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SVNOtK UFT &fla«u&£** iirec&ore haw fcee& carrying <m vmry frame i f broad tva&G&c cirotao»iaa*#« arui p o l i t i c a l pn^nMw aa&* polici** of loa» applicant* wtdaft sight ha*e eoaeiattsi® eo&atqttina&s af foe *ttala»ent of thfc broad a b > o t i w * of the Batik, ana p o s s i b i l i t i e s of of tin loans. A M aifaMKlon* ***** laslsttted a i l of tJ** oaaeod In ih* K& I on tv&em/i tfivwiUr 26 f !?]*£, &a<i 1A a.idi'w <l»bt 4»f*uli l^dUiionssp txtMtwot a? Inrasusra, and gfwrtall nr^a p o l i t i c a l (*U Europe and not w o * ! / ^^yit«ta F«grope)» i t ** fei^peaa that a n—ora.ot.tam ovtHnlaf; a l l of USM» con- 1 IWURKI to • Ja t l » Mking and ix^UmmtL^ of iara* ube Btek i« by l t « i i r t i c U s of Agj*«9«at f^var^ l&torfe-rittj; te Urn p o l i t i c a l affairs i t IM •X Ute iaw«xir or tanAxi ra ooaoormxU - i a j / oooaiflKic cort^UlKmtlos^i simil *» r*l«r«nt -fco ife» <£*<stai3&*f aud, thooo oat«id»rttti<m« shall be wel;;h»a i» order t o ao}rd&v& Mm purpto««9 of the v«n«£ ^Xeh I haim omrlic-r. X w& oeria-ln t.hat a l l of the awb*^ gawvrtttfsal* to act as loan -.projects cm Qm baei? of tbe ,.Tir*cipaX i^Pi*oa*» OX tba ftaafe 1» tht proBSbotaUwi of the alass^d gro«tl> «f Infcafwttiorial t^emde Aa«i the MditUaaaea o^uilibrlxm i n buianoaa of p*?ae&t*&, avaAl&iMi JLB^portant If tlit i s to be l a a pooitiaii If ^••«tt i t a obUgationa to t t e I M ^ X beli«v» that th« SawcRitiv© i m o t o r s of the lank attst, thfttttfor** in paaais^ on an indiviuiu«L.l Ima a^lio&tijon t 5jiv6 careful ati«nti<m not attl^.' to t^* datails of HM particular project but their relation to th« broad &rada, ftaanoial, amd ittvaatfliaat palifttea o.t* the aa tim l a t t e r ai^ht affiwt th« usofUl carryUi,:, oat of 'aw and #w aroapoats of rttjsapatsit of tiie loan* « intand that th& loans of Us* Baedc ahall ha ocnmd aad ^ball l « repaid. S M i^a»k m a t avoid ao/ p o l i t i c a l a^^ivit/. But wtera pollei&o of a borrower h&m U*» of the sairpoata of %to* 8m& and the ropajaent of i t s loena, p o l i c i e s and «aoh eooMnlc conaa^«ac«Ni t ^ i ^ o f t I f e ^ l , nuat ivwn oamful cmiaidaratiaR 3JI paaaing «R Uaa a^plioa-tio • tim oox^«id»rat4Q«« are xioat. r e l e v a n t a t mm- ptmamA tim to f , and porhapa i n 41£fer«mt dagreo i n oart&in throe : aaWrsi I%urop3in oountrica ar» a l l r a f t e r s i n in t o t h » K-»cutiv« : d r « e t o w t « s and s t a f f s o f the Bank and of the Loan *ppU«nU<Ki» havt tooa ?eo«l**4 f raa ft&aad Had a—ohoalft¥»trU« f«w»r Is i s gone <a»iaii. The lattar i* a MIS* letter &f Intent and at the pteacsvt. a»tinal/ Inactive* It la «r aezlbe4 above f«r of ruXc out the granting or tlw ertft of the i gottfidCAi i'^MM of ;wu»n>».l<i'wai> «« w«ll «• ©tiier Pollafc Ite^us 'ffliiniifmwiw «f ggOMrml policl«a a t %h*m •mmtriea ant ndt so oi#arl/ ftned «B w sadw for ««»/ tffttandjwtlon «f t t » appvifKlaw fteti«» of th tba m i l ^ aitaAO«a ca» a«alV %* fetid If mmtemm* mhcum, and t4» -»#*fc wi^wat ia asw ia*aUiw f 1 final ewialewrutiot> bt poai|>n—d as laeg as i s f©aaill* in t aUrtfie&tdan of tl« poal^ion df t.'j««e action that hope of Batik's