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^Office Correspondence

Chairman Bccles


Richard A. Musf^rave

Subject; Treasury Meeting on Postwar
Tax program.

Last -week Mr, Blough called your o f f i c e t o ask you t o
send a representative to a tax meeting at the Treasury• The request
was passed on t o Governor Ransom. 1 was out of town ana Mr. Eagen
attended in my place. His report on the meeting i s attached.
I have since talked to Mr. Blough over the phone. The
meeting was called by Mr. Bell and was also attended "by Mr, Blough,
Mr. Colm from the Budget Bureau, Mr. pritchard from Judge Vinson*s
o f f i c e , Mr. Cohen from Justice Byrnes1 o f f i c e and Mr. Eagen from
the Federal Reserve. The purpose v/as to organize t h i s small group,
which w i l l meet throughout the summer t o develop a Treasury program
f o r postwar tax adjustments to be presented to Congress at a l a t e r
date. Mr. Doughton has requested Mr. Bell to undertake such work
in cooperation with Mr. St am* s s t a f f . The f i r s t meeting of the
group i s scheduled f o r Monday, the 2btn. I shall keep you advised
on further developments#