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Ootobor 15» 19h3
Chainwc Eooleo
t* M* Pisar

GevortuMttt soourlty dealers

tu tlio evtmt that ft doelsior* l a roaoh#d t o prossot t o Cosgross
our oaso *gain»t tb« OoTom»oRt toonrlty d«oloro # I t 0oo»* t o » • that I t
vould oo deairable for v.» t o feftiro o» twoul *p#oifls «c«ftpl#« of obtwot by
doalora* inolodiiig &ottos txwi datot.

At proa«nt« wo oould supply *uffloio&t

dotail on oharn^i %& the doaloro* p o r t f o l i o s , which l a oarlior
aooomtuatod ofaa&goo in tbo aartcat awd oould do so a^min.


Wo hftto only

Tory fo»oral iofonsAtlan t h a t dooiora hav« Iii4uo«d o l i o n t s to t o i l wfeo&
tho &y«to» has %*m buying, tiiat doaloro havo ]»a4o rooomioadatioa&a t o
olionto that hairo Won iw>ro ir. th» i»tor««t of adding t o t.h» dealoro*
profits than of bomofitlxig tho oli«&ts, amd &m% doalors havo aattipulatod
quotations in ordor to lnoroaso aotlirlty.

Offioials of tho Kosorro

Hanks I s t h o i r many ooc.Y«rsatio^t with ooK»*roial baakors obtain «xo»plos
of such a o t l T l t i o o on tho part of doalors,

I should lilco t o suggest,

thoroforo # that i t would bo holpful l a strongthoslng our oaso I f you roquest ths Rosurvo Bazsk prosldo&ts t o furnish you with aay suoh i&forsatlo&
that thoy already hero atd t o koop * rooord of sooh infor»ation as thoy
obtain in tho
