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January £0, 1956«

To - The Secretary of the Treasury

From - Chairaan Eccles
In talking to Walter Bucklin relative to m&mb&TB of
tiie Federal Reserve Board, the Matter of Under Secretary caiae
up, and I asked him if he luid anyone in raind rima he could suggest and also highly recommend. He Bald he had no one in mind
at the time, but that he would ^ive the u&tter 8 Q M very Berious
thought and vould call as back In • day or two. The result of
hifl converBation Is covered in the a'btachod itniii i
Mr. Sedgviok is not oeekin^ the position. Be if very
iatlafactorily and profitably employed i,nd vould only coae if
invited to do so and could be of service. He is financially independent and, therefore, could afford, to eoae« I have a very
hlgjb regard for Mr, Buckiin and the utaoet confidence in him and
his loyalty to the Administration. He m g g M & B that he would be
very glad to bring Mr. Gedg?;ick to Vaahington if that were desirable to raeet with you or anyone elte whoia you inay «ish« It
is my judgment that this recoaneixi tion is well worth looking
into •

At t a aliment.

Suggested for Under Secretary:

Robert Miuturn iiedgwick, of Boston;ftgtj085 Democrat.
Graduate of Groton School, 1917j H&rvurd College, 1921 j Harvard
School of Bu6in*0«| 19£59 with distinction, Taught at Groton for
two years. Credit Dapartaent of the !te.tional Sh&waut Bank two
years• Past eight years with vScutter, Stevens and Clark, the
leading investment counsel in lev England, which, 1 imderstandj
handles about one hundred and fifty millions of investment funds
for clients.
Highly recommended by Walter Buckiin, President of the National
Shamut Bank* Mr. Buckiin is & Democrat, liberal, loyal to
Roosevelt and Administration. Hie bank If the only important
competitor of the First National group,