The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 421.11-5 - Bank Changes Durint, 11 - 1930 New Jersey N - Z Committee on Brb.nch Group & Chair. Banking F. R. Board Form St. 679S 1930) EANY CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Na:::e of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-inf Surplus of and inand capital profits* vestments bank** (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan:e, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 2-Zev6-4 02 .S-6 Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are nor operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 41-Lriti Date of change / 2-6 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 1=1 City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total and in- i rein capital vestmntsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHAL:GE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization vi Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU13ER OF STATE IUSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ,3 • 9 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurroi. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. ::2-__. 0 oha ta ne t:eY Date of S (If Informatior furnished belo,7 is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all ilenks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town AV- Name or namos before dhange Class Paid-in Surnlus ' Loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000Is omitted) YIITD OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening 1 • 4 , 614)a ' - ,,--e/i-e ' -1 2 -P_-; ( Z ) ,e---e-'4 0_,-- Primary (new) organization ..,..c-- Successior 1 /42 Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or naf.les aftr chan:e, or of new1.7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CNANG: IN NIIMER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give -,_roup or chain affiliation if any) cf each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). 'Including res..:rves for dividends, contiAgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES. District No. State . Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation .t, ,. ,. . ; Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanse, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Wi Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ilxoup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES- District No. State Date of change / (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before dhange Class Paid—in Surplus Loans of in— and Capital bank** prca )I ts* vestments (00C's omitted) YIND OF CaNGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state "brik from membership: Voluntary 4 Name or names after chang'e, or of newly organized or reopened bank • Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUNSER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease a)\--3 t3-t1T National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change .--); 4.a.:/j , / 1 4 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 ReDort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primory organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLomns Total rein and in- I capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: ConsolieLation Liquidation Primary .rganization I Conversion of private bmnk • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUI3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) 7 .(/.0evik If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tiae the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State d ..e-rif - Form A-3 Date of change , BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • City or town Name Population* Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHAKGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE IUSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change /eivv// ,/7.2.7 BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change I PaidLoans 1 Total rein and in- ! capital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NUY.BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Naze or names after change Increase Decrease Newly ort3anized (primary) _./l/red/p-e4/111 2ao, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t'ederal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking st-tte ,4imr Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kindinvolved in this change Loans i Total Paidreand inin capital vestm::ntsi sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Ldation Name or names before chnnge Primary organization 4e'512. 770 / 6-00 • / Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL3EROF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change _ze V:Mi.dper.4% tiz • 77 e --,-01-2.-4, , L:u4.2.-e -teiy,ie-i., _. v. ,s-6 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TA]s7.7 CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. 2 State Date of change (If Information furnished belorT is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all benks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before dhange 'Class Paid-in Surolus r Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (00C's omitted) ! YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrZion Suspension Liquidation _j :,,, LC , -e,„_ 3,7,, d riF ,a_4,e t _.€,A2- (. 4,;_.e,67, , 5` I-6n ' 27. -- Reopening Primary (new) organization `'? Succession ---- Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan:e, or of nerly organized or reopened bank Compulsory wag. (Vor • NET CHANG:: IN =ER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease Yatioral State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whica (if any) of the former head offices are now o7?erated as branches? -; Mutual savings Private fi • 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Fat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Fvt). *tncluding ressl:rves for dividends, contLlgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Gruap and Chain Banking Form A-3 eov State Ar Date of change ./.„6- BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 S Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name I Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and inrein capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change - , LAL22%'60 Consolidation Liquidation 2 4e5.2..5/ KIND OF CHANGE: 2.57, •C&/, Name or names after change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL:BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly ori;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VA Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State_ 447Date of change BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total rein and in- I capital vestments sources I.T.T. s omitted) Name or names before change e4tra-de/ ___J7 Consolilation Liquidation wK / '17.3.6ea C 0, /./ KIND OF CHANGE: Primary organization Conversion of private bank - Lc) /.3ote",' -7/41e6 • 16fra-eg",4/ NET CHANGE IN NUY.SER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change siz..3. 6 a a 4;44, &.2.424, 6, 2 Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ' 2.14.4 7 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priffrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name 1 Popula1 tion* Total PaidLoans reand in- I in capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change S-2-50 -3oe' Primary organization Conversion of private bank • )/ra-vt4 ‘1-i-r•J6 -6a , 2a o Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU123ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. # 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 EANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St, 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. State , Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before dhange Loans Class Paid-in Surplus of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments 000's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation 71-4c. Reopening Primary (new) organization \ 4 42 Succession Withdrriwal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanfe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. 'i State Date of change (If infftrmation furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) 7Clasc Nae of all books and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 1 Name or names before change Paid-in Surplus -7 Loans andand inof canital ' profits*Ivestments bank" (00Cfs omitted) YETI) OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrcion Suspension Liquidation Reol,eniat; ' Primary (nor) orga.nization ^ SuccescioWithdrawal of strt- brn',- from memberE,nip: Voluntary NEAT:: or names after chnn:e, or nf ner,17 organize. or reopened bank . 441 , 1 -4- -, 7, : (..) 11.) %- + Compulsory NET CN:P.NG--.. IN NUMBER OF 1?NYS: I Increase Decrease 110______ National 1 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn now operated as branches? any) of the former head offices are State member Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iroup or chain affiliation if any of each of tne banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Yon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGTS District No. State / Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or town Name or names before dnange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANGE IN NUNSTR OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, conti:Igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Gruup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primery organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula-I Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind,_involved in this change Total PaidLoans re[and inin capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change 407.30- Primary organization er,vt/ ,3 615v-, • Name or names after change Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE INSTITNIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change Total Loans Paidreand inin sources vestments capital (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL23EROF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase 41•N Newly orailized (primary) 41,52-57 1 g4.1:4 , -14 / 14W k (.1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease F. R. Board Form St. 6793 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State i • Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exolanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change ^ity or town Name or names before change Loans 1Class Paid-in SurT)lus of and inand capital vestments bank** profits* (000's omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcr5Aon Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization 1/7 Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan:e, or of newly organized or reopened bank e(n_c/e._26 aL(n \'"\p Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUYBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking zie0/ Stat! Form A-3 Date of change 44 , -, , e 3, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Paid- [ Loans I Total and inrein capital vest=ntsI sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUL3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ieS2- e If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2-7. F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) _TANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411________ Class Paid-in Surplus ! Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before dnange KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization k Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary -1 Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank cf. Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i_;roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, conti.agencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change BANX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 Popula- /Tames of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* of any kind involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation V Liquidation 9/1- V/3°' ./ `/ .12- 77 a , 44.cei4t/ k..3 00. / 6/.3. /123 ',00 39 2- 4.5.53 Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU13ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change .ap6AA42 /4 Primary organization 14.„4/ ( -.,7.77e Z-,t,c,--e i-fr /A,/,i,,,,A.4•6.-e 4 Increase Decrease Newly ori;anized (primary) (4244,24./ If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /930. / F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State ac) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change C'ty or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid—ini Surplus in— of and and capital profits* vestments oank** (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation •Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization t.- Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Naze or names after chanEe, or of ner17 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT:; IN NUW3ER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any nor onerated as branches? Nonmember of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give i_,.roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State 7/..ed4/ Date of change BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 • City or town Name Popula1 tion* Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primnxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change Total PaidLoans reinand in sources capital vestments (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NT:3ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) vyr, 44„4 , tik MtZe•Ge4_C 7 . -6a If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurmd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking " State /he,,p, Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinery organization, etc., and IL check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name PopulaI tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind. involved in this change NrAgle or names before change Total PaidLoans rein and inofTi-t-!A vestments sources omitted) 0 (000 416c44-2) a44-av KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation 4-arked40J 51/41, ..e•-&711z,f44, 2 I hi/ Primary organization Conversion of private bank Nam or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU1,23ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tide the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Gruap and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primery organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind involved in this change Loans PaidTotal rean d in- I in capital vestmonts sources (000 s omitted) _zke-erfcr4-1-4/ Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change 414,r2 • 373/Phi'lel414.0. KIND OF CHANGE: (1,14 -/7/7 0 3SO &ere" Primary organization Cf/71, 7rn7 6.0(/ /61: AliAl/C41 ' 41't' 4.' I/ Conversion of private bank L?:/lf.,L ‘ 6 /Y/ 1 42 .5" e • Name or names after change 3-61/ NET CHANGE IN NU12ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Y154.673 Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State District No. BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Loans Class Paid-in Surplus and inof and capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change 1 . 71/,‘Yt;.- _r 2-1,f-t-- z-g -6 %_,p-_.5 -A,L1-'2•', _J-- -(,s , J---cl% - -zei.,.,4 A;- ?A --hp_Ai--,t_,, ii- KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convention Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary , Ntrp3 or names after.,41.2ge, or qf newl7 organized or reopened bank / A • Compulsory NET CHA:NZ IN NWER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National L_ State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). nncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change y or town iii Name or names before dhange Loans Class Paid-in Surplus and inand of capital profits* vestments bank** (000 1 s mitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convortion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization k- SUCCeSSiOn Withdrawal of stato benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan7e, or of newly organized or reopened bank 21-7t- - Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF 3ANKS: - "7- Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give iJ•oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resarves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priarry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and. trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Nrune or names before change 2‘. 377 2;44.4,e, 416-y aO a/ • ct••„rkaAe• Z.-4 1-t— 6.'• v` .7 - l217 Primary organization Conversion of private bank -Ge4-7-44.4/ NET CHANGE IN NUY.BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Narne or names after change .e.,(4-*/ik fr Consolidation Liquidation i/sy, a ao rJ KIND OF CHANGE: 26,5-- a Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) 2a-kdge,,e/ If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrod. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State 7r:(44/ Form A-3 ,/ Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right tne kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change &oe KIND OF CHANGE: 2,5-751 41r ff.• 19/. Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NT:3ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change 9/* 7 ,_.. -,44-(4.--4,4/ /2,..3. be ej,•/< /1 7Z 7 V. L7 7 -1./. --‘0. t, e de/ .-7 ,/1•..44,-1 Increase .2-.6 Sw Decrease Newly organized (primary) * If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, Name I tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and inrecapital vestmonts sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization ,/ Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUY.BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) /z. 29 , 1 2-e// Gtvi- 4 / 1,-)11,-4 - 20-"P If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurmd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change c ,5; BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priarry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, 1 tion* of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before change Paid- Loans Total reand inestments sources (000 s omitted) Consolidation Liquidation 4.444, e 2 t, KIND OF CHANGE: Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NUIBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change .4/ Increase -- Newly ori;arlized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease 2_7 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group aI d Chain Banking State_j-- Form A-3 Date of change /9z7, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priurry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Total Loans reand in- ! capital vestmontsl sources , (000 s omitted) Tai4- Names of all banks and trust companies, of amr kind, involved in this change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change .441,444 Primary organization Conversion of private b-u-ik NET CHANGE IN NnBER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change 4d —Au: 4152.•6"/.. Ga41,-ZA> l-r 7,2(.12e -'‘-/--vo-/-ev-I.LAI /&"1,• Decrease .,-.. Newly ori;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Increase V Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change Name or names before change Yke,w-r.,24/ Total Loans Paidreand inin capital_vest-nts sources (000 s omitted) Primary organization 2 600 iczdtd.(4//Me. Conversion of private -1), n-X NET CHANGE IN NUL23ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change i ci +173.6 o o (Xze, "1"-er. el //arZurvt-Gt-b / Consolidation Liquidation -44 3I, 4 / ...- KIND OF CHANGE: 2.4.../t/ 4/4e ./rav 3 a0 — Increase Decrease Newly ori-5,anized (primary) 4144447 /930, ae, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. -** 0-773a rh-ot cfrya.i4-1-4/. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) 1F.ANY CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change iiir or town Name or names before Change Loans 1Class Paid-in Surplus of inand and capital bank** nrofits* vestments (000's mitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvorSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdra,wal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanf:e, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease 5-tst National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES State _11,&_Ij Class City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, of Populastate or national, involved. in this change' tion* bank* • Date of change Loans Reand insources vestments (000's omitted) `) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Name or names before change Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary organization Succession Name or names after change TT CIANSE IN NUMBIR C2 NATIONAL BAMS: Newly organized (primary) or reopened Increase Decrease If above olnssifications are not self-exPlanatory, please use this space and reverse side for details. k.„ AAA, • e` f f 1. ' *N?tion,21 (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private banks (Pvt). **A$ given in the bankers directory at the time the chanc,e occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EANY CHANGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatcrY, reverse side should be used for detai1S) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 111 Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease tcn National State member In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any of the former head offices are Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iJ•oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti.igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State / District No. BANF'CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town .- Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital profits* vestments bank** (00Olsomitted) YIYD OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (now) organization Succession Withdrawal of state brik from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank w'';?1,tuftz./Atile.— / /1.,12 eo L, Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). nncluding reserves for dividends, conti;gencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, S. of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- I rec7Tital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization V Conversion of private bmk • NET CHANGE IN NUI,3ER OF STATE INS TI ONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oro.hized (primary) 3 frivv7‘e, 4 let.a2/( 4)-;-1/ /2_aa• If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VA Federal Reserv e Committee on Chain Banking Branch, Ground p a State / zari./. Date of change -) , p BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name [ Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* [ of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CUNGE IN NUL3ER OF SLITE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ,;arfiz-, 2 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2- Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State /Ir. Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 /y2-e, c"./ Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name 1 Popula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* 1 of any kind,involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapi tal vestments so`urces (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation 2 Primary organization 2c2 1/5-y. oar; // 3. 2. 00 7/ 6 0-e) z•-6. 1 / Name or names after change 0v1-4/ -e-14 , ' 1 Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NMER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase e."-tt-td Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2. Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change / // BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town I PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind involved in this change Loans 1 Total Paidrein- ! and in sources vestmentsi capital (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank AI Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUI2ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ./ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priapxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name 1 Popula1 tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total Loans Paidrein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization / Conversion of private bank AV --V:ewanic/ 4/59% ee e NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 44.-"ty/ 2e-?.-6, ).1-ve.--- ---(c0 . /c 7,5-• Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .1.4NK CliANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) btaue District No. Date of chanze /- information furnished below is not self-xnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) kif Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before Change -T Loans -1-nasz Paid-in Surnlus and inof and carital . profits*Ivestments bank** (00C's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrzion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession .7== Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary 17 organize. ,?. or reopened bank ame or names after ch.Pri.:e, or of ner, Compulsory NET C:UNG- IN NUMBER OF 3.ANYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private , xoup or chain affiliation Give , f any of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Nen), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including rescrves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State District No. RANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-e7planatory, reverse side should be used for details) Narr...e of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 1111 - Name or names before Change , Loans Clasz; Paid-in rur plus of and incapital and bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) \ KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation _L_ ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation , Reopening 1.4.1- D_(y-u D--\()\ R Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUIBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i_roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BAIJK CHANGS' F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. -LL---- b6.a.e \r- • C- Date of change ()\ -'\ (if Information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before dhange :Class Paid-in surnlus7 Loans of and and incapital bank** profits*Ivestments (00CIs omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Ii Reopenin Primary (new) organization Successior Withdrawal of statc bpnk from membership: Voluntary II amo or naffies chen=e, or of nerdy organized. or reopened bank .• -ttr,\f Compulsory NET CHING:, IN NUMBER OF B.,5 NYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including res...;rves for dividends, conti:Igcncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES State /L District No. Date of change (If information fuxnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before dhange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (00Cis omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization L-- Succession Withdrrlwal of state br:nk from membership: Voluntary Naze or names after chane, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank s ott el' z 401' 4 11.get. /6 Compulsory NET CHANG; IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease Yational State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savinas (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • City or town Name Population* Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total reand inin capital vestmcntsl sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHAITGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary Organization Conversion of private bank 1 • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN Nut3Ea. OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oreanized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2- Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State -7 Form A-3 Date of change aei-("e4/-3/, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust conpanies, of any kindi_involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestrents sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CRINGE IN NUL3ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) 23.36z4 2/npri-aclic/7144V i 64f1-41' If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State /454 Form A-3 Date of change ,44:2_4t' /92.4, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Total Loans PaidCity or town rePopula-1 Names of all banks and trust companies, and inName in tion* 1 of any kind„involved in this change _capital vestents sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private b^nk • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUY,BER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly ori.; , anized (primary) *It /,147 2.1,&17 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VA :BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) District No. j State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus -Loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation ReopeningPrimary (nor) organization Successior: Withdrawal of stato bpnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 7-/ • ie., Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUIBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whin (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Pxoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding resarves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES F. B. Board Form St. 6798 1930) State / District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Claso Paid-ini Surplus-T--Loans of and incapital anl bgnk** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 110-------- Name or namos before Change FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvorSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state brik from membership: Voluntary "Name or names aftor chanz , or of newl7 organize,:l or reopened bank 7 11 ' rt; t, t! Riet Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUWBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i,roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANG7S F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change /1. / (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Nalne of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 s Loans S rClaso Paid-inurnlu of inand and capital bPnk** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEmk from membership: Voluntary Ncze or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank ) Compulsory NET CHING:: IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give croup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. (Mut), Private bank. (Flit). **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stated-- Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHLUGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prianry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change Loans 1 Total Paidrein and in- I capital vestmc:nts[ sources (000 s omitted) 2C0 300 3e•5-0. 'dt/Ki-7,(.42 1 A4.-Zi. Primary organization Conversion of private bank 300 Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) /40 30 / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ NET CHANGE IN NUL:BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 5ta.41,/, Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Os& KIND OF CHANGE: //... 0 • VA fl 2_4NE CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) State District No. (' cj Date of change /7 2 (if information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town rClass of bank* Name or names before change Paid-in Surn1U.T3-7 Loans and and incapital profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of stato br:nk from membership: Voluntary Name or names aftcr change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANES: r-er( 1-1 f -ef , ) Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, conti:Igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change C'ty or town Name or names before Change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession 4- Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanfe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank '441 19 Compulsory NET CHANT] IN NUIEER OF B.;:NKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) :SINK CHANGES District No. State Date of change > 4, (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Naz.e of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change /::; . I,- -fRi, (4•• .1i --LI Class Paid—in Surplus Loans of and in— and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation ,ex Reopening -i Primary (new) organization Succession Withdra.wal of state bonk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanze, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank -/ • )-zetr Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NMER OF BANKS: Increase IJIPIl1I] National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give c,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember CNon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contLigencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 BANK CHANGES DURTNG 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priarry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or to wn Name PopulaS. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- , recapital vestmonts1 sources ii.! omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NUI,23ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) / / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Stait,/ Form A-3 Date of change BAn CHANGES DURTNG 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Popula' tion* Names of all banks and trust conpanies, of any kind involved in this change PaidTotal Loans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHAKGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank 1 NET CHANGE IN NUY,BER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly org'anized (primary) I.4 63.1) 1.