The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 An.1 a--vk so 14 County State Value Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Whols:tale trade—net Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 13,6-2141,05 4162 4 .g. 537-- Minerals a.0 A- 4.___ 1929 Population 0,1919 county 12',/.3o 21131 A Urban center , ikai__- 1929 3Y,(Di( 3 1/1 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 3:9 0 7 -27 J4G6G /o,( q0 02-3 8 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1 935 I PIILii NE 43-12-.3372- 1441 -- _. ___ __ ...____ AfEr.wi- - ___ Percentage change in value of production 1919-1929: primary -.35 9 10 11 Farms a COT--70 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IA-2434 3, 1--2..1214 041 I.1.72.. Economic classification code 1929 Original: L4/ Revisel: 8i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , ak_errt_, 8can e--4-R-4. Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, T y as 1921-1933 NDISNek) S L StIle County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I 2 Total production and trade Cr gi Population 1929 County 61( 1919 36 I Urban center 3 Retail trade--net sales 31 I -2.— Percentage change in value of Wholesalepro duction and trade 1929-1955: trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 q) E-i-kn L-C_"" QINA L/-1 ..., 471 0-71 __ -- sU66 __ _ -- --- Percentage change in value of production 1919-1929: 8 primary 0 9 10 11 Farms C- A T-TI.E 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 334 32z Lai -3i 9 3I t 5).%, Economic classification code 011-1Original: Revised: 3o 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis West Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-193 3 ANC,ELliv13 Texas State Value 7 3 Total productian and trade Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 (,2_24 I d oi/70 County Urban center 1929 e/7,8'03 7,3!! Retail trade--net sales LINZ 7201 wholesalepro trade--net du to ...6 Population 1919 8914 Percentage change in value of ctian and trade 1929-1935: 4 , Total primary production 5 F L County Manufactures 3,601 ICOV Ictik5 otA, 45D b la5il -iiiit• Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 Farms etnirrOak/ I-- I kiCSTrt)Cfc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,a5i 4qii 5 117 ..),c6g Oct.)79-2, 7€17 .2,(AN Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 1/0 --7 ' 6 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in forestry and fishing: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.733 417 1,315 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 4RANSA St ate County Value 1 935 in thousands of dollars) 1929 Total product in and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholelalse trade—net sa Manufactures 6 Minerals Population 1929 MA 1919 County 9114 Urban center 3to, Percentage change in value of productidn and trade 1929-1935: 173 Total primary production 5 Chief urban center Ly4 313 czaty tiEC1-j44rc_ A011Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 /0 9 10 FarTN3 '35 adY C o--r-r-DN 12 1-11/E5-rocK '3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 325 373 /03 187 .381 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 03 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeiale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 ..,6 7 in thousands of dollars) 8 43211 4116 Urban center altil, 01 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: U I CI CU ) - 323 CCeef) — /0if 14527 Pr) Minerals (PtT-R0L.EL)Al County I i i OW •2347 Manufactures Population 1929 Igo- 1919 1929 1 935 I Chief urban center 1:01T( 7,2a t13-67 6,1$1 7,24,8 -oks ----- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 - 2- 9 10 11 Farms e /4-1 --r A-E 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 151 1178 cteg 051 Loxl 1744? Economic classification code 1929 Original: T34 Revised: 52- Petroleum fields: (North Central) Holliday Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas RA4.1"-rioNC.7- State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 whol:tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§. a3I pl...4919 IA -3/ 354 1.15o _ County 432'7 Li Ca— Urban center -0 AS? 1 Cbat) ee,6(f)_ HP Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929t • 7 8 -2- 9 10 11 _ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 0,02-2— (Ztk) Population 1929 .. Farms ZOD wffi4-r n8' Pki600 3 At, 022— /, 31/ Revittels 12 13 d. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,2,66 Economic classification code 1929 Original: _-.. 1b 3 2.- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 AM See)S Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total product in and trade I 1 3 Lkg3g 1919 wholaet:le trade—net 4-Cl'21 5 Manufactures (214) XI Minerals county _ Urban center '.:96C1_ Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: i'f. Total primary production 1929 (9.2-Ct4 Retail trade--net sales 4 _6 1929 Population A565 a433 —z-, 2.73 N-T" ivcrei— -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -5 8 9 I,2(:131 Farms - ts' Cri-ro Li VE -1.-0C--fr Q_ I 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0Z071 44111 6il, -* 0.-.2.1; 0-4505 aLty3 Economic classification code 1929 13 Original: Revised: 03 Form 3-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Avs-r 1\1 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 4-5-x, 7, 241_51i Wholefale trade--net 50t Population 1929 1919 1117“z 14441.1h 1052- Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: -3-7 Total primary production /4144 5 _6 7 County Manufactures Minerals PEfR.0LE0M .23'7 1,ao-J__ ttx.)3_ L-74g .2,272 421 2.- 0Li/ ii2724,a./2-- i'i(Ci 41 9'19 — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: Li 8 9 10 11 12 Farms cor-rorv Li vE-5-7ccx Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis II 13 AV° Z 114o 68"lo ;20 732 205 giro 775 441'1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revise l: /3 05 Petroleum fields( (Gulti rtaccoon send Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Tcxmz, State County Value 1 935 1 Total product in and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures in thousands of dollars) Populatlan 1919 31 I F1-1 5'761 1.0( 421 113T11 2472, Total primary production Chief urban center 1929 Ws hol:n!e trade--net 4 1921-1933 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-19351 1:°1102— g0-1 gm -41a --Nal.- _§ Minerals - -- — — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a 9 10 II 12 i5 iatp Farms CO-1-7'0 - 'NJ GAM IV Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a5 02‘rg o.3'7 4/4LI gSt At ,—7 ?i7 croi Economic classification code Or /4-/Rev i se it Cy 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 tre. IS Value 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeiale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Chief urban center in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 Total product in and trade NiDER 0" County er4-15 Population 1929 1919 County 015 141/ 006 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19351 _-109 __ (_24e*) ____ —.310 2.1310 -IVA, _§ Minerals , Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 19 10 Farms 533 it 3 11 OOL Digitized I: for FRASER / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 127 811-1-i- 1415i 96 /05 ,23o _ 113(6, Economic classification code 1929 0 Original: Revised: 433 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 eirISTP o tate P County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) , Total production and trade 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 1929 1935 3 110I 1919 ( 0,(945( 14653 n3Agtig 4i(,,s' Wholnale trade--net Total primary production 5 Manufactures Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 10407 _§ Minerals -, e C.."' Lt Cr/Lf 415 PE T-Roi-E0M 8 L_ 415 illEC.L 9 10 11 County 12.50 4 7 Population 1929 1,071 1,1427- 148102 `652-, Percentage change 6a) 621 5-1 52-1 — in value of primary production 1919-1929: IVEG-L- Farms e o--rr0/4 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,01 1 150 ;2,(10 404 k219 4 Co 56, Economic classification code 1929 Original: /3 Revise: en5 Petroleum fields: (Central) hilbiyt, Yost Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 L.c.Tc TeXaa State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 IX51/- wholsnale trade--net id 012---4 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ..6 414 ,0 Minerals 7 3.46 - Ilq 0,1- 0M 1919 County Lilo Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 'gVZ5 1054- 3Li9 10 570 Population 1929 _ i -2-- livii (,.585 NT Marl_____ --- -- ___ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 blo 9 10 11 12 Farms oN tkiti EA r C0-1'r Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0aR/ 3)7 .a.5 -- 1,t4o 1,tii bi to 5i 021; Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 4/ 6i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t,.4 -,rth) P'.)-!.tT000 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 • BEE County State Value in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 1 2 3 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Wholesale ale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Chief urban center 1919 1-2.10 5 I 1562 4Sli 11.411 3,059 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: y' 5,3 532_ ‘ 2-1 1: Minerals of Two i-eom 7 3 0/(=, r 401k; County Urban center 3,200 _§ Population 1929 144t -35Lf _ ___ --- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -a7 8 9 10 11 12 Farms :2,(43 2u,,s, Ltile C-C , T1-0r\J 417 ci)-1--r-L-6 liqo& 17E/ 311 8 - AK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 1,144-9( l 53 ca t Lf Economic classification code 1929 441 Original: Revised: o3 13ctIolE6D. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V.:7J1f) Pett: ancluAL e for C4J11:-0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State Value Total production and trade 9 RetAil trade--net sales 3 c7,404--) I: o51 Whole ale trade--net (432K1 4 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I 'TEM PL_E-. County 1919 Urban center 117,5z. Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1.3,150 Total primary production Manufactures IN5 II _.6 1929 County 14215cg 1 5 Population -51 2902- 23c3 '/,(ii Lk I tr ti 15Lt Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 - 144 9 10 11 5, .ao Farms 0-r--rani C. 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 02,7ggi 37d6 lief I a/04 1 KM Economic classification code 1929 Original: --' Revisal: 55 GS : I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas REX/9-1‹ State 5A N 6N7-01\11 0 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doliars) 1 935 1 Total product i an and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales ../ Ci11124‘g l. 1-1-.40,.. 7 i 5r5"- Whol:nle trade--net 3 4 Population 1929 1929 1919 q ,'no i oda-jklutinct.- le.ou fro- y 33c'11 gA2,5) U3.09-7 g0g1-1. 1330,, v/ ir County 024Ni533 Urban center -23/,542, Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production iliA 5 Manufactures Minerals 7 f'"---TI2.0 LE 8 i 432n5 i 386, oNI .3gt, ( 4Ne-S-(I DE 5 C-oAL ___ -35 L21S CO,Rbii- 4 04 37 4 (0145 lig log 32g. --1 il,r, 3vg 3z4s. Percentage change in value of primary product ion 1919-1929: Nte.Co • N lit C.0a r4-r p.") 35 __ 9 10 ll 12 Farms , I C-CRN z>4 1,2y- 13 c c> -1-TON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,935 43445 Ei2r77__ lirvit 444.7 /, t no 7e=,0 4'457 k 400 709 Economic classification code 1929 Original: >r3 Revised: X2- Petroleum field: ki" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Uentral) Somerset-Medina Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 NC-0 County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...6 A °R170 511 L22s. KII- 4 1919 Ii 24' Wholesale salesWhoea trade—net Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1935: N4 I1tg5 — — Minerals -50 2-Plo ACC L Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -5g 8 9 10 11 '2 Farms 0:5 ‘,0112- LIVeS—tC)LK 4,0 .373 liki exo I-- 107 12C, zjo /34 Utp ,-71C Economic classification code 1929 Original: Cif Revised: 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kto04 ig 3(1- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 BORDEA/ County State Value I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 .... in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 ezig I Wholetale trade—net Li Population 1929 1919 County (pD5 -... _ Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: a-7 -- , Total primary production g ' g3 5 Chief urban center Manufactures _____ ___ -40 I 1.2.23 -114 : rxi-- _§ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 , ---ag 8 9 4 10 il Farms CATI-LE 224 /57 513 `3.8c3 3/) Original: Revised! 12 t/61/4 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis p2,23 Economic classification 176 3o 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 vata 0°590E. State County Value Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 21 ' icl citT3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 5 ,: 1 12-10 Wholsvale trade--net 4 in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 1 Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 1,-rii County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3 i g142 G -3(0 3,'35 1421 ,4 24-g bpi 09 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 - it, I . 9 , 10 11 12 Farms l(° ( -J- C o-r-r on/ .0f;Z IV 011--r5 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4-4 LI / 59 51.3 a454 0,5lp 414o. Lig' 2.4 vri Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: ocr Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-19 33 State TftfKfl,vfl County Chief urban center (.4-ozaz.. cil24 CPP.ViAAr a.) Population 1929 Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 W holeae trade--net sties 1929 1919 33,-7(P 1 '13It5g--) ig,C19 i 31T3ci Total primary production County Urban center _f, Manufactures 5,4(.1-i- za 56,3 /4o407 - Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 5,'12o — 144 141 w)I 10(9 I13ii loll51 li,.403 5 Ale-k • Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 1(0 9 10 11 a,1.3 Farms OT T oN 1,1L-03° rt\K 14 1 q 12 ) t A- t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 4,335 14484 g'ic>„2, a. ..., 272/ 445_. Economic classification code 1929 -4l Original: Revised: 8 1) Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas Ffkf)-2.-CYRIVRI . County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 State 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 1929 M5 14I Total primary production 5 Manufactures (ta9 7(,o 8 PET ADL-CUM SULPH DR A("I'V 771, qes.499141444:14 __ /31 ',44A-7796.41/..A4Cea,) Farms 11 C--AT-ri— 12 1727 17/4_4,/ ,(,;.,/ „636,7d Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: _ — 9 10 County Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1,0r1 1,0ict Minerals l i458' 7 1919 ail° 701 Whols:nle trade--net 4 _6 . A a ^is /.44 mettit& Marta/0iste..- COLOP*1 Ct it3Yea r5 i to.i. X"a Iso I n .2 #730 Urban center 67,901 DR i Fk>,- 13 H AY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Z`f31 I, o3to 505 40(f )...,(07'.- .100. yip—Economic classific2307 ation code PI'"q< 622 c(ci Original: Revised: 510 1929 Petroleum fields: tlUitit West Columbia Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14axonAGund, Alden, Nash, Manvel, hastings, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas tr3R‘-rip1 -05 23/9d/7 County State Chief urban center _ Value 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales , 3 I.L; ( 4813 Wholei ale s trade--net 21331 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _.6 in thousands of dollars) .0342 Population 1919 County V.301 1.4813 Urban center 1929 Q),8'35 7/8'14- Percentage change in value of production and trade t929-1935: -9f0(4" 2/CP.1 7(03 76.3 5 /3 03 1)P Z Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929t 8 —Li+ 9 10 Farms WO ll C.0-r-r b iNJ 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cr50 Z WI I,ILILI 220y- 4075, Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 4I VLi- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 -ofiEVV5T-EK • County State Value in thousands of dollars) Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 illholNale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ..,4 Minerals coo-i_ 7 ' 'Zl Population 1929 1125,-1919 1929 1 935 1 Chief urban center County Urban center 41-1-1 49 it I(4,0 PZ 14°3 341 b 54'4 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: API° I%Si i 9 34.(IA) I o t vizA Jo 55 _— ---__ — ivreFi, -53 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 (3 9 10 11 Farms 34i c_A -r-r-L_E 12 13 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,e 1.-550 1361 10679 004 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 36 30 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total productipn and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholes ale trade--net es 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 007 Population 1929 241919 County Urban center 5.3Ye) i2 49 1 1 g'14 I.-1 V' 1,420 Percentage change in value of product in and trade 192919351 tf$ 7 tSZPV ) 50 50 Ai 31 gi1 / 41 ite7LPercentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 .-- —4 1 9 10 e6,3, Farms II ti 12 o1-1-0N tAifiEA -T 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 63 33! a,o,2._ oito 7044 LI-7I AZI-Vt Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 6 ci Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 e i3Roc.)KS • State County Value 1935 in thousands of dollors) 1929 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol:fale trade--net se Chief urban center 1919 Manufactures c)50 4143 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Igi 6 Minerals 1,58'9 3o1 County 1-1,151 21442 Total primary production 5 Population 1929 (Lk) 0 TOI - No 116 AfferL Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 12 Farms 852- Co-T-15N 317 6A-r-n_.E 361.8" 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6335 764 4(77 Economic classific4ion code 1929 Original: Revisal: 0173 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 :SIQ5pWPJ State 138,D w N AJoO7, Chief County urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals 7 PE TR0 Laoni 13, Li47Y 5571 (4b1 1919 -36,271 /03010 alg 16V(•423 663 420 IN4 2414. 21427- 1,672-0 3,55 3,553 v5-3 __— 3,553 1929 Population County Urban center I A,-74e7 Percentage change in valu, of production and trade 1929-1935: Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 -a5 8 9 ID 11 Farms C-A-r-rLE 12 aK A rh) 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ',0f3010(ta 39E' ---,4g5 ;u45 cii-744, -5s1 5W 6F:2-•- 507 701/- Economic classification code Original: Revised: 8-3 1929 Petroleum fields: (North Central) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 .0 RLE-5.0^1 State County Chief urban center - Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholvale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 17,37(5, 1919 County 1 1,3L1(0 0 ILI4 3,051 rick) 319 CL6-0 G,(pc 9/l0-31 6 _- Population 1929 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19351 N-i- NA- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 OGItA-U AA4,4 9 10 11 Farms C-Crrr0 ta,2142 N 133 I .a3 P1 : 111(,01.5 4(1:72_ 304 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisell 12 13 d' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ge-11-44-ed 1 O, EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: 683 Employment in woodworking etc.: 404 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value 1935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sates 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 3, 1_,F75 431 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 Population 1929 1919 County Urban center r'.02•6 2,751 /4/3 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 12,71(, 54 h/f---114- Percentage change 7 in value of primary production 1919-1929: -53 8 9 10 Farms II 12 Cy*11-Jr4 Digitized 13 for FRASER Lk/ oo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,44947 3.go A S3 ri 674 SKO 5(p a c:Q 5,785 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales wholesale trade—net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ Minerals 7 -.. 13. --riqouM -Kati 14:42-1 115j-5-- Population 1929 1919 County Urban center ( 4 18°20 : ops Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1 -65 97S '130 I (0% t 3,7'4 3,784 1 ,S06i Irbol 313 11204 NS* TO)Li 1104 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: a 021 1 9 10 11 12 Farms C--0-r—roNi (LADR,4 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 223g9424,5 I, 054, 1,5S1-1- at 4410 530 -z056, Economic c 1 ass if ic a t i on code 1929 Original: 734-1 Revised: 52_ Petroleum fields: kCentral) Dale.; Luling, Lytton Springs, Salt Flat Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF SANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State Value I Total production and trade l 0-111-44-00/4. County Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 1929 1 935 a:71 5 14.1-1919 . 1 . County g.(04(L Urban center 3 Retail trade--net sales Percentage change in value of I. tqa 1.25 I Wholesal eproduction and trade 1929-1935 trade--net : 4 Total primary production 9 11 b-77 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals A71 4 4 7 PE----Tko Leo m 1411 1 147 (A-k-) (ta+) i---— — a2. -- ____ 3 % 2-61 1 -- ,— Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -33 8 9 10 11 Farms eCrI-10 N 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fact? 3go 7% SW 5,6?' ‘,24,41 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0? Revivail 43 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: 307 Employment in forestry and fishing: 167 2€ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k,t1!1;• Form COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 e-/ALLA- H-r1-0* County e Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade O Retail trade--net sales 3 i .3369 91i' Mholfitale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals 7 PE-1 ROLEl)M Population ,Nll 1919 County 0Zi 3,$13 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: .2D1 Cct2A-) i12-- sa.s. 5(‘ 3(021 334. re T 1,4%1 1,LtEl i,4811 ),Ltgcr 1929 6.11(0 NE-Crl--- — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 , — 10 11 12 Farms I,3(09 •Zi32.— e...0-1---rotsi 507 2g e--4.-r1-LE 37g 3k`t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 4462_ Lilco Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviseit 5--2__ Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North Central Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas kolV State Value 1 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 7 1929 3o,o5 Z_g0 I Wholeal i se trade--net 14 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1 935 Total production and trade o WN.SVIL.LE • County Population 1929 1919 County 54,1-3 I 'at+L(+3o Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: a?o,34,5 — 144 4203 495 02,05. 