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NELSON ALDRICH Monetary ..... MISCELLANY A I I I.P. '91 f* . rn,r7v;*:c. i-ti'i';IP.iver ,tr AT T. !AW-L4V,ITYCh- 41 Vrot.:, cir forr,7A, ATLANTTc %4tionul VonAtiry • Ariv41, Awi41) 3ocri.r:j . , tha Tre4avry. • T'' TAltr Omaha, Ir. ji.414 (lhicaRo, rat Yr. ,. 1,( 7) Ifortau-n, Chtiao . : Parr Yea 01424. r. C.I.iffore iiubbP11, YtJr1K. Vr. C. T. ioUro,n4, Lo,114;, 1, Th.ird Vr. 3tc ,cicir:Y. Jos*, ?Irk0; Ange4.11, C41. -1- 1.16ra T. Ltifik„ .W.;.1ort.t4.1 r,. ?twi t, lAnnomota. J; ,t A. YoCorti, '14trel At1.4mt4., r. C. :;f:400"7. Y. Yfrinc, Otrat N4.t1. rt 1,m of l':erni rr. neorge V. nitynold*, ContAnentAl amd CommIrci Ti6T2k, Chlearo, Ill. rtowd, Virdt (lincAnna*A., • J. T. :7“;tt, 7 4.tion13l r. Pranci:; ". ton..1Shaamtf; - ank, Tleuton, " , r. lzenjuNin 1. 1! 1tror, 7r., VItertit. ' iruat 7e„ SA.nnmy, , A. V4inderliTil PrelthtTV. , ? ftirl T. 7 ,t, , , 'uri, ,4c4tioma ' ITi'w York City. Paul .rr. .. o. ri4tiorial Ndalk, r 1 .' , t "crIt;r, t1onal Virot N.ttionAl T.1.00on, York' 14)0—, • 11 4 ---RESERVER -A-60001ATION OF AM-BRICA. - THE NATIONAL RESERVE ALECL,A210:4 OF THE UNITED STATES. CIIARTER AND LOCATION. It is proposed to charter the Reserve Association of America, which will be the principal fiscal agent of the Government of the United States. The authorized capital of the Reserve Association shall be approximately $300,000,000. The length of its charter shall be 50 years. The head office of the association shall be in Washington,D.C. The country shall be divided into 15 districts, and a branch of the Reserve Association shall be located in each district. The Reserve Association and its branches shall be exempt from State and local taxation, except in respect to taxes upon real estate owned by it. CAPITAL. 4 Only national banks of the classes hereinafter provided for may subscribe to the capital stock of the Reserve Association. A national bank having a minimum capital of at least $25,000 may subscribe to an amount of capital stock of the Reserve Association equal to 20 per cent of the stock of the subscribing national bank, and not less, and each of such subscribing banks shall become a member of a local association as hereinafter provided for. Fifty per cent of the subscriptions to the capital stock of the Reserve Association shall be called in cash; the balance of the subscriptions will remain a liability of the stockholders, subject to call. Shares of the capital stock of the Reserve Association will not be transferable, and under no circumstances may they be owned by any corporation other than the subscribing national bank, nor by any individual, nor may they be owned by any national bank in any other amount than in the proportion here provided. In the case of a national bank increasing its capital after it once becomes a subscriber to the stock of the Reserve Association, the national bank shall thereupon subscribe for an additional amount of the capital stock of the Reserve Association equal to 20 per cent of the national ••••••-•- aro' 1 6 SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. bank's increase of capital. paying therefor its then book value, but only one-half of this additional subscription will be called in cash, as hereinbefore provided. In the event of a national bank which is a holder of the capital stock of the Reserve Association decreasing its capital. it shall surrender a proportionate amount of its holdings of the capital stock of the Reserve Association; or if a national bank goes into liquidation, it shall surrender all of its holdings of the capital stock of the Reserve Association. The capital of the Reserve Association so surrendered shall be canceled, and the national bank thus surrendering stock in the Reserve Association shall receive in payment therefor a sum equal to the then book value, as shown on the balance sheet of the Reserve Association, of the stock so surrendered. EARNINGS A ND DIVIDENDS. The earnings of the Reserve Association shall be distributed in the following manner: After the payment of all expenses and taxes the stockholders shall receive 4 per cent. Further earnings shall be divided, one-half to go to the surplus of the Reserve Association until that surplus shall amount to 20 per cent of the paid-in capital: one-fourth to go to the Government of the United States, and one-fourth to the stockholders; but when the stockholders' dividends shall reach 5 per cent they shall receive no additional distribution. After the stockholders receive 5 per cent the earnings shall be divided, one-half to he added to the surplus of the Reserve Association and one-half to go to the Government. After the stockholders receive 5 per cent per annum and the surplus of the Reserve Association amounts to 20 per cent of the paid-in capital, 444-14443efl9.1444ittiiir€4-C4444.14-gA-444 the Government, i shall receive two-thirds of the net annual earnings, and one-third thereof shall be added to the surplus of the Reserve Association. The minimum dividends to the stockholders shall be cumulative. LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS OF NATIONAL BA N KS. All subscribing banks shall be formed into associations of nat ional banks, to be designated as local associations. Every local association shall be composed of not less than 10 banks, and the combined capital and surplus of the members of each local association shall aggregate not less than $5.000.000. All the local associations shall be grouped into 15 divisions, to be called districts. The territory included in the local associations shall be so apportioned that every national bank will be located within the boundaries of some local association. Every subscribing national bank shall become a member of the local association of the territory in which it is situated. \-su444mwrilm-TTX77rOR r MON ETARritOISLAT 7 DIRECTORS OF LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS. Each local association shall elect annually a board of directors in the following manner: The number of the directors may be determined by the by-laws of the local associations. Three-fifths of that number shall be elected by ballot cast by the representatives of the banks that are members of the local association, each bank having one representative, and each representative one vote, without reference to the size of the bank. Two-fifths of the whole number of directors of the local association shall be elected by these same representatives of the several banks that are members of the association. but in voting for these additional directors each representative shall he entitled to as many votes as the bank which he represents holds shares in the Reserve Association. At such elections there shall be no proxies. The authorized representatives of a bank, as herein provided. must be either the president, vice president. or cashier of the bank he represents. The directors of the libcal association shall annually elect from among ;their number a president, a vicepresident, and an executive committee, whose powers and duties and terms of office shall be determined by the by-laws of the local association, subject, however, to the provisions of this Act. DIRECTORS OF BRANCHES. As heretofore provided, all the local associations shall be grouped into 15 divisions, and each of these divisions shall be designated a district. There shall be located in each district a branch of the Reserve Association. Each of the 15 branches of the Reserve Association shall have a board of directors. and those directors shall be elected in the following manner: The board of directors of each local association shall elect by ballot one member of the board of directors of the branch of the Reserve Association. In this manlier there will thus be elected as many directors of the branch of the Reserve Association as there may be local associations in the district in which that branch of the Reserve Association is located. In addition to that number there shall be elected a number of the directors equal to two-thirds of the number of local associations in the district where the branch is located. Such additional directors shall be elected in the following manner: There shall be chosen by the banks composing each local association a voting representative or proxy holder. In choosing such voting representative each bank shall be entitled to as many votes as it holds shares in the Reserve Association. The voting representatives of the several local associations which form a district shall then meet at the office of the branch and elect an additional number of directors of the branch equal to two-thirds of the number elected directly by the local associations; that is, equal to t wo-thirds of the number of local associations composing the district. Each voting representative at such election shall have a number of votes equal to the number of shares 8 SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. in the Reserve Association held by all the banks composing the local association which he represents. The first business of the board of the branch as thus constituted shall be to add to its numbers by the election of an additional number of directors equal to one-third the number of local associations situated in the district. Such additional directors shall fairly represent the industrial, commercial, agricultural, and other interests of the district and shall not be officers of banks. Directors of banks shall not be considered as officers. The manager of the branch shall be ex officio a member of the board of directors of the branch and shall be chairman of the board. The board of directors of a branch of the Reserve Association will thus be composed of— First. A group of directors equal in number to the number of local associations composing the district, and this group shall be elected by the directors of the local association, each director having one vote. Second. A group of directors equal to two-thirds of the foregoing group and elected by stock representation. Third. A group of directors equal in number to one-third of the first group, representing the industrial, commercial, agricultural, and other interests of the district, and elected by the votes of the first two groups, each director thus voting having one vote. Fourth. The manager of the branch shall be ex officio a member of the board of directors of the branch and shall be chairman of the board. All the members of the board of directors of the branch, except the ex officio member, shall, at the first meeting of the board, be classified into three classes, and the terms of office of these three classes shall be, respectively, one, two, and three years. Thereafter members of the board shall be elected for a term of three years. DIRECTORS OF THE RESERVE ASSOCIATION. • The board of the Reserve Association shall consist of 45 directors, and it shall be composed in the following manner: First. Six ex officio members, namely, the governor of the Reserve Association, who shall be chairman of the board; two deputy governors of the Reserve Association, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and the Comptroller of the Currency. Second. Fifteen directors to be elected, one by the board of directors of each branch of the Reserve Association. They shall be elected by ballot, each member of the branch board having one vote. SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. 