•& \•3 2,41/2"7,-7 , / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) EANY CHANG:%. District A°. state Date of chanze (if informatior furnished belor is not self-exnlanatony, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved this change City or town 1 Claso , of 'bank* Name or nam2s before change Loans Paid-in Surnlus and inand capital profitstments (000 1 s omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrZion Suspension Liquidation Reol,ening Primary (new) Irganization Succcssior Withdrawal of stat:!- bank from inembership: Voluntary -Jame or names aftcr chnze, or of nerd:, organize or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF 73..rTS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices arc now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private .oup or chain affiliation 2. Give .i if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resorves for dividends, conti.lgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J F. R. Buard Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) 1A-7 ChAliGv,S District No. bLaLe ge •tMYl (If Information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Nax::e. of all banks and trust.companies, of any kind, involved ia this change City or town • Name or nam3s before Change 'Class Faid-in Surplus Loans 1 of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) FIND OF CaNGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary "az° or names aftcr chanf:e, or nf ne71.7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF B.ANYS: Increase Decrease National __L__ State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmemler Mutual savings Private 2. Give roup or chain affiliation f any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including res,:;rves for dividends, conting3ncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANG:TS State District No. Date of change (If inforrzation furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change —ty or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital vestments bank** profits* 000's omitted KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUIABER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give c.roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Comnittee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change al/V, /6 /7143'. BMX CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priarry organization, etc., and check in the space t the right the kind of change. City or town Name I Popula-I Names of all banks and trust commanies, tion* I of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans i Total in reand in- , capital vestmcmtsI sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Consolidation ru Liquidation Conversion of private bank " Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTIOJIIONS: Increase / Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( v Primary organization Ja7e4:as i7r7 • KIND OF CHANGE: EANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Nal-Le of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before Change Class Paid-in Surplus - Loans of anI and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000's•mitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) State,/ BANK CHANGES Date of change City or town Class Name of all banks and trust companies, Popula- state of or national,involved in this chane a Name tion** lb nk* Name or names before change • Load, Reainsources vestments (000,s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation / Conversion Suspension 1 • ' . 4I II - ,45_,/ /,4 /A-e-t-4-/-,-..-, r Lit- W-11 ,, Liquidation Reopening Primary oranizatior _ Succession Name or names after change ^ CHAnE Ia NUMB1R OF NA:IONAL Newlzr organized (primar) or reopened Increase 0 Decrease If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use this space and reverse side for details. *N?tionpl (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (it), Private banks (Pvt). **As 6iven in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking 4 State _M:4, Form A-3 ( .2_4 /72-2- Date of change/ ( BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priaory organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula] tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change 9 (4.24,44„e„/ Primary organization o Conversion of private bank •5637 ./ NET CHANGE IN NUIZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change aa ,, ./ fr2,1c/u4 Consolidation Liquidation rJ ge242-ewc, KIND OF CHANGE: Increase //s-r Decrease Newly ori;anized (primary) &,a444.44.1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - / ( / BANK CHANGES State / Class -own City or' Name of all banks and trust companies, Popula- state or national,involved in this change of Name bank* tion** • Date of change Loans Reand insources vestments TOOO's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Name or names before change Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary organization k Succession Name or names af er NIT CHAN.Ta IN NUR CZ NATIONAL BANKS: • Newly o anize primary) or reopened Increase Decrease l." If above classifi On jre not -explanatory, Dlase use this space and reverse side for details. *N.?tional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savin..-s **As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :tut), Private banks (Pvt). Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prime...Tv organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NIN,BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) et-,2v-e-eU.r/ j I.979 (?a,ezei. &g4,419 - 17 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. 4=1. City or town Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHALTGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization i/ 7 2- NET CHANGE IN NU1,23.E.Li OF STATE INSTITTLIONS: Name or names after change --L,0-7.-..e,,,,,,..‹, Conversion of private bank I5a• Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *Is given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,/ State Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopulaName tion* (9.9oci 1 Loans 1 Total raidreand in- ! in. Names of all banks and trust companies, sources . 11 c.4 , of any kind, involved in this change vestmentsf r (000 s omitted) Name or names before change 2/2.0.-1. afr.-t/ /7 C. KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NIJUBER OF STATE Name or names after change 9.900 aa---frdv / Increase Decrease Newly orahlzed (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 >.!ze /y2_7 ge Date of chanz BANK CHANGES DjRING 1921-1930 Revort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand in- I in capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) 066 44 6 1 3/Z Primary organization 7 (5/244./1/64e- aa Z' z 13 Name or names after change 1a,e-eekt-c/ Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change bef:9,77 KIND OF CHANGE: Conversion of private bank _ NET CHAEGE IN NU13ER OF STLTE INSTITUTIONS: Increase 6r, 5179 Decrease Newly organized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / _ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State /r.„, Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- /Tames of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind,_involved in this change PaidLoans I Total rein and in- I capital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) KIND 0 CHAGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NUISER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) I ,v /zkzei/ yeao. 7 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,/ _BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-inrurPlus of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (00Cfs omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopenin Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanis:e, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG72 IN NUNBER OF B..!_NYS: Increase Decrease Yational State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give .1• - oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding resarves for dividends, contLlgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BATTY CHANGES District No. ri- State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exulanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name, or names after chanze, or of newly organized or reopened bank ; 2-Do Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are nor operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus and inof and capital profits* vestments bank** (000 1 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease t-rt) National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2, Give -oup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town III 1 Name or names before Change Loans Class Paid—in Surplus in— of and and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convortion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanfe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 5-1 Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i-J.oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savins (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. BANK CHANGES State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Narne of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before dhange Loans Class Paid-in Surplus of and and incapital profits* vestments bank** (000 1 s omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation , Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANGZ: IN NUUBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1, In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2, Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) District No. State Atv f..A, 4) . Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of anI inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation •ConvorSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession WithdrRwal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chan:e, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank PV6.4,1 Compulsory NET CHANG= IN NUNBER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i.roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contihgoncies, etc, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) EANY CHANGES' District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change 'fy or town Name or names before dhange Loans Class Paid-in Surplus of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank )4fet-t. tl-D Compulsory NET onpm- IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give 'iroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including ress:Irves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change (.G'ee, /3, /y.4.6, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primory organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total Loans Paidreand inin capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUI3ER OF STATE INSTITNIONS: Increase Decrease Newly orahized (primary) Atezi.444,ii , 411/.6.9 6- If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,/ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 State -4%.47 ...---Date of change /#,./ v41 7 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primrry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or tSm Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kin4,_involved in this change PaidLoans in and incapital vestments (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU1,23Ebt OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) n/&11,tfAi / 2-0 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rid L54 E. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK ChAvik1S District No. S ce Date of chanze (If information furnished below is not self- xnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) -t- Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before Change ( Class iPaid-in Surnlus 1- Loans of and and incapital 'bank** profits*IyIstment (000's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopenin Primary (nor) organization Sucoessior Withdrawal of stato brnk from membership: Voluntary Nam or names after chanze, or of nerdy organize0. or reopened bank o ts, Compulsory NET CH.P.NGT, IN NUMBER OF BNYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give froup or chain affiliation - any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Caon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt), *Including resrves for dividends, conti.lgancies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graap and Chain Banking Stat?..7)mv Form A-3 Date of change 14/1-ti/ BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prirrery organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* of any kind,_involved in this change PaidLoans Total in and in- ! recapital vestmntsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change /36,er7.5" dltvvd-en,t/ CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation oz(exe,e Primary organization G Yae (M/1, 1 KIND 0 Conversion of private bank 4e —nfl 5.1. 7er 7 Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUY,BER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) / 92- If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. 0 .(14i.0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v. Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State_7., Form A-3 Date of changeie.A.4.24 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Loans Total Paidrein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF RANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NTZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease -x•Irm Newly organized (primary) /,36-,1 7C / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /714, Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans I Total rein and insources capital vestments! (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU13ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) BANK ChAAGES. District No. ';'). State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Na;:ye of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before Change Class Paid-in Surnlus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (00C's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidntion Convcr:Hon Suspension Liquidation Reopeni41; Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary or names after chnns2e, or of ner,17 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHING; IN NUMBER OF B.,INFS: ..-1roseisr - \CV-xt—V- Increase Decrease -••••••• flObL crt National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give uoup or chain affiliation if any of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *incluaing resJirves for dividends, conti.lgancies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . BANK CHANGES E. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) District, igo.. sta.te Date of chanze (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or town • I Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surnlus 7 Loans of and and incapital bank" profits*'vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convorzion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization SUCCOSSio7 Withdrawal of state bank from member ship: Voluntary amo or names after chan.L.e, or of ne, .,17 organized or reopened bank Compulsory :TET CH.P.NGT. IN NUMBER OF B,INYS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatorY, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 111 Name or names before dhange Class Paid-in ISurplus Loans of and capital bank** profits* vestments lr(000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organizatior Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary .Jame or names after chanze, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which Nonmember if any of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i..roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 111 Name or namPs before dnange Loans Class Paid-in rSurplus of and and incapital vestments bank** profits* (000 1 s omitted) YIN]) OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession i Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary :Tame or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank _ • Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUNSER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give -oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of chang!/ L-, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town PopulaName tion* S. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Total Loans rein and insources capital vestments (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUI3EROF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name [ Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and.incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUYBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 7d•IT , If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES Di-strict No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before Change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bonk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank .• \..„." .7 ; .) , , ,,,f Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? Nonmember if any of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lxoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti:Igencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State District No. BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411' Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before chance c, P-- /5-6 Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation a5 o c, i, KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Reopening Primary (new) organization `, (c, Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newl7 organizerd or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANGL IN NMER OF BANKS: • Increase Decrease National State member . Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i_xoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti_lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 kve Date of change )-a-14 , -2-9; BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name [ Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Loans Total Paidreinin and capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUMBER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease VOW Newly oranized (primary) 3,5".oe0 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Loans Claso Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital profits* vestments bank** (00C's omitted) Name or nams before change YID OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state b7nk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized_ or reopened bank „ /7et 4e./65 -T13-tb 101-4 N \ L Compulsory NET OHANGL IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ixoup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Yon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including resarves for dividends, contlagencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) BAITT CHANGES District No, 3 State 7a4pe Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exolanatory, reverse side should be used for detailt) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before dnange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of inand capital and bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convertion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names aftcr chanc:;e, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 4., dete‘ Compulsory NET CRANE IN NUMBER OF BANKS: 711 r. Increase Decrease National State member 1, In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2, Give f;roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). nncluding resc:rves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) BAITY CHANGES District No. State Date of change /;2, -/ (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) City or town 1 Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000'somitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConverSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newly organized or reopened bank / Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUIBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease v National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmenfoer Mutual savings Private 2. Give i.roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fl F. R. Board Form St. 679a (Nov. 1930) BANY CHANGES Stater" 0-1-er District No. G74 Date of change (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detaila) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change f or town iil Name or names before change Class Paid—in aarplus Loans of and and in— capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank • Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change 44k/i. /72_6, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind. involved in this change Paid- [ Loans Total rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHAITGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Nane or names after change NET CRINGE IN NITI3ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 2e ,44404/ Jte.,4 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priunry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change Total PaidLoans reand inin capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU1ZER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly orc;anized (primary) azobf, rid,h 2-67 lize4,c4a4A,6) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Res6rve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State / Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans j Total in and in- I recapital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change / .3 00 // 7 ‘;:e , Conversion of private bank 46re • •./ Primary organization 3.-3 /7 saa-.4v Lt4ô.41e4Ge,a.du 92.5 Consolidation Liquidation /1. y4va/0/1 KIND OF CHANGE: — 3 Oe C. 2- 3.5- C)• 71 7. NET CHANGE IN NMER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 1# Increase h-4lLó /4'1t Decrease Newly organized (primary) 41- " If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. oeiedell-t;14-t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / MANY CHAIAGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) District No. State Date of change (if information furnished below is not .self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or town Name of all banks and trust companies, I of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before Change Class IPaid-in Surnlus 7 Loans of and and incarital bank** profits*Ivestments (00C's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation ReolJeninL Primary (new) oIganization c ,uc,cssior Withdrawal of stat bank from membership: Voluntary iTE.M or names after chan2e, or of nerd: organized. or reopened bank NET CHPNG: IN NUMBER OF IVNITS: A14 t-tc \ Compulsory Increase Decrease National o State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branch, :s? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2, Give ,cyoup or chain affiliation if any of each of tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State,40/ Form A-3 Date of change c/fece44.41/ BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate Copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change PaidTotal Loans in and inrecapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHAKGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NUY.BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase -saw Newly organized (primary) 46- 76- / 0 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease a., /92./ • Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Statfy Form A-3 Date of change -3, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital yestmentsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change .9 ca 9. • RANGE: Consolidation Liquidation 75'10 7.5'10 KIND OF /22 cs4---roir2/ Primary organization S- /07774-, Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU:3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change 40 I 7to ,- <::77.4 . .--2.-e 4/- ‘0 ecZele.44,--0/ 1.a a 0<l'i Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) /930 , If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula-I N7.1mes of all banks and trust companies, tion* 1 of any kind,_involved in this change PaidLoans Total rain and incapital vest:fints1 sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHAITGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUL3ER OF STATE INS TI TUTI ONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 7 ra Mrvai / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK- CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change /7) (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Loans Class Paid—in Surnlus of and and in— capital profits* vestments bank** (00C's omitted) Name or names before Change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bmk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of ner17 organized or reopened bank t. f 4) IL- 0 Compulsory NET CHANGL IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase' Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,r_roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contihgencies, etc, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :UNIT CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) District No. cLl State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before Change /---) ( ( 1 i1- /A- et--4 ii,s_ _. ,-(_' t.i.. A--fru V--vg--Cfri Ar -t S Claso Paid-inurplus Loans of and incapital and profits* vestments bank** (00C's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening / Primary (new) organization Succession -- -- Withdrawal of state brnk from membership: Voluntary Nano or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: 2<r-- 1 I 1.1 Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change ode:3, /92-.ef". BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name 1 Popula1 tion* of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change 1 .11.ffleS PaidLoans Total rein and in- ! capital vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NnBER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) ZzLizz, /y el (irri.a& If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans I Total and in- I rein capital vestmnts] sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change Consolidation v/ Liquidation /2/3/2.6 Primary organization 3 // /0 0 • KIND OF CHANGE: /7? Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NU13},H OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change 2. 00 370/. 1, Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) /92-é. 0.4 261.14.A414/ If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.. F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) EANK CHANGES Sta.te District No. , ( Ca/ Date of change /6) (If information fuxnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) NarLe of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before change IClass Paid-in Surplus Loans of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanfe, or of newly organized or reopened bank t ( /)c o Compulsory NET CHANGE IN NUWBER OF 5!..NKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In tha case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give iroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **NaAional (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Total Loans Paidreand inin capital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Naze or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUY,BER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) .35-60 zat If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Board Form St. 6798 1930) BANK CHANGES District io. State Date of change D-R (If Information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) cf all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City cr town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid—inlISurnlus of and caritall profits*Iv mier r:-" ts benk" (00CIs omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrCion. Suspension Liquidation ReaehinEl; Primary (nor) olganization Successior Withdrawal of state bank Ifl&$)uIIIIII membership: Voluntary Nemo or naffles after c'x.n:e, or of nerd:, organize(2. or reopened bank Compulsory NET CH.P.NGT IN NUMBER OF 5,5.NYS: Increase Decrease I National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give uoup or chain affiliation if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, conti..1gencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) B.ANY CHANGES District No. y • State -td-- Date of chang,e ? (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Naze of all banks and companies, n kind, involved trustthi of ay in s change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid—in Surplus Loans of and in— and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization rs Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank VA et e, Aft,/..Le Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,, roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State Date of change BANK CHAaGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* I of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUI3EIR OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in.the bankers directory at the tiae the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ‘/ F. B. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) :BANK CHANGES State District No. Date of chanze ?IV (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) 1 C'ty or town 1 Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or names before dhange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital I bpnk** profits* vestments (00C's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization t7"- Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from memberShip: Voluntary Nemo or names after chani;e, or of newly organized. or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease cr() National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give :,roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). 'Including resarves for dividends, conti.lgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State . Form A-3 fr Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primpxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank Name or names after change NET CRINGE IN NU13ER OF STATE INS TI TUTI ONS: Increase Decrease Newly ori;anized (primary) 2. 41 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tire the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change y or town ll Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surp us Loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization I-% Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANO IN NUMBER OF BANXS: Increase Decrease 4 National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any Nonmember of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give :,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Cgon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Tricluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) , 7 , State /14... District No. Date of change 17 (If information furnished below is not self—exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • l Loans 1 Class Paid—in-rurPus in— of and and capital bank** profits*Ivestments (000's omitted) Name or names before change FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convention Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank 7‘;. , Compulsory NET CHANT.; IN NUNDER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give c.roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change 14.--A3 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name PopulaI. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vest=nts sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHAI,TGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NU12ER OF STATE INS TI TUTI ON S: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) / / A,6-2...e.kval Lzyg.i-Kie• 7/ / /-1 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A / Board Form St. 679S 1930) BANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before Change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus and inof and capital profits* vestments bank** (000's omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopeni4; Primary (new) S rganization Succession Withdrawal of state benk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanf;e, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt), *including resarves for dividends, conti.agancies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town .- Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000'somitted) YIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG; IN NUMBER OF BANKS: • Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iJ.oup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) -BATIK CHANGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation ReopeninE; Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chane, or of newl7 organized or r opened bank fC5V Compulsory NET CHANT.; IN NUNBER OF BANKS: r Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give i:roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (aen), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding reserves for dividends, conti.lgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graap and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopulaName 1 tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total reand inin capital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUYBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oreanized (primary) at,te,v .7" ' If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State,/ Form A-3 Date of change 44.1 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind involved in this change PaidLoans Total rein and incapital vestmants sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NMER OF STATE INSTITKIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) /e-0. ,dG7 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72- O• Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Sta " , // Form A-3 ,e5// /9:.3 42, Date of change (kv BANK CHANGES DJRING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust conpanies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and inin recapital vestments sources itted) •ISI•..iu.Il Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUMEIt OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly orc;anized (primary) 1-/11,44.4411 , 4/1.