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Spread - *«w Xorii

Letter di»«u&oed with you over telaphoa* tu«Lsgr nc^ b«inf
«M«ii to 5#cr«t&jP3r M^r^^ntbau by £u»SA«ng«r*

There ! • q-.*a

below tfeJEt of t*l«fnui vhich w# pMpiM ! •
of other Fedtriu Eea^nr© Bums apon r&cei^t tf a4vic* frxa you

that wire frcw yea to isecr^titry M&rg«BUt&tt h*» bee:. «enti

(Her* vu,,t«


August m9 X9U

Paddock - Boston
Killiame - Philadelphia
Fiesri ng - Cleveland
Leach * Riefaatand

itdUria * atlauta
Toxmg - Chicago
D*vi* - St. Lotd»
Peyton - Minni»apoli»

Leedy - K&n*as City
Gilbert - Daliae
Day - i&n Francisco

Following i«tt«r being seat today by Board of Gorernra in reply
t- request fro© Secr#i&ry MorgeatHau for reaction of Board to profor ohangaa in existing eerie* tax note* us outlined l a
aent to Presidents of Ee» rve Bai^« on August 2?»
(Here ^uot« (^attached)
Mr. Sproul as Chairaaa ^aceeutive Coraadtt** Federal Open Market
Cotatdttee also sending following tele^r&a to Secretary Morg«nthau
today i
(Here quote \g, attr.c;;ed)
Please wire to Board copy your reply to Secretary MorgenthAu's wire
of Aaguat 2Tf9



August 28, 1942,

Honorable Henry fcorgenth&u, Jr.,
Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. korgenthau:
In reply to your letter of August 27 enclosing a copy of
a telegram to the Presidents of the Reserve Banks the Board of
Governors agrees entirely with the proposed changes in the Series A
tax notes, fee also agree that sose changes in the Series S notes are
desirable and in so&e respects essential, but we again recoiaaend a
gr&du&ted scale ef rates instead of M M flat rate proposed. Be feel
that, while the proposals are in the right direction, the notes will
not reach the a&xi&ua amount of funds that can be obtained from this
type of issue, unless the? rates are sufficiently attractive for
rsaiurities beyond seven months, and, even more important, the notes
*ill not be h*ld for extended periods of time, wiless th® rates are
so arranged on & graduated scale as to offer a strong inducement to
holders to retain them*
A"e have considered the objections raised by ia*-:abers of
your staff to a graduated scale of rates on the tax notes. Ehile
we recognise toe ifcerit of these objections, w«s do not believe that
they are sufficiont to outweigh the advantages of & graduated scale
of rates. These ariv&nt&gee are that (l) the higher average rate
would attract a j&uch larger amount of funds and attain a much wider
distribution tk%n would be reached by th flat rate of only 0*72
per cent per annum for three years and (2) the increasing scale of
rates would be a real incentive to investors to hold the notes to
maturity. »«ith an attractive schedule of rates these notes could
be actively promoted by the Victory Fund Committees and in our opinion
would raise a large amount of funds, probably between $500,000,000
and $1,000,000,000 in oepteober.
objection that has been sade to the offering of @>
different Issue each month Is that the work of the Internal revenue
collectors would be greatly complicated, fee believe that the i«portance of this objection has been overemphasised. The graduated
scale of rates would apply only to the Series B notes, which are
purchased in large blocks by corporations and wealthy individuals.
We suggest that the Series B notes be issued in $5,000 units and
only to investors purchasing at least $5,000. The Series A notes
would be available up to and including 15,000.

Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr.


A substantial part of these notea would be purchased for the
investment of Idle funds <uȣ WtmXi not be redeemed for tax purposes*
Another substantial pert of Ihf notes, although purchased for tax purposes, would be rddee&ed in cash, since MMJf corporations and individuals
would prefer to pay their tax bills by chock rather than by turning
in the tax notes* The internal revenue collectors would be involved
«ith only the remaining portion of the notes that would be turned in
for tax payments, and their work would be simplified by having the
redemption values printed or stepped on the face of each note* The
additional work imposed on the Internal r©v*nu© collectors would not
appear to be insurmountable, and the results that would be achieved
by obtaining the largest possible amount of funds frcwa ncnbanking
investors would certainly offset this disadvantage*
This matter has been discussed with Chalreum Eccles and he
is in agreement with the statat&dnt* contained in this litter*
Very truly yours,

uonald ftanson,
Vice Chairman.


Reply of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System to your letter of August 27, 1942, with respect to pro. osed
changes in the existing series of tax notes, has been discussed
by raettbers of executive committee of Federal Open Market Committee which is body in the Federal Reserve System with which
the Treasury has maintained contact on Treasury financing problems,
and they are in full agreement with the views expressed in letter.
Meabera of comndttee desire strongly to recommend that Board1a
suggestions be given careful consideration before decision is reached
&s to changes to be made in tax note.