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ss XBPOSKB BY UM mm ^o

falXepiag rafctrietioas are laaoaed fcgr law upon
sembar* of th# F«c$«ml Be^oTTO Uoamt

of ^s# f#d«r»l t^serv^ Bu&r^i* (F»E# Aot, S*oti<m 10}
shall )M» ineligible iSurlag the tisrn that they a?^ la


l l g i b l e for t«s jrears &fter the

la offlo« to hold mj oJTfifMtv pO9itloay or
ift«ab«r baak, «xo«ij»t that "thle F»fttrietlcm
aMMi)>«r ^bo h&$ s«rv«i3 tftw full fc0.rja for wh
(S&etien 10)
4» So member &t the F#d«r«j.l iMMMNi i M f i ah&ll b© Ml otftow


ttftifttff »r ©^ bcsakf b«akUii$ ia»titutloa f tra&t IMpMyi or
b^akf msl before <mterlag upon ^i® dutlea an •
Mift Reserve Bor*rd9 h« MM&1 certifyn un*"!@r oe
h© | M eottpliitd ^itli tlsis Pi^ftWHMK% MM muih
t t £ | the ittf«%IVy of fb# Bo»rd« (S^otion. 10)
5# io M)0MNP if th* Fft'Jwiitl iMMVfl Bosrd ab«H hidM stoek ITS «ajr
benkv bfttvVlagt l l i l t l i i l t i j or tsv^i oo»psuty9 auti b«fore
t»aon bli duties^ he tfiall oertif:/ unsi*r oath th»t h« h&M

thia P«|ttlMWItt%| «^*i rad'k oftrtlflcatloa ah&ll to f l l ^ i *lth
Bourd* (Se^ti^j 10)

S. So Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a aesiber
of the Federal Reserve Board, (Section 4)
7, Ho member of th© Federal Reserve Board shall be an officer or
director of any international or foreign banking or financial corporation organized under the provisions of section 25(a) of the
Federal ieserv® Act, or of any corporation engaged in a similar
business organized under the laws of any State, nor h$ld stock in
any such eornoration, and before entering upon his duties as member of
the Federal Reserve Board, he shall certify, under oath# to th©
Secretary of the Treasury, that he has complied with this requirement, (Section 25(a))
(Section 25{a) of the Federal Reserve Act provides for 'corporations to be organized for the purpose of engaging in international
or foreign banking or other international or foreign financial
operations, or in banking or other financial operations in a
dependency or inmilsx possession of the United States, either
directly or through the agency, ownership* or control of local
institutions in foreign countries, or in such dependencies or
insular possessions as provided by this section**}