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Statement for the Press

For immediate release

August 18, 195'0*

At meetings today of the Board of Governors and the Federal Open
Market Committee, the following statement was approved:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System todayapproved an increase in the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York from 1-1/2 per cent to ltOA P e r cent effective at the opening
of business Monday, August 21«
"Within the past six weeks loans and holdings of corporate and
municipal securities have expanded by $l-l/2 billion at banks in leading
cities alone c Such an expansion under present conditions is clearly excessive* In view of this development and to support the Governments
decision to rely in major degree for the immediate future upon fiscal and
credit measures to curb inflation, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee are prepared to use
all the means at their command to restrain further expansion of bank credit
consistent with the policy of maintaining orderly conditions in the Government securities market*
"The Board is also prepared to request the Congress for additional
authority should that prove necessary®
"Effective restraint of inflation must depend ultimately on the
willingness of the American people to tax themselves adequately to meet
the Governments needs on a pay-as-you-go basis« Taxation alone, however,
will not do the job* Parallel and prompt restraint in the area of monetary
and credit policy is essential*"