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1 1 , 1956.

TO m

THK rasazcnt
- H« 8« ECCU&

I cio not have a single clall&r of Indebtedness directly
or indirectly with any bank or broker, or any affiliation of
any bank or broker* I Imve never been connected with a bank
failure, and M depositor has ever Ittft a doll.: r in any bank
with which I have been connected in any capacity« &> bank has
ever lost • dollar as a result o£ credit extended to any company in which I have been active as an officer or director. All of
the mrapiiito Kith wjiich I V M actively connected, owing any
loonev to any «f trie banke with which I m
forraerly connected,
can get such credit as they 3K^y b© usin*/ at this tise anywhere in
tho ra^rket on a basis of trtcir financial Btaadiag cue to the desirability Of tho credit.
1 am not a st-ock market operator* My total
in listed stocks when I case to R&shingten two years ago w*
|18,S28»29. fay investment has never exceeded tfiat MWQBt t
and it is |.15,65w*4£ at the present time. Hy invertaent in
listed securities represents a ver-, nmli p* rt if my tot&l