77,540 Urban center 3,00 12(0 r737 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: L.25 8 9 10 Farms ecrt-ro/4 12 R S-11- ftirA-TtES 13 Cvnius Fpoi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5.7a0 I,584 7c4 271 (235 2,704 ?'7 7077 ary4C Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisal: eff7 _ COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 CLICOLAI) County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholvale trade—net es 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ -24315 1.0-310 31B ( Population 1929 _5- 19 19 County 6,18'4 Urban center 4(911 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: .58'S 1;194(02-337 itio 770 50 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 —IN 9 10 II Farms VtLf -r-r-orq C-0 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3/7 (12di t5;zg 1ig4 .9 7/ Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 0(0 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC' CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 429 169 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 , Cl_ /414 S4)1\I State County Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 ri 350 Population 1929 1919 County I7504 1_40.5 400 1 I(4 1 lit Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: holeiale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Chief urban center Minerals PE-i-RoL..eom 7 •411 -5g 11q7 418-33 11534 1A( gg NT AiEGI-. 1126° 3i i I-7 3,117 --- 1,260 3,111 Aill — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 ALI 9 10 Farms 2 40,0 1,58f7 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3332. ii130 3,37 533 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 34 Revised: -2__ 5 Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pan Handle Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 a H&J:3 c 455 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 _§ Manufactures 722-2-31750 glio2.-. I I u A4 Population 1929 1919 I1 County Urban center 13.9(4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1/5/C9 042/ k/55 .5'41 Minerals Chief urban center 14g7 Ligi — ____ 3 g /0 i ili0 --— Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -31 9 10 It Farms .4058/ C-0 T--7-o /V 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 350 Lk)* 3,34if 1-141g 703 Economic classification code 1929 0) Original: Revised: a/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 ,ts ( 1-451F-R ) 4 County State Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 1 929 0 274 Wholesale trade--net , Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 3:050 (04-0 Li 510 .565 c2i-r7 g Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-I935s Total primary production 134 0 ( 47 5 Manufactures County ____ — 66 3,341 __- -. _§ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 I 9 , 10 II Farms w 4E1)--T 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L 543 cf3 i 1-1,116, 3.4o6 s2235 33147 Economic classification code 1929 0 Original: Revised: 32 - Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 QM A Mr3 State S County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j 7 Minerals PEIR0Lel)Nr\ CIAO County Urban center crqo 1104 4 _1231919 7 i'15 I eV1 In 1 Wholefale trade--net Population 1929 , Percentage change in valuo of production and trade 1929-1935: .2,2_ 35 4047 -- ,i,.0 LO NT 4' -- 75z( 5,o --705P70 7ga 1 5,01040/0 ____ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: — 8 131 9 10 — Farms ?gel 11 12 Rice_ C-/Y1-11-6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 143"I 3T 703 IM 36.8e 3Sici ? (E)40 12 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: , 0 6-2- Petroleum fields: (Gulf) Anahuac, Barbers hill, Lot L.LK(;, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 0-44E Ro k• State N VI County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:Tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...f ! Minerals 7 P -1-ROL-E.0/14 1919 1 929 181„101( 51420 3,527 Population 1929 County Q5‘136 I,VIS 1-13,1E-0 474g/ Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 7,223 43 g727 tn 4-ri1 /10ig ii514 115714 ni112 71 kg:3-1 1.237 /Nall I a3-i 031 01/&131- — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -'7 9 10 Farms Z54 11 12 a 0—ri0 N T6 AA ATOCS Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IS7d7 1 43ii* 514d3 c./44 534, zgl5 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Li/ Revisedi 87 9etrol€ ,En Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _41L!t Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 A--no County State Value Total product i an and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 '1,515 3ggi_ C(LtfESS Chief urban center S Population County 251-.1 9 19 405-3 Urban center 4CP Ho.°Lt Li 711.3 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 6,(9i0 Wholesale trade--net 11 (‘) 1:2 gler1 4 .Total primary production 5 _§ Manufactures 1929 —56 Wi 2 3-5 141- Minerals /VA Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 Cen4-52 4,z1-4-40-42 CautO-Qj 9 10 11 12 Farms col—rani 04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 1,091 .38-0 a32. a l 51 2,1722-1 2;31,06r Economic classification Original: 4 Revised: 302_ el code 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 C-L_ State \e ' County Chief urban center _ Value (in thousands of dollars) i929 1935 I 1 2 3 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ..6 7 3,/co tt 1,14 102_ 2I1es 11)4 19 19 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -44 320 iii014 51 5i 193 ... /7.5 pt-r-k.OLE 1)111 County i,.9 b ID QG1-5 10-340 347, Minerals Population 1929 /75 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -... -105 8 9 10 11 Farms aoao a0-r -riCla 12 CA-r-r LE. Digitized 1 3 for FRASER ..#214 11\/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44444 G,3E" 4-0 3,((4 3:753 4 C:.'72.— c„ 599 Economic classification code la*, Original 13' : Revised: , 03 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (North) Petrolib Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade 74,2-- .g75 2 Retail trade--net sales I-1-05 -26,7 Whol7 s 11 : le trade--net — 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ ___ Population A 1919 1 3 Chief urban center 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 017 140 c 511z- (,,V istif_a- t.-- AfEg L Ai,---G•L Minerals -(3 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 1i 12 , Farms CArl-TLIE lin V 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 357 15/ L42. ca 54:29.33 /6 I ( 01i:Ar Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: b4 .3a Form S-f,3 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1953 (!0 State County Chief urban center _ Value (in thousands of dollars) I 2 3 4 5 Total production and trade ,. 1929 1 935 )1%16 County _IA-1919 3,oLiG. Urban center Retail trade--net sales Percentage change in value of Wholesaleprodu ction and trade 1929-1935: trade—net 311) 5o3 1158'0 12.3 Total primary production Manufactures ii5C12 a* ) tif-Cei1L511311 6 -- Population 1929 NEGr I- Nari_ Minerals 3 _7 i -iie) N-C.r1--Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 —57 , 9 10 Farms rr0tsi La v ffST-GC-K,_ KJ002.15 11 CO 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 973 311 3.83 Ni /343 52. y' 4848/ 97 Economic classification code 1929 42/ Original: Revised: 63 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 CIA09 4--1E7/14 //44 County at ate Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 MholeTale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ....§ Minerals 7 PETRO LE U Aft in thousands of dollars) ei 1 1929 1935 I I a3(.9 105(2 aLica Chief urban center Population 1919 17354 705 County 023,6 loci Urban center 6,0781 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -Zglo(4- -4/ 7417 Iagg3 3r13 cictD Grp 1436 4011K-5.ztg5 1-1340\ 1929 .2,Pg ' 5zCZ 151 Percentage change in value of production 1919-1929: primary -lirl 8 9 10 II iO Farms o-r-ro nt 150 4120 042. 131124 Economic classification code ,c50 Or Revised! 12 54ZA/A1 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 175/ 550 1929 Pettoleum field: North Central Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas acni_._ 1—, At County State Value Total product in and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 11).-9 1919 Population County ..------ i2510 420 i 42,235 5,071'1 , Total primary production 5 Manufactures t rig/ Urban center illigb3 46, tg?) 7307 _4/ )1321 4,2710‘,7 3,5 O3 1929 Percentage change in value of product an and trade 1929-1955: ‘ 1,CUO wholesale trade--net 4 _6 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I M. kiNNEY Chief urban center 4:219 11-i-A9 t:),sto Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 8 ' La 9 10 II 5.3q- Farms C-01-r0 /4 ... 12 (2,47(Pi 10,27, 0,102 ;20,201 Economic classification code 1929 Originals (PAO Reviuelt & RAid Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "529 .,24.0 81 . Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 co I-1 N C,;3v)aft-r-14- State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 Total production and trade 2 3 Retail trade--net sales Whol: s trade—net i ale if g 3 GI Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 0 11.4og 1929 4.460 511- Population 1929 1919 County Urban center La5g Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3653 qa6 145 p45 _ 621 et1`109 w Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -53 8 9 10 Farms 02,1 el,ff '740 12 CR/itJ 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f4 LI.Q 5 3'710 425 1152I 3,8472- 1020 Economic classification code 1929 0/ Revised: 01 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales -K173 3 4 Whol va!e trade--net J,I0 1919 3144 1'1" 3;n0 it 58'5 1,Z12. Urban center Percentage change in value of product 1)0 and trade 1929-1955t ....6 -o7 Total primary production Manufactures Minerals 7 33(p _____ ....._ 1.LLTI #141 — — 1929 County _I liA71 , 3 / 14 I 5 Population ..._ L.. -204 1 1,010 — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: --- 8 "14 9 10 Farms ZCill 3 11 12 e 0-r---r-0 N 15ii-i 824- 6 I (G, 3044 33' Rie-E 13 ..0kt4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9 2-152. 4033 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 38" oci Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Texas c> AA A- I-- State 1921-1933 tig-tv i3#2,90NFELS • County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Whols:t:le trade--net 4 :Total primary production 5 _§ Manufactures g : f/(o I 3 :071 Yr3 at,-2s Population I5.-1919 /1,41 4335 057 6z iV -7 4.72.1 4721 1929 County l A C e l Urban center 6,242- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1,5% LIX35 Minerals Percentage change 7 production 8 in value of primary 1919-1929: -23 9 10 Farms 7 0 7 11 12 v Es-ro C K Q._o RAI i- I 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .q,-fc / 5S'' 1,074 LIMO 3t-1-1 349 Z1L+1 Economic classification cede Original: 5E" Revised: 76 1929 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non-service employment: Employment in clay, glass and stone: " "other manufacturing" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,188 185 466 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 0_0 MNc4V State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 1 3 5104(, ci,3q2 gt22 6 3,57g (016 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: a?,i/5 ' 110 0 7 County , IYL-19 19 Wholeta!e trade--net 4 6 _ Population 1929 'fl 73) a13 Minerals FE---riR 0 i-EuAl C 8 .2/3 ---v.k.r-La.t cAR-A et5 15.5411 15.591 -1- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 6.-cre_ F-7-t.cae.c. C-o • - g3 9 10 11 12 Farms C-0-1---ro t4 WAN u-1-' 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oZagg/ 50/ .Z38/ Q,g5g .1391 7OL1 313 4:Lo3G Economic classification code 1929 orig inal. Revised: /3 b r7 tLIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ti€i: ,:)rtt j Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 <1 f4 ao State CY County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total product in and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole::le trade--net , 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 1919 ,1 1 t.134_ 537I 1,199 613 1,1‘45 3,L1( Population County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 43L4 I 5.43-(4 (_.4 ) 4 __ — 1929 — Minerals -42.- 4JECIPercentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -32 9 10 11 12 I l'i?.22. Farms 0-0--r -r0 r4 ;L)4T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 ,Pr--r-r i_. -. ?,( 1,:kr7 .13441 if Liq f 6, ---5 0 5r1 I 5/ 31 1 5 , 421c Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: iy 63 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 INES V ILL COOkE County State G-,4 Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Y/ 72-e Total primary production 5 Manufactures 7 V.-19 19 County A5,1487 4(4 SE Minerals (j ) /1Q-0 L-E.0 m GQ Lt, I 3(a Urban center icii 5 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Whole/ale trade--net 4 _§ T6407 3,76+ Population 1929 I/At:4 ii1214 16,,2n, 9243 4704743 5140 9/12, 74/10 5L4 — 5ii-Ock 5.1-061 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -13 9 10 Farms Zt4(414 11 a0r-ro n/ 12 i\J Digitized 15 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,8472.3T72.- 4,34 411-14 7(01, 1,3i0 ihILI4 Economic classification Original: E5,14 Revised: 7k" 1929 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service emplor]ent: 1,051 Employment in chemical and allied: 197 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas CDLL— State County Value in thousands of dollars) Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ s 0129 1929 1935 1 air 7, Chief urban center -I 1 919 County -,7" i3.331 Urban center 1.729 41243 ) 355e c2t21 4 Population 1929 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: -47 iiela 1.3,21..1 1.Z ( 4.. 3547 -)%' 09 Minerals in value of primary production 1919-1929: Percentage change 7 47- 8 9 10 Farms 01/42 11 C-0 r---rD N 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 75O 5,12-3 14,471 12,64 ,I I -Z__ Economic classification code 1929 Of Original: Revise: oy Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF SANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 rrP'Z'a p State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 A,2r2g Ig2o Population 1919 ,222.Total primary production 5 Manufactures ic/C, Urban center 32.I I Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 2,469 yi2020 IS . _6 County Wholesale trade--net 4 i929 g2- N1- Minerals 1 6ict30 —W7 vat. Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 —65 9 10 11 Farms C_o-r-ro a 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gerfi 0Z-1442' 2%0 3i7 .3 oo ‘,33(:. Economic classification code 1929 Original: DI Revised: 0/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 C.-1Z NE County State • Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) , I 9 Retail trade--net sales Wholesale trade--net 3 sal es 4 11; 4 __-- 1929 1935 Total production and trade 7 County Urban center A-0, 14 31.9 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -- —.......... Manufactures __ (4) __ NETJ-IT ___ Minerals ig_..--r Fzo LC ci M -73 111-5 _ 6 1919 Total primary production 5 Population 1929 1 516 0Pro K1 Cc,LiNT-to Percentage change in value of primary _-- production 1919-1929: 2676 8 9 10 11 Farms cA-r-r-i_e Ise9- 158' 2-ig i57 i 56 il...kj Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 3(7/ -5-2- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas Ckrie-IE -7-71- • State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 4 Whol:nl s trade—net 1121 1919 __._.....-- Li7g1 _e Total primary production j 7 Manufactures Minerals Pr---rRol_SuM -251 025/ Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 2/2 65 L. 5 County .2,coo ./341 t22(2-7 ____ Population 1929 -/14 065 (S.4") C?Atir) 734 73t-1 — 734 -734 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -.214 19 0231 Farms 1.--IvS-rocK , 04k kJof)1- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /,338/ 541-2-814' 1,60 947 65'4 ipy0 1.5-24 all Economic classification code 1929 Oti Original: Revised: 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 CR.0 Sie State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales , g 302.- Wholerle trade—net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals Chief urban center 195- 1919 10,022. OW 3,2i14 333 02,772. Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: —73 ;Me 3050 (S) ___ ---- 7--Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: -1 8 —51 9 10 1 1 Farms Q.0-1-Tb 1\1 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i/2-7C. 444 31c/(o(P ,iLillo '7,o 3g .2, e:3C0 Economic classification code 1929 0/ Original: Revised: a, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas 2utb"-RSOIN•1 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 _§ 1929 l MO Wholeiale s trade--net Pi Population 1929 1919 County 121.1 60Lf 15/ NT Nti. Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: _ 5/ Total primary production Manufactures LZ4V) — 44) a°0 11511 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -(71 9 , 10 11 12 Farms 2C/2-- CAT-11— t- i Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.31 14-2- I, OW 5g6 h Li clq" Economic classification code 1929 Original: egf 4149 5 11 Revised: , :30 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State PA 1-1409-2-1- County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I ? 3 4 w Total product ian and trade 3;455 Retail trade--net sales , wholvale trade—net . /14 1919 7 8'3O 14 ge7 Urban center 020/ I /- 4.13(43 7b5 1 ii324- Percentage change in value of product ian and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production Manufactures 5/1 _6 County 1929 irg5 i 3504 5 Population 517 25D -(91 147o Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 i 5- 8 9 10 11 Farms 3°L1- kik t t•1 CA-1- LE C7 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -24 I rD'l ;Z/4 4 Li(04 Li Vi 41.31-7 ze750 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 66 Revised: e3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 V A L-L/IS Texas State County Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales Manufactures 6 Minerals in thousands of dollars) 1929 Population 1929 1919 County 35,61 /11 (420 010;05 ,4 Urban center Qeo0 -15 /3953-2\ 414/04 gt,442 736,81(9 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: )24;373 174413 133,IN 1481,212,1a;Ai- I Total primary production 5 Chief urban center Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 32-- 8 9 I0 Farms NT PI 1%53 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Revised: 9 Li X Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 P,A) rvz on/ Tpxfig State County Value 1 935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholerle trade--net 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals in thousands of dollars) 770 Population 1929 491_ 1919 1929 3 V. Chief urban center County II,VI qj Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3,123 - b3 31'17 0221-1 1-20 rj Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farms C0-T To T\ 12 6.4 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,z51 4241-1 30k 388 305 I(257 Economic classification code 1929 01 Original: 42_14 Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 bEici-F7 .5447,77if County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total productian and trade 1 ? Retail trade--net sales 1929 9273ii, Wi 1 919 7,4413 4 1.4(120 3/21/4", 41 Li- 02100 I Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals _.- 3IV — N1( A1 ) 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Whols:fa;e trade--net 3 7 ..- Population Al813 - Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -. 8 -....0 .-- 9 10 Farms 8'e° I I 12 W 44-EA--r- 2 - 30 Li v. -3---i-ock, czli-t, 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis qi 3,2agg .#4 1 a.. 1,9 I-3 372-- .'192.. Economic classification code 1929 Original: OZ. Revised: 32.___ Form .'a-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 t,EL-74 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) I Total productian and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 j ...- 1929 1935 jija 1 919 .3.,Q 55 bol log ilai-o'go ,2A,5g -3,ip-i Wholetae l trade--net Total primary production County _ Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: . . . or SlA.6 354. 13") 3 ,514 (254) Manufactures Population 1929 oZir2.-- 354 Minerals Percentage change 7 in value of primary production 1919-1929s -5 8 9 10 11 Farms C-0 TrO li 655 0 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 o ; t-i- 3,II 2.3,wo 144di i L46L4 Economic classification code 1329 Of 0i Revised: Original: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1 State i5 6E/V1-e2 ocnt-rb AI • County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 140(122f 64-338 3 , qe5_ 1919 175(3 1929 1935 I IsK814 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _f.., Urban center CZ ct 587 47 Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1935: 1 2-9 4/43 1,1a County 1/g‘i Whols:iale trade--net 4 Population 1929 1.?)45 6 It2o(9 Vg 5-14 -4141 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 1 I 3,(.781 Farms 0--r-r-0 NJ C 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4n I 4 4,41 03-7 15.44 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 02 4 4(04 Revised: qf 1/4 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1> .kt4 -rst County ate Value 1 935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholsefale CS trade—n Manufactures 6 Minerals in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 1919 1929 13,551 5(- if,921 3,39 vcI 5342 ,Q1/ 445 r1424 cbgri5 3,(4149 qqcj 029 Total primary production 5 Chief urban center County Urban center Percentage change in valuP of production and trade 1929-1935: - 31 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 —23 8 9 10 Farms 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3.0'13 63,g 4,036,4351el 6,523 oo Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revise: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 D(C!-KE:ONj S County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 ? 3 Total production and trade 5 Manufactures 6A4) Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: .311 . 