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413.1-3a Branch Banking Reports by Class of Bank Dec 31 1935 Call Report Figures Morris Plan Banks Bank Suspension Stuiqy of 1936 TRANSFER Z 2, 4 ii. 0(4 44 4 ... X R i EZ raj ; CI) .' 2. CI) i—' c4 44 il I M 2? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Amour' OF TABLE NO. 3 -- CLASSIFICATION OF BADXS ACCORDING TO POPULATION OF PLACES L'Ll WHICH LOCATED AND ACCORDING TO (Page 1) Class of banks Banks in places with popula.tion (1930 lpicensus) of -- , State F. R. Dist. No. 'Under $100,000 _ IT-urab er To tal loans of banks & invest.* $250,006 to $499,000 $500,000 to $999,000 To tal loans N-umb er To tal loans ITumber of banks 8, invest.* of banks & invest.* $150,000 to $24-9,000 $100,000 to c`)149,000 To tal loans To tal lo ans number Numb er of banks ' 8, invest.* lof banks ' & invest.* 'Under 250 . - 1 .1 . -, 999 .... 1,000 to 2,499 ... ; „„ ,. _ ,- ____ _.............._ .... / 4(„ i ...._ ,.... 1--' - .. . _ ____ ........ _ i_ 1i 250 to 499 500 to 1935: Banks with the, following amounts of loans and investments on December 31, To tal--all size groups To tal lo azi.s Numb er of banks & invest.* MANS AND INVESTUENTS, DECEISBER 31, 1935 2,500 to 2,999 ___ .. _ ._ ___ ..... . ..............„ ..._ — -.---- 3,000 to 4,999 __.... ...... 5,000 to 5,999 .. ------ ------------ _ . _... ____ _ _ (boo to 9,999 ...._ • .............L.2" V.:., ''' 10,coo to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999 3.00,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over To tals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — — J--, 2-e' ° __, ._ c:. ,. ,.. .................. _ ,.. 1 / .2.2 9.."" o 4 c/ , 9 '-''--- _ ... . .. 2 __ -- i --s-- 1 -1,3 o _17 __..4 - - _./../... t, . -. . -2 // V..5-o ..- - .-..319 ,.5- 3 , jk 6 \.5.." ..._—___...../IA..1..._.... 32 6 / _ - -, .... ..5 — *In thousands of dollars. .,A.... 49 7 /...6— — Y i 0 ,- i ! / --, r. :- ------------- --,- GS" ../.. , z''' °i .. ., : 6 -2 0 cz ....... -- ----------- ,../-- 4. .._ _ .--2. _ „....... ' .. 6 ......—.... _ --Z .,. - 1 .._ _. - — 'l —s 1 ty 7 i Choc!,cd ty Read blch by . Added by.--..—.... 9 _. ..,i.--,...7.7._.Q....._.... 4 3, 3 9 ke -2 0 PI, ),,, -7.- TABLE NO. (Page 2) - CIASOZP1:LC:A.T107 POT'ULA2.101T OF PLi-ICES ITT WHICH LOCATE) AND ACCORDIUG BA.ITKS t, Class of banks _ Banks in places with population (1930 census) of A PinCrIA rk... 1A.S State F. R. Dist. 'To. IITVESTWTS, DEOE1= 31_,__1935 AL:072:7T OF Banks with the following amounts of loans and investments cn December 31, 1935: - 000 • 10,000,000 tO 000 y 000 000 to ,,) , 9,000 ',;1 000,000 to 1 999,0'.)0 $2 C,00,000 to $11-,• Total ru.rab er of To tal 1Tumb er of To tal 1Tumber of Total ITulaber of & inv.* loans banks inv.* & loans banks inv.* loans & banks loans & inv.* banks Under 250 250 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 2,959 3,000 to 4,933 5,000 to 5,999 1— 4)00 to 9,999 10,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Totals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9,a4,4 4 3 (, 4 / 3 36 5 0 3 () 3 .A.2 tA 6 3/ •6"o *In thousands of dollars. / /3 0,000 000 and over tal Humber of inv.* & loans ba.nks TABLE NO. (Page 1) 21.2.NS ADD INVESTMENTS, DECELIBER 31, 1535 3 -- CLISSIFICATION OF BANKS ACCORDING 20 POPULATION OF PLACES riT WHICH LOC.,:i.TED ADD ACCORDING TO AMOUNT OF . Class of banks Banks in places with population (1930 410fensus) of -- State F. R. Dist. No. Banks with the following amounts of loans and investments on December 31, Total—all size groups Total loans Number of banks i& invest.* Under7100,000 total loans Number & invest.* of banks 1935: $100,000 to $149,000 $150,000 to $2115,000 '$250,00d'to $435,000 $500,000 to $999,000 Total loans Number Total loans Number Total loans Total loans Number Number & banks invest.* of invest.* of banP:s of banks & & invest.* of banks & invest.* Under 250 ^t• 250 to 499 500 to 999 -r -- 1,000 to 2,499 — 2,500 to 2,999 .— 3,000 to 4,999 5,000 to 5,999 03° to 9,999 10,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 "1 2 r- 50,000 to 99,999 , H•••••-• 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over Totals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 *In thousands of dollars. r- • • OF DMIAND DM)OSITS TABLE NO. 1 -- CIASSIFICATION OF BANKS ACCORDING TO RATIO TO TOTAL DKPOSITS, DECEIZER 31, 19a3 • Class of ban17.61w4AV44/14/31 -1 ' a-) 1 09 Ba,nks with the following ratios of demand deposits to total deposits percent _____ 0.0 Demand deposits N-umber of banl:s Total deposits in thousands of dollars 1 , _ Lj / _____........_......_.. __.... , 23, r ' . 0.1 - 4.9 n 5 — 9.9 If 10 .-19.9 If 20 -29.9 ft 30 —39.9 4o —49.9 ft 50 —59.9 11 60 —69.9 is ..... ..................... 70 —79.9 n .........._____ S. 5;-&-P State s F.R.Dist.No. ... , / , ' L / . S ..../ it - _. ...... ....... ................................._ ... ... . ............... _ . . SO - 90 g9.9 .99.9 . - - ...... _ _ ,-.... ... ss ............................. se ...___ _ , . . n loo Totals Ovv,,G0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____..2-e-,,-. 2- 1 a -c C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • . , • • • TABLE NO. 1 -- CLISSIFICATION OF BANKS ACCORDING TO RATIO . DECEIZER 31( 1335 TO TOTAL DEPOSITS, OF DMAITD DZPOSITS :vd , 0; 1 .B.Dist.No. Class of banks Banks v/ith the following ratios of demand deposits to total deposits 4.9 II 5 - 9.9 If 10 .-.19.9 II 0.1 — -...... _ _ —29.9 ty 30 -39.9 If 140 •-•14-9.9 II 5o -59.9 II ....._...............___......... 6o -69.9 ti 7o -79.9 n . g9.9 -99.9 loo _ ._ -, / f_ . _ __ .. . - _. _............. ...... -... - 20 90 In tho-u.sands of dollars - - — - To tal deposits Demand. depo si ts Number of banks percent _______.......__________.__.............______....! _-,.... _... 0.0 80 , State s / -- .. _ .. - --- --_______......... . , .... _ ., , _ _ _ _ ...._. __ ____ _...._ ___ _ -... ------- ___ If _... _ ... .._. _ ii ...._.- — .- — fl Totals Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , _ • / --pvc 04;-ir ell -67a -- • Forrn F.R. 246d-June, 1930 c;c "(Class of bank) , (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank_ (City) S_ ,000 (State) C, Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 3 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1. q• 2. LFI 3. 4. Total loans and investments r53 to 4. 5. Total assets /10,A 5 3. Other securities 6. Total deposits I 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. +' 6. 0 7. 0 8. s' .0 9. Aggregate retirable value S-0 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value o'c Aggregate retirable value C-12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside . ( 7 7 (0....16. 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans s"'7 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits r: 17. 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24. 25 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. ..33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) SUA--i-4e4A. (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank (State) s_ .... ..Lf‘, Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2- 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities .3. 4. Total loans and investments / 7 3 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value -1-7G-, -‘74-_. 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account ( 15. Number of branches: 1:3 In H.O. City , Outside c:"-Y> 13. L 14. 0 16. Loans on securities ifer 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits i7 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 81. 32. 82. 33. 83. 34. 34. 35. 85. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (State) ty) (Name of bank) agitl"3 ,000 77z $ Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 2"i- 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1. 2. ' elf.6 3. Other securities ,3 4. Total loans and investments 3. 4. -,51z5-- 5. 5. Total assets g'Y2-- 6. - 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. Aggregate retirable value 11. 12. 13. 14. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value -2-70-1-c--e- 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 2-7 12 3Act s=t 13. 7/48-- 14. cz) 16. Loans on securities - 4d!:.L . 1 , :et."&:f-:."'" 4-9‘ 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 17. 18. Derivation 18 6 7,0 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 95. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 81. 32 82. 33 33. 34 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 +AL, -27-Ctles::-..0:17:11474. (Class of bank) a fkkki f • (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank eer7W4L-C-E4....e-4.4,et(State) tfe-LA ity) $ 4/4,3÷‘,‘ Population (1930 censu.$) District number A mou n ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1.,6 q 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 3. z (4- 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 5. _P-04 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4. ATS--}71..tsrp-...AL 6. 7. er---‘4L.....8. " 9. .10. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value / 1 4-1.3 c"----A-k. 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* -6-0 _13. 17 4 14. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 5:› 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 2.- 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits _Ja.40--A-‘-‘2--- 18. Derivation 18 -2-- 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 25. 23. 24. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 82. 33. 33. 34. 34. 24. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L 17. • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) eilt:P'4-'0 " 1-4 .44TAt . (State) 41'7 (cit (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national ___,000 -914,364 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures 3/. nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -2--r cr.-ILL_ 9. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 3farcrir-64-14-416. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) _13 . (Cit (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : $ ____Zo-c• ,000 Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_______ $_______Zenat_,000 (State) ..7.- 4,3+LZ ' 4 't Population (1930 censuB) . District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest ava;lable call date, which should be shown) .2-5- 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3. r 4. Total loans and investments 3 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 11. 12. 13. 14. 5 /61 / 7. 10. 4 . 6 7 -1/ 8 p----p-tr.k. 9 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* i__Cr7c, Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 13. 14. , Outside 0 16. Loans on securities -kirkr_44-.19".a.5,muce.t16. 17. Real estate loans I 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. .21. 29. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 85 *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .44k • Form F.R. 246(1-June, 1936 - P4.5. ci!J"A- iSeg- (Class of bank) \; (Name of bank) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank__ ,000 15 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) G.1-./ 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1. 2. 3C 3. 4. Total loans and investments 3..5-c1 4. 5. Total assets q cz,s-- 5 3. Other securities 6. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. _0 8. 9. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value 6 Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6 , Outside 12 14. 11 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 0 is 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28. 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 221,a (Class of bank) /Z-j (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank (City) $ ,000 0 ,000 (State) 11‘„_,L Population (1930 census) District number Amoun ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should bc shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed c 3. Other securities 2 3 /710 / 4. Total loans and investments 2,,70 5 /337 6 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 4 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. • 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others O 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 9 Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value • 11. (,) 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * -12° 13. / 14. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 --I- 6 //, /V-:- 6 20. 20. .==>? 6-- v 21. 70 19. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) okA5t,„„,,t,, a')2 \ (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank________ ,000 (State) (ic ,P2oi.54 G Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 6o 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities I D% 4. Total loans and investments 3. 4. 5. Total assets ET/ 6. Total deposits 6"‘g 6. 5. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. C 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 9. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value c n. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 0 C 12. vitt 13. t' , Outside ...14. 6 16. Loans on securities / 16. 17. Real estate loans C-' 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 0 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 C eM.4.e.N.14e114-• (Class of bank) G 624Ast.44--td,,:4.(Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank__ ,000 5 (State) 1 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. ..7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City G. , Outside s2 16. Loans on securities 47 17. Real estate loans 3 1, 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from aboNe 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 16. 0 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 93. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30 31 31. 32 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 6/)64..tAt,,-1 ..,L.A-4104J (Class of bank) 110 OA_ (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_ $ (State) _.,000 o tt Population (1930 census) District number Amounts 'in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2. 3. Other securities 0 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits / (v42 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. 0 S. 9. Aggregate retirable value 4 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 10. 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6. 6 , Outside i e 12. 0-.0 13. ik 14. C o 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22 92. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form RR. 246d-June, 1936 e•YN. , 0-1.,./t;L,<L> (Class of bank) aatz;;-,--e-vL (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership__ S__ Conversion into national ,000 o (State) se 7 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) -c-1,/ 1. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 6 3. /6 77 4. e7 5. /0 6. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. .0 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 6 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 3 34- 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities is. 17. Real estate loans .3____17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 20. 21 22 22. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F L'4* 246d-June, 1938 , P7eLi/M,e , "k4 (Class of bank) ....... 27 b4.-ff`u-41 (City) (Name of bank Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank (State) __,000 F70 Population (1930 cinsus) District number A moun ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) / 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 6 2. „6 3. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities /6 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. - / 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In II.O. City 0 A5- 13. t535/ 14. /V 16 , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 43 17. er 18. Derivation 18 -÷-.6 70 19. 20 20. 21. 21 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34 34. 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) 417 Az- -Gee, art.e.Z4f..... (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : sgth9 ,000 Federal Reserve membership $ Conversion into national bank__ $______ s6S.6 d 2. ./ 240 -___,000 7 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 6- M./ 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 9° fr 2. 3. Other securities 4,3.7 3. 4. Total loans and investments 2. / 9i 4. 5. Total assets 7)/A? 5 r)z,? 6 700 7. 0 8. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. a 9. a 10. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * n. 0 12 13. Total capital account 1.5. Number of branches: In H.O. City a 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 1.9. 20. 20 tZG 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32. 33 33. 34. 34 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 eS4AAAWN-A---k. \r\t\etn...".4e43-.0 (Class of bank) i3 (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number .,000 7 $ Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) &, 71,,i 701 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4, 3.'1 3. ,3 4. Total loans and investments 6.7 5 5. Total assets 3 5 -7.43 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2 el 7. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 8. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value o 9. Aggregate retirable value 0 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value ° 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 675-f Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 45-6 1 13. 14. , ., Outside 16. Loans on securities 3 3 I _16. 17. Real estate loans -5- 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) sC) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22 22. 23 23. 24. 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 e • CJ,NIL. Aretft? e (Class of bank) ..Eire-y•t- .....:_\LYAetz (Name of bank) (CitY) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_ ,000 Conversion into national bank__ $______________,000 (State) I 5-6A-4 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3 3 3. Other securities 2 3 4. Total loans and investments /414 4. 5. Total assets I.b9.3 .5. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others C 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 0 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value 10. ° 11. C 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City C Inz..o 13. ./1.7 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities fL 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. ZA---0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 -L 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ) Form F.R. 248(1-June, 1938 - \.(4 N1E- m"- k N SU R clq s • (Class of bank) eN 5 34.1c4 v-str-10,. t, (City) (Stat,e) Population (1930 census) District number (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank ,000 1 A mounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 5. 3 6. Total deposits I 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * lc° 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In ILO. City 1 4-ci 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be deri‘ed from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 20. f-3) , 54 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 11.4% 19. (>10_1. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 82 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form P.R. 246d-June, 1938 7 \NAAA1\1... )1 At••A-AietA ) (Class of bank) Wdt it?ALevy,-0-4c,-0 (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank_______ $ ,000 ,000 (State) 7c( 6, Population (1030 cen.sus) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 177 3. 4. Total loans and investments 5-7 4. a. g 5. Total assets 6. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5. 0 7. S. o Aggregate retirable value 9. 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City /0 , Outside 14. 0 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 17. 18. Derivation 18 6 I. % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F.R. 246d-June, 1936 • (1,u4k-t-e,-Q (Class of bank) Ar. (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership _ Conversion into national bank______ ,000 (State) e,,Rj, 76 0 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 171,S-0 3. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments (/ 5. Total assets ‘,O 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -C-/ 4. p 5., 0 7. 8. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* 0 9. 0 io. 0 11., ° 12' <) 13.• Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City / 6. '•(---14. • ; Outside 0 0 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 16.' / 17: 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18., Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27 27 28 28 29 29. 30 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r I • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) /36.le (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank (State) 2.- /27,"1/2-Population (1930 census) District number A MOUllts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) zr7G 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed -"kr 3. Other securities 2 EIS- 3 .6- 7/ 4 5. Total assets f-.3 5 6. Total deposits '?4g 6 4. Total loans and investments 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value _12. Common stock, aggregate par value * / Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 3 , Outside 16. Loans on securities 22.14-t--. , -e- 17. Real estate loans 2-terticr.i.rtik17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 6. crA-3.14.- 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27 28 28 29. 29 30. 30 31 31 32. 32. 33. 33 34. 341 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Afi) • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) bflitnAA;s.,..f22,#4,b,....51.01., (State) t) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership _S Conversion into national bank ,000 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 0? sod 1. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed D 2 3. Other securities 0 3. 4. 4. Total loans and investments -/ 5. Total assets ci 6. Total deposits q,.3 6. 0 7. a 8 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. Aggregate retirable value 11. 12. 13. 14. .5. 9. 0 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6k _13. g,/-- 14 , Outside 16. Loans on securities JO 16. 17. Real estate loans 0 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 0 18 Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29 29 30 30 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35 35. •In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) ................ h (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank________ ,000 (State17. _A.3 6,11Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) .............. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed c 2 3. Other securities I 3 4. Total loans and investrnents i3 4 5. Total assets 03 6. Total deposits ST-q5 .6 .5. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others , of 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value CI 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 Aggregate retirable value 7 9 Q. _10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value C 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * ... Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City k _14. , Outside .0 )7 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 16. 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 0 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 29. 23. 23. 24 24. 25. 25. 26 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 (Class of bank) CriceWCLAAIX\r: (Name of bank) (State) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_____ $ ,000 , C, Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1 / 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed c 2. 3. 3. Other securities 5-Li 37 .4. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 19/7-5- 5 6. Total deposits 3? 4 ' 4/ 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. • 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others O 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value • 9. O 10. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value O n. O 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 6 it_o 14. C 16. 0 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans ) c % 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 3 is. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total cloposits Derivation 18 6 •) % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29 29 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 248(1-June, 1938 (Class of bank) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership__ Conversion into national __,000 ____,000 4 Ck 0 (Stat,e) c. +9- ti Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) g 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed b' (3. 2. 3. Other securities 3 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7 6. -5-0 7. A 8. 0 9. 0 io Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City c'Z(v 0 14. , Outside G 3(0 16. 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 0 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) ° Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 -2-- 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 r...9_!1/4/te4A-Ailk (Class of bank) 4--8A^-0L-LA-4ak A (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank_____ ,000 (Statet)? . 30, NA--4-4D Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures(or nearest available call date, which should be shown) '1 6 0 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed c' tt 3. Other securities 2 3 4. Total loans and investments g I .4 /a kz.,5"-5 ,577.Z _6 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 0 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others _C2 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 0 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value D 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value u. Aggregate retirable value 0 12 Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 13S- 13 og'3 14 Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans ..(1 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 0 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30 30 31. 31 32 32 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35 •In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d--June, 1938 \ 4.etAPe%44v( " / A (Class of bank) 12 (Name of bank) ) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank__ ,000 (StateY ? Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2. q‘ 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments /61Lt 4 5. Total assets /e3.0. 5. ............... 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 s. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. Aggregate retirable value 9. 0 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside .0 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) a Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 17. 1.8. Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 • gsit_ la& .6,4.AreA4Ara. (Class of bank) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership___________ $ _____________ Conversion into national bank__ $-- ,000 ,000 0 / (State)t C Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) c)-A 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities /q--5/ 3 -Zqi/ 3 4. 4. Total loans and investments 34- 5. 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits ) c -60g3 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SID 7 C C Aggregate retirable value 9. O. _10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 0 n. Aggregate retirable value 0 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * s --e-71-11 .13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 8. / C14 , , Outside i -1 8 .16. 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans / 11/. _17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits _0 18 Derivation 18 -2-- 6 . % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 C-!\Ae4,t (Class of bank) A. • (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (City) (SI) Population (1930 census) District number ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) // So\ 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 0 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. Aggregate retirable value .10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 0 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 1/3 7. S.--13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 8 5- 3 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits o 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rirx • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 .e.5,1"-CIAAAAlk (Class of bank) Ain.dCA(Nnme of bank) (City Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank__ (State) c ,000 , °f () Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 57.3.0 1. ° 2. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 7 5. Total assets (a 1 3 5. 6. Total deposits 14 / 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. .0 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others C 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.. Aggregate par value 0 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value io. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 17. / 1/ 18. Derivation 18 6 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 Ltc1A,14^.^-Q--ik. hAlt-W-44-• (Class of bank) cs 5? 6:t) ,e-reliQet7- (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membersbip Conversion into national bank._____ $ (Citi) (State Population (1930 census) District number ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) - 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) .2. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 0 Lig+ 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets A.” 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 11. 12. 13. 14. 4. ?S-- 5. 6. Total deposits 10. 3. 0 7. 8. 0 Aggregate retirable value 9. 0 .10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value a Aggregate retirable value I" 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6. C)-1 13. e6 14. /3 16. C , Outside.° 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 0 18. Dcrivation 18 ± 6 20 21 22 22. 23 23. 24 24 25 25. 26 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 ...C.,c/VAAA/Nte-S- h\ei,""VIA/le- 1 111L"."--- 13k. (Class of bank) (Name of bank) h. (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national .,000 (State) gs:2(,ctPopulation (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 / 3. Other securities 43 4. ?SI( 5. 38 ,3 .6. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. /Cr-r 7. 0 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value 8 0 9. ° 10. 41 11. C 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 3. /01 13. 0 14. , Outside_ 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20 20. 21 21. 22 22. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) )111-4-1eletA2-' 62,Celikaele•sr c-5 ,e'liSe'iLeitrAtN4J (r k (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national -)1 (State) (City) ,000 _________,000 c", c-oia 4-t Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 7 5. a 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 0 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 0 9. 0 10. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 0 Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * /-4 -5- 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City eZ 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 3-3 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ÷- 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1036 lifef,<-4-41/1-.A-- /30-1k. 770r.-1- (Class of bank) -7-7 cr Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank zetle.-/ (State (CI (Name of bank) z- 7.4 District number Population (1930 census) A moun ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) /3 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 7 8 1-7 37A9-s--1-1--- Aggregate retirable value 9 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* 13. Total capital account 14. 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City A-14 ' , Outside 14. 0 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 96. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 81. 32. 32 33. 83. 34. 34. 35. 85. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. 1 .r...4 Axc„Lh., Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43.,..,S) - 41-o /41) r- • Form F.R. 246d--June, 1936 - - - (Class of bank) ciorie-LwLiti"isJ) (State) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank___ _,000 ,000 I t' 4.71.10 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) .3e,s-Q.1_ 3 2. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. .4. Cie 5. 1, 6 6. 6. Total deposits 7. 9_01 0 8. 17 Aggregate retirable value 9. 6 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value • n. P Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 7. Q , Outside 12 -5-0 13. _Q. t-• 14 0 16. Loans on securities 7-- 16 17. Real estate loans 6 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) D 18 Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 2] 22. 22 23. 23. 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r- Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) c (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national _,000 ,000 (State) o. ,1 ci 3 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) a C, 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments 4 5. Total assets 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 39 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ ' 2- 3L Fo • F.R. 246d--June, 1936 (Class of bank) 64-) (State) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_____ S ,000 ,000 , Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should bc shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 0 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3 3. Other securities 0,5_ 7 4. Total loans and investments 4 5 5. Total assets "I` 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 0 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. Aggregate retirable value 10 11. 12. 13. 14. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 12 Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City f 14 , Outside 6/ 16. Loans on securities 16 17. Real estate loans 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18 Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ForT F.R. 248d-June, 1938 ) (Class of bank) (Name of bank) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_______ Conversion into national bank__ $__________,000 I3 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) <-7?? 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 3. <-,e to 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.• Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value io. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City S 14. , Outside 7 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 16. 17. 0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30 30 31. 31 32 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fo • F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: ,000 Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_____ $__________,000 (State) 1 3 '1 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.• Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7 0 8 0 Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value c•-• Aggregate retirable value 11 12 Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 9 ,“ 14 , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18 Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 19313 - VAA,/). (Class of bank) `‘..A/D " (Name o dil0 ' (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number nk) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) / 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments g I 5. Total assets 4 5 S 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. ae Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the ease of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 82. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 (Class of bank) ';' 64r_ (Name of bank) Capital (1 al minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4 ,71,? 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 5. 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. • 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value • 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value • Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * •--5- 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City • 11. to. 14. , Outside a 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits e 18. Derivation 18 6 6/0 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30 30. 31 31 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 • (Class of bank) :Lot_ (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District ntunber (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank _____ .,000 ,000 in thousands of dollars Amounts December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 I.L 4. Total loans and investments 4 5 5. Total assets o 1-4 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 82. 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 95 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tco c • Fprm P.R. 246d-June, 1936 ) (Class of bank) , n (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank (City) $______________,000 $______________,000 .5-0.7.i (State) 3 Population (1930 nsus) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) / 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. t.c 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments Itc7 if 4. 5. Total assets 47 7 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. Aggregate retirable value 11. 12. 13. 14. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 0 io. a 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * ° 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 0 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 0 is. Derivation 18 ± 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1938_ (Class of bank) (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership__ Conversion into national bank__ $_______,000 (State) 3 Population (1930'census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) ' -/•9'7 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed / / ,;.• 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4/ 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 4 /a... 6. 7. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. (.2 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. 8. 9. Aggregate retirable value 0 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits .0 18 Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31 32. 32. 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F.R. 246d-June, 1938 (Class of bank) -----) - • ,;.Z‘..1/4.1-4.--del (Name of bank) j Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership S Conversion into national bank________ S ______ /----(City) ,000 ,000 (State) :___4 I0 0 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. a 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 3. 4. 5. Total assets -3 6. Total deposits r 6. 5. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. L? 9. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * ' 74 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City a 7 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities -3 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22 22. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29 29. 30 30 31 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Polka F.R. 246d-June, 1936 , (Class of bank) (City) Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership S_ Conversion into national bank_______ S________ ,000 ____,000 (State) I 1-4.1 sPopulation (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 7 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 0 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) 72c, vir (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership___________ $_ Conversion into national bank_ (State) ,000 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed / 2 3. Other securities J 3 4. Total loans and investments r 4 5. Total assets 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value 12 Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 /-71 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14 , Outside 16. Loans on securities / 16. 17. Real estate loans `1/ 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 0 18. Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22. 23. 23. 24 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IIIk • / Form ,F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) 0 -77 (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_ Conversion into national bank______ (Stata) ,000 , L "3 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) V 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed / 3. Other securities 2 3, 4 4. Total loans and investments /-3 5. Total assets / / 6. Total deposits / ./ 5 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 0 10. a 11. 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. b/ 7 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 14. kD 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34 35. 35. "In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) • (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank ______ $_ ,000 ,000 1_, (State) 3 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) thousands of dollars 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments i=2-• 4 5. Total assets 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In II.O. City -5-0 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32. 82. 33. 33 34. 34 35. 95. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \%1-`1.9:LV. eo- • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) (go) 7.7 (Name of bank) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_______ Conversion into national bank______ 3 2 4-.5- Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. / 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 0 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 6. / 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debenfiares sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 'c Aggregate retirable value ° 9. 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 0 Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 12. 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F.R. 246d-June, 1936 ) (Class of bank) (CitY) (State) Population (1930 census) District number (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership_____ S Conversion into national bank______ ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 9 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed c 2. 3. Other securities e2 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 110 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. C 7. 9 8. 9. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Q Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 12. 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6. 6 14 Ja 16. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 cqs % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23. 24 24 25 25 26. 26 27 27 28. 28 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) /)v e (Name of bank) (City (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership_____ ____.,000 Conversion into national bank____ $__________,000 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 3. /..? 7 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 1 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 Aggregate retirable value .0 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 10. 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 7 -? 7 , Outside 14. ,) 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • orm F.R. 248d-June, 1938 - NAA-Ualk V_........ VAMIAttil4A101 AA_QAJP-- (Class of bank) adVA___13%."- (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership. Conversion into national bank S_ .,000 ,000 (State) t, Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) q0 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets l6 4. ) 5. 6. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. 12. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City s- 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Deriva tion 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32. 82. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k's\ G Form F.R. 246c1-June, 1936 • ,"\\ - AAA-4 .6. 1_1.7.NAV4, (Class of bank) ‘c_ '\rk ity) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank _____ (State) ,000 , o 1 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in t housands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities / a 5- 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City s 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derhed from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 2A 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 t -71-•ata-dC 27U0"-/itt (Class of bank) A-. 12L).A/1 , ) - 1211e0-- 1/ -eL7,J JI L-J L-,e2 (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.• Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 ÷- 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form)F.R. 246d--June, 1936 (Class of bank) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national _,000 (State) g sPopulation (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures(or nearest available call date, which should be shown) ; 1'7 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3 3 4. Total loans and investments Yell 4. 5. Total assets o ._.5" 5. 6. Total deposits -3eff 6 3. Other securities 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. r 8 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value C7 , Common stock, aggregate par value * c, Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City f_' 12. 13. 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 20. 21. 22. 29 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form FM,246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) A) (Name of bank) Capita (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank (State) $. ,000 ,000 2-, /fit / Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 47 2. 3. Other securities es, 3. Ot--0 4. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 5 6. Total deposits / 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value c' 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans r 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits ,o 17. 18. Derivation 18 ÷- 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21 21. 22 22. 23 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F.R. 246d-June, 1936 / - (Class of bank) / 97 C.. - (Name of banlc) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_ ___ ,000 0 _____ ° Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) / 47/09 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 3. Other securities C 1. 2. 4. Total loans and investments 1/ 4. 5. Total assets 7 5. 6. Total deposits /1 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others c 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value c 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value e2 11 Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits • 17. • 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22 22. 23 23. 24 24. 25 25. 26 26. 27 27 28 28 29 29. 30 30 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Fon F.R. 246d-June, 1936 272-"'1" ‘'" - (Class of bank) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank ,000 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 47 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 7. Capital notes and debentures sold to others a 8 Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value c 9 Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 12 Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14 , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 66 3 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23 23 24 24. 25 25 26 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fo • F.R. 246G1-June, 1938 , (Class of bank) , (City) (Name of ban1c) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank $__ __,000 (State) to4 Ltqi Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) " 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) a 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 2 3. / 4. Total loans and investments / 5. Total assets 4. 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12 Common stock, aggregate par value * 13 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 6-7 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 17. 18 Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 2t---z? (Class of bank) ) f--°jC* (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership__ Conversion into national (State) ,000 3-1_7.Q -2 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) Y 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1. 0 3. Other securities 2. 3. 4. Total loans and investments 43. 5. Total assets C 6. Total deposits 4. 5. 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * IL-V Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 13. /44 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 • 33. 34. 33 34 35. 35 * In the ease of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • F.R. 246d-June, 1936, (Class of bank) oe.,, 4-k (-) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank ______ S_ ____ ,000 ,000 (City) (Stat,e) Population (1930 census) District number 7 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. a 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities AO Co, 3. 4. Total loans and investments //`7/ 4. 5. Total assets 0 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7. 9. Aggregate retirable value C. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 10. '='?cr-? 14. , Outside t9 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. __25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. __30. 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank__ (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number ,000 -5-Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. ‘.7`-• 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 2. 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4 9 6C7.6 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 5 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 0 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 10. a 11. Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 4/. 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 16 17 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits -2 41" 18 Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32. 33 33. 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • Form F.R. 248d--June, 1'336 Ingurpd Inaqqtrial (Class of bank) .. g 0.1. Akr9.14 (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership__ Conversion into national bank__ IS Ohio, (City) (State) Population (430 census) District number 9 '06 ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities - 2. - 3. fficr4. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 70 5. 6. Total deposits /.3 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. ----- 0-7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others -0-8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.. Aggregate par value - C 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 9. - C-10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value °-12. Common stock, aggregate par value * .; CC 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City /14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans - 0- 17. - 0 is 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits ,e - Derivation 18 -2-- 6 - % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F,R. 248d-June, 1938 Xi:loured. Morris...P.1.eui (Class of bank) _g_i2adaanniti...MArrigt__Elaz__13.42als ainninnati (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership________ Conversion into national ,000 (State) /1,0 /4,0 Population (1030 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 94/1. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) a 72. 77 3. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities / 7 4. 4. Total loans and investments /4/a5 5. Total assets q 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value C-9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. - 0- 7. Aggregate retirable value 8. 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * 6' 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 0 , Outside -- 0 - 16. Loans on securities /10 16. 17. Real estate loans -C - 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Or 18. Derivation 18 ± 6 .//, 0 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d--June, 1036 Insured T Tel atrial (Class of bank) 111 .cgmtimmtql Industrial Bank Cleveland, Ohio Ohio. (City) (State) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership $ _Z__&2___,000 Conversion into national bank_______ $_________-Zat2_,000 90)7 7/ Population(MO census) District number Amounts in thousan& of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) ,9-2,c- 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed If 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 3 4. 5. Total assets ir? 9 6. 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others -0 - 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value -0 - 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value - o --n. -o -12 Aggregate retirable value -CO Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 13. 7r_14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits -0- 18 Derivation 18 6 C % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30 30. 31 31 32 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • .R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) fjj , a a,,(City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_ ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 38/3 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments / 0 3r3g 4. 5. Total assets 5. ' oo 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. 7. 9. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. 12. Aggregate retirable value o Common stock, aggregate par value * 1 4 //0 7 / Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 6. , Outside 13. ' 14. ' 0 .33 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 -2-- 6 20. 21. 22 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1936 F aiormiF.R 6. 246d-J slumm e, 0 ure rris• (Class of bank) ............. (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_________ (City) (State) Population (1030 census) District number VO° ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities i/W 3. 4. Total loans and investments 2 9.34 5. Total assets 1/' ./9W 5. 6. Total deposits "6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4. - 0- 7. - 8 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value -0 Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: -Y In H.O. City' 1 7'/14. , Outside ° 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 -÷- 6 0- 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33 33 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 Insurad Industrial (Class of bank) 410 Ohio. gQiunti(Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number YOO ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 6 ILL 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 -- 0 3. Other securities 7-3 3 4. Total loans and investments 74`i 5. Total assets Pi 5 6. Total deposits ..C9q 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. - 7. - 0- 8. - 0- 9. Aggregate retirable value -10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value - Aggregate retirable value -19 -12. Common stock, aggregate par value * /S-(9 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities -- C-16. 17. Real estate loans 113 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 29 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 • (Class of bank) Dsytcs24 (Name of bank) Ohj.o (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national 1/_ 0 ,000 (State) 2/45,c .?,e1// Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) " 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -0- 9. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 4-) , Outside 16. Loans on securities 4.16. 17. Real estate loans J/17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 29 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. .33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 _Insured Morris Plan • (Class of bank) _Firittliorria__Flan..kadastrial Bank Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank Ohio. SariAgfield (Name of bank) (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number 144) 000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) .377 L 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed - -2. 3. Other securities ..5-0 3. ,-/7-74. 4. Total loans and investments 4U5 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. -o 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others -0 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. - 9. Aggregate retirable value - -10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value f)- 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * t..5--0 13. 4e14. Total capital account 15. Number of branches;__ _ In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities J-7 6. 17. Real estate loans /17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits -- 0-18. Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 2,16(1-June, 1930 (Class of bank) Toledo Morris Plan Bank (Name of bank) Ohio. (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_ $ (State) 7'10 , 7/r Population (1930 census) District ntunber Amou ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) /' 97 J. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 3. Other securities J` 11- 3. 4. Total loans and investments f4 4. g 5. 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits W. 1 9 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others -0 - 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value -o - 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -0- 7. Aggregate retirable value - 0- 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value e- n. - Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * -12. Yoe 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 8. 7,1.r. 4. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 9//,f% 19. 20 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form P.R. 246d-June, 1936 • (Class of bank) Yggne.stOWT1 Ohio. (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national (State) / -7e ao/ Population (1930 census) District nutuber Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or neare,st available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed .2. 3. Other securities 7"2"/3. P674. Pi2 5. 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits "7/ 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others -C -8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value -0-9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value -- 1'12. Common stock, aggregate par value * /e013. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City -- 0 .17h4. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 416. 7 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) g•, 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits DeriN ation 18 6 19. 20. 90. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25 26. 26. 27. 27 28 28 29 29 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33 33 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form P.R., 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) ,4„ (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank________ $ ,000 ,000 (State) //?,7?,( Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 4a) . 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1 2 c9 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * 13. ' /43 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 0 10. 14. ' , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivat,ion 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 22 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26. 27. 27 28. 28. 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 • naio_ (Class of bank) (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_______ .,000 I Oi (State) V 0 a„ Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. 77 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 4. 5. Total assets 23 6. Total deposits St gSt 6. 6 7. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5. 8. Aggregate retirable value a 9. 0 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. 0 Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * ( Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City - 12. 13. .,='? .0 .2- 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 0 17. Real estate loans a 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 16. 17. __18. Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 2° 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27 28 28. 29 29. 30 30 31. 31. 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 kS CkAA (Class of bank) (Cit (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national S_ $ ,000 (State) / 51 3 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 77 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 1. 2 / 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 3. 3 4. 5. Total assets 5. 6. Total deposits 0 7 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. • Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value • 10. • 11. Aggregate retirable value 12. Common stock, aggregate par value * co.--5 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 7. /3 13. 14. ' e , Outside 16. Loans on securities 6 17. Real estate loans 30 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 16. 17. 18. Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June 1936 Af\ot :11\.A,GL ' -1-44QA. ( }A4," (Class of bank) (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national ,000 (State) /„. 6-g / District number Population(MO census) Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest ava;/able call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 6 02, 4. Total loans and investments 7 5. Total assets / 6. Total deposits 4 5 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. Aggregate retirable value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 29. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30. 31. 31 32. 32. 33. 33 34 34 35. 85. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 Non-insured nonmanber Morris & Industrial Bank tmen-t--A:bstract) (Class of bank) Texas tin Citizens Industrial Bank (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_______ (Stat,e) 20Q___,000 11 5.3,120. Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 206 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2 3. Other securities 0 3 4. Total loans and investments 206 4 5. Total assets 211 5 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 6. Total deposits 69* 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. none 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others none 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value none 9 nom 10 none 11 none 12. 65 13. 82 14. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City mane , Outside 210119 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 1R. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 70 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. *Certificate of Indebtedness Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NMI • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 Non-insured 320nmember Morris & Industrial banks rtments-abstract) (Class of bank-) gorpus Chrt01 =lzaaa_Iallustrial_BuaX (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank (City) 100 pop S S__ __ _ _____ _100__,000 Texas (State) 11 22,24.1 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 112. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2. 3. Other securities 1 3. 4. Total loans and investments 113 4. 5. Total assets 115 5, 6. Total deposits 12* 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. none 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others none 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value none 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value ;10140 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: none In H.O. City , Outside none 11. none 12. 80 13 91 14 none 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18 Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 70 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28. 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35 *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. *Certificate Of Indebtedness Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1938 Non-insured nonmember Morris (ulass ot bank) & Industrial banks -ab-stract) Dallas ivlorris Plan Company Te.x.o.s Dallas (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_______ 200 ,000 (State) 260,475 11 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures(or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 7ao 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 235 2. 46 3. 4. Total loans and investments 1,007 4 5. Total assets 1,043 5. 3. Other securities 6. Total deposits 543* 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. none 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others none 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value none 9. none W. none 11. none 12. 100 13. 23.6 14. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: none In H.O. City , Outside none 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29. 30. 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33 33. 34. 34. 35. 35 *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. * Certificate Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of Indebtedness • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 8c Industrial Banks Non- insured nonmember 1,Sorris ---DeitaIrt-abstract) gneluded---in---atate-Bstaking. (Class of bank) Texas Mart Worth __Morris Pia.n Company (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: 200,000 $ Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_____ $__________20.0_,000 (State) 11 1634_44.7 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 638 1. 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 0 2. 3. Other securities 0 3. 4. Total loans and investments 638 4. 5. Total assets 733 5. 6. Total deposits 592* 6. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. none 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others none 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value none 9. none 10. none 11. none 12. 100 13. 135 14. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: none In H.O. City , Outside none 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20. 21. 21 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 •In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. * Certificate of Indebtedness Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 Non-insured nommen:bar Mbrris & Industrial banks iil"Si*IsPapifkla Department abstract) ...Citizen Industrial Bank • To:Trt.s -San Antonio (Name of bank) (City) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank 200 ,000 ,000 (State) 11 231,542 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or ncarest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4 5. Total assets 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 1.8. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 /0 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 29 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. No Data Available Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 & Industrial banks Non-insured nonmember Morris --311F;mc 4pepartme Eirlibatl,act) -- Te Sun Antonio _San Antonio Morris Plan Com?arty (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank s (State) 20cboo -23-11,542 Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 586 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3 2 3. Other securities 0 3 4. Total loans and investments 589 4 5. Total assets 691 5 6. Total deposits 525* 6 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. none 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others none 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value none 9 none 10 none 11 AOne 12 100 13 166 14 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: none In H.O. City , Outside none 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29 30. 30. 31. 31 32. 32. 33. 33 34. 34. 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Certificate of Indebtedness Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 \um vvvt,A,),„kui.,,IL (Class of bank) ' 0.. (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: $__ Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_________ $___________ _____ ,000 ,000 (State) y Population (1930 census) District ntunber A mou nts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) , to 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 5. t-f / 6. Total deposits 6. 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 96. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. • 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 82 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form F.R. 246d-June, 1936 (Class of bank) J„Z4. 4t,,,„;z4, (Name of bank) (City) (State) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership________ 2- 7: 2-,/ Conversion into national bank______ Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 7 o. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 1 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed -0- 2 3. Other securities e- 3 4. Total loans and investments 7" 4 5. Total assets g g 5 6. Total deposits 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Aggregate retirable value 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value 12 Common stock, aggregate par value * / 0 43 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City ' 7 ,r‘,3 C art C•st- , Outside r zS 14 (770 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 13 16. 17. 10 cc.. a< -9 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 18 Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 ALfAt (Class oinank) / (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for : Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank ________ d--67 ,000 (State) 2,.2-, .2- 44- 7 Population (1930 census) District number A moun ts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 77o 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2 3. Other securities 3 4. Total loans and investments 720 4 5. Total assets g 5 / 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7 ° 9 Aggregate retirable value ° 10 Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 4> Aggregate retirable value 11. 12 Common stock, aggregate par value* /00 .13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 8 &e, Ar‘- S 14. Outside /9 -2 (77e , 16. Loans on securities 17. Real estate loans 16. tt4., ./0 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits .o 18. Derivation 18 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33 33. 34 34. 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Forin .R. 246d-June, 1936 ) 1# 1. • • • (Class of bank) ‘1.7"kr:e.i.71&elt (State) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: ,000 $ Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank__ $____________,000 114 L District number Population (1930 census) Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) / 0/ 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 5. Total assets 7. ..=?? 3. "71/ e2 4 rer 5 .=.??,,3 , 6. Total deposits Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 2. e, 6 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 9 10. Aggregate retirable value io. 11. 12. 13. 14. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Aggregate retirable value Common stock, aggregate par value* 14 Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33. 34 34. 35. 3940A) * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /62,eta) • Form F.R. 248d-June, 1938 (Class of bank) e)-ze,e.cA_ (City) (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank______ ,000 (State) Liss' 'I.0 1Population (1930 census) District number Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. cg 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments 3 4. 5. Total assets 9./ 5. 6. Total deposits 9 ) 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 7. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 8. 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. z/0 Aggregate retirable value 10. Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value 11. " Aggregate retirable value 0 Common stock, aggregate par value * e , Outside 12. 0 13. Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 9. , 5- 14. /2 0 6 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 174 g 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) `--51 18. Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 s % 19. 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - • Form F.R. 246d-June, 19 6 (Class of bank) c°,111-1( 2i-(2 (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank______ (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number ,000 ______ Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31, 1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 4/20 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 2. (7 3. Other securities 4. Total loans and investments ; 7 ' :3 7 ! 4 5.• 5. Total assets 6. Total deposits SC ci 6 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 0 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 0 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 8. 9. Aggregate retirable value Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value c Aggregate retirable value ° 600 Common stock, aggregate par value * Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 12. 13. 3) 4? 14. , Outside 16. Loans on securities 16. 17. Real estate loans 17. 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived from above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits Derivation 18 6 clo 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23 24. 24. 25. 25 26. 26 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31. 32 32. 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 *In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form • . 246d-June, 1938 (Class of bank) (City) (State) Population (1930 census) District number (Name of bank) Capital (legal minimum) required for: Federal Reserve membership Conversion into national bank_______ $_ ,000 ,000 Amounts in thousands of dollars December 31,1935 Figures (or nearest available call date, which should be shown) /0 1. Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 2. U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and fully guaranteed 74° 2. 02-S-4 3. Other securities 3. 4. Total loans and investments 4. 0 OS 5. Total assets 1, 169- 6 6. Total deposits 7. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures sold to R.F.C. 8. Capital notes and debentures sold to others 9. Preferred stock sold to R.F.C.: Aggregate par value 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5. o 6 8. Y1/,r - 9. Aggregate retirable value " \f"--10. 1 ) ' Other preferred stock: Aggregate par value Or Aggregate retirable value 11. ° 12. Common stock, aggregate par value* 4)° 13 ‘ / Total capital account 15. Number of branches: In H.O. City 7. , Outside 16. Loans on securities /7 14. ?)c# 1.14 16. ":41."--v'iltie ( 17. Real estate loans 17. it:30 44.-IZG) 18. Demand deposits (disregard in the case of Mutual Savings banks) Items to be derived frorn above 19. Ratio of demand deposits to total deposits 81,7_18. Derivation 18 ± 6 % 19. 20. 20 21. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 27. 28. 28. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32 82. 33 ..33. 34 34. 35 35. * In the case of mutual savings banks, show amount of surplus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Prepared ui Division of Bail', Operations