-44.1/ If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State / Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change PaidLoans Total and in- ! rein cm:Atli vestments! sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUI3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase AM= Newly organized (primary) L/A.,e,vvA.t/ 9. 21 .9 4,;21(44.4 If above'classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 State/r Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name 1 Popula- /Tames of all banks and trust companies, 1 tion* of any kind,_involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total and in- I in recapital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN =MOP STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nam or names after change Increase Decrease Newly or&arlized (primary) 44i44n.444.4/1-4 / G-0 • If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tiff0 the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /y1-C-", F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) SANK CHANGES District No. 0 State Ale- A - Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detaile) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change ty or town Ei Class Paid-in of capital bank** Name or names before change Loans and investments 00C's omitted) I KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrtion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank _ 71L2 r 44- AO( Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iLroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State //,(44/ Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the rigjat tae kind Sf change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change I PaidLoans i Total rein and in- I capital vestmentsi sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before chnnge KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bk an • Naae or names after change NET CHANGE IN NUL3ER OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Increase Decrease Newly or,-_;anized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) 'RANK CHANGES State District No. Date of change 0 / (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surnlus of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (00Cis omitted) FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization t, Succession Withdrawal of state 13nIc from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chance, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank e-2° .<1% Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State District No. BANK CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) Date of chanze (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Loans Class Paid-in Surplus and and inof capital bank** profits* vestments (00Cfs omitted) Name or names before Change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state br:nk from membership: Voluntary Nemo or names after chance, or of ner17 organized or reopened bank i enC4C-G 1r,, s. , ja-lt / g 711:4"L' 172 Compulsory NET CHANT.; IN NUMBER OF BANES: Increase Decrear.P National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give i,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Gruap and Chain Banking State 7 1 /Date of change 24.1`;', /7, / y2-/P, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or tom PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change Total PaidLoans reinand in sources cuital vestments (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization ea & /I •71 .2_9/. Name or names after change Conversion of private bank 472- NET CHANGE IN NUL:BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 47 State /&i7) Form A-3 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking Date of change ei- 4.(/)./2-N;i?Li. BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priarry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right tae kind of change. City or town I PopulaName I tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change PaidTotal Loans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUIZEIR OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Nane or names after change Increase Decrease Newly orgahized (primary) / re, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the tine the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State , Date of change (- (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 1110" Name or names before dhange Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization 0- Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank foilb Compulsory NET CHANG:7; IN NWER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which nor operated as branches? Nonmember if any) of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give i.roup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember °Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 • City or tom Name Population* Report on a separate copy of this form each consoliaation, liquidation, prinrxy organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kindi_involved in this change Loans PaidTotal rein and incapital vestmnts1 sources (000 s omitted) Name or'names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation ./ 3 17/4o. /1e/loityi4, 61,i,14,/I/47 ‘ 72. ,rc.70 Conversion of private bank 3ao • Primary organization NET CHANGE IN NULBER OF STATE Name or names after change Increase .v — Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease F. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. ; : 72- State P/!--6-0 Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatorY, reverse side should be used for details) Class Paid-in fSurolus Loans of inand capital bank** l jprits* vestments (000's omitted) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank pirry-A 27te) / , 1 Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease ota National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give il,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including res,3rves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S— Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State/ Form A-3 Date of change 2. BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or tom I Popula- /Tames of all banks and trust companies, Name tion* of any kin4„involved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and in- i sources vestments] capital (000 s omitted) KIND OP CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank 1 Name NET CRINGE IN NaBER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) 2/93 /' -1, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2-/ F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) BAYK CHANGES- District No. State //e: Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before dnange 1 ,) Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's mitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrsion Suspension Liquidation / ---) -1 l Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bonk from meISership: Voluntary Name or names after chanze, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANT; ra NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are nor operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give i..roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Mon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Date of change (.,. /A BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 3\.Tame Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_involved in this change PaidLoans Total in reand incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • Name or names after change NET CHANGE IN NU.1,23E2. OF STATE TI TUTI ONS: Increase Decrease Newly orGanized (primary) /1.4.nrcei/ If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking Form A-3 Staty 41, Date of change 2 BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priurry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or tom Name Popula-I Names of all banks and trust companies, tion* 1 of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans in and incapital vestmonts (000 s omitted Total resources Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CRINGE IN NUL:BER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Nam or names after change Increase .401111F Newly oranized (primary) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrud. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Decrease State District No. 'BATTY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Class Paid-in SurpluT-T -loans of and and incapital bank** profits* vestments (000 1 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consoliciation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bEnk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanEe, or of new17 organized or reopened bank , ,)-2t, ,4 -71(7t- Compulsory NET CHANT: IN NUMBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, conti.agencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change,, BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind involved in this change PaidLoans 1 Total rein and incapital vestments' sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CF.ANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NUI3JER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly orc;anized (primary) /00, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) EA/TY CHANGES District No. State , Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before change Class Paid-inl Surplus Loans of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CaNGE: Consolidation Convcrion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization LItIk Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Ne;ne or names after chane, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUWBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonaember Mutual savings Private 2. Give &,roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank *including reserves for dividends, conti3goncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Pvt). -P.ANIC CHANGE'S. F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) Di stric t Date of change information furnished below is not self—erolanatory, reverse side should be used for details) City or town. I • of all banks and. trust corrpanies, of any kind, involved in this change Name or narnss before chencge !Class Paid—in Surr?lur: 7 Loans of and in— capi tal bank** pro af ricl i ts* ivestments (000 Is omi tted) YET OF CHAN-GE: Consol idation Convt.: rcion Suspension Liquidation Reoi.,ening Pr imary (now) organization Successior Withdrawal of from state 1110Mb e ship: Voluntary -Jaz.° or names aftcr chan:e, or of r.e71:7 orgnnized. or reopened. bank Compulsory NET CHING: IN NUMBER. OF B.,?NYS: Increase Decrease National L_ State member 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Priva te 2. Give froup or chain aft illation if any) of each o f tne banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (tr.ut), Private bank *including resorves for dividends, conti.igoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Pvt). Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking State 7Le,ir Form A-3 Date of change/ BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primary organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name Population* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change PaidLoans Total and in- , rein capital vestmentsl sources (000 s omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE IN NU1,31,fri OP STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oi-ganized (primary) )ha, _AG:4/Pfrvk -H9j 2- G-9 / If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 /24W) ,-- - Date of change 3/ /y 2---5. BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, prinnry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. JIM City or torn I PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind,_ involved in this change PaidLoans I Total rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank NET CHANGE IN NnBEA OF STATE INSTITUIIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly organized (primary) ke44/ 2.oe, If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form Date of changer/ ..Ali. BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priurry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. City or town 1 PopulaName tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kind„involved in this change Loans PaidTotal reand in- , in capital vestmntsi sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank • NET CHANGE I.N NUL3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Naze or names after change Increase Decrease 221. Newly oranized (primary) 4e,/751 /5?) If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrGd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /72_6, F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State / 1;"'-'0 Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before change Loans Class Paid-in Surplus inof and and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Conversion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank }1.1 - 7Z°I/C-••1,71.0C 714.t. Compulsory NET CHANGE IN NWER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give e:_roup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including reserves for dividends, contihgencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Elry F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) CHANGES State?2-e-t-e-( -e District No. Date of change /7 (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of inand and capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before dnange FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state b:711k from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 4 -e. Compulsory NET CHANGL IN NANBER OF BANES: Gt. el. fe-141. Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private .oup or chain affiliation (if any 2. Give ,7J of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember Ogon), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Grnd oup a Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES LURING 1921-1930 Report on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, primpry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right the kind of change. • City or town Name t Populai tion* Names of all banks and trust companies, of any kininvolved in this change Total PaidLoans rein and incapital vestmnts sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Liquidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private bank -411 - NET CHANGE IN NUMER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) 2-5-97 /00 If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurrcd. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) BANK CHANGES District No. State • Date of change (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 411 Name or names before dhange Class Paid—in'Surplus Loans of and and in— capital bank** profits* vestments (00O's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopenine Primary (new) organization t- Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank /- Compulsory NET CHANT; IN NUIABER OF BANKS: 71-.• 411 Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are nor operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give iroup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). qncluding reserves for dividends, conti_lgancies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EANY CHANGES- F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) State District No. Date of change (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detaile) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Name or names before diange Class Paid—in Surplus Loans of and in— and capital bank** profits* vestments 000's omitted/ FIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion •Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Withdra.wal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chanf;e, or of newly organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANES: Increase Decrease National State member Nonaember 1. In the case of consolidations, which now operated as branches? if any of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2. Give Lroup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *including resarves for dividends, contilgoncies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Graup and Chain Banking State Form A-3 Date of change BANK CHANGES DURING 1921-1930 Rerlort on a separate copy of this form each consolidation, liquidation, priurry organization, etc., and check in the space at the right tne kind of change. City or town Name Popula- Names of all banks and trust companies , tion* of any kind, involved_ in this change PaidTotal Loans rein and incapital vestments sources (000 s omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Name or names before change Primary organization Conversion of private b.-,,nk NET CHANGE IN NUI3ER OF STATE INSTITUTIONS: Name or names after change Increase Decrease Newly oranized (primary) kr, e ad 6.--0• If above classifications are not self-explanatory, please use reverse side for details. *As given in the bankers directory at the time the change occurred. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v/ EANY CHANGES F. R. Board Form St. 679S (Nov. 1930) District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailS) Naze of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or names before change Loans YIND OF CHANGE: Class Paid-in iSurplus and inof and Consolidation capital vestments bank** Conversion ' I omitted) 4 (000's Suspension - Liquidation Reopenin Primary (new) organization Succession Withdra.wal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after chane, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease rational State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give .1-oup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Fvt). *tncluding resarves for dividends, conti.agancies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) TANK CHANGES District No. State Date of change / 2_ 2- (If information furnished below is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for detailb) _ Loans Class Paid—in Surplus YIN)) OF CTIANGE: Name of all banks and trust companies, of and in— and City or town Consolidation capital , of any kind, involved in this change bank** profits* vestments Convention (000's omitted) Name or names before change Suspension 11,--------- Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession Ii E Withdrawal of state 'Donk from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized or reopened bank it.ort Compulsory NET CHANGE IN NUNBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of tne former head offices are now operated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,c-xoup or chain affiliation (if any of each of the banks. "National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resarves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) E27.T1 CHANGES District No. State .21.4.e..G.4.i) Date of change (If Information furnished beloT is not self—explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town • Name or namos before Change Class Paid—in Surplus ! Loans of and and in— capital bank** profits*1 vestments (000's omitted) YIND OF CTIANGE: -Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (new) organization Succession - Withdrawal of stato bank from membership: Voluntary -Jame or names aftor chan,:e, or of newl7 organized or reopened bank 7.5-0 Ccmpulsory NET CHANG": IN NUMBER OF BANYS: Increase Decrease Yatioral State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any now operated as branches? of the formr head offices are Nonmember Mutual savings Private P. Give pxoup or chain affiliation if any of each of the banks. **National (Fat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *tncluding resJrves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ZANY CHANGES F. E. Board Form St. 679g (Nov. 1930) District No. 3 State 71-e-01" Date of change - - 2( (If information furnished below is not self-explanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town Loons 'Class Paid-in Sur7)lus inof and and capital profits* vestments bnnk** (000's omitted) Name or names before change KIND OF CHINGE: Consolidation ConvcrSion Suspension Liquidation Re ape Primary (new) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of newly organized. or reopened bank ;k32 , Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUMBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now operated as branches? Mutual savings Private 2. Give ,u‘oup or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). *Including res,Drves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /- District ivo. EANK CHAN.GES E. R. Board Form St. 6798 (Nov. 1930) .b of change information furnished below is not self-Pxplanatory, reverse side should be used for details) Name of all bli - nks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in tnis change City or town Name or namos before dn, nge Clasc IFaid-in Sur7)lus 7 Loans and of , and incapital prof its*'vestment bank** (00C's omitted) YIITD OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcr2ion Susponion Liquidation ReopeninE; Primary (nor) organization _L_ Succession Withdrawal of state b7nk from membership: Voluntary WI Nemo or names after chan.:e, or of nenT17 organizec'. or reopened bank Compulsory NET CHPNC- IN NUMBER OF BrffS: Increase Decrease \(\ National State member Nonmember 1. In the case of consolidations, whicn (if any now operated as branches? of the former head offices are Mutual savings Private 2, Give 1.-oup or chain affiliation f any of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Dvt). *Including resorves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1-; F. R. Board Form St. 679s (Nov. 1930) PINK CFOGES District No. State Date of change (If information furnished below is not self-exnlanatory, reverse side should be used for detail) Name of all banks and trust companies, of any kind, involved in this change City or town 110 - Name or names before Change Class Paid-in Surplus Loans of and inand capital bank** profits* vestments (000's omitted) KIND OF CHANGE: Consolidation Convcrbion Suspension Liquidation Reopening Primary (nor) organization Succession Withdrawal of state bank from membership: Voluntary Name or names after change, or of ne7T17 organized. or reopened bank /Ativ_tr& . 4rA etz4 c./A 74 rL.4$ Compulsory NET CHANG: IN NUIBER OF BANKS: Increase Decrease National State member 1. In the case of consolidations, which (if any) of the former head offices are now onerated as branches? Nonmember Mutual savings Private 2. Give group or chain affiliation (if any) of each of the banks. **National (Nat), State member of F. R. System (Mem), Nonmember (Non), Mutual Savings (Mut), Private bank. (Pvt). 'Including reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1