The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 122.1 - Changes in names or boundaries of counties Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 7 - iiAL RESERVE 77 - FEDERAL RESERVE 'BANK OF DALLAS April 8, 1920 Yr. R. G. Emerson, Assistant Secretary, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Emerson:Receipt is acknowledged of yours of the 5th, referring to wzr reply to the Board's letter of March 19th, X-1367, "Changes in names or boundaries of counties." The fact that Beauregard Parish, Louisiana, is in the Sixth District, was overlooked by us. As no changes in Louisiana, affecting the territorj in this and the Sixth districts have recently been made, I assumeithat the list, vdhich accompanied yours of the 19th ultimo, was correct; and as previously mentioned, overlooked the -act that Beauregard Parish was included. I regret this omissioll,and remain, CCHATIC R.Er • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis April 5, 1920. .11, Mniatant Federi,41 Reuerve Agent, , W. C. C. H7, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas. Dear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of March 31 in reply to the Board's letter of 1,!arch 1" (X-18.074"Changeu in Nanos or Boundaries of Counties"), and changes as indicated by you have boen made in our list of counties in New Mexico included in the Eleventh District. It iu our understGnding, howe,,er, that the Parish of Beauregzxd in LouisizImi is in the Sixth Federal Reserve District, zald it is so shown in the Board's Annual Renort for 1919. Verr. truly yours, AB ist:olt Secretary. It( ence e C ires FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Date_Ap:' 4, „, Subject__ .,71 - t., : 7 ...--------7 oundarias of _.c_cuntie3. 2-8495 On Varch 19 the Board sent a circular letter to the Chairman of all redern1 Reserve Banks revating tl-Ac:t tha lists of counties as they appeztred in the 1918 Annual Report be brought up to date. Replies from the several 7ederal Reserve Bans give the following information with respect to the lists submitted. rosToN NO change;. Nr7 TaaK 79b chmges. PHILADELEHIL No CL7VELAND No changes. RIiOD NO changes. ATLANTA o Changes except those indicated by Board; namely addition of Beauregard County in Louisiana, and Stone County in IasSissippi. CHICAC;0 Correct except for spelling of two counties - "ewago” should be "Nawago" and "Ogenaw" should be "Ogemaw". ST. LOIMI Correct except for the addition of Humphreys County, Mississippi (new) and change in the spelling of Tato County, Mississippi, to Tate. 7,71.717.11.POLIS NO changes. List of Montana counties, including new ones organized since meeting of St4Ae Legislature in 1918-19, given. Kfi7SAS CITY NO changes. changes. Alexandria. County, Virginia, however, is now Arlington County. On Larch 2, Yr. Ramsey wrote th . "if there are any Ap changes ijr office will be p mptly notified". No further Aforiration hes been gceived.. 4,7 FRANCISCO Miso-37 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NO changes except that Pershing County .has been formed in Nevada. Complete list of counties shown in attached circulars. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESERVE BANK L 'FEDERA OF DALLAS March 31, 1920 Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Gentlenen:Reference is made to Assistant Secretary Emerson's letter of March 19th, X-1867, an the subject of "Changes in Names or Boundaries of Counties:" Agreeable to your instructions, I enclose a list the territory in the Eleventh District, and giving showing the names of the counties in states in this district, a portion O• which is in other reserve districts. A few additions will be noted in the list of counties in New Mexico. This is due to the division of some of the counties in that state, but the boundary lines of our territory there have not been changed. No attenpt has been Irade to show the population. If that is essential, however, and it is not available from other sources, I will be very glad to endeavor to secure the data. Yours ye ry truly CCHAAK Encl. 1920 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISTRICT NO. 11 - DALLAS ARIZONA (southeastern Dart) Cochise P11119. LOUISIANA (northern part) Bienville Bossier Beauregard Caddo Caldwell Catahoula Counties: Graham Santa Cruz Greenlee Parishes: Claiborne Jackson Ouachita Concordia LaSalle Red River Lincoln -DeSoto Richland East Carroll .1\,:adison Sabine Morehouse Frarklin Tensas Natchitoches Union Grant NEW MEXICO Isout tern part) Counties Bernalillo Chaves Curry DeBaca Dona Ana Lincoln Luna Otero -7ebster West Carroll Winn. Eddy Grant Guadalupe Hidalgo Lea Quay Roosevelt Sierra Socorro Torrence Valencia Marshall Pushnataha OKLAHOMA [southeastern part) Counties Atoka Bryan TEXAS Choctaw Goal Johnston McCurtain 1 • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA 925 CHESTNUT STREET OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT March 25, 1920. Mr. A. G. Emerson, Assistant Secretary, Federal Reserve Board, washington, Id. C. Dear Sir:— We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letLer of March 24 relative to "Changes in names or boundaries of counties." In reply wish to state that the Board's list is correct as you have it. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9 Yours very truly, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO JOHNPERRM CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis idarch 25, 1920. Subject: Changes in names or boundar— ies of counties. Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. Dear Sirs: Replying to your circular letter of 19th instant (Xr1867) beg to state that there has been no change in the names or boundaries of counties in this district, except that the South half of Humbolt County in Nevada has been cut off to form the new county of Pershing. I enclose herewith our 0irculars B, 0, F, G, H, I, and J, which give the names of the counties in the several districts covered by this home office and its branches. Yours very truly, Assistant ci Reserve ent. 4:'• , • 'ts • :74 End S. , 14 • AE DER AL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISTRICT NO. 12—SAN FRANCISCO (6,952,015). • Arizona (northwestern part) (148,534). Counties: Apache. Coconino. CIRCULAR B EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1919 Gila. Maricopa. California (3,164,602). Idaho (470,061). Nevada (116,744). Oregon (901,368). Utah (458,539). Washington (1,692,167). Mohave. Navajo. Pinal. Yavapai. Yuma. The Twelfth Federal Reserve District includes all of the States of CALIFORNIA NEVADA OREGON IDAHO WASHINGTON UTAH ARIZONA *Except the Counties of COCHISE GRAHAM GREENLEE PIMA SANTA CRUZ WAsti. • •""""...•••• oe.moo••••• • i f UTAH Dot% * O Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • AERAL RESERVE BANK OF SA N FRANCISCO CIRCULAR C EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1920 HEAD OFFICE HEAD OFFICE—SAN FRANCISCO Established November 16, 1914 Territory: CALIFORNIA The following Counties: Alameda Kern Napa Shasta Alpine Kings Nevada Sierra Amador Lake Placer Siskiyou Butte Plum as Solano Lassen Calaveras Sacramento Madera Sonoma Colusa Mann San Benito Stanislaus San Francisco Sutter Contra Costa Mariposa San Joaquin Tehama Del Norte Mendocino El Dorado San Luis Obispo Trinity Merced San Mateo Tulare Fresno Modoc Santa Clara Tuolumne Glenn Mono Santa Cruz Yolo Monterey Humboldt Yuba NEVADA O The following Counties: Nye EDH umboldt Churchill Orm.zby Douglas Lander Storey Lyon Esmeralda Washoe Mineral Eureka OREGON Pc-r Klamath Falls, Lakeview and Merrill. Directors: CLASS "A" C. K. McINTosii, Vice-President Bank of California N. A., San Francisco, California J. E. FISHBURN, President Merchants National Bank, Los Angeles, California M. A. BUCHAN, President First National Bank, Palo Alto, California CLASS "B" A. B. C. DOHRMANN, President Dohrmann Commercial Company, San Francisco, California JOHN A. MCGREGOR, Pacific Coast representative Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Ltd. ELMER H. Cox, President Weed Lumber Co., Madera, California Member of Advisory Council: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. L. MILLS, President First National Bank, Portland, Oregon CLASS "C" JOHN PERRIN, Chairman, and Federal Reserve Agent, San Francisco, California EDWARD ELLIOTT, Attorney and Professor of International Law, University of California, Berkeley, California WALTON N.MOORE,Deputy Chairman, President Walton N. Moore Dry Goods Company, San Francisco, California ERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO CIRCULAR F EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6, 1920 .)"/ BRANCH OFFICE SPOKANE BRANCH Eetablishea July 26, 1917 Territory of Spokane Branch: WASHINGTON Adams Asotin Benton Chelan IDAHO The following Counties: Columbia Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Lincoln Okanogan Pend Oreille Spokane Stevens Walla Walla Whitman Yakima Latah Lewis Nez Perce Shoshone The following Counties: Benewah Bonner Boundary Clearwater Idaho Kootenai Directors for Spokane Branch: CHAS. A. MCLEAN, Manager of Branch D. W.TWOHY, President Old National Bank, Spokane, Washington • R. L. RUTTER, President Spokane and Eastern Trust Co., Spokane, Washington PETER MCGREGOR, President McGregor Land and Livestock Co., Hooper, Washington G. I. TOEVS, Vice-President Centennial Mill Company Seattle, Washington Facsimile Specimen Signatures of Officers: CHAS. A. MCLEAN, W.L. PARTNER, Manager, will sign: Cashier, will sign: EVAN BERG, Assistant Cashier, will sign: E. W.MORTON, Assistant Auditor, will sign: (Authorized to sign reconcilements and correspondence only.) • The signatures of two officers are required on all checks or orders for transfer of funds. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Deputy Governor, Cashier, or senior Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Manager of any Branch, and any one of these, or any Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Cashier of any Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO CIRCULAR G EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6. 1920 BRANCH OFFICE SEATTLE BRANCH Established September 19, 1917 Territory of Seattle Branch: The following Counties: WASHINGTON Clallam Grays Harbor Island Jefferson King Kitsap Kittitas Lewis Mason Pacific Pierce San Juan Skagit Snohomish Thurston Whatcom Directorsfor Seattle Branch: C. J. SHEPHERD, Manager of Branch CHAS. H. CLARKE, M. F. BACKUS, President National Bank of Commerce, Seattle, Washington President Kelley Clarke Company, Seattle, Washington CHAS. E. PEABODY, M. A. ARNOLD, President First National Bank, Seattle, Washington • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Puget Sound Navigation Company, Seattle, Washington Facsimile Specimen Signatures of Officers: C. J. SHEPHERD, Manager, will sign: C. A. BEMIS, Assistant Cashier, will sign: D. L. DAVIS, Cashier, will sign: G. H. WILLIAMS, Assistant Auditor, will sign: (Authorized to sign reconcilements and correspondence only.) • The signatures of two officers are required on all checks or orders for transfer of funds. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Deputy Governor, Cashier, or senior Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Manager of any Branch, and any one of these, or any Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Cashier of any Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO CIRCULAR H EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6. 1920 • BRANCH OFFICE PORTLAND BRANCH Established October 1, 1917 Territory ofPortland Branch: Entire State OREGON Except Klamath Falls, Lakeview and Merrill, which are affiliated with Head Office. WASHINGTON The following Counties: Clarke Cowlitz Klickitat Skamania Wahkiakum Directorsfor Portland Branch: C. L. LAMPING, Manager of Branch J. C. AINSWORTH, President United States National Bank, Portland, Oregon E. COOKINGHAM, President Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland, Oregon • NATHAN STRAUSS, General Manager Fleischner Mayer and Company, Portland, Oregon J. N. TEAL, Attorney-at-Law, Portland, Oregon Facsimile Specimen Signatures of Officers: C. L. LAMPING, Manager, will sign: R. B. WEST, Assistant Cashier, will sign: FREDERICK GREENWOOD, Cashier, will sign: A. B. MASON, Assistant Auditor, will sign: • (Authorized to sign reconcilements and correspondence only.) The signatures of two officers are required on all checks or orders for transfer of funds. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Deputy Governor, Cashier, or senior Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Manager of any Branch, and any one of these, or any Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Cashier of any Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IFJJERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO CIRCULAR I EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6. 1920 BRANCH OFFICE • SALT LAKE CITY BRANCH Established April 1, 1918 Territory ofSalt Lake City Branch: UTAH IDAHO Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Bingham Blaine Entire State The following Counties: Boise Custer Bonneville Elmore Butte Franklin Camas Fremont Canyon Gem Cassia Gooding Jefferson Lemhi Lincoln Madison Minidoka Oneida NEVADA . The following Counties: Elko Lincoln White Pine Clark Owyhee Payette Power Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington Directorsfor Salt Lake City Branch: CHAS. H. STEWART, Acting Manager of Branch L. H. FARNSWORTH, President Walker Brothers, Bankers, Salt Lake City, Utah CHAPIN A. DAY, • President Ogden Portland Cement Company, Ogden, Utah G. G. WRIGHT, Assistant General Manager, Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company, Salt Lake City, Utah LAFAYETTE HANCHEIT, Mining Engineer, Salt Lake City, Utah Facsimile Specimen Signatures of Officers: CHAS. H. STEWART, Acting Manager, will sign: J. C. GALBRAITH, Cashier, will sign: W.F. Cox, PAUL M. LEE, Assistant Cashier, will sign: Assistant Auditor, will sign: (Authorized to sign reconcilements and correspondence only.) • The signatures of two officers are required on all checks or orders for transfer of funds. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Deputy Governor, Cashier, or senior Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Manager of any Branch, and Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Cashier of any Branch. any one of these, or any Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis sr • 0 t abERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO CIRCULAR J EFFECTIVE JANUARY 6.1920 BRANCH OFFICE LOS ANGELES BRANCH Established January 2. 1920 Territory of Los Angeles Branch: The following Counties: CALIFORNIA Imperial Inyo Los Angeles Orange Riverside San Bernardino San Diego Santa Barbara Ventura The following Counties: ARIZONA Apache Coconino Gila Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pinal Yavapai Yuma Directorsfor Los Angeles Branch: IRA CLERK, Acting Manager of Branch A. J. WATERS, President Citizens National Bank, Los Angeles, California • JOSEPH F. SARTORI, President Security Trust & Savings Bank, Los Angeles, California HENRY M. ROBINSON, Attorney-at-law, Pasadena, California ISAAC B. NEWTON, Capitalist, formerly of Harper & Reynolds Co., Los Angeles, California Facsimile Specimen Signatures of Officers: IRA CLERK, Acting Manager, will sign: A. B. NORDLING, Cashier, will sign: H. N. MANGELS, Assistant Cashier, will sign: A. W. SCOUGALL, Assistant Auditor, will sign: (Authorized to sign reconcilements and correspondence only.) • The signatures of two officers are required on all checks or orders for transfer of funds. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Deputy Governor, Cashier, or senior Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Manager of any Branch, and any one of these, or any Assistant Cashier, may sign as Acting Cashier of any Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 24, 1920. Mr. Arthur E. Post, Assistnt Foderal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank. of Philalelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dear Sir: :noxledged of your letter of , iReoeiot is 3.01 Merch_23/in reply to the Board's letter of March 19 -a-1867,1“Changes in nnmee or boundaries of colinties"). „. You state that the list of counties in Che Third Federal Reserve District,as indicated in the eAtr-ct :!rom the Boarrite krn ,al 1 , , /17 ort Which was enclosei with tha letter above referred to, is incomplete. If you will refer to the enclosed lint T believe you will find that the State of Delaware and the counties in the Statn of Now Inrsoy which you enumerate are included. Ipresume, therefore, that the Board's list is corrlot.a4 it nos stanis. Very trulv yonrs, Alsitstant !I • 111 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK F ST. LOWS Lurch 24, 1920. Er. R. G. Emerson, Assistant 3ecretary, Federal Reserve Board, Washington. Dear 3ir: Referring to your favor of the 19th inst., herewith 1 return the list showing the counties in this district. ,;(3 have added Humphreys County (new), Mississippi, and have also chan;ed Tato to Tate County, Mississippi. In accordance with your request, we will advise you of any changes in the names of counties, or changes in county lines which may affect the boundaries of this district. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very truly, 7-. ift„,L Chairmin of the 3oard. - 4, .0 k " • : 29 V6i-' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • NIS • 874 ANgUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. DISTRICT NO. 8—ST. LOUIS (9,403,997). Arkansas (1,806,276). Illinois (southern part)(1,274,592). Counties: Adams. /, Alexander.I ,, Bond. V. Brown. V, Calhoun. V Clay. V d Clinton. V d Crawford. Edwards. V' Effingham / Fayette. , Franklin. V, Gallatin.. V Greene. V, Hamilton.10 , f Hardin. V. ,.. Jackson. .-'1„ Jasper. V Jefferson. „. Jersey. V Johnson. , Lawrence. Vz Macoupin. V. d Madison. V„ Marion. V Massac. ,.- , • Monroe. ..f Montgomery. / Morgan. Perry. Pk ./ l d• Pope. V / Pulaski. / Randolph." Richland. V St. Clair. V Saline. /./. Scott. V / Union. V ,•• Wabash. V , Washington. V Wayne. V . White. Williamson. V Pike. 7„ Posey. V d Scott. V Sullivan. V Spencer. 1,../ Switzerland. Vanderburg. V„ Warrick. V Washington. V Indiana (southern part)(608,798). Counties: Clark. v" Crawford. 'v, Daviess. Dubois. Floyd. V Gibson. V Greene. V, Harrison. Vd Jackson. V, Jefferson. V Knox. 7/ . Lawrence. V Martin. V„ Orange. V Perry. V Kentucky (western part)(1,362,682). Counties: Adair. 7/ Allen. V / Anderson. V d . Ballard. V„ Barren. V/ Boyle. V Breekenrige./ Bullitt./ V ) Butler. V/ Caldwell.V Calloway. V / Carlisle. Carroll. V . 2, • Casey. Christian.•,/. Clinton. V do Crittenden. V Cumberland. Da viess. Edmonson. Franklin. V . Fulton. Gallatin. V / Graves. \f o r' Grayson. y Greene. Hancock. V Hardin. Hart. V Henderson. V Henry. / Hickman. Hopkins. Jefferson. Larne. Livingston, Logan. Lyon. V d McCracken. V McLean. Marion. Marshall.V Meade. Mercer. V„ Metcalfe. V / Monroe. V d Muhlenberg.V Nelson. V Ohio. V/. . Oldham. V Owen. Russell. V Shelby. 72, Simpson. W,./ Spencer. 10;,',•••• Taylor.t ;c,,..• Todd. „ Trigg. V „ Trimble. %of, Union. if Warren. V „..• Washington. V Wayne. Webster. Pontotoc. V. Prentiss. V/ Quitman. V/ Sunflower. V Tallahatchie. rfif TIT Tippah. Tishomingo. V Tunica. V2. Union. V „. Washington,. Webster. Winston. V d Yalobusha. Mississippi (northern part)(995,689). Counties: Alcorn.V,„ Attala. Bolivar... Calhoun. Carroll. V Chickasaw. V Choctaw. Clay. V Coahoma. De Soto. V Grenada. Ve / Holmes. V Itawamba. Lafayette. ve " Lee. V. Leflore. V / /" Lowndes. Marshall. V/ Monroe. V Montgomery. Noxubee. V, Oktibbeha. Panola. ti" Missouri (eastern part) (2,666,521). Counties: All except those included in district No. 10. Tennessee (western part)(689,439). Counties: Benton. ,/ Carroll. 7„. Chester. V„, Crockett.V Decatur. / Dyer. Ve. Fayette.7.. Gibson. V d Hardeman.V Hardin. Haywood.V . Henderson./ Henry. Lake. V Lauderdale. V McNairy. Madison. V . Obion. Shelby. Tipton. V Weakley. . 17;41.;‘Y,14 r.1 '• . a .• • 4 -16 r 111 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ASA J.Z. MILLER,JR.,Govcapsoa C. A .WORTHINGTON DEPUTYGOVERNOR J.W. HELM.CASHIER JOHN PH ILLIPS,J.Q..Assr.CAstitER E. P.T YNER,ASsT.CAssitER L. H. EARHART.ASST.CASHIER G.E. BARLEY.ASST.CASHIER C. E. DAN I E Ass r.CAspitER M.W. E.PA R K, Assr.CASIatEr: E.RAMSAY, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT F FRED W. FLEMING, KANSAS CITY DEPUTY CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS C.K. BOARD MAN, ASST. FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT AND SECRETARY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 24, 1920 A.G.FR 0ST.ASST.CASHIEP SUBJECT: Changes in Names or Boundaries of Counties. Mr. R. G. Emerson, Asst. Seel y., FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: We are returning list of names of 'counties in the states comprising this District, which we find to be correct. Very truly yours, Federal Resbrve Agent CKBP11 461# 21 4 116 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I •9 DISTRICT NO. 10—KANSAS CITY (7,643,044). Colorado (1,027,712). Kansas (1,885,357). Missouri (western part)(791,428). Counties: , Andrew. .Atchison. .Barton. - Bates. .Buchanan. ,Cass. - Clay. ,Clinton. . Dekalb. . Gentry. . Holt. . Jackson. • Jasper. . McDonald. . Newton. • Nodaway. • Platte. . Vernon. . Worth. Nebraska (1,303,252). New Mexico (northern part)(205,737). Counties: - Colfax. • McKinley. - Mora. . Rio Arriba. .Sandoval. • San Juan. •San Miguel. . Santa Fe. .Taos. • Union. Oklahoma (all except southeastern part)(2,236,473). Counties: - Adair. -Alfalfa. • Beaver. -Blaine. i Beckham. •Caddo. •Canadian. A Carter. • Comanche. -Cotton. • Custer. .Cherokee. • Cimarron. • Cleveland. • Craig. .Creek. ..Delaware. .Dewey. - Ellis. .Garfield. .Garvin. •Grant. • Grady. ,Greer. .Harper. %Harmon. • Haskell. . Hughes. Wyoming (193,085). • Jackson. - Jefferson. • Kay. ^ Kingfisher. • Kiowa. .Latimer. , Flore. Le •Lincoln. -Logan. • Love. -McClain. .McIntosh. • Major. • Mayes. - Muskogee. • Murray. -Noble. . Rogers. • Roger Mills. " Seminole. .Nowata. .sequoyah. - Okfuskee. .Oklahoma. •Okmulgee. •. Osage. -Ottawa. • Pawnee. -Payne. - Pottawatomie. •Pittsburg. .Pontotoc. • Stephens. . Texas. • Tulsa. • Tillman. 'Washita. • Wagoner. •Washington. 'Woods. - Woodward. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA 925 CHESTNUT STREET OFFICE OF ME BOARD AND CHAIRMAN OF THE AGENT FEDERAL RESERVE March 23; 1970. Mr. R. C. Emerson, Ass't. Sec'y., Federal 7eserve Board, Washington, F. C. Sir: We beg to ncknowledEe receipt of jour letter of the 19th inst. diswith reference to changes in names on boundries of counties in our trict. e The extract you sent is presumably from the Federal Reserv as our district inBulletin and we note that same is not complete, insofar you give chi the cludes the state of Delaware, the counties in Pennsylvania south of Trenton, enclosed sheet as well as the counties in New Jersey namely: Cumberland, Gloucester, Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape iay, -ercer, Ocean, and Very truly yours, ...., J?/F. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Assistant Federal Reserve Agent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I DISTRICT NO. 3—PHILADELPHIA (6,772,233). • . Delaware (217,832). New Jersey (except counties enumerated under District No. 2)(670,348). Pennsylvania (eastern part)(5,884,053). Counties: Adams. Bedford. Berks. Blair. Bradford. Bucks. Cambria. Cameron. Carbon. Center. Chester. Clearfield. Clinton. Columbia. Cumberland. Dauphin. Delaware. Elk. Franklin. Fulton. Huntingdon. Juniata. Lackawanna. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lehigh. LLIZeIlle. Lycoming. McKean. Mifflin. Monroe. Montgomery. Montour. Northampton. Northumberland. Perry. Philadelphia. Pike. Potter. Schuylkill. Snyder. Sullivan. Susquehanna. Tioga. Union. Wayne. Wyoming. York. : .• A,1 / A . WELLBORN, GOVERNOR L. C. ADELSON. DEPUTY GOVERNOR M. W. BELL. CASHIER ft) ./ , JOS. A. McCORD, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT AND EDW. T. BROWN, DEPUTY CHAIRMAN ROPER, ASS'T CASHIER W. R. PATTERSON, ASST CASHIER W. B. OF ATLANTA. R. A. SIMS. ASS'T CASHIER J. L. CAMPBELL, ASS'T CASHIER WARD ALBERTSON, ASS'T FEDERAL RESERVE AGT. CREED TAYLOR, H. F. CONNIFF, ASS'T CASHIER GENERAL AUDITOR J. M. SLATTERY, SECRETARY :arch 23, 1920. SUBJECI's Changes in Nanes or Boundaries of Counties. ,1r. R. G. Emerson, Asst.Secty., Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Referring to your favor of the 19th inst., X-18671 will say that copy of your letter was referred to . Governor - ellborn, and I am in receipt of reply from the Secretary of the bank as follows: "Replying to your letter of :larch 22, regarding changes in the names or boundaries of counties in this district, I return herewith list you furnished and will advise that there has been no change as to boundaries since the publication of list attached." In compliance with your request, the list is being herewith returned, indicating no changes. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours very truly, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) DISTRICT NO. 6—ATLANTA (10,299,921). • ;.%• „... -' s li 44.1 Alabama (2,410,936). Florida (950,223). Georgia (2,955,505). Louisiana (southern part) (1,324,906). Parishes: Acadia. East Feliciano. Allen. Evangeline. Ascension. Iberia. Assumption. Iberville. ,Avoyelles. Jefferson. "Calcasieu. — Jefferson Davis. Cameron. Lafayette. East Baton Rouge. Lafourche. Livingston. Orleans. Plaquemines. Pointe Coupee. Rapide,s. St. Bernard. St. Charles. St. Helena. St. James. Vermilion. St.John the Baptist,. Vernon. St. Landry. Washington. St. Martin. West Baton Rouge. St. Mary. West Feliciana. St. Tammany. Tangipahoa. Terrebonne. Mississippi (southern part)(1,018,224). Counties: Adams. Amite. Claiborne. Clarke. Copiah. Covington. Forrest. Franklin. George. Greene. Hancock. Harrison. Hinds. Issaquena. Jackson. Jasper. Jefferson. Jefferson Davis. Jones. Kemper. Lamar. Lauderdale. Lawrence. Leake. Lincoln. Madison. Marion. Neshoba. Newton. Pearl River. Perry. Pike. Rankin. Scott. Sharkey. Simpson. ' .; 2.4e. • . :-' ‘," 7 `,\Smith. — Waltholl Warren. Wayne. Wilkinson. Yazoo. Tennessee (eastern part)(1,640,127). Counties: Anderson. Bedford. Bledsoe. Blount. Bradley. Campbell. Cannon. Carter. Cheatham. Claiborne. Clay. Cocke. Coffee. Cumberland. Davidson. Dekalb. Dickson. Fentress. Franklin. Giles. Grainger. Greene. Grundy. Hamblen. Hamilton. Hancock. Hawkins. Hickman. Houston. Humphreys. Jackson. James. Jefferson. Johnson. Knox. Lawrence. Lewis. Lincoln. Loudon. McMinn. Macon. Marion. Marshall. Maury. Meigs. Monroe. Montgomery. Moore. Morgan. Overton. Perry. Pickett. Polk. Putnam. Rhea. Roane. Robertson. Rutherford. Scott. Sequatchie. Sevier. Smith. Stewart. Sullivan. Sumner. Trousdale. Unicoi. Union. Van Buren. Warren. Washington. Wayne. White. Williamson. Wilson. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS March 23, 1920. Mr. R. G. raLerson, Assistant Federal Reserve Board, s;iasIdngton, D. C. Dear rir: „have trecretary, 1117 -141, - arch 19th, subject your x "Changes in names and Boundaries of Counties." I am having my assist::nt, L7r. Ea11, carefully check this list, zmd if there are any charges your office will be promptly notified. I ours very i,ruly, , 71Fil/c zederal 11.esei ent r 26 3 JR. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF BOSTON 53 STATE STREET IN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 1920. cif/A.e. R. G. Emerson, ;]sq., Assistant secretary, Federal Reserve Board, ',Iashinton, D. C. Dear 3ir: Replying to yonr communication of Earch 19, X-1867, I beg to Lid -vise there have been no changes in the names of the counties or in count7 lines in this district. Very truly yours, CFG/H Asst. .Federal Reserve Agent. ft" . eit FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK March 22, 1920, IN REPLY PLEASE REFER rT , tiVDS TO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SUBJECT: CHANGZOIN NALIES OR B0U1TT2pIES 07 COUNTIES. Sirs: You will please find roturned herewith the list enclosed with your circulrr letter, ;,,-.1867, of March 19, 1920. There have been no changes in the mines of counties in this district and no chruges in the county lines such ac v.sould affect the boundaries of this district. We shall make it a point to promi)tly notify you should any such changes occur in the future. :esi ectfully, Shepard Morgan, Assistant Federal heserve Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Enc, (1) No. 7726 DISTRICT NO. 2—NEW YORK (13,482,730). Connecticut(county of Fairfield)(299,224). New Jersey (counties of Monmouth, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Essex, Passaic, Hudson, Bergen, Morris, Sussex, and Warren)(2,443 ,111). New York (10,740,395). MISC 73 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK 6 ' 72 ENCLOSURE NO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELAND March 22, 1920. "r. . Hmersor, ,:ssistant Secretary, Federal reserve Board, 7ashinrton, D. C. Dear Sir: Subject: Chnnres in !Tames or Boundaries of Counties. "e are enclosing the list of counties in the states conprising our District , .1,ich was contained in your letter of Thrch 19. 71, 1s list has been chocked and is being returned without any chan-es. Very truly yours, • tfizzr14A PVC/E1-11. , Assist, , ri ecleral :-eserve Agent. RECEIVEI: it EsER , s .. 7 C 1. ...„....--,-7 -....,_ A , ,i, Al•/ i.• %%,:4,,„1- — • \ .• F.3 .4•#, , 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iP • DISTRICT NO. 4—CLEVELAND (9,511,858). Kentucky (eastern part)(1,053,092). Counties: Estill. t•''' ' Kenton. '-Bath. ,---Fayette. 1----. Bell. \VKnott. L. Boone.Fleming. i.--' Knox. ,.., ---Floyd. ‘..-/ Bourbon. ,-Laurel. u---Garrard. ‘..--Boyd. L/ Lawrence.i----. Bracken.Grant. I., L. --'/Lee. L- Breathitt.,/ Leslie. ,---Greenup. ,/ I. Campbell. V Harlan. k.„-Letcher. Carter.1,--L'''' Lewis. Harrison. ,..-Clark. V Lincoln. ,---'• Jackson. `""Clay. `-'-McCreary. ,Jessamine. ,----Elliott. V Madison.,--Johnson. v- Magoffin.L'' Martin. .----Mason. L- Menifee. L"--. . Montgomery.1.-' • Morgan. 1 . "‹ Nicholas. ,---Pendleton.O wsley..--- Pulaski. "-Robertson.'— Rockcastle. L--Rowan. I ---Scott. 'Whitley. Wolfe. Woodford. ''. l Perry. i.---' Pike. 1.-Powell. 871 ' 872 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. Ohio (5,304,678). Pennsylvania (western part)(2,983,028). Counties: Allegheny. ‘/./ Armstrong. Beaver. Butler. Iv Clarion. V Crawford." Erie. • Fayette. Forest. \-/ Indiana. Jefferson. Lawrence. '--1.--Mercer. tSomerset. 1----.Venango. Warren fr" • Washington. Westmoreland. ' --- West Virginia (northern part)(171,060). Counties: Brooke. Hancock.t-' ' - Marshall. Ohio. — Tyler. - Wetzel. • • FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF RPH MOND FIFTH DISTRICT DIRECTORS OFFICERS CALDWELL HARDY,c II AIRMAN GEORGE J.SEAY,GOVERNOR C.V. BLACKBURN,Assr. CASHIER CHAS A.PEPLE,DCPUTY GOVERNOR THOMAS MARSHALL,JR. ASS, CASHIER R.H BROADDUS,OCPUTY GOVERNOR GEORGE H.KEESEEsmicn AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT EDW.WALLER,JR.Assr.cAst-oleR JAMES F. OYSTER.w.sHonoroN,o.c D.R.COKER,m.rersviLLE,s.c. EDWIN MANN,sLuEFIeLaw.v^. W.W.DILLARD,Ass-r.CASNIER C HAS. E.RI E MAN,BAL,mon., o. EDMUND STRUDWICK,..c.momo ASSISTANT FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS J. G • FRY A.H DUDLEY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 22, 1920. SUBJECT: , JAMES A. MONCURE,oLow cHAliamArd t,. HOWARD BRUCE, JOHN F.BRUTON,wiLsoN,N. Changes in lis:ries or Boundaries of Counties. R. G. Emerson, Esq., Assit. Seciy., Federal Reserve Board, Washinc;ton, D. C.Dor Sir:Acknowledging yours cf X-1867,1vre return the memorandum of territory included in this District, the only counties excepted from the strtes composing the District being the counties in West Virginia of Ercoke, Hancock, Ncrshall, Ohio, Tyler and Wetzel Alexandria County, Va., hex, by recent act of the Legislature, been changed to Arlington County. Chairman of the Board. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis w # DISTRICT NO. 5—RICHMOND (9,444,773). District of Columbia (377,235). Maryland (1,389,972). North Carolina (2,481,847). South Carolina (1,669,799). Virginia (2,244,533). West Virginia (all counties except Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Tyler, and Wetzel)(1,281,387). No chmgcs in the above. Alexandria County, Va., has been changed by act of Legislature to Arlington County, Va. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 79 WEST SubApct: MON ROE STREET Oharyes_in names of boundaries of counties. March 22, 1920 Ir. R. G. Emerson, Assistant Secretary PEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Washington Dear Sir: Answering your letter of March nineteenth, X-1867,/ leave to return herewith the list of counties in this I beg district, in which we find out two corrections, both of them "Iewaygo" should be "liewaygo", and "Ogenaw" in Michigan. be "Ogemaw". should A question has recently arisen as to the correctness of the present boundary line between Illinois and Wisconsin. It is claimed that the east end of this line is several miles south of where it should be, and that the west end is several That there may be to this as a matter of fact miles north. At any rate it is a matter which will cat no I do not know. figure for our purposes at the present time. Yours very tr man H:R endl " rrsky4 RP " ,A c ' • ., , ''' -`1 1 24 V-3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I a . p I DESCRIPTION OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS. DISTRICT NO. 7—CHICAGO (14,362,272). Illinois (northern part)(5,084,511). Counties: • Boone. .Bureau. Carroll. •Cass. i. Champaign. Christian. . - Clark. • Coles. • Cook. •Cumberland. • Dekalb. .. Dewitt. • Douglas. • Dupage. Edgar. . •Ford. .Fulton. • Grundy. • Hancock. • Henderson. • Henry. • Iroquois. • Jo Daviess. . Kane. • Kankakee. r Kendall. • Knox. • Lake. • La Salle. • Lee. Livingston. ' 4 Logan. • McDonough. • McHenry. • McLean. • Macon. • Marshall. • Mason. • Menard. - Mercer. • Moultrie. • Ogle. • Peoria. • Platt. • Putnam. • Rock Island. • Sangamon. •Schuyler. * Shelby. • Stark. • Stephenson. • Tazewell. • Vermilion. .Warren. • 'Whiteside. • Will. • Winnebago. . Woodford. Indiana (northern part) (2,254,706). Counties: 'Delaware. - Adams. • Elkhart. • Allen. Bartholomew. ' • Fayette. Benton. • .Fountain. Blackford. • • Franklin. - Fulton. • Boone.. Brown. .- Grant. Carroll. • Hamilton. • • Hancock. • Cass. * Hendricks. • Clay. * Henry. • Clinton. • Howard. • Dearborn. .- Huntington • Decatur. • Dekalb. • Jasper. • Jay. * Jennings. 4 Johnson. • Kosciusko. • Lagrange. • Lake. • Laporte. • Madison. • Marion. • Marshall. • Miami. * Monroe. • Montgomery. • Morgan. • Newton. • Noble. • Ohio. • Owen. •Parke. • Porter. • Pulaski. 'Putnam. . • Randolph. • Ripley. - Rush. • St. Joseph. • Shelby. • Starke. • Steuben. • Tippecanoe. • Tipton. • Union. • Vermilion. • Vigo. • Wabash. • Warren. " Wayne. • Wells. - White. • Whitley. Iowa (2,218,529). Michigan (southern part)(2,771,087). Counties: - Alcona. • Allegan. • Alpena. • Antrim. .Arenac. - Barry. -• Bay. • Benzie. • Berrien. • Branch. • Calhoun. .Cass. • Charlevoix. •Cheboygan. - • Claire. • Isabella. • Clinton. .Jackson. • Crawford. • Kalamazoo. • Eaton. • Kalkaska. •Emmet. .Kent. • Genesee. • Lake. • Gladwin. .Lapeer: • Grand Traverse. • Leelanau. .Lenawee. 6 Gratiot. • Hillsdale. • Livingston. - Huron. • Macomb. • Ingham. • Manistee. • Ionia. • Mason. • Iosco. • Mecosta. * Midland. • Missaukee. .Monroe. Montcalm. . • Montmorency. • Muskegon. eliewaygo. X, " Oakland. • Oceans,. • Ogew_,. .....4%. f. : • Osceo a. 1 Oscoda. .Otsego. • Ottawa. • Presque Isle. • Roscommon. . Saginaw. • St. Clair. • St. Joseph. • Sanilac. • Shiawasee. . Tuscola. • Van Buren. . Washtenaw. \ • Wayne. . Wexford. . Wisconsin (southern part)(2,033,439). Counties: . Adams. • Brown. • Calumet. • Clark. .Columbia. • Crawford. • Dane. . Dodge. • Door. • Fond du Lac. • Grant. •-• Green. .Green Lake. • Iowa. • Jackson. * Jefferson. • Juneau. • Kenosha. •Kewaunee. • Lafayette. • Langlade. • Manitowoc. • Marathon. • Marinette. • Marquette. • Milwaukee. • Monroe. . Oconto. • Outagamie. • Ozaukee. •Portage. • • Racine. • Richland. • Rock. • Sauk. • Shawano. • Sheboygan. • Vernon. * Walworth. • Washington. • Waukesha. • Waupaca. • Waush'ara. • Winnebago. - Wood. 873 sib FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS NINTH DISTRICT CHAIRMAN OFFICE OF THE AGENT AND FEDERAL RESERVE H RICH RESERVE CHAIRMAN AND FEDERAL JOHN MOSHER ASSISTANT FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT CuRTIS L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AGENT March 21, 1920. Mr. R. G. Emerson, Asst. Seely. Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir:I have checked the list of Counties enclosed with your letter of March 19th and find that there have been no changes. There is a question in my mind however, .oihether has ever received a list of the Montana Counties the Board including the new ones organized since the meeting of the State Legislature the winter of 1918 and 119. I am enclosing this ;ist correct to-date. Federal Reserve A RAS-S Enc. rf t...4 b.ecr7 kJ : -,,, -. 