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or THE


Office C o r r e s p o n d e n c e

Board of Governors


Woodlief Thorns

Date A ^ t 16,



Professor Lester Chandler, who has been employed as Staff Expert
to the Joint Committee on the Economic Beport in connection with the
inquiry relating to the effectiveness and coordination of monetary, credit,
and fiscal policies, has from time to time informally discussed with the
Boards staff matters relating to the possible conduct of this investigation. He has recently sent to us a draft of a proposed questionnaire to
be addressed to the Federal Eeserve System and has requested our comments
and suggestions. It is to go to the Reserve Bank Presidents as well as to
the Board. A copy of this draft is attached. Another questionnaire is
being prepared for submission to a selected group of bankers, economists,
and business, agricultural, and labor representatives.
The questions in the proposed draft for the Federal Keserve, as
you will note, are both broad and specific. Many of them are theoretical
and hypothetical, as well as controversial. Some request explanations of
past policies. The majority are concerned with relations of the Board
and the Treasury in the determination of policies.
It is contemplated that answers to these questions would be requested to be submitted by October 1. It would be exceedingly difficult
for the staff to prepare answers to such questions by that time, not to
mention the problem of obtaining Board clearance for the answers to be
The immediate problem before the staff is that of presenting
comments and suggestions as to the content of the questionnaire. This
has to be done within the next day or so and therefore will be on a
strictly informal basis without committing the System authorities in any
way. These are Professor Chandler's suggestions to the Committee and
members of the Committee must take responsibility for the final questionnaire.
Other questions that will need to be faced relate to the procedure to be adopted in preparing answers to the questionnaire?
How shall the task be distributed among the staff and will
additional staff assistance be needed for the purpose?
To what degree should the Board work with the Federal Eeserve Banks, whose Presidents will receive similar
questions, in preparing answers?
Should the replies be submitted as staff answers or will
the Board take full responsibility for them?
This memorandum is for the purpose of bringing the subject to the
attention of the Board without any recommendations at this time.


Ipf ' J .

By direction of Congress, the Joint C enseal t tee on the Economic
Import has undertaken a comprehensive study relating to the
effectiveness and coordination of monetary, credit, and fiscal
policies. This study will not be limited to issues of is&nsdiate
juaportaace, but will include all the oajor factors in the fields
of monetary, credit, and fiscal policies that significantly
affect our ability to achieve the purposes of the Etaploysaent
Act, A Subcommittee composed of Senators Paul H. Douglas,
Chairaaan, and Ealph E. Flanders, and Bepresentatives bright Patiaan,
Frank Buchanan, and Jesse P. Wolcott has been appointed to conduct
the study,
Enclosed is a copy of the questionnaire which is being sent t©
the Board of Governors and to the presidents of the twelve Federal
leeerve Banks. The Gomittee will appreciate your cooperation in
answering the questionnaire and returning your answers to this
office at your earliest convenience, but not later than October
first. If convenient, please send thirty copies of your answers
for the use of the Committee and its staff. It would also be extremely valuable if you would discuss any other subjects in the
fields of monetary, credit, and fiscal policies which you believe
the Coramiitee should consider and which is not specifically
covered by the questionnaire*

Very truly yours,

Joint Committee on th» Economic Bsport
(Created Pursuant to Sec. 5(a) of
' Public Law
79th Congress)



to tm rmmm*

August 19li9




W o u M it be desirable for the Congress to provide more specific lorislative guilds for Federal Reserve credit policy 1' If so, what typos
of legislative guides to the Federal Bsserv» would best promote the
pur|>osos of the Employment Act?


(a) Have the credit policies of th© Federal ;eservc since 1^26 made
their xjaximaa. contribution to the ssainta&anee of satisfactorily high
lewis of
and production and to relatively stalls price
levels? If not, on what occasions and in what respects have those
policies boon inappropriate or inadequate for those purposes? 7?bat
wore the principal reasons for those shortcomings ?
(b) In what respects, if at all, does the Federal Beserve still
lack logs! p&mr to prevent a repetition of those experiences ?
(a) What legislative changes, if any, would you r^ommmd to remedy
those deficiencies?


