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Orrice Correspondence

Chairman Eccles




June a,

Subject McDonald'a statement on Wagner bill.

Attached is a press statement that was issued by the FHA
today pursuant to a suggestion of mine last week that an early
opportunity be taken to correct the impression that the FHA has
been hostile to the Wagner bill* There has been evidence of some
feeling in the matter, and the labor press and other advocates of
the bill have been attacking the FHA and accusing it of hampering
action on the Wagner bill at this session of Congress.

MONDAY JUNE 8 , 1936
1001 Vermont Avenue, N.W.

F e d e r a l Housing A d m i n i s t r a t o r Stewart McDonald t o d a y i s s u e d t h e
following s t a t e m e n t ;
"My a t t e n t i o n h a s been c a l l e d t o r e p o r t s t h a t t h e F e d e r a l Housing
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n i s h o s t i l e t o t h e Wagner B i l l , now pending i n t h e Senate §
Such reports are quite contrary tc the t r u t h . There i s no conflcit
whatever between the Housing Administration's program and the program
of low-cost housing and slum clearance contemplated in the Bill reported to the Senate last week.
"The Housing Administration has from the very beginning recognized the need of governmental assistance, as provided by the Wagner
Bill, in relieving slum conditions and their attendant e v i l s .
"The Wagner Bill i s intended to take care of people to ^hom the
advantages of the National Housing Act and other home financing plans
are not available. It will notintorf^r^. in any way with private enterprise in the home building industry.


I hope the Wagner Bill will be passed."