225 1920 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • "TANA COUNTIES. Beaverhead. Big Horn. Blaine. Broadwater. Carbon. Carter. Cascade. Choteau. Custer. Dawson. Deer Lodge. Fallon. -^ Ferysts Flathead. Gallatin. Garfield. Glacier. Granite. Hill. Jefferson. Lewis &Clark. Lincoln. McCone. Madison. Meagher. Mineral. Missoula. Musselshell. Park. Phillips. Pondera. Powder River. Powell. Prairie. Ravalli. Richland, Roosevelt. Rosebud. Sanders. Sheridan. Silver Bow. Stillwater. Sweet Grass. Teton. Toole. Treasure. Valley. The Wibaux. Yellowstone. ci Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISTRICT NO. 9—MINNEAPOLIS (5,320,212). Michigan (northern part)(382,296). Counties: Alger." ,, Baraga.V Chippewa.' Delta. V" z Dickinsonr GogebicA7 Houghton/ Iron.-V Keweenaw.V Luee.V Mackinac/ Marquette.V Minnesota (2,361,707). Montana (493,096). North Dakota (804,496). South Dakota (744,665). Wisconsin (northern part)(533,952). Counties: Ashland Douglas.-' :/ / La Crosse.-" Price.V Barron. Bayflcid.,7 Buffalo.;/ Chippewa.-" Dunn.. -r Eau Claire.-/ Florence.-V Forest -"Burnet. Forest.. Iron., Lincoln..-' Oneida../ Pepin." Pierce.-y • A.AA QAP" MAR z199 Rusk.V St. Croix. ., Sawyer. Taylor.-v Trempealeau../ Menominee./ Ontonagon,/ Schoolcrait. Vilas/ Washburn. • Ex OFFICIO MENDERS W. P. G. HARDING,GOVERNOR ALBERT STRAUSS,VICE GOVERNOR ADOLPH C. MILLER CHARLES S. HAMLIN HENRY A. MOEHLENPAH • DAVID F. HOUSTON SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY CHAIRMAN FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ADDRESS REPLY To WASHINGTON FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD W. T. CHAPMAN, SECRETARY 5.0. EMERSON,ASSISTANT SECRETARY W. M. IMLAY, FISCAL AGENT # March 19 y1920. Subject:- Changes in Names or Boundaries of Counties. Dear Sir: In order that the Board's records, with resnect to Federal Reserve Districts, may be correct at al times, will you. :please arrange to advise the Board of any changes in the names of counties in the states comDrising your district, and also any changes in county lines which in any way affect the boundaries of your district. There is enclosed a list showing counties by states comprising your district, according to the information on record with the Board. Tvill you hindly have this list checked and return it to the Board, igdicating changes, if any, which may be necessary to bring it un to date. Very truly yours, Enclosure. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Assistant Secretary. To Chairmen of all F.11. Banl- s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 19, 1920. TO OHAIPMEN OT"'' AIL PANT'S. • capit.‘,0 xi ear 0; • In order that the Poard's records, with respect to Federal Peserve Districts, may be correct at all times, will you please arrange to advise the Board of 317 changes in the names of , 7ounties in the states comprising your district, an,1 also any changes in county lines which in any way affect the bourOaries of your district. There is enclosed a list showing counties by states comprising your district, acording to the information on record wlth the Board. Will you kindly have this list checked and return it to the Boar, indicating changes,if any, which may be necessary to bring it up to date. Very truly yours, Assistant Secretary. Lcci// Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S March 19, 1920. Ilear Sir: ti•: 1 d-- In order that the Board's records may be correct at all times, will you please arrange to advise the Board of any changes in the names cf countiesin the states comprising your district, and also an7 changes in county lines which in any way _tffect the boundaries of your district. There is enclosed, a list showing counties comprising your district, according to the information on record with the Board. Till you kindly have this list checked and return it to the Board, indicating changes if any which may be necessary to bring it up to date. 11, — S 40 ,' 0 • I 'I W. P.O. HARDING.GOVERNOR ALBERT STRAUSS.Vice GOVERNOR ADOLPH C. MILLER Ex OFFICIO MEMBERS • 4111 DAVID F. HOUSTON SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY CHAIRMAN JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ADDRESS REPLY TO FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 10 CHARLES S. HAMLIN HENRY A. MOEHLENPAH FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD W.T. CHAPMAN. SECRETARY R. G. E M E RsoN,ASSISTANT SECRETARY W. M. IMLAY. FISCAL AGENT WASHINGTON March 19,1920. X-1867 Subject:- Changes in Nprzes or Boundaries of Counties. Dear Sir:In order that the Board's records, with respect to Federal Reserve Districts, may be correct :.111 times, will you please arrange to advise the Board of any changes in the names of counties in the states comprising your district, and also any changes in county lines which in any way affect the boundaries of your district. There is enclosed, a list showing counties by st:Aes comprising your district, according to the information on record, with the Board. rvill you 1:inily have this list checked and return it to the Board, indicating changes, if any, which may be necessary to bring it up to date. Very truly yours, Enclosure. sdistant Secretary. .T.T.r. John I. Rich, Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank, ITinneapol is ,Einn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis