The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 413.1-6 Classification of Banks (Table Insured et Noninsured Nonmember Commercial Banks bank Suspension 6tudy of .1936 TRAN8FER ' • di • CUSSIFICATION OF nONYErBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Kras 11 HELD OF-.CICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL B1,1:TicS, OUTSIDE THE BRzYCKLS NO OPER...TING DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) LecordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with ------- - *del- 25C 250 to 09 ;;F7 900 I 4 ..... 25,100 to 149,900. ....... • 2; / 5,000 to 5,999 ,50,100 to ........ 1.00,000 6,000 to 9,999 4. (100,100 to 1,000 to 214,999_.......... ........ 99,900 2,000,000 and over . .... (Th - -)j - • 50,000 to 99,999 L 500,000 and over Total • Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 el 250,000 to 4,1499,000 . ';1,000,000 to c,1,999,000 - 99,900 2 .',150,000 to t!249,000 y500,000 to ::;999,000___ /- . . 50,00C to 4,999 - / 25,000 2,5C0 to 2,999 100,000 to 499,999 ',:,100,000 to v1149,000 Y15,100 to 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 to )49,999 (c) d-ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Numbar Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of caritalt: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ——- — 757fEbusan(3.s of" J611qr _ _ ..... _ _ . . _ . Under v100,000 Less than ,A.5,000 ,:15,000 •, 500 to 999 3,000 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks // f / ( .... ..... .. ....... • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOF OF NONVET:BER BLIIKS OFER:_TING (a) Locordin State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (b) A",eccrding to am.ount ofl capital* to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks N41TICNIIL BjI.NKS, BRiOCI-r_LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION DEC-ETTER 31, 1935 Lbj(J.. (c) d.ccording to amount of total deposits Total required for Prcsent Numbor Banks yith the following Banks rith the follm-in2 capital cf banks conversion into capital* amounts of total deposits: amounts of capital*: account** national banks TrE'EFousd-i7T-WT -d-OITai-s-T Total deposits Number cf banks In thousands of dollars - -4 411t 25C 250 to )499 ... 500 to 999 Less than ;,;15,000 Under ,j00,000 I15,000 :?100,000 to ,r1A9,000 .',250,000 to 025,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to a09,000 fl.,000,000 to c1,999,000 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 099,90G 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 0,000 to 214,999 W.00,100 to 99,900_ ..... 2,000,000 and over .................. •• .... 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999- ....... -----------500,000 and over Total \ \ \ Totals y Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of =.pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... y500,000 to :r999,000 )49.1900 3,000 to 4,999 .... ';)150,000 to !'249,000 1.5,100 tc v2)4,900 1,000 to 2,499 ........... rr) •- .... • TABLE PO. 6(b) • 0• CLLSSIFICI-TIOY OF NONYEI:BER adin OPER:IING NO BRJTCUIS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO 1;,1TICK/_L /321aS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) J.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoordirc to cJA.ount of capital* ._ Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follav-i capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf anks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars thousans 07.ccordinL to population -7 Number Banks in places ba:_ks of of: population with -4 Less than :,;15,000 e-r 250 41/k— 250 to 1499 . .... (;15,000 ...... 2,50C. to 2,999 .............. 410,000 to 214,999 / 100,000 1 ,25,100 to 14,,,00 ;:60,000 '„ 00,000 to 999,000 6 to ;1,9,9,000 . . . . . . . . . / 1 2,000,000 and over 4 0_00,000 6,000 to 9,999 Under 0.50,000 to 1°;249,00C 50,100 to '99,900 5,000 to 5,999 • ,S250,000 to a09,000 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 ...............• ::,100,000 to v149,000._ ...... 4 0.5,100 to y2 900 500 to 999 3,000 to /4,999_ ........ . _ ....... • ••• 1.00,100 to 99,900_ 1 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus oapita notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 12; on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .................... .... • CUSSIFICATION OF NONYErBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks BLIas OPERLTING NO BRITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.:,TIONLI, BLKKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. _ (ai,lccording to populati.on Number Banks in places banks of of: with population • •• Stat / (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Present required for Number Banks rrith the follaving of banks conversion into capital* al:.eunts of capital*: national banks - (c) Lccording to amount of total doposits I Total Number capital Banks rith the following account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks Total deposits In thousands of dollars TE'EFousanr-J.s ofrd.Orraa-s-T _ •- Less than ,' 15,000 Under .J00,000 250 to 499 ;15,000 ';,;100,000 to v149,000 500 to 999 el.5,100 to I ter 25C 1,000 to 2,499 ':,150,000 to 214,900 .1,250,000 to w/-1993000_ 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 %,)500,C00 to 0999,000 ...... %:25,100 to J49,900 01,000,000 to ce1,999,000 000 3,000 to 4,999 2,000,000 and over 50,100 to 099,900_ 5,000 to 5,999 oo,000 6,000 to 9,999 0100,100 to y199,900_ ..... 111,000 to 24,999 249,000 4:=7". 0-0 a 0-o t 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,0C° to 499,999 500,000 and over Total /• / • --‘2N Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of items 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised en basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •.• ............. •-...........•.• .............. ---• •• • ... • • • ...... • • 0• CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEEBER KITS OPERLTING NO BRLYCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTION.LL aLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) 71'1 -,1ceording to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: population with It 250 250 to 1499 State F.R. Dist. No. \r Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) fccording to amount of capital* . . capital Minimum Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks with the follav-in capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amnunts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s-T ----7n71hous c727T-617 Less than ;,;15,000 Under ,j00,000 ';15,000 ',:,;100,000 to /1149,000 500 to 999 15,100 to .v4,900_ 2,150,000 to 1!249,000 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 U50,000 to 25,100 to j49,900 ,,600,000 to ';999,000 2,500 to 2,999 ....._ 99,000 ' 21,000,000 to 0. ' 999,000 '50,000 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 tc 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 99,900_ 2,000,000 and over 1.00,100 to a99,900 41k,000 to 214,999 25,000 to 0,999 _......... ..._ 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999 , 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L; on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICLTIOY OF NONYEMBER State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: with population . _ _ _ _ _. _ (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Alocording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks 7ith the follav.ina capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars TIT6ITTly Under v100,000 Less than .A.5,000 Iliker 25C 250 OPER:_TING NO BRLFCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONTERSIO-11 IiqT0 NLTIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 ' 1,00,000 to /2.149,000 .;15,000 to 1499 500 to 999 (Y15,10C to 1,000 to 2,499 i.)25,000 2,5C0 to 2,999 ,25,100 to : ( )150,000 to !12149,000 2).4,900 1250,000 to y500,000 to .;999,000 1-1-9,900 01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 • "50,000 3,000 to 4/999 1499,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to (),000 to 9,999 loo,000 2 000,000 and over 99,900_ (a00,100 to ,199,900._ 41010,000 to 214,999 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 ••., • 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals / Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 1937. NOTE: Tablo 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of —pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' 41 /, / -1)_. .... • State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LccordinL to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: with population 250 • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER B1'..1TICS OPER1FING NO BRilITCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO IITIONYIL DECEYBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) __________ _ _ ter 25C • _ (c) Lccording to amount of total dcuosits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital 1 Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number I following rith the Banks Banks rith the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----117TTousan(2_s ord-Oilars7 Under ,j00,000 Less than , 15,000 to 09 100,000 to el.49,000 15,000 500 to 999 0150,000 to c.015,100 to v2i4,900 p 50,000 to 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to Als900 3,000 to 4,999 ;;60,000 25,000 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 4,,000 to 2/4,999_ )-199,000" 500,000 to . 99,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 5,000 to 5,999 100,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 1 99,900 /- 25,00c to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 . 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 94 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r 2/49,000 .• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER Krys OPER-..TING NO BkilITCHIS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSIOU DECEMBER 31, 1935 Numbor Banks in places banks of of: with population ter 250 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum cailtai Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follorint.' capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s o fr do=ST "TE7hous 1.00,000 to v149,000 ';15,000 500 to 999 (sr15,100 tc ,150,000 to 1249,000 : 2/4,900 p 50,000 to 25,000 2,5C0 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ;;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 Under ,J00,000 Less than ;15,000 250 to 1499 1,occ to 2,499 994000 .. 4500,000 to '999,000 J49,900 . 01,000,000 to 00,000 41k,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to ,999,000 02,000,000 and over 50,100 to ()99,900 6,000 to 9,999 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals 1- 111_7())t,-- Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IILTIONI1L BLNKS, State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) _Lecordilv, to population _ _ __ • •• • •• TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOr OF NONMEMBER BLNKS OPER:_TING NO BRJINCHES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N41TICYLL BLITT/CS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 T7- LccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: rdth population Un er 250 250 to 2499.... (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :_ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follorina: capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars =TillTE-17busanr±s Less than .15,000 ,,15,100 to v?),,900 1,000 to 2,499 025,000 2,500 to 2,999 . ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ;:60,000 5,000 to 5,999 '50,100 to 41/000 to 214,999 - Under ......... ::15,000 500 to 999 6,000 to 9,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 1.00,000 ';:,100,000 to el49,000 (;:,150,000 to !,'249,000 250,000 to q500,000 to ,,999,000 149,900 )1,000,000 to ce1,999,000 ' 2,000,000 and over '';99,900 ,;100,000 100,100 to ,199,900._ 3 25,00c to 49,999 50,000 tc, 99,999 100,0c0 to /499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debcntures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. 'JUTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... •• TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLLSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLITZ OPERLTING NO BRillICHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OPTICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONJIL DECEKBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LecordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of bal-lks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits ) Locording to amount of capital* Minimum capita-1 Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks y-ith the following Banks with the folloyin2 capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----117nousans ordo-171 - ter 25C 250 to )499 ..... ••• ....•• -•-• .......... ............ Less than '015,000 Under v100,000 ::15,000 (;?100,000 to ,1.49,00C 'si15,100 to 500 to 999 ':,150,000 to 214,900 2)49,000 1,oco to 2,499 A v25,000 250,000 to U199,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to J49,900 500,000 to '999,000 01,000,000 to c'a,999,000. ... 3,000 to 4,999_ 5,000 to 5,999 . 50,100 to 2/99,900. 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 0100,100 to 4Ik1,000 to 214,999 2,000,000 and over t- • 99,900 . /. c.? , q A .3. 25,00C to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 0,, 100,000 to 1499,999._ 500,000 and over Total e Totals Ci • / / ' Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2L46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .... ....... - . .. ' • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONMEEBER BLNICS OPER...TING NO BRI:I\TCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NI,TION.IlL BJLTIKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 1 -,IccordinL, 7-7 to population . _ . . Number Banks in places with population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks e • •• 1 is_.) .' (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2-ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the follaving capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar:,ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars dolriFs7 71767TFousa:77.s 1 _•- t 250 Less than Under 2.5,000 1.00,000 250 to 499 ';15,000 :?100,000 to elr.19,000 500 to 999 r1.5,100 to v214,900 :,150,000 to , 249,000 1,000 to 2,499 i,)25,000 C250,000 to a09,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to J49,900 v500,000 to '99,000 3,000 to 4,999 ",;60,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000... 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 411,000 to 214,999_ 1.00,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 99,900 ........ / 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over o' Totals '4 7.= *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/1 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals - • TABLE NO. 6(b) • •• CONVERSION CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLEKS OPERLTING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE POR DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of banks F.R. Dist. No. - , . (0- alccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: with population 41Rt 250 250 to 1499.... " State - Under / (.)15,000 :;150,000 to -+ 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to L4,999 "50,000 149,900 2/49,000 ... ........... 250,000 to wi4.99,000 4 25,000 1.00,000 ,;100,000 to v149,000 •••••• 05,100 tc cA,900 1,000 to 2,499 NIdIONLL BLNKS, (c) 1.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.coording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number [ Number I the following yith Banks Banks rith the follorin capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* amounts of total deposits: cf banks account** amounts of capital*: dollars national banks of- dollars-7— Less than ;15,000 5oo to 999 INT° v500,000 to '999,000 .... ....... 3 - 5o,loo to ')99,900. 5,00c to 5,999 . 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over • oo,000 6,000 to 9,999 4,,000 to 2/4,999_....... 1/. . ........... 00,100 to el.99,900 6 /c 25,occ to /49,999 5o,000 to 99,999 loo,oco to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals *-) • Totals on Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstructi d. and 246c FR **Item 1)4 on Forms (total tf item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. letter of NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / ............... , •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CUSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLNKS OPER...TING NO BRIIITCEES OUTSIDE THL FEJT OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of banks (a") ,IccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks N.LTION.LL B/INKS, State F.R. Dist. No. _ _ _ (c) .A.,ccording to amount of total deposits ).:.,ccording to amount of c,:.pital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dcllars 17FITousary:s ToTraFT ----_-_-_-_-_-__ lik;25C .... Less than v15,000 250 to 1499 ............ •.. ...• •- !1.00,000 to /149,000_ ::15,000 500 to 999 ,25,100 to U49,900 . 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 ............ . ,i500,000 to _ .. -,- 99,900 / Z'7"; (Y.-- -A. . c/ / /, 2,000,000 and over / 3 00,100 to ?1.99,900. 25,000 to )49,999- ........ 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over !==. • Totals . (.1- • 999,000 01,000,000 to c,1,999,000 3,000 to 4,999 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .... 250,000 to ,e1499,000 2,500 to 2,999 _ Total • r- c:',15o,000 to !,249,000 5,100 tc q2/4 900 1,000 to 2,499 0,000 to 214,999_ Under v100,000 ............. •-• SI 0 ? . • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICZTIOY OF NONMEEBER • •• Kras OPERLTING NO BRI.JTCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Iiq0 NL.TIONYIL B.LITKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population TELIccordinL . Numbor Banks in places banks of with population of: I State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks Trith the follovinc4 capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars and s or ToTro-r—s7 TrE—ucous ^ t; 250 250 to /499 500 to 999 00,000 to v149,000 015,000 :D25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to U0,900 3,000 to /44999 '460,000 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 :',150,000 to , 249,000 5,100 to . 214,900 1,000 to 2,499 5,000 to 5,999 Under j.00,000 Less than ;15,000 - e) • .... oo,000 Q1499,000 y500,000 to '999,000 o • ... ,)1,000,000 to ti / -29 1 - 0,000,000 and over e5 6- • cqy.' 00,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals c"? 471 e). ' • Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total 4of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ............ . \CY +5 n 4 7' t to ::,99,900 U50,000 to 000 •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER BLVKS OPERLTING YO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PGR CONVERSION INTO 1,1A1TIC.LL DEMMER 31, 1935 . a ...ite_c_of.din, - to population Td; 250 i lit ............... fa,000 to 214,999 .......••-. .... •• ... - / ,,499,000 p50,000 to , , ,:i500,000 to '‘:;999,00C . 25,100 to J49,900 , — t '50,000 50,100 to 99,90c 00,000 )1000100 to w199,900. ,i s= ft • 01,000,000 to crl,999,000 . / 2,000,000 and over _ y r7 . 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999 500,000 and over Totals 124 *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/.46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2)16c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of .c-pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals ....... .. ... 0150,000 to 1,249,000 25,000 .... In thousands of dollars ';: 1.00,000 to v149,000 ! 0.5,100 tc v4,900._ ... 1,00C to 2,499 Total deposits Number cf banks • ... • 500 to 999 6,000 to 9,999 Total required for Number Present Banks rith the following Banks Trith the foliar-int-2: capital of banks conversion into capital* amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: national banks TITTEOusans ordoITYrs7 ----,:----- --Under v100,000 Less than ;,,:15,000 • 250 to /499 ... 5,000 to 5,999 .... (c) .L.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of cLpital* Number Banks in places banks of of: with population 3,C)00 to /4,999_ State P.R. Dist. No. Class of banks — 2,500 to 2,999 _ • At. r , 2 ...... ...... • • •• CLLSSIFICATION OF NONMENBER BLNKS OPER.:_TING NO BRIINCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.ZIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of with population of: Lccording to amount of total dcoosits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the follorina. capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars -----IITTEOZT6777s 41k;250 250 to 1499 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 21.00,000 to v149,000 f;15,000 I 500 to 999 1,000 to Under .100,000 Less than .15,000 4/ W5,100 tc y2/,,900 ',:;150,000 to I249,000 250,000 to ,.499,000 - 25,000 999,000 % 25,100 to ii_19,900 ,,,,500,000 to ,;60,000 )1,000,000 to c1,999,000 , '7 3,000 to 4,999- 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 214,999 . • ..... , ...... ..• 2,000,000 and over ;5o,loo to '199,90c_ - cloo,000 W.00,100 to v199,900 9-4 i< . (-I 25,000 to 49,99950,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals ' ; v Totals Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction **Item lb, on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LI • •• TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONYEMBER KIM OPER.:_TING NO BRIOCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONLI B.LNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 (c) (b) .:_ccording to amount of capital* (a) Lccording to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: population with State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks • ccording to amount of total deposits Total Present required for Number Banks Tith the following Banks vith the follovinE capital of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: ar.ounts of capital*: national banks Total deposits Number[ cf banks In thousands of dollars oT- dcalariT ----717Thousans _ _ _ _ . _ _ ._ _ . _ .. _ _ _ . . . "Tier 25C Less than 7.5,000 1,s-- - 5 Under v100,000 ,loo,000 to v149,00c 250 to )499 ::;15,000 500 to 999 ce15,100 to v2i4,900 1,000 to 2,499 :25,000 0250,000 to U09,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to j_19,900 . 500,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 4 ; ( )150,000 to 1,249,000 999,000 01,000,000 to cy1,999,000. 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 z:50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 0,000 to 214,999 W.00,100 to 02,000,000 and over 99,900. 25,000 to L1.9,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 *"7" t- • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIICATION OF NONVEYBER BLEKS OPER.:_TING NO BRJ1NCEES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE POR CONVERSION INTO NZFICNI1L DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) .i.ccordinL to population Number BarLs in places banks of of: population with --lkole-r 250 (c) 1.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcocrding to aillount of capital* MiniMum Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follaring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of al:,ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars TO-177&11,, /• Under ;,.100,000 Less than ;,;15,000 i • , ..., „ 250 to /499. (:15,000 500 to 999 0.5,100 to v214,900 1,000 to 2,499 v25,100 to ..... .............. 1 0.00,000 to ' 0150,000 to :!,22.4.9,000 U50,000 to j499,000 ,-, : r v500,000 to ';,?999,000 49,900 I.;99,90c 49,000 el A ' 50,100 to , ) / '5o,000 3,000 to 4,999 - - - ! t • 2,999... . 5,000 to 5,999. State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 2,500 to • •• . / s7 / ' 000,000 to crl,999,000 / • 2,000,000 and over 00,000 3100,100 to c„199,900 6,000 to 9,999 41,,000 to 24,999 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over Total ; Totals Totals *Par value of conmon and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item lb, on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 246c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in rcsponsa to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 / • TABLE NO. 6(b) • • B2LNKS, CLASSIFICkTIOY OF PONVEYBER BLTIKS OPERZTING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PGR CONVERSION INTO N2dION/IL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 777- LccordinL to population Number Banhs in places rith population of: of banks (c) ,-ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Banks vith the follov-inri: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands cf account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks acliars Less Lhan %;15,000 Under ,J00,000 250 to 1499 f„:15,000 0100,000 to v149,000 500 to 999 W.5,100 to 11L-1- 250 .... •• ....... •• ......... • _ •• / 2i4,900 2,5C,C, to 2,999 V ::',150,000 to ' - 249,000 • 250,000 to , , 499,000 , • 1,000 to 2,499 / 25.9000 4,/ 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999_ 410,000 to 224,999 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 / 6 '50,000 50.9100 tO ,;2,000,000 and over 99,900 . tiA00,000 0100,100 to / - 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 1 r •^ • 1, / • (,' Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance d. and 46c FR Forms on **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of A-pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 7 ^ 3,000 to 1-44999_. 2• `; v 500,000 to "W999,000 v25,100 tO J49,90° /L ,/ L U ce' • • TABLE NO. 6(b) • •• CLISSIFICATIOY OF YONVEMBER BLNKS OPER.:_TING KO BRzYCITIS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO ILITION.LL B.LNKS, DECEEBER 31, 1935 (a) ilccordinL to population . _ Numbor Banks in places banks of of: with population State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) .L.Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcocrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Prcsent Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follavi.n capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----17-thousans Or- d6=s-T Ilkor 250 250 to 1499 -- Less than ;,.:15,000 21.00,000 to v149,000 f';15,000 500 to 999 3-5,100 tc y214,900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to U0,900 3,000 to 4,999 / ;1.50,000 to 1,249,000 .. 250,000 to ,,499,000 ,600,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to ce1,999,000. ... ;;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 099,900 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 41k,000 to 214,999 Under ,j00,000 ; . 100,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 25,0e0 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over /,--- . Totals 4 *Par value of common and preferred stock Tolus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financo Corporation **Item 1L! on Forms FR 2146c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals • . • •• • CUSSIFICkTION OF NONVEITBER BLEKS OPEILITING NO BRIOCELS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DDR CONVERSION INTO N:.TICKli.L DECEMBER 31, 1935 TAT3LE NO. 6(b) Class of banks A , _ Numbcr Bn..nks in places with population of: of banks -^ .. - 5oo to 999 5,000 „ o 's')150,000 to 1249,000 "50,000 to 5,999 50,100 to '',299,900 ------- loo,000 6,000 to 9,999_ ---------------------------------411,000 to 224,999 0100,100 to 0_99,900 c9? 0 i t ,i 1_ I .01,000,000 to ;1,999,000 , , over - 0,000,000 and ' t- t ")--- 0-0 • / 5o,000 to 99,999 loo,000 to /499,999 Total _ 7-'t • Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/_16c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ;• 4500,000 to ;:999,000_ /,'"a/ c 500,000 and over ........ 050,000 to w1-09,000 ,25,100 to j49,900 _ ......... ..... S 2 r/100,000 to /11119,000 A .4 2,999 25,000 to /49,999_ -- - • f "",) 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,9% /2). 415,100 tc v4,900 ' Under v100,000 --- • 3 t") Less than %:15,000 4111k7r 2'7'0 2,500 to State F.R. Dist. No. • (c) 4.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) .2..ccording to auount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks vr-ith the follorina capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of ca7italt: national banks dollars Lccordir-IL, to population 25o to 1499 • .. ..... .... • . . •• • • CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DOR CONVERSION INTO N:dIONIIL BLIas, TABLE NO. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLIas OPER:LTING NO BRANCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE DECEMBER 31, 1935 Ca) Lccordin State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population (c) .,.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number following the with Banks Banks vith the following capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* amounts of total deposits: cf banks account** amounts of capital*: national banks dollars or- d011arsT Under 250 ,, 250 to 1499 500 to 999 Less than ;A.5,000 Under 'N;.100,000 ()15,000 %:;100,000 to w149,000 (v15,100 to .q214,900 0_50,000 to $2149,000 1 250,000 to ;;4991000 1,00° to 2,499 /25,000 2,5C0 to 2,999_ v25,100 to 31,000,000 to 3.000 to 4,999_ 5,000 to 5,999_........ ..... 50,100 to - "500,000 to :;;999,000 ,999,000. ....... 2,0°0,000 and over '99,900 oo,000 6,000 to 9,999_ .... 0100,100 to 0.99,900 10,000 to 214,999_ 25,000 to 49,999 50,0°0 to 99,999 1°0,0°0 to 1499,999 L 50°,00° and over Total Totals Totals ./ -•••••-••••4 sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures **Item 114 on Forms FR 246c and d. (total of itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t. • •• • INTO NLTION.t.:L BLNKS, CUSSIFICATIOY OF 110NYEMBER BLNYL. OPEILITING NO BRI:ITCHLS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DDR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) (b) Lcoordiri_ (a) Lccordin-6 to population ------. (c) .h.coording to amount of Ictal donosits be amount of capital* capital Minimum Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number following the cr , rith Banks In thousands of cf banks conversion into capital* capital account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars T---- Number Banks in places with population of: of banks Banks with the follar amounts cf thousands . /499 .. .. . -7 v15,100 to 1 tis.A. ? 7 G '.;15,000 . 500 to 999 ci , 50,000 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 • C100,000 to *,/ 149j000 .... i;150,000 to ,e,t249,000 0250,000 to 499,000 01,000,000 to • 4. ,999,000 0,000,000 and over 99 900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999.--t 100,000 to /499,999 F ' 500,000 and over Total - Totals •1 Totals Reconstruction Financc Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capit- notes and debentures sold to FR 2/46c and d. Forms on **Item 90 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c aad d). (total of iteras our letter of .=-pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information ft.'nished in response to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... . .............. 00,000 00,100 to 1 99,900 Under v100,000 v500,000 to :999,000 (, ,25,100 to J-49,900 2,5C0 to, 2,999 ,1 6 ;-4 1 • 1 ' c- 25,000 1,000 to 2,499. 410,000 to 214,999 6-0 a Less than ;:15,000 r' Under 250 250 to State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks e . 4_. 7 51 ' ' (--/ 4 • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICIJION OF NONYEEBER BLNKS OPER.LTING NO BR.P.PCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE POR CONVERSION INTO NI,TIONJIL B.LNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of banks (a Lccordin • •• • to population Number Banl:s in places banks of of: population with Le s s than •,.: 15,000 25o to 1499 ---07711761TT.I.FST . /./ • 1-11 ' 1,oco to 2,499 2,5co to 2,999 y25,100 to ..• 3,000 to 4,999_ . )49,900 ,:60,000 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 99,900 • S/ 9 ;;;15o,noo to !,249,000 -IV 250,000 to U09,000 y500,000 to 999,000 r. 01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 /, 6 :6 5,000 to 5,999 viL19,000 c100,000 to Y15,100 to 'y214,900 , S `,1 2,000,000 and over 0100,100 to ca,,,900 411k000 to 2/4,999 25,000 to 149,999 5o,000 to 99,999 t- loo,000 to )499,999 5oop000 and over Total Totals n . /.)? - Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 124 on Forms FR 2)46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (z __G. • Under , :100,000 •, 15,000 5oo to 999 01.-c (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Numbor Present Number Banks 7ith the following Banks rith the folloTin2 capital cf banks conversion, into capital* In thousands of aLcunts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars -1:17-F,T174 _ _ _______ nder 20 State F.R. Dist. No. - 1' • r, . ‘• ..... .. _c2. V- • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATION OF PONVEMBER BLEKS OPER...TING NO BRIlITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N,1TIOil.L B.L.NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks TET.LccordinL to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: population with ) ...ccording to amount of total donosits (b) Lcocrding to amount of capital* Minimum cailtal Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks v-ith the following Banks rith the follaving capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar:,ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s7 o-r TO-176.-rnriTs --TETFOTE-a_ .. . _ V3 . • ........ .. • Under v100,000 a Less than ;,,:1 COO _ .------------. 4k71- 250 250 to 499 . • • ._. - • - C -s-, 15,000 0100,000 to v149,000 _ 0.5,100 tc 500 to 999 6,000 to 9,999 410,000 to 24,999 0150,000 to •• .. - . • . '50,100 to )99,900 y500,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to ca,999,000 •") "50,000 249,000 p50,000 to ,w1499,000 ' ,25,100 to J49,900. 2,500 to 2,999 5,000 to 5,999 / 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999_ . e- 0. 214,900 2 . , 2,000,000 and over loo,000 0100,100 to :v199,900__ / ......... 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over ,.1 Totz. Totals c Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of 1-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • B.iaNKS, CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER BLEKS OPER.LTING NO BR.iTCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIORLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Cla,ss of banks (a) ,IccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population 1 (c) ,.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Alccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Banks rith the folloTing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars "rii— housands or- dorra,Less than %;15,000 51 71- 250 Under ,J00,000 ..• • 250 to 1499 :;15,000 , 1.00,000 to ! 500 to 999 'V15,100 to v4,900 0150,000 to ,1249,000 250,000 to J499.1000 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 v500,000 to ;:999,000 ,25,100 to .))49,900 . 2,500 to 2,999 ............ 6,000 to 9,999 lik,000 to 214,999 ..... 50,100 to 100,000 ,.;100,100 to :,199,900 2,000,000 and over - . 1V • . 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,0co to )499,999 ,/ 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc d. on Forms FR 2/46c and **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). —pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Tablc 6 as revised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Z • fl.,000,000 to cfl,999,000 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 1.49,000 4; •• • • INTO N.LTIONI,_L B.b.NKS, TABLE NO. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLNKS OPrrULTING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DDR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks Under 250_ 1.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccordirc ta amount of capital* 'Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* Ip thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars in thousands 07 dollars) -1 / Under v100,000 ....._. Less than v15,000. _ 250 to /499 :)15,000 500 to 999_ 0.5,100 to 'v24,900 (a) Lccording to population Number Banks in places banks of with population of: -•-•- • .... .. 4 - 42.00,000 to el.49,000 ^ 1,000 to 2,499 V_ 050,000 to ‘499,000 05,000_ 2,500 to 2,999 ,:.25,100 to ;;49000 3,000 to 43999 1160,000 5,000 to 5,999 ”0,100 tO 6,000 to .........._ A 500,000 to :999,000 000,000 to ' 0. ,999,000 0,000,000 and over 99,9°°- .1; oo•000 00,100 to 10,000 to 2/4,999 0.50,000 to t249,000 •••••• 99,900___ 25,000 to 493999-50,000 to 99,999 , 100,000 to 09,999—,--------500,000 and over Total Totals Totals to Reconstruction Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capita) mtes and debentures sold **Item 114 on Forms FR 246c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c amd d). our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis < •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF YONYEKBER BLITS OPERLTING NO BR.L/TCHES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO NLTIONLL BiLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TE-J- LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks Under 250 ,9 250 to 19 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 / ( • c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number - Number Banks rith the following Banks with the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar,ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars aTTE-or TO=r ou-s-11a-Th-- 1 , Less than ..:15,000 ........ .. Under v100,000 •......... , - ..;15,000 si'il5,10C to q2/4,900 ;?100,000 to .,1149,000 :1.50,000 to ......... ...• v25,100 to j49,900 3,000 to 4,999 ",w: 50,000. 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 249,000._.......... ,500,000 to '999,000 ' 99,900 ,000,000 to cl,999,000 0,000,000 and over 00,100 to •99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and proferrcd stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2246c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2)_46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... 250,000 to Ut99,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 410,000 to 214,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks - 4111-- • ...... • .... •-. • TABLE NO. 6(b) • • CLLSSIFICATION OF NO/WEIMER BLIIKS OPERLTING NO BRJ1NCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTION.LL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) Lccordinb to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population (c) ,lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :_ccording to amount of capital* _ , Minfmum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks Irlith the follaring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars Trii- Fousands 6r- dollars) Under 250 Less than :,;15,000 250 to (.15,000 )499 500 to 999 / ce15,100 to v25,100 to J49,900 3,000 to 4,999_ ," 50,000 6,000 to 9,999_ 01,000 to 214,999 ................. • ..... t , • 2,500 to 2,999 ' q500,000 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over •• • Total Totals c.r . Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock 'plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance d. and **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2)46c (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). .L-pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • .. 999,000 2,000,000 and over ........^ ,C. Li, ol C250,000 to w/499.1000 00,000 (;100,100 to ,2 4 C150,000 to M49,000 000,000 to c1,999,000. 50,100 to )9 1 9.7900 A7Z3 - Under ,100,000 st a /- ::;100,000 to Ait9,000 i 6-0 0 t 2).4,900 1 .:c 0 . 7 25,000 1,000 to 2,499. 5,000 to 5,999_ ....... / 0 .S. "0 • .......... ..... /, . • TABLE NC. 6(b) • •• CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEnBER BLVKS OPERLTING NO BRJIYCKES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.L1TION.LL DECETIBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks r "' 4. Number Banks in places ylth population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2_ccording to amount of capital* (a) LccordinL, to population Total required for Present Numbor Banks rith the following Banks vith the follav-inc.4 capital of banks conversion into capital* amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: national banks ST----d-O=r2s s aY-2, 7-7 - Under 0_00,000 250 to 499 f:',15,000 ,)1.00,000 to ell'49,000 500 to 999 0.5,100 to 1,000 to 2,499 • • %,.25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999_ '50,00C 5,000 to 5,999 a 1_19,900 • 51,1 oo,000 410,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to , 0 5. sa ' 99,900 ' 0. 000,000 to ;1,999,000 /o 02,000,000 and over . ... 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46e and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of iTril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . .. q500,000 to . . 999,000 ri 0 • 6,000 to 9,999 o S'?250,000 to zi,i499,000 ,, T7- . ;50,100 to .;99,900 3 0150,000 to $249,000 2/4,900 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 In thousands of dollars • Less than ;15,000 l ke-r 250 Ii Total deposits Number cf banks /J., ... • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLISSIFICATIOTT OF NONVEYBER OPER....TING NO BR.i. /TCHES OUTSIDE TIM HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Ii,TTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population Banhs in places Number banks of of: population with ) Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) Lccording to amount of cc.pital*_____ Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Numbor Number Banks rith the following Banks with the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks ar.ounts of capital*: national banks dcllars Tia-T7Ous 4k ---_-_-_-_-___ s o7 TO1T-cr-s7 Less than %A.5,000 Under ,J00,000 250 to 1_199 :15,000 !3.00,000 to el49,000 500 to 999 ;15,100 to v4,900 ';)150,000 to t49,000 or 250 :,250,000 to 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999_ e50,000 5,000 to 5,999 e50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 ^ 25,100 to /499,000 . v500,000 to ;999,000 149,900 a,000,000 to c,1,999,000 .. .....---• 2,000,000 and over oo,000 1.00,100 to 99,900 •, 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BL.17:KS, State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) Lccordin • 0• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CONVERSION Ii;TO NL.TION.LL BLNKS, CUSSIFICATION OF NONMEIMER BLNKS OPER.LTING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DEC=ER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LecordinL to population Numbor Bank-s in places banks of with population of: _ (c) Lccording to amount of total dcposits capital* of amount to (b) :-ccording Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Numbor Number Banks Yith the following Banks with the follov-ina. capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: dollars national banks rsT 6.7.7:617a ry3.s house. Trif Less than .15,000 Under 250 250 to • • 1499 - Under v100,000 - ::15,000 500 to 999 '015,100 to v2/4,900 1,000 to 2,499 150,000 to ,2149,000 250,000 to i/499,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,50,000 .:149,900 q500,000 to : ',,999,000 01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 50,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 - 2100,000 to v149,000_.............-- ')99,900 k)2,000,000 and over iyloo,000 6,000 to 9,999 lik,000 to 214,999 W.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 0,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 .......... 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Tablo 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :7) • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLYKS OPER:_TING NO BRLITCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N41TICNLL Bj,NKS, DECEKBER 31, 1935 Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Yumbor Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----117thousan6.s o -r- JUITEi-s7 LccordinL to population Number Banks in places ylth population of: of banks -0 250 to 09 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,09 9 to 2,999 3,°°° to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 Ilik,000 to 224,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 41E 2O • .... Less than ;15,000 Under :15,000 il00,000 to ei.5,100 to 2).4.,900 1.00,000 149,00C s 150,000 to 1,249,00G ' 250,000 to y)499,000 $,25,000 25,100 to /49,900 '':1,000,000 to ce1,999,000... '50,000 50,10G to 2,000,000 and over 99,90O '100_,000 al001100 to 99,900 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Totals Totals - •••4 • • •• *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/.1 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total oaf items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . v500,000 to W999,000 25,000 to 0,999 Total ..... ..... . ci -.) 5' •-. ••• • TABLE NO. 6(b) INTO I;LTIONLL BJIKKS, CLLSSIFICATIOY OF PONMEEBER BLIIKS OPER-TING NO BRAFCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR COUVERSi0i4 DECEYBER 31, 1935 (aD LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: with population 250 to 1499 500 to 999 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 1"-ccording to amount of c-pital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Numbor Number Banks rith the following Banks Trith the folloTing capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks aLiounts of capitc..1*: national banks dollars Less than ;15,000 .. ";,-- W.5,100 to ,1'7) • 214,900._..... Under ,;100,000 . 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to Ut9,900 0150,000 to !!2149,000 / •- ._ 21,000,000 to ;;60,000 50,100 to )99,900 I ,999,000 ...... 2,000,000 and over 1.00,100 to -,199,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction d. **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2)_16c and (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cog 500,000 to ',;999,000 6,000 to 9,999 41,000 to 214,999 -1- ',:,100,000 to el149,010C 250,000 to :,1499,000 25,000 5,000 to 5,999 7rETEbusans ordollars7 / :15,000 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks Under 250 • 411• .. ....... • ry • TABLE NO. 6(b) NL.TIONLL BLNKS, CUSSIFICATIOT. OF NONFEMBER BLITS OPER...TING NO BRI:1\THLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) LccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with _ Jlccording to amount of total deposits (c) cLpital* of amount to Loccrding (b) _ Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Yumbor Number Banks Yith the following Banks with the follov-ing capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ous a 250 to 1499..... ..... . 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4a999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 214,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 4Rt 250 . • 0 s or Tonar r"'" Less than -j.5,000 Under (.:,15,000 :i100,000 to /1149,000 W.5,100 to v214,900 ')1.50,000 to 1!)249,000 25,000 - 1.00,000 250,000 to a09,000 999,000 ,25,100 to j49,900 v500,000 to :i60,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over _ 50,100 to 099,900 V V • “ocj000 (a00,100 to 99,900_ 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals , Totals Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction d. and **Item 1L1 on Forms FR 2/46c 6c and d). 11 and 13 on Forms FR (total of items 7/ NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • TABLE NO. 6(b) • •• CUSSIFICATIOTT OF NONYEMBER BLNKS OFER2TING NO BRiTCHIS OUTSIDE ThT; HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTION/IL BLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TIT.i.ccording to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) A.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* --Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Humber Banks yith the following Banks with the follavinE: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of apxunts of capital*: account** amcunts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 3.--677"ToTra-r Less than ;,15,000 _ Under v100,000 250 to 1499 (;15,000 :?100,000 to v149,00C 500 to 999 0.5,100 to v214,900 . C150,000 to 1249,000 1,000 to 2,499 .125,000 ' ter 250 250,000 to j4992000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 5o,00c 01,000,000 to 0,999,000 . _ 5,000 to 5,999 ,i60,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 “oo,000 0,000 to 214,999 sp500,000 to ',999.1000 ......_ I 99,900_ 1 2,000,000 and over 0.00,100 to v199,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999..... 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •... • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CUSSIFICATIOTT OF NONVEMBER Km OPER—TING NO BRLITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO =ICNAL B/iNKS, DECEMPER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LecordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Prcsent required for Number Number Banks Tith the following Banks vith the follovine: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars s o -17— hous r- dm-yr 250 Less than :.,;1 Under ,:100,000 000 00,000 to 250 to 1499 500 to 999 ,15,100 c# 1,000 to 2,499 tO 2).4.7900 4- %21 5,100 250,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 ;j60,00C 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 6,000 to 9,999 e 11,000 to 2/4,999 tO 11919°° 01,000,000 to c1,999,000._ 2,000,000 and over tO 0 4 0 00,0 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over / ,:f . . Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 1937. NCTE: Tal3le 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Y7 t ,600,000 to '999,000 -- 00,100 to el99,900 .__ .... ,2499,000 25,000 to /49,999 Total .... ,150,000 to !'249,000 : / .. .. 25.0000 2,500 to 2,999 49,000 ... .. •- • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOr OF PONVEMBER BLEKS OPER.LTING NO BRLVCEES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PCR CONVERSION INTO NLTICNI,.L Bj,NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total dcnosits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks rith the follorin capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars dollar hous a s (a) LecordinL, to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population IL-- Less than nder 250 250 to • ' Under :j00,000 2.5,000 1.00,000 to elr.19,000 /499 • . /• 500 to 999 1.5,100 to 2)_;1900 0150,000 to ,1249,000 4. ..... ( 1,000 to 2,499 2,5en to 25,000 • v 25,100 to )/49,900 2,999 3,000 to /4,999_ . .. • 5,000 to 5,999 • :,e500,000 to ::999,000 A . 50,000 50,100 to 2. 299,900 - - 01,000,000 to ;1,999,000 02,000,000 and over 0.00,000 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to 199,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999_........_t 100,000 to 1499,999. ..... .... 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock nlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 246c and d. **Item 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937 NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a /-s. L250,000 to U499,000 : •^.... • ...... ......... _ •• • TA2LE NO. 6(b) CLISSIFICATION OF NONVENBER OPER.LTING NO BRJTCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NL.TION.LL 131,L1S, DECEIT:CR 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a)_ Lecording to population Number Banks in places ba-,..lks of of: population with • (c) 1,ccording to amount of total dcposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capitEd Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks yith the following Banks vith the follovinif, capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of caritalt: national banks dollars -TE—Tousary:s or 7:6171-6}-17 --_-_-_-_-_-_. Under .J00,000 Less than .,a5,000 4!!T; 250 250 to 1499 :;15,000 500 to 999 c'e l5,100 to 's.214,,900 ':',100,000 to ,e149,00O • '2,150,000 to !,249,00G •ti 1,000 to 2,499 _ . :;60,000. ,-• , 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over 00,000 9,999 W.00,100 to lik,000 to 214,999 , 99,900. 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 • 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over i I- Totals . ! 4 *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item lb, on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of ,-pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ! _ . Totals d / ,i500,000 to 999,000 -, , 50,100 to '2/99,900 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to [ ,25,100 to ;)49,900 3,000 to 4,999 ' 250,000 to i.,/499,000_ •„.- 2,500 to 2,999 .. ,), 4,,,--, ............ . • _ - ...........-• •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF IXNMErBER BLYKS OPER-TING NO BRIINCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLiIOI\„1..I DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a)- LecordinL, to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population ----------------- 250 to )499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 (c) Locording to amount of total deposits (b) Lecording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present rcquired for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the folloving capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts cf capital*: national banks dollars s or To=r Tia-TFOTa-s-a77/- _ _ Under ,j00,000 Less than .,;15,000 15,000 / c15,100 to v21!,900 ......... '‘:100,000 to /149,000 • 0150,000 to 1,249,000 , 250,000 to 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks liker 25C • 1499,000 ,,>500,000 to ;999,00C )49,900 01,000,000 to ce1,999,000........ 2,000,000 and over 50,100 to )199,900 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 fik,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to ..................... 1.99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over :/ .‘ / y• •1 .. Totals 4 *Par value of common and preferred stock ulus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total tf items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ..pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals .........-•. ..... ..... •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks • CLLSSIFICATION OF PONVEMBER BLEKS OPERLTING NO BRJ1NCHLS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFTICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N,1TIONJIL B.L.NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. • I I P • (01 LccordinL, to population Numbor Bar±s in places banks of of: population with lag to amount of total deposits -c-c o T7 (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars --- 71177:7busan,?.s or-d7OTITrs-T .----------- 250 - Under ,j00,000 Less than ;A.5,000 • • :7" ). ',100,000 to /11.19,000 250 to 499 500 to 999 , V15,100 to V4,900 1,000 to 2,499 •• 2,500 to 2,999 • f . 5,000 to 5,999 • :',150,000 to ,I,249,000 1. 250,000 to , : 14-99.,000 \ i'7. /1- /' „ Z-• ............... 7 / i;25,000 ,25,100 to J49,900 3,000 to 4,999 • '.',1,000,000 to c1,999,000. ",50,00C 50,100 to 99,900 /9 500,000 to '999/000. ,51 5" t• (11- !e" • ••....... „/• 1 a ............ / .7) ..... • ......... 2,000 000 and over /4 oo,000 6,000 to 9,999 410,000 to 214,999_..... 25,000 to /49,999 . ................... 100,100 to 99,900 1 1 50,000 to 99,999 100,0C° to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals A -n 4 Totals sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation *Par value of comaon c.,nd preferred stock plus capital notes and debentu **Item 114 on Forms FR 2i.i6c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of .=Tril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .... c . )-- •• ........ =- ...... ..... .• • • • TAHE NC. 6(b) Class of banks • CUSSIFICATIOY OF 110/WEIMER BITKS OPER...TING NO BRJOCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NTICN.t,.L B.LaS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 // State F.R. Dist. No. 77.i.ccordinL to population Number Banl:s in places with population of: of baliks (c) ...ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to a;:dount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks with the following capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of azilounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s o &Mars-7-- 1 - hous Less than :A.5,000 Iker 250 250 to L199 .. ..... -•• • 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 ::::15,000 ',/100,000 to v149,000 0.5,100 to v214,900 )1.50,000 to 1249,000 C250,000 to ,,499,000 25,000 2,5co to 2,999 ,25,100 to ........ .....• 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 3.00,000 W oo° to 214,999 _ 99,900 .1 - :0 , 2,000,000 and over (;100,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,0co to 499,999 F 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2/.16c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146o and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Tablc 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ,2t_y- ... 01,000,o0c to ;1,999,00o. 'p50,000 3,000 to 4,999_ / -r- 4 s-C 6 „50o,coo to ', 999,00c v149,900 " 1 I .e Under v100,000 .. ..... . • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF 11ONYEnBER BLITS OPER...TING NO BRJTCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N;JICNLL B.ANKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) 4.ccordin- to population -----------Number Banks in places with population of: of banks --------________ (c) .,.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of cJ.pital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Numbor Present Number Banks yith the following Banks rith the folloyinit capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars To1"171_ _ _ _ • ' Under ,:.100,000 Less than :A.5,000 ':',100,000 to v149,000 250 to 1499 500 to 999 C250,000 to a09,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to A s60,000 5,000 to 5,999 0 ',:50,100 to :)99,90 . ,000 to 214,999 v500,000 to 249,900 3,000 to /44999 41 :;150,000 to ,1249,000 .e1.5,100 to v24,900 1,000 to 2,499 6,000 to 9,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 41V-1- 250 • /• / s? 999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 - --.2_,..A;2,000,000 and over 3.00,000 00,100 to ;',199,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........ •- • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICIJIOY OF NONMEMBER BL1IKS OPER.:,TING NO BRI.INCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE POR CONVERSION INTO aLTIONL1 B.LNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TET,IccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with 250 to 499 500 to 999 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Iccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Yumbor Number[ Banks vith the following Banks rith the follaring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars Less than .15,000 617- dOTTET ----717Ihousanr2.s _ ___. _ _ _ _ • , /..(. • 0150,000 to !.249,00C 015,100 to v24,900 250,000 to 499,000 q500,000 to 0999,000 25,100 to al9,900. "" 3,000 to 4,999 050,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 ooj000 410,000 to 24,999 -- Under v100,000 100,000 to /1.49,000 ;15,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 250 • '';99,900 0100,100 to • 01,000,000 to c1,999,000..... 0,000,000 and over 99,900_ 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus eapital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 11! on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 246c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of /-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . • . • • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CUSSIFICATION OF PONYEEBER Krys OPER,',TING NO BRA:FOE-LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FDR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 Number Bo.nks in places banks of ylth population of: • .... .... . N,WICYLL (c) ..ccording to amount of total deposits ) Lcoording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks Tith the following Banks rith thu follaviag capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks aaounts of car,ital*: national banks dollars do-Ilar-s7 h0 S • •• _• _ .• Under 100,000 1/ . Less than ,;15,000 to population (a) LccordinL . . Under 250 IrTo State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 250 to 499 .. . • • (.;15,000 (w100,000 tO -••••........ •••• ... el149,000 - 500 to 999 ... 1,000 to 2,499 / /4 . . ..... 2,500 to 2,999 ,.,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ";50,00C 50,100 to 6,000 to loo,000 9,999 1.19,900 5, Cd50,000 tO !,249,000 250,000 tO al-99.'000 ....... q500,000 to ',:,999,000 - / 5,000 to 5,999 4,0,000 * ce15,100 to v4,900 ' • 01,000,000 to c,1,999,000 2,000,000 and over 99,900 • (%.)100,100 to :,J99,900 to 24,999 25,000 to 149,999. 50,000 tc 99,999 1 100,00o to 09,999.4... . 500,000 and over Total Totals / Totals on Finance Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstructi on Forms FR 2).16c and d. **Item (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2)16c and d). 6, 1937. our letter of NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . • • •• TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICIITIOY OF NONMET= BY_NICS OPER.:_TING NO BRAYCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FUR CONVERSION MO N.LTIONJIL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LccordinL to population --------Numbor BanLs in places banks of with population of: ter 250 (c) Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) Alccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Number Number Banks yith the following Banks with the follav-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks anounts of capital*: national banks dollars I Less than ----717housary:s_ ..... _ . _ . . 1.5,000 250 to 1499 _ . Under 3.00,000 to v149,000 ' 500 to 999 ,150,000 to : ........ ;45,100 to 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 50,100 to ')99,900 / , Ce /" . ... „ 2,000,000 and over • Sloo,000 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 C;1000100 to 99,900 25,000 to L9,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 ....... .• 500,000 and over Total Totals 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1Li on Forms FR 2/.46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ;' I" a 4500,000 to ' ,:"e999,000 149,900 "50,000 5,000 to 5,999_ / 2/.1.9,000 p50,000 to a09,000 _ 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 ].00,000 .• . • TABLE NC. 6(b) Class of banks • •• CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLITS OPER:.TING NO BRJOCEIS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFTICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONL DECEMBER 31, 1935 // State F.R. Dist. No. I ___ Lccording to amount of total donosits (b) Lccording to ai.tount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits roquired for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Humbor Banks vith the follorina: Banks in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks with population of: of banks national banks dollars —"Ti-ifFo—u-sT,576-s—or To-licTr-sT _ _ . _ _ _ . ._._ ._ . 7- _ 7 •? .., .' t ..... ,/ ..... . • Under v100 000 ... *.... .. . Less Lhan ;;15,000 .....__!. . 41!der 250 TET__________ LccordinL to population T t .......... ..........--,-, 250 to 1499 .... _# . " 15,000 500 to 999 0.5,100 tc v4,900 1,000 to 2,499 i',25,000 2,500 to 2,999 v25,100 to U149,9°° _. 3,C00 to 4,999 .- f - ',:100,000 to v149,000 • 0150,000 to 1,249,000 ! "50,000 4/ .. L500,000 to '999.9000 .... ---• ....... .01,000,00C to c1,999,000 . - , -,) ., i ' Y. 2,000,000 and over . 000 ' 6. to 9,999 41,000 to 214,999 . 0.00,000 1 1.00,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals -S0 _ Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentules sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/1 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 246c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnishod in response to our lettor of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4' • ^ , , -t I' /, .,499:000 250,000 to , f 50,100 to 99,90C 5,000 to 5,999 . a ,,, -1. • • TABLE • •• Na. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLYKS OPERMNG NO BRANCH-LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N,1TIGAid, BL.NICS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) AccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with f d-C-14- 250 thousan(2.s of- do11Trs) . . ()15,000 500 to 999 W.51100 tO .q214,900 lo oco to 2.499 _500,000 to ,;149,900 rTh 3,000 to 4,999 ___ 5,000 to 5,999_ ;50,100 tO _ 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 214,999_ 19,90C 9 “oo,000 ::',100,000 to y149,000 . ^ I / I_ ,D1,000,000 to ( 1,999,000 ...!. ... :2,000,000 and over r 00,100 to ',)199,900 1- 500,000 and over Totals • *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 246c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of 1..pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ... 50,000 to 99,999 Total ....... • • 999,000 25,000 to 49,999 100,000 to 09.999 ... 250,000 to ‘499,000 AV 25,100 tO Under ;:.100,000 1,150,000 to $249,000 4 w25,000 ' 2,500 to 2,999 State Locording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the following capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dcllars Less than A.5,000 250 to )499 // Totals t. ..... • • TABLE NO. 6(b) BLNKS, CLLSSIFICATION OF 1101110EIMER Kras 0PER:.TING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.L1TION.LL DECEY'RER 31, 1935 ------- State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (aiL.ccordin (c) 1.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks vith the follav-in capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population ylth _________ IIILi- 250 Less than _ -TE— / • 1.5,000 ._ _ _ _ . d6I-Tyr hous an s or _ ----------Under ,:.100,000 2.00,000 to v1149,000 250 to L199 500 to 999 cA5,100 to .'24,900 1,000 to 2,499 i;25,000 Cr4-' t0 0 c_s_),,U 2,999 y25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ',j6o,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999_ ............ -•• .................... 411,000 to 214,999 • • )150,000 to 1,249,00° •• ............. •-• p 50,000 to U09,000 - 500,000 to ;999,000 149,900 11,000,000 to c,1,999,000 2,000,000 and over 50,100 to 099,900_ • :iAoo,000 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 49,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals -7 = *Par value of common and preferred stock Taus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L1 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...... • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • •• CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEMBER aalKs OPER:.TING NO BRJTCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFTICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Ilq0 IL1TIONLL BANKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks _ _ . TTTL.ccordinL to population Numbor Ban2:s in places bal:ks of cf: population with (c) ,.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) L.ccording to amount of capital* capital m -Minimu Total Total deposits Prcsent required for Number Yumber Banks rith the following Banks rith the follorinq capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----717177oucT011'a}s) .-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ ke; 250 r\ Less than .15,000 250 to 1499 500 to 999 Under ,j00,000 • , 100,000 to v149,000 ! a (15,100 to ':,150,000 to 1249,000 24,900 C250,000 to w1499,000_ 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 Ilk,000 to 2/4,999 25,100 to J49,900 / v500,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to ;1,999,000..... _ '50,000 2,000,000 and over 50,100 to 099,900 “oo,000 1.00,100 to • ..... •- 3_99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to h99,999 500,000 and over Total Totals . ! Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 • N.ZION.LL BILNKS, CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER EMS OPER2rING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HE/„D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION LNTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) LocordinL to population Numbor Ban2:s in places with population of: of banks 4IIL 25o (c) J.,ccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follarirm capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dcllars :,;:15,000 ... ............ 500 to 999_ y15,100 to ci2)4,900 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 5,000 to Under ,1.00,000 Less than '';15,000 25o to /499 1,000 to State F.R. Dist. No. banks Class • •• ........ / ..... , . •• ................ •--- 250,000 to ,,,499,000 , ,25,100 to .119,900 ..• go . '50,000 c. "" . e" - • 2,000,000 and over ;3.00,000 6,000 to 9,999 411,,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 looloco to 1499,999.....- ......... ......... 500,000 and over Total I Totals c- o - Totals Corporation *Par value of common and 'preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc d. and 2/46c FR **Item 1)4 on Forms 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR letter of ATril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 500,00o to "999,00o )1.,000,000 to cJ,999,000 050,100 to 099,900 5,999 - ::;10C,000 to v149,000 ';)150,000 to $249,000 9 0-- . 25,000 4,999 . • - :/ ( s_e • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF IIONMEMBER BLNKS OPER.LTING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO N.LTION.LL B.L.NKS, DECEIMER 31, 1935 (a) .LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: population with 250 to L199. 500 to 999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ter 25C • •• (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the follavina: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar.ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars -- - -- - 7 s o7 To-ITTr1 -- - - - ------ - - Less than .:15 000 Under v100,000 ::;15,000 ',::100,000 to e1/149,000 5,100 to 42140900._ ...... ./ ........ .........................-...-.. ..... :;150,000 to l'2/49,000 •. Z. 250,000 to ,i/499,000 1,000 to 2,499 e,25,000 9,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,:?5o,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 41111,000 to 214,999 4500,000 to 149,900 999,000 01,000,000 to cd,999,000 '2,000,000 and over 50,100 to ()99,900 (iAoo,000 0100,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals /' - Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettcr of ,Tril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... .... ...... • TABLE NC. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER BLYKS OPER-MNG NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE ITJR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks'. (a)- .,..ccordin • • to population Number Bo.nks in places balaks of of: population with INT° State // (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoordingo amount of capital* Minimum capita-1 Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks -vith the following Banks with the follm--in capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts cf capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 1 TFOTTs17----s—O7-616-1.TEr It 250 to 499 ....... e1.5,100 to y2/4,900 25,00e 1,000 to 2,499 / , C ••-• (,?(/ Under ,2100,000 ..... - -'-• -) • ,e / • 250,000 to 1499,000 y500,000 to 999,000 .,01,000,000 to c1,999,000.... .... 5o,loo to 'J99,900 6 /c- • 2,000,000 and over _ '%A00,100 to ,,199,900 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Totals Totals *Par value of common and. preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 246c and d). : Table 6 as revised en basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ,Tril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... o/V :'2,150,000 to t249,000 f 25,000 to 149,999 Total ..... ',100,000 to yli49,000 oo,000 6,000 to 9,999. fit,000 to 24,999 • - . _ 45o,00c 3,000 to /44999 5,000 to 5,999 ... f ,25,loo to 49,900 2,500 to 2,999 • 1 ::15,000 500 to 999_ . . A , Less than •,.:15„000 t 250 t - •• • TABLE NC. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEEBER OPER.LTING NO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N;dIONI1L BjNKS, DECEMBER 31, '935 Numbor Ban2zs in places lidth population of: of banks ter 250 250 to 499 5oo to 999 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of cc.pital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Prosent Numbor Number Banks vith the following Banks rith the follavinn: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dcllars -sT --TICTE(55.71-s-o7" To=r _ ':,15o,000 to 1,249,000 ce15,100 to v2)4,900 25o,000 to al99,0oo 2,5oo to 2,999 25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 5o,000 411,000 to 214,999 tc v149,000 .;15,000 ........_ ...... _ 25,000 6,coo to 9,999 Under ,.100,000 Less than %;15,000 1,000 to 2,499 5,000 to 5,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks TITT,IccordinL, to population • .119,900 v5oo,000 to (999,0oo / 01,000,000 to c',1,999,000 / (') 0,000,000 and over :;5o,loo to )99,900. . loo,000 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 5o,000 to 99,999 loo,oco to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 3 €4/ • Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2)46c and d. (total 4of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2)46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .....•... ..... . •.• ....... •• • • CLLSSIFICZTIOY OF NONVEYBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Krics OPER—TING NO BRJOCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION MO NLTICNLL BJ,1,KS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 (al 41ccordinL to population Numbor Banks in places with population of: of banks -• State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks k • • (c) A.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 1".coording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Number Present Number Banks 7ith the following Banks Trith the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ousans or- dol"M's7 _ 250 to 1499 Under ,j00,000 to 1,000 to 2,499 's'/150,000 to !'249,ock 2/4,900 250,000 to ,,1499,000 25,000 _ 3,000 to 4,999 25,100 to ,i500,000 to ,/49,900 ',"?999,000 01,000,000 to 'v1,999,000_ "50,000 5,00G to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 410,000 to 214,999 ...... . )100,000 to v149,00C ].5,000 500 to 999 2,500 to 2,999 __ _ Less than ;,A.5,000 ier 2.50 0100,100 to ':,99,90C .......... 2,000,000 and over 99,900_ 25,00G to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 _ .. 100,0co to 09,999 5000000 and over Total -r Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2146c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks • CLLSSIFICATIOr OF NON/TIMER Km OPER.:_TING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO NLTIONLI DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) LccordinL: to population Numbor Banks in places with population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. • _ (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :_ccording to amount of cLpital* Tanimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follavin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dcllars ordolThlriT lir 250 250 to 499 500 to 999 Less than g 15,000 Under ,:,100,000 !I.00,000 to ,149,om :15,000 ',15o,000 to 249,000 5,100 to 'y2)1,900 C250,000 to J-1.99s000 . 1,000 to 2,499 2,5C0 to 2,999 ',25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 "60,000 /49,900 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 0,000 to 24,999 W.00,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 99,900. 25,000 to )49,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals " • Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Tablc 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •-• • ...... ....... - v 500,000 to 'W999,000 •- .......... j':1,000,000 to c,1,999,000. 5,000 to 5,999 ... . •-••• ....... • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVENBER BLIIKS OPER-1TING • BRLF.CII-LS OUTSIDE TIE I--MLD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE MR CONVERSION INTO NILTION.LL B.L.NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (0- .Accordini, to population Number BanLs in places banks of of: population with Ikr 25o (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars donar housars . Less than ;,;15,000 Under ,,,100,000 • C100,000 to v1149,000 250 to /199 - 500 to 999 015,100 to ',214.1900 ............ C250,000 to 1,000 to 2,/499 :25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999_ 050,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,00o to 9,999. ...... '99,90o 99,000 se500,000 to 0999,000 i149,900 • Li- • ;50,100 to ............... :150,000 to 1249,000 ::' ..... n,000,000 to c1,999,000. - 2,000,000 and over o0,00o 0100,100 to cJ99,900 411,0°0 to 224,999 25,000 to )49,999 : 50,000 tc 99,999 j. 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 4 e, Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance d. and on Forms FR 2/46c **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). i•pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •; • TABLE NO. 6(b) •• • CUSSIFICATION OF YONYEEBER KITS OPER.:,TING NO BRIINCEES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N:,TIOYL.L BJ,NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of bank (a) ,IccordinL- to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :_ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks 1-ith the following Banks rith the follovim: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----717TITousanas 250 to Under .1.00,000 Less than ;,A.5,000 ter 250 1499... _ _ ..... ,,100,000 to W1149,000 500 to 999 U5o,000 to J499,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 '‘:60,000 5,000 to 5:999 6,000 to 9,999_ ........ _ ....... 015o,000 to $249,000 c'e l5,100 to ,2/1,900 25,000 1111k,000 to 214,999 . 5oo,000 to '999,0oc_ , 01,000,000 to 50,100 to ........... 49,900 99,900 1 ,999,000 ... 2,000,000 and over ;loo,000 fl.00,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to /39,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999-- ..... .......... 500,000 and over Totals 1 *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L1 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2L46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals / •• TABLE NO. 6(b) • N.ATIONLL CLLSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLIIKS OPERLTING NO BRJ.JTCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO DECEMT3ER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class oi? banks Lccordin,;; to population Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: population with (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to alaount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number[ Banks vith the following Banks with the folio-vim: capital In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dcllars c727. --017 TOTTE'r 4IE 250 250 to 09 . 500 to 999 100,000 to /149,000 :1_5,000 ... 2,5C0 to 2,999 25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 5o,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to '';99,900_ 01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 2,000,000 and over loo,000 W.00,100 to ce199,900 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Totals •-• Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Form FR 46c and d). -pril 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •-•.. ....... ••. •••--........... v500,000 to ::;999,000 .. 249,900 25,000 to /49,999- . - Total .• 250,000 to J499,000 25,000 11110,000 to 4,999_ (:',150,000 to 1249,000 ci15,100 to .v2/4,900 1,000 to 2,499 6,000 to 9,999 Under ,J00,000 . Less than ..,;15,000 ... ... • ........... •. • TABLE NO. 6(b) • • CUSSIFICI,TIOY OF IT/MI.1ER BLIas OPER.LTING NO BRLFCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO N.LTIONJIL DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a)--------,IccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) L.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Banks Ylith the folio:int,' capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: accourt** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----717Thousans of7dorlars7---- I t 25c Less than ;:,15,000 ,a.00,000 to vi49,coo 25o to /499 ',;15,000 5oo to 999 0.5,100 to va4,900._ .......... -••• 1,000 to 2,499 e25,000 2,5co to 2,999_ 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 41k,000 to 214,999 Under v100,000 250,000 to ,1499,000 25,100 to U49,900 500,000 to '999,:000 )1,000,000 to ca.,999,000 ',;60,000 50,100 to '99,90C 2,000,000 and over :i;loo,000 1.00,100 to 199,900 5o,000 to 99,999 loosoco to 09,999 500,000 and over Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/16c and d. (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •- :,A50,000 to !,249,00C 25,occ to 149,999_ Total ....... • •...• ........... • •• • CLLSSIFICkTIOY OF NONVEMBER TABLE NO. 6(b) BL/as • OPER:_TING NO BR.P.ITCHES OUTSIDE THE HEL.D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO IL1TIONLI DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks T7LccordinL to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: population with (c) Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks with the follminc capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s-T TrETFousand.s or- To ria-r. --I Less than :j.5,000 ndcr 250 250 to 199 Under ,:100,000 100,000 to v149,000 ::15,000 '',150,000 to $2L9,000 500 to 999 15,100 to 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 ._ 250,000 to ,.,499.1000 25,100 to :j49,900 500,000 to , ' 999,000 2 to 2,999 .......... ....• ................ 2)i,900 . 3,000 to 4,999 :60,000. 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 099,900 6,000 to 9,999 - 41k,000 to 214,999 (D:1,000,000 to 1,J,999,000 2,000,000 and over oo,000 (100,100 to el99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99)999 100,000 to /499,999500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financo Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of itoras 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • -• • • ......... ...... ..................-^....... ................ ............. • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOr OF NONVEMBER BLEKs •• • OPER2.TING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFTICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N,1TIONLL 131,1;ficS, DECEMT3ER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ____ ___ _____ (c) d.ccording to amount of total deposits capital* of amount to :.ccording (b) Minimum capital -11 Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Number Banks with the follaving Banks in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks rith population of: of banks national banks dollars (a) Lccordin to population 411E, 250 250 to . 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 2/4,999_..... :s or- doTTf.Trs7 ----117Ulouan, ..._ , --... Less than .A.5,000 Under v100,000 . ,;15,000 ',:a00,000 to v149,00C 0.5,100 to ',:;l50,000 to !249,000 224,900 :250,000 to 25,000 v25,100 to :119,900 50,000. 1 ,60,100 to ::99,900 A. . J499,000 v500,000 to 999,000 1,000,000 to ca,999,000 2,000,000 and over 100,000 3.00,100 to ;199,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to h99,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIO17 OF NONYETBER BLITKS OPER:1ING BR.L\TCHLTS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO 1L1TIONAL B.LNKS, DECEMF3ER 31, 1935 P.R. Dist. No. Class of banks • State / Number Banks in places vrith population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of cz..pital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number I Number following the rith Banks the folloving rith Banks In thousands of of banks conversion into capital* capital account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: dollars national banks :s ----7E-1hous an(. .... Under v100,000 Less than :,15,000 250 to L199 .;15,000 (a).- LccordinL to population do-Yrai,ir '(:)10C,000 to s,149,00C 500 to 999 1.5,100 to /21-i-,900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to )49,900 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 099,900 v500,000 to 999,000__ 2,000,000 and over •-• ........... 6,000 to 9,999 410,000 to 24,999 0100,100 to 0_99,900 25,000 to L19,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance d. and 2/46e FR Forms on **Item 1)4 (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146o and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... • .............-••••.... /499.$000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ . _ '50,000 ..... :',150,000 to !,,249,00° 250,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 _ .......... •••................ .•.........-••• ..•-• • .. • .... ..... • •• • cPERLTING NO BRITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Ii;TO I;LTIONIIL 132,1;KS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEEBER TABLE NO. 6(b) • State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks Under 25C (c) 1.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) .ilcccrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Numbor Number Banks rith the follming Banks with the follarinc capital In thovsands of of banks conversion into capital* account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars iT r -71 or &17 ----717TI7ousanrj.s .... ....... Under ,:.100,000 Less than ;,;15,000 250 to 499 (J5,000 5oo to 999 0.5,100 tc TTTL.ccordinL: to population Number Ba.niss in places banks of of: with population ,, &.1 0• '.1.5o,000 to $249,000 ..... 250,000 to ,w499,000 25,000 1,oco to 2,499 2,5co to 2,999_ v25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 "50,000 - Alto to 24,999_ 49,900. ........ .. 4500,000 to 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ ...... 50,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 2/4.,900 ',:100,000 to v149,00C . . ........... 2,000,000 and over 99,90C 100,000 W.00,loo to 0.99,900 25,000 to )49,999 5o,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L499,999 5oo,000 and over Total Totals •,,5- 0• 4 Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as rsvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • 4 .. • TABLE NO. 6(h) -- CLLSSIFICATION OF NONFEMBER Class of banks Elas • •• OPERLTING NO BRZYCHES OUTSIDE THE HaLD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO ILITIONAL Biad:KS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. , c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Numbor Banks with the follavin Banhs in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf ba,-).ks amounts of capital*: vith population of: of banks national banks dollars TETEbuiETE s—or dOlslariT _ .___ __ Under v100,000 Less than v15,000 "1..._!..._ 41ker 25C 1 n ,:,,100,000 tO v149,000 ' ,:• 250 to 1499 .- :15,000 (a) Locordin to population T 500 to 999 — • ; 250,000 to ,1_199,000 ,25,100 to .149,900 . _ . 2,500 to 2,999 5,000 to 5,999 ',150,000 to 1!)249,000 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 _ 4, , 0.5,100 tc v21,,900 .._—• , 50,000 50,100 to 099,900_ v500,000 to 999,000 I -1,000,000 to c1,999,000 . <,• _ 2,000,000 and over _ I 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 214,999 0.00,000 0.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 49,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999._ 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total 4of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 • • • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF YONMEMBER BLFKS OPER—TING NO BRJINCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO =IONJ..L DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks . Ilccordin;_.; to population. Number Banks in places banks of of: with population 41Pator 25C (c5- Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks vith the follovinr capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----7ITTE-ousancs ()Tr Under .J00,000 Less than ;j5,000 1.00,000 to /1149,000 250 to )499 l'249,000 500 to 999 .e15,100 to v24,900 '2,1.50,000 to 1,000 to 2,499 i25,000 U50,000 to ,,1499,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3a000 to 4,999 ,50,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 ,149.9900 . 999,000 A;2,000,000 and over :;100,000 _.... ..... q500,000 to ,000,000 to c1,999,00C 50,100 to '.:99,900 4111,000 to 214,999 / • .. _ . 0100,100 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/! on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • r .. ... .. • •• TIL3LE re. 6(b) CLLSSIFICL.TIOY OF NONMEMBER BLNKS OPERLTING NO BRIINCHES OUTSIDE THE HE.LD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION I'NTO N.LTION.LL DECEMBER 31, 1935 77- L.ccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with s/7 Iter 25C 250 to L199 (c) J.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) :Iccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number[ Banks yith the following Banks vith the follavina: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of aliounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars dorr7r—s7 —IITTEbusan(-J.s . (70 •5"1 6 v 3 Under v100,000 17, Less than %;15,000 3 .. (./ 9. n ;:,15,000 500 to 999 o o 1,000 to 2,09 c'el5,100 tc 'v21:44900 :1 0 / 6 CoN 25,100 to j4P,900 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to / 6,000 to 9,999 fik,000 to 2/4,999 -33:)3 0150,000 to !,2149,00C .() 0 ...S ...,S/s- .,250,000 to , ..499,000 y oo,000 X 100,100 to y199,900 1 (` 3 i / 6.. i/E 3 tt 2,000,000 and over ° Q. 25,000 to 149,999--.......50,000 to 99,999 100,0c0 to 1499,999 /0 / 500,000 and over Total Totals -5-3 o-- /o / 9 .?..L.o 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A.pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 ..8 0 , /3 -. Li, 3 / // _01,000,000 to c,1,999,000....._ 2.8? 5 r.) 99,900 /6473 71 y500,000 to W999,000 . / 0 -Ss 0 / /(9 / _.Z.,....0_?.L.. :i2.00,000 to v149,000._.....- 0.6.9 ' 'I 50,000 ... o / 25,000 2,5c0 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999_........... State F.R. Dist. No. &XI) Class of banks J.. • TABLE EC. 6(b) (a) ,ccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks 250 to /499 .......... _......_ 500 to 999 _ . ) Lccording to amount of total deposits capital* of amount to (b) 1.ccording --Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number 1 Number Banks 7.ith the following Banks with the follavinc capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of' amounts of caritalt: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national bonks dollars o7-d.F1T-a-r TicTE-o-Vs7a7Ts 15,000 3,000 to 4,999 7.5,100 to v24,900 ,25,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 ;loo,000 '2/99,90c 2,000,000 and over _ (100,100 to v199,900. 25,000 to 0,999 50,000 tc 99,999_ 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of itonas 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... ....... ........ v500,000 to ;999,000 '':1,000,000 to c1,999,000 50,000 z:50,100 to ,000 to 214,999 /49,900 ............ ..................... ............ •--• • :,150,000 to 1,249,000 250,000 to al99,000 5,000 to 5,999 0 Under v100,000 ::,100,000 to v1L9,000 .)15,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Less than t 25C • CLLSSIFICATIOIT OF NONNEEBER BLNKS OPER...TING NO BRi...NCELS OUTSIDE Thl HELD OF'FICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO ILITION.LL B.LNKS, DECEKBER 31, 1935 Class of banks . It •• ...... .................. ....... • TABLE NO. 6(b) •• • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLVICS OFER:.TING NO BR,TCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Ii;TO NLTIONLL BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) LccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks .to amount of total deposits Lccording (c) capital* of amount (b) 2.ccording to -YiniMum Total deposits Total rcquired for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the fancying capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars of- doITYriT ----17-tWousanc.s ________ !tier 25C 250 to )499 . 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 Less than U. 000 Under v100,000 ()15,000 0.00,000 to v149,00C 0.5,100 to Pii,900 (:',150,000 to 2/49,00C U50,000 to ,w499,000 25,000 999,00C 2,500 to 2,999 _ ,25,100 to ae9,900 v500,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 ;:60,000. 01,000,000 to c,1,999,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 .. _ 411,000 to 2/4,999 50,100 to ( .2,99,900 2,000,000 and over 00,000 0.000100 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debonturcs sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of itorns 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ,Tri1 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .................... • TABLE NO. 6(b) •• CUSSIFICZTION OF NONVEMBER BLVKS OPERLTING NO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PIOR CONVERSION INTO N:LTION.LL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks TTTL.ccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks (c) JIccording to amount of total deposits (b) 1.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks yith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: of banks national banks dollars . Less than .,15,000 25C 1 4!!7; -Tri—Ihousands o-77 ...ToiTyriT Under v100,000 250 to /499 )15,000 . 1.00,000 to v149,000 500 to 999 0.5,100 to v4,900 ',2,150,000 to $249,000 1,000 to 2,499 250,000 to ,J-499,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,149,900 999.1000 fl.,000,000 to c1,999,000_ v50,000 5,000 to 5,999 v500,000 to ,50,100 to ()99,90C 2,000,000 and over loo,000 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 2/4,999 W.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 . 100,000 to 1499,999 , 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item lb, on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• • • TABLE NO. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONYEMBER BLNKS OPERLTING NO BRJ1ITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLI DECEMBER 31, 1935 -70- LccordinL, to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: with population f ----------- t 250 250 to )499 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capita-1 Total deposits Total required for Prosent Number f Number Banks Tith the following Banks with the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thovsands of account** amounts of total deposits: of banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars TTE-Mousan6s (17b-rai.s) Less than ::;15,000 2,500 to 2,999 to 214,900 Under j_00,000 0150,000 to $49,000 250,000 to U499,000 _ 25,000 ,25,100 to j49,900 500,000 to , ':999,000_ 01,000,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 410,000 to 214,999 ............ -•_ ,:,100,000 to v149,00C )1.5,000 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 00,100 to 99,900 .,999,000_ .. 02,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Tilus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLIas OPER:_TING NO BRIINCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLII0= DECEYBER 31, 1935 Class of banks 7771,.ccordinL to population • • State F.R. Dist. No. (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 1",ccording to amount of capital* nnimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks vith the following Banks with the follat-in2 of banks conversion into capital* capital amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks In thousands of national banks dollars thous an(-J.s fr. -EOM}sT • Number Banks in places with population of: of Lanks ma 41h 250 250 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 Less than ;,;1 000 ;10C,000 to ,J49,000 15,000 ',;15,100 to 2/4,900 ';',150,000 to 249,000 ../250,000 to ,,1499,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 ,:;50,100 to ()99,900 6,000 to 9,999 0.0o,000 0,000 to 214,999 Under ;1.00,000 ,L19,900 v500,000 to '999,000 - 01,000,000 to ce1,999,000_ W.00,100 to 1 2,000,000 and over 99,900_ 25,000 tc 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of connon and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 7. -........ - • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLASSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLPICS OPER...TING NO BR1TCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONJ1L DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: population with State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks _Lccordin —. • •• (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* capital Minimum Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks Yith the following Banks Trith tho follorinz capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amnunts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars I hous and s o7r-=Trs-T 41 117071. 25C 1 Under v100,000 Less than ;j.5,000 to ,149,coo . :!,loo,000 250 to 1499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 v15,100 tc :;)150,000 to ,1249,000 24,900 U50,000 to :w499.,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ....... v25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 "50,000 500,000 to ;;999,000 149,900 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ 5,0OG to 5,999 50,100 to P;99,90C 6,000 to 9,999 loo,000 ' 41. 000 to 214,999 . . 100,100 to (; 2,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,0G0 to 09,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals * / 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L1 on Forms FR 2).46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ................... ...... .........• • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONYEMBER BLYKS OPER2rING 1\TO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONLI BLUKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) aiccording to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with 250 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) According to amount of cJTital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 1177EFousanos or Eorral-s7 Less than ,;15,000 100,000 '15,100 to .v2/4,900 ';:,15o,coo to !.!249,000 p50,000 to ,./4994000 25,000 3,000 to 4,999 ';50,000 0,000 to 214,999 Under )1.00,000 to /1149,000 y25,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 - - )15,000 2,500 to 2,999 5,000 to 5,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks -----------nder 250 • •• )49,900 v500,000 to 999,000 999,000 ' .1,000,000 to 0. 50,100 to '.399,900 2,000,000 and over oo,000 1.00,100 to ?1.99,900 25,000 to L0,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Pius capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ,Tril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •• • N41TICNIL COMERSION TABLE NO. 6(h) -- CLASSIFICATIOY OF YONFEMBER BLIas OPERLTING NO BR.i../TCH-LS OUTSIDE THE HEJ1D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PDR DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of bank TETcordin to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: population with ---------------- tlt-r 25C 250 to )499 500 to 999 c) J.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Yumber Banks rith the following Banks with the follov-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars do1177F-87 ----717usanc'.s _or ..... Under ,J00,000 Less than :;;15,000 mr." 100,000 to v149,000 1.5,000 ( 15,100 to 250,000 to ,14199,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to )149,900 4500,000 to ," 999,000_ 1 ;;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 . loo,000 111/t00 to 2/4,999 0150,000 to $249,0o0 2/44900 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 State F.R. Dist. No. f 00,100 to ‘1,000,000 to ,999,000_ ....... 02,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999_ 500,000 and over Total Totals / 4 4= Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............... .... . • ..... •• •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICIITIOr OF NONMEMBER BLYKS OPER:TING OF'FICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTION.LL B.LNKS, BRI:NCIIIS OUTSIDE Thl DECEMBER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks • • State (c) J.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total requireJ for Present Numbor Number Banks Yith the following Numbcr Banks -with the follm-ina: Banks in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks -with population of: of banks national banks dollars o f do 1775. ________ ________ ......._....___.:________ Under v100,000 ;,;15,000 than Less Iliker 250 1 ... (a) ,IccordinL to population T mi-Trousand.s 250 to 1499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 ;15,000 .....^.-......... ...... U50,000 to 'w/499,000 25,000 2,999 _ v25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 . 50,000 5,000 to 5,999- 41k,000 to 214,999 ':',,100,000 to A.49,000 0_50,000 to 1249,00G c15,100 to . 214,900 2,500 to 6,000 to 9,999 1 2,000,000 and over ''99,90c ;loo,000 00,100 to 199,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over -r ! Totals 4 *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1Li on Forms FR 2L16c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2L16c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals ...... ....... ..... .................. - s600,000 to ';'999,000 1.19,900 '21,000,000 to cJ,999,000 50,100 to .. ..... ••••• ............•.......• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF IIONVEYBER Kras OPER.LTING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO IL1TIGN.LL BAITKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a)_________ Lccordin: to population Numbcr Banks in places vdth population cf: of baks 4ILr 25c _ . ) Lccording to amount of total denosits (b) I.ccording to amount of capital* —"Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks Trith the follorin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 1 .:1:6-60------.s—t-ha-r,. ---- re-s- 25o to )499 -15,000 .5oo to 999 c,15,100 to ,2i.4,900 25,000 2,5C:0 to 2,999 25,100 to ,;149,900 5,999 Under v100,000 7.50,000 to !,t249,000 ........ •• 250,000 to a09,000 2,499 5,000 to ----717Tusands ol7T517=T ',:,100,000 to v149,000 1,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks . -• • •• ,,e500,000 to ;999,000 . )1.7000,000 to U.,999,000 50,000 ,:;50,100 to 2,000,000 and over '99,900 6,coo tc 9,999 (Coo() to 214,999 00,100 to 99,900 25,oco tc /49,999 5o,oco tc 99,999 loo,cco to /499,999 500,000 and over Total --r Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L1 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NOTE: Tal3le 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of -pril 6, '937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • TABLE NO. 6(b) •• • N,WIONLL 1132aS, CLASSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLVKS OPERLTING NO BR.PITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks - ilocordinL to population (a) Number Banks in places with population of: of banks c) .L.ccording to amount f total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks Tlith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ----TiTTEbusands of- do-TTET Less than ;15,000 Under ',1.00,000 250 to L199 :15,000 0100,000 to v149,000 500 to 999 0_5,100 to /2).4,900 0150,000 to $249,000 Ilk 250 :.,250,000 to 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 '250100 to )/49,900 50,100 to )99,900 5,000 to 5,999 1100,000 to 214,999 '500,000 to ,;999,000 01,000,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 6,000 to 9,999 99,000 J• 1,999,000 2,000,000 and over oo,000 . 100,100 to (; 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc d. and 2/46c FR Forms **Item 1/.1 on (total tf itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... . • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER B.IYKS CPER:.TING 12:0 BRIYCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSIO11 Ii;TO NLTIONI1L BLITKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 raT LccordinL. to populatior Numbcr Banks in places 'Frith population of: of banks 250 to 1499 State P.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ------_-_-_-_-___ ter 25C • • • _ to amount of total deposits Lccordlng (c) c...pital* of amount to (b) 1"ccording Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Prcsent Yumber Number Banks yith the following Banks -with the folloy-inE capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----717T7ousF773 07-0=1.$) Less than ;,;15,000 Under ')15,000 .,,loo,000 to v149,coc tc r2L,900 500 to 999 1.00,000 ',A5o,000 to 24,9,000 1,000 to 2,499 i;25,000 U5o,000 to ,,/499,(Doo 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to :j49,900 v5oo,000 to 999,000 3,000 to 4,999 50,000 'n.,000,000 to 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to C,99:900 ;)2,000,000 and over 6,000 to 9,999 41k,000 to 214,999 c,1,999,000 00,00c 1.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,0c0 to 1499,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and proferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2)46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 266c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: TaMc 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... ............ • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLASSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLIT.Ks OPER.1TING NO BR.I.JTCHES OUTSIDE THE HE/1D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTION.LL B./,.1;KS, DECEYBER 31, '935 State, F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (01 Lecordin • • • to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks --_____ . (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits ) Ilccording to amount of capital* rinimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks 7ith the following Banks with tho follarinrz capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: of banks national banks dollars s o do=rsT 11-TEous Less than ;,A.5,000 Under ,:100,000 25o to 499 :15,000 ',:,100,000 to v149,000 5oo to 999 ci15,100 tc 1,occ to 2,499 i;25,000 2,5co to 2,999 _ ... v25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ",:60,000 4IE 25c 5,oco to 5,999 6,eoc to 9,999_ ... Ilk000 to 214,999 2/44900 ';:,150,000 to 250,000 to :14.99,000 /49,900 v500,000 to 999,000 c''21,000,000 to c1,999,000 . 2,000,000 and over )99,900 . 50,100 to : .. ...... ......... 249,000 100,000 100,100 to 99,900. 25,cco to 0,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100e000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock nlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2246c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • T212LE NC. 6(b) • • • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF _TONYEKBER BLPKS OPER.LTING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE DOR CONVERSION INTO N4ITICK/-L BJ,UKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) ,.ccordinL to population . _ Numbcr Banks in places banks of of: population vith State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) .i.coording to amount of total dcnosits (b) Lccording to acaount of cJ.pital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks Yith the following Banks with the follavim.' capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ---rn-TETEETTs—or -------- ..... --I-. 1111Ldcr 250 250 to L199 .... 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999_ 5,000 to 5,999_ 6,000 to 9,999 *000 to 2/4,999 Less than .A.5,000 Under .1.00,000 . .;15,000 '„,100,000 to /11.19,000 „, 15,100 to 414,,00 _25,000 ,25,100 to 50,000 50,100 to ,,,900 1.50,000 to • 7i 249,000 . 250,000 to w1-09J000._ 4500,000 to 1 999.,C)00 _6,000,000 to ;1,999,000_ 2,000,000 and over 00,000 )100,100 to ,199,900 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals ' Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Eeconstruction Finance Corporation **Item IL on Forms FR 2i.16c and d. (total of itoris 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2I46c and d). NCTE: Tablc 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLVICS OPER:1ING • •• BRANCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONAL BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class or banks (a) JIccordirv to population Number Banks in places vith population of: of banks I t 250 Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* _ . capital Minimum Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number following Banks 7.ith the Banks vith the folloving of banks conversion into c,, pital* capital account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks In thousands of amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ----TE—tausans ordo-ITTFT Less than Under ,:.100,000 15,000 250 to 1499 .;15,000 . ',:,100,000 to v149,C00 500 to 999 'o15,100 tc (;:,150,000 to ,I,249,000 ,250,000 to di499,000 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 ' 21,000,000 to c1,999,000 ',;60,000 3,°OO to 4,999 ........... ........... s600,000 to ',999,000 149,900 c1;50,100 to 099,900 I 2,000,000 and over 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 W.00,100 to .%J99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1)4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 266c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... ...... •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLVKS OPER1FING NO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO KLITIONAL BANKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) According to amount of total d000sits ) ixcording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number[ Banks rith the following Numbcr Banks with tho follaring Banks in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar:,ounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks with population cf: of banks national banks dollars ----717T7busands gr- dOilars7 --_-_-____ ___________.________ ,• Under v100,000 41L-1- 250 . . .. _ . .. Less than %;15,000 (a) Locordin: to population ." . 41 ',:,,100,000 to v149,000 1:15,000 250 to L199 ';2150,000 to *1249,000 tc 'v214,900 500 to 999 250,000 to U09,000 . 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999_ .... 25,100 to :j49,900 v500,000 to '999,000 ___1,000,000 to c1,999,000_ .._ 3,000 to 4,999 50,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999----......... ...........-....... 25,000 to 149,999__....._ ......... / oc,000 (;100,100 to 41k,000 to 214,999 2,000,000 and over 99,90C 99,900 ....... 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/1 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 an Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... • •• • ••.. ..... •.. •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOTT OF NONMEMBER BLVKS OPER.:_TING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONI1L DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population Number Banks in places vrith population cf: of banks tit 25c 250 to 1499 500 to 999 _ (c) ,.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.cccrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the follorinc: capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars Less than :,;15,000 '15,100 to 25,100 to 41k,000 to 224,999 '2,150,000 to $249,000 214,900 C250,000 to , , /499.1000 2,500 to 2,999 6,000 to 9,999 Under v100,000 ',100,000 to eli49,000 25,000 5,000 to 5,999 do-177rsT "rn thous anc s - - - - - - -,- - - - - --- - - .;15,000 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (DJ _Lccordin • __ • 49,900 .............................• •-• . •-•-•.•............. • ,,600,000 to ',:999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ "‘;60,000 50,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 ;].00,000 ';100,100 to el99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 4 Totals *Par value of common ana preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised en basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEYBER BLI7Ks to population Numbor Ban2:s in places with population of: of banks I 250 to 1499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 State (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 1".ccording to amount of capital* MinimurniCaPital Total Total deposits Present required for Number Number Banks vith the following Banks with the follol-inc. capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 07ollars7 ----TITITousands 6T. -_-_-_-_-_-_-___ t 250 OPER.:_TING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N4ITIONI,.L BZrcS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) _Lccordin _ _ _. e Less than :A.5,000 Under v100,000 ')15,000 ;:,,100,000 to A.49,000 . 5,3_00 tc ,2L,900 . 25,000 ':,150,000 to 21.49,000 250,000 to a09,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to J49,900 ,600,000 to '999,000 3,000 to 4,999 s60,C)0C a,000,00r) to c1,999,000_ 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 4111,000 to 214,999 .;)2,000,000 and over 50,100 to ' . 99,900 ) 00,000 1.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 10,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals • 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. ... ........ .. • •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER BLNKS OPERLTING Number Banks in places with population of: of banks _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4111L 250 250 to )499 .. 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 State (c) Lccording to amount of total denosits (b) 1.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present rumbor Number Banks 7ith the following Banks with the follovinc capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars TY'EFOus ancl.s o fr. --awymwy Under ,:.100,000 -I Less than :A.5,000 ;2.00,000 to /11.49,000 _ . .)15,000 5,100 tc 2/4,900 __"' 6 y25,100 to ;1_19,900 3,000 to 4,999 '460,000 '2,150,000 to 1249,00G %600,000 to ::099,000 . 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 00,100 to 99,900...... '21,000,000 to c;1,999,000_ ..._ ........ 2,000,000 and over 99,900_ 25,000 to L19,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,0GO to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of iTril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• ....... • 250,000 to i)-1.99,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 4111,000 to 214,999_ BRIINCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO N;dION1_L DECEMER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks CaY- LccordinL, to population ------------ • . .• • TABLE NO. 6(b) to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks t er 2-)C 250 to 1499 500 to 999 (c) Lecording to amount of total deposits (b) Leccrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks rith the follavinc capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amrunts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 17- Fousanc s oT" Tcalars7 Less than ;15,000 c,,15,100 tc 2/4,900 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to ;)49,900 6,000 to 9,999______ 0,000 to 24,999 Under .J00,000 ',:,100,000 to v149,000 15,000 25,000 5,000 to 5,999_ State F.R. Dist. No. 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 tc 4,999 (:,150,000 to !,249,000 F;250,000 to ,,,1499,000 v500,000 to W999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ ... ;'i60,000 50,100 to ( )99,900 2,000,000 and over 00,000 (100,100 to 99,900 25,000 tc /49,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Totals _-_4 *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 111 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ,Tril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONYENBER BLYKS OPEILIING NO BR.LITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONL.L DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of banks TTTL.ccordin - -- •410 Totals ......................... • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLLSSIFICItTIOY OF NONMEMBER BLITs OPER:,TING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO IL1TIONLL BLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (ai.LccordinL, to population Number Banks in places ylth population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Mlnimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks 7ith the following Ban.ks with the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of ar,oun.ts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----Trithousaml_s of- dollars-T - .. 4ker 250 250 to •• Less than ;,:.15,000 Under ,:,100,000 ',:;100,000 to ,1149,e0C ....... 1A99 500 to 999 'v15,100 to v214,900 1,000 to 2,499 2,150,000 to !12149,00C 250,000 to z1499,000 2,500 to 2,999 _ %;25,100 to U49,900 V500,000 to ;999,000 3,000 to 4,999 ,j60,000 '':1,000,000 to cr1,999,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 99,900 2,000,000 and over c;100,000 0,000 to 24,999 1.00,100 to 0_99,900 25,00C to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999_...... ........... ... ..... 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock lolus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF 11ONYEEBER KITS CPER-TING NO BR,TCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION Ilq0 ILITIONL.L B.LNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks T7- LccordinL to population T Numbor Ban2:s in places wit'.,1 population of: of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.occrding to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks with the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars nr-17s67 -u-s-a71-1-TE-o 41k-er 25C 250 to /499 500 to 999 Less than %;15,000 Under ,J00,000 015,000 :,1.00,000 to v149,000 .',150,000 to 5,10C tc /2)13900 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to .:,49,900 3,000 to 4,999 "50,000 500,000 to 'W9993000 .;1,000,000 to 41,999,000_ ...._ 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 0,000 to 224,999 249,00G 250,000 to ae99,000 25,000 ].00,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,90C 1.99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 ......^•----..... 500,000 and over Total Totals _ Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2246c and d. (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .„ '4 • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF MNYEYBER KrKs OPEP-..TING NO BRIIITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFfICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO 1,::,TIONLI DECEYBER 31, 1935 250 to /499 Total required for Yumbor Present Banks rith the following Banks rith tho follorintr, capital cf banks conversion intoicapital* alaounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: national banks I -rilhousands ordornar Less than .A.5,000 ‘.4 25,000 3,000 to 4,999 ',;60,000. . 0,000 to 214,999 -„ • (/ V - :i250,000 to v499,000 /_. .'21,000,000 to ca,999,000 2,000,000 and over (,;loo,000 1.00,100 to ,-,199,900 50,000 to 99,999. 100,0c0 to 1499,999 500,000 and over )2 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettcr of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ / / -7 500,000 to : ," ,999,000 50,100 to 099,900_ Totals —— . - 1 / In thousands of dollars /0 - 01-'0 to !12149,000 25,000 to 49,999 Total Total deposits Number et banks Under ,j00,000 zi • tc v214 900 ,25,100 to J49,900 6,000 to 9,999. (3---o I '‘:,,100,000 to ,(149,C00 2,500 to 2,999 5,000 to 5,999 / :1.5,000 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* (E4 L.ccordinL to population 411Lr 250 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks Number Ban27s in places with population of: of banks • .. ........ •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLLSSIFIC;JIOY OF NONMEMBER KITS CPER:IING NO BRIINCHES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO =IONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks TTTLcoordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) 2,ccording to amount of capital* Minlmum Total Total deposits required for Present Numbor I Number Banks rith the following Banks Trith tho follavin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousarids of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars --riTTE-ous aiiTTS—or. TOITTFs7 .-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ 41kTe-r 2c:C 250 to . - ./4.p " Less than •,.:15,000___ Under ,:.100,000 a.00,000 to 09 5oo to 999 Lgc, ‘7- A - 5,100 to v4,900 3.1119,coc 1,oco to 2,499 i,)25,000 ,:,25o,000 to ,,,499,000_ 2,5co to 2,999 ,25,100 to :j.49,900 v500,000 to '999,000 1.,000,000 to c1,999,000 3,000 to 4,999 5o,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to ()99,90C_ 6,coo to 9,999 W oo° to 214,999 ,';2,000,000 and over (loo,000 00,100 to 'el99,900_ 25,oco to 49,999 5o,000 to 99,999. loo,oco to 09,999 5oo,000 and over Total Totals • . / •-/ - Totals *Par value of common and proferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2L16c and d. **Item (total of itens 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NOTE: Tabde 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response, to our lettor of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •/, / ':',15o,000 to 249,000 r-- . • . -•. .• •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLVKS OPER:_TING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONL1 BLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population rith ter 250 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks / (aD_ _Lccordin _ ._ (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Banks 7ith the following Number Banks with the follav-in capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars CTOTra-r-s-T =EEO san(2.s Less than :,;15,000 o , . Under v100,000 - 100,000 to v149,000 0.50,000 to $249,000 250,000 to U09,000 v500,000 to ,999,000 250 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 1.5,10C to 'v2)4,900 ;25,000 25,100 to ;;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 '50,100 to ( 2:99,90c 411,000 to 24,999 ..... 3 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 3,000 to 4,999 6,000 to 9,999 • 2,000,000 and over oo,000 00,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999 5004000 and over Total Totals r Totals -- 4 *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2146c and d. **Item (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / ....... • CLLSSIFICilTION OF NONMEMBER BLIIKS CPER:IING NO BRJOCHIS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLIIGNJ_L DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks 17 7 _-. _. _L.ccordin • 0• y J. ,, State F.R. Dist. No. to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks Lccording to amount of total dcposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the fancying capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars I TETEbusancis 41L; 25C or'To-1775.1. Under v100,000 Less than :15,000 41 250 to )499 (;15,000 500 to 999 ci15,10C tc 1,000 to 2,499 e,25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ',25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,:60,000 lgy 00,000 to /149,000 ...... ........................... 0,000 to 214,999 U50,000 to 499,000 500,000 to ;999,000 )_19,900 )1,000,000 to 2,000,000 and over (,,aoc,000 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total /) ITotals '7. 4/ :',-- o . / 3 y /- _..i 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) 2,150,000 to $249,000 2/.4,900 50,100 to P;99,90C 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999_ o ..... .....•-... ••- • • • CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Kras Numbor Banks in places with population of: of banks 411L; 250 ,1.00,000 to v149,000 [;15,000 500 to 999 ce15,100 to 2)4,900 25,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to :J49,900 3,000 to 4,999 s;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to '2,150,000 to 2149,00G 250,000 to 1499,000 500,000 to 999,000 .. 2,000,000 and over 99,900 1.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to L199,999_ 500,000 and over Total Totals S 6 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item III on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... ';'21,000,000 to f,a,999,000__.... ........... loo,000 . 4111),000 to 214,999_ State - (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the folloTing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars To-1T--trs7 ----7171aus ari.± s _ ---...Under .J00,000 Less than :,15,000 250 to /499 6,000 to 9,999 BRJTCH-LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONI1L DECET73ER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ),/, (a) _LccordinL to population _ __. OPERLTING • ... ... • CLLSSIFICATION OF PONVEYBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks (Eli) _' L_ccordinL f• " - to population Numbor Banks in places with population of: of banks Krics ) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcocrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Numbor Prosent Number[ Banks rith the following Banks rith the follaving capital f banks conversion into capital* thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: et banks In national banks dollars ----717TT:ousans of—a-011ars7 / .5" o-i> ;15,000 500 to 999 State F.R. Dist. No. Less than 0.5,000 250 to 1499 Under 0.00,000 , ... ...... 1.00,000 to v149,000 C250,000 to U092000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to J49,900 3,000 to 4,999 ,;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to (99,900 v500,000 to '999,000 ...... / a,000,000 to c1,999,000 .1. 2,000,000 and over 6,000 tc 9,999 41k000 to 214,999 1.00,100 to 0_99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999..... 500,000 and over Total / Totals d r Totals *Par value of common and proferrod stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financo Corporation **Item 14 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettor of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . ::,150,000 to !1249,000 0.5,100 tc y214,900 1,000 to 2,499 • OPER.:IING NO BRIOCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO 1LITIONLL DECEYBER 31, 1935 t ----_-_-_-_-__ nder 25C •• 1 0 ..... • .. .... • CUSSIFICATICY OF TONYEI:IBDR TABLE NO. 6(b) BLIas OPER:,TING NO BRJTCHES OUTSIDE TM HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FCR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) LccordinL; to population Number Banks in places rlth population of: of banks (c) Axcording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capitai Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks vith the following Banks rith the follaring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ITO=r ........... _ ....... _ ....7..... 500 to 999 0.5,100 to .v214,900 1,000 to 2,499 :125,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,...25,100 to J49,900 3,000 to 4,999 '50,000 0150,000 to 1!249,000 • v500,000 to 999,000 999,000 2,0°0,000 and over ';99,90c o- o. 0100,100 to 0.99,900 4,,C00 to 214,999 25,000 to /49,999_ 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 - 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146o and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of .(-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 3 250,000 to ‘,499,000 - 01,000,000 to 0100,000 6,000 to 9,999 4 ::!100,000 to v149,000 _ 50,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 , , 15,000 _ _ , Under v100,000 Less than 0.5,000 (17; 25C 41t- N.;ITIONL B.LIZKS, State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 250 to )499..... • • • • •• • • N:,TIOna TABLE NO. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLEKS OPER2,TING NO BRJTCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) Accordin- to population Number Banks in places banks of of: with population 411t7r 250 250 to 499...... • -t •• 500 to 999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Axcording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks vith the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars Th thousands _ ' Under 1.00,000 Less than %;15,000 ::15,000 ',",100,000 to v10,000 . 0.5,10C to q . 2)!,900 0150,000 to $249,000 99,000 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 :,25o,o00 to 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to a0,900. '450o,000 to C;999,00o 3,o00 to 4,999_ 5,0co to 5,999_ 6,000 to 9,999 0,000 to 24,999 01,o00,000 to i50,000 ,999,000_ ....._ .. 2,000,000 and over 50,100 to ',")99,900_ 0.00,000 00,100 to • 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to )499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 4 • Totals *Par value of common an;1 preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2146c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2t.16c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A.pril Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... -••••• ... .. ----•.• .• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLYKS OPER...TING NO BRITCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO 11.1TICULL B./ZicS, DECEMPER 31, 1935 LccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population cf: of Lanks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 75- • • • (c) Lccording to amount of total doposit.s (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks yit:- the following Banks Trith the capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ToTicTrIT ____-__-__ Itl-ler 25C Less than ;j.5,000 Under v100,000 250 to 499 ::15,000 ,)2.00,000 to /149,000 500 to 999 ]-5,100 to ?2/4,900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 lik,000 to 214,999_... :,15o,000 to ,12/49,000 250,000 to a09,0°C) - ,25,100 to /49.9900 v500,000 to : ," 9993000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ ....._ 50,000 ;;50,100 to ';99,900 02,000,000 and over 00,000 ;;100,100 to ,-,199,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2146c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 266c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... • • TABLE NO. 6(b) (a) LccordinL to population Number BarLs in places with population of: of banks 250 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,09 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 410,000 to 214,999_...... • CUSSIFICIJIOY OF IIONYEEBER BLITS OPERLTING NO BRIlfCHLS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks i er 250 lk 00 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* . Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Numbor Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks av.ounts of capital*: national banks dollars Less than ;15,000 Under ,j00,000 r.)15,000 ',:,100,000 to /1.49,000 1.5,100 to 'v2/4,900 1.50,000 to 1249,000 250,000 to a199,000 i;25,000 25,100 to J49,900 v500,000 to 999.1000 )7.,000,000 to c1,999,000 "50,000 50,100 to 2 . 299,900 2,000,000 and over 00,000 00,100 to 'v199,900_ .......................... 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our lett 'r of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • TABLE NO. 6(b) cussIFIcAtior OF NONFEMBER BLEKS OFEEL.TING NO BRANCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO ILITIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 Number Banks in places -with population of: of banks (c) J,ccording to amount of total delDosits (b) :.ccording to auount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Banks with the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of aucunts of capital''': account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----11—tFousanc 4P1= 250 _ 250 to 1499 500 to 999 Less than :A.5,000 67- doilars7 Under v100,000 w1.00,000 to v149,000 15,000 0.5,10C tc 'v214,900_ 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 '5o,ock 5,000 to 5,999 z:60,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 3.0o,000 149,900 2499J000 . q500,000 to '999,000 ‘'21,000,000 to 99,900 ,999,000 2,000,000 and over ;100,100 to 0_99,900 25,000 to )49,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock nlus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of iTril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... • -• '2,150,000 to 1,249,000 250,000 to 1,000 to 2,499 4111,000 to 214,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) Lccordin- to population • • • ................ • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF YONVEYBER BLVKS OPERLTING NO BRI.,Y.CHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL B1,NKS, DECEMBER 31 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks \(' T7- LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks k ---------Ter 250 Under v100,000 Less than .;15,000 1.00,000 to /149,00C 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to ,j49,900 . 6,000 to 9,999 41k,000 to 224,999 2/49,000 250,000 to ,1499,000 25,000 5,000 to 5,999 ,150,000 to : ',15,100 to v214,900 1,000 to 2,499 3,000 to 4,999 State ' (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits ) Lccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follavine:. capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ----TET7ous ci77-E7O7To=s7 250 to 09 500 to 999 • • • ..... ...... .. .... . q500,000 to '999,000 a,000,000 to cr1,999,000 ‘;60,000 50,100 to ')99,90C 2,000,000 and over ;I.00,000 i;100,100 to 99,900_ 25,000 to /49,99950,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 2499,999 500,000 and over Totals A L *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance, Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ,-pril 6, 1937. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals .......... • • • • CLASSIFICI,TION OF NONMEMBER KITS OPERLTING NO BRITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTICNLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) LccordinL,. to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of baks (c) J.ccording to amount of total dcposits ).Lccording to amount of capital*_. Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Numbor Number Banks 7ith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of aixunts of capital4=: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----71ETTousancs o-r- doITT 4R1, 25c 250 to 1499 Less than :j.5,000 Under v100,000 .;15,000 ,,100,000 to A149,000 500 to 999_ 15,100 to v24,900 ';:,150,000 to 1'249,000 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 C250,000 to 2,500 to 2,999_ . / 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 01,000 to 214,999 500,000 to '.999,000 ,25,100 to ;/49,900 3,000 to 4,999 .. _ 99,900_ 99,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ .... 2,000,000 and over oo,000 C;100,100 to 99,900 25,000 tc )49,999 50,000 to 99,999_ 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation on Forms FR 246c and d. **Item 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our lettcr of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER TABLE NO. 6(b) Kras OPER-TING TO BRz,ITCHLS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTION.LL BJ,NKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with 40L-nder 25O 250 to c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Numbor Present Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follav-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars iiTTFousand.s o77-676ITYFT Less than %,15,000 1499 Under v100,000 00,000 to /149,00C :.J5,000 500 to 999 ('e l5,100 to `v2ii a900 1,000 to 2,499 1250,000 to J499,000 ,25,100 to )..19,900 5o,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to ',:,99,900 460,000 to 214,999 500,000 to '999,000 01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 3,000 to 4,999 _ 2,150,000 to ‘1249,000 F 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 6,000 to 9,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 777-----JlecordinL • • • 2,000,000 and over oo,000 (.100,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 14 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter of ATril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFIC;ffION or • NONYEETER BLYKS OPER-TING a) BRZFCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PCR CONVERSION MO NLTIOF1_L DECEMBER 31, 1935 State, F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) ;according to population Numbor Banks in places baliks of of: population with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (c) coording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of cc_pital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Danks 7rith the follavim: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s hous _ ... Under ',:.100,000 . Less than •„:15,000 77E73 25C 1 4111tr 250 to 1499 • ... • 500 to 999 5,000 to %,,25,100 to .... 5,999 6,000 to 9,999. 41/b,000 to 214,999 ...... AP. J49,900. 4500,000 to 1 999,000 - _01,000,000 to cr1,999,000 ;;60,000 2,000,000 and over 050,100 to 00,000 f 0100,100 to A99,900 25,00C to 149,999L 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Tota.1 Totals . 74.4 Totals *Par value of common and preferrod stock Plus capital notes and debenture!: sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2146c and d. **Item (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NGTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ., 0150,000 to 12)49,00G . C250,000 to U09,000 25,000 2,999 3,000 to /‘-‘;'-et 900 ...... 'y15,100 to 1,000 to 2,499 2,5C0 to 0100,000 to A49,000. :15,000 • .... .. , • TABLE NO. 6(b) (a) LocordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks 250 to 1499 500 to 999 (c) Lccording to amount of total donosits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present rural:Dor Number Banks Tith the following Banks with the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars ordoll-trs7 Less than 1.5,000 Under v100,000 ,,100,000 to ,(149,000 ;15,000 ;i15,100 to 214v900 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to :j49.,900 's60,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 tO 6,000 to 9,999 1.00,000 99:90C 2,000,000 and over. (;100,100 to ',199,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999. 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • .. • 4500,000 to ";999,000 01,000,000 to ;1,999,00C 3,000 to 4,999 /./ 2,150,000 to 1,t249,000 .1499,000 250,000 to , 25,000 Total NLaIGNJ,.L State F.R. Dist. No. 1,occ to 2,499 0,000 to 214,999_..... • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF YONVEMBER BLNICS OPER:IING NO BRANCH-LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PGR CONTERSIOU DECEMBER 31, 1935 Class of banks "Tr 25C •• .......... ... •• • • • CUSSIFICATIOY OF YONYErBER BLITKS OPERLTING NO BRIINCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N:i.TIONIIL BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 773- LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of ba-nks 4Iter 25c 250 •• c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of cLpital* ginimum caPit-a:1 Total Total depositl-; required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follorin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s7 ----Tri7Tousands or TYITETrLess than A5,000 Under y100,000 .)15,000 ::,100,000 to .,149,00C 500 to 999 (15,100 to 'v2f4,900 '''2150,000 to 1249,000 1,000 to 2,L09 e25,000 C?250,000 to ,I-199.9000 to ... _ .. 25,100 to ;149,900 2,500 to 2,999 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to ( )99,900 ,000 to 214,999 e2,000,000 and over 00,000 6,000 to 9,999 0 999,000 01,000,00n to 0,999,000 '50,000 3,000 to 4,999 500,000 to . 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999_........ 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of iTril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • TABLE NO. 6(b) • • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF .110NYEMBER BLPKS OPER:TING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 f \ Class of banks )1 F.R. Dist. No. ') (a) ,xcordinL to population ------Number Ba.n]:s in places vlth population of: of bo.-..-,ks State 4_.1 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Einimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks with tho follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital-: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars i -1177Fousanc.17,-OT-TOTTTrs) 41ILT 25C Less than 5,000 500 to 999 15,100 to 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 24,900 (;)150,000 to 13249,000 250,000 to al99'000 2,5C0 to 2,999_ ........... ,.:25,100 to j49,900 3,000 to 4,999 ‘60,000 5,000 to 5,999 Under ,:.100,000 ',:,,100,000 to ,149,000 (.;15,000 250 to 09 500,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to 50,100 to )99,900 ,999,000_ ...._ 2,000,000 and over . oo,000 6,000 to 9,999 41,,000 to 214,999 00,100 to '199,900 25,000 to )49a999. 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total • Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter of =Tril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1., ............... ....... --• • TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER Kras Numbor Banks in places witll population of: Of banks CPER-TING NO BRJINCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N2dIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. ,.i\ (a-.) LccordinL to population • •• (c) Lccording to amount of total del:posits (b) :ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Humber Banks vith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: of banks amounts of capital'': national banks dollars ----Tri-tFousans cl7T5Ilars7 4IPtr 25C Under ,:.100,000 Less than y15,000 - • 250 to 499 :a5,000 ',:,100,000 to v149,000 500 to 999 y15,100 tc c:;150,000 to I249,000 1,000 to 2,499 250,000 to y499,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to ( )99,90C 41010,000 to 24,999 /: 100,100 to 2,000,000 and over ;• - oo,000 6,000 to 9,999 c')1,000,000 to c1,999,000 / 3,000 to 4,999 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals • Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Dlus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /. q500,000 to *999,000 y25,100 to ;149,900 ./, ........ .. CLISSIFIC.LTIOr OF 11ONVEMBER BLYKS OPER:IING NO BRI.,NCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL DECE17,ER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ( ) Lccordin • 0• • J to population Number Ban2s in places tanks of of: population with (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Leccrding to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Prcsent required for Number Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follarinr capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars s or -d-o=r-s7 -4 liter 25C Under v100,000 Less than %:15,000 _ ;:400,000 to %,149,000 250 to 1499 :';15,000 500 to 999 Y15,100 tc v24,900 / '';150,000 to - 250,000 to ,1499,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,00 to 2,999 v25,100 to :;149,900 y500,000 to '999,000 ....... 01,000,000 to c,1,999,000 5o,00e 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 2149,000 p,000,000 and over • .;99,90C '50,100 to ( 1 :i;loo,000 6,000 to 9,999 1 .000 to 214,999 (100,100 t A.99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 .... -• ...... 500,000 and over / -I Totals A *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L; on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Tablc 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totals • TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks ; • • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER BLITS OPERi_TING NO BRIZCHLS OUTSIDE THE HEI1D OFiICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSIO-I', DECEMER 31, 1935 // State y F.R. Dist. No. _ I t 13/,1:KS, (c) Lccording to amount of total donosits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits roquired for Prosent Numb,3r Number Banks 7iti, the following Numbor Banks rrith the folloyinE Banks in places capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks with population of: of bal-lks national banks dollars To-1Ta7r sT _ . _ _ _ ---------7-0 Under ,100,000 Less than .„:15,000 (a) ' Jxcordin to population .81 s 411itTer 250 250 to 1499 500 to 999 7.5,100 tc 1,000 to 2,/499 25,000 250,000 to .,2-199.9000 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 .;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 !,50,100 to ()99,900 41,,OGO to 214,999 ':,150,000 to 13249,000 ,P)1,900 2,500 to 2,999 6,000 to 9,999. q500,000 to 149,900 999,000 - 01,000,000 to c1,999,000_ ....._ .. 2,000,000 and over oo,000 00,100 to i199,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 tc 99,999. 100,000 to 1499,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals - Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 111 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). " : Tablc 6 as rovisod on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Aioril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. -• ',:,,100,000 to sA49,000 ........... • TABLE NO. 6(b) • • CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER BLITKS OPERLTING NO BRJ.JTCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSIOIJ Ii;TO ILITION.LL 1313:KS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 1 r (a) LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks (c) di.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Yumber rith the following Banks Banks with the follav-ine: of banks conversion into capital* capital In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 1 ----TE-TE7ous677TWr=71----- - d7r 25C 41t- Less than r - 15,000 Under ,j00,000 500 to 999 415,100 to '4,900 1,000 to 2,499 ;,25,000 2,500 to 2,999_ 3J000 to 4,999 25,100 to 2149,900 • ... 4500,000 to 2499,000_ 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 9993000 'Y99,900 1.00,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 to L03999 50,000 to 99,999 /499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........... :''21,000,000 to c1,999,000_ .. 450,000 50,100 to 411,000 to 214,999 ';:,150,000 to ,t2)49,000 250,000 to 5,000 to 5,999 100,000 to .......... • ..... ',:,100,000 to ,e149,00e 250 to 1499 • TABLE NO. 6(b) •• • CUSSIFICATIOY OF NOVVEMBER BLEKS CPERTING NO BRITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION liq0 N.LTIONY1L Bi2acS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) _LccordinL to population _ _ _ Numbcr Banks in places rith population of: of ballks 0 17171- 25c (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to aiaount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Numbor Present Number Banks rith the follaring Banks with the follat-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars 1 Less than :A.5,000 -7E— housans ) 15,000 5oo to 999 15,100 to 1,oco to 2,499 25,000 2,5oo to 2,999 25,100 to ,)1_19,900 (;:,150,000 to 214,900._ l'249,000 50,100 to (99,90C 6,000 to 9,999. loo,000 2,000,000 and over 00,100 to 0_99,900 25,occ to /49,999 5o,000 to 99,999_ 1499,999 500,000 and over Total / • Totals ,; Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 111 on Forms FR 2)_16c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on For= FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of ATril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •.•- .................. •. ••-• ....... q5oo,000 to '999,000 (;;1,000,000 to cy1,999,000_ 5,000 to 5,999 100,000 to ............... 25o,000 to U09,0oo . 50,000 411,000 tc 214,999 ......... (:)10C,000 . to ,149,000 25o to L199.. 3,000 to 4,999 Under ,j00,000 • .............. • .... • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) -- CLASSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLIIKS OPER:.TING NO BRANCHES OUTSIDE THE HEJ1D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO DECEMRER 31, 1935 F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks Accordin to population Number Ban2:s in places vdth population of: of banks (c) Jxcording to amount of total deposits (b) 1"ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits requireJ for Number Present Humber Banks 7ith the following Banks with the follov-ine: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars TriTEous __..... _ s o *Tr 250 Less than .j.5,000 250 to 499 State / _ cl-.6-17-a}s) ,/ Under v100,000 :,100,000 to v149,00C 15,000 500 to 999 0150,000 to 1,249,000 ;15,100 tc v4 900_....... 1,000 to 2,499 250,000 to ,499,000 _ 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to /1-49,9°° 3,000 to 4,999 '50,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to ')99390C 6,000 to 9,999 4111,000 to 24,999 •• ......... • y500,000 to '999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000. . 2,000,000 and over 00,000 C;100,100 to 0_99,900 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999... 100,000 to 99,999 500,000 and over Total Totals g / (-7 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on Forms FR 46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...... 1.. .... • • • CLLSSIFICATION OF NONFEMBER BLYKS OPERA..TING NO BRI:NCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NAITION;AL DECEMBER 31, 1935 // State ' P.R. Dist. No. Class of banks --Lr-2.TABLE NO. 6(b) (a) ,IccordinL to population Numbor Ban2s in places banks of of: population ilk • Less than :A.5,000 ider 25C 250 to 1499 (c) ;According to amount of total d000sits (b) 'According to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks Tith the following Banks with the follovin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of a.i,ounts of carital-: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars --rE7hous and.s 6r- do 1TTr s-T .... Under ,100,000 :15,000 500 to 999 ....... n to / ...... •--- , 249,000 ::150,000 to 1 .499,000 250,000 to , 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 tc 3,000 to 4,999 ",:60,000 5,000 to 5,999. '50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 4110,000 to 214,999 N 100,100 to ' si500,000 to ;999,000 149,900 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 .. 2,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999-- ....... ............ 500,000 and over Total Totals ) /,! ' 4 Totals *Par value of common and proferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item ILI on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........... ',:aoc,000 to ,A49,coc 1^ ....... _.......... _ • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLETS OPER.:.TING NO BRIOCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NATIONLL BL.NKS, DECEMRER 31, 1935 to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of baks *der 250 . 250 to 1499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,5C0 to 2,999 3.000 to 4,999 ) Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) According to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks yith the following Banks rith the follavinE capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital:'=: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s Ton ar ----7171hous ----.. •. • •-• ............. .................... •••• Under ,100,000 Less than %;15,000_ '‘,100,000 to v1149,00C 015,000 250,000 to 25,000 99,000. '':1,000,000 to c1,999,000_ ... 5o,000 ,50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 :;loo,000 2,000,000 and over ')99,90c 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals 5- 0 / — Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........ v500,000 to ;999,000 )49,900 ,25,100 to ..... '2,150,000 to 1,249,000 5,100 tc v4,900 5,000 to 5,999 41k1,000 to 214,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (aD Locordin • •• •- • ............. .• ... ..... •• • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEEBER BITE'S OPER-TING NO BRJINCHES OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION IijTO DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) ' J.ccordinL to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks I Ld7r 250 (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) L.ccording to amount of capital* capital Minimum Total Total deposits required for Numbor Prosent Number Banks following rith the Banks vith the follminr; of banks conversion into capital* capital In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars TITTFousands of- &liar . Under y100,000 Less than 15,000 25o to 09 500 to 999 1,oco to 2,499 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ',:,,100,000 to (149,000 7_5,100 to 2)4,900 . 2,150,000 to !,!249,00C ':?, 250,000 to w/499,000 _ 25,000 999,000 2,500 to 2,999 _ ,25,100 to :j49,900 v500,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 ",:60,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000....._ 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 99,900 2,000,000 and over 6,000 to 9,999 410,000 to 2/4,999 00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to 149,999 5o,000 to 99,999 loo,oco to )499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item lb, on Forms FR 246c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/.46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONMEMBER BLITS OPER—TING NO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION I-010 N.ZIONI1L BL.NKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population Numbcr Banks in places "with population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) ilocordin • • • (c) .L.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ceording to amount of capital*_ Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Numbor Present Number Banks vith the following Banks v/ith the follarim: capital cf banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts cf capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ----717fFousands OT- d011ars7 -7 ter 250 250 to 1499 5oo to 999 1,occ to 2,499 • • Less than .,;15,000 '.;15,000 ::!loo,000 to ,1149,00c 0.5,100 to v4,900 0.50,000 to $249,000 ,•> 25,000 2,5co to 2,999 ,.25,100 to 3.000 to 4,999_ ,;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 050,100 to 099,900 ',,250,000 to ae99,000 1 te )1,000,000 to ;1,999,000..._ , 2,000,000 and over . 0100,100 to ........ •• 99,900 25,oco to )49,999 5o,000 to 99,999 loo„oco to 1499,999 5oo,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock -plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, '937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . w 500,000 to ' , 999,000 .... 6,000 to 9,999 41k,000 to 214,999 Under ,:.100,000 .. • • TABLE NO. 6(b) • CLASSIFICATIOY OF NONYEEKR BLI7Ks OPER.:_TING NO BR1JTCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INITO NLTIONL.L BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 77- ilccordinL to population Numbor Banks in places balil:s of of: population with State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ceording to amount of cLpital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits Present required for Number Banks rith the following Number Banks rith the follavinE capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of al:,ounts of caritalt: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars -17-thousan(3s or a-617t-i-s7 Less than :j.5,000 Under v100,000 250 to /499 . .;15,000 ;:,100,000 to 149,000 500 to 999 c15,100 tc v4,900 0150,000 to 249,000 411L; 25C 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999_ 6,000 to 9,999 41k,000 to 2/4,999 25,000 s.25,100 to :.10,900 , 50,000 50,100 to 099,90c :i;a00,000 0100,100 to 250,000 to .,1499,000 v500,000 to ',;999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over • . 99,900. 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to h99,999 500,000 and over Total Totals -" Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rsvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ....... • . • 0 CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEMBER KY:KS OPER:.TING NO BRI1rCELS OUTSIDE THE FELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE PGR CONVERSION INTO NLTICF.LL E321:KS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks State F.R. Dist. No. 1 s ' (c) Lccording to amount of total dcoosits .1*. (b) Lcoording to amount of capita --Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Numbor Number Banks vith the following Banks with the folloring capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of cardtal*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dcllars Tia-TEOusarr2s dr -d--6-17a-r-s7 _ _ Und-r 100 000 Less than 7.5,000 (a).- .i.ccordini, to population Numbcr Banhs in places banks of of: with population 41k71- 25o 25o to 490 (..;15,000 0100,000 to el.49,000 W5,100 tc v2L,900 )150,00,0 to 12149,000 - -• ••••• / 5o0 to 999 1,0GO to 2,499 / . 250,000 to w499,000 . ' i • •••• .. . - 2,500 to 2,999 ... 3,000 to 4,999 ...... ...... • - -• ..... %.25,100 to j49,900 v500,000 to / 01,000,000 to ;60,000 . 5,000 to 5,999 999,000 ............. 50,100 to 99,900 • / 1 ,999,000 2,000,000 and over 6,0oo to 9,999 W oo() to 214,999 0100,100 to ce199,900 25,000 to 149,999_ 5o,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total • Totals Totals *Par value of common and/ preferred stock rlus capital notes and debentures sold to fleconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 114 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937. NOTE: Tablo 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .... . • • • TA.BLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATION OF TIONVE1.:BER BLNKS OPER:_TING 1\TO Bili-JTCHLS OUTSIDE THE DECEMBER 31, 1935 TET.LccordinL to population Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of banks all OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.:ITIONJIL State , F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks • • • (c) Jlecording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits roquired for Prcsont Number Number Banks yith the following Banks rith the fancying capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars donarsT - 1-lousar_6s Less than ;A.5,000 Under ,A.00,000 250 to 09 ,;15,000 0.00,000 to rli49,000 500 to 999 0.5,100 to v4,900 kor 250 1,000 to 2,499 250,000 to :1499,000 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 '50,000 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 tc 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 ;150,000 to 1,249,000 Y 2-19,900 v500,000 to "W999,000 999,000 ' 01,000,000 to 0. . 02,000,000 and over . 50,100 to :/99,900 0.00,000 0.00,100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to L19,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals - .? . -3 ,7/ Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Financc Corporation on Forms FR 2/46c and d. **Item (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s • CUSSIFICATION OF ITONIAEYBER TABLE NO. 6(b) azas OPER:IING NO BkilYCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO =IONLL BLNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 (ai LecordinL to population - - -— Number Banks in places banks of of: population ylth _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40ndor 250 1499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 250 to • • • 1 (c) J.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follorin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars ofrdorT5-.i.s7 Less than :A.5,000 Under .100,000 ',:,100,000 to v149,000 15,000. c15,100 tc v4,900 150,000 to 1,249,000 p 50,000 to J-09,000_ ....... 25,000 2,500 to 2,999 y25,100 to ;i49,900 3,000 to 40999 i;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 ';50,100 to 500,000 to ::,;999,000 .$)1,000,000 to c1,999,000 99,900_ 2,000,000 and over 6,000 to 9,999 4110,000 to 214,999 00,100 to 99,900 25,000- to )49,999_ 50,000 to 99)999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item ill on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2LI6c and d). NOTE: Tale 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFIC1,TIOY OF PONVEMBER ailTKS OPERZFING NO BRI.JTCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION ITO KLTIONLL B.LNKS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) Lccording to population Number Banks in places rdth population of: of banks State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks I (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* MinImum capital Total deposits Total required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follm-infl: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars _________._.._ 1 ----Tri thousans ord7OraFil4111kLr 25C Less than %:,15,000 250 to 499 :15,000 500 to 999 ce15,100 tc 1,000 to 2,499 ';;25,000 100,000 to v149,000 0150,000 to 214,900 249,000 250,000 to ,w1499,000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 50,000 500,000 to '999,000 1.49,900 f 5,000 to 5,999 ,.;50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 :;ioo,000 lik,000 to 214,999 Under v100,000 .;99,900 a,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over 1.000100 to 0.99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item lb, on Forms FR 46c and d. 6c and d). (total of items 7, 94 11 and 13 on Forms FR 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......^ ............. -• •..... • • CLLSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER Krics OPER:_TING NO BRI...ITCH-LS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONI1L BJ11;KS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks •• State F.R. Dist. No. , _7_ T7TL.ccordin to population Numbor Bo.ri!:s in places with population of: of banks 4111E, 25c 250 to 1499 (c) A.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) 2..ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Prcsont Number Banks Yith the following Banks with the follov-ine: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars s 0 r- dorlArsT hous ....... _. _.__.___ ---/o , Under ,j00,000 Less tha_.n :„:15,000 _ / s• ::',100,000 to /11'49,C00 :15,000 500 to 999 15,10C tc v21_,,900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 2,5C0 to 2,999 17) • (;21.5o,000 to !.:!249,000 250,000 to ,1499,000 500,000 to ,25,100 to .,,49,900 • 3,000 to 4,999 999,000 to ce1,999,000. . '' ?1,000,000 50,00C 50,100 to 5,000 to 5,999 ;)2,000,000 and over 99,900 ;I.00,000 6,000 to 9,999 41,,OCO to 2/4,999 100,100 to 99,900 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 tc 99,999 100,000 to 09,999.....- ......... 500,000 and over Total Totals /,;Z :) / ,. ,, ,,,-i':', V ' I ---4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 14 on Forms FR 46c and d. (total of item 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of A-pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......... -• ......... ............. •- • •II TABLE NO. 6(b) CLLSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEMBER BLIIKS OPER:_TING NO BRITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N.LTIONid, BJLNKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 P.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 77- L.ccordinL to population Number Banks in places banks of of: population with 250 to 499 c) 4.ceording to amount of total deposits (b) i.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follav-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars er To=r sen-TEous -1 ____________ Less than .,15,000 "Tr 25c . 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 State /1 Under v100,000 ':.,100,000 to ell49,000 . :.)15,000 (15,100 to 'v214,900 25,000 '2,150,000 to 249,00G 250,000 to 99,000 999,000 2,500 to 2,999 v25,100 tc ./49,900 v500,000 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,;60,000 '':1,000,000 to 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 411,000 to 24,999 00,100 to 99,900 ,999,000_ 2,000,000 and over 99,900._ 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 [ 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus oapital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 14 on Forms FR 246c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 246c and d). NCTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... ...... ......... • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATION OF NONMEMBER BLITKs Number Banks in places banks of of: with population OPER:1ING NO BRIIITCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NL.TIONLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (0-)- L.ccordinL to population • • • (c) Lccordin-g to amount of total deposits (b) 2.,ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Number Present Number Banks v-ith the following Banks with the follov-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks ar:,ounts of capital*: national banks dollars ----77177ousans 250 250 to )499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 . Less than ,:15,000 Under ,',100,000 .;15,000 ',:,,100,000 to /1.49,000 1.5,100 to vpli,9oo 250,000 to a09,000 ' 025 000 2,500 to 2,999 25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 5o,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 099,900 6,000 to 9,999 110600 to 214,999 0150,000 to ,4 2149,000 /4-9,900 v500,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 _..... 2,000,000 and over oo,000 1.00,100 to 99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals 1 4 Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of =-pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) I-210 N.LTIONI-L CLISSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLNKS OPER.:_TING NO BRIINCELS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION DECEMBER 31, 1935 (a) Lecordinto population . Number Banks in places banks of of: with population State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ---------------- (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits of capital* (b) 2.ccording to amount _ _ _ . ._ _ _ _.. _ _ Minimum capital Total deposits Total Present required for Number Number Banks Tith the following Banks Tith the folloving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars TY'EFou!laT-Ts o-r- JOYTEFT liEr 25C 1.00,000 to v149,000 250 to )499 . .;15,000 500 to 999 C,15,100 to v2/4 900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 (;:,150,000 to 1249,000 4 2,5C0 to 2,999 . v25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999_ 160,00C /4Q,900 250,000 to 99,000 v500,000 to 999,000 01,000,000 to cy1,999,000....._ ............ •.-- .. 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 1.00,000 41k1,000 to 214,999 Under ,j00,000 ..... Less than , 15,000 00,100 to 2,000,000 and over 99,90C 99,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 -500,000 and over Total Totals r Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance d. **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). of -pril 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as rcvised on basis of information furnishcd in response to our letter Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICI,.TION OF NONMEMBER BLNKS OPERLTING NO BRilITCHES OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO N:,TI0NLL DECEMBER 31, 1935 TTTL.ccordin to population Numbor Banks in places banks of of: with population State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total Total deposits required for Present Number I Number Banks rith the following Banks rith the follm-ine: capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars 757EFOusans or-&frti-s7 4IE 250 250 to L199 Less than .;15,000 Under v100,000 (i15,000 ',:400,000 to /149,00C 500 to 999 1.5,100 to 'vP.)1,900 1,000 to 2,499 25,000 50,000 to ,,2499,000 ,25,100 to :j49,900 3.000 to 4,999 ",;60,000. 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 00,100 to q500,000 -f 99,900 999,000 _1,000,000 to c1,999,000 2,000,000 and over 99,900. 25,000 to /49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999. 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debontures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2246c and d. (total of itams 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of —pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -•••-.•........... 249,000 p 2,5C0 to 2,999 41,,000 to 214,999 150,000 to .• • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONVEYBER BLITs OPER...TING NO BRLFCHLS OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR COMERSIO-13 DECEMBER 31, 1935 to population (a) _Locordilv _. _ Numbor Banks in places with population of: of banks ... ... .•-•••••-. (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) :.ccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Present Number Fumber Banks 7ith the following Banks vith the follorin capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks amounts of capital*: national banks dollars s and s ol7" do 1-1-5} Less than ;;15,000 1,000 to 2:499 2,5O0 to 2,999 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 to 2/4,999 •-•..... Under ,100,000 ',:?100,000 to v149,000 250 to 1499 500 to 999 0.5,100 to ci214,900 :',150,000 to $249,000 250,000 to U09,000 25,000 25,100 to i,;149,900 9500,000 to ;999/000 01,000,000 to c1,999,000 "50,000 50,100 to 299,900 2,000,000 and over ,oc,000 00,100 to 0_99,900 25,000 to )49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to /499,999..... -- ........ ...........----• 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals Corporation *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance and d. **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). -pril 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N.L.TIONI1L State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks 41k71-20 • • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATIOY OF NONYEMBER BLVKS OPER:_TING NO BRY.ITCHLS. OUTSIDE THE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONLL BLKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 77- LocordinL; to population Number Banks in places with population of: of banks 250 to 499 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks ._ _ _ 4111L 250 • • (c) Lccording to amount of total deposits (b) Lcoording to amount of capital* Mini:Mum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Present Number Banks Tith the following Banks vrith the folloTing capital of banks conversion into capital* , banks In thousands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: of national banks dollars 1 of7d6nariT ----117TT:ousans _ __ _ Less than .A.5,000 7.5,000 _ Under ,j00,000 ',100,000 to y1149,000 500 to 999 .e15,100 to v214,900 (;:,150,000 to ,2149,000 1,0GO to 2,499 ';.25,000 U50,000 to 1499,000 _ 2,5C0 to 2,999 ,25,100 to j149,900 •500,000 to 999,000 a,000,000 to cy1,999,000. ..... 3,000 to 4,999 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 99,900 6,000 to 9,999 411,000 to 214,999 2,000,000 and over :1100,000 1.00,100 to ,,199,900 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/1 on Forms FR 2)46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2146c and d). 6, 1937. NOTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • .................. ..... ......V- •-•- • ....... •- • TABLE NO. 6(b) CUSSIFICATION OF NONVEMBER BLNKS OPERLTING NO BRI.JTCHLS OUTSIDE THE H= OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NL.TION1',.L 131,11cS, DECEYBER 31, 1935 (a) Lccording to population -------Number Banks in places with population cf: of banks - 250 to 09 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 (c) Locording to amount of total deposits (b) Lccording to amount of capital* Yinimum capital Total deposits Total required for Number Present Number Banks rith the following Banks with the follm-ing capital of banks conversion into capital* In thovsands of amounts of capital*: account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks national banks dollars TETTE6usand,s of' &TM-s-T ..... , , / Under v100,000 Less than ;,,;15,000 :,100,000 to v149,000 ].5,000 (;2150,000 to $249,000 ;',15,100 tc 24,900 25,000 1 - 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to j49,900 3,000 to 4,999 '‘;60,000 5,000 to 5,999 ;50,100 to 6,000 to 9,999 00,000 41k000 to 4,999 State F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks likjer 250 • • • 250,000 to , ,/499.1000 . 500,000 to 999.9000 01,000,00n to 00,100 to 99,900 ,999,000 2,000,000 and over 99,900 25,000 tc 149,999-............ 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 09,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of itoms 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2./.16c and d). 6, 1937. NCTE: Table 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...... • • • TABLE NO. 6(b) . NCELS OUTSIDE TEE HELD OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NLTIONL B.LITKS, CUSSIFICATIOY OF alINFErBER ROM OPER:IING NO BRi. DECEYBER 31, 1935 State, F.R. Dist. No. Class of banks (a) Lccordin • • • to population Numbcr Ban.l':s in places of banks of: population wit.-1 (c) Lccording to amount of total doposits (b) 2-ccording to amount of cLpital* . . Minrmum capital Total Total deposits required for Number Prcsent Number Banks yith the following Banks with the capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of arounts of capital*: account** amnunts of total deposits: of banks national banks dollars ----Tri-frousanc -27617711-s7 411k.or 25c Less than •„:15,000 •....... 25o to 1_199. I • U5o,00c to ,499,000 25,000 2,5co to 2,999 v5oo,coo to '999,000 v25,100 to j49,900 _ 01,000,00c to cr1,999,000 3,000 to 4,999_ 50,000 5,000 to 5,999 50,100 to 6,coo to 9,999_ a.00,000 illb,000 to el50,000 to 149,000 tc y2)4,900 1,oco to 2,499 (1.00,100 to 2/4,999 2,000,000 and over 99,900 99,900 25,oco to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999_ 100,0co to L199,999 ........... 5oo,000 and over Total Totals r , Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1L! on,Forms FR 2/46c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). NOTE: Table 6 as rovised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, 1937. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis gr) '‘:doo,000 to sa49,coo 015,000 5oo to 999 /--- Under v100,000 .....^ . ............ b. TABLE NO. 6(b) Class of banks CUSSIFICATIOY OF MNYEYBER EvyKs OPER:_TING NO BRIIITCHES OUTSIDE THE HEI1D OFFICE CITY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONVERSION INTO NMONL.L BjilTKS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 Numbcr Banks in places with population of: of ba:::ks State F.R. Dist. No. • to population (a)_ LccordinL ._. _ • _ . d.ccording to amount of total deposits (b) .Lccording to amount of capital* Minimum capital Total deposits Total required for Prosent Number 1 Rumber Banks rith the following Banks rith the follaving capital of banks conversion into capital* In thousands of account** amounts of total deposits: cf banks aiaounts of capital*: national banks dollars ----177TI7ousans Cr- Tonqrs7 250 250 to )499 500 to 999 Less than •,;15,000 -1 Under :.100,000 .,100,000 to v149,00C )1.5,000 '2,150,000 to !!249,00C 5,100 to v24,900 250,000 to U09,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,999 ,25,100 to 3,000 to 4,999 ,:p50,000 5,000 to 5,999 ,,600,000 to ',999,000 149,900 )1,000,000 to c1,999,000. . .. 50,100 to ')99,90C 6,000 to 9,999 oo,000 0,000 to 214,999 0100,100 to • 2,000,000 and over 99,900_ 25,000 to 149,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 1499,999 500,000 and over Total Totals Totals *Par value of common and preferred stock Plus capital notes and debentures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation **Item 1/4 on Forms FR 2)_16c and d. (total of items 7, 9, 11 and 13 on Forms FR 2/46c and d). 1937. NCTE: Tablc 6 as revised on basis of information furnished in response to our letter of -pril 6, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..... ........... . 7-- .........