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April III, ifSt
3i»ner^X files
f r. Wingfield, Assistant Gen* re1 Counsel

Yesterd <y afternoon, Mr* Obarles W, Collins < Mr,
tarlo Crianniml csllsd ou Mr, Cl&yton ■eslth reference to a hold­
ing ccmpesy question, and Mr# Clayton asked *e to sit in on
the ssaffti-^c iritis hi**
It developed that they were iaterested la what rulings
the Board feed mad.* interpreting, the provision in the definition
of « holding o©»pesy which relates t® control of *v&r* thun SO
per sent of the &«mb«r of shares voted for the election of direc­
tors of any one tetnk at the preceding election*.
le advised Isp, Collins and Mr, ^iasnini that the Beard
bad not ettca&pted to ley down any general interpretation of thla
lan^mge but feed had ©cession to rule upoa facta involved in par­
ticular eases. 1 stated tfcat the feet# in those were not
fresfc in »y alnd, but I *©uld be gi*d to look t k m up and cell
Mr. Collins,
Upon revievrin^ the ca-ses upon #hiefc the Board feed
ruled, I found that the Board ha# taken the position that, shore
a eolspasy controls leas than 50 per cent of the shares of a basic
but more than 50 per cent of the masher of share# voted at the
last election *nd the cots^any tuid not voted the shares controlled
by it, a holding eospsny relationship did not exist. In <*t least
one case of this -kind, if the company had voted all of the afcere*
controlled by it, it would have bad a majority of the ahares
voted. In ail of the cases ruled on by the Board, it has been
on the basis thut there ?*ave been no subsequent acquisitions by
the company involved ©f shares of stock of the bm.nk which were
actually voted*
I called fcr, Collins on the phone this corning, a aft
advised hist; of the Bo«rdfs position in the »%tter, as Indicated
above. Both yesterday afternoon and on the phone this coming,
it urns made clear that the Soard's rulings sere based on facta of
particular case# and should not be considered a general ruling*
applicable to all cases where there aright be circumstances other
than those considered by the Board in the particular cases.