121 Urban center 11751 14q0, 13‘ nom Minerals —,o 5,332_- NE.C.gL Percentage change in value 7 of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -57 ,--- 9 10 1929 County 0.331, 1.333 Wholeiale trade—net Total primary production 1919 (pic136 a/ Retail trade--net sales 4 _§ '741 Population Farms 65 3V 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -i 07 (D72-231-7 I,-3 — A33 ---Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0i Revi3eit 0 ( . Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 `.Coxruzi State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Whol s p:!e trade—net .24,29-5 ,i11-19 19 _fi County 4-57Z. a35(t 41141 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: b02. Total primary production or l K 5 Population 1929 Manufactures _-- Cgl:0 _- — Zglitt 3g A3 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 —Cs( -9 _ 10 Farms 11 I. I VES-TO C-i< 12 0 NI o ry s 13 *1\ XEL> V EC,-. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6-7I-1 607 A/4 NR Of, 1,0) /33 AT NI" :1 Economic classification code 1329 Original: ex; Revised: 4I COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 LE-e DO Al 1,,te County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Population 1929 4 .14-1919 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholale trade—net sales 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals County Urban center 010 -3,L184 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: o5 42bl 4g 5,8105 6i Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farm, CDT-17;114 12 CA1-11-C 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis +bge 1,90 570 3983?o 14 1,c1 3(0 327 .237 5,717 Economic classification code 1929 CD I Original: Reviseis Of 0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 , 2,c.) V <4 State Value 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 1929 11,3g91,681 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 Pel-P.ol_E.Om Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade • County Population 1929 1919 County 1-0-12Ck Urban center L342 .233' g1,53 02541 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-I935: /5.81 Om'3(Q3 7n- 12,363 71(.0\ 1/(0 - Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 1_4511 Farms Li)- L937 Cm6-r-r-LE 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classification code 1929 Original: C T-ro 12 2.941 55.?' Revised: 3,) 5Z- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 else° lexas, Eig-5 State 2 3 4 Retail trade--net sales Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade RP vcER County Value 1 •N 21Aj_..1919 17/3 6,01 ..,077 )1085 toil-I- , 4,851 Whols:nle trade--net Total primary production Population 1929 county Urban center 6,c,"2- A,.aos,- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: .-6I 31.3g49 Litt-Ilp ilk, .2.3425:1Dq . 5 Manufactures -3C H _6 Minerals . 7 Fe rig.° L.a,)Ai Y7(0 8'76 CY3 ;4,13 214,:15-21_ Percentage change in value of primary ,6r3 446T3 Qc.i.., 52,Production . 41: 8 1919-1929: - iiI 9 10 !arras a,33 1,411, 065 435 .231 '233 /293 1:-/ 11 DAli 12 e-A-r-TLE Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14:1121, Economic classificati_iin code 1929 33yOriginal: Revised: 1 Sr5 Petroleum fieldt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North Central Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1935 • State County Value 1935 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 Chief urban center in thousands of dollors) 1929 Population 1929 1919 County ‘01-0 Urban center kg-712 49i I:LI6 to 34.c. (t2,-1-) 10 1 13 13 fR.0 LEI-)N\ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 61( ) 373 10 1 Pii;G-1- I3 j5-7 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 Farms 11 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 170 15/ /79 4/02- 373 Economic classification cpde 1929 Originals Revised: 3 5z__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 EL)VI/LI County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Mholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...6 4 L42-1-- Population 1929 1919 county 2-.8"cl9 12i1-- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: g95 --- 11,530 , - 3ffio — 41 1-# adr) -- _ Urban center NE -6 L. _ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: , 8 — A5 9 10 II , Farms 5 /1 Ee P 12 wool__ 13 MoKA/\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I,i75 327 205 3I ,zolicif.Wt) 3136b g ii/ 490 8-to I Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0(- Revised: .33 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 toth4ert)H County )tdte Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 , 5 ..6 Wholetale trade--net lb.9 Ii 7,4ZG, L-71-7 Total primary production Manufactures 1929 e4-1 Chief urban center 0/1 9 1 9 41L U '3 134133. 4043 Population County 53,41 -3L Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: -51 iii746 X7156 liit-05 1929 i),14.7V2- 405Lt Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 —341 8 9 10 Farms .4113 crr---t0 f•I 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -33243` I 1,47o 1I13 2iI 4d11 811536 Economic classification code 1929 Original: q I Revised: ri Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, iETLState Value SO • PA So Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade RA County 1921-1933 25,914 Population 1919 9 RetAil trade—net sales 33305 3 Whol eale t trade--net — 41,90 112152, 5-r114 7.013 60,133 354 46,o4-4 54474 9-1,414- 3V51 Total primary production 5 _6 - Manufactures Minerals County Urban center /3t,517 /o21_ Lt ) Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935* -35 Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 8 9 10 1929 1919-1929: 101 Farris --r-ro t,1 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41151 (.5112' 535 3ost) 41091 ag15 Economic classification c de Original: Revised: A',3 1329 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Aate 1921-1933 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) — I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 1929 1 0 1 1919 111Z40-1 1935 b.334g(55 1,361 Manufactures Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: . . . q..4., a?,5z42 /,37aIl .2c76 1929 _ County 5(30 iC ta 5 ,fi. Population /071f, 46i3 Minerals ' Percentage change in value of primary c.4_( -1 production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 11 Farms CO"r1-7)N 1,9 lc, 57 -0 .2319 3,11 13 egi° Revised: NA- classification code Original: 12 CO T--roN SEC -0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 41,72l Economic NT /3 ô3 1929 0 I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 VA i_t_5 State Value 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholefale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 _6 7 8 9 10 Manufactures Minerals WI-ROLE Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total productian and trade m County tbeAts 1.41 6,-7 1n4ludefretSioAe 64cr70 -(4.14:11.(P 451. 56-7 1919 County LIk4254044:c0041eS Urban center g38'7 13503 _4:7:2 sLuz 3r,'17/ ' 3c1 7 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-19351 -5' -1,14 Set3 7.21 1929 Population 0205(A, A056 11 D-2--ZM-2-- 764 02_ .702-9 ‘ b7-7 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: CoruAmksia -3o Farms Co-T-rt0 12 i3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4475 02,118' '7311 770 5,11% 13,5510 Economic classification code Or 9"1 Revise: 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis zast, South Gentral) Mexia Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 FANNIN t t44-01-111 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 2 3 Total production and trade 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...6 19 1 9 County 1Z5711. 1/MI Urban center 44-5(el iii 54461 Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1955: ItC1 gi2 1,34q Retail trade--net sales Iliholetale trade—net fkA Population 1929 4 k 121 -54 ?Erf 04,94,1 1.4212- 1,02- 3,6,0o Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a —40 -1 9 10 11 Farms c o-r-r-o N 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4.700 1 r5A 41)6 21361 5,(4 56 Economic classification code 1929 Original: /4/ Revised: gr) Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texa5 c State NeE-r County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 14 10‘0 .2237 1929 ,152.1 Population 1929 1919 County Ig135/ Urban center izsio Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 14.,635 -5 4558 (15W1, LW' 41:72Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 12 Farms Li ve-S-rocis' 13 Co RN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3g 1,521 81;7 t 415(4 4 1250 la 5Wq90'7 135 DIP9' Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: C. 1 Form 8-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State FISI4E7FS County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale Whole le trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 PETRoLo M 4(1.1_ 1,4442, 3341414 fi r-13 I'13 Population 1929 191 1919 County ons . 4r13. - Urban center _Sri Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 4141 .3j(41 ns53) 02-3 P41 456 45iD 41-56 45i, Mari- —024 Percentage change in value of primary -__ production 1919-1929: -73 8 9 10 ll Farms co-r-ro t4 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lis‘, ko 1 4 25(07 270g I, 5e-1. //531 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: I OS. 49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas 1:71-0 Vc5 County State Value 1 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 61q II II/57 Population 1929 Ta-I919 County 151 /921 Urban center 4t17'production tititi- Whol:lae trade--net Percentage change in value of and trade 1929-1935: q51 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 _- in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total productinn and trade Chief urban center Ligi l (441-.) 403 Crti'" 5614 Cd r4 ( O,23 38' Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 _44; 9 10 11 Farms Co—rrof.1 102J512— 3 r7 :1 2 LifIg50 goy Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 AA)446:Wr 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ii31 4 .N2 t0c5 c) c)41 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Fb ACK.D State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 9 Iotal production and k ‘,02-- trade • 2 , Retail trade--net sales 1 3 1929 1935 it 015 Population County 11.9;f.Y1919 z1,128 1,71.4 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Whol s711:;e trade—net .2602_ 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 9E-1WD I-E.U AA 1929 il460 FLA, _cori-r .255 ___ 55 ___ _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -_- 8 9 10 11 12 Farms -i-rDi\J Q-0 w -4 CO -1" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L D-70 3810 31-1 %7f If. pqko 1523 -231 !i()74-Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: , 01 01 Petroleum fields: (North Central) Jofrinson, Thalia Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 10 tzt -r Jtdte BA17--> County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 955 Total production and trade 2 3 Wholeta ! e trade—net 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 1929 ,2 1-1,7-40 Retail trade--net sales 1,144 L- 49 3,145 County Urban center Cr1"6-1-3-919 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: (,Z91 15336 syg CC.20 3,94 7612- 7 Population 1929 b 12- 02(/ 6:34x Ib HO Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 In 9 10 Farms N 12 Rice L ‘VES 13 TOC-i< Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o 422c2L4'7 1 „Q5-7 1283 05(c\ L(Ai (pLi• 5.23g Economic classification code 1929 Or /i-/- Revisel: 52- Petroleum fields: (Gulf) Big Creek, blue Aidge, Boling,Nash, Surgarland, Orchard, Thompsons Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 FNANKI_I sJ TPICMI1 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 2 RetAil trade--net sales 1,4T-2- 4 Wholesale trade--net Population 1929 1919 47z1 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: N4 NT Total primary production " 42 5 Manufactures (244) 45 :32',1-' (Cal) L.,69- — — _.6 County /JP 0 7/4 3 Chief urban center 10I 10i Minerals 30 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 11 Firms 0_0 -x----ro /4 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'mg 3g0 lat10 i,51.10 7ott azo.. Economic classification code Original: 01 Revised: 0) 1929 • Fore S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 FFZE-5---rof\fE Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 955 1929 4 310/5 7ifs' Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 Z1Z- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 0/0 Say Total primary production 5 County Urban center Retail trade--net sales 3 1919 Cot.,rt4 Total production and trade Wholelale trade--net as Population 1929 valfss co. -3ô 075 Percentage change f- r in value of primary production 1919-1929: 5 coy/v-1K 8 9 10 Fares co-r-ro 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11704, a/51 igigzil '463(3 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviseit 13 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 f P ac: FR i 0 State County Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 in thousands of dollars) 0.1 1929 tA,3i-4 I. c3g Chief urban center Population 1929 Urban center 3,rit7 rl 0202_1 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935t Wholeae trade--net sales /',! iqg Total primary production 1,565 5 j 7 County 19 1 9 Manufactures Minerals Czek) ____ (32If .24. 3P/f2- Nf -___ , _ _ -3V 3,00i N i-- -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 __- 8 9 — 10 11 Farms 0--4-1---ri---z 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ki % --, 1 qrle Itil/ 1,50 311 C)01 Economic c I assif icati on code 1929 Original: 0 Revised: 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 K as State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 9 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Chief urban center N1,-1919 5g'i 42Z4-8" 210, '2Citi. 4342— Population 1929 County Qo Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 77g -- -.34 /, 12G -- - . _6 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 --.31 9 1 10 11 12 Farms 1-11 I Co-r-ro ni e.-A-1-7-1--E-- 13 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 319 qoo 1.72i 414 c\ 0733 412c, Economic classification„code Original: /4 4 c)3 1929 Form S-5d COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 t State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale ts trade--net sa L4 Total primary production Manufactures _6 7 1929 rA.,305 , c4511 2000l 1919 County Aai(?"10 Zi47 Urban center saz ci3e5"/ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: /Igo] -55 325g 2,1211- Minerals Population 1929 NT NA Let Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: Pe•-fRo e_eyuaa 8 9 10 (7.n Farms 11 E HAY 13 FiCs 3°1 15(p NA- O5 N-r 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 61 1,t-rli Economic classial l on code 1929 Original: Revised: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales .264i rS Population 1929 1919 County 50 1 i LOGI 2.008° 0 (9 Is'? Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholsnale trade--net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ -54 21 U.:a-) 015 ni -r N fr Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 42 7 -... )-1-(Zol__U Al 1 42 e eoad ‘ ikar -Y4ZCiljt"i f L"" 8 9 10 , Farms 563 11 e-o-r-ro N 12 0 A-r-rL-E 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .5-.3 157 (,C7i9 5-W84 3i I t(-75 31174. Economic classification code 1929 Original: 01 Revised: 03 Petroleum fields: (Test) Lmerald Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texa s (1,) i."5; State County Value in thousands of dollors) 1929 1 935 1 2 3 4 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Chief urban center 1919 _. 6 County .5(1'5° g‘017 I Urban center 1,13:32. 47(4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: WholeTale trade—net 47767 Total primary production 1q,1 5 Population 1929 Manufactures .943 243 /60 -33 594.0 `tY Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 A 8 — 57 9 10 Farms 1/(251/2- II 12 5-rock L-i l/E- W 00 L___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 *504 23 I ;?,011 24 51S' X-15 5,947_ Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: ji.i. orm S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1955 G-1.- A sse_oak T State County Value 6-1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 1 935 •S`ee Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 4..10 1929 a rak Cotinil if2- 1919 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: q0 Wholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 5-sua. Howarof CaUrIfy -....... .----J..... Minerals 7 Population 1929 SE'e--- 1-kotAJAleD CoUNTV PE-0201-6:olv• — 94 NE.CAPercentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 733 9 -... 10 11 12 -7Lid Farms LI VL-S-T-bc_K Vli 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 352_ 114- 541 534 .?77 11 'Pea,Economic classification code 1929 l'J Original: Revised: 52-- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals _- in thousands of dollars) 1929 tql-l-7 (K Wholvale trade--net Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 County 4,111 1,t25 1,_(vo (v. 113 627 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: —33 012A2 ' Z1621- ES6+-) NT 15-2— 35 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -. 8 9 10 11 Farms e_Af)-r-rot\i 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 04-0 507 IstA 26x ,2:72.-1 4, I L Economic classification code 1329 Original: / Li Revised: 0:3 Form -38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 a-0 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 gli(0 , IU:111. 31350 4)50 Total primary production I 13V2-1 Q52rri 5 Manufactures Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 40314 TN% I156 1:15(0 Minerals County Urban center Wholefale trade--net 4 j Population 1929 401 1919 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade Chief urban center , 35 K120 1.294 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 11 12 Farms Co-t--r DN C_D A At Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 it 394 3/47 „RI-21 .37g" Loin, Economic KO classification code 1929 Original: 14 Revised: 07 713 13 ., Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures _f, 7 County c2g,090 Urban center /0,147o ,--'------- 3ifi317 9s/20 77A164 Total primary production Population 1929 W1 1919 1929 Whols:nle trade--net 4 Chief urban center in thousands of dollar.) 1 935 Total production and trade Pm-iv) P09-- 0,Rf) Texas 17,32/ Minerals 1353 11(153 . ---r-Roi.- --- OM i ) 54,7o--. Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1_5.77.7 0,941 it -37 3.14‘ 6.5.01 13 13-71_ 4.Trb ,20,-a-i5 2.,335 --- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 020/235 A236 8 342- 9 -. 10 Farms , 11 NO 'OSA —1- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0231 43ll+14 313.8" 0910 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 7* c2i0/ Revised: Petroleum fieldi: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Panhandle Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 6169LN/S0A) State County Value 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 5/,‘40-7 la.-751 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 Population IYA-J919 (:.'3,355 .2o,730 4451 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 4rA•47, .64crie3 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholesale trade--net 4 1929 ji 2472. .30,141 — 50350 3L51.0 23540 30,613 6 Minerals -- , 7 ig Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 — Yi 9 io II Farms ao-r--rc,f4 a-gptits) 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,9-t L 3°14i,a5-2- 1 Ecri 7(435 :10;3341,Economic classification code Original: 51 3,52o 7 Revised: I,99 cl z_ 1929 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in clothing: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,598 613 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Te , 1_0Na-41E Vti State County Value 1 2 Retail trade--net sales Wholetale trade--net 3 4 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade 52,5i1 Chief urban center Population 1929 County J10,15 19 1 9 lc(,zif 26I 513310 trt53? 1q274 Urban center 3 30 Manufactures 11 _§ 154 5 ,636 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 17 - 3 Total primary production 5 /5/70 (9,23X.1 .,244R2L414 2,.311, Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 , 8 —31 9 10 Farms 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5g14 440110 0140 3,g4(1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 14/ Revised: CVir Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 x C-R/AlliE5 State County Value I Retail trade--net sales ? Whol:iale trade--net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals - 7 .4 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total product ian and trade (0, ..5_3 fta 1919 g58 1,02-LiI lill I (-1.412- cf3u 53/ Chief urban center Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: -31 4z-yi (2,0102-t LOCO J.000 /,4g'1 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: - 8 * 143 9 10 11 Farms C-01"---ro IV 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .2,366 4 _ot-i 2277 ,R237 it5?3 Wig Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas C.,u A DALL)pE. State County Value Total productiDn and trade 7 Retail trade—net sales 3 4 5 holea!e trade—net Wf 14:).5r1 314/3 11%12-- Manufactures minerals °?,°UP f)-119 i'li-i- Urban center Percentage change in val.), of productipn and trade 1929-1935: LILCO /01 730 .016 1,1% Ai+ dS4 43;cf,-5 County I 7.:7C1 Y 6 cn5 IIo5r1 ?g'74 01-EL)TV‘ 7 Population 1929 iy1 1919 Total primary production ( 451 . _6 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Chief urban center I' Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 2514- 8 —5V 9 10 11 12 13 Farms C—ORN C.01-TD ry Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,i47 301 1,37 .452,A, d340 ci 7774 Economic classificL.Ji n code 1929 Original: 3 It -2.40 764- Revised: 1 5 Petroleu$ fields:(E, S. Central) Caldwell county Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lhrst Greek, Salt Flat See , _FO Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 pi_ State County Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholp:!e trade--net $ 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals in thousands of dollars) 1929 Population 1929 1919 County a-r34, .21, 44 Urban center 020,181 4,E(34 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: ALM -5g, trio &3O ,Z301- vi Evi Chief urban center 2,311 A311 2-14 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a 9 10 3,33S Farms W1-1- En 12 to-T-ro 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t, 570 1,0,5(25 5153 8",o7(0 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 55 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PLL f} State Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 ale trade--net Wholeies 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade S County ,5:(2CAD .1-1(2-7 11,303 7:120 /# 133/ 5.21(0 Population 1919 County Urban center /t„cgo(r 40.51 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: -7' mao in L44.5 592-A- 403 1929 1.00-1 1,061 ilErarie— Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 " fit ) 9 I0 11 Farms r,, - --r--r0Al 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' 1I 35'8 57o 514g/D Lir 04K Li5g5 /o,k445 Economic classification code 1929 01 Original: Revised: e4 _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1321-1333 AM ii-1-27"/ State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 1 Retail trade--net sales wholesale trade—net 3 5,350 49-73 Population 1929 County 11919 1610 1-(l51 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: (Q7tj OW 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 354S LII5 J. 5310 5 3 ° 8:Ef1-.95g Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1319-1929: 7 , 8 9 10 Farms eZZei r-ro a 11 d_to 12 ex.91-114 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.314?53 3301 3,015 I, 1441.17r7 g3,1)L Economic classification code 1329 Original: al ReviseJ: 07 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 N-14-1V5FORT) State County Value Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals Population 1919 137 1653 a,k,51 25r1 3,1oi Q‘Ctgf wholesale trade—net 4 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Chief urban center Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade [9291955: -72,- 50 Clgt) _ County 3 /02,-1 •-10A") --__ 1929 in44Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 8 ail( 9 10 Farms ll 44414-EWT 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1/ ii ol'i -5C1 2,951 glr14 (2,(v2Go e:31:35 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisedi 32_ COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 tate Value Total product )fl and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 19 19 1135 14.213 V 2._34D itg55 Total primary production , 01'11 4547.