3hat changes in tho objectives and policies relating to the imsagesient of tho Federal debt would contribute to the offoctiwnose of
Federal Reserve policies la maintaining general economic stability!


What, if aajsrthius, should bo done to increase the degree of coordination of Federal Reserve and Treasury objectives and policies in the
fields of money, credit, and debt maaageisant?


la what respeets, if at all, is tho effectiveness of Federal Beserve
policies reduced "by tho prvsom® of n m a m ^ m t banks?


What chesses, if any, should bo made in the standards that banks must
raoot in order to qualify for membership In the Foderal reserve System?
What would be the advantages of such changes?


What ohanges, if any, should bo made in tho reserve requirements of
jaomfeer banks? In the authority of the Federal £eserve to alter aiomber
bank reserve requirements? Under what conditions and for w&afe purposes
should the Federal Beservo use this power? What power, if any, should
the Federal Beservo have relative to the reserve requirements of non-

neaber banks?

Should th© foderal reserve have the permanent power to regulate eonsuaer credit? Should solootivo controls bo applied to any other type
of credit? If so, what principles should determine tho types of
credit to be brought under selective control?


stoat changes, if any, should be r & m in the division of authority
within the Federal Keserve System and in the composition and method of
selection of tho System's governing bodies? In the size, terms, and
method of selection of the Board of Governors? In tho Open Market
aommdttoe? hi the Boards of Directors and officers of the Federal
Beserve banks? W w k w u l d bo the advantages and disadvantages of
tho changes that you suggest?

10. What are the principal differences, if any, between the bank exasd nation policies of the Federal ie serve and those of the FDIC and the
Comptroller of the aurrene;f?
11, to what extent and by m t sasans lave the policies of the Federal Beservo
"been coordinated with those of the PDXQ and the 0©aptroller of the
Currency where the .emotions of those ageaeles are closely related?
Ih&t changes, if assy, would you recosssead to increase the extent of co~
ordination? To wisat extent would you alter the division among. tho
Federal agencies of the authority to supervise and examine banks t

M m t would be the principal advantages and disadvantages of re-establishing a gold-oois standard in this country? Do you believe that such a
standard should be re-establishod?


what coalitions and for wtsat purposes should the price of gold
be altered? IJmt oensideration should be given to the voluja© of gold
production and the profits of gold maing? What effect would an in*
crease .in the price of gold have m the effectiveness of Federal Beserve
policy and on the division of power over monetary and credit conditions
between the federal Reserve and the Treasury?


Ihat ehaiiges, if i^r, should be m d e in our monetary policy relative
to silver? ftat would be the advantage of any such changes?

15. Iffaat would be the advantages and disadvantages of providing: that the
Ohairtawa of the Federal i^e serve Board should be a aesiber of the Board
of Directors of the federal Deposit Insurance Corporation? Would you
reosssaend that this be done?

What changes, if say, in the laws and policies relating to federal insurance of bank deposits would contribute to the effectiveness of
general saonetary and credit policies?


Xn. what cases, if any, have the policies of other Govornaont agencies
that lend and insure loans to private borrowers been inappropriately
coordinated with general monetary and credit policies f


Itrnt changes, if aay, should bo irnde in the powers of the federal Soservo to lend and nmr&ntee loans to noabank borrowers? Should either
or both of those powers bo possessed by both the Federal Keserve -and
the Heconstraction ?lnaxioo Corporation? If so, wly? If not, why not?


& what occasions, if any, since 1989 have the Crevsraaent,s fiscal
policies decreased the effectiveness of Federalfissorv*policy m d m d e
store difficult the attainment and smiateiianee of general economic stability?

20. Mmt would be the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a
national Monetaiy asd Credit Council of the type proposed by the
Hoover Sow&ssieiif On balance, do you favor the establisim&t of
such a body? If so, what should be its composition?

ah&t ether changes in Federal legislation relating to the organisation and powers of the Federal Issorvo and the rest of the tanking
system would you m e m m m n d to prcsete the purposes of the Biflsfsieai

Supplementary Questions


What were the principal reasons for the Federal Heserve's
policy of maintaining yields on Treasury bills at 3/8 of 1 per
cent and the yield on certificates at 7/8 of 1 per cent until


What were the principal reasons for preventing yields on
these obligations from rising more during the period following
July 19^7?


