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Chairman Eccles

November 28, 194.7


Mr, Knapp

You will recall that at a recent meeting of the National Advisory
Council the N.A.C, approved a list of specific uses which might be made by
foreign governments of local currency deposits made by them in connection
with grants furnished under the European Recovery Program. You emphasized,
however, that account should be taken of the general criterion of treating
these local currency funds in such manner a$ would best promote currency
stabilisation, whether from the inflationary or the deflationary point of
view, I understood that the Council adopted this view as a result of the
discussion in the meeting although no language was formulated to cover the
I have since had considerable difficulty in getting this idea accepted and written into the documents which are to be presented to Congress.
However, I think I have finally succeeded, and should like to report the
(1) The actual legislation as presently drafted will provide
simply that the local currency deposits shall be used "only for
such purposes as may be agreed to between the recipient country
and the Government of the United Statesrj
(2) However, the draft bilateral agreement to be signed between
the recipient country and the United States (this agreement will
be exhibited to the Congress during the course of the hearings)
provides that these local currency funds

"shall be held or used by the Government of
' in such manner as will most effectively promote the stabilization of its currency. Such funds nay be used only for the
following purposes and provided that such use
is not significantly inconsistent with the
foregoing general objective*" (There follows
the list of specific uses covering retirement
of the national debt, costs incident to the
development of strategic material output, local
currency costs in connection with International
Bank projects, and "such other purposes as are
mutually agreed by the Government of
and the Government of the United States"•)