-- 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 1333 4 52- County Urban center 1 44424 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Wholesale Whole le trade--net 4 - Chief urban center 1929 1935 1 14-PRDEAdi4a County ,2(41 1,564 li loll Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -145 9 10 1I Farms CD-r10d 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 634. Lil 3,217 %410 2374, Try] Economic classification code 1929 Original: 1/I Revised: El Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value 9 3 4 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Wholetale trade—net in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 607° .Z.34-2 .211 Chief urban center _- 6 7 County _1)54_ 19 19 _ Urban center I 73:344 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -A 1)(. 150 - 4/ Total primary production 4 40°Y 5 Population 1929 Manufactures Minerals 3-iker7/—Cl)ft/l 1 1,0-7g /) f 1) 2-334 3,140 3q0 4,6,33 1 c 1 F og 14,ó7 02,o34 .i 2 103 ( 4 I'm' if6r1g if,07 ;' Percent age change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 41 9 , 10 11 12 Farms 440 -5 Pt- r RY 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3I 1 1 ?i-i4Do 7LjL:3 1-1 94_. 0 : , -5 rfr3 Economic classification code 1329 Original: 34 Revi3eJt 5i g' ' 5-2-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PARR(5 HOL)57Otj County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doll)rs) I Total product in and trade ? Retail trade—net sales 3 4 5 _§. 7 Wholesale trade—net , , 193 ,it , I Vo9- -es 333.43y 1929 1919 Minerals pE---r-reoLErU Ail county Lott-1491 177003 Urban center in,/ 1 4-0-13 io,k-k'a.0 e2S5211 357,32.-S' ,Qct 2,35-2- — 1 3 / 4? 5 121,761 .2•221171-1 1929 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 524,30o Total primary production Manufactures Population 75 2)7 l 021,772 1 1,231 11,1431 4:3171 1031 11.131 /1,371 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 4 9 10 Farms 11 12 13 , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pi1- NT 5-31 5,50 Economic classificaon code 1929 Original: 1:3 Revised: X-2--- _ Petroleum fields: Tomball Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kGulf) Goose Creek, humble, Mykawa, fierce Junction, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 iSoW H-fi State m A R_SI-1-13 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1935 1 ? 3 4 i929 Population 1929 1919 0,231 7rti3.7- Retail trade—net sales Wholetale trade—net _013 9090 Urban center i 2,2O Laggl -?•(-14.18 3 -347 Total primary production /140 3 Manufactures 51 64 _. 6 4L"37 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 14571 5 county 4 Total production and trade //07 $ ( r /01. 7,/f Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 --P1 9 10 11 , Farms Co-r--7-ck/ 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0.1,112--- t077 4N7L3 LOTII Q4792._ 7,5147 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revi3elt '-H 70 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in iron and steel: saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,799 770 512 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Ne Hi+ T County at ate Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doll3rs) 1929 1935 I Total product in and trade 2 RetAil trade--net sales , 4 1919 County 1,(00(0 Ad 1•Pb NA la Wholeiale trade--net 3 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19352 — L12-- Total primary production 5 J 131 Population 1929 Manufactures . ___— __ 44,31 /.9 .18ig -- 0,/L Minerals Percentage change in value of primary -1 7 production 1919-1929: , 8 — Igi 9 -H 10 Farms 4;11 11 CAT --r-L-E. 12 13 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55e 1:i Y6 1.01 38/7 1,gi'Economic classification code 1329 Original: Revised: /6 30 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value ? 3 4 5 6 _7 Total productian and trade L4312- Retail trade—net sales in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Chief urban center Z 4-1474 Population 1929 1919 County /04.20 i Urban center .A722. Percentage change in valuo of productian and trade 1929-1935: Wholin ale s trade—net Total primary production Manufactures Minerals PET R O L- -k.A'A .3)73‘ LC..ta--) ______ ) (7-14.)-(4-03 41-V3 7 -- 1 -- /343tal if/0,4._ -__ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 — 72- 9 10 II Farms Qv -1-roN 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Qi 1-7 1 Ii-Di4 .T4-51 3333 .2,2ge IJOILIN, Economic classificz,tior code 1929 0/ Original: Revised: of Petroleum field: (North Central Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1-f-A9-Y5 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Population 1919 7.32_1_ T721 2T33 4501 *Z1 0.21 2.33(o Total primary production 5 Manufactures Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: at1 _§ County Wholesale trade--net 4 a:.?_/ bl 1929 1 bt I 301 783 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 — Up 9 10 ll 12 Farms . I, bn L I vES-roc__K c.280 C-Crr—r45 4 07 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.273 (,)/A0 2' I7 tki5t Economic classificati4n code 1929 45i Or Revised: 2r4) Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1+ Em PH ILL- Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 1919 County 7.005 Retail trade--net sales Wholeale trade--net sales Population 1929 303 Urban center 337 27 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 014-7.6 -30 -70 L6070 `to NT Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: -'5 9 10 Farms C 4-1-TLE AA/ Fgie anr 12 13 W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9.4 /,393 3,47(0 14,no 410-7 e20 I Economic classification code 1929 01_I Original: Revised: 36 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 14j State Value 1 935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholefale trade--net as NCountykso in thousands of dollars) 1929 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 ez4L- Population 1919 031 5,tn6 7Y0 3,674- L ,3q Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: ithr3 r131 1929 County Urban center 347g Total primary production 5 A-ii aLs Chief urban center 739 -41 g3i)71 "(p Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: G-L- 8 -44 9 10 Farms 4,240 (K31 I 436, Co-1"-r-ors) 12 Li VE-5-roC( -roN S-E e- T 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 623 NA- Economic classificbtion code 1929 Original: Revised: 13 0E1 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 IDA L-C -C) St at Value 1 935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 1929 3.23047t 551 211 County Urban center 4,g58 14041 1121 rirj, ooLi 6t, 674 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 11311 2,3 1'1 Population 1929 191 9 Minerals /4 L.LEA/ Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Total primary production Manufactures M County - 21 5,2% `3g4 in value production 1919-19291 Percentage change oL ()N1 1.322 8 of primary (40 9 l0 1725 41,(4g1._ 4y52, Economic classification code Farms C--QS lay rr -3, Original: W2-1 12 c_o -rro NISEE—B. OA 80AGES R oTs Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A04ANt NA- Revised: te N1- tv-r 1// 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas Vi LI— State ofo # Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total product in and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 Wholesale trade—net sales 16,84 1 3 20-3919 ii, 0'10 county 17/3,03(0 16-3 i019i Total primary production Manufactures 1929 Urban center 7 II Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 34Oct2 C10I10-3 1410(° _§ Population Nag 4g4;1 375?.175/ ((' 3533 Minerals ---63 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -3 (0 9 10 Farms Sa357 II co-i- -/-0,4 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,/4:4 I0)31240,330 -02.?" 1'433(v, Economic classifiction code 1929 Original: Revised: 41 KI orm S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 1929 .3,151 I,(012- Wholeiale trade—net Sa CS Manufactures 6 Minerals County 7;741 Urban center 47C, i.S35 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19358 3.047 32- Population 1929 919 Total primary production 5 Chief urban center - 40 &Sig 3Cv Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a 3if3 Farms C-0I—re hi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cgto 23022 ()411 02,552L- 4:88 Economic classification code 1929 Original: ReviseJ: 01 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1)21_1933 ' -rt!xas. goo State County Value 1 935 Total production and trade Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1,315 019 Population 1929 County 1919 421521 0 Urban center Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole ale tradenet — sales Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935t 139 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 610 &to-) 3.8821NEGL Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 I 1 134 Farms c_arrrToig 12 40.--r-r-t)NSEE c 13 PEC A NS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .253 151 AjArl -2(4 33 NiAM Economic classification code 1329 Original: Reviseit Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Tp-sca,s State ii-c)PkiNS 5-PRIN arS__ County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1 935 1929 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole ale tradenet — so I 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Le5_1919 County (.0 Licgo 3,2.1(0 qqAv 13'51 ] 02'7,41 0 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: i'1556 _6 7 Population 1929 1,61 ia330 7'10 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -51 8 9 Farms I I -r-rt,lJ 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cez‘ o I, I o 4,3t7r1 4,013 1-).,54c Economic classification code 1929 Original: Ol Revisal: V Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TeIrms I-I-0 State S""r0 rNi County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Whols:tale trade--net Z ( *)19 -3Afivq. A icii /3,2L"2-Lig0 3.505 Total primary production _6 Manufactures Minerals Urban center I, cft-i- wit+ Perg.oLe um 8 3-70 ;t4 41 4 ___ -33 7,2.3 /23 --- AlEcri_ — , 3o,o 1i Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 11- 3c17 37o County te 1 919 Ca/ 5 Population 1929 _-- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: ____ 9, 10 11 Farms Co-r-rol4 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Qic.--70 13414-1- 3302_ cfw ,L4401-1-. OW Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0I Revised: el _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK ES, 1921-1933 FAIL/ V }-to LK) ARID. Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total product ion and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 4 5 J -Act 3.10 S. Whol:fa ! e trade--net Total primary production Manufactures (cA!) Minerals 4a,(459 7.-i1(I 4,8'21 , County _c-i,o4-4,oti o Me-LODES a-LA SSe0C4k Co Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 217/1 3,510 ?ga'.3 1813 nitGA17,ot4o J7.otio 5 54. ( 8 A,2cicl /754 5 Pe-r-RoLE.o tiA 7 1919 (2 n•VI-030_0CA Co()pAt y 1929 i4 rt:41:11-- 3 Population ---- --54° Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 731 9 10 11 Farms C.-.0--r—re) FV 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I,5r/2 7v 0 ;051 '426,0 I, 5874- 8/07 Economic classification code Original: Reviuelt -3(4 5-2__ 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ore S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Ho DSP ----T-11 Texas State County Value in thousands of dollars) I,375 3 Manufactures 6 Minerals Urban center 9 11 / 53 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19351 /611 Total primary production 5 County Rir1-7 Retail trade--net sales Whol n ale trade—net Population 1929 1929 1 935 Total production and trade Chief urban center &..21) foto(' -31 („7" &e,t- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 5'1 8 9 10 II 122- 1,06‘ Farms Co T-Co 1.1 570 4,77 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 0I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1-10o-r County Texas State Value 1 935 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholale trade—net sales in thousands of dollars) 1 929 Manufactures 6 Minerals Population 1929 1919 County 33, .5c1 LIAL151 Urban center X;(419 i.5.7aCa /2X0216,g35 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: - 13104- -214,4dig Total primary production 5 Chief urban center 3,3'70 437q 5/ 3'17 6,98g Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -44+ 8 9 10 g;30 Farms Co 1"--rci i•J 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,45Lo 11,510 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 41 Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 I+ -re...441N so tv Texas State County Value 1935 1 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 14,13z I,Go I Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals PE TR cs in thousands of dollars) 1929 Total production and trade ,(423,x7(1 3,271 Chief urban center ,_141 Population 1929 1919 County 34,025 ?polo Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 33g 121,62. 6615 v2r3 12Fr13 t 1,715 1.315 1,715 1315 — _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 /3? 13/ 9 10 I I (440 Farms q73 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classification code 1329 Original: LtJH&1 12 i,615 239- Revised: 154, 3 4 52- Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Panhandle Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, TeS843 State 1921-1933 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _.6. 7 1929 L IPE0 e L.)M Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: (003 4%3 I (Sal) -- --- i-2- __ i --2.- ,..._ 8 _ — 11 12 i5 — /, ,ca-in& 32- L ___ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: — , 9 10 County L,5(-1. A250 5(41 Minerals 1919 a5,2.., b53(1- 1929 Population Farms 1_ I V -57-pe_K WOOL_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72-3 195 1$.3 I . I,Cpc)If Economic classification code WI Original: 4-0- -- .--70 403 ,34,7 Revised: , 34 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis West I COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1955 -o-Ac a te County Value 3 Retail trade--net sales Whol:tal se trade--net in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 2 Chief urban center 1 919 1,1 g 5g Manufactures 6 Minerals 2,451 T2g 7 PE-1-643LEum (col) 456 45(2 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 5 County 5,“3, -774 Eat) Population 1929 (0, 4 r7(.. ,F1L, Yci —51 5,0:o — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 II F arras II c.A-r-r 12 Digitized 15 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis qV nig 4,8'13 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3c Revised: 52.-- Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North k,entral Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 f'0,7A1,13 04C.N on./ State County Value 1935 Total production and trade 9 3 Retail trade--net sales Wholsmle trade--net Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) TIA 1929 if 314-g Lk503 1) 7/0 u;ott- ;44'3 353 Population 1929 County 1919 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 FE '71 Percentage change AA in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 .2A0 Farms II 12 Noo e2/.4 CA-r- r-Le Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 03 Petroleum fields: (Gulf) Mauritv, Vanderbilt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis arm S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 tate County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade—net sales 3 Whole sales tradenet trade--net 1929 LPILF1 sto8 &Li 112A- 1919 Manufactures 6 Minerals County I1 372 Urban center 3,34.9 1,451 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 5 Population 1929 - 51 Y,7St id I 0 5,5kt ‘4;3/ 7,o63 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a 9 10 Farms 11 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s'67 GT82 .2rig a.27 Economic classification code 1929 Original: CIS ) Revised: 6o EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non-service employment: Employment in forestry and fishing: H 2 saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,742 414 949 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center in thousands of dollors) 1 935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals Population 1929 ty0 .)919 1929 Is/5 119 County Urban center Scf0 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 6i51 -3O /$21-7 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 3g 8 9 10 II Farms 1—rLE 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5(r, Economic classification code 1329 Or O14 Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas /3,g /kJ/'1ON-r roiky PRTNOS CrE FFE- RS13A/ County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dolllrs) 193• I 9 3 Total productisn and trade Retail trade--net sales 4°A.348_ 1919 1929 County I 33 31/ 51.132- 0 5 4 1 1 3110 Urban center"2-- 40 131 1 Percentage change in value of productisn and trade 1929-1935: Whole ale trade--net 2 11 14 5 v 35. 5( 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 _- D2-1071' PopulatIsn 1929 Minerals FE-r-je o Le uNk 7 a t2.310 1,23L. a(171‘o NI Iii 257 (L251 0/251 11.25/ Nii Lag Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: cara, 8 zirtlAiRol 9 ICI Farms 11 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NT At1-m3)41 toil Economic classification code 1929 Original: 34 - Revised: ?E/ CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION AMPAGYMENT Total value of manufactures in county: t297,160,000 Value of petroleum refining: 270,756,000 r)( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis icannetl,e, Port Neches, 5pidleto- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PA /4C' County State Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade—net sales 3 1929 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals 1°7 111(4 pETR0 1...Eu m 7 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: LW b CVAAI (1.0) - /-21 5107 50 112— 57 561 i County it,tOcc: 142 , I (ikA) __ Population 1929 :0 1919 ii °1 iI 4 _§ 3/0(C.() Wholesale trade—net Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 I C — -a5 1:27 Ivea L.. ---- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: ______- 51)3 8 9 A 10 Farms C il 11 C A-r--ri._ 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2- (03''' qi-VI 1043 3241 20 Economic classificati:op code 1929 Original: Revised: 517_ Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Southwest COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-19 33 M .AIEL.LS State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 2 3 4 Retail trade--net sales Whol:ia;e trade--net 6.6i5 g,55Y F(13 Population 1929 M 1919 County 70.37 Z_I 17 004 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: _ 15 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals L.II-2- t-c"°'/ .252.. 4 __ c2)4256 (ta) 25 ._. _ fil-efI_____ _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 33 9 : 12 Farms .2, 2814 o-r-roN C. /1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ysg'Ll 102-7 24(40 .231e4 t5g1-1Li 55 13/g Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: Lit D3 Petroleum field: (Gulf) Premont Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 075I+NSOW County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 1Z3r-1/ 4.54-&812-- Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1929 09,16A9 1919 a)335 1929 County 33,317 Urban center II/53 7 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1237 0XXD .3 -37 53 1'400 I440 3 _f. Population 411 WO 2S4OG 4415 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -58/ 9 r 10 11 12 Farms C._ Orr-0/4 &Rath/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , 13 - a,876, It I t+o 5.5 a 4,524 4,7841 .,37 cit o .3 I 11.1Lis Economic classification code 1929 Original: 5-5 Revised: eri Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-19 33 Texas s-ryfivi ;504A/ETS County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholenle trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures tk, 1-13 01_1 421141-12 _f. I(3'1 Minerals P.a-T-R.0 I- Eu M 7 .-.. Population 1929 f4,1919 County Urban center r2)666 7q ILI ‘„704. A g'3 I 6ily I705 1,-)c L,55 1 I,S51 6,144 11551 I,D .2,1,233 14 oCt 5 Percentage change in value of __, production and trade 1929-1935: ilo /T/Zid -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 ---44. 