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FojrmNo. 1£1



Urhcq Correspondence

Governor Eccles



n a te November i s , 1955.

Subject: Reduction in Federal Housing

from J. M. Daiger , Jjj

Administration Interest Rate.

Following the White House conference about which I wired
you on Thursday, I suggested to Mr. McDonald that the President's
statement to the newspaper men about mortgage interest rates
would afford an appropriate background against which to announce
another reduction by the Federal Housing Administration.

In ac-

cordance with this suggestion, I prepared a memorandum in the form
of a press release for Mr. McDonald to consider.
As you know, I^flf^expected to be in New York today, but
I remained over at Mr. McDonald's suggestion to attend a meeting
at his office this morning to discuss the proposed reduction in
interest rate. It was decided at this meeting to put the reduction into effect. The public announcement will therefore probably
be made sometime this week.
I am attaching a copy of the revised memorandum as the
basis of the discussion this morning.



Suggested pre»8 release.
draft (,Jfffl&) 11/lS/SS

immmo BY WE m%sui, HOUSIBO
Effective tit the opening of business tomorrow morning,
th« aaximua interest rate authorised on mortgagee to be Insured
by the Federal Bousing Administration v i l l be reduced to 4 | |>«r
cent p®r amstais, plus a sa3tiaiaj serric* charge of an©-half of
1 p#r cent per unnuia, on d®craasin^ bsil«ocee«
tills* v i l l b© a reduction of one-half of 1 per e«nt in
th« a&3dJR»s authorised interest rfcte, which i s n-nr £ per cent
ft »©rTlc© cliarg® of oae-h&lf of 1 per cent,

A fldmilar raductioa

of ane~hf&lf of 1 per cent *** »»d« ^B ^tme £4, 19SS# The
insurance presiua, v^iieh is&s redueed on June £4, 2935 to a flat
r&te of one-h^lf of 1 per cent per easus on the original f»ee
of the mortgage ressfeins tmchA&g«d at thftt r^te*
Leading infititutions say, in their discreti<mt elect to
charge & loner rate of interest thsa 4-^ per cent or to eliainate
the ooe^half of 1 per cent service charge, &«cordirg to local
eosspetitiT© eoudltiofui ia the mortgage anrk®t or in keei^lug with
the ctreuMteaces of tmy p^rti&aX&r loan transaction* the Federal

Adninlfttratiost prescribes the Tasxiatua rate of Interest that

be borne by mortgagee which It finda acceptable for insurance*
It does not, however, make that rate mandntoiy, am* does it wish to
discourage lending at e Xotmr r&te on either insured or uninsured
Applications for mortgage i»ssurnnee filed with any office
of the Federal ffousisf Administration prior to this date and sow
pending will be acted txpos in the usual saimer and in accordance with
the tmrm tinder w&ieh «n«sh &|3pll@sti<m8 &re alre«% dr«wa« Applies*
tions filed after this date «©d fcnmd acceptt&ble will be approved
stablest to the condition that the mortgage shall sot bear interest *t
m rate la e*ee#* of 4§ per ceatf pln«. M M P M t f of 1 P®** ®«at »®rvi©#
In asking a further reduction at this U s e ia the m&xiwan
rate of interest to be charged o» mortgages which it accepts for la*
awance, the Federal Rousing Aaainletratioc Is slsply giving recogni-.
tion to a condition that has already come about in the mortgage market,
the tread of charges for mortgage locuas has been continuously
ever since a reopeniog of the mortgage narket bccsste evident in the
early pert of ^sis fmT*
For soae a^cths no* loans haTe been freely offered and
advertised at rates below the is&xien^s permitted tey the Federal
Hoysing Adninistratlon on mortgagee which It insures* Many loans
insured by the Federal Housing Adainlstratlofi h&Ye bees asde at

lower rentes, &nd a still larger number of loans have been aade at
l o w r rates even without the protection &#forded t»y mortgitge iasurimee
under the provision* of the &&tio»&l Housing Act*
In fact, ft nushsr of iastitutioe*, notably life insurance
trust companies, building and loan associations*.
bfeak#r8» h&re given &e a r©ii«on for sot ln#«riag loses with
th« Federel Honsijog Madnintr&tloii Uieir willinga««s to lend on long
tera and at H lam rate of iaterest without suoh l&tt&raseft* It is to
be noted, though, is this connection th&t th««« inatltutions would be
able to lesd at & still lower rat© if the? insured their eligible
lofcn*, for the in&ur&uce would relieve thea of the necessity and ex*
pence of building tip reserve* &g&in«t lo«ee# en theee lo^na.
iaaif^gtly, acsrtgfc.ges that donfam to the ^pparaiaal standards
of the Federal H O D S ing *dainiatrfction &nd that carry prorisiona wherefcy the full fesount of any usp&id prineipel^ plus interest et I p@r cent
per tnnua, la gi^ranteed by the United States Govomaent, should not
carry &s high & rate of interest &s stortgngeft not insured fcy the Federal
Housing Adaliii«tr«tloii«

Anotli«r factor to be taken lato aecoynt by

lending institutions is the status that aortg&ges so Insured would have
as collateral f®r advances bgr the Federal reserve bunks under the pro*
visions of the Booking Act of 19S5,
k factor which mortgage borrowers should take into account,
furthermore, i® that the annusl premium paid to the Federal Mousing
Administration covers the cost of insuring a aortg&ge up to twenty years.

without reneml feeft of any kirn, tmd up to SO p®r cent of the
prfideal value of the property* This preftlun is sot to be regarded
wholly us an ©x|>enee, but as covering both the cost If the
insurance iand tfe© ticouauxz.tion, in a soatiu&l irmsr&nee fund, of
to be applied 1 B the later year© of the mortgage tovurti the unpaid
of the pri&eipal*
The further reduction in the aaxisus Interest rate atuthor*
by the Federal Housing Mninlatr&tion Is s^de at thi« tims for
several rcwiBojiu, Is the firet pl&eef it is ixt &ceord®G©® not o»ly
rlth the treod of stortgag© interest rates generally, but also i&th
the iendeaeeu that have «har*eterize4 Vb* yi&Xds <m th® aeverfel type«
of inreitaeat \30ually carried in the portfolios of fln&act&l institution*

la the second place, it is designed to iiidnce hom@-builder8

and hoa#-bi^f»re to seek fmad© morm fr®@ly from private lesding ia*
stitutisias, i^ich con h&v© in the aggregate & great &wtpln» of fosds
available far mortgage lei^iing. this shouidi have the effect of
diaiaishlsg the pressure for goverm^atal leading in the urfe&UHBortgst
In the third .pl&ee, the reduction is expected to encourage
Materially the planning of ami eonstrtietlon during the wiater acmths,
and thtss give & strong impetus to further recovery of r®«idential
construction during the n^xt buildi&g ©eaaon. fhe reduction shauld
therefore operate not only to the adviantag® of home-builders andi

and hoae-buyerss, but to thefcd¥tait*geaf the eoristruetiOB
which is still Ifcfgiag far behind the recovery experienced !y business
generally, and «ils© t& the advantage of the e$imtryfs leading In*
etltutio®«# which have be#n experiencing great difficulty in finding
an outlet for their surplus funds.
The new aaxiBRai interest r^te ot 4 | per cent, plus e service
charge of aae-hidf of 1 per cent still affcards to leading
& higher return than is available on any cw&r*fele type of investment*
According to the compilation «ede hy the Board of QavnrnvtM of the
Federal leserve $7Bteat the eurrent average field os a selected list of
corporate bonds rated A&& is approximately 5.77 per cent, on corporate
hm&* r&ted Aa 4*03 per centt and on corporate bonds rated A 4«££ per cent*
the sane source gives the mirrent aver&ge yield on & selected list of
8Kmielp&l bonds as 5*10 per cent, and 011 United Steles Treasury M o d s
&s 2»75 per cent*
Mortgages insured ^ the Federal Boeing ^dninistration ere la
aauy respects eoaperftble to the gov^nsaent-guar&nteed bocuis of the Hoaw»
Oimers* toes Corporation esd the Federal ¥®rm Mortgage Corporation* The
longer maturities of these issues currently yield approximately £*89
per e«ntf which is equivalent» feft^r aaklng ^llowence for tftx«exe»>?tlon
provisions, to a yield of approxisately 3.40 per cent to corporate lenders*
The l^figer aatorltle© of Federal t*«& B»ak bc^is currently yield epproxisetely 5*0^ per cent, which to corporate leaders, is equi¥*lest to

S.SQ piV ceat after aeoouett is taken of the tsjc-eateaption