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November 17, 19^1
Chairman Eccles
H&rtin Erost

Attached is a rsvisod statoraent of your vio\?e on the tax


Hovembor 17, 19I4I

Chaira&n Socles has requested that the following stateiaent of
his views on the suggested tax program be presented to the Treasury*
Estimates of tho nagnitudo of the inflationary gap and judgments
of the appropriate timing of a tax policy designed to deal with it nust
necessarily ho subjoct to a isride norgin of uncertainty and possible error.
Currently the lovol of retail sales and business activity in general soeias
to be flattening out* In addition, thorc is sono evidence that increased
income is being utilized for repaysaent of dobt because of the fooling that
tho ineroacos aro temporary in character. Tho restraining influence of
those factors will soon bo followed by the effect of the heavy increases
in income tax collections under thefievenueAct of 1S&1* Altogether, T*Q
should have nore certainty of iirsnodiato inflation than TO now have before
vre can justify rushing through a tax program ^iich hits principally at th©
low income groups.
On the basis of the available facts it is difficult to foresee
tho development of a dangerously inflationary situation in the months
%?hieh lie iiarsediately ahead* The necessity for hacte in securing the
specific anti-^inflationary part of the Treasury program is not so groat
as to require tho sacrifice of balance and equity in a revenue act. This
applies particularly to those sections of the program coaling with increased
taxos on corporations and Individuals in the higher income groups and the
portion dealing with loopholes*
The Administration should present th« treasury's tentative
program as a vdaole and defend it as a whole•

If* hoover, a choice between

the different parts of the program beco2300 necessary, increased taxation
on corporations and individuals of higher income and the closing of loop*
holes should coma firsts Soiao delay in tho enacteent of tho withholding
tax would not have serious ©conos&e consequences* Having in mind roporcussione upon public norale and public attitude toward tho progress of tho
defense program increased taxes on corporations and individuals and the
closing of loopholes are necessary conditions to & withholding tax,
A 15 per cost Y^ithholding tax, such as has been proposed by the
Treasury, is too drastic if it is adopted asatax* thus taking fron the
loir incom© groups a persaonont contribution for defense*

Such a diversion

of purchasing power from low income groups might be justified if tho
enaction consists in considerable part of compulsory savings irhich are
returned at son© appropriate tine to those low income groupst provided
also that even this temporary exaction is properly timed and is part of
an entire procram idiich also Imposes increased ta^es on corporations and
individuals of higher incomes.
It Kay not be politicgdlly possible to secure the enactment of
the full program desired*

But the iidudnistration should be plainly on

record on the point that it does not propose increased taxation of short
purses without corresponding increased taxation of the longer purses,
including corporate purses*

In the latter connection it is felt that no

tax premium should be put upon further accumulation of corporate surpluses*
Of course, in the end some concessions from recorded position M y have to
be made in order to secure action on the part of Congress*