9 10 Farms _Ag75 11 C_ o-r-ro r-1 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /,5a 1 3 1;2974) 45T5 .2, I,2_ 1111E0lit Economic classification code 1929 441 Original: Revised: 817 Petroleum field: North_Cedtral Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1 933 kk iARNS County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 1 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 1929 6 .4j. Population 1929 1919 County Z51545 Ut250 Urban center 3:141. 5,541 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 1.503 c141XCI 4 A421, Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 3t4 514g N-T- — 5,29/ 30 N6a.sPercentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -35 9 10 11 Farms e_01--rew 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis aivil 117i1 5/144: -.0246 .9,Se 5e1 Economic classifiction code 1929 Original: 0/ Revised: 0/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1 933 RAO FILA eiftt State -7-ERRE12_ County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 9 3 Retail trade--net sales Wholesale 1 ,29,2, 51(00 1929 Population 1929 1919 027,Z-t0 County Urban center q,-is-2., 4"c1'105 2/795 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: trade—neti''s-6 1-7 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _.6 _5 5 V40 it QPI 41)VP ajo_ .2042 2f53 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -53 9 10 11 12 Lt(goo Farms c cx-r-ro r•Q alZA/ a 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 471 7'46 70 i 3 0(25 5; it'q 04 /(e.2.13 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 RENPOL-i-State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total product in and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Mholeia;e trade--net , sae 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1929 3.21;7 .2,/517 0203 a3ct County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 1207 ~Pee. _§ 1919 042(0 1,0 63 (£4) Population 1929 NT 144, a,312-, - 46 /01-1 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 .....5c) . 8 9 10 11 12 Farms oo i- i VV*51 - 6 ,C-k co•ov 13 A40/1/4 /R Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis )gi 52— ii o Sol Ow ,2,2gy Economic classification code 1929 Original: .25 Revised: 314 Z4 I /0/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales in thousands of dollars) -... I-41a t° 3 1929 1 Total primary production 5 Manufactures C1 1919 Population 1929 County ii45 141- 4ct I).-kr u b 111.7...„.., x rrerFie r an center — - _— bovn4arie5 Percentage change in value of , telroducti an and trade 1929-1935: 11-,(4, 11125 GHE ka — putAllailletc-V C....otietinr:ci 0So Wholsrale trade--net 4 Chief urban center as ict c_heznyv..a• i-ouRk _ da-td. u wet)iet Aka+ b 4'Co Mectra-b i4._ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 /14t CnorylliDLAFANJO 8 9 10 Farms 1. I II CA --r-rl_ &"-- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ci. i I i iv ?L15 93Li 531 Economic classification /code 1929 D' f' Original: ReviseJ: . : - 3e) Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-19 33 KIN I" TexaS State County Value 1 935 1 Total product in and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol : fale trade—net in thousands of dollars) 1929 405 N4- Chief urban center Populatlan 1929 1919 County 1.51 4 71q N-f Urban center Percentage change in valup of productian and trade 1929-1935: —21 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals OA) _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 11 Farms Q..0T ro 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6V7 0253 "76 1542 440 ds714 Economic classification code 1329 Original: 0I ReviseJ: I 0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 KE State kRi'1ILL— County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I 9 3 Total production and trade 1z1 214,(C Retail trade--net sales , Population 1929 County 114 1 91 9 gii rt(0 Urban center /0,15 / 4541. 323zPercentage change in value of duction and trade 1929-1935: .,g-74. -24 ap5g g.5/ Z 14 1(0 Wholesal epro trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals AaLiri ((L 121 II V Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farms °WI L307 117?-1 zga Economic classificoME_code 1929 Original: 12 IVO° 1.— Moi-i4 iR 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..240 411 Revi3edt 020 3.7 _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, TeTSEI 10%11 BLE County State Value Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures J . Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) * 1929 1935 1 1921-1933 1.71 S /0.. Population 1919 County 3,,39 Urban center WI 1,433, 300 ?V Percentage change in valu• of productian and trade 1929-1935: t IS2 Cci.4-) 1929 (2,4)JO i cz44-) 101 --11C) 470 II Minerals Percentage change 7 production in value of primary 1919-1929: 8 —.31/ . 9 -.. 10 Farms 11 3A-1 !?6(a_ --c- P ..20,53/ . I.A.,-)020 c2or7 12 WOO 1.-- 13 IP E" C.. A-N 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N4. NT gi754 Economic classification code Original: Revi3e3, 04 33 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Kiwer Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 2 3 14 1929 .571 Retail trade--net sales County /PI 1919 555 1St Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholetale trade—net Total primary production b(0-1 Manufactures 6 Population 1929 ittrG Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 2. 9 lo II Farms CpIrrrL 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1f3L1 glor7 231 105 -Economic classification Original: Revised: code 1929 01+ 30 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Tpxas )rN/N .v State County Value 1 935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 0 j32. 1929 I,di 5-ge Population 1929 .41919 County Urban center 4,Litt Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 ASPHALT 6,4k) - 1,277\ (7,,A7 — 15 /7 Percentage change in value of primary 4511aual amt fat.u3X,ClAretai 40 • production 1919-1929: as/ 8 9 10 11 12 Farms SI-1-EEP (Aion I 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,(* 1.111 1814 731 Economic classification cpide 1929 Original: Revisal: 33 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 KLE ere State Value Total product in and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures § Minerals 7 P -ik_c, L.E um Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 ItgL_J919 1929 1 935 1 Ae,Ajg4.5VILL__E. G- County county Zic/9 t i o(0 150'1 /4,091 L071 /37D 4504 3,i.,3 .?ezi X44 1.30 124312 Urban center Ca,81 5 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: .2'4 1 -31 13‘ .2L+ i 3k 131 --- 33 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 74- 8 9 10 11 12 Farms Co-t--astsi Q Pf-c--t L E 13 C br—ro AiSE1) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L b153 4q L-I 011 N fl- is46 AN4 8$0 51-1 5 gr , 1,---rig Economic classification code 1929 Or Revised: 51 Petroleum field: kGulf) Kingsville Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 X-!c! State frrAi County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1929 county . 191- 19 19 _ 4172 7 7,221149 Urban center m21361 310(24 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholefalse trade--net 3 Population -775 ).5,81.3 '214 I (.41.4-. ) — CF,0A-) _ -35 gi-flo ( 4A.) AWL j 7 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -.., 8 —75 9 10 11 Farms e0r-roN 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L 5'13 7,o d.v3i kii-i I V1-18' plo Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0/ Revised: Of Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 L.A-NAAR TELIC3,8 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales Wholefale trade--net 3 4 Total primary production 5 manufactures 6 Minerals 7 1929 12'452.5124 , Chief urban center 423'1 . 15 .23. 1919 39,1‘,3 County Urban center 1929 1145. 5 Co LI" Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: nto(10 (p,311 WO' 27236 22z. Population — 4'3 _5,643 S Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -. 8 9 ID Farms r 11 C o -1"-i-on' 12 C-000) 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f‘Q5, 7(po 10-2-4 7/67 7,24 -C40151411F Economic classification code Original: 717 481-12/ Revised: I i6a5 1329 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 z-04 /1/1 13 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 - 1929 1919 1 Total product in and trade 4,i41'o 17(72.5.?' 7 Retail trade--net sales 2,7g2_ 4,0i0 .5-y4 co agli Wholetale trade—net 3 i 4 Population 1929 052' Manufactures 6 Minerals - Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 5 county /7g5 iva L... i41 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 1 7 8 0278 ' 9 , 10 Farms ei?Y65 11 C-°TT-0 12 N OAA IN 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ni 333 201 I (735 liqt1C° la 85' . Economic classification code 1929 Original: DI Revised: 0? Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1955 2-461 f141211 5 11 State County Value in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale t trade--net 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 Chief urban center tIA 1 91 9 County la252- 2;1grg- Urban center Q1781 &I-70' 0,58"2 ,R,50g Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: ,q -j ccAtf) Population 1929 /i2 I --. /di 101 .25 4,591 ii-go Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -52- 9 10 Farms 1._241_5 11 12 Ltv Es-roc-i.< 1A)00 I-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 355 ci 1:00 ;1194g liZi 02 1-5 4433 Economic c 1 ass if icat i on code 1979 Original: Revised: / 3q Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Te7f1F r County iA State Value Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1929 j 7 Population 1919 qa_ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 524 (.4)(' — — _ Urban center 1:(4511 ..W 1929 County 62Y05 411441 cCA.) Chief urban center in thousands of doll -ars) 1935 I 1921-1933 4 gA ) --21-1 A4171047 _20 Minerals Percenta9e change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 II 12 Farms CO -t-TOA Ch-r-ri---- ,3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i/ fa ilo 4-17s ) qd..ei criti-i 2,,L,Loc Economic classification code 440 Original: 023-3 Revisel: 03 1329 Form S-39 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas 1-14 4 State County Value 1935 Total production and trade 9 3 Retail trade--net sales in thousands of dollars) 1929 3,4t4, Wholv: s sIe trade--net _6 7 1919 County Urban center ligY3 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 4135 S10 us9 Manufactures Population 1929 1_,2042- Total primary production 5 Chief urban center 07t1 Ail Minerals - 26 gitiqq. 1,Wo0 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -32 9 10 Farms co N 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,34-1 1, 331 6,38" aseel 3‘100( o5(., -700 12,(334- Economic classification code Or Revised: / 0_3 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State LEE: County Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 14 5 _§ 3,16,1 1272. Wholeal s tse trade--net 53r1 Total primary production Manufactures WI Minerals in thousands of dollars) — Population _.1 . .4 1919 1929 1935 1 Chief urban center County 4521 13(45, Urban center 1,3 gioG 2- 252- L..,410 -- 1929 — 14511r Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: _q 25 i 70 — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -5,1 9 , 10 ll 12 Farms I,3 (03i e-0-c-ro r‘i LwCoC_K 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -ii i,-7--7 1 L3 (4- --704 423 1130 (V-1 3%95 Economic classification code 1929 0' 0 Revised: Original: 3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 xak, 1_6-C1 County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net so 4 Total primary production 5 _6 Manufactures Minerals 7 02-11919 1929 1935 I Population 1929 County ..----430 Urban center It47° 14-224g ?';13ti) 7242 9,71-7 Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1935: giioq .5-100-3 (2M) __ C-c• A- i--- ___ -- /1/C7-i. ‘ — . 8 --- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: _57 9 10 Farms / 7C(v li CA2-1"CO NI 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .g'i-i Zg'102. 4(01-1- .552._ Economic classification code Original: 01 ii3zo Revisal: 0( 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1-113E1:2TV t ate County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of d liars) 1 935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net SH lea Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 4gi PE-riZoLEu if,159 3;111 3111 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: t37 Total primary production 5 10- 1919 1929 1013 4,07'1 Population 1929 01 L'Or005 tooS 1,c(f0 12,2q-3. 1,537 do,247-- 1„x42- 1,531 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 30 9 10 11 Farms 1,13(4 v S---roCk 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 031 4.5 331 5'45 15c4 ,i255 Economic classification code 1929 3 ( 1' Or Revised: 52___ Petroleum fieldsi (Gulf) Cleveland, La.jton, Esperson, hankamer. hull South Liberty Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 C•- 0- INIEST-ON County tate Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade Total primary production 5 Manufactures . Minerals J 7 ilar141 GE 3C111 C2P41/ 51465 aholvale trade--net 4 PE-Trzo LE.0 rif, county lid 1919 S(LC Pia" (S C c: V fri--y Retail trade--net sales 3 Population 1929 Urban center 6,5rl CI Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 1 9 -e RZ:g 31,491 LigG. lag& ilj couill -- fil 1451 Percentage change in value of primary sA ee- rLLs cc,(dtv rr production 1919-1929: _343 8 9 10 11 12 Farm, C01---r 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3.7175 444\ ,(031 850c, 13178/ Economic classification Lit Original: P20s sl Revised: 1 code 1929 • Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 ''Cexag 1- P5 o A4a State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total productian and trade 9 RetAil trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 14 Total primary production Manufactures 6 acq-37 Vo° 55(0 1929 Population 1929 1919 K.82-16 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: att2i 3,20 c2b9 County 3,10 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 8 -20 9 10 11 cf.:a I Farms 0.11-1EA-T- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .2,8241 3202 3,1g7 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisal: 0232- • Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PiVE CA-KCounty State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 1 Population 1929 315'1 •1.'fig County .5 lit-10% 411'41 1919 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935* Wholesale trade—net 3 4 i Total primary production 011L14 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 TE-TROLE.0TY\ --- apci a09 .._ ___ —- liqr/(0 /IL -t- ___ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -- 8 • if 9 10 11 12 Farms 1,4-60 C-0--r—rav e A-1—r L. - Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ',q /Li #V,ILlif t97 /, o56 318r 3I 1 1,171.__- Economic classification code 1929 Original: ReviseS: 13 6I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis v. Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 LLPt-W 0 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeiale trade--net es 1929 , cr (910 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 53 PopulaWn 1929 IN 1919 it533 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1 ,232j$94 ;PI — 331 I 136 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 - 5 2- 8 9 10 11 Farms C- 1 3tyi 1,6`11 L 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33ff 3,135 Economic classification code 1929 142. Original: 3() 0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1-.OV N State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of d liars) 1 935 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 14 53L- M24 1919 521 3, Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production Minerals 7 0 ) C-7no LEum County Urban center Whol::le s 1 trade—net Manufactures 6 1929 Population 1929 -g 34S L-- Lf. L4'1L. ar7 4 -1 2-11 .271 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: a 0776, 9 I0 Farms II 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 3,0 23o '74 Economic classificat)pn code 1929 Original: Revised: 52_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 0BI3oc I-013 BOC-K County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 ,?;ZgEi 53 / 41/ /21212-' 14S/33 tt_A519 county Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wr hol a!e trade--net net sale Cq7 ' '2 I449 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 4371 _.6 Population 1929 icriv_Sl gin5if 310 ° 4t612 35 5 Minerals —Li3 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 11 12 J5(047 Farms 4 DA-t RY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 444 loci lo i012)(00 3,1(20 8/to5 ir12.-- 71-73g Economic classification code 1929 Original: 5-1 Revised: P7 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 L__\/ State Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholselale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 3.4(0(p L_572 301es Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade r./ County 0_ 19 1 9 : 3)--, County ivici., Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3.3/7 2353 4 $ 45 _6 Population 1929 (,Qf11 — 04 414-4 wai-i-- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 9 10 Farms ..V145 1/ %1.3707 11 12 COTTON D4 i &e 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis virz _ 32(a 023710 405 4.44 Economic classification code 1329 Original: Revised: Cl 0l Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 - )44 et e_vd_i_oc_f-t State (2141.)V County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals Population 1929 County 4124-1919 43141 12.153_. ,n33 6372- 281ri 04512- Urban center - 32- 372— fo/242 i4s2._ .3 7e3 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: qa.3 ct,3 ;Z14, Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -314 9 10 11 12 Farms c_o-r-rml C_O-r----ro N SECalic Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41105 Of7 Al A-- 3'11 41Liid /,-71,0 NT a 1%310 Economic classification code 1329 Original: 9i Reviuelt el Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 e.. Texas State Al O_P County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) , r7Dig03 Retail trade—net sales 3 Whols:7:1se trade--net t4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 7 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade i 3 3 10:CD Minerals Pe-r*Ro LCO 03:109 348161 m j14--.1 91 9 146413I _ liN2( 714:373 3ti/24 3714/ q015o10150 i irl b5ct _ ___ Population 1929 County '7ri 62i Urban center t-i e Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: -52Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 , Farms 42611 11 12 c)-1--rolv G R A-fa 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (0,0 3". r1 / 133 it,015 ga()2r2 ,Economic 6,8'64 classificatiocode 1929 Original: Revised: -2.- li1'RI - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U: k,Gentn-11) ,outti Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TP71.1 MOL-L-A/ County State Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total product ian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Chief urban center 1929 goct (Ot Wholesale trade—net MO Population County 1919 54Y ''- Urban center (:98.1 Percentage change in value. of productian and trade 1929-1935: -- 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures --- Minerals Percentage „Q_-__ 62:). Ir1g rig'production _6 7 727 -rii,oLE u nil 1929 (0-1 0424 ---, 8 change in value of primary 1919-1929: — 47 9 r 10 11 Farms e_ 4--r-r 1... -- - 630 1/54 7o5 3cfr 3(1 ii142..4 Revised: 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , bi 30 Economic classificationcode Original: 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 A4 A-vi ate A1 County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net es 4 Total primary production 5 _r6 Manufactures 3/94 EVCI 1919 --------- 1,gg5 471 Ag (...ek) 1929 County 14,140 I:gig (52A) Population Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: /,52(se-) 3,4444 - I I-1- o Minerals Percentage change in value of production 1919-1929: 7 primary 8 --5 5 9 10 Farms L LIS I 1 CA'1--C-C)t•I 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 617 011 OV2- 7q 7-- 3,42g Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: of 01 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 MA-RioN County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:1:le trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§. Minerals 2,4-181 1:Oil 42- Population 1929 County i Alt-I-19 19 3'O Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 109'2' rirri —36 t(4,1 cZ g35 05_ 3-2- be3g 4...V" 8/46 /yi, Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 __41 9 10 it Farms Q.0-T-co NJ 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 544-- 31 7 q931021 704- 1016 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 04;2 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Iotal rural non—service employment: Employment ln forestry and fishing: ic:c,w and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 400 45 159 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Value 1935 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1124 1929 Population 1929 1919 County Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholefale trade--net sae Urban center b(of N4 wit-3 NT Manufactures 6 Minerals _ 4-9 vi-64 Total primary production 5 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: (5A-} N Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farms LoTTON 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14C341 444 14g3 '6)1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revi3eJ, 01 Of Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921_1933 Texas :5 o m State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) i929 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales -7,4 zI 1 01 Wholesale trhde--net Whole 43g-3 4 Manufactures 6 Minerals Urban center 1,131 534 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 4 t)406 (&6 9 ___ County _1- 1919 ii,a5. Total primary production 5 1 Population 1929 (ZA) 10f -3351 -14-3 lb Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 t 8 —45 9 10 12 Farms CO -T. -TON 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,i_ci i 3i 7 ,253 1,(,F(o PIO Co 2-7-- 200 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: OL OF 3o Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Arraa-OrpiiCounty State Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total product i an and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol:tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures .5i2st 1929 154o:;Lon aL 3-610 idstg7-Cti-2.-- _§ Minerals PC1-R0L-EONI .5d)i-P140 R 7 8 Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 County COQ rli- Urban center (4i 58 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: /051 .f..5494, kOrla7471na. C0Unty 1:-/q3 EICI3 5/3 5/3 -fc?_g'IA! 1171141A ____ coo N TY. -(2C , I ,'-'7 1 ,:,..,7,13 Percentage --- change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 13 i703 I 9 10 11 Farms c-rt-i-ri_ e 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .,2,047. V77 545 LXI'l iCr3g '1 Cz,--- L1(441 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3a' Revised: 50 Petroleum fieldt:(Gulf) Buckeye, Markhprn, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V7E: COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 M /Wit:PR State E PA SS e, County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade 9 3 4 Retail trade--net sales Whols:i:le trade--net 1-7=1 1 9 19 a,326 Ofi 51033 A0A4 5114 933 r _§ I5 e 17-0 / 5057 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production Manufactures County Urban center 2 03 5 Population 1929 i _57 113(2. 11 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 (71 9 10 11 12 Farms za9 e Wr-ri-g ON i DiNis Digitized 13 for FRASER 5e)NACH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3ei NA AM c211 51g IR. NT NI" a3r1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 5 Form 6-36 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1:› / iNJ County State Value 1 Total product uc in and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:nle trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures J. i/ Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1 935 1929 SelatIt. 8-414.a.r COLI147 t,(4.9 5 Population 1929 pe Ci 1919 County Urban center .44002 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: / Sf30 gbi+ tw-mtr e,,,,),-,-+ y -.C' r 1,ori 1-7(4 174 I.Z Minerals 7 P -f-R 0L- (-)rn ZElit OexiIR coor4re Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 35 9 10 i1 12 Farms Li ve-S-roc_i< Colka Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a/ Lazo lpo5 aI 043 jj`tO icq VI5 Loto Economic classification code 1929 Original: i Revised: 6 35 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 WA RD State County Value in thousands of dollars) * 1929 1935 Total productian and trade 1 Retail trade--net sales Whols:1:le trade--net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures J. Chief urban center _04444° CIL° .25?4, 37 Population 1929 1919 5,101 2_ Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 15r-litl 1,0 ot. 4545-7 '7I tirC County - 51. ?41 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -. 8 — 2- 9 10 1 1 I, ZI5. Farms LIV65--rcek, 12 '3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5-7,2- 053 Z)57 /122- 0250 Economic classification code 1929 C14 Original: Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 7'• v IDL-A-Nb E State 1111D1-44N D County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 wholvale trade--net 5:ol5' i 3:1(04_ cfb3 5,131 J . Manufactures 1(2— Minerals __-- Urban center 3,370 1;21 kal 5141g4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19351 -No 42,16-1 5 county Stil /919 Total primary production 1929 Population (.(141 6, 7 .---- _ 14 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 /1 9 10 11 12 Farms ir5cr Co-r-roig C -LE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 1.1 50 (No 15(311 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3 Reviselt 3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 cAAAcRo N Yti / L-11 /VI County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 .1(21 1 I2 101.4 g22A323 .3120 8,413 4-53‘ *hl sva!e trade--net Total primary production Manufactures 7 12C ) _6 7 Minerals PE7Roi_E0ni 0.0A 8 i__ Population 1929 0 67 ___ County 1919 Urban center 07,i15 4,5-105 Percentage change in value of product in and trade 1929-1935: 73217 17657 1313 9:7(4- 27417q 274. NT'- 1,74,3 013 - Li‘, ) (26 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: /.20 ____ _ 55 9 10 11 Farms , 4.,(52 Ccrr-rod 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ;/,`05 4,(01 Igo 15,7,74 378/14- Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: /3 81 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas M LL.S State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) i929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j ?-2,A-) jy .24 1 9 1 9 3.doo 510.8i 141143 1,9.33 51 i -- Population County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: A0414 2/03 1561 01 Pi /1 Minerals 1929 -47 Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 —5? 9 10 11 12 Farms c_.--t- 1-0 N C*RiCiiN Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 414 gRio 3j5 1:74 /5 g002. Licit spde 1929 5142... Economic classification, Original: 2 iii Revised: 07 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOP STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State j1iiiC Value I 9 RetAil trade—net sales , 3 5 Manufactures J 7 6I to k-tc f 1:2-!E Total primary production , . 1929 Wholesale trade—net 4 Tel-K-01...Eu ,41 Population 1929 County jia-1 9 1 9 13,370 ...5-,5z 2,07 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 5) 500 liL441 7 -- Minerals Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total productian and trade t1ELL- County ... ILL1400 letV)) - 5(0 (01 /03 Ig'2.-- - 0251 I 8'2. .251 /82 `K2-- - Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -/0 9 -. 10 II Farms e0TT /2°3 aN 8'81 2, 047 3,65g 531S/ Economic classification Z200 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Original: 341( Revised: 52_ code 1929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole:tale trade--net ea 1929 7,510 at5 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 320 6 Minerals TtX0. 7 119 : 5_ Population 1929 1919 ( /7, 57 I 31 County Urban center LL6`33, .203i JO0 I t,oc,3 .4414- L1-144 /,13S Percentage change in value of production and trade 1928-1935: - (0 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: E-rpoI-Com P -6-3 8 9 10 Farms C 0-1--rna 12 Li VE5- o CA< Digitized I 3 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ViCt 387) .5-7o /10 577 'Q25 Economic classificatpcode 1929 Or Revised' r,23 petroleum field: North Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1935 MoOIVER State County Chief urban center — Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 ,16) Total primary production 5 Manufactures 7 V-- 19 19 County _12402 .36.8 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholesale trade—net 4 6 __ Z -C:0(9 2,513 Population 1929 Minerals (PC rkoLEoivi 2771 y(s3,0 W‘ti it15 1,g'15 __ gdirl — /7'5)7.. ...... 17.7,2.— 401'3 _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: i 8 -31 9 10 11 12 Farms 4-(VS7--CC.j< C-r----r-ON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 71,9 31:: 0 3F(o I, -.55. 755 —7T3 3 Ly76 Economic classificationpde 1929 Original: 2)416 Revised: 60 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Mtal rural non—service employment: • 1,224 Eipployment in forestry and fishing: " saw and planing mills: 203 778 Petroleum field: (Gulf) Conroe Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Tpx9,111 M 00R E State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 9 3 Retail trade--net sales Whol: tale trade—net Population 1929 it tilt., 143(.0 1140 County 043 logo Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 1b5- 1 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 peerkoLEuni i 1-7( WC, 331 33 555 555 555 555 Percentage change in value of primary — production 1919-1929: 8 30 9 10 Farms aof C 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( 1th .233 43 o I.(71 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviseit ie 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TOxf1A M OR R I S State County Value in thousands of dollars) Total production and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net es 4 Total,primary production 5 Manufactures . _6 r72-1 1929 1935 I Chief urban center 1:t17 ii 0 (al gt6 — Population 1929 1919 County Lii650 Urban center 2:ni Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Witt CN-- ,(00 L.321 3,in 12. 63 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -5(.., 9 10 11 Farms 7go a01 -ro N 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3g/e I, iD 1,2'15 172.- .il.7 3 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: C. i DI Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 itt PX3,8 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 _§ 461-2-' 5,55g--- t II-34. 1 (CI I iJa5 Total primary production Manufactures V?Iligi a,fri) 50 60 (?../X) county rigt- 19 1 9 <Ds Wholnalse trade--net Population 1929 _ Urban center Percentage change in valu, of production and trade 1929-1935* 955 6 Lid Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -5(0 8 9 10 il 12 ,3 Farms Co-r-ro N/ c_A--r-ri-E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Y349 g53 3cte A531 44g i.seti 545 i4349 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 0/ 0i COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 N4-0C-Doc-14-5 Able_oa-Dos County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dolllrs) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 Whols:l a;e trade--net /C) .-14+ 470:3 .9i065 ICti6 _6 1919 County Urban center grait° 72,&9 4,444 Total primary production Manufactures Population 1929 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: — 142- (oi I 1'2-- 'L$"7 02,LIA AL1.39 iggF Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 11 Farms 1.610 t0 1-Trif\J 3er) 3,614113673 02I i I -2-- fit!? Revised: 12 L- i V e 7S-10CK 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5-. 50 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 4(93 I L,I-(.1 2r- 1 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 NA kii+RICI teXag. State C. 1. 3-t County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Wholle trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j Minerals PETR0LE UM 7 0A-04514 14,2- ii' iiiqX12- ILliCti5 14356, 1.34 73, Population 1125 1919 County 5-3 8 L93 I,NA MVP- Chief urban center Urban center 1929 O7 o5 / 5j20-2- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: -55 ,220 -24704, g,c,3(.. Xit131, t755 -- Percentage change in value of ,3'34.3 3343 3:34-3A345 ,____ primary production 1919-1929: 8 ....g 9 10 I i Farms e 0 T i ON 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 622 Aa-ci5 I DA-P-go ID,f % r7L-P-t rl 15351 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 4! Revised: gr O Petroleum field: (h. S. Central) Currie Powell Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 NE iv-r-c) ez as State County Value 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net es 4 Total primary production in thousands of dollsrs) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade I 3 aS4+ Vi--2_ Chief urban center tfAL 1919 Manufactures ,..6 1929 County '7,o -12_ 1,571 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: iltkr 5,374 5 Population 2155 / Lt7gz ti,r0- .- WO 4,513- 39i Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 1 41 9 10 Farms 11 12 7gir7 HO (1-7-S i Co 1---ro N Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3--23 ,5-3 '7/I 5y2— i,3 15 Economic classificatiswcode 1929 Original: .375 2/r- Revised: , e)a 60 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in forestry and fishing: It saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,721 356 1,037 orm S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1333 iv0L_A a State 4JEET W County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total product uc in and trade 2 Retail trade—net sales 3 4 Whol:tale trade—net es 1929 I Lit2K5 LLCIiilee- 7,231 7:5A— 12,2'37 --.3(y 4g Manufactures , it3d50 liagt '4(41 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 / ) 9 . Farms la t4Cogi 11 /71347-ii3 g. /Di Urban Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: 7 10 center 1).i LI4 i Total primary production i4(41 0 _§ County 1124-1919 _....---- 02,4 5 Population 1929 - C--Crr roN 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 634 /0 6,314 gi-Jr e8/0 . 50536 Economic c 1 ass if ica ; .. i.on code 1329 Original: Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 whol:t! a e Cci'pS CIIRIST r4()ECES County State Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 county -!...95 1919 5o o.c. Urban center PV:k30 .m.24;4(1-4.4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: I tajott3 /2,3Q5 144;431 trade--net , _f. Manufactures Minerals 517e 7 LI I -1.- -7 Total primary production 15Lticl 5 1929 Population iwOri Ligll 4i,e7l Percentage change in value of primary 1 1 2102- production 1919-1929: — 8 P7 9 10 5,1x_ Farms C 12 O -r—r-orq i--i- RY' 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,54-e ),350 la:3444V 10/9i2_ t,59.. 4„,1,1,1 Economic classification code 1929 Or Revised' X2-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 44 e)(1 State FE Ftf:k_v -r Chief urban 1--11SE& County center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3,8'3 I , 4 56*2-' Manufactures ...6 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: aiSiLl- Total primary production 5 1 4511 130 County 1919 /1,F51 Al$tf hat5 Wholesale trade—net 3 Population 1929 —681 31.°:47 (3-.4) 1 0% /0! of,/r-ert— Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -., 8 31 9 — 10 11 Farms W44 &Pt-r 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i Y14-4 451K 14210 44410 —3,5irl 3,30L, Economic c 1 ass i f icat i on code 1929 Original: Revi3eSt 44:7 Grj Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 01.-Di+4/0 County TesRs State Chief urban center I Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol : iale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6, 1929 Population jy.....1-1919 IL05`f C242-7 14,473 Loi 5 ,;?-i A 48.° ._L7_2-% 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: /120 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 4-2- 8 9 10 54;13 Farms li Wil f-11- --r- 12 e-A-r-TL__E 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 Lir-/ Olig 1:7-24 1,209 ILO 0233 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: I 32- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 itexa,s, 0 N State County Chief urban center _ in thousands of dollars) Value 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Wholmle trade—net -243L2-, 1.35-2- 5 Manufactures no Minerals 39Z' PiZTAX)L.S...QA. gcri.....-,- itg"5`f Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: A323 436° L.9(.20 .‘,360 in value of primary production 1919-1929; Percentage change BO --- —53 ' 9 11 —5g 2821 ig 1i 1 if3K' 43 11055 8 10 _ Urban center Total primary production 7 1929 County PP-1 1919 .-------` A 4 _§ Population -, Farms 1.... i v --5--r-bc.,Ix 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 364 -25 I tit' a2g.? (41-2-9 1,554 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 24 Revised: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PAL() P N-ro State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol:Tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j 7 i P ---rtZo_i_EL)Ai 6,01-1- 3)C1g (0,0),(7 Ci(01 WI 1 3L1" Co A 1.... 8 N Eitrl-- Population 1929 eSig3-.1919 775 424 134 Minerals WELL.5 11411 County County Urban center 1 7,5-7(0 58 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: grAV I (0.112 t Ci isty VII° HA gag 1,59 10 1(og/ ICA 410g-i- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: --__ —54 . 9 r 10 11 12 Farms Q et-c-ri-E 750_ LP-rs/ fEC.ONS WA- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 4245 ,tdiri o23 Economic classification code 1929 Or 5(45 Revised: Af r , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Pi; nJ °LAState County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales r 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures County I 5- 19 19 1;53(0 Urban center 12Y40 3.172- ;Of 4655 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: Whol.etale trade--net 4 _§ 3.7a5 Population 1929 /46 314-1 3673 341 _ (v I 5,0 52-3 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: a -3 9 10 I I Farms 1,74 , 1 CO -r-ro N 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Qi-i 3 .i9(og 33132. ,.-3.s0L.5 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviuell / rrr- 0/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas PA FkKee, State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 6313 3 LI Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 1919 County 0,556 Urban center Loig Retail trade--net sales Wholesale trade—net saleS 22 1929 Population 1929 11,80 12% Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3,05 40,53 414545 EST3 13`13 0.25 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farms U i'recisrsCV! , L IV ESTCCic 12 ,--cItJ 13 4 i 12. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ifogi q7, 3-1 5,o 19 34 54 6o1 763 Ao Economic classificati n code 1929 Original: 4 Reviued: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 l'exas State County Chief urban center _ Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Wholesale i trade--net Q/(4-21 ( 613 427 jg4L-1919 ZO' gI0 I:75(a Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: ,s(440 62*J ,--- —70 (4)5 .... 1929 County Total primary production Manufactures _§ Population Sail-, Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 60 8 9 _ 10 Farms 4304 I 1 12 wi-1.6-41— Ai N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 si2C4itirriS 3ri A71 ..-i?!&.2 .535; ;z,0001.4'0 // -AM?' 1,14 e3 Economic classification code 1929 a Original: 2- Revised: 3C Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PEe_o S 7,2P ate County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 ,Ik2,1Art Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 7 _.2.1, 4' ig14- 53? PETROLE_ °Alt Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 1ai 331 59 ---4 59 1-15,6-1L,LK(976 ____ Percentage change 45,(01b i.0,16 — 12 value of primary 40r1 9 11 in production 1919-1929: 8 10 _ *pi 4010 ill i/ Minerals County ,.50 ,i./o3, Wholesale trade--net 4 ,_1919 1929 1935 Total productidn and trade 1929 Population _ L 412- Farms CA-1-----ri.514-E--P 141 ao L._ 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 1-478/ /,511 26-78' 33ft4 Economic classification Or 700 Revised! '-/5j i i-105 -34 5-2___ code 1929 Petroleum fields; (id'es:f..,) timagamttx Lvlor—LinK, Yates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 POLK St t e County Chief urban center -Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total product prod ia n and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales Wholelaise trade—net 3 4 12 .1 /0 1(0 7413 .01-49 19 Minerals 7 T12..o c_CuieL4 -.. 1,5 78" /, 100 1, 1 00 County Urban center 1.14-162° Percentage change in value of product in and trade 1929-1955s 367 /2172I Manufactures 1929 77410 Total primary production 5 Population 1i550 1,550 -7 I.,2J 3,532Percentage change in value of primary -- production 1919-1929: — 8 —63 9 10 11 12 1,&21 Farm, Co -r---1-0 N If) a-s 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7(9 O il,k,0 1,3-1g 21111 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 75/- Revised: , 0 G EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Tbval rural non-service employment: savg and .nlanirls mills: PftrAleffna: "n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,505 895 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State A-M i9-1 County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Population 1919 5,535_, loi.„5.33_ 1120 3o303. '251010 100(01 I County Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 4100 0/0 Urban center 155 K955 1929 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: Wholelale trade--net 4 6 Chief urban center -5 / 41451 1iio75 11075 10551 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 8 9 10 II 12 3c4. Farms A T-n....E W l-f 4-r C 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -3IS( I49 A e455 a,58)1- 4.o II L41. ._ , Economic classification code 1929 Original: dy.24- Revised: ><T2... orm S-58 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF DANK FAILURES, l'121-1).5.5 .rp.xas PRE•517)10 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade 9 3 Retail trade--net sales Whols:t:e trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 Minerals 7 5ii-vR g 3,4i L ;t: -V n--\_ 2/411 ti-yi 6(02 Population 1929 County 19 19 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 1,79 I 417;- )18/ R01 717 514Li 544 en04-4 Percentage change in value of primary 711 51444541- 60q1 production 1919-1929: 165 198e ., 8 — (s' 9 10 Il 12 Farms 0 — 04*-1---1-i—e -"1--1-r)N Co Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 01 .... 47e 253 rig"? ipiti 381 352_ I'2°f' Economic classification code 1929 Original: -3(0 Reviseit i Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas f- o^k- N 15 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total product in and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Mot:Ta s le trade—net L2.1(0 1414- 51 2,40+ no Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: * LOY Total primary production ( Manufactures _ County jilli-,1919 io o i_ 5 Population 1929 _ La 34 09' ) Afed— _§ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 -59 a 9 10 11 Farms ao-r-r-o A.1 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 717 444 1 Ii-1-(0 1,300 4114 7b4 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0I Revised: 0 ( Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of do113rs) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j 7,714 1120r1 071603 al 4 1919 37 Wholesale s trade--net I Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: , 454, itgr 33‘0 , q:6:4) NT NI Na-1.-1 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 r ct3 8 9 4 10 II 12 Farms L0 Col km EA-r L eVE57—cc_ 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ett94lc' 311 . 14,01 3,16,0 /4'75 t -Oa 60LE, Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisal: 4C 32_ • Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 1929 Total production and trade 3 LI Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 IfjFf 19 1 9 County laag Retail trade--net sales Whole ale trade--net — ad I Population 1929 74-5 10 Urban center 13210 g71 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 7.Frl c21, 9 750 (V)f) Ngal- '7,o1-1) 7,04/ 7,014 701-1( •64---92.a LC ORix Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 47149 9 10 II 12 145i Farms V-E5 VJOOL_ 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 434 Po alb .23,7 750 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisell /83 34 .52.- • Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kest) Big Lake, Urayson Form 5-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TS€ County I-- State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I 2 Total production and trade 3 Retail trade--net sales Mholeiale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures *27/ 152- !ii c2,14-7 Population 1929 , _ Ig..-19 19 County Cli+2*- Urban center 3'13 1 rl 5 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 711 (24,9 _ 6,( `itl 1 — _f. Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 -2..2 9 , 10 11 Farms le--1 riVO V ES-Tte- k 4;6 3c114- 7i'J 77 WI Economic classificz,.tion code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , at, 3(4 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1953 TeX.843. State "RE E> 1- \\•rbV, County Value 1935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholetale trade—net saes in thousands of dollars) 1929 I.,62/ Chief urban center Population 1929 1211919 County ia.149% Urban center it-rir I Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 910 Total primary production 5 _6 7 Manufactures (.363 9-1 1,5I 1263 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 Farms 11 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,26,4 5Q 5.140 i32 11441 .3,diro Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 7cas REEVE-% State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales Whols:t ale trade--net 3 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Chief urban center 4,558" in /.371 (*-1—1919 County -,------ /I i a,(0 143(.4 ' /.94 I Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: L4,cfj.1 Cg5(3 g5(0 Minerals 6 _- Population 1929 IV — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 -. -22.- 8 9 10 11 12 Farms Co-r-roM A---r --c-L-E. 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7a 05 Ic-z5g 3/7 3rg' .2(011 3,, 011 Economic classification code 1929 3 ( ± Original: Revised: , C)-3 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 -RE.e oG-10 State County Value in thousands of dollars) Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net sales Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 )-7-120 1 County 7 /v5 Urban center 4+51 11007 2,octi Total primary production 5 Population 1929 57,51 19 19 1929 1935 Total production and trade 9 Chief urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 7'7 3'5?— !Soli C,A) (?-.14-) °San Pic-27) NEGI- cg,21‘ 2,116 — a2iG Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 1 If 359- Farms -T"T-0r•.) 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5o7 638' 045I,S56 (,I6 5-14 Lifoq Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3(4 Revised' 52-- Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Gulf) Greta, hefugio, Tomocolitior Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 'Telma 1R.o-t5ER-t-S State County Value 1935 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 1_94 1919 1929 County Law _310 Urban center 570 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935s Q4251 - 024217 NEGL, Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 3 9 10 II LOS/425i Farms w-1-1E4T 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 1 3ctir 5q5 0.utr1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: I 32_ COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 7K95tE4t-rse)Aj State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doliors) 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales Whole ae trade--net — 3 sales 1929 72(03 Population 1929 )121 1 919 County 1Z.lo Urban center 514-70 'Ng Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: #2,511 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 14 g“ t,v44 1,(44 isqL/ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -4 8 -35 9 10 Farms 0_0 -r-ro 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54z_ 5814 3, 51 144 .c;•cl 7,042, Economic classifiction Original: Revised: 0I code 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 C)C1 1 \k/Ft ( County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doll)rs) 1935 Total production and trade 3 14 p0 1919 1929 ZA91 Retail trade--net sales F75 Wholea!e f trade--net AYI Manufactures 6 Minerals County 370 1,5 1.632- Total primary production 5 Population 1929 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: o2,233 c..ok) 1 (EA-) k loy N Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 lo II Farms CoTT-ONI 12 . Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41144 '8"g11 119672 p,.132- au_ Economic classification code 1929 0/ Original: Revised: 0/ 1=1. ( Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 B41..1.4 WNELS County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1999 1 935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net sales Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 pi-RoLcum li2f/W) LieW5 4?g3 1,33 Jo 150 Population 1929 19 19 j'tqr- ,l71 County FCa 1 Urban center iZ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: .5E81 42,2oI 1,33 11_253 (-r21,7 ..23 23 -3L( Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 23 8 9 10 I 1 Farms 0_0 --r-T-0N 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,3,101 43614 14,3kg ?32 I43 3,q Economic classification code 1929 Original: 141 Revised: • Petroleum field: (North Central)mcMillan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-6 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1 .)2I-1333 19T. 5 t< County ,tote Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 112,...3 1919 County Urban center 11;221 7,loco 213 Wholeale t trade—net 4 1929 Population 1929 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-I935: 5,'trI3 .4s(ca 8./40D g ( d' 11 237t.,° 7g5 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 lo 11 F arras 0-Trat4 12 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ki2-77 1, ogri 5 ,30 .5.1(3 3,bog 7-7 Economic classification code 1329 Original: Revised: ci 0/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5,413, WE r9Xatill State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 1 Total production and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 Mholeae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 1919 1929 ,vr1,2( g ( P t/A- Population 1929 County A/7r Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: A(214 At-r eirf-414 AAmtil- et e49t41)14 ' 444 5 J . Manufactures AO' NA NA Minerals NI Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 eaffULij' A 44. e)-(- Carti "14 l 9 10 Farms 11 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 540(0 (o'Clgii 417 1.5. 13 Economic classification code 1929 Original: / Revised: tO EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,058 722 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5,4Ai State AUG-0 County ViN Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total product in and trade 476 Retail trade--net sales 3 1 jlig Wholvale trade—net 4115 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ..6 -- , County 112-1 1919 ----- 10:Q5r1 Urban center °31'21 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 050 230 ( 24/ 9 Populatlan 1929 1. 0t44 11°14 ,(04-ti 671 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 --Irl 9 . 10 11 Farms I12h2. 6A- Co-7- TON 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,- 11351 1,A5(0 764 iftlgi Economic classification code 1929 CD 1 Or Revised: 0/ COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 S74i\( County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 ? Retail trade—net sales ..--- 1919 40,5 11 0(0(0 tig5 Whols:iale trade—net 1929 County __,- k304 k 3 ivy 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade Population r Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: ,---- 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...6 014) iv80 NT • — (05 NA Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 eig(ASIA ALA QA-C'en"fli4A 9 10 11 12 Farms cc,-r7-1,14 LI vE Tne,K 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8'51 94G, Y41-1- Lic-iit 352— 37 51,r 1,04 Economic classification code 1929 Or /2— Revised: 6o EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non-service employment: Employment in forestry and fishing: " saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 593 224 272 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 1.\) PA-riz‘c,i State ARANSAS PASS* County Chief urban center (p901,„ v-}x.t.AAAleuticatuL4-41 Value 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures in thousands of dollars) 1)111919 2113 7,39g li(“0 3,757 Minerals 1929 2.3 g-3(0 County 026-70/ f 1,940 1. 43 7(0 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -33 2.,*) ii ll- _. 6 Population Air --- 76:0 7o Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: __- 8 eatal A.Let- 6e &mil(AO 9 . 10 11 Li,0.81 Farms --r -r-or4 Ca 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..;47,..24 7,gfE.5() g-r-,,, -3c„0„ .t.C16(-4 Economic classification code 1329 Or 1 -3 Reviuelt , eal Petroleum field: (Gulf) Plymouth, Sinton, 'White Point Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form B-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 - TeSag Stat• County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1929 1 935 Total production and I trade , 2 3 14 5 _6 3.2_q 7 Retail trade--net sales Whol:fa!e trade—net Manufactures ..(1111919 A 4.01 311 „271 ___ Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3.1qq C.5>S) NT .3K -3 bi 2(g 64- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: 8 -53 9 10 Farms 1:50S? 1 i N 1...iv ES-a) elK C.n -r- TO 12 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1929 County 5,34-5?' li Li,0 Total primary production Population - 1-1-4 i-1. / ,,Z48112 AVID(D gYkil 7‘,4 14054 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: e5 3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5c-Ai L.E"Ic14-1ER TeX811 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Wholsnale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals i 919 1929 AA5 4r1i- Population 1929 County oL Urban center 471 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 60- I I+ 40-4 0Z8175 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 ,2(0 9 10 I Farms 1-vec.(3 12 3a1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 1k) a 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C1(4 33 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5C_ 0-1VK \k / State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total product in and trade a Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 J. righ 0-1 Population 1929 1919 County 71023,•?(.5 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Wholefale trade--net LiTil Total primary production 14 g(02- ell`f 6,bk) Manufactures 1-(2. 1 Minerals 6 — 117 6,3-13 /4 Si -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: I( 8 9 10 11 Farms 1,3Y1 co-ri-0 n1 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 63q 04509 2132- L5g'Ll—. (Obi Economic classification code 1929 Original: 01 Revised: o l Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Aest) Ira Form 6-5d COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 SH_Ae. n-FbR tate County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 _6 Mholeiale trade—net Manufactures Minerals P-rtR0Le om 7 0:.60 1111— 1919 1+,60-2- 8'505? 1,.(2.3 g,14,3 .54-if cito I Total primary production ___ 1,003 Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 515-5 2,(.847 Xi NT iv6dii,g-71/,‘.11 -4-7 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: ,2,o03 Li6g71-1,a1 52 gm oof 389 8 9 10 Farms 7 11 c A-r-rLe 318' Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2141 -. 3Y52_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 rrp'97f1',7; 544EL13Y State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals , Population 1929 $919 County .f 141+ friti".81 Urban center C.54V--7CI (46'41 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: A a go 14, 402_ e2041( NT /Or __ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 Ceyukh A.kik ge-QVt i ttliZ4 9 . 10 11 Farms Cal"ToN1 ;a5ct I,Dri1 341,i0 INV .5(01.4 13310 Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classification code 1929 Original: 1 0 CD EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employ4ent: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 847 400 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 .54ERJA ffni County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total product in and trade 2 Retail trade—net sales 3 , 2,1 I if 580 Mhol:ale si trade--net c21 , 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j Populatlan 1929 -4 110 919 County 51-1 1.4og. 323 ) 1.2,09rt Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 45r/- - -71 C, C1N) ,-- Minerals Percentage change in value of 7 primary production 1919-1929: -. 8 diE 9 10 11 Farms W +4 e pr-r- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - tJ' 2 ‘2 4011 45/ ti Li le 1151.).- Economic classification code 1929 Original: ct•., Revitielt .3. Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TfiS -7The LET* State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 1 , . 41:4 1919 Total primary production 5 Manufactures County 53, i 23 /2//3 Lto 821.(0 Urban center aLti2 -- i(01945 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: j a;SNO 14015 3K/5/ Whols:1:19e trbde--met 4 /0/036 ...6 Population 1929 3,16g A84 1 5 it2cff 4./eft 3,oit1c Minerals Percentage change in value of 7 primary production 1919-1929: 8 — 9 10 .... Farms aC2(i 1i 12 5, ,- 1ri 5 .2,2-7 L264 3,25, fiRvtckS0441-5 34:2 Fce 534. `7754 6,I5 W4rf.Lici'DNE-10.) irez_ 13 2>#1-1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis coil Economic classification code 1929 Original: Liti Revised: S?-7 Form 5-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5b - M £L1 - State County Chief urban center _ Value 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholnale trade—net es 4 Total primary production 5 j in thousands of dollors) 676 335 igt 1919 1929 County ‘72144 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 334 6:64-) Manufactures Population (la+) I :6 1i / NVG-I- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 --17i 9 10 11 Farms 341 Q...0-r7-on) 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis no ..?04. 3314 Ai 011 Economic classification code 1929 orig inal: Revised: :24 0 =.5 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 _§ 7 A3 I -r1 ritf f Population 1929 County _5-' 1919 207(0 Urban center j1.(4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Whol:nle s trade--net Total primary production Manufactures Minerals ?F.-I- ROLE-0M l Na"),-- .,53 J-53 Zo4C1 rigi NT 59 let _..._ -- — --- -- ___ -- / 47 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 37 8 9 ... 10 Farms ja 03(0 11 Cb 1- CO NI 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (034, I (0 I,0I-2- 71-2- P1(27, Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: e)/ oi Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lo_li, .st) Luevitas, Los Olmos Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 STEPH "leKncz State 13REPK _ EN NS County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 _§ 7 Wholeiale trade--net T2I3 0#. 4459 0410 Manufactures Minerals PL-TR.13 LE.UM IIq I -2-. i.ri 1 - 1929 County I0.1°L1 ii21.8* 3,3o3 Urban center Pit 5'7 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 3/64 524- Population 1919 Total primary production D Cr-E Chief urban center 42ij3(0 NT 52- NEC01.- A.521 252-1 7 4 ,327/ Z529 •Z529 — I VAUD 'Oar] Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 _ 9 10 11 12 Farms CATT.L..E" FCC_ Pt KI 5 13 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis crg 3IV NA -1g0 • LA3 r1 2031 39 Nf Economic classification code 1929 Original: 25 ( 4 Revised: E-5 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North Central Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TE-RLI 6t ate County Chief urban center F Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total product uc trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 1929 ilk Population 1929 It5P-7 31LF Wholetale trade—net 14(5 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Urban center 115Li 7/9 la 4 Percentage change in value of productiln and trade 1929-1935: ‘104 _§ County 1919 and -- --- -37' i.i(in tief ECrL Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 a -- 5 9 10 11 12 607 -7o3 1,iO4 LvVe STOCK 324 \A)DOL.-- 202.- L4310 245 Farms 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIV-1 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 0LI Revitielt 351 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TioNEcuRLL Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales Mholeae trade—net 3sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals j4c.vi5g3 153 Population 1929 0._19t9 County 2.535 344 Lilo Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 117-° _ 311gif N64.1-4. — Percentage change in value of primary - 7 production 1919-1929: 8 — IP 9 10 Farms C; f3Si II co-t-ro Ni 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 444 2O%L /014 0.01 ..Vglt Economic classification code 1929 Original: 01 Revised: C)/ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 scyr-ro (N) Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 i 1929 1 935 2,1 31 h°0 Wholesale trade--net Manufactures Percentage change in value of product DO and trade 1929-1935: N4 c YA19 , 6 - Urban center 4127 N —r _-- County j12-1-1919 .Z185 Total primary production F..ftt..) Population 1929 44 P- /01 /0/ Minerals —23 A,90 /VOCtile- Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: -31 8 9 10 It 12 Farms SfrfEEP toti00t— 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kit30 VL• .33SY U741- i,S5 112D 0614 r 575_ -class Economicification code 1929 e21950 Original: 0q Revise: 33 Form S-313 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1321-1933 IgNa ti1)/SH County State Chief urban center _. Value (in thousands of dollars) I 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures M_.1919 1929 1935 Total production and trade Population County 1-1,501-1 13(091 Urban center 1351 14:30) ciqq- 2.-- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 5,01 Qt"3 (22&) 101 4657 (VA* Minerals _§ 1929 Percentage change in value of primary production 7 8 1919-1929: g 9 10 Farms w )4-eil-r- 11 12 , 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LcP+3 4 DID 45i3 licorl .z922 4,65/ Economic classification code origin.l. c• Os Revised: 3a 1329 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 iorr R/1, 4T State County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 , ;M2492"(4120 Whol:tale trade—net 1221(027 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Population .110--1919 514,1101 County 1929 117553 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 105304_ 0271525 137.8P )5 - IC05,155 1513 100 J., 1929 VDRD-f Chief urban center 13(ta303153‘ Minerals ‘ ,211, Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 B 9 10 A -r Farms il 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,...- AI T Lsti to,4%, Economic classification code Original: ev:3 Revised: X2-- 1929 _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 y/t_of< State Value Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4gil° 3 4 5 _§ 7 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 I /0311 Whols:false trade—net 1929 Minerals PE-rtz0L.I.) m County 53 i 134' Urban center triP-15 3,71.5 4.5,6213 41,0 a3 ' 23:)75 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-19351 /206 5 3,o-act 33 33 1929 Population pl. 1 9 1 9 Total primary production Man uf acturts AZ3It_ErNI&- County -33 13,031 //%' 52j., 52to 5i6., 5-311, 1 ' 4Di t — Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 — 7 9 10 Farms 11 earrco 12 15Pt- t tS_\< Co 1--to NSED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 -7,652- 4)LID 4-30 VA- ar-15 (450 I i 5E14 565 NI- lull Economic classification code 1929 Original: 5-q Revisedl eo 11xci rt4t- A ejbussa_. Petroleum field: (Central) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Taylor-Link A-4-4RJ (At_ cutA-A4 L I 9/ 9cLAA4i1 7 7 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas -77ER-Fkel-La County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 4 6Liti Urban center LI24r7 N-r NI1 Z Manufactures . _6 — _ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 5 County SV1 1919 2aciLf 1 c7.01 Mholvale trade--net 3 Population 1929 03-2. (2-bk) v _ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 --. 8 aill. 4, 9 10 Farms eE. p 12 WOOL It SA 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 957 -33ie L/66. 1,1119 1,4(414 369 46,0 1.53 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: a4 33 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Ti7riCalg -reiz v; State County Value Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Chief urban center Population 51, 1919 t644,0 .i5;52_o 1133 .7,410 m2g1 °I(011-1 (2,431 :JO 33 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 25i1 (VA01. 5o teli3AriZ4_,.. Minerals -lig Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 .... 9 10 Farms 13 'ic- Li. 2 ll 12 C-c;11-1-0tN1 14/W 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 557 Avq(94ig 1,cla(s. 2Fil. 1313 Economic classification code 1929 Of Original: Revi3eit 0I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Ik0e_ County State Value 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 1929 1,60 144/1 Wholeae trade--net 3sales 4 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total product ian and trade Pak0R100 1...i... 1919 Urban center 1I 105 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: .9T3 5 . 5 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 145tSvi ____ Q2.4) 1929 County '‘r3r1 Total primary production (_,dta-) PopulatImi 3,r1 it (EAti 17-' 7 : PE"1- re0 I— EU fV1 /42C, I 60 .2.4 20-1 -,a4 .2bki Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: _ 5g 8 9 , 10 Farms ‘ ‘ COO II CAT-rc-E 12 Cc,-r-rO N 13 Co -r --VD N 5CID Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .619 -253 PiFt- ii."(.5 020 31 1 35-i. NT all‘, Economic classification code Original: 34 Reviselt 5 2_ 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis North Central Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 7r s State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 ? Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Total primary production 5 Manufactures j County 4,31(p Urban center 2,Z70 21(061 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1.'11 _. , Minerals 1919 Lkg23 754 4 Population 1929 'I Wholelalse trade--net 3sa Chief urban center ,-- 1.270 g2.22. 5,77Lf PIT Alril... g3g -- - 2.4 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: ___ Ne.r...5L 8 —4•2— 9 , 10 Farms 114 il e-0----rr /5 NI 50'7 21141 Ag,12 5aq4 1,32q 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , Economic classification code 1929 Original: 4i Revisei: 0/ Form :,-53 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, G-1ZE 7 0flit County Adte Al 1921-1933 s19 Value (in thousands of dollars) ..- 1 3_1.72 Li 2 Retail trade--net sales (4121 65/(Cl 3 Wholela—ne e trade--net t iit317 t753 4 Total primary production 5 6 Manufactures Population 1919 1929 1935 Total production and trade LC) 14-N Chief urban center -.. 3Lit 2-74 1929 County •A',633 Urban center Q5,3or Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -7 /,5i3 3.I gg NT NA___ _-- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 1919-1929: Ce11411)Aktk QW e-gni-L4C41 production 7 8 9 10 II 12 Farms 011045 C- cri-rohi 631/44 0 241'1 1,o% L IV EsTOC._ k 13 WOOL— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis gcl4 qOD 30S1 5535- Economic classification code Original: Revised: 1929 X2__ _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 / /QA VI J tate Au--ri County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) I 2 Retail trade--net sales _p_ 1919 1929 1935 Total production and trade Population 549571 ei21,ZCI_ '3R07-1 15).3(45 204'4 70,0 1'34. 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 5395 Minerals /0 Pg--ryi 0i 7 -. Fr A /C) County '77,'777 Urban center 53, Q4) Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: Whole ale trade--net 3 /d2'7 i'1,940 43' Z5°° 'i1 ___. 1929 -26, Percentage change in value of primary --- production 1919-1929: —3(0 8 9 10 li Farms , 0- 0Trol4 12 DA 1 R.Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '3 43 J-L.A iiiity IffT1 I q.5o-4, Economic classification Original: 0'74 ii 6-12-- 6a_-2-- '1 93 Revised: 7.2. VI code 1929 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Central) Manda Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 -1-1KtN r-r-V State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) , I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 J . 1929 1 935 Population 1929 110 1919 1,i59 42,o 53 L 621 2,265 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 192949351 Whols:tale trade—net ms i r71 Total primary production (9_,114-) Manufactures 059_ county 491/ 4/0 I 1,15I 11%51 1E 5,304 07395 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: .. io- 8 9 10 11 Farms 4t$1,04P 0.— Cri 1-01.1 . 5o7 ii3:ilo b/6 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..- i _... 1,250 Q321 Economic classification code 1929 / -2— 0 Reviselt Original: G TQTAL-RURAL-NON EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non-service employment: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,133 867 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 91‹ —1—le State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total productian and trade 9 RetAil trade--net sales 3 (2,7.51 Wholsr:le trade--net , 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1919 County 5214 Urban center Lagig 47/ta-n 36i .205 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: -14 ti3 0 1 _fi Population 1929 t014 A/-r- Minerals /44 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 Q-CAA-QA ALCII-GI&Cffititae421 8 9 10 II 12 Farms 705 i/czsi-i c.2orTc,t'J 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3r 7 '77 -7- 11,'i4 qa& 17:1 0 002_ Economic classificatiork9ade Original: Revised: aoy 60 1929 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in forestry and fishin: " saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,582 557 590 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 17- Hu State County Value Retail trade--net sales 3 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade 5,1(4 0218•q5 Chief urban center 410_ Population 1929 1919 County 7,0-7140?,g4v2 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935s Mholetale trade—net Total primary production Manufactures 419 1.0 54 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -54 9 10 Farms -o1---cot', 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,52L2— 12%9 czg-21,2,-71-3 L,c5y5 ,V7 Economic classification code 1929 Original: evjaah /2.... 06 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: 456 Employment in saw and planing mills:183 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 UPTO County State Ni Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whole ae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 1i-7149 1322_ 7 Minerals ft -11Z0 L E-0 M 8 1919 Urban center Percentage change in value of product in and trade 1929-1935: 4.391 3,589 '5/ 4 ) •11-1 4651 County cdn+7 0-v."54% 4.,1 70 -.... _.. 6 tjr_ ale kldia- ..)-tkil :11,7 r "Alkli6C° Population 1929 (21V5:1X(12 F70 -73 4IK6 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: rt -31 ‘ ,et tt;9oA 4,651 j 43(09 titipl @A C.LO b'ES e-RJa N E eo o arve) ____- 206. 9 10 Farms 1844 11 LIV5S-TOC_K Rol Xl3 3g6 7,26 55 Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classification code 1929 Original: i 52- Petroleum fieiu: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 U VAL.33E \)fA County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 21,(042' Mholmle trade—net , 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 50 V46 Minerals 7 AsPHAL_ --r I(CV 7 County Urban center cli`P-C2 /at 545 a 8'60 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: L4714 ,ItAIF CIL1L 1-I2 0241 1919 -.2.1 I 47 , 1:i( 41r1412--155 1 gi 1 ca'i 1 8 Population 1929 41440 4114-(04(3 ()due-P.p.:W.! N5Gt- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -21 9 , 10 11 12 Farms L 1 VE5---toC_K WOM--c4" MD H A 1 R._ 13 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I, -t)2-,_ 4,0 3I 1 1.413 461 55t /-1 141 41,3T Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: .r5" Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 V A L N/ERDE TeXELP State Value Total productian and trade Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholefae trade—net es Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 1;io County 1929 311403, 412fe 3,b2.4 9... Population 1919 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 41,41g _ 151 14426/3 Urban center Total primary production Manufactures /4,Cf7--LI County )5,344 7'PN 4,934_ 1929 i,w -2- i L.D. _LS 3,q2'4 71 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 35 9 10 11 Farms 0201(0 WOOL- 12 Moi-/All 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN 134 WOCI 1. log 4 D3 id IL 4(53 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revise: 1 55 8-3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 NDT VA NJ Tals State LIL_LS IAPoiT Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ...6 7 l 1929 1935 022A1V-1 3,‘,31 142(5. (220 2Y23 Minerals /3,040 9E---r— RDL6UNN i I CIL-t0 Population 1929 (C91. 1919 /5,0 I County 1 Urban center 5545 421,2458'0 14351 1,o09 Z dm-D.1 ‘T-1 159 151 , o 23 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 5( ha50 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: Irl 8 -47 9 10 4Z-7I Farms 5 11 12 C o-T-ro n./ DA-/RY Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /,264 44 YyOLIO .R8o1-1 665 ,Li-I 4, 11.101 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 41 zi Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (r.,.S. Central) Van Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-193.3 V le.-roR Texaq State Vte..---ro County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 wholefalse trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals a Ira 61(03 cUli?.... q-40 7 alq8 friCt __-- Population 1929 County 1919 .5-;Zz_ 7,Li- I Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: r:ILI3 LtiZ7° li I LU ___ ozci 405 V-I3 t030 — - i3 Percentage change in value of primary 522, _6: ---rig o i_Coftt_ .20,008/ . production 1919-1929: 8 — A 9 10 Farms 11 CM-ME -t---t-oN i -5 0-0-r-ro Nse- b 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Q:122— I, a i to 4(g'l i N13- ,;?,,‘,42. 3',34(0 1,081 4,100 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisal: 52e N1 er3 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gulf) Keeran Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 WA Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 iti 67i, Wholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ( 4121 1919 County PL.532 , Urban center 4023 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 2133 tal 0_ itql _6 Population 1929 0(.5 1,065 bg i Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 8 A 9 10 11 Farms e0 --r-ro NJ 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1)e4 5-70 iHft , 1513 2itgl 792_ Economic classification code 1929 40 Original: Revisel: 60 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Teti r. State WALL-ER County Value 2 Retail trade--net sales 32(P1- County 46(45 3j611 -- Urban center ,q,t.k--2-i Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Wholetale trade—net IASI 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 7 Population 1929 14134---1-919 1 _.6 in thousands of doll:rs) 1929 1935 Total product Do and trade 3 Chief urban center 11 tO 005 C24,1-) ... MT 21 Minerals i ) C-fkra L ‘-) .?...c nik Y _ —II ‘2,411 LL/_, ___ Percentage change ____- production 1919-1929: 8 in value of primary -53 A 9 10 II ,2 Farms -i-roK1 C_A--r --ri_ ---40 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 I t 0 5o7 3 19 06,1 352_ 31 ) 1113 e 04055 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Rev iselt 13 a3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:nle trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _0. 7 Minerals p E— 7,662-1311 DQ.L921 Population 1929 1919 County 11,153 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 101 931 -13 i726 iloit(p AI644i L 8 5 1-L34 f*fr LIT+ 4ii-f 1"4, q'14- 0 _ --- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: Ozru_SIAAA.01- Ge-testurk4 9 10 11 12 Farms 2 13 Co-r-roN Ca"—r-ro Ai sEED 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 170 Al4- 445 I 84 urn Economic classification code 1929 Original: 34 .264 Revised: IVI 52__ Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1JJ640- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Washington State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6. Minerals 7 E r1R-0L__ e°Jul Chief urban center l'46) -)ifil/Xlik 3,.g 11 1929 _11919 38--23312_ County I 5/33'2' 4:201 3).20 Urban center a5,3ciLi 5,1riq Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: iS il0 1,005? Population 1929 33 2033 lel 911 , 1 ,o cAt—2.- --I aialot - Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: /17 ill 8 —3) 9 10 Farms 3 ,1 -21 II COT-rot ' s 12 LI VES roe-K 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I,524 673g 3401 i ,81:>0 1051 Economic classification code 1929 ill 44 WI 1 Original: 14 / Revised: gel Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Gulf) Giey (,reek Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 WE-1333 yn State L-AREDD County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 7 3 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Whols:t:le trade--net c2 ,217 1 171;1K2a. —19 7/°‘1 4 4.2., LISTO i Urban center 4-?,izare 111701 SO/07$4 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1919 Total primary production 732 3 5 _§ Manufactures a502_ _. . Minerals 1.4 L4 I 7 Pr-DWI:ET , L. /1/1 8 LI4" I C_C719 L_. 1929 County i929 1935 I Population 44'31 ,gh..,3i Z8145 ,g.115 2,%145 ,g45 — .41(04,t . i 7o5 --- 5?" Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: llg Aha'44-, -- 9 10 11 12 Farms 1,532.. CA-r-rLE 0/4//ON -5 .,ep /Pi AcI-1 13 CAKR0-11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r, 0'5 7a5.2452- z.citio L "2_._ H4 _Ai4 nrT' NT NA- Ailr Economic classification code 1929 ori g inal: 55 Revised: K5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S-elakAX).12,1--- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 W HEELER State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Mholetale trade-net 4T7 565 ao3s 0_1919 6 _- Minerals 7 X-r/20J,_(-;M _ Urban center 4i9'1-3 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production Manufactures County 13,061 41/3 5 Population 1929 -2-1 ,/3o i z'cio ait-ri-2_, 1,431 4431 .??7 a-7) - aZ1 $ 412- 277 231 — ill Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 8 9 10 11 12 Farms L1817 Cerrro NI L- IVC,STOC-k 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57o 413 ( 4 1012,t, fri 02 b4io soe 5, 45i Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: /3 05 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Panhandle Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1333 wicoire Texas State Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales tV .1 CH 1714 FALLS Chief urban center County yill,_1919 IE "g1114-1 111,358 1011 21t r55 553) 00 tl, 4 0 1715 Manufactures 6 Minerals -i 7 ) 1e-roar)LE u m 15,1413 5232- 5-232- 8 1929 '74,q/b 43,4..z,410 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Total primary production 5 County Urban center II Wholesale s trade--net 3 - Population _50 Cit I D) 30.3‘90,30,30 2,132/C)534 1q5y4 -72 ,4a Percentage , production I D15-54s4 7.21 L-gziwf change in value of primary 1919-1929: _Mao 9 10 Farms )i1.53 I 1 12 i 4:1 o —r-r-o Isi BA/ ky. Digitized i5 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 634 35g 2,4736 i ,-7-2. L/53 3,67, ii 50f,, Economic c 1 assiftr ti ltn code 1329 Original: Revised: 0 ) (15 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (North) burkburnett, Electra, Iowa Park Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 tivfo; State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 -.4 2 3 Total production and trade 4 0PCVO 2ri 1919 53i 0 Wholefale trade--net 7450 2;733 2,402- , Total primary production 5 Manufactures Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 59"r1 1 ..6 Minerals 7 5-1.) L.- PH vR 8 fETR CI L- EOM 1,345_ 11 51_5 L5t5 — 'ql-1354 __ 021f3-4 lab 1929 County /5/73 Retail trade--net sales 4 Population _ I 55 14% 117524 ___ Percentage change in value of primary -- production ___ 1919-1929: -44 . 9 A 10 Farms 11 C.2)-1--ro IV 12 ..523g 02, i 5-Li Lig.,371 3.70 Wig Economic classification code Original: Revisal: RieE 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94, /4 08/ 5 r3 07 1929 Petroleum field: (Gulf) Louise Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas WiLl 3 fIR1J- EIC County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 ? 3 4 5 ...E . , 7 Total production and trade 1‘.14g4 Population 1929 04-19i9 County 3015 Urban center Retail trade--net sales Percentage change in value of Wholesalepro duction and trade 1929-1935: trade--net #1001 LIi Total primary production ICLP19g Lin LLI 1,/q3 , 2q1 Manufactures 3,g4,2, 3,14 311Lkg Minerals .2,7781 iii-311 11,399 Qiiii'g' 11,311,11,01 /Q,3o7 eE-rko,...c 0 AI 8 —5-2- 2027 __ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: (a! 9 10 12 Farms .3 ,()go 0-1--ro r•I CA-r-ri... E" 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L2( 4,3Sr 200 5,;61 li'41 c233 goz15 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 34 Petroleum field: North Gentral Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Texas 1921-1933 I State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dol I ars) 1929 1935 I Total product in and trade ? Retail trade—net sales 3 i 1- 055 L(191-11 who's:tale trade—net 3,25 Li Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals _- 1- g Popul at Ian ii, 2 ,. -1 1919 Aipl.- let 6. 1929 County 4.317 iI -7-1 y44-10 Urban center c; ,?035, 1 tScir vI ngatm cie : r12,4- Percentage change in value of product i on and trade 1929-1935: 6014 courk4t es so' eNo., vtattak- ilka-1-44114000t.m.":0 6..) LAI 0•0A- b iz141 C.-corn-Qat' 00> kk_. --Co Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 0_,OUSIA 4/4" QtaZ 8 9 10 1i Farms Co-t- --r-o v.1 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 I 1,t-151 .-1., L72 .2,073 l 32.0 Economic classification code 1929 CD i Original: Revised: 0I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 'Texas IL-L-1114PLSoiN4 State -rig V L--O•R County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures J . 7 Minerals PE- TRo Lzulia (1:'-g(Q 7,'725,11 Population 1929 1919 36_,2-44‘ County Urban center i4g51, 1/74 307, 7,463 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: - 5(z) i ko2. A‘,5S3 .3„,/o 3)7 1414 1 1 4(0 --4,1Sci za ___ _ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: _ _ , 8 -35 9 10 11 Farms ACket2442 ci,cal CoT-1-0N15,ciR9- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis q70 9t43s 23J69st Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisel: £41 ei Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . S. Central) Ukkapman, byersville, Thrall Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 TelLaS W I Ls0 State County ' Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 , 1929 1 935 513° 0 2/07% , Ipi Population 1929 county 1 9 19 Urban center i l : ft X1r1 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 31401 Who':tale s trade--net VI I ' Ng Total primary production Manufactures 3591 5,941:(01 12 + 72-4 (04 —30 att) ggil i 6 Minerals - H 7 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 —0 9 10 Farms 117: /14 11 12 Cz-r-ro N C-0it4 Digitized 13 for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F.24 .255 2,15g 2;6.1 g go el-{6:\ .F . :012 . Economic classification code 1929 orig inal. Revisal: .v i 67 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 i4 k#1) State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeiale trade—net pa 1.1 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 ri2o L-Co 1929 ( :7 tt, 51043 3,6401 grit 1,1 14 IPIT-191 9 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 90424 6, 10C) Population 1929 350 g ,5",5447 4-'54t 54,05 *615 — 5Litb°1 51-11,15 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 /4491 9 10 Farms 1314 c_ A --11" E 12 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 350 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviard: Li 52- Petroleum fields: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Vest) hendrick, Leek, ocarboro, Sayre Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 -__ I 2 3 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales sales Total primary production 5 Manufactures 107._9 3,5% t/crg I,2.5"2- ___ County Urban center 2q0 2if-0 -- Co Pa- 1929 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 313(4 Q-45.0 Minerals 7 01919 zo :2 DLE) Wholeae trade—net 4 ._ 6 * Population 1233 --- (Y LL.. —31 I0, 1 I9 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 - 8 -47 9 — 10 Farms It9C12-- OZ9N91 i'122g 11 12 CCITT0NI CX KR 15 3/7 i)3i3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cmi. Economic classification code 1929 Original: 526r Revise; 705 0Cr Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 "re'' WOOD County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total oroductian and trade ? Retail trade--net sales whoi vae l 3 trade--net Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals / 11211919 County I Dii1 3.752 4,37/ 1 cil ..?folz. i, 4 - 7,3-7'-t Population 1929 Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: i216 Z,(A)I 53'2- ip 0 1,02'2- -31 gif3 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 —55 9 io Farms 14fl I C)17 12 I, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .2,621 2%38 1,40: Igigi Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 0(0 EMPLOYMENT DATA USED IN REVISED ECONWIC CLASSIFICATION Total rural non—service employment: Employment in saw and planing mills: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 808 192 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 N6) A-Ku AA I State • County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 40 1919 41)._ Cosi. 39_ I0 b _§ County _ Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Whol:fale trade--net --Total primary production 51/ 5 Population 1929 Manufactures 7j_ -2-4 -- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 7 production 1919-1929: -.21 8 9 10 11 Farms 0— 0--r-re,4 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '3 433 ilo 5ig 51-1 I 71, 9;22, Economic classification code 1929 Original: 14 Revised: 0 I Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 YouNG- State County Value 1935 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeale trade—net so lea 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 in thousands of dollars) 1929 Total production and trade Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 [5.1 4-1x1 AL013 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -21 1,604 3;gfJ 1152.7 .2?too et-0:1°LE UM Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: e_et,9A 8 9 10 Farms co-r 12 0-F1-TT-L C Co-T-ro N 5cEc, 13 CA 1v5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis b C,C,0 478' yvpri M4- 014 209 704 .J241 Qoa eatA-euw Economic classificatro code 1929 Original: g ( t Revised: at-r • Petroleum field: North Gentral Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PA--ra -7 —Pr County 6t ate Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total productian and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 tl ig 6 it 4 Whol : s 1:le trade--net Population 1929 1919 County 6.21 Urban center 75 Percentage change in value of product 1)0 and trade 1929-1935: -- 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j Chief urban center Minerals 7 PE rIZOLEOM -- 50 5). _....— 5r1 --- ..?15 c275 .2/5 act5 2372 Airc,r1._ — __ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 Lig/ 9 10 11 Farms CA--(1-La 12 13 dr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43-7 3.=1 .251 42_ Mb 3 177 Economic classification, code 1929 Original: Revised: C ) 4 35 Petroleum field: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Soutimett Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Texas State cl Lc County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:iale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures H county If.21 1919 „,2,02-100 i'l3 YI5 815 063 (czax-) ct.4A4 1403 _§ Population 1929 /0)347 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: A349 (y,b+) -- /0 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 13 9 10 11 Farms C 4--f-T-1.- E 250 4472/ 344 ;056 cq,076 3/S Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised! 12 ofviots . 13 SO N Atit Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rePfr kT A14- J1 44 8-4