What were the principal reasons for preventing yields on
the longer-term marketable issues from rising above 2 1/2 per


To what extent, if at all, would a policy of higher yields
on Governments during the period from January l$k6 to late 19kQ
have lessened the amount of inflation and contributed to general
economic stability?


Suppose that in a particular situation it appeared that the
maintenance of low Interest costs on the Government debt and
stable prices of outstanding Government obligations was promoting
inflation, or at least limiting the effectiveness of the Federal
Beserve as an anti-inflationary force, which objectives should be
sacrificed in this situations low interest costs and stable prices
on Government securities, or stable price levels for commodities
and services?


Is there any feasible method of achieving both of these objectives simultaneously?


In those cases in which there are differences between the
judgments of the Secretary of the Treasury and those of Federal
Reserve officials as to the yields that should be borne by new
Treasury issues, whose Judgment prevails2


Where they differ as to the level of Federal Reserve support
prices for outstanding Government bonds, whose judgment prevailst


To what extent and by what means are the debt isanagesent and
monetary policies of the Federal Beserve coordinated with those
of the Treasury? Describe in detail the procedures followed for
these purposes.

Joint Committee 021 the Economic Report
(Created Pursuant to Sec# 5(a) of
Public Law 304, 79th Congress)

August 1949

I# Objectives of Federal Reserve policy
1* Tfhat do you consider to be the more important purposes and functions
of the Federal monetary and credit agencies4? rJhich of these should
be performed by the Federal Reserve?
2* ""hat have been the guiding objectives of Federal Reserve credit policies since 1935? Are they in any way inconsistent with the objectives
set forth in the Uaployment Act of 1946?
3* Cite the more important occasions when the powers and policies of
the System have been inadequate or inappropriate to accomplish the
purposes of the System*
4* Tfould it be desirable for the Congress to provide more specific legislative guides as to the objectives of Federal Reserve policy? If so,
what should the nature of these guides be?
11m Relation of Federal Reserve policies to fiscal policies and debt
!• To what extent and by v/hat means are the monetary policies of the
Federal Reserve and the fiscal, debt management, and monetary powers
of the Treasury coordinated?
2• Cite the more important occasions since 1935 when Federal Reserve
policies have been adjusted to the policies and needs of the Treasury®
a* TJhat were the principal areas of agreement and what were those
of conflict between the too agencies?

In what way were the differences adjusted?

c» "Then there were differences of opinion between the Secretary of
the Treasury and the Federal Reserve authorities as to desirable
support prices and yields on Government securities, whose judgment generally prevailed?
3« TJhat were the principal reasons for the particular structure of interest rates maintained during the war and the early postwar period?
4# rfould a monetary and debt management policy #iich would have produced
higher interest rates during the period from January 1946 to late
1948 have lessened inflationary pressures?

In what way might Treasury policies with respect to debt management
seriously interfere with Federal Reserve policies directed toward
the latter1s broad objectives?

6* Tfhat, if anything, should be done to increase the degree of coordination of Federal Reserve and Treasury objectives and policies in the
field of money, credit, and debt management?

a* Tfhat changes in the objectives and policies relating to the
management of the Federal debt would contribute to the effectiveness of Federal Reserve policies in maintaining general economic
b* Tfhat would be the advantages and disadvantages of providing that
the Secretary of the Treasury should tje a member of the Federal
Reserve Board? liquid you favor such a provision?


International Payments, Gold, Silver
1# TThat effect do Federal Reserve policies have on the international
position of the country? To what extent is the effectiveness of
Federal Reserve policy influenced by the international financial
position and policies of this country? TJhat role does the Federal
Reserve play in determining these policies? In what respects, if
any, should this role be changed?
2. Under what conditions and for what purposes should the price of gold
be altered? 'That consideration should be given to the volume of gold
production and the profits of gold mining? What effect would an increase in the price of gold have on the effectiveness of Federal Reserve policy and on the division of power over monetary and credit
conditions between the Federal Reserve and the Treasury?

