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Office Correspondence



Wooriliaf Thpmas


Date juiy 16,

Attached is a copy of the minutes of the
System Research Advisory Committee meeting held at
Washington, D. C• on June 13#


Minutes of Second 1945 Meeting
June 13, 1945 at Washington

Members present: Messrs. Thomas, Chairman; Roelse, Burley, Raisty,
Edmiston, Hardy, and Wheeler*
Others present; Messrs. E. A. Goldenweiser, Howard S. Ellis, C. A*
Sienkiewicz, and John 0. Bergelin, Secretary*

Report on the Development of System Research Program
Most of the meeting vras devoted to the preparation of a report
to the Board of Governors and the Presidents1 Conference on tho development
of the System research program. A copy of this report is attached. As a
part of this discussion, Mr. Sienkiewicf, Chairman of the Committee on
Banking and Credit Policy, presented an account of the proceedings of tho
meeting of his Committee, held two weeks earlier at Atlantic City, and
Mr. Thomas presented an account of tho recent meeting of the Committee on
Business Finance. These accounts are summarized in tho attached report.

Papers on Postwar Economic Problems and Policies
Mr. Goldenweiser and Mr. Ellis gave a brief report on the progress
being mad6 in preparing for publication tho papers on postwar economic
problems and policies. Since last spring a number of conferences have been
hold—*oach devoted to the discussion of a particular paper. Theso conferences havo been attended by selected porsons in the System and by a few
persons from outside of the System #io are 039 erts on the topic under
discussion. These meetings have yielded many helpful suggestions and as a
result the papers presented in March have boon for the most part greatly
changed and greatly improved. Conferences have been held on about half of
the papers and it is hoped that the remaining papers will be covered in this
way by the ©nd of the summer*
It is now contemplated that, if the Board approves, the papers
will be published first in a sot of 8 pamphlets, each containing several
papers on related subjects, and later in one volume. Tho pamphlets vail be
published individually as the work on them is completed. According to an
agreement reached between the Board of Governors and the Reserve Bank
Presidents, the papers are to be published by the Board rather than by
the System, but this does not preclude the inclusion of papers by research
personnel of the Federal Reserve Banks. A number of papers written by
Federal Reserve Bank people Yd 11 bo included.

• 2 -

Department of Agriculture survey of liquid assets
Mr. Thomas reported briefly on the pilot survey of liquid assets
which the Division of Program Surveys of the Department of Agriculture has
been conducting* This survey has now been completed and the results are
contained in a report which will be sent to the heads of research at each
Federal Reserve Bank. Inasmuch as the final report had been received only
the day before the meeting, it was not possible to present any analysis of
the results of the survey or any recommendations as to whether it "would be
desirable to conduct a similar survey on a larger scale* The survey is
now being analyzed in the Division of JResearch and Statistics and the
Division would appreciate any comments or suggestions that persons in the
Federal Reserve Banks might havo as to the results obtained, tho usefulness of the survey, and the desirability of extending it to cover other
parts of the country.
Appointment of new committees and committee changes
A new committee, the Committee on Current Business Developments,
was appointed with Orin Burley of tho Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland as
chairman. This Committee is expected to give consideration to tho problem
of how the System can keep abreast of current business developments so
that System authorities may be continuously supplied with current information as to what is happening and what is likely to happen in production,
construction, employment, inventories, retail trade, commodity prices, and
the like. Other members of the Committee are George Garvy (New York), Bvan
Alderfer (Philadelphia), Walter Hoadley (Chicago), Eliot Swan (San Francisco),
and Frank Garfield and Kenneth Williams from the Board?s staff.
Some changes were made in the membership of other committees
because of changes in the System's research staff. A revised list of
System research committees is attached.
Time of next mooting
No date was sot for the next meeting of the Committee but it was
left to the Chairman to call a mooting when necessary.

John 0. Bergclin,
July 16, 1945