-oup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *fricluding reserves for dividends, conti.igc)ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking -42E( State)6P-e)C Form A-3 Date of change %/-/)' - 41=9 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 111 40 ____F____ City or town 1 Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust connanies, Name tion* 1 of any 414d, involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand in- . in capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change g.‘4 1 !„ ' 1 Consolidation. Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Naze or names after change „ KIND Or CHAEGL: ( 0 - -J„-. 14-•AS ) PC--3( NET CHANGE IN Nulmat OF STATE INS TI TUTI ONS: Increasi.: Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tiae the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stat-'.c4114-2 Form A-3 Date of change - 2- BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., aad check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit-T or town I Popula- Names of ,-.L11 banks and trus t companies, Name of any kAlid„. involved in this change tion* • PaidLoans i Total and in- ! rein capital vestmntsi sources (000 s omitted) raze or names before change e KIND Of CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Ls(a_-4 Conversion of private bank Lama or names after change 402-0--10 DIET CHANGE IN Walat OF STATE INS TI TU.TI ONS: Increase Decrease New - organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) EXTY CHANGES District No. q State - A9a-XA-4 Date of change 1?"-- (if'nformation furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or to 110--------- Naze of all iocs amd trust companies, of any kind, involved ia this change Name or names before chflage 1 i Claso 1Paid-in aar7)1 ' ° 7 Loans of and incarital aria b2nk** profits*Ivestments (00Cis omitted) IT= OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Iiquidation Re ape - Primary (new) o/gLnization Succession Withdrawal of stat, bon: from momersaip: Vulantary Name or names after chan:e, or of newl7 orgnnizecl. or reopereri bank Compulsory NET CH.LNC: • • NDNBER OF 3.:\TYS: Increase Decrease Yptioral State member 1. In the case of consolidations, will en (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri-rate 2. Give ,f,roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem),. Nonmember (Won), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resrves for dividends, contigoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State ' BANK CHANGES City or toAm Name of all banks and trust coamanies, Popula- state or national,involved in Uais Name tion** Date of change Class Loans Reinland °f sources lbank* Ivestments (000's omitted) — KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Name or names before change Suspension Liquidation Reopening _A Primary organization Succession Name or names after change n'T CILAN:TE Ig NIMIR OF N21=IOUAL B.AMS: Newly organized (primary) or reo7Dened Increase VA Decrease If above classifications are not self-exolanatory, p ease use tLis pace and reverse side for details. (Pvt). *N2tiorol (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual SavinLs (Att), Private banks bankers directory at the time the chanre occurred. **As given in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES State City or town Class Name of all banks and trust companies, Popala- state or national,involved in this change of Name tion** bank* Name or names before change Date of change Loans Reand insources vestments (000's omitted) — KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension , , c Liquiaation Reopening Primary organization Succession Name or names after change Tr. CHANGE ER NI.NBER 02 NATIONAL BATKS: Newly organized (rimary) or recypened Increase Decrease If above classifications are not self-exPlanatory, plase use this space and reverse side for —details. *National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Alit), Private banks (Pvt), **As given in the bankers directory at the time the chanLe occurred, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on Federal Reserve Committeein B Branch, Ground p a Chaanking Stat. Form A-3 Date of change BAYK CHANGES WRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name 1 tion* 1 of any kirid, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand in- ! cuital vestments! source:: (000 s omitted) raze or.names before change ) '0;4 • Naze or names after change KIND Of CHALGE: Consolidation LiTaidation Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF SIAM INSTIXTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis „,or State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopUla- Names of nll banks and trust companies, Name i tion* of any 14A/4d, involved in this change Total PaidLoans reand in- I in capital vestmcntsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OT CHALGT:: Consolidation. Liouidation Primary organization Conversion 4'7 lvta bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUMMI OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change RAMC CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 1111--City or town I Popula- Names of n11 banks ana trust companies, Name of any kiad, involved in this chaugc 1 tion* -40 PaidLoans 1 Total and inrein cn,pital ves.,:mnus SOUTCOS 'SD. (000 rame or .names before change KIND Or CHALGE: Consolidation. L' Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bmk Nana or names after change NET CHANGE IN NaBER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase II Decrease New organized (primary) If above classifications are not Self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stae7-. Fcrm A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change - /y - BAYX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • PaidTotal Loans I City or town rein and in- . 1 Poplila- Names of n11 briks and trust companies, , Name 1 capital vestmc:nts1 sourceo of any xi40„. involved in this change j tion* (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND Or CHALG2: Consolidation Lividation Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NaBER CF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 41. If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Form A.-3 Sta •1 Date of change 7 /A -- ) BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 40 City or towI. PopulaName , tion* Names of :sal banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- ! recapital vestm,:ntsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before chan KIND Or GE: Consolidation. Liouidation Primary orgInization Coaversion of privatc bank NET CHANGE IN NUL23M OF STATE raSTITUIIONS: Nama or names after change ii Increase Decrease New - oranized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change RANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • 40 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town I Popula- Names of all banks and trust cormeanies, Name of any_kdad , . involved in this change _j tion* PaidLoans Total in and inrecapital vestinnts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change 6,44,ty pi KIND Or CHALG2: Consolidation. Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nam- or names after change NET CHANGE IN NaBER 0F STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rve Committee on Federal Branch, Reseoup Grnd a Chain Bkiag ari Form A-3 State,) Date of change ›"J - >7. BAITK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • 0 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., aad check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Nlme PoplilaI tion* ( PaidLoans ( Total Names of all banks and trust cormoanies, I in and inreof any kAnd, involved in this change ] capital vest21nts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change KIND Or CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nage or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r•-"" Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State (A , Date of change / BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks mid trust companies, ' tion* of any iid involved in this change • PaidLoans Total in and in- ! recpital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change 11 , 11A-V-4--43. CO--A-(4 CI KIND OF CHALGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form A-3 Fedaral Reserve CoLulittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Date of change 3 p BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 ReDort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • Al City or town 1 Popula-i Names of all banks and trust companies, Name 1 tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand in- I in cadoital vestmonts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before changa KIND OT CHANGE: Consolidation. Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank f Nano or names after change DIET CHANGE IN Ni.1123DI OF STATE INS TI TUTI ONS: Increase Decrease New organized (primary) If abovo classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change EAY.X. CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirrnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name I tion* of any kired, involved in this change 1 PaidLoans 1 Total in reand incapital vestmc.nts1 sources (000 s oaitted) KIND Or CILZCTE: Concolidatien. Liquidntion Naze or names before charige Primary organization 4-extu/34ivtok Conversion of private bnnk 77' NET CHANGE IN NaBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease . ...1.121,1 Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not solf-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 ).L'P Date of change 74-/ EMI( CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Renort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 41k_City or town Nxne 1 Population* Names of n11 banks and trust conpanies, of any ki4d„ involved in this change PaidLoans Total in inI reand capital vestments1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before changa KIND OT CE.AL GE: Consolidation Liquid Alen Prmaanizary i rgtion etcZ,t /CLZ Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1DER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase aim Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not Solf-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dccrease Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change j. /0-!9- BAIT CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. _ City or town Names of tal banks and trust companies, Name Popula• of any kirid„. involved in this change tion* PaidLoans ( Total reand in- ! in capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) KIND Or CHAICTE: Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank ' NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STAIT Nan a or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please Use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J LA BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) State ?."--`41 j'f-Ae#-?.c • District No. Date of change //-02-/- ,713 (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used_ for details) Nar:.e cf all b.31:.s and trust companies, 1 of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or names before dhange Paid—in Surplus -T Loans of and and in— carital benk" profits*Ivestments (00C's omitted) YET OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation IL ,,--&-,,,, - -/-, Reopening Primary (nor) oiganization Succes3ion Withdrnwal of statp from merdoersilip: Voldntery _____ N't.aa. or names aftor chaa:2e, or nf newl7 organize or reopened bank Compulsory NET C=C7, IN NaDER OF B.P.NYS: Increase Decrease Yetional • State member Monmember 1. In the Cn.Se of consolidations, which (if any) of the formc.:r head offioos are now operated as branchc.s? Mutual savings Pri.ratc ,,roup or chain affiliation 2, Give , if any cf each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resarves for dividends, contingencies, ctc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A,3 State __ Date of change EAYK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Reoort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidaticn, primoxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 40 City or town I Popula- Names of ,7111 banks and trust companies, Name I tion* of any_ki.44_,. involved in this change PaidLoans in and in- I capital vestmonts1 (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change KIND 01" CHALGE: Consolidation t;*‘° Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of iva prte bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUMER OF SUIT INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change / 0 /- lc)/ BArK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or to'. Name im Names of all banks and trust companies, Poilation* of any_kia4, involved in this chanre PaidLoans Total and in-rein capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before change 0(--ct_;6 ,ii-etz 1)4 KIND Or Primary organization 0 Name or names after change 411.0. alf—eL-tiJ 4., Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULIBM OF SUTE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ploase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-_3 StaL0 Date of change mrx CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 ReDort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Cit7 or town I\.Tame I Pop1;1a- Name:, of n11 banks and trust conpanies, j tion* of any ki_44,_involved in this change PaidLoans in and incapital vestmc.nts (000 s omitted Total resourcec KIND Or CHZGE: Concolidation. Liquidation Name or .names before changa ! Primary organization Conversion of private bank r Name- or names after change Incroasa Decrease Newly organized (primary) --If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please U.S0 reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EXTY CHANG7S District No. State Date of change (If Information furnished below is not self—exnlanatory, reverse side sthould be used for details) I City or to 1 • tz Naze of all b:3rks and trust companics, of any kind, involved in this change Name or namos before dhonge ir 'fal-j° / , 2L4g,r- Class Paid—in Surolus 7. Loans of and 1 and in— carital bank** profits*]vestments (00CIs omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation --- ConvcrZion Suspension Liquidation .