Tfhat would be the principal advantages and disadvantages of restoring
circulation of gold coin in this country? Do you believe this should
be done?

4t "That changes, if any, should be made in our monetary policy relative
to silver? "That would be the advantages of any such changes?

Instruments of Federal Reserve policy
It Tfhat changes, if any, should be made in the law governing the reserve
requirements of member banks? In the authority of the Federal Reserve
to alter member bank reserve requirements? Under what conditions and
for what purposes should the Federal Reserve use this power? Tfhat
power, if any, should the Federal Reserve have relative to the reserve requirements of nonmember banks?
2, Should the Federal Reserve have the permanent' power to regulate consumer credit? If so, for what purposes and under what conditions
should this power be used? TJhat is the relationship between this
instrument and the other Federal Reserve instruments of control?

Tfhat, if any, changes should be made in the power of the Federal Reserve to regulate margin requirements on security loans?

4. Should selective control be applied to any other type or types of
credit? If so, what principles should determine the types of credit
to be brought under selective control?


In what respects does the Federal Reserve lack the legal power needed
to accomplish its objectives? Tfhat legislative changes would you
recommend to correct any such deficiencies?

Organization and structure of the Federal Reserve System

In what respects, if at all, is the effectiveness of Federal Reserve
policies reduced by the presence of nonmember banks?

2t Tfhat changes, if any, should be made in the standards that banks must
meet in order to qualify for membership in the Federal Reserve System?
"That would be the advantages of such changes?
3t TJhat changes, if any, should be made in the division of authority
within the Federal Reserve System and in the composition and method
of selection of the System*s governing bodies? In the size, terms,
and method of selection of the Board of Governors? In the Open
Market Committee? In the Boards of Directors and officers of the
Federal Reserve banks? Tfhat would be the advantages and disadvantages
of the changes that you suggest?
VI. Relation of the Federal Reserve to other banking and credit agencies
1. Tfhat are the principal differences, if any, between the bank examination policies of the Fedoral Reserve and those of the FDIC and the
Comptroller of the Currency?
2. To what extent and by what means have the policies of the Federal Re^
serve been coordinated with those of the FDIC and the Comptroller of
the Currency where the functions of these agencies are closely related?
Tfhat changes, if any, would you recommend to increase the extent of
coordination? To what extent would you alter the division among the
Federal agencies of the authority to supervise and examine banks?

3« 'That would be the advantages and disadvantages of providing that a
member of the Federal Pweserve Board should be a member of the Board
of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation? Tfould you
recommend that this be done? Should the Comptroller of the Currency
be a member of the Federal Reserve Board?

In what cases, if any, have the policies of other Government agencies
that lend and insure loans to private borrowers not been appropriately
coordinated with general monetary and credit policies?

5* rThat changos, if any, should be made in the powers of the Federal Reserve to lend and guarantee loans to nonbank borrowers? Should either
or both of these powers be possessed by both the Federal Reserve and
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation? If so, why? If not, why not?
6« "That would be the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a
national Monetary and Credit Council of the type proposed by the
Eoovcr Commission? On balance, do you favor the establishment of
such a body? If so, what should be its composition?
VII• Deposit insurance
'That changes, if any, in the laws and policies relating to Federal
insurance of ban!: deposits would contribute to the effectiveness of
general monetary and credit policies?
VIII • Darnings of the Federal Reserve banks and their utilization, 1940lm

Describe briefly the process by which the Federal Reserve banks
create monjy, the kinds of money created, and the amount of outstanding money on June 30 of the various years since 1935 that
owed its existence to its creation by the Federal Reserve • Include
a description of the process and extent of money creation by the
Federal Reserve

By dealing in Government debt;


By dealing in private debt of various kinds,

2, Prepare a statement shotting the earnings of the Federal Reserve banks
as a group and the utilization of those earnings for each year since
1939* Show separately the earnings onU* S. Government securities
and on other credit, dividends to member banks, payments to the
Treasury, and additions to surplus •
3* 'That changes, if any, should be made in the ownership of the Federal
Reserve banks? In the dividend rates on Federal Reserve stock?
4« Ifhat changes, if any, should be made in the legislative provisions
relative to the disposal cf Federal Reserve earnings in excess of