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U m t e b States Senate

April 16y 19c5.
Dear Governor dccles:
This may be of little importance to you, but as
I recall benator Glass at one point broke into your
answer to a previous question, ana the reporter aio.
not record the last few words of your remarks- The
point in the testimony to which I have reference is
on Galley No. 6 and is indicated by an arrow.
If it is immaterial, the record will stand as
it is now printed.
However, if you recall vvhat you
stated or had in mind ana wish to insert it, I shall
be happy to do so.
Please read over the remainder of the prin oeo
testimony and effect any correction you tnink snoulo
be made.

Very truly yours,

n. H. Bparkman
Acting C-jerk

April 16, 1955,

Mr* R* H* Sparkman, Acting Clerk,
Subcoisaittee of The Committee on
Banking and Currency,
United States Senate,
Washington, D* C*
Bear Mr* Sparkmans
I appreciate your memorandum of Apri£ 13, transmitting
to me gAlley proofs of the testimony yesterday* As you suggested,
I had intended to amplify my testimony in answer to the statement
by Senator Glass that the I?irst H&tiooal Bank of Salt Laks City
had applied to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the sale
of £250*000 of debentures* Ifcould,therefore, request that at the
point on Galley lo* 6 where you have drawn the arrow in pencil,
that the following be inserted!
"Governor Bedes* I must differ with the Senator as I
am sure that no application was made by the First National
Bank of Salt Lake City for the sale of capital debentures
to the R* F* 0* There must be 6Qme confusion in the Senator's information as that bank did apply to the R« F* C*
for the sale of that same amount of preferred stock and
that application was approved* Obviously an application
for debentures was not approved because it was not made*
furthermore, I can't understand how they could have applied
for the sale of debentures inasmuch as the law did not
authorize purchase by the R* F. C* of capital debentures
from national banks*9
Senator Glass must have been confused in his interpretation of the Information furnished him or there was some inadvertent use of the word "debentures" in the letter of Elias A* Smith
to which Senator Glass referred* In this same connection it might
be well to suggest to him that his own statement several lines before the insertion above referred to should be corrected in which
he stated "the application was signed by Elias A* Smith** What he
probably meant was that the letter conveying the information was

Mr* R« H» Sparkaan signed by Ellas A. Saith op perhaps the letter transmit ting
the application*
lours sincerely,


S. ucclai

M„ S» Ecclea,