------A._ t_..4_ t---- .s.s--- Reopening Primary (nor) oiganization Succession - -- -- Withdrawal of stntc bEnk from mombership: Voluntary Name or names after chon._:e, or of ner 7 organized or reopered bank Compulsory NET • c=a7. IN NUMBER OF 3„!!NYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1, In the of consolidations, rhion (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri'rnte 2. Give r.roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resrves for dividends, contig..-n.cies, ctc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Cornittee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of -/,- BArx CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 0 City or town I Paid1 Poplda- Names of all banks and trust companies, 1 Name in and in- ! reI tion* of any kild, involved in this change 1 capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change KIND OF CHAL,-C.7`13: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bnnk -2= Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUUBDR OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t- Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Statie Date of change • /7-1 0 BANK MIANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 411 Citv Name ALL! PaidLoans ( Total rePoplila-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, I and in- I in tion* ' of any kind, involved in this change capital vestments' source:: I. s omitted) before change Name or names KIND Of CHIEGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change • NET CHANGE IN NU1BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Ls given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of chaage EMI( CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidntion, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 411k---City or town 1111 Name 1 Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, of any ki44, involved in this change tion* PaidLoans 1 Total reand in- I in capital vastmantel sources (000 s omitted) KIND Or CILALGE: Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before changa 9-6 Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nama or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUI3M CP STATE INSTIOJIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranizad (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stat Date of change 7--/- x-)/ BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 111 III • City or town _ Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* 1 of any ki4d.„ involved in this change PaidLoans i Total rein and in- I capita). vestments! souTces (000 s omitted) Name or.names before change KIND 01 CHA1G2: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization filtt '14,04 Name or names after change Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU123Eit OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If abave classifications aro not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. 4lis given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis II F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES State District No. A9-0 k, Date of chanze informatior furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be rsed for details) Name of all 1-Jks ani trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or namcs before elange rClasz Paid-in Sr.rnluc - -, 7 Loans of incarital and* I a-1u bank** profits*ivestments (00Cfs omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverZion Suspension Liquidation — A kit rec._ " -1 ; P --Ps:11-0-4-z a-r .---.,C e. - I Reopenin —± Primary (nor) organization Successio7 Withdrr;wal of stat from ____.__ Voluntary Naze or names aft::r chanze, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET C=3: IN =DER OF 3.,NYS: Increase Decrease National • 1. State member In the case of consolidations, whin now operated as branches? Nonmember if any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Saving *tncluding resorves for dividends, conti.lgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Poixila- Names of all banks and trust companies, ] tion* of any ki4d, involved in this change 411 PaidLoans Total in and inrecapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Primary organization 1/1 AW Consolidation. Lictuidation LA- • KIND OF CHALGE: Name or names after change Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: 1 ..e-f--ei--ie--e- . 4.- 4r-i•A.. Z14-2-, il 4r94t ,,,,,44t4 Increase Decrease New1;5,- organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. 7 State 27, 4/- 0- Date of change _ tx (If Informatior firrnizhed belor :lc not self—exnlanatory, revcrse side should be used for details) -_.nks and trust cor.rpanies, of all b , .of any kind, involved in this change City sr torn Name or names before change Clasc Surnlus 7--Lorns of and and in— c ex) tal benk** -profits* vestments (000 1 s smi tt,d) YIYD OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcr.;ion Suspension Liquidation ReopeniN; Pr imary'(neT) ti Succ es si on 1 ( 1 4 Withdraral of - brn from st( ) mcmiuer 611 : Vuluntery -----=...z= - Nemo or names af tor chPn:e, or of r.e717 organizec'. or reopered bank rim C-19 • • Compulsory 7ET ET =DER 02 B,.NY.S: Increase Decrease Yetional State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whion (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmem'oer Mutual savings Private 2. Give r,roup or chain affiliation if any) cf each of tne banks. "Yetiona.1 (Yet), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Fvt). *including resorves for dividends, contintsoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 117'7 CHANGES F. E. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. State Date of chem-re (if Information furnished belar ts not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) of all benks and trust companics, of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or namps before change r ClPso Paid-in Surnlus ' Lochs of and and incarital benk" profits* vestments (00Cis °mitt-FEY-- YETD OF tTliffdfr-Consolidation Convorcion Suspension e/ Liquidation Reopeni4; . cit-tri,k Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrewal of stnte brik from membership: Voluntary Name or names aftor erianze, or nf ner-17 organized ar reopened bank Compulsory -..100+•••••.