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The eaee of Williams v, CobV.,21S i ed. «63, deoidsd by
I Cironit Court of Appeal* for the Seoctid Circuit* did not Involve a holding oospany.
This was a suit to enforoe stockholdervs Unbility an
national LarJc stoek against a distribute© tf a iMMMltni*! #*t*t««
The exeoutors of th© ettnte had transferrod the stock to truateM
who* \m4er th« will* w»r« not authorised to inv*»t H M trust Tu»As
ia euah stocic. the oourt held that the transfer to th© trustee*
was -voidable but not void and unless it was set aside the estate and
the distributees of the ©state eculd mot be held liable for an
aient on the stock*