9 Third. Twelve directors, who shall be elected by voting representatives, one representing the banks embraced in each district. Each voting representative shall cast a number of votes equal to the number of shares in the Reserve Association held by all the banks in the district which he represents. Fourth. The board as thus constituted shall select 12 additional members, who shall fairly represent the industrial, commercial, agricultural, and other interests of the country, and who shall not be officers of banks. Directors of banks shall not be considered as officers. At the first meeting of the board all the members of the board, except the ex officio members, shall be classified into three classes, and the terms of office of these three classes shall be, respectively, one, two, and three years. Thereafter members of the board shall be elected for a term of three years. No member of any national or State legislative body shall be a director of the Reserve Association, nor of any of the branches, nor of any local association. The directors of the Reserve Association shall annually elect an executive committee and such other committees as the by-laws of the Reserve Association may provide. The executive committee shall consist of nine members, of which the governor of the Reserve Association shall be ex officio chairman and the two deputies and the Conipt roller of the Currency ex officio members. Tile execut I ve committee shall have all the authority which is vested in the board of directors, except such as may be specifically delegated by the board to other committees or to the executive officers. elected by the boaril of direcThere shall be a ho:irll tors from among its number, of which the Secretary of the Treasury shall be ex officio chairman. ..r supervi,i1.1. EXECUTIVE, OFFICERS ()E TIIE Ill SER\E %MS( HI \TI(IN The executive officers of the Reserve Association snail consist of SIICI1 subordinate a governor. (WI) deputy governors. officers :Is may be provided by the by-laws. The governor and deputy governors shall be selected by the Prosi(lent of the United States from a list submitted by the board of directors. Tile governor shall be subject to removal by the President of the United States for cause. The term of office of the deputies shall be seven years, but the two deputies first appointed shall be for terms of four years and seven years. respectively. In the absence of the !rovernor or his inability to act. the deputy who is senior in point of service shall act as governor. 10 SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF BRANCHES. Each branch shall have a manager and a deputy manager. They shall be appointed by the governor of the Reserve Association. with the approval of the executive committee. The powers and duties of the manager and deputy manager and of the various committees of the branches shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the Reserve Association. FUNCTIONS OF THE LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS. Any member of a local association may apply to that local association for a guaranty of the commercial paper which it desires to rediscount at the branch of the Reserve Association in its district. Any such bank receiving a guaranty from a local association shall pay a commission to the local association, to be fixed from—time—to—time by the board of directors of that local association. The guaranty of the members of the local association, in the event of loss, shall be met by the members of the local association in the proportion to the ratio which their capital and surplus bears to the aggregate capital and surplus of the local association, and the commission received for such guaranty, after the payment of losses and expenses, shall be distributed among the several banks of the local association in the same proportion. A local association shall have authority to require additional security from any bank offering paper for guaranty. or may decline to grant the application. The total amount of guaranties by a local association to the Reserve Association shall not at any time exceed the aggregate capital and surplus of the banks forming the guaranteeing association. FUNCTIONS OF THE RESERVE ASSOCIATION. All of the privileges and advantages of the Reserve Association shall be equitably extended to every national bank of any of the classes herein defined who shall subscribe to its proportion of the stock of the Reserve Association and shall otherwise conform to the requirements of this act. The Government of the United States and those national bankowning stock in the Reserve Association shall be the sole depositors in the Reserve Association. All domestic transactions of the Reserve Association shall be confined to the Government and the subscribing banks, with the exception of the purchase or sale of Government or State securities or securities of foreign governments or of gold coin or bullion. The Government of the United States shall deposit its cash balance with the Reserve Association and thereafter all receipts of the Government shall be deposited with the Reserve Association or (when SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. 11 necessary) with such national banks as the Government may designate for that purpose in cities where there is no branch of the Reserve Association. All disbursements by the Government shall be made through the Reserve Association. The Reserve Association shall pay no interest on deposits. The Reserve Association may rediscount notes and bills of exchange froisiege-stat.4-esisumeereisa-twoosstetiousT for and with the indorsement of any bank haviiig a deposit with it, mers, such notes asim it may have discounted for its custo commerrediscounted for other banks, or purchased through cibkers, the proceeds of which have been used for ^ commercial, industrial, or agricultural purposes, and not for carrying stocks, bonds, or other investment securities. Such notes and more than 28 days, and must have bills must have a maturity of not unt. The been made at least 30 days prior to the date of redisco in no case exceed the capital of the amount so rediscounted shall of such notes and bank applying for the rediscount. The aggregate or indorsement of any one person, combills bearing the signature bank, shall at pany, corporation, or firm, rediscounted for any one cent of the capital and surplus of said bank. no time exceed 10 per depositing The Reserve Association may also rediscount for any siol-tasuabank notes and bills of exchange, snv.otik-e‘eagamee __________," four months, setAlems, having more than 28 days, but not exceeding guaranteed by the local to run, but in such cases the paper must be is a member. association of which the bank asking for the rediscount the Reserve AssociaWhenever, in the opinion of the governor of concurred in tion, the public interests so require. such opinion to be Association and to have by the executive committee of the Reserve the Reserve the definite approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, ion of a depositing bank, Association may discount the direct obligat ement of indorsed by its local association, provided that the indors secured by the pledge and deposit the local association shall be fully the local with it of satisfactory securities, which shall be held by Reserve Association; but in no such association for account of the exceed -tomecase shall the amount loaned by the Reserve Association the securities so pledged. +Meth of the actual value of shall be The rate of discount of the Reserve Association, which the I Tinted States. shall be fixed from time to uniform throughout time by the executive committee and duly published. on and the The Reserve Association may, whenever its own conditi ent. purchase to general financial conditions warrant such investm of banks or a limited amount from a depositing bank acceptances . Such acceptances houses of unquestioned financial responsibility maturity not must arise from commercial transactions and have a character generally known exceeding 90 days, and must be of a also bear the in the market as prime bills. Such acceptances shall bank selling the same. which indorseindorsement of the depositing ment must be other than that of the acceptor. bonds and The Reserve Association may invest in United States not more than in short-term obligations—that is. obligations having 12 SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. one year to run—of the United States, or of any State, or of certain foreign governments to be named in the act. The Reserve Association shall have power at home and abroad to deal in gold coin or bullion, to grant loans thereon, and to contract for loans of gold coin or bullion, giving, when necessary, acceptable security for their repayment. The Reserve Association shall have power to purchase from its depositors and to sell, with or without its indorsement, checks .or-aA.4) bills of exchange payable in England, France, or Germany, and in such other foreign countries as the board of the Reserve Association may decide. Those ills of exchange must arise ,from commercial transactions and be of a maturity not exceeding 90 days, and shall bear the signatures of at least three responsible parties, of which the last one shall be that of a depositing bank. The Reserve Association shall have power to open and maintain banking accounts in foreign countries and to establish agencies in foreign countries, for the purpose of purchasing and selling and collecting foreign bills of exchange, and it shall have authority to buy and sell, through such agencies, prime foreign bills of exchange arising from commercial transactions, running for a period exceeding 90 days, and bearing the signatures o sible parties. tet DOMESTIC EXCHANGES. It shall be the duty of the Reserve Association or any of its branches, upon request, to transfer any part of the deposit balance of any national bank having an account with it to the credit of any other bank having an account with the Reserve Association. If a deposit balance is transferred from the books of one branch of the Reserve Association to the books of another branch, it may be done by mail or telegraph upon terms to be fixed from time to time by the executive committee. FUNCTIONS OF NATIONAL BANKS. In addition to the rights now conferred by law, national banks shall be authorized to accept commercial paper drawn upon them, having not more than 90 days to run, iffetimoly-geow-e€15- and arising out of commercial transactions. The amount of such acceptancesr , shall not exceed one-half the capital and surplus of the accepting bank-, and shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 5200 of the Revised Statutes. 4:11-tiewiLiin lairs The organization of banks to conduct business in foreign countries shall be authorized. The stock of such banks may be held by national banks, but the aggregate of bank stock Cr; exceed twenty per-cent of laisiihirr capital. so Ifeld shall not A The bank so organized may have an office in time (Tinted national banks for domestic busiStates, but shall not compete with busipe7 being. done in foreign, ness not necessarily relatpl o the AAA./ " 44 ts,,it:2 countries. of national banks, to be l" There shall be established *-41POW class Such banks may have savknown by a specifically designated name. properly secured loans on real ings departments and may make a certain proportion of the estate; such loans to be restricted to the bank. The reserve reaggregate time and savings deposits in savings and time deposits quirement in such banks will be less against than against demand deposits. authorized, which shall be Another class of national banks shall be designated by some appro, to be in effect national trust companies have all the priviand to exercise all the functions and priate name are given to trust companies which leges, including length of charter, institutions shall of the various States. These national by the laws to inspection and examination banks, be subject, like other national National Government. by the These two paragraphs are referred to the ilational Lonetary , Commission, with the recommendation that they work out a practical method to nationalize sings banks and trust companies. There shall be no change in the percentage of reserve required by law to be held against demand deposits by national banks, except as otherwise provided herein, but the deposit balance of any national bank in the Reserve Association and the notes of the Reserve Association n shall be con--ted as a part of its legal reserve. . REPORTS To THE(011 19'R0I,LER. The Reserve Association shall make a report, showing the principal items of its balance sheet, to the Comptroller of the Currency once a week. These reports shall be made public. In addition, full reports shall be made to the Comptroller of the Currency coincident with the five reports called for each year from the national banks. All reports of national-bank examiners in regard to the condition of national banks shall hereafter be made in duplicate, and one copy shall be filed with the Reserve Association for the confidential use of its executive officers, and branch manan—wp. National banks of all classes shall heitdiffFIEMPe—ft Cktekly report to the Comptroller of the Currency showing the principal items of their balance sheets, such reports to be available for the use of the executive officers of the Reserve Association. NOTE ISSUES. There is hereafter to be no further issue, beyond the amount now outstanding. of bank notes by national banks. National banks may, if they choose, maintain their present note issue, but whenever a bank retires the whole or any part of its existing issue it will permanently surrender its right to reissue the notes so retired. k 14 SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. The Reserve Association must, for a period of one year. offer to purchase at two and one-half per-cent premium and accrued interest the 2 per cent bonds now held by national banks and deposited to secure their circulating notes. nent deposits. and United States (lovern, The Reserve Association shall take -t over these bonds with the eix4iftg currency privilege attached and assmirie responsibility for the redemption (upon presentation) of outstanding notes secured thereby. The Reserve Association shall issue. on the terms herein provided, its own notes as fast as the outstanding notes secured by such bonds so held shall be presented for redemption. it being the policy of the United States to retire as rapidly as possible, consistent with the public interests, bond-secured circulation and to substitute therefor notes of the Reserve Association of a character and secured and redeemed in the manner provided for in this act. Inasmuch as the Gov ernment will, receive all profits of the central Reserve Association over and above the limited dividends p:ovided for, it is only just that the notes issued to replace the existing national bank notes should be free of all tax. The Reserve Association agrees to hold, for a period of not less than 10 years, the bonds so purchased, or any Government security which may be exchanged for them by refunding or otherwise. The Reserve Association, however, shall have the right, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, after two years to dispose annually of $50,000,000 of the bonds held by it to secure circulation. The Government reserves the right at all times to purchase at par from the Reserve Association, through the trustees of the postal sa vings bank or otherwise, any or all of such bonds so held. If the Government should adopt the policy of issuing securities at a higher rate of interest than 2 per cent, the Reserve Association shall have the right to exchange at par the Government bonds which it may have acquired from the national banks, previously held by them to secure circulation for any bands bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 3 per cent, but in that event the amount of annual taxes to be paid on notes based upon such new securities shall be as much greater as the interest rate of the new securities shall exceed 2 per cent. To illustrate: If the Government should decide hereafter to issue a 2-i per cent bond, the rate of taxation on currency issued by the Reserve Association thereon would be 1 per cent, instead of one-half of 1 per cent, as on the existing twos, and upon a 3 per cent bond the rate of taxation would be 11 per cent. inli111.1 b4h-iii44404-04.-WrITITTTTMHIWI-a-a_12S1' em it: max rri a bil3:4a44.444444,Cial_aud.44444- 312,--VO • SUGGESTED PLAN FOR MONETARY LEGISLATION. In addition to the authority to issue notes to replace any national bank notes outstanding at the time of the organization of the Reserve Association, it shall have the right to issue additional circulating notes. should not be subject to tax. We believe these notes There are no considerations, either of income to the Government or penalty upon management. that should lead to the imposition of such a tax. If, in spite of this fact, there are constderations that would lead the Commission to impose a tax, we believe the plan sAgi4ested for a tax Ls incorrect. and wholesome It would tend to prevent a natural conversion of legal money now in ciitculation into reserve in the hands of the Association in exchange for its notes. If a tax should be imposed, we believe that its imposition in the first instance, and its graduated increase, should be based on the Associations's proportion of reserve to total deposits and note liabilities; that 1‘e tax should only begin when that reserve fell to a certain point, and should increase invrsely as the reserve decreased. The Matiiimmml Reserve Association shall have authority to issue, (without restriction as to the relative proportions of the different denominations) notes of the denominations of $5, $10, 320, $50, and 1100, to take the place of the notes of similar denominations prev iously issued by the national banks, and shall be also authorized to issue notes of the denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000, for the convenience of the banks in their daily settlements with each other. d to the All note issues of the Reserve Association must be covere other lawful money, and the extent of at least one-third by gold or comremaining portion by bonds of the United States or bankable or both. (It should be provided mercial paper as herein defined, foreither that the Reserve Association may also hold in its reserve ry will issue gold certificates against eign coin, or that the Treasu all the foreign coin.) The notes are to constitute a first lien upon e Association, and adequate provision must be assets of the Reserv amade for their immediate redemption in lawful money on present head office of the Reserve Association or any of its tion at the branches. in The notes of the Reserve Association shall be received at par States, payment of all taxes, excises, and other dues to the United by the and for all salaries and other debts and demands owing associations, except United States to individuals, corporations, or cally obligations of the Government which are by their terms specifi or by one national bank payable in gold, and for all debts due from to another, and for all obligations due to a national bank. The Reserve Association shall at once, upon application and withany out charge for transportation, forward its circulating notes to . depositing bank against its credit balance 0 LTST OF ENGAGE :%=; OF SANATOR ALDRICH. CHICAO, SATURDAY, NOVEMMR 6th: Informal recetion, iia:Iiiton Club (creorge W. Dixon, President), 12 noon. Luncheon, (James P. Ernest A. Reynolds) (3) Chicago Clearin House Committee Fofgan, Chairman; John J. Mitchell, Hani1i, Orson r)mith, and Geor$7e at Chicago Club, 1 o'clock p. in. Dinner. The Commercial Club of Chicano, Congress Hotel, 7 o'clock p. in. ST. LOUIS, TODAY, NOVEMBER 8th: ..--f-, c" 1 ,I (1) „IA inner, The Commercial Club (Hanford Crawford. i ' .,, Ai : l rgir i / iii.0t. ' v A- President), i V tr,-0 /// p. m. h cs ,V.- tKA7SA3 CITIr, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th: i (1) Luncheon with F. P. 7eal, p. in. (2) Dinner, Kansas cit.! Clearing House Association, (F. P. Neal, President), OMAHA, 7!E -EDAY, NOVEgREF 10th: " ( ) Dinner, The Commercial Club of Omaha (Edgar p. Alien, Chairman Executive Co=ittee), m. MINNEAPOLIS, FRIDAY, NOVLIBER 12th: r•ift () Dinner, :::inneapolis (F. V. Prince, President), :douse Association p• (.1.41L ST. PAUL, SATURDAY, NOVEMMR 13th: (1) Diner, Clearing 4 p. Paul, _7 Iouse Association of St. ENGAGEMENTS -- page 2. CHICAGO, SUNDAY, NOVELEER 14th: (1) Luncheon at Lake Forest, Owentsia Club, p• )MILWAUKEE, MONDAY, NOVET:LBER 15th: .0 I Dinner, Merchants' & Manufacturers' Association (illiam George Bruce, Secr(:tar:), p. m. 'M DE" IT, TUESDAY, 1TOIrE"TER 16th: (1) Luncheon, Detroit 73oa.rd of Coerce (Edward A. p. m. Sumner, President), J (2) Dinner, Detroit Bankers' Club, 1ZE"T YOTT CITY, 7HUR3LAY (1) '7 TTOVEI.TBER 18t h: Dinner, Cha!lber of Co:amerce of the State of 7ew York, Waldorf-Astoria, 6:60 p. 411. -! That the members of the 1:ational ::lonetar_,, Commission, or the survivors of them, who were appointed on the thirtieth day of May, nineteen hundred and eight underthe proy visions of to amend the section seventeen of the Act entitled "An Act national bankinE laws," approved 7a; thirtieth, , nineteen hundred and eight, Shall continue to constitute the 7ational monetary Commission until the final report of said Corimission shall be made to Congres; an said 7ational 'rone- tary Commission are authorized to pay to such of its members as are not at the time in the public service 4n, receivinc a salary from the Government, a salary equal to that to which said members would be entitled if they were members of the Senate or 7ouse of Representatives. acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this orovision are hereby repealed. A 1• 4-4 • ,44 • •-•••• • „. tit, ; That the mqiibers of the 7ational Monetary Commi;ssion viivielit i, 1 / 4 ( ection seventeen of the Act entitled "An act to amend the national 1:Inicin& laws”, approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred ' and el, ht, Aml-who we2e pointed on the thirtieth day of May, nineteen hund_.ed and eight, lez.Iiielmommoiwoos.tramtablamhall continue to constitute the Yational 7onetary Commission until the final report of said CorrAssion shall be made to Congress; and said :ational Monetary Comlision are authorized to pay to such of its members as are not at ftmr time in the piblic service or receiving a salary fro:a the Government, Ara ex_.tet tet , Or to which said members would be entitled if they were members of the Senate or House of 1:epresentatives. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with t,_is provision are hereb repealed. That tho members of the National TIonctar Comni-nion was orrmted by section ovventoon of tle Act entitled "An act to mend the natioryla balkinr laws", apr,rovc:d aid ci ht, and -rho we T. ap:)olnted on , Tlinetcen Mnd .cd aid eirht, or tiv ninete . n hundrod - a„; thirtieth clay of 211fV1V0212 -f them, con- -1 *.ipuo to constitlac the National fTone.%.tary Commiion until t2 , final rep,-,rt of said Corn -iz.sion nYall be mace to ConFresc; and said , ftionia -onetary Co7.1:1son arr ;Ltthorized to pay to suc' of* it(:! ' It .!teinbFrs as are not - mak tine in V:e p hlic service er rce, Avin! el t'r fr the Go . , (• r --1-n , .e4i/--crrr-rrerrrtr,rtt- , ;low-Irrr, j' ,1",,i ;A‘ Atapir 0, .1E5 t-140—Arr-f.4.1----1-fm • crrrr)cri- , to .thich said mr.7abers wo0d 1.)c entitled if they -r-r sle-11-rs ' l or Ilopc'e of heprrIlentn.tiv -r. All s.ctl nr varts 9f acts inQom:istent with pr()v-iniLn arrY herebj 1.('pealoo. NATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION. WASHINGTON, D.C. 21/cb ytc. 42._)L- ot-tett, ,c44 t f 4 , A d ere A trL&4't 71 Jtf/ ) 1 'v/"--1Le.J„,r re •*-`1 1-; t ) York City, go, .00, Qc1 / .\. es.S_ 4 --Vcckee. luis, i rovv, Nelovki Std CA, 60_4.±.u.v. 0 13,1t4 t.r•.s.k yn, #JLav a_ 0.,6o , oo t411aAkowAtfI u tAi (,1-,,v4.kc., 4..4h, 3c) o c4.40%43) 6.Pt" 1 40A-4 p r avtket,..1-t&t,..4.t tAit **A. .r* 1 1ht-t.L4 tr. kk e Qovvtxt . \ . k-Le_ r\ cru)duAlkkdAklkiiktau. as,t4 13 1.3kukw ki4 , 8:1° 11 LvALt ges.ftlk 6 apt- fi c i3o Ipc / 4437-4i 42,4;72_7 c)S1' \ g, .300 -t- 6 *v ) t P 0 1. mi.• S Q4-4 gton, h, 0 00 0 >5 cdi-trw *5..o oco Ltai b- 00 0 2-3'1 s 6 o -0 I t 19 CO leans, o GAM") (00 0 o to `C-0 C. 0 a-Itriy-trd 50,A,v1 4 4 S1. e4_45 ‘A.k j00000 (4 4 17 S 0 0 0 0 - 44 161 2-7-6414-cig`i 8 S 7 -5"..- I 00 00 ° 0 , 0 %re... o „,o0o 4 • 0 , o.t ca -0-tr , ,O 1 000 4:44 44 'F3 / 7 iol-iso 64( 67 ofoo plis, I+ 6— (/ 6Th+ 3 cliCoo q.*1 91 3348 9 r2-2-1 3S3'3 1, 1is, .7"110,61 7 to lirfkrit Esp 3F00 0 r'A 0Ck‘ .- 1 1. ').-S-ro-ci eia-f 4.4 Oc&03-trirc, 34 I 3 (.1 36 000 - 442.24 Mo., ") `;,‘"" " 1 I. , Kans., (10.)...A4d3 4 Ck/vci 41` Pti . c5-1-44• .. 22%.LkowA(o‘N. ('°°° ) CA ' 13 0 6-0s ° 0 1 -13 %.A.I airovv 4 a 010 I 0-11-, cr-0-0 1 0.-4,0 ckk‘k cry,. SS eit+Atr 04)—Ovv* 0,coltOt 141 eAL o Cktkv, , 'I I I t4-6 6 0 a 0000c Crtri,A) ek."....V—• , az.c . 1 1 . 6 o0o •0•Oti. Co= , / 1 4 0 I. ( 04144,4(A of 04Akti_ 61, Y 35 .S -oo o0 Y NA"; oo L4 I &I V). , &kb , I I 34- itbS 6oc1 41-4 11A, 1v4-0 10 30 VAS' 3 " lloi(6000 (.4 4- 4 /6 ciAi44k / 1 \\ v q , „.es )A#1. , , k Ngk C- -T V 2- acc_orck\v1\ , /‘ A4, c An C""L -) o %A.k4 Sk4,6,1 AkaA1(14fiatau. S.-ta-t...4 4.7 Cik-ZiA4C'O-CULL-.0 iski 4 rtioLk„A4f , orActA i ok ors \0ta- ' €•S• : \`'V` 4 -"114 bal 5 ,5 /61 "2-- .4-/-/,72_7 ossgo 7-,30...cio0 3/ xS 4( (',7,s‘ i,t I 000 00 so 8 11-2-1 3S3, 4-3 1--S- 1,1 0 4-S- `kiv 0 t c:S3 Soo I 4-00000 00 0 (. •y 9 L6H- 0 3 11-r 71 S SR, 0 04 2-35' 2,75 -4-0 • • • .31i 63 9 00 , -7 O a. 0 0 0 53 1-1 , 14-o (33o6t, 5.51 - 4-7---/-7 0 7? 7 6 1+3 8i 0 Y g 62-a / J0 0 1 CtmAa,u,t 0 HS e/ ell -0 - SI 01 2-8 o Li- I 4 1 0 0 00 0 + q 00 ci 00 Sr00 000 • • • 0 1 , 0 3 o 10 s' -1(i oi‘so 0 o3S9Soo Cti 0 o 000 11 - 9(ogoot, 0 f- - 2,(o 3 Hk1Tgi4-0 ( 3-rv 300 o I ero 3753 76,S _ 9 1911 i iitzoot 1,, rAt,r r APPENDIX' A. /6 L" NUMBER AND CAPITAL OF STATE BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES CLASSIFIE G az ^-1-k5 , C Co• - • +o ACCORDING TO.P)!PULATION OF LO lLz0_. frf,Cousbiled from Ti... Bankers' Direciory.] a New England States. Eastern States. Southern States. Middle States. Western Stales. Pacific States. -------Number of banks. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Number of banks. Amount of capital. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capital. STATE BANKS. (Including stock savings banks.) POPULATION 3,000 AND LESS. • I. Banks of and above $25,000 2 Less than $25.000 6 5 6. 170 49 $O. 567.090 50.880 1.183 1,964 842.18 9•395 .4.644 718 ' 1.829 $60. 476,050 2.389 30.358. 583 168 495 1,691 814.618.000 20.257,865 .399 256 815,622461 3.218,869 32 5.973200 ° 81 1,783,000 1,686.350 63 65 7.716,660 1.748.800 24.146,225 11.907,900 1,310.00 937" 3,t32,000 729_99•; 0 67 960,8 POPULATION OVER 3,000 TO 6,00. t. Banks of and above S5o,00O 2. Less than $500200 2,618,5os k• 182 11,046f 300 182 4.731,545 4,163.14\105 14.080.800 9.380.042 6o.044it P4)PULAT1ON OVER 6,000 TO so,000. 5 1.580.909 4 . Ranks of and above Sroomoo Less than Sioo,000 1 71.4 00 40 38 1.941,700 '148 283 .79 POPULATION OVER 50,00. I. Banks of and above. $200,000 2. Less than Stoomoo • . . i. Total-State banks conforming to national bank standards as. regards capital . • 2.r,,uit ate banks not so conforming 5.490,000 48,865.300 to 4 420.000 5. 776,125 94 19 7.325.409 62.213.990 11 658.044 1,489 2.438 321 167 8.599. 705 5,569 23 , 0 3.901.127 72.98e74 44,63 32 45.591,821 8.882.650 1.234 2,943 49 54 ra 0.096 '538 2•." 56.222, s , 1,900 17,711.000 26,642,215 39.403,666 3.541,011 583 442 75.052,137 22 916.760 11.469,578 r --+ TRUST COMPANIES. •. POPULATION 3,000 AND L•ESS. 1. Banks of and above S25,000 2. Less than $25.000 30 1,580.0000 32 4 3. 563.6061 85.419 71 70 4.574.550 4 5 =40 8 •PIK 28 6 1,497,500 80.000 27 24 4 346.2 6 95,600 PoPVLATION OVER 3,000 To 6,00. •••••...„ t. Banks of and above $50 000 . Less than S5o.000 15 1. 4 920.000 100.000 49 4 6.370.625! 100,000 69 0 5 041.45 , 41 922,430 S 12 600,boo 19,652,700 18 3,926,000 3/ 3,225,000 1,213,890 22 4.083. 300 t.o8,loo 27 20,060.380 2.239,055 8, 26, o6o• 440' 35 14 2.4,39.600 to8 87 420,000' 1111411k000 271,800 225, POPULATION OVER 6,0oo To 50,000. . Banks of and above Stoo,000 2. Less than St00,000 153 25 27 1,380.400 3 27.716.100 205 29,009.625' 120.000 /07 20,79,019 I00 4. 222.785 x8 POPULATION OVER 50,000. t: Banks of and above Stoo,000 1. Less than $209.000 4g 8 I. Total trust companies conforming to national standards as regard,capit al 2. Total trust companies not so conforming. 16717—rt. OMNI!page . 4 1.740.057 , 118 49 212 183,698.3941 12.655.826' 222 6 .244 . 42 33.:9201:47 3 12.961.245 63 99 33,454000 7 559 , ,02 117 75,697,833 59 4.59 .600 6 29 000 1.956.500 310 310 63,865,319 288 t66 99,287,633 54 96 8.757.00 0 3,788.390 13.681.437 9,022.600 .3. 517.755 !9! 4 .)t, _ — 9 1911 rfro-• . .FS otzoot 6 ki APPENDIX' A. 44 APITAL OF STATE BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO.PidPULATION OF LOCALITIES. 4 .7 4 fr e .1 D t e icorsPlied from The Bantr1 7-1 ir s-iory.1 , Number banks. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capi ' Lai 596.880 Amount of 4 2,183 49 6 $6.567.090 Middle States. Number of ' banks. a cPit al --__ Number of banks. 270 00 $2 1 Southern States. ......_ _ astern Sta es. New England States. 2,964 Pacific States. Western States. , Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Island possessions. Amount of capital. Number of banks. Amount of capital. Total United States. Number of banks. Amount ot capital. • 1,820 642.289 395 24.624 728 , 2.389 860,478.050 36.358.583 114.628.000 495 2,692 20.257.865 845,642.464 4,082 3.218.869 399 256 6,350 8439.827.496 _- -32 2,783.000 63 7.716,600 82 1,686.350 6c 1.748.800 1.310.000 72 1'2)9c210 3,132,000 67 2,960,8. • 3, ;. 49 39.403.666 / 54 3.541.011 2.618.500 1.580,909 40 171,400 8 3 182 11,046•300 268 285.000 60,644 182 ,731;545 4 232 4 163.1o4....0o5 218 941,700 14.680,800 /83 24.146,225i II 9.380 0 4' 279 ii,st07,900 , 90 10.936,000 5.9,73,000 ' I ,,,,ii ,, 5,490,000 420.000 78 69 48.865.300 19 5. 776,125 94 7.325.409 . 658.044 1 322 62• 213.990 8.599,705 1,489 . 72,985 74 2.458 44,637 32 34,100.400 473 14,485,339 419 58,932,944 696 81,342,500 1 28,593,940 209 145,420.037 26.086. 91 i _ ... 45, 592,821 8.882.650 2,234 167 478 -„ 2.943 9 5.56 250 \54 5.901 127 / 331 0.096 ...138 17.711.000 583 75.052.137 5,18s , 378.280,87 1,900 26,642.2i5 442 11,469,578 7.921 148,229,107 22 916,760 200 12,614,410 6 .....,, 00 95,6 110 2,592;459 114 56.222i •' I,,0 500,000 402 1.842,500 4 - 920,000 100,000 .563.600 , ,•". 71 4 1.580.000 85.419 70 49 4370,625 69 .32 4 3 41 100,000 • 4,574480 485.240 5,045.450 922.430 . e 28 1,497,500 27 ,6 80.000 24 4: ••• 346.2•• 35 2,439.600 8 600.000 5 .....,-., 4. 7.8.2k000 } 18! 16,371.671 14 420.000 12 271,800 5 1 25,••• So 2.939,230 2,060:000 ...„,432 81,140,644 ..... .375,060 153 1,280.400 ).009.625 1 120.000 107 /00 20,795..019 408 29,652,700, 18 3.225.000 15 4.083.300. 4.222,785 87 3,926.000 31 1,213.890 22 1.058,100 3 I ._,... _. 37,500 2,1 11,87867! 1 i 27.716.100 205 112 3.698.394 2,655.828 63 1•740•057 439 2.642.244 310 63.86* 319 288 I23 2.961,243 310 13. Wit 437 ? I66 33.591. 100 3.120.457 , _ 99 0 33.45400 7,5511,9 82 .....--.. 75.697.833 4,596.600 117 59 rt 4.450.000 .38 203060.3801. 482 29 — 1.956.500 27 2.239.055 344 345,077.00' 30. 739,02( 14 06 S. 757,00o 33 26,060.440 3 1,090,000 L945 455,203.731 3.788.390 lo 3.517.755 i I 0 37,50 805 46.149,5.81 • ' 99.287.633 9,022.600 -\i\k\AA&I)-(A) oa -At45.(.• AI:LAfrik, 1a,tAk tko.1( ;1A-t.C_ 4 ckAAAC4 ,.-t-c.4c 1LAk.A CA C+ah,t- fru-1A, ,' e • Cckv \, . ko 7,8"6—oje o 0 ruAcek,01 YVkvAb " 'TATES, Thm'9''3 10 Maine, New Hampshire, -f 44-2. 37 / .5—(o Vermont, 33G(.41, o Rhode Island, Connecticut, ToTAL / NEW ENOLA ND STA 7 19 Delaware, Maryland, 12 f-7 `0)-1 alA a w\ss S ;k eckf\ ;$t Yku,v0A) lo 3 1,17 , • u o ii"--).-vo 4 0 -- -.5- c 0 3- 11" ()c- 5- Pennsylvania, 11 6 Iqg Es, New Jersey, 9 2-2 New York, 8 I g 14- Atkw.koex o 00 o 000 I 7L5 0 0 - isSe!6-7, - Massachusetts, 'aA& Ct 1 7 / 367370 cig- 70o0 II g i2.7 0 137 District of Colinnbia, 10 7,6-3•;-'v / ),16 1“, -3 -, , 1-. ) 1 13 14 15 v : ''. , # TI Yrs-k 1. ;': tSTERN i•:.TATES, 1 I 914 4 'I cf ( I --- Georgia, 18 i (_,-, 5 0 •--..''' Floriila, / Louisiana, 22 4-3 i i 14 - 34f - i i l'‘I ‘•-• / s6 ii‘ -1Ff Arkansas, 24 Kentucky, 25 Tennessee, f TOTAI SOL TH ERN 26 27 29 Ohio, indisana, Illinois, Michigan, 30 Wisconsin, 31 STATES, IS-74-, 41-1-9' a7 '7,q10,7 i7 -/ 4g- Y1,” c3 Minnesota, 28 3I 3' 32 .33 34 35 Iowa, 1 14-b I 14- 14I0o -- 4-771)-1 .3 0 -cS101-1.3 '-('I 1.3c6 1 o0 7,333 rioo '2/ 42- 7- 1 7 i i , I 1,i '33•1-1 3 -0 (3 `bloc f 03 ef 1) In el 4 , 0 : 1 (3 -6 I 3.- n f (3 I / 4 3 3 7 17 3 4 000 y 00 / 67 oo 7.3 ')—'?-- 0 0 oo /47/0000 / o 00 0 (r 'y 2- 8 4-f ,n /7 7.-.51.1 4'3$ )0, _)/ 3J- 77( / o f ve 4114 , (7 7 -5/4 3 3;4 00 0 -vt,; 0 00 0 a 00 3-i- 11, , 6, . Ar -fl _1( /6 2-7 I 44 0 `1' J0 Cf f-,3 if( 7 70 3 f (3 -1 cc.0111-1(7o Sip 07$3171 7 -I- 174 q0 0 -0s- Missouri, l'OTAI M notr. TATES, X. North Dakota, South Dakota, / 0 q,79 1170 . 3 .co 0 0 / 0 0 00 0 oo 33— o S' I 3 1 — 23 o oo ..5"--g1 3 Texas, , 0,13 '2 13V 5 ( 77,5 7 -470 / 3 F4f0o 0 'ff)6( i Mississippi, 21 /%5—/S- L/L00 Alabama, 20 0 (0 / S L6- o 0 / C-7000 F3g -/ //c/ 1-4)0 oil / "y- / 19 ,4 / 6 West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 17 (0/ o X-000 • Virginia, 16 2- q I 0 il o 0i -2 0 c , -1 Ai zr/ f t 771, t, •3 -= , 9Z-t-9,sL / o a. .,0 n -t 1 '7s-y-b ji Q 1. L 00o • Ls c, . C1 0 Cl o_s- gbe o_re 05-os-.,' 9, g- I-t o o o o L-.k.i o o 0fis" 7 oscs' cLLkf 0 Di . O oo o7e-t 1 1.1 4 1_ s <I .4.-_g• 1 , ir . if i , * ii 0 *0 0 c., 00 000,4_0 -,o479, 4,o1 / 1 If i 1 A o) i £01 "4 4 3cfi 41 00? 19 2 I -4i0( b.0 A.ii1917_FL) Si ° ) LI. 0 , 4 4. • 41 6 47 75 , ? oLL o 0 -cs 01 O 6-04 . 0s /Ls Ls-0s Li Li L oLb 4- 5 4 —?4, t t-bL is 0 Lyl O 00000q, • C) a 6-t, 1-1 t , ta` c_Sig Lc-) 0(. 50_6 oil —i, 01-c A-97 Lt. 1-_541 e I I 5 O 0 A, 19 I- A• 170/ •0 5‘ 0 "1 p L C)) ' I ) - -r 0 9%.,t ) Ji Lfoçjcb CSI o 0 L 0 n 0 07 O 04,444.7 L •° C ) 0 0nor-p) 0 i • oc•T tit (p 0 elf;r3 NY.) ..,0\i5r.„cANAA •.?„,..•„x.",40‘)sio..vairAvNk Vtj \ . 1,‘NA-0\t.A03 0 —erret -4-1 17' 1 141 ' ct rTw 4 r 07 -1 #-41-1 rer e4-7Dr" ' . ' 71 7C Zti 01110, 27 Indiana, 28 Illinois, 29 Michigan, 30 Wisconsin, 31 Minnesota, 32 Iowa, 33 Missouri, --f- (.,7 '2-70 0 FPf 4 6 rs-y I 0 113 , 3 3 00 7 3 lr* TOTAL MIDDLE s A North Dakota, 35 38 Nebraska, 37 Kansas, 38 W yotning, 40 New Mexico, 42 3„- Oklahoma, 63 0 0 0 - - 0 SI, St) 0 Colorado, 41 8 3 / / L. /6.7014q - 0 cl \co 0 oo / /6 g 1“ c16.S . .1 3> I W ESTERN ST A'r F,S, o / o "31-1 3 I SI .5-S- 0 •6 1 6 0 ‘z. fr767 TO'r A I. ,r) 33 O 00 Montana, 39 fr /jf jj' d S•7 South Dakota, -100 4, / 0 0. 0 / O0 0 /70 L, I I 0 3•233 A. ly...- " i" o 0 7.3 / ' r 7 s4.3 0 0 0 - oo0 0 0 6 -0 0 / c •. 43 Washington, 44 Oregon, 45 California, 46 Idaho, 47 Utah, 48 Nevada, 49 Arizona, 50 Alaska, 4-t 9c 1 / „ f rl 2/0 i44- /00 •0 0 64 - TOTA I. PACIFIC STATES, 51 Porto Rho,. C7 t 1 Lf 9 ‘2 9 / C.) 0 0 07 /000 c c, 1,;(4f--,INAL sr II IS01 (.4l1 . • . oTAI, Ist.A N I) PoSSESSIONS, TOTAL UNITED STATItl, I aL.-e.12 4.11.4 .21t 4 -4( • 7 Hawaii, 52 0 0 o 00 7_7y00 O 0 *-2-0 O 0 /0300 O 0 `f 13 0 7 7 o0 ' s 0 3 7J0 (•/'11(lic 77311 o • 3 • - • . • 7 = - 1 1-11 1 Pt 01 p 0 / .41-6-.... - 131 "•-• " t L4- ). I) -Ao 33 it - fro-, 1 1"J , 04.410 j, 1 1 0-t A-+- -- 2 3q //f/4 if $7 3,0• G 4) , 53ci 3 v4 -53 11 • -€4.1_"... it}ga. v-.".4-.1 4 -co )-,..*" Ai Orly-vv. ,f I& A.Art, .„ it- at., --t,s4 7g L5.61 it az_ 6 0-ti$sloc 5 c5-4.1 fr,1.911 I• O 00000-i Lsbp Ls-) °a c .16 o 54_9/ 0 )0-410--t,1 • • oc A , -Lb 7444,4-'1_ O 00 LoL-1-1 O SJ to) : c j _cs S • 1 5 1 .-.f 1 CIOC" ssI O c 2 o 01 0 GIL? 0 0 n 0 O ) SIil b -/ , O 00 G )--t. 91-7 0 ctji 15' SA--1-10 0_7/ c29/ O 0o 0 L 1'0 O 0 0 0,9'S, 0 0 / 0 0j , () 0 0 0 0 42 1 OJio O 0 CP CZ` 11_ . 5' . 6)1) 9L - ( t b51-11 rN oc1)4./0 0) dt ic iy •° S 45' 3* - h fry re / 1 ) e. c4,„ °, LS 6; 9y 1 •0 0 0 (.1 k. „Li ocLj, O 00 oc, e O 0 CI J-LL.ks- 0041 O 0c.) • L c ) c-LLbi-;17 L0 D 011 000 0 0 0 O 09 C o .1 9, 0 ) _ AVANT-PROJET DE LEGISLATION MOYETAIRE souais A LA COMLISSION IONETAIRE NATIONALE par l'honorable NELSON W. ALDRICH : 41. Edition revue et corrigee Octobre 1911.- TH1; ITATIONAL REEHV1 AOCIATIGN OF THE UNITED ETATES.- CHARTE ET SIEGE E)OCIAL eat oropose d'accorder une chrte pal a la"7ationrl Reserve r3ssociaticn"qui sera le princi capite,1 agent fiscal du louvernement des Etts-Unis. Le de la " National Teserve Aseociation Fieleverv, autorie a 20 du capital dee Eanques pouvant faire partie de doll'association. (Apnroximativement 300 millions de lars). La duree de la c;iarte sera de 50 annees, le siege central de l'asociation eera it Washington, D. C. CAPITAL 1.- Toutea lee Banquea nationales, lee Banques d'Aat et lea Trusts Companies qui rempliront lea conditions requises pour faire partie de l'associationet enonceesci-aprt,s ( -c 59 4 (3 )r - ourront souFcrire au cc.- lE " 1;ation4l Reserve AesocicAtion. Le mot " Banque " employe ci-apres devra etre consider E'appliquant toute6 le carr. e rInles nationales, banquee d'- ions tElt, et trusts companiee qui rempliront lee condit requiFes pour faire partie de l'association ci-nres nonc4e$. 4- - 2 - -AtEl minimum de Une banque ayant un cci 25 millions de dollars pourra souscvire a une part du capital de la " National Reserve Assocition ",gale a 20 du coital de la cute Banque,et chacune des ban- ques souscrivantEinei deviendra_ membre d'une association locale, comme il et dit plus loin. Cinquante pour cent des souscriptions au cnpital de la " National Reserve As:bcilltion seront apl)eles en especes; le solde des souscriptions restera da par lessouscripteurS et suece2tible d'tre appe16. Les actions de la " National Reserv6 Association " ne seront paE cessibles et ne pourront en v.ucun cp..s tre posoed6es per une ecictt autre que la Bncue solscrilptrice, ni par des particuliers; et , elles ne pourront op.f tre oosecid6es par une banque, en quantit4 autre que la proportion )rvue Si une banque souscriptrice augmente son capital, elTe devra souscricre immdintement a une part nouvelle du capitql de la " National Reserve AssocirAtion " egale 4 20 % de l'auqmentation de son,capitl-il, en payant acs nouvelles actions afevet valeur ) telle qu'elle r4sultera lt ce moment du biln de Fociation. Si une 17.nflque souscriotrice 1-.1duit son capital t elle devrfJ clIpandonner une partie corces -oondnnte de see cLins de la " Nctional Reserve AsLoulation " Si une banque entre en liquidtiou1 elle ae- vra abandonner toutes see actions de li National Reserve Associr,tion " • lee actions Coa-adonnees seront annules et la .77 c,nue recevra en t'ch , le 'r d'iTiventairie. L ie somme Une banque sollicitant son admission dans l'Association, apres la fmation de celle-ci, devra souscrire a une part proportionnelle du ca ital de l'Association en payant lee actions 4 leur valeur d'inventai:7e. BENEFICES ET DIVI-MNDES (4) Les benefices de la. " National Reserve Association " seront distribues de la maniere suivante : Apres le paiement de toutes lea cipenses et des imOts, lee actionnaires recevront 4 %. reparti : des benefices sera ainsi La Le solde moiti4 sera jointe aux reserves de la I;ctional Reserve Associntion , ” jusqu'a ce que lee reserves s'elevent a 20 % du capital verse; un quart sera verse au Gouveraement des Etats-Uais; et un quart aux actionnaires; mais quand le dividende des actionnaires atteindra 5 % us ne partici)eront plus aux disjtributions additionnalles. Ares que lee actionnaires auront recu 5 %, lee benefices seront sorte, qu'une moitie soit ajoutee aux reserves de la National Reserve Association " et versee au Gouvernement. repartis de tel1e qu'une moitie soit Apres que lee actionnaires auront reeu 5 % et que lee rjserves s'jlevront a 2 0 0 du capital verse; tout l'excedent des benefices sera distribu4 au Gouvernement. Le diVidende minimum des actionnaires sera cumulatif, ORGANISATION (5).- Toutes lee banques souscriptrices seront reunies en associations de 1::anquesqui seront designees sous le nom d'" associatioralocales". Cll(ue associa- tion locale aura le caractere et les,lroitsae oersonne qorale. Elie sera compose d'au moins 10 banques et l'ensemUle du capital et des rtste:rves des membres de chaque association locale ne devro pas s'elever a moms de 15 millions de dollars. Le territoireeoavert par lee associations locales sera divise de telle sorte que chaque banque soit sit'lee dans lee limites d'une association locale. Chaque banque souscriptrice de-viendra membre de l'asociation locale du territoire cur lequel elle sera situee. (6).- Toutes lee associations locales seront groupees en divisions a,)pel6es districts. Le territoire des Etats-Unis sera divise au d4but en 15 districts qui seront determines Oans le projet de loi prepare par la Commission mon6taire Nationale; et uric succursale de la " National Reserve Association " sera situ6e dane chaque district, son siege devant etre d4termine par lee administrateurs de la " National Reserve As HOC 11. le district pourra etre modifie. de temps en tem)s; et de nouveaux Aistricts et de nouvelles succursales pourront etre cr6s par lee administrateurs. 0).succursales et le La " National Reserve association ", see associations locales seront exemotes d'imiAts d'etat et d'imiAts locaux, exemption faite pour lee imiAts sur lee biens immobiliers. PERSOITJEL ET AITTINISTRATIO (A) Administration des asEociations locales.- (8) Chaque association locale elira annuellement un conseil d'administrateurs dont le nombre sera determine par les statute des associatione locales. Lee trois-cinquiemes des administrateurs seront elus au scrutin par les representants des banques faisant partie de l'association locale/ Chaque banque ayant un repr4sentant et chaque representant une voix, independemment le l'imortance de la Banque. Laspeux cinquiemes des administrate -urs de l'aesociation locale seront elus par les mes repreentants des di ferentes banques faisEnt partie de l'association, mais pour l'election de ces administrateurs cliaque i'epresentant aura antant de voix que la Banque qu'il repr4sente,00ssede d'actions de la National Reserve AE;sociation ". Pour ces elections 11 ne pourra y avoir de mandataires. Lesrepreentantau- toris:i3d'une banque, comme il est alt plus haut, devront "6tre le Presids-nt, le vice-Pri:sident, ou le caisuier de la B:.".4e (B) AD=ISTY:AT2TRS DES SUCCURSALES (9)- Chacune des succureles de la "iationsl Reserve association " aura un conueil d'ad:ninistrateure qui ser elu de la maniere suivnnte : Le conseil des administrateurs J chaque asFo- ciption locale elira au scutin un membre du conseil des administrateurs de la succursale (i.e la "Nntionpl Reserve association ". De cette maniere il sera elu autant d'ad- ministrateurs de la succursale de la " i,atioaal Reserve association " qu'il y aura d'associations locales clans le district oil la succursale de la " National Reserve association II sera situe:— (I0) Outre ces adminisLrateurs, il sera elu de la maniere suivante un nombre d'administrateurs egal aux deux tiers du nombre des associations locales du district oh la succursale sera situee. Les banques composant cheque association locale designeront un repr6sentant ou fonde de pouvoirs. Pour la d4signation de ce representant chaque banque aura autant de voix qu'elle ooscedera d'actions de la " National Reserve Association ". Les representants des diff6rentes associations locales qui foment un district eliront un nombre additionnel d'administrateurs de la succursale, 4gal aux deux tiers du nombre des administrateurs 41us directeme:It par les aE;Fociations locales, c'est--dire 6gal aux deux tiers du nombre des associations locales composant le district. Chaque repr4sentant aura pour cette Election un nombre de voix egal au nombre d'actions de in " National reserve af- sociption " possedees par toutes les banques composant l'asc, ociation locale qu'il repreente. (II) Le conseil de la succursale, ainsi coscompletera imrC.dietement le nombre de ses membres par l'election d'administrateurs en nombre 4gal aux tiers du nombre des associations locales situ4es dans le district. Ces administrateurs supplemeritaires devront repr6senter fidelement les interets tndustriels, comer- ciaux, agricoles et autres du district et ae dwvront pas etre des fonctionnvires de banques. Les adiiimistrateurs de Lanque,sne seront pas coneider6s comme fonctionnaires. (12) Le Directeur de la succursale sera d'office membre du conseil des administrateurs de la succursale et sera repr:sentant du co;iseil. Le conseil des administrateurs d'une succursale de la " National Reserve Assocition " sera ainsi compose de : 10- Un groupe d'administrateurs egal au nombre dee associations locales composant le district et ee groupe sera elu par lee associations locales, cimIqu e association ayant uae voix, 2°- Un groupe d'edministrateurs egal aux deux tiers du precedent groupe et elu en tenant compt e du nombre d'actions poss4dees par chaque association locale. 30- Un groupe d'administrateurs 4ga1 an nombre a un tiers du premier groupe, representant lee interets industriels, commerciaux et ae7ricoles et autres du district et elu par lee deux autre s groupes, cttaque administrateur votent eyant une voix. 40- Le directeur sera d'office membre du eonsell des ndministreteurs de is succursale et sera PrF;ident du conseil. (13) Tous lee rembres du Cnseil de la succ ume, excepte lee membres a'office, seront, lore de la premiere seance du caseil, repartis en trois classes, et le durt4e des fonctions de ces trois classes sera respectivemeni: de une, deux, et trois an:16es. Par la suite lee membres du Conseil sero nt elus pour une duree de trois ans. C.- ADMINISTRATEURS DE LA NATIONAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION.- (I4).- Le Conseil de la " National Rese rve Associati If se composera au d4lout de 45 administ ra- teurs et sera constitue de la maniere suivante : Premierement.- Six membree d'office, savoir : Le Gouverneur de la " National Reserve Asso ciation " qui sera President du Conseil, deux Sous -Gouverneurs de la " National Reserve Association ", le Secretaire du Tresor, le Secretaire du Commerce et du Travail et le Contr51emade la Circulation, (15) Deuxiiimement.- Quinze administEate urs qui seront eluv l ilt raison de un, par le Conseil des acVlinistrateurs de chaque succursa le de la " National Reserve Association ". Si par la suite le nombre de districts a augmente, chaque dist rict supplementaire aura droit a elire un administrateur aapplementaire. Troisiemement.- Douze administrate urs qui seront elus par ies represen tants deodifferents districts, Chaque repr6sentant ayan t un nombre de voix ipaigzkxau7;:mackhraxottaxttrammxpaarxxt iaa egal au nombre d'actions de la " National Rese rve Association" :oss6dees par toutes les banques du district qu'il repr6sen- tera. (I7) quatriemement.- Les vingt-sept administrateurs ainei élas elir nt leur tout 12 administra- teurs supplementaires qui devront representer f'idelement lee int4rets industriels, commerda4x 2 61Z agricoles et autres du pays, et qui ne devrit etre f„pnctionnaires de banqul. Les administrateurs de Nanque5Ae seront pas consideres comme fonctionnaires. (I8).- Ii ne devra pas etre choisi par le /name district plus de 3 administrateurs elus conformement aux 5 16 et 17. (19).- Lore de la premiere seance du Conseil tous lee membres de celui-ci, sauf lee membres d'office iseront repartis en trois classes et la 'iuree des fonctions de ces trois classes serH respectivement de un, deux, et trois ens. Par la suite _es membres du Conseil seront elus pour une duree de trois ann(les. (20).- Aucun membre da corps legislatifs iiationalat ou d'EtatSlie pourra etre adminirateur de la " _ational Reserve AsociPtion ", aucune de see succursales ni d'aucune association locale. D.- COMITS -)E LA NAmI07AL RESERVE ASSOCIATION. Les admiistrateurs de la " National Reserve Association " 4lieront annuellement dans leur sein un Comit4 ex4cutif , et tels'utres ,;omit4s que prevoiront lee statIts de la"National Reserve Association". he Comit4 ex6cutif se c(waposera de 9 membreedont le Gouverneur de - 10 - la " National Reserve Association " Fer. d'office Pre404 sident et lee deux Sous-Gouverneuri, et Le Contr'51eur Juird, de la circulation mem,Dres d'office; male ii ne oourra pas etre choisi dans le rqeme district plus d'un membre elu (22).- Le Comite executif aura lee couvoirs qui sont attribues au Conseil des Administrateurs / l'ex- ception de ceux qui seront specialement delegues par le Conseil, auxt'autres Comites ou aux agents d'execution ou qui sercnt specialement reserv6s ou retenus par le Conseil. ( 23 ).- Ii y nura un Conseil de surveillance elu par le Conseil des Administrateurs dans son sein et dont le Secretaire du Tresor sera d'office President. E.- AGENTS D'EXECUTION DE LA "NATIONAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION". ( 24 ).- Les aqents d'execution de la " National Reserve Association" consisteront en un Gouvereur, _41 4 deux Sous-Gouverneurs, un 6ecretaire et q;aek-ques agents subalternes que prevoieront lesstatuts. Le Gouverneur sera choisi par le President des Etats-Unis Bur une liste qui lui sera soumise par le Conseil des Administratears, ii pourra etre revoque par une decision motivee du Conseil des Administrateurs prise a la majorite des trois quarts. La dur4e dex fonctions des Sous-qouverneurs sera. de sept annees, mais lee deux Sous-Gouverneurs élisi d4but ne resteront en fonctions cue pendant cuatre et sept annees respectivement. Les sous Gouverneurs seront glue par le Conseil des administrateurs; ils pourront Atre en tout temps r4voques avec juste motif et remplaces par le En cas d'alOence ou d'empechement du Goue-- Conseil. neur, le Sous-Gouverneur le plus ancien en f,nctions le sgpleera. F.- AGENTS D'EXECUTION DES SUCCURSALES (25) Chaque succursale aura un Directeur et un Sous-Directeur nommes par le Gouverneur de la " 1;ational Reserve Isocivtion " avec l'approbation du Comite executif. (26) Les pouvoirs et attributions du Directeur et du Sous Directeur et des divers comites des succurssleE seront fixes par lee statute de la " National Reserve Association ". G.- AGENTS D'EXECUTION DES ASSOCIATIONS LOCALES.- (27) Les admibnistrateurs de 'AssociJition eliront annuelleast dans leur sein un President, un Vice -President et un Comitt; d'gxecutif , dont lee pouvoirs, lee attributions et la dur4e de .Jnctions seroOt determin6s par lee statute de l'association locale, sous reserve toutefois des dispositions de la pr4sente loi. - 12 - (28) Les associations locale, lee succursales et la 'I National Reserve Association auront chacune des statute qui prevoieront Lntre autres,ia manier e de pourvoir aux vacvnes pouvant se produire dans leurs Conseilsrespectif. FONCTICNE DES AUOCIATIONb LOCALES (29) Toute tanque faisant partie d'une asFociation locale peut demander a cette association d'avaliser le papier comercial qu'elle desire reescompter a la succursale de la National Reserve Arsociation " de son district. Toute banque recevant ainsi l'aval d'une assockatjon locale paiera a celle-ci une commission qui sera fixee dans chaque cas par le Conseil des administrate urs de l'association. En cas de perte% rsultant pour l'as- sociation locale de l'aval donne par elle, cette perte sera supportee par lee mem-tree de l'association confor mement au rapport qui existe entre leur capital et leurs restxves, et l'ensemble du capital et des reserves de l'association locale; la commisiion recue pour cet aval Bei.; pre oaiement des pertes et des frais,distri buee suivnt la meme proportion entre les divers composant l'asrociation locale, anques Une association locale sere en droit d'exiger des garantiee supplemelitaires de toute banque pr4sentant du papier pour etre avalise, ou elle pourra refuser de donner suite a is demande. (30) Le montant total des engagements d'une - 13 - association locale envers la " National Reserve Association " ne pourrakaaucun moment exceder le montant total du capital et des reserves (dtAb banqueco nstituant l'association rikdpabd,don,ie son aval . (31) Lee associations locales pourront, a la majorite des trois quarts de leurs membres, et avec l'approbation de la " National Reserve AssociLtion " assumer dans l'intert reciproque de leurs membres d'autres fonctions, etaravip1 " our la " National Re- serve Association " tels services qui ne seront pas en opposition avec la pr4sente loi et ne seront pas interdits par le s droits commune. (32) Les asociations locHles nomz,eront des ins ecteurs oui auront le droit de verifier la situation des banques composunt l'association, suivant lea reglements qui pourront atre adoptes par l'as sociation locale avec l'ap?)robation de la " Nati onal Reserve AssooiLii ,)n ". Copie vr . 2tre fo.rii des rapports de ces inspecteurs deaux agents d'execution de la " 1:atio- nel'1-:, 2serve AFsociction " sur leur demande. FONCT IONS DE LA " NATIONAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION 5 (33) Taus lea privileges et evantage s de la " tional Reserve Association " sero nt equitatlement etendus a toute banque faissnt parti e de la categorie enoncee dens la preisente loi eui souscriront 11:le partie du capital de la " National Reserve Association,arempliront par silleurs ies conditions requises per la pr4sente loi. a - 14 - (34) Le Gouvernement des Etats-Uni s et lee banques posedant lee actions de la " National Reserve Associ3tion seront lee seuis cieposants de la " 1:ational Reserve Association ". La National Reserve Association " ne pourre faire aux igtats-Unis d'optirationB qu'avec le Gouvernement et avec lee banques souscriptrices, a l'exception de l'a chat et de la vente de titres du Gouvernement des Eta ts-Unis ou des Etatsca4W4 i detb Aiiite2 des etats krangers et d'or monneye ou en lingot. (35) Le Gouvernement des il,tats-Unis deposer2-1 see fonds disponibles a la " National Reserve Association " et i par la suite, toutes lee recettes du Gouvernement eLront deposees a la " .;ationtil Reserve Association It t.urrlAcette reserve que, en cas de nec essite f le Gou7v.rnement pourra designer , t cet effet, des banques nationales dans lee villes o6 ii n'y aura pas de succursale de la " National Reserve Asociation Tous lee paiements faits par le Gouv ernef,ient Feront effectues par l'irtermdit-Jire de la " National Reserve Association (36) La National Reserve Association ne paiera aucun inter'et sur lee dep ts. (37). La " National Rese.:we Associati on " peut reescompter toute banque ayant un dept chez elle , avec l'endos de cette banque, des effete , et lettres de change crees h l'occasion d'operations commerciales. Cette expresbin,Torsqu'elle est emp loyfe, s'applique h tout effet eV _ettre dL che cre th.n s un but agricole, commercial ou tnd ustriel et non en vue d'operrtions sur actions, obligatio ns, ou autres valeurs - 15 - de placement. Ce* effeteet lettres de change xi devrant avoir une echeance n'excedant pas 28 jours et avoir ete erees 30 jours au moms avant leur r4escomp te . Le montant einsi reescompte ne devra en aucun cas exckter le capital de la Banque sollicitant le rescompte, le montant total des effete et lett res de change portant is. signatre ou l'endos d'un e seule personne, compnEny, " corporation " ou mais on de com- meree Zie rj:escompte une banque quelconque ne devre en aucun cas exceder 10 % du capital et des r6serves de la dite banque. (38) La " ITational Reserve association pour- ra tgaaement r4escompter a toute banque depovente dee / effete et lettres de change crs a l'oc assion d'operations commerciales come il est dit plus haut, ayant plus de 28 jours, male pas plus de 4 mole a courir, mais en pareil cas le papier devra etre avalise par l'association locale, dont la banque sollicitant le re.cscompte fere partie. (39) Lorsque/ de l'avis du Gouverneur de la n National Reserve Asviociation " l'interet public l'exigera - cet ONiS devcolatre partage par le comit6 ex4cu- tif de la " National Reerve association " et recevoir l'approbation formelle du Secretai re du Tresor - is. " ::ational Reserve Associat ion II pourra escompter l'obli gation directe d'une banque d6posente endose6e par son association locale, 6. condition que l'endos de l'a2sociation locale soit pleineme nt garenti par le nantisce- - 16 - ment et le dept chez elle de gara,itizas satisfaisantes, lesquelles seront cons rvees par l'association locale pour le compte de la National Reserve Association "; male en aucun cns, la somme endos1-:6e par li " National Reserve Accociation ne pourra exceder lee trois quarts de la valeur reelle des garanties ainsi fournies. (40) Les taux d'escompte que la " National Reserve association " aura le droit de fixer de temps en temps, seront publies et devront etre uniformes dans toute l'etendue des Etats-Unis. (41) La " National Reserve Associaion pour- ra, lorsque sa propre situation et is situation finan- ciere g nersle justifieront ce plvceTnent, acheter en quantite limitee h urle banque souscriptrice des acceptations de banques ou de maisons jouissant d'un credit financier inconteste. Ces acceptatios devront resulter d'operations commerciales, ne pas avoir plus de 90 jours a courir et etre de la categorie generalement connue sur le marche sous le nom de " Premiere signature " gee acceptations devront porter l'endos de is banque souscriptrice qui lee aura vendnes, lequel endos devra etre autre que celui de l'accepteur. (42) La " National Reserve association pour-. ra faire des placements en obligations des Etats-Unis et en obliutions h court terme - c'est-a-dire n'ayant pas plus d'un an h courir - des Etats-Unis, d'un Etat de l'Union ou de certains Etats 4tranc;er6 qui seront Vsignes dans la loi. (43) La National Reserve A&sociation “ aura aux Etats Unis et h l'tranger le droit de faire le commerce de monnaies et lingots d'or, de con- sentir des avances sun ce metal et de contracter des emprunts sur des monnaies ou lin gots d'or en garantissant/lorsque cela sera_ necess air l le rEmbursement de ces emprunts par dee valeurs scceptables. (44) La " National Reserve Associ ation " aura le droit d'f:cheter vux ban ques souscriptrices et de vendre avec ou sons son endoes cheques ou lettres de change payatles en Angleterre, en France, en Allemagne et dens les aut res pays etrangers... lue i le Conseil de la " iTationtd Reserve AsE,ocitltion It pourra fixer. Ces lettres de change devront result er d'operations commerciFles, ne pas avoir plus de 90 jours courif et porter le. signat ure de deux ou plusieurs personnes oolvableP / Jont la dernittre devra etr e une tanque depost,nte. (45) La " National Reserve Associ ation " aura_ le pouvoir de se faire ouvrir et de conser ver des comptes de banque dans lea pays etroni ers et d'e , : tablir des agences dF.ns pays 4tranEere a l'effet d'acheter et de vendre des lettres de change etrangeres. Elle aura le droit de vendre et d'cheter par l'interme diaime / de see corresponth.nts ou aen ces., de El cliegues ou des lettres de chanr:c (troll ers de premier ordre/ rsu ltant d'operations commerciale l n'ayant pas plus de Y'0 jours a courir et portant la signature de deux ou plu sieurs personnes solvables . TRANSFERTS DES 7 1 0DS A L'INTERaUR (46) La_ " National Reserv e asFociation " cy_i uzt quelconque de see sun cursalea si elle en eat requise, aura l'obliP.ation de transferer une partie quelconque du - 18 - solde d'une banque yant un compte chez elle au cre- dit d'une autre banque yant un compte a la " nal reserve ase,ociation ". atio- Si un solde est tranfere des livres d'un bureeu de la " rational Reserve association " aux livres d'un autre bureu, cette operation pourra etre effectuee par poste ou par te1 Gri-, phe des cunditions qui seront fixees de temps en temps par le eomite Excutif "(Voir aussi § 71) FONCTIONS DE LA " 'ATIONAL RESERVE ASFOCIATION ".- (47) Cutre lee droits qui leur sont a4uellement c.nfer4s par la loi lee banques nationales set ront autorieees a accepter le papier commercial tir4 cur elles n'ayant pas plus de 4 mole a courir, con/ venatlement gar civles. ti et r2ultant d'op6r1-itions con-ier- Le montant de ces acceptations en cours ne devra pas exceder la moiti4 du capital et des reserves de la. banque Andonnan* son acceptation, cE1 sen,oumie aux restrictions de la section 5.200 des g'tuts B:- Vises. (48) La cration dehoenques destinees a faire des operations dvne les i.ys tran2;ers et dens lee d4pendrnces des Etats-Unis scrh autoris;e. Les actions de ces banques pourront etre poss4dee5 oar une banque nationale, male le montant total de ces actions posse- , dees par une seule banque ne devrexceder 20 % de eon La Banque ainsi organise pourra avoir un, bureau aux Etats-Unis, male ne pourra recevoir de deAte aux -tats-T!nis, ni entrer en concurrence avec lee banques Nation' 7, icr ooerations a l'interieur ne se - 19 - rattt ,chant pas n4cesscA.rement aux op4rtition s effectu6es dens les pays 6tranEer6 ou dens les d4pen de.nces des L]tats-Unis. (49) Les banques nationales recevront le droit, !Ioyennant ies restrictions et les regl es colivenab:Les qui seront d6finies par lp. loi, d'4t &Ilir des eectiolw d'4pargnel et de prter,moyennant des restrictions convenables / ;:asqu'a concurrence de 40 de le)Irs djepOte dqoargnesur des bieris Immobiliers pr7,ductifs, ces trete ne devront ptIs eAceder 50';‘; de la vale ur reelle des ditdi biens immobiliers. LITCAISSES.(A) i]ncaisse des banques eouscdptrices (50) Toutes les tanques souscriptricet se conformer aux obligations suiv antesi en ce oui concerne l'encpie:e conserver en contre-partie des di- verses cat4ories de d6lAts, mais le solde de toute banque souscriptrice a. la I;ational Reserve Aocip- tion " et tous les billets de la I? ational Reserve Aseocitation " que possede cette banc ue doivent etre comptes comme faint 'orirtie de son encE,ise obligatoire. (5I)- I - DEPOTS A VUE - Ii n'y aura pee de changement team la propaecit. L, (le l'encpisce dont la loi exige le maintien en contre partie des d:p(Ith a v-Ae ,er les banques nationales dElns les diverses localit4s et, pr.." la suite la mine propamonprke I'encaiseedest depots a vue sere. exigee dans toutes les Lanques souscriptric ee drne les memes localit4s. - 20 - 3OTS A TIME (52) - 2 - D.U To 5ts dtip1. terme et lee fonds conserv4s " in true -L.4 " rembour. jours a inf4rieur .,E.tbles dans un cClai compter de la dRte du d4p(5t/seront soumis i ence qui c')ocerne la prop,414/7,ion de l'encpissef aux merles con-As 4 vue drIka; la T4?le locelit4. ditions que lee d6p7 Les d6pl'As qui son t re:lbourspbles &Tr's 1.1:1 dlai 4gel ou superieur h 30 jours h compter de le date du depOt necessiteront la ifietie encaisse que lee depSte . ie localite, pendc. nt lee 30 vue dans la jourE, pi-4c6dailt l'echeance i et en outre ane encaiese ga1eh 40 % de celle exigee pour lee d6pOts h vue , pendrInt toute p(friode sup'rieure ,\ 30 jours/ mais inf6tieure t 60 jours / cue lee depOts pourront avoir 4 courir; maie aucune e:Icaiose ne sera exigee pour ces (141Ate, syuf penth.-nt les 60 jours prtic4deilt leur 4- 1 . ch4anco;ces ( -d7)ts et lee fonds conserve " in teusL# (levront ttre repr4sentes par des certificats ou docu-lents (crits payables seulement h une dpte €loi- gn4e d'au !noins 30 jours de la date du dpati et le retralt ne pourra (3tre autoriEt avant le tere stipule preavis de 30 jours. (53) (3) D.IPOTS comportant un pr . - Les dt:pSto d'6,oar6ne devront 'etre de 30 jourE, ou .2;arantis par une ancaisse s'61evant h 40 % de celle requise pour le u deipOts h vue dans la meme localit4. Les ,c1pOts d'4pargne ne comportant pas un preavis de 30 jours seront gartis par title encaisee s'elevent h 50 % de celle re uise pour lee d6pOte dans la 71eme localite. 4 vue - 21 - (B) Encaisoe de la " National Reserve Ascocir?tior " - (54) Tous le engagements ;1 vue de la " National 1 , ReseTve Associatiol- " y comjris les depOts et les billets en circulation, ce de 50 eront garantis jusqu'it concurren- par une encaise compos:'e d'or (y compris lee monnaies d'or et linL;ots 6tragers) ou d'adllesivounaio6 14galesies EtRts-Unis, 6tant entenJu cependant, que lorsque et aussi lontemps que cette encaisse tombera 19 " Nhtional Reserve et restera a71-dessous de 50 -1 . Dt Association " priera un imp7 special calcule comme suit : pour chaque t4cart au-dessous de 50 %, un imptt au taux de I 1/2 l'an sera paye sur l'ineuffisance de l'encaisse. (55) Pour les calculs des engagements vue de l'aFsociation, il sera d('!duit une SOA114 6gale h la moiti6 du montant des obligations des Eats-Unis pos6- dees par l'Associatin 4ui aur nt ete achet6es aux banques nntionales et qui avaient tt tles par ces ant4rieurement d6po- Lvlic'Jes en garqntie de leurs billets en cir- culation. RAPPORTS (56) La National Reserve Aociation " idresr,ezt une fois par semaine au Contr"oleur de a circulation , un rapport 1:- isant connaltre les princi,oaux cha:;itres de son bilan, ees rap-ports seront publis. En outre, des repports comples seront adresso au controlcur de la circulation, a des dates coincidant avec celles des 09,72 s 5 rapports exi t ; chaque anntt 1 L,anques nationales. - 22 - (57) Tous lee rapports des inspecteurs des banques nationales concernant la situation des banques seront a l'avenir 4tablis en double et une copie en sera adressee a la " Nationale Reserve Association " pour etre communiquee confidentiellement è. see agents d'execution et directeurs de succurspies. (58) Toutes lee banques souscriptrices devront, conformement aux regles qui seront etablies, adreeser a la " Nationale Reserve Association " un r; , ,port hebdomadaire faisant connaltre lea principaux chapitres de leur bilan. (59) BANQUES D'ETAT ET TRUST COMPANIES Une banque ou une trust company constituee conformement aux lois d'un etat quelconque peut souscrire au capitcl de la " National Reserve AssJuiation de la meme maniere et dens lee memes conditions que lee banques nationales; elle neut devenir membre d'une association locale et y exercer lee memes droits et privileges que si elle etait une banque national.e; a condition: (60) (a) que, si c'est une banque, son capital verse ne soit pas inf4rieur a celui qui eat requis pour une banque nationa.e pour la meile localite, et que (b) si c'est une trust company, elle sit un fonds de reserve intact egal a 20 % au moths de son cayAtal, et que, si elle est sitae dans une ville de 25.000 habitants au maximum, elle alt un ca ital verse d'au moins 100.000 dollars, et, duns une yule plus importFrite, un capital proportionnellement plus considerable, jusqlia concurrence de 500.000 dollars, dans une ville de 500.000 habi- - 23 - tants ou thvantage (61) qu'elle alt et s'enp-age a meintenir, en garantie de see d6pOts a vue, une encaisse de meme nature et de meme montant que celle exigee par la ithi pour une banque Nationale dr.ns is. mime locaiite; etant entendu cependant que lee depOts qu'elle pourra avoit dans une banque Nationale, une Banque d'Etat, ou une Trust Company, dens une ville design4e dans is loi cur lee Banques Nationales comme " Reserve city ou Central Reserve city ", dont le capital verse ne sera pas inferieur au cr.pitel minimum exige d'une banque Nationale dr-ns la meme ville, et e'il e'r!.git d'une trust company pas inf4rieur a celui qui a ete precedemment indiqu6 pour une truct company dans une ville de meffle categorie, et qui sera membre d'une aesociation locale,- oue ces d(!.pOts seront comptes comme encaiee de la m'eme maniere et dans la :erne mesure que lee d4pe ts similaires d'une banque - rationale 6 dens lee bpnquee netionales des villes de cette cF3tegorie.-62- (3) qu'elle pit et s'engage a maintenir en garantie de toutes lee autrees categories de depats, lee proportions d'encaisse requises par la pr6sente loi. (63)(4)Qu'elle s'e.(gae a se sou ottre aux ine- pections et a faire lee ropporte qui eont prescrite par is. presente loi et par is loi cur lee banques nationalee et a se conformer sux sutres obligations et conditione impos6es par is prsente loi. - 23 - EMISSIONS DE BILLETS (64) Aucune banque nationale ne pourra a l'aveni:-clettre de billets au dela du montant actuellement en circulation. Les banques nationales pour- ront Si elles le d4sirent riaintenir leur (irniuion icmais lorsqu'une banque retirera tout ou partie de sea billets en circulation, elle renoncera definitivement au droit de reemettre lea billets ainsi retires. (65) La " National Reserve Association " devra pendant une neriode anAl6e offrir d'acheter 4 un prix qui ne sera pas inferieur 4 leur valeur nominale, plus lea inttirets echus, lea obligations 2 % act,zellement possd:es par lea Banques nationales, et deposes en garantie de leurs billets en circulation. La " National Reserve Association reprendra Gee thbligations et assumera la responsabilit4 du remboursement " a presentation " ,_ies billets en circulation garantis par eo titres. La " National Reserve association " emettra dens lea conditions prtivues par la presente loi see propree billets h mesure que lea billets garantis par lesditeBobligatious seront presents au remboursement temps et pourra emettre d'autres billets de temps en que pour faire face aux besoins dcs affairt f la politi des Etats-Unis t tant retiretaussi rapiciement que pos- s sible, en tenant compte de l'int4ret publicI les billet gag4B par des obligntim et de leur substituer des bil lets de la " National Reserve Association " cres, garantis, et remb7,urses ae la maniere prevue oar la preEte loi. - -66) Toutes les dispositions autorisant les banques nationples a conserver ou transferer et remetre au Tresorier des Etats-Unis des obligations des Eats-Unis autres que celles requises pour garantir les billets en circulation et les d4pOts du Gouverneme nt seront aborgees. (67) Toutes les 4miionb de billets de la National eserve Asocitiori " devront etre couvertes jusqu i a concurrence d'au moms 1/3 par de lior ou d'autree monnaies laleu,et pour le surplus par du papie r commercial bancable defini Oansla presente lei, mais aucun billet ne sera emis lorsque is. monnaie iegal e ainsi cnservee descendra au dessous du tiers des billets dn circulation. (68) Tous les billets de la " National Reserve Association " en circulation a un moment donne,au del. de 900 millions de dollars(I) male au dessous de 1.200 millions de dollar / qui ne seront pas couverts par un 4gal montant de monie 14gale conserve4 par l'association paieront un imp7A special au taux de I 1/2 et tous les billeLs emis au-delii. de 1.200 milli ons de dollars,lui ne seront pas ainsi couvertsi )aier , ont un impSt special au taux de 5 % (69) Les billets seront investis dUs privileges . de premier rang sur tout l'actif de la " National Reserve Association " et des disposition em44t4041ites aevront , etre prises pour loaremboursement immed iat a vue en mon.1111. ••• (I) Les 900 millions et les 1200 millions de dollars doivent comprendre tous les bille ts des banques nationales qui pourront Ztre en circu lation au moment envisage. I. - 26 U44 ,1 naisiuge central de la " National Reserve Association ou dans n'importe laquelle de see succursa- les, (70) Les billets de la. " National Reserve association " seront recus pour leur valeur nomina le en paiement de tous Impitts, drtlits d'aeeise , et autree sommes dues aux Etats-Unis et en paiement de tous salaires et autres sommes dues par lee Etats-Unis a des particuliersf it des socieCs ou aE- ociations, hormis lee obligations d. Gouvernement qui sontien vertu d'une convention speciale i payables en or/ ut en paieme nt de toutes lee dettes d'une banque euvers une autre, et de toutes lee dettes envers une banque. (71) La " National Reserve association " devra ';.J. la premiere demande, sans faire payer dc.6 frais de transport, adresser see billets a toute barigue de.posante, en contre-partie du dolde cr6diteur de celleci. OBLIGATITITS DES ETATS-UNIS (72) Sur la demande de la " National Reserve Asociation " le Secretaire du Tr6sor6changera 12s , obligations 2 % investies du privilege de circulation achet4es aux banques, contre dee obligations 3 % sans privilege de circulation,remboursables 50 ans apres la date d'4mission. La " National Reserve Association" paiera au Gouvernement pendnnt la duree de sa charte une taxe compeneatrice speciale de I 1/2 sur une somme egale h la valeur nominale des obligations a elle transferees par la Banque souscriptrice. - 27 ( 43 ) La " Reserve association s'engage:a a conserver les obligations 3 % ainsi (mises endant la dur6e de son existence sociale. Etant entendu qu'Epres 5 ans, le Secretaire du Trtisor pourra a son gre )ermettre e. la reser ve association de vendre annuellement pour 50 milli ons de dollars au MEXiMUM de see obligations, etant encore entendu, que les Etats-Unis se reservent le droit de rembo urser en tout temps, tout ou partie de ces obligation s avant leur 4cheance ou de les acheter au pair pour le compte des administrateurs des caisses d'149Tqne posta les ou autrement. (L'effet de cette echange et de cet engagement serait de permettre aux Etete-Unis de pourvoir d'une maniere permallente au service d'une grange partie de la dette publique moyennant un interet net de I 1/2 %). Om •••••••••• Air 4 11111b • NATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION, WASHINGTON D. C. /•i /%1' • ta t i r i -- /Ipitattrt,Vt4 ' e441004 C.A.,Pv.44 room C44.0144tat t i 7 , 0. • 14,4444 A t 4 It j t. ( •Q• -` eL' g o/oft...tit ( -4 4 &A-4 T NAL MONETARY COMMISSION, O NAI WASHINGTON, D. C. 2 LI wmitr t f Now- I (A -7 ,(n ‘a/f-e4t4 eLLA.A. I rA 4374( X 10 .444 414 J---4: L 40f IL XY 7/ -o 1 - ) 7z4 A 4-64( 44_5 ted-pt-k. ) v /frt7 ietit4 L (11- r giC‘ ),04.444.. , - .341 4 t elL *.••••••••.., v• ,121 /7- ye W/A „,NA'TIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION, ,A' . WASHINGTON, D. C. ( ' 4 /1 / ( ---1 ',--< _L - ---e- 2 .4 14 /6 „ ./ .sk. A 0 46 ; 7S / ( et, * e_ . A / s4 46 RESERVES. Perhaps the most important defect in our monetary system is to be found in its unscientific treatment of the reserves of individual banks. We have described the character of this defect and in our opinion the provisions of the proposed bill will furnish :tri effective and logical remedy. We propose thAt all or any portion of the cash reserves of the banks which aro now required by law to be held in their vaults, may be deposited with the Reserve Association, and when so deposited shall be counted as a part of their legal reserve. This will result in the transfer of money de- prived potency and defensive power, to a condition of vitality and effectiveness. It is proposed that the reserves thus concentrated may be used by the 'Reserve Association, through its branohes, for the assistance and support of any bank or section when needed. The reserves of any subscribing bank 47 can be replenished at any time by the rediscount or discount of commercial paper in the manner elsewhere described. This involves the use of assets which %,otherwise would not be available for this purpose to strengthen, whenever necessary, the loaning power of the bank. This will enable the bunks to adopt the policy of providing that simultaneous strengthening of reserves and liberal extension of credits which has been successful in every instance for half a century in the prevention of panics in the ^,ommercial nations of Europe. In those countries there is no suspension or paralysis of accommodation to customers, but rates of discount are at times increased concurrently, to a very high figure. The plan provides not only for a concentration and mobilization of cash reserves, but for a decentralization of control by means of the powers over distribution granted to local and district associations. 48 BROADER DISCOUNT MARKET. The Commission believe that the various provisions of the bill for establihing a broader discount market will prove of great advantage to the people of the entire country. The provisions upon which wc rely to accomplish this purpose are, first, the establishment of a standard of commercial paper issued for agricultural and other purposes, which is made available for rediscount at t1i Association. branches of the Reserve The establishment of this 2tandard will create , a stronglpitlidanc: uo yaL,ko the instruments of com:_ercial gxiamx credit conform to these requirements; second, it allows . , natiom.1 b .tnks to thi: extent of one-half of their capital to accept proporly secured drafts drawn upon them, drawn perhaps with documents attached, ac:ainst cotton, wheat, or other pro- ducts in transit or in warehouse; third, it gives a new and wider market to domestic bills of exchange drawn on foreign countries and based on transactions in American products, or 49 to pay for our purchases abroad, fourth, it authorizes the National Reserve Association to buy and sell in foreign countries prime bills of exchange, many of which would be of Inerican origin. These various provisions give a national and international currency to notes, acceptances, and bills of exchanc;e based on the agricultural and other products of the United States. The methods by which our domestic and international credit operations aro now conducted are crude, expensive and unworthy of intelligent people. The annual value of Lhe products of our industries is estimated at thirty five thousand million dollars. If to this vast sum is added the cost of transportation and distribution, we can realize that the movements of these products through various stages from the producer to the consumer requires the use of an enormous amount of credit and cash. To form a greater estimate of the magnitude of our credit structure, we should add our 50 accumulations of wealth and capital to the sums used in connection with our foreign It is the function of a sound monetary systm to take care of those vast operations without friction 4 .n such a manner as will promote the prop, pority of a grout people. The unimportant part which our banks and bankers take in the financing of our foreign trade is disgraceful to a progressive nation. We export of domestic products two thousand million dollars annually and our annu-.1 imports araount to fifteen hundred million dollars. vary much the larger portion of tItis international trade is finLncod by and pys tributo to foreign bankers. Take one illustration: last yew' wc ex- ported about six hundred fifty million dollars in value of cotton, it was largely financed by sixty or ninety days bills drawn on Liverpool, London, Paris or Berlin. This business was practically all done by foreign banks or bankers. 51 The banks •n the South, and perhaps in 3:ew York, were enabled to collect a commission on a part of the business en route, but the lions share of the profits accruing from the transactions, millions of dollars in amount, were paid to European financiers, and this larEe sum was in the last ana*ysis paid by the cotton planter. The disabilities from which our producers suffer in our foreign trade apply largely to domestic transactions. The man who raises cotton in Mississippi, or cattle in Texas, or the farmer who raises wheat in the northwest, cannot usually find a market for his obligations in Chicago, New York or London, because the bankers of these cities have no knowledge of his character and responsibility. We propose to remedy this condition in large part by the use of the standardized comnercia1 paper we have described, and also by the use of acceptances of local banks of drafts drawn by a farmer or planter whose responsibility is known to the bank 5;3 and who may have deposited with it security on his products. This conmercia.1 paper and the acceptances would have currency n an market in 1:h!, world and could be promptly transformed - into roservcs and made available for increasing the loaning power of n, depositing 1),,nk t ri t ±nto. Chanc,us titu C .111'11,)n. Soo. 3. Organlz,4t:01, Corlaitto. "T'Io Stiorw.ary of ciiied an a momwr of tho or sniz4tior, corn)ttoo". IS to be See. : Sue. 1. "Sub-dvisiAt 1 of 1.;oction :u.t tho eTk. should nutivrve, Al$ Ztates bet, .1,i. : I u r.24rittun" f t ,1 i irtz- Unitt;t1 .4 cor orte and entablishod rt- t t, ..rm" etc. . Tit). "An set to incur .orato tho N-tionul nosorvu AsquaiAion of tho Unitod Statos Soo. 3. for uthor purpusos". ntrike out,"patd out of an, mons7 in thu TroAaury not ; ; othervile o ropriutod" i.d innurt oAt of the Troanury". Sec. 4, ;u00114 p-ragraph." Language not deeldud upon but the ' ,Aunt is ih t in making up the diltriets nut h they vill oompollod to rocognizu statu lines." Soc. 4, third pAruiTaph. CPunre 1anv,uar.0 so as to ro Ltay ttu raadjusted rro.1 Li 1J 02 diltriits. id new districts and 1.u.s4 br:...nchon !lay Limo Oe .:1".1t4tbd by L:. dir,tetcr, Natioaa1 ..t4rysi Ana,ciAtion". Soo tn..t. p.r4ara)h 4 . f thu ?.1.4n is ieurdorAtod in the mforts tho ,trovisior:n fJr thuk, oint .t.t of tho -;ov.)rnur And deputy govornorl. ! %,015* 11 !And 1". - 10. 10 To be rsierit1- n. . avidu th t 4hen the .;103,000,000 hut! been pald in t!lAt then thy Stato :And A 0.41poute und file elrtifie-to U t to #ith tho Suertur of • 300,000,000 ilLAs 1Yettn paid in Atli tho Comptrollur of the Ctirroney a eurtific-te thAt on Jf An boon paid In, ale° r'ving thu title .4nd 1—lation 4h nk and thu nombur -f shares held and the amrunt ;0 ,4 t •r:one Soc. 13, first line. '1'43 w capit,1". . ord "itutl" to IrnI 1..r ccrructiL) oth r place mhoro thu cApi!. J Soc. 16. Change to rotati o n:11 re shall /;u uleetod. innort.ed ;ftr the to 'Jo vox('u 1 evury 13 rufrrod to. ho.rd of exarihi.tion It shall he the dAy of 0,19 oot.rd to ex.4m1ne into thu condition of t;14 .Aff.ti,-; of the :; tional .solor vo Ansozi-tion and tilt, r.nchus urd to .iont of Lib, roililt at u u o:Acu a Strike,airemente that c rtifiefttu4 eta431 be A . Icnovlodr..- ud beforu u jud,-0 of a .00rt of record ur t& notar tqAblic. 7:oc. 3, nocond pur:c!xnph. rop41.--0 nootIon ardr..v ide that :Aftur to orAAniz,t1:),, Jf the 'AI 01A I filed, o to. Lulurvo Alnocifttion th,ro _LIzsistions on Pcort. by 7. 7. Burton. First of a Le L7 nature: 7ould it not be well to ma:, a , :e brief independent statement of the fact that State banks are elicible to membership in the Association State banks are quite frequently mentioned in the report on the same footinc with rational banks, but as there is a Great deal of discussion on this subject it would seem desirable to set forth that they may be admitted. . Gai12z 4: It is stated twice on this Galley that the Governor should be selected by the President of the 7nited states. The -e is no .nention of the elicitle list furnished b: the directors of t --e Association. business :nen". Cn this same Laney the ex:ressio Is used "re:resentatic Whilc, the word "business" is General, it is worthy of consideration whether the ox- n,ssion "citi:ens" would nnt be rreferable to "busini-s:; Tnen". W Ga]le-5: 7tates the Reserve Association io Fecluired a reserve of not less than fifty per cent. •1414 to maintan :%) exception is 1.1je of orierceneles and perhaps it is not necessary to do so. Gal1eC: T'ention is made of the amount of authorized currency seven hundred millions 7 to this an additional two h7InCrcif: millions for seasonal or crop movinc demands. Men nent ion is maCe of not:. issue in excess of twelve hundred millions. The transit ion to this last amount is a little abrupt because, in the prior case where an expansiOn 1 ed, the reason for it is given. of two hundred millions is authoriz is said that two per cent Near to the bottom of this calley, it apnroximat ely 67. bonds would have a market value of This •fL,ure- 67- be worth more t'an that'. would they not is obtained by a computation 1 rded as 3F;3. In the life of the in which the rate of interest is reta .11 n t he low rate 67, or whatever it bonds, however, the :ifferencebetwee rrerket value ,:ould. also tal-e into . 1-171,1 1,p, would 1,, - arne.' so that the would lie paid. -..t , account 4 71,- fa, that 1'1..11.111y 10C,1 This vould increase the Fir-lire somewhat. , Gall e‘ 7: , after doubt is =Tressed Under the head of rates of discount at once by such leLislat,ion, whether commercial rates ::an be secured it is said 77ith 1 d be toward rrovision adopted, the tendency woul dl roints". Cluery: a gradual en_uE..lization of rates at should this not ", so that it may read: .er and begin with an adversative "But be stront inevitable tendcmcy",etc. "But with this provision adopted the term "productive forces" Toward the close of this Galley the only partially develcped". is used, and it is said: "They are Is not ve nc, facilities more than in producti the real lack of development in banki forces? On Gal rather 2d. lino, Currency. Is not the idea "Status" or "standing"7 is said: Near to the middle of the galley it "The farmer vho raises wheat in the northwest cannot readily find a market for his obligations in Chicago". Is not the idea rather the obligations to him than his obligations. Query: Whether the word "patriotic" shcul&1 be used before the words "character and business ability of banking managers". In a later paraLraph on this galley, it is said "We propose to limit the representatives of the district to three out of thirty-nine". Would not this idea be more clearly expressed by saying "of any one district" instead "of one district"?