- NET c=37-_, NUNDFR OF 3.PNYS: Increase Decrease • • National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whin (if any) of the formc.:r head offices are nor onerated as branches? Mutual savings Pri-rete 2. Give rroup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. "Tatiana' Cgat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Cgon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contiAgencies, otc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES WRING 1921-1930 • Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust cornanies, of any kind, involved in this change L tion* PaidLoans ( Total and inin capital vestments' souTces (000 s omitted) KIND Or CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or .names before chan Primary organization _ro -/ Conversion .-Ontc •%'71 NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nage or names after change Increase aft New organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease State BANK CHANGES City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, Popula- state 7nmP or national,involved in this chan tion** Name or names before change Date of change Class of bank* Loan s Rean& insources vest ents (000 1 s omitted) //T.,— ' KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary organization _ Succession Name or names after change 1172T ra NUNDIR Ci NA:i0.,_ BA=S: Newly organized (primer:7) or reopened ") 6 4 Increase -2 Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatory, ol,..?ase use this space and reverse side for details. *Nationpl (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings **As given in the bankers directory at the time the chance occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :tut), Private banks (Pvt). Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stat Form A-3 Date of change >"7" itd BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right tne kind of change. 411116 City or town Name Poixilation* Names of all banks and trust corpanies, of any ktad, involved in this change PaidLoans ( Total and in-rein capital vestmcnts1 soi:Lrces (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND 0: CHANG:: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization • 'Aj/ • Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN N-J13ER OF STATE INSTITUTIOiS: Nage_ or names after change 141•1 ),/- . 0- Increase _ New organized (primary) If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Form A-_3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking' State%Y. Date of chaage /7 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • II! City or town Name Povala- Names of n11 banks and trust conpanies, of any kivi„, involved in this change tion* Total PaidLoans rein and in- 1 capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Conzolilation Liquidation Name or names before change /-2ave KIND DT CHALGE: ." Primary organization Conversion of private lx,nk Nance or names after change A NET CHANGE IN Naa3m OF STATE INSIaTUTIOiS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, plcase use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis " Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change BArx & - CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. ill Cit7 or town Name Popila- Names of all banks and trust companies, ] tion* i of any ktad, involved in this change Loans PaidTotal reand in- ! in capitalivestmc.nts1 sources (000 s omitted) Primary organization oti • c_7 IOW Conversion laiii.4f4e bank /4/ • tri NET CHANGE IN _KUM OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Aamereass-maze New organized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Consolidation. Liquidation Name or names before change Name or names after change KIND OF CHAKGE: )-4 - F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES te / District No. Date of change lnfermatior furnished below is not self—exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) NaLe of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or torn [Claso Name or names before ch,arge Paid—in Surnlus T Lorns and ( and in— carital profits*Ivestments (00C's omitted) YETD OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrcion Susp,,nsion Liquidation Reol,ening Primary (nor) oi.ganization Sucession Withdrawal of bEnk from mcmbers'nip: Voluntary or rac:les after cblInce, or of rer17 organize or reopened bank 0.2 Compulsory NET CHOC: IN NDVBFR OF .ANYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are -now operated as branch, :s? Nonmember Mutual savings Pri-Tate 2. Give f:roup or chain affiliation if any) of each of tne banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R, System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resorves for dividends, contLigencies, otc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I. BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change - (if informatior furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all baks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or torn Name or namos before change Clas: Paid—in Surplus Loans of and in— and capital bank** profits* vestments (00C 's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrcion Suspansion p. Liquidation -X2_77'• 4,2...A 47 21 Reope,dag Primary (nor) oigc,.nization Sacees:ior Withdr,lwal of from mcmoerslp: Voluntary _i _ Name or names aftr c'e. ,A1:e, or If re717 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHPNG: IN NaBER OF 3..i!!NY.S: • • Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember - 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Flit). *tncluding reserves for dividends, conti.:g3ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town I Poplila- Names of n11 banks and trust companies, Name tion* of any 10.244, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total in and in- ! recapital vestzontsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change ICIND CHAT:Z: Cons Q1idAtiOn Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Nam or names after change NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES UJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • 40 ..=•11.1•1 7-- City or town PopulaName 1 tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any_klad, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand in- ! capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND Or CHA17-GE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of privats bank Naze or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUMBM OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Docrease C111..1.12191.01M- Newly ori;;anized (primary) k‘e,,4-8446If above classifications arc not self-explanatory, plsasc use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change yr- , (- );1- BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 0 City or town I Popula- Names of all banks and trust conpanies, Name tion* of any kind., involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- ! recapital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or .names before change -stIzrt6 KIND OF CHAKGE: Consolidation. Liquidation 0 10 "k• a Name or names after change 4i-et -4 (94 Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL:3M OF STATE EnTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease N w organized (primary) If above classifications aro not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis