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Office Correspondence
Chairman Eccles

Date January

Governor Evans

Attached is a copy of a memorandum which indicates briefly
the special projects that have been completed recently and those
being undertaken by the research departments of the Federal Reserve




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Office C o r r e s p o n d e n c e

Governor Evans



Date.,January i?t
Subject: Work of the Banksf research

°* Bergelin


The following paragraphs summarize briefly special projects
undertaken by the research departments of the Federal Reserve Banks.
In addition to these projects, a large part of the research staffs1
time at all Banks is spent in supervision of current work, preparation
of material in answer to specific inquiries from within and without the
System, and the like* The material below contains no mention of this
work, which has expanded sharply in recent years and is likely to increase further as the Banks1 research work is better appreciated both
within agad outside the System. Likewise there is little reference made
to participation of the research departments in cooperative projects
with other agencies» This matter will be discussed in a separate
memorandum when replies to an inquiry recently sent out are received.
The staff here is very limited and the Bank is still endeavoring to secure a person to head up its research department.
Despite this situation some research work is in progress. Rather de*
tailed studies of manufacturing employment, which indicate the importance of various industries in the various localities and changes that
have occurred since 1919# have been made for the major cities in
Massachusetts. A study of the output of manufactured products in the
various localities in the year I9I4I is now in progress. This material
will provide a valuable background for further studies of particular
New York
Studies of population trends and of the composition of
population, particularly the working population, in the district as a
whole and in New York City have been completed. A study has also been
made which shows the trends in employment in the important industrial
regions of the area. Further work on the current economic position of
New York City, with particular emphasis on New Yorkfs position as a
financial center, i s in process. Some regional information ©nd analysis
i s now contained in the Bank's Monthly Review. A number of banking
studies have been planned and, because of the concentration of banking
find finance in New York City* i t i s believed that these will come to
be the most important part of the research program in this district.


Cover nor Evans, page 2

This Bank has been working intensively for some time on a
study of the economy of the d i s t r i c t f The results of this work are being
published in a series of a r t i c l e s , the f i r s t of which appeared in the
January issue of the Bank's Monthly Review* These a r t i c l e s are expected
to appear regularly in the Review through July at l e a s t • The economy of
the d i s t r i c t as a whole will f i r s t be discussed, followed by detailed
analyses of particular industries and communities* In addition to these
a r t i c l e s in the Monthly Review, the Bank i s preparing a series of a r t i c l e s
on the various aspects of member ba#k p o l i c i e s , the Operations of the
Federal Reserve Bank, and the history of central banking# These studies
are prepared for the use of the officers and directors and are cpntainad
in the Baixkfs confidential "Weekly Review", which is circulated throughout the System. Some c l i n i c s on present and prospective problems have
been held with leaders in certain areas and i t i s hoped that this work
can be expanded*
At this Bank there has been considerable emphasis to date
on frequent attendance at various meetings throughout the district by
members of the research staff* This has been done with a view toward
having these men know their district at first hand and get to be known
by bankers and others* Late last fall a series of county meetings with
bankers was begun by Mr* Hays and generally a member of the research
staff accompanies hij.m* So far 18 of these meetings have been held and
about 80 are scheduled for this year, In particular, Mr, Eckert, the
Bank's agricultural economist, has done much through attendance at
meetings and personal visits to stimulate the interest of member banks
in small communities in general economic problems and in the Reserve
Bank* Research work is, of course, beiig carried on constantly, for a
thorough knowledge of developments in the various communities is essential as a background for such public activities. Mr, Eckert now has
under way a study, which is nearing completion, of trends in commercial
bank lending to farmers,

* This Bank has been and i s making detailed studies of indust r i e s important in the district* Along with these i t has under way a
study of income payments i n the d i s t r i c t , with the view t o finding out
the source of income payments and the prospects in regard to them.
The industry surveys made to date have been of a preliminary nature and
the Bank expects to do more detailed work on these industries as well
as others* Th$ results of some of these studies have been published
in the Bankfs Monthly Review and a special study, "The Economics of
Flue-?Cured Tobacco", made in cooperation with the University of Virginia,
was published separately* Mr* Kincaid spends a considerable portion of
his time at various meetings throughout the d i s t r i c t and through such
personal appearances, as well as through the Review, the results of
the Bank's work are disseminated*

Governor Evans, page 3

The Atlanta Bank has an adequate and well-rounded staff that
has been doing a great deal of work in studying the current problems of
particular localities in the Sixth District # Much of the groundwork for
these studies comes from visits to the localities and discussion of the
problems with representative people in the areas, The Bank has made a
vigorous and, I believe, successful attempt to publicize i t s activities
through thfc nedium of i t s Monthly Review* The Review at present contains
many articles dealing with subjects of local interest and these have been
well received. In addition to the Reyiow, a series of economic studies
is contemplated, These will be published in pamphlet form and will
cover such varied subjects as the Mississippi experiment with subsidization of new industries, agricultural credit conditions, and the poss i b i l i t i e s for new industries in the South, The Bank also prepares a
monthly report for the officers and directors which includes competent
and useful discussions of economic developments, both national and local,
This Bank now has a large research staff which is taking an
active part in the affairs of the Seventh District, Members of the
staff do a great deal of traveling throughout the region, both to study
developments in particular localities and industries fond to appear on
the programs of various meetings. In addition to studios of banking
and fiscal problems, the interest of this Bank sewms to be centered
largely on making extexisive studies of particular industries and of
particular localities and a considerable amount of work has been done
along these lines* The results of the> surveys are published as special
articles in the Bank's Monthly Review, The Review contains, in addition,
frequent discussions of subjects of national and local interest,
St, Louis
The St. Louis Bank has not as yet had much expansion in
research staff. The present members are capable, however, and have
done some good work in analyzing the effects of the war on the dist r i c t ' s industries and on the local manpower situation. During the past
year a monthly report to the officers and directors has been inaugurated
and t h i s contains numerous special articles dealing with particular
situations. Some of the special studies have been published as articles
in the Monthly Review but to date the number of such articles has been
limited. The department has developed rather extensive contacts with
local bankers through the medium of personal calls supplemented by
regular monthly letters asking about developments in particular cities
and t h i s , i t is believed, has been worthwhile.


Governor Evonsf page

The staff at this Bank is not large but the research people
have been very active in cooperating with other local organizations in
the development of economic surveys conducted by particular communities.
This has necessitated a deal of travel throughout the d i s t r i c t .
It is believed that the Bank has become better known through these
activities and has contributed greatly in arousing local interest in
economic probleids.
Kansas City
This Bank has not done a great deal to date. Mr. Robb made
special surveys of the dairy and the sheep raising industries in 19U3
but, apart from these, the main work has been that of keeping abreast
of current developments in the Tenth District. However, now that the
services of Mr. Hardy have been secured, i t is expected that the next
year will witness a rapid development of research work at the Bank.
The Dallas Bank has built up a vigorous staff of well-trained
young people. They have made a thorough factual investigation of the
economic structure of the district and of communities within i t and are
now starting on a survey of the war industries, plant by plant, to determine what i§ likely to happen after the war. This type of surrey is
possible in the Eleventh District because the number of industrial establishments is limited and manufacturing activity in the d i s t r i c t i s
confined to a relatively few areas. In addition to the industrial
survey, several rather extensive projects on banking developments and
prospects are about to be undertaken. The Bank's Monthly Review has
been improved considerably by the inclusion of special articles based
on the studies that have been made.
San Francisco
The research department at this Bank has for years had a
considerable prestige in th© Twelfth District, particularly outsid© the
Federal Reserve Bank itself whose operating officers have never shown
much interest. The department has maintained close contact with other
research organizations and has worked with various groups in making
special surveys in the area. This type of cooperation is being expanded.
In addition, tjie department is making important studies of the present
composition of the d i s t r i c t ' s labor force in order to determine developments in the postwar period. This is particularly important in the
Twelfth District owing to the large immigration of population that has
been brought about primarily by expansion in the shipbuilding and a i r craft industries, which will probably contract markedly after the war.
The Bank's Monthly Review has for some time carried competent discussions
of current developments in the Twelfth District and of special surveys,
and this high standard is being maintained.