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(Final Draft Feb. 25, 1940)


As soon as possible, and in any event not later than June 1, 1940, the
bank shall add §30,000,000 of additional capital funds by the issuance
of common or preferred stock, or both, with the understanding that by
April 1 the board of directors of the bank will approve the entire program herein outlinedJand the bank w i l l obtain the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency to such increase.J Any preferred stock sold
x&ust be issuable at par and be retirable at par.

A commitment from the

RFC to purchase preferred stock in tho amount of $50,000,000 must be
obtained prior to April 1, ajid i f preferred stock is to be sold, an agreement with the Comptroller of the Currency upon the terms of the amendments
to the articles of association must be reached by April 1*
Immediately upon obtaining the new capital, the bank shall set up an
unallocated reserve of $6,900,000 against the carrying value of individual
occupied banking premises criticised in the report of examination of
August 31, 1939, including those shown on the bankfs books and in i t s
investment i n Merchants National Realty Corporation.

Within one year

after this reserve i s set up i t shall be used to reduce the carrying
values of such banking premises or the carrying value of the bankTs i n vestment in Merchants National Realty Corporation, as the case may be,
to the extent determined by the Chief National Bank Examiner of the
Twelfth Federal Reserve District} and for the purpose of making that
determination the bank agrees to furnish to such Chief Examiner a l l

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information and records respecting said banking premises which may be
requested by him*

The remainder of such reserve, i f any, may be returned

to the undivided profits account.
The bank shall obtain additional collateral, satisfactory to the Comptroller, to secure the contracts*pf California Lands, Inc., and Capital
Company with the bank, and the contracts of Capital Company with Merchants
National Realty Corporation.

Such additional collateral shall be in an

amount equal i n value to the difference between the unpaid purchase price
upon such contracts and the value of the property thereunder, as such
value appears i n the schedule contained in the report of examination
begun August 51, 1939.

A l l of such contracts shall be eliminated from

the assets of the bank and Merchants National Realty Corporation by
December 15, 1943.

A l l bonds in the bank's investment portfolio shall be amortized out of
current earnings (other than bond profits) to maturity, or to call date.
Current bond profits shall be used to take care of current losses, and
any bond profits not so used shall be passed to a reserve for losses of
any character until such reserve i s adequate in the judgment of the
Comptroller of the Currency.


Loans to Transamerica Corporation and i t s allied interests not otherwise
provided for herein shall be brought within the legal limit allowed to
one interest) as soon as possible and not later than July 15, 1942*


stock of Transamerica or any of i t s allied interests securing loans of

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Transamerica or any of i t s allied interests shall be eliminated by
July 15, 19451 and no pledge of such stock shall hereafter be accepted.

Further extensions of cridit by the bank for the purpose of purchasing
or carrying Transamerica stock shall tre discontinued, and no collateral
value shall be assigned to any such stock, hereafter pledged to secure
any loan made by the bank.


The bank shall eliminate the amount of investment i n stock under option
on the basis of the program now i n effect •


The bank shall give vigorous attention to the elimination or correction
of any real estate holdings or real estate loans that may not conform
to statutory requirements.


The bank shall initiate steps to ascertain whether i t is entitled to
recover any part of the sums paid Tjy the bank to Transamerica General
Corporation i n connection with f i d e l i t y losses, and i f i t is concluded
the bank is entitled to recover, i t shall take steps to recover the same.

This memorandum is submitted without prejudice to the right
to require f u l l and complete compliance with the Comptroller's criticisms
and suggestions, to resort to sanctions provided by law, or to continue to
l i s t In reports of examination assets that are subject to criticism, u n t i l
such criticisms hare been corrected or eliminated. Neither this memorandum
nor i t s contents shall be used by the bank or anyone else on its behalf
without the consent of the Comptroller, for any purpose except for its
information, unless and u n t i l the provisions hereof are accepted and complied with by the bank*