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March 18, H£
Governor Ssryacsak
Mi*. JCn&pp

H&tion*l .avlsory Council

meeting- today.

I should Ilk© to give you the follovin.. comments on iteiac 3 ;-i-nd
k of today 1 * S&tion&l Advisory Council agenda (Mr* Dembitss is preparing •
separate ?6emor ,-ndua on items 1 and 2) •

Intension of 16 ml-lion dollars of Int»m%tlonfctl Bank credltfl to Chile

Following negotiations which have lasted a year and a half, the
International B&ak is now getting ready to approve the financing of certain
hydro-electric and agricultural ts&chinery project* in Chile requiring &
total of 16 million dollars. The Staff Committee recommends that the Council
authorise consideration of th@se projects by the U.S» Executive Director
in the Bank,
Thin fitter vas considered hy the Council toward the end of 1946,
but at that time this projects were not veil enough developed, and there was
doubt as to the outcone of certain .Arg«niin»*Chile negotiations Involving
credits and in exclusiv© trade arrangement. Tide .'.rgentine-CMle arrange—
sent has ne-r^r been ratified, And seems &t the present time to be • pretty
$•*& issue. Tha proposed projects teea to be promising, and th©r<3 is every
desire on the part of th« Internutioaal Bank &nd on the part of this Government to grant some credits to Latin Asa#rlc& at the present time (gee following item) • Since i,h» annual servle# on the proposed credits would amount
to leas than one-half of on# por cent of Chile's present foreign exchange
receipts, the ability of Chile to atake rep&yaient on this loan »#eas reasonably
Attached i& & preliminary dr«ft of the Staff Cosaitt©«fs ;.,aper on
this subject# We have not yet received the finsl version*

Proposals for nev Int^r-.^aferlcan financivil instltutlpn

The kt&ff CoBSBittee recommencif that the national Advisory Council
instruct ths thS# Delegation to th@ Bogota Conf^rfenc© to "oppose aijy proposal
to set up i nev inter*&**ric&& int«r-gov©rryfa©iitsi ftWMsfdUUl institution 1 *•
Tlais subject v&s covered in my recent iaaaoriindua regarding Latin American
financing. The Staff Coismittee tw!\§ very strongly that despita the d i s satisfaction of the Latin /usericAa countries vith ths International fund and
Bank, zn& despite their desires for some new special later-iifflterican ia&titutions, th© TJnit©<i States could not join in sponsoring such Institutions
without seriously impairing the functions and usefulness of the International
Fund &nd Bank,

Attachments 2