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December «1, 1940.



The President



Chairman Eccles

Attached is a joint stata^ent adopted unanimously after
several months of discussion l^r the Federal Advisor:/ Council, the
Presidents of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, and the Board of
Governors for presentation to Congress, Altogether, thirty men are
comprised in these three 2rouPs» aE-$ the statement is something of
an achievement in bringing them, together in e constructive approach
to problems in the monetary field.
It is a substitute for a highly critical-statement which
the Cowicil had adopted and wished to make public*—In its present
form it is not critical and should be helpful in allaying some of
the 'widespread and increasing fear of monetary inflation. It should
also be reassuring to the public because it indicates the will on
the part of those charged with public responsibility to prevent inflationary developments so far as that can be done by monetary action,
provided, of course, that Congress grants adequate powers to the
monetary authorities. It indicates further that the much publicized
danger of Monetary inflation is not iismeciiate, and that price inflation due to bottlenecks should be dealt r?ith by direct action
and araoreadequate tax system, rather than by monetary raeans,
I have furnished a copy to the oeereWry of the Treaouif
and advised him that I am sending this copy to you so that you may
be infors?«d of its contents prior to its transmission to the


J A M l 1941
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks,
and the Federal Advisory Council
For the first time since the creation of the Federal Reserve
System, the Board of Governors, the Presidents of the twelve Federal
Reserve Banks, and the moiabers of the Federal Advisory Council representing the twelve Federal Reserve Districts present a joint report to
the Congress.
This step is taken in order to draw attention to the need of
proper preparedness in our monetary organization at a time when the
country is engaged in a great defense program that requires the coordinated effort of the entire Nation. Defense is not exclusively a military undertaking, but involves economic and financial effectiveness as
well. The volume of plnysical production is now greater than ever before and under the stimulus of the defense program is certain to rise
to still higher levels. Vast expenditures of the military program and
their financing create additional problems in the monetary field which
make it necessary to review our existing monetary machinery and to place
ourselves in a position to take measures, when necessary, to forestall
the development of inflationary tendencies attributable to defects in
the machinery of credit control. These tendencies, if unchecked, would
produce a rise of prices, would retard the national effort for defense
and greatly increase its cost, and would aggravate the situation which
may result when tne needs of defense, now a stimulus, later absorb

-2less of our economic productivity. While inflation cannot be controlled
by monetary measures alone, the present extraordinary situation demands
that adequate means be provided to combat the dangers of overexpansion
of bank credit due to monetary causes.
The volume of demand deposits and currency is fifty per cent
greater than in any other period in our history. Excess reserves are
huge and are increasing. They provide a base for more than doubling the
existing supply of bank credit. Since the early part of 1934- fourteen
billion dollars of gold, the principal cause of excess reserves, has
flowed into the country, and the stream of incoming gold is continuing.
The necessarily large defense program of the Government will have still
further expansive effects. Government securities have become the chief
asset of the banking system, and purchases ty banks have created additional deposits. Because of the excess reserves, interest rates have
fallen to unprecedentedly low levels. Some of them are well below the
reasonable requirements of an easy money policy, and are raising serious,
long-term problems for the future well-being of our charitable and educational institutions, for the holders of insurance policies and savings
bank accounts, and for the national economy as a whole.
The E'ederal Reserve System finds itself in the position of being unable effectively to discharge all of its responsibilities. While
the Congress has not deprived the System of responsibilities or of powers,
but in fact has granted it new powers, nevertheless, due to extraordinary
world conditions, its authority is nov/ inadequate to cope with the present

and potential excess reserve problem. The Federal Reserve £3ystem, therefore, submits for the consideration of the Congress the following fivepoint program:
1. Congress should provide means for absorbing a large part
of existing excess reserves, which amount to seven billion dollars, as
well as such additions to these reserves as may occur. Specifically, it
is recommended that Congress (a) Increase the statutory reserve requirements for demand
deposits in banks in central reserve cities to 2.6%; for
demand deposits in banks in reserve cities to 20$; for
demand deposits in country banks to 1U%; and for time
deposits in all banks to 6%*
(b) Empower the Federal Open Market Committee to make further increases of reserve requirements sufficient to
absorb excess reserves, subject to the limitation that
reserve requirements shall not be increased to more
than double the respective percentages specified in
paragraph (a).
(The power to change reserve requirements, now vested
in the Board of Governors, and the control of open
market operations, now vested in the Federal Open
Market Committee, should be placed in the same body,)
(c) Authorize the Federal Open Market Committee to change
reserve requirements for central reserve city banks,
or for reserve city banks, or for country banks, or for
any combination of these three classes.
(d) Make reserve requirements applicable to all banks receiving demand deposits regardless of whether or not
they are members of the Federal Reserve System.
(e) Exempt reserves required under paragraphs (a), (b) and
(d) from the assessments of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation.
2. Various sources of potential increases in excess reserves
should be removed. These include: the power to issue three billions•of

greenbacks; further monetization of foreign silver; the power to issue
silver certificates against the seigniorage, now amounting to one and a
half billion dollars on previous purchases of silver. In view of the
completely changed international situation during the past year, the
power further to devalue the dollar in terms of gold is no longer necessary or desirable and should be permitted to lapse. If it should be
necessary to use the stabilization fund in any manner which would affect
excess reserves of banks of this country, it would be advisable if it
were done only after consultation with the Federal Open Market Committee
whose responsibility it would be to fix reserve requirements.
3. Without interfering with any assistance that this Government
may wish to extend to friendly nations, means should be found to prevent
further growth in excess reserves and in deposits arising from future gold
acquisitions. Such acquisitions should be insulated from the credit system and, once insulated, it would be advisable if they were not restored
to the credit system except after consultation with the Federal Open
Market Committee.
A* The financing of both the ordinary requirements of Government and the extraordinary needs of the defense program should be accomplished "by drawing upon the existing large volume of deposits rather than
lay creating additional deposits through bank purchases of Government securities. We are in accord with the view that the general debt limit should
be raised; that the special limitations on defense financing should be
removed; and that the Treasury should be authorized to issue any type of

-5securities (including fully taxable securities) which would be especially
suitable for investors other than commercial banks. This is clearly desirable for monetary as well as fiscal reasons.
5. As the national income increases a larger and larger portion of the defense expenses should be met ty tax revenues rather than ty
borrowing. Whatever the point may be at which the budget should be balanced, there cannot be any question that whenever the country approaches
a condition of full utilization of its economic capacity, with appropriate consideration of both employment and production, the budget should be
balanced. This will be essential if monetary responsibility is to be
discharged effectively.
In making these five recommendations, the Federal Reserve System
has addressed itself primarily to the monetary aspects of the situation.
These monetary measures are necessary, but there are protective steps,
equally or more important, that should be taken in other fields, such as
prevention of industrial and labor bottlenecks, and pursuance of a tax
policy appropriate to the defense program and to our monetary and fiscal
It is vital to the success of these measures that there be
unity of policy and full coordination of action by the various Governmental bodies, A monetary system divided against itself cannot stand
securely. In the period that lies ahead a secure monetary system is
essential to the success of the defense program and constitutes an indispensable bulwark of the Nation.