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OCTOBER 3, 1942

The President, l a s t night, immediately after signing
the a n t i - i n f l a t i o n b i l l passed by the Congress yesterday, i n structed Price ^dministrator Henderson to fix rent ceilings
throughout the entire United States in a l l areas, c i t y and r u r a l
A copy of t h i s l e t t e r to the Price Administrator is
He also issued instructions to the Price Administrator
to place ceilings immediately upon a l l agricultural commodities
which were exempt under the original Emergency Price Control Act
but which are no longer exempt under the s t a t u t e passed yesterday.
These commodities include chickens, eggs, cheese, b u t t e r ,
potatoes, and flour.
k copy of the President's l e t t e r i s a t tached hereto.
The President issued the following statement with reference to the s t a t u t e :
"The Congress has done i t s p a r t in helping substantially
to s t a b i l i z e the cost of l i v i n g .
The new l e g i s l a t i o n removes the
exemption of certain foods, agricultural commodities and related
products from the price controls of the Emergency Price Control
Act, with the r e s u l t that I have today taken action to s t a b i l i z e
90% of the country's food b i l l .
I t leaves the parity principle
I t reaffirms the powers of the executive over wages
and s a l a r i e s .
I t establishes a floor for wages and for farm
"I am certain that from now on this substantial s t a b i l i zation of the cost of l i v i n g w i l l a s s i s t greatly in bringing the
war to a successful conclusion, will make the t r a n s i t i o n to peace
conditions easier after the war, and w i l l receive the wholehearted approval of farmers, workers and housewives in every part
of the country."
Today the President signed an executive order relating
to wages, s a l a r i e s , profits and farm p r i c e s .
A copy of the
executive order i s attached.
The President today announced the appointment of Mr.
Justice James F. Byrnes as the director of Economic s t a b i l i z a t i o n ,
Mr. Justice Byrnes is resigning from the bupreme Court immediately
to accept t h i s position.
The President i n announcing the appointment of Justice
Byrnes said:
"Justice Byrnes i s one of the foremost authorities in
governmental administration i n the United States.
He knows the
economic problems of t h i s country whether they concern labor, the
farmer, the consumer, the small r e t a i l s t o r e , or ihe manufacturer.
I would never have asked him to resign from the Supreme Court were
i t not for the fact that t h i s job i s one of the most important,
positions in this country.
I know the American people can be
sure that i n keeping down thu cost of living h© will bp f a r to
"This position c a l l s primarily for judicial consideration.
The organization will therefore be small because the administrative action will be carried out by the existing agencies.
""Justice Byrnes' p a t r i o t i c action in accepting this appoint want^- d««*Mtw*R- the po?aj ae -anri oomniendatiori of all our citi—
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